#i will figure out how 2 draw him tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bbqphantom · 3 months
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sum doodles from the past week :P
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francy-sketches · 2 months
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cringe ass family ❤
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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nobody asked for chayanne it just felt weird to have his parents and tallulah there but no Him. so there he is
also um. bobby died between me starting this and me finishing it so let’s just pretend he’s still alive and everyone (except charlie) is happy 😃👍
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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crystal king
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lil-vibes · 10 months
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mmm a Happy Sketch for @sensitiveheartless wonderfull, wonderfull fic Skyline Pigeon bc it had me sobbing and crying and i think that Chuuya deserves to gently hold a bird <3
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highoncatfood · 7 months
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guess my favourite raincode character (impossible)
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cappydoodle · 2 years
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taking screenshots of the rise movie for Reasons, these 2 poses in particular got stuck in my brain
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gemharvest · 1 year
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(ids in alt - do not repost)
Some more Mop Cycle doodles from my notes. :'D
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xiewho · 2 months
i love love love the way you draw gorgug!! you give him so much personality :)
ouhhh omg thank u so much 😭😭 he’s my favorite bad kid so i tend to overthink a lot when i draw him haha but im really glad u like the way i draw him :’)
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After examining 35+ pictures of Tesilid's head, I present these scientific findings about the structure of his hair whorls
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yes i make all my hawkes black haired for shits n giggled but that doesn't mean i can't make lilian fake-black
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doodlboy · 1 year
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I hate this guy 👆 [bc I can't draw him]
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
ok i really need to rewatch these games bcus i dont understand what half of these notes are referencing but me and my brother decided the order was 4-> 5-> 2-> 1-> 3-> 6
#my post#we did not in fact figure out when most things happened tho#why did we day fnaf4 took place in 1984#we also said it was the first freddy fazbears pizza location (surrounded by many many question marks)#and just. shoved the mci into there????#we put william telling mike to fix elizabeth just after 4. and then had afton get springtrapped immediately afterwards lol loser#uhhhhhh fuck we didnt figure out when elizabeth died though. just a vague arrow pointing towards the past#although if we put SL as right after 4 then that wouldve happened before 4#decided charlie emily died sometime between summer and november 1987. based on what? couldnt tell you there is no context on this paper#this is based on like really long discussions/arguments we had last year ok i dont remember what we said#oh theres lots of contradictions in here as well#yeah this is still confusing as hell. thinking back i dont think we even really agreed on the tl which is why theres 2 different ones here#but we dont need to talk about that#mmmm my main issue with putting 5 after 4 is that in that cutscene we see the aftermath of 3#which would mean it takes place after 3#so. it *could* also be 4-2-1-3-5-6#goddammit this still doesnt help me figure out how to draw michael#mmmm ok well michael is confused that hes not dead meaning he doesnt know how remnant works. ok. he wants to find his dad. ok.#so that one theory of mike like helping william and collecting remnant for him makes no sense. bcus he doesnt KNOW why hes still alive and#surely hed understand if he knew what remnant was. ugh but IF 5 is after 3 and hes not helping william WHY does he go to 2 and 1?? why is#he fucking with the animatronics? what are his fucking MOTIVATIONS in any of this?? well he could go to 2 and 1 if hes looking for william.#i mean doesnt someone use one of the suits in fnaf 2? and the extra rooms get boarded uohmygod no FUCK william couldnt have been springtrap#ped just after 4 if he used one of the suits in 2. goddamn it ok so hes springtrapped during 2 and they board him up in one o the rooms.#i am simply talking myself in circles i do not understand anything any more than i did like an hour ago
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lttl3babybug · 4 months
Are you okay with people 18+ interacting? Do you do Hazbin Hotel requests
If so can you do headcanons or a fic about Alastor with a little who accidentally summoned him to Earth
I am a-okay with people 18+ interacting as long as they’re here for complete sfw reasons and have a sfw account as I am still a minor myself! Thank you for asking sweetheart :3
Of course I can write that for you! You’re my first hazbin request! (Even tho I posted a stimboard before this, this has been sat in my request box for like 2 weeks now) How exciting!! Hope you like this!!
Crayon scribbles
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Your day had been terrible to put it lightly, too loud, too bright, too much. So when you could retreat home to your little space god were you ecstatic, the calming hues of your room immediately setting your mind at ease. Between the pacifier between your lips and your comfiest outfit on you were ready for a relaxing night.
It was all going so smoothly, laying on the floor while an old Disney cartoon played on your laptop and cuddled up to an old deer plush. Red crayon in hand, happily doodling away until it started to burn, dropping it out of instinct. “Huh…” you mumble, maybe it was hand cramp. Attempting to pick it up again, once again you heard the singe of the paper as if touched your skin. This time it was accompanied by the loud static of ah old radio and a bright red light coming from your paper. Scrambling away, plushie in hand you watched as a figure formed at the centre of the light. Then it all stopped. And he was there.
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am Alastor, the radio demon, although I assume you knew that since you summoned me! Now how may I be of assistance?”
The large smile plastered across his face wasn’t helping the immense fear you felt, tears burning in your eyes as he held his hand out for you to shake, “Why are you here?” Your voice came out small and weak, cowering away from the self proclaimed ‘Radio Demon’ standing in the middle of your bedroom.
He bent down to meet your gaze, scanning your scared expression. “You don’t…know who I am?” he asked with a confused laugh. The radio filter over his voice wavering momentarily, you shook your head clutching the deer close to you. “Well, that makes things a lot more complicated doesn’t it?” He stood upright once again, pulling you with him.
“Whatever is going on here?” Alastor raised an eyebrow and prodded a few of your drawings and stuffies with his cane, a confused expression written across his face as he did so. He eyed up the pacifier in your mouth and hummed lightly, “aren’t you a little too old for that?” He mused, a smirk on his face. You shook your head, “No…no sir, I don’t think so”. You sounded so scared, so confused. It was almost getting to him. Almost. The picture of innocence stood before him, having accidentally summoned him with simple crayon scribbles. Well he couldn’t not play along! Tilting your chin up with his index finger and examining your features, “how old are you my dear?”
Such an innocent question, such a complex answer. “…4” you’d mumble past the pacifier, then it clicked in him. He’d seen this before in a few of his acquaintances at the hotel, “Why of course! How could I be so silly to think you were anything but I little fawn, well aren’t you just darling” he’d changed his demeanour quite rapidly. Pinching your cheek and straightening out your outfit so it sat right. This was new…and strange, but it felt right. Watching him fuss over you while he led you towards your bed, sitting down on it and patting the spot beside him and not knowing why, you sat next to him.
“My my, someone’s had quite the big day haven’t they?” He hummed, turning to to face him, “and what’s this one’s name?” He asked politely pointing towards your stuffed deer, “…’s called Lena” you mumbled from behind your pacifier. He hummed in content before looking around and spotting your laptop on the floor, “Hm, I see your a fan of those noisy screens.” A sense of distaste in his voice, you watched as he closed the laptop screen with his cane and pushed it to the side. “You’ll be having none of that while I’m here little one, just good old fashioned radio” Alastor proudly declared, standing up and tapping his cane on the floor.
That horrible scratchy static returned until he bonked it once again, it started playing a calming melody. He ruffled your hair and laid you down in your bed, tucking you in under your fleece blankets the music soothed you. It helped you forget your worries of today, helped you forget how scary everything was moments ago when he’d just appeared in your room. Now here he was, humming you a soft tune and sending you off to sleep. “Rest well little fawn. You know where to find me if needed…”
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nicodrawings · 11 months
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Dump time featuring Billie Morales aka Silly Billie
Update 2: oh! Also the first two illustrations are based on Yotsuba art!
Update: ok HC time, if you wanna know more keep reading as usual.
-I made Billie 5 years old.
-I’ve mentioned this before but Billie has Asperger’s.
-She didn’t talk until she was like 3 going on 4.
-Her nickname is "silly billy"
-Miles always says "how's my favorite girl in the whole wide world?" when he comes home from school on the weekends.
-Miles is a doting big brother and helps take care of her as well as connecting with her interests.
-As much as she loves her parents, she thinks the world of Miles. She's up under him the most, especially when she's over stimulated, stressed or sleepy. His heartbeat calms her.
-She has a limit to physical contact and taps when she’s ready to let go. She usually only hugs her family. Her and Ganke do hand touches instead of hugs.
-The family helps her navigate her environment and her emotions as well as socializing but never push anything that makes her uncomfortable. They always ask questions and have special routines to help her.
-A part of her routine is on Saturdays they go to the park so she can see the pigeons.
-Miles does not like pigeons, but tolerates them for Billies sake.
-They also have special songs for her like "🎶when you walk across the street take ur eyes off your feet🎶" to remind her to look both ways and pay attention when walking across the street since she can get distracted easily.
-The songs they use also attach her to music. So whenever they go to ganke he plays the piano for her and they make songs up and when she hears a song she likes she starts stimming and wiggling.
-She also takes interest in drawing because she sees Miles drawing and they draw animals and watch Steve Irwin on Saturdays too.
-She doesn't understand figure of speeches so if you say "don't sweat it" she would be like "...sweat what?"
-she doesn’t show a lot of emotions unless she’s feeling something intense.
-She rarely sees Miles in superhero mode in public but when she does she just goes “SPIDER!” and smiles and he waves at her.
-Moral of this story, she is loved.
-He lives with his grandparents in the Bronx area (I’m not sure which side yet tho).
-He loves his grandparents very much.
-One time at a punk rock concert a wise man told him “the most punk thing to do is to take care of yourself, don’t be reliant on the system to do so, cuz they ain’t”
-He told his grandpa the following day and they had a heart to heart about it considering that Hobie was very depressed at the time.
-So with that being said, health is incredibly important to him.
-Some ppl tease him and call him “straight-edge” but it don’t bother him much.
-Hobie officially meets the other spiders when he’s 16.
-Clicks with Gwen and Miles almost immediately.
-Especially Miles, Peter always jokes and says that they were definitely brothers in their past lives.
-Gwen and Hobie bond over music.
-Gwen gets the crush first.
-But unlike Miles she’s more forward and doesn’t wait a billion years so she’s asks him out.
-Hobie says yes.
-Only one that knows how to drive by the time he’s 18.
-Gwen’s relationship with her father just…never gets better in my AU. He’s just an ass and as far as Gwen is concerned they’re not family, they’re just related. With that being said, although it’s never acknowledged, Gwen definitely sees Peter as a father figure in her life. She even has him as her top emergency contact. Peter started to understand this when she was 16, he never questioned it and sees her as his oldest daughter. When she’s had really bad arguments with her father she goes to Peters and spends the night.
-Peter and MJ’s home is open to all the spiderkids. No questions asked.
-Peter and MJ always say “On our taxes we have one kid” when people ask them how many kids they have.
-When Peter gets home he sees how many pairs of shoes are at the door then yells “how many kids are in the house?" They usually yell in response which gives him an idea as to how many kids are there.
-On average there’s no less than 2.
-One time he asked and a really deep voice responded along with the kids.
-It was Venom.
-All the spiders have their own therapist’s but every other weekend there’s a group therapy session for kids with powers funded by S.H.E.I.L.D. It’s not required that they go but it’s open for them regardless, just sign up and come in.
-Ganke donates some of his legos to the program and helps assist sometimes with running it since it’s not ran in the best shape.
-This connects to a bigger problem of helping hero’s with their mental health and stability, especially when they decide to retire.
-If you read the other AU list I had, this is the reason why Ganke switches his major to Social Work when he goes to college.
Peter’s nicknames for the kids:
Miles-“Junior/Little Man”
Gwen-"Gwennie Pie”
Hobie-“Hobie” (obviously)
Ganke’s nicknames:
Friends-“Gee” judge calls him “G-money”
Miles’s mom-“Honey”
Ganke’s mom-“Gee-Chan”
The boy that bullies him AKA Sean “Gay-ke”
Peter-“Goober” (as I’ve said before)
Venom and Eddie-“Boy”
Miles’s for when he’s feeling affectionate-“Cariño”
Anyway that’s all I got for now! If you have any questions about my AU please feel free to ask away. I love talking about it as you can see.
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zenosynnee · 15 days
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ARGGGG I’ve been playing FO4 for like six years right and I found out that you could romance companions???? And for some reason I went for this fucker (I mean he’s great though)
Hancock my beloved 🫶 still trying to figure out how tf 2 draw him but I will absolutely be drawing more fallout stuff
Also he is always downed man the armor I gave him has a total of like 41 😭 not that good but you’d think he wouldn’t be downed so often (and he refuses to use his 74 damage shotgun even tho I equip it to him constantly ☹️)
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