#i prefer angels
shippedtopluto · 2 years
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art by shippedtopluto
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nuzzle · 4 months
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zu-is-here · 6 months
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A gift for @window-nv by your Secret Santa (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆
˚✧₊⁎Merry Christmas!⁎⁺˳✧༚
And a big thank you to @utsecretsanta for hosting the event ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Nightmare by jokublog
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
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idolomantises · 3 months
when developing Lili's job as a sex worker, I had a comic planned where Sera and Lili do talk about her job and Sera offers to "save" Lili, but Lili tells her she doesn't want to be saved and doesn't want her job to be viewed as this burden that ruined her life. She likes it, and thats all there is to it.
But, as someone who is not a sex worker himself (despite doing some research and even asking sex workers for feedback), I felt like it came off too preachy and soapbox-y. I also notice that whenever the topic of sex work gets mentioned in my work, a lot people get really upset at the topic. I'll never forget being told that Sera and Lili's relationship was "less wholesome" after finding out that Lili is a sex worker. And the last thing I want is for my reply section to turn into a warzone.
At the same time, I still want to represent sex work as a normal thing. Not just for hell denizens but in general. The fact that sex work is still a poorly represented profession in media, and that I have people assume Lili was "forced" to do her job because that's just assumed at this point is disappointing. I hope the dialogue can make it clear that its normal, and its fine. And please stop saying "poor Sera" she literally summoned Lili, she knows what she got into.
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barb-l · 5 months
I'm an angel with a shotgun
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Fighting 'til the war's won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
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I'll throw away my faith, babe
Just to keep you safe
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Don't you know you're everything I have?
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lord-of-the-ducks · 4 months
Apologies to everyone who follows me because you’re about to be subjected to SO much Lisa Frankenstein posting, I am so deeply abnormal about this movie and I would not be surprised if it ended up being one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.
My only wish is that my theatre could have been more crowded, it was a pretty dead audience (pun intended) which meant I spent a solid 60% of my energy trying not to cause a scene every time there was a needle drop or anything that felt like it was specifically calling me out for being a weird little goth.
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shortcakelils · 4 months
Vaggie redesign !!
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Angel: *contemplating a fancy bottle* Hey, d'ya think this is alcohol or perfume?
Husk: *grabs bottle. drinks all of it*
Husk: It's perfume
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faeriegirl · 5 months
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Pink or Black? Which do you like?
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lambmotifz · 4 months
thinking about how the original plan (had the writers strike not taken place) was for sam to use his powers and save dean from his deal & castiel wasn’t even supposed to be in the show because eric kripke did not intend to include angels…
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scrumptiousassbtch · 13 days
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That Guardian, What a pityful child.
What if Ciel summoned an angel instead of a demon?
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quetzaly-ameyali · 4 months
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I never expected to like this series so much. But ever since I saw it I can't stop thinking about it. Anyway here you have some RainbowMoth for Valentine's Day 💖💖💖
And as a little gift some sketches that I WILL digitize!!!!
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enixamyram · 5 months
Rewatching episode two where Valentino flips at Angel so much as flirting with a random guy. And now I really need Huskerdust to be canon and for Valentino to try threatening Husk and for it to backfire for him so hard.
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Hey if we’re talking about Dean and angels, entirely in good faith I’m sure, you wanna see one of my most personally loathed Dean transgressions?
It’s this bit from season 9:
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[IMG: Dean Winchester with a phone to his ear, facing left, Sam is out of focus in the background of the shot. The captions read “Well, trust me, they’re just monsters with good PR.”]
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[IMG: A man leaning against his car on the side of the road with his phone to his ear, the other side of the conversation. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil.”]
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[IMG: Later in the same conversation, Dean, leaning back and facing slightly right speaking into his phone. The captions read “And, uh, spread the word.”]
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[IMG: The same as above, Dean continues speaking, the captions now read: “The more hunters that know, the better.”]
I’ve cut for the relevant stuff but that’s Dean’s solution to the problem of a bunch of fallen angels being on earth. Warning hunters about them I get, but this? To Dean angels are monsters with good pr, helping them or even sparing them isn’t in the equation, the solution is to burn them alive with holy oil.
Just to be clear, these are the last words exchanged with Cas on the matter:
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[IMG: Castiel in the foreground looks back at another angel, Hael, who is looking around with concern, holding her harms to her chest and stomach. They are outside, framed next to a dumpster and an outhouse, Castiel is speaking into a payphone. The Captions read “Some are just looking for direction.”]
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[IMG: Dean Winchester holds a cellphone to his ear, listening and looking perturbed, he is in a hospital hallway. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “Some are just lost.”]
Cas expresses that some of the angels are just lost and confused, that he met one and wants to help her.
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[IMG: Dean in the left half of the frame, looking down, speaking into the phone. The captions read “No Cass, I know you want to help, okay, I do.”]
Dean warns him not to, and I actually like and understand Dean’s point of view here. Dean might understand that Cas cares about the other angels, but he cares a lot more about Cas not getting hurt, and he’s personally seen that some angels are out for his blood, and considering Cas just finished getting tricked by an angel that caused this whole mess I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to be skeptical of Cas’ judgment here. I mean, no more than his own considering what he’s about to do and also considering, oh yeah, it was Sam and Dean going to Metatron for help that put him back into play in the first place, but this is like understandable and in character. Dean wants Cas to prioritize his own safety, that’s cool.
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[IMG: Castiel, centre frame, looking off to the right, speaking into a payphone, he looks upset. The captions read: “And do what? Just abandon them all?”]
Cas for his part views not helping the angels that he can as wrong, not fighting against them or hurting him, but just not doing everything he can to help. The conversation gets cut off before they can really get into an argument about it, and Cas ultimately takes Dean’s advice and tries to leave Hael and go to the bunker alone.
Now you know and I know that Cas ends up having to kill Hael when she backs him into a corner, despite his attempts to leave peacefully. Dean doesn’t know about that, his last word from Cas is that he wants to help the angels.
Cas has done plenty wrong by heaven, and a lot of what motivates him to help is the weight of that guilt, but his desire to reconcile and repent for his mistakes, and to help the other angels is a well established and consistent trait of his. Dean knows about this, he literally says “I know you want to help.” He just doesn’t care.
Because angels are “monsters with good PR”
anyway this is why I can’t stand it when people claim Cas should’ve trusted Dean with the angel tablet back in season 8. Forget the fact that Kevin literally got kidnapped from the place they were keeping him (and planning to take the angel tablet) two episodes later, Dean himself is not someone who can be trusted with information about angels, not if Cas cares about the well-being of his species, and he does.
Anyway that’s my take on it you’re welcome to disagree obviously, but Imo just because Cas is the poster child for angel massacres doesn’t mean the fact that his best friend seems to consider him and everyone like him to be sub-human isn’t like. An issue.
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I felt like it was a crime to not drop some fanart for this series
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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