marquisecubey · 5 months
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hello tumblr may I introduce you to my tav and durge because I think about them a normal amount
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
i am. trying to use magic poser again. wish me luck
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batbunlore · 2 years
Then try out the little prototype I made in like 2 days UwU it’s very barebones but I unfortunately didn’t have the time to make more, I might keep it up if people like it enough tho!
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hiveworks · 11 months
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The Demon of Beausoleil by Mari Costa is coming to print!
Armed with a demon-forged knife and guarded by the enigmatic Elias, Helianthes ventures into the streets, causing mischief and exorcising demons. But the shadows of his past lurk, and a haunting specter emerges to confront him. Amidst the dark chaos, an unexpected romance blossoms between Helianthes and Elias, fueling the fire in this dramatic M/M narrative.
This is definitely not a story for the faint-hearted. We recommend 16+ readers navigate this fiery tale.
Claim your copy today!
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theplottdump · 11 months
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Leanne takes Sunny back to the house to put her to bed and the boys are left alone on the beach to finish their dinner and admire the migrational patterns of the floating sky grass.
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Val: I think at this rate, Helianth- Sunny, is on track to complete most of her milestones before aging up. The data from Leanne's daily readouts say there's a small chance she might not learn to crawl on time but if we adjust her sched- Chad: Valerian…
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Chad: You're upset. Val: No I'm not. … Am I? Oh dear. … How did you know? Chad: I always know Val. It's what I do.
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Chad put his plate down and climbed on to his partner's lap. Chad: Val what's wrong? Val: I just- I don't want to become like my parents. I want to be there for every milestone, but we're so busy. Chad: So we'll come up with creative solutions, and make the most of moments like these.
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Val: I don't deserve you. You're incredible, strong, gorgeous, you always know what to say, and I'm just… this.
Do you ever think you made a mistake? Ever looked back and wish you'd done things differently?
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Chad: Watcher, I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Val: A chubby high schooler with bad teeth and a fedora? Chad: Not Exactly. Though, I will I admit was a little jealous of you back then. Val: Jealous? Of what, me? How? Why?
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Chad: Let's be honest, you looked a mess, (Val: Hey-) but you never tried to hide who you were. I spent half of high school trying to convince myself I was straight, and the other half imagining what it would be like to shove you into a broom closet and wipe that dumbass smile off your face once and for all.
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Val: In like… a sexy way? Chad: In a very sexy way. Like a patched out of Wicked Whims post High School Years way. Val: Damn. No wonder you flunked pre-calculus.
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Chad: My point is: we are not our parents. I know for a fact you are incapable of pretending to be something you're not and I promised myself I'd never make anyone feel the way my father made me feel growing up. Val: Meaning?
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Chad: Meaning that our baby will be loved, no matter what milestones she hits. She will be forgiven- no matter her mistakes. And she will be supported, no matter what paths she walks. Do you understand my terms?
Val: If I say no will I get shoved in the janitor's closet?
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Chad: Only if you're lucky.
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Aline is finally getting a detailed character sheet thanks to @onyxedskies's fe3h oc template !! = D best girl deserves the world
The others are coming soon (about damn time)
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Character Info: Aline von Hresvelg
Names and aliases: 
        Name (English): Aline
        Full name (English): von Hresvelg 
        Aliases (English): the Helianth (spy alias)
Biological Information:
        Gender: gaslight gatekeep girlboss
        Race: Human
        Birthday: 01/26
        Fodlan birthday: 26th of the Guardian Moon
        Age: 23 before timeskip - 28 post-timeskip
        Relatives: older sister to Edelgard von Hresvelg , Adel von Hresvelg, Loki Blaiddyd von Hresvelg 
        Nationality: Adrestian Empire
        Hometown: Enbarr
        Residence: Garreg Mach Monastery
        Factions: Imperial army/Alliance (temporarily)
        Occupations: gardener, spy, big sister 
Early Life:
Aline is Edelgard's older sister, and her mom was a concubine of Ionius' that hailed from Duscur. Aline herself was far from being the first in the imperial line of succession before the experiments, being somewhat in the middle. Being raised in the midst of political intrigues with largely absent parents, all the siblings formed a very tight-knit group and once her little siblings came to the world, Aline herself picked up the big sister mantle.
The experiments her family underwent at the hands of TWSITD left her physically and mentally scarred and having lost most of the people she ever cared about, as well as with a deep hatred of anyone who ever allowed this to take place in the first place, including her own father. Perhaps even more infuriating was that now that TWSITD had a puppet they could put on the throne in the person of Edelgard, Aline was declared officially dead to clear up the succession line and only allowed to live so long as she was useful. 
Academy Phase:
When Edelgard came to her with her plans to dismantle the system, she was all in. Aline's main motivation has always been her siblings' safety and happiness, and that means she is ready to do whatever it takes for them to get that happy ending. Thus, though she has a very strong moral compass, she is a very morally grey character and is ready to stab anyone in the back if that means achieving her goal. Combined with her official death making things easier and TWSITD's help, who allow her to magically cover all the traces left by the experiments on her to avoid  any embarassing questions, she turns into an assassin and a spy for the Empire and gets hired as a gardener at Garreg Mach monastery at the start of the game, where she can befriend pretty much anyone and listen in on their secrets. 
Timeskip Phase:
After the battle of Garreg Mach, Aline settles in Derdriu as a gardener, where she stays close with the Golden Deer, who she spies on for the Empire. In the meantime, she volunteers to help Claude get war intel by putting the relationships she made with the staff of the monastery in good use- and takes control of a whole net of spies, thus controlling whatever info Claude gets on Edelgard's plans while covering her own tracks.
War Phase:
Aline remains in Derdriu until the Alliance falls, after which she joins up with the rest of the Imperial Army and joins the battle in an official manner. She also reverts to her real appearance.
After the war, Aline keeps watching out for Edelgard and helping out as much as she can. Later on, she moves to Faerghus with Loki, where they help rebuild the Kingdom as she gets to reconnect with her Duscurian heritage, something she could never do in the Empire. She becomes a real gardener, this time.
        Aline is a smart woman who can be as incredibly kind and compassionate as cold and calculating. She is a very social person and very good at keeping her emotions in check. But her number 1 priority will always be her siblings : though she might love people, she will not hesitate to stab them in the back if they are a threat- sometimes going overboard and driving people away from her. This is also in part due to her instinctive mistrust of other people after the experiments.
As such, she also works on being more vulnerable and rebuilding her faith in people, as well as growing into a reliable friend, as time goes on.
it's better for everyone's sanity if i don't try to do stats i know nothing about ; but her class is Assassin, with proficiency in both the bow and the sword. Her physical defense is low, and her physical strength and endurance have their limits, but her speed along with her evading skills make her a dangerous enemy. She relies more on strategy than direct confrontation to win her fights.
Aline is not recruitable (she works like Jeritza).
Gift List: she loves flowers and spicy food !
Meal List: anything spicy will do.
Lost Items:
Brown hair dye: A half-used bottle of brown hair dye. Who could it belong to ?
Horticulture book: A horticulture book that's covered in brown dirt.
Earring: A bronze earring that looks familiar.
In The Monastery:
Choir Practice:
I used to sing my siblings to sleep when we were younger, so I'd like to say I'm a pretty good singer !
I’d better warn you: cooking is where I release all of my pent-up anger.
I'd like to grow more varied plants in the greenhouse, from outside of Fodlan even. I feel that would be very beneficial to both our students and the staff. However, they sometimes strive in climates and soils very different from Garreg Mach monastery, and I am not sure I would be able to care for them properly.
Dining Hall:
With Loki: I'm glad you're enjoying all that new food you're discovering.
With Edelgard : One day, we'll gorge on sweets together. I promise.
With Adel: Don't play with your food.
Favorite: Oh ! This is a very thoughtful. Here- have some flowers in return !
Neutral: Thanks. That's really kind of you.
Disliked: Ooooh... thanks.
Lost Item:
Not theirs: Mh. This is not mine.
Theirs: Oh. Thank you. I can't believe I let this lie in the open like that !
Tea Party:
General: Thank you for inviting me ! Mh… That tea looks delicious.
Favorite Tea: Four-spice blend
Favorite Teas: "Oh… that's my favorite. Thank you. How did you know that ?"
Observe: And what exactly are you hoping to find ?
End: This was… great. Next time i'll have your favorite tea figured out.
Group Tasks: 
Stable Duty (with Edelgard):
Aline: It's been a long time since we've been able to hang around like this. This is nice.
Edelgard : Yes. I'm glad we can both take our minds of this war, if only for a moment.
Aline: Someday Edel, we'll have all the time in the world. Promise.
Weeding (with Loki):
Loki: I'm not sure I want to do this. 
Aline : Here. I'll show you how to do it.
Loki: Nope, nope, I don't want to be covered in dirt. I'll stick around as… moral support.
Sky Watch (with Adel):
Adel: Come on Al ! This is the life !
Aline : Wait for me !
Adel: No, you'll have to catch us !
Good: Haha ! What do you think of that ?
Battle Quotes:
When selected: I won't let you down.
War phase:
Full health: Mh.
Medium health: This is getting tough… I'll have to be careful.
Low health: I can't give up now !
War phase:
Don't underestimate me ! 
 For my siblings !
 You never stood a chance.
 I'm sorry it came to this.
Facing a named enemy:
Facing someone she betrayed : Look, I'm… I'm sorry for everything. Not that this will change what I came here to do.
 It comes to this at last.
War phase:
Oof ! That was a tough one. 
 Hope they're doing okay out there.
 Ugh. That's a lot of blood.
 I'm sorry.
 Well, now that that's dealt with.
Ally Defeats Enemy:
I'm proud of you ! 
Stay careful out there !  
 I'll be backing you up. 
  Slay !
  Wow ! Impressive !
You've grown so much... Not that killing is good of course, but you get the idea.  
Retreat Quote:
War Retreat: I wasn't enough to protect them…
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haaam-guuuurl · 11 months
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Introducing: Helianthe, the lost princess
(check out the "heroes of lys" tag for more!)
Modern AU version Picrew:
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((tagging @raayllum and @ad15124 who were of the first people to hear about this project! thanks for the help, guys! also, i'm going to be sharing the rest of the characters in the next few days so keep an eye out!!))
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
I just had the weirdest dream last night. Kid Xornoth (in his little shit era which means he's probably around 16) got yeeted into the Dream SMP after a magic-redstone contraption gone wrong. Couldn't remember the rest of the dream though, but I'm pretty sure that panic ensued across the empires following Xornoth's disappearance.
This is actually hilarious considering a few days ago I had a similar thought about what would happen if kid Xornoth somehow ended up in Dream SMP.
I think he would get along really well with the bench trio. He’d probably try to convince them to come back with him to Empires SMP for a much needed therapy arc. Whether or not they’d want to go is… another thing.
And if that green teletubby looking bitch tried to come anywhere near them, he’d tear him to shreds. Champion of a god who’s being trained in magic by the head wizard of the crystal cliffs and in combat by the guardian of Gilded Helianth? He gets very overpowered very quickly.
I feel like the whole time he’d quietly be wondering if Exor did something to this dimension because how in Aeor’s name did it get this bad where are the resident gods of this place-
And speaking of which, he and Drista would definitely be bros. Chaotic little sibling gods who are supposed to be the Devil figure of their world but are more interested in being little shits? The two of them would be UNSTOPPABLE.
And of course, the rulers of empires smp are all freaking out. Shrub has the most experience with interdimensional travel, but every empire would be pitching in to try and help. I feel like Lizzie reaches out to the god realm and Kristin answers like “Oh yeah he’s in my dimension. Oh no he’s fine for now he found my son and his friends. Yeah please come pick him up I think he and Drista are about to permanently wreck the Space time continuum-“
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flame-shadow · 2 years
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Belisencia - Helianthe
Lichen - @annamatopoeiaa
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marquisecubey · 5 months
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gay gay homosexual gay
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
imagine getting character development because your love interest wanted to get as much money from you as possible.
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modadivas · 1 year
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Celebities dress 76th Annual Cannes Film Festival
Celebrities wearing Cartier at the 76th Cannes Film Festival
Pom Klementieff in  Cartier at the Cannes Film Festival
Pom Klementieff Helianthe de Cartier High Jewelry earrings, platinum, diamonds – CRH8000828 Cartier Collection necklace, 1990, 18k white gold, platinum, diamonds – NE 61 A90. READ MORE ARTICLE: https://www.modadivasmagazine.com/en/2023/05/28/celebities-dress-76th-annual-cannes-film-festival/
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littlepatchofhell · 2 years
Last Line Tag
I think I missed a tag from @writingpotato07 the other day. Sorry about that! tagging: @faelanvance @ryns-ramblings @finnleynightsorrow or anyone who wants to join in or no one if you don't! | | | | | | | | | | |
Many of them spoke of the weather, the kindness of their exalted Sun as he rose from his wintery grave. By the fountain, an old woman planned her daughter’s upcoming wedding while the bride-to-be meekly nodded along.
“And your dress absolutely must not have sunflowers on it- do not protest, my dear, it will ruin your complexion. You are already the picture of Helianthic beauty. To put sunflowers on your dress would be to overstate the obvious. It is tacky. It was tacky when your sister did it last year. It will be tacky when your niece does it next month. You must not let your dress wear you, my dear.”
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hiveworks · 10 months
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PRE-ORDER NOW! The Demon of Beausoleil by Mari Costa
Meet Helianthes, a half-demon cambion, with horns, claws, and a tail— feared and shunned by many, apart from his prestigious family. Armed with a demon-forged knife and guarded by the enigmatic Elias, Helianthes ventures into the streets, causing mischief and exorcising demons. But the shadows of his past lurk, and a haunting specter emerges to confront him.
Claim your copy of this 260+ page graphic novel by supporting the pre-order today!
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sunflowershark · 1 month
My little brain has been spinning for the past couple days with ideas for a postgame mindflayer!helianthe fic and I kind of need to write it tbh
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keynewssuriname · 2 months
Cultural Conscious African Edition
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Op 13 april, tijdens Cultural Conscious African Edition op het terras van Theater Thalia, gaan we samen op een mooie culturele reis naar Afrika met diverse Afrikaanse snacks en gerechten, heerlijke Zuid-Afrikaanse wijnen en muziek in de stijlen Makossa, Bongo Flava, Funaná, African Jazz, Afrobeat, Afropop, Amapiano, Bolero en meer. Cultureel bewustzijn beslecht barrières en brengt begrip en waardering voor onszelf en anderen. Het doel van de serie Cultural Conscious is om met verschillende edities het culturele bewustzijn te vergroten middels (podium-) kunsten, eten en drinken. Cultural Conscious African Edition heeft Afrika als focus. Afrika is 185 maal groter dan Suriname, ongeveer even groot als Verenigde Staten + Europa + China + India + Japan! Afrika bestaat uit 54 landen en er worden in totaal meer dan 2000 talen gesproken. Suriname is geworteld met Afrikaanse roots! Vanaf het moment dat dit gebied een Engelse kolonie werd in het midden van de 17e eeuw, zijn er geroofde Afrikanen ingevoerd en dit heeft ongeveer 150 jaar lang geduurd. Er zijn naar schatting 300.000 personen naar Suriname getransporteerd vanuit Ghana en de personen kwamen uit onder andere uit Senegal, Gambia, Guinee, Guinee-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Nigeria en Kameroen. Het event is een reservation-only event en bij registratie kunnen verschillende Afrikaanse snacks en gerechten besteld worden zoals Akara (gefrituurde bonencake), African Meat Pie (Afrikaanse vleespastei), Chin Chin (zoete gefrituurde snack) en Moi Moi (bonenpudding cake), Okra soup (Afrikaanse okersoep met kip), fufu (deegachtige pap van een aardvrucht), jollof rijst (rijstgerecht, meestal gemaakt met langkorrelige rijst, tomaten, pepers, uien, kruiden en soms andere groenten en/of vlees in één pot) en fried rice. Er is ook Zuid-Afrikaanse wijn beschikbaar, zowel voor de zoete als de droge wijndrinkers. De line-up is zeer gevarieerd en de artiesten kijken naar u uit: Joan de Bies is vocaliste en zingt al 37 jaar. Vijf jaar geleden heeft ze besloten om professioneel te gaan zingen. Ze zingt in de stijlen jazz, rap, rhythm-and-blues R&B, dancehall en haar favoriete stijlen zijn jazz en R&B. Ze maakt deel uit van de muziekformatie FRESH en is gastzangeres bij de formatie Orquestra Alafa. Ze heeft songs geschreven en uitgebracht met onder andere Kenneth Moerli, Triple en Jah Prince en het grootste event waar ze aan mee heeft gedaan is SuriPop Golden Edition, waarbij ze onder leiding van Helianthe Redan koorzangeres was bij een compositie van Rudi Fernand. Joan is 15 jaren peuterjuf geweest in haar eigen instelling Joshua Oppashuis. Ze is tevens moeder, kapster en herbalist met haar eigen bedrijf Joan's Herbal Products. Ze brengt haar publiek graag de ervaring van vreugde met muziek. Afrika en Afrikaans muziek geven haar het gevoel van “reconnecting yourself with your roots”. Smooth Groove is ontstaan door vrienden die bij elkaar zijn gekomen om muziek te maken. Ze zijn in 2022 gestart onder de naam Mani & Friends Music band en in oktober 2023 is de naam vanwege de vibe en speelstijl van de band veranderd naar Smooth Groove. Ze spelen in diverse muziekstijlen zoals Gospel, R&B, Latin, Pop, Jazz, Kaseko, Reggae en Afro. De bandleden zijn: Daniel Zeeman-keys-15 jaar actief, Darrell Zeeman-keys-11 jaar actief, Miquel Zeeman-bass-8 jaar actief, Anthony Patrick-drums-14 jaar actief, Timothy Kemble-guitar-8 jaar actief, Jose Parami-vocalist-30 jaar actief en Regina Haakmat-vocaliste-13 jaar actief. Voor Smooth Groove is Afrika de plek van waar hun voorouders vandaan komen. Wanneer ze Afrikaanse songs spelen doet het ze heel goed van binnen; het brengt ze terug naar waar ze als bandleden van afstammen. Deejay Javier, Javier Somoredjo, is 14 jaar actief als allround deejay. Hij heeft gedraaid op Lustig Events en in verschillende Surinaamse clubs als Touche, Zsa Zsa Zsu, Havana Lounge, Margaritas, Dejavu, Club Next en Euphoria. Ook heeft hij in 2016 mogen draaien in Club Lustig in Den Haag, Nederland. Deejay Javier is overal te vinden – op huisfeestjes, events en bekende bars en clubs. Hij was finalist van Parbo Kings of Clubs 2023 en hij is resident DJ van D’BAR en Qle. Zijn levensmotto is dat je geen dingen moet overhaasten, als je geduldig wacht zal het naar je toekomen. Zijn ambitie is om verder te groeien qua muziekstijlen en zijn droom is om internationaal te performen. Voor Deejay Javier betekent Afrikaanse muziek een levendige mix van ritmes en culturele invloeden die een unieke sfeer creëren op de dansvloer. Het brengt een gevoel van verbondenheid en feestelijkheid, met een diversiteit aan genres zoals Afrobeat, Afropop en de Zuid-Afrikaanse muziekstijl Amapiano. Amapiano is in het Zulu 'de piano's', een verwijzing naar de jazzakkoorden die een grote rol spelen in dit genre, naast de repeterende saxofoontonen en de vocalen in één van de elf Zuid-Afrikaanse talen, waaronder Xhosa en Zulu. Indra Hu-Ramdas is sinds 2022 actief als creative book-artist, waarbij zij unieke diaries, notebooks, agenda’s en meer bekleedt met prachtige stoffen die de verschillende culturen van Suriname weergeven, als uiting van liefde voor haar land. De inspiratie om aan book art te doen komt door de vraag van volwassenen naar literatuur voor hen. Aangezien Indra gelooft dat iedereen een eigen verhaal kan schrijven, stimuleert ze hen door deze (blanco) boeken te maken om hun eigen verhaal in te schrijven. Met de stoffen maakt zij ook bijpassende tassen. Indra is ook jeugd- en kinderboekenschrijfster. Ze debuteerde in 2002 met haar serie ‘De avonturen van Leena en Jopie’ en heeft al meer dan 26 werken op haar naam staan. Zij is in 2012 uitgeroepen tot schrijfster van het jaar en heeft ook twee onderscheidingen ontvangen van de staat Suriname: Ridder in de ereorde van de Palm in 2018 en de Eenheid is Kracht jubileumjaarspin in 2023. Daarnaast is zij sinds 2017 tenorsaxofonist in het Rein Rier Orkest. Indra vindt dat Afrika net als Suriname een grote culturele diversiteit kent en dat hun culturele identiteit terug te zien is in met name hun kleding en stoffen. Door haar book art kan ze de wereld kennis laten maken met dit gedeelte van de Afrikaanse cultuur. Cultural Conscious African Edition wordt georganiseerd door Harmony Blend Media (HB Media), lange termijn change enabler. Zij leveren entertainment om van te genieten en nieuwe inzichten te ontdekken over zichzelf en anderen als respectabele delen van de Surinaamse samenleving, de drijvende kracht achter de dringend noodzakelijke duurzame ontwikkeling en welvaart van Suriname. Zij richten zich enerzijds op het vergroten van het culturele bewustzijn van de gehele Surinaamse gemeenschap en anderzijds op de verdere ontwikkeling van podiumtalent in Suriname. Met elke productie dragen ze bij aan de Sustainable Development Goals SDG's 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 16 en, afhankelijk van een productie, ook aan andere SDG's. Arrangementen voor cultural Conscious African Edition zijn beschikbaar vanaf SRD 300,- Registratie kan per HB Media WhatsApp +5978747874 of https://forms.gle/yXgPk4gAQvCza6sw6 Read the full article
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