#at this point all we need is a kiss in the manga or anime
lunerium · 1 month
Sebastian and Ciel kissing (or almost kissing!) in canon content.
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of discourse because some people say that Sebastian and Ciel have nothing going on in canon, and that the homoerotic subtext is just a thing the shippers are “making up”.
So I decided to compile all the moments where they have kissed in canon, or in official adaptations.
Sebastian showing his devotion by kissing Ciel’s hand, in Book of Atlantic.
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Not gay enough? What about that kiss that got interrupted by the fireworks in season 1 episode 9? The same episode where it’s hinted at that Ciel is the person Sebastian cared most about in the world, and vice versa.
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Not enough? What about this interrupted kiss they had in Season 2 episode 6. Sure he was going to taste Ciel’s soul with his lips.
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Huh, it’s not enough yet. What about a waltz that turned into a kiss, in this season 2 official art?
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What about the time Sebastian kissed Ciel’s head through a towel, in the ending of Book of Circus?
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But since it’s still not convincing enough, what about the time they actually kissed on the lips, in the live action movie?
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Now they only need to kiss in the upcoming Brighton arc, but it’s clear that this ship has more than sailed.
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jjkamochoso · 3 months
How JJK Characters React to You Describing Them as Your Type When Todo Asks
Warnings: none
A/N: pretend you’re in a huge group with all of the students present when this question was asked :) also, I went with the anime adaptation of the characters rather than the manga, just fyi!
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
“Yeah y/n, we wanna know!” Yuji said, excitedly. You figured there was no harm in sharing, Todo and the group were just looking for fun to distract them for a little bit.
“Okay, well I like guys that are average height, not too tall or short. Super strong, of course, with a cute, goofy smile. Oh, and colored hair is always fun too!”
“Oh man, he sounds so cool! If I find any guys that look like that, don’t worry, I’ll send them your way!” Shaking your head and laughing, you got into a conversation with Megumi while Nobara yanked Yuji out of your earshot.
“Yuji! Don’t you realize what y/n said?!”
He rested his chin in his fingers, deep in thought for a few moments before he answered.
“No? Should I have?”
Nobara didn’t hesitate to whack him on the top of the head.
“They literally described you, idiot! Don’t you own a mirror?!” Yuji’s mouth opened in a big smile. This was great news since he had a big crush on you!
“Y/n! I have to talk to you!”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to join Todo’s antics but you had no choice.
“You don’t have to answer him. It’s a stupid question anyway.”
Megumi’s voice came unexpectedly from behind you. You smiled inwardly at his protectiveness.
“I appreciate that Fushiguro, but I might as well. Let’s see. I like moody boys on the lankier side with dark black hair and dark blue eyes. He has to love animals too.”
You looked at Megumi to see if it registered that you were talking about him. All of a sudden, he sported a deep blush and excused himself from the group. Todo gave you a hearty smack on the back for your response.
“I’m proud of you for baring your soul like that to the one you love,” he said, tears rolling down his face. “Y/n, go get your man!”
You turned to look at your friends who all just shrugged their shoulders. Looks like you’re off to find Megumi then!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You had no hesitation answering this question, you loved to talk about things like this, gossip and crushes and the sort. Besides, it was time Nobara knew how you felt!
“I thought you’d never ask! I really like short girls with short hair. If it’s a vibrant color, that’s a plus. Spunky personalities are the best and I need someone who’ll keep up with me when I go shopping.”
Looking over at Nobara, you saw her jaw drop and you knew she understood what you were getting at.
“Y/n! You liked me and you never told me?! This whole time?!” she shouted, running towards you. You didn’t know whether she was going to hit or kiss you so you took off running as well. Gotta love the feisty girls!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
“This stupid question again?” grumbled Maki. You were a bit nervous to reply to Todo. You had a huge crush on Maki but she was, well, intimidating, to say the least. To be fair, so was Todo, and you heard what happened to Fushiguro so you went with the safest bet.
“I like girls who are on the taller side and insanely strong. Light eyes, dark hair. Straight to the point, always. And uh… glasses.”
Maki hadn’t moved a muscle and you cringed, fearing the worst. Best case scenario, she would ignore you ever said that. Worst case, she’d beat you up. When she came over and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, you gulped.
“Y/n. We’re talking about this somewhere else.”
(Spoiler alert: when you were somewhere else, you kissed🤭)
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Todo was on your last nerve. Sure, he seemed nice enough, but why should you be expected to tell everyone your personal business like this? In front of both schools’ students, no less! When you were filled in on what happens when you don’t answer truthfully, you resigned to the fact that you were exposing your true feelings to everyone today, whether you liked it or not.
“I like shorter men, preferably with medium length blonde hair, and bright purple eyes. He doesn’t talk much but more than makes up for it with his top tier sense of humor.” You noticed that Inumaki never broke his gaze from you as you spoke. You shuffled over to where he was sitting to explain yourself, but this time it was you who couldn’t find the right words.
“Mustard leaf?” Inumaki broke the silence first, basically asking you what was wrong since you marched over there and hadn’t said a thing.
“Look, Toge, I’m sorry if I—”
He tugged on your sleeve, stopping you. In his hands was a note that read, “I like you too” with a little smiley face at the end.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You weren’t sure how to answer Todo. On one hand, you didn’t want to expose your crush on Yuta. On the other, would be it so bad for the truth to be out there? He was a kind person that wouldn’t drop your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way.
“I really like average height guys with longer dark hair and big, dark blue eyes. Personality wise he has to be extremely loyal and caring. Oh, and good with a sword.”
“Sooo… Yuta?” questioned Panda, and you nodded in agreement, your face warming with a blush.
“Wait, me? Really?” Yuta’s eyes lit up as he broke out into a hopeful smile. You nodded again.
“Oh man, that’s great!” he exclaimed, and then sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve liked you for awhile too and I just thought maybe you didn’t feel the same but you do! Which is amazing!” You laughed softly at his rambling. This school year just got a whole lot better!
“Y/L/N sensei! What kind of man is your type?”
“Todo, isn’t that wildly inappropriate to ask your superior?” you answered, a joking tone present.
“Maybe, but we’re curious! Please, sensei?”
“Yeah, sensei! It’s just for fun” Yuji chimed in.
“And it’s a team building exercise to know something so personal! You’re always saying we need to communicate better,” added Nobara. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“I meant that to be an exercise among you children, not me. But I will entertain this for only a moment, so listen carefully,” you told the group and they cheered like their favorite baseball player hit a home run. As you were about to spill your secret, you spotted Satoru leaning against a wall, clearly interested in the secret you were about to spill.
“I like super tall men who are lean but extremely strong. He has to be very funny and goofy but with a kind heart. White hair and striking blue eyes are also a must.”
Maki’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she exclaimed, “You like that blindfolded idiot?!”
As the kids clamored at the newfound information, Gojo took that time to approach you and the students.
“Excuse me everyone, but me and my new lover must depart,” he announced, taking your hand dramatically while leading you away to laugh at what just happened.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You groaned. You really didn’t want Noritoshi to know about your infatuation with him. It was no secret that he had more important things to deal with than schoolyard crushes so you were afraid to confess in case it made him uncomfortable—or worse, dislike you!
“You don’t have to answer the immature question, y/n,” Noritoshi spoke up when he noticed your discomfort. You were grateful for him but you wanted to keep the peace among your classmates and judging by the death glare Todo sent to you two, you’d better start talking.
“Thank you Kamo, but I value harmony among friends so I will answer this for Todo’s amusement only. I like tall men with a bit longer dark hair and gray eyes. Having an honorable character and being good with a bow is the way to my heart.” You felt Noritoshi tense up next to you and you refused to look at him out of fear of rejection. He took you by surprise when he leaned over ever so slightly to whisper to you.
“I was caught off guard by your confession but I can’t say I don’t feel the same. Can we discuss this later?”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Your eyes went wide when Todo’s booming voice reached your ears. You were super into him but no one knew. You knew you couldn’t fool him with a fake answer, though, and if you were going to feel his hand for the first time, you’d rather it be from holding it with your own than having it curled in a fist and connecting with your face.
“Um… I like men that are extremely tall and buff. Dark hair, tan skin. And passionate, of course.”
“Hm! That’s a great answer! He sounds hot,” replied Todo, smirking, “but unfortunately for that perfect fake man, I’m taking you on a date first because you’re my type!”
You definitely weren’t expecting this!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You rolled your eyes. This big oaf is going to jeopardize your friendship for sure. You really liked Mai but you figured she wasn’t into dating and all the lovey dovey stuff.
“Do I have to answer?” you asked, praying Todo had a change of heart.
“No, y/n, we all wanna know. What’s your type?” Mai chimed in, a sly grin on her face. You gulped.
“I… like women that have short, dark hair and dark eyes. If she’s taller than average that’s cool, and I love a snarky personality.”
“No way!” exclaimed Momo when she realized who you were talking about. You refused to look anyone in the eyes out of embarrassment and fear. What you weren’t expecting was Mai grabbing your hand and leading you somewhere else. Hopefully it was to talk and not get beat up!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You huffed in annoyance. There were always some sort of antics with this guy! You had liked Momo for awhile now but she was like an enigma to you. You could never get a good read on her so maybe telling her how you felt outright would be a good thing?
“I really like girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, and short, too. Having a cute personality is a plus as well,” you answered, hoping that was straightforward enough.
“Wait a minute, that sounds exactly like me!” Momo exclaimed, blushing slightly. You sheepishly nodded your head.
“Because it is. I have a crush you.”
The whole group erupted in a chorus of “aww’s” and “how adorable.” You were nervous that you had accidentally made her uncomfortable but your fears disappeared as she came over to sit next to you. When the students were distracted by another topic, you felt Momo’s hand rest over so slightly on top your own and you knew you made the right decision to confess.
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
Before you spoke, you met eyes with Miwa. It almost seemed as if she was anxious to hear what you had to say!
“Girls with dark blue eyes and are average height are my type. I also really like girls with kind hearts and are down to earth. Blue hair isn’t too bad, either,” you finished, smiling nervously. Both of you were blushing messes while Mai scoffed “Get a room!” Your classmates were just happy that the secret was out in the open—they were tired of you two dancing around your feelings for each other!
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
—HAIKYU!! various ; how deep is your love?
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a/n ; [gn!reader] kinda fem implied in kawa's and kuroo's 😓 do yall like the new layout?? c: suggestive if you squint extremely hard in kuroo's .. i honestly dont know if im writing this timeskip or pre timeskip its 3am 😣
— characters : oikawa, osamu, tsukishima, hinata, sakusa, kuroo
part 2 ! ♡ akaashi, kenma, kita, semi, kageyama, suna
jade vine !
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tooru oikawa ; SWEET / I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE - tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, fana huez
has 'i love you' wars and he MUST win or he will tackle you (affectionate)
takes the BEST candid photos of you and puts so much love into the following insta post. has you as his wallpaper too (please match with him) (he'd also have a highlight just w pics of you😞)
please NEVER do that 'wipe their kiss off' trend because he will actually not talk to you for DAYS and gets all sulky until you apologize. (he will get all cocky all over again)
core memory from his teamates. bae was explaining to his teamates about new volley nerd talk blablabla and they notice his nails painted in a faint pink (for a fun date night, thinking no one will notice)
issei BURSTS out laughing and instantly points it out. now seijoh4 NEVER lets him live it down
always the first person to notice when you use a new shampoo or perfume.
cuddling, (you being the little spoon╰(*´︶`*)╯♡) you can feel his breath hitch when his lips reach your neck
before you could ask why he's stopped inching closer he's already manages to whisper out, "did you start using a new shampoo?" yes. yes you have
do his skincare with him please ! he loves it. he loves when he places you on the bathroom counter and you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves when you're so gentle with the toner, he loves when you graze your delicate fingers over his beautiful long lashes, he loves when you make sure you don't cut him when snipping the face mask so it fits a little more snug, EVERYTHING. (he is sunoo coded)
osamu miya ; good looking - suki waterhouse
loves your tummy SO much. doesn't care about shape or form, he just likes the feeling that you're being fed. squish. or pat. he loves it. have i mentioned he loves your tummy?
when his dad leave the twins at home its always osamu at the stove, please keep atsumu in a 5 mile radius AWAY from the kitchen
SPOON FEEDS YOU. please i need him. on days you're too tired to move a muscle, days where you're too sick to open your eyes, be prepared to feel his hand on the back of your head and one below your chin ready to feed you!! once you've sat yourself up he feeds you so gently... osamu miya i need you
when you're really tired from work, he will send meals to your workplace. if you work at home and sees you barely able to keep an eye open, you will see his hand under a spoon of your favourite meal. he's not the best with it, but he's trying 🥹 he means it with all his heart and hearing you say the food is really warm in your stomach, his heart feels warm too (о´∀`о)
my mans is SNATCHED. slide your hands around his waist, poke it a little do WHATEVER. your hands have probably been on his waist more than his hands on yours.
i think his core is pretty well built. have we seen it in the anime or manga? maybe. but from what i've seen, his physique is very 😳 (a tad bit better than his brother's i fear)
cooking together!!! different recipes each date, basking in each other's presence. its always so fun and the results are always almost flawless!
at one-point y'all were making cupcakes, it was literally osamu baking them and you decorated it.
AND OBVIOUSLY the basic, he would routinely give you handmade onigiri, in different shapes, flavours and whatever you like ✨
kei tsukishima ; the only exception - paramore
kinda scowls at you when you put your hands under his shirt but secretly really loves it so when you slither your hands away he instantly places your hands back and make sure your hands STAY there. bonus points if you have warm body temperature. he likes the feeling of your warm hands on his slightly colder body.
his wardrobe has drastically evolved from muted tones to slightly lighter and vibrant clothing ever since you insisted on getting matching stuff!!
WILL say he is not a jewellery person but collects, keeps and takes care of all the little trinkets you give him DAILY. he has a little sticker on the edge of one of his books and a little moon sticker on the end piece of his sports glasses
he also defineitely has really thick curly blond lashes. you say they are one of his charming points but he gets all flustered. when you insist to put clear mascara on them, he doesn't really look like he has a problem with it 🥹
what could his ahh possibly be listening to with those headphones on so often (real)
sends you playlists at an insane hour that go for insane amounts of time. but i KNOW his taste is immaculate. every song always gives you goosebumps or makes your heart tighten
please do a spotify blend with him (he was gonna ask you, but you beat him to it)(he was shy)
oh AND the shared playlists actually are insane!! so much good music all at once?? crazy yall 😭😭 (wave to earth, cody fry, the smiths, daniel caesar, rex orange county)
shoyo hinata ; intro (end of the world) - ariana grande
honestly, out of all these men HINATA SHOYO is the BEST candidate for taking care of a person except himself. has no limits in his stamina, and will only listen to you when you ask him maybe its time for a break. does he overwork? not necessarily. does he work too hard? yes, in a positive way. please remind him to eat because he will forget sometimes
he will NEVER admit he likes being the little spoon LMAO he finds being vunerable in your arms a tad bit silly, and it bugs him. after a long week of practice games and insisting kageyama and yachi to practice with him the instant he falls on the bed, he finds himself melting into your touch. your voice gets a little more buttery and he loves it, falling asleep instantly
hes probably a hard sleeper too 😭 he wont wake up till he feels your cold hands on his face or the sunbeams from the curtain literally bleed into the sheets and steal its colour
PLEASE STROKE HIS HAIR. he loves it. he absolutely loves it. again, melts into your touch like ice-cream. his heart will feel tight and he has a lil' blush 🥹 whats even more priceless is his lips slightly agape after hes fallen asleep... how can you NOT love this man
one of the only boys on this list who will LET you put little pink bows or style his hair in braids and clips. (if you're imagining timeskip hinata, you have attempted to put a little bow around his bicep but you underestimated its size and it BROKE. gosh what an experience)
DANCES WITH YOU EVERYWHERE!!! omg i love him so much. doesn't care if you have two left feet, he just loves the feeling in his heart when he sees your smile as he spins you around. in the rain, in big empty rooms, in the kitchen, anywhere.
loves the idea of promise rings or little trinkets that ensure he gets to have you forever!!
kiyoomi sakusa ; washing machine - VANISHING GIRL, rosemary fairweather
PLEASE braid this man's hair. 😞 he pretends to despise it and thinks you don't notice when he literally melts under your touch. he feels safe 'nd comfy and hopes it lasts forever, when your hand retracts he has a lil' pout
notices when you've been wearing your favourite hood for a couple days straight, has a little scowl under his mask and throws one of his jackets at you. he only gives you the wind-breakers that are 100% cotton or the ones he just knows you like.
he uses this as an excuse to share his clothes with you. its safe to assume its his love language under-cover!
HE IS SO ASS WITH PDA all you get is him giving you hand sanitizer before eating meals or snacks. its only you though, don't tell him that.
BUT sometimes when he feels like it, he will take your hand and put it HIS pocket so "your hands are always sheltered from germs" now what type of bs is THAT. (you love this bs)
can be snarky. sometimes he gets the slightest eenie meenie miniest bit cocky, and its very noticable. has the ability to be a little bit of a tease but not in a pestering way more like a little smartass way LMAO.
tetsuro kuroo ; never lose me - flo milli
always has his hand in the back pocket of your pants. that was it. thank you for coming to my ted talk. (to feel your butt? no idea.)
tutor sessions always unbearable. either you're too busy staring at his biceps, or you're sighing that he's made a little pop quiz for you!! tell him it sucks please
if he notices it gets a bit too much or overwhelming for you over the week or before study dates, insists to take you out instead (what a gentleman!! kuroo tetsuro come into my life)
extremely consistent with routine. good morning and good night text DAILY no matter how busy he is, he WILL find a way (i like to think its his way or the high way #kingofprovocation /hj). very good at getting the things he wants in a non-manipulative way but with simply logic and brains
yeah as captain hes no. #1 but he is also no. #1 waist CLUTCHER. his hands are always on you somehow even in the slightest way, but never pervy. he just likes having his hands on you! bonus points if you have hip dips, he loves it so much. he finds it as a perfect spot to place his hands on (btw ppl w hipdips yall are BEAUTIFUL!! 🥹)
i feel as he has a possessive side as well. small, but more noticable compared to someone else. will not hesitate to stare someone (or recite chemistry nerd stuff 🙁) down for looking at you a little too long :3
when he sees you post or sees himself in your instagram or tiktok dumps, his heart tightens a bit in the best way possible. when you mention him in the post he only reacts with a heart but he's actually going insane
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xsleepinggoodx · 26 days
I saw you did an ideal type of girl for Mikey. Can I have the same requests for Baji and Shinichiro, please? 🥺🫶
Dark-haired guys got me on a chokehold it is not funny anymore 🥲
That’s so real, literally any Tokyo revengers character solos every anime boy there is like I’m not even joking😭( the whole Sano family got me kicking my feet like even the grandfather. I saw a fanart on when was young and I was dang😍)
But here you go love!
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- everyone and their mother knows that poor Shinichiro was rejected 20 times. But they say the one finds you when you stop looking for them, and that’s what happened to Shinichiro when he found you. He gave up at that point, firmly believing that no one would love him and he’d die single. That is until a certain, girly walked in his bike shop, asking for a decent, good bike that’s fast. His heart beat up at the sight of you, you just looked so alluring and attractive. He was in a love daze as you were talking, explaining what bike you wanted.
- I think Shinichiro needs someone who is sweet and kind, and able to understand easily. As we see in the manga, he loses his patience and can be harsh when he’s in anger. He needs someone who is compassionate and willing to take any heat from him.
- of course he will try his hardest not to lash out on you when he’s angry. He’d be so sweet to you and lash out on someone else. But even that’s no good to you, like Mikey, he needs a moral compass. Someone who will teach him right from wrong.
- it’s very hard to grow up without a father figure and having to take the lead of raising 2 kids along with another raging teen, Shinichiro is an overwhelmingly stressed and needs your tender love to soothe him, you alone soothes him. The very thought of you staying by his side is comforting him in ways you don’t even know.
- He has the big brother personality engraved in him so he’s very protective of you. Headcanons include him always having his hand on you lower back, or him holding your hand, walks behind you all the time, shielding his arm around your shoulder. When you’re sitting down on a bench, he has his arm around the bench behind you with his legs crossed talking to you so close. (When men do this I always get butterflies😛)
- As in looks, he doesn’t really care what you look like either, though I imagine him as someone who prefers a girl with long hair like Kuroo does😭 he thinks long hair girls look like princesses. If you had bangs too, he’d be all over you. Kissing you as much as you let him.
-he has been through so much, just make sure to stay by his side and you’ll be his number one. He’s planning to marry you when he has everything figured out <3
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- Baji was voted number 1 in best lover of Tr♥️ you already know 😍😍
- Baji is fierce, hot headed and outspoken. He appears to have a strong, intimidating demeanor but under all of that, he’s respectful and loving. He treats you so well and so nicely it keeps you up at night smiling.
- he needs someone who’s a almost the opposite of him. He was always smitten by the nice, soft girls when he grew up so he needs someone who is loving and loyal. Who stays by his side even when you don’t understand his reasonings. Someone who would do crazy stuff with him like burn abandoned cars. Someone who isn’t a kill joy with these things.
- he’d adore you if you found simple things like going to a gas station late at night more just riding his bike together with you at night exciting. His eyes would be glued to your face the whole night. Noting what excites you and what makes you happy so he could do it more often. He loves seeing you happy and enjoying every moment.
- Shares everything with you. He might’ve been an only child, but his mom taught him good things that make him a gentleman. He would share his food, earphone, anything you ask.
- he needs someone who is selfless. Someone who puts others feeling before theirs.
- for looks, he doesn’t care, as long as you’re healthy, he’s satisfied💕
Ty again so much for requesting <3
Please request more of these! I find them fun!
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purposeless-goner · 1 month
I've seen a lot of people trying to get into the BSD light Novels and quite frankly you can read them in order but I do have a recommendation about the order I think makes more sense chronologically regarding the story.
1. LN 3. The Untold Origins of the Armed Detective Agency.
2. LN 1. Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam.
These two take place prior to the beginning of the main timeline and are actually a great way of understanding Ranpo and the partnership between Dazai and Kunikida (also recommend LN 1 to anime only watchers because they mixed the first chapters of the manga with Dazai's entrance exam which takes place 2 years prior to the manga and they royally screwed up on Kunikida's characterisation by doing that)
3. LN 7. Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen
(the manga was good but I feel like you might understand Dazai and Chūya's dynamic and the difference of their relationship to both Mori and the Mafia once you read this)
4. LN 8. Stormbringer
(you might actually understand Chūya as a character after you read this one, dives a bit deeper into his relationship with Dazai, explains who Verlaine actually is and talks about stuff that's mentioned afterwards in the manga, like singularities)
5. LN 9. The Day I Picked up Dazai side A
(this happens at some point between LN 7 and LN 2, and helps you understand Dazai and Oda's relationship prior to reading LN 2, how Oda ended up in the Mafia and also a bit more dive into Dazai's character)
6. LN 2. Osamu Dazai and The Dark Era
(better than shown in the anime, allows you to see how Oda sees Dazai since it's written from his pov, a good dive into Dazai's character while in the mafia and why he actually left )
Once you finish The Guild arc
7. LN 4. 55 Minutes
8. LN 5. Dead Apple
(so, the first one is a bit crazy but actually dives a lot into Atsushi's character, explains weird phenomena in BSD regarding singularities and how Dazai isn't affected by certain abilities even without touch, how Yosano can actually use her ability on Dazai and I find it quite interesting, HG Wells is an interesting character as well)
(Dead Apple is entertaining and dives once again into characters and their abilities but also explains weird singularities again, also the bond between Dazai and Chūya, it also gets a bit weird towards the end in regards to things happening that might be hard to understand but the rest is easier to understand than in the movie adaptation)
9. LN 9. The Day I Picked up Dazai side B
(it's set in the alternate universe of LN 6. Beast and a great point to understand Dazai's actions and motivations in said light novel)
10. LN 6. Beast
(it should come with a warning that it's going to ruin your mental health for a while, an alternate universe of BSD, brings in the Book so you might one to read this during/after the cannibalism arc because it kind of explains a bit what the book does or how it kind of works, definitely needs a bit more explaining but it is good info before starting with the vampirism arc and all that stuff, the book is important and there's talk about singularities again. It's also cool to see how the same characters adapt to a different lifestyle, Akutagawa in the ADA, Atsushi in the PM, kyouka in the PM but with Atsushi, Dazai if he stayed in the PM, the ending will fully rip your heart out if the rest of the novel hasn't done it before that and I really recommend the manga adaptation of it because the art style is *chef's kiss* and heart wrenching)
Done with my rant now, you can still read them in their publishing order this is just my recommendation. Also, LN 9 is not out on paper yet and I think we only have fan translations online but it is definitely worth it, @popopretty has a really good translation of it.
And LN 7 is getting a manga adaptation which is also looking really good so you can check it out.
LN 5 has a manga adaptation as well as being a film and this one is not written by Asagiri but is still canon so you have that.
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Look I know that this has been pointed out before but I just love and absolutely want to kiss and hold and hug all the versions of Guzma. Like they are all so different and wild and I love them for that.
Like on one spectrum we get Anime Guzma:
•A bit intimidating
•Not enough screen time (please I need more)
•Hot and Sassy
•Takes crap from no one
•Will verbally bully you
•But kinda a softy
•Cares for his team
•Much Love Much tough
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Then we have Game Guzma:
•The first Boi
•Big Man
•Boss man who will beat you down
•The OG
•Swagger even more
•Beatboxing intensifies
•Is everywhere
•Is everywhere just to fight you
•But does see his errors
•Will try to do better
•Wanna hug him
•Absolutely hug him
•He needs it
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And then we have Manga Guzma:
•Bro chill please
•I love you but please
•If you FUCK up you gotta hide bro
•Mans like: Not only will I beat your ass till next week but I will eat GLASS because of this. Do you want me to eat glass?!?! Because I will eat glass and it be your fault.
•Baby please its gonna be okay
•Go easy
•Tough man takes no shit from no one
•probably the closest to being Gangsta then all the others
•And yes I do love him for it
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Anyways did I tell you I love them. Because I love Guzma!
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buccini555 · 4 months
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≡ Mini one shot's with the reader with the personality of Kanade Yoisaki (Music composer, rarely leaves the house, busy to the point of forgetting to take care of herself, likes manga, lives on cup noodles ramen and canned foods!)
⌕ Kanade Yoisaki Wiki
♡ fem! reader
𖥻 𝑭𝒕. Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya, Baji Keisuke, Chifuyu Matsuno, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Hakkai Shiba, Yuzuha Shiba & Mitsuya Takashi
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
"Silly." Manjiro approaches, watching you hunched over the table in front of your computer with some cup noodles next to you, tired after some hours, you ended up sleeping there, but as soon as you noticed Mikey's presence in your dorm, you woke up in the same instant.
"I was sleeping and I didn't even see you there..." Getting up and stretching, you looked away from the man who had brought you some canned food. "Hmm?" Smiling at the boy, you immediately perked up when you saw him.
"I came here to bring you this, I know that sometimes you spend so much time busy that you forget to eat, so... I brought food to you." Returning the smile, he spoke as he sat down next to you, so you couldn't help but eat what he had brought you. "Thank you, Manjiro! You're so sweet." You answered. "Hey!" He exclaimed at once. "Aren't you going to share the snacks with me?" Mikey said right after with a sullen expression. "Sure, I will!" Laughing, you offered him a spoonful of your food, making him smile again instantly.
Finally, taking advantage of the fact that you were eating together, you watched movies all night until Manjiro ended up falling asleep in the middle of a movie.
𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚
Kazutora is definitely the type of boy who pretends he doesn't care much but always ends up being protective.
"You're still awake at this hour, have you eaten anything today, at least had water? Or slept well last night?" Approaching and laying on your lap while you read a manga, he questioned looking directly at you trying to get your attention. "Yes, Tora, I already ate and drank water." You replied, setting your reading aside for a moment. "And sleep? You spent the night waking up watching anime, didn't you?" The boy questioned again soon after. "Ah! You do that too!" Looking away, you responded immediately.
Getting up from your lap and sitting in front of you, Kazutora gently cupped your face with the intention of making you look at him. "You need to take better care of yourself." He spoke seriously, making you give a subtle smile when you saw him worried.
"Hey! I'm serious, are we clear? Or would you prefer me to stay here and watch over you?" The boy's face became slightly flushed when he noticed his smile, even though he tried to maintain his serious tone, he just looked like a scared kitten. "It's okay, Kazutora, I can take care of myself." You responded, bringing your hand up to Kazutora's face and stroking his hair gently.
"But either way, I'd rather stay here to take care of you." Before giving you a small kiss on the forehead, he whispered, then pulled you into a long, tight hug.
𝐁𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
You rarely leave your house, but that day Keisuke had invited you to go to his house to read some manga and share some cup noddles.
"The cheddar one is better!" So you started an argument with Baji, who immediately retorted your speech. "Cheddar? Get out my house! The seafood favor one is much better." You spent a long time arguing about your favorite flavors of noodles, but you ended up getting tired and admitting your defeat, thus leaving Keisuke to think he had won the competition.
"It doesn't matter what flavor it is, how about we share one more?" He questioned as he chose another manga from his shelf. "I think it's a good idea." Returning attention to your reading, you replied, waiting for Baji to return from the kitchen, you took Keisuke's headphones and started listening to some of his songs on a random playlist.
"What are you doing?" He questioned as he entered the room with a bowl of noodles, you looked at him surprised that his taste in music was so good. "Baji! I loved the songs in your playlist!" You exclaimed, taking one side of the phone, Keisuke looked at you and shook his head with a smile. "We can listen to music together while we eat and try to read our manga." Again, Baji sat beside him and said. "Really? That's a great idea, I loved your playlist so much." You responded showing enthusiasm.
So, you ended up sharing noodles while listening to some of Baji's playlists, who was trying to concentrate on reading a manga about gangs while you read one about music.
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨
Knowing about your preference to stay at home, Chifuyu ends up coming to visit you every day, he was definitely worried about the fact that you often keep yourself so busy that you forget to take care of yourself.
"Chifuyu? Ah! You're finally here, I've been missing you." As soon as he knocked on your door, you immediately went to greet him with a hug. "I missed you too! Wait... I brought someone else to see you." Returning the hug, Chifuyu made you curious, but soon showed you that she ended up bringing Peke J to see you. "Oh, my God! So cute! You brought him!" Bending down to pet the cute black cat, you immediately became happy, after that, you and Chifuyu went to your room to eat something and play some video games and read manga together while Peke J played around the room with a little toy mouse.
"What's your manga about, Fuyu?" You approached him, eventually realizing that he was reading a romance manga when you saw a kissing scene between the main couple. "Mine? It's a romance story." He responded, looking at you shyly and at that exact moment his faces turned red as tomatoes, but soon the atmosphere was interrupted by the kitten running around the room, so you walked away and laughed at each other.
"Are you producing new songs?" The boy asked interestedly. "Yes! I've been quite creative lately." Happy with the show of interest in your songs, you responded in a few words, leaving your reading aside for a moment. "Show me later! Seriously, I think your songs are amazing." Chifuyu spoke with a smile on her face making her eyes shine and she did so, you got up to take out a notebook where you kept musical notes and showed them to Matsuno.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨
You were writing some songs when you heard some pebbles on your window, as soon as you went to check, you realized that the one who was down there was Haruchiyo, you made a sign for him to come in, but Sanzu wanted you to go to him, even though he didn't like it, before leaving the house, it was already dark, so it didn't seem so uncomfortable.
Walking down the stairs and out the door, Haruchiyo immediately pulled you into a hug. "I said I would come see you and look, I even managed to get you out of the house." Keeping a smile behind his mask, he spoke in a calm tone while still hugging you. "Silly..." You said in a low tone, moving away from the hug and remaining in front of the boy. "I brought you something." Taking it out of a bag, he handed you some new manga and your favorite sweets. "Ah, before you fill up on sweets, I hope you're eating better." Rolling his eyes, Sanzu interrupted you before you could thank him for the gift, although he didn't seem to care much, he definitely kept worrying about you. "Thank you, Haru." After the little lecture, you hugged him again to thank him, thus inviting him into the house.
"How much canned food? Next time I'll bring you a salad..." As soon as you entered your room, Haruchiyo said, looking at you disapprovingly. "Canned food? Where?" Entering in front of the cans, you made him laugh as he shook his head in denial, after that, you sat side by side in front of your PC gamer to play a game.
"That's enough, you have to rest, I know you still have some songs to write." Early in the morning, Sanzu took the controller from your hand and made you get ready for bed. "Ah! Haru, just one more game!" You asked the boy who just denied your request. "You need to sleep, now." Haruchiyo made you go to bed, kissing you goodnight before leaving.
𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
You and Rindou spent a lot of time listening to music together and that night would be no different, the rare times you left the house, you ended up going to Rindou's house since he had a DJ table in the middle of his living room.
"I need new songs to play." Understanding the same melodies, Rindou said as they sat on the sofa eating some snacks and chips with bacon and cheddar. "I can show you new songs, but, Rindou? It's already early in the morning and Ran is sleeping." Excited to show your new songs to Rindou, you said at the same time that you were reluctant to end up waking Ran up.
At the same moment, Rindou left the potatoes aside, getting up and going to his table. "Oh, he's not even going to wake up, you want?" He asked, offering you one of his headphones with cat ears, still reluctant, you ended up going out of interest to show your songs to Rindou and so you did.
"Wow, this is just perfect." The youngest Haitani praised the last song you had made, making your heart beat faster. "T-thank you, Rin." You thanked him shyly, keeping your eyes on him while he taught you how to play, your heart beat even faster when Rindou accidentally touched your hand, purposely making you get closer to each other while the sound slowed down.
While some kind of weather happened unexpectedly, you continued listening to your songs until Ran ended up waking up.
"What the fuck are you guys doing at dawn?" With messy hair and pajamas, Ran questioned you in a sleepy voice, making you walk away laughing immediately.
𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
While you were in front of your computer looking for some creativity to compose some songs, Ran slept peacefully behind you for a moment., you even ended up forgetting about his presence until you felt his hands on your waist. "Ran!" You exclaimed, turning around in your chair. "I scared you?" He said laughing as he yawned, making you try to hide your blushing face. "I thought you were sleeping." Turning your attention to searching for inspiration, you continued to avoid Ran until your cheeks were less hot, but then he approached you again, this time to see what you were researching. "Make me a song, will you? I never asked for anything!" Laying down on his bed again, the taller one asked if you could compose a song for him and you honestly thought that was a good idea, but Ran wouldn't leave you alone while he was awake.
"You need to relax a bit, in fact, you also need to eat better and go for a walk sometimes." The older boy said, urging you to leave your occupation aside and rest a little, and so you did, lying down next to Ran, who gave you a subtle kiss on your cheek. "Good girl." Ran said, snuggling next to him, making you rest for a few minutes before returning to composing your songs.
𝐇𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
That night, you had invited Hakkai to watch some movies with you at your house, he shyly accepted the invitation and came.
"Which movie do you think is better?" You questioned the same. "Well... I do not know." Hakkai seemed to have spent a while thinking, but ended up not being able to think of a good movie for you to watch, after talking a little, you just started watching anime together while trying some sweets and soft drinks with pokemons printed on the cans.
"Hey, Hakkai? No need to be shy around me." At a certain point, you ended up breaking the silence, the boy just looked at you, still shy, with my innocent blue eyes, making you blush for a moment. "I'm sorry!" He responded in a few words. "I-it's okay!" You smiled awkwardly and ended up making him laugh. "... Can I tell you something?" Hakkai questioned and you just nodded in affirmation, the boy took his cell phone and opened it to a music player, showing you that he had made a playlist with his songs to listen to. "Do you really like my songs? Thank you, Hakkai." You responded excitedly when you saw that the boy enjoyed your songs. "It's not just your music that I like..." In a low tone, he said, but it ended up being loud enough for you to end up listening. "Hmm?" You questioned, but he just ended up changing the subject and returning his attention to what you and him were watching.
𝐘𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
Yuzuha was very concerned about the fact that you often forgot to take care of yourself and demanded a lot of yourself, for that reason, she always visited you.
"You have to start eating better, you know that, don't you?" Yuzuha sat next to her while you read a manga and offered you a small lunch box of vegetables with some healthy food for you to eat, in addition, she also saved an apple. "You don't have to worry about me, Yuzu, but thanks for the food!" You put your reading aside and went to eat the apple, Yuzuha would definitely make sure you ate properly. "Get some rest later, you've been keeping really busy lately." The girl said, approaching you and making your face blush. "You're always trying to take care of me..." You spoke in a calm tone, watching Yuzuha approach. "I can't leave you alone just living on noodles, can I?" She laughed. "I like you... I like taking care of the people I love." Completing her speech, Yuzuha said, making you remain silent for a moment while you thanked her with a smile.
After that, you finished eating and listened to music together while reading some random manga.
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
"How about we go out today?" Mitsuya questioned as he hugged you, he would visit you every day to make sure you were okay. "Oh? Go out? No... It's too sunny." Discouraged by the invitation, you looked at the window and realized that it was a sunny day, ending up refusing to leave the house, even so, Mitsuya respected your choice knowing that you didn't really like leaving the house. "When you feel comfortable, we can go out at night, at least it would be good for you to walk around a little." The boy made you interested in leaving the house, even though you were afraid and preferred to stay in your room, Mitsuya is always good company. "Thank you for respecting my choices, Mit." You said gently while Mitsuya smiled, but, so as not to be left idle, Mitsuya asked you to show him some of his songs while he finished crocheting some pieces.
"Your songs are amazing! You really have a lot of talent, you know that." Taking some of his attention away, Mitsuya praised you, making you cheer up instantly. "You think?" Insecure, you questioned. "Of course, I'm sure you're very talented." He responded, leaning over and placing a kiss on your forehead.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 10 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 86... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has marked the end of the mole arc and IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!! 😆So let's talk about it, shall we...? 😏
The chapter begins where the last one ended, with Fiona BEATING THINE ASS of Wheeler...!! 😆 When suddenly, someone tells her to stop...:
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And it turned out to be Twilight!!
I honestly didn't expect that he was gonna get up this soon...! Especially after everything he's been through in these past few chapters...!! ✊😤
But because Twilight is up now, Fiona, of course, rushes towards him! Only to land flat on her face (because her broken leg...!! 😌)
After that, Fiona starts freaking out (in her head) about the possibility that Twilight heard what she said to Wheeler, while Twilight thinks that she's mad at him for being taken down by Wheeler...!! 🤣
But after all that silliness, Twilight brings up how he believes that he might actually be losing edge which leads to this conversation:
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Not only did Twilight bring up why he couldn't kill Yuri and frame it as though it was only to protect the mission, but Fiona was able see past his "For The Mission" shtick yet again...!! Everything about this part was *chef's kiss* 👌
After that amazing part, Agent Mustache (still disguised as that SSS agent whose name I don't remember how to spell 😅) comes to get Fiona and Twilight out of there (and also Wheeler...!!) But since Fiona's leg is broken, she has to be carried...:
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Which she understandably freaks out (in her head) about...!! 👌😌 (I know I'd probably freak out too if Twilight carried me-- 😏)
Uhh, anyway...!! Twilight finally gets home (after Agent Mustache offered to get some drinks with him but declines) and is greeted by his beautiful fake wife, Yor...!! 💗🤗💗
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...AND HE COLLAPSES TO HIS KNEES!! 😆 (Probably because of Yor's beauty...!! 😏)
But Twilight was able to get back, only for Yor to tell him that she wasn't really upset with him and he ends up like THIS...:
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Loid then tells Yor that he'll need her help around the house for a few days, which makes Yor happy and she tells him why...:
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When suddenly, Yuri shows up...!! 😵 AND THIS HAPPENS...!!: 😱
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I did not expect Yuri to show up AT ALL!! 😆 And his reasoning for backing off of suspecting Loid was just amazing as well...!! (KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, ENDO!!! 👍)
And then... I died... Because...:
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Twilight... SHIRTLESS... IN THE SHOWER!!! 😵
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Shiro-S2E2-Erukinzu.exe has stopped functioning. Must reboot... 🤖
...rebooting... 🤖
...reboot successful. 🤖
GAH! WHAT HAPPENED?! 😲 Oh right!! *Ahem* as I was saying... The chapter comes to a close with Yor catching Twilight's shirt on fire from ironing it...!! 🤣🤣🤣
And that was Mission 86, such amazing end to an amazing arc...!! 😆 I can't believe how many amazing moments were pack into this one chapter!! 😁 It really solidified this arc as my favorite in the series thus far...!! 😊 You knocked it out of the park again Endo!! 😄
Speaking of my favorite moments, I really wanted to know what Twilight was gonna say about Yor when he was taking about his weakness...! 🤔 But, I'm pretty sure that we all have a pretty good guess as to what he was gonna say...!! 😏
But, I don't have that kind of time... 😌 So I guess I'll just say my goodbyes now...!! 😁
As always; take care, be safe out there and spread kindness...!! 💗🤗💗 I'll see you all in the next Mission...!! SEE YA!! 👋😄
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kitramune · 7 months
Fellow inukagger here *shakes your hand* I noticed your tags on an inuyasha video edit post where you stated inuyasha was seeing kagome during their almost first-kiss. I want to believe this soo badly, but I have actually made a post where I argue the opposite bc that’s (unfortunately) my interpretation.
I would genuinely love to hear why you think this as I’m more than happy to be convinced 🥺❤️ If you’ve posted about it before, apologies that I haven’t seen it; please kindly drop a link.
Thank you very much! (It’s all 🫶🏼 and interest in civil discussion, certainly not looking to start anything otherwise)
Sure thing! I think there's a lot of misconception firstly because Kagome herself says this. That he hates her for looking like Kikyou, but when he looked at her in that moment, it looked loving, so she herself put two and two together that he must still be seeing her as Kikyou, but therefore have been in love with Kikyou. Which is partially true in that we know he did have feelings for her back when she was alive. (I have my own InuKik-critical perception on this, but that's a whole other rant and probably not what you're asking.) But I think it's VERY important to keep in mind that Kagome is an Unreliable Narrator in her own story here, particularly where it comes to interpreting Inuyasha's feelings at times. This holds true for pretty much the entire story, but particularly early on, when she doesn't know him as well. First off, I'm going to fast-forward slightly to give examples of Inuyasha himself making it clear he does NOT see Kagome as Kikyou, to prove my point that he's not lying when he tells her so at the almost-kiss. Keep in mind a lot of these are only available in the source material and the anime DID cut them to fuel love triangle drama. The manga is the original intended canon, so that's what I'll be going with for this entire conversation.
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(Let it be said that as far as Japanese subtleties are concerned, he is asking Kagome to date him, here.)
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For the sake of argument, let's look back at this "very beginning" he mentions, and how long it took him to realize Kagome LOOKED a bit like Kikyou, but was not Kikyou:
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Well that was quick. He does compare them a few times after this, but it's always about how different they are. (Usually to be rude, but let's face it, this is early Inuyasha.)
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(I include this "comparison" just because he's RELIEVED here at Kagome NOT being Kikyou. It's the first explicit indication that he likes her for her and would be heartbroken if the girls got switched.)
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(Then he proceeds to make it even more explicit, and even Kaede spells it out.)
He completely stops comparing them in any capacity after this, and the way he does it says to me that he sees and values them very differently IN SPITE of the slight physical resemblance, not BECAUSE they look alike.
"But Kit!" I hear you say, "These examples are meaningless because they are AFTER he tried to kiss her!" Well I disagree his feelings would have changed that drastically in the small amount of time given the context, but let's still look at all InuKag have been through at this point. I'll just do a montage of Inuyasha feeling pride or affection for Kagome in said arcs because I am self-indulgent like that, lol.
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(My boy did not need to protect her, here. If she was gone, he'd be free of the beads and thus free to just take the Jewel. He did it purely out of valuing her life in some capacity.)
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(Knowing her scent already? Lending her your only armor just so she won't get hurt? Why Inuyasha, that's not extremely intimate at all!)
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(I find him saying her name significant not just because of differentiating her from Kikyou in his mind, but in that Inuyasha doesn't say ANYONE'S name unless they are important to him. Exceptions.)
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("I refuse to get involved!" *Kagome's in trouble, immediately gets involved*)
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(I love this arc overall SO MUCH cuz they not only have their first friendly pouty BFFs spat, but Inuyasha then immediately comes running to save her after smelling her blood THROUGH SPACE AND TIME, and is so desperate to be relied on cuz it makes him feel good to protect her and he's realizing that.)
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(Lest we forget he had SOMETHING TO TELL HER right before threading their fingers extremely intimately.)
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(Inu wasn't in this arc much but he WAS very worried and impressed with her.)
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(I could honestly put the WHOLE spider head arc in here and gush about every detail of their character development, but we all know the highlight and I think Rumiko put it best in the Profiles Book that Inuyasha had never encountered or thought of anyone who would be saddened by his death before. I truly believe this is when he decided to open up and give his budding feelings for her a chance to bloom. And more importantly for this particular argument, decides NOT TO LIE to her again.)
And it's at this point we come to him trying to kiss her. It's true Inuyasha's emotions are slightly volatile from Kikyou being brought up. It's a definite sore spot, which even Kagome picks up on. Kagome asks point blank if he still sees her as Kikyou and hates her for it. To which he says she has it all wrong.
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Considering her previous statement was if he HATES her, we can pretty easily infer that he's answering that directly, here. As in, no, he does not. Reading into context clues and what we see before and after this moment, I'd go so far as to say he's implying he LOVES her, here. Or at least is beginning to realize he likes her much more than as a friend. The last arc was huge for him, let's not forget that. He'd never ever been vulnerable like that with anyone: both in letting them know his night of weakness, and emotionally. All signs point to him having realized he's fallen for Kagome pretty hard and is ready to finally LET himself fall. (Though clearly Kagome's not quite ready herself, yet.) I'd argue that Kikyou's resurrection arc and the arcs following shortly after that I linked moments from earlier are there to just cement that he doesn't see her as Kikyou to any viewers who are still skeptical. In the manga anyway, we're never shown Inuyasha pining for Kikyou or wishing she was back to life. Quite the opposite, he only wishes her to rest in peace and reach Nirvana, which he has said to her more than once. The closest we get is this line right after the resurrection arc comes to an end and Kikyou's presumed dead from the cliff:
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Which I personally interpret as him still being heartbroken, yes, but the fact he brings up the idea of falling for another woman tells me he's still mulling over how he has romantic feelings for Kagome, and his trauma regarding romance making him wonder if he should backpedal on that or give up his initial goal that was a symptom of his heartbreak in the first place. (As in, he immediately stole the Jewel after Kikyou betrayed him essentially to make the hurt go away as soon as possible. Also note this is AFTER the almost-kiss, right before Miroku makes his appearance.) So I have a pretty hard time believing that he suddenly decided to lie to Kagome right after his entire breakthrough night of vulnerability with her, and how that affected him. Also keep in mind that Kagome doesn't have concrete feelings for Inuyasha yet, so there is no jealousy or lack of confidence where Kikyou is concerned at the point of time in question. One could (shakily imo) argue that he might lie to protect her feelings later on, when he's worried about her becoming angry or jealous, but he has no such reason to lie, here. Therefore I believe he's being extremely genuine, and probably the most genuine he's been so far since he decided to abandon his previous lie about disliking her scent. I truly think he wanted to find out what kissing was like with this spitfire girl who'd run away with his heart already and made him feel and share things he'd never felt or shared with anyone. I hope this at least elaborated on why I see that scene the way I do! If you have questions or want me to discuss an aspect of it further, don't hesitate to hit up my inbox again! I'm happy to share my thoughts on the series and especially InuKag!
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 month
You mentioned haruka kissing usagi when she was still dating michiru in the manga, and it got changed in the anime. Can you explain that to me and why it's bad?
I'm not really clear on the question here? To give further details of what happened, At this point Usagi didn't know Haruka's true identity, but had pretty much guessed, and she also didn't know her gender. Haruka really randomly kissed Usagi out of nowhere as Sailor Uranus while warning her to ~stay away~, Usagi had dreams about the kiss and wondered who Haruka really was, seeing Haruka in both her school uniform and the more feminine clothes she sometimes wore in the manga. When she woke up she was flustered and wondered if this counted as cheating...so yeah, dreaming about both aspects of Haruka turned her on. Then Haruka and Usagi meet up the next day, Usagi asks if she's a man or a woman, and Haruka leans in perhaps for another kiss, saying "does gender really matter?" But the Mamoru comes by, Usagi and Mamoru have a heart to heart about how he's been jealous and vice versa and then the plotline is just. dropped. forever. No impact on Haruka and Usagi's relationship going forward, no indication of how this affects Haruka's actual gf.
I'm really glad the 90s anime didn't do this (I'm not sure if they would have been able to, tbh, don't think the kiss would have been allowed'). It was big to see girls kissing in the manga and I think it gave a lot of young queer people so much of a thrill we didn't really unpack what else was going on, myself included. But it falls into a lot of unfortunate trope and make Haruka a despicable character-first in that she basically assaulted Usagi even if the narrative doesn't really treat it that way, checking off a predatory lesbian trope, and then she's remorselessly cheating on her actual girlfriend and we don't get any indication of what that means for their relationship because apparently that's not important. And then there's the aspect of Usagi leaving her lesbian dalliance behind to reaffirm her commitment to the heterosexual relationship, which feels gross. The plotline being introduced and dropped without any consideration for the impact on the characters makes it badly written.
In contrast, the 90s anime gave Haruka the habit of playfully flirting with every cute girl she sees, not just Usagi. It also hinted at Usagi's (and the other girls') attraction to Haruka without her needing to be assaulted, and there's no indication Haruka is interested in Usagi in particular. Haruka loves to hit on girls, and it's a habit Michiru's aware of and tolerates with an eye roll or quip, but both of them know she's never actually serious about her flirtations, and in contrast, as the season goes on, she becomes VERY serious about Michiru. It keeps the ladykiller who makes all the girlies question their sexuality aspect of Haruka without sacrificing her integrity or relationship with Michiru. The anime centers their relationship, and never forgets Michiru exists.
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vay99 · 7 months
Levi x reader
Dancing in the rain
Anime/Manga: Attack on Titan
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"Hanji that's the dumbest idea ever." you groan in frustration. Your friend has been trying to convince you to confess to Levi, as she always does, but today's plan is just ridiculous.
"But (y/n), dancing in the rain is so romantic." she squeals, nearly crushing your bones as she hugs you. "We're talking about Levi here. Levi. The clean freak. I'd like to live." you push her back by her shoulders. "Anyways I've to go."
"To help shorty with the paperwork~ Uuuh why don't you-" Hanji gets shut up by the door you close behind you.
As you're walking to Levi's office you try to calm your nerves, even though you're part of Levi's squad and like his right hand he never asked to do the paperwork together. Usually apart from each other, so as you arrive at his office you knock on his door.
"Come on in (y/n)." Levi's voice invites you, how he's able to tell your knock apart from the others still amazes you.
*1 hour later*
/Damn I hate paperwork, should I follow Hanjis plan? Dancing in the rain is fun, what if we'd even kiss? Those lips... /your thoughts trail of as you stare at Levi. Snapping out of your trance as you hear Levi groan.
"Hanji really did hide her paperwork under mine. That titan loving maniac." Levi hisses, reorganizing everything.
"She really must have a death wish." you mumble, but Levi heard it. "What was that?" he raises an eyebrow at you.
"Nothing. Just thought we need a little break don't we?" you try to change the topic, and it even works. "Good idea. Let's return those papers to the titan freak." he grabs the papers, walking towards Hanjis office.
"Heeey Hanji." you knock on the door and open it right away. "Do your own shit." Levi greets his 'friend', dropping the papers on her desk.
"Aaah thanks Levi, how genuine of you." she fakes a smile, Levi is already on the way out of the room Hanji makes some suggestive gestures, pointing towards the short captain and you. While you're waving your arms wildly, trying to stop her, Levi turns around.
"Tsk. You two spend too much time together. Shitty glass you have a bad influence on (y/n)." he locks eyes with you. "Let's go." "Sure." you blush a little, his strong gaze is one of your weaknesses. "Have fuuuuun~" Hanji sings, but you close the door real quick, earning a confused look from Levi.
"Why don't we go outside and get some fresh air." you scratch your neck, walking towards the door, until a hand on you shoulder stops you. "(y/n) it's raining. Do you want to catch a cold?" he asks, a note of concern in his voice.
"No, but..." you look down /I know it's crazy and stupid and will probably get me killed but I really want to dance in the rain with him so screw all sanity/ "... a bit fun won't kill you." running off with his jacket, he had hung lose over his shoulders.
"Oi! Come back you little brat!" Levi shouts after you as you run down the hallway. Eren and Armin are standing between you and your goal. "Let me thew!" you run towards freedom, the rain washing away all of your worries. "Give me my jacket back you little brat!"
"She'll get killed." Eren gasps, watching you running around with Levi's jacket, who's still under the save roof by the way. "Let's get out of here." Armin agrees, running off.
"You need to relax a bit! Come on, the rain is so relaxing." you smile at the owner of the jacket, which you still hold in your hands.
"I say this one last time. Give. Me. My. Blanket back." Levi says calm but with a Stern voice, sending a shiver down your spine. By now your clothes are drained and glued to your body. "Or what?" you ask with a cocky voice. Baf decision. "Or else you'll get a punishment." Levi informs you, and it was then when you had two options; continue to tease him and risk it all or, give in and accept the punishment which will probably be cleaning something.
"Uuh~ I didn't know you were kinky~" Not even too seconds after those words fell of your lips Levi is already standing in front of you. Snatching his jacket out of your hands he puts it on before grabbing your wrists to prevent you from running off.
"One last chance for you to come back inside. Or else you'll be sleeping outside tonight." he warns you, what a lame punishment. "I just wanted to have some fun. Come on grumpy, let's dance a little." you try to dance but he's to strong so your arms ain't moving just a little.
"You're unbelievable. Childish. Why did I chose you as my right hand again?" he asks.
"Because you need someone who knows how to have fun. I mean Hanji and Moblit are a good example." you answer casual, as if you're not in the worst case scenario you've thought about.
"You're spending too much time with her, tsk." he hisses, letting go of your arms, turning his head away. "And barely with me." he whispers that part so quietly that you nearly didn't picked it up.
"I can have fun with her, I can forget about all the pain we're going threw for a while. It's nice to do something stupid and childish from time to time. Dancing in the rain is real fun and since you've been overworking yourself... I just thought you might need to get your mind off everything." you confess, feeling him letting go of your wrists.
"Idiot." Levi chuckles, placing one hand on your waist, the other lifts up your chin. "Yeah yeah I know, let's go inside to do the stupid paper work." you groan, not noticing his soft expression.
"We came here to dance, right? So let's dance." Levi takes your hand in his and starts to lead. Never in a million years you would've thought that he's such a good dancer, so elegant and smooth. You're drained by the rain, body's closer too each other than the clothes they're wearing.
"Is that what you wanted?" Levi whispers into your ear. "Kinda, I didn't know that you could dance like this though." you admit, facing him and his handsome face. That's even more handsome threw the rain. This man is deadly.
"We did what you wanted, how about we do what I want now?" he smirks a little. You escape his sting gaze by letting your eyes wander, which leads to you noticing that Levi wears a white shirt. That's now see through. Oh his body is build by a goddess.
"You'll have enough time for that part later. Why don't we start like this?" Leaning in he captures your lips with his. At first you let out a surprised squeal, not fully believing what's happening right now. After the shock you close your eyes and kiss him back, causing him to smirk against your lips. Sadly you have to part again, leaving both of your breathless.
"Let's continue this in my room." Levi whispers against you neck before kissing it softly. "We need to get you out of these clothes quickly before you catch a cold sweetheart."
Waisting no time Levi throws you over his shoulder and carries you back inside, while you're thanking Hanji in your mind for giving you this idea in first place
/Thanks hanji for that idea, you're the best/... Not that she won't hear that the plan was successful this night, no, of course not. (Warning: Sarcasm)
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Feeling Some Kind of Way after yesterday's chapter, and here's why:
I've said before (I don't know if on Tumblr or Twitter or just DMs or where, but I have said it for a while now), that I was actually glad that YuuMori never even joked about how gay Sherliam are, even though they've had tons of opportunities to, because then they'd have to react to it and dismiss it most likely. And I didn't want them to no homo it with a damn joke.
And then yesterday they made the joke.
And they didn't no homo it.
Sherlock made a sort of frustrated expression in a wobbly speech bubble that looked more like embarrassment than anything and was much less vehement than most of his complaints about Billy constantly teasing him about his affection for Liam. Liam did nothing at all.
And then Billy just changed the subject like, "we ain't got time for that, let's get back to work!"
And they both went with it without another word.
As someone on Japanese twitter pointed out, the only time they'd seen in anime/manga that kind of calm lack of reaction to a third party commenting that two men were married was...Yuri!!! On ICE.
And we all know how that went.
I'm not going to say it's necessarily canon or anything. But this series has way crossed the normal line shonen usually rides with "the two male leads are very homoerotic." This isn't, "Male author makes male protagonist only connect with other men because they don't know how to connect with women." This is obviously very intentional at this point. This feels more like, "How many romance tropes can we cram in here?"
And Japan doesn't write romances the way America and Europe usually does. They write romances where people get married even if they never or barely kissed on page. They don't have the same explicit declarations of romantic love necessarily. That's not really part of their culture.
They have, say, two character swear to each other that they want to live alongside each other and take care of each other. That's the kind of proposals in Japanese culture. And. Well. Look at that.
And I just really needed time to fully process that this happened, because yesterday was much more explicit than I ever, ever expected this series to get about this.
And I still honestly am so floored I don't really know what to do.
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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fencer-x · 1 year
"Sasaki and Miyano the Movie ~ Graduation Arc" ~ Day 1 Report
So I got up bright and early (WAY brighter and WAY earlier than I would have liked) to trudge through the cold and chill to Grand Sunshine Cinema to catch the very first showing of the Sasaki to Miyano movie!
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Curious about what made the cut and what didn't? Wanna spoil yourself rotten? Then hop behind the cut!
This hour-long movie (yup, just 60 minutes) started out with a roughly 10-minute short focusing on Hirano and his adorable, smitten roomie Kagiura in what amounted to an animated rendition of the KagiHira shorts from the first few volumes of the Sasaki and Miyano manga (up to the extra in volume 3 to be precise). This doesn't bode super well for them getting their own anime, but it doesn't rule it out by any means, as Volume 1 of their manga doesn't require having read these previous extras. Just something to keep in mind!
Points I noticed in this short:
they spent like 30% of the animation budget on Kagi fondling Hirano's ear. A good use of resources imho.
Kagi looks...different? Not very different, and not in a bad way, but it felt like something was off. His hair seemed much darker, closer to black than in previous instances?? Maybe I'm just getting old and need glasses tho.
Now it was SasaMyaa time!
The movie opens with chapter 33, as Miyano waits to see Sasaki off at the train station for his entrance exam and progresses from there. Things felt very smooth, more than I would have expected for cramming these chapters into the equivalent of two anime episode, so props!
They also lovingly animated all of the stupid background character shenanigans, like the guys stacking oranges from Chapter 33 page 9. What a ridiculous thing to include. I love them for this.
One critique I did have, though: the animation level was the same as in the anime. Oftentimes (but certainly not always) the animation is much greater quality in movies than in the original anime; was kind of hoping that would be the case here, but alas!
The hair discussion made it in--including Sasaki touching Miyano's neck and Miyano freaking out about it.
You can feel Floor approaching as Sasaki steadily begins tightening his straps, warning himself he needs to rein it in and he's not allowed to touch Miyano any more than he has until he passes his entrance exam. It's palpable. I love it.
Sasaki's cold is shown in living, loving color, as is the near-miss with his sister almost barging in on them sharing a kiss.
The Valentine's Day chapter is so lovely too--we finally FINALLY get to meet Mamano (whose name IIRC from the credits is revealed to be 由紀, possibly pronounced Yuki or Miyuki), and she. is. ADORABLE. So loving and upbeat and absolutely accepting of her son when he admits that the person he's making the chocolates for is a boy: "It's nice being in love, isn't it? Your mom's in love with your dad too~"
Not to be missed is the super-DUPER awkward conversation between Sasaki and Ogasawara that made me want to just crawl inside my seat back and never come out.
But that paled in comparison to FLOOR.
Floor was never gonna be much more graphic than it was in the manga, so stop your hoping right there. We got a little bit of movement in things like Sasaki gently lowering Miyano to the floor and cradling his head, or their twined fingers squeezing. It didn't need more than it was, though. There was a lovely soundtrack, Sasaki's thoughts, and really damn good animation. What do I mean by 'really damn good animation' if nothing really changed from the original manga?
Well. The full page I lied panel got A MASSIVE GLOW-UP. Because THIS is what it looked like in the movie:
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Everything in grayscale monotone, except for the eyes, which were a vibrant rainbow hue. GORGEOUS STUFF. Print it out and laminate it.
Miyano's birthday is celebrated in Sasaki's room--which leads to the confrontation with his sister and their fight. The flashback was much briefer than it was in the manga, but they kept the important parts, and it did its job. And what's most important is that Shuumei-san and Yoshikazu were retained, spoken in loving tones that I need to hear on repeat.
The movie ended with the graduation chapter, more Yoshikazus and Shuumei-sans, Hirano being summoned by Kagi with his personal ringtone (which didn't sound very special actually, just a different one from usual probably--Hirano doesn't seem the type to download a super special original ringtone, but he'd definitely choose something other than default).
I expected the memories of Sasaki and Miyano's history together as they roamed the empty halls to play out as flashbacks to scenes from the anime. And it did--kind of. What they actually did was show the boys walking around, and overlaid on the same frames as the current couple, we saw them in the past with a grainy filter in the same scene. This little touch was enough to get me really emotional, something I hadn't expected--their old selves were so different, oftentimes much sadder or uncomfortable (like Sasaki in the bathroom, trying to keep himself from touching Miyano, or crushing Miyano in a hug while he was in drag), and seeing that juxtaposed against them seeming now so calm and confident and so so soft with each other...it just got me.
We got sneak peeks at Eimi and Kagi, and Kuresawa nearly got an eyeful when Sasaki whipped his jacket over Miyano to steal a final kiss, just like in the manga.
We end on Sasaki and Miyano in their cool casual clothes, heading off for a date. All is well.
Roll Credits.
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piracytheorist · 2 months
Hello will be a kiss Twiyor at some point in history ?
Hi! Honestly, I'm 50/50 on this.
On one hand, I believe twiyor will be canon, in one way or another we will be shown that they've become an actual, real couple. Ideally post-reveal, so they can learn to love each other without any big secrets and lies between them.
On the other hand, manga and anime usually aren't super explicit on kisses, especially if they're targeted towards younger audiences. The Spy x Family manga is rated 16+, while the anime is rated TV-14, and it's shounen, so I wouldn't be surprised if they never even exchange "I love you"s, honestly, considering how rarely those words are said out loud in Japanese culture. Spy x Family is shounen, and those have even fewer kisses than shoujo and josei manga.
I'm guessing that Endo writes from his own experience, and mostly with a Japanese audience in mind. And that audience is used to couples going only as far as holding hands or maybe hugging. Kissing isn't a big thing, especially in shounen manga.
That said, the setting is in a fictional European country, and as a European myself I feel that Endo has done a great job making the characters and the setting feel European. And in European media, for the most part, kisses are a big part of romance. That too said, SxF isn't a romance, and even when twiyor becomes canon I doubt it will shadow the relationship of Anya with her parents, and the family in general. So it's quite possible that there won't be an actual kiss between Yor and Loid in the story, because their relationship won't get that much focus to warrant the need of an on-screen kiss. If there is one, it might be the kind of Big Damn Kiss that tv tropes talks about, and just the one, to "solidify" the relationship to the audience.
I think it could be used in the story to show character development. Twilight started relationships with women only for the needs of his missions, never investing emotionally in them. With Yor, how will it feel that he actually feels things when they kiss, and how will it feel that he wants and desires to kiss her, after he'd spent all his years as a spy denying himself any human connections? And for Yor, it would be a big step in letting someone close, in feeling safe and secure in someone approaching her enough for that. Her job has poisoned her view of close proximity, since the only people that get so close to her are Yuri (whom she basically raised) and her victims (who attack her, and she has to defend herself before she kills them - proximity with them means danger). She's already being affectionate with Anya, but that is similar to how Yuri was like with her when they were young. How will it feel like to have Twilight, a man who lied and cheated and coated his hands with blood, approach her to kiss her and for her to feel safe, to know that whatever happens, he will actually protect her and fight alongside her and not against her?
So maybe yes, maybe not. I honestly hope we do get at least one kiss, but I wouldn't be surprised (though I would be a little sad, due to my own expectations) if we never got one.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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inu-yasha · 3 months
Kikyou in the anime purpose Was to get rid of demons and help humans, as a priest it Was her duty so don't mixt duty with kindly.
Kikyou angry is iconic and the point of her character, even in manga she is still angry, so it's up to İnuyasha and the rest to put her soul to rest.
Kikyou was a shadow of revenge, body of clay, her relation with İnuyasha was over since the day Kikyou died and İnuyasha was put on a spell , but she didn't told him it was over and that he should move on, in the early episode of the anime, that is why they still saw each other for some moore episodes and doing things like hugs and kisses.
If Kikyou was fair she would have joined İnuyasha and the rest as soon as she found out the truth and told Inuyasha that he has another girl that loves him very much but no, she did not! Kikyou wasn't even a person in flesh, her duty as a priest didn't exist anymore, but she had choosen it anyway...
Even when Kikyou in the end dies in İnuyasha arms they still kiss, like come on, wasn't already over between you two?
Kikyou was made to be the other woman, the reason why Inuyasha could not move on, the toxic love and this is one of the reasons why the anime is special.
Kikyou is angry and can't accept a no and wants to steal lnuyasha, even when she still does priest duties, she still wants İnuyasha especially after she finds out he did not killed her and it was in fact Naraku.
That is why this works so well with Kikyou and we can't see her as anything more because Kikyou is already perfect, in showing you a really toxic,with flaws and even a desperate woman that makes mistakes, is jealous and can't accept thst Inuyasha is in love with another girl.
After all being kind and lovely doesn't suit her at all!
I have other questions that must wait in the queue for answers, because I haven't heard such nonsense for a long time.
Kikyou anime and Kikyou manga are very different from each other. This is very visible. But a person like you transcribes the characteristics of your kagome, who couldn't move on and used sit because she was jealous of the dead woman.
Kikyou was angry at first, but she directed her anger and anger towards Naraku and him only, she wanted revenge for herself and Inuyasha. He destroyed her life, even if Kikyou's body was fake, kindness and goodness were still inside her.
She was finally a free woman, able to hate and love. She was no longer limited by anything, and she helped people and even aagome become stronger, she even predicted that Naraku would want kagome's eyes, she gave her an arrow, she helped Team Inuyasha as much as she could, she saved the lives of many lives.
She saved Miroku knowing it would harm her, but she didn't have the biggest problem with it. She took risks. Just like she risked her plan to give Naraku the jewel to send him to hell.
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What nonsense. Kikyou is the 1st woman in Inuyasha's life. Kikyou's soul is in this Kagome's body, she has her power, it was thanks to her soul that Kagome found herself in those times and fell in love with Inuyasha. Kikyou is the core here that you are trying to erase from me by making her an angry, insignificant character with no development.
Kikyou can't move on and is still jealous,ftw.
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Here Kikyou wanted to leave knowing that her friends were worried about Inuyasha and said that she had to go. It was Inuyasha who hugged her. Of course they have kisses and hugs that are really wonderful. Who kissed Kikyou in her final death? She did it? Or maybe she asked him to? Because I only remember that Inuyasha did it and she said, "You came to me, that's enough," letting him know that it's good that she can see him for the last time.
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He just lost a woman who loved him all over the world, it's obvious that he wanted to talk to her and say goodbye one last time. He apologized to her for failing to save her. Inuyasha and Kikyou needed a moment like this.
NO. There was no end between them because they were caught up in the intrigue. They didn't break up. They were deceived, even though they hated each other at the beginning, the love between them still exists, as the entire series showed.
I understand that inuyasha should leave her just because there is kagome he has, but she is the reincarnation of Kikyou and there is no reverse. Kikyou is first and she will always be second and Kikyou will ALWAYS be more important in the world.
I can't understand that you and the others are making Kikyou look like a bad person, and I honestly don't see any hatred for what naraku does. Kikyou is like Sango and Miroku, he ruined her life and hers. She is as much a victim as anyone else.
Of course… It's Kikyou who won't let him go, you're absolutely right, right, right (scarcasm)
meanwhile kagome after kikyou's death
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Kikyou who wanted to leave him and Kagome who wouldn't let him leave the woman he loved because of her jealousy for her. won't give him to anyone, don't let him go to her even though he knows she loves him, because he can't leave her.
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Kagome's beautiful and sad face, full of pain and jealousy. They still haven't talked about it, their silent and sad faces say it all. Kagome is still jealous and had to sit down her husband, right? She still doesn't know how to talk about her being her reincarnation. She will never accept it, she will never accept that inuyasha still loves kikyou more than her and it is eating her up from the inside. She's the one who can't move on. If that was the case, she would take off his beads and she could talk about the situation normally, but he doesn't tell her anything about things related to Kikyou because it always ends like this, Kagome, sad, hurt, furious, uses sieves to take out her frustration on her husband although Kikyou is no longer a threat to her, she cannot accept InuKik's love and never will.
Everything you describe fits your lovely and not at all toxic and uncontrollable and eternally jealous kagome (scarsm)
I can see how Kikyou from an angry person becomes calmer and kinder, and her anger and anger are directed towards the right person, i.e. Naraku.
Kikyou never forces Inuyasha to be with her. She herself wants to destroy Naraku by refusing Inuyasha because she is taught to do so. She had to cope all her life, take care of the village and her younger sister. No one helped them, she had been taught this all her life, not to rely on others but to take matters into her own hands. When she did this, her weakness was exploited by the jealous Onigumo.
Kikyou was jealous in the beginning but later it's not like that you can't see that your kagome you are talking about is jealous from the very beginning of the story till the end. She has always been jealous and hurt overall Inuyasha is angry and Kikyou is a 'witch' who gets in the way of 'true love' because Kikyou and Inuyasha actually love each other Kagome is using Kouga's feelings to make Inuyasha jealous and it's okay that she is using another's feelings a guy she doesn't love and she's toying with him just to make Inuyasha jealous.
It wouldn't make sense for Kikyou to join the team because Kagome is there! So why would she be there? Kagome wouldn't let her do that due to her morbid jealousy.
For you, the anime is good because it shows Kikyou as a typical series rival of the main character, where she is the worst, while the truth is different. Kikyou is lovely and kind, full of love and a very complex character undergoing real character development, while the 'other woman' stands still, still jealous of the dead woman, and keeps her husband on a leash, not trusting him, but talking about trust.
She wanted revenge, but she also took revenge and gave up revenge to save Kohaku's life over destroying naraku
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Kikyou cleansed the jawel, saving Kohaku's life, even after death she was among them and supported them.
Inuyasha will never stop loving Kikyou, it's time to come to terms with it! I really don't care about the ships in this series. I think he loved them both, but Kikyou more, and Inukag is toxic on Kagome's side. She is the problem here, but she never notices it instead of accepting that she is second and will always be second. Accept what she knows from the beginning. Jealousy is a natural thing, but it's time to accept the fact that she will be the other woman and Inuyasha will never love her as much as Kikyou loved her.
Kikyou is kind and lovely unlike that 'other woman'
Oh, and what's more important. That wasn't her goal in the anime at all. Because I read an interview with director inuyasha who hated her and didn't understand her, for him she should be dead and that's why Kikyou is like that in the anime. Sunrise hated her and the director he was drawing , for example, for episode 33 ( the episode where Kikyou gives the jewel to Naraku) i don't remeber which episode.. is... but there in the final scene Kikyou has an infinite hand. He really hated her. Sunrise was very biased towards Kikyou and they really hated her.
The anime is simply perfect for you because it shows her the way you want, because you like her that way, when in the manga she is a completely different character.
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