#juicy story
juicy-moonrose · 1 year
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Chapter [ 4 ]
Rumah Letta
Letta menuruni anak tangga di rumahnya dengan terburu-buru, saat sampai di bawah dia langsung menuju dapur, dan melihat Nando sang adik, duduk di salah satu kursi pantry yang sedang sibuk dengan Laptop di hadapannya.
“Weekend gini masih sibuk sama kerjaan aja.” Gumam Letta saat melirik layar Laptop Nando yang dilayarnya seperti menampilkan bagan perusahaan, entah lah apa itu Letta tidak begitu mengerti.
“Ayah sama Bunda kemana?” Tanya Letta ketika menyadari tidak ada kehadiran kedua Orang Tuanya.
“Bunda lagi ngurusin catering, Ayah biasa habis anter Bunda main golf sama temen-temennya.” Jawab Nando.
“Mau jalan Kak?” Tanya Nando setelah melihat penampilan Letta yang super duper rapih.
“Ho’oh, kayak biasa.” Jawab Letta.
“Ohh, ngedate sama Mas Dylan?” Tanya Nando tersenyum jahil.
“Apa kata lo Dek!” Kata Letta sambil memutar kedua bola matanya, merasa jengah karena orang-orang terdekatnya selalu berkata seperti itu.
“Lo berdua itu sebenernya kayak gimana sih?” Tanya Nando penasaran. Dia jadi mengalihkan perhatiannya ke Letta, satu-satunya makhluk hidup yang paling jahil dan ga mau kalah dengan dirinya. Tapi jangan salah, Nando sangat menyayangi saudara perempuan satu-satunya ini.
“Kayak gimana apanya?” Letta sebenarnya mengerti arah pertanyaan Nando, tapi dia hanya berpura-pura tidak mengerti.
“Kalian udah temenan lama banget, masa ga ada kemajuan dalam status hubungan?” Lanjut Nando.
“Ga ada ya Nan, Gue sama Dylan cuman sahabatan—” Ucapan Letta terpotong oleh tawa dan ucapan Nando.
“Hahaha cewek-cowok sahabatan, ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget, berapa tahun?” ucap Nando.
“Lima Tahun” Jawab Letta singkat.
“Nah!! Lima Tahun bukan waktu yang singkat. Gue sama Aira aja yang tadinya temen berantem, sekarang malah jadian.” Lanjutnya. Setelah berkata seperti itu Nando kembali ke kerjaannya dan hanya melirik Letta, melihat perubahan wajah Letta.
“Puas banget bikin Kak Letta mikir, hahaha.” Gumam Nando dalam hati.
Sebenarnya mereka berdua sama-sama jahil, semakin mereka beranjak dewasa, malah Nando yang makin sering menjahili Letta, ya contoh kecilnya seperti tadi.
Sementara itu Letta hanya terdiam dan memikirkan semua ucapan Nando, tidak lama dari itu terdengar suara mobil. Letta pun mengenali suara mobil tersebut dan beranjak dari dapur sekalian menghindari Nando yang seringkali berkata blak-blakan.
Letta pun membuka pintu kayu rumahnya, saat pintu terbuka ,dan terlihat Dylan yang sedang masuk ke pekarangan rumahnya, kemudian berjalan menuju Letta yang tiba-tiba berdiri terpaku di teras rumahnya.
Letta Pov. Start
“Huh Nando ngomong apa sih?” gumam Gue dalam hati.
“Tapi omongan tuh anak ada benernya juga sih. Sial! Gue jadi kepikiran!” Lanjut Gue.
Gue melihat benda cantik yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan Gue, gelang pemberian Dylan. Entah ini barang yang keberapa yang diberikan olehnya, terlalu banyak barang yang dia berikan, “Apa iya Dylan ada perasaan ke Gue? Atau justru Gue?” Gue menggeleng untuk menghilangkan pikiran yang terlintas tadi. Kemudian terdengar suara mobil dari depan rumah, suara mobil yang sangat Gue hapal.
“Dylan!” Gumam Gue senang, Gue pun melangkah keluar untuk menghampirinya, pas Gue udah sampai di pintu depan dan buka pintu, Gue ngeliat Dylan dengan kemeja putihnya yang bergaris-garis hitam berjalan ke arah Gue. Ga tau kenapa Gue jadi terpaku melihat penampilan Dylan yang seperti itu, padahal Gue udah sering ngeliat dia dengan style seperti saat ini.
“Hey, kamu kenapa? Sakit?” Suara Dylan membuyarkan lamunan sesaat Gue tadi.
“Hah— I’m ok.” Jawab Gue setelah sadar kalau Dylan sudah berdiri di hadapan Gue. “Huh! Kenapa tiba-tiba Gue jadi salting gini.” Guman Gue dalam hati.
“Mau langsung?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan ke-saltingan Gue.
“Sebentar ya, mau ketemu Nando dulu. Gapapa kan, nunggu sebentar?” Kata Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue singkat.
Dylan melangkah masuk membelakangi Gue, tapi tiba-tiba dia berbalik dan berjalan mendekat ke Gue.
“Kamu cantik banget hari ini.” Ucap Dylan dengan senyuman khasnya, lalu dia kembali berbalik, dan melangkah menghampiri Nando yang masih ada di dapur.
Ucapan Dylan barusan membuat Gue kembali terpaku. Gue ngerasa muka Gue mulai memanas dan memerah, “Sialan! Gara-gara omongan Nando tadi nih pasti!!” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
Gue mengekori Dylan ke dapur, mengambil segelas air dingin, dan langsung menegaknya hingga habis.
Gue memperhatikan Dylan dan Nando yang sibuk menatap Laptop dihadapan mereka, dan mata Gue berhenti ke sosok Dylan yang berdiri di sebelah Nando.
“Kayak ada yang beda dari Kamu.” Kata Gue dengan mata Gue yang masih ngeliat ke arah Dylan.
“Kamu— cat rambut lagi?” Tanya Gue, ketika menyadari perubahan rambut Dylan kembali menjadi hitam.
“Iya, di tegor Papa. Hehe.” Jawab Dia dan kembali lagi sibuk membantu Nando.
“Lagian udah dikasih tau belagu.” Kata Gue yang masih memperhatikan Dylan.
Kerena merasa bosan, akhirnya Gue meninggalkan mereka berdua, dan menunggu Dylan di ruang tamu. Entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, urusan para pewaris perusahaan keluarga.
“Udah ngerti?” Samar-samar terdengar suara Dylan yang bertanya ke Nando.
“Udah, makasih Mas, Gue ga tau gimana kalo lo ga bantuin.” Jawab Nando.
“Gue jalan dulu ya.” Kemudian terdengar Dylan pamit ke Nando.
Gue merasakan kehadiran Dylan dibelakang Gue, “Yuk.” Ajak Dylan sambil mengelus pucuk kepala Gue dengan lembut dan Gue merasa ada yang berbeda saat Dylan melakukan hal tersebut.
“Lah malah diem, ayok cantiknya Dylan.” Ucap Dylan, membuat Gue sempat tersipu karena ucapannya.
“Aku tuh emang cantik dari lahir, hohoho.” Kata Gue sambil mengibaskan rambut panjang Gue yang terurai.
“Hahaha, terserah kamu deh Lett,” ucap Dylan tertawa, “ayok, nanti keburu kesiangan.” Ajak Dylan.
Gue dan Dylan berangkat menuju ke Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, hari ini Gue bakal bantu Dylan untuk rapih-rapih di apartemen barunya. Yup, mulai minggu depan Dylan akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri, dia sudah tidak tinggal dirumah Jeff. Begitu pula dengan Jeff, dia juga akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri yang masih satu gedung dengan Apartemen Dylan.
Jadi, untuk sementara rumah Jeff bakal kosong sampai ada penyewa yang menempatinya. Bakal sepi nih ga ada mereka, apalagi ga ada Dylan yang biasanya kalau weekend pagi selalu ngajak Gue buat jogging.
Gue pun menatap keluar jendela mobil Dylan, menyelam dalam pikiran Gue sendiri, dan tanpa Gue sadari ternyata sejak tadi Dylan memperhatikan Gue.
“Letta, kamu kenapa?” Tanya Dylan khawatir dan membuyarkan lamunan Gue.
Gue menoleh dan tersenyum tipis menatap Dylan, “Aku gapapa.” jawab Gue.
“Yakin? Dari tadi kamu diem aja soalnya, lagi badmood? Apa kita batalin aja rencana hari ini?” Tanya Dylan berkali-kali.
“Yakin, aku lagi ga badmood juga, dan jangan coba-coba batalin rencana hari ini, nanti aku bakal marah sama kamu selama seminggu.” Jawab Gue dan ga tau kenapa, Gue ga mau hari ini kita batal jalan, huhuhu.
“Emang kamu bisa jauh-jauh sama aku selama seminggu?” Ucap Dylan memperlihatkan senyum smirk-nya.
“Hehe ga bisa sih, tapi kamu juga ga bisa jauh-jauh dari aku selama seminggu kan? Ahh jangankan seminggu sehari aja ga bisa, hahaha.” Ucap Gue sambil tertawa lepas.
“AAAWWW!!! Sakit Dylan!!” Gue teriak kesakitan, karena tiba-tiba Dylan mencubit pipi Gue dengan kencang.
“Hahaha, kamu tuh pinter banget ngejawab.” Kata Dylan ga ada rasa bersalahnya sama sekali ke Gue.
“Sakit.” Gumam Gue sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan tangan sendiri.
“Maaf, kekencengan ya?” Tanya Dylan sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan lembut.
“Masih nanya lagi,” kata Gue, lalu mengambil tangan Dylan yang mengelus pipi Gue dan menggenggamnya.
Kita berdua emang sedeket ini dan menurut Gue ini adalah hal yang biasa. Tapi ga tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini tatapan, perlakuan, bahkan ucapan Dylan agak berbeda dari biasanya, kalau kata Katty sih dari dulu dia emang gitu, tapi Gue-nya aja yang baru peka dan denial.
Jadi kepikiran lagi sama omongan Nando pas dirumah tadi, Gue menatap Dylan yang sedang berkonsentrasi mengendarai mobil dengan satu tangannya. Gue pun berniat bertanya, tapi dihentikan oleh nada dering handphone Dylan.
Leo Calling…
“Si garong ganggu aje…” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
“Leo tumben nelpon, aku angkat dulu yah.” Ucap Dylan dan melepas genggaman tangan Gue untuk mengangkat telepon dari Leo dengan mode speaker.
“Kenapa bro?” Sapa Dylan setelah panggilannya tersambung.
“Eh bray, nanti habis nge-date sama Letta, Lo langsung mampir ke Cafe—” Kata Leo dari seberang sana dan langsung di potong oleh Dylan. Gue pun langsung menoleh ke Dylan setelah mendengar kalimat dari mulut besar Leo.
“Speaker Leo, ada Letta di sebelah Gue.” Ucap Dylan memotong perkataan Leo dan terlihat telinganya memerah, lalu membuang wajahnya, dan menghindari tatapan Gue, kemudian suasana diantara kita menjadi awkward.
“Oh— sorry sorry, hihihi.” Terdengar suara cekikikan ala Leo.
“Yaa!! Kenapa deh lo nelpon-nelpon, ganggu Dylan lagi nyetir aja!!” Tegur Gue berusaha untuk mencairkan suasana di antara kita berdua.
“Itu— maksud Gue, nanti habis kalian beberes di apart, jangan lupa mampir ke Cafe, mau ada perform band baru disini, udah itu aja.” Kata Leo.
“Itu doang?!” Tanya Gue ke Leo dengan sewot.
“Iya.” Jawab Leo singkat, dia ga tau aja gara-gara mulut besarnya, Gue sama Dylan jadi awkward .
“Lo kan bisa chat aja ke Dylan, ga usah nelpon-nelpon segala garoooong!!!” Ucap Gue.
“Suka-suka Gue Violetta Dara Pramudya, ga usah ngatur-ngatur, emangnya lo siapanya Dylan?” Balas Leo dengan mulut besarnya.
“Leonard Yudhistira Pramudya, bacot lo tolong di kontrol!” Akhirnya Dylan bersuara dan Gue baru denger Dylan manggil nama panjang Leo. Dia langsung memutuskan sambungan teleponnya secara sepihak, Gue pun menatap Dylan tanpa berkedip.
“Jangan dipikirin omongan Leo barusan.” Katanya dan kembali menatap jalanan.
Selama di sisa perjalanan, kita berdua hanya terdiam. Gue baru kali ini liat Dylan marah, selama lima tahun kita temenan, dia ga pernah marah kayak tadi soalnya.
Toko Furniture
Akhirnya kita sampai di Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, dia langsung bertemu dengan Ownernya dan melihat-lihat hasil pesanannya yang sudah jadi. Sambil nunggu Dylan, Gue pun berkeliling di dalam toko, melihat-lihat barang yang dijual disana.
Ternyata toko ini ga cuman jualan furniture aja, mereka juga jual hiasan-hiasan unik, ala-ala aesthetic gitu, dan mata Gue tertarik dengan salah satu lampu meja, design-nya itu semacam jeruji besi yang dibentuk kayak botol wine, dan di dalamnya ada lampu bohlamnya. Gue pun cukup lama melihat lampu meja tersebut.
“Buat kado pindahan Dylan kali ya?” pikir Gue, “Dia kan suka banget yang unik-unik kayak gini, pasti dia suka Gue kasih ini.” Pikir Gue lagi.
Akhirnya Gue memutuskan membeli lampu meja tersebut, Gue ngeliat Dylan yang masih sibuk dengan si Owner, diam-diam Gue langsung ambil lampu meja tersebut untuk dibawa ke kasir, dan ga lupa Gue mengambil kotak kado sebagai tempatnya.
Dengan cepat kilat Gue membayar dan meminta staff kasir untuk segera memasukkan ke dalam tas belanja.
“Makasih mba.” Kata Gue tersenyum ke staff kasirnya setelah Gue menyelesaikan transaksi dan kebetulan Dylan sudah selesai dengan urusannya.
“Gimana pesanan kamu?” Tanya Gue ketika Dylan berhadapan dengan Gue.
“Udah bisa langsung diambil, terus langsung dipasang deh.” Ucap Dylan senang. Dia sangat puas dengan hasil pesanannya dan itu membuat mood-nya kembali membaik.
“Kamu beli apa?” Dylan sadar Gue lagi nenteng-nenteng tas belanja dan penasaran dengan apa yang Gue beli.
“Pajangan buat di kamar.” Jawab Gue asal.
“Aku selesaiin sisa pembayaran dulu sama masukin pesanan aku ke mobil, kamu duduk dulu aja di sofa sana.” Kata Dylan sambil menunjuk sofa yang tersedia di Toko tersebut.
“Gapapa kan nunggu sebentar lagi?” Tanya Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue, Gue pun akhirnya duduk di sofa tersebut.
Sambil nunggu Dylan lagi, Gue membuka handphone dan melihat-lihat Timeline social media Gue. Pas Gue lagi geser-geser layar handphone, tiba-tiba ada notifikasi chat masuk, dan langsung membuka notifikasi tersebut tanpa melihat siapa pengirimnya.
Jonathan Hi!
“Jonathan?” gumam Gue setelah membuka chatnya dan melihat nama yang tertera di sana, sambil mengingat-ingat nama tersebut, nama yang ga asing bagi Gue.
“Ohh Jona festival!” Seru Gue setelah inget cowok nyebelin yang ketemu pas The Rose performance di festival akhir bulan lalu.
“Siapa Jona?” Tanya Dylan yang sudah selesai dengan urusannya tadi dan ternyata langsung nyamperin Gue.
“Nobody,” jawab Gue agak panik, Gue ga tau kenapa jadi panik, “udah selesai?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan perhatian Dylan.
“Udah, oiya ini kan udah mau lunch, kamu mau mampir makan dulu atau pesen delivery aja?” Tanya dia sambil duduk disebelah Gue dan reflek Gue masukin handphone ke dalam tas.
“Pesen delivery aja kayaknya, biar sambil nunggu makanan dateng, kita beres-beres apart kamu.” Jawab Gue.
“Kalau gitu jalan sekarang aja, biar cepet selesai, biar cepet berangkat ke cafe-nya Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil berdiri. Tanpa banyak bicara dia ambil tas belanja Gue, lalu menentengnya, dan ga lupa gandeng tangan Gue.
Apartemen Dylan
“Makasih ya Pak, ini ada sedikit ongkos.” Terdengar suara Dylan dari pintu apartemennya ke ruang tengah tempat Gue ngeliat beberapa kardus besar berisi barang-barang Dylan, dia berbicara dengan salah satu satpam gedung Apartemen yang membantunya untuk angkut-angkut barang.
“Barang kamu banyak juga ya.” Kata Gue saat Dylan berjalan ke tempat Gue berdiri.
“Yah ini juga beberapa udah aku loakin, tapi kayaknya masih banyakan barang kamu deh.” Katanya.
“Hahaha bisa aja kamu, kita mulai dari mana nih?” Tanya Gue dan kayaknya Dylan juga bingung mau mulai dari mana.
Akhirnya Dylan memutuskan untuk merakit meja dan kursi terlebih dahulu, merapikan rak yang dia pesan di Toko Furniture tadi, baru membongkar barang-barangnya yang ada di dalam kardus.
Setelah cukup lama kita beberes dan menata barang-barang, akhirnya ruang tersebut terlihat rapi dan lowong, tidak seperti tadi banyak kardus-kardus besar yang menumpuk.
“Laper—” Keluh Gue sambil rebahan di karpet yang ada di lantai dan Dylan mengambil duduk di sebelah Gue yang lagi rebahan.
“Oiya, kita belum pesen makanan ya? Hahaha,” Dylan tertawa dan mengambil handphone-nya untuk memesan makanan, “Mau makan apa Lettanya Dylan?” Tanya dia, ya ini yang Gue maksud ucapan dia yang berbeda, “Cantiknya Dylan,” “Kesayangannya Dylan,” “Lettanya Dylan.” Gue sebenarnya berusaha mengabaikannya, tapi kalau terlalu sering, Gue jadi kepikiran juga, bahkan beberapa kali Gue sempat berharap lebih.
“Hmmm, apa aja deh, yang penting enak dan mahal, hehehe.” Jawab Gue.
“Okk.” Dylan pun sibuk dengan handphone-nya untuk memesan makan siang dan Gue berdiri dengan malas, untuk mengambil handphone Gue yang ada di dalam tas.
Gue pun melihat layar handphone lalu terlihat ada dua chat dan tiga missed call dari orang yang sama, “Jona.” Ucap Gue dalam hati.
“Tadi kayaknya ada yang telepon ke hp kamu, pentingkah sampe tiga kali kalo ga salah?” Tanya Dylan yang masih sibuk memilih makan siang.
“Nothing, paling nawarin credit card. Hehe.” Jawab Gue dan berusaha mengabaikan isi chat Jona.
Jonathan Yuhuu Letta?
Jonathan Kok di read doang?
“Huhh!! Berisik amat nih cowok!! Mana Gue lupa ngedit foto dia lagi, nanti deh Gue balesnya.” Gumam Gue dalam hati.
Setelah selesai cek handphone dan menaruhnya lagi di dalam tas, Gue mengambil tas belanja yang berisi lampu meja yang Gue beli tadi untuk diberikan ke Dylan dan menyerahkannya.
“Nihh buat kamu.” Kata Gue menyodorkan tas belanja tersebut dan mengambil duduk disebelah Dylan.
“Ini bukannya yang kamu beli tadi ?” Tanya Dylan memasang wajah bingungnya.
“Iya, ini aku beli buat kamu, buka deh.” Pinta Gue, dia pun mengambil kotak yang berada di dalam tas belanja tersebut dan membukanya.
“Wow!!” kata Dylan tersenyum memperlihatkan eyes smile-nya, “kamu tau aja aku ngincer lampu ini,” Lanjutnya.
“Jadi, tadi pas kita masuk ke toko, aku udah ngincer ini lampu, tapi sebelum aku ambil, Koh Juna keburu nyamperin aku. Pas selesai ngobrol sama dia, aku langsung balik ke tempat lampu ini, tapi udah ga ada. Ternyata kamu yang beli.” Jelasnya panjang lebar.
“Makasih Lett, suka banget.” Lanjutnya.
“Syukur deh kalau kamu suka.” Ucap Gue lega, Gue sempet takut dia ga suka sama pemberian dari Gue. Dylan melihat-lihat lampu tersebut dengan memasang wajah seperti anak kecil yang baru dapet mainan baru.
“Lucu.” Puji Gue dalam hati.
Raut wajah Dylan berubah saat melihat dasar lampu meja tersebut, Gue pun penasaran dan mendekatinya.
“Kenapa, ada damage?” Tanya Gue.
“Ga kok aman semua.” Jawabnya.
“Ini masih ada harganya, hahaha.” Kata Dia sambil menunjukkan bagian bawah lampu yang masih tertempel label harga.
“Astaga!! Aku lupa nyopot, sini aku copot dulu.” Tangan Gue langsung meraih lampu meja yang ada di tangan Dylan, tapi ga dapet karena tangan Dylan mengangkatnya tinggi-tinggi dan kemudian berdiri menghindari Gue.
“Dylaaaannn!!!!” Gue pun ikutan berdiri untuk berusaha meraihnya.
“Udah aku liat juga harganya berapa, hahaha.” Kata Dylan, dia berjinjit dan makin mengangkat tangannya tinggi-tinggi, membuat Gue meloncat-loncat kecil untuk meraihnya, tapi masih ga bisa.
Karena ulah Gue, Dylan terpeleset karpet, kemudian terkejut dan menarik pinggang Gue untuk mencegah dirinya tidak jatuh, tapi kita berdua malah jatuh ke atas sofa, dengan posisi setengah badan Gue menindih Dylan.
“Untung ada sofa.” Kata Gue sambil mendongak ke arah Dylan.
Kedua mata Gue sama Dylan saling bertemu dan menatap satu sama lain, Dylan tersenyum dan mendekatkan satu tangannya yang bebas ke depan muka Gue.
“Berat!! Awas!!.” Kata Dylan sambil menoyor jidat Gue.
“Ishh Dylan nyebelin!!” Kata Gue sambil menyingkir dari Dylan dan mengambil posisi duduk, begitu pula dengan Dylan.
Ting ting!! Notifikasi handphone Dylan berbunyi.
“Makanan udah sampe, aku ambil kebawah dulu ya.” Kata Dia sambil berdiri.
“Jadi beli apa?” Tanya Gue.
“Sushi kesukaan kamu.” Jawab Dia dan kemudian keluar Apartemen ninggalin Gue sendirian disini.
Selagi Dylan turun ke bawah untuk mengambil makan siang kita, Gue melihat-lihat sekeliling Apartemennya, dan mengambil lampu meja tadi, dan menaruhnya di meja tinggi dekat jendela Apartemen. Gue pun duduk di kursi, pasangan dari meja tersebut, dan terduduk melamun melihat keluar jendela yang memperlihatkan langit cerah disertai gedung tinggi di sekitar Gedung Apartemen.
“ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget,” tiba-tiba terngiang di kuping Gue sepenggal ucapan Nando tadi.
“Lo-nya aja yang ga peka Lett, Dylan itu dari dulu emang udah kayak gitu sama Lo dan menurut Gue dia emang ada rasa sama Lo, tapi Lo masih denial.” ucapan Katty beberapa hari lalu pun terngiang juga di kuping Gue.
“Masa sih?” tanya Gue ke Katty saat itu, Katty mengedikkan bahunya dan berkata, “Menurut Lo aja gimana.”
Suara pintu terbuka membuyarkan lamunan Gue, terlihat Dylan menenteng paper bag berisi makanan. “Yuk makan, habis makan langsung ke cafe-nya Leo.” Ajak Dylan sambil menaruh paper bag tersebut ke atas karpet, lalu duduk di atas karpet tersebut, dan menepuk tempat kosong di sebelahnya, menyuruh Gue untuk duduk disana. Kami pun menikmati makanan tersebut dengan candaan Dylan dan melupakan semua lamunan Gue tadi.
Letta Pov. End
Senada Cafe (Cafe Leo)
Setelah menghabiskan makan siang di Apartemen Dylan, mereka berdua langsung berangkat menuju Cafe-nya Leo, dan akhirnya sampai walaupun sedikit telat. Letta pun berjalan cepat dari parkiran mobil menuju Cafe, “Ayo Dylan, itu band-nya udah mulai.” Ucap Letta excited saat mendengar suara musik dari dalam Cafe telah mulai.
“Iya Letta sayang, tapi ini tolong bantuin aku dulu bawa titipan Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil menenteng dua tas belanja isi titipan Leo, tadi mereka sempat mampir ke Supermarket karena Leo tiba-tiba nitip beberapa bahan untuk Cafe-nya,
“bisa-bisanya tuh anak ga cek stok bahan dulu, udah tau malam minggu, apalagi ada band baru di Cafe-nya, pasti bakal rame, nyusahin tuh anak.” Dumel Letta saat di Supermarket tadi. Dylan menenangkan Letta dengan membelikan coklat kesukaannya, setelah itu Letta cukup tenang walaupun masih sedikit mengomel.
“Hahaha, sini satu aku bawain.” Kata Letta ketika melihat Dylan kesusahan membawa dua kantong belanjaan dan Letta mengambil salah satu dari tas belanjaan yang Dylan bawa.
Begitu sampai di depan Cafe, Dylan langsung membuka pintu dan menyuruh Letta masuk duluan, ga lama dia menyusul di belakang Letta.
Di dalam Cafe sudah cukup ramai dan terdengar alunan musik dari band baru tersebut, sekilas Letta melihat ke arah Vokalisnya yang ada di atas panggung.
“Postur badannya kayak ga asing.” Gumamnya dalam hati dan memperlambat langkahnya supaya bisa melihat jelas wajah Vokalis band tersebut, tapi Dylan keburu menggandeng Letta untuk segera berjalan ke dapur dan menaruh belanjaan titipan Leo.
Setelah selesai menaruh kedua tas belanja tadi di dapur, Letta dan Dylan langsung keluar untuk menemui Leo dan yang lain, saat itu juga musik pun berhenti dan terdengar suara dari Vokalis band tersebut memperkenalkan diri dan band-nya.
“Selamat malam, kita dari Onewe yang bakalan menemani malam minggu teman-teman Senada Cafe.” Ucap vokalis tersebut.
“Kok suaranya ga asing di kuping gue?” Gumam Letta.
“Gue Jonathan, kalian bisa panggil Jona. Vokalis dan Leader di Onewe.” Lanjutnya dan kemudian dia memperkenalkan member band lainnya.
Langkah Letta pun terhenti sesaat setelah mendengar Vokalis tersebut menyebutkan namanya dan tanpa sadar tubuhnya berbalik menghadap ke panggung yang sekarang dengan jelas memperlihatkan wajah Vokalis Band tersebut, yaitu Jona.
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edandstede · 6 months
rip to anyone thinking the show has nothing left to give like did you not listen to djenks when he said he has a 3 series arc in mind, did you not see ed gazing at stede during lucius and pete’s wedding because that man wants to put a ring on it so bad, were you not there when zheng very loudly said she wants to find ricky and kill him for what he did, do you think they can just slaughter a dozen british and escape by the skin of their teeth and that be the end of it? there is still a giant fucking looming threat to the pirates and it will absolutely extend to ed and stede’s ramshackle inn whether they think they’ve truly retired or not (not to mention the new conflicts they’ll face trying to get this new venture up and running, that will be a sitcom in of itself). anyway revenge is still on the water and i don’t just mean the ship and i cannot wait to see how it all goes down. praying we actually get to.
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lecinea · 6 days
No, but to suggest that Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng only ever had the relationship of a master and servant and that the only thing that held them together was debt and obligation on Wei Wuxian's part is such a wild take considering how absolutely unhinged the both of them are when it conscerns the other.
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thesunisatangerine · 5 months
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part nine
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
warnings: mentions of grief, suggestive material, hurt/comfort
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 6.6k
words in italics: whatever language you like
Before this misunderstanding could get any bigger, you stepped in quickly. 
“Alexia, this is Elisa, my daughter and that’s my brother’s husband, Robert. Elisa, Robert, this is Alexia.”
At that, Alexia’s gaze softened but when she met your eyes, questions swam in those hazel pools, ones that you sensed concerned your daughter. You gave Alexia a tight-lipped smile in answer–this was neither the time nor place to talk about something like that. 
“Oh, I see. It’s nice to meet you both,” Alexia spoke in English.
She walked closer to the stands to where Robert stood and reached out a hand for him to shake. Robert–who finally got some of his color back after Alexia stopped leering at him–regarded Alexia’s hand with an uneasy look like it was something dangerous before he eventually shook it. Then Alexia turned to Elisa and offered her a closed fist while your daughter only gawked at Alexia, obviously starstruck. “And it’s nice to meet you, too, Elisa.”
Elisa remained still and unusually quiet so you coaxed softly, “ladybug?”
That seemed to snap Elisa out from her starstruck stupor and as she came back to herself, her eyes darted to you. You smiled at her, encouraging, then you tilted your head at Alexia’s direction. Slowly, Elisa bumped her fist against Alexia’s, cheeks reddening immediately as she scurried off behind Robert right after, peeking through the gap between her uncle’s hip and arm to look at Alexia shyly. 
“Do you want me to sign your shirt?”
Elisa nodded. Robert passed the shirt to Alexia, who signed it, before she passed it back to Robert.
“Thank you,” came Elisa’s bashful gratitude.
When your eyes flitted back to Alexia’s face, you found her brows tilted upwards which allowed the stadium lights to brighten her already fair eyes. She looked on at Elisa’s timid display with warmth and the sight of such softness in her demeanour tugged at your heartstring. 
Without tearing her attention away from Elisa, Alexia said through a small smile, “she’s adorable, no?”
“She’s a little shy but she’s actually a big fan of yours. You should see her practicing your moves–”
“Mom…” Elisa whined, stopping you from embarrassing her further. You sent her an apologetic smile before you mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ to her.
“Oh, you play football? How old are you?” Alexia asked softly. 
After  a moment of silence, you took the helm when you noticed Elisa wasn’t going to answer. Her reaction to Alexia was completely understandable. Alexia, despite being one of the warmest people you knew, could easily intimidate some with her presence due to her reserved and stoic nature. Her gaze–especially for the ones who were new to meet her–could be so intense and disarming that it was hard not to look away or, in this case, shy away from her.
“She turned twelve last February. And yes, she’s actually enrolled in a Barça Academy located near our city.”
Alexia’s brows rose with interest. She regarded Elisa again as she spoke, switching to Spanish this time, with clear approval in her tone. “So she has Blaugrana in her blood. What position does she play?”
“Barça is by far her favorite club and it doesn’t help that you play in it. And she plays forward.” You answered in the same tongue. 
Alexia hummed, the corner of her lips quirking up. You knew that look so when she turned back to you, you raised a brow at her.
“What? Disappointed she doesn’t play midfield like you?” 
She flashed you a sheepish half-smile and rubbed her cheek with a finger, a gesture that you still found so endearing, before she threw her hands up in false surrender. “I’m just saying! And you can’t really blame me for having a bias.” 
“No, of course not. How could I hold that against you?” You said in an excessively dry tone. What you didn’t expect was for Alexia to throw her head back as laughter bubbled out from her throat in a familiar melody that tickled your ear, and you couldn’t help the grin that made its way to your lips at her amusement. She looked so beautiful like this: her hair–now back to its light brown shade–untamed with the way baby strands clung to the slight dampness on her temple, and the rosy blush painted upon her cheeks and nose from the events that just occurred; she looked so carefree in this moment, in the aftermath of their victory, that the glow of her youth shone right through, unfiltered.
When your eyes flitted over to Elisa and Robert, you found them gaping at your interaction with wide eyes, looking very much unsure on what to make of it. Then you also realised Alexia’d stopped laughing and she was now looking at you with a small smile on her lips. Your cheeks warmed at the attention, at having been caught staring, so you casted your eyes down to your feet, clearing your throat as you kicked an invisible pebble.
It surprised you, the ease with which you were able to fall back in playful banter with Alexia as if the fifteen months that made strangers from the both you never existed. Alexia must’d thought the same thing because when you looked at her again, Alexia’s smile had dimmed somewhat but the warmth in her eyes never left.
“Congratulations on the win, by the way. You earned it. All of you did.” You said, indicating at the golden medal around her neck. The urge to hug her as you spoke pervaded you but you managed to brush it off. 
Alexia looked down at it, her lips quirking up into a small proud smile.
“Thank you.” A pause as she regarded you. And then, “want to hold it?”
The suggestion took you aback and you were quick to dismiss her. “Oh, no, I’m good–”
Alexia, being Alexia, stepped into you space anyway, took your right hand and placed the medal on your palm. You tried not to focus too much on how her touch electrified you by focusing on how the surface of the metal cooled your skin, its weight surprisingly heavier than it looked, and you traced its intricate engravings with the pads of your fingers, admiring the details. 
“Can we talk?” Alexia said in a low voice that only the both of you would be able to hear. She was standing less than an arm’s length away from you–when did she get so close?–and the softness you found in her hazel eyes when you gazed up at her made you want to reach out and brush your thumb over the skin beneath them. 
At your silence Alexia touched your right wrist and you felt her thumb grazed ove the bracelet she gave you. Her gaze was magnetic and you were powerless against her pull.
You began, “I–”
“Alexia! Come on, we have to go!” Both of your heads turned to the voice. It was Misa who was waving Alexia over to where their other teammates were gathering. Alexia gave Misa a gesture to wait and she looked back at you again but with desperation now in her eyes. 
“Go. I’ll be in Barcelona for a week starting next Thursday. We can talk sometime then?” 
Alexia nodded, gave you a small smile before she turned to walk away. She startled you when she faced you again and before you knew it, her arms were wrapped around your shoulders.
“Same place?” She whispered in your ear.
You snaked your arms around her waist. 
“You know where to find me.”
So it was then on this late, warm Friday evening in Barcelona the week after the Olympics final, you found yourself opening the door to Alexia. 
You had agreed to meet the next day for lunch so it was more than a surprise to you to find her under the warm glow of the porch light right then. And before a word could even leave your mouth to voice your confusion, Alexia strode into your space, crowding you until your back hit the cool surface of the wall next to the door as it swung close.
Alexia was in front of you now, the distance between you so sparse that you could feel the heat that emanated from her body. You stared up at her, breathless when you were finally able to speak, “Alexia–”
“Are you seeing someone right now?” Her tone was even though the crease in her brows and the fervid depth in her eyes made you shiver.
“Wait, what are–”
“Just answer me!”
“No! Why–”
Before you knew it, her hand cradled your jaw as she brought her lips to yours, and the only thing you could do was gasp from the sudden heat of it all. It was filled with such ardour, Alexia’s kiss, that each movement of her lips threatened to both destroy and mend you again, each pull as devastating and as sweet as the last. But the sweetness didn’t last long; not after you felt the warmth against your cheeks and tasted salt on your tongue.
Alexia was crying.
She was aching, you knew it–could feel it in the slight quiver of her lips, in the frantic way with which her fingers tangled in your hair. And from her pain came yours, unfurling from your heart, into your throat, longing–reaching–to comfort and be soothed by her, your almost lover. Though it hurt, it made your teeth ache with the bittersweetness of it all because here she was breathing the same air as you, sharing the same heat as her lips melted with yours, and, god, how it felt like coming home–like the first breath once you breached the surface after being submerged for so long.
Was this what it felt like to be exhumed? Was this what life tasted like?
The kiss was slow and deep, the way only two almost lovers knew how to; the both of you took your time mapping each other’s lips, learning how to move in the same rhythm again. It was familiar but the tenderness–that gentle ardour–was above all else amplified, warming your flesh and blood to a delicate simmer. 
You sighed against Alexia’s lips as you pressed your body further into her, and in response she to you, and you relished how in spite of the strength that rested beneath the firmness of her self, everything about her remained, oh, so soft. And it was this want for more closeness that prompted you to tighten the grip around her hand that cupped your jaw, an unspoken plea for her to not let go–to not let you go.
How had you gone on for so long without her touch?
A familiar scream ruptured the silence, shattering the moment instantly.
It was automatic and immediate your reaction to it: you tore yourself from Alexia’s embrace and rushed towards Elisa’s bedroom, ignoring the way your vision blurred from the sudden exertion, your lungs protested as you hurried up the stairs. You were already expecting it but like all the times you were faced with it, your heart broke all the same at the sight of Elisa sitting up by the headboard of her bed, spine crooked as she curled in on herself, head lowered to the top of her knees while her hands pressed against her ears. Upon your intrusion, she lifted her head to reveal wide eyes that darted to you, frantic at first, but the apprehension in them dimmed when she saw you. 
You tried to compose yourself as you approached her slowly, before you placed yourself just by the edge of her bed.
Gently, you called out, “ladybug?”
Not a second later did Elisa throw herself into your embrace and immediately hid her face in the crook of your neck, her hands clawing and gripping at the fabric of your shirt while her sobs made rattles from her bones. All of her self was tense, taught and coiled, her pain’s physical manifestation–all the intangible grief violently wrought into existence. 
Elisa clung to you as she cried and you could do nothing in the moment but offer comfort through your embrace, hugging her just as tight, brushing back her hair–consoling–as you began a common lullaby in her mother tongue, rocking her to its gentle rhythm in the hopes that it could salve the wounds of her past even a little. 
In her own time, Elisa emerged from the throes of her grief, her grip on your soaked shirt loosened, her sobs now reduced to hiccups and sniffles. You carded your fingers through her damp hair and wiped the sweat that lined her forehead.
As softly as you could, you whispered, “want to talk about it, ladybug?”
Elisa didn’t answer as she seemed to gather herself, gnawing on her lower lips, brows creased in a pained frown. You were about to remind her that she didn’t have to when she answered in a voice so small that made the rawness in it all the more pronounced. 
“I saw Mother’s… I saw her dead beside me again.” She cuddled closer to you before she continued, “it’s always been her but when I looked this time I–”
Fresh tears sprung to her eyes, they fell when she squeezed them shut, and your heart broke a little more. You were quick to hug her tighter, pressing a kiss on the top of her head to console her. Elisa sniffled then she continued, “this time I–I saw you instead. I saw you dead.”
Elisa whimpered and she clung to you again.
“Oh, ladybug. That must have been difficult to see.” You hugged her tighter. “Were you scared?”
“What were you scared of?”
“I was scared because I thought I was alone again. I was scared you left me, too.”
Her answer made you pause and you regarded her, your worry now twofold. 
“What else do you feel, Elisa?”
“I don’t know,” Elisa shrugged. She pressed a fist to her chest, “but it hurts right here. I hate it. I want it to disappear. Why does it still hurt so much?” 
The state of her pained you enough as it was but how much more agonising this must be for Elisa? So you pressed your temple on her head as you began, soft but firm when the words passed through your lips. 
“It aches so it’s not surprising you want it to go away. And you hate it because it stays with you. And it hurts because you’re still grieving, Elisa. A year may feel like a long time but what happened to you is not an easy thing to move on from. You’re still trying to heal.” 
“If there is part of you that’s telling you it’s your fault your family died, I want you to remember that it isn’t. It isn’t your fault. You were so loved, Elisa, and you loved them just as much. And you still are loved.”
“I won’t leave you. As long as we’re here–your Uncle Derek, Uncle Robert, Nana, and I–as long as you want us to be, we’ll be your family and we love you. And death might come for all of us, and it is scary, terrifying and painful most times, but our love will never fade. The love given to you and the love that made you, they will never leave you, Elisa. Love comes and goes, and it may change its form, but it is never lost. You’re right here with me and you’re safe, and I love you. You’re never alone, ladybug, don’t you ever forget that.”
Elisa turned her head to look up at you and in the warm glow of her nightlight, you saw her chin quiver. “Promise you’ll never leave me?”
“As long as I breathe, I promise.”
You pressed a kiss on the top of her head, on her temple, then on her forehead before you hugged her again. Elisa sagged in your embrace as a watery sigh escaped her lips, and though she sniffled, she shed no more tears.
“I love you, too, Mom.”
In response, you kissed her forehead.
“How are you feeling now, ladybug?”
“A lot better, thank you.”
“Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Water, please?” 
“Okay. Do you want to come with me downstairs or are you alright with me going for a bit?”
Elisa thought about it before she said, “I’ll be alright here.”
You smiled at your daughter, half encouraging and more than proud, as your chest filled with warmth at her display of bravery. You stood, grabbed a fresh shirt from her closet and placed it on her lap so she could change out of her damp one. “Okay. How about you change into this while I’m gone, hmm? I’ll be right back.”
She nodded and you darted out of the room but not after you placed another kiss on top of her head and squeezed her knee for reassurance. So engrossed were you in your aim that you nearly ran into Alexia who was just standing off to the side of the doorway, an unopened bottle of water in hand. As soon as she saw you, she offered it to you without a word with a soft look in her eyes made warmer by the dim, yellow glow of the wall lamp beside her head. It was a simple gesture but your heart expanded from the thought behind it, so much so that you nearly cried when you took the bottle from her. 
“Is there anything else you need?” Alexia whispered as she stepped into your space, brushing the back of her hand over your cheek gently. You leant into the comfort of her touch and sighed, before you shook your head in answer.
“This is more than enough, thank you.” You met Alexia’s gaze one more time before you knocked on Elisa’s door and slipped back into it upon her consent. Once inside, you opened the bottle and gave it to Elisa and as she sipped from it, you ventured into her closet again to grab a small towel to dry her sweat with.
“How do you feel, ladybug?” You asked as you ran the towel over her face and the back of her neck.
“Sleepy,” she said with a small smile. You returned it in kind.
“Do you want to try going back to sleep? I’ll stay here if you want.”
Elisa yawned her agreement as she nodded so you tucked her in. Then you reclined against her headboard and began a lullaby, gently dragging the back of your finger in the space between her eyes until her eyelids fluttered close before her breathing deepened and eventually evened out. You remained there until you were certain Elisa had fallen asleep completely before you slipped back out, making sure to leave a slight gap between the door and the frame just in case Elisa woke up again. 
It wasn’t a surprise when you found Alexia still patiently waiting out in the hall, who pushed herself from the wall she was leaning on upon seeing you.
“Is she okay?” She asked softly, looking over your shoulder at Elisa’s door, concern apparent in her tone and the crease between her brows. 
“She’s… she’ll get there. She’s been through a lot for someone so young but she’s getting better.” It was getting frequent again, you noted with more than a hint of worry, Elisa’s recurring nightmares about the horrors she’d witnessed. You knew you needed to talk to Elisa about her therapy and if she’d be inclined to take more sessions to unpack this because there was only so much you could do to help her.
“What happened to her?” 
You looked at Alexia at that, unable to answer her–had no desire to if you were being honest. How could you come up with the words to explain it especially when doing so would lead to questions about what happened to you? And that was something you truly didn’t want to, or even knew how to, talk about. 
Alexia must had found something in your eyes because she just nodded at your reticence and casted her gaze down. You grazed your knuckles over the back of her hand, partly in appreciation for her respect and partly for her to follow you, while you stepped past her to the stairs down to the living room, Alexia’s footsteps not too far behind you. 
The both of you entered the living room in silence, the tension from what transpired between the two of you upon Alexia’s arrival and the weight of what you were about to talk about made the air thick for breathing. 
With crossed arms you settled on the wingback chair on the far side of the coffee table while Alexia situated herself on the other at the opposite side, leaving the couch unoccupied; the memories in it far too intimate for two people who’d grown apart.
During this reprieve, you finally allowed yourself the luxury to take Alexia in. You didn’t really get the chance to, it had all been a blur the moment she strode through the door, but now your eyes roamed over her freely. 
She had a pair of low rise denims on, a leather jacket over a white shirt that revealed a strip of her stomach while her loose, light brown hair framed her face. Even when sitting down, her character remained undiminished especially with the way she sat with her legs parted, one hand hanging over the chair’s arm while the other was on her chin, fingers splayed over her lips as she regarded you quietly in a fixing gaze that left you feeling exposed–vulnerable. 
Alexia brushed her lower lip with her fingers as she sank further against the upholstered back of the chair, tilting her chin up slightly as she kept her eyes trained at you. Her movement caused the warm glow of the light to touch her lips, drawing your attention to them, and you noted how they still glistened from the sheen of your lip balm from when she’d kissed you before, and the reminder made you burn, unpleasant in the way it ached, a bittersweet mixture of your immense desire and longing for the woman before you. It was intentional the way she moved; you knew it from the way Alexia’s eyes challenged you to speak up but you couldn’t quite find the words to say–you didn’t dare to. 
“Are they real?” Came the question. 
It was low and even, how Alexia posed it, but the abruptness with which the silence was broken made you flinch. That didn’t go unnoticed by Alexia it seemed because her gaze immediately softened. 
“Are what real?” 
“What you wrote in those notes you left me. Are they?” 
The silence that settled in the space between you pressed against your chest, made even heavier with the weight in Alexia’s eyes. You tore your gaze away from her and you didn’t dare look back up. 
“Look at me and tell me those didn’t mean a thing and I’ll leave.” ‘Just like you left me’, you heard the words Alexia left unspoken and then she continued, “I’ll leave and I won’t bother you again.”
She was serious. You knew if you lied and told her otherwise, she’d keep her word; she’d be out of your life completely. Were you willing to run? Were you ready to live a life without her for good?
Still without meeting her eyes you voiced barely above a whisper, “I… I can’t.”
Then you heard Alexia draw a breath, long and deep, followed by the unmistakable rustle of clothes before the air stilled once more. Not a moment later though a choked sound broke the quiet and immediately, your head whipped to the sound and found Alexia now bent forward, elbows resting on the top of her knees, her head bowed into the cradle of her open palms while her hair formed a curtain around her face. 
“‘What’s happening to me? I’ve not know desire like this–like how it is with you. How, then, can I go on without you now that I found you?’” Each word came out strained as her breath stuttered and yours, too, hitched at what Alexia just recited. Then she lifted her head up a fraction but it was enough for you to see the undisguised pain reflected in those eyes and the sight of them made yours burn. 
“You didn’t even give me a chance. You wrote and left those words to me but what was I supposed to do with them? What was I meant to do?” 
A pause.
“I thought I knew what feeling lost was like. My ACL taught me that and when my father–” Alexia screwed her eyes shut as she drew in a heavy breath. She continued after a moment, “but after you went away, I felt lost again. I didn’t know what to do with myself, didn’t know how or what to feel. All I knew was I was mad at you for leaving, for what you said to me, for not responding… I was hurt. And I felt so empty that I didn’t look through that damn bag you left me.”
“But I missed you. God, I missed you, so I opened it and what did I find? Your fucking notes.” Alexia laughed, flat and void of any warmth, and she shook her head as if in disbelief, digging the heels of her palms into her sockets before looking back at you with raw eyes. “‘With every kiss, every touch, I become more yours. If you ask me to, I will surrender myself to you.’ If you truly meant that, why did you leave?” 
“Won’t you even tell me why?” Alexia repeated, now pleading. 
“I–” You began but the words caught in your throat as you turned her question over in her head because why, why did you leave? 
“I was… I was afraid.” You admitted finally, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Afraid of what?” 
“To hear that I meant nothing to you, to know I felt more for you than you did for me. I was just one of your girls, right?” You laughed bitterly, hating the way tears immediately fell down your cheeks, as you looked over Alexia’s shoulder, unable to look her in the eye as you spoke. You were weak enough as it was, so bare that one word from her could make you bleed if she wanted to.
“I couldn’t bear to hear that from you so I left. And perhaps it was cruel of me to leave those notes behind but I didn’t want to take them with me. I didn’t want the reminder of what we had and what we could’ve been. And I guess, deep down, I just wanted you to know how you made me feel because even if it ended, even if it meant nothing to you, that doesn’t change the fact that you made me happy.”
“‘Nothing?’ What do you mean–” Confusion first swam in her hazel eyes but her eyes suddenly widened. “That day… you were there?”
You hastily wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. “Yes.” 
“Oh my god,” Alexia whispered as she lowered her head even further, fingers digging into her scalp as she shook her head. You heard her mutter something in Catalan that you couldn’t quite understand, barely catching the familiar Spanish words for ‘kill’ and ‘two’ from whatever she said. 
Then Alexia gazed up at you with fire in her eyes. “If what we had meant nothing to me, I wouldn’t be here. Whatever you heard that day, there’s no truth to it.”
“All of it? Then tell me, what did Mapi mean when she said I’m one of your girls?” 
At that, Alexia opened her mouth before closing it again, then she casted her gaze aside. 
Your heart dropped.
She wrung her fingers, the muscle in her jaw ticked while her frown deepened but she found the courage to look you in the eye again as she began to speak. “After I got injured, I was a wreck. It was one of the lowest points of my life. I felt like I was stuck, like my life was playing out in front of me and I couldn’t do anything but watch.”
“The world moved on but I couldn’t. I couldn’t get past it, what happened and what would come after. It was a constant one step forward, three steps back. So I… I slept around because I needed control. I was spiralling when you met me and it’s–it’s true I had others while I was with you.”
Oh, how her words branded you! Perhaps there was still a small part of you that hoped Alexia would deny it but as the words spilled from Alexia’s lips, that vision was immediately dashed and in its place bloomed anguish. Your eyes burnt as you took Alexia in, she–with her lips pressed in a thin line and the corners of them crooked downwards, brows furrowed so deep her eyes were almost covered–looked guilty and in as much pain as you upon her own admittance.
“I had others but not after the first time we had dinner together. At that point, I stopped. I stopped because I hoped… I hoped that we could be more. I still do. But it never meant nothing to me, you never meant nothing to me. I just want you to know that.”
You bit your lip as her words sank in, and your stomach dropped even further as you realised something. The falling out, it was all your fault, wasn’t it? If you’d just talked to her, none of this would’ve happened. 
The silence must had lasted longer than you realised because you heard Alexia’s whispered plea, “please, say something.”
“I… I want nothing more than to be with you, Alexia. In my mind, it had always been you and instead of telling you, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t make my intentions clear and it was unfair of me to expect you to know them. I was going to–I was going to ask you to be mine that night but when I heard you say those words, I lost it.” 
Tears tracked down your cheeks as you choked out, “I’m sorry. I broke us, didn’t I?”
Alexia was quick to answer. 
“No, you were scared and hurting. I can’t hold that against you. And it’s not just you, it’s not like I was very vocal about what I wanted either. I should’ve told you what you meant to me, I should’ve made it clear what I wanted from this–from us.” Alexia looked into your eye with an ardent disposition that made you shiver while a small, hopeful smile graced her lips. “I still want you. If you still want me, have me.” 
Her declaration moved you and this wasn’t the first time tonight that her words made your heart ache–fed fuel to the fire that was your yearning. The temptation to accept her offer was too much but you stopped yourself; the logical part of you who knew that you weren’t the same person as the one Alexia met prevented you from saying yes. 
“I’m not the same person I was from before, Alexia. And I have a child. I don’t want you to trick yourself into thinking you want what comes with me just because you want me.”
“Then let me in! Let me know this version of yourself and don’t decide for me if I want or don’t want to be with you. Let me make that choice this time.” Alexia said, almost exasperated in the way she threw her hands up but desperation weighed heavier in her voice. “We don’t need to label it. You’re mine and I’m yours, isn’t that what matters?”
“And if it doesn’t work out?”
“And if it does? And now that we know what we want from each other, it’s not like how it was before.” Alexia countered easily. Then she added with a half smile, teasing. “C’mon. I thought you’re the optimistic one in this relationship?”
You couldn’t help it, you smiled at her lightness. Then you nodded. 
“Okay. So, can we start over slow?”
“That sounds good.” Then Alexia grinned, mischievous with the way she brushed her thumb over her nose and how her dimple gilded the corner of her lips. “Hi, I’m Alexia. What’s your name?” 
The absurdity of what she said caught you off guard, even more so the laughter that bubbled out from your throat. As your laughter faded and Alexia’s grin dimmed to a small smile, a vacuous silence settled over the both of you, a welcome reprieve from the weight and tension that filled the air moments ago. Your eyes roamed over Alexia’s figure in silent appraisal, and hers over yours, as you mapped the familiar contours of her silhouette. Then you noticed a change in her demeanour: her eyes darkened, a look you were well acquainted with fifteen months–a look that your body remembered all too well with the way your flesh burnt. 
“Did you have others?” The question took you aback and you were sure that you weren’t able to hide the surprise from your face because where the hell did that come from? Still, you indulged her.
“Not in the way you think. I can’t even kiss anyone without thinking of you. It’s not fair to them if I take them on as my lover when I know I’m still hung up on you.”
“‘Still’, huh?” Alexia hummed in response and her gaze only became darker, eyes now lidded.
You scoffed at her arrogance but it lacked any real bite because it was true anyway. Your cheeks warmed at her attention and you crossed your legs, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Alexia–the way she bit her lower lip made it known to you she knew just what she was doing to you–before you casted your eyes aside, down to the floor. “Don’t be an ass about it.” 
At the sound of clothes rustling, you looked back up only to find Alexia had already crossed the distance and now stood an arm’s length away. Your body, always in tune to her presence, parted your legs before you could think better of it and Alexia claimed what little space between you, her knees now against the edge of the chair. 
She planted both hands on either side of your chair’s arms as she leant down, craning her neck so that you could feel the warmth of her breath against your cheek.
“I’m being serious.” 
The words were whispered so close to your lips that you could feel the heat of hers as they brushed over yours. 
“I tried. But you… you had others, didn’t you? I saw the photos.” You tilted your head, relished the way Alexia followed and ghosted over your lips as you did so, whispering the words against her jaw. 
She shivered.
“One. Just the one before I read your notes.” And she leant in again and this time, you could almost taste her lips from how close she was to you. “She never touched me. And besides, who do you think she looked like?”
An image of the woman came to your mind. You didn’t realise it then but now her resemblance to you became apparent: the colour of her hair and the length of it, the colour of her eyes, her height. They were all similar to you.
“But you touched her.” It wasn’t a question and the silence that followed was confirmation enough. You didn’t hold that against her–couldn’t–but it hurt you still. You didn’t even know you’d teared up until Alexia swept her thumb over the corner of your eye, soft and careful; apologetic. And then a fire sparked in you, an all consuming green that prompted you to ghost your lips back to Alexia’s neck. You didn’t miss the way her pulse jumped when you left a light kiss there.
“Tell me, Ale. Did she feel better than me?”
“No,” Alexia choked out and the heat of it warmed your ear.
A kiss to the corner of her jaw. “Did she moan your name like I did?”
You placed another kiss to the lobe of her ear before you whispered, low and cruel, and obscenely shameless. 
“Did she come for you like I did?” 
That did it.
Alexia took the back of your head in her hand and pulled you in for a kiss. A soft moan left your mouth–or was it from Alexia–as you surrendered to her heat, melting instantly and lips parting for her and her only. You felt her other hand creep down to the small of your back where she pulled you forward, urging you to stand up. When you did, and without breaking the kiss, Alexia manoeuvred the both of you until you felt the soft texture of the couch against the skin of your calves.
You pulled away with a gasp and before Alexia could upon her eyes, you stepped aside and pushed her just enough for her to end up on the couch, eyes flying in surprise at the sudden change of position. She opened her mouth, as if to protest, but she quickly shut it when you straddled her lap, hands automatically over her jaw and neck as you sank into her lips again. 
Alexia dragged her lips away from yours and you were about to sigh in disappointment until you felt her tracing the lobe of your ear with her tongue. Then she nipped along your jaw as she whispered, a smile clear in her voice, “that’s right… You like being on top.”
You shivered as her hands traced your silhouette but when you felt her hands move from your ass to the edge of your shirt, brushing against the skin of your back with clear intentions, the haze lifted immediately as apprehension filled you. The words didn’t even leave your mouth before Alexia stopped her ministrations, pulling away from your lips gently, and she opened her eyes, which revealed at first the deep desire in them, now replaced with concern as she met your gaze.  
“Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
Shaking your head, you placed a slow, lingering kiss on her lips before you broke away again, breathing heavily as you rested your forehead on hers.
“I’m sorry. And no, you didn’t. It’s not that I don’t want you because I do. God, I want you so much, you don’t even know, but I’m not–I think we’re going too fast and Elisa…” You trailed off, cheeks warming. 
Without another word, Alexia fixed the hem of your shirt so the strip of exposed skin was covered, and placed a tender kiss on your cheek. Then she shifted beneath you, shrugged off her leather jacket and placed it on the coffee table, before she lied down. 
A gentle hand on your back urged you down on her chest and upon doing so, you sighed as a sense of peace washed over you and you found yourself sinking into her tender warmth, into the safety of her arms wrapped around your waist.
She brushed back hair from your temple and you felt the flutter of her hum against your cheek before you heard it. “Are you comfortable?”
The gesture made you ache and you feared your words would fail you if you spoke so you only nodded, nuzzling the column of her neck with your nose and placed a kiss there as a form of gratitude.
Alexia pressed her lips on top of your head and then you heard her sigh, content. “Good.”
492 notes · View notes
marisatomay · 7 months
i actually think that with enough pressure and organizing we can publicly shame people into understanding that recording strangers in public without their consent or giving blow-by-blow retellings of strangers conversations for internet clout and giving enough information that they can be identified is socially unacceptable and has consequences for the poster
882 notes · View notes
dmvjinx · 6 months
His favorite meal
443 notes · View notes
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Cannot Unsee. Cannot Unknow.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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titty-princess79 · 2 months
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Hii 💞
189 notes · View notes
wizards-and-t · 6 months
babe wake up new missing link teaser trailer just dropped
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sesameowo · 5 months
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what can i say except, you're welcome
his smug ass face is literally :] all the time and i love it
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thebramblewood · 4 months
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Now, what on earth could Caleb be up to? 🧐
@moonfromearth Do you think Veronica would mind being Lilith's blood dealer in these trying times?
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Caleb: [humming under breath]
[humming more loudly]
[continues humming]
Lilith, I'm... [hesitates] I don't mean to disturb you.
Lilith: [irritably] You already have. What do you want, Caleb?
Caleb: I'm going out. I've got errands to run. I'll be back before sunrise, obviously.
Lilith: I don't suppose you'd swing by the hospital and swipe me some blood bags?
Caleb: You know the answer to that.
Lilith: [heaves dramatic sigh] Wonderful. I'll have to hit up Veronica and beg like some common addict.
Caleb: Lilith... [trails off uncertainly]
Lilith: Speak your mind, brother, or I'll have to probe it. I know how much you hate that.
Caleb: [visibly cringes] That won't be necessary. It's just that it's not like you to sulk, especially over a human. There'll be others.
Lilith: I'm not sulking. I'm practicing self-care. Isn't that what you're always preaching, meditation over murder? Hmm, that's catchy. You should put it on a t-shirt.
Caleb: You're incapable of having a serious conversation.
Lilith: I'm busy, and your conversation topics are boring and played out.
Caleb: Fine. I'll be back in a few hours.
Lilith: I'm sure I'll barely notice you're gone.
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juicy-moonrose · 1 year
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Chapter [ 3 ]
Flash Back On - 2017
Teras Rumah Jeff
Sore itu Dylan dan Jeff terlihat sedang berbincang di teras rumah Jeff, sambil menatap layar ponsel masing-masing. Sejak masuk kuliah Dylan diizinkan oleh Orang Tuanya untuk tinggal di rumah Jeff, karena saat ini Jeff tinggal sendiri dirumahnya, sementara kedua orang tua Jeff kembali pindah ke Bandung.
"Aah, teu hayang urang nonton horror!"* Jeff menolak ajakan Dylan untuk menonton film horror yang sedang booming dunia perfilman Indonesia.
“Nonton sorangan we ditu.”**  Sambungnya. 
“Yeu cupu!” Ledek Dylan.
Ternyata mereka sedang memperdebatkan tentang film yang akan ditonton besok sabtu, Jeff berencana mengajak Dylan berkeliling Jakarta. Jeff memasang wajah kesalnya, mendengar ledekan Dylan, dia pun berdiri dari duduknya.
"Rek kamana?"*** Tanya Dylan.
“Boker!” jawab Jeff ketus, padahal dia hanya berniat berdiri saja.
*Ahh ogah gue nonton horror! **Lo nonton sendiri aja. *** Mau kemana?
Saat Jeff berdiri, dia melihat Letta sedang berjalan didepan rumahnya, kemudian memanggilnya.
“Oii Letta!!” Jeff berteriak memanggil Letta, tapi Letta tidak menghiraukan panggilan Jeff. Dylan pun melihat Letta yang berjalan melewati rumah Jeff, terlihat Letta seperti sedang asik mendengarkan lagu.
“Pake earphone pasti tuh anak.” gumam Jeff, kemudian mengambil salah satu sandalnya, lalu berjalan ke arah pagar rumahnya, dan mengambil ancang-ancang untuk melempar sandalnya.
Dylan melihat apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Jeff, “Lo mau ngapain Letta?”
“Mancing! Manggil lah!”
“Ga usah lo lempar sendal juga.” kata Dylan. Jeff tidak menggubris perkataan Dylan, dia pun melempar Letta dengan sandalnya.
“WOII LAMPIR!!” Jeff pun berteriak dan lemparan sandalnya.
Plak!! Lemparan Jeff tepat mengenai kepala Letta.
Letta pun terkejut dan berbalik, lalu melihat wajah Jeff yang sedang tertawa. Dia langsung mengambil sendal tadi dan berlari mengejar Jeff.
“JEFF SIALAN!! SAKIT BEGOO!!!” teriak Letta sambil mengejar Jeff, Jeff pun berlari ke halaman rumahnya, Letta pun mengikuti arah lari Jeff.
Mereka kejar-kejaran di halaman rumah, Dylan hanya bergeleng-geleng dan tersenyum melihat kelakuan kedua temannya yang seperti anak-anak.
“Hahaha udah Jeff, kasian Letta.” Dylan tertawa memperlihatkan eyes smile-nya.
Jeff berlari kebelakang Dylan untuk melindungi diri dari amukan Letta.
“EH TIANG!! JANGAN NGUMPET!!” ucap Letta, karena dipikirnya tinggi Dylan tidak setinggi Jeff, dia pun melempar sandal yang ada di tangannya ke arah Jeff yang berdiri di belakang Dylan. 
Plak!! Lemparan Letta tidak sampai ke Jeff, sandal yang di lempar Letta malah mengenai wajah Dylan.
Suasana yang tadinya gaduh menjadi hening seketika, memperlihatkan wajah Dylan yang memerah menahan marah.
“Untung Letta.” gumam Dylan dalam hati.
Letta pun berjalan mendekati Dylan dan meminta maaf, “Dylan sorry.” katanya dengan rasa bersalah. Letta membersihkan wajah Dylan yang terkena lemparan sendal tadi, dengan mata tertutup Dylan merasakan sentuhan tangan Letta di wajahnya. Muncul getaran aneh di dalam diri Dylan saat tangan Letta menyentuh wajahnya.
“Lo sih Jeff!!” Tuduh Letta ke Jeff.
“Lah kok gue? Lo yang lempar sendalnya.” Elak Jeff.
“Kan lo yang mulai!” Kata Letta tidak mau kalah, sekarang dia mengusap pipi Dylan.
“Udah-udah!” Dylan pun akhirnya bersuara untuk menghentikan pertengkaran mereka dan berusaha mengalihkan getaran aneh yang muncul tadi. Letta pun menjauhkan kedua tangannya dari wajah Dylan.
Dylan membuka kedua matanya dan langsung melihat wajah Letta di depan wajahnya. Satu detik, dua detik, tiga detik, hingga sekian detik, mata Dylan tidak berkedip dan menahan nafasnya saat melihat wajah Letta yang terlihat khawatir dan merasa bersalah.
“Kamu gapapa Lan?” Tanya Letta yang menyadari keterdiaman Dylan.
“Haah— gu— aku, gapapa.” Jawab Dylan tergagap.
“Cihh! Aku-kamu, dulu lo sama gue ga gitu Lett!!” Protes Jeff ke Letta.
“Suka-suka gue, sirik ajee!! Bwekk!!”
“Berisik!” Kata Dylan sambil menoyor kepala Jeff, kemudian tanpa berkata-kata dia masuk kedalam rumah.
“Kan Dylan ngambek, lo sih Jeff!!” Letta menyalahkan Jeff karena Dylan tiba-tiba masuk ke dalam rumah.
Padahal yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah Dylan hanya ingin menghindari Letta sementara, entah kenapa tadi tiba-tiba saja muncul getaran aneh dalam diri Dylan saat Letta menyentuh wajahnya.
“Huft! Gue kenapa ya?” tanyanya pada diri sendiri. Dia pun mengambil segelas air minum untuk dirinya. Sebelum kembali, dia mengambil segelas air minum lagi untuk dibawa ke teras.
Setelah Dylan merasa sedikit tenang, dia pun kembali ke teras menghampiri kedua manusia yang jarang akur jika bertemu. Dylan melihat Letta yang duduk di lantai teras sambil melihat ponselnya, sedang Jeff duduk dikursi yang tak jauh dari Letta.
“Nih minum.” Dylan memberikan Letta segelas air minum yang diambilnya tadi.
“Wuihh makasih Dylan, tau aja aku haus.” Ucap Letta tersenyum, Dylan ikut tersenyum dan tanpa sadar mengelus pucuk kepala Letta.
Jeff yang melihat Dylan memberikan segelas air minum hanya ke Letta pun protes, “Letta doang? Buat gue mana?”
“Ambil sendiri.” kata Dylan sambil tersenyum menatap Letta yang menegak minuman yang dia berikan tadi sampai habis. Jeff menyadari tatapan Dylan yang berbeda ke Letta, muncul ide cemerlang di otaknya.
“Eh Lett, lo bukannya mau nonton film Pengabdi Iblis?” Tanya Jeff tiba-tiba.
“Iya, belom ada temennya nihh. Temenin yukk—” Letta menoleh ke Jeff.
“Noh sama Dylan, dia pengen nonton juga.” Kata Jeff sambil menunjuk Dylan dengan dagunya.
Letta pun berbalik ke Dylan yang duduk disebelahnya, “Serius Lan, kamu mau nonton juga?” tanya Letta dengan mata yang berbinar. Dylan mengangguk menjawab pertanyaan Letta.
“Yes!! Akhirnya ada temen nonton.” Ucap Letta senang.
“Emang temen-temen kamu ga ada yang mau nonton?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hahaha, ya ada tapi— pada nonton sama pasangan masing-masing.” Jawab Letta manyun.
“Kamu ga punya pasangan?” Tanya Dylan menyelidik. Letta menggeleng lesu, tanpa Letta sadari Dylan tersenyum tipis mendengar jawaban Letta.
Matahari senja pun digantikan oleh rembulan yang menyinari kegelapan dimalam itu dan menemani tiga remaja yang sedang bermain kartu di teras rumah Jeff.
“Hahaha! Kalah terus Lett!” Ledek Jeff ketika Letta kalah bermain kartu untuk yang kesekian kalinya. Sejak permainan pertama di mulai, Letta hanya sekali menang. Letta memasang wajah cemberutnya mendengar ledekan Jeff, Dylan hanya menghela nafas karena sejak tadi melihat Letta dan Jeff saling meledek.
Tidak terasa malam pun semakin larut, akhirnya Letta pamit untuk pulang dan Dylan mengantar Letta dengan berjalan kaki sampai kerumahnya.
“Harusnya kamu ga usah repot-repot anter aku.” Kata Letta sambil berjalan berdampingan dengan Dylan.
“Gapapa, sekalian beli nasi goreng ke pertigaan sana.” Kata Dylan.
“Sampai!!” ucap Letta saat berhenti di pagar kayu bercat putih.
“Makasih Dylan, see you tomorrow.”
“Oh iya besok mau dijemput jam berapa?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hmm, sebelum maksi kali yah, jam sebelasan? Jadi maksi di deket-deket bioskop aja.” Usul Letta.
“Okk!!” Dylan setuju dengan usulan Letta.
“Oiya, besok aku jemput pakai motor ya.” Kata Dylan sekedar memberi informasi agar Letta memakai pakaian yang nyaman.
“Sipp, thanks Dylan.” kata Letta dan dia membuka pagar kayu tersebut.
“Aku masuk dulu ya, udah sana, nanti kehabisan nasgornya, hehe.” Kata Letta saat badannya sudah masuk setengah.
“Tadi udah pesen lewat chat kok, jadi tinggal ambil. Kamu masuk duluan aja, nanti aku baru pergi.” Ucap Dylan.
“Okk, bye Dylan see you Tomorrow.” Letta pun masuk dan menutup pagarnya.
Dylan tersenyum setelah melihat Letta masuk, dia pun melangkah menjauh dari rumah Letta untuk mengambil Nasi Goreng pesanannya. Dylan bertanya-tanya pada dirinya sendiri, kenapa saat disisi Letta, seperti ada kupu-kupu yang menggelitik perutnya. Dia pun mengacak-acak rambutnya, tidak mengerti yang terjadi kepada dirinya.
Keesokan harinya tepat pukul sebelas siang, Dylan sudah di depan rumah Letta dengan motornya. Dylan mengirim pesan ke Letta kalau dirinya sudah sampai depan rumah Letta.
Tidak lama dari Dylan mengirim pesan, terdengar suara pagar kayu putih terbuka dan muncul Letta memakai celana jeans, kaos putih dengan outer kemeja kotak-kotak berwarna biru, dan tidak lupa dia membawa tas selempang kanvasnya.
Letta tersenyum saat melihat Dylan dan langsung menyapanya, “Hei,” Dylan menoleh ke Letta.
Dylan terpana melihat rambut panjang Letta yang di gerai begitu saja, mungkin jika Dylan tidak memakai helm, kuping Dylan akan terlihat merah, tapi untungnya saat ini dia sedang memakai helm.
“On time banget, untung aku cepet siap-siapnya,” kata Letta.
“Hello— ” Letta mengibas-ngibaskan tangannya didepan wajah Dylan karena melihat Dylan hanya terdiam.
“Oh iya, pake helm dulu nih.” Kata Dylan setelah sadar dari lamunannya dan memakaikan helm yang dia bawanya untuk Letta.
“Berangkat!!” Kata Letta dengan ceria sambil naik ke kursi penumpang.
Akhirnya mereka pun tiba di sebuah Mall Jakarta, tempat Letta selalu hangout dengan teman-temannya atau pun me time. Letta menunggu Dylan untuk parkir motornya didepan pintu masuk Mall yang ada didekat parkiran motor Basement.
Dylan menahan senyumnya saat sudah ada di hadapan Letta, “Kalo mau ketawa, ketawa aja.” Ucap Letta.
“Hahaha,” Dylan tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa “Katanya tau jalan kesini, tapi malah salah kasih arah.” Ucap Dylan.
“Ya maklum, otak aku limit kalo buat inget jalan.” Ucap Letta.
“Hahaha iya-iya, kita beli tiket nonton dulu kan?” Tanya Dylan.
“Iya, habis itu makan siang sekalian nunggu jam tayangnya.” Jawab Letta.
Mereka melangkah masuk ke dalam Mall dan menaiki lift disana, saat di dalam lift Dylan iseng bertanya ke Letta, “Ini— kamu inget jalan ke Bioskop?”
“INGET DYLAAAN!!!” teriak Letta, untungnya di dalam lift tersebut hanya mereka berdua saja.
Dylan pun tertawa, “Hahahahaha, ga heran kalo Jeff suka gangguin kamu, seru juga gangguin kamu.”
“Jangan nyebelin kayak Jeff!” Kesal Letta.
“Ga nyasar kan,” ucap Letta bangga saat mereka sampai didepan Bioskop.
“Yuk, keburu kehabisan tiket.” Kata Letta sambil menarik Dylan ke dalam Bioskop dan Dylan pun mengekori Letta.
Setelah mengantri cukup panjang, Letta dan Dylan melangkah menjauh dari loket, dengan wajah Letta yang murung.
“Udah jangan cemberut.” Kata Dylan berusaha menghibur Letta.
“Coba tadi ga nyasar dulu, pasti ga kehabisan tiket.” Kata Letta menyesal karena saat perjalanan kesini tadi, mereka sempat kesasar.
“Kalau besok gimana? Kamu bisa?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hmm ga tau. Besok rencana mau pergi sama Bunda sama Nando.” Jawab Letta lesu.
“Kalau besok bisa kabarin aku aja, kita langsung janjian disini, gimana?” Dylan berusaha memberikan saran, agar mood Letta kembali membaik.
“Liat besok ya.” Kata Letta dan dia berjalan pelan menjauhi Dylan.
Karena moodnya yang memburuk, dia hanya diam selama berjalan menelusuri lantai Mall. Dylan pun ikut terdiam juga, hanya mengikuti Letta dari belakang. Dia berpikir keras, bagaimana caranya mengembalikan mood Letta.
Kemudian Dylan pun teringat tempat makan yang disarankan oleh Jeff sebelum dia berangkat tadi. Dia pun menyusul Letta, menyamai langkahnya dengan Letta.
“Lett—“ Dylan memanggil Letta saat langkahnya sejajar dengannya.
“Hmm.” Letta hanya bergumam menjawab panggilan Dylan.
“Kamu ga laper?” tanya Dylan, Letta menggeleng menjawab pertanyaan Dylan.
“Yakin?” Tanya Dylan lagi.
“Yakin.” Jawab Letta, tapi ga berapa lama terdengar suara dari perut Letta.
Mereka pun berhenti melangkah, Letta menatap Dylan dengan cengiran. Mulut bisa berbohong, tapi perut tidak bisa berbohong.
“Hehe, kedengeran ya?” Tanya Letta malu.
Dylan tersenyum, “Makan yuk, aku juga laper,” ajak Dylan. “Sebelum jemput kamu tadi, Jeff kasih rekomen tempat makan.” Kata Dylan.
“Oiyah? Dimana?” Tanya Letta penasaran, karena kalau Jeff yang kasih saran pasti aneh-aneh.
“Kalau ga salah nama tempatnya Soto Gebrak.” Jawab Dylan dengan semangat.
“Ohh aku tau, itu tempat langganan aku sama yang lain. Ayokk!!” Kata Letta dengan semangat, kemudian merangkul lengan Dylan untuk segera menuju tempat Parkir Motor. Dylan pun tersenyum senang melihat mood Letta perlahan kembali membaik.
Soto Gebrak
Akhirnya mereka pun sampai ke tempat makan atas rekomendasi Jeff. Letaknya ga jauh dari Mall yang mereka datangi tadi, warung soto tersebut terletak disebuah ruko dipinggir jalan.
“Halo Bang!!” saat masuk ke tempat tersebut Letta menyapa penjual Soto yang sudah dikenal.
“Eh mbak Letta, apa kabare? Udah lama ga kesini.” Kata penjual Soto itu.
“Sibuk kuliah bang, maklum baru masuk, banyak tugas. Hehehehe, pesen dua kayak biasa ya bang.” Kata Letta sambil mengajak Dylan duduk, ga jauh dari gerobak soto yang terletak didepan.
“Tumben si Jeff nyaranin tempat yang bener.” Gumam Dylan, saat mereka sudah duduk dan menunggu hidangan soto disajikan.
“Emang selain kesini, dia nyaranin kemana?” Tanya Letta.
“Halfway.” Jawab Dylan singkat.
“Hahaha, emang kamu tau itu tempat apa?”
“Bar kan?”
“Hahaha, tau juga kamu?”
“Aku langsung searching di Internet, makanya tau.”
Letta tertawa hingga ingin menangis, melihat kepolosan Dylan.
“Kamu pernah kesana?” Tanya Dylan.
“Belom pernah, Leo sama Kak Sammy yang sering kesana,” Jawab Letta. “Pernah pengen ikut, tapi ga dikasih sama Leo, katanya bocah ingusan kayak lo ga usah coba-coba ke bar.” Lanjutnya sambil meniru gaya bicara Leo.
Dylan tersenyum mendengar jawaban Letta dan tiba-tiba terdengar suara gebrakan dari gerobak soto.
Dylan pun terlonjak kaget, “Astaga!!”
“Abangnya kenapa marah-marah?” Tanya Dylan.
“Ga marah-marah, emang gitu khasnya. Gebrakin botol kecapnya ke papan itu.” Jelas Letta sambil menahan tawanya melihat ekspresi Dylan.
“Ohh makanya namanya Soto Gebrak?!!”
BRAKK!! Bunyi botol yang dibanting terdengar lagi dan Dylan pun terlonjak kaget lagi.
“Hahahhaha.” Akhirnya Letta pun tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa.
“Nyesel aku bilang Jeff nyaranin tempat yang bener.” sesal Dylan.
Dylan terdiam melirik Letta yang masih menertawainya, “Kamu tau?”
“Ya tau lah, aku sering kesini sama Jeff, Leo, Kak Sammy. Hahahaha.” Letta tertawa lepas dan sudah melupakan acara nontonnya yang gagal.
Dylan merasa dibodohi oleh Letta dan Jeff, ingin rasanya marah, tapi ditepisnya amarah itu ketika melihat tawa Letta yang lepas.
“Sotonya enak kok, makanya aku sering kesini,” kata Letta setelah menormalkan nafasnya karena tertawa tadi. “Jeff ga salah rekomendasiin tempat ini.” Lanjutnya.
“Silahkan sotonya.” Akhirnya pesanan mereka jadi dan langsung diantar oleh Abang Sotonya.
“Pacarnya mbak?” Tanya Abang Soto penasaran setelah menaruh kedua mangkuk di meja tempat Letta dan Dylan.
“Temen bang, jangan ngadi-ngadi.” Jawab Letta.
Entah mengapa perasaan Dylan sedikit kecewa mendengar jawaban Letta barusan. Perasaannya seperti ingin dianggap lebih dari sekedar teman oleh Letta, “Mikir apa sih lo Lan!” Pikirnya.
“Kalian—“ Si Abang mengambil jeda, “Bakal jadi nih, tapi lamaaaa banget.” Lanjut Abangnya seperti bisa melihat masa depan mereka.
“Yaelah bang, jangan mulai,” kata Letta dengan wajah memelas, lalu sekilas melirik ke Dylan, “Tuh temen saya jadi diemkan.” Lanjutnya.
“Haha, mas—“
“Dylan.” Ucap Dylan pelan.
“Mas Dylan harus sabar sama mbak Letta,” kata si Abang.
“Sama ikhlas juga.” Lanjut abangnya, kemudian dia langsung berlalu, karena ada pengunjung yang datang.
Dylan tidak mengerti maksud perkataan abangnya barusan dan bertanya ke Letta, “Maksudnya?”
“Ga usah dipikirin, emang suka gitu abangnya,” jawab Letta.
“Di coba Sotonya, pasti ketagihan.” Kata Letta.
Dylan pun akan menyuap kuah soto tersebut, namun—
Lagi-lagi suara gebrakan botol kecap terdengar lagi, membuat Dylan terlonjak kaget dan kuah sotonya terciprat ke wajah Dylan.
“Hahahhahaha.” Letta tertawa melihat Dylan dan mengambil selembar tisu untuk mengelap wajah Dylan yang kecipratan kuah soto.
“Gimana, enak?” Letta tersenyum melihat ekspresi wajah Dylan.
“Belom sempet nyuap, udah dikagetin Lett.” Jawab Dylan dengan wajah cemberutnya dan Letta pun kembali tertawa.
Tak terasa waktu pun cepat berlalu, setelah makan siang di Soto Gebrak tadi, Letta mengajak Dylan untuk keliling Kota Jakarta hingga malam pun tiba.
Tepat pukul 8 malam, mereka sampai di depan rumah Letta.
“Makasi Dylan.” Ucap Letta setelah dia turun dari boncengan sambil memberikan helmnya ke Dylan.
“Harusnya aku yang makasih sama kamu, udah ngajak aku jalan-jalan,” kata Dylan sambil turun dari motornya dan bersandar di kursi motor. “Oh iya, jadi mau coba nonton besok?” Tanya Dylan.
Letta berpikir sejenak, “Hmm, kayaknya minggu depan aja deh,” jawab Letta. “Aku ga enak sama Bunda kalau besok qtime kita keganggu. Gapapa kan?” Lanjutnya.
“Gapapa, santai aja kok,” jawab Dylan. “Sebenernya kalau mau nonton film yang lain aku ga masalah juga sih.” Lanjutnya.
Tiba-tiba muncul ide dibenak Letta, “Ahh gimana kalau setiap ada film baru, kita nonton sambil hangout bareng?” Usul Letta.
“Kita berdua aja gitu?” Tanya Dylan.
Letta mengangguk, menjawab pertanyaan Dylan. Dalam hati, Dylan bersorak kegirangan, “Yes!!”
“Ok, mulai sekarang sampai seterusnya kita selalu nonton bareng kalau ada film baru yang menurut aku atau kamu yang recomended.” Dylan menyetujui usulan Letta.
“Ok janji ya.” Tanpa mereka sadari, mereka membuat janji, janji yang sangat sederhana, tapi disuatu hari nanti salah satu dari mereka akan mengingkari janji tersebut dan dapat melukai perasaan salah satu dari mereka juga.
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quadrantadvisor · 18 hours
Alright new Jason Todd headcanons in a dpxdc setting:
Danny is a "liminal" ghost, rather than a "half" ghost. He's alive and dead at the same time. (He's like Jesus Christ (in the church denomination I grew up in), fully ghost and fully human.) Danny, in human form, can go through a ghost shield, because he IS a living human.
Jason, however, is a reanimated corpse. He isn't a ghost, wouldn't have a ghost core, etc, he has a normal human system that runs ON ectoplasm. Jason CANNOT go through a ghost shield, because he is always an ectoplasmic entity. Danny can go through the Fenton Ghost Catcher and be split into a ghost and a human; if Jason went through the ghost catcher, he would straight up die.
(For my purposes I'm gonna say that Jason became an ectoplasmic entity upon his resurrection, but wasn't very stable. Dunking in the Lazarus pit stabilized his system but also poisoned his ectoplasm.)
I do think that Jason could learn certain ghost abilities if he learned to harness his ectoplasm, especially if they detoxed him off the Lazarus waters. He's probably already enhancing his stealth and strength in ways he hasn't really noticed. I think he's held back by the amount of physical matter he's lugging around, so maybe he couldn't fly, but I'm imagining temporary invisibility, or intagibility of like, a limb at a time. Maybe he can't walk through walls, but in a fight he can dodge by instinctively making the targeted part of his body intangible.
#i saw someone call jason a 'revenant' in a fanfic once and that is juicy as hell so I'm stealing that- that's what he is in this au#Jason's ectoplasm does react to other ectoplasmic entities so they can sense eachother#but for ghosts he's fucking weird because he doesn't have a core for them to resonate with or w/e#danny would probably think that he's another halfa/liminal at first but the more time they spend together the more that doesn't add up#so I know that I'm trying to give Jason ghost powers but honestly this whole thing is kind of a bum deal for him#he gets all of a ghost's weaknesses and barely any of the benefits#honestly I'm conceptualizing this as more of a disability than a superpower#discovering that youre less alive than you thought you were and you're technically just a walking talking corpse running on supernatural goo#is fucked up and creepy and upsetting!#and it's something that he would have to come to terms with before he could start exploring what new opportunities it might give him#and i think that's really interesting#it's part of why I love messing with Jason in dpxdc stories so much#danny is fully ghost and fully human and he never feels like he fits in anywhere already#Jason is not quite human and not quite ghost so you can imagine how that would go for him#anyways i think they should be best friends and visit frostbite in the realms to make sure jason is healthy and also they should maybe kiss#and listen to the black parade together and talk about dying and stuff#danny fenton#jason todd#dp x dc#dpxdc#danny phantom#dc#batfam#my rambles
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completeoveranalysis · 2 months
Did you know that there are two alternate deleted endings to the Celes/Seresu arc? Fai gets killed at the end of the arc in the first one and the 2nd one, he is left forever waiting for Kurogane to come back to save him from the magical bubble that he was trapped in as the world was closing. Kurogane tries his whole life to find a way to save him but doesn't succeed. (Clamp mentioned it on Twitter and an old interview.)
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That's the exact kind of heart wrenching tragedy I would expect from the older Clamp narratives! The drama of it all!
I for one am very glad they considered those endings but ultimately broke their own pattern and went with a narrative that is all the stronger for it. They've done tragedy enough that breaking the trend is even more impactful, especially in a story like this, and how it adds to the overall theme they've built so far.
But VERY delicious to consider all the same.
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tanblaque · 2 months
Looking at my inbox and ya'll popping off with your OFF Valley headcanons and thoughts and I'm over here unable to do anything so I just sit excitedly and hyped like
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dmvjinx · 5 months
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Glasses or no glasses 🩷
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