#he only looks angry cos he's always looking down (at us)
ruubesz-draws · 24 days
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He always looks angry
But he's actually a real big softie (only for Mothra tho)
(The angle is very important)
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
Core, what about a bit of competition with ps! Gaz? Some new girl who think's she's already the darling of the studio takes a liking to Gaz, but finds out about his ties with reader.
The one time she gets to film with Gaz, she overplays her role and absolutely covers his neck, collar, shoulder, everything with hickeys, hoping it will deter the reader.
So imagine her shock when the next day, she pops into his dressing room and finds the reader in there as well, applying foundation over the marks and littered with dozens from Gaz himself. ❤️
(I realize how dumb this sounds as an ask but it's been rotting my brain for days and I desperately need it gone so I can focus on my college classes 😭)
thanks this has also been rotting my brain because i just love putting people in their place (: more ps!gaz here <3
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The crux of your ass sits in perfect place on Kyle's thighs while your legs straddle the expanse of his hips. Warm hands rest on your waist as you manhandle his jaw, tilting his head side to side to get better access to his neck. Thick, round hickeys litter the delicate skin around his throat and down to his shoulders in angry, red pinpoint marks that break the beautiful and even tone of his skin with something revolting. They look like proper bruises rather than the after effects of a... wild video shoot. As if someone had tried to strangle him rather than make love to him.
You remember the video well, along with that new model with her fake blonde hair and even faker tan that they had paired Kyle with to shoot the other day. You had only seen her in person one time, and you vividly recall the way her blue eyes rolled over your body, assessing every inch of you before ultimately deciding you were worth very little time. Confidence was a must when you worked in the porn industry, but her attitude borders on an arrogance you haven't seen since your teenage years in public school.
As you apply yellow color corrector onto the dark marks on his skin, you nearly shiver as the images of her stained lips suckling on Kyle's neck flood your mind. There was little room to feel jealousy about her ravaging your favorite co-star when you were too busy cringing. So childish. Over zealous. You nearly cried tears of laughter when you noticed Kyle's expression, grimacing at the wet tongue and annoying teeth that nipped at him, yet still having to pretend to enjoy it. Even the comments on the video joked about it.
Put him back with the other model.
"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought someone tried to strangle you," you tease.
"She might as well have," Kyle sighs. He adjusts his shoulders against the back of the chair, bare pecs flexing with the movement, bringing your attention to the uncovered marks that line his collarbone. "Haven't been able to go out in public without a goddamn turtleneck 'cause of her."
You chuckle as you finish applying and buffing out the rest of the color corrector along his skin. It leaves him looking sickly and discolored, which oddly enough is an improvement to what it looked like before. Setting the corrector to the side, you grab foundation next, hips swaying as you attempt to get some movement in your aching knees. Holding that position for so long without moving had them burning with fatigue.
"Need a break, doll?" Kyle prompts, hands sliding from your waist to your thighs.
"Don't know if we have time for a break. Got a lot of ground to cover before we start," you humor.
Kyle sits forward, throwing you off balance, yet he doesn't let you sway very far before his arms wrap around you, hands supporting your back. Adoring eyes crease as a grin floods his face. Even without the aid of studio lights he glows like a god as he leans closer and places a kiss on your neck.
"Show can't start without us," he says, teeth grazing your skin as he wanders down to your collarbone. "Could always give you a few hickeys to match, if you want."
He doesn't wait for you to answer before his tongue glides across your clavicles just for his teeth to follow right after. A chuckle rumbles in his chest at the tightening of your legs around his hips, and his hands only pull you closer. It doesn't take much for you to give in. Head rolling back, muscles melting as his lips conquer everything you're willing to give him. It's a delicate softness mixed with a brutal bite, something that leaves you gasping as he pulls the very air from your lungs and feeds on the sounds.
Kyle is more starved for you than usual. Sick of the fake, over dramatic screeching he got last week with that other model, he's hungry for the real thing. Hungry for you.
The unopened foundation falls free from your loose fingers and rolls along the floor into some forgotten corner when his hands wander underneath your shirt. It's a dance he has memorized; unclasping your bra without a second thought and tearing both it and your shirt off in a single, swift motion. He gives you little time to recover before his mouth is on your tits, kissing a sparse trail until he's rolling a perky nipple between his lips.
His bare skin feels like heaven underneath the palm of your hands as you grip his shoulders for stability. He'd take you on the cold, dressing room floors, you knew he would. A part of you wanted him to. Fuck the shoot, they should've learned well enough to put cameras in the dressing rooms by that point with how handsy Kyle Garrick always was with you.
"Can't wait until we get on set to try and undo me?" you ask breathlessly.
"Doll, I'll undo you right here and then again on set if you asked me to," he mumbles into your skin.
A quiet squeak interrupts your moment and the ambiance of the room shifts when the door to Kyle's dressing room opens. His hands grow stiff against your spine as you look over your shoulder at the figure in the doorway. You smell her perfume before you recognize her. Something drowning and floral, like a mall department store. It burns your nose, yet you're too distracted by the slack-mouth surprise etched onto the features of the new blood's face.
It's cute; her confusion. How her eyes flicker over your bare back and Kyle's hands pressed against your skin like he's cradling the only thing he cares for in the world. The dots just can't quite connect in her mind as to why he hasn't completely fallen for her yet, as if the only way she knows how to lure men is by butchering their neck with discolored marks. She can't comprehend why he'd rather have you in his lap than her.
Kyle draws a shocked groan from you when his teeth nip at your shoulder, and your eyes have no choice but to fall away from the woman in the doorway as he pulls you closer to him. His chin gently rests on your shoulder as he stares at the model, hands moving to rest on your hips.
"Need somethin?" he asks, bored.
There is very little you wouldn't have given to see the look on her face, but the small huff followed by the door slamming shut is good enough. Small giggles rattle your body as you lean back to get a better look at Kyle, as if your body would throw a fit if he wasn't within your sight. There's an inexplicable relief that floods his face as he looks up at you, and he mirrors your smile.
"What?" he defends. "Only asked her if she needed somethin."
"I think you broke her heart," you patronize.
"She'll live," he mumbles, lips falling against the crook of your neck again. "Your heart is the only one I care about, anyway."
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More Than Friends// Choi Seungcheol
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Bestfriend!Choi Seungcheolxafab!Black!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: You've been best friends for years. You can't imagine life without him. You don't know when the lines blurred, but you start to wonder are you the only one who feels this way?
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warning: Spit play, Praising, Fingering, Oral Use of nicknames (good girl, princess, baby girl)
A/N: Helloooo! Enjoy, like, and repost whatever you feel is right!- Cherry 🍒
I've been friends with Seungcheol for a while. He's been there for me when I needed him the most after the conversation at his apartment. The guy just finished practicing and wanted to eat and have drinks. Cheol called me and asked if I wanted to join them. I said yes of course. We were all sitting there listening to the stories of how Hoshi is intimidating while practicing for this comeback. I got up to get some food until Cheol stopped me and made me sit back down and made me a plate of food. 
"You guys operate like a couple," Jeonghan said sipping his beer. Everyone hummed agreeance. Seungkwan looked at me. 
"Your friendship dynamic changed. All we are saying is something changed." 
"What if you guys are soul mates!" Soonyoung said. I laughed 
"What is it with you and the soulmates theory Soonyoung?" 
"I mean everyone has one, platonic or romantic. What if you and Seungcheol Hyung are romantic soulmates" 
"Ignore him he's drunk," Mingyu said
"Am not!" Soonyoung said pouting then turning to Wonwoo to kiss him. Wonwoo just patted him on the head. 
No one said anything else, I knew they were right. I just don't know what happened to make the lines blurred. Was it before or after I found out my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me? That was six months ago: 
Me and my boyfriend were supposed to meet up for a date until he canceled on me. He said he had a bad day at work so I decided to go to his house and cook him some food. That was until I got to his apartment only to find him in bed with a co-worker. Heartbroken and unable to see through the tears. I called Cheol who immediately came to get me. Of course, my ex-boyfriend follows me out of the building at the exact time Cheol is pulling up and getting out of the car. 
"Oh of course you call him! You can't get mad at me for cheating when something is going on between you too!" He shouted out. Cheol helped me get into the car and then turned around to face the pathetic excuse of a man. I don't know exactly what was said, but seeing Cheol angry was not something you see all the time, but when he is. It's scary. After watching my ex-boyfriend's face change Cheol walked away and got into the car without saying a word and drove off. Playing with my bracelet trying to calm down, Cheol grabbed my hand and glanced over. 
"Are you okay, Princess?" He said softly. I shrugged. He pulled into an empty parking lot when tears began running down my face unbuckling his seat beat then leaned his seat back
"Cheol what are you doing?" I questioned he just ignored me, picking me up and over the center console and onto his lap allowing me to cry in his shirt, which was white. 
"Your shirt has makeup all on it," I said, sniffing. 
"I don't care, you need someone to cry on, and I'm here. If you care so much I'll take it off" He said I hit his shoulder making him laugh. One of his hands was placed on my back and the other was running through my hair. When I was done crying I got back into the passenger side, laughing at the stain on his shirt. 
"I'm sorry, about your shirts Cheollie" He looked down seeing the light stain on his shirt. He just laughed along with me. 
"Let's get some food and you can stay at mine tonight," He said I nodded. 
"Sounds good" 
Was that when everything changed? Or was it always like that and I just just just noticed now? Cheol's always been affectionate. His love language is gift-giving and physical touch. He does it with everyone. Was it when your boyfriend forgot your birthday and didn't show up to your dinner but Cheol made sure that you knew he remembered? Especially when he pulled out the jewelry box
"Happy Birthday Y/n" The open box in front of me showed a pinky ring. It was white gold and wrapped in white and pink diamonds. 
"S-seungcheol..." I whispered he just smiled at me gently taking the ring out of the box and sitting next to me tilting the ring a little so I could see the engraving on the inside 'To my princess, my best friend Y/N' and grabbing my hand to the ring on my pinky 
"Y/N-ah, You are one of my best friends. You have seen me at my best and my worst. When you heard of my injury you dropped everything just to be by my side. You ensured I wasn't lonely when everyone went on Nana's tour and I thank you for that. I can never repay you for everything you did for me, but I hope this is a start." 
I was playing with the ring on my pinky. Seungcheol comes back with food. I was placing it on the table in front of us. He handed me some chopsticks. 
"I thought we could share if that's okay" He whispered as I nodded, smiling a little. He sat down next to me. Still, all in my head, he nudges my arm with his shoulder 
“You okay?” He asked me, I just looked at him. When did I start looking at him differently, why haven’t I recognized my feelings for him? 
“Y/n?” I snapped out of my thoughts. I was leaning forward to take a bite of the tteokbokki. 
“Mmm, good,” I said, covering my mouth and chewing. Glaring at Jeonghan and Shua who were laughing. 
I ate in silence. I was listening to how excited they were about their comeback.
“You should do the challenge!”I froze about to eat the pork belly then laughed and shook my head. 
“No way I seen the footwork and there’s no way I can do that” I watched the video of the choreography and the break dance at the end of the song is insane. 
“You can do the bridge,” Seungcheol said they all nodded agreeing with what he said. I would deny it until he looked at me, pleading with his eyes. 
“Okay, teach it to me?” I said looking at him, his eyes softened and he nodded. I smiled taking a sip of water.  One by one everyone started to leave. First Soonyoung and Seungkwan. Shua next, Jihoon soon after. Vernon, Seokmin, and  Minghao, and Junhu. Mingyu and Wonwoo left after they finished their last beer. Jeonghan and Chan were left. Jeonghan looked at Chan who was in his own world at this point and got up Helping the younger and the drunker one up. 
“I’m gonna make sure he gets to his bed,” Jeonghan said leaving me alone with Cheol. We sat in comfortable silence for a moment until he looked at me. 
“You staying the night?” He asked I thought about it for a second then nodded. 
“Can I borrow a shirt?’ I said getting up and walking to his room. Knowing he’ll say yes. I went into his closet and grabbed a shirt, then went to take a shower. After I took a shower, I dried off and put on the shirt. I left the bathroom and found him sitting in the living room. As often as I spent the night in Cheol's apartment, you think I would have extra clothes over here. The only clothes I have are actual day clothes, and undergarments not pajamas, simply because I like wearing his shirts they are big and comfortable. 
“Movie?” I asked
“You pick?” He said. 
“I was gonna tell you to pick” I grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. We both sat down after we cleaned up scrolling through Netflix trying to decide on a movie. 
“Hmmm, do we have to watch a movie?” I asked not finding anything interesting enough to watch and taking the remote from my hands and clicking on the TV Show category. 
“Have you started watching Bridgerton?” He asked glancing over at me. 
“Have you?” I said laughing 
“You know that the only reason I’d watch this is with you,” He said pressing select and starting the first episode of season 3. We sat in silence, Cheol grabbed my legs and rested them on his lap. Running his hand up and my calf  I felt my heart flutter as his finger traced circles on my skin. Eyes focused on the screen. I couldn’t focus on the show anymore, my mind drifted as I felt the warmth of his hands. I felt myself getting turned on as I watched his eyes move up and down my body. I knew I had to stop this, but I couldn't move away.  Episode one is finished now on episode two Halfway through the episode you looked at Cheol. 
‘Tell him..’ a voice inside my head whispered 
“Cheol?” I said making him over at me. 
“Hmm?” He said still rubbing my leg. 
I can do this! I CAN do this right? 
It was the end of the episode and Colin and Pen kissed. I glanced over at Seungcheol who was looking at me. 
“What’s wrong, you’ve been quiet ever since I bought the food out.” He asked I shook my head the words stuck in my throat.  I can do this. I guess. 
“Cheol, I-” I took a deep breath pulling my legs off of him and moving closer to him. He looked concerned. I was playing with the ring on my pinky again. 
“Princess? What’s going on?” He said grabbing my hands. I looked at him biting my lip. Closing my eyes. 
“Seungcheol, we’ve been best friends a long time, right? I can’t imagine my life without you in it if I’m being honest, Cheollie. I don’t know why it took me so long even to realize this but. I-” Stopping to look him in the eyes. 
“I’ve been in love with you for so long. You’re everything I could ever ask for. Caring, protective motivational, and understanding, you take charge when needed and become the one person in my life I know will be there. These last few months being able to be here and be a support system for you watching you work to be back on stage with your members have been inspiring and made in love with you even more. ” 
He just stared at me. No words came out. I could decipher what he was thinking. I slowly moved my hands from his and got up.
“I should go. I’ll see you later?” Moving from him grabbing my phone off the table. His hand quickly grabbed my wrist. Getting looking down at me. 
“Were you going to leave? Without me saying what I have to say. Just gonna run out and pretend those pretty words didn’t come out of that pretty little mouth of yours.” His thumb ran over my lower lip. I sucked in a breath. 
“Princess... I have always been in love with you. Every time I tried to tell you, you were in a relationship or I was dating someone or having a fling, it has always been you baby. The first time you came to watch our concert and just seeing you in the crowd with that smile of yours singing along to all of our songs, you made sure to come to every concert just to show your support not only for me but for my members as well. Every show, every stage when I look at the carats cheering for us, I’m looking for you, you are the one to calm my nerves. You have not only helped me go through one of the toughest times in my life. Babygirl I fell and I fell hard for you ” He stepped closer to me hand on my cheek.  I could feel my heart racing as I looked up into his eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, my, heart full of joy and hope.  We pulled away, our eyes still locked. He smiled and kissed me again, this time more deeply. I melted into his arms. He sat down pulling me into his lap. Cheol kissed me again, this time passionately. I was lost in the moment, my heart racing as I felt his hands exploring my body. His hands on my hips moving them. Letting me grind against him. He bit down on my lip  I let out a moan of pleasure as his tongue slid into my mouth. We fought for dominance, which he won, of course, We pulled away panting. His shirt was over my waist his fingers digging into my skin.  His lips met mine again, this time with more intensity. His tongue made its way into my mouth, exploring every crevice. I felt my body temperature rise as my heart raced.
“Cheol” I whimpered against his lips as he raised his hips to meet mine. He groaned his hand sliding down my thigh I felt myself getting wetter as my desire for him grew more intense. His lips moved from my mouth to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind. I arched my back to meet his advances, my heart racing as I felt my body trembling with pleasure.  His fingers brushed against my clit, collecting my wetness with his fingers then start to rub my clit. His other hand moved higher, caressing my breasts as his lips continued to explore my neck. His touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I let out a moan of pleasure as my body quivered. His lips returned to my mouth, his touch sending my mind into overdrive. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climax,
“Good girl princess. Tell me what you need”  He whispered against my lips. 
“I-I want your fingers, please” I whimpered body trembling with anticipation. He slowly inserted two fingers into me, his thumb rubbing my clit as his fingers thrusted in and out of me and I began writhing in pleasure. I felt my body tense up as I started to come undone. 
“I’m cumming!” I said. 
“That’s a good girl, use my fingers to cum” His lips returned to mine, and I let out a final moan of pleasure as my body shuddered in ecstasy. When I finally calmed down I tugged on the string of his sweatpants untying it.  He quickly removed his fingers from my pussy and allowed me to take his pants off. He stood there naked, his erection jutting out proudly. ‘Wow, he’s big.’  I thought to myself as I looked up at him with admiration. I reached out and wrapped my small hand around his shaft, feeling it throb in my hand. I slowly began to stroke him, feeling him harden even more.
“Shit, Y/n, make it wet baby. Spit on it, ” He said taking his shirt off and tossing it across the room. Taking my hand and spitting on it wrapping it around him again. 
“Good fucking girl,” He said panting. I smiled softly watching his face twitch in pleasure.  Finally taking him in my mouth slowly watching his mouth drop slightly. 
“Fuuuuuuuck, baby girl,” He said once I took some of him in my mouth. My hand wrapped around the rest.  He looked down at me, biting his lip. Learning what sends shivers up and down his spine. I pulled up to suck on the head of his cock. I started to move my head and hand up and down his cock occasionally deep throating him. 
“Oh, my fuck- so good at that” His raspy voice whispered his hand in my hair. My eyes never left his. 
“Fuck, you look so beautiful like this.” He said, then pulled me away from him. Bending down picked me up and placed me on the couch with him on his knees. Without a warning, his mouth attached to my clit. 
“Oh shit, Cheol!” I cried out my hands in his hair. His fingers slid into me again. Riding his fingers as his mouth worked on my clit had me arching me arching my back. He pulled away still fucking me with his fingers. 
“You don’t know how long I wanted this, princess. To taste you and feel you around me. Now that I know what you taste and feel like…I’m never letting you go” He said curling his fingers and hitting my G-spot over and over again. 
“Fuck, right there!” I moaned, and he smiled teasingly and said 
“Right here, princess? ” I nodded biting my lip, which made him spank my clit lightly 
“F-uck!” I screamed tightening around his fingers 
“Oh- no baby you gonna cum? You need to ask sweetie, let me hear you beg” he said smirking and spanking my clit again. 
“Please, let me cum so you can fuck me Cheollie” My hips meet his fingers in every thrust. His lips wrapped around my clit again making me gasp and whimper. I couldn’t help myself, the aura he gave, the control he had. The word slipped out 
“Daddy! Please can I cum?”  He smirked again before pushing his fingers deeper inside me and sucking and nibbling at my clit, making me moan louder. I felt my orgasm building, my body trembling with pleasure, and when it finally released, I screamed out in pleasure, my body shaking and trembling with pleasure.  I gasped in pleasure, my orgasm finally arriving. He didn't stop, continuing his ministrations until I was spent. Only then did he remove his fingers and lips from me, leaving me in a blissful state.
“Daddy huh?” He said standing up and taking my legs in his hands wrapping them around his waist. Sliding his cock through my lips. 
“Mmmh, please don’t tease me.” He leaned down kissing me. Biting at my lower lip pulling away 
“Beg me to fuck you baby” 
 “Please daddy, fuck me,” I pleaded. His lips curved into a smirk, pushing inside me., back arched gasping out as he bottomed out  He slowly began to thrust in and out, his grip tightening on my hips with each thrust. I moaned in pleasure, my body trembling with pleasure. He leaned down and kissed me, his breath hot against my lips. 
“You, feel so good. Like you were made for me” he groaned out kissing and biting my neck. I moaned out at the pain and pleasure he was giving me. He leaned up took my leg in his hand put it on his shoulder kissing it softly. The angle change made my mouth drop open, 
“Right there daddy, please” I moaned 
“Please what babygirll? Use your words” he said his other hand pinching at my nipple. I couldn’t think straight. My brain can’t even form the thought of what I was asking for.
“Princess, be a good girl and use your words,” He said hand traveling up my chest onto my neck. 
“F-faster please” I cried out. His pace increased, and my moans became louder with each thrust. He leaned down and whispered, his voice low and raspy. 
“Such a good girl, taking all of me. Asking so nicely. I always wondered how much of a good girl you’d be.” I tightened around him making him groan out. 
“Fuck,” Him hitting my g-spot the way he looked like he could spend forever in this position. Turned me on even more. Making me clench around him. 
“You keep doing that I’m gonna cum” He said I smiled and did it again. He groaned his thrusts stuttering. His hold on me tightened, he reached down and rubbed my clit I gasped as I felt him release inside me. Which triggered my orgasm. 
“Daddy!” I screamed out he continued to fuck me through it. He collapsed on top of me, our breathing still heavy. Once he caught his breath he pulled out. I whimpered at the loss of his warmth. I felt him get up he took me in his arms carrying me to his room and then the bathroom and sat me on the toilet. 
“Use the bathroom princess,” He said grabbing a washcloth and wetting it. I used the bathroom grabbed some toilet paper, wiped myself, and stood up. Seungcheol quietly wiped me with the washcloth and cleaned himself off picking me up again and leaving the bathroom. Walking towards his bed laying down with me on top of him. 
“You’re mine now baby girl, and I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon”
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misserabella · 1 year
javier peña x fem! reader
synopsis; Javier and you simply fucked when his job took the best of him, to blow up some steam. You were nothing, just really close friends…, right? Maybe the thought of loosing you ‘causes him to finally open up.
warnings; +18 content, minors don’t interact!, arms, guns, mentions of death and terrorism, unprotected sex (GUYD STDS ARE REAL, WRAP THE DONG UP), piv sex, oral sex (f! receiving), kid of rough/desperate sex, cursing, nipple play, fingering, dirty talking, praising, a little bit of angst with fluff at the end, cursing, cream pie, no use of y/n! use of pet names and spanish from Javi<3!
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a/n: please remember that english is not my first language! tell me if there are any gramatical errors. hope y’all love it!<3
Javi was a really close friend… And when you meant really, you truly meant it.
You two had gotten to know each other while sharing an office on the police department, and one night that things had wrong and had come to you staying working late, he had touched you in need of a distraction, in need of someone that could understand. And you could understand.
That’s why you let him use you, fuck away senseless his pain, his frustration, his rage…
He fucked into you like you were the only thing left for him to tug on. Kissed you like you were the only bits of oxygen left in the world.
And after that… His need for you became more frequently to this day.
It was late at night when you heard an stressful knocking coming from your door. You rubbed your eyes open, a frown showing on your face when your eyes landed on the clock beside you on the night table. 3:20 AM.
The new knocking had you pulling yourself to your feet, hissing at the cold that stung your feet.
You quickly went to the door, opening it when the knocking only got more intense. You had your gun on your right hand, ready to shoot in case of need.
The gun met the forehead of whoever had woken you up, your hands quickly pushing it away when you met your co-worker’s and leaving it aside.
“Javi?” you called out to him with a confused look. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?” he seemed out of breath, body glistening in the softest sweat. “Ja-“
And as you were about to inquire him once again, he plunged into your home, his warm calloused hands cupping your face to bring you into a searing kiss that had you gasping into his mouth.
You whimpered when he closed the door behind him and quickly pushed you to the wall on your right, his hands roaming your body with the urgency that always came in this situations: He had had a bad day. Maybe a bad week. The thing with Escobar was getting really hard; the bombing, the loss, the deaths, the fear…
Your fingers laced on his hair, and he hummed, thanking you, when you opened your mouth for him.
His hands cupped your breasts from under your silk night gown, letting the lace of your panties show for his angry eyes. Your moaning was angelic.
“Joder.” he had you over his shoulder in less than a second, throwing you onto your bed, making the head broad dent the wall.
“Javi…” you moaned when his lips latched to your neck, his hands back to your tits and his hardened clothed cock pushing against your cunt.
You helped him get rid of your gown, leaving you almost completely exposed to his hungry eyes. His lips sucked on your nipples as one of his hands came down in between your bodies to cup your pussy, a wet patch growing on your panties under his fingertips. You screamed when he pushed the panties aside to let show your beautiful and puffy soaked lips only of him. “Fuck, darling, you’re so wet already…” he muttered against your chest as his fingers dipped and found your clit, making your head fall back and a pornographic moan to leave your lips. “Such a good girl getting all ready for me to fuck, hm?” you nodded, his touch electrifying. “Look at that. She’s swallowing my fingers…” your walls clenched around two of his fingers when he plunged them inside, making your back curl. It was always a stretch, but nowhere like the feeling of his cock fucking you open. “You’re so beautiful baby.” you cheeks reddened at the compliment, a whimper leaving your lips when his kisses trailed down your stomach, a peck being given to the patch of hair on your mound. “Smell so sweet…” your eyes glistened when you saw him take his two fingers inside his mouth, tongue lapping at your juices and making him hum. “Taste so good too. You drive me insane.” you hands flew to his hair when he dove in, sucking on your clit as his fingers started to fuck into you again.
“Fuck, Javi!” he smirked against your cunt when his fingers found that perfect spot hidden in between your gummy walls, his fingers curling in a relentless peace, that has you falling apart under his touch. “Please don’t stop…” you begged, and the hand clutching your right high squeezed your flesh in an assuring way that told you that he wouldn’t.
He couldn’t. Not when you tastes so good and sounded so angelical. Not when he needed you so bad.
It only took a few laps at your clit to had you gushing and coming onto his mouth, making him groan. You moaned as he worked you through it, telling you how perfect you were and how good you were being for him.
When his lips met yours, your tongue tasted your orgasm off his mouth, the kiss sloppy, hungry and needy, spit dribbling down your bottom lip and onto your chin. You were quick to help him get rid of his polo, pants and underwear, freeing his aching cock.
No matter how many times you had seen him it was always a shock to see how big and thick he was, always a stretch to take him when he would part your lips with his bedded head and pushed inside. You always remembered how he had fucked you for the first time, how he had had you sobbing against the table as he whispered a soft ‘Come on, you can take it. Relax for me, that’s it, atta girl.’ against your neck.
You were even quicker to flop on your stomach, your ass up and pussy ready for him to fuck into, since that was how Javier always fucked you, on your fours.
“What are you doing?” he questioned and you frowned as your head tilted backwards.
“Getting ready…?” you send back in the same unsure tone, a squeal leaving your throat when his big strong arms took you to push you down onto your back once again.
“Not tonight, amor. Tonight I need to see you.” he muttered, and before you could open your mouth to inquire him, he was pushing inside.
You cried out at the feeling, the sting of pain that came with pleasure making you reach out for his back, your nails digging on his skin.
He grunted as he slowly pushed more of him inside your tight walls. “That’s it, baby, open up for me.” he whispered onto your ear when your walls started to relax around him and suck him in.
You both moaned when he finally bottomed out, hitting that deep spot that him and only him had ever reached.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, honey, so fucking good…” he muttered as his hips started to snap into you, making your nails go in deeper. “Always so good for me, so pretty… Fuck, fuck,fuck…”
Your whimpers and moans got cut out with every each of his now harsh and quick thrust. You could feel it, feel it in the way he kisses you, in the way he fucked you into the mattress, how there was no space left in between the two of you, how his hands gripped and bruised your hips as he brought you impossibly closer to him…
Don’t leave. That’s what he was trying to say. Don’t die. I need you. Don’t leave.
“I’m here, Javi. I’m here…” you cried out as he fucked into you, tears breaming your eyes at the intensity of your now incoming orgasm. He pushed deeper at your promise. ‘Cause it was a promise.
“Fuck.” he groaned when your walls started to milk him, a scream falling of your lips as he hit your g spot relentlessly. You were dizzy on it, drunk on his skin and his cologne, high on his kisses and his thrusting. “Looking so pretty. Shit.”
“Javi, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” you sobbed and he only sped up, one of his hands moving to roll your clit in between his fingers.
“Come for me, mi amor, come for me.” your ears rang and your vision went white when your new orgasm came crushing down on you, making you scream out his name for the neighbors to hear. “Look at you. Eres mía mi amor. All mine.” “Fuck, you’re getting so tight…” he grunted against your neck as he made a mark there. “Gonna milk me dry…” he fucked you through it, his dick getting coated by your white release, which now painted the brush of hair on the base of his cock. “Gonna cum, baby, fuck.”
“Inside Javi, please…” you begged, and he was quick to paint your walls with his cum, making your eyes roll back at the feeling. You loved it. Loved it when he would come inside, make you his. Mark you as his from the inside out.
You two stood there, riding out your own respective highs in between each others arms. But you knew it wouldn’t last. ‘Cause it never did.
Tears stung your eyes when he slid out of you, making you hiss at the overstimulation. You knew what came next. He would get up, get his clothes and leave without even saying goodbye ‘till the next time he’d come to you, only for it to happen all over again.
You gave him your back, ‘cause you didn’t want to see. And didn’t want him to see you too, crying your heart out after every night he’d fuck you senseless and hugging yourself at the cold that his skin left behind.
But your breath hitched when after the shuffling of clothes, the bed sank under his weight behind you, and your heart stopped when one of his arms surrounded your waist to pull you closer and against his chest.
It was completely silent in between the two of you, only the sound of cars passing by and both your steady breathing filling the silence of the room.
You slowly tuned around in between his arms, his eyes finding yours under the dim light of your salt lamp.
He left a soft and gentle kiss on your forehead, which made your heart flutter and eyes close. You didn’t understand. He had never been like this. He had never fucked you on your back, facing him, never even stayed after it. So what was going on?
You noticed he hadn’t gotten dressed, he had just folded everything back onto the chair of your vanity so tomorrow neither of you would trip on it. Your eyes swelled in tears as you looked at him. And that’s when you saw it, in his eyes. This longing, this love that he has never let himself show you, never letting you look into his eyes as he fucked you, even less as he left you in the middle of the night.
“I’m here, amor. I’m here.” he promised back with a soft smile.
You quickly leaned into the kiss that now his lips planted on your own. It was sweet, slow. A kind of kiss that talked when words weren’t enough. Your hands found his hair and his your hips, bringing you closer, hugging you to his chest. His skin was warm, his body the missing piece of yours.
You let him hold you, let him look into your eyes and pour all the words that he never found himself to mutter on your heart. Let him kiss you, let him mark you, and let him fuck himself back into you once again when he had rose one of your legs over his hips, making you fall apart in between his arms as he whispered beautiful words into the night until the sunrise.
hope y’all liked it, love you xx
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absurdthirst · 3 months
The Irish Escape {Modern!Pero Tovar x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13.9k
Warnings: Rudeness, Pero being an asshole, prejudice against Americans, hypothermia, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal sex, rough sex
Comments: Freshly arrived in Ireland to visit the cottage your estranged grandmother has willed you, you run into a rude Spaniard. Unsure of why he hates Americans and why you seemingly can't stop running into him.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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It’s raining when you arrive in Dingle, County Kerry. You curse your suitcase as you try to drag it along the garden path that leads up to the small cottage known as Fairy Lodge. You fumble to find the key under the mat and work quickly to unlock the door, shivering as you step into the entrance, dragging your case behind you. You shut the door and shrug off your coat, wiping your boots on the mat. The cottage - tiny and cute - was left to you by your grandmother. She recently passed but you hadn’t seen her since you were ten after she decided to follow her dream and buy a house in Ireland. She left it to you in her will with the note, “always follow your dreams” and you decided to take a vacation and check the place out. It’s beautiful, even in the rain, and you are looking forward to exploring the area your grandma loved so much. After drying off and opening up the cottage. It’s quaint in the best way and you check the cupboards to find nothing, not even a pack of cookies. With a sigh, you look out of the window to find the rain has stopped so you put your coat on and make your way out onto the damp streets. You aren’t sure where to go but you googled a small pub nearby so you make your way over to it, hungry and desperate for a drink after traveling.
“Come on, mate.” William rolls his eyes and shakes his head, putting his pint down to slap his friend on his shoulder. “You should stay and drink. The rain’s gonna start again and it’s not like you can work.” He chuckles, imagining how much the Spaniard would curse working out in the rain. When Pero had shown up at his door nearly a year ago, angry and adrift with no plan for his life, he had taken in his old friend. Let him live with him until he had purchased a cottage down the road from the Garin farm. “Nothin’ better to do than drink.” Pero grumbles, shaking his head as he stands up, pushing his chair back. “No.” He huffs, pulling his coat off the back of the chair and shrugging into it before jamming his flat billed hat onto his head. “I’m not paying for your beers.” He glares at the Irishman, knowing that if he stays, he will be left paying the tab. He turns and strides towards the door, not noticing the woman turning away from the counter with a hot coffee in her hands. 
You gasp as the man knocks into you and your coffee spills over his front, soaking his jeans, and you immediately bounce back. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I- shit.” You place the cup down on the counter and you reach for the napkins, turning back to try and help the man mop up the mess you made of him.
The accent makes him immediately seeth in rage, barely even paying attention to your remorseful expression as you shove the napkins at his crotch. Pero slaps your hands away, hissing at the heat of the coffee. “Fucking Americans.” He spits, shooting you a deadly glare. “Ruining fucking everything.” Shoving past you, he slams out of the door and out of sight. 
Your jaw drops and you stare at the door as he swings on the hinges. You can’t believe what he spat at you and you turn to look at the men gathered around the bar. “I- I didn’t see him behind me.” You choke and the blonde man shakes his head, “don’t mind the miserable Spanish bastard. He’s just not a fan of Yankees at the moment.” He chuckles and gulps down the rest of his pint. “Not your fault, lass.” He tells you and you sigh, “he made that crystal clear.” 
The bartender shakes his head, “Garin, that Spanish git needs to apologize to the lady.” 
William scoffs, “you tell him that.” 
You huff, “doesn’t matter. Can I get another cup?” You ask the bartender who nods. You sigh as you finally sit down in the corner, your annoyance at the rude Spaniard fading as you relax.
William decides that he needs to make up for his friend’s rude behavior. He stands up and groans, carrying his pint back to the bar for a refill. He nods to the bartender and slides it down to where he’s pouring you another coffee. “So.” He leans against the rubbed worn wood and shoots you what he knows is a charming grin. “Tourin’ Ireland, are ya?” He asks, making his accent slightly thicker. “Passin’ through, or will ya be stayin’ awhile?” 
“Actually, I - my grandma had a cottage down the road. Fairy Lodge? She left it to me after she recently died and I needed to get away so I came to check on the house.” You explain.
William nods, “oh that tiny little place on the corner? I remember the old lady who owned it.” He nods, “sweet old gal.” He takes the pint from the bartender and comes over, sitting down opposite you. “How long you plannin’ on being here?” He asks you and you shrug, “not sure. I can work remotely so I’ll probably be here a couple of weeks before I head home. I’m going to put the home on the market. I won’t be able to get out here to maintain the home so I think I’ll sell it.” You confess, setting your mug down.
“Oh, you should stay awhile for sure.” William advises. “Make sure the land doesn’t grow on you.” He has to admit, having a younger, attractive woman in the village would be a good thing. But he also doesn’t want the home sold to someone who would not respect the land, or the people. He can’t imagine your granny raising anyone who would disrespect the lady she had adopted as her own. “Besides, ye can always ask your neighbor to check on things. We take care of each other ‘round here.”
You offer him a soft smile, “yeah…except for ‘fucking Americans’” You scoff softly as you quote his companion. 
William shakes his head, “ignore Tovar. He’s a grumpy fucker.” 
You tap your fingers against the mug, “well, he clearly doesn’t like Americans so maybe it’s best that I sell up.” You hum and William sighs, “well, see how ya feel. You might turn out to love it here. I know I do. I served in Iraq and all I wanted to do was come home.” He confesses and you smile again, “it is a beautiful place. I’ll see how things go.”
He nods, reaching for the beer that has been put in front of him. “Well, if you’re needing anything, I’m at the Garin farm. Ask anyone and they’ll point you in my direction.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” You offer William a smile and he makes his way back over to his friends. You settle in to continue reading your book and you thank the landlady for your meal as she brings it over to you. You eat and thankfully the rain has stopped when you decide to make your way back to Fairy Lodge. Tomorrow, you’ll get some groceries but for now, you’re exhausted. You quickly get ready for bed and settle in, falling asleep within minutes.
The next morning, Pero grumbles to himself as he walks up the lane towards the village. Needing some groceries, he wants to see if old man Sawyer had gotten in those wines that he had asked for. It was hard to make some of his dishes without the Spanish wines and he was looking forward to getting them.
You carry your basket around the small grocery store and you gasp when you walk around the corner to see the asshole from last night nearly walk into you again. "Do you make a habit of walking into people?" He growls and you huff, "only rude bastards who don't notice anyone in their peripheral." You hiss back, stomach twisting with annoyance at the man.
He purses his lips at you and narrows his eyes. “What’s an American like you doing in a grocery store like this?” He demands, annoyed that your mere presence makes him feel guilty for yesterday and it just irritates him more. “They don’t have all the fancy shit you would want here. Best go to Dublin and take your demanding, childish ways with you.” 
You narrow your eyes and grip the basket in your hand a little tighter. "Listen, I don't know what the fuck I did to you yesterday that makes you act like a rude prick but I accidentally spilled my coffee over you and you act like I just pissed in your cornflakes. I am here because my grandma left me her house so you'll be seeing more of me around the village. Get used to it, asshole." You growl, spinning on your heel to find the ground coffee.
The news that you will be here even longer than he would like puts Pero in a mood. “Hijo de puta.” He spits, his own basket handle nearly broken as he grips it tight in his fist. The last thing he needs is some stuck up, American bitch hanging around and causing trouble. Old man Sawyer comes into view and he stomps over to him to see if the wine came in. 
You don’t notice the man has left when you go to pay for your groceries and the old man starts to ring everything up. “I noticed there’s a bit of tension between you and Tovar.” He says softly and looks up at you. You’ve forgotten what it’s like to be in a small town - the gossiping and everyone knowing each other - but you sigh, holding your wallet. “I accidentally spilled my coffee over him in the pub last night and he seems to hate me without even knowing my name.” You huff, “I’m not the kind of woman that’s gonna bow over and beg for forgiveness when I already apologized.” You explain and Sawyer nods, “he’s a grumpy git. He, uh, has had a lot going on from what I have heard.” You snort, “haven’t we all? Still not enough of a reason for him to be a prick.” You say and Sawyer chuckles, “you’re fiery. You’ll fit in just fine around here.” He winks and hands you your change. “Thanks.” You say and make your way back to Fairy Lodge, wondering what happened to make Tovar such an asshole.
Pero is passing by the gate to William’s house, his own groceries in a bag on his arm and lost in his thoughts when his friend calls out to him. “Missed a bit of gossip after pouting off into the night.” He looks over at where William is pushing his best sheep, Nell, out of the way and walking towards the stone wall. He rolls his eyes. 
“What, did she manage to spill a beer on you?” He huffs, smirking slightly in amusement at the idea. 
“No, but she did tell me that she’s going to be in town.” 
His smirk slides away and he scowls. “Sí, I know that.” He grumbles, sighing as he walks off the road and towards the wall to talk. The lane was narrow and lorries love to careen around the corners recklessly. 
“How did you find out?” William is grinning, about to tease Pero for being interested in the American. “She nearly ran me over in Sawyer’s.” He snorts. “Woman - women - are menaces. Especially stuck-up, American bitches.” 
“Now mate, you and I both know that’s not fair. She’s not your ex wife.” William shakes his head, “not all Americans are stuck up bitches…or cheaters.” He raises his eyebrows at his Spanish friend who came to him years ago after finding his wife in bed with their neighbor. “Besides, you always told me you wanted to move from Seville. Said you felt trapped. So you came here to bother my ass.”
“I can always kill you so you aren’t bothered anymore.” Pero threatens, only making William laugh. He knows the Spaniard won’t actually kill him and therein lies the problem. They had been in the military together, serving on the same military bases in Iraq and somehow had become friends. Or as close to friends as Pero could have. Knowing the Irishman wouldn’t pity him like so many he had known would, he had decided to sulk in the Irishman’s home village and ended up staying. “She’s just like her.” He predicts. “All pretty smiles and batting eyelashes to get her way and then she shoves the knife in your ribs. She’ll sell the cottage to some developer who will want to put some god awful monstrosity where her granny’s cottage is. Only hope it's far away from my own.” 
William snorts, “she doesn’t seem money hungry to me, mate. She’s not like her. From what you’ve told me, she was charming and drew you in with a fake personality. This one seems real. She doesn’t seem to be faking anything.” William observes, “she’s not your ex wife. She just happens to be American.”
Pero rolls his eyes, knowing that William won’t understand. He’s not been betrayed like he has and had his heart ripped out. Even more to find that the baby she had just told him about wasn’t his. She had just been planning on using him. “I’ve got better things to do than to argue with you, amigo.” He grumbles, pushing away from the wall and walking towards the road. 
“All I’m saying is to just give her a chance.” William shouts at Pero’s retreating form and he sighs, looking down at Nell. “He really is a stubborn bastard.” 
You decide to spend the day in the cottage, checking out things that your grandma left here and cleaning it up. You look through the photos she left there of your family. You haven’t seen her for years but she had an album of photos your parents must have sent her over the years. You caress the book, wishing you’d known her more and you wonder why she left you the cottage. She didn’t even leave you a note in her will when you got the keys.
There’s movement in the Fairy Cottage. Pero had noticed it when he was moving some more kindling under the lean-to on the back of the cottage. The sweet older lady that had lived there had been an American, but he hadn’t held it against the feisty old woman. A light comes on and he narrows his eyes in anger. People need to respect that a house is empty without molesting it. He grabs the crowbar he had been pulling old boards off the interior walls to redo. Ready to go confront the thief and make sure they don’t walk away with anything. 
You hear the back door open with a creak and you inhale sharply, unable to believe that someone is breaking into the tiny cottage in the tiny village that you believed was as safe as could be. Everyone knows each other for fucks sake. You pick up the nearest thing - a book - and make your way down the stairs to confront the invader. When you get to the bottom step, you see the shadow and throw the book, a scream escaping your lips.
Pero curses when the book comes out of nowhere and hits him on the head. Turning and swinging the crowbar threateningly. “You had better make your peace with God if you think you are stealing anything from this house!” He shouts, lunging forward to grab the criminal who has broken into the cottage. “Got you!” 
You scream as he grabs the back of your sweater and you try to hit him. “Get the fuck off of me!” You tell, slapping anywhere you can reach. “Get off!”
He drops the crowbar just as soon as he hears that accent, immediately aware that he has a woman and despite everything, he couldn’t hurt one. “Ow! Ow!” He yelps, throwing his arm up to block the jarringly accurate slaps as they strike his skin. “Stop your hitting, woman!” He growls, finally grabbing your arm so you can stop slapping his face. 
You can’t believe it’s him. “Oh my God, it’s you. You bastard!” You growl, trying to wrench your arm from his grip. “What the hell are you breaking into my cottage?” You demand to know, “what the fuck, Tovar?”
He would be surprised you know his name, but that bastard William has a big mouth. “Your cottage?” He shakes his head. “I didn’t know it was your cottage. The old gal that lived here died just two months….” He trails off, remembering you had said you inherited a cottage from your grandmother. That sweet old woman was your granny? He lets go of your arm and grunts. “Thought you were a thief.” He tells you. “Wanted to run them off before they could steal anything.” 
You are slightly touched that he’d put himself in danger to protect your grandmother’s cottage but you are also annoyed that he broke in without any warning. “Well, it’s just me. Although I’m surprised you didn’t take the opportunity to whack me.” You scoff as he lets go of your arm and you reach up to rub it. 
He snorts, bending down to pick up the crowbar and glares at you. Hating that it was you that he had run into again. No doubt you will be telling everyone what a fool he is, or perhaps calling the police on him for entering your cottage. “Might should have.” He grunts at you. “How do I know you even own this property?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at you again. “Wouldn’t be the first con artist American I’ve run into.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms. “Wow. You’re a grade A prick.” You scoff, “my grandma left it for me and you - I don’t have to explain anything to you.” You huff, staring at him and you get a proper look at him for the first time. He’s handsome, even with that scar on his eye, and you hate that he’s handsome. “Did you, uh, did you know my grandma well?” You ask softly after a moment. The curiosity gets the better of you.
Pero stares at you for a moment before nodding. “I fixed her roof the first year she was here.” He tells you. “Delivered her peat moss to burn and made sure that she was okay when bad weather rolled in.” He rocks his jaw, having to admit to himself that he could see the family resemblance and thinks that he had seen a picture of you when you were younger. “I-” he swallows. “I’m the one who- who found her.” Sadness fills his eyes as he remembers that day. At least she had passed peacefully in her sleep. 
You inhale sharply, tears stinging in your eyes for the grandmother you didn’t get to know properly. “I- I hadn’t seen her since I was ten. My parents divorced and my mom…she didn’t let my dad take me to see her when she moved here. I- I wish I could’ve known her better.” You sigh, stepping back from Tovar. “Anyway…you must be sick of me by now. The ironic thing is you don’t even know my name.”
Pero recalls the stories she had told him about her family, producing your name with an ease that startled him. “She talked about you.” He tells you. “Never stopped loving you and talking about when you were young.” The least he can do is not let you think the old woman didn’t care about you. “Maybe that’s why she left you the cottage.” He offers. 
You nod, biting your lip as tears sting in your eyes when you think about your grandmother. “Thanks for telling me that.” You say, sniffing as you try to not cry. “I - I appreciate it. Do you, uh, I really am sorry about spilling my coffee over you.”
He can’t snap at you when your eyes are watering and you look like you are about to cry. “Don’t worry about it.” He tells you. “I’m sorry for breaking into your cottage.” He tells you as he shuffles uncomfortably. He’s never been good at apologies, but he owes you that. “I’ll leave you to your day then.” He tells you. 
You nod, uncrossing your arms as you escort Pero to the back door. “That - I’ll fix that.” You say, not even sure of where to start to fix the door he had broken when trying to protect the cottage from faux thieves.
Shaking his head, he opens the door and bends down to examine it. “I’ll have the door fixed in an hour.” He tells you. “Need to go get some things from my tool shed and I’ll have it sturdier than it’s ever been.” He looks up and shrugs. “My fault anyway.” 
You accept his offer, knowing you won’t be able to fix the door, especially not tonight, so you let him go grab his tool box and when he comes back, you’re preparing some tea. “You want some tea?” You ask, knowing the nights are turning colder here.
“Do you know how to make it?” He asks seriously. “American tea is very sweet….and cold.” He grimaces, remembering when his ex would try to make tea and he had to drink it in order to make her happy. He had hated it. 
You chuckle, “I can make hot tea. Iced tea is for hot days. Or I can make some coffee?” You offer, not sure what he wants and you wonder when he had iced tea. It’s not something you’ve encountered so far in Ireland.
“Hot tea.” Pero nods. “I don’t understand how someone drinks tea that is thick like syrup.” He chuckles and then thinks to add, “thank you. I’ll get your door fixed, I’ve got another one that will fit.” He promises, opening the door and examining the frame. He had been about to replace his own door but he could always go get another one. 
You nod, getting to work on boiling the water on the stove. Your hatred of Pero fades a little since you’ve managed to talk to him and you still don’t understand his apparent dislike of anyone and anything American. When he comes back, you are a little chilly and you pour the brewed tea. “Do you like milk or no?” You ask, wondering how the Spaniard likes his tea.
His nose curls and he shakes his head. “No milk.” He insists. “I cannot have it.” His sensitive stomach was something that made William laugh but milk curdled on him. It was not pleasant and he didn’t want to risk it. “Please.” He adds when he remembers that manners are important to Americans.
You nod, setting the cup of tea down on the kitchen counter for him. "It's not poisoned." You tease, "although it was tempting." Tovar scoffs and picks up the cup, taking a sip. "So...what brought you to Ireland?" You ask, curious and nosey despite knowing you risk him shutting down on you.
“My friend.” He shrugs, looking down at the cup and then back up at you. “You can actually make a cup of tea that's not shit.” He grunts, knowing that is a compliment from him. “He lived here and I wanted a change so I came and decided to stay.” 
You don't push him, sensing there's more to it and you don't want to risk your newfound ceasefire. "Fair enough. I wanted a change too." You confess and lean against the counter with your cup. "I got tired of the hustle bustle living in the city...it was exhausting."
“You won’t find that here.” Pero promises, pulling his hammer out to start prying the broken piece of wood off the frame. “Unless you count when Garvin’s sheep get out and run amok in your vegetable garden.” He snorts. “Nell, his favorite, never fails to end up walking into the pub like she’s gonna order a pint.” 
You chuckle, "she sounds like a riot." Pero snorts, "a handful." You watch him work, his broad back muscles moving and you bite your lip, suddenly attracted to him. He's been an asshole but you think he's sexy in a mysterious asshole way. "You like it here." You observe, a statement more than a question.
“It’s quiet.” He shrugs slightly, not willing to admit that he’s found more peace here than he had when he returned to his ‘home’ in Spain. “I like quiet. Most are bored to death by it, but there's a tranquility in a slower pace of life.” 
"Sounds like a little piece of heaven." You sigh, cradling the cup of tea in your palms. "Quiet is underrated. People want to live fast but I want to stop and smell the roses...take my time with life. Sorry...too many goddamn cliches." You scoff at yourself.
“People say that, but then they get pissed when there’s no new clubs to go to or activities that aren’t for ‘old people’.” He rolls his eyes and grunts as he measures the wood. “I should go get a piece to replace this and grab that door.” 
You nod, “sure.” You don’t question him anymore or ask anymore questions, deciding to focus on starting a fire to ward off the chilly fall air especially since the door is open. You’re bending over the fireplace when Pero comes back in but you don’t hear him as you remain bent over as you poke the kindling.
Pero frowns, watching you poke at the fire. “You-” He huffs and sets the wood down and walks over to the fireplace. “You’re smothering the fire.” He tells you, taking the poker out of your hand. “It’s not like a wood fire. Peat is finicky, but it burns longer.” 
You want to roll your eyes at him as he tries to tell you how to start the fire. Tired of men explaining shit to you at work, you stand up and let him take over with a huff. “I know how to start a fire. Did it enough times back home. God, you really can’t let people make mistakes, can you?” You ask, confused about why he’s so critical all the time.
Pero snorts and shakes his head. “If you want your cottage to be full of smoke, be my guest.” He snarks back at you, waiting to see if you will take over again. When you don’t, he kneels down and reaches into the fireplace. Pulling out the kindling and the hunks of peat to restack them and pulling his lighter out of his pocket. 
You watch him with intrigue, noticing his strong jawline as he clenches his jaw in concentration. You observe what he does and you take notes for when you start another fire. The hearth is soon full of warmth and Tovar stands up, wiping his hands on his pants. “Thank you.” You tell him, placing your hand on his arm, “sorry I- I’m not good at not being good at things.” You admit softly.
“Don’t worry about it.” He huffs out a small laugh. “Took your grandmother nearly a month of freezing to accept my offer to help her with the chimney.” He has to admit that you seem like you are self-sufficient. Strong-willed. 
You chuckle, “she was stubborn. My dad got that from her. Guess I did too.” You sigh and bite your lip as you lower your hand from his arm. “It’s too damn cold to mess around being that stubborn.” You confess, “even I can admit that.”
“Well, the new door will keep out the wind better and with a good peat fire, your cottage will be nice and cozy.” He promises. “Irish winters aren’t warm, but there is a beauty to them.”
“So I’ve heard. I’m not sure if I’ll be here long enough to see its full beauty. I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do.” You confess and cross your arms, watching as Tovar continues working on the door. “You’re from Spain?” You guess from his accent.
“Sí.” He frowns as he fits the wood in and marks it with the pencil he tucked behind his ear to trim a small sliver off. He grabs his hacksaw and looks up at you. “Seville originally.”
“I’ve never been to Spain. I’ve heard it’s gorgeous. And I think they used Seville for some Game of Thrones locations. There’s so many places I haven’t been that I want to go to.” You sigh, leaning back against the counter. “You must’ve been a lot of places, having such easy access to Europe.”
“It is not hard to travel.” He admits. “But your country is larger than all of Europe combined.” He had been amazed when he had come over to meet his ex’s family. “The flights are short if you want to go on a holiday.”
You shrug, “and expensive as hell. Two hundred bucks average for a flight to another state and nothing as old as what Europe has to offer. I am thinking I might travel to Germany or Austria. Check out the Christmas markets.” You admit, “I miss home but I needed a change.”
“Sounds like more than an inherited house brings you over the pond.” Pero finishes cutting the piece and fits it back into the frame, grunting happily when it fits snugly. He nails it in place as he waits for you to answer him.
You sigh, “I wasn’t happy. I was working twelve hour days. Going on endless first and second dates but couldn’t find a man ready to commit. I was working hard to pay my rent but had nothing left to enjoy myself and I- I got sick of the rat race. I needed to leave the city before it killed me. That kind of life…it gets to you eventually. The loneliness.” You mutter, glancing over at the fire.
He snorts, having no problem being alone himself, but that was after the betrayal. Before then, he had imagined spending the rest of his life with his ex. “If you're alone, only you can disappoint yourself.” He tells you, knocking the last nail in place and starting to take the door off the hinges.
You sense there’s more to his words than he’s letting on but you ignore it, sipping your tea while he works on the door. It doesn’t take him long to get the new one swinging and he adjusts the lock. “There you go, señorita. A new door.” He announces and you snort, “least you could do since you’re the one who tore it off its hinges.”
“It was a shit door.” He grumbles, rubbing the back of his neck before he bends down and picks up his tool box. “Next time I’ll knock to scare away potential thieves.” He tells you before he nods. “Thanks for the tea.” He murmurs before stepping out and closing the door behind him. He had lost a few hours of work fixing your door and now he needs to get back to it.
You huff as he shuts the door behind him, not even saying goodbye and you glance over at the fire. Just when you thought he could be a decent person to talk to, he shuts up again. “Whatever.” You mutter to yourself and get ready to settle in on the sofa to read before you go to bed. You’re not here to be friends with Tovar. You’re here to find yourself.
Over the next few days, Pero keeps busy. His home is still a work in progress, the addition done poorly so he’s having to redo a lot of it. Helping William out on his farm when he needs. Keeping busy and keeping his mind off the neighbor. Sure, he’s checked on the cottage when he’s outside or looking out those windows, but he doesn’t make any effort to speak to you again, knowing that you’re nothing but trouble. 
Your days are filled with exploring the village and then working remotely in the afternoon. You’ve actually never felt so at peace. You don’t see Tovar, which is a blessing in disguise. The man still rubs you the wrong way but you find yourself thinking about those brown eyes…even when they are narrowed in hatred towards you. You close your laptop, glancing out at the beautiful sky. It’s cloudy today but still gorgeous so you decide to go for a walk, explore the area some more. After putting on your boots and coat, you lock up the cottage and get started on your exploration.
Pero grumbles at the sky, loading his truck to go help William with the roof of his barn. Wanting to get it done before the rains came again. He gets behind the wheel and starts down the road towards his farm. Traveling about a mile before he sees a figure walking along the wrong side of the road. He scoffs and shakes his head, knowing exactly who it is. Slowing down, he rolls down his window and sticks his head out. “You’re gonna get wet.” He shouts. “Go home.”
You turn your head to see Tovar and you shake your head, looking up at the sky. “Only woman to get wet around you in a while, huh?” You tease with a smirk and he huffs, gripping the steering wheel. “Fine. If you want to get rained on.” You nod, “all part of the experience.” You tell him, “the Irish way of life.”
Pero snorts. “Crazy Americans.” He huffs, handing his hand out the window as he drives past you. You’ll learn. Your coat isn’t enough for the rain that is coming and you will look like a drowned rat if you get caught out in it.
You are stubborn. Something your mother told you was just like your father. Much to her annoyance. You continue walking after Tovar drives off and the wind starts to pick up. You shiver, pulling your coat tighter around you and you look up at the sky as the rain clouds come in. "Bastard." You curse Tovar for being right as you decide to head back to the village.
The last piece of roofing was being nailed into place when the first splatters of rain hit Tovar’s back. “Mierda.” He hisses, glancing up and wincing when a droplet hits him in the eye. 
“Good thing we finished. It’s gonna be a blustery one for sure.” William agrees, wiping his forehead and shoving his hammer back into his tool belt. “You should go home. The sheep will come back and file into their barn quickly and I’m gonna shower and build my fire up.” He tells his friend. “You should do the same.”
You shiver as the rain comes down and you struggle to get back to cottage. The wind is strong and pushing you back as you try to get back as the rain pelts at your face. You curse Tovar for being right. You wish you had gotten a ride.
The rain is coming down in sheets, making it nearly impossible to see in front of the truck as Pero makes his way back to his cottage. He has to admit that he had gotten busy and didn’t look for you like he had thought to. Surely you had turned back and was cozy and warm in your cottage. He believes that until he damn near hits you. Swerving and nearly running off the road to keep from killing you because you’re walking in the damn middle. Cursing, Pero slams out of the truck, instantly drenched by the downpour. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” He yells, running up and grabbing your arms.
Your teeth are chattering so hard you can barely speak as Tovar grabs you and drags you into his van. You shake so hard your vision is blurry as the windscreen wipers work overtime. He slams the door shut and drives towards the village, cursing that he's soaking wet and you know you're both going to get sick from this chill.
The heater in his little lorry barely works, but Tovar blasts it, pointing the vents towards you. “Idiot.” He hisses. “You should have your pants pulled down and your ass whipped until you cannot sit.” He wipes his face and presses the gas, needing to get you home and out of those soaked clothes. “I told you to go home, but you’re too fucking pig-headed to listen.”
Your teeth chatter but you manage to say “fu-fuck you. I- I was on the way home.” You tell him and place your hands closer to his air vents. You desperately want the heat to seep into your bones and you shiver as Tovar races to your cottage.
“You would have already been home if you had listened to me.” He reminds you, taking one hand off the wheel to start shrugging out of his coat. It’s damp, but it has to be warmer than what you have on. “Stubborn Americans who think they know it all.” 
You gasp, inhaling the warm air from the heater. "Wha- what th- the hell is wrong with - why the fu- fuck do you hate Am- Americans?" You ask him, still shaking. You watch as he hands his coat to you. "Put this on." He growls and you don't argue, wrapping his coat around you.
Pero whips his van into the small spot that is closest to your cottage and hisses a curse as he jumps out to run around to your door. Knowing that he needs to get you inside as quickly as possible. Get a fire started and get you stripped out of those clothes. Yanking your door open, he drags you out of the seat and tries to shield you from the rain as much as possible. You are shaking violently and he knows you’re close to, if not already, hypothermic. “Inside.” 
You nod, letting him take you inside. You didn’t lock the cottage - having heard from the villagers that nothing happens - so Pero shuffles you inside and immediately starts to strip off the coats. You should be embarrassed and angry that he’s stripping clothes off of you but you’re so freezing you don’t care. You shiver and he helps you out of your boots. “Wh-why are you doing this?” You ask, watching him as he leaves you in your soaking wet jeans to work on getting the fire going.
“You could die.” He spits, his hands working quick and steady as he stacks the peat and kindling to light. He needs to get you warm and dry as fast as he can. The damp chill could have you sick with pneumonia within a day if you aren’t careful. As soon as the tender starts to smoke, he turns towards you and unbuttons his flannel shirt. Body head is needed. Stomping off towards your bedroom, he strips the quilts and blankets off of it before coming back into the main room. “Can you take your clothes off, or do I need to do it?” 
Your eyes widen at his broad chest as he comes back into the living room with the blankets. You nod, teeth still shattering as you work on removing your wet clothes until you are in your underwear, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Sur-surprised you - you care so much.” You choke out, still freezing cold.
He grunts, rolling his eyes and nearly tells you that he doesn’t care but that wouldn’t be truthful. He doesn’t want to find another member of your family dead. He spreads a blanket on the floor in front of the fire and pushes you towards it. “Lay down.” He orders, immediately starting to strip off the rest of his clothes, including his underwear. He knows you might be prudish like most Americans, but when you are trying to warm up, you can't wear any wet clothes and your panties look soaked. He ignores your gasp and drops to his knees, gathering the rest of the blankets at his back and reaches for your panties, pulling at them to take them off and they shred apart in his hands. 
You gasp, knowing you should push him away but when he pulls you close, into his body, into his warmth, you shudder and inhale deeply. Feeling the sensations come back into your body as you give in and curl around him. Breathing him in, you lift your leg over his, trying to get even closer to him, seeking his warmth.
His hands start rubbing, massaging heat and feeling back into your body. He thinks about anything but the softness of your breasts pressed against him. Knowing that if it weren’t for this serious situation, you would not be naked in his arms. “You’ll get warm.” He promises, feeling you shake and your teeth chatter. Your body is like ice and he shudders slightly as he transfers his heat to you under the weight of the blankets. 
You breathe him in, thankful for him showing up to save you even if you’ve not gotten along so far. His hands rubbing all over your back and you eventually relax, the shivering stopping as you warm up. You kiss his chest, silently thanking him for finding you even if you can’t vocalize that right now as you curl around him, seeking his warmth.
He knows you will get sleepy, it’s your body’s way to try to recover from the energy it had expelled to try to keep you warm. “Go to sleep, espléndida.” He murmurs quietly. “I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe.” He knows that he can’t pull away right now. Even though you are warmer, you still need more of his body heat to fully warm up. 
You mumble into his chest, listening to his beating heart as you fall asleep in his grip, feeling safe despite the man curled around you being insufferable in every interaction you’ve had. You aren’t sure how long you’ve been asleep when you wake up alone, the blankets wrapped around you, the fire roaring and you hear noise coming from the tiny kitchen. “What - Tovar?” You croak, wondering where he went.
His boxers on his hips, Pero appears in the doorway as soon as you call him. “Wait.” He orders, not wanting you to get up. Disappearing again and within seconds, he is coming back into the room with a tray. It was one your grandmother had often served him tea on, so he was familiar with it. Your cup of tea is in addition to a mug of soup. You need something warm in you. The hearty stew was one that your grandmother had canned two years ago, so he knew the rich broth would be good. 
You sit up, keeping the blanket tight to your chest as he carries the tray over and he has his boxers on. Shit, he’s attractive. More than that…he’s hot. Really hot. You swallow harshly, throat dry as he sets the tray down in front of you. “Thank you.” You tell him, looking at him as he sits down next to you. “This is - you poison it?” You tease softly, voice a little raw from the cold wind you breathed in earlier.
He snorts and shakes his head. “Not poisoned.” He huffs. “I just saved your life, why would I poison you?” He asks, picking up the tea and handing it to you. “It’s got honey and lemon in it, your throat will be raw.” He murmurs, blowing on the steaming liquid slightly before he hands it off. 
You take it, your fingers brushing his, and you moan softly as the tea soothes your sore throat. “I- I don’t really know how to start saying thank you for saving my life. I would’ve frozen out there. I didn’t think the storm would come in so quick.” You confess, watching him as the flames and shadows flicker over his face. “I guess I can start by saying thank you.” You say after taking another sip.
“You’re welcome.” Pero is slightly surprised that there’s no sarcasm in your statement. “Almost ran to my house to get some whiskey to pour in it, but it’s still raining outside.” He tells you, the rain beating against the windows. “So, it’s not quite as good as it could be. But I made you some stew.” 
You set the tea down and pick up the mug of broth, taking a sip and you groan. “You made this?” You ask and he shakes his head. “Your grandmother. She made it. Canned it a couple of years ago. She gave me some jars.” He reveals and your eyes widen as you look down at the cup in your hands, “I wish I could’ve known her better.” You sigh, “she seemed like a great woman. I- I’m writing a book about her. That’s why I came here. She fell in love with Ireland and I’m writing a romance novel based on her life.” You confess, “her grand escape to Ireland after divorcing her husband.”
He’s surprised by that, lifting his brows and humming. “A romance?” He should scoff, but he can’t manage the sound to come out of his throat. “I guess Ireland would be a romantic place to escape. If you’re looking for that.” 
You sip your broth before you look at him. “I must admit I had my wild fantasies dreaming about meeting a handsome man in Ireland and shacking up in a cottage to love our lives away but I- I know that’s - it’s silly.” You shake your head, “especially when I literally bumped into you and you hate Americans.”
“You would hate Spaniards if your ex was one.” Pero tells you. “Especially if he had cheated on you. Even though he would be an idiot to cheat.” 
You frown, setting the broth mug down. “You think…your ex was American?” You ask, confused and curious. “And she - shit - she cheated on you?”
Pero sighs, looking out the window. “Sí.” He murmurs. “We were- I met her when we were both stationed on the same base in Iraq. She was with the Americans, I was with …anyway,” he shakes his head. “We got married. She was pregnant. They made her leave her military position and we went to Spain.” He blows out a sigh. “And I found out later that she was cheating on me and the baby wasn’t even mine.”
You inhale sharply, “shit. I- I'm so sorry. That's - Wow. What a shitty thing to do. It’s - that’s monstrous. I’m so sorry Tovar-” You ramble and he cuts you off. “Pero. My first name is Pero.” He says and you nod, “Pero.” You say softly, “I’m sorry that happened to you. No one deserves that. Is that why…why you hate me? Because of my accent? My homeland?”
“She was just as stubborn as you are. Always right and having to have her way.” He shrugs. “I guess that I just don’t like women right now.” He admits after a moment. “I gave my heart to that woman and she tried to pass off the proof of her infidelity as my child.” He growls.
You shake your head, shifting closer to him to reach for his hand. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Pero. No one deserves that. I - I can understand why I triggered that anger in you. That’s unforgivable and I’m sorry someone did that to you.”
That bastard William had told him that you weren’t his ex. Pero rubs his cheek. “It’s not your fault.” He admits quietly. “You aren’t her and I shouldn’t have been an asshole to you,”
You sigh, letting go of his hand, “and I shouldn’t have been a bitch but I’ve never been good at people not giving me a chance.” You confess and sip your tea. “Can we start again?” You ask and he stares at you so you set your cup down, holding out your name. You introduce yourself, “and you are?” You ask, offering him a playful smile.
He grunts, watching you for a moment. “Pero Tovar.” He tells you. “Grumpy asshole from Spain.”
You chuckle, “great to meet you, grumpy asshole from Spain who saved my life.” You add and he shakes your hand. You stare at him, your smile fading as his grip on your hand is tight, reluctant to let go. You keep holding his hand, your eyes searching his as you keep the blankets close to your chest to keep you covered up until you let it drop, exposing your skin to his eyes.
Pero’s eyes widen and drop down to your breasts for a moment before he jerks his gaze back up to your face. “Hermosa….” He grunts, confused as to why you are showing him your body. “You don’t owe me anything.” He promises.
You nod, "I know. I- I'm not saying thank you. Well, I am. But not like that. I - I think you're handsome." You confess, "...sexy." You add and he frowns softly. "If you don't..." You trail off and reach to pull the blankets up your body, standing up on shaky legs. "Do you want a drink? I think my grandma had a bottle of brandy." You make your way into the kitchen, blanket wrapped around your body.
He thinks he’s embarrassed you and he doesn’t want that. He can’t deny you’re beautiful and he had been fighting an erection the entire time you were asleep once you were warm. Standing up, Pero pulls off his boxers and follows you into the kitchen to find you standing at your grandmother’s drink cabinet. “Do you want me to touch you, hermosa?” He asks, bracing his arms on the counter and trapping you against it,  his lips close to your ear. “You are a beautiful woman, and I would enjoy finding out what makes you shake in pleasure.”
You whimper, unable to control the shiver that runs along your spine as he hovers behind you. You want him to touch you. He's been a bastard but you would be dead if it weren't for him. You understand now why he was antagonized by you and you forgive him for his barbs. You lean back against him after letting the blanket drop from your body. "I want you to touch me." You whisper, turning your head to look at him, your lips brushing his chin.
“I’m not gentle.” He warns, knowing that it’s been too long since he has touched anyone and he’s not a suave lover like Garin claims to be. He slides his hand up to grab your breast and squeezes the flesh.
“I don’t need gentle. I don’t want gentle.” You tell him, covering his hand over your breast and you squeeze a little harder. “I want you.” You add, kissing his jaw.
Pero growls, his hardening cock pressing against your ass. “Drop the blanket.”  He orders, pulling you away from the counter and dragging you towards the main room. If he’s going to touch you, it will be in front of that fire so you stay warm. 
You follow his order, nearly tripping over the blanket as he guides you into the living room and you whimper as he lays you down on the blankets you still have piled near the fire. You lay down, waiting for him to touch you as he kneels down near you. “Pero.” You whisper, biting your lip as you wait for him to make the first move.
He watches you for a moment before he lunges forward, his lips smashing against yours in a hard kiss. Covering your body with his and pushing your thighs apart with his knee to settle between them. Groaning into your mouth at the taste of you as his hands fill themselves with your breasts and hips.
You moan into his mouth, your hands caressing his back as he kneels over you, his hands squeezing your flesh. His tongue slides into your mouth and you eagerly grant him access with a low groan of his name muffled against your lips. Your hands slide down to his ass, squeezing and bringing him closer so his cock is pressing against your thigh.
Pero rocks against your thigh, groaning and pinching your nipple harshly. Kissing down your throat and biting down on your shoulder before he ducks his head and sucks your nipple into his mouth to bite.
"Fuck." You hiss in pleasure as he grinds against you and sucks on your nipple, paying it attention until you are swapping over to suck on the neglected one. "Shit baby." You pant, reaching between you to wrap your fingers around his thick cock.
Pero groans at the feel of your hand. It’s been so long since he’s felt any touch but his own. His cock twitches and his hips buck into your grip. He lavishes attention on you, loving the way you moan.
You twist your arm, trying to jerk him off as he surrounds you, the spicy scent of his skin combined with the smoke from the fire he started. Your free hand slides through his hair as he kisses the skin below your breast and you whimper, getting wetter with each kiss.
Pero is a harsh lover, he bites and scratches and fucks hard, but he’s also attentive. He wants his partner to feel good. To drown in him. Scattering bites over your skin, he works his way south, nipping your hip bone. “When was the last time you were devoured, hermosa?” He demands, cutting his dark gaze back up to your face.
Your chest heaves as you look into his dark eyes, hungry with desire for you and you don't remember the last time you were devoured. You shake your head, "I- too long ago. My ex...he didn't - he didn't do that." You confess breathlessly.
Pero snorts, shaking his head at your worthless ex. “Then you will remember this.” He promises. His tongue slides around your hip bone, dragging across your stomach as he settles his broad shoulders between your thighs and pushes them up to rest there. Making a show of settling in to look down at you glistening cunt. “Such a pretty cunt too.” He smirks, looking up at you again as he lowers his mouth to your folds and winking right before he dives in.
"Shit!" You squeak, thighs clenching against his head in surprise as he licks into you like a man starved. "Pero." You gasp as he flattens his tongue against your clit until he decides to suck it between his lips. Your hands tangle in his hair as you slump back to look up at the wooden beams on the ceiling.
He loves eating a woman out. Loves her taste and the way she responds to his touch and effort to make her scream. His fingers slide around your entrance for a moment and then he buries two down to the knuckle and curls up inside you.
You cry out as his thick fingers curl inside of you. Making you moan his name loud enough for the entire village to hear as you buck your hips into his face. His free hand slides up to squeeze your breast and your hand covers his, eyes squeezed shut as he laps at your clit.
Groaning into your cunt, he samples you. Tastes you like you are the finest whiskey or his precious Spanish wines. Pumping his fingers inside you to find the spot that makes your body spasm in pleasure and growling when he finds it
"Fuck. Oh shit!" You hiss, walls fluttering around his digits as he curls them to find that spot that makes you moan. Your chest heaving as you tangle your fingers in his hair, pushing him further into your cunt. "So- yes. There. Cl-close." You pant, stomach clenching.
He growls, sucking your clit in his mouth and pulling on it harshly, before he twirls his tongue around it and starts to flick his tongue over the little bundle of nerves. Pumping his fingers into you faster and harder, wanting to see how hard you break.
You fall apart within seconds. “Oh my fuck - fuck!” You squeal as you clamp down on his fingers, soaking them as you cum for the first time in a long time. Nearly pulling his hair out as you cry out.
He snarls, lapping at you faster and pushing his fingers deeper when you start to cum. Feeling you soak his face as his cock throbs against the blanket on the floor. Working and pushing you through your orgasm with the determination of a man possessed.
He pushes you higher until you have to push his head away, overstimulated, and you feel like your body is on fire from his attentions. “Fuck, I- Pero. I need you.” You beg, “let me - I need you inside of me.”
He grunts, smirking as he crawls up your body. Aching to push inside you and feel those tight walls squeezing his cock like they had his fingers.
You grab the back of his neck when he’s hovering over you to drag him down to kiss him. Your tongue slides against his to taste yourself on his mouth. You reach down to grip his cock again, pumping him as you kiss him.
Pero groans your name into your mouth, almost like a plea. Rocking his hips into your hand and lowering down so you can guide him in. When you notch him at your entrance, he bites your bottom lip as he drills his cock deep into your wet cunt.
You moan into each other’s mouth as he pushes deep in one thrust, making you cling to him as he stretches you out. He’s thick and you are certain you’ll feel him tomorrow if he’s as rough as he claims to be. You wrap your legs around him, the blankets crumpling up beneath you as he starts to move.
Pero doesn’t hesitate. Bracing his hands on the floor beside you, he starts pounding into you at a rough, hard pace. Feeling your walls giving with every deep thrust as he drives himself into you over and over, groaning over how well you are taking him. “Mierda.”
He’s rough and takes what he wants but fuck, you love it. You whine, throwing your head back and he wastes no time leaning in to bite down on the skin above your pulse. Your walls clench around him every time he pushes deep and hits something devastating inside you that no one else has found. “Pero. Shit. Oh God. I- it’s so good.” You almost vibrate as you speak, shaken by his thrusts.
Hissing, he tries to hang onto his control. Feeling it slip as he continues to rock into you. You're so fucking good and it has been the best sex he's had in ....ever. Not even his ex felt like you do. Dropping down to his elbows, he shoves his hands under your back and starts biting along your shoulder, leaving imprints of his teeth with every piercing thrust of his cock.
Each bite on your skin has you clenching around him and you struggle to maintain control until you give in. Whines escape your lips as his pelvis drops into just the right position that he’s grinding against your clit and your heels dig into his ass. “I’m gonna - oh fuck. Pero. Pero!” You cry out, clamping down on his cock and practically shaking beneath him as you soak him with your orgasm.
The shout Pero lets out is hoarse and rough, pushing deep and grinding even deeper for a split second before he is ripping free of your cunt. Panting as he realized he had not spoken with you about birth control and he could not risk filling you up. Coating your belly, breasts and thighs with ropes of his hot seed as he spits out another curse.
You pant, watching him as he pumps his cock to paint you with every drop of seed that drips from his body. His chest heaving and you stare up at him in awe. He’s incredible and you know that all your previous fighting means nothing compared to this perfect moment of bliss. “You- you could’ve cum inside me. I’m on birth control.” You tell him breathlessly, knowing it’s too late now.
“Shit.” Pero hisses, huffing slightly and dropping his head against your shoulder. “I didn’t- we hadn’t- fuck.” He grumbles, rolling off to the side and onto his back to reach off his undershirt to wipe your skin clean.
You watch him clean you up and you turn onto your side to look at him, “it’s okay. Maybe next time you could…?” You trail off, biting your lip as you wait for his reaction. Unsure if there will be a next time.
Pero smirks and nods. “Next time.” He agrees, tossing the shirt off to the side and rubs a hand down your side. “How are you feeling?”
You hum, closing your eyes with a smile on your face. “Better. A lot better. I’m warm and satisfied and - thank you again for rescuing me.” You say as you open one eye to look at him, “you’re not too bad for a grumpy asshole.” You smirk, closing your eyes again.
He snorts, rolling his eyes and sighing, “you’re not bad.” He admits. “For an American.” He adds, smirking himself as he moves his arm and nudges you slightly, seeing if you want to curl against him.
You take the hint, shifting to curl into his side and he quickly pulls the blanket over you. You sigh, breathing him in and kiss his chest, exhausted again after his rigorous fucking. You’ve turned a corner with the Spaniard and you’re interested to see how things go from now on. 
The sunlight starts to shine through the windows of the cottage, the gap in the curtains letting in light that makes you wince as you wake up. “Pero.” You murmur, shifting to sit up and you pat the space beside you only to find the man you fell asleep with is gone. You frown, calling his name again and when there’s no response, you huff. Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, you stand on shaky legs and head upstairs to get ready for the day. Perhaps he had an early start.
“You slipped out of the house like a thief?” William shakes his head and frowns at his friend. “Why would you do that? She deserves better.” 
Pero huffs and rolls his eyes, shuffling guiltily as he looks up the road towards your cottage. “She’ll be going back to America.” He reminds the Irishman. “I don’t need to be getting myself involved in that mess.” 
William snorts, eyeing Pero suspiciously. “I’ve never known you to turn down pleasure. A fling of some kind. Unless you like her more than you are admitting.” Pero scowls again and shuffles, not answering.
It’s been a couple of days since you’ve seen him, which is an accomplishment in the tiny village. You are in the grocery store when old man Sawyer tells you about the village fete. “It’s the harvest festival. In the church hall. There’ll be food and booze of course.” He winks and you chuckle, wondering if Pero would be there. It’s unlikely as he doesn’t like people. “Maybe I’ll see you there.” You tell the older man as you pay for your groceries. “See you there.” He says with a chuckle and you take your bags, pondering if you’ll go to the fete. 
You decide later that you won’t hide away so you get dressed and make your way over to the church hall, shrugging off your coat once you’re inside and there’s music from the local band of teenagers and various tables with food and drinks. You immediately feel eager to mingle. That is until you look around to see Pero standing there with William, his dark eyes focused on you.
“Go talk to her.” William shoves at Pero’s arm, making him stumble. 
Turning, he glares at his best friend. “Amigo….” He growls, warning him not to mess with him tonight. He’s been busy trying to avoid you and here you are, looking prettier than ever. 
“If you don’t, someone else will.” William warns him.
You avert your eyes, pissed off he didn’t even come to see you after he slept with you. You walk over to the drinks table, greeting Gladys who lives down the road from you and she hands you a cup of hot cider. “How are you dearie?” She asks and you sigh, “confused.” You confess and she frowns, “what?” You shake your head, “I’m good, Gladys.” You tell her and she smiles at you, nodding until her gaze shifts to behind you. You turn your head to look and your eyes meet Pero’s. “Hi.” You murmur, fingers flexing around the cup.
Pero looks at you for a moment, studying the anger in your eyes and he feels guilty, guilty for avoiding you. “You’re still here.” That’s what he comes up with to answer you. Hating it the moment it comes out of his mouth, but he won’t take it back.
You stare at him for a second, “I’m still here.” You observe, glancing around the room until your eyes meet his again. “So…you've been busy?” You ask, a little sarcastic but you’ve never been known to be timid, especially when it comes to men who run away from your bed.
“Busy enough.” He grunts, not sure why he even came over. You don’t seem happy to see him at all, not that he can blame you. It’s not like he’s gone out of his way to check in after the other day. He had convinced himself that you still hated him, and had run with it.
You nod, "busy enough to not even stay for a cup of coffee?" You ask, raising your eyebrows at him, "or was it just pity? You felt sorry that I nearly froze to death and you decided to fuck me...or was it so you could brag to William? Tell him you tamed the bitch in Fairy Lodge?" You snort, keeping your eyes on his, refusing to look away.
Eyes widening, he glances over at Gladys to see if she is listening. Shame making his face burn, and in turn, pissing him off. “Nothing could tame you.” He snorts. “I’m not a magician.”
You chuckle, “clearly you are since you made yourself disappear.” You huff, taking a sip of the cider. “If you regretted it, you could’ve just come to see me and tell me that instead of leaving me to think I did something wrong or…or I wasn’t good enough.” You finish quietly.
The sound of your voice is what makes his anger deflate. “I- you’re leaving.” He murmurs quietly. “I - I’m not a casual lover. I don’t sleep around anymore.”
“I’m not gonna stick around and be treated like shit.” You snort, “I could go back to America and deal with American men if I wanted that.” You tell him, setting down the cup of cider just as the band starts to play.
Pero narrows his eyes, hating that you are comparing him to American men. He’s not a boy who plays games, but apparently that’s what he’s been doing with you. “Fine.” He grunts, grabbing your hand. “Let’s dance.”
You let him drag you onto the makeshift dance floor and there's a few elderly couples dancing but everyone has their eyes on you and Pero. "Everyone is looking at us." You murmur and he stares at you, not looking around. 
"Let them." He says, pulling you closer and you don't push him away. 
"You don't care?" You ask, keeping your eyes on him.
“Why would I?” He asks. “People stare because of my scar. They stare because I’m a mean looking bastard.” He shrugs, used to the looks. “Or they stare because I’m holding the prettiest girl here.”
You offer him a soft smile as he looks at you and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck. "Your scar makes you look dangerous...and sexy. And you look grumpy...not mean. And you think you are not good enough but you are...and I- I wish you would let people in to see that." You finish, cutting your gaze across the room to see Gladys smiling at you and Pero dancing.
“I'm not the man you think I am.” Pero grumbles. “I have done a lot of shitty things, even to you.” He reminds you. He doesn’t want you to think he’s some white knight when he’s not.
You look at him again, “no one is perfect. Hell, you know I’m not. I know you’re not. But…but I think you are good deep down. You’re just hurt.” You murmur, “and I know why but I didn’t - we started off on the wrong foot. We were both mean to the other.”
“We should not fight.” Pero agrees, nodding. Even if he doesn’t feel like you know him enough to make that judgment, it’s nice to have someone besides William believe in him.
“I- I’m supposed to go back to America on Monday.” You tell him quietly, wondering if he will pack your bags for you to get you out of Ireland and away from him, from his mistake of rescuing you…sleeping with you.
“Oh.” Pero frowns and swallows harshly. Knowing that he’s wasted time that he could have been spending with you and quite possibly made this better than it had been. “Big plans back there?” He asks.
“Just work and…and I don’t have to go back. I can change my return flight…or cancel it…” You trail off, “unless you don’t want an American living here full time?” You test him, wondering what his reaction will be.
“You still don’t know how to make a fire worth a damn.” Pero tells you, watching your brows pull together in confusion. “It would be hard for you to learn over there. Bet you don’t even have a fireplace.”
You shake your head as he rocks you both to the beat. “I don’t. I wouldn’t be able to make a fire…I’d definitely forget. So…I think I need to stay to make sure I learn properly. Perhaps you could teach me?” You ask him quietly, preparing yourself for him to practically escort you back to the airport.
“It’ll take a long time.” He cautions, pulling you closer to him. “I’d probably need to check on the fires during the night. Make sure you don’t burn down your granny’s cottage.”
“What a gentleman.” You smile, tilting your head towards his, “I definitely think you’d need to check on them nightly. I don’t think anyone in the village wants a fire. So…it looks like I’m staying - for fire starting purposes only.” You tease, taking a chance to kiss his neck as you lean closer.
Pero groans at the light contact of your lips, turning his head and capturing your mouth in a kiss for everyone here to see. Not caring if they do and telling them all that he wants you. Claiming you in front of them so that there are no misconceptions about what he wants. You.
You cup his cheek, responding to the kiss, and you let everyone see that you are with him. The parishioners all stare and you smile against his mouth. “Come home with me.” You murmur when he pulls back but keeps his forehead against yours.
“Are you sure, hermosa?” He asks quietly, knowing that he had hurt you the last time he had slept with you.
You nod, “I’m sure. I want you to come home with me and show me how to start a fire.” You murmur, stopping as the song comes to an end and you let go of Pero to clap your hands, waiting for his answer.
Pero smirks, willing to take a risk with you when you are also taking a risk on him. Nodding, he motions towards your cottage. “Let’s go, I need to show you a lot of things if you’re going to live in Ireland.” He grunts. “Starting with how to properly leave a party.” It’s all the warning he gives you before he bends down, scooping you over his shoulder before marching off the dance floor with you like a medieval mercenary carrying off his kidnapped bride.
You squeal, giggling as he carries you out of the hall and you cling to him as he strides down the hall. “Where are we going?” You ask as you tilt your head and notice he’s not carrying you to your cottage. “My place.” He says and you are surprised but let him continue his journey, the wind whipping cool on your skin.
You've never been to his cottage, he's well aware of that. Marching down the road and not slowing down a bit. "Best place to start teaching you is where I am comfortable." He admits, slapping your ass. "Kept expecting your granny to come out and catch me with my ass showing."
You chuckle as he sets you down so he can unlock his door. You lean against the wall as he fumbles with his keys, “she definitely would’ve told you to put some pants on.” You tease and he finally opens the door, “and what’s my next lesson?” You inquire as he guides you inside and you see the masculine but cozy cottage he lives in.
He hadn't really thought much beyond taking you home. Getting you here. He hums, his own fire slowly smoldering and the inside of the cottage warm. "Temperature control." He decides. "What to do when it's too hot."
You smirk, licking your lips as you look at him, “and what do you do when it’s too hot.” He smirks back at you, “get naked.” You nod, slipping off your shoes and you work on the buttons of your dress. “I think that’s a smart idea.”
"It is." He grunts, taking off his jacket and then lifting his shirt over his head. "Getting too hot is just as bad as being too cold." He rolls his eyes towards you. "And you know how that feels."
You glare at him playfully and you shrug your dress off, letting it fall to the floor and you move to push your tights down but Pero scoops you into his arms. “I’m still hot.” You tell him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
"Yes, you are." He won't deny that, arms coming around you and sliding down your sides to your hips. "Your panties and bra are what's keeping you hot." He murmurs.
You giggle, “yes. They are.” You let him reach behind you to unclasp your bra as you caress his chest and you lean in to kiss his clavicle as he slides the bra down your arms. You squeal when he grabs your ass, lifting you over to his sofa and he lays you down on it. “Fuck. These need to go.” He growls, pushing your legs apart so he can grab the thin material of your pantyhose and he rips them, making you gasp and wet your panties in arousal.
"Oops." Pero snorts, not even slightly sorry about ripping your pantyhose. He never understands why women wear them, although he can understand under your dress since you are unused to the chill of the Irish weather. He grins and pulls them off your feed and tosses them aside. "Need to teach you to quit wearing that shit." He grunts. "Harder to get to you."
You giggle as he drags your panties down your legs and you spread your legs further apart once he tosses them over his shoulder to expose you to his hungry eyes. “Need to see you too.” You tell him, reaching down to unbuckle his belt.
"Yeah?" He lets you undo his belt, feeling like you want him and it's a thing to savor. It might be a fling, but the look in your eyes is telling him that he should trust that it will be more. "Taken with me?"
You scoff, “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, Tovar.” You tell him, working on unbuttoning his pants after you toss the belt aside. You reach into his pants to pull his hard cock out, groaning as you get to see him properly. “I want to suck you off.” You tell him, meeting those dark eyes.
"You don't have to do that." Every blow job he's had in the last few years has been begrudgingly given. Complaints about sore jaws or him always wanting head. He had stopped asking for them, stopped her from giving them if she tried to initiate and it's almost like a reflex. Nothing that can be held over his head, until he takes your wrist and realizes what he's doing. "Uh...my ex..." he bites his lips. "She would always complain about it. Or use it to guilt me into something."
You scoff, “she sounds…wow. Lay down.” You order, pushing on his chest and he nods, shifting to lay down on the sofa and you straddle him. “Too Goddamn sexy for your own good. Definitely for my good.” You chuckle, leaning down to kiss him. You slide your tongue against his until you are kissing along his jaw, down his neck, and down his stomach until you reach his cock resting against his stomach. “I want to give you a blowjob. I want to make you feel good. For nothing in return.” You promise and take him into your hand, squeezing him as you look into his eyes as you press your tongue against the slit, tasting his pre-cum.
"Shit." Pero hisses, eyes fluttering closed for a moment before he opens them again. Needing to see you touch him. To see how eagerly you want to touch him. It's not all Americans that are horrible, it was his ex. She was a bad apple. He reaches down and cups your cheek. "Fuck baby," he pants, "So fucking pretty and sweet."
You hum around him as you take him deeper. Loving the way he groans and reaches down to caress your cheek. You love the way his jaw clenches and his cock twitches inside of you as you widen your jaw to take more of his length until he’s hitting the back of your throat and you gag, unused to giving head to a long cock like his.
"Pull off, hermosa." He urges, pulling your cheek up but you shake your head and continue to bob up and down on him. Making him groan as he feels the exquisite bliss of your mouth around him.
You want to make him feel good, look after him like he did looking after you when you nearly froze to death. You moan around him, caressing his chest and you bob your head a little faster.
"Hermosa...." he groans, feeling you starting to pull his orgasm out of him and he doesn't want to cum yet. He wants to make sure that you cum first. "Ride me." He begs quietly, twitching in your throat at the thought.
You won’t deny him. You pull off of his cock, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, and you straddle him. His cock pressing between your folds and you are soaking wet. You look down at him and his hands immediately find your tits. You lift up to position him at your entrance and you slowly sink down onto his cock.
"Mierda." He hisses, rocking his hips up to thrust up into you. Bouncing you slightly and sinking deeper into your tight cunt. "You are so pretty sitting on my cock."
“Not bad for an American?” You tease, starting to rock your hips on top of him. Your heart pounds in your chest as you look down at him and you know you couldn’t leave. Not with this unspoken thing between you. It’s not quite love but it feels like it could easily evolve into it. You lean down to kiss him, bracing your hands on the arm of the sofa behind his head.
He doesn't answer because he wouldn't even know how to answer. It's not because you are an American, but because you are just you. His hands slide up your sides and he holds the back of your head, deepening the kiss as you start to slide your tongue against his.
You rock back onto his cock, your tongue sliding against his and your hands tangle in his hair, moaning into his mouth as you find an angle that makes the head of his cock rub against your g-spot.
“Shiiiiiiiit.” His moan is muffled and he throbs inside you. Loving how you clench down around him and he squeezes your hip with his free hand.
You moan into his mouth, rocking back onto him and he slips out of you. You whine at the loss of pleasure but he reaches down to push himself back into you and you swivel your hips to find the same angle. You soon find it and rock back onto him, getting closer and closer to cumming.
“That’s it, hermosa.” He grunts out, leaning in to bite your shoulder. He lets go of your head, reaching down to start rubbing your clit. Wanting you to cum for him before he spills inside of you,
You whine when his fingers rub your clit just right and you are close. Grinding back onto his cock, trapping his hand between you, you get closer and closer until you cry out his name. “Fuck!” You choke, clamping down on his cock as you soak him with your orgasm.
"Perfecto." He groans, rocking his hips up and driving his cock deeper into you as he takes over. Letting you collapse against his chest as he wraps both arms around you and fucks you through, chasing his own orgasm. Panting out your name as he thrusts one last time, burying his cock deep as he paints your walls with his cum.
You whimper, kissing his jaw as he pants into your ear. “Cum for me, Pero. Cum. Wan- wanna feel it.” You beg, grinding back to try and egg him on as his cock twitches inside of you.
You moan, loving how it feels to have him paint your walls with his hot seed, silently thanking your IUD as he pulses deep. You kiss along his jaw, “feels so good.” You pant, relaxing on top of him.
"Stay." He murmurs, panting as he tries to catch his breath. "I want you to stay, hermosa." He presses his lips to yours again. "I want to be grumpy to everyone else. Not you."
You nod, pressing your lips to his again. “I’ll stay. All you had to do was ask. I’ll stay and I want to see where this goes.” You tell him, kissing his chin. “You’re a grumpy bastard but you’re my grumpy bastard.” You tease, caressing his cheek. You never imagined you’d come to Ireland and find the man you spend the rest of your life with but you have and you don’t know it yet but you have a beautiful life ahead of you with Pero in Fairy Lodge.
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yan-lorkai · 3 months
Can we please have some hcs or oneshot where Yuu works at Mostro Lounge and has to deal with a difficult costumer? How would the octotrio react if said costumer tried to hit or insult Yuu? Platonically or romantic it's funny btw, thanks!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I was indecisive between platonic or romantic so I left ambiguous. I hope u enjoy, darling!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warning: Yandere content, Floyd beating a random and reader knowing about their yandere tendencies but liking nonetheless.
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A death wish. This customer has a death wish, holding you by the collar of your shirt while he glares right at you as a predator to his prey. You aren't a prey though, not that he knows this.
You look down, his blazer wet from the drink you purposely spilled on it because he was an annoying asshole. He looks angry or something but you don't care. Instead you focus on the reaction of your co-workers, some tremble knowing what's coming, others running to get Jade and Floyd. You almost can't wait.
"Sir," You smiled how Jade taught you. Sweet, disarmingly. Your fingers coming around to hold his wrist. "I apologize for this little accident. Though if you insist on being violent there will be consequences."
"Yeah and? Those idiot eels can't save ya now. I only need a second to mess your face!" He snorted, unable to stop the toothy grin from dominating his smug face. He was dumb, and oh so fascinating, you almost wished to study his brain but you knew not much would rest of him when your tweels got him.
He slapped you on your face hard enough that it send you stumbling to the ground, his hand already reaching for his magic pen, its tip lit by flames so bright your skin screamed. So hot, unbearably so, like fire. “You are nothing but a mere employee, you should know the customer is always right."
He was ready to strike you with all his might when a strong hand landed on his shoulder. It's was Floyd. The usual smiley eel was frowning now but a dark glint was raising on his eyes, mischievous, evil. He used to look at you like that when you used to tell him to leave you alone, though he was obviously more softer when roughhousing with you. With this customer though?
"Are you alright, my pearl?" Jade asks, helping you stand up and searching for injuries. But you assure him you're fine with a nod of your head, feeling if anything a little tired. It was so noisy today. And you were kind used to dealing with these type of costumers, used to see the punishments and then getting coddled by your favorite trio.
"Mind accompany me to Azul's office?" Jade offered you his arms which you accepted but still didn't move an inch. A smug smile now on your lips as the customer who was arguing with you now shaked under Floyd's stare. As he should.
"Destroy him," you said to him, eyeing the customer who pushed you. "and be quick, Floyd darling."
Then you walked to Azul's office, ignoring Floyd's laugh and the sounds of his fists hitting the other guy's face. You were used to things like that happening frequently but it did bother you that this was the only way for people to behave. The only way to correct their behavior, as this wasn't gonna happen if he wasn't harassing you and making uncomfortable comments about you.
The screams of pain and the smell of something burning was all you kept in your mind as you sat in Azul's office, Jade putting a glass of water on your hands for you to drink before seating by your side.
"Unbelievable," Azul looked at you, at your uniform crumpled. He stood up from his usual spot and held your face on his hands, so sofly, so lovingly, leaving a kiss on your forehead. "I can't leave you alone one minute, angelfish, look what he did to you!"
He pressed on a small scratch in your cheeks, swelled and hurting, it made you wince and Azul was not happy with it. You could see him planning something. Planning a revenge against that guy.
"Floyd better off him for touching you." Jade said, cleaning the scratch gently. "If he don't, perhaps I'll have something to nimble on later."
You laughed. They were overprotective of you, they were before, they are now. You kinda like it. You like their gentleness, the softness, the slow dancing with Azul when he didn't have a new victim to trick, cooking with Floyd and splashing water on Jade while you wash the dishes. The simple moments with them were precious, each and every single one. And of course you knew about their dark side, could see it as clear as day but you accepted them nevertheless.
As if you have a choice. You knew about the house they built underwater, decorated how you like, full of things you loved. You knew a lot of things even if you pretended you don't.
After making sure you weren't hurt and that everything was fine, they both wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a tight hug. “I love you guys, you know that?"
Azul hummed, exhaling in your scent as Jade leaned in to kiss your unharmed cheek. You knew they were swearing and angry at themselves to let you be alone out there, Jade and Azul stared at each other as if exchanging guilt and you didn't want them to feel like this. You held each of them their hand and squeezed both hard enough to get their attention.
"We should go out and do something," you suggested tiredly but your eyes lighted up with excitement with the prospect of doing something with your favorite trio. But before any plans could be made, Floyd barged into the office, his once-white shirt now stained crimson. As he always did, a wide grin stretched across his face, sending shivers down your spine.
As Floyd entered, we could see he was carrying a battered bag in one hand and clutching his side with the other. "He won't bother you anymore, Shrimp. I've made sure of it, ehehe."
Before anyone could respond, Floyd started recounting what he did in great detail, how he punched and squeezed and how the guy screamed. He throw himself in your lap mid-tale, wrapping his arms around your tummy. "Oi, shrimp pet my head." He asked.
And you did, combing through his strands delicately while he continued rambling. "And then I've dragged him outta here and told him not to come back."
"Thank you," you said to him. Then turned to Jade and Azul "and you two too!"
You didn't need to be comforted but their gesture was so sweet. If you have those three with you, you guess that you're going to be fine. Though you do wonder, would they laugh if they found out you did this on purpose? You can only imagine their answer as you wasn't planning to tell them.
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
Soap likes danger.
Not like he's running head first into it- well ok he does, it's his job to- but like he's not looking to get hurt. he'd be lying if he said the danger didn't send a little thrill through him though.
He just simply doesn't run from danger. he listens to his COs, doesn't take unnecessary risks, especially with civilians around. He does his job and he does it well. But that's not where it rears its head.
No, it's found during mundane moments on base. Like training, when he spars he wins alot sure, but it ends in a loss or a draw just as often if not more. Always 2-1 or 3-1 or some other combination to make it a proper challenge. When he spars with the lieutenant, the grin on his face never wavers, like he's having fun. When the bull-headed recruits get angry that they lost to one man, that's a head shorter than them, he smiles when they get in his face.
Team building exercise with another military base included rugby once, it teaches motor control, and technique for hand to hand takedowns. Teams lost, things got heated, people got shoved. When he feels the force on his back, he follows the movement and uses it to push back up. When he sees the big Australian storming over he can't help the toothy grin the slides into place. A hand grips his shoulder, but he grabs the shirt and pulls the man down to his level so the man hears him laugh, which only seems to anger him more. Before it gets too far, the lieutenants are pulling them apart, and soap goes easily, adrenaline warming his veins pleasantly.
And it's not that he's arrogant, or that he lets his ego take over for him, though he is confident in his capabilities. And it's not that he doesn't see the danger. He just simply doesn't get intimidated by it, after all why speak for your ability when it could speak for itself? Isn't that a better show of what you can do?
Ghost thinks it's, perhaps, the hottest things to see. Sure at first it was annoying, having built his entire military persona on being too intimidating to interact with. And then this annoying bitch just come up to him, punches him in the shoulder, and refuses to leave him alone. Smiles even when threatened with a fight, and that smile says "please do".
And they did fight about it. Many times. and somewere in the middle of one of those fights, locked together, forhead to forehead, shoulder to shoulder. That ghost looks into those stark blue eyes, and the too perfect grin, and his face screams "give me more". And it's then that ghost realizes that seeing a face like that, so full to bursting with life and joy, it puts a feeling in him, like being pleasantly full for the first time ever. Or feeling the morning sun on his face after a decade in the dark. And ghost can't help but give in, to push harder, to fight back. And christ alive if he isn't absolutely whipped and waiting for that expression that he's only ever seen grace one man's face so properly, the way it does for soap.
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wandasfifthwife · 4 months
Din Djarin | misunderstandings
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Din Djarin x fem!reader
tw: pinning after each other, sorta confessions, misunderstandings, reader used to be mandalorian, reader gets a bit insecure, din is confused, mentions a past-gunshot wound, hurt/comfort, happy ending
a/n: idk if this fandom alive anymore but I still love this man sooo, enjoyment is wished upon whomever this lands upon. This is shit writing and I’m so sorry. I’ll re-read and edit later (if you read and enjoy this now… thank you for loving me at my lowest fr)
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You’ve been on his ship now for almost a year, the months feeling like they were slowing down the further time went by. He originally treated you like a co, only asking what was needed, very obviously separating you from his personal life.
The ship had crashed some time ago, the both of you stranded on a desert planet for almost two months. Something had shifted, changed, and it got worse. The air felt thinner when he was close and your heart would pound.
You felt he cared to listen when you began to share small details about you like where you grew up, what scares you, how you got a scar on your forearm. You felt he began to change too.
“cyar’ika,” his tone is straightforward, “go to bed, you’re just straining your muscles now.”
It scared you when he began to use that instead of your name. You were too frightened to ask what it meant. The only tone he speaks in is monotone and he wears a helmet, it’s hard to read him. Everytime you think you begin to understand, you feel him slipping further away.
You hear a banging sound, one that happened because you drop the boxes from your grip.
“Was only trying to help,” you quip, stepping beside him to enter into the ship.
He shuts the door behind you, asking about the kid. You arrange the boxes so they’re out of the way, “he fell asleep minute after you left.”
He hums, the sound muffled slightly from his helmet. You stand near him to try and get the last package, though with the distance and your strength the box ends up falling to the ground and on your foot. You almost go still from the pain, chest growing tight as you tried to work through the pain. The mandalorian takes the box off of your foot as soon as it fell, a hiss sounding from him.
His body is tense when you try to walk, obvious pain showing on your face. He’s oblivious to how it cringes even more at the name. Sitting yourself down, you cradle your foot, tears coming to your eyes and you blink them away. The sight of tears startles him.
“Your injury, is it hurting that—?”
“No,” you cut him off, “I’ll be fine, I think it just bruised it.”
He offers you a hand, “ner sarad. Get off the floor.”
You swat it away and attempt to get up on your own. How stupid could you be? He’s only ever called you these names in an accusing manner. You had hope, but now that you’re looking back, you’ve lost it.
Last week he used it when you had gotten shot in the shoulder after chasing him for hours. About a month ago you remember him using his language in an angry manner when you argued.
A quiet sob escaped you, “why are you always getting angry at me?” You go limp when his hands come under you, lifting you so he can place you down on his bed. You’re stuck between wanting to push him away and pulling him closer to you. He works on removing your shoe and lifting your pant leg with a sigh.
“The words I’ve been using are terms of endearment,” he gently rubs his thumb over the already forming bruise, “cyar’ika means beloved.”
“I thought you were cursing my name out, using them as expressions of anger.”
“I started using them since you mentioned you were mandalorian once.”
He pats your thigh, getting off the ground to grab the medical supplies. You wince as he wraps your foot tightly, “I was, but we’ve never used those terms. We only called one another by our given name. I didn’t know those words existed.”
“And I’m a fool for assuming your clan was the same as mine.”
“Not a fool,” you smile at him, “you were trying to flirt and I interpreted it as sarcasm. I’m the fool.”
He stands, a hand coming to cup your cheek, “I can teach you, ner kar’ta.”
Your hand covers his, a shiver going through you at the warm feeling of his glove, “what is ner kar’ta?”
“My heart.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Could I request hcs of reader with an Iron hands who is a gentle giant and loves to battle against other trainers ( like nemona and penny) but arven is always on edge around the iron hands.. always thinking that it could hurt someone else like the other area zero pokemon hurt mabostiff. Reader and co tries to convince him that that this one's diffrent and would never do that to anyone?
((Generally fluff.. it doesn't need to be that angsty))
I love Iron Hands fr fr so thank you for this <3
My main one (who I affectionately named Raiden) is a tera raid powerhouse, but besides that I just,,,love my funky metallic futuristic Hariyama
You often wonder if your Iron Hands had some kind of glitch in its system...
Because it's simply the sweetest fighting/electric type machine you've ever had the honor of capturing.
Its default expression is pretty much like "^^" 24/7.
When outside its pokeball, it's such a gentle giant towards the smaller Pokémon--whether they're on your team or out in the wild.
It absolutely loves comparing hand sizes with everyone (especially you, even though it knows very well that its palm size surpasses every single human's).
And of course, Iron Hands likes the thrill of battle, being all charged-up to fight whoever challenged you both.
Nemona herself is always eager to battle the Paradox Pokémon she witnessed you capture firsthand.
Penny gets a little nervous sending out her Vaporeon or Umbreon, knowing they'd get clobbered by a thunderbolt or drain punch easily.
But even outside of battle, Iron Hands is a kind and gentle soul around her Eeveelutions. They like to play around in the field, so they don't bear any ill will towards it.
The only person who feels genuine fear around it is Arven...and for good reason.
You saw it the moment Mabosstiff and Iron Hands stared each other down at one of the school's tournaments, with you taking one turn to boost its attack....while your friend remained frozen on the spot, suddenly unable to utter a command to his buddy.
He ended up running away, and the match was suspended, with you and the girls chasing him down to find him at the lighthouse.
Iron Hands is just stumped, confused as to why he looked so angry at it.
But you, Penny, and Nemona knew exactly what was up.
He was just scared of it hurting Mabosstiff (or other people) and making him weak all over again.
Of course, Arven was still traumatized by what happened during his first time in Area Zero--and being ambushed by a group of Iron Hands before you went up to the time machine certainly didn't help matters.
But you reassured him that your Iron Hands was nothing like those wild ones.
It was kind, loyal, and you've trained it well and understood each other...even though its origins remained shrouded in mystery (you had to lie about it being a Hariyama in a cool suit, but it took no offense to that).
The girls also agreed that it was good and patient in battles, never overdoing any attack.
Still, it's gonna take Arven some time to fully trust it, especially in a battle with Mabosstiff. So you just set up picnics and allowed Iron Hands to interact with his Pokémon, getting to know each and every one of them.
You even encouraged him to use the sponge on its metal plates, giving them a good shine.
With time (and more exposure therapy), he'll be comfortable enough seeing Iron Hands always at your side whenever he's making sandwiches or asking you for advice on his newest recipes.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Cybertronian Civil Warfare
One wrong move. That was all it took to make Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, mad. Now Strongarm and Sideswipe have to deal with the unfortunate consequences of their actions by participating in Optimus's game.
(First chapter of a fic I am writing that will showcase some of the stuff being at war did to Bee and co :3)
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No one was entirely sure what thought process led to the current situation, but Strongarm could remember when it started. 
The team had gathered to celebrate what was quickly being dubbed the third liberation of Cybertron when it all began. Strongarm and her team, the Bee Team as they were called, were invited to celebrate with Team Prime in the newly constructed crystal gardens attached to the  restored Hall of Records. Optimus Prime himself had been the one to give out the invitations, and not a spark had refused. Sideswipe had of course made a fuss about having to go to what he assumed was a formal event, but Strongarm had shut him up well enough beforehand.
Meeting Team Prime in a more civil setting was exciting and she had no intention of missing it for the world. But of course, someone had to screw up. And that screw up in turn led to a series of unfortunate and poorly thought out words.
Primus, did they frag up.
“Look, all I am saying is that I don’t get why you all are so high strung all the time.” Sideswipe remarked as he sipped from his cup of high grade. His optics flared a pale blue, a sign of overcharge from too much to drink. A scowl marred his features and Strongarm suppressed the urge to march over and swat him.
“Why is that Sideswipe?” Optimus questioned patiently from where he sat at the head of the table. The others present had largely continued on with their activities, uncaring of the conversation, but Sideswipe could sense the way the others threw their fields wider, subconsciously keeping an optic on the situation.  
“It's pretty bad with Bee. He’s always whining about us using too much energon and he gets angry about us not being up all night long for our patrol despite the fact that we have cameras.” Sideswipe glared at their leader and Strongarm almost burst from the rage pooling in her spark. Did the little glitch have no respect? These were war veterans for Primus’s sake.
“Sideswipe, keep your grievances back at base. We are in a public area-” Bumblebee chimed in, chastation heavy in his tone.  The former scout’s optics cycled in on Sideswipe, a sign of agitation that Strongarm had long learned to notice serving under him. Only Windblade’s firm grasp on her arm kept her from getting up to teach the mech across from her a lesson.
“Bumblebee, let him speak. It is at times like these that such issues should be aired.” Optimus sat perfectly composed in his chair, his attention on the red speedster as Sideswipe grumbled and continued, his words somewhat slurred as he continued.
“You all constantly act like you are better than us. You treat us like newsparks. I’ve been functional for long enough! By old Cybertronian standards I am fully framed!” Sideswipe slammed his cup onto the table as if he were a sparkling and glared at the elder mecha present. Smokescreen stood up abruptly from where he was seated, anger etched onto his features. 
“You are a newspark Sideswipe. I am still considered young even though I was forged during the height of the war.” Smokescreen’s servos were planted firmly on the table, his doorwings twitching as he glared. The Wreckers at the table paused in their activities, their words quieting as they stopped to pay attention. Their stillness swiftly led to the remainder of the table falling silent to observe.
Strongarm couldn’t help the way her plating clamped down around her as the war veterans present seemed to make a shield around themselves with their fields. It was suffocating to endure. 
“That’s exactly my problem! You get treated so much better than us and you don’t act much different!” Sideswipe wasn’t making any sense. His logic wasn’t adding up, and yet his field screamed of outrage. Evidently he had a lot more going on than he could voice. But Strongarm didn’t care to hear it.
“Sideswipe! Don’t be so rude! We are among war veterans and heroes!” Strongarm stood up as well. Her field flared in anger and Smokescreen looked over at her so sharply that she almost felt the urge to sit down. Ratchet slowly began to rise, his servos up in a placating manner as he attempted to speak before being cut off.
“You all fought in a war. So what? I’ve fought Cons and they weren’t even all that bad!” Sideswipe stood proudly despite the fact that he obviously wasn’t thinking straight. Strongarm wished she could sink into the ground as the gazes of the elder mecha present all zoned in on Sideswipe as if he were fresh energon ready for the harvest. She couldn’t tell whose field was whose, but she didn’t need to. All of them were running with an undercurrent of rage, at least those amongst team Prime. Windblade, Drift and his minicons, and Grimlock quickly began to gather beside Strongarm, stepping back from the table as things became more heated.
“Sideswipe, I believe you are not thinking clearly. What you are saying is insinuating a great deal more than I think you intend to convey.” Optimus was still composed ever as the rest of Team Prime slowly began to get up and move. Sideswipe didn’t seem to notice as Bulkhead carefully, and with surprising stealth, pulled the table out of the way in time for the Prime to stand.
This felt practiced, rehearsed almost in a sick way. Strongarm wasn’t sure what to do, what to say even. But she wasn’t given the chance as Bumblebee stepped in front of her and the rest of their team, his gaze surprisingly steely as the situation continued to unfold. 
“Bee, what’s going on?” Grimlock asked hesitantly. The dinobot was not usually one to look so… concerned. It startled Strongarm in a way. He was usually always ready for a fight, even against one like Optimus. Here though? It looked like everyone, including the battle hardened Drift, wanted nothing to do with the situation. 
“Quiet. Optimus will handle this.” There was no room for disagreement in Bumblebee’s voice. He was surprisingly stern. Usually he was loose in his methods of leadership. However as Smokescreen came over and stood at attention right next to Strongarm’s leader, she felt fear begin to gather in her spark.
This was serious, and everyone seemed to know it.
“I mean it all! I don’t get why you all do all this stupid paranoid slag all the time! Always on our afts about our energon usage and lack of combat training or all that other scrap!” Sideswipe’s field was vicious and sharp, but untrained. His didn’t hurt. But those around them? By the Allspark, Strongarm could feel pinpricks running all along her plating from where Bumblebee and Smokescreen practically emanated outrage.
“Sideswipe.” The Prime’s tone had shifted. It was subtle, almost too soft for Strongarm to notice. But her training under Bumblebee had done her good. She wasn’t a spy by any means, or even a special agent. However the few weeks of interrogation training she underwent were having their influence.
Optimus wasn’t happy.
“I don’t want to hear whatever fragging excuses you have, you old bag of bolts! You wouldn’t be held in such high esteem if you just ended the war when it began!” Everyone froze, even Grimlock. Windblade seemed too shaken to speak, her wings dipping so low they almost touched the ground as she stared on in horror. Strongarm was sure she was making a similar expression as Optimus’s expression changed.
He always wore gentle expressions, or at least a soft firmness or strictness. Now though? His optics were startlingly wide, almost as though he were looking at Sideswipe as some sort of prey animal. Optimus’s posture dipped, becoming tenser and his digits twitching ever so slightly. A true predator. 
“Sideswipe, that is enough.” Arcee hissed through gritted denta. The elder femme seemed two kliks away from shredding Sideswipe and appeared to only be kept in place by Bulkhead who glanced down at her in warning. Grimlock was shaking like a leaf and Slipestream and Jetstorm weren’t much better off. They huddled around their carrier unit fearfully and Drift subtly drew his swords, the tension in the air setting him on edge.
Strongarm couldn’t blame him when she found herself palming her pistol on instinct. 
“The Cons we’ve fought have been smallfry. Sure Megaton might have been a piece of work, but you could have ended this easily! But NO, you dragged it all out! Our planet DIED because you and the rest of these plasma helmed glitches didn’t want to put aside your egos and end things!” Strongarm didn’t think things could get worse. Evidently she was wrong. Team Prime were all angry. Even Ratchet seemed to be on the cusp of letting loose what Strongarm could only imagine was a legendary string of curses.
Despite that, Sideswipe must have been absolutely sloshed since he just. Kept. going. 
“Great and mighty Optimus Prime my aft! All you did was make things worse! We wouldn’t have had to deal with all this Primus forsaken fallout if you had just done the right thing in the first place!” There it was. Strongarm could feel it. This was the pinnacle. One more word and things were going to explode.
“Sideswipe. This is the only warning I will give you. Be silent now, or I will need to take disciplinary action on account of you disturbing the peace.” It was a bit of a stretch legally. However it seemed Optimus, and the rest of team Prime for that matter, didn’t care all that much. The tension was heavy. It was too much. 
“Sir, that would be an abuse of power. Sideswipe has the right to free speech. He can technically say what he wants regardless-” Over a dozen optics fell on Strongarm like lasers. She wished she hadn’t spoken, but she couldn’t back down now. 
“What I mean to say is that, uh, Autobot law does not permit…” She trailed off, but the wrath of those present was already on her. Sideswipe didn’t even seem to be aware she was speaking on his behalf. A bitter part of her processors resented that. She was hurting her reputation with Optimus Prime and likely the rest of team Prime just to stick up for him.
“What are you insinuating Strongarm?” She didn’t need to look. Bumblebee’s optics were boring into her with such intensity that if he were to be granted the ability to kill on sight, Strongarm was sure she would be dead by now. Still, no one else spoke up. The team were silent save for their unspoken anger which hummed in the air like a dooming court sentence. 
She floundered, stress prompting her to rehearse what Sideswipe had said. He was saying things that no one was able to, words which should never be spoken aloud. However as she fidgeted with Optimus’s far too wide optics glued to her, she sputtered out a response.
“He makes valid points!” Oh if looks could kill, Strongarm was sure that she and Sideswipe would be dead a thousand times over.
“How so?” The Prime questioned, his tone too smooth and practiced. It was akin to how cashiers and those who worked in customer service would smile and wave even as they internally cursed to the stars and beyond. 
“It’s just… according to the records, the war started because you and Megatron had a disagreement and failed to work it out. Then as the war went on, neither of you were willing to compromise or kill the other…” Smokescreen stepped forward, she could feel his field pressing against her. He felt murderous, so much so she couldn’t bear to look as Optimus tilted his helm ever so slightly in what had to be faux curiosity. 
“And it is also stated that the Decepticons weren’t really all that much of a threat beyond their numbers. The Autobots had superiority throughout a good portion of the war, but it was never used. The Decepticons could have been crushed easily if you look at the tactics and the resources available at the time.” Any other words died on her glossa as Smokescreen’s servo pressed heavily on her shoulder, his face so eerily composed that she genuinely feared for her life. Optimus didn’t so much as twitch as he hummed, his optics cycling ominously.
“So that is what you believe. Is that what the history books say?” Sideswipe had evidently finally begun to sober up a bit as he stepped back. Optimus’s field, which had up until that point been held totally at ease, finally spread out.
It was just a flare, but it dropped Strongarm to a knee as she looked up in horror. Optimus was mad. Her plating rattled and her hydraulics tensed as fear threatened to overwhelm her. Windblade, Drift, his minicons, and Sideswipe didn’t appear to be fending much better when she glanced over at them. 
“You believe our sacrifices were for nothing? That the countless dead were lost in a meaningless conflict? How very amusing.” Strongarm didn’t know Optimus, she didn’t even try to claim she was acquainted with him to any serious degree. But his voice… it wasn’t him. He wasn’t talking like the Prime she knew and served alongside back on Earth. 
However, just as quickly as it came, the tension dissipated like smoke as Optimus straightened his posture, composed himself and turned to exit the garden with only one final declaration. 
“It seems you have much to learn. Return to your base of operations until you receive further orders. I do not wish to see you at this moment or for the foreseeable future.” Then, just like that, Optimus left. Strongarm promptly hunched over and purged whatever she had consumed during the gathering. Sideswipe for his part immediately found himself smacked so hard upside the helm by Bumblebee that she was sure he was seeing stars. Those of team Prime were cold as they quietly gathered their things and left, not another word uttered between them.
Ratchet lingered just long enough to throw a hangover cure at Sideswipe’s face, but beyond that, only Smokescreen stuck around until Bumblebee waved him off. They were fragged. Strongarm could sense it as she was pulled to her pedes and put in with the rest of the Bee team in silence. Bumblebee said nothing as he dragged Sideswipe behind him by his right pede, uncaring of the pained groans of the speedster. 
Windblade and Drift offered their arms to keep Strongarm steady as her tanks churned in nausea and her vision swam. She accepted it without question, not even having the energy to yell at Grimlock as the dinobot all but threw himself through the space bridge back to Earth. 
They had messed up royally. 
It was to be expected really. All sorts of double patrols, cleaning duty, and plenty of additional training sessions made perfect sense considering how badly both she and Sideswipe had messed up. However the predicted backlash from Optimus never arrived. Strongarm spent months dreading it, even waking up in terror a few times in fear of those far too wide optics zoning in on her. 
Yet, as the months passed, nothing happened. Bumblebee was cold for the first little while, but he settled back into his usual behaviors within a month. Grimlock seemed to forget all about the incident, Drift and Windblade put it behind them, and Sideswipe spent quite a few weeks in a similar state of alertness to Strongarm before he too calmed. Everything went back to normal without any word from Optimus, not even a transmission or a single set of orders. 
Everything… was normal. And somehow that scared Strongarm more than it comforted her. She had never seen Optimus so angry, and from the looks of it, neither had Team Prime, at least not in a very long time. 
Her anxiety grew each passing month, until at last, after around a whole year on Earth, a transmission arrived from Cybertron along with its messenger.
“Hey kiddos! I’ve got a message from Prime for you all! It's addressed to Sideswipe and Strongarm specifically, but I am pretty sure it was intended for your group as a whole.” Jazz, the special operations agent who Strongarm hadn’t seen since they took down the Council, stood before them. He was as cheerful as ever as he handed over a singular holographic disc. Bumblebee took it from him before Strongarm or Sideswipe could do so.
“Did he give any instructions?” Bumblebee questioned simply, suspicion lacing his tone. Jazz shrugged and smiled, his visor glinting in the light as he put his servos on his hips casually.
“Turn it on. Whatever he has to say will probably be on there.” An obvious assumption, but one Strongarm found herself somewhat concerned with as Bumblebee nodded and plugged the disk into the terminal. There was a long harrowing silence in the space as the rest of team Bee gathered around, watching with rapt attention as the screen flickered on.
“Greetings. It has been some time since our last communication.” Optimus’s voice rang out clearly in the space as his face pixelated into being on the screen. He seemed completely at ease as he sat in a chair, a series of datapads at his side.
“In light of your previous statements, I have taken the time to prepare an activity for all of you to participate in. All save for Strongarm and Sideswipe will not be forced to participate if they choose to not engage.” She was already being singled out. Beside her, Strongarm sensed Sideswipe stiffening. This was the other pede finally dropping. Their punishment for speaking out of line.
“Before you bring forward any legal concerns, let it be said before I begin that everything I have prepared is well within my rights. The provisionary council has given me the authority to move your team as I see fit, and all supplies and resources used in the upcoming activity have been funded through my personal efforts and connections.” Optimus sat smugly, or at least that is how it looked to Strongarm as he leaned forward, a little closer to the camera. Fear rattled down her spinal struts as she came to the dark conclusion that the whole year of silence hadn’t been because Optimus forgot. No, she had not been so lucky.
He had been preparing for whatever this was.
“Your involvement is compulsory.” Again, a warning. In the video, Optimus smiled, but it was a sickening thing that left Strongarm’s tanks churning. She reached out to hold Sideswipe’s arm instinctually, seeking the comfort of another as Windblade and Drift came nearer, doing their best to offer silent comradery as the words continued to relay through the audio systems of the terminal. 
“We will be engaging in a real time strategy game made as realistic as possible through my resources. This game will take place in the uninhabited city of Helex in exactly one Earth month. You will have the entirety of that time to prepare.” A grin grew on Optimus’s face, and Primus, Strongarm felt that same churning in her tanks all over again. She wanted to be sick as the Prime tilted his helm, an unnatural ease to his movements.
“You may recruit whoever you see fit. However you may have no more than a hundred units under your control.” Every word was punctuated, almost as if Optimus had long ago rehearsed the lines.
“Any Autobot you can convince to join you is within your rights to recruit. To make things fair, I will not call upon my team or any close allies amongst the Autobots to assist me.” Every movement was far too crisp, practiced even as Optimus held up a datapad showing a map of the city of Helex. 
“Are you putting it together now?” There was a degree of amusement in the Prime’s voice, and looking around, not a spark seemed to like it. Not even Bumblebee. 
“You will have three main objectives which will be given to you a day before the start of the game. I have not selected these objectives. All objectives have been chosen by Elita-One and other neutral parties.” This was real. 
“Complete all three of these objectives, and you will have victory. However in the event that neither faction involved in this conflict completes all of them, the one with the most completed objectives will be victorious.” Strongarm’s hydraulics threatened to falter as Optimus kept talking. Bumblebee held her up by the arm and captured Sideswipe by his neck guard. Their leader was deadly serious as he listened and forced them to endure. 
“Further details will be given to you upon your arrival at the site. In the meantime, prepare for any possibility. This is war, and I have no intention of going easy on you.” Why? Why did it have to be Optimus Prime who they angered?
“Designate a leader and begin recruiting. You will have no resources from the state, so all of your preparations must come from your own sources. My advice is simple. Recruit those with influence.” Optimus smiled again as he leaned forward in his chair, his optics too wide and too threatening.
“I do this not out of malice or bitterness, but instead to make a point.” Not out of malice her aft. There was no way there was not a personal grudge involved for Optimus to put so much effort into this. 
“It is my hope that our game will give you a taste of what our war was like. May you find victory, or failing that, learn a lesson amidst this trial to come. Till all are one.” The video shut down with a dooming whirl and Strongarm struggled to not purge right then and there. What had they gotten into?
“So we are playing that game…” Bumblebee murmured, his optics distant.
“You kiddos made him really mad. Well it wasn’t just you, but you certainly played a part! This will be interesting to watch play out.” Jazz commented with far too much cheer in his tone. Was all of this just a game? Even Bumblebee didn’t seem phased. 
“He can’t seriously be expecting us to do this- this bloodsport!” Sideswipe burst out, breaking the atmosphere.
“I agree. Isn’t this going too far?” Windblade commented carefully. 
“Nope! This is a common game amongst troops, at least during the war. Rion just seems to be taking it to the next level.” Frag it all.
“Then I suppose there is nothing to be done. I shall join this game, if only to give my students additional training.” The minicons under Drift’s command look decidedly unhappy, but Strongarm could only feel a bitter sense of relief. This was really happening.
“We… better get to work.” Strongarm choked out, her vocalizer failing her as the image of Optimus’s grin burned itself into her mind.
What had she gotten herself into?
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bun-z-bakery · 1 month
A/N: sorry this took so long! But we are so back!
Behind His Mask (7)
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Familiar voices are heard from afar, suddenly you're pulled into a whole new world, a world you're all too familiar with.
"You like this one don't you?"
You haven't heard that voice in such a long time, you never dreamt about him before especially after that day of the car accident. you don't understand why now? Why here?
"Little one?"
He called you again, your grandfather sat next to you, it was as if he was alive once again. This dream felt all too real, it made you sick...
You open your mouth to speak but your bother, Aiden beats you to it
"I think it still hurts them..."
Aiden gently takes your hand and helps you point to the picture of an orange dog your grandfather had drawn.
"See? This one is DogDay and this one is um..."
Your sudden sobbing cut him off, they both looked worried and wrapped you in a gentle yet warm hug, you could feel their skin and their clothes... you missed this, you missed them.
"Please... Please... "
You chant in your sobs as if it were a prayer that would take you back to this day.
You wept quietly before gentle shakes brought you back, you knew it was a dream but it felt so real, the pit in your stomach grew bigger, and the hunger only added to the terrible feeling.
"Angel! Angel, please wake up!"
DogDays voice echoes through your mind before you fully awake, instinctively you wrap your arms around him, seeking out any comfort available. He was able to find a room where you both could get some much-needed rest you felt eternally indebted to the dog for saving your life however you knew he probably would brush it off as repayment for saving him.
"I'm sorry... Just... S-stay still..."
You try to speak through your sobs luckily he understands what you are trying to say and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a secure hug.
"When the children had nightmares,"
He begins as he gently pets your head, attempting to give you all the comfort he's able to.
"They would speak about it or do activities to help ease the fear"
His voice was soft, you could tell he was genuinely worried about you.
"I'm sorry if it's too forward... but you can always share your burdens with me, Angel"
You sigh as you fall deeper into his embrace, your sobs have finally subsided but you still feel that dreaded feeling in your stomach.
"My grandfather used to work here..."
The air went cold and the silence was loud, it's almost like he knew where this was going
"When I was a kid, he told me all these amazing stories about this place..."
You finally loosen the bear hug you had the poor dog in and pet his ears.
"I was lied to, I was only a kid it's not like I would've understood anyway..."
You pause before you continue
"I learned about what happened here through some tapes... You used to be someone... right?"
You hold his face in your hands, he was supposed to be comforting you but you wanted to do the same for him.
He spoke softly, you weren't expecting an actual response to your mindless ramble he took you by surprise.
"I'm sorry?"
"My name is... or it used to be Rich... No one calls me that anymore..."
The sadness in his voice was clear as day it made you angry, only a monster would do something like this to innocent people.
"What should I call you then? Rich? DogDay? Both? A nickname perhaps?"
You suggest a bit too strongly, once you realize this you instantly tone it down and lay on his chest.
"Sorry, I just think you deserve to be called by something you like..."
A low rumble emits from his chest making you tense up in fear, it was from him chuckling at your kindness.
"Whatever my angel chooses to call me by I'll come running"
You giggle at his response, clearly he's in good spirits to be joking in a place like this.
"You said your grandfather worked here? What was his name?"
His question caught you off guard, but it made you perk up at the thought they were co-workers, the thought of hearing of his stories together as workers made you giddy.
"His name was Lance L/N! He was practically a genius with his newfound technology.
You brag happily, not only were you proud of his established name but proud you inherited his smarts too.
DogDay didn't seem too excited upon hearing the name
"He used to be a friend of mine here..."
You smile at him and bounce in excitement
"Really?! What was he like?!"
You felt like a kid again, sitting down with your brother and listening to your grandfather's stories about the characters.
DogDay still didn't share your excitement
"His technology was used to aid the experiments..."
His answer made you confused but you still wanted to know and his hesitation made you fearful
"That man betrayed me... All of us... He turned me into...into this! I never knew the devil could be so charming..."
He covers his mouth after realizing what he said, you stare at him blankly. You finally know who the real monster is and it all starts making sense now.
"Angel I apologize I didn't mean to–"
A knock at the door cuts off DogDay and a familiar voice makes its reappearance
"Y/N are you in there?"
"Yeah come in!"
Poppy and Kissy enter the saferoom, and both of them look just as tired as you and DogDay. The mini smiling critters probably chased them leading them here.
"Oh! Hello DogDay!"
Poppy and Kissy wave at the giant mutilated dog on the floor.
"It's finally nice to meet you both"
They haven't met? Interesting.
"We're glad we found you! Look! Kissy found some food!"
The little doll exclaims happily but all you can do is smile and nod, right now food is the last thing on your mind.
"Um... I'm gonna take a walk..."
You say abruptly before grabbing your grab pack and making your way to the door.
"Angel please stay and eat! You need–"
"I'll be back!"
You walk out of the room and close the door behind you. You didn't want to be followed nor did you want to be looked for, you just wanted to process everything in peace.
‧₊ ๑˚.・
You walk around with no goal in mind, nothing matters in your moment of solitude. But you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched, the feeling of a thousand eyes watching from the shadows makes the hairs on your neck stand.
It's quiet, a bit too quiet. It was too good to be true, before you knew it a group of mini smiling critters made their way to you from a small hole in a wall
You switch out your flare hand and fire, of course, you manage to scorch a few before you attempt to run, they follow you and you have to think fast!
A room with a door slightly cracked open would be your saving grace, quickly you made your way into the room and locked the door.
It looked like some abandoned office, it was filthy, rubble everywhere and even some old blood stained the floor. You take the opportunity to look around for anything you're able to find, something must be useful in a hazardous room such as this.
A trunk catches your eye, however it's buried under some rubble. You're stubbornness gets the better of you and you use all your strength, moving the rubble and whatever else might get in your way from the top of the trunk. You catch your breath before you flip open the locks.
What was hidden inside the trunk wasn't what you were expecting, but it wasn't hard to understand why someone would go through the trouble of hiding your discovery.
You pull out everything you might need and head to the door, but something stops you in your tracks. For a split second, you could've sworn you saw a purple blur staring back at you.
I'm seeing things again...
‧₊ ๑˚.・
You exclaim as you make your grand entrance. The three of them seemed to have made a small bed out of blankets and whatever else they could find.
"Angel! You're ok– are those?"
"Yep! Your legs! And look I found a needle and some thread too!"
He didn't know what to say or do at that moment. You crouch down and gently pet him.
"Don't worry big guy! Everything will be ok"
You say in an attempt to comfort him, hauling his legs this far put a lot of strain on you but it was worth it for your new companion.
"I could help you sew them on! Toy anatomy works a bit differently"
Poppy states eagerly to assist you in your new quest.
You walk over to one of the blankets and gently place his lower half down before taking a seat yourself. DogDay makes his way over and rests his head on your lap.
You didn't want to show your fear, you couldn't especially at a time like this when all of them are so vulnerable. You suck up your fear and anxieties and tough it out.
"Are you ok bud?"
You ask him as you gently scratch his head and he melts into your touch.
"I should be asking you that, Angel are you ok?"
You can't tell them how you feel, and you're unsure if the others know. If they did would they hate you? Maybe kill you even?
DogDay didn't but there's no doubt in your mind there's a chance he may hate you now.
The past can't be changed after all.
"Let's not talk about that now... Let's focus on you"
Your voice breaks slightly as you fight to hold back tears. It's obvious he's worried about you. You place a comforting kiss on his head before you take the needle and thread that's lying nearby.
"DogDay this might hurt a bit, so tell us if you need a break, ok?"
Poppy explained before making her way to aid you in your sewing project.
"Ready big guy?"
You pet his ears in an attempt to ease his nerves. He sighs and nods
"Ready my Angel"
"Alright let's start!"
Poppy exclaims and you start sewing.
It took you a while to notice but whenever he wasn't in agonizing pain, DogDays eyes would watch the way your hands moved, sometimes he'd even stare at you.
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kdogreads · 7 months
Halloween with Richie
I live about two hours east of Chicago and we had a very cold, snowy Halloween so here is how I imagine trick or treating going with you and Richie & co.
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Richie Jerimovich x pregnant!reader fluff🥰
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After being with Richie for a few years now, you knew holidays were always a tricky subject when it came to Eva. Who got her on Christmas Day? Christmas Eve?Thanksgiving? Easter? And most concerning of all for Richie, Halloween.
Richie’d always loved Halloween for as long as you’d known him. He loved helping his daughter get dressed up and being the dad carrying around coats or water or discarded accessories.
Tiffany usually offered to let you and Richie take Eva trick or treating since she knew how much he loved the holiday, too. This year, though, you wanted to run a different idea by the doting dad.
When you first brought up the idea of all of you taking her together, you and Richie and Tiffany and Frank, he was hesitant.
“All of us? Baby, I don’t know. It’ll be awkward and, like, what do we talk about? The weather?” He scratched his head like he does when he’s stressed.
“We don’t have to talk about anything, honey. We’ll just be there to have fun with E,” You tried to calm his nerves by sliding your arms up around his broad shoulders, “Just ask Tiff? Please?”
You weren’t sure if he really came around to the idea or if your sad, pouty face did the trick, but a few weeks later you were in the car, heat blasting, heading to the neighborhood Tiffany and Frank live in.
“Fuckin’ snowing — On Halloween! Goddamn Chicago weather, I swear,” Richie cursed as he climbed in the driver’s seat from brushing the car off.
“You need to watch your mouth, Richard, or your daughters are going to start sounding like you,” You tried desperately to keep the stern look on your face while rubbing soft circles over your round belly.
“Damn right they will. Their daddy kicks ass and so do they,” He reached over and placed a loving hand on the top of your swollen midsection, adjusting your big, puffy coat slightly in the process and easing some of the tugging feeling on your back.
You groan happily at the relief but remember quickly you’re supposed to be lecturing him. You shoot him a quick eye roll in feigned annoyance and Richie just laughs while he shifts the car into drive.
It’s a quick trip to their house, and when the two of you pull up, Eva is already peeking out the front door, anxiously waiting to start collecting candy.
Eva gives you both big hugs and you exchange pleasantries with Tiffany and Frank. There isn’t much time for chit chat though, not when Eva’s already sprinting down the driveway.
The five of you make your way down several blocks worth of candy, the grown-ups longingly reminiscing about last Halloween (when it was 65 degrees and sunny), and casually chatting about upcoming football games, while Eva fulfills her goal to fill her pumpkin pail to the very tippy top.
It was fun. And entertaining. And easy. No one had to try to make it less awkward or stiffly discuss the weather. It was happy and you were so glad you talked Richie into this.
Once you were sufficiently frozen, and only after hitting all of the houses with their porch lights on, Tiff invited you both in for some hot chocolate. You sat comfortable around her kitchen table while Eva meticulously sorted through her loot. Richie’s chronically warms hands rested gently on your shoulders as he oversaw the candy-distribution process.
“Daddy gets the old people candy because he’s old,” Eva snickered as Richie feigned an angry face as her, “And Mommy and Frank’s favorite are these ones, and these ones are for you and the baby.”
Eva delicately shoved small mountains of candy in each of your directions and you couldn’t help but smile up at Richie with pride at how generous and thoughtful his little girl was.
“So,” Eva begins, her face suddenly set on a very serious look, “Next year, we are all dressing up as Power Rangers. Baby sister, too. She can even be the pink one!”
Richie exclaimed with joy, so proud that his little mini-me was so much like him. He and Frank high-fived like they were at a football game or something while you and Tiff just shook your heads.
The joint Halloween was a smashing success. You rubbed your belly contentedly, already daydreaming about what all of the upcoming holidays would look like with your unusual, extended, perfect family.
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genieofthebooks · 1 year
Ghostly Memories
Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x Fem!reader [Not established but Established at the same time, Its confusing]
Part Two: Family Line
Reader gets sent into a vision of how someone died through touching the source, body or something close to them in their past life.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Reader's parents especially mother (Sorry if you are close to yours),mentions of death of someone close, ghostly activity, sadness, description of death, hints of abuse, Panic attack, Some comfort.
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It was early hours in the morning in London and all of Lockwood and Co. were awake, sat in their pajamas staring at a client who decided to come at the ungodly hour of Four in the morning. George was picking at the loose thread on his oversized shirt, Lucy was perched on the edge of the sofa leaving a gap between her and Lockwood as they all were waiting for you to get back from the kitchen with the tea they offered the client.
You walked into the living room balancing five cups of tea on a tray, your hair in a messy plait as it was way more messy if it was loose. You placed the tray of Tea on the table in front of the client giving him a tense smile as the three behind you lunged for their tea to give them a boost of energy to wake them up, leaving two mugs on the table. You picked up your tea and sat between Lucy and Lockwood, not relaxing fully into the seat unlike Lockwood who was lounged backwoods with his ankle resting on his other leg. 
“I apologise for the early intrusion” The client gestured between the quartet who were still in their pajamas looking at him as if he was insane, you were avoiding eye contact with anyone just looking at the floor trying to ignore the pain that was shooting down your back because of how tense you were. “I just didn’t want my wife to realise I had left, she would always get angry whenever I suggested that we extract the ghost that currently has been haunting us because she has an unhealthy attachment to the person the ghost used to be” 
You started to wring your hands in a pattern to soothe you but it was not working as you were under the watchful eye of the client who was someone you desperately tried to forget when you moved to London.
Lockwood spoke up watching you out of the corner of his eye but also wanting to know why the client was avoiding his wife and why she had an attachment to a ghost that their client was asking for them to remove so he turned to the client with a grin on his face. “May I ask why your wife has an attachment to the ghost”
That was the dreaded question you did not want Lockwood to ask, but the client happily answered it. “Well it is the ghost of my son who died when he was twelve, he is probably agitated that we kept him this long but my wife could not move on and his twin sister ran away a year after I think she was overcome with grief and didn’t know how to talk about it, so she ran.” The client looked straight at you when he uttered the last sentence, you still avoided eye contact with him but you felt his eyes on you.
Everyone knew that something was wrong with you because by now you would have had a few sarcastic comments about how early it was but you haven’t said a word, choosing to keep your eyes either trained to the floor or your tea. Lucy and Lockwood shared a concerned look behind your head when George was getting the address from the client. Lockwood placed his hand on your knee as a comfort even though he was puzzled on why you were acting so weird. If they didn’t know you they would have chalked it up to you being tired because of how early it was. But they know you, they know that you don’t put your defences up for any old reason. Well your sarcasm was a shield in itself but that was soon just a part of you.
You finally looked up from staring at the design on the inside of your mug as you had stressfully downed your tea very quickly. You locked eyes with the client meeting his eyes that he shared with the only person in your family that you truly cared about. 
“What, are you going to ignore your old man this entire time?”
“Well I was trying to” you retorted, slowly bringing your sarcastic shield up and not staying silent like you did when you were a child being berated by your parents for doing a simple thing wrong. You opened your shoulders up after gaining a boost of confidence and stared right into the clients eyes. 
“I’m sorry what is going on here?” George asked looking between you and the client.
“Hello, Father” You finally stated clenching your jaw because you thought you would never have to refer to someone as that again.
“Hello, my little hunter” He responded surprised you actually acknowledged him with a title. You frowned at your childhood nickname, it was lost after the death of your brother.
“Don’t call me that” You leaned forward and rested your elbows on your knee as you stared your father down. Lockwood’s hand slid to your thigh so that it would not get stabbed by your elbow and he gripped it slightly so that you would not bolt. Lucy gently rested her hand on the small of your back in a comforting manner because she was the only one who knew nearly the full extent of what happened before you arrived at Lockwood and Co. however you withheld some information because it pained you to talk about. You two shared a bedroom which used to just be yours but then Lucy arrived but you both spent many sleepless nights talking, her about Norrie and you about your twin brother. “Now why are you here?”
Your father took in a deep breath frustrated at your hostile behaviour towards him however in the back of his mind he knew that he deserved it. “The ghost in our house is your brother”
You scoffed in disbelief that he has only now wanted to get rid of your twin’s body “Of course it is him. You kept his body in a bloody locked room because you and mother refused to move on and he is haunting you because you won’t let him go to rest.” Your voice started to raise in frustration, a small sense of comfort was coming from Anthony but you turned your voice steely. “But why did you come here, not the other agencies and how did you fucking find me.”
Your father hesitated before continuing but treaded carefully with his words knowing the wrong thing could set your anger off. “I thought your mother would allow it if it was you.”
You stood up, glaring right at your father, your chest heaving as you were trying not to either start crying or punch him. “Bullshit. You know damn well that she wants it to be me that was dead not Jace.” Your voice cracked and quietened as you finally spoke the name of your missing half, your better and more kinder half. You spun round not able to look at your father any longer as you tried to contain your emotions but they betrayed you and tears started to stream down your face. you lifted your head and dug the palm of your hands into your eyes to contain the tears, because it was too much. 
Lockwood stood up and gestured towards George who was looking at you in concern as you were one of his best friends and he has never seen you like this. No one has. “George, Lucy why don’t you show Mr L/n the Kitchen”
Once they had left and it was just you and Anthony in the main room. Anthony slowly walked up to you like you were an injured wolf and slowly pried your hands away from your eyes, he noticed how glazed over they look as if your body was in the room but your mind was in a cavern. 
“We can do it” You broke the silence, shocking him with your answer and for the first time in a while his face didn’t hold the smile you had come to love instead he was deep in thought contemplating if they should do this case because even though he had missed being in the field while his legs and shoulder was healing he knew that you would never be the same after. 
“Are you sure?” He questioned holding onto your wrist to keep you in the present.
You ran your hand across your face because it was still early and you were already exhausted by the events that had occured in just the span of half an hour. You knew you were going to regret your answer because deep down you knew your parents no longer loved you but you wanted to grasp on the last sliver of hope that was drifting further and further away. “Yes”
Anthony placed his hand on your shoulder and you would not have believed that it was there if you did not feel the heat of Anthony’s hand against your cold and trembling skin. “It would mean-”
“I know what it means and I am up for it” That was one of the biggest lies that you have ever told.
Anthony patted your shoulder after a little while and then walked into the kitchen to tell George the news that you have accepted. Leaving you alone in the Living room to question your own stupidity.
It was now the evening where the sun was setting over the countryside outside of London and Lockwood and Co. were stood outside of your family home. The Dahlias and the violets were the same as when you escaped.
“Well it is good to be back” You sarcastically muttered walking up the cobblestone steps that wound up to the front door, so you could escape Lucy asking if you are okay for the hundredth time.
“Really” George questioned his tone laced with surprise, staring at you from the bottom of the steps.
“No” you breathed out when you arrived at the wooden door, seeing the grain of the wood and the circular pattern of the stained glass would have been a home to some but to you it was a void of what should be a home. No sentiment was rising in you but instead the happy memories of the only family member you loved turned bitter and painful like a hot knife being driven into your chest.
“Nice House” Lockwood commented giving you a smirk that fit his face perfectly but at this point you wanted to smack it right off his face.
“Shut the bloody hell up” you muttered while kneeling down and making sure your rapier sword hit his ankle. It’s the house making you mutter, you only ever muttered when you were talking to your mother. You felt underneath the ribbing of the doorframe looking for the cold touch of a key. “I would rather be ghost-locked than go in this house again, sorry luce” you added when you saw her wince out of the corner of your eye. She waved you off knowing that even though you meant it you did not intend for it to bring up painful memories for her.
“Y/n really, too extreme” George looked at you with an incredulous expression, you have always been a pessimist and it worked well with your sarcasm and you have often spoke of death but after the recent events that occured between all four of you everyone wanted to make sure everyone was alive.
“No, not extreme enough. Aha found the key” You stood back up and faced the three who had actually no clue what they were getting into. Rolling the key in your fingers before placing it into the lock and turning it until you felt a soft click.
Stepping into the threshold of your childhood home, you froze as you heard the sound of laughter. Two children came into view running around the hallway, the young boy held a small item that looked like a phone but was pretending it was a sensor and the young girl held a wooden sword slashing and stabbing at the air as if a monster or a ghost was in front of her. You couldn’t make out their faces but as they ran towards you you knew immediately who they were. The disappeared just as they were going to collide into your legs. It was you and your twin when you would pretend to be fighting ghosts.
You shook your head releasing a shaky breath before continuing into the hallway, photos filled of your parents and brother, hardly any of you. It was like you never existed at all except there was one photo of you aged ten where you held your wooden sword proudly and your brother was standing next to you with his arm round your shoulder. “I loved  that sword. No clue why though,”
Lockwood found another photo of you that you wouldn’t have seen as it was right at the back of the sidebord sheilded by photos of a happy family that did not have room for you. “Hey look it is a baby Y/n” 
"Aww you were adorable, What happened?" George teased and acting dramatic when you swatted him on the shoulder.
Lucy walked into the centre of the hall, trying to focus on what she can hear, blocking out the sound of the boys teasing you and you threatening. "Will you three shut up!"
You jokingly saluted her while spinning around making sure to hit George with your hair as you turned. "Yes Ma'am"
"Sorry, sorry." You stepped backwards into Lockwood who stedied you while George was laughing his head of at you getting scolded.
Lucy closed her eyes and was able to focus after the three had shut up. "I hear laughing, children laughing"
She opened her eyes and looked to you"Your brother is a very happy ghost"
"He was a very happy child" You shrugged your shoulders.
"The complete opposite of you then" Lockwood asked.
"Pretty much. Now follow me" You walked up the stairs without another word. Your combat boots echoing against the light wooden flooring. Leading the trio to the only closed door in the house as every other door was open for ventilation. The door was decorated with faded signs of names, Your name had faded ghosts and swords and your brother's name had books lettering his name. Lockwood noticed how similar it was to the door that he kept locked in their house, both doors containing a secret. Except you both have different ways of opening the truth.
You rammed your shoulder into the door not being bothered to look around for another key and it swung open and slammed into the back wall with a large crash. Your breath caught in your throat as the bare room that used to be filled with imagination had a lonely bed in the middle of the room.
"Friends! New Friends!" Before anyone could speak a small figure of a ghost started circling the agents who were broken out of their stares at what rested upon the bed. All three drew their swords and only you were unprotected as you started walking towards the bed slowly.
You walked as if you were in a trance eyes fixated on the closed eyes of the body. When you reached the neatly made bed, your body fell to the floor with a soft thud
In front of you was your twin brother. Still frozen in time at aged twelve which differed from your Sixteen year old form. The ghost of your brother had stopped flying around your friends and was floating inbetween Lockwood and Lucy and all four of them were staring at you.
"There is something about her that is familiar, but I can't put my finger on it" He floated over to George who looked at the ghost is shock that there was actually making conversation with them instead of attacking.
"Jace" Lockwood started but when he said your brother's name his ghost started buzzing.
"How do you know my name? Have you met Y/n?" At Lockwood's nod and his eyes flitted over to your knelt form next to your brother's body. The ghost finally caught on.
"Oh she is Y/n, She looks so different." The ghost mumbled quietly realising how tired and worn out you look. "But she got her job as an agent that she has always wanted."
"Yeah, she did" The four were staring at you again where you had now broken your gaze of the body and was looking around for something but your hand accidentally brushed against your brother's arm and you were pulled into the moment that you never wanted to live again.
It was if you were watching an immersive play, you were right in the action but when in an immersive play the actors could see you. The children couldn't see you. Your eyes couldn't focus and your chest felt as if it was being hit by a bat and with every hit getting stronger, and stronger. You couldn't leave until the death has been completed.
"Y/n!" Anthony ran next to you and knelt down next to your now shaking form. He hated the white glazed look in your eye. You looked like you were in ghost-Lock but with the ghost still over with Lucy and George they knew that it was just the curse of your talent.
"Y/n, Catch me if you can" Jace exclaimed running away from your tweleve year old form that had her beloved wooden sword attached to your hip with vines. The kids had ran out of the house and towards the woods. Unaware of the danger that lied waiting for them. Unaware that soon their bond will be ripped in half with one in death and one in life.
"I'm coming Jace, but please don't run off too far you know how dangerous the woods are at night." Your twelve year old self ran into the woods after Jace, muttering about his selective hearing that he must have picked up from their father. You slightly laughed at yourself when you were younger with how bossy yet caring you were. Now people would just say you are bossy and Sarcastic. You chased after the two children, who were cheerfully cheering when they tore down the brambles. The three of you ran into a clearing, Jace climbed up the hight tree. Your heart froze. This was it.
Anthony pulled your shaking form into his body your back against his chest. He caressed the side of your face, rocking you slightly so that when you awoke you would have a comforting presence. "You're okay Y/n" He muttered into your hair even though he knew that you could not hear him.
Your brother's ghost floated up to you with Lucy and George. "Is She okay... What's happening"
Lucy and George looked at each other with a solemn look, knowing Lockwood was trying to make sure you were okay so they decided to gently explain to the ghost. "Her Talent takes her to someone's time of death, did she not tell you"
Jace's ghost shook his head. "She was not allowed to talk to me about her talent, Mother and Father banned her fron talking about it and if she did well it would not end well for her." Jace muttered the last few words holding a resentment to his parents that they were fine with threatening and hurting their own daughter, his sister. "But I had a hunch as we went to our Grandma's house after her funeral, and she bumped into the wall and her eyes went white, but then a few seconds she awoke screaming and we had to leave the funeral quickly, she would not tell anyone of what she saw but the next day I saw she had a black eye and a cut on the side of her face but again she would not tell me who gave it to her but I knew who it was."
Anthony's head snapped over to the trio who were whispering. "Jace did they ever show this in front of you"
Jace's ghost shook his head. "Not when I was alive and by then I did not know how to leave this room but I heard shouting and screaming and dad had to stop mother from cutting Y/n out of the pictures when she ran away. I wish I could have protected her better but she was the stronger one of the two of us."
"You did the best you could, Jace."
"Y/n!" The scream that haunted your nightmares echoed throughout the air, Your brother's foot slipped from the tree. He opened his arms in front of him but they missed the branch by an inch. His body fell backwards as if it was in slow motion. His body hit the ground with a sickening crack.
"NO!" You shot out of Anthony's arms as you were brought back to reality. You pressed your hand to your chest to add a counter weight to your hyperventilating. Anthony motioned for the three to exit the room once again like this moring but instead of you just staring at the floor you were clawing at your chest and your breathing was shaky. Anthony placed his hands on the side of your face and brought his forehead to yours. "Come on Y/n breathe" He moved one of his hands from the side of your face to your shaking hands and rested it on top of them gently.
Your breathing started to even out and Anthony pulled his forehead away from you to make sure you were still okay. He kept his hands in your still trembling hands until you nodded signifying that you were okay.
Lucy ran into the room and encased you in a hug from what you went through as a child, because even though you told her about the death of your brother you had never told anyone or her about the mistreatment from your mother and your father just watching and not doing anything to help. His silence was what betrayed you more with your family. "I'm so sorry Y/n" she mumbled into your hair. She helped you off the floor where George pulled you into a side hug to make sure you were alright as your hands were slightly shaking.
"I know what the source is I just don't know where it is." You said after a while, remembering what you guys actually came to do. "It is my wooden sword but I have no idea where it is." You spoke to the other three but then Jace popped back through startling you.
"I know where it is, It is in the fireplace, Mother tried to set fire to it but I started to haunt her to make her leave the room" Jace Innocently stated with a giggle remebering what he did to her. You looked back on all the times that Jace played a prank on your parents slightly smiling at the innocence of him but you remembered feeling worried that if you played a prank on them the consequences would not have been a laugh and a pat on the head.
"Thanks Jace, yet I am not at all surprised" You walked over to the fireplace and crawled into the pit area of it causing soot to fly up and rest on your face, you found the sword and crawled back out but when you came out you started coughing as the soot flew up into your lungs causing a suffocating feeling to encase you some more but this time it faded.
You were met not with the faces of your friends but the hostile face of your mother who held a gun directed at your forehead. "Leave Jace alone"
"I could say the same to you mother" you spat out, not phased that she was holding a gun to you as she had attempted this once before but you were no longer a scared twelve year old. Lockwood, Lucy and George were also shocked as they had not heard another person come into the room.
"It should have been you and not him, He was just a child. My Child" She stalked up to you and placed the barrell against your forehead, you closed your eyes as if you were encouraging her to shoot. Lockwood stepped forward to quickly knock the gun out of your mother's hand but at a small signal from your hand he stayed put but his hand still rested on his rapier sword to draw it at any needed moment. Lucy and George were trying to distract Jace because even though he was twelve and a ghost no one should have to witness their own mother try to attack and kill their twin.
"I was also your child. But you never wanted me so go ahead. Shoot me" You spoke to your mother keeping your gaze hard, looking straight into her eyes. Her hand started to shake. "You can't do it can you? but you could hurt your own child with a straight face so what is stopping you from killing your daughter. Shoot me!"
Your mother lowered the gun after considering what you said and walked from the room without another word. Lockwood ran up to you and pulled you into an unexpected hug. "Never ask to be shot again. You are better off alive"
"Ironic, coming from you" you mumbled into his shirt causing him to let out a small breathy Laugh.
"Not to break up the sweet moment but it is nearly morning and If we are going to do it. We need to do it now" George interrupted while holding up the iron cloth.
You let go of Anthony and kissed his cheek briefly catching you both of guard, before taking the iron chain cloth out of George's hand and walked up to your brother's body and ghost who were next to each other. "It was nice seeing you again. Big brother"
Jace's ghost spun round in joy that you finally admitted that you were the younger twin but you were the twin that got to age.
You placed the wooden sword next to his body before throwing the irom sheet over his body. Jace's ghost dissapearing forever.
The four of you walked out of your childhood house where DEPRAC was waiting to collect your brother's body to finally put it in a grave and to arrest your mother for attempted murder of an agent.
"This was a weird day, For the first time a ghost did not try to kill us" George commented before seeing you wave mockingly at your mother and then stick your middle finger up at her where she glared at you from the back of the police car but lockwood pulled your hand down but instead of letting it go he held on.
"Yeah, That is why I called him casper the friendly ghost even when he was alive"
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dollwritesarchive · 1 year
𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 — 𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), ex gf!justice league!reader, yellow lantern!hal, this is a dark fic, noncon, somnophilia, suggested violence against reader, toxic relationship,  yandere!hal, hal refers to himself as ‘daddy‘, he’s delusional oops, sinestro co-op, all characters featured are 18+ 
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
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you would be so pissed at Hal right now. 
he knew that, but he couldn’t force himself to feel any shame for the way he scooped you up, holding you tight as you crumbled towards the ground. he was hugging you, the way he really wanted to when he’d first heard you call out for him. 
but you hadn’t sounded happy to see him. when your eyes coruscated over the yellow suit he donned, your brows knit together, your eyes narrowed. you were disgusted. appalled. you hated him in that color; the color of pure fear. 
you were going to get that ring off of him, even if it meant you had to beat him down in the process. or, at least, that’s what you said. however, Hal had years more of experience in hand to hand combat, and the ability to create a construct of anything that he wanted to use against you. not to mention all the times he’d sparred with you. it was never his intention to learn all your tricks and how to counter them, but now he was thankful he had. 
“Sure am glad you found me.” he whispers, burying his face in your hair as he doubled over, holding your midsection tight. you were unconscious from the knock to your head, inflicted by no other than your ex lover who now held you so tenderly, so you droop backwards, your head lolling towards the ground. when he pulls back to look at your features, he breathes a sigh of relief when he traces your softened countenance with his fingers. you no longer looked angry with him, you were no longer disgusted by his newfound power in fear. “Saved me the trouble of tracking you down, having to fight the rest of the Justice League to take you back with me, the whole shebang. I didn’t want to kill any of them, but they wouldn’t have just let me take you. I would’ve had to.” unable to resist his deepest, darkest urge to do so, he leans forward and allows the weight of his lips to press against yours. you don’t kiss him back, and he can accept that for now, because he’d missed the taste of your mouth so much. “But you came back…” his words were muffled as he dragged his lips over your mouth, prying it open with his tongue so he can taste the inside. “You came back to me.” 
that was when Hal finally dug his knees into the dirt, hauling your body down with him, slowly laying you down. your figure is mostly on its side, though turned at your midriff so he can look at your face, with both of your shoulders against the hard ground. “You still look just like an angel when you’re sleeping.” he muttered, tracing your lips with his fingertips. his breath caught in his throat, staring at them. they weren’t nearly swollen enough, like they used to be when he’d kiss you hard. even towards the end, when he started to turn and you’d begun to resist him, he still always left your tiers pouty. 
“It’s been so long,” he breathes out, cradling your face in one hand as he leans over you to kiss you again. he simply couldn’t stop. “So long since you were soft and obedient like this. I missed it.” 
as Hal started to lose his way, you’d began to try and distance yourself from him. you knew that he was changing, and you knew that it was into nothing but darkness. but you didn’t know how to help him or how to stop it; you’d hoped the other members of the Justice League would, but he wouldn’t talk to any of them. he only wanted you. you’d even tried once to tell him that you didn’t want to be with him anymore, but he hadn’t taken the news well, slapping a construct collar around your neck to emphasize how you were bound to him, whether you wanted to be or not. 
he’d scared you. 
and now, here he was. a yellow lantern. the pinnacle of fear. wielding it like a ferocious, flaming weapon. 
“But you’ll be a good girl for me now… won’t you?” from your lips down to your neck, his open mouth attacks you in needy kisses, bites, and sucking. he knew every portion of your body, what areas he could kiss to make you swoon, he only wished he could hear it now— the soft whisper of his name when he flustered you. he was thinking about all the times you’d said his name, and he couldn’t help the moan that vibrates against your throat. “You have to.” 
Hal had forgotten just how addicted to you that he was since his time in the Sinestro Corps. he’d been focused on his duties as a Yellow Lantern, and Sinestro didn’t allow too much time for his second in command’s mind to wander. he had, however, granted Hal the permission to take you by force. but only when the time was right. luckily, for Hal at least, you’d shown up, in search of him and hopeful to pull him from Sinestro’s side. you’d fallen right into his lap; he always knew it was meant to be. 
“God, I missed you…” he was babbling, both of his hands prying at your top, unzipping it as he wrenches it back to expose your bare breasts. his mouth wasn’t far behind, taking one inside, he sucked on your nipple and groaned to himself. he had a thick, hard erection rubbing against the backs of your thighs that needed to be tended to. he wanted you to be awake, to moan for him to fuck you like you used to, but right now, he would have to make due with what he had. your suit’s zipper catches at your waist, and Hal’s hands and mouth are much too occupied with squeezing and kissing your breasts  to continue undressing you, so the topaz flare of his power oozes out from his ring to create another set of hands, a pair that finishes the task of pulling your clothes off until you’re completely nude on your side underneath him. then, his power dissipates. he could’ve, just as easily, used it to position you how he wanted to take you, but he couldn’t keep his focus long enough. “Fuck, I need you, baby. I need you right now.” his hands were already working, one between your legs, priming your sex to life, and the other to get his cock free from his suit. 
his fingers delve into you, prodding along your canal. regardless of your unconscious state, your walls flutter about his fingers as if welcoming him home, and he closes his eyes, biting down on his lip. “You missed me too, I can feel it. So wet already…” he croons, probing deeper, “Don’t you worry, baby, daddy’s home, and he’s never letting you leave his sight again.” his other hand was pumping his recently liberated prick, mighty and jabbing upwards towards his belly, and when he retrieved his fingers from inside you, he marveled at the webs of slick that clung to them, coating his member in your shine. he shudders, giving the swollen tip a final squeeze, running his thumb against the sensitive slit. he’d been left to please himself for too long, his own touch could no longer electrify him, not like he knew your cunt, inches from him, could. 
“You might hate me for this at first.” he mutters, grasping your thigh with one hand, pushing it upwards so your knee bent more, grazing your belly, to reveal your treasure to him. the other directed his tool to it, splitting your netherlips without so much as a moment’s hesitation. usually, he would tease you, rub the head of his cock along your folds, but that had always been to watch you squirm and mewl and beg for him to stop teasing. all he really wanted was to dive into you, as deep and hard as he could. bury himself there. so, this time, he does. he plunges in deep, and bottoms out hard. “It’s gonna hurt when you wake up,” but he doesn’t stop, he can’t. your walls spasm and struggle to stretch around his forceful girth, but he grabs your leg with both, massive hands and jerks your body back to ram into it. “A lot.” he’s already panting, pounding you so violently that your entire body ripples against his thrusting, your head dragging along the ground. you make a little sound, as if you might come around soon, your eyes rolling behind closed lids. 
“But, just give it time, baby girl. You’ll start to like the pain.” 
his moans turn to growls, fingers digging into the supple flesh of your thigh, bruising the delicate skin as he drills himself home, past your sweet spots, to batter the entry of your cervix with relentless and cruel bucking, over and over again. “Fuck, you feel good,” one hand trails up to grab your face and turn it back towards him; he wished you’d open your eyes so he could see the shock on your face when he bumped against your cervix. you didn’t, and he squeezes your cheeks, hollowing them. he may have done it out of frustration, that he can’t hear you whimper for him, or maybe it was just pent up anger at you for pushing him away. “Too good…” 
“‘S too tight! Too warm!” 
he was already close. 
“You’re gonna make me cum right now, baby girl.” it was uttered in bemusement, amazed that he wasn’t the marathoner he used to be. the two of you would go round after round of lovemaking until neither of you could move an inch, and you were holding on to him for dear life. but he wasn’t making love to you, not like he used to. 
Hal was fucking you. brutally. primally. 
“I wanna give it to you so bad, wanna fi— fill you up so fuckin’ full!” his breathing ragged, he pats your cheek as he lays your face back down against the dirt on the ground and allows his fingers to roam; they hesitate for a moment near your throat. he throbs with delight at the thought of wrapping his fist around it, but he wanted you to be awake for that. he wanted to hear the sounds you made when he held you down and choked you; he’d be sure to play with your sensitive clit at the same time, so he could show you how to cum while he hurt you.
 instead, he presses his palm against your chest, smashing your breast in the process, to keep you pinned in place for him to rut like a beast. “Close,” he grunts, his jaw drawn taut. “So— so close… take it for me, baby, take it!” 
he hadn’t given you a choice. 
with a string of desperate grunts and snorts, Hal buried himself in your belly as he came, hunching over to kiss your slack mouth, moaning your name over and over as he starts to come down. you were whimpering in your sleep state, probably on the cusp of waking up— no doubt the discomfort following such a rough romp would seep into your subconscious and draw you out of it. but the sounds you made only made it that much harder for him to want to pull out of you. 
he does so, albeit begrudgingly, telling himself that there would be plenty more opportunity to have you how he needed. besides, he was spent after violating you in all the ways he’d dreamt of, without your voice to cry for him to stop. dilated eyes trailing along your body, he could already see the sections of flesh that would be littered with darker bruising in the coming days, and the way his cum leaked from your quivering sex was almost too sordid for him to bear without shoving himself inside you again. 
tucking himself away, back into his golden uniform, he’s busy with those construct hands, reaching for your suit to dress you again. 
“Leave it,” it was Sinestro’s voice, and it was then that Hal realized his superior was leaning against an outcropped rock nearby. “Wouldn’t want her thinking she’s still a superhero, now would we?” 
Hal frowned, looking from him to your naked body. “She doesn’t have anything else to wear.” he muttered; it was a moment of the true Hal shining through the power of the wicked ring on his finger. 
“And if she’s a good girl for you, you’ll gift her with clothes.” Sinestro floats closer, the tips of his toes barely treading the dirt before he claps a hand on Hal’s shoulder, as if reminding him who he was now. “She has to earn the right to wear them. By pleasing her master. If you give a pet too much freedom, it’s only a matter of time before they run away, right?” 
“Right.” Hal muttered, his features hardening again. the constructs melt into an altogether, different shape. an oversized box, one that resembled the way a Barbie might be packaged. it envelops you, golden twist ties wrapping around your wrists and ankles and locking you in place, a transparent sheet of construct sliding into place to lock you in the box. “I can’t give her too much freedom. Or she’ll try to run away from me.” 
“You know the way to control her, don’t you, Hal Jordan?” 
“… With fear.” 
“Very good.” Sinestro hums, admiring the craftsmanship of his favored soldier, and gives his shoulder a firm pat. “If the Justice League comes for her, we’ll let her watch our army cut them down. But for now, take the time and enjoy her.” 
your eyelids flutter, groaning as you start to come around. your head is throbbing, and you feel like you’ve been donkey kicked in the gut. not to mention the sickening feeling of something all too familiar oozing out of you. your head rolls around against your shoulders as you squint. “H—Hal? What did you—“ you jerk your arms, but the power holds them in place at your sides, posing you like a doll on the shelf. “What did you do?!” 
but it didn’t take a genius to figure it out, when you look down to realize you’re naked and sore. 
“Hal… oh, god, Hal…” 
Sinestro is watching with his arms folded over his chest, and when you catch sight of him, you grimace with disgust. “Take back your fucking ring and this monster you created. Give me my Hal back!” squirming in your golden cell, you scream it at the top of your lungs. 
Sinestro chuckles, shaking his head. “‘Your Hal’? Oh, love, this is your Hal. He can take the ring off any time he wants to. The problem is, that he just would rather have the power that it can give him. I’m the only one that will sanction his desire to own you.” 
Hal gets to his feet, and takes a few, slow steps up to the box you’re trapped in, pressing his hand against it. he doesn’t seem to be listening to the banter, nor does he care. because he’s staring at you, fondly, as if admiring a piece of art. 
“Hal… please…” 
“You won’t ever leave me again, I’ll make sure of it.” 
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theosmommy1966 · 2 months
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Idrk where this came from.. it was just a thought and then three hours later.. here it is i guess. Snape in my head in this is Adam Driver. So yeah. Hope you like it!
Your ears were ringing, not for the first time you were thankful to always have your own locker room. Being the only woman on a college hockey team came with a list of problems, so you were happy to have one less. The guys would just come pound on the door and be obnoxious as shit to let you know they were ready. Normally you would roll your eyes and laugh while joining them, today Pansy was pushing past Daph and Hermione to get to the door. 
Theodore being the tallest without skates on could easily see you quickly trying to braid your hair, only to start crying again as Hermione took over quickly. War was raging in him as he elbowed Mattheo who then felt the same way. They both wanted into the locker room. Both angry at whoever or whatever it is that has made you cry, but both also want to wipe your tears and comfort you. 
Pansy pulled the door shut and sighed, “Just.. I dont know.. I cant really tell you. But just take it easy on her, if shes struggling dont be dicks about it.. I dont know. This is kinda fucked.” Just as Draco went to ask what was wrong, the door flew open and you walked out gear ready besides your helmet needing clipped and you were chewing on your mouthpiece in anger. Your cheeks and eyes were red but you no longer looked sad. In the two minutes between the door opening and closing you had switched into anger. 
Anger the guys could work with. If you were mad, they could channel mad. Coach Sev could tell when your skates first hit the ice that it would be a rough game. It always amazed him how the mood of one player could set the mood for an entire team. True hockey fans could tell by the way someone skated where their mental state was. The way the team's blades sliced through the ice gave their fans goosebumps. Warm ups started as the other team hit the ice as well. Mattheo watched as your eyes followed their players, in one way he wasn't surprised. Your boyfriend was on the other team, went to a different college. What did surprise him was the way you watched for him. With a cold calculation in your eyes as you spun your stick in your hands, still chewing on your mouth guard. He needed to make sure you actually kept it in your mouth during the game. 
He was shocked, because this guy had been a rough patch in your friendship. Mattheo and Theodore hated the guy, the way he put you down but in a subtle way that you never seemed to catch. Saying how you were a good hockey player.. For a girl.. Theo was quieter in his annoyance, where Matt was not. Quiet was not a verb used to describe him.. Ever. It had caused dirty looks and small arguments, but he would never let anything come in between you. Even if it meant biting his cheek until it bled, or simply not being around when you were with him. 
As Captain he stood back watching everyone warm up, doing his own rounds while everyone stretches. Theo, his boyfriend and co captain glided up next to him looking towards you as well. They both silently watched as you and your boyfriend, Jacob, skated up to each other. They couldn't hear what was said but they could see his face. A smug smile, the kind you would give your girl right before you tell her how your teams gonna beat hers. It stayed for a few seconds, then it faltered, then it fell. “God I wish I knew what she said.” Mattheo said watching you skate backwards into line for warm ups. 
Your anger hadnt lessened at all when your eyes found Jake. Pansy had crashed in just as you were finishing up your laces, anger clear on her face before it fell into sadness. Without saying anything she shoved her phone into your hand. Your ears started ringing after the second video. The first one was Jake making out with some girl, the second was him telling his teammates how you were as shitty in bed as you were on the ice. That he was ready to be done because he wasn't getting any game changing secrets out of you anyways. 
There were a few more after that.. And pictures.. So many fucking pictures. Your heart broke so fast and so hard. The guys had been worried about this, how many times had Draco told you how stupid you were. Theo and Mattheo telling you that they just don't see why he would all of a sudden be interested in you just because of hockey. They swore you had a million better reasons to be interesting and he wasn't interested in any of them. Matt had told you that he talked shit about you, that he was constantly degrading. Blaise tried to be supportive, he wasn't rude to your face. But you knew he agreed. Enzo was the only one of your little group that told you he just wanted you to be happy. 
Just as quickly though you got mad. Mad didnt even cover it really, your skin was crawling. You thought people saying their blood was boiling was just an expression, but you could feel it. You wanted to claw at yourself to release some of this pressure. You were sweating and you knew if Hermione redid your braid one more time that you would snap at her and that wasn't fair. The chilly air hit your lungs and you drew in every bit you could. This was your happy place, where you had thrived since childhood. Sure your mom wishes you would have done figure skating, but your dad was thrilled. He never missed an opportunity to tell people about his daughter who plays hockey. 
For Jacob to insult your skills on the ice in any way was a joke. There was never a year from mites all the way to now in college where his stats were better than yours. He was just jealous, and now he would see the real hockey player in you. When his eyes connected with yours from his tunnel he smiled at you in a way that twenty minutes ago probably would have made you melt. Now all you see is condescension. It took everything for you to not just blurt it out. You let him flirt for a minute, tell you how he would make you feel better when you lost.
You could feel the guys eyes on you, you knew it was time to get back. So you leaned in with a smile on your face like you were going in for a quick kiss. Just before his lips could touch yours you pulled back just a little. “Something crazy to think about.. Babe… By the end of this game.. the whole team will know you cheated on me… not only my team.. which is bad enough.” You chuckled as you pulled back enough to see his pale cheeks. “But imagine, Harry.. Ron.. Fred.. George.. Oliver.. They all love me too..” Somehow it was like Neville the sound man just knew what to play, because as soon as you pushed off to skate back to your team ‘...Ready for it. By Taylor Swift’ came on and you smiled meanly. “Good Luck.” 
You ignored your two best friends as you lined up, you ignored them again when you were waiting your turn and sent a hard puck right into the back of your soon to be exs knee. Snape hollered your name from the bench and gave you that look you hated. The guy wasnt even 10 years older than you, but he carried the authority and knowledge of an old man so whatever. Then it was time to line up, one of the guys had been hurt so you ended up in a defensemen position instead of forward where you normally were. Being one of the faster skaters and having great stick handling skills showed that was your niche. But you were tall for a girl. Standing at 5`11 without skates with a broad build that was strong but still soft in areas like the thighs so you were an ok fill in. 
Mattheo was the other first string defensemen, Draco was center, Theo and Enzo on either wing. Jacob was a first string forward, it couldn't have worked out better. You'd have to get Goyle some candy when he felt better. You were surprised at how well you were playing and keeping track of where your real target was. Mattheo kept trying to set up to be the one who would have to go after him, but you kept getting in his way. 
Everyone besides the girls gasped in surprise and shock when Jacob started to skate down the ice with the puck only to be roughly checked into the glass by you. Regulus, your kinda uncle, who was a few years older than you, was one of the refs. He came over to escort you to the penalty box when you whispered a quick low down on what he had done. Reggie nodded then winked when he closed the door to the penalty box. Just a moment later, Reggies friend Barty, the other ref knocked on the glass and winked. 
They both knew you were getting ejected from the game. That you were coming out of the box swinging. You had started to calm down just a tad bit. The cold air and the physical exertion are starting to help. That is until you hear a high pitched voice scream Jacob's name. When you turn your eyes lock with one of the girls from the videos. The girl from last night at his house party. The one you didn't go to for obvious reasons. When she did her little finger wave and smirked everything went fuzzy.
 The outsides of your vision was blurry as your eyes watched the clock and the ice. You just prayed Jacob was out when your time was up. Your ears were ringing as Jacob was called off the bench, 3 seconds left. The attendant, an older gentleman who worked with the athletics department chuckled as he prepped to open the door. He had seen this many times, sure never from this perspective, but he had daughters and he knew how they would react.
“Go get him a tiger.” 
You didn't even know where the puck was when your blade cut through the first slice of ice. You knew Mattheo was on the bench and Theodore was on the other side of the ice. Maybe ten strong strides across the arena. 6 before you dropped your stick. 3 before your gloves are off. 1 before your fist connected with his jaw. As you grabbed his jersey and used what every bit of strength you had to slam him back into the glass. In his shock he didn't realize that he was falling and you were swinging again.  
In another moment of perfect coincidence, you're right in front of your family's seats. Theodore Sr, Lucius, and your father are all standing up and cheering while banging their fists on the glass. Your mother has her mouth covered with her hands while Bellatrix and Cissy stand on their seats leaning to hold onto shoulders and watch. You hear someone come up behind you, you know its not a ref but they never even get the chance to grab at you. Theos flies past you and slams someone from the other team into the ice. 
Now you can hear Snape screaming curse words at you all as the bench clears. Reggie and Barty are both standing off to the side, eyes wide in pretend shock as they pretend to decide who's going where. Your mind momentarily slips away from beating Jacobs face in, but it snaps back into perfect clarity when his glove connects with the bottom of your jaw. You lose your grip in shock, which in some way is stupid. When you fall backwards and your helmet connects with the ice, the stadium falls silent. This had been the moment the entire college hockey league had been waiting for. How would it be handled, because while you were a woman, you had joined the team, and started the fight. 
In the silence, from the other team's bench, you hear Coach Black's voice. “KICK HIS ASS L/N!” More gasps followed as Neville changed the big screens to a video of Jacob saying you were a shitty player. Jacob tried to scramble up as half of his own teams heads snapped to him. Needless he knew now that he wasnt leaving the ice without getting his ass beat at least once more. Looking up towards the reporters box you could see Ginny and Neville leaning out and cheering for you. 
Alot of people were going to be getting in trouble after this game, but it didnt seem like anyone cared. It was a perfect moment of unity and unsportsmanlike conduct as people took their turns with Jacob before Regulus and Barty decided they would lose their jobs if they let it go any longer. While both teams skated off the guys all cheered for you and gave you pats on your back. Theo and Matt walked you to your locker room, you could tell they both wanted to say something. 
Matt looked like he was constipated, the look he only got when he was trying to figure out how to talk about his feelings. He wanted to tell you to stop looking for someone who would love you more than him and Theo did. That there would never be two people who cared more, or knew you better than they did. That they knew it was unconventional and that people would talk, but they wanted to be with you. They couldn't go without you anymore. 
Just as you whisper his name his brain short circuits and when it starts working again his lips are already on yours. His hands holding your cheeks as he memorizes how your lips feel just in case he never gets to do this again. When he pulls back he almost doesn't want to open his eyes, scared of what he will see. But all he sees is awe and confusion as you look from him to your other best friend.. His boyfriend.. Who you now think he just cheated on, right in front of.. 
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Living in My Head
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact.  Specific Warnings: Male masturbation, inability to come, Allusions to childhood abuse, Mommy issues, Parental abuse, Coersion, drinking, alcoholism/alcohol abuse, angst, heartbreak, stepcest(in bold, this is *again* heavy on the issues around this),Manipulation/gaslighting, traumatic childhood, parental neglect, angst, grief, regret, depression, Allusion to violence/past SA, abusive relationships, Strained parent-adult child relationship. Let us know if we missed anything! Thank you again, as always to my co-author, @angelofsmalldeath-codeine - This would not be the series it is without you.
6.7k words.
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Nancy returned from helping Danielle to an empty home. Dave’s car is gone and you’re not picking up your phone, but she’s already over it by her second glass of wine. She sits at the kitchen island, brightly manicured fingers drumming on the polished countertops as she looks over the glossy photographs the PI sent across.
She’s pouring her third glass of wine as the frustration prickles under her skin. She knows it can’t be later than six, but she doesn’t care. She needs this drink, and the two that came before.  
“So,” she asks, annoyance clear in her tone as she looks them over, “What am I looking at?”
“My guess? A lover’s spat, maybe he forced himself on her and she bolted? But there’s some high emotions there. Poor girl’s crying her eyes out.”
“Well, it’s a start,” Nancy sighs, she was expecting something a bit more titillating than this, “Keep up the good work, Philip. Let me know if you get anything good.”
“Yes, Ma’am, happy to help.”
The line goes dead and Nancy lifts one of the photographs to study it closer. Your eyes are red and puffy as you scream something from the passenger side of a car Nancy doesn’t recognize. Your cheeks are wet and you’re angry.
There’s a small, quiet part of her brain that pities you, makes her feel bad for whatever it was Dave did to upset you. But it’s quickly glossed over, forgotten, as she hears the front door open and close. Her lips curl up as she hears Dave’s voice from the hall.
“Hey, honey, I’m home.”
“Hey, babe, I’m in the kitchen.”
Dave saunters in, perfectly practiced smile on his face as he approaches her. Immediately he senses something is off, from the photographs on the table to the smirk on Nancy’s face. It’s obvious something big is going to go down.
“Care to explain these?”
You pace the small length of Ash’s spare room frantically as you wait for her to come home from work. It’s been a month since she took you in, and you realize you really need to come clean to her. About everything. You’d told her about the cam work the morning after she’d picked you up. Like the super star she is, she’d taken it incredibly well. So, you’d kept working, making more content than ever.
Yet there’s another reason you need to have a chat. You’ve finalized the rental of an apartment in the city, so you’re moving out. But you feel like you owe Ash an explanation, she hasn’t so much as pushed the issue since you arrived. Besides the initial ‘Did someone touch you?’ ‘Are you hurt?’ ‘Do I need to call the police?’ Ash had let you grieve, wallow, and recover at your own pace.
She only had to make you shower once, and that was in the first week, when everything was just too much.
You hear Ash before she’s even through the door, singing Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ at the top of her lungs as she struts through the apartment building. You roll your eyes, it’s not December for another week, but there’s no arguing with Ash over it being too early.
Your phone vibrates and you snatch it up, a small part of you hoping to hear from Dave, but you’re glad it’s not. As much as you can’t admit it out loud, you miss him, and you’re regretting the call for radio silence now. The fact that he’s still respecting your boundaries only makes you ache even more for him.  
Mom: Hey, sweetheart, I’m just checking in again. I’m worried about you, please just let me know you’re alive.
You shake your head as you pocket the phone, you’ve been posting on your socials, and she follows you on every platform she knows about. She knows you’re alive, she just wants you to cave, to give in to her pestering. You focus back on the issue at hand as you hear Ashleigh announce herself from the front door.
“Hey, bitch, I’m home!”
“Hey, good day?”
You ask as you take a steadying breath, trying to quell your nerves as you step out into the modest open plan space of the kitchen-diner-living room. Ash is mid-flop onto the sofa as she looks up at you, whatever she was going to say lost to the way she’s now frowning at you.
“It was fine, what’s wrong?”
You wince as you take your place next to her on the threadbare sofa, you’ve never been able to hide your feelings from Ash.
“I’ve got something I need to tell you,” you start, knee bobbing up and down as you try – and fail – to get comfortable, “about Dave, my stepdad.”
“I know who Dave is,” Ash’s tone is guarded, you can almost hear the gears grinding away in her mind as she stares you down, “What did he do?”
“He didn’t- I mean, that’s not how it went down-,” you fumble, caught off guard by the judgement in Ash’s tone.
“So, what did happen?”
“We fucked.”
You blurt it out, covering your eyes as you wait for the verbal abuse to start flowing. You feel your gut twist in knots as you brace yourself for the shame, the disappointment you know is coming.
“Well, shit, that explains a lot.”
Ash says finally and you look up to see an incredulous look on her face. No anger, not even a hint of disgust. She just looks like Ash always does when she’s figured something out. A satisfied smirk pulling at the corners of her mouth.
“What do you mean?” you ask, lips pinched together as you track every move Ash makes, watching for sudden movements, changes in body language.
“That night, the one where you went home with that douchebag, was it then?”
“God, no! He’s NOT like that, Ash, he was just doing what any good guy would do,” you shrug, knowing how unconvincing a statement that is.
“Hey, chill, it was just a question,” Ash raises an eyebrow at you, “So he picked you up, and he just took you home?”
You nod slowly, chewing your lip as you take a beat to compose yourself.
“Did he at least kick that guy's ass?”
Ash’s tone is a little defensive and you look up to see her jaw clenched.
“I think he beat the ever-living shit out of him,” you smile despite yourself, “but I was pretty out of it, the guy did a number on me and I’m pretty sure his friends would have helped themselves if I’d stayed.”
“He beat on them too?”
You shake your head, you hadn’t really thought about it until now, but Dave must have really fucked Tristan up for the other two to have stayed put.
“No, they backed off when Dave carried me out of there.”
It’s still so fuzzy but you remember flashes of Tristan’s crumpled form on the floor. The way his friends looked like they’d seen something horrific.
Maybe they had.
“Jesus! Is he some kind of James Bourne?” Ash says with a scoff and you both laugh at the ridiculous nature of it. Dave, a super soldier government assassin.
“So, he’s been looking out for you, when did you guys fuck? Was it just one time?”
“Three times,” you say as heat prickles under your skin, from embarrassment but also from the memory, “and it’s been almost two months since the last time.”
“Is it more than sex?”
You hesitate, too long really to deny it, but you still can’t say it aloud.
“It can’t be,” you mutter as you look down at your shoes.
“So, that’s a yes,” Ash says with a sigh as she grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you in for a tight hug. You flinch at the contact initially, but you lean into her strong embrace.
“It’s so fucked up, Ash,” you shudder as you weep into her shoulder.
“Yeah,” she hums as she continues to hold you, her tone musing, “but we don’t always get dealt the best hand, right? I mean, this is probably one of your healthiest relationships to date.”
You pull back, trying to sound angry as you know she’s not wrong. You can’t even recall a single stable, remotely healthy relationship.
“If you could remove your mom – figuratively – from the situation,” Ash asks as she rubs the edge of her jaw, her thinking face on, “Would you pursue him?”
The word is out of your mouth before you can stop it and the realization sinks in. You finally allow yourself to admit to the feelings you’ve been shunning for weeks.
I have feelings for him.
“I like him, Ash, more than just for the sex. I asked him to halt contact, and he has, and he even stopped watching my streams.”
“He watched your streams?” Ash is back on offence now, concern twisting her face into a scowl.
“He didn’t know it was me,” you say, and you cringe as you hear it aloud, “He’d been watching for months before he found out.”
“He let you keep streaming after you fucked?”
“Let me? Come on Ash, I thought you’d be more open minded than that,” You can’t help but scoff at the notion of Dave letting you do anything, “Dave has been nothing but supportive, he made sure I knew it too.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to get a read on this man. This is a man who jumped at the chance to fuck his stepdaughter,” you cringe at how blunt she’s being, but Ash keeps going, “You can’t expect me not to think there’s some coercion here, some manipulation or shitty attitudes towards this kind of work.”
“I love that you care about me to worry so much, I really do,” you shake your head, “But Dave isn’t like that, he respects me, my boundaries. I hate to say it, it’s so fucking cliché, but he’s not like anyone that came before, Ash. He actually gives a damn about me beyond sex. He’s not once tried to control or dictate my actions. In fact, he goes out of his way to make sure this is on my terms, always.” You take a long-overdue breath and Ash looks at you, eyebrow raised as she waits for you to continue.
“The stepdad thing is just,” you pause, trying to find the right word, “unfortunate.”
“It’s more than unfortunate, you idiot, it’s a fucking Greek Tragedy. God, you really are into him, aren’t you?” Ash smiles, her face softening as she shakes her head.
“Yeah,” you feel your shoulders slump, a tension you hadn’t realized was there finally easing.
“What a shitshow.”
“Yeah, and you’re right, it still ranks up there as one of the healthiest relationships I’ve ever had.”
You meant it as a joke, but it hangs in the air between you. Ash knows everything, she’s been there through everything. There’s a pregnant pause as you both mull over the conversation, neither of you quite knowing what to say.
“So, what are you going to do?”
You go to answer when your phone buzzes continually and you know who the caller is going to be before you even look.
“Let me guess,” Ash sighs, “The Wicked Witch of Central Texas?”
“Of course it is,” you sigh, declining the call, “I need to at least text her back, she’s becoming more persistent.”
“Just don’t say anything you’ll regret,” Ash shrugs.
“I’ll answer it later, there’s something else I needed to tell you.”
You throw your phone back down and take a deep breath.
“Fuck, please don’t tell me you’re pregnant.”
“No!” You say panicking, the mere thought of it making your insides twist.
“Nothing like that, I’m moving out.”
“Ah shit,” Ash sounds genuinely disappointed, “I kind of liked having you around.”
“I love living with you, your shitty singing aside, but I need to do this, for me.”
Ash sneers at the singing comment but you can see the genuine sadness in her eyes at the news.
“When do you get the keys?”
“Monday, going to need some help getting my shit from Nancy’s,” you say, hoping that Ash gets the hint.
“That’s the first time you’ve called her by her first name,” Ash says, nothing but observation in her statement but you realize it’s a big deal.
“I guess it is.”
You sit on that for a moment, not sure how to feel about it when your phone buzzes again. This time another text. You look down to see one from your dad too and a twist of guilt in your gut makes you bite your lip.
“I gotta look at this or she’s going to be calling me all night.”
 “Alright, well I’m hitting the shower, don’t let her sink her claws back into you or get you involved in whatever current MLM she’s pedaling.”
Ash kisses you on the top of the head before getting up from the sofa and stretching out dramatically.  
“Is there a difference?”
Ashleigh doesn’t respond as she heads into the bathroom at the other end of the room, the door clicking shut behind her as you hear her start to sing once more. This time it’s Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want for Christmas is You.’
You open the text from your dad, and you roll your eyes. Your guilt is assuaged as you see the clear evidence of your mom making him text you.
Dad: hey, your mom told me you’re not returning her calls. She said you left the house, no note, nothing. What’s going on? Are you ok?
You’re just surprised it’s taken this long for her to enlist him to her cause. Usually, she’s under his skin much sooner than this. You open your mom’s conversation thread and sigh. There are over thirty messages there. Ranging from guilt tripping sob stories, to angry ‘Where Are You?’s’ and incoherent gibberish from where she was clearly drunk at 8pm and desperate.
Mom: Hey darling, I’m really sorry you felt you needed to leave the house. Dave won’t tell me what he did, he says you just needed space. Space from what, honey? What did he do? Do you need me to come and get you? I’m just so worried about you, please just let me know where you are and that you’re safe. Just a text would be enough, please?
I love you, honey, and I would do anything for you, you know that right? Xxx
You sit for a while, trying to convince yourself to ignore her but you’re tired of the incessant messaging, the constant pressure to respond. Then you think of Dave, of how he’s not contacted you once, not logged into Cam Dolls for the whole time. You bite your lip as you make the decision to call her.
You pad back into Ash’s spare room and shut the door. She answers on the second ring. You sit down at the foot of the bed as you brace yourself for the spiel you know too well by now.
“Oh, baby is that you? Are you ok? Where are you?”
“Hey, mom,” you sigh, already pinching the bridge of your nose as you try not to sigh outwardly at the fake concern lacing her tone, “I’m fine, I’m with Ash, I’m safe.”
“Baby what happened? What did he do to you?”
You clench your jaw at the insinuation, but you try not to let it bleed into your voice as you respond.
“Nothing, mom, I just needed space, things with you and Dave are too weird for me right now.”
“What do you mean weird?”
The fact that you keep pushing the angle that he forced himself on me for one. Doesn’t exactly scream marital bliss.
You think to yourself as you flop back down onto the modest single bed. You’re already exhausted by her shit, less than two minutes into the call.                                                                                                                                        
“I know there’s something going on between you, it’s been clear since I moved in.”
You confer if you’ve been too forward as your mom goes uncharacteristically silent on the other end.
“We’re having issues yes, but we’re working on them.”
You fight the urge to scoff as you nod along.
“I think me being there makes it awkward,” you say as you nod to yourself, “You and Dave need your home to be yours, especially if you’re working on stuff.”
“You’re always too selfless. You know that, kiddo?”
“I’ve been told.”
There’s a silence as you have genuinely run out of things to say, you’re bored by the predictability of your mom’s behavior.
“I was thinking,” your mom breaks the silence, uncertainty clear in her voice, “Would you come to dinner tomorrow night, just so we can talk about all of this, so I can make things right?”
Your first thought is whether Dave will be there, but you don’t press the issue, there’s no point raising suspicion now.
You agree too quickly, but you know it’ll buy you her goodwill. She’ll back off if you can survive one evening in her home. Eating her food, being provided for.
“Really?” Your mom cries out, clearly expecting you to decline.
“I said yes, didn’t I?”
“Don’t be like that,” your mother’s tone changes to scolding, “You don’t have to be a bitch about it, don’t come if you don’t want to-,”
“Mom,” you snap, not willing to put up with her speaking to you like this, “I said yes, I’ll be there. What time?”
It’s almost comical how quickly she changes her tone, brightening up like she hadn’t just flipped her lid on you.
“Come round for six, I’m cooking a roast.”
“Wonderful, see you then.”
You remove the phone from your ear and as you’re hovering over the End Call icon you hear it:
“I love you, darling.”
You hang up quickly, not wanting to say it back, but you hope you can play it off as having hung up just as you heard her. You drop your phone onto the bed, not bothering to look at the message that comes through, nor the next. You’re already emotionally spent as it is. Your thoughts drift to Dave and you realize you need to let him know you’re coming. You know for sure Nancy won’t tell him.
Dave bolts wide awake, the sounds of Panama City’s nightlife weaving through the humid air. He looks down at his cock as it tents his sweatpants, and he groans. He frees his throbbing length and slowly jerks himself off. Trying so hard to just reach climax but like every other time, something holds him back.
He’s covered in sweat and panting profusely by the time he finally gives up. His dick leaking and sore as he lets it flop against his bare abs. He can’t stop thinking about you, and it is making him distracted. In his line of work, it could get him killed. But he’s worried about you, worried that he’s hurt you and jeopardized any chances of something ever happening between you two. He just needs to know you’re ok, safe, happy.
He pulls out his phone and opens your contact, no photo, just your number and the contact's name: Princess🌙.
He sighs, locking his phone before tossing it on the nightstand. You told him not to contact you, so that’s what he’s doing.
He rolls out of bed and pads into the shitty hotel bathroom to turn on the faucet. He can’t even count on a cold shower here, so a lukewarm one will have to do. Eventually he manages to calm down enough to try and sleep. He flops back on the bed, and he crosses his arms over his head as he stares without looking at the impotent ceiling fan as it idly rotates above him. His head throbs and his chest aches as he tries and fails to get some sleep. It’s not the first time this has happened.
Every time he dreams about you, which is painfully often, he wakes up with a raging hard-on and a guilty conscience.
It’s been almost four weeks since he last saw you fleeing from his home. Fleeing from him. He can’t get you out of his head. He’s plagued by the grilling Nancy gave him after she got the photos back from Resnik, or Philip, as she knows him.
“What did you do to her, Dave?”
Nancy had cornered him on the Wednesday following your departure. He was still dazed from the concussion and fumbled through excuses.
“I didn’t do anything, Nancy. She was upset, I tried to make her stay. Have you talked to her?”
Nancy paused, shock on her face at the question. Clearly the answer was no.
“Did you touch her? Force yourself on her? Is that why she left?”
“Jesus Christ, Nancy, no! Of course not!”
“Then what was she yelling at you about huh?”
“She told me not to call her, to leave her alone, that she needed space!”
Dave hadn’t even tried to keep his temper in check. His head still burned from the concussion, his mood sour from the mission he had just been assigned. He just wanted to come home, have a beer and go to bed. Not this shit.
“And why does she need that, huh?” Nancy was up in his space again, just like that night when she struck him. Dave could feel the rage simmering under the surface as the smell of rosé invaded his senses.
“I don’t know, Nancy, maybe because she heard you hanging our prenup over my head? She is a lawyer; she knows how serious of a threat that is. But maybe, just maybe, it’s because you forgot her birthday, because you rushed off to spend time with Danielle on her birthday weekend. Maybe because every time you’ve addressed her since she’s been home it’s like you’ve been speaking to a child. She’s thirty years old, Nancy, she deserves some goddamned respect. Or could it be that she had to drag me, bleeding and unconscious, to the hospital after you hit me? Maybe she just needed to be away from this broken fucking home.”
It all came out in a surge of bitter hatred, so unlike him, so unlike the man he wants to be. But everyone has their breaking point.
“How dare you?” Nancy spits and Dave stands his ground as she tries to square up with him.
“She covered for you that day, she took me to the hospital and lied for you.”
That shuts Nancy up, her eyes wide as she takes a step back.
“Yeah, she made up a fake cat, said I fell down the stairs tripping over it.”
“She’s a good daughter, of course she’d defend me,” Nancy mumbles but Dave’s heard enough. He’s already walking away, heading down into the one room in his house that still feels like his own. Not another beige, soulless room. Nancy calls something after him as he goes but he’s just not paying any attention to her anymore.
He locks the bedroom door behind him, the cramped space is practically the only place he sleeps now, sleeping beside Nancy was out of the question. Hell, she might even try to smother him in his sleep if he did.
He opens his safe, checking the temperature controls are correct as he makes sure the candlestick is still there. Wrapped up in a sandwich bag and kept at the right temperature. The first thing he had done before stumbling into your arms was secure the evidence. Later he made a copy of the security camera footage, which sits in another safe in the garage. He wasn’t going to take any chances with this.
The moment Nancy comes for him – legally speaking – as he knows she will, he’ll be ready.
The buzz of his phone on the nightstand brings him back to the present as he rolls over and picks up his phone. He’s waiting on a lead for the hit he’s pulling down here, but what he’s greeted with makes his mouth curve up into a fond smile.
Princess🌙: Hey, sorry it’s late, or early? Not sure if you’re home? Mom’s having me over for dinner tomorrow, just wanted to let you know.
Dave groans, he needs to talk to you properly before you see your mom again. To his luck another text comes through, details of an address two streets over followed by a message from Ari.
A: Target is enroute to airport, will be at location in twenty minutes. We Green?
Dave texts back “Green” as he springs out of bed, throwing on his clothes as he snatches up his go bag. Before he leaves the room, he texts you back.
Duke🎷: I’ll be touching down in Houston in a few hours, can we talk then?
To his surprise you start to text back straight away, but he doesn’t look, stowing his phone as he storms out of his dingy hotel. He fastens the silencer to the end of his pistol and pulls on his lucky black beanie. He has a job to do.
You’re getting dressed for dinner when Dave’s call comes through. You’d agreed to talk beforehand and as much as you had been anticipating it, you feel nerves jostling around in your chest.
“Hey,” you say, your voice breathy and full of unwelcome unease as you try – and fail – to keep your cool.
“Thanks for reaching out, I appreciate it,” Dave says with a softness to his voice you’ve only ever heard a handful of times before. It’s calming and scintillating all at the same time. You want to feel his breath on your skin as he talks to you like this. You shake yourself mentally as you focus on the reason you agreed to talk.
“Thought we should be on the same page for tonight,” you say with a shrug, even if you know he can’t see you.
“So,” Dave takes a deep exhale on the other end of the line, and you hold your breath waiting for what comes next, “I told your mom that you left because you needed space.”
“I mean, that’s pretty much it.”
“Yeah,” Dave chuckles low over the line and you find yourself smiling despite yourself, “She asked if I touched you.”
“Fuck,” you wheeze down the phone as you look at yourself in the mirror, adjusting your makeup for the millionth time tonight, “You denied it, right?”
You almost laugh, finally seeing the angle your mom has been trying to play the whole time. She knows that if you so much as confess that Dave harmed you, prenup or not, he’ll be screwed if she files for divorce. You never thought she was looking out for you; you just assumed it was some weird jealousy thing. But now you see it clear as day.
“Of course, and the way she framed it, it didn’t come across like she was asking me to admit anything shy of me outright assaulting you.”
You actually laugh now. Humorless and bitter as you try not to think about your mother’s previous partners. About how they could flirt and eye-fuck you, how they would linger a little too long in their hugs and kisses. As long as Nancy never caught them doing it outright. As long as it was never obvious enough to bring out her jealous streak.
Where was this probing inquisition then?
“I’m not surprised, but I have your back Dave, always.”
“I didn’t do that, right? I didn’t force myself on you?”
You take a moment to reflect, searching your feelings before you speak.
“Never,” you say in a hushed whisper as you feel a tension easing in your chest, “I never felt that way with you Dave, not for a second.”
“Not even when I fucked you on stream? Threatened you with outing you to your mom?”
You pause at that, really considering the scenario in your head before answering.
“It wasn’t an ideal way to start things, but you were playing to the scene,” you sigh, “But no, you didn’t take advantage of me Dave. I knew what I was doing, and I keep private recordings of all my streams, for posterity and for when I need to plug content. If I wanted to fuck you over, I could have.”
“What are you saying, exactly?”
“If you had made me do anything I didn’t want, you’d be fucked Dave. Fucked so hard.”
There’s a pause before Dave laughs aloud on the other end of the line and you can’t help but smile at his reaction. You’ve missed that sound. Missed him.
“You’re a fucking clever woman and I’m glad you’re looking after yourself.”
You don’t know how to respond to that. You want to take the praise, take the win, but there’s an unease to it all. You’ve only learned to protect yourself because you’d done it all on instinct. You know that no-one else will look out for you if things go wrong.
“It’s all I know,” you say as you take a deep breath, tears threatening at the corners of your eyes, “But I need to finish getting ready.”
“Of course, I won’t keep you.”
You almost hang up then and there, sever the connection before it has chance to take root once more. But there’s something you can’t continue to ignore.
“Thanks for giving me space, Dave. It meant the world to me.”
“No need to thank me.”
“Yeah, ok. See you soon?” you say, hesitation making you linger on the line, you don’t want to stop talking to him, not after so long with no contact.
“Yeah, see you soon.”
The call drops and you feel a hollowness to your bones. Like hearing Dave’s voice after so long had ripped open a half-healed wound. Your fingertips burn and your chest heaves as you set your phone down on the bed. You look at yourself in the mirror and try to hype yourself up a little.
You’re in a loose sweater and jeans, low heeled boots, nothing fancy. You just want to get through the night with as little drama as possible. Turning up in anything but something comfy would only set your mother off, you just know it.
“You ready to go?”
Ash asks as she leans against the doorframe, arms folded across her chest as she looks at you. You know she wants to say something, disapproval written all over her face.
“Yeah, let me just get my purse,” you respond, stowing your phone and slinging your bag over your shoulder. You check that you’ve got your key to the apartment and your wallet before nodding feebly to Ash.
Dave jumps up from the sofa as he hears the doorbell, his heart thundering in his chest as he hears Nancy open the door. He stops himself at the bottom of the basement stairs when he hears a masculine voice in place of your own.
“Hey there, Nance,” Dave bristles at the nickname, Nancy never lets him call her anything but her given name. Something about the stranger at his door immediately has him on edge. He heads back into his office to check the porch camera.
A mousey looking man, maybe ten years his senior stands at the front door, wringing his hands before stepping in to hug Nancy just out of frame. He immediately checks the rest of the security cameras are working as expected, tracking Nancy and the mystery man into the kitchen before making sure the feed is being recorded and backed up to the cloud.
“Oh Andy, you know I hate that nickname,” Nancy giggles and Dave almost scoffs at the playful flirtatious tone.
“And you know I hate Andy just as much. Kiddo here yet?”  
“No, she’s due any minute. Dave, stop sulking and help us lay the table,” Nancy hollers down the hall.
Dave rolls his eyes and does as he’s told, even if he already feels like something is amiss. He doesn’t like surprises and he pulls out his phone. He tries to call you, but it goes straight to voicemail. He types out a quick text.
Duke 🎷: Some guy called Andy’s here. Just wanted you to know.
The doorbell rings a second time just as he hits send. His stomach drops when he hears Nancy ask Andy to answer the door. He’s taking the stairs two at a time in an attempt to cut him off, but he knows he’s too late as he hears the door open.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” Andy’s voice is softer when speaking to you, more familiar.
Then Dave hears it, a word that takes his breath away like he’s been winded.
The whole ride to Dave’s house had been filled with tense silence, your stomach doing flips as you tried to mentally prepare yourself. But what you hadn’t anticipated was your father being the first person you see. He looks good, short hair a shade lighter, fewer greys and more white hairs streaking through.
“What are you doing here?”
Ash is still parked at the end of the drive, waiting for the signal for her to leave. You turn over your shoulder and you see her peering out of the window to assess the situation.
“Good to see you too, sweetheart,” he chuckles as he tries to pull you into a hug. You step back, throwing your hands up defensively as you shake your head.
“I think I made a mistake, I’m sorry.”
You’re already backing up, mouth dry and heart threatening to burst from your chest when you hear Dave say your name. Your eyes dart up to see him, standing at the top of the stairs to the basement, he’s deathly pale as he lingers there. His dark eyes are wide, filled with horror laced with compassion. A ghost in his own home.
“Shut the damned door, you’re letting the heat out,” your mom huffs as she comes to see what the fuss is all about.
“Oh honey, come on in, you’ll catch your death standing out there like that.”
She pushes your father out of the way, and you feel like your body isn’t your own as she ushers you inside. The hollowness inside you grows, a dark, dank maw threatening to tear you apart as you hear the door shut with a thud behind you.
“What can I get you to drink? Some wine?”
Your mother guides you to the kitchen, practically pushing you into the stool as she heads to the fridge. She pours you a glass of rosé and you take it without thinking. Your ears are filled with a droning buzz, saliva pools in your mouth as you feel panic rising in your throat. You want to scream, to get the fuck out of there. But all you can do is comply.
“Sorry, I need to hit the bathroom,” you mumble as you get up on shaky legs, your wine untouched as you practically run upstairs.
“Dave,” your mother’s voice grates on you as you hear him screech at him, “Where is that man?”
You know where he is, you’re looking at him, leaning back on the wall. Eyes locked with you as he shakes his phone at you. You nod slowly as you ascend the stairs, fishing out your phone as you hurry towards the room you once called your own.
You unlock your phone as you close the door behind you. Three unread messages from Dave.
Duke 🎷: Some guy called Andy’s here. Just wanted you to know.
Duke 🎷: I didn’t know, I’m sorry.
Duke 🎷: Are you ok?
You bring up his contact and hit call. You don’t care about anything else right now, you just need to vent, and texting just won’t cut it. You lock the door and sit down at your desk, logging in by sheer habit as you wait for Dave to pick up. You hear him shout something about a work call to your mom and you allow yourself to smirk. You know she’ll hate that he’s taken a work call in the middle of her all-important dinner.
“This is risky,” you hear Dave growl down the line, but you don’t care about the risk, not right now.
“What the fuck is going on, Dave?”
You hiss down the line as you pull up your browser out of instinct and the homepage is all wrong. You should have saved folders on the bookmarks bar, links to your online banking, your social media links. But it’s all gone.
“I told you I didn’t know,” Dave grunts as you hear him flop down with a sigh, presumably at his desk.
You’re only half-listening to him now, your fingers typing furiously as you bring up an app on your computer. You’d installed it back when you started cam work, a tamper-proof software that tracked logins, provided antivirus protection amongst other things.
“I can drive you home if this is too-,”
“That fucking bitch,” you snap, not listening to Dave anymore as you read through the logs. Over the last four weeks your computer has had over twelve incidents of failed login attempts. Next to every failed attempt there’s an attached image. Every time it’s a picture of your mom, brow pinched, thin lips set in a hard line.
“What are you talking about?”
“She’s been trying to access my computer, Dave.”
There’s silence on the other end of the call, too long for it to mean nothing but you’re already taking screenshots and attaching them to emails. You’re documenting everything you can, yet another learned behavior kicking in, protecting yourself from her.
“She’s been snooping in your room a lot lately,” he says, guilt evident in his tone.
“You knew? How?”
“I have motion sensors and security cameras all over the house, my job makes it necessary.”
“You’ve been spying on me?”
“What? No,” it’s Dave’s turn to get defensive, “I only have them on main access points, the kitchen, hallways, the kind of stuff to make sure no-one is intruding without being… Intrusive.”
“Why didn’t you tell me she was doing this?” You snap, shutting down your computer before turning to look around your room. If she’s been on your computer she must have been snooping around the rest of your space.
“You asked me to not contact you,” Dave reminds you with a sigh, but you’ve already moved on, you’re not really mad at him.  
“She’s been through my prop box,” you groan as you pull out the plastic container from under the bed, two of your masks are missing, along with your favorite vibrator.
“How’d you know?”
“My vibe is missing, two masks too.”
Dave hisses down the phone in anger as you hear your mom hollering downstairs and you know you’re on borrowed time already.
“Your mom is calling me.”
“Go, I’ll be down in a minute.”
“Hey,” Dave’s tone softens and makes your heart ache, “I’ve got your back tonight, no matter what.”
“Thank you,” you want to say more, but you stop yourself. You don’t need to make tonight any more awkward than it already is. But it’s there, the treacherous thought, the ghost of a word you can’t dare think, let alone say aloud.
The call ends and you gain your composure with a cough and a roll of your shoulders. Your emotions are threatening to spill over, hemorrhaging from the gaping hole in your chest. Anger, betrayal, sorrow, love, loss, despair. They strain like water assaulting a sluicegate after a flood.
But it’s time to face the music, so you stand up, smooth down your sweater, and prepare yourself for whatever hell awaits you downstairs.
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