#kid Edward is also okay with doing questionable things because he may just stop existing at some point so who cares
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Of all my fic ideas the only one I really want to write (in english) and would if I had a beta reader is the Riddler gets turned into a kid Hattercrow one.
I just really enjoy the idea of a plot that appears to be innocent and fluffy but evolves into an angsty analisys of grief and sacrifice.
Basically Jervis worries about the future (and how his perfect family can be broken at any moment because it was created by a spell) Jon mourns the past (and the Edward he knew) and Edward questions the present (and who he even is as he never became the person most people know him as). And I really though a lot about it.
I didn't decided in an ending. But I know it would be a bittersweet one.
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im-the-punk-who · 3 years
@rnmmarchformeta​ Day 1: Tonight’s theme is: Themes
Malex and Music: Tracing a relationship through music used in the show - Part 1
Given that both Michael and Alex have a personal connection to music, I wanted to go over some of the intricacies of what the music choices and lyrics/stories behind the songs used might tell us about Malex. The music choices in Roswell New Mexico are deliberate and often incredibly pointed. Particularly in the case of Michael and Alex there are elements of their relationship that are not so much underlined as written about only in the lyrical choices that play under their scenes. This choice for me made rewatching the series a lot of fun because as I discovered the lyrics to some of the more obscure song choices I kept discovering new intricacies and motivations for each of their decisions. Below the cut for length.
(Author’s note circa 2007:  (rawr xD) I’m focusing specifically on the parts of these songs that play over or in direct correlation to scenes where Michael and Alex are both present. I would love to explore this theme in the wider context of the whole show and how their interactions with other characters might change some of these but...this is already like 6k and that’s just how the peas and carrots cooked. That said I will be referencing other characters and relationships as relevant, particularly, I will be talking at some length about Milexa and the airstream scenes in 2x06. I personally have a favorable reading of the scenes and what they mean for Michael and Alex. I also talk briefly about Milexa in a few other spots - they’ve been marked as ‘Milexa’ or ‘Miluca’ if you wish to skip them, although I don’t know if this will make sense as a whole without them. But, should you wish. Proceed accordingly. <3)
Posted on AO3 here.
Sedona - Houndstooth (1x01)
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The first song we hear in relation to Malex is ‘Sedona’ by Houndstooth. The song plays during the reunion as we see Alex confront Michael about the chemicals found around his airstream. The verse that plays underneath the scene references how, due to its scenic beauty, the town of Sedona was once a highly sought after filming location but had fallen into obscurity when cowboy movies went out of style in the late 70′s.
Similarly, Alex tells Michael that he is ‘wasting his life.’
“Does the macho cowboy swagger thing ever get old for you?”
“Did it get old for you?”
For me, this scene is as much an introduction to the past between these two as their present. Gone but not forgotten, their interactions are a ‘script’ that the two of them play off of. In other words, Michael and Alex don’t so much interact as play off of what the other expects from the other. This becomes especially clear when in 2x05 we learn that Alex has at least once before warned Michael about ‘wasting his life.’
When The Truth Hunts You Down - Sam Tinnesz (1x01)
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The next scene is this one, in which we see Alex contemplating an old picture of himself. We then see Michael watching him.
Later, the last line is overlaid with Jesse telling Kyle about the existence of aliens.
The truth about Michael’s alienness is quiet literally hunting them, but so is something about Alex’s past. As we get to know him, we learn just how much his father is interconnected with all of the worst moments in his life and everrything he has buried and tried to run from in order to avoid it. Michael, Roswell itself - Alex ran halfway across the world to try to run away from the trauma of his youth, and yet here he is.
“Nostalgia’s a bitch, huh?”
“You know I thought when I got back from Iraq you would be long gone.”
“Is that what you want?”
“We’re not kids anymore. What I want doesn't matter.” 
We also find out something of the nature of his and Michael’s relationship and that there are clearly still feelings between them - no matter how much Alex is trying to deny it.
Give Me The Night - Des Rocs (1x02)
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This is one of my personal faves from the Malex soundtracks. It just *slaps* okay?
Aside from the obvious nod to Michael’s alienness, this song underscores the divide still between Michael and Alex despite the passionate kiss they shared at the reunion. Michael is initially flirtatious and full of swagger - until Alex shuts him down.
The fallacy of Alex’s rebuke and his dismissal of the feelings behind the kiss are underscored by his refusal to even look Michael in the eye as they talk. Even if he tries to deny them, the truth of his feelings hunts and haunts him because he feels he can never act on his own desires. And in turn when presented with the about face, Michael turns bitter as the push-pull is reinitiated. Michael falls back to the script they’ve been rehashing to save his feelings - ‘puts on a show’ as it were, and Alex falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He is still unwilling or unable to see the truth that lies beneath the surface.
“Isn’t there some law about building on a historical site?”
“A historical - oh you mean because the UFO crashed here? Yeah, we’re not supposed to build on Santa’s workshop either.”
For Michael, who at least to me was obviously hoping things would change this time around, this must feel like a bucket of cold water, especially in the face of Liz Ortecho’s knowledge and seeming easy acceptance of the aliens’ existence. While Max might get his happy ending, Michael is left to keep hiding from the person he loves, never being seen and wondering if Alex’s feelings are even real. 
Two Princes - Spin Doctors (1x02) (Miluca)
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In rapid fire we have the next three songs as Michael and Alex spend some time at the Wild Pony. This verse plays under the interaction when Alex comes in the bar and spots Michael.
“Though he got kinda hot. In a ‘sex in a truck, smells like a river, never introduce him to your mama’ kind of way.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
My boy. My child. My bluntest instrument in the tool kit. Has no one ever told Alex Manes that saying you hadn’t noticed an objectively hot guy is hot is basically code for ‘I haven’t stopped staring at him since I walked in and my brain is not functioning at a high enough level to mask that fact’? Son, please, this is a drunk Wendy’s.
(Also this is huge foreshadowing for Miluca - Michael and Maria don’t have sex *in* a truck but it’s pretty close, we find out later that Michael/the aliens smell like rain, and she tells him he’s not meeting her mother at one point. The angle of this shot is also, for me at least, a hint that Michael is going to become the object of these two ‘princes’ affections, at some point.)
Anyway this is basically poking fun at Alex Manes, repressed disaster, for having no clue what love is and trying to express his affection through like, everything except anything anyone would understand as romantic love. (And we will see this in the flashbacks as well as present day - that Alex mostly uses his station or advantages as a way to show the people he loves he loves them, rather than using words. When he offers Michael the shed, brings him the guitar, uses his military connections to find out about Michel’s mom, hacks into Maria’s computer...listen I got more.) But that isn’t enough, as we’re learning. If only there were some way Alex could also learn that lesson.
And seriously, “This one said he wants to buy you rockets?”
How’s It Going To Be? - Stephen Edwards (1x02)
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“Is there really nobody in this world that you wouldn’t risk everything to save? Sad.”
Oh Isobel, if only you knew.
So, aside from returning the kiss Michael initiated at the reunion, Alex has soundly rejected every advance Michael has made for a relationship. Despite that Michael seems to have been harboring some hope that things might be different not that Alex is back more permanently. But now with Isobel bringing into question what he’s willing to sacrifice, I think he might be realizing that toll has been extremely steep already.
(Also truly obsessed with how both Alex and Michael have positioned themselves so that they can casually glance over at each other without arousing suspicion. *Boys*. It’s not that complicated what is this middle school?)
We know that Michael doesn’t like having to keep secrets, and again I have to wonder if he’s regretting not telling Alex he’s an alien, or wondering how that conversation would have gone.
From the previous scenes we can tell something in their relationship is coming to a head - maybe Michael is hoping it’s that he can finally stop keeping secrets from Alex and show Alex who he really is - that Alex will stop misreading him. That Alex will change.
But there is also the expectation that if that happens, Alex will likely leave again. Not just because that’s what Alex’s trauma makes him do, but also because that is how Michael frames all of his relationships. As ‘until you leaves’. He is shown to have a habit of catastrophizing because he doesn’t believe himself to ‘belong’ anywhere(HA) and this is one of those times we’re shown that.
Come With Me - Gold Star (1x02)
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“Home can be a person.”
And here we have Alex “thinking about who he was” as Maria closes up the bar. Given where this scene leads with him and Michael, I think the rest of the lyrics to the song are incredibly poignant.
Tell me what were you dreaming? Tell me who were you trying to reach? Gimme something real to believe in Or gimme a reason to leave So i left her standing under shining stars in the Silver moonlight by old Borough Hall - whoever you are
We know that after this evening Alex attempts to rekindle his relationship with Michael, still thinking about who he was, and maybe for the first time trying not to run from what he wants. He’ll be unsuccessful this time, but it’s the first clue that Alex is attempting to break a pattern that has held him in place for ten years.
While he may have been misreading Michael’s stunted growth, we’re starting to see Alex contemplate change in himself. This is the start of Alex’s two season long journey to break out of the fortress he’s built around himself. To ‘put his weapons down’ in an effort to be with Michael.
(She lets her guard down on her way back//to close her eyes and fall asleep - “It was late....I was tired.”)
God of Wine - Third Eye Blind
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So clearly the writers were like ‘how can we hurt Milo specifically’ because these lyrics are *so good* as we hear malex talk about the way they view their relationship for the first time in the show.
The music starts just as Michael picks up the old photographs, first of the pod squad, then of himself and Alex playing guitars in the desert. As he packs up the airstream to move it off Foster’s Ranch, Michael is also thinking about the past.
Throughout the series, we’re given a bunch of musical lines about how Michael and Alex can’t go back to what they were, that they have to move forward. And it’s true - as we’ll see over and over again the dynamic they’ve had has been incredibly unhealthy for both of them. But they also cannot avoid the other’s orbit. And when Alex comes to talk to Michael it’s the first time we see him actually decide to initiate - to try and take what he himself wants, rather than waiting or hiding from it. But it is also very much Alex falling back into the ‘madness that holds a truth he can’t erase’ of Michael’s really, very, super, incredibly obvious feelings for him. Our boy is not subtle.
But Alex is still hunted by the past - before we know his history we assume that when Alex references ‘who he was before he went to war’ he means Iraq. But Alex’s war is his father. As much as combat can absolutely be a traumatizing experience, for Alex I never really read that as his main source. As he’ll tell Forrest later - “My PTSD triggers are a little more complicated”.
And so when he tells Michael he’s been thinking about who he was “before he went to war” for me that’s more a callback to who he was before Jesse found the two of them in the toolshed. “When this started.”
As Michael tells him “From where I stand nothing’s changed”  the words “I know, I know, I know” repeat in the background because WE KNOW. We all know, except Alex.
“And that’s a problem for me, Guerin.”
And the siren’s song that is your madness
“Because every time you look at me, I’m seventeen all over again.”
holds a truth I can’t erase
“- and I forget that the last ten years even happened. And then you look away and I remember all over again. And it almost kills me every time.”
All alone on your face
“I never look away. Not really.”
For Michael this is basically confirmation of what he’s been realizing over the last few days - that Alex has been totally misreading him and that yes, Michael, you’re going to have to use your words on this one. 
To which we see Alex’s brain 404-blue-screen for a minute as he realizes what Michael means. Which I personally really appreciate.
And especially since we’ve just learned that a lyric of this song was written on Rosa’s hand the night she died, I can’t believe it’s a coincidence in this being the song that plays underneath this scene - where Alex says he was thinking about who he was before. Everything changed that day for everyone - including Michael and Alex. Michael had gained a terrible secret he couldn’t share, that meant he changed his whole life and started needing to hide and lie and act out, and Alex - not knowing the truth - assumed that it was Michael’s way of trying to push him away and end the relationship. Which leads to the decades long miscommunication of Alex seeing Michael do that over and over again.
For the last ten years, Alex has been seeing Michael as the boy who looks away, then looks back. A Michael whose focus shifts to and away from him and who he sees as wasting his life; directionless and aimless. But as he realizes what Michael is saying he has to recalibrate everything he’s thought their relationship is.
This is possibly the first time Alex has realized that his view of Michael has been wrong. That he really doesn’t know Michael at all.
And we know this interaction has a profound impact on Alex in terms of how he views their relationship. I feel like this is one of those things that becomes a mantra for Alex, later down the line. He repeats it to Michael at Caulfield, and in his song as well, “You never looked away, now I won’t look away” to express his commitment to breaking down the walls he has built up for himself. 
Even though we know the relationship is doomed at this point, it’s the first time a stone falls from the walls Alex has built around himself in a decade.
Here - Chance Peña - 1x03 (Alternate title: “Home”)
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Okay I would like to petition to make it illegal to have unreleased songs in episodes, Chance Peña help a bitch out. I had to watch a *fish show* to hear the full lyrics because they’re edited in the show! ( I will also note the next lyric is ‘goodbye, my dear’ which. rude.)
Anyway, we’re given these lyrics as Michael wakes up to seeing Alex has stayed the night. I took the editing, with the previous song choices, to be a reaffirmation of this being something new to Alex, but not necessarily to Michael. Michael knows what he wants from a relationship with Alex - even if he’s put the hope aside from time to time the want is always clear.
For Alex though, a relationship with Michael is something that scares him because of his fear that it can be taken away. (”I just thought that I could be happy, and not be afraid that if I loved anything my dad would destroy it.”) He is trying to make it work - “drawing near” to Michael - but he knows that in order to do that he is going to need to be uncomfortable. To face the fears that have held him back and kept him in comfortable limbo for so long.
I’m also going to flail about how, while RNM has the song listed as ‘Here’, the producer of the other show(Battlefish) identified the song as ‘Home’. I hope I don’t have to yell at y’all, other Roswell New Mexico fans, about how often that word has snuck up on me and knifed me in the back regarding malex. Especially since Alex *is* currently - well, here. With his home. Kill me please it would be kinder.
But then of course we see the old insecurities pop up again as Isobel arrives. Even if he is trying - Alex is nowhere near ready to jump out of the closet yet.
Fast Aint Good Enough - Inkwell Echo (1x06)
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I debated adding this one because it’s a little bit reachy, but I thought it was significant in that even when they were seventeen, the thing Alex is ‘afraid of’ is his feelings for Michael - not necessarily of being gay but of what people like Kyle and his father do with information like that.
Wish I’d found the words when we were seventeen-
Kyle asks
“What are you so afraid of?”
-just as Alex catches sight of Michael.
(“I wanted to be the kind of person who won battles. It felt good.”)
Aside from Alex’s general need to protect Michael in any and all situations, I feel like the lyrics of this song - about the singer’s attempt to leave an abusive relationship - underscore that even before the toolshed, Alex was fighting. Even before the toolshed, he has been fighting to this cycle he is trapped in.
While he and Michael build their relationship he starts thinking seriously about leaving and not just surviving but he will ultimately choose to trap himself for years in order to hide his love for Michael.
Like so many gay kids, Alex is fighting a system that deems him guilty of sin - and takes his fighting back as a sign of his guilt. And in order to actually be able to love Michael, he is going to have to figure out how to put down the weapons and the hurt and break the cycle.
First Day Of My Life - Bright Eyes (1x06)
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Are they serious right now I swear to god.
So obviously, we’ve got the origins for everything we’re told about Michael and Alex’s lives changing based on their feelings for each other in like two and a half verses of song. Forget the entire second season we have everything we need right here.
“It was the first time I liked our hometown, though.”
“Alex made me believe there was a place for me here.”
We know that for both of them this is really a moment of self discovery as much as it is a discovery about each other. 
For Michael in particular, who doesn’t know why he’s here or who he really is, and who previously had no plans besides leaving the planet, this is the moment that he realizes what he wants - to be with Alex.
And for Alex, to me, this moment is a brief glimpse into what his life could be like. We don’t have any confirmation if Michael is his first kiss with a boy or not, but we do know that this moment is significant in that it’s the first that makes Roswell feel like a place he enjoys being.
And as he is realizing that, the lyrics echo it -
But I realized that I need you // And I wondered if I could come home
(Screeching from the background: WOULD YOU COME HOME)
But of course, as the song says, these things take forever because...well....
(It’s because Alex is dumb. My poor dumb emotionally stunted child. Please go to therapy.)
In essence, this is the moment that sets Michael and Alex on their entwined path. The path that Alex will have to fight to get back to - the path Michael will lose faith in before he later starts to regain the hope that it exists. I also like to think about the link between the last lines:
Remember the time you drove all night // Just to meet me in the morning?
and the line from ‘Would You Come Home’
Would you meet me in the middle // Could we both stop keeping score?
I like to think about the parallel here, about meeting people where they’re at, and the love and care and effort it takes to be willing to drive all night to meet someone. Listen a bitch is soft and gay don’t look at me.
You Can’t Love Me - Novi & Tyler Blackburn (1x12)
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(*Whispers and rocks back and forth* this is fine it’s all fine)
Once again we have a song whose lyrics give us a tailor made road map to Malex, and will pop up later in ‘Would You Come Home’. We’ve already seen the implosion of the way Michael and Alex have been orbiting each other for a decade, but now that Alex knows the truth, he actually has the ability to understand Michael in ways he hasn’t been able to before. (Something we’ll see later in Season 2 when he talks with Maria.)
And because of that, we see the true beginning of the journey of Michael and Alex back to one another in a healthier way.
But part of that journey is going to be realizing that what they’ve been doing and the way they have loved each other in the past isn’t sustainable - and maybe isn’t even the way they want to love each other.
“They’re my family, Alex!”
“Alright, maybe! But you are mine. I don’t look away, Guerin.”
“No. We’ve been holding onto this thing. And it’s gotten us nowhere. Just let it go.”
Even though the words are said in anger, there is some truth to what Michael says. Their relationship so far hasn’t been a good one. Where Alex is trying to repeat the words that Michael said to him that made such an impact on him, Michael is (well, a, trying to save his dumb boyfriend from getting flambayed) using the opportunity to reveal how little faith he has in their relationship. To say that no, this doesn’t feel like love.
But as much as the song lyrics are about loving someone who isn’t good for you, they’re also about changing and growing, and about a commitment to be better.
(Sound familiar? Brb, I’m gonna go jump off a cliff.)
Love is messy, and especially for Michael and Alex, love has always been something that hurts. “Home is where the hurt is” - and a really important part of their journey is realizing that, and realizing there is a different way of loving each other.
Additionally for Alex, this is when he starts to realize the full extent of his family’s involvement in hunting and hurting Michael’s family. It isn’t just his dad - his entire family line has been involved in this since before Alex was born. And still is. This is really where he starts realizing the roots of the guilt and shame he’s going to have to deal with in order to be anything to Michael - not even a partner but a friend.
This is the first step in that journey. Not just the commitment that yes - I want to build a home for you - but that first, I don’t know, maybe I need to put down these weapons and pick up a different set of tools?
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torisfeather · 4 years
Flufftober 4 - Fake Dating
Prompt by @vex-bittys
Read it on fanfiction.net or AO3
Wooh, this one was not easy, but I managed to finish in time! It's the first time I'm writing fake dating, so I don't know if I did okay ^^'
Anyway, this one is Roman, Remus, Patton and Logan. So... Intruloroyality? I don't know at this point XD
Okay, you've got this, Roman thought, that night, at the dinner table, and showed his best smile for his grandma.
He felt so awful, and it felt like everyone at the table could tell how uncomfortable he was. He couldn't even look at his brother or their friends, Patton and Logan, for too long.
Which was bad, because he was supposed to be Patton's boyfriend.
It had started maybe a month ago. When their obnoxious homophobic aunt Beth had tried to introduce them to yet another girl she knew – a coworker's daughter, or cousin, or sister, it didn't matter.
At that point, Roman almost believed she had selective deafness. He and Remus had told her, over and over again, that they were gay, didn't want to meet girls, especially not when she was planning dates for them. Aunt Beth was still 100% convinced this was just a phase and that they could be "fixed".
So when she brought another miss-what's-her-name to their place without their consent, Remus had cracked and yelled: "You can't stay because we're having a gay orgy with our boyfriends tonight!"
Roman had honestly thought that would be enough. Surely their aunt wasn't around his brother enough to be used to the gross nonsense he blabbered all the time.
But it hadn't deterred her. The orgy part, at least, she realized was just a joke. "You don't have boyfriends," she had said, her chin raised in contempt. "I would have known already! You're single and you can give a chance to Natalia here."
"No offense, miss," Roman had said at the lady, who just nodded, looked quite bored. "We are not single. We're dating… uh…"
"Logan and Patton!" Remus panicked.
"Uh, yeah! You know, our classmates?"
"I thought you said they were dating each other?" Aunt Beth said, suspicious.
"No, we said they were dating us! Have you had your hearing checked, Auntie?" Remus asked, and cackled when Aunt Beth gasped in outrage. "What if a bee got inside your ear and started making a nest inside your skull, and that's why you never hear us?"
"Well, I hope you're happy for wasting such a nice girl's time!" she had cried, and promptly vacated the place, followed by the girl.
The twins had high-fived each other and then the rest of the night was spent arguing over what movie they were going to watch to celebrate.
But it couldn't be that simple, right?
Because the twin's mother was very close to Aunt Beth, and so had questioned her sons when she heard about their "boyfriends". Roman and Remus's mom was way more tolerant than her relative, but she was also a gossiper and she couldn't know it was a lie, or she's rat them out immediately. So the twins told her the exact same lie.
Their mother of course told all of her side of the family, as well as their father, who told his side of the family, and now all of their relatives thought they were dating their childhood friends.
So that wasn't ideal, and Roman thought of coming clean, or at least "breaking up", but Remus won him over arguing as long as they believed that, their aunt and any other relatives would stop trying to set them up with people. Which, honestly? Worth it.
And then winter break happened.
Every winter break, the twins and their parents would fly a couple states north, where their grandparents lived, and spend the holidays there with the rest of their family. And it was always expected from the younger people to bring any significant other at least once during that time.
They could have said Logan and Patton were too busy or had other plans, but the twins' grandparents were so adamant they contacted Logan and Patton's own parents to ask for them to join the family reunion, and not knowing anything about the situation, they all agreed on one week.
When they told Logan and Patton what the whole deal was, they were surprisingly calm about it. Logan, especially, thought this was one solution. Patton, of course, bless his little heart, wanted to come clean and apologize, but after Remus begged him not to unleash their aunt on them again, he took pity and agreed.
So Patton would pretend to be Remus's boyfriend, and Logan would act as Roman's. What could go wrong?
Several things, actually. Starting with everyone's ability to act. Roman, of course, was fine on that part. He was a theater kid and he knew what romance looked like. Patton was also pretty good at being all lovey-dovey, except he tended to look nervously at Logan whenever Remus tried something, because he was scared of Logan being jealous.
And Remus tried a LOT. He was a pervert pretending to romance a grey-asexual. And it showed.
As for Logan, well, he wasn't uncomfortable with Roman's flirting, but…
"Roman, your existence is greatly appreciated."
… He was the WORST actor Roman had ever met.
Okay, fine! It was fine! Their relatives were all kind of dumb anyway. The twins' parents didn't notice anything during the trip, and so far it seemed the charade was working.
Except, as days went by, another problem arose.
Roman had probably flirted a little too much. Or maybe it was all the time spent together. Or maybe it was from sleeping in the same bed.
In any case, he had started crushing on Logan.
Okay, not just on Logan. Patton too.
Which was a big no-no. No, you don't get a crush on childhood friends who are already dating each other. Especially in a situation where they are away from home, and thus already vulnerable and/or uncomfortable.
But he couldn't help it. To be fair, he had always been very close with the two. Just not that close. Not enough to notice how cute Patton's sleepy bed-head was, or how gentle Logan was when he was hesitant or stressed, or how warm Patton was when he was hugging him in the morning, or how hot Logan was with his glasses off.
Now he couldn't look at them without thinking "what if", and feeling itty-bitty butterflies in his tummy.
And he was certain everyone in the house could tell. And that was not how he was supposed to act right now.
So he kept his head low, trying not to draw attention to himself, which was very unlike him. And that night, at the dinner table, the boys had had enough.
"I apologize for interrupting, but I believe I have misplaced my phone and I am waiting for a very important call. May I leave the table?"
"Oh, of course Logan," their grandmother had said.
Logan stood and looked at Roman. "Would you mind helping me, Roman?"
"Come on, you two hurry up, okay?" his cousin said.
Logan grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the corridor and up the stairs. Once they were out of hearing distance, he stopped and turned to Roman. "Now, please tell me what is bothering you."
"What? Nothing! I'm great, let's go look for your stupid phone…"
"Roman, in the past two days you have displayed an increase in signs of stress, you are not doing 'great'. And also, the phone thing was a falsehood."
Roman rolled his eyes. "Logan, just because you took a psychology class doesn't allow you to analyze me, and for the last time, I am okay. Now let's go back."
"I don't think that's right…" Patton's voice said from behind him.
Roman turned around and grimaced as Patton and Remus joined them. "Guys, seriously, you're making a big deal out of nothing!"
"Hey, I didn't say anything!" Remus argued. "You do look like you stuck a lightbulb up your ass and you're scared of it breaking at any point and turning your insides into a bloody purée, though."
"Great, super helpful bro…" Roman sighed. They were all looking at him, and they couldn't spend too much time or someone would come find them, and he couldn't tell them or he'd just make everyone feel bad, and it was all too much. He angrily ran his hands in his hair, pulling a couple time, closing his eyes. What the fuck was he supposed to do?!
"Okay, okay, let's calm down first…" Patton said, and now his hands were on his arms, and he was being so gentle. Roman let the others guide him into the closest room and sit him on the bed. "Now, it's okay Roman, you can tell us…"
"No…" he said stubbornly.
"Roman, we will love you no matter what the problem is, you can trust us!" Patton insisted.
"I promise, it's if funny, I will only tease you about it for two weeks!... Maybe a month."
"Remus, please! Roman, I promise it's safe to tell us."
"And, if I may add," Logan said, "we will help with the best of our abilities if at all possible."
Roman grabbed the pillow next to him and screamed as hard as he could into it. Eventually, it made him feel calm enough to look up at all the worried faces around him. He muttered something into his pillow.
"Ah, sorry, can you repeat that?" Patton asked.
"… I'm crushing on you and Logan. There, I said it, happy?"
Logan and Patton were agape for a moment, but Remus just shrugged. "Pff, me too, you're not special."
"Bro, have you seen Logan's bare chest? He looks like a nerdy Edward Cullen. And Patton is the best cuddler in the world."
"How the fuck can you be so calm about this?!"
"It's just feelings, nobody's dead yet!"
"Okay, time out!" Logan asked, clapping his hands like a preschool teacher. "I think we need to assess the situation step by step…"
And then he stopped, because Patton was kissing Roman with all of his uncontrolled impulse. Remus cheered and kissed Logan, and for about two minutes there were nothing but kissing noises and sighs in the small room.
"So, um, does that mean you guys also…" Roman started, when his mouth was free again.
"For literal months," Logan admitted.
"That's so much time we have to make up for!" Remus cried.
"Agreed," Patton said, blushing. "We, um… We should go back, everyone's still waiting."
Roman's eyes widened and he fell back on the bed dramatically, hiding his face in his hands. "How the fuck are we going to tell them?!"
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calcetineys · 4 years
An expansion of the steo twilight au:
-Okay, so let’s change the feeding thing to more like Buffy, which in comparison to Twilight is like, hella chill. Like “Sometimes I eat rats. Sometimes I drink from blood bags. Sometimes I kill people. Sometimes I just stop by the local butcher. He must think I make a lot of blood pudding if he hasn’t figured it out yet.”
-but that’s pretty much all I’m taking from Buffy
-So then, the vamps living among humans isn’t so much a moral decision so much as it is one of convenience? Cause like, this is Theo. And whoever Theo could stand to be in a family with.  Morality? Who she?
-Speaking of, Malia and Lydia, and Boyd and Erica as his siblings, as a vague, not-actually equivalent to Alice and Jasper (love me some Stalia friendship okay) and Rosalie and Emmett (Erica is Emmett, let her have some fun).  These don’t really line up characterization wise, but that’s how it’s gonna go.
-Scott as Angela, Isaac as Ben (this doesn’t really have an impact on anything, I just love Angela and Ben)
-No one as Mike, because Mike is to Edward as a very, very dead person is to Theo
-Sebastian and Marcel as the ‘parental’ unit, ‘cause that would be hella funny
-Abridged angsty backstory: Claudia still got sick when Stiles was a kid, but his maternal grandparents got custody of him because they didn’t want their grandson being raised by a drunkard, which the Sheriff was. Eventually they get too old to care for him, or he puts his foot down and wants to go live with his father or something like that.
-Theo’s not a mind reader; he’s just staring at Stiles that first day in the cafeteria because he’s a lad who knows what he wants
-Stiles still smells hella good to him though. It’d be an exaggeration to say that it was just his cute ass that saved him in Bio, but like.
-He’s hella suspicious of Theo just sitting there like a weirdo, wondering what his game is, because it’s a bit of a 180 turn from the come-hither eyes he was making at him from the other side of the café
-That 180 turns right back around real fast though, because Theo puts the moves on real quick, which expedites Stiles’ realization and it’s second or third conversation that Stiles is thinking, “Alright so vampire are a thing in this town.”
-Theo laughs when he tells him, because he’s already in love with this boy’s mind, and of course he figured it out
-The cafeteria scenes! Just imagine Theo staring at Stiles, not at all trying to hide how smitten, how fascinated he is. Stiles may pretend he’s put out at all the questions Theo’s asking him, but he’s living at the way Theo’s acting like he’s the only other person in the room
-Erica and Malia in the background going ‘Just get to it already’
-So whereas Edward fell in love with Bella because she was good, um, Theo falls in love with Stiles because he’s, like, not.
-So this is Theo, and he’s not a self-loathing martyr like Edward, doesn’t hate what he is, and can see what he has to offer , so he’s completely on board once Stiles starts to return his feelings
-He is careful though, because he’s nothing if not protective of Stiles
-Speaking of- those creeps in Port Angeles: dead. Like hella dead. Like no struggle to not leave them dead.
-They dead.
-So the physical affection is different than in the book, in that, it exists. Also, Stiles figures out that Theo’s being a creep and sneaking into his room at night, and for some reason that isn’t a deal breaker, the weirdoes.
- It would go slow in the beginning, but deliberate, and eventually they’re sleeping (well Stiles is) next to each other every night, and because vampires are chilly, Stiles is wrapped up in a blanket cocoon and in the beginning he’d wake up confused and irritated and Theo found that very endearing.
-At some point Theo’s like, “Yeah, if we have sex, I’m gonna break you, one way or another.” Okay he probably doesn’t say it like that, but that’s the gist.
-But they’re just so fucking obsessed with each other, and they’re both some thots and they think of ways around it
-They keep their hands to themselves in the beginning only in the most technical sense of the phrase cough cough they watch each other masturb-
-Anyway, the decision to turn Stiles is like, so undramatic, it’s ridiculous
-He’s fine being a human, Theo’s fine with him being a human, aside from the being really breakable part, but like, Theo’s not gonna lose him to old age and Stiles doesn’t want him to (he also wants that dic-)
-The fam is for it
- The only reason they decide to wait until graduation (let’s just have this start in their senior year) is that Stiles just got his dad back and he wants more time before things get complicated
-Speaking of- forget the Volturi, they aren’t a thing here. So Stiles is gonna tell his dad, because everything’s pretty low grade weird, but not dangerous, and he wants a relationship with him
-The Sheriff does not take it well, but he’ll come around eventually
-There’s one night where Stiles is eyeing Theo and says, “So if I went down on you, you’d probably end up breaking my neck, right?”
-And Theo goes, “Yeah.” Because he’s thought a lot about that
And Stiles says, “I mean, you could just turn me right after, right?” because he’s a dumbass and a thot
-Theo’s not that much of a dumbass though, so they don’t do that
-At some point when Theo’s control is better, though, there is some biting, because you know they’re into that
-So graduation comes and goes, and the whole turning thing is pretty anticlimactic. Stiles spends the day before with his father, Marcel sedates him, which won’t last the entire time, but is a bit of help. Right before, Theo kisses him, soft and short and Stiles finds that any doubts he had are gone.
- Theo stays with him, which is the most painful thing he’s ever done, watching Stiles as the sedation wears off, watching him in the pain that Theo remembers all too well, knowing there isn’t anything he can do but ride it out.
-He know logically that Stiles looks a little different by the end of it, but he still looks as beautiful as he always did, and peaceful now, for which Theo is eternally grateful.
-He has some blood waiting, and tells the others to get lost, because he figures Stiles is going to want to feed and then he’s going to want to have sex
-The order is reversed, but really, he shouldn’t be surprised
-And then they lived happily ever after
-There’s also a running joke that Stiles sold his soul for Theo’s dick, and he can’t actually argue
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ladywinchester1967 · 5 years
Shape of my Heart:
Chapter 4
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Pairing: Billionaire!Jensen Ackles x Allie Edwards (OFC)
Warnings: Language, SMUT, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), jealous!Jensen, angst, fluff. I think that’s it.  
A/N: Chapter 4 is finally here!!!! This is a long one, so grab yourself a snack and or a drink and buckle up! Disclaimer: This is a work of FICTION and isn’t meant to disrespect Jensen, Danneel or their family (we’ll pretend he is single). I did read over this, but if any mistakes slipped through the cracks, they are mine, but any pics are not. All credit goes to the OPs. 
Need or want to catch up?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
“So let me get this right,” Jared said as he did some push ups “you’re only seeing her, you take her on dates AND you’re fucking her.”
“Not so loud okay? We’re on the upper east side.” Jensen said as he to started to lift weights, working his biceps.
“Sounds like a boyfriend to me.” Jared pointed out.
“I’m not her boyfriend,” Jensen said “boyfriend means we’re intimate, more involved in each other’s lives. She’d know everything about me and I’d know everything about her, which I don’t.”
“Cut the crap Jay,” Jared said “you’re her boyfriend. End of story.”
“I am not.” Jensen said, anger pulsing through his system.
“So, you mean to tell me that if she called you right now and said “hey, I’m going to go on a date with this other guy” you wouldn’t be mad?”
“Of course I would be!” Jensen said “What kind of a damn question is that?”
“An obvious one.” Jared said as he got up off the floor and switching to doing sit ups “You two are boyfriend and girlfriend, you’re just too scared to admit it.”
Jensen rolled his eyes.
“No I am not.”
“Are you taking her to the gala this weekend?” Jared asked with an eyebrow raised.
“I haven’t asked,” Jensen said “but I was planning on it.”
Jared stopped doing sit ups long enough to point at Jensen and said
“See? That’s something a boyfriend and girlfriend would do. Quit being a pussy and just admit it.”
Jensen groaned and Jared went back to doing sit ups.
The whole way home, Jensen wondered if he had been going about things will Allie the wrong way. Had he given her the impression that they were in a relationship? Perhaps he’d been too open, too close with her. Maybe it would help to distance himself from her so as not to give her false hope that he’d change his mind. The thought crept into the back of his mind; if he was allowed to see other people, then so was she. The idea of her being in another man’s arms made him even more angry than he could have ever imagined. Someone else making her laugh and smile, someone else laying in bed with her at night made him grip the steering wheel so hard he was afraid he’d dent it. He was torn and confused. He hated admitting that Jared was right. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, just without the label of it. He groaned, annoyed that he’d been so oblivious to the corner he’d painted himself into.
That night, Allie met him at a small local restaurant with a smile on her face. The air had turned just a little chilly so she was wearing grey leggings tucked into black, high heeled boots with a floral print, tunic top and her hair in a high ponytail. She greeted him with a kiss and they sat down.
“How was your day?” He asked as they looked at their menus.
“Good,” She told him “I went shopping with Natalia, she needed some new makeup so I went with her, then I showed her how to put it on because, bless her, she has no idea what she’s doing.”
Jensen chuckled and asked
“But I’m guessing you do?”
“I’ve watched enough tutorials, so I would hope so.” She said “And they’re always asking me for makeup advice, which is another reason I went with her.”
“Her and Trish?” Jensen asked and she nodded. For a second, Jensen internally cussed. He knew the names of her best friends. They, in fact, were a couple.
“God damn it.” He thought as he tried to pick something to eat. Maybe it would be best for him to pull back. Seem disinterested, not give her so much attention. His eyes flicked up and he watched as she twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers. He smirked and realized he couldn’t give this up even if he wanted to.
“Um,” he said and she looked up at him “before we order, can I talk to you about something?”
“Sure,” She said “what’s on your mind?”
He cleared his throat and said
“I wanted to talk about what I said the other night, about not being boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Hey,” She told him “you don’t have to explain it to me, I get it.”
“You do?” He asked, confused.
“Look,” She told him “you don’t want to be attached and I get that. I’ll be your fuck buddy  and I’m fine with that.” Jensen noticed the slight tinge in her voice that indicated she was far from “okay” with this arrangement. Jensen took a deep breath and asked
“Can we start over? I feel like this got off on the wrong foot.”
She looked at him, puzzled, and he said
“Hi, my name is Jensen and I’m fucking confused about what I want.”
“If you’re confused,” she told him “we can talk about it.”
The waitress came by and took their order, which they placed and then went back to their conversation.
“The reason, the real reason, my last relationship didn’t work out is complicated to say the least.” Jensen said.
“So, tell me about it,” she told him “step by step.”
He sighed and said
“Her name was, sorry is, Brooke. We dated for six years, pretty much right out of college, just as I was building my products and starting to sell them.” Allie nodded and he went on “It took a long time for anyone to be interested, she didn’t understand and got tired of waiting around for my big break. She broke up with me and then the next week I sold my first software program.”
“Let me guess, she came crawling back didn’t she?” Allie asked.
“Once she heard how much I’d sold the program for, she surely did.” Jensen said “I wouldn’t take her back because she’d shown her true colors and, naturally, she was furious.”
Allie cocked her head and asked
“This is gonna sound really ignorant, but how much is a software program worth?”
“Depends on the program,” Jensen told her “the first program I sold was designed to scan banks for fraudulent activity faster than the old program.”
“You designed it AND sold it?” She asked and he nodded.
“I found a way to improve the software that already existed.” He told her “But no one wants to take a chance with a kid fresh out of college with six bucks to his name and a “can do” attitude.” She laughed at this and then asked
“If you don’t mind me asking, how much do you sell it for?”
“A million and a half.” He told her and she nearly spit out her drink. “I used that to buy my first office and develop my next product, and it just took off from there. I went from software to hardware, which is more interesting than coding, at least to me it is.”
“And now you have what?” She asked.
“Three hundred employees,” he said “a technology firm that’s expanding every single day, more financial security than I ever thought possible and all the perks that come with that.”
“And you were on a dating website why?” She asked and he laughed.
“Jared set it up for me as a joke remember?” He asked “When Brooke left me, it left a gaping hole in my life that I ignored for a long time. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been on my share of dates and hand my fun with women, but I never entertained the idea of getting closer to anyone until you came along.”
“And you’re telling me all of this, why exactly?” She asked as their food arrived. They both thanked the waitress and she walked away. Jensen cut his chicken and ate a bit of it before answering.
“The reason I said I’m not ready to commit is because I don’t want to be hurt like that ever again. But Jared pointed out that we’re doing everything regular couples do.”
“That can stop.” She told him and he shook his head.
“This is something I never readily admit, but I’m the jealous type,” he said “I thought about telling you we’re not exclusive but the idea of you being with someone else makes my skin crawl.”
She smiled, at least it wasn’t a mystery how he felt about her.
“Jensen,” She told him “I meant what I said. We can NOT see other people, but if being labeled “boyfriend” puts to much pressure on you, it’s fine. I don’t mind just being friends with benefits.”
He was relieved, but at the same time he felt a nagging feeling.
“You’re sure?” He asked and she nodded.
“I like being with you,” She told him “you’re fun to hang out with, we can talk for hours and not get bored and I want to keep that.”
Jensen was torn, even if she was saying all of this to pacify him, who was he to turn down keeping such an amazing person in his life?
“Okay,” He said “we’ll try this friends with benefits thing and see where it goes. Is that okay?”
“Perfectly.” She told him and smiled.
After dinner, they stopped at a frozen yogurt shop where you could customize your yogurt with pretty much any topping you could think of. They had everything from strawberries to peppers and sprinkles to brownie bits. They walked and talked as they ate, and then she asked
“So you make technology for cell phones right?”
“And tablets,” he told her “pretty much any computer we make software and hardware for.”
“What other areas have you gotten into?” She asked him.
“Some of our stuff has been used to perfect delicate medical procedures on humans and animals,” he said “I just authorized the development for a software that can detect cancer earlier in genetically predisposed clients.”
“Genetically predisposed?” She asked as she took a bite of her yogurt.
“People who have a history of cancer in their immediate families,” he said “it can also detect specific genetic signatures that may lead to cancer.”
“Wow,” She said, blown away “and you came up with that?”
“I wish I could take credit for that but I can’t,” He told her “my research and development department did that. This is my first foray into medicine so if things get stressful in the coming weeks, that’s why.”
“So, they write the programs and you decide which ones to go further with?” She asked and he nodded.
“That’s the footnotes version, yes.” He said with a smirk.
She stopped and stared at him with a small smile on her face.
“What?” He asked, looking at her.
“Nothing.” She said with a grin, keeping the secret to herself. The way he talked about the things that he did was captivating. He spoke with such passion and interest that was hard to find in someone unless they were truly vested in the things that they did.
“If you say so.” He said and took another bite of his frozen yogurt “How’s it going with the dance class?”
“We have a recital in two weeks,” she told him “the kids will show off what they learned in front of their parents, it’ll be super cute.”
“And your class is performing too?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yep, my three to fives will perform.” She told him.
He sighed and finally gave in, he was invested in her as much as she was in him.
“Could I tag along?” He asked “At least to congratulate the teacher.”
Allie nearly spit out her dessert.
“You wanna come to the recital?” She asked and he nodded “Are you sure? It’s gonna be boring as hell.”
“I want to see what you do.” He said “You know all about the things I do.”
She blushed hard and then nodded.
“Yeah, sure,” She said with a smile “I’ll be sure to save you a seat.”
“Speaking of saving seats,” he said “there’s this thing that I was invited to this weekend, some friends of the family and business associates are throwing this benefit for a charity. I know that’s really vague, but it’s the best I can remember without the invitation in front of me.”
“Okay?” She asked and finished off her dessert.
“Would you mind going with me? As my plus one?” He asked. She let a grin cross her face.
“Where’s it gonna be?” She asked
“The Hamptons,” He said “it’s a gala, there’s going to be dancing, an auction, all that shit.”
“Ah, I see.” She said “A fancy folks thing?”
“Very fancy.” He said “like a black tie kind of thing.”
“Well then,” she said “guess I’m gonna have to go shopping then. Damn!” She added with a grin and he laughed.
“If it’s the money you’re worried about-“ he started and she shook her head.
“Jay, I don’t want your money.” She told him “I got this. I can handle it.”
“You’re sure?” He asked “Because I have stores that would line up to dress you.”
“Do you?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.
“I’m a VERY good customer.” He said with one eyebrow raised 
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and she laughed again.
The next day, armed with the cash, Natalia and Trish, Allie set off on Fifth Ave to go shopping.
“So you need a dress.” Trish said as they entered the first boutique.
“Looks like we might have some luck in here.” Allie said as an associate approached them.
“Can I help you ladies find anything?” The woman asked.
“Yes,” Allie said “I’m going to an event this weekend and need help finding a dress.” Allie explained the situation she would be in and the woman, Maggie, smiled.
“Okay, we have a few options if you want to take a look around. I’ll show you what we have for a dress.”
When Jensen knocked on the door, he wasn’t sure what to expect, but when it opened and he saw what Allie was wearing, his jaw nearly hit the floor. She’d chosen a navy blue dress that hung off of her shoulders and silver, sparkly heels.
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Her hair was done in a loose bun with curls framing her face, she wore a bright red lipstick and winged eyeliner.
“Well? Does this pass the muster?” She asked with a smile.
“Far exceeds the muster.” He said with a grin “You look elegant.”
“Thank you.” She told him
“Shall we?” He asked and offered her his arm, which she took as she shut the door behind them.
Once they were in the car with Clif, Jensen's driver and body guard at the wheel, Jensen couldn’t take his eyes off of Allie.
“You look amazing,” he said “did you pick this out?”
“Natalia and Trish talked me into it.” She said in earnest “I was gonna go with a plain black dress but they said I looked better in this one.”
“I’ll have to agree with them.” He said, his hand on her knee. She looked down at his hand and then up at him with a grin.
When they arrived at the house where the cocktail party was being held, the car drove through massive iron gates and up a winding driveway to a sprawling mansion.
“Wow.” Allie said as she admired the house “Who lives here? A Rockefeller?”
Jensen laughed and said
“No, but I think they are a friend of that family. They’re designers.”
“And these people are your friends?” Allie asked.
“Business associates, yes.” Jensen said as the car came to a stop near the front door. Jensen’s door opened and they were greeted by a man in a black suit.
“Mr. Ackles,” the man said “always a pleasure to see you.”
“You as well Tony.” Jensen said as he got out of the car and extended his hand to Allie, who took it. He helped her out of the car and Tony said “The party is being held in the back half of the house, preceded to the front door and any one of our liaisons will be more than happy to escort you.”
“Thank you.” Jensen said with a curt nod. He offered Allie his arm, which she clung to, shaking like a leaf.
“What’s wrong?” Jensen asked as they walked.
“I’ve never been to anything like this before, what if they hate me or something?”
Jensen chuckled and kissed her temple.
“No one could ever hate you,” He told her “be your usual sweet, charming self and they’ll love you.”
“You think I’m charming?” She asked and he nodded as they crossed the stone walk way to the entrance of the house where a few guests were waiting to get in. Once Jensen showed them his invitation, they stepped into a large entryway where a massive staircase made of iron rails wound upward and into the rest of the house. Allie tried to keep her jaw from hitting the floor as a gentleman approached them.
“Mr. Ackles, always a pleasure,” he said and shook Jensen’s hand “and who might this be?”
“This is Allie,” Jensen said “Allie, this is Anthony.”
“Nice to meet you.” Allie said and stuck her hand out. Anthony briefly shook her hand and smiled.
“Likewise,” Anthony said “if you two will follow me, I’ll show you to the terrace.”
Allie’s eyes went wide as they walked through the entry way and into a massive library where some guests were talking and mingling. They went through a hallway, then a living area and through another door. On the terrace, there was a bar set up with a string quartet playing music. The terrace opened up on to a lawn where a tent had been set up, inside were several tables and a lot of guests lingering around in and out of the tent.
“You two enjoy yourselves.” Anthony said and left them.
They walked down the stairs to the party where a waiter was passing around drinks.
“What can I get for you two?” He asked “I have bourbon and champagne right now.”
Jensen looked to Allie who said
“I’ll take a champagne.”
“Bourbon for me.” Jensen said.
The waiter handed them each a glass and they made their way toward the tent.
“Do you know all of these people?” Allie asked as she saw more and more guests.
“Most of them, yes.” He said “Friends of the family, business associates, that sort of thing.”
“Are any of them YOUR friends?” Allie asked.
“A few of them, my closest friends couldn’t make it.” He said and looked around “See the couple over there by the bar?” He asked.
Allie looked and saw a tall, older gentleman with white hair and glasses. Allie described him and Jensen nodded “That’s Bill Wayne, he and his wife are the ones hosting this shindig.”
“Where’s Suzy? I only see the guy.” Allie said “She’s around here somewhere, she’s a social butterfly.” Jensen said and they walked over to where Bill was standing. When he and Jensen made eye contact, Bill smiled.
“Jensen,” Bill said and shook Jensen’s hand “good to see you again.”
“Same to you Bill,” Jensen said with a smile “Allie, this is Bill Wayne. Bill, this is Allie.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wayne.” Allie said and stuck out her hand. Bill laughed
“Please, call me Bill,” he insisted and shook Allie’s hand “and it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
“Your home is so beautiful.” Allie said.
“Oh, I can’t take the credit for that,” Bill said “this was my wife’s pet project, but she’ll be delighted to hear you say that.”
“Jensen!” A female voice said and he turned to see a tall, thin woman with jet black hair wearing a silver dress.
“Oh there she is.” Bill said with his eyes shining.
“Suzy, we were just talking about you.” Jensen told her. Suzy beamed as she got closer, she greeted Jensen by kissing both of his cheeks and then asked
“All good things I hope?”
“Nothing but darling,” Bill said “Allie was just saying how much she admires the house.”
Suzy turned her attention to Allie and the two ladies shook hands.
“It’s just gorgeous.” Allie said and sipped her champagne.
“Well thank you!” Suzy said excitedly “It was an intense labor of love.”
“It was?” Allie asked
“Yes,” Suzy said “when we bought it, everything was severely outdated and it took six years to get it just right.”
“Six years?!” Allie asked in amazement “I don’t know how you lived through a renovation like that.”
“A lot of this.” Suzy said and held up her glass of wine and Allie laughed.
“What else can you tell me about the house?” Allie asked.
“Well, it was built in 1919,” Suzy said “and it desperately needed to be brought into the 21st century before we could move in. It sits on a little over seven acres with eleven bedrooms and twelve and a half bathrooms.”
“Wow!” Allie said, stunned “That’s amazing!”
“Thank you very much,” Suzy said “but enough about me, what about you? What do you do?”
Allie took a sip of her champagne and said
“I’m an office assistant at Glory and Associates.”
“I know them,” Bill said “Glory was started by one of our junior associates.”
“Oh, you’re a lawyer?” Allie asked and Bill nodded.
“Been practicing law for over thirty years.” He said proudly.
A little while later, after making a few more introductions, Allie excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she was out of sight, one of Suzy’s friends, Joyce who had known Dean his entire life, said
“Jensen, this one is splendid!”
Jensen chuckled and took a sip of his drink.
“Thank you,” He said “she’s something isn’t she?”
Joyce nodded and said
“Don’t let this one get away, you hear me?”
Jensen didn’t say anything, he just took another sip of his drink.
When Allie returned to the tent, everyone had taken their seats and she eventually found Jensen, who was chatting with Joyce and her husband Richard. Allie took her seat and Jensen looked over at her as a waiter came by.
“Care for another drink ma’am?” He asked and held out another champagne glass.
“Yes, please.” She said and gratefully accepted it. When the waiter walked away Jensen leaned into Allie.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes,” she said with a smile “there’s just a lot going on, I’ve never been to a party like this before.”
“If it’s any consolation, they adore you.” Jensen said with a twinkle in his eyes and a hand on her knee. She blushed deeply and asked
“Really? They do?”
Jensen nodded
“Very much,” He said “thank you again for coming with me.”
“Thanks for inviting me.” She said and placed her hand over his, giving it a squeeze. His green eyes sparkled as he took her hand in his, their fingers lacing together. Allie’s pulse pounded and she blushed even deeper, making him chuckle. He leaned in closer and said
“You’re gorgeous when you blush.”
This made her cheeks turn even more red, having his lips in such close proximity to her face. He pulled back and looked at her, smiling. He brushed his knuckles on her cheek and she leaned into his touch, smiling broadly.
“Let’s say we cut this evening a little short?” He asked, a mischievous grin on his face.
She furrowed her eyebrows and said
“I thought you were part of the auction.”
“After that I mean.” He said.
“Sure, I’d love to.” She said, her eyes sparkling.
After that, Bill and Suzy got up and welcomed everyone to the party then started the auction. Several of the items were vacations and theater tickets.
“You wanna bid on anything?” Jensen asked.
“I have the one thing I’d bid on.” She said grinning at him.
“Oh? And what would that be?” He asked, smiling.
“You.” She told him and squeezed his hand.
He shook his head as he smiled and then kissed the back of her hand.
On the car ride home, Allie laid her head on Jensen’s shoulder, both of her arms wrapped around one of his. He pulled her legs into his lap and laid one hand on her knee.
“You sleepy baby?” He asked as he kissed her temple.
“Yeah,” She said with a yawn “I had a long day.”
“I know you did.” He said quietly “Close your eyes for a little bit.”
Allie nodded and closed her eyes.
They eventually arrive at Jensen’s house where Clif parked the car and Jensen gently shook Allie’s shoulder.
“Sweetheart, I hate to wake you, but we’re back at the house.”
She yawned at sat up as Jensen climbed out of the SUV. Allie followed behind him, holding onto his arm as they walked to the front door with Clif right behind them.
“Have a good night.” Clif told them and gave them a smile and a nod before heading back to the car. Thye each told him good night as Jensen unlocked the door and the both walked through it.
“Come on sweetheart.” Jensen said and scooped her up into his arms, making her laugh.
“Jensen!” She exclaimed “I can walk!”
“Why? When I can carry you?” He asked and kissed her cheek. She giggled as he walked her to his bedroom. He pushed the door open with his foot and then set her down. She quickly took her shoes off and turned to face Jensen, who was shutting the door. When he turned around, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I had a really good time tonight.” She told him. He placed his hands on her hips and he pressed his forehead to hers.
“I did too.” He said in a low tone, his green eyes burning into hers. She slowly leaned in and pressed her lips to his as her heart pounded loudly. An immediate tingling sensation went from her lips down to her toes as he tenderly kissed her. He slid his hands around to her back and up to her shoulders, burying his fingers into her hair.
“Allie,” he breathed as they kissed again “fuck, I want you.”
She pulled back and nodded
“I want you too.” She told him as they kissed again. His fingers found the corset of her dress and untied it, ridding her of the navy dress he’d become so fond of. She pulled back again and pulled the dress down, showing off her curvy figure which was clad in black, lacy underwear and a matching bra. She reached for him, yanking his tie and jacket off. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and flung it to the side of the room. He wrapped her up into his arms and backed her up and on to the bed where he crawled over the top of her and kissed her breathless. She reached for his belt and undid it along with his pants and he kicked off his shoes and socks. Once his pants were discarded, she slid up the bed and laid back against the pillows where he followed her. Left in only his underwear, he slid up her body, leaving kisses and love bites in his wake.
“Mh, Jensen!” She moaned as his mouth worked its way back up to hers where he seared a kiss on to her lips.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned into her neck as he kissed it “so fucking sexy when you moan for me.”
He sucked gently on her neck and wrapped his arms around her. She sighed and wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding into his hardness.
“Fuck,” he moaned “you want something sweetheart?”
She nodded as they kissed and said
“I want that cock buried in me.”
“Shit,” Jensen murmured as he kissed her “I have a naughty girl on my hands.”
“Yes you do,” she moaned “and I want your cock. Now.”
“Greedy girl,” Jensen said as he kissed her again “you’ll get it.”
“Please,” she begged “fill me up babe, I need you inside me.”
Jensen quickly pulled down his underwear as Allie pulled hers down and off. Jensen lined up with her eager hole and pushed gently inside her. She clung to him and sighed as he filled her to the brim.
“Oh fuck Jensen!” She moaned and he started to move, bucking his hips into her.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned “you feel fucking amazing.”
She moaned his name over and over as she moved with him rolling her hips to meet his, crying out with every stroke of his cock inside her.
“Jay,” she cried “oh fuck, Jay, I fuck!”
“That’s it,” he moaned as he kissed her “talk to me sweetheart, tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” she begged him “please just fuck me!”
He pulled her up and into his lap as he smacked her ass.
“Ride my cock baby girl.” He commanded, digging his fingers into her hips.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned as she thrust into him “fuck yes, oh fuck, I love having this big cock inside me!”
He let out an almost primal growl as he moved her hips.
“You do?” He asked as he kissed her.
“Yes,” she cried desperately as she raked her hands through his hair, both of them moving together “feels fucking amazing.”
They both uttered curses and each other’s names as their hips met, skin slapping on skin as the heat between the reached its fever pitch.
“You gonna come for me?” Jensen asked “Come on baby girl, come for me.” He pressed his finger tips into her clit and worked it in slow, languid circles.
“Oh fuck!” She cried out, clamping down hard on him “Oh fuck, yes! That feels so fucking good!”
“Damn,” He said as he worked her clit a little harder “you really like this baby, clamping down so hard on me!”
“Yes!” She sighed as she kissed him “Gonna come babe!”
“That’s it pretty girl,” he moaned into her mouth “come all over me, soak my lap.”
With that, the both let go, cries of ecstasy filling the room.
Later that night, Jensen lay on his side as Allie slept on her stomach. Her back steadily rose with each breath as he gently stroked her bare back. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this way about any girl before, some how, some way, this one was different, but he couldn’t put his finger on what made her so different from the others. He gently kissed her shoulder and turned out the light before going to sleep.
Hope you guys enjoyed that long update!! As always, your kind feedback is deeply loved and appreciated. All of my boxes and tag lists are open, so if you want to be added on to any of them, or just wanna drop by and say “hello” just shoot me a message or an ask!
See you guys got the next chapter!
​​​The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​​​​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​​​​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​​​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​​​​​​ @unholyqu33n​​​​​​​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​​​​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​​​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​​​​​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​​​​​​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​​​​​​​ @animerose96​​​​​​​​​​​  @roonyxx​​​​​​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​​​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​​​​​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​​​​​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​​​​​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​​​​​​​​ @atc74​​​​​​​​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​​​​​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​​​​​​​​​ @biawol​​​​​​​​​​​  @spaceystacey123​​​​​​​​​​​ @bella-ca​​​​​​​​​​​ @clo-heda​​​​​​​​​​​ @closetspngirl​​​​​​​​​​​ @thekatherinewinchester​​​​​​​​​​​ @maddiepants​​​​​​​​​​​ @idreamofplaid​​​​​​​​​​ @love-those-boys-in-flannel​​​​​​​ @flamencodiva​​​​​​​​​ @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog​​​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​​​​ @rainbowsinthestorm @deans-baby-momma​​​​ @algud​​​ @maui137​ @drakelover78​ @keymology
Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67​​ @akshi8278​​ @deanscarlett​​​​​ 
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cetawaycar · 6 years
I wanna raise your spirits
(I wanna see you smile)
In which Beca and Chloe are soulmates and vampires, and they learn they were connected even before Barden.
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When Beca was turned into a vampire, she was 25. She had been turned by her girlfriend of almost 4 years, when she decided she was ready.
Chloe was turned when she was 26, many centuries ago, making it an easy decision for Beca, because she absolutely did not want to be older then her.
Chloe and Beca knew each other’s past without all the nitty gritty details. Chloe was born during the 1910s, was a house wife to an abusive husband she refuses to talk about, had a kid, and was turned into a vampire by a doctor when she was dying of some disease that was hitting around that time. That’s all Beca knew, but didn’t have much interest in the rest, she knew her girlfriend would tell her when she’s ready.
Beca was born in the 1990s, grew up in a small town, hid her personality with a fake one to fit the standards that she grew up with, moved and went to barden, changed the name she went by and finally started being herself and the rest Chloe knew. She didn’t press for more, she knew they had forever to talk about it.
Chloe knew instantly that Beca was her mate, the pull and affection she instantly felt for the brunette was instant. Beca had joined Chloe’s acapella group, found a family, fell in love, and years later Chloe told her she was a vampire.
(Chloe laughs at the memory often, remembering the girl had become quiet, staring at her for a few moments, before shrugging and mumbling “that explains a lot”. And then she had questions, like does Chloe drink human blood, which, she doesn’t.)
What’s funny is that two didn’t realize their lives interconnected way before Barden University.
Chloe had been playing in their home studio when she got a call from her centuries old family, the Cullen’s, and that they were in town and wanted to visit her and her new mate they had not met yet. After the phone call, Chloe instantly texted her girlfriend.
Becs! Remember my vamp family I talked about a bit, and how I wanted you to meet them?
yeah, the ones who saved you right?
the one and only!! They are coming over in a bit, they want to meet you!!
oh, uh, okay.
But i won’t be home from the studio till about 5:30 okay? I’ll try to make it home soon though!
of course, love. I’ll see you when you get home
love you xo
love you too xo
Chloe was nervous, she really hoped her family liked her mate, because she’s not sure what she’d do without either of them.
Beca was nervous, what if Chloe’s vampire family didn’t like her? These were the people who turned the love of her life’s life around, she couldn’t force Chloe to choose if they don’t! She’ll have to leave her reason for existing!
4 o’clock rolled around and there was a knock at their front door and she could hear instantly the small talk of her closest friends (besides her bella’s).
Chloe almost ripped the door off in excitement and threw herself into the nearest arms, that happen to be Rosalie’s (Who she happens to be closest with between her adopted siblings), and sighed in content.
“C, a little to tight.” Rosalie chuckled out in a strained tone. Chloe sprung back with a wide smile and launched herself one by one into the rest of the waiting arms. It had been years since Chloe moved away to start looking for her mate and it felt right to finally be back in their presence.
Emmett ruffles her hair as they all squished through the door of the petit home. “We missed ya, little sis!” he grumbled happily, already making his way to the couch, followed by the others.
They all took in the small living room around them, filled with plants and wooden decor, it seemed so cozy and so Chloe. They took bigger notice of all the pictures scattered in the walls and shelves, a variety of the same group of girls in each frame, all showing a radiating Chloe, who looked happier then they had ever seen in the centuries they had known the redhead.
“Welcome to my home!!” Chloe said gleefully, gesturing around vaguely of the whole room. Esme and Carlisle took in the girl they have considered their closest daughter with a glimmer of relief and happiness. She was so happy, happier then they had ever seen, and she looked so right, standing and glistening from the living room window light.
After taking a look around they all squished onto the living room furniture. Bella, the newest of their family that Chloe has only talked to a handful of times but still adored, was the first to bring up the topic on all their minds.
“Where’s your mate? You both live here right?”
Chloe eyes lit up at the mention of her mate and they looked knowingly.
“Oh! She’s at work! She works for a music studio, she writes and produces music. She should be here soon!”
“Well we cant wait to meet her!” Rosalie gushed and the others nodded in agreement, except for Alice, who smiled with a teasing smile that told everyone she knew something they didn’t.
When Edward and Chloe looked at her questionably (Alice has figured out how to block Edward by thinking of other things), she just shrugged and giggled a “You guys are in for a treat!”
None of the knew what she meant until an hour later, the sound of a motorcycle pulling into the driveway snapped them away from their conversations.
“She’s here!” Chloe gushed excitably, turning to look out the window in the living room. The other joined and watched as a short brunette stepped off the Harley Davidson and shook her hair out of the helmet. She wore ripped black jeans, a red flannel button up, a leather jacket and biker boots. Chloe sighed lovingly.
Their attention turned to the door and suddenly the girl popped around the corner and headed toward the redhead.
“Hey babe, sorry I’m a couple minutes late, the artist is a piece of shit” She laughed, and her girlfriend just smiled up at her as she leaned in to peck her lips.
“Hiya my love, I missed you” Chloe said, her voice turning affectionate.
The girl, who had still not noticed the other presence of vampires in their living room (even as a vampire she’s very oblivious), shrugged off her jacket and turned toward the wooden coat hanger beside the couch that held the 8 vampires.
“I missed you so much, you can’t begin to comprehe- Holy shitballs” Beca stopped in the middle of the room, without finishing her sentence.
The Cullen’s stared back at her with a look of curiosity.
“No fucking way. I knew you guys were vampires! Fuck, well, this explains a lot” The girl exclaimed. She then proceeded to continue to hang her jacket up.
“Becs do you know them?” Chloe asked confusingly, staring back and forth between her confused family and her calm girlfriend.
“Yeah, ha!” She laughed, then turned to Bella. “It’s been along time Bells, you never called!”
Edward was watching the memory’s flash through Beca’s brain as she stared at him and his family and suddenly it clicked into place. He knew the thoughts he was hearing, and the memory’s point of view he was watching. This almost seemed impossible.
The girl their very family avoided due to how annoying they found the girl who slowly grew on them as Bella introduced them, the one his wife missed dearly but never thought she’d see again, the one person he’d never predicted would ever find out about vampires, stood before them with a completely different look and was a vampire. And dating his sister.
“Well I’ll be damned. Jessica Stanley, you’ve definitely changed” He said slowly, watching as the girls eyes came back into focus and smirked at him.
“Edward Cullen, the first boy to ever truly break my heart” She teased, clutching her heart.
“Oh we both know you weren’t really interested in me.” He laughed and she moved over to sit on his youngest sibling lap, who still watched the interaction with confusion. The rest of his family just stared in shock.
“You’re right, why would I be when we know your wife and sisters were such better options!” She chuckled, and leaned back into the girl she rested in, who instantly wrapped her arms around her waist without a second thought.
“No way, you look nothing like Jessica!” Rosalie exclaimed accusingly but also conflictedly.
“Better believe it, babe” Beca winked at the blonde Cullen and the cringed when she felt a slap against her rock hard shoulder.
“Now I may not understand what’s going on, Beca Mitchell, but flirt with her one more time and so help me god” Chloe stated sternly and Beca physically gulped.
“Oh my god. This is so weird. You’re a vampire? Since when? Last time I saw you was at my wedding years ago! And you still lived in Forks, and was perfectly human!” Bella exclaimed in shock, staring in utter disbelief at the producer. The girl shrugged in response and finally the girl underneath her spoke up.
“Okay somebody explain what the hell is going on?”
“Oh, uh, sorry babe. Remember I said I was a lot different in high school?” Chloe nodded “Well, I knew these guys when they moved to my small town outside of Seattle. I didn’t really get to know them much, but I had developed a bit of an obsession to them because I felt it’d hide the fact I was gay. Anyways, Bella here” She glanced up from her girlfriend to look at her old best friend for a moment before continued “was my best friend. She got me through high school.”
She stopped talking for a moment to think before making eye contact with the Cullens. Her face showing how she was actually feeling. Sad. Hurt.
“I was hiding it with humor when I first saw you guys in here, but Chlo says I need to stop doing that, so i’m gonna be honest here. My last year of high school was honest to god the worst year of my life. Bella, you stopped calling and texting as often, you never hung out anymore. It was Cullens this, Edward that, and as much as I love you guys, it left no room for anything else. I was abandoned and alone. I was going through a lot of depression and anxiety, but no one was around anymore, you all had your own lives”
Her voice shook with emotion. “So I left as soon as graduation was done and past. I came back for your wedding and then I was gone for good. I applied at Barden where my dad works, and was pursuing my passion for producing and music. I met Chlo on pure accident and the rest was history, but life turned better, I met my family, and they are my best friends in the entire world. I don’t go minutes without hearing from at least one of them. I was so closed off at the start of college. I’m surprised anyone tried to be my friend. But I got lucky and got a whole house full.”
As she finished her statement, she turned her heated gaze at the Cullens to her favorite picture on the wall. Eyes followed to see a picture of Beca and Chloe in the middle of the girls they had seen earlier. Beca was on a tall brunettes back, eyes closed and obviously laughing. Chloe had her arms around them, and the other mix matched girls were doing silly things around them.
It dawned on the Cullens why they hadn’t recognized the girl on the wall at first. She had a different persona in high school, that thinking back now was held back and sad, here this girl look genuinely happy, and knew who she was.
“I’m sorry.” Bella breathed out, turning her attention back to girl “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t know. I was so caught up in my own little world I didn’t realize you were no longer apart of it. I should’ve made more time for you! You were the one person who stuck by me when I was going crazy and I just forgot about you, oh my god! That’s was so selfish of me. I’ve missed you so much Jess. I’m so sorry!” Tears pooled in her eyes, and Beca knew they would never fall but the words she had wished all this time to hear made Beca’s unbeating heart soar.
“I missed you too.” Beca stood up suddenly, and Bella met her half way. They gripped on to each other like there lives depended on it. “So much.”
After the heart to heart, Beca started to get to know the Cullens for real. She caught up in their lives, caught up with Bella and Alice. Talked for hours about topics ranging from high school, to things they missed, to random stuff.
She had also learned the real story of her soulmate.
Chloe told her about how her and Edwards storied were similar, her family died from some deadly disease she couldn’t remember the name of. Carlisle had been her doctor, and she had spent the night crying because she didn’t want to die. So he turned her into a vampire, and she joined the Cullen family last. They had taught her all she knows, and were very supportive when she decided she wanted to journey alone for a bit.
They had moved to forks while Chloe wandered a bit. Finally she did four years at Barden before meeting Beca, and eventually spent so much time with the girls that they had even travelled the world to perform, and gotten kidnapped together.
That had been an interesting story to tell, the Cullen were completely taken aback by it.
Rosalie had given Beca the big sister talk, threating to rip off her head if she much as hurt their little sister even a little bit.
And finally, her and Chloe told them how they fell in love, how it took them both around 4 years to tell each other, sang a titanium demo for them to prove, yes Emmett, Jess can sing as well.
They showed them videos of their Barden Bellas, weither it be performances or weird snapchat video they had on their phones, they introduced them to their own little family they had created.
Afterwards, as the sun set, Beca had been standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching the family sitting around the living room laughing and talking with a mix of affection and relief, when she felt arms wrap around her waist from behind and a familiar head resting on her shoulders.
“I’m proud of you, you know.” Chloe spoke softly into Becas ear, to which she hummed back as a reply.
“It’s weird to think about the fact that our lives intertwined before we even knew each other. Like, fate had been pushing us together from the beginning, it just had had bad timing” Beca spoke softly after a moment of standing contently in her lovers arms.
“It is weird, yeah. But I’m glad it tried so hard, or else I may not have met my forever” Chloe replied, and Beca flipped around to be face to face with her girl, who kept her arms around her.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Beca replied breathlessly, inching her face closer to the smiling vampire.
“I know, but I love you more” She replies, before closing the space between them.
The Cullen’s watched from the living room with soft smiles, some grins, and in that moment everything seemed to be right in the universe.
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How to you feel about each of Henry's wives?
Are you ready for a huge text? Cause you getting it.I’ll be giving my thoughts in the order in which the marriages took place, but I’ll be putting their ranking in my affections by their name just in case I talk too much without saying anything.
Catherine of Motherfuckin Aragon (#2 ) → I do not have words enough to express how much I respect and admire this woman, despite how many things I disagree or am not overly fond of on her behaviour/way of thinking. And I don’t mean just being a Queen until her very last day or enduring what Henry put her through with grace and poise, I mean even before she walked out of that judgment without Henry’s permission, I mean managing to thrive despite having her father-in-law against her after the death of Arthur. This woman was the first female spanish ambassador to England. This woman, after marrying Henry, when he decided to go fight in France and left her to rule his kingdom, C R U S H E D a rebellion with the same effort someone would take to make a sandwich. AND THEN SHE SENF THE LEADER OF THE REBELLION’S BLOODY CLOAK TO HER HUBBIE IN FRANCE ALONG WITH A LOVE LETTER IN WHICH IT’S IMPLIED SHE SAID SHE WAS PREGNANT. THIS WOMAN DESERVES SO MUCH MORE PRAISE, @ EVERYONE STOP MAKING HER AN OLD WOMAN AND A PRUDE, THIS BITCH HAD CLAWS FOR AGES—
Anne Boleyn (the baddest bitch that you can’t even) ( #1 ) →Despite my passionate rant about CoA, Anne is still (how my quotes and my fic may suggest) my favourite from all of the wives and I feel terrible about her more than undeserved fate. This girl had the brains, had the looks, had the sharp tongue and had the temper that would have made her an icon of our age, had she only been born in our times. The Other Boleyn Girl and other period pieces as well as some historians tend to make her the ‘whore’ of the early triangle that was formed when Henry (the true whore) decided to get rid of Catherine in favour of his younger beloved, but she was far from it. This girl brought a nation to it’s knees, she was the alleged reason for a King to break with the church of Rome and had a full reformation on the country without opening her legs until they were married and that’s a fact. She was very kind and attentive of her friends, ladies-in-waiting and family and I think this is unfortunately lost in the Whore Narrative in favour of overexagerating the jealousness she was sure to feel in the latest years, putting her against every female character one could to have some more conflict in a book and make her more of a lustful, cruel she-devil (Yes, I see you Philippa. I see you. You too, Wolf Hall). However, I do think her role often times is exaggerated in another aspect: She was by no means the leader of the Boleyn Faction, although she had some considerable half of the decisions made to get them where they rose to, the head of the faction were Thomas and George (I can make a whole rant about how this boy doesn’t get half of the value he’s supposed to get) and she wasn’t the whole reason behind any of what Henry did either, she was used as an excuse. I think we shouldn’t either make her the epitome of a Mary Sue with underlines of a bad temper or the scheming bitch that got the crown; She was a human being, and I intend to write her that way as the chapters of The Wives’ Club progress.
Jane Seymour (#6 )  → You can imagine very well why she’s my lowest ranking wive and why I won’t have much to say about her. I deeply dislike Jane and I make no attempt on hiding it. Her reputation being almost sanctified when she had a worse behaviour than Anne during her courtship of the King is deeply infuriating, even more when I think Anne and five other innocent men had their head chopped off due to untruthful allegations only so Henry could place a crown on her head (which actually never happened, she never got a coronation. That makes me slightly happier). She did not have much attractive qualities to redeem their role on the suffering of the previous wive like others did and her decisions weren’t hers as much as they were her brothers’. I dislike her son, finding Edward the most dislikeable of Henry’s kids, her attempts of bringing Mary back into favour were okayish, she all but ignored Elizabeth’s existence and her reign was short and unremarkable. Overall, my least favourite, no doubt.
Anne of Cleves (#3 ) → BABY GIRL. BABY. ICONIC. BEAUTIFUL. ASTOUNDING. SHOW STOPPING. WHAT ELSE CAN I SING OF PRAISE, IDK. ANNE VON KLEVES IS THE WOMAN YOU SHALL RESPECT OR YOU SHALL RESPECT, THERE’S NO OTHER WAY. Let’s start setting one thing straight, this woman was b e a u t i f u l. An absolute snacc. Henry can go fuck right off. You made two of your wives whores, another a sinner and a liar and now you make this one the ugly one? Why don’t you marry a sex doll then, you piece of shit? “The king was so stout that such a man has never been seen,” reported a visitor to court. “Three of the biggest men that could be found could get inside his doublet.” She had waaay more reason to complain than you! He claimed she was not a virgin, yet she asked if he kissing her good night and good morning in her chambers was not enough to be considered consumation of the wedding! At least she didn’t ever need to be under that giant glob you called belly! Okay, I’m going to chill. Anne was undoubtedly the most successful of Henry’s wives, yes, even more than Parr. She was not well versed in singing, dancing or music, due to her education in the Cleves fashion, not in the English, being a pragmatic woman versated in needlework and house management. When the short time of their marriage came to an end and they were declared not truthfully married, she wrote a letter of compliance to the King, knowing full well she was being cast out because Henry lusted her lady-in-waiting, Katherine Howard, and, differently of CoA, setting herself as a faithful servant of Henry’s will. What did that mean? It meant that Henry had finally stepped out of a marriage without a fuss to it and he was more than thankful. She got money to spare, all of her jewels, inumetous mannord and castles and an income that could make us cry over our petty salaries, she was held up as his sister, having only he, himself and his children take precedence to her and she had the most amicable of relationships with him and KH after the whole thing. They visited her and she visited them, all was well. She ended outliving Henry, Katherine Howard, Catherine Parr and Edward Tudor, having died a calm death in one of her castle’s after living a Queen’s life without having to be married to no King at fucking all! Even Mary, that opposed her Protestant views held her in such high regard she gave the woman a royal funeral. This bitch had held a mini-court in all of her residences and she honestly had the best live of all of the wives. I can only congratulate her. Anne of Cleves was the most successful wive, fight me.
Katherine Howard ( #5 ) → Oh, this poor baby. Poor, poor baby. I would rank her higher in the list if I could solely because of how people view her to this day. She was but a teenager that got executed by a love affair that I’m not even sure if really took place because,,,, everyone knows Anne’s story by then??? It’s recent history???? It’s known???? Why would you do this????? But there is so much proof??? Kitty baby, why???? and is called an empty-headed fool by many, and I mean MANY, people in the most unfair of ways. She wasn’t a remarkable queen either in the matters of her reign, but she was kind and gentle and an absolute joy for what’s written in the records of our history. She and Mary did not go along so well (probably because Mary was probably having Anne flashbacks), but Elizabeth and Edward did quite enjoy her as a stepmother. I don’t forget either how she and Anne of Cleves remained friendly after the divorce, having danced all through the night of the day it was made official as Henry retreated to his chambers to sleep, writing each other letters, visiting and lunching with each other. The dignity with which she faced her death is also uncanny, leading me to believe bravery and unfair fates are both traces of the Howard blood she and Anne shared. I wished she could have had a happier life and is not a random choice have her be the center of the TWC’s plot.
Catherine Parr (#4 ) → I confess I did not read or had as much interest on her as the others, although I have read more of her than I read of Jane. She was a smart woman and, although she married the Seymour Fuckboy and people single her out as the Nurse of Old Henry ™, she was one of the best Consorts an english king could have had, no doubt. She managed to strike a good relationship with all the three kids, she was fair and justice-driven, Elizabeth’s life was brightest with her and I can only say that she is the one to be called saint if she put up with Henry Tudor as an old overweight man nearing death and with paranoias swirling around his head like fishes in an aquarium. I will read more about her to have a better portrayal to the fic, but she’s still earned my respect and admiration.
Well… I warned it would be long hahahaha!I hope it was somewhat revealing to you and that I didn’t got you bored in the meantime.Any other questions you may have, feel free to ask them!
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mythologygirlfanfic · 7 years
Phoenix Down: Chapter Two
Summary: Her parents must have really wanted a son if they named their only child - a girl at that - Marco. (OC Reincarnation/Rebirth story) Or
An obsessive gamer girl is reborn and now has to navigate the world of One Piece as a female version of Marco the Phoenix. Shenanigans ensue as she drags everyone around her into her delusions do to the trauma caused by the loss of her precious games. So what if she gives her so called brothers a few heart attacks when she pretends to be dead until one of them yells, if not a little dramatically, “PHOENIX DOWN” with an accompanying eye roll, before ‘reviving’ along the way. That’s just part of the fun. The poor Whitebeard Pirates are in near constant exasperation with their sister’s sure, but that doesn’t mean they love her any less. Now, if only she could convince Ace that MMOs were a real thing.
Rating: T
That is what the old biddies in her village called her at least. Well, everyone in the village called her that, but they were all pretty much old biddies, so fuck them.
(Well, not really ‘cause that would be gross. Marco shivered at the thought.)
Who knew that trying to engage this dreary town in a riveting game of Splatoon would lead to her immediate and irrefutable exile from the only place she knew in a world she knew was much more vast and dangerous than most people could even comprehend.
She regretted nothing .
Nothing except maybe not being able to beam the mayor in the face with a balloon filled with pink paint and glitter. Marco had been stopped by the villagers before she could chuck that particular balloon, one of the bastard having snuck up behind her and tackling her to the ground before others jumped on her as well in some sort of impromptu dog pile. It had caused the young woman to be the one to get a face full of the mixture instead of her intended target. It had been a bittersweet defeat.
Now, here the pale blonde stood, not even a full day after what the fiasco the villagers irritably had started calling the ‘Day of Reckoning’ under their breaths, loading the little dinghy her parents scrounged up for her. She was so sure that Original Marco had lived a childhood of bloody strife. Her she was though, getting the boot from her home for simply throwing one too many paint balloons.
True, it had technically not been her first offense. Also true, that it hadn’t really been the worst thing she had done either, but for the people of her home island, it had been the last straw. Marco was pretty sure it was just because the sticks they all had shoved up their asses, that they were all just allergic to fun. The kids of the village could at least appreciate her genius, some having even thrown a mini protest over their favorite playmate’s severe and unjust punishment. Well, until they were threatened with dish duty. That had gotten Marco’s followers to disperse rather quickly. The little traitors.
(She carefully did not look into Mom 2.0’s tearful eyes and decidedly ignored the fact that Papa 2.0’s own looked even more droopy than before, like a basset hound whose favorite bone was being taken away. Marco even ignored the small pain in her chest when she thought of leaving them, that she would miss them.)
The farming life hadn’t been for her anyway. Her boobs made her back ache after all and the physical labor of tilling the land just didn’t justify that pain. Honestly, why did nearly all the girls who spent more than five minutes with Luffy have to have huge tits? (And the original Marco had, they had fought a war together. Screw the fact Original Marco had been a male.) Sure, they weren't as large as say Nami or Robin’s, but they were still annoying as fuck.
She was looking for a quest to complete anyway.
Quest objective: find Whitebeard and join his crew.
This quest sucked. It sucked balls. Hard .
She had been randomly sailing around the seas of North Blue for months. Months . And the teenager couldn’t even say it hadn’t truly been random sailing as she was in no way a navigator. She had slapped herself multiple times for not studying maps, but she hadn’t been planning to set out to sea by herself either. Honestly, Marco had thought Whitebeard and his band of jolly sons, more akin to a massive raid party, would be the ones to find her. You know, at home. On the island she had been born on.
Marco once again cursed the mayor and the citizen of Uptightville. She would have preferred they all would have left themselves, like all the potential critter friends she ignored in Animal Crossing , then have had them figure out the best way to get rid of a shitty neighbor was just to exile them from the town. (She briefly found herself lamenting who her virtual town had more than likely gone completely barren by now, before the thought become to unbearable and she had to shake it off. Sort of like the one Taylor Swift song.)
It hadn’t been all bad. If Marco ignored the fact she had almost starved, dehydrated, gotten nearly eaten by various sea monsters, and other things that had caused some minor bodily harm, the young woman could think of a few things to be grateful for. She finally got to update her appearance!
On the first island she had unceremoniously crashed into (Seriously, she didn’t mean to fall asleep! The sailing had been so boring to the point she had started talking to her own reflection on the water’s surface.), she found herself chopping off most her long, blonde hair. She had cropped it into a sort of mohawk, with the sides of her head shaved and a strip of slightly longer locks remaining on top. Of course, she only did this when she was certain Mom 2.0 didn’t have some sort of radar that would let the older woman know what her daughter was doing. Marco liked her limbs where they were and she wouldn’t put it past the lady to somehow find her due to some sort of messed up need for vengeance.
She had also acquired (Maybe, sort of stole) some new clothes. Nothing against what she had been wearing, the overalls were as comfortable as hell, they just weren’t exactly the best clothes to be traveling the wide up sea in. Marco now proudly donned a light blue corset and with blue shorts that rode maybe a little too low. The young woman had decided to forgo shoes, more so because she had been chased from the store before she could grab a pair. And, hey, this outfit was probably even less practicable than overalls, but if she was going to be a pirate, a pirate in the World of One Piece at that, she was going to looks bad fucking ass while doing.  
She was 18 and partly delirious when she found him. Found the man that had been Original Marco’s Oyaji. The man that would be her Oyaji too. Or at least, she hoped he would as she pulled alongside the massive, whale shaped ship. She was a little surprised that the Moby Dick had already been made and set sail, for whatever reason she was sure Edward Newgate would have had another ship, at least up until Gol D. Roger’s execution. She was happy to see it though. The large whale always looked so happy in the series and it looked even more so in person. If a just a tiny weensy bit intimidating. That and it also brought on the age old question of why it was blue? Had the gigantic man never read the novel? Did the novel even exist here? Wait, she had never read the novel, so this was a moot point.
Marco didn’t waste anytime.
“Make me your kid-yoi!” Her load exclamation caught everyone’s attention as they stared down from the large whale shaped boat at her little dinghy. It had certainly caught Captain Whitebeard’s as she could almost feel the older man’s gaze piercing through her. He was younger, his hair not completely white and his mustache just a tad less magnificent. It was like Mario and Dr. Robotnik’s facial hair had a baby. How much time did the man spend styling it?
“Eh? What was that brat? I didn’t hear you.” Edward Newgate was an incredible man, for that the young blonde girl was certain. His voice carried all the way down to her as if the roaring wind and crashing waves against the hulking vessel he rode upon allowed it passage. The captain before her didn’t even have to yell. Marco admitted she may have been a tad jealous at that.
Marco set her shoulders back further standing as straight and tall as she possible could. Her posture was so stiff it was starting to hurt, yet she had to make this man, the one fated to be the strongest on all the seas, this man with such an enormous legacy, take her on. “I said, make me your daughter-yoi!”
“Why should I?”
Okay, now she was sure the older man was messing with her. Still, she responded, “Because you’re like the final boss after a particularly hard dungeon that one has to level grind for like hours to beat-yoi.” At the confused silence that greeted Marco, she decided to take pity on the poor uncultured souls that would never really know the joys and sorrows of dungeon crawling and elaborated. “I think you're badass-yoi.”
Whitebeard threw his head back and laughed.
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sweetielouis · 7 years
pining fic rec (21 fics)
here is a quick little fic rec of some of my favorite fics with pining!! i hope y’all like them, and as always drop by my ask with requests!  💖
❉ - means you need an ao3 account to read!
Searching For The Cure (We Found Us) by itsprobablylarry (30k)
“So you woke up as a frog,” Louis considers out loud. “What if you're like that princess that turns into a swan during the day but is a human between sunset and sunrise?”
Harry just blinks at him, clearly unimpressed.
(Basically: Louis doesn't quite know how to handle the fact that his best friend/roommate wakes up as a frog.)
(your heartbeat) rang true inside my bones by flimsy for estrella30 (32k)
Harry goes as Louis' date for a weekend wedding. He ends up taking the role a bit too seriously.
“Hey,” Harry hears himself say just as Louis climbs back into the car. He ducks down, holding onto the roof to look at Louis who cocks his brow at him and says, “What?”
“I meant it,” Harry starts. “Like, I’d do it. I’d be your date for the wedding. If it’d make you feel less awful about being there and if you want me to, I’ll do it. I promise I’ll be good.”
Runner on Third by Anonymous for Louvie (39k)
As Harry stood there, the other man turned around, and he knew he was correct in who he thought it was.
“Louis?” he asked, still not quite believing it.
Louis blinked. “Harry? Wh– what are you doing here?”
“I work here,” Harry said. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, I’m picking up my brother. The nurse called and said he was sick.”
Harry felt like he was going to be sick. “Wait, Ernest is your brother? Since when do you have a brother?”
“Since about seven years ago, I guess. Wait, how do you know Ernest?”
“I’m his teacher.”
“You’re his what?” Louis exclaimed.
Harry gulped. This was going to be a long year.
Or, the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
Roots by cherrystreet (43k)
There aren’t many things that make Harry Styles nervous. He’s spent the past couple of years on and off various stages, filled with screaming fans, all chanting his name, loud and adoring. He’s done countless interviews, some even on live, national television, never faltering over his words, answers meticulously planned out, smooth and steady. He’s signed countless autographs, taken just as many photos, and even when he sat in his label’s studio, waiting to see how high up on the charts his single made it, he didn’t feel uneasy or uncomfortable. It’s all been unbelievably fun. No, there aren’t many things that make Harry Styles nervous.
Enter Louis Tomlinson.
we're only stones around the sun by snowingwhite for Serised (46k)
Harry used to talk about him like that once, months ago when he wouldn’t let himself linger on touches that lasted a beat too long or looks that held unspoken promises. Back then it’d been easy, with the hiding of feelings, now it’s all a mess, complicated and hard. He doesn’t know where one feeling starts and another one stops, how he’s supposed to figure it all out. He doesn’t know where to begin, which thread to pick up and begin untangling, where it’s going to lead him if he does. He doesn’t know if he wants to find out.
or, Harry finds that he can't ignore his feelings for his best friend when the months start ticking down to Louis's graduation.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (46k)
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Aka Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That by elsi_bee (46k) ❉
Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by tempolarriefics (47k)
Harry, being his endlessly patient self, asks with a wry smile, “And who am I going to spontaneously marry for financial aid?”
He clearly intends for it to be a rhetorical question, for it to shoot down Louis’ ridiculous marriage idea. But Louis answers easily, “Me. You’ll marry me."
aka the not-so fake marriage AU in which Harry and Louis get married to keep Harry from dropping out of uni (and if they discover that they’re in love along the way, well, that’s neither here nor there).
like a boomerang by youwilll (48k)
AU in which Harry gets trapped in a lift, Louis gets stuck in a Wednesday, and it's always February 2nd. Until it isn't.
i'll make this feel like home by zouisclimax for Midnight_Magic (49k)
Harry to groans himself and then takes a deep breath. “Okay, well. Here’s the thing. I peed on a stick.”
Louis isn’t able to get more than a shocked “What!” out before Harry’s steamrolling on.
“I peed on a stick and it says it’s positive, but you always prattle on about how it’s best to go to the doctor’s before you get excited, you know to confirm it because sometimes hormones are off or you have like a tumor or some shit and get false positives and what if I’m dying and-”
“You’re pregnant?!” Louis shouts out, stomach dropping as the words leave his mouth.
“Um, yeah… maybe.”
[the one where Louis' hopelessly in love with his best mate... who just happens to be pregnant with another man's baby.]
To the Ends of the Earth by stylinsoncity (55k)
During a yearlong hiatus, Louis visits Harry at his cabin in Idaho, where long-buried feelings ignite like the fire keeping them warm.
I need home (our tangled bones) by togetherwecouldbealright for tomorrows, tomlinsunrise (68k)
Louis runs a record label and Harry is his daughter's new nanny. Over the course of a year, Harry helps Louis learn what it really is to be a father and somehow they find an unexpected home in each other.
Or, the kid fic where Louis wants to make Harry a star, Zayn just needs everyone to stop being stupid, Niall laughs his arse off at everything, Liam attempts to keep things in order and Harry takes a chance.
Dreaming of You by Velvetoscar (68k)
The Begrudging Starbucks AU.
The world is winter and steamed milk and creamy espresso shots. The world is a never ending queue. The world is a Starbucks logo and a pink-cheeked smile from Niall and a bored scowl from Zayn and the world is Louis watching his best mate, Liam, fall in love with their newest customer, Harry. Who may or may not be in love with Louis. The world is cruel.
don't tell the gods (we left a mess) by bottomlinsons (grimgrace) (71k)
After a misunderstanding with Liam’s mother, Louis agrees to accompany his best friend to a family wedding and pretend to be the world’s best boyfriend. But their simple plan goes awry when he learns that Harry, ex-boyfriend/ex-love of Louis’ life, will also be in attendance. (aka: fake!boyfriends with a twist ft. bromance, romance and cake.)
Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor (77k)
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
Don't Look Down by zarah5 (91k) ❉
AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
In This Light by exhilarated for tilthesundies (99k)
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
Like a Bullet in the Dark by Vurdoc (99k)
Prince Harold Edward Styles Lancaster is second in line to the throne of Great Britain. He is also your average Uni student- or he tries to be, anyway.
With a promise from the press (and his father) that they'll leave him alone for four years, he sets out to be a student at Cambridge, when he meets his very normal, very working class, very handsome suite-mate, Louis Tomlinson.
Louis makes Harry feel more like a person than he ever has before, which might cause some issues later on- 'cause Harry has a secret that he's only told his sister Gemma about.
Little does he know though, that Louis has some secrets of his own.
A Will & Kate Au- with a twist.
You Drive Me Crazy (but it feels alright) by MrsStylinson (102k)
Bridget Jones' Diary AU.
“Harry is not short for Harold,” he corrects, his voice as thick as molasses. He lowers his eyes to Louis’ sequined lapels, rubbing one between two fingers. “Is this small or extra small? It looks lovely.”
Louis breaks away from his grip with a petulant huff and pushes him back with two fingers.
“You’re mocking me. Again.”
Harry smiles and it's a real honest swoop of his lips this time. Louis’ stomach swoops with them.
Untangle Me by suicxne (103k)
Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supposes back in the early days, home hadn’t been a place. It’d been a person. He’d etched it permanently into his skin for fucks sake. It was always him and Harry. Stuck to each other like super glue. Pulled together by some magnetic force, existing in their own bubble. Everyone could see it, but that was half the problem, wasn’t it?
It’s not like Louis can pinpoint the exact moment in time when him and Harry fell out of sync. There wasn’t really one at all. It had been a gradual slip, like the tide wearing away at a sandstone cliff. Chipping the solid foundations until there was nothing left to stop the structure falling to the waves below. It’s not like he spends all of his time sitting around moping over a lost friendship, he’s good at distractions. But LA only seems to accentuate the distance between them. Two separate planets, not even in the same solar system.
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
Empty Skies by green_feelings (134k)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
Featuring Perrie as Harry's adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis' bandmates.
Say You'll Remember by whisperdlullaby (93k)
au. louis and harry are best mates that are only half aware that they're also soulmates. alternatively, louis goes to university and harry travels the world, and they always manage to find their way back to each other.
takes place over nine years, in which they love and hurt, make mistakes and learn, and above all, grow.
Never Be by cherrystreet (117k)
Monica: You've got to see her again. Ross: And why do you care so much? Monica: Because! You could get to live out my fantasy! Ross: You had fantasies about Emily? Monica: No! Y’know, the fantasy! Meet someone from a strange land, fall madly in love, and spend the rest of your lives together.
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
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