#idk what this is but uh
kallistcs · 1 year
“ i’m not leaving you here . ” @ Achilles????
"It's not as if this is either permanent or actually deadly." Achilles scoffed, wondering in that moment if that was why the boy had so deliberately broken his spine and then stormed out of the arena instead of finishing him off.
Achilles didn't even come here often. Only did so when he was feeling particularly... dark-minded. Elysium was a gentle, generous existence, to be sure. As close a simulacrum to life as the Underworld could offer the souls of the dead, and it was certainly close enough.
He could tell, though. Could tell the difference, and though he'd 'gotten better' about it, sometimes the only thing that helped was the arena. It offered a thrilling suggestion of actual life in its momentary threat. He felt as close to mortal and alive in the arena whether he won or - rarely, extremely rarely - lost. He would never lose on purpose, but sometimes that brief moment of flickering consciousness was something he sought, the not-death that was the only thing that could be experienced here.
So he'd come here, today. What was the odds that Troilus would be the one across from him? This was only the third time in all the time they'd been inhabiting Elysium that he'd met the boy - in or out of the arena.
"The dead, after all, can't die." Annoyance edged his words, though they were not really meant for the mortal son of Hades where he stood over him. Wasn't even aimed at his disappeared opponent. He wasn't sure what the boy was doing here - was he simply not used to how the arena worked?
Of course, usually the defeated participant wasn't left lying on the ground with a broken spine that would only heal outside of the arena's bounds.
He could undoubtedly accept the implied offer to help him out, but Achilles would rather wait for Patroclus.
Who would scold him for not taking the aid offered, but it mattered little.
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somerandomdudelmao · 3 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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rustic-space-fiddle · 3 months
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Forgive me.
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noven-warsh · 1 year
A weird thing about me is that if I ever listen to Smells Blood (Devilman Crybaby) I can telepathically change the speed if I focus on a certain part
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sinsofsinister · 16 days
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biruesque · 8 months
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dead end.
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thegreatgeodo · 3 months
Alright let's do this
At 10 notes i'll Say something Nice to a random mutual (Not posting the proof sorry y'all)
At 20 notes i'll say something very nice to all of my mutuals
At 50 notes i'll start studying what is a dual person and how it affects me
At 70 i'll clean up my office (gonna do it tomorrow cuz it's late as i write this)
At 120 notes i'll post a random pic from my phone
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(early art for Geodo!)
At 150 notes i'll study some more for school (Fiiine i'll be more responsible, goddamn)
At 200 notes i'll read the picture of Dorian gray as much as possible in 2 hours (i read it 8 times)
At 300 notes i'll take one of those gender tests (it called me gay and i'm unsure what to think of it)
At 350 notes i'll post the very much unfinished alpha of my videogame (still cant find the fucking thing)
At 1k notes i'll tell my psychologist about Cassidy (IT WAS ALL FINE YIPEE!!)
At 5k notes i'll drink battery acid (Sour strips candies + monster)
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Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie and... Vanessa? Vanny???
oh, and Glitchtrap too (he's in the computer Vanessa is holding)
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bakudekublogblog · 2 months
kacchan telling izuku that his body moved on his own is fucking crazy. like not only did kacchan remember izuku saying that all the way back from the sludge-villain incident but he’s also confirming that izuku’s crazy, boarder-line suicidal intensity is a two way street. it’s not just izuku who is insane about kacchan it’s mutual insanity. kacchan’s body moved on its own. he was helpless but to throw himself into the line of fire when he saw izuku was in danger. he didn’t think about it. he didn’t choose to do it. he didn’t have a choice. it was as if izuku was a piece of his own soul. katsuki instinctually needed to protect him above all else, even at the cost of his own life
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cwonusirl · 9 months
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hi guys lookat my totally original joke comi--
(obligatory i stole this format from @punkitt-is-here disclosure)
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sghr10423 · 4 months
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some Kierans while I try to re-figure-out how to draw... people.
ft. a small sghr doodle, some assorted pokemon, and some fun with screentones
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lynaferns · 29 days
Out of curiosity, if you were to have wings (either substitute your own arms or attached to your back) would you prefer feathers or skin? Realistically speaking*
(image examples, doesn't have to look like these)
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Feel free to add your own reasonings (in the comments or if you reblog this).
Both appeal to me in different ways but they have their cons and pros, imo:
*Feathers wings would be comfy and warm in winter but they'll have to eventually shed and that could be a bother. Not to mention the acarus they can get...
If they get wet it'll be difficult to fly, plus they'll get heavier, until they dry. The feathers are attached to blood vessels and if they get cut too close to the end you could bleed out (unless you take off the remaining part of the cut out feather, letting the skin close).
*Skin wings could (kind of) still be used as arms and you could climb with them too (thanks to the thumb and claw). They are extensions of skin which means there are nerves and blood vessels, and if the skin rips, besides hurting, you'll probably won't be able to fly again, or at least you'll have difficulties to fly.
If the skin is also attached to the side of your body it could difficult movement.
(I think there would be also some sensory issues attached to having skin wings. Idk maybe it's just me...)
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weepingalaxy · 11 months
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oh cassie we really in it now
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killjo-q · 8 months
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Beasts all over the shop... You'll be one of them, sooner or later.
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kenchann · 4 days
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hmhmhm i want to see hermes with his full on overworld sprite again,,, maybe on olympus? 👀👀👀
oh dear i forgot melis moon thing asdfhjkll ill fix that later...
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ardeidae-e · 8 days
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i wish they shut up forever
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