#just not in the manga
lunerium · 1 month
Sebastian and Ciel kissing (or almost kissing!) in canon content.
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of discourse because some people say that Sebastian and Ciel have nothing going on in canon, and that the homoerotic subtext is just a thing the shippers are “making up”.
So I decided to compile all the moments where they have kissed in canon, or in official adaptations.
Sebastian showing his devotion by kissing Ciel’s hand, in Book of Atlantic.
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Not gay enough? What about that kiss that got interrupted by the fireworks in season 1 episode 9? The same episode where it’s hinted at that Ciel is the person Sebastian cared most about in the world, and vice versa.
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Not enough? What about this interrupted kiss they had in Season 2 episode 6. Sure he was going to taste Ciel’s soul with his lips.
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Huh, it’s not enough yet. What about a waltz that turned into a kiss, in this season 2 official art?
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What about the time Sebastian kissed Ciel’s head through a towel, in the ending of Book of Circus?
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But since it’s still not convincing enough, what about the time they actually kissed on the lips, in the live action movie?
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Now they only need to kiss in the upcoming Brighton arc, but it’s clear that this ship has more than sailed.
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suiheisen · 2 months
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those!!! are!!! his!!!! tits!!! be gentle 👉👈
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churroach · 15 days
Full of Desires
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baristabomb · 8 days
...weird amount of dunmeshi fans have been saying being a caretaker in a relationship is the worst thing ever..marcille must want to killl everyone soo bad because doing things for people suuuucks sooo muchh
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it's an act of love, not just a job i promise. we all want someone who's willing to take care of us in some way, just like how senshi shows care for others by cooking for them :'|
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juiche · 5 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
get your own print here ❤️
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tisorridalamor · 7 months
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Legendary mangaka Arakawa Hiromu is forklift certified!
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seagiri · 2 months
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they turned mickbell into a girl in the latin spanish dub so... congrats mickbell???
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gentleralts · 2 months
i'm a genius
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and if anybody else out there with access to a button press wants to make these pins for themselves i've included a sheet to print out under the readmore
as long as you're printing this in portrait orientation without margins on a 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper, this should print out in the correct sizes for 25mm buttons and 37mm buttons respectively
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apologies if tumblr shrinking the image size makes the image quality not so great if you print this out as it is, i'd suggest putting it through a threshold filter so it just uses black ink
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amygdalae · 2 months
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ily kabru you catty bitcchh
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batneko · 1 month
okay okay okay one more dungeon meshi thought
I keep seeing people saying Falin is "better at social cues" than Laios. Y'all she's just quiet. 😭 She just keeps her mouth shut. 😭😭 Girl was proposed to, said "let me think about it," and then did not even tell her own brother. She doesn't know what's going on either she's just quieter about it!!! 😭😭😭
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thechekhov · 9 months
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Harrow's necromantic power includes the ability to create underlighting whenever it's necessary.
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iztea · 3 months
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awkward helicopter ride back home
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suiheisen · 2 months
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i'm picking him up like he's loot dropped on the dungeon floor for being too annoying and putting him in my pocket
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abisalli · 1 month
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close one Marcille
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gojosbf · 6 months
"Give me back my boyfriend"
"I don't know what you're talking about"
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i love the extras of dungeon meshi in how it fleshes out the world because they make it so much more evident how race affects every part of the story while avoiding the zootopia racism problem. like obv a main theme of the story is like, humanity and desire, 'to eat is to live', etc, but since the majority of it takes place in the dungeon isolated from society and thru the lens of laios, the racial aspects play out more like shadows on a wall for most of the story.
then in the extras we get comics like this
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which at a glance fleshes out the racial aspects via a character explaining the racial rules of universe - humans have x amount of bones, while orcs and kobolds have more. however, if u take it less straightforwardly, it points out how the concept of 'human' is a constructed concept in the world. the fact that there are different categories of human in different parts of the world based off of what types of humanoids occur there is already a demonstration of this. in response, the bones explanation seems to kabru and the characters as an objective way of measuring humans vs nonhumans.
but obv, when the culture was deciding what humanoids were humans and nonhumans, they weren't blindly analyzing skeletons and then deciding. just visually, one can glean that orcs and kobolds look less like the ingroup of tallmen, elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc. the bones explanation appears as a justification for that immediate prejudice under a scientific guise - I'm sure that one could come up with the same number of physical differences between a gnome and an elf that they would find between a tallman and an orc. it sounds a lot better to say 'well, an orc has 230 bones while a human has 206' then 'well, an orc looks ewwww yucky yucky to me while a human looks normal'.
and what i like abt the comic is that the characters take the explanation at face value for the most part. when a contradiction is brought up in the oni, kabru can neatly slot them into the predetermined number of bones framework. bc that's kinda how it works irl - there r cultural prejudices that we can posthumously justify, and if we find something outside of it, we can twist it to fit into our predetermined binary. however, since the reader does not live in a world where there are orcs and kobolds to be prejudiced against, we can see that flaw in the cultural logic. when the party encounters the orcs, the number of bones has no bearing on their humanity. They r shown to be cliquish and distrusting of outsiders, but not any more than the elves are later in the story.
tldr dungeon meshi worldbuilding is so good
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