#i post more on my instagram im sorry
sharksandjays · 29 days
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tim and yj shenanigans
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muckyschmuck · 6 months
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oh my god old sona art from when my mental state was wildly wild a few months ago haiiiii :3
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aivy-saur · 1 year
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Idk why I wanted to do a redraw of her pic in the animation but I could not stop myself-
★ Reblogs are appreciated <33
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nyxchipz · 9 months
"Oh! My favorite tumblr artist who hasn't posted in years made a post! I wonder what they-"
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gay-strawberry · 7 months
part 2 the never king shitpost ! heres part 1
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i will come back (maybe) when i read more and meet more characters | update. i did (part 3)
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tiercel · 11 months
Tumblr talking about making its site the same algorithmic slop pile as every other social media bc the users migrating here are too soft brained to curate their own feeds
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#You dont understand tumblr is the only site that im able to use bc its not algorithmic slop#I can barely use youtube anymore bc i will get trapped in the vortex of shorts and suggested videos#I like tumblr bc unlike instagram twitter etc it allows you to create your own feed rather than force feeding you random posts#But lately it HAS been doing that & staff just released a statement basically amounting to ''new users are too confused so we're gonna pad#everything out'' corpspeak for ''we need to make the twitter refugees feel more at home by copying their dogshit falling apart site''#Tbh i actually enjoy tumblr as a much more niche site i think that by making other ppl realize its just a regular ass blogging site theyre#gonna clog it all up more than it already is. Not like it isnt already crammed to the gills with reactionary assholes#Like the reasons i stopped going to twitter was A. stupid bullshit like locking me out 4 no phone number and B. people driving me insane#I do NOT need the people that would trigger my mental illness on a nightly basis coming here to spread their spores#Namely the dramabrained weirdos looking for problems in everything and reactionaries that already exist here but will proliferate#Tumblr ALREADY isnt doing jackshit about t€rves or fash why the fuck would they do anything about a massive influx of them#Sorry i needed to bitch a little. Love this site but also hate the web3.0 philosophy of dumbing everything down#When are we crawling back into the primordial sea we came from (neocities and forums)#emf
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dualitysdownfall · 10 months
i have a tendency to reblog posts about promoting one's own art and/or the importance of reblogging art, onto my art blog, as a sort of "wink wink nudge nudge i do have followers on this blog don't i" kind of thing
but whenever i do that, it feels as if people pay more attention to that than to my art
i know that's not literally true, i'm sure the note count does not actually rival or surpass a new art post, it only feels like a note spike because that blog posts so infrequently and therefore its activity is usually flat line, and reblogging the post made there Be Something There For People To Interact with
i guess it irks me anyway because i reblog it with the intent of "hey, look at the message of this post and where it is right now, mind giving my blog a scroll and maybe hitting a couple of green buttons" but it doesnt really work that way because people just see it in their dash. i constantly be reblogging shit with little if any awareness of which person i follow that i'm getting it from.
i just wish there was a way to be like, "hey, please give my art some attention, i work hard on this shit and it feels like there's at most about a classroom's worth--if that!--of people who care enough to show it to folks" without literally just being the annoying pushy attention-seeking bitch on the dashboard that's like "just fucking reblog my shit"
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dwururka · 10 months
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Some of my favourite attacks from this years Art Fight:~] It was very fun
Attacks are for:
~roadhog, ~catisland, ~catisland, ~computer, ~hazmat, ~catisland
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bmpmp3 · 9 months
although i guess a point to me being genuinely kind of offline is i once had a job interview and they asked me what i would make as reels for their corporate instagram and i had to ask them what reels were
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honeyviscera · 10 months
omg seeing u react to go s2 makes me so excited/nervous for it i was OBSESSED with it a few years ago like genuinely crazy abt it... and now it is back....!!!! throwing up screaming, sobs, etc
I KNOW LITERALLY IM GOING INSANE good omens was my number one main obsession like 3-4 years ago i was so insane about it literally every waking moment i spent thinking about it the only reason that hasn't been apparent Here on tumblr is bc i got an account riiight as my obsession was fading a bit and went dormant but the brainrot is back and im going insane. literally i watched good omens s1 around 15 times in total i did a school project on it (part of which was a presentation i did a whole presentation. at school. about this show) it made me so crazy. and now WE'RE BACK BAYBEEEE so far i have avoided most spoilers but some ppl have said the ending hurts and so im scared. but i also eat tragedy up lol why else would my header image be a stsg gif DFKHDGKJD;LJKG AAAAUGH i love good omens.
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aliasheree · 2 years
experimenting with drawing host girl bc I am insane about this show
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ghostlyheart · 1 year
I HAVE to delete instagram
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shirtshawaiian · 2 years
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love wins
#now ive decided theyve got a forbidden romance . but just this once they can enjoy a moment together. immortalized by picture#alright i guess i have lore with my bedroom now. ahem#right now: that pigman is my boyfriend pigman. and that gnome is his boyfriend#thats the giant gnome the biggest of his group. so they all look up to him for leadership#especially after the loss of a recent couple (i took them to my office)#(theyre having a wonderful time there currently i left my beanie behind on one. sorry ot him)#so this gnome this big guy new and fresh to the room is like. lost#but my pigmans got him. (i am fine with this of course)#in fact im the wingman . my pigman boyfriend and his boyfriend the gnome#unfortunately they are Separated as the gnome must live life upon my windowsill and the pigman in my bed..............................#maybe i'll take more pictures of them together they make me very happy#its not inherently any wars or anything its just... separated by distance. and the giant gnome feels as though his little gnome pals#might not like his relationship with the pigman#simply due to lack of gnome and plush relationships in my room#the only thing close to that is my furby and my sucklet who are on an on-and-off relationship immortalized by some instagram posts#there is lego mothman and lego steve's skeleton too i guess but theyre both legos. they wouldnt understand. also theyre in a bit of a rough#patch in their relationship since mothman crashed the car after hooking up with steve in a bar. you know what i mean?#maybe i should clean my room. add environmental storytelling. hmmm
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haliaiii · 2 years
You know maybe I should try having more of a presence on tumblr because it might be the only social media app on my phone that doesn't make me suffer serious brain damage anytime I'm on it
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katamarigender · 2 years
I wish I could like comments on posts -_-'
Sometimes I just want to be like "yeah I hear you" without actually responding because I don't always have something to say that warrants it's own comment.
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medicasino · 2 months
Oh god this is going to be a nightmare to figure out (i'm drawing Mikan because I just really... wanted to fsr? And i do not know if i'm going to maintag it as dr since on one hand. The dr fandom terrifies the shit out of me because i have been there and it was scary . but also i dont want people who dont want to see dr content to see my dr fan? art)
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