#is it a perfect job? no. does it still irritate the shit out of me sometimes? of course. any job would
mildmayfoxe · 2 months
wow i was just scrolling around in my work tag and what a fuckin tumultuous time sept/august last year was. i forgot how bad it was but reading through what i was posting at the time… how awful. no wonder i wanted to quit so bad
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runninriot · 2 months
this wasn't planned but i guess Sweet Thing is now a two-parter
written for @subeddieweek
complete fic uploaded on ao3
Safe Space
rated: E | tags: Client Eddie Munson, Pro Dom Steve Harrington, 18+ content, sensation play, anal play, smut | snippet, complete fic and tag list on ao3
Master H, it says on the website Eddie stumbled upon one lonely night a few months ago. He introduced himself as Steve but Eddie never calls him by his name.
He calls him Sir when he addresses him. It’s what they agreed upon when Eddie entered the dungeon for the first time. It felt almost like an interview, like he was applying for a job. Which is kind of funny because it’s the other man who gets paid to do these things to him.
Eddie didn’t really know what to expect when he decided to get his fix from a stranger, a professional, someone who knows what they’re doing. Turned out it was the best decision he could’ve made. Ever.
This is a safe space to explore, to want without being prone to fall for yet another man making false promises. Another man abusing his trust, abusing his desire to give up control.
Here, Eddie can fully succumb to the feeling of letting go.
    “Please, Sir. I need more.”
It should be embarrassing how whiny his voice sounds, how messed-up he already is, trembling violently, helplessly pulling at the restraints keeping him tied to the bed. They’ve only started their session and he’s already so hard, so ready to come. So ready for Steve to tip him over the edge. But it would be a shame to fall so quickly because it’s the before that really gets to Eddie every time.
He enjoys it maybe too much. To be at the other man’s mercy, unable to get away from his heavenly torture.
The clamps on his nipples hurt, send a rippling wave of pain through his whole body whenever the Dom tugs at them or tightens the screws to punish him for squirming around although he told him to stay still.
Ordered him to be good, to earn his reward.
Eddie wants to be good, tries his best to keep his body from jolting up at the feeling of needle-like pricks biting into his skin when Steve uses this tool that looks like a mix of medical device and instrument of torture. It’s called a neurowheel, Eddie’s learned when they talked about their scene. Before they started. Before Eddie got spread out on the bed like a offering for a God – and maybe he is.
Because the man currently teasing the ever-loving shit out of him, tormenting the insides of his thighs with a satisfied grin on his handsome face, truly is a divine creature.
It’s not only his looks, although Eddie has found himself getting lost in his big, beautiful eyes a lot lately; they’re so soft in comparison to the hardness in his demanding voice when he orders him around, tells him what to do.
    ‘Kneel down.’
    ‘Open up.’
    ‘Hold still.’
    ‘Come for me.’
He’s guardian angel and soul-eating demon,  both morphed into one perfect body.
And not for the first time, Eddie wished he was real. That he could have someone like him in his life. Out there, in the real world. That he could have this, always, not only when he’s paying for this perfect illusion.
But he’d rather have this than nothing at all.
It’s enough, at least for the time being.
And he’s not going to let his mind’s racing thoughts ruin the moment. He needs more though, to shut up the voices.
   “Sir, please! Fill me up, let me come! Please, I need it!” Eddie begs, doesn’t feel stupid doing so because he knows how much Steve likes when he dissolves into a pleading, sobbing mess. He can see it in his eyes and the way he greedily licks his lips like he’s craving for a taste.
Eddie would let him. Hell, he’d let him eat him alive if that’s what he wanted.
But that’s not what Steve does when he unbuckles the shackles at his feet, rubs soothing thumbs over the irritated skin on his ankles before he bends him in half.
It’s always messy when he fucks him. When he uses a dildo to split him open. Lube is dripping down his crack while Eddie’s hole is stretched almost painfully wide around the base of the silicone toy. So deep inside that he thinks he can feel it in his throat. Every time his torturer pulls it back out, a sobbing breath leaves his lungs like he can’t breathe with it inside him. And every time he pushes back in, Eddie’s body convulses, wrists tugging ineffectively at the restraints keeping him in place.
There is something about the other man’s aura that sends a wave of fear through Eddie, a darkness in his master’s eyes that reflects something like frustration mixed with deeply engraved desire. Like Steve’s greedy for Eddie’s pitiful whimpers. Like seeing Eddie fall apart is as satisfying for him as it is for his willing victim.
It’s almost as if Steve, too, is falling apart. Only a little. Almost unnoticeable.
But Eddie can feel it in the way he pushes the toy inside him, fucks him harder than he ever has before. The merciless hand around his cock is almost too much, too rough, too tight, angry. But when Eddie looks up at him, he finds so much devotion in the other man’s hazel eyes that Eddie nearly loses it.
The words are right there, on the tip of his tongue, waiting to spill.
    Want you inside me. Take me. Take all of me. Make me yours.
Thankfully, they never get the chance to fully form when a loud and desperate cry drowns everything else out. Eddie comes hard, feels like he’s falling.
And then everything goes black.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
*old draft* I Want Forever (Another Level extra)
I'm angry. And I'm just gonna fucking post this as a reminder for myself.
This is an extra for Another Level, which can be found on AO3.
NSFW below the cut.
“Get your ass back here.”
Rinko crossed her arms petulantly at his tone, sticking her tongue out as she glared at him.
He didn’t get to order her around like that.
Gojo raised his eyebrows at her as she clenched her jaw.
“Fuck you.”
He was exasperated now, a small smile on his face as she continued to glare at him.
“Rinko.” His voice held a warning now, and she scowled. “Come here.”
“Make me.”
She’d said it unintentionally, her irritation making her speak before she could think that she was serious about wanting to do something other than have sex the entire time they were there.
His growl was low as he pounced, yanking her back towards the bed and pinning her beneath him.
“Wait!” she snapped, fighting as he held her hands beside her head, raising his eyebrows. “I’m serious, I want to see something other than the fucking ceiling of this damn room-”
“We can move to the other room if you’d like,” he teased, pressing his lips to her neck. At her quiet whimper, he ground his hips down into hers. “Or you could be on top, you know I like it when you-”
“We’ve been here three days, and I haven’t even gotten to see-”
“Didn’t hear you complaining earlier,” he said smugly, already sliding back inside her. “So good, you’re so fucking perfect. And you’re mine.”
She rolled her eyes, unable to fight the amusement at how wrecked he looked as he intertwined their fingers, feeling the ring on his own hand.
“How are you still this horny?” she asked, her back arching when he scraped her gspot. “Shit, fuck-”
Her eyes rolled back when he rolled his hips harder to hit the spot insistently.
“Can’t help it, baby,” he said, moaning as he watched her face. “You look so perfect like this. Can’t get enough.”
“You’ve had plenty,” she insisted, whimpering again when he started moving. “And I don’t know how much more I can take.”
“Is that a challenge, sweetheart?” he teased, grinning when she shook her head. “Sounds like one.”
“Satoru,” he said, watching her roll her eyes. “Don’t forget baby, I know it’s new and all, but you’re a Gojo now, too.”
His movement faltered a bit when she clenched around him, and he laughed.
“Like that?” he asked, pressing his lips to hers as he sped up. “Gojo Rinko? I’ll admit it doesn’t flow quite as well as Kurisaki, but goddamn baby, does it sound really fucking good.”
She couldn’t say anything in response, her throat closing around a loud cry as she came, clenching down and drawing a long groan from his throat.
“Fuckin-” Gojo moaned, her tremors triggering his own release and he stilled, his body shuddering. “Fuck, I wanna spend forever like this.”
“Why did we even bother traveling if this is all-?”
“If you have enough energy to this bratty after an orgasm I’m fuckin doing my job wrong,” he muttered, shifting his hips slightly.
“I did say it’s always the cocky ones who can’t-”
His hands moved to her sides, fingers digging into her ribs as he trapped her beneath him, tickling her relentlessly.
“Wait!” she squealed, giggling against him as he pressed his lips to hers. “Wait-!”
He rolled his hips, his cock already hard again and she moaned against him, her giggles mixing with it and he groaned again.
“Fucking-” he moaned against her. “The fucking sounds you make baby. Dunno how you expect me not to keep you here like this forever. Fucking addicted to you, baby.”
“You’re such a greedy piece of shit,” she said, snorting as she laughed. “Really, what else could you possibly want?”
“Forever,” he stated simply, meeting her eyes with a grin. “I want forever with you.”
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f0point5 · 3 months
I fully support the Jos Hate Brigade coming after the Ocons, also what is up with Anthony Hamilton👀👀 i am honestly getting irritated with people acting like Jos is the devil incarnate, completely ignoring how Max seems to have a pretty good relationship with him (and that radio message telling him how proud he is of him was actually so sweet)
Anthony Hamilton remortgaged his house, and quit his full time job in IT (I believe to be a contractor) to manage Lewis’s karting career. All this while he had a wife and other kids to support.
Nowhere near as bad as Ocon’s parents because while Lewis likes to insinuate that he crawled out of the gutter like a Victorian street urchin, the Hamiltons by all accounts, were a middle class family (owned property, Anthony worked a steady, skilled job). Him quitting his job didn’t mean he didn’t have income, as far as I’m aware. Contracting work pays a lot more than fixed income, you are just able to take breaks in between contracts and have a more flexible schedule, and he had the skills to return to full time work if he wanted. So not as far as betting his family’s future but still..pretty sure Lewis was about 9 at this point.
Also, he managed Lewis’s career for a long time. He was the meddling parent. Lewis eventually fired him in I think 2010. It came out that Anthony had misled Lewis over a deal that had lost him a lot of money (around 20 million if I remember right), which Anthony tried to conceal because he thought he could fix it. Lewis fired him and they then weren’t speaking, but Anthony publicly claimed that Lewis owed him about 4 million for his services as a manager. Lewis said last year that having his dad as his manager meant his dad basically wasn’t able to be an emotional available father to him.
All that, and I believe that Anthony was the one who contacted Christian about a red bull seat last year without Lewis knowing, because he’s still a meddler.
He just seems like he lived through Lewis. He gives interviews saying nothing good ever happened to him (bro you’ve been married twice and have two kids…rude) but it did for Lewis, and how driving for Ferrari was always his dream for Lewis. He also just has that same “life was oh so tough for me poor me” vibe that he seems to have forced on his son. It’s crystal clear he was the pushiest of dads, which don’t get me wrong, you need in order for a kid to be successful, but to choose to be a manager rather than a father when it matters…is he your son or your product?
Idk, he’s giving Jos Verstappen, and not in a good way. Lewis talking about his experience with his dad and comparing it to Max’s the other week in the press was the only time I was like, “yes king speak”. And to be fair he was very respectful. But he point blank said he knew how unhelpful it was when the lines get blurred.
On the Max note, I always say Jos wouldn’t get the wrap he does if more people knew what it takes to get a kid to this less of sport. Jos made his mistakes 100% but you won’t get your kid to F1 by being the perfect parent. Also, Jos did a lot wrong but you can see he probably did more right. People overlook how rare it is to be able to have the relationship he has with Max. To be Max’s age, with Max’s achievements, and his resources, and still want Jos around that much and for them to be that close, that doesn’t come from a relationship with no positives. People act like Jos was tough on Max 100% of the time, but if he wasn’t emotional present, Max wouldn’t want him around all the time, in a personal capacity. He has said many times that he calls Jos for advice on personal stuff. The fact that Max’s favourite song is still the one he used to listen to in the van with Jos on their way to Italy speaks volumes. And for all his “Verstappen 2.0” shit, it’s clear that he appreciates Max as a son. And he seems to have a good relationship with his other kids. (My controversial theory is that he is a soft girl dad but that’s a whole other thing). But yeah basically I think he is over-roasted by people who don’t really understand the industry of high performing kids.
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nikisfwn · 1 year
memories that will forever haunt me
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summary: You and Alex have an argument and you end up saying a lot more than you should've.
warnings: mentions of death, mentions of overdose, swearing, angst, fluff
A/N: My reasoning for this random ass story? I just binge read agggtm and ggbb by Holly Jackson and i cant get the other two books yet but my slight obsession with detectives is coming back so here's this. If you cant tell y/n is a detective in this.
It had been a long day. It sucked honestly.
Walking into the house you kicked your shoes off and drooped your bag to the floor, putting your scarf on a peg along with your jacket. "Alex?" You called, he should be home by now. Yet, no answer. You walked up towards his office and knocked before walking in. "Baby?" He quickly turned around in his chair, his hair a mess and eyes looking tired. His shirt was partially unbuttoned and un-tucked from his jeans. "Jesus, y/n, you scared me!" He sounded frustrated, what had you done? You only just got back what could he be pissed at? "Sorry Al, how was your day?" "It was fine. Now can you get out please?" His irritated tone had made you even more upset after your shit day.
"What the fuck have I done Alex?!?" "What?" You scoffed, "What do you mean, 'what?' Alex I just fucking got home and you're pissed at me. Well if you aren't pissed at me you're in a bad mood but you never act this fucking dismissive when it's just something that happened at work. So what is it? What have I done?" He looked shocked, you never got this upset with him over something like this usually. "You're the one in a fuckin bad mood y/n! I just asked if you could leave and you're shoutin at me!" "Oh I'm sorry! Do you expect me to come home from a long day at work and be perfectly fine and happy?! Alex I'm a fucking human my work life does affect me y'know!?!"
He stood up from his chair now, work long forgotten. "Y/n I can't always put all my time into you!" "I don't fucking expect you to Alex! I just want to be able to come home from work and talk to my boyfriend without him being dismissive!" He scoffed and turned pulling up a file on his laptop. "Well, go on then, you complain about how shit your job is because of how hard it is! This is what I spend my time doing." He clicked on the link and it showed a video of Alex, Matt, Nick and Jamie. 'Take 1 on.... the currently unnamed song' The Alex on the video spoke and laughed before Matt counted the boys in. A love song. It was beautiful, no one could deny it. Alex soon paused the video after a minute or so. "I fucking wrote that for you y/n! And all you're doing is complaining the second you get in the fucking door!"
"You wanna know why I'm unhappy as soon as i get home? It's because I have to fucking look into cases of people overdosing, killing themselves, being poisoned. Alex I watched a fucking man die in front of me today! Right in front of my eyes, shot himself. Do you even know how hard it is to see shit like that?! It's horrible Alex! And yet you're standing here complaining about how long you spent perfecting a bloody song! At least you don't see people die next to you everyday, you don't deal with psychopaths everyday, you don't see what I see! Alex the shit I see and deal with haunts me! But if you still think your job is harder you go on, but I'll be leaving."
His face turned from one of anger to one of shock, pain and guilt. "Baby I'm sorry-" "Oh fucking spare me Alex! If you don't care then you don't. I don't need your fake sympathy." You had started to cry, unsure when, but you felt the tears running cold down your cheeks. Alex pulled you into a hug. You didn't have the energy to fight him anymore. "Love why don't you tell me these things? I know your job can be unpleasant sometimes but I didn't know it got that bad. I'm so so sorry baby." His voice turned soft and soothing in a matter of moments. "I'm always here for you baby, never forget that." You nodded weakly into his chest, still sniffling and quietly crying.
"Lets run you a bath, okay?"
I kinda hate this ngl. I loved the concept but I think it is so horrendously executed. I'm already thinking of concepts for a new one shot as redemption for this. But I will say thank you to everyone who read my Picture To Burn oneshot! And if you have any ideas please lmk! Have a good day/night!
(I’ve just re read this and its even worse than i initially thought so shit.) xxx
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multeasers · 10 months
@scintillate-stars , continued from here
This was supposed to be an easy mission.
Not that it isn’t, not yet anyway, but he can sense when the barrier comes down, which catapults the situation from being just a step away from boring to downright annoying. Nobody told him Sorcerers were gonna be on the case, too, which would really throw a wrench into his plans if he got caught. He should’ve haggled for better pay.
Let’s just hope I don’t run into the bastards. He thinks to himself, shouldering past yet another semi-open door. Abandoned asylums were normally all the same—shit-ass construction, shit-ass environments, and absolutely perfect breeding grounds for Curses—but this one seems to only follow up on the latter two. In fact, in all honesty, he probably should’ve expected Sorcerers to be crawling around the place, given that information, but it still sucks that they’re coming in while he’s here. And true, he’d only been employed out here simply because no one else would take up the offer, and because he needed the money, but still. He wasn’t gonna bother staying if there were too many Sorcerers around; it’s not in the job description, but if they come at him first...
He shakes his head, once, and turns a corner. He hasn’t heard more than maybe one set of feet, so if he does run into anyone, he should be fine. The energy he can sense isn’t so powerful that it makes him uneasy, neither from the newcomer nor the Curse he’s hunting, so it’s even less of a concern, for him. If anything, they’re gonna have to worry about him—
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The light suddenly in his eyes is blinding, but he doesn’t recoil away from it so much as he nearly swats it out of the newcomer’s hand. The only reason he stops is because the hand he’d raised is currently holding a fucking weapon, and right now, he’s got no interest in becoming Jujutsu High’s public enemy number one (well, anymore than he’s already considered so by High Jujutsu Society, that is) by making some stupid teenager lose their own hand. At least it works to cover his eyes a bit, though.
“Turn that damn thing off, will ya?” He snaps, not at all bothering to hide his irritation. He’s glad it’s not an older Sorcerer that’s found him—he can tell by the sound of her voice that she’s a student, and younger Sorcerers are less likely to know who he is right off the rip—but dammit, doesn’t the school teach these kids how to sneak around? Taking a light to some dark hallways is just going to make them a target.
“You wanna get eaten up by some Cursed Spirit, be my guest, but don’t you bring me into that cross-fire.”
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mariesstudying · 1 year
Edit because of some replies I got: I deleted a paragraph about Eloise's reaction to the Marina and Colin thing because I had misremembered and was wrong. Also added an anti-eloise tag because even though I'm not anti-Eloise, the post isn't pro-eloise
I have thoughts about Eloise Bridgerton and I'm dumping them in this post. Before I start dumping I do want to say that in no way am I some Penelope stan who thinks she is perfect in every way and my issues with Eloise are critiques of her character that I’m sure will be fixed once there is more focus on her storyline.
I have 2 problems with Eloise: 1) the fact that she seems to be unable to accept or understand her privilege; and 2) that she can't seem to understand other people's pov's.
Eloise can't seem to comprehend or understand her own privilege. Now I know that we haven't reached her season yet meaning her character development has yet to come but it's so infuriating and irritating to watch Eloise because she is so privileged but can't seem to acknowledge or be grateful for it. I also fully acknowledge that because it's the Regency era, we can't expect intersectional feminism but I'm still annoyed lol. We see her go to these rallies and get Theo entangled in her shit without seeming to be able to understand that whilst what she is doing won't really affect her (just fulfil her curiosity), Theo (who needs a job because he isn't rich) may lose his job. She can't seem to understand that whilst she can get away with not being married, someone like Penelope can't. The Bridgerton's are super rich and that means Eloise could live an unmarried life if she wants to but for Kate or Penelope, financial security in London means marriage. She may think she is above all of the marriage market stuff but for many of the other women in it, it is their way of ensuring they (and their parents and future children) live a safe, comfortable life without the fear of being homeless or without money. I also have a very strong feeling that if these political rallies and events led to the financial and social downfall of her family, she would not be as "radical" as she is. Whilst (like I said), intersectional feminism can't be expected from the Regency period, I feel like these are privileges that can be acknowledged.
She also seems so stuck in her own worldview. I remember all the stuff she said to Daphne in season 1, acting as if Daphne shouldn't be wanting to get married, without understanding why Daphne would want or need to marry and marry well. When she is (rightfully) mad at Penelope for writing about her and Theo in LW, she also doesn't seem to realise that the scandal hadn't really affected her family much at all and also that it's not like someone else hadn't seen her see Theo. Even if Penelope never wrote about it in LW, it still would have gotten out, like the Queen knew for fucks sake. She always gives me the vibe of "if you don't understand or agree with my worldview, then you are what is wrong with society" without bothering to try and understand other people's views, just shoving them off as "wrong". She also doesn't seem to understand that Bridgerton's status is almost unbreakable, relatively little effort is needed for them to maintain their status in society and scandal doesn't affect them at all or if it does, it doesn't affect them for long. For others, especially the Featheringtons, don't have the same privilege. 1 wrong move and they lose everything, they are ridiculed and looked down upon by a lot of society.
LMK if I should do more Bridgerton posts (if I do, I won't do the books because icba with anything other then the show lol)
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bimboothefool · 2 years
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Hall of ʝℓℓʊ﹩ʝ◎η﹩
Content Warning!! WEE WOO WEE WOO!! This contains major character death, emotion/physical manipulation and Lord X being a parasite also strong swearing. Finally some yandere-like behavior keep this shit in fiction, I'll never ever condone or support IRL "yanderes".
Playing that ROM was the first mistake, now this impersonator imitating Sonic now has a thing for you. Just perfect, absolutely perfect. At first they were sending some notes app level love letters, then it got more weird by them showing you morbid images of Sonic characters getting murdered. Soon you had enough and said. “Why show me their deaths, is this your own fucked up way of saying I love you?”
Lord X merely cackles, he stares directly at you. “I guess you could say that.. I really want your attention by any means necessary.” His eyes looked directly as you saw little hearts in his eyes, smiling at you displaying his yellowed teeth.
'Dude put those chompers away…’ Your face scrunched up in disgust. “Still you're stuck in that computer, realistically you can't touch me or take me away.” Lord X starts to laugh silently and full blown starts cackling. “Are you sure about that, my dear little chunk of meat..?”
“Positive as hell.” You stated in a matter of fact way. “Suit yourself, my prey…” Lord X disappears leaving you be, finally you can get back to working on that stupid assignment.
The next day it was all normal, until one of your classmates decided to confess to you. But a familiar, dreadful voice demanded you turn them down. “Sorry I've got a boyfriend…” You forcefully said, they left defeated. “...what the hell..?” You could barely believe it, it felt like you became a puppet in that moment.
After class you headed home, dashing towards your room and immediately booted up your computer to confront Lord X. A window pops up and reveals him with a smug grin on his face. “Something wrong, dear..?” Lord X chuckled which irritated me to my soul. “What did you do to me?!” He taps his chins pretending he doesn't know what I'm talking about.
“Don't pull the “I have no idea of what you're referring to.” Bullshit!” Lord X smirks at your furious reaction. “You said I can't hurt you… Now that you've played my game, I'm merely making my mark on what's mine.” He shrugs, proud of how your words aged poorly. “Don't even try to get rid of me, that piece of me inside your little head is only growing stronger..”
You were lost for words, you finally realized how deep you're into this mess you unknowingly got yourself into. “This is only the beginning, my dear cut of meat…” Lord X purred and soon cackled, closing the pop up window he used to talk to you.
The next few weeks, you've been distancing yourself from everyone and overall isolating yourself. Not by your own terms as Lord X has threatened to kill them if you don't come with him quietly. He shows what can do and with the flick of his finger he's able to make you feel physical pain.
You also started having vivid dreams of the life you could've lived, it ranged from you graduating college or getting your dream job. Yet by the end of it, Lord X was always watching with that disgusting smile on his face.
X does it because he thinks it's cute to see you squirm and cry out to him. Begging him to stop the pain. Lord X decides it's finally time and you recently switched to online classes. This gave him the perfect opportunity, he might as well strike the iron while it's hot.
Your tired eyes stare at the computer screen, feeling your life drain away. Everytime you speak to Lord X or interact with him, it's like a piece of you is taken from you only for it to become his.
Lord X thrived and got a huge euphoria boost from it, he'd even force you to say I love you to him. He didn't care, he just wanted a hollow doll to call his own. One that would obey and heed his beck and call.
As you finished up your current assignment, a window started to pop up. With the last shred of rebellion, you closed the window. Soon another popped up in its place, you closed it again. But it only makes more windows and they soon make your screen go blank.
“...no. No no NO! I WAS GONNA–” Your words trailed off as the screen turned a bright red and the whole room started to shake. You screamed in horror, trying to run by a skeleton like hand grabs and grips your head. Picking you up and dragging you through the screen. The last thing you heard was distorted music and faint screams.
The last thing you felt was your whole body go cold almost like he ripped your soul from your body.
Lord X drops your soul into his usual hand, putting his other hand away. His red pupils look at your soul with intrigue and endearment, maybe he can put you into a model of his choosing. “Of all the souls I've collected you are by far my most prized one. Offer me everything, your heart, soul and mind!!” He teleports to find Amy.
Once he finds her, Amy's death is swift and gruesome. Now she was an empty husk ready for a new soul, he uses his claw to engrave a large x over her heart. Amy cries out in agony, but Lord X didn't pay her any mind, opting to let her bleed out onto the grass.
He waited out and as he did, he started playing with your soul with interest. “Don't worry, (Y/n)... Once you have your new body, we'll never ever part…” Lord X checked on Amy and she soon stopped breathing, it felt cold. He places your soul gently into your new vessel, not wanting to damage your soul.
Lord X scoops up your lifeless vessel and soon takes you to Mystic Cave Zone. It was far enough to where the two of them wouldn't be disturbed. Not even his current victims would find you or him there.
You felt warmth coming back to your body, as much as you wanted to rest. You had a nagging feeling that something was wrong. Very, utterly wrong.
You reluctantly opened your eyes, wilting greenery surrounds you, as you moved your fingers it was like you were wearing gloves. You immediately sat up and looked at your hands. You could barely believe what you were seeing, your hands were stylized and you saw a very familiar outfit. “No way… No fucking way… I'm… I–I'm in Amy's body…” You croaked out feeling the warmth you once felt disappear.
You curled up into a ball, unable to hold your tears back. Trying desperately to understand what you did to deserve this.
“So you're awake, finally. It's time for us to build our kingdom together.” You whipped your head to see him, your eyes widened. You knew pleading was never gonna stop him, it only fueled him.
With no one coming to save you, all that's left was to obey and love him.
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travelingneuritis · 1 year
kinnporsche ep. 8: Dream Boats
-i really enjoy kinnporsche’s more peaceful intimate moments, when they’re relaxed enough not to be performing at all. blowing stinky morning breath at each other, Eating Farmhouse Bread, later on when porsche hotboxes kinn, just goofing off in ways that literally are not in any universe sexy. porsche comes from a robust homosocial support system, and i think it doesn’t occur to him not to behave with kinn as he does with his friends-- in addition to the fucking, which of course is new. whereas kinn’s chief encounters with other men are: guys he’s paying to please him one way or another (can you imagine Pretty Hookup #37 farting in bed with kinn? I Can Not), and guys it is his job to impress, intimidate, or order a hit on; even time and tay seem to fall somewhere in the “supportive subordinate” category, and they’re the closest companions he has. in all likelihood this is the first time he’s ever had a boyfriend who is also, y’know, a friend. like a human one. 
-still can’t tell if pete’s figured out kinn & porsche are hooking up; he seems to be playing naive, but i can’t tell if that’s the actor playing that pete is naive, or if that’s the actor playing that pete is playing naive in order to give his friend face (similarly to how he talked around the issue while comforting porsche during their “would 2 people who don’t like each other kiss?” talk). my instinct is that pete was not actually born under a rock and is reasonably adept at sussing out undercurrents like this, so he’s gotta know; but i could just be fooling myself because i’ve already headcanoned “pete is secretly observant and insightful” & do not want anything to counteract that.
there is also a distinct possibility that pete has simply. Decided Not To Know.  thoughts? 
-i’ve talked before about how yok’s relationship to porsche is inherently exploitative, but i don’t want to imply that their regard for each other is totally pretend. for one thing, porsche is so, so used to being exploited that unless it gets way worse than just “my boss is implicitly pressuring me to sleep with customers” he’s just not gonna give a shit. it’s clear when he goes out of his way to sneak a visit to hum bar (and yok treats him like a welcome guest) that they’re transitioning to a new kind of friendship. he still cares about yok even when she’s not signing his paychecks, and she still cares about porsche even when he’s not her star bartender reeling in the customers. also, her dating advice boils down to “google ‘cafes in my area’,” which i think is very funny. 
-when porsche says “i wanted to give you the perfect date, but it got messed up; i guess i just suck,” he’s got this little smile on his face, waiting for kinn to contradict him-- which kinn does immediately. taken to extremes this could be a pretty irritating dynamic, but rn porsche is just seeking validation because he’s feeling insecure about the first date he’s ever planned. and finally, finally, kinn gives him what he’s asking for without being a huge bitch abt it <3 then he gives porsche a gift: a private phone (bodyguards get theirs taken away) with only kinn’s number in it. mmmm, healthy!
-i actually think porsche’s drawing does look like tawan, but only if you already know it’s supposed to be tawan
-porsche bootycalling kinn because he’s scared of ghosts lmao
-i’m glad porsche spills abt seeing tawan pretty quickly, although i know there’s a bunch of aggravating sneaking around coming up. kinn’s “guess how i know he’s not a jealous ghost” story is so upsetting though. “i couldn’t imagine how i could stop loving him,” god love is a hell of a drug. the sun shines different when you’re in love. you literally forget what it feels like to be unhappy. and tawan took advantage of that state to sell kinn up the river. and that’s the only time kinn has ever been in love; that’s how it went. hard to say which of these 2 guys is more fucked in the head, romantically, but at least porsche is starting from zero?? and didn’t literally shoot his first love????
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seek--rest · 1 year
what do you like and dislike about ffh
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FFH is an average MCU movie and a bad Spider-Man movie that— to me— exemplifies everything bad about MCU Peter in a way that made HOCO worse in retrospect and is why NWH had to do so much heavy work in soft rebooting the franchise in the first place.
The Good
MJ had more to do in this movie than she did in HOCO which is a step up, but most of what happened with and around her is Bad. But, bare minimum she actually had speaking lines that went beyond (solely) quips so there’s that.
She was also in the FOS, albeit briefly and proved all our theories that she figured it out / knew his secret. I liked that.
The bridge kiss slaps sorry. It was completely unearned and everything leading up to that as a climax for them is Bad but the kiss itself? The music? The happy little skip? Chef’s kiss.
The Ned and Betty romance was cute and very high school. I liked it.
Flash Thompson was actually perfect in this movie. So many people can’t ever shut the fuck up about how HOCO Flash is “mean” to Peter and while he’s a bit of a dick, he’s still a dick in FFH but it feels more playful. The scraps of Peter looking unbothered as he jokes with him in the hotel, of Flash trying to talk to him on the bus (before Peter knocks him out), the PERFECT line of asking his driver where his parents are??? Tony Revolori you will be avenged.
Peter took hit after fucking hit in this movie and ✨ walked it off ✨ for all the iron boy jr complaints (which are mostly unearned from canonical context), Peter proves yet again that at the end of the day he does not and has never needed Stark’s tech and toys to get the job done.
the final swing sequence at the end was nice
The Bad
where to start, idk maybe the entire premise I hate that Quentin Beck was a SI employee. Why. Why is he connected to Tony. Why is everything about MCU Peter Parker’s life gave to be fucking tied to Tony. If you’re going to do that, at least make it interesting and have Peter push back, question, wonder about Tony’s influence in his life rather than utter blind devotion and fan worship as a proxy for the audience
Also that— FFH was a palate cleanser for the audience post Endgame and Peter’s story suffers for it. Why is he an audience proxy. I fully believe MCU Peter, who saw Tony fucking die right in front of him, would be messed up about it. But from the narrative, that’s the only thing he’s messed up about. Not the fact that he died. Not that the world moved on. Not his own place in that world and with Spider-Man.
Not wanting to be Spider-Man is also really fucking stupid. “But seek didn’t that happen in SM2 and don’t you love that movie” yeah and that was for Peter’s motivations for what HE wanted in a way that built off the first movie, not out of fuvking nowhere and having to squeeze out subtext for why he went from being proud to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and then wants to suddenly take a break. He died in space and I can absolutely argue that’s why (and have) but he never actually expresses any emotion similar to that in canon. I’m not a dumb ass I don’t need my hand held but I do need the narrative to actually Say Things and FFH fundamentally doesn’t do That.
You know what else the narrative doesn’t do? Jack shit for MJ. It will FOREVER annoy me that canon not only said “hey Peter likes MJ know just accept it” but that fandom GLEEFULLY accept it what is wrong with all of you. That’s bad! It’s bad writing! It’s bad character work! It’s bad for MJ That her most significant role in this trilogy is Girlfriend. I’m irritated! This could’ve been the perfect movie to have them be friends and to SHOW Peter falling for her instead of just telling us 15 minutes in that Peter really likes MJ. Bitch where! How!!
Ned’s treatment is also a crime. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the MCU can only handle (3) relationships max and Ned didn’t make the cut for this movie. He was worse than comedic relief I hate it here.
Which also extends to May???? Where did May “cut the bullshit” Parker go???? Instead we get a flighty “hehe packed ur suit xoxo” kind of ditz??? Who is that woman!? Did the Skrulls impersonate her too??? Bad work and bad writing that severely undercut NWH’s impact.
They should never have been in Europe I’ve complained a lot about that and I’m right. It’s a stupid decision that makes zero sense in-world.
The entirety of Happy’s involvement further proves that when it comes to canonical irondad/ironfam, the only person who actually has an onscreen relationship that you don’t have to heavily pull from subtext and projection is Happy Hogan. He’s the one Peter talked to most in HOCO and he’s the one who was there for him in FFH (and most of NWH for that matter). It’s bad because I don’t like Happy fucking Hogan taking more of a narrative priority than May Parker but good at least in that undercuts most of irondad’s delusions that Tony was canonically the most important person in Peter’s life. If anyone was, it was Happy.
Most if not all of MCU Spider-Man’s problems start and end with FFH imo. HOCO wasn’t a perfect movie and there’s some fundamental issues had in it but those could’ve been easily tweaked had FFH not leaned in SO HARD to all its worst impulses. Honestly, NWH would’ve been an entirely different movie had FFH been a better one and I stand by that.
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onecantsimply · 1 year
Just some Stalker Jack The Ripper x Mercenary GN reader headcanons- He’s most likely Yandere too- Don’t mind me- I wanna continue this- Very very bad-
• Jack has always wanted his meeting with you to be perfect, which is why he’s watching you from afar. Just stalking you, even if you’re doing your job. He loves to watch through a dark spot while your target is probably begging for his life. What a nice color of fear you added…
• But still, other than that, Jack will find out every bit of information about you. Every small detail is added to his mind.
• Due to how he’s a sort of mercenary as well, he doesn’t exactly want to be meeting with you yet. So he’s specifically requesting for Red Widow to never put him in any jobs with you. She went bitch mode and said “maybe” before leaving him to his next target’s file.
• Well, Jack is back to stalking you from afar again. He gets to observe your daily life. The others you interact with, the things you enjoy, the places you visit on a daily basis, your home, your hobbies, your mercenary job, and most definitely some other things.
• Even if the figures you interact with are platonic, he can’t help but get that slowly growing feeling of jealousy. But for the sake of your happiness, and the fact that those people haven’t gone far with you yet, Jack won’t be doing anything to them.
• He wants to be close to you. He aches so badly to be by your side so he doesn’t look like this creep that’s always staring at you with the faintest of lovestruck expressions. By the time he notices that it’s already midnight, he realizes that he has to do his own job. So begrudgingly, he slips away.
• I pray for the person he’s supposed to kill if he’s somehow irritated at something. Jack normal doesn’t get irritated. Hell, it’s hard enough to get him like that. But interrupting his stalking time is something he doesn’t take kindly to. While he will bask in the color of fear, he has shit to do so he may make things a bit more quick than last time.
• Well… back home he goes. You’re most likely at home, safe. Right-?
• … Mother of fuck. You have him going over to your house to see if you’re okay. Gladly enough, you are. Toying with your younger siblings while doing your own thing as well. Jack has the biggest temptation to keep staring, but he himself needs to go home. Comforted with the thought of you, Jack goes home in a better mood.
• The very next day, he’s already getting his day started by going to Alice’s Cafe. He got paid by Red Widow, so he’s perfectly fine with staying out of the job for a few days to stalk you however he’d like. But first, he needs his energy. Once every now and then, he sees you pass by with your younger siblings. Possibly to get something for them or treat them? Well, one of those days were today, and Jack couldn’t help but stare at you while waiting for his order of apple pie.
• The longer you remain within his eyesight, the more he can’t restrain the reflex to follow you. So maybe fortunately, you had disappeared behind some buildings with your siblings. In that very same instant, Jack is served his favored apple pie. He’ll eat it with a warm expression on his face before paying and finding out where you are. Ensure the stalking.
• Best believe that Jack will not tolerate anyone coming up to you. Even if you kick their ass yourself, Jack is making sure that the person is his next target. Even if it does make him lose time in stalking you, especially at such an early time in the morning, Jack has to make sure the scum doesn’t ever return in your life again. A tough decision, but he made it just for the best of you.
• Best to keep in mind that Jack may not just hunt for fear this time. The second he finds out of where that thing lives, he’s going right back to you. He wasted more than enough time on scum, and he needs a coping method- ✨Stalking✨
• Luckily for him, you’re getting your siblings some things to eat. He thinks it’s lovely how you can take care of children so easily. Maybe you can do that if he adopts or has a child with you? Jack can’t wait for that time to come. But for now, he has to remain patient.
• Goodness, Jack can’t help but mentally praise you for how you are. Such a perfect being. He craves to finally be within your presence instead of simply stalking from behind. This settles it. Tomorrow… he’ll officially meet you. He’s gained up enough confidence, and he’s sick of having other scum approaching you.
• The mere thought of it has him shivering from ecstasy. Have no worry, for Jack will protect you from every scum in the Earth, even if it means abducting you and keeping you on his bed for him to cuddle up to every night.
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social-media-shy · 2 years
Bad Buddy Rewatch - Episode 3
This is the episode where I fell in love with Pat.
From the very first scene this episode doesn't just show what Pran feels for Pat, but why he feels the way he does. Why Pat is hard to ignore and so loveable in the first place.
1. He wears his heart on his sleeve.
He just wants to be around Pran all the time and he doesn't even try to hide it. When he goes to Pran at the bus stop in the night, it's because he was missing him. He tells Pran that he was looking for him and just wanted to chat with him. No agenda. Even before that, when Pran wasn't talking to him because of the bus stop mess, he leaves no stone unturned when trying to reach him. At that point, he still thinks the engg group is not to blame for the fight. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to make things right with Pran and checking on him. And finally he saved Pran's guitar for him not even knowing when he was going to see him again. He jokes that it was just eating up space in his closet, but even Pran doesn't take him seriously when he says that.
2. He is the best flirt when he is not even trying.
The guitar pick scene that the episode starts with is the perfect example. Who would be able to resist a move like that? "If you miss me, don't knock, just come in". Then the move(s) in the library and the elevator. I have rewatched the elevator scene an unhealthy number of times and gasp with Pran every time. And then all the flirting at the bus stop ending with "do you like it?.. They will like it because I do." Finally, of course the "I like to see your face... When you lose". Pat flirts like it's his full time job and Pran doesn't stand a chance. (I have more to say about Pat's flirting skills in ep 7, but that's for later)
3. He is always worried about Pran and wants Pran to be okay. He will do anything to make Pran smile.
As soon as Pat finds out that his friends were even partly responsible for the mess with the bus stop, he literally does everything he can to fix it. And honestly, I think even if Pat's friends weren't partly responsible, he would still do everything he could to help Pran. Other than this, there are little moments throughout the episode when Pran is worried or irritated and Pat is always trying to cheer him up. Going on a quick tangent, right from here, it is really obvious that Pat doesn't care about winning or losing with Pran (refer his iconic lines in episode 7). The rivalry has always just been a way to give each other shit and spend more time with Pran. Pat really is such a heroTM. And Pran sees what Pat is doing for him (refer Pran's iconic lines in episode 11 though he tries to underplay it in his tsundere ways).
4. He is disgustingly endearing and endearingly disgusting.
Noodle store dumpling scene. That's it.
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Songs for Hazbin Hotel Characters (Playlists Series) PART 4
What to do when you’re feeling not so great, maybe melancholic or sad, yet still crave some comedy? Well, do I have a show to offer? Course I do! It features amazing music as well! This part is all about the wonderful musical world of “BoJack Horseman” animated series!
I really love this show! It made my last year more bearable. It’s the perfect kind of show for adults that really talks about the problems that many of us face later in life, heck, maybe now, and who are not only about dirty jokes, drugs and violence. I mean, the show does feature those 3 but it doesn’t take all the focus. If you know, you know. I would really recommend giving it a chance!
As for today, I shall be sharing my opinions on Hazbin characters’ opinions on the “BoJack Horseman”, give them one song to add in their own playlists and give a character that they might relate to a certain aspect.  
She is the one who will most likely enjoy this show. The darkness featured in it, whether it be the dark humour, worst possible characters’ decisions, the tone itself. She would indulge in it, I’m sure! A perfect show for her to spend some time relaxing after doing loads of work or from just hearing Angel talk non – stop all day. Soft moments that the show gives also help the case.  
“I guess that’s just me, honey, I guess that’s how I’m built; I try to tell you I love you and it comes out all sick”.
Kin character: Kelsey Jannings. Powerful woman in day – to – day life.
This man loves dark stuff, you cannot prove me otherwise. Husk had lived a hard life and the afterlife did not make it easier. He had seen his fair share of humanity’s darkness, so much so, that he became kind of numb to it. Seeing it play out in the animated style, tugs on Husk’s heart strings. He will never admit, but some of the characters’ arcs makes him feel things that he thought he had long forgotten.
“We were meant to let ourselves into, let it go; Never wanted to be here”.
Kin character: Bits of BoJack Horseman and Eddie (The Dragonfly). Drunk and depressed aspects are at play there.
Yes, we know that he dislikes television but that does not mean that he cannot have a guilty pleasure. I believe that he would find some interest in this show. It is about entertainment industry after all. Plus, Alastor could learn a thing or two about nowadays movie industry, plus some things about mental illness. Enlightenment on his part, if you will.
“But they'll never know the pain; Of living with a name you never owned. Or the many years forgetting, what you know too well, that you who gave the crown, have been let down”.
Kin character: Princess Carolyn. Love the character who gets shit done and is exceptionally good at her job.
Angel would be 50/50 about this show. He would love its darkness and Hollywood, but a lot of characters would be too irritating for him to watch. He definitely would point fingers to his friends after some situation had happened on screen and say “That’s you!”
“You'll find me; In a sea of dreams; Where no one cares about my words”.
Kin character: Sarah Lynn. He would relate to her story so much.  
Charlie would not enjoy this show too much. Aside from great mental illness and struggles that come with it representation, she wouldn’t care too much of it. It’s too real for her and Charlie wishes to escape from reality more often than to watch something that closely resembles it.
“I want you close, I want you; I won't treat you like you're typical; I want you close, I want you; I won't treat you like you're typical”.
Kin character: Todd Chavez, more so in the later seasons. Sunshine who has a bit of sadness hidden.
Not her type of show. Too little real love, too much of heart ships. Too much depression, too little actual joy. Niffty does not want to sit around and watch those kinds of shows.  
“Open my love (I'm giving up); Try to run (I'm giving up); Take my heart, it's hanging out against the wind”.
Kin character: Wanda Pierce. That “red flags” line would hit her close to home.
That’s my takes and the end of part 4. I tell you, friends, this was a sensational part of my Playlist series. I may not be The Horse from Horsin’ Around, but I’m glad that you have spent some time with me!
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clinicallyinvisible · 4 months
I am so tired of J.
Every time I ask him to do something it's like it's such a burden. It's like I have asked such an enormous thing of him.
Asked him yesterday to check the mail. Did he? No. He said he forgot. Fine, I forget things sometimes too, especially if it's not something I usually do. I get it. But when I asked him to do it he sighed and sounded so irritated that I asked him to do something. I don't have time this week and I forgot last week when I did have time. I ended up doing it this morning anyway. Just was a couple minutes late to work, which is not a huge deal, but I try not to make a habit of it.
He insists we share blankets at night like we used to. We stopped for a while because he didn't like the way the blankets would get all crumpled from the way I sleep. But that's how I like it. It's cozy. So we started having separate ones. Then he got insecure and made the decision that we are sharing again and then what does he do? He complains about the way I like the blankets when I sleep.
He bitched and moaned about chores for ages. So I made us a chore list of things equally divided, upon which he begrudgingly agreed. I work a full time job, too. I don't have the energy or time to do ALL the chores like he thinks I should. Anyway, he has been neglecting half of his chores half the time and a few of them all the time. He hasn't touched our stupid robot vacuum for MONTHS. It's his job to empty and run it every day. But if I leave a few dishes in the sink or an empty tin can I rinsed, it's apparently a huge inconvenience for him and he's upset. And not just upset, but mean.
I am so fucking sick and tired of it all. I am so fucking fed up.
And let's say I try to compromise with him on something. He has this idea in his head that its either his way or my way and my trying to compromise is STILL my way somehow. He refuses to compromise.
For a while I was beginning to think maybe I'm being unreasonable or maybe I'm being a jerk, but I'm snapping out of that and realizing that no, I'm not asking too much of him. He's the one that is unreasonable. He's the one that is expecting me to bend over backwards for him and go out of my way to make everything perfect for him, but he won't do shit for me unless I throw a tantrum about it.
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The Day It Was Too Much When it was too much. When there was more going on than the circus tricks going on in their head. A trip was done by one, the other at home doing all they can to keep the house in order. 
Why can’t they spend time with the other when they come straight home from work? Why can’t they shower me with gifts and adoration of a job well done. They are my pet. I deserve to have the greetings of a dictator in my home that I pay for. I carry this whole house and no one greets me. I do everything outside of this home and this is the thanks I get? How dare they treat me like a bank. Everyone outside of this place treats me like I shit gold. Why is my family, if you want to call it that treating me this way? After all I have done. The traveling for my hobby isn’t just any old thing. It’s who I am. Those people respect me and love me. They worship the air I breathe and let me be my most unauthentic self. Then I come home to these people who I have chosen to live with only for them to not be the perfect family I show and tell about. How can they not be perfect when I am the epitome of it. I am great, I am amazing. Even my therapists tells me that my family is horrible to treat me in a way that lowers my self esteem. My self esteem is horrible because of these people. They lie, cheat, steal and try to take away my fun for the hard work I do. Unappreciative. While the one at home has toiled, and wondering what to cook for the 3rd meal of the day. The worse meal of the day. Earlier they received news that their loved one was in the hospital for what reason they still can’t fathom. One kid is out of the house while the other is rummaging in the trash for the 3rd time today. Potty training isn’t holding together, and cleaning is useless. Greeting the threshold of the home with a hug and kiss. A little excitement because the trip was long and lonely surely. How was your travels and what all did you do? As the food is being prepped and the child wrangled. Next is to feed and recollect before leaving for the evening job. What have they forgotten? When was the last time they ate? Does everyone have clean clothes? Oh they should hurry back because they must hear more about the trip. Hurry up and wait as they rush through the night. To finally get home not but 2 hours later and be greeted with disgust and anguish. No one greeted them. No one wanted their attention. Work was more important. No one wanted a hug, kiss or love. Only hate and a pluming smoke of irritability. 
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slasherscream · 3 years
Hello. Ok I must say I've spent the last 3 days on your blog just reading and reading. Your Billy x reader x Stu give me life!my god it's so good ♥♥♥ Would it be ok to make a request? I was thinking about a scenario where Billy's cheating dad brings home a little girl and he's like "yo, so this is your new sister Billy" and at first Billy is being Billy and hates her guts but Stu is kind to her and as time passes all three become small cute murder family... just an idea...
A/N: this idea is so good. i changed it a bit but here it goes-
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Billy’s father has had it coming for a nice long while. He was a shitty man, a shitty father, and an even shittier husband. If Billy looks at the man for too long it makes him physically sick. Needless to say, he’s been living off of borrowed time.
It would have looked suspicious if the man died right after the Woodsboro massacre. So Billy waited, impatiently. He started dating Stu, finished senior year, and the two went off to a community college together (they’d spent so many months planning the murders that they’d accidentally let university applications fall through the cracks).
The years go by quickly. A murder here, another one there, figuring out what four year college to go to. Getting jobs. With real adult life creeping in Billy had almost forgotten about his old man entirely. Almost.
The man has awful timing. He calls Billy up, out of the blue. They hadn’t talked since the day Billy moved out. Frankly, he doesn’t even know how his father got his number. He doesn’t remember giving it to the bastard. He invites Billy home for Thanksgiving and Billy thinks what a perfect early Christmas gift to himself. Dear ol’ Dad’s head on a spike. Then he tells Billy he wants him to meet his new wife and step-kid. Wants his whole family together.
Billy doesn’t know how he manages to act like a normal, vaguely irritated son for the rest of the phone call. Inside he’s white hot rage. The first thing he does when he hangs up the phone is shatter it. The whole apartment becomes a particularly fragile punching bag. When Stu gets home he looks at the destruction with bewilderment, and can only ask, “Did we get robbed man?”
Woodsboro is going to see another violent, tragic murder. That’s for sure.
Stepping into his childhood home for the first time in years makes him sick. Billy swears he can still smell his Mother’s perfume in the air, but he turns the corner and there’s another woman cooking and prancing around in her fucking kitchen like she owns the place.
Billy can’t wait to string her up by her intestines. To choke her with them. He’ll kill her first and make his father watch the entire thing. But however painful the step-whore’s death will be, Billy will make his father’s twenty times worse. That will be for his mother. 
Deciding he won’t be the only one pissed off this week, he brings along Stu for the family reunion. Maybe it was a little vindictive of him to ask Stu to marry him so they’d be engaged in time for the get together. But he was gonna get around to it anyways, eventually. Besides, Stu had laughed his ass off about it.
You don’t come downstairs when they first arrive and Billy wants to roll his eyes at your Mother telling him “she’s not usually like this, honest-” as if he could give a shit.
They’re not planning on killing you. They haven’t killed any kids yet, and even though Billy thinks about it- thinks about how much it would hurt your Mom to make her watch you die - the thought of killing you makes him uncomfortable. You’re just a kid. Not your fault your Mother is a whore and your new Step-Dad is a piece of shit. He’ll just make sure to psychologically torture her in some other way to make up for it.
When you slink your way downstairs in that petulant way that only kids can, Billy starts to rethink that not killing you thing. You spend all of dinner not saying two words to him, but you’ve got the nerve to scowl at him the entire time like he’s intruding in your house and you’re wondering when he’s gonna leave. Or die.
Knowing that appearance is everything, Billy makes sure to publicly bond with your mother. He goes grocery shopping with her. They get lunch. Anything to sell the image of a perfect family. Anything to alleviate suspicion when she winds up dead, alongside her new husband. Stu stays behind and babysits you.
At first you’re resentful of being watched at all. But Stu has a way with kids, his energy so much like one that it’s hard for them to hate him. In just a few days you’re thicker than thieves. So you start telling him things.
I hate playing family. / Mom only ever pays attention to me when people are around. / They’re always gone. / I think they both wish it was just them, that I wasn’t here-
Stu might not be the most empathetic person around (obviously) but something about the things you tell him makes him feel for you. You’ve got a sad little orphan Annie thing going on. Stu doesn’t know why he tells Billy that he thinks he should spend time with you, but he does. Billy, obtuse, thinks it’s to sell the lie better. So he takes you out to some shitty diner for a special “brother/sister” breakfast.
You moped in the car, you stomped your way into the restaurant, and you slouch in your chair when you’re seated. When he asks you if you want crayons to color with, you instantly know that he’s mocking you and "subtly” knock over your water, hoping to wet him. It doesn’t work, but he admires your spitefulness.
You only sit in silence pushing your food around for a bit before you break. “Your Dad sucks. I hate him.” Billy doesn’t stop to think about how he’s talking to a child before he says, “I’m sure he hates you too.” You don’t start crying big alligator tears, like he thought you would. He was already preparing for it, thinking about how he was going to have to bribe you with ice cream or something to stop you from crying. Instead you sink further into your seat, like you want to melt there, “He doesn’t hate me. He just wishes I wasn’t around.... neither of them want me around.”
Billy sits shell-shocked for a minute. Frankly, he’s never talked to a kid this long. He doesn’t remember how old you are but he doesn’t even think you’re eleven yet. He wonders what the hell the both of your parents are doing behind closed doors to make you feel that way. He knew his father was lousy, he’d already grown up with him. But your Mother had seemed normal. A little fake, but normal.
“What do you mean by that?” So you tell him. The way you told Stu. About the neglect. The long hours alone. By the end of it your little hands are balled into fists and your food is ice cold. The entire time Billy sat quiet. At the end you regret telling him anything. Just because he’s getting married to Stu doesn’t mean he’s nice like Stu. He’s probably just like his Dad.
You start to turn to the window, ready to ignore him until he decides to take you both home. You turn back around when he says, “Your Mom fucking sucks.”
You blink up at him, wide-eyed. You’re shocked he took you seriously. “Yeah, she does.” You finish eating your breakfast quietly but neither of you leave the diner feeling the way you did when you came in.
Thanksgiving passes by uneventfully. Billy and Stu are invited back for Christmas break by your Mother and they accept the invitation. Stu gives you both of their numbers and ruffles your hair, telling you not to be a stranger. Billy stands so stiffly while you say goodbye that you extend your hand for a handshake, not wanting to put either of you through an awkward goodbye hug. He laughs and tells you to take care of yourself.
When they come back for Christmas you’re actually outside to greet them when their car pulls up. You tell them about school. About the things you’ve been doing since you last saw them. About how you managed to watch some of the horror movies Stu snuck you, and you didn’t even have to sleep with the light on afterwards. They sit through it all dutifully and maybe even with amusement. You’re not the same withdrawn kid you were when they first met you, that’s for sure.
Billy is a little miserable , spending the holiday at home. He remembers all the traditions he used to do with his Mom. Putting up the Christmas tree. The lights. Burning cookies and icing them anyway, then trying again until they got it right.
He’s surprised at how the house isn’t decorated and you tell him your Mom isn’t very festive. He tells you your Mom can kick rocks, and hauls all the old Christmas stuff out of the garage and attic. You spend the weekend putting everything up together, you, Billy and Stu. Focusing on trying to give you a good Christmas actually distracts him from the way he misses his Mom.
He doesn’t realize it until it’s Christmas Eve and neither of your parents is in sight. You’re curled up on one side of him, and Stu is on the other. The house smells overwhelmingly of pine scented air freshener, and Frosty the Snowman is playing on the TV. You’re making an excellent case on why Frosty should actually count as a horror movie, and Stu is laughing but trying to argue with you about it anyway. He realizes this is the best Christmas he’s had in awhile.
The three of you fall asleep on the couch together. Billy wakes up a few hours later when your parents come stumbling in, drunk and shushing each other too loudly. It pisses him off, thinking about how they’d have probably gone out on the town and left you alone even if he and Stu weren’t there to stay with you. He wonders just how many times you’re left alone in this house that was too big and lonely for him even when he was a teenager, let alone a fucking kid.
He goes to put out a glass of milk for “Santa” along with the cookies when he runs into your drunk Mother in the kitchen, opening another bottle of wine like his Dad and her aren’t wasted enough.
“Thanks for looking after the kid this week. I know she can be a lot.” The words make him stop cold and he looks behind her, to the drawer that the knives are kept in and almost says fuck it. If the miserable bitch hadn’t wanted to be a Mother this badly she should have kept her legs closed.
“Yeah, no problem.” He has to leave before he fucks up the whole plan and kills her too early. 
He doesn’t wake you up so you can go up to bed on your own. For some reason he thinks about the last time he ever got carried up to bed and picks you up and takes you there himself. He remembers the feeling of waking up, drowsy but safe on his Mother’s shoulder. Of being tucked in, and then waking up in bed later, only vaguely aware that someone else put you there. He was younger than you are now, that last time. But he doesn’t think it matters that much. He doesn’t think you’ve ever gotten cared for like that before. That you were ever made to feel as loved as he was by his Mother. And that’s even with the fact that she up and left one day without a word. At least when she was around she was there.
So he puts you into bed, and tucks you under the covers, and sits beside you for awhile, just staring. He looks up when he feels like he’s being watched, only to find Stu in the doorway staring at him. They go to bed and don’t say a word to one another about it.
They get married in the Spring and you’re the ring bearer. You walk down the aisle ahead of Stu with a big grin on your face. You’re also Billy’s “best-man”. He’s not close to very many people, besides Stu, who he’s marrying. He wasn’t gonna have one at all but then he thought of you, and figured you’d get a kick out of him asking, at the very least. You looked like he’d given you a lottery ticket and hugged him so tight he was impressed. You were the guest screaming the loudest when they kissed and it made them laugh so hard they had to stop.
Summer hits and that’s when it’s going to finally happen. They come to Woodsboro to spend the summer. It’s to help with appearances, sure, but they’re actually looking forward to seeing you. They take you camping. You stay up all night watching movies. You drag them up onto the roof to look at the stars and it makes Billy smile, thinking about all the times he used to do it when he was a kid. His Mom would always yell at him, telling him he’d break his neck one day. You point to a place on the roof where he’d carved his name and he rolls his eyes when he sees that you crossed out his name and carved yours over it.
The weeks go quickly and before they know it it’s time to don their old costumes. Billy’s not as excited as he thought he was going to be. He doesn’t know why he’s starting to get second thoughts, he hates his Dad and despises your Mother even more. Until Stu asks him, hesitantly, “What’s gonna happen to Y/N?”
And there it goes. The reason his stomach’s been twisted up into knots. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen to you. It’s too late to back out of it now. His father’s been had this coming, and your Mother is as shitty as she can be without outright forgetting to feed you or keep the lights on. But what about the aftermath? Are you gonna get carted off by the state? Or shipped away to some distant relative who couldn’t give a shit about you? The thought makes him sick, but he doesn’t want to admit it. All he does is snap back at Stu, “Who gives a shit.”
Stu walks out and doesn’t come back till the next day.
They kill them and it’s their best work. They’ve had plenty of practice over the years. There’s crying, begging, pleading. They draw it out for a long time. At the end of it Billy’s father is whimpering, staring at the mangled corpse of his second wife and asking why. So Billy takes off his mask and tells him why.
They sneak back into the vacation home they’re renting and you’re just where they left you. Tucked in and sleeping soundly. Billy falls asleep with a smile on his face. Stu gets up twice in the night, restless. Each time he winds up outside your door.
A day later an officer shows up at your door, hat in his hands, and tells you that something awful has happened. Billy pretends to be shocked. Stu closes his eyes and tries not to think of how you’re definitely eavesdropping, too impatient for them to come and tell you what’s going on after the cop leaves.
Billy goes to identify the bodies and can’t help but think it is kind of hard to recognize them. If there’s anything he and Stu are good at it’s this.
He feels a lot less smug when he gets home and you’re sobbing your eyes out, clinging to Stu like he’s a lifeline. The moment he sits down next to you you throw yourself at him and he’s surprised at how quickly he wraps his arms around you. At the way he rocks you back and forth and tries his best to soothe you.
“What’s gonna happen to me, Billy?” You wail, helpless in the way only a kid can be. And Stu is looking at him over your shoulder and before he knows it he’s opened his mouth and said, “Nothing’s gonna happen to you. You’re my sister/brother. We’re family. We’re going to take care of you.” It doesn’t make you stop crying but he keeps saying it, over and over. You’re gonna be okay. Nothing’s ever going to happen to you. We’ll take care of you, we promise.
You’re better off with him and Stu anyways.
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