#joseph underwood
aparticularbandit · 4 months
For Fake: Chapter Three
Summary: America lied about having a girlfriend to get her moms off her back, but when they want to meet said girlfriend, she asks her good friend Viv to step in and help.
VIv Vision/America Chavez
Chapter Rating: G. Fic Rating: T.
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The diner fills as they grow closer to suppertime, but Viv doesn’t notice.  Well.  She tries not to notice, just like she tries not to search for information on everyone who comes in, every time the little bell above the door tingles.  But she can’t stop herself.  It’s an impulse, knowing what she does, even if America says they’re safe, even if America has been here long enough to be a regular – to have a usual order.
The worst happens when America waves to a boy about their age with oily, unkempt black hair and a golden horned crown that he removes and sets on the bar once he sits down.  Instead of waving back, the boy gives her a flirtatious wink.  (That’s really what does it, more than anything else.)
“That’s Loki,” Viv leans forward and hisses out. “How are you friendly with Loki?  He tried to take over the whole world—”
“Yeah, well, he’s a really cool guy when you get to know him.”  America lounges back against her seat, one arm spread across the back of the booth, and gives Viv a look.  “And how would you know?  You’ve never met him.”
Viv comes up with a lie quick, one that would be easily believable.  “No one else wears horns like Loki’s,” she says, although she’s hesitant in tone.  She nods to the crown set on the bar next to him.  “Those make him obvious.  Blatantly so.”
America nods.  “Mmhm.”  She drums her fingers on the back of the booth.  “You’re still doing that Wikipedia stuff, aren’t you?”
“I do so much more than Wikipedia, America.”  Viv huffs with disgust, crosses her arms, and leans back against the booth.
“Yeah, but you’re still doing it.”  America clicks her tongue against the back of her teeth.  Then she leans forward and taps the table with her pointer finger twice.  “The first thing you do in a new universe is learn who you can trust—”
“I believe you told me the first thing you do is find food.”
America rolls her eyes.  “That, too.  For sure.  But you learn who you can trust, and you can trust people here!”  She taps the table again.  “Also there’s great food, so.  Best of both worlds, you know?”  She flashes Viv a grin, one that Viv doesn’t return.  Eventually, her grin fades, and her voice softens.  “Look, you trust me, right?”
Viv nods silently.
“So don’t worry about it!  Not like anybody recognizes you anyway.”  America’s gaze shifts, first down and then back up, as though gauging Viv’s appearance again.  Then she smirks.
Viv can’t counter that.  She tugs her lip between her teeth and glances down at her own dark hands, at her pink and green painted fingernails, at her normal clothes without any indicator of the family to whom she belongs.  Without a second thought, she reaches up and pulls her mom’s necklace out from under her shirt, fiddling with its charm.  “Wanda will.”
America blinks.  “What?”
“Wanda will,” Viv repeats, unable to meet America’s eyes but also unable to miss the way America’s brows raise sharply.  “I met her once.  She and Agatha…they helped my father and me when….”  Her voice trails off, and she gives a shake of her head.  “I never met Agatha, but Wanda…Wanda said she needed to talk with me.  So I listened.”  One corner of her lips curves upward in a fond near smile.  “She saved my dog.”
Viv nods.  She doesn’t say it – doesn’t really want to get into the specifics of everything that happened.  It’s impossible to talk about how her mom killed her dog while they were supposed to be under some form of house arrest, how Viv had gone downstairs to find both of her parents gone – her father to confront her brother’s murderer, her mother to confront her father – and found Sparky’s body crushed and broken on the floor, twitching from electric synapses that hadn’t been able to stop, synapses that prickled against her vibranium skin when she’d picked him up and carried him to her room.  She’d hated her mother then.
Sometimes, a part of her still does.
“What happened to Sparky?”
“I would rather not say.”
“And to you and your dad?”
Viv averts her gaze, refusing to meet America’s eyes.  She rubs her arm in a self-soothing gesture but doesn’t say anything more.
Out of the corner of her eye, America shifts.  “Does this have to do with your mom?  And….”  She doesn’t say his name.  Probably because she can’t remember it, if she was ever told in the first place.
For all that Viv doesn’t like to speak of her mother, she likes to speak of Vin even less.  She doubts that she has ever mentioned him by name.  “I do not want to talk about it,” she says, finally, “but I thought you should know, in case that throws a kink in your plans.”
America presses her lips together.  She thinks about it a long time, an action that grows more and more uncharacteristic of her the longer it takes.  That alone sits uneasy in the pit of Viv’s stomach, and she fights the urge to say America should have chosen someone else – even Kamala – if that would be easier for her.  But just as Viv decides to speak, America opens her mouth.  “I’ll—”
“Here ya go.”  Dottie appears as though out of nowhere, and America shuts her mouth so quickly that she must have bitten her tongue – she certainly winces as though she has.  The waitress sets a platter covered with—
Viv’s eyes widen.  “Oh, for the love of—”
“Chocolate covered potato pancakes, drizzled with hot sauce, and with a dollop of mashed pears on the side.”  Dottie sets a second platter in front of Viv.  Then she takes a woven bread basket from atop her serving platter and sets it between them.  “And a servin’ of ‘Merica verified pizza balls.  To share.”
“Pizza balls?”  Any thought of what America might have been trying to say before is now gone, as is any thought that they would return to that conversation before eating anything at all.  She snatches a cheese and pepperoni encrusted ball from the basket as Dottie walks away.  But before she pops it into her mouth, she nods to the plate in front of Viv.  “Joey figured it out!”  She leans forward conspiratorially.  “Sweet potatoes.  Not normal potatoes.”
Viv blinks twice.  “Did he try this with ‘normal’ potatoes first?”
America scrunches her face up and makes a tongue out expression of such disgust that Viv doesn’t press further.
When America was thirteen years old, she became afraid.
It wasn’t any particularly world – or multiverse – shattering fear.  Her eyes didn’t suddenly glow with life-preserving panic, and she didn’t get sucked into yet another universe where she would have to learn a lot of new rules and find a lot – or even just a handful – of new people to trust with herself.  She just…became afraid.
All of those universes, all of the experiences she’d had, all of the things she’d learned and internalized, all of the smaller things that she’d found and loved – America realized she was already forgetting some of them.  Forgetting friends that she would likely never see again.  Forgetting how some universes differed from each other because the memories just blended together sometimes.  Forgetting the different, unique foods she’d had.
The foods aren’t really the important thing.  They never have been.  But being able to recreate them is a little bit like recapturing her past and bring elements of it to her future.
She just doesn’t know how to cook.
But there’s something beautifully intimate in the diner – in the way Dottie listens to her stories, the way Joey listens to her descriptions of foods she’s had and tries to recreate them, even the way Viv trusts them enough to eat something based on America’s memories.
America tries not to stare too hard, and it’s easy to keep herself distracted with the pizza balls, which taste not exactly the way she remembers them, but close enough to it that they’re passable (and they’re still pizza balls, so they’re still far superior to most other foods).  But every now and again, she looks up, sees Viv enjoying the sweet potato pancakes drenched in chocolate and hot sauce, and her heart warms.  Then Viv catches her looking, and she stops checking.  That’s super awkward, after all.
Still, America can’t help herself from asking, when Viv is done, “What did you think?  Did you like it?”  She shoves the mostly empty basket of pizza balls over to Viv.  “You had one of these, right?  Aren’t they the best?”
“They are more than adequate.”  Viv stabs another pizza ball with her fork and takes a bite out of it.  “Certainly far superior to Hot Pockets.”
America groans.  “Hot Pockets are such trash.  They’re just, like, pizza Poptarts.  And Poptarts suck.”
“Poptarts suck,” Viv echoes with a confused look.
“Yeah!  They suck!”  America may not be a foodie – what even does that word mean, anyway? – but she definitely has strong opinions on food.  She’s pretty sure that’s okay; she knows more about multiversal cuisine than anyone else, so she knows food better than everyone else.  What it tastes like, what works together and what doesn’t.  It’s just remembering all of it that’s hard.  Which is why she’s so insistent when she says, “You’re eating them wrong!  You have to pop it into your mouth!  Like this!”  And she takes a pizza ball and pops it into Viv’s mouth.
Well.  She throws it at her with the understanding that Viv will catch it in her mouth, which is basically the same thing.
Because Viv does catch it in her mouth, despite America’s absolutely horrible throw, which is great because that means she doesn’t want to waste food.  Her cheeks swell out as she chews, or she’s coughing but trying not to spatter chunks out all over everything, and when she’s finished the full ball, she chugs on her root beer, breathing hard.  Then she shoots a look at America.  “Do not ever do that again.”
“What, you mean this?”  America takes another pizza ball and throws it at her, but instead of catching it in her mouth, Viv catches it with her left hand.  Her eyes gleam a matrix green before she throws the ball back at America, who tries to do the really cool thing and catch it in her mouth like Viv does, but misses.  The pizza ball splatters against the booth.
Dottie shoots them a look that makes America flush.  She places a hand on her customer – an older guy with a crooked nose that America’s never met who sits across from a woman with a lightning-shaped scar large through a fake eye – and then leans forward to mutter something in the ear of the woman before making her way over to America and Viv.  Probably something like, “Excuse me, I need to take care of something,” only in Dottie’s voice and not nearly as formal as Viv likes to talk.
“Shit,” America says under her breath.  “Shit shit shit shit shit shit.”
“Alright,” Dottie starts before she even makes it completely to them, “you two lovebirds gotta stop that flirtin’—”
“We’re not lovebirds—”
Dottie ignores that remark.  “Started a food fight, gotta get out of the diner.  Them’s the rules.”
“Aw, c’mon—”
“Now, don’t you aw, c’mon me, little Ms. America.”  Dottie doesn’t glare at America but doesn’t look at Viv, either.  “You know how messy it’d get in here if there was a real fight?  Bar would break.  All the glasses and plates.  Everythin’ would get knocked over.  People’d start usin’ their powers and—”
America grins.  “That actually sounds like a lot of fun.”
“Fun for you, but a lot of shit for me and Joey and the other girls.”  Dottie knocks her knuckles on the table twice.  “Now, I’ll get ya some to-go boxes if ya need ‘em, but ya gotta pay up and get out.”  She places a hand on America’s shoulder and leans down to speak in a much softer voice.  “Just for now.  Feel free to come back tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”  America stands, pulls an even wad of cash – ones and fives, mostly, so it’s not like a real wad of cash; she just doesn’t fold them into any sort of coherent anything – out of her jean jacket pocket, and sets it on the table.  “C’mon, Viv.  Let’s go.”
Viv glances down at the wad of cash and without even picking it up says, “That’s more than enough to—”
“Yeah, well, Dottie’ll put it on my tab, right, Dottie?”  America doesn’t even look up, just shoves her hands into her jean pockets.  She knows that’s not necessarily true – Dottie’ll take some of it for a tip, maybe a good chunk of whatever’s left, since she’ll have to clean up the booth and that’s really not fair to her – but every so often, on a really bad day, Dottie says that what she’s got’s for free.  And she never says it’s on the house, which sounds like pity, but always says America already paid for it with all that extra money she leaves lying around.  She likes that better.  It’s nice.
As America makes her way to the door, she hears Viv behind her, apologizing to Dottie for their foolishness.  She scowls.  Some first date, she thinks, before immediately correcting herself.  Not a date.
Viv pops another pizza ball into her mouth.  She’s not sure they actually taste better this way.  It’s just an overwhelming explosion of flavor, which admittedly might be better if she wasn’t interested in tasting the finer notes or flavor combinations inherent in the—
Okay, sure, no one in their right mind is trying to do that with a pizza ball, but that doesn’t mean this is the best way to eat them.
Outside, it’s grown dark. Viv doesn’t feel the cold, but she can see the small puffs of cloud her warm breath leaves in the air as she walks, the slightly bigger ones that America’s breath also leaves.  She notices America shiver and regrets that she doesn’t have a jacket or something like that to drape about her shoulders, even if another jacket on top of America’s standard denim jacket would look odd at best, obnoxious at worst.  “Would you like one?” she asks, holding out the basket full of additional pizza balls.
(She does not tell America, who’d stood outside a little while waiting on her, that she’d gotten an additional order to go.  No one would benefit from that information.  Least of all America herself.)
“Nah.  I’m good.”
America stops only a little way further down the sidewalk, lets out a huge puff of air, and looks up at the stars.  “You know, sometimes I think I did better out there.  In the multiverse.  Just jumping around, you know?”  She holds a bare hand up and looks through her fingers at the expanding galaxy.  “It was fun.”
Her tone suggests it absolutely was not fun, but Viv will not call her out for that.
“With your moms,” Viv says, not so subtly changing the subject back to what it should have been the entire time, “have you told them anything specific about your girlfriend?  Do I need to look like anything, act like anything?”
“No.”  America shakes her head, lets out another sigh, and shoves her hands back into her pockets.  “Probably could’ve told them we broke up, but, like, it’s the holidays?  What asshole breaks up with their girlfriend right before the holidays?”  She fakes a grin, one that doesn’t reach her eyes.  “At least wait until you get the presents.  Then peace out, you know?”
Viv offers half of a shrug.  “Letting them get upset over a fictional jerk of a girlfriend seems like a much easier situation than the one you are currently in.”
“I guess, but I didn’t….”  America’s voice trails off, and she mimics Viv’s shrug before she starts walking again, boots kicking up drifts of snow.  “Agatha’s not great when she’s pissed, and I didn’t want to piss her off.  She’s always weird around the holidays anyway.  She won’t tell me why, though.”
There’s no way for Viv to know anything that a woman she has never met has gone through, but she knows exactly what it is to be weird around the holidays and have no way to explain it, no way to let that weirdness go away.  She doesn’t mess with the charm about her neck, but she thinks about her mom, and she shivers.
America, of course, notices the shiver immediately.  “You cold?”
Viv shakes her head.  “No.  Just thinking.”  She picks one of the pizza balls up, squeezes it just enough for some of the sauce to break through the thick layer of cheese, and then sets it back in the to-go box, closing it.  “I’ll be human for them,” she says, finally, “so Wanda doesn’t—”
“Nah, don’t do that.”  America turns just enough to nearly meet Viv’s eyes.  “It’ll be fine.”
Viv’s heart aches.  “That will be very bad when we break up.”  She tilts her head and meets America’s eyes.  “Unless you are planning to continue this fake dating thing for a much longer time.”
“I’ll tell them we broke up whenever you want,” America answers.  “Except right now, because that’d totally put a crimp in the plan.”  She grins again, and again, there’s no mirth in it.  “Got a day that works best for you?”
Viv shakes her head.  “No.  I will only need to tell Father enough ahead that he won’t plan some sort of holiday activity for us.  He sometimes springs ideas.”  He didn’t do that before, but she doesn’t say that.  Doesn’t want to say that.  Her lips press together into a thin little line.
America nods, accepting all of this.  “I’ll text you, then.  The date.  Need to talk with my moms and set something up.”  She rolls her eyes.  “And anything else.”
That little note of frustration sinks a little too hard.  It shouldn’t.  She doesn’t like America like that.  But for someone who is trying to help out a friend, America is making aspects of this frustratingly hard.
So Viv punches her arm and offers her a bright smile – one that she knows looks weird on her, but she tries anyway.  “It was a good first date,” she says as soon as America looks up, “for not a date.”
America’s brows shoot up.  “Yeah?”
In a movie or a story or something, Viv might take this moment to lean up and kiss America’s cheek.  But this isn’t either of those things, and she feels uncomfortable with the very idea.  So she holds her to-go box of pizza balls to her chest and flies off.  Still, when she shares them with her father later, she smiles at the way he pops one full on into his mouth, laughs at his disgusted look when sauce splatters out all over him when he picks one up a little too hard.
It’s nothing, but it’s something.
That’s enough, really.
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earth-6677 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Agent Carter (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Agent Carter (Marvel Short Film), Invaders (Marvel), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Fantastic Four, Black Widow (Comics), Winter Soldier (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Ana Jarvis/Edwin Jarvis, Angie Martinelli/Howard Stark, Michael Carter & Peggy Carter, Peggy Carter & Jack Thompson, Roger Aubrey/Michael Carter, Michael Carter & Emily Gower (OC) Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark, Ana Jarvis, Angie Martinelli, Dottie Underwood, Michael Carter (Marvel), Roger Aubrey, Original Female Character(s), Emily Gower (OC), Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, John Flynn (Marvel), Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Jack Thompson (Marvel), Rose Roberts, Aloysius Samberly, Jason Wilkes, Donald Blake (Marvel), Whitney Frost, Joseph Manfredi, Vernon Masters, Hugh Jones, Mortimer Hayes, Cassandra Romulus, Ivan Petrovich Bezukhov, Vasily Karpov, Johnny Storm, Howling Commandos, Chester Phillips Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 02, Canon Continuation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Action/Adventure, Espionage, Thriller, Cold War, World War II, Flashbacks, Period Typical Attitudes, Cast full of gay, Queer Character, Gay Character, Bisexual Character, Black Character(s), Vampires, Hydra (Marvel), Gun Violence, Mind Control, Possession, Gunshot Wounds, physical violence, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Occult, End of the SSR, Beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D, Family Issues Series: Part 7 of The Invaders Summary:
In a blink of the eye, Peggy Carter's world turns upside down. Jack Thompson is shot and the SSR is ending. Dottie is still on the wind, but for how long will she survive? Seemingly loose threads lead to a web of intrigue she could never have imagined. One that involves her long dead brother, Michael, who has now returned to the land of the living.
The chessboard is reset. A new game has begun.
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insidecroydon · 8 months
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 months
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Pack your bags, Famers! Our annual winter trip is taking place in Ireland! On February 17th, all celebrities will be arriving at the Adare Manor to kick off our trip! Named the #1 resort in Europe in 2023, Adare Manor sits on 840 acres of pristine parkland.
"It’s prestige without pretense and magic without nonsense. Above all, it is the sense of belonging. You are known. You are family. You are home."
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Addison Timlin & Sabrina Carpenter
Akanishi Jin & Lee Sunmi
America Ferrera & Ben Feldman
Andrew Garfield & Elizabeth Lail
Angourie Rice & Chris Evans
Anne Hathaway & Jenna Coleman
Ariana DeBose & Mason Mount
Ashton Irwin & Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight & Miley Cyrus
Bae Joohyun (Irene) & Dove Cameron
Barbara Palvin & Maxence Danet-Fauve
Beyonce Knowles & Chloe Bailey
Brie Larson & Brittany Baker
Callum Turner & Chace Crawford
Camila Morrone & Jessica Chastain
Cari Fletcher & Victoria de Angelis
Carrie Underwood & Gigi Hadid
Cate Blanchett & Ellie Bamber
Cha Eunwoo & Glen Powell
Choi Minho & Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San & Danielle Campbell
Choi Soobin & Rylee Arnold
Cody Christian & Lucy Hale
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) & Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Danny Amendola & Olivia Culpo
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) & Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dua Lipa & Joseph Quinn
Emma Stone & Chris Daughtry
Ethan Torchio & Damiano David
Florence Pugh & Cillian Murphy
Gareth Southgate & Byun Baekhyun
Harry Kane & Charlie Hunnam
Harry Styles & Mazz Murray
Hayley Williams & Luke Hemmings
Hwang Hyunjin & Bang Chan
Jackson Wang & Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower & Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Jenna Ortega & Halle Bailey
Joey King & Nick Robinson
Josephine Skriver & Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) & Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi & Jung Wooyoung
Kelsea Ballerini & Joe Keery
Kendall Jenner & Liam Hemsworth
Kim Hongjoong & Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo & Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu & Sana Minatozaki
Kit Connor & Gong Jichul (Gong Yoo)
Kylie Jenner & Christina Aguilera
Lauren Jauregui & Bill Skarsgard
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Lee Felix & Dakota Johnson
Lee Jeno & Na Jaemin
Lee Taemin & Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock & Alycia Debnam-Carey
Lily James & David Tennant
Logan Lerman & Jeon Jungkook
Louis Tomlinson & Phoebe Bridgers
Lucas Wong & Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o & Tessa Thompson
Billie Eilish & Ryan Gosling
Madelyn Cline & Chase Stokes
Maika Monroe & Dylan O'Brien
Mark Lee & Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
Niall Horan & Matt Smith
Nicholas Galitzine & Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez
Nina Dobrev & Sofia Carson
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) & Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Seonghwa & Lewis Pullman
Pete Davidson & Naomi Scott
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) & Taylor Swift
Renee Rapp & Olivia Cooke
Ross Lynch & Anya Taylor-Joy
Sam Claflin & Riley Keough
Samantha Gibb & Sydney Sweeney
Saoirse Ronan & Jack Lowden
Sarah Paulson & Jessica Lange
Sebastian Stan & Margot Robbie
Tom Hardy & Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland & Natalia Dyer
Tony Goldwyn & Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Travis Kelce & Romee Strijd
Troian Bellisario & Joshua Hong
Vanessa Hudgens & Matthew Macfadyen
Wong Kunhang (Hendery) & Jensen Ackles
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) & Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao & Noah Beck
Yoo Bora & Joe Burrow
Yoo Siah (Yooa) & Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zac Efron & Sophie Turner
Zendaya Coleman & Paul Mescal
Zoey Deutch & Dacre Montgomery
Zoë Kravitz & Lili Reinhart
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hfrpfanmail · 26 days
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This meme will run from 04/01/2024 until 04/08/24 at 11:59pm EST. If you have not signed up for this meme, please do not comment or participate in sending out asks. 
HONESTY HOUR: Ask me anything. Nothing is off limits.
Quick Meme Reminders: 
You will have until Monday 04/08/24 at 11:59pm EST to complete the meme. 
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Hateful anonymous messages or questions will not be tolerated and if we are made aware of this, we will discontinue memes until further notice. Be kind, always. 
Louis Tomlinson @lw-tomlinson
Mason Mount @m-mount
Carrie Underwood @carrieunderwccd
Kendall Jenner @kcndolljcnncr
Zoey Deutch @zocydcutch
Gareth Southgate @garethsouthgate-hf
Harry Kane @harrykane-hf
Josephine Skriver @josie-skriver
Romee Strijd @rcmeestriid
Rylee Arnold @ryleearncld
Ariana DeBose @aridebxse
Emily Blunt @xoemilyblunt
Hayley Williams @hayleyfame
Dove Cameron @famouslydove
Natalia Dyer @thatnattyice
Maika Monroe @maikeymonroe
Florence Pugh @florenvcepugh
Kylie Jenner @kyliejcnncr
Miley Cyrus @milcycyrus
John Krasinski @johnkrsinski
Dakota Johnson @dckotajchnson
Ana de Armas @anadarmcs
Renee Rapp @reneerxpp
Emma Stone @emxastone
Lily James @lilyjxmes
Jessica Lange @jessiicalange
Cate Blanchett @cate-eblanchett
Sydney Sweeney @sydneysweetiefame
Joseph Quinn @jcsephq
Joe Keery @djokccry
Tom Holland @tcmhxll
Nicholas Galitzine @itsnickgalitzine
Kit Connor @itskitconnor
Chris Daughtry @daughtrychris
Taylor Zakhar Perez @therestayzakhar
Dacre Montgomery @theresdacrekayd
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purelyfiction · 2 months
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from knockout’s spotify: if we ever tried ;; hangman & knockout playlist 
jaded - aerosmith
runaround - van halen
you proof - morgan wallen
only angel - harry styles 
tourist in this town - maddie & tae
two ghosts - harry styles
the tide - niall horan
wonder - shawn mendes
do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
could’ve just left me alone - alexa cappelli 
devil doesn’t bargain - alec benjamin
all at once - the fray
lose somebody - kygo & onerepublic
r u mine? - arctic monkeys
865 - morgan wallen
8 letters - why don’t we
always - bon jovi
remember you young - thomas rhett
how not to - dan + shay
cruel summer - taylor swift
the way i loved you (taylor’s version) - taylor swift
breathe - kansh
muscle memory - kelsea ballerini
chain smokin’ - morgan wallen
if he wanted to he would - kylie morgan
burn - carrie underwood
small doses - bebe rexha
7 summers - morgan wallen
dangerous - morgan wallen 
wyd now? - sadie jean
leave your life - ed sheeran
still into you - paramore
friend - gracie abrams
please notice - christian leave
fuck up the friendship - leah kate
friends don’t - maddie & tae
that way - tate mcrae
if i didn’t love you - jason aldean, carrie underwood
when you’re gone - acoustic - shawn mendes
feel like shit - tate mcrae
see you later (ten years) - jenna raine
thinkin’ bout me - morgan wallen 
money on me - morgan wallen 
death by a thousand cuts - taylor swift
mr. perfectly fine (taylor’s version) (from the vault) - taylor swift
green eyes - JOSEPH
heartbeat - childish gambino
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bunnysrph · 8 months
Hello, could you guys possibly give some FC suggestions of African American women ranging from late teens to mid twenties, thank you so much for your help!
below are some  AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMEN face claims, in their LATE TEENS TO MID 20s. they are listed in alphabetical order, with their birth years && ethnicities. those in bold are my personal recommendations. please  LIKE / REBLOG  if you find this useful.
alanna arrington (1998, african-american, swedish, german && czech/slovak)
ajiona alexus (1996, african-american)
alyssa "latto" stephens (1998, african-american, irish, german && welsh)
amandla stenberg (1998, african-american, danish && greenlandic/inuit)
bailey bass (2003, african-american && belarusian)
bella harris (2000, african-american && mexican)
china anne mcclain (1998, african-american)
chloe bailey (1998, african-american)
coi leray (1997, african-american, puerto rican && cape verdean)
desiree ross (1999, african-american && unspecified other)
diamond white (1999, african-american)
gabriella "h.e.r." wilson (1997, african-american && filipino)
halle bailey (2000, african-american)
helena howard (1998, african-american, english, irish && german)
iman benson (2000, african-american)
jaylen barron (1997, african-american && mexican)
kiana ledé (1997, african-american, mexican, irish, scottish, swedish && norweigan)
kyliegh curran (2005, african-american, african-bahamian, english && irish)
lameka fox (1998, african-american, irish && italian)
lee rodriguez (1999, african-american && mexican)
lexi underwood (2003, african-american && italian)
lori harvey (1997, african-american)
lovie simone (1998, african-american && ghanaian)
madison pettis (1998, african-american, irish, french && italian)
marsai martin (2004, african-american)
nia sioux (2001, african-american)
quvenzhané wallis (2003, african-american)
rachel crow (1998, african-american && unspecified european)
sarah jeffery (1996, african-american, first nations && english)
shahadi wright joseph (2005, african-american && african-trinidadian)
skai jackson (2002, african-american && african-honduran)
sofia richie (1998, african-american, greek, english, scottish && irish)
sofia wylie (2004, african-american, korean, english && german)
storm reid (2003, african-american)
summer walker (1996, african-american && english)
sydney park (1997, african-american && korean)
tati gabrielle (1996, african-american && korean)
willow smith (2000, african-american, african-creole-barbadian && african-creole-jamaican)
yara shahidi (2000, african-american && iranian)
zendaya (1996, african-american, german, irish, english && scottish)
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
For Fake: Chapter Two
Summary: America lied about having a girlfriend to get her moms off her back, but when they want to meet said girlfriend, she asks her good friend Viv to step in and help.
Viv Vision/America Chavez
Chapter Rating: G. Fic Rating: T.
previous chapter / next chapter
“Why did you choose to meet me in a diner?”
“I don’t know.  Thought it would be a good place for a first date.”
Viv stares at America.  Her breath stills in her throat, which is far more painful than anyone ever admits.  She feels like she’s choking but also a bit like she’s going to cry.  It’s that same tightening, raw throat sort of feeling, all pain and fire, and she doesn’t understand why she should feel it at all.  “You….”  She can barely choke the word out.  “You what?”
“Thought it would be a good place for a first date,” America repeats without any idea what she’s doing to Viv.  She piles jam packets one on top of another, a row of grape then a row of strawberry then another row of grape.  “You know, if they ask about it.”
“Oh.”  Viv nods in an attempt at understanding – she does understand; it isn’t an attempt – and swallows past the fire in her throat.  That should help.  It doesn’t.  “Right.  Yes.  That makes sense.”  Her head tilts to the side.  “Would you like me to tell them how you built a tower out of jam?”
America shrugs. “If you think that’s cool, I guess?”
For not the first time, Viv glances around the diner.  It’s a small, hole in the wall sort of place, full of knick-knacks and sporadic pictures of art.  Most of the diners she’s seen have some sort of theme when they’re like this, but if there’s a pattern in this one, she can’t find it, not in the plastic shot glasses, the equally plastic teacups, or the also plastic little barnyard animals in various bright colors scattered here and there.  She’d hesitate to say the theme is plastic, which seems likely, but there’s a mishmash of modern art all over the walls, that scattered thrown paint sort of art that she likes much better than the photorealistic stuff.  Their table is wooden, covered with photos and fancy postcards with a thin layer of glass overlaying that, but that layer of glass feels sticky.  It doesn’t matter how much Viv scans the table – and she probably shouldn’t be scanning the table, she probably doesn’t want to know what tidbits and grime gets left behind – she can’t pinpoint what, exactly, causes that sticky feeling.  It looks clean.  Maybe the entire diner just feels like that: Sticky.  Grimy.
In the weight of all this, Viv gauges her answer to America’s question.  She focuses on the bright red straw stuck into her glass bottle of root beer.  “Sure.”  Her hands clasp together in her lap.  “I guess.”
The waitress, whose nametag says Dottie in bright curlicue script nearly as golden as her corkscrew curls, returns with her notepad in her front pocket, a pen fiddling between her fingertips.  “Good to see ya again, ‘Merica!  Joey’s been workin’ on that idea you told him.  Think he’s got it about done.”
“Really?”  America’s eyes light up.  “Think it’ll be done today?”
“What will be done today?” Viv asks, glancing from America to Dottie and then back again, deciding to let her gaze rest on the one she knows instead of the one she doesn’t.  (She will never admit this, but in the back of her mind, she does a search for this Dottie – not just by name, but by facial recognition, too, among other things.  All of the information leaps to her immediately, but she won’t go over any of that while they’re talking.  That would be rude.  She doesn’t want to be rude.)
“Well, nothin’s gonna be done today.”  Dottie wheedles her pen through her fingers, back and forth like a silver coin that doesn’t catch the light.  “Joey says maybe tomorrow.  Somethin’ don’t taste right.  But he’s close.”  She smacks her gum.  “And who’s this little miss?” she asks, tilting her head towards Viv but keeping her eyes entirely on America.  “Don’t tell me you finally got yourself a girlfriend—”
“You’re as bad as my moms!” America groans out, hitting her forehead against the table.
Viv looks up at Dottie, who turns to her with wide eyes.  “No,” she says, eyes just as wide as Dottie’s.  “We are just friends.”
“Well, just friends, you’re the first friend, Miss America’s ever brought by.”  Dottie punches Viv’s arm in that gentle, joking way people sometimes do and then winces, shakes her hand a few times.  “Ow.  What are you, made a iron?”
Viv’s gaze drops.  America hadn’t asked for her to look more human when they came in, but she’d made the change anyway.  Scarlet skin and bright lime green hair make her stand out in the crowd, and she thought being incognito would be a good idea, considering their plans.  This way, if anything gets back to America’s moms, they don’t know it’s her.  Still.
“No, I am not made of iron,” Viv says, and it isn’t entirely a lie.  She’s made primarily of vibranium and Horton Cells, what little iron she has is very, very scarce.  Significantly more than an average human, perhaps, but not enough to comment on.
“Oh, I know, hon.  It was just a joke!”  Dottie slaps her back in an overly familiar way and winces again.  “Figure you’re made of somethin’ super.  Don’t much care what.”  She glances over to America, who hasn’t moved but still has her forehead resting on the table.  “Want your usual, hon?”
America just lets out another groan.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”  Dottie turns back to Viv.  “Ya want anythin’, hon?”
Viv’s stomach grumbles.  “I’ll take whatever America’s having.”  She hadn’t intended on taking anything at all, which is why she’d foregone a menu in the first place.  As a result, she has no idea what this diner even has – burgers, certainly, and fries, which are a staple of diners just such as this, but she would never be able to give exact names of any of their multiple offerings.  She expects those names to give some indication of the diner’s theme; perhaps it would have been better to take a menu just to have a clue on that.
Dottie’s brows raise.  “You sure?  She gets some really—”
“Don’t say weird,” America interrupts, sitting up with a sharp look towards their waitress.  “You promised you wouldn’t ever call any of it weird.”
“Wasn’t gonna say weird.”  Dottie returns America’s glare with a sharp look of her own – sharper, maybe, from extended use.  “I was gonna say interestin’, which isn’t wrong, hon.  You have interestin’ combinations.”
America scowls, sets her elbow on the table, and then rests her head in her hand.  “That’s the same thing as weird.  Just nicer.”
Dottie sighs with exasperation, as though this is a conversation they’ve had multiple times.  “Now look here, hon.  Joey wouldn’t be taken your ideas and perfectin’ ‘em if they were weird.  He’d be givin’ me all sorts of googly eyes and complainin’ about it from here to high water.  You just wouldn’t hear none of it.”
Any of it, Viv corrects internally, although she doesn’t say it.  She expects Dottie would be offended by that.  Instead, she looks up at Dottie and says, voice soft but firm, “I like her ideas,” although she’s never had anything that America’s cooked.
Or – she’s never had anything good that America’s cooked.
Mostly because the last time America cooked, she tried to combine chocolate with mashed potatoes in the microwave, which tastes bad on its own, but also put it in the microwave for so long that the potatoes exploded all over the microwave and eventually caught it on fire.  And that was only the latest in a serious of culinary attempts that got her banned from using Kamala’s kitchen (and likely would have gotten her banned from Viv’s kitchen, too, if they ever met at her house (they do not)).  She often chalks it up to multiversal travels, trying to bring some “really cool!” cuisine from another universe into their own, trying to recreate it, but while those ideas might be solid in theory, America didn’t have the skill or knowhow to make any of them herself.
Maybe it would be better for Viv to say, “I trust her ideas,” instead of, “I like her ideas,” but she’s already said it and, unlike certain other superheroes she will not name, she cannot take it back.
Dottie’s eyes light up.  She places a hand on Viv’s shoulder and gives her a squeeze.  “Picked a good one, ‘Merica.”
“She’s not my girlfriend—”
But by then, Dottie has already walked away, whistling as she does.  America just groans and bangs her head on the table again.  “This was such a bad idea.”  It’s the sort of tone that begs to not be answered, that just needs the moment to vent.
So Viv gives her that moment and doesn’t say anything at all, instead taking the time to go over the files she’d pulled on their waitress, the so-called Dottie.  There’s a lot, even in the scant files she’s pulled up in her precursory search, and there’s more in the files she draws from the Avengers complex, from SHIELD, from various other political entities and agencies.  As the information downloads itself, as she goes over it, her eyes widen.
“What?” America asks, breaking through Viv’s concentration.  When Viv focuses again on the real world around her, she sees that America’s turned her head to one side, half-resting on her arm instead of entirely on the table.  “Something wrong?”
Viv increases her auditory input, searching for the sound of Dottie’s voice, and when she’s convinced that it’s suitably far away – that she’s suitably far away – she places her hand gently over America’s, leans forward, and whispers, “Dottie’s a Black Widow operative.”  She hesitates, then continues, “A lost Black Widow operative.”
“She’s not lost,” America answers.  “She’s right here.”  She leans back against the booth seat with another, smaller groan, and then slaps her hands on her thighs.  “This is, like, a hideaway diner for supers, or something like that.”  She tugs her lips to one side and bites on a bottom corner.  “Agatha brought me here a while back when I said I was lonely.  It was way before I met all of you, and I just....”  Her hands fidget beneath the table, drumming against her legs so loud that Viv can’t help but pick up the sound, the vibrations of it all.  “I was super lonely.”
Viv glances around the diner again.  They aren’t the only customers here, but they might as well be.  She starts to do searches for the other customers when she can catch a glimpse of their faces.  Her eyes widen again.  “Isn’t that Mordo?  Isn’t Stephen trying to find him?”
“You can’t look people up!”
Viv hesitates.  She doesn’t pause the search continuing in the back of her mind, but she does pause her wary reading of it.  “Why not?”
“This is, like….”  America’s eyes shift as though she’s looking around the rest of the room, but she’s not really paying attention to any of it.  Her eyes never pause, never focus, until they return near to Viv, until they fall to her fidgeting fingers.  “It’s a safe zone.  You can’t come in unless someone else brings you in.  Mom was here when they created it, and she wove a bunch of spells and runes and stuff into the bricks and mortar or whatever it is they used to make this place.”  She takes a deep breath in, lets it out slowly.  “People come here when they just want to be normal again.  So they don’t have to…to think about anything.  They can just come to a diner and have a good time, you know?”
Viv considers this for a moment.  Her head tilts ever so slightly to one side.  “And Joey?”
America sighs.  “He’s a clone of some guy related to Wanda.  I think.”  She shrugs.  “I’ve never really asked. It’s kind of rude to ask. But he has the most gorgeous white hair!”
For a moment, Viv considers what she’s about to do.  Then, well – this is a safe space, isn’t it?  She glances over just long enough to catch Dottie out of the corner of her eye, and as if reading her mind, Dottie gives her a little nod.  So she takes a deep breath in and shifts her hair into the bright, blinding, beautiful white that she imagines Joey has.  Her eyes return to America, and she tilts her head to one side.  “Like this?”
“Yes!  Exactly like that!”
When America reaches over to run a hand through her hair, Viv blushes a scarlet so bright that she’s certain it looks like she normally does.  Her gaze flicks over to Dottie, only to catch her mouthing, “Gay,” and giving her a wink.
We’re not girlfriends, Viv wants to tell her, because it’s true – they aren’t.  But as she sits back against the booth, she can’t stop the flush of warmth building in the center of her chest.  She doesn’t like America that way – she knows that well enough – but it’s nice to pretend.
Even if, technically speaking, they haven’t started pretending just yet.
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got tagged to answer some some spn questions by @prince-of-elsinore and @catnipster69, questions originally by @red-meat-my-beloved i believe!
what song describes samdean the most?
i wouldn't say these songs describe sam&dean the most because my brainworms are fickle and often incomprehensible, but i have a whole slew of songs that are samdean songs for me! for example children's work by dessa as an overview of the whole show, untouchable face by ani difranco for pining!dean in the pilot episode, gospel truth by joseph j jones for early season pining, 551 by dessa for s4/s5 vibes, learning to love again by matt kearny for the relief of telling your brother you love him, the heart is a muscle by gang of youths for late seasons comfy brosbands, find me by forest blakk for the finale (not reeeeally a song but it counts).
and obvious ones like brother by needtobreathe, night moves by bob seger or always gold by radical face.
i also have a terrible habit of trying to connect every song i listen to while drawing to the ship i'm drawing so i'll go like, maybe before he cheats by carrie underwood IS a samdean song.....
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
i don't think i can possibly answer this any better than elsi did with eastern bloc because it's both hilarious and interesting. i also want to add that it would feed into the religious angle in a way worth exploring, dean being a non-believer and everything.
but it's also fun to image supernatural set in e.g. sweden in the style of nordic noir.
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
i'm totally not a car guy so i'm the wrong person to ask this but i think it'd be cute to force them into a limegreen volkswagen beetle.
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
i'm always working on something rip uhmmm here's a base sketch from a thing i'm working on about dean surviving the rebar
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what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don’t write: what’s the first fanfic you remember reading?
it was so long ago that i can't tell you much about the first spn fics i've read. one that i remember i read early on was on fanfiction.net and wasn't wincest but destiel. it had dean traveling through different universes for a reason i can't remember and in most of those other universes cas and him were banging. but what stuck with me when i read it was that there was one universe where dean had died and sam and cas were hooking up haha. the further details of that fic escape me.
an early wincest fic i remember was one where sam saves dean from hell and it was based on orpheus and eurydice.
is there another codependent/enmeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
seth/richie from dusk till dawn!!!! soooo many parallels!! i won't get into it but i'm always happy to make ppl watch fdtd and talk about it.
it's been some time since i've watched dexter but him and debra or him and brian also.
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
later-ish to late seasons, spending most of their time together, feeling so comfortable with each other it almost scares them to relax into it lest it gets taken away, letting people make assumptions about them, sexually/romantically into each other, piiiining.
but really i'll eat it all, every wincest dynamic, ravenously.
(i think everyone i'd wanna tag already got tagged but if you see this and want to do it, say i tagged you!)
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promosbrasil · 2 years
Dynasty 5x21 Promo “More Power to Her”
Dinastia 5 Temporada Episódio 21 Promo
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drwilfredwaterson · 1 month
Deranged, Destitute, and Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump Doesn't Get To Be The Republican Presidential Nominee Anymore…Mwahahahahahahahahaa!!! A March 18, 2024 Update For All Political Debate Lovers! Part 3/17
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In 2013, 456,000 women younger than 20 became pregnant. Some 448,000 of those pregnancies were among 15–19-year-olds, and 7,400 were among those aged 14 and younger. https://www.guttmacher.org/report/us-adolescent-pregnancy-trends-2013.
Those 7400 aged 10 to 14 American mothers would've been in 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade before they and their babies were enslaved and condemned to childhood motherhood, extreme poverty, and physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and medical abuse and neglect. It's not just 7400 10 to 14 year old child-mother victims, it's a minimum of 14,800 newborn to 15-year-old victims, plus anyone who'd try to help them who'd be subjected to prison and/or the death penalty all in the names of Jesus Christ, the Almighty Abrahamic God of the Jews/Hebrews, and the Holy Spirit of the Almighty Abrahamic God of the Jews/Hebrews. That's not honorable, sacred, or patriotic, that's godless tyranny. That's self-indulgent terrorism and it's undeniably anti-American.
Not including the hijackers, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks killed 2,977 people, injured thousands more and gave rise to substantial long-term health consequences while also generating at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. It has been described by many as the deadliest terrorist act in human history and remains the deadliest incident for both firefighters and law enforcement personnel in the history of the United States, killing 340 and 72 from each organization. (Wikipedia)
Here's a list of a few Conservative culture darlings whose lives may have turned out quite differently had their male family members and community leaders and members started molesting and grooming them from when they were bottle-feeding newborns, through their diapered years, and then put their members where they didn't belong at least 2 to 3 times per week when these women were just unsuspecting and helpless girls between 10 and 14 years old: Patsy Cline, Minnie Pearl, Kitty Wells, Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette, Lynn Anderson, Dolly Parton, Crystal Gayle, Barbara Mandrell, Dottie West, Emmylou Harris, Terri Gibbs, Janie Fricke, Reba McEntire, Kay Toinette Oslin, Kathy Mattea, Tanya Tucker, Wynonna Judd, Naomi Judd, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Suzy Bogguss, Pam Tillis, Alison Krauss, Patty Loveless, LeAnn Rimes, Trisha Yearwood, Dixie Chicks, Martina McBride, Jo Dee Messina, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, Lee Ann Womack, Gretchen Wilson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Nettles, Lady Antebellum, Kacey Musgraves, Miranda Lambert, Liz Rose, Lori McKenna, Maren Morris, Ashley McBryde, Carly Pearce, and Lainey Wilson.
An important question for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is: "Did those age 10 to 14 pregnancy numbers increase, or decrease, during donald john trump's presidency?"
Barack Obama & Joseph Biden/Presidential & Vice Presidential term: January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017 Sex offense offenders and victims statistics (Data: FBI) 2012: Male: 65,071 Forcible Sex Offenders with 61,486 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2012: Male: 5,859 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 5,859 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2012: Male: 70,930 Total Sex Offenders with 67,345 Total Female Sex Victims
2013: Male: 62,280 Forcible Sex Offenders with 58,981 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2013: Male: 5,396 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 5,511 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2013: Male: 67,676 Total Sex Offenders with 64,492 Total Female Sex Victims
2014: Male: 62,393 Forcible Sex Offenders with 59,875 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2014: Male: 4,804 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 4,888 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2014: Male: 67,197 Total Sex Offenders with 64,763 Total Female Sex Victims
2015: Male: 66,545 Forcible Sex Offenders with 64,202 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2015: Male: 4,712 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 4,836 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2015: Male: 71,257 Total Sex Offenders with 69,038 Total Female Sex Victims
donald john trump vs. Hillary Clinton (Male Chauvinist vs. Feminist) presidential Campaigns Effect: 2016: Male: 73,249 Forcible Sex Offenders with 71,180 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2016: Male: 4,588 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 4,723 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2016: Male: 77,837 Total Sex Offenders with 75,903 Total Female Sex Victims
Deranged and Destitute Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump/presidential term (Male Chauvinist Dominates and Defeats Feminist Effect): January 20, 2017 - January 20, 2021 Sex offense offenders and victims statistics (Data: FBI)
2017: Male: 79,635 Forcible Sex Offenders with 78,308 Female Forcible Sex Victims 2017: Male: 4,859 Nonforcible Sex Offenders with 4,922 Female Nonforcible Sex Victims 2017: Male: 84,494 Total Sex Offenders with 83,230 Total Female Sex Victims
2018: Male: 91,838 Total Sex Offenders with 91,219 Total Female Sex Victims
2019: Male: 105,030 Total Sex Offenders with 104,720 Total Female Sex Victims
2020: Unknown, but it's known that COVID-19 pandemic domestic violence, abuse, and sex offences were greatly increased during the pandemic when society at-large was severely distressed.
The numbers are clear: If Americans want to make America great again, where women and girls are safer with a future of personal choices and freedoms, the person to vote for in 2024 is Joseph Biden with a proven track record of a considerably greater and safer country during his entire Vice Presidency and Presidency than donald john trump.
The clear and undeniable reason President Joe Biden is far superior in energy, health, fitness, strength, focus, cognizance, appearance, and results is because President Joe Biden actually listens to experts, implements their advice, and has a proven track record of successes to show for it; whereas donald trump is lazy, low energy, weak, scattered, morbidly obese, unattractive, uneducated, unsophisticated, lawless, and uncivilized because he's Joe Biden's polar opposite and rides around in a golf cart instead of walking the golf course every time he plays golf the way he's continuously advised to by actual experts, instead of working on what he's supposed to; like with his 365-day endless taxpayer-funded golf vacation from 2016 to 2021. Dilapidated donald trump honestly believes that swinging a golf club 18 times per day, lying about the results, and riding around in a golf cart is legit exercise that's forged and keeps him a "strong" and "trim" 6' 3" and 215 lbs. Such a perpetually melting golf cart-riding snowflake, that liddle deranged and dishonest destitute dementia diapered dummy donnie j. dump.
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In a 1998 interview with Chris Matthews, two years before his 2000 presidential campaign, Deranged and Destitute Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump said that his history with women could prove to be an issue in the event of a future presidential campaign, saying "Can you imagine how controversial I'd be?…You think about (Bill Clinton) with the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine?" (Wikipedia)
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Deranged and Destitute Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump (2005) "I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and f**k her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a b**ch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tts and everything. She's totally changed her look. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pu**y. You can do anything." (Access Hollywood)
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A survey conducted by YouGov in October 2016 found that 43 percent of respondents found the sexual assault and rape allegations against Trump to be credible. Republicans were least likely to find the allegations credible, and only 19 percent of Republicans thought sexual assault would disqualify Trump from the presidency. (Wikipedia)
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On March 8, 2024, the financial impact of the E. Jean Carroll $92 million appeal bond plowed through LIDDLE Cognitively Crippled Crybaby connie j. chump like a speeding freight train mere weeks before the catastrophic $455 million NY appeal bond or assets seizures obliterates what's left of Deranged and Destitute Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump like an extinction-level asteroid impact on March 25, 2024.
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In "News You Can't Possibly Make Up!": The only bond company that'd help Fat Elvis/connie j. chump with his appeal bond is named "Chubb"….BWAAAHAHAHAA!!! On March 8, 2024, connie j. chump/Fat Elvis finally posted a $91.63 million bond as he appeals the judgment against him in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case. The notice of Deranged and Destitute Dishonest Dementia Dummy donnie j. dump's bond and appeal was made with the federal court in New York on Friday. In January, a federal jury awarded Carroll $83.3 million in damages as a result of Tiny Tearful Toddler trump’s defamatory statements denying he raped her, saying she wasn’t his type, and accusing her of making up the allegation to boost sales of her book. Insurance company Chubb underwrote the bond for Trounced and Tenderized Tired trump, which the disgraced and emasculated former president signed on Tuesday. Under the terms of the bond, Chubb will only secure the appeal of the $83.3 million judgment, not any future appeals. (CNN)
*** Campaign finance violations are punished proportionately to the offence. A $92 million donation to connie j. chump is 9,200 times the legal donation, so the punishment would be 9,200 times the normal punishment(s) for the violation. ***
And the most hilarious update to all of that is that LIDDLE Cognitively Crippled Cuck connie j. chump defamed E. Jean Carroll so many times since his Fat Elvis connie Chubb(y) self posted his $91.63 million bond, that he's now Upgraded his life to a Brand New Defamation Suit WHILE he appeals the $5 million Rape Case AND the $91.63 million Defamation Case. Trash always is as trash always does… Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!
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Johnnie Taylor - Who's Making Love?
Published: February 23, 2021 (54th day) Duration: 2:51 (171 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1VPmCA2s_w c1VPmCA2s_w (1, 2) cVPmCAsw accmpsvw 1+3+3+30+60+90+700+900=1787. 1787+1+2=1790. 1790+171=1961. 1961+54=2015.
Strong's Concordance #2015 haphak: to turn, overturn, overthrow, change, transform, be perverse, make a bed, retire, tumble, to the contrary Original Word: הָפַךְ
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Preview: The Miracles #1
The Miracles #1 preview. A meta tale of family secrets and astonishing four-color fantasies! #comics #comicbooks
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