#i should have made tblr ages ago
remusmoonshinezine · 2 years
I want to upload all my edits to here but that is also a big fucking effort
0 notes
fandomfic-galore · 4 years
Miracles never happen
Chapter one. 
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Dean being Dean. 
Beta’d by @negans-lucille-tblr​
Help me stay awake.
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Sitting in the motel room, you waited for the boys to return. They had been taking too long to catch the witch so you took matters into your own hands. 
“Will you shut up,” you groaned at the old hag tied to a chair. The witch struggled, trying to get free. You shook your head, they never learn, you thought to yourself. You could do unbreakable knots with your eyes closed. Watching her squirm did make you chuckle a little bit, though.
The door opening returned your attention to the matter at hand. Watching the Winchesters walking through, you still couldn't get over how tall they both were. Bad, naughty images crossed your mind. 
”Y/N?” Dean's voice brought you back into the room. ”What are you doing here?” 
”What does it look like? I brought you the Baba Yaga. You two were taking too long. Now hand over my gun and I can get on my way.” Confidence washed over your body as you stood your ground. 
Sam bit his lip slightly. His hungry eyes dragged over your body, taking in every inch, every curve. You had to admit, it was turning you on slightly. 
Dean hesitated for a moment before handing over your gun. He didn't want to part with it. Shaking his head as he placed the gun into your hands he was astounded and how quickly you turned around and shot the witch in the head. 
”You can take care of the body, I'm out.” Walking towards the door, you felt a hand grab your arm and turn you around. Looking dead into Dean's eyes, you smirked. 
"Not so fast sweetheart. We have a lot of questions.” 
”Urgh...Fine...meet me in the bar down the block in twenty minutes. I have to put this away first.” You gestured to the colt. The brothers nodded at you. 
Twenty minutes soon turned into an hour and you were running late. Your hair was not sitting the way you liked it and soon enough you had given up all hope.  Stepping into the bar, you tried to catch your breath. Noticing the boys in a corner you strolled towards them. You could feel Sam’s eyes on you again. It's not that you minded, you actually liked the thought that one of the Winchester brothers wanted to ravish you. 
Sitting next to Sam your hand grazed over his thick, muscular thigh. You could feel him squirm under your touch. It made you giggle, watching this built hunter squirm. Looking back at Dean, you smiled like nothing had happened. 
”So Y/N. Who exactly are you?” His eyes narrowed. 
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you Winchester.” Taking a stand against the famous hunter, you were not backing down easily. 
“Try me!” His eyes flashed a glint of hope and something else, you couldn’t put your finger on it though but it intrigued you. 
“How about we have a few drinks first? Then I will tell you all you need to know. ” Hopping off the booth you walked towards the bar, hoping that the brothers would drop this conversation. 
“Right sweetheart, you’re obviously not an easy nut to crack, so lets play a game.” Dean raised his glass to you. Sam laughed and shrugged his shoulders. 
“Which one, never have I ever...truth or dare?” you enquired. 
“Twenty questions and I get to go first.... How old are you?” Faking being hurt you put your hand on your chest and gasped. 
“How dare you ask a woman her age...Y/A."  Sam cleared his throat and rolled his eyes to indicate it was his turn. 
“What made you become a hunter?” Looking deep into his eyes, you sighed. You knew about the brothers and the hell they have been through, nothing could compare to that. 
“My family has been hunters for several generations.” You brought your drink to your lips and slowly took a sip. Sam lowered his head, knowing too well how it feels. 
“Ok, ok my turn!” Dean was clearly way too eager to play this game.
“Favourite sex position?” You nearly spit out your drink at how forward Dean was being. 
“Bro, come on,” Sam whined. 
“Pass.” Sinking into the chair. 
“You can’t pass,” Dean winked at you. You bit your bottom lip. If he wanted to be like this then you were at least going to have fun with it. 
”Well if I had to pick then doggy. Being taken from behind and when the guy's hips thrust into me...it...is heaven.” Licking your lips and watching Dean's reaction you couldn't help but laugh to yourself. Turning your attention quickly to Sam you witnessed another eye roll from him. 
“What about family?” Sam said quickly to avoid any further embarrassment. 
“Only child, Mom died a few years back and Dad well, he died three months ago.” Downing the rest of your drink, you didn’t want to talk about your parents at the moment. You were still grieving for your dad and the only way you can control your emotions and not think about it, is by hunting. The silence is awkward for a moment. 
“Sorry about your dad Y/N” Sam uttered. You glanced over to him, nodding. Accepting his condolences. Taking a deep breath, you wanted the conversation changed and quickly. 
“Ohhhh I have a good one!” Rolling your eyes you turned your attention back to Dean. “Spit or swallow?” Sam glares at his brother in disbelief and Dean's cheeky grin fades for a moment. "What? I'm just trying to lighten the mood," he shrugs. You appreciate the subject change and laugh at him, you couldn't resist teasing him a little. 
“It depends what Daddy prefers.” Biting your lip, you watched Dean's eye darkened with lust. “Anyone for another beer, I need another beer.” Dean rushed to the bar and you couldn’t help but laugh at his flustered reaction. 
“Is he always this easy to wind up?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder to Sam who just nods and clenches his jaw in frustration. 
Dean arrives back at the table shortly with three beers and three shots and you know from then it is going to be a messy night. The questions keep flooding in and the hours seem to merge together after a while. Sam's questions are always serious, about hunting, or family and school. Dean's questions always revolve around sex. 
“Ok...last question…” 
“Your last question was about thirty questions ago Dean.” Hiccupping, you try to control your laughter. 
“Ever had a threesome?” Dean winks at you and licked his lower lip. 
“Yes...only with two guys though.” Dean’s face flushes a crimson red. 
“Don't get any ideas!" Dean sternly said while pointing to Sam who only shook his head in disapproval to Dean's behaviour.  
A few drinks turn into three which turn into seven which turn into...you lose count at some point. Dancing on your own on the dance floor, Sam comes up behind you and grabs your arms. It isn't harsh, it is more to keep you standing up straight and to stop you falling over. 
“I dunno man, maybe we should take her back to the motel and let her sleep it off.” All you hear is a grunt from Dean. The next thing you know someone has lifted you up bridal style and is carrying you out of the bar. 
Groaning, you rub your eyes as the sun glares into the hotel room. Sitting up, it takes a few seconds to recognise your surroundings. 
The door to the motel opens and Sam strolls in. Sweat covers his forehead, his hair clinging to his skin. Biting your lip you suppress a moan. 
”Morning Y/N.” 
”Shhh too loud!” You grab your head while Sam laughs at you. “Well, I need to head back on the road. So I'll just take my gun, " you tell him, less than gracefully scrambling to climb out of bed.  Sam looks at you, shaking his head.
”Hey y/n, why don't you...you know...umm...” Sam struggles, scratching the back of his neck. 
”I don't have all day, Sam!” You are hungover and already annoyed. 
”Stay, help us for a bit. You obviously know what you're doing. And you know we can use the help right now.” 
”Because you started the apocalypse maybe?” Sam looks at you with shock on his face. His eyes slowly fill with anger.  ”Yeah everyone knows, Sam. It's not a big secret. And you know...you might need my gun if you want to win.” Smirking at Sam, he blushes and looks at the floor. ”One condition. I'll give you my gun if you and Dean protect me.” 
”From what?” His face looks concerned. 
”You will know in time. So do we have a deal?” 
”Maybe, but… You have to tell me one thing.” You nod in agreement. ”What’s your full name?” 
Your heart starts to race. You knew this would happen sooner or later but you didn't want it to happen this soon. 
You gulp and look at the floor. When people find out who you really are they always back away.  
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firefly-in-darkness · 5 years
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Characters: Dean Winchester & Reader, Sam Winchester
Summary: Sam receives a cryptic text from Y/N and Dean does not hesitate to come to your rescue.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: 18+, Violence, Sex
A/N: This is a sequel to Breathe but can be read as a standalone. A huge thank you to @negans-lucille-tblr for checking it over and putting my mind at ease about this one!
Firefly’s Library & Masterlist
Tags: @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @missjenniferb @squirrelnotsam @mylovelydame21 @missjenniferb @tftumblin @akshi8278
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“Y/N’s just text me.” Sam’s voice was laced with concern, but Dean could not help the excitement that coursed through his veins. “She’s pissed off some vampires and needs our help.”
 Dean grabbed the phone out of Sam’s hand and read the message, “You saw her a week ago and you didn’t tell me?!”
Sam shrugged his shoulders, “She asked me not to tell you.”
 “C’mon, that’s not fair, it’s been a year, why does she not want to see me?” Dean’s brows furrowed as he almost walked into the Impala, “And why do you have her contact image as Blade?”
 Sam’s laughter caused his body to shake, “It was one of the first films we watched and afterwards she pranced around with an umbrella like it was a sword.”
 “So, you’re having movie nights now?!” Dean grumbled at Sam whilst they took their seats in the Impala. “Talk about moving in on my girl.”
Sam rolled his eyes and pulled up the GPS, “She’s not your girl Dean, but for the record, we are just friends. We should get to Y/N’s in about three hours.”
   One Week Ago
 The dispatcher’s voice came through the radio in the otherwise silent apartment. Y/N moved closer to the speakers and listened for any clues to the recent suspicious deaths in the town.
  Dispatch: 24 Victoria Street, domestic disturbance reported by neighbour.
RG325: On our way, will radio when at the scene.
Dispatch: Roger 325.
   Victoria Street was not far from where she lived so it wouldn’t take her long to get there. Other reports and radio checks were made for another ten minutes but none of interest came through until there was an update about Victoria Street.
   RG325: 325 to Dispatch.
Dispatch: Go ahead 325.
RG325: On site of 24 Victoria Street. Front entrance open, signs of a struggle. PC Hart and PC Jones entering, break - -
Dispatch: Received, go ahead.
RG325: 10-33. Dispatch ambulance, white female, mid-30s, brunette and brown eyes. Appears to be wounded by a knife to thighs and scratches to chest, break - -
Dispatch: Received, on route, go ahead.
 Y/N was out of the apartment door, she skipped steps to reach the ground floor. Her mind focused on the woman, who could potentially be a witness to the attacker. To anyone in the street, she looked like any other person doing their routinely exercise, little did they know of the weapon stored in her backpack. She could only hear her feet as they pounded the pavement which was disturbed by the sirens and ambulance that raced by her.
 Once Y/N reached Victoria street, she slowed down and turned the corner; lights flashed, and officers shouted out to the paramedics. An officer came out of the house, covered in blood and stated that Sarah Campbell was dead. Minutes later, they lifted a sealed black bag into the ambulance.
 At least Y/N had a head start with a name and didn’t have to wait until it was announced two days later in the local paper.
  3 Days ago
 Y/N’s mind was in overdrive as it went over the new evidence that she had gathered.
 People found dead with their blood drained and puncture marks at the thighs for the femoral artery and some chests had been caved, most likely for direct access to the aorta.
 She was surprised by the brutality and consumption of the hearts, but nothing could dispute what she had seen to be the attack of vampires. The files were an array of photographs, statements and post it notes strewn across the floor of her living room.
 The tension in her leg muscles made it difficult to stand as she rose from the floor to grab another glass of wine. Y/N almost filled the glass to the brim and sipped it tentatively until she was certain not to spill it when she walked back from the kitchen to the couch.
 Max jumped onto the sofa and headbutted her arm until she moved the file off the lap that he craved. The ginger cat stretched, and his tail swished before he curled up into a fluffy ball. Without hesitation, Y/N’s fingers glided along Max’s side, not too close to his tummy. Purrs softly filled the room as thoughts of Bella, the youngest victim, and the pain she endured was at the forefront of her mind.
 All these victims are of similar ages except Bella. Why? Y/N kept scanning over the other victims, their partners or close friends had reported them missing and they had been found in their own homes.
 Why was Bella in the middle of the street? Nobody had even tried to move or cover her body, she was found next to her bike with no other evidence.
    Present Day
 After being directed to Y/N’s voicemail and several knocks to the door ignored, Dean lifted the doormat with hope to find a key. Sam scoffed and reached above the door frame for the spare.
 “How did you know that was there?”
 Sam opened the apartment and Dean barged in with a gun raised and a knife ready. Nothing seemed out of place, it was exactly how he remembered it. The red umbrella by the front door, even the kitchen and living area was still decorated the same. However, Dean did notice there were a few new additions to her succulent collection by the window.
 The Winchesters settled into the living space; Dean looked through the recent searches on Y/N’s laptop and Sam read through the files scattered on the floor and the notes that had been scrawled across police reports and on the back of photographs.
 Sam showed Dean the two photographs; Bella scribbled on the back and the other of a couple, The Campbells.  “Bella was the first victim to be younger than 23 and left out in the open for anyone to find. Y/N checked out the attack at Victoria Street, Sarah Campbell was dead when she arrived. Sarah’s partner, Drew, had committed suicide earlier in the week.”
 “I think we should pop to Anderson’s, they might know where she is.” Dean’s green eyes glistened, “I’m scared, I don’t like it Sammy.”
  Y/N was stirred by the headache that pounded in her skull and the sounds of classical music that drifted from another room. Her wrists were bound behind her and even after a few tugs and squirms, she was unable to release herself. The room was the same one that she had been in a few days ago.
 The man that had just walked into Anderson’s Bar was a vampire and Y/N had decapitated recently. She had to escape, before he recognised her. She walked through the kitchen and was about to sneak out the back door when Jane stood in her way.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows.
Y/N coughed and sniffed, “I’m not feeling well.”
Jane rolled her eyes and shoved her out the back door, “Don’t come back until you can come up with a better excuse.”
Y/N rushed around the corner, straight into the chest of someone. Before she could retaliate, he had twisted her arm behind and covered her mouth with a cloth.
Everything went black.
  Fear settled on Y/N’s chest, her heartbeat quickened and sweat pooled above her brow. She glanced around and noticed her captor was faced away, towards the window.
 “You’re finally awake. Do you know how painful it is to have your head cut off and then reattached?!”
 Y/N stammered, unable to say anything at all.
 The man smirked whilst he held up her phone, “Well, you don’t have to answer. I already know all about your friend, Sam Winchester. And it looks like he’s on his way here.”
 “No!” She screamed and tried to stand up.
 The man growled and smacked Y/N with the back of his hand, and she was knocked unconscious.
  Sam and Dean strolled into Anderson’s, headed straight to the bar and called Jane over. Jane’s smile dropped the instant she saw the FBI agents.
 “You are not welcome here, take your smug ass out of here.” Anger was poured into every word as she pointed and glared at Dean.
 “Uh-hi Jane, sorry but we’re looking for Y/N. Have you seen her?” Sam shuffled into Jane’s line of sight and tried to get her attention.
 “Hi Sammy.” Jane turned back to Dean and snarled, “What have you done to her this time?!”
 Sam replied softly, “Jane, we haven’t seen her, that’s why we are here. Did she say or do anything different to normal? Is there any chance we could look at your CCTV?”
 “Well, I guess she gave a lame excuse for bailing on her shift a couple of nights ago.”
 Sam pretended to make some notes of what Jane had said about Y/N being better than she was a few months ago, that she had a spring back in her step and her smile started to reach her eyes again.
“She was not the same after you two left for good. You can’t bring somebody into that kind of life and expect them to be okay. You used her, all because she was a witness. It’s disgusting and I’m surprised you got away with it.”
 “Y/N knew exactly what she was getting herself into.” Dean mumbled and picked at a beer mat.
 “Go on through, it’s just through that door.” Jane lifted the bar divider for Sam then stopped Dean from following, “You can wait here.”
  Dean settled into the bar stool and Jane handed him a beer whilst he waited. A few minutes had passed, and Dean watched the condensation dribble down the bottle. He had almost picked the entire label off the bottle when Jane leant across the bar.
 “You don’t deserve a woman like Y/N.”
 Dean huffed, “Well you’ve got that right, and that’s probably why she ended it.”
 “Y/N didn’t tell me the full story but are you really that stupid? If it wasn’t for her continued friendship with Sammy, I don’t doubt it would have taken twice as long to heal from you guys leaving her behind.”
“She made it very clear that she didn’t want me around anymore. The second it became more than a fling, she shut me out. I thought I feared commitment but damn.”
 “Asshole!” Jane slapped him straight across his cheek, “She knew exactly the type of guys you were the second you stepped foot in here. A couple of FBI agents constantly crossing state lines and working all hours. She knew you would never give up being the hero, but she still fell in love with you and thought that you wouldn’t abandon her.”
 The weight of Jane’s words hit Dean and he realised just how stupid he had been. How wrapped up he was in himself, not once did he think about Y/N’s feelings. He looked up at Jane and had never been more grateful for the woman’s existence.
  He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”
 “Nothing on the footage Jane, thanks anyways.” Sam leant down to hug Jane and Dean caught the flicker in his expression.
Dean’s chest constricted and panic settled over him; he thought of all the possibilities of what had happened to Y/N. He leapt from the stall, Sam rounded the bar and they walked out of Anderson’s. As soon as they were outside, they bolted to the car.
 “We need to find Y/N. Let’s go back to Y/N’s place and see if we have missed anything. I think she’s taking on a Nachzehrer.”
 Grit scattered across the parking lot and the tyres from the Impala screeched into motion. The brothers left in a cloud of dust.
  Dean walked into Y/N’s bedroom and scoffed at the unmade bed and several mugs of half-drunk coffee dotted around the room. Some things never change, he thought to himself and allowed her scent to engulf him. The smell of coconut brought on a distant memory of them together amongst rumpled sheets.
  Soft sighs escaped Y/N’s lips as she relished in the peace felt from each other’s embrace and the sound of the rain tapping against the window pane. Dean rested his head underneath her chin and stroked patterns on her stomach whilst she carded her fingers through his hair.
 Dean pressed kisses along her shoulder and the feel of his lips sparked desire. The arousal grew from the way his hand softly glided up Y/N’s thigh and his fingertips edged closer to her aching core. The sensation caused a shiver and a moan was released from her lips as Dean pulled Y/N’s legs apart to dip his finger into her slick. She whimpered against his mouth before he captured her bottom lip in a bite which he soothed with a flick of his tongue.
 They untangled themselves from the sheets, lips still locked together as she gently eased Dean onto his back. Y/N’s hand wrapped around his hardened cock and the growl rasped from his throat. He pulled away from her lips and she saw the desire in his green eyes. Dean palmed at her breasts and teased her clit, but he was too overwhelmed by the way she stroked him.
 Y/N left a trail of wet kisses against his chest and stomach until she reached his groin. The growl from Dean urged her to nip at the skin by his thighs and lick along the edge of his cock before she pressed her lips against the precum beaded tip. Y/N guided his cock into her mouth until he was at the back of her throat. Dean gripped the messy ponytail atop her head as she sucked and swirled her tongue around him.
 “Fuck Y/N, your mouth feels so fuckin’ good.” Dean growled.
 Y/N continued to bob up and down on his cock as she reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. Y/N knew he loved watching her and she could not help but look at him with a smirk as she pumped faster. She sucked harder and massaged Dean’s balls and he pulled on the ponytail. The burn on her scalp made Y/N suck harder and curl her fingers inside her. Dean’s cock twitched, Y/N’s walls clenched, and the ecstasy rippled through them both; he coated the back of her throat with his cum and her orgasm seeped down her legs.
CRUNCH. Dean lifted his boot to see the scattered pieces of ceramic blue. Bills and coins scattered amongst the remnants of Y/N’s holiday fund jar. He knelt to pick up the pieces and spotted an upside-down photo frame peeking out from under the bed. Dean’s curiosity got the better of him and he lifted it to see the cracked glass and his own green eyes stared back at him. Then he saw her face, smiling up at the other him. The man he was before.
 “I am so sorry I didn’t stick around sweetheart.”
Y/N’s heart raced, and her stomach churned at the sound of the Impala pulling up outside the house. Drew Campbell was distracted by the porch steps creaking and looking out the window that he didn’t notice the wriggle, the ropes that had Y/N bound were nearly loose enough to escape.
 “Drew, stop this. It’s me that you want, they have nothing to do with this!” Y/N pleaded, and tears welled in her eyes.
Drew strode over from the window, leant down and whispered in her ear, “Do you really think I was going to miss the opportunity to take out a Winchester?”
 The silence made Drew smirk, but he was unaware of the eye contact Y/N had made with Dean through the window of the door. She clenched her jaw and smashed her head into his, and Drew fell to the floor, a hand clutched to his forehead and a grimace on his face.
 Dean booted down the door and pulled at the ropes before Y/N even acknowledged him, her mind was clouded with pain and dizziness. The Nachzeher tackled Dean, the axe abandoned as punches beat down between them. Dean’s fist cracked against Drew’s nose and he retaliated with a knee to Dean’s stomach. Blood spattered and grunts echoed through the room.
 Sam burst through from the kitchen; he untied and dragged Y/N away from the fight. His hands gripped her shoulders and then her face; he looked for any severe wounds before he pushed Y/N backwards. Dean tossed Drew across the room; his body smashed into the table and splinters scattered. Sam grabbed the axe and threw it towards Dean who caught it easily. The Winchesters flanked Y/N and Drew realised he was surrounded with no escape.
 Y/N delved into her jacket pocket for a penny and the brothers grabbed him; Sam pulled his arms behind his back and Dean gripped his jaw open. She shoved the coin into his mouth and Drew’s body thumped to the ground, frozen in place. The fear in his eyes did nothing for Y/N’s anger as she took Dean’s axe and slammed it through his neck, repeatedly.
 After Dean and Y/N had showered, they cleared up the mess in the living room together, in silence. Y/N was wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown and felt as though a weight had been lifted from the soft warmth it provided. Sam’s voice carried from the bathroom as he sang an unrecognisable tune.
 Y/N tucked her legs underneath as she sat on the couch. Dean joined her and pulled her hands into his, it had been so long since she had felt Dean’s touch.
Dean refused to look at Y/N as he spoke, “Y/N, the world is changing and it’s getting harder to fight these monsters, you need to be safe.”
 She snatched her hands away, “I’m a hunter, I am not going to stop.”
 “That’s not what I meant.” Dean grabbed her face, unable to avoid each other’s gaze.
 She was lost in his green eyes that she didn’t register the way Dean brushed her hair away and crashed his lips to hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer as she kissed him back.
Dean pulled away and noticed how her eyes sparkled, “I would never stop you from being a hunter.”
 “I know De. Will you stay, at least tonight?” Y/N had spoken with quiet uncertainty.
“I’m not going anywhere Y/N, I’m staying for good.” Dean whispered and kissed her again.
  Sam left a note on the kitchen counter. Staying at the hotel, be back for breakfast. He smiled to himself as he wondered how long it would take them to notice that he was no longer there. 
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Oneshot: “Being your friend is basically ruining my life.”
Tony Stark X Reader (Platonic)
A/N: Doing short (by my standards lol) little oneshots for the next few days (Ten days until summer!), because why not?
Send @bettercallsabs some asks, and I’ll be tempted to do some more! 
(Is my bribe working?? I have a whole writing prompt list I will go through if people send her requests *wink*)
Warnings: Tony talking about his package, Tony’s ego, some loveydovey crap, and swearing.
Word Count: 1500ish
UNEDITED - otherwise, I obsess and don’t post!
Main Masterlist
 “I just don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to comprehend the fact that there are women out there who don’t think you walk on water.” You complained, arm looped through Tony’s as you walked through the shops somewhere in L.A. The mid-day sun made it impossible for you to walk in the shade, forcing you pull your sunglasses from your large purse with your free hand – begrudgingly flipping them onto your face. “You need to be brought down a few pegs. Your ego is massive.”
“That’s not the only part of me that’s massive.” He winked at you, pulling you under his arm with a laugh.
“You’re disgusting. Knock it off.” You laughed, slapping him on the chest and wrapping your arm around his waist in a side-hug. “Also, I’ve unfortunately seen what you think is ‘massive’… It’s above average, at best.”
“Come on, sweetheart,” He grinned, watching as a few paparazzi tried to take some photos across the busy street. His Led Zepplin tee shirt and sunglasses barely concealing the fact that the Tony Stark was shopping with his other best friend for some summer clothes, “You’ve known me for how long? How many women have thrown themselves at my feet? There’s a reason for that.”
“All the wrong women. That’s why I like Pepper.” You stopped in front of a store, eyeballing some swimsuits that were on clearance, “She thinks you’re more annoying than I do.”
“You love me.”
“Barely.” You snort, grabbing a few suits in your size and walking into the small store, “Come on. I need your opinion.”
“If it’s skimpy and barely covers your assets, then I’ll buy it for you.” He calls as you head into the dressing room. “You need to show some more skin.”
“Last time I did that, I ended up on TMZ with people thinking that we were boning on the beach.” You called back, pulling your shirt over your head and unhooking your bra. “I had paparazzi following me to work for three weeks.”
“Oh, come on. That was funny.” He snorted as you slid the top into place, happy that the colorful, geometric patterns suited your skin tone. “It’s not like we were actually getting it in on the beach.”
“Yeah, you can try all you want, sweetheart, but that isn’t happening.” You laughed, pulling on the bottoms. “I don’t know how many people you’ve stuck with that thing.”
“Hurry up, Y/n.” He complained, as you stared at yourself in the mirror, admiring yourself. “I’m growing old, here.”
“You’re already old.” You rolled your eyes, pulling open the curtain. “Well?”
“If I wasn’t a taken man…” He grinned, leaning back on a chair with his leg crossed – completely at ease. “Buy it.”
“It looks alright?” You asked, doing a small twirl so he could see the whole suit. “It’s not too tight?”
“You look amazing. Now, stick that one in the ‘yes’ pile, and show me the other ones.” He shook his head, messing around on his phone. “We have plans tonight, while I’m still in L.A.”
“Is Pepper coming?” You rushed back in the dressing room, excitedly, “She didn’t say anything about coming back to L.A. when I talked to her a few days ago.”
“She’s too busy. She runs my company, you know.” He said, proudly, “She sent you a gift, though.”
“I got it, yesterday!” You ripped off the suit, pulling on the next one, which was a complicated one piece that would definitely be annoying to take on and off by yourself. “I’ll thank her the next time I talk to her.”
You had the pleasure of listening to Tony’s commentary the remainder of the time that you tried on swimsuits and clothes from the small shop. Someone had recognized him while you were in the dressing room and you – embarrassingly – had to ensure them that you and Tony were just best friends, and that he was still with Pepper. Tony always found it amusing when people thought you were together, not realizing that you were the one that always had to deal with the repercussions.
Though, you wouldn’t have it any other way. You loved him. He had been your best friend since you damn near hit his dumbass with a car, while he was being chased by some paparazzi. You’d forced him to jump into your car and drove off, leaving the paps in the dust while he laughed like a maniac.
“You know, I think you should still think about moving to New York.” He sighed, arm wrapped around your shoulders as he carried half of your shopping bags, “I miss you, you know.”
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” You joked, leaning your head against his shoulder. “I miss you, too. My life is here, though. I have a good job, my parents are close, and there’s been no alien attacks.”
“I’d protect you.” He tightens his arm around you, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk and looking down at you, “I just… I feel like I can’t protect you when you’re across the country from me. I don’t want you getting hurt, just because you’re my best friend.”
“Sweetheart, you know I love you, but you can’t protect me from everything.” Your heart hurt for him. You knew he’d been having a hard time since the attack in New York, the shit in Sokovia, etc. You knew that he was crumbling. You didn’t like seeing your best friend having a hard time. You wanted him to be happy. You wanted him to be free of all misery and be as happy as he was when you met him, before all the Iron Man business. “Plus, think of this as your getaway place. You always have a place in my home, whenever you need a break. I want you to have somewhere where you can… unwind.”
“I know you do.” He looked down at the ground, starting to look his age. “I just wish that I could see you as much as I used to. I miss being around you all the time, like it used to be. I wish you, me, and Rhodey could go out and have Sunday dinners, again. I wish I could come barge into your house and eat your food whenever I wanted, like I used to. I wish… I just miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” You smile, a small pang in your chest. You dropped your bags on the ground, reaching around so both arms were wrapped around his middle. He was a lot thinner than he used to be, but just as warm as he always was – smelling like expensive cologne and motor oil. “You can come over and eat my food, any time. You don’t even have to warn me. Just show up. I’ll always have a place for you to stay.”
“I know.” His arms wrapped around your shoulders, face pressing into the crown of your head. “That’s why you’re my favorite.”
“Don’t let Rhodey hear you say that.” You snorted, tightening your arms. “He might get jealous.”
Suddenly, you were engulfed in the sounds of snapping and the bright flashing of photos. The paparazzi was ruining your moment. Again.
“Mr. Stark! Over here!”
“Ms. L/n! Are you and Mr. Stark dating?”
“When can we expect a wedding?”
“Are you finally together?”
“What’s your opinion about the cleanup in New York?”
Tony’s arms tightened, and he suddenly let you go – bending down to pick up your shopping bags, but keeping you close to him. “The wedding is in August.”
“HE’S KIDDING!” You shouted, a wave of panic washing over you, “He’s very much with Pepper Potts, and not with me!”
“Ahh, don’t be like that, honey.” He smirked, leaning down and planting a sloppy kiss against your cheek – making you grimace in disgust. His hand moved to your middle, resting there for a moment. “It’s not good for the baby.”
“TONY!” You shouted, as the paparazzi got louder. You shoved his hand off of your stomach, grabbing it and attempting to walk him away from the crowd. “Knock it off!”
He laughed, following you through the crowd – as you huffed in annoyance. “It’s funny, though.”
“You’re going to give my mother a heart attack.” You rolled your eyes, slapping him in the chest as the crowd trailed behind you, snapping pictures and shouting questions. “You get to call and explain to Pepper why we’re suddenly getting married and having children.”
“Your mother loves me.”
“Being your friend is basically ruining my life.” You groaned, as you made it back to his fancy sports car, and he shoved your bags in the small trunk. “Also, sometimes I think my mom loves you more than me.”
“What can I say, fiancée.” He winked, hopping into the front seat as you slid into the passenger seat. “I’m the best.”
“You’re annoying. You’re lucky that I love you.”
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Before & After Ch. 7
Before & After Ch. 7 - Losing It.
Characters: Jim Hopper x Reader 
Summary: Becoming increasingly aware of your growing feelings, you find yourself reacting in the strangest possible way to feeling so connected to Hopper. 
Words: 4400+
Warnings: Angst, a sprinkle of fluff, a touch of smut. Descriptions of non-tangible things. Is that a warning? Language, mentions of drinking, past abuse, painful memories, mental illness, physical injury, loss, paranormal aspects, mentions of death. 
All other chapters on my Masterlist.
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“You force open your eyes and remember that there is a large, warm human in your bed with you. You forget your annoyance about being woken up when you feel him breathing on your neck. He's leaning over you, pulling you closer. A throb flows through you as he moves your limp body with one hand on your hip, and you're reminded of the night before. “
You're dreaming of a park you don't recognize. You move through the grass, looking around, kids are laughing, parents are finding brief moments of respite on their individual benches around the playground equipment. It's a happy scene. You decide to approach a small girl sitting on the grass, her dress ballooned out around her, her big blue eyes sparkle up at you with a smile as you reach down for her.
You let out a noise of rebuttal as you're pulled out of sleep and back into your body. You feel slightly disoriented, the dizziness reminds you that you drank last night. Maybe you should just accept you're to that age where you couldn't get away with hard liquor this often with zero consequences. As your body aches as you regain consciousness, you remember the fight from the night before and wonder if that's going to cause its usual literal headache. You force open your eyes and remember that there is a large, warm human in your bed with you. You forget your annoyance about being woken up when you feel him breathing on your neck. He's leaning over you, pulling you closer. A throb flows through you as he moves your limp body with one hand on your hip, and you're reminded of the night before. You groan from parts of you being particularly tender as you wake, and partially because his lips are moving on your skin. You stretch and he loosens his grip on you. You yawn and rub under your eyes, adjusting them on his face.
"I let you sleep in." you whine, your eyes shutting as you yawn.
"After last night how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you?" his voice is deep and rough, he hasn't been awake long. You rest your arm on him, humming with a look of agreement. He lovingly rubs your hips and over all the places he'd hit last night.
"Keep doin' that." you murmur, petting the hand that was rubbing over your body. He digs his fingers into the muscles a little harder, you let out a small, not intentionally sexual moan.
"Doesn't hurt?" he asks, planting a kiss somewhere in your hair. You shake your head and make a noise to indicate that it doesn't.
"No, just sore." you look up at him sleepily, "This helps." you raise your chin for a kiss and he doesn't hesitate to answer. His hands seem to work a heavy sigh out of your body. You relax against him, his mouth moves languidly against you, his big hands working down to your thighs. You wonder what it would take to get to stay right here like this forever. Another throb pulses between your legs, making you ache and tense from the strain of the night before. You let out a small, pained moan.
"What hurts, baby?" he kisses along your jaw, his hands back on your ass.
"Well, if you must know," your eyebrows raise as you start to grin, "You kissin' on me is turning me on," you explain a bit breathier than you meant to. "And certain parts of me are sore from last night so everytime you do something that turns me on it hurts a little." your voice is just a touch whiney. He stops kissing you but leaves his mouth on you.
"I can stop." you feel him say against your throat. You sigh out a noise of contentment and shake your head, he starts kissing you again before you even respond.
"I'd tell ya to stop if I wanted ya to Jim," you say low, moving into his touch. You hum happily as he kisses your collarbone. "You say you wanna take care of me so I was lettin' you." you explain, your fingertips running up and down his flexing forearm.
"Maybe you did learn something last night." he lets out a low laugh, kissing a line between your breasts.
"Last night was...yeah, " you let out a goofy snort of a laugh, feeling slightly ridiculous at how much you'd enjoyed the night before. "Last night was great." you run your fingers through his hair, looking down at him. A mischievous grin is revealed as he raises his head up to face you, his arm snaking around behind your back. "Well, that latter part of the evening anyway." you add in a low and teasing tone. The hurt you'd felt so intensely the night before was just a memory for now.
"I know you were really upset last night, " he reaches up to run his hand through your hair, "and not that I support that kind of behavior," he smirks at you, "But I'm proud of you for defending yourself." he kisses your forehead. "No matter how angry it makes me, it's good to know you can." your chin pushes into your chest, you might've blushed at his praise. You smile down at him, openly swooning at his words. He shrugs, deflecting the praise.
"A year ago you wouldn't have been able to admit that." you drop your voice to draw him to you, you ask for another kiss with your sultry stare. He nods, knowing you're right. "Guess you should've tried fucking a therapist instead of just talking to one." you start to release a small laugh and you're cut off by the deep rumble that erupts from Jim. His chest contracting and shaking the both of you like you were riding out waves on the water. You watch him laugh, the crows feet around the corners of his eyes, the folds around his mouth and nose deepening with his cheeks rounding out, making his eyes almost disappear under his heavy brow. You bite your lip and watch him catch his breath, he rubs his hand over his face, beaming down at you.
"Can't argue with the results." he scrunches his nose in amusement at you as he leans in closer. "You have to admit taking on a drunk grown man on your own is impressive, sweetheart." He grabs your hand with the wounded knuckles, his thumb grazing over them. "Not the smartest idea, but...".
"It was stupid," you admit, raising your eyebrows, "But it's not the first time I've broken a guys nose..." you chew the inside of your cheek in thought, your fingers idly running over the soft hair on his chest.
"I'd believe that." he laughs against your sternum, he rests his face against your body as his arms tighten around you. He starts kissing at the bottom of your rib cage. His lips trecking across the expanse of your chest.
"I had an expectation of bein' tough when I was growin' up." you sigh, watching him. "I didn't want them to hurt me so I learned how to hurt them instead." your hand rubs his shoulder as he moves across you.
"Smart girl." he coos against your skin, pecking up to your neck. You smile and close your eyes. You let out a small moan as you exhale, his mouth and hands distracting you from the negative thoughts. His hand reaches back down to your hips, earning a grunt of appreciation from you. This continues on for several minutes. Laying together, lazily kissing while his hand kneads your butt reminded you of how close you felt to him now. As you exchanged breaths from each other's bodies through your moving lips, you wonder how you ever lived without someone making you feel this way.  
"How much to have you do this all day?" you groan. "Reminds me of when you used to help me stretch." you murmur with a fondness for the memories.
"Yeah that was never awkward, was it?" he chuckles, his hand moving to the back of your knee, raising your leg. You let out an amused huff.
"Thinking back I'm thoroughly impressed by your ability to not get hard while doing some of those positions." you move to accommodate your leg being stretched. He moves between your legs, holding them straight, your ankles on his shoulders.
"Who says I didn't?" he kisses your ankles through a throaty laugh. He takes one of your ankles, pushing it towards you. Once you'd been strong enough to stretch on your own you'd made him stop helping you because you were constantly reminded of how dependent you were on other people, and you had issues with that.
"I might recruit you to help me stretch again." you groan as his hand runs down your calf, bringing your knee closer to your head. "I think it'll be much more fun this time around." he leans in to kiss you as he follows the stretch of your leg.
"I couldn't push this far back the last time I did this for you," he kisses the inside of your knee, he repeats this action with the other leg, you groan, thoroughly enjoying yourself. "I usually have to be inside you to hear that one." he teases, leaning in to give you small pecks as his hand moves over the inseam of your leg. You land a smack on his chest in response to his words. He then sits back on his knees. "And one of my personal favorites..." he lets your knees bend, then pushes them out and apart. You let out a low groan that turns into a chuckle as he stretches the ache out of your most tender parts.
"Yeah I like this one." you rush out before another groan escapes you. You try to relax. He's obviously distracted as he looks down at you, spread open and presented, your knees pushed back towards the bed. The look alone in his eyes is enough to turn you on. He slowly releases his grip on one leg, sliding his hand down your inner thigh, his thumb grazes over your clit, your knees want to close together at his touch. "Mmmmph, Jim." you whine, your hips shift in response.
"You know what saying my name like that does to me, baby." he stares down at you with hunger in his eyes. He strokes up against your hood again. You let out a small gasp, which upon exhale turns into a moan as he repeats the action. He licks his lips and continues infrequent strokes against your most sensitive parts.
You greedily take in the sight of him with your eyes. His brow is knitted, focused. His tongue peaks out of his mouth, you notice his chest rising and falling. You bite your lip as your eyes trail lower, and you see his cock twitching, coming to life against his thigh as he hums, running his thumb over your wet center. You wonder what specifically he's thinking with that look in his eyes. You throb at the thought, your hands moving to your breasts.
He leans down to lick up your slit, quickly targeting your clit with his mouth, sucking you in. He groans, transitioning into open mouth kisses against the sensitive bud. You're distracted by the site of his tongue working against you outside of his mouth. You don't even see him move his hand so he can fill you with his fingers. "Jim..." your voice is quiet, with its signature twang. You reach down to run your fingers through his messy hair. He's on the verge of working another loud moan out of you when the sudden noise of the phone ringing on your nightstand startles you out of the trance he'd worked you into.
You both still, his eyes glare in the direction of the sound. You continue to live in the few seconds between the first and second ring in denial. You groan loudly and reluctantly remove your fingers from his hair. You frown and motion with your head for him to move so you can roll to reach the phone on your nightstand.
"Yeah?" You answer, you didn't care how shitty your tone was, you felt whoever was on the other end of this call deserved it for disrupting you. And you were right.
"Hey, Brandi, Chief there?" you hear Callahan's voice and you place the phone receiver against your chest and let out a shout of frustration. "Yeah, just a sec." you mumble quickly, holding the phone back to Jim who had slid behind you, hand wiping off his beard. You stay laying on your side while he takes the call. Lots of hums of agreement and disagreement coming from him.
"It's still the weekend she can't even take it in until tomorrow anyway," he explains, his tone annoyed, you could tell why he had been electing to not use many words to carry on this conversation. "Fine. No, it's," he takes a sharp intake of breath, "Fuck. It's fine, Cal just...ugh...I'll be there." he shakes his head and easily reaches over your body, his arms long enough to stretch and roughly hang up the phone.
"Well I could hear about how that went." you say defeated.
"Yeah," he sighs, moving to sit up on the edge of the bed. You roll towards him, moving to your knees and kissing his shoulders before he had a chance to remove himself completely from the bed.
"I just have to sign some bullshit papers, " he rests his hand on yours, settled on his shoulder. You manage to get in another kiss to the back of his neck before he stands. Leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips, he says in a gruff voice, "I'll be back soon, I promise." he kisses you again to delay the inevitable.
"It's okay, Hop. Just go and get back to me." you smile sympathetically. No reason to get mad about it, you're sure he'll make it up to you later.
He grabs his clothes off the chair in the corner of your room, hops around the room, tugging his jeans and multitasking, his tongue jutted out just so in concentration. He kisses you one last time for good measure.
"Soon." he promises again before turning smoothly and leaving your bedroom.
You hear his feet stomp against the wood floors, the pitch changing the closer he got to the front door. You hear the lock click and eventually his vehicle leave. Since you're already out from under the covers you decide to get up.
Your feet hit the cold floor and your knee gives as you step away from the bed. You easily catch yourself with your hand on the dresser but shoot a scolding look to your leg while you shake it anyway. Guess he really had knocked you around a bit more than you realized. You take another step and stumble again, your shoulder hitting the door frame.
"What the hell, Brandi?" you ask aloud to yourself, resting your back against the door to ease the whooshing sound of your heart in your ears. You don't move for a moment. The dizzy spell passed quickly, you decide you'll double your allergy medicine this morning. You pull on actual pants, it was too cold not to. You rub your hands as you put on coffee, and go through your morning routine. You don't feel that great, you add some generic painkillers to your other usual handful of pills to take the edge off.
You decide to pick up a bit while you have the time, you're sorting through Jim's clothes, you figure you might as well wash some of his stuff for him. You thought it'd be a sweet gesture. You're picking through his pockets and lay their contents on top of your dryer and after you push the start button, you scoop the items into your hands to lay on your dresser. You didn't know if he needed any of these pieces of paper with his hurried scrawl all over them. You do find something that doesn't seem to fit in. It's a blue hair tie, which seems...incredibly suspicious? You scoff aloud to yourself that the very thought would even cross your mind. You hold it up to the window to illuminate it and study it as you walk towards the big windows by the door. You find yourself oddly compelled by this seemingly random object.
"Why do you feel so..." you squint and shake your head, your vision focuses so intensely you feel dizzy. "...familiar?" you whisper aloud, your hip bumps up against the back of the couch, you barely notice. It's like you've seen this before but where? You're surprised when you feel your elbow hit the back of the couch as well, you notice your hands have hit the floor, you think you might hear the rumble of the Blazer, but it might as be the ringing in your ears and the sudden headache you feel. Your vision starts to tunnel and you pass out unexpectedly. ----------- It's like you're in a room full of giant, brightly colored movie screens, spread out everywhere you can see like a kaleidoscope, changing and transforming. Each amorphous blob moves continuously. You move your limbs and as you push through the rippling surfaces of these scenes playing, you can almost feel them. Like they're a ghost. A ghost of an idea, maybe. Like when you get distracted and a thought suddenly leaves your brain and your dig through your mind for a moment to try to find it. That's what you could best equate it to. You hear a loud voice, you move towards the sound, you find the same young girl you saw in your dream this morning. You push your hands up against the almost tangible surface of the pulsing, amoeba-like object. It resembled a squishy snow globe. Your fingers break through the thin skin of the scene, a barrier between you and it. You thrust yourself against it, and find yourself back in the park again. You can't control what you're doing or seeing but you run up the little girl, scooping her up. You can smell the candy on her breath, see her tiny teeth when she laughs loudly while you tickle her. You put her down and she runs from you but you quickly give chase, her pigtails bounce as she runs from you, giggling. That's when you notice it. The hair tie. You have the urge to look at your hands, where the hair tie should've been but you can't move. After a few rounds of the capturing and running, the little girl starts to make a funny noise. The screen starts to get blurry and it feels like you're losing focus. You see a woman run up to the little girl you both try to comfort her as she looks around scared. You double over, a sharp pain in your gut suddenly as you watch the scene unfold before you. You try to shut your eyes, you try so hard because the longer you watch the more it hurts. You finally thrash your way out, everything starts to go dark around you, but you don't exactly feel afraid. ------------------------------ When you wake up you're so groggy. Trying to open your eyes was like pulling yourself through molasses in the dead of winter. You blink them open eventually, after a hard fight. You're surrounded by bright fluorescent lights that burn. You whine and try to cover your eyes. Large hands pull your own away from your face, as your pupils slowly adjust.
"Brandi, baby, you there?" you know it's Jim the moment his voice hits your ears. You force a small moan up your throat, but it doesn't make it out of your mouth, but it's enough for Jim to know you can hear him. You try with eventual success to focus on him. You hear the steady beeping of machinery. Specifically hospital monitors. You groan loudly and try to look around, still squinting.
"Hate. Hospitals." you manage to say. You look at Jim and he half-heartedly smiles. He reaches up to move your hair away from your face. You've apparently gained enough consciousness to notice the blue hair tie around his wrist. Your eyes open wide and you hear the heart monitors start beeping very fast, you look back to Jim's face, now confused and scared.
"It's me, Brandi." he shushes you, assuming you don't recognize him. "It's me baby, It's Jim." he whispers, his face close to yours, holding your arms down as they tried to reach out and grab his arm. He assumed you were trying to hit him, you didn't blame him for that. You shake your head back and forth.
"No." you blurt out. He narrows his eyes, this was hurting him, you could tell.
"Yes, my country mouse, it is. It's your Hop. I'm not hurting you, you're safe." he presses his lips against your forehead, trying to ground you.
"Your arm." you manage to form, your brain function slowly improving. He releases his grip on you, he looks at his arms, confused. His hands still hover over you in case you lash out again.
"What is it, baby? I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry. I can't let you hurt yourself though." he hurriedly explains.
"The hair tie, Hop." you get out, your head falling back, you're exhausted and your head throbs.
"Is that why you passed out? You found it and thought it was another woman's?" He had gone with what his detective skills had concurred when he found you passed out on your floor with it in your hand. Although you felt a bit insulted that he thought you were as fragile to faint over the possible idea he would cheat on you, you understood his deduction.
"No." you whisper, letting him know that wasn't the case. "What was that?" you ask, not entirely making sense to him since he didn't know what you'd just experienced.
"You're not making sense, baby. Just rest. We can talk later, they gave you a lot of medicine, you should just sleep." he kisses your hair, petting the side of your face as you close your eyes.
"The girl, Hop. I keep seeing her." you rasp out, your head hurts so bad, you want to cry.
You feel him go still against you. "Wh-what?" he asks hesitantly.
"Why are you wearing that?" you raise your head and look directly at the hair tie on his wrist.
"It's...it was Sara's." he blinks and looks away from you. You knew who Sara was, he'd mentioned her, told you what happened on one of your more late nights full of deep conversations and booze. “It was her birthday, “he inhales sharply, “...last month so I, uh...took it out.” his lips now in a tight line.
"She wore it?" you asked, your vision blurred, you whimpered and reached up to touch your head.
"Yeah, I- I kept it after she died." he swallows hard. The last thing he expected after this today was having to talk about losing his little girl while he was once again feeling the possibility of losing you. He shakes his head to snap out of it. "I used to wear it a lot more, years ago." he elaborates. "You've probably seen it before." he tries to pull his focus to the current girl in his life who he could still possibly help.
"I saw her wearing it." you look up at him. His face is confused, he was sure he'd never shown you photos of her. He figured that he would have some point in the future if you kept getting along this well.
"You've never seen her, Brandi." he calmly explains.
"I saw her." you whine, your head keeps pounding, the heart rate monitor beeps increase.
"I don't know what you're talking about, sweetheart, you've been passed out, you don't even know what she looks like." he pets your hair, heavily sighing.
"I do." you say, your eyes opening again. His mouth tenses, he's starting to wonder if the doctors should run more tests. "She had pigtails." you say, his eyes widen but don't match yours. "Am I right?" you ask, squinting at him.
"Most little girls do, Brandi, just relax, please." he pleads.
"Blonde hair." you say, your eyelids heavy. "Really light blonde hair..." you whisper, "a blue dress and pigtails in the park. That hair tie was in her hair." you say low and choppy. "Big blue eyes just like her daddy's..." you whisper, you want to cry, it makes your face go numb with pain.
He swallows to keep his tears in his eyes. "How-?" his voice is so weak, high pitched, he doesn't know where to begin with telling you actually sounded right. "How can you know that?" he whispers.
"I told you, I saw her, " you take a very deep breath, it was like your brain was trying to reboot. "I dreamed her and I saw her just now."
"Just now? You've been unconscious, sweetheart." he clears his throat to control himself.
Your eyes go wide with a terrifying and completely irrational possibility. "Hop.." you grab his arm. He stares intently at you. "Did you...pick her up and chase her a lot? You'd act like you were eating her belly up and you'd lift her up in your arms?" you hate to bring up the memory but you knew this was important.
"Yeah," he clears his throat again, you reach out to touch his face, a few tears fall from his eyes. If you could've cried you would have, the urge made the pain grow. "Yeah we did that a lot..." he sighs, then realizes you shouldn't know this either, "Why? How?" his exhaustion is obvious in his voice now.
"I saw her through your eyes, Hop." you knew that didn't make any sense whatsoever. "It was like I was living your memory." you hear a high pitched ringing in your ears, you place your hand back over your forehead.
"I don't know how to respond to that," he admits, shoulders slumping. "That makes no sense to me baby, I'm sorry." he takes your hand into his, holding it up to his lips, pressing a kiss to your clammy skin.
You wince and look up at him. "Believe me, Hop. I know."
All other chapters on my Masterlist.
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