#if something explores the reality and consequences of their actions and the impact on the victims without downplaying it or ignoring it
ilynpilled · 29 days
it frankly pisses me off that what is essentially “rapists and abusers should be depicted as monstrous caricatures because humanizing them is inappropriate” is considered a very moral and enlightened position to have on art by so many people. a rapist can feel pain, have moments of vulnerability, be amiable and charming, express remorse and compassion at times, be a victim themselves, and so on in real life. they are even capable of doing good things. they can have different sides to them and have individuals in their lives that they are kind to or have a decent relationship with. they will be a human being, and that fact encompasses a lot. conflating that with the claim that they deserve forgiveness or absolution is an issue. nurturing a mindset that believes they need to be one note and uncomplicated to be a correct and tasteful depiction of a rapist inadvertently falls in line with the logic of “how could they have possibly raped you? they are so normal and kind to me. they did all these good things here and there.” ok that doesn’t change that they are a rapist.
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passerine-parable · 25 days
A friend of mine said in her art-writing-fiction essay that metaphysics is the study of violence against the material world. As a beginner magician (one closer to occultism than to paganism, but respectful to both- Hail eris), I’ve found this lately to be true.
Magic is sometimes violent, even self-violent, as it is also constructive. I am in the process of recovering from a pair of rituals; both of which allege to have permanently changed how I walk through the physical world(s), and at least three days later the effects have been maintained so I suspect they will persist.
It is weird to admit that I am recovering from something which has no apparent physical impact (save for the black bracer I now wear upon my left arm; a piece of armor now required as consequence of my actions and also a proud raiment-reminder of the thing I have accomplished). What I have done in some ways created metaphysical wounds upon myself, even though the entire effect is overall worthwhile.
It is weird to wake up each morning and feel one’s soul, still stinging from stitching itself together, waking up in every universe as one, a layered many, this form now bearing a skeleton embroidered with every possible facet of who I could’ve been and could still be.
(I recognize this sounds like insanity- this is nevertheless where we are at- for further information this lecture by Grant Morrison explains this somewhat, and is overall an excellent lecture )
I think magic is also art, and I want to explore this. We can create memories, we can create literal realities. The people in fiction are in their own universes as real as we are, and we have a responsibility as their gods (whether creators or witnesses) to treat them gently.
I recognize that magic is generally not an accepted school of study- the objectivity of the institutional system generally excludes it as a possibility of truth- yet nevertheless I am intrigued, humbled, uncertain of its implications in terms of my responsibilities as an artist and reality-maker-experiencer.
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Tragedy and Catharsis in Media
Tragedy and catharsis are integral aspects of storytelling, particularly when it comes to the theme of star-crossed lovers. Through renowned works such as "La La Land," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," the TV show "Normal People," let's explore the significance of tragedy and catharsis. But first let’s find out what tragedy and catharsis mean.
What Does Tragedy Mean?
Tragedy, in a literary and dramatic sense, refers to a genre characterized by serious and somber themes, often involving the downfall or suffering of the protagonist. These narratives typically explore profound human emotions such as sorrow, loss, and despair, and they frequently end in catastrophe or death. Tragedy often reflects on the complexities of the human condition, exploring universal themes such as fate, morality, and the consequences of one's actions.
Ancient Greek playwrights such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are renowned for their contributions to the development of tragic drama. Their works, such as "Oedipus Rex" and "Medea," continue to be studied and performed today, influencing the broader literary tradition of tragedy across cultures and time periods.
What Does Catharsis Mean?
Catharsis refers to the process of releasing, purging, or cleansing emotions, particularly through experiencing or witnessing intense or overwhelming feelings. In psychological terms, catharsis involves the emotional release or purification that occurs when individuals confront and express their deep-seated emotions, often leading to a sense of relief or resolution.
To define catharsis succinctly: Catharsis is the emotional release or purification that occurs when individuals confront and express their deep-seated emotions, often leading to a sense of relief or resolution.
Exploring Tragic Love Stories
Now that we have a clear definition of tragedy and catharsis, let’s view some examples in media.
La La Land
In the film "La La Land," the captivating love story of Mia and Sebastian takes center stage. Both aspiring artists with their own passions and dreams, they find themselves entangled in a romance that dances between joy and heartbreak. As their relationship unfolds, the stark reality of their divergent ambitions becomes apparent. Mia strives to become a successful actor, while Sebastian dreams of opening his own jazz club.
Their inability to reconcile their individual aspirations with the demands of their relationship ultimately leads to a poignant and bittersweet climax. The sacrifices they must make become increasingly evident, forcing them to make choices that pull them apart rather than bring them closer together. This exploration of the complexities of love and the inevitable trade-offs involved evokes a powerful sense of catharsis within viewers.
Through Mia and Sebastian's journey, the film delves deep into the universal theme of pursuing personal dreams and the sacrifices that come with it. It invites us to reflect on the delicate balance between love and ambition, highlighting the painful choices individuals sometimes face in order to pursue their passions. The emotional impact of the story resonates with audiences, as it captures the poignancy of letting go of something beautiful in order to pursue personal fulfillment.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
In the thought-provoking film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," the audience is immersed in the tumultuous love story of Joel and Clementine. After a painful breakup, both Joel and Clementine undergo a groundbreaking memory-erasing procedure in an attempt to erase all traces of their relationship from their minds. As the process unfolds, Joel, in his subconscious state, begins to relive the memories of their love, rekindling the emotional connection he had with Clementine.
Through this journey of rediscovery, the film delves into the profound complexities of human connections and the indelible impact of past experiences on our lives. As Joel revisits the memories he shared with Clementine, he realizes that erasing those memories cannot completely erase the emotions and connections he felt. The narrative explores the notion that our past experiences shape who we are, and even if we try to erase them, they leave an indelible imprint on our psyche.
As viewers accompany Joel and Clementine on their journey, they are invited to reflect on their own experiences of love, loss, and the profound impact of memories. The emotional release experienced through catharsis allows the audience to confront their own emotions and gain a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of human connections. It reminds us that our experiences, both positive and negative, contribute to our growth and shape our future relationships.
Normal People
In the compelling TV show "Normal People," adapted from Sally Rooney's novel, the narrative delves into the intricacies of the relationship between Marianne and Connell. Their connection is profound and intense, fueled by a deep love for each other. However, the circumstances surrounding them seem determined to keep them apart.
Throughout the series, Marianne and Connell's relationship is marred by external pressures, societal expectations, and personal insecurities. They navigate a tumultuous journey, characterized by moments of deep intimacy and heartbreaking distance. Despite their mutual desire to be together, they tragically agree to part ways, recognizing that their separation is a necessary sacrifice for their individual growth.
Through catharsis, viewers are prompted to reflect on the intricacies and challenges of relationships. The emotional release offered by the narrative allows them to confront the pain and heartache associated with choices that prioritize personal growth over immediate gratification. It forces us to examine the complexities of love, timing, and the ways in which external forces shape our lives and relationships.
The Essential Role of Catharsis:
Catharsis plays a vital role in our lives by allowing us to process and release emotions that may otherwise accumulate and impact our mental well-being. It serves as a coping mechanism for difficult experiences or emotions, promoting emotional healing and personal growth. Engaging with tragic narratives provides a cathartic experience through which we can experience intense emotions vicariously, gaining clarity, perspective, and a sense of relief.
Ultimately, tragedy and catharsis intertwine, illuminating the profound complexities of the human experience. As we navigate these narratives, we are reminded of the enduring power of storytelling to evoke deep emotions and offer transformative insights. Through the shared journey of tragic love stories, we discover solace, growth, and a deeper connection to our own hearts and the world around us.
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enricopolicardo · 2 months
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What is branded trash?
It is literally what the tin says.
My initial reflection when looking at all the trash surrounding my everyday going from A to B, whether walking, cycling, by train, at the airport, at the beach—literally anywhere—was the fact that all these logo bearing objects were doing something else than just littering: they were trying to tell me something, even post-mortem; they were passively communicating with me.
A can of Coca-Cola on the beach, to me, is the equivalent of a paid billboard on the side of a highway—perhaps less visible, but far more pervasive, long-lasting, and, most importantly, far more economical for the company given it's totally free.
The blame is shifted to the consumer, who is the one practically littering.
Moving forward: It is no secret that wealthier areas of the world are less likely to be heavily littered; this is due to a combination of factors including education, population density, and better and more reliable waste management services.
On the other hand, areas with a high concentration of housing, a lower educational index, and a lower income are more likely to be polluted or poorly waste-managed.
And here's the catch: if you look down on the street or at the unattended green areas, the same infamous brands—you name them—will always be popping up over and over again. The trash in those areas would reflect the actual consumption of those goods, reinforcing a specific product's dominance on the market even further. The thesis is clear: businesses have no interest in resolving the issue, the pollution created has nothing to do with them directly, and the advertising generated is both unsolicited and, most importantly, completely free. It's viciously genius.
Since the first iteration of the project, I have continued to investigate, photograph, and reflect on Branded Trash. My only conundrum is what AC Davidson of the University of Huddersfield pointed out, quite poignantly, about my work—a paradox that I was, and still am, very well aware of.
Adding an air of glossy value to ‘worthless’ waste, these images raise awareness of – and in doing so are complicit within - the enduring, free advertising of litter. This project brings to light the circulation of value that not only spurs further ecological destruction but accumulates deeply uneven benefits and losses.
→ AC Davidson, University of Huddersfield 
Branded Trash: (In)voluntary product displacement
Featuring a collection of photographs taken between the UK, Portugal, Italy, and Slovenia, Branded Trash explores the concept of product displacement, highlighting the tragically ironic contrast between the intentional/unintentional placement of branded products in everyday life and their ultimate fate as discarded litter. While product placement in media aims to seamlessly integrate products into our perception of reality, blurring the lines between advertising and everyday life, product displacement reveals the unintended consequences of consumerism.
When products are correctly placed in their intended context, they seamlessly integrate into the illusion created by advertising, just like the agreement between a spectator and an actor in a performance.
This integration reinforces the desired connection between the consumer and the brand, maintaining the coherence of the narrative.
However, when a product is displaced and ends up as litter, it disrupts this illusion and agreement. The cognitive dissonance arises as the intended context is shattered, revealing the real-world consequences of consumerism. This rupture can be seen as a rip in the fourth wall moment, where the viewer is abruptly confronted with the consequences of their own role/actions as a consumer and the environmental impact of their choices. This disruption challenges the seamless integration of the product into the advertising illusion, exposing the underlying contradictions and prompting reflection on the true costs of consumer culture.
The photographs in "Branded Trash" capture the transformation of once-desirable branded products into litter, challenging the illusion created by advertising.
Branded Trash raises questions about consumer culture, environmental responsibility, the lasting impact of our choices, and most especially the responsibility of brands. It serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the paradoxical relationship between advertising, consumption, and the consequences of product disposal, encouraging viewers to reflect on the hidden costs behind the glossy images of branded products in everyday life.
The constant presence of logos and brands has become an integral part of our everyday existence, subtly influencing our consumer decisions. This phenomenon is not new; it has become so ingrained in our lives that we have come to accept and perceive it as a normal process.The sight of littered packaging, cans, and bags on our streets serves as an inadvertent form of advertising, a form of passive-aggressive publicity, granting companies free promotion without their active involvement. If you think that having your company associated with a pile of trash is bad, think again. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
The book is overloaded with images, texts, and information, in which my photography, from a strictly photographic point of view - gets a bit lost. That is intentional and by design; I want to reproduce in a way the complexity of the real world and create an artwork not easy to digest in one go, but to create a document one would want go back to over and over, a book full of trash but paradoxically a beautiful object to have on your coffee table, by the bed, in the toilet-wherever one does that kind of intermittent reading.
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babyqueenvoid · 7 months
Want to get free MANGATOON COINS and POINTS to unlock all MANGATOON chapters? This works on ios, android and PC!
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Manhua: In addition to traditional manga, MangaToon features manhua, which are Chinese comics. Manhua often have their unique art styles and storytelling traditions.It's important to note that MangaToon's library is continually updated with new titles, so readers can always discover fresh and exciting stories in various genres. Whether you're a fan of romance, action, or any other genre, there's likely something on the app that will pique your interest.LGBTQ+: MangaToon also embraces diversity by offering stories that explore LGBTQ+ themes and relationships. These stories provide representation and support for readers looking for inclusive narratives that reflect their experiences.Isekai: Isekai manga is a subgenre within fantasy where characters are transported to parallel worlds or alternate dimensions. These stories often involve protagonists with unique abilities navigating unfamiliar realms.Sports: Sports manga captures the excitement and competition of various athletic endeavors. Whether it's soccer, basketball, or martial arts, these stories showcase characters' dedication and growth through sports.Music: Music-themed manga revolves around the world of musicians, bands, and the pursuit of artistic excellence.
These stories often explore themes of passion, creativity, and the challenges of the music industry.Sci-Fi Romance: Combining elements of science fiction and romance, this subgenre offers unique love stories set in futuristic or otherworldly settings. It explores how technology and the unknown impact relationships.Historical Romance: Historical romance manga combines the allure of historical settings with the excitement of romantic relationships. These stories often feature star-crossed lovers in various historical eras.Reverse Harem: Reverse harem manga features a female protagonist surrounded by multiple male love interests. It explores the dynamics of relationships and emotions in a romantic context.Psychological Thriller: Psychological thriller manga keeps readers on the edge of their seats with intricate plots, mind games, and suspense. These stories often delve into the darker aspects of the human psyche.Time Travel: Time travel manga involves characters traveling through time, leading to intriguing paradoxes and complex narratives. These stories explore the consequences of altering the past or future.Parallel Universes: Similar to time travel, parallel universe manga explores the concept of multiple realities. Readers are drawn into intricate tales of alternate versions of characters and worlds.Superpowers: Superpower manga features characters with extraordinary abilities, such as telekinesis, shape-shifting, or elemental control.
These abilities often lead to epic battles and unique character dynamics.Gaming: Gaming manga revolves around virtual reality, online games, and the adventures of gamers. These stories often blur the line between the digital world and reality.Teens and Young Adults: MangaToon caters to a wide audience, including teenagers and young adults. Stories in this category often address the challenges and experiences faced by young people as they navigate relationships, school, and personal growth.Adult Content: The app also offers mature content for readers looking for more explicit or adult-oriented stories. These stories cover a range of genres and themes.MangaToon's vast and continually expanding library ensures that readers of all preferences can find engaging and captivating stories. Whether you're a fan of classic genres like romance and action or you're seeking something more niche and unique, MangaToon strives to provide an extensive selection to satisfy your reading cravings. With so many genres and stories to explore, the app offers an exciting and diverse reading experience for manga enthusiasts worldwide.
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Introduction to Entrepreneurial Mind
Discover the fascinating world of the entrepreneurial mind today. This fascinating topic explores successful entrepreneurs' unique traits, skills, and perspectives. Exploring their inner workings and what drives them is impressive. Let's discover the entrepreneurial mind together. In today's fast-paced world, some individuals have a distinct mindset. These individuals excel at identifying opportunities and making strategic decisions that lead to success. They are creative enough to find novel solutions to their travel problems. Watching these individuals navigate life with clarity and determination is fascinating. They stand out and leave a lasting impact due to their powerful mindset that propels them forward and helps them achieve their goals.
Specific individuals in the business world have a distinct entrepreneurial mindset. These individuals are driven by a strong desire for autonomy, independence, and the chance to create something extraordinary. The entrepreneurial mindset drives these people to take risks and follow their dreams. This mindset emphasizes personal control, independence from business, and unique qualities that set individuals apart. Entrepreneurs are driven by a desire for success and willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They have a natural ability to think creatively and solve problems others may not see. They always look ahead, seeking new opportunities to grow their businesses. This combination of traits makes entrepreneurs a powerful force in the industry. Being creative is needed in today's fast-paced world. A person needs a strong vision and unwavering motivation to turn ideas into reality. This person is powerful and driven to make a difference. With their eyes on the future, they refuse mediocrity. They know that thoughts aren't enough—action separates dreamers from doers. This person wants to execute their grand plans. They navigate inevitable challenges with their vision like a beacon.
Entrepreneurship is unique in business. Their extraordinary self-confidence distinguishes them from others. Their self-confidence and unwavering belief in their abilities drive their entrepreneurial journey. As you can see, entrepreneurs are unique. Their belief in their greatness is deep. Their strong self-belief and unwavering faith in potential motivate them to take risks and pursue their dreams. Gaining confidence requires effort. Success requires hard work, perseverance, and stepping outside your comfort zone. A unique trait among individuals in today's fast-paced world is their willingness to take calculated risks and embrace uncertainty. These people are comfortable breaking out of their comfort zones and exploring new experiences. To achieve greatness, one must embrace challenges and push the limits of what is possible. Risk-takers are distinguished by their ability to weigh the consequences of their actions. They realize that in today's fast-paced world, it's easy to think obstacles are just roadblocks to success. We often see them as obstacles to our goals and dreams. Consider rethinking obstacles as chances for personal growth and knowledge. Imagine a world where challenges are opportunities to grow, learn, and improve ourselves. We would embrace challenges because they could make us stronger and wiser. By viewing challenges as opportunities, we can find the positive in every situation.
Entrepreneurs have extraordinary innovation and risk-taking skills. These qualities distinguish them, fueling innovative ideas and businesses. Entrepreneurs are fearless in challenging the status quo and thinking creatively. They love challenging themselves and finding new solutions. Their relentless pursuit of innovation drives their success and growth. Entrepreneurs take calculated risks in addition to having great ideas. They know that without risk, there is no reward. In today's fast-paced world, businesses seek innovative solutions to overcome obstacles and meet the needs of their target market. They constantly seek creative solutions and strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Adaptability is essential in this changing world. Companies know their customers' needs change and must be ready to meet them. Businesses strive to find optimal solutions through innovative technology, creative thinking, or a combination of both. Innovation is essential, not a trend. Companies must be open to new ideas and push boundaries to succeed in today's competitive market. This mindset drives them to find innovative solutions that make a difference. More than a quick fix is needed. Companies know true innovation requires a deep understanding. Successful entrepreneurs can spot market opportunities in today's fast-paced, ever-changing business environment. These intelligent individuals excel at identifying gaps and unmet needs, enabling them to develop innovative solutions. A keen eye for market trends and opportunities gives entrepreneurs an edge. Their natural curiosity and consumer behavior knowledge help them stay ahead. They can spot a market gap for a new product or service, a trend that needs to be capitalized on, or an untapped niche that others may miss. When an opportunity is identified, entrepreneurs save time in action. Their drive to implement their observations is unwavering. The innovative mindset drove them to create solutions that not only.
One key trait in entrepreneurship is proactivity. This distinguishes successful entrepreneurs. It drives their ability to spot opportunities, take calculated risks, and act. Proactivity involves taking charge and exploring new options. Don't wait for things to happen; make them happen. Entrepreneurs are characterized by their proactive approach and decisiveness. These people have a distinct drive and determination. They embrace risk-taking and seek new opportunities. They anticipate customer needs due to their proactive approach. Entrepreneurs are always ready to take risks, whether launching a new product or making a strategic business move. The way they make quick, informed decisions sets them apart. While waiting for opportunities seems familiar, some defy the norm. They are passionate individuals who actively pursue their dreams and create opportunities. No more sitting around waiting for luck. These people know success is earned. They know they must get what they want. They persevere through life's curveballs, searching for the next big break. If doors don't open, they kick them down. Their mindset is proactive. They know waiting is a trap. Entrepreneurs and business owners seek new opportunities to grow their businesses in the ever-changing business world. They know that growth is critical to long-term success, so they constantly improve and expand their businesses. These individuals are eager to make a mark in business by exploring new markets, introducing innovative products or services, or adopting cutting-edge technologies. They embrace change and recognize that stagnation is not an option.
In entrepreneurship, successful individuals share a relentless drive for achievement. These aspiring entrepreneurs know that achieving goals requires more than just wishful thinking. A solid commitment to time, effort, and dedication is necessary. Starting an entrepreneurship journey involves facing challenges and uncertainties. Not for the fainthearted. People who want to succeed in this field must be determined at all times. Entrepreneurship requires countless hours of hard work and dedication. Every aspect of the venture requires time and effort, so it requires sacrifices. These individuals recognize that success requires consistent action and no tolerance for mediocrity. Despite setbacks, successful entrepreneurs persevere. They see challenges as learning opportunities. Instead of giving up, they overcome challenges, believing each knock brings them closer to their goals. In addition to driving, successful entrepreneurs are committed. They know that achieving their dreams requires complete dedication to their craft. Some individuals excel in overcoming challenges and setbacks, demonstrating exceptional determination and adaptability. These people face life's challenges head-on with unwavering determination. Seeing their tenacity in overcoming obstacles is truly inspiring. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Although the task may seem daunting, they persevere through challenges and obstacles. Their relentless spirit and unwavering determination drive them forward. They draw strength from adversity to overcome the impossible. These people know life isn't easy. This rollercoaster ride has unexpected twists and turns. Despite the uncertainty, they accept it.
The entrepreneurial mindset is a unique way of thinking that inspires people. This mindset drives them to fearlessly explore the unknown, push the limits of what is possible, and relentlessly pursue their dreams. This mindset values innovation and seeks better ways to do things. It is a mindset that aims for greatness and always takes time to lead. A strong desire for success drives individuals to achieve new heights and exceed expectations. The entrepreneurial mindset encourages risk-taking, innovation, initiative, and self-determined success. Entrepreneurs' unique traits and attitudes help them start and grow businesses. These traits distinguish them and contribute to their entrepreneurial success.
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gre7n · 1 year
Small Essay about Buddhism and What Makes a Religion Convincing
*written for class*
"How do the rituals at the Buddhist Temple relate to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?"
Sometimes the things we do every day seem so obvious that we don’t even think about them. Whether it be going to the store, work, or a friend’s house, the reasons for these actions can sometimes fade into the seams of meaning through repetition. We may not even have a reason other than the fact that we were told to do so and that some vague concept of “consequences” will unfold if you do not keep these tasks alive. On top of this fact, if it is a habit of someone else that we do not personally possess, the underlying meaning can be even more obfuscated. This exact scenario is quite common when it comes to religious practice. This is why it is important to keep in touch with the reason people do things because they may be driven by things outside our scope of understanding, and through personal study one may actually reach a deeper knowledge not just of them but ourselves as well. One such powerful example is with Buddhism in modern America. Various rituals such as meditation, worship of the buddha, and the Sunday Thai food market all serve to point towards the Four Noble Truths that the Buddhists teach.
So, what are these so-called Four Noble Truths and how do these rituals point towards them? Well, the truths contained are so: life is suffering, suffering is caused by the self/ego, the suffering can pass like a car going down the road, and finally through living ethically and following the path of enlightenment can this be achieved.
Great, so now what?
Well, let's take a look back at the various rituals discussed earlier. Specifically, we can start with meditation. Meditation can take many forms but the basic essence is to calm the mind through attempting to achieve stillness. This is typically done by sitting still and focusing on breaths in order to become more in tune with the self. The idea is that after about 10 minutes of trying to still a (especially modern) mind, then we will quickly come to agree that life includes suffering. On top of this, because there are no external stimuli, we are forced to agree that the suffering is coming from within. The rest takes some convincing and dedication. The claim is that after enough disciplined practice you will come to an understanding based in nothing other than your own self on the nature of reality and the ways you can influence it. It's important that it comes from within because that is the only way we can ever possibly experience the universe in this lifetime. My experience is directly related to what I believe so the realization that my judgements on my experience is even slightly flawed forces me to completely reevaluate how I process information. This paradoxical realization stems from the clearest perspective which typically arises during mediation, thus, the implication is that through more meditation, more fundamental truths can be realized and is the clearest most default state of existence. Finally the solace is felt in the initial turmoil, and the final two truths can be felt and understood to be true.
Sounds fair enough, but what about worship of the Buddha? How could putting a worldly person so high on a pedestal possibly be a good idea? Well, the key is held in a few places. First, the pure history of the religion means that this story has permeated millions of lives and impacted them in some way or another. Many claim a wonderful life thanks to the teachings and it has withstood generations of scrutiny from many people who are eager to push it out for something else. This alone means that there is likely much to explore in the fundamental ideas that are taught to every person. And what is one of the most fundamental teachings? To meditate. Which, as we already discussed, is a perfect self-contained explanation of the Four Noble Truths. Because the core of the teachings is to think for one’s own self then clearly control of others was not on the mind of the buddha when spreading his ideas. Finally we can learn to respect the idea of the Buddha because even if he ends up one day not being perfect in action, we can at least agree that he was perfect enough for thousands of years of people worshiping him. Thus the worship ends up being an emphatic “yes!” said by the soul that sees great unity in his existence even if it's simply the idea of him. The Buddha is a dead “living” proof of the teachings and serves as a goal to obtain and reach (much like Jesus in Christianity).
Finally, a ritual that should be mentioned is actually more of a local one. At a Buddhist temple near where I live, Thai food is sold on a market along with group meditation exercises. The point of this, ultimately, is to bring the people together and give them an excuse to be around each other and share the collective culture (especially so many thousands of miles away from Thailand). How better to display the validity of fundamental truths by showing the world how happy you are, put simply. These people will happily engage with each other and talk about all sorts of things every single week (which can hardly even be said of christianity these days). These actions aren’t even done out of a desire to prove anything, rather, they prove themselves outwardly by simply focusing on what's important. Everything good and right such as community and love, are what arises naturally in these fertilized environments. It’s a subtle reminder that we’re all in this together and were given a human body just like everyone else. So what could really be so different from you and I?
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The Vanishing Identity
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The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett is quite something.
This blog writer is impressed. A standing ovation at some points during the reading journey. Like, the novel is going to be given a 5-star rating, however there is disappointment in its very hanging ending… (as if the storytelling stopped abruptly and just… vanished), thus the many lingering, unanswered questions… and so it will be given a 4.
“If a book is well-written, I always find it too short”, says Jane Austen. While this blogger finds the book richly and sumptuously well-written, it’s not that it is found to be too short, though it somehow feels that way for just leaving a reader hanging. The more palpable impact is in the acknowledgement of how the novel feels alive, with legs, and how the blog writer wants to walk with it to approach the author directly and discuss / probably brainstorm with her (if permitted) resolutions that could patch up a missing blank page, if not a chapter.
The kind of ending it has is probably a beauty in itself. That’s maybe how the author intended to deliver her story. It’s just that the gap-filling researcher in this blog writer wants to extend how the novel ended, with a  “data-gathering” among a sample of the white husband Blake Sanders’ character profile, for example, and delve into understanding the psychology behind possible reactions - as well as the consequences - when faced with the secret truths of his wife Stella Vignes’ passing-as-white actions, which directly concern him / (them). Or look into how the scene will be executed to play out with the melding of worlds if it is Desiree, for instance, who visits Stella in her built environment.
“Sometimes Stella wondered if ‘Miss Vignes’ was a separate person altogether. Maybe ‘Miss Vignes’ wasn’t a mask that she puts on. Maybe ‘Miss Vignes’ was already part of her, as if she had been split in half. Stella could become whichever woman she decided, whichever side of her face she tilted to the light.
Stella imagined, more than once, telling her daughter the truth, about her hometown Mallard, and her twin sister Desiree, and her life then in New Orleans. How she’d pretended to be someone else because she needed a job, and after a while, pretending became a reality. She could tell the truth, she thought, but there was no single truth anymore. She’d lived a life split between two women — each real, each a lie.”
The novel reached its end (unexpectedly) with a cloud of questions in a black hole overhead, so, minus 1 star. 4-stars it is.
Quantification aside, it offers a good “empathization” for entities that may find it difficult to tick a single box, or to fall under one category, in entry points where race and gender information are tabulated. It’s a good exploration (and excellent articulation!) of deliberately-drawn lines to keep some people or one’s self out or to belong, and the lengths others go to keep the delineation marks clear, in effect, in order, just to manage identity representation in relation to underlying motivations — either for wanting to opt out of the echoing impacts of unpleasant past situations, and / or to exercise responsibility and protection over people chosen to be with.
The interesting question is -- whose life course would one rather take: Desiree’s who “succumbed” to her roots and lived her life in routine, but with close attachment and ties with people linked to her identity by blood; or Stella’s who chose to forget her past, her ties, and forged a new identity past the “limitations” of her skin color, while taking over a life of comfort and stability, but living her days feeling like a charlatan?
(Must it really be just one over the other?... Can’t one pick each of the good from both sides?)
Praises also to the author’s artistry for using the parallelism between the act of establishing and reinforcing an identity to base a life to build on, and the art and craft of stage theatre acting.
“The hardest part about becoming someone else was deciding to. The rest was only logistics. She’d created a new life with a man who could never truly know her, but how could she walk away from it now? It was the only life she had left.”
“Strange that the greatest compliment an actress could receive was that she had disappeared into somebody else. Acting is not about being seen, a drama teacher told her once. True acting meant becoming invisible so that only the character shone through.”
In our non-fiction dimension wherein there’s a noted gap between real-life and the cyber world, the novel is a pretty solid source of insights - and puts forth a very human face - to anyone seeking a deeper understanding on the subject around varying facets of virtual identification and representation, and perhaps learn a thing or two about how to properly approach the matter with an intention of narrowing the divide.
“But what type of person threatened to sue his way into a neighbourhood where he would not be welcomed? Why would anyone insist on doing such a thing? To make a point? To make himself miserable? To end up on the nightly news like all those protesters, beaten or martyred in hopes of convincing white people to change their minds?”
This part of the story when the homeowners in the Sanders’ neighbourhood were fretting over what to do with an incoming presence of coloured people in their residential community, makes an interesting point of discussion.
This blogger is Asian (not black), but as a person professionally dealing with people’s perceptions and social / market behaviours and how these influence aspects of an economy -
For the white community in 1960s-1970s Brentwood (well, this is just referenced from the setting used in the novel), a family of coloured people settling in a location where they’re not exactly welcomed may seem foolish, and that may be a valid way of looking at things. But what may not be being factored-in is how for coloured people, there is likely some sense of achievement in having gone farther than what one has been hammered down to believe is his or her limitation. How there is “life” and “living”, too, in pushing the envelope; in extending the limits of what has been socially-imposed to one’s “kind”. How there is a sense of satisfaction in being a force that attempts to equalise something perceived as unequal - in taking steps to a path that solidifies rather than vanishes identity.
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janice1303 · 2 years
Role of governments in our lives
Akhila K
A government is an institution that has authority over a country and its people; a system that exercises power. But the question arising throughout history and today is how far this power should extend. How much control is too much control? In the haze of political powerplay, decision-making, and regulation, the line between maintaining law and order and absolutism is blurring, paving the way to dictatorship and tyranny.
Present and past dictatorships indicate how much a regulatory body’s actions can control people’s lives, and how it can cloister them into suffocated spaces with no freedom. Dictatorships are formed with the premise of becoming an ideal nation. However, in this idealism, what prevails is suppression, a battleground where people are expected to fit into government ideals, the consequence otherwise being death.
For example, in Nazi Germany, all aspects of life were controlled by Hitler. Genocide, concentration camps, mass murder, racism, and antisemitism were central to Hitler’s rule. In the genocide, known as the Holocaust, around six million Jews and people belonging to population groups such as Roma, Poles, Ukrainians, as well as Black Germans, and disabled people were murdered.
Similarly, under Pol Pot’s regime where Cambodia was converted into a one-party communist state, the government forced citizens to wear black clothing, relocated the urban population to work on collective farms, abolished money, and perpetrated the Cambodian genocide. Approximately a quarter of Cambodia’s population died because of mass killings of government opponents, poor health care, and malnutrition. Taraith Kho’s poem ‘Water Convolvulus' draws attention to these atrocities. The poem reflects the cultural meaning of the Khmer saying – that which is beautiful is often cut off and taken away. Kho expresses the Cambodian suffering in the lines, “While the drowning water convolvulus mourns the loss, for it had believed that its struggle would win it life.”
The role of government in our lives or rather how it suppresses us is vividly depicted in Literature. For example, the dangers of totalitarianism is explored in the worldwide bestseller The Hunger Games where the government is depicted as an evil regime that maintains its power through wealth and fear, thus warning against a future where class, power, and politics become the chief wheels that drive a nation leaving its people in ruin.
Similarly, Harryette Mullen’s poem ‘We are not responsible’ cleverly depicts how an unaccountable government washes off its bloody hands in the lines, “We are not responsible for your lost or stolen relatives…You were detained for interrogation because you fit the profile. You are not presumed to be innocent if the police have reason to suspect you are carrying a concealed wallet…You have no rights we are bound to respect. Please remain calm, or we can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.”
Despite dictatorships being different and ranging at various periods of history the one common trait that is basic to all of them is their hunger for power. Their need to strike dominance over their people and the world. This power, something that is inherent to a government body, is what often turns what should be service to the people to repression of the people.
It’s interesting how many governments start with a promise of a better future, of a utopia. The result often is a bleak horizon, a nightmarish reality where the only thing that matters is how well you can conform and adjust and not speak up when they deny you your rights, not speak up when every part of you is claimed, not speak up when your own life is stolen from you, not speak up as they mould you to into another pawn in the never-ending cycle of power and politics. 
The lives of people are always defined by the country and its government. Their economic condition, future, and rights are impacted by the lawmakers.  The oppression of women under the Taliban government in Afghanistan, the North Korean dictatorship where its people are confined in a country with no freedom, Reproductive rights being denied even in developed countries like the US, Religious riots, Corruption, Racism, and Inequality in almost every corner of the world, France’s controversial ban of hijab, the Yemen Crisis, Russia – Ukraine War, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are some of the many examples of how governments and its institutions affect people’s lives.
The government and its people are interdependent. It is necessary to ensure that this interdependent relationship remains instead of one where there is a loss of identity and only war-ravaged cities with an unanswerable government scrambling to organise power at the cost of its people.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Yan Diluc, Childe, and Venti HCs.
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i’ve been into genshin impact the past month so it was just inevitable at this point
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Diluc’s descent into obsession would be a slow one, characterized by doubt and distancing. He’s journeyed the world, exploring the darkest corners, coming out a different person for it. Change doesn’t always mean improvement. Underneath a carefully crafted façade of composure, is the fear that he’ll lose you too. 
His mind becomes a battleground, logic versus emotion. Diluc is aware of what his impulses mean, that it’s immoral, and how he shouldn’t entertain them any longer. Entangling himself in a romantic relationship would serve no practical purpose. He tells himself this, unable to look away when you’re in the room. His thoughts don’t align with his actions. 
Diluc is mindful of his actions and surveillance of you. He can’t get too close -- not yet -- while there are still people who’d seek to hurt him by any means necessary. So for now, he contents himself in making small but meaningful contributions to your life. 
Not one to flaunt his wealth openly, Diluc would be surprised how much of a crutch it becomes in his pursuit of you. Mysterious gifts from an unknown admirer become the norm in your life. He’s displeased with himself at first, but being as inexperienced in courting as he is, it feels like a good place to start.
Your interactions are curt yet pleasant. When Diluc isn’t working, he tends to avoid people but is always open to discussion with you. He allows you to carry the conversation, asking open-ended questions with the hopes of learning more. Any troubles in your life that you share with Diluc will seemingly disappear overnight. 
The only time he’d ever take drastic action is if you were somehow in danger. That’d be a tipping point, one he’d never bounce back from, crazed at the idea of you being harmed. What he ultimately will depend on you. Should you welcome Diluc into your life, under the guise of keeping you safe, all will seem well on a surface level. 
It’s when you refuse the limitations he “suggests” following your life-threatening encounter, that Diluc changes his methodology. He’ll explain, in a calm voice, that your physical well-being will come before your happiness.  
Childe, while not malicious for the sake of it, has shown he’s willing to accomplish his morally ambiguous goals by any means. This means that nothing in the pursuit of winning you over his off the table. Bribing, intimidation, kidnapping; whatever it takes is his motto. 
He’ll initiate a give and take relationship to ensnare you. The phrase “too good to be true”, is evident with Childe. You don’t meet the standards for a loan with the bank? Oh, you poor thing, leave it all to him; he promises to take care of everything. Childe disguises himself as your savior when in reality, he’s anything but altruistic. There comes a time where the debt will be repaid. 
It won’t come down crashing down at you at once. No, it’ll be a slow yet steady plan to trap you, and an effective one. Childe will hint at suggestions on how to keep him on your good side. That he’s done oh so much for you, more than anyone else would. Why not give him a chance? 
If you deny him what he wants outright, you won’t see the consequences immediately. Childe will sigh, muttering something about how unfortunate your decision is, but that he thinks he can change your mind eventually. All said with a tight-lipped smile. 
That’s when you feel the ripples in the water. Any business that you’re associated with will be met with fierce competition from the Fatui, rendering them obsolete. This extends to your family as well, financial pressure unrelenting from all sides, a clear agitator in your mind. 
You know it’s Childe. He knows that you know. And god, if he doesn’t love every second of it, watching how you’re forced to come crawling back to him. Or maybe he’ll pay you a visit, under the pretense of checking in. Whatever the case may be, you’re presented with a single out. Devote your life to him as he has his to yours. 
Childe promises you, that all will be forgiven, that he’s willing to put it in the past. So don’t look at him like that, he is being more generous with you than he would be anyone else. Don’t test that benevolence any longer. Giving yourself to him isn’t an unreasonable request, he assures. 
Venti isn’t held back by rules and obligations like most. He does what interests him, whether it be traveling or recounting legends to captivated crowds. Trivial matters, or more precisely, human matters such as love were never given credence. This leads him to be unsure of his approach to you. 
He plays it as naturally as he can. Venti makes random appearances in your life, popping up at the most opportune times, intent on seeking out your company. Even if you’re busy, he’ll still be by to chat you up. There’s no ridding yourself of him. Venti is everywhere you are. 
You might be left with the impression that he knows more than he lets on. That beneath the carefree smiles and singing, there’s ancient wisdom being drawn from. Venti knows a little too much -- more than any man could -- and doesn’t seem to care much that you pick up on it. If anything, he hopes that it’ll impress you. 
Venti believes that the winds will lead you to him. Even if it’s just for a moment, he omits the knowledge of how immoral this is from his mind, guiding you on a path with a single destination. Venti reassures himself that such minor interference on his behalf is trivial. 
Venti’s surprised by much he enjoys physical contact. Even if it’s just resting his head against your shoulder, it’s thrilling, unlike anything he’s experienced before. He has numerous methods of getting information on you, but none can compete with the pleasure of close physical proximity. He’s very touchy, shrugging it off should you ever point it out.
When he can no longer suppress his obsession with you, it bleeds into every aspect of his life. Venti’s lyrics and ballads will consist solely of love stories, a stark change in tone from his normal adventure-based narratives. Some might gather that the young bard himself fell in love by how personal the stories sound. 
One thing’s for certain, Venti will remain ever-present in your life, no matter what measures you take. Mondstadt and beyond, the winds will always bring you back to him. He’s more than happy to remind you of this with a thrilled tone. That it’ll be far less painful should you cave to his whims. 
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wordsnstuff · 3 years
Guide to Creating Magic Systems
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Decide What is “Good” and “Evil”
This is a big decision, because it’s going to impact the way your characters use magic, and the overall theme/tone of the story. You must decide where the moral limitations of magic stand, in addition to the practical limitations. You must also decide who can/does overstep those moral or societal boundaries. This is a great place where you can find conflict and establish the themes of your story.
Establish Clear Limits
All quality magic systems have clear limits in their reality. Sometimes time travel is possible, sometimes it isn’t. More “powerful” spells, or spells with greater physical implications, will require greater sacrifices, like death, loss, or pain.  Deciding these limits are a key task you must accomplish early in the process of designing a magic system, because it can impact the conflict, plot points, character motivations, and more.
Establish Consequences
Arguably, magic systems aren’t interesting or engaging unless the reader is aware that any use of magic will have some consequence. Not always an epic consequence, because some magic systems are designed to be fun and full of wonder, and therefore some magic should be available to serve that purpose without being overshadowed by impending consequence. However, if magic plays a major part in your conflict or conflict resolution, it would benefit your story to establish a system of consequences or effects that come as a result of using various amounts or levels or types of magic that exist in your universe.
Diversity in Magic (Powers & Users)
One of the more contemporary grievances about magic systems is that it’s very one-size-fits-all, or bland in terms of who can/does use magic and how they do so. It’s worth your time to explore the idea of including multiple groups or species who can use magic and determining how the way they use it can differ. Regional characteristics of magic users and habits/idiosyncrasies that differ depending on class/race/social status/location. It can also be an interesting point of contention in your story/world to think about how different groups or individuals influence the methodology or views on magic. Do some view it as a sacred gift that is only to be used according to ancient tradition? Does this conflict with more modern views of younger users who view it as a tool that should be used whenever to make life easier?
Establish a Source & Theory
On a lot of occasions, this development is mostly for your own sake as the writer. However, it’s immensely helpful to know where magic came from or how it came to be available/wielded, and how that affects its value or role in your world. This is typically the kind of information authors put a lot of thought into and then end up stuffing as much of it into the preliminary drafts as possible, only to cut 90% of it out later, but even if it’s never explicitly stated in the text, writing the story with that context in mind can considerably enrich the story.
Common Struggles
~ How do I establish magic is a thematic element as well as a world building one?... Make your magic mean something. Using magic systems as a decoration is a staple of the fantasy genre, so you must establish the intrigue of your magic system through who uses it, and how they choose to do so. Use magic as a tool to explore the themes of the story. It doesn’t have to be a metaphor itself, but it can do wonders in delivering subtle nudges toward the overall point of the story. Think of it as a thematic tool, instead of a plot ornament.
~ How do I depict the use of magic in an engaging way?... Big magic and small magic. Sure, there will probably be some epic battles or intense displays of incredible power, but if this ability is widespread and considered typical, show the little things as well. Characters usually have “stage business”, or mundane actions they accomplish to break up dialogue or make scenes more dynamic, and this stage business is a great opportunity to show everyday magic. Doing laundry, getting coffee, catching a bus, sorting paperwork, etc. are all tasks that would be more convenient with magic, so show it. Use these little moments to periodically inform/remind the reader of the breadth/limitations of magic and the diversity in who uses it and how.
~ How do I convey the intricacies of the magic system without info-dumping periodically throughout my story?... Find places in scenes that you wouldn’t necessarily assume magic would be a necessary part of and ask yourself how a character who has magic (and perhaps always has) would live that moment differently from you (a person who does not and never has had that ability). If they’re doing the dishes in this scene, would they be doing it manually or directing the objects to move with magic because they don’t like getting their hands wet? A lot of the charm in magical stories is the escapism; the idea that life could be so different, and probably more convenient, if one had magic. So, lean into this, use opportunities you find to inject some context or information about the rules/limitations/history/etc., and the magic will naturally integrate itself.
~ How do I achieve a magic system that adds to a reader’s enjoyment, rather than simply acting as a story garnish?... A lot of writers try to recapture the fascination readers have with magic systems in stories like Harry Potter, and it’s important to denote that what sets that magic system apart from the others is that it was built using various source materials that weren’t inherently magical. If you try to build a magic system based on one in another story, it’s unlikely you’ll come up with any original ideas. The magic in Harry Potter was constructed using Latin roots, global mythology, and various references to popular tropes in literature about witches, wizards, fictional creatures, etc. Additionally, a lot of the conflict regarding magic was derived from real world issues, such as prejudice. Magic for the sake of magic does little to interest a reader who is well versed in the genre, but magic created from scratch to serve a unique purpose will intrigue and entertain them. 
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rpbetter · 3 years
"So long as they're holding muses accountable."
Okay...ignoring that no one voted you in as the Roleplay Police, are you going to tell everyone what you, specifically, feel constitutes "held accountable?" No? You don't know, but they should, as purveyors of "freak shit," though? It's only your problem to point out that it is a problem, and that there are vague, equally arbitrary allowances. Right.
Please, stop saying this shit.
No one has to "hold their muse accountable," nor do they need to do so according to standards not their own, never even clarified because it's just a buzz phrase to look less like a policing asshat.
If someone wants to write their Problematic Muse du Jour as having negative impacts from their actions, that's great!
Because that tends to be good, interesting storytelling and exploration of characters. Their muse has an arc in which they suffer consequences and learn from the experience to be a better, or just less vile, person. I hope that mun, and their writing partners who consented to interact with their muse and write this story, are enjoying the hell out of their RP!
If someone has no desire to do this whatsoever, they're not condoning, romanticizing, or normalizing anything.
They're just enjoying one point of a story, going about RP in a different style than you that doesn't allow for this kind of comeuppance to occur, and/or trying to keep their villainous muse villainous for the duration of a thread. Not every character has the arc of becoming less evil, and it's great to explore different characters and arcs! I hope that person, and their writing partners who consented to this muse and story, are enjoying the hell out of their RP!
Absolutely no one needs to justify what they're writing to you. They don't need coping or trauma to validate their right to write as they wish. They don't need to remind you on their blog's tagline, their rules, their muse bio, their verses, their every HC post, shit post, gushing about their muse post, and thread that they know their character did x and they're a terrible person who does terrible things they don't condone in reality.
If you cannot understand that muns are aware of what their muses are or that what is going on in a thread is ~ Problematic ~, you are the one with a problem here.
You can deal with your problem by not interacting, blocking, filtering, and staying in your own, morally pure corner like an adult interacting with other, cognizant adults. Not by assuming that everyone except yourself is unaware that there are Upsetting Things occurring, and it is your mission to protect the whole RPC by informing everyone you come across that they need to be "holding the muse accountable." Which more often than not means holding the mun to extreme standards of confessing constantly what we all know about their muse and Dark Topics. You can literally opt-out of RP with anyone, it's alright.
But they didn't address that the muse canonically killed people, even children, and is sexually deviant in this headcanon, they're excusing it!!
They're addressing a topic that isn't the one we're all aware of about their muse. They don't need to restate that "none of this excuses my muse's actions, of course" in every damn HC they write. We don't need to know this when someone is talking about how their muse's trauma relates to their viewpoint on shoelaces. You need to stop. You're fixated. Don't you have a hobby to get back to over in your own lane?
Be better to each other by respecting autonomy and the reality that you are interacting with other adults who are just as aware as you are. Be better to each other by leaving others alone when you don't vibe with what they're doing. You're not saving the world, it's fiction, and not even widespread, published fiction. It's roleplay that you have to consent to engaging with. If you're going to infantilize others by insisting they don't understand why something is Problematic in fiction, you need to come back when you grow up and are ready to interact with adults.
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one where Y/N can't find the hole
Part 3 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, cockwarming (later chapters)
Will include elements of TFATWS in later chapters
Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
After the moment in your kitchen, contact between the two of you became more frequent. You found yourself falling asleep with your head resting on his shoulder during movie nights, greeting each other with a quick hug, you’d even been so bold to kiss his cheek good night after a few too many drinks. Bucky had quickly become a solid fixture in your life, the best friend you hadn’t realised you were missing.
Your attraction to him hadn’t gone away despite your many attempts at squashing your feelings. If anything you fell for him more every day.
Things for Bucky weren’t going well either. His failed attempt at flirting during your first encounter should’ve warned him off from even dreaming you and him could ever be something more but he couldn’t help himself.
For the past few decades he’d gone from one fight to the next, never having a minute to process what he’d done, what the consequences of his actions were. After the events of the snap he’d finally been given the gift of time but that led to him having to face his demons, actually attempting to deal with everything that had happened.
And then you walked into his life, the cute neighbour in 4B who’d never so much glanced at him until you needed his help in the lobby. He remembered the encounter well and it brought a smile to his lips when he remembered the feel of your body pressed against his and the way your arm slotted into his perfectly.
Despite this, he never felt anything else but friendship from you. The time in the kitchen had given him hope that perhaps you did see him in a romantic way but the way you reverted back to your easy back and forth banter told him otherwise. Any kind of relationship he got with you, whether platonic or otherwise he would cherish. Recently though, you had been testing his will power.
Despite living in the best city in the world, you didn’t indulge in socialising as much as you really should. But it was your birthday and despite the many objections you had, your work colleagues had dragged you out to a couple of bars, intent on celebrating.
You’d had a few too many and decided to call it a night around 1am, bidding your friends good night.
Your journey through the lobby in your apartment building was easy enough and although it took you a good few minutes to realise you hadn’t selected a floor once in the elevator, you’d made it to your hallway. Key in hand, you tried your best to insert it into the hole, failing miserably.
“Just go in - you little shit - urgh - come on!”
Giving up, you let out another huff in frustration and turned around, leaning your back against the door.
A second later you heard a squeak as the door moved, throwing you backwards into the empty space. On instinct, you shut your eyes waiting for an impact that never came. Instead, an arm caught you mid fall, the other propping you up back onto your feet. “Woah doll, what’s going on?” Slowly, he removed his arm from around your waist before promptly putting it back in place as he saw the way you swayed.
“My hero!” You replied, beaming up at him. “Hey, what are you doing in my apartment?” Looking around, your face etched with confusion as you pondered where your furniture had gone.
“This isn’t your apartment Y/N, you tried breaking into my place.” He tried his best to not laugh but failed miserably as it dawned on you what you had done.
“Ooooh!” Your voice was slightly louder than you intended.
Chuckling away, he took your hand that had been reaching towards his beard and began guiding you to your apartment across from his. “C’mon doll, let's get you to bed.”
Taking the keys gently from your hand, he slotted them into the hole and opened your door for you.
“Mmm okay Sergeant but I’m on top”
Bucky's eyes bulged out of his head as he felt his jaw go slack, not quite able to comprehend what you were saying. He snapped back to reality as he heard the sound of your zipper and swiftly sprung into action.
“No no no, come on Y/N, lets keep that on yeah? You need to sleep.” He tried his best, he really did but no matter what he did you kept trying to take your dress off as he guided you to your room. Finally losing his patience, he tucked his arm under your knees and lifted you up, quickly striding over to your bed and lying you down underneath the covers. As quick as he could, he removed your shoes and covered you back up in fear you’d take the opportunity to strip off again.
“Stay there.” He pointed his finger at you as he backed out of your room to grab a glass of water. By the time he came back, your eyes had started to droop with tiredness, the effect of the alcohol bringing you under. “I’m going to leave this here” he said, pulling your waste bin to the edge of the bed. Gently, he reached behind you and grabbed a couple of pillows and wedged them behind your back, ensuring you wouldn’t risk falling asleep on your back in your current state.
“Happy birthday Y/N” He whispered, planting a quick kiss on your forehead before quietly leaving your bedroom.
The next day you had no recollection of what happened after you left your friends but you knew damn well who had tucked you into bed and left a single flower behind.
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muffinrecord · 3 years
All this consequence stuff got me thinking: is there like an actual set rule for wishes to ultimately backfire in canon? I feel like there is but I feel like it’s not explicitly stated, just implied. Cuz like, on one end of course all actions have consequences, but on the other I feel like I see a lot of interpretations where the wish inevitably twists in on itself due to fate or the nature of Kyubey’s contracting process. It’s confusing and I wanna explore it more so I figured I’d ask for input fjfndmd
To be honest, I always thought that the whole "something positive must come with something negative" wasn't actually confirmed but just Kyoko's philosophy. But then when Madoka becomes Madokami, Kyubey states that a wish like hers that re-creates a world would have to result in despair that could end a world (I don't remember the exact wording).
I think you can interpret it as a matter of opinion. Personally, I prefer the idea that consequences aren't something inherent to the system, but because the kids aren't fully thinking out their wishes. Any decision a person makes will come with consequences, it's just that these are REALLY big decisions.
This is mostly because I don't like the "evil genie" concept or the whole "wanting the world to become better is bad" idea. But a kid making a wish that they think is what they want, only for it not to be?That's just part of growing up.
I think that's one reason why PMMM is so impactful... I can't relate to selling my soul to fight monsters for the sake of becoming a magical girl, but I can relate to Sayaka helping someone she likes to the detriment of her own future and then not even getting that person's affection out of it. It's not that the person is bad, or that you're bad-- it's just part of growing up and understanding yourself. It’s about what expectations you had versus the actual reality. 
That doesn't actually answer your question though does it afkljasfklja I'll put this in the tag so that folks can respond if they have sources!
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Submitted Prompt: Silenced, Heard
Silencer AU: A tale of many converging AUs:
1) Silencer “Stole” Marinette’s voice, but having the Akuma say the activation phrases has no impact on Marinette’s powers because the Miraculous Wielder has to be the one to say it, not just a mimic saying it. Which means Marinette does not have access to her Lucky Charm during the battle, which means if she wants to transform back, she needs to remove her Miraculous.
2) Silencer stealing Marinette’s voice means they stole all of her activation phrases. Including the Miraculous Cure! Silencer, being quite a bit smarter than Hawkmoth on their own, quickly casts the Cure on a guitar they broke in half, and with no Purified Akuma to power the wider range and area of effect, only the guitar is repaired and all other effects from Silencer will now be permanent. Marinette only realizes something is wrong when her Earrings start giving their warning beep… 
2.1) Silencer steals all of Marinette’s activation phrases, and realizes they can cause her to detransform and find out her identity; without being able to speak, Marinette will not be able to retransform again. 
2.2) Tikki is also Silenced like Marinette… or…
2.3) Tikki is not Silenced. This does not bode well for Hawkmoth, because Tikki is normally prevented from using her powers directly; however, if her wielder is incapacitated while wielding her Miraculous, Tikki is allowed to defend her wielder with all of her power. Hawkmoth better start running, because Tikki can use her Lucky Charm as many times in a row as she wants, and her Charms are a bit more terrifying and efficient than Marinette’s, seeing as Tikki is not limited to earthly objects and concepts with her Charms.
3) No Matter which specific AU leads to it, the results are the same: Marinette and everyone else effected by Silencer are permanently mute, even after Silencer is defeated and Luka is freed from Hawkmoth’s control–
However, far from being “stuck” as Ladybug, or these events being used to force Marinette to reveal her identity to Adrien by having him take her Miraculous off for random reasons, Marinette is able to remove her own Miraculous to transform back after Silencer is defeated, give Tikki food to refuel, and then sit down in her room to really absorb the knowledge that she will never be able to talk again.
… or will she? 
Marinette turns on her computer and together with Tikki, takes a deep dive into the world of Sign Language.
Because Kwami are extradimensional beings that embody concepts integral to the universe itself; why would they be limited to merely audible words to invoke their powers?
Explore the world where Marinette learns Sign Language to help her adapt after Silencer, and how the city of Paris adapts to, (or fails to adapt to) all of these prominent figures (including the Mayor and a famous musician) who are now permanently disabled because of Hawkmoth.
How does the Mayor (And Chloe) react to this new reality?
Does the Mayor take Hawkmoth’s threat more seriously now that he has been permanently hurt in a way that will impact him for the rest of his life? How carefully must Gabriel step now that the Mayor is no longer ignoring his prescence because ‘everything gets fixed in the end’?
How does Adrien react to his partner being permanently mute? We already saw that he treated the matter as a joke when it happened, and even mocked her.
Does this permanent-effect finally get Adrien to take his head out of his ass and take being a hero seriously now that his excuse card of “"ladybug always fixes it in the end”“ is no longer valid? When consequences stick? When selfish actions directly put people in danger that cannot be fixed?
Or does he stay as he does in canon, and continue to treat being a superhero as a fun past-time instead of a sacred duty that he signed up for when he accepted his Miraculous? Does he get even more zealous about lying to everyone about his and Marinette’s so-called "relationship” now that he can literally put words in her mouth and she has no easy way to refute his claims right away?
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From the Stacks: Body, Mind, & Spirit: Meditation
Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny by Sadhguru
What is karma? Most people understand karma as a balance sheet of good and bad deeds, virtues and sins. The mechanism that decrees that we cannot evade the consequences of our own actions. In reality, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment. Karma simply means action: your action, your responsibility. It isn't some external system of crime and punishment, but an internal cycle generated by you. Accumulation of karma is determined only by your intention and the way you respond to what is happening to you. Over time, it's possible to become ensnared by your own unconscious patterns of behavior. In Karma, Sadhguru seeks to put you back in the driver's seat, turning you from a terror-struck passenger to a confident driver navigating the course of your own destiny. By living consciously and fully inhabiting each moment, you can free yourself from the cycle. Karma is an exploration and a manual, restoring our understanding of karma to its original potential for freedom and empowerment instead of a source of entanglement. Through Sadhguru's teachings, you will learn how to live intelligently and joyfully in a challenging world.
Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation by Bob Roth, Kevin Carr O'Leary
A simple, straightforward exploration of Transcendental Meditation and its benefits from world authority Bob Roth.
Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele Bündchen.
What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past forty-five years helping many thousands of people access their innate creativity and power through this simple, nonreligious technique. Roth’s students range from titans of business and the arts to federal prisoners, from war-scarred veterans to overworked moms and dads.
Medical experts agree that the epidemic of stress is damaging our physical and emotional health at younger and younger ages. While there is no one single cure, the Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple practice that dramatically changes how we respond to stress and life’s challenges. With scientifically proven benefits— reduced stress and anxiety, and improved focus, sleep, resilience, creativity, and memory, to name a few—this five-thousand-year-old technique has a clear and direct impact on our very modern problems.
Once a skeptic, Roth trained under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the twentieth century’s foremost scientist of consciousness and meditation, and has since become one of the most experienced and sought-after meditation teachers in the world. In Strength in Stillness, Roth breaks down the science behind Transcendental Meditation in a new, accessible way. He highlights the three distinct types of meditation—Focused Attention, Open Monitoring, and Self-Transcending—and showcases the evidence that the third, Self-Transcending, or Transcendental Meditation, is a uniquely accessible, effective, and efficient way to reduce stress, access inner power, and build resilience.
The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World by Emma Mildon
From aromatherapy and numerology to healing crystals and meditation, this fun and sassy guide to everything body-mind-spirit defines New Age practices for a new generation.
What type of crystal should I put in my car for a road trip? Should I Feng Shui my smart phone screen? In this illuminating introduction for the modern-day soul searcher, Emma Mildon shines light on everything your mom didn’t teach you about neo–New Age practices.
With something for every type of spiritual seeker, The Soul Searcher’s Handbook offers easy tips, tricks, and how-tos for incorporating everything from dreamology and astrology to mysticism and alternative healing into your everyday life. This handbook is your #1 go-to guide—handy, accessible, entertaining, and packed with all the wisdom you need in one place.
Your destiny, gifted to you at birth, is waiting. So plug into the universe, dig your toes into the soil of Mother Earth, and open your soul to your full potential. Regardless of what you’re seeking, The Soul Searcher’s Handbook is your awakening to a more fulfilling and soulful life.
Genuine Happiness: Meditation as the Path to Fulfillment by B. Alan Wallace
In today's overstimulated world, many are realizing that happiness gained through material wealth and frivolous conquests is short-lived. To achieve long-term happiness, you must access your own bountiful resources—housed in your heart and mind. In Genuine Happiness, longtime Buddhist practitioner Alan Wallace shows you the path to bliss. Drawing on more than three decades of study under His Holiness the Dalai Lama and sixty other teachers, as well as 2,500 years of Buddhist tradition, Alan Wallace guides you step by step through five simple yet powerful meditations to help you focus your mind and open your heart to true happiness. Featuring a Foreword by the Dalai Lama, this book will help you discover that it is possible to experience genuine happiness every day. As you incorporate the meditations from Genuine Happiness into your life, you will discover that the joy you've sought has always been only a few meditative minutes away.
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