#like im not naming her 'bryce' of all things
stil-lindigo · 1 year
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genderbent superbat feat. twink!Lois for a friend on twitter
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aita for not telling someone i know he’s being bullied?
⚠️ mentions of cancer + a suicide attempt
everyone mentioned here is in their 20s, with the youngest being 21 and the oldest being 28. none of the names used here are anyone’s actual names.
this is kind of a long story with a lot of moving parts and i can’t get into ALL of it so im trying to section JUST this off. basically i’ve had a group of friends for awhile. we met in a larger server and its a pretty big circle, so there is interpersonal drama aplenty. i stepped away from the bigger server and mainly maintained contact with 5-7 friends id made through a personal server and dm conversations.
one of the people in that server, erin (she/they) dm’d me to tell me they had to leave said personal server because they’d had a bit of an incident with 3 of the other members. they ended up telling me that they and the other 3 members had a group chat where they’d regularly talk shit about another person we know, bryce (he/him). apparently they all took something he said months ago WILDLY out of context to claim he’s a transmisogynist and therefore its fine that they bully him (this guy isn’t someone i’ve talked to very much since leaving but i do know him and we are on good terms. he can be a bit difficult to maintain conversations with but he very much is not a transmisogynist. also none of the people in this gc are transfem). like, they conspire in this group chat ways to make him feel bad. erin showed me some screenshots. its pretty textbook highschool mean girls behavior.
erin was also in this group chat and finally got fed up with them all and told them they need to stop trying to justify their actions. its pretty obvious bryce is not the bigot they’re saying he is and they’re just using that as an excuse to be cruel. the people in the group chat did not take that well so erin left and has also left any mutual servers they’re in with them.
she only told me all this because i offered to let her vent, but now im in kind of a rough spot morally. i think the correct thing to do here would be to let bryce know, but im being. kind of a coward about it.
this all may sound like im just throwing myself a pity party, but i am in a very, very bad spot right now. like i said, there was a ton of interpersonal drama in this group and i’ve been in the center of it before. it took a massive toll on me. so im not keen to get involved in drama in general, but also, mainly. i lost my best friend (minze, she/her) to cancer at the start of this year. i’ve known her since childhood and i’ve barely been able to function without her. we lived together. i still take care of her cat. we had the same birthday, and its coming up in a little over a week. i’ve been absolutely gutted knowing this is the first birthday ill spend without her in over a decade. i tried to kill myself a couple of weeks ago because i couldn’t bear the thought of it. i failed, obviously. and im fine at the moment but im definitely not perfectly well and im barely hanging on by a thread
i left the larger group because i couldn’t stand to be involved with everything going on. if i tell bryce about this group chat, i will be getting involved again. i dont think they know i know about it at this point but the only people who could tell him would be me and erin. even if i did it anonymously or asked him not to tell it would be incredibly easy to trace back to me. while im appalled to know my friends have been so viciously cruel to someone for no reason, since losing minze these people have been my only support network. they all knew minze, too. they’re some of the only people i can share memories of her with. i dont think i could process this grief alone
i know i need better friends but i don’t have them right now. i’ve sort of already got a strained relationship with some of them and i worry this could be the last straw and id just… lose them abruptly. and i know if that happened id put myself at risk again, because id be just as heavily suicidal but now with no one to confide in about it
bryce deserves to know. its the right thing to do, but it would cause me a dangerous amount of mental strain. but even though i say i don’t want to get involved i do feel, on some level, like i probably got involved the second i let erin even tell me about this. so i feel like im being a whiny dickhead and just making excuses but im just. im not willing to put myself through this again. not right now. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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sofiasjornal · 1 month
My (many) questions after HOFAS
While writing my HOFAS review, I was thinking about the different perspectives and POVs the new book could have, since we are finally leaving Bryce and Hunt's story. Selfishly, I would love the focus to shift to Lidia and Ruhn. Not only because they became my top two favorite characters but because the possibilities for crossovers and connections with the other series are endless. I don't think there's a need, but let me just clarify that this is all speculation! And because I might remember something more in a few days, or weeks, or months, I’ll update this as I go along!
1) Lidia has some kind of connection with Aelin and Mala’s bloodline (she named her son after Brannon, after all!!) and since KoA and ACOSF share the same timeline, and HOFAS is set after ACOSF, Aelin is still very much alive and could somehow connect with Lidia! She seems to have an incredible amount of firepower, the likes of which we only saw with Aelin, so there’s definitely a connection there. And they are both trained assassins, for god's sake! And with the stags! She’s a Terrasen girl, through and through!
But again, how did the fae shifters come to Midgard if Erilea (I don’t think the name of the planet was ever revealed, so let’s stay with Erilea) was never conquered?! Another rift that opened and then closed? Is there any mention on ToG of that? I don’t remember… I might have to read it all again! 
There's also the very interesting context in which Lidia's children were conceived, in a very similar ritual to Calanmai, from the Spring Court (ACOTAR). So how come two of SJM's series come together in Lidia's character?
2) Also, Ruhn and Rhysand would also be an interesting crossover. The similarities between the two go beyond those of Fae, it would be really interesting to explore that. Bryce didn't really explore these similarities when she met Rhysand, I wish she had. We know that Prythian is the home planet of the Fae, but definitely something linking Rhysand and Ruhn together.
Also think about the possibility, if Ruhn is connected or a descendant of Rhys's bloodline and Lidia of Aelin’s, then the two bloodlines are now united! AGAIN, SO MANY POSSIBILITIES, IM GETTING DIZZY!
So in a book where Lidia and Ruhn take center stage, imagine the power of that story!! I’m speechless just thinking about it! 
3) The link between Wyrd and Urd got me thinking! Somewhere in HOSAB, when Bryce went to the under-king and he talked about Urd, when she was not a goddess but a force, “When she was a vat of life, a mother to all, a secret language of the universe?” (Yes I went looking for the quote, my mind is driving me insane). This secret language of the universe, could it be the wyrdmarks?! And if so, remember when Bryce killed Micah in the first CC and Micah said “The language is beyond that of this world. It is the language of universes.” Could Bryce’s tattoo be in wyrdmarks and if so that would mean that the Book of Breathing is also in wyrdmarks! Amren can read those! HOW?! HOW?? And what are wyrdmarks doing in acotar and crescent city?! There’s definitely a connection with ToG! It’s right here!
4) The Valg, the Asteri, the Daglan, the Princes of Hel, and... one hell of a mess, pun intended! By the end of HOFAS, we know that the Asteri and the Daglan are the same thing. I’ve been, however, wondering about the Valg. I don’t believe the Asteri are Valg. They don’t fit the same characteristics. Besides, in ToG is said that the Valg’s home planet was ruled by three kings, a planet made by pain, wind, and darkness, and the Asteri were originally seven and come from a forgotten planet in the cosmos. Besides, the Asteri feed on firstlight and the Valg don’t have that need. So I don’t think there’s a connection there.
However, in ACOMAF, when Bryce is fighting the Stryga and throws a brick in her face, the line reads  “Bone crunched and she roared, black blood spraying.” This always stayed with me because it kept calling the Valg to my memory. The Valg have black blood as well. Also, the death gods feed on life just like the Valg, if I’m not mistaken! So could the death-gods be Valg? Do you know who else has black blood? The Reapers! In HOSAB, when Bryce strikes with the starlight sword it is said “And nothing had ever felt so right, so easy, as plunging the blade into the bony chest of the wounded Reaper. It arced, bellowing, black blood spurting from its withered lips.” So either it is a coincidence that all these creatures have black blood or there’s a connection! And considering the reapers originate from Hel, is there possibly a connection? However, it doesn’t quite make sense, because their home planet was ruled by three kings Erawan, Orcus, and Mantyx (let’s not forget that bitch Maeve). And in Hel, each layer is governed by a different prince, seven in total. So this is where I raise my hands and say I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ where to go from here! 
5) The whole issue of the Viper Queen! When Tharion went to the Viper Queen something’s raised “concern”. First, the blood oath! I only remember something like that being mentioned and talked about in ToG! Tharion was only able to escape because Ithan killed Sigrid and broke the bond! Remember at the end of HOSAB, after Tharion defected and VP ordered him to come back after Cormac’s death? He felt a pull of the bond that he couldn’t resist! Remember how the cadre were all Maeve’s prisoners with that same bond? It’s the same thing! And remember Tharion mentioning that her blood was darker than normal?! 
Feel free to join this mess and give me more theories and your thoughts on all of it! I’m just going to figure all this out! And like I said, as I think of new things I’ll just update this!
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rowaelinsdaughter · 2 months
Do you think you can write Lidia x reader and add some tension and angst (but happy ending)
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a/n;; i liked the idea and i had it since i first read your ask and i tried to make it angst angst angst and happy ending and i think ive done a good work because i like how it turned out. thank u for the ask. love uuuuuu
WARNINGS;; drugs, hurt, angst, s3xual ass-ult mention, reader "cheats" one lidia (not true, people are assholes)
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a buzz woke her up.
her phone was ringing. no ringing, buzzing. 
she blinked slowly, the sun illuminating every corner of their room. 
no. no their room. 
she was in a stranger's room. and she was naked.
a male was on the other side of the bed, sleeping and snoring loudly, not caring who was at his side. her head hurt, and the last thing she knew was that she was at a club with bryce, ruhn and hunt having some fun. what has she done? and the most important thing… what was she going to say to her mate? her entire body hurt, and she had some marks on her body.
she looked for her clothes and when she was dressed she made her way to their house. anxiety crept through her body, she was an awful person. she opened the door and made her way to the living room and found lidia watching the street through the window. 
“hi ba-” she sniffed. her scent was mixed with alcohol and the male's scent. she was going to throw up. 
“what have you done?”
“i… i don't know”
“you don't know? you scent is mixed with another male.” lidia’s voice was filled with hurt. betrayal. anger. 
“babe, please, listen to me, i dont know what happened”
“no, i think you know perfectly what happened, but you won't tell me. and i want you to tell me the truth… have you slept with another person?”
she breathed in and out twice. that’s it. that was the end. “i did it”
lidia started to cry. 
“how could you? how could you do that to me?” she said loudly
“babe please, let me explain-”
“no. i dont want to hear nothing from you right now” lidia went to their room, slamming the door behind her. 
she fell to her knees.
4 days after the event, she felt sick. mentally and physically.
she knew lidia ate because when she went to the kitchen the dishes were clean. lidia didn’t look at her or talk to her, she acted as if she was alone. she deserved it, after all, she was the one who cheated on her. 
she was in the kitchen trying to eat something, but she couldn't eat. she had been throwing up for 3 days straight, the dizziness from the alcohol was gone hours after the argument and her bones hurt like hell. 
she took the pan and some meat for lunch. she knew lidia had already eaten, so she tried to make something. and she felt it then.
her vision started to blur, her balance was off and her heartbeat was slow, her breathing also slow. 
she fell to the ground. glass shattering around her and the last thing she heard… was lidia screaming her name. 
she was at the hospital. 
she didn’t need to open her eyes to know it, the smell of medicine and the sound of the machine she was attached to was enough, but there was something on her bed. a weight crushing her arm. maybe bryce was here or ruhn but the scent was familiar, she knew the scent. it was mixed with hers, wrapped around her like a second skin, a warm coat for her heart.
her eyes were heavy, but she managed to open them. how many days has she spent there? or hours. lidia was sleeping on her arm, her hand wrapped around hers. as if sensing her, lidia awoke, dark bags under her eyes, hair messy and face a little pale. 
“how are you? are you ok? you need anything?” lidia rumbled. 
“no… what happened”
she swallowed “you passed out in the kitchen, your heartbeat was fading, i called and they brought you here, they made you some tests and…” a tear fell from her eyes “apparently they gave you a drug mixed with the alcohol and they found evidence of…” a sob broke through her and she cried more “im sorry babe”
“lidia, don't please. you dont have to apologize. it wasn't your fault”
“yes it was. i should have listened to you and i should have seen that you were sick”
“come here” she moved aside so lidia could lay down beside her. lidia laid her head on her chest and she stroked her hair. a little while passed and lidia was relaxed, she thought she was sleeping but lidia took her face with her hands and kissed her lovely, passionately. 
she moved away from lidia, but not too far. she didn't want to be far from her again. 
“i love you lidia” she smiled “i know, i love you too” 
they kissed again and the world fade out around them.
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @thehighladywrites @shadowdaddies @loneliestluvr @danikamariewrites @throneofsapphics
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ruthflemwad · 7 months
parts of the npmd soundtrack that scratch my brain perfectly (act 2)
again its all under the cut. i hope this is comprehensible its longer than the last one. idk what else to say
dan's whole bit at the start. just the way he says everything. so good
the ahh ahh ahhs
the electric guitar <3
curt's voice for bailey esp the growl
the smoooothness of corey's voice and the way he sings things auuauauuau
the harmonies on man down down down down
the little plinky organ melody in the backround that comes in halfway through the chorus UAUUAUAUA
the way jon says donna
donna's "DAN!!!"
i certainly dont LOVE killing!
the harmonies on "bailey's/barry's on the loose and he's got a gun" (im talking mainly abt the soundtrack and not the proshot so bailey is more applicable here but both r so good)
fits the bill! it fits the bill!
the who's swingin the hatchet now harmonies
bryce's solo <3 all of it is so good
BOY JERRY <3 and gerald monroe ig but i love jerry
kim's little opera bit
the final in hatchet town harmony <3
this whole song in general btw. i love ruth fleming so so so so so so so so so much this song was such a silly contemperary theatre tribute
NO, i haven't seen your grill brush, MAURY. huh YEAH! i used it to BRUSH MY HAIR this morning CANT YOU TELL. ugh
DONT LEAVE ME OUT HERE WITH THE MEAT, MAURY! medium WHA? how can something be medium AND WELL, MAURY?
ugh. maury.
*sigh* i turned 40 today.
the piano coming in
the synthy strum
the way lauren sings the word saturday. her voice throughout this whole song just scratches the brain itch so well
the way she says window, right, dream, and had
they never win
and LIIIIIFE is FULLL of all of the Trappings of The Well to Dew
god i love ruth. i love this song i love this song.
the slight tonal shift (thats not the right word ugh) for the choruses.
the way lauren says ensnared
and of the two who's the worse for wear (ME.)
the tambourine
idk what that instrument is in the bg of second chorus it sounds like a saxaphone but also synthy???? idk but i love it
the clarity of lauren's first oh UAUAUA
all 3 just for onces esp the last one with the riff
THE WAY THAT BEHIND THE JUST FOR ONCES YOU CAN HEAR THE "if i can finally be cool i will know that i'm not a loser" MOTIF AUUAUAISUAUUAISIAU
the way the tone calms back down but its still like so vulnerable... uuuuuauu
the way she says every word in this last verse
i used to dance :(
joey's general tone in this UAUAU so good
mariah's deeper voice HEART EYES AUUUU
i just love lautski this song is so good i can barely pick things out bc this whole song scratches my brain
joey's lil growl on "oh babe i'd let u know"
OOOO! i guess we'd better save the date!
need a lover MAYUN
i love when jeff blim crams a lot of syllables into an amount of time like that its so fun
the harmonies <3
wake me up when u turn 18!!!
if i IF I!!!!!
the repeating round style of singing in order to come together eventually I lov them
dissonance <3
the way the lords names are sung i love it sm
the lords names being whispered in the background
tNOY karaxis
the woah ohs and the drums kicking in
the music cutting out
the we will build a portal motif
the laughter
just the whole little lord verses its so discordant and fun and i love it so much i love the voices they put on i love the lyrics
the book has all but closed on ur life!
blinky's we've been watching u gracie
the way curt says spankoffski and toy box
tinky's laugh
jon's wiggly voice
the drums
swallow his soul i wanna lick it!
i wanna see thaaaat
AAAAUHGUGH there IS something!
something FUN!!!
the lords in black the lords in black call us...
what do u want steph...
do it... or DIE
what's in your pocket STEPH-A-KNEE
i love this whole song its so silly and crazy
that last "the lords in black the lords in black call us"
this one makes me really sad :( still so good
one of us is in love :(((((((((
it doesnt TAKE a detective
the violins coming in again
is it really a crime if you get to live your life to the fullest :((((
the i love u i know :(((((((
ur not as cool as u think u are! :(
i will know that you have to do it :(((
joey's lower register for this last little if i loved u chorus :(((
loved u more than the stars above :(((((( (how many sad faces can i use)
the pause before could've :((((
i cant even say anything more abt this one it makes me too sad
ok yes i can the i never wanted you anyway breaks my heart
the guitar
the needy beast esque pronounciation of words idk how else to say it i just love it
we hurted!
the harmonies on town and down
this song is just so fun
it's like you knew me b4 u knew me! that whole bit! i love it!
never gonna fall!
the echoey verse in the back at the end Auuu so good
the ending note harmony
the souls of the pervs make me strong
her laugh
everything she sings here sounds so incredible
i just love this reprise its so so good
i cant point out specific parts bc its just all incredible
when the ensemble comes in heart eyes
run pervs RUN
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jerzwriter · 9 months
im thinking a mix of 4 and 8 from the protective prompts for jensen and casey (platonic ofc). depending on how you go w it, i could also see it as a bonding moment for jensen and tobias if jensen was the one helping casey, but please take it any way you want!!
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Thanks for your patience, MJ. I've been a little slow. lol I hope you like the results! From these prompts.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Jensen (M!MC), Casey (F!MC), Bryce Lahela Rating: Teen Category: Hurt/Comfort; Friendship Words: 865 Summary: Casey attempts to help Jensen after a rough day. A/N: No one else will understand, but we do - lol - this is from the Roomies AU, MJ. Hope you like it! Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge March Prompt - Friends.
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She had to decide what to do soon. After all, Casey never spent much time in the kitchen. Hitting 5.0 minutes on the microwave was the extent of her culinary skills, and as the designated cook in the apartment, Jensen knew that. She had another three, four minutes tops before he realized she was keeping tabs on him. A minute or two more before he would find it irritating. Unfortunately, it was the only room in their tiny apartment where she could keep an eye on him, and as she had come to know him better, he had come to know her, too. And he should know she wouldn't leave him alone when he was like this.
A quick glance at her phone on the counter confirmed that Bryce still hadn’t replied. He was in surgery most of the day, but perhaps he could offer some clue of what happened, then maybe... just maybe she’d know what to do. She startled a bit when she heard him shift on their worn, leather sofa... his first movement since arriving home. But that’s all he did, not a word nor a single gesture as he sat in the dark, arms crossed protectively in front of his chest.
Finally, her phone vibrated, and she grabbed it before he heard. Two words, followed by three dots. Bryce had more to say, but she already had all the information she needed.
His mom...
Casey felt her temper rising. She didn’t know much about the woman, but anything she had heard, she didn’t like. Still, Jensen was protective of her, so like Bryce, Casey often bit her tongue when the topic was broached. A second text came in.
... he sent her a present for her birthday, and she returned it unopened. It arrived at work just before he left today. I’ll be out in a few hours, but if you could...
...I’ve got it.
She replied. She let out a silent sigh. Did she have it? She knew how she’d want to be comforted if something this awful happened to her. She would know how to comfort Bryce or her other friends, but Jensen was different, and while they had been growing closer, she wished she had a manual at times like this.
Her head turned toward his bedroom, the door wide open and his bed still unmade. In the center of a tangle of sheets and blankets sat the stuffed raccoon that Bryce – his definitely not boyfriend Bryce – had won for him after a recent trip to the fair. Casey named him Rocky Raccoon, and Jensen never fought her, so Rocky it remained. Working on instinct alone, she retrieved the plush animal and silently marched back to the living room. Coming to a stop right behind Jensen on the couch.
“Hey,” she spoke softly.
Jensen let out a long breath, taking his time before replying.
“I know you’re having a rough day...” she started.
“What gave it away?” he said without intonation.
“You came home while I was finishing my workout, and you never once made fun of my ‘Flashdance’ attire.”
“Hmmm,” he mumbled. “Dead giveaway.”
Without a word, she stepped closer and placed her hand lovingly on his shoulder as her other hand reached around and placed Rocky Raccoon gently on his lap.
“If you want me to go away, I will. But if you want me to stay, I’ll just sit here. You don’t have to say a thing... not to Rocky or me.”
The darkness surrounding him didn’t lift; they both knew that would take some time. But Jensen felt about an ounce lighter, and right now, that was a good start.
“Sure, you can sit here."
Casey was quickly at his side. Not too close, and no touching. She fought every fiber in her being that longed to hold him, tell him how wonderful he was, and that he'd be OK. But this wasn’t about her... it was about him. So she just sat to let him know she was there.
About twenty minutes had passed before Jensen spoke, a text from Bryce breaking him from his spell.
“Bryce will be here in about an hour,” he spoke.
“Do you know what I'd like before he arrives?”
The corner of Casey’s lip raised ever so slightly. “The rocky road ice cream in the fridge? Two spoons?”
Jensen didn’t smile in response, but she could see the tension in his jaw loosen. 
“Two spoons,” he replied.
When Bryce arrived, an empty container was on the table with two spoons resting inside. Rocky was nestled under Jensen’s arm, and any benefit Casey received from the workout before was shot to hell.... but she didn't mind. Bryce leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“I’ve got this from here.”
She silently stepped up and headed to her room. Bryce had slid into the space she held for him, but just before she closed her bedroom door, Jensen called out.
With a soft smile, she closed the door, knowing her friend was in good hands. It would take some time, but he would be all right.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics Additional tags in reblog.
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
Charlotte post NOW (/j only if u want!!)
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AHHH charlotte jumpscare!!!!!!!
im not sure what SPECIFICALLY to post abt her bc this ask is a little vague, BUT i do think abt her a lot!!! tho i DO gotta think about her more, she is a WONDERFUL character
bc idk what specifically, my interpretation of her post canon and WHY (also under a readmore because WOW!! i had apparently a lot to say abt her):
i think!!! she is a LOT more mellow after she gets home. like in one 16 after shes respawned its like. she seems to be friendlier? which. i think has to do w like... i dont think she was a bad person really, and i dont think shed been acting Maliciously, but when it came to having friends i think it was really easier for her to genuinely take things as worst as they could be. we dont actually get much of her backstory, so its up to interpretation as to WHY, but i think she genuinely struggled with being distrustful of those close to her. she likes them, that much is clear, but trusting people is a whole other thing
but i think she really DID view her friends as pitying her. as not respecting her, even when they werent Being cruel. they were concerned for her safety, and how her recklessness was affecting her. and i think that can end up walking a line between pity and not wanting your friends to do things that are pretty unambiguously dangerous, and what was very standard friendship ended up feeling a lot MORE like they didnt respect her or her choices
and i think what changes this is that. she DID die. and i think that contextualized for her that her friends werent concerned because they thought she couldnt handle herself, but because they just Generally care abt her yknow? as fucked up as her dying is, i think it did ultimately make her realize that THIS is what her friends were worried about. they didnt want THIS to happen to her, and i think in an odd way? it kinda made her. idk understand? trust? the people around her more. like in a 'oh, people around me dont only care about me for selfish reasons, or cruel reasons. they care because they CARE' way
and i think that, and the fact that she says that shed been thinking about this a lot? i feel like it kinda all forced her to slow down and WANT to talk to the people around her. because shed been pushing them all away because what was the point in talking to them? and i think once she REALLY noticed how amelia was doing, after thinking so much about all this, it kinda MADE her want to amend things. or at the very least, to talk to people more. shes isolated herself long enough, and its now more than ever that she realizes how much others meant to her in the first place.
(i think in some aspects, amelias method of coping also bothered her. amelias coping mechanisms werent necessarily BAD, theyre not good by real-world standards, but given the situation shes in, it was just... once of the few ways she COULD cope. but i think the flaws in this method of coping really came through once airy came back, because in forgetting everything about who she used to be, earth became a very daunting place, but now that airys back, any amount of feeling like home the plane may have unfortunately gained was completely undone. and i think charlotte actually SEES that, and its not the exact same as her own struggles, but i think she WANTS to help amelia, because she of all people knows how the feeling of being isolated, either on purpose or accident, can feel Extremely Awful. that, and she knew amelia before things on the plane got REALLY bad, and she SAW (since ive seen people note that she!!! was watching amelia do yoga w the others) amelia gradually give up, become comfortable, and then LOSE all of that
and i think, at least right before bryce showed up, it felt fucked up that charlotte WAS the only other person from the same world as amelia and theyd!!! never even spoken about it??? (like how she comments that they NEVER told each other their names. which only applies to her and amelia. that statement was intended very specifically towards amelia) and its like. i think it mightve made her a bit 'no WONDER shes not doing well. even if shes trying to act like she is' (which i dont even think amelia is doing to deflect so much as an attempt at 'if i pretend its ok it WILL be ok right?'))
and!!! once getting home i think this would all really lead her to be a bit more patient with others. i dont think the distrust would STOP being an issue, but i think such a terrible experience causing her to completely recontextualize the actions of those around her would actually help, at least a little . i dont actually know if i think shed stay friends w parker and that friend group, but i think theyd at the least keep in touch. parker clearly, even when they were arguing, STILL cared about her, and i think seeing her disappear probably was. a bit haunting, and so i think at the very least hed like to know shes Okay
also whenever people have the characters live together post canon, they only ever include bryce liam and amelia, and i GET why!!! charlotte didnt really interact w them for a looong time. but after charlotte is revived i actually see her as talking with them yknow? i dont think shed stop talking to them again, and i think her talking with amelia was a genuine attempt to help!! so i think theyd stick together. i dont imagine liam actually gets closer with any of the contestants while hes trying to send them home (tho i dont think it worsens substantially either. i think it just sorta. stays where it is? and if he did have notable interactions with any of them, itd PROBABLY be mainly w amelia and bryce, tho i dont think he DOESNT talk to charlotte too! he just has a diff sort of connection w those to, based on the experiences he Shared w them) so i think he isnt SUPER close w charlotte, but i think the others may become WAY closer w her!!! so i think if they all moved in together? that WOULD include charlotte!!! (that, and i think charlotte would also develop a sort of respect for liam . because he kinda DOES display exactly the type of traits she didnt really see people as having!!! going to EXTREME lengths to help people, including HER! so i think shed generally have many thoughts on him)
anyway !!! thats it the point is that as much as one would fuck charlotte up in her own way, i think, similar to how bryce tried to get his life together after he was first eliminated, shed similarly end up having a better ability to navigate social stuff in not such a pessimistic way as before!!!!!
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cult-of-dollbabies · 1 year
Alright here's some thoughts on s2 ep5, spoiler warning
I had to rewatch/skim through it this morning bc the fight scene gave me such secondhand embarrassment that it literally fucked up my processing and the whole time I was like 😀 is this real.
Watching it again was fine but dear god the puppetry.. Anywho, the moments with Lexi and Nadine were my favorite by far, Nadine drawing a relation to assure Lexi she's safe to come to,, "you know how moms are, they do their best to make you happy, right?" And this is what made Lexi come out, she knows some things about neglectful mothers, and losing a parent, I think that in a way she wanted to be there for Nadine, too. They're there for each other despite hardly knowing one another, and yes Lexi seems to still have bully tendencies but I think Nadine will influence her development in being better, and especially her recovery. Nadine lightening the mood, helping her collect the pills and flush them was so tender and a huge step, if I'm being honest I shed a few tears, I love them sm (also Nadine autism real)
Love how hard it is to tell if Scout (or good chucky.. since thats rlly the name theyre settled on) is faking or not. Hes raised some red flags, he still has impeccable aim w/ blades, saying sum creepy shit in a suspiciously childlike manner, (i know this is the same as the last ep but this time it almost feels emphatic) Chucky is known for his manipulation and hiding in plain sight tactics, if it turns out it was all an act, can't say I'd be too surprised, "like I finally figured out what I'm for" was actually quite eery.
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...that being said I am NOT immune to chucky manipulation this was fucking CUTE
Cant wait for Father Bryce to die, sister Catherine's the only one with sense clearly, that's all I have to say about that
I'm on Devon and lexis side but on the other hand I don't think Chucky could even pretend to be nice, let alone admit to finding god or something behind a closed door ( I fuckin lost it when he held the Bible up, ain't no way, and where'd he pull that from??) and also be willing to get baptized , personally i don't think hes faking but more like the brainwashing is wearing off.. like a ticking time bomb. I thought Jake baptizing him was strange at first but watching again it feels like he was only trying to help Scout feel better, like with a child, and we all know by now Jake is attached and using him to cope with losing his foster brother, (another scout-might-be-faking-and-manipulating-jake bit, the joker line) it's understandable, but dammit Jake please stop disregarding your boyfriends very real concerns! And Nadine definitely doesn't know what Chuckys capable of, yet, but I feel like she'll find out very soon.
the series feels more shocking than scary, and some of the humor between serious parts just feels too silly for me, I want to take it seriously but I can't
...now. About the end, boy oh boy, this is where I'm sour
Seen and had a couple ideas for who the hell Cornell was and its.. bald.. Russian chucky? Tf is that? I think they were trying to do a twist but it's .. so underwhelming. And as if he hasn't been through enough we come to find Andy's been.. getting tortured, for what we can assume to be a year, hes gotta be so broken, he doesn't know Kyle's alive, either. That is.. it's such a letdown, I'm so tired of seeing Andy be tormented, I'm not watching this to get sad, I prefer the theory that he was maiming those chuckys, at least that way he'd have some kind of payback and not another year worth of trauma. Im assuming Kyle, Glenda and Nica will try to find him and it cant happen soon enough. I actually lost sleep over this.. I'm serious, not in a fear or disturbed way either in a for the love of god just let him be happy for more than five seconds please kinda way :(
Hopefully it gets better, now I just want to see Andy be saved, not very ready to see the state he's in though..
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scover-va · 7 months
could you perhaps do the ask thing for Lazarus? I love him so much and I NEED more opinions on thay man, love your content <3 -💫
This ask may be from January but we're answering it now! Becaaauuuuse fuck it!
favorite thing about them It might just be because i enjoy the trope in general but i really enjoy the codependent slash doomed by the narrative dynamic he has with Chandrelle. Not even from a romantic standpoint I just really enjoy what they got goin on
least favorite thing about them Drawing his armour next question
favorite line It's been so long since ive played the game so i cant remember specifics but either the convo w/ Chandrelle right before the Irving confrontation, or his snarky remark (smth along the lines of preferring he just stayed under the rock) if you go the long way to the dragon in SoL
brOTP Him, Jay, and Junior :-) I never really went into the group dynamic but i like to imagine they were kinda like a pseudo family for one another. Lazarus misses them a lot
OTP I dont have a singular Lazarus ship that i put above all else but i do ship him with Chandrelle, Bryce, and Rust
nOTP Irving for. Obvious reasons. Im saying him specifically just because i put those two in that 'i dont see the difference love is love' meme when im known for shipping Ducks & Lions (carla and lionel) and chansado so i figured I should clarify. My original idea for that square of the meme btw was Irving/Bryce since i do half ship them (shouldnt happen in canon but could work in aus type deal) but i thought drawing Irving's literal death was funnier
random headcanon Hes a french depressed bisexual like damn bitch pick a struggle!! Also in SoL he has a longass ponytail, in VG2 he gets a buzzcut, and then by the time the inn stuff happens he has this awkward lil mullet thing goin on
unpopular opinion Lazarus and Chandrelle wouldnt be able to healthily date by the time The Hex ends im sorry. Not even shortly after. Maybe in the future after working out their issues but if they started dating before working through all That i dont see it ending well given the codependency and the guilt and the sacrifice and the trauma and just. Yeah. Like i think eventually it could work out, they clearly both want to at least try and fix things to some degree (Chandrelle tries to apologize, Lazarus later tells her that being her swordsman wasnt all that bad when the last thing he said to her before being separated for however long was "Chandrelle, I regret this" or smth like that. Like theres potential but its gotta have effort put in first)
song i associate with them The Moon Will Sing (The Crane Wives) obviously but also Blood On My Name (The Brothers Bright) but like. From Chandrelle's pov about him. Because one it literally has his name in it and two it also really fits. I think Battlefield (SVRCINA) also works p well
favorite picture of them I dont have a favourite picture of him (mainly because the hex is a lil limited with photo content) but the way hes passed out after the Gameworks fuckin blows up is hilarious. Mainly bc of that one meme im way too lazy to go find
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bryceslahela · 2 years
i have a fun idea, do you know the tiktok trend where they decide whether they think romcom couples stayed together after the movie ended? could you do that but with your choices mcs and their lis after the book ended 😇
OOOOHHHH this sounds fun 🤭🤭 ok i’ll do them but also warning for spoilers and stuff.
dakota + amelia - he died so…. no <\3 i have a hc that my weh mc went to college and after college met someone and they fell in love <3 she never forgot abt dakota tho
luna + bryce - bitches r ride or die for each other. if it wasn’t for the whole stupid arc in oph where they couldn’t be official bc of ethan then they woulda been official end of book2 and started thinking abt moving together end of book3. they’d be married with one kid by now and bryce would be a dilf. also luna lahela is such a pretty name omg.
sereena + gabe - sereena is enjoying the whole secrecy thing but honestly i think sereena would have dated someone else if they were available. she isn’t really a glutton for punishment and if you date someone you work with you kind of have to be.
blaine + lilliana - i want to say yes? but also i feel like they’d definitely be one of those on and off celeb couples. she’d break up w/ him and then he’d be like ‘you’re not rocking w/ me ⁉️ imma kms’ meme. im joking but honestly they’d definitely have some rocky parts - i think they’d come out stronger though.
donovan + esme - YES but i also think donovan would want esme to have ‘the college experience’ so he’d break up w/ her but he hasn’t clocked on to the fact that she would rather do anything else than party and drink. so they’d do long distance i think.
arine + marc antony - HELL NO!! they were just using e/o. both are extremely attractive but they honestly do not care for e/o genuinely in the slightest. in my main hc, she stays single because revenge is her bf <33 but in another, she married syphax.
lucas + deena - she loves that man. she is not leaving him and he wouldn’t want to leave her. after college, she moves to the big city w/ him and he becomes a hot nd sexy president in the future. i think deena would be a good first lady, she is firm and doesn’t care abt bullshit. lucas’ first law as president is to exile losers so bye bye parker and connor 😘
athena + thomas - that man is not going nowhere. they’re married now and had a little boy to complete their family of five. ava and luz aka best sisters ever.
flora + cas + gabe - they’re all dating each other idc what flopberry says. also they turned my good sis into a vampire so the bare minimum is that they’re all together for eternity now.
trystan + clara - trystan was on his knees for a crumb of attention and you think he’s leaving??? that man has just gotten comfortable. clara had sex w/ him once and now he’s already got her a closet cleared out. he’s probably already got a ring somewhere.
solana + beckett - bro gets no bitches. he did manage to bag solana tho… how u go from no bitches to bagging the baddest one? anyways…. they get married and have a magical kid or wtvr.
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abbababbasblog · 1 year
This is a continuation of me moving over theories I posted on me Reddit acc.
In comparison to the previous post, this one is pure theories and doesn’t have my opinion of the book quality like in the previous post I made.
——PART 2——
sooo, let me start with HOSAB. First I wanna point out how little we know about Hunts lineage, but we know his real name is Orion, which is part of Greek methodology and he’s the god of hunting. ANYWAYS, we know little about his lineage so keep that in mind.
At the end of the book bryce jumps to the ACOTAR world, meets the inner circle (kinda), sees some similarities-most notable would be amren and rhys. Bryce sees heavy similarities between Rhys and Ruhn, Fury and Amren (But rn imma focus on the rhys and ruhn). OKAY KEEP THAT IN MIND!
At first, I was not convinced that there was a time jump, meaning that I thought bryce entered the ACOTAR world shortly after ACOSF happened. But now I’m having second thoughts. I’m thinking that when she got into their world, she’s there MANYYYYY years down the line. I think this because I did research on Ryhs and Feyres son: Nyx. I THINK NYX IS SUPER IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY SOMEHOW
in Greek mythology, Nyx is “ the goddess of night, one of the primordial gods, who emerged at the dawn of creation. She was a child of khaos (Chaos, air), and coupling with with Erebros (Darkness) she produced Aither (Aether, light) and Hemera (Day)”.
NOW, I know in the real mythology Nyx is female, but it’s Sarah’s story and she could’ve just made Nyx a dude. So imma go with that. I think Nyx is somehow connected to maybe ruhn or hunt. Moreso ruhn because Ruhn looks a lot like Ryhs, and has similar abilities. I think Ryhs’s blood somehow went down the generations thus the similarities. I think when we get new books for ACOTAR, the story will move towards Nyx and maybe something happens where he goes to another world, or one of his kids do, either way I think he’s connected and those genes somehow ended up in Midgard. The Asteri have admitted that Fae have been brought to that world, so maybe further down the line in the ACOTAR world, someone from Ryhs family crossed over. It’s probably a huge stretch, but who knows? I think there’s definitely an family connection between ruhn and rhys, and I think Nyx plays a huge part in it. We know Sarah loves to take inspiration from mythology, so why the name Nyx?
That brings me back to Hunt. Because he has some type of connection too. We don’t know much about bout him so obviously there will be some big important reveal. Nyx in the real mythology had a child names Aither (aether, light)… WHAT A COINCIDENCE FOR OUR HUNT ATHAR. It’s pretty close isn’t it? And think about hunts abilities. Electricity. But think about how he interacted with the gates, took the magic and energy from it. And all that electricity is LIGHT. So I FEEL LIKE THERE IS SOMETHING THERE. There has GOTTTTT to be a link. Maybe Bryce plays a part with Nyx, since her main thing is literally lighting up. And her phrase “light it up” so there IS A CONNECTION FOR SURE. I just don’t know how all the relatives and timing will sort out. But there’s definitely a lot to unpack.
Also side note, we know that TOG is the word where all fae are shifters with an animal form, and it’s very clear they are connected to CC because the Asteri have even stated that they took fae from a world like that. So maybe there’s a connection of our favorites there. But jeez there’s so many possibilities.
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
Her last name is not private at all, shes done music and interviews using it and she has added people on fb too.But then switched it to Silver, then Destiny and now Vuu. Her other mans also uses vuu too but thats a story for another day. Her name has also changed and she went by Stasia before. Nothing is really private about her, her friend even shared her address, she clearly doesnt think and just likes the attention, but that im not gonna share because its too much,just know its on youtube and shes very aware the camera is on and present because shes all over it. Shes the classic case of wanting to be known and famous its obvious but shes going about it the wrong way. Shes camera hungry, why not do like Tara and get close to someone like Tana or Bryce Hall if she wants it so bad or join a content house. What angers me over all about her is not that shes dumb enough to expose herself like that, but that shes shared private info on the boys. Sharing locations before they do, posting from all corners of their homes, sharing first looks of merch, telling people she was going on a date night with colby when that wasnt the case, and then on her subscription service she was posting Colby photos left and right and thats what people were paying for. This one girl on twitter said it was a smart move to share Colby content knowing thats what people wanted. Who does that? The only reason she didn’t post on Halloween was because she was robbed and then said she was glad she was. I internally shiver when i see shes around them again, its like the mood gets dark because i just know what shes gonna do, post non stop making sure everyone knows shes around them and in more than half of that posting, Colby will make the cut. She never posts as much when not with them. Even now that shes around Kat i want to box Kats ears.
She's a very big attention seeker and can't wait for something to happen so she can make an appearance and be the center of attention. Or at least that's what she thinks she is. I'm not saying we don't also invade the boys' privacy by talking about these things, but she should know better bc she's now, unfortunately, a public figure. And what sucks even more is that she's so oblivious about posting everyone and receiving stuff on Colby's back, even Sam's, cuz he also used to post her often on his story. She's just insufferable and should be shaken up to reality
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ofcatnaps · 1 year
repost don't reblog please and thank you !
name:  mimi pronouns: she / her / they / them preference of communication: prefer discord, will accept tumblr ims most active muse:  elain archeron, bryce quinlan, daenerys targaryen, rey kenobi experience / how many years: 20+ years, i'm old and tired best experience:  shifting my focus to my literature muses rp pet peeves: people who follow you first but who then unfollow when you don't reach out immediately to them, people who follow and unfollow to get people's attention, faking identities to hurt people fluff,   angst,   or smut: fluff is generally my preference, but i will dive into a deep angsty thread or some fun smut with the best of them. i like all the aspects of rp, but especially lately the fluff is helping me cope with life! plots or memes: while i really love memes for a way to "start" a thread, i have preferred some level of plotting long or short replies: generally 1-3 paragraphs is my happy place are you like your muses?:  some of them, not all of them xD
tagged by: @fracturyd tagging: friends who wanna do the thing!
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youcouldmakealife · 3 years
SOTW: Jared/Bryce, Chaz/Ash, Raf/Grace; out of the loop
For the prompt:  I love the group chat. What are Raf Grace Chaz Ashley Bryce and Jared (or some combination thereof) talking about now?
Takes place between the latest part of Jared and the upcoming one!
Just for the record since you’re going to see us Friday and you’re only 97% oblivious. Ashley types. Carlo knocked me up. Jared blinks, wondering who the fuck Carlo is. He didn’t think they were in an open relationship, and even if they were — pls stop saying I knocked you up it sounds bad Chaz replies just as Jared remembers that Carlo is Chaz’s, like, actual name. A perfectly nice name, so why the fuck would he willingly go by Chaz? !!!!!!!!!!! Bryce interjects over ‘Ashley is typing’. I am experiencing THE MIRACLE OF LIFE. Ashley amends. Because Carlo knocked me up. Surprise! omg!!!!!!!!! do u no if its a boy or girl yet!!!!!!, Bryce sends, then, rapidfire, asks if they’ve thought about names, when the due date is, if Ash is showing yet — Jared suspects she is, and that is exactly why they’re being informed in advance of seeing her — and if they have a baby registry, presumably so he can buy them every single thing on it. wait nvm im callin u ash pick up ur phone!!!!!, Jared reads, and snorts. Jared knows better than to ask anything himself, since his questions are, in order, ‘is this baby on purpose?’ and ‘do you know how absurd Bryce is going to be about this why are you making my life more complicated?’ and ‘how’s this going to impact summer training?’ and ‘seriously why do you go by Chaz when you don’t have to?’. He’s not a good enough person not to think them, but he is a smart enough person not to let them enter the world. But fuck, Bryce. He’s probably bouncing on the balls of his feet impatiently waiting for Ashley to answer her phone so he can blurt out all those questions again, beaming the whole time. He’s going to go research the best cribs, and strollers, and whatever the hell, and then buy them. He’s probably as giddy as a kid on Christmas right now: a baby and an opportunity to buy shit? Bryce is right in his element. Raf and Grace have been quiet. Jared narrows his eyes. Raf’s understandable, because he’s not a big phone guy, and who knows if he’s at team shit, but Grace is practically surgically attached to her phone. If this was news to her, she would have responded by now. Which means it isn’t. And if it isn’t news to her it probably isn’t news to Raf. You told Raf and Grace already? he writes. I was in NY two weeks ago., Raf writes, entirely unapologetic. Two weeks that he knew and Grace knew and obviously Ashley and Chaz knew, and yet nobody told Bryce and Jared, lowly Western Conference-ers. jared dont be a jared, Chaz says. Jared doesn’t know what that’s supposed to mean. Okay, he knows exactly what that’s supposed to mean but he’s going to be a Jared anyway. This is going to hurt Bryce’s feelings, and when Bryce’s feelings get hurt Jared wants to rip the world apart. Plus if Bryce reverts to sulkily calling Raf by his full name again because they told him first Jared swears to god — This is blatant East Coast bias., Jared writes. I didn’t know that when you got traded you DEFECTED. annnnd jared’s being a jared, Chaz writes, and Jared scoffs and puts his phone away. Raf and Chaz can have their secrets together, Jared doesn’t care. * Jared can’t believe they told Raf weeks before they told them. “Babe,” Bryce says. “It’s rude!” Jared says. “You’re not supposed to like, rank your friends.” And if you do rank your friends, Jared and Bryce should be ranked first. That’s just common sense. “Raf was in town for a game,” Bryce says. “And apparently noticed when Ash didn’t have wine with dinner, and apparently he has like, one of those faces you have to spill to.” “Why do you even know that,” Jared says. Raf absolutely does have one of those faces, though. You just blurt out secrets to that face. It’s completely involuntary and incredibly humiliating. “Ash said,” Bryce says. “Don’t take it personally, it was like, early, you never want to tell anyone about a pregnancy too early. Miscarriages happen most often in the first trimester.” Bryce sounds suspiciously like Ashley making excuses. “I’m not taking it personally,” Jared says. Bryce glances up at him. “I’m not,” Jared says. “I thought you'd take it personally.” “I didn’t,” Bryce says. “I don’t.” “Good,” Jared says. “That’s all that matters.” “Mm,” Bryce says, then gives him an expectant look, and Jared resumes playing with his hair. “Did Ash say whether the baby was on purpose, or—“ Jared says. “Oh my god, Jared,” Bryce says with a laugh. “What?” Jared says. “It’s a valid question! They’re like, young. Younger than you. That’s like. Young.” “Don’t worry, neither of us can get pregnant by accident,” Bryce says. “Or like, at all.” Jared snorts. “Why’re you freaking out?” Bryce says. “I’m not,” Jared says. Bryce blinks up at him. “I’m not,” Jared repeats. “That’s just like. Grown up shit. I dunno. Like, everyone’s settling down. Moving away. Marriage. Kids.” “We’re kind of already married, J,” Bryce says. “I know,” Jared says. “I just — ugh. I can’t believe they told Raf weeks before they told us. Stop laughing at me.” “I’m not,” Bryce says, and he isn’t, but he is grinning up at him, a grin that says he’s finding Jared patently ridiculous right now. Which is fair, because Jared is, in fact, being patently ridiculous right now, but still. It’s offensive. Bryce is supposed to be on his side. “Always,” Bryce says, and turns his head to kiss Jared’s hand. “But I’m being ridiculous,” Jared says. “Little bit,” Bryce murmurs. “Play with my hair some more.” “Fine,” Jared says, and smiles when Bryce makes a contented noise as Jared sinks his fingers back into his hair, silk soft and product free for once. Or like, probably not, he’s probably got like, some weird thing Jared’s never even heard of for like, silk-ifying, or soft-ifying, or body-ifying, or some bullshit, but he’s let it do its thing post-shower. Bryce’s hair like this is Jared’s favourite, down to the little cowlick in the back, and he doesn’t know if that’s because he legitimately likes it, or if it’s just because he knows Bryce wouldn’t even answer the door with his hair like this, let alone leave the house. He’s very vain. Like, for good reason, but still. “What’re you doing?” Bryce asks, his eyes shut. “Nothing,” Jared says, and continues to try to mold Bryce’s hair into a little mohawk. “Quit it,” Bryce says, turning his face into Jared’s belly, and Jared resumes petting until Bryce un-sulks, then goes back to making his little mohawk.
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As a reward, for the feral crackship that is Bryce x Tavvy X Seb
I bring you a clip of my fanfic gift to you, it's 500 words exactly, enjoy:
It was a hot day when she first began to come to her senses on what was happening with the Augur. It was a hot day, and they were finally taking some time off. It was a hot day, and Octavian was wearing a fucking turtleneck. Of all the stupid, impractical things to wear on a day where it was thirty degrees Celsius outside!
"Octavian, take that thing off," She said matter of factly, he scoffed.
"Dude, it's boiling out here, how are you even alive right now?" Jason stared at Octavian, eyes wide. It was only thanks to Reyna that Jason hadn't taken off his shirt due to the heat, that was quite an overreaction (and also asking to be sunburned).
"Jason's right," She insisted. "Now take that damn thing off before you die of heatstroke, God's."
Octavian stuck his tongue out at her, but complied, carefully removing the deep, rosewood colored turtleneck. Reyna nodded her approval, only to gape at Octavian's now exposed skin. Jason hadn't even looked at the Augur, instead focusing on re-cuffing the left leg of his jeans. But Reyna? Reyna was dumbfounded.
Octavian was covered in bruises, and did she see a cut coming out just under the collar of his shirt?! And the word covered wasn't overreacting, no, if anything it was underreacting. The blondes neck was practically purple, with tiny little indents that Reyna didn't even know where they could have came from.
"What in the name of Jupiter happened to you?!" She grabbed his arm, only for him to wince. Jason looked up and his tan skin paled immediately.
"Holy shit, what the fuck?!" Jason practically yelled it, only to be shushed by both Reyna and Octavian.
"It's from a training accident Reyna, calm down." He said it so matter of factly, so convincingly, that almost anyone would have believed him.
Reyna had almost believed him, but a fleeting fragment of a conversation drifted into her mind before she could settle with his reason. "I'm a legacy of Apollo, I heal faster than most demigods." He had told her that once, after a training session where someone had given him a nasty cut along the face, and sure as the sun the wound had disappeared in around two days.
"What?" Octavian blinked.
"When did you have that training accident?" She pressed him, that sense of wrongness only seemed to get stronger as she spoke.
"I dunno, like, yesterday?" He laughed. "You don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine, it's just a couple of bruises,"
"I've seen, just a couple of bruises, and honestly, that's more than a couple, Tav," Jason said, grinning soothingly, and Octavian just rolled his eyes. Reyna tried to pull her head out of the clouds, it's fine, she told herself, he probably did get into a training accident and you're being paranoid.
"I've had worse," The Augur joked.
The First Cohort didn't train on Sundays.
Reyna suddenly didn't feel like he was joking.
(It should, hopefully have seven parts, one of them focusing on the idea I told you about with Reyna, and you said u were hyperfixating so, HERE! TAKE IT!!)
- 🌕 (Moon Anon)
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U ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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new-to-this123 · 3 years
Monty’s Revenge
As per requested
May I please request a monty x girlfriend reader? where she was raped too and he does everything he can for her and ruins Bryce..  lots of fluff and smut
(I know the request asks for smut, but the direction I took this story, smut didn't fit. When you read it, you'll see why but I hope you'll still like it though) 
 Monty X reader 
warning: swearing, drug use, alcohol, mention and details of rape, fighting 
word count: 2061
NOTES: I haven't posted in a LOOOOONG time. Now that I'm done with school I definitely have more time so I'm hoping to get all my requests caught up!  I hope you guys like this one. 
Y/N journal entry
August 27th 2016
Tonight Kat is hosting a party at  her neighbors house. Kats parties are always a good time. Maybe I can get Monty to notice me tonight, who knows, I know people say he's troubled but there's something about him that i just love. 
Anyways i guess i'll let you know how this party goes.  
August 28th 2016
Well lets just say that yesterday didn't go as planned but it was a goodnight! 
I don't remember anything from the party. The only thing I remember is talking with Monty, and Bryce outside of Hannah's house. I was very drunk and so was monty. I woke up in the clubhouse with monty. We both don't know if we slept together, but I think we may have. The signs were all there, I have a few hickeys on my neck, and there's definitely cum in my panties. 
Monty and I hung out all afternoon, then he drove me home. 
Monty kissed me before I left and said he can't wait to see me at school tomorrow! 
I'm so happy! 
Present day (March 2018) 
Y/N was sitting at the lunch table with her boyfriend Monty when Jessica, Clay and Justin show up and sit. 
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?” Jessica asked
“Why?” Y/N asked, since Jessica never really talked to her. 
“It has to do with the trials” Justin  added. 
“Look Y/N has nothing to do with that so leave her out of it” Monty said defensively placing his hand on Y/N’s lap. 
Jessica looks over at Clay and Justin, and takes a deep breath. 
“Y/N there's something i need to show you and it's not easy.” 
“ok ……. So show me” 
“Not here Y/N” Clay adds
“Why not? Anything you have to tell me you can tell Monty!” 
Jessica slides over two pictures.
Y/N looks down at the first one and ,in the corner, she sees Monty passed out on a chair, and in the middle is a naked and passed out Y/N. 
In the second one, Bryce is taking a selfie of him raping Y/N. 
“Where the fuck did you get these?” Monty yelled, grabbing both pictures.
“When were they taken? How did you get these?” Y/N asked with tears filling her eyes.
“There's a box full of them. But i can't tell you when it was.” jessica replied
“We were hoping you would be able to tell us when this happened.” Justin added
“I mean, i.. I don't know, i can't think of a time that i was left alone with Bryce in the clubhouse, Monty has never let that happen.” Y/N replies. 
Jessica, Justin and Clay look over at Monty. 
“Don't fucking look at me! I didn't let this happen!! Im gonna fucking kill him.” Monty said aggressively.
“NO! Let me go talk to Bryce.. ALONE” Y/N said looking at all four of her peers. 
“I want answers and he's the only one who can give them to me.”  
“No way Y/N!” Monty said
“Are you insane?” Clay added
Y/Ns Texts
Y/N: Hey Bryce, wanna grab a coffee at monets after school? 
Bryce: why? Sick and tired of De La Cruz? Never thought you’d last this long anyways. 
Y/N: urg meet me there at 3
“There meeting with him after school, if you don't want me alone you guys can sit at the back of monet's” Y/N said standing up, grabbing the pictures from Monty and leaving. 
“You guys don't come! He’ll know somethings up” Monty said, pointing at Jessica, Justin and Clay.
“Protect her Montgomery” Justin said, looking him right in the eyes. 
Monty walked after Y/N. 
Y/N walked into Monets and saw Monty in the back with Taylor and Kenneth.
“Urg of course he'd bring his lackeys” Y/N thought to herself as she looked at Taylor and Kenneth.
Y/N orders herself a coffee and sits at a table in the middle of Monets, and waits for Bryce. 
At 3;15pm Bryce walked in, went up to the counter, ordered himself a coffee and joined Y/N. 
“Sorry I'm late, got caught up with some of the guys.” Bryce said as he sat down.  
“All cool” Y/N replied
“So what did you wanna talk about huh? Monty being an ass?” Bryce asked with a big smile on his face. 
“No i wanted to ask you when this happened” Y/N said as she slipped him the selfie of Bryce raping her. 
The smile on Bryce's face quickly changed to anger. He leaned forward on  the table and whispered “where the fuk did you get these?” 
“When did it happen Bryce?” 
“When do you think?” Bryce scoffed. 
“ I don't know, that's why i'm asking you?”
“Just know that you wanted it. You were moaning my name the whole time.” 
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and asked Bryce again 
“When did it happen?” 
“When did you wake up in the clubhouse with Monty alone?” Bryce replied with a smirk on his face. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped, and suddenly memories of that night flashed through her head.
Hannah’s Party
Y/N is standing outside, holding a beer, sharing a joint with Monty. 
“You know i was telling Bryce on our way here that i hoped you were here tonight.” Monty said as he passed Y/N the joint.  
“I was hoping you'd be here too Monty” Y/N replied, taking a hit off the joint and coughing. 
“Do we have a newbie here” Bryce said as he walked up and wrapped his arm around Y/N.
“ Yes it is” monty replied laughing. 
Y/N walked back into the party and spent all night drinking and smoking with Monty.
Near the end of the night Y/N and Monty were clearly very drunk and high. Y/N was using monty as her support and monty was using Y/N as his. 
Bryce walked up to them “lets go kids! let's get you home” he said as he placed himself between the both Y/N and Monty and wrapped his arms around both of their shoulders.
Bryce walked them to his car, he helped Y/N into the front seat and Monty in the back.
As he was getting ready to drive off bryce said “now now don't fucking puke in my car” 
“No promises” monty drunkenly said from the back, laying down on the back seat, closing his eyes and passing out. 
Bryce placed his hand on Y/N laps. Even in her highly intoxicated state she thought his hand was a little too high up on her thigh and tried to move it. 
“Shhh baby it's ok” Bryce said as he smiled and squeezed her thigh a little harder. 
They got to the clubhouse and Bryce carried Y/N in and laid her on the couch. 
“Monty” was all Y/N could mumble in her intoxicated state. 
“He's in the car babygirl. You're ok. I got you.” Bryce said as he started pulling Y/N shirt off. 
“No” Y/N tried to mumble and squirm away but Bryce overpowered her and stripped her completely naked. 
“I know you want this. Everyone does” Bryce said as he started raping Y/N. 
“The night of Hannah's party. You were supposed to drive us home. Instead you went to the club house and staged the whole thing” Y/N replied, tears building up in her eyes. 
“Naw! Monty walked in on his own and sat in the chair after I got you undressed. And in casual Monty style he was too drunk to notice anything so when i finished i woke him up and told him he fucked you a while ago but i had to leave because it was late and he told me to leave you guys there. He took the credit and look,here you are two years later, still happily together. So why are you bitching, we all got what we wanted in the end” 
Y/N looked at Bryce in disbelief. 
“We all got what we wanted?” Y/N asked a tear falling down her cheek. 
“You got the guy, he got the girl and I got an easy lay” Bryce smiled as he stood up and left. 
“YOU RAPED ME” Y/N yelled as Bryce left Monets and Monty ran to you. 
 “Baby what did he say?” Monty asked wiping away your tears. 
“You walked in when he raped me and you did NOTHING!!!!!!!” Y/N yelled as she pushed monty away running out of Monets. 
“Y/N!! BAAAABE! HOLD UP!” monty yelled running after Y/N. 
“NO! FUCK OFF MONTY!” Y/N screamed tears pouring down her cheeks. 
Monty walked away, angry and heartbroken at what his girlfriend told him. He got to Monets,where his car was parked, and got in and drove towards Bryces house. 
He got to Bryces and went straight for the guest house.
“YOU FUCKING SON OF BITCH” Monty yelled punching Bryce in the face. 
“What the fuck De La Cruz??” Bryce asked, pissed off.
“You raped my girlfriend!” monty replied. 
“She wasn't your girlfriend then and she wanted it! She was moaning my name the whole time” Bryce shot back pushing Monty.
 “NO!!! YOU RAPED Y/N!!!!” Monty yelled again, grabbing Bryce by the collar of his shirt.
“Your bitch wanted it! And if it weren't for that night you two wouldn't be together! So shut the fuck up before i beat you like you dad does” Bryce spat at Monty. 
In that moment Monty’s mind went black with anger and he jumped on Bryce and started punching him over and over again. Kenneth, Taylor, Marcus and Luke all tried to pull Monty off Bryce to no avail. 
“Monty! Stop!” Scott said as he pulled Monty up from the back of his shirt. 
“FUCK OFF” Monty yelled pushing scott, who stood his ground and grabbed monty wrists. 
“CALM THE FUCK DOWN” scott yelled at Monty, as he pulled him out the guest house, to his car. 
“He fucking raped Y/N” Monty told Scott.
“And you fucked him up. Youll be lucky if he doesnt fucking die dude” scott replied. 
“Good, he deserves it!” Monty said, getting into the passenger seat of his jeep. 
“Y/N’s parents are gone for the week, that's where we're going” Scott said as he got into the driver side and drove off. 
“Y/N open up it's me Scott” Scott said knocking and Y/N’s door. 
“Oh my god you are an impatient neighbor!” Y/N said as she opened the door. 
“OH MY GOD MONTY!!!” she yelled as she saw Monty's black eye and bloody nose. 
“You should see Bryce, he looks worse” Monty smiled. 
“Ya pretty sure he almost killed him” Scott replied. 
“You went after your best friend?” Y/N asked, leading Monty to the bathroom. 
“Of course I went after him! He hurt the love of my life, and lied to me about it. He’s lucky I didn't kill him.” Monty smiled. 
Y/N wiped the blood of his face and hands. 
“I love you Montgomery” Y/N said, bandaging his hands.
“I love you too Y/N” Monty replied kissing the top of Y/Ns head. 
“Hey you two im gonna head home i'll see you tomorrow.” Scott said, leaving and heading next door. 
“Let's go cuddle and watch a movie” Monty said wrapping his arm around Y/N’s shoulders 
Y/N and Monty ordered a pizza and cuddled for three movies in her bed. 
“Y/N…” Monty said moving some hair out of Y/N’s eyes. 
“Ya?” Y/N replied butterflies in her stomach. 
“I really love you.” Monty said looking into Y/N’s eyes.
“Monty, i can't have sex, i don't know when ill be able to but I'm not comfortable with it right now. After finding out about Bryce, I don't know, i feel different” Y/N said tears building up in her. 
“ Hey baby girl, it's ok, I'm here for you no matter what and it doesn't matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you to be ready. I love you and I'm not going anywhere.” Monty replied wiping away Y/Ns tears and bringing her into a hug. 
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