#lance stroll fan fiction
Sugar Plum
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Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, fake dating at its finest, protective!Lance, some sexual references, a few kisses and lack of clothing, Lance being the best boyfriend someone can ask for, definitely way too close for this to be fake dating lmao, overly Canadian for no reason, a few swear words. 
Word Count: 9.8k
Author’s Note: as a Canadian, it was my duty to write a Lance fic and have it take place at the Canadian GP + Toronto; it was necessary. // ***no animals were harmed in the making of this fic @ Cece, C and McKenna <333
Part Two: Keeping It Professional
Being an intern for Aston Martin was the dream. You were traveling the world doing what you loved. You worked with the PR and media department for the team and you couldn't be happier. You had gotten to know everyone on the team pretty well, from the mechanics to the factory crew, to the PR team and the drivers; Sebastian was always nothing but kind to you, stopping to have a conversation whenever he saw you, asking how you’ve getting along there. Lance was sweet too, the two of you closer in age than you and Sebastian. He wasn't all the most talkative but he was always nice to you. 
The Canadian Grand Prix was Lance’s home race and it just so happened to be yours as well. Lance had grown up in Montreal and you were from Toronto which was only a few hours away from there. 
You were sitting in the garage watching the qualifying session when your phone rang, you stepped into the hallway to answer the call; your mother. 
“Hello ?” 
“Hi darling! How are you?” Your mother's voice came from the other end of the call. “Are you coming home this week? I know you have the week off.” She asks and you already regret telling her about the week between the Canadian GP and Silverstone. 
“I suppose I am. Why ?” you ask her, glancing over to see Lance pulling back into the garage. Has qualifying ended already ? 
“Your dad and I were wondering if you were bringing that boyfriend of yours. He's there with you, isn't he?” She asks and you sigh.
“I don’t know, we’ll see. I’ve gotta go, mom.” 
“Oh, of course. Call me before you come down!” She says and it’s like you can see the smile on her face. 
“Yeah, no problem.” You end the call and tuck the phone in your pocket. 
You’re hiding in the hallway, trying to figure out how to explain to your mom that there is no boyfriend in the picture and that you’ve been lying to them this whole time. 
There’s a hand on your shoulder, pulling you from your thoughts. You assume it’s Sebastian before even looking up because he’s the only one who stops in the hallway to chat. Imagine the surprise when you look up and find Lance in front of you. 
The driver smiles at you, leaning on the wall across from you. “Any plans for this week?” He asks, small talk was his specialty you’ve learned. 
You shrug, “maybe back to London after the race.” 
Lance's brows furrow, sipping on his water before he speaks. “How come? Aren't you headed home for the week? You live like.. a few hours from here, no?” 
“Yeah but my mom is really getting on my nerves. She wants me to come to my cousin’s wedding and bring my boyfriend but I don’t have a boyfriend and she doesn’t know that but she’s really pushing me, it’s just irritating.” You sigh, but then realize you've bared your issue to the last person who probably wants to hear it. 
You give him an apologetic look. “Oh god, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drop all that on you.” 
Lance waves you off, smiling. “It’s fine.” Lance is quiet for a moment, as if he was thinking before he speaks. ‘If you want, I'll go with you.” 
You’re looking at him, part confusion and part shock which he can tell based on the look on your face. “What?”
“I’ll go with you.” He nods. You shake your head, “no, you won’t.” You’re laughing now and Lance is looking at you like you’ve lost your mind. 
“You said your mom is expecting you to bring a boyfriend. I’ll go with you and pretend to be your boyfriend.” He’s so nonchalant about the whole thing. 
“I’m leaving on Tuesday and I won’t be heading to London until the following Monday. Do you really want to spend a whole week with my family ?” 
“If they’re anything like you, then yeah.” He smiles. Your heart flutters at his words; he really thought that about you? That he’d be willing to spend a week with you? 
“Lance, you really don’t have to do this. They’re kinda crazy.” You laugh, shifting from one foot to the other. “Plus I’m sure you have better things to do. Don’t you want to spend time with your family ?” 
“Everyone’s coming for the race tomorrow. My parents are headed on their anniversary trip next week and Chloe is going out with Scotty so I'll be here by myself. I was just going to hang around here anyways. I don’t mind.” 
You hum, debating if you should let him. “Why are you so insistent on coming with you?” 
“Because I want to be nice, and I know how many times you’ve covered for me without me asking.” He smiles.
“I don’t cover for you.” You did; you always covered for Lance. 
“So why did Julia ask about my car troubles the other day?” Lance's brows raise when he looks at you. You just shrug, picking at a thread on your shirt. “Had nothing to do with the fact that you covered for me while I had a hangover?” 
“When'd you have a hangover?” You ask, a smile on your face. Lance chuckles, nodding. “Right.” 
“But if you’re absolutely sure you want to come with me, you can pick me up Tuesday.” You glance at him and he nods. “Bright and early, Tuesday morning.”
You begin walking down the hallway back to the garage when you turn and shout to him; “you’re driving!” 
“I wouldn't dream of anything else!” He shouts back. You pause, “you’re dreaming of me? How sweet.” You rest a hand on your chest. 
Lance laughs and blows you a kiss just for the heck of it before heading into his driver’s room. 
As he promised, Lance was at the hotel to pick you up bright and early. The two of you decided that Tuesday would be best simply because Monday would be a madhouse of traffic with people leaving from the race, plus you could both use the day of rest. You were lugging two suitcases out the front door of the hotel and a duffle bag over your shoulder. He comes over and takes one of the suitcases and the duffle bag. 
“Did you pack your entire apartment ?” He laughed, lifted the suitcases into the trunk, rearranging the stuff to fit your stuff inside. 
You roll your eyes, “we’ve been on the road for 2 weeks, a girl needs her stuff, okay?” 
Lance lifts his hands in surrender. “Let’s go before we hit traffic.” He gets in the car as do you. 
“I need coffee.” You tell him when he pulls out of the parking lot. 
“There’s a Starbucks before we get on the highway.” He’s fiddling with the settings on the dash screen, trying to set the GPS. You push his hand away and set it yourself, “Starbucks ? We’re in Canada. Pull into the Tim Hortons.” You point to the one coming up. 
“Do you see that line? We’re definitely gonna hit traffic.” 
“Lance, please. I cannot make it through this trip without coffee and I cannot bear to deal with these people. I’ll help you drive.” 
Lance sighs, turning into the parking lot before finding his way to the drive thru. You quickly learned that Lance would give into you if you give him a please and some puppy eyes. 
The Tims’ wasn’t extremely busy, it was more so that they were slow. After what felt like the world’s longest 30 minutes, you both finally managed to get onto the highway. Lance refused to let you drive even though you had offered before he pulled onto the highway.  The traffic was building but it was still moving. It’s half past 9 in the morning and the sun is starting to peek through the clouds. 
About an hour into the drive, the traffic comes to a total standstill and you’re sitting in the car, avoiding Lance’s glare. “What did I tell you?” He asks, brown eyes fixed on you. 
You shrug, sipping on your coffee. Lance shakes his head before propping his elbow on the window and resting his head on his hand. 
The car’s in park because you haven’t moved from your spot in the last 40 minutes. Between Montreal and before you reach back towards the residential areas, consisted of a lot of forest area and the occasional farm house. Something moving in the trees to your right catches you attention. 
“Lance?” you call and he hums, his eyes on his phone. “Lance!” You smack his arm and he looks at you. “What?!” He groans, rubbing his arm. 
You point to shadow in the trees. “Something’s moving.” You whisper, as if it could hear you. Lance looks out your window, “there’s nothing there.” 
“Look!” You point to the trees, there’s clearly something large moving between them. 
Lance unbuckles and leans over, his arms resting on your thighs as he peers out your window. He even rolls it down to get a better view. He smiles to himself, turning to look at you. 
“It’s a moose.” He says casually, still in the same position. 
Your brows furrow, but you can feel how fast your heart is beating. Lance’s face is inches from yours, his eyes meeting yours. There’s a honk, startling the two of you and he sits up, back in his seat now when he realizes that the traffic has started to move. Lance takes the car out of park and starts driving. 
“So uh,” you clear your throat. “My mom is sorta hell bent on me staying at home for the week. You’re more than welcome to join me, well, she wants you to stay with us. She insisted on it; but only if you’re comfortable! I know it’s gonna be hectic with all my aunts and uncles, and their kids.” 
Lance doesn't answer so you look over at him, “but if you wanna stay in a hotel, that’s totally fine too. There’s one not too far from the house. I’ll change the GPS-” you go to change the GPS but Lance grabs your hand to move it. He doesn’t let go when he puts his hand back on his lap. 
“I’m staying with you.” 
“You really don’t have to, if you don't want. The house is gonna be hectic.” You mumble, looking anywhere but at your hand on his lap. 
“We’re dating, aren't we? Gotta make it believable sugar plum.” Lance lifts your hand and presses a kiss to it. 
“Did you just call me sugar plum?” You laugh and Lance nods, smiling. 
Over the course of the drive, you tell him about your family and what to expect from them. You also tell him how there’s gonna be a lot of you staying in one house because your parents are the only ones living close to the venue. After the brief stint of traffic, it was clear the rest of the way. You two stop 3 times; once for food, then for gas and then the final stop before you get into the city, you just need to mentally prepare yourself for them. You offered to drive each time you stepped but Lance refused to let you behind the wheel.  
You must have dozed off at some point because when you opened your eyes, the car had stopped. You sit up, looking out the window. “How was your nap?” Lance asks, unbuckling. 
“Fine- wait.” You grab his hand, stopping him from getting out of the car. “Are you okay?” His hand in yours, eyes studying your face.
“I’m sorry but can we leave? We’ll stay somewhere else.” 
“I would love nothing more than to whisk you away y/n, but I think it’s a little too late for that.” He nods towards the couple standing on the porch. 
You sigh, “my parents.” You mumbles, and he nods. “You look like your mom,” he smiles, getting out of the car. You follow him, the two of you standing by the trunk and Lance lifts the suitcases out. 
“I’m right here,” He gives your arm a squeeze before rolling the luggage towards the porch. 
“Seems like an awful lot of stuff to bring when you’re meeting your girlfriend’s parents.” Your dad tells Lance, eyeing the 3 suitcases opposed to your one duffle bag. 
“Oh no, sir. Two of these are your daughter’s plus her bag. This one’s mine.” He points out the smallest blue one of the three. The older man laughs, “that makes more sense.” 
You were being smothered in a hug by your mom before she moved onto Lance, squeezing him tight. “Oh, you two are the cutest things I've seen.” The woman grins, eyeing the two of you side by side. 
You glance at Lance who’s smiling at your parents and he slings an arm over your shoulder. “Got lucky with this one,” he smiles, pulling you into his side. 
Lance and your father take the luggage inside, the 4 of you met by an entire living room of people. Most of your family had arrived on Sunday and would be staying there until the following Sunday. You introduced Lance to everyone; all 4 sets of aunts and uncles, along with the 7 cousins of yours that would be staying. 
“We’re all headed out for dinner in a bit, I hope you two will join us.” Your aunt says, smiling at you and Lance. “We’d love to but I think y/n is going to want to freshen up a bit, we’ll meet you guys there?” He offers, knowing you’ll want some downtime before dealing with all of that. 
“Of course, I'll send y/n the address.” She smiles at Lance, before you lead him down the hallway to your bedroom.  
Once the two of you are in the room, you shut the door and just toss yourself on the bed. Lance quietly sits beside you, his hand rubbing along your back gently. 
“Are you okay ? We can skip dinner if you want. We can get something nearby instead.” He offers, scooting to lay beside you when you roll onto your back. 
“Thank you but no, we’ll go so they can’t say we were ‘up to no good’ as my mother would say.” 
“What’s ‘up to no good’ mean?” He asks and answers his own question the same time you do, “sex.” You both, laughing. 
You and Lance were sitting beside each other, his arm over the back of your chair as you picked at the brownie in front of you. The conversation was flowing considering that there were 19 of you at dinner. Your group took over a whole section of the restaurant. 
“Is it cold?” He whispers and you look at him, confused. “The brownie,” he says, “is it cold?” 
“Oh no,” you shook your head. “Still warm. Want some?”
Lance opens his mouth which was an answer in itself. You get some ice cream with brownie on the spoon before feeding him. You can feel the eyes on you and you glance over to see one of your aunts looking at you two lovingly. 
“You two are adorable,” She grins, “how’d you meet?” 
Lance smiles at the woman, stepping up to his role as the doting boyfriend when you completely blank. You covered every topic from here to the sun about you and your family and him and his family but yet, you didn't come up with a backstory. 
“Oh well you know how it goes, Marie. She's the new, pretty intern and I drive for Aston Martin. I took a liking to her but her with me? Not so much,” he says, making her laugh. “Your niece kept brushing me off and I eventually won her over with my charm.” He flashes her a smile. 
You lean into Lance, adding onto your image of the perfect couple. 
The waiter comes by and asks if everyone is okay and if you’d like the bill, finding out how everyone would like to split it. After the waiter leaves, Lance excuses himself to go to the bathroom and you think nothing of it. The waiter returns and everyone asks where the bill is, only to find out it had been taken care of. When your father asks by who, the waiter points to the man sitting next to you. You turn to Lance, shocked, as is everyone else at the table. A round of thank you and you didn’t have to do that was sent his way only for him to insist that it was fine, he wanted to do something nice for his girlfriend’s family. 
The men head outside first, bringing the cars up one by one, that way no one would have to walk outside in the chill night breeze to the cars. You were waiting for Lance when the waiter taps you on the shoulder, handing you a piece of paper. 
“I forgot to give your husband the bill.” He smiles and your brows furrow. “My hus- oh right,” you smile, “thank you.” 
You glance at the bill, you assume the tab would have been big but not that big. You tuck it into your pocket before heading out to the car to meet up with Lance. 
About half way through the drive, he finally glances over at you and asks; “why have you been staring me down for the last 20 minutes?” 
“$460.” You say, looking at the man.  He stops at the red light, looking over at you. “What ?” 
“The bill from dinner.” 
“Oh, yeah.” He shrugs. “That’s a lot of money, Lance.” 
“It’s nothing,” he tells you and you shake your head. “I’ll pay you back.” 
Lance rolls his eyes, “dad pays you well but not that well. I’m not letting you pay me back.” 
The rest of the drive was you grumbling about how you’re gonna pay him back because that’s too big of a bill to cover for people he doesn’t even know. 
Once you arrived back at the house, you and Lance say your goodnights only to find a blow up mattress in your bedroom, next to your bed. There’s a knock on the door and you already know where this is going. 
“Dad, you know I'm not a teenager anymore? I’m allowed to have a boy in my bed.” You call out to the man who you know is on the other side of the door. 
Your father sticks his head into the room, “I know but I also know how young men are,” he tossed a glance at Lance. “Sleep well, kiddos.” He smiles and shuts the door again. 
Lance steps out for you to change and somehow manages to get into the bathroom to change himself before returning. You were already on the bed when he came back in, flopping down on the air mattress. You roll onto your side, looking down at him on the little brown bed. 
“Are you regretting saying yes to staying here?” 
“No,” he laughs, “it’s nice that they care enough to do this.” 
“Your past girlfriends’ parents didn’t do this?” 
Lance shook his head, “their parents didn’t care or they weren't around enough to care.” 
You hum, you roll onto your back and face the ceiling. The two of you laying in silence for quite a while. “If you want, you can come up here.” You whisper, unsure if he was still awake. 
“And break your dad’s rule? He’d kill me.” 
You roll back over to look at Lance. “Are you serious ?” “As a heart attack.” He smiles.
The hangers clattered against each other when you pushed through to search for a dress to wear to the wedding. You didn’t like anything you brought with you from London and you could not find anything in the stupid closet to wear. Groaning, you fall back onto the bed and run a hand over your face. 
When you hear the door open, you sit up; a shirtless Lance walks in, a towel sitting low on his hips and one in his hands as he rubbed his hair, trying to dry it. 
You didn’t mean to ogle at the man but you couldn't help it. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.” He says, going about his business. “I’ll step out-” you get off the bed and Lance turns to face you. 
You point out the obvious. “You’re changing.” 
“It’s your room, y/n. Stay, it’s fine. I heard groaning though, you okay?” He asks, and you turn back to the closet and look through once more. 
“Just looking for something to wear.” 
“You had 2 suitcases and a duffle bag, plus your entire closet; still nothing ?” He calls out and you shrug, looking through once more in hopes of finding something. 
It gets quiet for a moment and you turn around to see Lance is half dressed now; a pair of joggers hanging off his waist, rubbing your chapstick on his lips. 
“Is that my chapstick ?” 
“Oh shit, sorry. I should have asked first.” 
“No, no, it’s fine. I- the smell doesn’t bother you?” eyeing the green tube in his hand, he shrugs. “No ? I love mint.” 
You turn your attention back to the closet and Lance walks over, stretching out on your bed as he scrolls through his phone before you sit on the bed beside Lance. The driver glances at you before scrolling through his phone. He laughs, lifting his arm to show you the video playing on the screen; a puppy rubbing its nose on the baby's belly, making him laugh. You smile, admiring the man lying beside you; the grin on his face to the crinkles by his eyes when he laughed.  Suddenly, it feels a little too good to be true but you brush the feeling away when you notice the tattoo on his ribs. 
“What does it mean?” You ask, unable to pull your eyes away from the scripture on his side. 
“Fortune favours the bold.” He sits up and lifts his arm, letting you get a better look at it.
Your fingers run along the ink, the raised skin gliding under your fingers. “It’s beautiful.”
“Do you have any ?” He asks, eyeing your bare arms. “Me? No,” you chuckle, “too scared.” 
“I’ll take you, we can get matching ones. Little maple leafs as tribute to home sweet home.” He chuckled and you raised your brows, smiling. “Yeah, if pigs fly, sure.”  
Lance hums, laying back before looking at you. “Did you seriously not find anything to wear? The wedding’s in 2 days.” You groan, laying back beside him, tuning your head to face him. “Don’t remind me.”
“Let me take you shopping.” 
“No, you covered dinner and you’re here. That’s enough.” 
“I didn’t mean foot the bill, dummy.” He rolls his eyes, “I’ll drive you.” 
You sit up and look at him, “you are aware that I know how to drive?” “I would hope so,” he gets off the bed and pulls on a shirt; much to your displeasure. 
“Come on, do you really want to spend the day with your family ? I know you don’t.” Lance grabs your hands, pulling you towards the edge of the bed. 
“Noooo,” you groan, laying back. “I’m lazy plus it's sooo hot outside.” 
Lance gets on the bed, he’s practically straddling you and his arms are on either side of you. “You need to get up to look for a dress.” He tells you. He even offered to stop at Tims for you, in hopes of getting you up but alas, you were laying under him still. 
“Baby, if you don't get your ass up, I'll carry you out to the car.” He says sweetly, a smile on his face. 
You hook your arms over his shoulders, smiling back at him; two can play this game. 
Lance flips the two of you, you’re on his lap and your hands are on his chest. “This isn't very friend like of you, Lance,” you gesture to yourself on his lap. 
“It isn’t?” His hands finding their way to your thighs. The short sundress you had on was bunched at your thighs, just over Lance’s hands. He glances up at you, his hands slowly moving up. 
This is a little too dangerous; the game has shifted to something else. 
Lance moves one of his hands to your lower back, a soft push and you’re flat against his chest. “Friends don’t do this, do they?” He asks. 
“We’re dating, aren't we?” You’re sitting on his lap, his arms around your waist, hands on your ass when he sits up. He pats your butt, “come on, up. We’re gonna hit traffic.” 
“Oh my god,” you groan, getting off his lap. “You and this traffic bro.” You roll your eyes before fixing your hair and grab your purse. “Ready?” 
Lance nods, following you through the house and out to the car. Much to your surprise, you hit no traffic and ended up downtown in maybe 30 minutes plus the extra 15 it took after you made Lance pull in to Tim Hortons to get you an ice Capp. 
You are about ready to call it quits. 
It has been 3 of the longest hours of your life, your legs hurt and it’s far too hot to be outside. 14 different stores and you’ve yet to find anything you like. At this point, you might as well go home and call it a day. Lance was not ready to quit; you set out to find a dress, and you will find a dress. He’s so patient, sitting outside of every dressing room, zipping you up or giving his opinions; when asked of course. He even runs back and forth to get you different sizes or different colours.
“Okay!” you call to him, “last one but I’m not sure how I feel about this.” 
“Let's see it.” Lance sets the phone on his lap when you step out of the dressing room. 
His face twists unintentionally; “my thoughts exactly.” You tell him, looking at yourself in the mirror. It was a beautiful yellow, the floral pattern had caught your eye and it looked promising on the hanger but on you, not so much. It was making you look square and that was not what you were looking for. 
You change out of the dress, meeting Lance by the door. He steps out first, holding the door for you. “I’m ready to go home.” You tell him, groaning. 
Lance sighs, putting his sunglasses on. “You need a dress, you’re gonna complain on the day of if you don't find one now.” 
“How do you know that?” you ask him, rolling your eyes at the truth. 
“Because, I do.” He flashes you a smile, the two of you walking down the sidewalk towards a store. 
“How are you so patient though? My exes would have lost their minds with all of that.” You laugh and Lance shrugs. “I grew up with a sister plus dad wasn't always around, so I was there with my mom and my sister when I wasn't karting. I’m used to it.” 
You had been stopped when Lance grabs your arm and pulls you back towards him. “What ?” you ask him, looking in the window. He points to something and pulls you inside. 
“This seems a bit aggressive,” you pull your arm away from the driver, looking at him. Lance ignores you, sorting through the rack of dresses in front of you. You watch as he carefully sorts through, pulling out some and setting them back.  
What was his plan? You have no idea, you were just enjoying the air conditioning because you were boiling even though you two had only been outside for 5 minutes between stores. 
Lance turns to you, a hanger in his hand. You looked between him and the dress. He gestures to the dress with his free hand, a grin on his face; clearly proud of his dress picking skills. The dress was stunning, you had to give him that much. A emerald green satin dress, a low cut front with a slit on side and slight ruching to pull in the shape of it. 
“It’s almost like you want me to look like a walking advertisement for Aston Martin.” You laugh, the colour screaming at you. 
“Humour me, y/n. Plus we both know you look good in green anyways.” He compliments you and your usual green attire around the track.
You can feel the blush creeping up your cheeks when you take the dress from him, Lance following you to the dressing room, sitting outside. The moment you put the dress on, you know it's the one. You didn’t even have to zip it up to know. 
Maybe humouring him did pay off. 
“Ready?” You stick your head out from behind the curtain. Lance nods, sitting up a little more. “Let’s see.” 
Stepping out, you turn to face him. Lance spins his finger and you do a spin for him. The smile on your face was enough to show him that this was the one. 
“You look.. I don’t think there are words to describe how stunning you look right now.”  
“Oh shut up, Lance.” You laugh, smoothing the front of the dress when you look at yourself in the mirror. “It’s true,” he nods, “you look beautiful.” 
“Thank you.” 
He waves you off. “Go change, I’ll take it to the front.” He tells you, waiting for you to change and hand the dress off to him which you do. 
After a few minutes, you find Lance by the register, talking to the sales girl. “Alright, how much- Lance what the hell!” You exclaim, your brows knitted when you see the man with the dress bag. 
“I know you didn’t buy that dress for me.” “I did, did you have something to add in?” He feels his pocket with his free hand to find his wallet. 
“No!” You shook your head. You thank the sales girl and you and Lance head out. 
The two of you walk back towards the parking lot, Lance carries the bag and you’re on your phone. You bump into someone, causing you to look up. “Sorry! I wasn’t- Ben ?” you pause, looking at the man in front of you. 
“Oh hey y/n! How are you?” the blonde asks you and you shrug. “Fine, you?” 
“Good.” He smiles, “Who’s this?” he glances at Lance, the driver has a scowl on his face and you could see the glare he was giving him through his dark sunglasses. 
“This is my-” “boyfriend. I’m Lance.” He cuts you off, introducing himself. “You are?” He asks the other man. 
“Ben, her ex boyfriend- well, we’re friends, aren't we?” Ben laughs, nudging you. Lance shifts closer to you, his hand reaching for yours and interlocks fingers with you. 
“No, we’re not.” You give him a tight lipped smile. 
Ben awkwardly chuckles, glancing at you and Lance. “Ready, sweetheart? We’ve got reservations, remember ?” Lance asks you, already ready to pull you away from Ben. 
“Bye Ben!” You shout back to the man who was still standing there when you walk off with Lance, crossing the road to get into his car. Lance sets your dress on the backseat before opening the door for you, tossing one more glare in Ben’s direction before getting in. 
“We have reservations ? Nice one.” You chuckle, checking your phone. 
Lance smiles, pulling off and heading down towards the lakeshore. Even on your week off, you had work to do so while Lance drove, you replied to some emails on your phone. It was another 15 minutes before the car came to a full stop. 
You look up and to your right, was the lakeshore and on the left, was your favourite restaurant. “What are we doing here?” 
“We have reservations. Didn’t you hear me?” He smiles at you, getting out of the car. 
Lance kept surprising you. 
Once you two are seated, you make small talk and order. Lance turns to you, “do you have jewellery for the dress?” 
“I do, but I didn’t even ask what you’re wearing.” 
“I have a few different shirts, but black pants and maybe a black shirt? I’ll let you pick, but I need a tie.” He tells you, sipping on his water. 
“There’s a place a few doors down from here, they sell nice ties if I remember correctly. We can check after if you want.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
The two of you had a quiet lunch which was nice after the hectic house you left and all the shopping so you two relaxed for a bit. The restaurant wasn’t busy either so you practically almost had the whole place to yourselves. Lance was good company even away from the fake dating thing you two found yourselves in. You quickly learned a lot about him because it turns out that quiet Lance actually loves to talk when in the right company. 
Afterwards, you both head towards the store down the road and sort through the various shades of green before settling on two of them that could match either of the shirts that Lance has with him.
Lance glances at you, “aren't you glad I dragged you out the house?” 
“I think you did almost everything but drag me out the house but sure, whatever you say.” You smile at the man, swatting his hand away when he pinches your thigh. 
Half past 9 in the morning and Lance was still snoring quietly on his little bed. He refused to break your dad's rule and come sleep on the bed with you. 
There were still last minute errands that needed to be done and you had gotten up early to meet some of your cousins to help out. 
It would be rude to leave and not tell Lance so after you showered, you found yourself sitting on the air mattress, gently shaking him. “Hey, hey.” You shook him, he groaned and rolled away from you. 
“Lance, come on.” You nudge him, peeking over his shoulder. Lance barely opened his eyes and grumbled something before shutting them again. 
“I’m heading out to help my cousins, are you gonna be okay?” 
Lance hums, his hand reaching for you and pulling you back to him. You sort of tumble and end up beside him. “Are you awake?” You look over at him. 
“Too early.” he whispers, his voice laced with sleep. 
“I have to go, will you be okay?” you lay on your side, looking at him; Lance had shifted, one arm tucked under his head and his eyes shut. He looked so peaceful and handsome, it was making it hard for you to leave. 
Lance only wrapped himself about you and tightened his grip on you when you went to get up. He wasn’t sleeping - he was being difficult. 
“C’mon, I gotta go.” 
“No,” he hums, kissing your shoulder. “Who’s gonna warm me up?” 
“The AC is off and you stole my comforter from me,” You sigh, leaning back against him. “Okay but I want my sugar plum.” 
You shift to fully look at him; was he awake or half asleep? 
“Are you delusional ?” “What ?” Lance finally opens his eyes to look at you, an offended look on his face. 
“Never mind,” you shook your head, “are you gonna let me go?” 
“No, we’re going back to sleep.” He snuggled into your side. “Can we at least move onto my bed?” You glance back at him and Lance is already up and jumping onto your bed. 
“God,” he stretches, relaxing into the mattress. “This is so comfortable.” 
You toss the blanket on the bed, crawling next to him as you settle into his side, your head on his chest with his arm around you.  “I told you to come sleep up here.” 
“I thought you were trying to seduce me,” he joked, pulling the blanket over the two of you. “Me?! What about the other day? You were feeling me up.” 
“Oh please, you sat on my lap.” Lance mumbles, eyes closed. 
“Fuck off,” you give him a shove, rolling to face away from him. You weren't mad but you wanted to irritate him. 
Lance presses a kiss to your shoulder, “sweetheart, I know you’re not mad.” 
“I am.” 
Lance rolls his eyes, pulling you onto your back. He hums when he sees the look on your face; “Grumpy.” He mumbles, kissing your shoulder and up to your neck. You didn’t say anything, wanting to see if he'd be bold enough to finally do something. 
From the moment in the car to now, you couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him and yet, Lance kept making moves with zero pay off. 
Your hand finds his face, holding his jaw between your thumb and fingers. “Are you going to kiss me or what?” 
Lance doesn’t hesitate, his lips finding yours the moment the words leave your mouth. Your hand lets go, resting on his jaw instead while you pull him closer with the other hand. You tug on his shirt, he gets the hint and sits up, pulling it off. 
Surely, you had seen him shirtless countless times, even yesterday, but this was different but you barely had a moment to process before Lance was taking off your shirt, his hands snaking down to your hips when he kissed down between your tits and to your stomach. Before he could go further, the door swings open. Both of your parents were standing there and neither of you could say anything because the door shut as quick as it opened. Lance sits up, looking at you and the panic on his face was evident. 
“Are we-” he looks between you and the door. 
“No.” You sit up, “I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole.” 
The two of you end up getting off the bed, getting dressed as quickly as possible before heading into the kitchen. “Morning,” you hum, pouring a cup of coffee for yourself. 
Your mom slides a plate over to Lance who sat at the counter, watching you. Your father was staring down Lance, who shifts in his seat. 
“Will you two be joining us to decorate ?” Your mother asks, giving your father a shove so he stops staring at Lance. The driver ignores your father’s gaze by focusing on his pancakes, pouring the maple syrup onto them. 
“Yup, Lance needs to take a quick shower and then we’ll meet you guys there.” You glance around the empty house when you sit beside Lance. 
“I bet he does.” Your father grumbles, making you gag. “Ew!” You groan, Lance’s face is as red as a tomato. 
“Leave them alone!” Your mom smacks your father’s arm, pushing him out of the kitchen. “We’ll see you guys there, don’t be too long!”
When the front door slams shut, Lance groans and buries his face into your shoulder. “How am I ever going to face your parents after that?” 
“Who decided to be all horny this morning? Grow up, Lance.” You get up, walking around to set the empty coffee cup in the sink. 
Lance gives you a glare, “me? Who asked me to kiss them?” now getting up and walking over to you. 
You’re leaning the counter looking at him, your arms folding across your chest. Lance’s hands are on your waist, hoisting you up onto the counter before he finds his way between your legs. “Might I add that I didn’t say to get me naked.” You say, smiling. 
Lance kisses you, “shut up,” he mumbles against your lips. 
At some point, you two let go of each other, probably after Lance’s phone starts buzzing incessantly in his pocket. His sister calls him about something, you sneak a few kisses in while he’s on the phone and you manage to wash the mountain of dishes in the sink before he gets off the phone. 
When you finally left the house, you had to make a stop to pick up some stuff from your cousin’s place before heading to the hall. It was all hands on deck at that point because when you two arrived, everyone had stopped for lunch. 
It was now half past 4 in the afternoon and you guys needed to get out of there by 6 because the hall on the other side had an event coming in.  
Lance was helping your uncles and dad build the arch your cousin wanted while you and your aunts were setting the tables and the centrepieces. 
Where were the bride and groom, you ask? Relaxing at home. 
Your dad called you over to hang the flowers on the arch the way your cousin wanted because you were the only one she trusted with the decorating. You were standing on a chair under the arch trying to loop the stems though the top, standing on tiptoes to peek over a little more. There's a hand on your waist the moment you start to feel yourself wobble and no surprise when you look over, you find Lance smiling at you. 
“Can you two stop ogling each other and finish this?” Your other cousin, Micheal groans. “Fuck off, Mikey,” you toss a flower in his direction. 
Wedding day; the house was in total chaos mode. 
Everyone had been getting up since 9am, trying to get all 19 of you out the door and to the venue for 6pm which is starting to look more and more impossible as the hours go by. 
Lance had left you in bed, showering first and coming back to wake you up around 11. 
“Sugarplum,” he peppers your face with kisses, you hum and roll away from the man. “Baby, come on. Your cousins’ are gone, better get up before they come back.” 
“Noooo,” you groan, burying your face into the pillow. Lance lays beside you, rubbing your back softly like the first night you two were in there. 
“Fine, keep sleeping but I’ve got to run out and get something after I help your dad drop some stuff off so I'll be gone for a while, okay?” He whispers to you and you finally roll over and face him. “You’re leaving me alone with these crazy people ?” 
“By crazy people, you mean your family?” He laughs, brushing the hair from your face. You hum, burying your face in his chest. 
“You smell good.” You mumble and Lance chuckles, you can feel the vibration of his chest against you. 
“I’ll be back in a few hours, okay ?” He pulls away slightly so he can look at you. “Don’t forget to eat.” He reminds you, knowing how you were; most of the time you were running around the track so busy that you usually didn’t eat until the end of the day. Lance always found you in the dining hall after hours, watching Netflix on your phone and munching away on whatever you found. 
You nod, puckering your lips which earns you a smile. Lance leans down and kisses you before getting up, “I’ll see you when I get back.” 
“Be safe.” You call, sitting up on the bed. 
It was 5:23 when Lance walked back into your bedroom. “Where have you been?” you turn to face the man who’s now flopping down onto your bed. “We have to leave in like.. 20 minutes.” You turn back to the mirror, doing your eyeliner. 
“I have been outside since 4:30, babe.” Lance sits up, looking at you. You stop and turn to face him once again. “Your dad needed help loading the last of the stuff in the car and then somehow your aunt managed to wrangle me into tying the.. corset? I think, on her dress but I didn’t know how to, so I had to find your mom, who sent me to find your cousin.” Lance gets off the bed, stripping off of his shirt.  
“But I managed to sneak back in here to get dressed without anyone noticing.” He reaches for the shirt you ironed and hung in the closet for him. 
You finish up your makeup while Lance gets dressed. Now he's standing beside you, fixing his hair when you turn to face him. It was starting to feel a little too domestic to be fake. 
“How do I look?” you ask, gesturing to your curled hair and make up. 
“Hot.” He says, a half smirk playing on his lips like a horny teenage boy.
You can’t help but laugh at him. You manage to get your dress on without tripping, turning so he can zip it up for you. You turn back around and fix his shirt collar for him, straightening the tie. Lance ended up going with white shirt and the darker green tie so it matched with your dress. 
Lance reaches into a bag that he brought into the room with him. You were putting your earrings on when he walked back over with a box, a jewellery box to be exact. 
“What’s that?” You eye him in the mirror. 
Lance opens the box to reveal a beautiful silver chain with an emerald in the middle. He takes it out of the box and you move your hair so he can hook the clasp for you. Your fingers reach up to touch the stone, admiring it in the mirror. 
“Lance,” you turn to face him and from the look on your face alone, he knows what you’re going to say. “Don’t worry about it.” He waves you off.
“This is too much, Lance. Something like this is expensive.” 
“You're worth every dollar spent.” He tells you. 
“You walk around with this on you?” You ask and Lance laughs, “no, I asked Chloe to pick out something green from her favourite jewellery store. She's passing through with Scotty, I met them up earlier. That’s why she called yesterday.” 
You hum, turning back to look at the necklace; it’s exactly what was missing. “It’s beautiful.” Lance hugs you from behind, your eyes meeting the mirror. “I’m glad you like it.” Your hands came to rest on his and his chin was on your shoulder. 
“We look good, don't we?” You hum and he moves his hand to interlock fingers with you. 
“It’s starting to feel real.” Lance whispers the words that had been lingering in his mind the last few days. 
You felt the same way but reality scared you; what would happen after this week? Returning to work for there to be a power imbalance ? Lance would always outrank you in the track, you were an intern and he was a driver; his father literally owned the team. 
You opt to smile at the man, untangling yourself from his arms to get your heels. “Switch the light off when you come out.” You call to him, stepping out of the room. 
Lance stands there for a few moments; regretting the words that left his mouth moments ago. Nonetheless, he grabs the car keys, turning off the light and shutting the door behind him, finding you outside by the car. Everyone was getting into their respective cars and began heading towards the venue but you were standing by Lance's car, one hand on the hood and the other trying to hook the strap on your shoe when he walked over. 
He crouches down to help you, “it’s fine, I'll put them on in the car.” You pull your foot away but Lance wraps a hand around your calf, holding your leg in place when he loops the strap through before slipping the other heel on your foot and doing it again. 
The ceremony was short and sweet, the vows exchanged left not a single eye dry. Lance sat beside you the entire time, an arm over the back of your chair, occasionally glancing over at you. 
Dinner was set to start in a few minutes and everyone had found their tables. One of your cousin’s bridesmaids comes up to you, tapping your shoulder and telling you that she needs you to help her with something. 
“Will you be okay?” you whisper to Lance and he nods, “nothing I can’t handle.” He smiles at you, you press a kiss to his cheek before leaving him at the table. 
It didn’t take you long to help your cousin, a few minutes to help her change into her second dress of the evening and to pin her veil in her hair before returning to the table. When you get back, Lance has got all of your aunts gushing about how sweet and funny he is, telling you that you have a good boyfriend. 
After dinner, your younger cousins along with your nieces and nephews have surrounded Lance, all fascinated by the driver and the stories he told them. He even promised to let them all come to the next GP in Montreal so they can see him drive in real life. You admired the way he was with the kids, you would have never pegged him for the type of guy who loved children. 
Most of the kids disbursed after that, running off to do their own thing but one of your nieces held out; sweet little 7 year old Amelia, who took a liking to Lance. 
She sat on your lap as she spoke to Lance, the two of them talking about every topic that filled her little head. He sat and had full conversations with her about everything from unicorns to race cars to her favourite ice cream flavour. 
Lance stands, lifting Amelia off her lap. “Your aunt told me she won’t dance with me, so I need a dance partner.” He looked at the girl in his arms, “will you dance with me, Milly ?” 
She grinned, nodding at the man. You watched the two of them make their way to the dance floor, Lance putting her down and her little hands finding his before he spun her around. 
Your heart swells at the sight and Amelia’s mom, your older cousin, finds her way into Lance’s seat. “He’s good with her.” She tells you, and you nod. 
“You two thinking of your own?” She teases, making you nearly choke on your drink. 
You shook your head, “no! We’re.. too young.” You smile at her and she nods. The two of you catch up while Lance and Amelia dance and at some point, he brings her back and hands her back over to her mom. 
He crouched down in front of the little girl, “you’ll always be my favourite dance partner.” He smiles at her and she hugs him, kissing him on the cheek. 
Lance turns to you now,  he sticks his hand out to you, “may I have this dance?” 
“I don’t dance,” you tell him, Lance leans towards you, his lips brushing against your ear. “You owe me,” and you roll your eyes, your hand in his as he leads you back to the dance floor. 
The two of you end up spending the whole night on the dance floor, the drinks flowing; well just for you cause Lance was driving and he wanted you to have a good time. After a long day and an even longer, teary goodbye from all you guys to the couple heading out on their honeymoon, you were ready to go home. His jacket is wrapped around you and your heels are in your hands as you two head towards the parking lot. Lance stops and scoops you up in his arms, earning him a shriek from the sudden action. 
“What’re you doing?” 
“Carrying you.” 
“You’ve got no shoes on.. plus your feet hurt.” 
You hum, letting Lance carry you to the car. “You’re so cheesy, it literally hurts.” You tell him when he bends to open the car door, finally putting you down so you can get in. 
“You love it, shut up.” Lance leans in, giving you a kiss before walking around to get in. 
He drives back towards the house but makes a detour, a route you know all too well. “Are going to-” “McDonald's, yes.” he hums, turning into the driveway. 
“I know you didn’t eat much today,” he pulls into the surprisingly long drive thru line. 
“Says who?” you fold your arms over your chest. Lance glances at you, “says your grumbling stomach while we were getting ready and the fact that you picked at your dinner. Can't have you passing out on me.” 
You roll your eyes, letting him order before pulling up to the window. It was another battle between you two, trying to figure out who's going to pay before finally letting the cashier decide between the cards. She settled on the green one, meaning you finally paid for something. The two of you stopped in the parking lot, deciding to eat there before heading home. You dipped your nugget in the sauce before turning to see Lance eating his ice cream. You wiped the little bit that missed his mouth off his lip before going back to your nuggets, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence. 
“Thank you.. for everything. I hope it wasn’t too much.” 
“No need to thank me, sugar plum. I had a good time.” He smiles at you. 
About an hour later, you two head back to your parents’ house, pulling into the driveway. Lance hits the brakes when something runs in front of the car just as he was pulling in; “fuck! What the hell?” you look over at him, your ice cream nearly falling on your lap. 
“Sorry babe, something ran in front of the car, didn’t want to run it over.” He tells you, pulling up behind your dad’s car. The two of you get out, Lance looks around the dimly lit driveway, the porch light reflecting onto the asphalt. 
“What was it?” You were more focused on your ice cream than Lance and his mystery animal. “A possum, maybe?” He says, unsure. 
“Did you see what colour it was?” You ask, walking up onto the porch, Lance follows you, holding the ice cream for you while you unlocked the door. “Brown I think ?” 
“Groundhog.” You hum, stepping inside. “There’s a lot of them back by the school ground, cause of all the trees and stuff back there.” You tell him, Lance shuts the door behind you two. 
The house was quiet, everyone already in bed, finally getting the rest they’ve been desperately needing while you two made your way to the bedroom. You shut the door behind the two of you, locking the door. 
He hangs the jacket on the hooks on the back of the door and you’re standing in front of the mirror. Lance hugs you from behind, chin on your shoulder. You reach up to unhook the necklace but he stops you, “leave it on.” His hands reach up to undo the zip on your dress, letting the straps hold it up now that it's unzipped. You turn to face the man, loosening the tie around his neck before pulling it off and tossing it on the bed. The two of you are looking at each other while you unbutton his shirt, your fingers barely grazing over his torso. 
There’s a quietness to the room, almost a stillness, as if you said something, it would break.
Lance lifts you onto the dresser, his lips finding yours. At some point, the straps of your dress are being pulled down, his mouth moving to leave a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck and then to your shoulder. You push his shirt off, dropping it on the floor before you pull him back to you, your fingers in his hair. 
“Bed.” He mumbles against your lips, helping you off the dresser. 
He watches as the dress falls to the floor, pooling around your feet. Lance takes a breath, his eyes fixed on you. 
He looked at you like you held the stars and the moon. 
It took him a second to stop his mind from spinning, between the love he was starting to feel and how beautiful you were, he was at a loss. 
“Did I break you?” You ask, looking at the man who was staring at you. “No,” he laughs, pulling you by the waist to him. 
“Just admiring you.” He lifts you up, his gold band tickling along your side when he does, making you laugh. He drops you on the bed and gets on top of you, his arms on either side of you.
You pull him down for a kiss before flipping you two over, you’re on his lap like you were the other day. Lance pushes his hips up for a moment, his hands rubbing along the side of your thighs as he stares up at you, his eyes showing nothing but adoration for the woman on top of him. 
“Can I say something without you running away?” He asks you, his grip on your thigh a little stronger now. 
You sit up a little straighter, “okay..” 
“This.. this feels too real to be fake.” He whispers, unsure how you’d react. You’re quiet, looking at him before you nod. “I know,” you whisper back. 
“Well..” he starts, looking at you. “Well?” your eyes meet his. 
“Are we going to... keep going ?” He asks quietly, “I don’t want us to just be over. I like you, y/n.” 
You thought you had been living in some delusional world in your head, that you had been imagining the way he looked at you, the way you felt the sparks when he touched you or how you yearned for his touch when he wasn't with you. 
“I like you too, Lance.” 
Lance can’t hold back the grin on his face, looking like a school boy who confessed his crush. 
“I think.. we’ll take it slow. Keep it professional ?” You ask when Lance sits up, his hands sliding from your thighs to your butt. He gives it a squeeze before leaning up to kiss you; “professional, of course.” 
Well, there's no denying that it was real now. 
Part Two: Keeping It Professional 
taglist: @timetoracewrites @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @halsteadssneakylink @dragon-of-winterfell @benedictscanvas @elisaa-shelby @hnmaga-blog @czechoslovakiandisco @dr3lover​ @lovelytsunoda​ (cause i know you love lance loool) 
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scrollonso · 1 month
Crazy In Love¹
A Strollonso AU where Fernando succeeds the Spanish throne and makes it his goal as king to make the Prince of France his groom. (3.4k words, dark!nando) [@catboysracing] {l could've made nando a lot worse but I didnt want this to be 10k words 😭 this is a very rushed rough draft so if i make this a series it'll be more drawn out,, or maybe not idek its 02:26 im tired ☠️}
masterlist - next part
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Lawrence stepped out of his carriage, holding his hand out to his wife as she carefully placed a foot on the ground, using Lawrence's shoulder for support as she planted both of her shoes on the stone pathway below them.
Lance peeked his head out before exiting, following his fathers lead in holding out his hand to help his sister, Chloe, out as well. His other siblings had already been married off and attending this ball in the Royal Palace of Madrid was his parents' way of finding their youngest children suitors.
"Very good, my boy" The king praised before the four of them began their walk into the palace. They were shown to the ballroom where most of the guests were straight away. The room was all white with gold detailing, artwork littered on the ceiling as spirals of gold framed the dozens of doors surrounding them
"Pardon me" The queen spoke softly, lightly touching her husbands arm before disappearing through the crowd to make her way to Maria Theresa the Archduchess of Austria.
"Excuse me, Father, Can I go speak with Marie?" Chloe spoke seconds later, her father simply nodding at the girls request. She smiled and muttered a thank you before finding her way to her friend, similarly to her mother.
Lance hated these things. Being in a closed space full of hundreds of people. He couldn't help the sour expression on his face as he looked around the bright room, eyes settling on his half brother Esteban. Lance was more than aware of his fathers infadelity and how he had three children with other women. Lance wasn't too fond of the younger two but he'd grown up close with Esteban and his mother Pauline de Mailly.
"Stop scowling, Lance." Lawrence spoke sternly, greeting his youngest son with a slap to his back
"Sorry, Father." Lance spoke, quick to fix his face as he turned to the king "May I be excused, Father? Esteban is on the other side of the ballroom."
"Go on."
Lance couldn't help but smile as he reached Estebans side, being quick to give him a nod
"Votre Altesse" Esteban hummed, trying to stop himself smiling as his little brother rolled his eyes at the title, he never called Lance Your Majesty unless he was teasing the younger boy "Brother, How are you?"
"I'm well, how long have you been here?"
"Oh, not long. Me and my mother arrived no more than an hour ago." Esteban spoke, Lance nodding at the response
"Have you had any of the food?" Lance asked, hoping his brother would say no so they could eat together
"I have not, shall we go together?" Lance smiled once more, nodding as he followed the older man to the long table of food and refreshments.
Fernando was speaking with Duke Maximilian III Joseph of Bavaria regarding the state of their allies during the ongoing war when he first spotted the French prince, his justaucorps a warm brown embroidered with intricate and colourful flowers. The boys hair was long and wavy, he was constantly brushing it out of his face as he spoke with the slightly older man next to him.
The new king was unsure of who the man next to him was but he was well aware of who Lance was. Fernando had met with Lawrence the second Ferdinand had died, as the new king it was his duty to keep up alliances between the dynasties. With Spain and France being the largest two dynasties as of then, having a relationship with Lawrence was very important to him.
As the conversation came to an end he excused himself to find the Frenchman again, pleased at how easy it was. He was standing off to the side as the man from before spoke with a woman from Sweden, Fernando taking the opprotunity to finally speak to him.
"Monseigneur Lance, it's a pleasure to meet you." Fernando bowed his head, holding a hand out to the shorter prince who's eyes shot up, they were hazel and seemed to sparkle in the dimly lit room.
"Sire," Lance spoke softly, taking Fernandos hand as the Spaniard placed a kiss on his knuckles, the younger boys face flushing pink at the usually meaningless action "the pleasure is all mine."
"I hope your journey here wasn't too strenous, it's a long ride from Versailles." Fernando spoke, letting go of the boys hand then stepping back slightly
"Of course not, I always prefer the carriage rides to the actual balls, anyway" he stated matter-of-factly, only realizing how rude it sounded seconds later. "Apologies, I'm not sure why I said that."
Fernando smiled, covering his mouth to let out a small laugh "There's no need to apologize, I feel the same."
Lance wasn't sure how to respond, all he could do was flash the king a smile, not expecting to relate to him of all people.
"Is it stuffy in here to you?" The Spaniard asked, cocking his head to the side before continuing "Would you like to ride around with me? Get some fresh air."
"I'd love to." The teenager responded with no hesitation, face lighting up at the idea
"Let's go, then. I'll give you a personal tour of my dynasty as long as you'll return the favour." Fernando said, holding his hand out once more, but this time to steal Lance away
Fernando stood beside the door of the carriage, helping the prince get in before getting in himself. It was nice, Lance thought, being treated how princesses are treated. As the carriage began moving he couldn't get the feeling of the Spanish mans lips on his knuckles out of his mind, it was embarrassing just how much he had replayed it already.
"Will your family be staying the night? Most of my guests are but if you're leaving before dawn I'll be sure to return you in time." The king spoke, Lance's eyes focusing on the mans mouth as his lips moved, hardly registering his words.
"I'm sure we will be, my mother and sister prefer to get a decent amount of rest before returning home after balls."
"Perfect, that gives us plenty of time, then." Fernando nodded to himself, moving to sit on the same side as Lance as he pulled back the curtains, the sunset illuminating the streets perfectly.
The smaller boys eyes found their way outside, practically twinkling as he admired just how gorgeous it looked at this time of day
"It's beautiful" He whispered, not bothering to turn and see the older mans reaction
"It is" The Spanish man said quietly, he knew what Lance meant, the landscape was beautiful. Of course Fernando knew that, he lived here, but he only thing he could see was the Prince next to him, he was truly beautiful.
The two continued down the road for a few more minutes before they reached town, Fernando noticing his guards escorting Jesuits from their home right away. He swiftly closed the curtains and began distracting Lance, not wanting the sweet boy to witness the men in black cassocks being pushed and shoved through the streets of the small town they had entered. The new king had made it his first order to expel every resident of the Spanish Empire that was concerningly loyal to the Pope as soon as he had been crowned. He would never admit it as he was too full of pride but he felt threatened by the men devoting themselves to the pope. He was above the pope. He was king. He had power and he was going to make sure every commoner he ruled over was aware of that.
"Hm?" Lance hummed as he noticed the curtains draw shut, turning his body to face the larger man, having not taken in just how drastic their size difference was. Not only was there a difference in power from Spanish King to French Prince but there was also a difference in aura, the mans eyes on him felt intimidating, Lance gazing hesitently at the man as the carriage fell quiet, Fernandos lidded eyes not leaving Lance's for a second
"We're rebuilding in this area, I'd hate for you to see how much of a mess it is right now." He lied, the words slipping off of his tongue as if they were as true as scripture, reciting it as if it was a verse he'd spent weeks remembering.
The credulous boy just nodded, having way too much trust in the man he'd become acquainted with just minutes prior.
"I'm sure it looks fine, every part of your kingdom I've seen so far has been stunning." The Frenchman reassured, wondering if maybe the new King was insecure about the state of his colonies.
"Why, thank you, Monseigneur Lance." Fernando smiled, partially because of the sweet words coming from the boy at his side but also because of just how easy he was to trick "you're too kind."
"No need to be so formal, Your Majesty." Lance scooted back, eyes following Fernando as his arm moved to open the curtains once more, now far enough away from his men to insure Lance saw nothing. "It's just us"
"If I'm to just call you Lance then please, call me Fernando."
"Well, Fernando." Lance started, looking outside of the carriage before turning back to the man "Can you tell me more? About your dynasty. I've only learned what's in the books"
"You've read books about my kingdom?" Fernando laughed dryly, finding it funny how the Prince of France spent his free time reading about the Spanish Empire.
"I've read about many things." Lance nodded, locking his fingers together in his lap "My Father would rather me learn than fight in the war."
"Ah, yes." Fernando nodded, having forgotten about what was currently happening on his allies land. "I understand where he's coming from. I was hesitant to put my sons in command as well."
"How many sons do you have, Fernando?" Lance asked, not having read much about the new kings family
"Three, they're all around your age" Fernando looked outside, smiling to himself as he watched Lance turn to look as well "Carlos is my eldest, then Lando, then my youngest boy Oscar."
"You have only sons?" Lance asked, still looking outside, watching as their surroundings began to get darker and darker
"Yes, just three boys."
"What about their mother? There isn't a queen, is there?"
Fernando shook his head, leaning on the wall behind him before responding, arms crossed over his chest as he watched "Their mother died a few years ago, Tuberculosis they think."
"Oh." He whispered, only now turning to look at the Spaniard, biting his lip slightly in an effort to hide his newfound discomfort "I'm sorry, I- I didn't know."
"Don't apologize." He spoke, harsher than he had before. "Was nothing I could do, the boys are old enough to deal with it and I had more important things to do than wallow in my own self pity."
Lance just nodded, fidgeting with his fingers as he avoided the Spaniards gaze, feeling embarrassed for even bringing it up, although a part of him was relieved to find out the King didn't have anyone at his side
The man reached out to grab Lance's hand, quickly letting his coachman know they were getting out and to wait for them.
The naive Prince followed blindly, letting the man ahead of him pull him through unfamiliar land as if they'd known one another all their lives. Fernando couldn't help but take note of everything Lance was so quick to let him do to him, he couldn't help but wonder just how far he could push it.
They eventually reached a short stone pathway and at the end was a small pavillion with a bench nestled towards the back where plants were growing up the wood. By then it'd gotten darker, Fernando glad to have matches on him as he lit the lamps around the wooden structure
"Woah" Lance breathed out, admring the garden he'd found himself in as Fernando dusted off the bench, still holding onto the boys hand as he pulled him to take a seat
"I haven't been here in ages. I figured if I was going to go back it'd be fun to not be alone." Fernando hummed, the last time he was here he'd killed his father.
"Gosh, if I lived closer I'd spend all my time here!" Lance laughed, smiling up at the man who had yet to take a seat
"I used to, when I became King the first time I hardly had time" He spoke, looking around as soon as he finished, eyes falling on the steps in front of him, the place he'd met his father before quite literally stabbing him in the back. It was what the old bastard deserved. Without his actions Ferdinand would've never became king and Fernando would still be stuck in Naples.
"The first time?" Lance hummed, unbuttoning his justacourps and sliding it off before folding it neatly in his lap
"Si." Fernando nodded, finally taking a seat next to the Prince "Before my brother died I was the king of Naples and Sicily. My eldest, Carlos, is taking over as soon as he finishes being stubborn about his knightly duties."
The boy laughed, he'd grown so used to just hearing people around him speak that everything about Fernandos accent made his sarcasm even funnier. "You're very experienced, Fernando"
"I am." He confirmed, meaning it in more ways than the innocent boy could imagine. As a ruler? Yes, of course. Killer? He supposes. Husband? To some extent. Sexually? Very.
"How long did you rule over Naples and Sicily?" He asked, eager to learn more about the mysterious man beside him
"Twenty-four years, I took over when I was eleven so my mother helped me rule until I was married off and began having children."
"Wow, I feel like I haven't done anything as prince" Lance laughed, tracing the neatly done sewing on the cloth he had on his lap "My father took over France at five, his mother helped him until he was thirteen as well, but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be king."
"You could be my king." The Spaniard spoke calmly, not sure why Lance began to react the way he did
"Hm?" He questioned, unsure if he was understanding the mans accent correctly
"Be my king. I have no bride, nor do I have a groom." The man shrugged, watching as Lance's facial expression controrted "It is not the 16th century anymore, is normal to have two kings, Lancito."
Lance was aware that it'd become more normalized to see two men ruling side by side, a part of him had always yearned for the connection between a King and his King Consort but until now he'd figured it'd just been out of pure curiosity and a need to figure out the unknown
"Are you asking me to madry you, Fernando?" Lance asked, knowing it seemed obvious enough but he had to be sure, maybe this was just a Spanish thing.
"Consider it." Fernando spoke, holding Lance's hands in his own "Don't say no straight away, this will give us both what we want."
"I'm not sure my father would say yes-" Lance began, eyebrows furrowing as the Spaniard cut him off
"You're father likes me, I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear his son has been proposed to by none other than his greatest allies king."
"I know, I'm just not sure he'll be comfortable with me being so far from home." Lance's voice got quieter as he spoke, not wanting his words to upset the man before him
"I'll take you to visit every chance we get, it'll be like you never left." His voice softened, realizing that if he was to get the French Kings son to marry him he'd have to play nice.
"Well, then.." He dragged out his words, looking at their hands together before responding. There was such a drastic contrast between them, the Spaniards naturally tan and thicker hands making the boys pale and lanky hands seem even smaller. "I suppose" He finished, figuring he wouldn't find anyone better than the Spaniard. He'd seen his siblings get married to ugly and unjust aristocrats that he was relieved someone so kind was asking for his hand in marriage.
The taller mans lips curled, he quickly stood up and pulled Lance to him, the Frenchman leaving his coat on the bench beside where he'd sat before being greeted by the sudden feeling of lips on his.
It was embarrassing to think about how bad of a kisser he had to be. He just tried to follow Fernandos lead, fingers trailing over the gold detailing of his dresscoat as the kiss began to deepen, the kings hands finding their way to the boys waist to pull them even closer, bodies practically connected as Lance settled on the tips of his toes in order to make this easier.
Once Fernando pulled away Lance felt light headed, lips now puffy and red as he breathed harshly, covering his face from the man out of pure embarrassment.
"Do not hide from me, Lancito." He cooed, leaning over to pull the boys hands from his face, thumb brushing over his lips before he spoke again "te ves guapo" the king whispered, Lance unable to hold back a smile as he registered Fernandos words, face flushing a familiar pink as the man called him beautiful.
"We should get back" Lance said softly, face turning to meet the Spaniards gaze as his hands lingered on his chest
"You're right, I should probably ask for your fathers blessing, eh?" They laughed, the prince nodding as the older man grabbed a lantern, calmly finding the way back to the carriage
Fernando couldn't keep his hands off Lance during the short ride back, hand inching further up the boys thigh as his face got hotter, now hidden in the collar of his casaca. It was painfully obvious how inexperienced the boy was, Fernando wasn't sure what he'd done in his past life to deserve such a reward but he was beyond grateful.
It didn't progress past teasing touches, Fernando curious to see just how worked up he could get the boy before he disappeared back into the ballroom to speak to his father.
The answer was very, as they came to a stop outside the palace Lance couldn't hide the look of pure arousal on his face as he felt the Spaniards hands leave, whining at the feeling of his touch fading
"Fer..." He whispered, grabbing weakly onto the mans sleeves as he begged for just a little more
"Patience, let's see what your father says before continuing this, mi rey" Fernando negotiated, kissing the boys jaw softly before exiting the carriage, disappearing inside before Lance had the chance to follow behind.
"How have you been, Your majesty?" The King asked, earning a short response from his ally. "I've come to ask something of you, if you don't mind."
"Go ahead" Lawrence nodded, watching the Spaniard with curiousity
"I'd like to ask for your blessing, King Lawrence." He stated plainly, looking the man in front of him in the eyes "I'd like to make your son my King Consort."
Lawrence nodded right away, arm moving to pat the tanned mans back, smiling similarly to Lance "I'd love to give you my son, I'm shocked you felt the need to ask, Sire."
They both laughed, Lawrence's practically coming from his stomach as he closed his eyes, Fernando returning a short, knowing, and dry laugh.
Lance wandered back into the ballroom, greeted with a light hug from his mother, it wasn't normal in his family for her to show affection to him like this so he was almost worried something had gone wrong but as soon as he saw Lawrence and Fernando side by side he knew what'd happened, he was now set to marry the King of Spain.
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sweetpeapoppy · 1 year
He’d heard all of the rumours about the way Fernando operated in Formula One, how ruthless he was, how he terrorised his teammates, how he would grind you down until you doubted your own abilities. Lance knew he didn’t need that. But he also knew he didn’t have a choice either, Fernando was coming to Aston Martin whether he liked it or not.
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alasarys · 8 months
Recommended books for the drivers from BookPeople, Austin, Texas (insta)
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Daniel Ricciardo: Friday Night Lights – "... every Friday night from September to December, when the Permian High School Panthers play football, this West Texas town becomes a place where dreams can come true."
Lando Norris: Assassin's Apprentice – "Fitz ... must give up his old ways and embrace a new life of weaponry, scribing, courtly manners; and how to kill a man secretly, as he trains to become a royal assassin."
Alex Albon: My Brilliant Friend – "... a rich, intense and generous-hearted story about two friends ... a touching meditation on the nature of friendship."
Logan Sargeant: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – "hilarious, delicious, and brutal"
Yuki Tsunoda: A Cook's Tour – "the unpredictable adventures of America's boldest and bravest chef."
Carlos Sainz: Great American Golf Stories – "some of the best classic writings, both fact and realistic fiction, that reflect the rich history, tradition, agony, and ecstasy of one of our most enduring and endearing pastimes."
Oscar Piastri: Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting – "It turns out that talking to strangers can teach you about the world around you--and even more about yourself."
Lance Stroll: Infinite Jest – "Set in an addicts' halfway house and a tennis academy, and featuring the most endearingly screwed-up family to come along in recent fiction, Infinite Jest explores essential questions about what entertainment is and why it has come to so dominate our lives; about how our desire for entertainment affects our need to connect with other people; and about what the pleasures we choose say about who we are."
Charles Leclerc: Every Good Boy Does Fine – "[Denk] reminds us that we must never stop asking questions about music and its purposes: consolation, an armor against disillusionment, pure pleasure, a diversion, a refuge, and a vehicle for empathy."
Lewis Hamilton: The Boy with a Bird in his Chest – "A heartbreaking yet hopeful novel about the things that make us unique and lovable, The Boy with a Bird in His Chest grapples with the fear, depression, and feelings of isolation that come with believing that we will never be loved, let alone accepted, for who we truly are, and learning to live fully and openly regardless."
Max Verstappen: Atomic Habits – "Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship ..."
Zhou Guanyu: A Visible Man – "When Edward Enninful became the first Black editor-in-chief of British Vogue, few in the world of fashion wanted to confront how it failed to represent the world we live in. But Edward, a champion of inclusion throughout his life, rapidly changed that."
Pierre Gasly: Misery – "He's a bestselling novelist who has finally met his biggest fan. Her name is Annie Wilkes and she is more than a rabid reader – she is Paul's nurse, tending his shattered body after an automobile accident. But she is also his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house."
Valtteri Bottas: Foundryside – "To have a chance at surviving ... Sancia will have to marshal unlikely allies ... and undergo her own transformation ..."
Fernando Alonso: The House of the Spirits – "an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate."
Kevin Magnussen: The Daily Dad – "366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids"
Sergio Perez: Bad Feminist – "an inspiring call-to-arms of all the ways we still need to do better"
Building on the excellent work by @vegasgrandprix and @kritischetheologie
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landonorrizz · 7 months
- because i liked a boy (charles leclerc) @folkloresthings
- thirsty thoughts saga (f1 drivers) @lorarri
- how you get the girl (f1 drivers) @love-belle
- brutal out here (oscar piastri) @cartierre
- moth to a flame pt 1 / pt2 (carlos & charles) @leclercsainzz
- bro code (carlos sainz) @dumbseee
- she’s kinda hot (george russell) @formulafics
- mamma mia (jenson, fernando, sebastian) @astonmartinii
- mamma mia series (jenson, fernando, sebastian) @astonmartinii
- maybe if you loved me (carlos & daniel) @leclercsbunny
- the other woman (carlos sainz) @sainzproductions
- into the arms of another man (max verstappen) @astonmartinii
- the folklore love triangle p1 / pt2 (carlos & lewis) @jesssssssssica
- into you (charles leclerc) @leclercsainzz
- call it what you want pt 1 / pt2 (carlos & charles) @sainzproductions
- all the rumors are true (daniel ricciardo) @formulafics
- break up with your girlfriend (max verstappen) @archiverstappen
- we were something, don’t you think? (lewis & carlos) @redclercs
- why don’t you say so? (lewis hamilton) @waifuthings
- do i wanna know? (jenson button) @formulafics
- in another life (charles leclerc) @lxclerc
- august / pt 2 (daniel ricciardo) @goldsainz
- orange is the new green (lando norris) @lec14
- brothers and boyfriends (lando norris) @leclercsainzz
- my boyfriends boyfriend (lando norris) @love-belle
- this your man? (logan sergeant) @formulafics
- a diamonds gotta shine (lance stroll) @pierregazly
- need someone older (fernando alonso) @lewisvinga
- finish line (max verstappen) @norris55s
- memories hold me hostage / nothing ever changes (daniel ricciardo) @libraryofloveletters
- call out my name series (carlos & charles) @libraryofloveletters
- someone older (daniel ricciardo) @folkloresthings
- horner’s daughter series (daniel ricciardo) @bellewintersroe
- bad omens (charles leclerc) @lxclerc
- too young (daniel ricciardo) @yungbludz
- the 1 / this love (daniel ricciardo) @lxclerc
- cockblock (carlos sainz) @lxclerc
- the taste of temptation series (daniel ricciardo) @dilemmaontwolegs
- law of attraction series (daniel ricciardo) @sbdskate
- playing cupid (carlos sainz) @somejazzinthemorning
- a house, a home / where do we go? / you think, you know series (carlos & charles) @forteafy
- right timing (charles leclerc) @moneymasnn
- three words, eight letters (charles leclerc) @writingstoraes
- constellation of three (daniel ricciardo) @forteafy
- busy being yours (carlos sainz) @vamossainz55
- moth to a flame / call out my name (carlos & charles) @lxclerc
- caught in the headlight (carlos & charles) @libraryofloveletters
- rumor has it (jenson & mark) @lumi-nescentt
- don’t date him (pierre gasly) @thef1diary
- august (daniel ricciardo) @silverstonesainz
- best friends brother / pt 2 (charles leclerc) @neymarsangel
- illicit affairs (charles & mick) @norrisreads
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tabbycatreads · 4 months
My silly little predictions for the 2024 Silly Season
{Author’s Note: This just for fun!! Just some things I think would be funny if they happened}
Alex Albon joins Mercedes as the second seat
Carlos joins Redbull, his parents and Max’s parents hate it
Fernando retires at the end of 2024(Which I think would be good, he deserves the break tbh) and becomes once again the most popular F1 social media personality
Valteri hangs out with Zhou and Checo over the summer break and they go biking together
Charles and Hamilton get along very well but the car still sucks
Checo moves to Stake after Fernando retires and thats how Carlos gets the Redbull seat
Lance stroll gets sixth in the drivers championship
Max wins the Drivers championship again
Toto and Christian have a stronger rivalry than the past few years (It creates an influx of fan fiction about the two)
One of the big three teams brakes a financial rule and gets hounded about it for two weeks
F1Twitter creates seven empty controversies before the summer break
Massive internet debates between Lewis fans and Charles fans plagues all parts of the internet
My little pony crossovers become a micro-trend in F1 edits in May
Yuki and Pierre party together after Suzuka and then again after Silverstone, they also hang out consistently
A new team gets announced for 2027 and 2029
Oscar and Lando stream together along with the Twitch quartet over the summer break
Logan finishes consistently in the points
Valteri and Checo talk about retiring after the Qatar gp
Qatar gp is hell again and it ends up postponing the Abu Dhabi gp because there were too many injures
McLaren gets third in constructors champion
Redbull gets first and Mercedes gets second
V-Carb, v-card, and racing balls jokes get out of hand, mostly stemming from Yuki and Daniel and quickly spreading around the paddock
Sebastian and Kimi hang out at the Hungarian gp and they make bee houses with the other drivers again
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saw @strollist do this and it seemed fun so...
who is your favourite driver?: 2024 MIAMI GRAND PRIX WINNER LANDO NORRIS!!!!!!!!!! I've loved and followed him since his first fp1 as a test driver for Mclaren in 2018 and i've been DOWN FOR HIM EVER SINCE!!!!! 👑
Lewis also holds a very special place in my heart though 🫶 i've been a fan of F1 since i was 6 years old in 2007, and the first ever race i fully watched on telly was the canadian GP of that year - where he won for the first time. so i'll always be a Lewis fan deep down too
do you have any other favourite drivers?: Oscar Piastri is my no.2, i adore that man with every fibre of my being 🧡
i'd also class Max, Charles and Fernando as favourites of mine as well though
and logan, i just want him to do well 🥺
Also not on the current grid, but Sebastian Vettel is my all time favourite next to Lando and i fucking WEPT alone in my room for a literal HOUR when he announced his retirement. and then again at the end of his last race. and sometime still when i think about it - i'm tearing up right now 🥲
who is your least favourite driver?: Lance Stroll... 🫣😬🤷‍♀️
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: driver's mostly, just so happens that my two faves (Lando + Oscar) drive for Mclaren, which has been my favourite team since 2007.
the drivers matter more to me, but i will say that my love for Lewis made me a Mercedes fan for a long time.
And in the famous words of Seb Vettel - everyone is a Ferrari fan 🏎️ 💨💨💨
if you like teams, what team do you pull for?: Mclaren's been my home for 18 years. TEAM PAPAYA 🧡
how long have you been into f1?: it's consumed my life for eighteen years now, but i've only recently begun to outwardly show it because @panevanbuckley became a fan so i've had someone to share it with... and now i've started i don't think i could ever stop. seriously. my friends all think i'm crazy
what got you into f1?: my dad has been a fan since he was a kid and i grew up watching him watch races, until i apparently had nothing to do one sunday and i watched one with him. been hooked ever since.
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF: i do. i think as long as its a) respectful, b) not unconsensually shared with the people involved, or c) misrepresented as anything other than fiction then there's no issue with it.
that being said if a driver came out and said they had a problem with it, i wouldn't consume anything they wouldn't want out there if that makes sense.
how do you view new fans?: as long as they're respectful and not causing problems i encourage and welcome every new fan to the sport - whether its through media, DTS or anything else.
if you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: williams. i want to see them do well so much like they used to. plus i'd shut the logan replacement rumours down straight away. 😤
are your friends and family into f1 as well?: the only one who comes close to my level of love for F1 is @panevanbuckley
but i'm slowly trying to get another friend of mine into it just as much, she makes us f1 themed bracelets 🥹
also my dad is a long time fan.
are you open to talking to other fans/friends?: yessssss! i'm shit at keeping up a conversation about literally anything else but F1 will have me chatting for HOURS
tagging: @panevanbuckley obvs, + anyone else, i'd love to see peoples opinions
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lovelytsunoda · 1 month
welcome to wherever you are (the lore behind the verse)
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'sup guys, here is the long awaited post about the very real lore behind the welcome to wherever you are series! i am a big fan of music from the eighties, specifically rock and new wave. i was really inspired to write this series shortly after learning about the life and times of inxs, a band i have loved since i was a kid listening to 'the stairs' for the first time. this is a very niche special interest area, and i feel like sharing the lore would really add to the series. so, without further ado, the real life history behind one of my favorite reader inserts. the lore is under the cut :)
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y/n elodia heaven hutchence, was two years old when her father, australian rock god, michael hutchence took his own life in a sydney hotel room. while his death occurred in 1997, and lance stroll was born in 1998, i have adjusted (and been purposely vague) about his time of death to make the ages for the story line up. she was raised by her single mother, and eventual stepfather paul, with the help of her father's ex-bandmates, kirk, gary, tim, andrew and jon. of the four, she's closest to kirk for reasons she can't explain.
given her father's popularity in australia, comparisons were not easy to escape. she leads a very private life, away from the prying eyes of the gossip magazines. every few years, she carefully composes a statement that she releases to the press, giving minor, inconsequential life updates.
now, it is important to note that while the basis of this au is based in real life, almost all of it is fiction. the true story of michael hutchence and the people he left behind, including daughter tiger lily, is sad.
here is a link to an article by the new zealand herald that talks about his downward spiral, brought on by a massive brain injury he suffered in the early nineties.
helpful links about the life and legacy of michael hutchence: inxs wikipedia page, michael's wikipedia page, podcast episode on michaels death, inxs' first interview since the death of micheal hutchence
it's stated that micheal had a fear of not being loved, and a confirmed fear of growing old. i'd like to think that these are traits baby hutchence shared with her father until she met lance.
despite being australian by birth, micheal was buried in los angeles, where his mother lived. he is buried in the same cemetery as matthew perry. baby hutchence has never visited his grave.
lance and y/n would have met through a friend. and by friend, of course I mean kirk. kirk and his wife would have gone to a grand prix, and when kirk first laid eyes on lance, he had a gut feeling that he was a good fit for yn.
their first date would have been low key, on the beach at sunset. a picnic followed by a trip out on tim’s boat (before tim lost his fingers in a fishing accident).
they were married two years later. andrew thought they were rushing into it too fast. gary and kirk thought that when you know, you know (they also have four divorces between the two of them, so what do they know?)
all y/n and lance knew was that they were truly and madly in love, and that’s exactly where our au starts.
for those who want the full inxs story, please consider watching ‘never tear us apart’.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {16}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, collision, smut - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. Chapter: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven* || Twelve || Thirteen || Fourteen || Fifteen || Sixteen || Seventeen || under construction
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The race was a nail biter and my cuticles were suffering as I picked at them while watching the screen from the box. Nearly half a million Formula One fans cheered around the racetrack and the ground vibrated with the noise. 
Pierre had started on the third row of the grid but on the 22nd lap he was pushed wide by Carlos Sainz on a tight turn and he had lost two places getting back on the track. But, he hadn’t given up and clawed his way back into P5 and was inching closer to Sainz who had a target on his back. 
Lance Stroll was right on his tail and it wouldn’t be long before he could use DRS so Pierre was pushing the car as much as he could. 
“Brakes are gone, fuck,” Pierre exclaimed. “The brakes are completely gone.”
I lurched forward as the onboard camera showed him dropping down the gears and the engine whined loudly, the machine struggling with the lower gears at the high speed. My heart was slamming inside my chest as he approached the corner and tried to navigate it without any brakes. He seemed to have made it through the apex and just ahead I could see the long home straight with enough width that he could safely roll the car to a stop. 
I had begun to exhale the breath I had been holding when the onboard camera jolted then abruptly cut out and my eyes darted around the screens as I tried to understand what had just happened. A flash of dark green had come tearing around the corner unaware Pierre’s speed had suddenly slowed, leaving him vulnerable on the track and Stroll had careened straight into the back of him. 
The sound of the crash silenced the crowd and chairs clattered to the concrete floor as we leapt to our feet, the shock rippling through his team. I wasn’t going to wait in the box to hear what was happening a few hundred yards outside, I had to hear Pierre’s voice and see his face. 
The red flag safety car rushed past the box and I made chase, pushing through the resistance my hip put up without crutches but they would only slow me down. For him the pain was worth it.
Smoke billowed from both wreckages but I couldn’t see any flames on either car as I ran along the pitwall and I hoped the fuel didn’t ignite. A small cheer went up in the crowd and I looked at the big screens surrounding the stands to see Stroll had climbed out of his car and was running to Pierre’s. 
I reached the closest point I could to the debris and pulled myself up the chain fence so I could see above the signage that ran along the bottom. Two fire marshals were spraying the back of the Alpine with CO2 and I was about to scream at them to get Pierre out when I saw his white and gold helmet rise above the smoke. His steering console was tossed aside and he all but fell from the front as he stumbled away from the heat that was radiating from the wreck. 
Pierre bent over and tore his helmet from his head, followed by the fireproof balaclava and his gloves so he could run his hands over his face. The gear was tossed to the asphalt as he tipped his head back and took a deep breath, but then he spotted me up the fence and I nearly collapsed with relief. 
He was okay. 
A medic arrived but Pierre ducked out of his reach and ran to the fenceline, climbing to my height and covering my hands with his. “Mon amour, are you alright?” he asked as he felt my hands shaking. 
“Are you crazy? That’s my question.”
He closed his eyes and pressed his sweaty forehead to mine, the chain cold and refreshing against the heat of his skin. “Just hold me for a minute.”
I kissed the diamond of skin between the chain links and laced our fingers together. “I’ll hold you for as long as you let me. But you should really let the medic see you and then I can hold you properly.”
He nodded reluctantly and began to climb down the fence. It was a little harder for me to climb down than it was to climb up now that I didn’t have the flood of adrenaline coursing through my veins but I kept on my feet when I jumped down the last little bit. My hip protested what I had forced it to do but I pushed it to the back of my mind so I could walk steadily back to Alpine. If Pierre saw I was in pain there was no way he would let the medics check him out and I needed that reassurance. 
Realisation dawned on me as I saw footage replaying on the screens around us and I pulled my phone out as I worried about Addie and how upset she would be if she saw the crash.
The phone was answered quicker than I thought it would be, considering I had only called Matthew once before, and I skipped any greeting as I rushed to know, “Did Addie see the crash?”
“No, Betty took her shopping in the village. How is Pierre?”
“He’s fine. Hardly shaken, unlike me.” 
“I guess that’s something you will get used to with time.”
The statement gave me pause and my heart nearly stopped at the thought of this happening again. “I hope not,” I admitted before I saw a scooter pull into the pits with Pierre riding on the back, beating me there. “I have to go, if Addie asks anything just let her know Pierre’s fine. We’ll sit down with her later and talk about it together.”
“...said the problem was fixed.” Pierre looked ready to pull his hair out as he addressed his engineers before turning away with a sigh and spotting me. His racing suit had been opened and was tied around his waist to cool off before he made it to the bathrooms and the arms swayed as he rushed towards me. “Mon amour, ça va?”
“Stop asking how I’m doing,” I growled as I cupped his face and turned it side to side to see not a single mark on him. “Did the doctor say anything?”
“Only the usual, watch for concussion, dizziness.” He pulled my hands away to kiss each palm. “You need to get off your feet.” 
He dragged a spare chair over while they were all empty with the pit crew changing Esteban’s tyres and keeping them warm for the standing restart that would begin once the track was clear of the two totalled cars. I took the seat just so he would have one less thing to worry about as he went back to the engineers hoping to determine what went wrong with the car. 
Eventually the race resumed but I couldn’t even look at the screens to see how the rest of the drivers were doing. All my attention was on Pierre as he sat beside me in his driver room, quiet and reserved unlike his usual bubbly energy. I wanted to make him smile, or even just not frowning would be an improvement.
“I was thinking maybe we could visit your hometown this week.” I said quietly from where I sat with my legs over his and my fingers idly curling in his hair. 
“You want to see Rouen?”
“I was more interested in meeting your family, but I would also like to see where you grew up.”
“They’ve all gone away for the school holidays but I can find out when they’re back.” 
“Then what about coming to London for a few days? I’m starting to get sick of sundresses and I didn’t pack much else.”
His attention finally shifted from the screens around him and his hand glided up my leg and beneath the skirt of my dress. “I like your sundresses.”
“There certainly are perks,” I admitted as his hand inched closer to the junction of my thighs but he retreated with a grin. 
“Who's the dirty one now?” he teased before pulling out his phone and opening the app for British Airways. 
“Don’t book flights yet,” I said as I grabbed my own phone and messaged Granny, her reply coming through almost instantly. “Granny said we can fly with her.”
“Betty has a plane?” Pierre asked with a raised brow.
“She hates to run on anyone else’s time but her own so she got to keep it in her last divorce, or maybe that was the villa. I honestly can’t keep up.” I snorted as I remembered one inappropriate news article about her after she married Matthew. “The US Weekly called her Betty the Bicycle because everyone gets a ride. Dad nearly fainted when I showed it to him.”
Pierre’s lips curled up before they parted and a laugh broke free. The tension in his body loosened as he visibly relaxed in the chair and chuckled at the anecdote. 
There were only a few laps left of the race and then the garage would be swarming with people so I took the moment to shift on to Pierre’s lap and drape my arms over his shoulders. 
“I was so scared today baby,” I whispered as his hands brushed my dress up to my hips. “I wasn’t sure I would ever hear that laugh or see you smile again.”
I traced his lips with my eyes, committing the memory of their curve to my brain before I needed to feel them against mine. He stilled for a heartbeat beneath me as he tasted the salt of my tears that clung to my skin and he realised how much we both needed to feel each other. 
The rush of endorphins became a frenzy and I moaned as he pulled his jeans down enough to free himself then pushed my panties aside. The world faded away as our bodies became one and we moved together. 
“I love you, Pierre.”
His lips blazed a fire across my skin and he left his mark in his wake only breaking away to tip my head back with a finger under my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. “Je t'aime, I am so fucking in love with you.”
Neither of us were willing to take our time like we usually did and explore each other's body. There was a haste to chase away the lingering fear and anxiety, a haste to chase the high that our union was building towards. 
Pierre’s fingers dug into my ass as he gripped it tight and bounced me up and down on his cock, my head falling back with a hushed cry at the pleasure mounting. 
“Shhh,” he reminded me before crushing his lips to mine and stealing the sounds that escaped. 
I broke away gasping for air as my orgasm crashed over me a moment before he followed and I buried my head in his neck, inhaling his citrus and woody cologne as we rode out our highs. We didn’t need to say anything, our desperate need for each other was enough to show everything we felt and we just held each other tight until the race ended.
Click here for chapter seventeen.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @anotheroneiforgot
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ravenya003 · 4 months
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Pack, S01E06
Tonight’s episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is brought to you by the metaphor: peer pressure and bullying. I’m actually rather fond of “The Pack”, even though it’s a middling episode, simply because I had the novelization of it as a pre-teen. My parents would buy me those cheap Buffy and Charmed tie-in paperbacks to keep me occupied on summer camping trips, and I’ve fond memories of reading them in the sun.
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But are we really getting two Xander-centric episodes before we get even one of Willow? At least this one’s better than “Teacher’s Pet.”
It opens at Sunnydale Zoo. Who knew that Sunnydale had a zoo? It’s a place that we’ll never visit again, so try not to think about the fact that all these animals were probably killed when the town gets fully destroyed in six years.
The high school is on a field-trip, and Buffy is approached by four mean kids who bully her in the bizarre sort of way that only fictional bullies do. I mean, “careful – she might beat you up!” Dude, what?
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According to the script (and my novelization) this quartet of troublemakers are known as Kyle, Heidi, Tor and Rhonda, though I think only Kyle is called by name on-screen. Of more interest is the fact that Kyle is played by Eion Bailey, who is still working regularly and is probably best known to genre fans as August/Pinocchio in Once Upon a Time. Jennifer Sky is also present, someone who is not working regularly, but who you might recognize as Amarice from Xena Warrior Princess.
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The bullies move on to torturing another student called Lance Lincoln, who is makes the difficult call not to snitch on his tormentors when Principal Flutie turns up. Kyle pretends to be impressed by this and they drag poor Lance into the hyena house, which has been cordoned off. Buffy, Xander and Willow see them at it, and Xander takes the lead in going to the rescue of a fellow perceived-loser.
Buffy and Willow are about to follow when they’re stopped by a zookeeper (he’s never named either, but his nametag identifies him as Doctor Weirick) who gives the girls some creepy exposition on why exactly the hyena house has been fenced off. They’re fresh from Africa and are in quarantine, but are said to have the ability to understand human speech. They’ve been known to call out a person’s name to lure them away from the safety of their campfires, at which point, their unlucky victim is devoured.
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Yeah, this episode has some “darkest Africa” vibes that haven’t aged particularly well, but it’s not too bad. The person doing the most cultural appropriation is the bad guy, after all.
Inside the enclosure, some very dodgy-looking hyena animatronics (?) note the arrival of the bullies, Lance and (soon after) Xander.  A scuffle unfolds as Xander comes to Lance’s defence, and as he makes a run for it, the hyenas seem to entrance everyone that remains, a green light glowing in each pair of eyes – including Xander’s.
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That night at the Bronze he’s acting agitated and mildly aggressive, much to the confusion of Willow and Buffy. As soon as Kyle and the rest of the Pack arrives, the stare-a-thon begins (and honestly, I’m a little surprised more slash fiction wasn’t written about these two) though the girls aren’t remotely impressed when Xander chuckles along at a joke made at the expense of another student.
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The next day at school we’re introduced to poor doomed Herbert the school mascot: a piglet that’s dressed up as a Razorback (established as the basketball team back in “Witch”). Principal Flutie is pretty excited about it, and we’re treated to him giving a lecture on the lack of school spirit in his students to Buffy, the girl who saves people’s lives on a daily basis. The main purpose of the scene seems to be establishing that something is up with Xander when he strolls by and Herbert reacts with squealing terror.
Ah, the dodgeball scene. Once again it serves to showcase Xander’s increasingly aggressive tendencies (as well as Buffy’s physical prowess since she’s the only one left standing on her own team) but the whole thing is stolen by Coach Harrold, who (as far as I know) only appears in this single episode, but gets three of its funniest lines (see below).
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After some hyena-esque giggling at having turned on their own teammate and pounding him with dodgeballs (it’s poor Lance again), the Pack go on a slow-motion prowl through the Sunnydale courtyards, which culminates in them finding poor defensive Herbert in his cage. And they’re hungry...
Giles is rather uncharacteristically brushing off Buffy’s concerns about Xander by telling her that he’s behaving like a typical sixteen-year-old boy, though he comes around when Willow arrives with news that Herbert has been found eaten. Buffy twigs that all this started when Xander and the bullies entered the hyena enclosure, and the research party begins.
This next scene is... a lot. Blaming the Pack for poor Herbert’s death, a furious Principal Flutie calls Kyle, Heidi, Rhonda and Tor into his office, where he quickly loses control of the situation. We’re at least spared the sight of him being cannibalized on-screen, but I feel desperately sorry for the poor guy as the now-feral bullies advance on him. Being literally eaten is an extremely gruesome and terrifying way to die, and is quite possibly one of the cruelest deaths on the show.
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Xander isn’t present when this goes down, which is a bit of a cheat – but then, I can’t say I’m sorry that they spared one of our main characters from committing murder and cannibalism, even if he was possessed at the time. And it’s not like he’s peacefully sleeping under a tree during all this either; rather, he corners Buffy in an empty classroom and assaults her.
As with the attack on Flutie, the act isn’t shown in any great detail, and I suspect Buffy got the drop on him pretty quickly after the scene cuts away, as she doesn’t seem to be particularly rattled over what she explicitly describes as “felony sexual assault.” (Then again, this was shot in the nineties, an era of television which was in no way equipped to handle this kind of subject matter. Heck, it still isn’t more often than not).
Giles has narrowed the most likely explanation for Xander’s behaviour down to a sect of animal worshippers known as the Primals, who can draw the spirits of certain predatory animals into themselves. Somehow Xander and the rest of the bullies seem to have undergone this ritual, so after locking him up in the book cage (the book cage! Being used as a holding cell for the first time!) Buffy and Giles head out to question the zookeeper on what he knows. Willow is left behind to guard Xander.
We get to see Willow’s steely side when Xander tries his hand at manipulation and plays the “us against the world” card, leaning on their shared history together – but Willow doesn’t fall for it and Xander remains where he is.
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Unfortunately, Buffy and Giles are in the midst of hearing from Doctor Weirick that if the Pack are separated, it’s only a matter of time before they try to find each other again. They come up with a hasty plan: to lure the Pack back to the school, where they’ll all attempt to restage the trans-possession ritual and get the hyena spirts back into the hyenas.
There’s an effective scene when the bullies advance on the library and start softly calling Willow’s name (ah, a chase through the Sunnydale High hallways in the afterhours – another staple of the show in its early years) and Buffy lures the Pack away, acting as bait while Giles and Willow rush back to the zoo to help prepare the ritual.
There’s a lot of backwards and forwarding in this episode, not to mention splitting up. Willow stays outside to wait for Buffy, which conveniently leaves Giles vulnerable when he goes into the enclosure and notices that the ritualistic symbol has already been painted on the floor – and has evidently been there for some time. The zookeeper has been trying to draw the hyena spirits into himself, only he missed one crucial step: a predatory act.
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So Giles gets knocked out (not for the first, nor for the last time) and Willow rushes in when she hears Buffy coming, somewhat naively letting herself get tied up by Weirick with a knife held to her throat as “part of the ritual.” But she’s not so dumb that she doesn’t shout a warning to Buffy when she comes in, and in a pretty perfect case of Hoisted by His Own Petard, the zookeeper shouts the incantation, draws the hyena spirits out from the teenagers and into himself, and then drops the knife to attack Willow with his bare teeth.
Xander, now himself again, rushes to her rescue, and after a brief tussle, Buffy throws the zookeeper into the hyena enclosure. As he said earlier, they haven’t been fed.
This is actually rather funny, as in later episodes/seasons Buffy will make a HUGE deal out of how wrong it is to take human lives, but here has no qualms about essentially throwing this guy to his death. She does lunge after him in an attempt to save him, but hey – no biggie that she failed. The hyenas chow down and nobody ever mentions him again.
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Also never mentioned again? The bullies and the fact they’ll presumably have memories of killing and eating a man. That’s going to require some serious counselling.
Xander feigns memory loss of the whole ordeal, and if the girls suspect that he’s fibbing, they take pity on him and let it go. Giles isn’t fooled at all, but also promises to keep schtum. For the record, I very much think that apologies are necessary when wrong-doings are committed, but I’m lenient when it comes to matters of brainwashing, outer body experiences, demonic possession, losing one’s soul or exposure to red kryptonite – in other words, things that people aren’t truly responsible for.   
My point is, Xander isn’t himself when he assaults Buffy, and is clearly so mortified at everything he did while under the hyena’s sway that he tries to get himself off the hook with the amnesia fib... so I’ll give him a pass on this particular fabrication, as  ultimately it’s pretty low on his seven-year list of transgressions. He’s way more culpable when it comes to that stupid love spell in season two.
Plus, we get a nice Giles/Xander scene out of it. It’s clear that Giles is now becoming just as fond of Buffy’s friends as he is of Buffy herself.
This was a very simple story and a rather middling Monster of the Week episode, which in the grand scheme of things doesn’t really do anything significant besides kill off Principal Flutie so that Snyder can take his place. The high school/teen drama metaphor was a bit obvious and there was so much padding (the slow-motion prowling, the extended dodgeball game, the completely extraneous scene of the young woman with her baby chancing upon the Pack at night before she just... turns and walks away) but it gave Nicholas Brendon a chance to stretch his acting muscles, and I liked the logistics of the spell (the comparison to demonic possession, the need for a predatory act to take place) and the zookeeper twist.
I feel like it’s a story that knew what it wanted to do, and ends up being precisely what it wanted to be – no more, no less.
Miscellaneous Observations:
This episode vibed with “Teacher’s Pet” not just because it was Xander-centric, but because it’s a story that really could have taken place anywhere (that is, it didn’t need the proximity of the Hellmouth to happen). Unless of course the She-Mantis and the hyenas were deliberately drawn to the mystical energy of the township. Perhaps the zookeeper fully intended to use its power to supplement his ritual, and had the hyenas shipped there on purpose.
RIP Principal Flutie. You were clueless, but not evil – especially when compared to your replacement. And no one deserves to go out like that. Sheesh, I think victims of vampires die quicker and less painfully than Flutie did.
We never see the bullies or Lance again, though I like to believe they all made it to Graduation Day (with the likes of Blayne and Owen) and fought in the battle against the Mayor. Though I have to say Lance was a bit of an odd character. They set him up to be fairly important and then he just disappears halfway through the episode, when his role could have probably been filled by Willow.
I also enjoyed James Stephens as Doctor Weirick. He only had a couple of scenes, but he had an unassuming, helpful manner which effectively concealed his true nature. I remember watching this as a teenager and actually being disappointed that he was evil.
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Also, this doesn't come up a lot, but Doctor Weirick is one of the few villains on the show that isn't a demonic or supernatural creature - just a human being trying to accumulate power.
During their research, Buffy mentions that Noah didn’t want the hyenas on the Ark because he considered them an impure blend of cat and dog. This piqued my interest, and some basic Googling tells me this little factoid seems to have come from Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1614 History of the World, where he also mentions that hyenas didn’t need to be on the Ark, since the species could easily be reconstituted after the flood by breeding cats with dogs.
That guy who questions Xander about a guitarist at Sunnydale High (right before the Pack steal his lunch) looked familiar, and sure enough – it was the same guy who talked to Cordelia in the computer lab in “The Harvest.”
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Xander’s genuine attraction to Buffy and (somewhat) understandable disappointment that she doesn’t reciprocate once again turns eye-roll-y when he brings up Angel again. And this time it doesn’t even make much sense when he says: “Dangerous and mean, right? Like Angel. Your mystery guy.” Um, since when has Angel been mean? Jealousy does not look good on anyone, and it’s these moments where I most strongly hear Joss Whedon’s “why won’t girls date nice guys?” complaining.
However, I did like the fact that Buffy was initially the only one who really felt something was off about Xander. Willow has known him longer, but her lack of self-esteem makes her certain that she’s the problem, while Giles handwaves the whole thing away with testosterone levels. (A part of me wonders if he was recalling his own delinquent youth). But in realizing that it’s something external, Buffy proves that she knows Xander quite well by this point. Or maybe her Slayer-sense is just tingling.
Poor Principal Flutie didn’t get much of an obituary – just Giles looking sombre and Willow sitting down suddenly. Also, they’re going to blame his death on wild dogs? That’s rough. And Giles is almost chipper when the girls point out that Xander wasn’t involved, though I suppose it’s hard to know how on earth people would actually respond to the news that a man has just been eaten alive by highschoolers.
No Angel or Cordelia this time around, which isn’t so surprising in the former’s case since he’s still being credited as a guest star, but the latter is in the opening credits!
As far as audio effects go, I appreciated the high-pitched laughter and the growls in the back of the Pack’s throats. That was very effective.
Best Line: Coach Harrod scores a hat trick: “it's raining, all regular gym classes have been postponed, so you know what that means: dodgeball,” “for those of you that may have forgotten, the rules are as follows: you dodge” and “God, this game is brutal. I love it!” It’s all in the delivery. And as I’ve said before, the Sunnydale faculty must see some shit.
Best Scene: Willow showing her mettle when she faces down Xander in the book cage. There are hidden depths to her, just waiting to be plumbed.
Most Random Scene: When the Pack are out hunting and come across the Anderson family just leaving a party. The parents are arguing about whether or not Mr Anderson insulted his wife by paying his hostess a compliment, and little Joey is being instructed to chew before he swallows. Then they get attacked by hyena people.
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We never see this family again, but like the real Miss French in “Teacher’s Pet,” I love seeing little glimpses of ordinary people living out their lives on the Hellmouth.
Death Toll: Herbert the pig (sorry animal lovers, but I’m not going to count him in the grand total). Principal Bob Flutie. Doctor Weirick.
Grand Total: Twelve civilians, ten villains.
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heartsoftruth · 28 days
I was only semi-serious about Lewis potentially being a sex worker. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about writing a fan fiction about him being an F1 driver by day and moonlighting as a sex worker to wealthy middle-aged women starving for the touch of a hot, virile, gentleman racer. He commands $25,000 for a single evening of his services(which include anything from chatting to cuddling to raucous love-making), with some women even paying as much as $10 million to keep him on retainer.
As word spreads among wealthy women around the world about Lewis' sexual prowess and tenderness with seasoned women, he becomes the most exclusive sought-after male sex worker by the world's most high-profile middle-aged women. But everything takes a turn when another F1 driver Lance Stroll discovers his mum is one of Lewis' clients and threatens to expose Lewis and his secret operation to the public. Will this be the end of Lewis' career as both the world's most successful F1 driver and gigolo?
I'm thinking about calling it The Gentleman Racer or Pole Position Pleasures. What do you think? Would you read this?
Yeah I wasn't laughing at you more the contrast between my thoughts and yours cracked me up a lot hahah. Pole Position Pleasures is such a great title haha! Truly! Very creative. I personally wouldn't read a story like that, but I'm just someone who like a sweet, sappy telenovela type of fanfic. Enemies to lovers etc etc. But please write whatever you want to write, girl! Don't let my opinion influence you please! If you feel the urge to write, write! That's how I've written quite a few as well.
And I'm sure there's way more people that are probably interested in this story and would love to read it! My opinion doens't matter at all if you want to write: just do it. 😊
0 notes
Keeping It Professional
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Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Warnings: references to sex, a few steamy moments, alcohol and the consumption of, Scotty being really good at advice, Chloe being the most fun sister in law on the planet, mixed emotions, jealous!Lance for a few moments, a stupid blow up and no one wants to take blame, maybe some overreacting, Sebastian playing peacemaker <3
Word Count: 11k - it ran from me oops 
Author’s Note: the ben hate club requested a part 2 and y’all weren’t a fan of the lack of lance so I'm here to give you guys more <33 also sorry this took so long lmao 
Part One: Sugar Plum 
“I think.. we’ll take it slow. Keep it professional ?” You ask when Lance sits up, his hands sliding from your thighs to your butt. He gives it a squeeze before leaning up to kiss you; “professional, of course.” 
The two of you did everything but that. 
From the moment you two decided to keep things professional, you were all over each other. The next 3 races are a whirlwind of emotions, secret kisses, passing touches and all around close calls. 
Lance was like a horny teenager unable to keep his hands off you. 
He snuck you away from your job more times than not. Even if someone noticed, they dare not say anything to the boss’s son hence why you two got away with it so far. 
From the backseat of his car, to his driver’s room, to the conference room in hospitality; the general lack of professionalism and clothes was unreal. 
The crew wasn't stupid either. 
You’d come in a few moments before Lance, your lipgloss smudged over your lips as you readjusted your hair and clothes. Lance would come in a few moments later, a lazy grin on his lips and the rest of your lipgloss on his face and neck. 
He went out of his way to have you around too.  If they were filming a video with him and Sebastian, he always asked if you were going to be there and if you weren’t, he made sure you were. He made a special effort to see you before he got into the car, a wink in your direction or maybe a passing touch but he saw you. Lance also had an assigned press officer who he wasn't all that fond of and had been replacing with you as of Silverstone because ‘interns deserve experience too.’ 
People were starting to notice the affection the young driver had for you. 
They also noticed the looks of love from you to him. 
The way you stopped to speak to him or a hand on his shoulder when you pass by him. Wherever you were, Lance wasn’t far behind and vice versa. No one knew of the week spent in Toronto. The two of you spending a week as a couple, sharing a bed, inside jokes and soft moments in front of your family.
The quiet moments before the storm. 
Currently, you’re in Hungary. Saturday night turning into Sunday morning and neither of you have slept yet. 
Lance walked you up to your room as he does most nights and you two found yourselves in the usual song and dance; ‘You should go’ 
‘Do you really want me to?’ 
Next thing you know, the two of you are in bed, or the bathroom, or bent over the desk. 
The driver spent so many nights in your hotel room, tangling in your sheets and arms. At some point, you two are bound to get caught but right now, that was the least of your concerns. 
Lance’s back was propped up against the headboard and your head was on his lap, the white comforter barely covering the two of you as his hand rubbed on your chest softly, fingers occasionally tracing a pattern or shape. Your fingers interlock over his and you look up at your boyfriend. 
“You should get some sleep. You need to be at the track for 10.” You tell him and Lance rolls his eyes. “You have to be there before me.” He whispers back, his eyes closed now. 
“Closing your eyes like this doesn’t count as sleep.” You know him too well at this point. 
“Hush.” he chuckles, leaning down to kiss you. You meet him halfway, propping yourself on your elbow as your hand reaches for his face. Lance rolls you two over so he’s on top of you, his arms caging you in under him as your hands cup his cheeks, pulling him closer for him. 
It was greedy and selfish, you knew he had to be up early and he needed sleep but in all fairness, he started it and you had no self control around him. One of your legs hooks on his hip, pulling him down and making him laugh against your lips. 
“Getting strong there, babe.” 
“Been working out,” you smile, kissing him again. 
Lance’s hand slides down your side, slipping it between your legs as his lips moved to kiss along your neck. Your back arches just the tiniest bit at his touch, moaning against his lips just before there’s a knock on the door interrupting the two of you. 
His other hand is over your mouth and your eyes meet his; it clicks that it's your room and he shifts and lets you get up. He's laying on the bed, admiring you as you bend over to grab a shirt off the floor. 
The clock reads 5:54am and he lays back, pulling the comforter over him as he watches you go to answer the door. 
Kevin, one of the team engineers, is on the other side when you open it. You didn’t look like you had been sleeping, you were wide awake and you had sex hair. 
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” Kevin asks you, glancing down at the shirt you had on. 
You follow his gaze only to find that you didn’t pick up your shirt but you picked up Lance’s, the same shirt everyone saw him walk out of the paddock in last night. “No, you’re fine.” you smiled at the man, “is everything okay?” 
“No yeah,” Kevin smirks, “heard a noise, just wanted to see if you were alright.”
“Oh,” your cheeks were red, “yeah, all good.” You nod at Kevin who was now yawning. “Okay, see you later.” He waves, walking back to his room next door. 
You lock the door, mortified as you return to your boyfriend in bed. “Cute shirt,” he smiles, pulling you to him as you get in bed. “I think Kevin heard us.” you mumble, laying your head on his chest and your leg tossed over him. 
“Let’s go for dinner tonight.” Lance says, changing the topic. 
“What ?” you’re sitting up again, looking at him. 
“Let’s go for dinner, after the race.” “Like.. in public?” you ask, face twisting into confusion. 
“Yeah,” he nods, chuckling. “Where else would I mean if I said let’s go to dinner?” 
“I thought we were keeping this private.” you say, Lance sighs. “Kevin is the gossip of the team and you answering the door in my shirt and messy hair is enough for him to run with. Who hasn't figured it out by now will know by the morning.” Lance tells you and you hum, picking at your nail. 
Lance’s hand rests on yours, he knew why you were hesitating. 
You were an intern, you didn’t want people to think you were just hooking up with him for your advantage and that was most definitely not it.  He wasn't going to push you into something you weren’t ready for. He cared about you more than going public. 
“We don’t have to, we can order takeout and hang out here instead.” he offers with a smile. You glance at him, “if you really want to go for dinner, we can-” 
“Please, I’d much rather stay in our little bubble.” Lance pulls you in for a kiss. You shift and rest your head on his chest now, returning to your previous position. You two lay in silence for a while, it got so quiet for a moment that you thought Lance had fallen asleep but then he called for you. 
“Sugar plum?” 
“What are you doing over the break?” He asks and you shrug. “Not sure yet, why?” 
“Come home with me.”
“Home as in.. Montreal?” 
“Yeah. My sister is starting her wedding planning and wants all of us there; plus I want you to meet my family.” He says and you look up at him. 
You had met his parents, sister and her fiancé already but as an intern for Aston Martin and not as Lance’s girlfriend. That was a whole different ballpark. 
Of course you’re hesitant, the thought of them thinking you aren't good enough for him was always a lingering thought but it was more evident right now. Lance had offered to go with you and spend an entire week with your family without even knowing you all that well. 
What’s the worst that can happen from you spending an afternoon with his family ? 
“I have my own place, by the way. I know you think your family is crazy but I cannot spend 4 weeks with mine.” Lance laughed. “I’m not spending the whole break there, I'm gonna do some travelling and I want you to come with me, if you want too, of course.” He smiles at you and your heart skips a beat. 
“Yeah,” you smile, “I'll go with you but only if we stop in and see my parents at some point too. Mom won’t stop gushing about her handsome Lance, as if she hasn't been married to dad for 34 years.” You roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, of course we can.” Lance pulls you into his side. “I know your mom misses my handsome face,” he teases, kissing your temple as you two finally settle into bed for the night.
Lance was pacing the living room of his place. “You’re going to put a hole into the rug!” You call to your boyfriend from the bathroom. 
You had been getting ready for the last half an hour and Lance had been ready which left him to wait; he didn’t mind but his mind started to spiral. He knew his family was a lot, his father especially and in all honesty, he was nervous for you to meet each other. He wasn’t this nervous meeting your family and there were far more of you than his family but he knew how his parents -- again, his father, was and he just didn’t want some stupid comment from his dad to fuck up your relationship.  
The two of you were staying at his place so he can avoid his parents for as much time as possible, well that’s his internal reason. He didn’t want to subject you to that too early before you went running for the hills. 
He was glad his sister offered to do drinks first, at least that was a variable he could control. 
“How do I look?” you ask him, spinning to show him the sundress you had on. It was red and with spaghetti straps, little floral patterns along the bottom hem which stopped above your knees. 
“Stunning.” Lance smiles at you, his hand reaching out to you as you walk over.  He gives you a spin before pulling you into him. 
“You look beautiful,” he kisses you, mumbling the compliment against your lips. 
“Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself,” you fixed the collar of his polo. The black and red contrast pulled eyes to the two of you. 
Lance sat on the couch with a sigh and you got on his lap, straddling him. Your hands find his face, “I know you’re nervous, but I promise you’ve got nothing to worry about.” You tell him, your thumb brushing along his cheek bone. 
“I know,” he sighs again, his hands rubbing along your back, sliding down to your ass. “We have to leave soon.” You warn him. 
“She’ll meet us here,” Lance pulls you down for a kiss, his hands sliding under the hem of your dress and up your bare thighs. “Lance,” you scolded the driver who was slipping his fingers under the band of your panties. 
“Hm?” he glances up at you, his lips pressing along your collarbone. 
“You’re trouble,” your fingers find his chin, pulling him back up for a kiss just as you roll your hips against him. Lance sighs, his head tossed back onto the cushions as he watches you shift onto his thigh, your hands on his shoulders as  you roll your hips. 
Something about watching you use him to get off is so hot. 
His favourite sight in the whole world, aside from your smile of course. 
“Such a good girl, hm?” One of his hands resting loosely on your hips. 
Lance lifts his leg, your hips roll forward before he pulls you down for a kiss. He pulls the straps of your dress down, his lips peppering the faintest of kisses, moving back to your collarbone where he leaves the smallest of marks. 
Your lips back on his now, surely your red lipstick has smudged onto his lips and before you could say something; the doorbell rings. You get off his lap, smiling to yourself at the red all over his face. 
“Might wanna take care of that, I'll get the door.” You tell Lance, he stands and runs a hand through his hair. “Oh.. and that,” you glance down just past his belt, laughing as you pass by him towards the door. 
You grab a tissue on the way, wiping the remainder of the lipstick away from your face as Lance goes to the bathroom. You open the door to find Lance’s sister, Chloe, and her fiancé, Scotty. 
“Hi! Come in!” You step aside for them to come in. “Lance’ll just be a minute, he’s in the bathroom.” You tell them as you shut the door behind them. 
“I see him enough,” Chloe waves you off, “you must be y/n! You’re so cute! I love your dress!” The blonde pulls you in for a hug which you accept. “I’m Chloe, which I'm sure you know,” she introduces herself, “this is my fiancé, Scotty.” She points to him, and you smile at the man as you give him a quick hello hug. 
“I heard noise!” Lance walks back out the bathroom, making a beeline straight for his sister, pulling her into a hug. 
You step aside and give them some space, you smile to yourself at the siblings. You didn’t have any yourself but you loved that he and his sister were close. 
Scotty nudges you with his shoulder, whispering to you. “I was in your position, I got you.” He winks, earning him a smile. 
Chloe turns to you and Scotty, “are we ready ?” She asks, letting go of Lance who gets his car keys. “I thought I was driving?” She asks her brother. 
“I’m not getting in the car with you behind the wheel.” He says, making her roll her eyes at him. “Fine, whatever.” She huffs and turns to link arms with you, pulling you out of the apartment with her. 
You and Chloe end up driving together because she somehow convinced you to ditch Lance and join her. You liked her for the hour that you’ve spent with her so far; she was very open, super friendly too. The two of you chatted about the differences in the school systems in two neighbouring provinces -- odd topic but it kept the conversation flowing. 
The 4 of you went to a little bar not too far from Lance’s place. You were all sat at a table together, you and Chloe making small talk about her wedding plans. 
Scotty seemed to be the only one who noticed how Lance’s leg was bouncing a million miles an hour. He patted his brother in law’s shoulder, “let’s do a shot, mate.” Scotty gets up, kissing Chloe’s temple before walking off to the bar. 
Lance glances at you, almost for reassurance that you’d be okay with his sister. You flash him a smile and his jitters settle for a moment, leaving you two alone to chat. 
The two men stood at the counter, one shot after the other. Scotty bit down on the lime, setting it into the shot glass before clapping Lance on the back of his shoulder. 
“Mate, if you keep bouncing your leg like that, you’re gonna put a hole in your shoe.” The Aussie laughed. Lance gave him a weak smile, Scotty rested his hand on his shoulder. “Relax, they’ll love her.” 
Lance hums, his eyes finding you in the fairly crowded room. You were laughing at something his sister told you, Chloe’s laughing too and telling you something he couldn’t make out. You were feeling the same nerves that Lance was, you unconsciously fiddled with the emerald on your necklace. 
“I’m glad you like that, I wasn't sure what you liked so I sent him a few options and he liked this one.” Chloe eyes your necklace. 
“He- what ? He said you picked it.” You let go of the emerald. 
“I picked a few but he made the final decision.” She smiles, sipping her sangria. Suddenly, the necklace was a lot more special. Chloe’s voice brought you back to reality. 
“Do you know you’re the only girl he’s ever brought home to meet our parents ?” Chloe asks and just like that, your nerves are back. 
“No pressure huh?” You chuckled awkwardly. 
“Please, don’t worry. They’ll love you.” She gives you a reassuring smile. 
The boys return to the table shortly after, the 4 of you having one more round before heading out. You liked the two of them, they were.. way more normal than you were expecting. 
Now the drive to his parents house was interesting, you joined Lance this time. He took you down this empty road, which looped into a road that was nothing but trees as far as the eye could see. 
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you ? Because that would be super fucked up.” You look over at him, earning a laugh. 
“No murderous intentions, sugar plum. You’re fine.” You can see the headlights of Chloe’s car behind the two of you as Lance turns into the driveway. There’s a massive house -- no, mansion, staring at you. You knew they were rich but this was beyond your imagination. It’s a big brown mansion, you don’t think you’d actually seen, let alone been invited to a place this size in your life; though something was telling you to keep that bit to yourself. 
Lance pulls into a spot in front of the garage, parking the car. You look over at him, you can see the nervousness all over his face. “I feel like I’m underdressed,” you mumble, fixing your hair in the mirror. 
“You look perfect.” He smiles at you. 
“You okay ? You sure wanna do this?” “Yeah,” he nods, “let’s go.” He gives you one more smile before getting out of the car. 
The two of you follow behind his sister and Scotty, letting them face the Strolls first. You can see them after they pull Scotty and Chloe into hugs, greeting them. Lance's fingers interlock with yours, giving your hand a squeeze before you step in. 
“Mom, Dad, this is y/n, my girlfriend.” He introduces you to his parents. His mom instantly pulls you into a hug, you see where Chloe got her personality and traits from instantly. 
“I’m Claire-Anne, this is Lance’s father and my husband, Lawrence.” You smile at the older man who offers you a handshake.
Once again, you can see which parents the children take after. 
“I’m sorry I have to ask - do I know you from somewhere?” Lawrence asks, his eyes studying your face as if the answer will appear on your forehead. You glance at Lance and before you can answer, Lance answers. 
“She works for the team.” 
“Oh, which part?” His father asks, not letting it go.
You answer his question this time, “PR and media.” 
The dots connect for Lawrence, “right! You’re one of the interns.” 
“I am.” you give him a tight lipped smile, his wife notices the shift in energy in the room, scolding him. “What did I tell you ? No work talk when we have guests,” She links arms with the older man. 
“So sorry honey,” she offers you a smile.
“Lance, why don’t you show her around? Dinner will be ready shortly.” She gives you the two the exit you’ve both been hoping for. 
Lance grabs your hand, pulling you away from his parents and through the other room. There’s a large piano and a few pieces of furniture placed in a way that seemed too staged to be functional. He shows you through a set of backdoors, leading you into the backyard. The yard stretched out as far as your eyes could see in the dark, the yard once again, furnished with beautiful black patio furniture, a fire pit set in the middle of them along with the greenery spreading along the perimeter. 
“Come on, let me show you my room.” He leans you through the yard and to a spiralled staircase coming from the side. 
“Bet you snuck in all your girlfriends hm?” You teased, Lance shook his head. “Late night pizza actually,” He smiles, opening the door for you once you get up the stairs. 
The door opens to a huge room, a bed in one corner and the rest was opened with a few pieces along the walls; a dresser, a desk with a computer on it. There’s two more doors to your left, the bathroom and closet you assumed. 
Lance pulls you with him to the bed, getting on it as he pulls you up with him. “Is this too much ?” He asks you. 
“No, it’s okay. Are you okay?” You sit up, looking at your boyfriend. He lets out a breath, running a hand down his face. “Yeah, I'm okay.” He nods.
“You’re sure? Because we can leave if you’re not up for this. I don’t mind.” You tell him. Lance smiles at you; even though he was spiralling and tonight was supposed to be about you meeting his parents, you were still offering to run away with him. 
“I’m okay,” Lance’s hand rests on your back, pulling you down to him. He kisses you, his other hand resting along your jaw. Your own hands on his chest, moving to sit on his lap. 
Lance’s lips are on your neck, mumbling the words against your skin. “Think we can finish what we were doing earlier-” 
“Dinner’s ready!” Chloe shouts from the other side of the door, knocking on it. You bite back a laugh, getting off his lap. “Maybe later, babe.” 
The two of you head down for dinner, Lance grumbling about how he can’t get a little love from you and you remind him whose idea it was to do drinks and dinner which shut him up for the time being. Dinner was quiet for the most part, Chloe spent most of the time informing her parents about the wedding decisions she and Scotty had made. Finally, the inevitable happened; Lawrence turned to you, calling out your name. 
“So y/n, what’re your plans for the future ?” He asks, cutting into a piece of steak. 
The question stumped you for a moment, you take a sip of your wine before you answer him. “No plans at the moment, focused on working with the team and then, I'll branch out from there.” 
You can feel all the eyes in the room on you as he asks you the next question. “You don’t want to stay with Aston Martin?” 
“I’d love to, but that’s up to you, isn't it?” You give him a smile.
Lance reaches for his own glass, taking a gulp of the red liquid. Your words hit him like a ton of bricks. 
It's not up to you. 
You weren't just his girlfriend; you worked for the company. 
His father held your future there in the palm of his hand. 
Lance starts to realize that his own actions no longer just affect him but you as well. 
One wrong move and the consequences fall onto you and not him. 
He would be able to bounce back without his father but you? You loved your job, this internship was your livelihood. He couldn't be the reason that was taken from you. 
Lance glances at you, you smiled at something his sister said. She told you and their mother about the plans for when she and Scotty joined you two in Italy.  He kept his thoughts to himself, the guilt eating away at him so much so that he pushed the plate away from him. 
Dinner wrapped up shortly after, you’re in the kitchen helping his mom put away leftovers and some dishes. 
“Mom! Come see this!” The blonde calls her mother over, Claire-Anne gives you a smile as she sets the dishes down, walking over to her kids. Scotty was now walking in your direction, two empty glasses in his hand.  
You look over at the Strolls, the 3 of them huddled around Chloe as she showed them something wedding related on her phone, getting opinions on it. One thing was for sure, they were a unit; despite all the drama and the disagreements. Lance was laughing at something his dad had said and your heart dropped a little; it’s unrealistic of you to think that he would ever pick you over his family. 
You wouldn't want him to either but you had already lost. 
“You alright, y/n?” Scotty asks you, setting the glasses into the dishwasher. 
“Yeah,” you muster up a smile as you stack the plates on each other in the cupboard. The smile was clearly fake, your eyes revealing a sadness buried beneath the curve of your lips. 
Scotty moves to lean on the counter, his back blocking you from their view. “Spit it out.” 
“What ?” 
“You’re upset about something, what is it?” 
“I’m not upset, Scotty.” 
“Tell your face that,” he makes a pout, mocking you. 
Sighing, you lean on the counter. “I just- I don't think this is the right thing to be completely honest.” “This being..” he looks to you for an explanation. 
“I mean, they see me as an outsider. Not you or Chloe but his parents; they always will and especially his father. I work for the team he owns for god’s sake, could we be any more cliché ?” You groan quietly. 
Scotty gives you a slight smile. “That’s first time jitters, my friend. I felt the same way and now I’m marrying their kid.” He laughed. You appreciated his honesty but it wasn't making you feel any better. 
“I mean yeah, but it’s different for you.” 
“How so?” God, he doesn’t quit, does he?
“You’re an Olympian, I'm.. what ? An intern ? I have no plans for my future, Scotty. At least they see you as an equal, they know you can provide for yourself and Chloe, what do I have ?” 
Scotty is quiet for once. Within the few hours you had met him, he had chatted with you the whole time or if he wasn’t talking, he was laughing. He takes a few moments to pull together an answer for you. 
“It might feel like that now, but I promise you it won’t always be like this. You won’t stay an intern forever.” 
Lance comes over, his arms wrapping around you. “Hi sorry, Chloe was showing me her dress.” He tells you and Scotty’s ears perk up. “Details,” he asks his brother in law. 
“Nice try, Chloe would kill me if I told you.” Lance laughed, pulling you into his side. Scotty rolls his eyes, walking back to the table. 
“You okay?” Lance asks you, kissing your temple. “Yeah,” you smile at him. 
You were the furthest thing from okay, your feelings made your stomach turn sour. Lance was feeling the same way; a smile mustered up on both of your faces, pretending to be okay when you clearly weren’t. 
Everyone was now gathered outside the front door, the kids leaving for the night. 
“Are you two sure you don't want to spend the night here? We could all go for breakfast in the morning, do some shopping-” Claire-Anne starts but Lance cuts her off, “thank you mom, but we’re good.” 
After you four say goodbye to the older couple, you proceed to say goodbye to each other, knowing you’ll see each other again in a week. 
“We have to go shopping when I get there, we need outfits for the ceremony!” Chloe tells you when she hugs you. 
“Ceremony ? I thought you already had your dress?” you ask her, confused as to why she needed another dress. 
“Did Lance not tell you?” She glances at her little brother, rolling her eyes. “We’re having a little something for our friends in Italy so I need a dress, so do you.” 
“Oh, I didn’t know.” You smiled at her, “that’s nice.” 
“Yeah! We’ll have a good time, but I'll see you there, okay ? Enjoy your time there!” She lets go of you, her hand reaching for yours as you two walk over to the guys. 
“You didn't tell her about the ceremony ?” Chloe smacks her brother’s arm, earning a fake groan. 
You smile at the two of them. Scotty comes over and gives you a side hug, pulling your attention away from the siblings. “Remember, it's you two. Not you, him and his parents.” Scotty whispers, flashing you a smile before letting go. 
The drive back to his place was quiet, you two spent the rest of the night cuddled up in bed, making plans for Italy before calling it a night. The next two days were spent tidying up and packing because from Toronto, you’ll be flying straight to Italy. 
The drive down was smooth, Lance made sure to leave extra early so you could get your Tim Hortons without hitting traffic. He opted to rent a car rather than drive his own seeing that you two are gonna be leaving from there in 3 days. 
Your parents are more excited to see him than to see you, your mother smothering the man in a hug as soon as he gets out the car. Of course he’s in your father’s good graces when he brings the man a bottle of scotch they had spoken about the last time he was there with you. 
Lance and your father were shooed from the kitchen, leaving you and your mother to make dinner because neither of them could cook to save their lives. 
The house felt bigger now that it was just the 4 of you and not all your cousins and aunts and uncles. 
You were sitting beside Lance with your parents across from you. “How was Montreal ? Did you enjoy seeing your parents, Lance ?” Your mother asks him, sipping her wine. 
“Yeah, it was nice.” He answers, moving on from the topic. You glance at the man, your brows pull together unsure as to what caused the sudden sourness in his mood, but you brushed it off. 
“We had a good time,” you answered before your mom kept poking at him. “His parents are nice and we’re meeting up with his sister, Chloe and her fiancé, Scotty in a week actually.” 
“Right, the trip to Italy.” Your father speaks up. “Oh I've always wanted to go, take lots of photos!” Your mom tells you, smiling. 
“Yeah, I will.” 
The rest of dinner was quiet, the 4 of you making small talk before saying goodnight.  
You and Lance were in your bedroom, the man sitting on your bed. You were brushing your hair after your shower, standing by the dresser when you set the hairbrush down. 
“You’re sure you don't want the air mattress ?” You ask, earning you a small smile. 
“I’m good here, thanks.” 
“You sure?” you teased, walking over to the bed. Lance pulls you into his side when you get on the bed, your arm draped over his torso. He nods, kissing your head. 
The room is quiet for a bit, the two of you laying comfortable silence for a bit before Lance finally speaks up. “How do you feel about lunch by the lake tomorrow ?” 
“Why do I feel like you’ve already made reservations?” 
“I did, but I can cancel-” “No, it's perfect.” 
Once again, you two slipped into comfortable silence but Lance’s behaviour at dinner was digging at you and you had to ask him. 
“Lance?” you call. 
“Y/n.” He answers. 
“Are you okay ? Mom mentioned Montreal and you just sorta.. shut down.” 
“I’m okay.” 
“I’m here if you want to talk though; about anything.” You sit up, looking at your boyfriend. Lance smiles at you, kissing your hand. “I know sugar plum, thank you.” 
You lay beside him again, your leg over his and your head on his chest. Lance wraps his arms around you. Things felt.. different. You couldn’t necessarily place if it was in a good way or a bad way. Things shifted after dinner with his parents, once again, neither of you said anything; You just kept acting like nothing happened. 
It wasn't that you didn’t love him or that Lance didn’t love you. 
Things were uneasy. 
Surely it was nothing. 
Nothing a vacation couldn’t fix, right ? 
Lakeshore was relatively empty, which was surprising considering that you’d always find at least a few people there. You two had finished lunch at your favourite restaurant not so long ago and were now taking a walk by the lake. Your arm linked with his, pointing out spots along the city line and giving him little facts. You had spent quite a few nights venturing the city with your friends when you were in high school, even if that meant you’d get in trouble with your parents for staying out past curfew. 
That was the difference between you and Lance; you got to live a normal teenager life, getting in trouble for staying out past curfew or having your parents pick you up when you had too much to drink were things Lance never experienced. His whole life had been karting, which turned into the path of getting into F1. 
You sat on the bench, admiring the view as Lance looked around. “Sugar plum?” 
“Yeah,” you look over at him. “Not to alarm you or anything, but there's a guy who’s staring at you.” He says, his arm over your shoulder. 
“Where?” you glance around, finally spotting the person. “Fucking Ben, how do I keep running into this motherfucker?” 
Lance’s jaw hangs open, looking at you with sheer amusement. “What?” you ask him, pushing your sunglasses into your hair. 
“I’ve never heard your swear before,” he laughs, a grin on his face. “Okay but what’s his deal? He keeps staring at you. It's weird.” 
“He’s a fucking weirdo, not to mention a cheater -- but remember we bumped into him last time we were here?” 
Lance thinks back to the few weeks ago that you two were walking the streets of Toronto. He remembers pulling you away from some guy that asked you were friends and you looked so uncomfortable. Lance instinctively put an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. 
“Yeah, I remember; you said he was a cheater? Did he..” “Yeah, with his sister,” you cleared your throat. 
“What ?!” Lance looks at you, distraught at what he just heard. 
“His sister’s best friend; god, he’s a cheater but he’s not into incest.” You laughed. “I mean, we only dated for a few months during my first year of college but he’s had this weird obsession with me.” 
“Are you serious ?” Lance goes to get up and you grab his arm, pulling him back now. “Okay so we're not gonna fight my weirdo ex in the park babe.” 
“Why not?” Lance glances over at the guy walking toward you. “Because I'm not gonna bail you out of jail.” 
“I won’t go to jail.. I'm Lance Stroll.” he says, making you laugh. 
“Honey, that was so rich boy, white privilege of you to say.” 
Lance could see Ben making a beeline for you two and and he pulls you into him, kissing you. You’re confused by the sudden affection but you go with it, leaning into your boyfriend. Lance is still kissing you long after Ben walks away and you finally pull away from him, your hand resting on his. 
“What was that about?”
“Nothing, I can’t show my girlfriend some love?” 
“No, you can but that was so random.” You chuckles, getting up. The clouds were rolling in, the on and off heat came with the threat of rain which was looking like it was going to come down any second. Lance gets up too, his hand reaching for yours as you walk back to the car. 
“You know I love you, right?” He asks, looking over at you.
“Yeah I love me too,” you joked, he nudged you with his shoulder. “No, I love you too.” You smiled at him. 
The next 2 days go by so quickly, Lance is in a better mood surprisingly. You two ended up just spending the days around the neighbourhood, you showed him all the places you hung out as a kid, where you had your first kiss - yes, he demanded to be your last kiss there. Your parents drove you and Lance to the airport, wishing you both well whilst your mother squished you both into a hug. 
She made you both promise to be safe and not get into any trouble, and to send her lots of photos. 
Five days of bliss. The two of you spent every waking hour together, as you did while you slept. 
There were no secrets, no hidden kisses or stolen glances. 
Lance held your hand, kissed you in the streets, spun you around and watched your dress spin as you laughed, hugging him as you walked together. It really was a dream. 
The two of you laid in bed, the doors to the balcony open and the warm breeze blowing past the curtains. “We should get up soon,” you whisper to the man, his eyes closed. 
“Why ?” 
“Your sister will be here soon.” 
Lance groans, “can’t we pretend that we’re not here? Hide from the world a little longer.” 
“We can hide from the world as long as you want, Lance. We both know your sister will show up regardless.” You laughed, cuddling into his side. 
Time had sped up and slowed down over the last 5 days. 
The days had gone by so quickly and yet, it felt like time hadn’t moved at all. You two spent the last few days tangled in the sheets, cuddled up together, in your own little bubble. 
“No, we can ignore the door.” He mumbles against your skin, kissing along your shoulder. Lance pulls you on top of him, letting you straddle him. 
“Chloe will-” “Stop talking.” Lance says, kissing you. You pull away and sit up, “Lance, this place is a mess. We have to at least pick up the trail of clothes on the stairs before they get here.” 
He props himself up on his elbows, looking at you. “I whisk you off to Italy for a week of romance and you’re thinking about cleaning up?”
“I’m a simple woman, Lance. I promise if you let me clean that up, we can spend the rest of the afternoon in bed.” 
“No,” Lance pulls you back from getting off the bed, you fall flat onto his chest. “You’re trouble, Stroll.” 
“You love trouble,” he pinches your side, rolling you both over so you’re caged under him. “Trapped now hm?” He smiles, leaning down to kiss you once again.  
It’s greedy, the two of you fighting for dominance; hands all over each other, and Lance pushes your legs apart, sliding down between them. “Could spend all day here,” his finger drags up the inside of your thigh. 
“You did - yesterday.” 
“And I'll do it again,” he says between the trail of kisses being left down your stomach. “Shut up,” you laugh and he smiles, biting your thigh softly. 
You go to wiggle away from him and escape but Lance grabs your hips, holding you in place. Before he could get his mouth on you again, there's pounding on the door downstairs. Lance groans, dropping his head onto your stomach. 
“Lance!! Y/n!! You two up there?!” Chloe shouts from outside, you can hear her from the opened windows. 
“Looks like we’ve gotta get up,” you whisper to Lance who rolls off you, groaning as he gets dressed.
You pull some shorts and one of Lance’s shirts and you head down to open the door, telling Lance to pick up the clothes he pulled off you last night before you let them in. When you open the door, you’re tackled by Chloe with a hug, the blonde squeezing you as her fiancé wheels the suitcases through the door. 
“Are you tired?” She asks you, you’re caught off guard by her question as she goes over to hug her brother who came downstairs. 
“No?” you answer, confused. 
“I’m going to take a shower then, we’re going shopping because I need a dress for tomorrow.” 
It was currently Friday, Chloe and Scotty’s pre wedding event was tomorrow and their friends would be arriving in the morning so last minute things were being handled this afternoon. 
“Aren't you tired?” You look over at her, she was clearly bouncing with energy. “No, I slept on the jet. I’ll be ready in an hour.” She smiles at you, jogging up the stairs to go shower. 
“She’s always like that,” Scotty chimes in, smiling at the girl who was up the stairs now. 
“Don’t you think she’ll need her stuff?” Lance asks his brother in law, the two of them taking the suitcases upstairs. 
About an hour later, you and Chloe meet in the kitchen. You were watching Scotty attempt slow dancing with Lance as his partner, the two of them laughing at themselves and their horrible attempt.
“Ready?” She asks you, kissing Scotty goodbye. 
“Yeah,” you smile, getting up off the stool. 
Lance grabs your hand, pulling you to him. The music still playing from the speaker on the counter, he spun you around before pulling you back to him, swaying to the music. The moment reminded you of the one you two shared at your cousin’s wedding -- it felt like forever ago but it had only been a few months if that. 
Chloe smiled at her brother and his girlfriend, nudging Scotty for him to look at the couple in love. 
You look up at Lance, your arms over his shoulders with your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Love you,” you smile. 
“Love you more,” he smiles back, giving you a kiss before letting you go. 
You barely have time to grab your purse before Chloe is dragging you out the door and down the cobblestone pathway. The walk into town from the villa was all but ten minutes, the two of you chatting the whole way. She asked what you two had been up to since you got to Italy and you gave her the PG version of the story, no need to traumatize her with the dirty details. 
The two of you stop into a little boutique just on the outskirts of the town, you and Chloe pick out a million options and you sit and watch as she shows you each one. 
As the time rolled on, you thought about what if it was you in her position; trying on dresses for your wedding to Lance. 
A silly thought was your first reaction. 
But it was possible, you were both grown enough to be married. Sure, you’re still young but there are millions of people who get married at your age. 
Maybe this means something -- all these feelings, the hidden kisses in the hallways, the quiet getaways, the sneaking out of hotel rooms; it all adds up to one thing. 
You were in love with Lance Stroll and ready to tell the world. 
Chloe’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. “What do we think?” She had on a little two piece set, white and sparkly with the tassels that shook when she spun around -- it was giving Great Gatsby but in a good way. 
“Stunning,” you smiled, “I think this is the one.” 
“I think so too,” she runs a hand over the skirt, admiring the outfit. “Oh, I was thinking we should have dinner tonight, just the 4 of us before all the craziness tomorrow.” She tells you, walking back to the fitting room. 
“Yeah! That sounds nice, are we heading home to change or should I call the guys?” 
“We’ll head home, I think we could both use some rest plus I don't want to drag this around,” she calls out to you. 
On that note, you two head back to the villa and relax for a bit, taking your time to get dressed for dinner before you all head out. It’s a warm night, the breeze blowing cool despite the heat. You all sat outside the restaurant, the last of the second bottle of wine was being emptied into Scotty’s glass as you chatted. 
You leaned into Lance as you laughed at something he whispered to you, your nose brushed against his cheek, his arm around you and holding you close to him. 
Chloe took that moment to sneak a photo of you two, keeping it for later. 
It’s barely noon and the house was already full of Chloe and Scotty’s friends. It was a little overwhelming but the ones that you have been introduced to were more than nice. 
You had snuck away from the crowded villa to go take a shower, hiding away from all the noise for a bit. You didn’t get much sleep the night before considering that Lance wanted to make up for the fact that he didn’t get to have any fun - his words - before his sister showed up and interrupted you both. 
The noise was coming through the closed door, you glanced at your appearance in the mirror once more before opening the door. Lance was already downstairs and last you saw him, he was chatting with one of Scotty’s friends about the inner workings of an F1 car. 
Just as you headed down the stairs, a familiar face caught your eye and you caught theirs. 
The curly haired man turned your way, dropping his bags by the staircase as he grins at you. “Y/n bear!!” he shouts, you jog down the stairs and Daniel reaches up and wraps his arms around you, pulling you down the last two steps. 
“Danny Ric!” you laughed, your arms over his shoulders as he gave you a squeeze. 
The Australian leaves his bag by the stairs, his arm over your shoulder as you walk into the kitchen together. You stop by the counter with him, you two chatting for a bit before Lance notices you two there. Daniel was making you laugh, you were slightly hunched over and your hand pressed to your stomach as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Hi sugar plum,” Lance slides in behind you, his arm around your torso. 
“Hey,” you call, wiping away the tears in your eyes. 
“Hey man,” Daniel nods at the younger driver, “Hey,” Lance nods back. 
You can feel Lance tense up behind you, his grip on you tightening a bit. You pat his hand, shifting so you were leaning on the counter between the two men. “How do you two know each other ?” Lance finally asks the question nagging at him. 
“I usually eat lunch with the McLaren girls and I’ve bumped into Danny a few times.” You tell him, smiling at Daniel as you do. 
Hearing you call him ‘Danny’ irritated him. You didn’t even have a nickname for him - there’s not really a way to shorten Lance but still, that wasn't the point right now.  
The point was that you two were too close for his liking. 
That afternoon, Chloe and Scotty’s closest friends watched them share a few quiet vows before their actual wedding in a few months. 
The villa decked out in cheesy wedding decorations, today’s event was more about having fun than style. The theme was all white, everyone wearing something white, one way or the other. 
You had on a white satin dress with a slit on the left side while Lance opted for a white button up that was only buttoned up half way at this point. 
The party was well underway, the place full of people and the drinks, laughs and conversations were flowing. You and Lance cuddled up on the lounger on the back patio, the two of you having a moment to yourself before the backdoors reopen and some people come stumbling out. 
“Hey hey!” Daniel shouts at you two, grinning. You smile at the tipsy Aussie, “Danny, take a photo for me?” You reach for your phone and hand it over to him. 
You pull Lance up, you shift to his side and his arm finds its way to your waist. The two of you look at each other lovingly as you rest a hand on his chest. Daniel takes a few of you guys, catching the kiss you share for a moment. Daniel hands the phone back to you before reaching for his own. 
“Lance mate, take one for me? Also, can I borrow her?” Daniel hands the phone over, pulling you to his side before calling someone over. Micheal finds his way to your left side, you didn’t even know he was there as well. You three wrap your arms around each other, smiling at the camera. 
“One more,” Daniel leans in and kisses you on the cheek. That was the breaking point for him. Lance hands the phone back to Daniel, sitting on the lounger now. 
Before Lance could get a chance to talk to you, his sister comes outside. “Y/n! Come dance!” She runs over, grabbing your hand and dragging you inside with her. You give your boyfriend an apologetic look as you follow Chloe into the villa. 
Lance had been grumpy for the rest of the night, the affection shared between you and Daniel - two friends, nothing more- pushed him over the edge. 
You were dancing with Chloe, the two of you up on the coffee table when she leans into you, shouting over the music. “Where's Lance?!” 
Shrugging, you look around. “I don't know!” You look around once more, your eye catching Daniel and Scotty playing beer pong but Lance wasn't with them. 
“I’ll look for him!” You tell her, getting off the table and looking around before heading out the backdoors. If you hadn’t seen him inside, maybe he was outside. 
Much to your surprise, Lance wasn't where you left him.
You ventured further into the yard, there's a little pathway that leads down to a garden and you can see a shadow. 
Lance was sitting on the bench, his back to you when you stopped behind him. “What’re you doing all the way down here?” Your voice startles him momentarily. “Your sister is looking for you.” 
“Needed some air.” 
“You’re outside, there's air everywhere.” You tease, folding your arms over your chest. The dress wasn’t very thick and it happened to be chilly down there for some reason - maybe the lack of people. “Seriously, what’s up?” You ask him. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He turns to face you finally. 
“What?” You ask him, visibly confused.
“You keep our relationship a secret but you let Daniel kiss you and post it for the world to see?” 
“Daniel didn’t kiss-” you sigh, was he really upset over a kiss on the cheek? “Lance, are you serious right now?” 
“Are you ashamed of me? What’s the problem ?” He looks at you, he's standing to face you now. 
You scoff, shaking your head. “You think I'm ashamed of you? Lance, c’mon. You can't be serious right now. Daniel and I are just friends, nothing more.” 
“Doesn’t seem that way.” He spits. 
You roll your eyes at his childish behaviour. “You’re being an ass right now, you know that, right? If you stop shouting and listen to me, then you’d know that I’m ready to tell everyone.” 
“You’re saying that because I made a big deal out of it.” 
“Lance, what the fuck do you want me to say? I’m telling you how I feel and you don’t even care to listen. I’m trying to tell you that I'm ready to do what you wanted all along and now you’re upset?” 
“Maybe we shouldn't - maybe we call it off before we put it out there.” He says. 
“What ?” You ask, unsure what caused the sudden change. 
“Who says this is the right choice, y/n? We barely knew each other for a week before we jumped into this. It shouldn’t have turned into more.” 
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes, you blink them away and let out a shaky breath -- Don’t let him see you like that. Don’t give him the satisfaction. 
“I didn’t force you to date me, Lance. Need I remind you whose idea it was to come along with me? I gave you an out more than once. Why’d you let it go so far? Take me to meet your parents? Take me on vacation? Get me to be friends with your sister? Was it all some game to you? You just wanted a distraction for the summer? Was that it?” 
Lance didn’t get a chance to answer you. Scotty shouting to you both as he jogs down the pathway, stumbling over his feet for a moment before getting his balance back. “What are you doing back here? Chloe wants photos!” Scotty grabs your hand and Lance’s, pulling you two up to the pathway back to the villa where Chloe stood. 
“There you guys are,” she smiles, pulling her brother to her side. 
The two of them take a photo together before calling you and Scotty over. The happy couple in the middle, you’re beside Scotty and Lance is still beside his sister. The 4 of you smile at the camera, the crowd unaware that you and Lance were at odds at the moment. 
Lance was being held in conversation with his sister and you go to move away from them and step inside but Scotty grabs your arm. He waves the photographer back over, “take one of me and my new sister!” He grins, wrapping his arm over your shoulder. 
You two posed identically to Chloe and Lance a moment ago; your arms around his torso and his arm around your shoulder as you grinned at the camera. 
It broke your heart to know this would be the last time you saw them in this context; after tonight, it would go back to you being an intern and that was that. 
“You alright ?” Scotty asks you, the two of you letting go of each other. You nod, smiling. “Just have a bit of a headache, I’m gonna lay down for a bit.” 
“Do you want me to get Lance?” 
“No, no. I’m fine.” You smile, stepping to the villa. 
You walk through the crowds and make your way up the stairs to the room you had been sharing with Lance. You pick up the clothes, makeup, and whatever else you had scattered along the room and shove it into the suitcase. 
You catch your reflection in the mirror as you pack your makeup bag. 
The green emerald hung on your neck, a reminder of what used to be. 
Tugging on the clasp, you take it off and set it on the dresser. 
You shove the last of your stuff into the suitcase and zip it shut. Quickly scribbling down an apology, telling Chloe and Scotty that a family emergency came up and you needed to leave, you didn’t want to disturb them. You slip into their room, dropping the folded paper on the counter before you quietly drag the suitcase down the stairs, almost everyone was outside so you weren’t noticed as you slipped out the front doors, 
A cab took you to the airport, you found your way to the departures desk and booked yourself onto the next flight back to London, which was conveniently in a few hours; long enough for you to be gone before anyone realizes. 
The last few days of summer break were used for team building, last minute tweaks and finally a thank you event to the team from the bosses at headquarters. 
Since your abrupt return to London, you received a few messages. 
A very upset Chloe; you should have told her you needed to leave and she would have gotten you the jet to any where you needed rather than waiting at the airport and spending all that money - the luxuries of being rich.  
Both Scotty and Daniel had messaged to see if you got back home okay and to let you know that you can message them if you needed anything. 
You replied to all 3 of them, assuring them you were fine and thanking them for their kindness. 
The one person you had been secretly looking for hadn’t popped up on your phone yet. 
Your phone chimed while you were getting ready, you figured it was Sebastian who was coming to pick you up since your car was in the shop at the moment. 
From Sebastian Vettel: Be there in a few, you ready ? 
To Sebastian Vettel: Yup, all set. 
It really was only a few minutes since he messaged and then there’s a knock on the door. “Come in!” You shout, assuming it’s Sebastian. You figured he’s make some joke about how he could have been a murderer and you left the door unlocked, which would turn into a safety lecture but you hear the door open and shut, and then it goes quiet. 
“Seb ?” You call out, stepping out of your bedroom and walking down the hallway.  
You turn the corner with a little more caution, unsure who has entered your apartment.  You let out a breath of relief when you see him, but then relief was overtaken by anger. 
“Why are you here?” You ask him. 
“I need to talk to you.” 
“You need to get the fuck out my apartment, Lance. I don't want to talk to you.” 
“I know I fucked up, okay? I didn’t expect you to just up and leave. I know I was stupid, I want to fix this.. please.” 
“I don't care, Lance. Please get out, I have to go.” 
There's another knock on the door, the door wasn't fully closed so the blonde stuck his head through the doorway. “You really shouldn’t leave your door unlocked, y/n. That’s dangerous.” Sebastian calls as he steps in. 
“Hi Seb, you ready? Because I am.” You grab your phone and keys, pushing past Lance to step out. You leave your keys with Seb and he nods, telling you he’d lock up. 
Sebastian waits until he hears the elevator door ding and shut before he turns to Lance. “What’s going on with you two? Because I know you two are.. seeing each other and while I don’t mind picking her up, I don’t get why she didn’t ask you.” 
Lance sighs, running a hand down his face. Red flag number one to Sebastian, he waits for the younger driver to explain Lance tells him all about Italy and the argument and how he said things he didn’t mean; he was angry and he wasn’t thinking. 
“Did you tell her that?” The German asks him, Lance shakes his head. “She wouldn't let me.” 
“You know you have to start talking with her, she won’t give you the chance if you don’t show her.” 
Lance sighs and even after a bad race, Sebastian has never seen him look so defeated. Sebastian rests a hand on his shoulder as they step out, Sebastian locks the door. “I’ll talk to her.. at least try too.” 
“Yeah, thanks man.” Lance nods, opting to take the stairs rather than the elevator. 
Sebastian meets you by the car, unlocking it before you two get in and he pulls out of the parking lot. You two sit in comfortable silence for a bit before Sebastian speaks up. 
“How was your break?” 
“It was fine, I went to see my parents for a bit. You?” 
“That’s nice. Hanna and I spent the time with the kids, you know how they are.”He smiles and you nod, smiling. “How was Italy?” He finally asks and you look over at him, confused. 
“How’d you- hm.” The dots connect in your head. Seb hums, glancing over at you. You sigh, shrugging. “Nothing to really say.” You tell him.
“Okay. You stay quiet, I'll talk. I think you and Lance need to speak like adults. Stop sulking and beating around the bush, that won’t help.” He tells you, pressing the gas and the car rumbles under you, pulling off from the stoplight in a speed. 
“What you two have is special, how often does someone find the person they love so young?” 
“I know you’re using you and Hanna as an example, but you two are different. You were made for each other.” You tell him, picking at the nail polish on your finger. 
“Y/n, come on. I know you're a smart girl. If you really think that you won’t get back with him, at least do him the decency of telling him that.” Sebastian tells you, pulling into the parking lot. 
“I suppose,” you hum, getting out of the car. 
You and Sebastian head in together. The main lobby was already full, the people scattered through the building, the music playing and the drinks flowing. There were cars arranged to take everyone home and because of that, everyone was enjoying the open bar. 
Lance hadn't arrived yet or if he had, you hadn't seen him yet which was good. 
Some point during dinner, you had to see him. He and Sebastian climbed onto the top steps, mics in hand as they thanked the crew, the factory and everyone else in between for all their hard work.
You could feel Lance’s eyes on you but you avoided his gaze, looking at everything but him. 
After dinner, you join some of the mechanics by the bar, the group laughing about something one of them said. Lance walks up to the group, the guys saying hello and he answers but his eyes are once again, fixed on you. 
“Y/n, can I speak to you?” 
“Is that necessary right now? I’m in the middle of a conversation, Lance.” 
“I’m sure they won’t mind, do you mind boys?” 
There’s a chorus of no and of course not, man fuck these guys right now. 
You begrudgingly follow Lance up the stairs and down the hallway, you see Seb smiling at you before returning to his own conversation. 
You two step into a conference room, Lance switches on the blinding white lights. The wooden table in the middle of the room, dark green leather chairs around it. 
“I’m sorry.” He breaks the silence. 
“I didn’t mean it like that. I was upset and I lashed out; I shouldn't have.” Lance sighs, looking at you. “I’m.. scared, y/n. What if things don’t work out for us? What if you decide not to come back to Aston Martin next year? What are we going to do?” 
“I don’t know, Lance.” 
“I realized your future is tied to mine.” He tells you and your brows pull together. “What do you mean?” You ask him. 
“If I piss off my dad, I can get another contract or I can figure out my own shit but he won’t do that to me; he’ll use you like a pawn, take your job away from you because of my stupid decision.” 
“I don’t think he'd do that,” you tell Lance, “he knows you and I are two different people.” 
“You don't get it, y/n. I can’t lose you because I was stupid.” 
“Who says you haven’t already lost me, Lance?” You ask him. 
His face goes pale, like all the blood from his body had been drained. The poor guy looked like he was going to pass out. 
Of course, you felt bad and you wanted him back but he hadn't even reached out to you since you left Italy and then he just showed up to your apartment and now he’s got you trapped in some conference room. 
“I- That’s it?” He asks you quietly, afraid if he says it any louder, he’ll break down. 
“If we do this- and I'm not saying we will- but we have to start over. Everything is voided, normal people doing on normal dates, no whisking me off on vacations, no spoiling me, none of that.” 
“I don’t want to start over.” 
“Those are the terms, Lance.” 
“I don’t want to lose you and I don’t want to start over.” 
“I don’t know what you want me to say-” Lance cuts you off, his lips meeting yours. 
Your hands find his face, it’s like second nature at this point. Your body fits against his like it was meant to be there. 
“This won’t solve anything,” you mumbles against his lips. 
“Step by step.” He whispers back, kissing you once more. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Yours starts buzzing too. You share a glance before checking your phones. 
@.ChloeStroll tagged you in a post. 
It was a photo dump from Italy, the photo of you and Lance from dinner worked in between the scenery and photos of her and Scotty. 
“There goes the secret.” He whispers, looking over at you. 
“I guess so.” You hum, looking at him. 
“We can be professional about this, right?” He asks, his words bringing you back to the same ones you told him all those months ago in your bedroom. 
You smile. “Professional, of course.”
taglist: @timetoracewrites @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @halsteadssneakylink @dragon-of-winterfell @benedictscanvas @elisaa-shelby @hnmaga-blog @czechoslovakiandisco @dr3lover @troybolton14 @Lovingroscoee @compulsiveshit @somanyfandomsbruh @damnyoulifee​ @barzysreputation​@sunflowerr-mami // everyone who left me such sweet comments on part one: @tifosifam @ouhaika @oultonparks @lovelytsunoda @thirst-trapnhl @ifancycharlesleclerc @ferrarifwendvale @rainyinfluencerpersona @skarlettmikaelson @themimi18 @symmi @lightsoutpierre​ 
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scrollonso · 2 months
idk how it’s gonna sound butttt… a new au where lance is single dad and nando is a stepdad 🥹 i’m dead every time i get to see nando with children GIVE THIS MAN A KID😭
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TYSM FOR THIS REQUEST,, rn it's just a little blurb but I might make it a little more once i finish First Kiss 😭 (1.5k words)
Lance pulled into their new driveway, his daughter screaming excitedly behind him
"We're here, Lilah, wanna look at your new room before we take in groceries?" He said, not really meaning the we, a three year old girl wasn't much help.
"Yes, please!" She shouted, signing please on her chest. Lance had made sure to teach her sign language before she learned to properly speak, before she was born he had joined a "mummy and me" facebook group looking for help and that was one of the many things he was told to do.
Lance hummed, turning off the car and going back to take Delilah out of her carseat, helping her step out of the car before heading inside.
It was a gorgeous house in a safe neighbourhood, Lance figured as she got older living in a one bedroom apartment would get harder and harder so as soon as he had the chance he asked his best friend Esteban for help in house hunting and eventually moving the furniture in. Delilah's mom decided she didn't want to be in her life almost right agter giving birth to her, it had been scary, being a single dad at 22, but he had such a great support system and an even greater little girl.
"Come on, daddy" She spoke, snapping him out of his thoughts as she tugged on his pants leg
"Yes, yes, let's go baby" Lance smiled, quick to swoop her up and carry her upstairs to her bedroom, already adorned with all of her favourite things. The walls were painted a pale blue with cloud lights hanging from the ceiling, at the apartment they had before she was always sneaking out to play outside so he hoped making her room feel outside would limit that.
"This is mine, daddy?" She asked, looking away from all the toys, books, and stuffed animals to face her dad
"Yes, princess, all yours" He nodded, not able to help the wide grin on his face as hers lit up
"Thank you, daddy!" She signed again, holding her arms up to her dad to ask for a hug, he was quick to accept, squeezing her tight as she giggled
"You can play up here while I bring in groceries, okay? Then I'll make you lunch" He pulled away, the little girl nodding and running to the toy chest in the corner of her room to see what was in it as Lance made his way downstairs.
He finally finished putting away the gorceries, wandering back upstairs to ask Delilah what she wanted
"Lilah, are you hungry?" He spoke before walking into the room, startled at the emptiness "Lilah?" He called again, now beginning to panic at the absence of his daughter.
Delilah peeked past a tall white fence, eyes locking on a man who was laying down in the sun, he looked like he was sleeping
"Excuse me?" She spoke, the small voice causing the man to open his eyes
"Hello, sweetie" He spoke, sitting up and shooting her a puzzled look, wondering where she came from. He could tell by the change of her expression that she'd never head an accent like his before
"My daddy said laying in the sun causes you to get red and hurt" She spoke matter-of-factly
"Your daddy sounds very smart, where are your mommy and daddy now?" He asked, now a little concerned
"My daddy is in the kitchen, mommy left"
Fernando tried to hide his shock at the bluntness of the little girl, just nodding at her words
"I see, where is your kitchen?"
"In my new house!" She said with emotion for the first time "Me and my daddy just moved in, he painted my walls blue and i have clouds in my rooms sky!"
He couldn't help but smile at the talkative little girl, part of him worried at how quickly she was to be comfortable around a stranger
"Do you remember which house is yours?"
"Uhm..." She trailed off, tapping a finger on her chin before swiftly shaking her head and muttering a nuh-uh
Fernando nodded, standing up from his chair and holding out his hand "Let me help you find it"
"My daddy said I shouldn't go places with strangers"
The Spaniard couldn't help but laugh, this little girl wandered into his backyard and now that he was trying to return her she was worried about him being a stranger
"I pinky promise I'm nice, I just don't want your poor daddy worrying about you, sweetie"
"My daddy isn't poor! My poppy says we have all the money"
"Of course, Sorry for assuming" Fernando smiled down at her, crouching and holding out his hand "Now, how about we get you back to your rich daddy?"
She furrowed her eyebrows, her small thinking face was extremely endearing. She held out her pinky to the strangers hand "Pinky promise you're not mean"
He locked pinkies with her right away, shaking their hands a little bit before standing up "I pinky promise"
"Okay!" She smiled, grabbing onto two of the mans fingers as they walked, Fernando almost not noticing how she was just staring up at him
"You need to look for your daddy, not at me, sweetie"
"You're handsome, do you wanna meet my daddy?"
"Do I-" He laughed, shaking his head at the little girls comment as he picked her up "Let's focus on getting you home"
Lance was horrified, he checked every room in the house before realizing he didn't shut the door after bringing groceries in, leaving the house to see the white gate was open too
"Fuck, oh my god." He muttered under his breath, trying to stop himself from pulling his hair out as he look around the yards and sidewalks nearby. Delilah was smart, she was cautious most of the time so he knew she wouldn't have crossed the street without a hand to hold but he also knew she was way too friendly
"Daddy!" He heard a voice call after what felt like forever, his head turned to the voice and before he knew it he was scooping her up from the strangers arms, hardly acknowledging him
"God, Lilah, You can't do this now that we have a new house, I had no idea where you where."
"I met a nice man, daddy! He's just like those guys you call cute in the movies!"
Lance had to stop himself from covering her mouth, taking a deep breath before turning to the man
"I'm so-" Fuck. Delilah was so right. He was just like the guys he calls cute in the movies, he was gorgeous, Lance almost collapsed at the sight of the brunette man in front of him
"I'm Fernando" The older man spoke, holding a hand out to the young dad "I live two houses down"
"Hi, I'm Lance" He smiled, taking the (audibly) Spanish mans hand with no hesitation "Thank you so much for bringing her back, please don't think badly about me this doesn't usually happen" He tried to laugh it off to hide his embarrassment
"Is okay, she was great company."
"Are your kids older?" Lance asked, figuring that since the man was so amazing with Delilah right away he mustve beem a dad
"I wish, no, Is just me"
"Oh" Lance nodded, hoping his excitement wasn't visible
"Daddy, he's single!" The little girl whispered (very loudly), Fernando smiling at the pair
"Lilah, You can't just-" He began to speak
"Are you-" Fernando started, both of them pausing to let the other speak "Would you want to get coffee or something? Sometime, or not, is okay if no"
Lance laughed, something so charming about the comdination of the mans accent and flustered blabbering "I'd love to, I hope you don't mind if Delilah tags along?"
"Of course, could I have your number? To plan, of course"
"Yes, to plan" Lance smiled, taking the phone Fernando was holding out to him and putting in the numbers "Can't wait, Fernando"
He smiled, nodding at the two before stepping back to leave "I'll see you soon?" He half questioned half stated, Lance begining to respond before Delilah cut him off
"Yes! Bye bye, Nando!"
"Do you like him daddy" Was the first thing out of the girls lips once they got inside, her dads face flushing at the suggestion
"I think its bedtime" He teased, picking her up as she began wiggling in his arms
"Daddy, no!" She giggled, trying to squirm her way away from him "I'm gonna tell Nando to not go out with you if you make me go to sleep!"
"Fine" He groaned, a smile on his face right after, looking forward to whatever was to come with him and the Spaniard (and his little princess)
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sweetpeapoppy · 10 months
For the lovely @inestahr
Black fireproofs. Mark had spotted Fernando across the paddock walking around like he was completely unaware of the effect he was having. Black. Fireproofs. He needed to see it with his own eyes, so pulling down his sunglasses he foolishly left himself completely unable to manage a coherent thought. He was sat in a golf buggy with some guests of Red Bull, supposedly giving them the full pitlane experience, but all he could do was sit open-mouthed as Fernando fucking Alonso walked by in black fireproofs.
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landonorrizz · 7 months
- big reputation (charles leclerc) @astonmartinii
- bite the hand (max verstappen) @astonmartinii
- bucket hat almighty (lando norris) @lorarri
- i remember it all too well (lewis hamilton) @leclercsainzz
- say don’t go / invisible stings / lacy @piastriswag
- illicit affairs (lewis hamilton) @jesssssssssica
- salute to me, im your american queen (charles leclerc) @solaireverie
- tis the dilf season (jenson button) @beiasluv
- no 1 fan (george russell) @princepiastri
- i almost do / being again / slut (logan & daniel) @maddiericciardostroll
- everything is papaya (lando & mason) @dannyricsmirrorball
- 1989 (daniel ricciardo) @dannyricsmirrorball
- angels talking (lando norris) @yourmomxx
- i only day cowboys (daniel ricciardo) @lorarri
- mr & mrs (max verstappen) @lewisvinga
- illicit affairs / pt2 / pt 3 (lando & tom blyth) @leclercsainzz
- just propose goddamnit (lando norris) @povlnfour
- stop and think for a second (max verstappen) @lorarri
- ex’s and oh’s (f1 drivers) @lorarri
- heaven knows (lando norris) @folkloresthings
- ballads of lovebirds and puppy dogs (lando norris) @astonmartinii
- is it over now? (charles leclerc) @rhaenella
- everyone wants to be loved (charles leclerc & mason mount) @livin4mybabes
- i want sweet revenge and i want him again / you were my summer love (pierre gasly) @love-belle
- all i want is you (charles leclerc) @cl6teen
- a different light (max verstappen) @userlando
- love is just a word (pierre & carlos) @oyesmendes
- back at it again (charles leclerc) @libraryofloveletters
- what we know (charles leclerc) @cherry-leclerc
- the folklore love triangle (lewis & carlos) @jesssssssssica
- wild nights (charles leclerc) @dilemmaontwolegs
- love of my life (daniel ricciardo) @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass
- you belong with me (lando norris) @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass
- changed like midnight (max verstappen) @leclercsbunny
- down the aisle (charles leclerc) @writingstoraes
- 90 days (charles leclerc) @writingstoraes
- you gotta move, or move on (charles leclerc) @absolutelynotmate-archive
- my english love affair (lando norris) @ln444
- live fast, die young (carlos sainz) @ch3rryknots
- i can take it (charles leclerc) @ch3rryknots
- congratulations (charles leclerc) @cartierre
- my tears ricochet (lance stroll) @magnummagnussen
- the only one (lando norris) @mirohlayo
- strawberry wine / everywhere, everything (daniel ricciardo) @formulaforza
- every goddam inch of your skin is mine (lando norris) @amaranthineghost
- where do we go now? (pierre gasly) @oconso
- when you’re ready (carlos sainz) @formulaforza
- all eyes on her (daniel ricciardo) @thef1diary
- cardinal sins (daniel ricciardo) @monzamash
- love will always show @vetteltea
- green eyes / brown eyes (charles & carlos) @vetteltea
109 notes · View notes
Voltron Season Seven
For me, it was a great season
The paladins developed not just separately but as unit. We got to have flashbacks of Shiro and Keith which gave way for more character developement for both characters and they both matured. I also love Romelle integrated in the team and was not a useless civilian. Great Coran development. In fact, I always liked how the side characters contributed to the plot.
And they did not dissapoint. I love how the paladins families were intergrated into the story. I loved seeing the paladins reuniting with their families. I like the galaxy garrison cadets. They are fresh characters. I liked how they didn’t make James Griffin a asshole. I bet Hagar and the druids are the final bad guy maybe lotor he could have survived and went of the quitensence field another way. I liked how every had a moment some ships more than others. But I have to say I don’t see acxa and Keith becoming mainly because it seems too opened ended. Allurance is cute but, I do feel that Lance would be rebound for Allura. Also, I don’t see Lance leaving earth to lead a altean colony. Allura could end up not becoming leader of her people but, it isn’t likely. Honestly, I did not like Adam he was being selfish and didn’t bother to think Shiro feelings at all. He didn’t even hear Shiro out. We all know Shiro gonna be with Matt or some other lucky dude. I love how atlas is a another voltron.
Kallura and Plance are my Otp. I think they click the most and benefit each other plot wise the most.
Also, the writer did gives a lgbt couple Ezor and Zepthrid there is no way those two are not a thing. It not of the blue because a lot can happen in three years. Krolia and the blade of mamora dude ( I keep forgetting his name.) Hunk and Shay was beautiful. There is still season eight and if our ships don’t become canon there is fan fiction , fan art , Amv’s to live. I have terrible terrible luck when it comes to ships well too terrible luck but still pretty bad but I will stop liking what I ship. I for one will respect the creator decisions even if it is not what I want.
Hunk was amazing in this season
He is definition of bravery in my opinion. But, more than he is the literal rock of the group. When everyone fighting and going crazy form being lost in space he was the one to clear everyone head and make them work together.
I can’t wait for the next season when the gang leaves to fight Hagar and can’t wait for a Allura arc.
Like Keith apologized for his behavior as a cadet and like ivernson again like James is not a one dimensional douchebag. Throughout the series we watched these guys grow separately and together and season seven displayed their deep bond and changing them from teenager to mature young adults and I cannot wait for season 8.
What I didn’t like
1. Allura spent the whole of season gaining power from oriande and now it is used up? That doesn’t make any sense to. And why did no no one mention that she broke them out of the Druid spell like no one brought that up again.
2. Captain holt and Mrs. Holt attitude
I get that the world could be attacked and you need to start preparing but, you were damn lucky the world did not start panicking for broadcasted the incoming galra invasion. But, Captain Holt was court materialed for the stunt. I get I want see their children but they were pushy. And in the flashback Captain Holt is a picky and demanding. What was the point of becoming part of the galaxy garrison if you are going to ignore the top brass orders and do whatever you feel like. But I guess Colleen was done waiting.
3. That first bit with James and Veronica like seriously? We going to do this sexist bullshit now. James is the leader of the team it make sense that he want to be in the front to do job being a leader but, of course Veronica stroll in making demands and making James out to be this sexist when he is not. Veronica didn’t need to come along she could given the computer to James to his copilot but she needed to insert herself because she a independent woman hear her roar. I like Veronica truly but this scene was stupid and it wasted time.
4. Veronica pushing Allurance I mean really she hardly the relationship between the two of them. It also seemed out of character.
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