#guardians of the galaxy headers
taikawaltiti · 1 year
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spideyzitos · 2 years
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⋆˚ ☆ ໒˚⋆🎄⠀Guardians of the galaxy⠀♡゚˖ ୭
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flowerboye · 1 year
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guardians of the galaxy vol 3 headers
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iconpsds · 2 years
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Guardians Of The Galaxy (Vol 2) Headers
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mondlevan · 2 years
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guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 headers
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twt: @szamofada
may 5 in all theaters🌌
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iconsfilm · 1 year
oi oi, pode trazer icons que combinem essas? 🙏🏻
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lockzade · 2 years
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DON'T repost | all made by me
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pxresoxl · 2 years
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Marvel Studios | Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 | Trailer Headers and Lockscreens
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• Credits are appreciated.
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dailygotg · 11 months
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Guardians of the Galaxy | Icons Masterpack
Contains over 29k icons & over 2k headers for both individuals & relationships/friendships
All icons are 400x400
All headers are 1500x500
Requests are currently open
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Exact icon count & character list below the cut
Adam Magus: 681
Adam Warlock: 1251
Angela: 679
Ben Grimm: 280
Beta Ray Bill: 138
Billy Kaplan: 421
Carol Danvers: 906
Charlie-27: 196
Cosmo: 239
Drax: 1909
Flash Thompson: 238
Gamora: 3340
Geena Drake: 330
Groot: 1352
Heather Douglas: 583
Hercules: 285
J'son of Spartax: 254
Kitty Pryde: 1092
Mantis: 1035
Martinex: 114
Nebula: 1052
Noh-Varr: 311
Peter Quill: 3248
Phyla-Vell (616): 1092
Phyla-Vell (18897): 165
Rael Rider: 161
Richard Rider: 667
Rocket Raccoon: 2082
Scott Lang: 309
Starhawk: 138
Teddy Altman: 367
Thanos: 763
Tony Stark: 1029
The Matriarch: 123
Vance Astro: 437
Victor Von Doom: 175
Victoria of Spartax: 227
Wendell Vaughn: 161
Yondu Udonta (691): 176
Misc: 853
Total: 28862
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freneticfloetry · 6 months
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Lone Star fandom is starting a rewatch next week, and the Tumblr tag games are playing along! Every week, a different prompt will be posted to feed the fic rec gods.
Rules: This week’s prompt: a begins fic that you loved. A begins fic (‘begins’ coming from the 9-1-1 origin-story episodes) will delve into the backstory of a character before canon. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all! Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Begins’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
(Header gif courtesy of @guardian-angle22!)
Okay, not only am I still wading through all the wonderful @tarlos-santa fics, I’m still making my way through this fandom’s deep back catalog. I don’t actually have many Begins fics to reference just yet, where Tarlos is concerned, but I couldn’t let this tag game go by without reccing two of my favorite fics ever far and wide. (Thanks to cig and @lemonlyman-dotcom for said tags.)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
There’s a very particular backstory that unfolds here for both of our boys, told through the watershed moment of 9/11. The way it shapes and changes them in the days and years that come after, colors the way they both see and show grief, is just astounding. It’s breathtaking. It’s masterclass, galaxy-brained shit. And the same can be said about the fic as a whole, which sees their separate experiences coalesce in the aftermath of TK’s fateful flight. Just gorgeous.
What Is Sown, What Is Grown by @never-blooms
Is it a question of nature vs nurture? Is it an ode to the weariness of cultural code-switching? Is it both hard look at and love letter to all the things in our blood that make us before we’re even born? All of the above, and so much more. This is Carlos, before, and during, and after, and all the ways he reconciles those states inside himself. Beth’s point of view and personal history shine through every single syllable here, no matter what language they’re in, and the result is something hauntingly beautiful and altogether unique in this fandom.
Open tag!
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taikawaltiti · 1 year
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Entry #005.2ndcompany.v2[avaronedit].txt
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--The Second Company, Part 1 of 5-- +Header Item: Pict-Capture, elements of the Second Company, Iron Fists Chapter, during deployments on Crucible, Poros Crusade, 985.M41. The Departmento Photartem formally apologises for resolution losses and degradation encountered during processing.+
Within every Astartes chapter, there is a company that occupies the lion's share of the spotlight. For some, this is the result of years of dutiful service, such as the Dark Angels' fifth company, or a hereditary, prominent position at the tip of the spear in the case of the Space Wolves' Blackmanes. The Ultramarines second company, oft-referred to as the Guardians of the Temple, exemplify this trend most clearly, thanks to their 'crafted...reputation as dynamic heroes'. The test for such prominence is fairly trivial, and requires that one merely browse the galleries of chapter artwork and identify the company heraldry that comes up most frequently. For the Iron Fists, this trend manifests strongest around the Second company, sometimes colloquially known as the black-blades, but more often referred to as simply "The Second". However, unlike the famous companies of first-founding chapters, the Second's prominence in the eyes of the outside world is not the result of a prodigiously long roll of honour, nor a saga of dramatic, galaxy-shaking deeds. It is a quirk of doctrine that makes the Iron Fists' Second stand out. The bespoke organisational layout of the Second dates back to around 350.M39, some half-century hence of the Fall of Taralus during Abaddon's tenth black crusade. With limited resources with which to rebuild the shattered chapter, surviving command staff were compelled to devise novel force structures in order to maximise the utility of what few assets they had. Swiftly-promoted from savant-initiate to captain (a normally unprecedented ascension that owed more to the lack of more senior candidates with more seniority), it was Llewellus Thoca who received the responsibility of reforging the Second.
Thoca deserves a treatise all of his own (which I am told exists but am struggling to locate at present), but his restructuring of the Second was one of the earliest and most immediately effective measures of its kind. The company focused itself around a core of assault veterans who had survived the Fall of Taralus by near-constant ship defence actions. The successful utilisation of these squads would prove pivotal in the company's first actions since the fall, and gradually the company's doctrine would shift towards creating and exploiting scenarios where their effect could be maximised, usually in the form of rapid, pinpoint strikes on key enemy targets. This structure had its fair share of downsides. The Second had significantly less specialised resources at its disposal in comparison to its contemporaries. The company's core strength was bound up in close-range infantry, and if improperly commanded, that infantry would take heavy casualties, especially if tasked to handle threats they were incapable or inequipped to face. These core assault squads also required significant coordination inside and outside the Second, which required company command to establish and maintain high levels of trust and cooperation with outsiders.
Nevertheless, such hardships would foster unique levels of proficiency across the company's tactical, assault and devastator units, creating a company-wide focus on cohesion, diplomacy and quality intelligence gathering. The entombment of select veterans of the company into dreadnought chassis would further this trend by preserving hard-won expertise for future generations to learn from. In particular, the tactical squads of the second company would develop a bespoke reputation for quality, both within and beyond the chapter, and it was not uncommon for individual squads to be placed under the command of other captains in instances where well-disciplined line troops were vital.
Thus, when the Second was suitably managed and supported, their ability to turn the tide of battles or even whole campaigns was profound. Such deployments frequently put elements of the Second in positions of much greater visibility to mortal soldiery and imperial commanders alike, in stark comparison to the other four battle companies who were generally more capable of operating alone. This factor would be further enhanced by the personality of the Second's captains, who were chosen by vote from within the company and were generally selected for their zeal, inspirational abilities and diplomatic candor, all the better to secure the collaboration that made the Second effective.
+Supplementary Log, Cosrau Yandin, Captain, 7th Company Iron Fists+
As a former sergeant of the Second's sixth tactical squad, Captain Yandin had this to say when asked about the prominence of the company. [edited for brevity]
"This is a feature, not a glitch. The Second lives and dies on its reputation. The moment it is perceived as unreliable by those it fights alongside, it is no longer able to draw on the support, intelligence or specialist units that allow it to fight as well as it does. You've only to look to instances like Ibossim to see how the Second fares when fighting alone." "A lot of the training leverages this mechanic. While you always train with your squad, eight times out of ten your squad trains alone. This cultivates an understanding of what happens when you are unsupported. If you make a mistake, you die, and so do those around you. The pressure is extremely fierce, as a result." "This pressure extends to every part of the company . A warrior of the Second bears responsibility for the lives of those they fight beside. But a captain of the Second carries the entire company on their shoulders. It lives and dies with him. He must be considerate enough to soothe his allies, yet passionate enough to inspire them. He must carefully consider his stratagems, yet always be ready to join the fray himself. He must be open minded to new ideas, but throne forbid he make a mistake." "That's not to say it's all as brutal as it sounds. Yes, I mean it, stop looking at me like that. The Second has just as long a history of teaching its members as it does combat-simming them into perfectionists. Sharing knowledge strengthens the whole company. Ascendants teach the sergeants, who teach each other, who teach the rank and file. [Author's note: 'Ascendant' is a term used within the company to refer to those interred in dreadnoughts.] The first squad was a self-contained bladesmanship academy long before it was the captain's personal bodyguard, and those who do make captain often spend decades being prepared for the role by their predecessor. The last captain, Exitas, could trace the teachings he received all the way back into M40, when Hayabusa Shandar was wrestling necrons out of their night scythes."
"That tradition could've continued for another thousand years, had his tenure not ended so abruptly. Exitas died on Kalidos, during the retreat from the Stygius sector, barely thirty years into his tenure and with no suitable successor prepared. Throne, it wouldn't have been so bad if we'd just lost Exitas. Samas Tenebra was right there, Exitas' direct predecessor, the only First Captain in the chapter's history to have risen from the Second. There was literally no better to teach Exitas' successor, but then Saphyre happened, and before either of them were laid to rest in Taralan soil, our beloved Chapter Master bike-slides onto the Tsiolkovan and declares Throne-damned cog-brained Artos Myra as Second Captain and before you know it-"
+Log terminated: storage capacity exceeded+
Saved by the voxcaptor, Hester Vinchix Calimorre, Historiographer-Moderatus, Logos Historica Verita.
+Attached Image: Second Captain Shado Avaron in action at the head of first squad Zaio, second company, during the "Ibossim Bloodbath", circa 639.M41. Recovered from data-fragments extracted from Praetorian XIX regimental datalink.+
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thattimdrakeguy · 1 year
Glad to see you excited for some comic, and more glad to see your blog back with color and an icon (I particulary always loved that header you had with Tim in a flying pony), keep going buddy always seeing your blog.
Thank you! I always like getting notifications and seeing your name, because I always enjoyed you
Lately I just been loving Marvel comics. I been reading nearly every single current ongoing in Marvel. Except the X-Men stuff, because those runs been going on longer than the rest, and I don't know how far back I'd need to read to understand them. But once I get the patience I'm gonna go in and read those too.
Sadly Amazing Spider-Man is...the opposite of good 'cause Spidey is my favorite, but I am enjoying the ongoing just called "Spider-Man" and Miles' Spider-Man run is currently really fun. So I still get my Spider fix.
So far only other runs I haven't enjoyed are Guardians of the Galaxy 'cause it's doing a mystery box storyline I simply don't care about, and I think it feels clunky. And Black Panther, not because I think it's bad, but because a lot of it relies on you knowing what happened in the last run, and I never read it, so I'm really lost. Which sucks, 'cause I think Black Panther is super cool. I'm still gonna keep up with it though to see if I can make sense out of it enough. He's not king anymore. I know that much.
Best though, is Fantastic Four. It's such a good comic. It's written so smoothly, and full of depth, while still mostly being light hearted, it's literally best described as fantastic. It blew me away.
They're not all equal, but they're all fun...besides Amazing Spider-Man which has recently just gotten very depressing. The opposite of fun.
Much better than DC, where I felt like I couldn't read any comic because it kept getting stuff wrong, and/or only cared about ripping off fandom stuff...that should've remained fandom stuff.
Can't believe Normie Osborn so far has a way better series than Tim Drake has for what feels like a long long time (Probably 'cause it has been a long long time). Red Goblin has a focus on Normie, and uses history to back up what he should be like. Whereas Tim's was just...the feeling of a total fan fiction that couldn't remain loyal to characterization, besides the most generalized stuff. Leaving it boring. And left characters like Bernard's unrecognizable to who they are.
Latest series I been digging into is Carnage, since I've always loved him, and it starring a villain is pretty different. It's intriguing, unique, surprisingly...somewhat adventurous? I'm not all the way through it. But I wanna catch up soon to see if I can understand this current Carnage related crossover event better. It lives up to it's name "Carnage", I've been surprised at the amount of violence in it. It does not hold back.
Basically, besides a few things, I really been loving Marvel. It's more at home for me.
(Also I lost that header lmao It's just gone)
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iconpsds · 2 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol 2) headers
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
It's as if we just exited film awards season and now we are in Emmy For Your Consideration (FYC) season and there is already talk about possible 2024 Oscar nominees with the excellent Ben Affleck directed AIR (an interesting and engaging look at how the Michael Jordan collaboration changed the landscape for Nike and athlete campaigns forever) being bandied about. Cannes Film Festival is in May, but before that we can see some of the more pedestrian films that will be adorning theater marquees in coming months thanks CinemaCon - the annual showcase for theater owners.
Hopefully no one will be getting served with legal papers this year!
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CinemaCon's schedule
April 24 is International Day where there will be panels discussing the global disruption due to the pandemic, global box office and movie marketing.
Honored during International Day will be producer Barbara and her brother Andres "Andy" Muschietti (THE FLASH) as International Filmmakers of the Year and AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER will be honored with the Comscore International Box Office Achievement Award.
Sony Pictures is the studio to kick off the event. While they have not named a spotlight film, it's likely films that will be touted are: SPIDERMAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE and SPIDERMAN: BEYOND THE SPIDERVERSE
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(trailer for the former will drop Tuesday) ,the sex comedy NO HARD FEELINGS starring Jennifer Lawrence, the live-action HAROLD AND THE PURPLE CRAYON, Neil Bomkamp's GRAN TURISMO live-action adaptation that stars Orlando Bloom so you know it will be pants, EQUALIZER 3, KRAVEN THE HUNTER, the untitled GHOSTBUSTERS sequel, Dakota Johnson's MADAME WEB
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The rest of the sked
Tuesday: Will be Warner Bros. who are celebrating their 100th anniversary.
Films likely to be showcased include no-brainers like BARBIE, MEG 2: THE TRENCH, THE NUN 2, BLUE BEETLE,
Whose trailer drops tomorrow
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AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM, a Timothee Chalamet double-header with DUNE PART TWO
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and the musical WONKA, THE COLOR PURPLE, the sequel to GODZILLA vs. KONG, Bong-Joon Ho's MICKEY 17 starring the very talented, but face like a parking meter Robert Pattinson.
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They will have a special screening and it will likely be THE FLASH.
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Wednesday will be The Walt Disney Company. Thanks to their acquisitions Disney doesn't just mean their Disney branding but 20th Century and Searchlight.
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The evening Universal and Focus Features will highlight their upcoming slate.
Films likely to be showcased: OPPENHEIMER, FAST X, STRAYS, POLITE SOCIETY, Alexander Payne's THE HOLDOVERS, BOOK CLUB: THE NEXT CHAPTER, the animated RUBY GELMAN: TEENAGE KRAKEN, the adaptation of the 80s series THE FALL GUY cleverly titled THE FALL GUY starring Ryan Gosling, KUNG FU PANDA 4, the untitled PLEASE DON'T DESTROY film featuring the comedy trio of SNL writers Ben Marshall, John Higgins, and Martin Herlihy (the latter two being sons of SNL writers Tim Herlihey and Steve Higgins). Essentially they are the new Lonely Island, but not funny and no rapping skills.
and Wes Anderson's stacked ASTEROID CITY
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Paramount will close out the night with a reception celebration TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS.
Thursday Paramount is back at the gate highlighting their upcoming slate. Likely to be showcase: The Tom Cruise juggernaut MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 8: DEAD RECKONING Part One(with a very likely teaser for Part 2), TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM, A QUIET PLACE DAY ONE (which comes out in 2024 but will be released before 2024's CinemaCon)
Director John Kasinski and his cast: Djimon Hounsou, Alex Wolff, Lupita Nyong'o Joseph Quinn.
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*I remember when A QUIET PLACE came out and everyone praised that an original concept was having a success - that finally, no established IP was heading up the box office. Now there's sequels and prequels to this bish.
Lionsgate will have a special presentation of their slate.
The seminal literary masterpiece turned schalmatzy film, ARE YOU THERE, GOD, IT'S ME MARGARET , THE BLACKENING (with one of the best taglines I've seen).
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*The skit it is based on
including a screening of the raunchy comedy, JOYRIDE starring whose cast is being honoured as Best Comedy Ensemble at the event.
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bagofbonesmp3 · 2 years
Hey it's the death and resurrection anon again, I've never really thought about that in the way you described it, it's a very interesting angle to look at it, you've convinced me to give it another shot, do you have any recommendations? My tolerance level for weird and bizarre things is pretty high so don't worry bout alienating me. Go nuts (PS:I forgot to mention that I found your blog through the Bi Anka cover, so... yeah)
I'm a marvel girl mostly, so here are my easy-to-get-into books:
hawkeye (2012) by matt fraction and david aja: street level superhero shenanigans. deals with depression, loneliness and morality.
moon knight (2014) by warren ellis and declan shalvey : street level superhero as well but. moon knight style. ambiguous narrator. violence. involvement with the community
black widow: the name of the rose (2010) by marjorie liu and daniel acuña: one of the greatest comic books of all time. spy thriller. trauma, crimes of the past, forgiving oneself and the world.
daredevil (2011) by mark waid and paolo rivera: vigilante superhero with legal drama! fuma aventures ! kooky villains ! and the way depression is a constant even when your life turns around. but you have to rely on the people you love.
runaways (2003) by brian k vaughn and adrian alphona: unconventional teenage superheros! because they don't want to be superheros. their parents are villains. and they have to grapple with their actions and how they get passed down.
ultimate spider-man (2011) by brian michael bendis and sarah pichelli: miles. morales. origin story.
x-23 (2005) by christopher yost and craig kyle: government experiments with a child since birth. the true wolverine. trauma, the exploration of the self when humanity has been stripped away. difficult mother daughter dynamics
all-new guardians of the galaxy (2017) by gerry duggan and kuden: they're in space and doing funky stuff. space adventure kinda thing
ms. marvel (2014) by g. willow wilson and adrian alphona: coming of age story! fun and fresh.
thor (2014) by jason aaron and russell dauterman: oh Jane Foster we're really in it now...
gambit (2012) by james asmus and clay mann: crime story! heists! this man is bisexual
storm (2014) by greg pak and victor ibañez: demistifying a goddess. dealing with grief and new responsbilities, but at the same time giving yourself time and space to be yourself.
and if we're talking resurrection stories.... Elektra is one of my favorite characters of all time (she's my header hehe), and has my favorite resurrection storyline (her whole shtick is died unfairly and came back) here's a reading order for her. i recommend reading elektra and wolverine: the redeemer. it's very beautiful, a semi-novel, and very easy to get into. hope this helped you!
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