#maggie better not get sprayed
diver5ion · 1 month
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
Longing (sex and zombies-chapter 3)
(all chapters here)
pairing- {Rick x fem!reader}
summary- A girl can dream right?
warnings- 18+ content, MDNI, though no actual smut in this chapter, it is still suggestive.
“Hunny, why on earth would you sleep in that thing?” Lori brushed your hair out of your face. She treated you like her kid. It kind of threw you off. Seeing as you daydreamed about her husband and all. Whether she could tell or not it didn’t show. 
But she’d cut your hair. Clean your clothes. Check on you like a mom. And the weirdest part is that you liked it. Made you feel safe. Well, not the same safe that Rick or Daryl made you feel. But one that comforted you in a way only a mom could. 
“Daryl was snoring.” you give her a weak smile and follow her into the house. 
“Go shower sweetie, your hair is all funky. Shane just finished up.”
She motioned upstairs. You could use a shower. She was right. “I’ll go grab my clothes-” 
“Already did,” she handed you the pile she’d picked out. Like you were in third grade again. Mom picking out your outfit. You glanced at Rick who was grabbing a plate of food. 
You mumbled a thank you and headed to the shower. Passing Shane on the way down. 
“Princess sleep ok last night?” he teased and ruffled your bed head some more. You rolled your eyes but continued up the stairs. 
Maggie was criss cross applesauce on her bed when she spoke, “We saw you you know.” She didn’t look up from her toes. 
“Who?” You leaned against her doorway. 
“You and Daryl. In the truck” 
“Not who did you see. Who is ‘we’?” 
“Oh.” She looked up at you. “Me and Glenn.” The slightest blush found her cheeks.
Whatever. Word was bound to get around at some point. It was honestly impressive that you'd kept it on the low for as long as you had. You shrugged. 
“Want yours?” She motioned to the nail polish bin on her bed. 
“After?” You motioned to the shower and she nodded. 
There was still steam from Shane’s shower. It smelled like man, maybe old spice, something delicious. You washed your hair, combed the conditioner through. Letting the water wash away your thoughts of Daryl and the smell of the leather truck seats.
Taking the sweetest smelling body wash you could find, velvet cupcake something or other, you scrubbed every inch of your body. Down to your bare toes. 
You dried off and dressed in the very modest Jeans and t-shirt that Lori had picked out.You skipped the bra, throwing it onto Maggie’s bed instead. Maggie painted your toenails a bubble gum pink. She was sweet to you, treated you like a sister. It clearly came easy to her. 
“Sooo… was he any good?” She asked with a smirk. 
You didn’t want to smile but it happened anyway. 
She smacked your arm lightly. “You dirty little-“
You chuckled, rubbing the spot she’d hit. 
“Maggie! Beth!” Hershel called from the main level. 
“You better tell me more later.” She whispered and shot off the bed heading downstairs. You followed after. Not without a quick spray of perfume from her dresser though. Now that you smelled like a cupcake and marshmallows, maybe Rick would be even more inclined to let his touch linger on your back as he walked by. Or lean down to talk in your ear when you pretended you couldn’t hear him that well. A girl can dream right?
Two pancakes. One egg. Handful of Raspberries. Breakfast was amazing. You couldn’t lie, Carol could cook. Shane dipped his pancake in your syrup earning a playful scowl from yourself. 
“How’s the cushions in that pickup ?” He asked, a flirty grin forming on his face. “They uh,” his gaze glanced at Daryl from across the room, “...nice and comfy?” 
He knew too. Jesus Christ. Not a single secret could be kept on this damn farm. 
“Comfier than your bed...” you mumble under your breath. But he heard. Earned you a kick under the table too.You glared at him but your smile escaped anyway.
“They were fine thanks for asking,” you straightened up and said a little louder, letting Daryl and Lori both hear the answer to the question they’d clearly heard. 
“Slept like a baby.” You made eye contact with Daryl. He grunted and ate another pancake. 
“You gonna help me n’ Rick with that barn?” Shane changed the subject. 
“Mhm” you nod with a mouth full of pancake. 
“Alright we’ll meet you out there in 20?” He got up and patted your shoulder. Shane didn’t need an answer,he knew you'd be there in 10. 
It was hot. The sun was already blaring down on the field. Everyone was outside, gardening, washing clothes. Doing anything to help keep busy. 
Gravel crunched beneath your shoes as you rounded the little barn.
“I thought you were gonna stay inside, and help the Greene’s?” Rick asked as you approached his work bench behind the barn. 
“Shane wanted me here.” 
“Is that right?” His eyebrow raised.
You nod. 
“Okay well you're sanding then” It was clear he was trying not to smile as he shook his head.
You helped the men with the barn. Mostly sanding boards and grabbing tools. Sometimes Shane would make you climb up there with him to hold something in place while he hammered. Lori brought out some sandwiches and water at lunch. You laid on the roof soaking in the heat of the day. Your shirt became shorter and shorter as you lifted it up your stomach. Allowing the sun to warm as much skin as possible. 
You eavesdropped on the conversation below you. Starting out rather innocent until Shane brought up the truck. 
“You know they did it last night right? Good ol’ make up sex,” he bit another piece of his sandwich off. 
“Shh man she can hear you” Rick shushed the man. 
“Nah she can’t. She’s in her own little world up there trust me.”
 A long pause. Rick pretended not to care. But he wasn't doing a great job.
“Did you see them?” He finally asked.
“Nah but Glenn told me he saw Daryl dragging her over there and then, well the damn truck started shaking man” 
“And this is relevant how?” 
“Oh come one, if he could pull her? You could have your way with her too. I’m sure she’d let you,” he paused. 
“…little cocktease like her, roaming around the camp in her short shorts and you’re telling me you haven’t even thought about it?” 
No answer. 
“Not even when she wears them little sundresses?”
“I’m married.” 
“We’ll I ain’t. And goddamnit Ricky I wanna taste that sweet- “
Shane laughed and you couldn’t help but smile up at the clouds. Rick didn’t say no. You knew he’d thought about it. Maybe in Atlanta before. Maybe in the closet. Maybe on another run or hike through the woods. Even just around the farm when you’d catch him looking at your chest, glistening from sweat. His gaze dipping lower, going as far as to notice there wasn’t a bra underneath your tank top. 
After lunch, Shane nailed another board into the roof. How long would this take? You were starting to sweat. 
“You gonna tell me about it or make me torture it outta you?” Shane asked looking up at you. Confused, you raise an eyebrow. He licked his lips.
“Daryl? Really?”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Musta been good if you forgave him already,”
"I haven't." But you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I mean how was he? Honestly I thought the kid was a virgin. Beats me.” He hammered another mail. “Did you… did he make you… you know?”
“God Shane!” You smacked his forearm. 
“Aw come on baby girl, I’m just teasin’” His voice lowered, so Rick wouldn’t hear him from the ground. A tiny smile pulled at your lips as you looked up at the man. Your mind wandered to thoughts of him and Rick both taking you in the back of some clothing store, out on a run. Their hands and mouths torturing your body, earning those sounds you couldn’t ever keep in. A fantasy that you’d had the time to perfect in your couple days of sulking in solitude. 
Around the fire that night you laid your head in Shane’s lap, facing Lori and Rick. Both of whom seemed a little annoyed by it. Shanes hand rubbing your scalp and playing with your hair mindlessly as he kept a conversation with Dale about some part he needed for the RV. 
You thought about how you’d probably end up sleeping in the truck again. You were too sore to let Daryl even think about dragging you for another “walk”. 
Lori took Carl to bed. The other women shortly after. It was just you, Rick, Daryl, and Shane. Wonderful. Tension in the air thick as honey, you felt it was your best bet to try and escape. 
“Night” you try to leave the fire pit but Shane grabs your hand bringing you back down next to him. 
“Where do you think you're going?”
“Bed.” you brush him off again. 
“Who’s?” He looked at Daryl briefly. Then to Rick. Then back to you. 
“Ugh,” you couldn’t even help the scoff that left your mouth. What an instigator. 
Leaving the three men to talk amongst themselves, you grabbed Daryl’s spare sleeping bag and his pillow and walked along the driveway down to the truck. Setting up a cozy little nest. It would have to do. 
You woke up early. The birds chirping in the trees couldn’t help but make you smile. You slipped your shoes on and went for a walk around the house. Went to the stables. Quick hello to the horses. Then circled back to Daryl’s tent. You needed some new clothes.
Stepping into the tent, Daryl’s back peaked through his sleeping bag. Eyeing his tattoo and the scars covering his shoulder blade, you grabbed your whole bag, you’d go to the house to change. Let the man sleep. Not that he normally let you. 
Everyone wanted to join the run that day. For the motorhome part. If Hershel wanted your group gone, then you would need a reliable ride. And the RV had been acting up lately according to Dale. So the run was for car parts and batteries. And if you were lucky maybe a vibrator. That’d help keep you out of anyone's tent. 
Reluctantly, you were allowed to join the run. 
“Sweetie you’ve had a tough couple weeks, maybe you should rest here?” Lori suggested. Looking for Sophia, the guys at the bar. And then… well, another run in with random men who’d probably want to hurt you, had they been smart enough to open the closet door. 
“I am over rested at this point” you groan. 
“She’ll be good, little fresh air never killed no one” Shane responded. Rick nodded in agreement. 
“I’ll come too,” Maggie, out of breath, jogged up to the truck, surrounding the little group. “Daddy made me a list so…”
“Alright that’s enough then. Otherwise we’re leaving your father to protect the place all alone.”
You, Daryl, Rick, Shane, Dale, Glenn, and Maggie now. Kind of a big group for a little run. But everyone was getting antsy at the farm. Andrea was only alright with it after being told she could do gun training with the Greene’s that day. 
No luck with the vibrator. Not that you’d expected it. But it woulda been a nice surprise. In fact, the run had been kind of a bust. Dale hadnt found the part he needed, and a hoard of walkers came through the town, blocking you all in the dealership. Forced to wait it out. Thankfully it wasn’t going towards the farm. But you waited for what seemed like hours. Glenn and Maggie had disappeared to the break room. Shane and Dale were caught up in conversation about lord knows what. You couldn’t see them, hidden in one of the display cars. You were sitting right next to Rick on the ground of the dealership, behind the receptionist desk. Everyone hidden from the walls. No walkers could see in. 
“You don’t have to sleep in that thing, ” Rick scratched at a splotch of dirt on your pant leg. “Shane said his tent has room.” Of course he would. He’d offered his tent up even before the farm. And honestly, Shanes tent started to sound like a nice change after being fucked and left in a truck. 
“It’s not so bad.” You lied.
“You really still that mad at Daryl?”
You shrugged. Kinda. Not really. But he had acted like a complete asshole.
Rick's hand started to make its way up and down your thigh, rubbing mindlessly. Pushing a limit even you could see. 
“It’s not the comfiest thing in the world…” you say softly, looking up at the man. 
“I can’t imagine.”
You rolled your eyes. Which earned a quiet laugh from Rick. 
“He didn’t mean those things,” Rick offered. Maybe he hadn’t. Those harsh words when you’d finally gotten back from your run. The one that didn't… go according to plan.
“Doesn’t matter. He was right,” 
He’d yelled at you in front of everyone. Made a big scene. And then spat the most hurtful choice of words he could. You made it back alive, and he didn’t even seem to acknowledge that.
“He was worried about you. We all were. He just… expresses that differently.”
You nodded, looking down at the hand on your leg.
You stayed there for a few minutes. Not talking. Just enjoying the feeling of Rick's touch.
You didn’t realize how close you were to Rick until you felt your foot fall asleep. In an attempt to switch positions, you lost your balance, falling into the man. Both of your eyes wide, staying still and quiet to make sure you hadn’t made too much noise. Moving only when it was safe, into a comfier position. And that was basically laying on top of Rick at that point. His hands on your waist, as he kept glancing down between you, breathing slowly. But your hands were on his chest, and your legs tangled in his. And…well you couldn’t help it. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. A single soft, gentle peck. Then a deep breath. 
He shook his head. Not now. But even then, he let you stay on top of him, pulled you in closer even. 
Tucking your head under his chin, he rubbed up and down your arms and your back, and though he’d never admit it, you could feel him underneath you. It took everything in you not to move your hips against him. What you didn’t know was that it took everything in him not to move them for you. 
When the hoard let up, you’d all loaded into the vehicle, practically empty handed. 
Every time Rick shifted gears, his hand would brush your knee. Sometimes he’d even keep it there. Shane, on the other side of you, toyed with a small rip in your jeans, furthering the damage to the denim. You squeezed your legs together at one point when both mens hands were on you. Desperately trying to get some sort of relief. That earned a smirk from them both. 
Knowing exactly what they were doing to you. 
(next chapter)
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 7: Connor’s phone
Mental illness specialist or wtvr: Daniel
Pepper spray girl: Sarah
Unknown number 1: Elsa 
Unknown number 2: Lanik
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Noah
Attending: Latham 
Will (can’t fucking spell): guys i hav good new. I have leaenee how to spell (sorta!)
Unknown number 1: Yeah, thanks to me. You are all very welcome by the way. 
Nat: You are fired. He still can’t spell. 
Maggie: Is someone jealous? ;)
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: Hey Sarah ;)
Nat: No, not jealous at all.
Pepper spray girl: Heyyy :)))
April: Elsa, you should have taught him better. Also Nat, you are definitely jealous!
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Me💰: who’s pepper spray girl?
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: what are you talking about?
Unknown number 1: You don’t need to be jealous, Natalie. Will is not my type. At all.
Unknown number 2: He better not be…
Me💰: 1 of my contacts says pepper spray girl but idk who that is
Ethan: Oh. That might be my fault.
Will (can’t fucking spell): HEY! Wtf elsea???
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Ohh yeah i remember when sarah did that lmao
Pepper spray girl: …
Mental illness specialist or wtvr: You guys need to be more sensitive. 
Ms. Goodwin: Maggie, the idea you had yesterday really impressed the board. You are the best head nurse!
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): But she’s the only head nurse
Ms. Goodwin: 🤣
Me💰: ethan did you change my contacts last night at the bar???
Ethan: I might’ve. 
Pepper spray girl: fuck you ethan
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: 🔪
Maybe: Sam Abrams: …
Maybe: Jay Halstead: I’m so confused right now… 
Maggie: Thank you, Sharon!
April: Ethan, you were at a bar last night???? You told me you couldn’t help take care of Vincent because you were working?
Ethan: Oops
April: Oops? That’s all you have to say?
Unknown number 2: You guys have a kid???
Maybe: Sam Abrams: You guys talk too much, I’m muting this.
April: No, Vincent is Ethan’s sister's kid.
Unknown number 2: Ethan has a sister???
Ethan: Sorry April, but I already see Emily too often now that she volunteers at the hospital.
April: Ethan, you are so irresponsible. 
Me💰: wait i was so confused about the contact that i forgot to acknowledge the fact that you sent a winky face to sarah???
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: yeah…
Pepper spray girl: ;)
Maggie: ;)
Ethan: And you are so critical. How can you blame me for not wanting to spend time with my sister who literally stole drugs from the hospital???
Pepper spray girl: emily did what????
Ms. Goodwin: Ethan, I think you, Emily, and I need to have a little chat… 
Unknown number 1: Why am I not surprised? 
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Omgg drammmaaaa
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): Someone’s abt to get fired
April: Noah, you should not be laughing at such a serious situation. 
Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???): No
Me💰: not to interrupt whatever this is but ava??? are you flirting with sarah?
Avey ❤️❤️❤️: yes
Ethan: What the hell, April?? Emily and I might lose our jobs because of you.
Me💰: you’re a crazy bitch we’re over
You have changed Avey ❤️❤️❤️ to Crazy bitch
You have changed Pepper spray girl to Pepper spray girl (ava’s crush)
You have changed Dude who won’t stfu (maybe ava’s crush???) to Dude who won’t stfu (noah)
Crazy bitch: rot. in. hell!!!
Ethan: We’re over too, April
April: Fine, as long as I get your sister in the breakup.
Unknown number 1: And we’re over too, Lanik.
Unknown number 2: What????
Unknown number 1: Jk ;)
Unknown number 2: … Attending: I hope this breakup doesn’t impede you two from acting professionally during surgery.
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glitch-pep · 10 months
I'm really curious, since you asked me.
Do you have any interesting Stories about how you came up with any or your OCs, or any that like in my case changed in personally/design?
Thank you for the question, I'm more than happy to tell you about them!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :D
They're all under the cut! :>
Mina - Character History
A few months before I even watched Ed Edd n Eddy, which means I only knew some basic stuff about it, I randomly started brainstorming oc ideas for it. The idea I came up with... was bad to say the least. It was some sort of weird fortune teller/witch type of character that basically looked like Marie Kanker but worse and that had some sort of rivarly with Eddy going on. Like... I think it was something about her making money with her fortune telling/witchcraft stuff and Eddy getting mad over it. And that's all I can really remember...
Version 2 was made around the time where I was close to finishing the whole show. The design idea I had for this one really wasn't bad, but it just didn't fit the other designs in the show and also the overall vibe. It was a girl with a similar face and body to Mina's and shoulder lenght ginger hair. She had a pink/red headband with a pointy bow in the middle of it. Her outfit was a black sweater with a pink/red skirt and she had two bangle bracelets on one of her arms, one of them red and the other pink. And I don't know what I had in mind for the shoes or any other design element. I honestly do like this design idea and might reuse it one day! Personality wise, she was literally just like Sarah but even more of a snitch who would tell everything to her mom. The two main things I took from these two versions to incorporate into Mina are the witch thing, the mom thing and some minor design elements from Version 2.
Charlie - Character History
Charlie was supossed to be sort of an opposite to Pump's sister, Susie. Susie is actually canonically a quite talented artist that uses her art for good stuff, so I was like "Let's make the opposite of that." to which I made a spray painter that would get in trouble for vandalizing properties. At that time her name was supposed to be K and she basically looked physically like Charlie but in a different outfit. The outfit consisted of an oversized dark blue hoodie whose hood covered her head, the hoodie had some sorta emo red heart design somewhere on it, and it was covered in spray paint. K and Susie were supposed to have some sorta weird dynamic going on where K would show up at Susie's window to randomly bother her, with Susie of course wanting to get rid of her, but eventually she'd get used to it. There was also supposed to be some sorta "Susie doesn't know that K is a criminal and K tries to hide it from her" type of situation going on.
Eventually I've realized that I'm not really interested in Susie as a character so I scraped that concept and moved on. I think the parts that I kept are basically the physical appearance, some parts of the personality and the criminal thing. I also remember that when I made the Charlie we know today, I was torn between the names K and Charlie but I'm glad I went for Charlie cuz it fits better.
Milo - Character History
Milo was originally supposed to be Maggie's twin brother, so his color was supposed to be Maggie's exact color. I remember that his hair thingy was longer which looked awful, and that he had eyebags. The clothing choises were exactly the same thing he wears now. But when I sketched the idea out I just really didn't like it. Looking back now I think I made his personality and design too... edgy? He was too dark to fit into the universe and it was bugging me so I scraped it. And then, a few months later I gave it another go. I scraped the Maggie's twin brother idea and just made them adoptive siblings, because after I tried to color him with her color it just didn't look right. Then I tried to go for brown, but I couldn't find a good shade, so I went for the original color idea I had in my head that I tried to avoid: green. I tried to avoid it because I felt like there's already a lot of green characters in the cast, but after I realized that Vendettas shade is suprisingly bright and that Marvin's is suprisingly dark I went "Screw it, I'll just go for something in the middle of those two." and Milo's green was born. As for the personality I remember that at some point in my head he was more light hearted and not as tired, but I eventually changed that. I also remember that I was torn between two names for him, Milo and something else but I don't remember what it was.
Molly Moon - Character History
At first, Molly wasn't supposed to be an unused wh character, so trying to design her was incredibly difficult for me. Choosing the colors was a nightmare, I remember that I had pastel pink and purple in mind for her color scheme but that didn't work. The thing was that I didn't wanna lean into the sleeping theme that much but at some point I changed my mind and went all in. Her personality has basically stayed the same the entire time.
Mr. T. Bear - Character History
The one thing I remember is that he was supposed to be way more cute and normal looking and he didn't match with Molly at first.
Karma - Character History
Karma was at first supposed to be mischievous and more of a troublemaker, also her ears were supposed to be longer. Some concepts also included her being fluffier, but I can't find those anywhere.
Concept sketches
I tried my best do dig up any concept stuff I could find, but I must warn you that it's all very messy and ugly-
(I couldn't find much because my past self deleted most of it, which sucks now-)
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roamingtigress · 10 months
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I just smiled at this. I was changing the horse tack to be more Dutch-y w/ all the gold bling and black when Dutch decided to be nice to an NPC for a change :) (*though he respects Maggie Fike because she's too badass to be bothered by his sassitude; I mean the woman survived a fire that should have been fatal but she pulled through so Dutch is just a walk in the park; Marcel though thinks he sees a twinkle in his eye though when he talks to her; shhhh Marcel don't start rumours and cause trouble between Vandermatthews (;)), he keeps getting sprayed by Harriet (don't we all), is fine with Madam Nazar and is getting along better with Cripps after he had had a discussion with Hosea)
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alexa-crowe · 2 years
Nine Minutes? 👀
About a year ago, someone (maybe Anika?) got an ask about writing an AU where the entirety of the show happened in the lost nine minutes from the pilot and I think I spent the next week gorging myself on that idea. 😂 In short, Scully lives her whole life exactly according to canon plus some made-up post-canon stuff, and then she dies. But! Remember Clyde Bruckman! Alright. So how do I die? / You don’t. She’s not actually dead! But was all that a dream or did she truly live that life? This fic also operates under the idea that Scully is psychic. Only she remembers everything that happened in the show—Mulder is exactly himself as he was right when time resumed for them.
However, there’s no real way to know that Mulder didn’t experience the same thing when he died, especially because for Scully, he died seven years ago. Scully’s psychic abilities, at least as far as they can determine, currently consist of precognition/premonition: she gets a ~feeling~ when something traumatizing is going to happen to her or someone close to her in the near future. So, does that make what happened in those nine minutes a vision that was amplified by the effects of whatever happened in those nine minutes? No matter what, the one thing that Scully is sure of is that terrible things happened in her life, and now she has a chance to stop them.
“We lost nine minutes!” Mulder exclaimed, looking from his watch to her. Scully whipped her head to the side and made eye contact with him, eyes wide. She opened her mouth to say something and then closed it, swiftly unbuckling herself and shoving open the car door to stumble outside into the downpour. “Scully!” she heard him shout, but that wasn’t possible.
She just died! She’d been holding Maggie and William’s hands, and she’d died in Our Lady of Sorrows. There was a gravestone with her name on it that said “1964–2053” underneath! Scully looked down at the road beneath her feet and recognized the red X Mulder had spray-painted on it during their first case in Bellefleur.
She fell to her knees, shaken to her very core. Nine minutes, she thought. Did I hallucinate all that in nine minutes?
“Scully?” He knelt down next to her, reaching out to her but pulling back at the last second. “Are you okay? Did you see something? Did you see them?”
She licked her lips, feeling unattached to reality. “Time...” she started, and paused at the smoothness of her voice. “Time is a universal invariant, Mulder. Those nine minutes...they happened. We just didn’t see them. What happened in those nine minutes?” She looked up at him and couldn’t stifle the grin that took over her face. In whatever life or pseudo-life she’d been living, he died seven years ago. Scully reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. Just like I remember, she thought.
“Ah, fuck,” he muttered, scooping her up into his arms. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be you, Scully. I never wanted them to hurt you.”
“They haven’t, Mulder. And I know how to make sure they never will.”
“What?” Mulder sat her down in the passenger seat and tried to buckle her in, but she swatted his hands away. “Scully, you’re in shock, or they drugged you up, or something.”
“No, no, no. I’m fine, Mulder. I’m great! I’m better than I’ve ever been. I saw how our lives are going to play out, but now they’re not, because I know how they are, and we can make sure all of that shit doesn’t happen!”
He shook his head and let Scully buckle herself in as he shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. “Scully, do you remember anything from those nine minutes? Anything real?”
Her giddy smile slipped from her face and she looked away from him into the unlit stretch of road ahead of them, marred only by Mulder’s X in the distance. “No. But I can prove to you that what I’m saying is true. The person who’s taking those people is Billy Miles. I saw a whole life in those nine minutes, Mulder. I lived a whole life. I made decisions and had thoughts and—and fell in love, had children... People died, too. People that I want to save. People that I have to save, knowing what I know.”
Mulder stared at her for a few moments as if he was trying to gauge whether or not she was lying, like a spy would, and then opened his mouth to speak, decision made. But he was cut off by the car restarting, the engine having stalled. Without speaking, he put his seatbelt on and continued driving them back to their motel. He tightened his hands arhythmically around the steering wheel until he worked up the courage to give voice to the question she knew he’d inevitably ask. “If you know everything that is—or was—going to happen, then...then you know about my sister?”
Scully put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “We can’t save her,” she told him softly. “They...they used Samantha as a test subject. She died in 1978.”
“Oh,” he said, voice cracking. She couldn’t see the tears in his eyes but she didn’t need to.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears filling her own eyes.
“Is there—um—” Mulder paused and sniffled, slowing down the car as he wiped away his tears. “Do you know where she’s buried?”
Scully shook her head and moved her hand to one of his, squeezing it around the steering wheel. “No,” she whispered, barely loud enough to be heard over the rain.
“Damn,” he swore, stopping the car entirely to fumble around for tissues before giving up and wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. “Jesus. This is... This is a lot.”
“I know.”
“This changes everything.”
“It does.”
“What do we do?”
She inhaled and exhaled steadily, clasping Mulder’s hand with her own. “We make sure they don’t get to do the shit that I saw them do to us. I’ll—I’ll tell you about it all later. Just get us to the motel. We have to solve this case first.”
Their gazes met for a long moment before he nodded.
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motownfiction · 2 years
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The DeLucas have always spent Thanksgiving with the Doyles. It used to be impromptu. When Daniel and Lola were very little, Linda would attempt a feast, but Frank would always find a way to ruin it (by getting drunk, by screaming at his wife, by taking the turkey out of the oven too early). It used to be impromptu, but after about three years, Mike got wise. Decided to make a tradition out of it. He and Maggie invited the DeLucas over for dinner, Frank always included, but he never showed. And that was the way it used to be. They’d get together, watch the parade, listen to Maggie complain that they never show the Macy’s Day Parade when you live in another big city, and eat more than they thought they would. It was always a wonderful time, a welcome respite, a perfect afternoon sprawling into a perfect evening.
But that was before. Now that Daniel’s dating Sadie, he thinks it needs to be even better.
In the morning before they head over to the Doyles’ place, Linda won’t stop gushing about how cute it is to watch her son get dressed for a holiday with his girlfriend. That’s the word she keeps using. Cute. Daniel wishes she wouldn’t. Not only because he, a short young man, is tired of being called cute. But also because he and Sadie aren’t just cute. They’re in love. They’re in love, and Thanksgiving is just another way for Daniel to show it to her.
He slicks back his hair and sprays himself with cologne – the bottle his father left behind, the one Sadie says doesn’t smell like him, but the only one he has. Lola calls him a runway model; Daniel rolls his eyes at her. Linda won’t stop saying cute, cute, cute. When Daniel grabs the bouquet of mums he got at the flower shop, just for Sadie, she says it again. Cute, cute, cute. If only she knew it was more.
Then again, maybe it’s better she doesn’t. Maybe it’s better that for right now, Daniel’s the only one who knows how special his love is. The only one but Sadie.
They get up to the door, and Sadie answers. Daniel grins. Just like Sadie to wait by the door without any shame. God, he loves her. She’s wearing a plaid dress, and she looks just like a holiday come to life. She has always been a holiday come to life.
Daniel awkwardly holds out the bouquet of mums for her, like they haven’t been in love for ages. She smiles and takes it in her arms.
“They smell so pretty,” Sadie says. “I’ll take them to my mom.”
“They’re not for your mom,” Daniel says. “I mean, she can … she can look at them, but they’re for you.”
Sadie’s smile gets even bigger. As it turns out, she’s still getting used to this whole being in love thing, too. She wraps her arms around Daniel in the doorway. Neither of them even care as Linda and Lola sneak their way past.
“Is it lame if I say I’m thankful for you?” Sadie asks, which makes Daniel laugh.
“Nah,” he says. “I was thinking it, too.”
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
AO3: The Coward's Redemption
The sixth floor of Impel Down. A secret to anyone outside a choice few pirates and those with no less than a post of Vice-Admiral in the marines. The final hell to find in a prison comprised of hells.
Isolation, utter and absolute, from all contact and news of the outside world. The quarters for those the Navy deemed best to disappear altogether.
“What the fuck?!”
Also, currently experiencing a bit of chaos. Usopp staggered to his feet, swaying with each explosion that shook the floor from the other side of the massive double doors.
“A riot?”
One of the fresh faces, the most recent addition, proposed as a guess.
“Don’t be stupid.”
He immediately got shot down, even when the hinges rattled.
“One of the new prisoners probably ticked off Magellan. It’ll quell once he’s sprayed his gunk. You better hope those doors hold, cause if his poison gets in here, we’re corpses.”
At that precise moment, the doors came crashing inward.
A din kicked up from all the cells, panic the primary reaction, laden with fear, one of the few things (aside from a visit from Domino or Sadi-chan) that could get any of the prisoners agitated.
One exception, insane and with a deep cackle to match, stood out to Usopp, who took in the proceedings almost vacantly.
“And exactly,” Doflamingo, the former Shichibukai, wondered aloud. “When has old Maggie’s gas ever been white?”
Usopp looked up at the hole where the doors used to be, and found not gas seeping in, but smoke. Buzzing confusion spread and the Joker’s laughter only grew louder.
“A mutiny! Chaos! Dissension! The world will come crashing down around our ears, and we get to have a taste!”
“Get your asses moving, runts!” A gruff, throaty voice barked, one the former sniper hadn’t heard in years. Two more figures rushed down from within the smoke. “This ain’t gonna hold off a bastard like Magellan more than a couple minutes!”
Any other day, for any other riot, Usopp would have rolled over and shut his eyes with wishes for a dreamless, permanent sleep.
Except the voices of these people, the inciting individuals–they resounded hope. In equal parts desperate, afraid and angry, but hope made them distinct from any previous rioters.
“Step back, Coby-san!”
Tashigi. With only one arm and a familiar, nostalgic white sheath. She must’ve noticed Usopp staring.
“I guess I thought it’d be poetic,” she said. “Lend me his strength or something.”
Wado flashed across the steel bars of his cell, and they came apart in evenly sliced chunks.
“Coby.” Usopp said, voice flat and throat hoarse from disuse. The marksman couldn’t dredge up the effort for anything beyond wryly conversational. “What brings you here?”
“We’re going to get you out of here,” the pink haired corporal (Captain? Commodore? Last time Usopp saw him he’d been a tenant under Magellan for the prison. He couldn’t remember his rank) declared. He circled around Usopp and his hand turned black. “Give me a second with these.”
Usopp didn’t know if the sound that tumbled from his mouth counted as a laugh or a sob. Escape? Where to? He had nowhere left to go.
‘Oh well,’ he thought. ‘Might as well play along.’
“Where’re we going?” He asked, his shoulders tugged back as Coby shattered his handcuffs with one, precise strike.
“Not ‘we’, Usopp-san,” Coby corrected him. “You.”
“Coby-san.” Tashigi’s voice spoke the young marine’s name like both a warning and an urgent plea. A rock dropped in Usopp’s gut at the sight of familiar gas pressing through the white smoke.
“You’ll pay for this, Smoker!” Magellan’s deep voice bellowed from beyond the vaporous barrier. A string of defiant, choice expletives spoke to the mutinous marine’s resistance.
“Then I sentence myself,” his gruff voice shot back, and another tremor shook the walls. “To kicking your ass for pissing me off, and pissing on the grave of Absolute Justice when I’m through!”
Tashigi clenched Wado, back rigid.
“Go, Tashigi-san! I only need a minute more!”
Coby hadn’t even finished saying her name before she dove into the doubtless fatally poisoned smoke without reservation.
“Hey!” Usopp called. “That’s dangerous, no one’s ever–”
“One man did.” Coby said.
Usopp froze, shuddering with the weight of a thousand memories and regrets he’d tried to bury beneath apathy.
“Why are you here?” He asked again, tone tired and terse.
“To set things right.” Coby stressed. He tore open Usopp’s prison garb and pressed a hand to the sniper’s chest.
“Getting weird now…” Usopp muttered, squirming and trying to slide away, though he was pressed against the cell wall.
“It wasn’t supposed to end that way,” Coby murmured, teeth clenched and his brow deeply furrowed. “I know I’m no Kami, I may not have the right to be so selfish, but of all the ways it could have gone, THAT WASN’T IT!”
Usopp stilled. The other prisoners were caught between cheering for the mutiny to succeed, lamenting impending doom and, in Doflamingo’s case, cackling.
“I hate it,” Coby said, a glow surrounding his hand. “I hate that can’t do more, but you’re one of his nakama. If there’s anyone to do the job, it’s you.”
Usopp’s long held apathy cracked a bit further, frightened by the sheer desperation in the other man’s tone. He’d heard it before, many times, too many, damn near enough to turn him into a hyena like his former Shichibukai cellmate.
“What are you–”
“KID!” Smoker’s shout rasped, hacking and breathless. “IF YOU AIN’T DONE IT, DO IT NOW!”
“All of you are hereby condemned criminals and shall be dealt with accordingly!”
Magellan’s poison burst through the white smoke on his last word. Pandemonium took hold. Usopp yelled, yet Coby still held the same focused, clinging expression.
“Take this with you,” he said, and, impossibly, he planted a tattered, singed, worn straw hat on the sniper’s head. “It’ll help you remember.”
Usopp’s brain and mouth stalled over questions and a plea of ‘how?’, ‘where?’ and ‘please stop looking at me like you’re about to die.’
“What are you asking me to do?”
Coby smiled, the dark gas rolling in plumes like the devil’s own dust storm toward his back.
“Save them.”
Toki Toki no Shoukan
Usopp woke up at home. On his island, in Syrup village, in his bed.
He blinked. Where else would he be?
He stared up at the ceiling. The wood had a stain that looked like an insect colony might find inviting.
“Not super.” He muttered.
The phrase, that word, fell off his tongue before he realized he didn’t talk that way. He didn’t know anyone who did.
Usopp rubbed his eyes. A sense of urgency to do something (he didn’t know what) was fading rapidly, and his heart hurt.
“I should go visit Mom.” He said, rolling out of bed.
The sound of a soft crunch and a rustle had him leaping backward. His bed didn’t make those sounds.
A hat. A worn out, tattered straw hat slowly buoyed back into its natural shape. Usopp must have rolled over it.
He stared.
‘Where’d that come from?’
A vision flashed in his mind’s eye. A wide, face-splitting grin that shone like a tiny sun on a face with a scar.
Usopp bolted for the door, and didn’t stop sprinting until he’d put a full kilometer between him and the house.
That smile, all open trust, acceptance and confidence, scared him more than anything he could remember.
“Hi Mama,” Usopp said, sitting in front of Banchina’s grave. “I got you a new bouquet.”
He’d picked them from a neighbor’s garden, same as he did every time he came. Ms. Root had chased him off screaming the first time, so he’d gotten stealthier.
“Something weird happened today, Mama,” he said after laying the random assortment of flowers at the cross. “I snuck past all the guards and beat all the traps like I usually do. But while I was choosing them from the garden, I felt something. And I looked at the front window and Ms. Root was watching me. Except I knew she was, even before I looked.”
The young boy shook his head. Everything about the day had been weird, and not in an exciting way.
“Oh yeah,” he said, raising his voice over his own thoughts. “Dad’s coming home soon! He sent a rare amphibious dolphin to bring me the message. Actually, the messenger was a superhero named Pandaman!”
Usopp wove tale after tale about his Dad’s adventures and how Usopp would get to go with him on the next one. He talked for hours.
That straw hat haunted every thought he had of going home.
When he did cave and return, he did so armed. He rounded the front door’s threshold with his slingshot at the ready.
‘Whoever left the hat could still be around,’ he reasoned, fear prompting several terrifying possibilities to take form in his mind. Knees knocking, he swung his sights all around the house interior, anywhere except where he’d left the hat. ‘B-but they’ll be sorry for breaking and entering the great captain Usopp’s home!’
He checked every conceivable hiding place in the house (he’d made use of just about all of them) for… what, he didn’t know. Ninjas, maybe? Anywhere he could look that wasn’t the bed. He hoped, with the logic children sometimes apply, that if he put off seeing it for as long as he could, the hat would be gone when he finally checked for it. That it would vanish along with all the emptiness and cold, all the life and confounding sense of belonging it conjured.
After finally checking the oven for the fifth time, Usopp forced his gaze to the mattress.
No such luck. The hat, straw and worn, haunting and mesmerizing, tattered and regal, remained.
The boy shook his head. An echo of something urgent rang in his ears, accompanied by that face-splitting grin.
“It’s only a hat.” He whispered, inching his way closer, one foot always behind him for a tactical retreat.
“Just a hat.”
His mantra served as background to the fractured pieces that grew in volume as he reached out.
“Just… no.”
The denial, the change at the critical moment–where a decision to pull back or press on determined all–came out as an exhalation just before his fingertips brushed the weave.
“It’s not just a hat.”
Memories came. Too fast, in and out of order, screaming and laughing, bleeding and hoping. He didn’t retreat, instead hugging the straw hat to him, crushing it out of its shape, using it as an anchor while his knees buckled and he forgot which way was up. His lungs contracted, burned for air but he’d been lost to a vacuum of weight and space where time held no sway and his only sanity born of his emotions.
And with a desperation he’d never known (except that was a lie–he had, only once, in a previous life), he wailed to fill the void.
Usopp, seven years old, the proud sniper of the Straw Hat pirates, grieved for his nakama.
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Hi there Peahen mom, can we see another addition to the DI5 incident au? How about T-bone and Maggie this time?
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((Hi dear, hope your well this evening. Sure we can add another chapter to this DI5 incident au. But I was always curious to write these two so one moment.))
((And Maggie belongs to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
It seems to be raining this time during the day or early morning. Even with the sun being up, no one was outside unless they were trying to survive. Right now, another was doing just that. T-bone, member of the Shallow butterflies were running away while carrying someone on his back.
He had blood on his forehead but he sees and heard some infected demons chasing him while hissing and snarling at him. "Tch, shit shit shit!" He keeps running but he stomps the ground showing a fire ice spears that goes back towards the infected impaling a few as they were frozen over or screeching in pain.
He keeps on running down the street passing cars on fire or fire hydrants spraying water all over. He was more worried about the one he was carrying. Maggie, a member of the DBT was knocked out and it seems she was like this for a while. He and her were lost together trying to find their friends even the young ones Gerald, Taz, Ping, and Timmy. However, he found out they were alright and in a safe place thanks to a very weak signal from the healers!
However, they lost contact with them where this hoard of infected was trying to kill them. But why was he carrying Maggie? Well, T-bone and her were fighting off the infected together but that's when one attacked and bit Maggie. He knew she got infected even if he blames himself for not doing better. He's been traveling with her still keeping her safe but now she's passed out from this thing.
'Just hold on Maggie, I'm going to get you somewhere safe..' he thought running but didn't hear anymore infected when he keeps on running. Later that morning, he was able to find a safe house and bandaged Maggie up who was resting on the couch. He sighed to see the blood was cleaned up though, he even noticed the red like veins were gone too.
As he remembered from the book, the veins he saw a few days back were gone. Did this mean she was alright now or was it going to get worse? Even so, he still felt worried to touch her hand hoping she was going to be alright. Just resting there like she was in a coma.
Even now, he didn't know how badly the infecting was hitting her. So he stood guard to wait for her to wake up while having some cold water in case she did. For a while, she didn't wake up just resting there but she was breathing slowly as she turns her head to the side.
However, in two hours, T-bone was getting a cold cloth for her when he was going to see something that worried him. "Alright, I got some more. I need to be sure she is alright...." he said walking into the room. But as he did, he stops to see what is in front of him.
Maggie was shaking in her sleep but wincing as well. She was panting heavily like she was sweating or was something wrong? "Maggie!?" he rushes over to her side seeing her gripping her shirt as she was sweating. He can see the extra set of fangs under her lips but he saw her crying.
"Easy Maggie easy!" he said keeping her still but he saw her shaking even more gripping her shirt hard that he takes her hand so she didn't rip it. Her grip was strong but he was worried.
'What is happening to her!? Why is she shaking like this?' he thought trying to calm her down. "Maggie, wake up! Come on damn it wake up!" he said trying to wake her up with the shake of her shoulders.
At first he was worried she wouldn't wake up with the trashing and crying. Just what is happening right now?! "Maggie!!" he shouted for her to suddenly tackle him in her sleep. She hisses at him while almost ready to chock him but he held her wrists to keep her from strangling him.
"Maggie, it's me wake up please! Can you hear me!?" he said struggling in her hold. However, he saw her glaring in her sleep using her strength to try and get down to suddenly bite his shoulder. He winces from the bite while she drew blood but when doing this....
"........." she slowly begins to wake up wondering what is happening. 'Wait, what the hell? Did I pass out again?' she thought. 'And why do I taste something in my..' as she focused her eyes she felt she was holding someone down.
"!?" she quickly sits back up to look down that T-bone was panting from the bite but Maggie's eyes widen to get off to look at him.
"S..Shit! T-bone, are you alright?! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"I..It's fine, it's fine. I was trying to wake you up when you were sweating and looking like you were in pain." he explains to see her cover her mouth then lowers it. She saw some drops of blood on her fingers growing worried of what she did.
"I...I bit you..Oh god T-bone I'm sorry. I..I don't know what came over me. I just..." she looked silent now and yet, T-bone sits up ignoring the bite to look worried to her.
".....What did I....."
"You only bit me and it's fine. I'm just happy your alright and awake. You were shaking like you had a fever or something..but It might be due to that bite from those things.." he said seeing Maggie look at him then down again. That's right; she and him were fighting off a few when one ambushed her and bit her.
Damn those things! Their the reason she behaved differently for the few days. To the weird cravings of not food..but demon blood. Looking worried, she covers her eyes trying to think when T-bone was by her side. "Maggie-"
"Sorry, I'm......this is going so fast. With everyone split up and..Gerald..Taz....." she was more worried about them right now but T-bone was worried about Timmy too.
"Don't worry Maggie, we will find the others. I know they are in safe zones too or trying to find us. You have to stay strong." he said.
".....I..I know. I don't usually let anything get near me like that. But those damn things or at least one did. I let my guard down and I got this infection too..." she sighed.
"Yeah but it's been days since you were bit. I think the other effects are kicking in now. Even when it's craving demon blood." he was worried and yet Maggie hated this. She was going to find those damn infected demons and make them pay. But as she moved she held her head feeling dizzy.
"Easy now.." he said keeping her still and yet, Maggie only sighed to close her eyes.
"Damn it...I hate feeling like this..." she grumbled but T-bone sighed.
"I know but you can fight through that infection Maggie. Your really tough so this is nothing.....however, I'll be here for you even if it gets worse. I will be here to help you." he said but she blinks to hear this then looks at her lap.
"Thanks T." she said.
"Sure but for now you rest up....you been out for a few days..but if you need to, I'll feed you to keep you stable alright?" he said to see her nod slowly. For now, they found a safe place for resting but T-bone will be sure to aid Maggie if she needs it. Even when it comes to giving demon blood.
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katy-l-wood · 3 years
Rebinding paperbacks into hardbacks: a tutorial
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I promised a tutorial about how I’ve been doing this, so here we go! First though, I must stress that I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL. I am making this up as I go based on several hours of research for a single project about ten years ago. But I needed a serotonin boost from a project I didn’t have to buy anything new for, so I decided to just throw myself back into book binding.
Are there people out there with better advice? Yup. Am I doing parts of thing wrong? Probably. But I’m also having tons of fun. So goal accomplished.
Just...don’t do this with any books you adore/rare books without digging deeper into the more professional side of this. Just for fun, okay? Okay.
This will be a pretty long post, so most of it will be under a cut!
First up: Supplies.
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Your book! For this tutorial I’m using a copy of The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater because I’ve ended up with three copies of it, so it’s perfect for this project.
Some clean scrap paper.
A cutting mat. If you don’t have one you can use some scrap corrugated cardboard (probably best to have a couple layers, if you do it this way), however the mat is nice because it has angles marked on it which will be important for later.
Rubber cement. (Technically, spray glue would probably be better, but I didn’t have any spray glue so it would’ve violated my rule of “do not spend anything on this project.)
Craft glue.
Creasing tool. Alternatively, a pen with a flat, slightly rounded bottom edge can work well too.
Water cup.
Ribbon, if you want to do a bookmark.
Paint pallet you don’t mind getting glue on. A sturdy paper plate works fine too.
A charm for your bookmark, if you want one.
Some kind of book board to form your covers. You can use a lot of things for this including thick, sturdy, non-corrugated cardboard, cereal box cardboard glued together in layers, wood, or actual book board that you purchase online. I am using some chipboard that was used to stabilize and protect something I ordered online. It works FANTASTICALLY. I always hang onto this stuff when I get a package that has it.
Some brushes you aren’t afraid to ruin with glue.
Heavy duty box cutter (if you’re using wood, you may need some sort of saw).
Exacto knife.
Something to form your spine. Again, you have a lot of options here. I am using some faux-leather I had laying around, which I’ve found works best. If you use a regular fabric you’ll have to hem it, and use a fabric friendly glue that won’t come up through the fabric, which is not covered here.
3-4 sheets of scrapbook paper. Thicker cardstock papers work best for their sturdiness, but you can use lighter weight papers as well, you just have to be careful how you glue things so the lighter papers don’t warp.
Letter stickers if you want to do a title on on the cover. There’s lots of other ways to do titles, though, so it’s up to you.
(sorry, forgot to add this in the picture) 6 small binder clips. Like, the half inch sized ones.
(No picture again, sorry!) Something heavy to set on top of your book while it is drying. I just used a box of acrylic paints.
Whew. Okay, onto the actual tutorial.
Step one: Measure and cut your boards.
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Measure your book, and then add 1/8-1/4inch to each side EXCEPT the spine. So, if your book is 5x8inches, you’ll want to measure out 5.25x8.5inches. The 1/8-1/4inch part is up to you. I prefer to do 1/4 inch because I like to see a bit of the endpapers even when the book is closed.
Cut out two of these rectangles from your cover material using a ruler to guide the cut and your boxcutter. With chipboard, this will likely take several cuts. I put about half an inch between each rectangle just so that if I mess up a cut I’ll only ruin one of the rectangles, not both.
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Congrats, you now have your two covers! Sand down any stray bits on the edges from cutting and you’re good to go. At this point, you can do whatever you want to the things. Paint them. Collage on them. Paper them. Woodburn them. Totally up to you. Just remember, at least half an inch of the spine side will be covered by your spine material, and the insides will be covered by your endpapers, so don’t put anything important there! For this tutorial we’ll only be covering the paper wrapping method, but you really can do whatever you like.
Step 2: Wrap ‘em in pretty paper.
If you are using lighter paper, you’ll use rubber cement for this step. If you are using thicker cardstock, you can use craft glue, but it MUST be watered down (about 1part glue, 2parts water in your paint tray). If you have a printer that is big enough for scrapbook paper, you can also print titles onto the paper before you attach it to the boards. This is what I did for Hunger Pangs. If you do this, you just have to be very careful with your positioning when placing the board so that your title lines up properly!
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Take your first sheet of cover paper and lay it face down. Then, take one of your cover boards and apply an even coat of glue all across one face. Plop that down on the boring side of your scrapbook paper, with a couple inches of room on each side, and press it firmly for a couple minutes.
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Next, trim down your paper with the exacto knife so it is even on all sides. I honestly just lay my ruler against the edge of the board, then cut along the other edge of the ruler. Quick and easy, no measuring required, and it will be exactly the same every time.
Now trim off all the corners at a 45degree angle, leaving about 1/8inch between the corner of your board and the cut. This is where the cutting mat comes in handy, since it already has these angles marked for you. If you don’t have one, you can just measure out the angles on your own.
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Now, use the smoothing tool of choice to carefully and gently fold over each of your edges. Emphasis on gently. Then, using the same glue you used to secure the front side, glue down the edges one at a time. You’ll probably have to hold them in place for a minute or two to make sure they stick.
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Congrats on completing the first cover! Now repeat the process for the other one. Again, you can do whatever you want to it at this point. I added a second layer of paper feathers to mine because, well, it’s the Raven Cycle. Feathers and trees.
Step 3: Attach the book.
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Lay your backcover down in the proper position, and coat it with watered down craft glue (not rubber cement). For this you want your glue a little thicker, so about 1part glue 1part water. Don’t go quite all the way to the edges, except on the spine side.
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Apply book. Make sure it is centered top/bottom, and the spine of the book is lined up with the spine side of your board. Press firmly, then put your weighted box/other books/whatever, on top and let dry for at least fifteen minutes.
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Next, apply glue to the front cover of the book, and attach your new cover on top. Again, make sure everything lines up properly, then press firmly for a few minutes before putting your weights on top. Let dry for an hour.
Step 4: Give it some spine.
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You can work on this during the hour your book is drying. I’m doing this with faux leather (which, I know, evil plastic, hissssss. But it was what I had laying around in my art hoard from before I knew how crappy faux leather is. Better to use it than throw it out).
Measure the width of your book with the two new covers included. Then add 3/4inches to the width on each side. Measure the length of your book, and then add 2x whatever you added when you cut out your boards to each end. So if you added 1/4inch to each edge in that step, add 1/2inch at the top and bottom each in this step. If you added 1/8inch in that step, add 1/4inch in this step.
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Cut that baby out using scissors. (You can also add more than 3/4inches to the width of your new spine, it just depends on the look you’re going for. You can also have fun with the edges, rather than making them straight, as long as you keep that 3/4inches as your minimum and expand out from there.)
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Once you’ve given your book its hour of drying time, remove the weights. Using a line of pure craft glue, secure the first edge of your spine in place. Make sure it is centered with an even amount hanging over the top and bottom. Only about 1/2inch of the long edge of the leather should be in contact with the book. Put the weight back on top and let sit for about fifteen minutes.
If you want to attach a ribbon bookmark, now is the time, after that 15 minutes of drying. Cut out your ribbon about 4 inches longer than your book, apply the charm if you want to, and then glue about two inches of it to the outside of the paperback’s original spine using pure craft glue.
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Flip your book, and glue down the other side of your new spine the same way, making sure it is even with the front cover. Don’t pull it too tight, or it will keep your book from closing properly. Place it back under your weight and let dry for an hour.
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Once dry, apply a line of pure craft glue to the little bit hanging off one end. Don’t make it too thick! Just enough to cover the leather well.
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Now fold over the leather so it wraps around to the inside, and use the binder clips to hold it in place. Wipe off any excess glue that gets pushed out, then let dry for an hour.
Step 5: Endpapers!
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While that’s drying, cut out your endpapers! You’ll likely only need one piece of scrapbook paper for this, but it depends on the size of your book and if you want to do anything special with the pattern you’re using. Again, if you want to you can use your printer to put text on these.
If you want to have your endpaper covering BOTH the inside of the cover and the first page of the book (and the last page/inside of the cover for the back) you’ll have to do some careful measuring to cut things out and you will need two pieces of scrapbook paper for this. But I like to keep things simple and just cover the insides of the covers, not the first/last pages too, so I just use two simple rectangles. You’ll want to cut them about 1/16inches SHORTER than the measurements of your new covers.
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Once the spine is done drying, remove the binder clips and check that your endpapers fit properly and aren’t hanging over the edge. You may have to trim them slightly. Once the size is right, glue them into place using rubber cement. Use your smoothing tool to press down the edges. Do this for the front and back. Put back under weight for another hour.
You’re done!
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Congrats on your new book! Enjoy it.
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
fever - reddie
read here on ao3
↳ requested by anon.
↳ content warnings - mentions of throwing up, being ill, swearing.
↳ 2.4k word count
↳ masterlists
@bucky-j-barnes join my tag list
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richie leaned his head back against the headboard of his bed with a loud yawn, though he willed himself not to let his eyes close. he took a glance over at the digital clock on his bedside table and groaned quietly when seeing that it was almost three in the morning. himself and eddie had been up all night, trying to monitor their daughter who was ill. she hadn’t been too bad during the day - she had a stuffy nose and complained about being too cold, but overall she was okay. though since she had gone to bed she’d been up to the bathroom at least ten times, and as eddie was worrying more (although she insisted she was fine, a trait eddie insisted she got from richie) they had decided to just stay up until they knew she was asleep.
maggie (they had named her after richie’s mom, who had cried and refused to let eddie and richie go for at least five minutes when they had told her) had gotten up again around five minutes ago, and had been in the bathroom for that time. eddie was downstairs at the time, making himself and richie some coffee to try and stay awake. though richie was sat silently up in bed, listening for any sign that maggie needed him in there. he’d been trying to give her some space all night as she insisted that she was fine, but he was still worried. she usually slept through the night with no issues.
he could hear eddie cluttering around in the kitchen downstairs as the bedroom door was open, and continued to force his eyes open. soon enough he’d have caffeine in his system, he just had to hold on until then. richie was exhausted from work, and wanted nothing more than to bury underneath the sheets with his arm around eddie, but maggie was his top priority. he’d do anything for his little girl (though she was not so little anymore at fifteen years old) even if that included sacrificing his precious sleep.
though forcing his eyes open soon was the last of his worries, because after a few minutes he could hear a weak “dad?” from the bathroom before he could hear retching down the hallway, and richie couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten up so quickly. his back protested with a click as he ran out of his and eddie’s bedroom though he ignored it, pushing the bathroom door open to crouch on the floor beside maggie.
she was leaning over the toilet bowl as she threw up and richie sighed softly. he gathered her hair up in one hand in a makeshift ponytail, and used his free hand to rub her back gently. her knuckles were white with how hard she gripped the edge of the toilet and he frowned. ever since she was a little kid she detested being sick.
“it’s okay sweetie, you’re okay.” he mumbled as he continued running his hand over her back, growing even more concerned when he noticed her shirt was damp with sweat. fuck. did she have a fever?
“eddie!” he leaned his head back to shout out of the doorway, as eddie hadn’t heard the commotion upstairs.
by the time eddie had joined them in the bathroom maggie had leaned away from the toilet with a groan, falling back against richie as she closed her eyes. her face was flushed red and sweaty, and when richie had covered her forehead with his palm she felt too warm.
“she’s really hot.” richie told eddie worriedly, looking up at his husband as he moved to crouch on maggie’s other side, checking her temperature himself.
“i think she’s got a fever,” eddie frowned, as he moved his hand from her forehead to gently rub her shoulder for a moment instead. “go get her in our room, i’m gonna grab her some water.” he squeezed richie’s shoulder for a moment before eddie stood up again, and after a moment richie could hear the stairs creaking under his weight as he went back downstairs.
maggie groaned quietly as richie went to move and she grabbed onto his shirt. “can’t we just stay here? i don’t wanna move.” she complained quietly, and richie chuckled as he shook his head.
“sorry kiddo, doctor’s orders,” he joked, glad to see the brief smile that flashed onto her face. “c’mon, you’ll be much comfier in our room.”
seeing as she didn’t move (he doubted she had too much energy in her) he hooked an arm underneath her knees and kept his other one underneath her back as he stood with a quiet groan, his back protesting again underneath the extra weight. she continued to grip onto his shirt as he carried her out of the bathroom, and carefully sat her down where he’d previously been five minutes ago on his side of the bed.
“i’ll be back in a second, okay?” he tucked the covers up to her waist before he dropped his head down to press a kiss to her forehead.
richie waited until she had nodded before he gently squeezed her shoulder and left the bedroom to go and quickly clean up the bathroom; flushing the toilet before he sprayed it and the floor with the antibacterial spray that eddie kept in there at all times.
by the time he had finished and gotten back into the bedroom eddie was perched on the edge of the bed beside her, and he passed her a glass of water off of a tray he had brought up.
richie moved to sit on the bed behind eddie, leaning over his shoulder to get closer to maggie with his arm around eddie. “don’t worry, chap, doctor k is gonna take good care of you and you’ll be tip-top shape in no time, good fellow.”
“stop doing the fuckin’ british guy.” eddie mumbled as he picked up a digital thermometer from the tray, though maggie giggled quietly at the stupid impression which made richie (and eddie, he could see from the corner of his eye) smile in relief. at least she could still be in a somewhat good mood despite being sick.
“sorry, doctor k, my father’s just trying to be jolly and supportive.” maggie piped in with her own british accent and richie snorted, giving her a high-five over eddie’s shoulder.
“you two are menaces.” eddie complained jokingly as he turned on the thermometer and gently turned maggie’s head to place the end of it in her ear, his free hand gently stroking through her hair to comfort her the best he could. maggie pulled a face as it was held in her ear for a moment, before it beeped and eddie pulled it away. richie leaned over eddie’s shoulder to see the results, and grimaced when he read 102°F.
“is it bad?” richie looked up as maggie spoke and frowned at the look on her face. he knew how much she hated being sick, and he just wanted her to feel better.
“just a little high, honey,” eddie gently rubbed her arm as he put the thermometer back on the tray. “it’ll go back down in no time,” maggie seemed a little relieved at that, and smiled slightly. “do you want something to eat?”
maggie shook her head as she pulled a face, though despite her answer eddie got up anyways and headed back downstairs, to get her something richie assumed.
richie scooted forwards to be where eddie was as maggie leaned back against the headboard and he gently took her hand, rubbing circles onto her knuckles with his thumb. she took another sip of her water before richie took it from her to put back on the tray, and when he looked back at her she was shivering slightly, despite her temperature reading. richie didn’t know if he could give her anything else to warm her up because of her fever and without eddie there in that moment to ask, he got her to shuffle up in the bed slightly before richie got in beside her and hooked his arm around her shoulders to hold her close to herself. he could feel her shivering against him as she leaned into his side, but he could feel her physically relax against him which made him a little relieved. her head was against his shoulder as she gently held onto him, and richie hoped she could get some sleep soon.
“dad?” she asked softly and richie hummed as he glanced down at her. “can we still go to aunt bev’s and uncle ben’s tomorrow?”
richie internally cursed at the question. bev and ben lived the closest to them out of all of the losers, so they often had dinners together. they were supposed to go over theirs the day after, though with the state maggie was in there was no way they could now. and even if richie wanted to, eddie wouldn’t let her step foot out of the door.
“i don’t know, sweetheart,” richie gently rubbed her arm, though sighed softly when he saw her frown. she was very close to bev, and loved being able to see her aunt all the time. “we’ll see if they can come here instead, okay? but only if you’re feeling up to it. your pa would have a fit if you were up doing something you can’t.” he told her and she nodded, satisfied with his answer.
eddie walked back into the room and held a plate in one hand and a bowl in the other. he placed the bowl down on the tray - which richie could see had ice water and two washcloths in - before he set the plate down in maggie’s lap, who frowned when she saw the toast sat in front of her.
“pa,” she whined quietly. since maggie was a toddler she had known that she had to refer to richie and eddie with different names, otherwise both of them came running when she called “daddy”. so she settled with calling richie “dad” and eddie “pa”, which all of them were happy with. “i feel too sick.”
“just eat what you can.” eddie gently touched her arm again, before he left the room for another moment. when he came back into the bedroom he carried a bucket and set it beside the bed. richie assumed it was for if she was going to be sick again so she didn’t have to get up.
maggie’s head lulled against richie’s shoulder again as she continued holding onto him, and richie kept up the gentle motion of moving his hand up and down her arm. she still felt too warm despite her shivering.
eddie picked the bowl up from the tray and perched on the edge of the bed. he took the washcloth out and rung it out so it wasn’t dripping before he leaned over to lay one across her forehead. maggie scrunched up her face at the coldness but didn’t complain that time.
“rich can you put one behind her neck?” eddie handed one to him as he nodded and carefully lifted her head enough to lay the cloth behind her neck before he settled her back against his shoulder once more. richie noticed her shivering get a little worse and frowned as he looked back at eddie.
“is she meant to be shaking?” he asked as he tucked the covers tighter around her and eddie nodded.
“yeah, it’s ‘cause of the fever. she’s fine.” eddie reassured him with a hand on his knee before he put the bowl down and moved to get in the bed on her other side once he had grabbed the controller for the tv that was mounted on the wall opposite the bed.
“hey, eat your food young lady,” richie gently nudged her arm and maggie groaned in complaint but picked up the toast and nibbled at the crust. good enough for him. “i know it’s not as good as if i made it, but pa tries his best.” he snickered at eddie’s glare though maggie smiled slightly at the joke.
eddie loaded netflix and put on the first sitcom that came up that he knew maggie liked. it wasn’t the best show out there, but it made maggie happy, and at that moment it was all that mattered. once the show was playing richie felt eddie’s hand on his arm which had stretched out behind maggie’s head and he smiled as he glanced over at his husband.
maggie had taken two bites of her toast but her head had dropped against richie’s shoulder again, and upon taking a glance at her face he could see that she was fighting to keep her eyes open. she let the toast drop back onto the plate and eddie moved the plate from her lap, which allowed her to curl up more into richie’s side. eddie lifted a hand to stroke through her hair, and that combined with richie’s hand on her arm was enough to let her eyes finally fall closed and she fell asleep.
“she’ll probably be up again soon,” eddie mumbled quietly. “it’s good she's getting sleep when she can.”
“what about us? it’s way past my bedtime too.” richie whispered with a joking pout and eddie scoffed.
“like you didn’t used to throw pillows at me at bill’s sleepovers when i wanted to sleep because i was being a boring dumbass.” eddie smirked slightly and richie rolled his eyes.
“yeah but we were like twelve. i’m old now. i’m practically wasting away into dust.” he sighed dramatically and eddie rolled his eyes, though richie could feel his fingers against his arm as they traced gentle patterns.
richie stretched out the best he could as maggie was curled against him with a quiet groan, before he reached over to pick up the toast that she clearly wasn’t going to eat and took a bite of it himself. his gaze was directed towards the sitcom on the tv though he was more focused on eddie’s fingers gently moving along his arm and the feeling of maggie pressed to his side, gently gripping his shirt in her sleep.
it was going to be a long night, he realised with a sigh, though he’d do it a thousand times if maggie needed them to, and he knew that eddie felt the same way.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Rewrite cause tumbler deleted it 👀
Tw: violence, kidnapping and sexual assault
Maggie’s POV:
I was walking home from another failed job interview. Seems no one in Gotham was in need of the skills of a biochemist. I knew I had spotted a floral shop on my way to the interview and I figured I try my shot to see if they were hiring. I cut through a back ally to get there quicker, which wasn’t the smartest idea. I knew instantly I’d regret it when I heard footsteps behind me.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing, walking around Gotham looking like that?” A voice slurred.
I shuddered. I attempted to keep walking but the man picked up his pace behind me. I turned the corner and was prepared to spray him with my mace but I wasn’t quick enough. He slammed his body into mine, pinning me against the brick.
“It ain’t polite to ignore people sweetheart.”
“I don’t want any trouble.” I said.
I hated the way my voice wavered. But I tried to steady myself.
“What’s your name gorgeous, or should I just call you Sugar?”
“My name is none of your business!”
My confidence was coming back.
“Ooo, i love it when they fight back!”
As he leaned into me, I took that moment to knock him off balance, kneeing him in the crotch before running away. I could hear him chasing after me so I picked up the pace. That was until everything went quiet, eerily quiet. I couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore, but I picked up on the sound of… choking?
I turned to see someone holding him by the neck. I recognised her. Poison Ivy.
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“Why don’t you hang out with someone more worth your time sweetheart?” She flirted.
I took that as my cue to leave, not really caring to know what she was doing in this corner of town. I was just grateful she’d cut him off mid pursuit. I made it another block before I heard footsteps behind me again. This time it was the unmistakeable sound of heels.
“What now?” I muttered.
I turned to greet the infamous villainess, but was shocked when I turned around.
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She blew pollen into my face, and I stumbled backwards, my senses thrown off by the strange smell. A design of her making no doubt. I waited for my body to hit the concrete but it never came.
When I woke up I was in a green house of some sort. No light shown through the large windows, so I knew I must have been out for a while. I went to roll my shoulders bit quickly realised my wrists were bound.
“Carful Petal, my veins will only get tighter the more you struggle.”
I rolled my eyes, fucking fantastic.
“What do you want from me Ivy?”
“Mmm, straight to the point. I see why the Detective has taken a liking to you.”
“If this has something to do with your problem with Jim, leave me out of it. He’s a big boy, he can fight his own battles.” I growled.
“Oh you misunderstand me Magnolia Blossom. This has nothing to do with your little boyfriend. I’m simply curious. Word around town is people have been comparing you to me. I wanna see what they see.”
“He’s not my boyfriend. And I’m nothing like you.”
“And what is it that I’m like Petal, we’ve only just met.”
“I’ve heard plenty about you Ivy, you’re disregard for human life Franky disgusts me, that’s why I could never be like you. You’re psychotic.”
“People do love to throw around that word. Maybe Jim’s got his claws in you deeper than I thought. It’s a shame really, you have so much potential. I prefer to call myself a realist. The planet is dying, people are the poison. I’m sure you can understand.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve seen your apartment Little Blossom. That’s quite a collection of plants you have. Some not even native to this region. Anyone who would willing move plants halfway across the country, and keep them in such good condition, is someone I’m sure to notice.”
I growled under my breath.
“I really need to get better security.”
“That you do Little one, but that’s what I’m here to offer. I propose an alliance.”
“An alliance?”
“You help me. It’s clear to me you know quite a bit about plants. I’ve seen your journals, you’re exactly what I need. If you agree, I’ll protect you with my life. People wouldn’t dare touch you if they knew you were mine, Petal.”
God this woman adored her nicknames. When I didn’t respond right away, she got closer, finally taking the time to inspect me. It made me feel small under her gaze. She leaned in my ear.
“So what do you say, Magnolia?”
“I say you’re stupid if you think I’ll help you hurt anyone.”
She tutted, licking her lips as she pulled away from me, she knelt infront of me and grabbed my chin forcefully. I had to admit, she was quite stunning up close. I couldn’t bring myself to look away.
“Who said anything about hurting anyone? I won’t corrupt you that fast, Little Blossom. But you must know, Gotham has a way of weeding out the innocent, they don’t last very long here. So help me, behind the scenes, I won’t ask you to do my dirty work. Where would be the fun in that?”
“And what if I say no?”
He grip tightened on my chin, her sharp fingernail slicing into my cheek.
“Then you will become plant food, and Gordon will too. I’ve been wanting to get rid of him for a while, but if you’re my friend, I won’t touch him. Not unless he gets in my way of course.”
A thousand thoughts ran through my head as I tried to find my way out of this. But every option ended badly.
“Don’t think too hard now Petal, you’ll ruin that perfect brain of yours, and then what use will you be to me.”
“I said fine. But you owe me.”
She dropped her hand, looking at me in amusement.
“Not usually how this works, but I’ll allow it. Name your price.”
“A job.”
“Before you so rudely kidnapped me, I was going to ask for a job at the floral shop near my apartment. You secure me that job and I’ll help you. I need the money.”
“Deal. Now don’t go telling Gordon about our little arrangement. If I hear you’ve betrayed me-“
“I’ll end up as plant food, I get it Ivy. Now let me go… friend.”
She smirked, releasing the veins tying me to the old chair. I hadn’t even realised I was struggling until I rubbed my sore wrists, a spot of blood on my finger tips. Ivy seemed to notice as she grabbed my hand.
“Oh you poor thing, I told you not to struggle.” She sighed.
Before I could stop her, she dug her nails into the small prick the rose thorn left. I hissed in pain. I watched as she grabbed a small vile from her satchel and held it to my wrist. The blood flowed into the container. She dropped my wrist, placing my vile back into her bag. I watched as she brought her blood cover hand up to her nose and sniffed, shifting uncomfortably at the site.
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“You really should be more careful Little one, your blood is special. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
Before I could ask her what she meant by that, she cut me off. She reached into her bag yet again, and pushed some calendula petals into my wound. She wrapped my wrist in a long strand of Ivy.
“There, all better! Now have to go, someone’s messing with my new Garden. I’m sure you can find your way home.”
She was gone before I could protest. I huffed, stamping my foot in frustration. I was cold and tired and currently bleeding. I thought about calling Jim, but I knew better than to think she wouldn’t find out. Which left me with one option. I scrolled through my phone looking for “guardian” I had changed her name from Zsasz’s Wifey after our last encounter.
I waited a few minuets, pacing back and forth as I waited for a response.
Who do I have to kill? Where are you?”
Nobody… yet. And I’m not sure. Was hoping you’d know since you always know where to find me. Figured you out a tracker on me at some point.
Clever girl, I did. But it’s not working, something interfering with my signal. Are you hurt?
Not majorly.
Alright, I called Vic, I hate to admit it but he’s a better tracker than me, and I’m desperate. He’s doing his best to find you. Quick question, why text me and not your boyfriend?
He’s not my boyfriend Damn it! I really wish people would stop saying that… besides, I can’t. I actually value my life, so I’m not risking making any stupid choices rn.
Kinda like how Victor isn’t my husband? 👀 and I’m glad you Value your life, cause I’m about to torture whatever idiot fucking laid a hand on you. Only I’m allowed to do that.
Comforting, starting to sound like your “not husband” there bestie. And don’t worry about it, we made a truce. Ivy’s not so bad.
That bitch! Well at least now I can narrow down where to look, she’s got a few hideouts.
Hang on…
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Recognise it?
Yep! On our way!
You’re bringing Victor?
What, he helped me find you. Besides, he wants to officially meet you Little Lamb.
What is it with you Gothamites and your incessant need for pet names?
Don’t act like you don’t like it. Is that not what you are? My pet…
I’m kinda wishing I just never texted you and just stayed lost her forever.
It was only another gruelling half hour before I heard the smashing of glass. I was pretty sure it was them, but just Incase I grabbed the broken pipe on the floor and armed myself. I heard a familiar chuckle and glared at Y/N.
“Awww, look at you trying to defend yourself.” She jeered.
I rolled my eyes, dropping the pipe. That’s when she seemed to notice the blood. Y/N rushed toward me.
“I thought you said you weren’t hurt.”
“It looks worse than it is, trust me. Can we just get out of here, this place is giving me the creeps.”
Speaking of creeps, I didn’t particularly like the way Victor was looking at me. I nervously cracked my knuckles, a habit I thought I’d gotten rid of. Suddenly Y/N hand was on my face. She rubbed over the small cut.
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“I can’t believe she went for the face, that bitch! What did she want from you anyways?”
“She wants help with her new plan to take over Gotham or some shit, I don’t know. I just told her what she wanted to hear so she’d leave me alone.”
“I see now why you like this one Sweetness.” Victor complemented.
Y/N bared her teeth at him, and I chuckled at the sight.
“So what’s your name Little Lamb?”
“Oh not you too, besides shouldn’t you already know it?”
“Y/N just calls you Little Lamb. And I do, but it’s more fun if you tell me.”
I sighed. “Magnolia Blossom. 23, my favourite colour is green and for the love of all things holy, I am not Jim Gordon’s Girlfriend.” I jokingly introduced myself.
He chuckled at this.
“Sweetness tells me the same thing all the time. He’ll grow on you.”
“That sounds like a fucking threat!”
Y/N threw her arm around me.
“Welcome to the criminal underground Maggie! Now let’s get you out of here. I’m sure Victor’s dying to show off our safe house!”
“And you claim your aren’t married.” I joked.
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An: @howl-fantasies not as good as yours but I hope you like it. wanted to give more to work with. Should I make a character introduction post?
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callmeoops · 2 years
Light in the Dark - Chapter Twenty-Three
Warnings: Dixon Potty Mouth
“Merle I swear to God if you bring it up one more time I’m going to cut off your other hand and beat you with it.” Olivia threatened the older Dixon from the common area.
Glenn was glad that Olivia stayed back. Ever since she’d brought her feral animal home with them, she’d been responsible for keeping it on leash and making sure it didn’t attack the humans. If Glenn was feeling generous and forgiving, he’d say she was doing a decent job of it.
Why she did it, he had yet to understand. Merle brought the girl to a man who violated her. If Maggie had ended up going in Olivia’s place and the Governor had done that to her…Glenn knew he couldn’t be as forgiving as Olivia was of Merle. Hell, even Daryl held more a grudge. And that was his brother.
Whatever her reasons may be, she kept Merle close. Especially now.
He’d asked Glenn about ambushing the meeting place and killing the governor. Glenn had obviously shot down the idea for fear that their people get injured in the process. But Merle was stubborn.
Dixon stubbornness, as Olivia had called it.
“And it’s a real pain in my ass.” She told Merle with a side glance.
“Yet ya date a man with it.” Merle had quipped back.
Olivia shook her head, handing a bag to Merle, “Oh, he doesn’t have nearly the amount of Dixon genes that you do. Come on, we’ll go down and hide ammo in the yard.”
“Could hide a bullet in the Governor’s head.” Merle told her, but he grabbed the bag and followed.
“Trust me, I hope I’m the one that gets to hide the bullet in his other eye socket. But that day will not be today Merle Dixon. What’s your middle name by the way?”
He narrowed his eyes at her, “Whatcha askin’ for?”
“I don’t have a water bottle to spray you with, so yelling your full name like an angry mother is going to have to do for now.” She flashed him a wide grin.
She wasn’t sure he was going to find her joke funny, but after a few second he chuckled, “You’re a damn surprise, you know that? Get left for a few months and everybody’s different.”
“What do you mean?”
“The old lady, Carol. She’s different. Used to be a mouse afraid of her own shadow. Your different. Feisty now. Though you gotta be to put up with my baby brother. Hell, even he’s different.”
Olivia couldn’t disagree with that. They all were different. “He’s more secure in himself.” She said of Daryl. “Of who he is. Of who he wants to be.”
“He’s more whipped.” Merle nodded towards her, “Wonder who did that.”
Olivia rolled her eyes. She got down on her knees beside her secret hiding spot. “Hand me a couple boxes of ammo?”
“Girl, ain’t nobody gunna be able to get at that ‘scept for you an’ the kid.”
“You have long arms. I have faith in you.” She took the boxes from him and hid them under the catwalk, pushing them far enough back that they were hidden in the shadows.
She stood up and brushed her knees off before continuing onto the next spot.
“When ya think he’s gunna stop bein’ pissed off at me?” Merle asked after she hid the second couple boxes across the yard.
Say what you wanted about Merle, but he did care about Daryl. Just in a really weird way.
“Well, he does have that Dixon stubbornness.” Olivia teased, giving him a small smile. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t talk to me much about what has gone down or is going down between you two. I think he feels betrayed. You crossed a pretty big line with him that day.”
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t want it to go down that way. Jus’ wanted my brother back.” Merle sighed, looking down at the ground between them. For a brief second she saw Daryl in him; apologetic and shy with his actions.
Olivia rubbed his forearm, “I appreciate that. I know you were worried about him. Might not hurt to tell him that too though. I’ve been telling him, but it always feels better coming from the person who did it. More of a recognition of mistakes that way.”
Rick and company returned that afternoon with bad news. The governor hadn’t been there to negotiate at all. And now they were prepping for war.
“You think we can win?” Olivia asked Daryl one morning while she was trying to steal a few more minutes of cuddles from him.
He nodded, “Wouldn’t keep ya here if I didn’t.”
“Daryl Michael Dixon.”
Daryl’s eyebrows shot up, “Who the hell-…Merle!!” He jumped out of bed, leaning over the hallway railing to try and find Merle.
Olivia ran past him down the stairs into the little kitchen area, “Merle! Run!”
“Yeah, you better run! ‘Cause when I catch yer ass yer dead!”
The group watched Merle try to sneak out of the room, only to have Olivia and Daryl appear right as the door was closing. Olivia sprinted, trying to get to the door first. Daryl grabbed her by the waist though as she hit the stairs.
“No!” She squealed, pushing and thrashing against Daryl to make it more difficult for him to get to the door.
“Woman! Let me kill my damn brother.” Daryl growled. He got a good enough grip on her arm to pull her backwards and let her go where he didn’t think she would fall.
“Need a knife Daryl?” Glenn asked. Of course, Glenn would ask.
Daryl shook his head, yanking the door open, “Nah. Gunna use my hands. More satisfying.”
“Daryl!” Olivia’s feet slid as Daryl shut the door with her holding onto the handle. She tried to pull back against the force but was nowhere near as strong as he was. Once he released his side of the handle, she stumbled through the door and ran outside.
It wasn’t hard to find the two brothers, rolling around in the dirt like a pair of kids. Olivia laughed at the sight before her and looked up to the sky, “Mrs. Dixon, you were a saint.”
Rick stepped outside, peeking around, “Is everything okay?”
“Just boys being boys.” Olivia nodded towards Daryl and Merle. Daryl was now on top of Merle, trying to get a good swing in at the man’s face. Merle got Daryl by the back of the vest and threw him backwards.
“Is that the good version of that phrase or the bad?”
Olivia shrugged, “Merle told me Daryl’s middle name and now they’re doing this, so…it’s fine I think. Hell, if they work out a few other issues during this little mess, that’s fine too.”
“Well, don’t let them get too messed up.” Rick turned to head back inside, “I need them for some jobs today.”
Olivia couldn’t help but be interested in that sentence. “Merle too?”
Rick looked back at her. He stared for a long second before nodding.
Merle didn’t tell Olivia what his super-secret mission was. As far as she could tell, he was doing odd jobs as normal. Most of which included bothering her.
But then she didn’t hear from him for a bit. Usually, she let him go an hour before peeking in to make sure he behaved himself. She’d been pleasantly surprised thus far. Daryl’s cold shoulder towards his brother seemed to be fairly effective in getting the point across that Merle needed to shape up a bit. Olivia was grateful for that. Daryl never said anything to her, but she had a sneaking suspicion that he missed his older brother.
This time, however, Merle had a rifle in one hand and a bag on his back. That was not a good sign. She grabbed her own rifle and a box of ammo from under the catwalk and followed him. Looking back to make sure no one else was watching or following, she rushed into the woods so as to avoid detection from Merle and the group.
He didn’t stop. Not as the prison disappeared from view, not as the woods thinned out to a suburban area, not even as he called out to Olivia. “Ya know. You talk about this Dixon stubbornness, but ya got the same damn thing in ya Peach. Startin’ to think it’s abused child stubbornness.”
Olivia came out from her hiding spot behind a house, jogging to catch up to him, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, just goin’ for a stroll.”
“On your own? With a rifle and a bag? Are you leaving? What about Daryl?”
Merle chuckled, patting her back, “Well, Peach. With a little luck, I’ll be able to pull this off and ole Merle will be back by sundown.”
Olivia didn’t like the sound of that. “Pull what off? What are you doing?”
“I got some business to take care of Peach. Now you head on back and keep lil’ Darylina in check. I’ll see ya tonight.” He stopped walking then, looking at her expectantly.
Joke was on him because she wasn’t going anywhere. “Nope. Try again.”
Merle sighed, “Peach. Don’t make me knock yer pretty little head out and leave ya here for Daryl to find on his own.”
“Merle. Don’t make me shoot you in the leg and drag your ass back to the prison.”
He looked at her for a long moment. “I put you in danger again and Daryl’ll have my ass.”
“So then don’t get into danger.” She scoffed. It was fairly simple. What the hell was he doing that would be dangerous? Looting for weapons?
Merle turned around and kept walking. So, Olivia kept following.
They walked for a few miles in silence. The sun slowly went down behind them, day turning into afternoon. Her mind was racing, flipping through different things they could be doing. She wondered if she could leave a breadcrumb trail for Daryl. He was an excellent tracker. He could probably find her. The real question was, could she leave a trail without Merle noticing? To be determined.
“You ain’t gotta leave an obvious trail for ‘im, Peach. He’s good enough he don need it.” Merle told her another mile in. “Sides, point was for him not to follow.”
“You really think Daryl would let you just walk away without going after you?” Olivia challenged. Even Merle had to know Daryl better than that. Daryl was angry with him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care. And she told him just that when Merle replied that Daryl was pissed at him.
He didn’t talk to her again until he found a decent vehicle to hotwire. She watched him work under the steering wheel, pulling out the three bundles of wires to find the ignition and battery bundle.
“Try that one,” She pointed to one in his left hand. “It’s got purple wire and usually starter wires are purple in Chevys.”
Merle raised his head, looking up at her, “You know how ta do this?” Olivia just shrugged. He sat up, sliding out from under the car, “You got two hands. Give yer ole pal Merle one.”
Olivia crawled under the dash and started working. Battery cables were red, starter cable was purple, which meant this green one was probably the ignition.
Guess she’d find out if she died from electrocution.
She stripped the red and green cables first to twist them together. Before she put her fingers completely on the green cable, she poked it. She didn’t get electrocuted, so she considered that the ignition cable.
“Hey Peach, no rush, but got some biters out here.” Merle called to her. The sound of knife slicing flesh filled her ears next, confirming his warning. Shit.
After twisting the ignition and batter cable together, she grabbed the starter cable. Here went nothing.
She tapped the two together. Nothing.
Her eyes found the other bundles of wires, but they didn’t have a purple wire in them. Starter cables in old Chevrolets were purple. What the fuck! She found the screwdriver Merle used to pry off the cover and pushed it into the ignition. Her eyes scanned the car for something to use as a hammer.
Upon finding nothing, she sighed. Guess her gun would have to do. Holding a screwdriver while trying to smack it with a gun was next to impossible. Over the dash she could see a small horde of walkers closing in. Merle was shooting them down with a pistol, but there was no way he could take them all. Come on, Olivia.
A couple adrenaline-induced smacks later and the tool was wedged in far enough that she could turn it. Hopefully the ignition in that position would help. If nothing else, she broke the steering lock so they could drive it.
“How’s it comin’ Peach?”
“Peachy!” She called back, shaking hands grabbing the two wires again.
“Don’t hear no car runnin’. Can’t be that peachy.”
Olivia tapped the wires together again, holding them together a little longer than last time. The engine roared. She tapped the gas with her elbow to stop the car from stalling.
“We gotta go!” Merle yelled. “Move over.”
Olivia shifted so she could get up in the driver’s seat. Her body was not meant to bend this way. Once she was up off the ground, Merle pushed her into the passenger side, sliding in next to her and slamming the door. She fell sideways into the seat, fumbling around to upright herself. Not an easy task as Merle sped away.
“Even broke the steering lock for me. Hell girl. Like a little Darylina without the dick ain’t ya?”
She took that as a compliment.
“Merle. Where are we going?” Olivia tried to keep her voice firm. They were miles from the prison, going farther away now in a vehicle. She was tired of spinning her wheels. She had to know.
“We,” He looked at her, “ain’t goin’ nowhere. You, Sweet Cheeks, is goin’ back to Daryl.”
She shook her head. “No. I’m not going back without you. If you want me to go to the prison, then you have to come with me.”
“Listen Peach. Someone’s gotta take care of my baby brother. That ain’t me no more.” Merle chuckled to himself, a short bitter sound, “Hell, never did a good of it when it was me. But you,” Merle glanced at her again, “ya do a hell of a better job than I ever did with ‘im. He likes you…. Nah. Loves you-“ “He loves you too.” Olivia argued back. Her stomach twisted uneasily at the tone of this conversation. Was he completing a suicide mission?
“The day my little brother starts lookin’ at me with those heart eyes he makes at you is the day Imma gouge them out his head. Now I got somethin’ I need to do. Alone. You wanna help me, you keep takin’ care of my baby brother for me, ya hear?”
“No.” Olivia paused. Wait. “I-I mean yes. Obviously, I will always take care of Daryl, but no. You’re not doing whatever this suicide thing you’re doing is alone. I’m coming with you. You’re not thinking straight-“
Merle cut her off, “Straightest I’ve been thinkin’ in a long time, Peach.” He pulled over into a parking lot. “Now, get out the car, ‘fore I have to kick yer teeth in.”
“Kick my teeth in then.” Olivia looked him in the eye to show him she was serious. “I’m not going without you.”
To further prove her point, she buckled herself into the car and pulled the strap tight.
Merle looked down at the seatbelt latch and undid it. “That was stupid.”
She smiled, a little giggle escaping. “Safety first, Merle. Half of all deaths from motor vehicles involved people not wearing their seatbelts.”
Merle sighed. He thought for a moment, then started driving again. “Keep that shit off. Ain’t gunna wanna wear it for what we doin’.”
Merle opened his door and stepped out, stabbing a walker that had gained interest in him. Olivia followed obediently, staying close so he couldn’t bail on her.
He didn’t go far, just into the bar whose parking lot they’d been in. Olivia wasn’t sure how she felt about Merle being drunk while doing this plan. She was pretty sure he needed to keep his few remaining wits about him.
While he was digging through the bar for a favorable drink choice, Olivia found something far more interesting.
Merle had just settled on a smooth whiskey when he was hit in the face. Not with a fist or a bottle, like he usually was in bars. No, this was…wet.
He opened the eyes that had closed instinctively at the attack and turned to see Olivia holding a water bottle. “Bad Merle.”
“’Scuse you? The hell is that?”
“I told you I’d find a water bottle for you.” She grinned, proudly holding up the little thing. “I poured a water bottle in it.”
Merle scoffed, wiping his face with his sleeve, “Damn waste a water s’what it is. Get yer ass-”
She sprayed him again, “Language.”
The face he gave her, completely unamused by her punishment, was hilarious, well, to her.
“Gimme that!” He reached for it, but she sprayed him once, twice, three, four times before he retreated and wiped his face, “Damnit Peach-“ Water hit him again.
“Darylina ain’t gonna have a girl ta be pissed ‘bout if ya don’t stop.”
Olivia shrugged, “All you have to do is behave.”
He glowered at her. As he went to grab the whiskey, she pointed the bottle at him again. He slowly lowered his arm with a shake of his head. “Man can’t have a last drink?”
“I thought we were trying to come back alive.”
“Are, but jus’ in case.”
Olivia lowered the bottle of water and took his arm, “Come on, no death thoughts today, sir. We gotta go do something fun.”
“Ain’t fun, Peach.”
“Well how do I know? You haven’t told me what it is.”
Yeah, she was definitely going to die. This was the stupidest plan she’d ever heard of. But she couldn’t let Merle do it alone. That was Daryl’s brother. In a weird, fucked up sort of way, that was her brother too.
She had often thought that Merle was nothing more than a heartless asshole. He was brash, racist, piggish…the type of man Olivia could never like.
But he was more complicated than she gave him credit for. He had a heart. A heart that couldn’t kidnap Michonne. A heart that cared about Daryl more than life itself.
She guessed that was something they had in common.
“Do me a favor?” She asked as the car rolled forward towards the governors meeting spot. Her hand was on his arm, watching the walkers behind them in the side mirror.
“’Spose I owe ya one.”
She held up her phone. “Daryl will recognize this. He’ll grab it if he sees it. Just thought, if things go south, that maybe we should leave him something.”
“Whatcha got in mind?”
She turned on the camera and shifted it, so it was on herself and Merle. She looked up at him, smiling.
“Sure, you wanna do that? Ya look like shit.” Despite his words, he threw his arm around here and smiled at the phone. She rolled her eyes, putting on her best smile with him.
Then she snapped the picture.
Tags: @azanoni
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atlafan · 4 years
Lake House Tattoo - One Shot
a/n: so my birthday is in a couple of days, and I think a lot of you know I write about piercings a lot, but don’t have any major ones of my own...or at least I didn’t UNTIL TODAY! Finally got my belly button pierced yall! I wanted my nose done, but it’s not safe to do so yet, so I got the next best thing. Anyways...the guy that took care of me was really nice, and made me want to write a little piercer!Harry fic. Hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: FLUFF!
Words: 2.3K
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Y/N was a simple woman. She worked a 9-5, regular old office job, and she liked it enough. She had a great group of friends, and a relatively normal family. There wasn’t too much to complain about. She was well past her wild college days, but as her twenty-fifth birthday was approaching, she wanted to do something that she felt was a little out there for herself.
A lot of her friends had different types of piercings. She only had her ears pierced. She had two sets in her lobes, and a simple stud in her cartilage. But her friends has some of the cooler ones, some had their noses pierced, and others had their belly buttons done. Bingo. A belly button piercing would be perfect. It was the little bit of defiance she was looking for, but it was also discrete. Maybe for any other person it wouldn’t be such a big deal, but it was something her mother was adamant about not allowing her to have as she was growing up, which was annoying because it seemed like everyone had it.
“Will you please come with me? I’ll need someone to hold my hand…” She asked her best friend, Maggie.
“Of course! But I promise, it won’t hurt that much. Where are you getting it done?”
“Lake House Tattoo, the piercer came really recommended from some friends at work. I wish I could have my nose pierced, but it’s frowned upon.” She sighs. “And another ear piercing isn’t outrageous enough.”
“Plus it’s discrete like you wanted. Are you going to tell your mom?” She giggles.
“Maybe some night if I get drunk enough and work up the courage. I’m about to be twenty-five, I’m an adult, I don’t live at home, she can’t say anything.”
A couple of days before her birthday, Y/N and Maggie drive out to the tattoo shop. It was on the top of a hill on the coast. The piercer, Harry Styles, came recommended by just about everyone she spoke to, so it was worth the almost hour long drive. Plus, it was a beautiful day out so the girls didn’t mind.
They both walk in, and step up to the counter. There were a couple of people sitting behind the desk. One of them had sleeves on both of his arms and those really large gages. His hair was buzzed short and bleached blond. The other man behind the counter had brown hair with soft curls. It was pulled back by a red bandana and a small clip. His left arm had a ton of tattoos, and his right only had a few. He had a small hoop in his left nostril, and that was all Y/N could see for piercings.
“Hello, I have an appointment at two…I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, the belly button, right?” The man with the bandana says. “I’m Harry, you’ll be with me.” He smiles and then squints at Maggie. “Are you getting anything done?”
“Um…no.” She says.
“Alright, you’ll have to out here, I don’t allow more than one person in the room.”
“But she-“
“Sorry, thems the rules.” He says as he stands up to place some papers on the counter. “Need your license and for you to sign some things.”
Y/N swallows and hands him her license and then signs the forms. She slides the papers over to him and he puts them in a folder. He hands her back her license and comes around from the counter.
“I’ll be right out here when you get back.” Maggie gives her a reassuring smile.
“Ready?” Harry asks.
“Yeah.” Y/N says nervously. She knew it wasn’t going to be that bad, but she didn’t do well with needles, and she knew she was going to be a little bit exposed to a stranger so her nerves were shot.
She follows him down the hall to a staircase, and up they go.
“So, a little birthday present to yourself, huh?”
“That’s nice, hope I can add the special experience.” He smiles and gestures for her to head into the private room. It was small so she understood now why Maggie couldn’t join.
“Alright, sweetheart.” He says to her softly. He must be able to tell she was nervous. “I’m gonna take really good care of you, okay? I like my customers to be happy.” He goes into a closet and pulls out a container of different piercings. “Pick your favorite.” He pulls on some gloves. “Just make sure to look, not touch.”
Y/N nods and peers into the container.
“I like this one, the darker clear jewel.” She points to it.
“Ah, so the electric pink isn’t your thing?” He jokes and grabs the piercings she wants. She laughs nervously as he sterilizes it. “So…” He looks her up and down. “You’re not going to want to wear anything high waisted for a while, and you can’t go swimming either.”
“Okay.” She looks down at herself, now feeling stupid for wearing a tucked in short sleeve shirt with high waisted shorts. “I’ll be able to wear these low, it’s no problem.”
“It’s a popular trend right now.”
“They’re just flattering.” She laughs nervously again and he smiles. She watches as he puts something on a q-tip and he looks at her.
“Are you wearing a bra with that?”
“Um…yes?” She had to be blushing by now.
“Could you just tuck your shirt up in it?”
“Oh! Sure.”
She pulls her shirt up and does what he says, and then she lowers her shorts a little. He moves to stand in front of her and then he dips down to his knees, swabbing whatever is on the q-tip in and around her belly button. Y/N was sweating. She knew he must do this a million times a day, but it certainly wasn’t every day Y/N had a cute guy get on his knees in front of her.
“Just cleaning you up, sweetheart.” He must have notice her flinch when the q-tip hit her. “There we go.” He smiles up at her and stands to her feet again.
He sets the bed down so it doesn’t look like a chair anymore for her to lay on.
“Okay, hop on up and lay down for me.”
She nods and does as he says.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m excited, but I’m really nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart. Like I said, I’m gonna take really good care of you.”
Y/N was screaming internally. She wanted to tell him to keep calling her pet names. For whatever reason it was relaxing her. His was voice was also deep and he had a nice British accent, so it was all just very soothing.
“I’m just going to squeeze here for a second to get the area ready.” He pinches down right at the top her belly button.
She flinches involuntarily when he first touches her. Y/N’s stomach was sensitive, it always had been. She takes a deep breath once he’s done. She looks away when she sees him grab the needle.
“Alright, now you’re going to feel the needle.” He says as he presses it through her.
She gasps, biting her bottom lip and pinching her eyes closed. It was over before she knew it, but shit she hated needles.
“Dis great sweetheart, all done. Just need to crew the top of the jewel on and clean it up.” He smiles at her.
“Thanks.” She lets out a breath.
She flinched every time he touched her stomach. He gets the top of the jewel on and cleans the area up. He explains how long it’ll take to heal, and since it was summer it was fine to go in the water, and he touches her lower stomach at about where she could go up to.
“Just don’t be in there along, especially if it’s a lake.”
“Yeah, stagnant water is pretty gross.” She giggles.
“Exactly! No baths either, just as gross. If you’re in the shower it’s okay to get it wet, just don’t let it get beat under the water, yeah?”
“Okay.” She smiles up at him.
“I’m just going to put my hand on your shoulder so I can lift this back up, and I just want you to sit a moment.”
She nods and her eyes flutter closed a moment as his hand reaches her shoulder, and she slowly sits up. She feels the pinch of the jewel as she does so and winces. She can see it in the mirror before her and she smiles.
“Like it so far? You’ll be able to see it closer in a moment.”
“Yeah! Thank you so much.”
“Oh, my pleasure.” He grabs his card and hands it to her. “Okay, now for the aftercare, this is really important.” He goes into the closet and grabs a can of saltwater spray. “You’ll want to get some little paper cups and q-tips, first thing in the morning and before you go to bed you’ll clean it out. Then a few times a day just spritz it with the spray. The less you touch it the better. These heal from the outside in, so it actually takes six months to a year for it to heal altogether, and then you can change the jewel all you want. You’ve got my card, so please, call me anytime if you have questions. The only stupid question you could have is the one you don’t ask.” She giggles at that and he smiles. “Take my hand, I’ll help you hop down.”
She does so and slowly gets off the chair. She blinks a few times, but she’s alright.
“Lightheaded at all? That can happen afterwards.” He gives her hand a squeeze.
“I think I’m okay.”
He nods and lets go of her hand. She steps closer to the mirror so she can inspect her new piercing, and she beams at herself.
“It looks so good, thank you so much. I’m so happy with it. I’ve wanted this for a long time, and it feels great to have it done.”
“I’m so glad you like it. I like when my customers are happy. Come back and see me anytime.”
“I will.”
He leads her back down the stairs with her to ring her up.
“Do you live around here?” He asks as he gets the order together on the computer.
“About an hour away, why?”
“Well, that’s the only aftercare spray I trust and they sell it locally here.” He gets up and grabs a couple of more cans for her. “Take these on the house.” He winks at her. “But promise to come back for more when you run out.”
“I promise.” She smiles and puts them in her bag with the other can. “Thank you.”
“That’s be sixty altogether.” He slides her the receipt. “Gotta fill that out before I run your card, sweetheart.”
She leaves him a twenty dollar tip and gives him his card. He smiles big when he sees the tip and runs the card. She takes it back and puts it in her wallet.
“All set, Y/N?” Maggie asks, coming up to her. “I was just looking around at the shop.” She points towards the room where people could buy piercings and studs.
“Yeah, take a look.” She lifts her shirt slightly so her friend could see.
“It’s so cute! Love the jewel you chose.”
“Thanks.” Y/N looks at Harry. “Well, if I ever need anything else pierced, I’ll certainly be back. This was a great experience.”
“I’m glad to hear it. I also do tattoos if you feel like being especially brave.” He smirks.
“Definitely won’t be coming in for that, but another piercing for sure.”
“Fair enough. Remember, if you have questions, my number’s on the card.”
“Thanks, I’ll definitely reach out if I need to.”
He nods and watches her leave. She hands Maggie her keys, not feeling up to driving.
“Oh god.” She says as she sits down. “Definitely going to take some getting used to.”
“It’s an adjustment for sure. So, was he as short with you upstairs as he was when we first walked in?”
“Not at all! He was super nice, he kept calling me sweetheart. Oh my god, Maggie…”
“What?” She chuckles.
“I got so nervous, before we got started he, like, knelt in front of me to clean me up…”
“Oh, that’s hot.”
“I wasn’t expecting it at all. I know it’s just part of the job so it’s no big deal on his end, but-“
“How often does a guy get on his knees?”
“Exactly! It was…intimate. He made me feel really comfortable. I nearly lost it when he started talking about aftercare.”
“You’ve read one too many erotic novels, Y/N.” She laughs. “He seemed pretty adamant about you calling him, maybe you should find an excuse.”
“He did ask if I lived around here…but that was just to make sure I had plenty of the cleaning spray. He gave me two extra cans for free.”
“You should ask him if you’re cleaning it right, like, explain to him what you’re doing, and then just see where the conversation goes.”
“It’s probably just the shop number…” She looks down at the card and her eyes grow wide. “Oh my god…he wrote in pen and put his cell number on it!” Her and Maggie squeal. “Okay…maybe I’ll call him. He’s really cute.”
“Plus…it’s kind of hot that he works at a tattoo place.”
“Super hot, I don’t know what it is about it. I wouldn’t mind hearing him call me sweetheart again. I wonder how often he does that.”
“Guess you won’t know until you call him.”
“I guess so.” She smiles and bites her bottom lip as she looks out the window. Best start to a birthday ever.
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walkerwords · 4 years
“In Her Sights” F!Reader & Negan (Daryl x Reader Background)
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Summary: You are a former special ops member. When Negan killed Glenn and Abraham you were on a run for weapons. When you learned of what happened, you were pissed, especially since Negan now had your husband, Daryl. When Negan comes for week one pick up, you are waiting for him, unseen and with demands.
Word Count: 2250
Warnings: cursing
Song I Wrote To: “Bloodlust” by The Phantoms
Note: some things are different, just go with it! :) Requests are welcome, go ahead and send prompts for everything TWD.
The rumble of the trucks alerted the scouts on the edge of the perimeter. 
Tobin immediately called in the arrival of the Saviors. You wasted no time in getting into position. Since you had arrived back in Alexandria and learned about Abraham and Glenn, the rage that you normally kept at bay boiled in your chest. Then Rick had told you about Daryl. You had destroyed half of your bedroom when hearing of that particular news.
The guilt was heavy in your heart. You were their wild card, the one that always kept them safe. You were the one who took out the snipers at Grady and even most of the Termites that threatened them when Carol attacked Terminus. It was your job to be invisible. You and Abraham were the two veterans of the group and while he took charge with war tactics, it was you, the former special-ops member, to take out their enemies unseen and show their true strength. 
However, the night that Maggie was sick and needed to get to Hilltop, You were out on a run to a nearby Air Force base with Jesus. You needed a few extra trinkets to work on your weapons and incendiary devices. When you had returned home to the news, you swore you wouldn’t leave them undefended again. 
You made your way to the vantage point in the trees. You and Sasha had managed to camouflage it perfectly with the help of Eugene and Carl. It was invisible unless you knew what you were looking for and it gave you the perfect view of the front gate and the hostiles that approached Alexandria. You readied your rifle, adjusting the silencer on it as well as the laser sight. Through your scope, you could see both sides of the wall. Rick and Aaron were waiting for your orders. Aaron on the ground and Rick hidden on the watch post. Two other weapons were at your side on the platform as well as three soaked sheets of Walker blood to detract the Dead from circling your hiding spot. 
You trained your weapon on the approaching vehicles, counting the Saviors and gaining a perspective on their weaponry. While they may have more ammo, they didn’t know about you, and Rick was careful to keep it that way for as long as possible. The Saviors exited their trucks and readied their weapons as the boss finally made an appearance. You sneered as Negan strutted towards the gate. His leather jacket hugging his broad chest and his infamous baseball bat hitched onto his shoulder as if he was putting on a show. 
“Little pig! Little pig! Let me in!” He bellowed and you switched on your laser sight. You aimed it right at Negan’s heart. Immediately, the man to his right pointed it out. The man with the pornstache, Rick called him Simon, pointed to his boss, taking a step back. Negan glanced down and anger filled his face. “What the shit!” he yelled. 
“Aaron,” you said into your walkie and the gate slowly slid open. The Saviors all turned their weapons on Aaron who ignored them and walked towards Negan. He held out the walkie to the leader without saying a word. Negan stared at him, unmoving, so you raised the laser to right between his eyes. Simon grabbed the walkie and offered it to his boss, a warning look in his eyes. Negan snatched the radio and Aaron walked back inside the walls, shutting the large gate behind him. Aaron nodded to you and you then lowered your sight back onto the man’s sternum. 
“What the fuck is this, Rick?” Negan said into the walkie. 
“This isn’t Rick, asshole,” you said calmly into the radio. Negan looked around, trying to guess where the shooter was, but he would never find you. Even if he discerned where you were held up, you had activated traps around the tree. The Saviors would be blown sky high before they even got the chance to reach you.
“Whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” Negan asked, slipping back into his cocky performance. 
“That’s not your concern,” you said, your teeth grinding together. “You know, we haven’t met, but I like to think we have something in common, Negan.” 
“And what’s that?” he asked, gripping his bat harder. 
“The whole ‘we are Negan’ bullshit. That’s how I work too. I’m everywhere you sick son of a bitch. The only reason you are still alive is because when you slaughtered my friends, I was out on a weapons run. If I had been in that RV, your first roadblock would be a pile of charred bones right now.”
“You’re real brave to threaten me, sweetheart,” he growled. “Why don’t you come on out and we can discuss this like grown-ups?”
“I prefer to keep my distance,” you responded. 
“Sounds a bit cowardly to me,” Negan spat back. 
“At least I didn’t kill an unarmed soldier and the husband of a pregnant woman who kneeled at your feet as she struggled to keep her unborn child alive,” you returned with as much venom as you could muster, feeling both Glenn and Abraham’s loss in your chest. Negan had gone quiet, looking at Simon.
“She was pregnant?” Negan finally asked. 
“No, she just had a bad case of food poisoning. God if you were even still remotely human you would have asked what was wrong with her. Not that any of that matters now. Maggie is dead along with her son.” Negan hung his head slightly as he heard the news. You, of course, knew that Maggie was fine. The widow was now at Hilltop with Sasha and Enid as she finished her pregnancy. However, Negan didn’t need to know that. “Congratulations, asshole, you killed a pregnant woman.” 
“What the hell do you want?” Negan fired back. “What game are you playing?”
“This isn’t a game, Negan, this is just how things are going to be from now on. I have some demands and you’re going to meet them or you die.” 
“Again with the threats, darlin’,” he said, still searching the trees. It was silent for a moment. “Did you disappear on me?” You raised the laser sight to his throat. 
“I know you have Daryl,” you said, your tone deadly calm. 
“I do,” Negan said smugly. “What interest is he to you?” You watched as the man on his left, Dwight, you figured, glance back at one of the trucks. Even at this distance, you could see the unmistakable mop of hair of your husband. 
“You’re going to release him,” you told him, “You are going to let him go and you will return both his vest and his crossbow or I start shooting.” Negan glanced around, nearly laughing amongst his Saviors as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“Here’s a question for you mystery lady,” he said, taking a few steps towards the main gate. “Who is he to you and why shouldn’t I just put a bullet in his brain right now?” You flexed your hands around your weapons, trying to stay calm. Rick had warned you that Negan would try to get under your skin and that you needed to be careful. You were trained to control your emotions, but even you had to admit that this man knew how to get under people’s skin. It made you want to shoot him even more. 
“If you even try to pull a gun on my husband, I will fill your body with so many holes that even your Walker body won’t be able to get up and walk again,” you threatened evenly. Negan nearly dropped the walkie at your words. 
“Woah! Husband! Did you hear that, D? Your man Daryl has a goddamn woman to warm his bed!” Negan said to Dwight who was looking like a fidgeting weasel. “Well, shit, sweetheart, I didn’t know our Daryl was such a lucky man. Tell me, what it is that you find so fucking special about him? Cause if I’m being honest, he’s not much to look at, at least not since we’ve had him.” Negan sent a smile in your general direction, clearly enjoying all of this very much. However, you were tired of playing this back and forth shit. 
“You have ten seconds to do what I asked or my rifle finds its first target,” you said. 
“I have a better idea,” Negan said, “why don’t you take that rifle and shove it up your ass?” 
“Fine,” you said and then quickly retrained your weapon, “Ten,” you counted and fired, shooting a Savior right between the eyes. The body dropped quickly. “Nine,” you shot another man. “Eight,” a woman to Negan’s left went down in a spray of blood. “Seven,” the man next to Dwight dropped. 
“Stop!” Negan bellowed and your finger stalled on the trigger. Simon stared around in horror at the scene, seeing his four dead comrades creating pools of blood across the asphalt. 
“Daryl. Now,” you repeated. 
“Shit!” Negan cursed and then looked at Dwight. “Get him,” he ordered. Dwight wasted no time in running to the truck Daryl was being held in. You watched every move as Daryl stumbled out of the truck and besides a few bruises and cuts, he seemed to be in one piece. You would make sure Rosita took a look at the gunshot wound that must have still been bothering him. Dwight shoved Daryl towards the gate, past Negan who glared at him.
“And the vest,” you said into the walkie. Dwight shrugged out of the leather vest and shoved it into Daryl’s hands. Daryl approached Dwight, getting into his face. Leveling a stare that made the other man swallow hard. “I believe he wants his weapon,” you said, easily reading the body language of your husband. Dwight just stared back, being stubborn. Daryl took a few steps back and then raised his right hand hooking his fingers towards you. You adjusted your aim and shot at Dwight’s feet, causing him to jump a foot or so back. 
“Dammit Dwight!” Negan yelled and Dwight grabbed the bow from the back of his truck and tossed it to Daryl who caught it easily. You then moved the laser sight towards Aaron and then back to Daryl and Aaron opened the gate. Daryl wasted no time in turning and walking back into his home, not even bothering to glance back at his captors. 
“Great,” you said, “now, kindly fuck off because I still have six more bullets with Savior names on them.” Negan nearly crushed the radio in his hands. 
“I’m going to kill you,” Negan promised. 
“That’s funny,” you laughed, “my friend said the same thing to you.” You then turned to see Rick stand up and make himself known. Negan turned to the leader of Alexandria with a sneer. Rick stood on top of the gate like a king as he stared at the Saviors below. His hand was resting on his gun. Negan noticed that immediately. Rick smiled. “A friend recently made a visit to the Sanctuary while you were on the road,” you explained. “Don’t worry, Fat Joey is still alive, he’s just missin’ a few fingers.” Jesus had retrieved the colt only an hour before the convoy had arrived. It was just icing on the cake for your plan.
“Why don’t you just pull the trigger?” Negan said into the radio, but his eyes remained on Grimes. 
“All in good time, Negan,” you said, recentering your crosshairs on him. “I want you to live for a little bit longer knowing that any point I can blow your brains out with a twitch of my finger. It makes me sleep better at night. So, you’re going to get back in your cars and leave Alexandria and if you come back, I will not only kill you, but everyone with you and then take them all back and let them loose on the Sanctuary and have your people fend for themselves. Do you understand?” 
“We had a deal, dick!” Negan called up to Grimes, swinging Lucille around in his hand. 
“She doesn’t make deals, Negan!” Rick called back. “Now go before I do kill you.” You didn’t wait for another witty comeback as you took aim and fired on another Savior. 
“Six,” you said. Negan threw the walkie down on the ground and strutted back to his truck. You watched them leave, their vehicles disappearing down the road. You then turned the channel on your radio and called to Tobin and Carl who were on standby at the end of the drive. “You can release them now.” 
A mile or so down, Tobin and Carl released two Walkers that stumbled out into the road.
As Negan’s convoy came across them, he slammed on the breaks. You and Rick had taken your time to perfect the art project. Both Walkers were male, dressed in biker boots, jeans, and leather jackets that they had found in the back of the closet of an empty house in Alexandria. Rick then had found two baseball bats and tied them to the Walkers’ hands. Letting them loose for Negan to see was Carl’s idea and you had loved it immediately. 
Negan got out of the car much to Simon’s disapproval. He wasted no time in swinging Lucille and killing both of the Negan-Walkers. He smashed their heads until there was nothing left but red. He turned his face back towards Alexandria, roughly wiping the blood from his face. “I’m going to kill that bitch.” 
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teshamerkel · 4 years
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 4] (14 Pages) << First | < Previous | Next >
Tobias considers his life at the guild, and makes a life-changing decision.
TW: Panic Attack
Tobias can feel the heat rolling off his skin as he moves. He glares at the training dummy, bouncing on his toes, before launching into another stream of attacks.
Smokescreen hisses white and murky from his throat, clouding the area and wrecking any hope for visibility. His sharp eyes can still pick out the dummy’s silhouette, so he slashes at it with metal-coated claws, satisfied by the feeling of the fabric splitting open. He spins, slamming his tail into it with a solid thump before springing back and spraying a wave of embers at his foe.
As the smokescreen begins to clear, Tobias can see that the dummy is a wreck, riddled with gashes and glittering with embers that even the flame-resistant cloth can’t smother. It should still be good to go for a few more rounds.
“Can you not destroy property for one day?”
The words are sarcastic, and Tobias slumps, tipping his head back with a groan. “Arceus, Archer, I only used one dummy today!”
He turns to see the breloom walking up to him, eyeing the smoldering dummy with disapproval. “Vera had to make a whole new batch after your past few training sessions.”
“I said sorry,” Tobias grumbles, looking around for the first time since he’d arrived at dawn. There’s only a handful of other Pokémon around, probably Seeker teams practicing their moves. As usual, they pay him no mind. Archer has pulled out a small notebook, and is writing something down with careful claws. Probably keeping score of how much equipment Tobias broke. Ugh.
“You need to be less destructive,” Archer says.
Tobias bristles. “Fire is destructive. Maybe you should make your equipment more durable.”
The breloom looks unimpressed. “Everyone else does fine with this equipment—including Pokemon much stronger than you.”
Tobias’ hands curl into fists.
“You need to learn to hold back,” Archer repeats.
Tobias scowls up at him. “I already am holding back! Isn’t training kind of the point of this area? What do you want me to do, not use my fire at all?”
“That would be a nice change of pace,” Archer agrees, sickly sweet.
Tobias growls at the words, hating that they still get to him. It’s not his fault he’s the only fire type in the guild.
“Besides,” Archer adds. “Doesn’t Maggie need your help? You know, doing something that would contribute to your actual job? Like guiding around that little riolu.”
Tobias, who had moved forward to pat out the remaining fire, stiffens. He turns on his heel and marches out of the training grounds without another word. He tries to control his breathing as he makes his way up to the medical ward, like Maggie taught him years ago.
He hates how everyone dismisses him when he’s not doing something to help Maggie. He hates that they still look so nervous around him when he practices. He hates that no one respects his choices in general. So what if he wants to be able to fight and get stronger even as a medic? That’s not anyone else’s business. He’s good at his job and if he wants to work on another skill in his downtime, he can.
Besides, he’d rather be anywhere other than leading that riolu around. What was her name now? Mia? Nia, that’s it. He’d rather dig through a muk than have to guide her around all day like a helpless little kid. She’s an adult, for Moltres’ sake! He doesn’t care if she has supposed “amnesia”—he did not sign up to be her personal tour guide. She can figure it out herself.
Tobias is so caught up in his irritation that he almost walks straight past the medical floor. He huffs and walks to the quarters he shares with Maggie—not Nia—and is immediately annoyed to see the riolu awake, talking eagerly to Maggie. She cuts herself off when he enters the room.
“Stop staring,” he snaps, then turns to Maggie. “What do you need me to do?”
The meganium frowns down at him. Great. “Tobias, don’t be rude. Nia was talking.”
“N-No, it’s okay,” the riolu says, waving her hands in front of her defensively. “I can wait.”
Maggie looks unhappy but uses her vines to scoop up a thin stack of documents sitting on her desk. She hands them to Tobias, who glances over the top one. Mission requests asking for gatherers and Seekers to pick up herbs for them from more distant locations. The usual.
“I need you to pin these up on the mission board, please,” Maggie says. Then her voice turns steely. “And Tobias?”
The charmander peeks up at her, and somehow her disappointed expression is worse than if she’d looked furious with him.
“Come back here when you’re finished. You’re going to have to talk to poor Nia eventually. I’m sure you’re prickly enough when you show her around. In here you’re going to be civilized.”
The sinking feeling in Tobias’ stomach is overshadowed by confusion. He...he hasn’t been showing Nia around at all. He’s actually been waiting for Maggie to scold him about that. His gaze flicks over to Nia, and she looks frozen with panic. Her eyes meet his, and she frantically shakes her head. Oh. She’s been covering for him? But...why?
Before he can become suspicious, Maggie prompts, “Tobias?”
“Y-Yeah, sure,” he mumbles. “I’ll be back.” He turns and hurries out of the room.
As he makes his way down to the base of the guild where the mission boards are housed, he hugs the forms tight to his chest, thinking. Why would Nia cover for him? He’s pointedly ignored her ever since she arrived at the guild. The few times he did have to talk to her, he barbed his comments with the nastiest tone he could muster.
He shoves down the jab of guilt in his stomach.
Tobias doesn’t necessarily hate the riolu, he just...doesn’t want to be around her. Her timid nature and constant questions are annoying, and now she has taken his alone space away from him. To add on to that, she whimpers and twitches in her sleep, restless as an emolga, and keeps him up half the night. Not to mention her weird claim that she used to be human. So yeah, he’s not exactly dying to be forced to interact with her.
Besides, it’s not like he likes interacting with anyone else much better. Everyone at the guild made it clear years ago how they felt about him, and he’s content to reciprocate. He doesn’t get along with others, and he doesn’t want to. Simple. Maggie and the shinx siblings are pretty much the only exceptions to that rule.
As Tobias passes the nursery floor, he’s brought out of his musings by a shrill cry of, “Toby!”
Well, speak of the sableye. Fighting a smile, Tobias turns to see a small shinx sprinting towards him through the doorway. He sets the stack of papers down just in time to catch the fluffball as he leaps into Tobias’ arms.
Tobias lurches forward with a playful, “Oof,” dipping as if the shinx is too heavy for him to hold. “Arceus, Luca, how much have you been eating?!”
The shinx giggles, scrambling out of his hold to climb onto his shoulders. Tobias obediently collapses forward onto the ground with a dramatic, “Ugh!”
Luca plops down on his back and purrs. “It’s not the food—I’m just getting too strong!”
“Oh, is that so?” Tobias asks. He rolls over into a sit. “You do look like you’ve put on some muscle.”
Luca puffs up his fur and grins at Tobias, blue and black pelt crackling with static. “I know! I even beat Laine in a battle yesterday!”
“That’s awesome!” Tobias says, grinning back at the shinx just as proudly. He glances past the shinx in search of the cub’s siblings. “Where are Laine and Leor?”
“They’re playin’ a game. But you shoulda seen my battle! I bet I’m strong enough to take on a whole mystery dungeon by now! Xander was telling us about this super cool dungeon his team went to with all these flowers and bug Pokemon, and Laine and Leor and me are gonna go find it ourselves so we can explore it and--“
They both look up to see the giant form of Arlo bustling over to them from deeper within the nursery. The drampa looks torn between relief and anger, feathers ruffled.
Luca crouches low. “Uh-oh.”
Tobias snorts a laugh. “Did you sneak out again?” 
“Maybe is right!” Arlo says as he reaches the doorway, ducking to glare at the tiny Pokémon. “You know better than that, Luca. Do I have to tell Xander you were misbehaving again?”
Luca scrambles back inside, looking up at the drampa. “No! Don’t tell him, please! He’ll get all sad and stuff. It’s awful!”
“Then go back to your siblings,” Arlo huffs.
Luca rushes away, tossing a “Bye, Toby!” over his shoulder. Tobias watches him go with an amused smirk.
Arlo sighs, shaking his head. “Apologies, Tobias. You know how he gets.”
The charmander shakes his head and scoops up the documents, making sure none fluttered away in the scuffle. “No problem. You sound like you have your work cut out for you.”
“That I do,” Arlo grumbles, not without affection. He turns and shuffles back inside, towards the chatter of children.
Tobias continues down the tree, mood considerably lighter than it was before. The little brats—Luca and his siblings especially—don’t judge him and are always eager to see him, and he can forgive anything dumb they do since they’re so young. It’s nice.
Tobias has only passed a few Pokémon by time he reaches the bottom of the tree. Most of them are either outside already or crowded around the mission boards. Tobias shuffles through the teams and shoulders his way to the front of mission board E with a muttered, “Excuse me” that sounds more like a threat than a pleasantry.
He pins up the letters one by one, taking his time to delay his inevitable return to Maggie’s wrath. Eventually, he moves over to the higher board ranks as the locations in the documents become more dangerous. Soon enough he’s finished, and just so he won’t have to go through the crowd at his back, he ducks under the board and out the other side to the outlaw letters. He pauses for a moment to see where he’s at in the expansive, increasingly busy room. Until something on the outlaw board at his side catches his eye. He turns to look, and suddenly he can’t breathe.
A new “wanted” poster is pinned to the S-rank board, with the scratchy portraits of an arcanine, crobat, and pangoro staring back at him. Images and sounds and sensations he’s long since tried to erase explode inside his mind.
Plumes of fire rebounding off cave walls, throwing distorted shadows—
The flash of claws—
A streak of purple, too fast too track—
A weight on his back, the stinging downpour of rain, thunder booming and are they following him they have to be right behind him—
Tobias squeezes his eyes shut and lets his legs buckle. He’s going to die. He needs, he—air, he can’t breathe—
He blindly crawls under the notice board, leaning back heavily against the side post and curling his knees up to his chest. His heart is racing, hammering, he can hear it in his head, and it takes him a moment to realize that he’s gasping so hard he’s hardly breathing. Why can’t he get any air?
He’s hot, overheating, melting, but he can’t bring his body to move from its spot on the ground. Why is he so hot? He’s a fire type, there’s no way it’s too warm for him.
Eventually, he manages to squint his eyes open, only to be met with black spots and the blur of tears. He’s dying. He grips at the hard ground, wishing Maggie were here. She could help. Where is she?
Tobias focuses on thoughts of the meganium, of her soothing voice and the scent of her flower, letting old, comforting memories of her play through his head and try to wash away the—
Snarling, thunder, crying—
Maggie. He’s at the guild with Maggie. He’s okay.
Tobias doesn’t know how long he sits there, curled up into a ball of tension, but eventually his heart rate slows enough for him to breathe again. As he blinks away tears with a hiss of steam, he realizes he’s shaking. The charmander flicks his tail into view and stares into the tiny, wavering flame. Tries to blank out his thoughts, let the static soothe his panic instead of stoke it.
He doesn’t know how much longer he waits until trying to move. Every muscle in his body is stiff and sore, and he feels like he could sleep for a week. Great. Slowly, Tobias crawls out of the space, relieved to see the room mostly empty. Either no one saw his breakdown or they didn’t care enough to try and calm him down.
With a still shaking hand, he snatches the wanted poster off the board and folds it up, trying to walk back to the staircase without staggering. He hopes Maggie didn’t notice how long he was gone. She probably did.
By the time he makes it back up to the medical ward, Tobias feels calmer, even if he’s still exhausted. When he steps into their quarters trying to hide his nerves, he sees Riolu—Nia—reading in a corner and Maggie separating some herbs. The meganium turns to him, face set into something hard and scolding. Tobias’ heart squeezes at how quickly her expression turns to worry.
“Tobias? What happened?” She asks, hurrying over to him and using a vine to stroke at his cheek.
He opens his mouth to lie, trying to resist the urge to press into her touch, but finds that he can’t quite speak. Maggie’s vine tips his head up so she can look into his eyes.
“Are you okay?” She asks, softly.
“Yeah,” Tobias croaks, before he can stop himself. “Panic attack, I think.” He hasn’t had one for a year or two, but it’s hard to forget what it feels like.
Maggie’s antennae flatten, and she pulls him into her hold, murmuring, “Oh, Tobias.”
“I’m fine,” he mumbles into the flower at her neck, trying to sound more confident than he feels. He doesn’t try to fight her embrace or her soothing scent. He can still feel himself shaking.
Tobias isn’t sure how long he stays like that, feeling his heart rate and his thoughts slowly smooth out, before remembering that Nia is in the room with them. He reluctantly pushes back from Maggie, and she releases him.
The riolu is clearly trying to not look interested—or worried?—despite the fact that she’s peeking at the two of them over her book with furrowed brows. When he glares at her, she squeaks and buries her face back into the pages.
“Here,” he says, roughly, holding up the folded wanted poster. Maggie takes it in her vines and unfolds it, a quiet breath her only reaction to the picture. “I can’t read it right now. How long have they been on the wanted listing?”
Maggie hesitates. “Tobias—“
“Just tell me. Please.”
“...Five years.”
Tobias swallows hard, stubbornly shoving away the memories trying to crowd back into his brain. One breakdown is fine for today, thank you.
Five years. He can hardly believe it. It’s been...what? Eight years since Maggie took him in? And five years since these three were officially outlawed. That’s incredible. Most outlaws are only on the run for two or three years, tops, after authorities are notified and word is spread to Seeker teams. They must have been on the other side of the world for word to have taken this long to reach the guild.
How are they still free?
“Tobias,” Maggie says, voice cautious. She sounds like she’s talking down a dangerous criminal. “I can see you thinking about this. Don’t do anything rash. You know that the authorities and the Seeker teams are doing their best to catch them, and—“
“And they’re still free, Maggie!” He snaps. Softer, he says, “They’re still out there. Clearly the authorities and the Seekers aren’t doing their jobs well enough.”
Maggie’s still looking at him like he might go running out of the guild this very second to challenge the outlaws to a fight. She glances at Nia, and Tobias follows her gaze to see the riolu not even pretending to be reading anymore. Instead, she’s watching him, worriedly wringing her paws.
“C-Can I help?” She asks, clearly with no idea of what’s going on.
Tobias snorts. “Not unless you want to arrest three S-rank criminals.”
The riolu’s ears flatten, and she frantically shakes her head.
If no one else can seem to track these three down and arrest them...if no one else cares enough to focus on hunting them down...
Then maybe it’s up to him to do it.
It’ll take a long time to become strong enough to beat them—especially with no one being able to evolve anymore. But he has to do it. He can feel it in his bones. Maybe it’s like some form of divine retribution, justice for all the evil they’ve done. Justice for what they’ve done to him.
He can’t believe he’s never thought of this before. He can’t just sit around and wait for some other Pokémon to do the job for him, apparently, so he has to take matters into his own hands. And there’s really only one way to do that. 
“Maggie,” he says, voice strong and sure. “I‘m becoming a Seeker.”
Maggie reels back at the declaration. “W-What? Now Tobias, hold on a moment. You’re very emotional right now and—“
The meganium stops, looking upset.
“I’m going to become a Seeker, get stronger, and take these three out myself. I don’t care if it takes ten years to do it.”
Maggie opens her mouth to argue, but then thinks better of it. “Have you really decided on this? Right now? So suddenly?”
Tobias nods, feeling a fire light in his belly. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life.
“Will you at least think about it for the day? Wait until tomorrow to apply?”
Tobias frowns, looking up at the meganium. He isn’t sure if Maggie is just scared for his sake, or if she’s hoping he won’t leave his job with her. Probably both. They’ll still see each other if he joins an exploration team, but...it won’t be the same. He feels a heavy sadness in his chest at the thought of no more long days alongside the meganium, searching for herbs in the forest and playfully bantering with each other. He loves to spend time with her, and he really doesn’t mind his current job...
But Tobias knows himself. And he can feel that, like lit kindling, there’s no going back for him. The moment the idea popped into his head his new course was set. He’s going to be a Seeker, and he’s going to take those three outlaws down.
“I’ll wait until tomorrow to apply,” he agrees, just to ease that worried expression from Maggie’s face. Even her flower looks wilted.
The meganium lets out a sigh of relief. “Good. You need to be certain before making such a big decision. Especially one that’s driven by such...emotional ties.”
“Just for you, Maggie.”
The meganium smiles weakly in response.
As Tobias’ decision solidifies and he feels himself calm down, the exhaustion from his earlier panic attack weighs down on him once again. He yawns.
“You should rest for a while,” Maggie suggests, watching him with concern. “You’ve...been through a lot this morning.”
Tobias looks to his room, debating. With how his morning’s gone there’s a good chance he’ll have nightmares, but he is really tired.
Maggie nudges him with her snout. “Go on. I’ll wake you for lunch.”
Tobias can’t argue with that. He nods, rubbing at his eyes, and walks back into his room. He curls up in his soft nest and flicks his tail over his snout.
He’s out in seconds, his sleep dark and dreamless. 
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