#hexagram 7
siamkram · 11 months
A superior person achieves victory in the same fashion as a superior army: by putting his inferior emotions under the guidance of his superior emotions, and by proceeding cautiously, modestly, and with the continual goal of achieving peace and detachment. -Hexagram 7, Shih
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tiredwitchplant · 7 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Amethyst
Amethyst (“The World’s Most Popular Purple Gem”)
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Color: Dark Vivid Purple to Pale Lilac
Hardness: 7
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Quartz
Chakra Association: Third Eye, Crown
Deities: Buddha, Dionysus, Diana, Artemis
Birthstone: February
Astrological Signs: Pisces, Aries and Aquarius
Element: Air
Planet: Jupiter
Origin: USA, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia, India
Powers: Pride, Sobriety, Peace, Spirit World, Protection, Celibacy, Luck, and Homesickness
Crystals It Works Well With: Ametrine, Citrine, and Moonstone
How It Is Created: Amethyst receives its color beginning at the crystal’s growth. At the first stage, trace amounts of iron are incorporated into the crystal as it starts to grow. After the crystallization starts, gamma rays are emitted by radioactive materials within the host rock and the irradiated iron gives the amethyst its beautiful purple color.
History: One of the earliest references to amethyst is in the Old Testament book of Exodus as it is mentioned that one of the stones in the breastplate of Aaron the High Priest was an amethyst. There is not a clear indication to where the name comes from but it is said that it is derived from the Greek word “amethyst” which means “not drunk”. Despite this, it is associated with the god, Dionysus, because the purple hue of the crystal looks like delicious grape wine. Wine goblets were carved of this stone to prevent drunkenness. There is also a Greek lore involving Dionysus with a young girl named Amethyst. The lore reads:
“Dionysus was angry one day and swore that he would exact his revenge on the next mortal that came by. He created several tigers, informed him of their mission and went his way. As it would happen, a lovely young girl named Amethyst was the next to come by, on her way to pay homage to Artemis and was attacked. Artemis quickly changed the girl into a statue of solid quartz. When Dionysus returned to see what he had wrought, he was overcome with remorse and wept tears of purple wine which flowed over the statue, staining it permanently.”
The color was also in demand throughout history since the color purple is associated with royalty and was worn by royals in Egypt and Europe. In some traditions, Catholic Bishops wear amethyst rings to symbolize their piety and celibacy, and rosaries are still fashioned with this stone.
What It Can Do:
Excellent focal point for meditation and scrying
Used to unlock mysteries and figure out spiritual matters, such as death and rebirth
Helps cleanses, purify and heal the body, spirit, and mind
Balances emotions and prevents nightmares
Useful for spells to help let go of addictions
Uses on the tip of wands for healing and can produce high spiritual energy
Brings a sense of calm and clarity
Helps with decision making
Can open your third eye and connect to the crown chakra
Protects the mind from dark magic
A gateway stone to connecting with the spirit world
Helps with transmitting energies to a specific point
How to Get the Best Out of Amethyst: Wearing it on your person with a bracelet or necklace. Putting amethyst on bare skin invites the stone to release its vibrations directly into the body, amplifying its power.
How to Cleanse and Charge Amethyst:
To cleanse: Leave your Amethyst stone placed under the light of the full Moon for a whole night, that is, about 8 hours
To charge: It can also be recharge via the moon so just leaving it in the moonlight can do double duty.
Crystal Grid:
Protection and Cleansing (Hexagram)
Snow Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Lay the first triangle, placing clearing crystals on each point.
Join up the points and spray the grid with clearing essence.
Lay the light-bringing crystals in an overlocking triangle over the top of the first. Join up the points, starting with the first crystal you laid.
Place your keystone in the center, stating your intention once more.
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Interpreting the symbolism of the GazettE - Through Darkness to Enlightenment
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The DOGMA cover is unconscious imagery. The Priestess in the eye of the storm. The only colors used are the alchemical ones (black, white, gold, red).
In Jungian psychology and alchemy Nigredo or blackness refers to the initial stage of the alchemical process, symbolizing the darkness, chaos, and dissolution that precede transformation and rebirth. It represents a state where the individual confronts their shadow aspects, unconscious fears, and repressed emotions. This stage is characterized by a sense of disintegration and descent into the abyss - depths of the psyche, where the old self must die.
The Nesthead is blackened out to signify that we are entering this 1st stage of the alchemical process. However, she is The Priestess who will come out of this transformative process as signified by her 7 pointed star crown. She (the soul) is surrendering to the darkness, knowing that she is immortal. To quote Ruki in Dogma - "The rite I must face is cloaked in darkness and isolation - Only there will truth be found" . Her right hand is dissolving the repressed trauma and the left has a tight grip on the demons (Solve et Coagula).
Moving on to the next image - it is the The Saitegi Tour cover from right before the Dogma era. The Goddess of Death. The darkness is Feminine, the creator and destroyer. She oversees the Dark Night of the Soul process as the ruler of the Underworld. She is Yin. She is Izanami in Shinto, although this image is left quite ambiguous and could easily be seen as a death goddess of any other religion.
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The Dogmatic Final poster. Skulls, crows, rot, decomposition and dying flowers all represent the alchemical Blackness stage. It is depression, isolation, pain, helplessness and despair. Choosing to embrace the Shadow - what is ugly, rotting, dying, unwanted and repressed. These are all common themes in Ruki's lyrics. A faceless priest represents the loss of identity while going through this sacred process. He serves as a mediator between God and the congregation. Ruki wore a priest's Stole throughout the whole Dogma era.
Dogma is the Dark Night of the Soul album. Heaviest sound, richest in symbolism. Ruki is both the priest conducting the purification and the one being purified.
Blemish lyrics: "I want to be reborn. Leave me alone. I had to stifle my cries when I caught sight of my own twisted shadow.[...]In darker dreams..(Help me) A goddess speaks to me.. and it seems.. (There’s no way).. I cannot see the light."
Let's analyze each symbol from the Dogma video separately:
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(1) - starting from the bottom the Menorah is a symbol of universal enlightenment. Going up from that we have alchemical sulfur (evaporation, expansion, and dissolution), then the 4 elemental symbols, then Venus signifying the Anima (Jungian term) on the right. Simplified version of Bhavachakra mandala (which they use again while performing Wasteland live in the Dogmatic tour final) on the left. The Hexagrams in the center represent unification of the opposites (Light and Shadow, Yin & Yang). The blacked out face is the dissolution of identity (ego).
The image as a whole is reminiscent of the High Priestess in tarot (the Qabalistic path of Gimel, ruled by the Moon, which is the only light in the Dark Night). The black Pillar of Severity and white Pillar of Mercy behind him.
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(2) - Light is Consciousness and Shadow is all that is repressed and unwanted. Unification of these opposites is the goal. Upside down triangle is Yin. I'm interpreting this as there can be no enlightenment with Greed. It matches well with the societal critiques Ruki often expresses with his lyrics.
(3) - In Buddhism there's a saying no mud - no lotus. It is a symbol of transmutation. The Moon is Albedo (whiteness)- the insights you gain when embracing and examining your Shadow. And the Orthodox cross at the top is a symbol of salvation and redemption in Christian mysticism. It represents the transformative power of Christ's (Sun) sacrifice and the possibility of spiritual rebirth and renewal for humanity. The vertical bar of the cross is sometimes interpreted as the axis mundi, or cosmic axis, which connects the earthly realm with the divine realm. It is the path of ascent from the material world to the spiritual world.
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(4) - Is again the hexagram but with the Leviathan Cross in the center, which is another symbol for sulfur. Interestingly, it is put over the censer - the burning of incense is often associated with purification rituals in mysticism. The fragrant smoke is believed to cleanse the sacred space and purify the participants, preparing them for spiritual practices or encounters with the divine. Sulfur in alchemy represents the soul of all materials and living things. Sulfur is synonymous with consciousness and the expansion of thought. To the ancient alchemist, it’s properties are dryness, heat, masculinity, evaporation, expansion, and dissolution.
(5) - Around the circle we have symbols of different religions - starting with the top it's the Menorah, Hamsa hand, Shinto shrine, Ohm, something with the cross, Celtic and Scandinavian symbols and an 8pointed star. I would interpret this as saying all the different religions of the world have the same goal that is enlightenment.
Moving on.
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The nest symbolism is interesting. The main character on the Dogma cover is called Nesthead and there is a lot of time spent showing the forming of a nest during Coda live. Coda lyrics: "If I have to forget my true self in order to seize the whiteness, then give me blackness deeper than anything. Beneath this patch of sky, flowers cover the soil where corpses sleep. The beautiful deformity proceeds towards the dazzling darkness, the end and the beginning."
Nests could symbolize the concept of home or refuge, creating a secure place in the living darkness. In Buddhism, the idea of finding refuge in the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) is central. Just as a bird seeks safety and shelter in its nest, Buddhists seek refuge in the teachings of the Buddha, the Dharma (the path to awakening), and the Sangha (community). Nests, being temporary structures built by birds for the purpose of nurturing their young, can symbolize impermanence and the transient nature of existence. In Buddhist teachings, impermanence (anicca) is one of the Three Marks of Existence, highlighting the fundamental nature of all conditioned phenomena to arise and pass away. Reflecting on it teaches about the importance of non-attachment, letting go of clinging to things that are ultimately fleeting. Nests are created through the efforts of birds gathering materials and constructing them meticulously. This could symbolize the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of cooperation and collaboration. In Buddhism, the concept of interdependence (pratityasamutpada) underscores the idea that all phenomena are interconnected and dependent on each other for their existence. Buddhism emphasizes living in harmony with nature and cultivating respect and reverence for all living beings.
I interpret the Nesthead herself as Ruki's Anima (in Jungian psychology Anima is what guides a man through the wilderness of collective unconscious). It's rather obvious Ruki identifies himself with her because of the similarity of poses, clothing and the gorgeous gold armlets they both wear.
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Moving on to the Dogmatic Final Live:
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The Wasteland live visuals are very interesting. (Keep in mind it is played after Goddess and they had t-shirt merch saying "Goddess from the Wasteland").
Buddha is depicted headless which reminds me of the goddess Vajrayogini. Her severed head form (Ucheyma) represents the annihilation of the ego (remember the Dogma lyrics "I'll be a brain-dead god"?).
The many hands of the deity suggest it's ability to engage in multiple activities simultaneously for the benefit of sentient beings. This may include granting blessings, bestowing teachings, offering protection, and guiding others along the path. The Trishul (trident) represents the overcoming of the three poisons of ignorance, attachment, and aversion.
Vajrayogini is a personification of the cognitive function of the transformative power within consciousness. Her iconography symbolizes the transmutation of negative emotions and defilements into enlightened qualities, she is wisdom and compassion. She is associated with the transmission of esoteric teachings. Her color is blood red and her fire burns the Shadow. She is often depicted within a hexagram. Something that the GazettE also used during Sludgy Cult live:
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Moving on to NINTH:
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The Ninth cover is so fascinating because the veil makes me think of Binah, the pose and child makes me think of Mary & the Holy Ghost. But the scarlet colour screams Babalon.
Binah sephirah is the dark, receptive womb of creation, often associated with the color black, which symbolizes the hidden, formless potential from which all manifest reality emerges.
The veiled aspect of Binah is the concealment of divine mysteries and the incomprehensibility of the divine essence to human understanding. It suggests that the divine wisdom is veiled from ordinary perception and can only be understood through intuitive insight and spiritual revelation.
Babalon the Scarlet Woman in western esotericism is the Qabalistic path of Daleth (Translates to door, gate. This Path is the door by which the spirit enters the world. It is the third and final path to exist entirely above the Abyss (Da'at) in the realm of spirit). It is the path that connects Binah and Chokmah sephiroth (The 2 of them would be similar to Izanami and Izanagi in Shinto as the mother and father of all existence or Yin/Yang).
Daleth is also the Venusian Empress card in tarot. She is associated with fertility and pregnancy. Bab (as in Babalon or Babylon) in ancient Hebrew means Gate of God. This is the womb and Star Gate from which you are reborn as your true enlightened self (Rubedo/redness).
I always think Babylon's taboo is a reference to this. The "Ade due Damballa" chant repeated in that song is from Chucky and translates to: "Give me the power, I BEG OF YOU". I see it as asking Babalon to let you Cross the Abyss. However this is just my interpretation, the lyrics are quite obscure. But look at Ruki performing it live with the red laser to the heart. So reminiscent of the album cover art:
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Moving on to MASS and Blinding Hope:
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The doves. In Roman mythology, doves were sacred to Venus. The dove's association with Venus can symbolize the divine aspect of love, representing unconditional love, compassion, and harmony. In mystical traditions, love is often seen as a unifying force that connects all beings with the divine source.
Blinding Hope lyrics: "This darkness blinds out our eyes. Crying out for a change, we take all this hope and fight. Come back to the light"
Venus is linked with themes of transformation and renewal, particularly in her role as the Morning Star (lucifer or Lucy) heralding the dawn (coming out of the Abyss). The dove's symbolism of purity and renewal reflects the potential for spiritual rebirth and awakening.
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The Mass cover is a dream-like collage of imagery from the collective unconscious. Many unconscious parts have been integrated - I interpret the panther as tamed instincts. The fire is burning the Shadow. Death goddess is still there, but no longer a central figure. The work of contemplating Maranasati ("mindfulness of death" in Buddhism) is done. The cube is the prison of matter - materialism has been transcended. The cube also looks similar to DIM cover. Lyrics from DIM scene: "We chase away the crows that gather around us. Their squawking cries ceasing, until every one of them has fled. Our utopia is so twisted and distorted that we have to sew it back together before it unravels".
The upside down pyramid is recurring image since the Magnificent Malformed tour, it is another depiction of the Feminine Yin and the subconscious.
Nox is the primordial goddess of the Night in Roman mythology. Nox lyrics: "Chased by silence. The drowning answers are always beautiful. What is left behind. Lamenting over common asuras".
(Common asuras suggest a broad existential/spiritual lamentation over the universal experience of grappling with desires, attachments, and the inherent suffering of existence.)
There is calm and serenity in the Mass cover image - compared to the storm and heaviness of Dogma. It's still Night but there is a lot of light. It is no longer crows surrounding our vehicle but the peaceful doves. (Although the crows are still there). All the pieces are gathered (the Shadow emotions are transmuted and the knowledge is acquired). Now we just need to finish the alchemical process. The gas station (with it's sign being the only scarlet red thing in the picture (the Red goddess is fueling our journey forward)) is the last stop before arriving at the destination.
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The red Mass Final poster makes me think of the path to Rubedo/Redness and the end of the individuation process. In Jung's words: "the Self...embraces ego-consciousness, shadow, anima, and collective unconscious in indeterminable extension. As a totality, the self is a coincidentia oppositorum; it is therefore bright and dark and yet neither"
Alchemy, individuation, enlightenment and crucifixion-rebirth of Christ ultimately mean the same thing.
The symbol of Self and the astrological Sun is a circle with a black dot in the center. The dot is the ego but the self encompasses it, as well as all the other elements, it is whole. The path towards this wholeness is a spiral.
Which brings me to Ruki's IG posts (some from as early as 2013):
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(1) Spiral out - keep going. It's all individuation symbolism and alchemical colors. (2) Bowie was known for being really into Thelema, (where Babalon is the main goddess) especially during his most successful years. Ruki is a huge Bowie fan and has posted about him multiple times. Pic3 is from Black Moral Rad - again the Sun symbol in the center is for individuation, and at the bottom - The Sun and Moon are are opposites that need to be reunited. Pic4 is the Unkle - War Stories album cover. The most famous song on it is called Burn my Shadow, quite straightforwardly referring to Shadow as a Jungian term. (I really wanted to include these because I was listening a lot to both Bowie and this Unkle album during the time he was posting about them and the symbolism ties nicely to what I talked about earlier)
In the Mass tour final DVD teaser:
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Pitch black night that we are moving through - doves heralding a new dawn - spiraling in Redness.
The Pale lyrics: "The dusk is disappearing, the shadow creaks in sorrow, until it disappears in my heart. The spinning night grows pale, as I embrace the meaning I’ve been looking for."
Both Ninth and Mass are a continuation of Dogma. We see Babalon for the 1st time in early Dogma era- on the 13th anniversary announcement. We see her hat from the Ninth cover on the 13th anniversary poster. The car and the panther from Mass cover 1st appeared during Ninth (the car in the Ninth limited edition book and the panther during the tour):
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And finally the Mass Final DVD cover:
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Pic 1 - A leap of faith. Releasing the need for control and surrendering to the divine, trusting the higher power. The circular red hue around the car and doves indicate the Goddess' presence. Water and sea represent the depths of the unconscious mind and its mysteries, as well as the interconnectedness of all life. The water where we are falling has a circular red spot which looks like the Japanese flag. The red in the Japanese flag is called "circle of the sun" so it's referencing both the journey to Self as well as foreshadowing the next album which we know will be heavily influenced by traditional Japanese culture. (They also had a huge Japanese flag during the live)
Falling lyrics: "To be reborn again, I’m gonna fall"
Pic 2 - Submersion, completion, coming back to the source. Boundary dissolution, merging of individual identity with the collective consciousness. Transformation, both spiritually and emotionally. A state of unity and integration is achieved. Rubedo signals alchemical success and the end of the Great Work. The way "TheFinal" is written looks like "TheEnd" at the end of a movie. And if we consider the Saitegi tour (2014) as the intro to Dogma (after all that's where Dogma documentary starts) - it has been a 10 year long journey leading up to this point of finality. Part 2
Part 3
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xochaithoughts · 3 months
this message is for you 🖤
for you, the i ching gives me hexagram 22 and hexagram 7. beauty and small taming.
while it feels like others may not see you— as oftentimes their depictions of you seem to fall short of the multifaceted being you are— beauty is in the eye of the beholder. it’s impossible to capture every aspect that makes you you and impossible to expect someone to try. their inability to see or flawlessly capture all of you is inevitable. you must not forget that validation must come from within first. cultivate your understanding of yourself and then you will begin to see what you already know in others’ expressions of you. this external validation should feel like sprinkles and whipped cream on ice cream. not necessary, but it just makes the whole thing— here, your security in yourself— so much sweeter.
how can you cultivate this now? what self-loving act can you do today?
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atleast8courics · 10 months
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Name? Jer. I go by "asshole" sometimes.
Pronouns and gender? He/him, cis+
Sexuality? Pansexual and polyamorous
Country? Tragically American
Top 5 fandoms? Warframe, pro wrestling, DC Comics, D&D (tabletop in general)… zombies? Zombie media? I could just eat it all up.
What is your most forbidden snack? Asbestos looks like the best baklava you'll ever eat in your life. I'm alarmed at myself how quickly I thought of that.
Would you pet a bug? I've had hissing cockroaches all over me and used to have a pet rose-hair tarantula. She scared herself by touching her legs together once.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. Pfffft, this one's always fun. My dad is my brother. That's not some incest thing. He and my mom were never married. He had full custody of me, but let my grandparents adopt me for various insurance reasons I don't much recall because I was 7 and more concerned with bikes and video games. The funniest part about the "my dad is my brother" story? I'm originally from West Virginia.
What does the color blue taste like? A 9 volt battery.
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? I don't think anything will ever compare to the New River Gorge in autumn with the trees in gorgeous shades of red and yellow.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? I jumped off that bridge once. It was a grand time.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? Friend and I saw a movie together, and at the end when we stood up to leave she panicked for her phone… and started looking around for it with her flashlight. The flashlight on her phone. The phone in her hand. That phone.
Hyperfixation song? Deftones - Hexagram
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? Worship.
Dream career as a child? I wanted to be a pro wrestler.
Dream career as an adult? I did do the pro wrestling! It paid fuck all and destroyed my body lmao so now I wanna do glass blowing.
Thoughts on cilantro? I've got the soap gene.
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? Nah, but I've been kicked out of plenty of places just because I had my skateboard with me.
What is your cursed food combination? According to some people, the peanut butter I put on my pancakes.
Trans rights? I think trans people should have the right to beat transphobic politicians to death.
I ain't taggin' no one. If you see this and think it sounds like a good way to waste 5-10 minutes, get at it.
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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“Enochian is a complete language of its own, with its own alphabet, grammar, tablets, Aethyrs, kinds, seniors, and has a complete system of “Calls” of its own. Enochian Holy Table with Ensigns of Creation. The Table consists of a Bisected Hexagram, upon which are arrayed 84 squares containing letters from a Sacred Angelic Alphabet. The outer letters on the Holy Table are derived from the names of the Heptarchic Kings and Princes. The smaller Table at the center of the Holy Table consists of 12 Enochian letters. These 12 letters relate to the 12 tribes, the 12 gates of New Jerusalem, the 12 overt permutations the Tetragrammaton, the 12 signs of Zodiac, and 12 Enochian names of God. Around smaller table are placed 7 complex Talismans known as ‘Arms’ or ‘Ensigns of Creation’, and what these Talismans precisely are remains a Mystery. A note in the appendix of “Liber Mysteriorum Quintus” implies that they relate directly to the Kings and Princes of the Planets on the Table of the 49 Good Angels. Also, Thomas Rudd assigned the Ensigns  in a circle clockwise according to the ascending Kabbalistic Order of the 7 ‘Planets’ - Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. To the letters in the Ensigns, he gave the names of various Demons from the “Goetia”, such as Buer, Belial, Gaap, and so on.
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dark-falz · 1 year
Actually. Another thing I thought of would be doing a stream while gathering information, especially when it comes to Phantasy Star lore.
I know a good handful of PSO lore and little of others, but what I have for the original series is what’s in wiki’s and what I can find from people talking about in various forums from 2008.
I’ve been able to track a good few correspondences such as the rule of 3.
Motavia - MUUT - Red - Forest - Foie
Dezoris - DITTS - Blue - Caves - Barta
Palma - POUMN - Green - Mines - Zonde
With the “Heart of Poumn” description in PSO we know this is Alis Landale’s weapon from the original game, signifying POUMN represents Palma.
Rico translates of the MUUT DITTS POUMN pillars, “Light makes darkness, a pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist. Reincarnation goes forever. the rule is here. It should be sealed. MUUT DITTS POUMN”
So 2 things here... 1. I believe the light/darkness this mentions could be referring to Rykros 2. In Legend of Zelda what do they do when they can’t beat Ganon even tho u always beat Ganon. Yeah he gets sealed.
That whole inscription Rico translated, is likely the seal itself, with MUUT DITTS POUMN being the magic words for the sources of power. And in my head, it sounds like “lets take the profound darkness and just push it somewhere else” as this would confirm the ruins are indeed a spaceship from the Algol Star System of the original series used to seal Dark Falz and get it the fuck out.
There is also Dr. Osto who’s a whole individual and I’m pretty sure he’s a low-key evil magician, however I feel as though I can’t get enough information on him. I’m aware of the Mother Project and Delta and how Olga, Calus, and Vol Opt are born of her and that whole thing but I’VE NEVER SEEN DELTA AND I DON’T THINK I’VE SEEN CALUS AND IT BOTHERS ME BUT I DON’T WANNA DO THE BULLSHIT and it’d be nice to have others to talk to about that stuff u feel. I honestly have a small handful of info on him, but don’t even know where to get started with that so I’ll leave him out for now.
Lastly, from what I’ve deducted of all this is the Algolian Seal (Photon Blast/Title Screen) seems to be an interpretation of a hexagram seal. (I’ll show a diagram at some point) Note the Algolian Seal’s presence during the time of Pioneer 2 connecting with the Central Dome, and when the explosion occurred. In the ruins, Rico mentions in a log “What is this big hole? It looks like...remnants of some type of energy explosion...energy..?” Dr. Montague mentions weapons are made from “Compressed Photon Energy” and goes onto mention that the Photon Energy drawn from the creatures underground are of a “different Photon Energy”.
Ugh basically what I’m about to say is the “Why’s” or “What’s” regarding the explosion are...a lot but it guess it could be chopped up to “corruption somewhere on ragol” - error from input due to corruption of falz - energy excited Falz - Dr. Osto fucking with shit OR - Use of MUUT DITTS POUMN in the Algolian Seal.
or all of it.
But however there is also the consideration of possession we need to consider which happens in “From the Depths” along with hallucinations. Those who are possessed speak for falz about “evolving themself”. This is also relevant with Dr. Osto and his projects, but again. Not enough info. I also find it interesting that Rico at the start of the game mentions when going off to investigate the explosion, “I feel like I’m being invited”.
Back to the seal, there are 2 parts of this that move separately. Those are the 3 circles where the planets Palma, Motavia, and Dezoris are symbolized, and the outer ring of text before the middle most circle, “I wish it at an alliance from several years ago.” I can only imagine this phrase came from specifically making this seal for Pioneer 1 and 2, as its the only “alliance from several years” I can think of to take place in the timeline with several meaning 7, the amount of years it took for pioneer 2 to reach Ragol, if that is correct. Anyway, I believe this is an invocation chant, along with the planets being part of the sources of power. Now the inner ring of text which moves with the Photon Blast names reads “Please protect us be virtue of you’re the Great Light Power” Great Light Power is referring to a divine holy being. On outer most rings of Magic Circles (where the Photon Blasts are) this is where divine are used to indicate times, as there is a divine being for every day, time, hour, etc. The Photon Blast’s appear to be used as indicators of lesser divine beings than that of the main “Great Light Power” (in simplest terms, angels to the god) This leaves me to believe the middle circle of the seal represents Rykros, as stated in the spaceship pillars that sealed Falz “Light makes darkness. A pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist.” ...so...I guess...if the people of the Algol Star system used the Great Light Power to seal the Profound Darkness (as the symbol on the pillars of PSO is the same as the one on for example Nei’s chest or a few other Original Phantasy Star characters) AND the planets Palma, Motavia, and Dezoris....this is what could have further weakened the seal, through correspondence, and caused the explosion.
Anyway still trying to understand the zodiacs on Dark Falz’s arena.
If anyone has any further information about any of this please share! I’d love to learn more about this.
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samasmith23 · 11 months
Evangelion: You Can (Not) Marathon — (Part 7)
Neon Genesis Evangelion, “Episode 7: That Which is Manmade/A HUMAN WORK”
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Continuing my Evangelion re-watch marathon with NGE, "Episode 7: That Which is Manmade/A HUMAN WORK"! For my thoughts on the previous episode, click the link to the post below:
I’ve gotta be honest... I always remembered this being my personal least favorite episode in the entire series. While it’s NOT a bad episode by any stretch of the imagination, since it still contains a lot of incredibly entertaining action and character beats, it always felt the most filler-y due to now detached the plot feels from the overarching Angel attacks and NERV versus SEELE storylines. Honestly, this episode left less of a lasting impression on me than even Episode 14, (of which the first half is a literal clip show) or the fan-maligned Episode 10 (I actually really love that episode and feel the amount of hate it gets is heavily unwarranted).
With all of that out of the way however, let's dig in!
Something interesting to note about Gendo’s office in this opening scene. The Sefirot, or “Tree of Life” pattern (which is an important religious symbol within Kabbalhaism, or Jewish mysticism) present on both the floor and ceiling here was completely absent in the previous episode when Misato received approval for Operation Yashima. I initially would have guessed that the absence of the Sefirot pattern was simply because of the scene in Episode 6 taking place at daytime instead of night like the current scene is, but in a later episode the Sefirot pattern is present during the daytime lighting as well. So it seems like a legitimate animation goof there! Whoops!
Secondly, many other fans have pointed out that the shadow formed by the silhouette formed by Gendo sitting at his desk heavily resembles that of a Star of David, leading to many fans pondering exactly what meaning this usage of religious symbolism is meant to convey, especially since Anno and other members of EVA’s staff have publicly denied there being any real depth behind all the religious iconography lifted from Christian, Judaic, Kabbalist, Buddhist Hindu & Shintoistic folklore outside of aesthetic purposes to distinguish the series from other mecha-anime at the time.
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Except, I personally do feel that there is legitimate meaning to be derived from the symbols utilized in scenes like this one.
For instance, the silhouette of Gendo’s desk is placed directly above the Sephirah on the Tree of Life known as “Keter,” which within the context of the Kabbalah specifically refers to Hebrew term for “crown.” Additionally, the hexagram shape of the Star of David is meant to represent divine creation through the unification of both the contrasting elements of fire & water as well as the masculine & feminine powers. This imagery is supported by Margaret Starbird in her article “The Archetypal Mandala of the Star of David” for the blog The Book of Threes, wherein the author states: “The mandala of the hexagram, also known as the ‘Star of David’ is much older than Judaism, older even than history! As an archetypal symbol for the sacred union of the opposite energies, it is the ‘yin-yang’ of western civilization. Formed by the intertwining of the ‘fire’ and ‘water’ triangles (the male ‘blade’ and the female ‘chalice’) this symbiol represents the masculine and feminine principles in perfect union, the ‘sacred marriage’ or ‘hieros gamous’ of the ancient world. [And] in India the symbol represents the ‘cosmic dance’ of Shiva and Shakti, and the Jewish Kaballah suggests that the Ark of the Covenant contains, in addition to the tables of the Ten Commandments, ‘a regular hexagram representing a man and woman in intimate embrace.’”
The gendered symbolism of the hexagram becomes significantly more evident as the show progresses, particualrly in-relation to the both the logo of Gendo's employeers, SEELE, as well as the mask worn by humanity's progenitor Lilith. Both share the exact same single inverted-triangle design, signifying the feminine without the presence of the masculine.
This not only serves to convey humanity's state of incompleteness as percieved by both SEELE and the Angels (who are the descendants of Lilith's male counterpart Adam), but it is also reflective of both the patriarchal gender roles that are deeply interwoven into the Kabbalistic creation (i.e. Eve being born from Adam's rib instead of the same soil that God constructed both Adam & his first wife Lilith from, as well as Lilith being banished from the Garden of Eden and forever cursed to live as the "Mother of All Demons" after she refused to be sexually submissive to Adam).
Therefore, an individual can interpret the hexagram-shape of the silhouette of Gendo’s desk in-conjunction with its placement towards the "Keter" sephriah on Tree of Life diagram symbolizing a "complete" unification with God through the elevation humanity to Adam Kadmon, a Kabbalhistic figure that according to Medium writer James William Hollibush, refers to, "the 'primordial man' or the 'celestial man.' Adam Kadmon is said to be the first emanation of God, and he is the archetype of all humanity."
In large measure, these theological symbols are indicative of both SEELE's overarching plan of evolving both Lilith and humanity as a whole to a similar plane of god-like existence comparable to that of Adam and the Angels, as well as Gendo’s personal god-complex and selfish desire to initiate his own version of Human Instrumentality that is separate from SEELE's vision in order to reunite with the soul of his dead wife Yui.
Plus, the hexagramic dichotomy between the masculine and feminine is heavily reflective of Shinji’s struggles and failures to connect with and respect the women in his life as part of his psychosexual Oedipus complex. As the series progresses, both Shinji & his father Gendo will function as avatars for the "original sin" in the EVA universe. That "original sin" being misogyny, or man's distrust & mistreatment of women that originated with the conflict between Adam & Lilith (which again parallels Kabbalistic folklore).
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Lol! While I stated earlier that this episode was the least memorable for me, I’ve never forgotten the image of Shinji & Pen Pen respectively simultaneously eating their toast and fish for breakfast while arching their heads backward! It’s such an iconic image in my head!
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Sigh… Misato here is totally me when first waking up in the morning… well… with the exception of drinking beer for breakfast since I personally don’t drink at all (alcohol just tastes terrible IMO)! Also, in the ADV dub Misato called her beverage “sake” when that’s clearly a Yebisu Beer can… lol!
The contrast between how Shinji perceives Misato and how his classmates Toji & Kensuke perceive her is incredibly interesting. While Shinji views Misato as a lazy slob due to him living under her roof and witnessing just how messy and unprofessional her home life is, Toji & Kensuke instead view Misato as this smoking hot babe who acts like a composed government agent. This dichotomy is likely an intentional act on Misato’s part, as she presents herself the exact opposite way in her professional life and in public than how she actually lives in her own private quarters.
It’s this element of Misato’s character which makes her relatable to many fans despite her flaws, since she heavily reflects a kind of realistic contrast between how people behave and present themselves in public and private settings. Just how much of our true selves do we feel comfortable sharing with the rest of the world? How much are we willing to open the walls of our hearts and souls to others? Which parts of ourselves to we express in public are genuinely reflective of who we truly are as a person, or just a facade to shield our own private insecurities from the rest of the world?
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Oh boy! Some important info drops in this scene where Shinji’s testing EVA Unit-01’s cooling systems! In addition to remembering Unit-01’s creepy v*gina-eyeball from Episode 2 and questioning just what exactly is an Evangelion, Shinji comments on how the LCL liquid in the Entry-Plug smells like blood but is comforting, which is reflective of the Freudian symbolism of returning to the mother’s womb that’s fully on display with the EVAs. Also, Ritsuko briefly mentions the shipment of EVA Unit-02 from Germany, as well as NERV HQ receiving severe defense budget cuts, foreshadowing both the appearance of a certain red-haired pilot in the very next episode, as well as SEELE and the JSSFD’s invasion of NERV in The End of Evangelion!
Even more important info drops! Geez… I guess this episode isn’t as much of a filler episode as I originally remembered it to be now that I think of it…
So in addition to Gendo discussing the Human Instrumentality Committee’s plans to construct Evangelion Units-06 & 08 overseas (foreshadowing the Mass-Production Evangelions we later see in The End of Evangelion), Ritsuko partially reveals to Shinji the truth behind Second Impact 15-years earlier. Namely that contrary to publicly available information, the Second Impact was caused not by a meteorite colliding with Antarctica, but rather by a research expedition team uncovering the frozen remains of the 1st Angel, only for said-Angel reawaken and cause a near-apocalyptic explosion that obliterated the entire southern continent and wiped out half of the Earth’s population. Additionally, Ritsuko elaborates that the purpose of the Evangelions is to prevent a potential Third Impact which would fully eradicate humanity, now that the Angels have returned.
Nice bit of visual contrast to the first breakfast scene with Misato now presenting herself in a much more serious and professional manner in her own apartment as she prepares to attend an important conference meeting being held at the ruins of “old” Tokyo!
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Now this is very interesting! A private Japanese industrial corporation has actually developed its own version of the Evangelion known as “Jet Alone,” which overcompensates for the EVA Units limited battery supply without an umbilical cable by retrofitting a literal nuclear reactor onto its back!
What I find so fascinating about this scene at the conference is the back-and-forth exchange between Ritsuko and the company’s executive as both of them raise equally valid arguments: while Ritsuko points out the very obvious safety risk of attaching a nuclear reactor to a giant robot designed to engage in hand-to-hand combat, the executive points out how NERV’s budgetary spending on the previous EVA vs. Angel fights has resulted in the depletion o financial and food resources of entire nations (plus the machines being operated by fallible human pilots).
However, the executive can’t help but undermine his position by making misogynistic remarks by comparing EVA Unit-01’s berserker rampage back in Episode 2 to a “hysterical woman.” Yeesh! While this does serve as an unintentional double entendre considering that Unit-01 possesses the soul of Shinji’s dead mother Yui Ikari, that executive’s sexism was completely uncalled for and I can’t help but share Ritsuko’s frustration and offense to the executive’s remarks here (especially given her own tragic background with her late mother).
Lol! Misato’s such a hypocrite! As much as she previously criticized Ritsuko and the executive’s back-&-forth arguments as being “childish,” Misato’s acting pretty dang childish herself by kicking a locker in frustration while cursing up a storm about how much she wants to kick said-executive’s ass! Also, I can’t help but agree with Ritsuko’s takeaway that the executive is, “Just a show-off begging for praise and adulation, petty and not worthy of attention,” given how he resorted to juvenile sexism in order dismiss NERV’s efficiency, severely undermining any reasonable arguments he might have had. Also also, her burning the Jet Alone plans is simultaneously a nice touch whilst also highlighting her own juvenile hypocrisy! She and Misato truly are alike despite being so different, Lol!
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And of course something goes horribly wrong during Jet Alone’s activation test, as the mecha refuses to accept any computer commands and begins walking aimlessly as it’s nuclear rods and cooling vents begin to overhear, transforming this robot into a literal walking nuclear meltdown!
Also, while I can’t help but laugh at Misato’s snarky jab of, “It looks like this robot is as badly behaved as the idiot who built it,” since it does serve the sexist executive right, I simultaneously feel dirty for laughing since said-sexist executive’s failure is at risk of causing a nuclear fallout, which isn’t a laughing matter at all…
Also also, Ritsuko seems strangely unmoved by the seriousness of this situation. Suspicious?
Misato’s response to the statement that it would take, "An act of God," to stop Jet Alone’s forward momentum before it inevitably melts down is very intriguing: “Acts of men are better than acts of God.”
While this line serves as a lead-in to Misato planning to utilize the Evangelions to stop Jet Alone, Allison Keith delivers said-line with such strong conviction that I can’t help but wonder if this is also meant to further foreshadow Misato’s traumatic past with the Angels during Second Impact, just like the uncomfortable look she gives in the earlier scene when Ritsuko is explaining the events of Second Impact to Shinji?
Also, nice bit of extra detail there with the dirt on Misato’s dress, face, and hair there! Kudos to the animator’s over at Gainax!
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Lol! Not only is the company President golfing during a time of serious crisis, but his voice acting in the ADV dub makes him sound suspiciously like George W. Bush. So the president of the company which produced Jet Alone is essentially two infamously terrible U.S. Republican presidents merged together (i.e. Trump and Bush Jr.)!
Yet again Ritsuko seems to be taking the Jet Alone crisis unusually calmly… definitely suspicious…
Also, I’m curious as to what the significance behind the shut-down password to Jet Alone’s nuclear reactor being “Hope” is.
Also also, dang does Misato look great in that futuristic radiation suit!
Aww… while Shinji might not pilot the EVA for selfless altruistic reasons, and while he might berate Misato for her lazy and unhygienic lifestyle at home, he does legitimately care for her safety when she announces her intention to deactivate Jet Alone’s reactor from the inside!
And Misato gives a more sincere peace-sign to Shinji here than the one she previously gave to his class during the parent-teacher day scene earlier!
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This entire chase sequence between Unit-01 and Jet Alone is FREAKING epic, although I can’t help but chuckle at how funny Jet Alone’s arms look when they move as Shinji struggles to prevent it from walking towards a populated area!
Lol! Misato pulls a George Lucas by stating, “I have a bad feeling about this,” when she opens the reactor! And Shinji also adds some humor to the scene with Spike Spencer’s line delivery of, “Stop running you bastard!” Double lol!
Dang! The sequence of Misato desperately struggling to manually push the control rods back into place upon realizing that the fail-safe password and program was deliberately sabatoged, along with a Shinji struggling to contain the increasing radiation heat leaks as Jet Alone is about to enter nuclear meltdown before suddenly shutting down operations was absolutely intense! And yeah it’s obvious that Ritsuko was involved with the sabatoge given her earlier suspicious reactions to the crisis as well as her thinking to herself that Misato was a “crazy fool” to try and play the hero and stop Jet Alone on her own. This is explicitly confirmed when Ristuko is later meeting with Gendo in his office to inform him that aside from Misato’s intervention, that their plan worked.
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This goes to show that NERV is not exactly the benevolent peacekeeping organization that Shinji and even Misato believe it to be, as Gendo & Ritsuko we’re willing to risk a literal nuclear meltdown (presumably they would have stopped the meltdown at the last minute even if Misato hadn’t interfered, but still!) simply as a means of reinforcing NERV’s position of power by sabotaging any and all competition from foreign parties in their defense of humanity against the Angels. These events, combined with the covering up of the true events of the Second Impact to the general public, as well as the seedy mass production of future EVA units, definitely indicates that there is something incredibly shady occurring beneath the surface with NERV. That there’s far more to this organization’s agenda than simply defeating the Angels…
Huh… Kensuke just provided a level of meaningful insight to Shinji that I never would have expected to have heard from him. Even though Shinji expresses continued annoyance and embarrassment at Misato’s messy home-life (the exact same behavior she previously demonstrated at the start of the episode), Kensuke states that it simply means that Misato considers Shinji a part of her family because she’s willing to show him a side of her life that she’s unwilling to show anyone else.
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That’s actually a really profound observation on Kensuke’s part! It harkens back to my previous analysis about Misato hiding specific characteristics of her personality in public and in the workplace, only expressing her true feelings in private and in the presence of those she legitimately cares for. In this regard, Misato truly does view herself as a surrogate mother figure to Shinji despite her shortcomings, and this only serves to strengthen the bond she and Shinji share as a found family, further providing meaning to both of their existences.
What a neat note to end the episode on!
So that was NGE, "Episode 7: That Which is Manmade/A HUMAN WORK," and overall it was actually a lot better than I remember it being! While still probably not one of my personal favorites from the series, this episode was incredibly important in regards to further fleshing out Shinji & Misato’s relationship as well as beginning to expose the shady corruption underlying NERV as an organization, as well as providing some important information and foreshadowing concerning Second Impact, EVA Unit-02 and its ginger-haired pilot, and the Mass-Production Evangelions! So definitely NOT a filler episode like I previously wrote it off as!
Next time will be Episode 8, meaning that it’s finally time to meet the Second Child... Asuka Langley Soryu!
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venushorizon · 1 year
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astra-infernalia · 9 months
hello! if it’s okay could i pls have a reading on how you would describe me/my personality to my future spouse? i’m P 🌌 and my pronoun is she/her (if needed) and public would be fine. thank u in advance!
Describing P 🌌 to her future spouse
Hello P! I drew 7 cards from Mary-El Tarot for your reading:
Your relationship dynamic with your future spouse;
Your contribution to the relationship dynamic;
Your future spouse’s contribution to the relationship dynamic;
What your future spouse will like about you;
What your future spouse will dislike about you;
How you should describe yourself to your future spouse;
In the black and white image on the left, I numbered the cards in the order in which I drew them. In the colored image on the right, the cards themselves are displayed. I will provide image descriptions for each card within the reading.
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Starting Notes
This 7 card spread features 2 non-court minor arcana cards (both of which are 3s), 3 court cards, and 2 major arcana cards. The recurrence of the number 3 (a pair of 3s and 3 court cards) seems significant, suggesting a theme of communication, while 2 pairs (the matching minor arcana cards and the 2 major arcana cards) seem auspicious for a future partnership.
All of the court cards appearing in this spread belong to the suit of cups. This abundance of cups brings a sense of emotional idealism to this reading.
1. Relationship Dynamic - King of Cups
This card displays a nude, bearded human figure with white hair. The figure is carring a trident in their left hand and drifting in pond water, surrounded by blue water lilies and lily pads. The image is evocative of the idea of being or becoming one with nature.
The King of Cups is a mature person who has attained mastery of their emotions, their ideals, and their inner world. As a card representing a relationship dynamic, the King of Cups is fortuitous. It suggests a fulfilling, stable emotional connection and/or a relationship based on powerful, deeply held values and beliefs.
It should be noted that the King of Cups, as a court card, often directly represents a person. Given that the other two court cups in this spread represent your traits, this card might represent you, if you vibe with the term “king” in any sense. If you are attracted to masc-aligned folks or to butches or enbies who might like to be called “king”, this card might directly represent your future spouse. Given that this card is for your dynamic, it could represent both of you.
This card suggests a relationship that brings and/or requires the pursuit of emotional mastery for both of you.
2. Your contribution to the dynamic - 3 of Wands
This image depicts a red face with a single open eye. A small black snake intersects two crossed wands or keys and slithers up onto the eye, as if to strike at it. The snake’s tail coils at the bottom of the image, with a hexagram emerging from the tail. In an occult context, a hexagram can represent a convergence of elements (e.g. elemental triangles overlapping) and/or the magic of King Sholomo (Solomon). This image is evocative of magic and of a “call to adventure” that may open your third eye.
In general, in tarot, 3 of Wands represents movement, action, and adventure. The suit of wands represents passion, which contrasts against the stable suit of pentacles representing your future spouse’s contribution to the relationship dynamic.
These cards suggest that in your relationship with your future spouse, you are likely to be an initiator, a planner, and someone who brings creative or sexual energy to the relationship. You may challenge this partner in positive ways.
You may also be, at least initially, more interested in magic and metaphysics. I get the impression that at first you may pester them, even antagonize them, with spiritual guidance, like a gadfly buzzing around their third eye. You will need to find a balance, integrating the gentleness of the King of Cups into any mentorship that occurs. But in this dynamic, you hold keys that could bring spiritual growth into your partner’s life.
3. Your future spouse’s contribution to the dynamic - 3 of Disks
This card depicts two figures clothed in flowing orange robes. Their arms are entwined, and they are carrying a baby together. One person has the symbol for the North Node on their hand. The other person has the same symbol on their hand, but the hand is turned about 90°, evoking the South Node. This image is suggestive of teamwork (possibly culminating in destiny), family, nurturing, and physical comfort.
The traditional meaning of 3 of Disks/Pentacles in tarot is teamwork and cooperation toward material goals. This version of the card emphasizes creative potential and the idea of investing in a long-term commitment with a partner.
This card provides a fascinating contrast to the previous card, 3 of Wands. Both your contribution and your future spouse’s contribution to your relationship dynamic are represented by minor arcana cards numbered 3, suggesting that you are on similar wavelengths in terms of contributing to the relationship. But your future spouse will contribute disks (or pentacles), which are associated with material wealth and physical health, rather than wands, which are associated with passion.
With this in mind, as the card for your future spouse’s contribution to your relationship dynamic, 3 of Disks indicates that your partner may take a more pragmatic approach than you. They may be level-headed, focused on practicalities, and able and willing to provide for your physical needs. They may be interested in starting a family with you.
4. What your future spouse will like about you - Knight of Cups
This card depicts Sir Percival, the knight of Camelot who quested for the Holy Grail. Percival wears ornate armor and has an extra eye on his chest. He carries a cup, which may be interpreted as the Holy Grail. The cup is held against Percival’s abdomen and is overflowing with blood. A white flower grows from the cup. This image is reminiscent of romantic, chivalrous folklore and of heroic questing knights.
In traditional tarot card meanings, the Knight of Cups is a person on an emotional quest or journey. They are not as emotionally mature or wisened as the Queen of Cups or the King of Cups, but they have found a quest worthy of embarking on and have already begun that quest. As the “story” of a tarot deck goes, a successful knight may mature into a queen or king. This is particularly relevant, because the King of Cups represents your relationship dynamic.
This card suggests that your future spouse will appreciate the strength and depth of your emotions and ideals when you apply them toward making your dreams come true. In particular, the 3 of Disks above indicates your partner will be a pragmatic or materially conscious person, and they will like the way you turn your feelings into drive, momentum, and real change. Considering the 3 of Wands’ implications of adventure, they may also enjoy traveling with you.
Combined with the King of Cups, the Knight of Cups here suggests that when you apply your emotions toward a goal, your partner will appreciate it, and it will contribute toward a relationship dynamic that involves emotional mastery and fulfilment.
5. What your future spouse will dislike about you - Page of Cups
This card depicts a human figure in an ambiguous landscape evocative of water. The figure is facing away from the viewer, and they have fish tattooed or painted on their back, neck, and scalp.
The Page of Cups is another court card, likely representing you. It is absolutely not a negative card in traditional tarot interpretation, but in comparison to the Knight of Cups, the Page of Cups has some shortcomings. The Page of Cups is moody, idealistic, and searching for a worthy quest, while the Knight of Cups has already found something they want to pursue. In the story of tarot, just as knights can mature into kings and queens, pages can mature into knights.
This card, combined with the last, suggests that your future spouse will appreciate your emotional energy, moodiness, and idealism, but they may become frustrated when these manifest in immature ways. They may be especially frustrated if you brood for long periods of time without a goal in mind.
Consider also that in this image, the page is facing away from the viewer, while Percival faces the viewer. The Knight of Cups suggests your partner will value your emotional honesty, and the 3 of Disks suggests they will be practical and goal oriented. If your brooding has any goal at all, even if that goal is self-growth or processing stress and trauma, your partner will be happier if you tell them what you’re trying to achieve and why.
5. How should you describe yourself to your future spouse? - XVI The Tower
The Tower, a major arcana card, is among the most iconic cards and symbols in tarot. In this deck, The Tower depicts a great spire engulfed in smoke and flames. This particular spire looks a lot like a partially collapsed Statue of Liberty burning. In general, the foremost keyword for The Tower in tarot is “disaster!”. Before I say anything else, I want to say that I think The Tower has much more to say in this reading than “bad things”.
In psychoanalysis, a tower represents the ego, specifically one’s conception of the ego as an isolated, individual thing. But no one is an island, we are all connected, and the illusion of oneself as separate from and in control of the environment can come crashing down in the blink of an eye. In Jungian analysis, the tower is associated with doomed hubris. The prototypical image of the Jungian tower is seen in the story of the Tower of Babel. In tarot, the complex symbolism of a tower is often reduced to “suddenly, the world is upside down!”, which is perfectly apt in many spreads where The Tower appears.
Here, I think The Tower calls attention to you, yourself, as an individual with an ego and an image that you want to refine and present to the world. It also calls attention to you as someone with strongly held beliefs and a willingness to destroy the status quo and even your own ideas if it turns out they go against your ideals.
To me, The Tower says here: Be honest, and show them who you are, even if it means showing them your disasters.
Since this tower is Lady Liberty burning, it also says: Make sure they know you are a freedom fighter.
My reading suggests your future spouse will love you for who you are. They will tremendously value emotional honesty and forthrightness in your relationship, and they will dislike emotional cageiness. They may be frustrated if you keep your heart sealed away.
In this deck, the Knight of Cups holds a bleeding cup against their chest. The Tower invites you to go a step further. It is ok to be wounded, to talk about your personal crises, and to be honest about your pains, and it is ok to be vocal about your frustration when the world doesn’t live up to your ideals.
7. Outcome - XI Justice
This card depicts Ma’at, a goddess of justice and truth. In this image, she holds her characteristic feather. She partially faces the viewer and looks to the right, toward the side of the spread where I placed your prospective partner’s card (3 of Disks). In this context, I have a strong impression of Ma’at who is Justice looking toward the future and toward your future spouse.
As a tarot card, Justice represents balance, fairness, truth, and cause and effect.
In this reading, Justice emphasizes your role as a person willing to fight for positive change. It also acts as a further call to emotional honesty and a reminder that your future is in your hands. If you are true to yourself and the depth of your emotions, you and your future spouse will have a deeply satisfactory dynamic as embodied by the King of Cups.
If I were describing you to your future spouse, based on this reading, I might say, She is a deeply emotional individual who resonates with your ideals. Your relationship will be one of emotional mastery and stability, but both of you will have to work to acheive the maturity necessary for such a relationship. When the time is right, you will want to settle down with her.
Or I might say, You’ll think she’s a hot mess, and you’ll love it.
Ultimately, the task of representing yourself and your feelings to your future spouse is in your hands. My deck and I want to encourage you: always be true to yourself.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope that I was able to provide some insight. 🩷
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✨ USA ✨
New post on Substack, with I Ching, Tarot & Astrology forecasts valid for the next 3 months:
Marseille Tarot
Social life: Temperance (14) + The High Priest (5, reversed) + The Priestess (2)
Economics & Development: 7 of cups + 9 of coins (reversed) + King of cups
I Ching's advice
Hexagram T'ung Jen Concording People (13) tending to Wei Chi Before Completion (64)
Main astrological influences from the sky:
lunar nodes of karma in Aries & Libra
transits in Capricorn
transits in Aquarius and squares to Moon's axis
For wide-extended regions, the three mancias mention the events becoming relevant for most of the people. If you are related to someone living in there or interested in what's going on in those areas, share the post! Besides, you'll also save benefits to receive gifts from the consultancy. What to do? More details here.
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The GazettE symbolism analysis - part 3 - black, red and 13 stairs
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DAWN lyrics translation:
I sing, digging up [memories of] my past I’d loved so completely From within the depths of the void Time stood still while the distorted dark clouds swirled all around I was bound up in innumerable shackles And I want to lose myself in the reality reflected in the chaos around me I’ve already had a lethal dose of misfortune The ruined gallows towers above me Overcast sky, Counting song, the sound of approaching footsteps Wild party with emotions running high A merry-go-round of deepest red unfurled That day was the beginning of it all 13 stairs foretell the metamorphosis
Moving past my momentary confusion, these roiling emotions rise up Hung up high on that 13th stair The beautiful answer redefined becomes the new dogma I was bound up in innumerable shackles And I want to lose myself in the reality reflected in the chaos around me I’ve already had a lethal dose of misfortune The ruined gallows towers above me Overcast sky, Counting song, the sound of approaching footsteps Wild party with emotions running high A merry-go-round of deepest red unfurled Accompanied by the end of  peace I lay my hands on the blackened altar Wild party with emotions running high A merry-go-round of deepest red unfurled That day was the beginning of it all 13 stairs foretell the metamorphosis An evil spell my life
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So I was watching DOGMA preview vid and DAWN featured the Scarlet woman from the 13th anniversary teaser. That's why I got interested in the lyrics. The one frame where she is going up the stairs is the most significant and sums up the whole song. (The text is the song lyrics but translated with google lens).
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Now this is 13 STAIRS[-]1 performed in Venomous Cell finale (2012). It left a massive impression on me because Ruki used this 7 pointed star (Star of Babalon) background. I couldn't figure out the exact connection from her to the song at the time, but I see it now. 13 stairs have been his symbol for the whole thing all along. Also from Venomous Cell:
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The hexagram has been a recurring symbol throughout DOGMA and the Mother of God statue is very reminiscent of the NINTH cover, except NINTH cover is red + green specifically. Scarlet red is the colour of Babalon (I talked more about it in the 1st part of the analysis) and emerald green is associated with Daleth and Venusian sephirah Netzach.
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The Reita pick saying CATALYST is very interesting. A catalyst is something that initiates or accelerates an (al)chemical reaction or transformation. His is the only 1 in full NINTH colors. Uruha with white/red, Aoi with black/green - the yin yang guitars + goddess colors.
Seeing these picks made me think the 3 songs composed by Uruha (99.999, The Mortal, Babylon's Taboo) are the 3 Red goddess songs. (Fun fact: I was googling Netzach for the preceding paragraph and came across this sentence "The sephirah of Netzach stands firm forever and never regrets. Netzach is not a mortal who fears death and would feel regret in the face of death" and I was like... That's.. a song title.. The song meaning seems to be about the Red goddess slipping away especially if you look at how it was performed in NINTH final)
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(the hand is so reminiscent of Babylon's taboo, except then she actually goes into the heart)
13STAIRS[-]1 - Saitegi (PWTDS):
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DAWN - 20th anniversary:
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Babylon's taboo - 20th anniversary:
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NINTH ODD SMELL lyrics translation:
First 「disorder」 is an ignorant blade Heresy raising its middle finger in rebellion Reverberation running rampant heading towards the ninth stair of desire Second    「nil」     the future that tore through the darkness Nameless lights The grim precursor soon becomes Stacked up, wriggling Rubbish Draped in crimson despair crawling from the murky depths A tower of fear and doubt looks down upon the world Poison gripping your voice as the days jumble around you Your heart painfully being sliced to shreds Exhilarating in the feeling of destruction Filled with strange distortions You fight your way to the 13th stair So embrace the black black black darkness [Die] We fucking never die This soul can never die We fucking never die Can’t never die
Beginning of NINTH ODD SMELL is referencing all the previous albums. And the overall meaning of the song sums up the message of all their music. This is from Stacked Rubbish finale [RCE] 2008:
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The Scorpio which they used as a backdrop is a symbol of death and transformation, in astrology it rules the 8th house. 8 was on the cover of that DVD. Ruki doing the Jesus Christ pose has been a constant for years, and that crucified Jesus was shown on the screen for a really long time.
Moving on to MASS:
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These 2 pages from MASS limited edition are quoting NOX. NOX lyrics translation: Sorrowful enough to kill The unquenchable flame burns up Thoughts that cannot be put into words Hold you the answer A color that cannot be yielded Spit out your choking heartbeat Peel off your bloodshot eyeballs I will not hesitate anymore
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And these pages have all the members on the red page while their shadows are on the black one. Except for Aoi, the Yin guitar, but his red page is Red circling back to Black. So from black to red and back to black again. Unlike everyone else's who's just simply black to red. And the lyrics book has the negative image of the cover art. They did a similar thing with Dogmatic final poster being white and then the DVD booklet having the negative version of that.
This is the Yin triangle from To Dazzling Darkness live:
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When I 1st saw that Yin triangle I knew that they know the Goddess like I know her. That's what made me start looking deeply at what else they are doing with symbolism.
To Dazzling Darkness lyrics translation:
The colors bleed from the landscape You hope you’ll wake from this dream The light Vanishes completely before your eyes Let’s have these hearts Now join together as one
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The Sacred Heart represents the long-suffering love and compassion of the heart of Christ towards humanity. (This symbol comes from mystics and not the bible)
13th anniversary poster vs MASS final. Both at Nippon Budokan:
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Part 1 of the analysis Part 2
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illusionoftheabyss · 2 years
Started studying ceremonial magic rituals from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley’s Astrum Argentum and Ordo Templi Orientis . Although I have my feelings about Crowley as a person, He no doubt created brilliant and illuminating occult literature that teaches the Qabalah so well that I must separate the Art from the Artist. Began to record my Gnosis for thy own Order called “ The Qabalistic Templum Atra Flamma “ = The Qabalistic Temple ov the Black Flame. The Black Flame refers to the Qabalah and the Ain Soph Aur : The Limitless Light ov God, Infinite Creative Potential that Exists above Kether And is the internal invisible Etheric flame of light/energy that exists within us all. Also the Torah was allegedly written with black fire. The limitless Light ov God brought into manifestation through Kether That gives Chokmah The Wisdom of Everything and Holds the Science of the Holy Tarot and the Zodiac with all Stars and All Divine Light, blasting into Binah, which gives Form, Time, and Space for the lower 7 Sephiroth to form emanations and Our Multiverse and reality is created. I am becoming a Wizard. 🤣
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The Black Flame corresponds the Supernal Triad of Kether-Chokmah-Binah also, with emphasis on Chokmah: Infinite Potential and Super-Consciousness This is my book of shadows that I have titled “ Libre Umbrarum “ In the photographs, I have presented the formulae for the Qabalistic Cross, The Lesser Banishing Ov The Pentagram Ritual, The Lesser Invocation Ov The Hexagram and The Lesser Banishing Ov The Hexagram along with detailed explanation of the Rite Ov The Analysis Ov The Keyword:
Part i: The rest will be in next post🌓⚡️🪐🕍
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May The Light Be Extended To You Upon The Path ~ In L. V. X. < Fratre J.A.H. ☿ 93 65 78 22 33 609 17 ☥ ❤️‍🔥♒️🔯☸️✝️☯️🕉💟🔮
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vanilla-cigarillos · 8 months
Greater Ritual of the Pentagram
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram directs power toward the establishment of balance. The Greater Ritual of the Pentagram serves to define the power being used at a higher level of potency. The most complete form of the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram invokes or banishes spirit by working with all four elements, each in its proper quarter.
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Stand in the center of your practice space, facing east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross
Step to the eastern edge of your space. With your right hand in sword hand position, and the arm held straight, trace the pentagram of active spirit (invoking or banishing) in the air before you
*The pentagram should be made as even and exact as possible, visualizing the line drawn by your fingers shining with blue-white light*
3. When you've finished the pentagram, point to the center and vibrate the name AHIH (eh-heh-yeh). Then make the signs of Isis, Apophis, and Osiris
4. Trace the pentagram of Air (invoking or banishing) in the space before you, visualizing the line being a bright yellow light. Then point to the center of the pentagram and vibrate the name YHVH (yeh-ho-wah). Make the Sign of Air
5. Point to the center of the pentagrams again, and holding your arm extended, trace a line around a quarter circle to the southern edge of the space, visualizing that line in blue-white light. Trace the active pentagram of spirit in the south, with the same visualization; point to the center and vibrate the name AHIH; then make the IAO signs
6. Trace the pentagram of fire, visualizing it a bright red light; point to the center, vibrate the name ALHIM (ell-oh-heem) and make the Sign of Fire
7. Trace the line around a quarter circle to the western edge of the space and trace the passive pentagram of spirit. Then point to the center of the pentagram and vibrate the name AGLA (ah-geh-lah), and make the IAO signs. Then trace the pentagram of water, visualizing it a bright blue light; point to the center, vibrate the name AL (ell) and make the Sign of Water
8. Trace the line around a quarter circle to the north and again trace the passive pentagram of spitit; point to the center of the pentagram, vibrate the name AGLA and make IAO signs. Then trace the pentagram of Earth, visualizing it in bright green light; point to the center, vibrate the name ADNI (ah-dough-nye) and make the Sign of Earth.
9. Trace the line back around to the east, completing the circle. You are not standing inside a visualized ring made of blue-white light with a pentagram shining in each of the four quarters. Return to the center and face east as you were in the opening, this time raising your arms to the sides like the arms of a cross, palms facing forward. Say aloud, as in the Lesser Ritual:
"Before me, Raphael; behind me, Gabriel, to my right hand, Michael; to my left hand, Auriel. For about me flame the pentagrams, and upon me shines the six-rayed star!"
As you name the archangels, visualize them as conentional winged angelic figures, larger than human height and blazing with light. Raphael dons yellow and violet while carrying a sword, Gabriel wears blue and orange and carries a goblet. Michael wears red and green while carrying a staff, and Auriel wears every shade of earth and greenery and carries a disk bearing a pentagram. As you mention the pentagrams, visualize them as vividly as possible. When the six-rayed star is named, visualize a hexagram on the front of your body, about two feet across, the upward-pointing triable red, the downward-pointing triangle blue.
10. Repeat the Qabalistic Cross, completing the ritual
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Geometry of the Chakras
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The geometry of chakras is the geometry of the Universe. The geometry of the universe is presented through the chakras. Each chakra has a particular geometrical shape, representing the journey through the physical energy centres in your body and how they converge with each other.
There are 3 main channels of energy, Ida Nadi carries energy from the left side of the body, Pingala Nadi carries energy from the right side of the body, and Shusumna nadi channel is where the Kundalini energy rises.
The energy from Ida and Pingala nadis travel along the spine in a spiral kind of way. The points where the energy of Ida and Pingala converge are known as chakras.
So chakras are centres of converging energy in your body. The word chakra in the Sanskrit language means wheel or vortex. There are 7 major energy centres, but there are other minor converging energy areas throughout your body.
The seven chakras:
The Root chakra
The Sacral chakra
The Solar plexus chakra
The Heart chakra
The Throat chakra
The Third eye chakra
The Crown chakra
The geometry of each chakra has a meaning that can help you understand where a chakra’s power comes from.
The geometry of chakras relates to the worshipping of the Divine Feminine or the Great Mother. 
The different geometric symbols that represent each chakra have a particular meaning.
The chakras’ geometry starts at the centre of the image where the first dot or Bindu is drawn. This Bindu is the centre of the Universe. The point of connection between your consciousness and the universal consciousness.
You will find the common geometrical shapes in the chakra symbols. These common geometrical shapes are circles, triangles, squares, hexagons and lotus petals. They are all surrounded by a square with T.
Here are what each geometrical shape in a chakra symbol means:
Triangle pointing downwards – represents the Divine feminine. 
Triangle pointing upwards – represents Shiva, masculine energy.
Hexagrams – represent the union of feminine and masculine energy. 
Lotus petals – represent purity and transcendence. 
Circles – represent manifestation.
Square surrounding other geometrical shapes – represent the cardinal points.  
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firespirited · 2 years
Alice Krige, who you probably associate with her role as the Borg Queen, is currently doing promotional interviews for a new film called She Will (which sounds really interesting) and often asked to speak about how she seems to be doing a lot of horror with the undertone that she’s got creepy-face or should be doing more prestigious stuff ... she’s delightful in the way she doesn’t act like horror is beneath her, nor a simple genre. She name dropped Gretel and Hansel in two different interviews so that’s what I decided to watch.
It’s an moody retelling of the Hansel and Gretel story where Hansel is 8 (he's played like he’s 6), Gretel is 16 and the witch Holda is a bit more layered than just eating children for funsies. It’s not packed with action, there’s a lot left unsaid between the lines, no surprise mega twists, there’s no girlbossery or glossing over the time period it’s set in (several nods to the fairytale world they inhabit). A slow burn match of wits between a smart girl and a smart witch. Gretel tries to make sense of the cruel world she was born into and what her options are and how the love for her brother fits. To fit a fairytale into a full length movie takes quite a bit of padding so they fill that with grime-y dimly lit set pieces (aka one of those “watch with the lights off” films).
Now, the house is interesting, it’s out of time but also just as out of place as a gingerbread house. I think this tale either would work best as a short film or with an extra plot beat added. As is, it is gorgeously lit and shot, the witch and Gretel play off eachother well and you have to take it for what it is: two actresses playing off eachother in bright orange and blue lit dusty rooms for an hour after the twenty minute setup.
7/10 - I have a high tolerance for the artsy stuff and simple stories with undertones that leave you wondering what you missed.
I should add that despite the low rating, you'll want to look up trigger warnings just in case things like fingernails or hair or fire bother you.
It's also set in grimms fairytale land (actually shot in ireland) so the old tropes about witches apply: pointy hat, brooms, symbols including pentagrams, northern glyphs and hexagrams (that's 6 pointed and yes this film&book can read as blood libel) In context, this witch was once a member of local community, is a cannibal to unlock dark magic and wears her hexagram tattoo opposite the glyph for the moon. So it's accurate in that Grimm's fairytales were often antisemitic and that mixing and matching occult symbols is a thing practitioners did including the star of David aka the seal of Solomon which also appears as a solar symbol. Something to keep in mind if you'd like your witches, especially bad ones, removed from damaging stereotypes about jewish people and Rroms. This one is a witch stereotype bingo card complete with red slipper easter egg.
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