#i like the colour scheme i chose for him
hellishgayliath · 9 months
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goldenchocobo · 1 day
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Here’s what I’ve been working on, it’s taken a month, but I’ve finally completed it!
All 13 14 Organization XIII members with flowers!
I did reuse some flowers; but I’ve been wanting to redraw those portraits for a while now, so I can cross that off the list too
Under the KEEP READING are the flowers included, along with why I chose them for that Organization Member.
- You've clicked the 'Keep Reading', so you're in for the long-haul; 14 flower analyses in one! Better get snug!
I. Anemone flowers (also called wind flowers) have a lot of meanings, more negative than good ones; the ones I singled out for Xemnas was death and loss. Flower meanings require a lot of context- like sentences, so in this instance, I’ve used ‘loss’ to mean ‘loss’ in a general sense- Xemnas lost his heart, his comrades, his emotions; and by the end of KHIII; even his motivation; saying he doesn’t really care for his comrades’ demises, and that after he’s gained any kind of sensation back; it’s regret.
II. Knowing Xigbar is keeping all kinds of secrets, and knowing them is his business, Snapdragons are perfect. White and purple denote the spiritual and mystic. Them covering his mouth means that he knows something you don't, and he won't tell you anything.
III. We don’t know much about Xaldin- or Dilan. But with how I interpret him and his actions; he’s someone who has been scorned before- or at least has a lot of jealous dislike towards relationships and is sickened by how love makes people act. Hydrangeas are a flower both used for some wedding bouquets, as well as denoting jealousy, especially in their purple-blue colouration, as it's higher pH that causes the flowers to be that colour.
IV. Azeleas are flowers of two halves. They can mean Temperance and intelligence, but also temptation and caution. This is why I thought it was perfect for Vexen. Not only does he give into the temptation of his (immoral) research- more than once, but also ignored the dangers of it. When he's recompleted, we can see that he's gotten rid of these temptations (or at least I hope so). I made them orange to deeper the 'danger' and 'caution' theme as orange is a colour in nature that denotes it- like toxic amphibians and insects.
V. Lexaeus is a quiet man; so I don't really know much about him other than that he's strong and wants to protect Ienzo/Zexion; as such gladiolus- a symbol of such strength and protection is perfect for him.
VI. Zexion is interesting because I kind of see him as a tragic two-sided character. His scheming, 'throwing morals out the window and toying with people' Zexion in CoM side, and his more naïve, innocent and caring Ienzo side we see in KH3. I gave him Begonias for this reason; the purple in one hand representing mystique and curiosity, whilst white being for a more innocent side to him. I specifically chose Begonia pavonina leaves because they look weird and mystic and kind of match his shimmering hair.
VII. I've already used yellow roses for Siax/Isa, in the same configuration as well; and the meaning remains the same. Yellow roses can sometimes mean jealousy- especially towards friendships. Siax got too into his head about Axel making friends. That was when his jealousy took over, and he was lead by it.
VIII. Axel has had Alestromeas before- as they usually mean strong bonds of friendship; something Axel and Lea has shown over and over again. Like with Siax, I chose to make them a crown to show that, that friendship and keeping those friends safe is what drives him.
IX. It was kind of hard to come up with a flower for Demyx. originally I had him with Geraniums as they can represent folly; but instead, I went with Daisies; with the adage, 'Lazy Daisy'- for obvious reasons. Daisies- or asters- come in a large variety and specie. For Demyx, I chose two for aesthetic purposes; common daisy for around his head, and leucanthemum daisy for his neck- for their size.
X. Finding the right flower for Luxord was difficult. I did originally just have him with clovers, but felt that they didn’t suit. I chose poppies instead, as while they’re known for being symbolic of war & peace, fallen soldiers and death, there’s an under-current of time meaning; time being passed while we sleep, the time we remember the departed, and time marching on until the grave.
XI. For the longest time, Marluxia was going to have roses- it’s his whole motif; there’s rose iconography everywhere. But I chose Magnolias due to their symbolism of remembrance. While not fully aware until the very end, Marluxia was always searching for his sister, not believing that she had gone. The yellow Magnolias represent the joys he shared with her, whilst the purple imply the dignity of being a Union Leader, and Lord of Castle Oblivion.
XII. Marigolds are pretty, but their meaning is not... sometimes. Out of their meanings, I've chosen their meaning for Larxene to be one of cruelty and coldness. Because that's what she is to everyone.
XIII. Roxas keep his Dahlias from his original flower piece. The meaning remains the same; That- even in the face of hardship and despair, he will remain kind, friendly and cheerful.
XIV. I was going to reuse the obvious choice of Forget-Me-Nots for Xion; but honestly, I felt intimidated by how small they are, and- if you've paid attention, kept a strict number limit on my flowers; so that wasn't doable. Instead, I chose a Cornflower, which has a similar meaning of not being forgotten, as well as hope, devotion and love.
The stones inlayed in the frames have no real significance other than that they match the character's colour scheme; Here's what each stone is: Xemnas: Pearl Xigbar: Smokey Quartz Xaldin: Amethyst Vexen: Emerald Lexaeus: (orange) Agate Zexion: Lepidolite Siax: Moonstone Axel: Sunstone Demyx: Sapphire Luxord: Hematite Marluxia: Rose Quartz Larxene: Topaz Roxas: Snowflake Obsidian Xion: Obsidian
OK- I lied a little; there's some theming between characters, but nothing majorly deep; I haven't really looked into gemstones and their meanings.
If you've read this much, congratulations! Flower Count: Xemnas has 13. Xigbar has 3. Xaldin has 1. Vexen has 7. Lexaeus has 5. Zexion has 13. Siax has 7. Axel has 7 Demyx has 20 (13 common, 7 leucanthemum). Luxord has 7. Marluxia has 5. Larxene has 5. Roxas has 7. Xion has 13.
The only outlier is Xaldin; but Hydrangeas are hard to draw and only had the motivation to draw one.
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continuouscurriculum · 7 months
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day 22: birds
read below for choice explanations
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Some explanations for choices:
overall, i chose most of them to be birds you’d see in neighborhoods/around humans
liam - i thought that the fancy pigeon kinda fit with his round silouette + the backpack part is based on war pigeons and how they’d equip them with cameras to spy on the opposing soliders
bryce - i thought crows fit, not much to say. I think his silouette being much more sharper than liams is a nice contrast plus they keep their height different slightly
amelia - basically chose a blue bird, and i think one of the smaller birds fit better. actual finches don’t have like iridescent feathers like she does but uhh creative liberties
charotte - i wanted to give her a more imposing like height compared to the others, so i thought a duck would fit. taylor - i thought the colours matched pretty well :)
charlie - i was most familiar with baby robins since they’re pretty common where i live, so i just chose that.
airy - i wanted him to be like really tall compared to the others who are relatively small/medium birds, and I thought cranes just fit. finding one that kinda fit with his colour scheme sucked tho 😭 the blue of his head/neck was supposed to be like the glass
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klausysworld · 1 year
can u pls write a grumpy x sunshine trope with klaus, but reader is the grumpy one
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@klaustopia thank uuu for the moodboard to use 💜💜^^
Fuck. Off.
Klaus is known to be a little moody and grumpy sometimes, his siblings in particular grew used to seeing him in such a way.
It was certainly a shock when he began being smilier, curtains open to let in the sun as his face lit up to read the text he’d just received.
“Something funny Nik?” Rebekah asked irritated with the childish giggles leaving his lips every few minutes. He didn’t respond only left the room with a grin.
Soon after the Mikaelsons learnt of a girl. Y/n. They were somewhat excited as a family to meet her, they expected someone energetic and bouncy seeing how cheerful their brother had been. They were not expecting a sarcastic grumpy bitch to show up lounging around their house like she owned it.
Rebekah’s enthusiasm to go shopping with her was short lived after going through her wardrobe
“Your clothes are all far too big for you? And the colour scheme… where’s the colour?” She asked with a frown and y/n rolled her eyes before ushering the blonde out.
Elijah stood in the kitchen mildly concerned seeing Niklaus adding vanilla syrup to the latte he was making as the toaster went off and he picked out two marshmallow flavoured pop-tarts. He hurried over to his lover and presented it with a pleased smile
“Thank you Nik” she praised as he leaned down to kiss her lips.
He continued to watch as she fed him some of the pop tart and lightly patted his hair
“You look pretty today” she told him watching his eyes light up.
Elijah walked away in confusion.
Kol was thoroughly amused by the back to front dynamic as he watched his older brother receive head scratches while being lead against a girl who looked as though she might stab someone.
“Awe is Klausy laying with his mommy?” Kol asked in an overly sarcastic tone, crouching down to prod Klaus’ cheek.
Y/n felt the hybrids mood dampen as he sat up and cleared his throat. She felt her anger grow seeing his embarrassment and without thinking had punched Kol straight on the nose. He stumbled several paces back, shock written all over his face as he grabbed his nose.
Silently she pulled Klaus back to his led down position and stroked his hair with purpose, a glare fixed on Kol while Klaus snuggled her with a smug grin. The second Kol went to yell at her she gave him a deathly stare
“Fuck. Off.” She seethed and he did so quickly.
Klaus often found himself watching his lover sleep, seeing the soft innocence on her face was calming. The pissed off look she gave him when she woke up to his staring at her was not.
“What the fuck do you want?” She mumbled and he breathed a laugh
“I was just admiring you, my love.” He told her with a smile. Her hand pushed him away by his forehead and he grumbled
“Go ‘way” she muttered kicking his leg when he trued to spoon her
“Just let me hold you” he whined attempting to pull her close but was elbowed on the abdomen effectively winding him.
The noise of distress had her blindly reaching behind her to pat his cheek
“Remember when i told you to go away and you didn’t? Yeah. Next time go ‘way” she told him before pulling the blanket completely off of him. Once she was asleep he managed to squeeze back into the duvet and curl himself around her without her waking.
She chose not to comment in it when she woke again.
One think Rebekah was glad for was that y/n didn’t mind having her nails done. It was something the girls could ‘bond’ over.
Sometimes Elijah would just silently sit in the same room as her and read his book. Though each time he peeked over he found her sat holding her phone in a way that had her middle finger on display. He was not amused.
Kol was still learning to ‘fuck off’
Each time he made a comment on her and Klaus’ relationship y/n managed to do something that ruined his day or physically harmed him.
Klaus would practically purr seeing his lover stand up for him, to have someone- although not always showing it- love him.
Sometimes he would try to get her to smile, seeing how far he had to push it. Apparently taking her a fairground was not his best idea. A child spilt a slush puppy on her and the way she looked at the kid had Klaus immediately rushing them home
“Let’s not kill the child” he muttered while dragging her away
“Little shit deserves it”
One thing that rewarded him with a smile was dates. A simple blood red rose handed to her as he stood before her all tuxed up and fancy. How could she not smile at him?
Sometimes she realised how hard it must be for him to put up with her lack of acknowledgment and would spend the occasional day zeroing her focus on him
“You know that i love you, yes?” She asked almost softly and his eyes flicked to hers with a nod
“I love you too” he expressed as she took his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his…
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ghoultrifle · 8 months
Packer Play
Inspired by these two posts:
@samaellevampire's post about swiss/dew packer play and
@belle--ofthebrawl's post about quintessence on straps
Swiss gets a packer, and Dew has a great time sitting on his lap (they fuck nasty about it)
This is incredibly self indulgent with a little bit of a rant about packer skin tones from your resident mixed race writer (i am not pale, olive, or black thank you very much!) and of course be careful if you’re going to bind during sex, let’s just pretend Swiss has sized up for this fic <3
cw: mentions of dysphoria, not feeling 'enough'
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
Swiss stood there staring at the package left outside his door, Mr Swisstopher Ghoul, it read, one of the first parcels he’d received under his new name. He giggled as he brought it inside, knowing exactly the contents of the inconspicuous box. Tearing the brown tape with a fang, he ripped into the cardboard, unboxing the items he’d ordered the previous week.
Laid out on his bed were three items, a packer, a strap, and its harness. The packer was flame red, the website didn’t have any colours to match the multi ghoul’s rich skin tone so he went with the novelty option. He’d rather have a silly colour than one that felt off, like it wasn’t designed with people like him in mind. Swiss chose the mid-size packer, he knew Satan would have blessed him with a monster cock given the chance, but he didn’t want to look like he was permanently sporting a woody if he could help it.
The strap was much more well endowed, the multi ghoul needing not worry about showing off his size in the bedroom. Another novelty colour, green this time. He couldn’t wait to sink it into Mountain and watch it camouflage against his sage cheeks. The harness was a black pretty thing, trying it on he’d be lying if he said he didn’t get a little bit wet at the sight of the fabric digging into his hips. But that was for another time, the multi ghoul was just excited to have that casual bulge, to not feel exposed when he stretched his arms above his head, leaning back slightly. To not feel like people were searching for a sign that he wasn’t a man. And most of all he was excited for the grey sweatpants season they were currently in the midst of.
Dewdrop was the first to notice it. He’d waltzed into the common room as Mountain and Swiss were co-opping on Grand Theft Auto, trying to deliver drugs, or something. Dew couldn’t have cared less about the antics on the screen, his eye was immediately caught by the bulge sitting pretty in Swiss’ lap. That’s new, he thought, scheming. It was unmistakable, the thick fabric bunched up at the faint outline of the silicone, jutting out in his lap. It was just inviting Dew, taunting him to sit on it and wriggle to his heart’s content.
“Hey big boys, whatcha playing?” he asked, feigning interest in the game.
“Just helping deliver Mounty’s weed supply, droplet, you okay?” the multi ghoul replied.
Dew made a hrmph before responding, “Yeah just had a bad day, ‘s all.” His day had been fine but he knew Swiss would immediately invite him for cuddles if he said those words. The multi ghoul cared so deeply for his pack. It was easy to pin him down as ‘the horny one’ but it went so much deeper than that. His love language was acts of physical affection, he relished in helping his partners relax, and in showing them they’re worthy of love, and orgasms.
Swiss didn’t utter a word as he threw the controller on the arm of the chair before outstretching his arms for Dew to sit on his lap. He leaned back as he did so, straining the sweatpants over his cock, making Dew’s mouth water. The fire ghoul tried not to look too happy as he launched into Swiss’ lap, their chests touching as Dewdrop could feel the firm fabric of Swiss’ binder beneath his shirt. He threw his arms over Swiss’ shoulders, cradling his head in the multi ghoul’s neck, breathing in his scent. He could feel the packer poking him through their clothes, teasing his entrance. It was going to be different from his usual ploy of getting the ghouls hard beneath him, but it would be worth it to see the wet patch Swiss leaves behind when the multi ghoul finally gives in and drags him to the nearest bedroom.
“Mm thanks, Switchblade,” he chirped as he picked up the controller to hand it back to the multi ghoul. Dew was so slight that Swiss could easily continue playing even with the small ghoul koala-hugging him.
Swiss couldn’t easily continue playing, however, when Dew began to subtly grind his hips into him. It was barely perceptible at first, perhaps a comfort stim for the anxious ghoul atop his thighs. But he kept doing it, becoming more insistent with every movement, hips circling his oh- circling his packer. He was certain if he had any feeling in the silicone sitting flush against him, he’d feel Dewdrop dripping onto him.
“You alright, lovebug?” Swiss probed, delighted at the attention he was garnering from just being his true self.
“Mhm, just thought your lap looked inviting,” he muttered into Swiss’ neck, hips moving with reckless abandon as Mountain was engrossed in outrunning the looters stealing his drop. “Ah- fuck, you’re so big, baby,” he whined into the multi ghoul’s ear, “Can feel every inch of you. Bet you’re begging to get inside me, hmm?” he teased.
With that, Swiss dropped the controller on the floor, leaving Mountain to fend for himself. “Lucky for you, firefly, this isn’t the only package that arrived today,” Swiss grinned, placing a kiss between Dew’s horns, “Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll quickly find out exactly how big I am,” he grunted.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time!” the fire ghoul chuckled, sure his cunt was soaking through his own sweatpants and onto Swiss’. He couldn’t wait to get up and see the dark patch he’d marked the multi ghoul with; once a water ghoul, always a water ghoul.
Swiss was wet too, the silicone pressing nicely against his tiny cock, but the party in his head was miles better than the one in his pants. The euphoria he felt at Dew grinding on him like he really had a dick, like he’d seen him do to the other ghouls, Aether, Mountain, Sunny. The euphoria of having something for Dew to grind against, a tangible object between his legs. Seeing Dew’s blissed out face as he began almost to hump against the packer, it set Swiss’ nerves alight, truly a feeling he’d treasure for eternity.
His gender breakthrough could wait, however, a certain fire ghoul was getting impatient. He stood with ease, large arms cradling Dewdrop as the small ghoul kept his hands wrapped around Swiss’ neck. As they walked down the corridor Dew made a point of bouncing into the squishy toy that was perfectly aligned with his dripping cunt, leaving Swiss groaning and stuttering in his steps.
“Hey, Switchblade, you ever thought about quintessencing that dick of yours? Might be fun,” Dew shrugged as Swiss unceremoniously threw him on the bed. Swiss whined at the idea, how didn’t he think of this before?
“Fuck, baby, I have now,” he growled. Swiss grabbed the green strap, sitting next to Dew as he closed his eyes and made contact with the toy. He could feel his quintessence resisting, maybe he should’ve taken more lessons with Aether.
It took a few minutes, Dewdrop sitting behind the multi ghoul, arms wrapped around for moral support, peppering his clothed back with kisses; quintessence came more easily when a ghoul was relaxed. The strap finally took hold of Swiss’ magick as it had the slightest purple tinge to it, a beautiful contrast to the sage.
“Umm, could you undress me, firefly, I can’t really let go of this now,” Swiss asked, gesturing at the glowing toy in his hand.
“Anything for you, my darling,” Dew replied, flushed a deep red, having already removed his shirt, fresh air hitting the crescent scars on his chest. He bunched Swiss’ white t-shirt up, manoeuvring it through one arm, before getting Swiss to change hands, and remove it fully.
 “On or off, honey?” Dewdrop asked, drawing hearts in the black binder now exposed, hugging Swiss’ chest, tight.
“On. Wanna fuck you like a real man,” Swiss replied.
Dew’s heart broke at the sentence, “Love, you know you’re already a real man, tits or not? It’s important to me that you know that.”
“Maybe you think I am, but I don’t feel like one,” Swiss cried, unsure where this was coming from. Perhaps it was because he felt truly safe with Dew, “I don’t have a dick, my tits could win a Miss Universe contest, my clit’s fucking tiny, I’m practically hairless like one of those ugly ass cats Phantom wants, and my voice is higher than Cirrus’, is it any surprise I still feel like a girl?”
“Oh baby, I get it. It’s so hard at the beginning but it will get better, I promise. Do you wanna talk about it or do you wanna fuck me silly? I’m fine either way, remember you don’t owe me anything, yeah?”
Swiss contemplated, before deciding he didn’t quintessence this damn dildo for nothing, “Wanna fuck you,” he whispered.
“What was that, my big boy?” Dew smirked, making a note to properly talk to the ghoul after the scene, he was clearly going through it.
The fire ghoul boxed Swiss against the head of the bed, thighs encasing those of the multi ghoul. “I said I’m gonna fuck you silly for grinding on me in the common room!” he growled, passion reignited.
“That’s more like it. Make me scream, Daddy.” Dewdrop said as he placed a hand over Swiss’ clothed dick, small fingers making the packer look even bigger. Swiss couldn’t help the whine that escaped his lips at the sight.
Slowly, Dew began to remove the sweatpants, revealing the bulge in all its glory encased in Swiss’ tight boxer briefs, fine details visible through the fabric; veins and ridges and bumps. The smaller ghoul mouthed at it, before licking a stripe from root to tip and fully undressing the other.
“Shit, Dewdrop you’re gonna make me come before I get inside you at this rate,” he exclaimed, stepping into the harness and affixing the strap, finally able to let go when it was settled in the o-ring.
Swiss gave himself an exploratory stroke, hand enclosing the shaft and moving cautiously to the head, “Oh- fuck- ah- holy Satan below” he exclaimed.
“Quintessence is working then! Just don’t blow your load too early,” Dew chuckled as he gracefully positioned himself on the bed, face down, ass up. The perfect position for Swiss’ first real fuck since coming out.
The multi ghoul squeezed a handful of lube from his bedside before slicking himself up. The stimulation was something else, how cis men did this was beyond him. He was wincing, hissing in arousal before he even got inside the fire ghoul. SIicked up, Swiss lined himself up with Dew’s now bare cunt, beautiful lips glazed with his arousal, inviting Swiss’ cock to make itself at home, to bury himself in it.
And he did, head teasing the entrance as Swiss’ hips stilled to ground himself, basking in the mind-blowing pleasure. He sank in with a moan, watching as Dew’s cunt stretched around his cock, as it weeped, begging for more. He kept going until the fire ghoul’s ass was flush with the harness, and he stopped.
“Fuck- firefly, ‘m not gon- ah gonna last long,” Swiss keened, panting as he tried desperately not to come, thinking of the time he walked in on Primo having a bath, anything to not spill inside the fire ghoul.
“Come on Swiss, I’m not that hot, am I?” he retorted, feeling incredibly full and oh so wet, thoughts he’d keep to himself for now, lest Swiss actually come on the spot.
Both of their efforts were for nothing, however. Swiss thought it was safe, thought he’d imagined enough wrinkly old men to be able to fuck Dew within an inch of his life. The poor multi ghoul lasted three whole strokes, watching the way his cock was swallowed whole by Dew’s folds before his own cunt was clenching around nothing as he near-screeched through his orgasm. He jackhammered into Dewdrop as he worked himself through it, screaming bloody murder at the sensations he was being assaulted with.
“Well, well, well, I didn’t have minute man Swiss on the cards for tonight but Lucifer fuck that was hot. You’ll have to hook me up with my own quinty dick one day,” Dew chimed as Swiss’ thrusts came to a stop, head craning back to look at the multi ghoul. He was sweating buckets, binder nearly off with how much he’d thrashed around, it was a sight to behold.
“Unholy shit, Dewdrop. Need you to come sit on my lap more often.” Swiss panted as he pulled out, cock dripping with Dew’s slick, that he definitely pretended was his own come.
“You certainly fucked me like a man, no woman has ever come that quickly inside of me,” Dew giggled, “You know the rules though, you gotta get me off now.” he added as he moved to lay on his back, legs spread wide, waiting for Swiss’ skilled tongue to lap him up.
Swiss was never one to turn down a meal.
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thehamham · 1 month
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My first post here, sort of nervous but here goes!
I'm starting a One-Piece wings AU (canon everything with added wings). Starting with Luffy was an obvious choice. I will make all of the straw-hats in time and add descriptions as to why I chose each of their wings.
Luffy was an easy decision, For his wings, the choice was obvious - having him be based on a Macaw. Macaws are native to Brazil, much like Luffy would be if he existed in real life, are often associated with pirates in fiction, and furthermore are symbols of long lasting relationships and loyalty, reflecting Luffy’s loyalty to his own friends. As an added bonus, Luffy’s colour scheme, notably his Post-Time skip Return-To-Sabaody outfit, matches the colours of a Macaw perfectly.
When he is in Gear 5, his wings would be bleached pure white and perhaps glow slightly. His wings are able to stretch with his devil fruit, which allows for a wide array of new attacks from the sweeping of the wings. Post-timeskip, he would be able to strengthen them with Haki to increase his movement speed and power when flying. (sorry for the ramble, I just had a lot of thoughts :)
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sinistergooseberries · 5 months
continuing my tags from a previous post (sorry 😭 @deadloverscity) : like i said, i do think salaar is a good story so far. I like the world-building, I like the tribe coalition system that becomes a background for our story, and i like the fact that varadha and deva are in a toxic yaoi relationship.
im not gonna lie tho, i just haaaate the cinematography and lighting in prashant neel's movies. it's always a bad time there. It's like slapping a vignette over every frame of the movie, and it takes away any colour whatsoever. I understand that he wants to go for a dark vibe, but trust me, dark vibes can be achieved even without making the entire movie dark and invisible. I literally cannot see the actors doing any action! It's bad! It's not enjoyable. As a typical Telugu moviegoer (and assuming the movie was made for a predominantly telugu audience), I enjoy a somewhat vibrant colour scheme. So far, in all of our movies and even the mega movies (if you have watched RRR and Baahubali) there is a lot colour and imagery going on in the movies. I think in Prashant neel's cinemas, all of this is taken away. He has a set of colours that appear in his films consistently - which are black, grey and red. This colour scheme i feel, if repeatedly used, can be a bit boring and may take away the vibrance of the story. the stark contrasts (imo) do not emphasise the story, they overshadow it. still, take this w a grain of salt.
However, considering the fact that this is just his fourth film, ill cut him some slack. But man, if he is going to make movies for a telugu audience, i hope he lets go of the vignette filter.
next, the worldbuilding. i like it - here is a country that is completely separated from india, yet dictates certain aspects of it. i like that they chose an isolated place that evolves in parallel with the mainland, but retains the values of the tribes, making this place mythical and real at the same time. i was really intrigued by the tribe lore - about how the mannars ousted the shouryangas, and how rajamannar basically went against his own father's rule-book and is now facing dire consequences from bharava, whose tribe has the right to the throne right now. i also love love love loveeeeeee the fact that deva is the rightful heir to the throne - and also also the fact that whether he knows about this or not is left ambiguous. i love how this adds another layer to amma's hatred of khansaar and OH. MY. GOD. chef's kiss i love it.
as a personal taste, i don't like violence and epic fights tm overshadowing the narrative, which i feel the movie does. however, kannada film-making might be different. idk, i havent seen many kannada films other than kantara and kgf. the former is good i absolutely love it - the story is fantastic, the fight scenes are chumma, ufff i can praise it for days. the latter is pretty meh for me.
another thing i love about the movie is.. well, varadha and deva. dude, what is up with telugu guys unintentionally making queer movies these days? what is up with that yallll??? ohmygod. when i tell you that i smelled the romance im not lying. dude. dudeee. the whole friends to enemies to (maybe) friends/lovers arc theyve got going on? oooh baby i can feel the fanfics writing themselves. the whole soaked in blood-fighting-together scene? it was a miracle i wasnt jumping up and down on my seat. the dialogue in that scene 'i have friends more handsome than you' and then varadha getting kinda jealous and shit. lovely. the whole don't touch him thing that deva has got going on - baby boy just kiss him. and man. it's beautiful tragic and im writing a fanfic.
soo yeah this is my rant about salaar. im expecting something from it lol.
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kagedbird · 2 months
Cicero Loves You, Listener!
TESSDE AU - Dark Brotherhood route
~ [First] ~ [Next] ~ [Prev] ~
This was going to be… rough. To adjust to.
Something inside my stomach wanted to puke at the thought of being in a den of murderers, but I felt like my hands weren’t clean either. I couldn’t remember if I was like them or not, so I wasn’t sure I had any right to judge.
Not only that, but the Night Mother chose me. That clearly had to account for something, regarding my life. Right?
Either way, I was definitely treated like an outsider by the rest of the ‘family’ despite my supposed position. Only two people outside of Cicero really cared that I was Listener and addressed me as such— that being Babette, the vampire, and Festus Krex, the older man. Both were old enough to remember and adhere to the ‘old ways’ of the religious creed, but not everyone was so quick to fall back to the ancient ways.
Astrid especially. I could feel her cold, distrusting glare everywhere from the moment I stepped out of Mother’s sanctuary. She was clearly waiting for me to make a misstep, of any kind, so she had an excuse to take me out. Cicero warned me plenty enough to not linger near ‘the harlot’ for long.
It was mean, but hearing Cicero call her a harlot definitely made me snort. I had to ‘suffer’ through him trying to get me to do it repeatedly during meal time, much to the despair of my aching sides.
At the moment, I was seated next to Gabrielle as she stitched the last threads into the cloth of my new uniform. I was to match the others in their red and black colour scheme. Something inside felt fond at the colour duality— maybe I’d worn this before? Did I used to belong to another sanctuary?
Those three men in my dreams certainly didn’t wear the colours or anything regarding the family’s design…
I’d dreamt of them repeatedly since the first time. Flickers in time that didn’t really make sense, feelings and emotions I couldn’t really grasp. I think past me was infatuated with them, to some degree. Or she just held a lot of love for them in her heart.
Would they like this new me? Did they still exist?
Perhaps I could ask Night Mother where they were…
“You’re very quiet.” Gabrielle said suddenly, startling me from my thoughts. Curiously, I looked up to her in question, and she smiled. “Sorry. I suppose I was expecting another one like Cicero— er, the Keeper. Loud.”
“I can be.” I said, slowly shrugging. “But I feel like I’ll be threatened with another knife if I am.”
Gabriella laughs, a tinkling sort of sound leaking from her lips. “I think you might be right. I do apologize for it. I for one am glad we have another woman. It’s nice to have some company.”
I smile, feeling assured by her comment. It didn’t feel like she had any ulterior motives to tack on either. Just genuine want for camaraderie.
“Have you been recovering well, under the Keeper’s care?” She asked curiously, eyes flicking back down to her work.
“Yes. Cicero is very… attentive.” I settled on, glancing at where he was in the sanctuary. He was tending to Mother right now, oiling her preserved body.
I didn’t envy the task, I’ll be honest. Not to be disrespectful in any way. But it was… mildly unsettling, as was everything in regards to this guild.
“Attentive is a word for it.” Gabriella huffed quietly. “Just say the word if you need a hand, okay? I don’t mind at all.”
“Thank you. I might take you up on that.” I nodded. “I’ve been feeling this sharp pain in my thigh for a while, and I worry something isn’t healing right.”
“Oh! I’ll see to it after this.” Gabriella said, nodding firmly.
“Thank you.” I murmured, settling my back against the rough chair. It was nice to have a companion other than Cicero. You could only talk about the same five things so many times before it became tiring.
Gabriella’s smile widened as she swiftly stitched the pants in her lap. “Cicero said you were a polite one. I can only wonder how long it’ll last here.”
“Pardon?” I asked, confused. “...Does no one thank anyone here?”
“Well, of course we thank each other,” Gabriella admits, looking a bit sheepish. “But… no offense to you or your position, Listener, but you are… new.”
“I’m sorry you all get third degree.” I offer simply, dipping my head respectfully. “While I’m still… lightly disquieted about the tasks that are given, I’m sure they aren’t given without thought. Otherwise, we’d just be killing anyone and everyone, wouldn’t we?”
“As much as Sithis might enjoy having so many souls brought to him in the Void, if everyone were to die, no one would be alive to kill.” Gabriella remarked dryly. “So, yes, you’re right on that one.”
“And…” I pause, looking around to make sure no one would hear, sheepishly glancing back at the elven woman. “...Everyone does their best to remain respectful of the dead, right?”
“Well… I cannot attest to everyone,” Gabriella admits, but gives a small shrug. “I certainly try to. Death is but the time to sleep forever, in the Void, after all. I assure that everyone has a good rest when it’s their time.”
“That’s all I can hope for.” I murmured, squeezing my shorts tightly. “Death isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Murder isn’t to be done lightly. I… I don’t remember what I’ve done, but I don’t feel clean. But I do know I had to have had my reasons. Regardless of the hefty price that was paid.”
Gabriella turns to me and stares deeply into my eyes. I do my best to maintain the eye contact, letting her search for whatever she wished.
“...How strange for the Night Mother to choose someone so… estranged to killing.” She eventually murmured, eyes tight. “One would think she would settle on a serial murderer. Or someone with the taste for blood.”
“Maybe she looks for restraint.” I offer. “You said it yourself, with everyone dead, there’s no one alive to kill.”
She hummed, keeping her stare for a few moments longer, before turning to the clothes on her lap once more. With a flourish, she tightens the thread and cuts the remaining string off, smoothing the cloth down.
“It’s done. Shall we adjourn to your room to see about your leg?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
She chuckled again, standing tall and helping me stand with a smile across her lips. “Ever so polite, Listener.”
“As if you’ve been nothing but kind yourself.” I countered with a grin, enjoying her laughter that followed.
“I wonder.”
I followed after Gabriella, slow as I was with a limp in my gait, and entered into the sanctuary with a wave to Cicero.
“Hello Keeper.” Gabriella greeted cooly.
“Hello, hello! And hello to you, sweet Listener!” Cicero said, smiling wide. “Come to pay respects to the Night Mother?”
“Maybe after Gabriella checks my leg,” I offered, giving him a weaker smile in return. “It’s been burning a lot lately, and I’ve been worried—”
Cicero gasped, looking down right appalled. “And you have not mentioned this to Cicero? Your dutiful, helpful, dearest Cicero?!”
I shrunk slightly, feeling properly admonished, and forced myself not to scuff my foot. “I… feel more at ease with a woman checking, Cicero. No offense to you or your capabilities at all. I just…”
Cicero stared heavily before letting out a dramatic sigh and turned back to the Night Mother. “Woe is me, dearest Mother! If only I had been born a woman, so as to take proper care of our dearest Listener! Woe, I say!”
I smiled wider, feeling a little more at ease at his goofy speech. “It’s just my leg, Cicero. You’ve helped with literally everything else, and I’m very grateful. I don’t want to keep having to lean on your kindness though.”
“So the Listener keeps saying.” Cicero sighed again, wiping his hands on a dry rag. “Perhaps the Listener should be the Keeper instead with how often she keeps poor Cicero.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “I would be a poor Keeper indeed. That job is yours, hon. You do a great job of it, and I know Mother is grateful for your efforts.”
“She is?!” Cicero squawked, turning to me sharply. “Has she said? Has she? Oh please, dearest Listener! Tell poor Cicero what she has said!”
“Um…” I blink in surprise, but feel myself soften at his urgency. He’s been without her voice and as her Keeper for so long. Like any child, he’d long to hear her praise…
“My dearest Keeper… though he longs to hear my voice, it does not belong to him. He is the Keeper after all.” Mother’s voice rang in my mind, making me snap to her coffin. The subtle red… “His loyalty, above all, brings his Dread Lord father and I the greatest of joy. As all of our children do.”
I smile, feeling my heart squeeze a bit. Reassured by this… matronly comfort that settled in my chest. It soothed an ancient ache I couldn’t recall. I’m not sure what, but it was definitely nice to hear the subtle compliment to myself.
“...She says you’re a wonderful, loyal Keeper. And that she and Father are proud of you.” I said softly, finally turning my eyes to see Cicero blinking back tears with a fervent relieving grief. A mixture of emotions swirling on his face as his hands clenched tightly by his sides, scrunching up the rag in his right hand.
I felt the urge to go to him. I wasn’t sure if it was Mother’s prodding, or a sense of my old self ushering me, but I strode forward and brought him into a tight hug, rubbing his back softly.
“Silence has ended, my Brother…”
“Welcome home.”
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malachiwardyt · 6 months
Howdy, podcast side of Tumblr.
I forgot to share this here, but on the 30th (yes, I cut the deadline that close) I uploaded an explanation of the Extinction from hit horror anthology podcast The Magnus Archives as part of my ongoing series analysing the Entities one at a time. For this, the penultimate episode, I wound up going way further into detail than I expected, resulting in the video analysing the least significant Entity being the longest in the series. Whoops.
As always, here's a breakdown of the art, for the curious. Although he isn't an avatar of the Extinction (in fact, he seems to be actively fighting against it in most of his appearances), it felt wrong not to do Adelard Dekker for this piece. I really wanted to play around with colour and contrast in this one, and I think it turned out pretty nice.
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I dressed Dekker himself in a grey suit with silver accents, because I wanted him to feel very ordinary. Dekker is one of the most human characters in TMA, never seeming to fall to any Entity despite interacting with them very frequently. More than that, he's about as close as TMA gets to a true hero, being at least a comparatively strong force for good. Silver, then, I chose both because it compliments his suit very nicely and because it has mythological and traditional precedent, especially in European folklore, as a deterrent for evil or the supernatural. One of Dekker's most interesting traits is his persistent faith, which I knew I had to include somehow, so I gave him a silver necklace with a cross on the end. It's simple, but it works. The only pop of colour in his otherwise monochrome dress is the tie around his neck, which I've coloured green to show his connection to the Extinction. I know I needed at least a bit of colour, and a neon, toxic green is the colour I associate with the Extinction, so I used a darkened, desaturated form of it for his necktie. I always pictured Dekker as a slender, angular man, which I've conveyed in his face and body. I wanted to give him hair that stood up a lot into short points, and while I considered making them a bit rounder, in the end, the pointed tips just stuck. Finally, there's the glowing green in his eyes, which is, of course, another allusion to the Extinction. Not to imply that he's being guided or influenced by it, simply that he sees it. He was the first to catalogue it, and, admittedly, they do stand out quite nicely against the shadows over him.
In the background, I knew I wanted a skyline with a mushroom cloud behind it, but, as I was working, I decided to make the buildings different references to Extinction episodes. Before I get to that, though, I have to talk about the colour scheme, which is mostly pale green. This was both, again, because the Extinction's colour, in my mind, is green, and because it contrasted nicely against the reds and oranges of the blast. Starting at the leftmost building, it references MAG 144: Decrypted, with numbers running down the side and an antenna on top to send out its encoded message. The next one over is a reference to MAG 175: Epoch, being a massive, Empire State-esque building with abandoned boxes and detritus scattered on its landings, alongside a few more... "living" manifestations. There are only five statements which are the MOST likely Extinction appearances, so, for symmetry, I had to pick an extra statement to throw in. This wound up being MAG 65: Binary, since it's a fan favourite and plenty of people theorise that it actually was related to the Extinction. To get the idea across, I put a few distorted faces on large screens, though I do regret not lightening the entire building up a bit. Across the empty space, we find a reference to MAG 156: Reflection, designed to mimic a large carnival sign and featuring tall windows with thin creatures in them. The windows could have been a bit smaller, but I worried that they would seem too similar to the next building. Speak of which, that brings us to the MAG 134: Time of Revelation reference, being an apartment building in a French architectural style (I don't recall which one at the moment, but I know it was a specific one) filled with figures in the windows, some of whom are half melted into walls or floors. Finally, the last building is a reference to MAG 149: Concrete Jungle, with a rounded roof to mimic the circular shabonos of the Yanomami people and a large, concrete serpent for... obvious reasons.
I think that about covers it. If you've read this far, I hope you enjoyed, and get yourselves ready for the final episode of Entities Explained dropping later this month. With that, all I have left to say is good night, Tumblr people!
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sad-endings-suck · 9 months
I will always consider both Harmony and Roque to be rats, and though I hate Harmony far more overall, I find Roque’s betrayal to be worse.
Harmony ratted on Darrow, Fitchner/Ares and the Rising in a moment of rage and desperation. She felt (un-rightfully) justified in what she perceived as revenge against “golds” (Darrow, Fitchner, and others). She also traded information in exchange for freedom and survival, which is a “decent” reason for ratting. Even though nothing she does in this instance is even remotely right, she still has reasons for doing what she did. She was up against a wall, being tortured with no way out, and she felt like Darrow and Ares had betrayed the cause (even though they had not). I could never justify her actions because they were atrocious and she’s a piece of shit, but she did have reasons for doing horrible things in the heat of the moment when it was her life or someone else’s, and there was no clear way out. Her betrayal in this instance is infuriating because if she hated Ares for being gold she didn’t have to rat on Darrow too. Everyone wanted to know who Ares was. No one was looking for Darrow. Regardless, she was desperate. She was surviving. She was alone. She is utterly horrible and did not think it through. This was not a long term thought-out plan on Harmony’s part.
But Roque? Roque’s betrayal was cold-blooded. It was calculated. His life was not in jeopardy. He did not do it out of desperation, revenge, rage, or need for survival. He did it because he could. He thought it out. He had time to sit on it and decide what to do. He was not backed into a corner. He could have warned Darrow. Instead, he was an active participant in a scheme against Darrow. What Roque did, he did on purpose with intent and precision. He was not overwhelmed, manhandled or blackmailed into participating in a coup against his will or better jugement. He was scheming. He was a key participant in a planned out coup, that involved being right in the centre of the betrayal. Cassius killed Fitchner because he was a threat, but I seriously doubt he did so out of malice and it is highly unlikely he killed Fitcher via decapitation (if they fought). Which means that Fitchner’s head was removed after he died. It means that Roque saw them put Fitchner’s head in a box, and carried it over to Darrow without so much as shaking. He wasn’t even supposed to “crown” Darrow that day during the ceremony. He most likely volunteered to paralyze Darrow and present Ares’ head to him. Even though he logically knows it was Aja and the Jackal that killed Quinn, he still sided with them over Darrow. He chose to pin Quinn’s death on Darrow. He decided Darrow was more at fault because of his colour. That’s cold. That’s vicious. That’s shameless. He had a thought-out plan that he executed with intent and extreme lack of remorse.
Harmony betrayed Darrow and Ares in a hot-blooded attempt at “revenge”.
Roque betrayed Darrow in cold-blood, because he believed in racial supremacy.
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Since Roque loves poetry so much, I’ve decided to end this post with a little interlude on rats. 💗💗
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hauntingcryptids · 1 year
Belle Of The Ball
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary - The Master plans on scheming and schmoozing at a masquerade ball he was “invited to”, but he doesn’t plan on you catching the eyes of the fellow guests.
Based On This Request -
Anonymous requested - “The first time Reader goes to a masquerade ball and wears a breathtaking dress with Dhawan!Master, and the first time The Master gets jealous of the Reader. (Hello if you’re not too busy you could write this request, thanks and take care)”
Warnings - Me making up aliens/planets, mentions of canon typical violence
Word Count - 2103
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. Requested by a lovely anon on my old Tumblr account. The reader is referred to with gender neutral pronouns, but they are described as being okay with wearing a dress. Also, I think this could be read as either a pre-relationship fic or a pre-established relationship fic, so enjoy however you wish.
You strode out of your room in an excited manner, while dressed in the beautiful outfit that The Master chose for you to wear to the masquerade ball he was “invited to”. You say “invited to” loosely. The Master had hypnotised his way into getting invited by the monarch of one of the most powerful planets in the galaxy he was trying to take over, and he made sure to include a necessary plus one on his invitation. The Master hadn’t been able to take you to any majestically royal locations since the two of you began travelling together, so The Master was incredibly excited about getting to take you to this masquerade ball. However, he also had work to do. So, unfortunately, The Master couldn’t just spend all of his time dancing with you.
You walked into the console room of The Master’s TARDIS with your expensive-looking shoes in your hand. You sat yourself down on a nearby sofa and stared, amazed, at The Master dressed in his equally extravagant outfit while he piloted his beloved ship to the desired destination. It was similar in colour and design to your own dress, making The Master’s intent plainly obvious. You were already aware of The Master’s possessive nature, but the thought of The Master purposefully matching your outfits with each other so everyone who saw the two of you knew that the both of you were together made you laugh. To you, this act was cute, not a silent threat by The Master. Though, killing his ego my calling The Master’s behaviour cute wasn’t on the cards for the day. You knew that this gathering was important for your alien host and his plans.
“You clean up nice. You actually look quite handsome minus the blood, engine grease and soot.” You finished tieing up your fancy shoes and sent a sarcastic wink to The Master. He only rolled his eyes in response. If anyone else said something like that to him, with that attitude, he would have killed them, but you were the beautiful exception.
“I’m going to take what you said as a compliment. However, I think I look quite sexy covered in all of those things. Especially the blood.”
“That remains to be seen. You never let me see you right after you destroyed a planet, remember? The only blood I see you covered in is the blood you missed washing away in the shower.” The Master stopped double and triple checking his plans and looked you up and down. You looked absolutely stunning in the dress he had picked for you; The Master wished that you would wear more clothes that he had picked out for you. However, The Master was growing much more interested in seeing you in nothing whatsoever. Or even seeing you in more intimate clothing he picked out for you. 
“Well, if you promise to not argue about how many innocent people I just killed, then maybe we could have a very interesting night in the future. Maybe even tonight?” The Master smirked at you, but you ignored him.
“Not tonight. You said that you actually have to make these people like you, remember? For your ingenious plan to take over this galaxy’s gem mining and trading industries?” The Master sighed defeatedly. Sometimes he wished to not have to go through with some of his plans, not out of a sudden spark of moral righteousness, but more out of a hatred for social gatherings and nosy people.
“Oh right. That. Don’t get me wrong, I love treating you to the most beautiful of treasures found in this universe, love, but I hate talking to people.” 
The Master bowed his head in stress. Through this plan of his, The Master planned on collecting many precious gems to both save and sell. Then he could take you to beautiful places and get you expensive things without having to steal or manipulate all the time. You also, through the many weeks of The Master planning this outing, had convinced The Master to eventually free the overworked “workers” of the mines once he took over and destroyed them. All of these plans were directly reliant upon The Master successfully integrating himself within the royal court of the Azuuill galaxy. If he wasn’t able to do that, then all of this was a waste.
You bounded up to where The Master was leaning against The TARDIS console. You rubbed his back soothingly and placed your chin on his shoulder.
“But you love manipulating people, and hypnotising them, so just remind yourself that you get to do that while having to suffer through all the schmoozing.”
“I do love those things. You know me so well, my little Human.” The Master peered over at you sentimentally. His eyes flickered down to your lips, but you, unfortunately, didn’t notice.
“Care to escort your date to the court of Azuuill, Master?” You separated yourself from The Master and smiled warmly as you held your hand out for him to take.
“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else, love.” The Master jovially took your hand, and kissed the back of it softly, before leading you out into the alien palace.
The palace and the ballroom were amazing. The whole building was constructed in expensive-looking marble. But a very alien marble; dark navy with rivers of electric blue spiralling through the stone. There were also large pillars everywhere. And there were solid gold vines and leaves snaking around every surface. It looked like something out of a fairy world or a fantasy novel and you were in awe of its beauty.
The Master lead you through seas of people and gestured around wildly gloating about all of the people and their status in the Universe. When you weren’t distracted by the decor of the palace, you saw the eyes of the guests glare at The Master. Though, a glimmer of something unknown would flash across their faces whenever they would catch a glimpse of you. You had no idea what to make of either of their reactions, so you never brought it up to The Master.
The Master, after showing you the entire space of the ballroom, eventually went off to talk to someone important while you relaxed by an open window. Your intent was to catch a short breath because there were tons of people crammed into the dance hall. However, a group of people rushed to talk to you as soon as you were alone. You did talk to the group as a whole for a bit until one of the people asked to dance with you. You agreed, again trying to appear friendly and exuberant for The Master’s sake and for the sake of his plans. 
Once the song ended, you tried to return to your spot by the window in order to wait for The Master, but another person asked to dance with you. With each new song that played throughout the ballroom, a new person would ask to dance with you. You agreed every time, excited about the opportunity to meet various types of alien species and hopefully, the experiences would encourage a business deal with The Master. Eventually, though, you were able to return to the window for a breather. The Master then huffed his way over to you from where he was sulking in a dark corner.
“Why are you so upset?” You asked as he slumped against you.
“Upset! I’m not upset, I’m completely embarrassed. No one is paying attention to me! Their eyes are all on you and I am getting no work done”
“Well, I’m having fun. Why don’t we dance, Master? It might lighten your mood.”
“How about we get some food and drinks first? My anger has made me a bit light-headed.” The Master tapped his forehead four times in a row. You assumed that he did this subconsciously, but you thought that The Master’s Drums were making themselves more annoying by the moment. You went along with The Master’s preference; you loved trying new alien foods and drinks. The Master nodded to you sadly before walking off to get you both some food and you waited patiently for his return by staring out at the interesting landscape of the planet.
You had thought that The Master had returned when you saw someone approach you out of the corner of your eye, but the stranger who stopped before you and stared at you with unblinking eyes was not The Master. They were a tall, extremely thin person with greasy-looking black hair tied in the back to form a low ponytail.
“You are Y/n, aren’t you?” Their voice was slick and dark like ink and, frankly, made you uncomfortable to have to listen to. But you chose to remain polite. You had no idea who the person before you was or if The Master had connections with them and therefore needed to be appeased.
“Yes. May I ask why?”
“I have heard so much about you because of my guests and The Master. You truly are a wonder!” The person smirked at you with a toothy smile. You then recognised who this person was! They were the ruler of this planet and owner of this castle who The Master was talking to earlier in the night.
“Oh! You must be Monarch Alecx Belgoze, the host of this party.”
“Yes, I am.” The monarch looked incredibly smug upon seeing you recognize him, but it might have just been a momentary burst of ego.
“This party is absolutely brilliant. I have never been to a party this extravagant before.” You stated this because it was true. But the monarch to your eagerness as an opportunity to step closer to you, much closer than you expected or were comfortable with. 
“If I were your partner, I would throw a party much grander than this every night in your honour.” You could smell the blackberry wine on their breath. You had no idea how to react to the first part of the monarch’s comment. It was nice to hear such a thing, but you had no interest in the person before you, except to help The Master with his plan. And their forwardness was beginning to worry you. You looked around to the food table in the hope that The Master was there, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Oh, that’s not - Master! Thank you so much for the food.” The Master finally returned to you with the snacks and drinks. But he didn’t come from the direction of the food table. You assumed that he was stalking around the monarch before making a move to save you. The Master looked incredibly upset, but you decided to not question him in front of a stranger. You did that once before and The Master sulked in his room for days after the fact.
“Monarch Belgoze, I thought that you would be dancing.” The Master questioned while placing the alien food and drink on the window sill. You could hear the strain in his voice, he was more upset than initially thought, but you decided to pay more attention to the food you desperately wanted to eat and let The Master deal with the alien encounters.
“Well, I was, but I saw a better dance partner off the dance floor.” The monarch dripped out a response.
“You must be referring to your betrothed? Correct?” The Master retorted snarkily.
“No, they weren’t able to make it tonight, I’m afraid. Anyway! Y/n, are you having a good night?” The alien monarch dramatically cut off The Master and turned his attention back to you, again stepping closer. 
“Yes, I am.” You ventured a warry look at The Master, who looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel.
“May I say that you look absolutely stunning!” The monarch reached a ringed hand out to touch your waist. 
“Oh, thank you! The Master got me this dress actually. He has amazing taste.” You felt incredibly awkward because of the monarch’s actions, but you had no idea what the customs of their planet were. You didn’t want to risk ruining The Master’s plans just because you didn’t understand.
“If you so desired, I would love to take you somewhere … more private…” The monarch leaned incredibly close to your face.
“Okay … Time to go!” The Master grabbed you by the arm and quickly pulled you out of the monarch’s grasp and through the crowd back to The TARDIS.
“But what about the masquerade!” You shouted in a worried tone.
“We can dance later!”
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markeronacomputer · 14 days
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So, I was bored and looking around the ‘net for something to draw, when I found this awesome “draw six characters like this” template on a random Reddit post.
Anyways, even though I had to look up what almost all of these prompts were, I really liked essentially all the potential designs that could come out of them based off of my quick Google searches, so I went ahead and did it!
This whole thing took me a total of NINE HOURS, making it the longest time it’s ever taken me to finish any singular artwork. As you can see, I also finally figured out how to upload images onto canvases on ibisPaint X! THE POWER I NOW WIELD!
(basic rundown of designs under cut)
B-Side Wiggly - Most B-Side designs are basically just “the character but with a different colour scheme and a few new accessories”, at least from what I’ve seen. I don’t know why I chose Tinky’s colour scheme specifically, but I like the mix between blue and gold.
Naturally, as this is a B-Side design, I gave him a microphone for the whole… rapping thing. I also replaced his coral crown with a dollar store paper one, turned the frown on his fur pattern upside-down, and you can’t really see it because of the pose, but he also has Wiley’s dog tag necklace.
Dark World Adam - This was the only form I didn’t look up, but mainly because I knew even if I did, I wouldn’t get much out of it. We haven’t seen enough Dark World designs to be able to see much consistency from them.
The stripes on his horns kinda looking like an Imp’s (and being pieced with jewels because if his horns were real he’d totally do that) and his wings being more demon-y was intentional, but him kinda dressing like Toriel wasn’t. I just thought his robe being dark purple with flames on the sleeves and the Delta Rune on his chest would be fitting- a complete coincidence, but a fairly fitting one nonetheless!
Tainted Tozu - This one’s kind of a bastardisation of Tainted forms, because all I did was look it up once and go, “Ah, yes. I have to make one of my favourite characters look like a character from a bad creepypasta with some shoehorned-in religious symbolism.”
Naturally, Tozu was the only fitting option for that. I gave his mask a black half to call back to his OG design, turned his fake horns into real horns, and turned the X on his cape into a real X made of blood. I also went ABSOLUTELY HARD on making his eye look as creepy as possible without overdoing it- I think I did well!
Shimmering Pomni - Now, I didn’t technically need to look this one up, but I haven’t touched Terraria in a while so I needed a recap on what exactly Shimmer forms looked like. I was surprised to see that a fair bunch of them are actually references to various other games- with that, I was left with only one option.
Gave her cape a star design on its interior… mainly because it looked good, but also because the Star Cloak exists, and no matter how subtle it was, I needed to throw some Terraria stuff in there SOMEHOW. Hence the presence of the little magical girl stars around her: no matter how much of a Deltarune reference it seems, it’s still a Shimmer design at heart.
Moonbound Mind - Looked up what exactly a Moonbound design was only to quickly see that they are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME holy fuck I love this aesthetic???
Naturally, there was noone more fitting for a Moonbound Design than… the Sun. What, did you think I’d say Heart? Gave him a nice little royal design (he’s the ruler of everything in the end~) …and I don’t know why I made that moss so sparkly, but. It looks good. I like sparkly things, alright?!
Mirror Dimension Myke - That’ll only make sense to people who have been following me for the past few months, but that’s right! Myke’s a Visitant in the Mirror Dimension! A fairly sadistic and hostile Visitant, but… hey, it’s Myke, what were you expecting?
I chose the Mirror Dimension specifically for this free space… pretty much because I wanted another excuse to talk about it. The thought process behind his design was basically just “make him look like a really cool superhero”, fitting for a defender of the truth such as himself.
The visor was inspired by Peridot from Steven Universe, what with the similar colour schemes they have, and… hey- hey Myke, THE TEMPLATE! STAY INSIDE THE TEMPLATE, FOR FUCK’S SAKE!
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 8 months
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            Taking over from her Abuela came naturally. It was the role she didn’t know she was born to fill until she was living it. This time around however, she properly sets up schedules that fits everyone’s needs. Being so involved with everyone else’s lives, Mirabel often doesn’t notice her own needs; this is where Leonardo comes in. Leo looks after her blind spots and makes sure she is looking after herself while she looks after the town. I imagine in the colour scheme of the Madrigals; Mirabel carries on the green theme from Bruno, and this extends to her husband and three children. I love that she is green and white whilst Leo is green and black, trying to show that they are complimentary to each other. Mirabel inherited the chatelaine from Alma. Whilst Abuela had the mountains designs on her dress, Mirabel’s skirt has the opened mountains. They also kind of look like M’s which could be for Mirabel or Madrigal.
            After living most of his life alone, Leonardo welcomes the chaos that comes with a large family like the Madrigals. Leonardo serves as an ambassador of the outside world and guardian to the magic. He becomes vital in the development of trade routes to local towns. Leonardo is blunt and will often do what needs to be done even if doing so raises eyebrows. (Random house needs a roof tile repaired? He just gets up on that roof and fixes it without telling the family) He protects Mirabel from her blind spots, which is usually her inability to see people’s true motives when she only sees the best in people. Leonardo spoils his children, having worked since the age of five he makes sure that his triplets get the best of everything that he never had.
            The townspeople are sure that Mariposa bears the soul of the late Dona Madrigal. Her gift of angel wings made of light all but confirmed it to them. Mariposa doesn’t see it this way. The shy and insecure girl feels there is an expectation of wisdom and guidance wanted from her that she doesn’t yet possess. She feels she could get to that point someday, if only she could figure out how to fly first. The specific green I chose for her is laurel green to boost her “angelic’ character. Leonardo calls her Palomita which means Little Dove. Her symbols are wings.
            Nothing gets past Beatriz; she sees all and knows all. She’s can talk for hours about anything, and she will tell you about every detail from the colour of the paint on the walls to what shoes people were wearing. She was gifted with super sight, she can see at great distances, see slight movements and she can see in the dark. Her glasses actually dull her gift so that she can focus on what is in front of her. The green that I chose for Beatriz is ‘cat eye green’ because of her gift. She looks up to her Tia Isabela and wants to be her when she grows up. The shapes on her outfit are supposed to be eye shapes and some inspiration for the colours were from Mirabel concept art.
            Hugo is a calming presence. He is content with sitting back and observing whilst everyone rushes through life around him. He is a patient soul and spends his time learning the different crafts his family knows. He likes to fix things rather than throw them away, so he tends to keep a lot of broken things around for later. The miracle gifted him with hugs that bring serenity. The green I chose for him is aquamarine as the gemstone is often associated with stress relief and peace.
If you have any questions about the characters, ask away!
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gregoftom · 8 months
Thinking about tomgreg getting married,, and I'm in my feelings!! They'd both be so excited! And they'd choose a spring date and some pretty but small venue, invite just family and friends and a small exclusive number of colleagues and associates and the atmosphere would be so lovely and joyful! There's a part of Tom that would want it to be a huge affair, he wants everyone to see them happy and succeeding - but I think in the end they'd decide to keep it small and cozy.
They'd go traditional and not see each other on the day before they see each other at the altar, so Tom gets ready on his own, with his mom doing his hair and bowtie for him. She'd tell him she's so happy for him and that she and Tom's dad love Greg - because it's so obvious Greg adores Tom. It makes them so happy to see their boy finally in a good relationship where they know he's loved ;-;
Tom was mainly in charge of planning but he and Greg chose the colour scheme together, it's all blues and silvers to go with their rings - which go with Greg's eyes because Tom is the biggest sap and so in love - so Tom's tux is a gorgeous deep navy. And he looks so fucking hot in that thing
And Tom would be dying to see Greg because even if it's just half a day, it's a long time to be apart from his Sporus - and besides, he wants to see how Greg looks. Tom offered to buy him a suit, of course he did, but Greg refused because he wanted to surprise Tom for once! So Greg is elsewhere getting ready with like Willa maybe? And they're swapping wedding preparation stories and honeymoon plans and she tucks a white rose in his lapel.. maybe dusts just a little bit of shimmering highlighter on his cheekbones and around his eyes because. It's his wedding and if he wants to be pretty for Tom he absolutely should!!
So when it's finally time, Greg's freaking out and basically vibrating out of his skin with excitement and nerves - his mom pulls him way down to kiss his cheek and whisper He's got this and he's making a good choice for once - and she walks him down the aisle
Tom's there waiting with the pastor and the Fly guys as his best men (I need them to be close friends again okay, Tom deserves to have bros) and he sees Greg walking toward him and. He can't believe it's actually real. They agreed on Navy but Greg's gone off script and his tux jacket is pure white. Subtly embroidered, bowtie and pants blue to complement Tom, his inky hair styled so it falls over his forehead in a soft swoop, his eyes sparkling - and he smiles so wide when he sees Tom, practically making his mom jog with how fast he's walking - and he's the prettiest thing Tom's ever seen. They both know there's nothing pure or virginal about Greg at this point but Tom loves how Greg looks in the white, can barely resist pulling him into a kiss immediately :')
They hold hands so tigtly and the priest starts the ceremony and from the corner of his eye Tom can see Greg doing this little rocking back and forth thing because he's impatient - and Tom can feel tears filling his eyes because. Here is this beautiful, sweet, goofy and absolutely perfect man, and he's so impatient, he can't wait to say I do, he can't wait to be allowed to kiss Tom and to officially and legally be Tom's?? How the fuck did Tom get so lucky???
And yeah then they do the vows, something subtly hinting at the Nero and Sporus thing, and then they have their happily ever after!! ;-;
waaahg yes omg 🥺 love this so much. they would abso get married like that’s just the Truth and this is perfect i thank you 🙏
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katrina37973 · 2 months
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My Celegorm/Tyelkormo designs! I did a front facing head design for all of the Feanorian members, and so the one you see is the design I chose for Celegorm with a few scars and his ‘fair hair’ being blondish. In my eyes, his hair is more silver in moonlight and darkness while with the sun up and about or in rooms with warm light, it looks more blonde, hence the term ‘fair’.
It’s all very rough but I think I like the colour scheme going on, minus the colour of the armour. I have a head cannon that Celegorm prefers walking/travelling barefoot and that he also uses javelins before going upfront and personal, using his sword or bare/armoured fists. He also prefers hard leather armour over metal ones however since it’s impractical and could cost him his life, this preference goes pretty much unnoticed.
I went in with the idea that he has a very asymmetrical design, an off shoulder cape that’s fur lined and camouflages against the terrain, he has many cloaks in different colours such as darker browns and greens, and red for special occasions, such as when making a stand with his family. He, in the first design (that I cleaned up a bit) also has quivers for his javelins and arrows, both worn on the side of the hip and also an extra quiver of arrows on his back so he can easily draw an arrow in matter the situation. He might be hot headed, but you can’t say he’s never prepared (Oromë taught him). On his right side (our left) he has a fighting dagger and his left side (our right) he has a leather pouch containing vials and herbs etc. for poison and healing (healing herbs can become poison in too much doses after all!) Throwing knives are hidden under clothing or in his boots.
When he is making a stand with his family, he switches to a more symmetrical design (second figure), with more armour and more suited for up close or middle ranged combat. He ditches the quivers and takes up a sword and dagger, he leaves the shields for his more cautious or less battle inclined brothers (aka Curufin and Maedhros but since Mae is a leader, he plays into the expectation of no shield; tell me if you want more of my headcannons). In these situation he often wears a Feanorian red cloak that isn’t long, probably waist high at most.
I also headcannon that he ties his hair back in war braids (there was a lovely AO3 fanfic that dove into the changing hairstyles from the first age up to I think the third age. I can’t find it but I’m pretty sure they posted it on Tumblr too).
I think that’s it, if you guys want to see the portraits for the other members, feel free to ask! Or if you want more of my head cannons that too. Also, please answer the poll if you can.
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
i CANNOT stop thinking about drago's tormpentipede dragon arm. its such a cool/badass idea that also kinda leans into body horror for me and i definitely want to explore this more in fanfiction
i think it could be non-creepy if it were a cute dragon but im of course imagining something that looks at least something like a centipede. basically something with a face not unlike a silkspanner (maybe less round and more flattened) but in a warm colour scheme and an elongated body and creepy crawly legs.
the fact that theyre parasitic makes it somehow both ambiguously heartwarming and creepy. this dragon chose to attatch itself to drago and act as his arm...but was it doing that out of a desire to help him or was it simply looking for a host and carrying out its usual function, which includes mimicking the emotion and will of said host? does drago accept the connection because he's desperate? does he feel anything for the dragon other than satisfaction at its obedience? is he arrogant and proud, believing that the connection between them is evidence of his triumph of will over yet another dragon? and is drago becoming more dragonlike as well, without even realizing it (or perhaps, with horror, being keenly aware)? just as his desires and mannerisms take over the tormentipede's body, do those of the dragon overtake him as well? where does man end and dragon begin?
does the tormentipede's body gets hot, especially when it shoots fire? does it cause drago pain? can the connection between them become so strong that he feels through the dragon? can the tormentipede easily detach itself so they can separate if needed, or does the connection involve some sort of painful latching on process? does the connection between their bodies fuse at all over time, so that their flesh is somewhat or entirely melded together? is there a blurred section of shoulder where what was once clearly defined skin and exoskeleton/scales has become a slurry of both? where does man end and dragon begin? ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
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