#i need bright orange claws that glow in the dark is that too much to ask
muppetcube · 3 months
Where can a butch find a femme to teach hir how to paint hir nails properly
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leviiackrman · 1 year
I was tagged by the ever so wonderful @corvosattano to use this uquiz for some babies, thank you sm macy! Feels like forever since I’ve done one of these!!
Tagging: @chuckhansen @roofgeese @simonxriley @sstewyhosseini @risingsh0t @denerims @florbelles @unholymilf @liurnia @noonfaerie @arthrmorgann @benningsthing @baldurrs @jinfromyarikawa @marivenah @confidentandgood @indorilnerevarine @phillipsgraves @jendoe @shellibisshe @malefiicarum @shadowglens + @fenharel
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Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too
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Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you
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Sweet tasting popsicles, summer dresses and shielding your eyes from the sun. Your love is the excitement of something brewing, something growing. It's the almost childish bubbling giggles of something new, but with the potential to stay. It's wide smiles, blinding sunny light and warm bodies that gravitate to one another. It's the the softness, the willingness, the slight holding of breaths in a crucial "what if" moment. It's the impatience too. The bouncing on tiptoes to see further than your eyes can reach, the holding out for a future that never seems to come even though you're ready, you're so so so ready. It's the constant feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, holding out for the crashing waves. And still you wait, dry and impatient and with burnt soles of feet. Your love is sour candy, enjoying it as your nose scrunches up from the aftertaste of it. It's hands that grab and take hold, that reach and ask them to stay and hope and beg and wait. It's bubbling excitement sure, but it's also demanding, focused, driven. It's love like a plan, with a path and route and a clear destination. And you bonce on your tiptoes, and burning, waiting for the soothing water, the crashing waves, you hold onto the melting popsicle, you wait and wait and wait. It's tiring almost as much as it's lazer focused ambition, deeply rooted desire and the unrelenting hope that it will work, that it will come. And it does, I promise it does. The waves crash, the beach floods and the pain passes, the water cool and soothing and you can let yourself fall in, sinking, sinking. And it's good, it's perfect, what you were hoping and more, holding and embracing you and welcoming you into the stillness you always knew you were reaching for
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Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you
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jumpingjollyrancher · 2 months
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It’s a late night question at first; one of those that come out easier in the dark where forms are vague and undefined. Everything is a secret, whispered and safe to speak.
“What would you do if I was gone?”
Apollo is lying against his side, curled close and near limp with sleep. He stiffens slightly and his head turns. “I wouldn’t let you.” He says it like it’s obvious.
Sindri holds his gaze. “If you couldn’t. If I was across the world and was already gone, what would you do?”
“That’s a horrible question.” Apollo frowns at him then looks away. “It doesn’t matter, because I won’t let it happen. I won’t entertain the thought.”
A hand lifted to rest between his ears is a silent apology. Apollo relaxes under the touch and soon enough is asleep. Sindri stays awake, staring up toward the ceiling. Apollo doesn’t want to entertain the thought, but Sindri knows the truth.
Apollo could survive losing him. If he lost Apollo, there would be no future. He would become a thing of feathers and claws and blood. He’d be a beast whose greatest mercy would be death.
When they start losing friends, Sindri knows it’s time.
Apollo won’t let the twins go alone. He’s about to move when Sindri grabs his shoulder tightly. They all look at him. Sindri says nothing. He lifts the chain around his neck and snaps it. He’s left with the ring and the stone. He holds them out to Apollo.
Shocked, Apollo takes them in his hand. “Wait,” Sindri chokes out. He takes back the ring and smiles slightly. “Mine.”
“This is yours,” Apollo says, voice cracking. “You’ll need it. Hydaelyn’s spel-.”
Sindri shakes his head and pulls Apollo a step further from the twins. “No.” He leans forward and presses their foreheads together. Their hands are too full, so he forces himself to speak the words aloud. “Not without you, not ever. I will not survive.”
Apollo’s shaking, but his fingers clench tight around the bright orange stone. “It won’t work for me,” he argues. “I’m not one of them.”
“You’re better.” Sindri kisses his forehead. He doesn’t say the other words. They’ve said them for years in a hundred different ways. Apollo knows. Sindri knows. They’ll carry them with them.
He steps back, hand slightly out to keep Apollo back. He’s crying which is the worst. But better this than the alternative. Sindri turns and finds a spot with the twins. He nods to them. Alisaie takes his hand, squeezing the ring between their fingers. Alphinaud takes the other, a slight shake to his hand.
Her choking, overwhelming loneliness takes them away.
Alone at the end of the universe, Apollo clenches his hand around the stone of Azem. Myth and legend, history and legacy, none of it his own. He presses it to his heart. He looks up and marches forward.
At the end of the end, a lost soul offers to free him of misery. Apollo hears her out. Her lamentations have lasted centuries and he has always been a good listener. But when she finishes, he shakes his head. “No.”
He looks down at the stone, marked for the sun in all its pull and power. Please let this work.
Apollo touches a finger to the stone and let's his aether grow. He pours it into the stone, desperate for it to respond. You're his, I know, but please answer this prayer of mine.
It takes his aether, bottomless in how much he can give it. It does nothing; it glows softly in his hand. It doesn't shine for him. It's not going to work.
Yes it is! Apollo grinds his teeth together and throws everything he has at the stone and its hidden magics. Aether ripples off of him in burning waves. He opens every gate, makes himself a conduit between himself and the stars all around them. 
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His fingers clench around the stone hard enough to cut on its faceted edges. If blood wells under his gloves, he does not notice. The burn of raw aether consumes him. His hands glow white with heat; it seeks every exit from his skin. Smoke blows off him, mixing with the high mountain wind.
At the end of the wick when a candle flares with its last light, Azem's spell circle explodes outward. Figures are already there black robed and impossible. Listing to the side, imminently headed for the ground, Apollo manages to find his words. “Bring him back,” he orders. “Bring them all back.”
A snap echoes through the darkness.
Sindri is in a field of flowers. 
Half-hidden by their glow is a familiar shape, collapsed right at their heart.
“Apollo!” It tears out of his throat, the cry of the wounded begging for mercy. Sindri runs through the ethereal blooms, the scent of smoke thick in his nose.
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He's on his knees without commanding his body to be so. He prays to no one. He's supposed to answer prayers and he cannot answer this one. Sindri extends a shaking hand, hoping despite it all.
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A sliver of blue, Apollo's eyes just barely open. “Welcome back, my love…” He smiles. Aether burns spread from his eyes, from the corners of his mouth. So very gently, Sindri cups the side of his head. Apollo turns into it and sighs. “I told you,” he says, slowly. “I wouldn't let you.”
There are no words left in him. Sindri nods and carefully pulls Apollo into his arms. Hurried footsteps approach, healing arts sparkling at fingertips. Sindri holds him, Azem's stone cupped between their hands.
wolship week day 3: Alternate Universe
wherein Sindri is the warrior of light and Apollo his companion
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octahedral-chaos · 4 months
Binary Stars' Impact: AKA have a random drabble based on a Worldless × Genshin Crossover Idea I had.
@arandompeep this is based off our conversation we had... and I had to write a little thingy based on this, so I hope you enjoy!
She's still alive?
Disoriented, Edda glanced around, noting how... bright this place was. Even if it was somewhat dark, she could still tell that it was much more colourful than all the places she's been to. She also noticed that there was no eye watching from above, were They dead? How long has it been both her and Aven's battle with that god? Instead, she noticed a small, silver crescent-shaped thing in the sky.
She got up, still a bit disoriented and looked around, she seemed to be in some sort of field near a cliff, with a giant tree directly in front of said cliff. This... didn't really looked like any place she knew, and the last thing she remembered was fighting They with Aven. Wait...
Aven! Where was he? She remembered watching him sacrificing himself to save her, yet she still couldn't believe that he's mostly likely dead. She looked around, looking for any fluttering scarf or a clawed hand, anything. But she couldn't see anything. Defeated, she slumped to the floor with a sign, she didn't want to be alone here! She doesn't even know what this place is, nor the danger that lurks here, There could be things that could very well kill her!
Then she heard a very faint, yet familiar, chirp.
A bit startled, she glanced around, trying to find the source of the sound, then she noticed a dim orange glow near the gigantic tree. A bit relieved yet confused, she carefully walked towards the tree. It was a bit of a trek, but she managed to get there rather quickly.
It was Aven! Albeit he looked to be in pretty bad shape, lying in a fetal position and some orange sparks still appearing from the area he was stabbed. She tried to walk towards him as quietly as possibly, before chirping. He looked towards her, stiff and weak, before letting out a soft, hoarse chirp. Okay, he's not in any shape to be able to stand up or even walk with his injury. So Edda decided on the second best thing, maybe she could set camp here, since they're both safe from the weather due to the tree, and there's most likely stuff for making a campfire here too.
So she went out to collect stones and sticks, making sure to not stray too far from Aven, she didn't want anything sneaking up on neither Aven nor herself, and she definitely didn't want anything to hurt him. After a surprising successful trip (Turns out if the stones and sticks are a different colour from the grass, they're much easier to find), she immediately started preparing the campfire.
While placing the sticks in the ring of stones, Aven chirped again. "What's wrong?" She chirped in reply. "Nothing much," he replied, "Just a bit freaked out about this place, and still in a bit of pain." "Well, at least we have each other," Edda chirped, placing the final sticks into the campfire, "Even in unfamiliar lands, we won't be separated and I will try to find help if you need it." Aven gave a soft chuckle, before chirping, "You're still as determined as always, and that made me feel a bit better. Thank you." "You're welcome," she chirped in replied, finally starting the fire, "I'll stand guard to make sure there's no threats, you can rest for tonight. You're injured, so please don't do anything dumb if I do accidentally fall asleep." "Alright, alright!" He laughed a bit, "I'll fall asleep. Good night."
With that, he curled up, stab wound still sparking slightly. Granted, he already looks a lot better now, but she won't risk him trying to walk with that sort of injury still. Edda stared at him for a moment, before turning her gaze towards the campfire, before finally looking out at the scenery. This place was oddly beautiful, the grasses and trees were swaying gently in the wind, and the unfamiliar sky sparkles with dots of light. There's also the quiet chirping of some sort of creature, and some vaguely void butterfly-like creatures glowing a soft cyan. It almost reminded her of home, but that feels to far away now, so she should try to focus on the present. So she looked out into the beyond for the night, watching for danger as her only friend rests in an unfamiliar world.
Although, it did seemed as if she did fell asleep, as next thing she knew, she was hearing the sounding of Aven's fire abilities, clanking of metal and yelling. Startled, she got up and was immediately greeted by the sight of a bunch of weird creatures trying to attack Aven, while Aven is desperately trying to defend himself using his fire skills and claws. She quickly summoned her sword and shield, and darted towards the floating, red-and-black creature with the pointy face. It yelled something in an oddly watery-sounding voice, before summoning a sphere that is almost certainly a shield. Of course, she guessed what to do and decided on one option: Use her ice abilities, and the moment that shield goes down, use her sword and all other attacks to get rid of that one quickly, especially since it seemed to be the one in charged.
She summoned a brush of Frost aimed at that creature, catching it off-guard and almost instantly breaking its shield, before almost finishing it off with a few blows from her sword. Of course, she tried to use her absorption skill on it as usual. Except... nothing happened. That's weird, maybe she wasn't focusing enough? She tried again, but it also didn't work. Okay, seems like creatures from this world can't be absorbed. So she decided to finish it off for good using her lightning skill.
One down, at least 5 more to go.
She then turned her attention towards the maned, brown creatures without faces. They seemed to have a lot of weapons, including axes, bows and weird... red blob things? Okay, she was in a unfamiliar world so she should had expected that... but still. She immediately targeted the blob throwing ones, as they seemed the most dangerous out of the bunch. With a lot of ice attacks, sword slashes and arrows, she managed to take them down one at a time, while Aven himself also use his fire, wind and claws attacks to prevent them from getting to close.
Then right as she was about to finish off one of the blob-throwers, a large, almost vortex-like gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, sending her flying into the tree. Great.
They noticed the creatures immediately turned their attention to whatever (or whoever) created said vortex and before they knew it, all they could see within the frenzy was blades seemingly made from cyan energy, bursts of water and a black and purple bird seemingly able to conduct electricity.
And as suddenly as it happened, it stopped. Edda looked to where the commotion was, and there were four figure, all seemingly wearing something covering almost their entire bodies and definitely not shapes, unlike Aven and herself. They seemed to be discussing something, and seemed to be pointing at the sky, before pointing towards the cliffs she woke up at. Ah great, they managed to get the locals attention!
She stared at the strange beings for a second, before cautiously walking out from the tree's shade and giving a soft chirp. The beings all proceeded to stare right at her, their... eyes being rather confused and shocked? They looks so much like her kind yet are so different at the same time it's almost... scary. Neither party haven't moved nor spoke, only staring at each other for a very long time. It's only when Aven made a rather curious yet stressed chirped was Edda's attention drawn to him, and the beings finally said something.
"There's two of them?!" The one with light yellow hair shouted, that one reminds her of Aven, especially in appearance. Wait no, that's not the one with the light hair. Instead, it's a extremely small, floating being with a halo on their head, their voice extremely high-pitched and squeaky, "You know, didn't Katheryne and Jean mentioned that there were two meteors a few nights ago that were blue and orange?"
Wait... they've both been in this place for a few days?! How did nothing happened to either of them?
The one with long, light yellow hair and dark cloth-things, walked towards her, before they bowed and spoke, "I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, welcome you. Are you two travellers from another world? If so, tell us what to call you." "She means 'hello, can you tell us who you are?', if you couldn't tell," the black-and-purple bird translated with one wing pointed at "Fischl." She stared all of them for a moment, wondering if they could understand her, before chirping, "My name is Edda."
"Tsk, it can't talk," said the one with the large cyan hat, with arms folded, "Are you even sure that these two are the weird meteors people have seen?" "Shut it! They could possibly understand us!" The one with two different eye shades barked. Of course, she can understand them, it's just that there's a very big language barrier, and it's definitely one-sided.
Aven, who was clutching his chest and panting slightly, seemed to perked up a bit as the strangers talk about them. He stared at them for a moment, before getting an idea: Since they can "talk" to the ancients easily even though there's a somewhat difficult language barrier via "mind talking", he could theoretically use it on them... although that could freak them out a bit.
So gathering all his courage and energy, he chirped, "Her name is Edda, and we CAN understand you!"
Everyone went dead silent, Edda staring at him in confusion and the strangers seemingly a bit startled. The small floating one was the first to break the silence, "You... can talk?" "Yes, I can," he replied, leaning against the tree and checking if he accidentally made his wound worse, "Edda could as well, but I guess it might be a bit scary, considering that it's like you suddenly hear a strange voice inside your head, and it's not yours."
"Okay... so... What's your name?" The floating one continued, floating a bit closer to them. "I'm Aven," he replied, "Of course, Edda is the one that's standing in front of you. Who are you?"
The little being floated back to the group before introducing themself, "This is Paimon!" She then points to the others, "That's Aether, Fischl, Furina and Wanderer." The blue hat one, named Wanderer, then commented, "So... you're the only one that can talk here or can 'Edda' also talk? Plus, you can call me anything you want, just don't disappoint me." The way he phrased that made Aven tensed up a little bit, but granted, they all seemed to be pretty good people, so maybe 'Wanderer' is a little blunt.
He chirped to Edda, "They can understand us if we mind-talk to them." She nodded, before introducing herself, "I am Edda, and it's nice to meet all of you." Aven could tell that she cringed a little bit at the last part, but at least that's a start?
Paimon waved at them, before talking, "If you'll like, we can carry you to Mondstadt so you can rest and we can help Aven!" Edda was a bit glad that they caught on to Aven's injury, but she didn't know if she could risk accidentally causing further damage to him while carrying him. "That sounds nice... how far is it though?"
"It's not too far from here!" Paimon chimed, "In fact, it's a very straightforward trip: you only have to travel Northwest. Although if you'll like, we can show you the path!" Edda thought about it for a moment, before chiming back, "Okay, I guess we'll go with you. Every one of you seem to know this land well, so I trust all of you that there would be not much danger, especially since my friend here is injured."
"Don't worry! We all have it covered!" Paimon beamed, Edda could get used to her squeaky voice, she seemed to be rather excited for everything. Edda walked towards Aven, before chirping, "Aven, I know this would be a but awkward, but I might have to carry you all the way to Mondstadt. Would that be okay?" "Of course, if it means help, then I'm in!" He replied.
With a sign, she hefted Aven onto her shoulder, before turning around and chirping, "Okay, we're ready." As they trekked to the city with their new companions, Edda couldn't help but be thankful that even in a scary world that's nothing like her homeland, she still have her friend, Aven, and people who would gladly help them even if they seemed strange compared to them.
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duckapus · 7 months
(Follow-up from this) (now edited to get the right Program)
Worm grins wickedly as he feels the sensor flags he set up activate. It's time to properly begin Phase 1, "Garyboy, come with me. We've got a cat to catch."
The eggplant nods, standing up to follow him.
"Mira, I have a job for you as well."
She looks up from what she was doing, "Yeah, boss?"
"It's absolutely vital that you keep Antivirus distracted and away from my position until I signal you. After that, lure him here."
She smirks and starts stretching for a run, "Lead the old man around again? No problem."
As he leaves, he pauses for one last instruction, "and do make sure miss Rose doesn't distract you again. I'd prefer not to repeat my lesson from last time."
She winces and rubs her arm, which still has a dull ache from "last time." It's a good thing she wears a jacket so she won't have to look at it.
"Got it, boss."
Not that he'd admit it, but Overseer is a bit antsy after Blotch heads out today. It'll be fine, he tries telling himself as he checks his messages again, they travel like this all the time without any problems, so what are the odds that this is the day she runs into trouble, just because there's some unrest in a universe they didn't even go to.
Eventually, he manages to go back to work, and a little while later, right on time, he gets the message and lets the relief wash over him...only to be snatched away entirely and replaced with cold fear when he reads it.
???: You might want to come pick up your cat.
He trembles with fear and rage, before tearing open a portal and making a beeline for his friend's location. A few far-too-long-seconds later he lands in a residential Program server, one designed as a dark, rainy film noir city. Quicker than anyone who may be nearby can detect, he shifts his cloak into an equally obscuring hat and trenchcoat, darkening the shade of green so it could be mistaken for grey in the city's long shadows. Inconspicuous once more, he follows the signal to an alley. There, he finds his target, a virus of unknown make and origin, their bright orange body nearly blinding against the monochrome setting even while veiled by shadow.
"Ah, a prompt response. I'm impressed."
"Where is she?"
"And right to the point, too." The virus smirks, then uses his much larger (and strangely familiar) right claw to signal to someone.
His accomplice jumps down from the roof, revealed to be, of all things, a human-sized eggplant with a face in a strange green and red outfit. For some reason, his code is extremely similar to the outdated Hydra strain of viruses, which probably explains the reptilian eyes. Most unusual are the black plungers on either side of his head, one of which is attached to a thick cord that's coiled like a serpent around-
"Blotch!" Overseer makes to attack, but-
"I'd advise against that." As the orange virus says this, the eggplant tugs on Blotch's program bracelet using some form of hand-like telekinesis, similar to a Goomba or Bob-omb.
"Now, shall we get down to business?"
His eyes narrow, not that either of them can see it.
"Excellent. First, introductions. I am Worm-yes, that Worm, the tales of my death were slightly exaggerated-and my associate here is called Garyboy. Not the most imposing title, I'm aware."
Under any other circumstances he'd be ecstatic to have found an apparently-living legend like the Worm, but right now he'd just like to get to the point. "What do you want with us?"
Worm grins, "In the long run, Power. Absolute, all-encompassing Power. But, that's a ways off. For now..." he tosses out a small diamond-shaped object, which projects a glowing blue circle onto the ground between them, "I simply need you to step into the circle."
Based on the readings he's getting from what is clearly a containment program, once he goes in there he won't be getting out under his own power. He briefly glances over at his friend, processors whirring.
"And don't get any ideas. While I'm sure normally they'd be tough enough to withstand the few seconds it would take for you to beat us and get her to safety, they appear to be a little under the weather at the moment."
He curses mentally as he takes a second look and realizes Worm's right. Clearly, Garyboy's retained the potent venom of his previous Hydra form, because that level of malware infection would be a death sentence for even some weaker programs, let alone an NPC. Until the venom wears off, the moment that bracelet is off there won't even be a Blotch to save.
With one last cold glare, he steps into the containment program.
"Good choice," he says as he opens up a portal, "now, let me show you where you'll both be staying for a while..."
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bloodofthefates · 2 months
what color does your love feel like?
warm burnt orange \\ nuala
Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending; the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kind of great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness: all about a broken heart that refuses to quit & all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warmth & a soft glowing light; all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain & being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter & almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves & make them. And gods, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up & let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes & the sky turn dark & let love die down & watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us; so you pick up the pieces & you keep going. You keep believing & you keep your heart full of hope because some day... Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset & you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because gods, how do I wish you finally get it too.
soft fresh green \\ cerridwen Nice breeze, bare feet & freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still; it's laying on the grass & feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side & they look back at you, full of hope & plans too. You plan together & laugh all day & your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun & smiling, & running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes & feel the sun on your skin & convince yourself that the sunburn is good; it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet & wonderful & it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter & keep making plans. I can only thank you & hope I can learn to love like you someday...
deep staining red \\ nesta Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers & a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood; beautiful, flawed & twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love & loving with big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you; clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy; it's a true bloody mess, dripping & staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen. To be felt. To be loved back. & You, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping & bleeding & dripping with blood & tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures & writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them & you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving; keep your heart beating, keep your love coming & paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red & loved & beautiful just like you.
tagged by: @homebehind tagging: @ircnwrought / @starseternelle, @loath3d & anyone who would like to!
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fankhx-invasion · 1 year
Full Moon
Once again many thanks to @mangowritesstuff for helping to edit, add content, and advise on these! Also apologize for the late releases, I'm very rusty with my writing nowadays ^^
┍—————- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ ——————┑
Your breath came out in soft puffs, creating little whispy clouds of vapor around your mouth like trails of smoke, taking a stroll through the path in the woods that night wasnt something you had initially planned on doing. Your nose and fingers went numb from the frigid, December weather, in a vain attempt to retain some warmth, you shoved your hands deep into the pockets of your jacket. Home wasn't that far, but you couldn't return just yet. The moon tonight was gorgeous, looking bright and full, illuminating the dense foliage in an ethereal glow. You felt at absolute peace under its cosmic gaze upon the earth, stopping to lean against a tree and pull out a lighter and cigarette from the back of your jeans.
You sniffed the air, humming at the faint metallic scent slowly getting stronger, and the familiar huffing that got louder behind you.
"Is that my good boy?" you gently crooned out, glancing to your left side.
A large snout bumps into the side of your neck, the beast whimpering. It was almost seven feet tall, resembling that of a fox, claws and face wet with fresh blood, eyes glowing bright orange in the dark.
You tsked gently, turning to face the large creature, running a hand up to one ear and scratching the back of it.
"My poor reynard, I bet you're exhausted, hm?"
It only responded with another whine, leaning into your hand for more comfort. Of course it was exhausted after the hunt; its adrenaline was running out as the moon's power waned. The beast was ready to return home and rest all of the next day away.
You dropped your cigarette down, letting it extinguish under the heel of your boot into the ground below.
"Let's get you home, foxy. You're gonna need a long nap tonight. I'll get you nice and cleaned up."
It followed silently behind, tail dragging along a few loose leaves, pine needles, and the other forest floor debris. You managed to persuade the oversized fox to continue moving with soft coos and gentle pets, eventually helping it get through the back door of the small house you lived in.
As soon as you both slip through the back, you lock the door and draw the curtains over, listening to the creature behind whimper and collapse down to the floor. Limbs moved around, bones popped, until the mass of fur left behind a small human figure with fluffy, dark ringlets of hair, the soft ears, and a long, bushy tail.
You lean down to help him stand and gradually step towards the bathroom.
"..'M so sorry.." His voice was scratchy and rough.
"Don't apologize, you know I never mind caring for you."
As soon as he stepped into the tub, hot water running, you started wiping his face and hands of the blood, watching the water turn a very light shade of red. His dark, Italian eyes were intently focused on you.
Eric could barely remember what all he had done; the massacre that took place every night of prey much larger than the rabbits you would lie to him about. You knew he was innocent for the bloodshed, that everything he had done was never intentional, coming from a place of animalistic urges he never had control over. You never had the heart to tell him that the news headlines about missing people were his fault. He was gentle and sweet, his little grin and happy tail wags could make any room brighter, as if he were a ball of pure sunshine. You couldn't bear with the idea of letting him live with the guilt of countless deaths that were on his hands. You made sure he would never know. You made sure the police could never trace him too, messing up any visible prints, picking up his ragged clothing, and washing him of all the evidence left on his skin.
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ladyoriza · 1 year
@josephseedismyfather tagged me in this uquiz yesterday and now I am home and can do it! i think most everyone's gotten to this one but if you haven't, reading this counts as being tagged.
What Color Does Your Love Feel Like?
Fauna Lamb-Seed and Carmina Rye soft fresh green Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
Hannah Lamb and Staci Pratt warm burnt orange Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
Hannah Lamb and Joseph Seed deep staining red Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Samantha Toren and Max DeSoto dark stormy blue Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
Roz Ashford and Ulysses bright sunny yellow Sweet tasting popsicles, summer dresses and shielding your eyes from the sun. Your love is the excitement of something brewing, something growing. It's the almost childish bubbling giggles of something new, but with the potential to stay. It's wide smiles, blinding sunny light and warm bodies that gravitate to one another. It's the the softness, the willingness, the slight holding of breaths in a crucial "what if" moment. It's the impatience too. The bouncing on tiptoes to see further than your eyes can reach, the holding out for a future that never seems to come even though you're ready, you're so so so ready. It's the constant feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, holding out for the crashing waves. And still you wait, dry and impatient and with burnt soles of feet. Your love is sour candy, enjoying it as your nose scrunches up from the aftertaste of it. It's hands that grab and take hold, that reach and ask them to stay and hope and beg and wait. It's bubbling excitement sure, but it's also demanding, focused, driven. It's love like a plan, with a path and route and a clear destination. And you bonce on your tiptoes, and burning, waiting for the soothing water, the crashing waves, you hold onto the melting popsicle, you wait and wait and wait. It's tiring almost as much as it's lazer focused ambition, deeply rooted desire and the unrelenting hope that it will work, that it will come. And it does, I promise it does. The waves crash, the beach floods and the pain passes, the water cool and soothing and you can let yourself fall in, sinking, sinking. And it's good, it's perfect, what you were hoping and more, holding and embracing you and welcoming you into the stillness you always knew you were reaching for.
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crimson-cring-art · 2 years
A Flower in the Emperor’s Palace
Chapter 37
We’re all Stories
Commission by @dannydarzuski
The room was bright as hell!
It only clicked to Ming Yue when she realized she had only just come from a dark area to daylight. The sun was coming up over the horizon and it was casting the whole area in an orange and red glow. The colors of foreboding.
She heard the alarms sounding. Not too far off she spotted the wolves leaving the palace. She called out to them. Each one turned and ran over toward her. She looked down at the portal she had just come from.
Realizing without a doubt that they wouldn’t be getting back that way. The mirror was in pieces and she and Wukong had come back through the biggest piece, but it was darkened now. No way to go through a broken mirror.
“What now?” Ming Yue asked as she clutched the lantern close to her chest. To her this was the only way they would ever get Macaque back.
“Hey! Stop right there!” Ming Yue looked up to see soldiers pointing there spears at them.
“No…” Ming Yue turned and ran toward the gardens. She knew that area, she liked the feel of grass under her feet, the smell of the magnolia leaves, the feels of soil within her hands…
The grass was dead, the trees were bare, the houses had been burned, and the green house that once had so much color within was broken to pieces. The gardener lay feet away on the ground. Buzzards pecked and clawed at him.
She almost stopped, she felt sick to her stomach. This needed to stop, all of it needed to end.
She turned just as she felt the wolves change direction. The soldiers had gained on them.
“Keep going! We’ll distract them.” She ran into the woods. It was the only place left to hide.
Ahead of her shimmered a black portal. The exterior glowed a soft purple color. Her grandfather had given her a way out! Perfect!
She ran.
She was almost to the portal when she heard a roar behind her. She turned to see Wukong holding his chest. He had blood running down the armored chest. His claws and fangs were coated in blood, as were Macaques.
She couldn’t let this happen…Wukong was either going to kill Macaque or get killed by Macaque. She had to stop this.
She turned, tossing the lantern into the portal and called out to the wolves.
“Go home!” She pointed to the portal. The wolves seemed a bit unsure of this, what should they do in this sort of situation. One bumped her toward the portal. She swatted him and pointed toward the portal.
“I am the moon princess and I am ordering you home.” She hated to do that. “It's safer there.” The wolf whined and with its tail between its legs, it left her. Doing as his princess ordered.
The last thing the wolves saw was Ming Yue’s eyes glowing purple. A deep growl echoed throughout the glade. Ming Yue charged at the soldiers.
Wukong could see Ming Yue out of the corner of his eye, she was a power house. She was a lot like her mother, but a bit like her father too. He would have at some point liked to spar with her. But that would never happen. It was frowned upon for a royal to battle with a female. Besides with his luck, he’d hurt her and well he couldn’t be hurt much. He was immortal.
But with all immortal things, if one's energy ran out…death was possible.
Macaque hit the ground shaking everything around them. The windows on that side of the window shattered and the ground was now littered with glass.
It was going to take forever to clean this up. He’d have to take Ming Yue on a trip. Perhaps to look for a summer home near the beach. That sounded lovely.
Wukong blocked Macaque's hit, but got one across his chest. The low chuckle from Macaque echoed around them.
“You ruined it, you know.” Wukong told Macaque. Macaque scoffed at Wukongs Words.
“Ruined…you ruined it all. I’m fixing it.” Macaque practically yelled. Wukong jumped forward, grabbing hold of Macaque's face. His claws racked over his right eye. Macaque cried out back paddling away from Wukong.
“You Ruined Ming Yue’s garden!” He yelled. Macaque ran his fingers over the bloodied eye, or lack there off. It is gone now.
“If she hadn’t run off she could have had all the gardens in the whole world!” The dark colored monkey called out.
“She’s doing this for you Macaque…she wants you to be you again. Not someone being controlled by a lantern full of monsters.” Macaque turned and glared at him. “You’re the puppet…a bitch.”
Macaque grabbed a blade off one of his fallen soldiers and charged at Wukong. Wukong was just going to laugh it off, it happens all the time. He just stood there ready to take the blow and then snatch the sword from the angered monkey.
What he didn’t expect was the soft tufted gray fur to come out of nowhere and hold onto him. The soft sliding of metal echoed throughout the garden.
Wukong felt the air in his lungs hitch as if the blade had hit his heart. Yet the blade never connected with him. He felt like his heart stopped. He looked up at Macaque who was equally as horrified at what he had just done.
His anger melted away, and he looked down at the female monkey. He pulled the blade out and dropped it like it was on fire.
Wukong gathered the female within his arms and laid her down. She looked up at them both and slowly reached out, running her fingers over their cheeks.
“I just wanted you both to be happy.” They almost didn’t hear her words. She took a deep breath and cringed at the pain.
“It's okay…you’ll be alright.” Wukong told her. He went to stand up, but his hand was held firm to Ming Yue’s chest. He needed to get one of the peaches… he looked up and around realizing all the peach trees were dead. He had no way of saving her right now. He leaned down kissing her forehead.
“I loved you both very much…” She admitted. Its not like she would regret it now. Her eyes fluttered closed.
“Ming Yue?” He gasped as her body burst into a billion balls of gold and floated toward the sky. They looked up toward where she was fluttering to and realized there was a huge face looking down at them.
“Buddha!” Wukong called out “I have to admit, I thought you were dead.” Wukong ran his wrist over his cheek.
“We stayed hidden to see what you would do, what the time given.” He leaned in. “It was disappointing at first, but then it began to get…interesting.” He motioned to Macaque.
Wukong sighed as he looked down, almost ready to give up. He had lost the love of his life.
“We were ready to punish you, but…it would seem that you have already punished yourself by losing your bride.” Wukong looked up at him and tried to start the sentence so many times.
“I just…I want…I would trade anything…for the chance to have her again. I’d give my kingdom.”
“So be it.” Buddha said as he sat back. “You will go on a journey with the monk Tripitaka and obtain books of wisdom, Wukong. Once you are finished with this, I will send her home…but…”
“There's a catch isn’t there?” Wukong asked.
Buddha of course nodded to the monkey. “You will never know that it's her. You won’t even remember her name. For that is how soul mates work.” This was okay with Wukong, that was awesome. He’d be able to find her again. That's good, it's simple…it's not hard at all! Right?
Wukong nodded and Buddha leaned forward and snapped his fingers. Within the blink of an eye…everything was back to the way it once was. With Wukong under the mountain…and Tripitaka on his way to meet his first disciple.
“And that's how the story ends.” Tang said as he picked up another noodle with his chopsticks. MK and Mei looked at him from across the bar. MK had a cloth in his hands wiping down the tables, and Mei sat there with her dumplings on a plate. Pigsy stirred the bone broth.
“And no one knows Monkey King’s lover's name?” MK asked, still glued to the story. Tang blew on the noodle before sticking it into his mouth.
“It's so heartbreaking.” Mei said as she finally stuffed a dumpling into her mouth and sighed.
The bamboo door curtain swished aside and a gray monkey walked into the room. In her arms was a basket of turnips, and carrots.
“Hey guys!” She called out putting the basket down.
“Hey, Ming Yue. Got those veggies I ordered huh?” Pigsy asked walking around the counter to look over the produce she set down. MK hopped off the stool to look over the vegetables too.
“Yup! Hope they aren’t too late.” She stood up and smiled.
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hopes-memorial · 2 months
What color does your love feel like?
Stolen from myself
Encouraging theft 24/7
warm burnt orange: Amai, Mei
Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
deep staining red: Botan, Daisuke
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
soft fresh green: Masao, Kanai
Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
cold stark gold: Matsuri, Elodie
Fireworks, borrowed lighters and sparklers against a dark backdrop, yours is a love that burns stark and bright. It's scary though, like things that burn always tend to be, but for you it isn't the thrill of the open flames that gives pause and a slight stomach drop of terror, but rather the time when the flames go out, the sparkler ends and the night is cold and dark once again. Fireworks, borrowed lighters, a striken match, your love burns bright and fast and then maybe it passes, maybe the feeling dies out and you're left in the cold once again. And that's the feeling isn't it? Of being bored and waiting for someone to light you up again? To be fair, you do know you don't need it, but then again we don't often crave the things we need. And you crave and yearn and burn in the wait, restless in the knowledge that at some point someone will pass and rub you the right way, that some day you'll light up the night sky bright yet again. There's comfort in the darkness and solace in the predictable loneliness of the in between, but your heart still squirms inside you, waiting and willing and begging to burn up again. Your love might not be comfort, it's not one for the sick days, but then again, there's a reason why everyone waits for the shining lights in the sky during holidays.
dark stormy blue: Haruka
Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
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gayhectocotyli · 6 months
i got nearly 50 notes on that post i made about making fucked up monsters. ask and ye shall receive heres a short excerpt of a story im working on about gay furry roomates:
The bat's vision was obscured by the night seeping into the apartment, but their hearing was working to fill in the gaps: the deep, crackling breaths, the rustling of fur—the same sounds that was heard last night, but they had lost the capability to be ignored. While paranoia gripped their heart, Jaime could not help but find a strange peace to this situation, the darkness seeming almost comforting.
Finally, a voice rang out softly, enveloping them, "You're back. I was waiting." It was not threatening at all for a potential unwanted guest, but still waves of cold terror took over their body. It was too familiar, like it was only days since they heard that exact line, that exact delivery. They didn't want to believe the conclusion they had jumped to—still it continued, "I'm sorry I worried you, you must have been trying to look for me. I just needed some time, and I didn't know how to tell you before."
Impulsively, Jaime flicked the light switch. They couldn't parse what they were seeing at first, glimpses of their friend overlayed the figure before them: smiling, bright, and tender—his fur a radiant golden-orange in the sunlight—a beautiful dog, with a love as pure as his species. Eventually, the rose-coloured filter faded and what remained was a horrible clarity: five legs held together at his pelvis like a patchwork chimera, innumerable arms coming out of his belly—all of them, even the ones attached to his shoulders holding themselves up in an attempt to embrace the air itself. His limbs seemed to contort at odd angles as if it had no bones restricting their movement and at the beast's back, a huge mouth extended down his spine, clamped closed with sharp canines baring. He was tall before, but he seemed even more so now, body stretched to almost meet the ceiling and still staring directly into their eyes, glowing hazel they transfix Jaime even now. The only thing that did not change was his face, which was the most uncanny to look at, only making the reality of who this was all too clear—this is who they've been looking for: Ayden, their missing roommate.
He clutched his friend's chest with one of his right hands, worming underneath their shirt to feel their heart. With the warmth of his paw, the outlines of his fur, their heart beat in a haphazard fashion, pulsing as if their very flesh was grasping his hand, interlocking his fingers, unwilling to let go—but too scared, too scared. He knows, and his hand, sharp claws slicing through skin ever so slightly, slides up to cradle their face, delicately, too delicately, too lovingly, too much like him. He leaned into them, both sets of eyes never losing sight of each other as his voice trilled silently to Jaime. Their roommate's whisper surrounded them as if the sound came from every direction, from even the door they were pinned to, and the question was inescapable:
Movement was impossible for them, even as the dog walked briskly forward—eyes still shining in the light with a heartwrenchingly loving gaze. The closer the monster got, the tighter fear's grip became, but something more also began to germinate—something they did not then know how to describe other than a deep and powerful warmth. He was now in arm's reach—pace slowing down, painstakingly slow. Reaching out with his many hands, he held them in a soft hug, exactly like he'd always done when Jaime returned home from work. Tears started to stream down their face, knees nearly falling to the floor as the back of his roommate pressed into the door of the apartment. The monster did nothing but give a graze of a kiss on their cheek.
"You're okay," his words echoed in their thoughts, "You're okay. It's me," he smiled, one free of malice, one full of love. "And I wanted this. I finally feel like... me in this body. But I know you're overwhelmed right now. I can feel it."
"You yearn for beasthood too, do you?"
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meowizard · 7 months
ugh. how i would make monster high customs of my cake ocs:
tropical soda: base clawd, with clawdia's slimmer (but still 'big sister', which is to say, tall) legs bc high heel sandals would be fun to make. clawdia's face is probably the best fit too, as long as her nose could be sanded down. i'd feel too mean sanding down her goregeous goregeous fangs, so if i'm keeping her ears i'm keeping those. sa is, technically, at nd roots, a dog, and glueing on ear fluff is absolutely essential and so fun. i would probably have to use yarn hair to get the volume- i'd need two different shades of orange and an accent light blue. their hat and shorts are canvas - i could probably repurpose a tote bag for that. i love painting canvas its such a good texture. uhhh bikini has to be authentically stretchy or i'd never forgive myself - but tbf it'd be so small i don't know where i would get fabric i'd like to use. bright orange string is easy to come by as trash on beaches, though. shirt i'm tempted to crochet, but idk if i would like the amount of texture, i think it would take away from the hair.
very berry: frayed satin ribbon and crepe and beaded skirt. okay now that's out of the way: i have no clue who i'd use as a base without having to buy epoxy :( possibly a g3 drac, but her arms are too skinny so maybe i'd replace em withhhhhh abbey's upper half? that be good because drac is super short, and abbey's face mould is pretty on the nose for a round-eyed and flat-nosed hollyberrian. the problem is that neither of them are as dark as kix. maybe catty will be (as of posting she's not released her) but colour correcting #00000 skin would be soo hard. sigh. i digress. if i could use as much silk as possible on her clothes that would be cute - using selvedge edges and such for her pettiskirt. purple and pink pleather would be perfect for her dragon-scale boots. and her handwrap might have to be crepe paper too idk how i'd make it sit close to the skin like real bandages. her other glove - ugh i dont even want to think about it, probably just buy a bunch of tiny pompoms and stitch them together. or beads!
black licorice: hahahahhahha i'd use a base from a entirely different doll line. something tiny skinny and toddler-sized in comparison to the monster highs. idk which maybe from the pixie lines from eah? i'd have to shrink the head in that case bc i hate the bobble headed look its so not cute. and we want him to be kind of creepy anyway :3c. i'd use hot glue for his goopy hair - if its not opaque blue-black i'll just paint over it. some glow-in-the-dark paint details would be cool too! painted black felt for his boots to give the congealed look
crowned cream: g3 frankie's head for sure, but cat demew's body for the claws, and so i don't have to build up the white that hard. I have blonde and white kanekalon for its hair and i'd like to make a crown out of glittery hot glue and red velvet. pleather and more velvet for her details, and some kind of suede?? i would 3d print the skull since i don't trust fimo clay
pomousse: ooh. howleen base, probably. again. the body is perfect..... more or less......... i can't use a g3 doll because she doesn't have the same smile and that's very important. i dont know, actually, but there's no little sister dolls with her skin tone so we can rule out not painting her at least. i have a perfect red for her hair that i could colour but im not sure its heat resistant? (its not) so itd be a little hard to twist into bantu knots. her dress is made of muslin and her robes of red linen.... but linen doesn't look great on doll scale so lets use polyester instead. id like to use sublimation paints for the intensity, but i dread to make her pattern ssksjskjsksksksks........
0 notes
What Color is Your Love?
Chase: Warm burnt orange
Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
Alec: Soft fresh green
Nice breeze, bare feet and freshly cut grass. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's protecting your eyes from the sun but enjoying the light rays still, it's laying on the grass and feeling it tickle your neck. You look to the side and they look back at you, full of hope and plans too. You plan together and laugh all day and your sunburn will feel like them. Your love is delicate, hesitant. A well curated binder full of collages for a future you can't be sure will come, but you keep going, you keep planning, you keep squinting at the sun and smiling, and running your hands through the grass so it will smell better. You keep holding onto the bright sky even as the sunsets, even as the starry night stares back. But you keep on holding, you keep on dreaming, you close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin and convince yourself that the sunburn is good, it's something to hold on to, just makes it linger a bit longer. Your love is a lighthearted hope for the future. It's sweet and wonderful and it keeps love alive, makes the world a better place. You run your hands through the grass, clench your fingers tighter and keep making plans. And I can only thank you and hope I can learn to love like you someday.
Dakota: Deep staining red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Tagged by: @champagneandparacosm
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this ❤️
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eclipsed-celestials · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
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Warm Burnt Orange
Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
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Bright Sunny Yellow
Sweet tasting popsicles, summer dresses and shielding your eyes from the sun. Your love is the excitement of something brewing, something growing. It's the almost childish bubbling giggles of something new, but with the potential to stay. It's wide smiles, blinding sunny light and warm bodies that gravitate to one another. It's the the softness, the willingness, the slight holding of breaths in a crucial "what if" moment. It's the impatience too. The bouncing on tiptoes to see further than your eyes can reach, the holding out for a future that never seems to come even though you're ready, you're so so so ready. It's the constant feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, holding out for the crashing waves. And still you wait, dry and impatient and with burnt soles of feet. Your love is sour candy, enjoying it as your nose scrunches up from the aftertaste of it. It's hands that grab and take hold, that reach and ask them to stay and hope and beg and wait. It's bubbling excitement sure, but it's also demanding, focused, driven. It's love like a plan, with a path and route and a clear destination. And you bonce on your tiptoes, and burning, waiting for the soothing water, the crashing waves, you hold onto the melting popsicle, you wait and wait and wait. It's tiring almost as much as it's lazer focused ambition, deeply rooted desire and the unrelenting hope that it will work, that it will come. And it does, I promise it does. The waves crash, the beach floods and the pain passes, the water cool and soothing and you can let yourself fall in, sinking, sinking. And it's good, it's perfect, what you were hoping and more, holding and embracing you and welcoming you into the stillness you always knew you were reaching for.
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Deep-Staining Red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Excuse me! it’s just me, this blog’s stalker because your works amazing. I kinda am in love with your demon’s nature series. I if I could request something. Could you possible do MC seeing the brothers do something that is “demonic”. Similar to what happens in the series. Thank you!!!!
Hello!! Haha, thank you -- we’re so glad you like our content! ;u;
And I’m glad that you enjoy the Demon’s Nature series! It’s been a lot of fun to write.
Sorry this took a bit! I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be something with one of the brothers or all of them, so I ended up doing little short blurbs for each of the brothers and MC accidentally catching them doing something demonic/violent. Tried to keep them all pretty short, which was hard.
[Mod Cosmos]
MC accidentally catching the Demon Brothers being Demonic/Violent
content warning: blood/gore, body horror (especially in Beel’s), and general violence
Note: This is through the perspective of an MC that knows that the demons do their thing, but perhaps doesn't want to see it happening in front of them.
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You were supposed to go shopping together after meetings for the day were finished, and he had told you to just wait an additional thirty minutes so that he could finish up some business. Thirty minutes passed, but there was still no word from him, so you decide you’ll go and see what was holding that workaholic up. You soon realize that was a mistake.
You hear muffled cries, and a familiar deep voice. Cautiously, you approach the source of these sounds -- a room located off a dark corridor. You didn’t think there were any classrooms here, and your curiosity got the better of you -- so you approach the door, peeking through the crack. You recognize the intimidating silhouette and --- there’s blood. There was another figure in the room, their body limp on the ground in a puddle of red, the mighty first-born’s claws tearing through flesh. A loss of balance in your surprise results in you tumbling into the room, earning a sharp turn from Lucifer, whose crimson eyes were wide in surprise. His wings spread out to try and shield the unsavory scene from you.
“MC, you were supposed to wait for me.” His voice is stern, but there’s a gentleness to it. He sees the queasy look on your face, and decides he can put this torment to an end. With a swift motion, he fully blocks your line of sight before slitting the lesser demon’s throat. He then turns back to you, lightly embracing your body with black feathers. His voice is soft as he did not want to frighten you. “I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to see that. Let’s get you home, shall we? I’ll make you some tea.”
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It had just been a scratch. A low-level demon had taken a swipe at you in passing, but hadn’t been able to cut too deep. Mammon insisted he was just running off to get a bandaid after you insisted he didn’t need to go after the other demon. He said that he’d be right back--”I’m just gettin’ a bandage, I swear!”-- and told you not to move an inch. But this bandage quest was taking longer than it should have, so you go after him, pressing a loose cloth against your wound. And there he was, having cornered the offending demon. He seems to be staking the demon in the arm with a sharp metal object, speaking in a tongue you couldn’t understand.
You hadn’t even realized you had dropped the Majolish bag from your hand, not until it hit the ground with a thud and Mammon whipped around to see you there. A flash of guilt appears on his features, his eyes going between you and the lowly demon. He drops them, though he can’t resist one more swift kick to their chest before running back to you.
“I told ya I’d be right back!” He’s about to cup your face in his hands, but retracts them as he realizes they’re covered in blood. “Uh, okay, let’s go get that,” he motions to your injury, “...taken care of, yeah?” He mumbles a sorry as he picks up the bag you dropped before ushering you away from the scene, promising he’d do whatever he needed to do to make up for having to witness it.
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You’re browsing games at a shop, having tagged along with Leviathan who had been raving about a new release. At one point, however, Leviathan had vanished from your side. You now realize it’s been … quite some time, actually. You wander about the store, unable to find him anywhere. Did he step outside? You decide to check, missing the anxious glance from the clerk behind the counter.
You hear some sounds from the alley by the shop. Is that … someone choking? Worried, you round the corner to make sure whoever it was is okay -- only to see the one doing the strangling was Leviathan himself. He had his tail tightly wrapped around the other demon’s throat, and … what, what was that inky substance leaking from their eyes? Leviathan caught your shadow against the alley wall, turning to you with a slightly panicked look.
“M-MC!” His tail quickly slithered off and away from the demon’s throat, leaving them to collapse to the ground. He’s suddenly at your side, hands on your shoulders as he turns you around and makes you walk out of the alley with him, murmuring something about how the venom will take care of the rest. “S-sorry about that, MC. You look a little sick … let’s get that game and go home and play, okay?”
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You had been ambling through an aisle in the grand Royal Library, wondering what random book you should pick up next to flip through idly. Satan had wanted to spend a quiet day reading and studying together, to which you readily obliged. But it was easy to forget just how large the Royal Library was -- what floor were you on again? -- and you wonder if you should head back to where the two of you had set up. Then you suddenly hear a distant crash. It seemed to be coming from one of the meeting rooms at the back, and you couldn’t help but want to take a peek to see what had happened.
“Fuck you!” You knew that voice, and you knew that anger. There was a muffled yell, and what sounded like shattering glass. Then there’s a chilling, mocking laughter, and you can feel the goosebumps starting to cover your skin. You nervously approach the slightly ajar door, and there he is, his tail impaling another demon with its sharp ridges. Oh, there is fury burning in those eyes -- ones that shift to land on you, and that glowing fury is replaced with exasperation.
“MC!” Your name comes out as a hiss, but he quickly tosses the other demon, slamming them into the wall. “You…” He’s unsure what to say, his wrath calming at the sight of you, especially with that look on your face. “I … I’m sorry, I just had to take care of something. Please, let’s go. We can talk about this later.”
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The music is loud, the drinks are pouring, and you’re having an absolutely wonderful night out clubbing with Asmodeus. You were returning from the bar with two drinks in hand for the both of you, thanking one of the security guards on your way for managing the crowd of fans that had now dispersed, only to find that Asmodeus was not to be found at your table. He had left a note-- “BRB! ♡”--with lipstick on a napkin. You waited, sipping your drink as you demon watched from your seat. Some time passes, and you realize you’ve finished your drink a bit more quickly than intended. There’s still no sign of him, so you might as well go get another.
On the way to the bar, however, you pass by what you assumed was the hall to the restrooms, and you hear a desperate “I’m sorry!” cutting through the heavy bass. Should you be concerned? Well, you decide to at least be nosy, so you slip into the hall to see what was going on -- and are met with the sight of Asmodeus holding a heart he had carved out of some poor demon’s chest. In your shock, your empty glass slips through your fingers and crashes to the floor, earning your demon’s attention.
“Oh, MC!” Despite his surprise to see you, he gives you a smile -- one that gives you chills as you see blood spattered on his face. “Ah, what a mess…” He lets the lesser demon slide to the floor, debating on what to do with the organ in hand, but hides it behind his back for now, coming over to place a quick kiss on your cheek. “Sorry about that, darling. I’m just going to go clean up, so wait for me at the table, ‘kay?”
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You had agreed to go with him to Madame Scream’s after finishing up classes for the day, but he was running late. He’s not picking up any calls, either, so you decide to go to where his last class would have been -- maybe they were just running way over, and he hadn’t realized the time? The hall is quiet, and you end up reaching an empty classroom. Walking back out, you decide to try calling him again. Ring, ring. After a moment, you realize you can hear Beelzebub’s ringtone in the distance, and you follow your ears to where his D.D.D. and ultimately he himself must be.
You weren’t prepared for what you saw next. A head of bright orange hair buried in a lesser demon’s abdomen, the sound of squelching and slurping from his feasting sounding so much more insidious than usual.
“Beel!” You can’t help but cry out his name in shock, which causes him to jolt upright -- with intestines still hanging from his mouth. Oh, you were going to be sick …
“MC … sorry, Lucifer always says I need to work on my table manners … “ He gulps down what was left hanging, but his eyes widen when it registers just who caught him in the act. “Oh, uh, guess that’s not the point, huh … “ He sheepishly wipes at his mouth with some torn cloth that you can only assume came from his victim, standing up and walking around to block your view of the mangled body. “I’ll clean this up, and then … well, we can do whatever you want to do. Sorry, MC …”
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You’re looking around for where Belphegor could possibly be napping. Beelzebub had to go to Fangol practice and asked that you make sure his twin got home, as he had seemed even more tired today than usual. He’s not in the Western Courtyard, so you head to the Southern Courtyard next. You think you remember him saying that was one of his favorite spots…
You perk up as you spot the ever-familiar cow patterned pillow, but you fail to see the demon that was usually attached to it. Peering around the area, worry starts to set in -- and then you hear a scream. It certainly didn’t belong to Belphegor, but the gears in your mind start turning and you run to where the scream came from. Of course, no one else was around here -- it wasn’t the busiest area on campus in the first place. Turning a corner, you see just what you feared -- Belphegor had his claws at another demon’s throat, his barbed tail wrapped around their body and squeezing them tight. You feel weak, the scenario a bit too close for comfort as you recall what he had done to you in the past.
“MC?” Belphegor turned to see you, his eyes wide. He must have sensed your presence at some point, or maybe your heart was pounding much louder than you realized. He drops the other demon, growling something you can’t make out to them, and then slowly approaches you. He sees you tense up, causing him to stop in his tracks. He averts his gaze, not wanting to meet your eyes as he tries to figure out what to say. “I just … had to deal with something. You … you can head on home first, if you want. I understand.”
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dickwheelie · 3 years
jmart first kiss? mayhapse in an au?
another merperson au, only this time Martin gets to be the monster!
Jon was frankly shocked with how quickly Martin had taken to him. He knew he was hardly the most appealing of people, and wasn't sure what a human would see in him, let alone a merperson. But when he'd chanced upon Martin, sunning himself on the rocks by the beach where Jon often took his morning walks, it didn't take them long to strike up a sort of . . . rapport. Jon had been more than a little starstruck, distracted by the light reflecting off Martin's lovely blue scales, but he must have managed to say something right, because Martin had asked if he might find him on that beach again, sometime soon.
So, two days later, Jon was keeping his promise, heading back towards the beach from town where he'd picked up some breakfast for them both. He wasn't sure what Martin would like, or even really what he ate, so he'd brought some of everything: fruit, meat, fish, bread and cheese, and some pastries for good measure. He was a little nervous, which was silly, because this was only their second meeting, and it was hardly a date. Still, the thought of seeing Martin's dark, pretty eyes again made Jon wish he'd worn a slightly nicer outfit.
When Jon arrived at the rocky outcropping, Martin was already there, lounging on his side and letting the waves crash over his tail as he stared out at the sea before him, much the same as he'd found him two days ago. He really was stunning, Jon thought; his dark skin, dotted with freckles, shone in the pink morning light, his cloud of hair all but dried in the sea breeze, his magnificently long, broad tail almost glowing in the sun. He looked like a king surveying his kingdom.
And then, as Jon began to climb the rocks to join him, Martin looked down at him and a smile broke across his face, bright as the light coming off his scales. Jon could see that his mouth was filled with razor-sharp teeth. "Jon!" he called, and Jon, panting a bit, waved back as he crested the rockface. "You came. I didn't think . . ."
"Of course I came," Jon said, a tad breathlessly, depositing his bag of food and sitting down next to Martin. The seaspray up here was welcome but constant, and he set about untying his boots to let his feet get wet. "I'm sorry it took me so long."
"You didn't have to," Martin said. "Most people don't. It's not exactly convenient." He gestured at the secluded area around them.
"It was no trouble. I live close by this beach and it's very beautiful, here." Jon glanced over at Martin, trying not to appear too smitten. "And I really enjoyed our talk. After I left the other day, I kept thinking about you. I couldn't wait to see you again." Jon forced himself to stop talking; he had a sinking suspicion he'd said too much already.
Martin was staring at him with those pretty eyes of his, his expression soft and intrigued. "I had a really nice time too, Jon."
"I, ah--I brought breakfast," Jon burst out, and pulled his bag over to show Martin what was inside. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so . . . I got a bit of everything. Take whatever you like, please."
Martin eagerly examined the goods, eventually choosing a trout, which he ate whole and raw, and several oranges, which he used his sharp claws to peel in record time. Jon tucked into the bread and cheese and a few of the pastries. He and Martin shared the oranges, passing slices back and forth, as they continued their conversation from before almost seamlessly.
It was remarkably easy, talking to Martin, and fascinating as well; Jon had never properly met a merperson before and Martin had so many stories to tell. He was eager, too, to hear about Jon's life as a human, but Jon suspected that was merely polite interest.
Before Jon knew it, they'd nearly emptied the bag of food and the morning had all but passed. Jon had errands to run and work to do, but he didn't want to leave Martin's side. Up here, on the soaked rocks with the sea stretched out before him, with such lovely company, Jon couldn't recall feeling so at home before.
"I should go," Jon said at last, trying not to sound as morose as he felt.
"Oh," said Martin, shoulders drooping in disappointment. He peered closely at Jon's face. "You have to," he said, a statement, not a question.
"Yes. Unfortunately." Jon slung his bag over his shoulder, and reached for his boots. "But listen, this was--this was very nice, and we should do it again soon."
"Tomorrow?" said Martin, perking up a bit.
It was so soon, but Jon's stomach fluttered in excited anticipation. "Ah--y-yes. Tomorrow is good. If that's alright with you?"
Martin grinned wide, and there was another flash of two rows of sharp, white teeth. "Tomorrow, then." And, before Jon could finish lacing his first boot, Martin leaned in close and kissed him, careful but insistent, on the cheek. He kept his mouth closed, mindful of his teeth, but Jon nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise anyway, and Martin pulled away almost at once.
"Oh, Jon, I'm sorry--I-I thought--" Martin looked horribly embarrassed, biting his lip nervously with one of his fangs.
Jon's face, he imagined, was probably about the same color the sunrise had been, but he shook his head repeatedly. "No, no, Martin, it's alright--" He leaned back towards Martin and took his clawed hands, wanting to reassure. "You--you caught me by surprise, is all. I--that was--" Jon made a little noise of frustration--words!--and instead leaned forward and pressed his lips to Martin's.
He felt Martin go still against him, but after a second or two he relaxed, leaning into the kiss and wrapping his arms around Jon's waist. Jon felt something damp and scaly against his legs, and when he opened an eye, he saw Martin's tail winding around them, the bright blue standing out beautifully against Jon's dark skin.
Though Jon had initiated the kiss, Martin quickly took charge, pressing himself insistently close and putting his teeth to good use by nipping at Jon's lip in a way that made his legs go weak. Jon couldn't recall ever being kissed so thoroughly before, and for a few minutes he happily lost himself in it, basking in Martin's careful attention, until they both had to come up for air. Or, at least, Jon did; he wondered, in the back of his mind, whether Martin needed to breathe, or if his gills took care of it for him.
Martin pressed one last closed-mouth kiss to Jon's lips, and began untangling himself. "You should get going," he said, sweetly and perhaps a bit self-assuredly.
"Right," said Jon, looking down at his one unlaced boot, dangling precariously from his foot. He tied it carefully, and then moved on to the other one, as Martin looked on curiously.
"That must get so annoying," said Martin.
"It rather does," Jon said, and, feeling bold, pressed another kiss to Martin's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
Sharp fangs made their appearance again, standing out against an adoring expression. "See you tomorrow, Jon."
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