#me go pass out it's like 1am
kitorin · 8 months
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a/n. their ages are not canon compliant, dialogue heavy and a bit of nsfw (it's just shidou being shidou and it's not explicit)
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"It's my win."
It's not the first time Rin has a brief thought of murder, but this time he genuinely feels like wrapping his hands around this person's neck.
He was already in a foul mood, summer's cruelty had his sweat soaked uniform clinging onto his body, and Ego's insistence on training so hard had already ruined his morning.
All that he could tolerate, but a stranger interrupting his practice?
"Who is that?" Isagi approaches Rin from behind, poking the back of his shoulder to grasp his attention. "You know him?" No, but Rin doesn't need to recognise them to understand that they're a nuisance.
"y/n! Get back inside..." A cyan haired boy with similar coloured eyes runs out on the field, light hearted but tired disappointment laced in their tone. "What are you even doing? Isn't the soccer team training right now?"
'y/n' paid no attention to their exasperation, nor how everyone seemed to be staring and listening to the conversation with great confusion.
"I wanted to say hi to Anri." Rin notices the first person address, you must've been close to Teieri to speak about her so casually. "Hiori don't be so uptight—"
"Then don't lie, I saw you running with them. At least be honest if you're going to mess around." Hiori grabs the collar of your sports uniform, earning a breathless choke as he drags you to the school building. Something in his tone suggests that this isn't the first time he has to deal with your behaviour; either the way he scolds you or the exasperated sigh that seems to accompany every sentence.
"Ow, Hiorin please—"
Your pleas only add to the brewing chaos, Bachira seems well entertained and Otoya looks like he's about to hit on you. Chigiri and Yukimiya chuckle at the whole ordeal, as they watch Hiori murmur embarrassed apologises, hurriedly bowing at everyone so he could immediately leave.
"What the hell was that?" Rin's frustration irritates him to the point he speaks his thoughts out loud, annoyance contributes to the heat in his face from the brutal summer.
Shidou leans onto Rin's shoulder, seemingly unfazed from the overwhelming weather and training. He yawns; one out of boredom rather than fatigue. "Finally someone interesting, they seem cool. Befriending them would be fun, no?"
"I hope I never see that idiot again." As always, Rin disagrees with him, and as per usual, Shidou laughs it off.
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Isagi. Kunigami. Bachira.
They were the only ones in he knew in his class. He wasn't going to study or heed mind to whatever the teacher would talk about, but he'd at least like to have someone he can pass time with; whether it be discussing future strategies or simply complaining about class together.
Kunigami was the most ideal. Bachira is talkative but at least he doesn't insist a rivalry and constantly praise Rin. There's always a possibility that it's someone outside of his team, in fact it's more likely than not. At least majority of the team (the particularly annoying ones) was older than him; he didn't have to deal with Shidou thirsting over his brother, or watch Otoya hit on every person in his class.
Rin had reminded himself, multiple times, that it can't be that bad. It's simply a desk mate, it's not a requirement for him to befriend them, and if he leaves them alone so will they.
Yet he finds himself absolutely repulsed, and tempted to never return to school again.
"Oh, it's you again!" Unfortunately. Of course you leave him no option but to continue the conversation.
"Ew." Rin brings out his textbooks, despite knowing damn well he'll end up day dreaming throughout the entirety of class.
"You still upset about losing to me this morning?"
"I don't lose."
"I stayed ahead of you for an entire lap while I was there."
"It was one lap. All you did was interrupt practice."
"You still lost." Little shit. You rest your chin on your palm, gazing at him. "Please take care of me, it'll be boring here."
It's not a bad seat, at the very back, right next to the window (your side of the desk). Being off task and remaining unnoticed was easy, and there was the pale blue to admire whenever Rin pleased. Though he's not sure if the beauty of the sky is worth dealing with you.
"Doesn't count. I was training all morning."
"So was I."
"Indoors. You have the privileges of air conditioning." Rin recalls every club indoors; basketball, judo, and badminton. He knows it's not basketball because you weren't there when he met Rukawa. If it were judo you would've been wearing a different uniform to him. Which left badminton as the last option (not that it matters).
You don't yield. "Coach says no to air con anyways. Summer indoors without ventilation is worse."
"Not my problem. Badminton courts are miniature. Practically non existent in comparison to the field." Rin grows impatient, he's waiting for you to get bored and stay silent.
"How did you know I play badminton? Am I that popular already?" You cup your face and give him doe eyes; resembling the expression Bachira makes whenever he pleads. "You want my number?"
It takes a lot not to let out another 'ew'. "Of course n—"
"Itoshi." The teacher scolds, pausing the lesson as all eyes turn to the two of you at the back. Their livid authority silences the both of you. "Stop talking before I send you out in the corridor."
Rin opens his mouth to defend himself, to tell the teacher that you started the conversation. But it's too late, as they face the blackboard and resume the lesson.
"Yeah, Itoshi." You whisper, shit eating grin and mischief dancing in your eyes. You turn to your workbook before he can respond, acting as if you never spoke to him in the first place.
Rin's not sure if he'll survive the school year.
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Today seemed to be getting worse by every second.
The moment the bell rang, Rin found himself sprinting out of the classroom, rushing past Isagi despite having the same destination of after school practice. The hours of the school day had felt like years instead, freedom felt like an eternity ago.
He can't help it when he was trapped with you, stuck at the back of the classroom with your random yet irritating conversations; even when he doesn't respond he still keeps getting scolded, he never misses the way you stifle a laugh with a trembling hand.
Rin had hoped after school practice would take his mind off things, yet he found everyone seated together on the field, distress evident within the atmosphere.
"The hell is going on here?" Rin's callous tone contrasts the rest of the group. Bachira and Isagi catch up to Rin, approaching him from behind; equally confused, though in a less aggressive manner. "Where's Ego?"
"He said something came up, so Reo and Nagi ditched." Kunigami responds, eyes wide with what seems to be stressed. "Either way, we're fucked. Like really badly."
Rin hasn't known Kunigami for long, but anyone can tell that he's resilient; body building takes great discipline and patience, and he doesn't cower in the face of challenge.
"What's wrong, Kunigamikinnikun? If it's us then nothing will be too hard." Silently, Rin agrees with Bachira's optimism. In middle school he defeated the top school in the district despite having such a lousy team. This time everyone's dedicated to the sport and his teammates are all capable.
"No— Bachira you don't get it—"
Shidou chokes back a laugh, so does Karasu and Otoya.
"It feels weird seeing Kunigami like this..." Isagi places his bag down and joins everyone on the ground. Bachira and Rin mimic the action. "So, what happened?"
With a sigh, Chigiri explains, "Our seniors just told us that we have to do somewhat well in school to participate in competitions."
"That's fine. Just pass art and PE." Isagi shrugs. "I'm sure you'll get it if you study a bit."
Chigiri's hand goes on Isagi's shoulder. "No, we have to pass everything. Otherwise no soccer for us."
"Really...?" Isagi looks like he's just been stabbed. "Never mind, Kunigami we are so screwed."
Shidou bites back another laugh, to the point he's beginning to shake with amusement. Karasu and Otoya don't even bother concealing their entertainment.
"Are you serious?" This was a genuine issue; Rin had the advantage of being bilingual but that only handles one subject. He hasn't paid any attention in class ever since primary, let alone have any comprehension of what the curriculum was like this term.
Shidou's eyes remain glued to Chigiri's attempts to console the other first years and Yukimiya trying to (politely) silence Otoya and Karasu's teasing. "Yeah. We're all just here for because it's our local high school, but it happens to care about academics."
"Then how did you participate in competitions?" Surely if Shidou could pass, then so could Rin.
Shidou shrugs "I'm good at biology. Science in general too."
"Highly doubt it."
"Shall I explain to you how babies are made?"
His refusal goes ignored. "When mummy and daddy love each other very much— it's different for me and your brother though, shall I explain that instead—?"
Rin objects; standing up and escaping Shidou's peculiar obsession with Sae, if only he could've went to school with his mother's surname instead.
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"You'll be okay, it's not that hard." Yukimiya attempts to comfort Bachira and Isagi, who were still sulking over the bad news. "If I can do it, so can you. Even Shidou senpai could do it, multiple times."
Isagi has his head in his hands, seated at the bus stop next to Bachira. "Not everyone is a genius Yukimiya senpai. I don't even want to consider Shidou senpai human." That, Rin could agree with.
Practice today had gone well, surprisingly, even if there were multiple arguments and Rin almost found himself tempted to fistfight Shidou. But the adrenaline of soccer soon wore off, and now Isagi and Bachira were back to brooding.
Yukimiya doesn't give up comforting them. "I'm not a genius, just thirty minutes a day after school, revise everything you learnt in class."
"How am I supposed to do that—? I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast today." Bachira sounds like he's on the brink of insanity, in a miserable context rather than the usual energetic one.
Rin notices the sigh Yukimiya holds back. "Then 30 minutes of reading, it's a good start and your vocabulary will improve, whether it be fiction or non fiction. I'll recommend you a few, and lend you them."
"Yukimiya senpai." For once, Bachira sounds solemn.
"How long is a full soccer match?"
"An hour and a half— ninety minutes."
"Exactly. Thirty minutes is a quarter of that—"
"Third. If it were a quarter it'd be a hundred and twenty minutes." Rin wasn't initially involved in the conversation, but he physically can't take hearing everything anymore; internally he's begging for the bus to hurry up; to get him home as soon as possible so he can start researching study schedules and compose one of his own.
His mother had gently asked him to try and think more positively throughout his time as a high schooler, he wanted to take her advice seriously, he really wanted to; but that's such a difficult task with how disorganised everything seemed to be.
Isagi pats Bachira on the back. "Working on your times tables is probably better. Not even I would get that wrong."
"Everyone says math is hard, including the smart kids, they make mistakes too—"
"Bachira, it's basic math."
"If you're struggling because of small mistakes then maybe practice exams will help you reduce them...?" It's impressive how Yukimiya hasn't given up yet.
Rin scoffs. "Don't bother, we've already devised strategies without him. I doubt we'll need him anyways."
"And this is why Sae is the better Itoshi."
Yeah, Rin hates high school.
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pairing. itoshi rin x reader
synopsis. all itoshi rin ever wanted was a peaceful high school career, his plans go to ruin thanks to the school's badminton genius; entangling their lives— and emotions together.
contents. rivals to lovers, badminton player!reader, sports romance, fluff, high school au
taglist. @yuzurins, @silly-ez, @chigirizzz, @kaiserkisser, @h4nman, @yoimyas, @saetorinrin, @hxniplayz, @certaindreampost, @rroxii, @jar-03, @celestair, @satoruskitchenrag, @kaitfae — bold means i cannot tag you
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floral-hex · 9 days
Two hours. I got two hours of sleep. I’m so frustrated with myself.
Went to the ER. Everyone was very nice. They gave me an IV bag of fluids (I was dehydrated! Sad cactus!) and a little ativan (teeny dose), which was nice at the time! Just a little amount, but the (mostly) quiet room, fluids, and meds managed to relax me a lot. Could have fallen asleep if the bed was actually comfortable. Then they packed me up, gave me another little Ativan to take home for tonight, and said they’d contact my primary. Cool cool. Got some much needed food on the way home, then took the pill and got comfy. Again, smallest dosage they make, so no feeling too good. Managed to muscle past my anxiety to fall asleep, and… 2 hours. Woke up. Tried to go back to sleep. Too frustrated and anxious and I feel like crap. What should I do? Just eat a whole gummy and hope that knocks me out? For me, that feels like playing roulette. Could work, yeah. Could make me sleepy and pliable. Could also backfire and make me feel sick and extra anxious for another 5 or 6 hours. What do I do? Roll back up to the ER? “Hewwo, I woke up and I need more benzos 👉👈🥺” haha funny, but I’ve seriously been thinking about it 😑
God, I’m miserable. Been sitting outside on the porch for a bit. Not quite an hour. Needed to get out of the apartment, but tbh, nearly 4am outside isn’t doing much for me. I just feel alone. It wouldn’t help with sleeping, per se, but just someone, I dunno, hugging or holding me for a few minutes would honestly save me a little. What a mess. Oh yeah, and apparently my kidneys are going 👎👎👎 down. Bad meat. Not great test results. Not what I’m focusing on tonight. I’m a mess. Anyway, this was my update. Sorry for all the walls of text. Suppose this is mainly for me to look back on in the future, but can’t pretend it’s not at least a little validating to put this all out into the world and knowing that maybe one or two people read this and I didn’t suffer completely without recognition. Yeah…
#this is a lot of text#not really a casual read#ok ok… I can’t sit outside forever#gonna go back inside and I dunno make a hot chocolatey drink. grab some snacks#TRY to feel good even though I don’t#YES will probably get a little high#hoping that the combo of sugar. salt. and thc will give me the sleepy tools to just pass out for awhile#just a few more hours! please!#omg I was so pissed when I woke up and thought I’d slept for awhile but realized I hadn’t#’ what do you mean the last text I sent was only two hours ago? ‘#seriously. I thought I fell asleep around 11 pm but it was closer to 1am.#stupid sexy ativan. messing with my sense of time#it really wasn’t that big of a dose! I was basically a little buzzed for an hour or so each time#but the doctor was nice and straightforward with me. I just dunno tho. I’m a big guy with a history of anxiety. .5mg is weaksauce#god I’m getting anxious just sitting here thinking about trying to sleep again#it’s feeding on itself. I’m trying to rationalize this but it’s just this feedback loop.#is this my life now? I’m outside. I feel so alone. I feel like I could die any moment. in a sword of Damocles way. it’s there and waiting.#ok sitting outside isn’t helping#after 4am and yes I see cars driving by. I hear the occasional siren. but I still feel alone in the world#please tell me life goes on? please tell me we’re not really at the end here.#I always feel like I’m staring at our final days. that we’re all barely here. fucking ghost planet. waiting to die.#there’s war and hate and everything is expensive and I can’t.. I’m not a part of this world. I’m too poor and sickly and so it all seems…#like we’re on our last leg. like the final days of a fire sale. this body feels fit for the grave. this world is the grave.#I’m scared#ok like I said sitting out here isn’t helping. Ian. please stop.#yes. yes. ok. snacks and drinks and distracting tv. let’s try this again.#sorry this is a lot#I spent the last 20 minutes writing these tags and getting progressively more anxious 😬#you can ignore this#text
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sillysnack · 9 months
its a true all-nighter night tonight girls!!!!!!!!!!
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theautumnriverleaves · 6 months
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seoafin · 9 months
honestly the reason why my jetlag has been so bad is probably because i keep on taking mid afternoon/late evening naps but i just get soooo tired i can't function it physically pains me to get like 4 hours of sleep a day when im an 8-10 hour girlie most days
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
istg one of these days.......
#ya know that post thats like texting lesbians: its throw bowling balls down the stairs day u better be game#one of my fave posts ever in the world#anyway my lesbian flatmate texts like the straight female friend part of that post and i love her but its killing me#its endearing but its so hard not to read it as flirty stoppitttt im already dedicating so much work to repressing this little crush 😭#ALSO THAT POST THATS LIKE FLIRTING W GIRLS WILL HAVE U ADDING :3 TO UR TEXTS literally so true but I dont think she means it like that 😭😭#like she talks to everyone that way I remember when I first met her me + my ex spent ages trying to work out if she was gay#bc we were so sure she had a gay vibe but every text felt like it was pointing the other way..... the vindication when I found out she WAS#anyway my resolve weakens with every 😘 emoji like im already thinking abt it dont give me any more ideas !!!!#its not even embarrassing anymore like how am i supposed to exist near someone like her WITHOUT ever having a gay thought#so im not sorry if she sees this. i take rejection like a champ dont be shy#but genuinely tho i dont think shes interested shes just cute like that. and idw make things weird cuz we're still living together next yr#itd be suchh a pain if i made things awkward right when we need to find a place. and anyway my best case is our 3rd flatmates WORST#i wouldnt do that to him god forbid#buuuut...... nope ok enough of that im going back to bed its almost 1am#this is what HAPPENS when u have insomnia tuning into the crazy radio every night#need to get onto dating apps and find smth new to distract me before this gets out of hand....... buttttt i dont want to >:|#its ok my patience is infinite i like playing the long game. i was into my ex for 2 and a half years before i made any moves#i can wait this one out too either itll happen eventually or itll pass. we're good#ok thats GOODNIGHT from me if u read this far wow ur nosy arent u...... jk ily sleep well everyone#muah all round#.diaries
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@beloved-turtle-lord-kaira tagged me in a tag game! ty for the tag bro:))
Answer 30 Questions and Tag 20 Blogs (ill try lol)
Name: Abi
Sign: Aries
Height: no idea but i can ballpark it between 5'3'' and 5'6''
Birthday: couple weeks into march
Time: 12:37am
Fave band/artists: deftones and mitski are in my top 5 rn
Last movie: I think purple heart?(it sucks dont watch it lmao)
Last show: bobs burgers(im binging mindless stuff haha)
When I created this blog: No idea lmao sometime before 2019. if anyone knows pls tell me im interested
When I post: when dont I lmao
Last thing I googled: tetris
Other blogs: i do not have the coordination for more than this haha. sometimes to pretend im organized ill tag something but then ill give up
Do I get asks: once every blue moon and i cherish each one
following: lets.... keep that locked up tight LMAO
avg hours of sleep: .. we dont need to talk ab it
Instruments: i can slide my greasy fingers on a piano but thats about it
What I'm Wearing: AC/DC back in black tee
Dream job: mechanical engineer i guess yk living in a rinky dink area and fixing cars
Dream trip: everywhere
Nationality: US citizen
Favorite songs: depends on the mood yk but rn it might be Be Quiet and Drive
3 Fictional Universes Id live in: marvel nyc and dc gotham(city not show) are the first two that pop into my mind
@need-that-sastiel-serotonin , @gamelpar , @thequeenofsastiel , @ladywolvesbayne , @bisexual-rebekah , @benevolentsam , @marvel-and-moor , @aiyawwei , @dadstielkline , @sizzlingrebelbarbarian , @aspen-october , @huggablefiresquid, @2005sambitch
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thegreatestheaver · 13 days
Day one no caffeine I’m starting to taste colors and see sounds
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outarou-mikado · 1 year
Very funny of me saying I will curl up in bed for "just a few minutes" and then just pass out for hours and wake up past midnight confused
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miguelspriscilla · 10 months
fucking rcd!miguel in the back of his car after he won a race
Miguel grunted as he continued pounding into you deeply from behind. His eyes staring down at your ass, the small-spaced car covering the sounds of squelching and skin-slapping. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head with each thrust, your fingers digging into the center console where you were forced to lay on as your best friend fucks you roughly in the back of his car.
This is how the night usually ended after Miguel won a car race. It all started during a sleepover at your house when you suggested the idea, giving him motivation to actually put more effort in the competitions. So after these races, the car would be parked by a cliff nearby the city while the two of you fuck round after round—not stopping even when you were on the verge of passing out.
“You like that, nena? Tell me.” His lips curving into a smirk, both of his hands gripping on your hips tightly. You squirmed, feeling his hard cock still thrusting into your tight, spongy walls.
“Y-Yes..I love it so much, Miggy!” you moaned breathlessly, the cute noises you were letting out were only bringing Miguel more pleasure.
“Fuck, I love when you call me that..”
You responded with a sweet smile before feeling him suddenly hit that sweet spot of yours, your face contorting with pleasure once again. “Please, Miggy! I want you to cum inside me!” you beg without hesitation, your knuckles turning white as your hands move to grip the center console instead. “Fuckfuckfuck!”
Your chants only encourages Miguel to set a relentless pace, driving his cock into you so roughly to the point the tip kisses your cervix. Pornographic moans leaving your sweet lips as Miguel reaches over to grab a handful of your hair to pull you back, forcing your back to arch even more, enough for your breasts to press down on the leather material of the console, never losing his pace, greedily driving himself deeper and deeper.
“You drive me crazy..never wanna leave this sweet pussy..” Miguel darkly chuckles, just as you were about to give out, feeling yourself wanting to stop, you felt yourself reach a climax that had you seeing white spots in your vision, moving your back closer to your best friend’s chest. Your face completely stained with tears and drool while shuddering as your legs shake— Miguel felt you continue to clench around his cock.
“Oh Miguel!” you mewled, Miguel watches a white ring of your sweetness cover his cock and it leaves the man almost falling apart on top of you. He groaned into your neck with a final thrust as he sank deep inside you, his cum filling you up as you moaned at the hot sensation.
As your best friend continues emptying himself inside your cunt, both of your chests heaving heavily with a thin layer of sweat on your bodies. You were completely fucked out, not one thought in your pretty little head while you stayed still.
Suddenly Miguel’s phone began going off, as if it knew when to start ringing. He seemed to forget to shut it off before he impatiently jumped your bones. He gave your butt a harsh slap, laughing when you responded with a loud whimper before he reached to his race car jacket to grab his phone from the pocket.
“Damnit!” Miguel rolled his eyes, looking at his phone screen and it read, ‘Dana.’ His girlfriend. As much as he didn’t want to answer, he still clicked the green button. As soon as he held his phone to his ear, he slid his now soft cock out of your pussy.
“Aw! Come back, Miggy!”
“Give me a sec, nena. It’s Dana.” Miguel murmured, hearing you continue to protest for him to stick his cock back in but instead he leaned down to give you a sloppy kiss, slowly rubbing tight circles on your clit as he waited for Dana say whatever the hell she wanted to talk about at 1am. “Hey— Dana..right now isn’t a good time.”
“Yeah you must’ve been sleeping! But..I just missed you.” Dana replied affectionately through the other line. She seemed eager at the fact Miguel picked up.
Though he didn’t match his girlfriend’s enthusiasm, his focus remained on you. Resting himself on your back, using his tongue to finally explore your drooling mouth while listening to Dana talk endlessly about her day, how much she misses Miguel, and how she wished she could have attended the race to see him win.
Your knees still prompted on the car floor, slowly aching from how long you stayed in that uncomfortable position as you press your thighs tightly, trying to relief the loss of your best friend’s cock. You swore you could fall asleep from the boring conversation Dana was basically having a conversation with herself. You never liked her, she was obnoxious and passed herself around way too much. But the feeling was mutual between the two of you, she never liked how you and Miguel are so close..Dana has suspected most of the time that you were both hanging out— you were sucking his cock at the back of his car.
Miguel mindlessly nodded at whatever Dana said, humming against your lips until he pulled away and watch you lay your head, pouting your lips. “Mhm..mhm..yeah?” Miguel shrugged, not paying attention at all. He was watching the mixture of your juices and his cum oozing out of your pussy, the scene was absolutely breathtaking, literally. He couldn’t breathe right as he watched your fluids drip down your thighs and onto the carpet, staining it but Miguel didn’t care.
Though you were sensitive and exhausted, you pathetically whined loudly— surely Dana had catch that. “Hey Dana, I’m kinda busy right now. Let me call you back in 20 minutes?” Miguel interrupted his girlfriend during mid-conversation. His eyes trained on your leaking hole, watching as more of his cum spill out of you, the feeling making your body shudder once more.
“Actually let me call you back in the morning, yeah?”
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luvring · 4 months
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osamu x gn!reader | ~800 words, he calls you hon once, you're getting married! :3
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“you don’t usually get nervous.”
“well,”—osamu fiddles with his cufflink, eyes trained on the metal around his finger—“today’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it?”
make sure you don’t see each other before you get out there, atsumu warned as he pat your fiancé’s back. bad luck or somethin’.
doesn’t make sense if we’re doin’ a first look, idiot.
oh, shut up. don’t look at each other ’til then, then!
your back rests against the door, his on the other side keeping it from closing. maybe it’s just a silly superstition, but it cements today as something real, reminds you that it’s happening.
you reach your hand around to search for his own. “at least we’ll be together the whole time. and then we can say goodbye, and go home, and get out of these clothes, and sleep—”
osamu groans and rests his head against the wood—you don’t think he’s slept properly in two weeks, head scrambled and busy with preparations and the same nervous buzz as yours; the fact that he fell asleep before 1am last night was a miracle.
his hand finds yours, engagement ring resting cool against your skin, palm warm and a little rough. he mumbles, “thank god i closed the shop for a few days, if you told me to wake up any earlier than 9 tomorrow i think i’d die.”
“why are you- we haven’t even gotten to the actual wedding, ’samu.”
“okay? i’m tired and ’m gonna get even more tired. i just wanna cuddle at home. can a man not dream?” he defends, and all but whines. you snort but relent, letting him pull your hand closer and settle into a quiet.
“what if i fall?” he blurts out.
“...what?” a laugh escapes you. “you won’t fall.”
“i could trip down the aisle.”
“you won't.”
he squeezes your fingers. “didn’t realize i was marrying someone who could see the future?”
“’samu. you won’t fall, but if you get in my head and i fall, i’m blaming you,” you warn with a teasing lilt.
a beat passes, and you can tell he’s smiling as you stare at the couch ahead of you.
sitting on a wooden hotel floor, wedding attire on and hair not done, bed covered in supplies and friends’ outfits, the buzz of the air conditioner making it a little too cold in your room—you think you’re content like this, because at least you’re here with him.
shuffling a little closer, he says your name.
the inch between you feels a little bigger as osamu lifts your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles, lingering on your ring finger a second longer than the others—“i’m glad i get to marry you.”
your grip tightens, and if osamu listened carefully, you think he could hear your heart trying to beat out of your chest in search of his.
the elevator dings somewhere down the hall.
“i’m glad i get to marry you, too.”
“samu!” his twin’s voice rings out. “are you done cryin’, or do i haveta drag y’back to get your hair done?”
“god, ’tsumu, yeah, i’m comin’, stop yellin’!” he chides with a huff.
atsumu scoffs before replying—something about his twin being ungrateful for all he does—then walks back to the elevator. you hear a sigh. “guess i should go, huh?”
a thumb rubs the back of your hand, and you almost tell him to stay, but there isn’t much time, and it won’t be long before you’re pushing it. taking a deep breath, you let go to stand up first. “mhm.”
the door squeaks at the weight now gone as you both stretch.
you turn to say goodbye, the open door and shadow in the hall taunting you, but freeze when a familiar hand starts to push the door open.
“wh- samu!” your hand flies up to push his grey bangs out of view.
“woah- what- shit- sorry, sorry. habit, was gonna kiss ya,” he apologizes with a stumble.
panic evaded, your heart rate comes down and he huffs. “my- seriously, hon, you’re lucky my hair isn’t done yet.”
“...sorry, i—” you try to hide a laugh. “i’m sorry, i panicked.”
“no, really?”
“’samu,” you whine, embarrassment painted across your face, though he can’t see. he laughs outside, and you try to ignore the heat in your face.
“...at least you’ll kiss me later, right?” you ask quietly.
“....yeah.” there’s a smile in his voice, a pause, a rustling of fabric as he pats down his suit once more. “see you out there?”
you place your hand on the doorknob. “see you out there.”
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @kuroaka @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia @mitskiologist @chirikoheina @sleepyxxhead @milkbreadforlife @itsukkie @sirimirihiro @mylahrins @aria-chikage @akari-fujikawa @chocopuchino @hearts4itoshi @ur-local-simp @tnshjfk
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
9th member reader passing out on stage during tour because theyve been pushing themselves hard for the tour. forgetting to eat sometimes, pushing themselves in the gym, pushing themselves during practice (not in a punishing themselves way just a getting caught up in the work and not realising how harsh theyre being on themselves way). it all just gets too much during a concert and they just drop, maybe one of the boys catch her before she can hit the floor too hard. the boys beating themselves up a bit for not noticing how hard they were pushing themselves.
don't push yourself
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: reader not taking care of herself
word count: 2.1k
summary: you thought you were doing the right thing for yourself, but it was only a matter of time before your habits became unhealthy, and the boys didn't even notice until it was too late.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy it! :))
Asks are currently shut!
But let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist and reblog if you enjoyed! <3
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With an early rise, there was bound to be a fall at some point.
Whether that was into your bed, when you finally returned back to the dorms from a late night practice; on the sofa of Chan's studio; or to the stage floor of the concert you were rehearsing for.
But we'll get to that later.
The boys hadn't noticed at the start what you had been doing to yourself. You were being more strict with your diet, going to the gym every morning with Changbin, and staying longer at practice. They just saw it as you being their fellow determined member who was trying to improve your health.
And yes, you were seeing improvements, quickly, in fact. But it wasn't healthy. Not that you knew that.
"You should have seen her! She lifted 70kg today!" Changbin boasted with pride, arm wrapped around your shoulders as you both returned from the gym.
Han and Hyunjin had been eating breakfast in the kitchen upon your arrival, so it was the perfect audience for Changbin to show you off to. Chan was probably already at the studio.
"70kg?! I think you can lift more than me now... I can't even lift a spoon," Han laughs.
"Our Han is so squishy," Hyunjin said in an over the top voice and started poking his stomach and arms.
"Yah! Yah!" Han laughed loudly as he shoved Hyunjin away, all four of you laughing.
"Come on, Y/Nnie, show us those muscles of yours," Hyunjin made grabby hands towards your arms, so in return you tensed.
"Woah, your muscles are so big now!" Han's eyes widened.
"Yes I'm secretly training to beat you all up," you did your best to tiredly joke.
"Not much of a secret, plus, you could never beat me," Changbin smirked, ruffling your hair as he went to take a shower.
"Wanna test that theory?" you called after him, pretending to march along the same path he took to his room.
It was easier then, to joke around and act like everything was normal, because you were yet to spiral.
"Y/Nnie? What are you doing here?" Jeongin questioned confused as you walked into the apartment he shared with Seungmin, Felix and Lee Know. You must have not only grabbed the wrong key, but walked back from JYP to the wrong apartment.
"Huh? Innie? Oh, I must have gone to the wrong place," you mumble tiredly, putting your bag down nonetheless.
"You look exhausted... it's 1am! What are you doing up?" Jeongin stood up to analyse your tired figure, one that had also changed from you becoming stricter in yourself.
"I just came back from practising... what are you still doing up?" you looked up at the maknae, poking his cheek lazily.
"From practice? At this time? I was just watching some show on TV," he shrugged, tugging you to sit down next to him.
"What's going on?" a sleepy Felix rubbed his eyes as he entered the lounge, jumping back slightly when he noticed you were there.
"I'm not that scary looking am I, Lixie?" you managed to tease, your head rested against Jeongin's shoulder.
"No! No... I was just shocked to see you're here, why aren't you at the other apartment, did you have an argument?" Felix joined you on the sofa, stealing some of the blanket you and Jeongin had.
"She's so tired she came back to the wrong place," Jeongin laughed, rubbing your head.
"Wah! Y/N you're the first to do that out of us all!" Felix giggled.
"Shouldn't have given me a spare key," you yawned as you stretched your arms, wincing when you did so.
"I'm glad we did by the looks of it, did you push yourself?" Felix brushed some hair out of your face after seeing your pained expression.
"No, no, it's nothing like that..." you trailed off.
"Then what is it?" Jeongin began, "if you didn't push yourself then what is it? Did you not get any sleep last night?"
"I guess so..." you complied with his theories in aid of not having to reveal what you had really been doing.
Surely this wasn't a bad thing though? The concern in their voices was beginning to make you feel differently but you know you were only doing this to better yourself.
"Ah you need to be more careful," Felix tsked, pulling the blanket tighter around you.
"You can't burrito me to death," you tried to fight against the Aussie that was currently swaddling you.
"Oh, but I can."
Another night, you were back at your apartment (the right one) and were currently cooking yourself dinner as everyone else had already eaten. With a pyjama vest and shorts on, it was weird to think how you hadn't noticed the bruises that painted your muscles.
"Ah you're awake now, wait, what happened?" Chan entered the kitchen, happy to see you were awake but alarmed at the sight of your arms.
"Huh? What do you mean?" you questioned as you chopped some veggies.
"Your arms, they've got bruises, lots of them, what happened? Did someone do this to you?" Chan interrogated you all of a sudden.
"What?! No!" you glanced down at your arms and sighed, no wonder they ached so much. "I've just been working out a lot more."
"This looks like a hell of a lot more, you sure you're taking it easy? I mean, I know you go to the gym with Changbin now but that doesn't mean you have to try and match him," Chan sighed, unable to take his eyes off of the purple marks on you.
"Hey, my eyes are up here," you laughed, nudging Chan.
"Y/N..." he sighed, not in the mood for joking around when he could see that you were hurt.
"Chan, it's fine. My body just probably isn't used to it yet, but look, I'm sticking to a good plan, I've got veggies and chicken breast in so I'm getting in my gains like a proper gym bro," you laugh.
"Well, I'm glad to see you're at least eating, just, take it easy, yeah?" he smiled then, patting your back as he returned to presumably his room.
You thought your mind was getting stronger, but your body was getting weaker. Practising had taken priority over your eating.
"Let's go one more time," Lee Know instructed everyone, watching the moves of his members with sharp eyes at the mirror as he danced at the front.
And to your disdain, you stumbled.
"Shit," you put a hand to your forehead, feeling disappointed in yourself.
"Our Y/Nnie can't keep on her own two feet," Lee Know teased, but upon seeing that your expression didn't change at his light-hearted joke, he came over to you.
"Hey, it's ok, I was just kidding," he tried to bend slightly to look into your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I just, wanna get it right, you know?" you sighed.
"I've seen you perform this dance amazingly multiple times, don't be so harsh on yourself," he nodded at you before returning to the front of the mirror.
But how could you not be harsh on yourself when everything needed to be perfect?
"Woah, I'm impressed, I've never seen you got a note like that!" Seungmin applauded you on one of your duo vlives.
Fans flooded the comments spamming hearts and mentioning how impressed they also were at you, being a rapper of the group, hitting high notes.
"I've been practising," you waved him off, hiding your face shyly
"Yeah, with who? Ailee sunbaenim?!" he tried to peek at your hoodie covered face.
"Woah you can't compare me to Ailee sunbaenim!" you laughed at him.
You continued to sing together, yet at the end you were getting breathless. And so, after the vlive ended, Seungmin couldn't help but bring it up.
"You sounded pretty breathless at the end..."
"I know, I know, I need to do better," you sighed.
"No it's not that! I'm just a bit worried about you..." he brushed off your doubts.
"Why? I'm fine," you shrugged him off.
"Ok, whatever you say, just take care of yourself, yeah?" he allowed you to brush away his doubts the same way he did to yours, as you both left the company.
And so this cycle of constantly trying to go past the boundaries of your limits continued. All the way into your second concert of your Maniac World Tour.
It had all been going so well. Everyone was on an adrenaline rush and loving the crowd's support. Apart from you. Your body was slowly but surely bound to shut down eventually, you just wished it didn't happen with your stays so happy, because you knew as soon as you hit the floor, you would have taken that away.
"Y/Nnie!!!" screamed the fans as your body slumped and didn't get back up.
The members instantly turned to where you had been performing. It hadn't even been a high energy choreo, because this time, you were simply moving around the stage to interact more with the fans.
You would have scolded yourself if you had a single coherent thought in your exhausted state.
"Somebody help!" Chan worriedly waved over some staff from backstage as they lifted you off.
"Please excuse us stays, everything will be ok, we will be back with you in a moment," Lee Know hurriedly tried to calm the crowd of tearful stays before rushing after his fellow members who surrounded you.
"Come on, Y/N, wake up," Hyunjin patted your face, trying to help you come back to reality.
"Hmmm," you groaned, a pounding feeling in your head.
"Oh thank God!" Han sighed in relief, hand on his quickly beating heart.
"What happened?" you mumbled tiredly as you were sat up by two staff members who fanned you and handed you some water with a straw to sip from.
"You just collapsed out there!" Felix said with wide eyes.
"Oh," you simply said, not wanting to confront what could have happened to you.
"Oh? Just, oh? Y/N, what happened out there?" Chan sternly said from next to you, squeezing your hand to offer reassurance despite his strict demeanor.
"I don't know... One second I was talking to the fans and the next..."
"You... you haven't been taking care of yourself have you?" Hyunjin burst out with his question, unable to hold back his words no longer.
"I have, I've been going to the gym, I've been practising hard-" you began, before you were cut off.
"How didn't I realise?" Changbin pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Realise what, hyung?" Seungmin asked curiously.
"Y/N, please tell me you've been eating and not living off of those energy drinks I see you have every morning," Changbin crouched down in front of you, begging that he was wrong in thinking that.
"Yeah, I ate dinner, umm, it was when, ummm," you stumbled on your words, unable to remember the last time you ate a proper meal.
And that is when you felt like you failed. You had been doing so well but you couldn't even stick to your plan.
"You can't even remember when you last ate?" Lee Know looked around at the concerned gazes of his other members.
"I'm sorry I don't know why, I... I just wanted to do better," you bit your lip, trying to hold back your tears.
"There are so many better ways to go about it Y/Nnie," Jeongin sighed, rubbing your knee soothingly.
"I'm sorry we didn't notice," Felix said regretfully.
"No, no, please don't apologise, this is on me," you mentally kicked yourself.
"How long, Y/N?" Chan insisted on your response.
"Maybe... 2 months?" you wondered out loud.
They all gasped and shared different responses at your answer.
"Y/Nnie that's not good for you, no wonder you were seeming more tired..." Hyunjin looked away.
"I'm sorry, I really am, I never wanted to worry you all," you apologised sadly, and that is when some stray tears fell delicately down your cheeks.
"We will always worry, you're part of our team," Seungmin bluntly said, yet you could still see the compassion behind his eyes.
"Don't push yourself so hard next time, yeah? Let us know next time and we can help you figure out a way to do this more healthily, just talk to us next time, yeah?" Chan wiped your tears away as Changbin wrapped you in a hug you didn't realise you needed so badly.
"I promise," you whispered, yet everyone heard it amongst the sounds of the crowd, and if they didn't, they still felt the words hanging in the air, a vow that next time, you would take care of yourself, and that they'd always be there to take care of you too.
tagged: @skz-streamer @han-jiquokka @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @kiraisastay
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beatteez · 9 months
princess - j.yh
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정 윤호
boyfriend!yunho x afab!reader
genre: smut 18+, fluff at beginning and end a/n: it is 1am and i cant stop thinking about yunho so i've made this. ignore if its bad not gonna edit this till later !!! also its a bit long, sorry not
warnings: teasing, slightly rough sex?? unprotected sex (never a good idea) oral (f receiving) softdom!yunho, sub!reader big dick yunho
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you and yunho laid on your couch watching movies as you do after school. its a cute little so called tradition you have together before having to go to your night class, which you share together.
the soothing silence between you two as the movie plays in the background causes your eyes to struggle to stay open. your head on yunho's thigh as his fingers gently run soothing circles on your scalp.
"tired?" he questions smoothing down your hair.
you mumble something that sounded like a yes in response "wake me up...for classes.." you trailed off feeling too tired and lazy to say much.
his soft giggle fills your ears "will do princess, rest up" his fingers circle on your scalp again lulling you to sleep.
the bell rings for class to end, all thats filling your mind is the way yunho was subtly touching you the entirety of class. the test review was not a top priority in your mind at the moment.
"hmm?" he looks over at you a smirk stuck on his face knowing how he's got you flustered and hot "what is it princess?"
"you're being a fucking tease" you whine out grabbing onto his arm as you both walked into the direction of your homes. lucky you two didn't live far from each other, just a two minute walk down the street.
"and how might i be doing that" he questions. your eyes narrow at him and he chuckles "was it me touching you in class..my apologies your majesty" he steps in front of you bowing.
"you piss me off" now both of your laughs filled the empty street you walked down. you walked towards him forcing your hand into his much larger hand.
"want to come over tonight" he ask spinning you around.
"i have to think about it...yes" he smiles at you and puts his arm around you as you walk towards his house passing yours on the way.
"i just need you to be quiet, my parents are sleeping" he says unlocking the door holding it open for you. you nod walking in, heading towards his room and he follows behind you after locking the door.
"can i borrow something to wear" you look at him as he walks in softly shutting the door.
"i dont know can you?" he places his hand on your hips pulling you flush against him "anything specific you want" his eyebrow raises as your eyes dart to the sweatshirt he was wearing. "no"
"pleasee" you begged.
"babe..i just bought this, you cant take it yet"
"but it would look so good on me, just imagine" you wave your hand in front of his face.
"no" he says kissing your forehead. you let out a groan going to sit on his slightly raised up bed, struggling a little. you feel yunho's hand pushing up on your butt to help you.
"i hate your bed" you mumble out as he stands in front of you in between your legs. his fingers running along your thighs.
"is that so?" his eyebrow lifts again "should i get a little stool for my princess?"
your eyes roll annoyed at his teasing.
"you have been teasing me all day yunho" you look down at his fingers, they have been inching closer to your core by the second.
"i don't know what you're talking about" he mumbles, his hands pushing up your skirt then running up your torso gently pushing you to lay back. you lean back on your elbows, bringing your legs to sit on his shoulders.
he kisses your leg sliding your shoe off, repeating that on the other leg. his kisses migrate up towards where you want him the most.
his fingers pushing against your clothed clit, a soft groan is heard from him as you lean your head back.
"you're so wet already" he rubs small circles over you pantie clad clit.
"because you teased me all night.." a soft moan falls from your lips followed by a whine, wanting more. his fingers barley touching you because of the panties you had on.
he ignored your comment and hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties pulling them off slowly, your slick sticking to the panties.
"fuck" he groaned, pulling them off at a faster pace. his fingers rubs against your clit before he drags them down slowly inserting them into your soaking pussy.
you move your elbows from under you and lay down fully on the bed more soft moans falling from your lips as he slowly pulls them out and then slowly pushes them back in.
"y-yunho, please, you've been teasing all day, just make me feel good" you whine wanting more from your boyfriend.
his eyes meet yours and he chuckles "whatever you say princess" his face comes down, lips connecting to your clit instantly. your hand comes up to cover your mouth, remembering his parents are in the room next to you sleeping.
the feeling of his tongue lapping at your pussy is making your thigh close around his head. he chuckles against your clit sending a subtle vibration through you.
"shit yunho" you whimper as your hands reach down placing them on his head as he sucks at your clit again harshly, his fingers still working inside of you.
the thought of his parents hearing you like this is making this experience better than normal. you and yunho usually try to avoid doing anything when people could have a chance to hear you two for both of your comfort.
your pussy clenches around his fingers, his lips parting from you.
"close already?" he smirks, his fingers pushing deeper, earning a whimper from you as you nod looking up at him. he pulls his fingers out of you slowly, your pussy clenching around nothing from the sudden emptiness.
"baby.." a whine escapes from you. he shh's you undoing his pants.
"want you cumming around my cock" he says pulling you towards him, helping you off the bed. you start to get down on your knees to help him some but he grabs your arm gently.
he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, kissing you softly and lovingly. your arms wrap around his neck gently, his hands landing on your ass roughly. you whimper into the kiss, your hand reaching down wrapping around his cock.
he pulls away slowly a soft moan falling from his lips as you move your hand up and down along his cock.
"you drive me crazy" he whispers kissing you again turning you around and bending your upper body down over his desk.
you look back at him and see him jerking his cock a few times before lining up with your entrance.
he slides in, the new full feeling making your legs want to give out. you put your head into the crook of your elbow supporting your body against the desk. the stretch always feels like its your first time again from how big he was.
he groans gripping onto your hips, his nails likely going to leave little crescents in your skin. he bottoms out and holds still for a second. you pull your hips away wanting him to move but his hands hold you still.
"dont move, you feel too good.. dont want to finish that soon" he chuckles. after a few seconds he pulls out slowly moving his hips a slow steady rhythm.
your soft moans are muffled by your arm, yunho's groans quiet enough to not draw attention.
his hips speed up and you clench around him sucking him in.
"just like that princess, fuck, you aways take me so well" his hands slide up your stomach pulling you back against him. he leans down kissing against your neck as his hands travel up more pulling your bra down, pinching your nipples between his thumb and index finger.
you moan a bit too loud and one of his hands come up around your neck, squeezing gently. it surprisingly muffling any noise you made from the lack of air.
"baby.. im gonna.." your hand met his hand that was messing with your tits, dragging it down to your throbbing clit. "please" you whimper.
"anything for my princess" he says in a deep tone. his fingers rubbing quick circles around your clit as his thrust speed up.
you could tell his release was nearing from the urgency in his thrust. your moans became more needy, your pussy clenching around him. he bends you back down over the desk.
"come on, cum for me princess, feel good just like you wanted"
you felt the pleasure take over your body, your legs getting weak, his thrust in you sending you into overstimulation.
incoherent whines fall from your lips. you feel him pull out, then feel warm liquid land on your ass. yunho's groans filling your ears.
he leans over your body "did i please my princess?" he questions chuckling.
you turn around to face him nodding, face red, little sweat beads on your forehead.
"come on, lets go shower" he whispers kissing your temples.
you pull on his arm looking up at him.
"hmm?" he turns back towards you looking down at you "whats wrong baby"
"i love you"
"i love you too princess"
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Come with me now on another story adventure.
Some types of hardship do start to feel like curses if they happen often enough. One thing I’ve experienced a lot- or at least enough to posit a curse- is my apartments flooding.
I’ve had flooding in three separate apartments I’ve lived in.
The place I lived with Betty flooded due to a massive rainstorm and poor placement on a downhill slope. Betty’s room was more effected than mine, but due to poor handling by the management it resulted in some rampant black mold and my eventual falling out with Betty as we broke the lease to escape.
My first flooding though. Happened when I lived in a third floor apartment. How, you might ask, is that possible?
Oh, Reader. Prepare yourself.
Now, I need to set the stage. Because you see, I shared this apartment with the last boy I’d ever date. For the purposes of this story let’s call him Connor. We’d known going into the relationship that I had a predilection for pussy but it finally clicked that I was just not attracted to men.
This was particularly devastating because I still loved that boy with all my heart but neither of us were getting what we needed out of the relationship. Suffice it to say, the atmosphere in the apartment in which he was sleeping on the couch was A BUMMER.
We were both sick, probably from stress, and had bad coughs. It was the night before midterms.
I was tucked up into bed, with little kitten Leeloo, ready to get to sleep. It was about 10pm. Connor knocked and poked his head into the room.
“It’s raining in the bathroom,” he said.
I got out of my comfy bed, and joined him in the bathroom. Raining was an exaggeration but there was definitely water dripping down the door jam and pooling up under the paint.
“That’s not good.”
We both stared at this problem together, sick and sad.
Finally, I suggested, “Go see if the upstairs neighbor left a faucet on. I’ll try to call maintenance.”
He left and I started making calls. At 10pm it was understandable that I was getting a lot of voicemails. Two maintenance lines deep, Connor returned.
“The people above us are getting drops too, and the place above that won’t respond.”
Four defunct numbers later, I finally got ahold of an emergency maintenance guy who was on call. “It’s raining in our bathroom.”
He was befuddled and said he’d be in soon.
That was about when it really actually started raining. Drips began pouring out of light fixtures. Terrified, we turned off the lights we could, setting out bowls and towels to mitigate water damage. Water dripped from several lights and started pooling ominously in the long flat kitchen light.
The maintenance man arrived around midnight. There was bowls and buckets littering the ground as Connor and I watched in abject misery as water filled them. The maintenance man was wildly out of his depth, having been left in sole charge while the entire rest of the staff was on vacation.
As we spoke to him, the water infiltrated our smoke alarm which began screaming in earnest at this wet invasion. The maintenance man promised to try to see what was causing the issue and fled. Connor and I regarded each other. We coughed, sick and exhausted, then went to empty the water buckets.
An hour passed. The smoke alarm persisted, it’s three shrill screeches pounded relentlessly into our ear drums. We stopped existing as individuals and became vessels of suffering. The paint in the bathroom started sloughing off the wall in wet ripples.
Connor tried to rouse the neighbor again and returned unsuccessful.
The maintenance man returned. It was 1am. He couldn’t get ahold of the apartment causing the flooding. He couldn’t get ahold of his bosses. After the update he made to leave and we begged him, please, just make the beeping stop, please. It can rain inside, and I can get no sleep the night before midterms, and I can cough miserably all night while I empty water bowls, but please, god, please, just make the beeping stop.
He promised to try and left. At some point around then, the flat kitchen light shattered under the pressure and gushed out a fall of water. Connor and I gave a bleak half hearted startle and tried to scrounge up more towels.
I started slipping into madness. The unceasing blaring beeps. The rain. The misery of being in this wretched situation with someone I used to be able to reach toward for comfort who I couldn’t anymore. This was hell, I decided. This circumstance fits into how they torture people, and I live here in this torturescape now. The maintenance man was never coming back.
The maintenance man came back with a ladder eventually.
Connor and I watched with blank hungry eyes as he fussed with the alarm and at 2am it finally ceased its shrieking klaxon of madness. I cried. The man left again. We emptied the bowls.
And finally, half an hour later, the rain began to abate. The maintenance man returned to inform us that he’d entered the upstairs unit.
Someone had become incapacitated and left their bath running. He was not at liberty to disclose what happened so presumably someone was sauced out of their gourd and fell into a deep stupor such that several hours of sustained door pounding couldn’t rouse them.
People all down the row flooded, and he looked near tears himself. We thanked him and went to collapse into bed. Neither of us took midterms the next day.
Connor and I are still friends to this day, even after a night fit to drive someone mad.
My last event of apartment flooding was a sewer main getting blocked. It was when my betrothed and I had just started dating and they were hanging out at my place while I was at work. Due to this good fortune, they were able to move my couch, entertainment system, and electronics out of the path of the flood.
It took a week and some extremely pointed emails to get the landlord to comp me rent for the week I couldn’t live there and the entire time I was just thankful I wasn’t stuck with water dripping from my lights while a fire alarm drove me to the brink of madness.
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gentaro-kinniecom · 4 months
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New Beginnings
Characters: Zayne/fem!reader
C/w: 1.4k! (Read at your own risk, meant for +18) mentions of breeding, married life, somewhat graphic descriptions of sex. Zayne wants to be a father although he doesn't admit it..he just wants to get you knocked up.
A/n: Finished writing this instead of my english essay because... There's also a Rafayel fanfic in the making so stay tuned for more <33
“Zayne? It’s 1am, you still haven’t come back to bed..” I said, leaning against the door frame as he sighed, typing away on his computer while passing a hand across his hair, trying to calm himself down. 
“I know. I’m sorry, I’ll be there”
“That’s what you said an hour ago..you’re tiring and exhausting yourself to the point of death at this point” Zayne sighed, closing his laptop and getting up from his desk chair, walking towards me with a soft grin trying to comfort me. 
“Are you satisfied now?” He asked, hugging my waist as we walked towards our shared bedroom. Ever since we got married, Zayne has gotten more work than usual piled up on his desk every time I go to visit him at work. It worries me that he’s overworking himself because of money, which hasn’t been an issue at all given he’s a doctor and works in a very respected hospital. But what other reason might it be? I laid in our shared bed, feeling myself drift away to sleep when suddenly, Zayne wrapped his arms around my waist. 
“Mhm, thank you” I replied, snuggling up to him while caressing his soft dark strands of hair that fell on his face, smiling. He muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t quite grasp as Zayne kissed me goodnight. I couldn’t help but stay awake for a few minutes, looking at the city lights by the window and back at Zayne’s sleeping form beside me.
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Woken up by the sound of something crashing from the kitchen, I got out of bed with a small yawn, walking down the corridor of our lovely home to see Zayne had a mess of pancake batter all over his “kiss the cook” apron while sighing in annoyance before turning towards me.
“There’s shards of glass on the floor..please, be careful” I nod, grabbing a broom from the closet room and coming back to see Zayne was picking up the broken pieces from the floor. I suddenly stepped in one while trying to hand him the broom which made him look at me with worry, I try not to cry as he can clearly see the tears pricking my eyes.
“I’m fine I swear..” Without a second thought, he quickly lifted me onto the kitchen counter, carefully yet skillfully removing the glass from my foot as Zayne chuckled.
“Having you like this, reminds me of our honeymoon. Remember when-” I stopped Zayne by placing a hand over his mouth, trying to not remember that day where he fucked me into oblivion in our hotel’s kitchen island, right before breakfeast too.
“Why must you always make me remember? It’s like you’re hinting at wanting kitchen sex right now..” A chuckle left his lips as Zayne’s body inched closer, his hands grabbing my waist gently, kissing my neck while whispering sweet words that had me falling into his desire.
“Because, shouldn’t being a husband imply taking care of his wife’s desires as their own? Is it too bad that I want to be greedy with you for a few moments?”His hands began to trail under my nightgown and towards my chest as he began to rub my nipples, making me whine while kissing him.
“Alright, fine. Just seeing you in this apron alone made me feel things, did you do it on purpose?” I asked half jokingly as Zayne kissed my shoulder before taking off my nightgown, leaving me naked on the counter while grinning ear to ear.
“Perhaps, although now I see what you’ve been meaning to hide all this time; you’re trying to rile me up, and it’s working” He then kissed me, taking his sweet time to stroke my clit, agonizingly slow, teasing me as I whined into his mouth. Zayne didn’t take this lightly and spread my legs apart in a second. 
“And to think this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t break the glass measuring vase today” I added, gazing over at Zayne who kneeled towards my pussy, blowing on it gently before sucking on it. I gasped as his tongue did wonders, had I really forgotten of that day, or was I too fucked out of my brains to remember? Possibly the latter. He suddenly grabbed my thighs, massaging them in a way that made my cunt drip with more arousal than before. Of course, I was impatient, so I grabbed Zayne’s hair, pulling him upwards as he got the message.
“Maybe it was fate or clumsiness on my behalf, at least we’re making something out of this.” He spoke, yet I was too focused on how quickly he was to take off his pants, making me wonder why the hell was he wearing work pants so early in the morning. Nonetheless, all my thoughts vanished out the window as soon as I saw his cock. It wasn’t less than average or more, slightly curved and girthy, the type that never wants to let go once he’s had a taste..that..is the man I married, and the man he will always be. The small but noticeable vein on the side made me drool as he stroked himself a few times before prodding at my entrance. 
“Please, don’t make me wait longer, my love” 
“I thought, you weren’t the type to beg for something, it seems there’s a first for everything after all” Pushing my hips to meet his cock, Zayne grabbed them harshly, not enough to leave a bruise but enough to put me in my place as he smiled. The moment he thrusted inside, I threw my head back at the overwhelming pleasure Zayne was giving me at the moment. My hand found Zayne’s shoulder as he continued to pound at my dripping pussy. He let out a sharp groan as he finally reached my g-spot, making me let out a breathy moan while speeding up.
“Is this what you- hah wanted all along? For me to breed you? Make you carry our child? Answer me.” Zayne’s voice dropped to that soft and warm yet firm tone I always loved. Without any doubt, I answered almost eagerly.
“Y-yes..! Oh fuck~!” I sobbed due to the stimulation he gave me, in a hazy rush, Zayne grabbed my thighs, thrusting sharply yet deeply, enough to make me crave more.
“You’d be such a good mom, look at you, all needy and willing for me. I can’t wait to expand our family with you” He said, panting afterwards as he unexpectedly came inside rather quickly than normal. Pulling his cock away from my puffy cunt almost regretting his decision not long before seeing his cum leak down with a faint smile on his face.
“Stay here, I’ll go grab a towel.'' I nod, smiling at his gentleness as he comes back to clean me up. Zayne’s lips met mine as a ‘thank you’ from my behalf for being so kind and sweet as always. We eventually got dressed once again as I looked at my husband through the mirror of our bedroom, walking downstairs as I stared at the kitchen momentarily.
“So..what are we going to do about breakfast?” I asked, causing him to laugh while he grabbed both the house and car keys as we exited the front door.
“I know of a brunch place that just opened up nearby, perhaps we could give it a try today”
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Some weeks later, I started feeling sick and began vomiting sometimes during the morning. I had a feeling it was because I was pregnant, however, my husband wanted to run some tests for me in the clinic near the hospital he worked at, “just to be sure” his words not mine. At the end of the day, I returned home waiting for the results to come back as I heard the front door open. Zayne tried little to hide the smile on his face as he handed me the envelope from the clinic
“I don’t need to read the letter at this point with the way you’re smiling at me” I teased, opening it up to show that I was indeed 3 weeks pregnant with his child. Zayne hugged me briefly before kissing my lips ever so softly.
“I promise to be the best father for our child, thank you for allowing me to have the blessing to start a family the day we got married, I love you.” He spoke, tear-eyed as I hugged him back, crying happily onto his chest.
“I love you too..I’ll never regret marrying the man that treats me like a queen and makes sure I have everything I need.” 
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seventeenytiny · 11 months
1:00am (Reposted Again)
I am so sorry for reposting again this but Tumblr is mad at me and I don’t think my post was showing up in tags so I am trying one last time :(
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Smut: Minors DNI
Felix tries to help you relax after the two of you sneak out to the hot tub late at night
Contains: Smut, Minor DNI, Oral (female receiving), public sex
Word Count: 1769
Author’s Note: I’ve had this in my drafts for way too long because I was never happy with how it turned out. After much editing, I’m still not in love with it but screw it I gotta post it. Just use this as a guide and make it sound better in your head lol.
“Meet me by the hot tub at 1am,” Felix whispered as he passed by, his hand grazing your hip. His deep voice sends chills down your spine, anticipation of what the night holds has you buzzing.
When you agreed to rent a vacation cabin out in the woods with a group of friends, you didn’t realize it would lead to you and Felix hooking up. You wait patiently for night to fall and for friends to all go to their rooms. You change into your bikini, wrapping yourself in a cover-up to help keep you warm from the chilly night air. Once you see all the lights out and the sound of soft snores fill the cabin, you cautiously creep out, careful to not alert anyone of your whereabouts. The path to the hot tub is dark, but your eagerness helps you push forward. Letting the moonlight guide you, you see a shadowy figure standing near the tub, the figure’s long hair clearly indicating it’s Felix. As you approach, he runs his fingers through his locks, a smile that could light up the night appears on his face.
“I’m glad you decided to come,” He says, embracing you.
“Of course, I’d come for you.” You smile shyly at him.
“Well let’s not waste any time and get in.” He takes off his shirt, exposing his abs and leaving him in just his swim trunks. You freeze upon seeing his upper half, his thin yet toned body is more beautiful than you could have imagined.
“No need to be shy around me Y/N. Here, let me help you,” He reaches towards you to help remove your cover-up, his eyes scanning your body as the cloth falls to the ground. The crisp air causes goose bumps to cover your skin, consequently, your nipples noticeably harden. Felix licks his lips, clearly enjoying the view in front of him.
“So beautiful...” he mumbles to himself.
“What was that Lixie?”
Lixie? That was the first time he heard you call him that, the new nickname makes his heart flutter.
“Ah nothing... Let’s get you warmed up Y/N.” He takes your hand and leads you into the tub, watching you carefully to make sure you don’t slip. You sigh in relief as the warm water covers your chilled body. Felix follows in behind you, you take note of the slight bulge in his swim trunks. Once he’s seated he reaches over to you to pull you into his lap
“Come here baby girl, I’ll make sure you stay nice and warm.”
“You're too kind Felix,” you joke as you make yourself comfortable in his arms, trying to hide the blush on your face. Baby girl was a name you could get used to, especially if it was Felix calling you that.
You lean your head back against his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your torso, lightly grazing your underboob.
You both stay in that position for a bit, casually chatting about random topics and life in general. As the conversation continues you feel one of Felix’s hands slowly creep towards your core. You carry on with what you were saying, acting as if nothing is happening. You couldn’t reveal just how desperate you are for his touch just yet.
You readjust yourself on his lap, opening your legs slightly more for him, your ass feeling his very noticeable erection.
“How’s work been going for you baby girl? I know it was bothering you quite a bit last month.”
“Oh it still sucks, I feel like I can’t relax because I know how much I’ll have to do when I get back from this trip.”
“Is your boss still being a cunt?”
“The cuntiest.” You reply with an exasperated sign.
“That’s no good, why don’t I help you try to relax?” His hand moves to rest right on top of your crotch. Your body heats up with excitement, and you turn your head to bury it in the crook of his neck, placing a small kiss there.
“If you can actually take my mind off work, I will owe you forever.”
“Hmm... Do I have your consent?”
You look at his face with glassy eyes, “Yes, I trust you, Felix.”
He smirks, “Here’s what I want you to do, I want to sit up on the ledge right here.”
Curious of what he has in mind, you oblige, your brain too foggy with lust to overthink it. He helps lift you up to the edge, making sure you’re comfortable. The steam rising from the tub helps keep you warm.
He stands back and gently spreads your legs apart, the fabric of your bikini clinging to your folds, perfectly outlining your pussy.
“Wow,” he mumbles, his eyes now dark with want. He lowers his face to be eye level with your pussy, you can feel his warm breath on it.
“Y/N, are you ready to relax?”
“Felix, if you’re going to eat me out, I have to be honest, no guy has ever made me cum from oral.”
He chuckles “As cheesy as it sounds, I promise I’m not like the other guys, give me a chance please.”
“Please prove me wrong.”
And with those words, he starts to go to work. He starts by placing kisses on your clothed slit, the warmth from his mouth lingers every time he pulls away. You lean back on the ledge, eyes closed as you focus on all the sensations. He pulls your bikini bottoms to the side, giving you a long lick against your folds. He places more kisses on you, teasing you with slow delicate motions.
You’re quick to be desperate for more, you put your hands in his hair and pull him closer to your core.
“So needy already...” He tsks. “Why don’t you take your bottoms off for me so I can properly touch you.”
You nearly jump out of your bottoms, not wanting to waste any time with his mouth not on your pussy.
He readjusts himself, placing kisses on your inner thigh before stopping right at your entrance, “Is this what you want? Do you want me to kiss right here?”
“Please Felix,” you beg, pulling his head towards you.
“Whatever you want baby girl.”
He kisses your slit before attaching his mouth to your clit and gently sucking on it. You throw your head back in pleasure, his mouth finally reliving the pressure that’s been building up down there.
He continues to suck on your sensitive bundle of nerves, slowly getting more aggressive with his technique. He then slides a finger into your pussy, your warm walls immediately sucking him in. You’re so slick with arousal that his finger slides in and out with ease, you can hear the wet sound of your pussy over his slurping.
“Oh so good Lixie, don’t ever stop...” you moan out. He adds a second finger into you, scissoring his fingers to stretch you out. He has everything down to a perfect science, the timing of his fingers with the timing of his tongue over your clit is impeccable.
He starts to slow down his thrusts with his fingers, you groan as he pulls them out of you, disliking the empty feeling. He removes his mouth from you so he can lick his fingers clean.
“You taste so fucking amazing Y/N, I need more.”
He drives right back in, eating you out like his life depends on it.
Your hands pull his hair and your thighs tighten around his head. The amount of pleasure he receives from your thighs nearly suffocating him is unimaginable. You use the grip you have in his hair to pull his face even closer to your body, his nose pressing up against your clit. You grind against his face as he licks and sucks on you. He lets out deep moans as you practically ride his face, sending vibrations straight to your core.
“Lixie... I think I might actually cum,” you pant out, sweat covering your brow.
He only responds by moaning back into your pussy, his hands gripping your thighs hard.
You can feel it, that precious build-up within your lower half, you can feel your high almost there. You’re so damn close.
He puts his two fingers back in, the feeling of fullness is what brings you to your high. You twist and pull at his locks as your eyes squeeze tight. Your whole body shakes with pleasure and your thighs wrap even harder around his head. You feel like your breath is being squeezed from your lungs as you moan out, welcoming the best orgasm of your whole life. Felix never stops for a second, determined to help you ride out your orgasm for as long as possible. Your arousal runs down his face, coating his chin, he struggles to keep up with all the juices flowing out of you.
Once he feels the grip on his hair loosen and your thighs relax he starts to let up.
“Felix... I’m too sensitive...”
“Just 30 more seconds, you taste too good for me to let anything go to waste.”
He cleans you up with his tongue, and his hands rub your thighs as they shake from the sensitivity. He pulls away finally and you can see his face once again. His lips are puffy and covered with your wetness. You pull him out of the water to kiss his lips, enjoying the lingering taste of your pussy.
“I’m sorry I doubted you Felix, that was honestly the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”
His smile takes up half his face hearing that, “Come on Y/N I think you’re exaggerating.” He wipes his face with the back of his hand before carefully helping you put your bikini bottoms back on. He grabs your waist and pulls you back down into the water with him. The warmth of the water along with your orgasm has you feeling weightless, Felix holds you up against his chest as you let your feet float up.
“How are you feeling Y/N?”
“There’s not a thing I could care about right now.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear.”
“Oh but what about you, you didn’t cum.” You start to reach towards the waistband of his shorts but he stops you.
“Don’t worry about me, tonight is about you. Anyways, you said if I made you relax you would owe me forever. So... did I make you relax?”
You place a playful kiss on his cheek, “How about you meet me back here tomorrow at the same time and I’ll make it up to you.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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