#me: i need this other aoe saber
hydrachea · 2 years
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trudemaethien · 7 months
Glitch/Corr and hear <3
This got a bit graphic and gory😅, so…
HC: Corr sustained some hearing damage from the same event that took his arms, I don’t explicitly mention it here, but
The Force resonates with awe-inspiring vastness, full of sound and wonder, and most of the time Glitch loves to listen to it.
Sometimes it’s like that pesky brother who’s trying to get your attention to discuss his hairbrained theories and antics, for the fourty-third time, after curfew.
Glitch has a headache.
Before he knew what it was he was hearing, he got headaches a lot. He’s used to it. It doesn’t mean he likes it any better now than then.
He’s following, shut UP already!
A hand lands in the middle of his chest, halting him. “No civilians past the cordon,” a clone’s vocoder-leveled but still appreciably bored voice orders.
“I’m not, and I need to go there,” Glitch says, leaning into his words and the restraining hand. “You can let me in, I’m cleared.”
“You can go in…after you suit up. Since you’re cleared.”
The clone gestures to a heavy blast-suit, bulky and cumbersome. Glitch can’t function in that. He shifts his weight in preparation to move.
“He’s not cleared, Jack, what’s wrong with you?” another clone snaps, approaching. “Help me get this on; and you, scram.”
“Yes, Corporal,” Jack says, chastened. Sorry, he mouths at Glitch as the corporal straps on the extra armor.
The urgency is higher now, the Force like a klaxon in his head. Maybe there’s a klaxon out loud too, Glitch realizes, as the corporal hurries up, glancing toward the cordoned-off area.
“Corporal,” Glitch tries, “I need to—”
“To get the kriff out of my AoE and quit distracting me and my team,” the corporal says sharply. “We’re on the clock.”
Jack snaps the last clasp into place and taps twice next to the reinforced face shield like he’s patting the guy’s cheek. “Good to go!” he signs with his other hand in front of his face.
And go he does. Glitch can only watch as the demolitions corporal tramps across the ground to the device, not gracefully in that get-up, but with the ease of familiarity. Jack, he realizes, has a timer he’s gleefully counting off out loud.
“Corr’s a machine; fucker beat my time! I’m going to do him one better nex—”
So that’s what a bomb sounds like, is Glitch’s first dazed thought.
HOT, is his next. Something is crackling in his ears, and he looks around for Jack, for any of the others, and finds the world on fire with no one in sight. That adds up, he thinks nonsensically, and then looks at himself.
Shrapnel and slag are scattered all around him but not on or through his body, like the discolored dry shadow behind a retaining bulkhead hit by a wave. He—the Force—probably did that. He didn’t know he could do that.
Where’s Jack. The Force had probably wanted him to prevent this. The klaxon is still shrieking, or no—that’s too irregular.
Glitch follows the sound. The Corporal is struggling in his heavy suit of armor, trying to escape the burning crater. He can’t climb out for some reason, even though it’s only thigh-deep. Glitch grabs at him and then thinks better of touching the hot surface. He grabs him with the Force instead, and yanks him up and out.
He doesn’t see anyone else as he drags the Corporal to safety. Past the blast radius, he peels away the suit, slicing it with Rennax’s saber when it hardens too much.
He pulls the man free with difficulty. He’s slick with sweat and tears and blood, and not all of him comes free. Glitch almost hurls when he realizes the flexible gloves that allowed dexterity physically couldn’t shield as well as the rest of the get-up, and the meat of his arms up to the elbow is shredded off the equally shattered bones.
Tourniquets from his belt, not thinking about it, just applying them, then he hoists the trooper up, the whole time yelling, “Medic!”
The sole survivor of the blast clings to him with the stumps of his ruined arms and shakes with uncontrollable sobs. Relief and grief entwine with one another. “You. You got me. You heard me, you came,” he slurs. Accusation and gratitude are also inextricably bound in his tone.
Glitch wishes he could have done better, listened more carefully to the Force, actually prevented this from happening at all, but all he says is, “Yeah, I got you.” His own voice is hoarse and thick.
Neither of them let go until a medic takes the injured trooper to evac. Glitch watches him get loaded up, then regretfully turns away to follow the call of the Force once again.
Reverberating 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51595036
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omeletcat · 1 month
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ALRIGHT so in my game there are 2 player characters, the player can switch between these 2 when needed to fit different situations of battle, that way the game stays interesting and engaging. This character is called Rae, i themed her around fireworks and her powers are also fireworks, she can set them off and shoot them away, she is designed to have a close range attack pattern, that currently consists of 1 a blast of fireworks into a direction 2 a single bomb that does aoE damage after it explodes 3 a slice with a saber that gives her a boost/dash whatever she passes through during this dash takes damage. the problem now is how i want to make these fireworks look, I realized that whenever i try and make it look like it is blasted into a single direction it looks like confetti or multiple fireballs, and that is NOT what i want.
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This is how that looked, like a bunch of confetti after this i tried redesigning the firework and ended up with this
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here it definitely looks more like actual fireworks, but i noticed that in the second image, when i tried making a single frame of the attack animation where the firework .. bits are blasted towards the enemy, that instead of it looking like fireworks it looks like a bunch of small fireballs and that is also ugly.
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instead of it looking like actual fireworks, it looks like a bunch of fireballs, and i don't want it to look like fire caus that is way to overdone, the fact that i even came up with fireworks is one of my most original idea's around her character, originally she was basically a genderbend zuko (i love atla but the angry fire character is a trope at this point)
so then i made this
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someone told me that it would look cool if i made Rae shoot smth that then explodes into a ball of fireworks, caus that is what fireworks usually look like, but this also looks off, now it doesn't have any BANG to it, its just fireworks or very weird confetti, it doesn't blast into any direction making it seem less dangerous and scary then the other versions. But how do i make it look that way? i have thought of a bunch of things but nothing rly works i am now currently BEGGING you to help me out, if you have an idea or maybe a type of firework i could use as a reference i would be SO SO SO thankfull, i am actively looking for any kind of critique or help or anything at all i can use to improve my art for my game, so if you have ANYTHING pls comment or reblog!! tysm!
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sassyshin · 10 months
Okay about the 8th reinforcement in the anni. i’m sorry if I get any card wrong though  sometimes I do mix those
4* Saber. God I really hope its Gawain. There are pretty good chances of being him considering he’s gonna be an event servant. If they do a rank up quest for him because of the event later I wont mind tho but I’m not counting with that so I really hope its Gawain. This man deserves it at this point
3* Lancer: God theres so many possibilities here to me. Like I dont think any AOE 3* Laner is doing very hot atm. I would really like Taiga to get something this time though. She’s still got a 10t skill cooldown that isnt really worth it. I wouldnt mind another buff for Diarmuid tho
And here’s probably one that might be even controversial but Hozouin because his skills do very very little to him. I think he could use some help
5* Lancer: Karna. Yeah this is me being bias. Give it to my boy. Thats all
3* Archer: Oh please buff Billy. Like if its William Tell its fine to me because I feel theres so little reason to use him over Robin but Billy is so... Outdated. He doesnt even have an atk up or np up for fuck sake
5* Berserker: Xiang Yu. Like straight up. He’s not even bad but out of all the 5* Zerks he’s the one that could use something more the most
5* Lancer. Lartoria. Thats all again lmao. I know I said the same to Karna but yeah. I want both of them buffed. Her last buff was so meh
4* Assassin:  May i have another Yan Qing buff pls, mistah shroom? :3
Uhhh i’d like Carmilla to get a buff. All the Lizzies got one so why was he left aside. I know she’s not bad but yeah
Kerry too though. If this buff is for Kerry I’m gonna be happy
5* Caster: God... Is this a Tam or Merlin buff............ Please tell me its not. I mean if its a Tam buff its whatever... But godd they might be going for Merlin here
Oh my godd
In a good timeline it would be Anastasia... But is this a good timeline?
We will see
4* Lancer: I have no idea. Would they be blasphemous enough to Buff Summer Kiyohime before the berserk one? Idk. Qiang Lyu could still something more tho i guess
5* Foreigner. This is gonna be Summer Abby wont it. Like people already thought it would be her last time. Whatever bruh
3* Rider. Hopefully it is Red Hare. I feel like he’s the one that needs it the most. However I wouldnt complain if it was Rick because its not like he was ever buffed
5* Archer: This probably should be Artemis tbh. However just like Rick if they wanted to give a np upgrade to Moriarty I would be like “sure why not”
4* Saber: Saber Alter. I want both Gawain and Saber Alter to get something
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Up No. 50: Chiron
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[I really don’t know why i do these but i’ve racked up 50, somehow. I was considering doing some special revisit or whatever but I ended up just doing the only Apocrypha servant left that I think only needs 1 rank up, since i really do need to stop getting sidetracked from my impromptu “all of Apoc gang” thing and it lets me still have number 50 be its own post. We can just say it's my official catalyst for the only Argonaut I still need now that I have Asclepius.]
Mind’s Eye (True) A > Mentor’s Insight A++
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own DEF (3 turns).^ Increase HP Recovery Amount for all allies (5 turns). Decrease own Critical Star Gather Rate by 100% (3 turns). Decrease Skill Cooldown for another ally by 2 turns. [This unit can only be selected if there are no other allies] If selected ally is a [Prophesized Hero] Servant: - Apply Target Focus to self (1 turn) - Decrease your Skill Cooldowns by 1 turn. - Increase own NP Strength (1 time, 3 turns).
[Prophesized Hero] servants: Mash Kyrielight, Artoria, Artoria lily, Artoria Archer, Castoria, Lalter, Gilgamesh, Casgil, Atalante, Nyalter, Cu Chulainn, Cascu, Proto Cu, Georgios, Ushiwakamaru, Summer Ushiwakamaru, Heracles, Lancelot, Saberlot, Sakata Kintoki, Rider Kintoki, Hektor, Diarmuid, Saber Diarmuid, Arjuna, Karna, Santa Karna, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Beowulf, Astolfo, Edmond Dantes, Rama, Sanzang, Sitonai, Minamoto no Raikou, Tristan, Gawain, Saint Martha, Ruler Martha, William Tell, Siegfried, Archer of Shinjuku, Yan Qing, Proto Arthur, Penthesilia, Musashi, Nezha, Achilles, Okita Alter, Sigurd, Bradamante, Asvathaman, Asclepius, Jason, Paris, Spishtar, MHX, MHXX, Mandricardo, Odysseus, Dioscuri, Caeneus, Watanabe no tsuna, Percival, Rider Caeneus, Jiang Ziya, Charlemagne, Roland, Kriemhild, Don Quixote, Super Orion
Chiron rank up! Make him all about that Mind's Eye with a bread and butter skill! Sometimes the best thing for gameplay is to spread it all out over their kit. Other times, I find it much more fun to have that one skill everything revolves around. That's what this would be. Originally I was going to reduce the cooldown from 8/7/6 to 7/6/5, make the gather down 2 turns instead of 3, and make the cooldown recovery 1 turn for both of your other allies, but then I ended up deciding instead to make it more targeted so that I could add several effects for if Chiron fulfills his role as a mentor of heroes, IE the selected target is a servant who qualifies for that list of somewhat archetypical mythological heroes.
Flavor wise, it's a simple matter of Chiron using his divine wisdom to both defend himself (Mind's Eye True) and to employ a much more powerful version of the Coaching skill (WHY OUT OF ALL THE MENTOR SERVANTS IS THE ONLY ONE WITH A DEDICATED MENTOR SKILL MAID ALTER?!?!) and reduce an ally's cooldowns sharply while also lowering Chiron's normally quite high star gather to nothing so his allies can more easily crit (which also internally synergizes well with his AOE crit up and star bomb second skill) and using his medical knowledge to increase the effectiveness of all healing received by allies, though he's reliant on said allies to actually provide the healing. Taking is a step further, Chiron cannot use his cooldown reduction on himself unless he is solo, and if the servant to receive his mentoring is an actual mythological hero just like the ones he trained, then Chiron's own legend is amplified and he gains several more effects. He shields his allies (apply target focus), is more in his comfort zone teaching them (reduce own cooldowns by 1), and fulfills his divine duty as a mentor of heroes thereby strengthen the constellation he became as a reward for his service to said heroes (NP strength up).
Balancing wise it also gets pretty crazy. Out of all freaking EIGHT of these effects, less than half of them would scale with level, and one of them is Healing Up on a servant with no healing skills so really it's more like two and a half. In exchange, those remaining skills would scale IMMENSELY high, and the reduced cooldown on its own is partially worth leveling for given the potential uptime on the skills and the increased frequency of the non-scaling utility effects. The defense buff would go from a 20% max to a maximum of 35%, the potential NP Strength buff would be a maximum of 50%, and the at its best the HP Recovery Up would be a whopping 100%, effectively turning it into something that means under ideal conditions as long as Chiron is on the field all healing the team receives is doubled. The defense buff in particular is of note because it means that not only does the evade synergize well with the potential target focus, but it also means even against (the nowadays VERY frequent) Ignore Invincible, Chiron would still be able to properly tank hits for allies. The NP Strength up is a one time buff and Chiron generally lacks any personal stims, meaning even if Chiron can get good refund you'll be using that for the utility more than damage the second time. It's still high enough however that between Chiron's damage rank up and supereffective against Earth bonuses, that first NP can easily deal meaningful damage
(PS: do let me know if you think another servant should be included in the "Prophesized Hero" category and if so why; I based this list on people who fulfil the idea of the archetypical "Hero's journey")
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antrauma · 11 months
I’m not particularly short on ssr aoe sabers with mordred void!shiki muramasa and altera in NA but hnghhhhh artoria is calling for me on the anni ticket
like, logically I should go for tamamo or one of my st holes but my inner simp is crying out for my king
hell the only reason I opted for mordred on my last ticket is because I didn’t have the mats for artoria and hadn’t yet rolled altera and gramps... hell I STILL don’t have the mats for her don’t be a dumbass me stock up and wait for the next ticket ugh
I should probably not go for jack? vanilla shiki takes care of most my st assassin needs and jack is easy to find in support when she’s a must have? most of the time I prefer borrowing kama anyway... and castoria made ryoma much more viable he’s been absolutely slaving in the vaults and I can sub alter egos or zerks too so probably not quetz or ozzy... gil more than does the work of a st archer in a clutch and same castoria deal with chloe and santa altea/skadi worst come to worst... xuanzang isn’t THAT much better than my sheba/circe/magical shuten depending on the situation, at least not enough to make her worth a ticket and one of my supports has a nice one with black grail equipped for absolute emergencies, the fucking hero whoever they are... cu alter is easy to use and I’ve been absolutely abusing him in JP but my SR ST berserkers aren’t actually that bad in a cluth even if they’re not usually my first choice “I win” button like cu and from the few times I borrowed vlad he’s too squishy and stressful to use even with his def and guts skills... and liz’s have been reliably filling my ST alter ego needs since practically the month I started fgo
I think it’ll come down to tamamo or enkidu since none of my lancers satisfactorily fill that hole... but I already have all other caster supports and I rarely ever even use a support tamamo so I might be too unga bunga dum dum for the kind of strategizing she needs anyway
I guess I’ll just be enuma elish go brrr
wait I’m already enuma elish go brrr with gil even without compatible enemies
at least I’m consistent
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Shenanigans I've gotten involved in with while playing dnd.
Using a magical flash of inbriation which whenever a liquid from the endless flask touched someone's skin they were instantly drunk and saving, accuracy throws/checks had to be made when rolling for action self, alies or enemy npcs (random loot from the first town in a campaign which the dm didn't contemplate the item having different forms of use)
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Made a Dwarven barbarian named kami of the kazi but instead of normal barbarian rage and get a strength bonus my character just explodes with kinetic wave energy from rage causing aoe damage. And I made him profesaint at bone armor crafting for added shrapnel/pirceing damage. And he was gifted at jump ridiculously far and climb like a God.
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I made a character from two different home brews 1 a home brew race (aglis/construct with choice of form) and class that's a home brew based off of the character from fate/night unlimited blade works Shirou Emiya. Which he can copy weapons from first scanning them then replication of them from the scanned original item just depending upon the accuracy of the roll for the scan. It determines the quality of the weapon when it's replicated and if it ends up being a master class weapon or higher not only the physical form doesn't dissappear after taking damage the item itself becomes physically permanent and or enchanted in addition. Aside from being able to mass produce more without have to roll for the action.
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And other shenanigans associated with this particular character I made the character essentially during one campaign essentially mimic batman in hero clix by shooting out self replicated weapons with proficiency at 5 occultists while in hiding and took them all out at one single move.
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And everytime when we got loot from events or dungeon chest I asked for very specific items down to the last detail so when I rolled for it the dm didn't screw me over and give me something useless or cursed in a funny way. But the items I asked for were parts to make a functional light Saber in dnd which eventually became a reality. And with my character's abilities I manufactured light sabers at the capacity of a car manufacturer if needed for myself or share with alies and threw them/shot them at enemies with proficiency.
And eventually made the character general grievous like In the end just with more abilities and shenanigans and the physical form of a dracowarrior with 4 arms. (Which his form was such from the start of the campaign due to his racial specifics/ability).
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I was once a dungeon boss due to the fact the DM told me to roll A d20 to see what landed on and because what landed on effected me when I touched a piece of loop that was sitting on a pedestal my guy got possessed by the spirit within the loot because it was cursed. And when it came time for combat I kept nearly killing them and even knocked a few unconscious but in the end I was defeated/freed from the cursed items clutches of possession of my characters body. And that cursed item was required item for the campaign to progress further so we carried it with us until it's use was later found resulting the amulet destroyed.
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Will post a pt 2. Later
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rex101111 · 2 years
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Thought I’d share my cobbled together comp for the last 90+ node, its inefficient as shit and aggressively F2P unfriendly but I’m actually really proud of it since I came up with it almost completely on my own and its even fully stable and modifiable to an extent, anyway:
1, Double Castoria is best, but not mandatory. What you need it is a Castoria (probably from a friend) for the Arts buff and one other Support that can give 50 charge. Waver and Rienes are perfectly acceptable, but Skadi is not since Kiara will need a minimum of 50% by the last turn, and Skadi gives all her charge to one target.
2. A strong ST attacker. Koyo is there because I will literally take any and all excuses to use her, also she’s np2 so that helps, but you can basically use anyone that fits a few requirements:
a. Able to Np on the first turn. Here my Koyo has a maxed out starting NP append skill so I can use a non-mlp scope and just murk the first poor fucker in two clicks. On the next turn you charge your ST attacker back up to 100% and get rid of the second prick nice and easy. Any ST attack that can make up the charge difference on the first turn is a good pick if you don’t have Kscope or enough coins for the append, so Lancer Meiren or Saber Hokusai with their self charge, and others like them, can make up the difference pretty easily.
b. Damage. Yeah kinda obvious but whoever you chose has to be able to kill those first two guys with minimal or no help from your supports. So anyone who can buff themselves or has cracked damage by default fits in nicely. I’ve seen folks use Medea and the like. Go nuts!
3. The centerpiece of this mess of a comp is Summer Kiara. I managed an NP3 Kiara somehow so this might warp results a fair bit but hear me out because here comes the tricky part. You pop her first skill on turn 1, no matter what. After that depends on her skill levels or if you managed to give her the starting np append skill. 
Double Castoria gives Kiara 60% by turn 2, while Waver/Rienes gives her 50% when you fill up your ST servant. Depending on her skill bonus, her second skill can give anything from 30-50% NP charge. With the right combo of levels in her second skill and np append, you can pop her second skill on turn 1.
The trick is that if her starting np+charge from her second skill=AT LEAST 39%, (with Double Castoria) or 49% (with Castoria+Waver/Rienes) go for it. If not, wait till turn 2 or 3 depending on how much charge you can manage. Point is that, by turn 3, Kiara has to supply the remaining charge needed for the last wave. The earlier you can pop her second skill, the more bonus her third skill gets in turn 3. That’s the money maker.
4. On turn 3: Pop Skill 3, Stun the horse (counts as a mental debuff and Summer Kiara does extra damage depending on how many of those an enemy has), attack buff, give ‘em a bath, and walk away with your prizes. 
5. Two low rarity servants to carry the event CE of your choice and bond grind while you’re at it.
6. Can probably, probably work with any other AOE with good enough damage and a high enough self charge. Maybe. Arjuna Alter might work, because he usually does, but I don’t have him so I wouldn’t know. Also a boosted Saber (and I do mean The Saber) also works cause, ya know, lancers. If you can wrangle them into a 40-50% before help and still manage to do enough damage you’re probably golden. Probably. Maybe. Don’t quote me on that.
Good luck with those boxes everyone!
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freyayuki · 3 years
Fate/Grand Order Current Progress
Here’s a list of my current progress in the Fate/Grand Order (#ad) (FGO) mobile game.
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Lantern of Chaldea
This item is used to increase a Servant’s max Bond Level past 10. At the moment, I have very few Servants that have reached Bond Level 10. One of them is 5-star SSR Caster Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)  (also known as Waver Velvet). I can’t remember for sure now but he’s either the first or second Servant that I managed to get to Bond Level 10 (the other contender for the spot is 1-star Archer Arash). Unsurprising, really, because I’ve used Waver and kept him in my party basically ever since I got him.
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I like him a lot, not just ‘cause he’s meta, which was why I decided to Grail him to Level 100. I even gave him the 4-star Fous to give his Attack and HP an additional 2k. He’s the first char I’ve done that for even though he didn’t need the stats increase. Also unlocked all of his Cards and gave him Command Codes.
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Once I got Waver to Bond Level 10, I tried not to rely on him as often as I used to. So usually, I opted to borrow a friend support Waver instead. But there are times where I still end up using my own Waver anyway even if it might be a “waste”.
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When we got our very first Lantern of Chaldea, there was no doubt in my mind who I’d give it to. That item already had Waver’s name written all over it. Gave it to him and, for a while, he was the first and only Servant I had with a Lantern of Chaldea. Much later, when I was able to acquire a second Lantern, I decided to give it to Arash. So far, I’ve yet to finish getting either of them to Bond Level 11.
Fate/Grand Order x Fate/CCC Revival: Abyssal Cyber Paradise SE.RA.PH Second Ballet 
I remember the first time I started playing through the Abyssal Cyber Paradise SE.RA.PH event which featured 5-star SSR Alter Ego Meltryllis. Initially, I didn’t really like her, but as the story went on, I found my view about her changing. I ended up liking her a lot, so much so that I ended up throwing tickets on her banner although I wasn’t planning to do so at all. Naturally, I failed to get her.  
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I thought I would have to wait for the rerun of the SE.RA.PH event (which wasn’t set to happen for a long, long time) before I could try again, but then this banner that featured her showed up a few or so month later. Although I didn’t have a lot of resources, I still resolved to try pulling for her again anyway. To my complete and utter shock, one of the tickets I threw actually gave me my very first copy of Meltryllis. Hell, yes!
I leveled her up and maxed out all of her skills. Even ended up Grailing her to Level 100. I’ve started giving her 4-star Fous to further increase her Attack and HP. I’ve also unlocked all of her Cards and given her Command Codes. Since there’s currently not a lot of 4 and 5-star rarity Codes yet, she has more than a few of the 3-star and lower ones. I plan to switch these out as soon as better Codes show up.
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Even though I already have a copy of Meltryllis and she’s perfectly fine even at NP1 (Noble Phantasm Level 1), I still found myself wanting to increase her NP Levels anyway, so I wanted to try rolling for her again the next time she was featured on a banner.
Now that time has finally come. After what felt like forever, the rerun for the SE.RA.PH event has finally arrived. The banner that featured Meltryllis also included the following Servants:
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4-star SR Alter Ego Passionlip 
4-star SR Saber Suzuka Gozen
4-star SR Archer Emiya (Alter)
3-star R Archer Robin Hood
To my relief, I was able to get my second copy of Meltryllis after using only a few tickets. I readily fused the copies together to get her to NP2.
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I was supposed to be done with this banner after that, but I didn’t have a single copy of Passionlip yet. After playing through the SE.RA.PH event before, I also ended up liking her though not as much as Meltryllis. 
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Now I thought I wouldn’t mind having Passionlip too, especially since she’s an Alter Ego with an AoE Noble Phantasm so she doesn’t conflict with Melt. And I definitely wouldn’t say no to more copies of Meltryllis. So I tossed more resources into this banner. Should have waited for Lip’s solo rate-up but - well, what’s done is done. Thankfully, I actually managed to get a copy of her.
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Melt didn’t show up for the third time, but that was fine, right? I now have NP2 Meltryllis and NP1 Passionlip. That was already more than good enough, right? Right? I still felt like pulling though. For some reason, I really wanted more copies of Melt. 
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And so, against my better judgment, I ended up throwing all the resources I could scrounge up on this banner. Used up all my currently available tickets and Saint Quartz (SQ). Even got the ones that were in my gift box. Also proceeded to exchange the Saint Quartz Fragments for more SQ. 
Here are the results of some of my pulls:
5-star SSR Berserker Nightingale - my very first copy, not to mention my first SSR Berserker.
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Was totally not expecting this at all. It’s a pleasant surprise since otherwise this would have been a pretty lousy draw.
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Nevertheless, can’t deny that I’m a little bit disappointed anyway. I mean, this 5-star could have been Meltryllis. I wish it had been her instead. She’s the one on rate-up after all. But, as far as spooks go, this really wasn’t that bad at all. At least Nightingale’s a 5-star.  
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4-star SR Archer Emiya (Alter) - already have a copy of him from before though I can’t remember for sure now which banner I got him. Now, I’ve somehow ended up with like 2 more copies of him from this banner. Haven’t fused the copies yet though since I don’t get to use him much anymore.
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4-star SR Saber Suzuka Gozen - already have a copy of her from before though I also can’t remember where and when I got her. Now, I’ve ended up with a second copy. Since I still use her even if not that often, I decided to fuse the copies together for NP2.
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4-star SR Alter Ego Passionlip - she went from NP1 to NP5. Definitely not complaining, but I have to admit - every time I saw a golden Alter Ego card (with how many times Lip has shown up, I’ve basically memorized what the Servant card looks like), I couldn’t help but hope for Meltryllis to show up.
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Then, when it turned into Passionlip instead, I couldn’t help but be disappointed. I really wish Melt had shown up a few more times as well. Unfortunately, she never showed up again. Every time I got an Alter Ego card, it always turned into Passionlip.  
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Multi-draw number I don’t remember anymore: this one was pretty good since I got 4 golds - 2 4-star CEs (they’re pretty bad though) and 2 4-star SR Servants (Passionlip and Suzuka Gozen). Still, I can’t help but wish that this Lip had been Melt instead.
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Multi-draw number I also don’t remember: lots of golds although the CEs aren’t that good. Actually, I already have all of those MLB. And here we have yet another Passionlip. Meltryllis, doko da?
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This multi-draw was just plain bad. Didn’t even get a single 4-star Servant. I already have the 4-star CEs that showed up fully MLB and none are all that good so meh.
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The results of this multi-draw was also pretty bad. Once again, no Servant showed up, not even a 4-star. I’ve lost count of how many times I got the featured 3-star CE. I’ve been able to MLB that thing multiple times by now. I really don’t need anymore copies. Seriously. Please stop showing up.
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The effects of the 4-star Waver CE aren’t that good. What I like about it is just the artwork, so I don’t really need another copy, especially since I doubt I’ll be using this anyway, not even if it’s MLB. The 5-star Gilgamesh CE is pretty good. I wouldn’t mind being able to MLB this, but at the rate things are going, I highly doubt I’ll be able to.
The results of this multi-draw were pretty good. Got 2 4-star SR Servants - Passionlip and Emiya (Alter). Also got 3 4-star CEs.
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Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia Blu-ray Box Set Release Pickup Summon (Daily) Banner
This banner features the following Servants and Craft Essences:
5-star SSR Lancer Enkidu
5-star SSR Archer Ishtar
4-star SR Caster Gilgamesh
4-star SR Lancer Medusa
3-star R Rider Ushiwakamaru
5-star SSR CE Dumplings Over Flowers
5-star SSR CE Starry Nights
5-star SSR CE Bitter and Sweet
5-star SSR CE Midsummer Moment
5-star SSR CE Conversation on the Hot Sands
5-star SSR CE Partake with the King
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I wasn’t planning to pull on this banner. I mean, I like Enkidu well enough but he’s not limited so he could spook me anytime. I knew I was better off saving for future limited Servants that were coming soon.
But this banner also came with a ticket that let us have one copy of the featured 5-star CEs for free. I already have copies of Dumplings Over Flowers, Midsummer Moment, Starry Nights, and Partake with the King although none of them were MLB. I couldn’t decide which CE to get. And that’s how I ended up tossing some tickets on this banner. I was hoping to acquire one or more of the featured CEs to help me make a decision regarding the ticket.
As luck would have it, I actually managed to get a copy of Conversation on the Hot Sands. Welp, totally wasn’t expecting that at all. But definitely not complaining. So pick Bitter and Sweet via the ticket and be done with this banner, right? More like wrong.  
See, the thing is I also ended up with like another copy of Starry Nights. I already have 1 or 2 copies from before, I think. Or maybe it was just one. I don’t remember the exact details anymore, but the point is that I thought I might actually be able to MLB Starry Nights, that is if I pull a few more copies from the gacha then use the CE ticket to get the last copy I needed.
Also, aside from snagging my first copy of Conversation on the Hot Sands, Enkidu graced me with his presence. Leveled him up and got his skills to 10/10/6. Got to use him a bit. He helped me deal with a pretty hard boss fight. So I definitely wouldn’t say no to a second copy of him. In fact, I was thinking about Grailing him though that’s gonna have to wait ‘cause I’m all out of resources. 
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I could barely get him to level 90. And my QP and other materials started going down by a lot as I leveled his skills. I actually didn’t max out his skills at first. It was only a bit later on that I got his first 2 skills to 10. The cooldown on his third skill is really long though, even at max level, and I’ve hardly used it so I opted to leave it at level 6 for now. I’ll try to max it once the lottery event happens and we get more resources.
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Anyway, the point is that I wouldn’t mind getting more copies of Enkidu. Ishtar may not be a fave or anything, but she’s still an SSR and a pretty good one at that. Plus she’d be new so I wouldn’t say no if she came home as well. And Starry Nights may not be the best CE but since it seemed like I actually had the chance to MLB it, I wasn’t gonna say no to that either. Besides, it was a pretty good CE for Buster-type Servants. 
So all this got me to pull some more on the Enkidu and Ishtar banner. Once again, ended up tossing all my currently-available resources on this banner.
Got my second copy of 4-star SR Lancer Medusa, which was very disappointing. When I saw the golden Lancer card, I thought I was gonna get another Enkidu. Too bad it was only her. I remember getting my first copy of her on the 5-star SSR Lancer Ereshkigal banner. 
Incidentally, that particular banner also featured Enkidu. So when I got a gold Lancer card there, I was like what’s it gonna be? Enkidu? Ereshkigal? But no. Instead I got trolled by Medusa. Meh. She’s pretty lackluster from what I’ve heard, and I already have other Lancers so I basically just ignored her. Now that she’s trolled me for the second time, I’m so tempted to just burn her for a Rare Prism.
4-star SR Caster Gilgamesh also graced me with his presence. I have to admit that when I saw the golden Caster card, I got pretty hyped, wondering if I was gonna get my second copy of Waver or if another SSR Caster that was non-limited might spook me. Then the card turned into Cas Gil and I couldn’t be more disappointed.
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Don’t get me wrong. I like Gil well enough. I actually have his 5-star SSR Archer version Grailed to 100 and at NP3 with maxed out skills and 4-star Fous. He’s even decked with Command Codes. The problem is that I already have a copy of his Caster version, and he’s already at NP5. His skills are maxed though I haven’t Grailed him. 
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So this Gil is nothing more than a Rare Prism now. Ah, well, at least this multi-draw also gave me another copy of Starry Nights. Yes! So I’m another step closer to being able to MLB said CE.
This particular multi-draw also gave me a golden Caster card. You’d think I might have learned not to expect too much by now, huh? After all, Caster Gilgamesh was on rate-up on this banner. But seeing a gold Caster card or well, seeing any gold Servant card just made me hope to get an SSR Servant. 
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Naturally, none showed up. Just got my 7th copy of Gil. Welp, if only this was his Archer version instead. Would love to NP5 Archer Gil. Too bad this draw was so bad. I mean, getting a 4-star SR Servant would have been pretty good, but seeing as this was nothing more than a dupe that I can’t even use anymore because my copy’s already maxed out - needless to say, was not at all pleased with the results of this draw. Starry Nights didn’t even show up.
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Then I ran out of resources for pulling. We were set to get some summon tickets in a few days as part of some event campaign or other, and I was gonna throw those on this banner, but - well, it’s not like there was a guarantee I’d be able to get what I want since this game has no pity system.
Fused my copies of Starry Nights. Looks like I need 2 more copies to be able to MLB it. But considering my previous pulling session, I doubted I’d be able to get  the last copy I needed. I was thinking of getting something else with my CE ticket. 
In the end, I decided to just grab the Starry Nights CE so I could fuse it with the one I already have. It would mean less clutter in my inventory. I doubted I would have used Bitter and Sweet anyway. Well, I doubted I’d have used Starry Nights either unless I manage to MLB it since it only gives 40% NP charge unless it’s MLB, in which case it will give 50%.
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Anyway, when I got the summon tickets, I tossed them on to this banner. The first few gave me nothing but crap, and I really lost all hope of ever getting the last copy of Starry Nights that I need to MLB it so I didn’t even bother looking at the screen anymore. Every time I glanced at it, I’d only see trash so whatever. Then I ran out of tickets so, yeah, it’s over.
Much, much later, I was trying to clear out my inventory when I noticed 2 copies of Starry Nights. I was like, huh? Didn’t I fuse all my copies already? Did I forget to fuse 1? So I went to fuse them together. It was then that I noticed that fusing them would let me MLB the CE. Welp, when’d I get the last copy I needed? This was a very pleasant surprise. Of course, I readily fused them together. Even started leveling it up.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Fate/Grand Order game account
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 71 Rundown!
Code Geass: Lelouch establishes the Black Knights floating iceburg country complete with representatives and shit and somehow no one on the team monitoring Lelouch notices he disappears right when Zero is exiled, like yeah half of them are in Lelouch’s pocket anyway but you’d think him just yeeting himself out of the country would be difficult to hide from the oversight committee. Anyway Brittania being Brittania is going to have a political wedding with the Chinese Disturbingly Loli Empress and their literal oldest Prince, like they couldn’t even pick a slightly younger prince to make this less creepy, it’s literally the First Prince who’s like 40, I’m sure Charles has fucked more recently and they have a younger prince but no we have to really hammer home how creepy this is. So yeah now that Lelouch’s new band is under the Chinese banner, having them make peace with Brittania and sell them out would be bad so Lelouch decides to crash the celebration and… challenge Schnizel to Chess, because reasons. And both of them just proceed to completely ignore the rules of Chess for shit that’s thematically appropriate before Nina tries to stab Zero and Schnizel says he has all he needs about who Zero really is. Also Milly’s here and I feel bad for her because all of her friends are several degrees down the sanity cliff now and she’s just there trying to hold their cliché student council group together while wondering if she really will have to marry Lloyd or not because it’s been a year and they threw together this Chinese marriage in like two days so who knows anymore. Anyway Xingke crashes the wedding because of his adorable backstory with the Empress and Lelouch crashes Xingke’s crashing of the wedding by literally appearing out of nowhere which is pretty good for a guy as shitty at athletics as Lelouch and also Jeremiah is on a chair in a desert and this is important or something.
Inuyasha: So we start the Panther Deva filler arc and it’s pretty good honestly, we have an array of Captain Planet Panthers to fight with elemental powers of varying strength to give Koga, Miroku, Sango and Sesshomaru something to do so it’s not just the Inuyasha Wind Scar Power Hour and we have some good foreshadowing/fluff of Inuyasha eating steak in the modern era and fucking around with Kagome’s cat and pissing it off which is a good thematic throughline about how petty cats are and the whole thing has this sunset coloring and it’s really pretty. Anyway Kagome gets captured, you know how it goes, Koga’s pissed because Inuyasha is always letting Kagome get captured and he has a fucking point, bitch is captured more than Princess Peach at this point. But turns out the Panther Demons run behind a barrier and too bad for them Inuyasha just got a new anti-barrier sword to try out.
Yu Yu Hakusho: So Suzaku’s kind of broken, he can dispel his clones to heal himself which apparently gives him all of his energy back because he went from exhausted to just being able to re-do the clones again and start blasting Yusuke so he heals and rests indefinitely as long as one of the clones is alive that’s fucking insane. Anyway apparently despite just healing, Suzaku got his guidance system damaged by Yusuke’s first attack and his aim has been getting progressively worse so he just has to sit there with stormtrooper aim winging Yusuke now and then to torture the poor guy despite going Super Saiyan last time Yusuke only had one shot in him but now he does the whole Life Chakra deal and gives his life for one more even Super Saiyan-yer burst and Shotguns Suzaku’s clones into dust and somehow transmits energy to Keiko through the tv to protect her. It’s pretty convenient that Yusuke learned an AOE attack right before fighting someone that needs all of their clones to be killed at the same time to stay down but yeah, arc over, pretty fun, Yusuke pulled so much power out of his ass he literally dies but some spirit mouth to mouth with Kuwabara saves him with surprisingly little consequences for either of them while Hiei says he’d never drag himself down to save anyone and I’m sure that won’t come back to haunt him. Also Yusuke FINALLY tells Keiko he’s a Spirit Detective given this is like the third time she’s been held hostage by a demon she probably should’ve figured this out sooner.
Fate Zero: Caster’s sitting there talking about how Saber is his waifu and like dude Saber is EVERYONE’s waifu but apparently it’s not actually Saber he’s after but a Saberface so he’s not wrong but he’s also not right. So yeah, he orders more child murders which knowing this guy there isn’t a situation that calls for less child murders. Also Lancer’s teacher asshole dude is cheating by using two E-Tanks for his servant after being all ‘haha old magician families are just better lol’ he has to use two dudes to make his servant fight and still got rolled by Iskandar. Also Kiritgusu bombs the fuck out of his building which given this takes place in 1994 is probably in very poor taste. Also Kirei meets Kiritsugu’s battle maid and shit goes down but everyone’s like “Okay Caster’s more insane than usual so we should probably take care of that” and Gilgamesh claims he’s gonna teach Kirei about pleasure while shirtlessly drinking wine so there’s that.
Konosuba: So Dio-voice Dullahan is back and he’s pissed because Megumin keeps getting off to destroying his home. Though through a combination of luck, Darkness being a meatshield, Aqua’s absurd water/holy power and Kazuma’s dumb luck along with Megumin blowing up the henchmen, everyone plays a role in defeating him in the most ridiculous manner possible. Despite not actually getting any money from it, it’s nice to see the group come together and actually accomplish something in their own way. Makes me think maybe this series won’t just be dicking around about nothing forever, which is fun don’t get me wrong but I don’t think I could stand 52 episodes of one note character jokes with absolutely no progression.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Tuxedo Mask blows the load on the whole Silver Crystal deal to the whole town so now everybody knows about it and can keep an eye out for it. So despite Tuxedo Mask being nothing but helpful Luna assumes he still may be bad and has the power to brainwash a whole town despite his only notable skills thusfar have been standing on telephone poles like Itachi Uchiha and cheerleading. Anyway Luna takes everyone to Zordon’s Morphing Control Center under the aracade which you think would’ve come up by now and reveals she’s a moon cat which you think also would’ve come up by now. Luna’s really just been “We gotta do the thing cause I say so” this entire time. Anyway they wreck the tv broadcast and kick the King’s ass but we have a Disc One Final Boss as Queen Beryl shows up and uses her Conqueror’s Haki to knock out the other Guardians without touching them while Usagi has an existential crisis about her crush maybe being problematic. They give motivational speeches to each other, basically Usagi telling him that they both have to try harder despite feeling powerless and them immediately wilting and saying she’s hopless so he can have a turn giving her a speech and then she gets surprised when he knows she’s Sailor Moon despite literally just telling him she’s the leader and has to help everyone and shit. Anyway, you know how this goes by now, Ancient Moon Laser Beams, bad guys fall, Queen retreats and Usagi wakes up in Mamoru’s apartment ready to reenact Fifty Shades of Moon. Hey an actual fucking cliffhanger for once, that’s kinda neat.
Durarara!!:  Mikado’s plan finally comes together and he meets with Ms. Yagiri while Celty confronts the girl with her head who says her name is also Celty. We get Mikado’s backstory about basically creating Reddit to make The Dollars a Stand Alone Complex, a gang that doesn’t actually exist outside of the rumors of its existence, man this kid’s been watching too much GitS. Still despite it going predictably awful with guys doing shitty things in their name by some miracle some of Mikado’s wide-eyed optimism gets through and his belief in the good of humanity makes the Dollars a gang that’s good at its core. And now they use that good to outnumber the Yagiri goons and let Mikado get away while Celty jumps off a roof on her bike and has a mental breakdown which people seem to hear for some reason. Also Seiji broke out and is using his yandere energy to hunt down Mikado.
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Which 4 star would you recommend? 🤔
Sorry for the late reply since I’m currently studying a part-time course on the weekday ^^;
I’d say it’s always boil down to what you really need the most in your party? A particular class like Saber, Caster, Extra Classes? Or more of, DPS, Tank and Healer? If you’re going for husbando/waifu, again, all the following above are irrelevant and just grind for QP. Because raising a waifu/husbando isn’t cheap
I’ll put the rest under the cut for Servants (sort by classes), numbering are based on what I used most or feels good which is debatable before anyone starts murdering me. And also some I have yet the chance to try because they are not home for me after rolling/i didn’t pick them at all
Yagyu Munemori & Rama
Diarmuid Saber
Papalot will always be my number one no matter who says, and been saving my ass in both FGO JP and NA. His own skill alone is summary of enjoying hearing him crit his enemies to death. With support like Tamamo and Castoria, he makes the pain twice as fun :D
Unfortunately for all his attacks, he’s your glass canon. So you don’t have either of the two support or just any support in general, he’s going to die ASAP. Munemori’s 2nd and 3rd skill are a headache with them being mixed together, especially that Evade + increase attack
Munemori is the one I feel should actually be on par very closest to Lancelot with both sharing the same NP type. In terms of surviving longer, this old swordsman is your choice. But in terms of consistent attack, it’s Lancelot.
Oh my sweet Rama, while I’m sorry DW is a dick in putting your wife in Arcade (BECAUSE FUCK YOU DW, THAT’S WHY). You’re worth to grind and have on par with Munemori. So far in LB whether or not having any Demon enemies, his damage especially on crit is as good as Lancelot. But unortunately, this skill is a one-time effect, so need to know when to make use of that burst to kill your Boss. Lastly, he’s got the Guts in terms of own survival kit.
As much as a husbando you are my dear Diarmuid... You’re also fucking expensive in terms of grinding 180 stakes to raise you. NP damage is good which is unfortunately held back that your defense buff removal comes AFTER dealing damage to your enemy. He’s more in need of a good support like Skadi to put him to his fullest potential (or heck hell you might as well take Caesar since he does better than him being in the same NP quick category)
Artoria Alter
Suzuka & Nero
Artoria Alter being first aside story-locked, her damage output for me is the highest among all I have used just using her skills alone. But may or not need strengthening to upgrade Intuition, have her more crit-based attack? (dude, everyone getting their intuition replaced.)
Siegfried ranked higher to me because he’s still hits hard enough in my opinion to replace AOE saber that I don’t have such as Artoria Alter in JP. However, he’s still easily replaceable once you got better AOE Sabers. And, you’ll still want him in some event and main story mobs where dragon-type enemies show up.
Compared the two above after using Suzuka, she’s definitely ranked third with lower NP damage. Charm, well, may or not work but LB debuff immunity is saying otherwise for all male servants. But her skill of generating her own stars help her in criting and gaining NP slightly more faster.
For Nero’s case, she’s more on survivalist skill thanks to her 3 times Guts skills. Arts AOE NP Saber are limited until you get budget Jason next year which, yeah, Jason works better than her if you want NP damage. Her attack boost is based on RNG probably either want to love or have hate sex with you to get that buff out. Again, if you want more of surviving long duration fights in LB thanks to break bars, she’s your good choice.
While Gawain is story-locked issue too, he’s heavily reliant on his skills. Which those skills are also can be highly reliant on field to be Sunny before strengthening. But charging of NP will take a long while with his current deck set, so you’ll need a better support or AOE Saber to do the work
Chevalier D’eon
If you haven’t grinded Georgios or Leonidas, they are your best replacement for tank support. The two I mentioned will do a far more better job than D’eon, aside wanting their NP to debuff.... Which unfortunately also not that useful in current LB difficulty, too many servant bosses are putting up debuff immunity.
Tomoe Gozen
Emiya Alter
Chiron-sensei as per his lore is more of a support due to his skills revolving mainly in supporting your party. Castoria and Tamamo may or not fix with his damage output but you definitely want that remove defensive buff which comes BEFORE dealing damage at your Boss enemy.
Tomoe’s burn debuff makes her one of Arjuna Alter’s best friend if you’re aiming for him in the future. But aside from that, her skills are quite generic of attack + np damage buff, crit gather and drop (lacking of crit dmg to make her good on her own right) and guts to survive. However she isn’t story-locked, so if you can wait for her to spook...
Emiya Alter: I haven’t tried what’s the changes aside increased in damage output with Castoria. But he’s more of a staller in removing enemy gauge by 1 and if you have those annoying enemies with tons of defense buff, he’s your Servant against to fire a hole in them. Only issue his normal version Evade and star drop rate is gone and replace with a defense buff, so may or not need support to keep him alive
For Tristan I didn’t put him high because if you have David, he’ll do a more slightly better job than him? Reliant on Skadi if you have her to boost his damage for NP, which... If you’re doing NP charge from his skill, do remember he has that unfortunate debuff of NP seal that blocks him from using NP during or not the same turn. Though if you’re getting him to complete your Knights of Round Table Servants collection urgently and not caring about gameplay, go ahead :D
Mama Emiya
Now that’s my mom who raised me :D But anyway, Emiya’s investment especially 2 years later with that one last NP strengthening, he’s a nightmare of Arts AOE Archer once Castoria joins into the party. Right now before strengthening, he still crits hard in single attacks with his own star generation + also having evasion to survive.
Without Skadi especially, Atalante both damage output of normal and NP is very weak. Her NP more or less served as a function to gain a one-time burst of 60+ stars. But if you have Skadi and your friend support does, then get her for one of your Quick Archer Servant farming if you don’t have her.
Li Shuwen
Medusa Lancer
Li Shuwen will be one of decent choice Arts Crit Lancer before Kagetora kicks in next year. A good burst of his NP helps to kill your enemy Boss ignoring that he also have a instant death NP. Though said burst is relying on both 1st and 3rd skill which... they should have just kept either one (preferably ignore invincibility) and pointless for them to stack. 2nd skill however is ok with your evasion to survive and increase star gather rate.
Vlad III EXTRA’s NP... Pretty much gonna see more Evil Servant in the future so he’s good to keep around. And that ignore invincibility is good until DW being a dick and put Archer Servant with Solemn Defence in the future LB. Despite lacking skills to survive, he has his own HP recovery that also buffs his defense and attack. And a decent taunt if you haven’t got Leonidas ready, for 1 turn. Though damage output you’ll need support like Merlin to increase.
Maybe just me without Skadi, Medusa Lancer ranked low due to her damage output. But having Skadi will increase her rank with 1 skill keep her alive (invincibility + guts), 1 skill to stall (charm and provided it’s male servant), and 1 last skill for one-time burst in attack.
Parvati & Artoria Alter Lancer
Elizabeth Bathory
Artoria Alter Lancer being another Servant who like her Saber, does well in her AOE NP damage. And a good debuff of NP seal to stall + def buff ignore damage. However trying to gain NP for her is problematic if you don’t have support like Merlin to do so.
Parvati will be one of the many Servants recommended to have if you’re going for Double Skadi farming. She’s got good NP refund and good support to other Servants. But make sure your Skadi or support having a star generator CE to get her loop going.
Like Parvati, you’ll need Valkyire if you already got the former for double Skadi farming. She’s more on a defensive in surviving if not use for farming, and definitely Skadi regardless to improve her damage performance. Beside that, her NP is applied with good buff such as ignore evasion and instant death for demonic enemies (excluding them working on enemy Servants)
If you’re aiming for Castoria next two years, Fionn is one of the Servants to invest for farming. And latest strengthening has upgrade to give more of NP charge to himself and your party. His own NP buff to mental debuff immunity is good to prevent him from being stun like charm, etc. However if you’re in need of Rare Prism and any other reason or so, feel free to burn him.
Elizabeth doesn’t rank high since she’s more support and debuff oriented Servant than damage. Support being attack that gives additional boost to female servants and debuff lower defense and curse. Unless you’re urgent to complete your Eli-chan collection, she’s not in a hurry to get and can spook anytime.
While Nezha has a good skill kit of own Quick + Buster buff, increase star weight and remove debuff, and guts + NP charge.... Most of her skills are best used if they are at max level. And even at max level, her low NP damage isn’t that a viable choice with better AOE NP Servants above be it farming or attack.
None of the above
This is the only rare case I really don’t recommend getting, especially mary and anne. The two are definitely meant to be glass canon which unlike Hijikata, there’s no guts for them to survive if you want to utilize their NP at its fullest. Welfare and 3 star like Ushiwakamaru and Ryouma, Mandricardo in the future does a better job than her.
In terms of damage output among the 3 Riders, Astolfo hits hardest and also perfectly compatible with double Skadi farming. Has 2 rank up on strengthening their NP and 3rd skill to improve farming performance. However outside farming, they definitely still need Skadi to keep that performance.
Martha is one of the more recommended Servants when it’s come to Challenge Quest. Mainly her instant team debuff removal and enemy buff removal targetable, and additional healing. Damage output may be easily fix with Merlin and Waver to deal more. But, as of now her status whether being useful is debatable as most LB debuff on your team are permanent thus rendering her to rank lower.
Despite sharing the same NP type, Marie ranks lower using more of a support for herself and her allies on her damage. Her NP buffs while it’s provide good support, it can easily be replaceable with either Jeanne, Merlin, Waver, etc. But if you’re not concern for her and already got Astolfo, you can still get her to invest on Quick farming. Or raise Medusa who could do about the same like Astolfo...
Queen Sheba
Sheba while story locked, she fits well in both support and own DPS of herself for CQ and in LB. NP damage may be concern but having Tamamo and Castoria will makes up for it, especially in surviving for long fights. Her excellent NP gain with good crit buff helps her to refund NP easily for spam.
Circe while provide good support (debuff removal and star gather) and debuff (poisoning AOE), she ranked lower from a few things. One being very bad NP gain (if your NP charge skill on CD), low NP damage which can be compensated with good support, and debatable stun NP effect. If you already have Xuangzang or Caster Shuten, you’re better off with them. 
Caster Gilgamesh
Nursery Rhyme
Thomas Edison
Nitocris ranking top for her being the best farming Servant to have, and remained that spot with now Castoria boosting her damage. NP Charge skill at full 100% when needed, increase death chance (can be RNG and not effective with some enemies) and Guts + Buff removal making her a Servant recommended to have. And of course being the best.... You’re gonna need to offer her 180 bones of your dead enemies to upgrade her skills to the max, making her one hell of an expensive material grinding Servant to have.
Caster Gilgamesh with wisdom now considered one of the recommended Arts Support Caster if you don’t have Tamamo or Castoria. While damage can be lacking, his NP debuff of lowering defense helps your other Arts DPS to crit to death thanks to his skillset. Despite that, he still additional support and composition which preferably best work when the team deck in total has higher percentage of Arts cards.
When paired with the right team, Nursery can be one of the good damage dealing and staller for AOE Caster. The latter however is RNG dependant which praying it works in your favor. She also have good NP refund and self-charging with her skill making her easily spamming her NP. But she’ll need good support to boost her damage and star generation to utilize her.
If you still haven’t gotten Waver and willing to wait for that SSR ticket in the future, she’s your alternative with all cards type buff, 20% NP gauge charge and own crit star generator. NP deals good damage, which further improve with either Tamamo and/or Castoria. However, many may turn away of choosing her because of notorious long skill cooldown even at max level. Also if friend support already got your main 4 or now 5 support of Caster, you’re better off with other Servants unless you want her for farming.
Thomas gonna need his strengthening to increase his rank here, mainly that 1st skill to reduce skill cooldown which is targetable. While his NP and normal damage is weak, he makes up by being the best stalling support (provided no debuff immunity), having skill seal, NP seal to stall enemy Servant. 3rd skill of his provide a good buff to your main DPS to overcharge their NP level. And, also being a story-locked servant some may consider getting him if you can accept the long cool down (2nd skill at 10 turns CD on max level) on his skill.
Medea Lily
If you’re wondering who is the White Mage/Healer in this game, that would be Medea Lily. Pure healing + Debuff removal and now a targetable buff removal resist? That’ll be her where many sought her in Challenge Quest. But her skillset is overshadowed easily by your Top 5 Caster (Merlin, Waver, Skadi, Tamamo & Castoria) who can do those said job if not better than her.
Yan Qing & Emiya Assassin
Wu Zetian
Yan Qing while I put him first, he can easily replaceable with Jack who does better star generation. Or pair them to generate even more stars while you watch them burn your potato phone. His recent skill upgrade increase his damage making him more usable in fights, but will still need Skadi to invest him well.
Emiya Assassin, with good NP damage buff like Ignore Defense + Invincibility and NP drain, own Arts buff, and targetable taunt, he’s one of the recommended Servants for Arts DPS with Castoria when she’s out. And especially needing Castoria because of his horrible Arts card NP generation... If you got Shiki who’s doing better along with Hundred face Hassan, you’ll want them for damage and own survival kit.
Wu Zetian would be in line with Kiritsugu if not better for damage, but is heavily reliant on her Imperial Privliege RNG to work with her. Skadi support and buff removal NP makes her one of the recommended Assassin Quick NP DPS to pick if you’re lacking..
Carmilla is low rank while despite having good NP gain, charge and own healing with a staller..... You’re better off having other Servants like Wu Zetian. Or even Jack who does more better than her on the Anti-female damage.
Chiyome definitely her low damage despite NP spam and charge, make her least wanted for SR ticket. Even NP seal can be ineffective with those having debuff immunity, which many other Assassins are doing their job including the 3 stars one.
Katou Danzo
While waiting for Gray next year, Danzo is your currently only 4* Assassin with more on the support side. Having both targetable evasion and invincibility, she can keep either DPS or support Caster against enemy on their attacks and NP. AOE damage may not be boost a bit with the help from said support caster, unless your enemies are demon to work against.
Aside additional Rare Prism to exchange, Stheno acts more of a support if you want to challenge yourself with a Divine Servant theme in CQ, etc. She along with Gorgon Sister are known for their notorious Charm Lock in CQ, and NP now easily spammable to remove buffs on enemy. Stheno together with Euryale is why Gawain is having nightmare every night ever since his humiliating defeat in Camelot. But in terms of damage output, you definitely want alternative Servant than her. And support wise, you’re also better off with others if you’re not that into Divine team routine.
Atalante Alter
Aside being bias because that’s my boy I raised and grailed him, Heracles will be your number 1 must have Servant to have for all Master. One of the best surviving Servant for long fights, may need a little boost from support Caster. His investment to get Bond 10 will be a long while but will definitely be worth it once achieved. Now, with the latest strengthening his Guts Skill and own CE makes him the monster on why Lancer ga Shin Da and Emiya in Saber Route one of a nightmare to fight with.
Penthesila while ranked second despite lacking of Greek Males (doesn’t include Achilles avoiding her), she provide a good Buster support for all team, own NP charge and debuff immunity for herself that brings out a high NP damage. However, without Merlin... She’ll die before finding and killing Achilles.
I swear to god DW has a grudge against you, Beowulf. But hey, after his strengthening next year, good bye intuition, hello Inspired Hero that increased crit damage and gather rate! If you’re looking for a more general damage unlike Penth, he’s your boy. High NP damage and Guts to keep him in the game longer, but requires support to boost NP gain and normal damage.
Like many other Quick Servants, Atalante Alter is Skadi compatible. A ST NP with staller and curse debuff, her own crit generation, gather and damage allow her to produce good NP damage. Yet like all Berserker she falls harder in terms of glass canon like lacking of survival skills. Her critical dmg is hard to maintain with her 1st skill merely providing her a one time burst.
Probably the one Servant who fits truly as a glass canon is Ibaraki, NP damage can be comparable with Heracles, Penth and Beowulf. Removing own debuff and enemy buff is a good thing, but defense buff alone may not save her from enemy Servants who hits the poor banana like a truck. NP gain may also need boost from support due to her triple BBB in her deck.
Lancelot Berserker
Tamamo Cat
The most recommended yet also possibly need additional whaling is Lancelot Berserker. The moment Skadi appears, he’s on the top list of having in party to do farming. Own NP create large amount of sum and massive crit boost helps to refund NP. But, without Skadi and needing NP2 at least, he’ll be ranked lower.
Frankenstein will be your alternative to berserker Lancelot if you already have him. But like Berserker Lancelot, you’ll need Skadi to do the looping. Her own NP Damage boost and increase gain helps for the loop, but unfortunately you’ll need Servant with debuff removal to remove her stun after using her NP. Aside farming....You’re gonna want other Servant to save her from getting killed within few turns.
Tama Cat aside being one of Chaldea main cook, she’s more utilized for farming after abusing poor Waver and Caster support. And poor Waver everyone will have to do their best to protect Tama Cat who took a few turns of napping (stun) after using her NP. Beside that, she does provide an RNG of NP drain and own defense and attack boost. However other than farming, you’re better off with other AOE Servants for survival.
Situational between Gorgon or Hessian Lobo
Because a Ruler enemy is very rare to find aside coming LB3 without mention spoilers on who, it’s more or less situational. Do you want for the sake of it? Want to do your own CQ rules to experiment against? If so, AOE or ST NP?
AOE being Gorgon where she got a a decent AOE NP Damage with a stun but definitely need support to survive (guts may not be sufficient) and star generation. She’s also story-locked which if you want to get her before Babylonia, might as well do so.
Hessian Lobo is compatible with Skadi and alternative if you don’t Avengers like Jeanne Alter. Good crit gather for 3 turns with Skadi or any other Servants provide star generation. NP damage has own boost of ignore evasion and additional crit damage, excluding your instant death. While having buff removal is one and atk decrease, your death resist is still ineffective on enemy Servants boss.
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shuttershocky · 4 years
Thinking about how boring grand order's gameplay is & how if it had nothing to do with the holy grail war we coulda had a much more interesting customizable magus/dead apostle strategy game
The setting is rarely at fault for the shortcomings of a game’s design (and anyway I’m quite a fan of FGO’s Time Squad setting) but now that you’ve brought up FGO’s gameplay I guess it’s time for me to nerd out about game design I like. Sorry in advance.
I’ve been playing another turn-based card-based RPG recently called Gordian Quest, and while I’ve not played the likes of Slay The Spire and other deckbuilding RPGs and thus have nothing to compare it with, I really enjoyed this game. It made me think a lot about FGO’s battle system, and how by modifying Gordian Quest’s design a little you could implement something similar to FGO’s implementation without the design weaknesses of its current class advantage system (e.g - The Caster class), card distribution system (not getting any card for a servant you really need to attack right now), etc.
To put it very simply, Gordian Quest’s battle system has you pit three heroes vs multiple waves of monsters in a turn-based battle where their moves are determined by drawn cards.  Sound familiar? Of course it does. But it also looks like this:
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Each battle features two 3x3 (or 3x4) grids, one for your team, and one for the enemy. Each grid cell acts as a tile, which determines things like attack ranges, attack priorities (obviously a melee enemy can’t hit your guy when he’s hiding behind your beefy cleric) and other effects, lending some simple tactical RPG elements to the battle system.
In the middle, you can see the cards drawn. These act as the possible attacks / actions that the character can take for that turn. The numbers in the blue circles on the cards show the card’s AP cost, and the character’s current AP is shown on the bottom left. As you can see, you usually get around 3 cards to use at most (unless you move, moving 1 tile costs 1 AP! ) Some of these cards are nothing more than generic attacks - something like “Strike: deal 5 damage” or “Parry: gain 5 guard” where guard is damage reduction for a hit. Others are much more flavorful, such as the card Observe, which grants you bonus critical damage on your next attack for every enemy you catch in its AOE, giving you a tremendous damage boost when they’re all clumped up together. 
At the start of a fight, all 3 of your characters roll for initiative to determine turn order, and then you control each character in said order as you play out their turn. This way, you still get the RNG factor of relying on a card draw to get your list of available actions, but now you’re guaranteed that everyone will be able to make a move, unlike FGO which puts everyone’s cards in the same pool and thus you can get screwed by RNG giving you a turn where you get literally no cards from the servant you want or get a whole turn where nobody moves except for one servant. 
You can see who enemies are targeting by mousing over them while planning out your moves, meaning you know when to apply guards to your characters, or if RNG was not kind enough to let you draw any guard cards, let you move your other servants into the line of fire to protect the vulnerable member.
With some modifications, you could totally make an FGO spin from Gordian Quest’s battle system. Just turn everything into cards. Skills? Cards. Passives? Cards with passive effects that are played when they’re in your hand. Noble Phantasms? Special cards you automatically draw into your servant’s hand when their NP gauge is filled. 
Now you might have heard me complain about FGO’s class advantage system, which I personally feel was poorly implemented and gave rise to problems such as needing a specific class to counter a specific class, which is a problem when most members of a class you need are supports and deal no damage. Copying Gordian Quest’s design however, would give us ways to implement servant classes without needing to resort to class advantage triangles. 
Each class for example, can have its own set of generic attack cards, and one class-specific skill or passive card. Individual members of a class can then distinguish themselves from each other by adding on their three skill cards, their noble phantasm, and maybe two unique cards of their own.
So for a set of generic attack cards, you would see something like 
2 copies of Strike - deal x damage.
1 copy of Cleave - deal x damage to the main target and reduced damage in the tiles around it. 
2 copies of Thrust - deal reduced damage to HP, but deal more damage vs guard
2 copies of Parry - gain x guard
And then these would be colored as Buster, Arts, or Quick depending on the Saber servant that owns them, with Buster having more damage, Arts more NP gain, and Quick dealing less damage but gaining bonus damage for next turn. 
You could also mess with the system a bit and make up some class-specific traits, kind of like how FGO already makes all archers and riders have huge star weight regardless of whether they want to crit or not, or how classes have specific damage modifiers that fuck over Assassins and Casters for no reason.
Off the top of my head, you could do something like
Class-specific card is Counter (passive) When this card is in your hand, take 0 damage and deal a weak attack to the next enemy that tries to melee you. Discard after one use.
This class is immune to all effects that lower maximum AP.
Class-specific card is Berserker Rage: Take extra damage from attacks for the next 2 turns. Half of your current missing health becomes bonus damage on all your attacks until the buff ends. 
Once the Berserker reaches half HP, all their attack cards deal bonus damage and the berserker gains 2 bonus max AP, but the Berserker first moves to be in front of an enemy (and thus waste AP) before starting. Berserker does not move if already in front of one.
In this way, you could give servant classes a solid identity without needing to implement type advantages. A rough look at a full servant deck might look something like
Artoria Pendragon (Saber)  - Max 3 AP, High HP, All debuffs end 1 turn quicker.
Strike (Buster, 1 AP)  
Cleave (Buster, 1 AP)
Strike (Arts, 1 AP)
Thrust (Arts, 1 AP)
Thrust (Quick, 1 AP)
Counter (Passive)
2 x Parry (1 AP)
Charisma B (Skill) - Grant minor bonus damage to Saber and allies in 1 tile around her for 3 turns (Costs 2 AP)
Mana Burst A (Skill) - Grant major bonus damage to Saber on her next attack (costs 1 AP)
Radiant Road EX (Skill) - Charges own NP gauge. Draw an Avalon card next turn (0 AP)
Excalibur (Noble Phantasm) - Saber charges for 1 turn. In the next turn, deal massive damage to all tiles directly in front of Saber. Deal half damage to enemies on the tiles next to the direct blast. Draw 2 cards after attacking. (3 AP to activate)
Invisible Air (Unique 1) - Ranged attack, deal damage and knock the opponent backward by 2 tiles. (2 AP)
Stomp (Unique 2) - Disarm melee enemy, preventing attack cards from being used) for one turn. Draw 2 cards. (2 AP)
Avalon (Unique 3) - Only accessible from Radiant Road. Gain a large amount of guard. Heal self and 1 random ally beside her for a moderate amount of HP
Anyway please check out Gordian Quest on Steam. It was a fun time and I love seeing these cool indie games come out of Southeast Asia!
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morsking · 4 years
You helped me once with the summer event and know i come humbly for advice to clear the challenge missions of Gilfest because my ass has been handed to me multiple times and that is a big ass.
oop sorry this is late but here’s what i got so far
when squaring up against touta your best bet is to take a summer tamamo and go absolutely ham on him with her noble phantasm. if you don’t have access to a summer tamamo, your second best bet is to bring two lancers with different deck compositions to touta’s cq and alternate card combos so your frontline doesn’t get overwhelmed with debuffs, as well as bring forms of damage mitigation (namely merlin) so touta’s aoe np doesn’t wipe out your party if your hp starts to dip below levels you’re comfortable with.
for leonidas’s cq there is a way to cheese it with okita since her np ignores defensive buffs and inflicts defense down. it can’t pierce through all of leonidas’s defenses, but the more soldiers you take out the easier it will get to maximize the effects of her np. another way to cheese it is with nitocris or saber shiki. since all the soldiers are bronze units, their instant death gimmick can proc rather reliably and take out waves rather quickly and speed up the fight. a viable strategy is running a combination of nitocris, shiki, and okita to take out mobs and assassinate leonidas. 
izou’s a bit of a bastard and will buff himself and debuff your party depending on the last card type that he’s hit with. the gimmick here is to always have the LAST card to damage him be an arts card rather than quick or buster since crit on casters isn’t really that big of a thing and you won’t need it if you’re spamming damaging nps reliably. a sanzang or an illya can do wonders here, but other st casters like sheba, circe, and medea can work. merlin, waver, and jeanne can come in as damage mitigation for his np, and it gives you a plethora of arts cards to ensure you’re always ending turns with him inflicting the least nasty debuff effect on your servants. 
as for the rest i’ve yet to have a clear picture of what their gimmicks entail so you can swing by later if you still need a hand.
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waifoucards · 4 years
Life After Bond 10 - Tamamo no Mae
So this has been rusting in my drafts for at least a year and didn’t age well. Given the bashing my most overworked support (and she was having reached bond 10 at the same time as Waver), I feel a need to defend her.
Casko has a few things people aren’t considering. The first is she is a regular summon. Both she and Waver (and Jeanne because everyone forgets her even more and Castoria is probably the final nail in her coffin more than Casko’s) are in the regular pool and thus people have more access to her already.
Second she is lucky that another shares part of her skill.
No, I did not drink cactus juice. I’m serious about this.
You want to know the hard part of double Skadi so far? During events it’s finding another Skadi who at least has third skill maxed and as high as the first one they can go AND the right CE. With Castoria it puts off the stress because you have options of double Tamamo, double Castoria, or the less stressful of the options, one of each. Hell if you have both, you can afford to be even less picky about who you shove in the support slot in the back line because you can make your own double 50% Arts boost.
Third, part of playing Arts comps is the flexibility of it all. You want to do infinite turtle? You can do that. You want to loop damage? You want to 3 turn? You want to keep reviving from the dead? All these are options with Arts. It’s not as stringent as Quick or Buster where you have to hit faster or harder to win. You get creative. You don’t even have to go into high investment of your Servants right away. An option of that flexibility is Casko’s heal as she has one in her NP and one in her skill. You will need a healer because if you’re dwindling health and have no debuff removal skill that isn’t the NP, you’re going to die to burns, poisons, AOE regular attacks etc.
Fourth, her NP is still very good because her NP recycle is based off overcharge. In most setups you could easily get 30-40% recharge and the skill cool down before looping in another of her NP. If DW deigns to give her another buff, just have her reduce cooldowns by two, like the Atlas Academy Mystic Code (they already replaced the Mages Association one’s unique skill with Bunny Arturia so it is a possibility).
In Arts meta everyone has their spot while yes some outperform others depending on situation. Georgios was always my favourite tank before Jeanne. Medea Lily serves as a better healer than Casko and Jeanne. Waver and Merlin can join in without much readjustment. Reines, Jeanne, and Nero Bride added non-Caster options for pesky Saber Alter CQs and Rider nodes. But they’re all pieces.
Lastly those of us who kept Tamamo up in our support slots even with summoning new meta in Merlin and Skadi aren’t going to give her up. Believe me I’ve tried and she deserves her break from me using her (I headcanon she’s in her room finally vegging out after all those long Unlimited Arts Stalls) and I probably won’t break her out again till bond 15 or it’s an emergency. I still keep her in my support slot because IRL friends prefer to use her for the heal and NP refund. I do look forward to using her again this winter. I’ve budgeted enough rare prisms so I can use Waver, Scathach, and Casko again because I enjoy them.
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stillinaincrad · 4 years
Fight Like a Girl, Final Boss Fight Edition
I’ve had this wacktastic idea bouncing around my head forever to make a final boss fight RPG party out of female anime characters. Why? I mean, why not? 
So, in true RPG 8-member party fashion, you’d need 2 tanks, 4 dps (2 attack, 2 casters), and 2 healers. The criteria I used was to choose characters with high individual talents but also that also operated well within a team synergy.
Saber, Fate Zero/Stay Night. TANK
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Saber is an obvious tank, she is a brutalizing attacker with speed, evasion, and power. She has high defenses, and even her own healing abilities with the scabbard of Excalibur. And, most importantly, even though she can only use her noble phantasm once, it is devastating and perfect for the final phase of the fight when the boss is weakened. 
Satellizer El Bridget, Freezing. TANK
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While terrible at keeping her attire intact, Satella is also capable of delivering and sustaining heavy blows, has multiple special moves that allow her to move in and out of an opponent’s attacks, and like Saber, has a special attack that can only be used briefly but can inflict catastrophic damage in the final phase with her Pandora mode. 
Unchou Kan’u, Ikkitousen. DPS/ATTACK
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Let’s forget for a second that Ikkitousen was total fanservice garbage that I couldn’t watch after the first season. I’m focusing on Unchou Kan’u being arguably the baddest toushi of them all. Brute force is the name of her game, and she has it to spare. She has speed and great anticipation, but most of all sheer power. As someone who plays multiple roles but prefers to DPS, I can say without question that they are always the whiners of the party - “Heal me, please!” “Can I get a heal?” (seriously, they are the biggest babies lol) Unchou broke her arm in a fight and literally kicked her opponent into submission. She would be a major force for doing damage, and wouldn’t complain the second her bar dropped below 99%.
Mikoto Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell. DPS/ATTACK
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I wanted an archer or a gun user for ranged attacks, but the problem is that most have nothing else to offer - in most games the archers are kind of useless against one main target because they just don’t do much damage, which is why they have so many special shots. Likewise, bullets are great on people, but only a handful have any use on a world boss-level opponent. Kusanagi has superhuman strength in hand-to-hand combat and could close in on a boss and cause damage, as well as move out of reach and use firearms. She is a tactician and a military leader, and would likely be the one to recognize mechanics first, as well as know how to orchestrate the party accordingly.
Miyuki Shiba, The Irregular at Magic High School. DPS/CASTER
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Miyuki may be soft-spoken and kind, but when she faces an opponent she is focused, powerful beyond belief, and unyielding. Her defenses are low, but her AOE freezing magics are capable of instantly taking out multiple targets at once, even an entire room full. She is the perfect caster for any adds that may appear, so that the party can keep attacking the boss without distraction. Plus, you know her gear will be in top shape because Tatsuya wouldn’t let her leave the house if it wasn’t.
Merlin, The Seven Deadly Sins, DPS/CASTER
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If not for Merlin’s inabilities to defend herself or stay attentive during the casting time of some of her stronger spells, she would be capable of being a front-line fighter - she has unparalleled destructive power, having taken down many of the strongest out there already. There is a reason she is considered the strongest magician in the land - she has a vast array of attacks that are capable of insane destruction, can teleport others around the battlefield, and though limited, has some secondary healing abilities should any member become poisoned. And, as if her powerhouse abilities were not enough, she also has the ability to reflect attacks back, letting the boss do some of the work.
Yuuki Asuna, Sword Art Online. HEALER
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Yes, it’s cliche as balls, and yes, I absolutely hate what someone who once was one of my favorite characters has become. None of that changes the fact that Asuna is more than proficient at healing a large party, and usually one full of people who do dumb things on a consistent basis. Healing a 4-person party is sometimes work, but a full, 8-person party? It’s nerve-wracking. Asuna would handle it well. And, as anyone who has ever been in a party with a healer who knows how to dps at the same time will confess, it is a decisive advantage. I may not like how her character went from badass to just plain bad, but she really is the ideal for a party healer.
Akiko Yusano, Bungo Stray Dogs. HEALER
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Akiko, like Asuna, is fully capable of fighting, as well. But it’s her gift as a healer that comes into play - again, anyone who has ever played as a healer knows that things go well until someone dies, then you have to use up a ton of MP to throw a rez at them, and then you’re doing makeshift math trying to ration out the heals to others for a bit while it recovers. Wouldn’t it be great if someone’s power was restoring life to those on the verge of death, so that no rez was needed? Akiko would likely have her fun mocking whoever it was that needed such a saving, making some snide comment about needing some milk or slipping a ‘get guud’ in there, but she is also very compassionate and wouldn’t let anyone die out of spite like plenty of us have done with that one annoying scrub that keeps walking into obvious attacks and standing in AOEs.
So, there it is. Yes, I am a huge f’n nerd for doing this, and actually thought about so many Maka Albarns and Akames and Yourichi Shihouins before coming up with this party. But, I’d go into any boss fight with this party because these are the pieces I would think would fit together best.
Who is in yours?
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300iqprower · 3 years
Hypothetical Rank Up No. 6: Mordred
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[Note: This one isn’t necessarily SUPER needed like I believe the others are, but given the changes made to Artoria’s kit to distinguish HER from the many AoE Farming Sabers, I thought Mordred deserved the same. That and it just randomly came to me-]
Mana Burst A -> Camlann Executioner A++
Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn). + Apply Trait Change: Gain Berserker Class Affinity (1 turn). Change all Command Cards to [Buster] Cards (1 turn).
The idea lorewise here is firstly the battle of Camlann in which Mordred absolutely slaughtered King Arthur’s knights and the two fought to mutual destruction after during a weary parley a snake caused a knight to draw their sword, leading to an uncoordinated massacre between the opposing knights of Arthur and Mordred. In Fate’s specific version, Morgan le Fey had a curse placed on Mordred that forced their body to keep moving even after death, thus fatally wounding Artoria while she thought she had won. The second basis is on the long-running, frankly quite accurate joke that Mordred’s fighting style is really just a Berserker disguised as a Saber. Frankly it’s always surprising when I remember they DON’T have a Gorilla deck. With Artoria getting an ability to convert herself into an all buster servant though, of course Mordred deserves the same. Where they differ is that while Artoria’s Dragon Core gives her a boost to her NP, Mordred’s instead changes their class affinity to Berserker, trading in a 2x damage modifier against Lancers for a 1.5x damage modifier against ALL non-foreigners. In true berserker fashion this also leaves them wide open until their next turn if anything survives by making them take double damage from all non-berserker sources (who still would deal an increased 1.5x damage). The core function this serves gameplay wise is to give Mordred a clear role separate from AoE Saber farming, something LOTS of other servants can do just as them. This would allow Mordred to excel in farming multi-class nodes or in a non-farming scenario allow them to absolutely buff the hell out of their buster for one turn since the damage buff isn’t NP specific and their recent JP buff boosts their Crit damage up to 3 times over 3 turns and grants starts while upping their Buster Crit-Star Gather for 1 turn.
So to be clear, this now gives Mordred a unique multi-class farming niche akin to a typical AoE berserker but without nearly as much risk of dying while building NP, with their default still being a Saber class. Meanwhile in higher level content it allows them to either deal good AoE damage against multiple targets of multiple classes (ideally a scenario where the main target is a lancer with other classes supporting), or massively jack up a single round of damage with a triple crit buster.
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