#gemstone advice
your-ace-cousin-clover · 10 months
Okay, I need some help - I'm trying to write some angsty Post-Satanism but Pre-Christian Keefe who's got a chip on his shoulder and works a dead end job.
I am writing him as a bit stand-offish and snarky at the beginning and then he like warms up to the Keefe we know. But like I don't want it to become too OOC? So does anyone have any advice?
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 11 months
watching the righteous gemstones (am a few eps into s2) has me absolutely DAYDREAMING of a challenge wherein the succession cast and the righteous gemstones cast have to switch places and act out scenes from each other’s shows
every time there’s a siblings scene on the righteous gemstones i just NEED to see the roy siblings in the exact same scenario
and the gemstone siblings in the waystar royco skyscraper being zoomed in on a lot! why not!!!!!
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piss-bong · 1 year
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Btw for anyone unaware this is an example of the Victorian hair necklaces I was talking about. They were traditionally made from the hair of a deceased relative, and sometimes had a portrait of the deceased on the back.
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panchrathna-gems · 3 months
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Best gemstone store near me
Explore the top gemstone store near you in Coimbatore. Panchrathnagems offers a diverse collection of genuine gemstones. Shop with confidence!
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abroadastrology · 9 months
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Free gemstone advice
Seeking the perfect gemstone? Our expert gemologists offer free gemstone advice! Discover the ideal gem that aligns with your energy and needs. Get personalized recommendations based on your birth chart and desires. Unlock the power of gemstones for balance and positivity in your life. Don't miss this opportunity; claim your FREE gemstone advice today. If you are looking Kundli Analysis contact us. For more info visit: https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/services/online-report/mangal-dosha-calculator.php
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nysocboy · 2 months
If things go well, maybe you can talk about it later
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This is the advice that Jesse gives to BJ when he is preparing to beat up Stephen in Episode 3.6.
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esotericawakenings · 11 months
Check out this amazing CZ ring that we just got in.
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gemofanenby · 1 year
trying to think of a name for our system but we don’t really have like... a running theme? we got: -host + originator, regular human -weird ace shapeshifter -beefy butch lesbian -puppy girl who's also a werewolf -eldritch incomprehensible monstery thing -android girl maid (sorta?) -forest cryptid
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powersteine · 2 years
The bracelet consists of several approx. 6-8 mm large faceted peridot button. These are threaded tightly on a fine steel cable. The closure is solved high quality via a carabiner and an eyelet. So it is as good as impossible that the bracelet accidentally comes off, but can be easily opened if necessary. The peridot bracelet is in its total length about 20cm long.
Effect as a birthstone
The gemstone peridot is the birthstone for the astrological sign Libra of the first Decade, which extends from September 23 to October 02. The healing stone peridot stands for the fact that he transforms negative into positive. It has a balancing and relaxing effect on Libra, especially in problem and conflict situations. With the help of the peridot as a birthstone of Libra, this finds the consistency and beauty of natural harmony, in addition, the sense of justice of the sign is strengthened.
Effect on other zodiac signs
For the zodiac sign Cancer, the peridot is one of the important main healing stones. These people can be helped by the healing stone in coping with melancholy and stress. For the lion the peridot helps as a side stone to strengthen his charisma.
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disease · 2 years
50 Q’s
1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger? 2.) what is a quality you’d like to change about yourself? 3.) what is your worst potential fear for the future? 4.) which television series do you use as a form of escapism? 5.) share a secret about yourself? 6.) if you could choose any place in the world to visit, where would it be? why? 7.) what advice would you give your childhood self? 8.) describe how you envision your ideal life partner? 9.) what is your favorite environmental season? why? 10.) what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read? 11.) what is one song that’s able to bring you to tears? 12.) describe your best friend? 13.) what was the premise of your last dream? 14.) what’s your favorite warm beverage? 15.) name one musical album that greatly impacted your life? why? 16.) what’s your favorite form of flattery? 17.) what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel? 18.) describe your personal style? 19.) what was the last concept that inspired you? 20.) who was your very first artistic inspiration? 21.) how long have you used tumblr for? how has your style changed over the years? 22.) what was your first cell phone? 23.) what is your favorite fruit flavor? 24.) whom would you resurrect from the afterlife? which 3 questions would you ask them? 25.) if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? 26.) which of the 7 deadly sins do you struggle with the most? and which the least? 27.) your latest obsession? and why? 28.) if you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose? 29.) what’s your least favorite smell? 30.) favorite mythological creature? and why? 31.) name a scene from a movie that makes you cringe? 32.) favorite piece of memorabilia you own? 33.) your personal favorite oddity about yourself? 34.) favorite concert/show you’ve attended? 35.) what’s one thing you would tell to the last person who betrayed you? 36.) your favorite mantra to live by? 37.) do you have any strange habits? 38.) what’s your favorite white-noise to fall asleep to? 39.) what is your favorite gemstone? why? 40.) how do you choose to cope when you’re upset? 41.) what are you currently trying to accomplish? 42.) what’s your favorite item you’ve purchased secondhand? 43.) describe your personality is only 3 words? 44.) how is your relationship with your parents? 45.) an instrument you aspire to learn how to play? 46.) relate yourself to one movie character? 47.) least favorite music genre? why? 48.) which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter? 49.) name a public figure you find to be overrated? why? 50.) what purpose do you get out of using tumblr?
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soaringwide · 2 months
Pick a Card: What is blooming for you this spring?
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Spring is always a magical time for me, and I know I'm not alone. This time of the year, I can feel excitement rise in my heart, the desire to make plan, to savor life to the fullest. And every time feels different, like I'm living it for the first time, with only a vague memory of what it was before.
So I wanted to make this pick a card collective reading about what is blooming for you this spring? I will leave the message open to welcome any area of life and type of message, and provide not only an energy check, if you will, but some advice on how to welcome it fully.
How does that work?
Take a moment to recollect yourself, breathe, close your eyes if you need to, focus on the moment. Look at the 4 pictures and select the one that draws you in the most. Not the one you think looks cooler but the one that creates that pinching feeling inside of you. The one that makes you feel it has something to say.
It is possible to feel attracted to more than one pile, just as it is possible to only find parts of the reading relevant. Remember that this reading is meant for many people so it won't be perfectly applicable to your situation.
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Cards: 3 of Swords Rx + Page of Swords Rx + Death + The Vow + 9 of Wands Rx The Gem / 7 of Swords + 10 of Swords + Stress + Page of Cups + Courage + 5 of Cups Rx + Ace of Swords / The Protectress + The Shaman
For the energy-check part, The Death arrives like the return of lifeblood in the branches, shaking things up to leave space for the new buds that are to come. This beginning of spring, a massive cleanup of old ties and energies is occurring. Cutting away the old to let the new emerge.
You're in the process of leaving behind a tie that, while not negative per say, was definitely something you had to leave behind in order to move forward and rise to the skies. It seems this tie was something you found value in for a very long time, but you made or are making the choice to move forward.
This comes somewhat like a battle you had to experience within you, as it was not easy to separate from and left you feeling victimized and defeated, like the entire world was against you or out to get you. This whole situation caused intense heartache and a feeling of almost unbearable internal pressure which you may have turned against yourself in fits of self destructive impulses and anxiousness.
On some level you were or are still resisting this change, or rather, what this change is going to lead to. You are trying to control the outcome and refusing to surrender due to a lack of trust or faith. You are trying to burn the steps to reach the end of this uncomfortable time quicker.
The good thing is by going through the motion of this change, you are finding your inner light. From the pressure is born a beautiful gemstone that catches on the tiniest gleam. You are also not only learning to stand up for yourself and your values, but also to embark on a new journey.
There will be a time of transition. At first you will feel guilty of what you're leaving behind which will cause a lot of inner turmoil and tears shed. You will feel like you're getting away with something you shouldn't be. You will feel like you've hit rock bottom in a rather dramatic way, but the good thing is that the only way to go is up!
What's going to follow this is that you'll become at peace with your own feelings, will learn to be sovereign in yourself no matter what's happening outside of you. You know yourself and what you stand for and you won't get put out of balance anymore. You're learning the courage it takes to stand up for your emotional peace and you will know how to defend it ferociously.
Once you'll be done mourning what you've lost, you'll find a lot of clarity and desire to initiate the next step of your life in a very stimulating phase full of new ideas. You'll realize that the key thing in your situation is to trust the process and let it flow.
Now onto some advice on how to navigate that:
You need to be mindful of how you spend your energy, and by that I mean, you need to get enough rest. Yes spring is stimulating and you may find yourself wanting to make a billion plans, but you've got to understand that your body and mind need rest and relaxation too. Protect yourself, say no when you need to, even to yourself. The other more spiritual side of this is that you're somewhat vulnerable at the moment and need to be careful not to be swayed by the opinion of others. Stand strongly in your own skin, your own beliefs and don't give into something that doesn't truly align with yourself.
You inner fire is unique and you need to remember that whatever it is you will become, you will always be you in all your beautiful strangeness. So embrace what it is to be you, don't be ashamed of if or try to hide it, and shine of your fucked up light.
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I just wanted to preface this reading with a warning, it's a bit difficult but the advice is very hopeful and sweet so please don't feel too down about it because it will get better!
Cards: The Poet + The Queen of Cups Rx + Healing + Ace of Cups Rx + Let go + Courage Rx + Ambition + 5 of Pentacles + Acceptance + The Unseen + Bottled Up + The Pilgrim + Anger / 10 of Pentacles Rx + Forgive + Death Rx + Overwhelmed + High Priestess Rx + Gloom + Blessings and Curses Rx + The Shaman Rx / The Devil + 4 of Swords Rx + 10 of Swords Rx / Temperance Rx + Manic + 9 of Cups + Love + Joy + Harmony
In the first few moments of spring, I see you slowly leaving a phase where you didn't allow your emotional needs to be met, or allowed yourself to feel something specific. Due to past experiences, you've felt like your deep feelings where not listened to and were dismissed. Your own light was not seen and remained in the dark because it seems that no matter what emotion you shared, it only led to chaos around you. You ended up discarding them like an useless relic, baring yourself from the ability to heal with them, ending up stuck in place because you don't see that from accepting the sorrow you can learn lessons that will lead you to bloom again.
You are scared of leaving something behind, something that doesn't fulfill you emotionally like it used to, something you had great ambition for. Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe it's a passion or a dream. Ultimately, this is leaving you feeling like you're stuck in the winter, unable to feel the new energy of spring, because you're not accepting this new wave of change.
You are about to embark on a new journey, but unable that you are to see the top of the mountain, you remain wandering in the snow doubting it's even worth it because all you can see is a difficult path. This is causing a lot of anger, which ironically is the only emotion you let out, everything else is trapped within.
This spring, I see your going through this struggle but learning very important lessons in the process. Basically, you're on a journey of self acceptance, both of your flaws and qualities you don't express to the world.
There will be a need to let go of familial expectations that were placed upon you and to forgive the hurt it did to you. It seems you will be resisting change until it becomes overwhelming in order to force you to make a choice. Once that point is reached, it will be hard to see the situation from a different perspective, as in, you will be emotionally drowning into feelings of despair, but, really, that's necessary because you've been shutting yourself from that for too long, keeping busy in order not to think about it.
The process of spring is to free yourself from those heavy bonds. Here is the advice in order to navigate that better:
First of all, you need to cool down and restore your balance. Don't try to fix things by being overly active but instead try to find some rest and moments of silence to listen within.
Also, there is plenty of love around you to be felt and to enjoy, perhaps even a new relationship or one that you closed yourself to. The advice is to be positive about the future. Really all those advice cards are super bright so you're getting massively encouraged.
You will be able to share joy around you once those dark yucky feelings have been cleared.
What if you stopped resisting? I think you would find change doesn't have to be so difficult and painful, and that there is beauty and sweetness waiting for you just around the corner. Open yourself, be playful, and try to remember the wonder of a child discovering spring once more.
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Cards: The Bridge + The Moon + Let Go + 10 of Wands + Relieved + Ace of Pentacles + Queen of Swords Rx + The Comic / The Devil + Renewal Rx + Anger Rx + Strength + Forgive Rx + Page of Cups + You are Deserving / 2 of Swords + Gratitude + 2 of Wands + Gloom + Energy
The energy check in this change of season indicates for you a time of transition, where you're crossing from one stage to the next.
At the moment, you're letting go of the very introspective vibe of winter, that forces us to retreat within and inside and rest while waiting for the return of the light. Perhaps this winter was the opportunity to reflect over something painful for you and you've finally reached the point where you can disengage from it and move forward. Because it seems like a burden you were carrying is being released, which is bringing you a renewed sense of hope. To be more precise, you were working hard to carry that weight and now that you finally were able to release it, you feel at ease again.
You're lightening up, seeing the humor and joy of life and learning to be in a more lighthearted mood. I see you really enjoying this change of season and having some type of mood shift. After the heaviness of winter, your new found freedom gave you a reason to smile again.
It also seems you're getting finally getting some new opportunities that were previously barred from you which caused a lot of resentment, because you felt like you were owed something you weren't getting and it was getting in the way of your prosperity. I see that you still have some work to do on that front as you may be lacking courage to seize those opportunities because you feel too unsure of yourself and vulnerable. You may want to isolate yourself as a mean of protection, despite wanting those opportunities direly.
This spring, I see you will need to be careful not to fall back in your old limiting habit of letting yourself be trampled on. You might have a tendency to repress your anger, because you have been told it's not a good emotion to express, which is true, but in your case, your anger can free you because it makes you aware of other people stepping over your boundaries. I'm not saying go punch your boss in the face, but use this anger to reflect on why exactly you feel disrespected, and use that as a motivation to change your circumstances and honor your boundaries.
I also see, and it's a continuation of the previous message, that you will build your character by learning that you don't always need to forgive. It's okay to burn the bridge and take care of yourself first. You don't need to accommodate everyone. Keep your gentleness for the people who deserve it. And I'm saying that because in your case, the balance is waaay off.
Something else that's coming this spring is a message to open yourself to new emotions, perhaps regarding to love, be it romantic or platonic. There is a strong message that you feel like you are not deserving of it and you are somewhat shutting yourself to discovering this part of yourself. Spring is the seasons where so many bubbly feelings awaken and you can welcome that in your heart.
The advice on how to navigate this time better is to, first, try not to shut yourself off the blessing that are coming to you. It's easy to expect the worse and blinding yourself in the process. The key to move forward is to find a more positive mindset, not to assume that everything will be doom and gloom but daring hoping for the best! A mindset exercise you could use could be gratitude. There's already so much good things happening around you but you might not see it because you focus a lot on the negative. Allow yourself to dream and plan the future from an optimistic perspective.
The final message is very fitting considering the title of this reading, as it is advising you to redirect your energy to make your own flowers bloom, not other's. Work on cultivating a fertile soil within yourself and you will be in a much better mindset to attract good things. Remember that while it is altruistic to want to help others, you can't do it if you are yourself depleted, you need to help yourself first.
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Cards: The Fool + Knight of Wands + Joy Rx + 3 of Cups Rx + Intrusive Thoughts + The Mentor + Wounded Heart + The Animal + Jealousy / The Portal + King of Pentacles + Bottled Up Rx + 4 of Cups + Let Go + The Star Rx + Fear / The servant Queen
Much like all piles, the start of spring and current energy check, is the time of a big renewal for you, indicated by the Fool. It's the start of a new journey with a fresh mindset and an adventurous heart. However, I can sense that it's very much a desire of yours at this point and not something you can fully indulge in at the moment.
You don't quite dare to let yourself go to celebrate this new change you feel being birthed inside of you, because you have these automatic intrusive thoughts born from anxiety that you have a hard time detaching from. But I see you working on it with a mentor figure, perhaps a therapist, a teacher or someone wise close to you. You seem to be especially working on emotional wounds that are still fresh, or felt to be still fresh.
Also, you feel energy rise within you, a desire to pursue your passion, to start planning things, perhaps a trip or a festival, but something is stopping you from doing it. It's like you know you want it and will make you happy, but you can't access it and it kills your joy.
As a result, you sort of feel like a caged animal, caged in your routine and full of desire to break free, which leads to feelings of envy for what other are able to enjoy and not you.
What is blooming for you this spring is that, there is some type of adventure to be found despite everything. There is something you don't expect coming for you, a new adventure to be had.
It seems something is going to unlock prosperity-wise, something that has seemed blocked for a while but is finally giving you the ability to soar. However, you will have to seize it and not let your low thoughts get in the way of even noticing it. You will have to learn to let go of that tendency of yours. There is renewal, healing and blessings coming for you, but you will miss out if you let fear dictate your actions.
The advice on how to navigate the season is to stop believing that you don't deserve nice things. You have a tendency to self-sabotage and it's doing you a massive disservice. It ties into what I was saying earlier about not blocking your own blessings because of your negative thoughts, because there is something great within your reach.
You must nurture your mind because it's through your mind that you experience the world. It's like a big lens and if it's dirty you get a blurry vision of reality. Work on cleaning your lens and you will see that the world will become an open field for adventure as a result.
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maplewozapi · 7 months
Hi, I wanted to write a scene between 2 characters, one of which is canonically Apache.
Is it possible for an Apache character to gift a friend something with the meaning of protection?
Is there a specific object that is decorated or made for this?
Well this seems to be an ongoing misconception from white people that native Americans have things for "protection" like it’s different from western beliefs of protection? If that makes sense. It’s not like a cross or a scapular or like rune symbols. Malevolence isn’t something native people necessarily believe in. Its like who are you to say something bigger than you can protect me? It’s more of being in flavor with animals, beings, or pasted family members. it’s more like my grandma made this for me and the things within it where give to me by my father and great grandmother, they’ll protect you and keep them safe. In this sense like how we believe in spirit energy? Not sure what to call it because English doesn’t have a name for it but please don’t go around calling it "spirit energy" it’s called "tȟuŋ" like the essence of someone or something. So in a sense if someone gives you anything from them that was giving to them that thing collectively has all their essence/thun and not taking care of that item is like awful like very taboo. This is why when braiding someone’s hair what you think or feel while braid their hair can negatively or positively impact them. So then you have animal thun and things made from animals you respect and they’ll give you "protection" and then plants too.
(Things that greatly impact native people seeing thing not being respected through the belief of "thun" is like cutting braids off, drums not being used/decoration, wrongful use of eagle feathers/headdresses, taxidermy, dissection, anatomy things in jars and so on.)
Now anyways back to the ask I have no idea what Apache people feel about any of that. And honestly you shouldn’t be taking my advice in writing an Apache character I’m not Apache. Im just using your asked to explain what "thun" is. But if I was gonna give something like that to my friend or they haven’t been in the best mind set, I’d make them a little medicine bag and give them sage or some kind of medicine, if I have some cool rock gemstone thing I found I’ll entrust them to them as well. Now that person has a part of me and if they care of it good I might get something good in return.
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matchesarelit · 9 months
Imagine If You Will… (Trinkets, Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader)
Being in love with one Spencer Agnew was tortuous for all the reasons it was undeniable, he was kind and thoughtful to a fault. So how do you bury feelings like these? Badly and in a way more painful than you realize.
Smosh Masterlist
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Happy ending, primary school insults, heartache, Unrequited requited feelings.
Wc: ~2.8k
Permitting your legs to give out you flopped down onto the tiny couch, dramatically shielding your eyes from the harsh fluorescent lights. You released an exaggerated sigh to announce your entrance and two feet away, Spencer eagerly watched your performance, shaking his head at your regular antics a giddy smile danced across his lips accompanied by a giggled greeting.
Often growing tired of the plain nature of your own workspace, you often ventured to the gamer zone, as you called it, whenever you found yourself in need of a break. The variety of figures and art littered around the makeshift room was comforting, this was in part due to the presence of the man just a few steps away and his interests. Many hours worth of breaks were spent listening to explanations of his collections, his ramblings were comforting and the spark present in his eyes while Spencer spoke put a warmth in your chest. Looking at the man beside you as you did now, however, was something you had tried to avoid every time, and every time, you failed within seconds.
Peeking tentatively through a small gap, you studied every minute detail of his presence, hoping, begging your mind to commit it to memory. Dark curls sprawling in every which way caught the light like a halo. Inked sketches stretching out from beneath his sleeves coated him in his personality. Gleaming gemstones are trapped behind his wire frames yet still sparkle like stars in the countryside.
Although a supremely comfortable couch, for an office space at least, your favorite position to sit in his presence was nestled into his side at his desk. That placement however was not as comfortable as it seemed as it meant you were sitting on an old desk chair made of plastic that dug into every ounce of flesh it touched. Spencer's warmth was worth it nonetheless, the trance he put you in allowed your mind to drift; more often than not to a scene of the two of you curled up together lips moving in sync as your hands tussled through his hair. You'd fallen for him hard and fast over your first year at smosh, now six years later you still needed to wrestle your wandering mind away from such thoughts almost every time the two of you were alone. Over the years you had caught yourself fantasizing of spending your life with Spencer in all sorts of ways, all of which only managed to twist the knife in your gut, your own mind reminding you of the life you could never have.
You hadn't dwelled on these feelings for the whole time you'd worked together, Selena and Rock were a godsend as they pushed you into blind dates and nights out in an attempt to give you a reprieve. To their credit you'd been in a couple of relationships, one lasted just months but the other continued for a year and a half before he called it off in a cacophony of insecurity and accusations. Although Spencer and you had no history of romance, your status as best friends and hard-to-hide admiration for the man had wrought a bout of concerns from both of them and while they weren't entirely wrong the accusations had wrought an unshakable cloud that eventually tore both relationships apart.
In the aftermath of your breakups both Rock and Selena had held you as you cried, terrified you would have to choose between finding love and having Spencer in your life. As weeks turned into months, they grew more astute in their advice, urging you to end the suffering of not knowing, "If you told him how you feel you could make the decision, I know the thought that it might come to losing him is painful, but you can't continue this way. It's paralyzing you and hurting you in the long run."
It was a conversation the three of you had had time and time again throughout the years, it often left all of you in tears; you were terrified of losing him, and they were heartbroken witnessing your pain over and over.
Craning your neck from the arm of the couch you admired the back of his head; he'd recently let his hair grow out and your attention was continually grabbed by the way his curls bounced at his smallest of movements. At this moment however, a small blurry pink blob obstructed your view, shifting your attention to the small figure on the side table you noted a small piglet sitting atop a toilet while reading a newspaper.
An absurd snort left your nose as you brought it up closer to inspect it, the sound pulling Spencer's attention to you and the focus of your giggles. What was strange about the little pig was that he had been placed inches from where you lay your head in a place where no one who worked in the department could see from their desks, the toy was also angled to face you. Soon enough, as you moved to return the figure to its place Spencer spoke up, "I knew you'd think Chaddius was hilarious. That's his name by the way; Chaddius."
"I like it, it's very dignified and it suits him well."
"I-uh, I got him in a gatcha a few months back and found him again over the weekend and thought you would get a kick out of it, so I thought I'd put it there for you."
"Y-you put him here, for me? Spencer I-" mouth agape you looked back and forth between the small figure and the man above you.
"Well, you're in here all the time, and you said you struggle to have Knick knacks on your desk as you either get distracted or they get in your way so I thought I could brighten up the little breaks you spend in here." The awkwardness of his rambling passed you by as you sat dazed by the sentiment. You wasted no time in thanking him but finding it difficult to stop yourself you continued. "I love him. I do, but you should know I come here because it makes me so happy to hang out with you, being here is plenty bright for me, so you don't need to worry about me, okay?" he turned back to his computer a short "ok" leaving his lips before being followed by a whisper too quiet for you to hear.
The rest of your time there was spent in an uncommon silence before you left with a wave. Stopping by the bathroom on the way back to your department, you glared at yourself in the mirror before murmuring mockingly, "PlEnTy BrIgHt FoR mE... dOnT wOrRy AbOuT mE." Christ why couldn't you just leave it at thank you, he was being so kind and you felt the need to stop him. You knew his kindness came from friendship and your mind was already twisting it into something more and that felt wrong.
Are you really his friend? You clearly have ulterior motives that's for sure, but being completely honest if you saw him marry another girl, sure your heart would break but every other part of you would be ecstatic at his happiness. Does that make it better? or just more pathetic?
Jeez, this line of thinking was only ever going to hurt. Putting on your most aggressive metal music selection on your headphones, you sat at your desk and started to work, trying absolutely anything to stop your mind from returning to him for the rest of the day.
At the end of your workday, you moved to leave, Gluing your eyes to your phone screen you kept your head down as you speed walked past the game desks and out of the building.
Over the weekend, despite your inner conflict, you had settled on spending your breaks at your desk, perusing Instagram and Reddit threads. That only lasted about 5 minutes.
A Slack message lit up the corner of your monitor; "You okay?". This was unexpected, you always thought you were a nuisance, up till your last visit at least, that you were more of a bother than he let on, you never expected him to notice your absence let alone worry enough to ask you about it. Typing out a quick excuse a cringe of guilt twitching your face and closing your eyes as you hit send; "Yeah I'm okay, just chatting with Tommy and Rock, probably won't make it over today." You even hazarded a glace in the two men's direction where you had seen them earlier talking by the window. Feeling a slight discomfort at the lie you went to join them, hoping the conversation was one you didn't have to put a lot of thought into.
The rest of your days were spent in solitude, finding yourself dissatisfied with the company of anyone but Spencer you quietly slouched deeper and deeper into your chair as the hours passed you by.
Until the day of the third hide and seek.
At this point it had been over two months since you stopped visiting the scruffy gamer in his zone. You'd felt withdrawals for a while and had caught yourself walking almost all the way there more than a few times. Movement on the other side of the office tore your attention from Kiana as she announced filming was about to start, little above a blur as he scurried from his desk. Your eyes however lingered on the space. More specifically on the end table by the couch. The top of the dilapidated wood piece was consumed by dozens of figures. Some alongside Chaddius, animals atop a latrine. Some birds perched in various precarious yoga poses. All of varying sizes and colours yet all sharing one. notable. trait. Every single character was turned to face the couch. Your couch.
There were over 50 little dudes.
Well beyond fifty work days since you kept yourself at your desk.
More than five-zero days that that curly-haired gremlin king must have gently placed a new figure there.
To leave them lonely and purposely collecting dust. Just for you to leave him hangin. To leave him clearly missing your presence. But wait. I hear you say,Surely if he was missing you this much he would have reached ou-. He did though Didn't he? You were the one who left. You were the one who lied. You were the one who avoided him like the plague.
A hand jostling your shoulder broke your spiraling thoughts Tommy was eyeing you suspiciously from your side not stopping as he passed you. "Come on, there's thirty seconds." calling back as he strolled backwards towards the kitchen he continued. "And you're right by the way; what you were thinking. Silly plan my guy."
Leaning forward into a hurried scamper you rushed to find somewhere to hide, your clever spot and disguise long forgotten and much too far away. A hand shot out from the nearby cupboard pulling you to stumble inside. Following the hand, and connected arm up you met Spencer's pouting gaze. Mind still a haze the yelled countdown drowned out by the thumping of blood through your ears, you turned on the spot to leave the small space.
You never took a step, hand on the knob, feet refusing to budge. Casting a glance down you noted the boots that covered your own, the toes of his shoes pinned our own to the floor. The sight would be comical if he didn't look as defeated as he did, a new glistening shine visible in his eyes despite the darkness.
"Please. Don't."
"Spencer I-"
"You're avoiding me. Why?" his voice was harsh but that dissappeared quickly as he shuddered, dragging a forceful hand down his face, his features warped and spread the wetness that had quickly begun to pour down his cheeks. "You never come by on your breaks. You barely look at me in meetings and all but flee when I try to talk to you. Please just tell me what I did. I'll understand. I just need to know. please. I miss you."
"Spencer I- I- haven-"
"Yes, you have been. At first I understood you might be busy but week after week you never said a word to me. I noticed, Everyone noticed."
"He's right we all noticed"
Your jaw hung open as your eyes scanned the darkness, "Who-"
"God, now tell the truth! or feel my fur-" The voice fell into silence as voices were heard outside.
Taking a moment in the silence as the man in front of you was, for the moment, distracted by the game, you collected your thoughts before beginning in a whisper; "You're right, but you know that. I just couldn't let myself do it anymore. Every moment around you was torture, every kind act was a punch in the chest. It was getting worse and worse and I couldn't keep letting it happen. I hated it all."
Allowing yourself a breath you lifted your eyes from your shoes, and the sliver of light illuminating your shoes from under the door, to his eyes. A hurried gasp darted into your chest at the tears streaming down his skin, gathering to drench the neckline of his tee, you stuttered incoherently, frantic to calm his distress.
"That's not what they meant. Give them a moment." The voice, seemingly coming from above, soothed Spencer in a hushed coo before morphing into harshly spat mutterings directed at yourself. "Jesus Christ, tell him plainly you maniac."
"I'm in love with you." If your voice before was a whisper, this was the fluttering of butterfly wings in a thunderstorm, yet your tone remained even. "I've loved you for years now, I knew it was useless; you are so perfect you have this glow of joy and beauty that never leaves and I could never compare. I tried to stop loving you this way, I wanted to be the friend you thought I was. But every kindness was twisted into something more and my mind ran rampant. I felt-I feel disgusted by myself, You have always been nothing but an amazing friend and instead of treasuring what we had I couldn't help but dream of more."
"There we go"
"Yo-" He was interrupted by a sudden light that blinded the pair of you. His grip on you tightened at the shock, only softening as the new voice sounded through the space and your eyes began to adjust.
"Gotcha! Final ten and nine you guys" Arasha, the seeker, had found you yet as you resigned to leave the space at your loss you found the man inches away from you still, a shocked expression stained his cheeks until it didn't. Suddenly he was animatedly talking to the cast member about being upset at being found so fast and vowing that next time he'd win.
Prying your feet out from under his own you turned on your heel all but running from the space feeling more crowded than you ever thought possible. The hand that had encircled your arm fell to his side as you left him there, but he was not far behind as he jogged to catch up with you.
You burst through the door of the bathroom, stumbling to brace yourself against the sink chest heaving with harsh sobs as your cheeks were flush with tears. Hatred saturated your expression as you glared into the mirror, You cursed yourself for all that had happened over the last twenty minutes. Over the last two months. And over the last seven years.
Then the door flew open. Then there he was looking into your eyes. And How on earth could you blame yourself, not only did he look amazing even in the worst of situations, but here he was checking on you despite your-
Stop that,
Stop thinking.
Listen to him his lips are moving,
He's talking,
"I can't believe we could have worked this out so much sooner. Seriously you think way too highly of me, There is no world where I buy 62 Gatcha toys and give them all unique names just for a friend, Not that you aren't a friend. I Just- Funnily enough, I felt the same way, thought I was tainting our friendship with my pining, But I also think it just makes what we have deeper, we know each other so well and care so much."
"Wait, what ar-"
"JESUS FUCK!" The voice from moments before was joined in a sort of chorus from the other side of the door.
the door opened crashing against the wall, a large group, presumably those already found, led by Jeremy, stood with a mixture of exasperated and laughing composures studying the pair of you over the threshold.
Jeremy alone continued; "Y/N You love Spencer in a-" The group behind him turned their backs arms stretching around themselves as they erupted in kissy noises. Jeremy mimicked those same noises as he continued, "In a mwehmwemme way and Spencer you love Y/N, also in a mewmwemwe way. Now kiss!" He stepped back and let the door swing shut with a slam, leaving the two of you more or less alone.
"Look, I'm sure they're just a bit carried awa-"
Your rationalization was interrupted by his lips against yours, the tension had boiled into an overflowing need. His silken lips left your own almost immediately as he wound his arms around your shoulders holding you tight into his chest. Wrapping your own around his chest your hands fisted his shirt as his did yours. All space between you was gone as you pulled each other impossibly closer, sitting in the silence you held back tears unable to shake the lingering stress and fear. Head buried in the nape of his neck you failed to remain silent for long, yearning to hear the words come from him, desperate for confirmation to quiet your racing mind, "Does this mea-"
"I love you, with everything I have, please never doubt that."
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unboundprompts · 9 months
Could you do reddish brown eyes? And if you’ve already done if could you link that post
Different Ways to Describe Reddish Brown Eyes
-> check out these posts as well, they might give you some inspiration: x , x
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She had eyes like the red clay he used in his pottery studio.
His eyes reminded her of the old burgundy barn that sat in the backyard of her childhood home.
Her eyes were as beautiful as the leaves of trees in autumn.
Their eyes reminded her of old brick libraries and vintage books.
His eyes were the mahogany wood that his grandfather used to use to sculpt little figurines.
She had eyes like a dark sunset after a stormy day.
They had a faded tattoo on their arm-- that looks like it was once a vibrant red-- that matched their eyes almost perfectly.
He just couldn't get out of his head that her eyes looked like baked beans. He wanted to describe them as something beautiful, something that he couldn't quite put into words, but all he could come up with were baked beans.
She had eyes like the tea kettle set his mother used to leave out on the table.
His eyes were the same color as the lake water. It reflected the trees, the sun, and the muddy ground on its surface, hiding secrets beneath its docile waves.
They had auburn hair and it made their eyes look so much more noticeable.
She wore a necklace adorned with smoky quartz gemstones. If he didn't know any better, he would say that she had replaced her eyes with those very same stones.
Tragedy was hidden behind their red-brown eyes, weaved between their irises so it was well out of sight.
His eyes were like the red leaves on a maple tree.
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Think What You May (part 2)
Pairing: Aemond x reader
Warnings: none?
A/N: part 3 is written and part 4 is in the works. Not sure if it’ll end there or if I’ll need a 5th part to wrap it up 😊
Please comment and reblog
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Part one
“Have you tried simply talking to her?” Criston asked as he lunged at Aemond. The prince easily dodged his advances as he scoffed at the question.
“Women do not want to talk; women like gifts as an apology,” Aemond said.
“Have we not learned from the mistake of assuming we know things about women? Especially that one?” Criston nodded behind Aemond, causing him to turn around. He caught sight of you accompanying his sister through the training fields, most likely on your way to the gardens.
You looked up and caught Aemond looking at you, which made the prince stumble backward and trip over a shield he forgot he threw down.
“My prince, are you okay?” Criston rushed over and knelt next to him. “If that’s all it takes to best you, I should invite her to training more often.”
“My ego has been bruised enough,” Aemond mumbled.
“Perhaps you should do it more often, she seemed to like it,” the man chuckled. Aemond’s final glimpse of you included an elusive smile gracing your face as you tried to hide your laughter. Well, it’s better than the scowl that’s been permanently etched on your face as of late.
Helaena had convinced you to stay with the promise that if Aemond so much as looked at you cross she would punch him herself. She may have even offered to sneak a spider into his bed.
So you agreed to stay, which Aemond was thankful for, but he had no idea how to go about gaining your good graces.
Instead of taking Criston’s advice, he went along the gift route. First, it was flowers- a new bouquet every day delivered to your chambers. None of them came with a note but the servant delivering them made sure you knew who they were from.
They were beautiful, but still you said nothing to the prince. After the flowers seemed to fail, he turned to trinkets perfumes- the finest imports money could buy. Exotic gifts that you could only dream of having.
And yet…nothing. So Aemond turned to more drastic measures.
He sourced the finest gemstone he could and had it made into a necklace. This one he attempts to delivers himself, but you were not in your chambers. He knocked a few times but after no answer, he decided to venture in. He didn’t want to leave it at your door for just anyone to take, after all.
He entered your room cautiously, taking everything in. It smelled delightful and was actually quite neat. He saw a few books on the table and knew you must’ve avoided the library to spare yourself a run in with him.
Your bed was messy and unmade, but looked comfortable and inviting- much like you.
He left the box on your pillow to be sure you found it. He left a little note on top.
“This will look beautiful on you - Prince Aemond.
Every time he saw you, he strained his neck to steal a glance at you. It was uncharacteristically cold in the keep and you opted for more conservative clothing so he couldn’t see if you were wearing his gift or not.
He was beginning to get frustrated at your lack of replies. Surely by now you knew he was sincerely sorry and should forgive him.
He decided that training would be a good way to get you off of his mind, but what he wasn’t expecting was to see you on the training field speaking with Criston.
You were laughing at whatever the man said and something bubbled up inside Aemond that he was unfamiliar with. Jealousy.
“Ser Cole… my lady,” he said, nodding his head to you. Your smile was gone instantly as you watched him approach.
“Your grace,” Criston bowed. You curtsied before turning back to the trainer.
“I’ve quite enjoyed our discussion; perhaps we could continue it soon,” you said.
“Of course, lady,” he replied.
“And what was this riveting discussion about?” Aemond asked.
“Nothing you’d be interested in,” you snapped.
“How can you be so sure? You don’t know what I like to discuss,” he retorted.
“That’s true; but then again you don’t try to talk to me. Good day, Ser Criston. My prince,” you nodded before taking your leave.
“Say nothing,” Aemond mumbled. Criston gave him a pointed look before handing him his sword.
“And where has saying nothing gotten you?”
Aemond’s apology efforts were seemingly in vain which put him in an even more sour mood than usual- especially during the ball his family was hosting.
He sat stone-faced at the table, staring down the crowd. Aegon was already too drunk to stand and Helaena was being a social butterfly around the room.
“My dear, Aemond, I do wish you would try to enjoy yourself just a bit,” Alicent sighed.
“You know I have no taste for festivities, mother.”
“Is there truly no one here you wish to socialize with?” She asked.
“Outside of you and Helaena, there is no one I wish to associate with,” he grunted.
“Are you sure?” She asked. “Not even our favorite lady in waiting?”
Aemond’s eye snapped to the dance floor where Alicent was looking. Your back was turned to him, but he knew it was you. Your gown was beautiful but it was what he noticed when you turned around that left him speechless.
The necklace he had made for you sat around you neck. His breath hitched in his throat and the rest of the room melted away. Perhaps this was you accepting his olive branch.
He watched as your attention turned to someone in the crowd… Criston. You made your way closer to him but Aemond wasn’t having it. He left his mother at the table watching in amusement.
He quickened his pace to try and cut you off before you made your way to his trusted knight. Before he could reach you, however, he ran into a waiter that was holding a tray above his shoulder. It clipped Aemond in the head which caused the tray to clatter to the ground and the prince to double over in pain.
“My prince! I’m so sorry! Truly, I did not mean to,” the waiter was terrified of the wrath of the young prince. Aemond took a deep breath to compose himself.
“It’s quite alright. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” he sighed.
You, along with everyone else, were watching the scene unfold. You had to admit, you were quite surprised that there was no outburst. You were even more surprised when Aemond helped the waiter clean up the mess.
You decided to get some ice for his head which was undoubtedly sore. You found him sulking in the corner, gently reaching out your hand to touch his arm.
“Are you okay?” You asked. He nodded softly.
“I’ve made quite the habit of injuring myself as of late,” he sighed.
“And I’ve made quite the habit of tending to injured Targaryen princes,” you chuckled. You held the towel with ice to his head gently, your other hand resting on his cheek to hold him in place.
He couldn’t help but stare at the necklace. He wanted to talk to you, but no words were coming to him.
“My eyes are on my face, you know,” you smirked.
“What? Oh, yes! They are…on your face…are lovely! I meant.” He was mentally kicking himself. “I was right.”
“I find that hard to believe, but what is it you were right about?”
“It looks beautiful on you.”
“That’s because it is beautiful,” you chuckled.
“It could be a piece of tin and it would still be gorgeous simply because of who wears it,” he admitted.
“Sounds like you could’ve saved some money if you had gone with the tin then.”
Aemond couldn’t help but laugh at your banter. Not only were you beautiful, but you were smart and witty as well. And it only made him feel worse for wrongly judging you.
“I must admit, I’ve been wearing it every day. It is stunning and I owe you my thanks,” you said kindly.
“It is I that owes you, my lady. I truly am sorry for how I behaved. It seems that you have a kindness in you that I could do well to learn,” he said.
“If you wish to learn from me, it seems like you will have to spend more time with me,” you said quietly.
He looked at you with a surprised expression, to which you returned a shy smile.
“I would like that, lady. Truly.”
“Perhaps next time though, you could just talk to me. It would save you a lot of coin,” you chuckled.
“You’re worth every penny.”
You tried to hide your smile at his words and it made him swell with pride.
Perhaps he should thank Aegon for his depravities that led him to you, and in turn, you to Aemond.
Part Three
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gilded-garnet · 11 months
He Doesn't Even Know You
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
WC: ~ 2K / Warnings: None
Summary: MC had a boyfriend, and Sebastian was miserable. What made it worse was the fact that he had unwittingly made it happen in the first place.
It had started when his fellow Slytherin, a seventh year boy by the name of Avery, had benignly asked him if he knew what MC's favourite flower was. Avery had claimed he simply wanted to give a gift to the 'Hero of Hogwarts' as a thank you for saving the school during their previous year.
In hindsight, Sebastian couldn't quite believe how naive he'd been, not thinking to question this rather flimsy motive. He had answered truthfully, not thinking of the possible consequences.
Unfortunately, his advice had rapidly led to the development of an actual relationship between the two. A relationship in which Sebastian now found himself an unwilling participant.
Avery had started coming to him for everything, wanting to extract any piece of information he could in order to dazzle MC. With each passing request, Sebastian became increasingly tempted to tell the guy to get lost and learn how to impress a girl on his own. However, just one glance at MC's delighted face whenever she received a box of her favourite chocolates or an item of jewellery with her favourite gemstone, meant that Sebastian couldn't find it in himself to stop helping the useless dolt.
Just half a year more and he'll be gone, he told himself. He could cope for that long, couldn't he, for her sake? It turned out he vastly overestimated his own level of tolerance.
"Oh, it was amazing, Sebastian!" She gushed to him between classes. "Just the other day, he took me to this spot overlooking the hills and river. It was simply divine."
She sighed dreamily in a way that made Sebastian's insides curl. He already knew it was amazing. After all, he was the one who had found the spot in the first place and suggested it to the fool. As if that insufferable moon mind could think up anything like that on his own.
He didn't trust himself to speak with an acceptable level of enthusiasm, so simply grit his teeth and nodded. She picked up on his foul mood immediately, reaching out to grab his arm and stop him in his tracks, a small frown on her face.
"Look, Sebastian, I know you don't particularly like him, but would it kill you to at least pretend to be happy for me?" She asked.
Oh, if only she knew what he was doing to make sure she was happy, he thought bitterly.
"I'm not sure it matters what I think of him; I'm not the one dating him," he replied, trying to keep his voice level and tone dismissive.
Her frown deepened. "You're my best friend. Of course your opinion matters to me," she insisted.
The rational part of his mind knew he should leave the conversation there, but Sebastian had always had a flair for confrontation.
"Fine. I'll tell you what I think," he stated, crossing his arms in frustration. "I dont think he's right for you."
"Why?" She asked, still calm for now.
"Because he doesn't know a damn thing about you, MC!" He snapped, unable to hold it in any longer.
Her eyebrows rose in confusion, "That's ridiculous, he knows lots about me."
Sebastian couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Like your favourite chocolates, lessons, and flower? You think he just guessed all that information? Come on MC, you're smarter than that," he scoffed.
"He just listens to me," she insisted, cheeks turning pink in indignation.
"He doesn't," he replied, flatly.
"And how would you know?" She demanded, incensed.
"Because he's been coming to me since the start for advice on how to woo you. Hell, he only took you to that spot the other day because I suggested it to him!" Sebastian fumed.
Despite his anger, he found immense relief in the admittance, like the ball and chain that had been dragging at his heels for months had finally fallen away, leaving him feeling lighter. That is, until he saw MC's bottom lip quivering, which quickly brought him crashing back down to earth.
"You can be really cruel sometimes, Sebastian," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.
He blinked dumbly, taken by surprise. "What?"
"Just because you're jealous, doesn't mean you can make up stuff like that," she snapped, her eyes brimming with tears. She turned on her heel and sped away, books clutched tightly to her chest.
He was gobsmacked. First, at her thinking he was lying about the whole thing, and second, that she thought he was lying because he was jealous.
He suddenly had the overriding urge to set something on fire, so decided to skip Ancient Runes altogether in favour of venting his rage at a training dummy in the Undercroft, all the while picturing it wearing Avery's face.
That evening, Avery cornered him in the Slytherin common room as he made his way to bed. He'd ended up 'practicing' in the Undercroft for hours, and now felt completely drained of energy.
"Sebastian, just the man I wanted to see. MC's in a right foul mood; you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? Anything I can do to help calm her down?" Avery asked, concerned.
"She's your girlfriend - figure it out," Sebastian snarled, thinking that Avery was very lucky he could barely raise his wand arm. He barged him roughly aside with his shoulder so he could walk up the stairs to his dorm, ignoring Avery's spluttered protest.
Ominis was already there, sitting on his bed with his legs crossed at the ankle, a book on his lap. "Our mutual friend isn't too happy with you," he stated.
Sebastian only grunted in response, kicking off his boots and falling face-first into the pillow on his own bed, wrapping his arms around it.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Ominis probed, his voice teasing.
The silence lasted all of one minute before Sebastian huffed loudly, turning onto his side to face his friend.
"I told MC the truth about Avery. She accused me of making up the fact that I am the sole reason that she and him are together. Then, she said that I was jealous and that's the reason I made it up!" Sebastian disclosed, exasperated.
"And are you?" Ominis asked.
"Am I what?"
Sebastian scoffed. "I'm not jealous, Ominis. It's more like I'm sick to death of him taking all the credit for my ideas." Sebastian groused, frowning.
"Alright," Ominis said a little too lightly.
"What does that mean?" Sebastian demanded.
"I just said 'alright'," Ominis remarked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but it was the way you said it."
Ominis huffed in frustration. "Sebastian, I am not going to tell you how you do or do not feel. What I will tell you is that I can understand why she might be upset with you when you basically told her that her entire relationship is a lie."
Sebastian groaned. "I didn't mean for it to go on for this long. I've been meaning to tell Avery to piss off for ages, but she just looked so happy and I couldn't..." he trailed off miserably.
"Give her time, she'll come around eventually. She always seems to when it comes to you," Ominis assured.
"She isn't the only one," Sebastian teased, chuckling when Ominis shot him an irritated look. Goading his oldest friend was one of Sebastian's favourite pastimes.
"Oh please. If anything, you're the one who always ends up crawling back to me. Now, shut up and go to bed, I've had enough of your moping for one day."
It had been a whole month and she still hadn't spoken to him. More tragically, she and that useless waste of space were still together, even without his input. The thought left him feeling rather cold, and he felt his mood deteriorating further which each passing day. When he would try and catch her eye during class she would look away, and tracking her down outside of the classroom proved an impossible task. Merlin knows what that girl got up to in her spare time.
At one point, he'd even considered sending her an owl to beg for forgiveness. He had gotten halfway through writing a confession that he had indeed been lying about the whole thing, before he scrunched it into a ball and threw it unceremoniously into the fire. He couldn't bring himself to actually lie about it; it left too sour a taste in his mouth.
The Undercroft had become a necessary retreat, and he frequented the room almost daily to work out his frustrations. He was halfway through casting a barrage of spells when he heard a voice behind him.
He froze with his wand raised mid-cast, turning quickly to face her. Her eyes were red-rimmed and slightly bloodshot, like she had been crying recently. It made his heart clench.
"I'm sorry for calling you a liar," she said. "I - I've realised that... that you were right. Avery and I don't have much in common after all. I ended it with him today."
"I'm sorry," he said, automatically.
She waved her hand dismissively. "I think I was just angry to find out that my entire relationship wasn't what I thought it was, you know? I really thought I'd found someone who truly understood me."
"I shouldn't have helped him for so long and kept it from you. I apologise," he said, truthfully.
She looked up at him then, gaze calculating. "Why did you help him?"
"Well, the first time was a total accident, to be honest. After that...I don't know. I guess I saw how happy you were and didn't want to be the one to ruin it." He laughed sardonically, rubbing the back of his neck, "though I guess I did that anyway, didn't I?"
"It's quite the habit of yours," she remarked, teasing, but it made him feel awful all the same.
She smiled softly at him, before crossing the floor and throwing her arms around his middle in a hug. He tensed, surprised, but soon wrapped his own arms around her, holding her close. Her hair smelled of lavender and he realised in that moment how desperately he'd missed the scent.
"I missed you," he murmered into her hair, gripping her a little tighter. The admittance made him feel a bit vulnerable.
"I missed you, too," she answered, the words becoming muffled by his shoulder.
After a long moment she regretfully pulled away. There was a twinkle in her eyes.
"I must say, I never took you for such a romantic, Sebastian. Some of those date and gift ideas were incredibly thoughtful of you," she remarked.
He could feel his face heating. "Oh, don't start. You talk my ear off all day every day; it was easy."
"Yes, but you listened."
"I care about you. It matters to me what you like and what makes you happy," he replied, surprised at his own candour.
Her eyes widened slightly, and he was now absolutely sure he must be blushing. He cleared his throat, the moment suddenly feeling too charged.
"Now, how about we both forget about that idiot and try and hex each other into oblivion. Care for a duel?" He challenged, twirling his wand between his fingers.
She laughed, and it was beautiful. "You always know what to say to cheer me up," she said, withdrawing her own wand from her pocket.
Seeing that smile directed at him once more made his heart beat faster and he felt his own lips turn up in response. Perhaps the rest of the year wouldn't be so unbearable, after all.
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