#(is this really over 1k words im gonna cry
dreadark · 1 year
Originium Arts Assimilation
it’s this thing
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you can assume it’s a measure of how well someone can use Originium Arts, and as far as I can tell it’s an innate biological characteristic that can’t be improved by training. however it can change, usually by how Oripathy improves most Infected’s ability to use Arts (though not always, as with Earthspirit and Astesia)
most operators have a Normal/Standard rating. usually casters and other Arts users will have an Excellent/Outstanding rating. and then Amiya has a mysterious ■■ rating, and Rosmontis has...something else
(Arknights’s physical exam ratings are Flawed < Normal < Standard < Excellent < Outstanding)
so the “Flawed” rating is notable here. in fact you can broadly separate all* the operators with that into having a connection to Feranmut or Seaborn
Feranmut obviously have some kind of powers, but are noted to specifically not be Originium Arts. as Closure says, “[Dusk] has 'no connection' to Originium whatsoever”
Nian, Dusk, Ling: they’re fragments of Sui, self-explanatory
Kjera: an incarnation of Kjeragandr, self-explanatory
Surtr: ...this one’s more complicated
Invitation to Wine has this bit:
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suspiciously specifically mentioning ancient Sarkaz swords
Surtr’s sword is noted to be the source of her power, since she doesn’t use any Originium Arts, and the sword somehow also prevents her Oripathy from worsening Surtr has a condition where she has a bunch of memories that aren’t her own, so much so that she can’t even recall what her own memories are anymore. which sounds pretty similar to what started happening with Lee after he picked up the goblet with part of the second Sui brother in it
conclusion: there’s a Feranmut dwelling in the sword, and since Surtr picked it up she’s been affected by it
though unlike Lee and the Sui brother, this one doesn’t seem to be intentionally taking her over? they’re friends :)
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at least that’s what I’ll roll with until they give Surtr an event in 2025. aha...
for this one I’ll be using Seaborn and Sea Terror interchangeably, everyone just calls them all Seaborn anyway and there’s a few references to CN-only stuff, considering Highmore
Skadi, Specter, Gladiia: the Abyssal Hunters are revealed to be created by Aegir(nation) by somehow combining Aegir(people) with Seaborn
Gladiia’s a lead on this project, but Skadi didn’t seem to know about being part Seaborn until the events of Under Tides
Specter is unique among these since she’s also infected. she was injected with enough Originium to kill a town, but her Seaborn blood lets her resist Oripathy so she didn’t immediately explode  this also means despite being infected, she can’t use Arts at all as Gladiia’s profile puts it, they’re “insulated” from Originium (I’d guess she wouldn’t get infected normally either)
Mizuki, Highmore: also Aegir+Seaborn hybrids, but created by the Church of the Deep 
the process is probably different somehow; both the Hunters and these two have enhanced strength and are insulated from Originium, but the Hunters have their characteristic red eyes+white hair, while Mizuki/Highmore are more integrated into the Seaborn “hivemind” (at least that’s the cult’s goal)
these two were coincidentally both created by the same bishop Cicero, but he considers Mizuki a perfect creation while Highmore is a failure. probably because Mizuki accepted his Seaborn side and his way of thinking pretty much aligns with them, but Highmore rejected it and ended up turning into [the IS3 boss]
so being “imperfect” she has visible Seaborn cells on her arm, while Mizuki looks entirely like an ordinary Aegir
(probably shouldn’t get too into this before she’s in global but I just really like Highmore...)
oh and Mizuki’s abilities to cause hallucinations aren’t Originium Arts, but somehow a biological thing
Andreana: now here’s the slightly less straightforward case
she’s part of the Abyssal Hunter faction, but she doesn’t know the other Hunters. she’s similarly unable to use Originium Arts, but while she’s stronger than the average person she’s nowhere near Skadi’s superhuman strength
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a drop of ink vs an inkwell you can just take that pretty literally I think; Andreana just has a lot less Seaborn in her, so the associated traits she has aren’t as strong
as for how she got this way, there’s a few allusions to her being experimented on when she was a kid. in her module she remembers “someone wrapped in the smell of the sea, a robed Iberian” being involved, which is almost definitely a member of the Church of the Deep
conclusion: she’s one of the cult’s earlier experiments with combining Aegir and Seaborn
Gladiia’s operator record reveals the cult does experiments on Aegir who come to their churches for medical assistance, so I’d guess her mother took her to them when she was young and this ended up happening so...why is she classified as an Abyssal Hunter, when Mizuki and Highmore who are also Aegir-Seaborn hybrids created by the cult aren’t?
because of gameplay. now she can buff the other Hunters and receive their buffs ...that’s it, there’s nothing to suggest she's actually related to Aegir’s “Abyssal Hunter” project. she doesn’t even have the white hair/red eyes
until HG finally remembers she exists and gives her a story to contradict this, maybe. but I’d be happy with her existing at all...
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I mentioned it before but I really have no clue. he’s just like that
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as finally confirmed by her operator record, she is part-Seaborn just like the others (though she wasn’t even experimented on by Aegir or the cult...a Herald just gave her a “gift” directly, so that’s something. the two Heralds we know of are First to Talk and Endspeaker for reference.)
and since she is, she should have a “Flawed” rating here
so there’s 2 possible explanations for this discrepancy:
one, she’s a launch character they didn’t bother expanding on properly for 3.5 years. so they might not have had all this in mind at all when initially creating her
or two, she bsed her way through the operator exam and somehow tricked the tested into thinking she was using Originium Arts instead of.. whatever powers she has(??) they do make a point of how her casting method is weird and no one else can understand it, so
I’m inclined to go with the first one just because of how much they mention her skill with originium but Deepcolor is still so mysterious so who knows...
**wanted to mention the Blood Originium-Crystal Density of everyone but couldn’t find a good place to mention it, so it’s here now. wish I could put a readmore in a readmore
if you look through most uninfected operator profiles, the average is about 0.12-0.14 u/L
Dusk/Ling/Kjera all have 0.00 (Nian probably does too but she’s avoided physicals)
Surtr, despite being infected only has 0.10 u/L I assume she got infected before getting the sword, and it’s either keeping the progression of her Oripathy at bay or maybe even treating it
Gladiia has 0.011... Originium doesn’t exist in the sea though, so it could be because she only came up to land recently
Skadi has 0.013, which actually decreases to 0.012 in her alt. ignoring the special circumstances of her alt, I think her Seaborn cells might be “cleaning” the originium in her blood? 
Specter has 0.31 which increases to 0.34 in her alt. pretty standard numbers for an infected, but the progress of her Oripathy is notedly slower
Mizuki has 0.07 and Highmore has 0.08. these are lower than average, but not as low as Skadi/Gladiia, probably because these two aren’t from Aegir we don’t have a physical of before their transformation, but my guess is the same as Skadi’s; their Seaborn cells are decreasing this value
Andreana has 0.12, which is...totally normal I guess the tiny Seaborn part of her only fucked up her ability to use Arts but didn’t give her any resistance to this. RIP
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cheonstapes · 5 months
But request time gurl!😘😌✊, so what about a nerd!Miguel\dom x nerdygirl!reader LIKE IMAGINE THE FLUFF AND THE SMUT THERE BOTH BE A BLUSH MESS but I feel like Miguel would take the lead and show he dom when doing it like dont blame me! 😭✊ like he still nerdy Miguel we all know the sweet boy but let make the nerd that friend s with the popular group and have a girlfriend who is nerdy!reader and which is a very shy person then Miguel is.
Pls my life depends on this request gurl and I hope your having a great day though BYE STILL SO HAPPY FOR YOU EACHING 1k following
miguel o’hara stars in… ‘OUR FIRST TIME’ (゚ω゚)
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.miguel o’hara x reader.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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you and your nerdy boyfie, miguel, have your first time together 🩷
cw; loss of virginity, creampie!!!!!, iloveyous, it’s actually really cute, womb fucking ig, softdom!nerd!miguel, NAWT PROODREAD!!!
2k+ words
@cheonstapes: thank you sm lovelie🩷🩷 apologies it took so long but this was so fun to write and i love your mind. i hope you enjoy beautiful! also tumblr keeps fucking up my italics and bolds so im gonna add them on later!
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you and miguel had to have been the most stereotypical couple at the university.
who would’ve guessed the two biggest nerds on campus would’ve gotten together — especially when it was because of your shared interest in genetics. but to miguel’s friends, it was so sweet — a little cringe, but sweet. seeing that it had already been a year since you two started dating, the two of you not being able to hold a conversation without stuttering and blushed profusely was quite concerning.
every time you looked him in the eyes, your heart would suddenly beat a million times faster — face flushing, hands trembling as you try to come off as calm as possible. it was so embarrassing, you could cry just thinking about it. he had such pretty eyes hidden behind those thin frames, didn’t make it better that he would stare into your soul every time you talked.
but miguel wasn’t any better — in fact, he was worse. his whole friendship group being the talk of the college helped miguel to open up more, the persistent attention meaning he had to adapt to being surrounded by people. the incessant staring? that’s him trying to make himself less nervous by making you more nervous so you would stop looking at him so he could admire you without you realising — long, i know. but he loved how sweet you were, the way you were so deeply in love with him — just like he was with you.
walking out of your biology lecture, he speeds up walking to catch you on the othwr side of the room — gently slipping his hands into yours. you tense, looking up at his handsome face before relaxing — “ah, m-miggy!” he smiles so softly, wrapping his beefy arm around your waist. “hey, pretty — you finished for today?” his fingers squeeze the fat of your hips, pulling you into his chest as he leans against a nearby wall.
he always knew how to make you so fucking nervous, staring down at you like you were the centre of his world — which you in fact were. “yeah! i was just gonna go back to my dorm and study. would…well, it’s ok if you’re busy — but do you, maybe, wanna…” god, why is it so hard to ask your boyfriend to hangout! he knew what you wanted to ask, he just wanted to hear you say it. “do i wanna what, hm? i mean — i don’t have any plans later either, i was thinking of going to pete-“
“no!” a brief flicker of slight panic takes over your face, you refuse to be that much of a mess to the point where you can even ask your own boyfriend out. “i mean, would you like to come my dorm tonight? t-to study, obviously.” amazing job, girlfriend, amazing job. once again, he wore that stupidly handsome smirk — fingers kneading the soft flesh of your waist. “study? of course, babe — why didn’t you just ask?” prick.
miguel always said he found it easier to study when you were right next to him — as in, resting in between his legs as your head lay on his chest. “did you get the answer to number 8? i think i missed that lesson…” you tilt your head, looking up at him. you looked so cute with your little glasses as you studied, a small pout on your lips as you tap on his leg for him to help you out.
he was thinking a lot of things right now, and none of them were the answer for number 8. before he met you, miguel was always deep in his studies — head buried in a textbook every night. but now you’re his, he can’t think about anything else. the outline of your chest against your tight shirt, pert nipples straining against the fabric since you insist you feel better without a bra — he wasn’t a perv, but damn if you were making him feel like one.
“u-uh…i think — uhhhh…” he was really fucked. your cute little giggle and the way you shimmied around to sit on your knees, hands clutching his cheeks. “migs, you’re burning up! you ok?” he was no ok, not by a long shot. despite having so much attention on him simply because of the people he’s friends with, miguel was still very much a virgin. yeah, he’s jerked off before — but that was only after he met you. your entrance into his life awakened a part of his brain that he thought was forever stored away — and he did not know how to deal with it.
sex was something the two of you were yet to talk about, 2 years into the relationship and it was like you were kids about to have their first kiss. there were lingering touches here and there, but oh how badly he wants to feel your sweet pussy around him. “can… i touch you?” he could barely register the words that came out of his mouth before he takes in the way your face changes completely. the heat radiating from your cheeks could melt the arctic, that was the one thing you weren’t expecting to hear. at all.
of course, you were a virgin too — all in all saving yourself for miguel for when the time comes. you just didn’t expect it to be so soon. he looked so depraved already, panting softly — hair tousled from when he was laying down, you want him so, so bad. “u-uh, yeah — go ahead!” you didn’t mean to sound so enthusiastic, but miguel didn’t care — a hand immediately trailing up your plush thighs, toying with the edge of your panties under your skirt. “you’re…you’re so pretty.” he could feel his hands shaking, heart pounding in his chest — the warmth of your skin and the small moans leaving your lips were fucking with his head.
the tender skin was so sensitive, causing your thighs to tremble under his touch. he didn’t expect you to be so sensitive. fuck, did he want to tease you for it, but he couldn’t talk — not when he was already about to bust when you haven’t even touched him yet. “mmm — m-miggy.. please..touch me.” you could tell he wanted to, he just didn’t know where to start. his fingers ran up your inner thigh, teasingly running over the small wet patch on your cute panties.
he felt like a newborn learning how to walk again, the rugged rhythm in which he was working your little clit showed how inexperienced he is — but you didn’t care, especially not when you yourself couldn’t even notice his lack of technique. he fully pulled your panties down your legs, throwing them to the side — there was a sharp in take of breath from him as he stared at your bare cunt, his bulge pressing harder aganst the mattress.
“g-god, baby, can… can i taste you, please?” miguel couldn’t believe how desperate he sounded, he had dreamed about eating your pretty, little pussy out for ever now, the thought of you denying him that now would break him. “y-yeah, fuck. please, miggy.” his tongue immediately latched onto your clit, swirling and sucking it into his mouth as his fingers probed your tight hole.
he knew you would need some extra prep to be prepared for taking him, so he made sure to make you feel as good as possible — he wasn’t about to let your first time be your worst. the fat of your thighs were tight around his head, holding him in place as he steadily fucked you with his tongue. for someone who was a virgin only 20 minutes ago, he sure knew how to work that tongue — your breathy moans breaking through the sloppy squelching noises of your wetness.
“migs…i — mmph!” the sensation was unknown but not unwelcome. a firm pressure in your tummy that felt like a dam about to burst all over your boyfriend’s face. miguel’s watched enough porn to know what that sound meant, reluctantly sitting up from his position between your legs to peer down at you — drooling cock bobbing between his thighs. he licked your arousal from his lips, shakily grabbing onto your legs to push them over his shoulders.
“baby, ‘m not letting you cum until you’ve had my cock in you — ‘s not how it works.” he felt like he was going insane, the sight of your pussy, so tantalisingly close to his length — the chubby tip poking against your entrance. you could only nod, you couldn’t argue with that — not when you’ve been waiting for this moment. upon getting your approval, he wrapped a beefy hand around his cock — smearing his pre-cum along your puffy folds.
he was so slow when he pushed into you, the sheer girth of him stretching your poor pussy thin. “fuckin’ hell, baby— s-so, so tight.” his strong hips pounded against your pelvis, your skin tinging a faint shade of red. your body was jostled against the headboard with every thrust, a thick rim of cream forming at his base. miguel was lost in the feeling of your cunt, drooling mindlessly against your neck as he rammed deep inside of you.
“m-miguel…!” the harder he fucked into you, the shakier your voice was — whiny moans and heavy grunts reverberated through your small dorm room. he couldn’t believe how good fucking you felt, your velvety walls gripping onto him like a life line. miguel was completely delirious, only letting incoherent mumbles — a bruising grip on your waist as he brings you back against his cock.
“ohhh, f-fuck…! iloveyou, so — shit, so much!” your pussy was so good, he didn’t even realised it slipped out — i love you. he really did, and in this moment — there was nothing else but the two of you, connecting so beautifully as you give yourselves to each other fully. he messily sucks on the skin just below your ear, simply grinding into your womb as his hand trails down your back — squeezing the flesh of your ass to pull you flush against him.
“i…i love you too, migs.”
you..you love him too? fuck. his hips stilled, gooey cum filling your cunt raw as he pours all of his love into you. miguel’s back heaved, his arms giving out under him as he falls on top of you — wrapping an arm around your waist as he carefully rubs your clit. his heart was soaring, smiling down at you as he fucked himself into overstimulation — determined to see you cum all over his cock.
“my pretty girl, you’re all mine — wanna see you cum. you gonna cum for me, yeah?” god, his voice was husky and deep — tickling your ear and sending tingles down your spine. your legs trembled, cunt spasming as it gushed out that clear liquid. it coated the sheets below you, splashing against his stomach — a low, gravelly moan leaving miguel as he filled you with his cum once again.
the two of you laid in silence for a beat, panting softly as he rested on your chest. one of your hands moved up to cup his face, picking up his glasses from your bedside stand — placing them on his face, albeit with wonkily but it matched that dopey grin on his face. “i swear to god, i’ve turned you into an animal, migs! you sure that was your first time?” giggling, you kissed his lips softly — nimble fingers brushing through his sweaty hair.
“guess i got a bit carried away, huh?” he sighed, softly rubbing your tummy. “‘s not my fault i’ve got the most beautiful, sexiest, most loving, caring, perfect, goddess of a girlfriend anyone could wish for.”
miguel was embarrassingly in love with you, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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-smack myass like a drum
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inluvwithnay · 6 months
Randomly thought about Sub/sugar baby Nayeon being a brat because R wouldn’t buy her the expensive item she wanted, so she continuously pestered R until R punished her for her bratty behavior and then ends up buying her the item she wanted as a reward for being so good😩
too spoiled - im nayeon x sugar mommy!reader
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cw: brat taming, mommy kink, edging, overstimulation, praising, degradation, use of a vibrator, use of a strap on, blowjob.
a/n: i wrote this in around an hour i think so go me.
wc: 1k
“no baby, mommy just bought you that really expensive coat the other day.” the words that leave your lips make nayeon pout and cross her arms.
“but mommy! look at how pretty these shoes are!” she pulls her phone out and shows you the shoes, your eyes widen at the price underneath the picture
nayeon think she’s getting somewhere when she sees your eyes widen, only for all her hopes to get crushed when you give her a stern look. “no sweetheart, im sorry. maybe if you’re nice, you’ll get them for christmas.” you place a kiss on her forehead.
she sits on the bed and rolls her eyes, still pouting. the action pissing you off, way more than usual. you stand in front of her, stroking her pretty face before pulling you hand back, a harsh slap landing on her cheek.
“don’t be such a brat, you know mommy doesn’t like bad girls, darling.” you say relatively calmly, looking down at nayeon, who’s holding the cheek you slapped, a big red mark forming on her face, you smirk.
“but i’ve been good all week, i don’t get why you won’t buy me the shoes.” she scoffs.
you flip her over and lift her skirt, spanking her harshly, causing her to whimper. “why can’t you just listen? i don’t get why it’s so hard for you to not be a fucking brat.” you spank her even harder, her ass already red and you’ve barely started.
“m-mommy, wait!” you don’t listen to her please, you spank her other cheek 2 times to make it even.
“you already can’t take it? that’s quite pathetic.” you say, smiling sadistically.
you undress her, leaving her bare on the bed as you take all your clothes off, except your underwear.
“lie on the bed, brat. hold your legs up.” you order and she complies, holding her legs against her chest, her gushing cunt on display, her wetness already dripping out.
“mommy, ‘m sorry, i’ll be good, i swear!” her eyes are pleading you to not punish her, but of course, you don’t give in. she needs put in her place.
you rub nayeon’s clit for less that a minute, looking at her face as her head falls back and she lets out soft whines.
after a minute, you trail your fingers down to her entrance, gently pushing two fingers inside and thrusting softly, speeding up after a bit.
“hnng… mommy… so good.”
you continue to thrust your fingers, curling them into her g-spot every so often, causing her to cry out in pleasure.
you felt her clench around your fingers, her walls practically spasming around you. that’s how you knew she was gonna cum. but of course, she should’ve known that you weren’t gonna go easy on her.
she whined in frustration when you pulled your fingers out, tears forming in her eyes.
“you really thought i was gonna let you cum after you acted like that? cute, but no.” she groans slightly.
you go to your bedside table and pull out a bullet vibrator, which gets her excited at first, until you place it on the highest setting and hold it against her poor clit, the next words that leave your mouth make her eyes go wide.
“don’t cum, or else you’ll have to wait longer for those shoes.” she nods, softly moaning at the feeling against her sensitive bud.
you can’t help but smile at her, you just find her absolutely adorable. she notices you smiling at her and blushes a bit.
“you’re doing good, baby. taking it so well. you’re so cute when you’re not acting like a spoiled slut.” your tone is sweet with a hint of frustration.
“mommy, ‘m g’na.” she cries when the feeling goes away completely since you turned the vibrator off. tears streaming down her face, her eyeliner leaking from her eyes and coating her cheeks.
“don’t think im gonna just edge you once and then give you what you want. if you’re gonna get all bratty because i wont buy you shoes, then you need to learn how to behave.”
you get off the bed and walk to your closet, getting your strap-on and putting it on, tightening it around your waist.
“on your knees, suck mommy’s cock.” nayeon gets on her knees and looks at the toy hesitantly, she eventually takes the tip into her mouth and sucks gently. she gradually takes more of the length down her throat before letting you fuck her face. the sound of gagging can be heard throughout the room, nayeons spit drips onto the floor.
you eventually pull out, finally letting her breathe properly, she coughs for a minute, making you feel bad. you kneels down next to her and stroke her hair.
“why don’t you get back on the bed and let mommy ruin you.” you kiss her cheek and push her on the bed when she stands up, holding her hips up and instantly slamming the whole length into her.
nayeon isn’t even bothering to hold back her moans anymore. she’s so loud and it’s music to your ears.
she’s tight, which makes it harder to thrust in and out of her soaked centre. she’s whining and babbling, gripping the bedsheets for dear life, tears soaking the pillow her face was buried into.
“go ahead and cum for mommy, sweetie, let it out.” she cums before you even finish your sentence.
she thought her punishment was over, but no.
you kept thrusting into her.
her eyes widened, realising she was still being punished, just in the exact opposite way she was before.
“no! wait! i can’t take it, ‘s too much!” you didn’t stop though. “surely you can baby, just take it like a good whore.” nayeon nods, struggling to keep herself held up on her knees.
it doesn’t take long for nayeon to cum for a second time, then eventually a third time. at this point she’s so worn out that after her third orgasm you pull out, undoing the straps and taking the harness off yourself.
you lie next to her, pulling her into your arms, rubbing her back, her poor body shaking.
“shhh, mommy’s got you, you’re okay. you took all that so well, mommy’s so proud of you baby.” you place a gentle kiss to her lips, wiping her cheeks.
“let mommy order those shoes for you, hm?”
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 8 months
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18+ minors DNI
Word count : 1k
Warnings: adult content, unprotected sex , oral sex , fingering , tobacco use , fluff , friends to lovers , soft Jake .
Parings : Jake X fem reader
"I don't know what I'm supposed to say to that"  Jake said as you showed him the texts your ex was sending you . He seemed weirdly serious and irritated.
"when is he ever going to stop?" You groan as you read the 10 text in a row your ex sent you .
"He won't because you keep shutting your mouth" jake snapped , and honestly you were surprised at the anger on his tone . He's usually very friendly and never gets angry at you .
He was your best friend. The both of you had the connection of muisc and so many other things you could never have with anyone else . He helped you break up with your uptight ex a week ago . But wasn't happy that you and your ex were going to stay friends.
"I can't just block him Jake" you reasoned .
"Don't block him then ! At least tell him to stop begging for you back every 5 seconds!" Jake said his voice raised .
"I did!" You yell back in frustration.
"You're supposed to support me not yell at me for everything I do Jake! This is hard for me!" You yell , but not showing any anger .
"Don't expect me to support you when you won't take any of my advice"  Jake said , he wasn't even looking at you , his eyes on the tv . But you could tell he wasn't interested in the show at all . He just didn't want to look at you .
"Are you mad at me?" You ask , hurt by what he just said . He was genuinely pissed .
"Why would I be ? You're free to do whatever you want. Just don't come and ask me for advice and then not take it and come crying to me again" he said harshly , still not looking at you .
"So you're tired of me then" you tried your best to contain your tears . Jake had never spoken to you like this before . Ever. Even in arguments he could never really be mean or rude to you .
He finally looked at you with hints of sympathy in his eyes when he noticed how soft your tone had gone .
"No- i-" jake sighed heavily before speaking again .
"Fine. Im mad" jake looked away again , this time because he was embarrassed.
"You waste so much time on that asshole when he doesn't deserve you y|n . Why can't you just see you deserve better and block him ? Do you think he cares that he hurt you ?" Jake asks , his voice sounding agitated.
"And tonight was supposed to be movie night but here you are talking about him again . I could never have treated you how he did and you're still choosing him over me" his eyes swelled up with tears as he looked at you dead in the eye.
"Jake-" you couldn't form out a sentence. Jake was the sweetest to you .
"I'm sorry I didn't-" you barely whisper when you realise you've been treating him like shit .
"Yeah whatever" jake stood off the couch and went outside. You called out after him but you figured he needed to be away from you for a while .
You sat on the couch for 10 minutes until you decided to go out to him , finding him on the patio , leaning on the wooden railing with a cigarette in his hand , looking out into the night .
"Jake?" You call , wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your cheek at his back . He was quiet, neither did he move .
"I'm sorry I treated you like you don't matter. I just I was so caught up with wanting to be treated right by that asshole that I forgot I already have you." You say . And you felt him ease into your embrace
"I won't ever do that to you again . I'll listen to the advice you give me. And I'm not gonna settle on any guy that doesn't treat me how you treat me .And I'll-" you were cut off by Jake ripping your arms off around him . You looked at him in confusion as he avoided eye contact.
"I need to go" jake spoke as he walked past you , his voice sounded like he had a throat full of fire .
"What-? Jake! But I'm sorry!" You yelled as you began to cry , watching him head back inside you grab his things.
"Can you at least talk to me Jake I'm sorry" you walk in after him to stop him from grabbing his things .
"What's wrong with you!? Fine I'll block him!" You say , grabbing his shoulder to turned him to face you . You heard a loud thunder before it started to rain .
"Forget it y|n" he walked past you to the door.
"I said I'll block him and I said I'm sorry what more do you want!?" You yell as he ignored you off the porch and headed to his car , the rain getting heavier.
"Jake!" You grabbed his arm before he could open his car door , both of you getting wet with the rain .
"What is this about?! Why are you so pissed?!" you said as you held his arm tight .
"Because y|n!" He yelled and snapped his arm out of your grip before looking right at you again .
You stood there getting drenched, waiting for him to continue his sentence as the tears kept streaming down your face .
His gaze softed , his eyes took a single glance at your lips . You couldn't read him in that moment. Usually you and Jake didn't even need to talk to communicate , you could just look at him and you'll know. But now it felt like you were looking at a stranger. Like it wasn't the Jake you knew at all .
You were lost in thought when Jake grabbed the small of your back and pressed his lips against yours. He was nervous but it was like he wanted to do this for a very long time . You couldn't process your bestfriend was kissing you .
Just as your eyes closed to melt into the kiss he pulled back , looking at you with panicked eyes.
The rain got heavier, you couldn't even keep your eyes open as you stared back at him . You'd never seen him so nervous.
"Jake i-" you barely whisper. But you couldn't finish your sentence. His brown scared eyes , pink lips and the outline of his chiseled face seemed extra evident.
In that moment, you felt a rush of overwhelm . how you felt about Jake changed in a fraction of seconds .
You couldn't imagine ever loosing him . He was one of the only people that truely knew you . What he meant to you was more than you realised . You felt like you could do anything for him .
You raised yourself on your toes and threw your arms around him , your lips catching his like they were made for him . He was your other half and you loved him more than you thought.
His arms wrapped around your waist extremely tightly as he kissed you back , he was slightly shocked , overwhelm pulsating through the both of you .
You could taste the rain on his lips as you sucked on his bottom lip , opening your mouth for him to slip his tongue in .
He turned and pushed your back against his car , grabbing the back of your thighs and lifting you up against the car door so he could kiss you with all he had .
The kiss was pure adoration and emotion , it was everything he had pent up . All what he felt , that he couldn't say with words .
You pulled on his soaking dreads as his tongue rubbed against yours with a mixture of saliva and rain water .
You broke the kiss to catch your breath but he didn't want to stop kissing you . His lips immediately attached to your neck , kissing you passionately as you breathed to catch your breath , stretching your neck for him to have more place .
Your eyes rolled back unexpectedly as you let out a soft gasp when he licked and sucked a certain spot under you ear . He kissed you like breathing didn't even matter to him .
He leaned you off the car . with your legs wrapped around his waist, he carried you into the house , tripping almost thrice as he walked up to the door and kicked it open , never breaking the kiss .
The sudden change of environment made you feel different. The both of you were wet and cold .
he staggered up to your bedroom, walking up to the side side of your bed . You dropped your legs from around his waist and knelt on the edge of the bed as he continued to kiss you .
You moved back on the bed , still on your knees as you pulled him into the bed with you . He crawled on the bed on his knees just as you were , still desperate to continue the kiss despite all the movement.
He kissed you down flat on the bed , till you were lying on your back with him Stradling you .
He went back to kissing your neck , this time more gentle than last time , like he was caressing you with his lips .
You could feel his heart thrumming rapidly , And his hand that cupped your cheeks was trembling .
"Jake-" you whisper as you propped yourself on your elbows, making him break away and look at you with the same nervous brown eyes.
You took his hand that cupped your cheek and held it out , you eyes widened as you watched his hand shaking. It wasn't that cold for him to be shivering.
"Hey it's just me" you coo in concern , interlocking your fingers with him , realising he was nervous and panicking, your other hand tucking his damp hair behind his ear.
"You mean everything to me y|n" he spoke , pressing his lips on the back of your hand that held his , his eyes never leaving yours .
His voice was calm and confident but his body language and eyes said otherwise.
"You're everything to me too, Jake" you say pulling him into a hug .
You straddled him and switched to kissing his neck , you could feel him breathing heavily as he massaged his fingers into your scalp .
His eyes rolled back and he let out soft high pitched hums and groans as you sucked on his neck
You sat up slightly to pull his tshirt over his head . He sat up too , helping you before throwing his shirt off the bed . You were now straddling his lap .
You lunged back to pepper kisses down his neck and to his collarbone . You caressed his sides and ran your fingers over his stomach and chest as you left marks all over him , His head tilting back , exposing his neck .
You finally stopped and looked at him , his eyebrows pinched together, his face flushed and red , his eyes half closed , his hands holding your waist tightly.
You kissed his deprived pink lips that seemed to be longing for your kiss.
You could feel him hard under you . You slipped your hand between the two of you while kissing him and palmed his bluge .
His mouth opened agape as you continued kissing him , letting out muffled whimpers into your mouth .
You broke the kiss and crawled down to his stomach as he lay back , propping himself on his elbows , watching you nervously as you undid his damp jeans .
He lifted his hips as you pulled his jeans with his jocks down his thighs , letting his cock spring up to his stomach .
You immediately grabbed his base and looked up at him as you closed in to his crotch . He was breathy rapidly, his eyebrows furrowed tight in desperation.
"ah fuckk" his head dropped back and his face scrunched up for a second as you licked the underpart of his tip , pressing your flattened out tongue against it .
His whole body was tensed and his hands grabbed your hair messily to ground himself.
You ran you tongue between his shaft and licked up the back of his cock from the base , watching him whine and whince .
You finally wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked your cheeks in as you went down further on his length.
"fuck- oh shit" Jake whimpered as you went deep enough to gag on his cock , you started bobbing your head once your throat adjusted to his size , making him start to moan out sinful sounds.
You loved the sounds he was making, you could feel your panties soaking. You squeezed your legs together in hopes of some friction.
"stop!" He whined almost pushing you off him, making you immediately stop .
"what's wrong?" You ask in worry as you looked up at him . His legs slightly trembling as you slowly pumped his base .
"I don't wanna cum just yet" he sat up again and pulled you up to his face with the grip he had on your hair , meeting his lips with yours in a messy kiss before turning you over to lie on your back .
He tugged his jeans down his leg and threw them away before he crawled down to your stomach and lifted you tshirt up slightly, planting open mouth kisses around your waist .
You took your wet top off and watched his eyes go black and wide as he stared at your breasts while you unclipped your bra .
"shit" he muttered to himself placing kissing up your stomach going up between your breasts, his hands cupping them as he gently rubbed his thumbs over the nipples , making you whine .
"so pretty" Jake murmured as he sucked on your breast making you arch into his face , holding his head and pulling on his almost-dry locks .
You felt his hand cup your clothed heat making you thrust up for some friction , letting out a desperate sigh .
He smiled slyly at how desperate you were as he crawled back down to give you want you wanted .
He took your shorts off and you desperately helped him . He threw your clothes off the bed leaving the both of you fully naked.
His eyes fixed at the wetness between your legs as he made himself comfortable between them , wrapping his arms around your thighs and throwing your legs over his shoulders.
He kissed you folds before stuffing his face between them and lapping at them , sucking at your nervous bundle and moving his tongue in circles . You were screaming his name and thrusting up into his face , pulling his hair and closing your legs on him .
"Fuck! Jacob-!" You gasped when he slipped his finger into your hole , curling it up at your gspot perfectly.
He nibbled on your clit slightly making you almost loose it as he continued to fuck you with his fingers.
"Fuck don't stop Jake! Right there!" You yell in desperation. Feeling a tight knot in your stomach as you came to the edge of your relief.
You screamed louder as if you were in pain when he slipped two of his fingers inside you , stretching you out carefully before scissoring them side you and curling up at your gspot . Switching between the movements in a steady pace while working his tongue on your clit .
You let out a couple more cusses and moans before you squirt on his fingers, he lapped you up and licked his fingers , kissing your folds and riding out your orgasm as you spasmed under him .
"fuck where did you learn that?" You ask in breathlessly . In all the years you knew Jake , you never knew he was this good at sex . All this time you'd been wanting someone to treat you right when you had jake right under your nose .
Jake shrugged with a proud smile , coming back to your face to kiss you . A hint of his smile still lingering on his mouth as you tasted yourself off his lips .
"I need you y|n" Jake mumbled , grinding his boner against your thighs as he kissed you .
"fuck me Jacob" you whimper in his mouth . You could only imagine Jake satisfying the painful ache you were feeling. Sex with other guys was different. It was like you were putting on a show for eachother.
But it Jake it was different, it was so intense and intimate. You needed him , you needed to know how he could make you feel , you needed to know the face he made as he fucked the shit out of you and the sounds he made when he came undone .
He sat up slightly, desperately spreading your legs over his shoulders for him . You watched as he aligned his tip to your entrance, glancing up at you for a second before rubbing his cock through your sensitive wet folds.
His hips thrusting into your folds as he watched you squirm , coating his cock with your arousal. He was panting and sweating, his hands still shaking slightly with overwhelm , his eyes staring at where your bodies met .
"please" you breathe out , not being able to take it anymore. He looked up at you , his gaze making your limbs weak .
He pulled back and aligned himself with your hole , pushing himself right in with one hard thrust , making you scream and arch up .
He grabbed your waist to hold you in place as he began slamming hard Into you . You dug your heels into his ribcage , the position he had you had his cock hitting just the right places.
"jake- don't stop! Fuck!" You scream , pulling on the bedsheets or whatever was in your reach.
Jake had his mouth hanging open , letting out high rapid pants , his eyes rolling back as he tried to keep eye contact with you.
He let go of your waist, wrapping his arms around you instead, his face burying into your chest as he thrusted harder .
You were screaming his name as you lost all feeling in your legs and the desperation in your core vibrated through you. The sound of his wet skin slapping against yours and the sinful sounds that came out your mouths was all that could be heard.
"fuck- fuck! Y|n I'm so close!" Jake whined , his pace slowed but his thrusts still strong. You could feel him pulsating inside you and it made you shudder .
You couldn't speak to tell him you were almost there too , all that left your mouth was sinful wails of pleasure.
"please- y|nnn" Jake whined you could feel he was using everything in him to hold back his release for you .
Just like that you felt your orgasm shoot over you , spasming and screaming out Jake's name as you came . Jake groaned loudly as he came with you, his liquids seeping down your thighs as he slowly rode out his high.
The both of you were out of breath , eyes half lidded and covered in sweat as he pulled out of you.
"do you wanna date me?" You spit out, still gasping for breath .
He immediately looked at you like a dog hearing their favourite word .
"do you?" He asked , like having sex with him 3 seconds ago wasn't an obvious answer.
You nodded confidently with smile creeping up your face , tucking his hair behind his ears .
Jake let out a sound which sounded like a cry of relief as he charged into your embrace
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cosmal · 2 years
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*:・゚ summary — steve is mean when he tries anal with you.
*:・゚ note — this is super short and bad im really really sorry.
*:・゚ warnings/tags — fem!reader, she/her pronouns, anal, mean!steve
*:・゚ word count — 1k
“Stop moving,” Steve grunts, leaning over you to grab the bottle of lube by your arm.
You whine, “S’gonna hurt, Steve.” 
He straightens up and you hear the cap click open, followed by the cold sensation of the sticky lube being poured directly on your bared hole. You jolt forward and he promptly grabs ahold of the flesh of your ass. Thick fingers swelling your skin.
“It won’t hurt.” You can hear the grin on his lips when he speaks and you want to cry. He’s enjoying this too much. 
Steve doesn’t even warn you, just slips his finger inside and you gasp. A high-pitched noise that only spurs him on. He really is being gentle, it’s just different. A feeling you’d never experienced. It squelches, lube pooling around his knuckle as he slides his finger in and out. Giving it a few curls, finger pointed to the ceiling.
You moan and push yourself forward almost onto your elbows. He pulls out and you almost sigh. It chokes down into a gargle when he slips two fingers in instead. 
“Steve.” It sounds too much like a moan for Steve to be worried.
“Y/N,” He almost mocks. Cooing like he cares more than he does. You hate that you thought he was in a more gentle mood earlier today.
He wriggles his fingers inside you and smiles when you subconsciously push back against him until his palm is flat against your skin. He doesn’t even think you know you’re doing it because you whine like you hate it.
He moves to add a third, the other two scissoring inside and your hips buck forward, “Steve!”
“C’mon, honey,” he sounds sweet now and you almost melt. That is until the third finger slides in next to the others, “How you gonna take my cock if you can’t take three fingers, huh?”
Your arms tremble where they hold you up and you want to slide forward onto your stomach, but Steve’s grip with just one hand is too firm. 
His hand pumps in and out and you moan lowly. Sweet sounds that have Steve cooing, “That’s it.” He stretches you open more and you cry out, “You’re okay, baby. Doing so well f’me.”
His hand snakes down underneath your stomach, fingers finding their place on your throbbing clit. Sweeping and prodding. A completely different approach to his other that thrusts harshly. You start to unravel in his arms, swivelling against his hands until you hold your breath.
He stops and you almost want to plead for him to continue. But, he pulls his hand from you and you know what's about to happen.
He’s squeezing more lube onto your ass again, though this time it doesn’t sting. Instead, it soothes your reddening, stretched skin. You shudder at the thought of how different you’re about to feel.
He slides his cock over the swell of your ass, right over until his pelvis is flush against you. He feels you tense over him and takes a big handful of your hips and squeezes, “Hey, relax, baby. You’ll be fine. It’ll feel so good.”
This time he genuinely does sound earnest, no gruff tone, and you actually do relax. Your shoulders lower and your chance a look behind you at him. He looks so needy.
Steve final slides in and you don’t even realise you’re holding your breath. Really, it doesn’t hurt that much so you can’t even be mad at him. Still, you cry, “Steve, Steve, Steve!' 
He stills and lets you babble for a moment, accommodating to his size. You can feel the generous amount of lube run down the backs of your legs when he pulls back out. 
He rocks back in, gently, and tears brim at your eyes. “That’s my girl,” he coos. You sniffle.
“You’re crying?”
You nod your head and he lands an almost gentle slap to the back of your ass, “Such a crybaby.”
He finds a ruthless rhythm, and every time he reaches the hilt you pant out. Hiccuping what only sounds like Steve and Fuck. Mixed in with the sound of his skin slapping against the backs of your thighs.
They tremble and all you can think of is how full and stretched you feel. You don’t even expect your arms to give out, they just do, and you fall face forward into the mattress. Steve uses the new position to fuck you back onto him. Gripping your ass so hard you knew you’d bruise. 
Your head shifts against the bed and your arms go limp beside you. Slowly, the stretching feeling subsides and turns to pleasure. A full-bodied feeling that has your eyes screwed shut and high-pitched cries flying past your lips.
“So tight, baby,” he grunts, squeezing and thrusting. “I know you like it.”
“Uh-huh,” you sigh uselessly, nodding your head against his sheets until it scratches.
The way Steve’s breath stutters and his hips jam, you know he’s about to cum. So, you turn your head back to look at him. Batting your eyelashes, you say, “Cum f’me, Stevie. Cum in my tight little hole, please.”
He points his head to the ceiling, neck bared where his throat bobs when he grunts out, “Fuck!” With a few, final shallow thrusts he’s emptying himself inside you. 
He quickly pulls out, sitting back to spread your cheeks to watch his cum seep from your hole, smearing it over his fingers so he can push it inside your neglected cunt. You whine and push your hips firm into the mattress.
“Steve,” you pant, trying to reach back and swat his hand. He catches your arm and stops you.
“You say my name a lot,” he chuckles, pushing your arm back down until it’s by your side.
“I like it,” you giggle, “Taste nice.”
Steve quickly turns you onto your back and slides down on his stomach until he’s between your legs. “Not as nice as you, sweetheart,” he grins.
You’re lucky to have such a lovely boyfriend. Mean or not.
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gif — cloudsongs!
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cupidjyu · 1 year
you'll get sick pt 2
(hyung line) what do they do when you’re sick :(
genre: fluff, CUDDLES!!!!, very cute scolding, teasing, worried bbs notes: HEYY so i finally got back to working on this series!! i think this was like my second ever post and i think my most popular?? anyways, i hope you enjoy!!!! word count: 1k
sangyeon always stressed that if you ever didn’t feel well, he will always drop everything and be right by your side. at first, you didn’t believe him. but today, you had the perfect excuse to test it since you suddenly came down with a horrible cold.
when you called him, it seemed like he immediately knew something was up. 
“sangyeon… i have a cold…” 
and he literally hung up. without a word. you blinked at the beep of your phone. that wasn’t what you expected and you were certainly confused.
later on, though, he was at the door with a bag in hand, dressed in a cozy hoodie. perfect for you.
“oh!” you sniffled. “sangyeon?” and then you sneezed right after.
he stared down at you, a worried frown on his face. “why’re you out of bed?”
you blinked again, your mouth falling open. “well… i needed to open the door for you so…” you awkwardly pointed at the door.
he shook his head, “i already have the pin to the door.” he mumbled. then, he put down the bag and stepped closer to you and you stepped backward in return. he looked at you disapprovingly. “hey, come on.”
and then he wrapped his arms under you and picked you up bridal style.
you couldn’t help but gasp. “s-sangyeon-”
he looked down at you on the way to your bedroom. he gave you a sweet smile. one that washed all your worries away. 
“hm? what's wrong? i’ve bought some pills and cough syrup, so go on and rest first.” he gently spoke with such a calm tone you couldn’t help but relax. then, he set you in bed and that was when you were already starting to doze off.
“sleep well, sweetheart,” he brushed through your hair. “i’ll get everything ready for you when you wake up.”
and you felt him press a kiss on your reddening cheeks.
(do you guys like the pet name sweetheart?? im still deciding if im gonna use it or not in the future…)
you just couldn’t hold it anymore. you so badly needed to clear your nose. so, as quietly as you could, you reached over and grabbed a tissue. but as soon as you blew into it, jacob turned to you with wide eyes.
he was looking at you with an amused look. 
“are you really crying over the smurfs- oh.”
it was then, that he noticed how sick you looked. your nose was red, your eyes were puffy, and you definitely looked tired.
he turned the movie off and shifted so that he was almost crowding over you on the couch. your breath hitched as he looked down at you with gentle eyes.
“you’re sick, my love?” he whispered, his hand coming to caress your cheek.
“uh…” you looked away.
“why’d you try to hide it?” he fussed, his eyebrows furrowing as he reached down to bring out a blanket. 
“you should be resting instead of keeping awake to watch a movie,” he scolded. he wasn’t actually mad, you could tell. but he was definitely worried as he draped the blanket over you, squeezing your shoulders at the same time to keep you warm.
“i’m fine cobie,” you rasped out.
“no,” he was cutely stubborn, a small pout on his lips. then, he tucked you more into the blanket, enveloping you in warmth as he smiled charmingly.
“thank you,” you said, quietly.
“no need to thank me,” he whispered. after, he brought you down so you could lie your head in his lap. he gave you a small pat on your head while adjusting the blanket.
“go on sleepy head.”
you nodded.
(arguably, my love is THE best pet name)
“hoon, i’m sick.”
you backed away from him in the bed.
your boyfriend had just arrived at your house, saying he missed you even though you so desperately tried to tell him to stay home.
he only laughed, his smile brightening up the whole room and you couldn’t help but sigh in adoration. but then you shook yourself out of it. 
“i miss you though,” he pouted. 
and he continuously moved closer to you, kneeling on the bed and looking at you with so much love in his eyes.
you keep on moving away, trying to avoid him and stop him from catching your sickness.
“cuddle after i get better,” you whined, frowning and bringing the blankets over your face.
“no way,” he stubbornly said, pulling the cover off you.
and he just kept on moving towards you, approaching you more and more with a sly smile. you felt your face flush as you moved farther and farther. you sniffled when you heard a small chuckle leave his mouth.
and then you realized why he laughed. you reached the edge of the bed and you were about to fall off. but of course, he caught you by the waist.
“c’mere,” he brought you into his arms, lying down with you. you couldn’t help but immediately melt into his warmth with a soft sigh. “see? told you so.”
“my hugs are the cure.”
“shut up,” you lightly punched his chest. yet, he only responded with a kiss on your forehead.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he barged into the room, standing with a worried expression. he had grocery bags in his hand as well, probably with food.
you groaned with a heavy headache.
“what…?” you rasped out, closing your eyes with exhaustion.
“i had to find out though juyeon that you were sick,” he approached you lying on the bed. you could tell he was grumpy. “you should’ve told me.”
he placed his head on your forehead to feel your temperature. he was about to hum in disapproval but he paused when he heard you let out a small sound as you leaned into his touch, chasing the coolness of his hand.
his cheeks were red when you opened your eyes, “when you do cute things like that…” he mumbled, looking away. “i can’t be mad at you any longer, y/n.”
you didn’t respond. instead, you smiled as you grabbed his hand and pulled him down into the bed.
you felt all dazed, and probably weren’t thinking straight because of how strong the fever was. so instead of keeping quiet, you suddenly blurted out, “missed you...”
he laughed, “okay, okay.” he patted your head. “i’ll try to cook for you later.” then he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close against his body. it was so warm, you closed your eyes again.
“sleep?” he whispered.
“yessir,” you slurred out.
he laughed quietly this time. 
“so you’re really out of it aren’t you?” he stared down at you fondly. you didn’t hear him as you had already fallen asleep.
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journeyintofiction · 1 year
hii, can u do a Shuri x reader where the reader is in college and is getting verbally and physically abused by her parents due to her bad academics performance but she won’t tell Shuri because she has a country to worry about until Shuri eventually finds out because the reader won’t answer calls or texts? <33
Hello everyone! I took a tiny hiatus because I had a very huge loss in my family right before New years so I was not in the mental headspace to write anything. However, I am back and unfortunately the college semester is in full swing. Pls send help im dying 
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of verbally and physically abusive parents
Word count:1k
As always, happy reading :) 
“y/n, you better not be crying in your room before I come in there and give you something to cry about!”
I quickly attempt to muffle my sobs by burying my head in my comforter on the bed, hoping and praying that my parents can’t hear me. God knows I don’t need another beating after what happened tonight. 
It always happens like this. Every single time. I do my best, get anything lower than an A and I know as soon as I come home I’m gonna have my ass beat. No matter how hard the class is or how hard I work they don’t care because if it isn’t an A it is considered a failure. I went to the college they wanted me to go to because I could stay home and make money but that meant I couldn’t escape their abuse. 
This semester I had a slip up and got a C in a class and in turn they beat the shit out of me as a form of “teaching me” a lesson. It's not just the physical abuse, every insult was a purposeful stab at me because I failed to meet their expectations or it was just because they had a shitty day and wanted to hurt my feelings. I am at a breaking point mentally, emotionally, and physically.
I hear my phone vibrate and I pick my head up from my comforter to look at my phone and see Shuri’s name pop up on the screen. A smile slightly at the thought of her but wince when I feel the tightness of my skin from my tears drying. I slowly move over to where my phone is so I can text back before she gets worried.
Shuri always knew my schedule and when I suddenly don't answer and she knows I'm at home, she gets worried sick. I shoot her a text and let her know I cant talk and just as I am about to hit send she calls me. Out of fear I quickly answer and start speaking in hushed tones so that my parents dont hear me.
“Shuri, i love you, but right now really isn’t a good time.”
She pauses and asks, “Are you at home?”
“What? Yes I’m at home, you know my routine plus you can track me right now.” I say in confusion.
“My love, I have been trying to call you for the last 2 hours.”
I go silent for a moment and try to figure out how to explain the entire situation without getting Shuri upset or involved with my parents. She takes my silence as a negative response and begins to respond before I can.
“y/n if you have something going on, please just tell me.”
I bite my lip and respond on the verge of tears, “Shuri I want to tell you, I really do but if I say anything… I-”
I get cut off by my mom coming up the stairs and I shove my phone under my pillow but don’t end the call so Shuri can hear everything.
“Who are you talking to up here, huh?”
I look at her impassively so that she believes me, “No one mom, I'm rereading something for my test tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you better be because if I see you come home with another B or less, you are gonna get your ass beat again. I'm not playing with you, your father and I have told you time and time again that we expect you to achieve and you fall short every time.”
I feel my eyes getting watery but otherwise show no emotion and respond as I always do, “of course, I’ll make sure its nothing less than an A.”
My mother looks at me hard and nods, “Keep studying and while you’re at it, dust your room and do laundry.”
With that she leaves to go back down stairs for the night and I pick up my phone from under my pillow. 
“Shuri, are you still there?”
Instead of a reply I get a facetime call and I accept it quickly, frowning at her when she appears on screen. 
“What's wrong? Why did you need to facetime me-”
Shuri looks at me angrily, “How long has this been happening?”
“How long has what been happening?” I say, playing dumb and hoping that she will drop the conversation.
I sigh, “years, I… never said anything because I know you are busy and this is not your concern and responsibility.”
“All those bruises over the last few months, they were your parents weren’t they?” she whispered.
Looking down and picking at my comforter I mutter a soft “ya.”
She sighed and didn’t say anything for a moment, seemingly unsure of how to broach the subject without hurting me or making me uncomfortable. Then she finally asks, “What else have they…done?”
I hesitate and glance at her on the screen, “It’s just yelling and berating me most of the time but when I get a bad grade they, uh, beat me.”
“Is that why you reacted poorly when I yelled a few weeks back?”
I nod and she looks away from her screen guiltily, “No, Shuri don’t do that to yourself, you didn’t know back then.”
“I should have picked up on it though, I mean seriously the bruises and the flinching whenever my voice was raised should have told me everything I needed to know.”
I see her moving around frantically packing things and I frown because as far as I knew, she didn’t have a meeting and wasn’t expected to go anywhere this evening. When she glances over and sees my confused look she shrugs and raises an eyebrow.
“Shuri… what are you doing?” I ask with my head cocked to the side.
“I’m coming to see you… and talk to your parents.”
A/N: Please forgive any grammatical errors, I am extremely tired and have had a looonnngggg week. 
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softxsuki · 2 years
TW // mentions of suicide attempt
hi, hope your having a good day. im not sure if you write/accept requests that relate to topics of suicide so please tell me if you dont.
days have been getting rly difficult lately, ive been really tired all the time but at night i stay awake, not being able to battle the voices in my head. ive been experiencing this ever since i was a child but my symptoms have always been ignored.
i had attempted with pills. but i woke up the next day, and just continued on with my life without anyone ever noticing.
ik this is gonna sound stupid but kuroo, is my comfort character. i read comfort fics of him instead of actually opening up to someone because when i do i dont need to fear being neglected or juged and etc.
may i please request something where kuroo finds reader’s empty pill bottle and he confronts reader about his suspicion of it. and it leads to reader opening up abt their attenpt, ends with comfort.
so so sorry i have to bother you with this kinda thing, ofcourse if you dont take these kinda requests i will understand completely.
Kuroo Confronts Reader After Their TW//Suicide Attempt
Pairing: Kuroo x Gn!Reader
Warnings: TW//Mentions of suicide attempt, specifically drinking loads of pills (pls do not read if this will harm you more than help you), crying, depressing conversations
Genre: Angst-ish, Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1k
Summary: In which Kuroo finds your empty bottle of pills that you had taken the previous night in hopes that it would end your life, and confronts you about it. You open up to him about your attempt and he comforts you.
[A/N: Hello anon <3. Thank you for bringing this request to me. Though it isn't labeled as urgent, I marked it as urgent myself so I could get this to you asap. I don't think it's stupid that Kuroo is your comfort character. I know it can be hard to take your problems to people, so I'm glad you found an outlet that allows you to feel some form of comfort, even if it is reading fanfic like this with Kuroo. I have my own comfort characters that I like to read about <3 Ik it helps a lot when you have no other place to go for comfort. You definitely aren't bothering me with this type of request, I was more than happy to be able to write it for you. It can be read as either platonic or romantic since I wasn't sure which you preferred :). I hope this is able to bring you at least a little comfort and I'm glad you're still here <3 ily]
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“What’s this?” you hear Kuroo ask from across your room as you sit on your bed, reading something on your phone mindlessly.
Kuroo had stopped by to spend some time with you for a few hours and was snooping around your room, unable to just sit still and read with you.
“What’s what?” you ask, directing your eyes to him to see him holding a bottle of pills.
Your empty bottle of pills.
Scenes of the previous night played through your head like a movie; the tears, the aggravation of not knowing what to do with your emotions, drinking all those pills, trying to take your own life. You scramble to your feet, your phone now abandoned on your bed and you snatch the bottle from his hands, throwing it back in the trash where it should have been.
He arches his brow in question, suspicious of your sudden actions.
“Nothing, just some pills that I ran out of,” you stumble over your words, feeling your palms begin to sweat from nerves.
What if he finds out?
Your thoughts were racing with “what if’s” and a multitude of excuses you could possibly use to get you out of this unthinkably awkward situation.
“I didn’t know you took pills. Why are you so nervous?”
“Well, I do. And I’m not,” you lie, wanting to slap yourself in the face for not being able to lie properly.
“Y/N…” he starts but you stop him before he can say anything more.
“Please Kuroo, just drop it,” your voice wavers as you try to hold your tears back, not wanting to look even weaker in front of him.
He looks from you to the garbage where the empty bottle of pills now laid, seeming to have put the pieces together himself.
“Why?” is all he asks, his own voice wavering slightly, crushing your heart.
He knows. He knows what you did.
You choke a sob down as you look up into his own watery eyes. The last thing you wanted to do was ever hurt him, and that’s exactly what you just did.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, the tears beginning to fall on their own despite your attempts at holding them back, “I just- I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t stop the negative thoughts from leaving my head. I thought it was the only way to finally feel at peace with myself–to silence all the noise in my head…”
“No no,” he rushes to your side, seeing your tears falling down your face, “You don’t need to feel guilty or sorry for my sake Y/N. Really. I’m just glad you’re here in front of me now, alive and breathing.”
He finally brings you into his embrace, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you feel drops of water drip onto your skin. He was crying, but didn’t want you to see him.
“You drank however many pills were in that bottle and you’re still here. I don’t know who was out there looking out for you, but I can’t thank them enough for not taking you away. I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t able to see you today, or ever again Y/N.”
He squeezes you tighter in his arms, almost afraid that if he let you go, you’d disappear from his life forever. You squeeze him tightly as well, relieved that he wasn’t disgusted by your actions and was still around, showing you how much he cared for you; how much he cherished the role you played in his life. For the first time since attempting to take your life, you felt relieved that it didn't work out the way you had planned; you were relieved that you in fact did wake up that morning so you could see Kuroo again. Grateful that you could have a second chance at life.
“I’m sorry,” you say again.
It’s all you could say at the moment, still clinging onto him as he also refused to let you go.
“I said you don’t need to apologize Y/N. I can’t even begin to imagine what must have been going through your mind that night that you felt like you had no other choice but to take your own life. I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you when you needed someone the most.”
“It’s not your fault, Kuroo. It was my own problem that I unfortunately didn’t know how to deal with on my own.”
“Well, it’s our problem now,” he reassures you, finally stepping back and grabbing your hands in his own, “I promise I’ll help you through whatever complicated, overwhelming feelings you’re going through. I’ll do anything to ensure I get to see you everyday.”
“Thank you.”
And you really were thankful. Standing in your room, Kuroo held your hands in front of him, almost needing to touch you as reassurance that you were in fact actually there with him.
“Thank you,” you say again, overwhelmed that he was willing to help you through the feelings that you had been going through for so long, unwilling to share with anyone else, “For sticking with me even after hearing what I did. Thank you for not leaving me and judging me.”
“Of course. I’d never judge you or leave you, Y/N. Next time you feel like that, I don't care what time of the day it is, call me and I’ll come right over. You don’t have to deal with this on your own anymore. We will find a solution so that one day you don’t have to feel this way anymore.”
He pats your head and gives you a soft smile, “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Mmm, I hope so,” you give him your best smile in return, feeling a little lighter now that he knew what had gone down a few nights ago.
You knew one day in the future, you’d be able to go through a whole day feeling good instead of fighting through difficulties every waking moment of your life. So long a Kuroo was by your side helping you, you knew you would be okay.
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Posted: 12/21/2021
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harlowsslut · 2 years
One Of Those Days.
A/N- For now im gonna post everyday😸. Also credit goes to @halfmoondaze for this story idea.
Word count- 1k+
Jack Harlow x Reader
Summary- Jack and Y/N just went public with their relationship and things are a little overwhelming for Y/N.
Warnings- Mentions of sex, Cursing, Mentions of Anxiety.
You and Jack have been dating for about 1 year. How you were able to keep a secret for that long well never know. But with dating a celebrity comes the paparazzi and the media trying to find this “mystery girl”. Trust me you guys tried to not let the media get to you. But eventually Jacks manager said you have to tell the media before it gets out of hand.
You have always been a anxious person and kept to yourself. So when word got out that your dating thee Jack Harlow, your anxiety went thru the roof. The topic was trending on twitter for almost a week. But the tags “whyY/n” and “whynotY/n” were what really bugged you. It made you second guess your relationship.
You let it get to you so much you just curled up into a ball on yours and Jacks bed, and started crying. Jack luckily wasn’t home instead he was at the studio. You don't even know why you let it get to you. You and Jack had a talk before you even made your relationship public, "that the internet is gonna always talk shit and that you just need to brush it off". But that all went out the window when you saw this one comment.
It read "Honestly why is Jack with Y/N, like compared to any other celebrity shes below average". That comment sent you. You absolutely despised being compared cause all your life you were compared to either your siblings or others. You decided to text Jack and ask what time he's done.
Y/N: Hey! What time are you done?
Jackman💞: Bout 10 minutes. Why everything good?
Y/N: No not really.
Jackman💞: K. I’ll be home in 10.
And he meant what he said. "Babe?" he called while taking off his shoes. You didn't answer but he knew you were here from your sniffling. You didn't even here him come in cause you were so lost scrolling thru the comments. "Staring at them isn't gonna make them go away" "Hmm" you hummed.
He sat down next to you and kissed your head. "Why you let them get to you" "I don't know" "They don't know you like i know you, they don't light up with a smile when you enter a roon, they don't get to celebrate every holiday or birthday with you. So don't let them get to you when they don't know you". You just sat there, staring into Jacks eyes. You didn't ever want to look away but you were interrupted by a Jack getting a call.
"Hello?. Um ya sure be there in 5". "Who was that" "Oh it was Urban, i gotta go back to the studio to finish" "JACK! You told me you were done!. I didn't want to interrupt you" "My girl is more important then anything" he chuckled. "No cause your music gives me shopping money" "Is that all i am to you" he said putting his hand on his chest sounding offended. You got up and walked over to him, and put your arms around his neck. "Hmm that and so much more my love" you whispered while leaning in to kiss him.
You didn't want to let him go but you did once Urban texted Jack to hurry up for the second time. "Bye mamas" "Bye lover boy". Jack was done with his verse, and he wanted to take you out on a date since you've been so sad for the past week. That and he wanted to see you in a short skin-tight dress. So he texted you this "Almost done. Be ready and dressed by 6!".
For some odd reason Jack has a closet with suits at the studio just in case so he didn't even have to go home and change. You looked at the text and smiled. Jack always out of the blue decides to take you on a date. So you got to work mix and matching clothes, you finally decided on a short light blue dress that hugged your ass just right. You matched it with some white heels, a sliver necklace, and some bracelets.
By the time you were done Jack had texted you that he was outside. As soon as he saw you he knew that that dress would end up on the floor that night. "Damn Mamas, You got another date after this cause ain't no way this is all for me". "Only the best for you my love" you said checking yourself out in the side-view mirror" "Ya all that is going on the floor when we get home" "Oh! I was counting on it". You and Jack went to your favorite restaurant.
It was called "Ma chérie, mon amour", meaning "My darling, My love". You both loved it cause it was where you first met. But that's a story for another day. When you got there you got seated at your normal table, not to close to the kitchen but not to close to the door. "Ah! Jack and Y/N!, How are you two doing" "Good, it could be better but good" you answered the waiter, while Jack was nose deep into the menu even though you've been here a thousand times.
"Well what can i get you guys started on" she asked. You were about to speak but Jack cut you off. "I'll have the Bouillabaisse and she'll have the Saffron" "Ok that'll be right up". You stared at him with a smile on your face. "What?" "Your cute" "I know i am" he replied all cocky. After Jack ordered the food you looked outside and saw paparazzi.
That didn't bother you that much, its there job to take pics of celebrity's. So you went to go check twitter to see how they knew you and Jack where here and the first thing that popped up was "Jack Harlow and Y/N L/N spotted at "Ma chérie, mon amour". You got anxious real quick. Jack could tell by the way you kept messing with your bracelets. He knew this was gonna happen but not this soon.
You haven't even gotten your food yet. "Y/N' "Huh" "You ok?" "No, jack we haven't even gotten our food and their here" "I know". He grabbed your hand rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. He found out that's one of the ways to calm you down. Finally your food got here, and it looked good. Jack tried his best to draw your attention away from the crowd outside.
Just by talking about random things he read, or talking about a song he's working on, and you loved him for it. But when you guys were done the crowd seemed like it got bigger. You payed for the bill and didn't wanna go outside. "huuuuuhhh" you sighed. "Come on mamas" "But like what if we just snuck out the back" "Uh nope".
Jack grabbed your hand dragged you outside. After you got in the car it was all a blur. All the flashing lights and the screaming fans. "Wow im never gonna get used to that" "Definitely not". You looked at your wrist and started laughing.
"What?" "One of my bracelets are missing" "Your joking" "Nope look". You showed him your wrist. "My fans are ruthless" he sighed. By the time you guys got home it was almost midnight. "Tonight was fun even though i got robbed of a bracelet" you laughed.
"Ya but the fun hasn't even started yet" Jack responded. "What do you mean" "You'll see" he said rubbing his hand up and down your thighs. Lets just say Jack meant what he said your dress is gonna be on the floor that night...
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xiaaoluvr · 3 years
warnings : none
sfw, angst?? & fluff (idk)
hospital au ? (something like that)
word count : 1k
zhongli x gn! reader
your fingers intertwined with his– as you sit and wait beside the hospital bed. a few seconds later, zhongli hesitantly opens his eyes groaning. he looks around the room, then at you, then at your intertwined hands.
"zhongli! youre up!" you cry, scooting closer to him. you kiss his hand, tears filling your eyes. he's unresponsive. he doesnt move much, but you dont expect him too. "are you okay?"
he remains quiet. he looks around the room again, and then you once more. "zhongli? how are you feeling?"
"i-i feel like fine.." he croaks, untangling his hand from yours. you stretches a bit before looking at the time. 10:12pm.
the nurse enters the room with a glass of water and hands it zhongli. he sips it quietly, not saying anymore. which is unusual, because he is rather talkative. especially with you. "babe, are you sure youre okay?" you ask, placing your hand on his shoulder.
he glances at the hand on his shoulder and sets the glass of water on little table beside the bed. "forgive me but, im feeling a little uncomfortable." he tells you brushing your hand of your shoulder. you feel a little offended, slightly embarrassed— but it's understandable. "are you sure youre okay? i know its because you're in the hospital, but cmon dont act like that." you awkward joke.
he just stares at you confused. "now that i think about it... i dont know your name.." he starts. "i dont even think i know who you could be."
you laugh a little. but hes not laughing. "youre joking right?" you laugh again. he stares at you blankly. "whats funny?"
your heart stops and your mind goes blank. you cant think. you dont wanna think. you dont wanna think what's actually happening right now. the nurse had told you earlier it was a possibility for this to happen, but it was unlikely. it was unlikely for the worst to happen. it was unlikely for him to get amnesia.
your senses came back to you when you felt hot tears streaming down your face. your throat felt heavy and your hands were shaking. you look over to zhongli, who is unreadable. "dont cry." he says sternly, trying to comfort you. you smile a bit, but that wont fix the pain youre feeling.
"im actually... youre significant other." you say quietly, standing beside the bed. you show him your left hand with the ring on your finger. he looks down at his hands again and nodds when he sees the ring on his own finger. "explains why that ring is there."
he pats down on the bed for you to take a seat, which you do so. he doesnt know how to exactly comfort you but he placed a hand on yours. "i dont, really remember anything... but i can tell what we had is something special– i assume." he says.
tears continue to stream down your face as he comforts you. he wipes your tears aways and reassures you everything is okay. but you know its not. nothing will be the same.
"so how long have we been married? or together rather?" he asks. you smile. "we've been married for about four years but we've been together.... for as long as i can remember." you chuckle.
you both continue to talk among yourselves, while he continuously asked you questions about your relationship, his life, his like and dislikes, and all sorts of things. he knows he has amnesia now but doesnt really seem to ask about that. you'd rather not tell him how he ended up like this anyways.
"my life was pretty interesting, huh." you nod in response, closing your eyes. it felt so good bring up old memories. you feel zhongli wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer. feeling the warmth of his body against yours felt nice.
"you really seem unforgettable y/n." zhongli tells you before pulling away. "but it will take me awhile to fall inlove with you again, i apologize."
"i understand." you say, forcing a smile. the thought of this being your fault, filled your head. you really believed it was your fault that he ended up with amnesia.
it had all started with an argument. a stupid argument. you were feeling jealous and insecure, which was dumb because zhongli treated you so good. no flaws in your marriage at all, but you couldnt help feeling so furious seeing them together. they'd often spend time together, a little more than zhongli would spend time with you. you told him you thought you were better off alone and to forget all about you— to forget all about this relationship. you'd even took off your ring and threw it at him. he was as hurt and angry as you but stormed out the house, driving off. hours later, you seemed to realize how rude you had been. you were worried when he didnt return home. but that worry you felt only grew when you got a call informing you zhongli had been hospitalized.
you feel so lost. you never meant for this to happen. you only told him to forgot because it was in the heat of the moment. this was your punishment. this is what you get. you dont even feel bad for yourself– you feel bad for him. all you want to do is save him. he doesn't deserve it.
"im sorry... for everything. this is all my fault." you tell him. he looks confused, he obviously doesnt know what youre talking about, but he nods his head. "dont feel like that y/n. its not your fault." he tries to reassure you. but thats wrong.. you look into his golden eyes, tears filling your own. "im gonna protect you this time, so next time... you won't forget us. you wont forget me." you say shakily before he pulls you into a hug again.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
My Personal Love Story: Kiba Inuzuka
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The Request: "First off, Congratulations on 1k!! I wish I was blessed with the ability to write well like you lol. Sooo, my name’s Lauren (she/her/hers) I’m African American. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation, I’m a Scorpio queen, Im a protagonist personality type (ENFJ-A) my ideal date would be anywhere I’m not sitting the whole time, but if I had to choose a place where I would be sitting it would def be the movie theater(I’m the type of person to talk and laugh really loud during movies💀) my favorite genre of music is Afro beats, but if you’re not very familiar with it just go with pop lol(Doja cat is my favorite pop artist rn!) I’d like a love story w/ my bb kiba! And I’d like a smutty scenario plz, I’m very curvy and on the thicker side if you want to add anything like that to it, and I also get a little shy during sexy times lol. THANK YOU and congrats again!"
Your Song: Only You(And You Alone)- The Platters
You and Kiba grew up together, learning how to fight together. You weren’t in his ninja team, but you were the same age as him and you became rivals. It was always playful and just to hone your skills, but as time went on, Kiba was falling in love with you. He couldn’t hide his feelings anymore.
You both were a little shy about your feelings. Most of the time, Kiba would be so timid when his feelings finally bubbled up inside of him. You weren’t kids anymore. You were adults and he was falling for you so hard. He didn’t know what to say.
So, it was actually Hinata and Shino who set you both up. They knew for so long that you and Kiba were crushing on one another, but that you were both now too timid to take it any further. Hinata made Kiba get you a gift and to ask you out, and Shino planned the whole date.
And the two of you had such a good time. It was like being a kid again, except you were falling in love with one another. It made you realize how much Kiba meant to you and how you had always been there for one another. Everything you did together made you realize that Kiba was the one for you.
Ever since that date, you’ve been inseparable. You and Kiba do everything together, and of course you were always a trio with Akamaru. Nobody could break a bond this strong. Kiba treats you so well, and Akamaru is very protective of you. You couldn’t ask for a better duo to love you.
Kiba is huge on just running around with you, training and taking long walks in the woods. He has a lot of energy and just wants to be able to spend time with you. He loves it if you want to take a walk in nature and have a picnic. Especially if you make his favorite foods.
Speaking of favorite foods, you and Kiba like to make treats in the kitchen. It’s always so much fun for the two of you to try a new recipe. And of course, you share with Akamaru when he’s allowed to have some as well. It’s a Sunday afternoon tradition for all three of you, just spending it in the kitchen and trying to cook some meals together.
Lots of naps together after running around in the woods. Kiba is the best nap buddy you will ever have. He’s warm, and he holds you in the best way possible. Akamaru acts as a huge pillow for the two of you, making nap time so special.
Kiba loves taking you out on dates. He loves to treat you like a princess. He wants you to feel like you are the only girl in the world. He spends lots of time with you and he will always compliment you on your outfits and your hair and makeup and he just absolutely loves to spoil you. He buys you the fanciest and prettiest things.
If either of you have to be away from one another because of missions, you keep in touch by sending each other letters. It makes you both feel a little more relieved and comforted. Kiba will always worry about you whenever you’re sent on a mission away from the village, but he always believes in you. He is your biggest supporter, no matter what.
Rough quickie while on a mission:
Kiba slams you against the tree, making you moan softly. He slaps a hand on your face, shushing you and making you so wet. You can see the fire in his eyes, and you know you’re going to have to be quiet. Kiba pulls your vest off and shoves your shirt up, placing it in your mouth. You become submissive as he pulls your pants off your ass.
“Good girl,” Kiba whispers in your ear as you can feel his fingers prod at your wet entrance. You want to whine and whimper, but you know you need to keep quiet.
Two of his fingers pump into you, making you squeak slightly. Kiba’s cock is aching as he feels how wet you are. You’re basically fucking yourself against his hand, begging for more. You need this release more than you realize.
“Just a little bitch in heat,” Kiba’s voice is dark and gruff, but you know he wants to please you more than anything. “How about you turn around and keep quiet while I fuck that tight little pussy of yours?” You nod enthusiastically, and Kiba just chuckles.
It takes him seconds to free his hard cock from the tight confines of his pants. He teases your pussy, dragging his cockhead between your silky folds. Every time it rubs against your clit, you whine. Kiba has removed your shirt from your mouth at this point, taking your leg and wrapping it around his waist so he can fuck you against the tree.
“Are you ready for me?” He asks, and you beg him to fuck you.
He thrusts up into you, making you cry out weakly. Kiba wastes no time by starting at a quick pace, knocking the air from you. You want to moan and tell him how good it feels, but you’re still on a mission. You need to keep quiet now. But his cock keeps brushing up against your g spot, bringing you so close to your climax.
“You feel so good,” Kiba pants as he nips at your neck. “Can’t wait to fill you up.” Those words send shivers up your spine.
He can feel how close you are, so he begins rubbing your clit. You can feel your thighs tense as he slams himself into you. A few more rough thrusts, and you are sent over the edge. You can feel yourself gush all over him as he struggles to keep quiet.
“Gonna fucking cum, baby!” Kiba grunts, biting his lip to suppress his moans. His cock throbs as it paints your insides white, making your orgasm that much more intense. Your eyes roll back into your head as your mouth hangs open slightly, drooling.
“Such a good girl to take my cock like that,”
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kuroowo · 3 years
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@hvnlydmn ’s a/n — for my most amazing soulmate cos HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! pls i’ve never written anything remotely close to a real fic in my life BUT I WANTED TO TRY FOR YOU !!!! COS U DESERVE EVERYTHING !!!! thank u for being one of the most amazing people in my life dude u a real one MIYA4 FOREVER, imma deliver u carbonara ramen personally w a candle 😩✨💸🌸😩✨💸✨😩
synopsis :: one of the many moments with miya osamu that make you truly feel loved.
wc : 1k.
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he looks pretty like this you think. miya osamu lying next to you, post sex haze as a thin sheen of sweat coats his chest and forehead, the covers are haphazardly pulled over his lower body, ragged breathing and messy hair from your fingers earlier - but despite that, you feel him draw aimless shapes into your lower back with his fingers and hes still looking at you like you were the one to hang the moon that illuminated you both now.
"how ya feelin' princess? anthin' sore?" he smiles at you, its a soft smile that you know was reserved for moments like this, one that was reserved for just you. you shuffle closer to him, groaning slightly as you cross your arms infront of you just so you can prop yourself up a little more. but you feel your chest warm when he guides you onto his instead, knowing that you always preferred the softness of his muscles to your own.
there's a few moments of silence before he speaks again "ya hungry?" "starved, dude." osamu shoots you one of his more lazier smiles, followed by a chuckle that you feel rumble through his chest where its pressed against you. "after all that and an offer of food, made by me by the way - yer really gonna call me dude." "uh, yeah." he laughs again but this time its mixed with yours and it feels nice to love like this.
you let out a content sigh after, shuffling closer to wrap a leg around his waist while pressing your cheek again his well defined chest. feeling his fingers trace up your waist before the warmth of his palm rests against your cheek, tilting your face towards his as he closes the distance, his own cheeks stretching to accommodate the smile that he only seems to have when he looks at you.
"yer lucky a love ya, ya know that." feeling his lips gently press against yours, smiling into the kiss slightly before hes pulling away to press them chastely to your forehead after, but when he sees you smile up at him, leaning into his touch slightly, he knows that you really want to say that you know he does.
"okay but was the food thing a joke or?" "yer kiddin' right? ya look pretty comfy lying against ma chest right now. don't want ya bitin' me again." "that was one time, dude." "there ya go again with the dude."
you laugh lightheartedly as he groans, falling back against the bed with a sigh before he runs a hand through his hair, attempting to fix the tousled dark brown strands with a pout on his lips. you try to stifle a snort when he rolls off the bed anyway, watching the muscles in his back move seamlessly under the skin as he stretches, rolling out the aches in his body, eventually turning to you with another lazy smirk "ya gonna get up for yer food yer highness? since yer the one yellin' about crumbs in the bed." "yeah because they're your crumbs." "maybe a was comin' back for 'em."
you roll your eyes as he shrugs at you, grabbing his previously discarded boxers from the floor, bending over and pulling them up his legs again. you watch as he pads over to his wardrobe to pull out one of his shirts, throwing it over his head with a huff before hes turning to face you again, his eyes are tired but his lips slightly upturn just enough so that you can make out the faint ghost of a dimple on his right cheek.
"a can basically feel ya starin' at me." "so?" "how's that fair? a want ta stare at ya too!" you laugh as he scrunches his brows up, mouth downturned into a pout, hearing him mumble a few curses under his breathe before he's turning his attention back to the clothes in the wardrobe, sorting through them with a huff.
"ya wantin' the sweater or the t-shirt? ya can pick." your lips purse together as you think, his eyebrows raising slightly only to hear him groan when you smirk at him, deliberately drawing out your answer with a hum "if ya hurry up and pick al make ya mapo tofu." "bet. sweater." you dodge the sweater as he throws it at you, scoffing after "your aim sucks." "al let ya go hungry." "no you won't." and he smiles at you because he knows thats true.
"can ya walk alright?" his tone is soft despite the teasing back and forth moments ago, his hand outstretching to grab yours as you wobble off the bed, only to feel his arm wrap around your waist moments later to keep you steady, and its moments like these that remind you that he always would. that no matter how hectic life can be, you'd always find comfort in a messy head of dark brown hair and pools of stormy grey, a colour that you'd always deem yours.
this is it, you think. seeing his lips upturn slightly as he guides you through the hallways lined with candid photos of you both, ones that include you both smiling outside the restaurant of onigiri miya on opening day, or a shakey selfie with his twin on their 24th birthday, osamu reaching to keep the camera steady probably yelling "yer shakin' it ya scrub." you're laughing in the background and atsumu's face is half turned to yell something back at him no doubt.
but it fits, love fits into your life more naturally than you could’ve ever expected, almost as natural as loving him felt. you turn to osamu with a smile only to realise thats hes already smiling at you, his gaze locks on yours when he lets out a content sigh, his fingers tighten on your waist and his lips graze your hairline, and you feel loved. so you feel your heart warm when he groans out an "i love you." after, almost like he could read your thoughts, and again you smile because you can hear the true kind of love in his words and it feels like everything clicks into place, just like it’s supposed to.
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So my epilogue document for All Sales Final is lost and i’ve been trying to locate it in vain for well over a week. So far failing in that, I’ve been attempting to remember what was it in and rewrite it. It’s just like 1k words or so but adhd makes life hard sooo that’ll be up when i can xD i really dont like saying i’d do something by a certain time, and i massively dropped the ball on that so i wanted to be accountable hahahah but it’ll be up and then freakin DONE as soon as i can manage :D im gonna feel sooo much stress relief when that happens like trust me we’re all looking forward to it BAHAHHA XD
I’ve also been massively depressed (which took a hot minute to recognize cuz it is NOT the same kind of depression ive felt in the past), and also went through a crisis of not being able to get my increased-dose adhd meds anymore (they’re like $500 a month apparently, and i’m below poverty level for yearly income so the state of california usually takes care of it in total but they wouldn’t authorize my higher dosage, then the generic with a manufacturer’s coupon was still $103 a month, and i had a total meltdown cuz my meds help my brain a LOT and not being able to get it like im ready to die now lololol but THEN after not responding since the 20th of august, my psychiatrist got back to me and got mediCal to authorize my meds soooo im still reeling on that and a lot of other stuff). I’ve sold my plasma a little over a week ago and im waiting for my veins to fully heal before trying again (there were complications they deemed unsafe so they only got a quarter of a liter before they sent me home) and im really hoping there aren’t complications next time I go in, cuz THEN my name goes on a national registry of individuals who can’t donate plasma, and the money is GOOD even if it really hurt for days afterwards, soooo im also stressing about that. The silver lining though is that regardless of the amount they’re able to harvest, I’ll still get the $185, and that’s like half a paycheck for me so im really excited by that :D It’s gotten really busy lately at my job too so I’ve actually got normal part time hours this week, so i’ve been more tired and playing catch-up with everything and its affected my writing time D:<
im just exhausted with life; with the pandemic and the fucking morons prolonging it; with my worst nightmare come true in Roe v. Wade being destroyed; with living in a super toxic, invalidating environment I have to be at the mercy of; with my fuckhead father whose life i dont give a fucking shit about anymore like hooo don’t even get me started; and also recognizing the decades of childhood trauma/abuse i’ve lived with and thought was normal until very recently. I still haven’t made the phone call to find a therapist that specializes in childhood trauma and ptsd (and that also stresses me out like mad crazy cuz i have a LOT of healing that needs to be done but goddamn i dont enjoy finally comprehending the level of abuse and trauma and toxicity in my life like that shit breaks you guys) soooooo i’ve been goin through some stuff recently and still trying to have a good attitude about it xD i definitely cry on the way home from work every day cuz i dont want to have to come back home, but my cats are there and i look forward to petting them every day sooo we keep on with that HAHA
....on the plus, my younger sister and her husband are actively looking to buy their first home with land connected to it, and she said i can come live with them when that happens, sooooo something to maybe look forward to in the next year. We keep making jokes about a commune, but she wants to live totally off-grid, and i know how to grow weed and enough food to supplement a pantry so like... that would actually be so cool if it happened but for now its just another fun thing to dream about while living the nightmare LOL at least im saving money on fun things xD
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angry-trashcan · 3 years
today is the day bailey! the day when you existed! i promised that i would hand you a 1k epic but i have no idea what an epic is so i’m just gonna give you the 1k part (probably i suck at writing) about how you’re valued and loved here sm 🥰
i love how you’re so nice to your mutuals— and i’m not saying it because of the fact that you do, but it’s how you give off (or rather, do) the energy that you really really care and that you’re not doing it because you have to, but the fact that you genuinely care. i’ve always noticed that about you.
i can very much tell because when i was gone you sent me asks, never knowing when i’d respond or if i even saw them. honestly, i respect u and love u for that.
also, YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING. like amazing. like AMAZZINGGGGG. i remember the tobirama slander in one of your fics back then and i was deadass laughing the whole time reading it— it’s so fucking accurate i won’t even lie. me back then was wild tho i won’t even lie.
ALSO YOURE PRETTY! LIKE PRETTY! i think ive complemented you back then, but imma do it again. YOU. ARE. BEAUTIFUL. and madara uchiha would start a war after you if the opportunity was there!
also the uchiha loving in your blog. I LOVE. I ADORE. I ACCEPT. I NEED. i remember i used to obsess over kakashi but i swear, you and some other ppl got me onto that uchiha crack and i still ain’t off it.
this is DEFINITELY not 1k words but i tried but let me tell u this. don’t EVER doubt yourself. you’re enough, your writings enough, you are that bad bitch, and you’re everything and anything. you’re fuckin amazing, bailey, i’m late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY. and enjoy that wine 💞
Holy shit I genuinely have no idea what to say. Thank you so much for all of this. I'm at such a loss for words. But I'd say this is pretty epic in itself 😭💖
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boywivlove · 4 years
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| Title | Lost My Way |
| Pairing | Min Yoongi x Reader
| Word Count | 1K
| Genre |  Pianist AU, fluff, slight romantic moments, slight angst
| Summary | Min Yoongi was a rising prodigy in the pursuit of his career as a musician, but after a car accident his hands are left with severe injuries. It takes years for him to find his way again, and he will never give up his dream, no matter what life throws at him.
| Warnings | descriptions of accidents and injuries.
| AN | My second drabble for the `BTS Bingo Collaboration` with `ficswithluv` and I’m really glad to get this out!! Im going to be posting a lot more drabbles in the weeks to come !
----- “Even if Im slow, I will walk with my own feet Because I know this path is mine to take. Even if I go back, I will reach this path Eventually  I will never   I will never lose my dream” ----
If you asked Min Yoongi before graduation, where he thought he would be in two years, it wouldn't be here. He would have answered that he would have liked to be training with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, having been offered a place with them straight after graduation. He never could have guessed he would be sitting in a physiotherapy clinic , his hands barely able to hold a pen, all because of a head on collision with a drunk driver. But fate has a weird way of messing with people's lives, doesn't it? 
He hadn't always liked piano, in fact, up until he was 15, he had never touched a key. Yoongi had grown up streetwise, not classically trained. But during a summer school program, he thought what the hell and took it as an elective. It was either that or track… no thanks. Yoongi was quick to learn how to play, his teacher noting that he was the quickest student to learn the ins and outs of playing. After he had been given the confidence to play, he had started to pride himself on his dedication to his skills, and to have it taken away from him because of one stupid, selfish ass hole… it burned him. It made him angry. He was supposed to make something of his life, to be recognised for his skill and get off the streets. 
The crash happened one night in June, he had stayed late to practice for his upcoming exam. The driver sped right through a red light, and right into the front of Yoongi's car, he couldn't remember exactly how he got to the hospital, but they said he was lucky to be alive, his head had been split open upon impact, his face and body had been scraped by the glass from the windshield. But the injury that he felt the most were his hands, severely impacted by nerve damage, when he first woke up he had thought they had been amputated, not being able to feel them at all. The doctors had said there was a 40% chance he would be able to control them again, but it wasn't 100%. And to Yoongi, that wasn't enough.
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“How are you feeling Yoongi?” He didn't look up to address you, but he nodded his head in acknowledgement. You were the newest in a string of physiotherapists assigned to help Yoongi try and work through his injuries. The others Yoongi had driven away from his outbursts of anger. You were younger than the others, only a year or so older than him, and he had to admit you were pretty to look at. And you hadn't asked for a replacement therapist for him yet, it had been 6 months and you still stayed with him. Yoongi was grateful, even if he had a hard time showing it.
It wasn't that Yoongi didn't want to get better, he wanted nothing more than to be able to use his hands again, but at the same time, he was tired of trying and getting nowhere. He was angry. 
He hated that what happened happened to him, after he had worked too hard to get to where he was. He would never, ever get an opportunity like that again, it wasn't just his slot in the symphony and his ability to play he lost, his friends, he had eventually pushed them away one by one. He couldn't stand the sympathetic way they spoke to him, giving him advice they found on google on how he could get his hands back to the way they were. What the fuck would they know about anything. The only person he seemed to open up with was you, you didn't push him, but you did challenge him to do the exercises. 
The therapy was slow, infuriatingly so. It was like no matter what he did or how much he tried, he was incapable of the simplest of things. His writing looked like chicken scratch, he would barely grip onto anything without dropping it, even getting dressed took twice as long and made his hands ache, 
“You've made some great progress in the last year, I know it's not as much as you want it to be, but progress is progress.” 
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It was a slow process, painstakingly slow. But after months of you challenging Yoongi with the physiotherapy, Yoongi could finally see some progress. He could write his name in a somewhat presentable way, he could fully grasp anything without it aching, but he would hold things slightly. It even hurt less to button up his shirt in the morning. You were so proud of Yoongi for sticking at it and trying as much as he can muster. The whole reason you took this job was to help people get their lives back on track, and to see Yoongi smile when he was able to do something with his hands made it all worth it. 
You had decided to pay Yoongi a visit today instead of being cooped up in the clinic for hours, there was no reason you couldn't do his exercises at home afteral. Yoongi had given you a spare key to let yourself in, and had told you the flat number that was his. You had brought him some lunch from a bakery you remember him saying was his favourite place to go after practice. 
Fiddling with the key in the lock you made your way inside and set the lunch on the kitchen table. You heard a soft off key melody being played in the next room, re must have not heard you enter. Making your way slowly to the door, you spot him sitting at his piano, his hands tentatively playing the keys. You could see the concentration that was etched onto his features, and the shaking of his hands. It was a serene moment that you loved to see with him, but it was cut short when you heard another off key moment, and his hands slammed into the keys, causing him to cry out. You rushed over to where he was in an instant, afraid he had hurt himself, he seemed to only then notice you as he let you inspect his shaking hands.
“You know better Yoongi, no straining your muscles!” You look over his hands, gently turning them over in your own.
“Whats the point of trying to get better if Im NOT getting better, what the fuck am I suposed to do! I'm no closer than I was when all this shit first happened!”
Your heart went out to him, it really did. You knew Yoongi's background from your little conversations during your sessions. You knew where he'd come from and how hard he'd trained and worked for this chance.
“That's not true, you've made great progress, a year ago you couldn't even pick up a pen, let alone play the piano like you just did . Yoongi I know it's hard, but a big part of recovery is the patience and time you put into it. It's not an overnight thing. You know that..”
He said nothing, just breathing through the numb feeling he now felt in his hands. He nodded slowly and looked up at you, your hands still holding his own. 
“What if it never goes away… Y/N what if everything I've worked for can never come true, and I'm stuck with a bunch of what ifs for the rest of my life….”
“Is that what you're most afraid of?”
He nodded, his shoulders shaking slightly. “I've worked so hard… I've put so much energy into this, I can't imagine doing anything else…”
“Yoongi, I know you can do this, you just need to give it time. And I know you're gonna get back on your feet, and you're gonna get over this… you've just got to give it time.” 
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He was nervous. He was so fucking nervous. It had taken him years after the accident to get here. Watching just off the stage as the audition before he finished up, he was good, his melodies were flawless. Yoongi had to commend him on his steady hand. Looking at his own, he was full of doubt. He wasn't sure he would be good enough to do this audition. 
He walks out in a daze. The nape of his neck started to feel hot. He introduces himself, and he takes his place on the bench. He swallows, and looks out to the crowd. It was then he saw you enter quietly, taking a seat in the empty isle. You came. He suddenly thought of everything you'd said to him through his recovery, the promises of staying by his side, the encouraging smiles when he started practising again. Even when his sessions were over, you still stayed in touch with him and encouraged him even more. It wasn't until the judges panel motioned for him to start that he gave his hands a small squeeze.
Life hasn't been easy for him recently. Everything had changed for him. It was a slow process. But he's here, he made it. 
One step forward, two steps back. He'd never lost his ambition, it was just buried under fear and doubt. But now, he was ready to reach his dreams, and he had you as his light in dark times to guide him.
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pussay · 4 years
midnight snacks - peter p
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paring : peter parker x reader
word count : 1k +
warnings : literally nothing except my shitty writing >:))
sleepovers with peter were the best. between joking around and watching movies, the two of you never failed to fill the room with your laughter. it used to annoy his aunt may but she's grown to be able to tolarate it.
so, here you were now, snuggled up on the top bunk of peters bed while he took the bottom bunk. his soft snores filled the room while you tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. finally, with a groan, you pushed the soft blanket off your legs and quietly climbed down.
peter mustn't have heard the quiet thump of you hitting the floor because he simply sniffled quietly in his sleep and kicked one foot out of the blanket. you heart melted at the sight of him sleeping peacefully. it was adorable and anyone who told you otherwise would get a face full of fists.
"psst... hey, pete."
"whaaaaaat?" he groaned and turned so his back was facing you. you huffed and slowly started tracking backwards.
"umph!" peter shot up in his bed while you giggled even though your ribs were sore from the landing. "jeez, y/n! did you really have to do that!?"
you simply continued to giggle at his confused face and messy bed hair, "m'hungry and i can't sleep." you whined and peter sent you a dopey smile before snuggling further into the pillows.
"awe sorry to hear that." and with that, the little shit wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you down onto the bed with him.
"this is serious!" you whisper-yelled, "im really hungry! cant you just spider-man us to the nearest macdonalds so i can get a burger?"
"oh yeah, i definitely could--"
"yay thank you--"
"but i don't wanna." he finished stubbornly and shut his eyes.
"but-- peter" you whined and he lifted his head to look at your pouting face.
"oh come on. please don't do the face" he practically begged but you didn't let up. you heard him mumble something before pulling himself out of bed, heading to his closet. you let out a small, almost inaudible, cheer and jumped out of the bed to get your shoes, not bothering to change out of your pyjamas (you just wanted your food).
in under five minutes, peter was impatiently waiting at the window in his suit. you quickly tied the laces on your sneakers before leaping over to him, "okay, im ready."
"then let's go. may usually wakes up to get a drink at two so we have, uh--" he took two steps forward to check the time on his alarm clock, "forty-six minutes."
without a second of hesitation, peter silently opened the window, nodding his head in its direction. you skipped towards the window, a smug grin on your face.
once the two of you were out on the fire escape, peter wrapped his arms around the bottom of your thighs and you jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist. within a second, you were flying through the streets with your head buried in peter's neck. you felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle,
"you scared?" he asked and you practically feel the smirk he wore.
"uh, y-yeah." and by that you meant no, you just smell really fucking good and your a human heater but he didn't need to know that.
before you knew it, your feet were on the ground and you were on the roof of an older-looking macdonalds. peter pulled a pair of loose-fitting sweats and simple, light blue jumper out of his backpack. within fifteen seconds you coumd barely tell he was wearing the spidey-suit in the first place. he webbed his backpack to a dirty, brick chimney as you jumped on his back, preparing for him to crawl down the wall.
once the two of you got inside, you noticed it was a literal ghost town and the teenager at the register gave the two of you a weird look. you realised she was staring down at peters hand.
the bright red of peters gloved hand stuck out like a sore thumb and you nudged his shoulder.
"your hand." you murmured simply before pushing him to a table at the back corner of the restaurant. you watched him burry his hand in the pockets of his pants with a panicked expression.
after ordering your food (and it taking a whole eleven minutes to be made even though it was dead empty ) you skipped to your table, peter waiting like an eager child waiting to get a lollipop.
"here ya' go." you said as you placed his order in front of him. peter was quick to dig into his food and you giggled, watching him get ketchup on the corner of his mouth.
"you, uh, just-- *cough* let me--" you stretched your hand across the table, using your thumb to wipe the sause of his mouth. you didn't miss the faint, cherry red blush that took its place on peters cheeks.
"oh, uh, thank you." you nodded and started to eat your food.
you had finished your food when you noticed peter staring at you with a dreamy smile.
"nothing. i just really love you." peter said softly with a nervous smile on his face.
"wha-what?" you felt like the air was punched out of your lungs.
"i love you."
your heart was racing a mile a minute and you titled your head curiously, "like love love or 'you're my best friend who's like my sister' love?"
"how about 'ive loved you since we were twelve and i could see myself spending the rest of my life with you and i think you do too' love." the small smile on his face disappeared when he saw your expression, "unless ive been reading this wrong and--"
"no! no, not at all. its just that, well, we're us, aren't we?"
"well, yeah but i just thought that--"
"but you're right. i think i love you too." you whispered and the brightest smile took its place on his face.
"i-- r-really?"
"yeah." peter leaped out of his seat and gave you the biggest hug ever. you buried your head into his neck and you didn't notice that you had both started crying.
"oh my god. i can't believe this is happening. may's gonna be over the moon." you let out a watery laugh and hugged peter tighter. he rubbed his hands up and down your back soothingly and, eventually, pulled away from the hug.
"you wanna get out of here and, ya know, sleep." peter asked before brushing a stand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. you nodded and he grabbed your hand, guiding you next to the shop and you climbed onto his back.
before you knew it your legs were wrapped around his waist and peter pulled his mask out of his pocket and started to swing back to his apartment. peter landed on the fire escape with a quiet thud and he opened the window so you could enter his room. you kicked off your shoes and flopped onto the bed, watching as he stripped down to his boxes, slipping on the loose sweatpants again.
he quietly slid in next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. you nuzzled your head into his chest while he played with the loose strand of your hair.
you were slowly drifting off to sleep when you heard him let out a quiet curse.
"mmph...what?" you practically whined and peter sighed out deeply through his nose.
"i left my backpack on the roof."
"damn it, parker!"
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