#my sister has brought home way more animals than me
kifu · 1 year
Sinner still had the ability to pull his leg back when i pinch his toes, but he won't get up and he's not interested in water. I'll hole him up in a carrier for a night or two so that he can reach what he needs, monitor his ability to poop, and put him out of his misery if he doesn't show signs of getting better.
I had FOUR does bred to him, but I'm really not sure three of them took. I doubt my ability to palate anymore, though, because i get litters so infrequently.
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Aita for joking about putting my cat in the soup?
🍲🐈⚫️so I can find later
I (20f) feel so fucking stupid for posting this. I have a pretty dark sense of humor (not the racist kinda dark humor though, to be clear. I’m a jackass but not *that* kind of jackass), and for the most part I keep things tame around my family (Yeah I live at home with my folks. Sue me. Rent is shit) but sometimes when I’m alone in the living room and my cat is there trying to crawl into my skin for cuddles, I’ll joke about preparing him for food in a silly baby talk voice. This usually isn’t a problem, except my sister (24f) came into the room at the wrong time while I was telling my cat how delicious he would be if I turned him into soup
She got upset and told me that it wasn’t funny and that if I actually hurt him she’s going to hurt me. Note that this woman is a giant baby who could easily be taken down by one punch to the stomach and barely leaves her computer except to harass whoever is leaving the house at any given time to buy her a coke. I don’t think I was doing anything wrong, nor am I going to hurt my cat. He’s an annoying little brat but he’s *my* annoying brat and I would never do anything to cause him harm
From my perspective, people are way too sensitive about putting cats and dogs on a pedestal and acting like they’re worth more than other animals. I didn’t say shit when my sister told me in full confidence that she thinks all bees and wasps should be killed and that all insects are inherently evil. She also told me that if I brought a snake into the house she’d kill it. I made a silly joke that my cat couldn’t even understand, and yet people make jokes about eating people’s pet chickens and pigs to their faces- in fact my sister has made that exact joke? What makes cats so special?
I genuinely don’t think I’m in the wrong here, but my sister insists that it’s not ok to tell the cat that he would taste good.
What are these acronyms?
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yelenasdiary · 1 month
Forbidden || Chapter II Day One
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Bishop! Reader.
Summary: Just outside of the small town of Blisswater, lives two young sisters, Kate & Y/n Bishop. It's hard not to know who the Bishops are, Kate is the eldest by a year. She is a beautiful young woman, smart, protective and is known to have a talent in using a bow. Y/n, she is shy but quiet as some would say but nevertheless, she holds her own talents and can often be seen tending to the animals of Bishop Ranch. One evening while Kate is out hunting to make some money, Y/n is surprised with an unwanted guest, Yelena Belova. A bounty Hunter from Drybellow who has taken shelter in the young Bishop's barn after being wounded from a gun fight.
Struggling to keep money following, Y/n has no choice but to take the bounty hunter's offer of $5 a day if she is able to help the woman recover. During Yelena's stay, the two grow closer, a little too close if the wrong pair of eyes were to see them.
Warnings:Homophobia (given the time setting, reader believes same sex relations are wrong), Mentions of death, Mentions of guns & blood, | 3.2K |
Forbidden Masterlist
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I woke up to the warmth of the morning sunrise kissing me through the bedroom window, Kate was coming back tomorrow, and I needed to make sure that Yelena was fit enough to move on before Kate sees her. I made my way to the kitchen and began to make some coffee along with some porridge before I went to check on the blonde woman. 
"I brought you coffee and something to eat" I smiled softly as I opened the door, Yelena looked terrible. I placed the tray of food and coffee on my dresser, "you're burning up" I added when I placed my hand on her forehead that was dripping in sweat. She looked pale and instantly, I knew this wasn't a good sign. "Let me look at your wound" I said, helping the woman sit up. 
"It's fine" Yelena coughed her words, trying to hide the pain she was in. "Yeah, you look fine" I shook my head as I peeled back her cloth bandage. "It doesn't look as bad as it feels" I looked at Yelena. "It'll be fine, some whisky will help with the pain" she replied. I'm no doctor but I did know that if she had enough whisky, the pain would fade away. "Eat something first. I'm going to go to town and see if there is anything I can get for you" 
She placed a hand on my wrist and shook her head, "it's an infection, my body has to fight it. Just some whiskey will be fine" she spoke before coughing once more, "well I don't know about you, but I still need to go to town and get some supplies. I'll be sure to get you some more whisky" I replied as I began to reapply her bandage, "I'll get you a wet cloth for your temperature then I will be on my way" I added. 
Yelena was in no shape to be moving from my bed and I was not too sure on how to help her. She was right, her wound was infected. I worried that maybe I caused it while I was trying to patch her up last night and I wasn't sure how I was going to help her recover. 
I gently placed a cool, wet cloth on the bounty hunter's forehead, "I won't be long, you're lucky I live close" I remind her, she just smiled softly at me, too weak to say anything. "Get some rest" I turn to her before closing the door. I debated with myself whether I should lock the door for safety or not, I mean, she was still a stranger but I thought, given her situation, she'd still be in bed by the time I returned. 
"Come on, Lucky! Let's go to town" I patted my thigh as Lucky comes running towards me from the living room. I grabbed some money, $5 from the money Yelena had given me last night and grabbed my mother's pouch bag before Lucky and I were on our way. The walk to town felt like any other morning walk, if you don't consider that I am hiding a stranger at my home. I greet everybody in passing with a smile and a soft good morning before I reach Mr Wilson's store. 
"Good morning, Y/n. You're here a lot earlier than usual, is everything okay?" He asks with a concerned look. I smiled and nodded, "everything is well, I have just come for some supplies before Kate comes home tomorrow" I replied before grabbing a couple of apples from the basket. I grabbed a few small items such as a couple or peaches, some bread rolls, grounded coffee, butter crackers and a bottle of brandy. 
"What does a young woman like you need with this?" Mr Wilson asked as I placed my items at the counter. "It's not for me!" I replied in a panic, "it's for my father, I just wanted to get him something nice for when he and mother come home" I added. My excuse worked like a charm, Mr Wilson nodded, "we both know how much your father likes his brandy" He chuckled has he took the $5 note from my hand, giving me the 50c in change. "Thank you" I smiled politely as I placed the items in my bag, "I'll be seeing you" I added before walking out of the store. 
"Y/n, wait up!" I heard Peter call as Lucky and I slowly began to make our way home, I turned to see the young boy running towards us. "Good morning, Peter, what's the hurry?" I asked with a welcoming smile. 
"Oh, no hurry" he smiled back, "I wanted to ask if you'd like to join me for a picnic lunch by small Talon's Lake?" He asked with such kindness. "If this was any other day, I would say yes but I can't today, I'm sorry. I have things to do around the ranch before Kate returns" I replied with a soft smile, hoping not to hurt his feelings. 
"Well, that is more than okay. Maybe I could give you a hand, you know, early finish and we might still be able to make an afternoon of it" Peter offered, making it harder to kindly turn him down. 
"Oh, I wouldn't want to make my issues yours" I replied as we began to slowly walk towards home. "Nonsense, I'd love to help" he insists. 
Now my fear is him seeing the blonde stranger that is currently in my bed with a gunshot wound. Kate is due home tomorrow, and I don't think I want to hear her lecture about strangers at the homestead once more, but I also can't risk Peter growing any suspicion. "Well, if you insist. I guess I could use some help cleaning the barn if you're up for it" I suggest. 
"Perfect! I love shovelling hay and horse droppings" Peter chuckled. 
When we got back to the ranch, I gave Peter the okay to start without my while I used the excuse of putting away the store brought goods which to my relief, he was more than happy to do so. I waited until he disappeared into the barn before I rushed to my room to check on Yelena. 
"I got you some brandy, but I have a friend here and you can't be seen" I handed her the bottle, I was glad to see that her condition hadn't worsened in my short absence. She chuckled as she popped open the bottle, "I don't think I have the energy to move to even be seen" she replied. Her eyes sparkled with the gentle kiss of sunlight that lit up the room and for some reason, I suddenly wished I was able to admire them for a moment longer, but that would be wrong. 
"H-how are you feeling?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the beauty her eyes held. 
"I'll be fine, I'll drink this and rest up. Go be with your friend" Yelena replied but I much rather be here with her, watching over her and learning more about her bounty hunting stories but with Peter here, I knew it wasn't possible. "Okay, I will try to be as fast as I can. I'm going to send him home after we clean the barn" 
Yelena just nodded before taking a large mouthful of brandy as I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. Peter had already started shoveling the old hay by the time I got to the barn to give him an extra hand, he greeted me with a smile that most other girls would've blushed over, and I thought maybe something was wrong with me. 
"I wasn't sure where you wanted me to put anything, so I just started a pile over here, don't worry, I'll help you remove it" His words broke my train of thought, I smiled, "thank you. Let's get through this as quickly as we can, shall we?" I replied before grabbing a shovel. 
After what seemed like hours, I was able to get Peter to move along and head home. I went back inside and washed myself off before I checked on Yelena. She was sleeping, the bottle of brandy sat on the wooden table beside my bed, maybe I was looking at her for a moment too long, but she looked so peaceful, like an angel being kissed by the sun for the first time. Lucky slight head butt on my leg snapped me from my trance, "come on boy, let's get you some food" I whispered before quietly closing the door. 
I woke up to the alerting growl of Lucky by the front door, my hand hovered over the sawed off shotgun that lent up against the wall beside the door as I slowly opened the door. I was greeted with the warm, welcoming smile of Aunt May. All of us young ones called her Aunt May, she was basically an aunt to all of us. 
"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" She said. 
"Oh, don't stress" I replied with a smile, "I should've been up already" I added. 
"Well as long as I didn't wake you! Peter said that Kate was off on her hunting again, so I made you an applesauce cake, can't have you starving now can we?" Her smile returned as she handed me a small picnic basket with the delicious goods inside. 
"You didn't have to do that, thank you aunt May!" I spoke, the smell of the freshly baked cake reminding me that I should have some breakfast and check that Yelena was still breathing. "I would invite you but the place it a bit of a mess" I added. 
"That's okay love, I have a few other things I need to get done today. I just wanted to stop by and make sure you were okay" 
"Thank you, I will be sure to try my hardest to save some of this for Kate too" I replied with a playful chuckle, "have a wonderful day" I added. 
"You too honey, if you need anything, you know where to find me" Aunt May smiled once more before making her way towards the main gate. I closed the door and placed the basket on the dining table before knocking softly on my bedroom door. I heard a light groan come from Yelena, as I opened the door, I could see she was in worse shape than yesterday. 
"Oh god, let me get you a wet cloth! You're sweating so much" I said in a panic before rushing to the kitchen. Lucky didn't follow me, he stayed by the foot of my bed to keep an eye on Yelena. Lucky isn't trained too much, he's just naturally a very smart dog, smarter than most. I quickly placed the cloth on Yelena's forehead, she was pale, and I knew her wound was becoming infected rather quickly. She groaned a little from the pain when I removed the bandage to have a look. 
My mind was racing with worry, how on earth would I tell Kate that there might be a lifeless body in my bed? How to tell Kate that I let a complete stranger into our home? I can't let Yelena die! Then the only person I could think of that might be able to help was a woman who lives down the road. Her name is Wanda, people genuinely believe she's a witch. I don't believe she is, we all have things we are passionate about and to me, she's more like a herbalist to me. 
"I need to get you something before this gets any worse" I said as I looked up at Yelena. 
"I'll be fine, it'll pass" she replied, completely unbothered by the dangerous risk of dying!
I shook my head, "you're not dying on my watch!" I replied sternly. Yelena didn't fight back, she took another mouthful of brandy and closed her eyes. "Lucky, stay, I'll be back in few minutes" I commanded him just before I walked out the door. I quickly changed out of my night gown and walked out the back door. If I run through the small section of trees, I can get to Wanda's home quicker. 
~Wanda's POV~
I was enjoying a hot black current tea that I made freshly when I heard a panicked knock on my door. As I made my way to the door, my eyes were caught by the parcel that was left on my porch yesterday, a letter was not attached but my name written in cursive was staring back at me. 
"Y/n, is everything okay?" I asked after I opened the door. She was slightly out of breath, and she spoke very quickly, I could barely understand what she was saying. "Y/n, take a breath" I said, placing my hands on both her shoulders. A few moments passed and she began to calm down, something was wrong. "Now, tell me, is everything okay?" I asked once I knew she was able to talk in sense. 
"Ye- Kate, she's hurt! Shot and it's getting infected fast, I don't know what to do!" she explained, my heart skipped a beat. These girls have always been so kind to me, I couldn't let anything happen to them. I nodded, "I have some tea that will slow the infection. I need a few days to make a medicine that will fight the infection, but I need to travel for the missing herbs, come in" I explained. 
The younger sister followed me through to the kitchen, I noticed how she wasn't interested in eyeing my belongings as I reached for the jars of herbal tea. I gave her three small jars that would cover the days I needed to be able to make a cure. "Give her a jar a day! Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't give her any alcohol, this is all she needs for now. Try to keep her temperature from peaking, I will stop by the day after tomorrow, okay?" 
Y/n nodded, "she's already had some brandy is it okay to give her a mug now?" She asked. 
"Yes, but not a single drop more of brandy or anything else" I replied. 
"Thank you, Wanda, I will repay you for this!" 
"Don't be silly, this is Kate's life we are talking about, there is no need to pay me" I told her, "The sooner she gets that into her system, the better" I reminded her. She nodded and thanked me once more before rushing out of my home. I wasted no time in gathering some basic needs before saddling Sparky up and beginning my journey to the Grand Point Mountains to pick some red sage. 
~Y/n's POV~
I raced home with the jars that Wanda had given me, I didn't care for the twigs that got caught in my hair as I ran through the trees and bushes to get home. I wanted Yelena to take this as soon as possible. Kate was coming home tomorrow, and I needed Yelena to be in better condition than what she was.
Lucky was still sitting by the foot of my bed when I returned, Yelena seemed even weaker than before. "Here, I have something for you" I spoke softly as she barely opened her tired eyes, "drink this" I added, handing her the steel cup of herbal tea that Wanda had kindly given me. I watched as the bounty hunter took a mouthful; her face turned to disgust. 
"What is that?" She asked. 
"I have no idea, it's herbal tea, I think. It'll slow the infection from your wound for a few days until I am given a cure" I explained. Yelena took another mouthful of the tea as I took the almost emptied bottle of Brandy, "you can't have any more of this, just that tea" I told her, but she didn't seem to care too much. 
Lucky ran out of the room with a bark that made me jump suddenly, "what is it boy?" I asked as if he could actually talk to me, I followed him and saw him patiently sitting at the front door wagging his tail on the wooden floor. He only ever did this if Kate was home or our parents had returned. My eyes widen as I rushed to the living room window that faced the front of our house. Arrow was being walked down the path by Kate, a large animal of some sort was stowed onto Arrows back, she was back too early!
Quickly, I ran back to my room. "Okay so, my sister is back, earlier than expected. So, until I have worked out why she's home early and how to tell her I am housing a stranger, I really, really need you to be as quiet as you possible can"
Yelena simply nodded, "I can do that" she replied. 
"Thank you" I smiled softly before leaving her to get some rest, locking my bedroom door once again. 
I waited for Kate to stable Arrow and come inside before I pretended to be surprised that she was home early. "Hey, do you know why there's blood in the barn?" Kate asked as she entered the living room where I was pretending to read a book. 
"Kate! you're back early, everything okay? Uh, blood? Not a clue. I cleaned the barn out yesterday after you left. Peter helped, maybe he cut himself" I replied, trying my best to be as normal as I could. 
"It's cruel that you lead that boy on" Kate shook her head, "there's a storm coming in. A big one by the looks and I didn't want to get caught in it" she added. 
"Lead him on? I have never shown an ounce of interest in a romantic manner" I replied. Kate chuckled, "does he know that?" 
I rolled my eyes at her and returned my attention to the book I had opened on a random page. "Come on, you can help me skin this elf before the storm hits" my sister instructed. I didn't fight her on it either, anything to keep her from finding Yelena in my bedroom was a good thing. 
"I see aunt May dropped by" Kate said as she placed out dinner dishes in the sink to be washed. 
"Yeah, apple sauce pie! She dropped it off this morning" I replied as I placed Lucky's dinner on the floor for him, elk meat that we couldn't eat. 
"What's this?" Kate asked, holding one of the jars that Wanda had given me. I panicked as I racked my brain for an answer, "oh, just something Wanda gave me on her way to town this morning" I replied. My answer didn't seem to make Kate think of anything otherwise, she placed the jar down on the counter and turned on her feet to look at me, "well, I'm going to go wash up. Do you mind put some more wood on the fire?" she asked. 
"Of course" I smiled. 
While Kate was busy in the bathroom I took Yelena's third cup of Wanda's herbal tea into her. "I hope you don't mind I sleep in here tonight" I whispered, I planned to sleep on the floor on one of my father's old bedrolls that was kept under my bed. 
"I hope you don't mind" Yelena whispered back before she downed the herbal tea in one go, "this tastes horrible, I hope you know that" she added. 
"I can imagine" I smiled softly, "I'll be back once my sister has gone to bed" I added. 
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Taglist: @madislayyy | @riveramorylunar | @teganmiller | @kyleeservopoulos | @yelenaslyubov | @kacka84 | @lesbiarmy | @meurgen | @caporal-nino | @sl-ut | @scarletwidowblackwitch | @dogtamer415 | @mousetheorist | @flohouse46 | @boredandneedfanfics | @gemz5 | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @unicorniusfallapatorius | @iloveyou3000e | @shibugs | 
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1989butcher · 1 year
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daryl dixon x reader
he gave you a pair of oversized boots a long time ago, and you’ve kept them ever since.
set: alexandria, you got separated when the prison fell.
2.7k words
FLUFF!!!!!!!! i <3 fluff. this is my first fic pls be nice to me 🥹
I’ve been walking for months with nothing but a near empty backpack and boots that are far too big for my feet. The last time I slept with four walls was a long time ago at the prison. I haven’t even fully began to process what happened, I simply haven’t had the time.
When this whole thing started, I was visiting my brother in Atlanta. I didn’t know when my parents dropped me off at the airport in Michigan would be the last time I saw them. I lost my family, well everyone but Glenn, but after enough time I gained a new one.
The people I met in Atlanta, the ones that made in to the Greene farm, were some of the best people I had come across in my life. I never thought I would enjoy chilly nights eating rabbits, oddly enough I had one as a pet when growing up. Glenn never failed to remind me when I would be eating one, which led Daryl to tease me about it every time he brought one home. “This one look like yours?” He would always bring it to me first. I turned away quickly. “Stop!” I covered my eyes. I think a smile would curl from his lips. I would almost laugh out of anger. I knew every time he did this, he would come right to me to rub it in my face. “I wish I never told you about Thumper.” I said, basically talking into my shoulder. I turned to him on the log I was sitting on, still covering my eyes but peeking in between my fingers. “I ain’t ever gonna let you live this down.” I sighed, while he turned on his heel and walked away.
Glenn was sitting opposite of me, with Maggie of course. “Whatever happened to the little guy?” Glenn asked, his fingers intertwined with Maggie. Couldn’t even begin to believe my big brother found love at a time like this. I went back to building the fire, slower than before in hopes the archer would make a joke about it. “I dunno, after like five years I’m pretty sure he died, but mom said he ran away. Either way, he got a better fate than he would now.” I replied, staring into the dimming fire. I’m sure Maggie said something about rabbits on the farm, but that’s where the memory stops.
The farm being overrun was something inevitable, especially after we found out walkers were living in the barn. I’ll never forget standing there with Daryl, as he ran to Carol to stop her from going after Sophia. I don’t think he will ever forget that either. I know he blames himself, no matter how many times I said it wasn’t his fault. He would hold his head in his hands and I would rub his back, telling him ‘it’s ok’. He would shake his head and always reply no, or more like “Nah.” I just wanted to be there for him and take away his pain.
Speaking of pain, my feet were throbbing. I have been walking on this road for what feels like years. I don’t even know how much time has passed since the prison fell. I think living there was the happiest I had ever been. Our small family from the farm turned into a full on community. We farmed, had animals, kids went to a sort of school (if that’s what Carol wants to call it), and so much more. Runs were sort of fun, although Daryl never wanted me to go. One time, Glenn, Maggie, and I went on a run and promised to be home by sundown, as usual. I was hardcore third wheeling, but that was my brother and Maggie had become my sister. We were singing in the car, celebrating the canned foods we had found in an abandoned mini-van. Laughing, it almost felt normal. It was night when we returned, since we went a bit farther than we predicted. Rick, Tyreese, and of course, Daryl were waiting at the gate as we pulled up. They looked worried sick but I think the three of us were grinning ear to ear. When I stepped out of the car, unscathed, I saw the archer sigh in relief. “Don’t tell me you were worried Daryl, how sweet!” I teased him, handing him a crate of food. He huffed a quick “whatever” and I turned away and smiled. I think he saw me smile, I hoped he did. I never did tell him about the warm way he made me feel, quite literally warm. I was constantly cold, and he would always be bringing me back blankets or jackets. He even replaced my beaten converse with boots. Boots that were too big, but boots none the less. I also never told him they didn’t really fit, but I loved them too much to find a new pair.
The sun was glaring in my eyes. I laughed at the fact that pre-end of the world, I would have wanted sunglasses to avoid wrinkles from squinting. Even though nowadays, all everyone does is squint. I say everyone as if I have seen a single person since all those weeks ago. Feels like a lifetime has passed.
I decided to take a turn down a road with lots of tire tracks. Maybe I could actually find some sort of shed for the night in a few hours. Cook my very own rabbit. Daryl would be proud. At this very thought, I heard a rustle in the woods. I quickly grabbed my knife strapped to my hip. It indeed was a walker. It growled as it slowly made its way from the forest floor towards me. I walked up to it, shoved my knife into its grey skull, and kicked it back into the forest floor.
I brushed the hair out of my face after putting the knife back in a belt loop. “Where am I supposed to put it?” I asked, as Glenn handed me the knife I carry now. He walked away, passing other weapons out from a run he came back from. Those strong, warm arms came from behind me, with a soft grunt he took the knife from my hands and spun me around, wrapping his fingers through the loops on back of my jeans. His dark hair covering his eyes, he looked through the hair at me. Lifting the knife up for me to see, he slid it through a belt loop. “Got it?” He asked. I nodded in reply, my cheeks red with the fact his hands were still on my waist.
I couldn’t take these memories anymore. For all I knew, they were all dead. Or if some weren’t, they assumed I was. I’m sure of it. My family was gone, again. And I couldn’t help but blame myself.
I don’t want to replay that day in my head with what I could have done differently. That heartbreak would kill me. So I kept moving.
As I kept walking, I could swear I heard children laughing. A noise hard to come by these days, and even harder now after being alone. I surely wouldn’t recognize myself with the knotted hair, covered in dirt and blood, some of it was mine.
I picked up the pace, almost as if I was expecting children to come run and laugh by me. I looked around and saw down the road lots of cars lined up. People had to have done that. Survivors had to have done that. I think I was running at this point, I couldn’t tell. My feet have been numb since the last time I slept.
Around the corner from these cars, I saw a wall with a sign that read “ALEXANDRIA”. Holy shit. A town. With walls. I knew walking up to the gates was a bad idea, but at this point if they shot me, they shot me.
My brother was gone, with his wife who became my best friend. Our leader was gone. Same with his son and baby that I had grown extremely close to. The archer, too. And I wouldn’t admit it, but I love that archer.
I walked up the gates, my feet were stunned I had stopped moving. I quietly knocked, with a coarse “Hello?” I hadn’t talked in days, the last drink was from a river probably a day ago.
A man with a dark mullet and khaki shorts opened the gates ever so slightly. “Who are you?” He asked.
“My name is Y/N, is this your community?” I was basically begging. I was fighting tears from welling up in my eyes. A real person.
“I’m not at the liberty to discuss that with you.” He replied sternly. He looked around, as if someone was going to give him an answer. He held a large gun, clearly he didn’t know how to use it. I was frustrated, and I could take him down if need be, but I was going to be civil about this.
“What is it, Eugene?” someone asked him from behind the gate. I swear I’ve heard the voice before, but I thought it was pure exhaustion fueling my delusion/
“One moment, please hand over your weapons.” The man, assumingely named Eugene said. I handed him my knife and my pistol, that maybe had one bullet left in it. Just as quickly as he opened them, he closed the gates. I still had my pocket knife in my backpack. One of those tourists ones with your name on it. Daryl brought it back for me on a run once, and I’ve never used it. Just kept it, like a token.
“I know this knife.” The faceless voice gasped. Now, instead of just the solid wall, both parts of the gates opened and there she was.
Maggie. Maggie Rhee. Tears in her eyes as she held the knife at her waist, her wedding ring my brother gave her shining in the sun. “Y/N?” she said at an almost whisper. I went to reply, but no words came out. Those tears I had been fighting came out in full force as she crossed over to hug me. Her hand at the back of my head as we knelt to the ground to hold each other. Maggie was here, Glenn had to be. And if they were, who knows who else had made it.
I cried into her shoulder for a moment, until she grabbed my face to brush the hair out of my eyes. “I can’t believe it’s really you.” I smiled back at her, bringing her in for another hug. After a few more minutes of tears, we pulled away, stood up, and shut the gates behind us. “Wait here.” she said, running into a house.
I stood there, wiping tears with my shirt. “I’m Eugene.” the mullet man said. Staring awkwardly at me. “Hi.” I said back, taking a deep breath. He went to say something else before someone came out of the house with Maggie, her hands covering his eyes.
I slowly walked towards them. My heart dropped to my stomach and I swear the world stopped. Maggie used her other hand to say ‘Shhh’ to me. I could barely keep it together when she finally removed her hand from his eyes. It was Glenn.
Before he realized it was me I had already gone to hug him. Crying into his thin shirt and sinking to the street. “Oh my God.” he said in reply, coming back down with me, doing the exact same thing Maggie had done. He kissed my forehead and I felt his tears drop onto my head.
“I’m so sorry.” I cried to him. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve listened, I should’ve stayed with you.” He shook his head, sniffled and pulled away. “It doesn’t matter anymore, Y/N. I’m here. Your family is here.” He picked me up from the ground and Maggie came in to hug us again, going to kiss Glenn and wipe his tears. We all sort of exchanged ‘how on earth did you survive’ and ‘you look like shit’ before they took me walking up the street, careful not to tell me about anyone who had died, but who was here. Rick, the kids, Michonne, Carol, Sasha, some people named Tara, Rosita, Abraham, who had come with Eugene. I was in complete disbelief of an entire neighborhood that was safe.
None of them were outside, so seeing me was going to be a surprise, but they had skipped over a certain archer I was missing. While we came up to the porch that Glenn said was Rick’s, I found myself asking if Daryl was here. The couple exchanged looks. Fear took over as I assumed the worst, until Maggie took my hand and nodded. “He’s here, too. Been looking for you for weeks, actually.” My stomach was full of butterflies, even though it had been empty for weeks.
“He was looking for me?” I asked in disarray, the tears that had finally stopped were going to start all over again. My stomach dropped. He searched for Sophia everyday, all day. He never stopped and the heartbreak he has was unbearable. He was sure it was his fault she was gone, and he hadn’t looked hard enough. Glenn nodded. “Ever since,” he looked at Maggie, who looked away onto the street, his voice now lowered “ever since Beth died, he hasn’t been the same.” My heart had broken into a million little pieces. I squeezed Maggie’s hand, quickly saying I was sorry before she assured me she was going to be okay.
Another death that Daryl would blame himself for. I’m certain of that. Probably blamed himself for me running off too.
I followed the pair inside to where Rick was holding Judith on the couch. My first thought honestly was, holy shit a COUCH.
He stood up and smiled, quick to hug me with Judith propped on his hip. He kissed my cheek and brought me in close. I buried my face in his shirt, kissing Judith after. His shirt smelled of fresh laundry, a smell I hadn’t known for a long time. Rick was the most fearless man I had ever met, and I’d be dead without him. All of us would be.
“You’re here.” he broke the silence. I nodded, wiping my tears away. “Don’t know how, but I’m here.” I replied. He smiled again, looking up the stairs to Carl. He raced down them and tackled me into a hug.
“Y/N, I thought you were gone!” He exclaimed. I wanted to reply I thought I was gone too, but instead just laughed. “You couldn’t get rid of me that easy, kid.” playfully knocking his hat off his head. He laughed and flicked me back. “Daryl is not going to believe this.”
My eyes grew to the size of saucers. I was bursting at the seams. I wanted to see him more than I needed a shower at this point. I was looking out the window Rick was seated in front of when I said “Speaking of Daryl, where is he? Where’s everyone, I need to-“ The question didn’t matter anymore. There he was on the street, looking directly through the window. Almost through me. He took a few steps back, as if he was going to take off running. Like I was a ghost.
If anyone said anything to me, I couldn’t be sure. My legs carried me out the door and down the stairs, and into his strong arms. Arms I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. The ones that held me late at night when I was cold, the ones who taught me how to shoot, even shot his crossbow once, the ones I cried into when we lost the farm, the ones I took naps on during long car rides. Home. I was home.
We didn’t say anything to each other. He had dropped his crossbow in the road where he was now holding me, face snuggled into my neck. He was crying. I reached up to rub the back of his head with my hand. “Been awhile, huh?” I whispered, sarcastically, desperately trying to break the silence. He pulled away, tears hidden under his overgrown hair. “Thought I lost ya” He put his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and smiled. “Never.” I said, placing my hands on his face. His response was the same, putting his hands on mine and giving me the gentlest kiss to ever touch my lips.
Didn’t think the entire community had to watch this go down, especially since that was our first kiss, but it makes for a fun story now. We both sniffled and looked into each others eyes, his blue ones glistening with tears. “Didn’t know I had to go missing for you to kiss me like that, Daryl.” Hearing myself say his name made my heart skip a beat.
He broke eye contact and looked towards the ground. “See ya kept those boots.” he remarked. I pulled his gaze back up to meet mine.
“I thought after long enough they could bring me home.”
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crazyinluvfix · 10 days
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FATAL ATTRACTION - a stiles stilinski story
summary: Sera Salvatore moved to Beacon Hills for a break from the supernatural. But her life was once again turned upside down when she and her two best friends get thrown head first into a world of werewolves and mystery. But it’s hard for her to protect her friends when a single werewolf bite is what could kill her for good…
WARNINGS: mentions of blood
a/n: this is just the intro ! future parts will be longer, that’s where the story really begins ;)
series masterlist
1.8k words
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Beacon Hills was supposed to be a sanctuary from all things supernatural.
After what felt like over a century (because it was), Sera Salvatore needed a break.
Which was admittedly a little hypocritical considering she herself was a vampire, but she was desperate for an escape from all the drama and chaos that her family - namely her brothers - had brought to Mystic Falls. So she decided to start afresh, again.
After only one year of living back in her hometown, she picked up and went to the furthest most point in the continental United States, which just so happened to land her here. From Georgia, all the way to sunny California. It would be a nice change.
She was fortunate enough that she could pass as quite young whenever she settled in a new place. With the help of makeup, clothing, and a healthy amount of dishonesty she managed to blend into freshman year at Beacon Hills High without anyone even batting an eye.
It was now one year ago today that she had started her first day, which turned out to be a breeze.
January 3rd, 2010
“You’re humiliating,” I expressed my annoyance flatly as I stood by the door, waiting for my brother to let go of my jacket that he had been straightening before I left the house.
He patted my shoulder with a motherly smile as if he was sending his child off to kindergarten, then took a step back to play the role further.
“Have you got everything?” he asked as he nodded to my bag.
I let out a breathy chuckle. I didn’t hate him as much as I let on… mostly.
“I packed you a blood bag for lunch,” he continued, that smirk of his right at home on his smug face - never a dull moment.
My hand reached for my keys on the side table as I walked backward towards the door, shaking my head to stop my lips from forming a smile of their own. “How thoughtful,” I retorted sarcastically.
But just as I was about to step outside I stopped to say one last thing, “Thanks for helping me move in and all,” my tone was much more genuine than it typically was when speaking to him, but I really was grateful.
Moving across the country would’ve been infinitely harder without his company on the road, and without being able to play the little sister card and sit back while he does the heavy lifting. But… and I would never admit it… but even now, starting a new school was just as scary as it always has been and a part of me liked that I had my big brother there to see me off.
I quickly cut our sappy little chat short with another comment, “But, I expect you to be gone when I get home.” I arched an eyebrow and pointed a finger at him.
He was definitely the fun brother, but with fun comes impulsivity - a trait that must be genetic, and must have skipped my twin - and with impulsivity comes a long string of ‘animal attacks’. And that was exactly the drama in question that I wanted to escape, so I had brought along a surplus of blood bags to hold me until I found a more permanent solution.
He held his hands up in surrender, “I’ll be out within the hour.”
“Okay. I’ll see ya,” I said finally as I stepped outside, hiding from the brisk winter cold in the confines of my leather jacket.
My words were met with another smile and a nod from my brother before he spoke again. “Tell me how it went when you’re home.” The protective mother was back. But this time, it wasn’t just a joke, he was lucky we had no witnesses since he’d hate to ruin his tough-guy persona.
I almost laughed at him again, but I didn’t. As humans me and my brothers were incredibly close, but over time that faded. Me and our other brother never really settled that, but over the past year back in Mystic Falls me and the eldest fell back into old patterns.
“I will,” I gave in with a joking eye-roll. “Bye Damon,” I waved his way.
“Bye Seffie,” he returned, getting a kick out of my suddenly sour face.
Seffie. A nickname he saddled me with at the age of 4 and has stuck with me ever since. But my real name was a mouthful, so I chose to go by Sera - a fact Damon will insist on disregarding for the rest of our eternal lives.
As I walked away my once friendly hand gesture turned into a middle finger as I heard him laugh behind me and shut the door as I made my way to my new school.
The moment I stepped foot in the doors I noticed some heads turn, some overheard whispers from passers-by that fuelled my ego just that bit more as I walked up to reception and signed in.
First-period English went smoothly, then it was History which ironically was focused on the confederacy (not me and my siblings' proudest fight). And it was safe to say the teacher was thoroughly impressed with my knowledge on the subject, little did he know I quite literally lived it.
But after class was when my day took a turn.
“1076, 1076,” I repeated under my breath as I went to scour the halls for my new locker, but the break rush made my search all the more difficult with what felt like a million people charging around.
But finally, I seemed to be in luck as I read the numbers to my right; 1080, 1079, 1078, 1077, and…
I took a deep breath and a frustrated sigh at the smug-faced, blond jock who had just practically booked it into my side, knocking all of my books out of my hands, and causing me to jump at the deafening sound of them hitting the tile floor. ‘Great,’ I thought satirically. The prick didn’t even bother to look back! Let alone be kind enough to help me pick them back up again.
But someone else did. In fact, two other boys seemed to have played witness and immediately came scrambling up to my side.
“Hey, uh-” the one with darker features and a crooked jawline, giving him a somewhat goofy smile stuttered, stopping after his friend who stood politely next to him not-so-subtly jabbed him in the side with his elbow, causing him to bring a hand to it and shoot his friend a glare.
“What he meant to say was, do you want a hand with that?” The slightly taller friend with the buzzed brown hair asked after his friend's failure to do so.
I could do nothing but laugh slightly at both of their clear excitement and reply with a smile, “I’d love one.”
Picking up books was a simple task that I most definitely could’ve done myself in probably half the time, but nothing compared to watching them both drop to the floor and bat at each other's hands in a frantic competition to ‘help the most.’ My smile grew wider and I brought a hand up to rest on my forehead. This was already a refreshing change since none of the boys back home would have ever done the same.
Soon, they both stood back up in front of me, proud looks on both of their faces as they put the books in my open locker for me.
“Thank you,” I chuckled in response.
“No problem,” the more hyper one added before quickly speaking again at a constant, lightning pace. “I’m Stiles, by the way,” he gestured to himself, “and this is my buddy, Scott,” his hand moved over to pat the other boy on the shoulder.
“Nice to meet you, Stiles and Scott,” I nodded back at them, still trying to bite back an amused grin, “I’m Sera.”
“You’re new here right?” Scott spoke again with an innocent look of pure curiosity.
I put my hands together behind my back and rocked on my heels slightly, “Mhm, started this morning,” a somewhat nervous chuckle left my lips, which the one called Stiles seemed to pick up on because he quickly interjected.
“I mean, we’d be happy to show you ‘round if you wanna hang with us,” he offered, a hopeful shrug on his shoulders and a pout on his lips.
“Wouldn’t we, Scott,” he then batted the back of his hand against his friend’s arm, glaring at him to respond.
Scott quickly blinked and nodded rapidly, “Oh, yeah, of course.”
I bit my lip in contemplation, they did seem awfully nice. “I’d love to, but I’ve gotta go to the office quickly, but maybe I’ll catch up with you guys later,” my counter seemed to be accepted without a second thought as I studied their expressions.
When I stepped backward I noticed how they didn’t leave just yet, so I said, “Bye boys, I’ll see you around,” with a small wiggle of my fingers as a wave.
“See you around, Sera,” Stiles repeated as he and Scott both mimicked my step back, his hand raising up to do a little salute before we turned our backs to each other.
I could not help the quiet giggle that escaped my mouth after I was out of their eyeline, but I also could not help but hear what they were saying to each other down the hall.
“Why the fuck did you salute?” Scott whispered, hitting Stiles back in retaliation for earlier.
“I- I don’t know, okay?” Stiles replied slightly panicked.
My smile grew. What idiots.
As for the conversation with the receptionist, it went smoothly with a little help from my immaculate ‘people skills’.
“I’m sorry but we insist on transcripts. And your immunisation records seem to be missing,” the lady said, peering over her glasses as she looked through my files.
My sigh was followed by me leaning forward, looking into her eyes as I watched her pupils dilate - she just had to make this more difficult.
“Please look again, I’m sure you’ll find everything you’re looking for.” A proud smirk laced my lips as she did exactly that, nodding and sending me on my way. Too easy.
During lunch, I did end up joining the boys at their table, taking a seat next to Stiles and definitely not missing the wide-eyed look he gave to Scott, along with his stuttered breath as I leaned over him to reach my pen that had rolled across the table.
The portrayal of vampires in Twilight had always annoyed me due to its incredible inaccuracy, but it was beyond amusing how easy it was for me to read their minds, even without special powers.
That day had ended with new numbers in everyone’s phones and Sera scoring a new ride to school and back every day in her new friend’s beaten-up old Jeep (which she thought had enough charm to distract from the deafening sound it made when running).
And from that moment forward, the three were inseparable.
hope you enjoyed !
this was basically to just tell you what to expect from the rest of the series. might not post it all on here unless you want me to so check out my ao3 and wattpad ( @crazyinluvfix ) like and comment x
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence, swearing, animal death, no beta, warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: In honour and love. 2562 words.
Author’s Note: We pick up where we left off.
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“You’re welcome…”
Your feet were planted so solidly on the ground it was as though you’d grown roots. He took the few steps needed to almost close the space between you.
“Why… why are you helping?”
Your body had an almost visceral reaction to his voice. It was more than a familiar sound; it felt like home. You wanted to cry. “I... I… Uh- That’s hard… to explain…”
He looked you up and down, then accepted your answer with a nod.
“I need to… need to bury him,”
“Let me,” the man moved faster than you, scooping the dog’s body up and holding it against his chest.
“Oh… No… He can’t be dumped somewhere. I need to bury him. He deserves to be honoured.” You could feel embarrassment bubble up, something you weren’t used to. It was easy to talk about the craft around witches. It was easy to hide it from humans with clever language. It was entirely illogical, but you needed him to understand what you were saying. You were afraid he’d laugh or deny you this rite.
The man looked from you to the dog. “I know where to go. If you’ll take us,”
“How… Do… Do you remember? Being a bat?”
He nodded. “I am… starting to.”
As the vampire dressed in borrowed clothes, ones that fit more poorly than the last, you picked the best apple in your fruit bowl and a piece of Apache Tear obsidian from your crystal collection, stashing them in your bag.
You checked outside the trailer for nosy neighbours. The coast was clear and you walked to your car. The man had never been in a car. He’d seen them. Knew, in theory, that he just had to sit in it. Still, it presented a challenge.
When you unlocked the passenger side door and opened it for him, he stood awkwardly for a second. “Unless it's close enough to walk?” you asked him. He shook his head and got into the car, holding the dog’s body like a security blanket.
As you drove out of Forest Hills, you stopped at the main entrance. “Which way?”
The man nodded north.
You turned the radio on to fill the silence, assuming there was no conversation to be had.
“You do not belong in this place,”
“No. I don’t,” you agreed. “I used to be. Before the town, before… this lifetime… I lived here with my sisters,”
“They are not here now,”
“No. I’m the only witch here,”
“A witch,” he repeated, nodding to himself.
“Do you know what that is?” you asked.
He looked at you, his eyesight unaffected by the night. “I… may,”
“Oh… Okay. Well. Are you remembering anything else? About what you are?”
“I need blood.”
Of course, he’d know blood. “You will die without it. Well… A kind of death. Eventually. That would be very painful for you though,”
“Yes,” he said, like he knew that. Perhaps the thirst for blood was so innate that the knowledge he’d die without it was too. “Vampire.”
The word startled you. It was still surreal. It was as if a Tasmanian tiger or woolly mammoth were to walk out in front of your car.
He was a vampire. A vampire you had helped. A vampire you had taken a living thing to, to kill. It hadn’t occurred to you until then that you could have simply healed the ridgeback. You could have healed all the animals in Hawkins Kennels, instead you took one to its early death and devoted time to a vampire.
You focused on your breathing. In. Out. In. Out.
“Do you know your name?” you asked, needing the conversation as a distraction. Once telling him yours, you waited, but he shook his head. “We might need to give you one. Or, at least, a nickname.”
Between your limited knowledge of the roads of Hawkins and the fact he’d only ever seen it from the sky, it took a while to locate the place he intended to bury the dog. It wasn’t unpleasant driving empty streets with him though. You wondered if it should have been.
A partially overgrown road, unpaved and a threat to your car tires, was where he lead you. As natural landmarks began to come into focus, the moon’s rays the only light for miles, you felt the growing sense that you’d been to this place before.
When your car came to a dead end, you cut the engine. “Is it far?” you asked.
The man shook his head and waited for you to open his door.
He walked in front of you, flattening a path. Over the tall grass you could see you were coming to a wooded area. You smelt the oak before hitting the edge of the trees.
“Was this a witch?” the man asked, stepping out of your way.
Before you, constructed between two tall sycamore trees was a doorway of sorts. Hundreds of branches and sticks had been used to create a near-perfect circle. They were woven and stuck together to build an arch over and under. A gateway to the woods, not one that defied science, but still an oddity seemingly supernatural in origin.
“How… how do you know this place?”
He had no answer, so he stayed silent. It was just one of many parts of the flatlands, of Hawkins, that as a bat he watched over. He liked the forest doorway though, as much as he’d ever been able to like anything.
“I think… I think I’ve been here. I think I made this,” you said, voice dropping low.
“You cannot remember?”
It made no sense. You should have been able to remember. An unsettling feeling washed over you. Someone had been tinkering in the vampire’s mind, dislodging memories and letting them freefall. Surely, you didn’t have that in common.
When you didn’t answer his question, he asked another. “Is this a place… to honour?”
The dog.
“Yes. Yeah, it is.”
You took the lead, walking through the forest gate and looking back to see what would become of a vampire crossing a witch’s threshold. Nothing. Whatever magic had been there was long gone.
Not far from the gate, you stopped. The vampire understood, carefully placing the dog on the woodland floor. He stayed knelt on the ground and began to move sticks and brush out of the way. His movements gained momentum and soon he was moving faster than your eye could read. He was a blur, then he was standing next to a deep grave, the soil of which was dark under his fingernails.
You nodded when he looked to you for approval, then he laid the dog in the ground. While the vampire buried his victim, you gathered tokens from the nature that surrounded you.
Upon the grave, you laid butterfly weed and echinacea flowers, the apple, and obsidian.
“Hel, comforter in grief,
We ask you to receive this soul.
They lived pure, good, and true.
Hel, watcher of the dead,
We ask you to receive this soul.
Go peacefully now, no lament, no sorrow, nor rue.”
Standing side-by-side with a hexed vampire, you committed the dog to the earth not with a spell but a blessing, and grieved for the oath you’d broken.
“Go now,” he spoke. “I will come soon.”
Before you could ask what he meant, the vampire had gone from your side into the night. You waited in the car for fifteen minutes, the heater blasting stuffy air onto you. When he didn’t return, you drove home alone, only to find him perched on the roof of the trailer.
“That seems very dramatic,” you told him as he followed you inside. He was silent and all but invisible out there, still it seemed even an amnesic vampire couldn’t forget to have an operatic flair.
The trailer was warm and the artificial lighting soft. When you turned to him, you could see it on his face. The colour high on his cheekbones. The red on his lips. He’d found his way back to you, by way of more death.
He watched you while you built the gate. Although he wouldn’t reveal himself, you could feel his curious gaze. It sent electricity buzzing through you, though you would burn at the stake before admitting that to yourself.
When he felt sure no townsfolk or coven members were joining you, he sauntered through the field, parting the long grass at will.
“Little witch. Why are you playing with sticks?”
You paid him no mind, which you knew would drive him crazy. He walked through the gate and around it, poking at the branches and making noises of discontent.
“If you aren’t going to help, you can go be a nuisance to your own kind,” you warned him, a stick pointed in his direction.
He swiftly grabbed the stick, tugging it hard, pulling you into him. It was the first physical content you’d made. The stick was forgotten as his cold hands wrapped around your upper arms, your chest pressed to his. He looked down at you, bared his sharp teeth in a smile.
“You don’t want me to go. Do you?” Your blown pupils were answer enough. He grinned again. “How can I help?” he asked, voice softening as he let you go and stepped away.
“I need… more…”
“More…? Sticks?”
You nodded dumbly.
He stayed close, within your sight, and moved at the speed of a human. You steadied yourself, regained your composure, and continued with your task.
The circular doorway would allow humans and witches to pass safely through the woods. It worked like a protection spell, once through it the individual would exist within a bubble, the bubble would take them through the dense and dark forest untouchable to vampires and foes.
On the other side of the woods, your mother had created one just like it, though she preferred to work in the daylight. Your penchant for twilight walks and midnight magic had, so far, gone unnoticed by the coven. Moonlight was a strong conductor, after all.
When the doorway was complete, holding strong against push and pull, you considered sending the vampire away. Somehow though, your magic felt stronger when he stood next to you. So, he stayed.
“Bloodline magic, far and wide,
Enchant this doorway so friends may hide.
Leaf and petal, wood and stone,
Protect our friends, return them home.”
You painted a circle of salt, sage, ground black cat bone, and mud around the doorway while reciting the spell. Then stood on the opposite side to the vampire.
“I dare you to cross through,” you said to him, a coy smile warning him of your witchy mischief.
“You wouldn’t be trying to kill me, would you, little witch?”
“If I were, it would not be with sticks and stones.”
He laughed, then considered you, his head cocking to the side. “If you want me to cross through, it will not be for free.” It was obvious he wouldn’t be able to walk through the circle, but the damage he would sustain was a mystery. What price would he put on shame or pain?
You huffed and crossed your arms. “What do you want? More stolen apples that you can’t eat?”
“A kiss,” he replied.
Your expression stayed playful; you held your nerve. He didn’t miss the way your breathing hitched though.
“For that, I want more,”
“Of course, you do,” he laughed, motioning for you to continue with a wave of the hand.
“Your name. A kiss will buy me your name.”
The vampire was quite pleased with himself for having held back that detail. He had predicted it would become useful. Witches and their silly little words and silly little names. It was all so important to them.
“You have yourself a deal.”
You clapped with joy, then bowed at the gate. “Please cross this witch’s threshold,”
“Oh, I do love it when you speak so filthy,” he quipped.
Tentatively, he approached the gate, waiting to feel his skin burn or something mystical and unholy. You watched amused at his sudden caution.
“Nothing will happen until you cross through,” you told him, trying to hurry him along.
He shot you a dark look that ought to have frightened you. Instead, you giggled.
The vampire took a useless breath in and jumped off the ground. He hit the circle like it was a brick wall, then was sent on a harsh rebound from the trees and into the tall grass.
You covered your face to conceal the laughter, waiting for him to reappear, ego bruised.
The wind whistled through the air and you thought perhaps you had pushed the vampire too far. Carefully, you followed his path from the gate out the woods and to where the grass began.
“Oh, vampire!” you called sweetly.
His voice came from all around you. All-encompassing whispers of, “Little witch, little witch, little witch!”
“I’m not afraid of you.”
The whispering stopped. You walked into the tall grass and found him lying on his back, casually lounging.
“Have you come to shower me in kisses?” he asked, fluttering his long eyelashes as you.
You knelt next to him, leaning over so your arms were either side of his head. “Give me your name,” you demanded, eye to eye with him.
“When I was born into this world, my mother named me Edward,” he said so casually, like it had never been a secret.
“Edward,” you repeated, a tone in your voice that made him smile.
“Are you disappointed? Would Molech suit better? Abaddon? Paimon? Or perhaps Lucifer Morningstar is what you expected?”
You looked down at him and saw through the shallow humour. “There’s a boy in the village. His name is Robert. It means bright star. His mother calls him Bobby and he answers when she calls,”
“Are you trying to distract me with a lesson?”
“Edward is of Old English origin. It means both fortune and guardianship. Which, in your case, does not fit quite right.” You didn’t reveal that his name was relatively new in human history, leading you to conclude he was not an Ancient vampire.
“Do your arms tire, Amabel? May I take this weight from you?” With vampire speed, he sat up, pulling you over him, your legs straddling his lap.
The game was fun. You held your arms out straight, letting them lean on his shoulders. “My assertion is that like Bobby, you will answer to a different name. I think I will call you… Eddie.”
You half expected him to argue. Instead, he smiled tenderly and snaked his arms around you. “You can call me whatever you want, little witch.”
Eddie listened to your heart, how it began to beat faster as you leaned down and ran the tip of your nose against his. His lips touched yours, his cool to your earthy warmth. You had kissed witches and humans and a few fae folk too. Nothing… absolutely nothing compared.
You rolled your hips against him, begging to be held tighter, instead he maintained the space between you, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against yours.
“What are we going to do?” he asked, in a moment of honest vulnerability.
Willing yourself not to cry, you left his sorrow unanswered and instead, leaned in to kiss him again.
End Note: Not me agonising over US English versus Australian. The Grimoire and timeline have been updated (links at top of post). Reblogs encourage me to keep writing! And, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Fic Taglist: @kaitebugg03 @paranoidmunson @munsonsbait @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch
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secret-engima · 12 days
I have tea and a soap box let's spill something shall we (Wakfu Rant)
*sips tea*
I've been in this fandom for like. A month? more? Depends on how long it took me to work through the show. I've not actually interacted with the *fandom* at all, just the canon stuff and my own spiralling insanity. But while I'm here I might as well make enemies /s. Therefore:
Oropo is a much more compelling character deserving of redemption than Qilby. Qilby:
Had a loving literal goddess mom and a bunch of loving siblings.
A beautiful planet and thriving culture he could go anywhere and do anything on
The capability of going into space without any technological aids once he got bored of the Eliatrope world and started to suffer the effects of his eidietic memory thing. We know for a fact that Eliatropes and their dragon sibs literally don't need so much as a helmet to vibe in space, they could have gone out there any time, explored the cosmos a bit, found cool things as souvenirs and brought them back to show off to his siblings.
While this is very clumsily and blatantly retconned in s4, in s2 Qilby is very open and blatant about the fact he willingly picked a fight with Orgonax with the INTENTION of forcing his entire people to flee their world into space just so he would have more company than Shinonome. An entire world and no doubt thousands of Eliatropes and who knows what pieces of their history and culture were lost because this man, and I remind you again that s2 Qilby taunts Yugo with this fact no matter how s4 woobified him, wanted to FORCE his people to join him in space rather than just let manning the fuck up and going out there with his sister on a buddy roadtrip.
Seems very convinced that some or all of his specimens in his lab are the last of their kinds, which at best means he intentionally targeted dying species on alien worlds to capture and put into jars for literal eternity which is all kinds of animal cruelty (assuming some of them aren't sentient!!) and at worst means he is the reason they are the last of their kind because Qilby wanted his souvenir to be Unique.
when his people finally found a new world to settle on and be happy and try to reclaim their culture, he instigated a SECOND GENOCIDE, this one taking out not only their home world but literally every. living. adult Eliatrope (and dragon considering the propensity for dragons to have Eliatrope twins as stated in s1). Literally thousands if not millions of people are dead, thousands of children are orphaned and left trapped in a realm where they cannot *grow up*, the vast majority of his own siblings are dead and oh look at that. He's stuck in sensory deprivation hell. Man. If only there was some course of action he could have taken that would not have led to him fighting his own siblings, losing his arm, and getting stuck in the white void of horribleness. Man this truly is a tragedy of fate. Definitely no way he could have gone back into space without the Zinit. Definitely could not have just hopped on Shinonome's back with a packed lunch and gone out there on his own knowing he would have a loving family to come back to whenever he got lonely. Man.
upon breaking out of the White Void Of Horrible he is even more mentally unstable (and yes I know he's mentally ill during the above events, that does not excuse his actions when he is aware enough of them to gloat about them to yugo later) and immediately decides that he's going to kill this entire world in order to leave and he's going to take his siblings and the few surviving eliatrope kids with him by force.
has ANYONE other than me noticed the incredibly dark and horrific implications of him apparently planning to kill Phaerys and Yugo (and Adamai likely). Yugo says he couldn't go through with it and I'll believe that, but the fact he apparently consciously PLANNED it. Am I the only one who saw that scene and went "if he kills them, then they go back to the dofus and hatch without any memories, which means he will be able to RAISE AND GROOM THEM in the Zinit to believe that whatever Qilby says is right and do whatever he wants, like galavant in space for eternity".
S4 can retcon as much as it likes to make the Orgonax thing an accident and Qilby a mama's boy (which I freely admit was funny and I would have enjoyed in any other villain), but going off s2 and moving into s3 I REALLY cannot see why people like him more and hate Oropo.
And even if we DO count s4's retcon that made the first incident an accident the SECOND WAS STILL DAMN WELL INTENTIONAL. And Qilby is still responsible for the death of thousands twiceover on top of the death of an entire culture. All of Eliatrope history, culture, science, medicine, *music*, *STORIES*, it's all gone save for whatever the Emrub kids happen to remember (and the kids will not remember it accurately because they are children). All their architecture is destroyed, all their native cuisine is GONE and so are the ingredients to make them. All because Qilby wanted to force them into space WHEN THEY DID NOT WANT TO GO and HE COULD HAVE GONE ON HIS OWN AT ANY POINT WITH SHINONOME.
Speaking of Oropo! Let's look at what we know about him for comparison!
Was created by accident and is intimately aware of it.
was thrown back in time and lived most if not all of his life perpetually terrified of changing history or accidentally erasing himself and his siblings
Not only saw all of his siblings die off over the years but had their energy absorb into him in something that is no doubt extremely traumatizing to undergo. if any of you have watched the Oropo-centric ova, man for a mastermind manipulator he sure do look like he wanna cry and throw up and curl in a little ball when two of his siblings die in front of him and he is forced to assimilate their life energy.
"Supposedly" staged several key villain creation events which I personally press x to doubt because it's so clunky when mixed in with s1 and s2 lore BUT if we graciously assume that he did then gee. can't possibly be a factor of the third bullet point and his terror of erasing the timeline with his own existence can it? Can't possibly be Oropo falling into Every Heroic Time Travel Trope Ever where the hero ensures a certain event happens in order to maintain the timeline in key points hm? Even if it's a bad idea?
Has been successfully and lovingly married? partnered? mated? to a badass half-dragon wife for literal centuries and every time they are on screen together before the Dramatic Amalia Bullshit they are loving and balanced and give off so many Old Married Vibes and then THEY RESUME that dynamic for the few seconds on screen they have before they both die.
Adopts and raises hundreds of orphaned demigods who apparently were more than happy to live in the Tower and follow him throughout their lives, and in fact show no sign of abuse or manipulation in their behavior until the finale when Anakam decides it's time for everyone to think Oropo is horrible
is actively DYING when we meet him and not just dying but faced with the prospect that there is no happy ending for him. He will never see his loved ones in the afterlife, he will never know peace, he will be assimilated by his creator Yugo and at *best* be essentially digested into raw wakfu and at *worst* be a ghost stuck in the head of a man he has extremely complicated and negative feelings about for the above time travel and sibling trauma.
Adamai EXPLICITLY MENTIONS THAT OROPO IN S3 IS ACTING OUT OF CHARACTER when he goes into his more Blatant Villain Moments. Which sure, could be "the mask" falling to reveal someone "oooo evil" but isn't it far more likely he's acting out of character because he's dying and having a crisis about it.
canonically hates violence, but was so desperate to ensure his loved ones would have a better world he was willing to resort to turning himself into a suicide bomber to "create a better world". Was this a good idea? no. but ppl apparently love to point out how Qilby is mentally unstable to justify his behavior soooooo like. Why is that excuse not applicable to the guy who's literally spent his entire life being uncertain he's even real and has a right to exist but is real enough to DIE and never see the people he loves again and therefor go off the rails in his attempts to make something better for them?
in s4, the same season that makes Qilby sympathetic so if you count that as canon then by gods you better count the Oropo moments as canon, Oropo gives Yugo a reprieve from the literal life sucking torture he's in, helps him get a new outfit, and lets Bouillon play fight him (because again, Oropo hates Doing Violence) to keep him distracted and SANE while his body is being horribly tortured. In the end Yugo even confirms they are real and a part of him which is literally all Oropo wanted in his dying speech if you rewatch the finale and boil down his fury to its bullet points (he is a clone without a future and literally says stuff along the lines of just wanting to be REAL and wanting Yugo to ACKNOWLEDGE him).
For a supposed mastermind villain who wanted Yugo dead Yugo sure does seem Super Duper Alive in the months/two years/whatever timeline Ankama is using this hot second since he created the clones and was therefore *no longer necessary* for Oropo to keep alive.
At the end of the day Qilby actively chose HIMSELF over the wellbeing of others and got multiple siblings killed as well as two worlds and an entire civilization/culture wiped out. OROPO set himself on a path of similar destruction and then ACTIVELY TURNED BACK because he was faced with the choice of his ambitions or HIS LOVED ONES and he PRIORITIZED THEIR LIVES OVER HIS OWN AND HIS OWN GOALS where as Qilby not only did not do that, he didn't do it TWICE. TWICE. Oropo's death count is miniscule and he chose to sacrifice himself rather than lose the people he was doing this for and Echo knew he would make that choice, which means she also knew his love of them was genuine. You cannot compare that to Qilby and tell me Qilby is in any way better.
Okay rant over I'm going back to planning my wakfu canon rewrite and my various Echo/Oropo oneshots thank you and good day.
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clumsiestgiantess · 22 days
Part two of Takeover Scenario Future! @goblinunderabridge, @entomolog-t, and everyone else who enjoyed part one, here it is!
(part one here)
Running to the bathroom door, I tried to turn the handle, but it was locked from the inside.  I could hear small pained groans coming from behind it.  “Julie!  What are you doing to him?!” I yelled from outside.  She didn’t answer me.  I waited a good half-hour sitting against the bathroom door.  They were talking to eachother in there — speaking in whatever strange language the survivors spoke.  Finally, the bathroom door opened.  I nearly fell backwards inside.  “Can you get off the floor, please?” she asked me, voice back to being mildly annoyed and normal.  “I need you to tell me what exactly you thought you were doing taking Mason for a joyride on your bike.”
I hadn’t really processed any of what she told me.  My mind was drawn to the survivor.  He sat on the side of the sink with bloody cotton balls surrounding him.  His pant leg had been cut off to make way for a bandage that covered his whole leg.  A broken rod of plastic was wrapped up in it, too — preventing it from bending.  Zoning back in, I recognized something about what my sister said.  “Wait.. Mason?  Who’s Mason?”  Julie exhaled tiredly, pressing a few fingers to her temples.  “Mason is your little friend here.  Well, technically his name is Nosam, but I think you’ll do better with the English version.”  At the sound of the strange name, Bandit — or not Bandit — looked up at us.
“Now please, what were you doing that made him jump out?  Was he trying to get away from you?”  Guiltily, I thought back to how he’d struggled against me when I placed him in the bike basket.  “Yeah, he tried.. before I got on the bike.. but he was just a bit scared!  Once I brought him back and showed him his new home, I thought he would stop!”  I stepped over to Mason, leaning down to look at his injury, but he scrambled away wide-eyed.  Disappointedly, I backed off.  “He’s.. still scared of me,” I realized.
“Well no shit he’s scared of you!” Julie suddenly spat, voice hostile again.  “He doesn’t understand what you’re saying, and you’re not trying to comfort him at all!”  “But shouldn’t he know I’m not going to hurt him?  I’m not a monster!” I countered.  “Well, to him, you are.  You’re more intelligent than anything else he has to be afraid of — capable of doing so much worse to him than an animal that just wants to eat him and be done with it.  Our kind trapped his kind here.  All survivors are either angry at us or scared of us at first because of that.  And I don’t blame them.”
The room was silent for a while as the thought sunk in.  “Sorry, Ritch, I didn’t mean to yell at you.  I mean, I did, just not that much.”  Julie glanced over at the survivor.  He quickly turned away like he hadn’t been watching.  “They’re not pets, Ritchie.  They’re people.  Just like us.  You can’t just carry one off and expect them to be calm about it.  That’s kidnapping.”  “But..” I stammered, “I just wanted to give him a home.”  A slight smile appeared on Julie’s face.  “I know.  But Mason didn’t, and you scared him enough to think that jumping off your bike to get away would be safer than whatever you had in store for him.”
I glanced guiltily at the guy sitting on our sink.  “Sorry.”  “Eh syas s’eh yrros,” she told the survivor, “Ym rehtorb tsuj detnaw ot evig uoy a ecalp ot yats.”  Mason looked up at her, then turned to me.  He didn’t seem as scared, just a bit wary.  “What’d you say?”  “I told him what you told me.  That you’re sorry and you were just trying to help.”  I nodded, then turned to her suddenly.  “Wait, Julie, how do you speak survivor?  How do you know all this stuff about them?”
“Oh!” she gasped, “That’s kind of a long story, actually.  Let’s head to my room.  We don’t want Mom finding them inside.”  I nodded, “Remember the one in the attic?”  “Mhm.  She tried to kill it.”  She had, but my sister had stopped her.
Julie gestured for Mason to settle between her hands so she could take him where he needed to go.  “Wait, can I carry him?” I asked her hesitantly.  “I promise I’ll be gentler.  I- I want him to know that I can be more careful.”  She spoke to Mason and turned to me.  “It’s his decision, not mine.”
The survivor looked at me intently — thinking hard.  He said something decisively and Julie nodded.  Then, he pointed to me.  “Well, he chose you,” she told me with a nudge, “Better make up for that first impression.”  With that, she slid out of the bathroom and waited by the doorway to the next room over.  Gently, I held out my hands for Mason like I saw my sister do.  He tenderly got up, avoiding his injured leg as best as he could.  
The feeling was even stranger than picking him up in my fist.  His weight caused my hands to dip lower as he sat down in them, glancing up at me with a pensive expression.  I lifted him, and his grip tightened on my thumbs, which were almost like armrests to him.  “Sorry for scaring you earlier,” I told him remorsefully, “I won’t do any of that again; I promise.”  Mason gave me a small reassuring smile, squeezing the pad of my thumb just a bit tighter.
When I made it to the doorway, Julie nodded and told me the coast was clear.  I followed her upstairs to our room — taking the long way around the house to avoid getting caught by our mother.  Mason gawked at the surrounding rooms and furniture.  Briefly, I wondered why.  His world apparently had the same types of things that this one did.  However, they weren’t nearly as gigantic.
Once we were safe in Julie’s room behind a locked door, she told me I could put Mason down gently on her dresser, which had been cleaned off since she’d returned from college for the summer.  The little survivor eased off of me; I helped him get his balance before fully releasing him.  He was still slightly wary of me, though.  I’d kept my hands close around him so he couldn’t fall over, and he flinched so badly at the sight that he nearly did fall.  I swear I’m not grabbing you, man, I thought remorsefully.  I’m really sorry I did.
I turned to Julie to ask what to do next, but she’d ducked down beside her bed.  “Ellie!  You can come out now; it’s safe!  There’s.. a few people I’d actually like you to meet.”  My mouth dropped open as a survivor slid out from beneath her bed.  She froze when she saw me, stepping slowly backwards without taking her eyes off mine.  “Ronele, this is-”  “Your brother.  I know.  What is he doing here?”  
Holy…  That survivor just spoke.  In my language.  I gawked, stepping forward slightly, “Y- You speak English?”  “She does,” Julie replied, “I taught her, just like she taught me her language.”  “How?”  She shrugged, “How do you learn any other language?  Practice and trial-and-error mostly.  A lot of gestures, too.”  I shook my head.  “No, I mean, how did you like.. befriend a survivor?”
Before she could answer, the survivor tapped her leg, backing up until she was safely against it.  “Jul, seriously, why is he here?”  The new survivor’s voice held a rather strange accent, but even with it I could still hear the hard fear in her voice.  Why did my presence suddenly put everyone on edge?  I had never hurt one of their kind — never trapped one or locked one in a cage like I’d seen others do.  Then again.. it’s kind of what Julie had told me.  I was still perfectly capable of doing all of that.  And even if I don’t do those kinds of awful things, there are enough people in the world who do for them to be wary of me regardless.  Suddenly, my earlier interactions with Mason made a lot more sense.
At the survivor’s fearful question, my sister nodded to the desk where Mason stood.  He looked possibly even more shocked than I had.  “He finally took someone home.”  The survivor crossed her arms, “I told you he would.”  Julie sighed, “He did it to help him, though.  Isn’t that right?”  She gave me a pointed look and I nodded vigorously.  With one gesture, the survivor, Ellie or.. whatever name my sister called her earlier, called down a pair of cupped hands and slid into them easily.  It was mesmerizing.  The little being did it so effortlessly, as if she stepped into people’s hands all the time.  Actually, she probably did.
Julie lifted the survivor to wherever she pointed, and let her off on the desk beside Mason.  It was then that I realized one of her legs was plastic.  Her right leg from just above the kneecap down was missing, and had been replaced with a modified doll’s leg that was similar in color to her skin.  The survivor gave me a strong sideways glance — probably because I was unknowingly staring at her — then began to speak with the other survivor in their own language.
“So,” I said uncertainly after a moment, turning to Julie.  “How do you two know eachother?”  “That’s the long story,” she said, sitting on the side of her bed and patting the other side of it.  I sat where she wanted me, and she began.
“It was actually the year before I moved out.  I was on a jog when I found Ronele.  Well, in English it’s technically Elenor, but I usually use the other one or..  Nevermind.  Just call her Elenor.  That’ll be easiest for you.”  She sighed, “Where was I?  Right.  When I found her, she was lying on the side of the road.  A car had hit her a little while before I arrived, and I thought she’d died.”
The conversation between the survivors abruptly stopped.  Elenor turned to us with a pensive expression.  “Did you want to tell it?” Julie asked her.  She shook her head, but made the same gesture as before.  My sister got up and scooped her up kinda like I’d picked up Mason at the park, only gentler — more practiced.  When she returned to her bed, Elenor settled in on her lap, making it look like the most comfortable seat in the room.  I glanced back at Mason, still on the table.  “Do you want to come over, too?”  Julie translated for him, and he nodded slightly.
In the same way I brought him upstairs, I brought Mason to the bed — in two carefully-cupped hands.  I tried placing him in front of me, but he slid away and sat in his own spot between me and Julie.  I was slightly disappointed, but I understood why.  Once everyone was settled, the story began again.  “Well, obviously Elenor was in really bad shape when I first found her.  Thankfully only her leg had been run over, but it was still awful.  You know how I worked as an intern at the vet clinic in town?” I nodded.  “The practice came in handy.  That day I had to-”  She paused and glanced down at the little being in her lap, gripping one of my sister’s hands tightly to herself.  “Let’s just say.. it wasn’t pretty.  Elenor was furious with me for a long time afterward.”
“For saving her life?” I asked, stunned.  “Yes,” the survivor quipped, “When you have to be in almost perfect physical form just to survive, losing a limb is a death sentence.  I was angry with her because I knew whenever she put me back I was just going to get picked off by something.  I would’ve rather got the dying part over with rather than dragging it out.”  “But then I got you this,” Julie added, gently tapping her plastic leg.  The survivor calmed and nodded.  “While she healed, Elenor learned a bit of English to communicate with me.  And then while she went through physical therapy of sorts with her new leg, she began teaching me Hsilgne.  Her language.”
“And I was right there,” I glanced at the door, “on the other side of the hall.  I never knew.”  “We didn’t want you to,” Elenor told me curtly.  “We didn’t want anyone to find out,” Julie amended.  “By the time Elenor had a working leg, we’d become such close friends that we knew she wasn’t leaving.  She’s stayed with me since.  She came with me to college, and lives with me in my apartment.  I’ve been helping survivors ever since the year I met her, though.  They’ve started coming to me on their own now that I have my own place.”
My sister is a doctor for survivors.  How do I not know this?!  “Can you show me how to keep one?” I asked her, “If you’ve been doing it for years, you can help me start collecting them, too!”  Elenor said something angry-sounding in her language and Julie cringed.  “I.. don’t think that’s a good idea.  I told you, they’re not pets, you don’t keep one.  You offer to let them live with you, like a roommate, and if they say yes, then you can start thinking about helping them.
“And that’s a big if!” Elenor chimed in, “Most of my kind — if they had any sense whatsoever — would say ‘no’ in a heartbeat.”  I glanced at Mason.  Before I could say anything, Elenor asked him something harshly.  He looked confused — almost scared — of being confronted so suddenly.  His gaze flickered around between all of us, then landed intently on me; I tried to look as harmless as I could.  Finally, he spoke.  Elenor looked a bit miffed at his reply, and my sister nodded.  “He says that if you were able to understand him, and you two could talk to eachother like me and Elenor do, he actually wouldn’t mind staying here.”
Mason spoke a bit more, “I yllaer t’nod kniht ruoy rehtorb si a dab tnaig.  Eh- Eh did pleh em elpitlum semit dna I sseug eh dah doog snoitnetni neve nehw eh debbarg em.  Fi eh dluoc tsuj.. dnatsrednu, d’I eb yppah ot evil ereh.  Ohw t’ndluow?  S’ti a citnagig efas ecalp taht sah yllacisab detimilnu doof, dna si deretlehs morf eht rehtaew, htiw a etammoor ohw nac teg uoy tuo fo yna elbuort uoy thgim teg otni.  D’I ekil ot yats fi m’I emoclew, tub fi uoy dluoc tsuj hcaet mih hguone rof mih ot dnatsrednu, I nac hcaet mih eht tser.”
My sister nodded, “I nac hcaet mih.  Fi uoy yllaer tnaw ot yats, tsuj wonk uoy dluohs diova ruo rehtom.  Fi uoy thguoht s’Ritchie gniwonknu edutitta sdrawot uoy saw dab, neht uoy od ton tnaw ym rehtom gnidnif uoy.  Ehs si ekil emos fo eht lufwa sromur.”  Mason nodded dutifully.  I suddenly felt so out-of place.  Everyone in the room could understand this new language — knew what the conversation was about — even if Elenor didn’t seem to approve of it.  Only I had no clue what was being said.  Out of everything, I vaguely recognized my name, but that was all.
“Wait, Mason, you want to stay with me?” I asked surprisedly, a smile growing on my face.  He nodded, trying to stand back up, but between the uneven surface of the bed and his injured leg, he only got halfway before whispering something that sounded like a curse under his breath and sat back down.  “If you’re up for learning a new language over the summer, I’m sure you two will get along surprisingly well,” my sister said, “He thinks a lot like you.”  She gestured to Mason.  “Really?” I asked, looking down at him.  The survivor tilted his head to look up at me slightly.
“But just remember,” my sister told me, “They are not pets.  They’re people.  You treat that kid nicely, or so help me I will take him far away from you, understand?”  I nodded fervently, “Yeah!  I understand!”  Julie looked me over skeptically and Elenor asked: “Do you?”  
I turned to look down at the survivor I’d found earlier.  Originally, I didn’t understand.  I’d looked at him and saw a little mimic creature from another world — an oddity that only looked like a person, but wasn’t actually anything like one.  I mean, they’re barely a foot long, they scavenge around like little animals, and they live in colonies out in the woods.  It seemed obvious they weren’t people.  That was until I was reminded why they had to scavenge whatever we left behind, and hide away in places where humans weren’t around.  They are people — small people who couldn’t fight us for a place to live and had to go into hiding after losing the quick war we waged against them.
“I understand,” I said more firmly, reaching slowly for Mason.  He tensed, but held still as I lifted him up.  Keeping pressure off his leg, I helped him stand and walk across the sheets until he was beside me, leaning on my crossed legs to keep himself upright.  He looked up at me not only with a smile, but with a genuine understanding expression.  It was the first time he’d looked at me that way — with trust.  That look right there solidified it; there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that they’re people.  And I was going to make sure this one actually lived up to the name ‘survivor’.
Second part done!  Do y’all want part three to be a continuation, or a prequel?  (Either a continuation of Ritchie and Mason, or a backstory of Julie and Elenor’s first meeting)
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rhymey-workshop · 9 months
Feel free to skip. TW: I'm joining the military.
Growing up is really hard, and I don't think we realize that until we're on the verge of a big change, standing on the border between two parts of your life, balancing on a precipice before you take the swan dive known to many as change.
I'm packing my things. My dad finally brought home boxes and storage tubs and I'm finally packing my things, and that makes the passage of time so much more real.
I'm packing my things. My mom opened the door to tell me to watch my sleeping brother, and said nothing about the fact my room is a mess, or that I was just staring blankly at the cardboard box I just taped the bottom of. That box is ready for my craft books and paint stuff, my origami paper, my reading stand, my books on how to make stuff like children's books and animation. She made no mention of it all, just made that same pinched expression she has for weeks and then schooled her expression into something more neutral as she nodded towards the bedroom where my brother is and after a moment I got up and stumbled in, sitting at the foot of the bed to type out some kind of vent on Tumblr.
I'm packing my things, and I'm stuck between wanting to cry and finding myself unable to cry. I'm leaving home. I've been dreaming of getting out of here off and on since I was 13. At times I had a countdown of years, months, weeks, days that I had to stay, that I had to wait for the day I could finally leave. It made being angry or sad or any other complicated emotion easier. It made hardship easier to cope with. It made it easier to get through the hard times because I knew I could leave and nothing could stop me.
I'm packing my things, slowly, piece by piece, and I'm starting to understand the weight of what my dad said, when he said I was the first person on either side of my family in generations to not run away from home before turning 18. My mom left home at 17, my dad spent more days out of the house than in it as a teenager and left the god damn country. My bio paternal family has these issues too. My maternal family is full of people that ran off, that stayed away from home and didn't look back. My mom only speaks to one sister, and can't speak to her brother as long as their mother is alive. I didn't leave. I finished high school, I got my diploma, I took my time and I didn't leave before I was a legal adult.
I'm packing my things to leave home, and it's hard. It's scary. I've never been away from home for very long, and here I am, getting ready to do something more than just "Move out".
I'm packing my things, putting my life into boxes, sorting what's going to stay, waiting for me to return, what's getting tossed, what's going to get donated or given away. I keep finding things and remembering shit related to them. I keep finding things and remembering who gave them to me. I keep finding things and remembering which parent smiled when I got it.
I'm packing my things, and in a way I'm also processing a kind of grief I didn't know existed.
I'm leaving home for something I thought through for 8 months, and I'm coming up on the one year anniversary since I made my decision. It's been just under two since I signed the dotted line, swore in, and came home to congratulations and a sureness that I'm doing the right thing for me.
In 5 days, I'm going to my last meeting. Getting a send off from a group of people doing the same thing. A couple of them doing the EXACT same thing.
In 9 days, I'll spend the last full 24 hours I've got with my family, eating a fruit tart and playing putt putt. I'll say good night and that'll be the last time I see them for months at the very least.
In 10 days, I'm hiding my key on the porch and walking out the front door while everyone is asleep. They'll wake up and I'll be hundreds of miles away from them. In 10 days, I'm hopping in a big unmarked government van (and this will never not be funny to me) with like 5 other people and we're all doing the same thing. We're going somewhere and we have no idea what is really waiting for us.
In 11 days, I'm not in civilian limbo anymore. As it stands I am subject to the UCMJ but I'm not a sailor yet. In 11 days, I'm a recruit, and that's fucking dizzying to think about.
I'm getting ready to start a new part of my life and it's going to be exciting and new and I'll make friends and I'll go a couple places and I'll have stories to tell my brother and family. I think I'll be better, when all is said and done.
But right now, I'm packing my things into boxes and tubs, and right now, I want to cry.
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final-girl96 · 1 year
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Two
Tuesday 12:00 PM
September 23, 1996
"YN!" I was standing at my locker when I heard someone yell my name from down the hall. Looking to my right I saw Casey running towards me. "Where's the fire?" I asked, chuckling as she caught her breath. "I wanted to catch you before you went off to lunch," she said. I closed my locker and turned to face her. "What's up?" I asked. "I was wondering if you work tomorrow night?" She asked.
I nodded my head, "yeah. Want me to grab you a couple movies for your movie night with Steve?" She smiled and nodded, "that would be great! Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street please. I want to have everything set up before he gets there." I laughed, "yeah, okay. I'll have them quoting for you," I told her. She gave me a hug, thanked me and then we went our separate ways.
I walked down the stairs and outside to meet everyone at the fountain where we normally had lunch together. "There she is!" Stu said, standing up and jogging over to me. "What took you so long?" He asked, pulling me over to the fountain. He sat down, one leg bent up on the ledge of it and pulled me down to sit between his legs. Billy and Sidney were on the left side of us. Sid's back against his chest. Tatum sat between the pair of us and Randy on the other side of me and Stu. "Casey stopped to ask me a question," I told him. "Oh, yeah, and what was that?"
He and Billy shared a glance before he was resting his chin on my shoulder. "She asked if I could have two movies ready for her movie night with Steve tomorrow. Why are you so curious?" I asked, turning my head to look at him. He shrugged his shoulders, "no reason. Just wanted to know what was so important that I had to wait an extra five minutes until I got to see you." We all groaned at this answer. "God, Stu, you're so pussy whipped!" Tatum said, laughing. "Hey, I don't mind especially when the pus–" I jabbed him with my elbow before he could finish talking. "Shut up!"
After school was over I got a ride from Randy since we had work. It was again our night to close. Randy was putting returns away like always while I dealt with the customers. "Well, ma'am, that movie was in the horror section. That should be a sign that it's not for children," I said. "Well, it has a cute little animal on it! Maybe you should make things more clear!" She slammed the rental on the counter. "Well… the name Gremlin should be more than clear that it's not about a cute little animal. Maybe you should also not let your children wander off. I can not give you a refund. You rented the movie." She huffed, grabbed her kids hand and walked towards the door. "You just lost a customer!" She yelled. "Oh, no! How will I ever survive!"
Probably not the smartest thing to do. But let's be real here, customers are not always right. "Brad's going to fire you if you keep doing that." I looked over at Randy and shrugged. "Not like I actually need this job. I just have it so I don't have to be at home." I checked out another customer while he came around the counter to make sure the returns that were brought back were rewound. You'd be surprised at how many people didn't rewind the vhs before returning it. Or maybe you wouldn't.
"You and Sid still not talking?" He asked. I turned to look at him, "we talk. Just not that much. We mostly argue. She's starting to sound like mom, with her complaining about my music," I said. It was half true. Sidney did come beating on my door to tell me to turn down my music but she didn't do much complaining. Usually she just turned her own music up if she wasn't trying to study or something. But she was also more like mom than I ever was. Some days I wonder if we're even sisters.
The next hour was quiet besides the occasional ringing from the bell above the door and when a customer would ask Randy where a movie was or come to check out. When it was closer to closing Randy came up to the front and jumped up on the counter. "So… think Sidney will break up with leather-face?" I looked at him with a look that said 'really?' and he shrugged. "I doubt it, Randy. I'm sorry to hurt your ego or whatever bit Sidney will never break up with Billy and go out with you. You're stuck in the friend zone, buddy."
After we locked up Randy took me home. When I walked into the house it was dark and the memory of that night came back. It was the same time as before and in a fews would mark a year. I shut the door behind me, locked it, and walked up the stairs to my room. I walked around the banister and across the landing but stopped in front of the door. Dad had moved into the spare room.
The door to the master bedroom has been shut since they had crime scene crew come in and clean it. The whole room was stripped. The images of it being covered in blood flashed through my head. The way she laid on the floor with her eyes wide open looking up at the ceiling. I could still feel the blood on my hands. I could feel it seeping into my jeans. The strong metallic smell that filled the air still hung in my nose. It was permanently burned into my senses. "Yn?" I jumped when I felt someone touch my arm.
I looked to my right to see Sidney standing there with a look of concern. "Sorry. I've said your name a couple times. Are you okay?" She asked. I blinked a few times and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," I said. She gave me a look but let it go. "I'm going to bed. Good night." I turned and walked the rest of the way to my bedroom and closed the door. I doubt I would be getting a lot of sleep tonight.
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opinated-user · 9 months
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Lily has responded.
More D.A.R.O style exercises.
raise your hand if you're surprised.
more than that… i can't stress enough how much LO is lying. and i don't mean about the accusations from Courtney or about Courtney, but on the very first line.
"my sister is lying about me because i talked about her being abusive and participating on the abuse coming from my parents so she's retaliating."
this is factually wrong and anyone can debunk this. anyone can go through my blog right now, see the date in which i started talking about "someone claiming to be LO's sister" claiming a bunch of things about LO and then compare that with the date in which LO started really hamming in about how her sister was awful, how Courtney tried to kill her, how much of a little bully she was.
before we started talking about the allegations from "someone claiming to be LO's sister", because we didn't had any confirmation at the time, LO barely even talked about her sister. the most all of us knew was the story about beating her 15 times over a control remote and she ran away from home. it was only after Courtney made her accusations that LO suddenly felt talking a lot more about her childhood and her sister.
i too need to point out how LO still doesn't know what reactive abuse is. LO, i'll explain it clearly since you don't seem to get this: everytime you accuse anyone of being an example of "reactive abuse", you're saying that they're reacting… to the abuse you put them through. that's what the actual term means. it doesn't mean "this person abused me in response to me defending myself from their abuse", which i think is what you think, but rather "this person is reacting to the abuse they're going through."
you basically admitted that you abused your sister and this is her reacting to it. you're not the victim, you're the main abuser when you use that term and applied it to someone else. this is the second time you do this same mistake, you did it with Lizzy too.
google is free. use it sometime.
on top of that… a racist? do you really want to talk about racism? with your brownfacing avatar and appropiating of a Cherokee identity that has nothing to do with you? i see you still have "indigenous" on your bio despite being white and having no relation with no indigenous community, because you simply refused to all these years. i see you aren't doing anything to change that disgusting feathered earring you shove on your avatar to try to make it seem more "exotic". if you want to talk about racism and colonialism, how about we start from there?
she's lying about what we're even accusing her too. now, why does a innocent person even needs to do that? we accuse her of being an enjoyer of CSEM, which we have reason to believe she is, not of producing that content ( if we did that you'd read me on a very different tone than the one i'm using right now), of preying on minors (some of them even gave testimony) and… is it really just an accusations if almost everyone you have met has come out accusing you of abusing them on some way? or is that just pointing out the obvious? but the animals part is completely made up. i don't think none of us would trust LO with our pets or to properly take care of an animal if one landed under her care, but that's a very different issue than outright accusing her of having already harmed an animal. but how interesting that you even brought that up. (especially with how you have talked multiple times about harming rats you found in your apartment and "joked" about throwing rocks to cats during streams. i almost forgot about that, but thanks for reminding me!)
for the hundred time… the fact that she hasn't been arrested doesn't mean anything. thousands of innocent people are rotting in jail and a bunch of criminals are walking around consequences free. you'd hope the person who made a big show about "denouncing a pedophile" (piggybacking from the work other people did in fact) who end up free and not arrested, despite the mountains of evidence and testimony, would know that. but suddenly the system is perfect and the law is always correct. only when it comes to show that LO hasn't been arrested… yet.
"i got accused of faking cancer"… based on the fact that you constantly contradict yourself regarding this issue, didn't know the first thing about the actual treatment and somehow expect us to believe that you were in treatment while also streaming long hours at night or morning playing videogames with no sign at all of illness whatsoever. it's based on the fact that we did actually google, some of us do have experience with cancer from our loved ones and we know that your story makes no sense no matter how many times you tell it.
it also doesn't help you the fact that you even started talking about a cancer when Courtney did came out with her allegations. almost as if you were using it as a distraction. you didn't thought i forgot about that, did you?
where is that lawyer, LO? i have been talking a lot about you in this blog, i'm one of the people giving out the worst accusations against your persona. even before Courtney ever said a word, in my blog is where the "rumour" of you enjoying CSEM gleefuly started. i accused you of preying on children, even more than other blogs did. i accused you of being aware that the material you enjoy was made with the suffering of real children and liking it all the same.
where is my formal accusation, LO? how come i can walk around a free funny onion if all i do is say lies about you and so egregious at that? i guess according to your logic, they must be true. it must be true if i haven't been contacted by your absolutely real lawyer that somehow you can pay with who knows what money. because those are serious accusations and, if it were me, i'd absolutely do everything in my power to stop the spreading of them. if i were innocent, that is.
i'll be waiting the call from Saul Goodman.
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kit-williams · 3 months
Barn Anon. I’m also currently getting my hair dyed so I got a good while of free time to spam you. I apologise in advance. You’re amazing.
You look at your mother’s Imperial Fist, Sunny, as your mother has affectionately nicknamed him as. He’s always been around and your parents have joked that he and your mother are a package deal. Growing up he’s the one that enforces the rules your parents lay down. You have embarrassing fond memories of trying to sneak out only to find him standing by your car and getting carried back to your bedroom.
He’s extremely gentle to you and your siblings but its clear as day that he has a soft spot for animals. Your old family dog, a mutt that your sister had found while out with friends and brought home. Your mother had teased Sunny that he loves the dog more than anyone else in the family, something he always denies in his own way. Yet there’s no denying the fancy dog house that seems to have sprung up overnight.
The family dog is quite old now though, age is catching up to it. A fact that seems to greatly distress Sunny. A part of you wonders if it’s because it reminds him that he will outlive your parents and even you and your siblings. It hurts to see the family dog, now no longer as active as it once was. It hurts even more to see how it pains Sunny, even though he has his helmet on most of the time.
You and your siblings decided to do something, to maybe bring some liveliness back to the both of them. Leading to this Christmas, you carrying a cardboard box with holes into the house while your siblings do their best to distract your parents and Sunny. You bring the box in and you know Sunny can tell there’s something alive and moving about in the box. Yet he plays along, until a soft woof comes out from the box.
Instantly he crosses the room, armoured hands hovering above the box, wanting to open it yet not wanting to be rude. You can only laugh and hold it out to Sunny. He’s only loosened the lid of the box when a small fluffy light brown puppy pokes its curious head out. Despite the helmet on his head, you can see that Sunny’s once more filled with the same adoration and excitement that he holds for the old family dog.
So Like how do I add onto this Anon?!
This is just wholesome and sweet and like I can't for the life of me figure out how to add more...
Yeah I tried but nothing flowed well
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AITA for being "negative" about a bunny and refusing to apologize? I don't think I can really shorten this, so I'm sorry for the lack of a TL;DR :/ It's pretty long!! TW for animal death(and potentially animal abuse?)
My mom(42 F) has a habit of randomly bringing pets home. For context, she's a single mother with four kids, with me(17) being the oldest, alongside my sister("E",13) and my two brothers(7 and 4, not relevant to the story). My sister and I share a room and my brothers share one too. My mom works a job that involves sleeping at work and doesn't think it's worth it for us to rent a three bedroom, so she sleeps on the couch on her nights off.
The first time was mid-2020 when she brought home a feral kitten my grandpa found underneath his house. What was supposed to be a family pet quickly turned into a pet that was kept only to E's and my room. He had some sort of sinus issue where he snotted everywhere all the time, so snot was constantly needing to be cleaned and being found randomly on our things. The cat was eventually rehomed after a year because it scratched my sister really badly to the point that my mom was concerned she would need stitches(she didn't. the cat didn't like being pet / touched and my sister wouldn't respect its boundries).
The second time was another cat(2021) that followed my mom from her cat to her place of work. This was when I started getting frustrated with my mom randomly bringing home animals, since the same set up that happened last time happened again- except this time, the cat got old enough to spray, and my mom kept forgetting to get him fixed so our room just smelled fucking awful. This cat was also rehomed when I broke down after realizing it has sprayed all over my books. I told my mom he either needed to be fixed or she needed to get rid of him. He was gone the next week.
Then last year it happened again- except this time, with a puppy(2022). My aunt was looking to get a new dog and sent some puppy photos to my mom, which she cooed over and showed me. She told me she was considering bringing one home, which I instantly told her was a bad idea and went over all the cons. Mom seemed to agree. Then guess what happened to be an early Christmas gift.... -_-
My sister and I took charge on the dog. We got our brothers to agree on a name for him(anyone with younger siblings knows this is a BIG deal lmao), started attempting to crate train him(basically making sure he's okay with eventually being left alone without crying the whole time), and we were the only ones trying to potty train him. Our mom didn't stick to any of this(including choosing a new name??) and the dog still isn't potty trained, and I'm the only one other than my mom that doesn't refuse to clean up after him. The dog doesn't stay in our room like the other animals, but it took months for my sister and I to convince our mom to get a hook lock for our door so the dog wouldn't keep coming in and peeing. The dog didn't end up getting rehomed, but now regularly stays at our aunt's house way more than ours.
It's worth noting at this point that all of these pets were "family pets" according to mom, and she would get upset when me and E pointed out we were really the only one taking care of them. The dog evened out after a while and now it's mostly my mom and I doing the work when he's here, but the cats are still a point of tension for us.
And now. For the fucking bunny!! Jesus christ I'm sorry there's so much backstory to this!!
A week ago my sister comes into our room and wakes me up to tell me mom brought home a baby bunny. It was scary small(3.5 inches long not stretching, 2 weeks old), and wasn't moving much but was clearly alive. My mom said it ran into my Nana's yard after the dog next door scared it off, and it's pretty safe to assume the nest is destroyed. But instead of bringing the rabbit to a wildlife rehab or something, my mom brought it home and told my sister she could keep it. They then put it in a box with some grass and water and did no further research.
I was pretty livid, because 1. This is a WILD rabbit. That's a crime in my state, 2. I think it was insanely irresponsible for my mom to drop this on us, 3. This is not a pet and it's very likely it'll die in our care just from us not being experienced, and 4. On a very basic and selfish level, I didn't want to take care of this animal and I didn't want it in our room(which it had to be). But E has been asking for a bunny for years, so for once she wasn't on my side about a new pet being dropped on us. So I was pretty outnumbered.
I kept pushing for my mom to contact a professional at the very least to ask about its diet(it's very easy to kill baby bunnies by feeding them the wrong thing), and kept trying to get my sister to stop holding / petting it since rabbits can die of stress. My mom listened after a day and my sister never did. Tbh I also thought if my mom contacted a professional the pro would tell her to absolutely not keep the bunny? But it was never brought up in their convo, so I think my mom might have lied about it or something, idk.
I continued being "negetive" about the rabbit and my sister kicked me out of our room for it. I refused to care for it too, even though my mom kept insisting it was a "family" pet(without me it was just her and E taking care of it, and since it stayed in our room my brothers never really got to see it). To be honest I really didn't feel like I had a lot of options, and I thought if I didn't help then maybe they would get overwhelmed or something and decide to give it to a professional. But I still kept trying to give pet care advice, because I didn't want any harm to come to the bunny(for example, my sister likes our room to never have to ac on, but i made sure she was keeping it cool enough for the bunny).
Well... After four days, the bunny died. E was pretty heartbroken, obviously, and my mom was sad, but to be honest I'm just sort of bitter. I'm upset a rabbit died just because my mom wouldn't listen. For more context, I also thought bringing in the bunny was a bad idea because my sister recently lost her dad, and I knew if it didn't end well this would just add more grief to her life. I 100% don't think she's TA in this situation, even if she has frustrated me.
I'm still pretty pissed at my mom for all of this, so yesterday when she sat me down and told me I should apologize to E for how I behaved, I didn't take it well. She said my negetivity made it so E didn't fully enjoy her time with the bunny, and that if I had handled things differently maybe things would have tunred out better. I know E has been avoiding me, which started when we first got the bunny and she kicked me out of the room for being too negetive. I feel like she just needs time to process, and to be honest I don't think this is something I should apologize for, even if it is an apology just to make her feel better. It feels like that would be irresponsible of me? Idk. I told my mom none of this would have happened if SHE hadn't been so irresponsible and brought the bunny home to a grieving teenager, when there wasn't much of a chance of the bunny surviving with us in the first place, but tbh ever since her dad died I've been really trying to do right by E, so I second-guess myself a lot now.
So AITA for being negetive about the bunny and refusing to apologize? To be clear again I don't think E is TA here, but they're both upset with me so idk.
What are these acronyms?
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yelenasdiary · 2 months
Forbidden || Meet The Characters - Yelena Belova
No Warnings | 0.5K
Forbidden Masterlist
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Ever heard of a woman being a bounty hunter? No? Well now you have! You can call me Yelena. I'm from Russia, I escaped a place called 'Red Room' in 1896. A terrible place, a place where women are kept against their will and forced to do unspeakable things. Now those women are free and Dreykov is dead, killing him with my own hands is a story that travels the country and more. I have an older sister, Natasha. She runs an orphan up in Drybellow, she does everything for all the young girls that call her ranch home. 
After killing Dreykov and finding Natasha again, I found I couldn't keep still. I needed to do something, to do more good for the bad I was made to do, which is how I became a bounty hunter. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people still laugh at the idea of a woman riding around on a horse with a rifle and loves being out in the open space under the stars. I get a rush from hunting outlaws and bringing them to justice. I've delivered more outlaws alive than I have delivered them dead, I get more money if they're alive. Anything from $40-600 alive, $20-300 dead. 
Most outlaws take a few days to a few weeks to track down and deliver to the sheriff's office and by the time one outlaw has been brought to justice there is almost always another poster pinned to the board then I'm off again tracking down another. Now, before you say that because I am a woman, that I am to become a housewife. Clean the homestead, prepare meals for my husband to return from work, attend to his needs and make small talk with the other housewives within the town….I am already carrying a secret that will get me hung and I cannot bring myself to play the role of a woman that is simply not me. 
I guess as much as I despise Red Room, I have a lot to thank Dreykov for. The skills I have to do what I do came from that. I know how to silently take out gang members without their leader knowing a single thing, I know how to track a gang for days without the help of asking passing travelers, I know how to use many weapons and melee weapons, I know which herbs to use if I fall sick, how to hunt animals without causing major damage to their meat. Everything I know comes from Red Room but everything I am? That's all on me. 
I have traveled to more places than I can count, I even broke my father, Alexei, out of a Russian prison with Natasha before we came to the States. If there is anything you truly need to know about me it's that, I will always do what I feel is best. I stand up for what I believe in, and God help you if you get in my way.
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Taglist: @madislayyy | @riveramorylunar | @teganmiller | @kyleeservopoulos | @yelenaslyubov | @kacka84 | @lesbiarmy | @meurgen | @caporal-nino | @sl-ut | @scarletwidowblackwitch | @dogtamer415 | @mousetheorist | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's link at the top of this post.
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orokukarai · 5 months
In Defence of Leorai
I know there have been a lot of these posts since forever blah blah blah but I wanted to put down my own thoughts and I've never quite 100% vibed with other people's opinions. HOWEVER this post by @leorai4life does resonate with me very well so I'll link it here because they're much more familiar with the source material than me: https://www.tumblr.com/tmnt4ever/713795384789581824 sorry i am a kataang shipper though lol, you're still cool
So a question I've seen come up multiple times is 'Is Leorai incest?'
tl;dr I don't think so.
Disclaimer: I haven't watched this show in a long time and I stopped just before the final season.
Here we go.
Are they biologically related? No. I've never bought a turtle at a pet store, but I don't think you go in, go to a tank, take out the turtles you want, carry them to the self-check out and then carry them home in your hands or pocket or recyclable bag or whatever. The shop staff would have been the last to touch them, and Splinter would have touched them maybe AFTER he got home. With small turtles, you don't handle them UNLESS it's absolutely necessary as it can stress them and stuff. Splinter not being the last to touch them is backed up by the fact that the turtles (except maybe Don) don't share physical similarities with Splinter. Splinter is Japanese and Leo and Mikey have blue eyes (plus the latter has freckles). I don't know whether during mutation if they even transfer DNA or if the ooze just evolves the creature based on what they last came into contact with, or if they're still mostly their turtle DNA or whatever, but I don't think they'd share enough similarities/DNA to be considered biologically related either way. And you know what? That's okay. He's just as much the turtles' father as if he was biologically related to them. Pushing for them to be biologically related (father-son) when it's extremely unlikely seems in bad taste to me. Also Karai and Leo are very different species. Splinter and Karai and Leo all mutated with different animals.
Are they adoptive siblings? Not... really? Only Leonardo was raised by Splinter, and he met Karai before they knew their connections to Splinter. Afterwards, Karai acknowledges that Splinter is her father, but for me it seems like more of a title to her. Splinter is more emotionally/psychologically family to April and Casey and the turtles than he is to Karai imo and she doesn't really try bonding as a family with everyone. He doesn't raise her at all beyond when she was a baby (which she can't remember), then he goes and dies rip. Oh and the fact that Leorai still flirt after the reveal (I'll get into that more in the next paragraph). Karai and Leo do not think of or see each other as siblings. Leonardo refers to Karai as Splinter's daughter but never as his sister. They were never raised together. They were not brought up together as a family. Yes Karai is referred to as family at times, but so are April and Casey and the TCRI cannister. Splinter is their father in different ways, in a way that they don't see each other as siblings. Is it still weird? Yeah. But TMNT 2012's writing gets pretty weird at times.
EDIT: I've seen a vague about this post about how they're like cousins because Shredder and Splinter grew up like brothers. My response: the turtles do not see Shredder as their uncle. Karai doesn't see Splinter as her uncle. The turtles and Karai do not see each other as cousins.
Finally, this is a kids show. Nickelodeon would not have continued pairing them and giving hints to them crushing on each other after the reveal if they were meant to be seen as siblings. Literally a few months ago, the official TMNT channel uploaded a 44 minute video of their 'best' moments with blue and black hearts in the YT title and a V-day short. I've seen people say Leo backed off her/lost interest after the reveal (not that he was ever pushing her for a romantic relationship?? They're crushing on each other but I see it as a slowburn). I think he was being respectful as she had just had her life flipped up upside down. Now wasn't the time to rizz her. Almost every other ship feels rushed and very instalovey while Leorai involves the characters being like. not weird about it. Dorky and cute. Funnily enough. TMNT 2012 does some things well but it really is a case of the show's focus on shipping characters dragging the show down (ESPECIALLY DON/APRIL/CASEY). Shipping culture, amirite?
My point about it being a kids show applies to Raphmona. I don't ship it but I've seen people argue that Mona is an adult so it's wrong. I think the simple explanation is that the show handled them and their writing clumsily too in this regard. I don't think if Mona was an adult that they'd be paired in the show. It's just not thought through well and kinda unclear but I can see people being uncomfortable with it.
If the ship makes you uncomfortable, whether it's for personal reasons or you're just not vibing, that's OK. If you personally see it as incestual, that's valid. But going around saying Leorai shippers all like or support incest is not true and there are many valid readings where they're not incestual even if you disagree with me. Some shippers probably do like incest, but then so do many non-Leorai shippers.
That's all from me! I'm disabling replies in advance bc I'm not bothered to debate. I've read what people have said already and I only have 4 followers.
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takecareluv · 2 years
heyyy!! i hope you’re doing well and are living the best life you can live <3 whenever you get the chance, can you write a vinnie and reader with a big family? reader has told him how they have a lot of brothers and one little sister, he just feels nervous around them. but when they visit reader’s family, he spends time with their brothers and has the best time. not to mention, the huge protection he’s built up after reader’s little sister mentions how not everyone wants to meet them bc they’re a lot, but she really likes vinnie for reader. thanks xoxo
a.n. hiii !!! i hope you are doing well && living UR best life! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🥺 i hope you like what i came up with !! sending all my love xoxo 💌
family style || vinnie hacker x reader
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family was the most important thing to you. you loved your family very dearly, but the only thing about them is, well, there were a lot of them.
you were one of seven kids. you had five brothers and one sister. this meant there was never a dull moment in your house.
you weren’t ashamed of them or anything, but because of how overwhelming it could be with that many people, you never brought a guy home.
you wanted to wait for the right one, knowing how stressful it would be have eight people, who loved you more than anything, judge your boyfriend.
right when you met vinnie, you knew he would be the boy you took home to your family. but you of course waited until things got more serious.
about nine months into your relationship, the holidays were closely approaching and you were going to be flying to your hometown to visit your family. so you decided to ask vinnie to join you.
he immediately said yes, excited to finally meet the people you constantly talk about.
you had met his family months ago, loving the way you bonded with them, he wanted to do the same with yours.
although, as the day got closer, he grew more and more anxious.
not only did he have a lot of people to impress, but five of them were you brothers, who he has heard many stories of how protective they can be.
he was nervous up until the very moment you knocked on the front door of your childhood home. your family opened them both with open arms the second you walked in.
you quickly made introductions, and once you were done with the rounds, your brothers instantly whisked vinnie away. “so we hear you played baseball?”
“what video games do you play”
“you like anime?”
you giggled at vinnie’s frightened face as he whispered “help me,” to you.
your mom then guided you into the kitchen to help her finish preparing dinner.
once everything was done and set on the table, you walked down the hall in search of vinnie. you were unsure of where the boys took him until you noticed them through the window, playing a game of catch.
you could hear the laughter from the top of the stairs and thought to yourself, good they’re getting along.
you stepped outside and coughed, “sorry to interrupt your fun, but dinner’s ready.”
“okay we’ll be right in,” you heard your eldest brother groan.
they really like him.
throughout dinner, your dad and vinnie would not stop talking about cars. your dad was asking him all kinds of questions about what cars he has, how he fixes them up, and about different parts. you had never seen your dad smile so much. he even gave you an approving nod which only confirmed your thoughts, dad likes him.
once he asked your mom if she needed help with the dishes and cleaning up you knew she was sold. “that would be so lovely vinnie. no one ever helps me around here,” she said loudly so everyone could her.
“subtle, mom.”
while vinnie was assisting your mom, you walked into the living room with your younger sister who had been begging you to play dolls all night.
vinnie joined you a few minutes later and picked up one of the extra dolls. “what’s her name?”
“that one’s hannah. this one,” she pointed to the one in your hand. “is felicity. and mine is emily.” she gave him the rundown with a smile.
you both played with her for a while longer until your mom walked in, telling your sister it was time to get ready for bed.
she about to grab her toys and head out the room, but stopped and looked at vinnie. “i like you. you play dolls with me. boys never do that.” she then kissed him on the cheek and skipped away.
last one: check. everyone approves!
you and vinnie also decided to end the day and head up for bed. once you were both changed into pajamas, you cuddled up close in your bed, your twin size not leaving much room.
“i would say tonight went pretty good, wouldn’t you?” you cooed.
“yeah, it was great. your family is amazing. and your mom’s cooking is the best.”
“oh wait till she hears you say that, you’ll really be on her good side.”
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