#loch sculpts
grayloch · 6 months
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Oh he's just my favorite!! It's Frank Frankly :D He was such a challenge but im super happy with the results yay!! I can't wait to see more of him!
(Frank of course belongs to @partycoffin )!!
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mintendo-nameboy · 3 months
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Air dry clay and acrylic paints
January 2024
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blairstales · 3 months
Scottish Folklore of Cursed “Dolls”
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There is a rarely talked about (though seemingly uncommon) historical custom in Scotland that will likely sound a lot like the exaggerated “voodoo dolls” (which, despite the name, are not prominent in Haitian Vodou or Louisiana Voodoo) of media.
The Scottish version is a doll that is a form of sympathetic magic(a magic category invented by Scottish folklorist James George Frazer).
Sympathetic magic has two varieties; one of which requires similarities, and the other requires contact or “contagion.”
“The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not.” “The Golden Bough” by James George Frazer(1878)
The dolls of this topic are a form of imitation type sympathetic magic. For these, the dolls were crafted with ill-intent in the likeness of the person you wanted to curse, then what was done to the doll was thought to harm who it was made to look like.
While they are called dolls, they are not really what you might expect a child to have. Instead, they are sculpted of clay but not cured in an oven.
“An image of the victim was made of clay, and because it had a certain resemblance to him (likeness denoting real connection), it was believed that whatever was done to the image would produce a similar effect on the person whom it represented. “ “The misty isle of Skye : Its scenery, It’s people, Its story” by Eneas Mackay, Stirling, (1927)
It could be stuck with pins and needles to cause aches and pains, or you could do far worse. For example, if you put the doll into a stream, as the clay broke up in the water, so was said to gradually happen to the targets health.
“When any one wished evil to another he made a clay image of the person to be injured, and placed it in a stream with the head of the image against the current. It was believed that, as the clay was dissolved by the water, the health of the person represented would decline. The spell, however, would be broken if the image was discovered and removed from the stream. In the counties of Sutherland and Ross the practice survived till within the last few years.” “Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs” by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
It is perhaps no surprise that this was not a type of magic talked fondly about, and is instead classified in books as an evil act of black magic.
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The Munro he’s climbed, is the ridge route on Beinn a'Ghlo is the hills range passing Blair Atholl, he’s walking in late September, after the midges had disappeared and before the really short days come around.
This is what Beinn a' Ghlò is all about.
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The view from Carn Liath towards Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain in the centre and Carn nan Gabhar, the whole of the walk onwards can be seen from this point.
Beinn a' Ghlò
(Hill of the Veil or Mist)
Beinn a' Ghlò is a Scottish mountain situated roughly 6 mi (10 km) northeast of Blair Atholl in the Forest of Atholl in between Glen Tilt and Glen Loch, in Cairngorms National Park. Along its crests are three Munro summits, Carn Liath, Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain and Carn nan Gabhar, giving a strenuous day.
It’s more a range of hills than a single peak, Beinn a' Ghlò summits may be rounded, but the steep flanks and sculpted form of this great massif make for a good outing.
The climb continues less steeply, round the edge of a scooped corrie to reach the summit cairn of Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain, the central one of Beinn a'Ghlò's three peaks.
Always the wilderness scenery of rocky hills is covered by thick mist in Scotland.
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Behind him Loch Moraig a tranquil loch in the hills above Blair Atholl, at Beinn a' Ghlo Massif.
He’s on route to Beinn a' Ghlo Massif rises up out of the moorland and is made up of four distinct summits, which together form one of the biggest mountains in Perthshire.
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His whole walk could taken around ten hours (including breaks for meals) for the 19 mile walk and approximately 4700 feet of ascent .
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At the top of Beinn a' Chreachain
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This is the summit: the cairn at the Beinn a'Ghlo ridge.
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Beinn Dòrain is one of the most instantly recognisable Munros in the southern Highlands, a huge conical peak that dominates the A82 when driving north from Tyndrum. Its ascent can easily be combined with neighbouring Beinn an Dòthaidh which has a fine outlook over Rannoch Moor.
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Looking back towards Carn Liath and a possible escape route down into the valley of the Allt Bealach an Fhiodha.
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These mountains are steep in parts and difficult to navigate in the most, eroded paths, with some wet sections. Paths may be indistinct, and navigation skills required. Some people must Understand that skills are not transferable.
Besides reading the description of each walking route, you must have experience in this walk. There are experts in Scotland on how to handle a camera and shoot 🎥 video a distancing in the highlands, it's not just about having skills in making a TikTok.
But, You can Add this walk to your wishlist.
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Beinn Dorain from the summit of Beinn an Dothaidh
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chrysalispen · 2 years
Prompt #15 - Row
Fill under the cut.
"My lord."
Decimus lux Cirro was about ten years Gaius van Baelsar's senior, a once-renowned instructor and researcher from the halls of the Valetudinarium who had accepted his offer to join the XIVth Legion's medical corps at its founding. He had had the run of the legion's infirmaries and healers for several successful campaigns: through the fiery path they'd carved through the Ghimlyt isthmus and on down into northern Aldenard, to the eventual sack of Ala Mhigo in those tense weeks after civil war and the violent ousting of its king had sufficiently weakened its defenses.
Lux Cirro had seen more than his share of death since then, too. Occupying Gyr Abania and its malms upon malms of wild and lonely beauty had been easier by far than keeping it subdued. 
The bulk of the city's garrison might have fallen the night they'd swept onto the plains of Loch Seld with the firepower of an airborne fleet at their backs, but many had simply fled into the mountains and hills to seek shelter in countless caverns and bolt-holes. It was from the relative security of these hidden places that the Ala Mhigan Resistance ambushed and harried the XIVth Imperial Legion, striking lone cohorts quickly and decisively before melting back into the cracks and crevasses of wind-worn bluffs before a reprisal could be made or an alarum raised.
Frumentarium had not taken it lying down; they'd successfully infiltrated individual partisan cells on multiple occasions. Unfortunately for all concerned, it seemed as though every time one was compromised or altogether destroyed, two more seemed to take its place.
It was very much, Gaius thought ruefully, like a children's carnival game which required the player to strike as many rabbits as possible as they rose from their holes. Strike all they wished, the rabbits kept coming.
This was but the latest in a string of recent incidents.
Six bloodied bodies lay on pallets in the cool room, arranged in a painstakingly neat line beginning four fulms from the threshold of the entryway. Four of the dead were conscripts, he could see that much at a glance. An Elezen, a Roegadyn, two Hyurs. The fifth body might have been Garlean but all Gaius could identify was the garb of the signal corps. Probably the cohort's tessarius.
He gazed down at them for long moments through hooded golden eyes, adjusting the helm tucked beneath his arm.
"Do we know precisely what happened?"
"I don't have all the particulars. From what I'm given to understand, I believe Frumentarium is still conducting its investigation into the affair. There should be more in the postmortem report, my lord." The chief medicus hesitated. "...Ah. As it were."
The final body was one he knew, even without a glance at the uniform that identified its wearer as a tribune. Sightless eyes stared transfixed at the sculpted relief upon the barrel vaulted ceiling-- Gaius wasn't sure what the mural was depicting but by the larger-than-life bearded figure grasping what appeared to be a levinbolt in one hand he surmised it must be one of the so-called Twelve, though he couldn't be bothered just now to recall which one, and it hardly mattered at the moment. 
A shadow passed across the viceroy's face and was buried almost in the same instant.
"Direct hit to the neck, my lord. The tribunus laticlavius suspects it was the work of a Resistance sniper." Decimus lux Cirro said, his tones hushed. "The shot missed his trachea, but the projectile was either a crossbow bolt or an aether-reinforced steel arrow. It sliced open the carotid artery. Even had there been a medic on site..."
The chirurgeon trailed off. Gaius kept his expression, as always, carefully schooled. 
"I see." 
"If... it would be any consolation at all to his family, my lord, I suspect there was little time to feel pain. He went very quickly. Within the span of two or three heartbeats, I'd wager." Even in a near-whisper those words carried a weighty, nearly ominous echo against the walls. Gaius had been in many places like these over the years; invariably it seemed as though any place used to hold the fallen before their final interment enforced a hidden gravitas that the living could sense, but express only through mutually respectful quietude. 
He shook his head. 
"I'll reach out to the family personally," he said. "In the meantime I shall expect all of their papers on my desk - ready to review and sign - at your earliest convenience."
"Yes, my lord."
The stiffly formal imperial salute went all but unnoticed as Gaius knelt by the pallet. The dead tribune's jaw hung slack, lips slightly parted, features still and turning rigid. There was something oddly and horribly pristine about it: the punctured throat was a crimson waste, but aught above the chin-- even with the faintly grotesque trail of drying blood drawing its red-brown line from the corner of his mouth to the curve of chin and jawline Gaius was left with an impression of fading dignity: the last scraps of Julian rem Laskaris' mortality.
Just another dead soldier, no matter his station in life. Threadbare and pitiful.
Dolce et decorum est, pro patria mori, Gaius van Baelsar thought, not without a certain ruefulness. It had been many years since such cries had put fire in his blood. Once upon a time, perhaps, when he had seen and known far less of the world than he did now. 
He still believed in the Empire and its ideals of unity and prosperity, still believed that it was their role to guide and protect the weak-- but he knew from bitter experience that death was never a pretty thing no matter the cause. Nor, in his experience, was it particularly noble. 
Such lofty ideals were the province of propagandists and poets, not soldiers.
He lowered the outer edge of his hand until it came to rest just above the dead man’s cool and waxy brow. She doesn't need to see him like this, he thought. Strong or weak, he is her father.
"At ease, Lord Laskaris," the Black Wolf murmured, and with one final gesture, closed the eyes of his fallen tribune. 
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mi4014izzygraham · 1 year
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Completed project
I am pleased with my finished world. I think my ideas developed well from the initial research task and you can see how it links to different objects. At first i wasn't sure what to make but i used the research as a starting point and from there the ideas came together. I tried to include something from each research task and blend them together to create a coherent world. I particularly like the first part with the sci-fi desert landscape. My favourite object i made would have to be the guitar. This took a lot of time for me to make and i struggled getting the body right at first but it turned out well in the end. Editing in AfterEffects helped give my world a warmer look and glow.
I was a bit unsure what to do with the sound at first. I liked having just music but also the sound of train kept it simple. I’ve tried to combine the two so they balance. I used 8D audio of Starman by David Bowie, so when using headphones it creates an interesting effect. Without headphones it created some-what of a zoomed out, echo effect which I like. Sounds spaced out. I think using music ties into the my theme and particularly this song with it begin set in space.
I did run into a few problems while making my world, however, i learnt a lot from it. I now know that it is important to clear your history after my files went corrupt which meant i had to restart some of my work which i could have spent building more objects. I also had trouble with my trees which set me back a little. I think i would have liked the second part more if the texture of the hills by the Loch worked in the arnold render view. If i were to change my world, it would be to fix the texture of the green landscape.
I think my maya skills have progressed far. I started never having used maya and little experience with computer software, to now feeling more confident using maya and short-cuts being second nature to me. When making my bedroom, i was quite proud when i got the hang of using the N-cloth tool. Comparing my world to my bedroom, i can now make more intricate objects and i have expanded my skill set. I can use more tools, such as the sculpt tools. I feel i have better understanding of rendering and using the arnold render view. I was a little scared of 3D animation at first, but i've enjoyed it much more than i thought i would and i want to continue progressing my skills. Now having experienced 3D animation i have new found appreciation for it and the skill it takes.
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littlewalken · 2 years
Jul 1
The only thing stopping me from doing anything today is my body feeling old and warn out.
And for five seconds the only thing that really should get to me is that Loch Ness Monster cookies don't cost tree fiddy.
It's blackout season around these parts so any major computer work and shit like that needs to be done as much in the morning as possible before everyone else is up and putting their air coolers on. Even the laundromat had a blackout just as we arrived the other day.
I have a solar phone charger I bought last year, and used a couple of times, that works well enough. And I have an unlimited data plan at a flat rate.
Also have severe depression mixed with perimenopause and severe loneliness but I also don't have an abusive family member any more so...
Let us ponder repainting the Sean Barbie Looks sculpt because the more I see of him the more he has that look of people who get surgery to look like a Ken doll. Unless he's suppose to be Ryan Gosling and Lance Bass' son.
I have a Ryan, ginger fashionista with the yellow shirt, fashionista #6, used to have a Steven with strong Levar Burton vibes, Ken as Mulder, I know they can make attractive natural looking male dolls.
Even that petite pixie cut brunette looks like she's had surgery when we know they can do Asian faces.
And suddenly I'm struck with the thought to see if the ginger in the yellow shirt matches BMR Tate because he's kind of meh too.
Sculpting dudes, stop using just your filler filled fuckboys for models and look at some classical art or just go outside and look for hot guys. Whomever is working for the people who do Power Team Elite/Click N Play soldiers know how to make hot guys.
So I have a project today, get to the ginger and see if he can head swap with Tate. And if so then I'll figure out what to do with his hair.
*No match, Tate has a ruddy complexion, the ginger is a closer match to the tango face bunhead. I'd say it's the "nostalgia" color, matches Harry Potter but that neck is too small. And ginger's hair is molded on instead of a separate rubber piece.
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thecraftyteddy · 5 years
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hi :)
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
The Hike
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Sirius Black x fem! shy! reader
Part of the Sirius’ Little Hufflepuff series: I recommend you reader She’s a keeper and That’s the rules but this mini series can be read as individual fics as well x
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Summary: The group goes on their first holiday outing, but it wouldn’t be the marauders if they didn’t get into a bit of trouble
Warnings: swearing, implied sex and suggestive, nudity, the marauders being their chaotic selves 
a/n: 2.7k words, I love this little series so much, I have two other days like this one called ice-cream and other gorge-walking, but if anyone has a better idea than ice-cream or something let me know, I love hearing others ideas xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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You woke to Sirius peppering kisses down your shoulder and back as his hand slithered its way around your waist. Humming you sink into his touch, biting your lip as you smile remembering the previous night’s activities, very aware of your lack of clothing as Sirius pulls you closer to his equally naked body
“Morning darling” merlin was his morning voice perfect
“Morning Siri” you say shyly, turning your head to look at his grinning face
Placing a kiss on your shoulder his hand starts to make its way upwards from your hip slowly, him watching as you bite your lip looking at him, adoring that after countless nights together he still got this kind of reaction from you
Just as he was about to get to the goods the door to the bedroom opened abruptly, Sirius grabbing the quilt and pulling it up to ensure you were covered as he sat up “Prongs?” he looks at his friend confused
“Hey” James smiles like he didn’t just interrupt an intimate moment “You two love birds need to get up, we’re going on our first group activity”
“Well I kind of had another activity planned this morning so can you leave?” Sirius laughs as you pick up the cover hiding your face from James, who had to admit the sight was kind of funny remembering that you two were polar opposites, Sirius remained unfazed and not caring that he could see the outline of a certain part of his body while you poking your head out like a little turtle
“Fine” James raises his hands in defeat, about to close the door when he pops his head back in “I’ll just send Lily up then shall I?”
“You think you can threaten me with Red?” Sirius crosses his arms as you giggle a little, drawing a smile from your boyfriend as he subtly uncrossed his arms and slid a hand under the covers
James looks in thought for a second “I mean yeah, especially since she’s in charge of who gets to be in each group again…you okay y/n?” he looks at you a bit concerned as you gasp
“I’m fine” you squeak out as Sirius smiles wickedly behind you
James makes a disgusted face “For fucks sake” he starts laughing “Look just be down in 20 alright, merlin” he shakes his head as he closes the door
“Siri” you swat his hand away as you burry your face into the pillow
“Come on, like you didn’t enjoy it” he wraps his arm around your body, gently making you turn around to face him as he hovers over you “Now we have 20 minutes before Red comes up here so we gotta be quick” he smirks as pulls you in for a kiss
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After breakfast you helped Lily and Alice prepare the picnic as they explained what the day would hold. The plan was pretty much to go a hike around the beautiful forest near the cabin, the maps showed there was a couple lochs in the woods and some viewpoints so basically you would wander until you found a perfect spot to sit and eat, maybe even take a dip.
Soon you headed out, it was quite warm so you wore some jean shorts and vest top with a breezy opened buttoned shirt. Sirius opted for some shorts as well and a white shirt that was barely buttoned up, not the you were complaining, it meant you got to see his sculpted tattooed chest all day. You just knew he was going to tease you for it as he caught your eyes wandering over him more than once as you walked, although it wasn’t like he wasn’t doing the same any time you walked in front of him up hill or bent down to get something
As you walk you get caught up talking to Marlene as she tells you about her and Dorcas travels across South America while the boys start to lag behind
“You think if I came across another stag I could take him?” James asks randomly
“Depends on the situation” Remus’ states as he eyes his friend
“Right, so…” James stops walking pointing the flat path behind him as he sets the scene “One shows up here, lookin mad and I shift, you think I could kick his arse”
“No” Remus shakes his head
“What” James whips his head around as Sirius grins at Remus “I’ve taken on you I think I could do it” he pouts
“He’s got a point actually” Sirius shrugs as he nods before a smirk over takes his face “Although, the real question is what you do to piss off him off”
“Well nothing” James shakes his head “It was hypothetical”
“Okay but…” he extends the syllables “Hypothetically what would you have done?” Sirius muses
“Well it…he…” James hesitates as he realises his knowledge about his own ‘kind’ was hilariously lacking “Why do stags fight?” he turns to Remus
“He’d fight you if you were on his territory or…” Remus starts to laugh “He thinks you want to shag his doe”
Sirius bursts out laughing “Or maybe he wanted to shag his doe” he nods to James making Remus chuckle
“Cheeky git” James pushes Sirius shaking his head as he turns around “Come on lets…okay…but where did my little doe go” he looks in concern as Remus and Sirius raise an eyebrow
“And where’s my little puff” Sirius says earning small smiles form the other two
“And where did my…” Remus thinks “fuck it, Lily has my chocolate in her bag so where my little choc go” he pouts
“Mate that probably well melted by now” James cringes as they start to walk hoping you are all just up ahead
“Not if you put a charm on it” Remus smiles giving them a wink, proud of himself as they all head off to find you
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“And that’s how Marlene ended up arrested” Dorca finishes her story
“Seriously how was I supposed to know you weren’t allowed to that? It’s not like there was a sign saying…” Marlene stops and starts to gesture “Don’t pick up any of the artefacts…and if they didn’t want people to break it then they should have put it in a safer place” you all start to giggle and laugh continuing to walk down the trail
As the laughs die down, you can hear the quiet wisp of the summer air as it flows through the trees, along with the sound of a nearby stream and birds tweeting softly in the distance
Alice smiles “It’s so peaceful”
You all nod “Yeah so tranquil and quiet…” Lily says but trails off as her eyebrows knit together “…too quiet”
“Yeah” Dorca says extending the syllables as all of you stop, looking behind you for the first time in a long while to see the boys were nowhere to be seen
Marlene looks at Lily “Should we go make sure they are okay?”
“Yes” Lily nods smiling
“But are we going to go check they are okay?” Dorca says with a smirk
“Nope” you all say in unison as you begin to walk assuming they will find you eventually
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You sat down next to Marlene and Dorca on one of the blankets as Lily and Alice set up the other next to you before sitting down as well “You think they’ll show up soon?” you ask a little concern in your voice but you weren’t too worried, Sirius had told you so many stories and this situation was on the mild side
“Yeah they’ve probably got distracted, you can see us from the main path up their so I’m sure they’ll show up in no time” Lily shrugs pointing to the path down the shore you were settled on as Marlene gives your leg a little squeeze in reassurance
“Maybe James found some of his own kind again” Marlene jokes “Sirius told me on the train about the time he ran off to join a herd” she explains to the others
“Oh yeah” Lily sighs “He left me for three hours on our honeymoon. That’s what happens when you fall for a marauder” she shakes her head laughing
“Oh merlin seriously?” Dorca starts to laugh as does Alice but Marlene tilts her head
“He’s done it more than once?” Marlene looks in shock making you, Alice and Dorca all laugh harder while Lily just smiles “They said it happened in their final year, why did he run off that time?”
“His explanation when he got back was that he needed to know if Spanish deer communicate the same as British deer” she barley makes it through the sentence as she explains
“Siri did that once in the park” you confess making them turn to you “Running off to talk to another dog”
“Oh my god tell us everything” Marlene pats your leg, the girls 100% invested
“Well, sometimes he cuddles into me as Padfoot…” you start seeing their faces trying contain theirs smiles at that adorable image “…but on this occasion I had passed through the park on the way back from work and…” you bite your lip “…another dog came up to me so I petted it”
“He got jealous of a dog?” Dorcas mouth drops
“He sniffed me for a good 5 minutes before dragging me out as Padfoot, sniffing the ground as he found the dog and…” you start giggling “…he just kinda stared it down before barking then we left”
“Did he ever tell you why or what he said to the dog?” Lily asks
“No, but that dog never came near me again” the girls start laughing
“Trust him to be territorial over another dog, merlin, he’s so whipped for you” Marlene says shaking her head and wrapping her arm around you as you just bite your lip smiling “Speaking of…oh I’m going to enjoy that explanation”
You all look up to see Remus looking perfectly normal with a look that says ‘I’m way to use to this’ as James covered head to toe in mud follows behind him with your boyfriend up to his waist in it wearing the most innocent look as they walk up stopping for the blankets as not to ruin them
You cover your mouth as you smile at Sirius while Lily just eyes her husband “Do we want to know?”
“Yes” Marlene answers for them nodding for them to explain
“We lost sight of you as we got distracted and then on our way to find you…” James starts
“We also got distracted” Sirius continues with a cringy smile “but while we were on an adventure we saw you from over there…” he points to a spot across loch near what looks like a bog
“And James thought what a nice short cut this would be, not realising how deep it was and…” Remus gestures to James “…you get picture” he finishes sitting down next to Alice as you all snigger as the two boys
“So how are you covered in mud?” Dorca looks at Sirius
“Well he got stuck and I had to help him” Sirius justifies
“You know we have magic right?” Lily deadpans
“I know that…they forgot that…but it was funnier to watch them struggle” Remus shrugs
“You are pure evil…” Marlene looks at Remus shaking her head before the proudest smile appears on her face “…and I love it”
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After a couple of cleaning spells, lunch and some more conversation, Sirius had his head in your lap, as you sat with Marlene and Dorca talking, while Alice, Remus, Lily and James all played some cards, well Lily, Remus and Alice did as James clearly didn’t understand the rules but his can do attitude made up for it
“Anyone wanna go for a dip?” Dorca asks looking around as Marlene nods next to her
“Yes, because I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing” James throws down the cards, giving Lily a lingering kiss on the cheek before standing up to take his shirt off the girls eyes wandering up to watch before returning to her cards
Marlene and Dorca begin to do the same as you all wore your suits underneath while Sirius looks at you “You wanna?” he smiles up at you nodding towards the water
Sirius quickly shed his clothes running off with James as you took your time, admiring your boyfriend for a moment before taking off your own. As you approached the water Marlene and Dorca were already in laughing at Sirius and James as they were having a water fight. Sirius stops his attack as he spots you, eyes trailing over your body as his eye brows lifted up and his lips turned into a smirk, his admiration was cut short as James took the opportunity to splash him again making him fall on his arse in the shallower water.
You burst out laughing as did Remus, Lily and Alice as they looked over from their game for a moment before turning back, while you made your way into the water. It was a bit cold, but a nice cold as it was getting a bit too warm with the beating sun, you wadded through the water to your boyfriend. ]
He was still a bit dazed as you approached “Need a hand?” you reach out with a smile, he looks up at you nodding as he takes it before pulling you down on top of him “Siri!” you squeal as you collide with his chest, making a small slash in the water
You cough a little as some water goes up your nose “You okay?” Sirius sits up hands on your cheeks a smile on his face but you can hear the slight worry in his voice as he checks you’re alright
“Yeah” you breathe out nodding “Just surprised me” you let out a giggle as you settle onto his lap, the bottom half of your bodies submerged in the water
His hands come to rest on your hips “You look good in that by the way” he glances down at your body then back to your eyes as he gives your sides a little squeeze
“Thanks” you say shyly, smile plastered on your face “You look…” you kiss his nose “…like a wet dog”
Sirius’ eyes widen as he pokes his cheek with his tongue, you didn’t tease him often but merlin did he love it when you did “Am I now?” he leans in nuzzling his nose with yours as he pushes you by the hips into him “Wanna try that again love?”
Your confidence faded into a nervous excitement as you answer timidly “You look very sexy in your swimming gear Siri”
His smirk widens “Now that’s more like it darling” he mutters before moving in to capture you lips
As he pulls you closer and your hands move around his neck, both of you pull back to look over as James screams from the little island in the centre of the loch before he launches himself from the cliff on it “CANNON BALL!” as he hits the water it sends a huge splash towards you and Sirius, both of you gasping as the water drenches you before you start giggling
After drying up everyone decided to just apparate back in pairs, James and Lily went first, followed by Alice and Remus, then Marlene and Dorca, finally you and Sirius
“Siri?” you say as you held his hand
“Yeah darling?” he looks down at you lowing his wand as he listens
“Can I cuddle with you as Padfoot later?” you tug on your bottom lip
His eyes light up, he was usually the one to ask you or just do it randomly, so his heart soared that you were the one to ask, he’d always been a bit nervous you thought it was weird.
His hand leaves yours to ghost over your bitten lip “Merlin, you’re perfect” he smiles leaning down to give you a sweet kiss to the forehead “And yes we can definitely cuddle like that”
You break out in a smile, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek before taking his hand and letting him apparate you both back
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little-red-rabbit · 3 years
So, I'm gonna hit you back with this. What hobbies and such do your fanwalkers like to do?
First of all thank you for throwing this ask back to me, I so rarely get asks about my oc's and it always makes my day when I do.
Marcel enjoys dancing and is very good at it, from the proper waltzes of a masquerade to a group dances of the Fey Queen's Fest. He has a pleasant singing voice and can carrier a toon. Growing up a peasant Marcel was taught to sew by his mother, and it has always been something Marcel enjoyed doing to keep his hands busy. Though it has evolved from simply maintaining his clothing, to Marcel altering his own outfits to be more astatically pleasing. He has also dose embordering and like adding little personal touches to his outfits.
He is a avid baker and enjoys trying to make sweets and breads he encounters in his travels. Though his go to comfort dish is a simple peasants blackberry cobbler, it is never as good as his mothers though.
Marcel also has a passion of poetry and love reading the works of poets from other planes. He even tries his hand at it, though he is to embarrassed to share it with anyone, mostly because they tend to be about his crush of the day.
Niphorbis is an anthropologist of sorts who has filled libraries on the study of indigenous magical cultures. He loves stargazing and learning about the night sky and constellations of other worlds. Being a sphinx Niphorbis loves to tell riddles and do puzzles in his spare time. Though his favorite hobby is to find a nice sunny roof to lay on and just people watch.
Not much of a shock but my music themed half orc is in fact a very talented musician. Nivel plays the violin, flute and the piano. He is also a composer, writing symphonies in the way a wizard would craft his spells. Being from Hyverta Nivel makes practices many different forms of art, from impressionistic painting to sculpting. He is also a armature alchemist.
Shepherd response would be making love as my demon ram is a man whore of a hippy and believe is free love and affection for everyone who want it. My response would be that before he joined the flock of Liesa he was a blacksmith, and he still practices occasionally. Forging weapons' but as well as rings and other trinkets that get give to those he caries about.
Mollycap is still far to new the the universe to have really picked up any real hobbies, though her quick trip to Golgarthum unlocked a talent for cooking. My girl makes a mean chicken noodle soup!
Serrabeth enjoys knitting and has even before she was brought back as eventually a grandmother in a power suit. She is also a avid collator of unique weapons', coins, armor and knickknacks' she find on other planes. Many of which have found their way from her collection in influence Crusabella after her death. Such as the enchanted stain glass of Benalia.
Baba Yule is a avid gardener and what ever cottage she has set up in some planar backwoods often has a cute little flower patch right next to it. Many of the flower are used in her hobby of brewing herbal tinctures. She enjoys cooking, as well as whittling small animal totems. She also likes to make up fairy tales that tend to find their way into nearby villages , most of which are "Stay out of the woods children it not safe for you."
When Dillon was just a shepherd boy in the hills around the great loch of Ta'mor, he favorite pastime was daydreaming. He now lives in the daydream of of others Win, win in his book.
Like I mentioned in another post, Sagara keeps a private garden of the rare and dangerous man eating flowers found in the rainforests of Jungala. He is also a patron of the arts and architecture, enjoys philosophical debates and plays the sitar.
Shari is a competitive man and enjoys competing with others in all manner of activates. His top favorers being hunting and wrestling. He enjoys working out and training with new weapons' the more exotic the better. He also enjoy patriating in traditional dances.
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grayloch · 6 months
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Good Morning!!
Here’s an updated commission sheet! I can do character art or illustrations for you wow!!
For the limited time only: my Sculpture commissions are open and may or may not open again, be sure to ask if your ideas can be done!
And as always, Low on funds? Ask about my other options. :)
Please DM me or email GrayLochArt@gmail[dot]com if you are interested.
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faimrpg · 3 years
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Name: Rowan ald Gwynn   Age: 25+ Occupation: Widrowem Ambassador Suggested Faceclaims: Thea Sofie Loch Naess, Anya Chalotra, Reece King, Kiowa Gordon Pronouns: Up to player Currently: Open
Phenomena. You pile up experiences with a collector’s obsession, and chase them down with a child’s giddiness to catch will o'the wisps. There was a time when you were interested in all forms of knowledge, none of them too trifling or anomalous for your tastes. In your apprenticeship as part of an embassy convoy, you travelled all over the southern kingdoms, and even ventured once to the coast of the Smothering Sea. Widrowem’s tradition did not only use their envoys to spy and meddle—they also trained them as vessels of sight and learning. In those days, you thought there was no way for your path to wind but upwards, spanning further and stranger shores. As you improved your ability to witness the world, your interest for curious weather, for flora and fauna that could give anyone else nightmares, dwindled to a pulse. A fascination for people flared instead. Val Faim was… a steep fall. The assignment felt more like a punishment than a chance to learn something new. What was there to glean from this muddled country, who sculpts its Gods and deifies its leaders? Your homeland does not have kings, at least not in a way Val Faim would understand. You have people chosen to lead, gathered in a fair assembly, after trials and tribulations under the spirits of the realm. So why, then, are your rulers so demon-bent on obtaining the Celestinian throne? For the first time in this life, you are not only in over your head, but also starved of anything worth seeing.
Cassian Cigydd: Though your customs do not obey a hierarchy, and certainly not one as coarse and materialistic as Celestine’s, the older ambassador is still your superior. They surpass you in terms of experience and connections in the field, if not always in sensible judgement. While they were pleasant enough on the road to Val Faim, their behavior shifted ever so subtly as you neared the capital. Whatever they know—whatever they have been tasked to find—enacts an enormous price to conceal. Your questions as to why a country without kings would risk a war for a foreign throne are met with steeled resistance.      
Karine: You were never so silly as to believe people who come in with the fog do not have a safe place to return to. You knew they snuck into Widrowem between a breath and a sigh every other year or so. They shrouded themself in mist, and you were already too wise to prod at seams that would not give. You assumed there was another life for them—but your ideas were fanciful, there to blunt the risk of your fall, rather than cover all angles. You imagined another partner, a smuggler’s mission, sworn duty in a nearby kingdom. You never imagined this: Val Faim, a traitor’s hatchet and a mandman’s blade. You never could’ve. 
Helene Farrow: Their late spouse had a strategic interest in the border garrison, it was said. Different rumors held they had a mercantile investment in Widrowish quarries. Others, still, dictated they had southern blood in their lineage, and it was what steered their hand against the former Emperor. You were barely a child when both Tristan and Farrow found their rest beneath the Mother’s veil. Yet you remembered the noble visiting the court of your Thane and asking to see you. It remained an unsettled curiosity. If nothing else in this bastard city, you intend to track their widow down and find out why.
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supercasey · 4 years
RED Mercs at the beach (for Anonomi)
Let’s fuckin’ do this, lads!
RED Mercs at the Beach
Engineer: He builds the most elaborate sandcastles of all time, and afterwards spends most of the time grilling and making sure no one goes swimming too soon after eating. He can actually swim pretty well, but he doesn’t really see the point in doing so when he’d rather be chilling on the beach.
Demoman: An incredible swimmer, so he spends the entire day running around in the water and splashing his teammates for fun (especially Spy and Medic, who get pissed at him as a result). He honestly has such a fun time, even if he’s afraid to go farther out into the water (can’t let the Loch Ness monster get him)!
Soldier: He manages to convince Sniper and Pyro to bury him to his neck and almost fucking drowns because everyone forgot about him being buried. After that, he’s splashing around with the mercs who’re in the water and having a great time; does not seem the least bit bothered that he almost died.
Medic: Does NOT like the beach, not one bit! He always gets a sunburn, and despite hardly leaving his shaded towel for the whole day, he still gets a fucking sunburn in the end. Hangs out by the grill and eats so many hotdogs that he pukes out the window during the drive home.
Heavy: Helps Engie grill for most of the evening, but he humors Demo and Scout by doing a few cannonballs for them. He offered to put sunscreen on Medic, but the doctor insisted he didn’t need it because he’d hardly be out from under his umbrella (big mistake). Sleeps in the backseat during the drive home.
Pyro: Sniper and Soldier help them dig a six foot deep hole in the sand, which they sit in for hours and hours on end, just kinda chillin’. They also play around with Engie’s sandcastles and have a mock fight with Soldier using the castles as their bases. Sniper makes them a mermaid from waist down at one point and tbh it’s wholesome as all hell, they love going to the beach!
Sniper: Oh my gosh, does this boy LOVE beach trips! He wants to do everything he possibly can before they have to go home, and he helps with building sandcastles, burying people, splashing around along the shore, etc. He loves sculpting with sand the most, but later he swims pretty far out and just lays on his back for an hour or so after the team’s cookout.
Spy: He gets the most embarrassing tan lines thanks to his mask. Ends up having to save Scout and Soldier from drowning at least twice, which just ends in him making them stay closer to the beach. Helps Engie grill a little bit, but mostly he just lays on the beach and sunbathes (he tried to beat the shit out of Scout at one point after he gets hit with a water balloon while napping).
Scout: He loves the beach almost as much as Sniper does, so the two of them become a sort of tag team while playing around. He brought a water gun and a few balloons, so he ends up pranking everyone all day long and just having a fun as hell time. Nearly drowns because he can’t swim for shit, but he won’t admit it out of pride.
BONUS Miss Pauling: She didn’t really want to come, but the Administrator ordered her to keep an eye on RED during their mini vacation, so she came along anyways. She ends up having a lot more fun than she thought she would, and participates in Scout’s water gun fight (she wrecks him every time).
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ninanailedit · 5 years
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Halloween but make it floral 👻🎃 I used: @leafgel Sculpting Gel to extend a couple of nails @orly Bonder Base Coat @miniluxe Perfect Prime @opi Susy Needs a Loch-Smith and Things I’ve Seen in Aber-green from the Scotland collection @chinaglazeofficial Mustard the Courage and White on White @cndworld Scarlett Letter @sally_hansen Miracle Gel Matte Top Coat (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4K2-IVjCdQ/?igshid=19qhmbpzo55jq
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itsmarioposts · 3 years
Best Holiday Trips in Melbourne
Perfectly positioned for holiday day tripping as Melbourne. Just an hour or two out of town, you can find yourself walking through ancient rainforests, watching wild penguins and koalas, or admiring world-class art. Throw in pretty seaside towns, a 100-year-old steam train and some of the best restaurants in the country, and you have plenty of reasons to get out of town.
Great Ocean Road
About 200 kilometers from Melbourne, the Great Ocean Road is one of Australia's most spectacular stretches of coastline and a top road trip destination. The drive from the city carves along steep sea cliffs, as well as the surf-thrashed beaches of Port Campbell National Park, where the distinctive rock pinnacles, the Twelve Apostles, tower above a swirling sea. Other highlights include the wind and sea-sculpted rock formations of Loch Ard Gorge and London Arch...go to - Planetware to know more.
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Wilsons Promontory
Wilsons Promontory is a long wedge of land that juts out far into the ocean. It’s famous because it can claim to be the most southernmost spot on mainland Australia. When you stand at the southern tip by the dramatic lighthouse and look out to sea, you know there is nothing but the ocean for a long way. It’s a spectacular national park too, with many beaches and some great hiking opportunities through the wild landscapes. There are large populations of wallabies on the promontory, as well as seasonal migrations of whales that can be seen out to sea...this and more over at - The Crazy Tourist.
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Bellarine Peninsula
The Bellarine Peninsula has stood in the shadow of its eastern cousin for too long. Travellers are starting to realise that the rugged coastal region has just as much to offer as the Mornington, and it’s considerably less expensive. Whether you’re looking for wineries, beaches, luxury accommodation or great food, the Bellarine is ready to assist...for more info, visit - Timeout.
The Yarra Valley Wine Region
The Yarra Valley produces world class wine that is sold across the globe, and here you can visit the many wineries for yourself. There are 90 cellar doors here, tons of vineyards and a lot of new microbreweries, and you can drive between them yourself or join one of the many tours that depart Melbourne CBD daily...read more at - Jones around the World.
If you want to visit all these beautiful places and have a large group then you can Coach Hire Melbourne and go on these beautiful trips on a bus of your own and travel at your own pace.
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mi4014izzygraham · 1 year
Continuation of my 3D World of Delight
I have made some-what of a re-start to my 3D as i accidently broke the camera rig, which lost it's course. I had some help fixing that, which now i know how to avoid doing the same thing. I have adjusted the path of the camera rig and changed the basic terrain to match my different zones.
At the start, the ground is flat which slowly climbs up as you pass the planets floating above. For this part, i have started making sculpted terrain, inspired by some of space themed artwork (featured on my mood board). You then go over a ridge which comes out to a valley and lake (zone 2), which is based on Loch Shiel. I have built up the hillsides using the sculpt tools which have been easy to work with. I've added in a flat plain for the lake, adding in a few bumps to add some realism.
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