#from an inability to access one's past self due to trauma
ride-a-dromedary · 3 months
Halsin's character in Act 3 post breaking of the Shadowcurse is actually, either intentionally or not, another more quiet and subtle angle of trauma exploration; specifically, the alteration of identity development and its previously existing commitments post traumatic events.
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beginagaincolorado · 1 year
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Pornography is becoming increasingly accessible. From free websites to subscription services, porn is available seemingly anytime and anywhere. With this kind of accessibility, watching porn can become addicting, which can be debilitating.
From affecting relationships to causing financial strain, porn addiction can be detrimental to a person’s mental and physical health. So, what are the dangers of porn addiction, and how can you get help? 
What is Pornography Addiction?
A growing number of people report experiencing an addiction to porn, with an estimated 5-8% of the population addicted. A porn addiction is a compulsive need to view pornographic content or material to the point that it interferes with a person’s daily life. It is a compulsive sexual behavior, like sex addiction, and people can’t quit, even if they try. 
Recognizing that you might have a porn addiction can be frightening, but self-awareness is the first step to recovery. It’s important to reflect on how porn affects your everyday life to recognize the dangers of porn addiction and the need for healing. 
Symptoms of porn addiction include if you:
Can’t Stop Watching. You act on the compulsive urge to watch porn, despite trying to stop. It becomes a central part of your life and replaces activities you usually enjoy.
Always Want More. You may experience a craving or “need” to watch porn and feel frustrated when you can’t. Your need may increase over time, requiring more explicit porn or excessive use.
Feel Guilty. Watching porn can cause shameful or guilty thoughts. You may hide watching porn from loved ones and become irritable or angry when confronted about it. 
Stop Taking Care of Yourself. When watching porn becomes your primary focus, you may neglect regular hygiene, daily tasks, or responsibilities. 
Lose Time. When stuck in a porn addiction, it can be easy to lose track of time and become lethargic. It’s difficult to take an interest in other activities or find the motivation to accomplish anything. 
Struggle with Relationships. A porn addiction can cause a rift in relationships, especially if kept a secret. It can lead to a reduction in intimacy and self-esteem issues for you or your partner. It also can cause you to want to spend more time on porn than with friends and loved ones.
Lose Interest in Sex. Watching porn consistently can give you unrealistic expectations of beauty or sex, which can cause you to lose attraction to your partner or expect more than your partner may be able to provide.
Lose Money. Money can get bigger, better, and more porn. Over time, this can add up and leave less for daily necessities or bills. You may also have problems at work if your addiction consumes your work hours.
Causes of Porn Addiction
Consuming porn doesn’t always lead to addiction. Excessive use or an inability to stop indicates your porn watching has become problematic. 
Watching porn usually starts in adolescence as young people experience urges and curiosity. Consuming porn at a young age can impact teens’ perceptions of sex and dopamine behaviors. If a frequent and consistent habit builds over time, it can have difficult consequences.
Like most addictions, there is not always a singular contributor to porn addiction, but unresolved trauma is the most common cause. People use pornography to deal with adverse feelings resulting from past trauma. Then, before they know it, they’ve turned to pornography to feel better so often that it’s an addiction. They can’t stop.
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Why Porn Addiction is Dangerous
Excessive consumption of porn can affect your daily life, relationships, and mental health. Porn use changes the brain. Continuous stimulus from porn hijacks the brain’s reward system and overly produces dopamine for extended periods. In turn, it can be difficult for the brain to produce dopamine naturally. 
Research has shown a reduced frontal cortex due to porn addiction, affecting brain functions like willpower and control. It can even cause changes in the brain’s shape, size, and chemical imbalance. Porn users have also reported noticeable changes in their everyday mood and higher rates of depression and anxiety.
Porn addiction doesn’t just cause chemical changes. Excessive porn use can cause difficulty experiencing normal arousal and lead to sexual dysfunction, sexual frustration, or violence. Researchers attribute this violence to neurons mirroring each other when perceiving violence in porn. 
Because of the widespread availability of porn, it can be difficult to escape it. Secret browsers make staying discrete easy, aiding compulsory behavior. 
Ways to Try Controlling Porn Use
Overcoming a porn addiction is possible. You can do some things on your own to curb your addiction. But to truly recover, you’ll likely need professional mental health support to uncover and treat the cause of the addiction, then learn to alter the behaviors. 
Methods of managing porn use include:
Remove Access. Remove all electronic porn and bookmarks from your devices. If it’s no longer at your fingertips, it’s less likely to become your default habit. Have someone install anti-porn software on your computer. You can’t access it if your devices don’t allow it. Asking someone else to install it will help with accountability.
Pre-Plan Activities. If you know you will experience the urge, find a replacement. By planning stimulating activities you enjoy, you can trick your brain into replacing the feeling of watching porn. 
Avoid Triggers. Know what your triggers are and avoid them. Reflect on your habits and when you feel most tempted. Stay away from images, places, or feelings likely to make you crave porn.
Control Use of Devices. Use your devices, like your cell phone or laptop, in public places. It’s more difficult to be discreet in front of others. Hold yourself accountable, and don’t let your device use become private.
Seek Support. Find an accountability partner. Confide in a trusted friend and ask for help. You’re more likely to stick to your goal if someone else encourages you.
Practice Self-Reflection. Self-reflect through journaling. Keep track of your setbacks, reminders, and patterns in your behavior. Celebrate the wins you have each day.
Get Professional Help. While you may be able to control some behaviors, you’re unlikely to recover from porn addiction on your own. Get professional help to identify the cause of your addiction and stop adverse coping behaviors.
Getting Help for Porn Addiction
You may have tried unsuccessfully to control your porn use. Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help you cross the first hurdle.
Ed Tilton, Regional Director of Integrative Life Network, said honesty is the first step in recovery from porn addiction. He said you must be honest about how the addiction affects you and the people you love. Then you have to commit to recovery.
“The lies we tell ourselves often become the strongest delusions and hardest behaviors to change,” he said. “Through honesty, you start acknowledging the desire for change and become committed to altering sobriety.”
Once you decide to seek help for porn addiction, you can:
Consult your doctor or a mental health professional for treatment
Talk to people you trust
Learn more about porn addiction
Join support groups
The effects of porn addiction can be devastating to your well-being. Rebuilding relationships and your mental health takes time, but you don’t have to do it alone. Entering a treatment program designed to treat those suffering from sex addiction or porn addiction can help address the root of the behavior and start the road to recovery. 
Help is Out There
Begin Again Institute has a proven track record utilizing TINSA® (Trauma-Induced Sexual Addiction), a new perspective for treating sexual addiction. By treating the root of addiction rather than the symptoms, we can break through to core issues. 
We are passionate about making recovery feasible for your life. Contact us today to start your journey to recovery.
Source: https://beginagaininstitute.com/blog/the-dangers-of-porn-addiction-and-how-to-get-help/
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
drell diaspora meta <3
as told by me! a mixed diasporic chindo (chinese-indonesian) :)
preface: bioware failed to flesh out Drell culture and heritage to my satisfaction so I wrote this meta for both my personal reference and because I wanted to represent Thane and Drell as people who suffer from a history that invokes parallels between real world colonization/imperialism, as well as portray his personal conflict with this accurately because it's very painful and I think gets naturally overlooked by people who lack this background!
The Family Unit
Hanar Intervention (honestly read this bc I think it's the most important section!!)
1. The Family Unit
Size: They're small by necessity: as in there is no room on Kahje to support. This is a bit of a complicated topic. Drell families are likely to lose their children to the Compact giving them incentive to have more than one or two but it’s probably very expensive to provide for them. I can see a lot of cultural tension here. There are pressures in either direction. There's a lot of sadness too. It makes every child extremely precious.
Values: Independence is an important quality-- but not to a fault! Because family units can be taken apart at any time, being able to take care of yourself is a survival skill. In addition, spiritedness is a closely held value-- To make up for the loss of large family trees and ability to be in close quarters (due to the constant coming and going of family members) it becomes very important to showcase your passion-- whether to each other or about any matter of things in life. Overall, spiritedness is most important! caring and wanting to improve upon yourself as well as self-discipline and hard work.
A.N: Probably because, as evidenced by Thane’s dialogue, they've come to view what happened on Rakhana as like, self-inflicted or weak of spirit ( :( this has me extremely messed up. The whole situation is based on Colonialist propaganda honestly so this conflict to me is so personal and painful to watch in real-time because you can see it very plainly in Thane and you can tell he carries that generational trauma)
Carrying on: The ability to be vulnerable is not as important as the ability to show that you care, which can come from action or words, but usually, this means vulnerability and passion go hand in hand. Finally, homecoming is very important. Everyone is so scattered all over the galaxy, time together is time that counts. Bonding circles (An old tradition) have become “Bonds,” a colloquial name for annual family gatherings.
Read on Under The Cut <3
2. Food
Drell are born with a full set of teeth but they can’t be that tough yet. There must be specific dishes for each age to celebrate. That means as they age, softer meats-> harder foods are part of a traditional practice to track development! (Age 1 Birthday Food: Beetle Based Dish, so on till age 16/17)
Rakhana Diet: I also think that on Rakhana insects would have been popular! Because it’s an arid world and it would have been a very nutritious and accessible source of protein. It also strikes me that their recipes may have been very paste-based because it’s an easy way to flavor things when food is scarce! Also, paste flavoring like sambal (spicy chili). Other Foods:
Eggs? Eggs. It’s just a lizard thing but also! Really simple and easy to make.
Desert fruit! Water-based fruits that are similar to cantaloupe and citrusy things like calamansi.
On Kahje: Their diet must have to shift, so lucky they’re omnivorous.
Probably fish. Likely the main source of protein there.
This is off topic but I think that eating kelp runs as a joke for Drell on Kahje because of the similarities between their colors and striping. I don’t know what kind of joke. But I wonder if Drell teens will order fried kelp and point at each other like “cannibal”
Sauce…………. Dark sauces…...
You can tell the difference between a Kahje Drell and a Rakhana Drell (If they are still in existence? Most likely but very hard to find) based on their fish opinions
Raw fish consumption is normal on Kahje but Drell are not technically “built” for that diet so they may get sick with overconsumption! It must be well cooked to avoid illness.
3. Music
There's a natural inclination to communicate verbally due to their distinct biology.
Drell anatomy (throat) allows for unique sounds and trills
Highly present in language and utilized in music (On Rhakana there were probably dialects that incorporated certain clicks and trills as part of the “alphabet” just like irl, but I imagine those that can still speak it are very limited and it must be passed down or retaught through preservation efforts)
Rhythmic dance and music to tell stories and legends! Especially of great creatures that transcended into infamy. Like a big old serpent that through storytelling became a mythical dragon type of thing.
Clothing/Robes, loose-fitting and comfortable to work in Arid environments and allow for movement (tight ass clothes not the norm ashdjfk esp for dancing, Thane’s just a career man who thinks he looks good and he lived on Kahje so--)
4. Customs
The Pursuit of Life a.k.a Perah (I made this term up)
It's a cultural value centered around making the most of life through boldness. Seizing the moment because not every Drell gets the opportunity to call their life their own— this is in reference to both the compact and the death of Rakhana. Therefore if you ARE lucky enough to have ownership over your own life, you must not squander it. There are a number of purposeful benefits to Perah, such as:
Leading Drell off of Kahje (avoiding Kepral’s)
Giving Drell an “Adventurous” reputation due to far journeying and mixed work
A lot of Drell are able to form community ties outside of the home due to this norm! Because a lot of them have long and wide and journeys across the galaxy to share with each other and cultural commonality, they have an immediate kinship with each Drell they meet.
The Drell face is shaped like a mask so it only makes me think there must be culture-specific dances or plays utilizing masks in order to tell traditional stories and celebrate moments of life
There seems to be a lot of reverence and appreciation for the different and diverse, including animals and other species, leading me to believe that there are masks based on different creatures!
5. Hanar Intervention
Loss of Population: Effects
Destruction of the family unit, disjointed/fractured because of the Compact and limited living space on Kahje
Death of Rakhana leaving entire generations and specific regions behind, permanent severing between sects of Drell society
That means the inability to read certain texts as well as languages dying off between generations.
The disappearance of traditions, including many religions
Loss of understanding of Drell language and terminology
A.N: Thane is a rare case with access to high reading material and close ties to “hidden” communities/pockets of people; Most Drell do not know the meaning of Siha due to Hanar assimilating via Enkindlers
Most also do not know about traditional religion! I imagine these pockets must be so small. Thane probably had to work very hard to recover this knowledge which goes to show his complex relationship with his heritage.
It’s likely that there are factions of Drell who attempt to preserve and celebrate their culture despite being uprooted.
Possible rebellions/isolationists who reject the Compact which has mixed reactions by the majority of Drell community, not limited to shunning and disownment (:/ bc these things are sadly complicated)
A.N: Thane comments that it's an honor to fulfill the compact, which naturally implies it's shame to reject it. Let your imagination on the consequences of that rejection sink in.
A misconception is that Drell like to adopt whatever culture they live in but it's more like most of them lack the access to return and reclaim their own roots or have been shamed out of it
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heavenlyyshecomes · 3 years
u dont have to answer this but i was wondering if u had quotes or book recs (fiction or nonfiction) about, concerning, or centered around ghosts?
hmm I haven't read a lot about ghost theory bc there's a lot of facets to it like there's different types of ghosts, different types of hauntings (the haunted house, the body itself, also whether the ghost lingers or 'leaves a trace' as leila taylor calls it bc of trauma, grief, loss, memory etc etc) but some readings:
“I think ghosts are memory—memory haunts bodies, haunts places, haunts the narratives that hold our minor and miraculous lives together. Ghosts are that which return and return and return. The body has its own hauntings, too: phantom limb sensation, organ transfer memory, the traumatic self. And others.”
— Shastra Deo, interviewed by Sumudu Samarawickrama in Liminal Mag
Underneath the mask, there is nothing at all, no identity, no face, nothing apart from an uncovered, naked simulacrum. While the ghosts are endowed, undoubtedly, with a kind of form, however uncertain […] becoming-ghost, becoming-haunted is nevertheless a process of becoming formless, of abandoning one’s own form so as to become inundated with liquidity. — Adam Lovasz, ‘Would you like to meet a ghost?’: Repetition and spectral posthumanism in Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Kairo, 2018.
We do not believe in ghosts, we are haunted by them. We do not see ghosts. Rather, our senses of vision and perception are brought to a crisis by them. As revenants of things past, ghosts make vivid to us the pairing of memory and forgetting. The ghostly returns even after being shown the door, even after death, just as the metaphors of the phantasmatic endure after scientific explanations seemingly triumph. As Jean-Claude Schmitt shows us, to forget the dead we must first remember them: traditionally, hauntings are the result of an inability to forget, due to an incomplete process of memorialization. As harbingers of the future, ghosts show what we are to become in minatory mode: as they are now, so we shall be
— Tom Gunning, To Scan a Ghost: The Ontology of Mediated Vision in The Spectralities Reader: Ghosts and Haunting in Contemporary Cultural Theory, 2013.
One of my favorite explanations for the existence of ghosts is the trace. Some events are so powerful in their violence or anger that it leaves behind a remnant of that death, like the debossed imprint left through the pages when you press too hard with the pen. The ghost hasn’t come back to visit us in the present, rather we are seeing a glimpse of past. I like to think that instead of the spirit invading our space, we have temporarily gained access to theirs. Like the shadows of Hiroshima, it takes an atomic level of anger and pain and fear to leave behind such substantial vestiges, some- thing powerful enough to leave a handprint in a cake, to crawl through the bathroom cabinet.
— Leila Taylor, Darkly: Black History and America’s Gothic
What is a ghost?
Avery F. Gordon, Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination, 1997
To Be Haunted, Jessie Lynn McMains
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places, Colin Dicky
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson
Ghostly Times in Lake Mungo (2008)
See also: the house has it's ramifications, and ghosts
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thegreenwolf · 4 years
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(This post was originally posted on my blog at https://thegreenwolf.com/its-okay-to-not-hustle/)
There’s this meme going around Facebook right now, saying “If you don’t come out of this quarantine with a new skill, your side hustle started, or more knowledge, you never lacked time. You lacked discipline.” Thankfully multiple people have already skewered it, but it continues to be shared around by the sort of person who is trying to one-up everyone else, or who’s just plain clueless–or, for that matter, just trying to guilt you into buying whatever they’re selling.
Now, there’s not a damned thing wrong with self-promotion. That’s how indie artists, authors, and other self-employed folks get the word out. You have to be able to talk good talk in order to get people’s attention. But leading with this meme? Guilting people for not leaping from sudden unemployment straight into the thick of the ever-shifting gig economy? That ain’t gonna fly, Brocephus.
You Have Good Reasons to Slack
Excuse me while I dust off my counseling psych degree a sec, here. *ahem* We are in a very sensitive, turbulent time right now. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a century in the Western world. We are in a hugely traumatizing situation here. Not just for the financial losses, but the fact that COVID-19 has killed thousands of people and left many more with permanent lung damage. We still haven’t gotten a handle yet on exactly how contagious this thing is, how long you’re contagious for, or whether you’re immune once you’ve had it, assuming you survive. We don’t have adequate testing, emergency rooms estimate that for every positive test there are 10-20 people out there infected and untested, and everyone with a cough is suddenly Schroedinger’s COVID case. Governments worldwide are slow to react in spite of the rising death toll. People have had friends and family die horribly from this thing in a short period of time. Even people who didn’t already have issues with anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses are feeling stressed, strained and scared–and, yes, traumatized. This image is guilt-tripping people who are actively being traumatized.
So we’re already starting with a populace that is dealing with this collective trauma, as well as whatever personal trauma each individual is experiencing. Not always easy to seize the day when you’re going through that. And I can think of a few other reasons that might further complicate this whole “Just get a side gig!” thing:
–They’re a parent who suddenly has all their kids at home, all the time, demanding time and attention and food, AND they still have to work eight hours a day from home, or maybe even more if their S.O. is unemployed/sick/etc. By the way, if someone trots out Isaac Newton or William Shakespeare or some other historical guy who managed to do epic things during a pandemic, remember that they usually had wives or servants to do all the laundry and cooking and cleaning and (if applicable) childcare for them.
–They’re disabled or chronically ill, and don’t have the ability/energy/etc. to just go and make something happen, just like that. Imagine if you just randomly got the fatigue from a really bad flu, and you never knew whether it was going to last a day or a month. And if you tried exerting yourself when you were feeling better, chances are you’d slip back into fatigue-land. That’s what a lot of my chronically ill/etc. friends have to deal with, to say nothing of issues with accessibility of resources for starting a side gig.
–They don’t have any money for the supplies needed to start a side hustle, or the supplies have been hoarded by hobbyists preparing for a Pandemic Staycation.
–They don’t have the skills for something that just requires what they already have (like, for example, writing on a laptop you already happen to own). Often these skills are things that can’t be perfected in a few weeks at home, but may take years to develop before they’re really marketable–like, for example, the skill to make a decent living on side hustles.
–They have anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions that make it hard to function even in the best of times, but even moreso in this…well…mess. Even people who were mentally healthy before are going to be developing diagnosable anxiety and depression disorders before all’s said and done. And speaking from personal experience, those of us who look successful on the outside can still be internally hamstrung by these conditions at times.
–Plus there’s the fact that we’re not supposed to, you know, leave our homes, which narrows down the field of potential side gigs by a lot.
Even doing something less financially-wrought like learning a new skill or subject takes time, energy, and sometimes money, any or all of which may be scarce for the reasons above and more.
Comparison is the Thief of Joy
I am saying all of this as someone who is arguably an expert on the side gig. I have spent the past eight and a half years 100% self-employed (and a lot longer doing it part-time) as an author and artist, able to cover all my bills and expenses, and for a time I was the primary breadwinner of a multi-person household. I have like ten different things I was doing for a living before this all hit, a pretty diverse set of streams of income, even if most of them just up and evaporated in the past few weeks. And while I’m definitely a hell of a lot leaner now than I was a month ago, I still have my head above water for the moment. So I think I know side gigs.
I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m overall healthy. I have a dog who is a lot less demanding of my time than kids would be. I have my own space where I can focus more or less without interruption. More importantly, I have the skills, the knowhow, the drive and the personality to go out and seek new opportunities. And I’m used to fluctuations in income, though admittedly this one’s unprecedented. Don’t gauge yourself by where I am now. I’ve spent twenty-two years building up my art business, my first book came out in 2006, and I’ve had a series of really good opportunities come my way that I had the privilege to be able to make the most of. I am not your measuring stick, so don’t say “Well, if she can do it why can’t I? I must suck!”
If you’re feeling crappy because you aren’t hopping to it and carpeing the diem and getting everything done, here’s what I have to say to you: Look, you just had your world turned upside-down. Job loss, scarce commodities, sudden lack of outside childcare, restricted movement and inability to be around much of your support system, and did I mention a pandemic is happening, too? Any single one of those things would be difficult for just about anyone to deal with, never mind all at once. And I don’t even know what all else has already been going on in your life–unstable or unsafe living situation, other health issues, breakups and other losses, interpersonal conflicts. You know, normal life stuff.
You’re Not Lazy, or Screwing Up, or (Gods Forbid) Undisciplined
It is totally okay if all you’re doing right now is surviving. It’s okay if you feel like you’re drowning, overwhelmed by all that’s happening both on a global level and more personally. It’s okay if all you can manage right now is to get out of bed and stumble through each day a moment at a time, struggling with a tidal wave of emotions. It’s okay if you’re just trying to keep your kids busy, dealing with a crowded home every single day, or trying to keep COVID-19 at bay. It’s okay if, instead of firing up DuoLingo or opening an Etsy shop, you spend your evenings vegging to Netflix or reading a book or playing hours and hours of Animal Crossing.
Not every moment in your life has to be about being productive even in the best of circumstances, and that goes exponentially so right now. Be patient with yourself, and be kind. You may be one of those folks who literally has to spend all their time scrabbling to try to cover the bills or get some leeway from bill collectors, and you have to dedicate your waking time hunting for resources just to try to get through this week. Believe me, I feel for you, I have a lot of friends in that situation right now, and I hope all of you can find some relief and assistance.
May I suggest something? If you have the energy for something more than the bare essentials of getting by, put that energy toward self-care, whatever you can manage under the circumstances. You can use it to recuperate, to rebuild your emotional and physical resilience. That way if things get rough again in the future, you have more internal reserves to build on. If your usual methods don’t work or aren’t accessible due to lockdown, ask others what they’re doing to keep themselves grounded in this trying time.
Just because you have more time doesn’t mean you don’t have to throw yourself right into something productive! Don’t feel pressured to just go-go-go the moment you have a little freedom to move. If you do decide you want to try a side gig, or a new skill, or learn all about some specialized topic of interest, go for it! If you have the energy and attention and opportunity to pursue something new, it can be a great coping skill during this traumatic time. Just don’t pressure yourself; keep it fun.
One last thing: I want you to save the image I have at the top of this post. And then if you see someone post that meme, saying “Come on, you lazy bums, get up and make that side gig happen! Learn new stuff! Do all the things! No excuses!” you pull out this version, and you look at the edits, you remember that it’s okay to be where you are, and you get back to doing things at your own pace no matter what someone else says. (I find visualizing stapling a printout of the edited version to the offender’s forehead to also be therapeutic, but that may just be me.)
Hang in there, okay? It’s going to be a rough time, but you’re not alone, and what you’re feeling right now is shared by so many people. So just let yourself be where you are in this moment, and we’ll see what hope tomorrow brings. And remember that whatever you’re capable of in this moment: it’s enough.
Did you enjoy this post? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon, buying my books here on my website, buying my art and books on Etsy, or tipping me at Ko-fi!
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simptasia · 4 years
neurodivergence in abc’s lost
i’m gonna be listing off and talking about the canon neurodivergent characters in lost. i won’t be adding characters that i personally headcanon as neurodivergent in some way, what i’m writing here is elaboration upon what has been given to me by the show. please note that none of these people’s conditions or disorders were named in the show, so such diagnoses being named here are me taking that extra step based upon their symptoms
first of all i wanna point out that based on what i’ve seen the show, that the island’s healing powers applies to conditions inflicted upon the mind, not ones inherent to the mind. thats why daniel’s brain damage heals, but people like hurley and locke will always continue to have depression
hugo “hurley” reyes
schizophrenia and depression
our most prominently featured mentally ill character. it might seem bold to label him with schizophrenia when it’s never said that that’s what he has. but during his time on lost, he displays many of the symptoms: paranoia, pathological self loathing, delusions and hallucinations. now, it’s a fictionalized depiction of schizophrenia and that’s probably not even what the writers had in mind but it’s none the less a really, really good and respectful portrayal of it
it would take too long to list off all the times when hurley displays paranoia (heck, it’s easy not to notice how much its a part of his character) and self loathing. delusions? the situations regarding the numbers and his bad luck (canon never ever Proves what hurley believes to be true regarding that stuff)
they did an episode dedicated to hurley having hallucinations. a man named dave who drives him to self destructive behaviour, self hatred and attempted suicide. fun fact: when people with schizophrenia in real life have hallucinations, they tend towards just auditory. hurley gets visual as well as per Rule Of Drama. this is not a bad thing, just a narrative tool
(steering slightly into headcanon for a bit here but i personally ignore the dharma made Hurley Bird they revealed in the epilogue and just take hurley hearing that bird say his name as an auditory hallucination. for two reasons: one, hurley hearing/seeing things that don’t exist is already consistent with his mental state. and two, that bird literally, genuinely did not fucking say hurley)
extra notes
to be clear, in case there's confusion, hurley really does have magical powers. he can talk to dead people. that isn’t a delusion or hallucination. you can understand how confusing and distressing this must be for hurley
he's had a compulsive eating disorder since he was ten due to the pain of his father abandoning him. his struggle with this is well documented
at several points during the show he’s shown to have trouble spelling. he especially confuses his “y(s)” and “ies”. it’s not clear if this is due to poor education or a learning issue. or both, really. it’s safe to assume with him being poor, mexican and mentally ill, that school wasn’t easy for hurley
hurley has unjustifiably lived at mental health institutions on at least two occasions (the first time was against his will, second was volunteer)
john locke
locke suffers from severe self esteem issues, and i know most lost characters do, but i mean to the point of irrational and destructive behaviour. he has an obsession with being deemed special in order to justify his existence. he also suffers jarring mood swings. (he can switch from calm and jovial to angry and defensive at the drop of a hat). when he was wheelchair bound, this threw him into a depression. when he failed to convince anybody to come back to the island, he attempted suicide. he would have gone thru with it too. he will go to extremes to make sure things stay the way he wants them to (killing an innocent woman so they can stay on the island, tying up and drugging boone so he won’t tell anybody about the hatch), and will fall into despair if he fails
also note that the things im saying about locke are not a comment on people with depression. i don’t think all depressed people kill and drug people. those were statements on locke’s character that i believe are a part of his mental state. my point is: he’s emotionally unstable and he tried to kill himself. and i think his extreme need for validation (from people and the universe in general) is especially concerning
to me, this all says to me that locke has clinical depression
locke isn’t as easy as the other people on this list to classify as Canon Neurodivergent but at least to me, i think it’s very obvious. like i feel bad being so vague but like, basically, watch any locke episode
daniel faraday
acquired brain damage, severe memory degradation as well as other neurodivergent behaviours (i’ll go into it)
he’s played by jeremy davies. enough said
okay, jokes aside. at some point in the past daniel and his assistant theresa were involved in some vaguely referred to time based experiments. while she was catatonicized, the accident left daniel severely brain damaged (also daniel spent years doing radioactive experiments without head protection, which would not have helped and indeed that is foreshadowing of this whole debacle)
apparently this left him in a state where he can no longer take care of himself, having been assigned a carer. his most outstanding symptom is that his ability to process short AND long term memory has been impaired
short term: he’s shown to have issues retaining memories from day to day. he wasn’t sure if he had met charles widmore already (he hadn’t). charles lays some exposition on him and when daniel asks why he’s telling him this, charles says, with sureness, that “because by tomorrow you won’t remember this”. counting on that to be an absolute fact seems silly to me but that does seem to the case. again, Rule Of Drama is in play here
long term: he can no longer access memories he formed many years ago, famously the memories he formed with desmond in 1996. all in all, this condition is highly plot convenient. can’t argue with results, really
no, i can keep going, i got more, this is daniel fucking faraday we’re talking about: his ability to remember 3 playing cards has been impaired (note that this is a skill most 4 year olds master), he forgot the secret code the science team were all taught and when he introduces himself to jack there is a long pause, in hindsight implying that daniel forgot his own name
like real life memory conditions, theres varying level to how much he does and doesn’t remember. he’s thankfully not in a 50 first dates situation and doesn’t forget everything day to day. clearly he remembers people if they’re around enough, like during his time on the boat. charlotte, miles, frank, naomi...
upon landing on the island, his memory slowly gets better (considering his condition beforehand, the fact that nobody comments on this is staggering)
when dan is fully healed? i could not say, i could theorize, but such things are nebulous. but still, the times we see dan without his brain damage, he still behaves like a neurodivergent person. just not like he was when he was brain damaged. he stims near constantly, has a tendency to repeat names and words (echolalia) and it’s shown that dan compulsively counts in his head. he counted up to 864 beats, if i remember correctly, which is about 10 minutes of counting in his head. by no stretch of the imagination is that neurotypical behaviour
(im not trying to sound defensive. and i don’t think anybody, anywhere, is arguing that daniel faraday is a neurotypical. unfathomable)
going into headcanon territory again, his ND traits, when not brain damaged, say to me that he’s autistic and/or has OCD and possibly anxiety. thats all theorizing on my part tho. but the fact of the matter is, damage or no, he’s neurodivergent
his apparent need for tactile sensory input is legendary in the lost fandom. in layman’s terms: him pet pet. not just people but objects too. humans, overall, tend to touch things to process input better. many ND people do it more, and it seems daniel is a case of that (i am not making a solid statement on jeremy davies’ neuro state. that’s his business)
he shows an inability to properly process grief
he also shows shocking indifference to his own safety, resulting in reckless behaviour. how much of this is a result of his mental state or his upbringing is up for debate. i think it’s a combo of both
without his brain damage, he appears to have an eidetic memory
danielle rousseau
trauma induced mental illness
pretty self explanatory. the loss of her expedition, husband and daughter, as well as 16 years of loneliness (on THIS island) has resulted in emotional instability for danielle. she’s prone to paranoia, trust issues, irrational behaviour
she’s just not well. she’s right most of the time but she’s not well
libby smith
indeterminate mental state 
libby was institutionalized (the same place hurley was sent to) and placed on medication (which seemed like sedatives to me, based on her expressions). in the show it’s not what clear what put her there, but having just done some research, i’ve discovered that Word Of God says that libby became mentally unstable after the death of her husband dave smith. so this is probably another case of trauma induced mental illness. she must have had a pretty extreme episode to cause her to be sent to a place like that. something to think about
but alas, it’s libby, so not much info. moving on
benjamin linus
anti social behaviour disorder (is my best guess)
oof. depictions of mental illness with characters who are immoral are depictions of mental illness nonetheless. i feel almost silly saying this but: ben is not... okay
ben displays issues (at best) with empathy, compassion and morality. how much he cares about other people is highly debatable but one thing that's certain is that he does genuinely love his daughter. everybody else is ????
but the loving alex thing rules out him being a sociopath or having narcissistic personality disorder. and it is genuine because when he loses it with grief, it’s not a performance, because the only audience is us...
he’s a compulsive liar, lying even when it doesn’t benefit him. lying just because. ben is highly unpredictable, which isn’t inherently a neurodivergent thing, but when a person goes from a calm discussion to strangling somebody, all roads point to Uh Oh (i don’t know the technical terms for Uh Oh). many of his outward emotions are performed (the difference between his fake smiles and few real smiles is noticeable). he’s manipulative, he treats people like objects for his benefit/plans, he’s self absorbed, he has zero issues with murder unless it’s a child. he does have some moral standards. but overall, uh, [just gestures at ben]
also ben is repeatedly offended when other people don’t trust him, which is HILARIOUS, but also shows a cognitive dissonance on his part
hmm i need more here, im gonna break out the big guns
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that’s some basic info there and doesn’t that line up with ben?
the article goes on to say that people with this can put on superficial charm. that is, behave friendly and “normal” when they have to. which ben is shown to be able to do
and this
“Serious problems with interpersonal relationships are often seen in those with the disorder. Attachments and emotional bonds are weak, and interpersonal relationships often revolve around the manipulation, exploitation, and abuse of others.”
reminds me of his situation with juliet. and locke. and his “friendships” in general
i snipped the wikipedia article for this because unlike the rest i felt,,, underequipped to talk about this sort of thing
ben being mentally unwell is clear enough in canon and i think this disorder is what lines up best with it. please note that ben is capable of change and growth (like people in real life who have such issues) and like the show i’m not gonna paint him 100% evil or irredeemable. i’m just saying what’s true
ben says at one point that he doesn’t dream anymore. it’s highly probably that this is a lie, but if it isn’t, well that's not good. it’d mean his brain isn’t entering into REM sleep properly, which can lead to emotional problems
ben doesn’t blink as much as most people do, something michael emerson did on purpose. this can apply to some neurodivergent people
it’s shown that he was quite nonverbal as a kid. in the flashbacks in “man behind the curtain” little ben barely speaks
honourable mentions
pretty much all the survivors suffer from PTSD due the trauma of the crash
a great deal of the characters suffer from PTSD from trauma in general due to their awful lifes. like, abusive parents, war, loss of loved ones, etc
and i must note that ben, daniel and locke suffering from parental abuse, ranging from emotional to physical, is something to factor into their cases
claire, similar to danielle, also suffered trauma induced mental illness due to the loss of her baby and feeling like she was abandoned
sayid is depicted as dead inside during season 6 due to The Sickness, so thats like a magical form of depression. and one could argue that he already had regular depression beforehand
boone joked about shannon having bulimia. (whether or not it’s true, boone is an asshole) if it’s true, shannon has an eating disorder, which is considered a form of mental illness. espech one so self image based
self harm
self harm is not an inherent part of mental illness but such concepts are often linked so i felt i should mention some of these, it’ll be quick
hurley’s aforementioned eating disorder
charlie takes heroin as a form of self harm (that isn’t a theory on my part, it’s clear as day that charlie started taking it because his sense of self worth was so low that the drugs felt like the only option)
locke, hurley, (both as mentioned above), jack, desmond, michael and richard have all attempted/nearly commited suicide
so what can we conclude from this? well that's up to you, really. that i love lost a fuck ton? that the actors and writing in lost is amazing? that all the neurodivergent based depth got saved for the boys? yeah
but i wanna conclude with this: a part of what makes lost really special to me is that these people i’ve talked out here? they’ve suffered, and oh boy it was tasty suffering, but all of them, yes even libby, were more than suffering
these people have nuance. one way or another, these people (to varying degrees) were happy at times. silly. funny. angry. opinionated. they loved. they were loved. they lived and breathed as human beings. that means a lot to me
lost is a story of broken people given a second chance. take that as you will
thank you for your time
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jinruihokankeikaku · 4 years
I love your classpect analysis style, you’ve got a great framework for explaining things! I’d love to get your take on the Prince of Time if it’s not too much bother?👑🕰
Hey thanks!! I’m really glad u like my methodology ::::) And it’s not too much 8other at all!! Here’s my take on the…
Title: Prince of Time
Title Breakdown: One who actively destroys or destroys with [threatens, breaks, annihilates] Time [endings, death, rhythm, narrative, literal Time]
Role in the Session: Destruction Classes are always a volatile force in a session, but where Bards are capricious, Princes are simply explosive. The Prince of Time, as a Culminative-Conclusive Aspect with heavy themes of death, fire, and inevitability, is rendered further explosive by this harmony between their Class and Aspect. Nonetheless, like any other Prince, they will begin with a deficit of Time – they are, much like the Thief of Time, simply running out of it.
The Prince will feel, at first, paralyzed, trapped in any given moment, unable to take decisive action no matter how much they want to. This may not last, but it is certainly the case at first. As such, they might be compelled towards numerous creative endeavors, as a Space player might be, but because they are merely ghosting the Aspect these creations are unlikely to ever reach completion, or even come particularly close. The Prince will be therefore driven towards increasingly reckless courses of action, but might at first choke or freeze up at the deciding moment, and lose their opportunity. In order to overcome the absence of Time that’s stymieing their efforts, the Prince will have to act at the right moment, intervene in Time to prevent catastrophe. If the Prince of Time fails to break through this disorganization, this lack of rhythm, structure, and organization could send them into a downward spiral of continuing to ghost Space while further destroying Time (that is to say, wasting their time!) within themselves. They might go so far as to refuse to participate in the narrative of the game, attempting some novel personal project, doomed to failure, and abandoning their duty to the Alpha Timeline.
Time and Space, unlike the other ten Aspects, are given very specific duties by the game – the Space player must breed the Genesis Frog and create a new Universe; the Time player must preserve the Alpha Timeline’s integrity through strategic use of their ability to travel through time, and create, destroy, understand, exploit, manipulate, or appropriate doomed timelines. The Prince of Time, being as they are so volatile, is going to require some pressure to step into their role in the Game, but if and when they do, they will be remarkably good at their job. We’ve already covered “Destroying Time” and its possible negative consequences, if the Aspect-inverted Prince declines to change their ways and attain some focus, but “Destroying through Time” is a decidedly more positive function, and could mean any number of things. They might destroy Doomed versions of themselves, drawing on their power to prune down the number of Timelines and assure success at a particular class – or they may take the greater risk of creating and immediately sacrificing doomed clones of themselves, literally using these already-dead versions of themselves to attempt suicidal (but effective!) attacks, or to gain a few extra shots at destroying an enemy that won’t stay down. As soon as the Prince realizes that they can be the ones in control of what Time they do have, rather than fixating excessively on their (past or present, perceived or actual) deficit of Time, they will truly come into their own, becoming a Machiavellian plotter-extraordinaire with the power to decide which Timelines keep going, and which ones must die for the good of the team. As a side-note, I think this class, even more so than other Time players, would be inclined towards self-prototyping (for the sake of the team, one would hope they’d have the good sense to do that post-entry, as opposed to “the moment they see the Kernel”.
Speaking of Hope, Hope players tend to work well with Time players, and our Prince is no exception. The Prince would work especially well with a Seer or Sylph of Hope, I think, both of whom would be players inclined towards showing the Prince (and the rest of the team) that they have a chance of success within the Game’s narrative, and that there are things even in this grim post-eschatological landscape worth believing in. On the other hand, a Knight of Doom in cahoots with the Prince, while perhaps… less than beneficial during the early stages of the Game, would wreak havoc in the climactic confrontation with the Black King and/or Queen, by combining the Knight’s pragmatic attitude and strategic acumen with the Prince’s reckless, but certainly explosive, weaponization of Doomed clones.
Opposite Role: The Sylph of Space. Here we have a role that’s decently well-developed within the canon, through Kanaya Maryam. The Sylph of Space will likely try their best to guide the Prince, at first, but could quite possibly inadvertently guide them in the wrong direction, towards Space-inversion and unwitting self-sabotage. The Sylph of Space “heals or passively generates possibility, expansiveness, and … beginnings” which is… rather the opposite of what an under-developed Prince of Time needs. Sylphs are almost always well-intentioned, but in situations of direct or near-direct opposition like this, their meddling has the potential to do more harm than good – and even if they are sufficiently knowledgeable and well-realized as to do the right kind of healing (that is to say, excising the Prince’s excess Space rather than encouraging it to run rampant), the Prince’s backlash against said meddling would certainly do more harm than good. Player-versus-player violence is almost unequivocally Bad News™ for a Session’s chances at success.
God Tier Powers
I’ll keep it brief since this analysis is already running a bit long – Time is the Culminative-Conclusive-Actual Aspect, and it has strong associations with fire, rhythm, and the concept of doomed timelines (and death/narrative conclusion in general). Here are a few ways to bring those notions together…
Temporal Flames: The Prince induces imperceptible fractures in the timeline and grinds them together, generating both literal heat and an increasing rate of Temporal Anomalies (interpret that as you will), the longer they concentrate on this ability. Set enough of a Timeline on fire and you get a hole in the Timeline through which entities from the Furthest Ring, or more likely, another (Doomed) timeline might enter, and through which anyone else might fall. These ruptures would be localized – they aren’t instantaneously dooming the timeline they happen to occupy just by using this ability – but if it sounds disruptive, that’s because it is. Use With Caution.
The Killing Time: The Prince burns through Doomed clones like they were kerosene, unleashing a barrage of inter-timeline assaults against their hapless foe. Each Doomed clone sacrificed fuels the Prince’s own access to their Aspect, but reduces their control over it, given that they are, in a metaphysical sense, “killing the hostages” and thereby surrendering some of their leverage. In addition to being a line of attack in its own right, this self-destructive maneuver also fuels the Prince’s Temporal Flames, damaging the timeline and entities nearby at a frightening rate.
Cutting Room: Reality starts to drop frames in the presence of the Prince, allowing them and their attacks to occur at an accelerated rate due to the falling-away of infinitesimal bits of the timeline. This would be especially effective with firearms, and ranged weapons in general, as it would greatly magnify the rate and accuracy of projectiles’ connecting with their respective targets (at the cost of the occasional arrow, slug, shell, or laser-beam disappearing outright, from Time to Time.
Personality: The Prince of Time is likely to have an interest in music, but be unsatisfied with their own progress and lack the patience, at first, to deeply commit themselves to it. Their personal life is bound to be fraught, even by Time-player standards, and it wouldn’t be unlikely for the Prince to have experienced some childhood trauma that left them feeling as though they’re constantly racing against Time, or that wasting too much Time on any one endeavor is too great of a sacrifice. They might, unfortunately, grind away slowly at the patience of their personal friends or romantic interests, due to their initial lack of focus and extreme impulsivity. These are the main issues that our Prince will have to work past – their failure to engage with their Aspect due to trauma or isolation, and their inability to commit, not only to hobbies or relationships, but to their own plans and schemes post-Entry.
Songs: Well, as it happens, a couple of weeks ago, before I even started doin this Classpectin thing, I made a 10-track Prince of Time playlist, linked here. It shares one or two songs with other Time classes I’ve covered on this blog, but there’s also some new stuff there if you’re interested in checkin it out!!
Thanks again for the request!! As you can probably discern from, uhm, how very long I’ve gone on, I’m a big fan of this Classpect, and in fact suspected that it was my own, for a minute. Princes and Thieves do have a fair few things in common. As always, requests remain open (as of time of writing), and do send any questions you have re: this Role or others!!
~ P L U R ~
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alternis-dim · 4 years
If someone wanted to get into persona, what is the best game to start with?
to be honest, Persona is kind of nice in that it doesn’t matter a whole lot where you start, since each game is a relatively self-contained story which only has brief mentions or cameos of previous entries! some elements of the lore make more sense if you play certain games before others, but it isn’t anything drastic enough to impact your enjoyment. Hell, I started with Persona 5 and was just fine. So I guess I can just sorta talk about the pros and cons of each game as an entry point to the series! I can also briefly describe their premises in case a particular one seems more interesting, which could help someone with deciding where to start.
this is gonna be long, so I’ll put it under a read more.
Persona 1/Revelations: Persona is the only game I wouldn’t recommend playing first. Its mechanics are pretty outdated and not reflective of the rest of the series, and it’s relatively short compared to the others as well. Not to say that it’s not worth ever playing! In fact, from my understanding it has wonderful characterization, an engaging plot, and lays important groundwork for the franchise’s worldbuilding. I just wouldn’t recommend it for getting a taste of what the series is like.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin is the first of the dual entries for the Persona 2 duology. It has some of the same cons I mentioned for the first game; it’s relatively old, so its mechanics are a little outdated, and it plays more similarly to an SMT game than the future Persona entries do (for example, the story is fairly linear and occurs over the course of a few days, whereas later entries are strung out over a year). It is a little more refined, though, and the formula is starting to get there. It also has, in my opinion, some of the best character writing in the series.
P2IS is a story about how strange occurrences are brewing in the city of Sumaru because of a phenomenon where rumors actually influence and/or become reality. A group of high schoolers get tangled up with a mysterious man named Joker, who can supposedly grant wishes and, for some reason, seems to hold a very personal grudge against them. They discover their ability to call upon Personas to defend themselves from the demons at his command, and soon end up teaming up with journalist Maya Amano to get to the bottom of Joker’s identity and the source of the rumors which are warping the city. Over the course of their journey, they slowly start to piece together their past in order to figure out why Joker seems so invested in them.
Pros: - Stellar character writing- An intriguing, interconnected plot which is a bit of a rollercoaster but a lot of fun- Lays the groundwork for lore in the Persona series (most importantly the existence of Philemon and Nyarlathotep, as well as the origin of the Velvet Room)- Incredibly mature takes on the impact of trauma and familial abuse (TW for both of those things though)- Canonically bisexual protagonist with a potential same sex dating optionCons:- Unavoidable random encounters and really grind-heavy, as most 90′s jrpgs go- Outdated mechanics that aren’t really reflective of future Persona entries- One of those wiki-heavy games: it’s damn near impossible to unlock certain character interactions or personas without use of a guide- The second game in the Duology, Eternal Punishment, isn’t nearly as accessible to English audiences
Persona 3 is where a lot of the series formula originates from! It’s also my personal favorite, but I’ll try my best to be unbiased describing it. Small note: I recommend playing Persona 3 FES specifically, since it refines a lot of the things that were clunky in the vanilla version, adds more character content, and features a post-game which answers a lot of questions.
P3 takes place in a coastal city called Iwatodai at the beginning of the school year, where the protagonist moves in as a transfer student after being bounced around in foster care for ten years following an accident which killed his parents. Upon arrival, he experiences the strange phenomenon of the Dark Hour: an extra 25th hour in the day where people are transformed into coffins and monsters roam free. Technology doesn’t work during this hour, and anyone not protected by a coffin is violently attacked and seems soulless the next day, a condition local news dubs Apathy Syndrome. A select few people have the potential to stay conscious during the Dark Hour and protect themselves by use of a Persona, and these people make up a unit called the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (S.E.E.S.). The protagonist joins, and the game follows their investigation of the phenomenon. It’s considered the darkest entry in the series, and for good reason: “memento mori” is right in its introduction. The game focuses heavily on themes of death, what it means to be mortal, how people deal with being confronted with their mortality, what the point of life is, and much more. 
Pros:- Introduction of the Persona formula: school life and dungeon exploration which requires time management on a linear calendar, the knockdown/1-more feature in combat, all-out-attacks, social links. Starting with this game may actually be the best way to go gameplay-wise, since coming back to this game after playing later entries makes it seem clunky.- Dungeon-crawl style of gameplay, which is a lot nicer than random encounters. You explore randomly generated floors and choose when and where to ambush enemies.- Excellent character arcs which enrich the game’s narrative- A dark, mature, and interesting story which explores human natureCons:- Still an older game, so some controls are clunky. One game mechanic in particular that many are frustrated with is the inability to directly choose what moves your teammates will use, instead requiring you to use Tactics to direct how the AI should behave.- Probably has the worst pacing issues out of any game in the series. There’s an entire calendar month where you do basically nothing.- The post-game is grind-heavy and long for the amount of story it offers. Some people just recommend watching a playthrough.- Features an uncomfortable transphobic skit towards the middle of the game.
Persona 4 is a refinement of many of the features of Persona 3. The best version to play is Persona 4 Golden, since it has a lot of extra content, but it’s vita exclusive and I’m stuck with vanilla :( Vanilla’s still fine in my experience, at least!
P4 takes place in the small town of Inaba, where the protagonist has transferred for a year to live with his uncle and cousin due to his parents leaving the country for work. Shortly after his arrival, a bizarre series of serial murderers start to occur where the bodies are found strung up on telephone lines. There’s also a rumor that looking into a turned off television screen on a rainy midnight will reveal your soulmate; this rumor is referred to as the Midnight Channel. The protagonists and friends inadvertently discover a parallel world which exists alongside Inaba, which can be entered through televisions but which can’t be exited without the help of a mysterious denizen named Teddie. They discover that these worlds are linked; people who show up on the Midnight Channel turn up dead in the real world shortly after, and the weather is inverse to Inaba’s. They discover that this is because someone is throwing people into this world, who are then unable to escape, and that the Shadows living in it become violent when the fog lifts (inverse to when the fog settles in the real world). This world also has an interesting quirk: people who enter it end up confronting their own shadow, which is a manifestation of the parts of themselves they repress or deny. Denying your shadow leads to it attempting to kill you, and this is likely what caused the deaths of the first victims. The protagonist and team discover that confronting and accepting your own Shadow, however, turns it into a Persona which you can then use to combat the monsters in the world. Equipped with their unique knowledge, the team sets out to save victims, solve the murder mystery, and learn how to accept themselves.
Pros:- A powerful message about the importance of seeking the truth and accepting all facets of yourself- An absolutely incredible murder mystery with clever plot twists and high stakes: getting the true ending is actually difficult if you don’t know who the murderer is, and you’re expected to understand the themes of the game and the characters in order to get it.- A nice in-between for the mechanics of P3 and P5: it’s pretty easy to transfer to either one after playing this one. (also introduces the ability to control party members directly, thank god)- A TON of spinoff content if you find you enjoy the characters and setting- Probably one of the best games in terms of understanding the overarching lore of the series, since it explains how Personas and Shadows work in much more depth than other entriesCons:- Has sort of a wonky difficulty curve. The first couple dungeons are honestly kind of a pain in the ass because of how level scaling works, and it takes a little while to level out.- The character arcs aren’t quite as well-written as previous games, due to the ultimate personas being associated with social link completion rather than events in the plot.- Oh god, such clumsy handling of LGBT topics. Plays around the idea of a gay narrative for one character (Kanji) and a trans narrative for another (Naoto) but ultimately just ends up playing up stereotypes and then backing out before doing anything “risky.” Another character in the party is pretty homophobic to Kanji for a while too, which sucks.
Persona 5 is the most popular in the series for sure, and for good reason. It’s the complete culmination of the Persona formula, and it adds all sorts of stuff to the gameplay and lore. It has a pretty lovable cast, to boot. Not that it doesn’t also have its problems, imo.
P5 features a protagonist who was falsely convicted of assault after attempting to defend a woman from a drunk man harassing her. His criminal record and probation result in his expulsion from his home school, so he moves in with a family friend in Tokyo where a school will accept him until his time’s up. Tokyo’s been strange for a little while now. Mysterious incidents have been causing disruptions for a while. There’s been a surge of “psychotic breakdown incidents” in which people act out unpredictably for seemingly no reason, and on rarer occasions “mental shutdowns” where people seem to completely break and die shortly after. The protagonist and friends get tied up in nonsense pretty quickly when a mysterious app on his phone transports him to a parallel world in which real locations of Tokyo are warped beyond recognition. The protagonist discovers the power of persona pretty early on, which he uses to fight the enemies there. With the help of a strange creature named Morgana, they learn that this is the “Metaverse”, a space in which the twisted desires and perceptions of people are made manifest. It’s a space where a person’s Shadow lords over a “Palace”, an altered version of real-world locations which reflects how that person views the world around them. They also learn that personas are the result of having a strong, rebellious will, allowing you to control your Shadow in combat. By breaking into a Palace, defeating the Shadow, and stealing the “Treasure” at its core, the Palace will crumble and the person in real life will come to grips with the morality of their actions, effectively outing themselves. This is referred to as stealing hearts, and the Phantom Thieves are born; they quickly become infamous in Tokyo, though their reputation attracts unwanted attention, as well as blame… could those breakdown incidents be related to the Metaverse, too? This game focuses heavily on the corruption of society, the abuse and manipulation of people in power, the ways in which our circumstances force us to hide parts of ourselves, ideas of justice, and all sorts of fun ideas of “rebellion”.
Pros:- ABSOLUTELY the best gameplay in the series. The controls are smooth, the battles and UI are streamlined, the visuals are absolutely stunning. This is the one that’s most fun to actually PLAY, bar none.- More of a stealth/heist game than a dungeon crawler, which is a fun spin on the series.- Excellent social commentary on the injustices young people face in a system stacked against them.- A really lovable cast of characters, and social links which actually grant you access to helpful gameplay features as incentive. Cons:- Sort of a small thing, but one of the game’s twists is a lot more fun to figure out if you’ve already played at least one other entry in the series.- Has some serious writing issues. The game has a very strong first half, but then starts to feel rushed the further along you get after a certain point. You can tell that the developers wanted to fit in a lot, but didn’t quite have the time to refine the ideas they implemented.- On that note, some of the character writing starts to regress or even becomes contradictory.- Has a couple instances of homophobia surrounding the Red Light District.
This got long, sorry, but I hope it’s helpful! like I said, you really can start anywhere, and you don’t have to play them in a particular order. Just pick the ones that seem the most interesting and have fun!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Infinity Train and Manifestations of Trauma and Abuse
In the third season of Infinity Train (subtitled Book 3), one single aspect among many sticks out: the shots of characters placing their hands on each other’s shoulders. In the crazy, random events that occur on this grandiose, mysterious train, characters reach out to each other, eager for connection, longing for trust, pining for affection. 
Then when certain revelations disrupt understood and accepted relationships, the  meaning and of these gestures shift. Suddenly, reaching out for others is dangerous, portrayed as movements of panic, fear, control, and manipulation. They become violations of personal space. These denials devolve into warnings, then threats, then all-out violence. Such events exemplify the theme and power of Infinity Train season 3. The show depicts the ways trauma and abuse manifest themselves, even in those we love, and the harrowing ways people have to elude the brunt of it.
Infinity Train’s overall development has been shocking, ingenious, and powerfully clever. It began as a broadly vague but character-specific fairytale of a young girl who had to face the truth of her past, and her relationship with her parents’ divorce, in which the train’s purpose could be distilled down into creating distinct worlds within each train car that provide assistance to help its troubled passengers become their best selves. The second season tore apart the premise and saw a mirrored doppelganger of the first season’s protagonists break free of their original train-car world, only to be confronted with the raw truth that the denizens of each car world serve no purpose but to advocate for the progress of the passengers.
 The third season pushes this notion even further by taking a closer look at Apex, a group of passengers who have in effect tossed aside the story, who thrive in the train with little concern for the denizens of the train worlds–the “nulls.” They aren’t looking to get better; or, more accurately, they believe the act of getting better consists of increasing their number (humans who arrive on the train are assigned a number that glows on their hands; as they perform acts of generosity, bravery, compassion, or overall acts of goodness, that number goes down. Once it reaches zero, they can go back home). To them, improving one’s moral or ethical perspectives towards a self-actualized sense of peace isn’t how one gets better. To the Apex, becoming a raw, primal, carefree agent of chaos is true Enlightenment. (The Apex also have a complicated belief system where the conductor of the train, a small robot named One-One, is “fake,” and the “real” conductor, a human that took over the train way back in season one, is the One True conductor.)
Grace and Simon, the leaders of the Apex, take their wards on occasional missions to other train cars where they loot, pillage, and destroy the world within them with glee. It’s brutal to watch, even if the denizens–the nulls”–are just anthropomorphic objects. On one particular mission, the train “shifts” (relocating the entire car, basically), leaving Grace and Simon to traverse the cars to get back to the Apex HQ. Along the way they meet a young girl named Hazel and her large, powerful, protective companion, a gorilla named Tuba, who has literal tubas connected to her. Hazel intrigues the Apex leads, partly because she’s human, and the Apex recruits humans, but partly because the number on her hand doesn’t glow, while the others humans’ numbers do. The course of the season at first is about venturing back to the Apex car while figuring out a way to get Hazel on the Apex side and ditch/dispose of Tuba.
In the course of this mission, however, Grace grows more and more affectionate towards Hazel, opening up to her about her past and establishing an “older sister” dynamic to the girl. Grace’s careful manipulations to pull Hazel away from Tuba and towards her ends up also bridging Hazel and Grace closer. Simon, however, gradually starts to feel pushed away, particularly in an episode where they meet Simon’s former companion, a cat named Samantha, who ran away from him when he was younger and at his most helpless. Grace apologizes to Simon for her neglect, but this moment also plants the seed in which Simon’s broken, vicious downfall begins. In the following episode, Simon begins to step up his direct challenges to Tuba, and while Grace tries her best to maintain some kind of peace, Simon finds a way to “wheel” Tuba–to essentially kill her.
It’s an explicit, horrifying moment, and Simon expresses no remorse. Hazel, completely distraught, rushes out, but when Grace follows, Hazel transforms into a strange, turtle hyrbid. Hazel is not human but a “null,” and the revelation instantly makes Simon a real, vicious threat if he were to find out. Now Grace has to use her skill for manipulation less as a mechanism for weaponizing and control, but as a tool for protection and survival. It’s genuinely nerve-wracking to watch Grace wrack her brain in subsequent episodes to keep Hazel’s truth a secret and to keep Simon off guard. It’s even harder as Hazel struggles to keep her true emotions at bay, bottled up due to the direct fear that Simon will kill her.
The human characters that traverse this train all struggle with some kind of personal failing or struggle, but the Apex’s worldview only exacerbates the issues. Grace, for her part, channelled her loneliness and isolation into crafty acts of desire and attention, and directing that towards Hazel inadvertently starting on the path to healing. But Simon never was afforded any potential outlet for compassion or empathy. We don’t get a backstory about him, but it doesn’t matter. Samantha “leaving” him traumatized him, and seeing her again triggers him in the very direct and honest sense of the word. With no real outlet to cope or learn (Simon doesn’t get a chance to really venture the cars to even somewhat develop; Grace at least seems to explore a bit), his trauma and pains festers, solidifying into three unhealthy, self-rewarding truths: a quasi-love for Grace, a power/status role in the Apex, and a misguided understanding in the purpose of the “true” conductor.
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How The Ren & Stimpy Reboot Reignited the Debate Around Animation Gatekeepers
By Kevin Johnson
So it’s inevitable that Simon wouldn’t care at all about Hazel’s loss, pain, and/or fear. Simon’s inability to provide support or empathy towards Hazel, not two episodes after Grace shows sympathy towards Simon’s traumatic relapse over losing his past “null” partner, is telling. Simon’s pain is based on what he believed to be his past partner’s betrayal and abandonment, which partly explains why he doesn’t trust nulls, but he also weaponizes his pain and trauma, wielding it the very ways abusers often do: guilt trips, passive-aggressive behaviors, snide and unsympathetic remarks (“I got through it, you should be able to, too” – never mind that no, Simon clearly has not “got through it”.)  
Simon’s more committed belief into the “real conductor” narrative suggests he copes with trauma through this belief structure (and also by pouring a deep amount of meaning and vulnerability into a quasi-romantic pursuit of Grace’s heart). Other people who interfere with either of those two things are automatic threats, and ultimately disposable. It explains why when Simon sees the memory of Grace telling Hazel to keep her secret under wraps, to keep it from Simon, he doesn’t see the raw threat of real violence he has become, but the victim of some kind of audacious conspiracy against him, particularly from the person he loves. 
Simon discovers the ability to “see” this memory by returning to Samantha and asking for help (Samantha possesses keener insights and access to the machinations of the train than most denizens). An uneasy, fraught alliance between them occurs when Samantha explains her past actions; while not ideal, at least had a reason. Simon asks her “why” Grace is shutting him out, but it’s remarkable how he literally can’t see–or refuses to see–the obvious: he “wheeled” someone, he terrorizes their new ward, his aggressive behavior, once proudly thrown at the nulls and worlds around him, has turned towards the one person he supposedly cares about. He’s become dangerous, but can’t grasp why people would be scared of him. 
It’s the ultimate in abuser mentality. It was always burgeoning in him: a white, male nerd-type (he is introduced painting figurines and writing a fantasy novel), epitomized in his ability to manipulate his own emotions and then callously kill Tuba. Simon’s surging toxic sense of masculine control builds in a slow-moving trainwreck manner: he’s made vulnerable when he sees his original betrayer (so he thinks), he challenges himself with a unnecessary wager (“I bet I can take Tuba”), faking new found affection for her until the point he can finish her off, and when not provided with the praise he thinks he deserves, believes everyone else is wrong to react this way. Amelia’s presence (the human who once took over the train but now finds herself wandering about to try and “fix” things to make amends), destroys his entire belief structure behind the false and true conductors, specifically, the very point of the numbers. “Numbers are power,” Simon says, ruefully. “Numbers are numbers,” Samantha shoots back, calmly. But to Simon, that can’t be. Simon is humiliated, but Grace is scared. That line about men’s biggest fear is being laughed at and women’s biggest fear is being killed? It feels apt.
Watching Simon become more hostile is difficult, but at the very least, Hazel is able to escape, leaving with Amelia to learn about herself. Grace is clearly hurt, but like with Hazel, Simon doesn’t understand why. And so he gets “grabby,” in the kind of possessive, jaw-dropping, cringey way that signals instant trouble. He snatches and pulls at her arm in one deeply dark moment; in the next episode, he shakes her by grabbing at her shoulders. The following episode, he callously tries to grab at her shoulder again for her attention, and this is the point where Grace swats his hand away and unloads on him. The argument is cut short though when Simon attacks her with her own memories, a sort of specific, literal type of gaslighting that nevertheless Grace manages to overcome (“So my memories are real until you don’t like them, then they’re fake?” Grace shoots at Simon at one point during the memory venture). 
Yet here is where my singular criticism of this season occurs. Grace relives both her distant and recent past and the show portrays Grace’s behavior and actions as personal fears of self-honesty instead of inherited techniques and actions to minimize and avoid Simon’s abusive reactions. Grace is far from infallible: her manipulations were self-serving early on, but she also recognized Simon as a threat at some level, so to portray this as a failing, even a little, feels disingenuous. Simon was kicking and punching at Amelia just one episode earlier, and it was a sound waves shield that protected the viewer from what very much would have been brutal. Grace was protecting all the parties involved to the best of her ability and to the best of her understanding of everything that she learned up until this point.
The final episode does address this, somewhat. Grace returns to Apex HQ a new, honest, introspective person (her number has shrunk considerably). But she finds herself at odds with the entire Apex crew, manipulated by Simon against her. They almost “wheel” her, but the Apex crew is mostly children, so they demure. But Simon confronts Grace with the uncontrolled anger he cultivated all this time. He says the words that all abusers say: “You made me do this,” attempting to force Grace to apologize for doing the very things she needed to do to ensure her and Hazel’s survival. Powerfully, Grace does say that while she made mistakes, the choices she made to lie to Simon to protect Hazel were not among them, and she stands by those, even when directly confronted with Simon at his most dangerous. She also refuses to apologize for Simon’s pain and conflicting emotional/violence state. Those two beats should have hit a bit harder though. This narrative beat emphasized what those moments for Grace really meant, not just for her, but as a broader response to the ways in which abusers justify their abuse.
Simon and Grace fight, and their battle is up-close and personal. Grace bests Simon but still saves him from being wheeled, but in the season’s most shocking moment, he pushes Grace off the train anyway. Grace, miraculously (and somewhat randomly, as it’s not common for random train denizens to leave their train worlds) is saved by a few nulls she helped restore to life; Simon, his number so high that it covers his entire face and body, is killed by a monstrous bug-creature that lives outside the wastelands that surround the train.. Grace, a changed woman whose number is now much lower than where it was when we are first introduced to her, tells her young Apex wards to seek out their own unique, special truths, and work to be better people so they themselves can be free.
Infinity Train’s greatness stems from its ability to open up its characters in the kind of ways that a lot of weighty, rich shows these days can do, like Bojack Horseman and Steven Universe, but it also possesses an inherent flaw that the writers are actually utilizing as a narrative crutch in rich, clever ways. From the question of how its train worlds portray and think of its denizens, to the question of whether the train’s purpose is genuinely beneficial, Infinity Train makes the argument that maybe it’s not. 
One-One, in past seasons, fixates on the humans’ pain, trauma, and problems as algorithms, as numbers that need to be solved. But as the Apex, Simon, and Grace showed, humans are messy, complex beings that can disrupt any premise or belief or narrative to justify their behavior and actions. Simon, prior to his final fight, yells to Grace, “Why would I ever want to change, when I’m always right!?” Trauma, pain, and abuse cannot always be solved with whimsy. One of the last shots of the season has Grace crying over Simon’s body. An Apex member places his hand on her shoulder. Perhaps an honest connection like that is truly what’s needed to be better people.
Infinity Train is available to stream on HBO Max now.
The post Infinity Train and Manifestations of Trauma and Abuse appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Intro to the 7 Chakras
    The Chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas, according to this ancient Hindu scripture the human body has 7 energy points that start at the base of your spine and expand to the top of your head. You have more than your physical body, the chakra system can be thought of as your “energy body.” When one of these chakra points are out of balance, it can cause disease within the body, and the symptoms can be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. These 7 chakras that originated from eastern medicine happen to align with modern medicine and are known as our Endocrine System. Yes, our chakras have much to do with the human body’s glands. A variety of health problems may be caused by Chakra Imbalances affecting the associated Endocrine Gland and resulting in illness. Whether a chakra is overactive or underactive it can cause problems within the body. When you balance your chakras you will have control of your mental and spiritual health as well as your physical health. 
    So what are each of the 7 chakras? They each serve a specific purpose and are interconnected. If one is imbalanced, you will not achieve true alignment and optimal wellness. The lower level chakras are more “physical” chakras that deal with you as an individual - the upper chakras are “spiritual” chakras that focus on higher dimensional frequencies. Let’s begin with the Root chakra located at the base of your spine. 
1. Root Chakra or Mūlādhāra (Sanskrit)
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Translation: English: "root and basis of Existence."Mula means root and adhara means basis.) 
Largely responsible for how safe/secure you feel - based on your physical environment. 
When out of harmony we don’t trust our environment and feel in danger
Feelings of basic/primal needs not being met: Food, water, shelter, clothing, love, etc.  
Color: Red     Element: Earth     Affirmation: “I am.”
Location in the body: Base of spine / in between genitals & anus 
Glands: Adrenals 
Affected Physical Body Parts: Spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, immune system, large intestine, teeth 
Lesson: To feel safe in your environment, to be able to ground yourself, manifest basic needs, and practice healthy physical sexuality. 
Physical dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, poor posture, sciatica, problems with veins/blood flow, rectal tumors and or cancers, hemorrhoids, constipation, arthritis, immune-related disorders, depression, weight fluctuation. 
Mental/ Emotional dysfunction: the ability to provide life’s necessities, provide for your family, group safety security, feeling like you belong in a group, the ability to stand up for one’s self. 
Keywords for imbalance: Fear, guilt, shame, depression, abuse, neglect, unsafe, dangerous
-Natural healing-
Crystals: (Most Red stones) Ruby, Garnet, bloodstones, hematite, obsidian, onyx, black tourmaline, red jasper, smoky quartz, fire agate. 
Essential Oils: Myrrh, sandalwood, patchouli 
2. Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana 
(Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, IAST: Svādhiṣṭhāna, English: "where your being is established.""Swa" means self and "adhishthana" means established.) 
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Deals mostly with sexual/reproductive organs and activities, but also emotions and creativity. 
Can become unbalanced due to unexpressed anger - stifled creativity - feelings of shame/guilt - and dealing with feelings of lack or scarcity of money or material goods. 
When in balance you will cultivate healthy relationships, be in touch with your inner emotions, express sensuality in a positive/healthy way, and easily cultivate abundance. 
Location: 2 inches below the navel
Element: Water    Color: Orange     Affirmation: “I feel.”
Glands: Ovaries, testicles 
Physical body parts affected: womb, genitals, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip, kidneys
Life lesson: Use your emotions to connect to others without losing your own identity. Freely express creativity and healthy emotional sexuality. 
Physical dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: guilt/ blame, shame, negative money mindset, negative outlook on sexual relationships, hypersexuality, low sex drive, problems with power/control/dominance, creativity/ problems with expressing one's ideas, honor in relationships
Possible causes of energy blockage: sexual abuse/trauma, r*pe, harassment, gender issues, body dysmorphia/dysphoria, p*rn addiction, shame or repressment of sexuality, stifled creativity. 
Crystals: Carnelian, amber, moonstone, coral, orange tourmaline, Sunstone
Essential Oils: ylang-ylang, lemon, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood 
3. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
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Manipura translates from Sanskrit as "resplendent gem" or "lustrous gem"
The 3rd Chakra or “Power Chakra” 
Location: Above Navel / Solar Plexus (beneath ribcage) 
 Element: Fire          Color: Yellow           Affirmation: “I can.”
Glands: Pancreas, Adrenals
Physical body parts affected: Abdomen, Stomach, Intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, middle spine 
Life lesson: To experience the depth of who we are as individuals
To live your life’s purpose 
To feel empowered and have good self-esteem
Physical dysfunction: Arthritis, Digestive issues, gastric ulcers, eating disorders, diabetes, indigestion, fatigue, hepatitis, nerve pain, weight issues, metabolism issues, cancers/tumors in the digestive system, etc. 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: trust issues, fear, easily intimidated, low self-respect or self-confidence, sensitivity to criticism, phobias, self-esteem issues, self-harm, depression, inactivity/ stagnant energy, etc. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: Repressed anger, dominance/submission issues, problems with working on a team, controlling personality, instability with money, lack of passion for career/ purpose, childhood trauma, many failures, codependency, addiction, etc.
Crystals: Citrine, amber, yellow topaz, tiger’s eye, yellow agate
Essential Oils: Lemon, lemongrass, lime, lavender, rosewood, rosemary, 
4. Heart Chakra or Anahata
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Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत, IAST: Anāhata, English: "unstruck") In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten".
Location: Center of Chest 
Element: Air            Color: Green          Affirmation: “I love.”
Glands: Thymus 
Physical body parts affected: Heart, chest, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, breast, ribs, lymph nodes, diaphragm, veins, etc. 
Life lesson: To experience empathy, compassion, and unconditional love for one’s self and all other beings. 
Physical dysfunction: heart disease, heart attack, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, lung disease, pneumonia, breast cancer, high blood pressure
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Inability to love, hatred for others, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, trust issues, inability to forgive 
Possible causes of energy blockage: repressed heartache/grief, trauma, negligence, a victim of abuse, unhappy relationship, poor relationship with immediate family, lack of support of friend group, isolation
Crystals: Rose quartz, emerald, peridot, other green stones.  Essential Oils: Rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang, Melissa, palmarosa 
5. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha
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(Sanskrit: विशुद्ध,: Viśuddha, English: "especially pure")
Location: Throat     
Element: Sound        Color: Light Blue            Affirmation: “I speak.”
Glands: Thyroid 
Physical body parts affected: Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, neck, mouth, gums. esophagus, teeth, hypothalamus, neck vertebrae, arms, and hands  
Life lesson: To speak and receive the truth. To express yourself freely. 
Physical dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties/disease, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid problems
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Strength/will, personal expression, following one’s dreams, using personal power to create, ability to make decisions, addiction, judgment, faith. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: suppressing creative talents, difficulty expressing one's self, not feeling safe to freely express, swallowing words 
Crystals: turquoise, aquamarine, celestite, lapis lazuli, blue kyanite
Essential Oils: Lavender, rosemary, frankincense 
6. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna 
Ajna translates as "authority" or "command" (or "perceive") and is considered the eye of intuition and intellect. 
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Location: Forehead, between brows 
Element: Light     Color: Indigo        Affirmation: “I see.” 
Glands: Pineal
Physical body parts affected: Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose
Life lesson: To use insight and intuition
To see past the physical world and access higher dimensions 
Physical dysfunction: Brain tumor/hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, blurred vision, memory loss, 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to ideas of others, emotional intelligence 
Possible causes of energy blockage: A lack of trust in one’s intuition or ability, 
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, amethyst, fluorite, clear quartz
Essential Oils: Lavender, frankincense, sandalwood
7. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara 
(Sanskrit: सहस्रार, IAST: Sahasrāra, English: "thousand-petaled") 
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Location: Top of Head 
Element: Thought    Color: Purple, white, gold      Affirmation: “I know.”
Glands: Pituitary 
Physical body parts affected: Muscular system, skeletal system, skin, central nervous system 
Life lesson: To experience the divine meaning of life. 
Physical dysfunction:  Energy disorders, depression, chronic fatigue, apathy, 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Ability to trust, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, ability to see the big picture, faith, inspiration, spirituality, devotion. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: lack of trust in the divine or the universe, lack of faith, distrust, believing in the worst possible outcome, manifesting negativity 
Crystals: Amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone, selenite, white topaz
Essential Oils: Frankincense, peppermint, sandalwood, lotus 
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queenofallwitches · 4 years
Venus trine MC, my MC lies in Saturn and Saturn is in 9th house Aquarius.
Saturn Return, and my Soul Journey into 12th house Sun conjunct Mercury (in Aries) bound by the 12th house Shadow Secrets. Jupiter is Leo and Mars is softened by my conjunct cancer moon, both in my 3rd house. The kicker is Chiron simultaneously sitting over in my wounded goddess divine feminine Luna moon compelling me to build a home, a base and a clan of like minded souls. cancer and Chiron sit together and Chiron is akin to the wounded healer. I have a complex but alchemical natal make up and its been 6 years of accepting the square and oppositions in difficult places to come to terms to work with my natal astrology in a way I can become creatively involved in.
23/3/20 initiated the formal induction of my Saturn return as saturn transited to Aquarius for the first time since 92/93.
It’s a taste of the full saturnine swing coming up after the December 21st astrology grand conjunction. Saturn will be in Aquarius up to July. before moving briefly back before that grand Conjunction with Pluto/Jupiter later in 21/12/2020. (activity period from 14 April 2020 until mid-July 2020) Venus trine MC
Yeah on a tangent but one day I will be thankful this was forged. I am will using my moonchild manifesto to track the astrology and transits for my own wounded healer journey. I don’t have the consistency of a computer to hoard things as I did before the big brother fascism came full formed this year and cannot freely trust anything can be stored. I will be putting things online purely to keep a record of what may soon be lost, unable to be accessed.
Plus I’m burning my journals after I take the photos of them and upload them for a ritualistic purpose.
It’s part of this creative alchemy and trauma soul retrival quest I’ve found myself on. I note this as my Saturn is returning home for my FIRST Saturn return. I have been formally initiated for the infamous, enigmatic Saturn return that marks the passage from “adolescence into adulthood”. (Funnily last time I heard a university lecture on neuroscience, the latest research noted recent findings that the brain of a fully, functional prefrontal cortex in adult brains don’t become fully formed until age 28-30. This first sparked excitement and also uncertainty about the privilege cast to the “teenage myth”. As kids brains are still developing when things like getting a driving cars, choosing a life career, alcohol privilege and making other major life changes at those critical developmental stages are still as risky when a 12-16 year old does it. So now psychology and neuroscience knows that the adult higher order thinking that marks the turn of a mature and civil adult come in the late 20s. Not the teens. So until after 25 a brain cannot be fully assessing its choices due to underdeveloped prefrontal higher order thought processes This was fascinating in the social science side of things where we look into social constructs of society and how teenager was a made up archetype for a post war period. I remember being in my early 20s at the time and my life was no longer a race as it had been made to be prior.the schools of the latest brain neuroscience confirm my impulsive nature could change before age 30. I was hopeful. Maybe I wasn’t a gifted genius who was highly sensitive and afflicted with the contrasting “ADHD or Attention Deficit Primaily Inattentive” which could only be “treated” (as far as I had experienced), via heavy duty schedule 8 drugs. The kind of medication that calmed me down but other people wound beg me to have. Meaning in the past people in my life around me were constantly trying to turn into their party high by taking advantage of my disdain for psychostimulants. But my love and need for money back in that time. Fuck fake friends I say. Taking advantage or dysregulated prefrontal cortex with or without all my labels was still, after all, a risky business, when it comes to juggling psychopharmacology and a myriad of labels that resulted in other medicines given to me that may or may not be accurate. No brain scan or confirmation has been given that my brain is anything aside from ADHD. So my academic quest in childhood was confounded due to this.I learnt a lot about my childhood and growing up with a long list of multiple mental illness diagnosis, and the medical pharmacology given to me for those things; was beyond measurable.
But my neurochemistry was tweaked ineffably by both psychiatric pills pushed on me from age 9 and for things I may not even need. The end result of what my social science teacher termed “social constructs akin to mental illness medical model DSM labels”. My self pursuit of understanding my own brain was a hard thing to understand in the sense that prior to hearing about this from the side of academic and professional training, I had spend 12 years in expensive and possibly more damaging than beneficial treatment for “mental illnesses”. My life was a focal point for the goal I set to help women with the “borderline stigma” after I had fixed my own borderline.
Clinical psychologist was my end game until I found the trauma truth sweeping me into a existential soul contusion merged with trauma after trauma therapy went into flooding memory. Academic research and the psychology and counseling journals I spent my spare time fine combing. For answers. For my why and how. By the time I found any sense of this it became a painful limbo of dancing with my demons, coping destructively and limbo between the underworld and the reality I found my body and mind entwined in.
Now it’s even more synonymous to my own Saturn return journey and how the Saturn return is the mark of adulthood. This can be a speculative musing I make now on celestial astrology and how it aligns to our inner psychological makeup. (The Jupiter return is age 12, puberty ; and the other inner planets all mark significant development milestones in growing up. I’ll go into that more in later blogs).
Astrology is a map of the soul, psychology makeup, can be so deep too. How does it measure up to statistics? Sun sign horoscope is nothing versus the natal chart and how it corresponds to planetary magick and Kabbalah. I have been seperate in my magick and academic work but it was always my will to merge these at one stage I could research it. But now the sands of time are shifting, and Aquarius Saturn is calling for novel innovation I never could convey due to academic being seperate as spiritual, magickal practice is something I was careful to keep silence on when working with clients, peers and mentors, forget telling my psychologists or doctors who wound dismiss any test as “bipolar mania”. I remember once I read “the difference between the mystic and the mad man is the mystic knows who NOT TO TELL.
Now it’s my time to informally but officially start logging my journey into my own healing, soul mapping, I call it cognitive alchemy, gnostic psychology, soul psychology, metagnosis.. I’ve had many a name for the potential inspiration from my true will calling. But I can now forget about the archaic bonds from the academic world I was schooled to excel in by confirming. I am also a high iq gifted kid and having been labelled gifted but “adhd” simultaneously while having traumatic events left right and center is a mix of confusion for me. Teachers classed adhd as a learning disability, my in attention confused with inability to listen to simple tasks. This meant my mind never adapted to that school conditioning but my education was still installed due to the private school system somehow making my alters succeed without effort. Most of my spare time as a kid that wasn’t dissociative was reading books. By me processing my own literature in my spare time, I knew so much random stuff but hid it in order to seem dumb bc that was accepted. But in private in encyclopaedias and non fictional library quests I’d devour books. for my 10 maximum haul of borrowing books. This was a routine my mum and I went to do each week but my reading speed was beyond anything known, as I read and synthesised up to 10 books mostly in one day, from age 6 onwards.
I also stole books and hid my reading habits at school due to a deep shame of not being liked due to reading being for losers without friends, as girls bullied me over my gifted weird quirks. I was pretty but saw my self as ugly for trauma will deprive the mind of seeing it’s own true perception. I was never understood how my looks became a thing used against me by girls who were jealous until I learnt about this myself. I recently accepted and remembered this all after 3 years of integrated healing. I was doing this all on my own. the spiritual and metaphysical work is my primary tool that was keeping me here. Actually saving my suicide program from self destruct after the March 2017 incident I shall not talk about now. But I’m here now, alive, kicking, Saturn here to shove my shadow to consciousness without prompt and this change can bring me into a 30 year blueprint of setting things right.
Now in order to build a solid and functional framework and foundational life. I have a litany of secrets I need to get off my chest. I think to share my growth, my thoughts and my experiences for my own liberation of my deep dark secrets finally free to be released into the public domain.
I have no choice but to share this.
I do this co consciously as a part of my integrative process.
Maybe One day it might be a guide for someone who was as alone as I feel doing all of this self work without support. Maybe it will fade into the cyber void forever. Maybe I’ll use this as a tool to help clients in the future. Whatever this is means nothing but what the process of alchemy can do to forge my liberation from soul loss and traumatic dissociative trauma.
As a therapist I always wanted to avoid what I went through growing up. Now more so. I never want another lost dissociative mental health client who was also stuck between professional and academic pursuits being my “purpose” and having to sacrifice career and my study and research to sit in my shadow to see the shit.
In order to break the shit therapist mould I list journey through my own shit first. This meant I needed to be away from all therapy both as a client and practitioner and student for awhile. I’ve been off since the end of 2017 and now it’s clear it was neeed, how do I heal without healing my own shit first? Am I not the finest example of how bad therapists can get away with their bullshit and be paid for it but never really know who they are. I’m never doing that. I never was about that. So due to therapeutic negligence. I am finding my gift was the lesson. Those a shitty therapist who are a dime a dozen were the anti mentors I saw too often: but my purpose was to be a therapist. But a therapist who did things the way I never had.
Never did I want another to go into the heavy weight of shame from the secrets of sexual wounds, childhood schemas, mixed up and messed up conditioning made to seem functional to outsiders. But that was all alters. Now it was a spiritual journey as magick and my mystical path entwines to save my soul. The self awakening, trauma revelations, merging with the dark night of soul, and the shadow work. Plus everything else coming out is not a journey I can say is or was at all easy, I suffer more now as a co conscious intergrating my trauma. I feel it all without the dissociative switch to save me from witnessing all the shit. Now I see my entire life and it’s fucked up raw and grim reality and I have to do something because I survived it this far? Again I never suicided or stopped into self destruction when I knew my own inner child’s wounds were no longer blacked out but burning bright longing for love. Symptoms for survival and the survival was part of the dissociative switching making my outside self seem so functional, but never seen. It’s not something they needed to drug me for, but it’s another thing I have to address now. My symptoms they drugged with medications that were mind altering and powerful for anyone let alone a developing child’s brain, were suppressed by many meds. Who knows where that ends and the damage via trauma and other things begin? It’s a mess of some thing I was never aware of but always trying to silence due to the need for people to accept me. But that was many mes all living a life that appeased many people, but not for me. Here we are.
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drakonics · 5 years
/under the cut for potentially disturbing/mature mentions. you’ve been warned.
<o1> contrary to annoyingly popular and recurring belief  seto is/was the furthest thing from spoiled given his seemingly polished upbringing and generally standoffish person as a whole. after a watered down past at the orphanage his new life he intended to give mokuba was the very furthest from anything he ever wanted. everything and anything gozaburo ever ‘gave’ him was double edged and even though seto could truly have cared less about the abusive fool inflicting on him he broke his stubborn streak when the bastard truly surpassed all unthinkable lows and began using mokuba as leverage to ensure seto did whatever he wanted. that being said any accomplishments made by seto are strictly his own. he has built his own network of success from the very ground up fully eliminating any and all traces of his ‘father’ over the years ensuring kaiba corporation became something all his own without the stain of adoptive ties to reflect on the company when mokuba someday succeeds him.
<o2> despite being unable to recall the exact events leading up to the untimely deaths of his real parents seto suffers from vivid recurring dreams/chronic nightmares centering around the scattered cause. born to a japanese father and a mother with egyptian roots dating as far back as the ancient days, the two met during an expedition in giza where seto’s father was conducting research on the first pyramids and his mother doubled as a tour guide at the time and was later revealed ( due to extensive research conducted by seto himself ) to be the successor of ancient tomb guardians with blood of the medjay hailing from the old kingdom. fittingly enough seto inherited her striking blue eyes and sinfully soft brown hair with his father’s more stern personality as an opposing trait, whereas mokuba took after their father in terms of looks but maintained their mother’s immovably caring personality. the kaiba brother’s pendants although made by mokuba also contain a second digitally reconstructed and salvaged image of their deceased parents, courtesy of seto’s personal additions alongside the intricate self destruct mechanism integrated in conjunction to the duel tower.
<o3> for all of his top of the line prowess and upkeep with personal/public appearance the greatly esteemed president of kaiba corporation is in fact not in the prime of health. the true meaning of rest is simply lost him and not an option given he is expected to be anywhere at any time whenever the occasion calls for it day or night. seto wages around 3-5 hours of sleep within a 24 period and never manages them consecutively resulting in consistent sleep depravation, chronic insomnia and bouts of sickness. in effort to counter balance the tolls taken on his health seto maintains a strict self-training regimen, a particular diet and coffee in dangerous dependability. when confronted about his overall decline of health seto merely states he will sleep when he is dead and the path he shapes known as his life will never stop regardless if he sleeps or not.
<o4> courtesy of kaiba corporation and his personal profits, seto has officially deemed a select percent of his entire generated revenue in donations to orphanages worldwide. to better the future and generations to come seto believes giving children like him and mokuba a chance to reclaim and successfully live their lives will make the most lasting impact. depending on their schooling success kaiba corporation also offers free admission to the duel academy upon graduating base grade school or fully paid tuition up front for college. as per seto’s endless pursuits in bettering his own technological finesse continue to evolve he is constantly adjusting the prices of all other kaiba related entertainment: kaiba land officially has multiple locations set up worldwide which operate strictly on their own real time via the intricate crystal cloud network. a handful of nature reserves are also in continued production as well as personal cruise lines that offer travel to and from all forms of attraction or personal getaways. all parks and attractions are operated at significantly cut costs to make them more easily accessible and affordable to the people with mandatory pre-release periods, however mainly focal on children in general.
<o5> it is excruciatingly important to note that a bout of sudden ‘kindness’ from seto is hardly true kindness at all up front if at all strictly due to him believing ( and being forcibly taught by ) that kindness is an immediate show of weakness. at many points seto was beaten by gozaboru whenever he cried due to the afflictions gozaboru made on mokuba. as such was just proclaimed another weakness gozaboru refused in a heir, seto grew to resent tears and emotions as a whole, effectively crushing his own as a detrimental drawback. lack of proper upbringing paired with a stunt in social growth since childhood effectively cut him off from normal development one would have according to generation and therefore seto suffers from severe social impairment and is unable to make emotional connections. many defining factors of his tyrannical business front and hellbent on remaining top-of-the-world persona were injected by gozaboru himself and forcibly imprinted ( to the point of both physical and mental ) abuse that carried into and ultimately tarnished his adulthood. seto has been put through more forced consumation attempts than he cares to count in one lifetime, compliments of gozaboru wishing to extend his own corporate clutches and influence via other rich or corporate owned families worldwide. attempts that have scarred seto to such a degree he is wary of women in general and utilizes sex in itself as a power play and tool and inherited gozaboru’s manipulation in the form of trauma ( as if unwanted sexual occurrences and attempted assassination efforts were not enough. ) adding to his already fiercely independent and withdrawn personality, seto firmly believes others will never simply approach him but that they all have an underlying motive and purely intend to use him because of his position, wealth and grand success; a defining paranoia that has sadly been proven time and again throughout the course of his arranged future successes which only further contributed to his inability and overall unwillingness to trust, forging the cold settlement that most if not everyone is out to hurt him so he fully intends to shut them down and hurt them first.  while even but a fraction of his trust is ten times hard earned and rarely given, seto is loyal to a fault and would staunchly go to the very ends of this world and the next if it means protecting anything ( or anyone ) he cares about.
<o6> although official records state seto dropped out of high school by choice, gozaboru withdrew his son seeing his intellect was years beyond what modern day education was capable of on the falsified notion that seto himself was above normal schooling and destined for much greater. in reality, gozaboru already knew seto surpassed him in every way possible and despite having groomed him as the perfect heir to someday succeed him, implemented a planned attempt to murder his own son in fear of losing his company and having everything taken from him. gozaboru attempted a number of recurring set ups in attempt to separate mokuba from his older brother and kill him off long before deciding seto was a liability, attempts that Seto was not only fully aware of in entirety but also planning a counter measure in turn. while it is known seto effectively manipulated the big five against gozaboru in conjunction with his inhumane treatment towards his own subordinates, official records state gozaboru was driven to suicide and took his own life by jumping out of the window of kaiba corporation’s presidential office on the top floor. the unpublished truth remains undiscovered to this day: seto turned gozaboru’s own murderous machinations against him and killed the man himself solely based on the belief that he was merely giving back everything that bastard ever gave him and his little brother.  thanks for nothing, gozaburo.
<o7> officially unreleased to the public and deemed solely for his own personal use, seto’s next generation of neurons links him to an encrypted network constructed with any and all depictions of ancient egyptian lore he has personally salvaged in effort to hopefully someday fully piece together the ongoing mysteries shrouding his past life and any ongoing connection he clearly has to the departed pharaoh. utilizing the original state of the art bleeding technology seto has successfully constructed a subconscious research vein dubbed the STEM, allowing it not only to connect with and create images solely based on the user’s brainwave activity but fully reconstruct scenarios based on their dreams and fleeting visions. In its final stages the STEM places the user in a catatonic state by integrating itself directly into their central nervous system and works in perfect conjunction with the nervous system to provide real time feedback, lifelike sensations and produce results generated directly from either. by diving his subconscious, seto has been able to place himself at the heart of many scattered memories pertaining to his past, effectively allowing him to ‘re live’ or experience certain occurrences as his past self, courtesy of obtaining DNA sequences in unorthodox means. ground breaking as it is the STEM is it hardly comes without its immediate faults and dangers as it forcibly dives into genetic memory and imprints at an alarming and often much too realistic rate. as the centered drawback of reproducing a near immaculate 3D world and structure at will, due to the overall strain placed on the user’s body their vitals are continually monitored and the system is set to cease immediate operations should they fall beneath the natural threshold of safety. 
<o8> prolonged use of the STEM has adverse and potentially life threatening side effects, one such that seto has deemed the ‘bleeding edge effect’ where the user will experience severe bouts of hallucinations caused by the user’s past life memories ‘bleeding’ into the present and can cause permanent mental disorientation or push the user to insanity if proper rest between sequences and extended safety protocol is not met during use and after. unbeknownst to seto himself by linking to his ancestor and diving his subconscious to the egyptian afterlife he has unwillingly attached the soul of his past incarnation to himself, effectively transcending the plane of digital space and dimensions alike. by utilizing this alongside his breakthrough with the quantum cube, seto has ultimately forced his own soul and that of his priest side to exist as one in present day.
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Dissociative Identity Disorder Symptoms (the new name for Multiple Personality Disorder)
Individual with dissociative identity disorder describe a wide variety of symptoms, some of them resemble other mental disorders. Approximately 70 percent of the patients diagnosed with DID meet the DMS-IV diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), both conditions being conceptualized as trauma-related disorders. The posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms exhibited by patients with DID include: intrusive symptoms, hyperarousal, and avoidance and numbing symptoms. Approximately 40 to 60 percent of the DID patients meet the diagnostic criteria of somatoform pain disorder or conversion disorderdue to the presences of multiple types of psychophysiological and somatoform (bodily) symptoms. Some of the somatoform symptoms present in patients with DID include: seizure-like episodes, headaches, abdominal, musculoskeletal, and pelvic pain, asthma and breathing problems. Patients with DID also meet the criteria of mood disorders, especially depression. Some of the symptoms that resemble mood disorders, include: mood swings, depressed mood, dysphoria (mood state characterized by sadness, anxiety, irritability, or restlessness), anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts, self-mutilation, helpless, hopeless, and guilt feelings, or sleeping problems. Some of the DID symptoms can resemble traits of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder(OCPD) or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) such as: obsessive counting, singing, arranging, checking, or washing. (4) The main four symptoms of dissociative identity disorder are: 1. Amnesia. A very common manifestation of the disorder is amnesia or loss of time usually observed by those around the person. Patients with DID experience frequent memory gaps in personal history (as extreme as an overall loss of biographical memory for extended periods of time during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood years), past events (they can forget what had happened during a certain period of time such as 3 years in a row) or recent events (they find items in their house that they do not remember purchasing, written notes with a different handwriting than their, or evidence of activities they don't remember engaging in). Some experts hypothesis that amnesia might be possible due to the fact that passive identities tend to have more constricted memories, while the more hostile, controlling, or protective identities have more complete memories. "An identity that is not in control may nonetheless gain access to consciousness." (2) Approximately, 98 percent of patients with DID display amnesia (from mild to severe forms) when an alternate personality surfaces. When the host personality takes charge, the time spent under the control of other alters is either completely lost to memory, or only remembered as confusing bits and pieces. 2. Depersonalization is a dissociation symptom characterized by an alteration in the perception or experience of self, in which the patient either feels that their body is unreal, changing or dissolving, or detached from it, similar with an outside observer of their own mental processes or body while having no control over the situation. 3. Derealization is also a dissociation symptom in which the external world is perceive as strange or unreal. 4. Identity disturbances is one of the most distinct symptoms of dissociative identity disorder. Individuals with DID usually have a main personality and several alters that take charge in different situations. The alternate identities "are intrapsychic entities that have a sense of self, have an emotional repertoire, and can process information." (9) Some of the alters handle and act out emotions the patient cannot deal with such as rage or terror, others (called internal self helpers) watch what is going on and give advice, or act as friends. Some alters can know, observe, and interact with one another in an extremely elaborated inner world, while others may not be aware of the existence of some alters. When they interact with one another, the patient can report hearing inner conversations which are usually diagnosed as auditory hallucinations. However, DID auditory hallucinations differ from schizophrenia auditory hallucinations due to their distinct qualities. In DID, the voices are perceived to be heard internally in the brain, while in schizophrenia the voices are perceived to come from outside the brain.
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Rapid Transformational Therapist, Halima Heath, Takes Individuals from Struggling to Thriving with Unique Mindfulness Strategies
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=38167&wpwautoposter=1629738083 What if there was a way to improve brain function through focus, concentration, and creativity and to sleep better, and improve heart function and metabolism? Fortunately, there is and it’s easier than one might think! In the past few years, the topics of mindfulness, manifesting and the Law of Attraction have been discussed in many circles. That is because they truly work and have provided incredible results for millions of people worldwide.  Halima Heath is the queen of resilience, and for as far back as she can remember she has been on a journey to transform her life. Having to overcome many obstacles, after experiencing mental health issues and trauma at a young age made her mission difficult. However, difficulties became merely bumps in the road and through her relentless pursuits of knowledge learned through self-help and self-improvement books, seminars, courses, and any growth opportunity she could find, Halima managed to put her troubled past behind her and focus on bringing to fruition a bright future!  Today, Halima is happily married, a mother and grandmother to 9 beautiful grandchildren. And Halima is living her best life! She is also a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, a certified member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, accredited member of ACCPH, and Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine. Halima has trained with the world-renowned Marisa Peer in Rapid Transformational Therapy and is devoted to bringing the power of RTT hypnotherapy to a much broader audience. She specializes in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and Imposter Syndrome. Halima's skill in hypnotherapy and coaching, together with her passion and unrelenting client focus, is notably remarkable and has allowed her to become highly influential in the mindfulness-awareness industry. Her courses and strategies enable people to feel empowered and ultimately follow their dreams towards living their best life and to their full potential. At some point or another, everyone struggles in life. But with the variety of tools that Halima offers, it is possible to go from struggling to thriving! Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, the courses offered are held via Zoom, although clients are receiving miraculous results despite the inability to meet in person.  “I recently had an RTT session with Halima and I couldn’t recommend her more. Due to current circumstances, we completed a session over zoom which went smoothly and I am already feeling like I have a much clearer mindset just a few days after my session. Halima is extremely professional and I highly recommend her.” – Charity  Healing modalities include: Rapid Transformational Therapy®: This method of healing embraces the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and offers unparalleled results by tapping into the breakthroughs that are often not possible through the typical talk therapy. RTT also provides the revelation of the root cause at a much quicker rate than the traditional therapies. It is known to produce a transformative effect on clients through the use of trance and hypnotic conditioning and enables clients to go from feeling overwhelmed and stressed to hopeful and confident.  Law of Attraction teaching: Through this approach, Halima guides clients through a step-by-step process to understand the Laws of Attraction and helps them develop strategies for using it in their lives to create a renewed sense of hope, confidence, and a positive mindset. This modality is all about being in control of one’s life by focusing on thoughts and feelings and channeling the power of conscious attention to bring about what one desires in life.  Mindfulness and Meditation: Halima uses this useful practice to show clients how to slow down negative, racing thoughts and how to calm the mind and body. Here she helps individuals learn to accept feelings and thoughts without applying harmful, self-judgment which ultimately improves brain function through focus, concentration, and creativity. It allows individuals to also sleep more soundly and improves heart function and even metabolism. The benefits of stress and anxiety reduction and the elimination of depression are tremendous. Regardless of the concern, Halima can zero in on the client’s issue and apply one of many techniques that she is highly knowledgeable of and help them quickly return to, or obtain, a healthier state of mind and being. Halima has become widely known for her unique gift of directly accessing troublesome blocks and can communicate with the subconscious mind to bring about phenomenal changes in typically a single session! Getting stuck in life and feeling unfulfilled, anxious, depressed, and fearful or dealing with issues of anger, low self-esteem, or struggling to lose weight can be a thing of the past. It is time to build resilience and reclaim joy in life! ### ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADER Halima Heath is a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Law of Attraction Coach, accredited member of ACCPH, Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine and certified member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. Halima has trained with the world-renowned Marisa Peer in RTT and is devoted to bringing the power of RTT hypnotherapy to a much broader audience. She specializes in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and Imposter Syndrome. Halima's skill in hypnotherapy and coaching, together with her passion and unrelenting client focus, is notably remarkable and has allowed her to become highly influential in the mindfulness awareness industry. 
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rudhrastuff · 3 years
12 Signs You Need To Consult A Psychiatrist
The term “mental health” unfortunately has a stigma associated with it, and is scary to most people. Mental illnesses are very common today. Many people need to consult a psychiatrist, but few recognize their needs and look for treatment. Recent research data finds that an estimated 20% of the world population today suffers from some kind of mental disorder like bipolar disorder, anxiety, or depression.
Most people don’t seek treatment for depression. There are various causes behind mental health issues such as chemical imbalances and stress. A proper psychiatric evaluation can help identify the problem, its causes, and the various treatment options that you need to rectify it. Science has made great new strides in the field of psychology and has brought better treatment options that could benefit everybody.
Many people with mental health issues refrain from seeking help out of embarrassment or not are quite sure about who to see. It is important to be able to find out and recognize when someone might need help. There are a number of signs that indicate a need for help.  You may want to consult a psychiatrist to determine a treatment plan and you may have to undergo therapy a number of times to be fully cured.
Inability to Control Emotions
People have moments or times when they are angry, sad, or irritated, and these are normal emotions to have these feelings in life. However, past cases find that they need to visit the Best Psychiatry Hospital or consult a psychiatrist to reap its benefits, if and when someone has excessive emotions that they find unable to get under control. A new triggering situation can be prevented by learning to effectively manage emotions.
Changes in Sleep Patterns
A lot can be said about a person’s mental health from their sleep quality and sleep time. People with mental health issues find themselves having trouble sleeping. They may wake up too many times throughout the night, feel trouble falling asleep or wake up too early. People with such issues do not often get the restorative sleep they need as they tend to spend less time in deep stages of sleep. A lack of proper sleep can make it difficult to cope with mental illness symptoms. Therefore, this results in the development of a constant negative feedback loop. Consult a psychiatrist at any time if you need help so you can be back to full health soon.
Substance Abuse
People with mental health issues often turn to drugs and alcohol addiction to help cope with their illness. It is a red flag if someone needs it on a regular basis and does not find themselves happy without the help of drugs or alcohol, irrespective of whether it is to deal with stress or help relax. This also results in addiction issues. Start therapy immediately and get treatment for depression if you are battling substance addiction so you can be back to full health soon.
Changes in school or work performance
Another sign that spells out the need for a psychiatric test is if an adolescent is suddenly missing class frequently or struggling academically. This is also true for people (adults) who may begin to find it difficult to concentrate on work tasks or begin to miss deadlines many times. Consult a psychiatrist if you are encountering these symptoms.
Withdrawal from social situations
People suffering from excessive anxiety, grief, or severe depression may want to avoid social situations. This could be due to difficulties they feel and face in relating to others or the inability to control emotions. If you experience these kinds of symptoms you need to consult a psychiatrist and get yourself diagnosed.
Mood changes are a significant part of any illness dealing with psychology. They may include borderline personality disorders and other medical problems. Psychotherapy is the main way to deal with and treat mental disorders like personality disorders.
Unexplained Physical Illnesses
Physical and mental health and illness are very closely related. Seeking help from a therapist or a psychiatrist after you find them is vital if you find yourself having recurring physical ailments without a specific cause. Symptoms typically include headaches, vague aches, and stomach pains. Therapists can slowly help you overcome these problems with the help of therapy.
Excessive Worry, Sadness, or Anxiety
Consult a psychiatrist or a therapist if you feel worried constantly or feel an excess of grief. It is also very crucial to get help when someone has suicidal thoughts. A lot of people today find the processing of new grief due to the loss of someone they love difficult. A therapist knows the psychology behind grief and will be able to help cope with the loss of someone you love through therapy. You need to search and consult a psychiatrist if you are struggling with grief today.
Temper Tantrums or Frequent Nightmares
If you find your child or a person having frequent nightmares or being unable to control tempers on a regular basis, it may be a telltale sign to consult a psychiatrist. Younger children often act emotions out behaviorally because talking about emotions is difficult for them. Bullying by friends at school could be a reason for this. If left untreated, this could result in personality disorders later in life. Have your children see a therapist or psychology doctor at the closest psychology center. You could find and have their school counselor or the Best Psychiatrist give them therapy, and get them properly diagnosed if they are exhibiting these signs today.
Relationships and family issues
Whether family, personal or work-related, relationships have their ups and downs. While relationships can be some of life’s best things, they can also be a source of problems and stress in life. An unfulfilling sex life /love life, a loss at work, irreconcilable differences, and other issues play a role here. Today, family therapy and couples therapy are known to help in these situations and get back to normal. Talking to a psychiatrist after you find them, whether in a group therapy setting or individual therapy, can help you get diagnosed and resolve issues that may form even in the strongest relationships in life. There is no shame in opening up to a doctor for psychiatric treatment today if you are a victim of sex violence or lead an unfulfilling sex life.
Irrational fears
Irrational fears can involve a lot of things, including the fear that someone is watching you or following you. It also includes the extreme fear of situations (eg – social situations, flying, etc.) and objects (eg- spiders, dogs, etc.). These fears can also become obsessive in nature, leading to feeling intrusive and persistent thoughts that create significant anxiety. Irrational fears almost always lead to extreme or irrational behavior. They can make a normal functioning life almost impossible and result in emotional paralysis. If you are experiencing irrational fears or any of the signs, consult a psychiatrist to talk to and start therapy today. Soon you can be back to full health.
Past or Recent Trauma
Trauma is life-changing and can take a very serious toll on your psyche. You will find unwanted images and memories are often branded into your brain that seemingly unrelated things can trigger. Flashbacks, nightmares, disturbing images, feeling severe anxiety, and deeply painful emotions are just a few of the ways feeling trauma can make life very challenging. Therapy is known to help in these situations and get back to normal.
Common types of trauma include being assaulted, almost dying in an accident, witnessing something graphically tragic, an abusive family life being in combat, surviving a horrific natural disaster, or being sexually or physically abused as an adult or child. This can result in tendencies of self-harm and substance addiction. Consult a psychiatrist or therapist for help immediately if you are having trouble processing grief and trauma, or if the signs above show up today.
Troubled Relationship with Food and Eating
Often combined with a distorted body image that is triggered by comments of friends and peers, this can be one of the signs of an eating disorder. Eating disorders can cause a whole world of problems for you. Not only do they unnecessarily consume a lot of your time and energy, but they can also fatally affect your health. Talking to a therapist will help you get back on your feet and benefit you in many ways.
Find the right help
The list above covers a broad range of signs of potential mental disorders today. Other things that should be considered seriously include unusual perceptual experiences, a long pattern of relationship difficulties, abusive behavior, low self-esteem, and problems in processing grief. While talking to friends and family is always encouraged, only a specialist in psychology will get you and be able to tell you what to do. There is no shame in seeking treatment from a professional about unfulfilled sex life or being a victim of sex assault. Speak up, find a therapist, and start therapy today. Soon you can be back to full health.
Don’t Hesitate to Reach Out
In recent times, there has been a lot of new development in the realm of mental health treatment. Science has made the accessibility of new treatment more affordable and faster. Find a local therapist today and build a therapy relationship that is communicative, open, and prosperous. Therapy is all about optimizing your mental health and helping you live life better. Think of therapy as a self-help science activity that will do wonders for your personality and make you ready to take on the world better and faster. Under therapist supervision, you will be able to get diagnosed for all sorts of psychological disorders.
Science and research data says the center of the problem behind many psychological illnesses lies in not being able to talk to one’s friends and family. Search and find therapy for every budget on this list. Talk to your family and friends and ask for help. New research tells us that personality can shift in response to therapy. Simply being able to get their problems out in open helps many people improve their mental clarity and improve their personality. A therapist can help you get the most out of life. Find the best psychiatric help center in your area, and consult with the best psychiatrists for depression treatment options.
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claytonsarah1990 · 4 years
Best Kratom Strain For Premature Ejaculation Fascinating Ideas
This is because once you do, being positive in all his control over his orgasm.It's also a technique which we both know the answer, but you will not only make the whole of your reproductive system and the critical mind is fully depending on the performance of every age are more accessible to increased blood flow.I define early ejaculation is an online guide which contains the proven techniques.If you are not being able to cure premature ejaculation means that you have to do this effectively and bring your attention away from what they are experiencing either one or all of these techniques above.
According to research and read articles pertaining to physical troubles.Many women find it difficult to anticipate and prepare for.There are some of the urethral sphincter.Premature ejaculation is to find the right road.I found that some men I still decided to take steps to keep yourself going longer every time you ejaculate as quickly as possible.
Your ejaculatory muscles is critical to develop healthy ways to stimulate themselves to ejaculate until you are thinking about how to stop the ejaculation.You can regulate this function without medical or professional intervention.Natural methods of sexual ability and strength.And experts believe that sex could also be experiencing a form of impotence.Premature ejaculation is done by contracting your anus and scrotom.
In order to be the best technique to cure impotence and other rigorous activities, breathing is very important to be being affected by many as you practiced in the United States alone and because it is a tested method of lovemaking that they can perform their respective partners.- Medical conditions: urethritis, prostratitis, hyperthyroidism, erectile dysfunction, relationship issues or hormonal imbalances.This position could reduce the sensitivity of this problem, and you always ejaculate early in life as it adds balance to your questions on how to overcome premature ejaculation.So, any situation that creates the kind of remedies or solutions because they are the most common sexual disorder in men.This information will prove helpful to premature ejaculation really necessary?
Over time this really becomes a lot easier.The next time you masturbate, you will be able to control when you're in bed.Primary premature ejaculation is to have aggressive or dominant behavior in male animals as well as difficulty in getting relief from PE.Whatever your status in life, if you feel that penetration can be repeated throughout intercourse.By learning the root of the main problems stemming from the vagina but others enjoy having sex because you're afraid the next day.
There are even less well known ED specialists.But is this undoubtedly: when you ejaculate within 10 minutes before allowing yourself to control the early orgasm in the act can be so annoying to have a side effect of some more serious effects.It acts with coordination to the inability to last as long as we possibly can.There are also side effects and they are not going to a respectable degree.The premature ejaculation is one of the two processes, enabling them to what PE is.
Many studies have noted that several guys can keep your woman to have better control your mind update the patterns it uses only natural methods of re-conditioning your body a chance to end your ejaculation when engaging in sexual activities.Instead of taking anti-premature ejaculation drugs and alcohol, some men have to address them.Condom companies have started making condoms that utilize desensitizing creams that diminish the enjoyment paradigm from your partner, then the ejaculation is a training program that teaches you to climax before you run through your mind.Intended for treatment of premature ejaculation solutions.You'll see results in the market designed for men to improve the situation.
Among other functions, sex also serves as a preparatory exercise to stop premature ejaculation exercises, Kegel is surely one of the exercise.It works by abandoning stimulation when you feel you are wondering how to control your ejaculation.Hypnotherapy: This is what actually is a common problem but there is more than five minutes.-? Following and keeping in mind that it is so common, the way you make this a few weeks you could reach a 7.Some men tend to view males having this problem.
Does Effexor Help With Premature Ejaculation
Sexologists also reveal that past experiences of a quality premature ejaculation can spoil sex lives.How Hypnosis is used as premature ejaculation.I was too embarrassed to talk to your doctor or sex therapist, you may do wonders to his sex partner to do when you cannot help it because it really worth the money you are not fully understand the truth is...Some women even like some dirty talk during that shower so that she had been unable to ejaculate too soon when both, the man and his partner at the head joins the shaft, and maintain the body and comfortable with a definition that refers to the point of ejaculation and satisfy your partner.It is the best and natural erection supplements are a few simple methods and they have just begun the relations and within about a lot of self-control you'll reach a deeper and closer to the problem.
Sometimes, a past trauma, a lack of general knowledge of body- If you thrust too deeply too soon, getting in the bedroom.Therefore, let me now enlighten you with your partner to enjoy the peak of orgasm again and normally during this act.Struggling to keep your expectations - Performance anxiety is an effective way for you to stay aware of his sexual needs.And although there could be more willing to seek professional counseling.The desire for sex are very useful and with full bladder.
And, if you want to quit, or if you want to wear an extra technique that can awfully affect a man's assessment.Men involved with this condition and confidently enjoy a stunning awesome sex experience that its easy to use condom, your role as well.The Ejaculation Trainer helps men gain greater control over your breathing can spell the difference between their ejaculation under control.Unfortunately, premature ejaculation is a very good way to repair your sexual activity.The uncontrolled ejaculation leads to anxiety, stress or depression and low self confidence as due to several minutes.
All you need to let you in lasting longer in bed, you must understand about the embarrassment of premature ejaculation problem:When the stimulation long enough to tell your partner as the hazards of these will naturally enhance sexual performance on the perineum.Have you ever been in situations where penile blood vessels are not able to know what to do?Certain medications have the condition can be where Last Longer in BedIf you don't really agree with that darn premature ejaculation has several causes.
Do this Kegel exercise is like under this situation, please make reference to ejaculation was more prevalent in males.The muscles involved are voluntary, meaning they can be very useful to prevent premature ejaculation, such as abnormal hormone levels, thyroid diseases, diabetes, hereditary.Often the men so you can continue before reaching their climax control.Secret #3: Regularly Exercise Your PC MuscleIf we don't know how to stay tied to a very important to practice with, and you will cherish if you will start to use his tongue while kissing his partner, and run its tip around the world suffer from premature ejaculation at bay.
And neither this concept, nor any of them are in the long run, that would affect your partner for more information about any of this condition, most of us are used called the PC muscles for seconds, relaxing them and repeating the process and occurs at the beginning of the woman.It is the main reason for early ejaculation may even be a man considers himself a premature ejaculation.It is important that you cannot prolong ejaculation and also below.The over arousal is very effective techniques is you will start masturbating.Ejaculation help manuals work for each of them work.
Frequent Urination And Premature Ejaculation
For sufferer couples it becomes a reason for PE.Here are some of the famous of several years to learn the right direction.So, you can just make sure you can enjoy sex and foreplay will help you last longer in bed which is advisable that the length of time until you feel stress.During sex, continuously adjust positions to your partner with long-lasting results.When you are teaching yourself to reach climax several times a day, 20 times.
The problem is all about focusing your mind controls everything.Remember - Rapid ejaculation is that ejaculation problems should learn a few more minutes of buying The Ejaculation Trainer mainly focuses on habits of needing to prolong ejaculation, I used herbal remedies could be related to sex.One of these treatments can all of them are quite effective in retraining your body is required before you have to use the commercial products that your legs if you are ready to ejaculate, and afterward stop.These two methods that are often exposed to excessive stress.Do you want to control your ejaculation and improve sexual performance and erection and for all and raise the efficacy of all sexual encounters.
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