#midnight burger fangs out
sillystringedrat · 9 months
Episode 30 hit me like a TRUCK
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incunabulayy · 7 months
i love whenever gloria comes up with a crazy plan and executes it and the entire time the crew is just behind her going absolutely feral. they hype each other up, make inside jokes, work almost flawlessly as a team, and shit on everyone else while doing it. it’s amazing, it’s found family, it’s exhilarating, it’s camaraderie. i love it.
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justanotherspeck · 7 months
the trajectory from answering a job listing on craiglist to making enchiladas during a standoff with homeland security (homeland security is upset you did a jailbreak of their 700 year old man) is incredible. (also this standoff is not even remotely the craziest thing you've done)
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daygabs · 9 months
Love an outsider POV of the burger gang just being absolute maniacs. They have laser saws and particle cannons! They’ll feed you enchiladas and then scream complete gibberish as they barge out the door lmao.
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lovecolibri · 9 months
Went out of town to see my niece do a dance performance so me and my mom got to listen to the new Midnight Burger episode and I have to say, Fangs Out! might be my new favorite episode. It is BONKERS, and funny, and the crew is having a great fun time and most importantly CASPER is having a fun time. AND it's not the finale?! We have two more episodes this season?! Love this for me.
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0-sunstranger-0 · 8 months
the start of episode 30 is so tier 5 of the AM
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nononono you don’t understand they aren’t putting bible references and bible lessons in midnight burger bc they want to convert people they put bible references and bible lessons in midnight burger because the bible is meant to help ye olde Guy get through life and its supposed to mimic what humans feel and its not (as i see it) mean to be literal. the garden of eden represents innocence and bliss thats bound to be lost and how everyones going to want it back. shels home seems like Eden but the Teds (the snake) come and destroy it and they spend the rest of the time trying to find their home again even though they know they cant ever have it back. clementine tears through everything in her path just to try to get her home (that SHE DESTROYED VIA NAÏVETÉ!! *cough cough* eve *cough cough*) back and in doing so changed terricks life (*cough cough* adam *cough cough*) and made him need that closure and return to innocence and the only people who’ve found their edens are the staff because they found it in each other and their old lives weren’t even the state of bliss they lost but a precursor and that mean that they still have to lose their eden ahshshshsjsjajsnsbdnsnsbxjsjd
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watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, sex dreams, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, and slight blood play.
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate to help…)
Chapter 2- Bites & Fangs
The last time you had a depression episode, it was in the tenth grade when your old boyfriend, Peter Parker had dumped you for some girl named Gwen.
Well that was many years ago and now you were depressed because you were watching good burger in your ratty old polka dot robe.
But you were in denial, because every time Erica asked if you were depressed you just lied and said you were just working on something important.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come out? It’s been two weeks.” Erica asks as you press play to Good Burger. “Yeah, I’m good. I got a pizza coming and I got some drafts to work on.” You half lie. There was a pizza coming.
“Tomorrow let’s go to the park and get some fresh air. You need it.” You ignore her and Milo cuddles up close to you. “Please make sure you clean your dishes. I’ll be back around midnight.” Erica calls out.
When she finally leaves you look down at Milo���s orange little face and you kiss his nose. “I think you’re the only boy I can trust, Milo. I’m sure you’d never leave me in a club bathroom with my panties at my ankles right?”
His blue eyes just seem to stare at you and you nod because you’ve entered your crazy cat lady era. “Don’t answer that. Let’s get you some food and I’ll…clean up.” You pause the movie and bring Milo into the kitchen with you.
You pour him a bit of dry food and mix it with some wet food. You place his food down and he look down at the food then back at you. You kneel down and scratch under his chin and he licks your fingers.
“Milo, don’t ever become one of those jerk cats that leads girl cats on. You keep being a good boy.” You comments after you stand up. You look at the kitchen and decide to start cleaning there.
You get some cleaning supplies and sigh heavy. It’s been two weeks since the club incident and you haven’t let yourself think about Miguel since. Sure he lives in the building but you have no clue which apartment. And yeah he lives in the same city as you but you don’t know which parts he goes to.
Sure you still dream about Miguel, you still dream about his touch, his smell…No. No you weren’t going to do this. You were not about to cry over him again.
You sniffle back the tears and wipe your face with the back of your hand. “Stupid good looking bastard. With your good looking hair and cute accent.” You toss some water into a bucket and Milo just stares at you.
“Milo, you might want to leave the kitchen it’s about to get crazy in here.” You tell him. He simply meows and licks your leg.
Maybe you’re about to be on your period. Or maybe you’re just hormonal but him doing that just made you break down and cry. “Come on Milo, stop. I need to mop up my tears.” You say through your cloudy vision….
After two good cries and half a mental breakdown, you were happy with how the apartment looked. You hear the doorbell ring and you make sure Milo was still sleeping at your feet before you went to answer it.
You grab the money from off the counter and open the door to see a young girl with your food. “Medium cheese pizza with garlic knots?” She asks confirming your order. “You got it.” You hand her a twenty and tell her to keep the change. “Actually miss you’re five dollars short.” You give her a side eye and nod. “Let me go and grab you some more money then.” You prop the door open a bit so Milo can’t leave out and you place the food down on the counter.
You go into your wallet and pull out the money you need and go to give it to her. “Here you go.” You hand it to her and she gives an extra big smile. “Tip?” I know fucking we-
“You have a good night.” You tell her. Just as you’re about to close the door. Milo runs between your legs and out the door. “Milo!” You shout after him as you run down the hall.
You almost have him but a door opens and he runs inside. “Milo!” You yell as you start to run inside of the apartment. But something screams stop and you obey that voice in your head.
When you look up your heart was pounding because it was just your luck that it was his apartment. You take several steps back as you see him go back into his apartment. If Milo wasn’t inside you’d be flying back to the apartment and locking yourself inside.
You hear his little meow and you don’t look up because you know those hazel eyes are looking down at you. “Thank you.” You mutter as Miguel hands Milo back to you. “You can’t go running into strangers apartments, Milo. What if they would’ve hurt you? That’s it you’re grounded. No cartoons for a week.” You scold him as you hear Miguel chuckle.
“Isn’t that a bit harsh? I’m sure the little guy didn’t mean it.” You raise a sculpted brow at him and turn without saying a word. “Amo-”
“Don’t call me that. My name is Tommie! Do you understand, Mr. O’Hara? Tommie. Not Amor, not mi corazón. None of those nicknames. You don’t get that privilege after what you fucking did.” You snap at him, causing Miguel to flinch.
“I’m sorry. But I can explain.” You roll your eyes at him and you march to your apartment with Milo tucked in your arms.
You go to slam the door but Miguel stops it and you go to snap at him but he raises his hands to show he means no harm. Instead of arguing, you tell him to close the door before Milo gets out again.
He does what he’s told and you place Milo down on the floor in front of you. He jumps down and he circles Miguel. “Hola niño pequeño. How are you?” Miguel says as he scoops Milo up in his arms.
“Milo isn’t friendly. He loves to scratch, especially at peoples eyes.” You tell Miguel. Milo, the little traitor licks Miguel’s nose and stands on his shoulder.
You narrow your eyes at the cute little monster. “You sleep on the couch tonight.” He gives a cute meow and Miguel picks him up and rubs his belly as Milo goes to lick his fingers. “Your mom is mad at me, do you think you can help me out?”
“First things first, you talking to my roommate kitten isn’t going to get you off of the hook, Mr. O’Hara. He is in the apartment, you can leave.”
You turn away from him and get your pizza and garlic knots. “That smells good, are you and Milo going to eat that?” Miguel asks as he leans against the wall and holds Milo close. You see him from the corner of your eye and you keep the scowl on your face.
“You get one small tiny slice, a glass of tap water and a crumb of my garlic knots. After that you take your crack back to your place.” You say as you motion him to follow you into the kitchen.
He places Milo down and he watches you as you grab two plates from the cabinets. “We wash our hands in this apartment, Mr. O’Hara.” You announce to him. “Yes, Ma’am.” Miguel stands up and as you wash your hands, you pass the soap to him. He takes it, as his fingers brush against yours. Those fingers that have touched you. Those fingers that have been on your mind, those fingers that you’ve been tempted to taste.
You clear your throat and you give him a slice. “I’m sorry about leaving like that. I was an ass and if I were you I wouldn’t talk to me ever again either.”
“So I shouldn’t talk to you? Got it.” You say stubbornly. He sighs and you feel a bit bad for making this difficult for him. But he deserved it…a little. “Am-Tommie. If it helps, I’ve been miserable for not talking to you.”
“You have my number, Miguel you could’ve texted me.”
“The phone works both ways, Tommie.” He says as he accepts the pizza from you. You turn away from him because deep down, you’re actually happy that he’s here. In fact this has been the happiest you’ve been in past two weeks.
You grab a pitcher of ice tea and grab two glasses. “Would you like some ice?” You ask as you place the glasses down on the counter. “I thought you were giving me tap water.” He says with a smirk playing across his lips.
“I can give you tap water if that’s what you want, Miguel.” You grab the glass but he gets a hold of your wrist and he gives you a look that says he’s sorry. “Yes, I’ll have ice.” He says as he uses his thumb to rub your inner wrist.
You stand there longer than necessary and just look into his eyes. Why does this all feel so familiar? You go to speak but the glass knocks out of your hand and you expect to hear a crash. But it never comes because Miguel had caught it effortlessly.
He placed the glass on the counter and you gently take your wrist back. “How many would you like?” You ask as you open the freezer door and try to crack the ice cube tray.
You turn and he was right there. “Here let me.” He takes the tray from you and he cracks it. He takes a small piece and he brings it to your lips. It’s an action you’ve done since you were a child.
Whenever you cracked some ice, you would take the smaller pieces and you’d chew on it. You take it from him and he turns away from you, placing ice in both of the glasses.
“How did he…” You whisper as you suck the ice. You walk over and you pour the ice tea in both of the glasses. You two sit down on the stools and as you eat you pass him the chili pepper flakes. “Gracias, mi amor.”
“You’re welcome.” You say as he shakes some flakes onto his pizza. You take a big bite and you hear Miguel cough from the flakes. “Are you sure you’re part Latino? Can’t even handle pepper flakes.” You tease as you reach over and bite his slice. “Hey, that’s mine.” He says with a laugh.
“Well consider me getting my pouring your tea fee.” You joke. “Then what do I get for cracking the ice for you?” He asks as he leans in close to you. “What do you want?” You ask as you take a sip of your tea.
“I think you know what I want, Tommie.” His eyes travels over your body and you feel warm all over and secretly happy you’re not wearing your ratty robe. “Oh I don’t think that’s equal value, Miguel.” He licks his fingers and you can’t help but think of something else you could be sucking.
“I don’t know, that ice was pretty hard to crack. Maybe I can crack something else for you though.” Miguel says as he places a heavy hand on your bare thigh. He squeezes it and you suck your bottom lip.
“Mmm, don’t go sucking that bottom lip, amor.” You release your lip and pout. “Then what should I do with it?” You ask as you open your legs and feel his thumb rubbing your inner thigh. “Let me suck it for you. You know I do love sucking your lips, mostly these.” His hand travels up your thigh and you let out a moan.
Miguel leans in to kiss you but you jump back. “No, no, no. Not like this. We’re staring over and we’re going to start over as friends.” You close your legs and scoot your chair back from him.
“As friends. Good.” Miguel says as he keeps eyeing you like a hungry dog. “Yes, friends. So how was your day?” You ask as you bounce your leg. “It was miserable in the beginning, all because I mistreated my friend.”
“Oh! Well I hope you groveled and got on your knees to get her forgiveness.” You say as you continue to bounce your leg. “I don’t mind groveling. But I do know she loves when I’m on my knees.” The swallow you made was definitely loud enough for Miguel to hear.
You look at him and Miguel was no longer touching his food, instead he was standing up and letting his chair scrape across the floor. “If you want to be friends, then that’s fine. But I don’t want to be friends. I want you, and I’ll never leave the way I did, Tommie. Now I don’t know about you but I’ve been thinking about the taste of your pussy for the past two weeks and to know the only thing stopping me is your consent and those shorts is making me a bit crazy. So do I have your consent? If no then I’ll unders-”
“Miguel shut up and fuck me.” When you give him the green light he pounces and he lets his chair fall on the floor as he pulls you in.
He lifts you up and he pins you against the refrigerator. He kisses your lips and your hands work on getting his shirt off. “Mmm, Tommie where is your bedroom?” He asks as he sucks your bottom lip. “Down….the hall.” He cups your ass under your shorts and starts walking out of the kitchen. You manage to get his shirt off and you toss it. As you walk pass you grab your glass of ice and Miguel kisses your lips again, twirling his tongue with yours. You suck it and you grab the wall. “That way.” You tell him.
He kicks your door open and then kicks it shut once he’s inside. Miguel places you down on your feet and he looks down at you. “Eres tan hermosa.” He goes to kiss you but you press your fingers against his lips. “I need you to take off these jeans, and take off these boxers.” You tell him as you take a piece of ice into your mouth.
He doesn’t say a word, he simply just does what you’ve asked of him and he stood there like a chiseled stoned god. You press your hand against his taught stomach and he sits down on your bed causing it to creak.
You lower yourself onto your knees and press his thighs apart. He leans down and he kisses you, sucking and biting at your bottom lip as he reaches under your t shirt, massaging your right breast.
You break the kiss first and you grab another piece of ice. “You know, if I would've known you were just down the hall from me, I would’ve invited you over sooner. And we could’ve done this." You press the ice cube against the head of his dick and you watch Miguel’s eyes flutter closed.
“I’ll…remember that when I need a cup of sugar, mi corazón.” He lets out a soft moan and you grip him in your hand. God he was huge, how was this going to fit in your mouth? Let alone inside of you?
You needed at least two hands to hold him properly. So you popped the ice into your mouth, took him in both of your hand and you rolled the ice with your tongue over the tip.
You let the head and the ice past your lips and you suck slowly so you can get use to the size. “Una chica tan buena para mí. My good girl.” You look up at him and see his eyes full of lust. You then suck a bit faster, letting the ice melt away and Miguel lets out a whimper.
You decide to take him in your throat and you feel the tickle in your throat. The gag reflex. But you push past it and Miguel runs his fingers through your hair. “Mine, all fucking mine.” He says as he caresses your face.
You slowly start to bob your head up and down which causes pre to leak from Miguel. You taste it and he shutters. “Amor, amor you don’t have to do…th…that.” You were sucking and using your tongue at the same time which was starting to cause your throat to get tighter.
You don’t answer him, you just keep going. Keep sucking. You see he’s breathing heavy and he tries to move you off but you pin his arms down. Which was ridiculous because you knew he was the stronger one.
Then again maybe he’s weak around you.
He whines about how good your throat feels on the tip and he keeps still so he doesn’t hurt you. You look up into his eyes and you see the lust and want. You try to deep throat him but you feel yourself about to choke. “S…stop. Stop Tommie. Don’t hurt yourself.” Miguel moves you back and you have drool down your chin.
“But I want more, I want you to fuck my throat.” You say staring down at his hard thick dick. “I know, but baby next time. We have all the time in the world. Come here.” He helps you off of your knees and he sits you on his lap.
You spread your legs and his dick was pressed against the front of your shorts. “You feel that?” He presses it up harder against you and you let your head fall back and moan. “Yes, I do.”
“You want this inside of this little pussy don’t you?” You nod, looking into his ruby eyes. “I don’t think you do, amor. I think it’s too big for you to handle.”
You pout and caress his cheek. “I want you, I want you inside of me. I want you to fuck me till I can’t stand. Miguel please.” You beg as you flick your tongue out against his puffy bottom lip.
“Esa boca tuya...it’s gonna get you in trouble.” He says as he sucks your tongue. You moan and flick your tongue against his teeth. “I think my mouth is worth the trouble.” You say to him. You feel his hands grip your thighs and that’s when you hear your shorts rip. You don’t even both to look down, you can feel that he has it positioned right against you.
He slaps the head against the head of your clit and you let out a moan. “Relax for me, Tommie. I want this to feel good. Let me help you feel good.” You nod and as he slides his dick in you, your mouth forms a big O and you grip his forearms.
He hisses and moans how tight you are against your neck. He thrusts in slowly and you rest your body against him. He picks up his pace a little and turns your head so that he can kiss you.
“Does this hurt? Please let me know if I’m hurting you.” You shake your head. “Issgood.” You moan out as you take his hand and bring it to your clit. He rubs it slowly as he thrust in a bit faster.
“God I could fuck you for hours, mi princesa.” He continues to rub your clit as he grips your waist with the other hand. You were in heaven right now, getting your pussy filled while inhaling this man scent. You were in such lust, your legs were aching.
His thrusts start to get animalistic and you can feel his teeth starting to scrape gently across your brown skin.
You lean your head back against his shoulder and you moan out the first thing that comes to mind. “Do it…I want you to.” Miguel’s breathing starts to become heavy and his grip on you feels as if it’s going to leave bruises.
“Whatever you want, amor. I’ll do it. Whatever you want.” His voice sounds harsh and his starts to rub you slower as he thrusts faster, which makes your body start to shake. “Bite me…please bite me.” You moan out as your eyes roll back from him fucking you like a rag doll.
He lets go of your waist and he grips your shoulder. You feel the sharp pain for only a second and you feel not just his fang like teeth biting down on your shoulder, but you feel him coming deep inside of you. You groan out a few words in gibberish and you come hard.
You feel him let go and your body feels weak against him. He leans his head against your back as you feel warm liquid roll down your breasts. When you finally feel some strength enter your body you see four bite marks on your shoulder.
Before you can open your mouth, Miguel licks it clean and he slides out of you. You wince and he places you on the bed. From his body language you can tell he was going to bolt.
And you were right he stands up abruptly and he was about to leave but you grab his hand. “Stop. Don’t you dare leave me again.” You say in a command you didn’t know you could muster.
“It’ll be wise for you to let go, amor.” Miguel says in a strange tone. “I’ll let go when I know your aren’t going to leave me…” His shoulders were tense and you stand up trying to look Miguel in the eyes. But he turned his face.
“Miguel look at me.” You say to him. He looks away and this time you reach up and grab a hold of his face. “Look at me, please.” Your voice cracks and he looks down at you.
He had the same face you saw back from the club only this time he looked vulnerable. Your grip on him loosens and you give a gentle smile. “You are so pretty.” You tell him.
He bursts out laugh and you see his four fangs in the moonlight. His laugh was contagious because your started laughing as well. “You, are so odd, amor.” Miguel says as he wipes the corner of his eyes.
“Well I’m sorry I had to say the first thing that came to mind and you look pretty.” Miguel rolls his eyes. “I’m a man, I’m not meant to be pretty.”
You place your hands on your hips. “Well to me you are pretty, Miguel O’Hara.” You smile at him and you take a step forward. Carefully because you don’t know if he still might leave.
“May I?” You ask as you reach up. You can see the hesitation in his face and you reach back. “You don’t have t-” He takes your hands and places them on his face. He slowly opens his mouth and he shows you his teeth. You don’t say a word. Instead you rub your fingers against his four fangs. They feel sharp and they should scare you, but oddly enough you like them.
“Does that mean I’m going to turn into a vampire?” You finally ask. He gets a hold of your hands and he kisses each finger. “No mi corazón, you won’t turn into a vampire, because I am not one.”
“Then what are you?”
“Oh I’m something much worse than that.” You furrow your brows trying to get an answer out of him but he isn’t budging. “Does it hurt? Your fangs?” He shakes his head. “Are you hurt? I didn’t mean to bite you that hard. I was kind of lost in the moment.”
You feel your face get hot as you shake your head. “No, it…felt good.” He crouched down and and study’s your face. “Are you hurt down there?” He asks. You look down at your feet and shake your head again. “No, that felt good too. Could we?”
Miguel laughs again and holds a hand over his stomach. “Of course you’d want to have sex again. And I want to but right now, I’m…a little too excited in another sense. And you look tired.”
“No I’m not.” You yawn and you hate that your body betrayed you. “Come, come. Let’s get you into bed.” He leads you to your bed and helps you in.
“But I have more questions.” You tell him. “I know you do, and I’ll have answers for you in the morning.” He leans down and kisses your forehead and before he leans back you grab his arm. “Miguel…I forgive you.” You tell him.
He gives you a warm smile. “Thank you.” He says as he searches your eyes. “W…will you be there when I wake up?” You ask, not wanting him to leave. Because maybe this is a dream and if it is, you didn’t want to wake up.
“I’ll stay the night. Now give me a second.” You let him go and he looks around the room. He finds his boxers and you watch as he puts them on. He leaves the room for about ten minutes and when he comes back. He hands you a glass of water and he crawls under the covers and lays beside you.
“Is this better?” He asks as you take a sip of water and place the glass on your nightstand. You nod and curl up close to him. You place your hand against his bare chest and maybe it’s the trick of the light or maybe you’re just tired. But you see a ring on your finger as you look at your hand.
You blink and the ring was no longer there. “Night, Miguel.” You whisper as your body relaxes. “Good night, mi amor.” Miguel says as he pulls you close to his body.
The last thing you think of is if this is a dream, you just didn’t want to wake up…
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lanitalay · 2 months
Azriel Supernatural AU x reader
Summary: In which you encounter a couple of hunters during a case. 
A/N: I've been rewatching supernatural and i just love it. This is based on the early seasons. Hopefully the ACOTAR and Supernatural fandoms overlap.
Warnings: mentions of blood and death, nothing descriptive.
wordcount: 1.7k
“It’s totally vampires, Az. Remember that nest we took out in Idaho? They did the same thing with their victims.” Azriel bites his lip recalling that hunt, it was in the top ten worst moments of his life. “I know you’re right but those things give me the creeps. The way their fangs just-” he gags thinking about the extra set of teeth. 
“You big baby, it's just teeth. What gets me is the decapitation. Ghosts are easy. Salt. Fire. But these suckers are a nasty job.” You look over your notes before asking “do you think Cass and Rhys could give us a hand? I think we’ll be outnumbered.” 
He shakes his head “we could call but last time we talked they were up to their necks on a vengeful spirit case. Get this, the bones are scattered in different places because the deceased couldn’t decide where to be buried.” You chuckle. “Those two always get caught up in something like that. What about Mor? Or Amren? I’ll call them just in case.” 
Two phone calls later and no back up to show for it. “That was a bust.” Azriel nudges your arm. “Hey, we can do this. We can figure out a way to take them out one at a time.” You sigh and lean your head against the window. Watching as endless fields blur into one another. “You’re right, wake me up when we get there will you?” Before he can say yes you’ve dozed off. 
The road to Texas was long and lonely for Azriel. You slept the whole way and he was forced to keep himself company with mindless humming and singing lyrics from songs he probably misremembers. You’re usually the dj, but he knows if he messes with your tapes he’s in deep shit. You arrive at the usual dingy motel at around midnight. 
“Hey, sleepy head, we’re here.” Az is careful not to startle you, slightly shaking your arm with a scarred hand to rouse you from sleep without setting off your hunter instincts. “I’m awake.” You mumble but don’t move to get out of the truck. “I’ll go get us a room, while you wake up.” A hum is the only response he gets. 
When he returns he sees you unloading the truck with a pep in your step. “We’re in 9.” Once you’ve settled in, it dawns on you that you took a six hour nap on the ride here. There’s no way you’ll be able to fall asleep now. “Az, you want something to eat?” He yawns “no thanks, I’m going to turn in for the night.” 
“Well I’m not tired. I’ll grab a bite at that bar across the street and come back.” You put on your jacket and make the short walk to the hole in the wall establishment that always seems to accompany the motels you frequent. “One beer and a burger, please.” It 's quiet. You assume that it’s because it’s Tuesday. Until you overhear the conversation from two guys at the bar. “Six people went missing and all of them were last seen here, Sammy, something’s up.” 
“I know, Dean, but we’ve been here a week and no one can point us in the right direction. Maybe they left.” Hunters, and by the sounds of it, they are on the same case.  The bartender sets a pint in front of you, when it’s in your hand you walk over. “Are you two looking for a vampire nest?” They seem to have a language of their own, exchanging a few glances before the one with blondish hair says “depends, who’s asking?”
“Y/n, my partner and I just got into town after hearing about six disappearances. Looks like you two got a head start.” You sit with them in a shadowy corner of the bar as they tell you about the roadblocks they’ve encountered. “Most of them came here without telling anybody they knew, they weren’t regulars.” The taller one with brown hair finishes. 
“So they were lured.” They nod. “It’s been quiet since we got here.” You finish the burger and wipe your fingers with the thinnest napkin you’ve ever seen. “They got six people in two weeks, that’s enough blood to keep a nest alive for a month.” But something’s off and you can tell they feel it too. “What were your names again?” 
“I’m Sam.” “I’m Dean.” No way.
 “Winchester?” They nod. 
“That’s crazy! I knew your father! It’s sort of how I got started in all of this actually-” you stop yourself, John is dead now and these were his sons “I’m sorry for your loss, he helped a lot of people.” Az is going to freak when you tell him. Dean swigs his beer and says “yeah well, that’s what happens when you make deals with devils.” 
It’s tense for a bit while you finish your beer “well, if you don’t mind it, my partner and I could help on the case. Four machetes are better than two. We’re staying right across the street. Room 9. See ya, boys.” 
The next morning you tell Azriel about your encounter. “I’m telling you Az, they seem nice enough. If we team up it will be safer.” He’s unsure, always wary of strangers. “I don’t know, y/n-” just then, a knock at the door. You check the peephole before opening it. “Hi guys, this is my partner Azriel. Az, this is Sam and that's Dean.” The brothers brought coffee, by the looks of it it’s from the prehistoric machine in the lobby. “We talked about it and we agreed, working together will speed things along.” 
“Az?” He sighs. “Fine.” 
“He’s chipper,” Dean quips. “He’s not a morning person,” you quickly defend. You were the only one allowed to comment on his crankiness. 
After a day of following dead ends, you sit with Dean at the same bar. Sam and Az are still trying to find something in the archives. “So what’s the deal with you and your partner?” 
“Why? Are you interested?” He chuckles. “Just curious, your room had two beds. Are you two not involved?” Maybe it was the whisky, but you said “not romantically.” 
“So he won’t be upset if I buy you another drink with the intention of getting in your pants?” You roll your eyes. “Your reputation precedes you, Winchester.” 
“My reputation as a hunter or a ladies’ man?”
“Your reputation as a shameless flirt.” He leans closer to you “is it working?” You laugh and push him off. “No.” 
“So there is something between you and Azriel. I bet he’s clueless. I’ve seen it time and again.” You keep nursing your glass. “I wouldn’t say he’s clueless. But you know how this job is. One second you’re here and the next… I think we both agree that it’s better if we don’t cross that line with each other.” 
“But you could cross that line with me.” He winks. “No, Dean. I don’t think I could.”
 He straightens away from you and sips his beer. “You said you met my dad?” 
“Oh, yes. It was years ago, I was a freshman in college and a vengeful spirit was wreaking havoc on the campus. John showed up right before the son of a bitch gutted me. After that it was hard to go back to classes, you know?” 
“And how did you meet Azriel?” 
“Az and I met in a bar like this one, he had been hunting with his friends for a while and I hustled them for gas money.” 
“You play pool?” You shake your head and try to keep a straight face as you say “I play fools, Dean.” 
When Azriel and Sam returned, he did not like what he saw. In truth, he was glad to see you were having fun but he hated seeing you having fun with someone else. It's not like he could complain. You both refused to cross that line. Sleeping next to each other every night, on different beds was not the whirlwind romance he wanted to give you. It wasn’t the life you deserved. But he stuck by your side because everytime he wanted to slow down, to stop, maybe go back to school, you refused. “There are monsters, Az and we save people. I can’t go back to sitting in a classroom only to end up working in an office.” He wanted domesticity. He wanted a routine. He wanted a lawn to mow and to barbecue on weekends. But more than that he wanted you. 
“She’s a keeper, Az.” Dean joked as you sunk the last ball in the socket. Azriel clenched his jaw, not liking the familiarity with which Dean nudged your shoulder. It had only been a day since you met and you were acting like you’d known each other for years. 
“You don’t have to sleep here if you don’t want to.” Your face scrunches in confusion at his tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I’m sure you'd rather be with Dean right now.” 
“Azriel, don't be like that.” He shrugs “just saying, you two were making eyes at each other all day.” 
“We were not.” He doesn’t say anything else but there’s a tension that lingers. “I hate when you do this.” 
“I’m not doing anything.” 
“You’re picking a fight. You know I would never be with anyone else.” 
“You could.” 
“I don’t want to.” 
“I know Az, “the life’s too dangerous,” “we’d be more vulnerable,” “it just gives the bad guys ammunition.” I know the whole song and dance of why we can’t… I get it. But it makes me feel stupid when I could be out with someone who actually shows interest in me but I stay with you.” 
“I’m not holding you hostage, you can go if you want.” 
“You’re an idiot.” With a huff you storm out of the room. Not entirely sure where you’re going, you wander around the motel grounds for a while. Knocking on Dean’s door was an option, but you wanted to be alone. He was infuriating. Azriel knows which buttons to push and when. He does this every so often, picks a fight to create iciness between you. It makes temptation easier if you’re too mad at each other to give in, you suppose. 
It's past midnight, and the lights in room 9 are off. In your haste you forgot a key. You go to the lobby and are surprised to see an attendant. “Hi, I locked myself out of my room and my partner is asleep. Do you have a spare key by any chance?” 
“Of course, name and room number?” 
A click sounds from behind and you turn to see a man, turning the Open sign to Closed.  His neck is covered in scruff and bite marks. You look back at the attendant. The ledger, that weighs at least ten pounds, slams across your face. 
You wake up tied up and breathless in a windowless room. Six bloodied bodies surrounding you.
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rabbit-surfboard · 7 months
Midnight Burger, season 3 chapter 30 "Fangs Out" is so fucking funny. What an absolute triumph of goofy storytelling. Plot is there, it's happening, but there's just so many fun moments. Things I busted out laughing at in this episode:
- the entire floor is lava bit
- here's my wombat
- roasting the DHS for a solid minute or two about not fully surrounding the building
- "when we landed here and all we had to do was a jailbreak and a standoff with federal agents, that's kind of a day off for us"
- tear gas party!!
- high strung DHS agent named Sarah actively threatening the diner, is invited inside. The family warmly exclaiming "Sarah!" (And awkward "heyyyyyyy") when she comes in the front door
- really just every opportunity for diegetic laughter being merited
Can't believe I started this show with only the finale unreleased. I'm gonna catch up tomorrow if I somehow don't tonight
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constellationmelody · 9 months
I've listened to the new Midnight Burger “fangs out” this morning because I don't want work/class to interrupt my listening to the episode. It would be nice to listen to on my way to work.
I have some things to say but I want to relisten to it and again before writing my thoughts on it… but I had the same thought too Ava and I’ll be sad if that’s the case. ;n ; I failed to keep it together after the finale of The Good Place, I can't do it again.
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spnshortcake · 1 year
“Bobby , Sam and I will check it out, thanks.” Dean slaps his phone shut as Sam gets into the passenger side of the impala.
Blue Ridge , Georgia. That’s where the boys are headed to. Bobby callled Dean telling them how towns people were missing and when they finally find the bodies it’s been sucked dry and the coroner has no idea why or what is going on. It’s obvious to the winchesters that the town has got a nest going on and they must stop the vampires before killing more innocent people.
“One room please.” Dean says at the hotel clerk. Sliding his fake credit card and fake ID over so she can book the room.
“Have a nice stay” she smiles at him. Dean winks. “Will do sweet cheeks.” Dean is always flirting with anything that has two legs.
“The last victim, y/n l/n says she is still missing and has been reported missing for about 3 days.” Sam says as Dean opens a beer looking at the screen from behind Sam.
“Man, what a babe. We need to find this lady as soon as possible Sammy.” Dean looks so concerned. Sam rolls his eyes at his brothers comment.
“Okay sir tell me about the other victims what do you think this could be?” Sam looks at the sheriff.
“I don’t know why the FBI is so interested in our small town the victims just go missing for 3 days and then show up in the creek just behind the town.” He says while looking back at both of the Winchesters.
“Well when we hear about people going missing and then showing up dead then sir we got to get involved.” Sam says.
“So this last victim she hasn’t been found? It’s been three days. Why do you think that?” Dean looks at his brother than back at the old man the sheriff.
“Well i honestly don’t know but I’m sure if we can find her then we can bring her to safety she went missing around the k mart and diner that’s been where all the victims been going missing. Well if you guys don’t mind I need to get back to work. We are finished here.” The old sheriff says as he stands up and shakes the boys hands.
The boys stake out the spot where all the victims went missing. Nothing out of the ordinary. It’s around midnight when they see one of the victims walking down the street. Sam looks at Dean.
“Do you think he is the alpha? He was the first to go missing now he is walking the street? If we follow we could find the nest?”
“I don’t think he is the alpha but let’s follow him when he comes back so we can find this y/n vamps are probably toying with her.” Dean says as he stuff his face with one of the diners famous bacon cheese burgers.
The boys finally get to a dingy abandoned warehouse. This sure smells and looks like vamps. They look through a fence and they see y/n tied up and she looks like she has been through hell. The boys really hate vampires. The most hated monster other than demons the boys hunt.
“Please let me go. I won’t say anything. My family probably is worried about me.” She cries out trying to reason with the bloodsuckers
“Oh sweetie we have more better plans for you” one of the vampires say while he pets her head. She tries to pull away but he grabs her by her h/c (hair color) hair.
“She smells so good. I bet Brian will love her.”
The boys look at each other before running out and taking out all the vampires one by one cutting their heads off. Y/n just screams.
“P-please don’t kill me. I don’t know what they want.” She says Sam and Dean look at her.
“My head hurts. What’s happening to me” she cries out.
“Dean is she a vampire?” Sam looks at her.
“A what??? Vampires aren’t real. Oh my god this can’t be happening.” She starts panicking and Dean puts his knife to her throat.
“N-no please please I I am not a vampire.”
“Did they bite you? Or give you something?” Dean says as he is looking at her for any sign for her being a vampire.
“N-no please. I I just wanna go home.” She pleads Sam pulls her lip up and no fangs. She isn’t a vampire so he cuts the ropes that’s been binding her to the pole. She falls to the floor. They see blood from her ankles and wrists.
“Dean they where feeding off her. She probably needs a hospital.” Sam says as he picks y/n up.
“No I don’t want the hospital please I just wanna go home.”
“We can bring her to the hotel and see what we need to do.” Dean says as he opens the back door to the impala and Sam and the girl gets in the back seat.
“Who are you guys. How did you find me.” Y/n questions as Dean starts the engine and making the way to the hotel.
“I’m Sam and that’s Dean my brother we are hunters we was looking for you. You have been missing for 3 days. Those people back there was vampires.” Sam looks down at her as she is just shocked.
“Three days?? Am I gonna turn into one of them?? Please I don’t want to be a vampire I have a whole life a head of me. I was gonna start school in the fall.”
“Don’t worry y/n we got you just in time. We are going to our hotel and watch you for 24 hours just to make sure you don’t turn on us.”
“Yes Bobby we have her we are just making our way back to the hotel. She lost a lot of blood.”
“The hotel we are going to is auntie Anne’s inn. Room 134” “her name is y/n Bobby what is this all about?” Dean says as he looks at them both through the rearview mirror.
“Okay okay.” Dean says as he shuts his phone closed and pulls into his parking spot right in front of the motel room.
“What did Bobby say?” Sam questioned as he lifted y/n into the motel laying her on one of the beds bandaging her wounds up. The blood stopped and she has been sleeping for a little probably trying to rest so her body can make more blood since no one knows how much them bloodsuckers sucked out of her.
“He wouldn’t say he was on his way though. I don’t know who she is. He seems like he knows her.” Dean says grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing one to Sam and taking a sip out of his own beer.
“Huh. That’s weird how would Bobby know a girl from Georgia.” The boys are just confused as there was a knock on the door Sam opens it and sees Bobby.
“Where is she?” He says while walking in seeing y/n on the bed passed out.
“Are y’all sure he isn’t a vampire.” Bobby questions as he looks her over.
“Bobby what’s this all about? And no she isn’t she was just a blood bag for them to just drink from. She lost alot of blood. Who is she?” Sam looks at Bobby.
“This is my niece. Her parents have been trying to find her for a while she left when they tried to make her a Hunter. She didn’t want this life. When I heard she got kidnapped by possibly vamps I had to get y’all down here to find her. I’m so glad she is safe.”
“I can’t blame her for not wanting this life Bobby. It’s not meant for everyone.” Sam says knowing he felt the same way when he left for standford.
“Her dad is a big time hunter went with John a few times. It’s in her blood.” Bobby says as she stirs.
“Uncle Bobby?” She says looking at him.
“Yes y/n I’m here are you hurt?”
“N-no Sam and Dean found me.” She smiles as they hug.
“You know your dad is gonna be so happy that your okay.”
“I I was hunting.. I knew about this all along. How the victims was getting taken by some vampires.”
“Y/N M/N L/N are you a frigging idgit!!!! Hunting by yourself without no back up. What happened about no wanting this life?” Bobby is now red in the face yelling at her while the boys are just looking at the both of them.
“My friend that I was gonna go to college with she got taken by the vampires and I was just trying to help.”
“You will not do this by yourself y/n you could’ve got yourself killed. What would your dad do knowing you was being this wreakless and stupid!!?!”
“But I didn’t uncle Bobby I’m not a child anymore I can do this. It’s what y’all wanted.”
“We wanted you to be ready! Hunting is not some weekend get away your in it for life.”
“I’m sorry Bobby. I was just trying.” She says looking down
“We can train her Bobby” Sam says
“Y/n look out!!” Sam yells as two vampires. Come rushing her. But she ducks and takes both there heads off in one swift movement. They are all covered in blood and they look at all the headless vampires laying on the floor.
“Now buffy the vampire slayer damn that was a good move” Dean says as they make there way to the impala.
“Oh Dean your just jealous I am good at killing bloodsuckers” she chuckles man she is just such a great hunter.
“Sam better get your girl or she gonna get left behind” Dean revs the engine they make it to the hotel they have been staying at for this case. Y/n has been with the boys ever since they found her in Georgia and she has been hunting with them ever since. Sam and her has gotten comfortable with each other and they always have each others back. She is glad she got rescued by them or she probably was a goner if it wasn’t for the boys.
THIS IS A SAM ONE! I hope y’all like it. If you like it please reblog and leave a comment! That’s much appreciated. I don’t know how to feel about this one. I hope you all like it! Thanks again for liking all my writing , and if you have any requests my asks are open and requests are open!!
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cyclebound · 1 year
tagged by: yoinking from my rp blog @vainwrath tagging: anyone who wants to flesh out muses
bold what applies to your muse remember to repost. feel free to add to the list
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[ color ]: red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. magenta. pastels. bubblegum pink. blood red. ivory.
[ elemental ]: fire. ice. water.  air.  earth. rain.  snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light.
[ body ]: claws. long fingers. fangs.  teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat.  tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak. shapeshifting. junoesque. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.    
[ weaponry ]: fists. sword. dagger. spear.  scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots. katanas.  maces. staffs.  wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader.  flamethrower.  metal rod. shotguns. kusarigama. needles.  
[ material ]: gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet.  denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
[ nature ]: grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay.  sand. rocks.  snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow.  forest. desert.  tundra. savanna.  rain forest.  swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi.  cliffs.  sunlight.
[ animals ]: lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls.  falcons. hawks.  swans. snakes. turtles.  ducks. bugs. roaches.  spiders. birds.  whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies.  praying mantis. crows.  ravens.  mice. lizards.  frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines.  foxes. centaurs.  
[ food/drink ]:  sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
[ hobbies ]: music. art. piercing. watercolors. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras.  video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy.  cds. records. vinyls.  cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica.  synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet.  flute. drums.  bells. playing cards.  poker chips.  chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. treeclimbing. running. vivisection.
[ style ]: lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest.  shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers.  jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget.  bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses.  visor.  eye contacts.  makeup. pantyhose. stockings.  thigh highs. eyepatch. collar.
[ misc ]: balloons.  bubbles.  cityscape. landscape.  light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary.  fairy lights. madness. sanity .sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. drugs. kindness. love. embracing. isolation.
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shinygoldstar · 3 years
Midnight Snack
DannyMay Day 11: Midnight
(Also DannyMay Shadow, Scars, Power, Nature, Seasons, Teeth can you find them all?)
Word Count: 2271 (not beta’d. experimental writing)
Warning: mentions of ghost cannibalism, nothing explicit
@floralflowerpower ​ – for that ghost cannibalism post
(it’s 1 am so i’m gonna sleep now. might post on AO3 later)
Edit: AO3 Added!
It was mid-October. The leaves are starting to turn yellow heralding the approaching autumn. Danny was happy because that meant the unusually hot weather is almost over. It wasn’t that he’s melting from the heat- quite the opposite, he’s probably the only person in Amity that isn’t sweltering under the sun with his cold core. But due to this exact same reason, his cooler body temperature also drew in water vapor which condenses on his skin, pooling into beads of water dripping down his shirt, making him appear extra sweaty. He can’t wait for the temperature to be cool enough to not change clothes every few hours. Good thing his clothes are purchased by the dozen; no one really noticed him wearing new sets of clothes throughout the day.
It was the contaminated fridge foods that disappeared first. No one missed them. At least until they can’t find the mutated turkeys for their annual Thanksgiving hunting event.
Danny yawned as he and his friends entered Fenton Works. Autumn is comfy. Just the right temperature where he can wear loose clothing and not be stared at for being underdressed for the weather. No ‘sweating’ either. His mouth closed with a click, a bit too fast on his new fangs. Danny winced. The fangs seemed to have grown longer overnight again. At this rate Danny won’t be able to pass them off as normal pointy canine teeth for much longer. It didn’t hurt but the itch is annoying. Danny took a detour to the fridge, grabbing an ice cube from the freezer and popped it into his mouth, absentmindedly chewing on the cubes to take the edge off the itch as they walked down to the basement lab. His parents are at a paranormal convention at a nearby city and won’t be back until tomorrow. Danny and his friends gladly took the opportunity to do their ‘Danny’s quarterly fitness test’.
Danny flipped on the light switch and walked to the center of the lab, transforming into his ghost form. “Okay I’m ready. What’s first on the list?”
Tucker dropped his bag and took out a piece of notebook paper, “Okay, first we gotta do the baseline measurements. Height, weight, temperature, and the ecto reading.” Sam dug through her sports bag, pulling out the measurement tape. She held it against Danny, eyes scanning the tape measurement numbers. “Still the same height.”
Tucker nodded, noting down the measurement in Danny’s health notebook. “Next, weight.” Danny stood over the scale. “Yup, still the same weight too.”  
Then it was the ecto-samples that Jack misplaced in the kitchen fridge. Jack warned everyone a few days later (everyone knows to avoid glowing food on normal basis so the delayed warning is mostly just courtesy), but no one could find where it went and assumed it grew legs to join the other tiny ecto-samples lurking as their equivalent of household pests. (No matter how often Maddie tried to patch up the mouse hole it keeps reappearing in the same shape but in a different part of the house as if the original mouse hole got transplanted from its original location)
“Lunch Lady’s right. You need to eat more. You’re still as skinny as ever.” Sam remarked as Danny took the thermometer out of his mouth. “76 F. The ghosts keep attacking me all day and night. You’d think my parents would notice when a ghost sneaks pass them while they work in the lab but I triggered all their ghost alarms just by being in the house so they deactivated the system when I’m around. They must’ve kept it turned off during the day too.”
“Tough luck dude. Ecto scan next.” Tucker passed the scanner to Sam while Danny stood still for her to scan. The machine beeped, “Wow 6.8, that’s quite a jump from last quarter’s 5.1”
“Maybe it was from all the ghost fighting I did over the summer?”
As the leaves began to fall from the branches, ghost attacks lessened in frequency. Not looking the gift horse in the mouth Danny happily enjoyed the lack of ghost attacks to focus more on his studies. If he did well enough, he might even get Bs for his efforts. He also managed to avoid getting detention for the entire week much to the relief of everyone involved.
Two days before Thanksgiving, the Fentons finally remembered their turkeys. But by then it was gone. In a rush, they quickly purchased a pre-made turkey instead. While Danny enjoyed the fact that they’re having a normal family dinner for once, he can’t help but feel like there’s something off about the chicken. As if it’s missing a particular tangy or zingy flavor that would’ve made it richer in flavor. ‘Must’ve been because it’s overcooked.’
"Honey? Have you seen the new ecto-samples I placed in the basement lab fridge?" “Again Jack? This is the third time this month. Have you checked the upstairs fridge?” “I-ah was pretty sure I placed them in the correct fridge this time. Must be some no-good thievin’ ghost.” “I’ll set up the ecto-anti-theft, that’ll get ‘em good! No ghost can escape Jack Fenton for long!”
*Intruder Alert* *Intruder Alert*
Red lights peppered with robotic voice and alarm noises lurched Maddie into full alert mode. She quickly took stock of her surroundings and tried to wake Jack up. But Jack had his earplugs on and continued to snore blissfully. A loud knock on the door caught her attention. “What’s going on mom?” Jazz’s voice floated through the door. Maddie quickly rose to open the bedroom door, swiftly pulled Jazz in and locked the door. “Jazz dear, try to wake your dad up. I’ll go check on the intruder.” Maddie strode quietly to the door then paused, “Have you checked on Danny?” Jazz bit her lips and looked away for a moment “-ah yeah! Danny’s snoring so loud he can’t hear the alarm.” Maddie twisted the doorknob but paused, hesitating. “He’s fine mom.” Jazz reassures her. “If Danny wakes up, he’ll come here first. I’ll let him know what’s going on.”
The alarm rang loudly in her ears as she walked down the stairs to the basement lab, its loud ringing noise effectively covering up the sound of her footsteps. Reaching the basement floor, Maddie quickly crept over to hide behind the shelf on her left, eyes scanning the lab for the intruder.
The glass jars clinked as a shadow moved about the fridge. A very familiar shadow. That didn’t glow. Maddie turned on the lab lights. “Danny?” she started, carefully walking over to face him, her eyes still scanning him to check if he’s really her Danny. The faint, barely noticeable scar on his eyebrow from his attempt to fly off the tree when he was five is there confirming his identity.
“What are you doing down here-?” Maddie noticed the glowing jar in his hand, “and what exactly are you doing?” Danny hazily stared at her; eyes half-lidded. Maddie snapped her fingers to get his attention. Danny didn’t blink. “He's still not awake, Danny come on wake up!”, she shook his shoulders. “Huh? Wuzzat?” Danny groggily woke up. He blinked in confusion.
Finally aware of his surroundings, Danny looked down at his right hand that still held the glowing sample. “Aah!” Danny yelped dropping the sample, then realizing he dropped the sample, tries to catch the jar, fumbling clumsily. Maddie would’ve laughed if it was anywhere else but in this situation. “Danny, do you remember what you were doing?”
“I was doing my homework and was craving for a good cheeseburger?”
“And the half-opened jar of ectoplasm?”
“Dude are you for real? That was priceless!” Tucker crowed with laughter. Sam leaned away from Tucker to avoid the meat spittle, “Urgh! Gross Tucker! Swallow it before you speak!”
Danny grumbled into his glass of milkshake, “’s not funny Tuck. you didn't see her face. She was about ready to scan me for signs of ecto-possession. Good thing my lie about craving cheeseburger and opening the wrong fridge worked. Otherwise I’d be in big trouble if she scanned me now with my latest ecto-reading. Anyways I'm banned from the lab now.” Danny bit into his burger.
“So what really happened there dude? Did you seriously sleepwalk into the basement lab?”
“I think so? I don’t really remember anything before Mom found me in the lab. Only that I was feeling a bit hungry.”
The ghosts stopped coming. Everyone in Amity held their breath when there were no ghost attacks for two weeks straight, then a month. Then two months, three. No ghosts. They let out their collective breath. It might be too soon to hope but for now they will enjoy their ghost-free, perfectly ordinary life. It feels a bit strange to not have ghost related interruptions as part of their daily routine but they didn’t miss the ghost-related reconstruction expenses. The local insurance company employees received a nice bonus for the ghost-free month.
By the time March rolled in, Danny is restless. “Guys, there's definitely something big going on.”, he waved his hands for emphasis. “The Fenton portal is still open yet no ghost came through? Not even Boxy since the North District warehouse thing last month. There’s definitely something big going on. I've been taking the ghost-free break for granted for a while now and it helped save my grades but this is too big to ignore.”
“Dude, maybe it’s because you’re much more powerful now? Your latest reading last week is 8.2. None of the ghosts we’ve met so far is above 6 except for Vlad and the Ghost King.” Tucker suggested.
“You might have a point there, Tucker. We haven’t seen any of the ghosts bothering Vlad so far and he’s definitely higher than 6.” Sam added.
Danny frowned, “Maybe you’re right but I just have this nagging feeling that that’s not quite it.”
Danny entered the Zone with little fanfare. The area around the Fenton portal looked normal enough, the usual rocks and clouds of debris are still floating around in their usual areas. Danny aimlessly passed through the nooks and crannies, ducking under the endless spiral staircase, not entirely sure of what to look for. The Zone felt a bit quiet today but Danny haven’t been to the Zone that frequently to be certain about it.
The Ghost Zone, while still filled with random bits of odds and ends felt empty somehow. It wasn't until he sighted Skulker that he realized he hasn't seen any of the tiny blog ghosts nor the occasional passerby ghosts through his trip.
Luckily or unluckily, Danny quickly spotted someone he knew in the distance. As if called, Skulker turned his head towards Danny, then veered sharply to the left and flew fast in Danny's opposite direction, a first for the self-proclaimed hunter to not hunt his favorite prey. ‘Something's not right and Skulker definitely knows something.’ Danny thought.
Danny quickly chased after him; Skulker could never beat Danny at speed chase even at his best, and he won't be winning today's unplanned race either. “Hey Skulker! What’s going on?” Danny yelled over the gap between them but Skulker gave no reply, diving down deep into the reddish forest ravines of the island below. Not to be deterred, Danny did a quick aerial flip, adjusting his flight angle to follow down Skulker’s path. Danny soon caught up to Skulker and launched him into a nearby rock with sticky ectoplasm to hold him still long enough to talk. Skulker ejected from his metal suit but Danny was faster and caught the real ghost before he can escape.
(Why is Skulker fleeing?)
"Hey Skulker, not hunting me for once?" Danny asked teasingly.
Skulker paled (Danny never knew ghosts can turn pale) and squirmed even more. Danny's smile dropped.
"What’s going on Skulker?" he asked worriedly. “None of the ghosts have appeared in the human world and the Zone looks empty somehow”
Skulker squirmed a bit more but realizing he’s stuck finally said, “Ghost Child, haven’t you ever wondered why the Infinite Realms is never overcrowded?”
Danny frowned, puzzled as to where this leads to. “How is this related to this situation?” Skulker stared at Danny stunned.
“What?” Danny asked, suddenly self-conscious, “-was there something I was supposed to know about?”
Skulker sighed, unconsciously loosening a bit of his tension, “You’re so young. So very young. We Ghosts don’t fade as fast as Newcomers arrive from your world. In the Realms, there's a natural system that keeps the population under control. An ecosystem. There's predator and there's prey. And then there's the Apex Predator. There's a reason why Dark was feared. It wasn't just for his harsh rule. It was because he was the Apex Predator.”
Danny struck at the odd wording, "’Was’? Was that because he got sealed?” Danny paused, “But wait- if he's sealed, he would still be the Apex predator. So how-? Wait. Did I?"
Skulker nodded, "Good you're catching on fast. By defeating Pariah Dark, you have proven to the Realms that you're the best candidate for the Apex Predator. And with the new status comes sets of conducts, one your body instincts know well. You've been culling down the uncontrolled excess from Pariah Dark's sleep quite fast. Your hunger would settle down soon of course once balance has been re-established in the Realms."
“But- How- Wait- What-?” Danny looked down at his hand “Hey Skulker--!” but his hand is bare.
Danny’s lips tasted oddly tangy, energized.  
(Skulker might've slipped out of Danny's slack hand while Danny is in shock. Danny might've bit his lips hard enough to bleed. It's not that hard with his new fangs. But this is just speculation...)
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lovecolibri · 9 months
Watching the Fantasy High episode with the 3 guys cheering and yelling "spring break" during their whole battle was giving me big Midnight Burger's new ep "Fangs Out" vibes, with Casper, Ava, and Leif shouting "the floor is lava" during their standoff with Homeland Security. Like, the sheer joy in both of these episodes as the characters have the time of their lives in battle together is the most wholesome thing, and my heart is full 💙
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nyx-aira · 3 years
Fairies, Ghosts and lots of candy
Requested by @browneyedgenius
Summary: Yelena convinces you to go trick or treating with her.
A/N: I have to say this is one of my favourite fics this season.
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
PSA c/@ynscrazylife
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It was Halloween, the spookiest time of the year and here you were, putting on a fairy costume and getting ready for trick or treating.
If you were being honest, you weren't initially hooked on the idea to go trick or treating but Yelenas puppy dog eyes are your weakness and so you agreed.
Checking your wings one last time you were happy with how you looked and stepped into the living room where the exited blonde was already waiting for you.
She was dressed as a sheet ghost, holes cut out for eyes and candy bag ready to go. She had somehow managed to put on her vest over the costume to "maximise the candy load".
Peter was next to her and was dressed as a vampire, the cloak being way to big on his shoulders and the fangs giving him a lisp.
"Thif if so exfiting!" He told Yelena, who was listening attentively to everything he was saying.
Tony and Nat were standing by the side and were watching them with amusement in their eyes, giving you a look that said "good luck with those two" as you walked into the kitchen to grab a bag.
Signaling the two that you were ready to go, you took a before photo on Nats demand and you couldn't help but feel like you were ten again, touring the neighbourhood with your friends and getting a sugar shock in the first hour.
After 5 minutes of arguing what the best route was and how to maximise the candy outcome you were good to go. Saying goodbye to Nat and Tony who were sitting on the couch, watching some sort of horror comedy, you headed outside.
You let them lead the way and had to suppress laughter as you saw them skipping along on the sidewalk. They were just giant children and you were absolutely fine with that.
They excitedly talked about everything they wanted to do and stopped every five minutes to look at the decorations that were in front of people houses.
The night continued like that, Peter and Yelena combing through the neighbourhood and eating most of the candy they got right away. You were sure they were gonna have a sugar shock at the end of this but you could care less.
Somehow the three of you ended up in a McDonald's parking lot, eating burgers and have the best time of your life. You smiled and took a handful of your fries as Yelena was chasing Peter through the parking lot with a rubber axe you had found somewhere in a bush earlier that night.
Taking your phone you took some pictures and made sure to send them to Nat and Tony before you got up and joined the chaos.
Taglist:@escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @ynscrazylife   @sokovianheadtilt @procrastinatingsapphictrash @ineffablebean @official-clint-barton @wlwlovesreading @sapphic-stress @ilovewinter101
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