#going to start reading right now. loved the ep cause i love law and kid and big mom a lot and the animation went bonkers. absolutely amazin
sualne · 10 months
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ive caught up with the anime, episode 1066 was fucking insane and its my favorite so far.
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storiesofsvu · 20 days
happy thursday hoes. time for some law and some order
Well fuck…what an opening..
“but there are definitely still traces of blood” girl… that hammer is COATED wtf…
I would like to point out that the way Kate runs her squad is the legit way that squads run. The CO (whether it be captain, lieutenant or sarge) is gonna stay in the office, they’re piled up with paperwork, the brass, putting out fires, they’re not out in the field…. Like svu. Ugh. I’m already not prepared for svu tonight, I’ve been watching through velasco’s eps and his older seasons were so good, esp compared to this year…
So we’re really doing this Ukraine surrogate/adoption plot line again, hey?
(I mean it is slightly different so far but like, it’s the same idea, right lol)
Samantha crushing it in the wardrobe dept as per usual
I like this new DA so much more than mccoy. Sorry not sorry.
I haven’t been paying too much attention to what’s going on (surprise) BUT, wtf does this case have to do with the grand jury that was taking place at the beg of the ep? With the girl all “he doesn’t know I’m here, right?” like, that girl was the murder vic? Or am I on crack? What is the connection?!
Uugggh… saaaammm my baby just needs a HUUUGGG
Okay, im actively not watching Toronto, see ya in an hour for svu.
Starting off with some personal, at home comfort. This is what we’ve been asking for forever (now give us rollisi at home pls).
“I googled you”
Okay so we finally did get noah discovering where he came from. Woof.
Olivia kinda sucks at parenting sometimes. Like… he’s a kid, he’s an *adopted* kid who already knows about gramma Sheila and ellie… he’s gonna be curious, he’s gonna wonder, also what kid HASN’T snooped through their parents private things? Like yeah it’s not ideal… it’d be best for him to ask you a question and you slowly reveal into things or whatever but we all know she just would’ve shut him down right away anyways.
Lowkey love those heart lights in noahs room, ngl.
I’m not gonna lie. If it was olivia I’d be more concerned about him knowing/reading about William lewis and all the shit that went down than finding out johnny d was his dad…
You know what I think? I think this would be a great time to call you bestie amanda and have her over for a bottle of wine while you talk this through and see what jessie knows about her dad/how amanda’s gonna approach that. Also like, does billie just think sonny’s her dad or does she know? LOL. But will that happen? Obviously not.
Okay you know what, carisi is the second best bet so I’ll take this.
Olivia really needs to catch a fucking break
Carisi you sit like a whore. But we already knew that.
Is there not a way to trace this call? Or like, I know the phone is about to die but like…find my iphone even works on dead phones…use the stepmoms phone rn to find out where she is. Easy fix. Use your brains.
Man… parents on these shows are always so fucking trusting of their kids and they think they know everything about them. Like...what world are we living in?
Awweeee lil carisi back in cop mode!
Girl… you barely looked in that one, that’s not clear
Me: where do I know this actor playing the step mom from?
Checks imbd: ah. She’s been on svu as a diff character before. Of course.
We love a good parent who immediately offers up all their money to pay ransom of their kids bff with no question.
I swear to god it wasn’t raining 5 seconds ago.. I get that these are likely filmed on diff days but that really came outta nowhere
Olivia’s drenched and velasco’s barely wet… wtf lol
Oh god she’s really about to go feral isn’t she?  Like, even velasco’s nervous af.
That’s exactly what I knew he was gonna say. Like, liv should’ve just said she was dead.
Okay what about the other three perps? Where are they?
JESUS FUCK. Velasco… be mean to me. yell at me.. degrade me. jfc.
Okay I love that when she told Velasco to put the perp in her car he was all “uh… that a good idea boss?” kinda unsure thing but as soon as she started going feral he was just all “yup. Okay. I know how to do this.” And was totally on board. That’s my boi
“youre lucky im not in IAB anymore” damn right bitch.
That’s a cozy ass looking sweater liv has on and I want it
He already knows about ellie…why are we starting there?
I can’t wait until this conversation sparks a “hey… can we go see grama Sheila? Is she still sick?” and liv THEN has to explain that gramma Sheila is in fact in JAIL because she kidnapped him
Okay… that episode was honestly really good. It was a nice balance of the at home/personal lives and the case.
OC time.
Pls god have a last time on cause I do not remember what was happening… baby bro joe was doing heroine? That’s all I remember
Is this his apartment or elliots apt? it looks similar but also I like it better lol.
Bernie is a blessing to this show.
Elliot all “an intervention?” as if they didn’t host one for him like two years ago?
Also I JUST watched the ep with Muncy’s brother this week and that actor is baby boy joe stabler so this is throwing me off.
 “we don’t do that…” jet. Another fucking legend on this show
SO glad Bell’s back.
Clearly im not paying attention to this ep in case anyone’s wondering (and yes, it is because it’s a stabler ep…)
Leave it to stabler to be there less than 5 mins before beating someone
Thank god bell had bobby with her cause homegirl had a cane last week, there’d be no way she should be on a foot chase rn. Lol
Omg jet and bobby UC yet AGAIN. I fucking love it.
Jet being absolutely the person that likely annoys the hell outta her, love that. 
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nicomrade · 3 years
🥰 pls go off about miss fujiko....
you know that thing that goes "everything is sex except sex which is power"? miss fujiko understood that perfectly and she knows love is control and she needs control over her own life. and i think her 'femme fatale' characterization and her 'business woman' characterization get to that same thing, it's just that one has her get control through her Female Qualities and the other has her get it through Money. she girlbosses gaslights gatekeeps because shes not going to be made to feel small/powerless (again?) and well, who doesnt want things to go their way. who doesnt want to be in charge. who doesnt like to make the law bend under their boot. who doesnt like to feel powerful, important, feared.
and i think ok so i dont have an opinion on her backstory cause i think it fits her a lot to not have any of her past really Defined cause, who IS fujiko mine? where does the liar and manipulator end and where does the person begin? is it even worth it to make a distinction? and its made obvious in the 3rd episode of her mini series cause here she is under a fake name and a wig looking after kids (fujiko doesnt like kids) being a Nice Woman Lady and she befriends goemon that way and then she reveals shes actually Fujiko Mine, evil liar deceitful manipulator etc and its like well . . . . fujiko no offense but arent both of those personas? didnt you show some of your true colors while wearing the wig and arent you lying with your hair down? arent you both the mask and the wearer? isnt there a middleground, a compromise between the two identities? arent you just buying into the misogyny thats been projected onto you? neither madonna nor whore etc etc etc
AND... ok i have 2 more things i wanna bring up the first one is really quick so she hums and sings kinda often all things considered right? in part 1 ep 2 shes introduced singing in the shower (sorry about that scene btw) and in part 2 she befriends nessie (!!) because shes singing and the cryptid likes it, theres more exemple of this kinda thing. so my little head canon is that her dream job/fantasy job/whatever is to be a musical actress? like shes happy being a thief/spy/etc and if she wasnt one she prolly would do something else but she leans against her bike sometime and thinks well thatd be neat wouldnt it..... Performing... doing her little songs... in pretty costumes... on a stage......
i was gonna bring up her backstory episode frm part 1 but i already told you about it like 3 times so ... im still kinda mad about how part 5 wrote her cause like yeas good explore her relationship w lupin pogger but also dont make it look like SHES the one left wondering about the others feelings. its like. eveyrone knows lupin loves her he tells her every morning and zenigata knows it and everyone knows it SHES the one sending mixed signals (queen behavior) with a complicated relationship with sexuality (due to using it as a weapon/tool like dont even get me started on how her refusing to kiss lupin CAN be read as her refusing to TRICK him because she uses her sexuality to TRICK people and its become so hard to dissociate the two) wtf was i saying. OH YE AND SO HER asking HIM what his feelings for her are is out of character and nonsensical he shouldve been the one to be like "hey fujicakes so u saved my life this is poggers and all but i havent seen you in 9months, last time you said you needed space from me and now ure just flirting like nothing happened? what the fuck?" and her arc being you know. . . . having to be honest with people for once in her life wouldve been way more interesting than putting her in a literal cage in a wedding dress sitting on her ass :)
BUT i dont wanna make it look like her whole character is tied to lupie they couldve gone w something entirely different too. what if they made her pass the bechdel test for once PLEASE give her homoerotic interactions with the (adult) npc girl this time please please please youre NOTHING
IN CONCLUSION: I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore / I just know that I'm harder to console / I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me / But the key is a question of control (depeche mode a pain that im used to)
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BNHA/MHA First Watch-Through Notes
these are... stupid... and... a mess. bc I am stupid and a mess. you have had your warning. I didn’t even go back and skim through this when I was done I’m just releasing these little bastard thoughts into the void they’re not my problem now
I’m watching dubbed btw
I know, I know... it’s the only one I have access to rn tho
I... do not know how to feel about funimation’s new intro?
well I guess it’s not really new but
listen I haven’t watched anything of funimation’s since the og fruits basket ok I’m used to the DUN-DUN *funimation* ((....you should be watching))
he is. babie. green babie.
but also why do these small children have such wild hair colors
I mean I’m here for it
I just wasn’t expecting it
so this is the famous deku
I’m guessing this is like a flashback or memory or something?
I missed the bully’s name
speaking of the bullies, they changed order? It was wings, fire, stretchy hands, but now it’s fire, stretchy hands, wings. I know that they probably wanted to show the “leader” closest and that’s why but,,
also wtf?? these are kids. like bullies should not be a thing, I think we can all agree on that, but yeah, it’s gonna happen. but these kids are, what? eight? nine? maybe their powers (’quirks,’ whatever) aren’t super powerful yet, but this blonde kid has fire powers. has nobody talked to them about just how dangerous this is? forget roughing the other two up or intimidating them or giving them a hard time, this could genuinely escalate and get way out of hand super fast, and someone could get seriously injured.
oof. boy is dead.
this eight year old (purple hair) sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
that wasn’t purple kid?? that was current deku???
then this fourteen year old sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
also they were four?
jeepers heckin criminey who starts beating people up at four years old
have to say though, I loved that sky-to-puddle transition
jiminey fucking crickets I’m not even a minute into the episode these notes are going to be stupidly long I’m sorry
!! I love his little skipping-dance thing when he’s impatient at the crosswalk!
alright... I’ll admit it... his character design is pretty adorable
also tf is that thing
it looks half shark half poorly drawn dog
I mean I get it’s probably a person and that’s their quirk or whatever but
did this kid just run all the way across the city just to watch this guy start shit at the station so he could see the heroes take him down??
I mean respect tbh but also priorities kid
also I really appreciate that the cops are just kind of calmly directing everyone and everyone else is just kind of chillin like “oh. another villain. that’s too bad.” like tbh that’s one of the things that always kind of annoys me about movies and shows like this where there’s like repeatedly villain attacks because yes they are scary, especially when you’re caught up in them, but if you’re just kind of there and not directly in the action or being directly threatened, then why are you freaking out? you’ve lived in this city for how long? there’s an attack every, what, two days? this isn’t routine for you by now?
I started this like 15 min ago and am only like a minute and a half into the ep smh
ngl this intro kinda pops off
that hero guy seemed... kind of evil lookin tho
love the animation oml
also the lyrics to this are great???
“and they were narrative foils” “oh my god they were narrative foils”
k ngl rewinding real quick bc I missed some of the intro and there’s always so much fun stuff to see and unpack in those
also I wanna read all the lyrics
k so I was wondering this before but I’m just gonna say it... why does the hero guy have rabbit ears
alright character designs lookin p fire so far
last guy I keep missing but he kind of looks like steven universe?? idk I still have to watch that show too tbh so,,,
does the big hero guy turn into a giant bird?
oh that intro got me excited for this
these characters look so lit!!
“the first incident?” so this isn’t just like a natural factor of their world? it hasn’t always been going on? there was, like, a definitive start to it all? was that kid really the first incident or the first one they noticed? was that actually the first incident or is it just like the commonly told first incident, like an old myth/legend/folktale/old wive’s tale?
interesting that it started with a baby and then moved to people of all ages?
oh they don’t know the cause of the quirks? interesting
((why do I feel like finding out the answer to that is gonna be like A Big Thing™ at some point in the series))
I really like the visuals they put with this exposition?? idk why it’s just,,, very appealing
also his voice is very nice to listen to tbh, so that’s a definite plus
I hate it when the main character’s voice is super annoying
but like how long ago was it that this started? he just said “before long”
I like that in this universe they actually acknowledge that hey comic books are a thing and this whole superheroes/villains/powers thing is kind of ridiculous bc it’s legit like playing out scenes straight from those comic books but also this is real life and it’s actually happening and really does pose a lot of danger and complications to a lot of people, so we’re going to treat it as something real and serious and affecting us
I might’ve spoken too soon but I really hope they don’t blow that mindset
I feel like too often superhero shows/movies just either completely gloss over the effects this stuff has on society as a whole, or it’s like a completely new thing for them, like there’s never been the concept of a fictional superhero or a comic book there before.
“was an age of heroes”??? oh no what happens
k but why is this guy dressed like the ‘do not cross’ lines
kind of a lame hero costume tbh :/
why. does he have. sleeves. but no shirt.
edna mode would never do you like that honey go see her
“Death Arms”?? what kind of alias is that?? also wouldn’t it make more sense for arms to be uncovered than his chest, then??
“The Punching Hero”
I’m sorry I Cannot take this guy seriously
asdkfdls idk why but this firehose guy really reminds me of that one alchemist from fmab with the top hat and the monocle and the peg leg that spun like a top and Scar murked
“rescue specialist” see?? that makes sense!! it makes me so happy that they’re actually thinking more about the worldbuilding and how dangerous scenarios would work if 80% of the population had powers of different kinds, beyond “big bad guy meet big good guy. punch punch good guy wins”
also dear god thank you for putting someone on crowd control I know I was just saying it was great these people weren’t really treating this like the end of the world and it is good that they were mostly staying back by themselves but. they were still standing very close to an ongoing fight. priorities, people. self preservation. they are things. that I do not believe most people in superhero universes have in the slightest.
aww he’s too short
(but is he shorter than edward elric)
((do we know))
(((somebody please tell me if this information is available)))
alsdfkj l;a that guy calling in late bc the train got held up by the villain... do you think that’s another equivalent of “oh...I’m...sick... yeah, totally, I’m sick” and “my dog ate my homework” to them? “there was a villain attack” or “some idiot on my block decided to show off their quirk and it got out of hand”
ope Big Hero™ is here
...why am I surprised that they have fans?? I mean I guess that makes sense they’re basically celebrities and public figures right?
okay Big Hero™ is Kamui got it
wait no that is not the Big Hero™
but they are another hero and their name is Kamui got it
“Kamui Woods” ok that’s actually helpful I was gonna ask what his skin was supposed to be bc I didn’t think it was scales and it does look kind of like bark... Now going to take that as permission to assume it’s the latter
kamui kind of reminds me of some pokemon but I’m not sure which one?? I’m sorry idk pokemon v well but thy def remind me of one of them
“...a fAnBOY” he looks and sounds like he just tricked someone into confessing to murder why is he so smug about that smh
you know what. speaking of. I don’t get why everyone views being a fan of something/someone as something to be embarrassed or ashamed about?? why do people make fun of other people for it? why do we treat it like some big dark secret we try to hide? when did liking something become a bad thing? like?? sorry I have hobbies and interests and you don’t? sorry I think this person is talented? sorry I thought this book was life-changing? sorry I listen to this album so much because it’s good? sorry this show made me laugh during a really rough time? like goddamn it’s nobody’s business what you like unless you’re trying to force it on you when you’ve asked them to stop or it’s hurting someone? if they’re being safe and respectful about it for everyone involved then there shouldn’t be a problem? stop making people feel like freaks or be scared to enjoy something just a little too much? just let people have good things in life and consume the media that makes them happy? it has little to no effect on you? I don’t get why it’s you’re problem?? sorry to get all soapboxy this is something that’s always really annoyed me
does kamui have flowers on their belt
k but isn’t wood like... really easy to break tho
I mean... comparatively speaking?
“illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic” alsfjsadlkf
wait so he’s listing charges for the guy, does that mean heroes are officially licensed here and can actually arrest people? and... actually work with law enforcement?? gasp no wait but I thought that was impossible except for The One Officer On The Inside That The Hero Has Convinced Of Their Cause™
hold up... “assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic... you are the incarnation of evil” ...bro chill lmao
I mean those aren’t good things but,,,, buddy “evil” can get so much worse holy shit sunflower child has no idea what’s in store for them
the show can do a hell of a lot even if they decide not to go that dark
well deku did say he was new
also off topic but I just looked it up and DEKU IS HALF A FOOT TALLER THAN ED
he’d probably get along well w al though so ed would have to like him anyways
ok but back to bnha
ope kamui just got upstaged
but honestly?? he was actin a lil cocky and she seems like a queen so I ain’t mad about it
oh great creeps are everywhere apparently
just. more worldbuilding that I appreciate.
jfc they muzzled him?
ok i wasn’t that mad about kamui being upstaged (idk why I kinda like the guy) but now she’s acting a little too cocky for me and I feel kind of bad for Death Arms and Backdraft (?) because they definitely do deserve at least a little credit
yes. official. overseen by the government. I’m not saying it’s necessarily a good idea bc I’m not getting into the whole mess the MCU basically did regarding that, but it really does add to the worldbuilding and making it seem more realistic/draw you in a little more because you can bet that would be a thing that would actually happen in some capacity if such a large percentage of the population had superpowers, and crime was at an all-time high at the same time, with normal methods without powers likely not doing much to combat that, and it being even harder because everyone’s is different
wow so they really do have roles similar to celebrities huh?
I actually love how he’s analyzing the new hero
that’s!! the good!!! nerdery!!!!
ngl thought that guy was gonna be like “well that’s never gonna happen” lmao glad he didn’t turn out to be an asshole
this guy’s hair and his sweater need an upgrade
I’m sorry honey it’s just not a Look™
I mean ngl I’d probably wear it but also I am the absolute last person to look to for a good idea of fashion so
wow we hate asshole teachers
this kid’s hair grows wtf
they seriously just break out their quirks when they get annoyed?? I mean me too probably but
oh wait he’s not totally an asshole
but that still is kind of a dick move because even if it seems really really likely that most of them do, a lot of them probably feel like that’s just what’s expected of them or that that’s their best bet at an ok life, or they don’t think they’ll actually be able to get a career as a hero, and he has to know that there are kids (or at least one) in his class who don’t have powers and who will probably be shut down at every turn on that career track??
also what is it with the absurd number of people whose hair grows/flys/whatever and whose hands change chape and/or elongate
the girl who just throws up the rock n roll sign is my favorite
also why does this teacher remind me of gilderoy lockhart
I get that his eye thing is part of his quirk... but does he face no consequences health-wise from putting his grubby fingers all over his eyeballs?? you don’t know where your hands have been
the famed bakugo
we finally meet
you seem like a cocky asshole and if I remember correctly you have firepowers
you know who else seemed like cocky assholes and one point or another and had firepowers??
roy mustang and zuko
and one of those guys is an awkward, angry turtleduck, and the other one is a rightly smug bastard who succeeded in pulling a coup on the government who was surveilling him and holding half his team hostage
so yeah I have a feeling I’m gonna like this guy
at some point
it might take a while
“the only place worthy of me” oh dear
All Might!! Big Hero™ has a name!!
oh being a hero solely bc you want to be rich and popular? lame
aklsdfsjaslkfd teach just callin deku out in front of everyone
it was nice having you as a main character for eight whole minutes I’m sorry you have to face death-by-embarrassment you deserved better
bakugo doesn’t want anyone stealin his thunder
lemme guess deku is also his Main Rival™ or at least will be
awwwww poor guy
how much you wanna bet he gets the highest scores in all the exams bc he studies the heroes so much and that’s how he gets in
that lady got forcefields for her quirk? damn she lucked out
“this cash is mine” *drops cash*
are all the heroes like fine mt. lady can deal w the guy she keeps stealing all our credit anyway so there’s no point??
....is that all might?
k but... y’all should be taking notes on the heroes too if you want a better chance at that career and better schools for it? I know they’re probably making fun of it bc he doesn’t have a quirk but still
also I find it really interesting that the kids all act like the quirks are absolutely everything but at that scene on the street earlier people were complaining about missing the days they didn’t have to worry about “every rando w a quirk” or something... like maybe it’s because the kids grew up w it? Idk just the difference in mindset between (presumably) generations seems cool to look into
wow we love bullies so much
no we don’t pls stop you’re not as cool as you think you are
alright bakugo you’ve definitely moved onto my shitlist for the moment
don’t stay there
well you know what they say about greatness... some people are destined for it, yeah, but some become it, and some have it thrust upon them
cliches are there for a reason buddy
and either way... I could be wrong but... there doesn’t seem like anything great or heroic about bullying people... I mean idk that’s just my opinion but
god I hope they eat bakugo alive at ua
deku I know you’re a sunshine child but you have to get in now. you have to. out of pure spite. please.
yeah, friend 1b is right buddy...
destroy him deku
oh suicide jokes huh
bakugo you’re on thin fucking ice you’ve just moved way up in my shit list
wow I hate him <3
I hate it when shows have someone make a suicide joke like that and just? no one addresses it?? or the characters don’t seem to realize that it needs addressing, at least to themselves??? so this is refreshing
voiced my thoughts exactly
he really is an idiot
he really is a jerk deku you’re right
awww little deku is so cute
alright I’m gonna make a prediction
this is his mom right
is this gonna be
dead anime mom?
and lemme guess she always told him she was sure he’d be a hero/she knew he’d become one, and then she died, and that’s why he’s so set on it
probably not
but just... placing my bets now
w h a t  is this child doing
he’s a hair’s breadth away from head-desking
are we... just gonna... ignore that robbery that was happening on the street a few minutes ago
alsdkjf;lsjk I feel bad for him but also,,, that transition was gold
but also the face his mom made before he started laughing... she knew he probably wouldn’t get one didn’t she
but why do they assume it won’t happen if they don’t get it by a certain age? they said after that baby people all around the world were getting powers, and showed people of all different ages when they said so. that implies that they got those powers at those ages, after the baby was born but not when they were children themselves? like yeah there’s probably some point where you’d consider them “aged out” and therefore less likely to get a quirk but... she just said he’s in kindergarten.
fourth generation? so the appearance of quirks isn’t a super recent thing then
they can tell if someone is going to manifest a quirk or is starting to by looking at x-rays?
also I know I’m seriously overusing the word “interesting” but
maybe I’m reading too far into this but it’s also kind of interesting that his father and his (current) main antagonist have such similar powers?
OH!!!! lore drop!! kind of!!! that’s a really interesting (wow there it is again) thing they chose to be an indicator for that kind of thing in this universe
*cue izuku contemplating chopping off his pinky toes*
I feel like... all might’s... not gonna be that great....
also ngl when little deku’s eyes are wide and he doesn’t move he looks really creepy and kind of like a child-sized doll
like pinocchio
how sure are we that deku isn’t made of wood
hmmmmmmmmm I do love this animation
ah Internal Angst™
the fuck is that laughter??
skin suit? no thanks
but guess we aren’t ignoring that earlier scene
yeah all might’s in the city alright
he’s gonna break this up isn’t he
yepppppp that’s him
idk I think alex louise armstrong did it better sorry bud :/
“texas smash”??
he just... punched liquid apart
this kid’s still gonna go flying and hit the ground hard buddy thanks for your help
oh he stuck around
and he’s not hurt too bad
he’s using the city’s sewer system being difficult to navigate as his excuse for why he wasn’t paying attention to keeping bystanders safe like he “usually” does?
the armstrongs do the sparkle better
a;ldkfsdlfls this is really funny to watch ngl
“that’s... a pretty good point.” yeah no shit lmao
I love how he’s just. awkwardly patting deku.
yeah he’s gonna end up accidentally adopting this kid isn’t he
is he hurt?? or did the other guy actually take him over while deku was unconscious??
nah I think he’s just hurt I’m p sure he really did get the guy
but still
that was... a big boom.... that’s not good
he’s just.... abandoning this kid on the rooftop??
but also he probably really does have to go if blood is coming out of his mouth
do heroes in this universe have secret identities?
I feel like yes but also no??
watch as this guy’s like “I don’t have a quirk either” and he’s just. like. an armstrong or something
that or he’s gonna crush this kid’s dreams and be like “no, it’s not possible” and I will be forced to ensure deku becomes the most successful hero ever out of Even More Pure Spite™ even if he idolizes the guy
oh yeah he’s gonna get his dreams crushed
hmm this outro kinda slaps too
overall feelin good, like it so far, definitely think I won’t have trouble continuing watching at least for now
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 26: A Side is Born Part 1: Virgil’s Pregnancy
Today is one year since the first episode of this story inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders and Joan S. was released. I figured I had to do something special to celebrate it and I decided to try something new. And I decided to do something that hasn’t been done even on the original Sanders Sides: a five part epic serialized story starring the Sides.
The fun fact is that this originally started as a regular entry and the idea of a multipart episode came when I wrote the ending. And yes, the title is quite revealing. A new original Side is joining the story and it’s gonna be Roman and Virgil’s son. They’re not human so why not making a male pregnancy possible in this universe? I hope you enjoy this silly opening for this story which will be released on a weekly basis. So, until next week.
WARNINGS: The story features a physical childbirth with the struggles and pain usually associated with it, including a scene of vomiting, if it could be a trigger. Existential doubts for Virgil are to be found in the story too. Also romantic prinxiety and logicality, and a brief hint to romantic receipt played for laughs. Because yes, Remus appears, but he’s an ally in the story. This doesn’t prevent him from doing his anctics of course.
SYNOPSIS: Thomas feels strangely nervous, so he feels something’s wrong with Virgil. He’s sick and nauseous and his belly starts growing so they all deduce that Virgil must be pregnant. Now they wonder how this happened and Virgil has doubts about if he’s gonna be a good parent or not.
[Thomas is reading from his cell phone]
THOMAS: Merci… Gracias… Grazie… Go raibh maith agat… Efharisto… Danke schön… Tack så mycket… Dank je wel… Hvala… [noticing the camera] Oh, there you are. What am I doing, you say? Well, I’m learning how to say “Thank you” in as many European languages as I can. Soon I’ll be traveling to Europe and I want everyone to understand at least that from me… The next thing I’ll learn will be how to say “I love you”. What? That’s so me, you say? Well, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and I’m grateful and proud of having you as my wonderful followers, the best followers anyone could ever ask for… but I don’t know what you mean by “that’s so me”.
[intro sequence]
THOMAS: What is up, everybody? Today hasn’t been a really good day. I don’t know why, but I have been feeling on the edge all day. Really, really nervous, and I don’t know why, cause we didn’t have specially stressful projects today. Well, I guess you know what comes next. If an emotion of mine spirals out of control, I have the advantage of being able to talk to that emotion face to face, so here we go. Virgil? Could you come here, please?
[Virgil rises up. He looks pale and sick]
VIRGIL: What do you want… [retches] Thomas?
THOMAS: Whoa… Are you okay, Virge? You look sick…
VIRGIL: Very observant, detective Sanders… I’ve been feeling awful today.
ROMAN: [rising up] Why didn’t you tell me any of this, my love?
VIRGIL: I didn’t want to concern you, Roman. Probably it’s just something I’ve eaten that’s not agreeing with my stomach.
ROMAN: Still, my duty as your husband is taking care of you when you’re feeling bad. I thought we had agreed on not hiding things from each other.
VIRGIL: Don’t worry, Roman, I’m sure this is not serious.
PATTON: [rising up] What is this about not feeling well, son?
VIRGIL: Oh… don’t worry, dad, I’m…
[Virgil can’t end his statement, as he suddenly turns around and starts loudly vomiting off-screen. Faces of disgust are shown from each of the Sides and Thomas]
THOMAS: Oh, my gosh…
ROMAN: It… It’s the first time that I see… magenta vomit?
PATTON: It would be cute if it wasn’t so disgusting…
THOMAS: What the heck did you have for breakfast today, Virgil, a bag of ink cartridges?
VIRGIL: [turning front] Do you think I am Remus or something? I’m sorry for this mess, Thomas. I… I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I didn’t eat anything unusual today.
ROMAN: I don’t know… Could it be indigestion over too much eating?
VIRGIL: What do you mean?
ROMAN: Well, I’m sorry, my love, I didn’t want to say it, but… I think you’re gaining a bit of weight lately.
ROMAN: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, but… look at your belly.
[Virgil looks at his belly. His purple shirt is too tight on it]
ROMAN: Your delicious abs are gone right now. Don’t get me wrong. I love that chubby belly and I’ll love you in any body shape, but I’m just worried about how you’ve gone chubby so suddenly.
VIRGIL: [angry] I’m not chubby! And I’m not fat, for the record! It’s just the belly what has got thicker! [suddenly outbursts crying] Why you have to be so rude!?
[Virgil starts crying, sobbing, with both hands covering his face]
ROMAN: [scared] I’m sorry! I’m sorry, my love! I’m sorry!
THOMAS: Morning nausea, protuberant belly, irritability and emotions on the edge… Heh… It’s funny. If you weren’t a man I would say that you’ve got all the symptoms of being pregnant.
[Virgil slowly lowers his hands from his face and looks at Thomas with a face of horror]
THOMAS: [serious] Wait… don’t tell me that you can…
VIRGIL: Oh… my… goodness… [putting his hands on his belly] For the love of Gerard Way…
THOMAS: But… this is not a Sims game! Since when can a person with male reproductive organs get pregnant!?
ROMAN: [in shock] I… I didn’t know that was possible either.
VIRGIL: [stuttering] I wasn’t certain if it could be possible. But these past months I was thinking… How did Patton have me? All of us, the Sides of Thomas, are male like him, so there were only two options. Either Patton got someone pregnant who delivered me, or he got pregnant with me at some point. In any case, there was a male Side delivering me. The alternative is me being created by the Mind Palace itself, like most Sides, and therefore Patton not being my real father, which I know it can’t be true, given the special kind of love and connection that we share. I refuse to believe that Patton is not my real father. That’s out of the question.
PATTON: You are my son, Virgil. Never have any doubts about it, because the connection that exists between us both, the kind of pure, unconditional love that I feel for you and you feel for me, that wouldn’t exist otherwise. However, I’m a bit confused. By that time, I hadn’t been with anyone yet… and I haven’t got any recollection of having you through pregnancy. Is that how kids are…?
VIRGIL: Either way, it probably was so long ago that you don’t remember how it happened, just as I don’t remember being born as a Light Side, then turning Dark. [makes a sudden pause and looks at Patton with a serious face] Wait… what do you mean by “by that time”, dad? Do you mean that after I was born you have…?
ROMAN: [interrupting Virgil, nervously] Um… Thomas, I think we need Logan to shed a light to all of this, don’t you agree?
THOMAS: Yes, I’m so confused that I think my head is going to explode. I hope Logan can help us. Logan, could you come here, please!?
LOGAN: [rising up] How may I serve you, Thomas?
THOMAS: It’s not me who needs help. It’s Virgil.
LOGAN: Well, what’s the problem?
VIRGIL: I know it doesn’t make any sense and that it defies all laws of reproduction, but… I think I might be pregnant.
LOGAN: [unconcerned] Okay. How do you feel?
THOMAS: What? You think it’s completely logical that a male individual can get pregnant?
LOGAN: Well, I would find it completely illogical if Virgil was human. But he’s not, and as you know, not all laws of science apply to the Mind Palace, so in theory is perfectly possible for him to get pregnant. It is the first time that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, though. [looking furtively at Patton] That means we’ll have to take extra precautions when…
ROMAN: [nervously, looking at Logan with a murderous glance] Um… yes, Logan we all must always take precautions when. But it’s a little late for you to tell us this, don’t you think?
LOGAN: Well, you should be happy, Roman. I thought your biggest concern was your apparent inability to, following the laws of your principality, conceive a legitimate heir to the throne of Sandersia because you didn’t want to spend the rest of your life with anyone other than Virgil. Now that’s solved and you’ll get the legitimate offspring you always wanted to have while preserving your true love.
ROMAN: I… I hadn’t thought about that… But that’s right, Virge, I always wished to have offspring and you made the miracle possible. I love you.
VIRGIL: Well, I love you too, but I would have wished to know that this was possible beforehand, so that we could have planned this all more carefully.
LOGAN: First, before we continue theorizing, I think it would be best if I made a little check on Virgil to verify or counter-verify the news. It would be silly to talk about it when we don’t know yet if you’re really expecting. For all we know, it could just be a bad case of gas.
VIRGIL: I wish, but I don’t think so. Do I have to pee in a glass or something?
LOGAN: That won’t be necessary, just relax and let me do my work.
ROMAN: Won’t the shaking energy you use be dangerous for the baby, if they exist?
LOGAN: Don’t worry, I’ll be working on low power to avoid any damages to the child. Virgil open up your hoodie and lift up your shirt. I’ll need direct contact with your skin to be able to make a low-power check on you.
VIRGIL: Okay, Logan, you’re the doctor.
[Virgil opens up his hoodie and, with some difficulty as it is already too tight, he lifts his shirt up to the chest. Logan approaches Virgil and puts his hand gently on Virgil’s belly button, then starts caressing Virgil’s belly gently]
VIRGIL: It’s funny, I feel like a weird tingling sensation wherever Logan places his hand…
THOMAS: Incredible, it looks as if your belly was growing bigger by the minute as we speak… No offense, dude, I have felt that sensation myself sometimes after eating too much pizza.
LOGAN: Guys, be quiet, please. It’s harder for me to compile data while working with this low amount of power, I need silence or I won’t read anything.
THOMAS: Sorry, Logan.
[Logan slowly caresses Virgil’s belly up and down, left and right for a few seconds with a face of huge concentration. Roman, Patton and Thomas watch in expectation]
LOGAN: [taking his hand off] Okay… it’s done.
[Logan returns to his place]
VIRGIL: [on the verge of hysteria] Well, what did you see!?
LOGAN: Congratulations, guys. It’s a boy. Not surprising, though, as all Sides of Thomas share with him the same sex, gender, and attributes.
ROMAN: So, it’s true, then. We have a bun in the oven.
LOGAN: [confused, looking at the kitchen] I… I don’t think so, Roman, the oven is unlit and there are no signs of dough on the counter… And what does that have to do with this case, anyway?
THOMAS: It’s an expression, Logan, write it down on your vocab cards. Well, guys, I think we must call the others to give them the news. Deceit! Honesty! Remus!
[Deceit and Honesty rise up. Remus pops up]
DECEIT: What’s the ma… [looking in shock at Virgil, who is still with his shirt up as his now too bulging belly doesn’t let him lower it down] …what is going on here?
[Virgil summons his shirt away and zips up his wider hoodie with no shirt underneath]
VIRGIL: This is going faster than I thought. Wasn’t this supposed to last for nine months or something?
HONESTY: Nine… nine months? You mean that…?
ROMAN: Yes, guys. I don’t know how this happened, but we’re having a baby!
REMUS: Well, we’re all adults, Roman. We all know how babies do happen. [smirk] Wow, you really were hungry after these two months away from your husband! [wiggling his eyebrows] You two made the most of your time together, right?
PATTON: I didn’t know that’s what you had to do to make babies happen. I didn’t really know this thing existed until recently, so…
VIRGIL: Until recently? So you recently have…
ROMAN: [interrupting, looking at Patton with another murderous glance] Is no one going to congratulate us?
HONESTY: Of course, Roman. Congratulations!
DECEIT: Congratulations, Virgil. I… I’m happy for you.
VIRGIL: Thank you, Dee.
REMUS: That means that now I’m gonna be an uncle! [gasps realizing something] I’ll be Uncle Remus! [starts singing to the tune of the Disney song] Zeep-a-dee-doo-dah! Zeep-a-de-day! My, oh, my, what a wonderful day… [speaking] I hope you don’t pretend that I don’t exist like it happened to that other famous Uncle Remus from Disney.
THOMAS: Nah, you don’t need to worry. We already tried that and it doesn’t work. Not completely at least.
PATTON: And now not only I’m gonna be a dad! I’m gonna be a grand-dad too! I’m so happy!
[Patton jumps to hug Roman and Virgil, squeezing them a little bit. In doing so, the magenta puddle on the stairs behind Virgil is exposed]
REMUS: Wait, what is that magenta puddle behind Virgil?
[Patton goes back to his spot]
VIRGIL: [looking at the puddle] Oh, that’s right, I forgot to clean it up. I went really sick a moment ago and I puked this magenta… goo.
REMUS: It has a really pretty color… Can I eat it?
EVERYONE: [yelling at the same time] NO!!
REMUS: Ugh… But it looks so delicious… Why letting go to waste such a cute delicacy? [Virgil summons the puddle away] Okay, fine… I’ll make my own magenta puddle later. And I won’t share!
THOMAS: Thank God the vomit’s gone. I was fearing how long it was gonna take me to clean the stain off the carpet.
VIRGIL: One thing I don’t understand is… why was that vomit all magenta? I don’t get it.
LOGAN: Well, magenta is the result of mixing red and purple. Roman is red and you are purple. The Side that is inside of you, about to be born, will be magenta, for sure.
VIRGIL: [in pain, putting his hand on his belly] Aw!
ROMAN: [scared] What was that, Virgil! Are you okay?
VIRGIL: I… I think so… He moved inside me, and kicked me really hard from my insides. It was so weird…
ROMAN: Seriously, Logan. How can this go so fast? This morning he was having the first nausea and now he looks as if he was six months pregnant already!
LOGAN: Well, as I told you, we’re not human. Maybe instead of nine months, Virgil’s pregnancy will be only nine hours. Probably less, judging how fast it’s going.
THOMAS: I was thinking…
LOGAN: What?
THOMAS: When we lost Ira, you said that, one day or another, the Mind Palace would create a new Side to substitute him as Wrath. Could it be that the Side that is about to be born will assume my Wrath functions?
LOGAN: I don’t think so, Thomas. Roman is Creativity and Virgil is Vigilance and Anxiety. The Side that is born from them must have traits from them both, just like Virgil, son of Patton, shares with him that he’s a feeling. Wrath as an aspect is not directly tied with Creativity and Anxiety, it could happen as a product of Anxiety, but it can also happen on its own without it. Besides, it is up to the Mind Palace to create the new Side of Wrath, he won’t be born like this. We’ll still have to wait for the new Wrath to arrive someday.
THOMAS: Okay, if you say so, Logan. But then, what Side of me will he be?
LOGAN: I can’t tell yet. I’ll need to check him when he comes out. Then we’ll know for certain.
VIRGIL: [scared] Guys… How is the baby going to come out from me? Unlike women, I don’t have any ducts in my body through which he could come out.
REMUS: Yeah, is he going to burst out through his chest like in the movie “Alien”?
[Virgil grimaces]
ROMAN: [angry] Remus, please!
REMUS: What? That’s exactly what Virgil was thinking about, only that I put it out into words so you all know what he wanted to say. You’re welcome, Virge.
LOGAN: It’s okay, Virgil. When I checked you out I also checked the baby’s basic biology and status. Remember that our bodies can shape-shift?
LOGAN: Well, so the baby can. When the moment of delivery comes, he will come out through… any open conduct of yours as if it was some kind of gaseous smoke, safely solidifying in your arms without any damage for any of you.
REMUS: So, he’s literally gonna fart my nephew out? [clapping hands excited] That is so my aesthetic! I love it! I wanna have a baby too! Dee, will you help me out!?
DECEIT: [horrified] Whoa! Don’t stay away from me!
REMUS: [happy] Yay! Let’s do it!
DECEIT: [nervous] No, I really meant to say that! When I get nervous I tell the truth! Ugh! Don’t step back! [Remus starts approaching Deceit with his arms wide open and a sick smile] Dang it! Why did I have to be the embodiment of lies!? Guys, don’t help me!
[Deceit starts running away, Remus runs after him. They run in circles for a while while Patton shows a face of confusion, Honesty a face of shock, Logan facepalms, Thomas shows a concerned face and Roman just stares with a void expression. Then Virgil is shown with a face of angry struggle until he snaps]
VIRGIL: [yelling] F… [bleep] …ING SHUT UP!!!
[Everyone looks at Virgil, Deceit and Remus stop and look at Virgil too]
ROMAN: Virgil, what’s the matter!?
VIRGIL: How do you want me to know!? This thing inside of me is so heavy now! And it hurts! Aw!
LOGAN: Uh-oh! I think the time has come!
VIRGIL: What!? So soon!? I’m not ready yet!
LOGAN: Well, the baby is gonna pop out, whether you’re ready or not. Come to the couch, come on.
[Roman and Logan grab Virgil’s arms and help him walk to the couch, where he lies down]
VIRGIL: This is horrible! I thought you said it wouldn’t hurt!
LOGAN: No, I said it wouldn’t damage you. I never talked about pain. Your whole abdomen is full of gas as the baby takes that form to get out. How wouldn’t that hurt? Once you start delivering, the pain will disappear, you’ll see.
VIRGIL: Gosh… this all looks so ridiculous! Are you sure this is not some short of stupid nightmare!?
PATTON: It is not, but if it was a dream, why call it a nightmare? This moment, even with the struggle right now, should be something beautiful for you. Is it not?
VIRGIL: I don’t know, dad… I don’t know if I’m ready to be a father.
VIRGIL: How am I going to take care of someone else when I can barely take care of myself, and with difficulty? I’m gonna suck as a parent! I’m not good enough for such a huge responsibility! I’m so scared!
ROMAN: [holding Virgil’s hand] You are good enough, Virgil. You’re the one who always takes into consideration all the possible outcomes to any situation before it even happens. The kid wouldn’t be in safer hands than yours.
VIRGIL: But I’m wrong a lot. What if he turns into some kind of manic paranoid because of me? What if I spoil him and turn him into a sad excuse of a Side? What if…?
ROMAN: Enough with those “what ifs”, Virgil! That’s not gonna happen! I’m a little scared too. I think it’s normal to feel unsure when a new life comes into the world and it’s your responsibility to take care of him. But remember that you’re not alone in that responsibility. This child is also my son and I’m gonna take my part of the duty too.
PATTON: And we’re also here to help you two in any way you need.
ROMAN: I’m sure we’ll figure it out. As long as we’re together, we can do it, you’ll see.
VIRGIL: Roman…
VIRGIL: Please, don’t drop my hand while it happens.
[Roman smiles lovingly at Virgil and kisses his forehead]
ROMAN: Never. I only beg you something.
ROMAN: Please, when you’re pushing, don’t break my finger bones while you’re holding my hand… I need it to write.
VIRGIL: [titters] I’ll try… [suddenly in pain again] Nnghh!
LOGAN: Okay, now calm down, Virgil, and listen to me. I’m gonna be your midwife during the process and I’ll help you go through it safely. This is not gonna be like a regular human delivery with contractions and all that stuff. What you’re feeling right now is the baby, in the form of smoke, circulating inside your body, trying to find the way out. It is as if you had a bad case of intestinal cramps. That can really hurt sometimes in a regular situation, so imagine having your whole intestine full of it.
VIRGIL: [in pain] Oh, they’re really bad cramps, I can confirm! Roman, if you want any more babies, you’re gonna carry them!
ROMAN: I… I think one will be enough…
LOGAN: When the smoke reaches the exit, the pain will be gone and will be replaced by the happiness of having your son in your arms, and you’ll think that all you’re going through right now was really worth it. But until that moment comes, I need you to be strong. Okay?
VIRGIL: [whining, his forehead is full of sweat] Okay…
LOGAN: Now, I’m sorry, but I need you to be in more suitable clothing for the operation.
[Logan moves his hands and Virgil is now dressed with a purple hospital gown]
LOGAN: [positioning next to Virgil’s feet] That should do it. It’s open in the back so that the baby can come out… from where he has to come out… while respecting your own privacy.
VIRGIL: Thank you… [in pain] Aw! Here comes the pain again, and it’s worse than ever!
LOGAN: Okay, as I said there are no contractions, but what doesn’t change is that I’ll need you to push.
VIRGIL: Couldn’t I get the epidural?
LOGAN: It’s too late for it to take effect. You’ll have to cope. It will be over in less than a minute.
VIRGIL: Seems more like a century! [yelling] Aaah!
LOGAN: Now, push!
[Virgil makes a gesture of pushing while groaning. Roman looks at Virgil with the hugest concern. Then Virgil stops and loudly pants]
ROMAN: Come on, my love! I believe in you! You’re strong enough to do this!
LOGAN: It’s not enough yet. Push again… now!
[Virgil pushes again. A loud rasping noise is heard]
VIRGIL: Is it out yet?
LOGAN: [with a face of disgust as if smelling something unpleasant, fanning with his hand] No, sorry, that was just a regular fart. But it’s a good sign. The next thing coming out of there will be the baby. Now, one last time, use all your might you have left and push as if tomorrow would never come. Now!
LOGAN: Here it comes!
[A bright magenta smoke comes out of Virgil’s body. As it comes out forming a magenta cloud, Virgil’s belly shrinks until it returns to its normal flat form, while he shows a face of huge alleviation. Then, the cloud floats to Virgil’s chest and after some seconds, it disappears, to reveal a little baby dressed only with magenta diapers. The baby starts crying]
LOGAN: Well, it’s done. Good job, Virgil.
VIRGIL: [with his eyes full of tears] I… I… look at him, Roman.
ROMAN: [crying] I’m looking at him, Virgil. He’s as handsome as his dad. And I mean you.
THOMAS: [with his eyes full of tears] He looks just like me when I was a baby, I’ve seen photos of that. Congratulations, guys. I’m so happy for you.
VIRGIL: Thank you, Thomas.
ROMAN: Thank you.
THOMAS: Now, how are you going to name him?
VIRGIL: Well, first we need to know what aspect of your personality he’s going to represent. I want him to have a suitable name. [kissing the baby’s crown] A perfect name for a perfect boy.
LOGAN: Let me check the baby now and I’ll tell you what Side of Thomas he is.
[Logan touches the baby gently for a couple of seconds then looks at the couple]
LOGAN: Well, I can tell you confidently that this baby represents Thomas’ creative angst. He’s also his emotional sensitivity, his empathy and the Side that helps him connect his creativity with his emotions. That was probably inherited from his grandpa. Congratulations to you too, Patton, by the way.
PATTON: Thank you, my lo… [noticing he was about to mess up] …o-o-o-gan.
VIRGIL: Okay, I was too busy being worried about what was happening to me earlier. But now that that’s taken care of, what are you three hiding from me? And yes, I’m looking at you too, Roman, don’t think I didn’t notice it earlier. And you called me out for hiding things from you?
ROMAN: I’m sorry, Virgil, I…
PATTON: Sorry, son, I asked him to keep the secret for us. I promise we were gonna tell you eventually.
VIRGIL: Tell me what?
[Logan’s face is bright red. He looks nervously in all directions]
PATTON: I can tell them if you want me to.
LOGAN: No, what kind of teacher would I be if I couldn’t deliver a simple sentence stating a true fact about us? Well, the truth is that… [starts stuttering nervously] well, that Patton and I… well…
[suddenly, out of nowhere, Logan shows a determined face, looks at Patton and plants a long kiss on his mouth. All the Sides look at them in shock]
LOGAN: [breathing heavily] There! That should do it. [pulling out a vocab card] They say that “an image is worth a thousand words”, and since I was never gonna be able to put my feelings down in words, I decided to use the real language of feelings to communicate how much I’m in love with Patton. [embarrassed] Oh, wait, I did say it…
[Virgil looks at Logan and Patton. Notices how red Logan’s face still is and starts slowly giggling. Soon the giggling becomes a loud cackle and the laughter spreads to the rest of the Sides. In the end, even Logan is faintly giggling]
VIRGIL: Wow, I really needed this laugh after what I have just gone through. I’m happy for you two, guys. You really make a cute couple.
PATTON: Thanks, kiddo. Well, I don’t know if I should call you kiddo anymore, now that you’re a father yourself.
VIRGIL: Please, dad, no matter how old I get, and how many children I’ve got – which will only be this one, by the way – never stop calling me kiddo. I’ll always be your kiddo, okay?
PATTON: [heartwarming smile] Okay… kiddo.
ROMAN: Glad that the secret is out. Do you know how many times I was tempted to strangle you every time you messed up? You both suck at hiding secrets.
PATTON: Sorry, Roman. And thank you for staying true to us even if we made it so difficult. And now, kiddos, what name will you choose for the baby?
VIRGIL: I’m too tired right now to choose a name. Roman, you’re the creative one. Choose a name for our son.
ROMAN: Well… Since he’s now royalty, he needs a name worthy of a prince. Creative angst, you said? Hmm…
[all the Sides and Thomas look at Roman in expectation while Roman is thinking]
ROMAN: [talking to himself] Creative angst… Creative angst… If I rearrange these letters, remove some of them and add some more… [yelling to the others] I got it! His name will be Christian. Prince Christian Gerard Sanders. Gerard is in honor of Gerard Way, vocalist from My Chemical Romance, cause I know how much Virgil loves that band. And if you shorten the name to Chris Sanders, it sounds like the famed author of Lilo & Stich and How to Train Your Dragon. Even though that director’s full name is Christopher, I still think the name Christian really suits our boy. Do you like it, Virge?
VIRGIL: Like it? I love it, Roman. Just as much as I love you.
[Roman leans towards Virgil and kisses him]
THOMAS: Well, I think we should all let them rest. Feel free to rest on my couch all the time you need, Virge. You can stay over for dinner if you want.
VIRGIL: Thank you, Thomas, I’d really appreciate that. I need some time before I feel ready to stand up.
THOMAS: Of course, take all the time you need.
VIRGIL: For starters, Logan, would you mind giving me my outfit back? This gown is still open in the back and I can feel something itchy from the couch getting on my higher back and in my… [looking at Patton] … lower back.
THOMAS: Sorry, Virge. I’ve been so busy these past few days… that I didn’t have time to vacuum the couch for a couple of weeks. There probably are crumbs of pizza everywhere and you must be lying on them. I didn’t expect Logan to put you in that open gown.
VIRGIL: Thomas! I’m gonna be itchy for a week!
PATTON: Let me hold the baby, son. Roman, help him brush his back okay?
ROMAN: Okay…
THOMAS: [to the camera, putting himself in front of it, blocking the action behind him] Okay, to all of you out there, thank you much for watching this… weird session of ours we had today, and until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[Virgil is sitting on the couch, already with his usual hoodie on. Roman is next to him. They’re having a pizza that Thomas ordered]
VIRGIL: Is it weird that I feel as if everything today had happened like a decade ago? I can barely remember anything of the bad, [looking at Chris, who is sleeping on a light blue cradle Patton summoned earlier] just the good that came in the end.
ROMAN: Yeah. You never know what life has in store for you. Yesterday we were living our lives like always, and now here we are, facing the ultimate adventure of life that is parenthood.
VIRGIL: It’s a good thing that Logan told us that I can’t produce milk and that I have to summon bottles of formula for him. I don’t know if I could have stood the sensation of having to breastfeed the baby through my nipples. And women can go through this and an even a harder kind of delivery labor than mine? Women are the real superheroes. Kudos to them all.
ROMAN: Yeah… I don’t know why stories like the ones I usually star in always portray women like a delicate creature that needs someone like me to save them. When in reality, most of the time, it’s them who save us in so many different ways.
THOMAS: Do you want any more pizza, guys?
VIRGIL: Oof… thanks, Thomas, it was great pizza, but I’m full.
ROMAN: Me too…
CHILD-LIKE VOICE: [off-screen] Pizza…
[Thomas, Roman and Virgil get quiet]
THOMAS: What was that?
VIRGIL: It sounded like the voice of a kid…
ROMAN: Did the neighbor kid sneak into your apartment to steal your meals again, Thomas?
THOMAS: I hope not. I seriously talked with his parents and they promised me they would severely ground him if he did that again. He wouldn’t dare to…
VOICE: [voice] Pizza! Pizza!
THOMAS: Again! Who’s there!? Where are you!? Show yourself!
ROMAN: Whoever it is, they’re in the same room.
VOICE: Pizza!
VIRGIL: The voice comes from the cradle! [jumping to the cradle] Whoever you are, get away from my son!
ROMAN: I have a samurai sword and I’m gonna use it!
VOICE: Pizza! Gimme pizza! Pizza!
VIRGIL: Um… guys…
ROMAN: What?
VIRGIL: It looks like our little baby is not so… little… anymore… Look…
[Virgil takes Chris out of the cradle. Except that it is now a three year old boy]
CHRIS: [giggling and poking Virgil’s nose] Dad, I want pizza!
THOMAS AND ROMAN: [overlapping] Whaaat!?
[A sign reading “To be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals appears]
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 36
Last time: Sloth wished he had a jacket or something, our heroes found the Goth’s illegal mining operation, and M.G. Armstrong was offered immortal soldiers. Onwards!
No intro again, we’re starting with oh it’s Beard. Alright buddy, what are you up to now? Reciting names? While undressing? Who are you talking to
oh um Well this is a thing.
So… after saying a bunch of names, Beard apologized that he had to “use” them, then jammed his fingers into his chest to pour some blood onto the ground, which then swirled around and went into the earth.
Beard’s not the Big Bad, is he? It’s Uncle.
Tephi is currently sniggering at me.
Crazy Theory In Light Of New Scene Time! *deep breath*
So all this time I’ve been ranting at Beard for being the Big Bad, but what I’m guessing now is a Frankenstein situation; Beard got caught up in his research trying to expand Alchemy and create a Homunculi (with the Philosopher’s Stone? Without?), created Uncle who then decided that he was a superior being to mere humans and went on to create the Goths. Beard goes into hiding/on his endless fishing trip, is he trying to stop Uncle or has given it up as a lost cause? He also appears to have the same Philosopher’s Stone blood that Uncle has, experimenting on himself before making Uncle? Who knows! Still don’t forgive him for abandoning his family, even if he has some excuse like “I did it to protect you from the Goths.”, because we can see how well that worked out.
In any case, I think I understand all the blocks of spoiler text now, if he actually is a good guy then I apologiz- no actually I don’t apologize, dude is still sketchy as hell and abandoned his wife and kids. He’s still got a long way to go before he makes a Homura recovery on my List.
Episode 36 - “Family Portrait”
This looks like it’ll be another Beard episode like Interlude Party (which I just went back to re-read my post and I’m cringing at my anti-Beard rants), but with The Reveal I think I’d be ok with getting some more info on this guy. Just as long as we can get back to M.G. Armstrong catfishing Raven soon.
Yup, flashback episode. Baby!Ed and Baby!Al are sleeping, Beard by their bedside. Mama Elric says he can hug them if he wants, but Beard doesn’t want “the monster” to spread. So he already has his Philosopher’s Blood at this point?
[Mama Elric]: “Please. If it could spread that way, don’t you think I would have caught it a long time ago?”
I did not know I needed sassy Mama Elric until I got it but now I have a mighty need
The standard Creepy Tinkly Piano Music starts up as Beard
[Beard]: “Since I got this body-”
?! No no, I can’t stop and rewrite all my theories every other sentence or we’ll be here all night.
Beard is saying that ever since he got this body he’s seen a lot of death, tried to pass it off as the natural flow of the universe. He’s seen a lot of new things flourish over his life, accepted his body and kept on living. But then he met Mama Elric and created two sons oh ok I can see where this is going. Easy to accept death when it happens to Others, but to your Own?
...or not since he just compares himself to his aging sons, calls himself a monster. Damnit man I was giving you a noble backstory stop messing up my theories
Later, Mama Elric summons Beard from his Lair/Lab to surprise him with a photographer! Oh I get it, they’re getting that family picture (title drop-ish) that Beard took with him when he stopped by Resembool. Mama Elric passes Beard Baby!Ed, and good Leto man you’ve been a father for how many years? Not wanting to disturb them while they were sleeping was one thing but you’re acting like someone handed you another child, surely you’ve had some practice and carrying your own sons.
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The Elrics pose while the photographer takes oh never mind Mama Elrics giving her “we’re taking this picture for the memories” speech even though he just asked for everyone to stand still. This is an old-timey camera lady, if you keep talking it’ll end up with everyone else ok but you with a great big blur where your mouth is.
[Mama Elric]: “He’s taking it. Smile, dear.” [Beard]: *Complete opposite of a smile*
Aw. Ok, I can understand why they crop out his head in that picture all the time now, that’s just depressing.
Huh. So that’s Beard’s motivation, then. He’s decided that immortality isn’t worth watching his loved ones age and die around him, so he’s of course researching a way to make them immortal as well nope he just wants to reverse his immortality so he can age and die with them. Ehhhhhhh ok whatever we aren’t getting back into the “is immortality good or bad” thing seeing as the only in-universe way is Stupidly Evil, let’s just focus on going back to Plain Old Human.
[Beard]: “That bastard…”
Are you talking about Uncle? Truth? Because I swear if this show goes and pulls out another Big Bad “for real this time you guys” I’m going to scream.
Aw, Beard’s fixing up the tree swing, we get an amusing moment where he falls down that let’s be real is only amusing because it’s A)in an anime so Physical Comedy is the rule, and B)he’s at least a semi-Goth so physical injuries are just a nuisance. Mama Elric comes out to check on him, and he gives the inevitable reveal that he’s going Absent Anime Father. Mama Elric is… surprisingly chill about this.
Beard’s trying to sneak out while the kids are asleep, but we know how that worked out. Mama Elric goes to distract them as Beard frowns (upset that his secret plan to sneak out secretly and avoid Familial Interaction failed?), then sees Baby!Ed looking up at him.
Way back in Episode 12
Flashback! Mama and Papa Elric are standing at the door, Baby!Ed and Baby!Al happened to be up early in the morning. Mama’s of course all over her children, but Papa Elric… just glares down at Ed, that’s the only description I can use for that look. Then he turns without a word, and walks out the door.
With both of his sons looking at him, Beard’s self-composure wavers ever slightly before he regains his glare and turns away.
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Hey, it’s the campfire from the intro! Beard is looking at the family picture, before looking up to the night sky. “Just a little while longer…”
Whoa, all that was just before the intro?!
Oh come on! I was getting invested in more Beard Backstory, it’s almost a letdown to go back to Fort Briggs. Almost.
A bunch of Briggs soldiers are scouting the Goth Tunnel, seems their radio’s dead. Interference by the Military? The CO says they’ll keep going to find where all the rubble got dumped, but his horse shies and the ominous flutes start up. Who else is down there?
Black Shadows! Eyes! Teeth! Impalement!
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Run Smith, run! Flee the Gate of Truth never mind he wasn’t fast enough. Sorry dude.
Ed’s listening to Raven’s “immortal soldiers” offer, and M.G. Armstrong’s baaaarely restraining herself from killing this old creep who’s all up in her personal space. She asks if the whole immortality thing would be for all her troops as well as herself, Raven says he can tell her “later”. So now she has to choose between accepting his offer and assisting his plans for Briggs (which could go very badly for the troops she commands), or refusing and getting pushed aside like General Grumman.
Before she can say anything, a mook’s knocking at the door to report that “something” has happened to the underground tunnel team- whoops, Raven overheard and is inviting himself along to go see. The eavesdroppers head out as well, after Ed Transmutes up some rope to “make it look convincing”. Right they’re still prisoners.
Whew, good thing they got the rope, they’ve run into Sideburns showing Kimblee around the fort. Ed recognizes The Crimson Alchemist, and oh yeah they’ve never actually met before, so Kimblee makes the mistake of thinking The Fullmetal Alchemist is the giant suit of armor instead of the pipsqueak everyone’s pointing to.
[irate!Ed]: “If one more person makes that mistake…”
Down in the pipe room, M.G. Armstrong’s getting the report of lost contact, aside from Smith’s horse with what they assume is his arm (man, arms just do not stay on people’s bodies in this show, do they?). M.G. Armstrong orders a rescue tea- nope shut down by Raven who claims the tunnel is too dangerous. Now, about that immortal monster she was talking about earlier?
Wow. General is straight up ordering M.G. Armstrong to grab the monster they put on ice, put him back in the tunnel and seal it up behind him. Obviously the nearby flunky balks at burying any possible survivors in the tunnel, but Raven just paraphrases the Law of the North about obeying strength and power. Now, is M.G. Armstrong going to refuse an order from her superior officer?
Mid-ep pictures of Crazy Grin Raven and steadfast Olivier Mira Armstrong.
Raven’s visiting the Elric Brothers in their cell, happy to see that they’ve been “keeping their mouths shut”. Ed’s just a little annoyed to have his friends held hostage and be locked up, but the ever-helpful General assures them that they can go soon. He then assures the boys that they don’t need to worry about the tunnel, M.G. Armstrong’s being a good little soldier and following orders.
Something that her own troops seem to be having a little trouble with now, the flunky from earlier is arguing with M.G. Armstrong about the lost team until she snaps at him to be quiet and obey. Kimblee’s watching everything from the walkways and snarks that even “The Impregnable Wall Of Briggs” bows to authority. Here’s hoping she proves you wrong soon.
Hey Sloth, how was your nap? Raven tells him to wake up and get back to work, apparently Pride explained it to him already. Now with his orders to get back to, Sloth returns to digging while Raven spouts some drivel about Sloth being a “chimera” working for Central, and since it was a top-secret mission they had to cover the hole and guard it.
[Raven]: “I’m counting on you soldiers! It’s people like you who make this country what it is!”
...wow. Ok, I’m pretty sure that M.G. Armstrong knows that the offer of immortality is intended to be at the cost of her own troops now. Way to eff things up Raven. Now if you had couched it as harvesting Drachmans to empower herself and her troops it might have been different.
Hey Marcoh, hey May! Still going over the notes?... wait, how long have you been at that hut? What have you been eating? Anyways, Marcoh says the important parts of the book are written in Ancient Ishvalan, which he can’t make heads or tails of. If only they had an Ishvalan Monk who could translate. Yeah, where is Scar?
Ooooh shoot. The Briggs snowtroopers have found the girl with the weird cat now, they draw their guns and move in when suddenly Scar! Man, good timing. Meeting up with the Doctor and the Princess, Scar confirms that they have the notes and says it’s time to move NOW HOLD ON. Did you really just take those two soldiers’ uniforms and leave them in the snow? Dude, not cool! At least move them into the hut so they don’t freeze to death.
Uh, timeskip apparently. Raven and M.G. Armstrong are overseeing the sealing of the tunnel, Raven’s confirming that the “weak” will be sacrificed to make the chosen few immortal. Man, Raven just has no redeeming qualities beyond that beard, does he? He’s just cheerfully talking about how the weak will be the foundation for the strong, completely missing the Death Glare that M.G. Armstrong’s leveling at him.
Sideburns is still having to babysit Kimblee, takes a moment to ask how the punk he was threatening in a hospital just a few days ago healed so quickly, let alone how a convicted murderer of officers got to walk free. Kimblee’s not exactly forthcoming.
Raven’s still cheerfully going on about how the country was founded with the plan to Mass Sacrifice its population, and how his generation gets to reap the rewards. He clasps her shoulder and damnit stop being a creeper you traitor-
[M.G. Armstrong]: “Hmph. There’s no need.”
Wait is she HELL YES
Screw you, you old coward! Just stand there with her sword through your arm as you feebly protest about her being a “chosen one”.
[M.G. Armstrong]: “I don’t need a new seat from you. You’re going to lose the one your moldy ass has clung to for too long! Right about now, Raven! You old TRAITOR!”
Oh hey, how convenient that there’s a fresh pool of concrete for that jerk’s corpse to be hidden in.
[Armstrong the Great]: “General, you are among the weak who will become the foundation for this country. Literally.”
Ha. Now we can get to work! Get some gloves free of traitor’s blood, find Sideburns and the other unwanted guest, and get that concrete nice and level.
Oh my Leto shut up Kimblee, stop trying to antagonize Sideburns with taunts about Ishval. Just as he starts to snap back Sideburns is called aside to hear that he doesn’t have to distract Kimblee anymore. He goes back and claims that “nobody can find General Raven”, so Kimblee… uh oh. Kimblee’s got standing orders to act as he sees fit if Raven’s not around, so they probably should give him a car to leave the fort. After all, one disappearance can be put down as bad luck. Both Raven and Kimblee? They can’t show their hand so soon.
Aw, the flunky who argued for the rescue mission is still pleading with Armstrong the Great to check the tunnel before it’s sealed. Ooh, but Ed made a second door earlier! That… may not have been such a good idea, I know that these guys haven’t seen what killed the tunnel team but still.
The mechanic stops by the Elrics’ cell to say Raven’s taking a concrete nap, then walks off. Wait, you’re still leaving those two in jail? Raven’s dead and Kimblee’s leaving, you don’t need to keep up the prisoner facade! Damnit, let the protagonists out to do their job!
Awww, hell. Kimblee’s shown up, wants to talk with the Fullmetal Alchemist. Fine whatever, just… what do you mean, “a visitor”?
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CRAP. Winry! Or, is that Envy in disguise? Nah, probably Winry given how she’s yelling about Ed not getting his automail adjusted before going north. Someone from the military contacted her?
...Kimblee get your hands off her shoulders right now.
Damnit. Right as we get Armstrong the Great acting against the Military in defiance of the immortality temptation, we’ve got the Goth’s attack dog reminding them of the hostages. This is-
The end of the episode? Really? Wow, ok then. This one seemed like we got a short story on Beard (that just raised
so many new questions
) and a partial arc with Fort Briggs. What’s gonna happen next?
Wait hold on, this is one of those post-credit scene episodes. Roy’s meeting with one of the bar girls who’s reporting on Kimblee’s rapid recovery after Raven showed up. After paying her for the info a passing flower merchant teases him about just getting a “nice seeing you”... before saying she has a message from Armstrong the Great.
[Roy]: “I’ll take every flower you have in that cart.”
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TV Shows Weekly 10/20 (06)
Wow. A big slip this week. Yeah, sorry for that. But I made it. Watched everything I promised to watch and covered it all. I caught up with The Walking Dead (2010-), which was hard, I watched like 4 ep a day. And with my working hours it was a challenge. Also sorry to say, that I won't cover Supernatural (2005-) next week. Just to episodes, to watch. And I have too much to do, outside TV Series.
Better Call Saul (s05e03) Another great episode, from start to finish. First the action with Mike, I loved it, I just can't get enough of him. How great is it for a man like Mike, to live up to his name, his legend, like this, just by little things like that. Jimmy did, what he always does, gets what he needs to have done. This time he messed up big tho. And with his fault of course. If he didn't get mixed with them earlier, he wouldn't be, where he is now. What we also got, is out favorite DEA Agent back, in some ways. It's great, to see him again, especially with his partner and especially digging where he needs to dig, to be longer and more often in the series. I haven't seen that actor in a long time and he may not be the best, but his the best Hank we got, so let's stick with that. And lastly, to sum up, the biggest highlight, in my opinion, Kim Waxler, who is probably the best character right now, with "the best" I meant, the noblest. She is doing the best she can, trying to help people and no one can say otherwise. She knows, how important the law is and she nows, how to get around it when it's necessary. Like with Mike, I can't get enough of her, I hope she'll be okay soon. We can all see, what she's going through and what impact does it have on her. I'm sorry for her. I almost forgot. Saul mode: 65% - The way, he fed Hank, how he made that scenario, it was very impressive. I can't say it was better, then what he did in the last episode, but I'm impressed.
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Miracle Workers: Dark Ages (s02e06) The second half of the season has just started and it's looking pretty solid. This episode was even a bit good. Not so funny, as usual, but it'll do. I like the road, the creator chose to go with Prince Chauncley. Really. I think it's a big step forward, to not show him as a moron anymore, but to grow, understand, empathize. His crush took a bit off guard, but it's okay when you think about it. When they showed the King, I had a big smile on my face, but he turned as psychotic as in the last episode. Maybe a little less. Fine, less. That skull crush and a bag full of skulls was a great idea. I hope it comes back.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (s07e06) Sometimes the episodes have arcs more mature than funny and although the writers did their best, I haven't laughed that much. But I can say, that this was a really good episode. The arc with Jake and Amy trying to have a baby was a bit sad at times, but it's okay because comedy works well with drama. Their ways were entertaining to watch, but hard to swallow because none of it didn't work. And it was summed up with a sad ending. As for the other parts: Hitchocs wedding was okay, but the guinea pigs were funny at times. I like it when Rosa and Charles how something to do. They have a weirdly fun relationship, witch, in the end, is pretty exciting to watch. I hope to see more of them working together soon.  The best arc tho was with Holt tho. Short, funny, about a growing character. Just great.
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The Walking Dead (s10e11) Yes. I did it. I caught up. It was hard, but I made it. I'm not gonna go to the details this time tho, it was a good, but disappointing episode, also there were too many arcs in this episode, to cover all of them. The biggest ones tho, starting with Eugene. I like him in this state of mind. Kind of. I'm not sure, I liked, how he ran after Rosita, but I think their friendship is better and I like seeing it just better. I don't know about that woman tho, Stephanie. I didn't read the comics, so I can't say, I think she's good. I hope she's good. This is the second new community, they discovered (not yet, but you know, what I mean) this season, to assume of course, that Stephanie and that guy in Oceanside aren't from the same community. Which is huge. The last new community they discovered was Oceanside, excluding The Whisperers. And that was a while ago. The second arc I want to cover is The Whisperers and Negan. I'm sorry to see, that two times, he tried to do something good, it always turned out worse, than it was. And I'm sorry, that this fucking kid broke him, and he started working with the bad guys. I love this character, the way he's written and the relationship he has with everyone around Rick, I don't want to see him go. My theory is, that he turned good and is working against The Whisperers from the inside. I know, it doesn't look that way, but I believe it. I mean, come on, he wouldn't do anything to hurt Michone or Judith. Especially Judith. She's probably his best friend right now. And I want more Judith/Negan scenes, 'cause they were just the best. After Alpha "turning down" his idea, about the main characters to join them, I think, he's gonna do something special and will try to save them. And the third and last arc, I'll call it "The Horde". The attack was pretty short. 8 minutes. That was the most disappointing thing about this episode. It was entertaining to watch, but nothing special, which is, what I'm expecting from TWD. Something amazing, some great action to watch, heartbreaking moments, killing off some characters I like (I don't want that, but I'm so used to it, that it's starting to get a bit boring when everyone stays alive) and I got 1/3 of that. And that's disappointing. But the cliffhanger's great. I can't wait for the next episode. I miss binge-watching this show. Also, I discovered, that most of the episodes have people just wandering alone someplace and then others trying to help them, so I created anther fun bonus. TEW (This Episodes Wanderer): no one - but believe me, this happens a lot! Maybe it's because of the action. Yeah, it's definitely, to show more action.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 27: A Side is Born Part 2: Grown and Lost
New episode of this fic inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. Thank you so much for the good reception that the previous episode had. Now, the story continues, right where it ended. Each episode is gonna feature in the beginning a quick reminder from the most important events in the previous episode, with the fun fact that these reminders are embedded in the story and are of an unique style for each part. Nedless to say, these reminders are full of spoilers from these previous episodes if you haven’t read them. May you enjoy this second part of the story and until next week.
WARNINGS: Romantic prinxiety and logicality. Some light innuendo. Fair warning that in the last part of this episode, the mood switches to strong angst.
SYNOPSIS: In front of the others, Chris has started growing at great speed and they wonder why is it happening. In the middle of this, fearing that they will never know him as a child, Roman decides to take the boy to Sandersia so that Ira and Roland get the news of the newborn before that newborn is an adult himself.
[a sign reading “In the previous episode..." appears. Flashback images from the previous episode are shown while Roman’s voice is heard off-screen]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] Today has been a memorable day in so many senses. It all started this morning when Virgil suddenly felt not so good…
VIRGIL: I didn’t want to concern you, Roman. Probably it’s just something I’ve eaten that’s not agreeing with my stomach.
ROMAN: Still, my duty as your husband is taking care of you when you’re feeling bad. I thought we had agreed on not hiding things from each other.
VIRGIL: Don’t worry, Roman, I’m sure this is not serious.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] But very soon, things started spiraling out of control.
THOMAS: Heh… It’s funny. If you weren’t a man I would say that you’ve got all the symptoms of being pregnant.
[Virgil slowly lowers his hands from his face and looks at Thomas with a face of horror]
THOMAS: [serious] Wait… don’t tell me that you can…
VIRGIL: Oh… my… goodness… [putting his hands on his belly] For the love of Gerard Way…
THOMAS: But… this is not a Sims game! Since when can a person with male reproductive organs get pregnant!?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-screen] Yep, surprise. We had a bun in the oven. Although it looked more like a micro-wave oven, cause the bun was cooking really fast…
VIRGIL: [in pain, putting his hand on his belly] Aw!
ROMAN: [scared] What was that, Virgil! Are you okay?
VIRGIL: I… I think so… He moved inside me, and kicked me really hard from my insides. It was so weird…
ROMAN: Seriously, Logan. How can this go so fast? This morning he was having the first nausea and now he looks as if he was six months pregnant already!
LOGAN: Well, as I told you, we’re not human. Maybe instead of nine months, Virgil’s pregnancy will be only nine hours. Probably less, judging how fast it’s going.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] And before we could know how, Virgil was lying on the couch in labor.
LOGAN: The next thing coming out of there will be the baby. Now, one last time, use all your might you have left and push as if tomorrow would never come. Now!
LOGAN: Here it comes!
[A bright magenta smoke comes out of Virgil’s body. As it comes out forming a magenta cloud, Virgil’s belly shrinks until it returns to its normal flat form, while he shows a face of huge alleviation. Then, the cloud floats to Virgil’s chest and after some seconds, it disappears, to reveal a little baby dressed only with magenta diapers. The baby starts crying]
LOGAN: Well, it’s done. Good job, Virgil.
VIRGIL: [with his eyes full of tears] I… I… look at him, Roman.
ROMAN: [crying] I’m looking at him, Virgil. He’s as handsome as his dad. And I mean you.
NARRATOR-ROMAN: [off-voice] And we thought that was it. We had our newborn son, Chris, we were set to live happily ever after as a family… and that was all. But there was another surprise on board for the evening…
VIRGIL: Um… guys…
ROMAN: What?
VIRGIL: It looks like our little baby is not so… little… anymore… Look…
[Virgil takes Chris out of the cradle. Except that it is now a three year old boy]
CHRIS: [giggling and poking Virgil’s nose] Dad, I want pizza!
THOMAS AND ROMAN: [overlapping] Whaaat!?
[image of narrator Roman looking at the camera]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: And so here we are. What’s happened to our son? What is gonna happen next. Stay tuned, everyone.
VIRGIL: [off-screen] Roman, will you cut it out and come here already!?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Sorry, Virge. I’m going. Rolling title screen.
[intro sequence]
THOMAS: What… has happened?
VIRGIL: Are you asking me? I don’t know how this works, Thomas, this is my first son.
CHRIS: Dad, I want pizza!
ROMAN: Don’t you think you’re too young for pizza, young boy?
[Chris looks at Roman, then his eyes get full of tears]
CHRIS: [crying] I want pizzaaaaa!
THOMAS: Well, I guess now I know which Side has inherited my passion for pizza.
VIRGIL: We’re gonna need help. Dad! Logan! Could you come here, please?
[Logan and Patton are risen up in Patton’s spot. They are kissing, unaware of their surroundings]
ROMAN: [saying the actual word] Ahem…
[Logan and Roman stop kissing and look scared at the others]
LOGAN: [angry] Hey, do you think this is an appropriate time to call!? We were… [looking nervously at Patton who is just blushing and looking away] busy!
THOMAS: I’m sorry, guys. But this is another… emergency. Look.
[Thomas points at Chris who is still crying next to Virgil]
PATTON: Who’s that boy?
VIRGIL: It’s Chris, dad. Your grandson.
ROMAN: He has just aged three years in a matter of a second and we don’t know how.
LOGAN: Oh, wow… I didn’t expect that…
PATTON: Why is he crying?
VIRGIL: He wants pizza. But I don’t think he’s old enough to eat it. I mean, he’s only five hours old. It could sit bad in his stomach. He was drinking his formula just half an hour ago.
PATTON: Young boy, crying is not the way to get the things that you want. If you want to get something, you must learn to say “Please” and “Thank you”. And even so, sometimes we just can’t get what we want and we must learn to deal with it.
[Chris stops crying, then looks at Patton]
CHRIS: [with a cute innocent voice] Please, grandpa. Can I get some pizza?
PATTON: [squeeing] He’s called me grandpa! Of course you can, kiddo. Take all the pizza you want!
CHRIS: [happy smile] Thank you, grandpa!
VIRGIL: Wait, dad, I don’t think that…
[But Chris has already jumped to the pizza and started devouring it]
ROMAN: Oh, my gosh…
VIRGIL: He looks like the cookie monster…
[Suddenly Chris stops eating. He stands still with a face of nausea]
VIRGIL: What is it, Chris? Are you okay? I told you not to eat that pizza!
[Chris burps loudly. As the burp goes out, he starts growing]
VIRGIL: Look! He’s growing again!
[In a matter of seconds, Chris looks like a twelve-year-old boy]
ROMAN: He eats and then grows? Perhaps I should have called him Alice.
PATTON: Like Alice in Wonderland? Hey, think! If he drinks some milk, the kid may shrink back. Oooh… I love alliteration.
CHRIS: Guys, why are you all staring at me? [looks at himself] Oh… I see, it’s because I’m still in these diapers. Hold on, I’ll fix that.
[Chris points at himself and his clothes change to a medieval princely outfit, similar to Prince Phillip from Sleepy Beauty, but the suit is white with a red belt, and the sleeves are dark purple. The cape is magenta and has a hood. He sports Roman’s shield on the chest, but with the background in magenta and a stormy cloud over the castle]
CHRIS: That’s more like it.
ROMAN: [with a smile of emotional joy] Oh, my God… You look… majestic!
CHRIS: Thank you, father. If I’m a prince, I must look like it.
VIRGIL: [same emotional joy] And you even carry a hood! I’m so proud!
CHRIS: I knew you’d like it, dad.
LOGAN: Hmm… Not only he’s growing physically at great speed. He’s also growing mentally. At this rate, he’ll look just as adult as anyone of us in a short time… Chris.
CHRIS: Yes, Logan?
LOGAN: Would you mind if I performed a check on you?
CHRIS: What for, grandpa?
LOGAN: Because… wait, grandpa?
CHRIS: You’re Patton’s boyfriend, aren’t you? That makes you my grandfather-in-law.
LOGAN: Well, technically not until we marry and… wait, we’re deviating. I need to make sure that you’re in perfect condition and that this quick growth is normal.
CHRIS: Okay, grandpa, help yourself.
[Logan gets a little nervous over being called grandpa again, but he puts himself together and places his hand on Chris’ chest. Logan starts shaking for a couple of seconds, then takes his hand off]
LOGAN: I see…
LOGAN: Chris is totally fine. There’s nothing wrong with him at all. This quick growth is perfectly natural.
ROMAN: But there must be a reason why he’s growing up so fast. We didn’t grow up that quickly.
PATTON: Well, as far as I remember, I was always an adult, so…
LOGAN: Yes, but that’s because you chose to have an adult shape on purpose, or so you said.
PATTON: To be honest, I don’t remember at all, Logan. What I said is my own explanation to that fact. When I met all of you, I always met you sharing the same age Thomas had at that moment in life, but back then, I was already an adult. When I try to go back in my memories, there’s always a moment when everything goes blurry until there’s nothing more.
LOGAN: That’s what always happens, Patton. No human can remember the first two to three years from their existence at all and their memories are blurry until they get around 6 or more. And guys, it’s true that we all took our time to grow up, but you’re forgetting one important detail.
LOGAN: Chris was born as a baby while Thomas was an adult. It was only natural, as Virgil would have exploded if he had to hold an adult body inside of him. But that doesn’t change the fact that we, as Sides of Thomas, must share with him, among other things, the same age. Chris was born as a baby, but now he’s bound to grow up at a fast pace to catch up to Thomas’ age. Then, he’ll start aging normally like all of us, at Thomas’ same pace.
THOMAS: Oh… Is that all?
LOGAN: Yes. What did you expect?
THOMAS: I don’t know, things with you don’t tend to be so simple.
CHRIS: Are you calling me simple, Thomas?
THOMAS: No, I wasn’t calling you…
CHRIS: [pulling out a classic medieval sword and a shield decorated with the same insignia on his chest, speaking with a theatrical melodramatic voice] Cause I could pull out my sword and challenge you to a duel, my good sir!
LOGAN: [sighs] He’s just as dramatic as his father.
ROMAN: [squeeing] He even has a shield of his own! Oh, my God, you look gorgeous! And what is also great is that now I’ll have someone to practice fencing with. [hopping] Oh, my goodness, I’m so happy right now!
VIRGIL: [smirks] Be careful, my love. You’re gonna slip on the puddle of your drool.
ROMAN: I suddenly had an idea. Since it’s clear that we’re too excited to go to bed right now…
LOGAN: [looking at Patton] Well, I was really excited to go to bed a moment ago…
ROMAN: [beat] You’ll have time for that later. I think we should take Chris to Sandersia, so that he meets my brother Roland and Ira. They don’t even know that he’s been born and I can’t wait to see their faces.
THOMAS: Isn’t it a little late for a journey, though? It’s eleven o’clock, and I’m a little tired, you know? Couldn’t we leave this for tomorrow? It’ll be Sunday, and I have all the day free of compromises.
ROMAN: [begging] Oh, come on! I want them to see him while he’s still a child! If we wait, he’ll be an adult already, and it just wouldn’t have the same surprise effect! I don’t wanna miss it! Pleaaase!
THOMAS: [sighs] Okay, if it’s so important to you, okay.
ROMAN: [hopping] Yayyy!
THOMAS: Are you good to walk, Virge? You’ve just given birth some hours ago.
VIRGIL: Oh, I think I’ll be fine, Thomas. I don’t have any pains and I feel strong enough.
LOGAN: You don’t need to fear for Virgil, Thomas. His recovery will be a lot quicker than in normal physical childbirths. If he doesn’t go through too intense physical activities at least for tonight, he’ll be fine, and tomorrow he’ll be good as gravy.
ROMAN: Then it’s settled!
THOMAS: Okay… Let’s go to Sandersia, then.
[All of them sink down and rise up in Roman’s room, then they head to Sandersia. It’s nighttime over there too. They all get in the royal carriage, always waiting at the door as usual, and head to the royal castle. As usual too, the carriage arrives in no time]
ROMAN: Well, here we are. Oh, the door is locked? That’s weird.
LOGAN: Weird? What did you expect, a welcome committee? You didn’t announce our visit and it’s freaking nighttime!
ROMAN: Not for long, though.
[Roman rises both hands. In a matter of seconds, the sky turns blue and the sun rises over the sea]
LOGAN: [a little blinded by the sudden sunlight] That’s cheating.
[Roman knocks the door using the knocker several times]
VOICE: [from inside] Okay, okay… why the rush?
[the noise of locks opening from inside are heard and the door opens. Ira comes outside wearing a green pajama
IRA: Oh, it’s you. When I told you to come for a visit, I didn’t mean for you to come in the middle of the… [noticing the sun is in the sky, confused] …morning? Did I oversleep? What time is it?
ROMAN: Oh, it’s twelve midnight, I just did a little tweak, so that you didn’t trip over anything in the dark.
IRA: But why? Is there any emergency of some kind?
ROMAN: Yes, and no. I just want Roland and you to meet someone.
IRA: Someone? [noticing the presence of Chris] Oh, good morning… I mean evening… I mean… whatever.
CHRIS: Good evening, sir.
IRA: And who is this lad, if I may ask, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m not telling yet, it’s a surprise. Go call my brother, please. I want you two to know who he is at the same time.
IRA: Okay. I’ll call Roland. You can wait in the throne room. Come in, make yourselves a home.
ROMAN: Thanks, Ira.
[Roman and the others get to the throne room while Ira goes away]
THOMAS: [yawns] Roman, I’m a little sleepy. We should have waited till tomorrow.
ROMAN: Hold on a little bit, Thomothy. Soon we’ll be done. Maybe we could even sleep here if Roland lets us.
THOMAS: Is that possible for me, though? What would happen if I fell asleep while inside the Mind Palace?
LOGAN: Well, for certain we would all fall asleep with you. All except Virgil, who is the only one that, if he wants to, can resist sleep or wake up while you slumber, due to him being your fight-or-flight impulses.
CHRIS: I can do that too. A gift from my dad.
VIRGIL: Oh, that’s good to know.
THOMAS: But would Sandersia stay in place?
LOGAN: Of course, Thomas. For Sandersia to have structural problems, you would need something worse than sleep. You’d have to be almost in a coma.
THOMAS: Well, I’m not going to that extent to do the experiment, and besides I don’t want Sandersia to be damaged, so it’s good to know that. Thanks, Logan.
LOGAN: No problem.
[Roman and Ira enter the throne room. Roland is wearing a dressing coat]
ROLAND: Hi, Roman, hi guys.
ROMAN: Hi, Roland.
IRA: Okay. We’re both here. Why all the rush, Roman?
ROMAN: Well, let me introduce you to our new addition to the family. This is Chris. Chris, these are my brother Roland and our good friend Ira.
CHRIS: Good evening. Nice to meet you.
ROLAND: Nice to meet you.
IRA: Good evening.
ROMAN: I think I’m gonna let him to properly introduce himself. Okay, go ahead.
CHRIS: Well, my name is Christian Gerard Sanders. And I’m the Side of Angsty Creativity. But you can call me Chris.
ROLAND: Angsty… Creativity?
IRA: Hold on, weren’t those two concepts assigned to Virgil and you earlier? [face of realization and shock, then he smiles widely] Oh! Oh, my goodness, I get it! Congratulations, Roman!
ROLAND: What? What’s the matter?
IRA: Don’t you see? This boy is the son of Virgil and Roman! Angsty Creativity!
ROLAND: Oh, my goodness! How…? When…? Congratulations, guys!
[Roland and Ira hug Roman and Virgil, then they also give a quick hug to Chris]
ROLAND: I should have paid more attention. Of course he’s your son. His shield is a mix of both your insignias. I’m so happy to meet you, young man.
CHRIS: I’m happy to meet you too, uncle Roland.
ROLAND: Oh, that’s right. This boy is my nephew. And as your son… he’s the new heir to the throne of Sandersia! That’s great! But when did this happen?
VIRGIL: Today.
ROLAND: Today?
VIRGIL: Well, yesterday already. He was born just a few hours ago.
ROLAND: But he’s so grown-up already!
CHRIS: [suddenly showing a funny face] Oh…
ROLAND: What’s wrong?
CHRIS: If you think I’m a grown up now… wait and see…
[Chris points at his own clothes. They grow until they are of an adult size, too big for him]
ROLAND: Why would you do that?
CHRIS: [suddenly with adult voice that startles everyone] It’s happening again, I can feel it.
[Chris starts growing up in front of Roland and Ira, who watch with a stunned expression. In a matter of a few seconds he looks like an adult, and his outfit fits him perfectly]
IRA: I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. But now… now I’ve just seen everything.
CHRIS: Well, I think the growing phase is over. Now I just have to age a little bit until I get synchronized with Thomas’ age and that will be it. Now I’m totally ready to start working as a Side of Thomas.
VIRGIL: Oh, my God… Kids grow so fast. It feels like yesterday when I was cradling you in my arms and now you’re a full grown-up man. Except that it was literally yesterday, of course.
CHRIS: It’s okay, dad. I may look like an adult, but I’m still your one day old son, ready to learn from you and father anything you’re willing to teach me to be a better Side.
VIRGIL: [bursting in tears] Why am I suddenly so emotional lately? Yesterday, I would have dismissed all these emotions as corny and now look at me. This feeling of love is so overwhelming I can barely resist it.
PATTON: [putting his hand on Virgil’s shoulder] Welcome to my world, kiddo. Nice to have you. That’s exactly how I feel about you all the time.
VOICE: [evil mocking tone] Isn’t this nice?
[everyone starts looking in all directions trying to find the source of the voice]
THOMAS: Who’s there!?
VOICE: I’ve been waiting for so long for this moment to come and finally, it’s here!
[Suddenly, Chris is surrounded by what looks like a dark bubble]
CHRIS: What gives!?
[the door opens and the Dark Master enters in, wearing a black cloak with silver ornaments on the shoulders and the hood. The dark bubble flies next to him with Chris inside]
THOMAS: You again? How many times do we have to defeat you, boy?
DARK MASTER: Long time no see, Light Master.
ROMAN: [pulling out his samurai sword] Release our son! Right now!
DARK MASTER: Release him? Oh, sure, I will release him, as soon as I’m done with him.
VIRGIL: If you touch just one hair of him, I swear…
DARK MASTER: Oh, don’t worry emo, I’m not going to harm him. I need him in one piece for my plans.
VIRGIL: [progressively angrier and more hysterical as he speaks] What plans? What are you going to do to him? Let him go, you bast**!
DARK MASTER: Let him go? After all the time I’ve been waiting for one of his kind to appear? Never.
PATTON: What’s so special about him? I don’t understand.
DARK MASTER: [giggles evilly] I certainly did a good job with you, Patton.
DARK MASTER: Erasing your memories was so easy. It wasn’t a perfect work, but nevertheless it worked. You wouldn’t even try to get your memories back. You just got contented and started behaving like the stupid father figure you are right now.
PATTON: I don’t understand…
VIRGIL: Neither do I, but I don’t care! Release him!
DARK MASTER: It’s your only fault that I’m taking your son right now, Virgil! You brought this onto him!
DARK MASTER: The original plan was to take you instead of him. You were born for that only reason. But you had to escape to the Light Realm and ruin everything.
VIRGIL: What would you know about my birth?
DARK MASTER: Oh, everything. I know everything about it. I even had you in my arms not long after you were born. You looked so tiny, so vulnerable. So suitable. You just needed to grow until you were mature enough. But Patton had to be a goody daddy and the Light Master had to ruin it all!
THOMAS: Me? What…?
VIRGIL: What is he talking about, dad?
PATTON: [confused] I promise I don’t know, kiddo. I don’t remember…
DARK MASTER: Perhaps I can help with that.
[The Dark Master points at Patton. A light blue sphere appears on his hand]
DARK MASTER: This, on my hand, are your stolen memories. You’re no longer a worthy enemy, so I won’t be needing them anymore, and I need to make room for… another procedure. Here, take them back.
[the light-blue ball is projected at light-speed and impacts into Patton’s head, making him walk two steps back. The light enters inside Patton’s head, who holds his head with both hands and groans as if he was suffering the worst headache ever, as if his head was about to explode right there.]
VIRGIL: [scared] Dad!
LOGAN: Patton!
[in a few moments, Patton adopts a serene face. He stops holding his head and looks fiercely at the Dark Master]
PATTON: [serious deep voice, never heard before from him] Now I remember… everything.
DARK MASTER: Good. Then now you know it all. How does it feel? Please, tell me that it hurts you, it would be so rewarding for me.
PATTON: Yes, I remember. Yes, it hurts. And no, you won’t get away with your plans.
DARK MASTER: [evil voice] I challenge you to stop me. If you want to find me, you know where to look for me… sweetie. [back to an unconcerned, mocking voice, to Roman] Oh, by the way, thank you Roman, I couldn’t have done this without you.
ROMAN: What?
DARK MASTER: If you hadn’t entered Sandersia with Chris, I wouldn’t have been able to reach him, and if you hadn’t turned the night into day, I wouldn’t have known you were here, allowing me to come here to check what you were up to. What a pleasant surprise you gave me when you introduced your boy. Thank you for your invaluable help.
ROMAN: [face of remorse] What have I done…?
[the Dark Master starts levitating and so does the dark bubble holding Chris in. Chris shows a face of fear for the first time and starts banging at the bubble, desperately trying to break it]
CHRIS: [scared whining] Father! Dad! Help me! Don’t let him take me!
VIRGIL: [in tears] You bast**! He’s just a baby! Thomas, do something!
THOMAS: I’m trying! I’m trying to go into Light Master mode… but I’m so tired I get dizzy when I try! I can’t keep it together!
DARK MASTER: Well, as the old cartoon said, that’s all folks! Bye!
[The Dark Master flies away through the door and the bubble follows him with Chris inside]
CHRIS: [screeching in horror] Heeeeelp!
[his cry for help gets lost in the distance before the others have time to react. Then Virgil starts running to the door]
VIRGIL: Come back! Give me my son back! I beg you! Take me instead! No!
[he stops before reaching the door, with pain in his stomach over the effort. Roman runs after him and holds him]
VIRGIL: [hysterical, he turns around and starts punching Roman’s chest with both fists, while Roman looks at his husband with a face of intense suffering and remorse] Don’t touch me! This is your fault! This is all your fault! They took him away because of you! I hate you! I hate you! [he stops punching Roman’s chest and lies on it sobbing on it while Roman hugs him, also crying] I hate you…
ROMAN: I’m sorry, Virgil. I didn’t know this would happen… But we’ll fix it. We have always defeated the Dark Master and this will be no exception. I promise by my royal crown that he’ll get what he deserves and we’ll rescue our son! I solemnly swear it!
[a sign reading “To be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals appears”]
[ending card]
[a couple of minutes have passed, The guys are sitting down on some benches. Virgil is lying on Roman’s shoulder, his face completely void, looking at the infinity, trying to evade himself from the horrible reality he’s facing]
THOMAS: I’m so sorry, guys. I wish I could have been of more help. I just couldn’t call my powers out of exhaustion.
ROMAN: It’s not your fault, Thomas. Like the Dark Master said, it’s my fault and only mine. I’m sorry, guys. [to Virgil] I’m sorry, my love.
VIRGIL: [looks at Roman and holds his hand, then speaks with a weak, heartbroken voice] And I’m sorry for hitting you earlier… I was out of my mind and I didn’t mean what I said. Of course I don’t hate you.
ROMAN: [kissing Virgil’s hand] I know, my love. But you were so right at the same time…
PATTON: You didn’t know this would happen, Roman. Don’t torture yourself.
ROMAN: A marvelous father I’m turning out to be. The first thing I do is delivering him in a silver plate to the enemy.
PATTON: Well, I don’t think I was any better, to be honest.
VIRGIL: [looking at Patton] What do you mean, dad? You have always been there for me.
PATTON: Not always, son. Not always. Now that I’ve got the full picture with the missing piece of my memories, I had… I have so much to regret and so much to apologize for.
THOMAS: It’s hard for me to believe that you, among all of us, could have a dark past of some kind. My mind simply can’t process it.
PATTON: And yet, I do. The Dark Master took good care of shaping my mind in a way that would never ever make me question the holes in my mind. He probably gave me that stupid naive personality so that I would never wonder about the kind of stuff he didn’t want me to remember. And it worked. I was so happy in my stupidity I got completely blind about that.
LOGAN: Don’t say that, Patton. You were not stupid.
PATTON: Yes I was. So silly, so childish. I’m so ashamed when I look back and remember the stupidity of my mind I had these past years.
LOGAN: We loved you the way you were. I loved you. I still do.
PATTON: I’m sorry, Logan, but as Deceit would say, you’ve fallen in love with a lie. The Patton you fell in love with is not real. It was never real. I don’t deserve any kind of love.
LOGAN: Falsehood! That’s not true!
PATTON: Yes it is. You don’t know what I did. What I made Virgil go through because of my weakness… Oh, my God, you’re gonna hate me so much when I level with you all. I’d wish that the Dark Master hadn’t restored my memories. I was happier in my stupidity and now I feel like I’ll never find peace in my life again. Maybe that was his intention, to see me suffer and torture myself forever.
VIRGIL: Dad, you are my father. Nothing you could have ever done could be so bad that I couldn’t forgive it.
PATTON: You don’t know the truth yet, son. Once you know, you won’t be able to say that again with conviction.
VIRGIL: Then tell me dad, to prove you that you’re wrong. What is that truth that is so unforgivable?
[Patton sighs]
PATTON: The truth about who your father is.
VIRGIL: You are my father, what do you mean?
PATTON: I mean your other father.
VIRGIL: My other father? You remember now his identity? Who is he?
PATTON: You already know him too well. You’ve lived with him for years in the Dark Realm. You lived under his yoke and his tyranny for many years, and I couldn’t save you, may God forgive me.
[Virgil looks at Patton. A grimace of horror slowly starts appearing]
VIRGIL: No… that’s not true… that’s impossible!
PATTON: Yes. As painful as it is for me to admit it, but it’s true. The Dark Master is your father.
VIRGIL: [progressively more hysterical as he speaks] I can’t believe you! He can’t be my father! He can’t! If he was my father, he would have never treated me the way he did in the Dark Realm! He would have never taken my son away from me! It’s impossible! No! I refuse to believe you! You’re a liar! You’re no better than Deceit!
ROMAN: [holding him by the shoulders and shaking him] Virgil, calm down! You know he would never lie to you, especially in a matter so serious!
[Virgil sits down. He can’t look Patton in the face]
PATTON: [sad] See? I told you you would hate me.
[Virgil doesn’t answer. He just stares at the infinity, with rivers of tears running down his cheeks, in complete silence. Patton looks at his son, and his eyes also get watery and red. Logan hesitates about if he should hold Patton’s hand, his face noting he'd really wish to do so. Eventually he shies away and doesn’t.]
ROMAN: Just give him some time. It’s too much to assimilate in one go.
THOMAS: I have so many questions…
PATTON: [sniffs and swallows his tears, then trying to show the voice of a dad commanding something to his son] I know, Thomas. But for now, they’ll have to wait. If we want to stand a chance against the Dark Master, you need to sleep. We all need it, for the record.
THOMAS: That’s easier said than done, though. How am I going to catch sleep with all this turmoil of emotions and thoughts running through my mind? I don’t feel sleepy, just tired, really tired, but not sleepy.
PATTON: You’re exhausted, Thomas. You don’t feel sleepy because of your nervousness over all of this, but I’m sure if you try, it won’t take you long to fall asleep. And while you sleep, we will all fall into slumber, including the Dark Master, so that could at least delay his plans with Chris. And since Chris can resist slumber, it could give him a chance too, if he could ever break out of that ball, that is.
THOMAS: What are the Dark Master’s plans?
PATTON: No, Thomas. Not now. Now, sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you everything.
ROLAND: You can all use the guest bedroom in the castle. I always have it ready in anticipation for days like this when all of you would come over. The sheets were changed just this morning. And you, Thomas, can find some sleeping clothing in the closet that will suit you. After all we all have the same size in this world, right?
THOMAS: Thank you so much, Roland.
ROLAND: Don’t mention it.
ROMAN: Okay, time to bed, then. Tomorrow, we’ll call Deceit, Honesty and Remus and we’ll think about what to do.
ROLAND: Is it really necessary to call Remus, though? I’m quite unnerved by his presence. He tried to kill me, just in case you’ve forgotten, that’s why Ira came to live here with me, to be my protector against him. It just doesn’t feel right for me that you’re all so… attached to him right now. I don’t trust him.
ROMAN: I know what you mean and I understand your concern, but Remus is no longer the same as he used to be. I mean, he’s still pretty chaotic and all, but he’s harmless now, and he’s trying to fit in with us, in his own unique way. Besides, we need to be all together for greater chances of success.
ROLAND: [sighs] Okay, if there’s no choice, okay. But don’t ask me to behave nicely to him, because he wasn’t nice to me.
ROMAN: It’s fair, but you should try to give him a chance. Now, let’s go to bed. I’ll turn the day back into night so that we can sleep well, even though it’s almost morning at this point.
[they all stand up and follow Roland. Virgil, apparently unaware that the others are leaving the room, remains sitting down for a moment, still looking at nowhere, before Roman grabs him by the hand and asks him to follow them with the sweetest glance he could come up with. Virgil just follows them like an automaton to the huge guest bedroom which has eight beds. Thomas puts on the pajama he finds in the closet and gets into bed. The others just summon pajamas for themselves and get into the other beds. It only takes a matter of minutes for the exhausted Thomas to fall asleep. When that happens, the rest of the Sides fall asleep too. All of them except Virgil, who just keeps staring at the ceiling, still crying in silence, all night long]
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