#i just really like being Aware that im learning it makes me very happy i love learning things
nexus-nebulae · 28 days
i always really like how i can slowly pick up words as i listen to a language more and more. I'm learning japanese by accident
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
Persona 3 reload should not entice me with those damn shiny bells and whistles!!!
#persona#the klock keeps ticking#yall already know lol#like first off its fucking 70 bucks??? what the hell?????#so unfortunately its gonna be a minute before i can possibly play it unless idk i have more money on my ps4 than i remember#but also yeah just that one big thing the shinjiro thing just has me so aaghh#like ive already said my deal with all that many times so you know how it is im very torn up about choices to keep the original story#and not have the coma route just cuz like i think it fucking sucks and its pretty like triggering honestly#but godddd why does the game have to be so pretty and cool looking aaaghhh#and shinji is there too and he will be all shiny and pretty as well so its like grrrr#im just saurrr conflicted idk man okay i wish my brain was normal and i could stop being such a goddamn asshole like hnnghh#girl why did i have to get so attached and relate so hard to the tragic suicidal character whose purpose is just to die lol#its a horrible comfort character to choose when youre also suicidal and going through a life crisis#its like oh boy you know what would make me feel really happy amidst all this depression?#playing the really good looking game from my favorite series with my favorite characters!#ahaha oh god whats going on with shinjiro why is there a gun ahaha 🌝#you think id learn my lesson after p4 but alas i didnt#and im aware the game is a tragedy about life and death and its ✨dark✨ or whatever#so expecting a character like shinji to miraculously get a happy ending is all ooooh against the point or whatever#but i think thats just stupid and idk suicidal characters should be written better 👍#and either way whats important here is that it bothers me and thats whats conflicting#cuz i so desperately wanna play and enjoy this game cuz i really did have a great time with portable#but im just not sure if i can fucking deal with this aspect i just really really hate it so bad#maybe i should just play the game and stop on 10/3 lol#or maybe ill just bang my head against the wall until it splatters everywhere and i can finally stop being so annoying about stupid shit#and ruining a stupid video game for everyone because i have to be soooo ✨triggered✨ by everything like a damn sjw fuckwad#also if anyone actually reads this lemme know if you have the same problem with shinjis death as me or if im just being weird#cuz i genuinely dont know anymore 🤔
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drenched-in-sunlight · 10 months
hello hi!!! grfhvhghr i am in love with your artwork so much you cant believe-- i wanna ask if you have any tips on how you lineart and colourpick?? no pressure to answer tho, have a great day/night!! again, love your art <33
hi!! thank you for your kind words!! since i got asked about these a lot, im answering this for all the other ask asking about lineart and colour tips too! You can see some previous post here.
also i could only give out tips that work for my drawing style - which is heavy lineart / colours pop up the line (believe it or not it's American comic book style. ppl cant understand why my art doesnt really look like usual anime/ Asian webtoon style, even though it is still clearly anime / Asian webtoon style, but when i told them it's because im drawing these by studying American comics, no one believes it either lmao.
i do study but i do my own things too, so most of my art inspo is really unexpected to ppl, but they r really where i learn things from, cuz i dont even go to art school TT_TT).
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Changing the brush size will help you achieve thick/thin lines better without having to put pressure on your wrists. Keep your hold relaxed and let bigger brush size give you the thick strokes.
I like messy sketch, to me the sketch is just an outline shape to fill details in when i do the line, it also gives more freedom to wriggle as i draw! cuz i dont really plan out everything from the start, just wing it as i go, so a lot of my work is actually very spontaneous.
that leads to this point: when you do the lineart you should start deciding which colour style you want from it to adjust the details amount. the ink shadow blocks in my art aren't there randomly, i adjust them to best complement the shape language and colours.
for piece where i want the line/shadow to...idk hit (?), the colours are almost flat with textured brush adding depth to them, so the inking is the shading, thus there are more details in the lineart / ink blocks.
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for the video above and piece like this where i want the colours to be clear and pop out, the use of ink blocks are minimized and i do the shading during colouring process. but! the ink blocks can still make some places pop very nicely! just use in moderation!
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when doing the base it's good to keep the colour on the left side of the colour wheel (low saturation), but as you do shading and lighting, try to spread out evenly so it won't look washed out.
toggle around with hue and saturation slider as you go! the key is always adjusting! you're making hundreds of decisions at once, being conscious of your choice in why a line or a colour should be in a certain way will help improve your process a lot! (i think you can tell which art i turned off my brain and just draw for stress relief ........ which is also a valid way to draw and sometimes the result might surprise you! but for more serious stuffs i try to be aware of most of the move i make. it's problem solving, yeah?)
i find that one way to keep your art from appearing too...yellow in the end (which is sth that haunted my ass for a long while) is always aim for cold tone, so if you accidentally make it warm either way in the end it won't be too warm (and yellow :cry:)
well that's all the stuffs i can think on top of my head. sorry i can't give more advice on colour picking cuz it's sth i don't really know how to give advice on???? i think my colours now are still pretty lame haha........ if there are still any questions i'd gladly answer within my ability, though im very slow to answer ask ( i do read and be happy at all of them tho!)
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v-anrouge · 4 months
ok actually im gonna say why i think rook and vil are autistic coded coming from an autistic person if u disagree i really don't care tbh get good
ok so first of all vil; vil is coded as a heavy masker, and much like many autistic kids it seems he learned that in childhood, to protect himself from harm, harm that came from bullying he receives because people don't get his actions. he also seems to be hyper-aware of how others perceive him which is the reason he is always bothered when his appearance is anything but perfect (when his clothes are wrinkled, when his hair is out of place, etc). he has trained his expressions to make sure he looks perfect as well and that's something i know a lot of autistic ppl have to go through (same). he keeps a tight schedule and gets bothered when he has to break it. he 100% has texture problems like have you seen the way he describes fabric and how picky he is when it comes to care products??. his special interest is fashion and theater you can see how he changes when he speaks about it, normally vil has a neutral expression speaking but whenever he speaks about them he's always smiling and lets not forget how he spent more than 2 hours straight talking to rook about it like ok if that isn't autistic to autistic communication idk what is. that's probably more but i also have adhd so i can't remember it😔
rook now; rook is interesting because at the same time he is masking, he chooses what to mask and what to not. let's start with the most obvious, his special interests; neige, theater, vil & hunting. again bringing up the way he could ramble for hours about any of those things and how happy he gets when he talks about them. another one that heavily implies his autism is how he was non-verbal as a child, he didn't even cry as a child until he saw neige acting and got so enraptured by it he started to cry, and well as we know is still obsessed with theater. further more trey in a vignette (which a lot of ppl hate rook for which to me is weird like erm did u read the vignette..?) states how rook is so unapologetically honest he just says what is on his head (because unlike vil, instead of being shamed his family supported him instead of shaming) but won't realize that his words might hurt someone because he struggles with getting social cues (which is why he is seen as eccentric and weird) ((same..)). he as well is very aware of his own emotions and how he presents himself, to such an extreme degree he can control his own heartbeat and even remember how many hours he slept, furthermore he finds it hard to open up to others and dislikes being emotional vulnerable and masks in other to protect himself from it. again there's def more but ehehehe anwyays this is just my opinion if u disagree erm okay? If u have more to add feel free to come share and if u have other autistic hcs of other characters u can add here too!!! shout out to my two autistic princesses
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masterof-blabber · 2 months
Dragons Rising S2P2 predictions because I can keep them to myself no longer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ok this is going to be mostly Arin/Sora centric because HOOOO BOY do I sense trouble in the air for these two
First of all, Arin is DEFINITELY going to find out about Sora helping him out with the object spinjitzu thing and I think he’s going to be really really hurt. They spent so much time this season building up his feelings of insecurity and finding this out is going to bring them back in a HUGE way.
Another thing the writers spent a long time building up was Arin’s innate goodness/kindness/naivety. Call me crazy but I think he’s going to learn shatterspin in part 2 - the one thing that literally requires destroying the goodness in your soul. I don’t think he’ll use it much but I think he will learn it and be irreversibly changed
I can envision the lead-up to it so vividly and I think finding out what Sora did is going to be the tipping point. I think the rough timeline would go something like this:
Things are going well-ish. Arin’s confidence is restored and he’s back to training with a new enthusiasm. I don’t think he’ll master object spinjitzu at this point but he’ll be seeing more success and feeling better about himself
Something will happen - my guess some sort of pivotal battle where they’re relying on Arin’s object spinjitzu to save the day and it won’t work and Sora will have to come clean.
Arin - betrayed and insecure - lashes out towards Sora, and then towards Lloyd and the others when they try to comfort/calm him down. He says he needs some time to himself and runs off somewhere
While he’s alone, he’s approached by some force of evil (maybe Ras, or Ras’ master, or someone different entirely) and they use his insecurity to convince him that the ninja are holding him back - think like his conversation with Ras in part 1 - and because he’s feeling so awful about it he’ll agree to join them
Training under this new person, they’ll encourage him to work with all this insecurity and build up a ton of anger towards the ninja - especially Sora and Lloyd - and I think they’ll get him to use that to learn shatterspin
Also pretty sure Sora will learn spinjitzu & rising dragon in p2. Thematically this makes a lot of sense as Sora has been very intertwined with dragons since her introduction (she literally NAMED herself after one), and her element is all about creating new things and pushing the limits of what she can do.
Meanwhile Arin doesn’t have an element (as far as we’re aware, and I really hope it stays that way), and a parts his design speak to oni imagery - the horns especially. I don’t think it’s far-fetched so assume that under the right circumstances he may turn to destruction
Creation and Destruction never ever show up without each other in ninjago. They are completely linked and a recurring theme in the show and I think this will become WAY more evident as dragons rising progresses
Other small things:
Someone will find Jay, probably. (Hopefully!!!!) I’m hopeful for an angsty arc but in all honesty it seems like it’ll resolve quite quickly once they do find him. Tbh im happy either way I just miss my wife
Cole/Geo won’t become explicitly canon but they will continue being delightfully queercoded
I think Wyldfyre and Nya are both going to struggle without Kai,, he’s sort of been a father figure to both of them and knowing he’s stuck somewhere he might never escape from is gonna be really hard on them (esp for Nya who’s already sort of lost one of the most important people in her life)
More Wu info??? (Hoping for this! Hes present in at least one of the new sets (dragon stone shrine, linked below) so im hopeful we’ll find out what happened that silly old guy
PIXAL return???? (I’m begging on my hands and knees)
Arin Sora and Wyldfyre will meet Fritz and Spitz idk I just think that would be cute
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kinkandkreep · 5 months
TokRev Boyos Dad-canons:
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Learned how to be a dad from observing his mom be a mom
I think the consensus is that Ryoko is a major contributing factor for Baji ranking number 1 out of the best boyfriends to have in TokRev
I would venture a guess and say that though Baji was influenced by his mother’s parenting, he knows that she didn’t do a perfect job, as with any parent, and he intends to make up for where she might have stumbled
Now, I’ma keep it trill wit y’all, I ain’t read Letter from Keisuke Baji and don’t know much about it 😭
BUT from what I’ve gathered, we do see more of Baji and his mother’s interactions
I think overall, Baji is a very chill dad
He’s one who never really gave deep thought about the prospect of having kids, but figured that if it happened, it happened
Initially, Keisuke does have some insecurity concerning whether he could be an adequate father or not
But once the time actually arrives, he’s very self assured and confident in his ability to be a great parent
Contrary to popular belief, Keisuke isn’t stupid stupid, he’s just book dumb
He’s got good common sense and reasoning skills, and he’s very well aware that both pregnant women and babies are fragile 
So, he acts accordingly 
Keisuke tries his best to be gentle during your pregnancy and after 
He insists upon doing practically everything for you 
He doesn’t like to dwell on it, but he frets a lot during the whole process
Everything is liable to harm you and your baby and the thought makes him simultaneously furious and so anxious he can at times visibly vibrate from feeling both emotions
You do a fair amount of damage control during and after your pregnancy, even though you’re technically the one meant to be hormonal and sensitive
Keisuke, perhaps surprisingly, doesn’t really cry when you give birth
His eyes more so water really hard but no tears fall
He’s actually really supportive and calm throughout the birthing process (which he insisted on being present for) and once your little bundle of joy has been safely and successfully brought into the world, he’s immediately overtaken with such a sense of happiness and fulfillment and the urge to protect that he’s slightly taken aback
Rather randomly, he looks great in all the hospital pictures taken the day your baby is born 🙃
I could honestly see Keisuke having either a boy or a girl in about equal measure, so I’ll let you decide what the two of you have
Either way, he adores his child
He’s kinda like Mikey, in that he can be firm but also very accommodating with his kid(s)
Is somewhat familiar with Cocomelon and prays your child never has to be 🙃 (mostly for his own sanity)
Bubble Guppies is his stuff though
Coos at your child all the time
Like everytime he sees them he’s just overwhelmed with this desire to make cute noises at them 😂
Would beat anybody up who tried to make fun of him for it though *coughMIKEYcough*
Takes care of the majority of baby related and household duties for quite some time after you’ve given birth
He just wants to be helpful, you’ll let ‘im won’t you? 🥺
He tries not to coddle you though, since he knows you’re not like, bedridden, just recovering
His favorite baby cartoon is probably Paw Patrol and his favorite pup is, perhaps predictably, Chase (though he does also have a soft spot for Zuma) 
Keisuke loves to match outfits with his baby
And like he’s not normally a fashion focused guy, like Mitsuya, but when it comes to coordinating with his little “mini me,” he really goes all out 
Of course, who would Keisuke be if he didn’t let your child(ren) play with his long, luscious locks?
A terrible father, that’s who 😤
I can see Keisuke’s baby or babies all having hair like his, and this makes for some…interesting wash days
Especially if you got temperamental 4C hair, like me
And then combine that with how thick Baji’s hair is too???
Girl, my arms hurt and I’m ti’ed just thinkin’ about it 😂
Luckily, whatever texture your hair is, Baji doesn’t mind being the one to handle wash days, once you’ve shown him the proper hair care techniques
Loves to go on outings and do different activities to engage your little one
Keisuke knows he wasn’t the most academically gifted, so he does everything in his power to make sure that your child is mentally stimulated from a young age to hopefully encourage a greater academic ability 
All that being said, Baji is a superb dad, and he believes wholeheartedly that fatherhood has changed him for the better 🙂
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Draken here
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
by the moon | jeon wonwoo
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➝ werewolf!Wonwoo x mage!Reader (ft. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jihoon, Minghao, Chan)
➝ fantasy!au but i kinda just make my own universe // angst // fluff // hurt comfort // a little action? // suggestive at the end
➝ word count: 18k~ (loool)
➝warning: the magic concept isn't mine but I alternate it to my universe so lets not start pointing fingers about whats right and whats not, mentions of blood and kidnapping, this is the first time i write a fantasy au slash some action so im sorry if this aint it 🥴, i have no beta so sorry in advance for typos and so on ;-; implied sexual activities (no smut), suggestive scenes in the end, that's about it?
➝A/N: happy birthday, my muse, the love of my life, and everything in between 🤍 I started writing this not long after FTS teasers came out and and never expected this to go past 10k sjdhfbhsdbf honestly i thought it'd be like 6k at most. anyway! i hope you'll enjoy it despite the length and my nonexistent experience in writing fantasy, let alone action💀 don't hesitate to tell me your thought🤍
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Wonwoo can’t figure you out.
It’s been a few months since he’s joined the pack, quite late for a werewolf his age, but he was an omega for good reasons and he wouldn’t even be here if he didn’t owe Seungcheol, his alpha now, his life.
The process was quite bizarre, as Wonwoo never intended to join any pack to begin with–has never considered to be a part of one since he’s learned the concept of it. He didn’t even know it was possible for a werewolf to join a pack this late (he’s 26, for God’s sake), but it was one fateful evening where he almost got killed by a ghoul that Seungcheol came to his rescue.
What was even a ghoul doing out in a town?
But, then again, it was stupid of him to go out during dusk in a town he doesn’t know well enough.
Seungcheol himself almost lost his life too, and Wonwoo still remembered thinking why on earth would this man throw himself for some omega in danger that he saw by chance. But it was the way his whole pack suddenly came through and pried the ghoul off their alpha’s body that Wonwoo ever witnessed a pack move as one. And when he saw Seungcheol staggering forward, it was reflex that fueled him to catch him even though he’s a good two meters away.
And then he found out that these creatures have been lurking in this particular town when dusk comes around. Seungcheol’s pack was patrolling–had been for the past few weeks–because they kept on detecting something crossing the borders and because…who else would patrol if not them? Those humans know nothing of them and the danger that looms above their heads.
Next thing he knew, he’s visiting Seungcheol everyday because he felt like he owed the older man at least that much. Wonwoo might be indifferent and ignorant towards a lot of things, but he knows how to be grateful and he was waiting for the older guy to get back to his health before offering his gratitude and saying his goodbye.
At least that was the plan, until Seungcheol talked to him thoroughly and said there’s always an open spot for Wonwoo in his pack. Wonwoo isn’t sure what made Seungcheol say that, nor what really compelled him to say yes–but he did.
And now he’s here, three months later, trying his best to hold back hisses as you tend to his wound.
“It’s getting very concerning.” You frown, and Wonwoo wonders if you’re too close or if it’s just the wolf in him being too aware of his surroundings. He can feel your soft breath against the back of his neck, and he winces a little at the warmth against the wound and your proximity.
He’s never liked getting into fights with spirits; the aftermath is always nasty because they’re not exactly physical unless they take another being’s form–which means the werewolf's ability to heal faster doesn’t exactly work when it comes to their attacks.
“The attacks this month alone are already more than the last three months combined.”
Seungcheol passes by and pats your head before plopping down next to you on the sofa.
“I know. But that’s why we need to patrol more, Moon.”
Wonwoo tunes out the conversation, already knowing the content of it before it even finishes. The humans in this area are lucky Seungcheol’s–his also, Wonwoo guesses–pack is here to protect the territory. As much as it concerns them, the weirdness that has been happening the last few months are just urban legends or stories getting out of hand.
Why would they believe a hellhound made its way to the town, almost killing an innocent civilian being at the wrong place at the wrong time if not for Jeonghan pouncing on top of it with Minghao following close behind?
As far as they–and the victim himself–know, there was a stray dog who attacked him in the middle of the night but thankfully you were there to help him and your brothers had fended the dog off before anything could happen.
That was your work.
Wonwoo’s pretty sure the victim wasn’t that out of it when it happened; he’s definitely sober enough to register the huge monster was anything but a stray dog. But you had done your magic, summoned magic circles and used your runes, making the guy unconscious and a little disoriented when he woke up again.
Wonwoo still remembers the kind smile you offered the victim when you relayed the fabricated story of a stray dog pouncing on him and how he went unconscious for quite a bit after that. The guy didn’t question anything, whether he accepted your words because of your magic or because of the gentle glint adorning your eyes, Wonwoo would never know.
Just like how he never knows how to perceive you.
There’s something about you that pulls him in for reasons that he can’t comprehend. But he never does anything about it, doesn’t see why he should, too.
You’re a part of the pack, that much he knows. Everyone calls you Moon, and Wonwoo never finds out your actual name and now, months later, it feels a little too late to ask anyone of it or how your nickname comes to be.
Not that he’s had any business calling you so far.
At first glance, he thought you were but a mage that was a part of the pack. But he just needed a few more seconds to figure out you do have wolf blood within you even though it’s very faint; untrained wolves wouldn’t know if they don’t try to see it.
He has never seen you transform though, and while he’s seen quite a few magic users himself, he has never seen one with wolf blood. One has wolf blood for a reason: to be wolves. Not… something else. Like a mage.
Your magic mainly uses runes, and he’d see you practice from time to time even though he never lingers long enough to be bothersome. Just a glance here and there whenever he passes by.
Jisoo, Jeonghan’s mate, would sometimes join you even though she’s just there to accompany you or help you gather whatever you need for practice because Jisoo is very much human (he also doesn’t know how she ended up as Jeonghan’s mate but he’s not really curious), and she’s your only female companion within the pack.
The wolf blood within you is so–so faint that if it’s not because he already knew you are a wolf by blood, he wouldn’t suspect you’re one even a bit. Sometimes he finds himself wondering if you never transform because you can’t, but he stops the thought from going too far because it’s none of his business.
“It’s okay to come closer, you know.” Your voice is soft and your eyes are focused on the ruby stones in front of you. If not for the fact that the house is empty except for you both and Minghao sleeping upstairs, Wonwoo wouldn’t know you’re even speaking to him. “I know we don’t talk a lot, but we’re in the same pack so we should at least get along, right?”
Wonwoo doesn’t say anything, not that you expect him to, but you can hear his steps getting closer and he stands right beside you in front of your working table.
He’s a good one meter away from you, his eyes busy scanning everything that lays on top of it because it’s actually the first time he’s been this close. He doesn’t want to cross a line and he’s not that curious (nor is he nosy), so he has never tried to see even if you’re not home. There’s just something personal about this place and Wonwoo feels like he’s intruding.
“You can ask.” Your voice is so steady, so sure that Wonwoo’s wandering gaze means curiosity instead of ignorance. But Wonwoo takes the bait. He is kind of curious, has always been when it comes to runes and magic.
“Why ruby?” Wonwoo picks up the red stone, his fingers easily enclosing the cut oval before he asks. “Do you only use stones for your runes?”
He can hear the soft amusement in your grin, though unsure why you find his question amusing. It doesn’t feel like you’re mocking him though. Far from it, in fact–you’re excited that you get the chance to talk someone’s ears off about something you love most and it’s clear that Wonwoo’s asking because he’s curious, interested, and genuinely wants to know.
After that, he spends his time next to you in your practice room every time he’s able to; not enough to be called often, but definitely enough for you to register the pattern of his heartbeat everytime he makes his way there.
He doesn’t really talk, but Wonwoo can’t deny the warmth spreading through his chest everytime you light up when a particular rune shines brighter than the other, or when your practice goes better than expected.
He wonders if it’s possible for someone’s eyes to glow brighter than the moon like yours do. Is that way they call you Moon?
Wonwoo jumps when the jade runes on the table burst the exact second something crosses the border you’ve set up on the corner of the room. There’s a grin on your face and your eyes are twinkling in excitement.
They’re probably warmer than the sun, too.
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Jisoo is taking you out on a date, telling you there’s a cafe she’s been wanting to try but Jeonghan doesn’t like sweets nor coffee.
“So I’m the second choice.” You mock offense, nudging her off you as she clings to your arm like a koala.
She gasps dramatically, a pout on her face as she denies the accusation. “I haven’t had you all for myself these days and I’m thinking about how I miss spending time with you, but this is what I got?”
You laugh at her antics. For all its worth, you’re glad you have Jisoo as your close (and only female) friend; she’s the sunshine your little pack needs, and while everyone was skeptical of Jeonghan’s choice in a mate at first, you know they’d all die for her if it comes to it now.
Of course no one hopes they’d encounter any situation that would call for that.
“So.” Jisoo sits down with her arms crossed, looking at you expectantly.
“So?” You quirk an eyebrow, confused as to what she’s possibly talking about.
“You and Wonwoo, huh?”
You blink once. And then twice.
But Jisoo doesn’t say anything else, simply stares at you with a demanding posture. Between her tendency to be a little bizarre and to be vocal about everything that passes her mind no matter how questionable they are, you’ve always known she’ll lose her mind one of these days. But you never thought it'd happen this early.
Her stare turns into something else, almost like something clicks in her head and her mouth drops slightly before she shakes her head without words. It always annoys you when people do this (granted, you don’t know a lot of people), blatantly acting like they know something that you don’t and proceed to not tell you anything.
“What.” You finally relent; cheeks puffed out of annoyance.
“Nothing.” She shrugs, sipping her orange juice.
At your whine, she laughs and leans forward on the table, elbows propped and her chin on her palms, her knowing eyes glinting with amusement like a kid given a new toy to play with.
“Just that you both have spent a lot of time together these days.”
Huh, is that what she’s referring to?
Jisoo rolls her eyes, and you pout at the way she’s shaking her head like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you don’t.
You look at her, unimpressed, and your friend cracks into a laugh before she reaches out to squeeze your cheeks.
“There’s nothing going on between us.” You finally relent and address it head on, Jisoo would never back down either way and you’d rather talk about it than risk a headache.
And it’s not like you’re hiding or even lying about it, there really is nothing between the two of you. Yes, he’s easy on the eyes and you may or may not be a little attracted to him, but that doesn’t mean there’s something going on between you two.
It’s just been some time since you meet someone new and the way you’d tense when he comes a little closer, or the way your heart would embarrassingly skip a beat when he steps into your practice room is nothing but a fleeting interest.
It’ll go away after a bit.
A wolf like Wonwoo wouldn’t want someone like you, anyway.
“We just talk about magic,” you offer the truth. It’s not like you and Wonwoo ever talk about anything else but your magic or the whereabouts of the pack and their patrolling schedules. None of you try to cross the line, never asking anything personal about each other even though it’s true that Wonwoo has spent more time by your side now compared to the other members of the pack. “He’s just interested in it, Soo, and I’m happy to talk about my runes.”
“He’s interested in your magic,” Jisoo insists, a teasing grin on her face.
You shake your head, and thankfully Jisoo drops the topic, not wanting to annoy you when you clearly don’t want to talk about it. She talks instead about the concerning number of attacks these days, how Jeonghan has been more antsy everytime she tells him she’s going out because he’s worried something would happen to her.
“What do you reckon is happening?”
Her tone is light, but you don’t need to be a genius to be able to detect the fear in her eyes.
The girl is fidgeting a little, and it’s at times like this that you feel like you have to be the older sister for Jisoo even though you’re younger than her. You’ve always admired her for going against everything and leaving her family behind to be with Jeonghan.
You’ve never really been a fan of romance, but you know it takes everything to be able to decide something as big as that. It’s not easy to be aware of the danger lurking in the dark, even more so when she’s just… human.
And you’ve offered to erase her memories if she chooses to leave your world and go back to her normal one, so she can live in ignorant bliss. But when she firmly rejects and says that she wants to be with Jeonghan and the pack, everyone swears they’d protect her with all their lives.
Yet, for her parents, Jisoo is nothing but a disgrace for choosing a man over her own blood.
It hurts you to know someone as sweet as Kim Jisoo is labeled a disgrace, but you also know her family has never really been a family to her–they do nothing but compare her to her older siblings who, according to human standards, are the perfect children.
And as much as it pains her to be constantly compared to the achievements of her siblings, Jisoo loves her family with all her heart. That’s just the kind of person she is. Which is why you know it took her an infinite amount of courage to tell them she’s never coming back, not offering them any explanations except that she’s going to move far away with Jeonghan who they simply know to be her human boyfriend.
Jeonghan marked her as his mate that night; a promise to take care of her for the rest of his life.
At least her siblings know deep down why she chooses to leave, and they would still update her from time to time to let her know they still want her in their lives.
“Don’t worry,” you try to sound as calm as possible, reaching for her hand as your finger grazes the bracelet on her wrist. It’s your gift for her, a protective talisman with your runes carved on the beads and magic flowing through it. The magic is connected to the rune in your necklace, and you’ll be notified once the bracelet detects danger upon Jisoo.
When the pack found out about this, they demanded to get one also and you ended up designing it for everyone; if any of you is in danger, everyone will know where to find the other. You’ve threatened them all to never take it off because you’ve even accustomed the talisman to their preferred form of jewelry.
Which reminds you, you should probably make one for Wonwoo too.
“We’ll protect you.” You grasp her hand firmly, trying to ease her worry.
She nods, and if the fear in her eyes isn’t enough, the way her heartbeat picks up tells you just how afraid Jisoo actually is.
You can’t blame her. How can you when you’re worried? The protective charms you’ve set on the town’s borders have been triggering the alarm nonstop every few days, detecting something that doesn't belong crossing to town. It has never been this distressing–has never detected so many hostile energies this often, too.
It used to be pretty peaceful even though your pack is always alert and ready–maybe only two or three creatures detected crossing the border in a month, and, most of the time, they aren’t hostile; just some faeries lost in the forest, or some nature spirits roaming the territory. The few common creatures that have to be fended off are usually wraiths, poltergeists, or maybe even other werewolves looking for troubles. (What are they thinking about, crossing another pack’s territory?)
Anyhow, since a few months ago, just two weeks before your pack’s encounter with Wonwoo, there have been more hostile creatures crossing the border, which is why you have been mostly anxious than you are alert. You know something strong crossed the border near then, but there was no attack whatsoever and the trace was so faint that you’re not able to track whatever crossed the border.
Whatever that thing is, it’s powerful. Powerful enough that you can’t detect its whereabouts despite its supposedly enormous power. Something that you probably haven’t faced yet–that you might not be strong enough to face yet.
You have a suspicion that it was the cause of all those attacks. But it doesn’t make sense, what could be strong enough to command those creatures and arrange their attacks? For what reason, too?
Nevertheless, you turn to Jisoo with what you hope to be a comforting smile and a squeeze of her hand.
“I promise Soo, we’ll protect you no matter what. And you know how to activate some of the rune stones that I’ve made for you, right? We’ve been practicing and you’re good. You’ll be fine.”
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Wonwoo’s munching on his cereal in the dining room when you sit down next to him. He quirks an eyebrow, asking you a silent question because you never really approach him unless you’re together in your practice room, in which you’d often ask him to get this and that as you focus on your runes.
“Do you want a ring, bracelet, or a necklace?” you blurt out without context. “Or earrings, I guess.”
His questioning gaze burns the side of your face, and you hope he’s too sleepy to realize your heartbeat runs a little faster at that. It is only 8 on a Saturday anyway.
“For what?”
You point the moon pendant on your necklace. “A protective talisman to alert us if any of the pack is in danger. Everyone has one, I’ve just realized I haven’t made yours.”
Wonwoo has been wondering if he’s just making things up when he notices the same pattern on everyone’s jewelry, so to know that it’s you who designed them for protection… Wonwoo can’t say he’s surprised. Something within him melts at your question, whilst everyone’s been accepting and no one seems to be skeptical of his presence in the pack, he truthfully still feels like he’s an outsider at times.
It’s the product of his own wall though, he admits. Wonwoo’s used to being alone, to be independent and to care for himself. He’s not selfish, but he never really goes out of his way to help people in need unless they ask for his help–so to be in a pack that apparently goes as far as protecting an entire territory because they feel responsible for the ignorant… it’s not an easy environment to adapt to.
So far, Wonwoo really only does it out of respect for Seungcheol and the rest of his pack. He never really feels like he has to help. He’s just doing his duty as a pack member. And while it does make him feel a certain type of things to know he’s helping people who are helpless and know no better, it’s not… out of the goodness of his heart.
Which brings him here, a weird tug in his heartstring at your question which basically embeds his place in the pack. He… really is Seungcheol’s beta, huh? He’s surprised to recognize the realization isn’t unpleasant. It’s quite the contrary, if he’s honest, like a warm blanket enveloping his chest even though he still tends to be alone most of the time.
Little steps. He’s only been there for three or so months anyway.
“Something that won’t get in the way.” He nods to himself and continues eating. When you simply stare at him without saying anything, he continues. “I don’t mind an earring or a ring.”
“Your ear is pierced?”
You look at him weirdly.
“Getting pierced wouldn’t take long.” Your eyes wandered to his ear, the tip of his hair grazing it and you have to hold yourself back from reaching out and combing your fingers through his hair. “Do you have magic to do it for me?”
“My magic is rune magic,” you deadpan. “Do you want me to pierce your ear with the edge of my stone?”
The sound of his chuckle travels through your ears, and for a second, you wonder if you’ve heard his husky laugh like this. You don’t think you have, because if you do, you’re sure you wouldn’t stare at him as if gauging that you hear right.
“But I can probably do it.” You clear your throat before he notices you staring, averting your eyes elsewhere. “I did Minghao’s too. Just don’t complain if it hurts.”
“Did he complain?”
You glare at him, and Wonwoo hides his smile by taking another spoonful of the cereal.
“Any stones you prefer?” You ask again for some reason, even though you could’ve cared less when Jihoon whined he wanted a ruby instead of an emerald. You force yourself to believe that you just don’t want to make him something you’re not sure he’d like, but you know–you know you just want to be here longer and listen to him talk more.
Wonwoo hums, thinking to himself. You let him be, content with being able to look at him without having to be conscious of it. His eyes find yours then, and you hold his gaze because you can’t look away. You see a glint of gold glow through his eyes for a second, and you cough before you avert your gaze elsewhere before he realizes your ears are getting red out of embarrassment.
You can still feel his eyes on the side of your face for what feels like hours until he eventually says again.
Your eyes find his again, unsure why the sound of his answer makes your face feels warm.
“I think they’re pretty.”
There’s no way he doesn’t catch the jump in your heartbeat. At least you get a glimpse of his grin before he looks the other way, his amusement isn’t lost on you.
Jeon fucking Wonwoo.
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“An incubus?” Jeonghan’s voice rings through the silent room, the chills throughout his body obviously not due to the air conditioner in the room. Wonwoo sees you flinch a little, and then notices Minghao’s thumb softly caressing the skin near your knee. “Why would an incubus be in this town?”
Jisoo has to grip his hand to remind him to calm down, and if it’s not the warmth of her palm against his, you’re sure it’s the fear painting her eyes that makes Jeonghan exhale a deep breath and sit back down next to her.
“We saw a hellhound last month, Han,” Seungcheol reminds him grimly. “Not even in the forest, it’s literally on the main road. Pouncing on a human.”
You stare at the television, tuning out the rest of the pack’s conversation because you know they’re all antsy and it’ll be seconds away from another debate. Five young female adults have been reported missing since two weeks ago, one of them was found today–barely even sane.
“It’s the convenient store two blocks away from the public library.” Someone enters the living room with a resigned tone, making everyone turn to him at once. He’s still in his uniform, and you can feel how agitated he is from the way his shoulders tensed and the irregular pattern of his heartbeat. “That’s always the last place these girls were seen.”
“Do you have more details you can share with us?” Seungcheol asks, worried.
Chan sighs and closes his eyes in contempt. He feels utterly useless as a police officer; he knows everyone in the station believes this is a kidnapping episode, which is partly true, but they wouldn’t know what they’re going up against, that they can’t go against whatever’s kidnapping these girls either.
Since the beginning, he’s had a hunch that this must be another supernatural case and he’d have to yet again depend on the pack for this. He doesn’t want to be unsure, so he’s been keeping it to himself, but after the victim turned up and started spewing things that the other officers deem to be insane, Chan knows this can’t be normal.
“Where did you find the girl?” you ask him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
Chan is fairly new to the supernatural scene, and you know he’s being careful because he doesn’t yet understand the clear rule of this thing even though he’s already working with you for at least seven months. Before him, your pack used to work together with another guy called Kim Junmyeon, but Junmyeon has moved to another city with his family and has kindly introduced Chan to your pack as his successor last year.
It’s impossible to work on a case like this if you don’t get details (sometimes even backups) from authority. It took a while for your pack to eventually work together with Junmyeon; building the trust that he won’t tell a soul about the nature of your pack took months even though you’ve bound him with a blood pact that would never let him spill the secret the moment he found out about your kind, and then finding the dynamic and the best way to go around things without making the rest of the authority suspicious–that took you almost a year.
“Someone called 911 because they found someone unconscious on the side of the road,” he relays the info calmly. “But the hospital contacted us after identifying the girl as one of the missing persons on the news. Seungkwan was allowed to question her for a bit, but she seemed to be out of it and when he asked if the kidnapper did anything to her, she shook her head quickly and said she’s had enough–said how his eyes were glowing red and her body was tied with invincible ropes.”
You move to sit next to him, your hand rubbing his back comfortingly as you tell him to breathe because he seems so distraught it’s making you feel bad. Chan must’ve not expected this when he joined the force, and while you believe Junmyeon’s judgement and your judgement, you know he’s still easily shaken when things like this happen. His heart and sense of justice are in the right place, but it’s never easy to accept that he can’t really do anything but supply your pack support.
Wonwoo notices the slight glow on your palm, going up and down the younger guy’s back, and he can only guess you’re using your charm to make Chan relax; the guy does need it. He can see his tense shoulders easing a little, and the younger guy automatically leans to you as if to seek more comfort.
You seem tense too, have been since Jihoon brought up that it might be an incubus you’re going against. It’s a pretty obvious suggestion, if he’s being honest, though he knows that an incubus wouldn’t be that obvious unless it’s some sick power display.
As far as he knows, incubus prefers busy, metropolitan cities because there are many more unsuspecting females looking for fun. It takes longer for people to notice when someone goes missing, and they can leave the body just about anywhere when they’re done and no one would find it weird.
This town is fairly small, let alone five–having two people missing with so little time in between would quickly raise suspicions.
So why this town?
“Any more info Seungkwan got from the interview?” you coax softly, and by the way the rest of the pack simply stays silent and watches, Wonwoo guesses this has always been your role: to make people talk.
He doesn’t realize his eyes won’t leave the way your fingers are enclosed against Chan’s bicep in comfort.
“Not yet,” he sighs. “Seungkwan will get another chance to question her again tomorrow. I will inform you if we get something.”
So the pack concludes the meeting after talking a little more with Chan.
Because what else can you do?
But it’s midnight when Wonwoo finds you on the porch by yourself, your eyes a little lost and your fingers drawing patterns into your arm. By the looks of it, you either don’t notice he’s there or you’re just not acknowledging his presence (do you have werewolves hearing?). But when he clears his throat to let himself known, Wonwoo hears your heartbeat jumping for a second before it calms again at the sight of him.
It’s even calmer than the erratic heartbeat you had before.
He wonders why there’s something warm in his chest knowing his presence calms you down.
“Can’t sleep?” you ask, your arms securing the blanket around yourself further to ward off the cold.
He actually went down for water, and it’s pretty chilly outside and his pajamas aren’t doing much to warm him, yet Wonwoo finds himself saying yes and sitting down next to you on the small couch barely enough for two adults.
He’s undeniably conscious of the way your thigh presses against his.
“Can I tell you something?” you ask out of nowhere.
Despite the fact that you’ve only known him for a bit and you really only talk to him from time to time, there’s something about Wonwoo that has always comforted you.
You think it’s his solace.
Maybe it’s because you know Wonwoo knows how it feels to be alone, something that you’ve always had a problem with. Wonwoo is not lonely, that much you can tell, he’s simply content in being by himself. But you… as much as you know the pack loves you and they’d do anything for you, there’s always a part of you that feels like you don’t belong.
You’ve always envied Jisoo for being able to find her place in the pack despite being human, and you know, for her, this is the place that she belongs to. After going through a family that doesn’t value her worth, this pack is everything she could ever ask for.
But your blood makes you even more of an alien at times.
Wonwoo hums, and you take a deep breath before you let it out to him. You’re not even sure why you feel like talking about this to him; maybe he’s just in the right place when you need someone to be, maybe you’ve been bothered for far too long and he happens to be there.
Maybe you just want to talk to him.
“I’m… an outlier,” you admit with a heavy heart, and it’s the first time Wonwoo has ever felt the urge to reach for someone’s hand to comfort them. “I never found out why. But I have wolf blood without any power a werewolf is supposed to have except for the hearing. And mine isn’t even that sensitive.”
His eyes drop to your fingers, they’re gripping the material of your blanket so hard he’s sure they’d leave a mark. “My parents… their pack wouldn’t accept me. My dad kept on stalling, told them my power had just not awakened yet. They could only wait so much, eight years was already pushing it, but I was old enough to understand I wasn’t wanted–so I told my parents I’d like to live with my aunt. She’s a druid, so they’d know I’d be in good hands even though they’re reluctant to let me leave.”
Wonwoo stays silent, not because he doesn’t know what to ask but because he knows you have more to say.
“So I did. My aunt welcomed me with open arms, I helped her practice magic and I’d learned runes and everything she did for as long as she let me. She taught me about them just for fun because she knew they fascinated me. But when I turned 14, my magic awakened so she started teaching me properly.”
There’s a wistful smile on your face, and Wonwoo’s suddenly aware that you’re in a house full of werewolves. Are they awake? Can they all hear you? What will they think of you telling him this? He distinctly remembers you saying something about soundproof charms in each bedroom and a few other rooms, because constantly hearing each other really can’t be good for any of your sanity.
“I was happy, knowing that I have magic and I can do something about it. It’s not easy to be surrounded by werewolves for years and treated like you don’t belong, you know? I heard what they said, but my parents could only do so much. I longed so much for my wolf power, and even though what I got wasn’t that, I was more than happy to accept whatever I was given. I found happiness in my magic–that’s more than enough.”
You exhale a deep breath, the look in your face almost makes Wonwoo reach out and ask if you’re okay. But he feels like you’re in a trance, and he’s afraid he’d break the spell if he calls your name.
It pains him though, to know someone as gentle as you had to go through all that. Yes, he did wonder about your wolf blood, but he never thought you’re less than him even if what he assumed was true.
He’s been here for about three months, and he can’t count the amount of time he’s seen you comfort just about anyone who needs it. From Seungcheol who wouldn’t lean on anyone unless he’s about to burst, Jisoo who basically only confides you other than Jeonghan, or Minghao who would just lay his head on your lap if it’s been a long day… it’s clear to him that you’re the one that glues them together on top of their loyalty to Seungcheol and the pack.
You’re their emotional support.
And from what he gathers of your words, there’s a part of you that still feels like you don’t have a place here and he can’t even begin to think how that’s possible.
He looks up when he hears you sniffle, your eyes glossy with tears though you try your best to blink them back. “I was 19 when my aunt passed. Got taken away by an incubus and laid her life down trying to save me.”
Wonwoo actually reaches out now, his fingers finding your shoulder in hope it’ll comfort you somehow. You can feel his warmth even against the material of your blanket, and you take in a deep breath before you continue as you bask in the small form of comfort.
“I… Jeonghan found me when I was trying to run away. I was barely even conscious, having witnessed my aunt who practically raised me accepting her death,” you choke as you reach this part, and Wonwoo can’t help but scoot closer and pull you into his hold. He’s never really been one to comfort others, but what was he supposed to do when it’s just you and him and you’re being like that? Stay still?
“I fainted almost immediately,” you look down on your lap, trying your best to stay calm. You have no idea if the rapid heartbeat that’s beating against your ears is yours or his, but you really couldn’t care less because the only thing you can focus on is the feeling of his arm around you. “When I came to, I was in the pack’s house and Minghao was tending me. They said they already took care of the incubus and… yeah, that’s how I ended up here.”
Silence envelopes you both for a few moments, and it’s when you feel his fingers grip your arm a little tighter that you ready yourself for whatever he’s about to say.
You’d never expect what he says next though, and you’re already crying into his chest before you even realize.
“I’m glad you’re you.”
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Wonwoo hisses harshly as you tend yet another wound, another attack of some lost, angry spirit that’s thankfully not too out of control.
You hold back a chuckle with twinkles in your eyes as he glares at you, telling you with his eyes that he knows you’re purposefully putting more pressure into the wound.
Seungcheol smiles softly at the exchange, and he looks up to meet Jeonghan’s knowing eyes.
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It’s hard to define your relationship with Wonwoo after that. Evidently, you spend even more time together, and it almost feels like his presence alone is enough to calm you down when you’re not in your best state even though it’s only been a week or so since then.
Wonwoo would linger longer as you practice, as if trying to make sure you won’t break down crying again. And he’ll hover closer now, less reluctant about being near you to the point where it’s often for you to bump into him when you move even a little.
It’s a weird dynamic; as you both mostly talk when everyone else is not there. You’re not complaining though, and you’re thankful that despite the knowing looks the pack is giving you both, no one is saying anything about it.
You’re sure Wonwoo also notices them, but he, too, stays silent and continues his way of being around you.
Which brings you here, almost a month after that night, with Chan once again bringing bad news because, apparently, another female has gone missing since almost a week ago but is only reported to the office this morning.
“But,” he exhales deeply. “We got the missing hour because there’s a truck nearby when it happened and we got access to its dash cam.”
Everyone perks up at the news, but Wonwoo feels you tense beside him, most likely finding the thought of seeing an incubus repulsing even if you know it needs to be done. Your heartbeat jumps a little, and Wonwoo doesn’t miss a second to plant his palm on your back. You shoot him a grateful look, your heartbeat still erratic though you’ve relaxed a little, your body melting into his touch in the subtlest way possible.
Wonwoo can’t explain the tingles across his skin as you do so.
You shiver as the video plays, and you see what appears to be a man walking out of the convenience store with a woman in his arm. The woman is walking, perhaps even voluntarily if you judge from the video, but it’s easy to say her consciousness has probably been put to sleep.
He only appears for about a minute before eventually getting out of the camera’s angle. The guys watch a few times more, trying to see anything more, but you move away after the third time, sure that you’re not finding anything but an old scar opening the more you watch.
The concerned look Wonwoo throws your way makes you feel a bit better, but you can only offer him a weak smile before you settle back on your seat and get lost in your thoughts. Jisoo sits on your other side, her fingers linked with yours because everyone knows your stand on incubuses.
There have been a couple other encounters since that traumatic episode that led to you joining the pack, and while you managed to defeat the monster, you’re also incredibly shaken both times it happened. It was quite the trial to get you back to normal, the pain you’re feeling was so overwhelming that the pack could feel the torment off you.
“Is there a pattern?” Jihoon asks the million dollar question.
Unexpectedly, Chan nods his head yes.
“I don’t understand why a… uh, mythical creature would go by a code, but this guy seems to only strike a woman in her 20s, and they’re always last seen with a jacket. And, well, now we’re assuming the taken time is somewhere at 2 in the morning. We tried asking the cashiers who were on shift for the last two months, even showed them the video and asked to see their CCTV but, apparently, his face.. Uhh.. everyone describes him differently. The cashiers and the cleaners who were on shifts say the few regulars who come at those hours were usually university students, a woman in her late thirties, and two guys who usually come together. We’ve identified and talked to everyone but a few university students and some of them say they did notice a weird guy looming around sometimes but he’s always had his face covered by a shawl or mask. And, well, they say they never see him twice.”
“Some of them… can appear differently to everyone,” you say softly, fingers squeezing Jisoo’s without realizing. “This incubus must be a strong one–one that knows what he’s doing and he’s not just looking for fun. Presumably, he’s strong enough to infatuate people and make them see an image of what they consider… desirable.”
Everyone’s silent, their minds running on a thousand scenarios of what to do with the newfound information.
“And if I may remind you, these… things are demons, we can’t understand them. Maybe they do this just for fun, simply to make us confused. This is different with the incubuses we’ve encountered,” you continue, almost like a robot as the words come out of your mouth and your face remains blank. “We need to prepare more and think through this carefully before we do anything. There’s a chance he’s the one that’s been calling for the creatures the past few months.”
Seungcheol looks at you, the alpha in him almost angry at how small you seem to be right now. It’s in his nature to be protective, but he’s always been more protective of you because he knows how important your existence means to his pack, how the pack instinctively chooses to depend on you when he’s not available.
“It’s late,” he announces, even though everyone knows it’s only somewhere between 8 and 9 in the evening. It’s nowhere near late, but they have enough sense–even Chan–to know why Seungcheol deems the meeting enough. “We’ll discuss more later. Thanks, Chan.”
Everyone goes despite their worry, knowing you prefer to be alone with your thoughts and it’s not yet time for them to voice their concern. It’s Seungcheol, Jisoo and Wonwoo who stay, the alpha and the two people who are sitting beside you to begin with. Seungcheol eventually leaves too after his wolf calms down, sure that it’s okay to leave you alone. He drops a kiss on top of your head before squeezing Wonwoo’s shoulder as if to tell him to take care of you in his place and returns to his room.
“Moon?” Jisoo whispers gently, her thumb caressing the back of your hand. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You don’t say anything, but you shake your head and that’s enough for her because at least you’re answering. She’s witnessed how you had to deal with this before and it’s really not something Jisoo wants to relive again. And if she’s feeling that way, she can only imagine what goes inside your mind.
“Do you want me to leave?” she offers, sharing a concerned look with Wonwoo when you stay silent. Pressing her lips together, Jisoo translates your silence as a ‘yes’ and she whispers comfort to your ears before letting go and taking her leave.
Wonwoo moves to stand up too, figuring you wouldn’t want his presence if you don’t want Jisoo’s. But your fingers move to grasp the end of his shirt, your eyes asking him to stay. So he does–eyes meeting Jisoo’s for a split second as she sends him a gentle smile.
He sits back down next to you, your fingers now gathered on your lap as you look down on them. You’re not sure why you did that. Why did you even reach for him? Did you expect him to comfort you?
“Hey,” he nudges you a little. “You don’t need to bear it by yourself, you know?”
Your tears well up at his words, and Wonwoo quickly takes your hand in his and pulls you to his room before anyone hears you’re crying. They’re worried enough already.
“I’m sorry, I–”
“Ssh,” he cuts you off and pulls you into his embrace. “You don’t need to explain anything to me.”
You take a sharp breath at that, burying yourself further into his collarbone as you steady your breathing because you don’t want to cry over this anymore. Wonwoo’s scent engulfs you and, after so long that you don’t even remember when was the last time it happened, your wolf feels content and you almost purr at the way his arms cage you in like he’s always known that calms you down.
“Don’t feel like crying?” he asks after a while, his finger caressing your arm as you stay in his embrace. You shake your head, and he can feel your hold getting tighter around his waist. “You want to talk?”
Your fingers grip his shirt a little before you eventually nod. A thought passed by your head for a moment; wondering if you didn’t want to talk earlier because you were out in the open, or if you simply wanted to talk to Wonwoo and no one else.
Whatever it is, Wonwoo pulls you to his bed; thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. You’re pressed against each other for no reason at all. You’re not complaining though, and you can even feel your wolf whine when Wonwoo steps away for a bit to rearrange something on his bedside table for three seconds.
“I’m tired…” you start, fingers digging into your palm. “I’m tired of being afraid everytime we encounter this thing.”
Wonwoo lets you speak, figuring that you’d been wanting to say this for quite some time but unsure where to unload.
“I know no one’s asking me to be okay. They’d probably ask me to stay in if that’s what’s best for me. And even though it’s not often that we see an incubus, I’m tired of freezing up at the mention of it, Won. And this one is most likely more dangerous than the ones we’ve fought before and I can’t freak out because Jisoo will be terrified and we need to protect her. But it’s not something that I can control and I’ve been telling myself that–”
You freeze when another pair of lips slots against yours, closing your eyes after a second and you melt when Wonwoo softly grasps your cheeks with his palms to deepen the kiss. Nothing else is happening though; it’s not rushed and it’s just your lips against his over and over again, your hands lay on top of his as he cups your face.
He pulls away when he feels you relax, hazy eyes finding each other before his eyes drop to your lips and he presses his lips once again for a short, chaste kiss.
“Sorry… my wolf…”
You chuckle and shake your head a little, cheeks a little warm at the way he’s still grasping your face and the way his eyes are piercing you. “Mine too. It’s fine.”
Wonwoo smiles; this is something you both would need to address, but now is not the time and he really kissed you because you seemed to panic and he wanted to stop you for a bit.
And, well, his wolf has been craving for you, which brings you both to the current situation.
“Take a breath, okay?” he whispers, squaring up his shoulders and pulling away a little even though his palms stay firm where they’re at. He asks you to breathe with him, and when he’s sure you’ve calmed down enough, he asks if you still want to talk about it.
You bite your lip at the question and, in the end, you can only repeat what you’ve told him. “I just… I’m afraid, Won. What if I’m not strong enough to fight him? To protect Jisoo? To help you guys?”
“You’re not doing this alone, Moon,” he reminds you; his deep voice is everything you need to calm your heartbeat. “I know I haven’t been here for long and you probably know this better, but… we’re a pack for a reason. We’ll find a way together and we’ll think this through together. I’ll protect you, okay?”
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The next two weeks, the pack is busy training and discussing strategies. You’re mostly in your room, preparing all sorts of runes that might be necessary. But, most importantly, you’re making as many protective runes as you can to make sure Jisoo would stay safe. She’d be staying at the house pack, like she always does when you’re all going out for an attack.
You’re usually okay with leaving her alone, confident that your protection is strong enough. But knowing an incubus is behind all this, you can’t help but feel like you need to put an extra layer of protection in any kind of form.
“The wards are set on all perimeters,” Wonwoo informs you as he steps into the room. He was just out with Jihoon to check on the wards around the town, making sure they’re all still intact. You’ve made sure to strengthen them too, because even though the incubus is presumably already in town, you need to make sure he’s not summoning other creatures again. “You put on wards every 3 meters around the house until it reaches the main road?”
You hum, murmuring a short thanks when he places an iced coffee on your table. “Gotta make sure Jisoo is safe. I’ve prepared preactivated runes too for her defense just in case.”
“Oh, the ones that blow up when they’re destroyed?”
“Yup.” You pop the ‘p’, and then stop what you’re doing when you remember something. “Oh, right. I meant to give this to you.”
Wonwoo looks up as you rummage through your small wooden box, pulling out a single ring with small stones adorning one side.
“It took me quite some time to find a moonstone, which is why I only managed to finish this now, but here’s your ring.”
He cocks his eyebrow when you put it on his palm, and you tilt your head to the side, not getting what he’s on about.
“Proposing to me already?”
He laughs when you try to pinch his side, wincing a little at the sting though he’s just glad you seem to finally relax even if only for a few seconds.
“Thanks,” he grins, putting it on his middle finger. “I was kidding about the moonstone, you know? You can just use anything and I would’ve taken it anyway.”
You shrug, telling him you need to keep it in stock anyway. You crack your neck to the side, and Wonwoo frowns at how stiff your body seems to be. He tells you to sit down on the sofa and take a short break, taking your iced coffee with him before you can protest. Just in time, Jisoo walks in with Minghao, bringing tartlets with her.
“Oh, you managed to sit her down.” Jisoo nods appreciatively, setting down the tartlets on the coffee table as she sits next to you and Minghao settles on the floor instead, his figure near your legs. “She’s been standing for too long and she wouldn’t answer when I call for her.”
“She probably tunes you out,” Minghao happily supplies, taking one of the treats and offering you a bite after he does. You happily munch on the dessert, almost choking when Minghao flips another topic. “Anyway, what was that earlier about proposal?”
Wonwoo bursts out laughing as Jisoo tries to grasp the conversation, already used to this kinda situation though it still frustrates her at times. She catches the new accessory on his finger though, and Jisoo immediately grasps his hand and shows Minghao the ring as they all continue to tease you about it.
It’s been like this since a few days ago. The pack has been teasing you both when they figure you’re comfortable enough for that. They’ve caught you with Wonwoo a lot since that day, and they kept quiet because you still looked stressed, simply grateful that Wonwoo seems to be able to comfort you more than any of them could ever do.
They know.
They know.
And they didn’t say anything, still.
But it’s a few days ago when everyone was huddled together in the living room for a movie night. Seungcheol said everyone deserves a break after the amount of training and decided that the pack should just chill together for the night.
You’re particularly tired that day, because you spent the day sparring with Jihoon to make sure you’re not rusty. It went well, but it had been quite some time since you physically trained yourself so it felt like your energy was just drained the moment you stepped into the house.
Everyone was already in the living room when the two of you arrived (minus Jisoo and Wonwoo who were preparing food in the kitchen), and after Minghao informed you it’s movie night, you quickly washed up so you could join them immediately because you’ve missed chilling and being surrounded by these puppies without talking about attacks.
Your body was moving on autopilot once you finished washing up and returned to the living room, because you’re just so drained and your body naturally seek for comfort. Before you even realized, you’re already plopping yourself into Wonwoo’s lap and your head was nestled on his neck.
Wonwoo was so startled that his arms stayed frozen, hovering over your waist and didn’t curl around your figure like they usually would when it’s just the two of you. It took you a full 5 seconds to realize why the room was strangely quiet out of nowhere, and it was already too late for you to deny anything so you just shyly hid yourself deeper into his neck and succumbed to his warmth when he finally wrapped his arms around you.
“Anyway, it will shine when any of us is in danger. My magic will tell you who’s in danger as long as you have it on.” you tell him as he inspects his ring. “And it’ll get warmer the closer you are to them so it’ll help even if it’s not much. Jisoo’s is more sensitive than ours, so what’s considered dangerous for her and for us might be different.”
“So it’s not a proposal?” Minghao asks just to be annoying.
“Okay, let’s stop about the proposal,” Seungcheol announces his presence as he leans on the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. “My Moon is still a child and I will not allow it.”
Jisoo snickers while you laugh at that, knowing full well that Seungcheol will probably let you marry Wonwoo this instant if that’s what you want. He’s your alpha, you’re sure he knows what’s happening between you and Wonwoo before you two even realize yourself.
Which is a weird thought, because you haven’t talked about whatever it is between the two of you. You both decide to focus on the problem at hand, figuring out your relationship could wait.
But it’s clear. And it’s so obvious that your wolf craves for him. Its existence has never been this prominent until Wonwoo.
Anyway, you’re pretty sure Wonwoo can feel the pull too, and you two are just doing a very good job not entertaining the thought because, else, you would’ve jumped at him every single time you’re left alone with the guy.
“Chan’s coming in a bit. Come to the living room after you’re done with your desserts, alright?” He steps in to ruffle your hair and leaves just like that, not waiting for an answer.
You nod at that, taking a deep breath at the thought of discussing it yet again. Wonwoo catches your eyes, giving you an encouraging smile as Jisoo feeds you some more and Minghao hugs your legs before he leans his head on your knee.
You almost cry at how loved you feel right now.
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“I’ll be bait,” you say as calmly as you can despite the erratic way your heart is beating.
“No!” you’re not even sure who says it, probably everyone–bewildered that you would volunteer to do that.
“There’s no other choice and you guys know it.” Your tone is determined even though they know you’re scared, and they know there’s little they can do when your mind is made. You’re probably more stubborn than their alpha at that point. “He only goes for a woman. We can’t afford to use Jisoo. Do you have any other alternatives than to bait him?”
Everyone shuts up at that, knowing that you’re right. They want to believe there’s another choice, but if the incubus is as strong as you assume it to be, as you paint it to be… 
“Anyway, that’s not the important bit,” you pretend to brush it off to change the topic, not wanting the guys to worry too much even though their concern isn’t groundless. “What’s important is what we are going to do after that.”
Everyone’s still wary, and you can feel Wonwoo’s burning gaze on the side of your face though you refuse to acknowledge it. You know he most likely doesn’t agree with your decision–what with the… uhh… relationship between the two of you, he does have the right to be skeptical of your decision. After all, you would be too if this was the other way around.
You’ll talk to him after this.
It’s not that hard to distract everyone with the new topic, because you do need a proper strategy and this one is like never before. After an hour or so, you’re not really listening to them, because you’re busy reading through the old book of your aunt’s to find out more about incubi.
You can’t quite describe the rush that goes through your body as you do so, and while your fear is still there, there’s a new kind of determination that flows through you at the thought of defeating an incubus that’s been wreaking havoc in your little town. Perhaps, the thought crosses your mind, this could be your chance of finally making peace with your past.
The few incubi that you’ve encountered were weak enough to be defeated without you having to use any exceptional magic–some defensive and fire runes and they’re done for. But this one? You’ve been practicing your magic, exerting yourself to summon fire and control your surroundings even though that’s not your expertise.
Wonwoo, Seungcheol, and Jisoo have been taking turns in scolding you, because they can tell you’re getting more and more drained the more you practice. On one hand, they understand where you’re coming from, why you’ve been doing it–but on another, it’s obvious that you’re getting paler by the day and they don’t see what good it would do if you’re not even going to be in your prime condition later on.
It’s midnight when Wonwoo finds you perched on the balcony, and the scene looks awfully familiar to him as he remembers that time he found you alone–the night when it all began.
You hum to acknowledge him, though you don’t turn and you hear him closing the door before you ask, “Can’t sleep?”
Wonwoo chuckles at the question, the exact same one you asked him those nights ago.
“Was looking for you.” He’s glad he can say it out loud now, no longer having to be careful with his affections towards you.
“Miss me already?” you joke, reminding him it was just an hour ago you were together in the living room before everyone left for bed. Unexpectedly, Wonwoo hums an affirmation, his deep voice whispers a low ‘yes’ before his arms cage you from behind, his chest meeting your back.
Wonwoo’s more affectionate since that day, not that you’re complaining, and even though he still lays low with the PDA, it is true that he’s been more touchy for some reason. You think it’s his wolf, because, like right now, it’s become his favorite thing to just bury his nose to the crook of your neck like a puppy. It tickles, but you welcome the sensation of his warm breath against your skin so you don’t intend to say anything about it.
“Want to share your mind?” he asks after placing a soft kiss on your neck, his chin on your shoulder. The position must’ve been uncomfortable–what, with his height and all–but he doesn’t seem to mind and you don’t have any reason to refuse his touch.
“You know.”
And he does. He actually does. And it stirs something within him to know there’s little to nothing he can do to help you feel better. His arms move to hold you by the waist instead, and it’s crazy how serene he’s feeling despite the rowdy rhythm his heart is beating into when you snuggle further into his embrace, your thumb caressing his arm.
He knows you don’t need words right now, knows that nothing that comes out of his mouth would comfort you in any way–he’s said all that he could say too, and if he were to say those again, it would just be repetitions and he imagines he wouldn’t like those if it was him in your position.
So he doesn’t say anything and you don’t either. But you slightly pull from him just so you can turn around and take your turn to bury your nose against his neck. You’re not sure how long the two of you spend just standing like that–simply reveling in the way that you’re against each other under the moonlight, his arms around you and his (now) steady heartbeat beating against your ear.
And for the first time in two weeks, you can finally relax and stop thinking about whatever kind of doom that awaits your pack.
The attack will take place in three days. The pack (and Chan) has agreed that would be the perfect time because it’s going to be a full moon and their wolves are always stronger during a full moon–even yours. You always feel the most like a werewolf during those times, something that your parents know, also the reason why they’ve taken to calling you ‘Moon’.
That said, it’d be the safest time for you to be bait because your wolf would be stronger on top of your magic. They’re still unhappy with this part of the plain, but have long accepted that they’d never win against your made mind.
Jeonghan, Seungcheol, and Wonwoo are currently out on patrol while everyone else is at the pack house. Jihoon is probably sleeping while you, Jisoo, and Minghao are in the living room talking about magic. Minghao has a little magic within him, not strong enough to use it for fights though it helps to make them trip or get confused from time to time. And Jisoo, well, she finds it fascinating, still.
You’re telling Minghao about runes when Jeonghan barges into the living room, breath heavy and chest heaving hardly like he’s run a marathon, his hurried voice calling your real name and you know it couldn’t be good. Did something happen during the patrol?
Seungcheol is right behind him, and he’s looking at you with something akin to guilt that he immediately drops to his knees and buries his face into your middle. His arms are holding you a little too tight that it slightly hurts, but it’s the look in Jeonghan’s face that gets your heart rate spiking beyond control and goosebumps on your skin.
“They got Wonwoo.” The room immediately goes silent at that, and what he says next barely even registers to you as you look at him wide-eyed, your heart immediately dropping to your stomach and you stay frozen where you’re at. “We–we got ambushed and… and they took him. I’m sorry, Moon.”
Jisoo is quick to take your hand, and you’re so shaken that your mouth keeps on opening and closing without anything coming out of it.
Seungcheol whimpers as his arms tighten even more around you, and you can’t tell if he’s upset or agitated. Probably both; he’s an alpha whose beta has just been taken, presumably right under his nose too. He keeps on whispering something that sounds like apologies.
“We tried to go for him but they masked their smell and we got tricked and–”
“Did they leave anything?”
The older man flinches at your curt tone, though he’s still more worried than he is scared. He nods nevertheless, and he hands you a black feather that you inspect with blank eyes though your minds are already running with a thousand scenarios of how to get Wonwoo back safe and sound.
“This…” you close your eyes in contempt as you finally recognize the feather. “Were you… was there a harpy when you were attacked?”
You release a frustrated sigh when Jeonghan nods. “They’re baiting us. They want us to find them. Harpies’ feathers don’t fall off. They don’t shed, they leave it on purpose so we can track them.”
It’s almost like something switched within Seungcheol at the revelation, and his emotion is so prominent that everyone except Jisoo slightly cowers at his alpha mode, your wolves submitting to him. Jihoon even turns up, his wolf recognizing the distress of his alpha and the whole pack that he woke up not long after Jeonghan and Seungcheol arrived.
“So they want us to attack?” Seungcheol practically growls as he stands up tall, his fingers balled into fists. “Call Chan and tell him there’s a change of plan. If he doesn’t answer in five minutes, we’re doing this without him.”
Chan picks up on the first ring and arrives ten minutes later.
The strategy, to put it simply, doesn’t really exist. The whole bait thing is obviously off the table and now that you know for sure where they’re at, you just need to pick the right time to go and how you’re going to infiltrate them.
If what you assume is true, they must’ve been waiting for you to arrive, too. Are they expecting an attack? Do they want to taunt you? This doesn’t make sense to you.
But, then again, your mind is all over the place because the only thing you can focus on is that they’ve got your Wonwoo and who knows what they’re doing to him now, what they will be doing to him if you don’t come as soon as they wish you to be. They wouldn’t be kind enough to wait for the full moon, knowing you guys are a pack of werewolves.
“As far as I know, there’s an abandoned lab there,” Chan supplies helpfully after you’ve successfully pinpointed their location. “It belonged to an old hospital that’s acquired by a new management, and the new owner couldn’t be bothered to take care of the lab because that building actually belonged to another owner and not the one they bought the hospital from? Anyway, that’s why that building is abandoned and, uh, no one really bothered to do anything about it.”
“Do you have the layout?”
“No,” Chan shakes his head. “But I know it’s just a two-level building with a lot of rooms. Storages, you know? I reckon the layout itself shouldn’t be too complicated. What might be a problem is that… it’s long and big. Imagine a small hospital. Or maybe school? It’s of that size.”
“Okay,” you exhale a deep breath. “So we split. Seungcheol with Jihoon, and Jeonghan with Minghao.”
“And you?” Seungcheol’s so repulsed by the thought of you going in alone that his eyes glowed golden for a bit. You plant your palm on his arm in hope it will calm him down, and it does, at least enough for his eyes to turn back into its hazel shade and you tell him you don’t mind going in with either group.
“Chan, you stay at the pack house with Jisoo. Protect her and be mindful of our signal just in case we’d need police backup, Jisoo would know and she will tell you.” You instruct him carefully, and then proceed to run over the preactivated runes with Jisoo once again. You’ve even given Chan some too just in case, and you have him practice with you while the others get ready. You don’t want to risk anything happening to Wonwoo, so you’ve all unanimously decided that you must go tonight.
You zone out helplessly as you play with your necklace, a glimpse of hope running past you because it hasn’t reacted at all–which means Wonwoo is safe. He’s not put in any immediate danger for your charms to react.
A strong hand finds your shoulder, making you jump a little and taking you out of your trace. “We’ll save him. Wonwoo will be fine.”
Seungcheol sees a speck of gold glistening through your eyes for a millisecond, something that he has never seen in you.
“He has to be.” Your voice is barely a whisper, but it’s firm and it sounds like a promise. He almost flinches at your next words, and he knows if it comes to it, there’s nothing he can do to stop you. “I’ll destroy them if he’s not.”
Unfortunately, Chan is wrong.
The house is way more complicated than he makes it to be and you’re pretty sure Jeonghan and Minghao are fighting against something by the faint sound of growls and things falling to the ground from the other side of the building.
At least the place isn’t as guarded as you prepared yourselves for. Either the incubus is too arrogant for his own good, or you haven’t encountered his subordinates yet. You’ve expected each room to be guarded, but safe for the hellhounds that were guarding the front gate and whatever creatures Minghao and Jeonghan are fighting against; there’s nothing else yet.
But, then again, you shouldn’t be jinxing yourself because, next thing you know, a harpy and what you assume to be a ghoul are attacking the three of you. The ghoul throws you to the wall hard enough that there’s a little crack when you slide down the wall, Seungcheol turns to where you’re at and growl. You groan from the sudden pain, but you attack back immediately after you stand back on your feet, whispering spells as you throw your runes at them.
That’s enough seconds for Seungcheol and Jihoon to take control of the situation.
You activate your other runes while you’re at it, making sure the two monsters wouldn’t be able to leave the room. You’re about to draw a magic circle when you feel your pendant warming up, and by the bewildered look Seungcheol and Jihoon send your way, you know they’re both aware why it’s warming up.
“Go!” Seungcheol screams, pouncing on the ghoul as Jihoon takes care of the harpy. “Find him! We’ll catch up with you.”
You nod with determination and then set up a few other runes before you run out of the room. Wonwoo’s near enough for your bracelet to react, and you run to wherever your feet are taking you, only to freeze on the spot when you see Wonwoo being chained down like he’s some kind of criminal deserving such confinement.
He looks up at you, and you almost cry at how weak he looks despite the clean state of his face–no blood whatsoever. If you’re not too blinded by your worry and the overwhelming feelings of seeing Wonwoo again even if it has only been hours, you’d realize how easy things seem to be. Spending hours thinking about what these things might be doing to Wonwoo feels like years, you admit no matter how dramatic that sounds.
Your worry mixed with fear does not make a good recipe even for only a few hours.
You kneel in front of him, gentle hands cradling his cheeks as you examine his worn out face. There’s not a single scratch on his face, but he might as well look like his soul is sucked out of his body little by little and his eyes are a little empty that tears prick your eyes.
“What did they do to you?” you whisper weakly. Wonwoo doesn’t even have the energy to answer you, though his eyes find yours and he sends you a defeated smile. He coughs at the effort to do that, and that’s when you snap out of it and immediately try to rid him of the chains on his wrists.
“Uh, don’t think it’s a good idea,” an eerie voice greets you, which makes you take a protective stance in front of Wonwoo. You gulp as you take the man in front of you, and if the aura he’s emitting alone isn’t already telling you that he’s the incubus, the horns protruding between his hair certainly did the job. “You see, if you try to force open that chain, that… uh, necklace he has on will thrust silver into his neck and, well, we don’t want that, right?”
The creature has it in him to grin at the pure rage in your eyes when you glare at him, only then realizing they’ve put on a collar on Wonwoo that’s apparently lethal for his being.
“What do you want?”
“In a hurry, are we?” he whistles as he glances at Wonwoo staggering behind you. “I think your furry mate isn't in any condition to go anywhere though?”
You try your best to calm down, because he’d want you unfocused and all over the place. Whatever it is that he wants from your pack, it must have something to do with you if it’s Wonwoo he’s taken.
“What do you want.” You press, not wanting to spend any more second in his presence if you can help it. If not for you then definitely for Wonwoo. If the collar is actually infused with silver as he claims it to be, it’s no wonder Wonwoo is rendered this way. The matter is lethal to werewolves and your neck is tightening at the thought of it; you can only imagine how Wonwoo is feeling.
You’ve never liked dealing with creatures with human natures; they’re too cocky for their own good and it’s getting under your skin. Monsters, you can easily deal with–defeat them and that’s it. But creatures like incubuses, shapeshifters, demons, and so on have human natures and they enjoy instilling fear–enjoy that they’re making the other party scared shitless. They taunt and taunt and taunt until you’re no longer sure which one’s a bluff and which one’s an actual threat.
It’s not enough that you’re scared. They want you confused and they want to play with your minds.
“Okay, because you’ve so politely asked.”
You truly don’t know how he managed to hold you against him within seconds, his scent engulfing you and you almost whimper in fear at the way he noses your hair. And for the first time since you’ve arrived, you see Wonwoo snap his neck up and he practically growls with every strength he still has in him.
“Sol.” He calls for someone, and a wraith appears immediately, bowing his head so low in front of the incubus he almost folds himself in half. “Release the dog.”
Sol treats him so roughly that you step forward to intervene, enraged by the way they address him, but the incubus holds you in place from behind, the hands on your shoulders bringing shivers down your spine, and whispers closely against your ear, his voice firm and brings chills throughout your body.
“Behave, doll. You know what we can do to him,” he reminds you, his teeth grazing your ear that you shiver at the touch. You’d probably be crumbling with fear if not for Wonwoo–your worry for him overrides your traumatic experience with incubi. You want Wonwoo safe, whether you are also safe or not is not important.
What’s important is you don’t want Wonwoo anywhere near this thing and you’re going to make it happen no matter what.
Wonwoo slumps forward the moment he’s released from the chain and the collar, and he coughs so violently like he’s drawing out blood. It doesn’t take him long to get back on his feet though, and even though he’s still weak, there’s an enormous amount of rage within him at the way you’re held against the demon which fuels his body even if his strength was basically nonexistent.
It’s then that he realizes Sol is still holding him, a silver knife against his throat so you both immediately freeze as if breathing would even hurt him.
“Tsk,” the incubus clicks his tongue in annoyance, his fingers descending to your arm and running down your skin. “Ungrateful kids. I released you from your chain and that’s the attitude you’re giving me?”
He grins at the way you go stiff on his hold; a maniac grin so wide that it brings shivers even to Wonwoo who’s a good two meters away.
“Can you guys smell this?” he mocks, his nose nuzzling your neck and Wonwoo tightens his jaw at the sight–agitated and boiling with fury because no one should do that to you; no one should make your eyes sting with fear and your body turn into stone.
He’s worried. But, above all, he’s angry and he feels so fucking useless because he can’t do anything but watch you hopelessly from where he’s at–with a silver knife against his throat that he can feel himself weakening yet again.
What did he say? That he’ll protect you?
What a fucking joke.
“You can’t?” His mocking voice resonates once again, and you can feel his smirk even if you can’t see it yourself. You’re trying your best to focus on Wonwoo instead, and even though your body is still frozen in fear because this incubus is basically pressed against you and you can feel your throat closing up–either from your fear of the proximity or because you can’t stand to see Wonwoo like this, so weak that he’s probably using everything he has to stand on his feet.
Probably both.
“I thought you dogs have such a great sense of smell,” he continues his monologue, still holding you against himself. “But since I’m so kind, I will generously let you know. It’s the smell of dread. Of horror, and, oh, it’s the second most beautiful thing I’d ever encounter. Almost as beautiful as your sexual energy.”
You don’t think it’s possible, but you stiffen even more at his words. These creatures are sexual beings, and you forgot about it because you’re too busy worrying over Wonwoo and your initial fear towards those things have more to do with the death of your aunt than anything. But now that he mentions it–
“And you’re so powerful too,” he hums against your neck, lips grazing your skin and you genuinely feel like throwing up at the contact. You can’t do anything; not when he has his subordinate pressing a silver knife against Wonwoo’s throat, the smallest cut and Wonwoo would probably be paralyzed for God knows how long and the after effect once he wakes up wouldn’t be pretty, too. “You probably knew I took him to bait you, didn’t you? Smart little thing.”
“Get away from her.” Wonwoo growls, his eyes shining bright golden as he does so. Sol presses the blade’s spine deeper to Wonwoo’s neck, unamused with his move.
“Oh, mutt has something to say?” His voice is so sickening, and you hate yourself so much for being immobile under his grasp, unable to do anything but close your eyes when his fingers brush your cheek, his forefinger and thumb stopping on your chin to tilt it up. “Open your eyes, doll. You don’t want to disobey me.”
Your sight is blurry when you do, glassy with tears though it’s still clear to you that Wonwoo is whimpering on the ground, the silver pressed tightly against his neck can easily cut through his skin if Sol tilts the blade even slightly.
They’re doing this to play with you and Wonwoo, and you ask once again what it is that he wants just so Sol would put the knife away from him. What even is Wonwoo suffering for?
“Oh, it’s not obvious?” he slurs his voice, his palm now fully grasping your cheek so you’d turn to him.
Wonwoo tightens his jaw at the scene in front of him, wondering if the guys are still busy outside and if it’s still going to take them long to come here.
He doesn’t want to be rash–can’t be either because the silver pressed against his skin is draining his strength away. He can’t even stand up at this point, and his consciousness is slowly slipping away because the blade keeps on touching his skin. But you look so pale and pretty much petrified that he just wants to do something–anything that would make the aghast look on your face go away.
Wonwoo’s trying his best to stay still as the incubus nuzzles his nose further into your neck, and something is burning in his chest at the way you flinch and hold your breath as he sees the fingers on your arms clutching your tighter.
“Why do you think I’ve been taking those girls? Summoning those creatures?” he drags on. “I’m not interested in humans. Their energy runs out fast and they’re not fun to play with. You… on the other hand.”
You detest the way he's scenting your cheek, his lips grazing the skin there as he grins wider at the way you’re almost shaking from his touch. “Powerful little thing, aren’t you? These mutts wouldn’t last a day without your help fighting those things. I know you already put two and two together; smart girl wants to wait for the full moon to attack, hm?”
You’re thinking of ways to get away from this thing, but anything sort of reckless wouldn’t do good as much as you wish to just use your rune and make a run for it. There’s too much at stake, but most importantly, you can’t risk the wraith actually gashing Wonwoo. What are the members doing outside? How much longer would you have to wait for them? You need at least two of them here, serving as a distraction to buy time so you can use your magic.
“I can’t wait to taste you, doll,” he bares his teeth, and Wonwoo’s fuming even more than he already was, which you didn’t think was possible.
And it’s then that the door bursts open, Seungcheol panting along with Jihoon, Jeonghan, and Minghao right behind him. There’s no time for a grand entrance though, and that split second is enough opening for Seungcheol and Jeonghan to pounce on the incubus behind you, making you fall on your knees from the sudden force.
You can hear the incubus growls from behind, but you look up to see Sol grinning despite Jihoon handling him down, and your eyes widen in horror when you realize why he’s grinning. Minghao’s holding Wonwoo in panic, and you don’t even have it in you to scream, your feet moving on their own because there’s blood slipping down his neck.
You take him away from Minghao, and you hear Wonwoo moans weakly when you quickly use your magic to at least stop the bleeding. Your eyes are red with angry tears; angry that Wonwoo’s hurt for no reason at all, that he has to endure this because the incubus wants you, that humans in this area turn into victims for nothing but entertainment.
It’s Wonwoo’s weak grasp on your wrist that snaps you out of it, and he’s saying something stupid like he’s fine and that you should focus on defeating that thing instead of healing him. You’d argue with him if not for the severity of the situation, and you’re honestly just trying your best to stop his wound from opening up before you get back to attack; Seungcheol and Jeonghan has got the situation for now, you can tell from the way the incubus is struggling against them.
Sol is slumped on the floor, because Jihoon is smart enough to take the silver knife from him and stabs the monster with it because the matter is just as lethal to wraith as it is to werewolf. A group of wraiths enter the room not long after, having been summoned by the incubus and unhappy to see their kin knocked out on the ground.
The incubus grins maniacally when the three werewolves upon him loosen their grip at the commotion. But Seungcheol is stronger than that, and even if he orders the other two to leave the incubus to him as they help Minghao take care of the wraiths, it’s easy to tell Seungcheol is starting to get tired.
They roll on the floor, fighting each other physically, trying to assert dominance over the other and your hands get frantic with Wonwoo on your lap.
“Moon–stop,” Wonwoo whispers weakly. “Seungcheol needs help. I’m good enough for now.”
The wound won’t close and his consciousness is escaping yet again, and you’re about to refuse but a hoard of hellhounds come in and you’ve got no choice but to stop trying to stop his bleeding. It has slowed down at least, and you take comfort in that until Wonwoo actually goes slack on your lap, his neck gushing with blood that you’re sure would leave a scar. His healing ability can’t catch up with the silver and this is already the most you can do in such a tight time.
Despite the rowdy situation in the room, your sob sounds way too clear in everyone’s ears, alerting them all in panic. It’s not sad though; and when they turn to see you, you’re already standing up with tears running down your face. But you don’t try to wipe them, simply let them be as your eyes glow the most golden with a speck of red, the first time Seungcheol has ever feltyour wolf and magic this strong.
Momentarily, everything stops and they’re all staring at you; overwhelmed by the sheer power you’re emitting. Even the hellhounds whimper at this, some of them retreating through the shadows.
Your eyes are locked on the incubus beneath Seungcheol, and it’s pure rage that he registers in your eyes–your aura. He’s sure he’s not imagining the way you seem to almost glow with power, the feeling so immense that his wolf almost wants to submit to you.
For whatever reason, the devil has it in him to smirk, whispering something about how good you’d taste once he has you under him. Seungcheol’s about to attack him for the comment, but he’s suddenly twisting in pain that Seungcheol lets go of him, skin burning hot like he’s boiling inside out.
He’s looking at the scene in front of him in horror, and it’s when he looks at the way you’re snapping your wrist that it’s you doing this. He doesn’t know how you learn to do this, because, as far as he knows, you never did. It’s your rage running over your magic, he concludes, and he sees Wonwoo fainted on the ground and he can’t blame you for reacting this way even if it worries him.
He knows the both of you haven’t addressed it, but it’s clear that your wolves are calling for each other and you’re practically mates even if Wonwoo hasn’t marked you yet. He’d probably go ballistic too if his mate was put on the brink of death for whatever reason.
The incubus is screaming in pain, body twisting in a weird way and it’s seconds after that Seungcheol is one hundred percent positive you’re actually glowing that the whole group of monsters within the room–maybe even building–are starting to run away even though they all failed because you’ve warded the whole building so none of them could get out unscathed.
It gets easier to fight them at this point, but your pack doesn’t need to fight them because, the next thing they know, the wraiths have all dissolved into a puddle of black goos, the hellhounds have all retreated, and the incubus is fighting for his life while you watch him suffer on your feet.
Minghao is the first person to snap out of it, immediately going to Wonwoo and trying to somehow check the older guy. He knows he’s not dead, but he’s getting paler by the seconds and he needs to be treated as soon as possible.
The rest look at each other uneasily, unsure how to handle you going berserk. The incubus deserves this, but with the way you’re going, Seungcheol is mainly afraid you’d lose yourself somehow.
“Moon?” he whispers softly, trying to see if you’ll react.
You don’t, which doesn’t surprise any of them, because you’re probably in a trance and the only thing they can hear is the incubus’ painful scream that’s getting louder by the seconds.
You stare blankly at the devil under you, nothing of remorse within you even though you know you’d never do this to any other being. You don’t even know how you’re doing this, but it doesn’t matter because what matters is what he’s done to Wonwoo and you’re going to make him feel the suffering a hundred times over.
It’s then that the scream suddenly stops, because Wonwoo’s weak voice calling your name echoes through the room, his consciousness slipping back in somehow and you turn to him, your magic calming down at the sound of his voice.
And then there’s a surge of magic resonating throughout the building, strong enough that there’s a gush of wind accompanying it as it goes past all of you.
Next thing you know, your body sways to the side and Jeonghan catches you in his arms.
And then it’s all black.
Your whole body is sore when you come to, and the first thing you notice is that there’s hair near your hand and someone else is caressing your other arm.
It takes quite the effort to even open your eyes, and through your blurry eyes, you register that it’s Jisoo laying on the side of your bed and the girl jumps awake at your soft whimper. The other person in the room is Minghao, and you can’t help but chuckle at how awfully familiar this scenario plays out.
Jisoo cries and hugs you before you can say anything, and you see Minghao sighs in relief before he leaves the room to call for the others. Wonwoo steps in right after Minghao leaves, and you try to sit up with Jisoo in your arms, wincing slightly at how tense your body feels. How long were you out for?
“Good sleep?” Wonwoo muses with a small smile, going to your other side to drop a kiss on top of your head because Jisoo refuses to stop hogging you.
“Like I came back from the dead.” You wince at your strained voice, and Wonwoo tells Jisoo to let you go to give you space before he helps you with a glass of water, the girl simply moving to hug your middle instead, her face buried in your lap. You laugh at her antics, stroking her hair and assuring her you’re fine now.
The whole pack bursts into the room at that moment, and they all engulf you in a hug except for Jihoon who goes to stand beside Wonwoo and watches the scene unfold. Everyone’s been worried though they all know you’ll wake up; and to know that you seem relaxed and even have it in you to smile after the whole ordeal is good enough.
“How are you feeling?” Seungcheol asks, sitting next to you on the bed once everyone except Jisoo lets you go, the girl still stubbornly hugging you even though it must’ve been uncomfortable.
“My whole body’s sore and I’m a little disoriented,” you shrug, honest with your explanation. “How long was I out for?”
“Three days,” your alpha informs you, his hand stroking your hair. “We planned on calling Lisa tomorrow if you still didn’t wake up today.”
“Good call. Lisa would know what to do,” you chuckle hoarsely, making a mental note to hang out with the witch one of these days. “Sorry to make you worried. Did anything… happen?”
The room falls silent at that, even Jisoo’s arms that are holding you tighten at your question. But it’s Wonwoo who speaks up, telling you it’s a long story and that you should eat and wash up before going into that.
“That’s a good idea.” Jihoon nods, and then offers to get the bath ready before telling Minghao and Jisoo to prepare food now that you’re awake. The rest seems to get the message and eventually steps out of the room, leaving you and Wonwoo behind.
“Hi.” You say when he doesn’t say anything. Wonwoo shakes his head and envelopes you in a hug which you accept with all your heart, your fingers grasping the front of his shirt while you bury yourself in his neck. His hug is a little too tight, but you don’t care and you actually welcome it because if there’s anything you need at this second, it’s his arms around you and your bodies against each other.
He whispers something in your ear that you don’t quite register, but you’re crying for some reason and Wonwoo pulls you even closer like it’s possible.
It didn’t register to you at first–what had happened and how you ended up like this. But now that everyone’s left and you don’t have to worry about their wellbeing, the memory of that night returns though there are blank spaces in between.
Still, it is enough to remind you of the way the demon touches you–the way his lips graze your skin and his fingers on your body. You choke at the memory, and Wonwoo seems to get it even though you don’t elaborate; seems to understand why you’re crying and why you’re holding on to him for dear life.
The guys have told him about it; about how you coped before and how it took you quite some time to get over it. And as much as he thought he’s prepared to help you through it, it’s still a blow to his heart to see you like this, his wolf wailing in pain in tandem with yours.
You don’t notice Jihoon by the door, about to tell you the bath is ready but has enough sense to step back when he catches Wonwoo’s eyes.
Wonwoo lets you cry more, and then kisses your forehead once you’ve calmed down, his thumb wiping the tears on your face as his forehead meets yours; his lips centimeters away from your own.
“I know, love. I know,” he whispers as your sobs turn into whimpers. “Let’s get you cleaned up? I’ll come with you.”
In any other scenario, you’d tease him about wanting to see you naked. Maybe flirt a little and then curse at him for making you flustered somehow. But this isn’t your ideal world, and you can do nothing but nod as he takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom.
Wonwoo stays true to his words, and you want to cry at the delicate way he’s treating you. He helps you out of your clothes, and it’s weird that you don’t feel anything as he does so–not the least bit of embarrassment even though he has never seen you naked at all.
He did ask if you want him to move away though, but when you shake your head and say that you don’t mind, he helps you wash up like you’re a kid who doesn’t know how to do it yourself. It’s very intimate in ways that you can’t quite describe, and you let him do everything for you as you simply stay seated in the bathtub.
You hug your knees as Wonwoo moves to wash your back, and it’s quite obvious that his clothes are all wet though he doesn’t say anything about it. He doesn’t say anything at all, actually, because he knows that you need solace and you want his company though you don’t wish to talk.
“Let’s get out of the tub?” he tells you softly after he’s done with your body. He grasps your hand and wraps you in a big towel, then tells you to sit down on the edge of the tub.
“Look at me?” He stares into your eyes for a few seconds before telling you to close them again so he can wash your face. His touch is gentle–safe, and you can feel your magic hum in content at the way he’s touching you.
It’s probably asking for more.
You slowly open your eyes when you feel Wonwoo stills but doesn’t move away, finding his face right in front of yours though you don’t flinch at the proximity. You look into his eyes, wondering what goes inside his mind as he looks at you. Was he thinking about that night, too?
Your eyes wander to scar on the side of his neck, and the picture that your picture conjures of Wonwoo unconscious on the floor is way too real that your eyes water almost immediately. He seems to get what you’re thinking about, and before you can remember it further, Wonwoo cups your face and forces your eyes to meet his instead.
“Hey, I’m fine,” his voice echoes in the bathroom. “I’m here and I’m safe. All thanks to you.”
That doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, because you cry even more at his words for some reason and Wonwoo tries not to panic when your cry gets louder.
“I’m sorry,” you break into a sob, hugging the towel further into yourself. Wonwoo gently grabs your arms to help you stand up then brings you into his arms. You’re shaking your head, murmuring further about how you’re sorry for making him go through it though you don’t make any move to get away from him. “It’s–it’s all because of me and you–”
Your words die down when his mouth finds yours, because Wonwoo doesn’t want to hear it and, most importantly, he doesn’t want you to blame yourself for whatever the demon did. He pulls away when he feels you relax, and your eyes are a little hazy like you’re in a trance (which he’s sure he must be sprouting the same look, too), making him chuckle before he drops another chaste kiss on the side of your mouth.
“Don’t apologize,” his stern voice whispers against your ear. “You did nothing wrong, get it?”
It pains him that you don’t seem to believe his words, but he’ll remind you over and over again if that’s what he needs to do.
“Moon, you’re my mate.” Your eyes snap to him in surprise at his statement; feeling the bound is one thing, but hearing Wonwoo vocalizing it out loud is another and you’re pretty sure the whole house can hear your heart beating wildly against your chest. But Wonwoo doesn’t seem to care, and he keeps on talking as he cups your face. “They probably took me because of that, they knew you'd come if it was me in danger. I’d do it too if it was the other way around. All of that? None of it is your fault. We were caught in a situation and things happened. It’s out of our control.”
“But, still…”
“No,” he shakes his head, his smile patient and understanding. “I’m not the only one who got hurt. You did too. Do you want me to apologize for not being able to protect you?”
“No!” you raise your voice before you even realize, getting his point immediately. “But it’s different. He–they…”
He places his finger on your lips, stopping you from talking further. He doesn’t want to hear this–not when you’ve just woken up, not ever. That seems to do it for now, and he silently helps you with your clothes so you’d get out of the bathroom and eat something.
The meal is finished in the blink of an eye, and after more coddling from the pack, you find yourself back in your room by yourself, staring into nothing and thinking about what they’ve just told you about that night prior to you blacking out.
You don’t actually remember much after Wonwoo passed out, and even though it isn’t a story best fitting to be told while you’re having dinner, you insist because you can’t help but feel like there’s something missing in the back of your mind. And, true enough, they said you went berserk.
Not that you’re surprised.
You’ve called Lisa earlier to have a talk with her mom, one of the most knowledgeable mages you’ve known after your aunt. She’s said something about your wolves already bonding with each other even though you’re not marked yet, and it’s not impossible that your wolf was just running on instinct the moment it felt its mate in grave danger.
The combined power of the wolf within you and the magic running through your blood intensified because Wonwoo was basically dying.
“Moon, may I come in?” Wonwoo asks from the other side of the door, and you answer by opening the door slightly with a flick of your wrist. “Am I disturbing you?”
“Nope,” you shake your head, signalling Wonwoo to lay down next to you. “Was just thinking over some stuff.”
Wonwoo doesn’t even need to ask to know what you’re thinking about, settling under your blanket and laying on his side to face you, his eyes scouting your face. 
He was pretty shocked too when he found out you went berserk after he lost his consciousness; he’s always known you’re powerful–but to the point where you’re somehow able to turn a hoard of wraiths without doing anything? To return hellhounds to their shadows? To boil the incubus’ blood from the inside without straining any extra effort?
Seungcheol has told him he was worried you’d lose yourself for a moment there. But you passed out after that sudden wave of magic and Wonwoo figures that means your magic took control of your body if only for a brief period of time.
“How are you feeling?”
“Weird,” you shrug, and then hesitate for a bit before you relay to him the information you got from Lisa’s mom. He doesn’t reply immediately, mind still busy taking in what you’ve just told him as his fingers absentmindedly play with yours. It’s both flattering and frightening to know your bond is already that strong even if he hasn’t marked you yet. But knowing what presumably is your full power got unleashed because he was hurt…
He sees your eyes drop to the side of his neck again, and he lets your finger trace the scar in the most delicate way possible–as if afraid he’ll bleed again if you press too hard. Despite the severity of its wound when it happened, his scar has actually healed though the mark is still there.
“Moon… It’s fine. I’m here with you now and that’s what matters,” he reminds you with a whisper, his hand grasping your wrist to place a kiss there. “It’s just a scar.”
“I… can still feel him if I close my eyes, you know?” you bite your lip as you admit this, not wanting to see Wonwoo’s angry eyes. “It’s always like that after an encounter with an incubus. Usually I’d even flinch when people tried to touch me, but I suppose it’s better now because you’re here? But if I close my eyes it’s like…”
You shiver at the thought, and it feels like something is crawling under your skin as you remember how the incubus held you that night. Wonwoo places his palms on your neck, compelling you to look at him. 
“You’re here with me, okay? Remember that. You’re with me and he can’t touch you now.” Wonwoo’s voice is gentle but firm, you decide, and you find yourself nodding even though the fear is still there in the back of your mind. That’s the least you can do, you think to yourself. Pretend like it doesn’t affect you until it really doesn’t.
You don’t have it in you to cry anymore, but you’re being real when you said you can still feel his touch against your skin, and when Wonwoo’s thumb forces your lip down from the confinement of your teeth because you don’t realize you’ve been biting it, it’s then that you taste the blood on your tongue.
“Don’t do that.” He brushes his thumb against your bottom lip, his eyes can’t seem to look away from it. “You want to talk about it?”
Exhaling a deep breath, you shake your head and bury yourself into his neck instead, your lips grazing the scar there and Wonwoo has to hold back a sigh from the sensation. He wraps his arm around you instead, pulling your body closer to his so you’re pressed against each other.
He can feel you stiffen when his fingers come in contact with the skin under your shirt, though you relax immediately and cuddle yourself further into his hold. The both of you stay that way for a moment, basking in the other’s presence without saying anything as moonlight faintly shines through your window. 
Wonwoo traces a circle on your skin, and your magic once again hums in content at the feeling of it. And while his finger is making circles there, yours once again finds the fading mark of his scar that you know would forever be etched on his skin.
Your eyes find his lips, and it seems that the world stops for a moment because Wonwoo does the same, then your eyes meet his in the exact same second.
“Kiss me?” you breathe in a soft whisper, which only amplifies the effect it has on him–like your words alone don’t make his head go haywire enough. “Make me forget and–”
His kiss is soft despite the rush he’s feeling in his body. And he kisses you like it’s the only thing he wants to do–and maybe it is–and you actually have to gasp for air when it gets too much because you’re starting to get light headed from the whole thing.
You stiffen when his lips find your neck, but he reminds you again and again that it’s him, whispers over your skin to tell him to stop if it gets too much. But you find yourself making ways for his lips to wander further, your fingers already combing through his hair and pushing him deeper into you.
And it seems like your body understands that this man is worshipping you, reacting to Wonwoo in ways that you’ve never experienced before. He doesn’t forget to ask if you’re okay from time to time, doesn’t think at all about his own pleasure even though his wolf is already screaming to mark you already.
His lips find yours again, and, before you know it, Wonwoo’s hovering over you, his fingers intertwined with yours. The kiss is slower this time, and you’re pretty sure a little more and you’d be able to map the shape of his lips.
Wonwoo pulls away to take a breath, but you can’t get enough of him so your lips chase his and he grunts from the sudden force when you pull him down right on top of you. It’s safe for him to assume your wolf is dying to be marked as much as his is begging for the same thing.
“You sure you want to do this?” Wonwoo pants, his eyes piercing into yours from above.
The smile you give him is enough to make all the stars in the sky seem faint, and there’s a sudden wave of fulfillment that rushes through him at the sight of it; like he’s found his other half.
Like a puzzle with the last missing piece.
“As long as it’s with you.”
He wonders why the moon seems brighter tonight.
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taglist: @kyeomjjigae @nothingbutadeadesceane @sleeplessdawn @kpopjackie @everyw0nu @twogyuu
A/N 2: special thanks to @lily-blue for brainstorming with me when i first started writing this 😭 and happy birthday also @sunshinein17 who mentioned you share birthday with wonwoo hehe, hope you enjoy this also ^^ anyway, again!! if you're reading up to this point, thank you for sparing your time to read this rather lengthy fic and please dont hesitate to send your feedbacks bc i honestly wanna know!! i know my 10k++ fics usually have less audience but this is to celebrate wonwoo so 😸
once again, happy birthday, my love🤍🤍🤍
1K notes · View notes
builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Spitfire | v
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A farewell leads to many tears and emotions as Jake departs from his short-lived visit to Maryland. The appearance of the ‘L’ word makes the feelings even more complicated as Jake leaves his witchy woman behind, then beginning their countdown for Atlanta. Little do they know the calm before the storm is rapidly coming to an end.
Read part four here
Read part six here
Pairing: jake kiszka x f!reader
Word count: 8.1k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ (like right under the cut), unprotected sex (wrap it up), fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), slapping, hair pulling, some begging, dom/sub type shit, overstimulation, slight name calling, mirror sex (idk if there’s a name for that), swearing, sad stuff, a bit of angst, ldr issues, cute brotherly activities, sorry if i miss any!!
i just couldn’t wait to write the smut for any longer 😞 so most of this is just filthy with some fluff at the end. next chapter is a heartbreaker so pre-warning for that. also, sorry if the smut isn’t top notch, I stopped writing it for a really long time and im just recently getting back into it. also thank you all so much for the love you’ve given to this series, you make my heart happy 🫶🏻 as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
“How long?” You panted, looking across your bed to the alarm clock on your side table. Jakes fingers were fumbling with the button on your jeans, desperate to get you out of them.
“Two hours,” he mumbled, hauling your hips off the mattress. You held the position, making it easier for him to slip your pants off. He tossed them on the ground, hands immediately finding their way back to your body. His fingertips brushed over your bare thighs, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Do we have time?” You questioned. He paused, looking up at you through his hair.
“Do you want me to stop?” The look in his eyes sent a rush of emotion straight to the pit of your stomach. You managed a small shake of your head. “Didn’t think so.” He resumed his earlier work, hooking his fingers through your panties and pulling them off in the same manor as your jeans. You sat up, catching him off guard for a moment. You reached for the bottom of his t-shirt, letting him know you wanted it off. He didn’t move, only watched you. You learned the hard way he was never willing to give you what you wanted so easily. You challenged him, refusing to lay back down and continuing to try and rid him of his t-shirt. He grabbed your wrists in his hands, forcing them away from his body. “Behave,” He warned. Before he returned to touching you, he swiftly took his shirt off. You were well aware that even if you were bratty with him, you were likely to get what you wanted eventually. He had a hard time saying no to you.
You backed down, letting your hands fall on your stomach as you laid back again. “I just want you, Jake.” You whispered, looking up at him with an innocent look in your eyes. He let out a long exhale through his nose, closing his eyes for a moment to contain himself. He bent down over you, pulling you chin up gently, and pressed his lips to yours. You savoured the sweetness, aware that it wouldn’t last for very long. Not that you minded, of course. He slipped his hands under your shirt, pulling it upwards. You lifted your back from the bed, allowing him to slip it over your head. When you were completely naked, he leaned down and placed another kiss on your lips. Before he broke away, he pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, applying just enough pressure to cause a gasp from you, but not enough to hurt you.
It was Jake’s last day in Maryland, and the fear of being alone again was taking hold of you like never before. You both had just returned from your last breakfast date, wasting no time trying to enjoy each other in the most intimate way possible. In the time he spent there, he’d gotten to know all of your siblings and roommates. You were lucky enough to really get to know his brothers, too. More than anything, it felt like a dream come true. You’d all managed to become your own little family within a few short days. You’d even brought Jake to breakfast with your parents, wanting nothing more than for him to meet them, too. He fit in like he was always meant to be a part of your life, and everyone adored him almost as much as you did. The acceptance from your family made it so much easier to love him, but it wasn’t like you had trouble with it in the first place.
After making it official the night he’d arrived, you wasted no time catching up on the weeks you’d missed out on. In short, that really meant that you were glued to the hip with Jake, and that you were having sex any time you got the chance. The first time it was pretty vanilla, both too nervous to overstep any boundaries. It didn’t take long for the dynamic to shift, realizing quickly that both of you wanted more than that. That lead to a long, intense conversation about the do’s and don’ts in the bedroom, which then lead to a lot of experimenting in the little time you had with him. As sad as you were that Jake was leaving, a small part of you was relieved that you’d have a chance to give your body a break. Although you were worn down, you had to admit the sex was fantastic; better than any you’d ever had. He was very selfless, even if he was quite dominant. He wasn’t concerned about himself until you got off, first.
“How many times do you think I can get you off before I go?” There was a smirk adorned on his face, now. Cockiness was radiating from him. You thought it might be fun to play with him a bit.
“If you can get me off at all.” You teased. The joking tone in his features disappeared immediately, replaced with something you couldn’t quite read.
“Watch it, or I won’t fuck you. I’ll get on that plane and leave you here like this.” He taunted, voice low. You felt a rush of arousal run through you, suddenly aware of the aching between your legs, desperate to be touched by him. You knew he didn’t mean it, but you weren’t willing to call his bluff. When you didn’t answer, he traced his fingers over the inside of your thigh, using a small amount of force to push your leg to the side. Your breath caught in your throat as he inched closer to your heat, trying hard to avoid letting him know how eager you were. He noticed the small reaction, a smile creeping on to his lips. He ensured that he studied every intimate detail about you over the last few days, wanting to know you better than anyone else ever had. “You wouldn’t want that, would you?” You shook your head, eyes glued to his face. His jaw clenched slightly, landing a small smack to your thigh. “Use your words.”
“N-no, Jake.” He cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrow. He lifted his hand, removing his touch from you completely before you realized your mistake. “No, sir.” You said a bit more confidently.
“That’s it, baby.” He sighed, resuming his touch on your thigh. He inched closer to you, on his knees between your legs. His bottom half was still fully clothed, making you believe that the situation was a bit unfair. His erection stood prominently against the fabric of his jeans, begging for attention. You stopped yourself from reaching out for him again, knowing that it wouldn’t get you anywhere. He was nothing if not stubborn in the bedroom. His fingers reached your cunt, running them through your folds and gathering the wetness, clearly pleased at what he was doing to you. “All of this is for me?” He hummed, spreading your arousal to your clit and rubbing feather light, slow circles. The friction was minuscule, but any touch from him was enough to give you satisfaction. You let out a quiet moan, making Jake’s movements stutter. Before, he believed he’d already heard the prettiest sounds in the world. After hearing your moans, he was confident that no sound could ever compare.
He applied a bit more pressure, watching your face for a reaction. When you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, he was pleased enough to slip a finger in you. It was painfully slow, barely enough to give you any relief, but you kept your mouth shut. All it took was one wrong word and he would stop completely, and that was the last thing you wanted. Eventually, he added another finger, pumping slowly while his thumb brushed over your clit. You let in a sharp breath, finally feeling a bit of alleviation from his movements. He leaned down, mouth ghosting over your exposed collarbones. He landed on a spot he’d become very acquainted with, sucking little marks into the skin. By now, you were already covered in them. He just wanted to leave you with a reminder of his mouth. His teeth grazed over the sensitive surface. The feeling, mixed with the movement of his hands, caused you to buck your hips forward. You tried to stop it but he’d already noticed. Instead of chastising you for it, he let his mouth fall downwards onto your breast, pulling one of your nipples between his teeth. His tongue flicked over it, eliciting another soft sound from your mouth.
You were certain that if he got any harder, the zipper of his jeans would give way. His cock was pressing into your leg, involuntarily searching for a bit of pleasure himself. “Please let me touch you, Jake.” You pleaded. He hummed against your skin, but didn’t stop. Instead, he picked up his pace, distracting you from the fact you spoke at all.
“I’m gonna miss seeing you like this.” His head advanced down your torso, breath tickling your stomach as he spoke. He stopped at your navel, placing a sloppy kiss before he continued. He explored around the area, placing kisses and love bites over your hipbones, teasing you to the breaking point. He moved down further, working at your thighs now. You bit your tongue, not willing to make a noise. He was ready to give in, wanting to taste you almost as badly as he liked teasing you, and you didn’t want to do anything to make him stop. Your breathing was ragged and your body was nearly vibrating with anticipation. “How are you feeling?” He asked, noticing your state. He backed off for a moment, looking up at you.
“Green.” You assured him. His eyes lingered over your face, making sure you were being honest. You gave him a small smile and a slight nod, silently telling him it was okay.
“You’re being s’good for me, baby.” He breathed. “You wanna cum?” He asked. You gave a desperate nod, hoping that his kindness was genuine.
“Yes, please, sir.” You said, voice shaking slightly. You couldn’t believe how easy it was for him to turn you into a mess. He was quick to return to his place between your thighs. He pulled his thumb off your clit, replacing it with his mouth. You gave a gasp of surprise, not expecting him to give in so easily. His fingers curled with every re-entry, hitting such a delicate spot, making it nearly impossible for you to keep yourself quiet. You reached for his head, tangling your hands in his hair as he worked at you. Your hips raised off the bed to meet his mouth, only encouraging him to work harder. “Fuck, Jake.” You cried, feeling your orgasm creeping up on you. He hummed against you, making the sensation of his mouth even more intense.
He pulled back, slipping his thumb up to replace his tongue. His eyes were fixated on your face, desperate to see your expression. When you caught his gaze, the sight alone was enough to send you over the edge. His eyelids were heavy, pupils blown with lust. His chin was glistening with your arousal, and his lips were parted slightly, watching you in awe. Even when he was playing the dominant act, he still looked at you like you were the prettiest he’d ever seen. No, he looked at you like he was the luckiest man on earth. His silent encouragement caused your climax to hit you with full intensity. You stuttered out his name, legs shaking and eyes screwed shut. His breathing was heavy but his expression was stony, almost as if he didn’t want you to know how much you were affecting him. When you started to come down from your high, you noticed that he wasn’t stopping. A touch of panic settled in your chest, beginning to feel the searing sensitivity taking over. “I- Jake,” you stuttered over your words, not being able to focus on what you were saying. He was upright again, one hand working at the buckle on his belt and the other one working at you.
“You’re okay, baby.” He promised. You managed a shake of your head. The pleasure had begun to taper off into pain, and although not completely unbearable, just extremely unpleasant.
“Yellow.” You warned. His motion almost completely stopped, allowing you to catch your breath. His domineering exterior softened, thumb just barely moving over your bundle of nerves. The pumping of his fingers had halted indefinitely. “I’m sorry.” You mustered, finally feeling in control again.
“Don’t be sorry.” He replied. “If you’re not having a good time, neither am I.” The reassurance was nice, calming your anxiety. The circles he’d been tracing into your clit started to feel more pleasant, making the moment of discomfort disappear.
“Okay, green.” You sighed. He didn’t change his movement.
“Not yet, baby. Give yourself a minute.” He said, finally freeing his belt from his jeans. He tossed it to the side. It landed with a thud on the end of the mattress. He leaned down, cupping your cheek in his palm. He placed a sweet kiss to your lips, assuring you that he was still your Jake, and you were in complete control if you wanted to be. It was nice, how aware he was of your boundaries, but you weren’t thrown off enough to want to stop. All you needed was a second to breathe. While he was distracted by your kiss, you took the opportunity to reach out for the bulge in his jeans. You palmed him through the fabric, causing him to buck his hips forward into your hand.
“Please take your clothes off.” You begged, words muffled against his lips. He withdrew his mouth from yours, and a shift in his demeanour was viable.
“You’re so fucking needy.” He spat, sweetness disappearing once again. He pulled back from you, cutting all contact and giving you a hard stare. “Do you really want me to fuck you that bad?” He wasn’t willing to wait for an answer, already unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down his zipper. You sat up, swinging your feet off the side of the bed, practically vibrating with excitement. With a swift motion, his jeans were off and he had kicked them somewhere behind him. “Are you going to answer me?” He grabbed your face, forcing you to look up at him.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered.
“I wanted to give you a good time,” he muttered, grip tightening on your cheeks “to make you cum until you forgot your own name.” He explained, using his other hand to free himself from his boxers. “But it just seems like you’re asking to be punished. Is that what you want?” You didn’t respond, only watched him with the same wide-eyed expression you adorned earlier. This time, it wasn’t doing the trick. He let go of your face, delivering a sharp slap to your cheek. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt you, but enough to leave a lasting sting. “How many times do I have to tell you to use your words?”
“No, sir. I just want you.” You decided obedience was the key to getting what you so badly wanted. He didn’t respond, only delicately traced the red mark he’d left on your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, making you believe he’d broken character again. “Even if you are a little whore.” His hand found the back of your head, gripping your hair in his fist. “If you want me so bad, work for it.” He ordered. Your eyes fell on his now exposed cock, mouth watering at the sight. He guided your head forward until you were nearly touching his head with your lips. “Color?” He whispered.
“Green. Very green.” You promised.
“If you want to stop just tap my leg.”
“Okay, I will.” You knew he needed a verbal response when it had anything to do with consent, and you appreciated it. With that, he barely gave you time to open your mouth before he was thrusting forward. You couldn’t stop yourself from gagging when he hit the back of your throat. It seemed like he was almost pleased with the noise, gripping your hair and pushing your head down as he fucked your mouth. You slackened your jaw, trying to take him as best you could, but his size was admittedly a little hard to handle.
He lost himself to the pleasure, his head falling back and his eyes closing in bliss. The moans he allowed to escape his mouth were beautiful motivations. He looked back down, watching himself thrust into you. You eyes caught his, letting out a muffled moan at the frenzied look he adorned. His hips stuttered, pushing you as far down on his cock as you could take him. Your eyes watered, feeling your throat contact around him. He rested there for a moment before pulling back entirely. You let in a gasp for air, spit trailing from your lips down to your chin. You figured he wanted to last longer, so he didn’t want to push his luck. He didn’t say anything before he knelt down before you, settling between your thighs again and throwing one of your legs over his shoulder. He grabbed your hip, pulling you forward on the bed and onto his mouth. You were still trying to catch your breath, dissolving into a fit of desperate moans at the feeling of his mouth again.
He worked fast, not wanting to play with you anymore. He was stroking himself while he licked at your clit. The hand that was holding your leg reached up, pulling your hardened nipple between his fingers, rolling and pinching it gently. You couldn’t help but grind your hips against his tongue, frantic for more. You were embarrassed at how fast he could bring you to an orgasm. He looked up at you, removing his lips from your cunt just for a second. “Do you want to cum in my mouth this time?” You let out a whiny noise, nodding your head. “Beg for it.” He growled.
“Please, Sir. Please let me cum, I want it so bad.” He resumed his pace at your core, driven by your pleas. You were panting, dangerously close to the edge once again. His thumb and forefinger clamped down hard on your nipple, causing you to gasp. He wanted you to keep begging for him. “M’so close, Jake.” You breathed. “Please don’t stop, please.” His tongue remained steady, eager to taste your release when it came.
It only took a few seconds of constant stimulation before you were gripping the bedsheets, crying out his name. He rode you through the orgasm, his previously firm hold on your breast loosening, fingers now gently caressing down your rib cage. When the tension left your body, he ran his tongue through your folds one last time, savouring the feeling. You let out a sigh of relief as he stood, knowing he wasn’t going to test your endurance after the last orgasm. He didn’t coddle you, but instead delivered a slap to your thigh, the sound echoing off the walls. “Up.” He spat, more than ready to fuck you. You did as you were told, although slightly wobbly on your feet when you stood upright. He guided you to the end of the bed, taking a seat on the edge. You weren’t completely sure why he changed spots, but didn’t take long piecing it together. He grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of him. His breathing was heavy, letting you know he was close to his own breaking point. He spun you around and your eyes fell on your full length mirror, sitting directly in front of you. He guided you back carefully by your hips, allowing you to get yourself comfortable before anything else. You placed your legs on either side of him, easing into him. Your back pressed against his chest, the warmth soothing you almost instantly. He lined his cock up with you and pushed you down on him slowly.
His chin rested on your shoulder, eyes locked on the mirror before you. You waited a moment, enjoying the feeling of him inside you. He peppered a few light kisses over your shoulder, appreciating you, too. He slowly guided you back up, silently telling you he didn’t want to wait any longer. You set a steady pace, rolling your hips back on him every time you lowered yourself. He reached around you, fingers making easy work finding your clit. He’d become well acquainted with it over the last few days. You groaned, feeling the tip of his cock press against your cervix with every re-entry. His eyes never left the reflection in the mirror, watching you ride him and storing the image in his mind. He noticed your closed eyes, your head pointed towards the ground.
“Hey,” he caught your attention “look at the mirror.” He ordered. You did as you were told, feeling a bit of a blush dust your cheeks at the sight. You’d never watched yourself have sex before, feeling a bit shy being on such a display for him. “Watch me fuck you. I want you to think about it while I’m gone.” He hissed. The pad of his finger felt painfully good as it circled your bundle of nerves; you weren’t sure how long you could last. Every part of your body was on fire with sensitivity. You did as he said, letting him take control again. He fucked into you while he admired you in the reflection. The expressions you were making, the way your breasts bounced when he pulled you down on him, the noises falling from your lips. All of it was driving him crazy. He was certain there was no better sight in the world.
The look of his face in the mirror was more than enough to drive you crazy. The determined look in his eye that was clouded with pleasure, the furrow of his eyebrows, and the glisten of sweat on his forehead were all an indication that he was close to his own orgasm, but he wasn’t ready to finish yet. He wanted to enjoy you like this for as long as he could before he had to leave. In an attempt to last a little longer, he pulled you off him, standing up quickly. He turned you around so you were facing the bed, grabbing your hair and pushing your head down towards the mattress. He kicked your feet apart slightly, holding you steady so you didn’t fall. You used your arms to support yourself, forearms planted firmly on the mattress.
Just as he was about to push into you, a knock sounded on your bedroom door. He let himself rest on your entrance, giving you a light tap on your ass, telling you he wanted you to answer. “What?” You called out, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Is Jake in there?” You heard Jake give a small chuckle.
“Yeah, why?” You asked, feeling your boyfriends hand caressing over your lower back, gently tickling the skin.
“Oh, Josh just wanted me to make sure he was ready to go. Can I come in?” You now placed the voice to a person, realizing it was Jakes youngest brother. You felt your face burn red, not sure how to answer. He gripped the hair at the base of your skull a bit tighter, getting impatient at your lack of an answer.
“Oh, um, we’re just a bit busy at the moment.” You told him, trailing off at the end, completely unsure of what the best answer would be.
“Oh, it’ll just take a second.” Sam assured you. You let out a nervous laugh, awkwardness eating you alive.
“Busy, Sam.” Jake snapped, hoping he’d get the message.
“O-oh,” you could hear a giggle in his tone. “Sorry to interrupt.” He snickered. You listened to his footsteps disappear down the hall, embarrassment taking over. You turned your head around, looking at Jake over your shoulder and giving him a glare. Jake only smiled, forcing your head back towards the mattress. There was no time for discussion, because he was already burying himself in you again. You were quick to forget about the disturbance, immediately brought back into the intoxicating pleasure of him being inside you.
There was no grace period, this time. His hips were slamming into you harder with every thrust, pushing you to the brink of pain each time. You overlooked it, focusing on the intense feeling of him hitting the spot inside you only he seemed to know how to find. Jake was working hard, pushing you closer to another orgasm with every second that passed. You noticed he was close, too. His breathing was ragged and he wasn’t as collected as he usually was, curses and groans falling from his mouth unprecedented.
“Being so good for me, baby.” The praise sent a rush of emotion through you. “You gonna cum again?”
“Y-yes, sir.” You stuttered, wishing that you could see his face. He leaned down, pulling your head to the side to connect his lips with yours. Your body relaxed, comforted at the familiar feeling. You let out a small moan into his mouth, causing his hips to stutter for a moment. When he pulled back, he kept his head by yours, wanting to be close to you.
“Come on, baby.” He encouraged you. “One more, you can do it.” He almost sounded like he was begging you. You let your eyes flutter closed, letting yourself fall into the pleasure. Not long after, the burning in your belly reached its peak. You let out a slur of swears, clenching around him as you came. He straightened up, finding the energy to keep going, fuelled solely by the noises you were making. When you came down from the high, he was still fucking into you at a relentless pace. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling the screams that were begging to be let out.
Jake had his jaw clenched, practically feral at the state you were in. He wanted to finish, but the cocky part of him wanted to see how far he could push you. The intensity of the feeling was driving you crazy, but it was much more bearable than before. “J-Jake, Jake,” you cried, trying to keep your voice quiet. “I ca- I don’t think I can…”
“Colour.” He ordered, hips never faltering. His voice was low and gravelly, laced with authority. You couldn’t answer, feeling the familiar knot form in your stomach again. “Colour, y/n.” He repeated, louder this time, needing to hear an answer.
“G-green.” You assured him, starting to lose yourself to the blissfulness again. That was all he needed to hear, any of his hesitation completely disappearing. His hand that had been resting on your hip tightened, fingers driving into the skin so deep that you were anticipating bruises. The thought of it only turned you on more, relieved to know that once he was gone the marks could remind you of him. “Jake, I think I’m gonna-“
“Don’t tell me, just do it.” He barked, cutting you off without caring about your warning. “Give me something to think about when I get to the hotel tonight.” Your teeth clamped down on your lip, holding back your moans. Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes, the intensity of the pleasure completely taking over. Your whole body was on fire, begging for you to let it rest, but the impending orgasm was screaming over it, allowing you to ignore the hesitation.
“Fuck!” You cried, no longer able to contain yourself.
“That’s my girl.” He hummed. The climax was brutally strong, the tears threatening your eyes finally spilling over and your legs wobbling. He could tell you were having a hard time keeping yourself upright, so he slipped his arm under you, holding your hips up so you didn’t have to worry about it. You couldn’t collect yourself, feeling lightheaded and tired. Luckily, Jake caught on pretty fast. He reached his own orgasm only seconds after you, groaning and pulling you back on to him as he spilled into you. He held you there, chest heaving with every breath, completely played out, too. Before pulling out, he gently fucked his release into you a few times, watching himself intently, admiring the sight as he did so.
When he withdrew, he made sure to keep hold of you, not sure if your legs had the strength to keep you standing. You let out a long sigh, skin still tingling with the ghost of pleasure. “Come on, baby.” Jake prompted you to stand, aiding you as you did so. His arm was still tightly wrapped around you as he pulled you into him, his chest hitting your bare back. You shivered at the contact, letting your head fall back and rest on his shoulder. He kept you there for a moment before guiding you to lay on the bed. He searched around the room, trying to find something to clean you off with. Eventually, he gave up and pulled a pair of sweatpants from his bag, slipping them on. He left, making sure the door was closed tightly behind him.
He returned with a washcloth, clicking the lock on the door behind him. He took a seat beside you, making gentle work at wiping away the mess he’d made. Your legs twitched at the contact, making him realize that he might’ve pushed you a little too hard. He threw the cloth on the floor, making a mental note that he’d throw it in your laundry basket later. For the time being, he was only concerned about you. He ran his thumb over your cheek, softly wiping away any trace of the tears that had fallen. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, looking up at him hovering over you. “More than okay.” You promised. A small smile appeared on his lips as he leaned down to kiss you.
“You wanna get dressed?” He asked. You gave him a slight nod. He stood again, rummaging around in his bag. He pulled out a sweater for you, knowing the only reason he’d brought it was so he could leave it with you. He set it beside you on the mattress, searching around your room for a more comfortable pair of pants. He found an old pair of sweats in your dresser and a new pair of underwear. He placed them beside you, too, reaching his hand out to help you stand. With his assistance, you got yourself dressed and returned back to the bed.
You nestled in by the pillows, checking the clock again, only to find your time with him was quickly running out. “I don’t want you to go.” You whispered, feeling your stomach sink. He got in next to you, pulling you into his chest.
“I know, baby.” He brushed his fingers through your hair. You listened to the sound of his heartbeat, wishing you could memorize it and keep it in your brain forever. “I don’t want to leave, either.” You both fell into a silence, the ticking of the clock antagonizing you in the background.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked, not daring to move.
“Yeah, everything is packed. Well, except for the clothes on the floor… and you.” He murmured, hand falling to your upper back. He rubbed slow circles into it with his palm, nearly soothing you to sleep. You let your eyes close, enjoying the warmth from his body for as long as you could.
“We’ll see each other soon,” you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself, too.
“If we can make it until you’re finished school, I promise you that I’ll buy you the biggest house you could dream of. We’ll never worry about distance again.” You felt tears stinging your eyes again, but this time they weren’t out of bliss. “It’ll have a big backyard, we’ll get a dog, and I’ll even give you my last name. If you’ll let me, of course.” You couldn’t help but laugh, even though the tears were forcing their way out.
“You’ve got big plans, then, rockstar.”
“Not plans, promises.” He corrected. “I’d give you the whole world, if you asked me to.”
“You already do.” You told him, and you meant it. The whole relationship was a whirlwind, and you had never fallen for someone so fast before. But, he treated you better than anyone ever had, too. He was the exception to your rule about dating, and you were beyond grateful you’d given him a chance. He was the first person who was ever willing to give you the same amount of love you gave him. The hurt from before seemed to make sense, now, because it lead you to him. If the universe wanted you to meet him so badly that it allowed you to cross paths twice out of sheer coincidence, then you were certain you should at least let it run its course.
He held you until an alarm went off on his phone, signalling that it was time to pack their stuff into the car and get to the airport. The tears didn’t stop, and only got worse as you got out of bed and he gathered the last of his stuff together. You had to look away as he slung his bag over his shoulder. You grabbed your car keys from your desk, staring at the worn down wood, trying not to look at him. You knew it would only make it worse. “Hey,” he mumbled, walking behind you and placing his hand on your waist. He pulled you towards him, but didn’t force you to look at him. He rested his cheek on the side of your head, fully wrapping his arms around you now. He snaked his hands under the front of the sweater, resting them above the waistband of the pants, just wanting to feel your skin on him again. You couldn’t help but giggle at the tickle of his fingers on your stomach, even if it was a sad one. “We’re gonna be okay.” He whispered.
“I know.” You brought your hands up to rest them over his. “Doesn’t mean I can’t miss you.” You sniffled, trying to calm yourself down.
“You don’t have to miss me, yet. I’m still here.” You gave a small nod, finally turning to face him. He smiled, looking over your features for a moment. He raised his hand, lifting your chin with his index finger and landing a kiss on your lips. He rested his forehead on yours when he pulled away, pushing your hair from your face. He let his hand rest on the back of your neck, quickly moving down and peppering kisses over your cheeks and nose. You dissolved into a fit of laugher, almost able to forget about the ache in your chest.
“Let’s go, rockstar. I don’t want Josh to think I’m trying to hold you hostage.” He nodded, breaking away from you but taking your hand in his. “Also, Sam is never going to let me live that down, is he?” It was Jakes turn to laugh now.
“He’ll tease you for a while, I’ll tell him to shut up, then he’ll forget about it when something else interesting happens. It’s always been that way.” He explained, leading you to the door. He opened it for you, letting you exit first.
“So that’s a common occurrence for you, then?” You joked. He shook his head.
“No, not at all. But, we have lived together our whole lives, and now instead of having separate rooms to hide away in, there’s a lot of time spent on the tour bus. Privacy between all of us doesn’t really exist.” You nodded along to his words. “Usually, once we clue in that someone’s doing something private, we fuck off and don’t speak about it.” He chuckled.
“It must suck sometimes, doesn’t it?” You questioned.
“Yeah, sometimes, but they’re my best friends. It’s kind of cool getting to hang out and work with them all of the time, even if it does get annoying. We stay in hotels a lot more often, now, so that kind of eases the tension. If we don’t want to talk to each other, we just don’t answer the door.” He laughed.
“Fair enough.” You smiled. You made your way to the living room, seeing everyone crowded around and saying goodbyes. All of Jakes brothers had their bags, ready to head out as soon as you were. They were chatting with your brothers and roommates, too enthralled in conversation to notice that you joined them. “Ready to go?” You asked, catching their attention. Josh’s eyes lit up at the sight of you.
“Excellent! I thought we would have to break down the door to get him out of there.” He joked.
“Not this time.” You assured him. “Maybe next time, though.” Josh studied your face, giving a sympathetic smile at your puffy eyes and red nose. “Everybody get their goodbye’s out. I don’t want you to miss your flight.” You were lying, but they didn’t need to know that. Jake went around the group, giving hugs to your roommates and shaking your brothers hands. You watched, sadness encasing your features. Josh joined you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“You’re coming to Atlanta, right?” He whispered. You gave a small nod, not wanting to think about how far away it was. “Good, because he’s been out of his mind with excitement. He really likes you.”
“I really like him.” You practically scoffed. That was putting it lightly.
“No, I don’t think you get it.” Josh chuckled. “He’s never been this crazy for anyone.” You felt your heart flutter at the statement.
“Me either.” You admitted.
“We’re really excited to have you there with us, too.” He assured you. You wrapped your arm around him now, too, leaning into his touch.
“Thanks for coming, Josh.” You looked over to him, giving him a small smile. “And thank you for being so accepting. I know he’s your twin, but he’s your best friend, too, and you probably hold the girlfriends to pretty high standards.”
“Wasn’t hard, mama. He adores you, and I can see why.” He gave your arm a squeeze. “And if it makes you feel any better, you’ve been my favourite one of his girlfriends by far. That’s not even a question.” You felt the tears prickling your eyes again. “You make him really happy. Way happier than anyone else has, and you’ve only been in his life for a little while. If he’s happy, so are we. He talks about you like you put the stars in the sky.” You didn’t have time to respond, because Jake was making his way back over to you. Josh loosened his grip on you, stepping away from you a bit.
“You trying to steal my girlfriend?” Jake smiled, teasing his brother as he approached.
“Not yet, but you better be careful. I’ll swoop in if you fuck it up.” Josh shot back, causing a small laugh from you.
“Yeah, over my dead body.” He quipped, leaning in and placing a kiss on your forehead. Josh took a respective step away, not wanting to interfere with the time you had left with him. “You ready to go?” Jake asked, looking down at you. You nodded, ready to rip the band-aid off and get this over with.
“Go put your bags in the trunk.” You handed him the keys. He gave you a quick kiss before gathering his brothers and ushering them outside. You watched as Danny closed the main door behind him, feeling an emptiness start to burn it’s way into your chest. Your eldest brother walked over to you, pulling you into a hug.
You didn’t say a word, only made it a point to get the worst of the sobs out before Jake came back to get you. He rubbed your back, soothing you in a way only a sibling could. They were the biggest assholes by times, but they were family, and always knew how to make you feel better. If not better, at least less alone. When you heard the front door open, you pulled back and wiped your face, hoping he may not notice the state you were in. Alex ruffled your hair, the unspoken encouragement from an emotionally inept older brother. You swatted his hand away, both of you getting a chuckle out of it.
“I’ll be back later.” You told him.
“Be safe.” He ordered. You gave him a salute, finally cracking a grin. “Sam has informed me that tonight is a chocolate chip cookie and Harry Potter night.”
“You guys making the cookies?” You joked.
“No, somehow they roped us into doing it.” Ally said, pointing between her and Eve.
“Ah, copy.” You chuckled. “So you must know the importance of a Harry Potter night, then.”
“We’ve been told.” She smiled. When you and your brothers were kids, whenever something bad would happen, or if any one of you were sad, all of your siblings would band together and watch Harry Potter and eat junk food until the feelings were resolved, or you all fell asleep in the living room. It could have been as small as an argument between friends, or a breakup, to losing a loved one. There was always certainty that you’d all be there for each other, and it never changed. Even now, when you lived so far away, the tradition never died. You were grateful that you were so close with your siblings; you couldn’t imagine them not being your best friends.
“I’ll be anticipating it, then.” You promised, making your way to meet Jake at the door. You slipped on a pair of shoes, and he grabbed your hand. You both walked to your car together, not willing to speak a word. When you got in the driver’s seat, you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation in the backseat. Danny and Sam had Josh squished in the middle seat. The taller boys knees were scrunched together, but they looked fairly content for such an unpleasant seating arrangement.
Jake got in and you started the car, your speaker connecting to your phone for music. You handed it to Jake, silently telling him to be the DJ for the short ride. You pulled out of the driveway, stomach in knots as you drive down the street. The drive was filled with small chatter, mostly bickering from the boys in the backseat. Jake had his hand resting on your thigh, thumb rubbing small circles into the fabric of your pants. You focused on the feeling of him touching you, rather than the idea of him leaving. As the last exit before the airport approached, the familiar intro to the Eagles song he’d pegged as his favourite started to sound through the speaker.
“It’s your song, y/n!” Sam exploded from behind you. “Turn it up!” Jake did as he asked, laughter floating through the air as he cranked the volume knob. Sam leaned forward so you could hear him clearly. “Sing it with us.” He pleaded.
“No! I only sing when I’m drunk!” You lied, a grin plastered on your face.
“Liar!” Jake yelled, giving your thigh a squeeze. You rolled your eyes, knowing they wouldn’t let it go. You decided that it wouldn’t be so bad to sing it with them, hoping to leave the trip on a happy note. When the first lyrics hit, you belted them out. The boys joined in, too, making sure you didn’t feel too put on the spot. As you pulled into the drop-off lane of the airport, you were all singing so loud that you could barely hear the music anymore.
The song finished and you were all out of breath, laughing harder than you were singing. Jake turned the speaker down again, leaning back in his seat for a moment. The three boys sitting in the backseat were eager to get out, already stiff from being so cramped together. You put the car in park, now letting your hand rest on top of his. He let his fingers dance with yours, wishing that he didn’t have to leave, or that you could just get on the plane with him. He turned his head to look at you, and you did the same. You both rested for a moment, lost in each others eyes. “I’ll see you soon.” He promised.
“I know. You better be waiting for me in Atlanta.”
“I’ll be holding a big sign with your name on it.” You smiled, leaning over to share a kiss with him. It was soft, full of the emotion both of you were scared to voice. “I better get out there before they drag me out themselves.” He whispered against your lips. You kissed him once more, but let him go. You got out, too, following him to the trunk of your car. While he got his bag out, you made your round of goodbyes with his brothers. You went to Danny first, who picked you up in a hug. Sam next, who had to get a quick quip in about your interaction only an hour before. And then Josh, who was so similar to your boyfriend but a whole world of different. When he hugged you, his hold was so familiar, but not quite as comforting as Jake’s. You promised the three you’d see them in a few weeks, and that you’d talk to them way before then.
Last was Jake, the hardest goodbye. The three boys let him know they’d meet him inside, giving you both a minute alone. “We love you!” Josh yelled as he walked towards the main entrance.
“I love you guys, too!” You shouted back, watching them disappear into a crowd of people. Your gaze fell back on Jake, who was watching you with anticipation. The sadness in his eyes felt like a punch to the stomach. He reached out for you, hand cupping your cheek with utmost gentleness. His thumb brushed away a tear that fell.
“Atlanta.” He reminded.
“Atlanta.” You confirmed. He slipped his hand to the back of your head, softly pulling you into him. You wrapped your arms around him, worried that you may not be able to let him go.
“It’s only a few weeks. I’ll call you every night. Hell, I’ll call you as soon as I get through security, just to say hi before I leave.” You felt a sob begin to grow as he spoke.
“I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. I didn’t think I was going to fall for you this hard.” Your words were muffled, your head buried in his shirt.
“We can make it through. It just makes the next time I get to see you, even better.” He explained, running his fingers through your hair, brushing out any knots. “As for the other thing… I’m glad you did.” You couldn’t help but laugh at him, even while you were crying. He always made the shitty things feel better.
“You’ll call me when you land? Just so I know you’re there safe?” You pulled back, looking up at him.
“Of course I will.” He promised. You leaned up and placed your lips on his, savouring the kiss for as long as you could. When you parted, he gave you another quick peck. He pulled you in for one last hug, holding you as if he’d never get to do it again.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for letting me.” He gave a soft smile, kissing the top of your head. When he stepped back, his eyes trailed over you from head to toe. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak again. “I love you, witchy woman.” He breathed. “You don’t have to say it back, but I just wanted to tell you. I had to tell you.” You swallowed hard, nervous about his proclamation. In reality, you knew you felt it, too. You were just too scared to say it first.
“I love you, rockstar.” You replied. The smile on his face was wider than any you’d ever seen. “Now go, I’ll see you later.” You blinked away the puddles pooling in your eyelids.
“Okay,” he sighed, taking a step backwards. You blew him a kiss before he turned around. He pretended to catch it, holding it close to his heart. “Bye, baby.”
“Bye, Jake.” You watched him until he disappeared from sight, chest aching and heart heavy. You got back in your car, wondering what he’d done to you. As you drove home in silence, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. For the rest of the night, you tried to keep yourself sane, to distract yourself from him in any way possible, but you knew that Atlanta was the only thing on your mind; the only thing keeping you going.
TAGLIST: @gvfpal @jakesgrapejuice @hellowgoodbye
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tigerdrop · 6 months
your laios and chilchuck idea is incredible. inspired. your mind
thank you . it just hits a lot of points for me. generally i think people are sleeping on these two b/c chilchucks like half his size but for me that is the whole fucking point........jaded and bitter divorcee whos kind of mean and self-interested and only begrudgingly learns to care about his companions? AND you could throw him over your shoulder like a sack of grain??? come ON man. you have to see my vision
he would look really good under a tallman with a great rack. is all im saying
envision with me. a take on the "we got turned into girls" trope except laios is chill and normal about it and doesnt really feel a lot different and chilchuck experiences the worst gender dysphoria of his life. how can laios be so normal about this, he thinks, while simultaneously wanting to fuck a hole through him
it would drive him nuts cuz he doesnt know how to feel like himself like this. he feels like everybody can see it on him. hes constantly scrutinizing himself to see how well he can hide whats wrong with him. and then heres laios just chillin with his tits hanging out in a shirt like "what do you mean? i feel fine. but you know this is kind of like a monster i saw"
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(sorry babe . it was really vivid imagery and i wanted to share.)
boys love seeing their huge tall companions while they bathe and getting turned on by all the brand new curves and the mystery of whatevers going on between their legs now (not like he can see. just cuz they wash up together doesnt mean chilchucks trying to get an eyeful of whatevers under the bush) and feeling weirdly reassured by the fact that laios looks hot like this even though the short hair and the broad body and the hair and the voice still very much scream "this is a guy"
"what if falin was bigger and taller and more butch" Yeah what am i?? Gay??? Fucking Gay?????
i think laios would even have like. a similar kind of intense scholarly enthusiasm to his discoveries about monsters. but about his own body......like no he doesnt care all that much about being a tallman but he is fascinated by the differences in how his body feels. and you know the first thing he did was play with himself. scientifically
you could make chilchuck gay as fuck for seeing tits popping out of armor. you could do this the people ask me. "is it still gay if chilchuck is desperately clinging to heterosexuality". and to that i say yes b/c hes just stone LMAO......hes letting himself stare like a fucking idiot in a way he wouldnt stare at any girl hes ever met in his life. Its different bc laios is a guy too. Its more mystifying
its like locker room camaraderie. its like "boys bathe at the same time in the dungeon" but somehow even more erotic. its seeing a weird hot guy cup his tits like hes surprised to see them, like he wasnt aware that that was why his armor was so tight after the pollen incident
laios, oblivious to chilchucks trains of thoughts fighting each other, cupping his tits thoughtfully and asking him "are yours like… sensitive? kinda sore?"
anyway. transsexual chilchuck elbow-deep in tallman pussy. Happy new year
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pictureday2005 · 5 months
wanted to take a quick moment to talk abt my favorite eoisode of dragon tales, bc i think its just so sweet. its the second episode of season 1, goodbye little caterpoozle.
not a lot of kids shows are willing to really truly touch on the subject of death, but considering dragon tales was created to help kids learn about and understand their feelings its not shocking to me that they were able to do it so successfully. im a huge advocate for being heavily involved with post mortem care of your loved ones. from making mourning jewlry/art to cleaning and dressing the body, its something im incredibly passionate about.
not only do we see a cassie reacting to finding out her pet died, quetzal even wraps her up in a little leaf and they have a little funeral! all of them talk about happy memories and things they liked about her, how sweet is that??
death is really really hard to process for children. i lost a very close friend when the both of us were in kindergarten, and i remember just how weird it felt. i know now i was sad and confused, but when youre 6 you cant put the names to those emotions yet. i find it so touching that they were able to approach that head on. cassie even says poozie died! she used the word! its really important to be direct when trying to explain that to kids. sugar coating it will only make it harder, saying "shes in heaven now" or "shes passed on" can only add to that confusion. (i know she didnt actually die and was just in a cocoon but still. they werent aware of that, and as such were treating it as a death.)
people die, pets die, and thats okay. and its okay to be sad. you CAN still say goodbye after theyre gone.
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irradiatedsnakes · 1 year
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more reigen is dead and a ghost now sillies ft. mob all grown up. a couple other things under the cut
bonus older (~40s) mob bc im happy w her design. luckily her and reigen's designs just came out of the pen pretty naturally not many iterations necessary. mob's felt like a natural progression from my ~24 y/o design, and i kinda feel like reigen never really changes up his look, he just. ages. he's gonna be wearing a pink tie when he's like 80 (well, i mean not in this au, but, yknow). im kind of dreading designing the others.. i think tome should be pretty easy i have a fairly clear vision of her in my mind but i;m not so sure about serizawa. i know im gonna give him a beard though. others may come into this eventually if i get the ideas for it . i feel like designing older shou would be fun in particular
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anyways. this sort of started cus i wanted to make an 'intro' comic to the au besides the post i already have, but i couldnt figure out a good way to get what i had in mind to a comic.. basic 'story so far' is that while off on a job at like.. ive had it as a parking garage in my mind for some reason. anyways, reigen serizawa and tome* out on a job, you know the story from the other post, reigen falls down some concrete stairs REAL badly, bonks his head right on the edge of one, beefs it.
(*tome at this point has her own job stuff going on- Professional Ufologist Babeeey you KNOW she's gotten interviewed for ancient aliens. BUT she still does stuff with s&s when she can.)
he comes to kind of gradually, like, feels like he's been walking for half an hour but onl having just become aware of it. he doesn't realize he's dead for a bit, just kind of feels 'floaty' and not-quite-there, with a vague awareness that Something Has Gone Wrong. he keeps walking, unable to remember what he was just doing, and finds himself drawn to mob's place, and fully realizes Something Is Super Wrong when he tries to knock on the door and his hand goes right through. meanwhile on the other side of town serizawa and tome are having a supremely bad time. things'll settle down when everyone learns reigen's not Entirely Gone but it's Not good at the moment
(also, something im not sure yet how to resolve is that tome wouldnt be able to see reigen?? hes a very weak spirit so hes not visible to your average non-esper and i dont know if he'd even be able to possess anyone either (in the sense that tome could see dimple after being possessed by him).)
also so imprtant to me that mob has a cat that's very important
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tommysdaddykink · 2 months
so much happened this episode but I'm only gonna focus on the buck eddie and tommy of it all.
my thoughts are still all over the place but we've gotten a lot of hints on buddie and oh man do I hope that's endgame
I am really liking buck and tommy right now though
the date was so sad. buck really put his foot in it but eddie talking him through it at the end and getting him to call him was wonderful
I love these two so much and ohmygod do I hope beyond hope that they actually get together. the buddie hug had me soaring
theyre so fucking supportive of each other and its lovely to see
i loved buck's convo with maddie and eddie's with bobby
at this point I think bobby and maddie both suspect that they have feelings for each other, and i imagine hen, chimney, and athena also suspect. the boys have been so obvious and oblivious that i imagine everyone thinks theyre gonna get together
and both convos have got me really thinking that this season might end with buddie confession at the very least but maybe even buddie established for an episode or two
there are a few interviews that have been going around that have really changed my views/hopes for this season. i at first wanted bucktommy to last the whole season but after Lou's interview I'm okay with a few episodes and then them amicably ending things.
i want tommy and bucky's time together to really help buck become more comfortable with himself and for him to learn more about who is. this side of him that he wasnt entirely aware of
mr evan "I can't stop thinking about him" buck buckley
mr evan "checking out a hot guys ass is normal" buck buckley
this man is fucking adorable
I really want Marisol and Eddie to end. The nun thing was hilarious but her moving in so fast just confirmed how much I don't like them.
mr eddie "overprotective papa bear" diaz would never let someone move in that quickly. you cannot get me to believe he would cuz buck hasnt moved in. besides buck the only other person i could see moving in kinda fast woulda been shannon if they had the chance to reconcile and rekindle their relationship
I honestly miss Shannon. I think besides Buck she really is the only one that seemed to click with Eddie. i think their reconciliation and rekindling couldve been a really beautiful story.
also im fully jumping on the ship that buddie is gonna be a thing by the end of season 7. the interview with lou plus the one with ryan are really making me think this will happen.
i thought they might wait for season 8 but the rollercoaster that was this episode is making me think that we'll end with buddie being official
which would be fucking amazing
what does this mean for bucktommy? i think tommy knows that buck is in love with eddie. the surprise he felt when buck told him he wanted his attention really shows that plus everything that happened this episode. tommy telling buck he wasnt ready had so many layers to it and i think eddie is one of them.
lou saying that tommy could been with either buck or eddie and they just went with buck also tells me that this will never be a serious relationship. im expecting them to be over two thirds the way through the season based on this interview and some kind of end of the buddie slowburn we've been going through
buddie slowburn is my favourite kind of 911 fanfic so im not even mad if the pay off actually pays off
i never thought we would get here with buddie seemingly being endgame in canon
man im so glad abc picked up this show
only complaint, need more ravi, josh, and may. i need the nash-grant plus buck family to have some serious family time.
thoughts are still all over the place. sorry for this long ass mess of a post. im not a coherent writer, cant journal for shit tbh. im gonna go read some buddie fics to settle down and i hope/pray that this actually happens
(low-key though if all three get together i dont think my heart could take it but id be very very very happy. but like it needs to be done well. no one feeling left out. the chemistry between all three of them is off the charts. i can totally see why tommy and eddie were a possible route.)
edit may 21: this post is so old lmao but it seems to keep getting some kinda engagement. this one and another of my really old posts lmao and no one's seeing the tags I guess lol. I don't think a lot of this really anymore lol I'm kinda off the buddie canon hype train and have been since the May 2nd episode. also a lot of the interviews Ryan's given have really changed my mind. I want bucktommy endgame at this point and I kinda want arospec Eddie but that's not happening and since he's been called straight by Ryan I just want the man in therapy to get over Shannon and finally face all the guilt he's feeling about her. I can see why buddie canon is really important to people but it's clearly not the story the show wants to tell and I don't see a point in forcing it. I am mostly a fanon fan so it doesn't really bother me either way to lose the idea of canon buddie, since I didnt think canon was ever gonna happen until 7x04 and then 7x06 made it clear it wasn't gonna happen. the hospital kiss really sealed the deal that bucktommy is probably sticking around tbh
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fictionfixations · 24 days
Kalim in RSA (and I get off-topic)
Spoilers for Book 4 and 5 (im sorry jamil enjoyers. but im so biased towards kalim its not even funny)
(this spiraled into me talking all about kalim in the actual game so oops)
imagine how different the story would be if kalim was in RSA
and we just hear from jamil about these snippets about his 'master' (although itd be weird they'd be separated if jamil tended to him often to where he'd prob be like his personal servant? idk what situation would have jamil talk to us anyway but yknow maybe we get close, he's like the other friend who seems cool? he'll basically help us out with knowledge about things, fleshing out the world a bit more, as the only sophomore in the group cause he kind of feels responsible maybe? then BETRAYAL)
and then eventually partway through the school year KALIM IS THERE (we know why though) and he somehow ends up housewarden.
i have a dislike against RSA. its very petty and its kind of because they keep winning (and they dont even mean ill intent which is worse! …but its kind of like kalims kindness. and i like kalim but that might make me biased. SO. thus the existence of this.)
we probably wouldnt like him much right? (and i imagine he'd get his fair share of bullies. we find this out. he laughs it off like 'nah, im used to attempted assassinations and everything. this isnt nearly as bad.')
(id do the clapping between but ppl get annoyed, and i get annoyed) CUE KALIM BEING MORE THAN SMILES AND WE LEARN THAT ABOUT HIM !!
HES aware enough that he can cook food good using JUST magic (which takes precision to use it as good or even better than your hands right??. its in his labwear vignette. ruggies teaching him ofc so ruggie wants it to be good cause hes taking leftovers, BUT CMOONNN he can learn. ..and yeah it took a few years for jamil to teach kalim antidotes to common poisons so he could do it easy but kalims hardly a master at making potions so i call that good)
AND in book 5 he noticed vil had like the same look as jamil to where he knew something was going to go wrong (aka the poisoning)
maybe its to show how much kalim doesnt belong in NRC and thats why they dont pull the 'more than he looks at first glance' like cater with glimpses in vignettes and etc
but like COME ON.
the sultan might be dumb (i recently re-watched aladdin) but at least he knew enough that he didnt want jafar marrying his daughter cause hes OLD and also he doesnt want to force jasmine into anything (good intentions. im sure if they just waited and she didnt find a suitor in time he would've just CHANGED THE LAW like he did IN THE MOVIE because he wants her to be happy!)
ALSo he tried to look through the law jafar claimed to say that would make her have to be married to the vizier or whatever (aka jafar) but then jafar just pulled it away before he could (and then attempted to mind control him when he refused) mans was prepared to spend hours reading over it even if he didnt understand it but he wasnt given the chance
also kalim is worryingly nonchalant about stuff. i mean. you can get used to horrible things to where they just feel so normal and uninmportant i guess? but poor bby. hes been like 'i want to keep myself alive because if i die then someone else will get punished.' or like about poisoning, if someone has a change of mind and hes already dead, then he cant do something to help them, so he has to make sure he'll live.
..i really doubt that hes just. so oblivious. maybe in denial, but still.
anyway i got very off topic. my bad. and to be fair we do get to see more of him at some parts. but hhh
okay listen. denial. (i am also a believer that if when kalim confronted jamil, if he said he didnt do anything kalim wouldve believed him. bruh gave him excuses like '..i just got tired, right?')
"The real Jamil would never do such things! He's a good guy. He's always helping me, giving me a shoulder to lean on, and—" (Book 4 • Chapter 33)
we just. dont see him really crumble?? he just. keeps being optimistic
we convince him jamil is bad. he resolves to punch him for being a traitor and THATS IT?
he sobs at the end of jamils overblot but then he goes back to being optimistic like 'lets be equals!' (..it feels like he didnt really learn much though as he's still 'I didn't notice--' 'I--' and i wish he couldve gotten more awareness. cause he makes it about himself yknow and blaming himself but COME ON put some blame on jamil PLEASE? or like. ANYONE ELSE. you also cant notice shit if no one ever tells you about it that you dont even know to look for it! he doesnt want to be cautious about who he can trust so like, why would he think to doubt the person who hes known his entire life??? especially if its something that was just always there that it feels natural, how could he know better? hes sheltered! so someone shouldve explained it to him, made him realize things! aghhh)
heres the book 5 one btw
"I got a real bad feeling when I saw the look on your face after Neige's rehearsal. It was practically the same look I saw on Jamil's face when he lost control of himself over holiday break." (Book 5 • Chapter 62)
And I mean maybe he did learn in that he's more aware of this now than others because he knows what people could look like because of Jamil, but I feel like a lot of things were just so unsaid. That the first time blindsided him, but now he's kind of a little more worried about something happening while he's there that he didn't notice so now he's trying to notice things more??? Or like maybe having gut feelings that he'd ignored before because it was Jamil but now knowing better?
So he can be aware. but then the rest of the time he's just thought of as dumb or an idiot or forgetful and it just makes me sad. and i mean i get that he wants to see the best in people but we never really talk about how its more that its denial. a refusal to see it, and i want to understand why
or maybe its because he sees the good in people that he trusts they'll do the right thing. or he believes that the good outweigh the bad (although i dont know if it'd be the same case if it was someone he knew who got hurt)
like. okay back in book 5
"Besides, I would bet there isn't a single person in Scarabia who hasn't gotten help from Jamil at some point. Am I right?"
"See? There you go. He's been a model vice housewarden. In fact, he's put me to shame. He let dark thoughts get the better of him for a brief time. Other than that, he's a perfectly capable guy." (Book 5 • Chapter 10)
He justifies it with that Jamil isn't the only one to blame (he also blames himself), and that Jamil hadn't done anything wrong before then
which. AGAIn. means that in his eyes the good outweigh the bad. jamils better at his duties so jamil should stay as vice housewarden.
this was the first time jamil did anything bad so it'd be fine, it was just an error in judgment
nothing about the fact that his closest friend he views as a brother
"He's grown up with Jamil since a young age, and considers him a brother in all but blood." (from the In-game Album)
who would be the last person he'd expect to do such a thing BETRAYS HIM, planning to make everyone (or well just the people in scarabia) turn against him
like. that has to be a shock right??? AND THEN HE JUST. welcomes him back into his life like it was nothing im just. kALIM. SWEETIE.
and i mean i get its for the best since if anyone knew what actually happened anything could happen to jamil (and jamil has his own reasons i get that but this is about kalim)
but he still hangs around him. has him as his aide. so while something did change, it also feels like nothing changed at the same time.
"I'm always chosen. Always. That's such an obvious truth that I never even consciously processed it. But now I see that was only possible because of Jamil's constant sacrifices. He created that "truth" in my mind by always holding back. By always letting me win. ...It stings. "Galling" doesn't even begin to describe it." (Book 5 • Chapter 30)
also like one of the very few times he expresses how he feels about something (how it hurts not to be chosen for the first time, and/or that he was only chosen because of someone else so he wants to work hard)
and then grim shuts him down with "You wanna talk about galling? Imagine how I feel not even makin' the cut for the audition to start with."
like. COME ON.
Kalim responds with, "Ah, you're right. My bad! I didn't mean to rub it in. Goodness, there I go again! I'm super sorry, honest."
and yeah it can seem kind of spoiled but also. its probably because of that that he doesnt want to share his troubles because he's very privileged so it feels like he might not deserve to act like its anything when everyone else has to work so much harder, right?
AND ITS JUST. REAFFIRMING TO HIM THAT his troubles are nothing compared to anyone elses and im just aghhauihduadhw
he also cares a lot about other people (people like him as housewarden because he listens to their troubles and supports them) so i just. want him to be able to take a moment to care about himself and just admit these things that he usually doesnt get the chance to.
i got a lot more worked up than i meant to
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bloodyselfshipping · 1 year
I love your Hetalia main eight headcanons, how would they be with an British s/o? Cuz I personally believe that with France and America would be funny ^____^
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) British S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N it isnt as funny as you probably expected (i cant help but be sappy) but i hope u like it <3 ALSO two requests already?!?!?! im loisng my mind over here keep em comin
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This is also hysterical to him. Like, he’s always had so many issues with the British and now he’s in LOVE with a British person?! What reality is this?!
Because your native language is English like his, he’ll completely forget that the UK is not like the US.
“What do you mean you’ve never had Snickers salad?! Everyone has!”
“Hold on… what did you just say I need to get?... a “bog roll”? Wh- are you kidding me? You’re making that one up.”
Probably a little bitch about it not going to lie. He respects where you come from, but he’s probably gonna insist on things being more American than British.
Alfred has been to the UK many times, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna be very whiney about it. Except when it comes to your family, who he LOVES. Seriously, he would be so great with your relatives.
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Obviously, as a British person himself, this is not out of the ordinary at all. Most likely his S/O would be British, I can’t see him having much of a thing for foreigners anymore.
But he is very happy that he doesn’t have to simplify how he talks, god forbid learn another language.
He appreciates having a S/O that he doesn’t have to explain anything about his country to. He can go on living his life the same way (which is so frustratingly important to him) and you’ll have no problem.
It’s always comforting to him knowing his S/O lives in his country, it removes so much pressure off his shoulders.
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Oh boy, oh lord, what is Arthur going to say! Having to put all of his constant British-specific insults aside because now his S/O is what he’s always hated!
“Those rostbif l'idiotes, they’re d- oh, my apologies. I- uh… that doesn’t include you, my love.”
He’s definitely gonna insist you learn French. He says it’s because he wants to distance you from Arthur, but really he just thinks your accent is so cute-
Francis knows a lot about British culture, so you probably won’t have to explain anything to him. But he’s definitely gonna try to immerse you in his own culture, no pressure of course.
It’s really a surprise to him how little your nationality bothers him. I guess love can always change a man’s heart <3
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Depending on the time period, Yao’s reaction would vary. Nowadays, he doesn’t really care that much. But if it was any earlier, he would be so ashamed of himself!
He’d try to teach you Mandarin, but that wouldn’t last long. His version of Mandarin is a mess of like 50 dead dialects, and he would get real annoyed when you mess it up, sorry /:
Yao has had to deal with foreigners so much nowadays, he doesn’t care much to learn about your country or teach you about his. He’ll assume you already know about his culture.
He doesn’t like traveling, but he’ll always make an exception for you and your family <3 Just… be aware he’s gonna try to get you to move to China constantly.
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Ivan would quite like this arrangement actually! He’s always had an admiration for the UK, plus now he has something to bother Arthur with-
He wouldn’t care much about the language thing (he might even try stopping you from learning Russian,) but if you make fun of his bad English he would take it so personally ):
He wants you to take him on tours around where you’ve lived in the UK!!! Tell him everything!!! No one usually wants him to visit their country, so he’s very excited to come home with you!
Fully embraces your multi-cultural little family unit!
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Frankly, I don’t think Feliciano would have much of a reaction. Him and Arthur are not close, but he’s never had any real animosity for the country. He loves foreigners, where exactly you’re from doesn’t make much difference!
Loves speaking to you in Italian! He thinks your confused and flushed face is just the cutest.
As much as he likes hearing about your country, he is way more excited to show you the sights and sounds of his own.
Gives you a lot of homemade cultural foods but forgets you’re British and makes them way too … seasoned.
You may be from across the continent, but you’ll always be his persona amata.
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Despite Ludwig’s general annoyance towards British politics, he actually quite likes that his S/O is British! He finds a lot to enjoy about the culture.
Will insist that you teach him about growing up in the UK. He just finds it fascinating!
German and English are relatively similar languages, so he’ll suggest you learn at least a little. But he’s not gonna push you on it, your accent is terrible anyway.
You guys probably live and eat very similarly, since Ludwig has adapted very quickly to globalization. Very convenient for you, very annoying for Gilbert.
Overall, this would be a great relationship. Ludwig would be very casual about you being British (cough cough, Alfred)
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Generally, Kiku finds most Europeans quite annoying to deal with, but he’ll always make an exception for you <3
Considering how Arthur reacted to Japanese, he’s not even gonna try to get you to learn. He’ll teach you if you ask nicely, but only then.
He’s not very into teaching you about Japan, more casually explains cultural things as they come up.
He would love to go back to the UK with you! He’s very touristy, and would love if you are too.
Kiku is always willing to set aside any bias or personal history aside for you <3
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idv-sunsxin3 · 4 months
HELLOO 🌻🌻🌻 I want to say that im really love your works especially Rusen Rosehearts who was Riddle twins, THEY/HE WAS SO SWEET AAAAA😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ definitely gonna take him to date /hj
I follow you in my other accound but sadly im forget my password tehe and im really happy to find your blog again🌻
Honestly im Curious what Rusen relationship with other Heartslabyul student like Trey, Cater, Deuce and Ace and what their first impression to Rusen?
Maybe you can make a HC or scenario about them🤔
If its bother you or making you uncomfortable, you can Ignore this!
Have a good day!🌻❤️
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Riddle’s Twin Brother AU // Relationship with Heartslabyul
Note// most likely taken as preferably platonic- Thank you for liking this concept, he’d be nice enough to have fun with you, well, if his brother lets you heheheheh 🤔🤭✨ so glad that you found me tho, sorry for replying very late;; 🥺🌸
He most likely knows Rusen not long after he encountered little Riddle when they were kids. Riddle and Rusen are inseparable even currently, it becomes pretty normal to see the other twin around as time passes.
He honestly appreciates a lot the company Rusen offers, who often tends to walk around the dorm and often bumps into Trey at the kitchen. Ending up asking if he can help the 3rd year with the baking duty, cleaning the kitchen and utensils, preparing the table- Trey finds Rusen a “good boy”, who deserves some headpats <333
There is always this cute silly dynamic between them, they were not so talkative when they were little at first because they were kinda just “friends by association” and the one who brings the bridge to the reason why they hang out together was Riddle- but aftermath and today, they started to get closer and gotten to know each other. Sharing the common fact that they have this unconditional love and care towards Riddle, who is like a brother to them.
Rusen honestly knows how to bake more than cooking,,, so the soup he once made for Trey didn’t turned out as he planned/lh yet Trey still ate it and complimented it, giving some fair feedback with a smile that brightens Rusen’s motivation to improve 🥺😭
Rusen has the habit of ruffling Trey’s hair whenever he gets flour on it- Trey finds it pretty cute that someone so short likes to look after him too;;; Imagine Riddle’s lab coat card, like the twins probably tries to look after Trey who was having a fever at that time- it was pretty problematic but the 3rd year still appreciated their effort djdjjddj
Not gonna lie, he didn’t expect Riddle to have a twin- one that kinda acts like his shadow.
It was a bit fascinating how he didn’t get to learn that sooner until the curtains slide open, revealing Rusen who happened to stand beside Riddle’s throne this whole time by the time it was the second meeting at the dorm.
At first, the moment he realizes Rusen is a bit different from his brother made him want to bully him a little;;; but well, he wasn’t that foolish especially when Rusen is often seen sticking around with the housewarden who happened to be his brother- even Rusen proved himself that he’s capable to get someone to respect him, even if it’s by force after being so kind… 😇
At the end, Cater wouldn’t dare to press the other’s buttons. Instead, he’s quite glad Rusen is more open when it comes to learning the art of media.
“Spreading awareness and popularity of Heartslabyul? That sounds spectacular. Maybe it might help with funding the dorm for certain necessities-“ Rusen once comment and so on, Cater just being happy hearing him say such thoughtful things. Knowing how dedicated the red-headed is to give the Heartslabyul students everything they need. As if he’s acting like a caring little brother,,,
I like to imagine there is this silly realization thought Cater ever has, which is Rusen ever be acting as mean as Riddle. He would whine so much by the thought of it that he would even grab the poor strawberry shorty and shake him, begging him to “never change his precious heart” DJDJJDDNJEJJ-
I feel like ADeuce views Rusen as a “monk” or some kind of saint- he’s the forgiving twin unlike Riddle. Sometimes lenient, while still keeping the one-braincell duo on their toes before they do something that makes Riddle get steamy.;;;
Despite facing the same strict treatment and discipline, Rusen is the daring one out of the two twins. Bending rules and making some mischief in his younger days and successfully hiding evidence before ever being suspected… He smoothly even covers Ace’s mess at certain times if he finds that necessary too, that even Trey and Riddle would buy it! Ace, after learning this, started to then view him as the “sly senior”…
Bro, for someone who is like a taller but younger brother to Rusen, there are times Ace wants to make fun of him- if only Riddle wasn’t often around to see that;;
But besides that, Rusen often forgives whenever he causes mistakes, sometimes pointing out the problems he does that he probably didn’t notice. His patience probably confused the 1st year so much;;; but slowly and surely, Ace started to understand and listens to his advice. Sometimes would come to him if he has any questions to the 2nd year twin.
Deuce is on his knees,,, he was so confused and embarrassed the time he mistaken Rusen as Riddle- How could it get any worse???
Gets so shy after first meeting him- like he probably doubts Rusen likes to talk to him after mistaking him with another person like- it was so awfulll- but no, Rusen still smiles at him and asks him if he wants tea. What??? REALLY??? 😭🥺
Goes sad puppy whenever he gets scolded by Rusen, even if it’s gently and not meaning to degrade him- Seeing Rusen displeased makes him feel so guilty,,,
But well- now he’s crying just because Rusen was so patient to help him out with studying for a test without getting mad for failing the previous tests- this is not on his bingo list but omg;;;
Rusen-senpai has the heart of a saint <//3
Deuce deeply respects Rusen as much as he wants to devote to the dorm and the housewarden- he would even take a hit for him!!! He often feels like he owes him a lot, when in reality Rusen doesn’t have the heart to bonk people and confiscating their UM tbh;;;
He would scold Ace whenever Ace tries to get on Rusen’s nerves- he be going like ‘how dare you speak to sweetheart-senpai like that-‘/lh
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
i just saw that you are biased towards vasco tabasco as well 👀👀👀👀 i beg for anything, i have read all the fics on this app twice and im getting withdrawals from my bit tit himbo 😭
Tell me who isn't biased towards our baby Tabasco and I'll fight them!!
Ty for the ask! I just love Vasco so much. He's THE ride or die and has always treated little Daniel so kindly from the start.
He doesn't always get it right but he tries and he learns and his heart is in the right place 😭😭
I feel like there's just SO much I want to read and know about Vasco. HC, x reader, drabbles, novels. But here you go anon, take some wordvom instead
Vasco Headcannons
The Burn Knuckles said they started the gang just cos they like him. Vasco was probably just shouting about protecting people and being all pure then attracting all these macho dudes that were going down the wrong path. He has a sense of justice that is just... Irrefutable. The kind that kids have before they grow up and get cynical and corrupted and he reminds them of a simpler time.
Also he's strong af so if you don't want to die, you come around to his view pretty quickly.
Damon Goh the rubber ducky guy hid away his ducks until Vasco saw them one day and was like 'omg!! These are so cute!!' with his typical heart eyes and asked for one. Since then, Damon just unapologetically carries them around.
No idea Leonn Lee is a girl. Doesnt care if she is, Burn Knuckles membership is open to all.
Doesn't know there's a tool council, thought it was something for architect class. Never made the connection with the Tool nicknames either.
Unapologetic crier. You've seen his tears. Encourages Burn Knuckles to show their emotions. They hold therapy sessions like a confessional but apart from Jace - Vasco and the rest of the gang share 1 braincell so no good can come from this.
Makes friends everywhere he goes. We've seen Vasco make his own crew out of the Homeless, and that's just how he is. He's made friends with BEARS like cmon.
Not that great with names or faces though, and he's just a general clown so he doesn't actually remember a lot of people.
Has a rather childlike and innocent view of the world with justice and lookism. It used to be pretty black and white but he learns and is understanding of the shades of grey pretty quickly. Let's be real, if Vasco was leader of the world - we would all be a lot better off.
Toxic masculinity who? Gender roles what? Zero interest in subscribing to men can't do this or women shouldn't do that. Will be the best provider or househusband ever, whatever makes his partner happy!
Daniel or Jay busy or out of town? If Vasco is available, he will be looking after Enu or Jays puppies. This is absolutely non negotiable. He always gets first dibs.
Seen and heard enough about Vin Jin to think there's no redeeming features with this guy. Although Vasco might be the only person that thinks his rap is pretty good lol
Very little sense of self awareness and decorum around girls. Not really sure where he's going wrong until Jay spruced him up and his post-date download with Jace.
Says he's married to the Burn Knuckles and he's talked less about finding a partner since then. In all honesty he finds the dressing up and the flowery words exhausting. He just wants to find someone that loves him for him, BNC uniform and all :(
And this is the perfect segue into...
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Vasco x Reader headcannons
Vasco is the ultimate friends to lover trope. He needs to get to know you first and your personality before he can begin to develops feelings for you. Your morals aligning with his is a must.
Doesn't think too hard on confessing if he likes you. He's a straight forward guy. Main obstacle is Jace giving him terrible advice based on trashy romcoms.
Only Jace (occasionally) or family call him Euntae. Will be so flustered if you do.
He is 100% innocent your honour!!! You likely need to take the initiative in the relationship. He's a romantic at heart but doesn't know how to express himself and is worried about being too foward. First hand hold? First embrace? First kiss? Gonna be all you.
Gets more relaxed the longer you date. Once he's more confident of your comfort levels and knowing that he can be himself around you, will initiate a lot more.
Not a huge fan of PDA but loves holding hands and holding you. It just feels right with you in his arms.
Vasco would naturally be the big spoon, but omg if you were the big spoon? He has never felt so protected and loved and will absolutely melt.
Huge fan of couples outfits. Not the cool ones, the cheesier the better. "If found return to Y/N" "I'm Y/N". And tbh Zack is sick with jealousy that him and Mira don't do that.
Still has an old fashioned sense of chivalry where he wouldn't want you to fight even if you could. After seeing you fight a few times though, he reluctantly let's you get on with things. Will try to step in where possible, but more that he doesn't want to see you get hurt.
Loves the novelty of classic dates at first, especially after seeing and reading about it all so much. Fancy 3 course meals, grabbing a coffee together.
After a while though, would prefer to just have more meaningful dates and take you to his favourite places. Even if it's that Fish Soup place lol, but you don't mind cos you can see how happy he is and being with Vasco is enough.
Expect good morning texts, good night video calls and everything in between! This man isn't afraid of the double or triple text. There's a lot of "I can't wait to see you!" and "I miss you!!" and just random ones like "I tried to buy milk but forgot my wallet lol"
As long as it's not against his morals, he will do A N Y T H I N G for you. Tired? Foot massage. Craving at 3am? Let me run right out. Prefer him clean shaven? Hold on I'll get the razor. He loves you so so much and it shows!
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