#he’s so kakkoii
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Chapter 230
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Chapter 2
GO OFF KING 🔥👏🏼 🩵🤍
I really do love the throwback to the beginning of the story fr. Gege never misses. 🙌🏼
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maoam · 2 years
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I wanna talk about something I have mentioned a couple times. Sasuke is a character that by various other characters and by Kishimoto is called by various different Japanese words that imply attractiveness or something preferable, such as beautiful, good-looking, sexy/hot, cool, even cute and pure. No other character has them called this many words as Sasuke. Kishi clearly wrote Sasuke as someone really desirable, to the point some people see traits of how some female characters are often written. It is due to homoeroticism and Kishi’s own bias towards Sasuke.
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Let’s first look at volume 38 which I have always found interesting. It is the volume where Sasuke finally properly comes back to the story and starts to move the plot forward. First we have the cover that people have said looks romantic, like a pair of star-crossed lovers, in which Sasuke is on the front with his shirt open. But that is not all. In the same volume in a matter of few pages we see Sasuke in questionable positions with three different male characters. So Kishimoto just happened to draw Sasuke in these odd positions in a matter of a few days. What is the reason? The reason is simply to imply homoeroticism and Sasuke being desirable in a male-male interaction. It is not even subtle.
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Of course, Kishi doesn’t forget to drop an implication of Naruto desiring Sasuke as well in the very same volume, despite the two not interacting.
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Nor Sasuke’s blunt disinterest in women.
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Another thing is Sasuke tends to lose his clothes in his fights, is it fanservice or is it self service from Kishimoto? When Kishi talked about designing Sasuke and Sai, he used “kakkoii” for Sasuke’s open shirt and Sai’s open stomach. So looks like kakkoii is his G-rated word for sexy.
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Thank you Karin. It is funny how Kishi sometimes has to make a character say something out loud to make sure people got what he was doing.
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With Orochimaru it’s most obvious. There’s obvious sexual subtext to Oro’s pursuit of Sasuke’s body.
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Tobito isn’t much better. Why are the villains around Sasuke like this?
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Or even Kabuto. Kabuto kept trolling Naruto for being obsessed with Sasuke and then he does this. Telling Sasuke he wants him to stay by his side (I didn’t bother to look for the panel but it’s when Sasuke and Itachi fight him) and then this... obvious innuendo with his... thing. Even Orochimaru has to make an ironic comment about it like seriously Kishi? You just couldn’t help yourself with that Oro panel?
Do you understand now what I mean? Kishi does this weird stuff with Sasuke all the time. Oh he’s so sensitive and beautiful and pure I must have him, he’s mine.
And here’s a bit of mythology Kishimoto used. During the confrontation between Orochimaru, Itachi and Sasuke Kishimoto used the legend of Kushinada-hime as an influence. Kushinada-hime was the youngest of the eight daughters of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi. Kushinada-hime was to be offered as a sacrifice to the eight-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi who had a sword inside of him, and who had already devoured seven beautiful maidens, but she was saved by Susanoo, who defeated Yamato-no-Orochi with the Totsuka Sword.
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The Eight-headed Serpent is obviously Orochimaru in the manga. His eight branches technique and the sword inside of him are clear references to the mythology
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The Totsuka Sword is wielded by Itachi’s Susanoo in the manga and it is what defeats Orochi. Just like in the mythology.
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So who is the princess/goddess/maiden that needs to be saved from Yamata-no-Orochi? Well it is our Sasuke of course. Is it any wonder why people think Sasuke is heroine when Kishimoto writes him like this? He just wants to stress how desirable Sasuke is, but that at the end of the day, he’s Naruto’s...
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(Note: I remember a manga Ranma½ also featured Yamata-no-Orochi, but since it was a comedy manga it was a perverted snake who only liked devouring pretty girls.)
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wavy-arms · 6 months
"You shouldn't ship them! They see each other as siblings!!"
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I've seen people say this about Rengoku and Mitsuri again and again, very often as a way to shut down others who are having fun with the Renmitsu ship. Not only is it annoying to constantly run into this from people who don't really know what they're talking about, but it's also inaccurate and way oversimplifies their cute dynamic! Let's dig deeper.
For a moment, let's also just forget about the above panel where she is very obviously all 🥰 at him and, instead, let's go straight to the source: what the Pillars all think about each other in the official guidebook. Better yet, let's look at it in the original Japanese!
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Now, I am still a student of Japanese. I am by no means fluent, so if I make any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I'm always looking to learn something new.
First, from Rengoku:
Sainō ga sugoi! Waza no dokusō-sei mo sugoi! Kawaii kōhai!
In the first two sentences, he's praising her big time! "Her talent is amazing! The creativity/ingenuity of her technique is also amazing!" In the last sentence, he calls her a cute kōhai. If you're familiar with the term senpai, then kōhai is the alternative. It's just a term to refer to a junior coworker or classmate. Mitsuri joins the Demon Slayer Corps. after him, and he was her mentor before he became the Flame Hashira. (However, in the Rengoku gaiden, he tells her that they are no longer master & student, but instead equal peers. Overall, he clearly thinks she's very skilled and also cute.
Next, from Mitsuri:
Kakkoii onii-sama! Issho ni shugyō shite tanoshikatta. Kawaigatte moratta!
The first sentence, translated literally, just says "Cool big brother!" Now, one thing that makes Japanese both fun and difficult is that speakers often rely on context and omit entire parts of the sentence that an English speaker would normally use. In this case, in English, you wouldn't just say "Cool big brother!" You might say something like "He's like a cool big brother to me" or "I view him as a cool big brother figure." In this case, we don't have that. What we do have, however, is cultural context! In Japanese culture, familial terms are often used as terms of endearment or respect with people close to the speaker or even politely with strangers. So it would be normal to call an older male "big brother" even if they weren't actually your brother. (Kind of similarly, if you're at all familiar with Korean culture, girls often call their own boyfriends 오빠 (obba), which means — you guessed it — "older brother.") Here, Mitsuri refers to Rengoku as onii-sama, and that last part is important! The -sama suffix is super polite and formal, and long story short, you wouldn't normally refer to someone in your own in-group (family, circle of friends, etc.) with such a formal, respectful title. It is, however, a term you might use to refer to someone else's brother. So there's a very good chance that she's not saying "he's my cool older brother" but instead "he's a cool older brother!" And he is! He's an amazing older brother to Senjurō, and Mitsuri knows this. [UPDATE: I've spoken with a couple people who know way more about the Japanese language than me and, apparently, in this context onii-sama literally just means "guy." 🤣 She's literally just saying "He's a cool guy!"]
[UPDATE #2: I've also recently learned that kakkoii doesn't really mean "cool," but is instead a compliment specifically to men that means something more like, "good-looking, handsome, or cool in a manly way." INTERESTING. 👀]
In the next sentence, she says, "It was fun training together!" Pretty straightforward. The last sentence is very, very interesting, because at a cursory translation, Google would tell you that it just straight-up means, "I was loved!" Sounds intense, but that's not really accurate. Let's break it down. Kawaigatte moratta! Kawaigatte, if I'm not mistaken, is an inflection of the transitive verb kawaigaru, which Jisho translates as "to be affectionate to; to treat tenderly; to dote on; to show one's love (for); to cherish." Other translations usually say something like, "He really doted on me." But essentially she’s saying, "He treated me with tenderness/affection" or, "He made me feel loved/cherished." 💖
So there you go! Not that a fan ship like Renmitsu even needs this kind of validation anyway, but it might be nice to have something you can keep in your back pocket for the next time someone is being annoying about it. There's enough here to show that they really have a lot of affection for each other. They're so adorable~!
(Side note: there are other examples of Mitsuri's attraction to him in the gaiden [pictured above] and in at least one of the light novels. I might write about that, too.)
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libertasforte · 1 month
JP livestream reaction (childe & arle)
So JP livestream had Maeno Tomoaki-san (Zhongli), Kimura Ryohei-san (Childe), and Mori Nanako-san (Arle) for their livestream and -
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Mori Nanaoko-san is not that famous for an anime VA but she is a former “male role” actress for the Takarazuka revue, an all-female theater group!
Ryohei-san talking about how Nanako-san seems very nervous…he is boyfriend material fr
Maeda-san: “what is your opinion of Arlecchino” Ryohei-san: “she is scary T_T"
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I was thinking Childe doesn't seem scared of Arle but if my role was to be so disrespectful to Arle like that I would be scared of her too
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Childe's brain works like this
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They’re wondering what Arlecchino says about Childe in her character voicelines
Ryohei-san: I hope she praises me
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Which is so in line with what I think about their relationship
This is something I drew like a year ago
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Tomoaki-san and Ryohei-san just fanboying over Arle and her weapon hehe
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Here Tomoaki-san keeps on repeating the lesser known sibling of “kawaii”, “kakkoii”, if “kawaii” represents a feminine ideal of cuteness then “kakkoii” represents a masculine ideal of coolness
They go in character for a bit and it's so precious -
They’re talking about how “kakkoi” Arlecchino is and Ryohei-san is like: “Tartaglia is kakkoii too”
Tomoaki-san asks which Harbinger will steal the gnosis in Natlan and Ryohei-san is like “Ore ga ubau yo” (I will steal it)
Ryohei-san is talking about how he wants to pull for Arlecchino and I’m like…so precious…
Two guys trying to pick up a girl
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rz-jocelyn · 10 months
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[TRANSLATION] Kamen Rider Geats: Translations of Excerpts about Sato Ryuji as Jitto/Zitt (Kamen Rider Regad) in "Kamen Rider Geats"
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
Ryuji-san has made an impression with roles that have [a high level of] physicality, like "Touken Ranbu", "NARUTO", "HIGH & LOW" etc. Action director Fujita also has high praise for him, saying, "He understands how to make action look [good]!"
Jitto uses a baton! Fully utilising the high physical capabilities of Sato Ryuji-san, who is a master in karate, the action stunts have a powerful impact! There is a sharpness to each and every move [he makes].
Source: ( x )
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Sato-san's line delivery, which overflows with the composure that only someone strong could have, also made an impression, and his coolness ("kakkoii") became the talk of the town even amongst the regular cast members.
For Jitto, whose strength in battle has been pushed to the fore even amongst the GM, violence isn't his only thing. There is the feeling of fear from the way his strategy insidiously unfolds.
Source: ( x )
In Geats, Sakiyama-san and Ryuji-san are constantly fighting (LOL) It's exactly because there is a mutual trust between them that has been built up through their years of extensive co-starring experience! Their intense clash adds depth to the story!
NOTE: The person Ryuji flipped is Tsutamune-san (Kamen Rider PunkJack's suit actor).
Source: ( x )
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A new Rider with a tasteful red colour appears = Regad. The action stunt [for the Rider] is also fierce and brutal, traced from Jitto.
That Jitto is regrettably leaving.
He increased the tension for us in the final stage of 'Geats'. 'It would be nice if I could make an impression,' said Sato Ryuji with a smile during the costume fitting. (His true self is someone who is mischievous and playful.)
Thank you for being the best Game Master!
The long-awaited transformation of the person who is strong even without needing to transform.
(The core of Ryuji-san's body is strong and the sharpness of his turn is hot damn…!)
We part ways with Jitto-san here. Because he appeared from Episode 39, the he's appeared fewer than 10 times, but with that expression and performance overflowing with a commanding presence and dignity as well as his gorgeous action stunts, he really brought us a lot of fun and excitement!
The episode of Ryuji's appearance in "Fourze" (2011), the first episode that Jitto appeared in, and this episode, he has a deep connection with Director Shibasaki, who directed the various episodes! Let's meet again somewhere someday!
And so, the reveal of his transformation is limited to [this] 1 time! Jitto-san, whose transformation became a very rare thing!
Source: ( x )
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Question: Another character you'd like to try playing?
Hideyoshi Kan (Ukiyo Ace, Kamen Rider Geats): Jitto! I love Jitto so much that whenever he appears onscreen, I get heart eyes. Sato Ryuji-san, who plays Jitto, is cool. Also, he [Ryuji] smells really, really nice. Even when he's walking 50 meters in front of me, he smells nice. That's how nice he smells.
Sato Ryuga (Sakurai Keiwa, Kamen Rider Tycoon): Ryuji-san smells nice, doesn't he?
NOTE: Ryuji having a nice smell is an observation that other people have made before, such as during this episode of "Bokutachi no Asobiba": HERE
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diosama27 · 1 year
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Part 1 - insecure chubby reader
AN: yn is a chubby girl who loves to eat, sleep and play around all day in her house, an above average student, basically an introvert who stays to herself, whose not a person that would be influenced by others.
So even if you're bullied you will get back at them. But still you're very much insecure because of your weight
You walk to school, just another normal day after the summer vacation, as you walk into the class you could hear gossips from girls, they were speaking about the new transfer student.
All you could hear was "he was soooo tall!!!" "I wish i could be his gf" "kyaaa!!! How can someone be sooo handsome" "he looks like he jumped out from some manga or something"...etc...etc...etc..
Yn wonderd about the so called handsome new guy who could create so much fuss despite being in the campus just for mins
"Was he really that good-looking, like really??"
(AN: Bell rings, teacher comes in and introduces the new transfer student)
Girls were happily cheering for this guy who didn't even mind giving a good introduction for himself.
Well he's tall, handsome and kind of like the cool type guy but still he's tooo cold and has one hell of an attitude
His name was jotaro, he got transferred for some personal reasons and that he's gonna continue the rest of the highschool years here.
He was allotted his seat and the rest was just the same usual normal day.
As days went by yn could literally see girls throwing themselves at him, but still getting rejected heartlessly
"Atleast he could tell them he's not interested. His attitude makes my blood boil."(AN: That's what makes him kakkoii )
Sometimes you find him staring but it feels different like it's just a normal way for people to look but when he does this it feels embarrassing.
You want to know what he thinks while staring at you like that.
"Does he think I'm pretty??!! Hell nahhh! I'm fat and I know it. So, does he think I'm disgusting????"
This man always makes you doubt yourself even when you're brimming with confidence
You feel weird. Its not like you never experienced things like this. It's just that you never knew a guy like jotaro will be your type.
You were good at hidding your feelings so it was never a problem but now you feel the need of attention from him
"From him? of all people!" You sigh
Time skip,
(AN: Typical romantic scenario up ahead)
Teacher assigns projects for students in teams of two. Well guess what yn and jotaro gets paired in a team
(AN: Wow i didn't expect that at all?)
You were kind of shocked and happy
(AN: well about the fan girls of jotaro they were pissed but still yn was not the type to go get on people's nerves and still it was just a "project")
First day after the allotment of team:
(yn was not that much of an outgoing person so you expected him to speak up first, but was left hanging (◉‿◉). )
Second day:
Still no conversation blooming
Third day:
Students started their projects. Still nothing has started between you and jotaro. You waited till evening of day 3, loosing all you're patience you texted him.
Yn: Hey. This is Yn.
(AN: ~~An eternity later~~)
Jotaro: *seen*
Yn: what about the project? Did you find something?
Jotaro: Meet me at the coffee cafe within an hour.
You can't believe the audacity of this man to literally order you around
Leaving the message on read you started getting ready and controlled yourself from exploding with anger.
On the way you thought about the meeting and felt a bit nervous, because this was the first time you're meeting with a guy, like just the two of you.
It's not that you're uncomfortable with guys, it's just that you never felt the need to go out, but you would hangout with some friends once in a while.
You were nervous but still managed to keep it all together and not get flustered in front of this Mr. Attitude.
After reaching the cafe you saw the guy sitting in a corner hiding his face with his cap still maintaining his cool figure and a group of admirers shooting draggers of love at him.
You saw a pack of files on the table you then knew that he had some topics organized for the project.
After you take a seat he handed some files to you "so he actually did all this?" Were your thoughts
You were surprised but still it was expected since he was the guy who did answer all the questions pointed out to him.
After going through some papers y'all went back home after some time your phone buzzed.
Jotaro: did u reach home?
You were just too shocked to answer the text so after some serious mind - claculations you understood it was just normal for a person to ask this (AN: well he's not though)
So you replied
Yn: yes. You?
Jotaro: yes
You finished the project and got an exceptional grade together.
As a token of appreciation you thought of inviting him for dinner because he was the one who did most of the work and you also realised your change of feelings for him.
You felt that jotaro was someone who is reliable, inspite of you being fat and everyone just avoiding or like acting out of will with you he was different he was the only one who didn't change.
He didn't act friendly, or show pity because of lack of friends you had cause of you're weight.
You didn't know how or when you started falling for this cold hearted man without even knowing.
You expected to be his first priority, even though you didn't have the guts to say it out to him.
He literally rejected all other "perfect girls" so you knew you didn't have any chance from the beginning.
As days went by you wanted to get rid of these feelings but instead they grew more, everytime a girl trys to cling around him you wanted him to know that you wanted him, every part of him.
But you were afraid of getting rejected, so you never tried.
Little did you know the feelings were mutual
Poor Yn ;)
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In regards to the 'canonically handsome' ask before, wasn't Sebek called 'handsome' before? Like I seen different translations of the scene (Part 2 - Chapter 13 of Scary Monsters with the Magicame Monsters), that also say he's "dignified" or "cool" as well, but would that also count towards him being handsome or just more them commenting on the way he physically presents himself as a knight in training?
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Credit to OtomeAyui for this translation.
I am guessing it's another one of those words or phrases that can have multiple meanings though... Mind you I am no translator nor have a talent for it, but I'd be grateful if you were able to help explain what the person meant if you could?
Also apologies, I like reading the older translations as much as the newer ones and may get some of the names for things mixed up a bit lol.
PSPSPSPSPSPS Big thanks to @curekibouka-writing for helping me fact check 🤓
[Referencing this post!]
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(For reference, the image above/second screenshot is the full unobscuredJapanese text for what the NPC says about Sebek.)
I’m afraid that the translation that you’re referencing (in the first screenshot) isn’t entirely accurate 💦 The specific terms that the NPC is using to describe Sebek are “姿勢良い” and “かっこいい”; the former translates to “good posture” and the latter translates to “cool”. So basically, the NPC is saying, “Hey dude, you’ve got such good posture and you’re so cool but still hilarious! You’ll totally go viral!”
It’s true that  “かっこいい” /”kakkoii” can sometimes be used to speak about something that is good looking, but the more common/generalized term is just to comment that something looks “cool” (which, I think, is much more subjective than what is considered conventionally “good” looking). I’d personally lean towards acknowledging that “cool” is the more accurate of the interpretations, just because it pairs better with the comment preceding it (which is the NPC complimenting Sebek’s posture). Additionally, there is no reference at all to Sebek’s face or what it looks like in the original Japanese text.
Context is important to take into consideration! “姿勢良い” /“good posture” and “かっこいい” /“cool” together give me the impression that the NPC is more amazed with Sebek being a diligent guard (and how he presents himself as one) more than being a remark on his physical attractiveness. In this case, dignified/cool doesn’t always automatically equate to also being handsome/beautiful.
Some may say it’s a subtle difference or that it “means the same thing anyway”, but the wording still changes our understanding of what’s being expressed here. In one version, Sebek is being called handsome. In the other version, Sebek is being praised for his presence as a knight. Those are two VERY different things which can and will have an impact on how the character is interpreted in the eyes of a fan. Nothing’s going to translate “perfectly”, so there are sure to be these differences from translation to translation (be it fan translations or the official English localization). Please keep that in mind!
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Lunchtime doodle (on fucked up paper) of Dr. Darling, like finally, F I N A L L Y, I got a good guy to crush on a little /glares at pile of ham and angry fart cloud. Or maybe not quite good, but he’s something. He’s a fucking nerd. He’s a ripped nerd and I just felt naturally compelled to doodle him like an anime wifebando.
Why didn’t anybody tell me he was a dude in Robin Hood: Men in Tights? And Beverly Hills 90210? Wings?? I didn’t recognize. Why he hhuu😭 I was minding my own bidness on YouTube and I got rec’d a video and he’s in character just casually getting dressed in an attic???? While talking?? Normal but post-sexily???? Like stop. I’ve never squinted so respectfully hard. Man.
Kakkoii~ !
I can draw normal people. But do I want to? Occasionally
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pikahlua · 2 years
Pika!! Could you pretty please translate the part in 348 where Deku talks about what a boyfriend is? I wanna see if he refers to ‘a boyfriend’ or ‘being a boyfriend’ basically🙏🙏
It’s not clearly singular or plural, and he’s really just speaking like he’s defining the word in question. I’ll translate the pages (but I sure hope you don’t regret this).
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1 緑谷出久はOFA9代目継承者であり みどりやいずくはワン・フォー・オール9だいめけいしょうしゃであり Midoriya Izuku wa WAN FOO OORU kyuudaime keishousha de ari Izuku Midoriya is the ninth successor of One For All, and
2 この戦いにおける最重要戦力である このたたかいにおけるさいじゅうようせんりょくである kono tatakai ni okeru saijuuyou senryoku de aru has the most important battle power in this fight.
tagline 1 トガの告白にデクはーー? トガのこくはくにデクはーー? TOGA no kokuhaku ni DEKU wa---? To Toga’s confession, Deku will---?
3 超常社会が始まって以来 ちょうじょうしゃかいがはじまっていらい choujou shakai ga hajimatte irai Ever since the beginning of paranormal society,
4 日本で にほんで nihon de in all Japan,
5 或いは世界で あるいはせかいで arui wa sekai de or [even] in all the world,
6 暗躍を続けてきた宿敵AFOが あんやくをつづけてきたしゅくてきオール・フォー・ワンが an’yaku wo tsudzukete kita shukuteki OORU FOO WAN ga its nemesis All For One continued to maneuver secretly
7 唯一 執着する力の器である ゆいいつ しゅうちゃくするちからのうつわである yuiitsu shuuchaku suru chikara no utsuwa de aru to cling only to that power, of which [Izuku] is now the vessel.
tagline 2 No.348 失恋  堀越耕平 ナンバー348 しつれん  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 348 shitsuren   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 348 Unrequited Love   Kouhei Horikoshi
8 これまでトガヒミコとは何回か邂逅しているが これまでトガヒミコとはなんかいかかいこうしているが kore made TOGA HIMIKO to wa nankai ka kaikou shite iru ga Until now, he has encountered Himiko Toga several times, but
9 直接的に好意を伝えられた事はなく ちょくせつてきにこういをつたえられたことはなく chokusetsuteki ni koui wo tsutaerareta koto wa naku she never directly conveyed to him her feelings of love, and
10 恋人だと…⁉︎ こいびとだと…⁉︎ koibito da to...!? “Did you say lover...!?” (Note: This is a gender-neutral word for a person you would date that literally means “love person.” “Boyfriend” would work here in English with the right context, which this phrase does have.)
11 彼はトガに好かれていることに気づいていなかった かれはトガにすかれていることにきづいていなかった kare wa TOGA ni sukarete iru koto ni kidzuite inakatta he never realized the fact that Toga liked him.
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1 どこまで行っても彼はクソナードだった どこまでいってもかれはクソナードだった doko made ittemo kare wa KUSO NAADO datta Despite all that had happened, he was [still just] a damn nerd. (Note: Literally, the first phrase means “no matter where he goes,” but the idiom in English would translate to “no matter what he does.” Additionally, I maintain that there’s no way this narrator is Katsuki Bakugou unless someone in the future gave him a lobotomy. Katsuki Bakugou would never speak this politely or use the kare pronoun for anyone let alone for Izuku.)
2 何を言っているんだ‼︎ なにをいっているんだ‼︎ nani wo itte irunda!! “What are you saying!!”
3 好き すき suki “I’ve loved you” (Note: Literally she says “I like you” but that’s contextually how you would confess to someone that you love them in Japanese.)
4 初めて見た時から はじめてみたときから hajimete mita toki kara “since the time I first saw you.”
5 血だらけで ちだらけで chi darake de “You were covered in blood”
6 初恋の人に はつこいのひとに hatsukoi no hito ni “and the first person I loved...”
7 そっくりで sokkuri de “[you look] just like [him].“
8 かっこいいよ出久くん かっこいいよいずくくん kakkoii yo Izuku-kun “You’re [so] cool, Izuku-kun.”
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1 私 君になりたいの わたし きみになりたいの watashi kimi ni naritai no “I want to become you.”
2 チュウチュウさせて? CHUUCHUU sasete? “[Will you] let me suck [your blood]?”
3 こここ恋人っていうのは2人で遊園地に行って ここここいびとっていうのは2りでゆうえんちにいって kokokokoibito tte iu no wa futari de yuenchi ni itte “L-l-l-lovers are like two people who go to the amusement park together and”
4 手をつないでクレープを半分こする事だろ‼︎ てをつないでクレープをはんぶんこすることだろ‼︎ te wo tsunaide KUREEPU wo hanbunko suru koto daro!! “hold hands and share halves of crepes, aren’t they!!”
5 私にとっては"同じ"になることが わたしにとっては"おなじ"になることが watashi ni totte wa “onaji” ni naru koto ga “To me, becoming the same is...”
6 それなの sore na no “that is what [lovers are].”
7 それでしか sore de shika “Nothing but that”
8 満たされないの みたされないの mitasarenai no “will satisfy me.”
9 二波が来る逃げろぉ‼︎ にはがくるにげろぉ‼︎ niha ga kuru nigeroo!! “A second wave is coming, run away!!”
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Honestly these pics are doing things to me 🥵🤤😍 he’s just so… kawai and kakkoii and… I LOVE HIM 💙🤍🩵
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maoam · 6 months
What is Kishi's reason for doing that, to make Sasuke this way (seductive portrayal or sexualization), Sasuke also went through a lot we don't know about in those 3 years with Orochimaru, so maybe even the perception of him and his body has changed and he hasn't talked about it. The way he talked to Naruto with his shirt open and whispered in his ear was very seducing. Had Sasuke done something like that to the other girls, the scene would have been hailed as the hottest scene in the manga/anime. In part 1 we saw Sasuke as an introverted person, but in part 2 everything changed...wearing a chest-revealing outfit that gives off a seductive vibe....and he got really close to Naruto and speaks next to his ear. After watching the reunion arc, I thought that the change in Sasuke's behavior was due to Orochimaru's influence. After a long time we see Sasuke and how he appeared in that scene was like a wh*re!
Umm seductive ≠ whore.
Kishi mentioned he wanted Sasuke to look "kakkoii" so he gave him that design with open shirt but he also mentioned he gave Sai open belly to make him "kakkoii"... so I guess kakkoii here is just a family friendly word for sexy. And he would do it just because it's attractive to him, like many other mangakas.
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Sasuke is seductive because he likes Naruto, no other reason. He can't help himself but get close to him. There has been couple years since they last saw each other. His understanding has also no doubt evolved. Of course Sasuke also knows Naruto cares about him a lot. But he's taunting him. Look at you chasing after me, do you like me that much you'll waste your dream? It's funny. Even the build up to this scene is so intense with them, Kishi makes sure to put the focus on them staring at each other only. To make sure we understand who Sasuke also focuses on. And then we have Kurama tell Sasuke to not kill Naruto or he'll end up regretting it, and Sasuke staring at Naruto for so long Yamato uses it to his advantage. How embarrassing for Sasuke.
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Even when they leave, Sasuke only looks at his boyfriend for the last time <3 Kishi is very clear with his visual language.
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sorairokakera · 1 year
characters development, friendships & romances
この音とまれ! Kono Oto Tomare
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If I get asked which manga with romance in it that I like the most or would excitedly talking about, I likely will mention Kono Oto Tomare! first or it certainly on my top list. I didn't expect I would like a manga with music theme, traditional music instrument Koto, this much. I really like characters developments and relationships in Kono Oto Tomare!. Some of them seem to bring troubles but they learn to face their struggles together and their bond gets stronger, they really are a good team. Each of them has their own problems but with genuine supports from their team, their true friends, they are able to be their better self and walk side by side. Friendship and romance parts in Kono Oto Tomare! are really good.
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/major spoiler alert/
My (two) most favorite characters are Kudo Chika 久遠愛 and Hozuki Satowa 鳳月さとわ!! I love both of them, they are very adorable and charming. I love their interactions. They also one of my top 2 favorite couple (not yet, but their feelings are mutual) among all mangas. I really like when Chika feels the urge to touch or embrace Satowa, oh my heart!!
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When Satowa answered Uzuki why she wants to protect Chika (Satowa best woman!!) then Chika remembered his grandpa's last wish, they hugged each other tightly- uwaaaghh all this wholesome moment made my heart burst feeling overload!! While waiting for next chapter update, I read from the beginning of manga again, it just, really good ; ;
What lies ahead of you will, without a doubt, include countless moments where you'll have to make a decision. In those times, do not hesitate. Always choose the road that leads to your happiness. That is something only you can do. No matter how much others extend a hand to you, no matter how much they push you forward, whether or not you take that step, whether or not you take that hand, that is something only you get to decide. So become happy, Chika.
Really, I cried at this part. Chika's grandpa T_T Really— 幸せになれ、愛
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Several chapters after, Satowa's feeling got accidentally recorded in the footage they watched in koto club room, when others tried to help the situation after they heard her feeling toward Chika, Chika straightforwardly gave the best response!! (Chika best man!!) MY HEART—!! When Isaki talked about what Chika said at that time, Chika's words made me cried, knowing him feeling that happiness I'm- ;_;
I don't want to make this into something to be "embarrassed" about. To have somebody convey their love for me, and then being able to say that I love them back, I just thought how happy I was to experience that.
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I also really like Takaoka Tetsuki 高岡哲生, best best friend!! He cares deeply for his friends, good at studying, cooking and at fighting too. Very kakkoii and gentle man, his father too. Sane, kota, and Mittsu are very nice friends but Tetsuki just-(my heart). Kurata Takezo and Kurusu Hiro, very nice senpai in koto club, their relationship also adorable~!! I love both lovely couples (not yet) in Kono Oto Tomare! I also interested in Takinami Suzuka sensei, wondering will he also be in relationship, maybe with Akira sensei? or Isaki? No romantic relationship is fine too.
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I enjoy reading Kono Oto Tomare so much, it might be one of mangas that I re-read most often. Heartwarming and adorable, they also encourage me with their words. I watched anime because I want to listen to their koto, hope they will adapt it till the end with nice improvements. I wonder will I get to watch and listen to koto live performances someday, it's so charming.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Doyoung in Tokyo
4:08-4:37 and 10:20 - he enamoured that man for sure. He'll be recommended, heh. That sly incline of the head during taking of a photo, top customer service. And handshake/handhold at 10:25.
Despite his ambition and propensity for being in control, fame doesn't get into his head, so Doyoung is very pleasant to work with.
By the way Doyoung does study English. He is better with making sentences now. He is just the type to not speak unless he thinks his level is high enough or he is pressured to.
Haha, the first word from the photographer "kakkoii" (cool looking).
14:20 and 14:26 - Do stretched his neck. 14:40 - a popular model pose. 14:45 - many poses, impressed staff at 14:50. Do did his homework to be a better model.
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im-mender · 3 months
I was thinking about a scene in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney that goes
Apollo: (There's that stare again... She's drilling more holes into his head.)
Trucy: I know it's hard for you, but hey, he's a handsome guy.
Apollo: What's "hard"!?
In the original Japanese, it goes
Apollo: (また、だ‥‥まことさん。牙琉検事のカオを見つめてるぞ) (Mata, da...Makoto-san. Garyuu-kenji no kao wo mitsumeteru zo) (There it is again...Vera. She's staring at Prosecutor Gavin's face.)
Trucy: クヤシイけど、カッコいいですからねー。牙琉検事。 Kuyashii kedo, kakkoii desu kara ne. Garyuu-kenji. It's frustrating, but it's because he's so cool. Prosecutor Gavin I mean.
Apollo: なんで“クヤシイ”んだよ。 Nande "kuyashii" n da yo. Why is it "frustrating"?
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black-silystya · 7 years
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« [Kento] is a real idol. »   –Ogi Hiroaki (Ogiyahagi)
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