#genius inc art
majoyosei · 6 months
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💮 The ruler and his queen 💮
I made this drawing several months ago, before my love for Mirio returned. I had thought about not uploading it and leaving my "Soul of Yokai" stage behind, due to several inconsistencies and questionable actions from some people in the fandom 👎😕
However, at the end I said "what the heck", it was a very nice stage for me where I met a lot of nice people, so here I am, not back to 100 but returning to my AU with some changes that I decided to make over time 😊💝
First of all, here's my new MC. She no longer represents me, but she will be my main character in the story. Her name is Kokoa Sakurai, a young Japanese woman who arrives to Kyoto in search of peace after a painful breakup with her ex-boyfriend. With Yukio's help she is transported to the Yokai world, where she meets Hayato and the others. After the defeat of Onimaru and the Lost Kami, she stays in the Yokai world, becoming the wife of Hayato, the first Hanyō ruler, with whom she has a daughter named Hanako 👹👪🌸
Extra information about her:
🌸 Name: Kokoa Sakurai 🌸 Other names: Yokai Queen, Lady Kokoa, My queen (Hayato) 🌸 Species: Human 🌸 Gender: Female 🌸 Age: 27 years old 🌸 Home Country: Japan 🌸 Current Residence: Yokai Village 🌸 Crush: Hayato, the Hanyō (Husband) 🌸 Children: Hanako, the Hanki (Daughter) 🌸 Occupation: Yokai Queen / Housewife 🌸 Her favorite food is fried eggs with rice 🌸 Her hair is brown, like her daughter, Hanako, but slightly dyed at the bottom 🌸 Her best friend in the Yokai world is Yukihime, the Yuki-onna 🌸 She enjoys eating nikkuman with Hayato at a food stand that he showed her 🌸 Since Hayato is a Hanyō (50% oni / 50% human) and Kokoa is fully human, her daughter Hanako is a half-breed (25% oni / 75% human) with more human blood than Yokai
And that's all, i hope you like it!! 💮
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rams-gallery · 2 years
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Chibi Gem Clan
I have no idea how I made this but I love it
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aftongiulien · 7 months
Hey i'm back with a question.
Should i post some of my art?
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lazy-polaroid · 9 months
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Brothers such brothers...
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glitterandsparkels · 5 months
Alastor x Valec
i drew Ifrit and Malthus so i drew them now😘
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+ Alastor
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Little Al
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i tried my best to copy the lingerie set 😵but it was difficult!
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I do not know how to make hickeys!!👹so they look like bruises😨
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blanketorghost · 1 year
Ok now... Kotonoha
For a not as well known vn, The Kabuki Phantom!
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Kotonoha Fujisaki (藤崎、言葉) is a recently burnt-out businesswoman who quit a promising career as a celebrity manager to take over her uncle's Kabuki theater. Though looking for a change of pace, she is still a very serious, high-strung person, not willing to let others step over her just because she isn't as knowledgeable about Kabuki than the others.
Kotonoha, unlike the MC, does know the basics of Kabuki and of-fucking-course knows Yotsuya Kaidan, so she isn't as doe-eyed and clueless as she is presented in the original VN.
Her LI is Izumi, as he is the very opposite to Kotonoha's stress-ridden and fidgety persona, Izumi's calm and soothing demeanor give Kotonoha a welcome break from her worries, and in turn, serves as encouragement and reassurance to Izumi's insecurities.
I can't say much more without spoiling,, but im love them sm... and i hope The Kabuki Phantom gets more of a fandom!!
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serugiuli · 9 months
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This drawing was abandoned in my gallery. I think it became cute, I just forgot about it.
Tarquin from Monstrous cravings.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 months
Demon Lord, Orcus
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Image © TSR Inc, by Todd Lockwood.
[Sponsored by @tar-baphon. Orcus is one of the iconic D&D villains, and through the SRD and plausible deniability (he's a Roman god!), he's in Pathfinder as well. In Pathfinder, he is deliberately not a power player, and my flavor text takes that already metatextual decision and runs hog wild with it.
A note on the art: I feel like Orcus is emblematic of when D&D was seen as dangerous, and this piece absolutely feels like it should be the cover of a Black Sabbath album. It's no surprise that I was fascinated with the anti-D&D strain of the Satanic Panic when I was a kid. Also, although there has been some course correction in the 5e era, there's a trend with Orcus in a lot of art, including his official Pathfinder depiction, of making Orcus buff. Let Orcus be fat!]
Demon Lord, Orcus CR 28 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid is a corpulent giant with skin mottled like a decaying corpse. He has great black bat-wings growing from his shoulders, hooves for feet, and the head of a goat. He clutches a short staff, tipped with an oversized human skull.
Orcus, Prince of Undeath CE male demon lord of death, necromancy and wrath Domains  Chaos, Death, Evil, Magic Subdomains Demon, Divine, Murder, Undead Favored Weapon heavy mace Unholy Symbol a goat’s head with curving horns Worshipers liches, necromancers, sapient undead Minions boneclaws, deathdrinkers, demons, other undead For information on his Obedience and boons for his worshipers, see Book of the Damned
Orcus is one of the most powerful demon lords in the Universe. But not on Golarion. On that world, his is one of a number of undead cults, and not nearly the most popular. Orcus has a clear hierarchy to what undead he considers truly worthy, with those created from contagion seen as inferior to accident, and those inferior to those who intentionally seek out undeath. His most dedicated worshippers on Golarion are liches, some of whom have learned the secret of crafting a phylactery by teasing apart the Prince of Undeath’s wisdom from his threats. The followers of many other undead-focused religions, particularly vampires and ghouls, see Orcus as pretentious and unworthy of dedication, although few are foolish enough to directly oppose him.
Orcus himself knows that his star has fallen. In his extensive research into planar lore, Orcus has learned that he was once the most feared being in another universe, who went on a killing spree that left several gods dead and an entire race of lawful outsiders duped into being his pawns. That Orcus cannot accomplish this level of power in this version of reality vexes and frustrates him, and he takes his rage out on his minions as much as he does his foes.
Orcus is a genius tactician, although his temper sometimes gets the better of him. He enjoys combat as a distraction from his cosmic-level sulk, and as a way of expressing his power over others. He typically opens combat with a time stop to summon allies and cast defensive spells on himself, and then unleashes a potent death effect as soon as the duration expires. Against creatures that can resist his negative energy and poison, he uses dispelling magic. On more than one occasion, Orcus has beaten a cocky archmage to a pulp by centering an antimagic field on himself and wading into combat.
Orcus in the Great Game Orcus’ response to the brewing theomachy between Mormo and Lamashtu is cautious optimism. He desires more power in the Abyss, and Lamashtu could open the door for him to seize it. Kabriri and Zura are at the top of Orcus’ hit list, but views a direct assault on them as currently too risky to be worth the effort. If one of them were to make a move against Lamashtu and be punished for it, or if they were struck down in the scramble for power following Lamashtu’s (theoretical) demotion or demise, Orcus would happily swoop in to finish them off.  And if Mormo is capable of legitimately slaying a god, Orcus will be very keen to study her techniques.
Wand of Orcus (major artifact) The Wand of Orcus is the Prince of Undeath’s scepter of office, and it never leaves his side. Lesser versions have appeared in the Material Plane, often created by Orcus or one of his high-level clerics. The real Wand of Orcus is a Huge +5 anarchic, unholy heavy mace. In the hands of a demon, it grants a +4 profane bonus to Armor Class. The first time the Wand of Orcus strikes a living creature in a round, that creature is subject to a slay living spell (DC 30). Weight 24 lbs.; CL 25th
Demon Lord, Orcus        CR 28 XP 4,915,200 CE Huge outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +11; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 120 ft., detect good, detect law, Perception +48, true seeing Aura frightful presence (120 ft., DC 36), undead obedience (120 ft., Will DC 36), unholy (DC 28)
Defense AC 47, touch 23, flat-footed 40(-2 size, +7 Dex, +4 deflection, +4 profane, +24 natural) hp 709(33d10+528); regeneration 30 (deific or mythic) Fort +31, Ref +29, Will +34 DR 20/cold iron, epic and good; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm, compulsion, death effects, electricity, energy drain, petrification and poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 39 Defensive Abilities Abyssal resurrection, freedom of movement, negative energy affinity
Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee Wand of Orcus +51/+46/+41/+36 (3d6+20 plus 2d6 chaos and 2d6 evil/19-20), claw +44 (1d8+7), sting (2d4+7 plus poison), gore (2d6+7) or 2 claws +46 (1d8+15), sting +46 (2d4+15 plus poison), gore +46 (2d6+15) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks epic spellcasting, powerful charge (gore, 4d6+22) Spell-like Abilities CL 28th, concentration +38 (+42 casting defensively) Constant—arcane sight, detect good, detect law, freedom of movement, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 28, self only) At will—animate dead*, astral projection, blasphemy* (DC 27), circle of death* (DC 28), create undead, enervation*, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, plane shift* (DC 25), telekinesis* (DC 25), unholy blight* (DC 24) 3/day—control undead (DC 29), create greater undead, energy drain (DC 31), finger of death* (DC 29), quickened greater dispel magic, quickened harm*, summon demons or undead, symbol of death (DC 30) 1/day—power word kill*, time stop*, true resurrection, wail of the banshee (DC 31) * Orcus can use the mythic version of this spell-like ability in his domain Spells Prepared CL 20th, concentration +32 (+36 casting defensively) 9th—energy drain (DC 33), etherealness, mage’s disjunction* (D, DC 31), overwhelming presence (DC 31), soul bind (DC 33), wail of the banshee (DC 33) 8th —cloak of chaos (DC 30), fire storm* (DC 30), greater spell immunity, horrid wilting (DC 32), orb of the void* (DC 32), protection from spells (D), unholy aura (DC 30) 7th —control weather, destruction (DC 31), greater scrying (DC 29, x2), repulsion, spell turning (D), waves of exhaustion 6th —antilife shell, antimagic field (D), banshee blast (DC 30), blade barrier* (DC 28), geas/quest, harm* (DC 30), mass bull’s strength 5th —dispel good (DC 27), flame strike (DC 27), greater command (DC 27), mass ghostbane dirge (DC 27), righteous might, suffocation (D, DC 29), vampiric shadow shield 4th —contagion (DC 28), death ward (D), divine power (x2), rest eternal, sending (x2)*, tongues 3rd —bestow curse (x2, DC 27), prayer*, protection from energy, rage (D, DC 25), ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch*, water breathing 2nd —bear’s endurance (x2), death knell (D, DC 26), desecrate, owl’s wisdom (x2), resist energy, spiritual weapon* 1st —bane (DC 25), divine favor (x2), entropic shield, identify (D), ray of enfeeblement* (DC 25), sanctuary (DC 23), shield of faith* 0th—bleed (DC 24), detect magic, light, read magic *—Orcus may use the mythic version of this spell in his Abyssal domain
Statistics Str 40, Dex 25, Con 42, Int 30, Wis 35, Cha 31 Base Atk +33; CMB +50; CMD 71 Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item, Flyby Attack, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (heavy mace), Improved Initiative, Hover, Multiattack, Mythic Spell Lore (B), Power Attack, Quicken SLA (greater dispel magic, harm), Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration Skills Bluff +46, Craft (alchemy, weaponsmithing) +46, Fly +36, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) +46, Knowledge (dungeoneering, history) +43, Perception +48, Sense Motive +48, Spellcraft +46, Stealth +35, Survival +45, Use Magic Device +46 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Necril, telepathy 300 ft. SQ demon lord traits, master of death
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure triple standard (Wand of Orcus, other treasure)
Special Abilities Aura of Undead Obedience (Su) Any undead creature within 120 feet that attempts to make a hostile action against Orcus must succeed a DC 36 Will save or be unable to take that action, wasting it. The save DC is Charisma based. Epic Spellcasting (Ex) Orcus gains Mythic Spell Lore as a bonus feat. Once per day, he can use one of his spell-like abilities or spells as if it was a mythic spell without spending a use of mythic power. This allows him to use a mythic spell or spell-like ability outside of his Abyssal domain, but he cannot augment that spell or spell-like ability by spending additional uses of mythic power. Master of Death (Ex) Orcus applies his Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus (necromancy) feats to his spell-like abilities. Death effects created by Orcus, including the Wand of Orcus in his hands, ignore immunity to death effects except for those granted by creature type, or from deific or mythic sources. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 42; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; damage 1d6 Str and 1d6 Con; cure 2 consecutive saves. A creature reduced to 0 Str by Orcus’ poison cannot breathe and begins to suffocate. The save DC is Constitution based. Spells Orcus can cast spells as a 20th level cleric, and can prepare necromancy spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as if they were cleric spells. He gets access to domain slots, and can fill them with spells from any of his domains or subdomains. He can also spontaneously cast inflict spells as an evil cleric can. Summon Demons and Undead (Sp) When Orcus summons demons, he can also summon undead creatures.
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jgroffdaily · 13 days
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Interview by Jake Nevis, photos by Jenny Anderson - excerpts:
For Groff in particular, who’s earned a Tony Award nomination for his swaggering turn as the prodigious composer Franklin Shepard, the experience of starring in Merrily We Roll Along is provoking a tender sort of reappraisal of the wide-eyed, closeted 20-something who arrived on Broadway two decades ago in Spring Awakening, tending his own dreams. “There’s so many powerful parallels and I’m feeling the opportunity to release a lot of the tension I was holding at that time,” he told me earlier this month over coffee in Greenwich Village (just before showing face at a Tony’s luncheon). “This character feels like an exorcism of the lightest and darkest parts of myself.” With easy candor—and a charm not dissimilar to the kind he demonstrates in the role—Groff opened up about learning to live without shame and what Looking, the polarizing HBO series he starred in from 2014 to 2016, taught him about show business.
JAKE NEVINS: Hey, Jonathan. Congrats on your Tony nomination.
JONATHON GROFF: Thank you so much.
NEVINS: That’s exciting. How do you feel?
GROFF: Oh my god, I feel super emotional. I’ve been crying a lot these days. Last time I was nominated was during Hamilton, which was like seven or eight years ago. And I wasn’t in the show when the nominations happened. I had left to do a TV show. So this is the first time since Spring Awakening that I’ve experienced the intensity of awards season on Broadway while being in the show. I’m having a lot of flashbacks to being 22 years old.
NEVINS: What were your first encounters with Merrily in particular?
GROFF: Gideon Glick, who was in Spring Awakening with me, sent a text to the Spring Awakening text chain saying, “This documentary came out called The Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened. And it’s devastating and beautiful, and it reminded me so much of us. You all have to go see it.” So I watched the documentary about Merrily that Lonny Price made and was blown away by it. At the Hollywood Bowl, I had done Sondheim on Sondheim, where I sang the role of Frank in “Opening Doors” and Jesse Tyler Ferguson did “Franklin Shepard, Inc.,” so I knew the songs from there. Funny enough, we had just finished our Spring Awakening reunion concert, which was in the fall of 2021, and we were making a documentary about the concert and about the show. The Merrily doc was a big inspiration for that because of how they went back and forth and showed them as kids and showed them as adults. And then in January 2022, me and Jim Carnahan, who cast me in Spring Awakening 16 years before, were in a film club during COVID. After we saw 8½ at the Film Forum in January 2022, he said to me, “We’re going to come to you with an offer for Frank in Merrily We Roll Along. Do you know the show?” And I was like, “I know pieces of it, but I don’t know the show.” Maria’s production in London was on YouTube, so I watched it and I died for it. I just thought it was fucking genius, never having seen it and obviously knowing from the documentary that the show was originally a flop. So it took six months between January and June 2022 for us to figure out the dates. Dan [Radcliffe] was already attached to play Charley, and then Lindsay [Mendez] came on, and then we were off and running.
[Jonathan on reactions to Looking] And I was like, “Whoa.” That was when I started to learn the art of walking with an open heart and also protecting myself.
NEVINS: What does that look like?
GROFF: It’s like, having empathy and respect for the haters and honoring them and understanding that that opinion can exist and I can still be in my lane and express myself. Just because someone says it’s terrible doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth making.
NEVINS: Well, I’ll leave you with this. What’s the status of your inner voice? By all accounts, you’re living your dream, but I don’t want to draw any conclusions.
GROFF: This feels like it’s been a rebirth, a bit of a renaissance, and a release. It’s like I’m re-experiencing what I experienced when I was 22 with Spring Awakening, but now as a flashback, which is what Merrily is about. I moved to New York in 2004, 20 years ago. This show takes place over the course of 20 years. It’s about three friends. Spring Awakening was about these three characters. There’s so many powerful parallels and I’m feeling the opportunity to release a lot of the tension I was holding at that time. It feels like this opportunity to tap back into that 20-year-old I was and release all of the baggage from that time. I’m feeling more like myself than I ever have. This character feels like an exorcism of the lightest and darkest parts of myself.
NEVINS: An exorcism that ends with a Tony, hopefully
GROFF: Oh my god.
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majoyosei · 10 months
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🏮 Isekai: Warrior's Kiss: Yue Huang 🏮
Another OC, this time is Yue, from the otome game "Isekai: Warrior's Kiss" ❤️‍🔥
🌙 Name: Yue Huang 🌙 Nicknames: Little Phoenix (Auntie Min), Phoenix, little bird (Daigo) 🌙 Race: Human 🌙 Gender: Female 🌙 Age: 25 years old 🌙 Chinese 🌙 Hair Color: Bluish black 🌙 Eye Color: Crimson 🌙 Current Residence: Japan 🌙 Crush: Daigo, the Kitsune (Husband) 🌙 Children: Kotori and Kohana (Daughters) 🌙 Occupation: Warrior(Formerly) / Housewife (Currently) 🌙 Personality: Brave, honest, hot-tempered, impulsive, lonely, worker. 🌙 Symbol: Moon 🌙 Likes: Traveling with auntie Min, martial arts, warm days, puppets, collecting antiques, the beach.
🌙 Yue was cared by her auntie Min, with whom she used to travel over the world. Over time, she becomes a independent woman, keeping in touch with her aunt. One day, she participates in an auction to get the Guardian Stones, four statues that bring luck. That night, she has a strange dream about four figures: a dog, a fox, a dragon, and a horse. When she goes to look for the Guardian Stones, she faints and waking up in the ancient Lydia. She is sent on a mission with the four Guardians: Hyun Bin, Daigo, Ao and Melos. They go through various adventures, saving Lydia and discovering Yue's true power. However, one day she faints again and wakes up in the hospital, where, after seeing her aunt again, she falls asleep, waking up in Tsushima, where she meets with Daigo, continuing her adventure in the Celestial World.
🌙 Trivia:
Her daughters with Daigo were born in Tsushima and their names are Kotori, "little bird", and Kohana, "little flower"
Her name Yue means "moon" and her last name Huang means "yellow".
Without more to say, I hope you like it!! 🔥
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cyberweek · 6 months
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CyberWeek 2024 starts January 21st!
A weeklong celebration of our favorite edutainment program with artistic prompts everyday! The show first premiered on the 21st of January so let’s celebrate!
What sort of Art is allowed?
Any! Traditional/Digital art, Writing, Cosplay, Video edits, anything you can make! Anything you wanna make! Sew a doll, bake a cake, whatever! Sadly, prompts aren’t made with all types of art in mind, so feel free to interpret them however you want to fit your medium!
Rules! [New!]*
*Prompts are posted early this year, and I ask that you withhold from posting your entries until the day of! You may however start and finish them whenever you want!
Tag your post with #cyberweek2024! Or @ this blog! Or both!
Follow this blog and support your fellow Cyberchase fans!
No Lewd. No P*dophilia or inc*st.
No Tracing, Use of Bases or other assets without COMPLETE transparency. Credit your sources! Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Google etc are not sources. Find the artist, please.
*Use of AI is discouraged. Whether you submit only what the AI produces or use it as reference/inspiration. This includes both visual and text AI.
Angst, light gore/blood and etc are allowed. Try to keep it PG13. Everything will be tagged accordingly so remember to use Tumblr’s tag filter feature to your advantage.
OCs should only show up on the OC prompt if available.
Jan 21 - Redraw
This year we start off right on the Anniversary! So, we'll do a redraw, and leave that up to how you, the artist, want to go about this! You can either redraw an old Cyberchase piece of yours or redraw a scene from the show itself! [Keep rules in mind!]
Jan 22 - Science
Cyberspace is FULL of science, even if it's sometimes entirely fictional and fantastical. Do you have a favorite scientific genius? Or is there a machine you think is really cool? Some sort of technology you wish you could have for real? It's time to blind us... with science!!
Jan 23 - Magic
Cyberspace may be full to the brim with science, but there are many things that simply unexplainable except by the total opposite of the spectrum... Magic! Who Biddi-Boppidi-does it best? Got a favorite magic spell? Maybe the real magic was the friends we made along the way.
Jan 24 - Summer
Last year we had the prompt "Winter," so let's flip that and have fun with a summer theme! It's time for some fun in the sun, a trip to the beach, a cute summer fit, a picnic, a hike, and so much more!
Jan 25 - Crossover
What is this, a crossover episode?? Yes! And you're in charge!! What characters do you want to see interact? Who do you want to see come to Cyberspace? Or who from Cyberspace do you want to see go where? When? Why?? Go nuts!! AAA
Jan 26 - Enemy
All right, we've had OTP, Friendship, and Family as a prompt! Once again it's time to completely flip the script with Enemy! Will you draw Team Hacker? Another baddie? The main goodies vs the main baddies? Or maybe two characters who just do not get along!! Remember to keep it civil and keep it fun, please!
Jan 27 - OCs
To close out our celebration of Cyberweek, let's have some fun with the little characters we've made up for fun! 😊
Questions/Comments -
Please send all questions about this event to the inbox. Anon will be off and questions will be posted in case others have similar inquiry. Please do not reply to posts or try to chat your inquirers.
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zergula · 1 year
Welcome To Lunestia
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The date is 7600.
Humanity finds itself alive and well on the planet of Lunestia! With its gorgeous greens, purples, pinks, and white fields it is definitely different than Earth but almost eerily the same. After the legendary forum wars of 2025, aliens have fully become a part of society on Earth as well as Lunestia. Great advancements in not only technology but human evolution have improved life in the universe more than any being could imagine!
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I fell in love with Risa's Lunestia and Meroze maps as soon as I saw them! It was really hard to choose between those two to use for this space world save but Lunestia's beautiful terrain painting and blend won me over! I highly recommend both of these worlds, absolutely gorgeous and incredible work!
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Mae, Malie, and Una Verse keep watch over the renovated remains of the First Contact ship that brought all beings to beautiful Lunestia! Although thankful for the great honor bestowed upon them from their ancestors, these young beings just want to have some fun, sometimes!
The Goth family and Bachelor family fell into a wormhole in Sunset Valley and have found themselves farther in the future than they could even imagine!
Candy is a plantsim who is trying her very best to recreate all of the lovely plants from Earth! She lives in her underground lab and you can find her there or above ground tending to all of her lovely friends…uh plants!
Skyla Martial is a genius who has filled her home with bots that she treats like family but never stopped to wonder if she wants an actual family. Either way, the bots fill that void…for now.
Finally, you will find lots of beings from Oasis Landing and Lunar Lakes here: Amelia Loveland, Kel Gwyn, Harkin Shire, Fawn Lacey, Felix Finn, The Planesons, The James family, The Mosqueda family, The Su family, the Sekemoto Family, Eleanor Alto, the Castle family, the Star family, the Orey family, and the Landgraab Clones.
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Around Town
29 Community Lots 62 Residential Lots
There's lots to do in Lunestia! Along with all EA rabbitholes, you can visit:
The Millennium Falcon Bot Emporium - A recreation of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars by soocoolsim! It includes the bot emporium register, comics register, and a food register.
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The Future Fashion Salon - - I have been experimenting with combining rabbitholes, registers, and lots on one lot and am loving the results! It saves so much room in town and I love how some of these rabbitholes/registers/lots work together! This is a salon and tattoo shop that includes the Elixir Consignment register, nectary register, consignment store register, and the Spa rabbithole.
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Purple Flourite Museum - Art Gallery by Satureja13 that includes another nectary register.
Monsters Inc Stadium - a fun recreational park built by Hidehi for the Disney Magic Kingdom collaboration. The school and stadium rabbitholes are also located here.
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Sapphire Ice Gym - by Satureja13 A small gym with all machines and martial arts stuff
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Zephyr 47 - An old starship repurposed into Lunestia's favorite spot to watch the game, get some wings, and drink some juice with the old team! (shell by geminiagre, interior redone and converted to sportsbar by me)
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Natatorium Pool - pool from Lunar Lakes
Laser Waves - A poolside club with lots of secret places to find!
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Cosmic Ray's Bowling Lanes by Sandraelle is the place to be in Lunestia! A huge arcade with every game and numerous bowling lanes open at all times, all beings come here for fun and prizes, to grab some groceries, catch a movie, or have a quick meal at the diner!
Lunestia Library And Bookstore - a huge library with fun for the kids, snacks, the bookstore, and the Vault of Antiquity
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Full Spectrum Fire Safety - by Waterheart197 - Even in the future, fire will still get you. Luckily, the fire safety beings here at Full Spectrum can help!
Bridgeport Acres Festival Grounds
Astro Orbiter - by soocoolsim is a fun hangout with a roller coaster, games, and snacks
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Lunar Hub Casino - this is Lunestia's Live Show Venue that includes all casino games, giant performer's stage, nectary, and food register. You can find HOLODEK by Livvy1049 - a bright future lounge right next door!
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Science Tech Center - bot emporium I built that includes the bot competition arena and observatory rabbitholes
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Cube by Snowmoon - this dive bar is for surly beings only!
The MotherShip by Snowmoon is a little more inviting for the locals in Lunestia. The Darts Competition is weekly, see you there!
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It wasn't long after Lunestia was discovered that the Space Buzz Studio by Hidehi was built! You can always see some of the actors rehearsing on stages upstairs if you stop by to tour the studio rabbithole (in the basement).
Crater Lagoon is the town fishing spot stocked with all fish and not too far from there you will find Oasis Shoreline Beach!
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Don't forget to visit the crash scene wreckage! It might look like a junkyard but very important research is being done here. You can see the renovated First Contact ship from here as well!
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In this download, you will find the world and 3 save files:
LunestiaCommunityLots - this save has the community lots only, no residential houses or other lots
LunestiaUnpopulated - the is the final version of the save without sims
LunestiaPopulated - this is the final version of the save with all households
This save uses Into The Future, Lunar Lakes, and all sci fi store content extensively but there is zero custom content. I have all expansions, all stuff packs, and all store content but if you do not have some of the items, the game will generate a similar item for you (but you may have to edit). The only expansion not used is PETS so I am unsure how the save will perform with Pets, but there is definitely plenty of room for them!
Because this world was just roads and trees, I ran into the same problem I had with Simarellen, which was sometimes the lots do not line up perfectly with the roads. Some of the lots may look diagonal or incorrectly placed because of that but I have playtested everything and have not found any routing issues. This world save does use the Into The Future elevators profusely so there might be an issue with some of the elevators not working as intended. To fix this, simply go into build mode on the lot, go to the ground floor of the lot, use the hand tool to pick up the elevator and then drop it, this will reset the elevators to go to the correct floors. I tried not to fill the world up with lots too much, but it was hard to choose with so many excellent options out there! You can always add more, if you like!
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This took me longer than I expected, my apologies for the delay! Please tag me @zergula or #lunestia if you share any photos, etc I would love to see them. You can find my other world saves here: River Falls here: Simarellen and here: Kaodina
Happy simming and green plumbobs for all <3
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lazy-polaroid · 9 months
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*pat pat*
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glitterandsparkels · 5 months
Ifrit x Malthus
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I finally fucking drew them!!!😫
This took so looooong for no reason!!😑😠
!🚫I hate drawing eyes!⛔
Anyway I love them!💞😘
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saltydoesstuff · 7 months
Donnie would be COVERED in burns from electrical equipment-
He’s the same genius turtle, but he doesn’t have the experience or resources to prevent himself from getting hurt. He does create some amazing machines but-✨the scars✨
Mikey-his signature orange spots are much more scattered and mostly covered in paints and bruises- The razzmatazz cannot save him from face planting a wall-
Trying to recreate certain scenes he sees in human media that falls into his home with no prior experience is a-no babe-
Y e s, Donnie would totally be covered in some kind of scarring, whether it be burns or just general gashes from messing with power tools and technology.
Also agree for Mikey, I love him to death but he is always in some form covered in some form of art supplies. Paint, glitter glue, googly eyes, etc.
I was also entertaining the idea of Mikey having a kind of chameleon type power, being able to shift the color of his scales/shell to blend in better with his surroundings (like Randel from Monsters Inc.). It would make it all the scarier when he's hunting you down ejwn
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butchbarneygumble · 3 months
I have an odd relationship with Jimmy Neutron because when the movie came out I badly wanted to see it because cgi wormed itself into my brain after seeing all Toy Story's, A Bug's Life and Dinosaur (not sure if Monsters Inc was also out yet but that one made a huge impact on me too) and I just. Could not get enough of cgi as a whole. I was so in love with it.
But my mom? My mom didn't want to take me to see Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. She's always been outspoken in what animation she likes and doesn't like (big fan of Pixar though) so she probably didn't like the style. That, or we didn't have money to see every movie that came out, we didn't have a lot of leisure money at the time.
I still never saw the Jimmy Neutron movie to this day, but I am in university learning CGI art so! All's well that ends well?
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