#is it because i dont write super long things and stick to one shots usually?
whatsnewalycat · 1 year
Can you tell me more about your writing process?
I’m literally enthralled by your writing and want to know everything about how you approach your ideas — once you get one, what are your next steps?
You’re phenomenal ❤️
Oh man ok let’s see. I apologize in advance for how long this is (I, too, don’t want to be this intense, I promise).
Once I get an idea that I’m stoked about, the extent to what I do next depends on if it’s a series or a one shot, but I’ll usually try to get a handle on the main characters involved. If it’s a one shot it’s almost entirely vibes, I stg, I just wing the characters and storyline, but follow the same kind of editing process as I do series chapters.
If it’s a series, I’ll make a folder for the series in my notes app, and a note for each main character and start writing down ideas for their main characteristics and backstories. This is usually when I make a Spotify playlist for the series.
Then I make a rough outline for the story based on these characters and the initial idea.
From there I can kind of tell what things I want to do more research into before starting writing. I’ll make a note for each of those things and dump anything I find helpful or interesting into the notes. Like… for Psychomanteum I have notes with: links to tabloid articles, excerpts from research papers on psychomanteums, quotes from this book on grief, excerpts from and links to articles on sexual grieving, etc etc.
After this I go back to the characters and flesh them out a little more. I’ll look at lists of characteristics, make sims (seriously), watch the source material for PP characters, look at character archetypes, and think of people I know IRL for inspiration. Then once I think I know them, I revisit the outline and tweak it accordingly.
When I’m ready to start writing a chapter, which i dont start to do for honestly like… months after the initial idea, I’ll make an outline for each of the scenes I want and start trying to write them. I’ll just kind of word vomit out my ideas and try my hardest not to deal w the parts i think are crappy right away (which is hard because, despite what a chaotic mess I am, I am a fucking perfectionist). Most of the time I end up either not strictly sticking to the outline or writing alternative scenes, too, because idk sometimes it feels like the characters wouldn’t do that??? And I like to have options?
Once i write all the scenes, I take a break for at least a day, then back in and reread and tweak things like, I don’t know, one million fucking times 😂 I end up rewriting a lot of pieces and fleshing things out when I do this though.
When I mostly like it and cut out all the things I don’t want (I always save these scraps in a separate doc because I might want to use some stuff later), I smoke some weed, read a bunch of poetry, put on my playlist, and edit it again. If I ever refer to “the stoned edit” this is it lol. I always end up adding a lot more sensory details and better explaining emotions when I do this.
Then I read It once or twice more for spelling, grammar, formatting, fine tooth comb stuff. I’ll usually post it and immediately find some errors anyway 🥰 but what can ya do lol.
AHHHHH hopefully this helps and isnt Just like… me blabbing on about useless shit 😂
OH ALSO! The book “consider this” by chuck palahniuk has been super helpful for me as far as writing tips and stuff. I’ve listened to that audiobook like... four times because I can’t remember shit ever lmfaooo It’s always helpful imo. I also really like to listen to audiobooks of horror novels and find them inspiring because they’re usually so visceral and engrossing.
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siren1song · 4 years
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wolf-stark · 3 years
You ask I deliver — both tfatws asks in one!
tfatws weekly ask 1
i finally saw ep1!! i wont be able to see ep2 until thursday at the earliest but i already have some Thots on this ep. here are the ones I remember
first is, and i'm so sorry for this, a grammar lesson. an appositive is when you stick an additional phrase in between commas, dashes, or the like. i actually just used one! the "and i'm so sorry for this" in the first sentence of this paragraph is an appositive. thing is, most english speakers don't normally use them when they speak, only in writing. so i'm always on high alert whenever i hear somebody in tv or movies use one. (it's generally a marker of bad screenwriting). anyway there was one right in the beginning of the episode. the white army guy yelling at sam wilson said "first lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." yeah so. the writing of this series started out on the wrong foot for me. but the rest of the episode was obviously tons and tons better (every interview i see with malcolm spellman makes me love him more and more)
the contrast between the opening minutes (falcon action sequence) and the rest of the ep.... i would 100000/10 rather watch a series with just sam and bucky dealing with life. i dont give a single crap about the flag-smashers or any of that. i just want sam, sarah & fam getting their boating business back on the ground & yeeting racist dickwads, bucky going through therapy and making amends, sam and joaquin being bros, sambucky homoerotic tension, etc.
the cinnamontography! wandavision mostly used cinematography to signify era n stuff. tfatws doesn't have wv's premise to go off of, so here's some tricks i noticed:
with sam there's obviously all sorts of shots with the captain america iconography next to his face, but he hasn't totally claimed it. there's the mural of steve rogers in the background; there's sam staring into the shield like it's a spectre of steve's face; there's sam looking into the exhibit, the shield and sam separated by glass and a layer of camera focus. steve is a constant spectre, always there, an idea, a symbol himself. sam's relationship with this iconography is distanced. he is separated by glass exhibit walls. by painting canvases. he doesn't yet feel worthy to take on that iconography. this whole thing was pulled off quite well but also a bit on-the-nose if only in quantity. there's just sooooo much fancy iconography stuff
speaking of the exhibit, there's something that i get real pissy about. it's when like, there's an action going on you're supposed to be paying attention to but the cinematographer is like,,,, hey! check out this location! or this headline! or something! there was a lot of that in the exhibit. the camera was like, you could focus on sam and rhodey's convo (which was fine but could have been so much better with an extra like 10 minutes of deep character study talk) but noooo you want me to look at the symbol for the united nations and read all the text about bucky who hasn't even showed up yet. shut up i know the lore and ill watch the shot-by-shot breakdown yt vids you don't have to make the shot this long jkdsalcjklasejf
my fav trick was with bucky and the therapist. i had seen a clip of the scene with bucky and the therapist beforehand and i thought the cinnamontography was super obnoxious, but then i was like, oh duh. the shots frequently change the distance between the camera and its subject. sometimes it's uncomfortably close and sometimes it's really far. a clear allegory for the duality of therapy, esp for bucky! therapy is an invasive process wherein he is ruthlessly examined, picked apart, and berated for his trauma (this therapist is crap in every way btw, "mean therapist" works for greg house and greg house only). so the camera goes close. it makes the viewer claustrophobic like bucky. but when he's like "no i haven't had any nightmares" the camera suddenly goes really far. we see bucky as this tiny head in the center of the bottom of the frame. we are distanced from him. he has pushed us away. we cannot see him. he lies because he is vulnerable. so yeah, amazing work there. the therapy scene was hard to watch on purpose!
did bucky slip a note to yori inside the dollar bill? bucky stop making me emooooo. the suuper awkward fake smile has me 😭 (veteran trying to adjust!)
mark my worrrrds when sam asks someone y the govt picked john “white bread” walker they’re gonna say “we needed somebody everyone can get behind....someone uncontroversial, someone everyone can see themselves in” like that exact racist dog whistle
tfatws weekly ask 2
just saw ep2 so im taking advantage of the 2 seconds i can be on tumblr without worrying about tfatws spoilers before new episode drops
when isaiah said "your people put me in prison for being a hero" and bucky thought "your people" means hydra. 🤦‍♂️
speaking of racism, the interplay between sam being Black (anti-Black racism) and sam being the Falcon (negrophilia, "can i take a selfie w you as i deny you a loan?") and the intersection between the two (j*hn lichrally called sam "steve's wingman"! he takes the crypto out of crypto-racist in like 2 seconds!) !!!!!!!! a Black celebrity's Black experience, the separation of man and identity!!!! (thinking about vanessa bayer in snl in that skit "beyonce is black" telling her black friend "you're not black, you're...my girl!")
after sam gets racially profiled by cops we see j*hn standing in front of cop cars cinematic parallels turns out j*hn is racist who knew
this therapist sucks major ass but she got bucky and sam together in the same room and ready to collaborate...that's something ig. it was lichrally couple's therapy she said she used her miracle exercise with couples sambucky antis get blended
bucky says "he was wrong about you so maybe he was wrong about me"...that's not how people talk. when therapist asks bucky, the guy who doesn't talk at all about himself, "y do you hate sam", the last thing bucky's gonna do is actually connect his hatred of sam to his own self-worth issues. bucky generally refuses to talk about himself, so why would he talk about himself in the one context that nobody ever links back to their own neuroses: hatred of other people? one thing human beings hate most is admitting we're wrong. admitting you hate someone because of your own issues? that's a major therapeutic step. bucky would absolutely have to be prompted to do that. even like one or two lines of dialogue more would have set up that line better. but in terms of the actual thought? an amazing way to take the sam/bucky relationship. bucky bases his self-worth on steve believing in him, and if steve is wrong bucky has no self-worth, so 1) he has to develop self-worth disassociated from steve's assessment of him and 2) he has to love himself before he can love sam, and 3) he has to realize that sam giving up the shield is a sign of sam's humility not his unworthiness.
conversely, we don't get into why sam hates bucky? yeah sam has the right to hate a guy that has tried to kill him (albeit while brainwashed) multiple times, and now shows up in his life just to bash him but. everything happens so fast i cant follow their relationship
in fact i dont feel like i understood much of anything. like y did bucky and sam go on that mission together? how connected are sam/bucky/joaquin with the government? doesn't bucky just want to retire now? literally what is everyone doing/feeling and why???
if battlestar becomes a knowing commentary on the black best friend stereotype i'm gonna party, but i dont expect much of that
the interplay between man and symbol. captain america is obviously a symbol. the shield is obviously a symbol. but steve rogers? the. man behind the cowl? he too seems to become a symbol. a paragon of a good guy, so good he's unreachable. steve was just a guy stop idolizing him the last thing steve would want is to be idolized
as the resident musician/music nerd on mcublr, 1) that captain america rally music slaps, but 2) re: the song at the end of the ep, if you're just gonna rip off mozart's lacrymosa then at least play mozart's lacrymosa. we wont blame you the lacrymosa slaps (if you dont know what im talking about go on yt and search it up youll recognize it fo sho
look i love enfys nest as much as the next guy but if tfatws is gonna get erin kellyman to play another innocent little gurl blackmailed into the fakeout-villain position (her text seemed to suggest as such) then 😡 like why can't women just....be evil? young, freckly, innocent-looking women? girls are not untouchable pure objects but full of rage and resentment just as much as anyone can be
bonus ep1 comment: bucky says about that senator whose car he hijacked, "she continued to abuse the power i gave her." fictionaldarling on yt say that he says "i" because he can't disassociate himself from his winter soldier persona which begets endless and senseless guilt. like dude. can i not be emo for like 1 second.
OKay. First off, as much I enjoy your sending it to me, what made you decide to send me these??
Don't worry about getting this to me as early as possible. I usually don't watch the episode right away.
1. Cool writing lesson.
2. Everyone wants a comedy show [like Friends] about the MCU superheroes.
3. Cinematography is always a beautiful thing.
4. Sam definitely has to carve his own Captain America status for himself, outside of Steve's ya know everything.
5. They have to do that for people who was just now tuning in because they're in love with Sam Wilson or Sharon Carter.
6. I think the therapist was taking a 'tough love' approach for Bucky, because she likely has some very strong opinions about the literal assassin she's been assigned to give therapy too. She did not choose to talk to him, she was assigned that make that clear in the second episode.
And, Bucky isn't lying when he said it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a resurfaced memory. So, technically he wasn't lying - and yes, the camera does move away because while he's saying he didn't have a nightmare, he's not expanding on what actually happened - so, he's still pushing the therapist/us away.
7. Bucky, and Steve, have/had a TON to adjust to.
8. Yeah, I agree that will be the bullshit line they give. If they ever actually talk about it.
Yeah, always got to take advantage of avoiding those spoilers lmfaoo.
1. Honestly, that line was double meaning. Both about White people and Hydra [which is made up of mostly white supremacists/nazis] So, the line is gesturing to both White People in general and Hydra assholes together. I think the terminology is “double edge sword”??
2. This whole paragraph structure confused me, ngl - so I'm going to answer it the best I can. I do like that they're not ignoring the fact that Sam being Black is 1000% the reason he's not the Official Captain America - because the gov't is racist as hell.
I also like the little lines about how they point out little things about Sam's Falcon persona, like that kid calling him 'Black Falcon' specifically and Sam's response show the split between Sam and Falcon itself.
John is a dick for calling Sam the wingman of Steve Rogers. Sam was a hero all on his own before Steve asked him to join up again. [Side note, it's lichrally??]
3. Exactly, the parallel of Sam being profiled and surrounded while just on the street and John being surrounded by fans and being able to spring Bucky with apparently only a few sentences shows a Loooooot
4. Honestly, at this point I wonder if she's not actually a therapist and is just an agent assigned to assess Bucky outside of an Official Building. I do know, however, that her 'look at each other and speak' exercise is actually a real therapy practice. It's just a little slower.
5. Actually, I think he would've blurted that out. That whole line. I don't think Bucky hates Sam. I think they could've done the scene better, but I think that had Sam prodded him/the therapist been more annoying Bucky would've lost control of his emotions and blurted out the whole "If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me" but I feel like the writing for this show is just... not there. Sometimes you blurt shit when you get overemotional and I think that was what Bucky was supposed to be like.
6. I don't think Sam hates Bucky, I think he doesn't trust him though. I do wish they'd talked about that though. The whole 'talk to each other' scene should've been a LOT longer and a LOT slower.
7. Sam and Bucky's relationship is being fast tracked because they don't really know how to work the relationship out, writers-room-wise. Bucky is technically retired, but I feel like he's trying to live up to Steve's expectations and doing what Steve would've done and we all know that if Steve was there, Steve would've jumped on that plane with Sam. It looks like Sam/Bucky/Joaquin are a side-team based from Military services but as Sam says they're all free agents so...?
8. Sadly, They seem to just be propping up to be another stereotype.
9. Captain America is a symbol. Steve Rogers is a man. But now Steve Rogers is an idol because of all the shit he's been through and honestly, it's not a bad thing he's become an idol for people - it's using Steve as a reason to make White Bread Walker the next Captain that makes Steve's idolization so fucked.
10. I don't know anything about music so I have no opinion here, sorry.
11. Enfys?? Also, I think they did the whole Innocent Girl Thing as side commentary for Bucky lowering his guard about seeing a young girl rather than a guy.
12. Bucky is the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider is Bucky. That is how Bucky will always see it because although he was brainwashed, it was still him and he remembers all of it. When you have constant memories of something 'someone else' did, you tend to not be able to pull the two personas out of each other. I want Bucky to take up the title, White Wolf instead of Winter Soldier. Honest.
This is all my opinion, I’m honestly a little disappointed with the writing of TFATWS so far so... I’m not really optimistic about this.
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sunbellylou · 3 years
ask for writers !!
thank you @tomlinvelvetfics​ for tagging me! and thank you @soldouthaz for making this tag!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: i’ve been writing for years now, i started with het (ew!) 1d fics in portuguese back in 2011, it was actually those little imagines we used to write, don’t know if anyone remembers hehe. i posted them on a facebook page i was part of and i remember the first thingy i wrote was something with niall, but i really don’t remember any details (but was probably bad as heck since i was 11).
my first larry fic i probably wrote around 2012 when i found out the gay fanfics world haha, i don’t remember what it was or anything tbh, in my head i always wrote and posted gay fanfic.
my first fanfic in english was a little one shot (like 400 words honestly), it was a translation of a previous work i wrote portuguese. i posted it a year and a half ago and it’s called playground love (please don’t look).
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?:  i usually write from harry’s pov because i love love l o v e describing louis and how angelic he is, so usually i tend to see louis as this ethereal ish character, cause it’s usually about harry falling in love with him. so whether i like it or no, i tend to be closer to harry’s characters in my fics, i always like to put a bit of myself on him and make the character real, you know?
3. where do you often find inspiration?: honestly? anything! i’ve written fics inspired by tumblr posts, tweets, pictures, songs, movies, things that happened in my real life, books. i literally wrote a pwp because i couldn’t stop thinking about leather pants (go read my robin hood au).
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?: in the beginning it was really helping me, i’d stay up till 4am everyday just writing like crazy, but then i got into the worst writer’s block and didn’t write shit for months. (and of course right when i started getting new ideas, i started working so i have no free time).
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? always listen to music, all the time. i can’t do anything without music. mostly because my brain is a mess and music helps me concentrate. i usually go for some chill songs, some indie pop and stuff.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?: oh my god, when i’m writing and two or more paragraphs start with the same word, one after the other. it drives me crazy!!!! and sometimes i spend hours looking for ways to word differently the sentences, just so i don’t have two paragraphs starting with “the”.
also when my paragraphs are two (or one) lines long, i can’t! it has to have three or more lines.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: at the dining table, in the middle of the night, with some soft music playing in the background and some popcorn with me!
8. favorite time of day to write?: well, just said it hehe i like writing at night.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?: woah, that’s tough because i literally write any genres! i really love writing fantasy and horror stuff, but i feel like it’s not really well accepted in the fandom? (spec horror). and when people like it, they only read from bigger authors so i usually keep myself from writing those. aaand tbh i probably already wrote most of fic genres out there, so there isn’t much left to try.
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?  i’m writer’s block bitch and i do not know how to overcome her
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? outlining tbh, i usually don’t (and it comes back to kick me in the ass). i always have too many ideas at the same time and can’t stick to one, so outlining and finding the right plot is really hard.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable): lately i haven’t really had the chance to come up with ocs, but when i wrote original books (not fanfics and stuff), i usually started with the gender and one outstanding personality trait and went from there.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?  i love the words ethereal and breeze, omg you’ll find them A LOT on my fics. and my least favorite word is growl.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?: i think i describe the vibez in the scene really well, it’s my favorite thing to do. and i need to work more on building my sentences, because theyre always supermessy.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?:  definitely the fic i’m working on right now! i’m putting so much work on the world building since it’s a fantasy fic, so i’m planning every little detail about it. i hope other people like it too when they read it !!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?: comic sans, 12pt, single spaced. don’t come at me.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?: because english isn’t my first language, i always change like ‘th’ for ‘d’ (because it has a similar sound in portuguese), so catch me typing ‘de’ instead of ‘the’ or ‘dey’ instead of ‘they’.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?: i didn’t understand the question so i’m pretending i never read it hehe
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?: my favorite to write is probably,,, love/adoration, like harry looking at louis like he’s the whole world and thinking about how amazing he is? i love it.
and the most difficult is probably anger, i find it really hard to write like fights and stuff like that because usually i make the characters sound more sad than angry.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?: i never thought about that but,,, i hope they start finding joy in small things that happen in their day. that’s something i use a lot in my fics and i think it’s very important to bring it to real life. like enjoy that late night tea, showering in the morning, spending a summer day in the house, cleaning, etc.
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?: i think the best advice is one i got from someone i no longer talk to, they told me this when i first started writing in english and it is to stop trying to write fancy or like native english speakers, because it’s much better to write simple sentences that i’m confident about than write sentences with words i barely know how to use.
and the worst advice is TO OUTLINE! i know i should maybe i dont know but leave me alone, i hate outlining bye
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?:  ok so,,, it’s a book i wrote like three years ago with original characters. it’s called great evil and i wrote it in portuguese. it’s full of violence and acid humor, about a very evil and sarcastic demon and an angry hunter. (one day i’ll translate that book and turn it into a larry fic)
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: chronologically. always
24. how do you handle criticism?: really bad. please be careful with what words you use. i’m already really hard on myself when it comes to my writing, so sometimes someone says something and (it might be dramatic but) i feel my world crumbling and i want to stop writing right away.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?:  just,,, do it. there’s no right or wrong way to do it. there’s no such thing as too much or too little, bad or good plots. every idea is a good idea. write it for yourself, write something you like. go ahead and just do it. there’s always someone out there who will enjoy your work, no matter what.
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?: any comments make my day tbh, if you comment on my fic i’ll be forever grateful and will be smiling like a fool the whole day. honestly, even a “omg i loved it” comment can make my day.
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?: the one i’m writing 100%, please i want to live in a fantasy world. i wanna live in the water kingdom and have faerie louis as my king please.
and i’d like to befriend louis from my fic kiss me in your chevrolet, he’s a sweetheart and i must protecc.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?: anything! i rarely get asks so anything is good hehe
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?: it’s such a big part of my life, i spent all my teenage years writing and it really is what built my personality. it helped me being more creative with all aspects of my life and take life lightly, enjoy little things and moments. 
30. why do you write?: i just love having ideas and putting out there, playing with words and finding new ways to describe daily things.
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
The path through the dense forest, covered in slippery rocks and burning trees is already difficult enough, but it becomes ten times worse when you’re being pestered by small, demonic creatures. 
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
i’m honestly only working on one fic right now and i’m super duper excited about it
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of:
"I mean, I still don't plan on watching Star Wars, so…" 
The boy groans playfully, throwing his head back and Louis' eyes are suddenly really interested in the column of the guy's throat. 
"Americans really have no culture." He shoulders Louis slightly, warmth spreading through Louis' dainty shoulder and making him trip to the side lightly. With a faux outraged scoff, Louis waves a dismissing hand. 
“What do British people know about culture? All you do is drink tea and talk about the weather all day,” Louis teases with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Also, Star Wars is American, just so you know.” He rolled his eyes playfully, feeling surprisingly comfortable in his presence.
Skater Boy sighs comically, shaking his head, his wavy locks falling gracefully on the sides of his face and Louis can’t stop thinking about how soft his hair must be. 
“You got me there.”
not posted but i kinda like it (i’m not really good with dialogues, so it was really hard to find one lmao)
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s): I will do only those that are already published:
best first lines are from a halloween fic i never finished: 
Louis’ blue eyes snap open. His heart pounds fast inside his rib cage, making something as easy as breathing almost impossible. Sweat drenches his body and he feels like drowning. He feels too awake and wary as his breathing calms down, as well as his grips on the sheets under him loosen.
best last lines are from my 2019 BLFF there’s more than one place to call home: 
Their life was utter chaos, and they were definitely complete opposites, and sometimes Harry wished Louis would just shut the hell up, but at the same time, Harry wouldn’t change a single thing about his life, because he had Louis, and that was all that mattered to him. 
5a. link the last fic you read: it was the devil's in the details by @raspberryoatss​
6a. link the last work you published: you could take a lick (but it’s too cold to bite me)
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): cinnamons
8a. someone that inspires you: louis hehe 
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: tbh i don’t read a lot of fics, but there’s this work a friend of mine wrote. it was in portuguese and she ended up deleting it but it’s amazing.
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! @bottomlwt @raspberryoatss 
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zombiified · 4 years
writing a little something from mikes perspective because nile wants steve to get more attention
I just wanted a popsicle, but as I opened the freezer I realized they were all gone. We’d have to go get some soon, I guess. I wondered if there were any upstairs. Maybe Maze had some extras, of course I’d ask her first if she was even awake. It was nearing midnight. I rarely went up there, every time I did Mia would drag me down and lock me in the second basement, which isn’t super fun. There was no light, no food, no water. If I didn’t have my phone on me I could be stuck for days before anybody realized I was down there. Not to mention it was freezing. I hoped Mia wasn’t up as I crept up the stairs.
Fortunately, she wasn’t there. The light over the sink was already on, giving off a nice yellow glow. It was a shitty lightbulb, but I could see. Instead of going to find Maze, I found something a little more important. Steve had his head down on the island. I thought he was asleep and tapped his shoulder. He shot up, obviously startled.
“Sorry, I thought you were sleeping.” I said.
“What do you want?” He looked at me. He looked a little more disgruntled than usual. His hair was a mess, his eyes looked more tired and hollow than they usually did, his lips were chapped. He was a wreck.
“A popsicle.” I answered truthfully after getting a good look at him. He sighed and pointed to the freezer, then put his head back down. I grabbed one, but instead of going back downstairs, I sat down next to Steve. He looked at me weird.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked, reluctantly reaching over to pat his back. He didn’t react at all. I wanted to go on, but was never good at comfort or anything. I waited for a response. He finally looked at me. He only looked, but didn’t say anything. I continued eye contact while biting down on the popsicle.
“No.” I was surprised at his answer. I don’t know what I expected, but this wasn’t it.
“Oh, uh, what’s up?” I wanted to help him, but he didn’t say anything else. I wondered if he was just taking a while to speak like before, but after at least five minutes of waiting he still didn’t say anything. I finished my popsicle and began chewing on the stick.
Suddenly he scooted his stool closer to mine, as close as he could get them. I took notice to the fact that he was struggling simply because his feet couldn’t touch the floor. I helped him out.
“I can’t sleep, it’s fine.” He groaned. I kept a hand on his back. I had no clue what he wanted.
“I dont think the counter is the best place to sleep.” I said, genuinely wondering why he was here. Why wasn’t he in bed? This clearly wasn’t comfortable. He took another long pause. This time he never spoke up.
“Why are you here?” I tried once again.
“Good question.” He responded. That hurt.
“I meant at the counter.” I explained nervously. He groaned again.
“Good question, Mike.” He repeated himself. I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t want to force him to say anything, but I didn’t want him sad, but I couldn’t help him if I don’t know what’s going on. We sat in silence for a few. It was eerily quiet around the house. It felt like we were alone in the house, but we really weren’t. Everyone was just asleep.
“Do you want anything? Something to eat? A blanket, maybe?” I offered to him. He mumbled something I couldn’t hear, so I asked him to repeat himself.
“A hug.” He said, just a tiny bit louder. If I wasn’t leaning in I wouldn’t have heard him.
“Come here, come here.” I opened my arms, and slowly he got up and leaned on me. I hugged him tight. This was nice, actually. Maybe he wasn’t the mean bastard he seemed to be. I thought about the last time I gave him a hug. It was years ago, at least seven. I thought about the last time I saw anybody give him a hug. My mind drew a blank. It was usually blank, but I seriously couldn’t remember. It struck me how deprived of any attention he was getting. He was usually in his room or on the couch. That’s not fair! I thought to myself. He did everything for us. He didn’t deserve to be pushed aside. I’d talk to the others about it tomorrow. For now, I’d give him what I had.
“Thank you.” He pulled away after a few. He pushed his stool in.
“Of course.” I assumed he was going to bed now. I got up as well. “Are you going to bed?”
“Yeah.” He shook his head like a dog to fix his hair. I found that entertaining, I did the same thing.
“Alright, goodnight.” I started to head back downstairs, the popsicle stick still in my mouth.
“Night.” He said, then we parted ways for the night.
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
Warning (Alfie x Reader) Oneshot
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Pairing: reader x Alfie Solomons
Word count: idk its not super long
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader is a Shelby that they call the Witch because every man she meets falls in love with her. Sent to negotiate with Alfie, the Reader warns him not to fall in love and of course he thinks it won't be an issue.... until it is. 
Based off a plethora of Alfie x Shelby reader imagines
note: so originally i wanted to write a bunch of stories but they’re really not my forte, this has been in my draft nearly a year, some kind soul said they wanted a longer imagine for my most recent one so i figured i might as well just post this. added the last two sections just for some closure.
“I’ve heard stories about you.” Alfie grinned, taking a seat at his desk, “you’re the Shelby witch eh? one walk down a street right, and every man who sees ya falls wildly in love.”
you shrugged, “well if you’ve already heard of me, then I guess I don’t have to warn you, not that my warnings do any good.”
“you? warn me? not to fall in love with ya?!” Alfie laughed, “sounds like a challenge eh?”
“I hope you win Mr. Solomons, you would be the first who does.”
he sat back in his chair, taking a long look at you, “so you want what Thomas asked for last I saw him?”
“yes, that's what I'm here for. you either give it to me now and let me leave, maybe you’ll make it out of this without feelings, but if you want to negotiate, I’ll be sticking around a while, worse for you.” you crossed your arms, “so what will it be?”
Alfie rubbed at his bearded chin, looking you up and down, “ I say negotiate, whats the worst that could happen eh?”
you walked to the door, turning to look at him once, “the worst thing, Alfie, is you’ll fall in love with me and end up giving me everything I want anyways, don't say I didn't warn you.”
you were staying in one of the Shelby estates while in London, a three-story house in the heart of the city. it was around dinner time and you wandered the house, dressed in a beautiful ballgown.
you hadn't been pacing long when there was a knock at your door. “I’ll get it.” you told the maid as you walked to the door, opening it and leaning on the doorway, arms crossing over your chest.
“well isn't this a surprise?” you grinned at Alfie.
he looked you up and down, “obviously not love. are you all dressed up for lil ol’ me?” a grin spread on his face.
“no I’m waiting for a different gangster.” you shrugged, moving from the doorway to allow him into the house. 
“oh yeah? busy bewitching the lot of us at once eh?” he sauntered in, closing the door behind him.
you sighed, “let me grab my purse and then we can go.”
Alfie laughed, “and what makes you so sure I’m planning on taking you somewhere?”
“its dinnertime Mr. Solomons and you are dressed nicely, as am i.” you grabbed the purse and rejoined him in the entryway, holding out a hand, “shall we?” 
he sighed, allowing you to take his arm as he escorted you from your house and to his car, where he offered a hand to help you into the car before gingerly closing the door behind you.
“so how did you know I’d come and take you for dinner?” he asked when he entered the car.
“I give a man 24  hours before he calls on me and I met you this morning, making dinner time the obvious choice Mr. Solomons.”
“so I’m just like every other one of your bewitched puppies eh?” he chuckled.
“it's starting to look that way Mr. Solomons, ready to give me what I want yet? leave while you still can?” you suggested. 
“not a chance.”
you insisted on one of the nicest restaurants in London, Alfie had tried to object but one look had silenced him. he had to admit, walking into that fancy place, you on his arm... the looked he received, the respect, the envy... he did enjoy it. 
but he also saw how easy it was for you to wrap men around your finger and he knew that he would be just another sorry sod if he wasn't careful. He had fought himself all day about whether or not to take you for dinner before deciding it was a courtesy thing, a sign of ‘goodwill’. 
when the waiter came, Alfie opened his mouth to speak but you waved a hand at him, not that it mattered since you had 100% of the waiters attention anyways, “two glasses and a bottle of whiskey, the best you have, and trust me, if you bring us the shit you serve regular people, I will know.” you stated then waved your hand again, sending the waiter running to attend to your needs.
“so you’re a woman who knows what she wants.” Alfie stated.
“I’m a Shelby, don't forget it.” you said. 
“right, so let's talk business-” Alfie began.
you laughed, “not a chance Mr. Solomons, we talk business in the morning, evenings and dinner are for pleasure only.” you flashed that brilliant and all-knowing smile that he was already staring the love, “but you knew that. just like I knew you’d show up at my door tonight.”
Alfie grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, “so you’ve got me all figured out, that’s just lovely innit? just lovely.”
“so ask me.”
“ask you what love?”
“the questions that have been on your mind. I know you have some, if you didn't, neither of us would be here.” 
just then the waiter returned with your drinks, flashing you a shy smile before scurrying off again. “you’ve got that boy wrapped around your little finger ain't ya?” Alfie laughed. 
“you know who I am, I’m the Shelby witch, now get back on track and ask me those questions Alfie.” you sighed.
“how is a pretty girl like you right, with obvious suitors, still unmarried?” he asked, pouring you both a shot.
“call me whatever you’d like, call me crazy even, but i want to marry for love. and its nothing but true love that will ever convince me to marry a man.” you answered, taking the shot and downing it. 
Alfie followed suit then laughed, “so you’ve just got high standards is that it?”
“men will always love me for the way I look, I’ve yet to meet a man who gets to know the true me, inside, first.” 
Alfie poured another shot, “sounds like another challenge don't it?”
“Cheers to that.” you laughed, clinking your glass to his as you downed another shot, “now I have a question for you.”
“hmm.” he said absentmindedly, pouring another shot already, “this is damn good stuff.”
“how is it you, the leader of a gang.... how is it a man as handsome as you is unmarried?”
Alfie chuckled, “you think I'm handsome do ya?”
“I have eyes, same as you.” 
“most women just want me for me money and me power.” he answered.
“so i suppose we both know what its like, having people come for the superficial things, do we not, Mr. Solomons?”
“for the love of god woman, call me Alfie why don't ya?”
the shots had kicked in soon after, but you had gone for dinner and dinner you would be having. you ordered once more for Alfie and yourself, no arguments from him. the two of you had laughed and ate for hours, you insisted on paying, he had drank water to get himself sober enough to drive and then he had driven you back to your place.
walking you to your door like a true gentleman, you had thanked him for the night, then turned and kissed him on the cheek, with that you closed the door behind you.
he stood there on your doorstep for a few moments, heart beating in his chest while you fell back to lean on the door, also breathing heavily.
you never usually let men take you out. usually they only saw you for your looks. but Alfie? well, he hadn't immediately fallen to your feet with admiration.... and, Tommy had told you to make this deal happen. 
you had to admit, Alfie had a certain charm. or maybe you had an aversion to men with power, being used to power yourself. maybe it was the strong shoulders. you didn't know. all you knew was that you had been playing the game and winning for years, but maybe loosing would be okay. maybe, the tables turning wasn't such a bad idea.
but... you knew he liked you too. that shocked look on his face before you closed the door after kissing his cheek would not be an image soon forgotten.
you’d been in London for two months. two months longer than Tommy had intended. but Alfie just couldn't... give you up.
you had gone out for dinner once a week for the whole two months. they had started out sweet and about business... but soon he started bringing you flowers and paying for beautiful dresses that would arrive in packages the day of the dinner. 
then, he’d asked you to marry him. 
and, without any consultation with your brothers, you’d agreed.
when Tommy arrived at Alfie’s office his eyes immediately went to you and Alfie. he was sitting in his chair and you were standing close behind him, your hand on his shoulder.
you both looked up when Tommy entered.
“what the fuck is this?!” he asked.
“we’re getting married-” you began.
“no you’re fucking not!” Tommy screamed.
“calm down mate.” Alfie warned, “hear your sister out.”
Tommy’s angry gaze went from Alfie to you, “well are you going to explain or what?!”
“it happened really fast but... i love him Tommy.” 
“not. possible.” 
you frowned and Alfie stood, leaning forward on his desk, “well now look what you’ve done?” he growled, “you’re making your sister upset.”
“and what the fuck about it?” Tommy glared, “i’ve been pissing my sister off for years.”
“well that ends here.” Alfie stated.
“dont ever think you can tell me what to do as it concerns to my family.” Tommy growled.  
“right, well, this is my future wife.” 
“no. she isnt.” Tommy turned to you, “Y/N, we’re leaving.”
“no Tommy. you are.”
Polly paced in front of the Shelby boys, “this is like Ada, but worse. i know you all hate the man but this is for Y/N, now if one of you steps a toe out of line, i’ll kill ya.” she met the eyes of every man, especially Tommy, “got it?!”
Tommy’s jaw feathered and his fists clenched and unclenched.
“got it Tommy?!” Polly growled.
“got it.” 
“now, John, out of respect to the family, Alfie has requested you as best man because he hates you the least.” Polly said.
John rolled his eyes.
“today is about Y/N. after today, she can move to Camden town and you never have to see that bear of a husband of hers again. agreed?”
“agreed.” they all sighed.
Polly smiled, “then lets go and have a wedding.” 
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aitaikimochi · 6 years
Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” The Movie FULL Detailed Plot/Summary from Anime Expo
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Twitter user Eikosenpai has posted on her Twitter a super long and detailed summary from the Boku No Hero Academia “The Two Heroes” movie premiere from Anime Expo 2018! She sent me the transcription of her super long summary, which was separated as several tweets containing pictures of her summary. I will personally be watching the movie in August when it comes out in Japan and will write my own report, but this is a pretty detailed one from Claudia. Enjoy~
Some things to note, the movie is set before Bakugou gets kidnapped, so All Might still has his hero form. The movie begins in Vegas where a villain attacks and steals $10 million. A car with a family is about to get hurt when All Might comes just in time to save them. All Might then assures them to not worry because he has arrived!
Dave is introduced during the fight and drives a very flashy red sports car to get him closer to the fight. Dave Shield is All Might’s partner in crime in the States. All Might fights the villain and ends the fight with the iconic Detroit Smash! After the fight, all of the people watching the fight do not know who All Might is yet and Dave introduces him as “He is a student exchange student from Japan, and he is a hero.”
A little background of Dave, he is the ones who made All Might’s hero outfits the Young, Bronze, Silver, and Golden Age! He has a daughter named Melissa Shield.
This whole scene transitions into the present All Might in his weak form and he is sleeping, which means he was dreaming of the opening scene. He wakes up by Deku calling his name as they are about to arrive on I-Island! They are taking a private jet which allows All Might to be in his weak form until they arrive.
I-Island is an exclusive island that scientists reside and All Might has been invited by Melissa to attend the I-Expo that is held to surprise Dave! The island is HUGE with a lot of heroes roaming around that is almost like Disney mascots in Disneyland that you can take photos with. I-Island’s setting is basically a theme park but a hero park.
When All Might and Deku arrive at the island, everyone recognizes All Might and scream ‘All Might!’ and rush over to him and crowds him. The scene switches to Deku who is being completely stuck and moving like seaweed in the ocean from how many people there were.
Right after they manage to get away from the crowd, All Might’s face is covered with red kiss marks. Then, Melissa comes jumping on a pogo stick yelling All Might’s name and is first introduced. Melissa is introduced as Dave’s daughter and is amazed that Deku is a student at U.A. and explains that she jealous because she is quirkless. Melissa takes Deku’s hand and realizes that he has major scars on his hand.
Melissa then takes All Might and Deku to meet Dave and Dave is very surprised that they have arrived. Upon their arrival, Dave was speaking with his assistant Sam.
Melissa and Deku leave Dave and All Might to view more of I-Island and All Might can finally turn back into his real form as he had to put up his strong front up until now. Dave is shocked by the shape All Might is in.
Melissa takes Deku around to see all types of heroes items in what looks like a bat cave (lol) and they are getting along very well! Suddenly, Ochako comes out of nowhere and clearly sees Melissa and Deku getting along and is drawn literally with this face ( - u - ) It was very clear she was not too happy about this “date.”
* I remember Deku saying something along the lines of ‘She’s a friend’ and Ochako going like ‘Ahhh…’ *
Ochako is introduced with both Jirou and Yaoyorozu who Deku is very surprised to see. All of them decide to go to a cafe. All the girls are talking on one table as they get to know each other. Deku is by himself and when his drink arrives (it is an All Might Drink that definitely looks like it can be sold at a cafe in Japan in the future LOL), Denki and Mineta are introduced as waiters!
The two of them are working as part-timers during the I-Expo and they are very excited for making money and meeting girls (as usual). When they introduce Melissa to them and both Denki and Mineta, but mostly Mineta, are very excited to see such a pretty girl…
Iida conveniently comes running in and says his family was invited to I-Expo as well, but no one could get so they told Iida to go instead. Deku then asks why the other girls of Class 1A are not there, and Yaoyorozu explains with a scene of the girls all playing Rock, Paper Scissors with Tsuyu, Mina, and Toru losing. Mina was yelped at how sad she was that she lost, Tsuyu threw up a peace sign
There is a loud explosion sound and Deku looks concerned. Turns out Bakugou was the reason for the explosion as he is fighting in an area with Kirishima! They both are competing to try to destroy as many bots as they can as fast as they can.
Bakugou sees Deku and rushes over and starts yelling stuff like “WHY ARE YOU HERE?” aka the usual. Bakugou explains that he was invited to attend I-Expo because he won the Sports Festival and he invited Kirishima to come with him.
Everyone tells Deku to try his shot at the arena battle to try and beat Bakugou as he was currently in the lead for most kills. Deku agrees and is uses 6% of One For All (I think it was 6% but not completely sure). Melissa recalls the scars on Deku’s hand and correlates it to how Deku’s power is too strong for his body.
After Deku finishes his round and finished in 2nd place behind Bakugou. Suddenly, Todoroki uses a gigantic ice move that kills a ton of bots that immediately plummets him to 1st place. Bakugou angrily goes up to Todoroki like ‘WHY ARE YOU HERE?’ which Todoroki responds with ‘Oh, Bakugou.’ Bakugou then retorts like ‘DON’T IGNORE MY QUESTION!’
The arena scene switches to Dave and All Might in his lab and Dave is running tests on All Might. His monitor shows that All Might’s One For All power is depleting at an extreme rate that Dave suspects can’t be just from All For One’s attack. All Might thinks to himself that he cannot tell Dave he gave Deku One For All or else it will endanger both Dave and Melissa.
There is a reception party that will be held later that night and Iida informs all of them that they must attend or else it will tarnish U.A.’s reputation. He orders them to be very very punctual and suddenly runs off to prepare. The scenes pan to them getting prepared but mostly of Bakugou’s room.
Bakugou is lying on his bed and is complaining how he does not want to attend the party as its a hassle and boring. Kirishima is in his room (shirtless btw) and tells him otherwise and that it’ll be fun! Kirishima also tells Bakugou he brought them suits so they will be dressed to impress basically.
** Both Denki and Mineta are invited by Melissa to go to the reception party, but I do not remember when this scene specifically is set in between. I just remember this scene happened SORRY! **
Later, Melissa invites Deku to her room and she mentions to him that she saw how he was holding back power for his body to handle to which we made him a special gauntlet to use! The Full Gauntlet is a support she made for him that will balance his power with his body so it does not overpower him.
They all meet up again ready for the reception party and Deku is running a little late. Ochako comes in and Deku compliments her and she waves embarrassed like how she does in the anime (really cute)! Yaoyorozu and Jirou arrive with Jirou hiding behind Yaoyorozu because she was embarrassed since she doesn’t wear dresses usually. Denki compliments Jirou and Mineta creeps on them which then Jirou hits them and Denki says ‘But I complimented you!’
All Might is down at the reception already and is about to make a toast when the scene switches to someone hacking the security system.
There is a short scene with Kirishima and Bakugou in their suits walking down a hallway and they are lost. They also can’t tell their classmates that they’re lost because Kirishima left his phone in the room.
Suddenly, the security system is hacked and is warning everyone on the island that there is a bomb. The villains come in to the reception party where all the pro heroes and All Might are in and they tie them all up. Dave is captured because he knows the security system and the villains take him away.
When the security system informs people that there is a bomb, there is scenes that cut to Tsuyu, Mina, and Invisible girl that shows them having a sleepover. They all are alarmed of the news when Invisible Girl brings out a deck of Uno cards since there is time to pass (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?)
There are also scenes that show Tokoyami seeing the news too (he was with someone else, but I dont remember who!). Sato was in a room with Sero when the news broke out.
Now, Deku, Melissa, Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Denki, and Mineta are now stuck in a room because the hacked security system blocked all entrances. They now all have to decide what to do. Iida says that they should all escape as All Might wants them to do, but Deku refuses and states that he “wants to save.” Ochako agrees with Deku and they all start agreeing to fight back and take over the security system. Mineta freaks out that they all are agreeing and only agrees because everyone else is all while crying.
** During this time, Deku sees All Might down in the reception and they have like a telepathic conversation where All Might tells Deku to leave, but Deku says he will not. All Might recognizes Deku’s willpower to save everyone and allows him to go and take back the security system. All Might will have to endure his hero state until the security system is restored. **
Melissa tells them that the security system is located on the 200th floor and they all have to run up flights of stairs when they were only on the 30th floor! They manage to get up to the 80th floor when Mineta opens a door which alerts the hacker that they are running and not captured.
The hacker tries to close the walls on them, but Todoroki uses his ice move to keep the wall from closing which gave Iida an opening to use Full Throttle to break down all the other walls.
They all manage to get to a wide open area that is filled with plants. Imagine a greenhouse, but the size of whole building. They all hide amongst the plants to blend in as two bad guys know that they are all hiding. The villains yell out ‘We know you’re here’ all while everyone is thinking ‘DO NOT FIND US!’
The villains suddenly say ‘We found you,’ but they did not find the main gang, they ran into Kirishima and Bakugou. Both of them think that the villains are regular adults which Kirishima then apologizes and says that we are just lost. One of the villains tries to hit Kirishima which Bakugou instantly tries to deflect, but Todoroki is faster and uses ice to deflect the attack.
The fight continues with Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima while the rest of them escape to try to get to the security system. They escape to a dead end where the only opening is through an air vent that the only person who can fit is…Mineta. Mineta immediately does not want to do it because he’s afraid, but Denki convinces him by saying that the girl’s will all praise him and love him for saving them!
Of course, Mineta immediately starts climbing the vent yelling “HAREM! HAREM! HAREM! GIVE ME LOVE!” He manages to get to the top and opens the door for them all to which he says something along the lines of give me all the praise.
The scene switches back to the fight with Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima where they all have to team up to fight the two villain henchmen. Kirishima gets hit and he gets blasted to a wall. Bakugou uses Howitzer Impact on a villain and his sleeve rips which the villain thinks is stupid. But this distraction created an opening for Todoroki to defeat the villain.
After they have defeated the two bad guys, Kirishima is seen still stuck to the wall and says he can’t get out. Bakugou immediately says “Are you stupid, just undo your quirk and you can get out.” Kirishima says, “Oh!”
After Kirishima undos his quirk, Bakugou looks away from Kirishima and says sheepishly, “Kirishima, thanks.” Kirishima looks up at him and smiles a huge grin and says “Don’t mind!” ** I’m sorry in advance but I really can’t remember if Kirishima or Bakugou blushes for those asking! **
The scene switches back to the main group where they are now stuck and surrounded by bots that the hacker sends out. Denki steps up to the plate and uses his power to kill the bots. He goes up to 2 million volts to which right before he uses it, Jirou says “but that will make you…” he switches to his derp face and Jirou ends with “dumb.” The bots then tie up Denki in his derp phase.
Deku now uses the new support Melissa made for him and he uses 30% of his power completely scratch free! The support is a success, but he can only use the gauntlet two more times as it has a limit.
During this scene, Ochako Iida, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Denki agree to fend off the bots for Deku and Melissa to escape to make it to the security system. Yaoyorozu makes cannons that they use but she has used her quirk too much that she cannot do much else. Mineta also uses his quirk that his head starts bleeding.
Ochako has to use her Zero Gravity quirk to have Deku and Melissa fly away from the fight to make it to the security system. As Ochako uses her quirk on them and they start floating, bots are about to hurt Ochako when…Bakugou and Todoroki come and save her! Kirishima says “You guys make a good team” to Bakugou and Todoroki that Bakugou denies immediately.
Deku uses his Detroit Smash move which was successful and then they fall to the ground. She falls on top of Deku with Deku’s hand near her waist (and everyone in the audience said ‘oooo’). Melissa is hurt on her arm and Deku patches her up before they head into the security room.
Dave and his assistant Sam are both in the security room. A drawer in the room is open and contains a device in a case that Sam holds. Sam congratulates Dave on the success and Dave says that the plan was a success as well. Melissa and Deku both hear this which Melissa immediately says ‘Papa, this is a lie right?”
Dave created a device that enhances a heroes quirk, however, his research for the device was cut short while it was being developed because an executive board forbid such a device. After the committee denied his invention, Dave’s assistant, Sam, told Dave that we can try to get the device back by creating a plan to physically take it back.
The plan was to hire fake villains during I-Expo so that it would look like they are the ones stealing the device, when in actuality, they would be giving the device back to Dave. Dave explains that his main goal for taking back the device was just to save All Might. He says that “he’s doing it for All Might.”
The main villain, Wolfram, enters the room and Sam takes the case towards him. Dave is shocked because it turns out that Sam hired real villains instead of the fake ones they planned to hire. Sam backstabs Dave because he says he put just as much time and effort into the device that he wanted money for his efforts. Sam hands the case to Wolfram and in return, Sam is shot because Wolfram says he does not remember making a deal with him (classic bad guy).
Wolfram is about to kill Sam, when Dave runs and takes the shot instead. Dave is shot on his arm and Melissa tries to run to him but gets thrown to a wall. Wolfram holds back Deku by using his quirk that allows him to manipulate metal. Dave is captured by Wolfram and taken away.
Wolfram explains to Dave that he plans to have him mass produce the device for him as they are about to board a helicopter. Melissa manages to revert the security system back to normal and All Might is shown freed and he is ready to fight. Deku manages to save Dave on the helicopter for a second, but Deku loses his grasp and falls off the helicopter. Deku is upset with himself that he can’t manage to bring the helicopter down to save Dave, when All Might comes to the rescue!
All Might comes flying in and literally EXPLODES the helicopter (I legit thought like I guess All Might kills Dave LOL). Somehow he has Dave safely on the ground, and All Might looks pretty weak.
Suddenly, Wolfram is back but in a much stronger form because he put on Dave’s device. Wolfram grabs Dave and he is now in between walls of metal. His quirk has been enhanced exponentially as he fights All Might. All Might is showing signs that he is at his limit when Todoroki and Bakugou come to help!
Wolfram manages to capture All Might and he is being restricted by his arms and legs by huge pillars of metal. Wolfram explains to All Might that he did not plan this all by himself, he had the idea and help from All For One…
** When Wolfram explains that All For One helped him, the music turns to the same creepy music with the opera singing woman in the anime. I got chills **
While All Might is being held, HUGE rocks of metal and debris all crash onto All Might. (I don’t remember how All Might got out of that debris mess cause I was too concentrated on how intense the battle was. BUT Deku and All Might both manage to get back on their feet and fight!)
The fight turns for the better as Deku and All Might finally team up as the two heroes! They use their One For All quirk to the best of their ability and it is one epic fight. There is a scene where All Might is running with Deku right alongside him and they are running with the same speed and style that Melissa and Dave (I think?) takes note of. They can see how in sync they are with the most powerful quirk.
Their epic finishing movie is a DOUBLE DETROIT SMASH WITH PLUS ULTRA! (This fight scene was really well animated.)
Wolfram is defeated and the sunrises over the debris filled I-Island. The separated Class 1A reunites after the fight.
** I have a note that Todoroki smiles at Bakugou but I don’t remember what led up to that smile and im pretty sure Bakugou smiles. But, I’m not 100% sure, sorry!!!! **
The last scene shows Dave and All Might talking with each other while the students are up above on a higher ground. Dave and All Might talk about how Melissa will be a great scientist and how Deku is on the way of being a hero. Dave tells All Might that he knows that Deku is the one who he passed One For All to and says that he has the “light of a hero.” This is said while the scene pans over Deku and Melissa smiling.
THATS THE END OF THE MOVIE! There was no extra scene at the end because they will show the scene when it hits theaters. Thank you for reading the whole thing if you did and sorry if some parts are confusing! I know I am missing some scenes and transitions but I tried my best and hope you enjoy the movie when it comes out! Thanks~
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-gently kicks thru the door- how did i only now find ur blog hot dang. hey if ur still doing requests or prompts.. consider... a thing where jack takes care of rhys. just like in whatever way u might want to take that. im thinking like rhys is sick and is 2 pitiful to take care of himself but u can totally... smut that up to ur own tastes should u so desire. yes the first time i interact w/ u its to ask for smut and no this is not out of character for me sdjgskhhffh im so srry
It’s a big internet out there and this blog is only 3 years old…. it happens heheheh xD And you caught me in an excellent mood SO:
This labeled as Assistance. Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Rhys was frustrated.
Not just because he’d tripped over his own damn feet bringing Jack his morning coffee, nor from the resultant fracture to his left hand that the doctors told him to absolutely not use for the remaining two weeks as it healed nicely, and not even from the fact that his right hand needed recalibration after the embarrassing face-plant in front of the CEO’s desk.
No, he was frustrated because Jack– for all his teasing and braying laughter- was actually being nice about Rhys’ clumsy fall, had shunted off the majority of hand-intensive work to his secretary, and was being extra considerate and handsy with him in the office in ways that set Rhys’ heart beating faster.
In the very sense of the word, Rhys was getting desperate, and desperation lead to… creativity.
His cybernetic arm was a mechanical wonder of technology, yes, but even without the calibration it so sorely needed, it wasn’t quite the same– or welcoming- as his flesh hand.
He’d considered asking Jack to recalibrate it for him- more than a few times- but the idea of letting his boss into his subsystems and opening up his hardware was…. Well… Jack had a questionable attention span already, and coupled with his brilliant mind, Rhys was worried about what he could possibly put in there. Spyware. Weird voice commands. Or worse, with the connection to his echoeye, he might encounter all the very-specific searches Rhys had done about the man on the echonet.
Not worth it, in his opinion.
His right hand was… usable, yeah, but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t what he’d call ambidextrous, and the lag in how his fingers worked– imperceptible to others but frustratingly off to him- made even the most enthusiastic jerking-session a lesson in persistence.
He was horny was the thing. Crazy horny. Unable-to-ignore and stressed-out-of-his-mind-and-required-release horny. Release was good, the relief itself a blessing, but he wasn’t satisfied. And the fact that his insanely-attractive boss almost seemed to be touching him more than normal in encouragement, watching him more keenly than usual in case he needed assistance, wasn’t helping matters.
Of course he could have just been being paranoid, and Jack himself was more observant than he was given credit for. But if Rhys didn’t figure out some way to get himself off that wasn’t shamefully sticking it in a sock and fucking between the mattress, then he was probably going to end up short-circuiting something.
And then he’d be out two hands and up one easily-encouraged boner and he could just kiss his professional reputation goodbye.
Not that he didn’t feel he was doing that already.
Jack had given him half days to rest– or more like half-weeks. Rhys spent some days working from the couch in his apartment– or his bed when feeling particularly lazy- and other days spent in the office with the CEO doing not much else than fetching coffee or looking pretty when Jack yelled at people.
He was doing that now, actually, listening to music and working remotely with his echotablet from bed to organize things for Jack’s meeting tomorrow.
Well speak of the devil. A notification popped up on his echoeye; the personal chat Jack had had him install mainly so he could write snarky comments to the younger man during meetings. Though it also proved very useful to quickly communicate since Rhys’ hands weren’t doing what he wanted them to these days.
→J4ckRule5: ive got some shit I need you to personally look through→J4ckRule5: stuff for 2morrow these idiots didnt send in the brief
Crap. What timing.
←Rhy5winz: Do you need me to come in?→J4ckRule5: nah ill drop it by your crappy little apartment after work→J4ckRule5: been meaning to see if that part of helios needs fumigating again :p←Rhy5winz: >>:|←Rhy5winz: Thanks for your kindness and consideration, sir.
There was a pause, and Rhys smirked to himself. Jack was probably laughing at his own jokes, but even more at Rhys’ overly polite response. They were hardly this courteous to one another anymore after working together so long, and his own way of handling his boss made him grin. Jack’s response met his expectations entirely; probably bored with nothing better to do than bug him.
→J4ckRule5: U mad? (:
Rhys smirked.
←Rhy5winz: I don’t know what you mean, sir.←Rhy5winz: Please take care when coming down here.←Rhy5winz: Don’t want any vermin biting our CEO.
Rhys was amused as he waited for Jack to get back to him, the CEO typing for ages it felt, when Rhys realized something.
Shit. He was getting hard over Jack’s playful messages. Really? Over a few innocent texts from his boss about work? Seriously? That’s what was getting him excited nowadays? Jesus he needed to take the edge off ASAP because this wasn’t just embarrassing, but downright insulting. Not to mention what it said about him to be getting all hot over Jack’s denigrating teasing.
Rhys stared at his tented boxer briefs with judgment as Jack’s response was overlaid right over the tip of his dick.
→J4ckRule5: dont get ur panties in a twist there pumpkin ;D
Rhys’ dick twitched at that.
Even as he was disappointed in his cock’s lack of taste in what was erotic, he was already palming himself through his underwear with his metallic hand. Maybe he could make this work.
→J4ckRule5: if u even own panties
Rhys’ brows shot up in interest and a spike of undue alarm at the thought that Jack knew what he was doing went through him– and made his cock harder.
→J4ckRule5: speaking of which:→J4ckRule5: do u own panties? (;
Rhys actually laughed, a husky sound as his cock liked this conversation very much so, and didn’t give much thought as to the appropriateness of the topic.
←Rhy5winz: You can’t bring up a topic and then say ‘speaking of which’, Jack.→J4ckRule5: i just did ;p→J4ckRule5: dont change the subject
Rhys’ chewed on his lips, his breathing deep and hips moving just a little of their own volition against his hand. He freed his cock from its confines and stroked himself, cursing the lag and responsiveness of his hand, but making do.
←Rhy5winz: Wouldn’t you like to know→J4ckRule5: i would ;D→J4ckRule5: answer the question kitten. im really bored here
Rhys allowed his mind to wander, to fantasize over any possible subtext. Bored. Right. The idea that Jack was bored and jerking off in his chair gave him a little thrill. That he was talking to Rhys of all people while possibly doing so made him very excited indeed.
←Rhy5winz: Sorry sir, that is classified information.←Rhy5winz: You don’t have access :p→J4ckRule5: brat→J4ckRule5: and how does one gain access? ;D
Okay, this was some next-level flirting for Jack; playing along and furthering the teasing. And that response was fast. He was either super bored and having a laugh at Rhys’ expense, or he was passing the time by playing a little five-on-one.
Good idea or not, Rhys wasn’t the one writing his responses to the older man so much as his cock was, and all the thoughts of Jack’s hands on him in the office– little innocent but overly familiar touches- was adding to the novelty of the experience.
←Rhy5winz: This is pretty privileged information←Rhy5winz: I don’t know. Maybe you should work harder→J4ckRule5: OH believe me cupcake im the hardest worker on this station
Rhys made a little noise at that, now certain Jack had his dick in hand and taking out his boredom at Rhys’ expense. Well, teasing the CEO back was probably safe at this point, right? He knew Jack appreciated some good word play, and though it was risky, he decided to let the older man know he knew what he was up to. It wasn’t like Jack didn’t make dirty jokes in the office constantly. Turnaround was fair play.
←Rhy5winz: I have no doubt you are ;)←Rhy5winz: Sucks having to take matters into your own hands
Jack was typing for several moments, Rhys’ heart beating and his cock pulsing as he awaited the response. It was shorter than all that typing lead him to expect, making him curious what the older man might’ve sent instead.
→J4ckRule5: ur killin me here cupcake
Rhys snickered at the response, waiting for more, but none came. Huh. Well, that was anticlimactic, though it was useful as he was harder than ever (or as hard as he’d been since the injury) and he quickly forgot about their conversation in lieu of inflating it for masturbation fantasies.
It was going pretty well, actually, and he’d have to thank Jack (in some roundabout way, of course… maybe a cheese and sausage basket to be funny) because he knew it wasn’t going to be a goddamn nightmare trying to get himself off this time. No lubed-up and ruined socks– which was a crime in itself- nor errant twitching of uncalibrated fingers to throw off his delicate movements on his poor neglected cock.
No, rubbing himself against his thighs was actually working pretty nicely, and the smooth metal of his fingers warmed with his body heat actually felt really good. Imagining Jack at his desk imagining Rhys was doing it for him, and rereading their conversation from earlier only added more substance to his fantasy.
So when Jack himself stuck his head around the corner of Rhys’ doorjamb, the younger man thought he was just getting really good at visualizing what he wanted– for approximately a quarter of a second.
Rhys made an impossible sound between a gulp and a squeak– impressive in Jack’s opinion- as he quickly pulled a pillow over himself, face crimson and speechless that Jack was in his apartment, let alone his bedroom.
“Heeeeey cupcake… Whatcha doin’?”
The dirty leer on Jack’s face told Rhys the older man knew exactly what he’d been doing. There was no way out of this, and Jack looked about as pleased as anyone finding someone else jerking their dick possibly could.
“H-How– How did you get in here? Why are you in here?!”
“Was gonna deliver that stuff to you but forgot it halfway after those dirty texts you sent me, kitten. Not to mention, the door locks on this level are ridiculously easy to hack.”
Jack’s grin was predatory, shark-like, and it did funny things to Rhys’ stomach, and furthermore, his cock beneath the pillow.
“This how you’ve been using these work-at-home days? It’s not like I’d stop you if you wanted to do this at the office, kiddo.”
Rhys whined, embarrassed, frustrated, tired, and goddamn horny and just wanting a little relief. His damn cock was still hard beneath the pillow.
It had flagged a little, yeah, but with the object of his fantasy right goddamn there and the way Jack was leering at him, well… Rhys’ cock was a dirty goddamn traitor and he wasn’t getting out of this situation gracefully.
“Cat got your tongue, kitten?”
Jack’s eyes were darting between his face and the pillow, interest and amusement there both but not yet moving closer, and Rhys was so close yet not, and so goddamn fucking frustrated he didn’t even care at this point and rambled quickly to the older man. “…I’ve had a rough week and shit timing and no sleep and I hate this damn cast and being useless and I can’t sleep-” he repeated, “-and nothing is working how it should and I can’t even do my job right and I feel useless here.”
“That it?” Jack asked smugly, still looking expectantly at the pillow.
Rhys knew he was not going to drop the topic, so he internally said fuck it and just blurted out: “…and I’m just really pent up and this isn’t fucking working and if I don’t get off I’m going to strangle someone… with someone else’s hands,” he growled.
A pleased shiver went up Jack’s back as a smirk took his face, and he moved closer as if his personal assistant’s dick wasn’t out and leaking beneath a Hyperion-branded pillow. “Babe, kitten, is that all? If you were horny you could’ve just said so. I’d have been down here ten minutes ago.”
Jack sat down next to him, a hand starting at his thigh and disappearing under the pillow. He heard the way Rhys’ breath hitched, the younger man’s face becoming less red with embarrassment and more pink with arousal, and his whole body very aware of the path Jack’s hand was taking. When it made contact with his shaft, Rhys made a mumbled sort of whimper in his throat, eyes shutting tightly as Jack’s big hand wrapped around his cock and gave him a gentle squeeze. Rhys whined pathetically, and Jack cozied up into his space to whisper smugly into the younger man’s ear.
“Baby,” Jack said, breath hot on Rhys’ skin as he allowed his face to touch Rhys’ own just barely. “I’m always up to get you what you need. Even if all you need is to get off.” He gave him a stroke and Rhys’ hand shot out to grab Jack at the man’s shoulder, bending a little at the waist towards Jack as it felt so damn good and was just what he needed and god he wanted Jack to stroke him.
Jack pressed his lips to Rhys’ neck where the younger man’s flesh was exposed to him, grinning and feeling his own cock rallying in his jeans as he played with Rhys.
The pillow was flung away, and Jack wrapped one arm around Rhys’ waist, the other giving him long, tight strokes that passed over his cockhead every few. It was rougher than Rhys was used to– but he was so on edge and it was so goddamn satisfying and it was Jack doing it to him- and he came relatively quickly with pleased little cries over the older man’s hand.
Jack wiped his hand on Rhys’ sheets before hooking a hand behind his neck and kissing the younger man senseless. It totally blew Rhys’ mind.
Sex was one thing, kissing was another, and Rhys was thrown through so many loops and twists and turns of defied expectations that he threw caution to the wind and wrapped his arms around his boss, the Handsome Jack, and kissed him back for all he was worth.
Jack’s heavy breathing and the way the older man’s kisses turned to nipping bites was already rallying Rhys’ cock for a second time, but he pulled away when Jack broke it, a filthy look of desire on his face that Rhys’ attention was only stolen from by the older man’s tented pants.
“Jack, I-I want to– to– fuck,” he cursed, wanting more than anything to return the favor and get his hands on his boss’s dick like something out of one of his fantasies. Neither of his hands were up to the job and the last thing he wanted to do was have the CEO think he was shit at handjobs, but the way Jack was tenting his own jeans was nothing to tease about. He’d done that to the CEO, and dammit, he really wanted to do something memorable to it.
“Maybe next time, sweet pea,” Jack laughed at Rhys’ words, a big hand on Rhys’ thigh as he bit at the younger man’s neck. “When you’re all healed up and I don’t have a meeting with distribution in an hour. Maybe in my big yellow chair, mm?”
Rhys’ eyes widened as he looked at the older man. Next time? Wait… he wanted to fuck him?
Jesus Antwerp Christ, Rhys must’ve actually fell on his head and not his hand, and he was having a coma-wet-dream right now, because that was right up there in his impossible bucket-list of imaginary jerk-off material.
“In the meantime baby, you don’t need your hands to give a blowjob, right?”
Rhys swallowed and his mouth watered, and at this point he didn’t give a shit about Jack’s smug look that said he knew he was going to get what he wanted, or that insufferable grin that knew how much Rhys wanted to give it to him.
No, the younger man slid off his unmade bed, cock still out at half-mast, to eagerly get between Jack’s knees while the older man chuckled with arousal and undid his belt and fly to remove his cock from his jeans.
It wasn’t the best blowjob he’d ever given, or even in the top five, but the way Jack moaned his name, carded fingers through his messy hair, and talked dirty to him as Rhys sucked him off definitely ranked it among the most memorable of experiences to boot. The strangled curses that left the older man’s lips as he’d come down Rhys’ throat was the best of all, and knowing he was one of the few privileged enough to know the sound of Handsome Jack being thoroughly wrecked was enough to get him through this hellish period until he got full use of his hands back.
“Jesus kiddo, if that’s what you can do without your hands, I can’t wait until you’re all fixed.” He swiped a thumb under Rhys’ swollen lower lip, teasing it over his mouth before applying the barest of pressure. Rhys sucked the digit into his mouth with a pleased hum, and Jack just chuckled, pleased. “Damn buttercup, you were pent up, huh baby?”
Rhys just nodded in agree– would agree to just about anything Jack said right now- and hopped back up on the bed when Jack patted it.
The older man kissed him into the mattress, hand already back on his cock which surprised Rhys enough to make a noise about it, and Jack just laughed until he’d jerked him to full hardness and through another orgasm.
Rhys’ sheets were a ruined mess, and he was more or less feeling the same. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Jack tucked his own spent cock back into his pants, redid zip and belt, and told Rhys his work for the day was excellent. It made them both laugh, and Jack moved to leave until he gave one last look at the younger man laying there, the very picture of contentment.
“Forget something?” Rhys asked, voice teasing but dripping with satisfaction.
“Yeah, I did.”
Jack came and bent at the waist to kiss him again, moving to his neck where he sucked and bit at the younger man. It felt good until Rhys yelped, and Jack rose with a laugh, moving Rhys’ hand that had moved to the spot where he’d bit him. There was a pretty decent hickey there. Rhys bruised up nicely.
“What the hell, Jack?”
“Just making sure you don’t forget about me, cupcake.”
Rhys gave him a frown. “We work together.”
“So, so well, sugar pie.” The glare Rhys sent his way had zero effect on the older man. “Okay pumpkin, see you tomorrow, bright and early. Same old same old. Or maybe not so much.”
Rhys snorted. His neck smarted, but he was already excited about work tomorrow, clear this little liaison was going to be continued, and pleased as fucking punch about it. “Lock up after yourself, will you? Don’t want any vermin getting in. There was a big rat in here that just bit the shit out of me.”
“You little brat,” Jack laughed, himself feeling ready for the dullery that was distribution, his own edge without his pretty PA well taken off. “But guess I don’t want anyone else taking a bite of my cheese.” Rhys snorted. “See ya babe.”
Rhys laid in bed for a while after, replaying everything in his head all giddy as hell. Dream come true? Yes please and thank you for seconds if you don’t mind.
He got up later with interest as his doorbell rang, wondering if it was Jack and if the older man had remembered his manners.
A special delivery from one of Helios’ most expensive boutiques was instead waiting for him to sign, the Hyperion-yellow lace of expensive panties inside with a note that said ‘Mystery solved -J.’
Rhys told himself he was going to spite the older man by not wearing them to work tomorrow, but Jack’s pleased laugh of surprise when his face was in Rhys’ lacey-crotch the next day was worth it.
With Jack’s special deliveries and their new work ethic, Rhys found that fracturing his hand wasn’t so bad in retrospect, and for every stormcloud, there was a Hyperion-yellow laced-lining to look forward to.
kofi | ao3
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edelwary · 6 years
when you were first getting into art, what and how did you draw? (like did you just doodle ur masterpieces on pieces of paper and posted-notes or did you have a proper sketchbook) how did you find motivation? bc ive been trying to draw but I always get unmotivated and stop while still wanting to get better just by doing nothing.
TL;DR ; skip to the HOW TO ACTUALLY FUCKING DRAW part bc i have a megaton of shit to say lol + The MOTIVATION part 
mmh… I’ll get into details with this one tbh bc it’s a long ass process ahah : 
I live by the sea ; when i was youung i used to draw TONS of boat, but like, dollhouse boats, you could see the insides and stuff ; i loved to add tiny details and stuff, and imbricate everything together !
around 8 or 9 yo, i went to the public library with school and discovered the wonderful world of mangas ! I basically… Copy pasted an entire Mermaid Melody tome x) 
For about 2 years i alternated between reading mangas and trying to copy them ! Then i just kept drawing in the margins of my schoolwork for about… 5 years ! I have a Fuck Ton of sketchbooks of that time, it was… The start. Lol. Never say it’s bad because it’s never bad, just not there yet !!
Around my 13 yo, i went every saturday, for two years, under a bookstore ; there was a cave, and drawing classes ; that teacher was mean and harsh and stuff, but like… Not really. He would take away my eraser for the class, force me to use pencil, to draw something else (bulky boys instead of magical girls). 
I’ve learned a lot, more in terms of How To LEARN to draw than to draw itself, but i still progressed a LOT !! 
Then i kept drawing by myself for a year and i really worked hard on it ; about hours a day, trying watercolors and stuff ; i have a real problem with colors in traditionnal art, but i’m much better with lines (i should scan some RAD stuff i made in the weekend, yall ive never done anything this good i stg i dont know why i always forget im so much better on paper) 
This gets us to my sweet 16 ; i have to year of advance, bc i got ‘’’promoted’’’ idk how to say it ; anyways, i entered my (current) animation school for the first year at 16; vERY IMPRESSIVE AND TERRIFYING. 
And i learned. A fuckmegaton. Of shit there. 
Now i’m going for my third year there and i can make photorealistic marmora blades and cyberkpunk decors if i want to and that’s rad, but here is
I have one HYPER important advice, and i’m keeping it to heart since i’m like, 11 : Have. Sketchbooks. Please !!! It’s very important. Here’s why : 
You keep everything with you in one place. You have 1 sketchbook, it’s basically easy to take every where (a A5, or A4 are pretty easy to carry, i have like, 12 of those, and around 8 of A3) 
You keep track of what you’ve done. It’s super important, bc first you can cry of laughter at your old stuff bc its cute but not so good, and second, you can just be like ‘holy mama’ and see how much you’ve improved
It’s very important to be organized. I WORK in art, and trust me, if there’s something that i’ve learned this year through tears and missing files and bugs : Be. Impeccable. Now if it’s for fun, go a little loose, and just have a folder for art on your computer, and a sketchbook, no need to stress, but the better you try to keep a record of where is what, the better you’ll see whats wrong
Notebooks are friends !! You can draw, write, glue stuff, make notes, lists, everything !!! I have my life in those. It’s more important to me than any of my phones. 
Be proud of it. Like, not everything, duh ! But try to tell yourself than it’s like a RPG ; even if it’s only 2 xp here and there, one day you’ll beat level 40, and that’s super important : art is. Fuckin. Long.
I cant stress it enough. It’s soooo long !!! SO LONG !! it’s years. It’s like karate and fishing and ANYTHING. To be good at it, it takes time, but it WILL COME if you keep trying. There’s no secret passage. 
You’re gonna me it, believe in me who believes in you. 
Use. References. 
Coming from a little shit who’s got a really good visual memory, that can sound like bs, but i stg everything is always AT LEAST twice as good if you’ve used a visual support. 
I’m not saying COPY EVRYTHING (even though thats a good training) I’m saying, if you really want to do that asian tiger, please have at least two or three pictures of it nearby. Take photos of your hands, and stuff ! 
Make it harder. 
No eraser. 
I draw all my backgrounds on my sketchbook with INDIAN INK; no returns, no refunds. 
Ink, Ink, INK !! Don’t allow mistakes.
And if you make mistakes :
New page, restart
It’s okay
It’s for you
I once started back again a whole EXAM bc it was bad, i got one of my best grades 
You’ll improve and be more assured if you know you just have to DO IT. Trust me. It’s VISIBLE; if you can erase, you fidget and hesitate and ‘’kbeujebez hahhaaa idkkidsd’’ ; stop ; do it, and if you don’t like it ? Try again, there’s no time limit
Draw as large as you can 
There’s no interesting story here, it just helps. Bigger movement of the hand, more place for details, breathing lines
Thin lineart helps
Thinner. Make it even thinner
Break the rules, but not the ones that structure your art 
Big lineart ? Why not
Unfinished lines, vaporeous colors ? Pretty
Cubism is actually based on extensive and intense practice of classical art, it’s not wibbly wooblly ; the anatomy is more correct than you think 
Structure and composition are important, but so is movement and life ; choose your fighter ; mine is fluidity and fun, i’m like, a rogue/archer in drawing. Some people are dwarf fighter. That’s amazing and great. 
Don’t be afraid to do nothing
Pages and pages of my sketchbooks are actually just lance facing right and smiling, you know… 
Sometimes it just doesnt work : two ways :
Take a break, Kiki’s delivery service style
Keep trying, break your art until it obeys and comes back
Take breaks. Breath. 
Don’t compare. I do it, it doesn’t help at all. You’ll make it ; and if you compare, keep in mind that everyone’s different
I’m not gonna lie, it’s NOT easy, it’s even hard 
But I really, really think it’s worth it 
My main bitch 
I’m always pumped for art because i can LITTERALLY NOT do anything else ; i love reading and writing and stuff but at the end of the day i just want !!! to draw !!!! aaaaaa-
Fall in love with it, and with the possibilities ; i have stories to tell, tell me yours ! Do your best, one day it WILL work
Actual advices : 
I have an inspiration blog where i just reblogs stuff i like to draw them later
Find a picture, copy it. Do it again. Change the characters (i have 2 ocs and Lance and Keith as default characters) in the pic. 
Like an artstyle ? Break it to its very core, analyse it, copy it, redo it, trace it and ABSORB it. Don’t copy/past, LEARN from your heroes.
Do what you like. I have 86578 pieces of voltron, this is not a coincidence. I have ENDLESS ideas for this show, wtf. 
Try new things. Buy indian ink im begging you. It’s so cool. 
Have a game with yourself, or a challenge. STICK TO IT. 
Study. When you’re bored, usually it’s because you’re stagnating. Make it harder or do hands until you cry. 
Love your backgrounds; make backgrounds, study trees, and tokyo streets, and venice’s bridges. Decor is just as cool as characters, if not more
Mess a little with everything. My roomate more than one found me stained from head to toes trying to DO STUFF 
Draw outfits. Draw what you want but can’t afford 
MAKE YOUR LIFE A COMIC. Remember those sketchbooks ? Make a comic a week/month/every full moon, whatever, and draw your life (mine’s the roomates au lol) 
Prompts blogs are cool too 
Make fanart of a fic you liked ; you have the characters and the pose already, you just have to illustrate ; double bonus, you probably will make a writer’s day, if not year !
That little movie that plays when you listen to your favorite song ? DRAW IT
Your favorite scene in your favorite movie ? Redraw each shot. On post it. Plus it looks awesome afterwards to have the infamous TREX scene of Jurassic Parks in post it
Get bored. That’s inevitable. Dance, scream, get back to it. Walk, draw everything you see. 
Make a paper google map street view : Take a walk : every 50 meters, draw what is in front of you. 
Snapchats your friends. Draw their snapchats when they answer 
Draw maps. Invent places. Invent bikes, and hovercrafts, and monsters. Make your everyday inventory. Make your life a video game, and do the concept arts of it. 
FETCH your inspiration. I have approx. 20 artbooks, full of drawings and concept arts of my fave movies/games ; take what you like and add it to the story you have since you’re 8. We all have one. 
Ask for it ; your sis, your mom, me even ! If you dont have ideas, someone will have them. 
WELL i’m gonna stop there, even though i got like, 9864567 more to say, but with this you should be fine ! Anon, i’m rooting for you ! we all start somewhere, just hold on!!!! 
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joaquinwhorres · 6 years
Dangerous (Steve Harrington x Mayfield!Reader)
Tumblr media
Summary: Ever since you were little, people tended to underestimate just how badass you were. You never expected that moving to Hawkins, Indiana would be the thing to convince people that you were more than just a pretty face. Read the sequel. And the final installment.
Request:hello lovely!! first off just wanted to say i love all your stories, they're so well written and just wonderful to read. i was wondering if u would pls be able to write a steve fic and the reader is max's older sister but she's super feminine and always wears really cool outfits that r a bit impractical and steve kind of undermines her because of that but she is actually such a badass and max tries to tell everyone but they dont rly buy it until she idk saves from a demogorgon or?? up to u xxx also ( i just sent u a request about a mayfield!reader) and the idea kind of came to me because i feel like often times badass and strong and independent female characters cant also be feminine and girly you know??? anyway feel free if u want to write it like obvs u dont have to (can u tell i have never requested a fic before lmao) to do whatever i trust u and ur capabilities haha xxxx
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Mayfield!Reader (Friends)
Word Count: 5,005
Author's Note:  This one stumped me. I can usually sit down and write in one or two sittings. But I kept coming back and chipping away at this one. Many thanks to @hargroovin for looking over this and making sure it was ready for posting. Hopefully, Sweet Requester, you like it.
Warnings: Language. Some minor violence at the end.
Whenever she was asked about her two daughters, your mother liked to launch into a pair of stories to describe you. At this point, it was almost a performance piece, what with the way she had nailed down the timing and the intonations and the facial expressions she would use at certain points. She had given the monologue so many times that you could clearly visualize it in your head, and pretty soon, you'd be able to take over for her.
She would start with a story about Max.
"Maxine is my youngest. You've probably seen her on her skateboard, zooming around town." (The skateboard was a relatively new addition to the story within the past four years. Before that it was roller skates, and before that she was simply running.)
"She's always been like that–always on the move, can't stay still for more than fifteen seconds. I swear," here your mother would lay a hand over her heart, "she goes by Max because she doesn't want to stick around long enough for the second half of her name." This would be followed by polite laughter and maybe some nodding. "You know, that reminds me of this one story. When Max was about seven and a half months old, she went missing. One morning I came into her room to check in on her since she had usually woken me up by then, and she was gone. I ran back to Jerry and woke him up in a panic, and he said that he had woken up in the middle of the night to check on her but he had put her back in the crib and she was fine. Anyway, we ran out into the hallway calling for her, hoping she would make some sound, and then all of the sudden we heard these little footsteps and I looked up to see Max toddling out of Y/N's room. Seven and a half month's old and she was walking! Independently!" There would be gasps here and some form of "No."
"I swear," your mother would hold up a hand. "She walked straight towards me and threw her little hands up at me to be picked up since I could walk much faster." She would drop her hand and lean back in her seat with a smile. "After that our house constantly looked as if it'd been hit by an earthquake." Your mother and the other person would laugh politely.
"Seems like you've got a little trouble maker on your hands," the person would inevitably say.
"Ohhhh, yes, but Maxine's the least of my problems." Your mother would look at you in your pink dress with white stockings and Mary Janes (or, as you got older, your floral leggings, frilly sweater,  and oversized blazer). "Y/N is the dangerous one."
"I'm sure that's not true," the other person would shoot you a smile, pinching a dimpled cheek or tugging on a braid or patting your knee. Then they would cast a dubious look at Max with her mop of wildly curly red hair and consider the fact that she had not been still for a single moment since they entered this conversation with your mother while you sat quietly by her side, legs neatly crossed.
"Don't let her looks deceive you," your mother would shake her head. "Let me tell you about this one time, Y/N was six years old at the time, so that would make Max about two. I had just gotten back from food shopping, and the neighbor who was watching them told me that the girls were playing in Y/N's room and that they had been well behaved and she hadn't heard a peep out of them. Well, of course, it's never a good sign when my girls are quiet, so I beelined straight for Y/N's room. And I found them," at this point she was digging through her purse. Of course, this was for show. The picture was tucked safely away in an inside pocket, and she would produce it with a small, triumphant "Aha!" and hand it to the other person.
In the picture, you and Max were sitting on the floor next to your bed. Next to you, three nail polish containers were pouring out various shades of pink onto the carpet. Your mother's make up bag sat in between you, but it had to have been completely empty as every form of make up, brush, and beauty tool was scattered around the two of you. For your part, you were grinning up at your mother, pink cheeked with bright red lips and what looked like almost a lipstick mustache because of how poorly you applied it. You had smudged heaps of purple eyeshadow onto your eyelids, reaching up to your eyebrows. Pinched between your dark pink and light pink little nails was your mother's mascara wand. Across from you, Max was gaping open mouthed at your mother, her lips a similar bright red, but the entire left side of her face was pink and she had green eyeshadow which was delicately blended in with her fair eyebrows. Except, her right eye had dark black smudges across it from where you tried to apply mascara. In her hair, you had had clipped about a half dozen of your mom's curlers.
Reactions ranged from a simple "Oh my!" and stifled giggle to laughing so hard tears fell from their eyes.
"For the life of me, I don't know how she convinced Max to sit still for that long. Or how either of them the reached my make up bag on top of my dresser," your mother would laugh, taking back the picture and zipping it up into its pockets. "But those are my girls for you."
You may have aged twelve years and moved across the country, but you had to admit, the story was still classic you.
After all, you woke up every day an hour earlier than you had to just so you could do your make up and coax your hair into the perfect side pony. And you needed at least 30 minutes to play around with your wardrobe to make sure you had a unique outfit to wear that day. There were 365 days in a year, and you refused to wear the same exact outfit on any single one of them.
Ok, so at around day 300 you had to start getting creative with what counted as the same and what didn't, but the fact remained that you did not repeat outfits. And it wasn't like you had thirty different shirts or forty pairs of pants. Your wardrobe was reasonable. You just had a knack for pairing things that other people may not have considered and what your mother deemed "a natural talent at accessorizing."
Today for instance, you had tied a neon blue bow into your hair (in addition to your black sequined scrunchy), stacked about thirty five jelly bracelets up your arm, and secured yourself into your clothes with two belts.
You were looking totally glam. You had to be. It was the first day at your new school.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" Billy asked looking over at you from his eggs. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off, lifting your spoon to your mouth.
"Why do you care?" Max glared at him over her cereal.
"It's fine, Max," you murmured.
"I have to be seen with you getting out of my car," Billy's lip curled as he looked over at you again. "You should change."
Max opened up her mouth to say something, but was cut off.
"Who needs to change?" your mother asked, lightly, breezing back into the kitchen from the bathroom.
"Billy was worried about his denim on denim look," you looked up at your mom, shooting a brief, tight lipped, smile. "I told him it's very fashion forward."  
"I think you all look great." Your mother bent down and kissed your temple. "Thank you," she whispered in your ear. You just shot another tight lipped smile at Billy.
She moved around the table and kissed Max's head. You guess based on Max's scowl what she whispered—be nice.
Your mother continued around the table and stopped behind Billy, hovering for a second. She patted his shoulder lightly, and Billy's whole body tenses up, his knuckles going white on his grip on his fork. Your mother walked away, but Billy didn't relax. He glared over at you.
"You should probably head out soon," your mother advised. "Don't want to be late to your first day."
Billy shoveled the rest of his eggs into his mouth and then shoved away from the table.
"Your plate, Billy," your mother lightly reminded.
Billy paused, plastering on a smile so fake you wouldn't see it on a Barbie. "Sorry, Susan." His words were a wooden sort of cheery. Billy walked back over, scooping his plate up from the table and dropping it in the sink where it let out a loud clattering sound.
Max muttered something under her breath, and you saved yours, settling for rolling your eyes.
"Thank you, Billy," your mother's voice was at a whisper. Your stomach tightened and your fingernails dug into your hand.
Max looked over at you before standing up and stacking your plate on top of hers, gently placing them both onto Billy's, as the front door banged open, Billy walking out to his car.
"Bye Mom," Max said quietly, following Billy out.
"Bye Mom," you echoed, stopping by her and planting a kiss on her cheek before leaving to go to school.
The first thing you noticed about Hawkins High School was all of the jeans.
The second thing you noticed was all of the sweaters.
At least in California there's been a mix of bad fashion. You'd had the kids who insisted on neon spandex. All. The. Time. And the punk kids. And yeah there were also jeans and t-shirts kids, but at least they had cool slogans.
The kids in Hawkins looked at you, casting derisive and surprised looks. You ignored them, searching the halls for cute boys or a girl who was also familiar with the color pink. Whichever came first.  
Your eyes landed on an attractive boy. He was tall and relatively well dressed in the grand scheme of Hawkins. For one thing, he was definitely pulling off the sunglasses indoors thing, and his hair. His hair was killer.
"Hi, excuse me," you asked, pitching your voice even higher than normal. It was the unspoken way of signaling that you meant no harm, wouldn't be asking if you had someone else to ask, but yes, you were open to being friends.
"Uh," the boy looked over at you, giving you a once over. "Hi."
"Do you know where Mr. Roth's class is? I'm new and can't quite figure my way out around the school."
"Yeah, it's down by Kramer," the boy said, gesturing vaguely down the hall. You had a sinking feeling you'd chosen an attractive asshole rather than the chivalrous attractive.
"And Kramer is...." you trailed off, your voice rising a little bit, edging closer to the "Danger Tone" as Max called it.
"Down the hall, second left. It's one of the doors on the right hand side," he sighed. He looked over at you as you blinked. "Get any of that?"
You gave him your signature tight lipped smile and nodded. Watching as he widened his eyes and sucked in a breath, shaking his head as he turned away.
You wished you could tell him exactly what you thought of him in that moment. But instead you stood there gaping as he walked away. You wished Max was here. She'd have the words to match your one finger raised high.
You saw the attractive asshole again at lunch. You had squeaked when the lunch lady scooped sludge on your tray, earning looks from everyone in line. The Asshole was a few people ahead of you in line and at your sound had looked back at you. His eyes met yours and he scoffed, rolling his eyes. In the back of your mind a small plan formed to trip next to his seat and spill your sludge all over. But as you watched him walk away and sit next to the one girl who had bothered to be nice to you today and help you catch up in math, you decided to give him a pass.
"What the fuck happened to my car?" Billy asked staring at his Camaro. On the driver's side door was a long thin scratch.
You looked over at it as you walked around to the passenger side door. "Piss someone off already, Billy?" you asked in a sweet voice. His eyes shot to you, his gaze darkening.
"You fuckin' bitch," he growled.
"Every time she's been near this car, it's been right behind you. Don't you think you would have seen her key your car?" Max asked, opening the back seat door and climbing in. You followed suit, both of you slamming your doors shut at the same time.
Billy weighed this and decided he was attentive enough that he would have noticed. He wasn't because he didn't.
He hadn't said one word to you when you got out of his car that morning, walked around the back under the guise of letting Max out, and then took out your house key and run it along the side of the car. How he hadn't heard was beyond you. The mullet must have muffled it. Oh well.
You had decided you did like Hawkins ok.  Not as much as your siblings, though. Max seemed to be taking to it fairly well. At first she practically lived at the arcade, but eventually she made friends and even met up with them to go trick or treating. And Billy. Billy had been dubbed the fucking king at that party. It had taken you close to two hours to find any cute boys willing to dance with you. And you had thought your fairy outfit was appropriately sexy meets the Indiana cold. And while word had gotten around that you were a talented kisser and that you had made your debut kissing the popular Todd Collins, you were finally welcomed into a semi-popular group. After several shopping trips and three sleepovers, you convinced your newfound friends of the fun of nail polish and glory of leggings. They had a road ahead of them, but progress.
The most surprising turn was that you and Billy had a common enemy: Steve Harrington. The attractive asshole. Although it was probably more accurate to say that you and Steve had a common antagonist in Billy. Or maybe the boys had a shared distaste of you. Whatever it was, the three of you didn't like each other and you found yourself occasionally admiring the jabs Steve made at Billy's expense and hearing about how Billy had thrown Steve on his ass.
But while you, Max, and Billy had all made friends, none of you expected to hear the doorbell ring on a Friday after school.  
As you were currently shut up in your room painting your nails, and Billy was playing macho-man, lifting weights in the front of the house, You elected to have him answer it.
"Max are you getting that, or what?" Billy shouted out. You should have expected as much. You rolled your eyes taking a deep breath in.
"OK!" Max answered, and you breathed out in relief, thankful for your little sister. You still had three nails left.
The doorbell rang again. Five more times.
"I swear to God, Max!" Billy shouted, and you heard Max storm out of her room, and the doorbell stopped.
You had finished up the last of your nails before Max came back in. You could hear a brief exchange between her and Billy before Max slammed back into her room. You got up from your desk chair, slipping out of your room and knocking on Max's door twice before going in.
"Max!" you gasped, looking at your wide-eyed little sister who was half way in her room and half way out the window.
"Y/N!" Max answered in an equally shocked voice. Her eyes darted over your shoulder. "Close the door!" she hissed.
You hurried into the room, pushing the door shut behind you.
"What—Where—" you stuttered, as Max remained frozen. "Get out of the window!" you finally settled. She acquiesced.
"Max?" A boy's voice drifted up through the open window. Max's eyes grew even wider. She looked as if she's just been caught stealing your mother's car keys.
"Who is that Max?" you asked, lowly. You had a sinking feeling you knew as you crossed to the window.
Lucas Sinclair.
His eyes grew as wide as Max's as he looked up at you.
You turned to Max. "You know I'm a sucker for a good romantic cliche, Max, but are you serious right now?"
"It's not romantic," Max mumbled, her face flushing.
"Look, it's a matter of life or death!" Lucas called up.
"Shhhhh," you hissed. "If Billy hears you, we're all in trouble."
"If it's not romantic, why are you sneaking out your window?"
"He said he has proof that there's some sort of alternate dimension and creepy conspiracy in town," Max looked up at you.
You blanched.
"Max!" Lucas cried out, and you both hushed him.
"Look, you are not sneaking out on your own to hunt down conspiracies about alternate dimensions," you shook your head.
"Y/N," Max started, pleading.
"I'm coming with you," you announced. Max lit up.
"No way," Lucas shook his head. You looked down at him and could see it in the way he looked at your neon pink shirt and thick belt with an admittedly clunky belt buckle. You huffed in a breath.
"Please," Max scoffed. "If you're telling the truth, we need my sister. She's the most bad ass person in this town." You shot a half smile at her and she returned it.
"Fine, just come on. We have to go!" This boy was one antsy little sucker.
"Max, go with him. I'll grab my skates."
It was surprisingly easy to sneak out of the house. All you had to do was walk straight out the door and tell him Dana was here and you were going shopping.
He hardly even looked up to notice you were walking out of the house with your backpack on.
It had been slightly harder to keep up with Lucas Sinclair on your way to the mystery destination because that boy could pedal.
The three of you stopped at the top of a hill, leading to a junk yard. Below you saw a small boy with a red, white, and blue hat and…
"Shit," you swore as Lucas called out to his friends. Max looked up at you, and pulled a face as if you were crazy. "It's the asshole," you muttered to her, as she turned back to look with you at Steve Harrington. You descended down the hill, trailing behind Lucas and Max as you came up to the boys. Hat-boy was looking between Lucas and Max with a mixture of shock and disappointment. It was a look you were all too familiar with, and your heart went out to him.
Even if he was hanging out with the likes of Steve Harrington.
"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, looking at you skeptically. He crossed his arms, and you matched him. You noticed the Hat-boy pulling Lucas away behind a car.
"I'm here to make sure nothing happens to my sister," you bit back.
"What afraid she'll break a nail?" Steve asked with a smug little smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes.
"Please, only time Y/N's ever broken a nail is when she had to climb out of the window to–" You shot a look at Max, cutting her off.
"That's a story I want to hear more of," Steve encouraged.
"What are we doing here?" you ignored him, casting a look around the junkyard. "And what does it have to do with conspiracies and alternate dimensions."
"Apparently there's a cat-eating space lizard on the loose." Steve's hands moved to his hips as if he was some sort of demented super hero. "And it's up to us to stop it."
You snorted. "Yeah, ok. How do we do that?"
"Pile up as much as you can to fortify the bus," Steve jerked his head towards a large old rusted bus. "Once night comes, hopefully that thing will be lured out to the meat pile, we set it on fire from the safety of the bus, and Hawkins is saved. Easy. Well, except for the heavy lifting."
"I think I can manage." You rolled your eyes, pulling off your skates and exchanging them with the sneakers you had stashed in your backpack.
"Not afraid of getting a little dirt under your nails. Maybe messing up your outfit?" Steve poked, smiling.
You glared up at him from where you were tying your shoes. You stood up, stepping closer to him. "What's your fucking problem?"
Max's eyes widened and she backed up, turning to start the work on the bus.
"No problem," Steve shook his head, holding his hands up defensively.
"Than cut the commentary. I dress well. I like pink. I'm a girl, and I really like being a girl, ok?" Your voice was firmly in the Danger Tone.
"Yeah, I noticed. Everyone in Hawkins High notices you prancing around in your little outfits expecting people to go out of their way to help the princess," Steve scoffed, shaking his head. "It's bullshit," he muttered.
"That accusation is bullshit," you shot back, pulling in deep breaths. They were supposed to calm you. They didn't.
"Oh is it?" Steve asked, stepping closer to you. "You pulled that little stunt on me. First time I met you."
"You think I was—" you stopped yourself, shaking your head. "I was trying to make friends, you dickhead!"
"You know what," Steve made made a sweeping motion with his hands. "Let's just stop talking and work in silence."
"Fine," you bit back.
"Good," he nodded.
You stormed away from Steve, going to hunt down things you could use to fortify the bus. You had only made it a few yards, so you could hear Max perfectly clearly when she walked by Steve and paused next to him:
"Don't make her mad," your sister warned. "She gets dangerous."
You smiled to yourself, and finding a thin but solid looking pipe, you picked it up and stashed it on the bus. Just in case.
The five of you crowded onto the bus as the sun fell, Steve insisting he be the last one on to close and block up the door. Quickly thereafter, Lucas had offered to go up to the bus' roof and keep watch, and after a brief exchange with Dustin (that was Hat-boy's name apparently), in which you had almost stepped in to tell the little sucker off, your sister had gone up to join him. Leaving you alone with Steve Harrington who was flicking a lighter open and closed, and Dustin, who was pouting.
A blood curdling howl echoed outside the bus, and you nearly jumped out of your skin, letting out a small squeak.
Steve turned to you, eyebrow raised. "Easy, princess," he said, pushing himself up off the floor and looking out the window. You flicked him off even though both he and Dustin had their noses pressed up against the glass. You walked over to stand next to Dustin, peering out the bus' window.
There was nothing but mist. "This is really creepy," you murmured, and the boys, thankfully, ignored you.
"You see him?"
You could feel a bitter taste it he back of your throat. The same taste you got in your mouth when your mom sat you down after a particularly bad fight with your dad.
"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin shouted next to your ear, and you flinched away, shooting him a glare. He probably couldn't see it in the dark.
"Hold on!" Lucas called back down. You waited one second. Two seconds Three– "I've got eyes. 10 o'clock. 10 o'clock!" his voice squeaked.
"There," Steve said, and your eyes followed his gaze.
Out of the mist crept a creature about the size of a dog. And that was where the similarities to any animal you'd ever seen before in your life ended.
It had no face. Just a hole which it inhaled the raw meat into.
The skin was odd, and it seemed more like it should be a frog's skin than a dog's even though it was clearly muscular.
"Eww," you murmured, unable to take your eyes off of it. Steve and Dustin snorted at you.
"What's he doing?" Dustin wondered.
"I don't know," Steve answered. Suddenly you wanted Max right by your side.
"He's not taking the bait. Why's he not taking the bait?" Steve's voice was frustratingly calm, even when his words weren't.
"Maybe he's not hungry," Dustin posed.
"Maybe the menu's not to his tastes," you joked. And then a thought hit you. Maybe the menu wasn't to his tastes. He ate cat. He ate cow. Maybe he was looking for something less hairy. Less tough. A little prettier. You bent over and picked up Steve's nail ridden bat.
"Woah, woah, woah, what do you think you're doing?" Steve asked, turning and grabbing your wrist.
"I'm expanding the menu," you replied, flippantly, attempting to yank your wrist back, but Steve's grip was too strong.
"Yeah, I don't think so. You'll get hurt," Steve pulled the bat from your grasp and released you.
"And what? You won't? Pretty sure neither of us are particularly prepared to go up against some gross space dog."
"It's not a space dog, it's interdimensional," Dustin corrected. Another howl echoed out and Steve looked out of the bus at the dog.
"You're staying here," Steve ordered, "Just, get ready." He tossed the lighter to you and left the bus.
"What's he doing?" Max asked, joining you and Dustin by the window. You wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Expanding the menu," Dustin murmured, stealing your joke. You shot another glare at him, and this time he had the decency to duck his head.
"Steve! Watch out!" Lucas' voice called from the top of the bus. You heard Steve call back a reply when a movement caught your eye, and your breath caught in your throat.
"3 o'clock! 3 o'clock!" Lucas squeaked out and you noticed as more interdimensional dogs crept closer to Steve. And then one lunged, and you gasped out, pulling away from the window as Steve swung his bat and flung himself over the hood of an old car. Dustin ran to the bus' door, pushing past you and screaming for Steve
"Abort! Abort! Steve, hurry!"
Steve was running back towards the bus and those things were hot on his tail, and even though he was an asshole, you couldn't help but scream for him to "RUN FASTER DICKHEAD!" Steve scrambled back onto the bus, pulling the doors closed, and then you heard glass shattering and you were screaming and Max was screaming. Lucas had climbed back down. You don't remember when that happened, but the three kids huddled by the ladder and away from the door. Good. Something hit the back of the bus, and a mouth snapped in. You pushed the kids out of your way, picking the pipe up from under the seat, and swung it, a nasty crack emitting from where you whacked the thing on the head. It pulled back.
The bus shook and then slowly, heavy footprints echoed down from the roof of the bus. You looked up and saw Max standing their wide-eyed looking up at the gaping hole in your fortifications. You flung yourself forward, scrambling up the ladder, pipe in hand.
"Y/N, no!" Max cried, but Lucas pulled her back, and Steve had just turned his head when you were already halfway up. The dog like creature hovered over you, opening its mouth, and a totally inappropriate thought entered your mind— aside from all of the teeth it looked a little bit like a flower.
"Y/N!" Steve called out to you, but you had already thrust your hand and pipe forward into its mouth and up, and the creature let out a screech as you pulled the pipe back, the end now wet. You shoved it forward again at the creature which was somehow still moving and then another howl echoed out and it turned its head, your pipe knocking into it and shoving the creature back a few steps. It scampered off and you remained, one hand gripping tight to the other and the other still holding the pipe high.
"Holy shit," Dustin swore, looking up at you.
"You took a few shaky steps down the ladder and turned to face the group, lowering the pipe.
"When the hell did you pick up a pipe?" Steve was looking at you wide-eyed, and you shook your head, brushing some hair that had fallen out of your ponytail back behind your ear.
You pushed over to the window and the group parted, letting you go. "We should follow them," you said. "Who knows what'll happen if they're heading into town." There was a general murmuring of assent as the group of you hurried off of the bus. Steve moved to the front of the kids, and you joined him, walking side by side: him walking with his bat sticking out of his backpack, and you with your pipe sticking out of yours.
He looked over to you as you passed the pile of uneaten meat.
"You're kind of a badass, aren't you?" Steve asked, quietly. You smiled at the slight awe in his voice and shrugged a shoulder.
"I told you," Max crossed her arms, smirking. "She's dangerous."
Read the Sequel
Tags: @lemonchapstick @loserrlauraa @pity-mee @imboredsueme @bands-and-shietz @panda0192 @daryldamnson @madhatterweasley @scintillllating  @loveforbrains @harringtonhuddle @siriusaccio @my-simple-musicalfan @loverskisses @adumbledorableee @hawkinsbabe @creamcheese783 @oomylifeiseternalsufferingoo @spacedoutsher @katethemandrake @disneykidafi @coolyoungbouquetdestinylove @myteenwolf-world @stay-wokke @eggshapeddank @lola-winston-harrington dontneedbiologytoadopt @upsidedownstevie @morgandakotaq
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eatapinkwafer · 6 years
Fangirl Asks:
So i completely forgot i had a bunch of these, sorry! But new tags reminded me of it, so im going to do all of them now.. Read it all of you’d like. I was tagged by @bbcshipper @rosehipsyrups @elasticmonk @cooldoyouhaveaflag @my-little-yellowbird thanks lovelies! 
Questions from @bbcshipper
1. How much do your real life friends/family know about your fandom life?
I think i answered this before, but a few of my friends and family members know i have Tumblr and that i’m obsessed with CtM but they don’t really know the extent of it
2. Have you ever embarrassed yourself fangirling?
i don’t really fangirl with people who i’m not comfortable with or i know wont judge me so i don’t get embarrassed much, i guess when i first told my friend about my Tumblr and a lot of things i do i was slightly embarrassed.
3. What’s a recurring theme of fanfictions of you OTP that you find annoying/dislike?
hahaha ummm, unppopular opinion and don’t come at me with stakes, but i dont care much for when Tim says mushy stuff all the time, but it’s other people’s writing and they can right what they like and i’ll still enjoy it.
4. What are some prompts/ideas you might want explored more in fanfic? (asking this one for some ideas, hope that’s okay!)
i’ve always wanted to read something from Angela’s perspective, that would be interesting even though i know she’s still young
5. What’s the meaning behind your tumblr name?
Its from one of the best episodes, 6x08, when Shelagh is in labor and says i could eat a pink wafer...and then eats it and its such a perfect scene
6. Favorite moment(s) with your OTP?
Hand kiss, smoking together after the Carter birth, misty road, tent scene, dancing together “you and Jim Reeves”, and basically every scene they have together
7. How far would you travel to meet your OTP in real life?
if i have money, anywhere.. since i don’t have any money i’ll stick with anywhere in the states
8.Do you have a playlist for your OTP? (again, looking for ideas!)
Not really sorry, just whatever Turnadette has sang together
9. What about your real life would shock your OTP?
How much i stay in bed? i don’t know
10. What have you learned from being a part of the fandom?
that there are actual people out there who love something as much as i do and i don’t have to be ashamed about it
11. What’s the best thing about your fandom?
the community, they’re the absolute best
Questions from @rosehipsyrups :
1. Have you ever written fanfic?
Nope, just like reading it
2. Describe a scene from your favourite fandom that’s made you laugh
When Shelagh puts on her girdle in the 2017 CS, i’m still laughing about it
3. Have you ever stayed up all night watching a show?
hahahahahahahahahaahaha... let’s just say i saw all 6 seasons of CtM in 3 days
4. Top three favourite books?
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Moon Daughter, The Help
5. Do you like stories best if they’re set in the past, present, or future?
With Fanfic i like all, and with books i prefer past and present
6. Who do you look the most like in your favourite fandom?
Umm i dont think anyone, im hispanic girl with very curly hair... no one looks like that in CtM
7. Who are you most like personality wise in your favourite fandom?
Im going to go with Delia, because @weshallc said i was like her so i’ll just go with that
8. Favourite movie?
Notting Hill, i’m a hopeless romantic
9. Describe a scene from your favourite fandom that’s made you cry
The misty road scene has made me cry a couple times
10. Currant OTP?
11. One wish for your fandom’s future?
That they are happy, that’s all lol
Questions from @elasticmonk :
1. What was your first fandom?
On Tumblr? Outlaw Queen; not Tumblr Gilmore Girls and Friends
2. What’s your favorite thing about your main fandom now?
The community, again they’re the lovliest
3. What is your main fandom?
4. Whose your favorite character of all time?
Phoebe Buffay
5. What three quality’s do you think you share with your favorite character (of anything)?
I don’t think a lot, she’s a lot more eccentric and bold than me, i just love her
6. Where would you like to see your OTP vacation and why?
Obviously LA where i’m from, imagine them being tourists on the Hollywood Walk of Fame or at Disneyland? Venice Beach? That would be amazing
7. What’s your favorite gif from your fandom?
The i could eat a pink wafer gif and then when she eats it, oh also Hello Nurse
8. What’s your favorite picture from your fandom?
oh man i dont know, all of them. Probably anything with Laura
9. Who was your first OTP?
Luke and Lorelai
10. When did you start your main fandom?
I lurked last year for about 4 months and then started my blog in October
11. AU or canon complaint fanfiction?
Questions from @my-little-yellowbird :
1.How has fangirling made an impact in your life?
I’ve found a really good community that i can share what i love with. And  when i first started looking at Tumblr and watching CtM, it was a really hard time for me and it allowed me to escape for a bit and brought some joy into my life
2.What makes fangirling most worthwhile to you?
Again as before, the people i get to share my love for things with and they understand me and don’t make me feel bad for it
3.What have you learned about yourself by being a part of a fandom?
I don’t think anything new but possibly that i don’t have to be ashamed for loving something so much and there are people out there like me (these questions were deep lol, i just repeated myself 3 times)
Questions from @cooldoyouhaveaflag
1. If you’ve written fanfiction, do people in your real life read it? Would you want them to if they don’t?
Never written any
2. Are you usually active in your fandoms? If yes, how long before you join in, if no, why not? (No right or wrong answer, I just think it’s interesting!)
Umm i am active in the Turnadette one now, it took me like a month to be more active after i started my Tumblr. If you mean like on a daily, it doesn’t take for me too long to participate
3. What is your dream fic about your OTP? (no restrictions, it can be anything from a cannon one-shot to a 200,000 word multi chap space alien AU)
hmm i’m a sucker for jealousy storylines for some reason, actually i know the reason. It’s because then they can declare how much they love each other and make up and i find that super adorable. Even though i know jealousy isn’t great, but nothing like they get angry or yell just that they’re a bit jealous. Like an old friend of Shelagh’s visits and he’s young and good looking and Pat is a bit jealous. That would be great
My Questions: 
1.What’s something you’d never thought you’d do but have because of a fandom?
2. If you could be in any tv show/movie which would it be and what role would you like to play
3.Is there any storyline that has impacted you personally?
4.How would you describe your favorite show/ movie to someone to convince them to watch it?
5.Have you convinced anyone to watch a favorite show/movie of yours and they got hooked?
6.Have you ever cancelled plans or left early in order to watch an episode of your favorite show or for a fandom thing? If so, tell the story
7.   How many fandoms have you been in and what are they?
8.What scene first got you hooked to your OTP?
i’ll tag @cooldoyouhaveaflag @miss-ute @elasticmonk @cooldoyouhaveaflag @fourteen-teacups @tangledupinmist @kaguyahime1224 @ramblingviolinist @chariot-to-somewhere @mg-bsl381 @lovetheturners @sincerelygeertje @like-an-officer-and-a-sergeant @snoopctm @turnt4turnadette 
Only do it if you’d like, sorry if you were tagged already or answered some of these questions
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widykegast · 7 years
voltron overwatch headcanons
guess who has too much time on their hands. me.
handle: sharpshooter (everyone makes fun of him in match chat befoew a game...little do they know...)
a widowmaker main. full stop
the first time he ran attack widowmaker keith yelled at him. until he Learned
he’s Super good when he takes it seriously.
does not, however, take it very seriously. hes here for fun, more than any of them
unless, of course, they are playing competitive
gets play of the game more than any of them
occasionally plays ana to let hunk play pharah because he is a good friend
will not, under any circumstances, play hanzo. dont ask him why
handle: believeit (he played wow when he was young and refuses to change it (mainly because it makes pidge and lance angry))
likes playing pharah the most, but is often forced to play zen or rein (until orisa was dropped) bc hes either solo queueing or playing with his friends who dont know how to team comp
however, it is agreed hes allowed to play her on anubis no matter what and his team backs him up whenever they can because they love him
doesnt like always playing competitive because it stresses him out
“im gay but id date pharah”
handle: trnsgrlcommi
has the most hours on bastion. swears she isnt a bastion main.
also plays lots of sombra and symmetra and spends those whole games yelling into her mic about how gay she is
actually really good symmetra
gets play of the game most times 2nd to lance. everyone yells whenever it happens
taught matt to play bastion and has regretted it ever since
actually cried when she saw orisa
nearly became an orisa main like. 3 days in
shes got mediocre aim so shes not the Best but she knows when to use shit and basically becomes a permanant tank for like a month. then shes a Usually tank
handle: ripmcr (”youre sure no one will be able to see this pidge?” “postive”)
talks to people like and plays with the attitude of a genji main. can’t aim for shit, so he plays mei. unironically
he left in the middle of the match when hunk said “ice ice meiby”
hunk, laughing so hard he literally cried, also left
also plays reaper and shiro is literally always making fun of him for it. its almost sad.
gets. really stressed when they play like arcade but is Calm during comp. lance is scared
shiro (+ matt)
handle: daddy (hey it sucks but he got $50 off matt for it) 
mercy main
uses his pistol a little too much. not all the time too much. just a little.
solo rezzes keith all the time. his team hates him.
after owning the game for a day: “this is what 400 hours of mercy experience looks like”
also enjoys tracer and mccree
he only started playing mccree to make fun of keiths accent (which he has in this au fuck you) but was actually kinda good? so he kept going at it
enjoys doin shitty impressions. except his junkrat which is Spot On somehow
he never plays junkrat
but he does make keiths life hell rip
plays comp with Matt “Resident Bastion Main” Holt and always pockets him
they never win. 
handle: musregina
the home screen character when she first booted up the game was zarya
she fell in love instantly
matt: dont worry allura ur learnin from the best
allura, with potg and 4 gold medals after her first game: what
actually probably the best one out of all of them
used to play comp with matt and shiro. stopped when her sr reached like 1500
“guys i love you but i placed into fucking platinum bye”
really doesnt play anyone but zarya but she enjoys the Power she feels when she plays roadhog and hooks people and will occasionally play hanzo to fuck with lance
is never friendly. even in skirmish. waving or emoting just gives your enemy another chance to strike. 
keith is also like this
they bond
bonus: the heith arc! because this is My au and i can do whatever the fuck i want! cut for length because i cannot shut up about heith!
scene: two am for hunk and eleven pm for keith. everyone else in the group has gone to bed except for pidge and allura, who are duo queueing comp to gain rank
hunk: haha man im too stressed about this test monday to sleep
keith: i just had like. half a pizza ill probably get nightmares if i sleep 
(”thats a thing?” “matt said so”)
so they queue up for 3v3 just the two of them
hunk, as he always does when team comp ain’t a major issue, picks phara
their third picks symmetra
keith, too busy laughing at hunks jokes (hes Deep in pining hell) doesn’t pick a character, so he ends up with mercy
hunk: oh don’t worry man! just stick with me we got this
keith is related to a mercy main, and he’s played the game enough that he knows what he’s doing. 
(”do i pull out the gun now?” “keith, no, im dying please”)
but!! he does well and enjoys the role but only because its hunk hes pocketing. he also likes it a Lot when hunk says “nice job!!” at the end even though they lose
it takes practice, but keith starts getting better as mercy and he has some fun! he doesn’t really like not fighting, but he likes damage boosting and calling the shots badly and hes the best 1v1 mercy hunks ever seen
(he took down a roadhog all by himself)
they lose track of time and they both see the notification that lance is online the next morning and start yelling.
keith starts playing mercy but only with hunk. it goes on for a while.
he gets better. its easier for him because she doesnt require aiming and he likes flying. hes good at managing his flight and hunk,also dee pin pining hell, always commends him on it
and they maybe sorta have more 
1 night they play quick play this way and when pidge checks his career profile the next morning she yells
he doesnt start playing mercy with them tho. its his and hunk’s thing.
until one time, on anubis, they (pidge, lance, hunk, keith, and two randoms) need a second healer
hunk: look, guys, ill just go ze-
keith, picking mercy: fuck you youre playing pharah
so he does, and its down to the wire. they need second point to win
theyve all died
keith, while literally yelling, runs onto the point and gets a 4 man rez
everyone is now yelling
they win
he loses potg to some junk wheel that got 3 people but he doesnt care
hunk: keith omg you have no idea how much my sr needed this i could kiss you right no-
keith, shy and quiet and a bit away from his mic: why dont you?
hunk starts screeching a little bit. lance is crying and shouting his blessings
pidge, way too close to her mic: 3,000 miles of country thats whats stopping him
lance, a hopeless romantic: shut the fuck up your mouth! you weenie gremlin!!
anyway hunk and keith have a real relationship talk later that i dont feel like writing out since this is already sloppy and long as is. theyre dating
everyone is blessed
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Dont freak out, itss just writing
i grew up fast (so fast) (too quick nigga) (wish i went through when i was just a bit bigger) can you tell me who the parent is uh ya the first time i drove a whip i was a fuckin kid, (96 suburban nigga) (yo yo, did you tell em why) oh ya shit my fault my mom was bleeding from her chin i dont know what from or what about, scared to death i took that drive to the ER (Medical SHIIIT) (mom got too drunk again and feel out) (wheres dad? in his room his doors locked, figures i dont expect, as i try to knock (no answer nigga) i dont blame em he removes himself from the sitiation so he dont hit her) ya i fucking grew quick, ya i fucking tryed some shit, the first time i dropped out and took some shroomies i was age 6 plus 6, thats 12 for the illiterates, actually aas a matter a fact it was fuckin pleasant as fuck as i drew back the droe and took another hit. now that i think that was the day, older brother came and gave me cig i obliged no way to say nay, i was still trippin and it was a sensational feelin, it left me stumblin and dizzy a head rush like no other i was hooked for live to the day and i dont blame him, i dont think he knew what he had started, adding to the compilation of the monsxter inside that took refuge and started, poison in his mind, the drugs altered his brain activity but he was buckled up and commited to the ride.Shit i just said in third person let me apologize to yall sometimes the ideas flow together like two fortune five mergin, these feels of hate be strong ya im hurtin, i cant blame no one, i cant choose the family i was birthed in, started sniffin ups felt my blood surgin, gotta big head but my nemisis, the evil inside myself was bigger aboutt the size of a white sturgeon, like some northern ish that canadain shit like british columbia or somethin idk, alls i can say is that BC bud out that bitch is my fav to blow, the sour D, diesel to be exact for you niggas who waana try to nit pick or correct my personal facts, let me just speak at you,  all the hatin niggas tryin bring me down, bad news, i do drugs like steve from fuckin blues clues, but my rents always on time when that xshits due, any ways i side tracked speaking of tracks just lined some shit up did with speed did with need i did it with tact, im dextrous and shit i always have a unique train of thought oh shit trains again trains derailed at this point hhaaha i crack myself up sometimes with the wit in my words leh-let you in on the pun so you can join in my fun, about the lines the lines are no more you didn arrive in time i promise these raps have rhythm they have rhyme i aint spittin to waste your time, i aint spittin to catch a dime, bag or bitch, it really dont matter, niether last long but they are still my niche, come here bitch come hit this shit, this time dont have a fit, mind over matter just stick yuh nose in these rails sit down for a bit, drink some wata, go to your happy place we are gettin to old for me to have tote on yuh just from hitten lines but i put up wit it, you got that 50 thou boat on yuh, not to mention your ride, that shit is so sweet i cant decidddee which id rather seed, as in inseminate with my seaman as i play the part as a seaman workin for seimans on a marine voyage i aint like you im a higher being, i dont know whatchu talkin whatch your eyes be seein i am a divine heathan i really cant fucking believe a niggas still breathin im a florida boy born and raised, i sit the fuck back drink my beer in the shade, high as i usually am a rinny tin tin rinscotts tale \down the rintin like a shark fin poatched by commercial fisherman thrown in a bin, no regard for life the human race is so greedy, people just aint my type, say what you want i know me best and i know im right. my creative talents on the other hand be outta sight, im my own worst enemy to cross the bridge pay the fee, trollin in the hood for that g, withdrawin, shakin i drop to my knee look up to the sky ask god if he sees. hear the sound of humming, huh must be bees, or im trippin out maybe its a flash back i dont remmember. whats th-this street, tremblin think my heat skipped a bit, or a couple shakinso bad my knes begin to buckle, anxiety can be dibilatated held me back from so much in life thers no debating. unfamiliar route. made it to this bar ordered a stout got to thinking, you may ask what about, this is why i like solitude to be on my own to answer to noone to depend on myself and live it to the fullest while im yung, my mind will reel, replaying all i know every single memory, that im capable of bringing back, i compare my brain to a file cabinet, i keep it hidden like in an office towards the back. A photographic memory is a gift and a curse, ill tell you whatat, if you dont keep it in check you will end up in a herse, sure you can remember the happy shit the good things in your life but you cant fucking forget the huge hits the fucking bad bitch the one who broke your heart? dounno how to forget you but i think i know where to start, i thought it was drugs, i numbed my body with chemicals little did i know with every shot the metaphorical shovel scooped out some more dirt from the inconcievable whole i fuckin dug. my life has been weird kinda like an opriental from a flee market an awkward rug, with no real spot in the house, was always the black sheep in the fam i tryed to tip toe as quiet as a mouse, some tom and jerry shit my mistakes and regrets cbhasing me around like tom the cat from that shit, I hide in my hidey whole, disconeected from any social environmeent i often found myself cryin, but self loathin is kinda like being a a gay with some dicks hes blowin, givin a ski job pitty is the lube hatred is the tube the vessel to carry out a deed the fags not sure about, hes experimentin comparable to some situations in my life cept wont catch me with two dudes in a shower, that was just a metaphor. you feel me? im sure the haters will hop all over that verse but just fuckinh hear me. I got my shades on and these bitches special, haters they block, they keep you no fun, sticklers out of sight out of mind like spf 75 sun block, that industrial shit, factory born hear the lunch bell on the horn, an  hour passes the busy bees come back to the floor to join the others to join the masses; the hoard., here the hum of the worker bees at work as they sneek rum in there flasks stuck it in to the hive got it past the queen time to catch a buzz to make this pain stop while i avoid the fuzz the narks at work, cant control it even if they wanted to stop. i dont want to hurt. this was a metaphor for the endless rut of a reality ive become accustomed to; succomed too, the low of the low. comparable to a german trench on the frontlines., my life feels like a conveyer belt, makin the same product running the same direction never really goiong any where, now thats was an analagy, keeping up? yung unsensitive how many? 0 fucks, 0 fucks giveen, 0 blights forgiven, spiteful to death and mornful for noone, nothing left inside just another no-go, malfunctioning product family be like feeling “ i feel like they robbed us” of our brother our son and our friend , dont worry fam im still with you in your hearts up to the end. im tired of our society with all its malice and fallacy, thinking to my self how sad it must be, to be washed in the brain to be hypnotized, this shits so insane.you want that shit super sized? of course nigga watchu you sayin. A glutonous society obsessed with self indulgence people actually still believe good people are in abundance. Speaking of which, fuck the people for a tec, have you looked around lately, this earth is a wreck, mark my words we headin straight for destruction, We are not being good care takers, we fuckckin actin so careless what doesdo the opeople in power really expect?? just pass it on to the next generation “ohh, its not our life time we will leave it for you” Thats a big fuck you to the generations after you undeserving self entitled fucks finallyy croak. get the fuck outa here, tell me when you sold your sold, you heartlesxs bastards would give anything for xsome more of that paper thgat rules all, the pressure you have put on everyone, no one is an exception, to support ourselves and loved ones to provide for our own and multiple other peoples nees, the urge to make money looms over our heads like a pestiliant storm cloud of angst and uncertainty, boreing a fucking whole in our moral, making peoplpe desperaate rising crime rates because people get desperate, people need to survive and they will do dam near whatever it takess to make the money they need, for whatever purpose.  ill whipe my ass with it throw in your cards i will win you better fold. i have freeedom, you ask what? anominity you fuckers, i can moldd my own life i have the freedomm of choosing, i certainly dont have to wait for legislation to pass a bill which you bribed for votes to do so anyways, to do something something much worse than im capabloe of ever doing, intentionally ruining the environment and turning our planet to mars just for paper with and idea (with a “hey, take our word for it, its worth something “””WE PROMISE”””” fucks) behind it not even gold bars, fuck you niggas mark my words illl bring all you mother fuckers down, ill run you fucks out of town, you hear that sound? its a train. its my passion and my determination to take you out, maybe ill use a fuckin plane? i mean its o.k. for the CIA to do it, right? Create this ridiculously elaborote ruse this plot, thyat fucking fooled all the ignorant and brainwashed americans you have already sucked in with your cancerous propaganda, kids lost to your bullshit through social media and the fucking criteria you make teachers teach young minds, we are taught from a very young age that “ huraaahh america is number one! Terrorists bad! Environmental destruction of a planet good!” how about we help some of the third woorld countries (which you know we wouldnt have to be gunning down women and children in the streets) we could just like give them the water they need? help them gentrify there communities teach them how to develop better skills, teach them more efficient ways to take advantage of their land, maybe bring some seeds to food sources that can be grown creating a bit of self sustainability that may not be indigenous but would grow in their country?? you greedy fucks just want oil, when we have enough in our reserves in alaska/canada to last north america 500 years falsey blame others, create an imaginary war “the war on terrorism, which infact is a fucking cover a false entity, to entice patriotism to loosely keep this crumbling empire together the last attempt, the only thread left in the button holding up the pants we call america, you forgot to tell the word all that shit is just whack  [ simply a meticulously pplanned and executed ploy to spur interests in the middle east, control the oil and power will return back east, return to u, Cause god knows you tax the fuck out of us for EVERYTHING especially mnother fucking gas, so we can pay for wellfare and pay for fucking solar power for rich fucks who e==inherited wealth, people who hdont know what working a day means and never will be, never had a problem, never been broke “oh shit my fucking croket set is missingg a ball” lose the pretense fuckers, you cocksuckers, arrogant low lives.. Money makes you any better then the hard working man that cover your tax breaks pay like our fucking ppolice forces (who are a bunch of ROTC drop outs with a badge and sense of power nnow being unfair and crooked taking some kind of revenge on the idea of the kids who picked on them all through out school” Motherfucker its harder to become a plumber, the learning and process is longer/more rigorous then a 6 month police academy which is fucking my lil pony world ( ith ink there is a fantasy kids show for my lil pony with their own fantasy dimension/world)compared to a military bootcamp.  A doctrine instilled to stop the spread of communisim wherever and whenever it may presenet itsxelf? when is the fighting going to stop in that area of our dying earth, thjey have been fighting eachother since lifes initial birth, what whoever was in power or in charge of trading the petroleumn to us wanted to charge an extra dollar 4 dollars  aBARREL instead of 3??? whaa you fucking greedy cunts,? so we invade and take control put there people on dog collars?? for wshat a dollar difference in productionfreedom of speech as you mothers suck the livlyhood from our home like a blood sucking leech, so careless, you know exactly what your doing, you just dont care it aint your problem your headin towardcs the end your death is brewin, well im the reaper of death cloaked in black i always get my man like a cold inwe can hardly co-exist and efficiently function. We are on world one love bob marley shit im getting tired of going throught the motions im all fucked up inside and shit. Early development can be a lynch pin. to either set a strong first corner stone, ceremonial placement of the first corner stone, free mason shit, corn and vegetable oil, so many customs and traditions are goin down a fuckin hill catch em rollin. Early  life is so fucking critical for a young kid, childrens minds are like a sponge they are looking up to their elders they are developing mentally they consume everything around them and retain more than you know, give your kids a healthy and stimulating environment and they will let there talents grow let there talents show let there brilliance flow let there inhibitions go, gone like dust in the wind, never catch em in trouble nothing, not one sin. They will begin to get older, be super organized, super focused for school, every class haxs a folder. As you watch them grow you will feel it in your heart you will fuckin kno, atleast you did this at least you used your parental guidance for good. when you die you know youll be missed, your kid dont throw fits, not one bit, hes such a chip off the old block that was cliche as fuck haha tuck em inh for bed his forhead you kiss. I just might fucking shed a tear, I cant fight this urge to drink a beer. I cant deny this fucking fear, I must look like just like headlights shinin onm a deer, jock strap aroun d my ankles, dumbfounded, look in  my eyes, perplexed, look on my face as it hits, you get a certain taste in your mouth this race is coming to a close suddenly your filled with doubht, seriously you should be care free, yuou did your duty as a parent, im jealous wish that was me, chill the fuck out go drink some fucking relaxing tea or something, sobrietyy seems to be a good mixture along with love and rationality to make a family function like a well greased machine, like a mechanisim freshly whipped down with some white lithium grease. tuned and ready to go, temped to huff the fumes and left everything go, turn your car on shut the garage door, let death grip  you, dont seem to care anymore, I cant change the past and i have no regreats, will i make it to thirty? “right over here people!” “place your bets!”, ill take my tickets to my Life Show and just scalp em make some extra cash, im already absent, so detatched;incapable of feeling. even if im there aint nothing going on emotionally in there (guarantee you im smilin an nodding i really dont give 2 fucks no more”, take that money right to the plug i promote fucking drugs not hugs, or why not both? why does the saying have to be one or the other when sxometimes its both you desire the most. Take the scalpin’ money from the tickets to the play of my life, go on down to the hood, pick up some bags mis amigos habla “Drogas” los hermanos tambien, this urge is hard to fight. Its a romance [a ritual of being, so0mething un explainable i wish i was never a part of, im always metaphorically bleeding. My poker face is strong, fuck showing weakness i alwayxs thought it was to show emotuion. wrong....... but its not, it can save your life, can \get you through, throw you a life jacket, get you out of that tide you fought, that frigid water no warmer than dry eyes.. Ive always been a loose cannon, I go with the flow, not lookin back, been chillin with the old heads they were suprisxed i could hang and, back to the point haha literally or figuratively is the question... im not gonna keep you waitin or leave yall hangin, i hate cliff hangers, make me wait 45 five minutes leave me jonesin’ its slow goin like grindin that ‘crete in the hangers polishin’ that baby out and coatin with some apoxy, its a process, i just get my drugs, whate=vers around and hit bangersz til i pass out, thatsx how my life has been goingg, i feel like im in the chambers just waiting to be gassed out. Flip the fuuckin switch you fuckin pussy end all this malcontent and hate, make itt black, eternal reest at loast.. dress me up real nice maybe a sharp vest, go through the processions and go through the motions fucking burn my body bitches, i want to be in the ocean ive always felt drawn to it, like an unexplainable,, unatainable unfakeable feeling or notion. im happiest sippin a coctail right by the ocean,  thats where you put me to rest... ill be pissed as fuck dont treat me like a fucking ruck; i beenn aroound, age is but a number, my knowledge is  vast and profound, ya thats right bitch im fuckin educated, know more tthan you will learn in your life time and im 20 years, old get what im sayin? i dont got a big heaad im actually humble,  just at my  breaking point. if i was a volcanoe you would feel the rumble; the pre-emptive signs of an eruption pre-determineed in the creator’s mind he took his divine time to find a wayy to grin away the time it took to find the book i bind when al i want is to be stress free and unwind but im the opposite wound up liike the grandfather clock i wish i could stop , the wheels are in motion the gears are set to full speed the feels keep comin i got this itch; this notion, this inkling to stop minglin, stop wastin my time with u useless fuccks. i think its time, its not the end my journey, just started this epic tale of sorrow, my feelings have departed, im fuckingg frozen over colder than ice, dry ice. cant touch me im full of hate and vice, addictive personality on a suicide mission like a ffucking missionary willing to die for his faithh,. i wish man willing to be a martyr for his religion.. ya bitch i smoke stoges in the hotel room just send the  bill to him if it comes to me itll end up in the fucking rubbish bin with a looggie on top coughin up brown shit to young for that talk, to young for heart disease pack and a half a day to try to keep my miind at ease, the stress is buildin im like a tickin time bomb, im so wound up like a clock rigged to blow mount vesuvius, a test nuke... the alarm is soundinn off. A  bright flash like a million lightning strikes, bout to pop off.. but atleast with style got my limited eddition nikes, listen to me i soound like them, listen to me bitching like a fucking fem, bottle it up, thats what society saays, male suicide is at an all time high like two polar opposites due to wed, its never gonna work im always going to be sad im always going to hurt, no fuck it, im a lock it up and throw away the key, im gonna forget about all this shit and be a fuckin G, be hardcore like the brothhers, leave bitches cryin in the street like aall our fuckin mothers, 32 degrees ferenhiet tatted on my left pec it signifies the tempture of my heart no longer warm and red, its frozen over, it hardly beats, that shit is smaler than the grinches, i turned into what they want me to be, a danger to society, getthe fuck outa myface before i shoo,t b, I got nothing to lose, living for nothing, nada, goose eggs nigga dont give a fuck reckless, no regard for life i dont give two fucks a partridge in a ghetto street, aint no merry christmas song, i like my biches thick and dirty wearin'n some fesh tomy thongs, i use em abuse and enthuse them then ruse thm excusse them fuckin confusethem "why you so distaant all of the suden" keep the vow of silence, like a monk on a holy missio, a friar on a divine quest, sending telepathic messages look into my eyes and see, get the fuck out i was never real these feelings meant nothing to me manipulator, manipulationist making up woprds never been a relationist, the masster of his craft a ventrilliquist or a puppet master you were to blind to see, mama was right just a socio path, ya bitch tell your 7 year old child that; see how long his chipper attitude lasts, im lower than nothing, not even a worm maybe i could bbe a fucking tick suckin blood, noting left of the kid i used to be, no more self worth, i cant love you when i cant love myself, how you expect me to support you when all i do is grab a spoon andd melt all the money thaat comes my way, a junkie, bum destined for an early  death and you think yous my bride to be, sorry hun you reaad me wrong, i know its hard cause bitches never know whats goin on inside my head, as i lay in bea,d staring off to somewhere, anywhere but next toyou, staring off into space thinking about my drug abuse, asking myself why, but i know the answer ready to die, but i think ill get a lapper frm one more danceer, i wanna go out in style, not som lame shit maybe go up to a mountain and stand on a cliff, look down, see wher im destined to end up as i take the safety off, finger carressing the trigger, a cool wind blows as i prepare to leave my loved ones bitter, surprised they sstayed aound thislong only ever let em down ever since i was young, never good enough always disappointing this rap comes so easily writing it like noothing, to get this off my chest as theend comes near, i shaped my own destiny i chose to die, now i chose to die here, fuk your beliefs and your faith in gods plan i took my life intomy own fucking hands, i think we all know einstiens theory of insanity, i been doin the same shit fr so long now exspectin shit to change and, i guess im insane.. i took my brilliiant, my sharp mind and put it to waste. its time to pull the inevitable, the good die young idk in this case if thats viable, im scummy i did whatever it took to get my fix to kill that pitt  in my tummy. i hurt people close, i stole from my famil.y.. its time to end it, like i caqme into the world, by myself always alone, soemthing that my father toldme that really stuck, its cynical as fuck, but he was right. he said stay out of the bullshit the groggy muck. Only lookout for yourself son, ive been arounnd awhile, [people dont give a fuck about anyone else they care only for themselves, in the end at the most critical time they will always choose them instead of some one else. We are alone in this wrld and its the hard truth jut learn not to ddepend on others while you are still in your youth, ive been fucked over to many times by people i thought i was very close to. now im out to get mines me and only me you and only you, get that fucking look on ur face sorry for beeing real and telling the truth, im trying to prepare your for whats ahead, im tryig to prevent you from depending on a brutus who will fill you with lead, stab you in the back for their own personnal gain, being to trustworthy is a heroic flaw like being egotistical, wanting to help your friends to much, being aragont ect. kryptonite to super man pease dont be batman and let it be yourr bane, bane as in the villian to let you know. im back, here are my words again not my dads, ji really do miss all the relationships i had, havent spoken to my dad in years tookk one for theteam stayed with mama dukese inj the ssplit to save faace, foir my innocent younger brothers. you know what shes also my motheer, shes not capable of surviving alone i didnt think i would abandon her ever i thought id never do that, i stuck with her out of evveryone, a family oof six she looked out for me in times of strife wish i could give her one last kiss, just shot my last 20 and i fucin missed, absesses dont matte any more i bet this 45 shoots true time for the finale,  no way i can miss, as the curtains close on my young life one last thought people really took to me, like white on rice, women were drawn to me the mystery i had them enticced, June baby as a cancer i am hard to understand i met a chick once who had a spot in my liifes bnd, she knew me we had a connection so much love we were never disrespectin im glad i could atleast i could teach hersome shit before she ripped my beeating heart out of my chest and stepped on it. Loved hermore than life and i still do i promised her one day i would find her and marry her, walkher down that isle say the words ido, she felt what i felt i know its tru, wasnt ready fgor commitment baby i wil alwayslove yo never orget you if i can i connect with you, like a disease i infected you i aways broght you downi was just baggage extra wait holing you down dragging around im glad youo saw through my snake charming ways saw me for who i was a bumm who couldnt change noot in a short number of days, someone so crippled by pain and grief it was beyond belief, she was the only one i wore my heart on my sleeve for , she lef me sobbinig, crrying violently without end in the door the doorway to more pain. i know she had no choice she had to live her lifee i was just in he way, i was obscuring her focus. eye on the prize isthe only way to achieve your goals and tnt them fuckin boulders, in your way, today i die babe, long time comin bet yall thought i was here to stay. baby l dontshed a tear kno i died drinkin a beer haha but nah you were my last thoughts thinking about all the time we spent getting lost in eachothers eyes and gettin so close we read eachothers thougts, illl miss or idk if ill be concious or just nothjingness, i guess ill fnd out when i finally stop being a pussy and proced with this, see ya velma ill always be your shaggy thinka bout me and dont forget what i made you see, in your self im just another memory on our shelf but let it bbe one thaat sticks we had somethingthat made ssense just clicks somethin that felt so right im really gonn miss, everythinig abnout you im sorry you couldnt trust me but i dont doubt why. i know the truth ive never denied a thing in my life, dont getme wrong everybody tells a little white lie, but you know what its a sign of intelligence not to be afraid to say idk not to lie for the hll of it. Ill see you soon in the nxt life or two i hope reincarnatiuon has a possibility of being true, godbye cruel world th ride is over it was a hell of a whirl, i leave you with absolutely nohing conntributted i was just a part o the cancer people had to live with, butnever acknowledgedd, acted ignoant to ther surroundings as daddy paid for college, i burned bright and hot and had a lot of fun, i had alot of life experienc got alot of shit done, nothing productivee of course in ssocieties eyes but i did fullfill atleast some personal goals, important things in my eyes, the curtains are almost done descending as my pittiful life is ending, but keep your pitty mother  fuckers i dont want shit from any of you i dont give yoou nothin dont be so self righteous you look like a bunch of fools, greive for me or celebrate my life i guess its on you how you chhoose to rfemmeber a nobody that nobody knew, a couple feet before the curtains drop, is that? myy eyes decieving? me? no i do see that a single rose descends from the skies, i stare intently at the work of art, a rose is soo beautiful, a representation of love, from the heart, so delicate with its velvet petals, easily ruined a boket wouldve been nice, but who am i fooling, thats a beautiful thing, that was really nice. the product bubbles as i take my last hit of ice, cant takemy eyes off that rose.. its so beautiful... the gun on my forhead now, looking at each individual pedals.. dew from the early mornin forming a small puddle around that naturral phenom, that iconic organic, spectaacular symbol of sometthing real, somethin that matters, something sensual. 
As the bits of his brain splatter behid him, arms spread; with grace, almost angelic.he falls off the ciff a hundred feet now for falling, weird but there was a look of peace in his eyes; on his face, maybe he wll finally find happiness.. he fell with nobility and so much grace the floor he hit, his finall restingplace, what cuold be a better box then a natural setting, a  beaauty of nature, crawling all around and he will return to the earth, the mother wll  take him back just as she gave birth, i thinnk this shit is over now its not my story to tell, inside voices kids no reason to yell. shhhhhhhhhhh. 
dont depend dont believe the [enter here]
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