#fed-up kit herondale
chaoticallymuse · 1 year
Quotes that remind me of : Kit Herondale
"When you are not fed love off a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off from knives"
- Lauren Eden
"Walking away had been easy, not looking back was harder."
- V.E. Schwab
"A little rain is nothing compared to the storm I grew up in."
- Mandy K.
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im-out-of-it · 6 months
I really got to stay off shadowhunter page off Reddit cause someone really got Gideon and Gabriel confused, and tried saying that Gideon is a dick. EXCUSE ME??? Gideon????
know CC and her obsessive mind with herondales and her hatred of lightwoods but leave my fav family alone. Gideon was told to make Gabriel look like an angel but what did terrible Gideon do? I just think it’s funny how fans and CC will be like “herondales deal with so much and the lightwoods are the real villains.” is that why they’re always helping the shitty, toxic, abusive, golden eyed boys? is that why they’re so kind and having to deal with so much because of how evil they are? like to me- the only Lightwood I for real don’t care for is Benedict and a little of Robert but that’s all. yet I have hated pretty much of the herondales.
and just to add: I don’t care how abused or how shitty your childhood was, there is no reason to be a dick to anyone. I just think it’s funny when people say Gideon and Gabriel are dicks when we literally have Will, and Jace. Jace the person who wasn’t there for Alec at all and basically was almost forcing Alec to come out- something already traumatic for Alec to deal with, AND Alec needing to save his life every second. but I guess he’s the best shadowhunter of his age. I’m still not over how all of Alec’s thoughts are still focused on jace- but hey, that’s on CC. she hardly lets Alec be his own character.
I’m done complaining lmao I just find it funny how people will choose to hate these characters (who actually had huge character developments and are so sweet.) but will look at their fav abusive, toxic, racist probably and probably homophobic characters and will be like- but they had a shit childhood so it’s excused! I’m only adding the homophobia and racism because I haven’t done much outlook on it and when I’m meaning herondales, I’m more speaking on Will and Jace. James and Kit right now aren’t too terrible for me. that’s all, I’m fed up lmao
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
CC is clearly biased for Herondales. She tries really hard to make the reader find Herondales attractive the truth is I never felt more dry reading about Jace, Stephen, Will and James. They do nothing for me. They all have the same personality except for James who has next to no personality aside for being constantly horny for Cordeila. I dare any person disagreeing with my statement give me 5 difference between Will, Jace and Stephen personality wise. Despite all her efforts to make us like Herondales I always found the other characters more attractive. Jem over Will. Anyone over Jace. Michael over stephen. Anna over James honestly anyone over James. Kit is a mini jace no originality. Freaking Manuel from TDA came off as more attractive than Jace and that says alot 💀.
Oh and can someone please tell me her obsession with eyes, weird ass body proportions and no one mentions the way shadowhunters walk sounds hilarious ngl like what what do you mean they walk like cats or lions or dancers. If shadowhunters's walks are like cats does that mean Jace walks are cattier cuz of all the extra angel blood. I try to picture Jace's walking and all I can imagine is Andrew tate's looney tunes fruity ass walk.
Her books are the fast food of literature as a booktuber described it as.
I said sometime before that the side characters are more interesting because they aren't (as) surrounded by Clare's bias or manipulative narration. Therefore more likable because I am not force-fed how great and amazing they are, I just get to take my time with them and get familiarized with their characters on my own. Problems also arise with Jace having problems more important than the others, that his issues are the grandest and most highlighted. Also Jace, Clary, and Simon are the only necessary characters whose stories are tied to the main plot. Even their romances (Clary with both Jace and Simon) have plot relevance. Others not so much.
As Clare's writing has always been more or less mostly telling than showing, it's not surprising that she needs to tell how amazing the Herondales are instead of actually basing her pretense on actually showing. Instead the readers are just offered this premise in every story, every other character is written just admiring and loving them, so it must be true? Just have characters fawn over someone and you bet the readers will also. Right.
Clare seems to think that other characters telling things is showing.
Clare's attention strips any side character of all intrigue and turns them into what Clare's protagonists usually are. Then they become all looks and hair and eye colors and wear white shirts through which their marks shine through (like Jace literally in every TMI book). Some concepts which Clare presents in her series are complex and complicated, I can agree with that, but her writing is unable to capture any depth or meaning of any of them. Attributing factor to this is her always ending up focusing majorly on love, especially the romantic kind of the main couple, as the motivator. I've read amazing pieces of TSC fan fiction, the kind of thoughtful and honest looks on the characters that Clare is unable to acknowledge on her part.
Her writing only presents the shallowest of emotions. Her writing on grief, loss, or love aren't really thought-provoking, just more cookie-cutter ideas on top of the previous ones. Not that all writing absolutely needs or has to be insightful, it's just that people pretend her writing is deeper than it actually is. Like people think chopped-up sentences are anything but surface-level poetry when in its essence poetry as an art and craft is more than that.
Everyone is so right on money with James' lack of personality. When he got furious with Grace (rightly so BUT) I felt really weird about it. Your message really helped me figure it out though: I had no idea of his personality nor any prediction on how he may react to more controversial happenings. Well, that's not true. Everyone on the Righteous Side of things in TSC always react with fury, roasting the antagonists crisp with their verbalism. But still I had no idea. Who is this guy calling Grace a criminal and a fiend? I don't know him at all.
And what makes the Herondales great really? I don't see why James or Will are anymore heroic than Clary, Cordelia, Emma, Simon, Alec, or Isabelle. I don't think Tessa as particularly heroic but that's also my faint memory of TID and disgust of her talking, so this is not to be entirely trusted.
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amchara · 1 year
Heyy, could you please spoil Matthew's arc and ending for me? Like with a read more so others don't stumble upon it?
Hello anon!
I know this has been here for a few days so you may have already found this out- but if not, the answers lie below the 'read more'
Matthew's Entire Arc and Ending in Chain of Thorns:
So... in bullet points, here is Matthew's arc. I have resisted editorialising but there may be some bias still, heh.
The main takeway-- Matthew suffers throughout the book but he is still alive at the end of it.
He and Cordelia kiss and almost hook-up in Paris but are interrupted by James waiting for them in their hotel room
He, Cordelia and James all head back to London. James confesses his love for Cordelia but doesn't explain about the bespelled bracelet, so Matthew isn't willing to give up the potential relationship with Cordelia.
Cordelia is also fed up with both boys- and chooses neither of them at that point because of James' unconvincing explanation AND because Matthew didn't actually stop drinking in Paris. But... Cordelia is also not dismissing her feelings for Matthew so there is about 100 pages of a lot of awkwardness between all three of them.
Oh, all the while- Matthew is getting worse in terms of his drinking problem. He tried to give it up in Paris but got very sick so restarted again- but that's why he lied.
In London, he tries to make the non-drinking stick, and Cordelia sees him at his worst while at the Hell Ruelle. She realises that he needs help and send James and Thomas and Christopher to help him at Whitby Mansions. There are some heartwarming scenes between all the Merry Thieves and they come up with a plan (that Christopher creates) where Matthew will taper off his drinking slowly over a fortnight to avoid the worst effects of his alcohol dependence (which could include seizures and heart failure). However, this plan will only help his physical dependence - his cravings for it will always be there. There are the first steps of reconciliation between Matthew and James.
There is a Christmas party at The Institute and Cordelia has the talk with Matthew, where she tells him she doesn't love him the way he needs/wants to be loved and ends the will they/won't they portion of the book. It's heartbreaking for Matthew, and he backslides into drinking.
However, James overheard the conversation between Matthew and Cordelia and while on the way to rescue Anna and Kit's brother from Tatiana - and he helps Matthew sober up, and promises to be there for him.
A LOT of action stuff happens and basically, Tatiana exposes Tessa and Lucie and James' heritage to the Enclave and well, it doesn't go well. Charles backs the Inquisitor's witch hunt into the Herondales - but rather than just being the political backstabber opportunist he normally is, it's a bit more nuanced this time- he's actually being blackmailed by the Inquisitor (Ariadne earlier in the book realises her father is blackmailing someone) with the fact that he likes guys- and Matthew figured out it's his brother.
Oh, and Alastair and Thomas all help Matthew with this plot point- and plan to confront Charles. There's some reconciling between Alastair and Matthew throughout the book, and particularly around this time where Alastair, through his history with Elias' drinking, has some good tips to help Matthew and continue on his path of sobriety. Also, sometime beforehand- Thomas told Matthew that he loved Alastair, and that's also part of the whole- Matthew and Alastair's relationship starts to improve.
Grace tells Cordelia about her and James. Cordelia and James finally consumate their wedding night, and the day after - they tell the whole gang about the gracelet. Matthew is horrified that James didn't tell him about- and of course, feels guilty that he didn't guess that was what was going between Grace and James.
Bad Shit Goes Down - where Tatiana escapes, Belial casts a spell over London and during the main battle, Christopher is killed.
During this battle, James is dragged to Edom, and Matthew manages to hitch a ride with them.
In Edom, the situation goes from bad to worse, with Belial giving James 24 hours before he starts to torture Matthew to get James to agree to Belial's demands to posess him. But Matthew doesn't really have 24 hours- he had minimal amounts of the medication that Christopher designed and his withdrawal symptoms from alcohol start to re-occur, and worsen. He finally tells James about what happened at the Shadow Market and why he started drinking. James of course, forgives him and tells him that he'll go with Matthew to tell his parents the truth.
Matthew starts to have seizures from his alcohol withdrawal. James tries to help by drawing iratzes, which shouldn't work in a hell dimension, but somehow do. Matthew survives the night.
Unfortunately, Cordelia and Lucie's rescue mission comes too late to save James, who allows Belial to possess him as long as he leaves Matthew and all his other loved ones alone. Before he does though, he tells Matthew of his risky plan and tells him that Cordelia will know what to do with Cortana.
Lucie, Cordelia and Matthew all head back to Belial's London via Portal to stop possessed!James
An epic battle occurs but no one else dies, despite James stabbing himself in the heart because Cortana, in the hands of Cordelia as Lilith's paladin, can heal wounds.
Anyway, all's well that ends well, except for Christopher's death. We see the whole TLH gang six months later, and we learn that Matthew is about to embark on some travel and is continuing to stay sober. There is a short explanation that he told his parents about what he did to CHarlotte and they forgive him- also, Charlotte is pregnant again, with twins.
There's still a distance between him and Cordelia and he tells her he will always love her in some way and she worries he is leaving because of her- he assures her it is because he wants to explore the world, and they reconcile, at healing a bit of the awkwardness between them.
The book ends there- but in the Waterstones special edition, there is a letter from Matthew to James while he is in Venice, where again he is still sober, and manages to have a conversation beyond the grave with Oscar Wilde, who tells him that he can be forgiven and he will live a life full of grand suffering and grand love.
Phew, okay- that's about it. It's an oddly open ending for a main TSC character but apparently Cassie has teased a novella collection about a TLH character, and a guess could be Matthew, and his adventures.
Overall, I was broadly happy with his arc in Chain of Thorns. My personal full first impressions of the whole book, including Matthew's arc can be found here.
Other people's mileage may vary. ;)
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chewriting · 2 years
Relationship: Kit Herondale x Ty Blackthron
Word Count: 3k+
Read it on Ao3
Content Warnings: brief references to past violence, semi-graphic depictions of past violence
Summary: Years after their unfortunate first meeting, Ty’s thoughts are consistently snagged by all the ways that everything could have gone wrong. The trajectory of the bullet could have shifted up a few inches and pierced Kit’s heart, it could have torn open his lung and sucked the air straight out of his chest. Years after Ty barely kept Kit stable long enough for professionals to arrive, the wounds remain.
Ty does not have fantastic dreams. Sometimes they can be strange, as the unconscious processes information in elaborate ways that make little sense to the awoken mind. It makes sorting the fragile shards of a particularly clear dream from actual memory difficult, calming down from a nightmare a process. Ty is lucky that he doesn’t get nightmares very often.
He blinks awake standing in the vast field. The hills around him stretch as far as his eyes can see, the clear blue sky above him meeting the horizon a ways away. Nothing about the scene feels familiar, Ty can’t place exactly where he is, and yet his heart beats a steady rhythm in his chest, unperturbed by the change in usual scenery. Ty spins on his heel, taking in the way the world blurs to colored streaks, but everything halts when he faces a figure that wasn’t there a few seconds ago. Again, his body doesn’t react. But the figure doesn’t share the same feeling of strangeness. He never could. 
Kit does look at Ty as he runs the pads of his fingers over the grasses that reach his waist. In his chest, Ty feels a chill. The only unpleasant sensation he feels, but it pulls him to Kit. Wading through the foliage, Ty is surprised by the pushback of the sea oats and wild rye. Only when Ty closes the distance does Kit look up and smile at him. 
“Hello, Holmes,” He greets, his voice soft and static-filled like he’s being heard through a phone. The ice in his chest melts. 
“What are you doing?” Ty asks. 
“Just appreciating the breeze.” Kit tilts his head back, closing his eyes as the wind catches his hair. Sunlight bounces off the high points of his face, making his cheekbones appear higher and his jawline sharper. Ty watches the pair of moles on his neck pull apart as the skin stretches. “And the grass flowers feel nice against my palms.”
Ty copies the motion he saw Kit do, and feels nothing. Sunlight beats pleasantly against his back and the periodic winds keep him from getting too hot, the rich scent of soil permeates everything, but Ty can’t feel the grasses against his palm. When he voices these concerns, Kit just laughs. Plucking a large seedhead from an unlucky plant, he beckons Ty over.
He cradles the back of Ty’s hand gently in his own, gently spreads Ty’s fingers apart, and like a painter, runs the delicate hairs across Ty’s palm. Sensation lights up across his skin. It reminds him of being in Kindergarten, while his classmates were making hand turkeys for Thanksgiving and all Ty wanted to do was sweep paint on his hand over and over again with the provided foam brushes. Ty can’t help the spine that runs up his spine and settles in his scalp. It’s so peaceful Ty can’t help but let his eyes fall closed. 
The last few weeks have been a near-constant onslaught of professors assigning last-minute homework before their exams. He has essays due, practice problems to complete, and concepts to study, all while trying to stay fed and well-rested. Ty knows Kit is in a similar situation, dealing with group projects and missing partners. Despite living together, Ty feels like he hasn’t seen much of Kit recently. They’re either in class, hunched over papers in the library, or sleeping; usually not in the same space or at the same time. When Ty eventually collapses in bed, Kit is already asleep, and he’ll be up and gone by the time Ty is awake. It’s exhausting as they circle around each other, like two quarters rolling down the wishing-well funnel in the mall, but never quite reaching the opening at the center. 
He knows it will only be a few more weeks, that sooner than he’ll know it’ll be Winter Break and they’ll have almost a month to make for lost time. 
Kit pulls the flower away, leaving Ty’s skin buzzing. His hand comes up to cup Ty’s jaw. Opening his eyes, he’s struck by the blue of Kit’s eyes. So bright, like looking into portals of the expansive sky above them. They haven’t had a moment like this in what feels like ages, so Ty slumps into Kit’s hold to soak up what he can of the soothing heat of Kit’s skin. 
The two sharp cracks are unexpected, and they shatter the peace as if the bubble Kit and Ty were surrounded in was glass. Immediately, Ty looks around the horizon. They are the only ones here, the field void of anything that didn’t sway with the intensifying winds. The sound is familiar in a distant way, like a flavor you may have had in your childhood and hadn’t experienced since. It’s Kit’s tightened hold on his jaw that draws his attention back. 
Kit isn’t scanning their surroundings, though he usually is hypervigilant at all times, no, he’s staring at his own stomach. At the red stain seeping into the white fabric. All the warmth gets sucked out of Ty’s chest, ice creeping up his ribs to take over. Unconsciously his hands move to press against the wound. But the blood keeps coming. 
“Sherlock?” Kit croaks, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls. It drips off his face and soaks into the soil beneath their feet. Ty’s seen Kit cry only a handful of times, each instance cracking his chest open in a way that makes him only want to pull Kit close and fit him in the new cavity against his heart. Ty doesn’t have a protective streak, knows that Kit is more than capable of protecting himself, and yet seeing Kit break in ways normal for most but denied of him for so many years makes Ty’s blood heat. Because the unfairness of Kit’s pain makes Ty angry at the world. 
His shirt is now more red than white; so much blood, too much blood. How is Kit not going into shock? Kit’s hands drop to fist in Ty’s jacket. The weakness of his grip makes Ty sick. 
“Sherlock, I don’t want to die,” He begs. The blood starts to drip from his shirt to the waistband of his pajama pants, darkening the bright blue to a sickly purple. 
“You’re not going to die.” Ty doesn’t know that, but he says it anyway. It comes out of his mouth without even thinking, too distracted by pressing harder into Kit’s abdomen. But it’s like trying to force give into a rock. It’s solid and nothing Ty does can get the rush of blood to stop. He wants to call for help, but they’re alone. The promising vast of land now insurmountable. 
“Sherlock,” Kit starts, and Ty doesn’t know why he won’t just say Ty’s name. The nickname started when they were still kids, over a cheap messaging app that crashed far too often but they were still too scared to share their phone numbers, and it stuck as a term of endearment while they grew up. Ty loves to hear Kit call him Sherlock, but hearing his lips work around the syllables of his name is unparalleled. “I love you.”
He drops like a sack of stones. One moment he’s within Ty’s reach and the next he’s disappearing between the clusters of switchgrass. Ty falls to his knees after him, parting thick stalks to better see past them. But Kit isn’t anywhere. Like the ground swallowed him whole. His labored breathing echoes all around Ty, but he isn’t physically anywhere. Still, Ty swipes through dropseed and sweetgrass fruitlessly. 
There’s one more sharp inhale, with no exhale to follow. The chill spreads to Ty’s fingers and he knows he wasn’t fast enough. He’s just lost his best friend. His head falls into his hands, staining his face red, as the weeds around him grow and grow. 
Ty is upright before he’s awake. Rapidly cooling sweat drips down his neck to seep into the collar of his shirt. He can hardly control his breathing, his chest heaving as he scans the room. 
It’s dark enough that it takes several moments for Ty’s eyes to adjust. He’s in his bedroom. Moonlight barely peaks its way underneath the blackout curtains Ty put up months ago. His weighted blanket bunched up around his waist. Not an endless field of cruel plants growing from his boyfriend’s tears. 
Irene chirps from her spot at the end of the bed, easing her way onto Ty’s lap to fulfill her duty as a sensory regulator. She’s not a service animal, just a street cat Ty and Livvy found when they were sixteen that’s grown especially sensitive to Ty’s emotions. Her exact breed is unknown, likely too much of a mix to be anything concrete, but she’s heavy and soft and it’s enough to funnel Ty’s attention. 
Ty slumps over her, tracing her vertebrae as he counts. Up to ten, down to one, and back up to ten until it no longer feels like his lungs are straining at every inhale. The blankets shift to his right and two fingers brush against his elbow. 
“Ty?” Kit mumbles, voice thick and low. “Did you have a nightmare?”
He can barely push the word between his counting. Up to ten, down to one. “Yes.” 
“Do you need me to leave?”
Waking up from nightmares is a whole other beast of overstimulation. His heart hammering, vision not quite clear, sweat cooling across his skin; it’s enough to send him down a spiral. Kit isn’t much different, needing his space while recovering from wherever his dreams took him before he can even think about talking about it. One of them sleeping on the couch isn’t an uncommon occurrence, though its frequency has been lowering. But having Kit leave, move to a place in the apartment where Ty can’t see him, is enough to send jolts to his stomach. He can only think of Kit’s vanishing body. His blood on Ty’s hands as the only proof he was ever there.
“No. Stay.” It’s more of a plea than a command. There’s more shuffling on Kit’s end, and his upturned palm appears in Ty’s periphery. An invitation, one Ty takes. 
They don’t hold hands often as Ty often finds it more uncomfortable than pleasant. If they need to stick close, Kit will just link their elbows together as they navigate crows or grocery store aisles. Right now, it’s a welcome sensation. Kit’s hand is still soft from the lotion he applies before bed, because the fan they keep on at night dries his skin out, and the spaces between his fingers are delicate. Where his touch in the dream lit up Ty’s nerves, in bed it quiets the storm slightly. Ty’s other hand is still raking through Irene’s thick coat. 
“Can we cuddle?” Ty asks, and Kit hums in reply. His fall back to the pillows is enough of a disturbance to move Irene, probably propelling her to bully Moriarty awake. The hammock in his cage is high enough that she can’t directly paw at him, but somehow her mere presence is enough to rile him up. Distantly, Ty hopes there won’t be bedding strewn across the floor from Moriarty’s excited jumping. 
Kit’s eyes are barely open when Ty turns to look at him, but his grip is firm in Ty’s and he scoots closer with purpose. They have to let go of each other so Kit can lay his cheek against Ty’s chest, but this way Ty can loop one arm around Kit’s waist. His breath puffs gently against Ty’s exposed collarbone, warming his skin. Ty tucks his nose to Kit’s scalp, inhaling the smell of his earthy eucalyptus conditioner. The weight of his blanket a steady force to fuse them together. 
With his heartbeat slowing to a more manageable pace, Ty can reflect on his nightmare. It isn’t often that he has nightmares thankfully, and it’s even less so that he has nightmares about Kit. But trauma is trauma and it lingers like the smell of smoke. Ty can remember finding Kit on the floor, bleeding out, like it had happened last night. No matter how long Ty can wake up next to Kit, he’ll never be able to get the sickly pale of Kit’s skin as he was wheeled into the ambulance out of his mind, nor the stricken look on his face when he realized he survived and his dad didn’t. Ty tightens his hold on Kit’s torso. 
“Are you okay?” He whispers into Kit’s hair. The fan whirs back and forth over the bed, catching strands of Kit’s hair to brush Ty’s face. Even in the midnight dark, Ty can picture their golden sheen. Even the night they first met, when his hair was dark and matted from sweat, Ty couldn’t help but think he was one of the most beautiful people he’s ever seen. 
“I should be asking you that. You had the nightmare,” Kit mumbles. It’s more into Ty’s shirt, but still audible. 
“I know. But are you?” Ty doesn’t know to voice his worries. His need to make sure Kit is okay can’t be condensed into words. How can he ask about Kit’s recovery, now several years strong with few setbacks? How can he express the bone-deep fear that if he presses too hard against the scar on Kit’s stomach that it’ll split open and spill fresh blood like they’re new? How can explain that sometimes he’s still scared of losing Kit for good? “Your injuries. Are they okay?”
“My injuries?” Kit asks, the pause between his sentences pregnant and telling. “My gunshot wounds?”
“They’re old Ty, sometimes when it gets cold they ache but I’m fine. My digestion is kind of fucked but you already know that.”
“Will you let me know if that changes?”
Kit perks up immediately. He doesn’t push himself up to look into Ty’s eyes like couples do in the movies, but the hand that was tracing patterns on Ty’s oblique pauses. His voice is noticeably more awake. “Yes, Ty, you’d be the first to know.”
“Promise?” Ty squeezes Kit a little tighter, both of his arms moving to cross over Kit’s bare back, unable to quell the shake in his voice. It means Kit is pulled more up on Ty than the mattress, but Ty won’t complain about the extra pressure.
“I promise.” Now Kit’s face is in Ty’s field of vision. His eyes practically glow as his eyebrows pinch close the distance between them. Kit’s eyebrows have always been the more expressive part of his face and Ty loves to watch them raise in surprise or furrow in concentration. “What brought this up?”
“You died in my nightmare. I couldn’t find you and you bled out.” Ty forces it out, like the words themselves had the power to bring it to reality. Immediately, Kit understands and his arms come up to slide behind Ty’s back. It’s not perfect, but at least he’s able to squeeze tightly. 
“Oh Tiberius, you know it wasn’t your fault that that happened to me.” Kit starts to slide off Ty’s chest, so he rolls them back as one onto their sides. His lips come up to brush against Ty’s chest but never quite make contact. 
“The doctors said that if the ambulance got to you five minutes later they wouldn’t have been able to resuscitate you.”
“You got to me in time.” Kit does kiss Ty’s cheek then. “You saved me.” 
“But what if I didn’t?”
“Hey,” Kit pulls back to rest his forehead against Ty’s, “we can’t worry about the what if’s. They didn’t happen. Miraculously, I survived an attack that was meant to kill me because my chatroom friend cared enough about me to haul ass to my possible location. I’m alive and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Not if I can help it.”
Ty takes a shaking breath in, and he knows Kit is right. Ty’s talked to his therapist about hundreds of things, and he mentioned Kit’s attack a few times, but never really went into how he was feeling after. Maybe it’s something he should delve further into. He trails his fingers up Kit’s arm to again take hold of his hand, pressing his thumb against his knuckles. 
“You’re not going anywhere if I can help it either.” Ty says it like a promise, and he can feel Kit’s smile more than he can see it.
“See, with my stubbornness and your persistence, even death will have a hard time pulling me away.” Kit whispers it into the gap between Ty’s skull and ear, and Ty knows he’s drifting off again. So Ty adjusts, pulling Kit’s head into his chest and curling his body around Kit’s torso. It’s not quite like holding him in his chest, using his ribs as walls and the pulse of his heart as a heat source, but it’s a good alternative. 
Kit’s breathing evens out and Ty’s eyelids begin to droop. Adrenaline leaking out of his veins, leaving taut exhaustion behind. Yet, Ty’s eyes follow the planes of Kit’s back. Topography not unlike the rolling hills of his dreams. At some point, Irene jumps back up on the bed, circling a spot free of either of their feet before finally settling into a tight ball. 
Kit and Ty are safe here. In their corner apartment a five-minute walk from campus that sometimes leaks in the living when it rains but is manageable because when does it ever rain in Southern California. They have a nice brand of coffee beans in the cabinet because Ty can’t drink anything that tastes too bitter and the stash of Oreos that Kit keeps behind the cereal boxes that Ty doesn’t let on that he knows about. Irene is asleep at their feet, Moriarty is hopefully not being too mischievous in his cage, and they’ve talked about maybe adopting a dog. Life is good and calm and safe. 
He eventually falls asleep while running his fingers through Kit’s hair, their short strands ticking his palms like flowering grasses.
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yab00kw0rm113 · 2 years
Kit: I'll make a bet with you, Will. If you like this song, then you can't sing your demon pox song for a week. Okay? Ghost!Will: Sure! Nothing can beat my demon pox song! Kit: We'll see about that *plays All Too Well by Taylor Swift*
*the next day*
Tessa: Wow Kit, you seem to be in a much better mood today Kit, enjoying the peace and quiet: Mhmm
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belle-keys · 2 years
Based on the (admittedly mostly secondhand) information we’re getting, in SOBH, Kit is definitely NOT keen to see Ty anytime soon. How do you think their eventual reunion is going to go down in TWP? Before SOBH, I was thinking awkward but not traumatic but given some of Kit’s reactions now, I’m not so sure…
Also, do you think Livvy is asking Ty the same questions about Kit? I kind of feel like… probably? But then again, because of sibling solidarity I also feel like she might put the onus on Kit to make the first move, y’know?
Oooh, I like this ask ;)
Okay, so Cassie said that Kit and Ty will not have interacted much at all by the beginning of TWP, and SOBH isn't gonna change that.
Like you, I initially thought their meetup in TWP is gonna be angsty-but-not-traumatic but I think we're wrong. In a way, I think SOBH is gonna build their resentful-but-pining feelings towards each other rather than mitigate them. I can foresee a super-duper cathartic shouting and/or crying episode at some point before things become in the least romantic between them, ya feel?
As for who will make the first move? I think it's definitely gonna be Kit because he's a Herondale and if he can't get the chance to avoid his feelings (like he's doing as of now in SOBH), then they're gonna pour out like a waterfall.
That being said, I think Kit and Ty are gonna have a falling out between each of them and the people who are kinda insinuating they should interact right now (like Livvy and Dru, for example). I don't think either of them are ready to work out their feelings and talk. And that's... okay. I mean, they're still kids and they're still not ready to come to terms with their feelings and their past. They're gonna get fed up with this SOBH business and that, in turn, is gonna make their inevitable meetup in TWP even more angsty.
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Spiders Are Ugly And Other Lies Capitalism Has Told Us (part one)
“Dad,” Astrid called out, shutting the coral coloured front door behind her. “Are you home?”
She dumped her cream tote bag spray painted with the words ‘Washing Machine Heart’ in big, rainbow letters onto one of the stools facing the granite countertop. The rest of the Merry Hoes followed suit. It was weird seeing a person as chaotic as Astrid in such a calm environment.
They were all spending the summer in LA with Astrid and her Dad. It had taken a while for Kevin to convince his family it was a good idea. Especially because he and Blessica had finally put years of pinning behind them. Making out on Kit’s bed at Mina’s third birthday party certainly wasn’t the way they had envisioned it but as the longing was over with, they were happy.
The Chu’s didn’t love the idea of their son living in a different country for three months with his girlfriend but we’re on board once Kevin assured them there was no possible way Blessica could get pregnant.
Kit wasn’t officially sleeping at the Yang’s but at the Institute with his boyfriend. Julian wasn’t so thrilled about the situation but Emma was. She was positively ecstatic about having a training partner as skilled as Kit was, courtesy of Jem and Tessa. Though staying a thirty minute drive away (on the wrong side of the road, Mari noted) wouldn’t keep Kit away for long. Even now he was with them instead of having his own reunion make out session.
Speaking of making out…
Mari rested their chin on the top of Astrid’s head and wrapped their arms around her middle. “Why don’t you show us your room while we wait for your dad to get home.”
It was kinda perfect, Mari often remarked, that she realized her feelings for their best friend weren’t so platonic as she previously led herself to believe at the same time they and Kit realized they were better off as just platonic.
Astrid hit her hand playfully. “That’s not fair!” she whined! ”How dare you take advantage of my constant hornyness when my God-fearing Presbyterian father could be in the next room? Shame! Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘dishonor’”, said Kit, who didn’t even look up from his phone when he addressed her, “but go off I guess.”
Astrid looked like she was questioning all her life choices up to this point. “A white boy knows Mulan better than me.” She shook her head in disgust. Mari could feel the loose hairs of her girlfriend’s ponytail ticking her exposed collar bone. “Mulan.”
Mari laughed before softly brushing their lips against Astrid mop of bleached strands of pastel yellow, pink and blue mixed magnificently with her natural inky black.
“Is hornyness even a word?” Kevin wondered aloud as he observed the knickknacks placed at even intervals utop the kitchen cabinets. Blessica was with him. She was gazing at one of a crab steering a ship when she spotted a slim piece of paper taped below it.
“Ast,” she called. The both looked in her direction, despite Blessica needing the attention of one. “Your dad says he won’t be home till seven. Emergency at work.”
“Which leaves us more than enough time to pack and head over to meet Ty, Dru and Thaìs at the arcade,” said Kit. He finally turned his phone off and shoved it into the back pocket of his ripped jeans. “Marstrid can do the ol’ devil’s tango then catch up to us.”
‘Marstrid’ wrinkled their noses. “I thought we agreed on Astari, Christopher.”
“Astari sounds gayer,” confirmed Kevin, his eyes never leaving the miniature decorations.
“Not to be rude but why does Astari sound gayer?” asked a visibly confused Blessica.
“Because,” answered Mari, unraveling herself from Astrid to slide onto one of the bar stools and reaching into the Jolly Rancher jar, blindly searching for a green, “Astari has ‘star’ in it. Star equals astrology. An obsession with astrology is the price you pay for the gay agenda. Besides, Marstrid sounds like an old southern lady.” Then she furrowed her eyebrows and swiveled to face Astrid. “Southern is Texas, right?” Astrid nooded, a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be jealous.
Without looking, she stuck her hand in the jar and pulled out a green apple flavoured hard candy on her first try. She held it out to Mari, who snatched it out of her hand with an angry huff.
“Hey, Ast, where do you guys keep the crisps?” asked Kevin when he finished inspecting all the knickknacks.
“Uh, under the barbecue sauce, I think.”
Kit’s eyes lit up. “So I’m sitting there”- Astrid understood what was happening in just enough time to quote- “barbecue sauce on my titties” in unison.
Mari put her head into their open palms, still sucking on the pity candy. “Why is this my type?”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Blessica as Kit attempted to parallel park outside the location Ty had texted him to meet at. Key word, attempt. When Tessa had taught him to drive, he’d been such a disaster at parallel parking she had instructed him to ‘take the underground when tight spaces might be a possibility.’ Which he prided himself in doing. But this was America and the underground was called the subway, so, technically, no rules were being broken.
“Yes, Blessie, I’m certain.”
“Okay. Just checking cause a few turns back the GPS said-”
“Blessie!” He nearly crashed into the car in front of him.
“Right. Shutting up.”
When Kit managed to park with minimal damage and the three were about to exit, the voice of Nicki Minaj boomed from his pocket. Ty was calling him. He accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hello Tiberius.” There was giggling from the other end of the line. A groan soon followed it.
“It’s been a year,” came the annoyed voice of Dru. “Get over your British kink already.” Kevin’s laughter echoed from the backseat.
“Hey Ty!
“Hi Kevin.”
”Hey Dru!”
“Fuck off.”
“Ouch. Why do you feel the need to hurt me so?” Blessica laughed.
“Here,” replied Thaìs cheerfully.
“Are you here yet,” asked Ty.
“Uh, yeah! We were just getting out of the rental car when you called. You didn’t tell me it was going to be crowded. I had to parallel park!”
“What are you talking about?” interrupted Dru. ”There are only four cars in the parking lot.”
“But,” Ty countered, “there are lots of Billy’s Fun Zones’ around here. You guys must have got mixed up and taken a wrong turn. I could have sworn I sent you the correct location on GPS.” Maybe Ty said more on the subject but Kit could hear anything or see anything except the superior smirk Blessica was giving him.
He covered the speaker. “Not. A. Word.” And no word came out of her mouth the entire ride to the correct Billy’s Fun Zone but the ‘I told you so’ look on her face spoke loud enough.
Kit slid back into the booth next to Ty, handing him his pretzel. Ty kissed him on the check in gratitude.
Dru and Ty were right. About this one being empty. He told him he had heard about it from Alyssa. Her pack frequented it often. They were left alone because, well, there was no one else there to bother them.
“Where are Astrid and Mari?” he asked.
“Fucking. I think. Or maybe just making out. I’ll know which one when they finish.” When Ty gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Astrid describes it all to me in full detail. I honestly don’t know whether she doesn’t have a filter or she just needs someone to scream to about how amazing Mari is.”
“Why can’t it be both?”
“True, true.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ty picked up the conversation again. “When Thaìs first met Astrid, she had a huge crush on her. They got along great. I always thought they would end up together. Or hook up at the very least.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” observed Kit.
“What is?”
“When me and Mari split, I was planning on trying to set them up with Thaìs. But then I caught her ans Astrid making out in a storage closet at school. Which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid cause they were in there so I wouldn’t be sad Mari moved on when I opened the door in the first place avoiding her to call you.”
The gears in Ty’s head were visibly turning. Kit loved watching this process. An idea was forming in his boyfriend’s genius mind, he could sense it.
“What is their stance on monogamy?” he asked finally.
“Um, fuck, hold on. Mari sent me this whole speech about it.” Kit scrolled through his phone at a rapid rate before he saw what he was looking for. He cleared his throat and began reading aloud.
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:52 AM: monogamy is just another lie capitalism has fed us
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:55 AM: like, for example, the notion that house spiders are ugly and to be feared
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: it’s just to sell bug spray
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: same with monogamy
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: pointless!!!
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:58 AM: in conclusion, if I want to join a polyam cult, who tf is the government to stop me?
Kev-Kev, sent 2:01 AM: mari please go to sleep
Bless-ing_to_the_world, sent 2:04 AM: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: preach!
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: go off queen
By the time Kit was finished with his dramatic reading, Ty’s plan was fully formed.
“That settles it! We are going to play matchmakers!”
Alyssa, Ty’s friend mentioned is @thechangeling OC, not mine.
@the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @book-dragon-not-worm sorry if I missed anyone LMK if you want to be added or removed from The tag List!!
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thechangeling · 4 years
The Box
Tiberius Blackthorn had gotten quite good at compartmentalizing. Pretending that things weren't happening, that they didn't effect him. Pretending that he didn't feel. It was almost like flicking a switch. If things got too painful or too real he just turned it off. Closed his eyes and told himself over and over.
This isn't real. This isn't really happening. This doesn't matter. I don't care.
She isn't really dead. I don't miss him. I don't love him. Over and over until the pain stopped. Ty could usually make it last for awhile. Until something brought up an unpleasant memory or feeling and then he had to start all over again.
Being around Kit again was certainly making this worse.
Kit, in true Herondale fashion was in deep trouble with multiple people. As it turned out, he was the first heir and now a bunch of people were trying to either kill or kidnap him. So now a bunch of shadowhunters and downworlders had banded together to help him defeat his enemies and keep him safe. Ty had made a huge fuss to Drusilla about being forced to help. But secretly they both knew that he would rather die then let anything happen to Kit.
So now Kit was here, back in the Los angeles institute and currently sitting at the breakfast table with that vampire friend of his and Dru. She seemed to be very adamantly telling a story and Kit was laughing hysterically. Ty felt his heart turning over in his chest at the sound. He had to fight the urge to smile.
It isn't real. I don't love him. This isn't real.
Having him this close was torture. Hearing him laugh, watching him train, watching him flirt, watching him try not to cry in front of the others. There were so many times that Ty wanted to just reach out and touch him. Run his fingers through Kit's hair, trace the curve of his cupid's bow, hold him in his arms. It was a burning, suffocating ache.
Ty leaned back against his perch up on the windowsill. He had asked Livvy to give him some space to be alone. He was doing a decent job of blending into the background with his black clothing and dark hair. Or maybe they were just ignoring him. Ty pushed away that thought.
Suddenly he felt the weight of someone hopping up beside him. They made no noise or attempts to get his attention. Ty could hear the faint sound of Under Pressure coming out of headphones.
Alyssa Reyes was the werewolf from Maia's pack who had been assigned to essentially be the scholomance's liaison to the downworld and help educate future centurions about downworlder affairs. She hadn't exactly been happy about this situation and had been pretty hostile towards most of them for awhile. But she and Ty had bonded over both being autistic, and also being queer. He could honestly say that meeting Alyssa had changed his life.
He turned to face her. She was staring up at the sky, mouthing along to the words of the song. Her black wireless headphones were slud over her ears and her dark waves were tied up into a low bun. She was excitedly fiddling with the straps of her white crop top which contrasted nicely against her golden brown skin. He stared at her for awhile, just basking in her presence.
He was sad that she was going back to New York in a week. He was really going to miss her.
Eventually she turned her gaze on him, sliding her headphones down. "You have all the best hiding spots" she confessed with a smile. 'Also I figured it was time to come interrupt your lurking because it was just getting a little sad." Ty rolled his eyes at her.
"I wasn't lurking! I'm literally just sitting here!" He protested worrying instantly that they were speaking too loudly. But everyone else was deeply preoccupied with their conversations and also they were several feet away. He stole a quick glance at Kit again and practically felt Alyssa disapproval radiating off of her. Ty turned back to face her displeased expression.
When Ty had first met Alyssa she was scared and standoffish but had quickly warmed up to him. He often described her as having pure magic in her warm brown eyes, so much excitement and life practicing buzzing out of her. But now her eyes were cold and dark. She seemed angry.
"I have just about had enough of this Ty" she announced. It's clear to me how much you want him, how much you love him, so why don't you just go talk to him already?"
Ty sighed, avoiding her gaze. "I can't."
She flailed her hands haphazardly. "What do you mean you can't Ty? You can. You just won't! I'm so sick of this!" She shouted.
Ty spared a panicked glance back at the kitchen table, but they hadn't looked their way. Still Ty hopped down from the ledge.
"Here, follow me" he said to Alyssa, pulling her off the ledge. She didn't protest. She allowed him to lead her out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
"Look" he began, "I don't want to talk to Kit alright? I'm still mad at him. I'm not just going to let that go." He explained. Alyssa just stared back at him.
There was a long drawn out pause where neither of them spoke. Ty wasn't that concerned. Long drawn out pauses were kind of their thing.
"Ok" she said slowly. "I need to tell you something that you might not be ready to hear. In fact it's probably going to make you really angry. But I need you to listen."
Ty had no idea what to say to that. But Aylssa kept on talking.
"Ty you need to get over yourself" she stated simply.
Ty bristled instantly. Rage flooded through his entire being. Who the fuck did she think she was? And to hear this from Alyssa of all people. Didnt she understand why he was so hurt? Why he was so angry?
Alyssa kept going before he could yell at her, stepping towards him slightly. "Listen to me Tiberius Blackthorn. I understand your pain, better than anyone else most likely. I understand your anger. I feel it to. I feel it everyday. The way the world treats us it's like little jagged cuts everyday, slowly whittling us down into nothing." Her voice broke. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.
"But I need you to ask yourself something" she continued shakely. "I need you to ask yourself, did Kit Herondale really do this? All of this? Is all of this really his fault? Something that we talk about a lot in therapy is putting the blame where it belongs. Recognize what was caused by which person and how much fault really lies with the person you're mad at. I know you don't want to forgive him because you're hurting and your also so fucking stubborn love" she laughed despite the fact that her eyes were filled with tears.
"You refuse to move. And I know why you do that because you think if you move, you will be admitting defeat. Admitting weakness. But you aren't Ty. You are saving yourself" She reached for him but shot backwards, shaking his head. He couldn't believe her. Maybe somewhere deep down he knew that she was probably right but he didn't care. He didnt care about what he knew anymore. All he could think about was the pain he felt.
"Please" she whispered "It isn't healthy to hold a grudge for this long. It isn't good for you. It isn't good for your soul." Alyssa wiped her eyes and stood up straighter, hardening her voice. "I know you're fed up with everything, and the same things keep happening over and over again. But here's the thing. Kit isn't responsible for what Paige did to you or what your father did, or your uncle or anyone else." Ty instantly began to shake at the mention of Paige Ashdown. He could feel all if those instances coming back to him. All of those kid memories he had tried to repress.
Whenever Ty had something horrible and traumatic happen to him. Everytime someone laughed in his face, everytime someone whispered behind his back or called him a slur. Every time someone made him doubt if he was really loved. Every autistic hate crime, every murder, every debate over the concept of his soul and whether it really existed. Livvy's death. Everything that happened that day on the beach. What Kit had said to him. Kit leaving him. He took all of it, all the bad memories, all of the pain and heartbreak. He took it and shoved it into some deep place inside of him. He usually envisioned a box of some sort. He shoved it all inside of that box, shut the lid and buried it.
This isn't real. This didn't happen. This isn't happening.
Ty's entire body was vibrating now. Alyssa put her hand on his shoulder. "Listen to me. Kit Herondale is not your enemy. He isn't trying to drown you or ship you off to an institution or shove you into ABA. And I know what you're thinking, that's a pretty fucking low bar and I know!" She exclaimed. "I know! But we have to start somewhere Ty. We have to start somewhere or else we will never get anywhere. That kid is so fucking in love with you and yes he does not deserve a gold medal for doing so, but he is fighting like hell to win you back."
That much was true. Kit had been trying to talk to him all week, but Ty kept brushing him off. It wasn't enough, he always told himself. It wasnt enough. He wasnt actually sure if Kit really loved him. He just refused to believe it.
Ty shook his head at Alyssa, his fingers fluttering at his sides. He began to hit his hands against his thighs to ease some of the tention he was feeling. Alyssa squeezed his arm, taking a deep breath.
"I know you are sick and tired of explaining the same things over and over and answering stupid questions and always having to make adjustments and put in the effort when everyone else doesn't try. I am too! Believe me! But I think at a certain point you need to ask yourself if you can forgive him for not knowing?" She asked. "Can you forgive him for being ignorant and making a mistake and breaking your heart because you've hurt him too? Can you accept that he is not perfect?" She dropped her arm down and stared him directly in his eyes. "Because neither are you. Ty I know you dont wanna hear this, but you live in a very privileged bubble where most people let you get away with murder because you're a man and you're white, while those same people condemn me for being rude and intolerable." She said pointedly.
Ty bit his lip. He felt like he should argue with her but he knew she had a point. "You're a shadowhunter!" She glared at him. "You're a shadowhunter and your people have committed so many atrocities against mine. You and your family spent most of your time ignoring all of this and only focusing on helping your brother and sister. You joined an organization that has a history of doing terrible things to downworlders!" She shouted.
"Well so did you!" He shot back even though he knew it wasnt really the same thing. "And by the angel Ali if you really hate me that much then why are you even here?" Alyssa just shook her head at him and rolled her eyes. "Because I don't hate you genius. I could hold these things against you, but I don't. I forgave you for not knowing. As long as you acknowledge it and try to work on making things better, which you are, then I can let it go. Because like I said Ty, we have to start somewhere" she pleaded. "
"You have to be brave and let it go."
Instantly Ty sucked in a breath. He recognized the words she had used perfectly. They were from a song.
Their song.
Tears instantly gathered in his eyes. He let out a shakey exhale and she smiled sadly at him.
"Because right now all you're doing is hurting is yourself." Alyssa said with a shrug.
Ty squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "I know" he whispered. He opened his eyes again, she was staring at him sympathetically with those warm eyes. "I just dont know how to do this" he admitted. "I don't know how to deal with all if it. I don't think I can."
Alyssa looked confused "Deal with what exactly?"
Ty took a deep breath. "The box" he exhaled. Alyssa looked even more confused. It was a little funny.
So he decided to tell her. He told her about the coping mechanisms he had been using since he was a child. He told her about the box and how many things he had buried in it, and what they were. She cried and held him tightly to her chest. He let himself cry along with her.
He cried for that kid who had the door slammed in his face, that kid who had his interests mocked and spat on. That kid who had his heart broken over and over again long before Kit Herondale. That kid who never felt accepted or like he belonged, not even with his own twin. He cried for Livvy. He cried for that kid on the beach who lost everything. Who wanted to apologize to Kit and make everything right because he was so fucking naive and stupid, and Magnus Bane told him to go away.
So he did. But it hadn't solved anything.
He also cried for Kit. His Kit.
Ty pulled away from Alyssa, wiping at his eyes. "The worst part is it's not just my pain that's in there. I put all of the stuff with Kit in the box too" he confessed. "Like I mean the stuff that's happening right now. He's in a world of danger and I can't feel that because if I feel it then I'm afraid it'll break me."
Alyssa contemplated this for a while. "I know Ty, but you have to face it. All of it. You have to open the box or else you'll never get through it." She said sternly.
Ty leaned up against the wall if the institute. When he spoke, it sounded like it was coming from somewhere far away. "Every bad thing that happens to him feels like it's happening to me. Everything from when he was younger. When he was alone." Ty was making an effort not to cry again.
"I want him to know that he'll never be alone again. Not as long as I'm alive."
Alyssa looked at him incredulously. "Well then don't you think you should tell him that?"
Ty didn't answer her, just stared ahead. He still needed to think. Alyssa seemed to understand that because she spared him one final glance and then walked towards the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go eat" she announced. "Come join us when you're ready."
And then she left Ty alone in the hallway with his thoughts.
You have to open the box.
This is real. All of this is real.
You have to open the box.
@older-brother-kit @zafirafoxx @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @ti-bae-rius @anxiousbookenthusiast @emiikas @eutony-in-whisper
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manonblackbeack · 4 years
Are you still writing a headcanons?? If you are can you write about Mina Carstairs and Kit?? And possibly about babies Carstairs??💖😊
Firstly, much to my terrible, terrible shame, I am deeply sorry that I answer this so late. You must've sent me this like a year ago. I just finished reading QOAAD and GOTSM and I left this request on because I wanted to see first hand how was Mina. Obviously, she's the sweetest baby that ever graced this earth. Now, enough with my rambling and on with the headcanons. Sorry again!!
× Kit is the best big brother, as we previously saw in GOTSM
× when Mina turns 2 she is old enough to understand and repeat curse words, much to Kit's horror because he curses a lot and Jem and Tessa are outraged with her growing bad vocabulary
× Mina is growing into a sassy teenager and she is just throwing shade to both Kit and Tessa when they play saw that movie/read that book because she did both and better yet, saw the screenplay with her daddy
× Kit teaches her to throw knives and she teaches him to play the violin but he's terrible so she forces him to pick up on reading instead
× she likes to draw Kit's runes but sometimes adds smiley faces and random words on his arms that he notices mid battle and randomly smiles at the most bad times
× sibling banther about mundane things but imagine Church meowing loudly cause he is fed up with these kids that disturb his sleeping schedule
× Church hates Kit and loves Mina so she's holding this over his head
× Mina has warlock powers duh and when Tessa is teaching her how to control them she makes Kit fly and hit into a wall. as a natural consequence he's terrified of angry! Mina and never hides her toys again
× when Kit has to leave for a fight Mina is kissing his Luck rune for extra luck and secretly puts what she thinks are protection charms on him. Tessa and Jem pretend to be clueless but they both know and keep quiet
× teasing about Kit's love life but Mina is actually super protective and doesn't think anyone is good for her big brother and viceversa because he'll fight for her
× afternoon tea time and gossip that they call "spilling the tea". Jem thinks it's a waste to spill the tea as he doesn't understand the concept and Tessa is secretly proud that she keeps on with her kids' slang
× Kit shared Mina's firsts: first words, first steps, first battle, first magic use, first crush, first date, first hearbreak but consider this: Kit's first time when he loved someone with the power of a true Herondale: like it could burn a hole in the universe just to keep her out of harm's way at all costs.
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let-me-write · 4 years
The Truth Untold
Find chapter 1 here
Chapter 2: Cirenworth hall
" Hey Min-Min, you're doing a good job !! Keep going !! "
Kit Herondale encouraged his little sister Mina who was chasing Church around their living room with determination. The grouchy cat was trying to evade her advances but to no avail as Mina managed to keep catching his tail.
He was beyond content observing his sister, who was, in fact, the only one who could get away with annoying Church. The immortal feline was affectionate of Mina but couldn't keep up with the toddler's curiosity at times, while nevertheless tolerating her. He would have gladly sat there, soaking in his sister's cute antics and the cat's predicament. But he had an important task for today, something he had been planning for months.
He must start now if he were to get it done before Jem and Tessa returned. He had been practising for this day with the help of his friend Amy, at her family's bakery.
Kit rounded up the ingredients and started mixing them on the kitchen counter. He was not confident because he had gotten it right only once in the past. Regardless, he kept going and placed the set batter into the oven for baking.
He was working on the frosting when Mina came into the kitchen exclaiming " Kittie!! There you are!! What are you doin'? " She hugged his legs tightly and looked up at him.
She had grown from an unassuming baby to this inquisitive toddler right in front of him. It all felt surreal to him even now. He had never imagined that he would have a loving family, much less a baby sister that adored him. Now, she was pulling his pants, awaiting his reply.
He bent down to pick her up and place her on the counter. He told her, " I'm baking a cake for Jem's birthday today "
She piped in " For Bapa? "
Kit nodded and continued " Yes, for Bapa. Do you wanna try the frosting, Min-Min? " He held out the spatula and she took some indulgently in her little fingers and tasted.
Her small face lit up with a satisfied grin as she declared " Gē Ge, you're the best !! ". Kit's heart skipped a beat, as it always did whenever she used the Chinese term for brother when addressing him.
He was pulled from his musing as the oven started beeping. He pulled out the now baked carrot cake.
Yes, Carrot cake, the only cake agreed upon by the senior members of Cirenworth hall.
Tessa hated chocolates - he had shuddered, thinking ' How Blasphemous !!! ', when he had learned about it - and, well, Jem didn't care much for desserts.
Kit moved on to slathering the cream cheese frosting he prepared on his cake and spread it uniformly as Amy had taught him.
Amy had become his only friend at Devon and her being a mundane had helped him reconnect with the contemporary pop culture of the mundane world. They had a good rapport and hung out at least once a week, whenever Kit felt like he had enough training for the week.
The frosting was done and now he was ready to pipe down ' Happy Birthday ' onto it but then he decided ' Why not make it a gift from Mina too? ' Thus, he addressed the wish to ' Bapa '.
By now, Mina was restless and wanted to help too. So, he guided her hand and together, they made a heart on the cake. She looked satisfied and squealed with delight " Bapa will love it !! "
Kit, on his way to secure the cake, assured her " Of course he will Min-Min !! Your hand's made it magical!! "
Now that the hard job was done, he set the table for the cake and anticipated the return of Jem and Tessa. They had gone to the farmer's market nearby, at least that's what Tessa had told him. She had assured him that she would keep Jem away from their home, providing ample time for Kit to prepare the cake.
Of course, Tessa was in on it with Kit, as they often were together in plans that involved surprising and/or anything to do with embarrassing Jem. They were a formidable team when it came to teasing the former silent brother, who was as clueless about modern society as he was oblivious to someone flirting with him.
In the last three years, Kit had succeeded to an extent in introducing him to all the mainstream movies. In fact, it had become a weekend ritual for the family; watching a new movie together, all curled up in their living room.
And those nights would all end with Mina fast asleep in Kit's arms while he explained all the contemporary references in the movie to the rest of the family. He was still not sure Jem understood them fully.
On such occasions, Kit would feel everything around him was a pipe dream that would disappear any moment now. There was no way he had a little sister and parental figures who cared for him as if he was their own.
Kit had wondered at such times...
Aren't they to me what a valuable shelter would be to a nomad and if that shelter was also a palace full of love and miracles? Isn't that not a mirage in the desert for a lost soul like him?
He would then look again at Mina's trusting smile and observe Jem and Tessa's unwavering affection for him. And he would assure himself that of course, this was all undoubtedly real and most importantly were what made him happy at present.
Yes, he was happy, there was no denial in that.
He was as happy now as he could be since his father's death and the events that had followed.
He was grateful for this family that he could call his, for once.
After all, he owed that to Jem and Tessa for their efforts to make him feel included.
Now, Cirenworth held the majority of his pleasant memories as this was the place where he had first met his Min-Min.
Kit had never been more sure of anything than his bond with his little sister. She had come into his life unexpectedly and had become an irreplaceable part with her unconditional fondness for him. He was not sure if he was worthy of it but it warmed his heart now, as he looked at his sister trying to tie a bow on Church's tail.
She was assuring the cat in a calm voice " Don't worry !! This is only for today as it is Bapa's birthday " Church seemed to understand her and gave in to her vanity scheme. She tied a bright red bow to the base of the cat's tail with utmost care.
As she was done, she announced enthusiastically " See, you're the prettiest cat in the whole of Devon now " The feline meowed in response, startling Kit, as he had never seen the perennially grumpy cat do such a normal thing since he had known him.
Kit came to his senses as his cellphone chimed. This was his cue to set up the cake and light the candles. He brought the cake out of the fridge and onto the table and lit the candle.
Mina was hovering near the table when he bent down to pick her up in his arms. He could hear voices now outside the door.
The lights were off in the living room and the narrow rays of the setting sun hit the room as the door opened.
As soon as Jem opened the door, Mina started singing " Happy Birthday Bapa ..." in her lovely voice.
Kit too exclaimed " Happy 154th Jem !! " while switching on the lights.
Jem looked awestruck on witnessing Kit and Mina in front of the cake. He smiled when his gaze fell on Church, seated next to the cake with his prominent bow on display.
Tessa came to stand next to him with a proud grin on her face.
Mina gestured to be let down and ran to hug her father. Jem lowered himself and received her kisses and beamed when she wished him " A very happy birthday Bapa !! "
He picked her up while replying " Thank you my little melon " and moved towards the table.
Kit gestured at the carrot cake on the table and said " Hope you like the cake !! Happy Birthday Old Man !! "
Jem ignored the jibe and looked pleasantly surprised at Kit's creation and enveloped him into a hug along with Mina in his arms. " You never cease to amaze me Christopher " he said as he let Kit go with an adoring pat on his head. Kit couldn't help but feel warm towards the former silent brother.
For someone who had a minimal touch with human emotions for more than a century, Jem was an expert in evoking the right ones in others.
Tessa, who had been clicking a picture of the family embrace on her phone, complained of being left out. She came towards Kit and hugged him lovingly. He had never been hugged in such a way before he had met Tessa, at least not any that he had remembered.
It has always been a surprise for him, how warm and protective the gesture was... he had thought this is what a mother's hug must feel like.
Tessa let go of him and whispered " You did a good job my boy !! " and ruffled his hair affectionately... well she tried to...she could reach only the curls on his forehead. He had grown a lot since he had come here and had finally outgrown Jem last summer.
He replied with mock disappointment, " So, I have failed my Herondale ancestors again !! "
" Not a great job but merely a good job... I hope you change your mind once you taste the cake, for my poor heart's sake "
Tessa shook her head while chuckling and handed the knife on the table to Jem " Here you go love, Let's honour our boy's hardwork with no further delay "
Jem proceeded to blow out the candle on the cake but not before looking at the portrait of his parabatai on the wall.
As he cut the cake, Mina belted out the Happy Birthday song perfectly as Kit had taught her, leading to him joining in too.
Jem picked a small piece of the cake and fed it to his daughter, who gobbled it with satisfaction.
Meanwhile, Kit cut another piece from the cake and tried to feed it awkwardly to Jem who looked at him with a content expression. His eyes widened as he ate the cake. He then proclaimed, " I can't believe that I've been blessed today with such a delectable cake. Here Tessa, have some " He fed some to Tessa who looked admiringly at Kit as she chewed on the carrot cake.
Kit was sure they weren't kidding - as one would know if they knew these two - but he was apprehensive as he tried a piece himself. He gasped out loud at the surprising burst of good flavour in his mouth.
Had he found his calling finally ? All this time training to be a shadowhunter and he could have been a baker !!
Tessa looked at him fondly and turned to Jem and said " Of course, it is tasty. Our Kit does everything with no shortage of love and sincerity. Why would this be different? "
She added, " Why don't we take this celebration outside ? The table's already laid out with the food we have bought "
Kit's family then proceeded towards their greenhouse, inside which laid an ornate wooden table, a reminiscent of the era Tessa and Jem had belonged to. He had learnt that this table used to belong to the Herondales when Tessa had been one herself. Will and Tessa would have dined with their children in this table more than a century ago.
Numerous candles adorned the table, burning brightly and casting the reflections of the trees surrounding the table upon the surrounding walls. Through the roof, Kit noticed that the moon was hiding behind the clouds and that the sky had turned darker.
Mina was chattering excitedly to her Bapa about how she had helped Kit with the cake decoration and how her Gē Ge had encouraged her to decorate Church too.
Kit perked up at that ' Now that was TMI; his involvement in this endeavour '. Jem was a calm person, not easy to upset but Kit suspected even he might not be forgiving of any unfair treatment of his precious cat.
So, Kit tried to divert the topic by pointing at the display on the table " Look at the table Min-Min !! Bapa and Mama have brought your favorite orange chicken. Let's split up the contents shall we? "
There were authentic Chinese foods as well as take-outs on the table. They knew Kit used to enjoy such food back in L.A. and have always bought it for him, whenever possible.
Of course, Tessa would never hesitate to open a portal to L.A., to allow him to re-experience the city he grew up in. The only problem was that Kit didn't want to return there himself, too many memories attached to the place, some more painful than the others.
Now, the sole connection he had with the city was the take-out Jem and Tessa bought for him from time to time. Mina had also taken to his favorite food, choosing to eat them along with him.
They took their places on the table, with Mina next to him. She preferred to be fed by Kit, as her little fingers have not been accustomed to chopsticks yet.
Her parents sat across from them with copious amounts of Xiaolongbao - soup dumplings from Jem's birth place, Shanghai - in front of them.
Kit opened up a box of orange chicken and fed the first piece to Mina. She gobbled it up readily.
Since he had come here, he has come to learn that both Jem and Tessa placed his needs before all else. He had thought then that such priority would not exist once their child was born. He had been wrong. They were never discriminative in their affection and care for him. It was evident from the way they seemed to understand that he was hurt in the past and were careful about bringing up the Blackthorns.
Kit had never expected to experience this kind of comfort and feeling of belongingness. In fact, when he moved in with the Carstairs, he was convinced that he would not be allowed to stay if he couldn't reflect Will Herondale in his actions or behaviors. But of course, he had been wrong in that case too.
Now, he concentrated on finishing up the delicious chicken along with his sister and moved on to the dumplings.
The dinner was a silent affair, after which they all huddled together for their night time ritual of listening to Jem play his violin.
Kit had never before been a big fan of classical music or even literature for that matter; both had changed since he had started residing here. He found Jem's music not only beautiful but oddly comforting in the way it brought vivid and pleasant images to his mind.
There was a sense of safety that came over Kit now as he listened with his eyes closed. Mina's warm little fingers were hanging on to his own as she sat on her mother's lap beside him.
They were all sitting under the newly bloomed autumn cherry tree in a corner of their green house. Jem was standing under the tree while playing his violin. This was a fairly familiar site for the residents except that the pink petals falling around him made Jem look like a Shoujo anime protagonist. He definitely looked the part, with his unusual hair: a silver streak in an otherwise black head.
Kit immediately turned to whisper the same to Tessa, who proceeded to giggle not so discreetly. Of course, she understood anime references now, he had spent his time educating both Tessa and Jem on the finer aspects of contemporary media. He had succeeded spectacularly with Tessa - as she had with making him enjoy reading - to the point of her often engaging in passionate discussions with him.
He added to Tessa " What do you think Lily would call him if she witnessed this ? " By then, Jem had finished his piece and was looking at them curiously.
" Definitely Jemmy Blossom " he quipped. She nodded with a conspiratorial grin " Absolutely and she would add ' which I would love to blend in my Sakura tea ' "
Jem sighed hearing that and Kit observed that he had a slight blush in his cheeks. Both Kit and Tessa have been getting better in teasing the shy, 19th century man, with the help of few pointers from Lily Chen herself, the loyal Brother Zachariah enthusiast.
Jem ignored the comment and asked Tessa if she had any requests. She nodded and asked " Will you play ours, Jem ? " He smiled before starting to play again.
A gorgeous melody started, describing a place filled with joy and contentment and interspersed with equal parts melancholy and longing. It portrayed a love story among three souls that were intertwined forever and a bond that transcended time.
Kit had heard this piece numerous times before and knew of its significance. The impact it had on him now was different though. It evoked memories in him, the very ones he tried hard to suppress every day and a longing for a person dearest to him, whom he doubted he would ever meet again.
He felt particularly emotional today, his longing for his former companion from the Los Angeles Institute intensifying, as if someone had tugged the thread that bound him to Ty.
That seemed absurd...
There was nothing between them now nor was it then, not at least from Ty's side.
He was still feeling miserable with his thoughts when Jem finished. So, he decided to stay out for sometime while the others went inside the house.
Mina mumbled " Good night " to him before laying back her head sleepily on her mother's shoulder. Tessa just smiled at him understandingly while Jem gave him a hug before they left for inside.
Kit ventured into the dark, walking with a purpose, towards the garden surrounding their house. It was as familiar to him as the back of his hand. He had spent hours training in these grounds with Jem. He even knew every rock in the foot path; what with him falling on them several times during running or fighting.
He was heading now towards the wooden swing in the east corner of the property. Jem had told him that the Carstairs who lived here in the past had installed it for their children. It was a beautiful bench swing that faced the neighbouring fields.
Kit loved spending his time here, typically at nights when he could star gaze in the clear, rural sky. No one would disturb him here and it had truly become his own spot. He came here whenever he felt overwhelmed and to ruminate on his thoughts.
Tonight, he was thinking about Ty, as usual, missing him.
He felt guilty... he didn't have any right to miss Ty considering he was the one who had left him.
He looked up at the stars- ' Stars ' was one of Ty's comfort words- and smiled. Wonder if he had any new words now?
Kit had learned to control his thoughts regarding Ty to a great extent in his time here - not without difficulty - restricting them to only the times he spent here on this bench.
This was broken when he had met Julian and Emma, when they had visited here during their travel year. It was difficult for Kit to look at Julian without finding a resemblance to Ty.
Emma had hugged him as soon as she saw him and sought assurance of his well being. They both were warm and friendly during their stay.
Thankfully, they hadn't prod him much about his reason for leaving. Maybe, they had just attributed it to the safety concerns over his faerie heritage.
They didn't mention much about Ty either, except that he was at the Scholomance and often sent them letters and postcards.
Well, except when Emma had encountered him alone in the hallway once and said " You know... Ty would love to hear from you " before she was interrupted by Julian calling her.
He hadn't been able to reply " I am not so sure of that ".
Then, there was that time Livvy had come here and he had learnt about the threat to Ty and had given up his mother's heron pendant for his protection.
He wished that he could learn more about Ty's life but he wasn't sure if he would like to hear about it over being present for it. The thought unnerved him.
In his early days at Cirenworth, he was heartbroken and had dreaded his memories of Ty. Now, he still felt a dull pain in his chest when thinking of him but this was mostly due to a sense of yearning rather than regret and pain.
Gradually, his longing for Ty's companionship came to dominate over his guilt and remorse but that didn't mean he didn't feel them anymore. It was just that as time went, he had learnt to pay attention to the good memories over the painful ones, albeit his frequent lapses.
Jem and Tessa's anecdotes about their past had helped a little. Their recollections were always tinted with a wistful but pleasant lens, even their painful memories.
He wanted to reassess his own memories... But even thinking about disentangling his past, left him feeling as if he was running a marathon and hanging onto a cliff's edge at the same time.
He took a deep breath and tried to locate the Orion's belt in the sky to calm himself.
As he focused his eyes upwards, a sudden bright source approached him from his left. He gasped out loud before realizing that it was a fire message.
' Could it be Jace? '
He liked to keep up with Kit as often as he could.
He waited for the blazing message to land on his hand.
Once it settled, he opened up the folded white paper carefully. He saw that it was addressed to him but not to Kit, to Christopher.
The only person that addressed him that way was Jace.
He sighed while muttering " Of course, who else would send me a message? "
But then he noticed that the handwriting was off.
He examined closely at the " Dear Christopher " and realized with a jolt that this was a familiar handwriting, one that he had witnessed in meticulously taken notes : a neatly written, cursive array of words with peculiarly curved 'r's that he could have recognized anywhere.
A distinct one, that belonged to none other than the boy he had spent the most time with at the Los Angeles Institute.... this was a message from Tiberius Blackthorn.
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nabrizoya · 4 years
Congrats on your 100 followers!!! 💞💞💞 Thank you for being here, for fangirling over Jesse and Lucie with me! You brighten my day every time I see your messages!! 🤗💕 Those 100 have made the right choice by following you!! Sooo... 1 about Cordelia, 4, and 6 about Jesse!! Something about me... I love watching rhythmic gymnastics and it is one of the leading sports in my country!! 😊
excuse me ma’am have i ever talked of how brilliant you are and everything that you do? when you first followed me i lost my shit because oH my GOD look who- yeah, safe to say, I was really excited and surprised. Man, talking about Jesse and Lucie is like the best thing ever but more than that, I’m glad that I got to know a little more about you as a person than just a tumblr user I adore. (idk about the right choice but ehh, we’ll see). 
1. Oh my god. I loVED Cordelia all the while reading Chain of Gold. She’s so wonderful and we all see parts of ourselves in her? She’s not self sufficient but she always strives to be better? The one moment that I fell absolutely in love with her was when she goes to confess to Alastair that she had been eavesdropping on him and Charles and she says, and I quote:
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overhear such things. I only wanted to tell you I loved you just the same. It makes no difference to me.
Because honestly, these words mean the world to a struggling person. And I can only imagine the effect they have on Alastair because the next time we see him, he’s fiercely protective of Layla, a side of him which he haven’t seen until then. It just shows the sort of power that words and especially words that mean acceptance can come a long, long way. 
I think many people already knew at the beginning of the book that the boy Lucie met in the forest was Jesse but I hadn’t known that at all. Possibly because I only started reading the rest of tsc i.e. TID, TFTSA, TDA and GOTSM since March. So I was clueless for a bit there. 
Here’s a bonus to you though: Much, much before I even started reading Lady Midnight, the moment I met Kit, I knew he was Herondale. Why? Did I have a metal detector thing that spots Herondales? No. Because I... wait for it... spoiled myself. Hell yeah, spoiler nation to the victory. But I spoiled myself way back in 2018 itself so idk it must’ve stayed at the back of my mind until it decided to randomly torment just as I began reading. 
6. Jesse [aah, there’s SO many!] 
When Tatiana would go around on her voodoo, black magic errands, Jesse would play the piano for Grace and it would be the only time when he would get to see his sister truly be the little child she was. I also have this strange headcanon that Grace is an excellent singer and that when her brother plays the piano, she sings the shadowhunters’ lullaby that her biological mother sang to her as a child. As she sang, Jesse would play the tune to match the piano because he has heard it being sung to other shadowhunter kids in Idris. In retrospect, it’s kinda sad, but what can be said? The two of them really did live strange and nearly awful lives. 
Jesse is a profound animal lover! He loves ALL animals and as a ghost while he wandered around the Brocelind Forest, he befriended almost many of them. And this kinda ties up well with the fact that Ty (who is said to be the most resembling to Jesse, what with his slender build and features and black hair) also loves animals so much, but the key difference is that Ty while loves the eccentric and rarest of them, Jesse quite likes all of them though there is a line that he draws where he carefully handles a little more dangerous animals. 
He once tried to fix the garden that made a clearing behind the Chiswick House (near the river next to the trees) and decided to build a birdhouse but due to his sickness, he never was actually able to. but he’ll fix it with Lucie. it will become abandoned after a few years and then it will collapse due to lack of proper care.
Jesse loves the space and he enjoys stargazing. (: 
Jesse is a manageable, perhaps a nearly good cook and because I doubt Tatiana ever fed him well he sometimes made his sister’s favourite treats that he otherwise wouldn’t when his mother was around.
Listen up you lovely person, I am SO GLAD I MET YOU and yess it’s an understatement when I say you’re awesome. :’) and i’ll keep repeating that until the end of eternity and your love for star wars is unmatchable. <33
(also, shit, this is awkward, i totally forgot to do 4. here you go: it’s a collection from december 2019 when i was reading a few books from the chronicles of narnia; 
“Grown-ups are always thinking of uninteresting explanations!” said Digory. 
Aunt Letty was a very tough old lady; aunts often were in those days.
Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dumb and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech.
Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. 
“...There is no pool now. The world is ended, as if it had never been. Let the race of Adam and Eve take warning.” // “Yes Aslan,” said both the children. But Polly added, “But we’re not quite as bad as that world, are we, Aslan?” // “Not yet, Daughter of Eve.”
The Magician’s Nephew, Lewis Carroll.
thanks for asking, matey. :”)
Also, Photographic evidence of me spoiling myself lol circa 2020 March 31st: (such a mood no? FML).
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Shadowhunters Short Story #50 KitTy as parents.
It is a cool March morning in 2020 when 23 year old Kit Herondale-Blackthorn is pulled from his sleep by the sharp ringing of his phone. Wincing at the loud noise, Kit desperately scrambles for his phone on the bedside table. Eventually he feels his hand come into contact with the phone and he quickly swipes across the screen to answer it. 
“Hello?” He asks in a hoarse, groggy voice, rolling onto his back and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Christopher is now a good time to talk?” The familiar voice of he and Ty’s adoption agent Angela comes down the line. About 2 years ago he and Ty decided they wanted to be parents, they had thought long and hard about it and in the end came to the conclusion that having a baby is something they both very much want, so they decided to go the route of adoption instead of surrogacy, and began their adoption journey. It didn’t take them long to complete their home study and such and be approved as adoptive parents, however it has taken quiet a while for them to be matched with an expectant mother or a baby, it has been a difficult two years for them but with so much love, support and encouragement from all their friends and family, they never gave up.
“Angela, hi yeah, sorry I’m just awake, Ty and I had a late night last night, we were watching my sisters while my brother was being born.” Kit explains, getting out of bed and slipping outside into the hallway of the apartment, so as not to wake Ty or the girls. In early July Tessa had found out she was pregnant with her and Jem’s third child, and had gone into labor just last night, Kit and Ty had previously agreed to watch the girls, so they had to wake up in the middle of the night, portal to Devon to collect the girls, portal back home and get the girls settled in the spare room.
“No need for apologies, congratulations on the birth of your brother. So Christopher I have good news, last night twin girls were born at the local hospital, they’re Shadowhunters and the mother placed them for adoption immediately after birth, she left it in our hands to find adoptive parents. We’ve contacted a few other couples but we’re having a hard time finding someone who is willing to take both girls, we’re very reluctant to separate them. Would you and Tiberius be interested in adopting them?” Kit almost drops the phone in shock when he hears this information. He and Ty had waited two long years for just one baby, and now they are being offered the chance to adopt two babies. 
“Y-yes of course we are!” Kit stammers, feeling as though he is in a dream.
“Wonderful, why don’t you two come down as soon as you can and meet the babies and we can get started on the paperwork too? It shouldn’t take long at all, you should be able to take them home by the end of the day.” Angela informs him. 
“Yeah, yeah okay w-we’ll be there as soon as we can.” Kit says, barely acknowledging Angela’s goodbye, before he hangs the phone up and rushes back into his and Ty’s room, where Ty is just waking up.
“Morning.” Ty greets him, stretching his arms above his head and arching his back. 
“Morning, Ty I just got a call from Angela, last night twin girls were born and placed for adoption and they’re offering us the chance to adopt them.” Kit says in a tone of joy and excitement, sitting beside Ty and grasping his hand. Ty’s gray eyes widen in amazement and his grip on Kit’s hand tightens. 
“Really? We’re going to be parents?” He softly asks, feeling like he is about to cry with joy and relief. 
“Yeah we are, I’m going to text Magnus and see if we can leave the girls with him and Alec and then we can go the hospital, meet the babies and fill out the paperwork.” Kit says in a giddy tone, grabbing his phone and quickly typing out a text to Magnus. 
“I’ll get started on breakfast for the girls.” Ty says, leaning in to kiss Kit’s cheek before getting out of bed and walking toward the kitchen.
After texting Magnus, Kit wakes his sisters and explains that they’re going to stay with their Uncle Magnus and Alec until Jem comes to pick them up later, and explains that he and Ty are about to become parents so now the girls are not only big sisters but aunties too, which they are very excited about. 
An hour and a half later, Mina and Charlotte are up, washed, fed, dressed and dropped at Magnus and Alec’s, and Kit and Ty are walking through the hospital corridors to meet their daughters. 
When they arrive in the nursery they are lead to the back row and stop at two plastic cots which each contain a tiny baby girl dressed in a tiny white onesie. One baby has a mop of pitch black hair and the other has thinner, lighter black hair. They also both have beautiful big blue eyes and are simply the most beautiful things Kit and Ty have ever seen.
“This is baby A.” The nurse says, laying a hand on the cot on the right. “And this is baby B.”She adds, resting her other hand on the other cot. “They’re both perfectly healthy, they were born at 37 weeks so just a little bit early. Baby A here weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces, and Baby B weights 7 pounds 6 ounces. Their mother didn’t give them names at all so you don’t have to worry about changing their names or anything.” 
“Can we hold them?” Kit hopefully asks, unable to take his eyes off the babies. 
“Of course, you can go ahead and pick them up.” The nurse says. Kit is the first to step forward and tentatively gather baby B into his arms, holding her close to his chest and looking down at her in awe. Seconds later Ty steps up and cautiously lifts baby A up. Ty has always been very cautious and weary when holding a baby, since he has dyspraxia (which usually comes hand in hand with autism.) and therefore he can be very clumsy at times and drop things out of nowhere.
“Hello little Livvy, you are so perfect.” Ty whispers, tracing the baby’s little features softly.
“Livvy, that’s a nice name, short for Olivia?” The nurse asks in a curious tone. Ty shakes his head and says
“No, short for Livia, it was my twin sister’s name, she was killed when we were 15.” 
“Oh I’m so sorry. I’ll give the four of you some time alone.” The nurse kindly says, before turning and walking out of the nursery. 
“Livia Julia Herondale-Blackthorn for this little one, what do you think Kit?” Ty asks his husband, looking from the baby to Kit. 
“I love it but where’s the name Julia coming from? You never mentioned it before.” Kit asks. 
“I thought of it a few weeks ago, it’s a feminine version of Julian, all my siblings are amazing and I love them all but Livvy was my twin and Julian practically raised me so I want to name one of the girls after both of them, and this little one looks like a Livvy to me, don’t you think?” Ty quietly says. Kit smiles and nods.
“Yes I certainly do, and I think I have a name for her sister.” 
“What is it?” Ty asks. 
“Rosemary, Rosemary Teresa, after my moms.” Kit quietly says. Rosemary gave Kit life, and gave up so much for him and did everything she could for him, and Tessa raised him and loved him from the time he was only 15, and in desperate need of a stable permanent parent. 
“I love it, Livia and Rosemary Herondale-Blackthorn, it sounds perfect.” Ty says.
“I can’t believe we’re finally parents.” Kit quietly says, looking from Ty to little Rosemary, his heart swelling with joy and love, these last two years of waiting and waiting were more than worth it, now they have their beautiful twin daughters. 
“Me neither, I never thought I’d be this happy again, not since Livvy died, but I’m happier than I’ve ever been before, you know Julian always says that Ellie was a gift from Livvy, since Emma got pregnant just a few months after Livvy died, I never believed it really until now, I feel like our babies are a gift from Livvy, I can’t explain it, but I feel it.” Ty quietly says, lowering himself onto a sofa that has been pushed against the back wall of the nursery. Kit takes a seat next to his husband, cradles Rosemary with one arm and puts the other around Ty and Livvy. 
“I understand, I feel like that too.” Kit softly says.
*1 week later*
It has been a week since Ty and Kit adopted little Rosemary (Nicknamed Rosie) and Livvy. They’ve spent the last week settling into life as parents and bonding with the twins. They have asked their friends and family to hold back from visiting for the first week, which they did and today Jem, Tessa, Mina, Charlotte and little Will are coming to visit.
Today little Livvy has been extremely fussy and cranky and Kit and Ty are having a hard time getting her settled. She had just spent the past half hour or so crying on and off. Kit has just managed to calm her down and get her to stop crying and has laid her in her bassinet in the hopes that she will sleep for a while. However just as he steps back from the bassinet, the doorbell sounds and Livvy starts screaming again. 
“Let me try and settle her, you get the door.” Ty calmly says, coming up next to Kit and holding his arms out for the baby. Kit carefully passes Livvy to her papa and makes his way to the front door, smiling as he passes Rosemary lying on her playmatt and watching her surroundings with wide blue eyes. 
When Kit opens the door all his anger and frustration melts when sees Tessa and Jem standing on the front step, beaming at him. 
“Did we wake one of the girls?” Jem asks in a tone tinged with guilt, able to hear the screaming baby even louder now that the door has been opened. 
“Yeah Livvy’s been really fussy all day for some reason, where are the girls and Will?” Kit asks, looking around for his siblings, thinking that perhaps the girls are playing in the garden and Will is tucked into a sling inside Tessa’s coat.
“Oh Lottie woke up with a cold this morning, we didn’t want to take her around the babies while they’re still so young and she’s a bit sick so Magnus and Alec are keeping an eye on her for us, Mina is a bit sniffley too and she wanted to go to Clary and Jace’s so they’re keeping an eye on her for a few hours and Will is with Magnus and Alec too, we figured that since the girls weren’t going to be here we might as well take the chance to get to meet our first grandchildren properly, without Will needing our attention too.” Tessa explains, eager to meet her granddaughters but simultaneously missing her little girls and baby boy.
“Come in, while we get Livvy settled you can meet Rosemary, did we tell you her full name mum?” Kit asks, ushering his parents in and glancing over his shoulder at Tessa. 
“No you didn’t, what is it?” Tessa curiously asks. Kit grins and says
“I’ll tell you when you hold her, it’s special.” Kit scoops the youngest of the twins up and gently passes her to Tessa as Ty approaches them with a now calm  Livvy. 
“Oh hello beautiful, you are so cute! What’s her full name Kit?” Tessa coos to the baby, then looking up at her eldest son, wondering what could be so special about this little one’s name. Kit once again grins knowingly, takes Livvy from Ty and carefully passes her to Jem before stepping back. 
“Mom, dad, meet your granddaughters. Dad, you have Livia Julia Herondale-Blackthorn and mom you have Rosemary Teresa Herondale-Blackthorn. Livia is named after her Aunt Livvy and Uncle Julian and Rosie is named after her grandmas on my side.” Kit proudly announces, slipping his hand into Ty’s as he waits for his mother’s reaction.
Tears of joy well up in Tessa’s eyes and she smiles softly at Kit. 
“Oh Christopher, come here.” She softly says, expertly holding Rosemary with one arm and pulling her son into an embrace with the other.  “Thank you sweetheart, that means so much to me.” She adds, before placing a kiss on Kit’s cheek.
“Love you mum.” Kit softly says as Tessa pulls back from their embrace. 
“I love you too Kit.” Tessa says, squeezing his hand affectionately, feeling pride swell in her chest as she thinks about the amazing young man her son has grown up to be, she could no be more proud to be his mother and could not feel more blessed to have been able to raise him and love him for 8 wonderful years, and hopefully many more to come. 
“If we had of had a boy we were going to name him JJ, short for James Julian, after you dad, and Jules.” Kit tells his father. “Would you have minded? I know you felt really conflicted when mum and Will named Jamie after you.” He adds, his tone cautious and nervous. 
“Of course I wouldn’t have minded son, I would have been absolutely honored. Yes I was somewhat conflicted when your older brother was named but that was because I was a Silent Brother then and I knew I could not show Tessa and Will the love they showed me, I was afraid that them naming their son after me would only cause them pain later on, but things are much different now, I never thought I would have an eldest son who would want to name his son after me, I never thought I would have any children, just being you and your brother and sisters’ dad is an honor.” By the time Jem has finished his explanation, he too is welling up with tears of joy, but firmly wipes them away and calms himself down. “Anyway, no need to get into all that morbid stuff from the past, today is about my granddaughters, who I might add are beautiful and perfect.”  
Tessa and Jem spend the next hour or so fussing and cooing over their sweet grandbabies and bonding with them, as well as giving Kit and Ty all the tips they have for raising babies.
Right now Tessa and Jem are gone and Ty and Kit are taking a few hours out to relax and bond with the girls.
“You know sometimes I really wish my parents were still around so they could help us with the twins, no one else in my family or that we know had twins, although Helen does think she’s having twins, but my mom and dad raised me and Livvy, they could help us a lot.” Ty quietly tells Kit as they sit side by side on the sofa, feeding the babies their afternoon bottles. 
Kit gently squeezes his husband’s hand and says
“I understand, sometimes I still miss my birth father, even though he was no real dad, not compared to Jem anyway, but we’re going to cope just fine and be the best parents to our girls and they are going to grow up surrounded by love and joy and they will always be taken care of, when I realized I’m not straight, I was terrified to tell my dad, but that will not happen with these two, they will always know how much we love them and that we will always support them.” Ty’s heart feels like it could explode with love for Kit and their daughters at this moment, he could not love them more.
“I love you, all three of you.” Ty softly says, laying his head on Kit’s shoulder, smiling down at Rosemary who is happily taking her bottle and taking in all her soundings. She has one small hand wrapped tightly around Kit’s thumb and the other resting on the side of the bottle.
Kit kisses the top of Ty’s head and quietly says “I love you too.”
Later that night, in the nursery, little Livvy wakes up and begins to fuss and cry, immediately waking her sister who also begins to fuss and cry. 
Suddenly the transparent figure of a tall willowy woman with flowing dark brown hair and sea blue/green eyes appears by the babies cribs. 
“Shhh Livvy, Rosie, you’re going to wake your dads, it’s okay Aunty Livia’s here.” Livvy’s spirit coos to her nieces. Unbeknownst to Ty and Kit, every night since the babies were adopted, Livvy has watched over them at night, found them their pacifiers and and tucked them up when they fuss in the middle of the night, sometimes even being able to conjure up and heat up bottles of formula, thanks to her special powers from The Mortal Sword. 
Rosie and Livvy look up at their aunt, and Rosie immediately stops crying and reaches for her. Livia smiles softly at her niece and reaches down to stroke her cheek, remembering back to when she met Dru and Tavvy after they were born all those years ago, and how utterly in love she was with her siblings and how much she loved cuddling them and holding them. It doesn’t take long for Rosie to fall back asleep, but Livvy remains wide awake, fussing the whole time. 
“Livvy baby what’s wrong?” Livia coos, furrowing her brow in confusion, trying to work out why her niece is so fussy.
A few minutes later when Livvy does not stop crying, the door to the nursery creaks open and Ty walks in holding a witch light, he turns up the dimmer switch by the door and pads across the floor to his youngest daughter’s crib, never once noticing or sensing his twin’s presence. 
“Livvy I love you but you are so loud, what’s got you so upset huh?” Ty coos, pocketing the witchlight and bending down to scoop his daughter up. The minute she is in her papa’s arms, Livvy’s cries die down and soon stop all together. She snuggles into Ty and grips tightly onto the front of his t-shirt. A wave of love washes over Ty and a smile spreads across his face as he watches his daughter settle in his arms. “You missed me huh? I missed you too, lets go sit down and try and get you back to sleep so your daddy and sister can at least get a full night’s sleep.” He coos, walking across to the rocking chair by the window and settling into the chair before placing Livvy on his chest and covering them both with a blanket.
40 minutes later both baby and father are sound asleep, Ty’s hand resting on his daughter’s back and Livvy still clutching onto his shirt. Livia stands a few feet away, watching her brother and niece, delighted to see her brother so happy after so long. She walks over and adjusts the blanket around Ty and Livvy, before softly kissing them both on the forehead and stepping back. 
“I love you Ty-Ty, I am so glad you’re happy.” Livia whispers, before disappearing and leaving Ty asleep in the nursery with the babies, happier than has ever been in all his life.
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andrewjostn · 5 years
the first time ash and kit meet they are very suspicious of each other
they are the people that are giving each other side eye from across the room
dru gets fed up from ash and kit just staring each other down and makes them talk to one another
the first time was unsuccessful because they wouldn't say a word
the second time is more successful because dru mentions that kit is part faerie
eventually dru starts seeing kit and ash together more and more
they talk about everything together
and when ash starts realising he has feelings for dru he goes straight to kit and is like help me
kit of course tries to help him and is the best wingman ever
kit ends up telling ash how much he loves ty and when he starts crying ash hugs him unjudgmentally
the next day kit has to stop ash from confronting ty because he [ash] doesn't like seeing his best friend cry
they do everything together i.e. they go on missions, patrol and even menial tasks like getting food
ty starts getting jealous of all the time kit is spending with ash and talks to dru about it
dru tells him they are only friends and he has nothing to be jealous about
ash and kit often have sleepovers in each other's rooms where they stay up talking, telling stories about their lives and playing video games
kit always likes to hear about ash's life in faerie and ash likes to hear about kit's life in the shadowmarket growing up
both are very supportive of one another
they eventually are rarely without each other so when one of them is alone everyone is kind of surprised
it ends up the only time they aren't together is when kit is with ty and ash with dru
but even then sometimes they make them go on a double date
kit gets ash to help him figure out his faerie magic
ash is very serious about helping kit
they eventually figure it out and kit can control it at his will
kit tells ash how he can see ghosts and how that's a herondale thing apparently
ash at first wants nothing to do with ghosts but then ends up asking kit if he could somehow see ghosts too
these two would just have the purest friendship okay? okay
hi so I wrote another because people liked the other one i did and idk if this is very good,, it could've been longer and some stuff is probably eh but I just came up with this on the spot, i hope y'all enjoyed it. @dru-and-ash I know you like morgendale so here's something to feed the flame :)
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tsc-living · 5 years
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Kit braced his hands against the basin in his bathroom and stared into his own eyes in his reflection. He was pale, but he knew it was because he was nervous.
“What the hell are you doing Herondale?” He asked himself. In the past seven years since he had found out he was a Shadowhunter, he had grown used to and fond of his surname, and using it didn’t feel strange anymore.
He blinked; he didn’t really know how to answer himself. His hands were clammy, his hair was curling at his temples where sweat was beading and his knees felt like they were shaking.
“You’re a mess Christopher.” He told his reflection. He was a mess, and what made it worse was that he wasn’t even at the restaurant yet. He splashed water on his face and took two deep breaths before turning from his reflection. He could hear Ty in the kitchen of their small one bedroom apartment, he had classical music on and it filled their home with calm, just how Ty liked it. To be fair, after the hectic past couple of years that they’d had… Kit liked that their apartment was a calm and safe space for the two of them. Their bedroom was small, but it was most definitely theirs. There was a large television on one wall where Kit liked to watch movies on rainy days snuggled up with Ty or have on when he was staying up waiting for Ty to come home from the institute. There was also a bookcase against the far wall that was full of books Ty wanted to read, and this bookcase was smaller than the one that was full of books Ty had already read in the living room. The walls had pictures of their families framed and hanging, as well as some drawings of insects that Ty had done and a piece of art that Julian had given them when the two boys moved in together two years ago. Kit’s little sister, and Ty’s little brother also drew them lots of pictures, but they were all stuck to the fridge for everyone else to see. There was also a fish tank in their room that at first had kept Kit awake with its bubbling filter, but was now a pleasant familiarity to his life. There were six fish in there; Sherlock, Watson, Moriarty, Pepe, Kermit and Rick(Roll). It was pretty obvious who had named which fish. They also had a kitten named Darwin, although Kit had no idea where Ty had come up with the name for him.
As if reading Kit’s mind, the small tabby cat streaked across the floor and out the door into the hallway that lead out into the open plan living space. “Bye then,” He muttered and peered into the fish tank to make sure they were all okay. Ty fed them every morning so Kit never worried about actually keeping them alive, but he did like to make sure they were alive every now and again. He also knew he was procrastinating.
“Are you ready?” Ty’s voice at the door made Kit jump and when he turned to Ty he saw his boyfriend was looking at him with concern, “Why are you so jumpy?” He added. Kit smoothed his hair and shoved his hands into the pocket of his coat, the small box in his pocket was reassuring to feel even if it was also what was making him nervous. Kit and Ty had swapped family rings before they had even moved in together, but in Kit’s mind that didn’t make them engaged, and when Kit had broached the subject a while ago Ty had agreed that they were in fact not engaged, and were just in a serious relationship. Kit had been surprised to find he was disappointed by this and had been obsessing about it since.
“You just surprised me, I didn’t hear you coming.” Kit said and Ty’s frown deepened.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked again and Kit nodded, rubbing his forehead where a stress headache had started. Wasn’t proposing meant to be easy? Wasn’t it meant to be one of the happiest days of your life? Although he supposed it would be, if Ty said yes…
“Did you feed Darwin?” Kit asked, taking Ty’s hand as he passed him through the door.
“Of course, and I locked the cat flap so he won’t be out during the night.” Ty said, following Kit to their front door. Kit put his wallet and phone in the pocket that didn’t hold the small box, and picked his keys off the table near the door. It was cold outside, and already dark even though it was only just passed six. Ty locked the door behind them while Kit unlocked the car and climbed into the driver’s side, unlocking the passenger door for Ty because it was busted from the outside and Kit hadn’t fixed it yet. His car was old and really beaten up, but it still ran and he was loathe to get rid of it. Besides, Ty said he liked that he could hear Kit coming home before he walked into the house. It meant Ty always opened the door and greeted Kit on the steps with his sun-rising smile.
“You still haven’t told me where we are going tonight.” Ty said and Kit licked his dry lips as he pulled out of their drive. Every Friday night since they had started dating, the two of them had gone to a different restaurant in LA, and even though Ty only ordered the same three things wherever they went, the two of them loved it. However, Kit had booked them a table at the first place they had eaten together at the start of that tradition. It was a large restaurant with chandeliers and candles, and it smelt like roses and Italian food. The other good thing was that the smaller tables for two were like booths with big wing backed chairs that blocked out a lot of the noises of other patrons, and Kit had asked for the one furthest away from the kitchen and bathroom where there were even less obnoxious noises that might upset Ty.
“I booked us a table at Sorriso.” Kit said, hoping he sounded more casual than he felt. Ty’s hand was on Kit’s leg as he drove and as much as he longed to hold it, he couldn’t while changing gears and his hand was clammy again.
“Sorriso? Haven’t we been there?” Ty asked and Kit nodded.
“We have, but it was probably my favourite.” He said.
“Mine too, I liked their spaghetti. It might even be better than Julian’s.” Ty said and Kit laughed- partly in relief- easing the tension in his own shoulders momentarily.
When they parked at the restaurant Ty got out immediately, but Kit put his warm forehead on his cold hands against the steering wheel, drawing in deep breaths. His heart was racing so fast he felt dizzy. He also jumped when his door opened. Ty crouched down and all Kit could see were his black jeans and black faux leather shoes. Ty put his hand on Kit’s arm and Kit turned his head to look at him. He was looking at Kit with concern, his grey eyes framed by his spidery eyelashes and his eyebrows knitted together. Kit reached out and brushed his thumb against Ty’s pink lips which had been pursed, but loosened into a tentative smile at Kit’s touch.
“What’s wrong?” Ty asked and Kit shook his head because there was nothing wrong, but he didn’t know what to say. Ty stood up and drew Kit out of the car with him, and Kit marvelled- not for the first time- how Ty’s eyes turned silver in the moonlight. They walked into the restaurant holding hands, but Kit withdrew his as the waiter lead them to their table, not because he was embarrassed or scared of what onlookers might think, but because his hand was sweating. They sat down and just like he had the first time they went there, Ty looked up at the high booth around him with a smile. Kit watched with his chin in his palm and wonder settling over him. This boy was his and Kit didn’t know what he had done to deserve him.
“I feel like I have wings.” Ty said, just like he had the first time and Kit slid to the curved part of the booth, pulling Ty by the waist towards him. He nuzzled his face against Ty’s neck and closed his eyes as Ty patted Kit’s knee gently in a rhythm that only Ty knew. It was the rhythm of Kit’s heart-beat. Ty had spent many nights with his head on Kit’s chest and many more hours holding Kit’s wrist while they watched movies or were sitting next to each other. Ty had learnt the rhythm and whenever he was tapping absentmindedly, it was Kit’s unique heartbeat.
“My angel boy with his wings,” Kit said, lips still on Ty’s neck. Ty rested his head on Kit’s and Kit took Ty’s hand, fidgeting with his fingers. Kit realised a split second before Ty did that his hands were shaking.
“Kit I know something is going on, but I don’t know what it is. Please tell me?” Ty said. Kit wasn’t sure why he felt like he was about to cry, but there it was. He had a lump in his throat and his stomach was aching. Christ he thought I am screwing this up royally. Kit lifted his head and interlaced their finger so he stopped fidgeting, and looked at Ty. His boyfriend was looking back at him, his eyes on Kit’s lips. Kit wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t. He hadn’t actually worked out what time of the night he was going to ask Ty, but it hadn’t been this early. Neither of them were relaxed though and that just wasn’t conducive to anything. However, Kit had rehearsed the speech so many times over the past weeks and he took a deep breath.
“I love you Ty, so much, and sometimes I think that my heart is going to burst with the amount of love I have.” He began, voice shaking, “And I know that you want to tell me that it is physically impossible for my heart to burst because of how much I love you, but it feels like it. I fell in love with you slowly, I hadn’t even realised I was in love with you until I thought it was too late.” He paused and smiled at Ty’s bewildered expression. “’The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes,’” Kit quoted the Sherlock book and Ty’s eyes widened, “But you do Ty, you notice everything no matter how small. Nothing gets passed you and nothing is too unimportant for you to care about. I love that about you.” Kit said and his heart leapt into his throat and Kit realised he was in fact about to cry and he couldn’t hold it back anymore. Kit’s eyes welled with tears and a few spilled down his cheeks. Ty looked alarmed and gently wiped under Kit’s eyes, and it nearly made Kit cry more.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, and Kit took Ty’s wrist, drawing his hands away from his face.
“I don’t know,” He admitted, “Because I love you that much maybe. And also I think because I’m scared.” Ty’s eyes widened again.
“What are you scared of?” He asked, looking around the restaurant.
“I think a little bit of fear is a normal thing at moments like this.” Kit said, wiping his own eyes and laughing breathlessly.
“Moments like these? We haven’t even ordered dinner yet and you have never cried before.” Ty said and Kit smiled, shaking his head fondly.
“Too right Ty, but I have a question for you.” He said and Ty tilted his head, eyes fluttering back down to Kit’s lips.
“What is it?” He asked and Kit pulled the box out of his pocket. It was small, fit in his fist, and tied with a gold ribbon. He handed it to Ty who frowned curiously at it and took it from Kit. He undid the ribbon and pulled the lid off the box to reveal two gold bands. Ty’s eyes widened and he looked at Kit, no words coming from his mouth.
“There’s an engraving… inside the bands.” Kit said and Ty gently took one out, holding it in his hand like Kit had seen him hold insects, lizards and other small animals. Like the object was of incredible fascination and of immense beauty. Ty aimed it into the light and read the engraving inside the bands. You are a conductor of light. It was another quote from the Sherlock books and he gently put the ring back in the box and put the box on the table between them.
“What is your question Kit?” He asked and Kit licked his dry lips.
“I know that you love me, and I know that weddings are a little bit arbitrary, but I want to be tied to you for the rest of my life because I will love you for the rest of my life. And yes I know that Shadowhunters don’t exchange rings and that we will put runes on each other if we get married, but we can wear this as engagement and wedding rings so that even the mundanes will know…” Kit realised he was rambling and that he hadn’t actually asked the question yet, “Will you marry me Ty?” He said and it came out as a whisper. Ty’s face lit up and he met Kit’s eyes directly, grey meeting blue.
“Yes of course I will.” Ty said, “And weddings aren’t arbitrary, I have been to so many. They are really pretty.” Kit’s heart had quite possibly stopped and Ty picked up the box. “Which one is mine?” He asked and Kit’s heart rebooted.
“Oh that one!” Kit said quickly, pointing to the one that Ty had been holding although they were both the same. Ty took out the other one and held it out to Kit who took it with his hands shaking. He slid the ring on and Ty did the same and Kit drew him in for a kiss. Ty’s fingers slid up into his hair and tugged it gently as he ran his fingers through it. When they drew apart Ty smiled and pulled a lock of Kit’ hair.
“Your hair is already gold, just like weddings.” He said and Kit nodded weakly, “It’s one of my favourite colours.” He added.
“Your favourite colour is blue?” He said. Ty nodded and his hand cupped Kit’s cheek.
“Like your eyes.” He said and Kit pressed his cheek against Ty’s hand.
“I love you Ty.” He said gently and Ty’s eyelashes fluttered against his cheekbones as he looked down at Kit’s lips.
“I love you too.” He said, kissing Kit gently.
@emmaparabatai requested this beautiful ficlet and I hope to god that it meets her standards!! Also thank you for your support for the blog and all your wonderful compliments I love <3 
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Shadowhunters Short 43 Story #
Just want to quickly say, the start of this story is inspired by a post by @justkillthetitan!
It is a bitterly cold January day in 2016 when Kit Herondale steps out of the portal and into the LA Institute, with his youngest sister Charlotte in his arms. Charlotte is 10 months old now and loves spending time with her big brother, just as Mina does. Kit has agreed to watch Charlotte for the day while his parents go up to London for a day trip. Kit offered to watch Mina too but she wanted to go to Magnus and Alec’s and play with Rafael and Max. This morning Kit decided to take Charlotte to the LA Institute so he could spend time with Ty and she could play with Mark, Kieran and Cristina’s daughter Amelia, as well as Helen and Aline’s daughter Rosie, who is just a few months younger than Charlotte. 
When Kit steps out of the portal and into the foyer of The Institute, he takes a minute to catch his breath and make sure that Charlotte is alright, before heading off to the drawing room where Ty usually is. When he steps into the drawing room, he sees Mark sitting on the sofa, holding baby Rosie over his head and laughing as she giggles and squeals with delight. 
“Hey Mark, where’s Millie?” Kit asks, shutting the door behind him and adjusting Charlotte in his arms. 
“Napping upstairs, what are you doing here?” Mark asks, lowering Rosie into his lap.
“I came to see Ty and Dru, are they here?” Kit asks, looking around for his boyfriend and best friend. 
“No I’m afraid not, they all got called out on a mission, I volunteered to stay and watch the kids, Tavvy is meant to be helping me but I’m not sure where he went.” Mark replies in an amused tone, looking around for his little brother. 
“Oh, do you know if they’ll be back soon?” Kit asks. 
“They should be, it wasn’t anything serious, just a couple of lesser demons, really only a few of them had to go but Ty insisted on going because he’s a Centurion, Dru goes wherever Ty goes, Emma and Julian were the ones initially called out and then Cristina wanted to go with them to be extra back up and Aline and Helen wanted to make sure Ty and Dru didn’t do anything stupid.” Mark explains. Kit grins, that certainly sounds like The Blackthorns.
“Is it alright if I stay and wait for Ty and Dru?” Kit asks, hoping Mark wouldn’t mind the company. 
“Of course, where are Tessa and Jem, and little Mina”? Mark asks as Kit takes a seat next to him on the sofa.
“Mum and dad went up to London for the day and Mina’s with Magnus and Alec, she wanted to play with Rafe and Max, so it’s just me and Charlotte today, I thought it would be nice for her to play with Amelia and Rosie and I could see Ty and Dru.” Kit says, smiling down at his baby sister in his lap, who is now watching him with her big grey eyes, full of curiosity. 
“Has Charlotte said her first words yet, or started walking?” Mark asks, secretly wanting to brag about how Rosie said her first words yesterday and seems to be well on her way to walking. 
“Not yet but she’s crawling like hell, she’s the fastest little thing I’ve ever seen.” Kit says, kissing Charlotte’s cheek, causing her to laugh in delight. 
“My Amelia is walking no problem now and little miss Rosie here probably won’t be too far behind her, she’s probably going to get fed up of crawling soon.” Mark says, smiling proudly at his little niece, who he adores as much as he adores his own daughter. Helen and Aline are wonderful mothers and it makes him so happy to see Helen so happy after all she went through. 
“Is that so?” Kit quietly says, an idea springing to mind. “Hey do you think it would be kind of terrible and exploitative to have them have a crawling race?” Kit cautiously asks. When Mina had been learning to crawl he always set up obstacles for her to get through, Tessa once joked that she wasn’t a show pony but she knew that Kit was just trying to entertain his sister and get her to do the best she can. 
“Yeah kind of.” Mark quietly replies. 
“Oh okay.” Kit says in a defeated tone. There is a brief pause before he grins and says “Let’s do it anyway!” Mark grins at him and nods. 
“Alright, but you can’t tell Helen and Aline, Aline will murder me.” Mark says in a joking tone. 
“I won’t tell but I can’t promise they won’t.” Kit lightly says, nodding to the other end of the room where the ghosts of Livvy and Will have appeared. Will winks at him and holds a finger to his lips, as if telling him to be quiet. 
“Who?” Mark asks in a confused tone, looking to where Kit is indicating but seeing nothing. 
“Livvy and Uncle Will, Livvy is like Rosie’s ghostly nanny and Uncle Will is always checking in on me and the girls.” Kit explains. Since getting to know Will and hearing more stories about him from Jem and Tessa, Kit has taken to calling him ‘Uncle Will’ which Will loves and so do Tessa and Jem.
“Livvy’s here?” Mark softly asks, wishing he could see his sister.
“Yeah she is, I talk to her all the time Mark, she’s okay, she’s happy, have you ever seen Amelia laughing and talking to what seems to be thin air?” Kit asks in a gentle tone. Mark nods and says
“Yeah but Cristina, Kier and I always thought she was just talking and laughing to herself, the twins did that a lot when they were babies.”
“Well Amelia is seeing her Aunty Livvy, Livvy loves her nieces so much and is always looking out for them.” Kit gently explains. 
“I’m glad she’s happy.” Mark quietly says. 
“Anyway enough talk about ghosts, let’s start this race!” Kit exclaims, placing Charlotte on the floor at his feet. “Whoever reaches the other side of the room first wins, deal?” Kit asks, keeping a hold on Charlotte so she doesn’t go racing off before the race actually starts. 
“Deal.” Mark says, setting Rosie down beside Charlotte. A few seconds later both boys let go of the babies who start rapidly crawling toward the other side of the room, where Livvy and Will are each coaxing their niece.
“Come on Lottie, come to Uncle Will, come here my sweet girl!” Will coos to his niece, crouching down and holding his arms out for her. 
“Rosie come on, come to Aunty Livvy sweetheart, come on!” Livvy coos to Rosie, beckoning her toward her. 
“Hey Kit, why is Rosie's’ rattle floating all of a sudden?” Mark asks in a confused tone, as he notices the toy start to levitate in mid air. Kit looks to where Mark is pointing and gasps.
“Hey Livvy that’s not fair! That’s cheating!” Kit exclaims. 
“Told you they’d notice.” Will says to Livvy in an amused tone. Livvy grins and shrugs. 
“It was worth a try!”
Just as little Charlotte has almost reached her Uncle Will, something else catches her attention and instead of crawling straight ahead, she turns and starts crawling left.
“No!” Kit exclaims. Charlotte had been so close, what could have distracted her? 
Suddenly a small woman with flowing light brown hair and serious brown eyes appears, dressed in a long flowing yellow gown. Charlotte grins up at her and reaches for her. The woman smiles softly at Kit’s little sister and picks her up, settling her in her arms with a kiss to her cheek. 
“William Herondale, Livia Blackthorn, are you really racing your baby nieces against each other?” The woman asks in a firm voice with a hint of amusement. 
“No! It wasn’t our idea Charlotte, it was Kit’s!” Will exclaims, pointing to his young nephew. 
“Betrayed by my own Uncle! You tell-tale Uncle Will!” Kit exclaims. 
“What is going on?” Mark ask in a tone of confusion. 
“Can you see her?” Kit asks, turning to look at Mark, who has gone pale with shock. 
“Yeah I can, who is she?” Mark asks. The woman smiles softly at Mark and Kit and says
“I am Charlotte Fairchild, this little ones namesake. I practically raised your father, Kit and your Uncle Will.” 
“Charlotte Fairchild? The first female Consul?” Mark asks in a tone of awe. Charlotte smiles at him and nods. 
“That’s right, heard about me in your history lessons have you?” She says. Mark nods, at loss for words. He and Helen and always admired Charlotte Fairchild when they were growing up, they thought she was so amazing and strong and both wanted to be just like her. 
“So did you just come here to tell off Uncle Will and Livvy?” Kit asks in an amused tone. 
“Mostly, but I wanted to see my beautiful little niece too.” Charlotte says, smiling brightly at the baby in her arms. 
“Do I have to call you Aunty Lottie?” Kit asks. He wouldn’t mind having an Aunt, even if she is a ghost. 
“You don’t have to, but you can if you like. Now Christopher come take your sister, I have to go.” Charlotte gently says. 
“Will you be back? Will you come see us at home?” Kit asks, taking his little sister into his own arms and running a hand over her messy dark hair. 
“I will try, I promise.” Charlotte softly says, and with that she disappears into nothing.
“You have a weird family.” Mark says to Kit, picking Rosie up and kissing her little cheek. Kit sighs lightly and nods.
“Tell me about it.” 
________________________________________________________________ *LATER THAT EVENING, DEVON*
It is almost 6 o’clock in the evening, the sky is pitch dark and it has begun to rain outside. Tessa, Jem, Kit, Mina and Charlotte are sitting in the living room with the fire lit and the t.v. on in the background. Kit and Jem are sitting next to each other on the smaller couch, heads bent together as they examine a picture of Lucie, James, Cordelia and Matthew. Tesas’s heart flutters at the sight of her two boys, and subconsciously her hand comes to rest on her stomach. 
“Kit?” Tessa quietly says, making a split second decision. 
“Yeah mum?” Kit asks, looking up from the picture and smiling at her. 
“Do you like being the only boy in the family?” Tessa softly asks. Kit shrugs and says
“I don’t mind it, why?” Tessa laughs lightly to herself and says
“Well it’s just... you won’t be the only boy soon.” Kit furrows his brow and gives her a quizzical look, while Jem grins, knowing exactly what is going on.
“Huh?” Kit asks in a tone of confusion. 
“You’re going to have a brother soon baby, I’m pregnant.” Tessa says in a joyful tone. She and Jem had known about the baby for a few weeks now but had decided to keep it to themselves until 12 weeks, in case anything happened. They had learned from Brother Enoch that they are expecting a boy in July, just 3 months after Mina’s 4th birthday. 
“Oh my god, really?” Kit asks in a tone of joy and disbelief.
“Yes, I’m about three months along so the baby will be here in July, we couldn’t believe it when Brother Enoch told us it’s a boy.” Tessa lightly says, her hand still resting on her stomach, which had popped just a few days ago, she showed earlier and earlier with each pregnancy, with Jamie she didn’t show until almost 5 months, it was around the same with Lucie, but then with Mina and Charlotte she had started showing at 3 months and this time she had started showing almost straight away.
“I really thought we were only going to have girls, Tessa’s last three babies have all been girls.” Jem lightly says. He is thrilled that he and Tessa are expecting again, he would have been delighted to have another daughter and he is delighted they’re having a son, he didn’t care either way, as long as the baby is healthy and happy.
“Oh that’s amazing! Are you going to do a pregnancy reveal on YouTube?” Kit asks, remembering back to when he had been roped into their pregnancy announcement with Charlotte. 
“No we’re going to do it on Instagram, I don’t think Charlotte would sit still long enough for us to shoot a video with her, but we can get her to sit along enough to have her picture taken, and yes you have to be involved in this one too.” Tessa says. She is planning to take a picture of Kit and Jem, Kit holding a scan picture and Jem holding the positive pregnancy test and then uploading it to Instagram along with a picture of the girls wearing t-shirts that read ‘Worlds best big sister’ alongside a picture of her bump, and then uploading it to Instagram. 
“I don’t mind, when are you going to take the pictures?” Kit asks. He had been extremely embarrassed to be a part of the last pregnancy reveal, but he doesn’t mind one bit this time
“Tomorrow if that suits you.” Tessa says. 
“Yeah sounds good to me! Are you to going to tell the girls today?” 
“Yes though I’m not sure Charlotte will understand what’s going on, she’s only a few months older than Jamie was when I got pregnant with Lucie and he wasn’t exactly sure what was going on.” Tessa explains. She and Jem hadn’t planned for there to be such a small age gap between Charlotte and her brother, just as she and Will hadn’t planned for their to be just a year between Lucie and Jamie, Lucie and this little boy were both a surprise, and though Tessa knew having three kids under 5 would be difficult, it would be more than worth it. 
“What won’t Lottie understand?” Mina asks in a quizzical tone, setting her toy down and climbing up beside Jem and Kit.  
“Well... she might not understand that you’re going to have a baby brother soon.” Jem softly tells his eldest daughter, brushing her hair back from her face as her brown eyes widen in amazement. 
“Really? We are?” Mina asks in a tone of awe. 
“Yeah when you were with your Uncle Magnus and Alec today, mama and I went to the hospital to check on your brother in mama’s tummy, he’s going to be here just a few months after your birthday.” Jem explains. 
“He my present?” Mina asks hopefully. Jem laughs lightly and pulls her in for a hug, she certainly has a good sense of humor. 
“Yes I suppose he is love, I bought you and Charlotte t-shirts that say ‘Best big sister in the world’ and tomorrow we’re going to take pictures of you in the shirt so everyone can know about the baby.” Tessa softly explains. 
“Does Kitty get a shirt?” Mina curiously asks. 
“No love, just you and Lottie.” Tessa says. 
“Cordy can you help us tell Lottie that you’re going to be big sisters?” Kit gently asks. Before Mina can agree, Charlotte crawls over and reaches up to Tessa who immediately scoops her up and settles her in her lap. 
“Lottie.” Tessa softly says. “You’re going to be a big sister soon, mama’s going to have a baby.” Charlotte looks at her mother curiously and then tentatively places her hand on Tessa’s belly. 
“Baby?” She curiously asks. 
“That’s right, your brother is in there.” Tessa softly says, covering Charlotte’s hand with her own, remembering back to when she was pregnant with Lucie and she would wear a pair of Will’s old pajamas as they were much comfier than a nightgown, in the early hours of the morning when she was heavily pregnant, Jamie would come sit on her lap, she would push her top up and they would both wait to feel the baby kicking, sometimes Jamie liked to poke her stomach to make his sister kick or move, he didn’t grow out of the habit when Lucie was born, Tessa had often caught him poking her when she was sleeping in her bassinet, it took all her strength not to laugh so she could explain to James why he couldn’t poke his sister.
“Ove baby.” Charlotte says in a loving tone, lowering her head and resting it on Tessa’s stomach. 
“Hey Ty look at this.” Dru says, turning her attention from her phone to her brother. She and Ty are currently the only ones home, the’re both in the living room waiting for everyone to get back. Dru is lying on the sofa, her legs thrown over the back of it, scrolling through social media on her phone, while Ty sits on the floor, leaning against the couch, reading. 
“What is it?” Ty asks, turning around to face his sister. 
“Look what Tessa just posted on Instagram.” Dru says, handing him the phone. Ty looks at the picture of Jem and Kit sitting on the sofa in their home in Devon, Kit holding a blurry black and white picture of something and Jem holding a blue and white stick that has a little clear window in the middle with a plus sign on it. Next to it, is a picture of Kit’s sisters Mina and Charlotte, standing by the front door wearing matching t-shirts with black writing that read ‘Best big sisters in the world!’ and next to that is a picture of Tessa standing sideways against a white wall in a black crop-top and black leggings, cradling her stomach which is big and swollen. The caption reads ‘Soon my two boys will be my three boys and my girls will be getting a little brother, baby William Carstairs, coming July 2016.’. 
“Did you know Tessa’s pregnant?” Dru asks. Ty shakes his head, his black curls falling into his eyes. 
“No she never said anything about it last time I went to visit, non of them did. They must have just found out.” Ty calmly says, handing the phone back to his sister. 
“I’m going to call Kit, he knows I hate secrets!” Dru exclaims. 
“Maybe Tessa and Jem asked him not to tell anyone though, mom and dad didn’t tell anyone of us about you until mom was about 3 months pregnant, Helen says it’s because the chance of miscarriage is lower in the second trimester.” Ty explains. He’s not the biggest fan of secrets either, and he would normally be hurt if Kit kept something from him, but this he understands, Tessa and Jem wouldn’t want to have to tell everyone if they lost the baby, it’s totally understandable. 
“Hmm maybe.” Dru says, as she waits for Kit to answer his phone. 
“Hello?” Kit’s voice comes down the line a few seconds later.
“Christopher! Why didn't’ you tell me your mom’s pregnant? You know I hate secrets!” Dru exclaims loudly.
“I didn’t keep it a secret, mum and dad only told me yesterday, I promise I had no idea up until then.” Kit calmly replies, use to Dru’s dramatics by now. It is one of the many reasons he loves her. 
“Alright I believe you, when are you coming to visit us again?” Dru asks in a more calm voice.
“Why don’t you come visit me?” Kit asks in an amused tone. 
“We’re babysitting.” Dru lies. She hates using portals, it would be better if Kit could come here. 
“So am I, mum’s really tired and sick because of the baby and dad’s looking after her so I’m looking after the girls.” Kit explains. 
“Well bring them with you, they can play with Millie and Rosie!” Dru says, even though Cristina, Mark, Kieran and Amelia are in Faerie at the minute and Helen, Aline and Rosie are in Idris staying with Aline’s parents for a few days. 
“I’m not going through a portal with two toddlers, are you mad?! I miss you guys too but even if you came here we couldn’t do much when I have my sisters.” Kit gently explains. 
“Dru stop harassing my boyfriend will you?” Ty lightly says, smiling at his sister who stick her tongue out at him and then smiles at him.
“Promise you’ll come visit again soon?” Dru asks. She misses her best friend desperately and really wants to see him again soon. 
“Promise. Look I have to go but I promise I’ll come see you soon, love you.” Kit hurriedly says, before hanging up and rushing off to see what Lottie is crying over now.
The rest of Tessa’s pregnancy goes by in a blur, her sickness clears up at around 5 months and she doesn’t experience any of the aches and pains she had the other four times. Little Will is a lot more active than his sisters and older brother, his kicks often keep Tessa awake at night, sometimes it feels like he’s doing acrobats in there, and nothing will calm him down. When Mina or Charlotte kicked too hard, Jem’s voice was able to calm them down, but every time little Will hears his dad’s voice he seems to freak out and start kicking even more. There are times when Tessa forbids Jem from talking so that the baby won’t kick too much. 
Right now Tessa is 9 months pregnant and absolutely exhausted after agreeing to watch Max and Rafe for a few hours. She had plenty of help from Jem and Kit but looking after 4 energetic children was tough work, especially  when pregnant. Magnus and Alec had arrived to pick the boys up about ten minutes ago, and are just getting ready to leave.  
“Hey Tessa are you okay?” She hears Alec ask. She opens her eyes to see him sitting beside her on the sofa, concern written all over his face. He is such a sweet and gentle young boy, just like Gideon had been. 
“Oh yes I’m fine, just absolutely shattered, growing a baby is hard work.” She says in a tired tone, rubbing her swollen stomach. 
“I’m sure it is, I’m really sorry about dumping the boys on you last minute, when Ragnor bailed we had no one else to ask, everyone was busy.” Alec explains, guilt seeping into his tone.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Alec, they were no trouble, I’m just always tired at this point.” Tessa explains. However just then she is hit with a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and can’t help but gasp in pain and clutch at her stomach. 
“Tessa! What’s wrong?” Alec asks in a tone of urgency. 
“Tess?” Comes Jem’s worried voice from behind her. He quickly hurries to her side and grasps her hand in his. “Tess, is it time?” He softly asks. Tessa nods, squeezing his hand tightly. 
“Yes... you need to get the midwife quickly.... he’s not waiting around.” Tessa grits out through the pain.
Approximately 10 minutes later when Jem has helped Tessa up to their room, the midwife arrives, barely on time. By the time she checks Tessa the baby’s head is already showing. After a very brief but painful labor, Tessa leans back into Jem as she listens to her little boy crying. 
“Oh Tess you did it, you’re so brave, I’m so proud of you.” Jem quietly says, rubbing her back and squeezing her hand. Things had gone from 0 to 100 in a  matter of minutes, yet Tessa kept her calm and did what she had to do, and now their son is here. 
“Is he okay Jem?” Tessa asks, trying to regain her breath. 
“Yeah he is, he’s perfect.” Jem softly tells her. Just then, the midwife places the baby on Tessa’s chest before stepping back to allow she and Jem to bond with the baby. 
Tessa carefully peals back the blankets from her son’s face and her heart swells with love and joy as tears of joy prick her eyes. 
“Oh Jem look how perfect he is.” Tessa says in a teary tone, as little Will grasps her finger in his small hand. He is his father’s twin, with a few wisps of thick black hair, his pallor, eye shape and bone structure. 
“William Fa Ke Carstairs, now how did I get so lucky as to have the two most perfect boys in the world, as my sons?” Jem lightly says, stroking his baby son’s cheek. 
“Don’t let Kit hear you say that or he’ll die of embarrassment.” Tessa jokingly says.
“He secretly loves it when I tease him, doesn’t he Will?” Jem coos to the baby. He is so utterly in love with his baby boy, with all his children. 
About half an hour later, Kit, Mina and Charlotte come up to meet their baby brother. They all absolutely adore him and are so sweet and gentle with him.
“So do you mind giving up the title of only boy, for him?” Tessa jokingly asks Kit, who looks up from his brother’s face and smiles widely at her. 
“Not at all, after all I still have the title of best looking in the family!” Tessa laughs and says
“Oh do you now? Because I think that title belongs to your father.” Jem smiles softly at his wife and presses a kiss to her head.
“No my love, that’s you.” He softly says. 
“Ew you’re so in love it’s gross.” Kit teases, wrinkling his nose up at the sight of his parents kissing. 
“And you and Ty aren’t ‘so in love?’” Jem asks. 
“We are but we’re not gross about it like you guys.” Kit teasingly says. 
“Oh so that’s a bruise on your neck is it?” Tessa says, raising an eyebrow at Kit, who flushes furiously and pulls his jumper up to try and cover his neck.
“Well at least we don’t have to worry about you making us grandparents anytime soon.” Jem teases, causing Kit to blush even more. 
“Oh my god dad no!” Kit says in a tone of embarrassment, covering his face with his hands.
“Don’t be silly Jem, he knows how to use protection.” Tessa says, grinning as Kit turns even more red. The poor kid is so easy to embarrass and tease. 
“I’m gonna run away from home.” Kit says in a muffled voice, his hands still covering his face. 
“You wouldn’t break our hearts like that.” Jem says. Kit lifts his face from his hands and looks at them with a look of shock on his face.
“You’d be heartbroken if I left home?” He asks in a high pitched tone of surprise. 
“Of course we would, you’re our baby, our son, we know you’ll probably move out and go live with Ty at some point, but if you left now we’d be heartbroken, our family wouldn’t be complete without you.” Tessa softly says. 
“I love you guys.” Kit quietly says, looking form his sisters who are fussing over their baby brother in his bassinet, to his mother and father who are looking at him with nothing but love and pride.
“We love you too, and we are so proud of you.” Jem says, hugging his eldest son tightly. Kit hugs him back and buries his face in his shoulder, trying to hide his tears of joy.
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