#miraculous ladybug finished fic
aidanchaser · 2 months
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Song fic based around The Butterfly Effect by FJØRA
Read on Ao3
Link to Chapter 1, Verse One Link to Chapter 7, Bridge
Read Chapter 8, Chorus Final, below
the butterfly effect when you open up your soul Adrien doesn’t think this is his fault. His dream has been playing in the back of his mind on a loop, like an itch he cannot scratch away. Of course he’s going to explore. Of course he’s going to stick his nose into places that he shouldn’t. Of course he’s going to find things that were meant to be hidden away.
Adrien presses his fingers against the mosaic tiles, and doesn’t know if he’s relieved or disappointed to find the safe hidden in his father’s office. It’s another sign his dream had its roots in reality—in another reality.
When he opens the safe, he finds the grimoire from his dreams, but he finds no sign of the Butterfly nor Peacock Miraculouses.
He doesn’t know what he would have done if he had found them. The are almost certainly with the villain who has been terrorizing Paris this past year. He’d have been horrified to find them here.
He doen’t even know why he’s chasing these fragments from his dreams. Does he want proof that the girl behind the bakery counter is someone he truly loves or absolution from some past life where he ruined his friends’ lives and his own?
But, just like his dream, the book describes the powers of different Miraculouses. He recognizes the Black Cat and the Ladybug, of course. He’s familiar enough with them in the waking world. The Red Fox and the Turtle, though, he’s never seen in person, but here they are, with the powers that he remembers from his dream.
“There you are,” his mother says, pushing open the door just as he turns to the very page that describes bringing the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses together. His heart pounds with the urge to know more, even as the anxiety at being caught churns in his gut.
“Mother, I—” But he doesn’t have an excuse.
She lifts her eyebrows as she sees the book laid out on his father’s desk and the safe door open behind Adrien. She seems to be doing some quick calculating and stalls by taking a sip of her wine.
Finally, she says, “That was Nathalie’s.”
He feels like he’s walking across thin ice, but if she isn’t going to scold him… he presses forward.
“Did Nathalie have one of these… powers?”
“We found two.” His mother comes closer and peers over Adrien’s shoulder to look down at the book. She brushes her hand against the picture of the Black Cat and the Ladybug kwamis in their true forms, then flips back to the previous pages.
She stops on the peacock.
“It was broken when we found it,” she says. “Your father’s been trying to fix it ever since she got sick. Like if he could fix it, he could fix her.”
Adrien swallows as he puts together the implication that Nathalie not only found one of these Miraculous but she used it and it killed her—just like what had happened to him in his dream. There was something else from his dream, something about his mother, that tugged in his brain but he couldn’t recall what it was. The memory of his own physical pain was too prominent.
“Does father still have it?”
“He does.”
Adrien is fairly certain that the villain who has been fighting Scarabella and Chat d’Ombre is a woman, but dread pools in his gut all the same. “He hasn’t used it, right?”
“No, I don’t believe he would.”
But the dread in Adrien’s gut does not abate. “You said Nathalie found two.”
the butterfly effect so long gone from the world When his mother begins to get sick, Uncle Colt and Félix come to stay.
When his mother begins to get sick, Adrien tells his father everything.
When his mother begins to get sick, the villain Holly Blue, who has been terrorizing Paris with the butterfly and peacock miraculous, vanishes without a trace.
In her place, Hawk Moth and Petit Plume pursue the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses, certain there is no other hope for Emilie than a wish.
It occurs to Adrien one day, as he is doodling the Ladybug from his dream into his notes, that he’s allowed himself to become a villain once more, just like his nightmare. But it’s worth it, isn’t it? If he makes the wish right, this will be the last time…
“Are you drawing that bakery girl as a superhero?” Félix asks.
Adrien slams his notebook closed.
He looks up to see the classroom has mostly emptied. It’s only Félix, sitting in Nino’s old seat, since Nino decided to move into the empty seat next to Alya. Nino and Alya are lingering by the door, fingers laced together, but waiting for him and his cousin.
“You can admit you have a superhero kink, Adrien,” Nino says with a grin.
His cheeks burn as he shoves his notes into his bag, but he can’t explain to his friends that whatever he and Marinette Dupain-Cheng had belonged in another universe, and he is doing everything he can to bring it into this one.
“I mean, Nino certainly has one,” Alya quips, and Nino’s face flushes.
“Oh—like you don’t,” he spits back, and Alya laughs.
“Of course I do,” she grins and kisses his cheek.
Félix is unamused, as he always is by Adrien’s friends, and Adrien’s school, and Adrien’s life as a whole. He checks his watch. “Your father was quite clear we had to return before five, so if we want to stop at that bakery and watch—for the seventeenth time since I’ve arrived, I will point out—you try and fail to hold a meaningful conversation with a girl behind a shop counter, we had better hurry.”
Adrien slings his bag over his shoulder and tries not to think about the way Félix has always said, “your father,” and never “Uncle Gabriel.” But Félix is no less affectionate with his own father. The closest thing to intimacy with another human that Adrien has ever seen from Félix is the tenderness in his eyes when he takes his ill Aunt Emilie’s hand. Adrien thinks that has less to do with Emilie and more to do with the mother that Félix doesn’t dare speak of.
When Adrien stands, dizziness flits through his chest and into his head. He takes a moment to steady himself on his desk, hoping no one notices. But in his attempt to recover before someone can ask if he is okay, he moves too quickly and stumbles down the stairs. Félix is not fast enough to catch him, but Nino is.
With cat-like reflexes, Nino bounds the aisle’s step and catches Adrien beneath his arms before Adrien can hit the floor.
“You alright, man?”
Adrien remembers the aches of his nightmares and grits his teeth. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He is fine, for the moment. He lets Nino help him stand.
Alya’s brows knit together behind her glasses. “Maybe you should call your car instead of walking to the bakery.”
But Adrien knows if he and Félix call for a car, all that will mean is returning to a large quiet house with his mother dying just like Nathalie did, just like Aunt Amelie did, just like Adrien did in another universe. And if Adrien is lucky, his father will ask him to put on the Peacock Miraculous and give him at least a small reprieve from the cavernous mansion.
“I’m fine,” Adrien insists. “Félix is right; we should hurry.”
Félix says nothing, but his gray eyes survey Adrien more critically than usual.
“I’ll take your bag,” Nino says, already lifting the strap over Adrien’s head before Adrien can protest.
“Here, just to be safe,” Alya says, and links her arm with Adrien’s. Her other hand, once again, joins with Nino’s.
Félix follows, and Adrien can feel the hair on the back of his neck prickle, like Félix’s eyes are fixed on his back, like he can see the future in Adrien’s bones.
But it isn’t the future Félix is seeing; it’s only his own past, and his memory of the first time his mother had a dizzy spell, and the first time she tripped down the stairs, and the first time she collapsed in the garden.
And the last time.
let the light wash over Scarabella is getting sick of Hawk Moth and his painfully persistent partner. She does have to admit that Hawk Moth is a more bearable villain than Holly Blue, if only because he’s more careful about interrupting her school schedule.
Max once pointed out that the rare times Hawk Moth does attack during the school day occur with a 0% chance of Petite Plume making an appearance, and Scarabella does not like thinking that Petite Plume is a student somewhere just like her.
It’s one thing for her to ask for a friend’s help—to give Juleka the Tiger Miraculous for a day, or Kim the Monkey—but it’s another for a villain to use a child in his pursuit for power.
Today, she’s asked another friend for help. While Monsieur Pigeon is usually a fairly predictable villain, he must have been particularly peeved about something today. Instead of merely controlling pigeons, he’s gained the ability to turn people into pigeons, and the enormous Senti-Pigeon that Petite Plume has crafted keeps emitting sonic screeches that threaten to render her deaf.
So she chose the craftiest person she could think of to assist her and Chat d’Ombre today.
Monsieur Renard, in his orange waistcoat, complete with coattails tipped with white like a fox’s tail, scrutinizes the battle. His usually gray eyes glint with gold, and it takes him only a moment to offer a solution.
“Cataclysm the Senti-Pigeon, and I can manage it from there. Surely you can deal with Monsieur Pigeon.”
“We can’t get close to him. I was hoping you could help me with that and Chat could handle our other feather-themed friend.”
Chat d’Ombre is busy distracting the villains, dancing just out of reach of the pigeon wings, but his luck won’t hold out long.
“You want to send the cat to chase the bird? Typical,” Monsieur Renard huffs, but he does not have time to argue with her any further. There’s a high-pitched whine above them, the only warning they have.
Scarabella grabs Monsieur Renard and dives off of the building and rolls just out of range of the Senti-Pigeon’s sonic screech.
“Lead Monsieur Pigeon to the Seine,” Scarabella snaps at him, “and I’ll be ready.”
There is no room to argue.
Chat d’Ombre had accused her of being bossy when they had first started working together. Maybe she took charge readily, but it was her Miraculous that helped them come up with plans. His miraculous required a lot of care and precision, something he didn’t always take.
But their partnership had evolved and they had learned to trust each other. She’d fallen for him quickly; she’d had no idea he’d been falling for her, too, but rather the person she was without her mask.
Deciding to come clean to each other about their identities, despite Master Fu’s warnings, had only brought them closer together.
Scarabella called on her Lucky Charm for the second time that day. The first had led her to Master Fu, where she had selected the Fox Miraculous for Félix. Now, a mirror dropped into her waiting hand. She surveyed the banks of the Seine and the bridge where Monsieur Pigeon and his flock were chasing an illusory version of her and Chat d’Ombre. Overhead, Chat tousled with Petite Plume on the back of the enormous pigeon.
She didn’t see a need for the mirror, and she didn’t have time to work out a more detailed plan. As the illusory Chat d’Ombre and Scarabella dropped their disguises, revealing a pair of plain-looking young adults, and tossed the “miraculouses” into the water, Monsieur Pigeon dove in after them. Scarabella dove in, too.
As Monsieur Pigeon’s hands passed through the illusions, Scarabella’s hand yanked the whistle from his neck. His eyes widened with shock and confusion, but there was nothing for him to do. She snapped the whistle in two.
Scarabella surfaced and helped Monsieur Ramier to the edge of the water and up onto the bank.
The pigeons had gone, but overhead, the Senti-Pigeon still soared. It rolled suddenly and with a final shriek into the sky, it vanished. Petite Plume and Chat d’Ombre plummeted towards the ground, followed by a small blue feather.
Chat d’Ombre used his staff to stall his fall, and he reached for Petite Plume, but Monsieur Renard was faster. He leapt into the air, grabbed Petite Plume, and landed on the bridge. Scarabella used her yo-yo to snag the butterfly and feather out of the air and restore Paris to its usual ratio of persons to pigeons.
She hurried onto the bridge, where Monsieur Renard had Petite Plume pinned underneath his black boot. Chat d’Ombre landed beside her.
“He caught him,” he whispered breathlessly and let out a low whistle.
Monsieur Renard did not even turn to look at Scarabella and Chat d’Ombre. He reached down for the peacock-shaped brooch on Petite Plume’s chest.
Petite Plume’s gloved hands scrabbled desperately and futilely at Monsieur Renard’s leg. He tried to knock away Monsieur Renard’s hand, but pinned as he was, there was little he could do to escape.
“Don’t,” he begged, “please—”
Monsieur Renard pulled the pin from Petite Plume’s breast. In a flash of blue light, Petite Plume vanished, and in the light’s wake lay Adrien Agreste.
“Please,” Adrien begged, clinging to Monsieur Renard’s wrist, “Please don’t let it be for nothing.”
let the sun come closer Scarabella’s hands fly to her mouth, but it’s not surprise that coils through Chat d’Ombre’s chest. It’s anger.
“Why?” he demands. He tries to approach, but Monsieur Renard holds a hand out to stop him. There’s something protective in the fox’s golden glare that holds Chat d’Ombre back.
His hands tighten into fists at his sides, even as his ring begins to flicker. He had Cataclysmed Petite Plume’s amok and his time is limited.
Scarabella’s earrings, too, are flashing their warning. She takes a step forward, but is no more interested in challenging Monsieur Renard than Chat is.
“What could you possibly want with our Miraculous?” she asks.
“I don’t,” Adrien says, voice cracking with tears. “My mother—she wanted to bring back her sister and her friend—but she got sick—and my father—”
Chat swallows, and the target of his anger shifts rapidly. His father had made him do this?
“Let him up,” Scarabella says, “and hand me the Peacock.”
Monsieur Renard takes his foot from Adrien’s chest, and reaches a hand down and helps Adrien stand. He does not even stagger as Adrien leans on him for support. His other hand tightens around the brooch.
“The Peacock doesn’t belong to you,” Monsieur Renard says.
“I’ll return it to where it does belong,” Scarabella promises.
She reaches her hand out for it. Her other hand still holds her Lucky Charm, a compact mirror. Chat isn’t sure what it’s use was, but he sees a flicker of blue and orange in its surface and he turns, just in time to see Monsieur Renard—at least he thinks it’s Monsieur Renard—reach for Scarabella’s earrings.
He thrusts his palm into Renard’s chest, shoving him backwards just as the black-clawed tips of his gloves brush against Scarabella’s earrings. She gasps as the Adrien and Monsieur Renard before her shimmer then fade and turns to see the much-more solid Monsieur Renard regain his balance.
He’s changed almost completely. His eyes glint with red instead of gold. The foxtail-like coattails have transformed into an array of blue peacock feathers with brilliant red spots, and the stems of the feathers climb his orange coat. Around his neck hangs the fox tail and pinned to his chest is the peacock.
“You made a second illusion?” Chat snarls. “How?”
Renard’s upper lip curls back in a sneer. “You can push your powers, you know. If you don’t mind if it kills you.” He spreads the fan and plucks a feather from it.
“Wait, Félix—” Scarabella puts her hand out to stop him, and he snarls as she uses his real name.
“Don’t you dare—”
“Is it really Adrien? That was an illusion, but do you know—is that true?”
Félix hesitates, and Chat wishes Scarabella would make a move. They don’t have time to talk. They should be getting the Peacock back and asking questions later.
“Why do you think Adrien’s been getting sick?” he asks, and tosses the feather into the air.
colors take their form Chat d’Ombre lunges for Félix, but all of his power and cat-like reflexes are for naught. From the ground beneath his and Scarabella’s feet, Félix’s Senti-Snare springs to life, ropes tightening and coiling around Chat d’Ombre’s and Scarabella’s wrists and ankles as if it were woven from snakes.
“We’re not your enemy,” Chat snarls and yanks against the bindings, but they only tighten and tug him to his knees. His ring flickers down to his last minute. “We should be hunting down Hawk Moth, all of us.”
Félix reaches out for the ring, but a flash of light catches him in the eye, blinding him for a moment.
Scarabella flashes her mirror at him, but its a useless stall. Her power won’t last any longer than the cat’s.
“Hawk Moth’s Miraculous won’t save Adrien,” Félix says. He does not say that the Butterfly would not bring back his mother or save Adrien’s, but he can imagine all the things Adrien might have wanted the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses for.
Once he has his sight back, Félix reaches for the ring once more. Chat d’Ombre tightens his hand into a fist as Félix pulls.
“It’ll come with a cost,” Scarabella warns. She, too, is tied fully to the floor and the living ropes continue to writhe and push her against the ground.
Félix squeezes Chat d’Ombre’s wrist until his hand flexes and he yanks the ring free. He’s startled when Nino Lahiffe appears at his feet, but he schools his features.
“It can’t be worse than it already is,” Félix says, and reaches for Scarabella’s earrings. He does not tell her how he can feel the tethers in the peacock, the strings that tie him and Adrien to their fathers. He does not tell her that he would gladly trade his father for his mother, if given the choice, and though he hasn’t asked Adrien, he imagines Adrien must feel similarly.
Scarabella snaps at his fingers with her teeth, but the pain of the bite means little to Félix as he wishes for a world where he has a family and a chance for freedom.
with the butterfly effect When Adrien wakes, the first thing he thinks is that it hurts to breathe.
He clutches his chest and rolls to the edge of his bed, wondering if he’s going to be sick.
“Are you okay, kid?” Plagg asks.
“Nightmare,” Adrien grunts and squeezes his eyes closed. He has so many nightmares these days. Nightmares about Monarch murdering his father, about being akumatized into Anti-Cat, about Ladybug crumbling in his arms…
This one was different, but thankfully it’s already fading.
Plagg hovers near his shoulder, offering his presence as comfort. Adrien appreciates his kwami more than he can say, particularly in light of some of the pieces of his memory that linger.
“I think I was sick,” Adrien murmured.
“Not this time,” Plagg says, frowning at Adrien and the empty bowl that now lives by Adrien’s bed to cope with the battles against grief and terror each night.
“No, in my dream,” Adrien says. “I think I was dying…” But the finer details are already fading.
He reaches for his phone to text Marinette—he always tells her when he’s awake from a bad dream, and she always calls—but he pauses, hand halfway to his phone.
His parents’ wedding bands glint in the dim moonlight. They were important in his dream, but he can’t quite recall why.
He remembers wearing the brooch. He remembers feeling a string, a tie, a connection…
“Plagg, I would know if I was created by the Peacock Miraculous, right?”
Plagg wrinkles his nose. “I think maybe you had too much cheese before bed.”
Adrien grabs his phone and texts Marinette.
the butterfly effect Marinette’s phone buzzes and she fumbles for it without lifting her head from the pillow. She sits up, shocked to find her pillow wet with tears. She wipes her cheeks dry and tiptoes down to her parents’ room.
She presses her ear against the door and hears her father’s snores and her mother’s breathing. Something tight in her chest unwinds with relief.
She climbs back upstairs and Tikki stirs on her pillow.
“Marinette, why are you awake?” Tikki murmurs.
Marinette knows what the text from Adrien says before she opens it. “Adrien had a bad dream,” she says. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
The finer points of Marinette’s dream are already fading, but she remembers something about Adrien wielding the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses. She swallows and can’t help but wonder if somehow Adrien ended up with the Butterfly after his father died. But she can’t imagine it—can’t imagine Gabriel would so desperately beg her to keep it all from Adrien if Adrien had any idea of the truth.
She gnaws on her lower lip and her thumb hovers over the green call button. She knows this world has been altered by Gabriel’s wish, but it wasn’t remade, right?
“Tikki, if we were living in a Recreation Wish, we would know, right?”
“Probably not,” Tikki yawns. “There’s always fingerprints from an old reality left behind, though. Connections and friendships and,” Tikki yawns again, “other things,” she finishes sleepily.
“But how do you know if your world is the right one?” Marinette asks.
“There is no right world. There just is.” Tikki closes her eyes and curls up on Marinette’s pillow.
There are a million universes bursting in and out of existence in Tikki’s mind; Marinette cannot fathom the nature of existence the way a kwami can. All she can do is trust Tikki.
She calls Adrien; she doesn’t tell him about her nightmare, and he doesn’t tell her about his. Instead, they talk about everything and nothing until the sun rises.
the butterfly effect
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iindigoeyed · 8 months
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saw this dress and purse and i KNEW i had to draw this, it's so her!!
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masilvi · 2 years
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Comic commission for @deinde-prandium for the @miraculers-for-ukraine drive, based on their fic “The Clark Kent Effect” 
🌸🌞 BONUS! a discarded sketch because he looks cute!
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katydoodles · 1 year
This has been sitting in my unfinished stack since November, don’t think I’ll ever finish it.
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Might as well share it
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
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first chapter is up!! read here
happy valentine’s day 🧡🤍💙
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ladynoir as quotes from childhood shows that have stuck in my head for some reason p1
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gentil-minou · 2 years
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"It's really me, Adrien Agreste."
I commissioned this from the amazing @ladyofacat for @miraculers-for-ukraine! Check out the HD version here and here!
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peachcitt · 5 months
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merry christmas @burntwaffle12‼️‼️ this beast is just for you for the @mlsecretsanta gift exchange<3<3
you can read the first chapter of your gift here
happy holidays and i will be back so soon with more<3<3
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"we like each other" - lukadrien oneshot
(this is a lot longer than i meant for it to be but i hope you enjoy)
adrien! wait!" luka had no idea how he got into this situation. one minute he was talking with his sister on their houseboat and the next he was chasing his friend down the streets of paris.
adrien seemed to pick up speed with every few seconds that passed. oh how luka wished he participated in a sport of some kind.
"please, adrien! stop! please!" luka yelled in his friend's direction. he tried his hardest to catch up but eventually became too winded to continue. adrien turned a corner and disappeared behind a random store. luka slowed to a stop and tried to catch his breath.
what was going on? why was adrien running away? luka tried to think back to the conversation he had with juleka, in case adrien heard something that sent him on his way. nothing came to mind.
he pulled out his phone and shot a few texts to adrien, telling him that he was sorry for whatever adrien heard and that he hoped he would tell him what he and juleka did wrong.
he retraced his steps back to his boat. once he got on deck, he ignored his mom calling out to him for dinner prep and made his way to his room. he plopped down on his bed and tried to find answer which posed to be very hard without knowing adrien's thoughts.
luka snatched up his guitar and attempted to strum his way through the problem. he didn't know why it bothered him so much. obviously, adrien didn't want anyone to know what was bothering him but luka couldn't help but think that it was all his fault.
ten minutes later, a tap on his window caused luka to jump slightly. he snapped his head towards the sound to see cat noir peering in.
"you gonna let me in, guitar boy?" the cat-themed hero joked. luka stood and opened the window, still confused as to what was going on. cat noir leaped through the small circle gracefully and landed on the bedroom floor in a cat-like pose.
"what are you doing here, cat noir?" luka's voice was low and barely above a whisper. cat noir stood up and shrugged.
"i don't really know. i heard you were the one to go to when stricken with turmoil,"
"i guess i am," luka chuckled. he could've sworn he'd seen a slight blush form on the hero's face but he decided to chalk it up to the odd lighting in his room. "what seems to be the problem, cat noir?"
"well," cat noir started, "i heard...ladybug and...rena rouge, yeah that's right, talking about me, possibly maybe, and i'm just feeling insecure."
luka raised his eyebrow at the story. it didn't sound like cat noir was saying something that really happened. he noticed the way he seemed to search for his words even more than a normal person stumbling over their words would.
he let it go, "and what did they say?"
"i don't really know, they didn't say my name at all, but i just felt like their words were towards me."
"and how did you hear these words?" luka furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought.
"i, um, you're not gonna judge me right?" the hero's voice sounded small and luka wanted to reach out and physically comfort him but felt that might be too much.
"of course not."
"i was eavesdropping," cat noir seemed to move farther and farther from luka, hunching his shoulders to hide.
"maybe, they knew you were listening and tried to pull a prank on you."
"well that's just mean! i mean it would explain why you-" the hero stopped himself and frantically moved his eyes around. "i mean they-"
luka tried not to laugh, "adrien, i know it's you. you can detransform now."
"what! no! i'm not that pretty model boy, i'm just an average guy who really has to go," cat noir tried to scurry past luka but he blocked the window.
"adrien, it's okay, no one has to know that i know. but please i need to talk to you," luka reached out to grab cat noir's, who he was sure was adrien, hands. "ladybug and rena rouge are supposed to be me and jul right?"
cat noir avoided luka's eyes, "claws in," a nearly blinding neon green light filled luka's room. luka blinked away the spots in his eyes and saw his friend who he had just chased a half hour ago.
"adrien...talk to me."
"can we- can we sit?" luka nodded and moved his guitar off his bed. he patted the sheet covered mattress and sat down. adrien sat and began to fiddle with the ends of a blanket luka had.
"tell me what's going on, adrien."
"i heard you and juleka talking earlier," adrien tried to not let his emotions show but failed almost miserably.
luka knew it was about that! he kept his thoughts to himself as it didn't seem like the time. he was also confused. they never mentioned adrien by name, they didn't even allude to him. how could he have taken it so personally?
adrien cut luka off, "wait, let me finish, or i'll never be able to say it."
luka pressed his lips in a line and urged adrien to continue.
"yesterday, i asked juleka to ask you if you liked anybody. she told me she would try her best and to come over today to hang out so she could talk with me. i got here a little too early and...heard you say no."
"what?" luka was confused.
"i was so heartbroken that i dropped the food i had brought for us all to share."
luka remembered hearing something fall outside but was too focused on the jean covered legs running away.
"i ran away so you wouldn't see me but somehow you caught up with me. i kept running because...i couldn't look you in the eye," luka could hear adrien's voice get weak with his held-back tears. "it sounds so stupid when i say it out loud."
luka grabbed adrien's free hand and searched for his eyes, "adrien, it's not stupid. i'm sorry you had to hear that," luka inhaled deeply and reached up to caress adrien's cheek, "especially because it wasn't true."
adrien's eyes widened, "i don't understand."
"adrien, please forgive me, i didn't tell juleka the truth. i do have a crush on someone," luka wiped away a stray tear that fell from adrien's eye.
"luka...what are you saying right now?" adrien's eyes seemed to bore into luka's. luka wasn't even sure if he had seen adrien blink since reciting his side of the story.
"i like you, adrien. i really like you. i'm so sorry that you thought i didn't," luka's hold on adrien's cheek never let up. adrien even reached up to keep luka's hand in place.
"really? you like...me? why?"
"why wouldn't i?" luka slightly frowned.
"i don't know. i mean, we've never really spent that much time together. i assumed you only thought of me as an acquaintance at best." adrien broke eye contact, he couldn't bring himself to look at luka anymore.
"adrien, none of that stopped you from liking me," luka stated, "so why would it stop me from liking you?"
adrien kept his eyes down.
"hm? can you answer that?"
"no, no i can't," adrien's voice went back to being small and it broke luka's heart. luka guided adrien's head up so he could look back into his eyes.
"we like each other, adrien, and neither of us can fully explain it. that's perfectly okay."
adrien's voice was full again, "we like each other."
luka tried not to let out a chuckle, "yes, that's what i just said."
"no, i mean, i didn't have to be scared. you like me as much i like you. well i probably like you a little more, i feel my feelings very aggressively," adrien started to ramble. luka had to admit, it was cute.
"i can see that," luka finally let out a small laugh.
"i'm sorry about the whole running away thing. i didn't even know i could run that fast without my miraculous-"
adrien's eyes widened and luka waited to hear what he would say.
"you know about my miraculous!" adrien whisper-yelled, he got off of the bed. he started to pace around luka's room.
"what miraculous?" luka attempted to say cooly but adrien missed the joke entirely.
"ya know, the one that transforms me into a cat man! the one that i wasn't supposed to tell anyone about! the one that gives me super fast reflexes! the one that gives me stupid cat ears- oh." luka half smiled as adrien finally got it.
"i meant what i said earlier, no one has to know that i, luka couffaine, know the identity of french hero, cat noir." luka put on a dramatic voice for the last bit, much to adrien's unamusement.
"you're not funny."
"sure i am, but i'm also one hundred percent serious. i'm not gonna tell anyone, i promise. can you sit down now?" luka extended his hand out to adrien who sighed and took hold of it.
luka pulled adrien towards him, causing adrien to yelp. adrien was pulled onto a laughing and leaned back luka.
"ow." adrien jokingly said.
luka slightly scoffed, "that didn't hurt and you know it."
"no, it didn't. i'm just dramatic."
"yeah, i know, it's very noticeable."
"you're very blunt at times, ya know that, right?" adrien shimmied into a more comfortable position, his back against the wall and his legs on top of luka's.
"and yet, you like me, so who's really the problem here?"
"both of us," they both laughed and any awkward or scared tension there was before seemed to quickly dissipate.
"ya know, the cat ears aren't that stupid. i actually kinda li-" luka was interrupted by a hand covering his mouth.
"don't you dare finish that sentence," adrien tried to say sternly but luka knew he was all bark no bite, in the most adorable way possible.
so he licked adrien's hand. adrien dramatically screamed and wiped off his hand on luka's shoulder. luka erupted in melodic laughter, which in a way, made adrien feel like everything was gonna be all right.
(any notes or criticisms or praises that you guys have, i'd be more than glad to hear about. ofc be respectful and understanding, this is the first fanfiction that i've literally ever posted on anything so ofc it's not going to be perfect. but i really hope you liked it)
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subacctformaribat · 1 year
A Challange Worth Takeing On!
It has been four years since Hawkmoth’s defeat (Chat gave up his Miraculous after the defeat and then disappeared) and Marinette traveled to Gotham to get away from her past. After Hawkmoth’s defeat Marinette, being the guardian of the miraculous, decided to take the miraculous elsewhere(and also get away from Lila and her old friends). Where she found herself was in Gotham where she met a tall dark haired boy that she now calls her Husband, his name is Damian Wayne. Now after three years of marriage (even though Damian’s brothers still don’t believe that their younger brother could find love and keep a girl long enough to marry) Marinette and Damian now have another challenge ahead of them.
This is one challenge that they both are new too but won’t be as hard as fighting a villain and one that will bring much joy to them both and the family. 
Marinette is four months pregnant and the only person who knows that are the Kawmis and Damian the challenge they have is that they have still yet to tell either of their families and still live in the Wayne manor which was quite a feat to keep the news from Alfred and Bruce for as long as they have. Damian and Marinette found out in the first month of her being pregnant and have kept it a secret for three months ,and now they have to tell their families before they find out for themselves and have to deal with another mess. The reason they have kept it a secret is because they wanted a chance to prepare for the smothering of the family once they found out about the soon to be new addition to the family.
Which brings us to now where they have gathered the family in the dining room full of shenanigans and two expecting parents wondering if they should keep their secret or not.  
“Hey little D why does pixie pop look like she is about to run away , did you finally scare her off.”Jason teased 
“No Todd, if anything would deter my Angel it would be you being rambunctious ” Damian glared at Jason.
Tim decided to pop up in the conversation a little intrigued by Damian’s response “Why would us being rambunctious be the cause when she has never been bothered by it before unless you are hiding something from us?”
“Yeah baby bird , ‘Nette has been avoiding seeing anyone besides Sabine, Alfred , or Bruce for about three months now!” Dick exclaimed   
Marinette decided now was a good time to speak up and give a glare to her three brother-in-laws  “ I have not been avoiding anyone Dick , I was simply protecting myself from being in a crushing hug or someone crashing into me”
From that the room went silent as everyones’ worries began to grow as this was an unusual statement from the girl.
Everyone was worried about their favorite little designer and demon tamer wondering if she was  injured somehow or if something bad happened.
Sabine was the first to speak “ are you okay honey why are you avoiding crushing hugs?”
Her mother was properly worried because she knew her daughter was never one to shy away from hugging a family member.
“Well mamma the reason why Dami and I have stayed after the monthly dinner and joined everyone in the living room this time around is because we have big news for everyone.”Mari said 
***Damian’s family and Marinette’s family have a monthly dinner to catch up and whatnot with each other , then they usually gather in the living room after to play games or to try and embarrass one another ,which it was usually the latter so Marinette and Damian did not hang around after dinner often.*****
Jason popped up and said “ You're not finally leaving demon spawn are you?”
Damian was about to retort to Jason when Marinette jumped up and yelled at Jason, surprising and worrying Damian due to how fast she got up ,and the others worried due to her actually yelling at all.  
“No, Jay, I will not be leaving Dami as I am four months pregnant and don’t enjoy you calling the father of my unborn child demon spawn!”  (that nickname always hit a cord with Marinette and she has not corrected it but she is hormonal due to being pregnant and just sort of lashed out at Jason) 
“Angel! You should not get up so fast! You could hurt yourself and our baby!”,Damian scolded 
Mari for her rashness and that did not go unnoticed by the family and put it away to tease him about it later for when he was not around Marinette. Which was wise on their part as they did not want to aggravate the pregnant Mari more.
After they got over the shock of Mari yelling at Jason and Damian scolding her they finally let what was yelled at Jason to sink in!
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spacedoutcowgirl · 3 months
married!amenath family reunion from hell fic snippet:
The magazine article contained Emilie Agreste’s latest exclusive interview, with a several new photos of her adorning the majority of it. Nathalie’s eyes squinted as she tried to read the words on the page that Amelie kept slightly shaking.
“You’re moving it around too much.”
Amelie made another noise of irritation before snatching the magazine back. “Q: What’s your relationship like with your twin sister nowadays? No one ever gets to see you two together.”
She inhaled sharply, and then, in a snooty, higher pitch voice, she continued, “A: Well, I wouldn’t say things are easy right now. Amelie was always the more proper one out of us - she recently declined the invitation to Gabriel and I’s vow renewals - so I’m not surprised that we’ve grown apart and that she disagrees with a lot of decisions I’ve made. Which, I do believe is a little hypocritical considering her current situation that definitely went against what our parents drilled into our heads. Perhaps, it’s shame she feels.”
“Current…situation?” Nathalie repeated, cocking her head to the side in confusion, “Is she talking about us?”
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kittynette · 11 months
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She’s everything to me
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mostmagical · 8 months
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Fic Summary: After finally moving into his very first apartment per Ladybug’s suggestion, Adrien discovers something no movie or TV show could have ever prepared him for: someone else’s hamster. Marinette was so excited to have her first pet. If only it would stop escaping! At least now there’s an excuse to talk to the new neighbor. (Adrinette Never Met AU!)
Read Ch. 10 on Ao3
Marinette collapsed onto the couch after having danced away from the door. Her heart was racing, her palms were sweating, and her face was hot and flushed, but she didn’t care. She was beyond happy. The image of Adrien’s flushed face and lips reddened by the tint of her lipstick was imprinted on the insides of her eyelids. She did that. And sure, she could have let him know he left with a little more lip color than he started with, but the makeup artists on his shoot would take care of that. Admittedly, the possessive side of her was proud that he would be walking down the street with her mark on him. It was clear that he had just been kissing someone and that someone was her. That, or people would just think Adrien Agreste looked really good with pink lipgloss. Because he definitely did.
oh marinette, we're so glad you're happy
Or start from Chapter 1 here
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Lists of my Au's
Fic/fic idea's that will become Au's
Immortal Leo Valdez - Hera turned him immortal when she put him in the fire place (tag: Hera adopts a traumatized child)
Crossover fic with hetalia and PJO, Leo Valdez as Mexico - the fates send Leo to another world and in this world Leo is the personification of Mexico (tag: I was leo valdez now I'm mexico)
Crossover fic with KOTLC and PJO where Leo Valdez is Jensi (tag: Leo valdez and the elves)
To sleep and fire the world must fall - Leo X Clovis fic, where Clovis joins the 7 (making it the 8) (tag: To sleep and fire the world must fall)
Second time round - Leo, Conner, Clovis, Meg and Apollo/Lester are the only surviving people after the war with Tartarus and are sent back in time by the fates (tag: Second time round)
Starlight - A au where Leo is the son of Nyx and Hepheastus and is the personifcation of starlight but was raised as a mortal (tag: Go supernova, starlight)
The Lab - an Au where some nations get kidnapped and turned into monsters (Tag: Some nations got kidnapped and now they're monsters)
The Lab
Echos of the past - where Echo joins the crew of the Argos 2 (tag: echoes of the past)
Made of clay - Hepheastus kids are made from clay and they have magma instead of blood, and Pandora is their older sister, watch as chaos ensues (tag: Made of clay)
Son of Tartarus - Leo is the son of Tartarus and joins camp half blood during The Titans Curse (tag: Son of Tartarus)
I made friends with Death - The Fates think their little brother needs more friends so they send him to another universe where he's Makoto neagi, only he still a god, I guess the fates couldn't take that part away without big consequences (Tag: I Made Friends With Death)
Miraculous Thanatos - After getting into an argument with Nyx Thanatos is sent to the world of Lady Bug and Cat Noir where Thanatos get's the Raven Miraculous, I can't give him the butterfly which is what he's most commonly associated with, because HawkMoth has it, DESPITE THE FACT THAT MOTHS AND BUTTERFLYS ARENT THE SAME THING (Also fun fact, Hawk moths or Humming bird moths are the fastest type of moth and bug to exist) (tag: Miraculous Thanatos)
______ as an SCP - A huge crossover series I'm planning on making with many different characters, (Fandoms so far: Hetalia, PJO universe, MLB, MHA, KNY, Danganronpa, KOTLC, and FNAF) as SCPs (tag: ______ as an SCP)
Hephaestus and Aphrodite pay child support - basically Hephaestus and Aphrodite actually parent their kids and are full time parents to the kids whose parent's died. They do it together so the kids are raised like siblings (Yes I know Hephaestus remarried but in this AU they got divorced because Hera and Zeus forced Hepheastus and Aphordite back into a marrige) how will this change the plot, idk (tag: Hephaestus and Aphrodite pay child support)
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strawbbfluff · 10 months
Could you pls do another drabble with ler Chat Noir and lee Marinette or Ladybug?
a/n: i live to serve~ some marichat coming right up!
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marinette stood on her balcony, a slight pout on her lips as she sighed into the nighttime air. she had a lot on her mind, and all of her thoughts were currently directed towards her new boyfriend; adrien agreste.
she really had no reason to be feeling this way. she had gotten what she wanted. the boy of her dreams! her longtime crush. he was nothing short of perfect. and yet…
how is it that she still can’t say she loves him?
“this is so frustrating, tikki!” marinette huffed, glancing towards her tiny, red companion. “i do love him, i do! and i want to tell him… but the words just won’t come out.”
“you’re overthinking it, marinette,” tikki explained, flying up to sit on the bluenette’s shoulders. “it should be a natural process; don’t rush it! you know adrien is the most patient boy in the world.”
marinette smiled a little. “you’re right, tikki,” she agreed, before looking out into the brisk nighttime air, only to see… chat noir??
“hide, tikki!” marinette gasped, shooing away the little ladybug. just in time, too, because chat noir had already perched himself on her balcony.
“hi, marinette.”
“c-chat noir? what are you doing here?”
“meh, i got bored, so i decided to just explore around paris tonight. hope you don’t mind that i ended up here,” the blonde explained, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. nah, it was just an excuse to visit the girl he loved. but she didn’t know his identity behind the mask, and it had to stay that way.
“oh! um, that’s fine, i guess. are you hungry? i think i have some spare macaroons from today in my bag,” marinette replied, fumbling around in her backpack for a moment before pulling out two pink macaroons. chat noir’s eyes lit up.
“well, sure~ don’t mind if i do!” he exclaimed, excitedly taking one of them out of her hands as he munched on it. marinette giggled.
“hey, what are you laughing at?” chat noir questioned with a mouthful of food.
“i dunno, maybe just your distinct lack of manners,” the bluenette shrugged, poking at the green-eyed hero’s stomach playfully. he flinched.
“anyway…” he swallowed. “you also looked kind of down. what’s bugging you?”
“ah… it’s nothing. i wouldn’t want to bother you with my silly drama,” marinette responded sheepishly, fidgeting with her thumbs. chat noir huffed.
“it’s not bothering me if i asked! now cmon. a girl as pretty as you doesn’t deserve to be frowning like that,” adrien chat noir insisted, hopping off the balcony to stand in front of her instead. she sighed.
“alright, alright, fine. it’s not like you’re gonna tell anyone, anyway,” she took a deep breath. “it’s just… my boyfriend. we both are in love with each other, and i’ve been crushing on him for so long. i should be over the moon… and i am! but… it’s so hard for me to express it. i can’t even tell him i love him.”
chat noir could feel his heart break into a million little pieces as he watched marinette’s head hang low in shame. he had no idea she felt that way.
“well, do you love him?”
“of course i do!”
“then that’s more than enough. don’t feel pressured into saying it if you’re not ready yet. as long as he knows you feel the same way about him, i see no reason to push yourself to do something you feel so scared about. just let it come naturally,” chat noir reassured marinette, touching her shoulder gently as she looked up at him with wide eyes.
“i… thank you.”
“it’s no problem, princess.”
“…who knew chat noir could be such a sap?” marinette teased, gaining some confidence back now that she felt a lot better. she couldn’t help but grin at his taken aback face.
“wow, and after i just gave you such heartfelt advice? now you’re just being a jerk,” he teased back, suddenly grabbing her around the waist and hugging her close to him. he liked the way her ears turned bright red.
“hey- lemme go, furball!” she exclaimed, suddenly bursting into laughter when clawed fingertips started scribbling against her belly.
“now you’re really just asking for it,” chat noir chuckled, keeping one hand on her quivering tummy while the other started creeping up her side. “i wonder how your boyfriend would react if he knew you were this ticklish, hm?”
“a-ahahadrien would nehehehever! he’s wahahahahay nihihihicer thahahahan you!” the blue-eyed teen squealed, desperately pushing at his hands. grrrr, she bet tikki was just really enjoying this!
“heh. yeah, i’m sure he is,” the cat hero responded smoothly, both hands digging into her sides now as marinette squirmed in his hold. maybe adrien would have to try this out, too.
“a-ahaha! i’m sohohohohorry! chahahahat, stohohohop!” marinette shrieked, bringing both her arms down to wrap around her ticklish sides. “plehehehease!”
“hmm, okay. i will. after you admit i’m not a sap, not a furball, and the most attractive person in all of paris,” he giggled, bringing both hands up to drill his fingers into her underarms. if marinette wasn’t a mess before, she was now.
“pft. good enough,” chat noir rolled his eyes, finally stopping his wiggling fingers and just wrapping her in a hug instead. he smiled at her as she caught her breath.
“and hey, don’t doubt yourself, okay? adrien is very lucky to have you and i’m sure he’s willing to wait for you. have a good night, marinette,” he whispered, squeezing her shoulders for a moment before letting her go and hopping back into the night. marinette couldn’t help but smile as well, rubbing the tickly sensations off of her as she watched the kitty’s figure get smaller and smaller.
no, she was the lucky one.
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bittersweetresilience · 7 months
watership down part of sentitwin soulmate au
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Emilie Agreste & Amélie Graham de Vanily, Colt Fathom/Amélie Graham de Vanily, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Amélie Graham de Vanily, Emilie Agreste, Félix Fathom, Colt Fathom, Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Non-Linear Narrative, Character Study, Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, (but within soulmate au), Sentimonster Félix Fathom, adrien as well but it's not the focus, Consent Issues, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Major Illness, Infertility, titled after richard adams
“Of course we get along.” Emilie’s hand reaches over to slip into Amélie’s. As always, her fingers loosen as soon as Amélie has reciprocated the hold. She swings their hands in a carefree arc between them, looking into the woods ahead, relying on Amélie’s grip to keep them linked. “We’re soulmates. No secrets between us.” Amélie and Emilie, through the years. A non-linear narrative.
at long last, i'm publishing the first chapter of my amélie dissertation. there will be thirteen chapters, three of which are written. happy émotion anniversary.
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