#i realized i kinda refer to this a lot
dreadark · 1 year
Originium Arts Assimilation
it’s this thing
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you can assume it’s a measure of how well someone can use Originium Arts, and as far as I can tell it’s an innate biological characteristic that can’t be improved by training. however it can change, usually by how Oripathy improves most Infected’s ability to use Arts (though not always, as with Earthspirit and Astesia)
most operators have a Normal/Standard rating. usually casters and other Arts users will have an Excellent/Outstanding rating. and then Amiya has a mysterious ■■ rating, and Rosmontis has...something else
(Arknights’s physical exam ratings are Flawed < Normal < Standard < Excellent < Outstanding)
so the “Flawed” rating is notable here. in fact you can broadly separate all* the operators with that into having a connection to Feranmut or Seaborn
Feranmut obviously have some kind of powers, but are noted to specifically not be Originium Arts. as Closure says, “[Dusk] has 'no connection' to Originium whatsoever”
Nian, Dusk, Ling: they’re fragments of Sui, self-explanatory
Kjera: an incarnation of Kjeragandr, self-explanatory
Surtr: ...this one’s more complicated
Invitation to Wine has this bit:
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suspiciously specifically mentioning ancient Sarkaz swords
Surtr’s sword is noted to be the source of her power, since she doesn’t use any Originium Arts, and the sword somehow also prevents her Oripathy from worsening Surtr has a condition where she has a bunch of memories that aren’t her own, so much so that she can’t even recall what her own memories are anymore. which sounds pretty similar to what started happening with Lee after he picked up the goblet with part of the second Sui brother in it
conclusion: there’s a Feranmut dwelling in the sword, and since Surtr picked it up she’s been affected by it
though unlike Lee and the Sui brother, this one doesn’t seem to be intentionally taking her over? they’re friends :)
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at least that’s what I’ll roll with until they give Surtr an event in 2025. aha...
for this one I’ll be using Seaborn and Sea Terror interchangeably, everyone just calls them all Seaborn anyway and there’s a few references to CN-only stuff, considering Highmore
Skadi, Specter, Gladiia: the Abyssal Hunters are revealed to be created by Aegir(nation) by somehow combining Aegir(people) with Seaborn
Gladiia’s a lead on this project, but Skadi didn’t seem to know about being part Seaborn until the events of Under Tides
Specter is unique among these since she’s also infected. she was injected with enough Originium to kill a town, but her Seaborn blood lets her resist Oripathy so she didn’t immediately explode  this also means despite being infected, she can’t use Arts at all as Gladiia’s profile puts it, they’re “insulated” from Originium (I’d guess she wouldn’t get infected normally either)
Mizuki, Highmore: also Aegir+Seaborn hybrids, but created by the Church of the Deep 
the process is probably different somehow; both the Hunters and these two have enhanced strength and are insulated from Originium, but the Hunters have their characteristic red eyes+white hair, while Mizuki/Highmore are more integrated into the Seaborn “hivemind” (at least that’s the cult’s goal)
these two were coincidentally both created by the same bishop Cicero, but he considers Mizuki a perfect creation while Highmore is a failure. probably because Mizuki accepted his Seaborn side and his way of thinking pretty much aligns with them, but Highmore rejected it and ended up turning into [the IS3 boss]
so being “imperfect” she has visible Seaborn cells on her arm, while Mizuki looks entirely like an ordinary Aegir
(probably shouldn’t get too into this before she’s in global but I just really like Highmore...)
oh and Mizuki’s abilities to cause hallucinations aren’t Originium Arts, but somehow a biological thing
Andreana: now here’s the slightly less straightforward case
she’s part of the Abyssal Hunter faction, but she doesn’t know the other Hunters. she’s similarly unable to use Originium Arts, but while she’s stronger than the average person she’s nowhere near Skadi’s superhuman strength
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a drop of ink vs an inkwell you can just take that pretty literally I think; Andreana just has a lot less Seaborn in her, so the associated traits she has aren’t as strong
as for how she got this way, there’s a few allusions to her being experimented on when she was a kid. in her module she remembers “someone wrapped in the smell of the sea, a robed Iberian” being involved, which is almost definitely a member of the Church of the Deep
conclusion: she’s one of the cult’s earlier experiments with combining Aegir and Seaborn
Gladiia’s operator record reveals the cult does experiments on Aegir who come to their churches for medical assistance, so I’d guess her mother took her to them when she was young and this ended up happening so...why is she classified as an Abyssal Hunter, when Mizuki and Highmore who are also Aegir-Seaborn hybrids created by the cult aren’t?
because of gameplay. now she can buff the other Hunters and receive their buffs ...that’s it, there’s nothing to suggest she's actually related to Aegir’s “Abyssal Hunter” project. she doesn’t even have the white hair/red eyes
until HG finally remembers she exists and gives her a story to contradict this, maybe. but I’d be happy with her existing at all...
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I mentioned it before but I really have no clue. he’s just like that
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as finally confirmed by her operator record, she is part-Seaborn just like the others (though she wasn’t even experimented on by Aegir or the cult...a Herald just gave her a “gift” directly, so that’s something. the two Heralds we know of are First to Talk and Endspeaker for reference.)
and since she is, she should have a “Flawed” rating here
so there’s 2 possible explanations for this discrepancy:
one, she’s a launch character they didn’t bother expanding on properly for 3.5 years. so they might not have had all this in mind at all when initially creating her
or two, she bsed her way through the operator exam and somehow tricked the tested into thinking she was using Originium Arts instead of.. whatever powers she has(??) they do make a point of how her casting method is weird and no one else can understand it, so
I’m inclined to go with the first one just because of how much they mention her skill with originium but Deepcolor is still so mysterious so who knows...
**wanted to mention the Blood Originium-Crystal Density of everyone but couldn’t find a good place to mention it, so it’s here now. wish I could put a readmore in a readmore
if you look through most uninfected operator profiles, the average is about 0.12-0.14 u/L
Dusk/Ling/Kjera all have 0.00 (Nian probably does too but she’s avoided physicals)
Surtr, despite being infected only has 0.10 u/L I assume she got infected before getting the sword, and it’s either keeping the progression of her Oripathy at bay or maybe even treating it
Gladiia has 0.011... Originium doesn’t exist in the sea though, so it could be because she only came up to land recently
Skadi has 0.013, which actually decreases to 0.012 in her alt. ignoring the special circumstances of her alt, I think her Seaborn cells might be “cleaning” the originium in her blood? 
Specter has 0.31 which increases to 0.34 in her alt. pretty standard numbers for an infected, but the progress of her Oripathy is notedly slower
Mizuki has 0.07 and Highmore has 0.08. these are lower than average, but not as low as Skadi/Gladiia, probably because these two aren’t from Aegir we don’t have a physical of before their transformation, but my guess is the same as Skadi’s; their Seaborn cells are decreasing this value
Andreana has 0.12, which is...totally normal I guess the tiny Seaborn part of her only fucked up her ability to use Arts but didn’t give her any resistance to this. RIP
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saturnaous · 2 months
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Accidently cooked up a silly little au the other day that I am very much enjoying gonna. talk about it under the cut because4 the FUCKING WORMS
OKAY so basically. literally everythign is the same except for the fact that. Ed got entirely yoinked instead of Alphonse. I dunno why that happens but. It does because I say so. Anyways. So this basically mean that Ed gets bonded to an armor instead of Al, and because I desperately wanted the secondary set of Armor to see some light I thought it would be funny to bond Ed to that instead. I haven't fleshed everything out, but as I'm working on that I wanna add a few of the different things in here just because. And I still might tweak things if I think it doesn't make sense. - Al lost his arm first, then traded his tongue and his eye to bond Ed to the armor, making him effectively mute. He's learned ASL and Ed has to translate for him a lot. Although in my hcs Al is a foodie so like. major bummer for taste buds. He likes fun textures and stuff though. I gotta figure out what problems this poses though so we'll figure that out. - Al most likely is going to go into being a state alchemist just for the fact of staying somewhat close to the storyline and stuff. and I don't know, insert random reasoning in here. Yeah - just a little design note. uhmmmmm I thought the cross thing on Ed's head/helm was cool and I had the bright idea of like "hey what if I put the emblem like. through the cross yk" and I might not do that. But at the moment it looks cool to me. so yeah. I'M STILL TOYING WITH THINGS. . . I have to figure out what happens and designs and stuff. but yeah. I think that covers. what I have for now. p sick. scuttles away
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
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#elena of avalor#beauty and the beast#batbedit#disneyedit#eoa edit#belle x beast#estebalena#kinda but also not kinda#I think a lot about the fact that it's been confirmed that this is an intentional homage#like EoA series supervising director Elliot M. Bour was just like casually bringing BATB into things as an Easter egg#since it was his first job in animation#and like don't get me wrong; I LOVE that he did this. I just don't know how he expected anyone (i.e. me) to be normal about it afterwards#once you've introduced BATB; it ceases to be a fun and casual reference and just makes the literature major girlies go feral#i thought this was gonna be a quick and easy little project but it wasn't#the parallels are all there but they're in slightly different order in EoA than the original and the pacing for each reference is differen#so i had to determine which ones I needed to skip frames for and which ones to use all the frames#and then try to figure out the speed from there#the coronation day scenes were very hard to color because the grey skies and muted filter kind of whitewash the characters#like you don't even understand i added so MUCH vibrance and saturation to the 4th and 5th gifs but elena's skin still is just gray#and the coloring is still just a very very mixed bag#also i've realized that while I don't think it was an intentional reference in the same way BATB was#anna's sacrifice and resurrection from frozen is perhaps just as --if not more-- a clear parallel to the coronation day scene than BATB#so maybe I will do that one someday too?#once i psych myself up again to try coloring coronation day again#which i imagine will be awhile#these do not look like the same scene and pretty much the same scene at all even if i tried to use the same psd when i could#and edit them to make the coloring as close as i could
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maudiemoods · 2 months
You look pretty slick in shrike's outfit : 3
UAGWA THANKS JSKRKSKDK if only I could have it in real life
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
For everyone who wanted bullfighter Nando when I mentioned it the other day, here you go :D
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+ this one I don't feel like coloring yet(imagine he's in Ferrari colors!!!)
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#did you know bullfighters dedicate their kill to a friend or member of the public by giving them their hat?#i really wanted to draw silly vettonso where fernando offers seb his hat#seb retires from bullfighting(yeah its an au now) and fernando in his green costume is like;#'here is my hat. now will you come back from retirement? 🥺'#but yeah feel very abnormal abt that ^ and also the thing abt them having someone who helps them get into their costume as a sacred ritual#theres just a lot of thoughts and ideas floating around in my head bcs of it#anyways i liked drawing this but it was very suffering too and took me like 5 hours#its like. you see the intricate embroidery and im like ah! omg! i love painting details!!!#and then remember im not the best w coming up with ideas for the embroidery pattern itself#so pls bear with me 😭😭 mainly i was trying to reference the diamond logo of renault#but most of it kinda just ended up being austrian knots i guess bcs thats what my mind defaults to#i thought the shoulder pad would be the most difficult but that came together the easiest and made the rest actually work in my head#aaahhh also im surprised w the angle of his face! im usually not good at side profiles as well as tilted down heads#but i think he looks pretty good honestly???#also w the sketch i just wanted to post it bcs i liked his face okay 😭😭😭#i wanted to paint it too but I realized im so naive thinking i could paint two of these horrifically detailed things in one session#but his face 🥹🥹 i like it!!! theres some renault era pic of him i really like where hes sun drenched and angry looking#^ and i think i captured the vibe well so!!!!!#well anyways mayhe ill draw more of this. it was fun but also like sucked my life force out bcs it kept going from easy to 'I CANT DO THIS'#the pictures of matadors are just...insane to me. tiny waist fat ass flamboyant costume. im dead 🫠#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
Ever think about Date’s view on family and how that relates to his character? When Mizuki asks him to define family, he just awkwardly offers that its like being blood related to someone. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and Mizukis, but like, he literally had no idea what a real family looks like. He’s an orphan, a man who grew up with no family and no name, but he doesn’t know that yet. He has no memory of his past, no way of knowing if there’s someone out there waiting for him to come home, if he even had a place to call home. His only frame of reference for a family is Mizuki and her parents. Deep down he knows it’s not right, not loving, but it fits the mold of a nuclear family, man and woman, blood related, so that must be what family is. When he’s asked to take in Mizuki, he’s absolutely clueless because he literally has zero frame of reference for how a child is supposed to be cared for. He puts distance between them because this isn’t his place, he doesn’t have the right to love this child as his own because he isn’t the real dad. There’s no place for someone like him in a family. And it’s baffling to him to hear that Mizuki not only loves him, she needs him because he is her family. Date believes he’s a nobody, just a sad, lonely man with no name who absolutely does not deserve this kind of love. But he has it anyway because he chooses it, he makes something that neither he nor Mizuki have ever had before. HES HOME
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lautakwah · 7 months
watching past lives (2023) really makes me want to text [redacted] and thats the power of cinema babeyyy
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oscill4te · 5 months
i never realized how important warmth is until these past 2 years... staying warm is so important.. blankets. tea. hot water from the faucet. bathroom heater. handheld heating device for when work gets to be too cold. gloves always, always. never walk to the store w/o bundling up. sleep with socks if feet are cold, even if its sensory hell. take care of the air drafts in your house. warmth >>>>> everything else
idk who typed this, me or a cold blooded reptile who desperately needs external sources of warmth to live -_- (both)
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agirlunderarock · 2 years
Jedi General
Summary: After the events of Geonosis, Obi-Wan is facing a lot of different changes in his life and is doing his best to not feel overwhelmed.
Pairings: None
Warnings: canon typical references
Read on AO3
A/N: I jus really wanted to write a scene about the first time Obi-Wan had to put on the armor and was told he was going to be a general. I had wanted to get this out before Tales of the Jedi came out but you know that never works out lol. Anyways hop you enjoy!
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For once in the thirty-five years Obi-Wan had lived in the jedi temple, the Coruscant traffic wasn’t the loudest thing in the temple. Within the last few days the temple had been buzzing with the news from Geonosis. Fallen jedi were brought in and prepared to be laid to rest each day. He wondered how much of his fallen family  had to stay behind in  the red dust  of the desert  planet. He hoped  he wouldn’t be attending more funerals for fallen jedi soon. The silence that engulfed each ceremony felt too heavy and brought with it memories of the first one  he had attended ten years ago. 
Obi-Wan looked down at the duraplast armor set neatly at the foot of his bed. He himself had set it there only a few moments ago, but it felt as if he had been staring at it for ages. If he were honest, it had felt rather flimsy, not nearly thick enough to really stop a blaster bolt from burning a hole in his chest, much less a lightsaber. After all thats what the armor was for, right? Wearing the flimsy armor made about as much sense to him as being at the center of the Republic’s civil war. 
It had only been a few days since the fighting broke out on Geonosis, a good portion of it he had actually missed after his spectacular failure to capture Count Dooku, and yet Obi-Wan felt the weight and the loss fall heavy on his shoulders. He sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his hands over his face, still trying to process what had exactly led him to this moment. Of course he could recall the sequence of events that led to him fighting for his life in an arena for the amusement of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Geonocians, but his mind struggled to make the jump from Jedi Knight to now Jedi General.
Just the thought of the words made his stomach churn. He could tell himself that it was just because had probably spent just a little too long in a bacta tank after his duel with Dooku, that the motion of the liquid had given him some kind of vertigo, but he knew better.
He stood up abruptly, and paced over to his window, as if just being near it would somehow let him breathe better. His stomach churned, his throat closed up, and the weight of an army sat on his shoulders. His lightsaber felt heavy on his hip, and it slowly dragged him down to sit on the floor. 
This was ridiculous.
It was just a few pieces of duraplast. A flexible material. Anakin had said it was fairly light and easy to move in. Realistically, it wouldn’t be protecting a whole lot of his more…delicate areas, but none of the other jedi he had spoken to seemed overly concerned about it. At least not openly. He should be able to move and fight in it just fine. Maybe that was the problem. Not so much that the armor would stop him, Obi-Wan was sure that if he put on the chest piece it would fit just fine and wouldn’t hinder his movement. Maybe it was more that no one else seemed so concerned about it, at least not in a way that made sense to him. Jedi were peace keepers. They were meant to defend innocent people from the horrors of the galaxy.
Peace keepers? Do you keep all the peace for yourself?
The memory of the woman’s accusation twisted painfully in his chest. She had made that comment before she had gotten to know him or Anakin, and truthfully it had been made just to distract him at the time, but now he felt the weight of that question pounding painfully in the back of his skull. Or maybe it was just the lack of sleep catching up to him. He took a deep breath and sat up a little straighter, crossed his legs and let out his breath slowly. Maybe that question was the place to start.
Peace Keeper.
What did that mean? When Obi-Wan had been a young initiate he had painted this picture of himself as a jedi sweeping into dangerous and daring situations and single handedly saving the day. There were clear lines between good and evil, and he always understood which side was which. A solution was just a smart quip away. If he were honest, he was glad that he realized the world wasn’t that simple. As a padawan training under Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan had experienced many planets and met different people toiling under different kinds of conflicts. He thought of his adventure on Lenarah, and later Pijal. 
Lenarah had been a lesson for him about learning balance and being adaptable. He couldn’t bring his friends peace until he dealt with his own fears. Pijal was a reminder to him and Qui-Gon that things aren't always as they appeared. He supposed that was a lesson worth learning several times, the most recent coming from the woman on Zolan. On both Pijal and Zolan, Republic indifference had been contributing to the problem on both planets. As far as he knew on Zolan, it was still an issue. Being a peace keeper didn’t necessarily mean upholding every ruling the republic had, sometimes it meant stepping in where the Republic had failed.
Ten years ago Obi-Wan had thought he fully understood what it meant to be a jedi. That he had been ready for the trials and whatever new challenges he would face as a new jedi knight. Ten years ago, Obi-Wan also thought he would have had more time with Qui-Gon Jinn. That he would have had his guidance when things became overwhelming. To say that he had felt overwhelmed was an understatement. Even now- 
No. He couldn’t give in to that spiral.
Being a Jedi came with its own set of challenges, many of which he did not choose for himself, and others he had quite forgotten if he chose them or if they were thrust on him. Training Anakin fell into that line of thought most days. Even now as he had seen Anakin through to his knighthood, and despite feeling immensely proud of his young friend, it pained him to know that he couldn’t say if training him was a choice he would have made himself if Qui-Gon hadn’t died. 
Obi-Wan took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
It was easy to say now that he knew how it ended, Obi-Wan would go back and make that choice for himself. That he would train Anakin, or at the very least help with his training had Qui-Gon still been alive. Saying that now was the easy part, but if only because he was still trying to wrap his mind around everything he learned while teaching Anakin and was still learning from him. That was something Obi-Wan really never noticed as an initiate or a padawan, that a jedi was always learning and teaching. Yes, being a Jedi Knight meant that he was a protector, and defended innocent life, sometimes in daring rescue attempts, but he was not without compassion or empathy. His lightsaber was rarely the first tool he reached for. His greatest ability as Jedi, and from what he had seen of the other masters, was their compassion, and sense of duty to serve the Galaxy, not just the Republic. Being a Jedi Knight meant that he was constantly trying to live out the lessons that he learned, let go and grow from the things that troubled him.
Accepting change was likely the hardest lesson Obi-Wan had to learn, and one he was still attempting to master. He lived in a constant state of motion. If he chose to continue to meditate on this issue for another hour or two, it would do nothing to change the inevitable fact that he was being tossed into a war, or that he was now to be a Jedi Master on the council, or that Anakin was no longer his padawan. That change would still be there when he opened his eyes. He had to accept that. He had to accept that he would now be a Jedi General.
Sometimes upsetting the ‘balance’ is the only thing that can bring peace. Living quietly under an unjust status doesn’t mean a planet is at peace.
Though the memory was an abrupt intrusion to his mediation, and at the time when the words were spoken to him he was very upset with the woman, Obi-Wan leaned into that thought. It was an interesting idea she had proposed. Breaking peace to bring peace. Upsetting the balance to bring equality was surely a baffling contradiction that made as much sense as Jedi General. At the time he hadn’t been sure it was something he agreed with, but after experiencing and reflecting on many of the conflicts he came into he felt there was some truth to it.
He had to wonder if this was the kind of mentality that many of the Sepratist political leaders had. After spending years trying to have their voice heard by the Republic Senate and the Chancellor, they’ve decided to upset the balance of a system they felt was corrupt. It made sense to an extent. Their separation was merely a symptom of a corrupt system. The droid army would then be a precautionary measure, a means to defend themselves. But there was more to it. Planets who had not chosen to leave the Republic were being invaded and occupied by Sepratist forces. That wasn’t defensive. Not in any way that made sense.
“Why didn’t you join him? I would have thought you agreed with everything Count Dooku said,” Obi-Wan had asked the shapeshifter from Zolan as they were chained to the pillars of the Geonocian arena.
“I probably chose wrong huh?” She had laughed, despite the fear in her eyes. “I actually did agree with what he said,” she admitted, “Too much of it actually. It was like he was getting in my head and saying exactly what he thought I wanted to hear. I don’t know if he’s being truthful or not. But you didn’t trust him, and I trust you. I trust your judgment. ”
Someone he had once thought was an enemy, gave up the chance to take everything she wanted for her planet. He felt the corners of his mouth twitch upward as he leaned more into the memory. It was easy to recall their talk in the infirmary. She had made it clear, it wasn’t just because he didn’t trust Dooku that made her take her chances in the arena, that made her give up what even to him, sounded like an easy way to help her people, but because Obi-Wan had taken a chance to trust her and took the time to understand what was happening on her planet. That he understood exactly how she wanted to help her people, and that if the Republic had people like him and Anakin serving it, then it couldn’t be beyond hope.
Perhaps that was why the Chancellor proposed the Jedi lead the Republic armies. Not for any strategic military purpose where being trained over the course of a lifetime to not let emotional responses guide ones actions would be extremely beneficial. Perhaps it was as simple as this was an opportunity for them to teach the Republic, and learn from their mistakes. When the battles ended what would become of the innocent people caught in the crossfire was important. The best people to decide how they wanted to be governed would be the people of those planets. Though the jedi would be military leaders, they could also be mediators, repair the broken trust between these planets and the republic. It happened before, this civil war might just be the result of things being unresolved for so long. 
Perhaps that was a bit arrogant to think that the jedi could do all of that. That they should be accepting that responsibility, but they weren’t doing it alone right? There was a place for the jedi to work alongside the troops, but also individual planets, they could still be mediators in this war right? He had to believe that. It would be foolish to think that would be how things would stay, the galaxy was in a constant state of motion, but it mattered how he adapted to it. He just had to be mindful when making those decisions as they came.
Obi-Wan slowly opened his eyes and took another deep breath, his eyes focused on the point where his wall and ceiling met above his bed. The weight of these new responsibilities didn’t feel any lighter, but he felt that he could at least face them now. He could tread water for a little longer before feeling overwhelmed again. He lowered his gaze back onto the duraplast armor sitting neatly on his bed. The sunlight streaming in through the window behind him reflected off the white chest piece, as if shining the light on the final solution to the fog still lingering in his mind. 
Another deep breath in and out, and Obi-Wan was back on his feet and holding the armor in his hands. He still did not like the uncertainty that came with the title General, and Jedi General still felt like the biggest contradiction he had ever come across, but this was what the galaxy was calling him to be Jedi, and a General.
Slowly Obi-Wan unclasped each piece of duraplast, checking each piece for flaws or damage before putting it over his robes. He quickly found that not all of it would fit with his normal jedi attire, nor would his boots be as sturdy- For as long as he had been staring at the armor set, he was only just realizing that he had been provided with new boots, and fitted black pants and a matching shirt. He supposed that was supposed to fit under the armor. Before putting anything on, or taking anything off, Obi-Wan laid each piece opened up and laid out for him to look over. There was a lot more than he had realized.
First he put on the undersuit. It hugged his body more firmly than he cared for. He imagined it would be easy to suffer heat exhaustion in such clothing. He would need to make sure the men in his command always had water. Next came his boots. White durables was layered over sturdy but flexible leather and he found that he didn't fully dispise the way they fit him. They didn't seem to breathe as well as his jedi issued ones, but he supposed he would get used to that, as well as the weight. The smaller pieces that made up armor along his arm. He would definitely need to learn to tune out the odd plastic scraping sounds. It was much more the same when he put on the pieces around his legs, and thighs, the chest piece, something he could only assume was to protect his neck and collar bone and sat awkwardly underneath the shoulder pads.
Even as he looked at himself in the small mirror above his sink, Obi-Wan couldn’t be sure he had it all on correctly. It felt awkward to move. Pieces rubbed awkwardly against different parts of his body. He reached for his lightsaber, practicing the movement as if that would help. But he didn't feel like himself. He guessed that was part of the point. He wasn't just a jedi knight anymore, he was a general and everyone expected a general to look a certain way. He supposed that with the complete armor on, all traces of his jedi training hidden under it or only present in his lightsaber, he did look like a military General. Someone who could be on the front lines with their men charging through enemy forces.
Obi-Wan internally cringed at the thought. His younger self would have been delighted with that thought. Only his long hair brushing his shoulders seemed to break that image. He found that satisfying. A small piece of himself still poking out through the armor. Obi-Wan continued to study his image a moment longer. He was sure that if Anakin had walked in at that moment he surely would have poked fun, but this wasn't for the sake of vanity.
It felt wrong. Of course it would probably always feel wrong, but this was something outside his frustration with the contradiction of Jedi General. Or maybe it wasn't. He definitely looked like a general, but not a jedi. He decided to remove some of the bulkier pieces, the chest piece, the parts on his thighs poked into his hips, and he slid part of robes back under his shoulder pieces. The only thing missing was his belt. 
He took a deep breath once he had it on and looked back to the mirror. Of course his chest and other more fragile bits were more exposed to blaster fire now, but he at least seemed recognizable as a jedi. The parts of his robe made him feel like he would stand out more. Maybe that would be detrimental when on the battlefield, but if he was going to die in this war, and he likely was, he wanted the first thing for anyone to notice about him was that he was a jedi. No matter the circumstance, whether in the heat of battle or delivering relief aid, he wanted to be known as a jedi first above any other title he might have.
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
Hey bestie ! I’ve been thinking of kin stuff more lately (obv cuz of the fern shift but also other stuff, I did mention it on my kin blog n you follow that so you might know what I mean lol) and I was curiosity - how did you realize your adventure time kins (or just kins in general) ? Obv no need to answer but thought I might as well ask ! /gen /nf !
oooouu so fair , i saw :] !! and man , it kinda was , an entire process /lh /nm !! mostly it was rewatching adventure time , seeing finn started off with "ohhh , me , i'd do that" to "oh . me .. i did that . " also like ? looking at finn , and "gender envy" turning to "oh thats ME i wanna look like that bc i looked like that at one point" ?? then i'd think more about it , and realize i remembered doing things finn did . and like - not to get venty , since i don't mean this in a bad way , but realizing i was finn was a bit more distressing , since i didn't fully get it i think !! i was rewatching it , and had distinct memories of ooo ? like being in ooo ! it was , interesting /lh /nav
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githvyrik · 2 years
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I wanted to use some fun colors
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inlovewithobsession · 2 years
bro i think i might be nb
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jaekaicx · 2 years
hi! I read your post on the mcsm fan game (trust fall) and I can't find it anywhere. it's prob my small brain but do you have a link or anything to where I can download it? the game sounds rlly interesting even if I never finished mcsm 😭
it was made by astral autumn games on itch dot io but it looks like they restricted the page :( damn
BUT!! i did find a playthrough on youtube thank god!! https://youtu.be/w2EPBbaceQo
haven't actually checked out the videos themselves but the channel does have a playlist of their playthrough so hopefully thats okay !!
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gonzodangerfeels · 2 months
It's Rays because if it was ra's it would have to be down in the keys
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kangaruined · 1 year
ranting abt my roommate in the tags dont look at me
#bro i really like them a lot but they have been getting on my NERVES since moving in omg. they're my partner's best friend and there's#a lot of good reasons for that but also as im getting to know them more closely im realizing they can be soooo pretentious#its both my partner's birthday and their birthday today so i went to the store at 7am to get breakfast stuff#2 diff types of biscuits. cinnamon rolls. hash browns. sausage plus plant-based sausage for them. fruit. juice. red bull.#that one brand of sparkling water i know they like. ingredients for a birthday cake. plus 2 bottles of champagne and OJ for mimosas#i spent like $130 on this and then when we finished making breakfast they wanted to take a photo of our plates & mimosa glasses & stuff#and they turned the champagne bottle around so you couldn't see the brand name and were like 'uhh nobody needs to know this is andré lol'#(andré is an inexpensive but common brand of champagne if you're unaware)#like dude. i went out of my way to do this and already spent a significant amount of money#and you're gonna comment about the quality of the champagne i got? wack#this happened like 6 hours ago and im still feeling very wtf about it lol#they're weirdly hella pretentious about southern culture too and reference all sorts of tiny things as being innately southern...#which my partner (who is literally also southern? we're talking virginia vs north carolina) doesn't understand#and im just tired of it. they make mildly fatphobic comments and kinda uphold traditional beauty/body standards for women and they dont#seem to have much self-reflection for this. which is fuckin weird coming from a queer trans person who is incredibly interested in the#very granular aspects of queer history and 'theory'#there's literally so many other things about them that either mildly bother me or otherwise fully piss me off and im refraining from#listing them because i would 100% sound like an asshole but. i really just wish i lived only with my partner still.#god ok one more: the other day they asked me if i needed to use the bathroom before they showered (its a 1 bathroom house)#and i said nah. then they proceeded to not shower for 2+ hours#at that point i asked them if they minded if i took a quick shower cause i'd also been meaning to and like. it'd been over 2 hours#and they got kinda short and were like 'oh well i guess not. i was kinda making my way in there though. i can wait though.#no thats ok i still need to shower i was slowly gettin there but i can wait'#like thanks and sorry and i'll be quick but also IT HAS BEEN 2+ HOURS
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carakook · 2 months
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🎀 A “Coquette” Misunderstanding 🎀
“Mmm… depends. You gonna let me put a real bow on your dick? Make it all cute and coquette?”
♡Pairings: fuckboy!Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader
♡Synopsis: Jungkook has been a self proclaimed fuck boy after his last relationship ended fairly messily… until he met you. Started out as fuck buddies, but he always had a huge crush on you. With time, he realized that he’s actually falling in love with you, and he is itching to make you his girl. He knows being a fuck boy means he has to prove himself when it comes to being serious, so he comes up with the perfect gift to give you when he confesses… only for it to turn into the biggest fucking mess.
♡Genre: Romance/Comedy
♡Word count: 5k+
♡Warnings: 18+ for mature audiences only, MDNI, mentions of sex, lewd references, lots of talk about penises, talks of being in love (ew!!!), arguing, mentions of alcohol, no smut but this fic revolves heavily around sex, making out, Jungkook is kinda stupid (bless his lil heart), also kind of weird in general? Let me know if I miss anything!
♡Disclaimer: This story in no way reflects the characters of those who are mentioned. It is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t take it seriously. Nothing is real in this story.
♡A/N: This is my first request! I hope whoever requested it likes it, it was supposed to be a Drabble but I got a lil carried away… oops! The request was fuck boy Jungkook falls in love with Y/N, but there’s a misunderstanding that eventually gets resolved and they live happily every after! I have no idea how I came up with this 😭 it’s kinda silly and kinda weird but I think it’s cute. I hope you guys like it. 😅
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Jungkook finds himself wondering if he can possibly get anymore fucking stupider than he feels right now.
It seems when it comes to you, he simply loses brain cells. He’s not sure what it is about you, but anything involving you short circuits his brain as of late, and he is continuously fucking things up.
Maybe it’s because you’re so fucking pretty. Maybe it’s because the way you look at him makes his knees weak. Maybe it’s simply because he’s a man, and men are stupid… Or maybe, it’s because he had the recent revelation that for the first time literal in years, he has caught feelings.
And what’s worse is that he’s realized this isn’t just a little crush. He’s fucking in love with you, and it’s making him forget how to function.
Jungkook doesn’t catch feelings, not since his last relationship ended very messily two years ago. The way the relationship ended left a very bad taste in his mouth, so he decided to go back to his college days of being a fuck boy and never falling in love again…
Which was working for some time. It was freeing to be able go back to his old ways; he could enjoy a woman’s body and worship them like the goddesses they are, and then wake up the next day without feeling any obligation… or anything at all, really.
Until you came along.
You had been friends for years, although you were never very close. He always thought you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, but he also thought you were so out of his league. You weren’t the type of girl to go for fuck boys; you were put together and had very high standards, you knew your worth. He liked that, but never really had the guts to push it because he was sure he didn’t fit those standards.
That is, until one drunken night at one of Jimin’s parties… you flirted with him heavily. It was the biggest fucking ego boost that he ever had. He never assumed you would be interested in him, because his noncommittal habits weren’t a secret. But on this night you were very obviously interested in him. You were being touchy, and sweet, and you just looked so fucking pretty.
This was the first night you slept together, and Jungkook doesn’t like admitting that you unraveled him in a way no other woman had. The sex was mind blowing. He has never felt such intense chemistry with someone before… and fuck, you gave the best head he ever gotten. He was addicted after that, he knew he didn’t want it to be a one time thing.
He didn’t want to make you his girlfriend necessarily, good sex still wasn’t enough for him to consider being with someone seriously again… but he did want to see you again. The next morning he was bashful; made you breakfast, drew you a warm bath with essential oils and pretty smelling soap, and even ordered you a very last minute bouquet of flowers to wake up to.
This alone should have told him that things would be different with you, because although Jungkook always treated a woman with love and care when they gifted him their body for a night, he never went this out of his way to impress them.
He told himself it was because he felt the need to overcompensate. In bed he’s very confident, but out of bed, he’s not as sure of himself… especially with you. He felt lucky to have a night with you, and he knew he needed to put an effort in to keep you interested in him because he wasn’t exactly your type. If he was able to keep you interested, then maybe you’d see him again.
He was right, you didn’t normally go for fuck boys. Casual sex wasn’t exactly your favorite, because men often forget to focus on the woman, too. You weren’t exactly looking for anything serious, but you also weren’t looking to sleep with some guy who only cared about himself in bed. And most hookups you had thus far ended with you less than satisfied.
It was uncharacteristic for you to sleep with guys like Jungkook, or really give them any attention at all. But Jungkook has always been pretty, and he’s always been so fucking sweet… that night at the party, he looked extra appealing to you.
Even then, you weren’t planning on doing it again. The chemistry was undeniably intense, but you weren’t a fan of sharing. There were health risks to sharing partners if one of you weren’t careful, and you didn’t like that it made you question yourself. You tried it before, and it just wasn’t for you. You like exclusivity, and that’s ok. Everyone has preferences and boundaries and not everyone will agree with yours.
This is why you didn’t plan to see him again. But when you woke up and saw all the sweet little things he did for you, you were definitely tempted… what really got to you was how he fucking looked at you; he looked at you like a love sick fucking puppy and it was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen. He was adorable. You’d never been with a man who was so fucking sexy but also so goddamn cute at the same time.
No guy had gone through such trouble after what was supposed to be a one night stand before. It was like he really was a dog; he brought you these little gifts in the form of acts of service in the hopes you would continue giving him head pats. Or, actual head in this case…
And although he wasn’t actually love sick, he definitely was a bit pussy whipped.
Temptation won in the end.
There was no spoken agreement between you two… you just started having sex regularly. And every time it was fucking toe curling. No man took care of your body so perfectly and left you 100% satisfied. But beyond the sex, you both found that you thoroughly enjoyed being around each other. You’d never knew each other well before this, you were mere acquaintances who were familiar with each other because of mutual friends, but you grew closer and got to know each other as time went on, and in the end you kept it going.
Of course you were worried about his reputation, but you didn’t push him or even ask for exclusivity. He never explicitly said that he wouldn’t be exclusive with you, but you started liking him and the sex was enough to let go of that boundary and make an exception for him. You knew he was safe and you knew he would always treat you right. This was enough for you… even if it sometimes bothered you that you didn’t know whether he was sleeping around or not. He wasn’t your boyfriend, just a fuck buddy you grew fond of.
Little did you know, he had no desire to sleep with anyone else. You didn’t even need to tell him these boundaries, because he knew without you telling him. He wouldn’t dare do something to fuck this up. The sex was so good that he didn’t have the want for anyone else, he didn’t even think about it. He still wasn’t quite ready to be serious with someone, but he was content with you in a way that he never had been any of his previous hookups or fuck buddies. He wanted to keep you as long as you’d let him.
A routine started; as time went on you spent more time together, hung out often, and fucked like rabbits. You played with his hair and scratched his back, you picked on him and made fun of him in a way that made him laugh every time, and you knew exactly how to handle him even when he was a bit overwhelming. He was so content with what you both started.
Until recently.
Jungkook started realizing a few weeks ago that maybe having thoughts of an entire future with someone who’s only supposed to be your fuck buddy isn’t exactly normal. Sometimes he’d lay awake at night thinking of you for hours… he’d imagine taking you on actual dates, not just little outings disguised as friends hanging out. He’d imagine getting to brag about you being his girlfriend. But what really started to make it obvious was when he imagined what you’d look like in a wedding dress…
Five months in and he realized he’s falling for you. He’s so fucking gone for you, and for once, he’s giddy about it.
You’d both developed this sort of playful relationship. When you weren’t fucking, you were always joking around and making each other laugh. You both had a very crude sense of humor and so many little inside jokes. It was comfortable, and he started feeling like a kid on Christmas Day at the thought of keeping it going forever.
He wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend, but he knew you’d be hesitant because of his history. He wanted to do something for you that not only would prove to you he’s serious, but something that was special. He didn’t want to get you a piece of jewelry, or a bouquet of flowers with a card; he wanted it to be something only you would experience. He wanted to go all out for you.
He recalled a conversation you both had one time over dinner at his place while watching a drama. The guy in the drama was proposing to the main character, and it was as cliche as any other drama.
“That’s so cheesy. Why can’t guys be more creative? He’s asking her to spend fucking forever with him, more thought should go into it.”
“Yeah? Well if a guy proposed to you how would you want him to do it then?”
“I dunno… but not like that. Forever is a long fucking time, whoever decides to propose to me better do something more special than a damn ring.”
“But that’s literally what a guy is supposed to do, how else would he do it? You’re supposed to get the girl a ring and get on your knees n’ shit.”
“That’s so cliche though! I dunno, I’d rather something else… like maybe a dildo that was a replica of his dick. Something to the effect of ‘will you ride my dick forever?’”
That conversation ended in laughter of course, because you were only joking… but also, as Jungkook thought back on it, it would be so fucking perfect.
Not only would it show that he remembered the little things, but it would also break the stigma that he created for himself; it would show you that he was serious, he had no desire to be with anyone else sexually emotionally, and it would fit in with your playful dynamic. Like a little inside joke, and although he isn’t asking you to marry him, he wants the message to be clear that he wants to build a forever with you.
So he did some research. He original thought about getting you a dildo that was a replica of his dick, and found that there were DIY kits he could buy to make it himself. But also… why would you need a dildo if you had him? So he researched the more artistic aspect of things and found that there were actually a lot of artists who specialized in making replica sculptures of men and women’s body parts.
He liked this much more, because he felt it was a bit more sentimental and maybe more fitting. He found one artist in particular who’s sculptures and paintings looked very realistic. In their portfolio, they featured some comparisons of the pictures that inspired the sculpture vs. the sculpture they made, and there was barely a difference. They clearly had talent, and he was totally fine dropping however much money to get this done for you.
So he contacted the artist to order a commission. It was a hefty price, because he paid to have the process expedited. He wanted this done as soon as possible because he was practically shaking with excitement at the thought of asking you to be his girlfriend. But the price was worth it. The artist asked him some questions and listened to his requests. His only request was that it would be life sized, it would have a little pink bow wrapped around it (because you loved cute things, he remembers you called it ‘coquette’ once.), and somewhere it would have ‘Property of Y/N’ on it. The artist was confident that they could have it sculpted, shipped, and delivered by the end of the week. All the artist needed was a picture of his penis for reference.
Awkward, but understandable. It was very professional, obviously if he wanted the sculpture to look like his dick the artist would need a reference photo. This was purely for artistic purposes, it’s not like he was sending nudes or getting off on it. He was doing this for you and he couldn’t fucking wait to see the finished product or hear your little giggles when he presents it to you.
But of course, in his excitement, he fucks up exponentially.
He was supposed to email the photo of his dick to the artist. So he has no fucking idea why after he took the photo, he texted it to you… probably because subconsciously, who the fuck else would he be sending pictures of his dick to? He’s not even the kind of guy to send nudes, but he has a few times with you on nights that you’re both too busy to actually meet up and have sex.
He could’ve just played it off and said something stupid like ‘surprise’, but he immediately panicked because he was afraid you’d figure out what he’s doing. Which is so fucking stupid because how the fuck would you ever guess what he’s doing?
So what does he do instead?
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He handled it very poorly, to say the least. He didn’t know what the fuck to do, and he had no idea why the told you he sent it to the wrong person. It was because it was the truth, that’s why. He didn’t really think anything of it when he admitted he sent it to the wrong person, because he had a clear conscious. Why lie when he has a clear conscious?
He panicked not because he was guilty, but because he was scared that you would catch on and the surprise would be ruined… which is so fucking stupid. Out of everything, you couldn’t possibly guess what he was doing.
He didn’t think about the implications of telling you that it was the wrong person, and it just went downhill from there. He really should have just told you the truth in that moment, but he doubts you would have believed him. The story would seem far fetched at this point because of how vague he was being in the beginning.
And you really didn’t believe him. You trusted Jungkook, but that message reminded you that you aren’t exclusive with him. He isn’t your boyfriend. He has a reputation of being a fuck boy and he’s just your fuck buddy. So it wouldn’t have been a surprise if he really was messing around with other girls considering he technically has every right to… but it still stung.
If he had come out and admitted it was meant for another girl, you would have probably been a bit bitchy about it, but you wouldn’t have fought with him over it. He has the right to see other people when you both never agreed to only see each other. It was that feeling of being lied to that set you off, you fucking hate being lied to. You have your fair share of history involving men who lie, and although you made an exception on one of your boundaries for Jungkook, you refused to make an exception on being lied to for any man.
And even though he wasn’t actually lying, how the fuck would you have known that? He’s right, if he did send you some elaborate paragraph about what the picture was actually for, and how he just instinctively sent it to you after taking it, you probably wouldn’t have believed him after he denied it so vaguely like he did.
For days he tried to talk to you. He blew up your phone, called and texted hundreds of times, blew up your Instagram notifications, and even started fucking making tweets on Twitter begging you to talk to him and let him explain (dramatic as fuck, his friends made fun of him for it, and he didn’t care because he was desperate.) You ignored him, of course, because deep down you were a bit hurt. You really couldn’t stand the thought that we was sending nudes to someone else, possibly fucking them, and then lying to you about it.
It reminds you as to why you have the boundary of exclusivity… and also makes you realize that maybe you like Jungkook a little more than you thought you did.
He’s a mess. He kept debating whether or not to just show up to your place, get on his knees and beg you to listen to him… but he knew you wouldn’t let him in, not unless he had proof of what actually happened. He feels so goddamn stupid. He could easily show up and show you the email as proof, explain his thought process and what the picture was for, what he was doing, confess that he’s fucking in love with you and wanted to do something to show you how serious he is…
But he decides to give you space. He knows that it’s unlikely you want to listen to him or see him right now, and he needs to let you cool off. By the time the sculpture is delivered, he can show up, explain himself, and do everything as planned.
It’s the longest fucking week of his life. His thoughts are consumed with you and he prays that when he does show up, it isn’t too late, and you’ll let him explain himself.
That you’ll say yes after it’s all said and done.
The next Friday, he receives the package. He nearly fumbles with it as he opens it, wanting to get this shit over with so you guys will be ok again.
Just as expected, it’s perfect. It’s obviously not the exact same as his dick, but it’s pretty fucking close. It looks exactly as you would expect a sculpture of a dick to look like. The bow that was sculpted onto it is perfect, pink and detailed, wrapped between the tip of the sculpted dick and the base. At the very bottom of the base, in tiny cursive letters reads ‘Property of Y/N’. He thinks it’s perfect, and if you find it in yourself to hear him out, he knows you’ll love it. He can already imagine your cheeks getting pink as you giggle at the absurd gesture.
He gets himself ready. He puts on some cologne, brushes his teeth, stares at himself in the mirror a little too long trying to psych himself up. He knows showing up without warning is probably not the best way to go, but he hopes that once you open the door and see him bearing gifts, you’ll be more open to listening to what he has to say.
He makes a stop on his way to your place because he impulsively decides to buy you some flowers and a cute gift box for the sculpture. He’s in a rush because he feels like he’s dying on the inside with you so upset at him. When he gets the flowers, he just stuffs a wad of cash in the florists hand before running back off to his car. He probably overpaid for them… but he doesn’t care.
He makes quick work of putting the sculpture inside of the pink box he picked out, adds a matching pink bow for good measure. Once he’s satisfied, he carefully placed the flowers and the gift box in his front seat, and nearly peels out of the parking lot in a hurry to get to you.
You’ve been sulking all damn week, because you miss him. At first you were pissed, because you swore he was lying, he just had to be. Why else would he be sending dick pics to someone? But as the week went on, you did start to question yourself. Because Jungkook had never given you a reason to not trust him, and despite that fact that neither of you have ever explicitly said it was exclusive… you know that it is.
Because when you’re both in a room full of people, his eyes never stray. When he tells one of his stupid jokes, the first person he looks for a reaction in is you. When he goes to the grocery store, despite you not living together, he always stocks up on your favs. And every morning and every night, no matter what, you are the first and last person he talks to. The little things tell you everything you need to know.
Even now, after he stopped blowing your phone up because you continued to ignore him, he made sure to text you good morning and goodnight.
So why would he lie? Why would he lie when all of the signs are there that you are his sole focus? You may be unaware of how deep his feelings are for you, but the little things show where his loyalties lay.
It’s just so hard to believe him because you can’t possibly fathom who else he could be sending nudes to, and if the reason wasn’t sexual, then why? You don’t exactly send pictures of your genitals to someone for casual or platonic reasons, so…
You’re sitting on your couch watching TV and pouting when he knocks at your door. You aren’t expecting anyone, so you have a feeling it’s him… you debate not answering the door, but in the end you do, because you’re just as irritable without him as he is you.
You open the door and keep a neutral expression on your face, you see him standing there with those same love sick puppy eyes and you nearly fold right then and there.
He’s holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a fairly large pink box with a bow on top. So he came prepared, it seems. You don’t know whether to be flattered or offended at the supposed bribe, but you keep an open mind.
“What do you want?” You say cooly… as if you’re not going to let him in anyway.
“Y/N can we please talk? I know you hate me right now, but please just let me explain myself. I swear this is all just a really big and stupid misunderstanding.”
He has no idea what’s going on in your head right now because you seem so calm, so collected. He wishes he could be like you, because if you don’t let him in, he swears he’s gonna cry and bang on your door until you let him. He’s not above throwing a fit at this point.
You stand there for a moment staring at him, making it seem as if you’re skeptical… but really, you just missed his pretty face.
You open your door for him and he nearly fucking pushes you down when he barges his way in, afraid you’re going to change your mind.
He makes his way to your couch and sits down, pats the spot next to him and sits the gift box down on your coffee table along with the flowers.
“These are for you… open it first.”
You cross your arms and scoff at him, don’t sit down yet. You start to wonder if he’s avoiding actually explaining, wanting to butter you up first so that you’ll be more willing to forgive him.
“What? No, explain why you lied about sending—“
He holds his hand up to stop you from speaking, “Dammit, Y/N, open the damn gift first. You need to see it in order for me to explain. Please.”
You huff at him in response, because it’s kinda hot when he talks to you like that… but now is not the time to get hot and bothered. You don’t even know what his supposed ‘explanation’ is or if it’s something you’re willing to forgive.
You do listen to him though, you take a seat on the couch and grab the pink box. You take off the bow, which you love, and you carefully open up the box to reveal…
A penis. Hm.
You take it out and start inspecting it… you don’t know how to feel yet. You’ve been sleeping with him for months, you both know each others bodies very intimately, so you can immediately tell that it is indeed his dick, specifically because of the little heart shaped freckle down the shaft. You notice the bow that’s sculpted into it too, and you find yourself giggling at it without meaning to. Just like he thought you would. The entire gesture makes your cheeks warm. Such an odd fucking gift, but you already love it.
You turn it over, and you see at the base of it right above the testicles of the sculpture, in cute little letters ‘Property of Y/N’.
As weird as it is, you find the gesture so fucking cute… but you also don’t understand it. You don’t understand why he just gave you a coquette sculpture of his dick, what this has to do with the dick pic, and why it says property of Y/N, because that’s a very serious thing to put on a sculpture of his dick that he just have to you.
Before you gush over how much you love the silly thing, you ask wearily, “Ok… but like… what does this have to do with anything?”
Jungkook let’s out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in and his heart pounds because he’s so fucking thankful you seem to be open to hearing him out.
He begins explaining hesitantly, “Yeah, right, so umm… lately I’ve been thinking… about us. And I sort of realized that I… like you. Like, a lot. Not just the sex or the whole fuck buddy thing, but I really fucking like you as a person Y/N.”
Now your heart is pounding because you genuinely didn’t expect this confession. Which in return, makes you impatient… because you like him too. But you can’t tell him that until you figure out what the fuck happened with the dick pic and wether or not you need to stop this before it starts, or forgive him, or even apologize for not letting him explain.
“Ok but what does that have to do—“
“I’m getting to that. Just… ugh, shut up, this is embarrassing.”
He looks away from you and starts biting at his lip ring. You feel kinda bad, because he really does look embarrassed about it. But oh, it is so fucking cute…
You nod at him and lean back into the couch, the sculpture in your lap as you silently agree to let him continue and try to keep your impatience in check.
He reluctantly continues, “After realizing this, I wanted to… tell you. Wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend. But I didn’t want to be cliche about it, I remember us talking about it before… so I wanted to do something special… something only for you.”
He lets out a breathy laugh and squeezes his eyes shut, because he starts overthinking a bit. He wanted to to something special for you, so he got a fucking sculpture of his dick made… ridiculous train of thought. Such a fuck boy thing to do.
“I remembered you making a joke about how if a guy proposes, you’d want it to be with something other than a ring… and I’m not proposing! But you know, it’s similar so… yeah. Fuck. Anyway, I did some research and found out that apparently dick sculpting is a type of art? And my dumb ass thought that was perfect…”
He chances a glance at you, looking up from his lashes as he sits forward and rests his elbows on his knees. So far, you seem receptive of the story… you don’t seem to be suspicious of him yet. Thank fuck.
“I commissioned an artist to make a sculpture of… my dick. For you. And they needed a picture for reference… it was all very professional. But when I took the picture, I guess I just automatically sent it to you, because I don’t do that shit with anyone else. So I didn’t think. But when I realized I texted it to you, instead of emailing it to the artist… I told the truth because I didn’t think about the implications. And I did a very fucking bad job at attempting to explain when you did start questioning it. That’s my bad…”
It’s slowly starting to make sense. The story is a bit… far fetched. But it’s so far fetched that you highly doubt Jungkook would have gone through the trouble to actually commission an artist and drop who knows how much on this sculpture just to save his ass. It may be a very specific situation, an original experience, if you will… but the proof is in the pudding, and you can tell by the look on his face that he isn’t lying.
“I should’ve just told you what happened but I doubted you’d believe me after how badly I fumbled. So I waited for the damn thing to show up. I can show you the emails back and forth with the artist and stuff too if you want… but Y/N I swear I wouldn’t lie about something like that. I haven’t fucked or even looked at another woman since we started messing around… don’t want to. Only want you. So please believe me.”
He looks at you with pleading eyes, and gives you a small pitiful smile. You do believe him. You really didn’t have any reason not to to begin with, but the miscommunication prevented you from seeing that.
It really was just some very stupid misunderstanding.
You say nothing. Instead, you set the sculpture down carefully, and you scoot closer to him. You grab his face gently, and lean in to kiss him.
Fuck. He missed your lips so bad.
He immediately kisses you back, damn near whines at how good it feels to have you again. To see that you aren’t rejecting his explanation or refusing to trust him, but you’re forgiving him. He kisses you back sweetly, one of his hands coming to the nape of your neck while the other cradles your jaw.
You pull back and murmur, “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. Was stupid of me. Forgive me.”
He smiles so fucking stupidly at this and nudges his nose against yours. He starts peppering your face with little kisses as he says, “Forgive me for being a fucking idiot…”
One last huge smooch to your forehead, and he pulls you into his lap. He feels so much more lighter now that things are cleared up. God, he wants to fucking laugh at how absurd it all is. All week he started to regret ever choosing to get a sculpture made of his fucking penis as a way to ask you to be his damn girlfriend… who the fuck does that?
Him, apparently. And he started wishing he fucking didn’t.
But seeing you now, seeing how you’re smiling at him with the same adoration in your eyes as him, he’s thankful he did it. Sure, was a very odd gift to get you… but it suits your dynamic perfectly. And the way you giggled at it bashfully, he knows you absolutely loved it.
He reaches down and squeezes your ass as you sit on his lap, not trying to initiate anything, just wanting to touch you. He stares at you in silence for a moment, because a week away from your pretty face was far too much.
He flicks his lip ring with his tongue before asking, “So… does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend then…?”
He doesn’t mean to sound so awkward when he asks, but he’s nervous that you’ll say no because you didn’t really say anything when he explained earlier…
Stupid boy, can’t he see how much you fucking adore him? Of course you’ll say yes.
But even then, you hum in response as your hands reach up to play with his hair, as if you’re mulling it over and considering your options.
“Mmm… depends. You gonna let me put a real bow on your dick? Make it all cute and coquette?”
He doesn’t even hesitate. Of course he will. Fucking anything you want if that means you’ll be his girlfriend, if you’ll let him love you and fuck you and take care of you for what he hopes is forever. And honestly, the thought of you putting a bow on his dick weirdly turns him on.
You giggle at him, lean in and press your lips against his again. You kiss him once more, a bit more tongue this time just so you can hear him pant and feel his heart beat faster against your chest.
When you finally come up for air, you say against his lips, “Then yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”
He lets out a breathy laugh, was nervous you were going to say no. But you didn’t. And he has never felt so fucking excited or proud about something, he swears.
He can actually say that you’re his girl now. Thank god for his coquette dick.
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