#giving him dark side points for flirting xD
queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Bad boy, Jhesen, that’s not the Jedi way😋
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zarvasace · 2 months
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The last, and probably my current favorites of the bunch: Prince and Mirage, dark Warriors and dark Legend! I keep trying to put the images side-by-side so they don't take up as much room but Tumblr HATES that. Sorry.
My document with all these boys' descriptions on it is over 7k words. Holy heck. Hope you like them. XD Masterpost
More information and art beneath the cut yayyy
Prince is dark Warriors. 
Cia gave Warriors a lot of unwanted attention, which he spurned. Prince, on the other hand, wouldn't just accept the attention, but would have welcomed it. He wasn't entirely autonomous when he was summoned, but he remembers everything. He knows that he never wants to not be in control of himself ever again.
Instead of championing freedom, however, Prince makes a point of controlling others. If he controls them, they can't control him. Shackle is similar, but they have different methods. While Shackle prefers physical subjugation to be sure they're in his power, Prince uses manipulation. He pretends to be your friend, all the while gaining your trust. His job is made all the easier by his own special talent: Charm. 
Prince’s Charm is a supernatural ability to influence people. Where Madness takes over bodies, Prince sways the mind. His Charm is something he can turn on and off at will, at different intensities. It doesn't work well on any being with too much light, but it does work on criminals or people with guilt and secrets. The other Darks are susceptible to it, though after… an incident… Prince doesn't do it to them. Usually. 
It works like this: Prince identifies his target, which can be an individual or an entire crowd. He turns his Charm on intentionally, and depending on how hard he pushes, his target’s attention is drawn to his face. Because he does not look human, he then has to quickly begin talking, to pour even more Charm on. If he does it right (it does require skill and charisma), the target forgets his appearance is anything out of the ordinary. He needs a minute or two of conversation and rakish smiles to dig his claws deep enough that they don't remember anything unusual once they stop looking right at him. Prince uses his Charm to get information, favors, and generally spread his anti-Link agenda. The riskier or weirder his request is, the more Charm he has to layer on, and some people just straight up won't do some things. The Charm wears off after a while, depending on the target and how long they were exposed to it, which takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks, averaging out at a day or two. 
Prince has to choose his targets wisely, which can be difficult to do because he does not look human and does not have any kind of magical disguise. That last point is a sore spot. He doesn't want a disguise, he just wants people to stop looking at him like he's going to burn their house down, thank you very much. He only has their best interests at heart. Prince is bitter and extremely envious about Warriors winning hearts so easily thanks to his good looks and natural charisma, so Prince does his best to do the same without them. His Charm is better anyway. 
…It's a good thing he hasn't actually been let loose on a population yet. 
(Warriors is a bit of a flirt, but not too badly. Prince makes a game out of trying to make people fall in romantic love with him as fast as he can. (Author’s note: I'm not touching sex. That is not the sort of story I want to tell here.))
Prince doesn't need food, and he doesn't need to breathe, but he does need to use his Charm. Because he magically learns a bit of information about his targets when he's focused on them, his theory is that he leeches from their emotions, or their identities, or something of that sort. He hasn't shared the theory with anyone, but the Dark Chain does know that Prince needs to use his Charm or he starts to get very, very hangry. It's a physical need for him. Of course, pushing too hard or trying to Charm too many people at once gives him migraines. 
Prince considers himself a leader, and it rankles him a bit that Depth is the one in charge. He contents himself with sitting back and letting Depth do all the hard things, though he has Charmed Depth several times into going along with what Prince wants to do. Prince sees Shackle as a sort of protege in the ways of manipulation, and occasionally provides pointers about how to subtly get under people’s skin. Prince and Madness end up working together a lot, since Prince can Charm Madness’s thralls into forgetting they ever lost time, or he can make up memories for them. Sometimes the two of them get migraines at the same time, which spells out lots of “fun” for everyone else. He fights a lot with Mirage and is always trying to catch Agony off-guard to give him a good scrubbing. He's the only reason that Nothing or Dire get baths, too. 
Prince is arrogant and ambitious, yes. He's proud of his appearance and does his best to stay clean and orderly—he doesn't mind the memories of military training that he gets from Warriors, since those routines help him to be efficient. He wears a copy of Warriors’s outfit, but fancier, with a fluffy shirt and a corset on top, and his tunic is purple because (1) it's opposite green on some color wheels and (2) it's the color of royalty. His silvery hair is a little longer than Warriors’s is, and he wears a luxurious red cape.
Sometimes he puts a little too much flair into his moves, but he's proficient with as many weapons as Warriors is, if less practiced. He talks a lot, boasts a lot, and casually jabs where it hurts. He holds a lot of jealousy and hate in his heart, and if he gets a little drunk, he'll go on and on about how much he dislikes Warriors, specifically. 
Prince’s ultimate ambition is to rule his Hyrule as undisputed, beloved emperor. He wants to do that by winning the hearts of every soldier, every servant, every noble. He wants to steal Warriors’s relationships right out from under him without him noticing. Prince knows that he can't rely on his temporary Charm to do that, though, so his plan is to ally with the organizations of traitors throughout Hyrule and add his persuasive charm and Charm to their efforts, eventually rising to become their leader. 
Prince’s best dreams involve him standing over a defeated Warriors on the balcony of the castle, a crown on his head and a queen on his arm (or king. He just thinks stealing Artemis or Impa would make it all the sweeter), with crowds below cheering for him. He has plans to keep the aging Warriors as an honored “guest” in the castle for as long as he lives, doomed to watch his beloved, darkened kingdom flourish under Prince’s ruby eyes. Someday, Prince will change his name to Link, stealing that from Warriors, too. 
Prince Link. Wait, no. King Link. No, even better… Emperor Link. 
Actually, he doesn't like the sound of Emperor. He’ll workshop that title.  
Mirage is dark Legend, patterned after the Nightmares that Legend fought on Koholint. He knows Legend will know that immediately. 
Mirage is truly shape-fluid. His form is extremely malleable, though he can't keep up looking perfectly like a human for more than half an hour or so—he starts to melt and revert back to his most comfortable state, which is a close copy of Legend, his matter constantly shifting and dripping and melting. (Most comfortable state, not his true form. Does he have a true form? He doesn't know what it is if he does.) He is best at mimicking nonspecific human forms and small reptiles. He pretended to be a bush once, but wasn't very convincing. 
Mirage’s gooey flesh doesn't have many pain or touch receptors, and he doesn't need any kind of structure beneath the goo to stand up. He's very good at energy dispersion, so punching him means that you're either punching a brick wall or that your fist is getting absorbed. His goo is as warm as flesh and very slightly acidic, so touching him for too long can burn. He doesn't need to breathe, but he does digest organic material or minerals to build on his mass. He's weak against energy-type attacks, like acid or fire or ice, but it doesn't hurt him in the traditional sense and he can always build himself back up. He can drop entirely flat and easily squeezes through small gaps. 
Most traditional dungeon traps do absolutely nothing to Mirage: spike traps don't hurt him, as holes in his form mean nothing; he doesn't really take fall damage, just splatters a bit until he can pull himself together; giant axes that cleave him in two don't actually hurt him, either. There is one small part of Mirage’s matter that is his core. If he gets cut into pieces, the rest of him will shrivel up and evaporate in an hour or two, but his core stays alive and can regrow in a matter of days. If he gets to any cut-off piece before it evaporates, he can reassimilate it. He often messes with his form to take on any physical challenge: looking around corners with an eye on a hand; growing taller to see over a wall; spreading out his feet and legs to float on water; squeezing into cracks in an ice block and expanding in the right spot to make it all shatter. 
Mirage doesn't speak often, preferring to keep quiet. His voice is soft and slithering, with hissing Ss and a pitch that ranges from whispery to shrill. It's the worst voice in the group after Depth’s. He isn't the smartest of the Darks, but he is quite observant and if he does speak up, there's something important to pay attention to. Mirage often just goes with the group decisions, performing whatever role they require, though privately he absolutely resents having to work with anyone else, because Mirage works alone. He doesn't need companions, friends, shopkeepers, or family; he doesn't need vehicles, mounts, money, magic items, or even weapons. When he means alone, he means Very Alone. 
The thing about Legend—despite the masks and attitude he puts on—is that he cares, so so much. He cares about people being happy and safe, he bonds with everyone nice he meets whether he knows it or not, he is self-sacrificing and always working for a better world, even when people don't ask for it. Mirage does not care about much of anything except himself. He would be most content wandering around a mountain, causing a bit of chaos in a nearby town, and using his abilities to traverse impossible paths, especially through caves, just because he can. He doesn't care about the other Darks (that's a bit more of a lie than he thinks it is), he doesn't care about Legend, he doesn't care about covering the world in darkness. He’s just dragged around and knows that they have to finish this stupid mission thing before he can be left in peace. 
Mirage is somewhat fascinated with the way humans work. He's closer to an octopus or other eldritch sea creature himself, and mimics reptilian forms, but the more he learns about humans, the better he can mimic them. He might not care much about many things, but he's curious. He likes to investigate corpses (especially if he can eat them—the Dark Chain’s favorite way of “disappearing” people) and find out new things about their anatomy and chemical compositions, things he knows about and can memorize to reproduce in his own gooey flesh later. As such, he sometimes annoys the other Darks by poking at them or “testing” their senses or limits. 
He gets along best with Lost, who doesn't care much, either, and doesn't get mad at his questions or testing. Mirage responds by taking Lost babysitting duty more than his fair share. (His apathy means he's really patient with Lost and Nothing and Madness.) He makes a good team with Agony, who he sees as very similar to himself, except Agony is clearly more driven. Agony is the quick and sharp counterpart to Mirage’s slow and inevitable destruction. (And it doesn't hurt that Agony is the electricity wielder among them, so if Agony sort of likes Mirage, then all the better.) 
In a normal fight, Mirage is all but indestructible, walking through battle without problems. He doesn't bother attacking until someone hurts him, usually with fire or something similar. Then Mirage will focus to get rid of the threat—and he’s aware that the others expect him to target and take out Legend, so he does that if he has to. He's all but impossible to fight without elemental aid, and while he isn't too quick, he hits HARD and has a lot of tricks up his metaphorical sleeves. 
Still, the fact remains that if you manage to hurt him, you hurt him a lot. Mirage isn't complicated, but he's very flexible and can do things nobody is prepared for. 
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(sorry for the low contrast. But hey, my goo-drawing skills are finally relevant! Look at that hat! And the foot!)
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you are so right about sanzu/takuya. i wanna hear all about them! what are your hcs? I'm so curious!
First of all, thanks for this question anon, it make me so happy to know someone else like them! 💜
In case some one is curious where this comes from, here is my HaruTaku fic!
Okay, for properly answering this I think that I also need to go first with my Sanzu hc for that specific timeline, because for me is related in why they make sense! (and bc I love talking about my lil gremlin, ngl)
Sanzu headcanons for Bad Toman Takemichi TL:
Okay, obv he did wharever he could for being close to Mikey, that goes without saying. But there is two big differences with Bonten.
He's not the second in command, so he has to kinda obey Kisaki (what he hates, always giving that silent hater looks 😎). But since he never showed that "good guys toman type of morals", Kisaki allows him to be one of the fews that still sees Mikey, bc he's not going to influence him or stuff like that, Sanzu is totally fine with the darkness (he isn't bc it triggers him tl0 memories but his denial is strong xD) So his job here is mostly watching over Mikey and ofc, getting rid of traitors! No way Kisaki didn't use that once he realizes, Sanzu devotiton is too easy to control and too useful for his own good 🥲
In the other side, this means is less confident about himself than what we saw in Bonten. He's still unhinged but he's not that loud about it, he doesn't have the selfsteem boost of being his king's right hand. So in a way, he's more insecure about himself and the mission he does, since he has less control about what happens to Mikey. Also, Sanzu is a weirdo, so like happened in early Toman he doesn't properly fit with the rest, besides job related thing he doesn`t have friends there (we could count Mucho if in this timeline Izana was never on the picture, but even with that Sanzu doesn't easyly trust people). It took him more time to stop wearing his mask here and it was probably more gradual!
And what we know about Takuya?
Not much, just that he's a sweet person and a good friend. He probably followed the rest of the Mizo gang (specially Takemichi) and got caught in Toman's violence.
He wears a choker in this timeline and had and aming glow-up including some sick tattoos. Pretty boy with sumi vibes!
This is where my hc starts, there is something about Takuya that screams addiction to me. I don't know how to explain it, maybe is his dull eyes, maybe his body language, but Takuya is coping with drugs (mostly downers bc he just wants to disappear for a few hours... Takuya is a softy 🥲)
Finally... HaruTaku headcanons!
One thing about addicts is that we have a radar, we know when someone else is an addict (similar to gaydar but more selfdestructive). So Sanzu probably started noticing the subtle changes in Takuya and he was intrigue about it. Specially coming from someone that was always surrounded by people he dispised. They never really interacted before, but Sanzu started paying more attention to Takuya, noticing more things about him, like how Takuya was actually shy and sweet behind that quiet appearence. And yeah, maybe a part of him felt indentified with that, he could understand having to act quiet to hide yourself better than anyone. For some reason, Sanzu started thinking that maybe they have more in common that it seems at first sight, and we all know he can be a little bit obsessive, so...
At some point, Sanzu aproached to Takuya. He probably created a situation when it could feel almost natural, I personally picture him waiting until Takuya is having some drinks alone (no way he's gonna talk with the other idiots if he can avoid it) and sitting next to him, paying the next round.
Takuya was probably intimidated, with reasons. But at the same time, he was drunk and high and Sanzu is pretty, so damn pretty! So he couldn't and wouldn't resist, it was easy for him to feel flatered by Sanzu's awkward way of flirting (c'mon, he doesn't have social skills, we all know that). And Sanzu? He just told to himself that he was curious, nothing more. Just one night for satisfying his curiosity, that was all. For understanding why on earth he felt that weird attraction towards Takuya.
Mix two pretty boys that are craving for love and affection and a lot of drugs? Recipy for disaster and unhealthy relationship, yey!
The fact Takuya is a submissive person who is numbed by the drugs most of the time and Sanzu has a lot of pent-up agression and is usually high of a mix that includes more estimulants than what Takuya is doing, only leads to unsafe sex where no-one is controlling shit or in the proper state of mind to be aware of how dangerous is what they are doing. What means a lot of next day regrets! 🎉 (extra: Sanzu has a kink with Takuya's neck and is obsessed with the choker, he calls him "pretty neck" on bed. Takuya weakness is Sanzu in high-heels, specially if they are red, I'm not projecting at all on that one, nopes 👀).
Besides sex, there is more to say about their dynamic, don't worry!
Takuya is the type to be sweet and caring, he hides that side of himself inside of Toman but still shows it in his personal life. It wasn't easy for him to feel relaxed around Sanzu and he was afraid of showing his kindness and being mock by the other. But for me Takuya is also an observing person, so I think it didn't took him a long time to realized how wounded is Sanzu, how he actually hates being in his own mind more than anything, how much he craves love, aproval, affection. So he started showing more of his loving side, having small gestures towards the other, always in private. Physical displays of affection in general, but also waking him with coffee, paying attention to his needs or his routine, making sure he felt comfortable even when they slept in Takuya's apartment (that now is always extremely clean only for Sanzu)
And Sanzu? He was melting with all of this. Well, to be fair at the beginning he was baffled, unsure or what to do or how react to someone showing him affection and kindnes, specially since Takuya didn't seem to be expecting anything in return. But once he finally understood it was fine to let Takuya spoil him and treat him like he actually deserved love... Then he was melting. Wakui said Sanzu is the most needy/clingy, so he started to be the one asking (demanding) for affection, wanting to be pampered, resting his head on Takuya's lap and enjoying how he plays with his hair (that's a privilege, he's really protective of his glorious pink hair! It's totally baji's fault)
Do they love each other? Well, that's complicated. Their relationship is not exactly public and they never talked about what it is, always pretending is something casual. It's easier like that (no it's not but they are bad at feelings). Takuya is aware that he's falling more for Sanzu every day, but he's terrified of the other reaction if he actually says the three words, so he hides it. Or tries to, because he pours this love in every small gesture, specially during their lazy mornings, when between the hangover and the guilt Sanzu acts a lot softer, wanting to give Takuya all the after-care he's able to dom
And Sanzu... Well, he wouldn't say he loves loves Takuya (because Mikey exists 😮‍💨), but he admits to himself that he deeply cares about the other. That there is more than atraction, that he enjoys their time together. Affection? A less obsessive love than what he feels for Mikey? He isn't sure and he can't deal with it, so he settles with caring.
Of course, we also need to talk about Mikey's ghost! Sanzu knows Takuya is not Mikey, is not that he's projecting him on the other all the time, it's just... He yearns for Mikey, he can't help it. So, sometimes, Takuya's blond locks make him feel that longing and he can't stop himself to imagine for a few seconds (delusional HaruMai in every timeline, hell yeah!🔥). In counted ocasions, when he's really high and out of himself, he says Mikey's name during sex and pretends to not remember the next morning because he feels too ashamed of it. He remembers more than he wishes, but he feels like shit and can't talk about that, he can't avoid feeling guilty, thinking that Takuya deserves better, deserves somone that is not using him as a replacement. Takuya understanding only adds more fuel to his guilt.
In that ocasions he tends to act distant for a few days, trying to dettach himself, to pretend he doesn't miss Takuya's affection. Until reality comes crushing down on him again and he ends up looking for Takuya, knocking at his door in the middle of the night.
Takuya felt hurt the first few times this cycle happened, but he didn't had the courage to actually confront Sanzu about it. Until one of that nights he saw how broken was Sanzu, he saw a little bit of the pain that the other usually hides from the rest of the world. It was the first Sanzu cried infront of him and the first time he called him "Haruchiyo", earning a surprised look and a weak smile 🥹
Since then, when Sanzu acts like that Takuya gives him space, understanding is not about him, that the other is fighting with his personal demonds.
And... That's it for now because I need to stop myself at some point or this will end up being longer than a fic. Maybe I will add more things in the future! 🙈
And hey, now that I look at it, they are not that terrible for each other if it wasn't for the amount of drugs and the dangerous sex. But hey, there is also love and sweetness and Sanzu needs that, so... Not that bad? 👀
I almost forgot! @lucifugousart is the amazing artist that did a Takuya fanart and is cooking something even better!
(feel free to add your own hc too, Andre! HaruTaku is a collaborative ship 😌)
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kemendin · 1 year
For Cas - Why Scourge over Theron? (Apologies if you've gotten this ask already!)
I haven't actually, so thanks!
Let me preface with - sometimes I think characters just do what they want, and I'm only here to record it rofl. So in a way it's 'I dunno, it just happened that way!' But let me try to lay it out (punctuated with fanfic excerpts because I can).
Naturally Cas spent a lot of time with Scourge before he ever met Theron, as they went through the last part of the class story together. As much as Cas wanted to deny it, there WAS a bond between himself and Scourge, though he couldn't have put it into words and wasn't about to try. Might have been the will of the Force, might have been how Scourge literally carried him to the ship in escaping the Emperor's fortress and then pledged his loyalty to Cas. (Might have been all the things Scourge did to keep him alive and prevent him from entirely succumbing to the Emperor's domination, but Cas at this point didn't remember any of that.)
Cas found Scourge to be as fascinating as he was infuriating - intelligent, quite open-minded for a Sith (about some things anyway), surprisingly sassy, in so many ways just utterly magnetic. And the truth was, they made a good team - Cas was not a typical Jedi, and Scourge was not a typical Sith, and much to Cas' surprise, Scourge never tried to turn Cas to the dark side during their travels, which prompted a certain amount of respect for him. It wasn't long before Cas was feeling at least a physical (also vocal xD) attraction for him, despite how often they butted heads and argued. By the time they hit Corellia, and Scourge had started to open up a bit about his past, that attraction had become emotional as well - which was unfortunate, because Cas knew Scourge couldn't and didn't feel the same. Cas did his best to hide his feelings - unsuccessfully, he found out, years later - but it made for a distinctly frustrating situation.
Once, in what may as well be another life now, he had known chagrin over his undeniable attraction to the Emperor’s traitorous Wrath. He had shied from it, fought with it, turned his back on it - anything to keep his prevailing feelings for the man from overtaking him. And all the while knowing that his efforts to bury them would never be enough. 
In the end, the best he could manage was a truce. Acknowledging that he would never fully eradicate what he felt, but by the same token, that Scourge would never want - or be able - to reciprocate.
Then Theron came into the picture, and Cas found him attractive in a refreshingly different way - casual, funny, yet incredibly good at his job, not to mention they could talk shop over both being proficient slicers. Knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere with Scourge, Cas was all aboard with trying to point his feelings in a different direction, though admittedly at the beginning he was trying to make Scourge jealous by flirting with Theron (it didn't work).
Scourge is watching him intently. “By the time we departed Corellia, all those years ago, it was clear that you were infatuated.”
Despite the fact that this is ancient history, and there’s nothing left to be embarrassed about, Cas feels a slight blush warm his face.
“You never let on,” he says, surprised, and there's the faintest trace of accusation there too. “Not once.”
“There was no point.” Scourge shrugs, but the callous motion is softened by the way his thumbs press lightly into the backs of Cas’ hands - one covered in smooth, pliant skin, the other set with lines of dark metal and cold pinpricks of light. “It seemed unwise to risk encouraging you, considering our circumstances. Defeating the Emperor was our paramount concern, and there were already too many distractions. And I….”
He falters, and gives Cas’ hands another careful squeeze.
“I could not give you what you sought. I thought that with time, you would find… another path for your attentions. And you did.”
“Yeah, I… I did, but -“ Cas scrunches his face. “You know I only started flirting with Theron to try and provoke you, right? I mean, not only, but that was part of it.” He lets out a rueful sigh. “And that didn’t do a thing, did it? Because you wanted me to find someone else.”
“You needed someone else. That much even I could see.”
So Theron and Cas had a thing going, and while it was fun, and sincere, and actually deeper than either of them were willing to admit, they saw each other only as various crises allowed, and never got around to really talking about it. They needed each other, for their own reasons, and it worked well for both of them, but they kept it on the down low from anyone not in their immediate circles.
And then Cas got yeeted to Zakuul, and came back a changed man - uncertain, lost, angry and exhausted, and he just couldn't go back to where he'd been before, emotionally. Not to mention, he couldn't abide the thought of trying to be intimate with Theron again - or with anyone - with Valkorion always hovering in the back of his mind.
“What we had before - whatever it was, I’m not sure I know either - that was right, for both of us.” The words were halting, but earnest all the same. “You let me feel something wonderful, something I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. I promise, I don’t regret a second of it. And if those memories were what kept you going through all this shit, then that makes everything I’ve gone through worth it. I mean that.”
He flicked his gaze up again, tentatively searching Theron’s face, unsure of what he might find there. The other man’s eyes were lowered, half lidded, distant. Cas tightened his grip on the calloused hand he held.
“But now - I can’t, Theron. I can’t go back to that. It’s not you - it’s me.” His throat tightened. “Look at what’s happened. The Republic I fought for is cracked and suffocating. I’m a fugitive, hiding from a mad emperor who stole five years of my life without a thought. Half of my friends may be dead, countless others have already died because I dared to fight back. And to top it all off, I’ve got my worst fucking enemy, whom I’ve already killed twice now, living inside my head, trying his damnedest to make me become like him.”
So they didn't renew their relationship, and Theron was disappointed for a while, but he understood. They remained fast friends regardless of some awkwardness that hung around for a bit, and actually did sleep together again once or twice just for that feeling of being close, but any romance essentially died there.
Aaaand then Scourge finally shows up again with another dramatic rescue, pulling Cas from the wreckage of the Meridian Complex (I'm sorry but it's ABSURD to me that in game, Scourge and Kira rescue Arn and Tau, rather than the JK, the potential for dramangst is so good, I'm changing it, sue me). The thing is, Cas never got over his feelings for Scourge, and suddenly Scourge appears and now he's got EMOTIONS and Cas can actually FEEL him through the Force, as opposed to the void he used to be, and Scourge has realised how deeply he feels for Cas, and just - yeah. It was never going to be anyone else, once Cas started falling for him.
Once Cas and Scourge are life partners, it does take some time for the tension between Scourge and Theron to die down. They don't like each other much, but after a while they at least respect each other. Cas still goes and complains to Kira and Lana when the boys are being particularly bristly to each other, however.
The agent and the Sith had never gotten along particularly well. Prior to the Alliance they had rarely needed to work together in close quarters - Theron had stayed out of Scourge’s way, and Scourge had seemed content with that arrangement. But the present situation was far more complicated. Theron was understandably wary of the Sith - a traditional enemy, a latecomer to the Alliance fold, and not forthcoming about his intentions to anyone who wasn’t the Commander. And Scourge, for his part, held no love for a man with a clear preference for Republic values and the talents of a top notch spy, who’d already proved he could betray Caspian and nearly get away with it.
All of this was compounded, of course, by the fact that Theron was Caspian’s ex-boyfriend, and Scourge his present partner. Privately, Cas was of the opinion that Theron was handling it all far better than Scourge. Though the agent might have moments of regret and wondering what could have been, in essentials he had moved on. But Scourge was prone to possessiveness when it came to his relationship with the Jedi, and although Cas had assured him that any feelings between himself and Theron had long since settled, he could still sense flashes of resentment and jealousy at times, when the Sith and agent were in the same room. He supposed he couldn’t entirely blame Scourge for that. Cas and Theron had spent years together, as friends if not lovers, and Cas knew that Scourge still lamented the loss of that time he could have spent with his Jedi.
From an OOC perspective - there is a LOT in my brain about why they suit each other, and this post goes into a bit of that, primarily the dichotomy of light and dark and, against the background of Scourge's vision/the apparent will of the Force, the theme of CHOICE in their relationship.
For those interested, there's a lot of Cas/Scourge relationship exploration in my fic Cover Your Crystal Eyes, and I went into Cas' breakup with Theron in How Reflections Change.
Thanks for the ask @swtorpadawan, this was a really fun one to lay out for folks!
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Consensual half choking
Kale is bottom and he loves when Chai visits the office
You can kinda tell my mind went all over the place I guess but here just dunno enjoy?
insert evil laughing gif xD man can you just imagine Chai sauntering into Kale's office though.
Kale swallows thickly and watches him, his body is drawn to him, it's like an addiction, he wants to go to him, feel his warmth , his hands, but he stays seated, good and obedient.
He has nothing he can bribe Chai with to be there, Chai could and can leave any time he wants and that's what scares him and makes him feel completely wonderfully weak, in a way no one else ever has before.
He has to submit to this being, if it were anyone but Chai he’d obliterate them, but he’d seen what he could do, for all the times he called him a defect...he was...had been jealous. Kale had made so many complicated plans and still...he’d lost because Chai had always been to the point, made the best of what he had and made to admit Chai’s talent was natural... wonderful and unique...one of a kind.
Chai had told him he’d noticed the musical puns he’d been using specifically on him, a fleeting moment when he’d visited him in the prison Korsica was keeping Chai in at the time , Kale had blushed and tried to deny it at first until the idiot had told him he thought it was cute...they’s shared a kiss and he’d felt like someone with their first crush the way he’d turned from confident to bashful in matter a of moments under Chai’s watchful stare, the calls they’d already shared...
(NGL kinda wanna ramble write a prison cell ramble about these two)
He hadn’t aimed the robots lasers at Chai, he’d aimed them at Korsica.
Had he fired her for failing to keep Chai in place where he could reach him whenever he wanted, or had he been jealous she was so close to what was his? He figured Chai would survive, he seemed to have a knack for surviving the impossible...of course he called that night just to make sure.
Watching Chai move in closer he still couldn't believe that in that last moment as he'd been flying through the air, sure of what would be his end , despite all the flirting and the secret kisses , the hidden dark corners where desire had taken over them and they'd become one , hurried moments of passion he'd always seen one of them dying as if it was in inevitable truth...
But that day he'd felt something grab onto him and pull him back before Chai’s feet in a crumpled heap and before he’d passed out he’d heard Chai shouting at Peppermint.
‘You were just going to let him die...he’s your brother... he’s not perfect...you really think you’re better than him? You weren’t even gonna give him a chance to be better! I changed why can’t he?’
Finally...he thought as he passed out, someone cared about him.
It was still a marvel after everything that Chai had shown him mercy...he’d never told Chai that a part of him had been alright with the idea of dying so long as it’d been by Chai’s hand...his Rockstar truly had no idea how much he was committed to him even more so after that moment when the world had turned black and he’d awoken to find him sleeping by his bed side and holding his hand.
Kale couldn’t help but smile, god Chai always seem to sleep in the most uncomfortable positions.
Now here he was again waiting patiently for him, watching his every movement, that beat in his step...he remembered also the first time Chai had shown him a trick that nearly blew his mind...and knew he’d found the perfect drug.
Something called a beat thrust that he’d never fully understand but when Chai hit it perfectly his back would arch and legs would tighten around his lovers waist he’d torn through all the layers of clothing the first time Chai had pulled it off and cum embarrassingly early, while leaving scratches that thankfully hadn’t been deep along Chai’s back.
Now Chai was kneeling on his chair, one knee between his thighs and metal fingers playfully around his neck
Placing small lingering kisses along his cheek bone along his jaw and whispering against his ear
“You miss me baby?”
Kale had power, money, influences connections, good ones he’d made sure to change to be better after Chai had given him the chance to...and what made him so intoxicating was that Chai wasn’t interested in any of his power, the sole reason he was there was because of him, not for the name or all the treasures that could come with it, it was him and in that truth Kale knew he was Chai’s...and if anyone tried to take him away
...well he might just simply have to kill them... he could have his little group of friends...but there had been a few disappearances...sometimes he wondered if Chai knew...or was that level of idiot cute... nodding as Chai placed his thumb against his bottom lip he answered
“My world is nothing when you’re not in it Chai...you know that, can I kiss you?”
Chai smirked at the breathless voice of his partner and turned Kale’s head to look at him as he playfully booped his nose
“Magic word old man.”
Chai paused a moment and it was those moments Kale loved , those moments Chai made sure he was okay when he was in charge
“Not being too rough am I?”
“No...if you were I’d say that stupid word you made me promise to say.”
“Kale safe words are important.”
“Yes but I’m not saying it so a little rougher if you p-“
Chai’s confidence was back as he forced Kale harder against the chair so that his head tilted back.
“Bruises like last time gorgeous? People will be wondering why you’re wearing scarves in summer Vandelay.”
“None of their business...I want your marks...for the days you can’t be here...”
Kale ground out between clenched teeth, only to then bite his bottom lip , looking up at the younger man with pleading eyes, his hips shifting, eager to get some friction from the knee that was sat between his thighs.
Chai couldn’t help but smirk, looking him up and down slowly, thinking how good Kale looked when he allowed himself to be at his mercy. Leaning forward lips lingering just a breath away.
“Both hands later or just the one today?”
Kale whined trying to close the gap and kiss him only to feel Chai’s grip tighten and keep him in place.
“Just...one today.”
“Good boy, you know I like it when you communicate with me.”
Chai praised him and closed the gap, kissing him slow and steady, eyes closed , he’d missed his taste, the way Kale could grow so desperately hungry for him, feeling Kale’s teeth biting softly at his bottom lip, oh Vandelay was eager today. Pressing his fingers in just enough to mark him, just how he liked, how he wanted, easing enough to let him breathe when he needed to.
Sinking further into the kiss he moaned deeply as he felt those claws finding their way under his clothes and onto his hips, Chai was completely aware of the danger they held and the control Kale had over such power...it was a sin and yet divine all at once, he couldn’t believe how barely a year ago how unhappy they’d been only to find happiness in each other.
Kale thought about how close to death and almost taking over the world he’d been to now , it was almost unreal and dreamlike , if this was a dream he hoped never to wake and he fell repeatedly into Chai’s wants and desires without a fight, he was wanted for him and with that he would submit himself always and willingly to him.
Chai ended up ravishing Kale on his desk, all through a phone meeting, no video calls of course but Kale had to keep his composure, which had failed him in the end, Chai he made him come undone a whimpering mess over the surface of his desk, moaning his lovers name, knees together and the warmth of Chai’s human hand wrapped around his cock as his metal one pulled at his hair, he loved every second and the person on the phone had to pretend like nothing was happening because the meeting was too important to hang up on, breathless with seed dripping from his cock, splashes under the desk , he could feel Chai still in him, long after he’d pulled out, Chai fucked him with what felt like within an inch of his life and he LOVED it.
Here came his favourite part, the soft kisses and tender touches, the comfort that came after the roughness he asked for , the fond cooing and making a fuss of him, clean up and how they would snuggle in his giant office chair for hours until one of them fell asleep, they always made one promise in this that the other would never wake up alone, that a kiss goodbye would be given in a promise of always returning.
The world might know they were together but it was still fun to pretend they were sneaking around just like the first time Chai had ever talked dirty to him...and he'd realised the only way you could spell
Perfect was by spelling it D-e-f-e-c-t , for what was a world without flaws, with out it’s peculiarities? Boring ...that’s what it was and Chai was anything but.❤️
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willsimpforanyone · 3 years
R being a mafia leader and introducing her employees to House wife Wanda, one of R’s employees flirting with Wanda and R sending the employee away to get uh- undead? HAHA- It Can be the opposite way (R being house wife and Wanda the mafia leader) 😽👍
it took an embarrassingly long time to figure out that 'R' was reader XD i love the idea of the reader being the leader- i dont think there's any warnings needed, just that i don't know much about the mafia lol
The group lined up in front of my desk was an impressive lot, I'll admit. They'd proven their loyalty to me again and again, displaying respect and dedication to me, their boss. I told them as much, and was pleased to see them almost beaming with pride.
Well, most of them. The man at the end of the line seemed distracted. He was maybe late twenties, maybe 5'7", and I scanned through my mental files to find his. Ah, I remember him now- Jackson, he's been reprimanded twice, but I can't remember what for. Can't be anything too bad if he was recommended for this job.
"You've done me proud," I sat back in my chair. "This mafia is a tricky business, and you've all proven yourself worthy of being promoted."
A chorus of 'thanks, boss's came from the group, and I held up my hand to stop them. About to continue, my eyes settled Jackson at the end of the line again, still looking distracted. I followed his eyeline, until my own eyes lighted upon Wanda.
Wanda was sitting a little way away, reading curled up on a sofa. I couldn't surpress a smile as I gazed at her- brown hair swept over one shoulder, red sweater a little long for her arms and her delicate ringed fingers turning the pages of her book. Being the boss, people usually assumed I was the one that called all the shots- but if Wanda wanted something done, it would get done. She wasn't a trophy wife like a lot of mafia wives were, I truly valued her input and on numerous occasions when I had to leave, I trusted her completely to run things while I was gone.
My eyes flicked back to Jackson who was now openly staring at her, and I realised that Wanda's sweater was long enough that she didn't want to cover her legs. While I, and most people who came into my office, had no issue with this, some fuckers thought it was okay to gawk at her. I couldn't have that.
I remembered what Jackson had been reprimanded for- sexual harrassment of women. How he'd got this far in my mafia, I didn't know. No matter; he wouldn't be here much longer.
"Wanda, could you come here please?" I beckoned her over.
She looked up, a slight pout on her lips. "Honey, I'm reading."
"I know darling, but it will only be for a moment."
She sighed, but put her book down and got up, walking the short distance to perch on the arm of my chair. The sweater, I realised, had covered a thigh holster complete with a small pistol that I had given her for her birthday. That's my girl, always prepared.
I made eye contact with Jackson, who boldly stared back. "Pretty, isn't she?"
Jackson nodded, a slight smirk on his face. "Yeah, real pretty." It took all my power to not get up and punch his face right then and there.
I nudged Wanda. "Give him a smile baby."
She frowned down at me for a second, before catching on. She smiled at Jackson, dark red lipstick curving beautifully. I beckoned Jackson to come up to the front of my desk. He kept eye contact with Wanda.
I stood up from my chair, leaving Wanda to slid into my seat. I bent down to place a kiss on her cheek, but leant to touch my lips to her ear. "You know what you're doing, right?"
"No need to worry, I can take care of myself." She kissed my cheek, and I withdrew.
I pointed at the rest of the group. "You lot, with me."
One of them opened the door, and they filed through. I closed the door behind me, leaving Wanda and Jackson alone in the room with everyone else, including myself, out in the corridor.
One of the girls in the group shuffled nervously. "Uh, boss? What's going on?"
I winked at her. "I thought it a kindness to remove you from the room. After all, Wanda likes to deal with those kind of people on her own."
Any further remarks were silenced when a gunshot sounded from the room. I opened the door to reveal Wanda still sat in my chair, pistol still in her hand.
Jackson was collapsed on the floor, face frozen in an expression of fear. Wanda's dark red lipstick smile matched the blooming of blood coming from a hole in the side of Jackson's head. I swayed over to my lovely murderess, kissing her head. "Glad to see you're getting some use out of the present I gave you."
I gestured to the group still standing by the door. "One of you part of cleanup?" A couple nodded. "Great, this is your first job in your new position. The rest of you are dismissed, come back tomorrow and I'll give you assignments."
A flurry of activity commenced as I took Wanda's hand and lead her out the room.
"You okay, baby?" I looked at her, scanning for any sign that jackass had harmed her.
Wanda laughed, and cupped my face. "I'm fine- I wouldn't let him get that close, I promise. Even if he did, I can take care of myself, you know that."
"And you look damn good doing it." I pulled her in by her waist and kissed her, lips moving together fiercely. My fingers danced down her hips until they landed on the holster strapped to her thigh. "How dare that asshole look at you like you're only here as, what, eye candy?"
She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're cute when you're protective. Don't worry, I'm all yours."
well i gave it my best, i really hope you liked it, thank you so much for requesting!
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Hbj, first of all I hope you have a great day. The theories about Jake using the character, it's making me crack my head, I've always been suspicious of the fact that he has such a quick love interest in MC, I don't see the point in him trusting and liking lovingly so fast in someone he doesn't know, whenever things get tough, he loves to say sweet things to calm down.
I love Jake, but of all the questions he can ask a stranger he decides to ask if MC has a boyfriend? It's like he wants to make sure he can use this method and after episode 8 when we decided to tell how we felt about what happened with Richy, I found him so cold in his responses, trying to treat the situation as unimportant and that bad things happen and when he saw that he was not convinced, he started to say beautiful things, I found it strange that he thought about giving up his sister for a complete stranger, because that's what we are, we don't know Jake and neither does he know us.
Despite all the theories, I know that when I talk to Jake again I'm going to trust him completely, after all they are theories, but the signs are there.
(If Jake is manipulating MC I will cry for days)
Hey, dear Anon! <3
Thank you very much! I also hope that you have a nice day/evening/night. <3
Well, first of all, even though the topic hurts a little, just like with you, but I love talking about it.
And I apologize in advance that the answer has become so long. I didn't expect that myself. xD
I fully understand your thoughts about this, and I’m also afraid that Jake is just taking advantage of us. I try to be as neutral as possible, so as not to be completely biased.
Okay, so I can say for myself, and for many others, that we’re actually the same on that point with Jake. We also trust him incredibly fast although he is anything but trustworthy at the beginning.
You know, I think the relationship between MC and Jake is a little bit based on soul mates. That it’s not a coincidence that we get to know him and that we get along so quickly.
We write more with Jake than with the other characters with whom we can enter into a closer relationship. For example, Richy, even when you flirt with Richy, it goes very fast to the point where you can get closer to him.
I think in some ways this "everything goes fast" is also simply because of the way the game works. I mean, we can’t take so much time to get to know everybody.
We immediately talk to all the characters, and directly a lot. If it would take longer in the game, it would be strange firstly because of Hannah, because she would be kidnapped much longer, and secondly, there would be a lot of tension missing. At least I think so.
You know, I think he’s asking MC if we have a boyfriend, actually, is more of a sign that he’s really interested. I don’t consider Jake to be someone who gets closer to someone when the person is already in a relationship. I think he really wanted to know. Because if he did all this just to make us trust him, he might not care if MC is in a relationship or not.
As we can notice, Jake has a hard time getting social contacts, having a hard time with things like smalltalk, etc. he tells us (we can ask him that, but I think only in the premium version) that he is and always was alone. (I can’t remember his exact wording.) And later he tells us that Hannah and Lilly are the only family he has left.
I think MC has just been the first person to really care about him for a long time, asking him more private questions. Directly during our second conversation with him, we can talk to him about the desert island, and ask him, for example, which programs he uses to hack.
I think, as he says himself, we immediately had a good relationship with each other. And if he’s been alone for a long time, and then someone like MC comes and pays attention to his personality, and not just superficially, he enjoys it.
We have not been deterred by him and his performances, and have treated him as a normal person. Not, for example, like the government that sees him as a criminal, but we know he’s a hacker, but we don’t let that put us off.
In episode 8, when Lilly criticizes us for really trusting him, we can say that we had no choice. We had to trust him, to help Hannah.
And so it was for him with MC. He was just trying to save his sister who was kidnapped in front of him. And all of a sudden, our number comes from Hannah. He had as few options as we had. He’s just trying to find his sister, so he has to trust the person whose number seems to have something to do with it.
Moreover, we are all in a dark time. A kidnapper and murderer who kidnapped one person, murdered one person, and maybe even a second one, Richy.
Everything is always under stress and we are working hard to find and save Hannah. Stress, grief and worry. When two people like MC and Jake meet and have to work so closely together, then a little distraction is really good. Or being drawn closer to someone when you’re desperate.
And then he writes a pretty agitated message, I don’t know if you ever chose this option, I can recommend it to you.
I think we can see how Jake really is when we talk to him about that Hannah might have done something to herself.
Jake says, "But if you think she might have done something to herself, that’s out of the question."
We can then say it’s okay, and we’ll continue to talk to him. However, we can continue to talk about it and tell him, for example, that we should not exclude anything. He’s still stubborn, and we can tell him, "Why are you so stubborn?"
(well, unfortunately I can’t find the screenshot of this place and I can’t remember his exact wording)
However, he sounds so desperate and worried and it also sounds a bit like a reproach, so that he even apologizes afterwards and says that he did not want us to feel bad about him.
(Maybe there is someone here who has selected it and has a screenshot of it)
Yes, unfortunately Jake, in episode 8 when we talk about Richy, sounds and is very cold and emotionless. I think it’s just hard for him to understand how it felt. And "unfortunately" he is more focused on finding Hannah that is one of the only things that interest him.
I think Jake is also kind of blaming himself for not being able to help Hannah faster.
As we also know from episode 8, Hannah had sent him an email. However, this address was no longer active, and he only saw it when it was actually too late. He called her right away, but if he’d seen the message sooner, that might never have happened. Of course, it’s not his fault, but that’s how we humans are. And I think it’s the same with him.
If he feels guilty, I can understand that he wants to help so badly. He probably blames himself for breaking off contact with her at the time. That he didn’t dare tell his sister he is her brother.
Maybe then everything would have been different, and Hannah wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.
I think he was thinking of giving up on Hannah and running away with MC because it was stressful for him, too. He also suffers from the situation, but does not admit it to himself.
As he says himself, he tries to look at everything as objectively as possible, so he ignores what happened to Jessy and Richy. Because I think he’s also hiding his own feelings.
And in between, we can see him from the emotional side. Only rarely, but sometimes it happens.
And right now he realizes that for some time it would be easier to disappear with MC and turn your back on everything. Since the situation also burdens him, it is quite normal to think about choosing the easier way, which would also make him feel better.
But, as he also says, this would bring nothing. The responsibility would catch up with us and we would live forever with the guilt of just letting Hannah down.
And last but not least: the topic of manipulation.
And yes, that’s exactly what Jake is doing with us, manipulating us by using our feelings for him, and calming us down by telling us nice things.
Best we see this in episode 7. After his pursuers tried to hack us. Although he used this method before, manipulated us, but in episode 7 it is the most extreme to see.
However, I have to say that we are doing the same thing with him. We’re doing the same thing.
And best we see that, in episode 8.
When we tell him that the others want to see what we have for clues, etc., and the others want him to come into the group.
We know for a fact that Jake isn’t thrilled. But we get him to decide against it by saying, "I can’t do this without you."
And that’s actually also a point that shows me that Jake really likes us, he gives in and accepts the situation after we tell him that.
And that’s exactly what happens when we ask him to write the letter to Ted with Lilly, where we can tell him that we’d like him to be there. And from that moment, Jake says yes.
If he really didn’t want it, or he didn’t care that we told him we couldn’t do it without us, he wouldn’t give in.
He would just keep saying that he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t want to talk to us about it.
We wouldn’t even have time to contradict him, or just tell the others everything, since he could have erased any evidence from our phone.
He lets us manipulate him as much as he manipulate us.
And he writes when he joins the group chat that he wants to change his mind to tell the others everything, because of us.
And even the others realize that Jake likes us.
Lilly, for example, says (when we talk to her in episode 6) that he interrupted the vote, that his reaction wasn’t normal just because he cared about the subject. He’s very biased, not just because we’re important to him to save Hannah. It’s because we were treated unfairly by Lilly and the others.
Jessy says to Phil that there’s someone who likes us, but she doesn’t know if we’re reciprocating his feelings.
I don’t think I need to say anything about Dan, do I?
Jake and MC are not as inconspicuous together as the two think themselves.
I think I’ve addressed the most important things now, so I want to say an end conclusion: I really believe that Jake likes us and not just manipulates us. I really think he wants to get closer to us.
I’m not a psychologist or anything, of course, but I think Jake has some psychological problems that he might even know himself. Many things are difficult for him and I can often identify with him on this point.
His actions and manner are not always the right ways, sometimes he does not know how to behave and what is okay and what is not. We can see it with Jessy and Richy.
With us, he tries to show empathy and support us, which is why he wants us to rest a little afterwards.
Jake doesn’t seem to have had an easy life, and of course that leaves its mark. I don’t think he’s that cold sometimes because he means it badly.
I know we haven’t known him for long, but this whole situation is so special that it’s not surprising that MC and Jake get along so well and get closer.
Of course I can’t say exactly, maybe it’s really all just played by him, that we will only see at the end, but I don’t think that everything is fake.
And of course, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and theories with us. As you can see, I had a lot to say and really enjoyed answering that, and I hope I could help you a little bit.
So, I hope that I have not forgotten anything important now and that I have taken up everything I wanted to and can say. 😅
As I said, I don’t know everything myself, and this is just my opinion. I hope I’ve managed not to be so biased.
Take care of yourself and stay healthy, lovely Anon!💚🎭🌹
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
Would you be able to write Aaron Hotchner x male!reader where the reader is super oblivious to real flirting and still somehow has many innuendos, relatively formal/innocent on the outside but a complete ho on the inside and has bad daddy issues ?
Points if Hotch gets angry/frustrated after a while...
Since I don't write NSFW requests, this is going to be a fade to black. Also, not comfortable with a daddy kinks so I'm not sure how the daddy issues came across. @mystic-writes still edits for me even with shit like this XD love you even more for that tho
Warnings: Depictions of making out, pre sex, and some lewd remarks.
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"What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" you hear someone behind you ask. Turning around, you see a tall, blonde man with blue eyes leaning over you, and you gulp.
"I-I uh, my friend- he-" you start to say but the words get caught in your throat.
"So, you don't have a boyfriend?" he asks and you look around, slightly scared. "Because I can show you a real good time…"
"Babe! Who's this? Is he bothering you?" you hear someone say, and your heart stops in your chest. He has to be the most attractive man you've ever seen, at least ten to twenty years older than you, and you feel yourself already reacting to just him coming to your rescue. His hair is as dark as his eyes, and each strand is perfectly put into place. He's wearing a pressed suit that fits him perfectly, hugging everything just right, accentuating what you assume to be perfectly sculpted muscles. Even for his age, he looks fit and extremely attractive. In fact, his age only adds to that.
"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?" the man asks, anger tinting his voice as he leans over you even more.
You whimper and lean into the man playing your boyfriend when he puts an arm around you. "He never said that. Now get away from my boyfriend or we're gonna have problems."
You shiver and his words go right to your groin. You lean into him even more and the blonde man huffs and stalks away. You sigh and turn to your savior, smiling as you say, "Thank you."
He takes his arm from your shoulders and sits down next to you, ordering a beer for both himself and you, before saying, "It's no problem, really."
You nod and smile as you accept your beer and take a small sip. "So, what are you doing here?" you ask and the man frowns. "I just mean, you don't look like the typical bar hopper." You gesture to the throng of club-goers all dressed in mesh and neon and short shorts, and you look back at the man in his amazingly handsome suit.
"You don't either," he says with an eyebrow raised and you look down at your jeans and t-shirt.
"Oh- uh, well, I didn't really want to come, but my friend convinced me and…" you look out at the crowd of people as you say this and you sigh when you don't see them, "it looks like they ditched me. They were my ride…" you mutter.
"Maybe I can give you a ride home?" he asks, and you look up at him, feeling your face heat up and your eyes widen as he says this. He places a hand on your thigh and leans in, whispering, "And maybe I can help with that problem you seem to be having?"
You look down and blush when you realize your pants have tented and you look at the man, eyes wide. You grab the sides of his face and kiss him, hard, and he wraps a hand around your middle, pulling you into his lap. You feel he's just as excited as you are, but you pull away when someone slaps the bar next to you.
"If you're gonna do that, find a hotel or something," the bartender says and the man places a twenty on the counter, before standing up, his arm still around your waist as he leads you outside. When you reach what you assume to be his car, a black SUV, he pushes you up against it and starts kissing you again. You moan into his mouth and grind against him, causing him to moan as well, but pull away.
He places his hands on your hips and says, "Naughty, naughty. I didn't know you were such a slut."
You whimper and he pulls away, unlocking the car. You run around to the other side and hop in, waiting as the man slowly gets in, making you wriggle in your seat.
"I don't even know your name," you whisper and he smirks.
"Call me Aaron."
You nod. "Okay, Aaron," you say, testing out his name on your lips. You see him stiffen as you say this, then reach across the center console and place a hand on your thigh.
He squeezes it and asks, "And what about you?"
"[Y/N]," you practically whine out.
His breath hitches, but he doesn't say anything else the entire ride back to your apartment, the only sounds in the car being your directions and the low hum of the engine and wheels rolling on the old pavement.
When you get home, you practically drag him up to your place, and Aaron learns that night that you are loud.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Harper Alexander x Fem!Reader || Oneshot, [Part 2]
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Title: The Fake Love Of My Life [PART 2]
I'm just realising Harper and Y/N's relationship is very like Dimitri and Anastasia haha XD
Plot: Fake fiancés, impending murder victims who are actually quite lovely, dancing, jealousy, and engagement rings- oh my!
Warnings: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Jealousy?
"Wait... you two? Are together???"
The words coming out of an 'honoured guest's mouth, aimed at Harper and I as he comes on into the bar, pressing a kiss to my temple on his way past. The guests, especially the one that rode in with that blonde Harper made off with earlier, do not miss it despite its subtlety - given more for the towns folk around us then anything else, obviously, - . And suddenly the fact that Harper just went off flirting with another woman, hits us both in the face.
Well... fuck- and the rest of the town catches it, too; Freaking out also, on the inside. I glance up unsurely at Harper who is still standing close to my seat, but force a tinkering smile that just makes me look perplexed, and that doesn't meet my eyes.
Which, you know, works. Because if we were a real couple, and I didn't, in fact, know perfectly well that he had to seduce these girls then I would look like this; Oblivious. And that's exactly what the guests think is happening.
Trying not to show my nervousness at the situation, a shield that I've mastered at this point, I decide to play the clueless-type. Thoughtlessly blinking and smiling, I tilt my head at the guy. "Yeah," I hold up the back my left hand, and show off the engagement ring (Which so happens to be Harper's actual mothers ring, so I take very good care of it even if it doesn't totally feel like mine, nor will it ever- seeing at the engagement in the first place is a total hoax) and beam. "We're engaged, actually!"
"Uhhh... " The guy's eyes flicker nervously from me, to Harper where his glance becomes hard. You can tell that he's struggling not to tell me out right what my 'fiancé' has been up to, and is gouging what kind of reaction Harper might give if he does do that right now. Still looking blissfully oblivious, I look between the two with wide, confused eyes. "Dude."
Knitting my brows together, I play my part well. A hand on Harpers arm and a teetering tone to my voice completes the act. "Harper?"
"Ah. Y/N!... " He picks up my hand off his arm, and holds it in his own, playing his own part with a side of guilt sitting beside a big serving of regretful douchebag. He doesn't meet my eyes completely, just flickers over them, leaning his shoulder slightly between me and the guy. "Its nothin', don't worry about it. Okay?"
"Hey, its not nothing!" The guy actually shoves Harper out of his way, and my own blow open wide at it as Harper flashes a dark glare his way, silently. "Girl- " I blink up at this man, who's pointing directly at me after that show of violence and I hand him all my attention. Because oh- wow- direct! Okay, yes? I mean I know he's going to be dead in a couple of hours and he's the enemy but wow. He points behind him with a thumb, at Harper. "This guy's been cheating on you. I saw him go off with my girl friend, Jess- and I know her. The way she was lookin' at him... oof," He shakes his head. "They fucked, or something, man. I'm sorry."
Miss Peaches and Boone flash eachother a smirky, secret glance at that while most people are looking at me for a response or glaring at Harper like some of the guests are, Buckman's watching this whole scene like a show at the theatre and he's on the edge of his seat, Hucklebilly is silently urging me with his eyes to do something already. Like hurry. Hurry up. Hurry! Hurry!!
Dragging my gaze away from Huck's, I make myself slowly look from the guy that 'told me'... to Harper. Before a new expression can take hold on my face, I ask, in a deadly tone; "... what?"
Harper immediately comes forward again, looking desperate and pissed off- though its not me, he's angry at. "I don't know what he's talking about, Y/N, I swear- "
I get up from my seat and he steps - stumbles? - back at the terrible glare on my face. As terrible as I can muster, when I want to laugh at his reactions. You know? Sometimes this pretending thing can be a lot of fun. Taking a deep breath, I take off the ring he gave me, and under the gaze of the man that told me Harper was 'cheating'- I hand it back to him. Then I clear my throat, as he looks from it... to me. And does 'heartbroken' so well. "... Um- whether you did, or not. I- I cant wear this... u-until, I know. You know? Um... sorry."
Then I manage to slip past him and out the bar door, into the empty square before a smile fights onto my face and giggles topple out of me. I collapse against the side of the building, letting the laughter come out as I cover my face. Oh god... the looks on Harper's face! Oh, he was good.
He must have run out after me a moment later - after the appropriate amount of staring heartbrokenly at my empty seat, I'm sure, - because then he's poking around the corner, finding me, and enfolding his hands into his pockets as he saddles lazily up to me.
But he does not fool me- he's pretty damn amused too, I see, as when I glance around my fingers; Theirs a grin on his handsome face.
Sighing, I calm down and press my head back into the wood. "That was good! You did well!- Coulda cried, though. I mean, you were being left by me, after all."
Rolling his eyes, making me giggle again, Harper sets his jaw. "You sure think a lotta yourself, don't ya?" His slow drawl is back to normal, no longer desperate like he was acting before. Perfectly, annoyingly shirty. He leans in towards me, giving me a raised eyebrow-look. "I didn't see you cryin', neither, Y/N. Not even one, stray, tear."
"Hm. Not even I am that good an actress, Harper."
He smirks back at me, and for a moment , before returning to his straight standing position, and sighing. He looks back at the building, his mouth twisted into a displeased, put-out frown. "Well, I guess we're fightin', now... Should we be yellin'?"
Scrunching up my nose, suddenly tasting something gross in my mouth, I scowl at him. "Do we want to be the kinda couple that screams and yells?"
"Well, it is just an act."
"Yeah, but still."
"Hmmm... " Harper, looking dissatisfied with my objections, looks away again and thinks. "Okay. How about we just say we fought, then? You can jog in place for a minute and look like you just ran a marathon or something when we get back in."
Gaze flickering up to him, my eyes narrow. "Oh I am only running, if you let me squeeze your cheeks to make it look like you got red-faced."
He does not look like he likes that idea, at all. "... Okay. What if I didn't find you, then? 'N instead I walked around looking for you for a while. You can go back in now and I'll wait out here for a while before comin' back in."
"Yeah, lets do that." I push off the wall and ready myself to go back in their, looking all down, when Harper pulls something out of his pocket and tries to give it back to me. As soon as I realise that its the ring though, I shake my head good naturedly and push his hand back. "You hold onto it, until this is all over. I don't want it falling out of my pocket." It was his mothers, so its important, and if anything in this relationship is real its our shared devotion to keeping that ring safe. I would die if I lost it.
Harper stalls for a moment, displeased by my response if I didn't know better, before shoving it and his fist back into the pocket of his trousers. "Alright then... Until this is all over."
"Right." I assure him, awkwardly. Before patting his shoulder and passing him by. "See you back in there!"
Its nearly 45 minutes before Harper comes back into the bar, a sullen look on his face still, like normal. I look away almost immediately, pointedly- returning to the conversation I'm having with Miss Peaches. "... As I was saying, yeah we are having nice weather toda- "
The guy from earlier - the one that had informed me of Harper's 'infidelity'. I think his name was Matt? - suddenly pushes out of his seat a few tables over, seeing Harper come in also and saddles right beside my chair. I cut off again, and look up to him. Hello? Mister?
Not looking at me, rather glowering Harper's way, Matt offers his hand to me. Shoving it right in front of my face. I blink, surprised at its presence and the gesture. "Miss? Would you like to dance?"
"Uh- " What? I look from him, with wide, surprised eyes to Miss Peaches who just looks pretty darn amused at it - in other words, entirely unhelpful, - , as I feel quite put on the spot and unsure. What is he doing?? The whole room seems to still once again, noticing the scene that Matt is creating, and I glance Harper's way.
His sullen look has just begun to look hazardous to anyone standing near to him and I fight not wince under its power, myself.
Matt breaks his gaze from its locked position with Harper's, and looks down to me; His gaze softens, a bit, and I understand that he's only trying to make me feel better. And if this whole thing wasn't fraudulent in the first place I would probably be grateful. So letting out a careful breath, letting go of my nerves and surprise at being put in a position like this, I place my hand in his and let him guide me up to my feet.
Oh god- now I just really want everyone to stop looking, at us. At me. Stop, stop, stop-
A booming clap sounds throughout the room, and just like that everyone's attention is stolen clean away by our enigmatic mayor, who's stood up and grinning. "What a good idea! Go on everyone, lets have ourselves a good old-fashioned hoedown. Grab a partner and get to the dance floor!"
As everyone immediately starts liking that idea and getting up from their seats, and music starts play from the little wooden stage in the corner, I let myself relax. Thank god. Bless that man. Long live the mayor.
"Hey, so, are you okay?" I'm broken from my relieved thoughts, as Matt walks me to the middle of the dance floor and guides me in front of him- setting one hand on my waist while the other holds my hand. His words are sweet and low, so no one else really hears, and damn- I'm going to sure be mournful when he dies. Even if he is a yank.
Offering him a small, strong smile as we begin to dance to the reasonably paced guitar music, I set the hand of mine that isn't holding his securely up onto his shoulder. He's just wearing a sleeveless under shirt, so I feel a bit of the skin of his shoulder which is odd but I've long since given up holding new-comers to any of the same expectations we have. "I'm holding up, thank you. I just never thought he would do something like that... its so not Harper... "
Speaking of Harper, I glance around the room slowly to see where he is now, and catch his glare from the side of the room with Miss Peaches. Evidently she's asking him if he wants to dance with her while I'm busy, but he seems unresponsive. Too busy playing jealous.
I quickly look away. Matt shrugs. "Yeah well, you can never really tell with douchebags. Sometimes they're real nice guys, until they aren't."
"Yeah... I guess so... "
"Anyway," Matt suddenly lets go of my waist, carries my hand up to above our heads, and spins me. A cant help the delighted giggle that tumbles out of me at the move, my skirts flying around me before he pulls me back to his body. He flashes me a grin back, and as the music's tempo speeds up, so do we- the dance becoming faster, and more fun. "Lets see if I can distract you from that bullshit for a little while."
Smirking back to him, I feel like forgetting about who I'm supposed to be, now - engaged and heartbroken, - in order to just have some fun. Because damn, it has been a long time. Yes at parties I dance with men - Lester, Hucklebilly, Buckman. Even Granny, though she isn't a man, - but that's not really the same. That's like dancing with my brothers, or my father - or mother, - . Theirs nothing quite like dancing with a man you don't know, not because you want him to court you or because he wants to court you, but just for fun.
"Lets see if you can."
A couple of hours later I finally sit back down again, a beam on my face and my cheeks warm - aching for a glass of water or twelve, - as Matt excuses himself to go to the bathroom- but promises that he'll be back. "Take your time, I'll be here!"
He smiles, patting my shoulder comfortingly, before turning and heading off out of the building.
Its a few moments later, after I've acquired a drink of water and am sipping at it at the bar, that Harper slips into the seat next to me. I turn and- immediately, catch myself. I was about to smile, and ask him how his night is going.
But I remembered just in time that I am supposed to be mad at him, and take a deep breath; Looking away again.
Without saying a thing to me, he orders himself a shot of whiskey- a heavily grumpy look on his face. I glance at him, wondering what's going on in his head and if he's had any fun at all tonight or if he's been preoccupied acting like a jealous bastard the whole time. I worry that its turned his actual mood sour.
I hope not.
"So... " He finally speaks, still not looking at me. "You been havin' a good time, with that yank?"
"Um... " Glancing around us, I see a group of the yankee girls nearby within hearing distance, and look nervously at Harper. Because for whatever reason, I get the inkling that he isn't acting anymore, and I don't want him thinking that anything that comes out of my mouth, is true. "That's... not, really, any of your business- is it?"
Finally he looks at me, and theirs a pissed off gleam in his brown eyes as he looks down on me. "Oh yes it is. You're my fiancé, ain't ya?"
My jaw nearly damn well drops. Has he been drinking before now?? I didn't see him dancing at all throughout the night. What's wrong with him? Theirs definitely something odd about what he's saying; How he's looking.
Not even Harper is this good of an actor.
"Harper... " Lowering my voice and leaning closer, I tug gently at the side of his clean white shirt. "Are you alright? Do you want to leave and talk?- "
"What's happenin' here, huh?" Oh for fucks sake- I turn to see Matt suddenly back, on my other side and standing over both Harper and I- but turning his stony, protective, angry look on my 'fiancé', obviously. I mean, I appreciate the efforts but you really have the worst timing, Mathew-
Harper doesn't back down even an inch from the more imposing figure that is my dancing partner for the evening. In fact he just pulls up his whiskey to his lips, letting his hand dangle lazily before him as he raises his brows at Matt. "I'm talkin' to my lady, a'course. What are you doin'?"
"Oh, your lady?" Matt scoffs, and I feel like red lights should be flashing and alarms should be blaring. Their tones are dangerous. "First of all, this is the twenty first century man so she has a name. Second of all- did you mean Y/N or the girl two seats down from you?"
Oh, hell. My eyes widen as that particular dig leaves Matts lips and, knowing Harper's already prickly personality, turn slowly to him. A flickering of a tiny - dangerous, - smile flashes across his lips as he nods and looks away, before taking the whole contents of his glass in one go. Then he turns to me - to me! - , an only marginally softer look in his eyes. "Y/N, lets go."
"Uh- " I cut myself off, unsure of how to respond. He continues to look at me, waiting impatiently for my response, and Matt looks swiftly down at me before picking up for, me.
"Y/N's not going anywhere with you if she doesn't want to, man. So back off."
"My apologies, was I talking to you?" Harper turns his gaze up to Matt again, and my eyes tear around the room for some help, but for the first time today no one, is stopping to witness the drama.
Hell, violence could be ensuing, and no one here cares?? Seriously?! How drunk is everyone?!
"No, but someone has to be good to Y/N."
Harper doesn't flinch but you can tell that he wanted to, as one of his eyes slowly squints, and the frown lines in his face deepen. "... do you wanna take this outside?"
Immediately I whip around to face him fully. A hand slamming down on the table between us and I am deeply concerned. "Harper do you even see the size of this man!?"
"Love to, but I don't feel the need to remedy all my problems with violence, mate." Matt smirks, crossing his arms. And first of all, thank god, but also- the look on Harper's face at hearing that is horrifying. How could this man have made things worse, by not punching Harper in the face?! Now I kind of wish they had gone outside.
"Okay!" Before Harper can respond, or take out the sharp throwing object I know he has in his pocket, I get up out of my seat and back off from them both. "You both need to stop this, before it becomes a dick measuring contest. First of all, Matt, I had a really lovely night so thank you, but I'm leaving now, so goodbye. Harper- " The moment I turn to him, I stall, and calm down. And I mean it, when I say; "I'll talk to you, later."
Then I turn around and head for the door so that I can walk out into the night and go home- when I suddenly hear a horrible hitting noise and a crash, followed by gasps and Buckman yelling 'HELL'- and whip right back around. My eyes blow open wide the moment that I see Matt, fallen into a chair behind him holding his jaw, and Harper shaking out his fist, still managing to look tough even as his fist must be killing him, looking down on Matt. I gape, about to say something - or yell something, - but Harper suddenly turns to me, and grabs my hand on his way storming through the horrified crowd and out of the building. I just try to keep up so he doesn't tear my arm off.
Once we're down the road a bit, I manage to rip my arm back away from him, and get glare in response. I tough it out, though, and scowl back at him. "Harper what the hell?? I mean I know we're kind of invested in our scheme but you're acting weird, now. And- you- you hit him! Why would you do that??? What is wrong with you??"
"'It's what my 'character', woulda done," He almost growls, through grit teeth.
"You really don't have to go that far, Harp!" He really, really, doesn't!
Rolling his eyes up into his skull, I watch as he finally takes in a deep breath- hands on his hips, bracing himself. After a moment of silence, and I'm thinking he's calming down now thankfully, his gaze flashes to me and I see clearly that he's still burning.
Reaching over to me, he once again takes my hand in his and drags me off. Not quite so angrily this time, so I don't fear that my arm will be removed from my shoulder at all at least, but I'm still totally lost. Where are we going, now??
We don't go far, as it turns out, and he quickly presses me against a wall between two houses close by to where we were, and in the darkness I can just make out a clearer look entering his eyes, finally. Like his sight is finally, - finally, finally! - not so clouded by fury anymore, as he breathes in fresh night time air. Silently, I watch, waiting for him to speak first.
Is he okay??
Taking his hands off of me, he runs a hand back through his hair, and finally lets his shoulders relax. "... Okay. Okay. I'm fine, now. Sorry for makin' you uncomfortable."
"Are... are you sure you're alright? Do you want to talk about what just happened??" Because I definitely think we should-
"My character just got away from me, that's all. I got too into it... I apologise." Yeah, he says that, but he still isn't looking me in the eye. Everywhere but my eye, actually. And an idea occurs to me that makes my heart start to beat louder, in my ears. Carefully, I reach up, and lay one hand on his shoulder while the other curls up into his hair.
I literally feel his body relax more, under my touch. A sigh escapes him, that I'm sure he would've preferred me not hear. So he looks stony, again.
Letting go of my bottom lip, as I had nervously been chewing it, my gaze flickers up to his face. "Um, would it help, if... my character, were to, 'forgive', you?" Still against his better judgement I'm sure, Harper perks up, at my suggestion. I set him with a focused, serious look. "Because she does. She knows that you have to touch other girls and its not because you want to, and in fact it has nothing to do with her. Me."
"... yeah?"
I nod. "Yes." Giving him a smile, I start to take my hand away from him and step away. "So don't fret! We're okay. Still engaged, and in 'love'- "
Suddenly, before I can get away completely, Harper grabs my hand again and tugs me back- and further, to his lips, where he presses a passionate kiss. A moan is torn out of me immediately and my eyes quickly fall shut, reciprocating before I can think better of it.
This happens a lot, now; The kissing. It helps us get into character, I suppose. Makes us feel like two people who are actually in love, rather then Y/N and Harper who just pretend to be. And it feels really, really good.
He pulls back not even an inches worth of space for a moment, solely for air, and my eyes crack open a tiny bit; Enough to see him gulping down air so he can come back. "Harper... "
He presses right back quickly, guiding me forward back into the wall behind me. Wood digs into my spine but I cant bring myself to care, too wrapped up in the body of the man kissing the hell out of me and my endeavour to taste him back, and maybe gouge a moan or two from him. Because I want to hear it. I don't know why, but I need to. I feel like all I ever see from him is spite and crankiness and I need to know he has more, for me. Especially, for me.
Tugging gently on some of his hair seems to win me what I wanted, as I swallow the vibrations of his groans. Then I slowly pull back, my heels finding the ground again and opening my eyes delicately, and look up at him as he sighs; Understanding that its over as he still leans over me.
Tilting my head, breathing slowly in order to return to former breathing patterns, I catch his gaze. "... Feeling better?" My voice is low, talking carefully as I look up at him from beneath my eyelids.
"... almost."
"Hm?" What else can I do? I'm just wondering what else it could possibly be that he, or his character, wants from me when to my surprise Harper slips down to one knee before me. My eyes widen slightly, looking down at him and wondering what he is doing. "Harp? Your knee hurt?"
He takes my hand in his and, not looking me in the eye as my heart starts to beat unbelievably louder- the sound reverberating hot in my ears. "I just figured, that, our engagement is missin' something."
Oh... Harper takes his mothers ring back out of his pocket, and slips it back onto my fourth finger; Where it now lives. "Y/N L/N, we've known eachother a long time now, basically our whole lives... unfortunately, I think I've only just cracked the surface of what their is to know when it comes to you... and I'd sure like to spend the rest of my life trying to learn the rest."
"Aw... Now, I kinda regret that we didn't do this in front of people. You did that really, well. And telling me my last name! Nice touch." I tell him, because its true, but adding a little joke because I have to as I slip my hand out of his grasp and examine the ring back in its place. My ring.
It really is pretty.
"I ain't done." My eyes snap back to Harper's and my cheeks heat up even more then they had been already, and close my mouth quick.
Flashing a little smile that looks so good on him, he tilts his head. I nearly forget that this is fake. "Will you marry me?"
Breath hitching, because that is the softest, least disapproving-of-me thing he has ever said and it makes my stomach drop- In a good way. But I hope that he does not see how mushy he's made me- because that might complicate things.
He might think I'm falling for him... And I'm not...
I try to keep it out of my voice as I respond, even as a gentle smile warms onto my face. "Yes, Harper Alexander... I will marry you. Now get back up here."
He smirks and gets up, and I lean up to press a quality kiss to his lips, in thank you. When I pull back, he picks up my left hand in his and I catch a serious and forlorn look cross his face as he looks at the ring. His voice is quiet but firm when he speaks. "... I don't want you ever taking this ring off, again. I didn't care for that, at all."
"Well it was just for show... "
His jaw clenches. "I know."
"Hey- " I grab his arm, pulling him gently but abruptly from whatever angry place he was disappearing back into, and flash him a comforting grin. "How about we don't go back to the bar. We can just go back to my house, and avoid the headache. Alright?"
"I'd like that." He grins, a lovely grin that we very rarely see on on him anymore unless he's faking it, a hand hovering over the small of my back as we turn and start heading off to my house.
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
I request the scene we discussed 😂 Lena returning after eloping with William
Important note: I’m officially making the Angelina 1 Lives alternate timeline/au thing a story, and this is technically the beginning. I’ll string the other two into the plot line eventually, but yeah XD sorry for the confusion, I tend to write what I want before I write what makes sense :P
Princess Angelina II was engaged to Sir William the Good, though it was in secret. After all, he was just a knight and she was the princess. For a moment, Lena thought their luck might be on their side when her mother fell deathly ill, but by truly miraculous means, the queen survived, which meant they had to continue in secret.
However, secrets had a cost to them, in the sense that no one else knew. This meant that Lena still had to deal with suitors coming over and trying to romance her, while she had already sworn herself to William. Needless to say, time was wearing on William and Lena more than they had originally thought. Still, they remained hopeful and patient that their time would come.
“Angelina, you have to at least accept one of the suitors. It’s better to at least not hate your future husband before marriage,” Queen Angelina the First gave her daughter a quick glare as she looked over papers. 
“I don’t like any of them, what can I say?” Lena shrugged. 
“You know, I really hoped it wouldn’t come to this-”
“Something I highly doubt,” Lena interrupted her mother. 
“Watch your tone,” Angelina warned, and Lena stepped down. 
“As I was saying... I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but since your impertinence has given me no other option, I will be selecting the suitor for you,” She said, signing one of the papers. Lena paused. 
“I-I’m sorry, what?” She blinked. 
“You’ve only done this to yourself, Angelina, I’ve no other choice. You aren’t getting any younger here,” She eyed her daughter up and down. 
“I- uh- will you excuse me, mother? I need to go,” Lena asked. Her mother looked at her suspiciously before nodding. Not wanting to be in there for a moment longer, Lena bolted out of the room and ran across the palace, all the way down to the royal stables, where William was. 
“Lena? What’s the matter?” He asked as he got off his horse. 
“My mother... she said...” Lena panted. “She said... she’s gonna... arrange...”
“Lena, you aren’t making sense. Have you been running?” William raised an eyebrow. Lena rolled her eyes and paused to catch her breath. 
“My mother said that because I didn’t pick a suitor, she’s choosing for me,” Lena explained. 
“Oh... oh that’s not good. What are we gonna do?” He asked her. Lena thought. 
“We... we need to get married. Now,” She said. 
“What- now now?” William asked. 
“Well yes, I don’t know how long I’ll have. We need to do this, and we need to do this now,” Lena said, grabbing his hand. 
“Where are you going?” William questioned.
“The underground servant's tunnels. They go all over the kingdom. If we go far enough we can find a town with a  priest and be married there. Hopefully, they won’t mind the short notice,” She explained. 
“Or the fact you’re the princess,” William pointed out. 
“...Yeah, that too,” Lena said, realizing she hadn’t thought that through. Still, she didn’t stop walking and soon enough they made it to one of the entrances. 
“So... where to?” She asked him. William read all of the signs before snapping his fingers. 
“I know a place where I know they won’t refuse us,” He winked, taking his fiancées hand. 
“Oh? And where is such a place?” She chuckled, enjoying the moment of rebelliousness. 
“Acme Falls, my home town. They love me there, I’m sure they’d love you too,” He smiled at her, and together they ran down the dark tunnels for hours, only stopping once or twice to catch their breath. Eventually, they surfaced and wandered right into the middle of the plaza. 
“So... now what?” She asked. 
“William? Is... is that you?” A very attractive blonde woman asked. 
“Heloise!” William smiled at the sight of his childhood friend. 
“William! What on earth are you doing here?” She ran and hugged him. “And with the crown princess-?! Oh my- I’m so sorry, your highness,” She immediately dipped into a curtsey. 
“Oh please, any friend of William is a friend of mine,” Angelina smiled. “If I may, you are quite gorgeous,” She added. 
“Thank you,” Heloise chuckled, embarrassed. 
“We’re here to be married,” William explained. 
“You’re engaged to the princess???” Heloise asked. “Aren’t you two supposed to have a giant wedding ceremony with the whole kingdom invited? Isn’t that how royal weddings are supposed to go? My- I didn’t even think a knight could marry a princess,” She thought out loud.
“Actually, he- can’t. Not with my mother knowing anyway,” Lena explained. “That’s why we came here- to be married in secret.”
“Oh eloping is very romantic,” She nodded understandingly. “William knows where the church is. I can get the priest and a few townsfolk if you want,” she offered. 
“That’d be great, thank you,” William smiled. Heloise nodded, and ran off. 
“I guess you weren’t kidding about this place, huh?” Lena chuckled. 
“Acme Falls is practically perfect, what can I say?” He snorted. “Shall we?” he offered his arm. Lena took it with a smile. 
“We shall.”
And so Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca II and Sir William the Good were married in Acme Falls, with the town as their witnesses, and Lena was the happiest she had ever been in her whole life. Happily, they walked back to the castle, but they both stopped right before reaching the exit. 
“Are you ready?” William asked. 
“I don’t know. Why do we have to return?” Lena questioned. 
“Because it’s almost nightfall and you’re the princess and your mother would likely send a search party and it’d be a whole catastrophe,” Willaim joked, but Lena wasn’t in the mood for laughing anymore. 
“I’m frightened William,” She said. 
“It’ll be okay, Lena. I’ll always be here for you, remember?” He said, giving her hand a squeeze. 
“Right,” Lena nodded, about to step forward before stopping herself. 
“Stay with me tonight?” She requested. William nodded. 
“Of course, my love,” He said, and they shared a kiss. 
“Let’s go then,” Lena took in a deep breath, and together they stepped out onto the castle grounds. 
And so Lena and William slowly crept their way into her bedroom, far enough apart as to not raise suspicion, and spent the closet thing they’d have to a honeymoon together. In the morning, William kissed her goodbye, and climbed out the window, and went to his training, and she missed him terribly (despite being only a few buildings away).
Therefore, their secret engagement now turned into a secret marriage; a marriage that Lena realized she was going to have to tell her mother about sooner or later before it was too late and she was already in the middle of another wedding ceremony. However- she wasn’t quite ready and preferred to hold onto her nights of paradise with William however long as possible before her mother tried to ruin it somehow. 
Except she couldn’t, Lena reminded herself. Divorce was simply unheard of, especially for royalty, so her mother would simply have to deal with it. That was the main reason they eloped in the first place.  
The good/bad news was that William had been promoted to be a guard inside the castle, so Lena would see him much more often than she used to, but it was awkward because she couldn’t talk to him, much less flirt. Plus, he often watched over her mother in the throne room, and he said that it was “the most stressful situation he’d ever been in”. 
“Excuse me, Princess, your mother said she’d like to see you,” A servant girl stood outside of Lena’s room. 
“Whatever for?” Lena asked, setting down her book. The girl shrugged. With a sigh, Lena set down her book.
“Does she seem upset?” She asked, getting up and heading out of the room. 
“No... in fact, she seems almost happy, your highness,” The girl said. 
“My mother? Happy?” Lena blinked. “This can’t be good...” she said, picking up her pace. With haste, she reached the throne room. 
“Lena, there you are,” Her mother smiled at her, “You’ve met King Benedict,” she gestured to the king standing by her throne. 
Uh oh. 
“Why, yes I have,” Lena nodded at him, sharing a quick glance with William in the corner. 
“He’s the one you’ll be marrying,” She announced. 
“Mother, may I have a word with you- alone?” Lena asked with a nervous smile. Angelina frowned. 
“It’s already been decided for you, Angelina. You didn’t decide and because of that-” 
“I know, but I do need to talk with you,” Lena interrupted her mother before she could think to stop herself. The queen’s eye twitched. 
“Fine.” She huffed. “King Benedict, you may wait in the grand hall,” she said. He nodded at her, then Lena, and left. Then, her mother’s focus went back to her. 
“This better be good Angelina, or so help me,” The queen threatened, and Lena felt a shiver crawl up her spine. She looked at William for support, and he gave her a weak smile. She took a deep breath. 
“Mother, I can’t marry him,” She said. 
“You don’t have a choice,” Her mother rolled her eyes. 
“I’m serious. I can’t,” Lena said again. 
“And why is that?” Angelina rubbed her forehead. 
“Because I’m already married,” Lena announced. Her mother froze. 
“To whom?” She demanded. 
“Sir William,” Lena admitted. Angelina’s eyes went to William, and he remained still as a statue. 
“Really now?” Angelina chuckled darkly. 
“It’s true. We eloped in Acme Falls three nights ago,” Lena said. 
“You expect me to believe that?” Angelina continued to laugh it off.
“Well- yes. We have certificates and everything- it was legally binding,” Lena didn’t know how else to explain such a simple fact to her mother. 
The queen leaned on her throne and thought for a minute. 
“Well, I suppose it’s a simple fix really, I could just have him execute-”
“A-and I’m pregnant!” Lena shouted over her mother, and the room fell utterly silent. 
“Y-you are..?” William blinked. 
“Yep,” She lied, laughing nervously. 
Definitely no going back on that one...
“Guards, leave,” The queen ordered, her face utterly unreadable. William and Lena shared a look of anxiety before he was forced to walk out. Once they left there was a long stretch of silence, before Angelina slowly took off her gloves, stood up, approached her daughter, and struck her across the face. 
“You stupid, pathetic, wretched child! Do you know how much you’ve just cost me?!” She shouted. “I’ve spent years upon years upon years finding eligible bachelors for you, and yet you never gave them a second thought, and for what? Some bastard from Acme Falls?!”  
“Don’t you dare talk about William like that,” Lena protested, and Angelina struck her again, this time causing her to fall onto the floor. 
“I will say whatever the hell I want because I am your mother and I am your queen,” She said, towering over her. 
“If you kill him I’ll kill myself and you’ll be left with nothing,” Lena looked up at her. 
“Of all the impertinent, aggravating, abominable things you’ve done, you’ve decided to top it all off by marrying a filthy peasant,” The queen was barely keep in her anger. “I just- I can’t believe my own flesh and blood would betray me like this.”
“Oh please, like you’ve ever treated me like ‘flesh and blood’,” Lena muttered. 
“I have done nothing but care for you. I’ve clothed you, given you a home and an education, and provided you with numerous options for your future and future suitors. It’s not my fault you’re so impertinent that you refused to consider them for even a moment,” She clenched her fists.
“You’ve never loved me,” Lena said, tears beginning to stream down her face. “If you did, you’d be happy for me.”
“You never think anything through, Angelina. Did you not stop to think about how this would impact the kingdom? How this would impact me?” She asked. 
“I hate you,” Lena glared, and Angelina hit her again. 
“You are going to pay for your actions, Angelina. The hard way,” She declared. 
“It’s too late mother. There is nothing you can do to undo what’s been done,” Lena smirked. 
However, she quickly regretted her pride when her mother angrily yanked her hair and pulled her up, and then proceeded to drag her all the way up to the tallest tower of the castle. Her mother then tossed her in there and locked the door with a key she kept in her pocket. 
“You will not be leaving this room until you have understood a fraction of the pain and agony you have caused me,” She said, before storming away.
And so Lena stayed in the cold, dark room and found herself sobbing and sobbing and sobbing and sobbing until she was sick to the stomach. 
Things were supposed to get better. She was supposed to be untouchable. She and William were married now- it was supposed to be okay. 
Instead, now she was locked away for who knows how long in a dark, cold room with a bare-bones bed, a broken mirror, a blanket as thin as paper, and a window.  
Lena picked up a shard of the broken glass, and without thinking, she chopped her hair off. 
That was one less thing her mother could manipulate...
And William... what was going to happen to him?
Would she kill him? Could she? He’s a trained knight, one of the best across all the lands, surely she couldn’t kill him “the old fashioned way”. Surely that would mean he would be okay... right?
And what if she was pregnant? Sure, she lied out there but she could be right. Oh, what terrible circumstances to be born into...
And so Lena remained sobbing, eventually setting the glass shard down, and laying on the horrible bed and holding herself, trying to get some sense of comfort. 
However, soon she felt another pair of arms wrap around her, and to her complete surprise, it was William. 
“William- w-what-? H-how-?” 
“Shh, it’s okay Lena, I’m here, it’s okay,” he hushed her. Lena didn’t argue.
“B-but how?” She asked. 
“I climbed,” He said. 
“Th-that’s like- 50 feet. You could’ve died,” Lena broke the hug. 
“Lena, it’s okay. I made it, and I’m here, that’s all that matters,” he placed a hand on her face, wiping away a few tears. Lena didn’t have it in her to argue further, so she hugged him again and continued to sob.   
“Th-things were supposed to get better,” She cried. 
“I know... I’m so sorry, my love,” Wiliam was crying too, and he stroked her head of freshly cut hair. 
“Did she do that?” He whispered. Lena shook her head. 
“She just gr-grabbed my hair a-and just dragged m-me s-so I cut it off,” she explained, trying her best not to hiccup. William hugged her tighter. 
“I’m so sorry, Lena...” He said. 
“I’m sorry too,” she said. “You’ll probably b-be killed or fired or de-knighted o-or something.”
“I don’t care, as long as we’re together,” He kissed the top of her head. 
“As long as we’re together,” she repeated those words to herself. Despite everything, they were a little comforting. 
“It’ll be okay, Lena. I-i don’t know how or when, b-but it will be okay. Someday...” he swore to her, and for a moment, Lena believed him. 
Someday it will be just she and him... maybe a few kids running around in a sunny field collecting wild flowers... and they’d be happy. Safe. Her mother would be dead and gone and they’d all be happy and safe and together. 
But it wasn’t “someday”. Lena’s reality was a cold tower far away from the ground and her friends and familiar faces, and her studies and books, for who knows how long, and she was miserable,
but at least she had William, and that made things at least a little bit better.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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sasusaku month 2021
day 1- glances
title: I see you
summary: high school AU— they’re in the middle of biology class when Uchiha Sasuke realizes that there are way more interesting things that deserve his full attention. [Ao3] [ffnet]
He’s doing it again.
From the corner of his eyes, he can see as she eagerly writes down her notes on her biology book. She uses her small fingers to tug a stubborn strand of her pink hair that has been falling forward since first period, and he watches as the sunlight highlights her soft skin. An absent smile graces her lips, and he supposes it’s because she’s enjoying whatever it is that their teacher is saying. He hasn’t been paying attention to the class for a while now, his concentration completely switched to the girl sitting next to him. Last time he checked, though, they were discussing genetics. Or could it be fungus? He doesn’t know.
Lately, he’s been doing that a lot— the whole staring thing, that is. Though unaware, at first, now he knows exactly when his attention drifts towards her. It happens when he’s at ease or when anxiety is starting to grow inside him. When he’s calm and relaxed; or when he finds himself in need of a familiar face not to blow it all away.
Sakura has this effect on him. Even without really saying or doing anything, her sole presence is enough to warm his chest. It’s as natural as the clouds floating in the sky, and sometimes, when they’re not in the same room, he finds himself missing her figure. With her green eyes and pink hair, she has become a constant presence in his life, and if anything, Sasuke likes constant. Always has.
He also likes her, but that’s not been questioned right now.
He’s acknowledged his feelings for her for almost three months now, and he figures he’s still trying to get used to the idea of seeing her as more than just his best friend. It’s not that their relationship has changed that much from what it was before, but everything around her just feels different ever since Naruto pointed out the obvious. Sasuke has accepted this new side of him, and perhaps, the biggest change in his young life is the fact that he has to constantly remind himself that he no longer needs silly excuses to hide his feelings for her. He has to keep telling himself that it’s not an absurd for a boy like him to consider making a move in a girl like her. He can dare to reach out for her hand or— if he’s feeling bold enough, and the situation calls for it— kiss her lips.
It’s weird to even think about doing that to the girl who has been by his side since they were in dippers. She‘s still the same Sakura, but now that he has allowed himself to picture them together, she’s just different. He’s different, too, and he can’t really say he hates it. Quite the opposite, in fact.
And right now, while he’s still trapped in his thoughts, he also has to remind himself that staring at her is not as creepy as it would be if he was just a stranger.
It isn’t, right?
Perhaps he should stop, then. Or maybe—
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted as a folded piece of white paper shows up on his desk. He quirks his right brow in confusion, and without thinking twice, his eyes drift to Naruto because— well— who else would’ve thrown that at him in the middle of the class, right? However, much to his surprise, his blonde best friend couldn’t have done such a thing, no. He’s fast asleep on his desk across the classroom, and the Uchiha is almost sure he can see drool sliding down his open mouth.
That loser, he thinks. If he’s not going to pay attention to the class, he might as well try to pretend otherwise in order to avoid a future lecture. Maybe he really deserves it, after all.
Still, if the idiot didn’t throw the folded paper, then who did it?
He arcs his brows again, and before trying to reach another conclusion based solely on his speculations, Sasuke decides to read the hidden note. Carefully, then, he unfolds the paper, only to be surprised by the familiar and delicate handwriting in it.
“Shouldn’t you be paying attention to the class?”
A smirk crosses his lips as he reads those words, and he knows he’s been busted. Dark eyes, then, turn to his right only to find green ones already staring back at him. She offers him a teasing smile, using her index finger to point towards the blackboard, to which he simply shrugs. Apparently, Sakura has caught him staring for a little too long, and if he were to be honest, he’s glad she did because now he has an excuse to silently flirt with her.
Now, he has an excuse to observe and to be observed by her emerald eyes.
If he had to pick, that’s probably one of his favorite activities of the day now that he has decided to build up some courage to make a move. He likes to tease her without using words just to see all of her unique reactions flourishing. He likes to see the many shades of red that tinge her cheeks whenever she’s embarrassed and the way she sometimes has to cover her mouth to suppress a loud laugh. He likes when she bites her lower lip whenever she’s thinking about something, and he sure as hell loves it when he sees one of her soft smiles slowly making its way up to her bright eyes.
She really is the cutest girl he knows. Not that he will ever admit that to her.
Without thinking twice then, he grabs his black pen and rips a piece of paper from his notebook. He scribbles around, folds it and expertly throws it so their secret lands on her desk. She spares him a knowing look before unfolding it, and he watches as she silently grows embarrassed at his written words. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and the pout that takes over her lips is enough to tell him his silly message worked. It was just a regular compliment, but he knows she’s never been good with those ever since he called her annoying on second grade.
One would say he’s to be blamed for her complex, but he likes to think he has only helped her develop one of her unique traits.
Sakura shakes her pink head, then, and he watches as she rips another piece of paper so they can continue their sneaky conversation. They certainly look like children right now, especially since they both know they can just pick their phones from their pockets and text each other. It would be easier, sure, but not half as fun.
“Very charming. Still, you’ll need more than, that if you want my notes!” is her answer, with an exclamation mark written with a big dot on the bottom, and he pretends to be taken aback by those words. She’s still blushing, he can tell, and he feels oddly proud for that. Maybe he shouldn’t, though, because he knows she dreams of becoming a great doctor someday and she just loves biology so so much that, perhaps, he should really just leave her to her studies.
But it’s stronger than him. Having her reactions and her attention all to himself makes him selfish, and even if he hates to act differently than what he’s used to, he doesn’t complain one bit when he does that for her.
It’s all for her. All because of her.
He’s but a teenager living his first love, and that alone should give him the right to enjoy this fleeting phase next to her. People say it’s the best moment of life, and even if he doesn’t know wether it’s true or not, he’s ready to, at least, try to make the best of it.
So, yes, Sasuke is going to keep sending her notes during her favorite class if they make her smile. He’s going to keep choosing the right words to make her blush and he’s going to keep stealing glances, hoping to be caught, until the day comes when he doesn’t really have to steal anymore.
a/n: okay, first of all, HAPPY SASUSAKU MONTH, y’all! Here’s to another wonderful month filled with love and sasusaku! Let’s all have fun and celebrate our beloved ship! Now, to the story... honestly, I hate it so much. I think this is one of the worst things I’ve ever written, but at least, it’s over now. Nothing came to me when working with this theme and I really just wanted to move on with this already. I thought about writing something about Sasuke making amends with his newfound love for Sakura in a high school setting, but it’s just meh. Sorry for that. It’ll get better, I promise XD Still, hope you have fun!
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knifewieldingenby · 3 years
bottle your voice (love at the glory hole)
Y’all I told you to STOP me from naming it this, not dare me xD Anyway here it is, the fic no one asked for that I am surprisingly unashamed of.
Summary: Jaskier convinces Lambert to go to a glory hole house to rid him of his dry spell. Lambert isn’t sure about it and it about to leave when he spots Aiden.  Pairing: Lambden  Rating: EEEEEE
Content warnings: glory holes, public sex, anal fingering, rough sex, explicit consent, sex worker Aiden, pro sex work, modern au, a coffee shop au in disguise, shameless flirting, Lambert has a big dick (and is a gentleman about it)
This was stupid, and Lambert said as much out loud. Not that anyone was listening; all the horny men wandering into the building weren’t exactly stopping to smell the flowers. They all had something much more pressing on their minds. Lambert should have, too, but this was a big first for him and he wasn’t even sure he’d like it. Jaskier, the adorable little slut he was, had recommended this place to “cure Lambert’s dry spell”, as if he hadn’t had longer dry spells in the past and gotten by just fine on his own. And why this?! PDA wasn’t exactly his thing. But now he was expected to just...go into a place full of half-naked dumbasses and fuck a random stranger through a glory hole? It didn’t feel right.
He was forced to admit, however, as he pulled open the door and entered, that if he were really so against it he wouldn’t have come in the first place. Nobody was holding a gun to his head after all. He was only blushing a little bit as the bored woman at the check-in took his money, directed him to a bowl of condoms and a very large sign that read “condoms must be worn at all times”, and pointed him to the entrance to the room. Heavy wooden doors separated the nice, tidy reception area from the dimmer staged room. As he pushed passed them, closing the door quickly behind him, his senses were overloaded by the sights and sounds around him.
The first thing he noticed, with a sigh of relief, was that the weird gym bros were actually in the minority. In fact, men appeared to be in the minority in general. Sure, there were plenty of cocks to go around, but half of them were made of silicone and another quarter appeared to belong to people of rather ambiguous gender. Lambert felt himself relax. Queer people. His people. The next thing he noticed was the various sounds of skin of skin, the moans of the people behind the walls. And then, finally, the people themselves, some on their stomach with just their ass sticking out, others on their backs with legs bound in the air, some higher up for the express purpose of oral, and a few holes meant for people to stick their dicks into and get sucked off. Lambert shuttered; he would be avoiding those, thank you very much. No point in getting pleasure if you weren’t also dishing it out, that was his motto.
Each person had a picture next to their body of a headshot. Lambert walked slowly around the room, a dim, rectangular space that felt strangely warm and inviting, and looked from picture to picture. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for; he didn’t give a damn what anyone looked like. They were all beautiful in his eyes and providing a service he was very grateful for. He felt antsy thinking about fucking so publicly. Why couldn’t he just book a session with Melody, the fiery Domme that pegged him within an inch of his life? Why this? What the fuck was he doing here? Just as he turned to book it out the door someone on his right caught his eye.
He was...fuck, he was beautiful. Long dark curls fell off his shoulders, framing a face that looked like it was sculpted by the gods. Stubble grazed his jawline and eyes so green he was sure they had to be contacts beckoned him forward. Barely anyone was on this side of the room so he slinked toward the man. It was his face that drew his eye, but Lambert would be lying if he said he wasn’t also entranced by the long expanse of thick thighs and a toned ass, the man obviously on his stomach. Lambert reached out slowly, hesitated, then kept going until he rested his hand gently on warm skin. He was only now aware of how warm the room was, as he itched to take off his shirt, or pants, or both.
“Hi,” he said softly. He wasn’t sure if he was even supposed to talk to the workers - what the hell were the rules of this place? - but it didn’t feel right not to. The few gross gym bros in the room had simply walked right up to the people and stuck their dicks in without a word and it pissed Lambert off.
“Hello, darling,” came a voice so silky that Lambert felt his head spin.
“I- I don’t know what I’m doing,” he admitted. The man laughed and wiggled his ass a little.
“Whatever you’d like. Just make sure you have that condom on, or I’ll be forced to come out and kick your ass.”
Lambert chuckled and relaxed a little. This wasn’t so much different than the full service workers he’d been with in the past. Public, sure, but it was still a witty person behind the wall who knew what they were doing, and that made it seem real, seem okay.
“If I do something you don’t like, you’ll tell me, right?”
“Of course. Believe me, I’m not shy. Now, no more talking. Do what feels right.”
Lambert nodded as if the man could see him. Slowly, he brought both hands to those strong hips and stroked over them. His thumbs dug into the meat of the man’s ass, causing him to shiver, and Lambert gulped. What he wouldn’t do to make this beautiful man quiver under him. He looked around the room quickly - no one was paying any attention to anyone but the person in front of them. This was fine. He stroked his hands down the man’s thighs and back up, fingers spreading his legs apart. He heard a soft sigh from the other side of the wall.
On a small ledge of the wall next to him sat a bottle of lube. He took advantage of it, slicking up a few fingers, before bringing his hand back down. He spread the man’s cheeks, eyes locked on his hole. He looked so small, so tight, even as Lambert registered the faint glisten of residual lube from another cock. He was sure the man was plenty loose despite appearances, but Lambert was not a small man. He gently pushed a finger against the man’s hole and watched, eyes wide, as his body sucked him in with no resistance. He pushed a second one in alongside it, knowing the first would do nothing for either of them. The second, however, had the man pushing his hips back for more. Lambert grinned slightly and crooked his fingers. The response was beautiful, the man’s back arching as a broken moan escaped from his lips. Lambert pumped his fingers a few times for good measure, getting him used to the initial stretch, before he pressed a third in.
“You don’t...fuck, you don’t have to prep me, I’m good,” the man said, voice shaking slightly.
“Oh no, I think I do,” was all Lambert said as he pressed his fingers in and out. His head was spinning at how tight the man was wrapped around the digits, the thought of how tight he would be around his cock making his mouth water. Just one more, and he would feel good sliding in. If the man couldn’t take four fingers he would definitely not be able to take Lambert; he had no problem simply stroking his cock while fingering this beautiful creature to orgasm. “One more?” He stroked a fourth finger along the man’s rim for clarification.
“Fuck, yes,” the man whined. Lambert pressed in slowly, surprised that yes, this man actually didn’t need too much prep. He was loose enough to take four fingers well. Lambert curled them again and was met with a more guttural moan. He pulled his fingers out slowly, hungrily taking in the stretched hole before him, before he stepped back to open the front of his pants. The sounds around him were nothing but white noise at this point. He slipped a condom on his cock and coated himself liberally with lube.
“Okay…” Lambert said more to himself, then raised his voice. “Ready?”
“Fuck me already,” the man whined, hips wiggling. Lambert did as he was told; he moved closer, pressing the tip against the tight bundle of muscles, and pushed in slowly. He watched as the man stretched to accommodate him, ate up the groan that vibrated from the other side of the wall when his head popped in. He rubbed his hands up and down the man’s ass and lower back, easing him into the pressure as he pushed forward, a few more inches slipping in. It was definitely a tight fit now; the man’s thighs shook as he pressed back, trying to get more inside him. Lambert was all too willing to give him what he wanted. He pumped in and out, each time getting another inch of his large cock in the man. By the time he was fully seated sweat had pooled on his forehead.
“Oh my god,” the man gasped, almost too low for Lambert to hear. He smirked as he pulled out all the way and pushed back in, groaning at the tight heat wrapped perfectly around his cock. It earned him another broken moan, this time higher in pitch.
“Are you okay?” he had to ask. People didn’t usually take him with ease.
“Fuck y-yes, fuck me hard…” he emphasized his request by pushing back against Lambert, the full length of his cock splitting the man open. Lambert decided to do just that, gripping the man’s hips tight and starting up a steady rhythm. Slow at first, but he was urged on by the soft, repetitive ‘ah’s of his companion. He started to fuck him in earnest, cock swallowed by his tight hole, a groan caught in his throat. Lambert did not make noise during sex as a general rule. It made him feel too vulnerable, but fuck, did he want to make noise for this man. His eyes locked on the picture, trying to imagine what the face looked like on the other side of the wall. What that pretty mouth looked like dropped open, a steady stream of moans he couldn’t hold back, the way his eyes were probably fluttering with each thrust. Sweat coating copper skin, throat bare and begging to be bitten and sucked. The image drove him wild, and soon his hips were snapping into the man hard. He closed his eyes and savored every sound he was making, blocking all the others out.
“Oh my- fuck, fuck, harder!”
Oh, how Lambert wanted to bottle that sound and bring it with him when he left, listen to it in his bed at night as he stripped his cock and remembered exactly how it felt to fuck such a beautiful creation. His thrusts picked up - he brought his hand around the man’s body to wrap around his cock, and jumped a little in surprise. What a cock it was, big and heavy in his palm. He was briefly distracted thinking about what it would feel like to have the man fuck him instead. He growled despite himself and set up a slow, building rhythm, smearing his cock with lube in a tight, clenched fist.
“Fuck fuck fuck- ah!” His back arched and hips jumped forward, grinding into Lambert’s fist.
“Are you close?” Lambert certainly was, but he refused to come first.
“Y-yes, don’t stop…”
As his hips thrust hard he rubbed his thumb over the head of the man’s cock before sliding down, twisting and rubbing at thick veins. He could tell now how close he was; his ass tightened around Lambert, causing him to see stars. A moment later the man stilled and, with a bone-rattling scream, came hard. His cock pulsed as he painted the wall below him with his spend, his whole body shaking with the force of his orgasm, and Lambert couldn’t hold back anymore. He bit back a moan of his own as he came inside the man, condom bulging with the weight of his cum.
His hips settled down and he took a few deep breaths. He could hear the ragged breathing coming from the other side of the wall.
“Are-are you okay?” He ran his hands soothingly along the man’s back as he pulled out slowly.
“Fuck, are you kidding?” He sounded like he’d just run a mile. “Please tell me you’ll be back again.”
“I hadn’t thought about it yet. I want to, but…”
The man was quiet for a moment, and Lambert was certain he’d offended him. Or hurt his feelings. Or worse, both. Then he spoke, and his words caught Lambert by surprise.
“My name’s Aiden. I work at the Cat Café on Main street. Come visit me sometime.”
“Okay, I will,” he said shakily. Would he? Would he even have the courage to look in the too-beautiful eyes of a stranger he’d just fucked the daylights out of? “I’m Lambert. Thank you for this.” He patted the man’s ass gently before he discarded the condom in a small garbage, pulled his pants up, and left.
Yeah, there was no way he’d have the courage to see Aiden in person. He left, wondering what could have been if he’d been a different person.
Ah, fuck. Lambert once more stood outside of a business that made his skin crawl, wondering why the fuck he was here. This time it was something much less intimidating than a glory hole house. He stared at the black cat on the window of the Cat Cafe; he swore it was mocking him. This was stupid, but this time he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud. He’d been to the Café once before (‘been to’ meaning he stood outside and tried to look inconspicuous as he peeked through the window like a creep, checking to see who was working). This time was worse though, because very faintly he could make out the back of a man he was almost certain was Aiden. His dark hair was pulled up into a high bun. Lambert itched to go in, but his heart was racing. He worried that Aiden would perhaps regret telling him his name and place of employment. It was barely after he’d come, after all, emotions were still high and he was probably still hovering in the after-bliss. Lambert wouldn’t fault him for changing his mind.
It occurred to him that Aiden probably wouldn’t even remember his name, so he could probably get a feel for the situation before he had to put himself out there. The thought was enough to get him to go inside. The café, which had been bustling the last time he was here, was relatively quiet now. He supposed most people weren’t going to get their coffee fix at 7 pm. It looked like Aiden and one other employee were the only ones working tonight. He walked up to the counter and stopped right in his tracks as Aiden turned to face him.
Fuck. fuck fuck fuck, he couldn’t do this. Aiden was every bit as gorgeous as he remembered and then some, those sparkling eyes appearing even greener in person. He wore a bright smile, head tilted.
“Hello darling! What can I get for you today?”
Lambert felt like a spooked cat, jumping at the sound of his voice. He tried to push away the thoughts of the last time he’d heard that voice, the things he was saying, the sounds he was making.
“Um, can I have...What’s sweet but will still get me wired?”
Aiden laughed. “Want my personal favorite?” Lambert nodded, eyes wide. “Caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso. It’s sure to get you going.”
Lambert was pretty sure he was already going, but he wasn’t about to say that out loud.
“Um, sure, one of those thingies.” Aiden grinned and started writing things on the cup.
“Name for the order?”
Welp, now or never. “Lambert?”
It came out like a question, and maybe that was why Aiden faltered. Then his lips stretched slowly into a smirk as he wrote the name out.
“I’ll have that right up for you, Lambert.”
He got right to making Lambert’s coffee, movement fast and coordinated like a dance. In what felt like too short a time, he placed the cup on the counter away from Lambert.
“Letho, get your ass out here, I’m taking my break!” He threw down his apron, grabbed the cup, and jerked his head at Lambert as if to say ‘follow me’. And Lambert followed like a puppy in love. Aiden took them to the back of the cafe and sat them in a booth half-concealed by a wall of fake ivy. He took a sip of Lambert’s drink before pushing it across the table to him.
“So, you finally came,” he purred. Lambert felt his ears grow hot.
“S’not the first time…”
Aiden threw his head back with a deep laugh and Lambert felt his heart swell.
“No it isn’t.” His eyes roamed over Lambert’s face and the parts of his body that weren’t obscured by the table. Lambert had dressed for the occasion: tight black jeans, a more casual, sleeveless dress shirt in a French tuck, the front unbuttoned practically down to his tits. He considered slicking back his hair but Jaskier stole his hair gel and refused to give it back, yelling about how Lambert should let his ginger curls be free. Overall, he thought he looked pretty good, but as Aiden’s eyes took him in he was growing anxious. What if Aiden didn’t like what he actually looked like? What if Lambert was better off a fantasy of his?
“Care to make it a second time?”
Lambert blushed but smiled despite himself. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it. What...ah, what made you want to work there? If that’s not too personal.”
Aiden shrugged. “It pays well and I’m a ridiculously horny person. It was clearly worth it.” He smirked at Lambert. “Though I should be chastising you.”
“You ruined me for anyone else, you ass.”
Lambert grinned. “I’m not gonna apologize for that.” He watched closely as Aiden reached out, elegant fingers playing with the bottom of Lambert’s cup where his own fingers were wrapped around. “Look, I don’t really know what this is. I don’t know what we are.”
“What do you want us to be,” Aiden said, eyes dark and searching.
“I...I want to take you out on a date.” Aiden immediately perked up. He reached a finger out and caressed Lambert’s hand.
“I want that, too. Any man who makes me scream like that is a man I want to get to know better,” he said, voice low. “Besides, you’re fucking beautiful.”
“So are you,” Lambert said softly. He hesitantly threaded his fingers with Aiden’s. “And the next time I make you scream I want to see your face.”
Aiden shivered and gripped his hand tight. “My shift ends in two hours. Care to come back to my place and make that happen?”
Lambert tried to ignore the sudden tightness in his pants. He nodded - he couldn’t wait for later, but he couldn’t wait for their date either. Sure, maybe they were doing things a bit out of order, but who the fuck cared? Not him.
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Destiel, Buddie: the great love patterns and one failure.
I'm going to highlight the patterns of baiting and good storytelling. Chim sounds like the Sam to Dean!Buck. Cas!Eddie and Claire/Jack!Chris.
WARNING: not a negative post, this is from a destielshipper!POV looking to something so beautiful like 9-1-1.
As someone pointed out: if Eddie was a girl they would've already get laid. Same thing with Dean if Cas was a girl.
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(my gifs)
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We know Dean and Buck like to get laid with many girls...and have some homo-joke-scenes with guys.
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Dean Winchester being a disaster bi (since S1)
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(+ Josh and roomate!Albert - I know someone ships it xD) What I really enjoyed with Buck/Abby is the meaning of the storyline. D (who likes older women also) and B always get the part of having fun, and when it comes to express their feelings, not all their crushes understand their soul and they don't always admit those with themselves.
Abby: I think I was afraid that If I came back, I would become that person again. Because I missed you. I wanted to see you. But I didn’t trust myself.
Buck: Because being there, being with me, you might lose yourself again?
Shannon: I can’t fail him again, or you and I won’t. I’m still learning how to be someone’s mother and after that maybe I can be someone’s wife.
Eddie [to Bobby]: [...] she wanted a divorce. And I’m still mad. How stupid is that? I’m agry at a dead person and at myself because I forgave her for everything, and that wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough.
Buck [to Maddie]: You’re never the one getting left behind. You’re the one who leaves. You don’t know what’s like to watch someone you love walk away.
Dean [to Lisa]: When I do picture myself happy...it’s with you.
Lisa:  You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good? Dean: You knew what you signed up for.
Lisa: Yeah. But I didn't expect Sam to come back. And I'm glad he's okay. I am. But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy. That came out so much harsher than I meant. Dean: It's not your fault.
Who does understand them? The best friend. Cas and Eddie are the best friends to who they talk to, they can feel judged by but it doesn't really matter (or it DOES); they trust each other and feel safe.
you gave up an entire army for one guy (dean)
thank you, for not giving up
 stupid for the right reasons 
maybe you could’ve come at it a little differently
The Abby-phase was very important 'cause B wanted to stop to think about just the sex part and really connect with the person, doin' romantic stuff, even VDay; feelings were in the game. 
(He literally asked to the firetruck!girl to see her again...but she said no. Ali? She acted like a Lisa.)
B really tried to find someone and always felt left behind. D had two important relationships, one with Cassie (yeah, that's fun) and I liked her -but he couldn't have a black girlfriend, right(?). Always felt left behind, by his father, by his brother, his mother’ memories were a lie.
When we first see Cassie, they didn’t see each other in a very long time and they get a reunion during a case.
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Much like Eddie and Shannon.
(not saying also this...but....this)
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Lisa and the weird-and-bad-written-originally story with Amara...who knew Dean bc of his 'dark' side. (Amara has found Cas and Dean’s profound connection and Dean was scared by her darkness connected to his anger and loniless).
At one point Amara will find Dean thanks to Cas's heart  just my reply to go fast  (while Cas was possessed by Lucifer- an annoying bitch who is used as a destiel bait)
We know Buck for his autodiagnosed sex addiction with women and Eddie as a married man with a son and wife not in the picture...and the episode- I'm so sorry, but the beginning of S2 with Buddie can't be described as two hets - there are tropes.
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We start to fall for them and Chim with Maddie, wait- Sam!Chim and Eileen!Maddie.
Sam and Eileen’ first episode is basically a blind date on a hunt. They flirt and make a badass duo, she's deaf and super sassy and they're so sweet together. Many start to ship it asap.
I cried with Madney asap.
What does Maddie do since Buck start talking about Chris and Eddie? Yeah.
What does happen in Fanfiction with Sam (he’s a Maddie here) and when Saileen comes back on S15?
Bros shipping their bros with their best friends, mirroring them.
Madney have Buddie patterns.
Saileen is presented as a Het!Destiel parallel...and they can kiss.
Sam asks Dean if he could start thinking about settle down with someone who understand the life, another hunter. Eileen is a hunter. Cas is an angel - the one who raised him from perdition and got lost for his beautiful soul/hunter.
I LOVE that Eddie can be just a friend to Lena and Marjan, basically (I hope not to see this ruined in the future).
Now, over the line: Dean has a mother figure in Bobby!Jody and Jody is shipped with Athena!Donna (also good friend to Dean) and he's got a sister figure in Hen!Charlie.
[Jody, Charlie]
(Jody and Donna have many daugthers figures and a spin-off who hasn't been picked bc too many poc girls, queer girls and two not young women with perfect bodies.)
Bobby!Jody helped him with his mother-plot-fiasco (that was really bad) and I loved Mary before s12.
[I'm having fun thinking about this connections, leave me alone if it'ss just a great big illusion]
I forgive you / of course I forgive you
personal space / personal space
Destiel, uncle!Sam and Jack
Destiel, uncle!Sam and Claire
*love is in the air*
oh and beside the MurphyPatterns (Klaine, Bryan&David) we do have the KripkePatterns also (Timeless, The Boys 2 3 )
One of the most loud BI!Dean eps
I’m ready for some domestic Buddie and Madney
Eileen and Cas back from the dead
Just to make you all laugh after this big movie, remember the chars:
what a destiel scene always looks like
Yes, C*W and Fox aren’t the same, and yes producers can make the difference. all SPN writers WEREN’T the problem, directors neither, not to mention the actors. 
C*W thrived on Destiel for 12 years, building a very good story that could’ve show two men accepting the love they deserved....but they failed, erasing every other (lgbtq, poc, disable) characters.
Fox doesn’t need more viewers but they WILL gain more of them showing Buddie because representation of a M/M ship with BI/PAN (I see Pan!Eddie) it’s a huge thing for TV and it matters. I always see gay love not many other possibilities, with Murphy mostly, he can make the change again. 
A reminder to what C*W did 
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jaalismyhusband · 3 years
Magical apple
Title: Magical apple
Pairings: Chris Evans x f!reader
Warnings: RPF, tooth-rotting, cheesy stuff, me not knowing where to put commas (yikes XD)
Wordcount: 1.7k
A/N: Hi, everyone! *ehm* this was supposed to be a drabble, but I snapped. Thanks to my brain for the prompt, this was a very pleasant dream to dream, buddy. Anyways! Hope you enjoy this floofy piece, because I’ve got a hella angsty WiP series about Geralt a.k.a. the butcher of my heart. Thanks for reading!!  
beta’d by @6crazyboutcruise9​
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You were working as a professor at the local university. You always knew, that forcing students to attend your classes was no way to make them like you and actually listen. No, you had to engage with them outside of the class too. So, you focused not only on the lectures, but on the out-of-school activities as well. That meant organizing some charity work, workshops, debates with interesting people and so on.
To say you were shocked when you booked Chris Evans for one of the debates, would be an understatement. You were even more nervous than your students, but you couldn’t let it show.  Being the ever-supporting professor, you reassured them that they will do just fine, because they were your smart students after all. They seemed to relax a bit at that.
Encouraged, you all went to greet Mr. Evans and you offered him a coffee, which he was quick to accept. You could sense he was upset about something, but it wasn’t your place to ask him what’s wrong. Soon after your interaction, he was ushered on the stage by another professor, who shoved a microphone in his hand, wishing him good luck.
The lecture went splendidly, now it was time for an autograph session, where students could get their own three minutes with Mr. Evans. One of your colleagues announced it and students were quick to form a line.
It seemed like it went on and on for hours, but Mr. Evans was somehow still polite to every single person. Even if the questions were repetitive, he answered them with patience. You were near him, just in case he needed something. However, you were a single woman as well, so from time to time your eyes may or may not have lingered on him longer, than they should’ve.
You mentally scolded yourself and focused on the actual questions he was being asked. You were proud of your students for coming up with the interesting, difficult, philosophical and even some weird questions. Thankfully, they hadn’t asked about personal things, until they did. The line was coming to an end and now it was mostly students from other classes, even other schools. You could tell those questions were bothering Mr. Evans and it was only adding to his frustration.
“Next!” you called. There was only one person left, a young girl.
“Finally!” she huffed as she came up to Mr. Evans. “So, I don’t have time for you, I only want you to give my number to Tom Holland.” With that she dropped a piece of paper on the table in front of him, turned on her heels and left. Without saying hi, please or bye. He looked almost frozen as he tried to take in what had just happened. You wanted to comfort him somehow, but his manager had already asked to follow him. You watched them leave next door, where you had previously set up a kind of a break room for him.
An idea popped up in your mind. You went to your cabinet and made him a fresh coffee. You were impatient and excited to have only as much as five minutes alone with him. You poured the coffee in the take-it-to-go cup and hurried to the next room. Just as you neared the door, they opened and you saw his manager leave, meaning you would, indeed, be alone with him. Perfect, you thought as you entered.
He was leaning back in the chair, with his hair all fluffy. Your eyes ran over his face, finding his brows adorably scrunched above his closed eyes, his beard trimmed neatly. A cozy looking blue sweater hid his muscled torso and the dark jeans hugged his thighs, rushing bunch of sinful thoughts through your mind.
“Are you going to say something or just keep staring?” his deep voice startled you from your daydream. You mumbled a quick apology and tried to hide the creeping blush on your face.
“Mr. Evans, I noticed your first coffee went cold, so I thought I’d make you a fresh one.” You offered him a warm smile along with the cup.
“Y/N, right? Thanks, that’s very considerate of you. And, please, call me Chris.” You swore he winked at you just before bringing the cup to his mouth, taking a sip of the steamy beverage. You felt your face heating up again and you squirmed under his gaze.
Leaning on the wall, you let him enjoy his coffee in silence. You used the moment to gather all molecules of bravery in you to ask him: “I don’t mean to be nosy, but you seemed distressed earlier…”
“You mean even before that cherry on top of the autograph session? I guess, I’m not as good of an actor as I thought I was.” You appreciated him trying to lift the mood, but something about his face expression told you, he didn’t want you to let it go.
“No need to put on a brave face, here. I’ll tell you what, Chris. There’s a really nice park near here. Aaand I’ve been told I’m a good listener. So, what do you say to a walk? If you don’t mind me being so forward, of course.” You seemed to realize your words too late, as they already hung heavy in the air. You just asked THE Chris Evans out. An unnerving silence occurred as you awaited his answer.
“Why the hell not,” he sighed.
“Perfect,” you smiled at him. “Let me just get my things and I’ll meet you outside in 5.” With that you left, still unable to believe you were about to hang out with literally a man of your dreams.
As promised, you joined him in front of the building and led him to the park. You spent those few minutes getting to know each other a little bit and, if you weren’t any wiser, you would have said that Chris was flirting with you.  
You arrived to the park, taking a stroll, admiring the blooming flowers. It was a warm spring afternoon, summer was just around the corner. You arrived to a small secluded spot with a table and benches on either side.
“This is where I spend my lunch breaks. It’s my special place.” You smiled, reminiscing of all the times you got lost in a book, ate your favourite food, hell, even cried over bad days in this very spot.
“I’m honoured,” joked Chris. You playfully smacked his arm and ordered him to sit down. He caught you off guard when he chose a seat next to you, rather than the opposite one.
“I can’t tell you how many bad days have been eliminated here. This place is indeed magical. You wanna try?”
“Sure.” He proceeded to tell you about his rough past days. As you were listening, you found yourself hanging on every word he said, you seemed almost bewitched by his soothing voice. You didn’t have to force yourself to listen, you simply did. It was so easy to get lost in the conversation with him, even though it wasn’t about pleasant topic.
“Sometimes, I just want to be an ordinary person like everyone else and not have to deal with people like that girl, for example. Gosh, I don’t know why, but that really got under my skin.” He finished his rant and you reassured, that it’s fine to feel that way.
“That girl was probably just the breaking point, I wouldn’t fuss ‘bout her. Here,” you reached into your bag and pulled out an apple, “this will make you feel better.” You placed it in front of him, and nudged him to take a bite.
“An apple?” he burst out laughing. Your cheeks were hot by now, no doubt.
“It’s a… Magical apple?” that only seemed to make him laugh more, as he leaned back in his seat, touching his chest. If you weren’t upset about him laughing at your offering, you would’ve found the gesture cute.
It was a yummy looking apple, though. If he isn’t going to eat it, then I will, you thought as you reached for the apple. However, he must’ve changed his mind, because he, too, reached for it, making your hands touch. You felt like in a scene from a romcom, as you felt a spark when your fingers brushed against each other.
You were too flustered to say anything, when he gave you a heart-melting smile. He seemed to lean in. When did he get so close?!
“Chris…” you whispered, your mouth dry, all of a sudden. He shushed you and pecked your lips, leaving you even more flustered. Your ears were burning, and you immediately pulled your hands to cover your face, leaving the apple unguarded.
“Got it!” he triumphantly said and took a bite of the apple, exaggerating the moans: “Mhm, you said this was magical?”
“Not fair, sir! You used your charm to distract me!” you played along, pouting.
“Hm, you think I’m charming?” he seemed amused by how shy you were and how easy it was to get you flustered.
“Shut up, you know what I meant.” You huffed in defeat as you crossed your arms on your chest. Chris only smirked as he finished the apple.
After a while you shivered, the warm afternoon turned into a chilly night. Neither of you noticed, too enthralled in each other.
Chris didn’t miss how you hugged your arms, desperately trying to warm yourself up.
“You’re cold?” It was more a statement, than a question, but you still nodded, anyway. He took off his sweater, leaving him only in a plain white short-sleeve.
“Here, put it on.” He grabbed your arms, to pull them up, in order to dress you.
“No, really, it’s fine. You don’t have to do this.” You whined, but it fell on deaf ears. Chris dressed you in his sweater and you had no say in it. To be honest, you weren’t about to complain. Musky smell with hints of cedarwood engulfed you and you almost snuggled into the sweater more, but stopped yourself at the last moment, not wanting to be weird.
“Thanks,” you shyly said, as you took in his broad shoulders and big arms. Arms, that were totally bare, because of you.
“Ohmygod! You’ll get cold!” Without thinking you hugged him tightly, only for him to wrap his arms around your small frame.
“As long as you’re with me, I’ll never get cold,” he whispered into your hair, after he left a small kiss on your temple.
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staysuki · 3 years
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL - wtf jeongin AHHAHAHAA is this some kind of commission why did he say yes to literally everyone who asked him out 😭 like imagine going on a dance with him and he just says "oops youre time has run out, next in line please" out of nowhere 💀 im not saying i find light mode weird pero parang ganon na nga. all my apps are on dark mode xd on one boring afternoon i tried light mode just because and i think im alrdy 50% blind 👁️💧👄💧👁️
lol hyunjin dcurb mo ean but shes got a point, hyunjin told her to fuck off yet he initiated a chat to show his jealousy :"> well in his defense, hes confused af buT sTILL hyunjin hurt y/n so much by his words. aaaaaaa but aaaa puchaaaa bat aq kinikilig sa "what if you are" e hes the enemy rn 😠 lee know pakisundo po si y/n. blocking is indeed self-care 🥰 i love this y/n the best out of all the y/ns in your stories :>
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HAHAHAHAHA SELF-HIRED CUPID SEUNGMIN AT UR SERVICE 🙇🙏 HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA 😭 i mean is this even considered "cupid-ing"? hes literally just posing as y/n Y^Y and him complimenting himself as y/n is so funny HAHAHHA the chatting he used is even 1% close to how y/n texts 😭 unless she talks like that only to changbin huhu and how y/ns attitude changed so fast when the topic concerns seungmin breaking her phone 😭 and wow seungmin has a big problem :"< i think this will take a big turn later on,,,,,
I LOVE THE UPDATES TODAY <33333 ahha dick btw i am not professional at tumblr usage so im not sure if ur drafts will get deleted :<< and the app on my phone and ipad also is buggy, i thinks its just the update not sureee
ill be waiting for the experimental fic hehesz iM SORRY FOR SPOILING ,, ANYWAYS THE MV IS beautiful✨ WATCH IT IF YOU HAVE THE TIME 😩 the tattoos are really cuteeeee ,, and same if ever ill get one in the future, itd be smth related to their songs. i like the heart you made and the nice tattoo on your leg 😗 its rly cute and clean wow how were the other 12 mini tattoos you did? did it come out well?
SQUID GAME IS RLY RLY RLY GOOD but yes it will get more gory the longer you watch. i finished it alrdy and give it a 1000/10 ,, tho its bc i like watching stuff like those jfsbfas you think youll be able to finish it?
- bs
indeed, i loved that update too 😤 though i think the final two updates are also chef’s kiss 🤌🤌🤌 and i’m excited to put those out.
playboy jeongin, maknae on top feelsz si mamser 😩. di siya papatalo sa harem ni y/n JSHWJSHSHS. dating speedrun vibes.
also i’m 100% on team dark mode as well but sometimes i miss light mode idk why 😩 plus i’m too lazy to label the diff perspectives so like, i’ll just do it by colour. YHAM kim seungmin def feels like a lightmode boi anyways 🤔🤔🤔
everyone hatin on hyunjin rn but its true, he’s v v confused and clueless about everything and he’s siding with yeji bc #family ahu 👉😔👈. “he’s the enemy rn” PLSSS. kiliq sana dun sa line if only nasend errr 💔. lee know-shii talaguh? what about seungmin and felix, they are also contenders 😩🤌. and also ty :,>>> i like her too, she’s very chill and mellow but not a pushover ifykwim. dun sa kim seungmin fic i’m going for the more suplada y/n route so let’s hope i can write that well :(((((
SELF PROCLAIMED CUPID THAT’S UNWANTED 😭💔 poor y/n. seungmin’s flirting game (as y/n) kinda weak 😩 and yes he can’t help that jokingly egoistic self compliment na super out of place JSHWJSHSHS. and yes, y/n def doesn’t talk like that but changbin isn’t that close to her so he hasn’t noticed yet 🤔🤔🤔 i wonder how that’ll go. seungmin is a menace™️ but also he’s a poor boy 💔💔💔💔. we stan #seungminperalta.
thank uuu <333 dick i loved it as well :(((( im probs gonna try save some of my drafts then try to redownload the app cuz its getting harder to use na 💔💔💔 esp with the pictures and see more text huhu.
imma write it once i get inspo or else it’s gonna be just a full-on 500 word drabble 😭. and its okay! i watched in na cuz i can no longer avoid the spoilies on tumblr. the song is so good :((( and letse akala ko naman sexy floor dance, parang yung sa back door movings lang pala 😭 either way seungmin still looking fine af. my boy finally getting the solo screentime he deserves 🤌🤌🤌🤌.
thank u for the tats compliment i worked hard on them :,)))) the others are a bit messy but i’ll be fixing them over the course of the week and i’ll post pics once it’s cleaner looking. i’m proud of the ones that i used my non-dominant hand to make hehe, multitalented queen shit 😩. i’m semi-ambidextrous but i didn’t think i can tattoo with my left hand, super amazing discovery, will flex.
i’ll be taking a long time in finishing it but i’m writing comments every time there’s a good scene just to keep my attention. i’m trying to overcome my gore problem as well but i rly cant handle looking at the screen when the killing scenes come up 😩.
AND THANK U OMG!! i’m also surprised that so many people are liking it 🥺🥺🥺 this is a picture of my notes (masterlist) back when i just started-ish the fic in june:
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back then i was already like “omg theres so many people, let me list them down so i don’t forget them” and now theres even more!!!! so amazing honestly, it’s a good thing EHALOJ will be continuing for a long time :,))) i can’t wait to show everyone the different arcs hehe.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep22
I was pleasantly surprised that this was one of the best balanced eps concerning tohru as of yet!! They touched upon her being mom-figure in the first half but proceeded to humanize her afterward, depicting her as normal girl!, frustrated, vulnerable & somewhat silently struggling. I was right in my prediction that the moment yuki lets go of mom-tohru image, the show will too!! I’m happy!! finally, No more angels in the sky. But only real tohru with flaws, ugliness & humanity.
-Yuki’s acceptance of past feelings & change towards new ones:
The show is aware that they’ve been using the fake love-triangle initially but it actually has an explanation within the story. Yuki is attracted to tohru, so much, but it isn’t romantic at all. his attempts in “correcting” how he perceived her didn’t set right with him & he felt weirded out more! The show brilliantly depicted these “flirty scenes” with a hint of uneasiness. Yuki’s lines/ moves felt cringey & artificial “do you like my act, princess”,”I’ll kidnap you”, being encouraged by Aya to compliment tohru as a boy should. The signs are all there except not in your face, & the writer deserves praise!! Yuki, being perceptive, was able to reach such conclusion, not only by looking into himself, but by also at looking how kyo interacted with her, differently from him. Kyo sees tohru as a woman & is attracted to her romantically & altho kyo’s words & interactions with tohru lacks princely smoothness & have a hint of awkwardness, it was natural, genuine & spontaneous. Kyo didn’t put on an act or forced himself to flirt or deliberately chose words to impress tohru. Yuki was able to notice tohru only looked romantically towards kyo. Yuki used all his observations to reach another conclusion abt himself too!!! What he wants in a relationship is sth similar to kyo/tohru!! Mutual & equal relationship. He won’t be satisfied by one-sidedly giving or taking.
-The Author’s brilliance in writing traumatic-based behavior ( Kyo/yuki’s best interaction!! ) :
-an anon cryptically warned me that I’ll be disappointed in kyo this ep cuz of a certain scene with yuki. After watching it, I can tell you without a doubt I’m not disappointed at all!! Rather I’m beyond satisfied that I’ve decided to trust the author. Ms. Takya is genius in depicting traumatic-based behavior! Any other writer, would write the scene less raw, yuki would still shine defeating his inner demos, but kyo would only grunt, or say sth mild. cuz the writer might fear that it might risk showing kyo as the stupid guy behind in his growth compared to the successful yuki ,or annoy the readers/viewers who are so eager for these boys to reach mutual ground. Only a great writer will be brave enough to write kyo as his trauma/ faulty copying mechanism logically dictates!
-We spent an entire season with yuki, saw him yell at kakeru’s insensitive hurtful remarks, cry knowing he was saved cuz a friend risked freeing him, it took a locked dark room, paint fumes, PTSD, tons of monologues before yuki finally let it all out! & you want such brilliant writer to make kyo turn around & be nice to yuki all of a sudden after episodes of fights & no perspective insight? You bet such amazing writer will give kyo’s perspective its time & his development the logical progress he needs. This writer is all abt logical & realistic progression! whether positive or even negative, the characters will come across human, raw, realistic & real during & after their journey.
- Going through kyo/yuki’s dialogue, it will tell you that furuba is NOT abt friendship saving the day, or abt successful growth. It is abt the journey these traumatized children are undergoing now that they are nearly becoming young adults. Yuki’s journey was amazing not cuz he succeeded (as amazingly as this is) but cuz it made sense from his perspective, was realistic, logical, matched his coping mechanism & character traits & it took the needed time. Now for kyo, all his reactions should match his perspective, & make sense giving his coping mechanism. He wasn’t given time yet. so, he won’t grow much yet. “Making a fool of me?” kyo didn’t see yuki’s perspective abt the hat. he thinks yuki did it on purpose to taunt him.That HE saved tohru while kyo fails as always. “Praised by others, needed by them” Kyo like everybody in school, always thought yuki is a prince, loved, & admired. Kyo is not the audience, he didn’t see yuki’s struggle.”surpass me easily while I struggle” kyo may train for years with tears & blood, but the rat will beat him always cuz he is superiors. “an idiot that never gets anything, wants an idiotic impossible thing” “if only I gave birth to the rat, I’d ve been happier” kyo’s mom wished or the impossible. So did kyo. He wished that he’d prove to her that he can be the rat’s equal. She shouldn't have died becuz of him. An impossible wish.
-I personally think that kyo’s journey will take a different path from yuki’s. Unlike yuki, kyo’s been accused & proved to harm others somehow, intentionally or unintentionally. Some not even in this world anymore. So there are things in kyo’s journey that can’t be fixed. Nothing will bring his mom or kyoko back to life. He can’t apologize to them. There is NO forgiveness here as kyoko said!. Hence, the writer will brilliantly make kyo fall so hard & reach rock bottom so bad before he stands up again!! It matches his personality too!! He’s a person who struggles in expressing himself verbally, gets overwhelmed with emotions, stubborn, hard on himself & fiery in nature. Moreover, due to his trauma, he harbors very low self-esteem & due to his guilt, he is drenched in self-loath.
-The addiction of destructive coping mechanism ( Writing Brilliancy):
Kyo has one of the most destructive coping mechanism in the show. Similarly to what his father did by illogically dumping all the blame of the mom’s suicide on 4 year old child, which resulted in hurting kyo, kyo adopted his dad’s ways & dumped it all on yuki. Illogical. wrong. but it works!! it numbs this tingling sense of guilt, it puts the voice that goes “ you’re unforgivable” temporarily to sleep. All the hate is on someone else. not me. I’m not a monster. does it work all the time? NO. cuz NO drug does! All drugs has this temporary effect, that unless you break away from, will end up destroying you. “don’t you want it that way? you wouldn’t want to have anyone to hate?“  I’m still confused if this is kyoko or his mom. It has kyoko’s hair, the words are very harsh. Kyoko from kyo’s perspective shifts between extremely kind & cruelly harsh! but regardless, the truth has been spoken. Kyo’s eyes are opened. He can’t force blind himself anymore. he does NOT hate yuki. he “ acts like hating yuki is sth you needs to do”, as shigure said! hating yuki is his way to escape from his destructive self-loath. He hasn’t been hating or fighting yuki for a long while, he tries now, one more fight, one more dose of the drug, let the pain go away! Nope. Yuki is not participating, yuki is in the light now. You are drenched in the darkness, as unforgivable as you are. Monster eyes & all. Kyo breaks the window to break away from the memory. from this point on, it escalates to rock bottom as the drug is no longer working & hating himself with no escape is all he’s left with.
-Protecting leading to hurting:
yuki brings kyo attention that while he’s been hard on himself & resisting change, he is hurting tohru. Sth kyo chose confinement in oder to NOT do. Kyo being distant from class activities “life” is his choice. Tohru suffering is a consequence to that choice. Kyo, once again, overwhelmed by tohru’s desire to include him in their activities “ life”. Helplessly & painfully looking at her & acknowledging yuki’s words. Kyo in one of his most vulnerable moments, matched only by true form hug scene, is desperate for a hug. Not only cuz he loves her, but cuz he needs her, cuz he’s so tried of himself, cuz she’s so endearingly stupid waiting for him all by herself when she could’ve easily caught him home!! Ugh! tohru! T_T. Except this time, kyo is aware of his surroundings, it’s school, no place for transformation. As kyo decides to change his position from hug to head rest, he stares so intently in her eyes. Embracing her with his presence. For a moment there I felt weird. Like I was intruding on a personal moment between two ppl. XD. This moment was this excellently weird mix of tenderly romantic, bittersweet cuz they cant be together hug, & sexually tensed! one of the most successful kyoru moment that truly depicted emotions visually without needing much dialogue!
Side Notes:
kyo/yuki interaction was their most honest, filter-free & raw moment! each said what he really felt. yuki’s directly telling kyo to complain to him, which kyo did. yuki urging kyo to see that punishing himself hurts tohru.
I appreciate that Yuki won’t tell tohru now, cuz it will ruin their progress towards a better balanced relationship. Tohru’s lid hasn’t even been touched, so she would be cautious interacting with him. But once she opens her lid, her self-worth increase & her desire to focus on herself more is ignited!, she’ll listen to him without taking his burden as hers. just like kakeru did. Equal friends.
I wanted to talk deeper abt machi & yuki, but didn’t want it to be overshadowed by kyo’s analysis. Next time for sure!
I love how the writer included the most spontaneous flirting moment between kyo & tohru right after yuki explained that he saw her non-romantically. The writer wants the comparison to be clear cutting ties to any love-triangle misunderstanding that might linger from previous scenes. Moreover, it showed yuki fully & genuinely accepting kyoru!!
I’ll never be over tohru acting like normal teenager & chasing kyo, trying to catch the script!!!! These small moments while having not much effect on the grand plot, help depict tohru with her own feisty style of stubbornness beyond the one-sided kind image we always see.
This ep has well-written & visually appealing scenes. Visual imagery were well-implemented in kyo/yuki scene & kyo/tohru last scene.
Thank you anime for drawing tohru older, pretty & more mature in the final scene. She looked like a woman in love & silently in pain. My baby is growing!
Why is kyoko holding the hat in KYO’s flashback!!!! she’s wearing the same white dress from yuki’s memory?? What the heck is the hat’s story?!!!
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