#i don’t disagree with u about everything tho
the-somwthing · 6 months
Sorry but I’m not getting over the person who basically implied that headcanoning Jimmy as taller than Tango is thinly veiled rpf and they’re not REALLY separating cc from character. Like WHAT are you cooking
#sometimes I look to CCs heights for my headcanons cuz I don’t have any ideas for my own but HUH? also idk either of their heights#like for all I know Tango is taller. that would make their post way funnier tbh. but I’m gonna assume Jimmy’s taller irl based on their post#but like brother who cares if ppl take real life aspects that aren’t present in mc for their headcanons.#sometimes it’s just cuz it’s a trait you think would suit the character or cuz u wish more characters had that trait. it’s not usually cuz#ur trying to turn them into the CC lol.#aside from actual reasons I disagree with them WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT. ‘YOU HEADCANON JIMMY IS TALL? SUSPICIOUS.’#bro pulled the ‘canonically they are both 2 blocks tall’ and everything 😭#I only headcanon Jimmy is taller cuz I saw other fans doing it and went ‘that suits the character’ so I adopted it. idk his height irl.#and then it’s like assuming my height headcanons DO prove that I’m doing Jimmy rpf. am I NOT doing JOEL rpf cuz I make him rlly short?#why am I doing half rpf half fictional characters? thats kind of odd.#shipping cc!Jimmy with c!Joel lol. unironically would read that tho imagine. wouldn’t write it tho I could never write rpf. anyways#anyways the point is. sometimes fans use the CCs as a point of reference for designs. that doesn’t mean it’s thinly veiled rpf. we need#sources of inspiration and sometimes that comes from the actors. why is that suspicious.#if they’re straight up drawing the real life guy with no mc skin elements then it is more likely about the cc instead of c but they’re not#even talking about that bro literally referred to them as a blaze and canary and STILL said the height was suspicious LOL#sorry for vagueing (literally don’t know their url despite reading the post over and over) and don’t want them to see this cuz I don’t wanna#potentially be mean like if that makes them uncomfortable and is a red flag then… ok that’s your problem. I won’t force u to change ur views
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moneymartin · 9 days
kate hcs? like what u did w nika plsss
・❥・- gf!kate hcs
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warnings: harddd smut under the divider at the end and suggestive content :p
a/n: i genuinely love doing hcs more than writing full on fics cause my lord i cannot write a whole story without going off track and ruining the entire thing… got carried away like always. also this is longgg overdue as well. i’ve been procrastinating everything and i feel bad for not releasing anything sooner like i promised. thank you for being patient w me lolz
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i’m glad that we all agree… kate is theeee golden retriever girlfriend
i mean who wouldn’t say that
blonde masc that gives off happy vibes and literally has a tattoo that says ‘sunshine’
treats you like a real fuckin’ princess like she knows what she’s doing
okay kate lovesssss the kids
her and carson are so adorbs 💔
when someone asks her what her profession is she is not gonna say a pro hooper
shes gonna say that shes carson’s aunt 😭
def takes you over to kennedy’s house when she’s gone and makes you babysit carson w her 🥹
loves when they hold her fingers she thinks its the cutest thing in the world and you photograph the whole thing
spoils you fosho!!!!
mention one lil thing and shes buying it for you
new clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, accessories. ANYTHING YOU WANNTTT!!!
yk how she likes tswift…
takes you to a concert for your bday if you do too
and wears that stupid cowboy hat 😒
but you guys would be matching soooo
DEFINITELY loves physical touch
hands hands handssss
they’re all over you in public like she is not afraid to show people you’re hers 😩
on your waist or hips. her fingers are always on you somehow
also does it romantically like she’ll intertwine pinkies with you and always holds your hand no matter the situation
the thumb thing is her favorite
loves pda foshooooo
i don’t think she’d be possessive but i feel like shes the jealous type
sees you w a girl at the bar or sumn and starts to FREAK!
she’ll sit next to you immediately and is touching you all over so that the girl goes away 😭
or shes burying her face into your neck and kissing your skin in front of her
everyone can disagree w me on this but i see her as lil spoon when you guys cuddle…
kisses your neck or your collar while shes half asleep 😣
back rubs are her fav thing too
shes the one getting them tho cause she’s always so tense after practice and she believes that if you do it she’ll feel better already
we all know shes a passenger princess.
she probably has a car but refuses to drive it alone when you’re there cause she thinks she’ll crash it or something
lets you wear her clothes
if she was taller (most likely) she’d have you in all her shirts and stuff cause they look bigger on you
you think you shouldn’t wear anything under cause it hides everything anyways and kate agrees
in reality she just loves the easy access…
total baby when she’s drunk
and super clingy :(
arguments don’t happen often but when they do it ends real fast cause she knows how to calm you down 🥹🥹🥹
if anything though the arguments start cause its about something real stupid
teaches you how to play basketball if it isn’t your sport
can’t cook for SHIET!!!! burns eggs easily or somethin like that cause she can’t bring herself to learn
knows how to bake tho 100%
super adventurous
have you guys seen the pic of her zip lining… like she’s fearless when it comes to that stuff
hits the gym and weight room every fuckin day w you so she can build those arms 🤫
spots you when you think its too hard
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ik y’all have seen that pussy eater jaw…
kisses are her thing as well
making out w you is the highlight of her night week day whatever!
initiates it all the time cause she knows you love it too
whines during it too me thinks…
when she needs you to shut up during it i firmly believe that she’ll kiss you to muffle the noises 😩
she isn’t straightforward but when she wants to she’ll make it obvious.
cusses all the time
hard breather too
she’ll breathe out a bunch of words that you can barely hear cause of your own noises 💀 but you love hearing them cause you know she’s engaged
her strap game is crazy though i can tell…
feel like she’d sometimes just wear it for fun
she’ll wear it just for the looks and not to use it on you 😭😭
she doesn’t wanna have sex w you for her pleasure b/c during it, everything is about YOUUU
your pleasure >>>>> anything else
soft dom 100% but will also switch sometimes if thats what you’re feeling
especially after games like she loves having sex after cause she knows you’ll do everything for her
always grabbing your hips really tight when you do and theres always marks afterwards on them
and she likes seeing your face when you’re on top
missionary is her thing
eye contact during sex is important
to her at least
degrades you but only when you’re being cocky about something while she fucks the shit outta you
i don’t think she’d be aggressive but she’d be a lil rough when she’s upset
leaves marks EVERYWHEREEE
in the most visible spots so that people can see them when you two are in public
only happens during makeout seshes or when you guys are havin your own time tho
she so talks you through it.
always reassuring and asking if you feel good or not
“is this okay?” “does that hurt?” “it’s okay, baby. i’m right here, i promise” “take your time” lil things like that
praises you hella too
call me cringe or whatever
but she’ll call you a good girl if she has to…
when she eats you out she’s SOOO FOCUSED
quiet the wholeeee time but you can feel her getting all breathy against you
kisses your thighs after you cum so you know she’s still there 😞❤️
aftercare queen
she’s already cleaning you up and getting you a new pair of clothes or running a warm bath for the both of you 🥸
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devilscastle69 · 23 days
hey, thank you so much for engaging with sickromancer’s totally weird responses to the “drama”/“discourse” about… uh… vulnerable chronically ill people daring to discuss traumatic experiences during a pandemic! I really liked their writing, but a while back they posted this, so… not shocking that they don’t actually know the difference between Hot Fantasy Contagion and Hot IRL Indifference
listen im not into cancel culture or whatever. i think i'd like to clarify my thoughts one more time tho.
if i disagree with something strongly enough ill say it. i think taking care to keep others and yourself safe is important and ik how serious it is now. covid can disable healthy people and with each reinfection that risk increases. thats not me fear mongering, thats ive read this and have had it 3 times and each time has been worse. it's a real gamble bc you dont know how your body will react to it. theres one client i have who is immunocompromised and every time i enter the home i wear a mask and they wear a mask and there are air filters on and genuinely it's the only place ive felt consistently safe in the past year outside of my own home.
we're all shaped by our own experiences and i sympathize w her situation like my family friends grew up with a parent with extreme untreated ocd and theyd be hours late to everything if like the toilet paper touched the wall wrong and theyd have their own special gym equipment and all of the kids turned out different. one of them became like an anti vax incel alt right guy. i had issues w my parents growing up that im working thru and like i def am more prone to anger than the average person. taking your trauma out on other ppl isn’t okay either though
if youre sharing food or drink w friends, both of u have consented and great. partner to partner = consent. not being worried about germs is a privilege though and not being able to understand that is whats like confusing to me esp after 2020. it's not that disabled people have an irrational fear of germs it's like...survival, genuinely. and even if people do have a legit phobia why are we shaming them
also to clarify, i am not disabled unless u count asthma/probable copd (but literally i can do all my tasks so i do not) and have had so much carelessness at work including a horrible absence policy and have loved ones who are disabled. live your best lives, i think if you're sick you should try not to get random people sick on purpose and thats really my main piece idc about consensual situations or any type of fantasy.
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jesuistrestriste · 1 month
hey! this is hand stuff anon and i just wanna say everything u said is SOOO validdd!! especially about preferring to read/write giving rather than receiving… something abt having that sort of power over someone that u can get them off with multiple barriers is sooooo🫠🫠🫠 like clothed grinding/dry humping/bulge teasing is literally my weakness. i have to disagree with you on the penetration tho i LOVEE like service top msub scenarios so bad….
and you know what!! i totally get this, anon!!
(also bulge teasing? uhm. yeah. so good.)
like i said, i’m not a huge fan of writing penetration and i don’t rlly find it that hot, BUTTT if the person penetrating the reader is submissive? woah. whole different story. like them begging to cum inside or begging to be able to fuck you faster? and they’re all whiny and loud about it? (and they start to cry a lil when you deny them permission to finish?) mhm. i definitely get it, trust me.
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anime-and-i · 11 months
Thoughts on AOT and its’ finale.
These are MY own opinions. You’re free to agree or disagree. Also AOT spoiler warning obviously!
1. Marley arc was stupid as hell
After establishing the main cast and basically who we’re supposed to be rooting for in the first half of the series, it was so dumb to now add these irrelevant annoying new characters. Literally audiences wait years to see familiar faces and then you throw in some irrelevant fucks into the mix. Suddenly we’re supposed to be cool with seeing the lives of these Xenophobic bigots. I understand the whole “showing that there’s two sides of war” thing and also revealing more of why everything played out how it did so far. However, the Marley citizens were always shown as racist to the Eldians. Not a single instance of anyone feeling bad for Eldians or having some common sense like “why tf are we even doing this?”. It was just them victimizing themselves for something that happened like 100 years ago. And the rest of them were always on some “oh man I just want this to end; I don’t like war; I wanna go see my family UwU” after they come back from depriving Eldians (who’ve had their memory erased) of their own families. Maybe if we acc saw them showing some remorse for their actions I’d be more inclined to hear their side out. Reiner was having some split personality thing going on. He should’ve been inside a therapist’s office for the remainder of the series. But literally none of the other characters are ever like “shit I’m doing something bad to someone”. Even if they were shown thinking it in the back of their heads it would make me more inclined to like them. The only Marley folks I acc liked were Falco, Zophia and that kid with glasses they hung out with. They seemed normal despite the brainwashing so idk wtf Gabi’s problem was.
2. Ymir (not the og one)
Suddenly having a conscience after not giving a fuck the entire time, when the main cast needed her the most (esp Historia) was pure garbage. I get the author tryna keep the mystery of the titans and warriors going until later on but her going back with Reiner and Bert-whatever tf his name was- is pure and utter horseshit. She wasn’t a warrior kid so she didn’t have to answer to anyone! She could’ve gone back with the corps members and explained everything about the outside world right then and there and lived out the rest of her days with Historia idk. It would’ve been better if she died tryna save Historia or one of the corps members or something. Then the jaw Titan goes to a random Eldian and Marley can’t use it. Absolute garbage plot line. Her also not explaining to Eren wtf is going was bs too.
3. Warriors did not deserve a happy ending
ESP the RBA trio. Idc if they lived or died tbh but the one thing they shouldn’t have gotten was what they wanted the most: to see their families again. Their parents didn’t deserve it either. This is what they get for sending their kids off to war bunch of shit for brains. The best ending would’ve been when their parents got turned into titans, Annie and Reiner either get eaten by them or have to kill them. No happy reunion for any of these “honorary Marley” shits.
4. Pieck (however u spell it)
She should’ve faced some consequences and then died. Literally one of the most bland characters in the series. The only thing she had going for herself was that weird one-sided rivalry thing with Yelena and even that dissipated. Very irrelevant and not the strongest Titan idk how her boring ass survived. Also she has no remorse for any of her crimes either. She gassed Connie’s village and turned those folks into titans. Her backstory is boring. We already got a sad dad story from Annie. Ugly ass Titan and also tried to lecture Yelena about her crimes. Glad Yelena put her in her place tho. Along with the rest of the ppl at the campfire. Best ending for pieck would’ve been if she accidentally killed gabi. One of the kids she cared about so much died to her hands and not the enemy’s. Maybe it would’ve given her character some needed development.
5. Zeke
should’ve put up more of a fight and then gotten beheaded by Levi. Idc about his tragic backstory. He stole a troop member’s gear and let him get eaten by titans alive. Him looking down on the troops, risking their lives going against his Goliath baboon ass, sealed the deal for why he deserved a gruesome death; not one where he practically offers his head on a silver platter to get sliced.
6. Gabi should’ve died after shooting eren.
Pain in the ass character. Tell me how she shot Sasha and then continued to go around Paradise calling eldians devils and her ass doesn’t die. Her character is supposed to be like “oh look some bigot learns that the thing they hate the most is bc they don’t know about it well enough and then they stop hating it once they learn”. Okay well Marley isn’t about to stop conflict bc an Eldian kid had a change of heart and told them about it. Plot wise, prick should’ve killed her inside her ugly ass cart Titan mouth.
7. Original Ymir
should’ve had more of a dialogue. Her being in love with that creep ass stupid head Fritz was such a weird way to define her character as the founder. She should’ve had a Historia moment where she’s finally free and done with everyone’s bs and actually vocalizes that to the Eldians inside the Paths.
8. The Rumbling should’ve ended all of humanity and the only survivor (that we know of) should’ve been a random kid. Make Erwin’s words true: “The only time humans will stop fighting is when there’s one human left”. The 80% cop-out AND the warrior parents surviving? Absolutely not.
9. King Fritz’s soul should’ve been put into his own nightmare realm at the end; designed by Ymir.
Things I acc liked about the series:
1. When Eren first becomes a Titan and the audience feels like there’s hope for the cast.
2. When they overthrow the false king and establish a new government.
3. Hange.
4. Erwin (esp his long shot plans).
5. Levi (esp when he beats the shit out of zeke).
6. Falco.
7. Yelena- only fault was being a Zeke stan.
8. Armin- excluding all the weird Annie shit.
9. Historia after breaking the Titan syringe. That entire scene was so good.
10. The owl guy. He seemed okay.
11. That one pure Titan that acc looked kinda hot.
12. Dina’s last line to Grisha. It was so sweet :(
13. Eren unlocking his coordinate ability. Loved that whole scene.
14. Kaya almost murdering Gabi. It was done so well.
15. Niccolo giving that rage speech and saying “…yeah well I acc loved that girl who was one of these hellspawn devils”. The raw emotion was so well conveyed.
16. Yelena shooting that one dude when he started insulting Sasha.
17. Pixis shooting off into space after tasting some boar steak. It’s not part of the official plot line but that ova was so funny.
18. The aot chibi series
19. How strong the writing and plot was for aot during the first 4 seasons.
20. Hange and Levi trying to make the MP dudes rat out info and they make the second guy read the funniest shit on paper.
21. Hange making pigeon sounds after Eren in Titan form nods to her command.
22. Sasha becoming an actual demon after she senses food.
23. Etc.
This was very therapeutic for me. Ever since I finished this series, it left me feeling disappointed, dissatisfied, and anxious. I’m glad I wrote all this out; I can make peace with this show finally.
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
what cartman loves about kyle the most
ok so there’s like prob 4738299292 reasons why and i’m not gonna get into it all rn but the scene that revealed it the most like the #1 reason why cartman likes kyle to me was in imaginationland pt 2 when cartman was saving kyle’s life so he could suck his balls LOL and he’s like “KAHL YOU NEVER WALKED AWAY FROM ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE NOW FIGHT!” that revealed EVERYTHING. that’s why cartman loves kyle. he loves him for his persistence, tenacity, passion, & stubbornness (all qualities cartman has as well!) when kyle believes in something or wants to do something there’s rlly no stopping him or changing his mind and even tho a lot of the shit kyle does or stands up for will be him going against cartman or things cartman disagrees with, it’s still something cartman can respect about kyle. i mean that’s why cartman & kyle make great allies when they do come together on something. they’re both good at planning and coming up with ideas for shit. and stan & kenny def don’t have those qualities as much as cartman & kyle do, like what makes cartman & kyle different is they never rlly give up and they know how to see something through till the end which is why they work better together. a great example tho was in “faith hilling” when cartman & kyle were the only ones who were still trying to keep faith hilling alive but then stan and kenny gave up to do taylor swifting instead. something else i used to theorize even tho i totally turned out to be right about this bc cartman became a rabbi in the future, is that cartman also LIKES kyle for his juddaism rather than hates it lol. say what u want but i find it hard to believe cartman is rlly anti-semitic, he just likes to shit on jews specifically bc it annoys kyle and he’s obsessed with kyle LOL. and there have been sooo many scenes where it’s like cartman has seemed FASCINATED with jewish culture. and when cartman stereotypes jews and shits on kyle and stuff literally all the insults he makes about kyle for being a jew, like how he’ll say kyle is greedy and a backstabbing liar and shit are literally all qualities cartman has himself…so like?? LOL it would make way more sense that cartman looks up to kyle for being a jew since, according to cartman, jews have all these qualities he loves and tries to possess himself since cartman loves being a manipulative cunt. also remember in the episode “fishsticks” when cartman literally went up to kyle and was like “hey kahl can u teach me some jew defensive moves?” LOL
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soichirosgayson · 1 year
Just some Light thoughts (pun)
personally I don’t like the idea of Light being controlled by the death note or somehow just forced into committing all the atrocities he did.
i fell in love with death note and Light bc of the fact he was the perfect son/student who managed to become a villain, and like it wasn’t a completely ridiculous leap. we see very little of preKira!Light or Yotsuba!Light even, but we definitely see the fact he is isolated from his peers (superiority complex?), he justifies everything he does and he does seem to have a childish notion of justice
some HCs i personally have about his upbringing is that whilst his parents weren’t abusive, they embodied the typical toxicity stemming from asian cultures (source: i am also the asian firstborn in my family) like his parents disregarding his feelings, soichiro trying to model his son after himself, expect perfect grades, expecting him to have the perfect nuclear family to carry on the family name or some BS. trust me personally, that is a lot of pressure that u do become a control-freak; its really not that unbelievable to see Light become a villain
everything about Light after Kira was always there, but continuing to write in or leaving the death note was his crossroads and he made his choice
L thing is that’s what makes death note amazing to me?? bc we have a lot of characters who don’t do the right/wrong thing “just because”, but because they have their own selfish reason for doing so. like even L the hero/antagonist isn’t the world’s greatest detective bc he’s altruistic, he does it bc it challenges him
upon my first reading of death note, i struggled initially to comprehend why Kira was wrong. then i thought about it, and the first idea that came to me was that even if you have justification for killing, then you always would’ve been okay with killing (unless ofc in specific situations). take Light for example, ppl think Yotsuba!Light is OOC but i just think that Kira!Light was Yotsuba!Light with a complete disregard for what society thought was acceptable; ergo he didn’t repress his ‘undesirable traits’ like his superiority complex or the dark thoughts he’d get. he is uninhibited. for Light, being Kira isn’t about killing; we see from the first few chapters that he actually loses weight and pukes the first time with Shibuimaru, so no, it’s not about the act. but it is still about power. to me, being Kira was about taking control when he had very little in his own life, plus he was bored and bc if anyone could, it would be him. No one else could ‘handle’ it like him
i also prefer the manga ending for Light over the anime ending. Light, especially at that point, would’ve never regretted anything. he has the superiority complex of a god to the point that he refuses to be wrong. i acc HC that Light also doesn’t completely plan everything to a tee (although he is very smart still), but when things go wrong, he adapts and takes advantage of it and still says “everything is going according to plan”. it is acc so beautiful/poignant/powerful/poetic to me that this guy, with a superiority complex so big he kills off a hundred thousand+ people, ends up in MU; a place where everyone is equal no matter what
for me, personally (u can disagree tho), Light becomes rlly boring if his actions are justified or redeemed. most of the characters in DN actually become rlly boring to me if they’re completely shown to be good/bad
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m3rkur3 · 2 years
i think this article has a lot of important things to say but does a bad job of saying them
I think something I find very weird about this article is the fact that its titled the way it is. like why is AJN in the title? It’s clickbaity and a little unprofessional. And I don’t even disagree with 99% of what it’s saying, the likelihood that 90% of the story is true is quite high. However, there are so few sources that can actually be traced back. There’s some very unneeded speculation. Alexander J Newall being targeted only in the title with nothing in the article really blaming him for anything is just weird. he's the ceo, yes, but you have placed your (named) blame within the article almost entirely on this one callum dougherty.
The fact that it was retweeted by a former TMA voice actor is pretty compelling. And the fact that former people who worked with Rusty Quill whether as volunteers or staff can attest to their poor communication. And bad practices in general. I mean I pretty much do believe a lot of it. Just I find the lack of concrete evidence within the article and the lack of good journalistic practice to detract a lot from the message of the article.
Also names of characters in TMA as pseudonyms feels very unserious. When I reached the bit that was talking about Georgie and Melanie I was like come on please be for real. like this is serious business😭. also I’m seeing the author does a freelancing work with another podcasting company and it’s been argued that they were only freelancing so it’s not that big of a deal. But I don’t know I don’t like that.
Either way the people we really need to think about other people affected by rqs bad practices. I think it really is just incompetence. But they could really really really do better. Also the fact of the author is blocking anyone with any criticism on Twitter??? I don’t think that proves anything other than that they do not know how to make their article look good. That coupled with the weird journalistic choices and the caption they put on their Twitter ("make your statement face your fear" LMFAO?! how unnecessary! again, be serious!) it really does make them look less credible even though in reality the article has legs.
at the end of the day i think it just needed more time. i get the point of releasing this as soon as possible to give fans much needed info on what their fav company is doing in the midst of their kickstarter (lmfao idk i find that quite funny) just… it wasn't done very well or with much thought as to how to actually deal with people who disagree. and by “well” i mean you cannot release an article full of unverifiable info with your (admittedly not TOO damning) background and not one first hand verifiable quote and expect no “hmmm…”s. cuz the author is out here blocking people lmfao. not for disagreeing with the points in the article but for saying “hey i'm not sure you have put much thought into how you wrote this!”
i also think it's very annoying the way people are in the comments of podcasters working under rusty quill talking about the article saying "but u can't say other people didn't experience this!!!' they're not saying that brother. they're responding directly to the “podcasters under rq won't say anything bc theyre not allowed!!!!!” portion of it which i would respond to, too, like don't be silly. like fuck u niggas no one can fucking gag me dont say that😭. again again again… i am very very VERY inclined to believe almost everything in said article. i just find its release into the world and its writing to be a little… subpar. better than nothing i guess. tho is it? people have literally been saying everything here about rq for a while. save the suing and contract stuff i think and even then, you cannot bring up something as serious as SUING and not elaborate lmao! good concept bad execution imo. anywaysssss
I don’t know I just feel like it’s a little bit juvenile for what it’s meant to be and what I think it’s meant to be is an important expose which actually says important things but does it weakly.
TLDR; this article has a lot of important things to say about rusty quill's bad practices but it does it in ways that are very unprofessional. Speculation and the clickbaity title and the lack of concrete sources and twitter caption and the author whose freelance work may or may not be relevant to disclose in an article about their ex-clients competition and the substitution of anonymous names with characters from the Magnus archives. They all paint a picture of a very inexperienced writer whose work amounts mostly to an opinion piece. However I am inclined to believe the allegations made in said article for the reason that there have been a lot of people who previously worked with rusty quill saying the same thing. or mostly the same thing. I just think this article uncovered very little new information and something about it seems mean-spirited, almost as if it was for something that isn’t just the betterment of the affected peoples conditions. But that’s just speculation 😛and honestly just my feelings, not backed up by anything. For me this is more an exercise in analysing an article in general than it is analysing the situation at hand. I’m a writer at heart I’m sorry
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menalez · 1 year
I'm not suggesting there's a winner or an outcome. I'm simply outlining that it's normal for a community to keep discussing things that we disagree on. You might not see the reason why a topic gets brought up because you personally don't care, but others do and have good reason to. Maybe Be the Change and encourage new topics to talk about. But if we agree on whatever you bring up don't expect it to take up as much time as the more controversial topics. It's the same in politics. Politicians debate hot topics, and it's repetitive and annoying. Families go through particular issues and will ruminate on them because it's on people's minds, it's a source of conflict. Motherhood, het relationships and separatism will always be a source of controversy under radical feminism and the topics will never go away. New women come to the movement every day and want to discuss it after seeing an old post. They all revolve around the same issue: Is expecting radical feminists to be radical IRL, when they can be, a problem? How far can the movement go when we enable helplessness and doomer thinking? How seriously can radical feminism be taken when we have women walking around claiming to be one while doing absolutely everything patriarchy expects? In the second wave, women divorced their husbands and kicked habits/routines conditioned by patriarchy. Coincidentally, that's also when radical feminism made a change in the world. We can't even say it's feminist to centre women in your life and avoid relationships with men on radblr or else it's "misogynistic." Come on. Questioning or critiquing gender conformity isn't allowed because it's "misogynistic." It's laughable to not expect "radical" women to do radical things. The movement is being weighed down by inaction encouraged by those refusing to change a thing in their lives.
okay perhaps i wasnt clear so allow me to emphasise. i agree that people can & should talk thru disagreements and differing ideas. but i think the way radblr goes about it makes “overkill” an understatement. at a certain point we just have to accept that everyone has their mind made up and simply move on instead of pushing a debate in which every possible thing to say has already been said. the horse is not only dead, it’s beyond decomposed. like i do agree with u, many ppl do not live by their morals on here and many claim to be radfems but clearly simply by virtue of their lifestyle, they are not. instead of us just stating that n leaving it at that tho, people go through these meaningless tiresome back & forths where they keep talking at each other. at a certain point, all that can be said & needs to be said has been said and we need to simply move on. otherwise we are literally wasting everyone’s time & efforts going in circles when we literally have so many things to discuss! on one hand i get the frustration that a woman who does absolutely nothing radical is calling herself a radfem, on the other i also get feeling disillusioned by that being treated like the world’s worst crime that warrants comments like “lol don’t run to us if he ends up beating u!!” (which unfortunately i’ve seen several ppl make here). it doesn’t encourage women to take radical action and simply ends up making the women Not doing so feel attacked and hate the movement, so like. again who is it even helping?? the approach is simply wrong & at a certain point ppl need to just. agree to disagree. like, if someone makes the 900th “lmao a radfem wouldn’t fuck men so take that word out of ur mouth” it won’t suddenly change anything, if a woman whines about how separatism is heterophobic it won’t change anything either. all it does is cause infighting and people to be defensive and i wish people would simply move on & be normal about it. and perhaps have a new discussion that we don’t have 8 times per year
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mallowstep · 2 years
hopefully this isn’t a bother, but you say you believe dnis are ableist. can you explain? i’m not very active on here so if you have ive missed it.
I was going to write you up a whole little essay about this I really was
But look dnis suck. Right now my brain keeps misfiring because my shoulder fucking HURTS and it’s either be aware of it or just. Fuck. Keep losing my train of thought and what I was doing and what’s going on. As I keep doing.
Uh. Fuck.
Right okay. Sorry my back hurts.
So a DNI expects me, someone who can string a sentence together but like. Not exactly flawlessly or easily. Expects me to either. Remember who a post is by. And if I’m allowed to reblog or. Ai y’know what lemme. Mentally.
So dni means. Supposed to either remember who it is and if allowed. Or check. Pretend best case it’s a pinned post. Read post. Maybe I know everything on it the it’s easy. Maybe not tho. Maybe has acronyms or issues I don’t know or understand. Or maybe not topic I think important. Or maybe I never talk abt it. But have opinion. Wouldn’t know that.
So read and understand and figure out if I fit. Maybe I don’t use labels the same way. It’s hard. Don’t call myself by labels very often but dnis focus on labels. I only have specific beliefs not fancy word groups. what am I supposed to do. No one ever explains.
I. Fuck. Where am I going. Not great. Okay. Read it have to understand. Maybe I know. If I know ok. Remember what I wanted to do? Maybe? Head hurts. Why bother. Maybe I don’t know how I’m anxious. Hurts bad. Before dnis I assume they block me if they don’t like me. So. Now can’t. All this very time consuming very hard to think about. And just for one post. Just to like one post.
Best case scenario also. Not covering. Uh. Not covering other things. Hard to find links. Inaccessible images. “Standard dni” don’t know what that means no one agrees what it means. Carrds.
And the virtue signaling. If only put fandom issues on dni — does that mean don’t care abt other issues? No but better put all things here. Just in case. Not making a statement isn’t allowed. Doesn’t matter what or why you need to cover it all.
Uh. Right. Uh and anxiety. Some things I have an opinion on. Whole subject banned though. Won’t tell u what. Only talk in private with people I trust. Important to me. But silent. Everything on internet not for sharing. Block people who disagree with me on subject but not on dni.
These parts aren’t ableism as much. Argue bicker etc. point is dnis are work you the user has to do. Not okay. Really. Too much. I need to. It’s taken me. Idk how much time. Lots of time to write this. Should’ve taken less. Want to go on tumblr without this. Want to go on tumblr like reblog not worry about things.
That’s how I use tumblr actually. Don’t worry abt dnis. Other users they block me that’s fine. Can’t remember things. Can’t use tumblr like that. So don’t.
Right hope this makes sense. Maybe someone who can. Maybe someone who is maybe feeling better can add on. Or smthn. Idk I’m. Losing it.
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padfootastic · 2 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the fight between Remus and Harry in DH. Because throughout the series we see Remus manipulating Harry by bringing up James, but for the first time, Harry brings up James in a situation that is the most relevant, and Remus goes BERSERK.
hello 💜💜 i’m so sorry for how long this has been lying in my inbox but i’ve got so much to say and not enough time for it 💀
i don’t think anything i say re this will come as a surprise to anyone who knows me lol i feel like that fight was such a good opportunity to show, in narrative, remus at fault without excusing his actions and the text still missed the mark. i’ve talked before about this, but remus always gets off scot free with no consequences or even reproach for any of his shitty actions and i think this comes under the same banner. iirc even hermione’s like ‘wtf harry’ because of his response, right?
but here, we see him acting shitty in a manner u absolutely cannot ignore. i mean, there’s a point to which ur willing to ignore a grown man’s agency and actions, right? and i feel like ‘abandoning ur wife and unborn kid in the middle of a whole war’ is waaaaaay past that point. we can talk all day about how he thought he was in the right, how he might’ve actually brought misfortune to them by virtue of who he was, but that still doesn’t excuse what tonks would’ve been going through, esp considering her own dad pulled a similar stunt.
you bring up such a great point re james. remus had absolutely no problems invoking his name when he wanted to guilt trip harry (i keep saying this but their conversation in poa horrifies me every time i think about it) but the moment he gets it back? it’s all ‘oh woe is me how dare u’. kinda makes me think remus never had to deal w the consequences of his actions (which like,,,am i wrong tho) bc all the misfortune he has, he attributes to his condition and never his own actions. he basically operates on an external locus of control and the people around him keep enabling it. (ofc a lot of this is conjecture + influenced by what i’ve seen in fandom bc we (i?) don’t actually know that much about him & his motivations from the text) and i think when he actually is held accountable, he’ll go straight on the defensive bc he doesn’t know how to handle it.
imo remus is super, super self destructive and not that capable at maintaining healthy relationships. for all that people go on and on about james and sirius being assholes and bullies, remus is actually so much more insidious in terms of being ‘toxic’. i really think harry was so right for doing what he did, not matter how much shit he gets for it, because someone has to. his friends won’t, people in authority aren’t, and he gets to go through life blaming everything except himself.
i feel like this is super unsympathetic to him lol but that scene in dh is actually one of my favs just because someone is finally saying something to Saint Remus and the fact that it’s harry, of all people? u go bby!!! it was also such a thoughtless action on remus’ part bc he’s telling this to a literal orphan who grew up abused and neglected. also!! the way it portrays him on the complete end of the spectrum as james (who we know is the ‘embodiment of bravery’ in the text bc of his actions therefore, remus is an absolute coward which, self professed but now proved further) which really makes u understand harry’s pov too, i think. because he idolised his dad, ykno? and he’s heard remus talk about their bond before, and we know harry’s judged people by comparing (and associating) them to his parents right? so it just makes remus come off even worse.
ultimately, i think it was just another selfish + narrow minded action in a long list that we can attribute to remus. can we explain them? sure. but does that justify it? i personally don’t think so, but others can obv disagree. remus wasn’t thinking of tonks or baby teddy or harry when he offered to accompany them, no matter how much he tried to spin it that way and i think that lying (to both others & himself) is v characteristic of his personality throughout the whole series. he’s a serial manipulator and no one’s safe from it, not even him.
(i’m reading this and it’s so rambly gosh. i hope some of it made sense?)
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violentviolette · 1 year
Thanks for the tip on not using buzzwords! I honestly suck at trying to explain everything because sometimes I feel like my competence in some areas of my brain makes me feel like I’m somehow lying because I know too much lmfao. Im in a weird contradictory bit where I appreciate straight shooter types, give it to me as it is, don’t sugar coat things cause then I’ll feel patronized to but then I get mad if they don’t sugar coat things because I have issues with overly blunt authority figures not taking my feelings seriously. lol. Anyways. Thanks again for the advice.
np! and honestly same but i think that uncomfortable anger is actually good. i was the same way when i first started out, but acknowleging that helped me to learn to work through it and get better at hearing when i was wrong. cause that knee jerk defensiveness is a really really hard barrier to break through, and obviously every is different so ur miliage may vary but for me the only way to overcome that was just through exposure. hearing someone tell me i was wrong over and over again while also not punishing me or devaluing me for it but using as an open door to allow me to grow helped so much. it can also help to just be completely honest and acknowlege that in the sessions. things like "being challanged makes me immediately react with anger, i want to overcome that but its hard not to get activated when someone immediately disagrees with me" a lot of times this will help them be able to make sure they're ready for the anger and pushback and can be prepared to talk u through it and make sure ur feeling heard and seen and encouraged even while being challenged. i think a lot of people assume they cant tell their therapists when they have negative feelings about what they say, but its very much the opposite! tell them when ur feeling activated, tell them "oh that brought up this emotion for me" or "im having a difficult time accepting that" or even "that pisses me off to hear" like those are all good bits of information for ur therapist to have to be able to help u but u do gotta find the right person who u vibe with for it to really work tho so it is def a process. i find trying to find people i clicked with so that i really respected them helped a lot, for me thats usually people we were close in age to me, if only a little bit older. that way i wasnt looking at them so much as these out of touch authority figures but more as peers, which for me made it easier to take them seriously without just writing them off as not listening to me
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m0tel6mxzzy · 1 year
so far i’m really liking scream 2022 but specifically how the female characters handle their trauma with each other. it’s so profound the message of women who’ve been thru terrible shit bonding with and settling their differences where it counts to support each other. they disagree on how to handle going thru the exact same situation but ultimately it’s about helping each other survive. and it’s not at all romantic or whatever, it’s really sad and they count in each other and confide in one another. like, that is the most beautiful shit. the most genuine kinda female empowerment ever. “i don’t fuck with how you do things but i fuck with your right to do them and breathe easy.”
also the absolute fucking respect this sequel has to neve campbell and courtney cox who absolutely ate the fuck up out of that franchise!!! the dedication to their characters remains the same thru out the sequels even tho i wasn’t really a fan of screams 2-3 and but this is a great adaption. hollywood please take notes next time u wanna make an adaption. literally things are likely to fall south if prominent assets to the og cast aren’t/don’t want to be a part of it. sometimes not everything needs a reboot/sequel/adaption or *cough* biopic *cough* but scream is perfect for that. also chad is my comfort idiot <3333
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suuho · 1 year
what are your top 10 bls? i need some to watch asap i'm so bored of straight ppl shows ;-;
mhmmm, let me think!
my absolute top bl is to my star 2: our untold stories, the continuation of the little jewel that is to my star. it’s way angstier than the first season and deals with my absolutely favorite trope, exes to lovers, and it was good enough to compel me to open a letterboxd account. like, that’s how good it is.
other than that, i absolutely love manner of death, starring bl royalty maxtul in their most sophisticated offering to date yet. it’s less classic bl and more of a romance/crime drama, and i loved every, even at times unhinged, second of it. if you enjoyed manner of death, you will enjoy bl staple kinnporsche, if you haven’t watched yet.
i love both seasons of we best love, available on weTV. one of the first bls i’ve ever watched and it just did everything so well, i revisit it every now and again. heaps of chemistry.
semantic error is probably the best kbl we have ever gotten and i can only whole heartedly recommend it, classic tsundere and sunshine set in a university, but it is truly just so much more than any trope could ever put into words. perfect casting and amazing chemistry make this the standout among kbls; i just love it so much. but i enjoyed oh! my assistant (despite the fact that i don’t think they stuck the landing that well), the new employee, where your eyes linger, once again (sad ending), tinted with you and long time no see. you make me dance is one of the most underrated picks in my favorites but i just love it; i always enjoy a well-done bit of age gap, and these two have so much chemistry. and it’s just so visually stunning.
i’m working through blueming right now, haven’t finished it yet tho, so i cannot say too much.
crowd favorites that i (mostly) enjoyed, or that are just beloved in general in case you haven’t gotten into it yet: cutie pie, tharntype (reserved rec), love in the air (reserved rec), why r u?, bad buddy, until we meet again, between us and big dragon (had a hard time getting into it but it has some standout episodes), bad buddy, not me, the eclipse. i have watched some of these, haven’t watched others. make of that what you will.
i also defo enjoyed be loved in house: i do. something about taiwan’s style really gets to me, i think it is a little more sophisticated than what we are used to from thai bl but maybe that’s just because i rarely do a trash or pulp watch, and my favorite overall style is probably korean bl; i wish we would get full drama treatments but there’s still a long way to go. anyways.
old fashion cupcake is the perfect bl, in my opinion, and just thinking about it makes me go absolutely crazy. most definite recommendation on this list; i actually think everyone should watch this show, whether you’re a bl fan or not. it’s a beautiful story about how there is no such thing as being too late for love, or for anything in life, really, and i enjoyed it so much.
anyways, long story short, let me try to compile a list of my top 10.
to my star 2: our untold stories (my all time favorite bl. watching season 1 is definitely needed but season 1 is also exceptionally good, so it’s no hardship. i cannot recommend it enough, especially if you enjoy angst. i know some people said this is too angsty, or the amount of angst is not worth the outcome but i disagree. it is real and messy and human, and that’s what i love so much about it. it made me cry way too many times. excellent on all fronts.)
semantic error
old fashion cupcake
manner of death
to my star
we best love (both seasons)
where your eyes linger
be loved in house: i do
long time no see
kinnporsche or you make me dance
honorary mention: beyond evil, strangers from hell, and the devil judge. the bls that should have been.
it’s like 4.30 am here and i’m about to go to sleep, so i hope this makes sense!! also, i might and definitely have forgotten things here, in case i remember i will come back to add on. thank you and have a good day, i hope this could be of some help!
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wait why would oc be disgusted and hate her child and gyu if she agreed to have a child with him wtf??? Get a grip of ur fucking self oc , and also i feel like I started to hate oc cuz she’s giving me pick me vibes idk why but ig its bcuz of the “ i need validation from that fucking toxic society or i’ll feel worthless “ like give a damn about what other people think about u when u can easily live happily the way u want with who u want , and u will have a power cuz obviously ur the woman the PRINCE CHOI BEOMGYU “ LOVE “ more than anything and more than his wife especially when he’s psycho and would kill for her ??? is she stupid i really don’t know but if it was me i would choose to be with him and fuck everything , i would forgive him about the rape thing cuz he is obviously childish and insane and don’t wanna lose us and that’s not an excuse tho the thing he did is really unforgivable but it’s different when its from someone u love and from someone u know he loves u
i'm sorry anon but you are unhinged 😭
how is she "pick me" for wanting to be in a respectful marriage with a man who is offering her the chance to have control over her own life for once, instead of being gyu's glorified sex toy?
yes she'd have money and power but you think she'd live happily in a place where everyone around her hates her and treats her like a prostitute while she has to watch the man she's in love with be married to another woman and have children with her and put on this perfect family image to everyone while he's hiding her like a dirty secret?
and you'd forgive him for the rape because he's childish and insane? 😭 and no it's not different if it's someone you love or who loves you
listen i'm the biggest simp for gyu's character but there is a difference between rooting for him while acknowledging he's the trashiest trash and rooting for him and acting as if what he did wasn't that bad and the oc is being annoying for rejecting him.
i know i'm coming off pretty harsh but i highly disagree with the message you're putting out and this is not what i intended to do with the story at all and i'd be horrified if this is the message that people came out of reading the story with
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nikialexx · 2 years
you had the kindest, most graceful response to that ask and now i’m in even more awe 😭😭 this kind of productive dialogue is not something i’m used and i’m kind of really proud that all the nonsense i word vomited actually had some impact? is that ok to feel? sorryyy 😭😭
honestly, i’m w you on the ‘haven’t read the books in years’ thing except mine is almost a decade, i think? i’ve also loved in hc/fic world because it’s just more fun lol
and hey, all power to people who throw canon aside for personal enjoyment. i know it might seem like i was shitting on that but i promise i wasn’t, i do the same quite often + i love fics where authors go completely off the rails. (mainly harry centric ones tho) bc u always get the coolest plots and stuff when they stop caring about existing limits.
idk there’s isn’t really a point to this—i just really liked ur response so much i was like !!!!! but i also just wanted to say,,,,it’s so cool ur considering changing sirius in ur writing bc i know from experience, that is not easy and i don’t think i’d be able to do something like that lol
it definitely had an impact and honestly thank you for all of it 😭. i just didn't remember the last time I'd seen a post criticizing remus, or more specifically a post criticizing remus in a way that didn't immediately make me get all defensive/annoyed with the person who'd made it. so when you showed up i was like: 👀👀👀 i must know more.
and god i fully agree on the productive dialogue thing lmao i actually genuinely enjoy discussing/analyizing things especially when it's an opinion i disagree with and i know that not everyone uses fandom for that purpose and i totally respect that cause it's definitely tiring lol. but then there's that percentage who reacts with outright anger and aggressiveness at someone disagreeing with them on a fandom opinion and tbh it always confuses me 😭.
and yeah don't worry it didn't come across like you were saying people shouldn’t divert from canon!! actually u did specifically mention that that wasn't the thing you had a problem with on one of ur posts lol, so i get it.
writing Sirius' character never comes easy to me so i'm just looking for as much info as I can get from people who do understand him 😅. so everything you said about how he's written in a lot of wolfstar fics was super helpful cause i had truly not considered that before. so thank u again!!
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