#i said BACKstory 💀
mediumgayitalian · 1 month
For some reason the lack of a little jingling bell throws her off.
It’s a quintessential diner thing, she supposes. A little bell above the door. There’s the weird decor and the pressed cotton uniforms and the yelling chef and the little bell. It was in both Back to the Future one and two. That’s how she knows she’s right.
But when she pushes open the door with windows so caked with grime she can hardly see through them, there is no little jingle. And when she looks up at the door frame, eyebrows furrowed, it seems sad and lonely. She’s never been so aware of the lack of a sound, the absence of a noise. It makes the rest of the silence of the diner seem eerie, wrong. Dead.
She takes a hesitant step forward, door swinging shut behind her. She realizes as she approaches the ordering counter that her hand rests palm cupped on her belly, and removes it immediately.
There are a couple groups of people in the back, talking quietly over their food. It doesn’t make the diner seem any less abandoned, somehow. If anything it feels like a TV playing on mute in a hospital. Saturated static.
“Seat yourself, girl. You ain’t never been to a diner before?”
The woman that speaks is tall and plump and harsh-looking. A very strange mixing of features. They’re at odd with the diner-specific yellow uniform she wears, collar pressed but skirt wrinkled. Apron dusted with flour and streaked with machine oil. Face pinched, eyes hard, black hair resting in dainty ringlets along her shoulders. Her name tag only reads the name of the business.
“A couple,” Naomi defends. “One even had a hostess.”
The woman — who must be a manager — raises an eyebrow.
“You see a hostess’ station?”
“Then why haven’t you sat yourself?”
“‘Cause I’m not here to eat.”
“Well, then, get the hell out of my restaurant.”
Naomi holds her gaze, tilting up her chin. She will not be swayed by orneriness. “I need a job.”
The manager eyes her critically. Naomi’s hands twitch, and the top of her head feels suddenly itchy. Summer before highschool she’d wrote her first resume — Mama’d drawn her a bath and sat behind her and spent two hours slowly untangling the ratty mess of curls on her head with nothing but a bottle of cheap jasmine conditioner and her own two fingers, telling her about lasting first impressions.
“Go home, kid.”
“I’m not a fu —” She stumbles over her words at the last second, catching herself before that eyebrow can climb any higher. It does, and the other eyebrow begins to climb with it, but she rights herself and powers on. “I can vote,” she says finally. “I can throw on a uniform and get blown up across seas. I can — I can adopt a child, if I so choose. Right now.”
The eyebrows reach critical height, brushing the end of her carefully teased hairline. Naomi watches them and their inspiring journey with intensity, instead of noticing how the manager’s eyes drop down to her stomach, linger, and then return to her face.
“You gonna adopt it right outta your womb, or what?”
Naomi snaps her mouth shut.
“Well,” she says, and nothing else.
The manager sighs. “This ain’t a charity.”
Naomi barely manages to bite the snark back from her voice before she speaks.“I’m not asking for charity. I’m asking for work.”
Eyes shifting to the tables in the back, the manager leans over the counter, long fingers wrapping around the handle of a coffee pot so old the handle has worn right down to plain metal, and walks over to a beckoning customer. She fills a man’s mug with her lips pressed thin, offering a napkin to a child in a high chair.
“And why would I hire some pregnant kid?”
The customer pushes over a stack of plates without moving his eyes from the newspaper in front of him. There’s a woman on the other side of the table, holding a spoon out to the little kid, eyes desperate and tight smile slipping when the kid’s pudgy fist hits and sends the scoop of scrambled eggs flying. The man brings the coffee to his lips and waves the manager away.
“It’s illegal for an employer to discriminate against a pregnant person,” Naomi says finally. That had been drilled into her head by her Mama, too. That and how to keep her finances separate. She’ll have real trouble with that, what with the zero dollars she’ll have by the end of the week.
“Good thing I’m not your employer, then.” The manager sets the plates by a soapy sink, putting the coffee pot back on the hot plate. “Get lost.”
I am lost, Naomi almost says, almost slamming a hand in the counter to catch herself from her suddenly weak knees. She watches the manager watch her, tight little frown furling the corner of her mouth, through the blur of her eyes, swallowing hard around the lump in her throat.
“Please,” she says, too quiet, then tries again: “Please.”
The manager disappears behind a short half-wall, following the sound of an oven dinging. Naomi gasps silently, bowing over the counter, breathing heavily. She curls her hands into fists and presses them, hard, one to her chest and one right under her ribs. Ka-thump, ka-thump, kickkickkick. Kickkick ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-kickthump.
There’s an echoing clatter as a hot tray slams on a stove top. Scrambling upright, Naomi lifts the little door on the counter, scanning the space. The register is ancient and yellowed, buttons so worn with use the labels have worn away. There’s a thread-thin mat at the base of it. The counters are clean but scratched, walls stained but dust-free. The coffeemaker gurgles pathetically. An apron hangs from a hook nailed to the wall by the kitchen window.
As quietly as she can, Naomi slips it over her head. It’s tight around the waist, so she folds it once and ties it around her ribs, instead, letting the straps dangle loosely at the butt of her jeans. She ties her hair quickly behind her head and steps up to the creaky sink, silently moving the pile of dishes to the empty counter. When the clatter in the kitchen starts up again, she turns the water on as quick as she can — hack gurgle rush — and squeezes the mostly empty soap bottle as hard as she can to make up a lather.
“Hell are you doing?” says the manager gruffly, two pies balancing on her oven mitt hands.
Naomi shrugs.
“You deaf, or stupid?”
She thinks if laughter like a lyre and sun golden hair, plucking at her out-of-tune guitar string and asking a similar question. The ghost of a smile pulls across her face.
“Not deaf. And that’s rude.”
A pie plate crinkles under the press of a knife, and the scent of candy cherry mixes with slightly-burnt coffee. Makes her think of Grammy’s house, the smell of the jams she spent sixty years making soaked permanently in the wooden foundations. The manager finishes plating the pie slices and sliding them under the display glass around the same time Naomi suds up the last dirty mug. She watches her red-painted finger tap, tap, tap on her bicep out of the corner of her eye as she rinses it off.
Unplugging the sink, dirty water gurgling as it drains, she points a hesitant elbow at the dishtowel tucked into the managers pocket. She grabs it, threading it around her fingers, twisting the worn pink tail.
“Freezer broke two days ago.” She picks at a loose thread ‘til it pulls clean from the rest of the fabric, balling it up and sliding it into her pocket. She tugs on the fabric one last time, then tosses it, bundled, into Naomi’s waiting hands. “Tables in the back better have their bill by the time I get back from fixin’ it.”
Naomi hunches over the sopping dishes to hide her smile, listening to the scritch scritch click of the manager’s shoes as she stomps away.
Di doesn’t believe in paycheques.
“Great way to get ripped off,” she likes to grumble, slapping a stack of 20s bundled in a stapled piece of notebook paper into Naomi’s hands every Friday. She doesn’t think much of taxes, either, or lawyers, or racecar drivers. Naomi doesn’t quite understand that last one, but she knows better than to ask. As far as she’s concerned she’s still on probation, and probably will be if she works at the diner for another four months. Or the rest of her life.
On one hand, Naomi doesn’t have a bank account, so a cheque would be useless to her anyway. The cash she can use immediately and whenever she needs it. On the other hand, which is currently occupied with sewing back closed the hole she gouged in her backseat for the seventeenth week in a row, she has nowhere exactly to put that money, so it stresses her out.
Maybe she should look into an apartment.
Of course there are no apartment buildings in Sheffield. But she’s pretty sure Iraan is a big enough town to have a couple, as squat as they may be, and it’s only a twenty minute drive. There’s more to do there, too, so maybe she’d actually have a reason to take a day off every week. It’s not like she can buy a damn house with the less-than 3000 dollars she has saved up.
Waddling out of her car, she ducks into the diner. You’d think she’d be used to the lack of bell, now, but she finds that she still anticipates it; finds that her brain still quietly signals to her ears to prep for it. It always sets her off, a little.
“You’re late,” says Di critically, uniform hanging over her arm, foot tap tap-ing on the linoleum floor.
“I don’t have a starting time,” Naomi says lightly. “On account that I am not your employee.“
Di huffs, rolling her eyes. Naomi rolls them right back, snatching the uniform from her arms on the way to the bathroom. She has to wear Di’s, now, because she doesn’t fit into her old one. Di is much taller and broader than her and the stupid thing hangs down to her mid-calf, awkwardly drowning her shoulders, but it’s the only thing wide enough to cover her belly and Di refuses to let Naomi just wear her regular clothes.
(“You’re indecent,” she always says, sneering at her jean shorts, but Naomi has learned to translate you’re indecent but also you can’t have bare legs around hot oil, which she’s come to appreciate. Sure, Di makes her clean the bathroom whether or not she needs to crawl around in her knees to stay balanced, but she doesn’t want her burned to death, at least. That’s something.)
“And your hair’s unwashed,” she adds, as if Naomi had not walked away. She reaches up and adjusts Naomi’s collar, like that is going to do anything to change the fact that she looks like she’s wearing a collapsed tent. “You’re going to drive customers away.”
Naomi doesn’t say, you open before the community centre does, so I can’t shower in the mornings. She does not say, I spent last night trying to change the oil on my car when I couldn’t lie down to reach it. She doesn’t say, I’m too scared to sleep in the community centre parking lot, because my windows aren’t tinted and I don’t know what’ll wake me up.
She says, “The only thing scaring customers away is your busted attitude,” and scurries into the kitchen before Di can order her to clean the friers.
Naomi’s favourite part of the diner is the radio.
She can’t believe that Di allows it, what with her general distaste for joy in all of its forms. But it’s balanced on the window sill watching over the oven, antenna extended out the torn screen, dials permanently stuck on an old forgotten country channel. Naomi likes to hum along as she works, frying potatoes or kneading dough, twirling around the kitchen with a mop or a broom. It’s nice even when she’s cramping, even when her feet are sore — she likes hollering along to Dolly Parton when she knows Di is listening, want to move ahead, but the boss won’t seem to let me, likes the way her little parasite goes absolutely buck wild whenever Willie Nelson comes on. She can hear it even when she’s in the dining area, plates balanced all up her arms (and on her belly, too, which is one of the many things she has discovered it’s useful for), humming along to scratching dorks and scritching napkins, working 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’.
She amuses herself often by making up lives for the various patrons. They’re close enough to the main highway that they get all sorts driftin’ in, from families with bratty kids who upend their food on the floor for Naomi to clean to men in starched suits who never leave a tip. The regulars she’s gotten to know, like the older, stocky, short-haired woman called Bella who smiles softly at her and leaves more than double her bill every breakfast. Or the two young men, college seniors, she thinks, who come in every Saturday afternoon and laugh loudly and talk about strange subjects and rope her into their conversations when there’s no one around and she’s bored.
Other patrons, though, strangers, she speculates. Like there’s a man in the farthest back corner, now, hunched over in the peeling green vinyl seats, scrawling frantically in a tiny notebook. She imagines he’s a private investigator, chasing a lead, about to discover that the woman on a date on the other end of the diner is cheating on her husband of fifteen years.
“Naomi, if you don’t get your ass back to work.”
She throws her hands up. “There’s nothing to do!”
Di observes the half-empty diner, noting the clean tables, neat counters, sparkling kitchen. Each customer sitting satisfied in their table, coffee mugs full, plates still hefty with food.
“Clean the grout.”
Scowling, Naomi stomps to the kitchen, wrenching open the cupboard under the counter and yanking out the Mr. Clean and scrub brush. It’s an ordeal and a half to get on the floor, wincing at the extra weight on her knees, sitting back on her heels with every spray and keeping one hand on her belly while the other scrubs. I Got Stripes by Johnny Cash starts playing through the radio, and she grits out the lyrics with every drag of the brush through the tiles.
“— and then chains, them chains, they’re ‘bout to drag me down —”
A pair of worn black boots come stomping into her line of vision. Naomi finishes scrubbing at a stubborn smear of grease, relishing in how it submits under her power, then rests her weight on her tired hands and tilts her chin up to glare up at her boss.
“I got stripes, stripes around my shoulders,” she sings defiantly, “chains, chains around my feet —”
“I should whip you, you damn drama queen,” Di says darkly, glaring right back. “Had three separate customers come on up to me askin’ me if I’m mistreatin’ ‘that poor young pregnant girl’.”
Naomi smiles triumphantly.
Di scowls, rolling her eyes hard enough to visibly strain her face, and drops some kind of foam pads at her feet. She stomps off without another word, scowling at the radio.
Poking at the pads, Naomi discovers they’re meant to be strapped to her knees. She slips them on, immediately noticing the relief.
For the rest of her shift, she’s an angel.
Di even almost smiles at her.
“Naomi, go home.”
“What happened to kid?” Naomi pants, knuckles going white against the counter. She breathes slowly and carefully through her mouth — in, two, three, four, out, two, three, four, in, two — and grits her teeth, staring determinately at the sticky tabletop until the dizziness fades. “I didn’t even know you knew my name.”
“I don’t.” A roughened hand rests on the small of her back, loosening the too-tight apron straps. “You’re sick, kid.”
“I’m fine.”
She tilts forward. Di barely manages to catch her, settling her slowly on the floor without so much as a comment about how heavy she is.
“The diner is empty, Naomi.” The same roughened hand moves up to the back of her neck, untangling the sweaty strands of hair that stick to her skin. Her voice is unusually soft. “You’re nine months pregnant, kiddo. You need to go home. You need to rest —”
“I need to work.”
With great effort, Naomi shoves her away, standing slowly to her feet. The world is still wobbly and bile climbs up her throat, but she pushes forward, hands half-extended beside her. She reaches back for the wet rag, swiping weakly at the table. An onslaught of nausea makes her pause, mouth clamped shut, breathing quick and deep through dry nostrils.
When she speaks again, Di’s voice is hard. “I’m not asking. Get out of my diner. Go home, or you won’t be allowed back. I won’t be accused of killing some dumbass kid who doesn’t know when to quit.”
“I can’t —” she gags, tears springing in her eyes, desperately trying to wrestle back some control of her body — “there’s nowhere, please, Di, let me —”
She slaps a hand to her mouth, heaving. She hasn’t even — she hasn’t eaten all day. The smell of anything makes her want to vomit. The idea of putting anything more in her body makes her want to peel off her skin. She feels — bloated and freakish and ugly; like an unsuspected astronaut on a sieged spaceship.
Like she’s about to burst.
“Oh, for the love of — Naomi, please tell me you are not nine months pregnant and sleeping in your fucking car.”
Naomi says nothing. She squeezes her eyes shut and tries not to think of Mama’s peony-scented perfume.
“Jesus Christ.”
Stomp, click, stomp stomp. Rattling chain, swishing cardboard. Flicking switch. Turning dial, fading music. Stomp, click, stomp stomp.
Two callused hands on her biceps, dragging her upright.
“C’mon, up you get. Where’re your keys?”
A hand digs around in her apron pocket.
“What, d’you fuckin’ run these over or somethin’? The hell’d you fuckin’ do to these things?”
No jingle on the door. A flipped sign.
“No, obviously you can’t — go get in the fuckin’ passenger seat, dumbass. God.”
Di mutters something about stupid kids and stupider adults, for putting up with them. Naomi smiles tiredly. Daddy used to say that all the time, flicking her on the forehead.
“Roll the window down. You need fresh air.”
The slight breeze coming in from the window is helpful, actually. It’s been a disgustingly hot summer, and Naomi has had to sleep with her windows down to avoid suffocating. She wakes up to mosquito bites in places she frankly did not know could be bitten.
“D’you think you’re going into labour?” Di asks quietly, over Dolly’s crooning. Bittersweet memories, that’s all I’m takin’ with me.
Naomi sighs, shaking her head. Already, the nausea has faded into the background. The sweat cools against her skin, and she stops feeling quite so much like she’s going to die.
“No. It’s only been eight months and a little less than two weeks.”
“…You remember the exact date?”
Well, hello, feverish flush. How I’ve missed you so. Will you do me a favour and cook me alive, while you’re here?
“It was a very memorable occasion,” Naomi mumbles, shrinking back into her seat.
“I see.”
Naomi’s never seen Di look quite so amused before. Her whole face softens, and her brown eyes look warm, for once. Naomi would attack her if she had the strength.
Di cruises slowly down Main St, conscientious of the kids ducking in and out of the shops, laughing with their friends. A tween girl looks over at an older boy and whips back over to her friends when he meets her eyes, the whole group of them descending into delighting shrieks. Naomi watches them with a smile and an ache in her chest. She wonders how Molly’s doing. How Esther’s holding up, how Leela is faring. Jen’s at school, now, all the way up in NYC. She hopes they’re well and tries not to hate them for not being here.
Sheffield’s small, and there’s not a street Naomi hasn’t driven down. She spends most of her free time in the community centre pool or the desert around the diner, sure, but she’s been around. When Di turns on Pine St and follows her all the way down, though, she frowns, looking over and asking a wordless question.
Di doesn’t answer. She’s driven them all the way to the other side of town in less than five minutes, pulling into a gravel parking lot and killing the engine.
“C’mon,” she grunts, climbing out of the tiny car and waiting, arms crossed, for Naomi to do the same.
“Sure, sure, let the pregnant woman crawl out of her own seat. Don’t lift a finger or anything.”
Di rolls her eyes.
As soon as Naomi has struggled her way out of the car, which takes her a good four minutes, Di stalks off. In her harried attempt to follow her, Naomi feels like a duck hopped up on an energy drink.
“What kinda money do you have?”
Naomi looks at her strangely. “Uh, what you pay me.”
“Yes, obviously, I meant savings.”
“What you pay me,” Naomi repeats.
Di purses her lips. “Well.”
She does not finish her thought. Instead, she strides down the gravel driveway, heedless of Naomi’s struggle behind her, until she approaches a squat looking building with ‘OFFICE’ printed on the little window.
“She needs a room,” she says to the clerk sitting behind it, gesturing at Naomi.
Naomi looks at her in alarm.
“Di, I can’t —”
“Fifty a night,” responds the man quickly.
“Try again.”
Di’s response is swift and immediate, ignoring Naomi’s tugging hand. She pulls away, resting her hands on her lower back, swivelling her head between Di and the man.
“Rate’s a rate, Di.”
She’s not surprised this man knows Di — everyone knows Di. But the slant to his eyebrows is unfamiliar, the hands clasped easily behind his head. He relaxes back into a leather office chair, heeled boot hiked up to rest in his knee, whistling absentmindedly in the face of Di’s glare.
“Two hundred a week.”
“Not a chance.”
“I’m not asking, Jed.”
The man — Jed — finally starts to look irate, meeting Di’s jaw-set stare with one of his own.
“I’m sorry, I musta missed something. Did you up and buy this place?”
Di doesn’t answer him right away. She never slouches, always standing at her full height, and she’s mighty tall for a woman. For anyone, really. She has a way of planting herself right in front of the sun, no matter where she is. Jed stares up at her, squinting, cast in Di’s shadow everywhere but where he needs to be sheltered.
“You gotta laundry list of shit you done owed me your whole life, Jed.”
Jed just his chin out.
“I don’t owe her shit.”
Blunt fingers wrap around her elbow. “She’s mine.”
“Ain’t how this works, Di.”
“Says who? You?”
For all her intensity, Naomi doesn’t think Di’ll actually fight anyone. If she would, Naomi would’ve gotten her ass kicked months ago.
(She’s mine. Kiddo. You need rest. Roll down the window.)
Regardless, a flash of fear flits across Jed’s face. He cuts his gaze from Naomi to Di and then back again, pupils shrinking, and then invariably comes to a decision.
“Two fifty,” he snaps, scowling. “Not a penny less, Di.”
Di nods once. “Fine.”
She tightens the hold on Naomi’s elbow, dragging her away from the window. There’s an echoing bang, bang, bang, interspersed with muffled curses, before Jed stumbles out of a door on the side of the scaffolding. He stomps away without looking back, and Di tugs her along to follow.
“Laundry is your own problem. Clean your own shit. If you miss a payment, I’m kicking you out. Clear?”
Naomi stares. Jed standing in front of another low, old building, but this one is much longer, a door posited every dozen or so feet. A plastic chair sits in front of every door, and every door is numbered.
A motel, Naomi realises.
“Clear, kid?”
“Crystal,” Naomi manages, throat dry. Jed practically throws the key at her head, stomping back to the office. Numbly, Naomi slides it in the lock, pushing open the door.
The room isn’t big. There’s a double bed in the middle, a window in the far side and a dresser under it. A TV rests in a dugout shelf in the wall, and there’re two small doors next to it; a closet and a bathroom, Naomi assumes. Smaller than her bedroom back home.
Much, much bigger than her car.
“You’re gonna have to work another ten hours a week to afford this place,” Di says critically. When Naomi looks back at her, she’s lingering at the doorway, staring resolutely at Naomi’s face. Not a spare glance for the room itself.
Naomi does the math fast in her head.
“Twenty hours.”
Di scowls. “Don’t insult me, kid. Ten more hours a week; make sure you’re early tomorrow. I don’t give a shit if you’re sick again, either.”
Naomi swallows. She smooths a hand over the quilt tucked neatly over the bed — it’s soft, if not warm. The pillow is plump.
God, she’s missed pillows.
“Thank you, Di,” she says quietly.
Di makes a small twitching motion with her head that may, in some lighting, be considered a nod, then stalks off. Naomi sinks into the mattress; surprised at how much her feet aches now that she’s off of them.
She swings them up, kicking off her boots, to rest on top of the blanket. She leans against the rickety headboard. She rests her hand on her swollen stomach and slowly, silently, begins to cry.
“You and me and sheer fuckin’ will, kid,” she mumbles, face crumpling. The constant ache in the small of her back lifts, slightly. She stretches her toes as far as they’ll go and cries harder. “We’re gettin’ there. We’re gettin’ there. We’re gettin’ there.”
naomi art
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oexen · 3 months
naruto was written by someone with the emotional intelligence of a literal peanut
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halforcdad · 1 year
Lucy mentioning the immigrant parents dream is so funny to me djsjsksldjfsh my asian parents would love him too lmao remind me of that one guy who is a doctor, navy seal AND astronaut
bruh big same, its so fucking relatable. but also if my asian parents heard that resume id be getting side-eyed to hell LOL
it does make me wonder if lucy's rich af parents see her going into ncis as on par with an immigrant kid telling their parents theyre pursuing an art degree or something Lol
and that guy is an asshole for setting such an impossible standard for the rest of us! 😩 like who has the time to do all that!!
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bloominstorm · 2 years
I knew Wakui was gonna do some shit like this
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#i knew he was gonna have it be some light vs darkness shit with takemichi and Kisaki#we get it Kisaki brought out the worst in Mikey but I’m glad we see that he was encouraged by Mikey to do so#like MIKEY IS THE PROBLEM 😭#like Kisaki deadass said to his face that he knew his bestfriend was gonna be his enemy#why would you fuck with tht person after tht especially when you talked to your gang and only two out of the 5 other captains said yes to#him joining???#i just need his backstory to be more fleshed out bc WHY TF DOES HE HAVE DARK IMPULSES#he was already on tht dark shit before his mom died and his father died when he was too young so his death didn’t have much impact on him???#literally what is wrong with Mikey what made him like this#can wakui simply just say Mikey has a mental illness and it wasn’t brought on by any traumatic event#but was exacerbated from all the bad shit tht happened to him such as his mom and brother dying#bc trying to pinpoint a reason as to why he’s like this is exhausting and it’s clear hes not trying to give readers a clear understanding of#why hes the way he is#sidenote it was good to see tht Baji (and the others) did try to talk to Mikey about not trusting Kisaki#bc for the longest I always assumed Baji didn’t immediately go to talk to Mikey about his suspicions about Kisaki bc their relationship was#strained over Shinichiro’s death but nope Mikey just simply didn’t care and knew Kisaki would be the only one to really#facilitate his dark shit#also sidenote again it was cute how Mikey brought up Takemichi when talking to Kisaki like yes unknowingly throw dirt in his face by#mentioning his ‘rival’ 💀 but tht brings me to my next point#like why is wakui doing this after showing tht Mikey in fact did NOT get swayed by Takemichi trying to stop him from shit#he literally didn’t stop beating the shit outta kazutora because Takemichi jumped in#he only stopped bc bajis charm fell outta Takemichis pocket he never acknowledged him besides beating tf outta him#like why are you rewriting shit we’ve literally seen just to make Takemichi saving him darkness make sense#it won’t bc Mikey is a completely contradictory character and it has been shown having his loved ones isn’t enough for him to stop his dark#thoughts like I’m not understanding where this is going#but we’ll see with the next chapter .. 🤨#tokyo revengers spoilers#Tokyo revengers 265
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heimamas · 2 months
this is so related but unrelated at the same time but hear me out🙄
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this character, in case not familiar, is Eustass Kid🤢 admittedly the worst unlikable ugly scottish one piece character🤮
but this post isn't about him, it's about animal crossing.
bc as my obligatory campsite villager in acnh (Animal Crossing: New Horizons) arrived, the smug villager moving in just so happened to be named Kidd💀
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(that is Kidd, staring longingly at a clothing store like a true slur)
Now, obviously it could have been worse, it could have been Kid Cat that moved in, since he's also red. Although kid cat is most likely a jock villager and would have ruined my game experience even sooner.
this is a rant actually😤 i hate this purple goat so much i even got him in Pocket Camp so i could hate on him more
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hes such a loser dweeb and i cant BELIEVE out of every character it had to be him🤬🤬
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(oh, and he's artistic too🙄😒)
alright post over this was just to warn anyone in case i drop a kidd diss track or invent a new slur or something😮‍💨
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cupcakespie111 · 2 months
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Things i have manifested in literal seconds!!( a post to motivate you that you can manifest as well in seconds ) - i am just bored so lett me share some.
( backstory*. - I have manifested all the things even tho I was struggling with loa that time )
*** Uhmm English is not my first language so if my spellings are wrong I apologise.:)
____________________________________ what i manifested in secs-:
-:1) my school holidays getting extended for whole week 😍this was the most amazing success I have ever had( I just listened to a subliminal and you can check my results on that sub as well!!)
2) again i manifested this year again to my school holidays getting extended 💀** I just said to myself that my holidays are extended on the last night of my last holiday and guess what ?? My mom said my school are canceled
3) literally in seconds 😭 my face getting smaller.
( so I already have a small face but I was like let’s make it even more smaller so I just listened to a sub for like only 10 second and went to my mom and she said from nowhere see how small your face is !!! I was amazed as I gave up loa that time .
4) manifested my crush to appear out of no where In front of my fucking house 😭💀😭😭jandhdhsjdhajc .
I literally was thinking bout him that time and was so obsessed with law that time so I said if I am master at manifesting let this moment happen and just affirmed and I kid you not he was just in front(outside of my house when I went out ** I was so fvking happy that time gosh 😭
5) manifested weather to change immediately literally immediately **
Uhmm I really don’t feel like writing that long anymore (the backstory ) so I wanted the weather to be cold af and listened to a sub and slept and when I woke up it was literally the most sunburned day ever💀*
I felt like 😩* but I was like let’s try again , I listened to a sub for cold weather and didn’t cared bout the 3d and literally in 3 or idk seconds the weather was completely cold and windy .( you can check my success from the sub itself.
6) manifested rain to happen in seconds 🤣I used to do this to take a leave from school*
Edit :
7) so I also somehow idk. manifested a song to play in a wedding 💀ik this is pretty random but that song is like from the 80’s and no one really talks about it and I got to know about this song somehow and sang it and wished( I assumed it the next sec) it played in the wedding and boom immediately that second 😭that song started playing
Okk byee!!! I have manifested some random things instantly but these are the one that happened in seconds so yeahh!!!.
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lotusmi · 1 year
tw//mental problems, abusive family, bullying, suicide attempt, manifest/void obsession
first of all i want to thank lotus because it helped me even when i was thinking about suicide❤️‍🩹
it's been years since I learned loa and I was having problems with the manifest. althought I have known loa for 2-3 years, i constantly reacted to 3D and for such reasons I could not manifest anything for 2-3 years. and when i first learned loa i was obsessed with void. I was hurting myself to enter void. like if you don't enter void today I will kill you. i was crazy because of void. at the same time, I was staying in the family environment that dragged me to death, and I was bullied at school . i was hated by people even though i did nothing. i tried to commit suicide many times, my family wouldn't let me go to the therapist. also, no one said anything to the bullying I saw. thats why I bullied myself for years in the same way. if I told anyone I was being bullied and asked for help, they would say it was probably my problem to my face💀💀 and towards the end of 2022, i seriously couldn't stand it anymore. i was constantly reading blogs [i think there is no blog i haven't read, lmao] and the last time i couldn't stand it, i tried suicide again, but i failed. later i wrote to lotus and she gave me a lot of advice (baby ily😩❤️) and i cried more than i have ever cried that night. the problem is that while people were already ruining me, the real problem was that i was ruining myself too. after that day, in the first week, i had so many problems in my manifest journey. but until 2023, i said to myself, "i don't want to live like this anymore. i deserve the life I want.” i made a promise. and every time I felt like quitting, i remembered my promise to myself. and now i have revised my whole life, i live in dubai🤭. if you're going to ask how i did this, i started to listen to my inner voice, i almost stopped entering tumblr. i stopped affirming and wrote down the things that i was gonna revise one by one, and added them to the notes app on my phone. i made a note at the bottom that I already have these in my life. when “what if I can't manifest the life I want?” if such thoughts came to my mind, i told myself that the creation was already finished. in this process, i focused only on myself and was developing my self concept. before I went to bed at night, i was constantly imagining the life I wanted and I was staying in that state and saying I already had the life I wanted, I didn't affirm anything extra. and even those who made life difficult for me started to apologize to me. (i manifested their karma life lol) anyway I don't want to talk more about those bitches but I want to mention this. please take a break. relax. stay away from things like void, loa for a few days. I noticed that some of you are obsessed with void on this blog. but i must say void is just a method. if i manifested the life i wanted when i was only 12-13 years old, you can do it too. take a break and do what feels good to you. love yourself. loa blogs can help you up to a point. they can't spare all their days for you. start taking responsibility. find manifest methods that work well for you. love yourself. meditate. i’ve talked a lot but I would like to add that, if someone tells you that you are the cause of the circumstances you are experiencing right now, that you created the conditions in which you live, please tell them to shut their fucking mouths. no such thing. i was blaming myself again, thinking what a disgusting monster i am just because this “you create ur reality” thingy. but the truth is that creation is already over. good luck!
I literally cried when this girl texted me saying she is living her dream life, I was so pround, I am pround 💗
Backstory, she first texted me 12/15/2022
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She told me everything about her circumstances, they were really bad ones, and she was 12 at time and this made my heart so broken (she revised her age) since her parents were really toxic and disgusting ( I am not going to say much about her old story).
So I told her all about the toxic home I lived and how I manifested it away too (my success, my failures).
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So, time passed and 01/feb I got this text!
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I literally cried because I was so happy for herrrr 💗😭😭
"How she did it?"
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She focused in her inner Self being the only reality and ignored all circumstances!
"and i would love to you to add those youtubers and blogs" insta: - kriston jackson youtube: - lana blakely tumblr: - @becomingthatgirl111 — other sources abt loa: - joe dispenza, edward art"
I literally cried so much and I am so happy for you my angel, look how you did it! You were 12 and revised your whole life! 💗💗💗
And that are people out there who don't believe that it is possible to manifest things. Look at this girl 💓
You did it amazing love, I am so pround of you. You are deserving of all the best things in the world. I wish you all the fun in life. Thank you sm for sending me this, I feel so appreciated that I had helped you, but who did all of this was YOU! 💗💗💗
✉️You all, everything is possible!
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profectua · 4 months
》BLUE LOCK Headcanons
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ; ɴᴏɴᴇ! ᴘᴜʀᴇ ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋ ʟᴍᴀᴏ
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ; ɪꜱᴀɢɪ, ʙᴀᴄʜɪʀᴀ, ᴄʜɪɢɪʀɪ, ᴋᴜɴɪɢᴀᴍɪ, ɴᴀɢɪ, ʀᴇᴏ, ʙᴀʀᴏᴜ, ʀɪɴ, ʜɪᴏʀɪ, ᴋᴀʀᴀꜱᴜ, ʏᴜᴋɪᴍɪʏᴀ, ᴏᴛᴏʏᴀ
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Isagi: Back when he was younger, he had a phase where he would do the dab whenever he scored a goal. It could be completely outdated too and people would cringe at him LMAO. Might’ve also done fortnite dance (he doesn’t even play fortnite). His teammates try to go over and celebrate but he randomly breaks into the orange justice (he can’t even do it properly) so they end up just standing there like 🧍. Let him have his moment I guess???
Bachira: He was one of those kids that played with insects outside or something (speaking from experience) 😭. You’d catch him playing outside and there were 3 worms, each with different names. He probably gave them sad backstories too. The neighbors thought he was weird as hell. If someone pointed it out, he’d be like “Stop being rude to them! They’re my friends!” And he’d actually look pissed off, exactly like this emoji 😠. If he comes back to the same spot only to find that they aren’t there, he’ll come home crying 😭 🙏 Please help him.
Chigiri: He’s canonically a moody guy…I feel like he ‘decides’ his mood for the day ykyk 😭. If it’s a clear sky, sunny day, he’ll choose to be happy but if he wakes up and it’s raining, he decides that he’s gonna be angry. Always ends up breaking character though. If he's laughing and suddenly remembers that he's supposed to be angry, he’ll immediately put on a blank expression again like 😐 and the people around him think they did something wrong LMAOO. Like??? What happened bro???
Kunigami: His go-to pose for photos is the thumbs up or the peace sign and HE LOOKS SO STIFF. He’s just there like 🙂 ✌️. He looks so awkward pls 😭. His little sister is trying so hard not to laugh and he’s just like ???? What's so funny?? If he’s accidentally photo-bombing and realises too late, he’ll strike that EXACT POSE until someone tells him to move cus his brain couldn’t process it ITS SO SAD 😭
Nagi: Once, when he was younger, he tried doing one of those free robux application things where you play a bunch of games for robux and he thought it was legit because some youtuber did it. His parents were like “Seishiro what are you even doing” and he was like “I’m grinding robux mom, you wouldn’t understand” Like Nagi…don’t even get your hopes up 😬. Long story short, it didn’t work and he ended up with some virus on his ipad. He woke his parents up at 3am and was like “um…I think I got hacked ☹️” His parents WERE NOT pleased 😭
Reo: Had a little rebellious phase where he only used cringey Gen Z slang. In front of his parents too and they’d stare at him like 😨. “Zamn ngl this food is bussin’ fr goated no cap,” said young Reo, at a luxurious 5-star restaurant. His mom almost choked on her food. Probably got side-eyed by the waiter too. He didn’t even realise that it wasn’t cool until he found out that NOBODY actually says all that 😭.
Barou: When he’s eating other people's food or eating at a restaurant, he judges it like he’s Gordan Ramsey or something??? Imagine he’s at someone's house for dinner and then when they’re eating he has this whole routine. First he sniffs, feels the texture, then he examines with his eyes, and finally starts eating. You’ll tell if he likes it or not from his expressions 💀 He’ll start interrogating too LMAO. He’d be like “What kind of spice is this?” “How much salt did you add?” HE’S NOT PLAYING YALL.
Rin: Took elementary dodgeball SERIOUSLY. He’d yell at his teammates. Losing? Not on his watch. “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! IT’S DODGE BALL NOT GET HIT IN THE FACE BALL YOU LOSER!”. If he ever lost a game in PE, he’d start crying and throwing a fit, all while blaming his teammates. He would act like an angel if Sae was there though LMAO.
Hiori: He tries to re-enact cool moves from video games. Like if there's a character that has a cool playstyle he’ll literally hop out of his gaming chair just to swing a spatula around 😭. He got the sound effects goin on too, you can hear little pews and booms. Or if there’s a specific voice line from the final boss that he thinks sounds cool he’ll say it out loud (sometimes his parents hear and they think that he’s lost it not that they care though.)
Karasu: He had a huge chess.com phase, probably in middle school. But he was that one kid that goes ‘I wasn’t even trying tho lol’ when he lost (behind the screen he is SCREAMING in rage). ALSO He’s the type to be super expressive (kinda like Barou) 😭. You’ll know when he’s judging you cus’ his face will go 😬 😲 ☹️ 😧 🤔 in that order 💀. He could say something but his expressions reveal all there is.
Yukimiya: When he first got his glasses, he probably forgot them a lot LOL. Like he’d show up to football practice without them and one of his teammates would go “Yo where’s your glasses, Yukki?” and he’d be like…oh yeah. There was probably one point where he thought his eyesight was getting better. He woke up one morning and just decided that he suddenly felt like he had good vision again. It was all in his head 💀.
Otoya: He once tried hitting on a girl when her boyfriend WAS RIGHT THERE and he didn’t even notice. Let’s just say he ran for his life. His older sister has a video recording of it and uses it as blackmail. Worst of all he genuinely thought he could've ‘stolen’ her from him 😭 LIKE OTOYA NO. 😭
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slut4thebroken · 10 months
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Dark!Jason Todd × innocent Batgirl!reader
Summary | Jason just likes the sound of your voice.
Warnings | Sexual content, 18+, corruption kink, masturbation, no female orgasms, lowkey misogynistic!Jason lol, adopted siblings, but like... he doesn't think of her that way and neither does she, Jason pov.
Words | 1k
Notes | Finally wrote the fic from this post. Also I realized that I said that good weird was the first in this collection but I guess technically this is. That was just the first time they actually got together. (Help I’m literally so bad at choosing gifs/pictures for fics💀)
Ao3 link | <3
Other innocent! reader fics
Backstory for this series here
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It had been a long fucking day. A long week to be honest. He never really liked working with Dick or Tim, always preferring to work alone, but he couldn’t deny that he needed more manpower for this, and everyone else he knew was busy, so he swallowed his pride and called them. 
Even though it was his mission, Dick always naturally took the lead, so it was no surprise that he did this time too. The whole week so far was spent arguing about whose plan was better and Tim trying to diffuse the tension, but primarily siding with Dick. He almost considered making them go home so he could do it alone, but he knew that would get himself killed. Again. 
But today was by far the worst of the whole week and he wanted nothing more than to hear your voice. So even though it was 4am for him, he called you, praying you’d pick up. When you did, you started the usual greeting of “hi” and “how are you?” as he took off everything but his underwear and slipped under the covers. 
“When do you come back?” You asked, making him smile. 
“Just a few more days, princess. Promise.”
“Okay.” You said quietly, then, “I miss you.” He let out a low chuckle and could imagine the pretty blush painting your cheeks from his reaction. 
“I miss you too, sweetheart. What have you been up to though?” You rambled on about your day, telling him about how Alfred made cookies earlier and that you were quickly growing bored in the mostly empty manor and your completely empty apartment. 
He tried to pay attention, honestly he did. But he hasn’t touched his cock in almost a week because of how busy he’s been and he missed the sound of your voice. So what else was he supposed to do when his cock fattened up in his briefs? 
When you started talking about this new show you’ve been watching, he tuned out your words a little bit, just listening to the softness of your voice, imagining the pretty little whimpers you could make with it. Pushing the covers and his underwear down, he freed his cock and instantly took it in his hand, stroking slowly. His breathing started to change a little, growing heavier and faster, making you trail off in the middle of your sentence. 
“Don’t stop talking, princess.” He rasped, hand speeding up. 
“Are you okay?” You asked quietly. 
“I’m perfect. Your voice is just so soothing, baby. Keep talking.” 
“O-okay.” You continued hesitantly, telling him about how you fell and scraped your knee, wishing he was there to help bandage you up like he’s done in the past. You told him about how you’ve been having trouble sleeping since you can’t come to his room in the middle of the night after having a nightmare. God- he fucking misses that too. It’s one of his favorite things, being able to caress your body or grind against you while you sleep, never waking up because of how safe you feel in his arms. When he let out a quiet grunt, you stopped again. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? What was that?” 
“I’m so good, princess. Keep going.” He tried not to moan through the words. 
“Okay…” He swiped a thumb over the tip and took in a sharp breath, making you stop again. “Why are you breathing weird, Jay?” 
“Baby, I'm not.” He sighed. “I promise I'm okay. If you don’t want to keep talking, we don’t have to.”
“No!” You said quickly, because of his tone. “I didn’t mean it like that, I was just worried.” Instead of letting him reply, you continued talking about random things that have happened while he’s been away. Every once in a while he’d let out a sound to let you know he was listening, a grunt disguised as a sound of acknowledgement, but you bought it. 
He started tuning out your words again, just focusing on the soft lull of your sleepy voice. You being sleepy is probably his favorite thing, closely followed by you being scared or in pain. You’re so pliable, so easy to manipulate. He can caress your tit or your ass and pass it off as an accident, or even tell you that he can’t sleep in clothes, only underwear, and that it’s perfectly normal for your big brother to sleep almost naked beside you. Sometimes, if he’s really lucky, he can convince you that you won’t be comfortable in those modest pajamas you wear and that you’ll be able to sleep much better in just his shirt. And you almost always agree. 
He stroked his cock even faster, quickly nearing his orgasm after so long without one, and when he cursed under his breath, then let out a long, quiet groan, you trailed off again. 
You did your best to keep speaking, stuttering through the sentences, but it fell on deaf ears as he came, thinking about how fucking hot it was that you didn’t even know.  When his noises quieted and he was lightly panting, you decided to ask again. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“I’m perfect, baby.” He sounded significantly more tired and relaxed, but he knew you’d be too stupid to put it together. “You’re so good for me- my good girl. Thank you, princess.” 
“You’re welcome…?” You asked, confused, but he wasn’t going to bother explaining. “Are you tired now?” 
“Just a little, but I can stay up for you.” He murmured, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand to wipe his come off his stomach, cock twitching as he imagined you licking it off him instead. 
“You don’t have to, Jay. I’m tired too.” He knew you well enough to know that was a lie. 
“How about we go to sleep, but don’t hang up. How does that sound?” 
“Okay, yeah. Thank you, Jay. I love you.” You said quietly, but he could practically hear the smile in your voice.  
“I love you too, princess. Sweet dreams.” He knew he would at least have some. 
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ylskquevmxv · 1 year
British insight for those military men fics
Coming from a British person
Use this for your angsty british backstory
Will include:
-insight to healthcare and low income situations
- opinions on the royal family (all negative)
- british food
- talks about home life and low income
• none of them would care for the queens death. They would not be mourning, they would not be sad, they're not tories. If anything theyd be glad and wishing death upon the rest of them. The monarchy sucks the only downside is that we have Charles and camilla now. Diana rest in peace
• to add on to this they wouldnt care for the coronation they would most likely insult it, they probably hate the entire royal family like almost all of the entire uk does. I am repeating this again but they are NOT tories 🚫nuh uh🚫 stop painting, price, gaz and ghost as people who love the royals while soap hates them 💀💀 they all hate the monarchy
• they most likely wouldnt drink fancy tea Pg, Yorkshire, tetley etc are their go to because that's what most of the uk drink especially low income houses as it's the cheapest. Taste of home I guess.
• also they're not out here eating beans on toast whenever they get the chance💀 they're probably eating an entire meal because they're giant men??? Like beans on toast is what parents give to their kids because it's cheap and fills them up, the only time they're having beans is with:
1) breakfast
2) jacket potatoes
3) sasauge and mash
4) Gregg's bean and sausage pasties
• also soap probably eats beans too?? I've seen fics where hes wholeheartedly against beans like??? Hes Scottish?? I know he ate beans as a kid, no one grows up and decides to have a mohawk otherwise
• they're all meat and potatoes type of men (like all british men) that's it. That's the facts
��� fries =/= chips
• also british people are like really lazy when they speak
"would you like a cup of tea?"= "fancy a cuppa?"
"I'm just not in the mood to do that" = "cant be arsed"
"How are you?" = "ya alright?"
"Should we get some Chinese/Indian/Italian/etc food?" = "you want a chinese/Indian/italian/etc?"
• we tend to just drop words off In sentences because the person were talking to probably already understands what we mean and because like I said we're lazy
• British accents also vary so much!!! Even if you're from the same street you'll probably have a different accent and we also swear a lot, we also use a bunch of mixed slang as thete are people from everywhere over here (poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, india named from just my class)
• Irish travellers are also really common so their would probably be a few in recruitment  idk why people dont add Irish people to their fics ?? maybe they fear putting Scotts and irish people together (watch big fat gypsy wedding for more insight I used to love that show)
• Aussies understand us pretty well (shout out to my uncle Andy) a lot of our language dialects are pretty similar and our humour is both pretty dry and blunt
• also British people dont care for like anything?? Even tho we have free healthcare most of us just slap a wet paper towel on it and call it a day. The most reaction you'll get is a room temperature ice pack
• british teeth are also something that Americans dont really understand since we have free healthcare but I'll they to simplify it. our Healthcare is free and so is dental care but only if you're younger than 16 except for check ups etc and unfortunately alot of us are born into low income households whose parents are a)mentally unwell b) physically unwell c) involved with drugs or are just simply neglectful so that means a lot of us arent taken to the dentist and by the time we are old enough to take ourselves we would have to pay for it and some of us just dont have the money for things like braces
• also I really want to see someone include chavs/roadmen in their stories because i think it would be funny plus some of them are really nice and genuinely curious when asking
• there are things called council houses/ council estates and they arent the nicest places to live and are usually not in the best shape but it's a place to sleep, most of the people who live there are usually people who live on benefits and are really lovely (might be biased I used to live in one tho), you usually have to top up on gas and electric every so often via a card (gas) and a key (for electric) usually able to get these topped up from you local corner shop
• alot of the nosies we make are as if we're cave men
*throws paper ball into trash*
Anyone in a 5mile radius: WOOOOO
• we also make up chants alot?? Idk why but we're just a musical country usually has something about your mum, your nan, a nonce, or one of the many other british wonders *nonce = pedo
• our beauty standards are a lot less extreme like theres obviously beauty standards but there are a lot more regular looking people on tv over here rather than supermodels ?? I've been to America and some of the people on tv you'd swear they were made in a factory for hot people only. Let people be regular
• British tv has a commercial every 15 minutes or so and our commercials dont offer lawyers or medication, some our commercials have songs, silly gags in them or are terrifying (check out: money supermarket, the antibiotic song, the meerkat adverts just to name a few)
• our eggs are orange not yellow
•our sandwiches have butter on them (not all but most) + brits arent much of foodies we just eat to survive really especially during the cost of living
• our drinking culture is a big thing over here, a lot of us start drinking around 13
• we have stores like asda, tesco, lidl, aldi, iceland, sainsburys and big Tesco, corner shops are really common depending on if they're owned by a large company or not some of them arent in perfect shape and are run my people from other countries but they have good stuff so who cares about how they look
• you have to be 16 to buy an energy drink and 18 to buy alcohol/ cigarettes
• outside cats are a thing, they're not homeless they just come as they go
• for some reason people are really classist?? Because how dare the poor be alive, and I'm not talking about just rich people being bad to the poor if you have bad living conditions expect to be made fun of by other low income people 💀 you'll be lucky if yoire funny because otherwise you will just be getting bullied.
•our weather is pretty much grey, our grass is almost never fully green and usually patchy, our summers are so hot they cause wild fires because we have no humidity and no air con, our winters are a hit or miss either too cold or a regular day
• tv shows that most of us call soaps: eastenders, coronation street, emmadale and hollyoaks
• some uk shows, naked attraction, snog marry avoid, friday night dinner, bad education, plebs, come dine with me, him & her, some girls, the Keith lemon show, gavin and stacey, not british but Derry girls, inbetweeners, anything with philomena cunk in it, the great british bake off
• Some documentaries (ish) for those who love information: old people homes for four year old, emergency, educating greater Manchester, educating Cardiff, poor kids, anything with stacey Dooley or louis theroux in
• it's kinda hard to describe the uk to someone whose never witnessed or experienced it.
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maxzinn · 28 days
off topic but also on topic its so clear that the genshin/star rail (saying both cause theres a large overlap) have no capability of thinking.
there are so many fics where *reader* somehow becomes a (sex)slave or is forced to do horrible shit and just general dead dove behavior. the fact that the author used INGAME LORE, CANON BACKSTORY FOR THE CHARACTER proves how braindead so many people are.
like people try to free slaves/captors in media isnt a new thing. theres a lot of art of that angelhusk ship where one gambles for the others freedom (never watched it but its an example)
like having slaves/captors in media isnt new and never has been but the only reason people truely care is because its a hoyoverse game and cant handle anything darker or complex then a PG rating
(sorry anon, I got carried away with this one tee-hee)
YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THIS!!! y'know I was sooo confused when people started screaming for blood when the authors are using his IN-GAME LORE in their fics and then claims that the people who enjoyed writing those have "white-knight syndrome" like cmon sjsadhjg you're giving me a fucking stroke.
I'll say it again, wanting to give slave aventurine or someone a better life DOESN'T mean they have "white-knight syndrome" when they have good intentions!!! We were all were crying for him and his tragic past, we all wanted to comfort him, and we at some point also wished for his salvation and the betterment of his life. These people need to stop throwing these "white-knight syndrome" accusations cuz it's definitely not about that. And like you said, it was his IN-GAME LORE. I already expected some authors to write about reader saving him from his slavery and there's nothing wrong with that! Cuz please, don't tell me you won't help the guy out of his abusive owner, let's be fr here.
Like you also said, many have been writing yandere/heavy dark themes about reader being literally SA'd and R'd by said character (do not tell me you guys haven't read all those fics where Aven was our debt collector and in paying our debt, he noncon or manipulated us into sleeping with him 💀) and now they wanna talk about morals?
And please, don't even try bringing up Romania or irl people in here. IT'S A FICTIONAL RACE IN A FICTIONAL STORY. it may be "inspired" like they said, but it's not directly addressing Romania!!
I get their point alright, I truly do. Like I said in my other post, I do not condone the sex slave! aus about aventurine and the master/slave bdsm cuz his story truly hurt me and I'm uncomfortable sexualizing his slavery when I know about his story and what happened to him as a slave. But I won't go as far as to actually send death threats to those authors and act like a hypocrite💀 people can write what they want to write and I don't have to read those writings if I don't wanna.
Just to say, I'm a yandere/dark-content enjoyer as well, it's just that I draw the line when it comes to aventurine cuz I just wanna cuddle and dote on that man and give him all the love and affection in the world. but like I said, am no hypocrite as well. (sorry if I can't explain it very well but I hope you get the gist of it)
It's just funny and baffling how people are like "eww this person wrote a fic about reader buying slave aventurine so they can be a good owner to him".... this is leaving me speechless how they turned an act with good intentions into something malicious... that poor author doesn't even have bad intentions when writing that fic.
When you apply their logic, it's like saying "this person adopted an abused child so that they can be a good parent to that child, disgusting" do they even realize how stupid they sound??? 😭
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giac222 · 1 month
Me trying not to tweak out when I see people reduce Ashley to fap material and “omg hot crazy girl with mental issues I can fix her” 🤪 :
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I honestly can’t stand people who fetishize mental illness but that’s a whole other post.
If you’ve seen my posts before, you know I have beef with the Reddit TCOAAL community 😂. (I’m not being serious, I just get annoyed with some of the behavior there). This is one of the reasons I ultimately left recently, but the main reason was that someone posted a picture of Leyley (little Ashley) and asked what you’d do if you found her in your house. Most of the comments were about physically harming her and some were even making sexual remarks 🧍🏻‍♀️. I’ve seen them do it to Andy (little Andrew) too. I wish I was joking. Sorry but I just find it weird to speak about children that way even if they’re fictional. I just got really uncomfortable and I was like ok I don’t want to be in a community with y’all anymore 💀.
I think a lot of people on the subreddit like the game for the incest and nothing more, like they’ll say “omg I can’t wait to see them have sex in ch.3” 🤪 but then they’ll completely miss the mark on Ashley and Andrew as characters.
I’ve gotten downvoted on there before because I said supporting real life incest isn’t a good idea and that it shouldn’t be encouraged… like wtf?
Honestly it’s a shame that they only like the game for that reason, because the story is so interesting, the characters are well written, and the art style is great. That’s why it sucks to see people label it “the incest game” because there’s actually a lot more to it than that, anyone who’s played the game and watched a play through of it knows that. That’s why the controversy never made sense to me.
So yeah, no shade, and I’m not trying to be mean, but I can tell the Reddit community is filled with a bunch of annoying horny teenage boys 😶, and also some… strange people. Sorry if that’s mean to say but 😂. I was like yeah I’m out of here lmao. Thank god for the Tumblr community.
Ashley’s backstory is so tragic. She’s such an interesting character, I just love her 💕. It sucks when people ignore that and completely downplay her character.
This is all just my opinion. I’ve been meaning to make a post about this because they’re some thoughts I had for a bit. Thanks for reading :)
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kiunlo · 3 months
like actually i am so incredibly fucking mad the way that tfp megatron was treated because like. YES i love megatron being evil and manipulative and scary but also. he was fighting to tear down the caste system on cybetron, a system which basically ensured he would never be able to do anything other than be an energon miner. miners would be overworked and underpaid and underfueled and they'd die in the mines in horrific ways without EVER seeing the fucking sun because they were essentially BORN into the mining profession and did not get a choice in the matter. megatron could clearly see that was an injustice, that he was essentially being enslaved by the elite who were all members of significantly higher castes than him. megatron saw his brothers die in the mines, and wanted something BETTER for them. he wanted freedom for them. so he fucking went out and sought a way to make that a reality. and then yadda yadda "violence is bad megatron you can't kill people over this 🥺🥺" making him and all the decepticons look bad even though it is so very clear that even if people were to protest "peacefully" that the high council would have turned a blind eye to the unrest on their own planet.
like idk. i feel as though the STORY they were trying to tell with megatron and the decepticon cause was a REALLY good one in terms of his backstory/origin, but because megatron and the decepticons in almost every single piece of transformers media are depicted as "the bad guys", all nuance is lost. maybe they WERE fighting for something good but then oh nooo megatron lost his sanity and now he kills people. like, in TFP the decepticons canonically do some VERYYY evil shit all throughout the war, and it's like. if you're fighting for freedom and peace- even if you are using violence as one of the methods to fight for said freedom- the use of torture, weapons of mass destruction, chemical and biological weapons feels very antithetical to the whole uh...point of fighting for peace. like. that is not something any freedom fighter would ever be willing to do. there's using violence to fight injustice, and then there's warcrimes 💀
idk for once i just want a story where the decepticons are the good guys and the autobots are fighting FOR the establishment (the high council who allows the caste system to continue to remain in place), and maybe the story is about optimus realising that actually. he is in fact fighting for something that will in fact hurt him in the end. that maybe megatron is violent, but only because he was given no other option.
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isabella1798 · 4 months
things I wanna see in the prisoners throne/a future TFOTA book :
Taryn’s child - We know she had a son called Leander and going by the timeline he should be about 7 or 8 years old so I want to know what sort of character he is and if he’s going to be like a mini Locke (hopefully a nicer version 💀)
Eva and Justin backstory - I want to know the love story between Eva and Justin and the bargain that Justin made with grimsen (I don’t see enough people talk about this like what did he want and was it to do with Jude and Taryn??)
Eva and Asha backstory - I feel like the tfota fandom seem to ignore the fact that Cardan’s mother and Jude’s mother were best friends 😭 I want to know about what they got up to because they were said to be besties always together causing trouble (sounds a lot like their children)
The bomb and the roach - I want to know the details of their “relationship” and if they ever properly got together and how they’re doing in the court of shadows 🥹
Flashbacks of Oaks childhood - we NEED to know what he got up to in his teenage years to turn up the way he is cause I just know that he needs therapy 😭😭
Badass Wren - I loved her in the stolen heir and I can’t wait for her to put everyone in their place she deserves her revenge for everything that happened to her (although if she touches Jude and Cardan I will sue)
Tiernan and Hyacinthe - I want these two to have a happy ending and forgive each other 😭 the tension between the two of them drove me insane
A big fight scene with our queen jude - I just NEED a duel scene with jude… the last time we got that was the queen of nothing with grima mog and any scene with jude in a duel is *iconic*
Grima Mog - I want to know what happened to her and if she’s remained grand general ? if she has I want to see her and Jude’s relationship because the first time they met they tried to kill each other but at the end of qon they become each others biggest supporters
Nicasia and the undersea - even though nicasia is horrible she is still a very interesting and iconic character + we know there’s a war beneath the waves and her and her mother have become weak so I want to know whats going on there and if she’ll ask for help from Jude and Cardan
The royal council - if we go back to elfhame I want to see these guys and how they co-operate with Jude and Cardan as their leaders 😭
Madoc, Oriana, Vivi, Taryn, Jude, Oak reunion - we started the trilogy with this family and I think it should end with this family reunion because the last time we saw them Vivi, Taryn and Jude cut contact with Madoc and possibly Oriana (what we know) but Oak still stayed close with them? What’s the relationship like with the Duarte sisters and have Jude and Taryn resolved their differences?
Madoc and Jude - I want to see more of this father daughter relationship especially after madoc’s exile and find out if he still wishes to kill her or take the throne from her
Heather - is heather still dating Vivi and does she know about elfhame again?
AND OF COURSE MARRIED JUDE AND CARDAN - what have these two been up to since we last saw them? how is married life between the two of them? how is their relationship going? Are they affectionate with each other in public? How protective are they of each other and the big question… is Jude pregnant? The theories circulating around her being pregnant have been driving me insane because there are so many pointers to her being pregnant and if she is with child, then she should be early within in her pregnancy because oak would have noticed her stomach…
Anyway that’s it 💅
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jiggowatts · 6 months
I have to ramble here cause my brain is absolutely bouncing off the walls and I gotta get my thoughts out, apologies LOL.
It kinda sucks Mike isn’t an Afton. And I know “Mike Schmidt” being his alias was just a fan theory, and that the movie was going to be different than the games - but still. Michael’s story and character as a whole was the driving point of the franchise’s story. His quest for vengeance against William, his tragic backstory and death, the physical and mental trauma he went through - it all tied the story together. Because I am stubborn, I will continue to gaslight myself into thinking movie Mike really is an Afton.
I know I sound like Matpat but just hear me out. I mean, there was that whole scene with Mike and William in his office. William hesitated saying Mike’s full name, and even took a moment to just kind of look at him - it was almost like he knew. Yes, it could just be that William recognized the last name from police reports about Garrett’s kidnapping or whatever. Also, why was William so insistent about getting Mike to work at Freddy’s if he was just some random guy? What was his purpose for that? Not to mention the fact that Mike said his mom died when he was young with no further explanation. Maybe his mom divorced William after the MCI, married someone else and had Garrett - two things which angered William, and he took revenge in the form of kidnapping and killing Garrett and/or Mike’s mom. Why else would William just happen to be in a random park in Nebraska 💀
In conclusion, Scott genuinely could be doing a bit of trolling (as he tends to do) and reveal Mike’s true past in the next movies, or it could be he’s just a Schmidt and nothing more. But I will continue to believe otherwise because I am, in fact, a sucker for the OG lore and its intricacies. Now, they did acknowledge the Abby / Baby connection (Chica trying to stuff her into an animatronic that looked like Baby) AND we do still have two more movies so there’s still a possibility that Mike and Abby are really Aftons!
Also, I am in no way bashing the movie. I genuinely loved it. This is just me simply having fun with theorizing lol.
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
Hiii! I saw your open requests and decided to send one! Feel free to ignore it!
This has been going through my head for some time now but what about scaramouche having a nightmare about reader leaving or betraying him somehow, then he would wake up and don't see reader besides him so he thought everything was real and then he sees reader just coming into the bedroom like "I just went to the bathroom- wth happened" or something like that.
A reverse comfort with a fluffy final! You can do drabble or headcanon, choose what you feel more comfortable and please do GN reader!
I'm sorry if there's any grammar or misspelling mistake. Thank you!
So... Hi? I HAVE NO EXCUSES FOR HOW LONG IT TOOK OMFG I'M SORRY. It's been difficult these past months but now I'm finally getting back up so... Here you go 🥺
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𝐓𝐖: Angst with comfort, scaracoochie having a bit of a panic attack and intrusive thoughts (wants to burn the house down💀), spoilers for his backstory, lemme know if I missed anything.
𝐅𝐭.: Wanderer - GN!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 538
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: rises the moon - Liana Flores
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 as Wanderer releases yet another distressed breath.
It echoes in the silent, dark, but most of all, empty restroom of your shared house, the terrible truth he's rejected so adamantly now solidifies, heavy like concrete in his head.
It dawns on him fast and hard. Fills his lungs with water, makes his breaths shorter, ragged. He's unbelieving that you, out of all the people he's met in his long lasting life, would be capable of stabbing him like this.
He's checked every room, every corner and crevice. You had to be somewhere. It had to be a nightmare, confined to his wicked mind. And nothing else.
You couldn't be gone.
Not after everything you've said and done for him, after becoming the reason he stayed instead of wandering aimlessly, waiting for the end of time.
But his eyes are wide open, the hurt real in his artificial body.
You're gone and Wanderer feels like he's just been robbed of his heart once again.
Wanderer feels like he's going insane.
Wanderer feels. Mad. At you. At himself.
He grits his teeth, a poor attempt to stop his sped up breathing. The darkness, the silence around him clogs his throat like black smoke, the candle in his hand -one you gifted him- stops feeling like a beacon of hope and safety.
It's another knife in his chest, flickering along with the trembling of his hand, as if to mock his lack of self control.
It's feeble and pathetic, just like him.
Wanderer looks down at the yellow flame.
Burn it. Erase it. Forget it.
Burn it all. It wasn't worth your trust.
They're gone, just like last time, what else is left for you here?
He stares ahead but doesn't really look at what's in front of him. His eyes unfocused, vision blurred by something wet.
His grip slackens.
Burn. It. All-
"Love, here you are! You won't believe it, some drunkards were having a fight right on the walkway, I had to threaten them with my- are you alright?"
Just like a slap in the face your voice wakes him up from the second nightmare of the night.
He flinches, securing his fingers at the base of the candle. Wanderer turns around only to see your face twisted in worry, these features of yours he knows by heart downturned in a way he never liked.
One that never lessens your beauty though.
"Love?" You reach for his cheek, slow and delicate, cradle his jaw like freshly molded glass. "What happened?"
He leans in your hold by instinct, his free hand closing on top of yours, his chest deflating. It's amazing how your presence alone shatters the shackles that weighed on him mere moments before. Amazing how you ground him to reality with just one touch, dissipating all his deepest fears and worries and filling his soul with indescribable warmth.
He feels guilty for doubting you, he wants to say. He's had another nightmare, he's still taunted by unfounded doubts and thoughts, he wants to tell you.
But his lips are sealed and he can only melt as your arms enclose him in a gentle hug.
"Breathe love, I'm here, okay?" Amazing how you read right through him. "Always, for you."
You say and do things to him.
You're the reason why he stays.
You are home.
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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