#i just... my poor little heart
I can't draw to save my life so seeing people take time out of their day to draw something based on something I said or posted is absolutely insane and makes me unreasonably emotional.
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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loves2spwge · 7 months
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a very sweet & loving stankyle kiss i commissioned from @currrsy 💙💚
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iheartbookbran · 16 days
Also ngl I kinda love the concept of Debling courting Penelope and Colin getting jealous because of it, not because I ship it (he’s barely a character) or because I’m part of the crowd that wants to see Colin ~suffer (though I’m not opposed to seeing him dramatically yearn), but because the reason Penelope specifically is going after this vegan man is so fascinating to me. Like, she obviously doesn’t love him. But she will marry him to protect LW… she’ll marry him to please Portia, that’s so funny.
Girl’s so desperate to escape her awful family life while at the same time keeping her secret, but she also wants her mother’s approval. And she’s so caught up in that toxic mindset that she completely misses the guy she’s been in love with since childhood making heart eyes at her from across the ballroom.
Pen only has her parents’ terrible marriage as a frame of reference, so she probably thinks it’s a bonus if her future husband is much older than her because that could make her a young widow. He’ll leave the country for the majority of the year to fuck off to Antarctica? Oh to be left alone by your own life partner!!!
Meanwhile Portia is enthusiastically nodding behind Penelope like yes, perhaps he’ll die at sea, and neither of them think there’s anything wrong with this outlook in life.
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mbohjeezart · 2 months
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joshisodd · 5 months
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I may not look it but i used to watch ft!!
I've been rewatching some of the episodes and im still wishy washy on whether or not I want to redesign all the characters but here's some recent and old character sketches!! I've been playing around with their designs but trying not to deviate too far so that the characters still look like who they're supposed to be
Idk if anyone would wanna see me redesign/rework every character but I'd post em if there were people who wanted to see that.
Here's the rundown for those who are interested:
My basic ideas for fairy tail are to make every character a fantasy trope/creature/class/myth. Some of the characters will change into a different thing over time as they gain experience. I feel like fairy tail has a lot of potential to write a more modern fairy tale type story because of the whole wizards and magic thing. With dragons and princesses n everything. This is obviously present in the story, but i really want to reinforce that idea. there are some characters who I think really fit this, like Erza (obvi main knight of the story but also has the title of titania queen of the fairies) and natsu (obviously dragon as an mc, sort of a role reversal of the evil dragon. and maybe a fun demonic plot twist haha). But with other characters i may need to make more changes. Lucy is a loose version of the princess (with a fun runaway backstory), but I want her to evolve into a priestess. Grey kinda has nothing going on for him imo, the ice wizard thing keeps throwing me off every time i try to project something onto him. I think i'll go with a hunter -> demon slayer thing. He just happens to use ice magic. i don't wanna go with regular wizard because thats a bit boring lmao. It would also make the elemental thing between natsu and grey funnier bcuz he's a spooky demon and that guys a hunter so you guys REALLY shouldnt get along. They do anyway because the power of friendship lol Anyways that's the basic plan? even if i dont post it on tumblr just know its cooking in the back of my head. thx for reading all this haha
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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I would like to hug the Octopus Man ❤️
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saragrosie · 1 year
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Daily contribution to the Sadboy Bruce Wayne club
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Damian's birthday party
I have this thought in my mind where Damian asks for a small birthday party, he informs Alfred about the guests and informed his siblings where and when the party will occur, "I don't want nothing too big, it's just a few people who will show up anyway"
His siblings feel a little bad for it because they think Damian doesn't have friends besides Jon (they're wrong), then they decide to invite other young heroes to the party by themselves
on the appointed day both young justice and the titans show up to celebrate the younger robin's birthday because "he is the Dick/Tim youngest brother, he doesn't know how to make friends"
only to discover a group of kids partying with Damian. They are: Colin Wilkes, Maps Mizoguchi, Maya Ducard (Nobody), Suren Darga, Nika (Flatline), Jon Kent, Mara Al Ghul (she is his cousin, he invited her because of it - they have a non-aggression agreement), Carrie Kelley and plus Connor Hawke, Roy Harper and Lian Harper
The most awkward moment possible because in Damian small party has now people literally raised by assassins, heroes and civilians and now more heroes show up
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luck-of-the-drawings · 7 months
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been followin slimes POV of the qsmp since it started but mMY GOOOODDDDD i never expected to fall so in love with it... I LOVE THE TRADGEDY OF A COMEDIC CHARACTER! so funny so silly, who could ever take him seriously? when the reaction to grief can be so overblown and strange, its hard not to laugh! because wheres the line, really? we're just here to have fun! i look forward to the day this guy snaps! its gonna be REALLY FUNNY i tell ya hwat!!!
something about this comic makes me so so emotional, and its so well framed. to discover something by the end of a comic, to follow the same line of thought as a character within a drawing, to either come to the same conclusion, or the dramatic irony of figuring it out first. it was made by the talented Lynda Barry, and she has a wonderful shop here https://drawnandquarterly.com/books/greatest-marlys/
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#q!slimecicle#qsmp#qsmp fanart#qsmp slimecicle#NOT MY FIRST TIME DRAWIN SLIMECICLE BUT ITS DEF BEEN A WHHHIILE. THIS IS HOWEVER MY FIRST TIME DRAWIN THE OTHERS#LIKE ive never drawn philza or cellbit or pol or bbh before. i looked up MINIMAL refs and went off their minecraft skins. hope yall like em#FUN FACTS! i gave q!slime the green flannel (but the green plaid is silent) bc of katastrophics design for him#he also has the 3 hearts n the Bra'ad sash bc OFFCCC u just cant see that gay lil bag here#maybe one day ill draw a qslime with more detail#IN OTHER NEWS ! this series fascinates me SOOO MUCH! THE FEDS AND THE CODES N THE EGGS AND WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAANN???#I HAVVEEE theories abt juanaflippa. SPOILER WARNING IG BUT IM ABT TO RAAAAMBLE!!#SO this totally isnt flippa right. like this is someone else. this is one of the code beasts piloting either a costume or a corpse#BOTH INTRIGUE ME. but nonetheless. this thing is NEW and it is LEARNING and it LOVES ITS DAD#ITS NOT FLIPPA BUT OHH HOW NICE IT IS TO BE FLIPPA! TO BE FED AND HUGGED AND LOVED SO SO SO MUCH#AND YET SOMETHING IS SO TERRIBLY WRONG. SOMETHING IS BLEEDING OUT AND INFECTING THE AIR AND SOIL AND SPACE#AND ITS HURTING CODEFLIPPAS DAD! ITS TURNING HIM INTO SOMETHING ELS.E. HE DOESNT CARE BUT CERTAINLY SOMEONE ELSE DOES#MAYBE THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. BUT MOST CERTAINLY IT MUST BE EATING AT THIS POOR LITTLE CODE#THIS POISONOUS LITTLE THING. THIS DISEASE. THIS VIRUS. IT JUST WANTS TO BE HELD A LITTLE LONGER. BUT AT WHAT COST?
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I am never trying to color a comic again. the paneiling itself was fine but coloring. Anyways, enjoy! The fact Noel thought Sirius might've had a grudge against him... smh smh
Transcript of the dialogue:
Noel: Thanks for accompanying me, Claire.
Claire: No, no! I just happened to be around...
Noel: Nah, you really helped me.
Claire: ...Did I? Well then, that's good!
Claire: Come to think of it, I was a little curious...
Noel: ...About what?
Claire: Have the two of you met each other sometime before?
Noel: ...That's right. So you noticed.
Claire: I knew it! It looked like Sirius opened his heart to you a little, see!
Noel: ...Huh, really? Sirius did...?
Claire: It was worth it to be worried for him!
Noel: Sure... But that's a little surprising...
Noel: Because actually, I was thinking he might have a grudge against me.
Claire: Huh...?
Noel: Okay, I should get to bed.
Noel: Thanks so much. Good night.
Claire: Uh- Good night!
Claire: (But why would he...?)
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brionnne · 29 days
note that i will only ever call mithrun "stupid" jokingly. by "stupid", i only mean "frustrating behavior that i am immensely familar with". seeing him do something that makes me groan aloud, closing my eyes, sighing "stupid (affectionate, mournful)". like when he fucking... his dumbass "i don't want to [use the bathroom] right now, so it's fine." oughh. i know you! i know you! that's not how that works!!! and he's smart!!! he's so smart... but god, god... he's kind of an absent professor. he's kind of a cloudcuckoolander. i love him dearly. he gets called a dummy, a little idiot, and i flick his forehead, a little bonk of hard-heads, like "try again, idiot. that's not how bodies work." and "ooh, 'that's not going to work'. yes it is. shut up, stoopid. stubborn little man, my god." rolling my eyes forever.
#mithrun#i'm not devaluing his intelligence#i feel like both can be true - that someone can be really smart but also take really stupid actions conversely#i fucking KNOW i do all the time#and i don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the word#it's not that his intelligence is compromised in any sense or that i think he's incapable#and it is solely#the fact that he is a stubborn little guy who doesn't listen and just goes 'that won't work' / 'i don't want to' / etc.#like... BUDDY...#buddy BOY#dummy#you are NOT a good judge of this ok?#zip ya lip little man#i know what you are#and i ain't fuckin listening to ya!#god. 'that won't work'. blah blah blah. okay sleepy. see you next panel.#fuckin knew that was going to happen#'i'm not tired' (his body stops working and he doesn't know why)#oh. OH. you're NOT? buddy i KNOW what happened ok? you need some fuckin rest#like - i'm gonna kick your legs out from under you + you're going to fall gently into bed + i tuck you in and smooch you#but i also fucking complain because OF COURSE YOU'RE TIRED ! you bastard ! go sleepy bye#it's his poor decisions and i know why he does them - because he doesn't know - but by god#it's also a little like please... listen to yourself...#on the one hand he doesn't know and never will#on the other hand ... you have been awake for hours and hours without sleep... please get some rest...#but yeah as someone who forgets needs and has little sense of that it is like... objectively a stupid experience#and i don't say that with judgement in my heart but it feels REALLY stupid when your body does something and you don't know why#it's not the disability though that makes me say as much - it is fully the fact that he is SO STUBBORN! SO STUBBORN!!!!#you say you're not tired and fall down? hm? then maybe you are? i know you don't know but whatever. let's get you to bed boy. ok?#caring for him + shaking my head like i get it so much but you gotta sleep! 'this won't work'. ok liar... i already know it will.
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revvywevvy · 11 months
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waugh why's he so silly.......... silliest girlie in cog nation.............. im gonna boop his saw
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xphantasmagoria · 10 months
Astarion’s romance in EA versus his romance in the rest of the game:
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endwersed · 3 months
man life must be nice when you're not a sensitive sally
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ruby2stardust · 8 months
I have to gush real quick it is in my very being to infodump this right now.
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So this is Crosscode, and if you haven't played it you should right now because it is one of the best RPGs ever made, heck it is one of my favorite games of all time easily.
I played it a few months ago and it really just was everything to me. I love these characters, I love the soundtrack and the gameplay is so, so much fun! The combat is fast paced, fun and difficult. I love the Zelda style dungeons that cap off each area. I love that they took the setting of a game within a game and actually made it interesting by focusing the story around how players and developers interact with the world they created! I love the just, everything! The story is a bit slow but honestly that is such a tiny little complaint in what is otherwise a sea of positive things I could say about this amazing wonderful little gem. I played it to nearly 100% completion and adored every second and I have considered a second playthrough since the moment I finished.
I don't even know how to describe it because I am genuinely welling up. Just going back and listening to the title theme I am almost crying tears of joy. I am already so nostalgic for this and I only finished it two months ago I just love it so so so much. I always thought about if I would make a video game and what it would look like. Crosscode is that game made reality. It is that dream game I considered making just so it would exist. I am so happy that it is a thing and that I got to experience it as a player.
Please, PLEASE give this game a shot if you like action RPGs. It really is one of the best out there and so much more than I could possibly ever describe.
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