#keeping in mind... Suzaku
lazyofficer · 2 months
Warning: I'm not a writer and English is not my native language. So kindly bare or DM me about it. Criticism is welcomed not hate.
I always wanted to post a detailed analysis of  Shirley X Lelouch  relationship and will post in parts due to Tumblr restricted on images. 
Fun fact- I started watching Code Geass with all the spoilers (deaths) and was fully expecting to be part of the Cclulu or Kalulu fanbase (because they are popular), but as I continued watching, I couldn't understand why Shirlulu had a minor fanbase and was ignored when their feelings were so obvious. Needless to say I became a Shirlulu shipper.
Let's start -
Shirley and Lelouch loved each other.
While Shirley's feeling are so obvious.
Lelouch's feelings are hinted throughout the series (both direct and subtle hints), which are often ignored as filler or brushed off as "guilt" for killing her father (which is not the case). 
There are people who dislike Shirley just because she is not "useful" like other girls. Let me tell you it's called a business deal and not love if you are going to choose a person based on their "usefulness." 
Let's start with Direct hints
R1 Stage 14 -
although the whole episode is dedicated to Shirlulu and their relationship. I'm focusing  only on the bits right now.
Lelouch, being dense when it comes to love, didn't realize his feelings until he lost her. Lelouch really cherished her presence in his life.
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When I first watched CG , I really didn't expect that Lelouch would say such a romantic line especially for Shirley ( the ship so unpopular) and I repeat NO ONE would say this for a platonic friendship.
I was suspicious of Lelouch's feelings but this episode made it crystal clear that's its mutual , it's just Lelouch didn't realize it before.
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Honestly, I would love to see them bicker and laugh it off after patching up
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R1 Stage 12 & 14 -
IIrc, Shirley is the only girl whom Lelouch kissed back.
Personally I don't think he kissed her back due to guilt over killing her father but more like doing anything he could to comfort her.
If he could have kissed back Kallen if guilt was the reason but he only let her kiss him.
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R1 Stage 14 -
"Any sin you commit is mine to bear" is the love language of Lelouch. If we consider Lelouch's personality.
He is not type to buy flowers and chocolates and he is the type who would do everything in power to hide the evidence of you murder and going far to even take the blame for it.
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Ranked as one of the best anime hugs and only hugging scene in code geass. The way Lelouch pulls and hugs her is everything
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R2 Stage 12 -
Shirley felt Lelouch was lying about his feelings for her. His response was immediate hard " No". Once he realised what he blurted be played innocent.
The reason why he played innocent was because he is to busy to be in a relationship.
This alone should be a proof that Shirley's feeling are reciprocated.
It's because of his feelings he wants to keep her at distance so that is safe.
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R2 Stage 24 -
Lelouch was arguing with Schneizel about how people struggle against sadness yet still seek the future.
The first scene that played was Shirley's death, symbolizing that Lelouch's struggle against sadness was Shirley's death and how he still he seeks a future.
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R2 Stage 25 -
Lelouch was dying, the first person that came to his mind was Shirley not CC or Kallen (after it was just chronological order S2-S1), and his last being his childhood with Suzaku and Nunnally. Special people in Lelouch's life
Many people chose to ignore this moment but this one is undeniable proof that Lelouch never moved on from Shirley
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alicent-vi-britannia · 3 months
Lelouch vi Britannia, the Prometheus of Japanese animation
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Today I want to upload an analysis about Lelouch that I had saved for a long time. This analysis is very special to me because it was a university essay (I wrote it in 2021 and it was a way to reconnect with this series since I didn't want to know anything about it after I was destroyed by the canon ending, I was disappointed by the alternative universe and the fandom disgusted me). I got a good grade, but it wasn't the best and it made me very sad because I worked hard and wrote that essay with a lot of love.
Anyway, the professor was terrible and I hated with every cell of my being every one of her classes and her way of teaching (some people shouldn't be teachers), so I don't care that I gave her a spoiler for one of the best endings from the television (maybe some of you will say that she didn't give me a higher grade because of the prejudice against Japanese animation and that could be, although it would be ironic because she said that it was allowed to choose anime characters as long as we explained to her everything with luxury detail and that's what I did.)
The essay exercise consisted of choosing a fictional character and explaining what archetype it was based on. What is an archetype? They are expressions of the collective unconscious or psychic elaborations that are part of the universal common language and that help in the composition of stories. In Jungian terms, Lelouch is a "Trickster" that mythologist Campbell defines as characters who violate the principles of the natural order, destroy life as we know it and restore it as a new dynamic. Lelouch also fits the Shadow archetype with respect to Suzaku, who is the Hero archetype, since Lelouch, in a way, represents everything that he represses about himself. I decided to analyze Lelouch starting from the figure of Prometheus because I felt that I was going to do a more complete analysis within the limit of extension that I had. If you notice that I'm being a little too explanatory in some parts or I don't stop to delve into others, keep in mind that it is because the essay was directed to someone who has never seen Code Geass in her life. With that said, here we go.
"It was 2006 when one of the most important Japanese animated series in the world premiered: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. The story is about Lelouch vi Britannia, the seventeenth prince of the Holy Empire of Britannia, who at his young age was sent to Japan as a political hostage with his sister after rebuking his father, the Emperor, for failing to protect his family during an attack that left his mother dead and his sister paralyzed and blind. The series begins ten years after the tragedy when Britannia has already colonized three quarters of the world, including Japan, which is renamed Area 11. It's then that Lelouch obtains Geass, a mystical power that will allow him to dominate the will of the others, and with it he will adopt the alter ego of Zero, a masked vigilante, and will lead a rebellion in order to find answers for the murder of his mother and to give a kind world to his sister - and, in the process, destroy the empire who repudiated him. Stories about rebellions have been told many times. In his book The Rebel Man, Albert Camus observed that man rises up against the order that oppresses him when the situation has lasted so long that it is unsustainable. But the feeling of insurrection, although it is an awareness, arises from the archetypes that serve as a guide in times of crisis for societies and establish patterns for the characters in the stories we like. That being so, what archetype do we identify in Lelouch? The one from Prometheus. In this work, we will unravel Lelouch through this archetype.
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The myth of Prometheus is of vast symbolic richness. Hence it lends itself to inexhaustible reinterpretations and is one of the most reworked myths. In Prometheus: myth and tragedy, Carlos García Gual traces the different materializations of Prometheus throughout the ages and declares: "all these Prometheans (...) are united by the same resistance, the same insurrection, the same voluntary suffering" (p .194). So Prometheus transcends as a benevolent rogue who disobeys the commands of Zeus in favor of humanity, emphasizing values of rebellion and progress. However, this is far from Lelouch because, while it is true that Area 11 is under the yoke of Britannia, it is not driven by a genuine desire to free the Elevens (the colonists of Area 11), but by revenge and resentment, and it disguises its selfish reasons with intentions altruistic. He does, at least initially, as, at a turning point in the second season, Lelouch realizes that his struggle extends beyond him and his sister. He also fights for the people he loves and the humanity. In this sense, we can say that Lelouch embodies the negative expression of the archetype and this, in turn, makes him similar to another mythical figure: Lucifer. Like Lelouch, Lucifer questions the supreme power of God and incites the angels to oppose him by masking his personal motivations. When the rebellion fails, he hatches a plan to corrupt man in order to get revenge on God. And the similarities don't end there. Lelouch and Lucifer were exiled and as a result they harbor a deep hatred against their creators - in God, in the Emperor of Britannia and even in Zeus we can identify the archetype of the Father. Lelouch and Satan, additionally, are manipulators and liars. Both resort to rhetoric to get what they want from others and, like evil itself, they are seductive and charismatic. We see how Lucifer deceived Eve and how Lelouch pretends to love Rolo as his brother when he is really using him. To make it more evident, in the final stretch of the series, the other characters distinguish Lelouch as "Demon Emperor" in allusion to his evil. It may seem like we are getting off topic; however, the opposite is true. Prometheus and Lucifer are more similar than it seems at first glance. In fact, Milton's Satan drinks from Prometheus and, apart from that, emerged in the Baroque, a movement that preceded Romanticism, which had an intense affinity with Prometheus. Thus, Satan, Lelouch and Prometheus have their origin in the fact that they were part of the order that they challenge and stand out for their powerful nature. Lucifer was an angel at the service of God; Prometheus was a titan with the prophetic gift who helped Zeus during the titanomachy and Lelouch was the son of the Emperor (plus he possesses mystical power and genius intellect). And, above all, all three are essentially characterized by their cunning.
Outside of his love for the human race, Prometheus is still a scoundrel who used tricks to get his way. Hesiod presents him as a challenger to the omnipotence and omnipresence of Zeus in the Theogony, highlighting his negative traits (because his attitude is contrary to the purposes of Zeus, who wants everything good). The myth of Mecona demonstrates this since Prometheus mocked the father of the gods with malicious art with the distribution of the parts of the sacrificed bull, knowing that he would choose the most appetizing one. Here Prometheus is transgressing the sacrifice between men and gods [here I open a parenthesis to tell my readers who aren't familiar with Greek mythology nor are they mythologists that the myth of Macona is the explanation and meaning that the Greeks gave to their sacrificial rituals and if we analyze it carefully, you will see that the Prometheus' trick benefited humanity since it was established that humans could eat the meat and that the burned bones would be the sacrifice for the gods; if it had been the other way around, human would have chewed the bones as if they were dogs and the gods would have eaten the meat because that was what Zeus, who "knows what is good for man", wanted (f*ck you Zeus).] Lelouch does something similar in the eighth episode of the second season. The vicereine of Area 11 decides to restore the Administrative Zone of Japan, which is a conceptual State created with the aim of returning the rights and privileges to the Elevens that were previously denied to them as colonial powers, and establishes a dialogue with Zero (Lelouch). He accepts, on behalf of the Elevens, on the condition that "Zero" be exiled and, in this way, they close the agreement. On the day of the inauguration, Lelouch, his army and the Elevens attend the ceremony dressed as Zero, forcing Britannia to let all the Zeros go and, in turn, preventing the reduction of support for his rebel group and the Elevens are subordinated to a puppet State. This situation is one of many in which Lelouch uses his cunning to benefit the people (and his own plans).
Prometheus' other trick is the theft of fire. Against the will of Zeus, Prometheus steals the fire from the gods and gives it to men. The myth of the creation of humanity tells that Prometheus decided to give man fire to elevate him to a higher category than the animal and guarantee his survival; but what does fire symbolize in this context? David Fontana answers, in The Secret Language of Symbols, that it is "a symbol of the wisdom that differentiates men from gods" (p.111). Fire is the light that allows us to see through the shadows. It's the knowledge that constitutes the central axis in the progress of civilizations. And isn't knowledge what Lucifer offers to man in Genesis? Just in case you have any doubts, the etymology reveals it: Lucifer comes from Latin and is made up of lux (light) and ferre (carry). Therefore, Lucifer means "bringer of light." Several literary critics will compare Lucifer to Prometheus, among other aspects, for this. Paolo Astorgo, in his essay "The myth of Prometheus and human knowledge", points out in relation to this: "[Prometheus] favors humanity by providing it with certain means by which it not only systematizes its activities more quickly (... ), but it creates the first ideas about technology” (para. 5). With fire, man can create weapons and instruments. For this reason, Astorgo talks about technological advancement and this brings us back to Code Geass. In the preamble to the first episode they explain to us that Britannia conquered Japan (and many other nations) because they had "Knightmares" at their disposal, which are large armed robots. No matter how hard the Japanese tried to get their land back, they were always outmatched. It's Lelouch who obtains several Knightmares and bestows them on the rebels. Thanks to its resources and tricks, the group establishes itself as a kind of organization that soon gains the sympathy of the people and the patronage of the Japanese plutocrats. Under Lelouch's leadership, the organization grows exponentially, becoming an army that rivals that of Britannia and, consequently, is capable of fighting for the freedom of Japan. Astorgo shows that men find themselves in the need to depend on the divinities because they have fire that they also use to subdue them. By giving them fire, Prometheus not only makes man rebel against the oppressive divinities, he also provides him with tools to free himself from them. Likewise, Lelouch provides the Elevens with the same power with which Britannia bends them to become independent. And, to this, Astorgo adds: "This almost dialectical relationship God-Humanity, revolves in the myth as a constant closely linked to the fact of necessity and rebellion, which is what regularizes all the acts of “deception” that Prometheus uses before Zeus. , to steal power, with the sole objective of providing freedom to humanity" (para. 13). Here one of the values that Prometheus represents comes into play: freedom.
Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch affirm themselves as rebels against the tyranny of the powerful, but humanity suffers the consequences. Adam and Eve are expelled from Paradise; Zeus takes fire from man and grants him a new evil, and in his obsession with revenge, Lelouch unintentionally drags down innocent lives and his loved ones. But while Lucifer is apathetic; Lelouch and Prometheus suffer. In his work "Prometheus: Human Existence in Greek Interpretation", Karl Kerényi says that the nature of this archetype pushes the Prometheans to think deviously, which brings misfortune for humanity and for themselves. He alleges: “in their devious (ankyios) way of thinking (…) they are caught in their own web (ankyie): (…). And all kinds of devious paths correspond to it, from lies and deceptions to the most ingenious inventions, whose precondition, however, is always representative of a lack in the way of existing of the clever" (p.45). This is the imperfection that Kerényi reiterates throughout the text. Even though they are "titanic", Lelouch and Prometheus are imperfect because they suffer and that pain humanizes them. From there, Kerényi stipulates that suffering is part of the human condition. Lelouch, in particular, is aware of the damage that his actions have on those close to him and the innocent and lives with remorse. An example is episode thirteen of the first season: the father of one of his love interests dies due to a landslide that he causes in a confrontation with Britannia. Lelouch never forgave himself. Of course, if there was an event whose guilt always tormented him, it was the massacre of the Administrative Zone of Japan, of which he was the indirect author. The sum of the tragedies in his life leads Lelouch towards the positive side of him as an archetype and, eventually, makes him make the decision to pay for his sins, but not before leaving behind him a kind world as he had proposed.
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Both Prometheus and Lelouch end up succumbing to divine justice for their misdeeds. Prometheus is tied with strong chains to a rock where an eagle devours his liver and remains there for a long time until Heracles appears and shoots the animal. Lelouch's punishment, on the other hand, takes the form of the Zero Requiem; which is a plan that he develops with Suzaku, his best friend, with the aim of ending all wars and ushering in an era of peace and, in unison, answering for their crimes. After killing the Emperor and usurping the throne, Lelouch quells the insurrections against him, imposes a cruel dictatorship and establishes himself as the enemy of the world by kidnapping the leaders of the United Nations Federation (a coalition of states equivalent to the ONU), which forces the world to confront him, giving way to a war that culminates in Lelouch's victory. During the public execution of the fallen, Suzaku, dressed as Zero, appears and kills Lelouch. With his death, Lelouch accepts his punishment and takes all the hatred with him, leaving a peaceful world. Kerényi stops to analyze the tetralogy of tragedies dedicated to Prometheus by Aeschylus and observes that the cunning titan's hardships will not cease until a divinity takes charge, since Prometheus' suffering is inherent to existence. In such circumstances one could speak of a "redemption." Who replaces Prometheus is Chiron, since longed to die after being wounded by a poisoned arrow. In Lelouch's case it is Suzaku. Suzaku is a knight in the service of Britannia. Like Lelouch, he aspires to a better world, only he doesn't believe a rebellion is the key. In him we recognize, as in Heracles, the archetype of the hero. And he, like Chiron, wanted to die. However, in the end, Lelouch, who longed to live with his sister, is the one who dies and he, who wanted to die in order to purge his guilt, is the one who lives at the cost of giving up his own happiness for the good of humanity by existing. just like Zero. Thus, the two friends atone for his sins and Lelouch, who proclaimed himself as the Messiah, achieves his redemption by becoming what he preached so much (although a few know that). There is no doubt that this sacrifice for love of humanity makes us think of Jesus Christ.
Literary critics also often compare him to Prometheus and, by extension, we could compare him to Lelouch. The three are united by their closeness to men, for whom they endure a via crucis and the three are saviors of humanity. And this brings us back to Joseph Campbell's words about the definition of "hero." In simple terms, a hero is one who gives his life for something greater than himself or different from him. It is likely that there will be those who resist considering Christ as a hero. Lelouch, for his part, certainly falls within the category of tragic hero. Regarding Prometheus, García Gual attributes his heroic character to Aeschylus stating that it was his work that immortalized in tragedy for posterity the myth of an old trickster.
Either way, Lelouch is an excellent example that archetypes are rooted in the collective imagination and are binary, universal, and ahistorical in nature. Despite the enormous time gap and the difference between cultures, the archetypes represent the same values that they once had and are still capable of continuing to captivate us with wonderful narratives that have a lot to teach us."
And, well, that's how I concluded my essay. The truth is, I think I could have gone deeper since the approach has enough potential to develop a thesis, but I couldn't go on for five pages and the proffesor complained that some of my classmates decided to ignore the rule and, therefore, exceed the limit. It seems that she is one of those proffesors who doesn't want to read shit (did I mention that I despise her?). So I apologize for so little and I will allow you to hate me for this horrible English (I didn't put the quotes in their original language and then translate them, I know, I deserve you to hate me for that too).
But, if you don't hate me and you liked my work, I invite you to give me a like. If you've never thought about what archetype Lelouch is based on, give me a like. If you found the association between Jesus Christ, Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch fascinating, give me a like. If my essay made you think, give me a like. If you want to make me happy or would like my humble essay to be more widely disseminated, share it. This way I will take into account that you like me to analyze Code Geass characters through archetypes and I can bring more similar content. I would like to talk soon about a part of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey in particular that is very easy to identify in Lelouch's journey (how the hell can Lelouch be an antihero, if he has the word HERO tattooed all over his forehead?). Well, there are a lot of things I want to discuss! It's just that my life and time are not enough for me to do everything I want. Anyway, have a nice night and don't forget to eat meat to piss off Zeus.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 6 months
I just checked the old and new version of chapter 90 and I’m soooo confused.
Seimei's magic (used by Acchan) can affect everyone from the present (although in previous chapter guys from the present couldn’t affect the past). 
“Byakko doesn't want to show you” -> “Byakko doesn’t know”. Byakko didn’t know about Ranmaru turning Acchan into a youkai. How could he recognize a supposedly-dead-man after 1000 years 🤨 what is the meaning of this change??
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Acchan didn't actually do anything special here, it's been established that they can be affected by the recreation, its less like watching a movie and more like you're seeing everything from the adjacent room
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(Haru trying to follow bc it looked that much like they were just in the other room)
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(And shutendouji mommy appearing caused the room theyre in to shake too)
And connecting to the next bit, regarding the difference between Byakko not wanting to show vs not knowing
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In either case, Byakko wouldn't have known about what happened because he wasn't there to see it himself nor would anyone have told him the details. But I'd assume everyone involved figured out the broad strokes at least, that "Suzaku helped Douman escape and turned him into a youkai and Suzaku was exiled"
And regarding whether Byakko wanted to show it, I don't think he wanted to show any of this actually.
Byakko doesn't have a motive to show them any of it, Sano is an uninvolved party, Ranmaru lived it, and Haruaki as a person just doesn't matter to Byakko, he's just the container for Seimei's soul to him.
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He probably trapped them in that dimension to 1. stop Ranmaru from getting away and 2. keep them in a known place that's almost impossible to escape to deal with later
(As for why he didn't do this sooner, I can think of a couple reasons: 1. it's taxing, and he doesn't want to use it unless it's his last resort, 2. he's a showoff and too proud to use it against a bunch of youkai, 3. the target needs to hold pretty still for a bit and Haru is pretty damn fast 4. this is his special ranmaru backrooms)
What's more likely is them getting to see this flashback was a freak accident caused by Seimei or something
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Mind you this is how they stumbled into it
And Seimei DOES has a motive for this, however obscure his goals may be. He seems interested in having Haruaki tie up his loose ends, seen with the shutendouji, and knowing what happened in the past is pretty important to working out whatever Douman and Ranmaru are hung up about.
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Still, this is just a guess, but Seimei has infinitely more motive to show them that flashback than Byakko does. (In fact, the first scene of it before the four gods get summoned might even be Seimei's memory)
So it's not a matter of "Byakko didn't want to show them this part", it's "Byakko didn't want to show them any part of it, probably isn't even aware they saw the flashback, and physically cannot show them what happened between Douman and Suzaku because he wasn't there to see"
(END OF DELULU ZONE basically i think it was actually seimei using byakkos memories to show them that flashback. how he did this idk)
Anyway why Byakko could recognise Acchan is pretty simple, he looks the same still. And the fact he's the principal is probably fairly widespread knowledge among the gods who care to know about it.
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postbadbadassqueen · 2 years
Code Geass Ending 3 Short analysis + some facts
Orange Range wrote this ending, as well as the 1st opening of R2, for Code Geass, so they were written with Lelouch in mind; This ending is from Lelouch's point of view and the whole setting the director made with the lyrics and pictures is clearly not hazardous :
Since the Lyrics on the video are in French I'll translate those right below in english with the picture they are tied with :
Lelouch // I'll try to gather the shreds of happiness I once had collected in my chest
(Lelouch moving on while still trying to remember everything good that happened while he walks the path of carnage, the chain begins around his hand, he has a dark wing)
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Nunnally and Rollo // The melody i have almost forgotten has not lost any of it's colors in my heart
(Refers to the mind wipe which led him to forget about Nunnally, Nunnally isn't surrounded by his chains cause he has no hold on her in R2, instead Rolo is trapped and his alliegance are changing, with his angel wing (Britannia) disappearing while the black wing (alliegance to Lelouch) is coming out)
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Euphemia and Cornelia // Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, it's thanks to everyone that i am who i am today
(A thank you for his memories and the good time he spent with his sisters, despite everything Lelouch still holds dear his childhood in Britannia, and we know he loved Euphie deeply; the chain has no hold on Cornelia and surrounds her sword (because she is his enemy) and Euphie is totally free of it since she is dead :() They have angel wings (Britannian ones)
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Gino and Anya BUT Taniguchi said (in his crossed interview with Clamp in the Mutuality artbook) it first was meant to be Shirley's spot (the picture of her in the 4th ending was meant for this one but was moved because it spoiled her death, so this line was meant to be tied to her) // Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, next time it will be my turn to bring you happiness When you know it was meant to be Shirley, you know that you understand he is promising Shirley he'll make her happy someday (a reference to the reincarnation thematic which fits Shirley) of course, Shirley is dead so no chains, she is just flying away :'(
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V.V. and Charles // I will never forget any of this, because i still am the one i was that day
(This is a message to the emperor and his memory rewriting geass, since he changed Lelouch and rewrote his memories, Lelouch assures him he didn't changed and he still remembers; The chains surrounds both V.V. and Charles but have no hold on them, they have the angel wings of britannia )
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Kallen // I 've got to keep saying I love you all the time
(this one is all about his feelings for Kallen being hidden/unknown during the anime and her having no means to know, it's a wish from him to be able to tell her what he feels; Kallen has the black wings of the black knights and Lelouch's chain is tied to her neck, a strong symbol of his hold on her, but she still manages to keep a hold of the chain, implying she still maintains her control (making sense with the end of the anime; she also holds a vest really similar to one of Lelouch's, but longer)
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Suzaku // When you cry, you can run away as long as you come back
(This is a message of friendship from Lelouch who still feels for Suzaku no matter what, he'll be his friend and will always care for him, as we can see at the end of the anime. Suzaku has the white wings of britannia but Lelouch's chains fully ties his hands, stopping him from having any real impact on his fate, maybe a reference to his live on geass)
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C.C.// Follow those tracks to not forget about this day.
(This is a clear reference to C.C. and her forgotten memories, lost within the flow of time, to retrace her steps can also lead her to her lost humanity, as she managed to get back the will to live at the end of the show, as her various profile said)
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Don't forget his is an ANALYSIS, the only canon thing are that ; Orange Range wrote this for Code Geass, so coming from Lelouch, Shirley's picture was meant to be there instead of Gino and Anya, and the fact that the director made the full arrangement for the ending.
It doesn't prove anything, it's just something nice to analyze cause it actually matches and analyzing can be fun, but it doesn't make it a fact.
Anyway I love this ending and it fits Lelouch so much i's always a pleasure (Once again it fits the original canon anime, of S1 and R2, not the Alternate universe movie version since everything changed there, it's a different canon.)
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gingersnap2010 · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Lelouch x male Autistic! Kid! reader (Code Geass)
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Name: Lelouch
Type: Platonic, Protective, Possessive, Delusional, Obsessive, and Controlling
Nickname: Name, possum, chaos in the flesh, and lord of discord
 Lelouch at first has no idea what to make of you. He probably meets you at one of Nunnally’s special classes. He’s shocked to discover your just a kid. Though with your needs it makes sense why you were here since Nunnally attending special classes for people who need it had greatly increased. 
 When he finds out you are autistic, he isn’t very sure what that means. He literally has to ask more than a dozen people, before researching it online himself.
 Eventually, you come over with Nunnally for dinner and he gets to see your quirks in action. You eat out of a compartment box, which has the correct amount of portions you can handle. You hate veggies with a firey passion, more so than his hatred towards his father. You proceeded to tell him your conspiracy theory on the veggie industry and how they will take over the world. 
He pretended to be interested even though he had absolutely no idea what you were even saying to him at the rate you were going. He learned you talk fast and loud when excited. Personal space is a word that is not in your vocabulary, also privacy.
You are very blunt and see the world bluntly, if Nunnally needs help getting into her nightgown. You offer with absolutely no intentions of doing anything funny with her. It makes sense for your age but with sex questions well…
He’s worried that no one has told you about how babies are made. Only to be proven wrong with your very open discussion on the topic. He learns you like being prepared for future events, your boldness of sex. Is a copping measure to make sure you don’t do sex wrong.
 He finds it endearing in a strange way.  Though you couldn’t discuss sex so often, then again you were one to discuss open issues in society so he doesn’t mind. Though he does keep ohgi the hell away from you!
However you have no table skills, you use sporks only, with the occasional spoon for deserts /cereals, and soups and a knife for meats. You have a variety of strange interests. You know more about zero than the average joe, which makes him sweat like you wouldn’t believe. 
Then there’s your animal hobby, you just love possums hence the nickname. He actually learns more about the animal than he used to because of you. Then there's the time you spout some random ass animal fact out of the blue and it catches him off guard. 
“ Hey lelouch! Kangaroos pause their pregnancies in times of drought! Isn’t that neat?!” you yelled rushing into his bathroom as he was getting out of the shower.
Cue him being perplexed as to why you are there and then you follow up
“ also there’s soap on your-” he cuts you off before you announce it to Nunnally
“ ah I see thanks name! Got it!”
“Also Nunnally says hi!” you chirp
“ hi back!” Lelouch yelled trying to cover himself 
Then there was the whole fancy dinner incident. Truthfully he should have told Milly you wouldn’t understand caviar.
” Where are the nuggets?”
“ name this is a fancy restaurant they don’t have chicken nuggets,” Lelouch whispered
“ macaroni?” you ask
“ no,” Suzaku said eyeing you 
“ Is there a kid's menu?!” you shout at the waiter, who turns confused
“ oh my god……” Milly groaned
“ Can we go to Mcdonald's?” you ask
Lelouch smacked his head on the table.
He  becomes your dad, without realizing it. He’s like Mr. mom, seriously he figures out a schedule for you after he convinces your guardian to let you move in. May have used his geass for that. 
Your social skills are zero to none, and so, is the perception of volume.
“ HEY LELOUCH!!!! NINTENDO!!!!” you scream happily pointing to a  pokemon manga
“ name!! shush we’re in a library!” Lelouch hissed 
 When you get hurt or sent to an area he’s gonna wreak havoc on, that's when yandere mode goes on full. He keeps you locked up after that. He feels a bit guilty but he may use your trust in him, to make you stay away from the television if he’s not there, and so on. But it’s honestly for your own good. 
He goes permanently after a bullying situation at school where someone calls you a retard after you did not understand something. He was livid at the person and has a smile the next day when they are found dead. 
This is a good display of his protectiveness, his delusion is in the thinking you are like Nunnally who he perceives is made out of glass. So instead of helping you in a way that would let you become more independent, he caters to your needs.  
  Don’t like watching movies if there's a sad moment in it? Perfect he’ll set up animal documentaries, and animal learning shows instead.  Or craft shows, you name something g rated he’s got it hooked up to the tv. C.C. is like a mum to you so he sees you often cuddling up to her. It makes him jealous, though when you cuddle him he gets flustered easily. He’s shy about hugs sometimes.
C.C. basically gets you stuff to keep busy with, she also teaches you about the history she had experienced. So your understanding of history greatly improves, and you learn a few more languages. She also is great to teach you anything since she is patient and mellow, and has also learned various teaching methods over the years. 
So while your skills don’t improve with people, academically you skyrocket. You're able to get your point across faster with higher-thinking words. Such as parched, instead of thirsty, and so on. It helps you fit in with the higger standing kids when you do go outside so that’s a plus.
  Lelouch calls you chaos in the flesh after the tube city incident in the club room, your idea which you somehow convinced Milly of. Then again she’s had outlandish ideas too. Was to make a giant system of tubes for hamsters. Then set them loose across the school as animal enthusiasm and awareness. 
  You also drench yourself in paint and tried to paint with your body. So yeah, chaos in the flesh. He calls you the lord of discord for the poker game incident that drove him and Suzaku up the wall. When they learned you had somehow been playing with Uno cards. Then said Yahtzee at the end. Truth be told he should have guessed that smile did not seem to get the point of the game. 
C.C. then congratulated you on the discord you created. Hence the nickname.
 You also hog the blanket, yeah you sleep in his bed. You have trouble sleeping alone. Your mind at night tells you that if someone is there they will protect you from whatever monster may come after you. You are not wrong in his case, but the point still stands. Every night you also sleep walk so he has put up baby gates and extra walls, in order to prevent you from getting hurt.
 When he becomes king, he’s hesitant about how you’ll take his death. Since you seem not to deal with the concept very well. So he may tell you he’s gonna be back. This is before he knows he's got code. You also like stealing his hat and sitting on the throne with your favorite drink and people watch. It spooks the guards that’s for sure. 
 You also like playing with the limo’s buttons. Much to the annoyance of the driver. Your favorite thing to do though is to sneak under his robes without him knowing then pop your head threw them scarring him every single time!
You also take a fancy to watch sleeping beauty. He’s not sure why though….
When’s he back with memories and code, you launch yourself at him before kola hugs him. He’s trapped by you and knows it. It takes bribing from Suzaku before you even consider letting go. You watch him like a hawk since he was gone for so long. 
  Lelouch sighs and lets you lay on him as he walks with C.C. to their next location. Yeah, he’d figured out how to keep you with him, so you ain’t dying anytime soon. When you ask what the funny tattoo is for, Lelouch just tells you it’s like a bracelet.
C.C Has dubbed you The Jelly bean of absolute Mayhem. You like it cause it makes you sound powerful, as you try to imitate what Lelouch does with his eyes. Lelouch just sweats in confusion when he sees you trying to act all threatening. 
He tried teaching you chess once, and he watched in horror as you ate the pieces. C.C. learns you are more of a tic-tac-toe person. You do it in the dirt with a tree branch you found.  The most recent incident was when you managed to find a possum and wanted to keep it. It liked you, but it hissed at Lelouch with fiery hatred! The possum had to go, but he got you a plushie which you dubbed mrs. possum.
All in all, not the worst yandere…. right?
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pettyeti · 11 months
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The Warrior of Light's clan once favored Suzaku. They worshiped her, weaved feathers into their hair and clothing and had feasts in her honor. They would ask her for a multitude of things. Good hunting in their hidden valleys. The safe delivery of a new life into this world. Bountiful harvests that would keep their bellies full during the winter months. Seiryū knows this because Suzaku heard them, riddled with Aritama though she once was. The voices of a thousand hymns and a thousand more prayers stubbornly ringing in the back of her mind, creeping madness threatening to consume her whole all the while. A distant, lingering spark of defiance; reminding her of whom she was once. Whom she promised to be.  They're gone now. All of those who once deified her, washed away by war and the follies that so plague mankind. Save for one. The Warrior of Light wears songbird feathers in his hair. Suzaku’s plumes adorn his favored bow. When he prays, Suzaku is whom he reaches out to. Not Seiryū.  And it vexes him. So he shall give him the greatest gift of all to remedy that fact.
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Euphemia: How do you keep from cracking under such inhumane conditions? Teach me, Suzaku. Teach me to be more like you. Suzaku: Well, it's powerful stuff. Once you accept it, there's no going back. You ready to proceed? All right. All right. Now let me bring you inside my mind. Now picture yourself on a serene mountaintop, clear blue sky, sun shining, a cool breeze blowing through the wildflowers. Euphemia: I see it. Suzaku: Now, take away the flowers, breeze, sky, mountaintop. Now what do you see? Euphemia: Nothing. Suzaku: Exactly. And that's what's in my head... all the time.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.
Whew. This one is going to be DIFFICULT
I’ll try to only name 10 (in no particular order)
If you asked me the same question tomorrow, my answer would be completely different.
C’est parti!
1- Edward Elric: FMAB single-handedly changed my life. I was 14 when I watched it for the first time and I was going through a very dark phase. To see how that boy went from self-hate and despair to someone strong enough to accept and embrace his limitations as a human being was exactly the type of media I needed. I needed to be humbled and FMAB did that for me.
2-Miria from Claymore: She might have been my bisexual awakening tbh (or maybe Olivier Mira Armstrong. I made my friends call me “General” at one point. Also, I covered my eye with my braids lol). Miria is the perfect blend of charisma, authority and kindness. She’s what I want to be.
3-Katniss Everdeen. The Hunger Games changed my life and gave me a better understanding of politics. Something that even my dad (a politician) couldn’t do. I love Katniss because she’s so human. She’s a mess, she’s a trailblazer but she’s just a girl. Her character is brilliant because she’s just a girl. Many authors tried to copy that but failed miserably cause they wouldn’t let their protagonist be just a girl.
4- Killua my son. I have so many things to say about that child but I’ll keep it short. I am moved by the amount of love he has in that little assassin heart but I was ever more moved by his ability to step away from his relationship with Gon and find himself. He inspired me to do the same.
5- Gon cause they’re a unit. Gon is extremely complex. So complex that most dudes don’t understand him. I love complex.
6-Akemi Homura cause she never did anything wrong in her entire life and she’s perfect.
7-Aisha from Winx Club. She’s Black, she’s a princess, she battled to save her people from Valtor’s destructive hands, she fought against her own anxieties and timidity to become a better version of herself, she’s a great dancer, she’s incredible in everything she does, she’s one the most interesting characters of the series thanks to her character development, her ideals, her strengths and vulnerabilities.
8-Geto cause he’s an idiot, a fucking loser, a monk, a fraud, a virgin, a whore, a single dad, a certified dickhead and everything to me. Also Gojo.
9-Makise Kurisu. She’s a girl, she’s a genius, she’s a pervert, she’s in love with a mad scientist (I loooooove the entire Steins gate cast)
10-Suzaku Kururugi. Many people hate him for siding with the colonisers and betraying his bf but to me he’s the most interesting character in the anime. He’s so full of regrets about killing his father that he tries to convince himself that peace really is the answer. It’s giving sunk cost mentality ft reaction formation. Freud would have a field day with him lol
Honorable mentions: Hinata Shouyo,Thorfinn, Ash Lynx, Peeta, Lelouch, Atsushi Nakajima, Satsuki Kiryuin, Simon from GL, Elektra from pose, Will from Hannibal and many others
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lavender-z-love · 2 years
Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader
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🤍 Genre: Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Fluff.
🤍 Warnings: Form of Manipulation, Forgetfulness, Spoilers for R2, potential spelling errors. (If more, let me know.)
🤍 A/n: So, in this Code Geass Scenario, You possess a geass that manipulates plants. You and Lelouch at this time had your memories erased. Lelouch's soon gaining his memories back attempts to bring you, his best friend back as well.
🤍 Another A/n: Ugh! This was so fun to write! I love me some Lulu, there might be a Part 2! Once again! SPOILER WARNINGS ⚠️
🤍 Wordcount: 2,580k
The classroom was quiet with slight scribble noises. You all were testing, your shared desk was with a student you hadn't seen for a while. Her name..you couldn't remember it. You two had been good friends up until now. She had red hair, and was known to not be at school for a while due to her illness. She was such a quiet girl, looked fragile like a piece of glass.
The school bell rang signaling that the testing was now over and the classes were dismissed. Of course, You packed your things and get ready to leave. Not the school just yet, you loved to just sit atop of the school. You tended to love the fresh air you could get especially from high up.
As you stood up from your chair, you'd made your way to the door. In the process accidentally running into..him. Something felt like you knew him for a while, didn't help that you two had interactions lately. "I apologize, I should've been careful where I was looking." He bowed at you, which made you a bit nervous. You grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him back standing up straight. "Please, There's no need for that. It was an accident." He scratched the back of his neck, thinking of his next set of words.
Just a few desks away, a pair of eyes observed the two of you. He didn't like what was happening, the two of you were separated for a reason, though seemed like fate keeps bringing you two back together. The king would not like to hear about this one bit! The last few words exchanged between you and the boy who'd just bumped into you. He waved at you, exiting the classroom. Leaving you with your Friend, Suzaku Kururugi.
"Y/n." Your name was called in a stern voice. Turning around to see your friend with a semi-serious face. Though, he still wanted to keep the atmosphere nice and light.
You walked over to him,"Did you need something?"
He nodded,"Just- couldn't help but notice something. Do you mind meeting me on the roof?" You told him you've got plenty of time and that you didn't mind at all! "Thats good, meet me there in a few minutes. I have something to do really quickly."
On your way up to the roof, something seemed..off. Like your reality was deforming or disoriented. Your vision was starting to blurr. Did someone drug me? You thought to yourself. Until your thoughts were interrupted by a giggle. "No, Y/n.
Suddenly the roof doors opened with a gust of wind rushing through. You covered your face with your arms, protecting your eyes from the dirt and debris which flew through the door. Once the wind calmed down, you peaked past your wrists. The sunlight burning your eyes just a bit but not too much to where you couldn't make out a figure standing in front of you.
This girl- she looked like a being from another world. She wore a white suit, looks similar to a straitjacket. Her Lime green hair trailed down her back stopping at her tail bone. "Don't you wish to come back home? Y/n?"
"W-Who are you?" She looked a little remorseful, her green eyes dulled with sadness. So you really were gone? Your memories were not present. She remained silent, extending her hand out to you waiting for you to take it. Something about her- did you know this woman? She couldn't have been much older than you, she looked so young.
Regardless, your hand seemed to have a mind of its own. Slowly pulling itself to this girls hand. At first it was Like something was forcing your hand to complement hers. Then you were hesitant and as your hand almost meeting hers, you were interrupted-
"Y/n!" You gasped hearing a familiar voice, then you remembered Suzaku asked you to meet him at the roof top! Turning around you watched Suzaku make his way up the stairs. A little conflicted about whether to show Suzaku the girl or not you turned back to look at the doors. She was gone.
Suzaku caught up to you,"Hey! Everything alright Y/n?" You nodded,"Yes, Of course-" He must have not seen her? How strange and where on earth could she have disappeared to in such a short amout of time? Was she hiding from Suzaku? Why did she just disappear like that? You were asking questions, about the recent even that had just taken place in your head.
You were brought back to by Suzaku taking your hand and guiding you to a bench nearby. "Um Suzaku?" His hands slid a little far back behind him, he used them as support for the way he was sitting. He looked at you, something a bit off in his eyes. Like you were in trouble?
"Are you friends with..L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶?"
"Who?" Suzaku's eyes squinted, as he glared at you. He was so sure that you knew who he was talking about.
"Oh surly you know, Tall, slender..shoulder-Lelouch brown hair? Purple eyes..."
Suzaku smiled,"Yeah!". Though inside he was thinking about what to do about this. They had torn you two apart from another Only for your forgotten identities to now befriend eachother! What now!? You reached into your bag to get your bento out,"Ah! Is that what his name is?"
Suzaku nodded,"L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶."
"Mm..what an interesting name, is he foreign?" Seems like everything is okay, memory wise. Well for you in anyway. He hadn't checked on L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s memories.
"He's sweet."
"You mean-"
"Yes, he helped me with the books I had to carry to the Library this morning. We had a little chat then, but It wasn't anything important."
Suzaku's face showed joy, deep down he was still a bit suspicious. Yes L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ knew it was risky, Though he needed to get close to you to see exactly where your memories had left off due to being erased. Seeing that now Suzaku was your best friend, it wasnt going to be easy to be around you.
"Yes, Yes. L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ Is a gentleman. Though thats something I wanted to talk to you about-" You grabbed a rice ball before taking a bite, your ears were open to what Suzu was soon going to say. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶...Hes a little- off."
"Off? How so?"
"Knowing him for some time now. He's a bit strange, unhinged... Yes he has friends but they dont know this."
"How are you able to get this info?"
"Because Of my position as a Knight of Seven." You chuckled, realizing what a ridiculous question that was.
"Ahah..Yes, that does make sense you have access to these things."
Suzaku chuckles,"Yes of course, I also know that he-" Suzaku's phone rings, notifying him that he had to leave. Suzu picks up the phone answering with a few; 'Mhm' 'Yeah' 'Alright'. He stood up taking your hand,"My apologies- Y/n..Duty calls."
He brought your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss upon it. Looking up at you with his emerald eyes. You weren't gonna lie- he kinda gave you butterflies. "Just..Be careful around L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶. He's not fully in his right mind."
Suzaku bowed before taking off. "Hm..Crazy to think, that sweet person is actually not as he seems.." 'He's not fully in his right mind' You wondered how? In what way. You finished with your lunch, packing your things in your bag you made your way down the roof. In the process you'd run into Rolo. "Afternoon Y/n",he says in a monotoned voice. Looked like he was rather annoyed, he didn't want to run into but at the same time had a message to give you.
"That damn woman wants something of you and my brother." Rolo grimaced, he took off.. "W-Wait! Rolo!" You sighed, whats with him? 'Does he have some sort of problem with me?' You thought to yourself, for the short amout of time you've known Rolo, he gives you some annoyed look. Especially when you were around...Him.
The second you stepped out those doors, your eyes locked with her..
"You- how did you."
The air seemed to slow down, time stopped and everything was silent. What is this? Why does it feel like you've been here before, in some sort of void?
"I apologize for our short lived meeting, but now-",she slowly began to take large strides in your direction. Her green eyes began to glow with red rings around them. "Let me bring you back." Your body had a mind of its own now. You attempted to move back and away her only for you to be fighting against some invisible force. "Come back home..Y/n."
"W-wait... S-stop." Her hands latch onto yours, caressing your tanned skin. Her slim fingers tickle small arm hairs you have as they slide their way up your arm and grasp your shoulders. Now that your body was in her grasp, there was no getting put of this..Force. Still though; there was a resistance within you. "Y/n, Stop fighting it. You're still fighting."
There was another voice- your eyes looked past the woman to see him. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶..", She called out to him. The strange woman. He watched the both of you with a look of uncertainty. She whispered somethings, so quietly it was unaudible. That was when she leaned in- the mark on her head revealing itself as a gust of wind brushes her bangs out of her face. Red hue of the mark began to glow brightly almost blinding you!
She pulled back, leaving a tingling feeling on your forehead. Finally being able to move your body you push past her. Wiping your forhead, you scowled,"Ugh! Who the hell do you think you are! Do you realize I can report you C2!" Your fists ball up as you quickly rush away flustered. A trail of vegetation following you as you walked- The two gasped, surprised at what you just said. "C2?! You remember her name?"
Still flustered at the heat of the moment you turned to them,"Why would I not know your name? Of course I know who you are! What is with you two?!" C2 and L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ looked at one another then back at you. "You- remember her? Who am I?" "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶, my classmate." C2 gains L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s attention, pointing to the beautiful vegetation that had been on your trail. Thats when they knew, there was hope. You weren't completely gone.
"It hasn't worked completely, you need to do your part L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶."
Oh no, you didn't like the sound of that. You quickly turned and marched off,"Whatever you two are doing I dont want to be apart of. Especially You L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶, You damn Britannian. Stay away from me." A sharp pain plunged through the boy's heart. You didn't care where L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ was from, what ethnicity, what his background was. You loved him for him, but they both knew you weren't completely there. You were reprogrammed by...his bastard father and the one who sold L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ out- who had betrayed him.
Currently, you were well...In a deep sleep waiting to be woken up. And that was the plan, to awaken you. You could hear subtle yet loud footsteps behind you.
"Stop Y/n." A hand tightly latches onto your wrist forcing you to spin, facing him.
"Don't touch me!"
"Y/n hear me out-"
"No!",you exclaimed, attempting to pull away. That didn't work, you even tried to rip his tiny fingers off your wrist one by one. What you didn't pay attention to was you were being backed up into a tree.
"Suzaku..He was right- You are crazy. Let me go right now." He thought to himself holding you there..maybe- maybe there was something off with him. Why has he felt this way about someone, everyone until now was just a pawn in his game and now.. You had to come along and ruin everything. Though, he knew what he wanted. For you to remember, to come back to him, to feel loved, to experience it with you.
Not only that but he felt like he was in debt to you. Getting you involved in all this Black Knights revolution. It wasn't fair to you. His purple eyes looked down on you, with your wrists in his hands, all he could do was chuckle.. "Yeah, maybe I am crazy-" A red hue began to absorb the purple within his eyes showing a strange symbol,"I'm crazy about you, Y/n."
So much to think about, everything comes piling back to you like a rushing train. Your wrists were now released as they cup this man's face. The tree you were temporarily against was no longer behind you, rather you two were falling. So slowly what seemed like. What is because you were remembering everything? What was it..this man. You remembered! His name. What used to be so foreign to you was now so familiar.
Thats what it was! My best friend! Your back finally hitting a bed of flowers as Lelouch pulls away. Your face deeply flushed with a beautiful rouge color similar to red wine. The vines of the flowers wrapped around one another creating hearts as you stared up at the man on top of you. "L-Lelouch?!"
His brown hair flowing softly in the wind, as he looked down upon your form. That dazed expressed like youd just woken up, the flowers in your curly hair, your eyes a bright purple with your geass code shining through. The vegetation was a dead give away you were completely back. Lelouch smiled, with slightly watery eyes. "Good morning, My princess."
Your vision began to blurr, remembering what happened. "I- said those bad things..a while ago-" Lelouch interrupts you with a finger placed to your lips. "It's not your fault Y/n, you were being manipulated." Your hands find themselves cupping his face, then on his shoulders. Your vines created from your geass, cause flowers to bloom out of control.
How embarrassing..this isn't something friends usually would do. Rest on top of one another while the one below clings to the one on top. "Lelouch, Thank you." "Please, don't thank me. You shouldn't thank me." Lelouch's hand clasps onto yours, dragging it towards his lips. Mumbling against your palm.
"I should be apologizing, for getting you involved in my affairs." He kissed your delicate skin before pulling away.
The vines were growing at a tremendous rate, Popping up everywhere, showing how flustered you were. More hearts created from the tangles of the vines. Lelouch eyes shift to the cute shapes being formed by your powers. He smiles, he loves it- just like you.
"No, I knew the consequences. I was fully aware-",you chuckled as your cheeks hurt from being flustered,"I just didn't expect my memories to get erased.."
"I'm glad I could bring you back, Y/n."
"Me too..So glad." You two, hypnotized by another. For a while, you just needed to look at him. You look around, no one in sight,"Lelouch..Ah I think we should..probably um." Lelouch still on top of you,"Oh ahaha..Right, my apologies." Lelouch stands up lending a hand to you.
"Y/n, go home, I left you a special phone. I should warn you I am being monitored and you as well."
"We don't have much time. Rolo's ability should be stopping anytime soon. I'll give you the details."
Good news, Your memories had returned. Bad news..You were in need of recent events.
Written December 15th
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homoeroticbetrayal · 1 year
Calling for Context Write-ups
I'm accepting betrayal context blurbs to include with the polls for round 2. (You know, the same as what I had under Readmore for round 1.) I'll pick what I think is the most concise/informative to include with each ship, and release the rest in a spreadsheet the same way I did with the nominations.
If I've already included your submission for round 1, please feel free to resubmit it with your username so I can properly credit you this time. If you would like to remain anonymous but want me to continue to use your context blurb from your nomination, drop a note in the submission anyway, so I have proper permission this time.
The following bolded pairs still have no writeups submitted:
Anakin/Obi-Wan vs. Sasuke/Naruto
Griffith/Guts vs. Anthy/Utena
Akechi/Joker vs. John Silver/James Flint
Bill Cipher/Ford Pines vs. Homura/Madoka
Judas/Jesus vs. Geto/Gojo
Lelouche/Suzaku vs. Erik/Charles
Brutus/Caesar vs. Joshua/Neku
Hannibal/Will vs. Terezi/Vriska
While I'm happy to receive long essays, I suggest keeping in mind how much a stranger is willing to read before they just click on an option. I'll include the best ones I get but longer essays may actually hurt your chances when it comes to context-blind/undecided voters.
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shini--chan · 1 year
As always, thank you for your fantastic work. You are literally the best author I know for yandere content. If I could please request from the alphabet list, I would have to please ask for Japan for Ra, Prussia for Aphrodite, and Suzaku Kururugi for Persephone. Thank you again and best writing to you!
The yandere alphabet: Yandere Alphabet: Gods & Goddesses. The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for your kind words. So without further ado, let’s get on with it.
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Ra - Would they stalk you? How closely would you be watched while under their care?
Kiku would prefer electronic surveillance, though he would take the one or the other day to personally follow you around. In his mind, that is the perfect way of getting to know you closer. People tend to wear masks in public and additionally, react differently to each person they interact with. While he is naturally very good at looking beyond all the smoke screens and mirrors, watching you when you believe yourself to be alone would have its own, special and raw intimacy to it.
Besides, he would use the information he would gather to ensure that you’re the right one for him. Too many times has he been disappointed in the past, and doesn’t want to make another mistake. Japan would note your flaws and contemplate if they can be corrected and how to do so. Besides, he would be constantly haunted by the idea that you could find a romantic partner that isn’t him, that you could get a child that isn’t his, that you could leave Japan, that… That would drive him to stalking you, if only to smooth his ruffled feathers.
While in his care, he would turn down the stalking a bit. Since you would be so close to him, he wouldn’t be plagued by anxieties. And by being to close to you most of the time, he would be quick to pick up small cues and signs. Though, he would enjoy documenting your development. He would act like a scientist studying a brand new species, keeping meticulous track of any and all changes.
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Aphrodite - How would they express their love? Do they have a specific love language?
Gilbert is a tough cookie all in all, despite all his excursions into the realm of silliness. He is still pretty much the soldier and the intelligence officer and for a large part, he would see his relationship with you to be a mission to make the perfect person. His way of love would be helping you to become the best person you could be. Of course, that would mean the best version of you he can envision. To be more specific, that would entail callousness, as he would liquidate your flaws, and tenderness as he would encourage for good qualities.
In that sense Acts of Service & Quality Time would be his love languages. Prussia isn’t good with words and he would shy away from giving you a lot of physical affection in fear of coddling you too much. With the mentioned love languages, he would also lean more towards the latter than the former – while you would rely on him he wouldn’t let himself be reduced to being your servant.
Suzaku Kuuruigi
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Persephone - Would they be willing to share, and if yes, then with who? Would they be willing to let you interact with the outside world? To what extent?
Suzaku would be plagued by the thought of being selfish. If anything, he would be painfully aware that indulging in his own desires like this would be the epitome of selfishness. Yet he wouldn’t be able to convince himself to let you go. To compensate for this he would be willing to share you with a choice selection of people, ones that wouldn’t steal you or harm you just to spite you.
I see him as sharing you either with Anja, and that only as long as he wouldn’t know what Lady Marianne did to her, and Princess Euphemia. Both would treat you kindly while also respecting his wishes.
He would be torn between letting you roam around and squirrelling you away to a secure location that you wouldn’t be able to leave. On one hand he has lost so many people dear to him, on the other it would increase his self-hatred to curtail your freedom to much. He would strike a balance – you would be allowed outside on the condition that you would be in his, or Anja/Euphemia’s company or in disguise with a tracking device on you.
While in royal company, he would rely on his status as Honorary Britannian and Knight to keep most of the people away from you.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 6 months
How Suzaku ended up being very validated at the end of season one
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Today it's time to break a spear for Suzaku. The truth is, I feel safe talking about Suzaku in this space, despite the considerable number of haters he has; but I see that most publications about him focus on his ship with Lelouch and I think they lose sight of his role in the story and his narrative arc, which is a shame since I sincerely think he is one of the best characters in the series and anime in general.
What will we talk about today specifically? We are going to elucidate Suzaku's mentality and in the process we will discover that, contrary to what most fanboys think, he has his fair share of points in his arguments. Even the series grants it.
To start, keep in mind that Japan is one of the areas that has shown the greatest resistance against Britannia since Suzaku forced his country's surrender by murdering his father (which is partly why he in the present doubt whether he did the right thing at the time). That's why Britannia is tougher on Japan than any other area, from Suzaku's point of view.
Suzaku believes that resisting and fighting for freedom is not worth it because it will only cause more innocents to die and Britannia to increase its retaliation against Japan and make life more difficult for them. And the series has been responsible for proving Suzaku right in that regard. At first, the terrorists stole "poisonous gas" and the viceroy ordered an entire ghetto to be exterminated in response. Then the leader of the terrorists defeated an incompetent general and killed the viceroy, who was one of the emperor's many sons, and Britannia responded by sending its best general accompanied by its most advanced military unit (excluding the Knights of the Round) to to resolve the matter, thus drawing a huge target on Japan. If Britannia gets this far after a small-time terrorist achieved a simple victory, what will he do next if he actually starts winning? Annihilate every last Japanese? That's what Suzaku fears and knows will happen.
He lived through Britain's invasion of Japan, saw what the empire did to his country, and realized that Britain has only gotten stronger since the war and that Japan has only gotten weaker. Hence Suzaku works within the system. He wants a free Japan. But he believes that Japan will never defeat Britannia militarily (it doesn't matter if he fights on the side of the empire or not: the enemy is a very advanced military and technological superpower), so he looks for another alternative in Britannia, one that involves less spillage of blood, and finds it in Euphemia. Larry, you can judge Suzaku as a coward who gives up before fighting, just like Kallen and Lelouch do. But, if you ask me, this is the mentality of a victim of abuse and therefore a person traumatized by war (someone who lives in fear).
It's for this reason that Suzaku has no faith in Zero. His entire rebellion is based on the fact that he will win. We, the viewers, know that he will do it eventually because he is the f*cking protagonist, but Suzaku doesn't know that. No one in the Code Geass universe knows.
The thing is, Zero's existence, his overflowing charisma, and his eloquent speeches inspire rebellion. Zero is the reason why Britannia has an iron fist in Japan and why there are many Japanese who continue to fight. And Suzaku can't see how dying pointlessly in a fruitless battle and letting innocent civilians get caught up in Britannia's wrath will win freedom for Japan.
In the end, all Japanese people, whether pro-Zero or not, will pay the price for the terrorists, who are not only wasting their own lives, but are also actively getting the people they are trying to protect killed, and herein lies Suzaku's biggest problem with Zero. He doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything other than his own goals and the battle of Narita proved Suzaku right (again). The entire city was wiped out by Zero and the Guren Mk II. Zero had no regard for the lives of civilians because he was only focused on who he was fighting. Even as Lelouch became aware of his actions, he reaffirmed his determination by blowing up the ship with the remaining members of the Japanese Liberation Front, people who were supposedly allies of Zero and his Black Knights. The subsequent Black Rebellion, which was a consequence of the massacre of the Administrative Zone of Japan, ends up completely validating Suzaku:
Ultimately, Zero caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people on both sides, Area 11 was demoted to a "correctional area", and oppression against the Japanese became much worse than it already was.
Zero's return only heralded new problems for Japan. For Zero was already the reason why Japan's bloodless path to peace is no longer possible (from Suzaku's point of view). That's why Zero needed to die. With him dead, the resistance would be crushed and his people, although oppressed, would finally stop being decimated by Britannia around the clock. The ghettos would be quiet and military units would stop shooting in those places. It wouldn't be perfect, but at least they would be alive and there we extract another of Suzaku's beliefs: "it is better to live suffering than to die in vain." Either way, Suzaku was working to ascend to Knight of One to ask for the release of his people.
Do I mean then that Japan should have bowed its head and accepted tyranny? No and the series doesn't tell you that either. Suzaku was wrong about certain things too, just as Lelouch was. The point of the post is to take Suzaku seriously, understand why he fights Zero, and reevaluate his arguments to shed light on the positive points (because yes, he has them). The series is not about who is right and who is wrong (and if you believed that, you got it all wrong). It's about two characters who challenge each other's perspectives, learn from each other, recognize their mistakes and find a solution together for a common goal. And they grow from it.
These are some posts that I already have written and would like to translate and share here:
Why is Mao the best villain in the series?
What is the narrative arc of Euphemia?
Who has the best introduction in the series and why?
Analysis of the destruction of the Japanese Liberation Front
The conversation between Lelouch and Kallen in episode 13.
The narrative of episode 17 of first season: duty versus heart.
Better understanding Suzaku's trauma.
Unraveling the final scene of the first season.
Why did Suzaku hand Lelouch over to Emperor Charles?
The reunion in episode 1 of R2 between Lelouch and Kallen.
Why did Kallen return to Lelouch, even though he used her and lied to her?
Narrative parallels between the first four episodes of the first and second seasons. And you can expect many more, which publication are you interested in reading?
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dxvilschild · 4 months
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Hello, everyone. This is Cian and this is an oneshot request page! I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, but whenever I attempted it on Wattpad, it was always a flop. I wish this won't be the case here. I'll be taking ship requests from a variety of media. I will not limit it to a particular fandom, solely because I'm part of a whole bunch and I wanna write for most of them if given the chance. While sending in your request, keep in mind, there are a few rules to this. They are on my profile, so please read them and make sure you understand them well! 
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I present to you the ships that I'm able to write about. I prefer some more than others and that will be represented. Red for favorites, blue for not favorites but great, and orange for okay. You can request ships outside of this list, but I cannot guarantee that I will do them. Long story short, here is the complete list of the ships!
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 ANIME SHIPS
── Fujimaki x Ooyama (Angel Beats!)
── Raiden x Shin (86)
── Eugene x Shin (86)
── Otonashi x Hinata (Angel Beats!)
── Otonashi x Kanade (Angel Beats!)
── Teshigawara x Kazami (Another)
── Levi x Erwin (Attack On Titan)
── Eren x Armin (Attack On Titan)
── Ymir x Historia (Attack On Titan)
── Jean x Armin (Attack On Titan)
── Niccolo x Sasha (Attack On Titan)
── Hange x Pieck (Attack On Titan)
── Isagi x Bachira (Blue Lock)
── Kunigami x Chigiri (Blue Lock)
── Reo x Nagi (Blue Lock)
── Kazuki x Rei (Buddy Daddies)
── Dazai x Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Edgar x Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Fyodor x Nikolai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Tetchou x Jouno (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Akutagawa x Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Oda x Ango (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Tachihara x Junichiro (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Dazai x Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Edgar x Mushitaro x Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Fyodor x Nikolai x Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Yosano x Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Dazai x Fyodor (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Atsushi x Lucy (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Kenji x Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Aki x Angel (Chainsaw Man)
── Suzaku x Lelouch (Code Geass)
── Byakuya x Makoto (Danganronpa)
── Hajime / Izuru x Nagito (Danganronpa)
── Gundham x Kazuichi (Danganronpa)
── Mondo x Taka (Danganronpa)
── Sakura x Aoi (Danganronpa)
── Mondo x Chihiro (Danganronpa)
── Celeste x Kyoko (Danganronpa)
── Fuyuhiko x Peko (Danganronpa)
── Light x L (Death Note)
── Genya x Muichiro (Demon Slayer)
── Tengen x Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
── Sanemi x Giyuu (Demon Slayer)
── Obanai x Mitsuri (Demon Slayer)
── Muzan x Douma (Demon Slayer)
── Yuma x Shu (Diabolik Lovers)
── Uenoyama x Mafuyu (Given)
── Kaji x Haruki (Given)
── Howl x Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
── Kou x Mitsuba (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
── Kou x Hanako (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
── Shirogane x Kaguya (Kaguya-sama: Love Is War)
── Kirari x Sayaka (Kakegurui)
── Manyuda x Ryota (Kakegurui)
── Yumeko x Itsuki (Kakegurui)
── Tadano x Komi (Komi Can't Communicate)
── Kalego x Robin (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Asmodeus x Iruma (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Jazz x Lied (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Kirio x Iruma (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Elizabetta x Keroli (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Mob x Teru (Mob Psycho 100)
── Shu x Ritsu (Mob Psycho 100)
── Reigen x Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
── Kaworu x Shinji (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
── Ritsuko x Misato (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
── Diavolo x Lucifer (Obey Me!)
── Solomon x Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
── Simeon x Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
── Ruby x Kana (Oshi no Ko)
── Aqua x Kana (Oshi no Ko)
── Aqua x Melt (Oshi no Ko)
── Mikaela x Yuu (Owari no Seraph)
── Guren x Shinya (Owari no Seraph)
── Crowley x Ferid (Owari no Seraph)
── Sasaki x Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano)
── Joe x Cherry (SK8)
── Langa x Reki (SK8)
── Loid x Yor (Spy x Family)
── Inui x Koko (Tokyo Revengers)
── Baji x Chifuyu (Tokyo Revengers)
── Draken x Mikey (Tokyo Revengers)
── Kakucho x Izana (Tokyo Revengers)
── Hakkai x Mitsuya (Tokyo Revengers)
── Carol x Misuzu (Tomo-chan is a Girl!)
── Thorfinn x Canute (Vinland Saga)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞 
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 MANGA SHIPS
── Hyoun x Taehyuk (Dawn of the Dragon)
── Hyoin x Sungjoon (Make Me Bark)
── Lewellyn x Shavonne (Murderous Lewellyn's Candlelit Dinner)
── Daehyung x Yiyoung (On or Off)
── Seunghyun x Youngjin (Origin of Species)
── Nohae x Yeong (Shame Application)
── Yohan x Soohwa (Sign)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞 
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 SERIES & MOVIES SHIPS
── Alfred x Henry (Bodies)
── Hawk x Tim (Fellow Travelers)
── Marcus x Frankie (Fellow Travelers)
── Angel Dust x Husker (Hazbin Hotel)
── Charlie x Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
── Sir Pentious x Cherri (Hazbin Hotel)
── Cash x Darren (Heartbreak High)
── Asmodeus x Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
── Blitzø x Stolas (Helluva Boss)
── Moxxie x Millie (Helluva Boss)
── Taissa x Van (Yellowjackets)
── Shauna x Jackie (Yellowjackets)
── Natalie x Lottie (Yellowjackets)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 OTHER SHIPS
── Shuichi x Kokichi (Danganronpa)
── Miu x Kaede (Danganronpa)
── Kaito x Maki (Danganronpa)
── Kiyo x Rantaro (Danganronpa)
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For my job to become easier, you will have to include the following information in your request: ship, plot (preferably a detailed version), any triggers you might have, and any headcanons or extra stuff you would like. If at least the first three aren't mentioned, I will pretend like you never commented in the first place. I hope you enjoy my oneshots hehe!
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postbadbadassqueen · 2 years
Lelouch last Flashback in Original Anime and in AU Movies
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This is Lelouch's last Flashback from the Anime; This one led to a lot of talk during the anime airing cause those were seemingly a best of of Lelouch's memories, from his most recent to his first;
Notice how despite those being chronological, Shirley's memory happens at the very beginning, out of chronological order while this scene happenned a while ago. Notice as well how there are three pauses (yeah, they were even minuted through video program lol ) in Lelouch's wave of memories before his final memory of happiness that was his childhood with Nunnally and Suzaku ?
Shirley and her smile, Kallen's kiss, and a moment with Rollo. While it pissed some people (Kallen and Rollo I mean) I always thought it was pretty telling (and the fact the pause were minuted and that even some notorious LuluC shippers acknowledged them (while refusing to give a meaning to them lmao) Lelouch ended up considering Rollo as his brother, despite everything which happenned, despite him killing Shirley he acknowledged that the moments they shared were real, and him pausing on this within his huge ammount of memories is quite telling.
For Kallen's kiss, we got a pause as well (while one of C.C.'s kiss and Shirley's kisses are also within this flashback, but have no pause), and just like with Rollo, I think that's pretty telling, If I wanted to push the analysis I'd say (especially given all of the side stuff that came out about this kiss being mutual, about Kallen understanding his feelings and seemingly ascerting within her side material that he spared her because their feelings matched) If we go by those pause we have his deepest regret, Shirley's loss, the loss of a friend/star crossed lover, first of his last memories because of how much this impacted him, a romantic moment with a woman he loved, a brotherly moment with his little brother and of course his childhood with Nunnally and Suzaku.
Had they wanted to show Kallen differently, as a subordinate, or a friend, they had plenty of stuff to show, but not only did they show her kiss, but they paused on it, unlike the other kisses.
(Keep in mind this flashback is really not much aside to her side material, but it's already nice for her fans, I think. Always a +)
Now if we look at the Alternate movie version (daily reminder that the Movie AU cut most of Lelouch's relationship with Kallen and Shirley, changed C.C.'s character so that she could become this one dimensional being orbitating around Lelouch and being Moe about that, changed some character fates, and to summarize it by Taniguchi's words, changed characters motivations and relationship (that's why for example, in the epilogue, Kallen who went from a main character to a supportive one, doesn't have any picture of Lelouch's face on her board, just a picture of his back lol. Even her feelings for him were altered when it was such a big part of her in the original.)
Anyway if you want to summarize the change in Code Geass, just share both flashback gifs. In the canon one you have a meaning, with important moments (being rushed but still being there) and meaningful pauses; While in the AU one...
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There is just much more green, everything is rushed and even super rushed), no more chronological order, no pauses, nothing. Even though they went to Moe CC route on this one I thought it was super disappointing to not have at least a good editing for what was supposed to be Lelouch's last thoughts; Even if they had done it and replaced others pause with C.C. eating pizza pause, or C.C. being jealous pause, that would have been much better but this one can't even be analyzed lol it's just a bunch of fast forward moment, with C.C.'s kiss and Lelouch killing Euphemia being more present.
And of course since Shirley is alive, she totally disappeared from Lelouch's last thoughts lmao (same as all of his ashford friends, who were there in the previous one.)
Anyway I think those two flashback gifs are a fast way to summarize the difference between the Original anime canon and the AU version.
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I wish that I knew what I know now (Haikyuu Short fic)
A/N: So lately for this short story, I am inspired by @mheerdraws Papa Miya drawing and my own experience on moving on to a different path, to some extent Osamu Miya is my comfort character and to write his voice on doubt of choosing a different path is a good way to let this out.
Osamu came back after school, feet dragging from practice, it is not that he hated volleyball, his mind is writhed by the ever-so-hungry second year volleyball player- the mystical No. 10 that blew away the finals in the Spring High school, and this year- Inarizaki High- the crafty foxes now have that real bite from the foxes, under the leadership of Atsumu, his hungry brother to pass through the finals.
Osamu cannot help but to stare at no 10’s anger- he still remains so hungry- like he wanted to pass through that round, but they are formidable in that round.
So is Atsumu.
Osamu excused himself early from practice, as his heart slowly drift away from doing endless tosses and spikes with the ravenous monsters, and he lack that ‘hunger’ that Atsumu and the rest of his team mates held. Perhaps his fangs are slowly blunted by that reality that he never possessed that love.
A taller man-Kashiwawake glanced at Osamu’s glum expression. “Welcome back…” He still held the same thick eyebrows as them, and at meetings in a small izakaya which he knew another friend Isohiro-ojii-san that they complimented his father, for his sons to possess his handsome looks and joked that Atsumu will soon be a lady-killer in his older years.
His son’s amateurish grey is slowly blending out with his black roots, unlike his brother who insist continuously bleaching his hair over and over again. “Dad….you are back home early….”, noticing how he slowly peel the potatoes in the sink, and how the rice cooker slowly erupt bubbles of water “I thought you have…”
“Yeah….” Kashiwawake gave a small grin. “Got myself lucky, because the boss is impressed with my reports, Samu-kun, why not you take a shower and help me make dinner….”
Osamu lingered his eyes over the neatly framed pictures of their family life, when his father with baggy eyes- smiling sheepishly with their mother holding the twins proudly in his arms, a graduation picture of Atsumu in kindergarten holding his scroll and scholar’s gown, with tears welling in his eyes and himself, the opposite looking at the camera with deadpan eyes, another at summer holiday which they caught a fish in their hands, and that last picture that reached to his and Atsumu’s room, is a younger version of his father standing firmly, holding his high school diploma.
Osamu cracked a small smile.
These memories though insignificant, proves to be the foundation to the siblings. ///// After being refreshed from the shower, and changed in to his loose cotton t-shirts and shorts, Osamu slowly ran down the stairs to see Kashiwawake humming an old Japanese tune in his head. “Samu-kun, do you feel better after that shower….” He spoke in a gentle timbre which eased Osamu’s easing muscles, observing him cleaning his ears with a worn-out towel which he now draped it around his neck
He somehow remind him of his friend- Suzaku wearing it to absorb the sweat at smoky izakayas.
Kashiwawake cracked a cheeky grin. “Samu-kun, lighten a little- can you help me get the curry packets….” Osamu nodded a little, searching over the larder for it. “You know what, Samu-kun, you are a good baby, unlike your rambunctious brother Atsu-kun who keep screaming his head off because I cannot hold him- but you cried when your mum brings your friends, which weirdly I can soothe you by bringing you to the kitchen…..”, grinning at Osamu as he managed to find that said item.
A pregnant pause filled the air.
“How should I tell Atsumu that my heart no longer hunger for volleyball…” Osamu took small breaths to calm himself. “Well I stick him through and through, and yet, it is not my calling…..”, distracting himself to sneak some ice from the freezer, sucking the ice cubes back and forth in his mouth to calm his nerves. Kashiwawake gave a small laugh. “Samu-kun….”, whilst peeling off the plastic layer from the curry roux, dropping them on the cutting board which he gave a rhythmic chopping back and forth. “It is not the end, that we change paths Samu- I am proud that you tried, and yes you are more capable than Atsu…” Kashiwawake gave a whisper in his ear. “I believe that, you jumped way much higher than him….”
“However, stepping out can be a good thing….like when you tried to cook a recipe many times, and yet you still falter, remember you are begging me to make that pudding Samu-kun, maybe you are 6 years old…”
Shit my dad remembers the most embarrassing things ever, Osamu thought to himself, forcing himself to busy himself, by taking the peeled carrots and potatoes, listening to that anecdote of him trying to make that pudding to see his smile brighten, and taking a pot to put in the carrots and peeled potatoes, to parboil them.
“Paths and methods can be different, I did not force you to stick to that path of ‘volleyball’ Samu-kun, you enjoyed it while it last….maybe after you graduate… you have plans for college, you have plans for university….you may like it, you may hate it, but listen Samu-kun, in the end….” Kashiwawake quickly take out the discounted packet of meat, slowly slicing the pieces of chicken meditatively. “You will find that piece that fits you nicely, like the layer of caramel sticking to the custard…..”
Osamu quickly take over the cutting duties, when hearing the screams of Atsumu- grinning from joy from practice. “OSAMU WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST LEFT PRACTICE, NOW I HAVE….” Osamu gave a mischievous grin, noticing Atsumu walking over the step with his sports shoes on. “Welcome home Atsu-kun….please do not stomp the house without taking off your shoes…”
“Sorry dad…” Atsumu pouted as he haphazardly toss the smelly socks at the side of the floor. Osamu gave a cold stare at Atsumu. “Hey…put them at the laundry, otherwise mum would kill you, remember she screamed that you throw your smelly uniform at the bed…..”
Atsumu gave a gulp, which resulted in the laugh between father and son. “While your brother clear his dirty laundry, just as I am saying, you will be fine Samu- and I think you did the kitchen than I do…..”
Somehow Osamu smiled at him. “Anything I can do, old man….”, looking over the fridge like a treasure trove of food. Kashiwawake frowned a little. “Hmmm, do you want to make some Negi-tama, perhaps you will do a better job than Atsu-kun burning the kitchen previously when I was not well…”
“Yes dad….” Osamu’s heart somehow feel lighter at that talk. “Thanks…I need it….”
Someday, like his father’s advice- he will soon find a path that would fit him.
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magz · 5 months
Comtinuing liveblog code geass
Episode 7-8 (edit)
The show try frame (ep 7) thing where that sect of JP resistance group not listen to him, n all dying except him, as them all "being stupid" for not listen to lelouch
But thing is: he not try get allies beyond the like. Maybe 7 people from same resistance group he got in episode 2.
The reason the other sect all died was because they not trust him, n Lelouch was too prideful n confident in his intelligence as if actual political conflict n militia work would be like playing chess.
As soon as 1 thing went different from Lelouch's predictions, resulting in a member's death, they all started not believe him. Because they not *trust* him, they have no reason to. He only won 1 battle before.
N Lelouch had opportunity to make the other sects trust him ! He had time, especially when he was informed the other sects were being killed off by cornelia before ! He was told it was happening n asked for what to do by his group members. He could have done allying with other resistance groups, n his little scheming, n prepared if he cared - but he brush it off. Until a diff related sect was already under siege.
This immaturity in thinking his goal of destroy Britannian legacy n revenge his father will be easy, was reflected in ep3 when he did his first kill with own hands - killing his half-brother. N became nauseous n distressed (rightfully so), but he somehow thought that wouldn't happen n he presumed he was weaker than he thought n brushed it off.
Imo The problem wasn't that he got nauseous or that he was "weaker" - it was that he knows little of actual reality of conflict n oppression n killing. with actual people. Knows little the human side of things. the psychology of death + suffering + distress as actual thing that affects. N not just as plans, n chess.
If not for C.C. saving him with a diversion, he would have died in ep7 when his plan failed. As he not take into account that each battlefield will be different, n that people aren't chess pawns - they have feelings n suspicions.
With that in mind... his win in ep8, in the hostage situation was "genius" in realm of propaganda.
Using princess cornelia's fondness of her little sistern n wanting her safety.
Making one the Japanese Liberation Front commanders kill themself when they not concede to him, n make it seem like JLF knew they were on the wrong in strategy so the other JLF members back down.
Saving the Britannian hostages, when he was also consider killing euphy.
He made situation where he only needed leverage the very basics of emotions but no deaper than that. would not have matter whether Japanese liberation front became ally or not, whether enemies n allies acted certain way, he would have adapted the narrative to it.
All so he and his "knights" can look like saviors of the people for the people, regardless of if they Britannian or Japanese.
Yes, is "genius" propaganda leverage.
But it's bad logic for liberation of colonies to focus on dividing the conflict as "unarmed people" and "people with weapons".
Liberation isn't his main goal anyways. It's revenge against his father, as an exiled royalty.
So it won't matter, suppose.
Anyways - nenenenenenen's crush on euphemy was established in this episode w euphie save her. n nenenenenenen hatred of Japanese has been cemented further thru being made hostage when she is just rich white girl who hates poor people n has never experienced that type trauma before.
Suzaku doing whatever, suppose. He was ready to feel incompetent n cry about being unable to save people with his flawed follow-the-law morals n trust in britannia+justice, but this development was cut short by lelouch (zero) saving them.
Lelouch inadvertently just delaying the inevitable here (suffering) n keeping his rival suzaku going without have to self-examine his own goals/views.
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