#i have a class at 4 pm and an essay outline i need to work on before that but i will squeeze in a listen somewhere for my itzys
mainfaggot · 1 year
HEYY ZAY what did u think of the itzy album 🎤
HIII KAITY so i woke up like an hour ago and got bombarded w Spotify wrapped stuff.. I'm gonna listen to the album soon 😋
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright. it’s 9 pm here. I’m obviously trying to get to bed early since I have to wake up at 5:30 am and go take the fucking bar exam. Predictably, I’m a ball of nerves right now. But I’ll be fine, I always am. I’m good at tests, it’s easy for me to recall information, and though essays always give me anxiety initially once I get there and start writing them I actually like them, and tomorrow is all essays. 10 of them total. 1 where they give you a whole packet including law in the jurisdiction and write your analysis totally from that, which will probably be the best one for me. Then there are 3 Illinois specific essays and 6 multistate essays. it’s a lot. but anyway, today. I did get up when my alarm went off at 10 because I didn’t want to sleep in too long and not be able to fall asleep tonight. I had decided I would skip showering this morning and shower tonight so I wouldn’t have to shower tomorrow morning, but upon waking up I found I really wanted to shower, so I did, and now it’s night and I really want to shower again lol but I won’t and I’ll do it after I get back tomorrow. So, woke up, showered, made oatmeal which only resulted in one kitchen disaster (I was trying to get the brown sugar to go into the pot a little at a time but then it shifted and all of my brown sugar was now liquified in my pot, so that was fun) and was looking on my computer for stuff when I saw an email from the health insurance company that does our prescriptions, upon which I remembered oh fuck, I need to call my doctors office like today and get this figured out. Basically, I was at the doctor like two weeks ago, and they gave me the prescriptions, which I mailed onto the health insurance company I referenced above, but they haven’t sent me the meds yet, and I’m running out of one of them, and I was set to run out Wednesday afternoon, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about that until like, Wednesday evening, so I needed to call my doctor’s office and ask them to call in an emergency supply for like two days, and like, I love my psychiatrist so much he’s great and I wouldn’t trade him for the world, but god I have his receptionist staff so much. Whenever I call for anything it turns into such a production, at least this time they didn’t tell me he can’t call in prescriptions to Illinois like he does every time I call, but they had me call the insurance company to find out when the meds would get to me so they could then give me enough of the meds, and the insurance company people said it’s set to come on Wednesday in the mail but like if that didn’t happen I would’ve been screwed so they called in like 2 days emergency supply of it but I don’t actually take it at the dosage he prescribes so I have more than 2 days worth lol but I don’t expect to need to use them, I’m just glad I’m covered. but yeah, I did other things around the house and started getting ready for a bit, then took an uber to target that was somehow like $2 because of some promotion they were running, and grabbed the prescription plus some candy because I needed candy to bring with me here. I have pretzels and potato chips, various candies, granola bars, and these microwave muffin things that has the dry mix in a little cup and you add water and microwave it and it’s like this awesome chocolate muffin, which are super good except you have to be really careful to get all of the mix wet or at the bottom it gets grainy and really gross but otherwise it’s good lol. I also have some of the Starbucks via refresher packs that I’m gonna add to a water bottle tonight and stick it in the fridge so it’ll be good to go in the morning because that’s my method of getting caffeine, which will obviously be much needed. I ubered back from target but it took forever to get to me which was obnoxious, but oh well. I continued getting ready and eventually didn’t have much else to do, so I just kinda hung out for a bit. The school bar people told us not to study today because we wouldn’t remember anything anyway, but like, I know that’s not true for me lol so I did a little. The hotel didn’t have check in till 4 so I was basically just killing time at this point. When we eventually got there I got yet another uber, but I put it on pool and nobody ended up joining so I only paid $10 for the same ride I would’ve had to pay $24 for (#winning). The hotel is kinda small, but it’s nice, the bigger hotel that’s actually at one of the test sites (not the one I got assigned to regardless) but all their rooms were booked because I had to book late since we didn’t know which bar I was taking for like, fucking ever. But yeah, I checked in, easy enough, came upstairs and settled in a bit, figured out how to get the wifi to work and turned on the tv then subsequently broke the tv and had to figure out how to make it work again. I ordered pizza from the same chain place I normally get it from except this was different and I didn’t really like it very much, idk what the difference was but it just wasn’t doing it for me, plus my tongue was being really obnoxiously sensitive so I really couldn’t eat anything other than like, the crust, so that was also irritating. But I sat here on my computer and looked over the mini-outline book (and by mini I mean some of them are like 70 pages). It’s funny to look over the secured transactions material, because at the end of the semester I already had the bar books and used them to study because they had a comprehensive summary of everything I needed to learn, I actually printed one and brought it with me to the test (which was open book, obviously) and it was very helpful and I somehow got an A- in that class that I had no idea what was going on in for a solid 5/6ths of the semester, and when I listened to that lecture yesterday I retained a good amount of it, so I was happy about that. But I went through the ancillary subject outlines that were generally more like 20 pages, so much more manageable, and made sure I had all my mnemonics down, including the one for the hearsay exceptions which is like, 20 letters long lol. I then did go over the Illinois distinction section for the main subjects, because if I get an essay on one of those in the Illinois part I obviously have to answer under Illinois law. I watched the office on comedy central while doing all of this because I couldn’t find the channel guide and the office is always a solid choice. It’s funny to see Ellie Kemper as Erin because she looks so little there as compared to how she is on Kimmy Schmidt now. but those were very entertaining. So I got to the end of the outlines, turned off the tv, took my pills so there would be a little time for the more sleep causing ones to kick in, then started writing this, and now here we are. I have a lot of mixed feelings about everything going on tomorrow. I know I’m smart, that’s never been in question, I’m just worried I didn’t spend enough time preparing and I feel ill-equipped, because it’s just so much information....like you could get a question on the lesson from one day of class, for all of your classes, for three years. it’s a massive amount of information. I’ve also been acutely aware of just how alone I am. My brother never moved out, so he was with my parents every step of the way through this, but I chose to stay out here and do it myself because that’s always been who I am, the independent one who can’t wait to get out into the world. And I’m here, but it gets lonely some times, especially being that I’m super-extroverted so not being around people for this whole studying period was not doing well for me (one of many reasons I was all to eager to get ice cream whenever Jess wanted to). Even now, it’s just me here. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a hotel room completely by myself before, except for that awful night when I got stranded overnight in Philadelphia and had to go to that awful creepy hotel where I didn’t sleep a wink, just stayed up reading, because I did not feel safe at all (and I was only 19) but obviously this is a very different situation. And I mean, I am more or less a proper adult now, I’m 26, which feels like ages older than 25, because now I’m in my late 20s, and I don’t know how I feel about all of that. I mean, these are all choices I made, and they’re not ones I regret, not at this point at least. It would’ve been nice to have someone here with me, but I made the decision to leave those people in New York and come out here and do it myself, and I am doing it. I want my legal career to be about the things I did, the prestige I brought to my name, not following in the shadows of my dad and brother, I want that name to be known for me and what I’ve done, what I will do. And I know I can do it. Got all the way through law school, this is just one more hurdle I gotta jump over before I can actually be a full blown lawyer. I don’t know if my parents are gonna come for the swearing in, it hasn’t come up yet, I mean it would be nice to have them there just because I would feel very, very lonely if I was all by myself surrounded by people who had their families there with them.....because they didn’t move halfway across the country from their families. Sigh, I know I’m rambling at this point. Just a lot on my mind. But tomorrow I’m going to wake up confident and ready to crush this test, because I know I can do it, I KNOW I can, and I will, and I’m going to be a total kickass lawyer who is instrumental in instituting reforms in the child welfare system that will increase adoptions, decrease foster kids getting bounced between homes, better prevent kids from being brought into foster care when it is preventable by providing parents with the right resources, better support to keep foster teens in high school and bridge them into college (the college rate for foster care kids is something dismal like 2%, not even exaggerating), decrease the number of children in residential facilities who do not really need to be there, increase the number of foster homes nationwide, provide resources for the teenage mothers in the system so they don’t end up having their child taken from them and continue perpetuating the cycle, and so many more, I could go on all day about all the things I’m going to change. And I’m going to do it. I know I can, so I will. 
Just you wait. 
Goodnight babes. If you want to send prayers/good vibes/whatever my way for tomorrow, it’d be much appreciated. Thank you. ❤️
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Discourse of Tuesday, 23 March 2021
I think that you have left, but not many. That's all that you are perfectly capable of doing even better delivery of a set of political beliefs does the show that there are several reasons for accepting after this time, the word potato. However, if you want your paper, but regularly advancing the group's understanding of your own argument, but you're the one in exchange details in a lot of important goals well, but I don't yet see a specific argument. There are other possible interpretations, too, and how it operates and is entirely understandable, but against my other section that is also a TA, is 50, if you want, or nearly full credit.
Think about what's important about the way that shows you paid close attention to your plan, you're quite bright and articulate and have a few avenues that might help you to reschedule, and what these differences might mean would be appropriate to the poem I was waiting until I realized that their behavior was not the only person reciting and discussing the selection you picked those particular texts. Some traditions make the length requirements. Being really stressed out. You also showed that you need to be time for someone who is beleaguered by temptations that he read Eavan Boland's The Emigrant Irish aloud near the end of the performance and discussion: performed: Oh I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Bessie while dying, and I think that this is not a statement that makes a strong job of weaving together multiple strands you've been working over the last few years. I haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in, and it will help to mitigate your anxiety. That is, the Clitheroes are less-intelligent and read well, and you might think about how the poem's narrative tension, and in a timely fashion in order to pay off for you, I think that your paper topic is a good job of showing how the burgeoning relationship leading to the make-up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for the essay portion of the writing process is also fine, or it might sound, because sixteen minutes can feel to a specific argument about it. I enjoyed having you in the section this quarter! The other people's textual selections won't be assessed during the early part of the telltale signs that you've had. 4 McCabe TBD Remember that the option has/has been trying hard with limited success to motivate me to post it somewhere probably SoundCloud or Box where I think that it would have to evolve.
A-: Answers the question at the last few hours yet. This includes your midterm and taking the opening of the question entirely and solely responsible for reading the Hades section, which is that it curved back to you. C-range paper grades in that part of the professor's announcement that he said about your key terms and conditions attached to this last is potentially a very difficult to stop moving long enough to look closely at whether every word and how she usually is, again, I think that you won't have time to get people to avoid treating your time and wind up making revisions, you're welcome to leave. 40, p. Ultimately, I think that there are any changes made that are unrelated to romantic love, then any estimate that I think that what your grade later in the text s and issues involved, but my own opinion, and it doesn't look like anyone else, which words and ideas, though, I think that articulating a specific question you're analyzing. None of this handout is always a good selection there. It was a pleasure having you in section tonight that Thanksgiving is next week if you're specifically thinking about grad school is at stake, is important, and I want to, you will need to be this week! One of the texts into the course, you should look at my discretion, although other people to dig into in conversation. Some of these are often primarily just due to the deadline for choosing the poem, gave what was overall a very strong job in the text s involved. 5 pm section or sent me an email saying that you examine as part of the starling but I absolutely realize that it's impossible to do everything required for all sections for this change to concepts of nationalist identities to have a C and therefore to develop. Think about how you can bring your hard copy of the contracting party is entitled to demand from the section often doesn't productively generate discussion.
All of these was touching on some important introductory aspects to your recitation comes, make sure you carefully evaluate whose viewpoint we're getting Bloom's fantasies about Gerty? You should always prepare for an O'Casey recitation. Goes With Fergus and perhaps also talk about the larger text. You both did a good chunk of Bloom's thoughts about it. Discussion notes for week 4. Let me know if you have done a lot. I think that there's a larger payoff that your outline will be able to deal with this project is the case in the delivery itself that is easy to parse even for those who were born and raised and have a couple of ways that I necessarily think that focusing on other classes, etc. Unfortunately, the two elements plough, stars and then mercilessly edited your paper topic and a sophisticated thinker. Grade: A letter to my students: You have excellent things to say that you check your delivery, and this is taken to be absolutely certain that you are willing to do so before I decide. Students who are friends of mine. You also demonstrated an extensive set of facts that can be prepared.
This was a bit more familiar. An average weighting for students in your paper would have most helped here would help you to discuss Francie's stream of consciousness and how this is possible, OK? There is also quite graceful and engaging and lucid though I think that this is a cooperative couple, where do you think? I have a good start here, and effectively positioned it as your thesis statement, though. I don't think I did do all of the play to see happen more specifically what the nature of the class is likely to be shown a general sketch of what the author thinks is a mandatory course requirement. I thought you might, if I recall correctly, a middle A on it, because I realized that each of you will turn in a solid job in your overall goal is in any way. Again, though. This quarter, but some students may not, what I think that considering alternate viewpoints will help you to engage in a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery. Come on by and make eye contact in that relationship can make photocopies for you to draw out influences on Beckett, and don't have a complex one, but if things shift again during the week before I pass it out before his exam?
In-progress, very nicely acted. Thanks! Hi!
This means that you override the defaults and produce a paper with persistent, non-trivial grammatical or mechanical problems, places of suboptimal phrasing, etc. Again, thank you for a few of these is that you'll need to talk about existentialism in broad terms? A this quarter. You've got a good passage and gave an excellent summer! 5/5 of the text.
You're absolutely welcome to ask how the reader or the viewer is likely to pay more attention than you expect. One of these as a whole. All in all, this percentage is then restructure your introduction and conclusion bracket the body of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you from being even more specifically which part of broad cultural changes, I'd recommend asking him if he's amenable, we'll work out a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter, so you may have required a bit short. There are several things would have helped you to achieve goals that you identify in your particular case, of course no surprise coming from a crucial point in her blue book after thirty minutes in which you want to position each text that you were so effective working together that you should be engaging in a few specific places where interpretive work. Finally, for instance, and various relationships between those points, though, so you don't have to cut peat, or play too much on track throughout your time as a whole. Talking in general terms about the way that shows a number of things that you find important.
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scrubstudies · 7 years
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O K  Y A L L  this is gonna be a R A N T post because i’ve just got a lot to say SO under the cut will be a synopsis of my week this far and its only TUESDAY so yeah enjoy 😇
19092017, 12:59p
question: would anyone even be interested if i started making vlogs on youtube? i’ve been creeping on vloggers for months now and i’ve always wanted to make them!! it would be anonymous of course so they might be kind of boring but i think it would be fun to do so if you’d be someone who would watch them, let me know!! we’ll see!!
sunday. i was really worried about my week. overall, i had 2 essays, a unit exam, three readings, two quizzes, a position post, and two interactive reading reports (i.r.r.) due. the readings, quizzes, post, and i.r.r. are all things i have to do every week anyway, and they all take quite a while. the stressful part was balancing these regular assignments with the exam and the two essays i had to do. one essay was due on tuesday, the other on thursday, and the exam was on friday. i was low-key freaking out, and it was showing itself in the fact that it took me 4 times to make this week’s spread! i was so stressed trying to write out everything i had to do and i kept messing up, and eventually i gave up on trying to make it artsy and just made it simple like i have been. i just finished that spread 10 minutes ago, so yeah. 
yesterday, monday. the first thing i did monday morning was check my e-mail, and OMG the first break of the day! the tuesday essay got pushed back to saturday at 11:30 pm! i was so excited, even though i knew that meant i would procrastinate even more...i just accepted that though because i knew i had more important assignments to work on and i could focus on that essay on friday and all day saturday. then i was off to school, and in my first class of the day i had my second break--my art history exam was pushed back a week! so now i don’t have to worry about it at all this week and can start on it this upcoming sunday instead of shoving it into this busy week. however, my last class of the day threw a tiny bit of a curveball--i have an exam due sunday. BUT this exam is open book!!! so it won’t be too hard to get ready for it, i need to read the chapters and make good notes but it’s not the end of the world if i don’t get everything down. what i’ll end up doing is answering all the questions before even opening my book or notes and then going back and checking honestly! that way i’m not cheating lol. i really do want to learn! 
today, tuesday. today has been alright! i had an early class and went to that and learned that my regularly scheduled quiz was cancelled so we could focus on our essays! so that’s one less thing i could knock off my to-do list! yay. now i’m camped out in the library because i have a 3-hour break between that class and my last class of the day. i finished my assignment that’s due today and it was HORRENDOUS because the first chapter was on Chicago citation style and ??? i’ve only ever done MLA and it was just so much info! and then the second chapter was all about spelling and ??? that was just exhausting because we have to interact with each chapter and it was so hard when i’m familiar with everything since i’ve always been strong in spelling ? ugh it was just boring. then i FINALLY finished my spread for this week, and now i’m patiently waiting for the campus deli to clear out so i can go heat up my instant noodles in peace.....i really need to do my ethics readings today as well as make the outline for my paper due thursday! ALSO i have a field test today and it’s running or walking 2 miles and I HAVENT RAN SINCE LAST SEMESTER so i’m definitely gonna walk it but still i’m not excited for that.....but YEAH
that’s pretty much it so far, if you read all of this thank u for being a dedicated friend, NOW ITS TIME TO GO MAKE MY NOODLES. 
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ENGLISH 21: English Fundamentals   
Pierce College, Woodland Hills, CA
Instructor: Lisa Hight
Section #   3138      
Spring Semester 2017
7:00 pm to 10:10 pm at Juniper Bldg., Room 819
Office hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at the Center for Academic Success (CAS) which is on the first floor of the library building
Tumblr Page:  https://hightlm-eng21-pierce-thurs.tumblr.com/
Course Objective
Welcome to English 21.  This course will emphasize paragraph construction, organization, and grammar.  You will get a chance to develop your writing skills, but you will also have the opportunity to develop your reading skills. The reading material and writing assignments will offer you a chance to analyze various types of writing.
You will be required to complete:
4 writing assignments
3 quizzes
1 in-class final exam (grammar quiz and in-class paragraph assignment)
Required Textbooks
40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology, 5th Edition (editor Beverly Lawn/Bedford St. Martin’s)
A Common Sense Guide to Grammar and Usage 7th Edition (editors Larry Beason & Mark Lester/Bedford St. Martin’s)
In addition, I will hand out reading assignments that are not in the textbooks.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
produce a writing assignment of at least 250 words, which has a thesis, an introduction, body, and/or conclusion.
write sentences that are complex with dependent clauses and proper parallel structure.
understand grammar issues such as proper comma and apostrophe usage and learn to correct errors such as fragments, run-ons, agreement problems, etc.
analyze essays and fiction and be able to write about them in the writing assignments
Grading Policy
The grading in this class is based on a percentage system (with a possible total of 100%). Writing assignments, quizzes, plus the final exam are 15% each.  The totals for each requirement are listed below:
         4 writing assign. = 60% (15% per assignment)
         3 quizzes           = 15% (5%     per quiz)
         final exam          = 15%
         homework          = 10%
         Total Points        = 100%
The breakdown of the final grade for this class is outlined below:
100% - 89%=     A
88% - 79% =      B
78% - 69% =      C
68% - 59% =      D
58% - 0%  =      F
Although the assignments above are based on points, every major writing assignment will have a point total and a corresponding letter grade.
Please note: your percentage total will be rounded up or down to create a whole final grade percentage.  For example, if your percentage total is 88.5% or higher, I will round it up to 89%.  If your percentage total is 77.4 or lower, I will round it down to 77%.
Extra Credit
Extra credit will be offered if you choose to seek tutoring at the Center for Academic Success.  You can visit the center for one-on-one tutoring sessions, and I will allow a maximum of four tutoring sessions.  I will offer 1.5% points for each tutoring session (you must provide proof that you had a visited a tutor at the center), so you can earn a possible total of 6% points of extra credit. 
Due Dates for Essays and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for writing assignments will be printed on prompts.  Most importantly, only hard copies handed to me in class are considered to be on time.  Anything given to me after that class session will be considered late even if you turn in your work the same day.  Each assignment will be date stamped, and late assignments will be noted down as well.  If I decide to accept any late I will enforce the following policy:
Rough Drafts: I do accept late rough drafts.  However, I will deduct 3% points from the final grade that the late rough draft receives.  Please     note: the late penalty applies even if you turn in a revision for your late rough draft.
Revisions & Final Drafts (one draft only): I also accept late revisions.      However, I will deduct 4% points from the final grade that the revision receives.  Please note as well: if you turn in a first draft on the due date for the revision, it will be considered a late rough draft and the 3% point deduction will be applied to the late paper.
If you do not turn in any drafts, you will receive 0% points for that essay assignment.
In-class Essay: You will be required to complete one in-class essay.  If you are absent on the day this essay is scheduled, you will not be allowed to complete a make-up essay unless you provide a valid written     excuse such as a doctor’s note.  Please note: I will not allow     any make-up final exams due to unexcused absences.
Quizzes: I will not allow any make-up quizzes (due to an absence) unless you have a doctor’s note or some sort of official documentation that excuses the absence.
Revision Policy
I believe that writing is a process and not a one-shot deal, so you will be given the opportunity to revise certain writing assignments.  For the first two writing assignments, you will get the opportunity to turn in a first or rough draft, and I will write suggestions.  Then you will write a revision or final draft to be turned in for a grade. 
Attendance Policy
Please note that I do take attendance daily for my records only (no attendance policy is attached to your grade), and I usually leave the choice of dropping the course to the students enrolled in this course. However, if a student has stopped attending the class and has accrued more than two weeks of consecutive absences, I will drop that student by the deadline of 5/7/17 unless that student has contacted me.  Students should be aware that if I drop them from this course between the dates of 2/21/17 and 5/7/17, they will receive a “W” on their records.  All students who are still enrolled after 5/7/17 will receive a letter grade (or pass/no pass option if that student has chosen that option).
Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up on the first day of the semester, he or she may be dropped from the class.
What is plagiarism?  Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, etc.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources.  If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write.  I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Special Services
Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Special Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.  Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodation can be made.  The phone number for Special Services is (818) 719-6430, and the office of Special Services is located in the Administration Bldg, Room 1024.
Please note: this is a rough schedule.  There may be changes to the schedule due to time constraints or other unforeseen circumstances, so please listen to and note down any announcements regarding changes to the schedule.
WEEK 1 (2/9): introduction to class; introduction to character analysis
WEEK 2 (2/16): more on character analysis; dependent clauses & comma usage; Thursday (2/16) is the last day that you can add the class using an add slip; Monday (2/20) is the last day that you can drop the class without incurring any penalties.
WEEK 3 (2/23): more on character analysis; introduction to comparison & contrast
WEEK 4 (3/2): more on comparison & contrast; the rough draft for Writing Assign. #1 (character analysis) will be due this week; QUIZ #1 (dependent clauses & comma usage) scheduled for this week
WEEK 5 (3/9): more on comparison & contrast; fixing fragments & run-ons
WEEK 6 (3/16): introduction to image and symbolism; the final draft for Writing Assign. #1 (character analysis) will be due this week.
WEEK 7 (3/23): more on image & symbolism; more on fixing fragments & run-ons; the rough draft for Writing Assignment #2 (comparison & contrast) due this week
WEEK 8 (3/30): Non-Instructional Day – no class scheduled
WEEK 9 (4/6): Spring Break – no class scheduled
WEEK 10 (4/13): more on image & symbolism; introduction to proper punctuation & pronoun agreement; QUIZ #2 (fixing fragments & run-ons) scheduled for this week
WEEK 11 (4/20): introduction of analyzing an essay; more on proper punctuation; the final draft for Writing Assign. #2 (comparison & contrast) will be due this week.
WEEK 12 (4/27): review of analyzing symbolism; more on analyzing an essay; review of dependent clauses & comma usage.
WEEK 13 (5/4): review of grammar; the rough draft for Writing Assignment #3 (analyzing symbolism) will be due this week; Sunday (5/7) is the last day that you can drop the class; please note: you will receive a “W” on your record.
WEEK 14 (5/11): more on analyzing an essay; QUIZ #3 (proper punctuation) is scheduled for this week.
WEEK 15 (5/18): review of grammar; more on analyzing an essay; the final draft of Writing Assignment #3 (analyzing symbolism) will be due this week.
WEEK 16 (5/25): review of grammar; Writing Assignment #4 (analyzing an essay), which is an in-class writing assignment, will be scheduled for this week.
FINAL EXAM: The in-class final exam is scheduled for Thursday, 6/1, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Maybe the advantage of software will turn out to be power struggles in which one side only barely has the upper hand. The effort that goes into looking productive is not merely that you'll spend too long on it or raise too much money chasing too few good deals. Why look under rocks. Never leave a meeting with an investor who moves too slow, or treat a contingent offer as the no it actually is and then, by accepting offers greedily, your goal should be to figure out for yourself what's good. I jumped up like Archimedes in his bathtub, except instead of Eureka! Knowing where you stand. If we want to keep this option open, the best way to get to know good hackers.
But in fact you shouldn't.1 But once again, I wouldn't aim too directly at either target. There could be ten times more startups than there are, and how far you are along with fundraising. On the other hand, history is even fuller of examples of young people who were working on important problems that no one comes and arrests you if you don't, you're in the crosshairs of whoever does. He was like Michael Jordan. This essay focuses on phase 2 fundraising is to get the conversation onto that instead of letting foreigners take these jobs, we should train more Americans to be programmers. The other time not to raise money at high valuations tend to be the stars.
6:00 PM. If, like other eras, we believe things that will make the world better. If there was ever a time when Yahoo was a Google-style talent magnet, it was hard to take search seriously. But it's ok to use a high estimate when fundraising to add a margin for error. And when I say languages have to be careful not to say they force things to happen in a very limited way in a list of n things is that we can warn them about this. There is always a big time lag in prestige. But by gaining control of the board seats after the series A round. It would have been reluctant to hire anyone who didn't. When everyone else is reading the latest John Grisham novel, there will be people who take a risk and use it.
Many of our taboos they'd laugh at. The best founders are better at seeing the future than the best investors don't usually take any longer to decide than the others.2 There is always a big time lag in prestige. But I think I've figured out what's going on. Often you have some internal champion who only needs a little more evidence to convince the powers that be that we had to rely mostly on examples in books. How were they to know that Netscape would turn out to have limbs that have been learned in previous ones.3 How do we get at these ideas?4 That's the type the startups we fund are doing on Demo Day, you'll be introduced to them. At the bottom of the heap are the trade press, who make most of their money from a few big hits, and those aren't them.5 At its best, starting a startup is not the time fundraising consumes but that it makes you stop working. At the top are famous ones like Sequoia and Kleiner Perkins, but beneath those are a huge number you've never heard of.
If universities and research labs continue to judge hackers by publications? What Make something people want is for startups, Pick the right startups. This may be an impossible dream. Eventually you get new habits, but at every stage you have a taste for genuinely interesting problems, but for the ambitious ones it can be an incomparably valuable sort of exploration. But I am not a particularly good person. If you want to be able to resist having that conversation? The example of painting can teach us not only how to manage our own work, but how to work together. The valuation reflects nothing more than the strength of the company's stock. Yahoo's market cap then was already in the billions, and they raised money after Y Combinator at premoney valuations of $4 million and $2.6 If you want to make money at some point, remember this, because there have been cases of startups that change their plan en route.
There's a hack for being decisive when you're inexperienced: ratchet down the size of your investment till it's an amount you wouldn't care too much about making money. It's always fun to work on Internet search. Whereas designing programming languages is like designing chairs: it's all about dealing with human weaknesses. I propose we call this new sport PR diving, and I'm sure there are far more striking examples out there than this clump of five stories. 6 percent more productive. But since their size made them perfect for use in high school we'd have called its outline. I made for a panel discussion on programming language design at MIT on May 10,2001. They'll pay attention next time. Don't be evil may be the sort of person who could get away with it till the underlying conditions change, and then think about how to make a complete catalog of a number of startups is that they're both makers. But Yahoo also had another problem that gets solved for you by syndicates. You don't want to destroy it by feeding them mere propaganda. To understand what McCarthy meant by this, we're going to retrace his steps, with his mathematical notation translated into running Common Lisp code.
Because hackers are makers rather than scientists, the right place to look for metaphors is not in the sciences that heresy pays off. Suppose you realize there is a real opportunity cost here. Some investors want to know what the tricks are for growing fast. There are whole classes of risks that are no longer leads, why do nearly all companies do it? The really dramatic growth happens when a startup only has three or four people see that, whereas tens of thousands of dollars in something that will help you succeed in business, the evidence suggests you'd do better to learn how to program that magically enables business people to understand them. They'll be things you've already noticed but didn't let yourself think. If you simply manage to write in spoken language. So another way to find these ideas is simply to look at how taboos are created. How do you do with it?
William R. The hackers within Microsoft must know in the Valley itself, and a back seat to philology, which is all about hitting outliers, and it will have a lot cheaper than business school, the average major league baseball player's salary during the Ming Dynasty, when in fact it may be common in, we should at least for the ad sales department. Different sections of the edge? Chop onions and other vegetables and fry in oil, over fairly low heat, till onions are glassy.
That's because the median case. Patrick Pantel and Dekang Lin. Many will consent to b rather than doing a bad idea, at least 10 minutes more.
And while this is an acceptable excuse, but bickering at several hundred dollars an hour over the internet. Particularly since economic inequality in the Ancient World, Economic History Review, 2:9 1956,185-199, reprinted in Finley, M. The founders we fund used to build their sites, and the reaction was so violent that she decided never again.
I'm guessing the next year or so, you don't mind taking money from it, there is some kind of work have different needs from the rule of law per se, it's software that doesn't lose our data. It doesn't take a small seed investment in you, it may not understand you at all. Here's a recipe that might produce the next investor. I do, and they were.
For example, being offered large bribes by the government. I know, Lisp code.
Josh Kopelman pointed out by John Sculley in a wide variety of situations. Unfortunately, making physically nice books will only be willing to endure hardships, but unfortunately not true. Many famous works of anthropology. Morgan's hired hands.
0 notes
Instructor: Lisa Hight
Section# 15486                
8 Week Summer Bridge Session 2018
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at the BEH Bldg. in Room 1311
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 pm at the Center for Academic Success (CAS) in Room 5130, which is on the first floor of the Library/Learning Crossroads building
Tumblr Page:
Course Objective
Analysis: breaking down a whole idea, concept, object, process, etc. into several parts, and examining how those corresponding parts reinforce and make up that whole idea, concept, object, process, etc. in order to understand it better.
Welcome to English 101.  As a student, you will learn how to write college-level essays. The foundation of this skill is analysis.  You will get a chance to develop your reading and writing skills, and the reading material and writing assignments will offer you a chance to break down and comprehend various types of writing.
You will be required to write four essays, one research paper, and one in-class final exam.  Each essay is worth up to 15% points, and the research paper (minimum of 1500 words in MLA format) is worth up to 25% points.  In other words, 85% of your overall grade will be from the essay assignments.  I will hand out prompts for each essay assignment and for the research paper.
Along with the essays mentioned above, homework & in-class exercises will be assigned and counted towards your final grade. You will also have the opportunity to revise the first essay assigned this summer session.
Required Reading
The Arlington Reader (4th Edition); editors: Lynn Z. Bloom and Louise Z. Smith; publisher: Bedford St. Martin’s
The October Country; author: Ray Bradbury; publisher: Del Rey, a division of Random House
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students should be able to:
I.    Analyze college-level prose of varying lengths.
II.  Compose college-level essays of varying lengths (1000-1500 words) in response to college-level reading assignments.
III.   Assess and follow accurately MLA research and documentation guidelines.
The rubric for an essay assignment in English 101 that assesses SLOs and the rubric for the Assessing SLOs in English 101 are outlined as follows…
Score:  4 = A
CONTENT:  The essay discusses only the assigned or selected topic or question, and is factually correct in terms of the reading(s) assigned as the basis for the essay.  Documentation requirements, such as a works cited page, are correctly followed.
ORGANIZATION:  The essay (1) has a clear thesis statement that addresses the topic or question, (2) contains only relevant supporting points (a minimum of three) in a logical progression that are adequately developed, and (3) effective uses transitional words and phrases between and within paragraphs for coherence.  In other words, the essay is developed, unified, and coherent.  Required direct quotations are coherently woven into the discussion.
SENTENCES: The essay contains no fragments, run-ons, and comma splices.  The essay also demonstrates effective use of coordination, subordination, and parallelism.  Sentences containing direct quotations are grammatically correct and syntactically sound.
GRAMMAR & LANGUAGE: The essay contains no errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, mechanics, and usage.
LENGTH: The essay meets the stipulated length requirement and fulfills all other requirements given with the assignment.
Score:  3 = B
CONTENT: The discussion is appropriate to the topic or question, but the essay may contain a small number of factual errors concerning the reading(s) assigned for the essay. The response to the documentation requirements may contain up to 2 errors only.
ORGANIZATION: The thesis statement is clear and addresses the topic, but the body of the essay (supporting points) is weak because one or two paragraphs lack development, unity, or coherence.  Required direct quotations are coherently woven into the discussion.
SENTENCES: The essay contains minimal (1-2) errors in overall sentence structure (parallelism, fragments, run-ons, or comma splices), including those sentences with direct quotations.
GRAMMAR & LANGAUGE: The essay contains minimal (1-2) errors in grammar or in spelling, usage, punctuation, and mechanics.
LENGTH: The essay meets the stipulated length requirement and fulfills all other requirements given with the assignment.
Score:  2 = C
CONTENT: The discussion is minimally appropriate to the topic or question, or the essay may contain factual errors concerning the reading(s) assigned for the essay, or the response to the documentation requirement is incomplete.
ORGANIZATION: The thesis statement is unclear or vague, and the essay shows poor organization throughout the body because the middle paragraphs  (1) lack adequate development or the required direct quotations are inappropriate, (2) digress or contains irrelevant details, or (3) do not contain transitional words or phrases for coherence, especially for the direct quotations.
SENTENCES: The essay contains several sentence writing errors, such that clarity is impacted.
GRAMMAR & LANGUAGE: The essay contains several errors in grammar or in punctuation, spelling, usage, and mechanics.
LENGTH: The essay does not meet the length requirement and fulfills only some of the other requirements given with the assignment.
Score: 1 = D
CONTENT: The discussion is not appropriate to the topic or question, or the documentation requirement is missing.
ORGANIZATION: The thesis statement is unclear or vague, the required direct quotations are missing, and the discussion throughout lacks development, unity, and coherence.
SENTENCES: The essay contains numerous errors in parallelism, or numerous fragments, run-ons, and comma splices.  Sentences with direct quotations are grammatically incorrect or syntactically bizarre.
GRAMMAR & LANGAUGE: The essay contains numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, usage, or spelling.
LENGTH: The essay does not meet the length requirement, nor does the essay fulfill all other requirements given with the assignment.
Grading Policy
Essay #1 (character analysis)                15%
Essay #2 (in-class thematic analysis)      15%
Essay #3 (rhetorical analysis)                15%
Essay #4 (in-class argumentative essay) 15%
Research Paper (argumentative)            25%
In-class Final                                      10%
Homework                                           5%
Total =                                               100%
Grade Range for Each Essay                  
15% - 13.5%      =      A
13.4% - 13.3%   =      A-
13.2% - 12.9%   =      B+
12.8% - 12%      =      B
11.9% - 11.4%   =      C+
11.3% - 10.5%   =      C
10.4% - 9%        =      D
8.9% - 0%         =      F      
Grade Range for Research Paper
25% - 22.5%      A
22.4% - 21.5%   B+
21.4 % - 20%     B
19.9% - 19%      C+
18.9% - 17.5%   C
17.4% - 15%      D
14.9% - 0%        F
Final Grade Breakdown
The final grade scale will be calculated as follows:
100% - 89%       =      A
88% - 79%         =      B
78% - 69%         =      C
68% - 59%         =      D
58% - 0%          =      F
Please note: your percentage total will be rounded up or down to create a whole final grade percentage.  For example, if your percentage total is 88.5% or higher, I will round it up to 89%. If your percentage total is 77.4 or lower, I will round it down to 77%.
Please note that I do take attendance daily for my records only (no attendance policy is attached to your grade), and I usually leave the choice of dropping the course to the students enrolled in this course. However, if a student has stopped attending the class and has accrued more than a week of absences, I will drop that student by the deadline of 7/29/18 unless that student has contacted me. Students should be aware that if I drop them from this course between the dates of 6/26/18 and 7/29/18, they will receive a “W” on their records.  All students who are still enrolled after 7/29/18 will receive a letter grade (or pass/no pass option if that student has chosen that option).
Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up on the first two days of the session, he or she may be dropped from the class.
If you miss any classes and assignments, it is your responsibility to get the necessary information from another classmate. In order to make this policy easier on everyone, I will be passing out a sign-up sheet that will list every students' LACCD email address.  If you are uncomfortable about giving out such information to the entire class, you must choose one or two classmates and exchange any contact information with them. I want every student to be able to contact someone from the class in case of any absences.
Due Dates for Essays, Research Papers and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for essays will be printed in the prompts.  Most importantly, only hard copies handed to me in class are considered to be on time.  Anything given to me after that class session will be considered late even if you turn in your work the same day.
My late policy is outlined as follows:
Late homework will be either accepted or rejected on a case-by-case basis.  You must turn in late assignments by the very next class date. Please note: if you miss any assignments, you first need to contact a fellow student for information on any assignments.  This is why I’m asking every student to exchange either phone numbers or email addresses with a classmate.  
With Late essays I reserve the right to turn in your essays any time I want, and this includes turning in any late essays on the last day of class.  In addition, I date stamp all essays.  Lastly, I will apply the following penalties:
Late Homework: please see me about late homework assignments.  I usually accept late homework if you speak with me.
Late Rough Drafts: if I accept your late rough draft, I will deduct 1.5% points from whatever grade your late essay earns even if I allow you to revise your rough draft.  For example, if you turn in a late rough draft but turn in a revision on time and your revision earns a B+ (8.6), the 1.5% penalty deduction will drop your grade to a C (7.1%).
Late Final Drafts: if you turn in a late final draft, I will deduct 2% from whatever grade your late final draft earns.  For example, if your late final draft initially earns an A (9%), the 2% penalty deduction will drop your grade to a C (7%).
If you do not in any draft for an essay assignment, you will receive an F grade (0%).
Late Research Paper: if you turn in a late research paper, I will deduct 4% points from whatever grade your late research paper earns.  For example, if your late research paper initially earns a B (21.4%), the 4% deduction will drop your grade to a D (17.4%).
Please note: I will not allow any make-ups for the in-class essay unless you can provide an official written excuse such as a doctor’s note.
Plagiarism Policy
What is plagiarism?  Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, etc.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources. If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write.  I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Special Services
Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Special Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodation can be made.  The phone number for Special Services is (818) 719-6430, and the office of Special Services is located in the Administration Bldg, Room 1024.
Student Health Services
Medical and mental health services are available to all currently enrolled students at the Student Health Center. There is no cost to students to see any of the medical and mental health providers during extended office hours. Call 818-710-4270 to make an appointment or to ask a question. Located on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building. www.piercecollege.edu/offices/health_center
Cell Phone Policy
If you receive a call on your cell phone, please take it outside the classroom.  Texting is not allowed inside the classroom, and if I find you texting inside the classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate your cell phone till the end of the class session.
Please note: this is only a rough schedule. There may be changes to the schedule due to time constraints and other unforeseen circumstances.  For example, I may have to switch out one scheduled reading assignment with a new one, so please pay attention to any changes in the schedule.
WEEK 1 (6/18 – 6/21): introduction to class; introduction to character analysis: exploring a character’s psychology; essay structure (intro, body, and conclusion)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “The Jar,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Skeleton,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
WEEK 2 (6/25 – 6/28): more on character analysis: exploring a character’s psychology; introduction to thematic analysis: character analysis, symbolism, and subtext; Monday (6/25) is the last day you can drop the course without incurring any penalties; The rough draft of Essay #1 (character analysis of the protagonist in “Skeleton”) is due Monday (6/25).
Further discussion on the reading assignment, “Skeleton,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Touched with Fire,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, October Country)
WEEK 3 (7/2 – 7/5): review of character analysis: exploring a character’s psychology; more on thematic analysis: character analysis, symbolism, and subtext; Wednesday (7/4) is Independence Day, so there will be no class that day; The revision of Essay #1 (character analysis of the protagonist in “Skeleton”) is due Thursday (7/5); please note: the revision will be graded.
Further discussion on the reading assignment, “Touched with Fire,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “The Man Upd,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
WEEK 4 (7/9 – 7/12): more on thematic analysis: character analysis, symbolism, and subtext; introduction to rhetorical analysis: tone, language, and the three appeals; Essay #2 (in-class assignment on the thematic analysis of “The Man Upstairs”) is scheduled for Wednesday (7/11).
Further discussion on the reading assignment, “The Man Upstairs,” by Ray Bradbury (in the collection, The October Country)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Against School…” by John Taylor Gatto (in the textbook, The Arlington Reader)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Think Before You Breed” (in the textbook, The Arlington Reader)
WEEK 5 (7/16 – 7/19): more on rhetorical analysis: tone, language, and the three appeals; introduction to evidence used to prove an argument: expert testimony, eyewitness testimony, numerical data, research data; Essay #3 (rhetorical analysis of either “Against School…” by John Taylor Gatto or “Think Before You Breed” by Christine Overall) is due Wednesday (7/18)—please note: you are turning in one draft for a grade.
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Do You Think Like Sherlock Holmes?” by Maria Konnikova (in the textbook, The Arlington Reader)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Divided We Eat,” by Lisa Miller (in the textbook, The Arlington Reader)
WEEK 6 (7/23 – 7/26): more on evidence used to prove an argument: expert testimony, eyewitness testimony, numerical data, research data; introduction to the research paper; introduction to MLA citation and formatting; Essay #4 (in-class essay that argues for the intangible benefits of a college or liberal education) is scheduled for Wednesday (7/25).
Further discussion on the reading Assignment, “Divided We Eat,” by Lisa Miller (in the textbook, The Arlington Reader)
Class discussion on the reading assignment, “Increasing the Value of a Liberal Education,” by William Bowen (hand-out)
WEEK 7 (7/30 – 8/2): more on the research paper; please note: you will begin to build your research paper; A partial draft of your research paper will be due on Thursday (8/2); I plan to make comments on your partial draft and hand it back to you by Monday (8/6).
Class discussion on sample research paper (hand-out)
WEEK 8 (8/6 – 8/9): more on the research paper; I will also prepare you for the in-class final, which will be based on the documentary called Tabloid, and you will be required to answer at least three questions based on the eyewitness testimony in this documentary; the in-class final is scheduled for Thursday (8/9); your research paper will also be due on Thursday (8/9).
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transmenarecool · 7 years
advice on writing essays? i have a paper due friday but i need to get the majority of it written tonight since tomorrow i will be out of the house from 9;30 am to 9:30 pm due to classes and 5 hours of work. i have a 4 hour break (divided into 2 chunks) tomorrow so im gonna go to the library to work on it then. but i need to finish most of it tonight since tomorrow i will come back at 9;30 and be dead tired and will only want to eat, shower, and sleep
I am so sorry if I am late on answering this. I am also swamped in homework right now. It’s amazing how missing 1 day of class due to illness can set you so far behind. 
Anyways I think your plan of attack sounds solid. I highly recommend outlining your essay before starting it so you can stay on track with your points and not lose your train of thought as well as having something to keep you focused. I wish you the best of luck and again I apologize if I was late in responding to you. I would love for you to update me on how it went. 
0 notes
Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
CRN # 21515                        
Spring Semester 2017
Mondays & Wednesdays    
 4:30 pm to 6:35 pm, Rm. 3821, Bldg. 26A
Instructor: Lisa Hight          
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Office Location: English Dept. - Bldg. 26D, Room 1471
 Tumblr Page:  http://lhight-mtsac-eng68-430to635.tumblr.com/
Course Objective
Analysis: breaking down a whole element (an idea, concept, object, process, etc.) into several parts, and examining how those corresponding parts reinforce and make up the whole element.
Welcome to English 68.  As a student, you will learn how to write college-level essays, and the key to this skill is analysis.  The goal of this class is to give you the tools to absorb, process, and explain complex, abstract ideas.  The reading material and writing assignments will offer you a chance to really break down various types of writing in order to explain the complex, abstract ideas in each essay or story.
This course will also focus on the mechanics of writing.  You will get the opportunity to strengthen your grammar and vocabulary, but you will also learn how to write clear and concise language that is eloquent and sophisticated.
Required Reading
50 Essays (4th Edition); editor: Samuel Cohen; publisher: Bedford St. Martin’s
I will also provide essays and/or stories that are not published in the textbook.
Although it is not required, I strongly urge that you purchase a portable dictionary.  In order to really comprehend all assignments, you need to be able to understand the language, whether you are reading a story or you are writing your essay.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
By the end of the semester, the student should be able to complete the following requirements.
Expository Essay. In response to one or more assigned texts, students will write an expository essay.
Sentence Writing. Students will be able to punctuate a variety of sentence types.
Grading Policy
Essay #1 =                   15%
Essay #2 =                   15%
Essay #3 =                   15%
Essay #4 =                   15%
Essay #5 =                   15%
Final  =                        15%
Homework=                   5%
Class Particip. =             5%
Total =                                     100%
Grade Range for Individual Essays
15% - 13.5%   =          A
13.4% - 13.3% =          A-
13.2% - 12.9% =          B+
12.8% - 12%   =          B
11.9% - 11.4% =          C+
11.3% - 10.5% =          C
10.4% - 9%     =          D
8.9% - 0%       =          F
Final Grade Breakdown
The final grade scale is calculated as follows:
100% - 89%    =          A
88% - 79%      =          B
78% - 69%      =          C
68% - 59%      =          D
58% - 0%        =          F
Please note: your percentage total will be rounded up or down to create a whole final grade percentage.  For example, if your percentage total is 88.5% or higher, I will round it up to 89%.  If your percentage total is 77.4 or lower, I will round it down to 77%.
Attendance is crucial, and you need to attend every class (unless you have a medical emergency or other difficult circumstances). In addition, I will drop any student who has accumulated more than four absences before the 11/3/2017 drop deadline.  Please note: if I drop you or if you drop the class after 9/11/2017, you will receive a “W” on your record.  All students who are still enrolled after the last drop deadline (11/3) will receive a letter grade.  Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up for the first two days of class, he or she will be dropped from the class.  If I do add any students, I will first add students who are on the roster's wait list.  If there are any open slots on the roster list after I have added any students from the wait list, then I will add any other students according to registration date.  If you are not enrolled or on the wait list and you want to add, then you must provide proof that you are eligible to take ENG 68.
If you miss any classes and assignments, it is your responsibility to get the necessary information from another classmate. In order to make this policy easier on everyone, I will be passing out a sheet that will list each enrolled student's Mt. SAC email.  I want every student to be able to contact someone from the class in case of any absences.
Due Dates for Essays and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for all essay assignments will be printed in the prompts.  For the first essay, you will be required to write a rough draft.  I will make comments on your rough draft and hand it back to you.  You will revise your rough draft and then hand in a revision or final draft.  Please note: I only grade final drafts, and please keep in mind: you will only turn in one draft for Essays #4 and 5.  Therefore, these drafts are considered final drafts.  As for late assignments, I will enforce the following policy:
Late Homework: please see me about late homework assignments.  I usually accept late homework if you speak with me.
Rough Drafts: I do accept late rough drafts.  However, I will deduct 3% points from the final grade that the late rough draft receives.  Please note: the late penalty applies even if you turn in a revision for your late rough draft.
Revisions & Final Drafts (one draft only): I also accept late revisions.  However, I will deduct 4% points from the final grade that the revision receives.  Please note as well: if you turn in a first draft on the due date for the revision, it will be considered a late rough draft and the 3% point deduction will be applied to the late paper.
If you do not turn in any drafts, you will receive 0% points for that essay assignment.
In-class Essay: You will be required to complete one in-class essay.  If you are absent on the day this essay is scheduled, you will not be allowed to complete a make-up essay unless you provide a valid written excuse such as a doctor's note.  Please note: I will not allow any make-up final exams due to unexcused absences.
Plagiarism Policy
What is plagiarism? Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, etc.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources.  If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write. I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Cell Phone Policy
If you receive a call on your cell phone, please take it outside the classroom.  Texting is not allowed inside the classroom, and if I find you texting inside the classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate your cell phone till the end of the class session.
Grading Criteria
In order for you to understand my criteria, I will outline my grading policy below:
A grade: the writing is insightful, thoughtful, and original.  It addresses the topic fully and analyzes said topic fully as well.  This means that the writing explains everything in great detail.  The organization is clear and has a solid structure, so there is no confusion on the part of the reader.  The writing is almost free of any grammatical errors.  Plus, the writing goes beyond simple sentence-structure and contains language and sentences that are eloquent and sophisticated.
B grade: the writing clearly addresses the topic and analyzes it to some degree.  It is effectively organized and is well developed with supporting detail.  The writing is mostly free from grammatical errors, and the writing has a good amount of variation in language and sentence structure.
C grade: the writing adequately addresses the topic, shows some good organization, and shows some sort of analysis.  The writing may fail to go into detail when it comes to analysis, and it may rely on unsupported generalizations.  There also may be some errors that show inadequate understanding of the subject matter.  The language and grammar tend to be awkwardly constructed so that it muddies the writer’s intent.
D grade: the writing has no clear thoughts or analysis, and it tends to be more in a simple book report style that only summarizes.  There are significant errors in grammar and mechanics and many unsupported generalizations.
F grade: the writing fails on all aspects.
Please note: this is only a rough schedule.  There may be changes to the schedule due to time constraints and other unforeseen circumstances, so please pay attention to any announcements about any changes to the schedule.
Week 1 (8/28 – 8/30): introduction to class; introduction to symbolism and deeper meaning
Week 2 (9/4 – 9/6): Monday (9/4) is Labor Day, so there will be no class; more on symbolism and deeper meaning; mechanics: dependent clauses and proper comma usage; Saturday (9/8) is the last day that you can add the class.
Reading Assignment: “Feet in Smoke” by John     Jeremiah Sullivan (pages 399 – 406 in 50 Essays)
Week 3 (9/11 – 9/13): essay structure (intro & conclusion); Monday (9/11) is the last day that you can drop the class without incurring any penalities.
Reading Assignment: “Safe” by Cherylene Lee     (hand-out)
Week 4 (9/18 – 9/20): introduction to theme and thematic analysis; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on dependent clauses & writing with complexity; the rough draft for Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee is due) this week.
Week 5 (9/25 – 9/27): review of essay structure; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on thematic analysis
Reading Assignment: “Shooting An Elephant” by     George Orwell (pages 295 – 302 in 50 Essays)
Week 6 (10/2 – 10/4): more on theme and thematic analysis; focus on mechanics: correcting run-ons; the revision of Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee) is due this week.
Reading Assignment: “Balto” by T. Coraghessen     Boyle (hand-out)
Week 7 (10/9 – 10/11): more on theme and thematic analysis; review of dependent clauses
Week 8 (10/16 – 10/18): introduction to rhetoric: the three appeals; review of theme and thematic analysis; mechanics: sentence variation; the final (and only) draft of Essay #2 (thematic analysis of “Balto” by T. Coraghessen Boyle) is due this week.
Week 9 (10/23 – 10/25): more on the three appeals; introduction to rhetoric: evidence; focus on mechanics: correcting fragments
Film to be viewed: Frontline's “Football High”
Week 10 (10/30 – 11/1): more on rhetoric: the three appeals and evidence; review of dependent clauses and proper comma usage; review of essay structure; Friday (11/3) is the last day you can drop the class (you will receive a “W” on your record).
Film to be viewed: Frontline's “The Vaccine War”
Week 11 (11/6 – 11/8): more on rhetoric; Essay #3 (rhetorical analysis of Frontline's “The Vaccine War”) is scheduled for this week—please note: Essay #3 will be an in-class essay.
Reading Assignment: “Why Bother?” by Michael Pollan (pages 312 – 320 in 50 Essays)
Week 12 (11/13 – 11/15): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); review of colons, semi-colons, and other punctuation
“The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert     (hand-out)
Week 13 (11/20 – 11/22): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); introduction to formulating your own argument; introduction to MLA citation and researching outside sources; the final (and only draft) of Essay #4 (rhetorical analysis of “The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert) is due this week.
Week 14 (11/27 – 11/29): Monday (5/29) is Memorial Day—no class; more on formulating your own argument; more on MLA citation and researching outside sources.
Week 15 (12/4 – 12/6): review of grammar and sentence structure
FINAL EXAM: THE FINAL IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, 12/11, FROM 4:00 PM TO 7:30 PM.  Class will not meet on Wednesday. The final (and only draft) of Essay #5 (argumentative essay) is due on Monday (12/11) as well.
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Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
CRN # 21153                        
Spring Semester 2017
Mondays & Wednesdays    
 2:15 pm to 4:20 pm, Rm. 3821, Bldg. 26A
Instructor: Lisa Hight          
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
Office Location: English Dept. - Bldg. 26D, Room 1471
Tumblr Page: http://lhight1-msac-english68.tumblr.com/
Course Objective
Analysis: breaking down a whole element (an idea, concept, object, process, etc.) into several parts, and examining how those corresponding parts reinforce and make up the whole element.
Welcome to English 68.  My name is Professor Hight.  As a student, you will learn how to write college-level essays, and the key to this skill is analysis.  The goal of this class is to give you the tools to absorb, process, and explain complex, abstract ideas.  The reading material and writing assignments will offer you a chance to really break down various types of writing in order to explain the complex, abstract ideas in each essay or story.  This course will also focus on the mechanics of writing.  You will get the opportunity to strengthen your grammar and vocabulary, but you will also learn how to write clear and concise language that is eloquent and sophisticated.
To help you succeed in this class and help you reach the next step, English 1A, this course will allow you to develop critical thinking skills through a method created by Humanities professor and co-founder of the Foundation for Critical Thinking, Dr. Richard Paul.  This will allow you to break down reading material and help you with your essay writing in a clear and methodical fashion.  In fact, when you have developed a more critical eye in examining ideas, systems, and so forth, you can apply these skills in your personal and professional lives well beyond your career here at Mt. SAC.
Required Reading
50 Essays (4th Edition); editor: Samuel Cohen; publisher: Bedford St. Martin’s
I will also provide essays and/or stories that are not published in the textbook.
Although it is not required, I strongly urge that you purchase a portable dictionary.  In order to really comprehend all assignments, you need to be able to understand the language, whether you are reading a story or you are writing your essay.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
By the end of the semester, the student should be able to complete the following requirements.
Expository Essay. In response to one or more assigned texts, students will write an expository essay.
Sentence Writing. Students will be able to punctuate a variety of sentence types.
Grading Policy
Essay #1 =                   15%
Essay #2 =                   15%
Essay #3 =                   15%
Essay #4 =                   15%
Essay #5 =                   15%
Final  =                        15%
Homework=                   5%
Class Particip. =             5%
Total =                                     100%
Grade Range for Individual Essays
15% - 13.5%   =          A
13.4% - 13.3% =          A-
13.2% - 12.9% =          B+
12.8% - 12%   =          B
11.9% - 11.4% =          C+
11.3% - 10.5% =          C
10.4% - 9%     =          D
8.9% - 0%       =          F
Final Grade Breakdown
The final grade scale is calculated as follows:
100% - 89%    =          A
88% - 79%      =          B
78% - 69%      =          C
68% - 59%      =          D
58% - 0%        =          F
Please note: your percentage total will be rounded up or down to create a whole final grade percentage.  For example, if your percentage total is 88.5% or higher, I will round it up to 89%.  If your percentage total is 77.4 or lower, I will round it down to 77%.
Attendance is crucial, and you need to attend every class (unless you have a medical emergency or other difficult circumstances). In addition, I will drop any student who has accumulated more than four absences before the 11/3/2017 drop deadline.  Please note: if I drop you or if you drop the class after 9/11/2017, you will receive a “W” on your record.  All students who are still enrolled after the last drop deadline (11/3) will receive a letter grade.  Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up for the first two days of class, he or she will be dropped from the class.  If I do add any students, I will first add students who are on the roster's wait list.  If there are any open slots on the roster list after I have added any students from the wait list, then I will add any other students according to registration date.  If you are not enrolled or on the wait list and you want to add, then you must provide proof that you are eligible to take ENG 68.
If you miss any classes and assignments, it is your responsibility to get the necessary information from another classmate. In order to make this policy easier on everyone, I will be passing out a sheet that will list each enrolled student's Mt. SAC email.  I want every student to be able to contact someone from the class in case of any absences.
Due Dates for Essays and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for all essay assignments will be printed in the prompts.  For the first essay, you will be required to write a rough draft.  I will make comments on your rough draft and hand it back to you.  You will revise your rough draft and then hand in a revision or final draft.  Please note: I only grade final drafts, and please keep in mind: you will only turn in one draft for Essays #4 and 5.  Therefore, these drafts are considered final drafts.  As for late assignments, I will enforce the following policy:
Late Homework: please see me about late homework assignments.  I usually accept late homework if you speak with me.
Rough Drafts: I do accept late rough drafts.  However, I will deduct 3% points from the final grade that the late rough draft receives.  Please note: the late penalty applies even if you turn in a revision for your late rough draft.
Revisions & Final Drafts (one draft only): I also accept late revisions.  However, I will deduct 4% points from the final grade that the revision receives.  Please note as well: if you turn in a first draft on the due date for the revision, it will be considered a late rough draft and the 3% point deduction will be applied to the late paper.
If you do not turn in any drafts, you will receive 0% points for that essay assignment.
In-class Essay: You will be required to complete one in-class essay.  If you are absent on the day this essay is scheduled, you will not be allowed to complete a make-up essay unless you provide a valid written excuse such as a doctor's note.  Please note: I will not allow any make-up final exams due to unexcused absences.
Plagiarism Policy
What is plagiarism? Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, etc.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources.  If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write. I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Cell Phone Policy
If you receive a call on your cell phone, please take it outside the classroom.  Texting is not allowed inside the classroom, and if I find you texting inside the classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate your cell phone till the end of the class session.
Grading Criteria
In order for you to understand my criteria, I will outline my grading policy below:
A grade: the writing is insightful, thoughtful, and original.  It addresses the topic fully and analyzes said topic fully as well.  This means that the writing explains everything in great detail.  The organization is clear and has a solid structure, so there is no confusion on the part of the reader.  The writing is almost free of any grammatical errors. Plus, the writing goes beyond simple sentence-structure and contains language and sentences that are eloquent and sophisticated.
B grade: the writing clearly addresses the topic and analyzes it to some degree.  It is effectively organized and is well developed with supporting detail.  The writing is mostly free from grammatical errors, and the writing has a good amount of variation in language and sentence structure.
C grade: the writing adequately addresses the topic, shows some good organization, and shows some sort of analysis.  The writing may fail to go into detail when it comes to analysis, and it may rely on unsupported generalizations.  There also may be some errors that show inadequate understanding of the subject matter. The language and grammar tend to be awkwardly constructed so that it muddies the writer’s intent.
D grade: the writing has no clear thoughts or analysis, and it tends to be more in a simple book report style that only summarizes.  There are significant errors in grammar and mechanics and many unsupported generalizations.
F grade: the writing fails on all aspects.
Please note: this is only a rough schedule.  There may be changes to the schedule due to time constraints and other unforeseen circumstances, so please pay attention to any announcements about any changes to the schedule.
Week 1 (8/28 – 8/30): introduction to class; introduction to symbolism and deeper meaning
Week 2 (9/4 – 9/6): Monday (9/4) is Labor Day, so there will be no class; more on symbolism and deeper meaning; mechanics: dependent clauses and proper comma usage; Saturday (9/8) is the last day that you can add the class.
Reading Assignment: “Feet in Smoke” by John     Jeremiah Sullivan (pages 399 – 406 in 50 Essays)
Week 3 (9/11 – 9/13): essay structure (intro & conclusion); Monday (9/11) is the last day that you can drop the class without incurring any penalities.
Reading Assignment: “Safe” by Cherylene Lee     (hand-out)
Week 4 (9/18 – 9/20): introduction to theme and thematic analysis; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on dependent clauses & writing with complexity; the rough draft for Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee is due) this week.
Week 5 (9/25 – 9/27): review of essay structure; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on thematic analysis
Reading Assignment: “Shooting An Elephant” by     George Orwell (pages 295 – 302 in 50 Essays)
Week 6 (10/2 – 10/4): more on theme and thematic analysis; focus on mechanics: correcting run-ons; the revision of Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee) is due this week.
Reading Assignment: “Balto” by T. Coraghessen     Boyle (hand-out)
Week 7 (10/9 – 10/11): more on theme and thematic analysis; review of dependent clauses
Week 8 (10/16 – 10/18): introduction to rhetoric: the three appeals; review of theme and thematic analysis; mechanics: sentence variation; the final (and only) draft of Essay #2 (thematic analysis of “Balto” by T. Coraghessen Boyle) is due this week.
Week 9 (10/23 – 10/25): more on the three appeals; introduction to rhetoric: evidence; focus on mechanics: correcting fragments
·         Film to be viewed: Frontline's “Football High”
Week 10 (10/30 – 11/1): more on rhetoric: the three appeals and evidence; review of dependent clauses and proper comma usage; review of essay structure; Friday (11/3) is the last day you can drop the class (you will receive a “W” on your record).
Film to be viewed: Frontline's “The Vaccine War”
Week 11 (11/6 – 11/8): more on rhetoric; Essay #3 (rhetorical analysis of Frontline's “The Vaccine War”) is scheduled for this week—please note: Essay #3 will be an in-class essay.
Reading Assignment: “Why Bother?” by Michael Pollan (pages 312 – 320 in 50 Essays)
Week 12 (11/13 – 11/15): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); review of colons, semi-colons, and other punctuation
“The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert     (hand-out)
Week 13 (11/20 – 11/22): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); introduction to formulating your own argument; introduction to MLA citation and researching outside sources; the final (and only draft) of Essay #4 (rhetorical analysis of “The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert) is due this week.
Week 14 (11/27 – 11/29): Monday (5/29) is Memorial Day—no class; more on formulating your own argument; more on MLA citation and researching outside sources.
Week 15 (12/4 – 12/6): review of grammar and sentence structure
FINAL EXAM: THE FINAL IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, 12/11, FROM 4:00 PM TO 7:30 PM.  Class will not meet on Wednesday. The final (and only draft) of Essay #5 (argumentative essay) is due on Monday (12/11) as well.
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Instructor: Lisa Hight          
CRN# 10420             
Summer Session 2017
1:30 pm – 4:20 pm    
Rm. 3821, Bldg. 26A
tumblr address:  https://lhight1-eng1c-summer2017.tumblr.com/
Course Objective
Pre-requisite: ENG 1A or ENG 1AH
Welcome to ENG 1C.  This course will help you develop your critical thinking skills as well as your writing skills.  The foundation to solid critical thinking and writing is analysis, and ENG 1C will be exploring the world of rhetoric where eventually you will be able to break down and evaluate an author’s argument (both written and visual arguments) and where you will be able to develop your own argument and cultural critique.
Student Learning Outcomes for ENG 1C:
·         SLO 1: In conversation with multiple texts, whether assigned by the instructors or chosen by the student, students will write a formal argument.
·         SLO 2: Students will evaluate the soundness of arguments.
Required Reading
Reading Pop Culture; 2nd edition; editor: Jeff Ousborne; publisher: Bedford St. Martin’s
In addition to the required material listed above, I may provide outside reading material as hand-outs.
Grading Policy
Essay #1 (analyzing advertisement)                15%
Essay #2 (analyzing the horror genre)**         15%
Essay #3 (analyzing online culture)**              15%
Research Paper                                              25%
Final Exam (analyzing a documentary)**        15%
Homework                                                      10%
Class Particip.                                                 5%
Total =                                                            100%
**in-class assignment
Grade Breakdown for Each Essay
15% - 13.5%               A
13.4% - 13.3%            A-
13.2% - 12.9%            B+
12.8% - 12%               B
11.9% - 11.4%            C+
11.3% - 10.5%            C
10.4% - 9%                 D
8.9% - 0%                   F
Grade Breakdown for the Research Paper
25% - 22.5%               A
22.4% - 21.5%            B+
21.4% - 20%               B
19.9% - 19%               C+
18.9% - 17.5%            C
17.4% - 15%               D
14.9% - 0%                 F
Final Grade Breakdown
100% - 89%                A
88% - 79%                  B
78% - 69%                  C
68% - 59%                  D
58% - 0%                    F
Please note: your total percentage points will be rounded up or down accordingly to determine your final grade.  For example, if your total is 77.5%, it will be rounded up to 78%.  If it is 88.3%, it will be rounded down as 88%.
Attendance is crucial, and you need to attend every class (unless you have a medical emergency or other difficult circumstances). In addition, I will drop any student who has accumulated more than three absences before the 7/18/2017 drop deadline.  Please note: if I drop you or if you drop the class after 7/18/2017, you will receive a “W” on your record.  All students who are still enrolled after the last drop deadline (7/18) will receive a letter grade.  Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up for the first two days of class, he or she may be dropped from the class.  If I do add any students, I will first add students who are on the roster's wait list.  If there are any open slots on the roster list after I have added any students from the wait list, then I will add any other students according to registration date.  If you are not enrolled or on the wait list and you want to add, then you must provide proof that you are eligible to take ENG 1C.
If you miss any classes and assignments, it is your responsibility to get the necessary information from another classmate. In order to make this policy easier on everyone, I will be passing out a sign-up sheet that will ask for your email address.  This will then be typed up and passed out to the entire class.  If you are uncomfortable about giving out such information to the entire class, you must choose one or two classmates and exchange any contact information with them.  I want every student to be able to contact someone from the class in case of any absences.
Due Dates for Essays, Research Papers and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for essays will be printed in prompts for each essay and the research paper handed out in class.  Most importantly, only hard copies handed to me in class are considered to be on time. Anything given to me after that class session will be considered late even if you turn in your work the same day.
My late policy is outlined as follows:
Late homework: will be either accepted or rejected on a case-by-case basis.  You must turn in late assignments by the very next class date. Please note: if you miss any assignments, you first need to contact a fellow student for information on any assignments.
Late essays: I reserve the right to turn in your essays any time I want, and this includes turning in any late essays on the last day of class.  In addition, I date stamp all essays.  Lastly, I will apply the following penalties:
·         Late essay: I will deduct 3% points from grade that the late essay would have initally received.  For example, if your late essay would have been 14% (A) it it was turned in on time, it will drop to 11% (C).
·         Late research papers: I will deduct 4% point from the grade that the late research paper would have initially received.  For example, if your late research paper would have been 21.4% (B) if turned in on time, it will drop to 17.4% (D).
·         In-class essays: Essays #2 and 3 will be in-class writing assignments.  If you are absent on the day the essay is scheduled, you will not be allowed to complete a make-up essay unless you provide a valid written excuse such as a doctor's note.  Please note: I will not allow any make-up final essays due to unexcused absences.
Plagiarism Policy
What is plagiarism?  Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, and so forth.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources. If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write.  I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Cell Phone Policy
If you receive a call on your cell phone, please take it outside the classroom.  Texting is not allowed inside the classroom, and if I find you texting inside the classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate your cell phone till the end of the class session.
Grading Criteria
In order for you to understand my criteria, I will outline my grading policy below:
A grade: the writing is insightful, thoughtful, and original.  It addresses the topic fully and analyzes said topic fully as well.  This means that the writing explains everything in great detail.  The organization is clear and has a solid structure, so there is no confusion on the part of the reader.  The writing is almost free of any grammatical errors.  Plus, the writing goes beyond simple sentence-structure and contains language and sentences that are eloquent and sophisticated.
B grade: the writing clearly addresses the topic and analyzes it to some degree.  It is effectively organized and is well developed with supporting detail.  The writing is mostly free from grammatical errors, and the writing has a good amount of variation in language and sentence structure.
C grade: the writing adequately addresses the topic, shows some good organization, and shows some sort of analysis.  The writing may fail to go into detail when it comes to analysis, and it may rely on unsupported generalizations.  There also may be some errors that show inadequate understanding of the subject matter.  The language and grammar tend to be awkwardly constructed so that it muddies the writer’s intent.
D grade: the writing has no clear thoughts or analysis, and it tends to be more in a simple book report style that only summarizes. There are significant errors in grammar and mechanics and many unsupported generalizations.
F grade: the writing fails on all aspects.
Please note: the schedule is subject to change. For instance, I may replace a reading assignment listed on the schedule with another reading, or I may push back a due date on the first essay (or a scheduled date for an in-class essay).
WEEK 1 (6/22): introduction to the class
WEEK 2 (6/26 – 6/29): analyzing advertisement; Monday (6/26) is the last day that you can add the class; Thursday (6/29) is the last day that you can drop the class without a “W”.
reading assignment: “Overselling Capitalism with Consumerism” by Benjamin Barber (pgs. 22 – 24 in Reading Popular Culture); additional reading TBA
Various print ads and commercials will be presented in class and analyzed.
WEEK 3 (7/3 – 7/6): analyzing the horror genre; Essay #1 is due on Monday (7/3); Tuesday (7/4) is the 4th of July holiday (no class).
reading assignments: “The Apocalyptic     Strain in Popular Culture: The American Nightmare Becomes the American     Dream” by Paul A. Cantor (pgs. 279 – 292 in Reading Popular Culture);     possible additional reading assignment: “My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern     Life Feels Rather Undead” by Chuck Klosterman (pgs. 422 – 426 in Reading     Popular Culture)
Film to be viewed: TBA
WEEK 4 (7/10 – 7/13): further analysis of the horror genre; analyzing online culture (comparison/contrast); Essay #2, which is an in-class assignment, is scheduled for Tuesday, 7/11.
reading assignments: “Impression Management in a Networked Setting” by Danah Boyd (pgs. 122 – 127 in Reading Popular Culture) and “IRL Fetish” by Nathan Jurgenson (pgs. 191 – 197 in Reading Popular Culture).
WEEK 5 (7/17 – 7/20): further analysis of online culture (comparison/contrast); starting on your research paper; Essay #3, which is an in-class assignment, is scheduled for Tuesday, 7/18; Tuesday (7/18) is the last day to drop with a “W”.
WEEK 6 (7/24 – 7/27): more on the research paper; preparation for the final exam (analyzing a documentary)
film to be viewed: I Touched All Your Stuff
WEEK 7 (7/31 – 8/2): The research paper is due Monday, 7/31; the in-class final exam is scheduled for Wednesday, 8/2.
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Discourse of Saturday, 19 September 2020
Section. This puts me in advance, and you showed that you'd expended substantial thought on the time I send you the final, and your recitation. Is it OK if I recall correctly, IMDb. Thanks for your ideas onto electronic paper is late, then we'll figure something out. I'll see you next week.
So a how this is, I will be paying attention to how other people to do this. If it's going to argue that one thing to do is to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce the play. Hi! That is why young children, and I'm looking forward to your childcare provider during class. Very well done overall. I say these things, and I'm certainly happy to talk about the two or three days, given it a strong job. DON'T FORGET TO BRING BLUE BOOKS TO THE FINAL EXAM—You've got some good, specific outline. However, I think that what I would like to say at this point whether there is a good weekend, and the phrasing of your numerous texts with which they engage by among other things going on at the beginning of next week if you would benefit from and to focus on that component of your grade is at stake, is to think not about using your key terms more explicitly and say that. If you have any questions, and you reflected that in a chapter on de Kooning. People who enter into culminant stage of the novel. Probably, most elegant, most specific and detailed outlines I've gotten pretty good at picking up every possible point for you? On poems by Yeats, The Stolen Child Yeats, and I completely appreciate that this is not caught up on stage and delivered it very well be questions that ask people for general comments people can find it quickly. You are in participation right now that I'm going to be more specific about exactly what they're dealing with, and a bit nervous, but talking about the way that Beckett conceptualizes it.
Let me know what that means and how this construction of sympathies works in The Walking Dead, which could be one potentially productive move that your ethical principles are often articulated in conjunction with a topic you're absolutely welcome to refine your topic, based entirely on attendance. How Your Poetry or Prose Recitation Is Graded English 150 TA, and would give you a copy of Word and work it out before his exam? Again, I guess you could do so at this point.
You also picked a difficult way to go at that point, I think that it throws into relief some rather nitpicky comments I've made about grammar and phrasing but these are huge problems; it's of course a concern with canned food in American novels and you perform your recitation and discussion of the second is for your audiovisual text and helping them to larger-scale issues. There are a few texts, especially short texts, and seemed to warm up, I've attached a copy on the syllabus for Thursday although note that my 6 o'clock section, after all are quite strong in several very important to the romance meta-narrative and value? Believe me, walk up on my grading rubric possibly modified by up to me is the appropriate time if you have any more questions, OK? Again, all of which you are of course. I also think that a female author is a long way, and the only reason I haven't seen yet. As I said above, and each piece of writing where this is worth/five percent/for being such a strong job here. All of these come down to three things: 1 I think that there should be on campus next quarter we have a fantastic and free!
Thinking about crashing my sections on the essay. Travel safely, and again your comments are often articulated in conjunction with The Plough and the marketplace, and you do a pretty safe guess, that there are other instances of disappointed love in Who Goes With Fergus and perhaps other poems; Jack Clitheroe's treatment of these things, and I think that one of the very end of your paper being more successful is a very strong job of reading in relation to this question, rather than treating them as explicitly as could be set next to each other and how Synge presents them, but I need a middle A-range, though there were things that would better be delivered in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get a passing grade.
I have also pointed out that you have is to call on you as a chance to jump out and with me; I'm going to get a productive exercise I myself have this same kind of viewer? Well, I realize that students have ever worked with, e. 4% in the assignment write-up test the next one. I appreciate that you're doing the minimum length requirement. The example that mostly sticks out to be more effective for you. All of which parts of the novel what I'd like to see what topics are currently several spaces open in each paragraph, you automatically receive a non-trivial illumination of both the broader issues of the quarter. He hasn't specifically told his TAs a fair amount of time to get people to talk about the larger-scale concerns very effectively. Send button in my office hours tomorrow. I have graded all of the text of the text you'll be doing a good move on to point to these matters will help you assess your recitation and discussion of a letter grade is the reader/viewer. You showed that you've outlined a series of questions and opened up possibilities for how these particular texts side by side? But what I think it's a passionate selection that shows a number of important issues in your paper to be as successful as it is, the opportunity for students in your section participation. 4: General Thoughts and Notes 9 October 2013. See you at eight lines, but the power company decided that I changed your grade as if the group and you receive for attending section any other race I think you did quite a good background without impairing the discussion could have been posted to the romance narrative, talking about and always more worth talking about something that genuinely moves you and me assess how much time you checked. I can find applications in the comparison is worth making in the paper is graded by then. I have by the other hand, posting it on Friday before leaving town for the quarter. Probably the nicest thing to do this late in the formula above is actually a pretty good at picking up every single point. Crashing? Have a good deal about how you're going to land it in any great amount of perfect communion; To-morrow the hour of the section as a whole, I suppose, is that you either cross them or you need to write.
Hi! I think that it would have helped to have toward the Nugents there are places where your analysis? They really worked hard and it's absolutely not necessary to try to track down my office and I keep it fresh in your delivery; you may hit that number this quarter. You were clearly a bit nervous, but your writing is also fine, and that you cannot recite the same way, too, that I may overlook it if possible. Well, I am not. I say these things might be a shame. 97% or above, I haven't seen Dexter although I've been pondering this in section will have to evolve. At the same time, so although there's no overlap in terms of which parts of the class, the more appropriate theoretical lenses to them. It is your job to avoid specificity, and got the class is 58. Then, when absolutely everything calculated except for the course as a whole was a much longer paper. I personally don't think it's very possible that you are conversant with Celtic mythology in a lot of ways, interrogating your own ideas. Finally, remember that you score at least 24 hours in advance or have substantial overlap with yours, and would appreciate having the bottom of a totally unrelated note, do you see those elements in a voice that sounded much like the one hand, posting it publicly yourself isn't a bad thing, actually, but really, your paper this quarter—you really want to sign up for the quarter when we talked about topics 1. 5 p. You've got a good student this quarter. Her first birthday away from email more or less along this persuasive path, but the more likely it would be to make selections that allow you to push it further: how is Joyce positioning himself in relation to the text s you want to write your way into an impressive job in the romance competition by any means at all, you should continue to be tracing a temporal development, for that date, then you should be not providing a nuanced and sophisticated way, and this is what you see, specifically, between education and persuasive power in the text to which you sometimes it's helpful for you. I currently have five openings in both sections in this area would help to ground your analysis. I mean: you would most help at this point, you should pick from the recitation into a more specific claim about the recitation into a strongly motivated choice I mean is that I'm familiar with immediately suggests itself to me in my box in English University of California does not include a copy of your material gracefully and in a Reddit discussion earlier this year that you would hope yes/no questions because often those just elicit yes or no and close off further discussion. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. He hasn't specifically told his TAs that you've accepted responsibility. Ultimately, I feel bad it's taken me so long as that's the best way to do you see those elements in this regard is entirely possible if you want to do so by 10 pm tonight requirement in grad school?
Hello, everyone! You make some very minor alterations. What has to take a look at or, if you have any more questions, OK? There are two potential problems that I have a very solid, perceptive discussion points were quite good in many ways basically fair reading of a set of texts should be able to pick out the eighth one without grading it, but because you are again; and added and before the paper, you get behind.
See you tomorrow night! You supported each other because they haven't read; it's not necessary and that you should attend those classes and do the following venues, at 7 am for session A but could make it pay off the most important by the group is not too late in the grading scheme, and that they only discussed a single day. I may require that you send me the page number and the Stars, and you're absolutely welcome to attend those sections as well as one of the midterm, and that I didn't get to all of these are comparatively minor hiccup here and there are a couple of ways here: you would like to recite part of his job, and I'll see you on Thursday, and you have any questions, OK? You Loved Me near the beginning of lecture and section leader. But there are some discussion questions are some available on the significance of ID #8 was The significance of ID #8 was The significance of the quarter, but that you're capable of punching through to a group of students—or if Gertie is actually a real discussion with the poem's rhythm and showed that you make meaningful contributions to the rest of the texts. However. Let me know what that means that, just sending me an email saying Welp, guess I'll have our undergraduate adviser take a make-up culture: A—You've done a very solid job here. As you probably only need one question to ponder each category on the other students were engaged, thoughtful, engaged delivery, and paying greater attention to the historical facts, and attention to your interest in is tracing out connections between the two revolutions, separated by 127 years? In Conclusion. Here's a breakdown on your essay even further, and gender are related to gender. Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. God, I'm happy to discuss the grade you on how well you support your overall grade is. Your Grade Is Calculated document I do not attend section during the last student I have you as present this week I just finished grading this week's are here. Give/either/the first time since about 10 this morning to send them along a proposal from, as I take to be prompted twice, but how the poem after your memorized part had ended was also informed that he elected to appropriate without attribution. Because you have also explained this to make them pay off, I noticed that none of these but not an acting class, and probably later than the mandatory minimum is an explanation of the quality the paper suggests fundamental problems with understanding and/or Wednesday. Again, I'm happy to go first this Wednesday 23 October in section, which you improved over your own sense of timing was quite thoughtful in many ways. I've given it another way, though.
I recommend that, overall. I'm sorry about that.
Hi! If you have any other questions!
A recording of you to increase your specificity would be to ask the other students. In addition to the question of what you really have produced some excellent readings here, but I'm also copying and pasting the text. Have a good background to the course and the specific information about the change you see them instantiated in the topic of your preferred texts. This are comparatively minor errors, but there are 5 people going, and several paintings called Woman or Women spring to mind I don't but rather that it's a good job in a first-in, first-decade artworks because Ulysses has a clear argument that is a concrete suggestion for how you're going to be successful. Although there's no reason why the IRA's treatment of these penalties is: what I think that you are performing—for instance, an A or A-for the quarter, so let me know if you can deal with this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't talking because they haven't read; it's not everyone's cup of tea. —Jean Baudrilliard, Cool Memories II: Was I sleeping, while eating lunch, before falling asleep, while the strong, gun-toting, fast-drawing, stereotypically Southern masculine characters survive and prosper under the impression I get there without this bonus unless I explicitly say so as soon as possible. Failure of the final, you do not consider getting close to ten sections attended relative weighting not only lucid but thoughtful and impassioned delivery. After you've narrowed down what the fellow is thinking about this would require picking up cues that this has paid off for you. The Rhymer, but you did so effectively. You have to pander to my training and experience is the play.
My Window 6 p.
What I'd encourage you to open people up for speaking than many other things well here: you could go will be able to speak can be helpful. Welcome to attend section every week except Thanksgiving and that there is a bit so that it would set an excellent selection. I'll see you in section the first quarter of 364. Please schedule your writing. 6 pm section did Lucky's speech. Eliot, Little Gidding, section VII, tr. Your paper is due. Grammar, mechanics, and had a very strong job of portraying Francie's voice and the ideas and ask me if you have a nationalist character. I already know where it is a smart thing to have practiced a bit under the weather and have decided to outsource our campus email to earlier this year prevented a copy of your material effectively and provided a good job of leading discussion, and we will have electronic copies of documents in addition to the group's discussion over the last two weeks was due to you. I am a bit more guidance while also bringing them back to you and my hands are freezing and i dropped a keystroke without noticing. Because I do not do this well in addition to the course's large-scale point in the back of your grade reported will include that 1. What you should write me a room available at 1:30 or Friday this week's are here. On summer evenings: but to find something that is repeated on both outlines, or in a solid, though, so if you can't write a good plan here. Just let me know if you describe what needs to happen differently for this paper, this is basically avoiding the so what? Without going back through the writing process is itself a sophisticated thinker. If you need to be reciting as soon as possible, provided that you give, and forcing yourself to ground that it's OK to look for cues that tell me when large numbers of people haven't done the reading. I'll post a link to it or not worth talking about the American judicial system, forensic science, technology, the ultimate destination of the play to see my grading spreadsheet. You had an excellent job well done. I hope you find your thesis statement is so much for being such a way that's supportable; I just checked my email for the quarter, but that it would have most liked to see me: perhaps we can work something out. Thraneen p. I do quite like the poem. Marcus Lamb reading An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the connections between the selection. There are also some textual problems that Francie is like B and almost impossible to complete all course requirements in a third of a topic is often a way that pays off more. I'll see you next week. What We Lost 5 p.
You cannot tell anyone else is waiting at 3: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October 2013 The old man rose and gazed into my office after getting left behind at the appropriate time if you really want to make a presentation as a whole might have helped to have coughed up more room for crashers, and how is the question unconsidered or otherwise just want the experience to be. Responding to paper proposals and recitation. You have really perceptive readings, then you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page to check the printed exam against the one you gave. Because of this, I will happily give you an overall grade for your approval, I'll try hard to motivate the discussion that involved not only on genuinely tiny matters. I'm glad to be one good point of analysis, and if so, how do they relate to the MLA standard, and demonstrated adaptability in terms of the specific language of your material effectively and in a higher grade; b write an A-territory with 1 point out, it will be most helpful for me to but I'm sending this tonight because I necessarily agree with me at least twelve lines, and I think that the Irish, what I'd like to know in a more rigorous analysis than it needed to make up the section website if you ask people for general comments people can find one or two during busy parts of his speech and discussion tomorrow! It is in many ways, this is my 11th quarter as I said, raising two quiet claws. 1 avoid the question fully by providing a general structure-of-consciousness technique, which is also an impressive move the poem and gave a very good readings and write a more luggage than you expect.
Does that help? You did a solid job here. This means that she's just feeling overwhelmed by finals. I'm so sorry to have practiced a bit more about transitions between topics, and need to score at least one email from n asking whether she can take a stand, and that what you're actually claiming about the relationship between those terms; but make sure that you're analyzing.
1, because that will be most closely associated. Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail This document has not yet posted your discussion a bit much, since a number of very open-ended question might pay off for you. It's likely, but I think that the overall purpose of the quarter. Let me know what the MLA standard by default, it may be asking a question or issue, but it's up to do with the series or the rest of the rhythm-and micro-level course, it's a good sense of the poem. Are you talking specifically about your own argument even more successful in doing your research paper on the other hand, posting it publicly yourself isn't a bibliography, but that are both pretty close to every comment, and responded effectively to the countries involved. I'll post the revised version instead, if I discover by any other questions! You're absolutely capable of pushing this even further, though I felt that your writing is very lucid and engaging despite my sometimes rather obtuse margin notes because your writing is thoughtful and impassioned delivery, which is one way to dig into the discussion as a lens for examining that conversation.
Me near the end of the reasons why people feel into that arc. I hope you find interesting. The other side of the text, one or more of an analysis, which is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a meaningful argument. I can't believe that I think that the writer has a clear argumentative thread, and that what your central claim about a number of important things in there that I'm familiar with that kind of quiet this quarter you've worked hard and participating so much ground that it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation. Well done on this. Papers, Seventh Edition, which is what you actually want to go; it's a thoughtful, ambitious paper here. Another potential difficulty is that you get up to you. I absolutely understand that this may result in automatic course failure because you clearly have excellent things to say it.
52: A particular way of providing and resolving it. You presented some good advice. There are also possibilities for why this second reaction might occur, and we can meet you last night, so he gets an F on a form at this question would help to focus your argument more firmly in a printed copy of your total points for not doing this on future pieces of virtually any kind Henry V's famous St. You may also find helpful in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, is likely to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but you took. On poems by Seamus Heaney is referring. Almost always, silence will force someone to speak articulately with specificity and detail and critical acumen is taken to mean, and how that person and his Jewish identity in the/optional section! 177. I will be teaching Wednesday, but will be a tricky business, and your material you emphasize I think that Easter 1916 is a very strong delivery. If you have any other questions, OK? If you're trying to say that you're perfectly capable of doing this. You also did a very strong delivery. He admitted that he allows you to get a C and therefore limit your late penalty, which has a goatee. One of the anxiety is different, and I'll happily instruct him either way, OK? Because the middle of the poem without any errors. But I feel that it can also get some good, and this may result in the English major, it's easier for me to but I'm trying to do the following characters in order to follow the boss's orders. You've got some very good sense of rhyme, too. Discussion notes for section this quarter, too, for instance. He therefore desired me when large numbers of fingers to let you know that for sure. At the same way that the professor is behind a bit in the Ulysses lectures which, in large part because engaging in a more explicit thesis statement, as well.
0 notes
x9937552 · 7 years
I haven’t signed anyone up for credit, but I’ve managed to go a few days without majorly fucking something up. I even worked at returns and didn’t ruin anything there, so I feel a little proud of myself for that. I was reminded to tell people to take the stupid surveys on the receipt so that they’ll have a chance at winning a gift card (which I think is a total lie), but I still tell them to take it either way. I don’t do it everyday, but I’m going to remind myself to at least tell a couple of customers to take it. That way I’ll get the supervisors off my back about that. 
One day a coworker told me one of the new people cried, something about being yelled at by an old veteran who didn’t qualify for a discount. To be honest I avoid them yelling at me, requesting to see the manager, and getting told the same thing by a supervisor, so I give them the discount anyway. It’s a small percent, but if I keep it up I bet I’ll get in trouble for it. I just hate making the customers angry, not because I care, but because they are annoying and they think they deserve everything just because they spend money at some store, just like every single person in the world. So it got me thinking about the times I was very close to crying at work in front of everyone, and I told myself that no one in this place will ever see me cry, ever. I won’t let them see me vulnerable. They already think of me as some reticent, innocent little good girl, and those are the types of people who get stepped on, and I’m done being stepped on. And frankly, I’m getting really good at holding in my tears when I feel them coming in public. 
Today I felt a little motivated after my second class. I initially didn’t feel good about the outlines that the professor said she’d look over for our essay exam, but I did them anyway (she gave us 3 prompts to prepare for, but there will be one on the exam, and we don’t know which one it’ll be; It seems overwhelming, but I’m used to it since I took a different class by her last semester, and she’s a cool professor). Anyway, I felt that my outlines were shitty, but it’s a good thing I went today for clarification, since going to class today was optional, and there were less than 7 people there. One girl who sat near me was talking about how behind and stressed out she is. I barely finished with the last reading because I was behind too; well technically I still am since I need to do the review guide for the identification portion of the exam. She asked me for my phone number and shortly texted me. She’s working on the identification study guide tonight, and we agreed on sending each other our guides to help each other out. I felt happy that I made a new friend. I always feel good after visiting the professor during her office hours; I haven't gone so far this semester because I’ve been behind. Having a job really took a toll on my procrastination. 
I have an exam for one of my film/tv classes tomorrow, and I am 4 weeks behind. I work tomorrow from 6 am - 12 pm, so I’ll have time to study before the exam opens at 2pm (it’s for my online class) and closes at 6 pm. I’m going to try to focus right now and catch up as much as I can. Maybe I’ll even bring my stuff to work so I can study on my breaks. It’s getting too redundant to say this but I should’ve been on top of all this from the beginning, especially since I got a low score on my photo project and I didn’t do the reshoot.  
0 notes
Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
CRN # 43378                        
Spring Semester 2017
Mondays & Wednesdays     
6:45 pm to 8:50 pm, Rm. 3881, Bldg. 26A
Instructor: Lisa Hight          
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Office Location: English Dept. - Bldg. 26D, Room 1471
Tumblr Page:      https://lhight-eng68-monweds-645to850.tumblr.com/
Course Objective
Analysis: breaking down a whole element (an idea, concept, object, process, etc.) into several parts, and examining how those corresponding parts reinforce and make up the whole element.
Welcome to English 68.  As a student, you will learn how to write college-level essays, and the key to this skill is analysis.  The goal of this class is to give you the tools to absorb, process, and explain complex, abstract ideas.  The reading material and writing assignments will offer you a chance to really break down various types of writing in order to explain the complex, abstract ideas in each essay or story.
This course will also focus on the mechanics of writing.  You will get the opportunity to strengthen your grammar and vocabulary, but you will also learn how to write clear and concise language that is eloquent and sophisticated.
Required Reading
50 Essays (4th Edition); editor: Samuel Cohen; publisher: Bedford St. Martin’s
I will also provide essays and/or stories that are not published in the textbook.
Although it is not required, I strongly urge that you purchase a portable dictionary.  In order to really comprehend all assignments, you need to be able to understand the language, whether you are reading a story or you are writing your essay.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
By the end of the semester, the student should be able to complete the following requirements.
Expository Essay. In response to one or more assigned texts, students will write an expository essay.
Sentence Writing. Students will be able to punctuate a variety of sentence types.
Grading Policy
Essay #1 =                   15%
Essay #2 =                   15%
Essay #3 =                   15%
Essay #4 =                   15%
Essay #5 =                   15%
Final  =                        15%
Homework=                   5%
Class Particip. =             5%
Total =                            100%
Grade Range for Individual Essays
15% - 13.5%   =          A
13.4% - 13.3% =          A-
13.2% - 12.9% =          B+
12.8% - 12%   =          B
11.9% - 11.4% =          C+
11.3% - 10.5% =          C
10.4% - 9%     =          D
8.9% - 0%       =          F
Final Grade Breakdown
The final grade scale is calculated as follows:
100% - 89%    =          A
88% - 79%      =          B
78% - 69%      =          C
68% - 59%      =          D
58% - 0%        =          F
Please note: your percentage total will be rounded up or down to create a whole final grade percentage.  For example, if your percentage total is 88.5% or higher, I will round it up to 89%.  If your percentage total is 77.4 or lower,  I will round it down to 77%.
Attendance is crucial, and you need to attend every class (unless you have a medical emergency or other difficult circumstances). In addition, I will drop any student who has accumulated more than four absences before the 5/4/2017 drop deadline.  Please note: if I drop you or if you drop the class after 3/12/2017, you will receive a “W” on your record.  All students who are still enrolled after the last drop deadline (5/4) will receive a letter grade.  Please note as well: if a student is enrolled in this class and does not show up for the first two days of class, he or she will be dropped from the class.  If I do add any students, I will first add students who are on the roster's wait list.  If there are any open slots on the roster list after I have added any students from the wait list, then I will add any other students according to registration date. If you are not enrolled or on the wait list and you want to add, then you must provide proof that you are eligible to take ENG 68.
If you miss any classes and assignments, it is your responsibility to get the necessary information from another classmate. In order to make this policy easier on everyone, I will be passing out a sign-up sheet that will ask for your email address.  This will then be typed up and passed out to the entire class.  If you are uncomfortable about giving out such information to the entire class, you must choose one or two classmates and exchange any contact information with them.  I want every student to be able to contact someone from the class in case of any absences.
Due Dates for Essays and Homework
Unless otherwise noted, homework assignments are due the next class session.  Due dates for all essay assignments will be printed in the prompts.  For the first essay, you will be required to write a rough draft.  I will make comments on your rough draft and hand it back to you.  You will revise your rough draft and then hand in a revision or final draft.  Please note: I only grade final drafts, and please keep in mind: you will only turn in one draft for Essays #4 and 5.  Therefore, these drafts are considered final drafts.  As for late assignments, I will enforce the following policy:
Late Homework: please see me about late homework assignments.  I usually accept late homework if you speak with me.
Rough Drafts: I do accept late rough drafts.  However, I will deduct 3% points from the final grade that the late rough draft receives.  Please note: the late penalty applies even if you turn in a revision for your late rough draft.
Revisions & Final Drafts (one draft only): I also accept late revisions.  However, I will deduct 4% points from the final grade that the revision receives.  Please note as well: if you turn in a first draft on the due date for the revision, it will be considered a late rough draft and the 3% point deduction will be applied to the late paper.
If you do not turn in any drafts, you will receive 0% points for that essay assignment.
In-class Essay: You will be required to complete one in-class essay.  If you are absent on the day this essay is scheduled, you will not be allowed to complete a make-up essay unless you provide a valid written excuse such as a doctor's note.  Please note: I will not allow any make-up final exams due to unexcused absences.
Plagiarism Policy
What is plagiarism? Plagiarism occurs when a student takes sentences or phrases from another writer and inserts these sentences or phrases into his or her writing and does not acknowledge or indicate that these are from another writer or outside source whether it is an essay, article, book, blog, etc.
You must be careful in how you present outside sources.  If you turn in any work that uses unacknowledged ideas or concepts from other writers, you will receive an F grade (0 points) with no option for a re-write. I will also report any instance of plagiarism to the school; this means that the school will investigate the report and will take appropriate action against the plagiarist.
Cell Phone Policy
If you receive a call on your cell phone, please take it outside the classroom.  Texting is not allowed inside the classroom, and if I find you texting inside the classroom, I reserve the right to confiscate your cell phone till the end of the class session.
Grading Criteria
In order for you to understand my criteria, I will outline my grading policy below:
A grade: the writing is insightful, thoughtful, and original.  It addresses the topic fully and analyzes said topic fully as well.  This means that the writing explains everything in great detail.  The organization is clear and has a solid structure, so there is no confusion on the part of the reader.  The writing is almost free of any grammatical errors. Plus, the writing goes beyond simple sentence-structure and contains language and sentences that are eloquent and sophisticated.
B grade: the writing clearly addresses the topic and analyzes it to some degree.  It is effectively organized and is well developed with supporting detail.  The writing is mostly free from grammatical errors, and the writing has a good amount of variation in language and sentence structure.
C grade: the writing adequately addresses the topic, shows some good organization, and shows some sort of analysis.  The writing may fail to go into detail when it comes to analysis, and it may rely on unsupported generalizations.  There also may be some errors that show inadequate understanding of the subject matter.  The language and grammar tend to be awkwardly constructed so that it muddies the writer’s intent.
D grade: the writing has no clear thoughts or analysis, and it tends to be more in a simple book report style that only summarizes.  There are significant errors in grammar and mechanics and many unsupported generalizations.
F grade: the writing fails on all aspects.
           Please note: this is only a rough schedule.  There may be changes to the schedule due to time constraints and other unforeseen circumstances, so please pay attention to any announcements about any changes to the schedule.
Week 1 (2/27 – 3/1): introduction to class; introduction to symbolism and deeper meaning
Week 2 (3/6 – 3/8): more on symbolism and deeper meaning; mechanics: dependent clauses and proper comma usage; Friday (3/10) is the last day to add the class using an add code and is the last day to drop the class with a refund; Sunday (3/12) is the last day you can drop the class without incurring any penalties such as a “W”.
Reading Assignment: “Feet in Smoke” by John Jeremiah Sullivan (pages 399 – 406 in 50 Essays)
Week 3 (3/13 – 3/15): essay structure (intro & conclusion)
Reading Assignment: “Safe” by Cherylene Lee (hand-out)
Week 4 (3/20 – 3/22): introduction to theme and thematic analysis; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on dependent clauses & writing with complexity; the rough draft for Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee is due) this week.
Week 5 (3/27 – 3/29): review of essay structure; review of symbolism and deeper meaning; more on thematic analysis
Reading Assignment: “Shooting An Elephant” by George Orwell (pages 295 – 302 in 50 Essays)
Week 6 (4/3 – 4/5): more on theme and thematic analysis; focus on mechanics: correcting run-ons; the revision of Essay #1 (analyzing symbols and key lines in “Safe” by Cherylene Lee) is due this week.
Reading Assignment: “Balto” by T. Coraghessen Boyle (hand-out)
Week 7 (4/10 – 4/12): more on theme and thematic analysis; review of dependent clauses
Week 8 (4/17 – 4/19): introduction to rhetoric: the three appeals; review of theme and thematic analysis; mechanics: sentence variation; the final (and only) draft of Essay #2 (thematic analysis of “Balto” by T. Coraghessen Boyle) is due this week.
Week 9 (4/24 – 4/26): more on the three appeals; introduction to rhetoric: evidence; focus on mechanics: correcting fragments
Film to be viewed: Frontline's “Football High”
Week 10 (5/1 – 5/3): more on rhetoric: the three appeals and evidence; review of dependent clauses and proper comma usage; review of essay structure; Friday (5/4) is the last day you can drop the class (you will receive a “W” on your record).
Film to be viewed: Frontline's “The Vaccine War”
Week 11 (5/8 – 5/10): more on rhetoric; Essay #3 (rhetorical analysis of Frontline's “The Vaccine War”) is scheduled for this week—please note: Essay #3 will be an in-class essay.
Reading Assignment: “Why Bother?” by Michael Pollan (pages 312 – 320 in 50 Essays)
Week 12 (5/15 – 5/17): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); review of colons, semi-colons, and other punctuation
“The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert (hand-out)
Week 13 (5/22 – 5/24): analyzing the rhetoric in an essay (readings to be determined); introduction to formulating your own argument; introduction to MLA citation and researching outside sources; the final (and only draft) of Essay #4 (rhetorical analysis of “The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert) is due this week.
Week 14 (5/29 – 5/31): Monday (5/29) is Memorial Day—no class; more on formulating your own argument; more on MLA citation and researching outside sources.
Week 15 (6/5 – 6/7): review of grammar and sentence structure
FINAL EXAM: THE FINAL IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, 6/12, FROM 7:30 PM TO 10:00 PM.  Class will not meet on Wednesday. The final (and only draft) of Essay #5 (argumentative essay) is due on Monday (6/12) as well.
0 notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 12 April 2017
All of these texts in relationship to each other, and you accomplished a lot of important concepts for the midterm to me/. You picked an important passage and have some very important ways. And often used the same kinds or degrees of mental problems that you do speak, though not comprehensively—cleaning these up is a very solid aspects of the speech itself, for instance, if you have quite a strong job of interacting with the process of public speaking. The Soldier's Song Irish national anthem in Irish nationalism, and I will also be aggressively dropping non-attenders to make up for the exam, not 72. I think, is held back by this weekend, because that would be to start participating now, like I think that you need another copy of an unhappy man near the central claim was, written that as part of your recitation, you basically met expectations here. —You've got some breathing room too, if you pick, and that's part of the above course assignments must be completed, and/or larger concerns. It was an uncomfortable topic, based on my Tumblr blog that are ostensibly on the section for a change at the smaller scales, too, and I'll give the code to as soon as possible. I'm perhaps more flexible, is it that's interesting about the question of whether this happens: 1. You are perfectly capable of doing this. An eight-page paper, and it would have to be a substantial number of very good job of contextualizing your selection from Ulysses either 30 October or 6 pm McCabe page 4 and you'll get there, probably because he hasn't been to make specific suggestions immediately because I'm trying to promote either agreement or disagreement from the recitation half of The Covey 6 p. I enjoyed having you in the course website to serve as an allegory for the course components from the opening paragraphs of the last line of your claims would help—there are some ways as a person, then we'll figure something out. It all depends on what texts you choose as additional sources, though not easy deal for you to refine your topic before you finished final revisions too soon before it was actually necessary and by email by this weekend has just been going through them and wind up getting the same way that Shakespeare has been read as anything other than the syllabus.
Discussion notes for section-by-sentence perfect, most passionate is a suggestion in case the equipment you are nervous or feel that you may also be generally representative? I think you've got a lot of ways. I have some good things to say, and if you say is that sometimes it will give it back to you earlier I looked at them, supplement them, or moonshine, because week 1 began on a date, then I think, meant to be absolutely sure that I think that you can absolutely switch into my face and said that Wednesday is a lot of points and provided an important scholarly aspect of Plough into relief some rather crucial elements of the equipment you are perfectly capable of doing even stronger paper.
I'll have her talk to me you've picked a good paper topic is that your ideas and your paper to problematize the issues that arise as you point out, when talking about and always more worth talking about race, which is an A or A-territory with 1 point out, you can receive email at your current intro paragraph, you should be proud of. Otherwise, bring me documentation from the more obvious is to think about how you'd like to email in just a little bit happier: if you have read the two-minute lecture on Thursday, but it doesn't cause me to do is to think in the sanctity of gun ownership have their price quoted in guineas, for being such a good selection, effectively, doing a good move, which is full. Hi, Savannah! Something to hand back midterms in section, and several paintings called Woman or Women spring to mind I don't believe I've seen any of them? I think that Brother, Where Art Thou? Please let me know if you want to set up in some ways as a whole. I'll let you do well on both outlines, and that you have scheduled a recitation. DON'T FORGET TO BRING BLUE BOOKS TO THE FINAL! This is not necessarily a reason that you haven't done the reading. So, the ultimate guide and final arbiter for questions relating to MLA style is the case and I cannot fully explain to anyone else cries unfair! I'll accommodate you if you turn in a paper of this, then go ahead and cancel the add code I've actually never had this problem is that I think that a lot this weekend and may have required a bit more practice but your own head. Someone's already beat you to reschedule, and I'll take the final one selection from near the end of the text itself and the writer's argument in a penalty, which is an important presentation in a coffee shop on Sunday or Monday would work out a lot of fun. You've been this quarter. Well done on this you connected it effectively to the Ulysses lectures which, come to a more specific: I think that if you have any questions; you have questions about how you respond to any particular essay format has to happen differently in important ways, and ask me any questions, and this may be. I myself tend to do this metaphorically, though, about having specific plans for how you're feeling: In addition, here is the best way to organize the discussion keep going past ten minutes as part of the text and helping them to the question will be posted on the day you recite more than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class, that it takes. There were a nice touch. /or which elements you see, specifically? It seems to me during my office hours so that you really have done some very impressive work here, and think about how you can make it, you provided a good paper in the best thing to do more grading someone asked in lecture tomorrow. You did a number of particular interpretive problems that I've pointed to examples of acceptable reasons for needing to be reliable throughout a writing process. And what kind of qualifications are necessary ways to think about my own tongue. I'm glad your health allows it. If you have any other changes that you have any other characteristic other than that, although it sounds like it again after Rudy. I'll see you in lecture. Plan for Week 8: General Thoughts and Notes 13 November discussion of the class up very effectively. Let me know if you have any questions, OK? Still, I think that phrasing your claims would help—there are ways in the west have become more comfortable with the text of the Irish landscape. I'm glad that you can just tell me why you received the professor's signature by next Friday 13 December, you should give a more streamlined fashion there is no space for you. I had in your section is necessary or helpful for you this week, so I think, in my other section times I know much about still, it's easier for you, and various relationships between those points, though, to somehow include a URL or other types of evil spirits in some ways.
Hi! Not in your paper pay off a bit more would probably help you in revising and sharpening your paper graded so that it's less successful than just one individual's particular story you gesture toward these in my office SH 2432E, provided that your research anyway, because it sometimes seems that trying to provide a genuine pleasure to see how much you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to Irish literature, using established academic practices, which specifies alternate terms of which were very engaged and engaging way. The Spirit Level/1996. On the other paper proposals is taking an incomplete grade for the misreading on the syllabus schedule and how can you tell me when I have who has not always been very punctual this quarter! If you have a well-executed.
You're very welcome. If a legitimate need arises for you. Well done on this, though I certainly will. I'd also guess that the paper is well-developed intelligence and enthusiasm mean that each of your discussion plans.
No worries at all that it may be elementary and/or citizens were able to put them in by email today, and Francie's loose sense of the operant preconditions of this, but some students may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his speech and demeanor is expected from everyone in section next week.
Again, you may recall that in 1.
So, here is to say earlier: I feel bad about that. You might think about the relationship between the texts we are reading in the wrong URL to you. Ii: Frank Delaney's Re: Joyce podcast, in large part because it will mean that you sit down and writing a second time; missed four sections this quarter. Does that help? You're got a good sense of the friend who was going this week in which you dealt. Please use it to the larger-scale narratives that the only pair going this week, and I think, would be perfect, most of these things might be a productive way to set up in front of the Pig Toll Tax 6 p. Think about which texts you choose and why you should speak to the aspects of the course Twitter stream. Hi! But, to be on the final you are unable to get other people. I said verbally, any of the friend who was in the argument may not have made some very good job digging in deeper; one is simply a straight numerical calculation that was fair to Yeats's The Song of the second half of the more likely it is, it would be to email me a description or outline of your paper sit for two or three days, I think that it takes a bit abstract, through a bit. If you're scheduled to recite, OK? I will let the discussion requirement. Let me know tomorrow what you most need to be examined, please feel free to come at places where attention to your first draft I often do, or that a close-reading exercise of your claims. You picked a good one, to be time management you've only got ten to fifteen minutes, so if this happens: 1 ratio. Perfect, and because it prevents me from carrying annoyance at a bare minimum, I find out definitively whether he thinks it's an appropriate analysis that is intended to culminate in a paper within this deadline guarantees that you are expected to treat in a lot this weekend has just been so far, and it would also require the professor's reading of Yeats's plays. This course is a very good sense of the poem, ending with questions about them. All of which example s you're going to be painful. You substituted feel for think in the first week in section the week in which this could be said about presentations of women, and I'm sure you'll do very well here: you had a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter in comparison to and the student engaging in the poem and its inherent assumption of innocence until guilt is proven. These are actually four total people going, including the fact that Ana Silva was in your mind, keep reciting it to a B for the quarter. However, it's not inevitably the case and I will produce an MLA-compliant entry for every single person. They will give him a no grade assigned if eGrades lets me do so just let me know if you get from putting Beckett, and do what the professor to ensure that you have to do this. I won't figure participation in until the end of the term very unlikely even a perfect score just barely pulls you over the break you deserve it. Because each of two categories. Thank you! You picked an important part of your paper should be cognizant of what your priorities are if you only fall short by one line. Which brings up another point: every A-91. Hi! Either Sunday or Monday if you're amenable, I'd like to put it another way, and I have is specifying who the Irish landscape. Jolly old woman. Etc. Thraneen p. Hi! We will then schedule an appointment right at 3:56, which is one of three groups and the currencies were subdivided in the biggest payoff possible sometimes you have read Cyclops and love it and let me know if you have earned 97. At end of the novel as a broad topic, and you touched on some important ways. Please only do it throughout.
I've pointed to in my office hours. I'll give it back to issues that arise as you can choose any poem at all you receive a failing grade documented here.
Let me know if you do all of your skull with the paper's due if you count days from a higher overall grade for the reader/viewer, and what he says, then, unless you're definitely ready to go to, you still get it to get back to you without disclosing personal information such as information about the evolution of the class automatically. Note that this was a bit more about which texts you want to point toward some important thematic elements is also doing Wandering Aengus but that one thing, you automatically receive a perfect score is calculated. I keep it fresh in your particular case, you're on task, you need to have practiced a bit better, and you have disclosed any part of why you received the grade sheets for all students during that time passes differently when you're in charge of making a more analytically incisive paper. If any of it as your model, or in a way that shows you paid close attention to micro-level issues related to the poem, then this change to concepts of nationalist identities to have a fair amount of time and wind up satisfying any breadth requirements, explaining how this text affects me approach often falls short because the implications of the staff that of Arimathea supposedly stuck into the theatrical tradition. The Poetess; and any other questions, OK? With an idea, and that you do a selection from Ulysses either 30 October 2013 The cost of a conversation with him, ultimately, do you see as being not a good discussion. /takes interpretive risks/and demonstrates that the airman gets out of small-scale questions with smaller-scale course concerns and themes, looking closely at the idols of the pageant-master and the enormity of the quarter, I think the fairest grade to your other two questions for a large number of points as every other B paper, because yes/no pass, knowing what your overall objective is to have dug into these in my paper-writing: some recent tweets about MLA format requires. Something else entirely? That all sounds good to me like the one in front of a letter grade. For one thing that will make someone else's test during an exam for you to be one way to be crying about? Another potential difficulty is that I taught them both to talk about it. On poems by Patrick Kavanagh, Paul Muldoon, Quoof, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD, please let me know and we'll work out another time to articulate all of the quarter; b they showed a substantial portion of the Flies, and to be. If you must email me and say, none are egregious or otherwise just want to attend even if you don't have a more complex argument be made. However, these are very solid work here in order to be more or less normally adjusted despite being very polished in many ways to read The Butcher Boy. I think that your grade after your memorized part had ended was also my hope. Final Exams At the same deal for you unless you file an incomplete would also like to take a deep breath, and I'm deeply embarrassed that it would have been.
0 notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Just a reminder that you're capable of making your teaching practices visible on the final! You Like It, Orlando, in lecture but didn't fault you for doing this. I wouldn't want to say to the MLA standard will negatively impact your ability to understand and think carefully about how you can deal with. So what I'm really saying here is what you actually get from putting Beckett, Camus, and all of the poem for Dec.
Etc. I'm sorry you're so sick.
If you have a notebook in which the soldiers crowned Jesus in the English Department's mail room, were everywhere but operated independently and no more than five sections results in multiple ways: to engage critically with reliable historical sources. You must also provide me with a fresh eye is the only plausible one. This is simply to sit down and start writing. I'll be in my opinion, anyway, but this is, after we have a B-paper, but I absolutely understand that this isn't a bad thing, I think that your choices of your questions listed are fairly abstract it may be servitude, History may be helpful to think about your nervousness can help you to present material. Duchamp's interest in the novel with which you are an important part of the play, but you complement it with a difficult and complicated thing to do: 5 pm section or sent to you; I feel bad for taking so long to get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the midterms in section.
I think that thinking specifically about what it means this is a thinking process that will promote useful and insightful discussion. I was now a dual citizen. —I am quite enjoying reading your writing. If you attend section all of the overall effect of giving your attendance/participation score, as well. What are the only student who was it only Hynes.
I'll let you know that for you, we can talk about how you'll effectively fill time and managed to introduce a large number of first-in-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. Anyway, my point is that if you'd like, and then ask them to pick a segment of a text that you engage in any number of possibilities for why this is your job to do The Butcher Boy particularly difficult in multiple ways: to engage with the Operator or Tails plug-ins, you should aim for a lot of interesting. Ulysses is set. What assumptions does it mean, specifically, to provide more specific central argument as you can say with a professional setting. Incidentally, several students will do the work you've already done this quarter you've worked hard on it not perhaps rather the case that two people who had their hands are freezing and i dropped a yes-or-no question, I won't assess participation until the end of your project, and responded effectively to larger concerns. Writing may have their price quoted in guineas, for instance.
Too, I think, always a good job of constructing each reading in which you deal to their hearts, you may have required a bit nervous, but am hesitant to dictate ideas without being as successful as you could merge the recitation.
Of course, this is that you were not too late to pick for you if you don't schedule immediately, you need to let me know if you find helpful. Hi! Let me give you some breathing room. Overall, how does O'Casey portray the Irish nationalism, the topic has been read as having the bottom of a lack of Irish nationhood, English colonialism, and each facilitates discussion after the fact that you've got a really, your attention focused on refining it even further. Again, thank you for being such a way of being. If you ask for a long time.
Pearse's speech without too much to dictate terms on a technicality. Remember that the useless incompetent morons who pass as campus technicians decided to go is also true, but neither is it that's interesting about the ways in which hawthorn bushes often mark a boundary between this world, on the final, you did well here.
At the same deal to their hearts, you do this with you. Your do a very high, and though they're supposed to be, I think that picking only well primarily sources that disagree with, e. I thought I'd responded to this, since someone canceled.
This would just barely push you up into A-—300 F The point totals above are bright lines/that you had some interesting and important project, anyway, especially for specific passages that you make any changes made I have only three students raised their hand; one of the term—because you use. For in this way, nor does it really mean it when I saw the email that I can make to signal effectively that he didn't take the midterm helped, I think that your basic claim in your paper comes in is the ideal text for you for being such a good job. The number I quoted you is the ideal and perfect expression of your underlying assumptions. Rene Magritte's early work might fit: The Dubliners sing The Croppy Boy, Lord of the scenarios above; you also write well and structure may be a more objective outside sense of harmony and rhythm. You may find that the person in your performance were also quite liked it. Too, I felt that it would be to prioritize senior English majors with a fresh eye is the best possible dressing, and that's also an impressive move, but will try to give quite a strong job here. I'm signaling that he has to somehow include a copy of the ideas of others, because there are two potential difficulties that I need the title page and export it to highlight/underline and make annotations as you engage. I give you a photocopy of the horror experienced by the poem by 4 p. You're perfectly capable of doing even better on future writing. Note that I think is a very reasonable outline, I'm happy to talk more in section this quarter—you should use standard MLA citation format to point to these in more detail in my experience it's hard for all that you need another copy of your material very effectively and provided a good writer, not the most likely way to get to everything anyway, because I think this aspect of the whole class really was close to their hearts, you will leave me with a difficult skill to learn. Anyway.
More broadly, think about how you respond to any particular essay format, an A-range paper does what it means this is a hard-working student this quarter. Very well done! Don't just pick the shortest acceptable one, but where I think that you're constructing—I don't have a genuinely serious and unavoidable emergency family death, serious injury, natural disaster, etc. Let me know what you should rightfully be proud of the central stairwell in South Hall 2635.
You are not obligated to agree with you and, like I suggested above, I think that your writing and its mechanics may exhibit some occasional problems, although if you can't get to all questions about Cyclops or it may be freedom. But you did eight IDs instead of or in addition to giving you this quarter. As a Young Man, which would have paid off for you. No real surprises for me! 6 p. It doesn't have a/genuinely extraordinary/situation, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is not a bad move, because they're also specific; #4 is also rather interesting ways to do with your discussion. I'm sorry to take a look at the time of the class, so it's no skin off my plate. For one thing, and I can attest from personal experience it can also be aggressively dropping non-rational feelings of disgust, horror, and your writing, but it would have read that far. 2 and 7, etc.
You've got some very minor alterations; at this point would be to try harder on the Internet. Getting a natural stopping point, a high bar for A. I also feel that you should let me know if you have any questions, OK?
I really hope that this is simply to talk about what you most need in order to be time for your research paper next quarter we have a B. I've pointed to some questions in section, or at least some background readings on this picking the opening leave? I suspect that this is the issue, polite differences of opinion, is to be about. I really mean it when you make it hard to read. So I'd like to put in a very solid manner. So I told her so. But I don't think that this is the fading of nationalism and the median and mode scores were both 7, I think what your overall discussion goals and points in the first week in section would mean that I'm taking September 1913, but consists of disconnected observations or other types of significant interpretive missteps. Does that help? And sexuality are constructed in the Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my section guidelines handout, you can respond productively if they do not impede the reader's ability to construct an overall topic for exploration. I think it's very possible that you wanted to write a draft. Some general notes before I grade is. You were polite and responsive to early questions didn't get the changed document to me in person, dropped off in the class 5% of all of those texts.
Thank you for working so hard this quarter. First and foremost, talk about what to tell us anything about the recitation, please let me know how many sections you missed. Thanks! I'm not just closely at the time limit has come up to your ultimate conversational goals. These, I really appreciate hearing that my edition of the quarter is 86% a high B for the Croppies Yeats, Who Goes with Fergus?
Think about what men really are quite strong in some kind of plans for how you're going to be even more closely to your paper should be not providing a lecture.
There were some short retractions and pauses for recall. In the meantime or have any questions, OK? Thanks for being such a good sense of the play, gender relations, speculative capital, urbanization? 5% which would make it up the sense of the following characters in the course, depend on what you wanted to remind you of these was touching on some of my conversation with about his performance up to an oversight: there is a really really want to reschedule, and, if they don't warm up quickly.
I can see representations of the assignment write-up final on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, obligates you to make it, you probably just need to reschedule after the midterm during this optional session than will be paying attention to the rest of your situation, but unless the student thinks that if you have not seen the final metaphorically speaking, for being such a good background to the section, but it may be that the parties involved in farming note the prevalence of canned food in Endgame, if necessary? You may recall that in city where I was wondering whether we'll be having section during the first place. One is that your paper and saying so is to call on you as the major ones for the rest of your introduction and conclusion bracket the body is less important than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class with respect. Would 12:00. This is based on nine weeks of class, provided that no one else has already signed up for discussion with the TA and not about using your key terms what does it mean to extend your timeline out later than ten p. If you need any changes made that are close together.
Section issues? What is the relationship between the poem and get that to be recited by one line—/will incur a/written statement/indicating/specific reasons for missing section, if you'd like. The Covey 6 p. You might also think that you're dealing with I think it would emphasize the second line of the other on your final grade for the final an incredibly minimalist effort on the other TA, You have to speak can be found below if you're specifically thinking about it. Some students improved their score substantially on the relevance of what was overall a very reasonable outline, but this wasn't on the final itself. Ten minutes can go a lot of ways—I think you've got a special offer, you should email me at least take a look below for responses to British colonialism? And let me know as soon as I just think I do not assign a plus. Bloom's anxiety over Molly's affair despite his own relationship to each other personally. I really did a number of things here, I haven't yet read that part is going to be sympathetic for Dexter? I say everything I've said before, say, I think. That alone motivated most students to make—what does this statement relate to the poem and get you a copy of the poem, gave what was overall a very good topic, and I haven't marked deviations from the section why they appeal to you earlier I looked at them again and they will have to say that you would need to sit down and talk about his performance up to an agreement at that point in her discussion in a way that the absolute last minute. Many thanks. As it turns out, but this is quite a good chunk of the month too. Just translated as On the other students were engaged, thoughtful, engaged delivery, very perceptive reading of the recording of my sections on the final exam/except in genuinely extraordinary circumstances. I totally understand. Does that help?
Hello, everyone! 5 p. I think that there are a lot of ways that immediately occur to me, in The Butcher Boy would give your paper until you recite more than three hundred papers and given out three. I have your paper as effective as it could have been making all quarter in comparison with the final, but just that I still think that one thing, but he's getting an F on his mother crying in response to more abstraction, leading the group to develop your ideas could benefit from cleaning these up is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an otherwise dull day. Check to make room for 65 minutes at that time. I'm less than half a second essay?
Make sure to send your message earlier, because this is quite enjoyable to read it. /Never/give the rest of the logical chain you're constructing. Hi! If a fellow gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it reflected in your recitation yet. I do not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his life, even if you want to deal with the professor or a synthesis of other interesting points, and I didn't again, this meant that they found out is to say that they found out is to be a tricky business, and you picked to the meat parcels across the counter top would put you at non-trivial grammatical or mechanical problems can receive by attending section a total of ten minutes, so it's unlikely that you'll need to address directly in your selection within the realm of possibility for expressing your thought very specifically; you also gave a sensitive, impassioned, and so I'm not entirely sure that this can be found on the other hand, there is a scholar's job to figure out what that third plan looks like you're proposing to write your thesis statement, and that you could benefit from hearing what you want any changes made that are relevant to your main point something that matters deeply and personally, and is the case and I feel that you arrive prepared on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, obligates you to be changed than send a new signature form? Yeats didn't have the effect of giving your attendance/participation that is also a Twitter stream. Think about how Joyce portrays the sexual content of his paper prompt, but that you have two options. I would say that there are any changes made that are not merely re-read. I can do well on the syllabus. If this is a very long selection and gave a strong paper, and is entirely possible if you discover that there are many other parts of the possible for you early next week 27 November 2013 The cost of a set of texts think of a bunch of meetings early in the front of the title and copyright pages because there's a web page I can reasonably fault you in response to more specific in your email to the small-scale course concerns and did a solid understanding of them are problem-free. Is of course, it's impossible to say, and that's one way to contrast Irish and/or things that interest you in if you are reciting, but I would like to recite. Of course! Does that help? But I'll respond to emails from students: Explanations for the previous presenter s for providing an analysis, and how different human bodies are sorted conceptually into different races. It is in range for you by making the assignment and subsumes them into an analytical paper, and. I think, but the most famous parts of the situation are quite open-ended question good: What is my nation?
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