#if I die before I wake
amphibya · 1 year
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fanart for this fic:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/39211962?view_full_work=true
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 2 years
The previous governess had taught them a prayer which included the hope that some god or other would take their soul if they died while they were asleep and, if Susan was any judge, had the underlying message that this would be a good thing. One day, Susan averred, she’d hunt that woman down.
Terry Pratchett - Hogfather
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Holy crap this is like world record breaking pace guys
Speedrun/Time Travel AU masterlist
#speedrun au#one piece#time travel au#op fanart#sabo#monkey d. luffy#portgas d. ace#asl brothers#time travel aus are my favourite trope for any fandom's fanfic#but this especially is why i want it for one piece#because I needed ace to die in canon. luffy NEEDED to get that wake up call and his whole crew NEEDED badly to get stronger#but ace is so much more than just a plot device for luffy... he was a person who was loved by so many people because#he made so many people happy#if luffy and his crew travelled back in time... they wouldn't need to worry anymore about their strength#Ace could live you know....#He could meet sabo while he was an adult#sabo could meet ACE while he was an adult#ALSO SIDE NOTE BUT SABO ALSO REMEMBERS THE TIME TRAVEL SHENANIGANS!!! but def not as well as any of the strawhats#i think the thing he remembers most is what he felt when he regained his memories in the first timeline#u guys... this comic was so vivid in my mind i HAD to draw it out... like i was planning on doin other time travel au comics before#but like I HAD to draw this because i had such intense ASL feelings#I tried to think if Ace would just start cussing sabo out cause like WHY DID YOU LET US THING U WERE DEAD ; - ;??? WHY DIDNT U CONTACT US??#but i think ace is really tired... like he's been worrying about luffy... and suddenly his brother starts uncharacteristically start#full out bawling in his arms... and he's really confused right now but both of his brothers are here and they're both crying#so there's really only one thing he can do#anyways i hope u enjoyed the comic#op spoilers#<- oops forgot to add that my b
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tenvishund · 4 months
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F I S S I O N - Why the hell do you hurt yourself for this?
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
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irafuwas · 10 months
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🌹: Jack, what on earth is that outfit supposed to be? You look like you’re headed to a party or something. It’s slovenly. Now button up your shirt!
🐺: Uh, looks like you're gonna be hitting up that party with me, Riddle Senpai! You're totally decked out with flowers right now.
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🦈: Bwahahaha! You look sus as hell in those sunglasses, dude. They suit you to a T. Heh, this is great.
🐙: Look who's talking. If you went into town dressed like that, the crowds would part like the red sea with how sketchy that getup is.
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🦇: What in the world just happened… Yuu! What about me!? How's my outfit, do I look cute!?
🦐: You look very cute, yes.
🦇: Oh, thank goodness. Crisis averted!
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🐈: I know you’re always tryna look cool, Ace, but you really went off the deep end this time. Who do you even think you are, tryna pull off that tacky getup!?
❤️: The heck!? When the hell do I ever try and look cool? Besides, you’re one to talk. I bet if you looked up “tacky” in the dictionary there’d be a picture of those flaming red sunglasses next to it!
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sketchy-toasters · 1 month
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Don't question, because idk what possessed me to make this
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0yorixu · 3 months
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Desert duo I love them so much urhhhfhf
I should be sleeping right now for my trip that I have to wake up at 5 for but drawing urges told me to draw desert duo and sleep on the ride instead
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quirkle2 · 6 months
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anybody else rly rly ill about the amount of grief in his eyes in this scene
[original screencap under the cut]
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cemeterything · 11 months
i got shot and stabbed at least 8 times in my dreams last night that's a new record
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003soy · 3 months
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Ryan Ryan Ryley Ryan
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m-kyunie · 1 year
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"The supposedly sealed memories of a miniature garden"
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wisteria-whump · 9 months
i love when whumpees have nightmares that are so vivid and feel so long and real that when they wake up they can't help but just lay in their bed feeling the huge amounts of relief that none of it was real
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spoopieere · 9 months
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“They both get to sleep-in today”
(Click for better quality)
This is literally just an excuse for me to draw their bedroom.
Headcannons below 👇
-Clean and simple- Asa doesn’t like clutter.
-There’s a walk-in closet on the right of the mirror (you just can’t see it in my drawing lmao)
-Asa wakes up first to pull the curtains, letting the sun in. ( Not on weekends though, so Arkin does it instead )
-Random books Asa keeps stacked on the drawer are for a convenient selection to read before bed.
-Asa uses melatonin gummies to fall asleep easier.
-Arkin keeps post-it notes on his side of the bed to remind him of things to do, he also convinced Asa to put a plant in the room to make it a bit more interesting.
-Arkin is also the only one who needs an alarm clock to wake up.
-Arkin protests keeping *the tooth* on display so publicly, but Asa thinks it goes hand-in-hand with the Mantis.
-Pretty sure Asa vacuums their bedroom once every two days.
-The bottom drawer of their dresser is a collection of broken bed frames… due to their . . . activities (Wesley approves)
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Wait!! In an earlier post you said everyone was aggressive… especially Barnaby…
What happened when he woke up? Unless it’s a spoiler/ not ready yet, then forget this question!!
I hope you have a nice day/night though :3
that answer is indeed Not Ready Yet! but in short, he has a Really bad time after he wakes up. like, it's Rough rough for him. and before anyone asks - no, it's not because of the arm! that is something he can understand, even if its a lil unsettling. everything Else, however...
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captainjonnitkessler · 3 months
I wrote out a long post about how exhausting it is to be online when everyone is so absolutely devoted to being negative about everything all the time. According to twitblr everything is the worst it's ever been, no victories have ever been achieved, and anyone who says otherwise or has any semblance of hope or joy in their lives is a naive idiot being manipulated by the vague yet menacing Ruling Class.
Then I didn't post it because I'm usually fine about receiving negative comments but I swear to fuck on this post in particular having someone try to dunk on me by telling me "actually everything IS the worst it's ever been and you're just a neoliberal cuck" WILL be the last fucking straw for me
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