#n hes rich so i had diamond boots hell yeah
thewulf · 10 months
Cowboy || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - I was managing a gala and the theme was diamond and denim- so old rich people pretending to be cowboys with gaudy bling. And they hired a line dance teacher, and when I tell you this man had such Jake Seresin vibes!!!
A/N: Stop I had such a good time writing this one!! Sorry it took almost a month to get out but I hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.5k +
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“You’ve gotta stop stressing Y/N. It looks beautiful in here. It’s going to go well.” Your longtime friend and new coworker Michelle grabbed your arm as you frantically looked around the venue for God knows what now.
You let out a breath, “I know. It just has to go well. My promotion is kind of riding on the success of tonight. We need to bag this client going forward.” You let your anxiety out in front of her. You needed to impress the bosses tonight. You knew if you did they’d finally make you a manager. A position you’d been vying for.
“Relax, you’ll be just fine. You know what you’re doing. They picked you to run the show for good reason.” She squeezed your arm before dropping it, “Call me if you need anything. Try and enjoy the party.”
You laughed, “Impossible. But thank you Michelle. Couldn’t do this without you.” You walked off outside helping the florists set up the garden tables where dinner would be served.
“Excuse me.” A thicker than normal southern accent brought your attention away from the table you were placing the final touches on.
When you turned you weren’t expecting that to be there right in front of you. Handsome was an understatement. The man before you was drop dead fucking gorgeous. Not a single thing wrong with him. Who knew you had such an affinity towards literal cowboys.
“Yeah?” You asked trying your hardest to play it as cool as possible.
“Could you tell me where the,” He paused looking down at his phone, “main hall is? I’m here to teach the line dancing.”
You smiled wanting to tease him just a bit. Something told you he could handle it, “You don’t say?”
He pulled his cowboy hat off bowing a bit towards you, “Miss. My name’s Jake. Jake Seresin.”
Oh, this was just too good. Handsome as hell and a gentleman to boot? Your heart was beginning to beat faster and faster. You needed to answer him soon or things could get awkward, “Y/N. Nice to meet you Jake.” You left your last name out on purpose, “I’m the event coordinator. You stopped the right person.” Giving him a warm smile, you beckoned him to follow you with a wave from your hands.
“Isn’t it my lucky day.” He shot you a wink testing the water a little bit. He too found you painstakingly beautiful. And that smile sent his heart into a frenzy, just like yours. You were too caught up in your own head to notice any tells from him though.
“Mine too.” You opened the door for him to follow you through. Thankful for the small distraction not leaving your brain floundering. You weren’t usually one to flirt back but something was telling you to.
“You been doing this for a while?” Jake asked you interrupting you from your frenzied thoughts.
You nodded letting him catch up to your quick pace, “A few years now. I really like it. How about you?”
He laughed, “I do this in my spare time, when I’m off between deployments. I’m usually a pilot for the Navy.”
You grinned. Handsome as hell. Gentleman and he had an incredible job? He didn’t seem quite real. Taught line dancing for fun? It’s like you manifested him right then and there, “Aren’t pilots supposed to be in the Air Force?” You just had to tease him. You had a brother in the military and knew how sensitive they were to the mixing of the milarites.
A brief flash of shock crossed his face before he spotted you trying to hide the laughter behind your hand. A jokester you seemed to be. Somebody who liked to press the boundaries. Jake was used to being the one doing that. Not having that done to him. Not that he didn’t mind, it was almost too fun, “You got all the jokes there don’t you darlin’?” He smirked deciding to press your own boundaries right on back. He knew how his words affected women. How one look could get them second guessing their own actions. Jake was a pro, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Thank goodness you were wearing foundation, or the blush would’ve given you away all too easily. You were enjoying the simple flirty back and forth between the near stranger who pulled you towards him with such ease, “You haven’t even seen the half of it Jake.” Flashing him a sly smirk you opened the door towards the event halls ballroom where the activity was set up for the group. Surprisingly this event always seemed to be the hit of the corporate party year in and year out. You had a sneaking suspicion jake would be an incredible teacher and make the activity all that much better. He was so charismatic.
“Thank you.” He tipped his hat once more as you held the door open for him, “I like the sound of that.” He took in the room before him, “So, this is it?”
You nodded a small smile gracing your lips, not being able to hide it if you tried, “All yours cowboy.”
He laughed flashing you that gorgeous smile at the same time, “Careful now, I might fall in love with you if you keep talking to me like that sweetheart.” He took a small step towards you closing the small distance between the two of you. The tension in the air was so thick you thought you could swim through it. Your damn brain left you at quite literally a loss for words.
“Not that I’m not enjoying my time.” You knew you were rambling, were you even making any sense, “But I need to check on a few things. Are you all good for the 5 o’clock start?” You asked not daring to take a step away feeling the heat radiating off his body. He was so damn close you were sure he could hear your rapid-fire heartbeat.
“That’s a shame.” He removed his hat fully this time to get a good look at your face up close. He’d never seen someone quite like you. Beautiful. Clearly intelligent and driven. A mouth of a literal angel. Somebody he knew could challenge him but pull it back when needed. He just knew you were good. You were special. The universe put you in his path for his reason. He had to be sure to stop you before the end of the night. Ask you out or give you his number. Whatever you wanted, “Will I have the pleasure of teaching you Miss Y/N?” He asked once his eyes had fully scanned your face.
Shaking your head quickly you missed the quick flash of sadness in his eyes, “Oh, no. Not even you can perform miracles Jake. But I’ll make sure to stop in after you get started.”
He laughed shaking his head right back at you, “Maybe one day you’ll let me try.” He wanted to plant the seed in your head. Let you simmer on that thought for the remainder of the day before he got to talk to you again, “But until then. I look forward to seeing you again, Y/N.” He flashed you another gorgeous grin before turning away. Taking that tension right away with him as he walked to the front of the room to get ready for the group.
You let out the breath you were holding once you walked out the doors of the hall. You let you mind wander back to him and let yourself go on autopilot as you continued to get ready. Only Michelle breaking you from your mind got you out of that disassociated state.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded quickly, “Absolutely. More than alright.”
“Hmm?” She looked you over curiously as you finished perfecting the napkin at the dining tables.
“The line dancing instructor is a total flirt.” You didn’t tell much more before her normally bored expression turned into something much more devious. She’d always tried to get involved in your love life. This might be the opening she’d been waiting to pounce on.
“Is he cute?” She questioned, clearly very interested.
You nodded bashfully, “Terribly handsome.” You admitted not being that afraid to hide it. She’d surely go and check for herself at some point. No purpose in lying, she had eyes that could see herself.
“I’ll be back.” She smirked making a beeline towards the inside.
“No! Michelle.” You laughed pulling her arm to stop her, “Go in while the class is in session or something.”
She shook you off with ease, “I’m a worker. It’ll be easy. Give me five minutes.” She grinned. You let her go knowing once she had it set in her mind she’d be doing it no matter what.
She was gone for longer. No doubt getting caught in conversation with the friendly man. When she got back she had a sneaky little grin on her face, “Oh, he’s down bad for you Y/N.” She giggled.
You shook your head not really believing her because how could he? You were you and he was that. It just seemed incompatible, “Shush, he is not.”
“Then explain to me why he just played 20 questions with me about you?” She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an explanation. You had none. Because why would he? You’d be lying if you said it didn’t bring a smile to your face.
Her smirk only grew wider in your silence, “Please just go see him later. I’ve got a good feeling about it. Please?”
You nodded quickly, “I was already planning on it.”
“Good.” She squealed with glee going back to the kitchen to finish the prep she left behind to talk to you.
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You leaned against the door watching the group of people learn how to line dance from Jake. He was a natural. Flirty with the older women. Confident with young kids. Kind to the embarrassed teens. Bro’s with the boys. He could do it all. Who knew this was how you day was going to go?
Walking around the back you caught Jakes eye. Giving him a quick wave, you stopped to watch. Smiling as the joy from the group reverberated off the walls, no doubt thanks to Jake.
Not five seconds later you heard him speak, “Alright, try it for yourselves. I’ll be around helping.” And then he was making his way right towards you.
“You made it.” He spoke the second he stopped in front of you.
A quick nod brought your eyes right to his, “I did. I made a promise, didn’t I?”
You’d do anything to see him smile like he did right there, “You sure did. I’m glad you kept it.”
“Wouldn’t miss a chance at this.” You grinned referring to the class and to him. A double entendre per say.
He held out a hand, “Take another one then. Chance that is.” He winked sending a shiver right down your spine. You hoped he miss the goosebumps that rolled right down your arm. Should you? It’d only be a moment. It’s not like the client would mind.
Deciding to go for it you gently placed your hand in his, “Alright cowboy. But you have to lead. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, and I don’t think there’s a bone in me that has an ounce of rhythm.” You let your insecurities flow out after seeing him dance so effortlessly before you moments ago.
He nodded pulling you, softly, right behind him, “Sure thing darlin’. Nothing to be nervous over. They’re all in their own little world anyway. It’s just you and me.” He tried reassuring you once he found a spot off to the side, careful of your reluctance to go towards the front.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” You admitted, sure the makeup you’d applied twelve hours earlier was long gone by all the sweating you’d done throughout the day setting the event up. The blush he made you feel was surely evident at this point.
He laughed grabbing at both your hands setting you up for whatever dance he was planning on leading you in, “I won’t let you fail. Trust me on that.” All you could do was nod up at him as you listened to him. It felt deeper, like it meant something more.
Smiling the entire time, you listened to both him and the music as you fumbled your way through the partnered line dance. You apologized and giggled every time you stepped on his foot or bumped into his side. He took it in stride smiling back at you. Bumping you back. Lifting you up so you wouldn’t trample your feet.
You were having pure, unadulterated fun with the nearly complete stranger who made you feel oddly comfortable. You clicked with him the moment you laid eyes on him and now the rest felt like destiny. For being as reluctant as you were you were surprised how disappointed you were when the music ended, and Jake dropped your hand. You shouldn’t have wanted him to hold it like he just was but here you were, pathetic.
“You’re a natural.” He smiled admiring you from the small distance he’d placed between the two of you.
You snorted out a laugh, “And you cowboy, are a liar.”
He shook his head taking the cowboy hat off now, “Embellisher of the truth. My momma would be awfully disappointed if she heard you call me a liar.” The smirk that crossed his face should’ve been illegal, it had your knees shaking for dear life.
You laughed it off though, nodding in agreement, “Sure, we’ll go with that. Embellisher of the truth.” A genuine smile came to your face as you conversed easily with him. It felt so natural. Incredibly different than anything you were used to.
He looked around a tad disappointed himself, “I hate to cut this short gorgeous, but I am being paid and people need some help.” Placing the cowboy hat on you he took a step back with a lopsided grin on his face, “Keep that. Maybe a little too big for you but it’s yours.”
“How do I look?” You stuck your leg out holding onto the hat with the other, posing a bit for him.
He shook his head knowing he needed to see you again, “More stunning than words can describe. You were meant for a cowboy hat.” He reached out giving your hand a squeeze, “Tell me when I can take you out on a real date Y/N?”
“You want to? Take me on a date?” You weren’t sure if you’d heard him right. All signs pointed towards they did but you needed to confirm. What a whirlwind of a day you were having.
“I’d be honored.” He grinned waiting for your response.
“How’s Friday night sound?” You asked sounding far too eager. But that same smile from earlier didn’t let you get too embarrassed.
“Friday sounds amazing. I’ll pick you up?” He asked sounding a tad more timid than he had moments prior.
“It’s a date cowboy.”
He smirked giving your hand one last squeeze before walking away, “it’s a date darlin’.”
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged @hardballoonlove
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honeyminyg · 5 years
kpop celeb dream no.1 of ???
now this isn't bts related at all but i got married to bambam from got7 in my dream last night and the preparation for the wedding was super sweet and super weird and im not even double b biased so how could he do this to my heart help pls if there are any bam bias' come get your mans ty x
(also, hope y'all are doing well 💗)
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 8.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage
Warnings In This Chapter: Angst
A/N: Always the most gigantic, humongous shoutout to my loves @xjoonchildx​, @ladyartemesia​, @ppersonna​ for rooting me on and making it so easy to write these characters who I have come to adore!
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The house was quiet when you first woke up. There's an overwhelming sense of comfort in the air as you step out of your bedroom.
You've been getting into a daily routine here, without it you'd probably feel lost or without a purpose.
You really adored the small waterfall alcove beside your room. The sounds are so peaceful and the koi that swim beneath the glass floor are absolutely gorgeous. Entering here was always the beginning of your daily routine.
You weren't fond of wearing heels and for the first time in a long time you had on sneakers. After feeling sick for a few days you decided on a comfortable hoodie, albeit still expensive but you like it. The leggings you wear hug you closely and it brings you ease.
"Little dove?" you hear from behind as you stare down at the koi fish.
"Morning," you say, turning your head to the CEO as he leans against the doorframe of his bedroom.
His eyes are bleary, his forehead creased from the bright light that bleeds through the stained glass windows.
"Why do you always get up so fucking early? You should be sleeping, the baby needs rest. Does it not?" he asks, scratching at his neck with a yawn.
"I'm used to getting up this early, I did have a job not too long ago," you reply, looking over the waterfall walls.
He puts his head back against the door frame, his fingers combing through his sleepy bed head.
"I shouldn't be speaking to you anyway. It's before your morning coffee," you jeer, sitting down on the marble bench.
"Shut up," he retorts but you can hear the humor in his voice. You notice the corners of his lips flickering upward as he shoves off of the doorway.
"Madam?" you hear from the end of the hall.
Your attention turns to Maya as she bows.
Yoongi watches your face light up, he sees the true joy in you and he snorts gently in response. You're really a blessing to this house.
"Good morning Maya!" you say, standing up from the bench quickly.
"Easy does it, little dove." Yoongi murmurs, folding his arms.
"The neighbor Kim Yoona is here to see you." Tilting your head, you can't begin to register the name.
Yoongi laughs gently as he enters the hallway.
"Get me an Irish coffee, please Maya. I'm going to need it if Yoona is here," you turn to him as he speaks, watching as he rubs hand fists over his eyes.
"Who's Yoona?" you ask softly.
"Namjoon's wife. She's actually really sweet. Which is against my religion... so," he says before putting his hand on your lower back to escort you to the staircase.
You don't pull away from him oddly enough. You let him guide you, it's easier than fighting so early in the morning.
"She went to Sairmount Academy like us, too." he notifies you as you descend the stairs together.
"Huh." you mumble thoughtfully.
There were very few memories of Sairmount Academy you remembered. It's kind of bizarre knowing that Yoongi was around all throughout your schooling.
You didn't care to remember many things from school. It was always the same, you were poor and people were rich. You were bullied, Leena and Jin were the only ones who cared for you.
"Morning Yoona," Yoongi says as you reach the bottom floor.
Turning to you, you take in the woman who stands by the couch. She has light brown hair with dirty blonde highlights. Her body is slim and proportionate adorning light ripped jeans and a cashmere turtleneck. The thing that stands out the most though, is her paddock boots. She must really love her horses. She's clean cut and absolutely gorgeous.
But, as she smiles something seems familiar to you.
"Morning, Yoongles," he grimaces at her nickname, accepting the coffee that is rushed over to him.
"Why are you here?" he asks, leaning against the marble stairwell banister.
"Came to see an old friend." Yoona replies.
Tilting your head, your eyes begin to widen.
If she had black, long hair with small polka dot bows and if she was years younger, she would look exactly like an old friend.
"Bang Yoona?" You ask softly and she points to herself with a comical wink.
"That's me," she cheers happily.
"Oh my God!" you cry out, rushing over to hug her.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow as he watches you both hug. His heart warms at the sight of your pure excitement.
"Small world," he murmurs above the lip of his coffee cup.
"I changed my last name when I got married," she tells you, placing both hands on either side of your face as she pulls away.
You can remember when you were little. Yoona welcomed you quite like Leena. You were happy to spend time with her when you were seven. But, after time went on, she left to Germany with her parents when they accepted different jobs.
You were sad back then having only Leena but then it became a distant memory as you got older.
"You look amazing!" you compliment her as she brushes some hair behind your ear.
"As do you! Once Joon told me that it's you that got pregnant with Yoongi's baby I had to see you!" Yoongi smirks gently as you pull away from one another.
"This is such a pleasant surprise!" you cheer as she slings her arm over your shoulders.
"Come spend the day at my house. Leave Yoongi to his sad self," she winks at you and you giggle in reply.
"Fuck you." Yoongi mumbles. Yoona sticks her tongue out at him before pulling you towards the door.
"I'll show you my horses! They're so beautiful!" she tells you enthusiastically.
"Hey." Yoongi calls to you, whistling loudly for your attention.
You turn to him, a wide smile on your face which makes him smirk.
"Be careful and no riding the horses with the baby inside of you," he says pointedly.
You nod happily before hooking your arm around Yoona's waist.
"Watch out for her!" Yoongi calls to her and she snorts gently as you both walk up the entryway steps.
"Always. I probably know her better than you do," she retorts with a laugh.
Yoongi grimaces at the thought before rolling his eyes.
"Yeah well she's having my baby," he retorts softly.
He watches the front door close as he sips his coffee.
"Maya!" he calls to the empty house as he pushes himself off the stairwell.
"Sir?" he hears in the distance.
"Bring me my yearbooks!" he calls as he begins to ascend the stairs.
You better be careful or he'll raise hell with the Kims.
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The walk to Namjoon's house is absolutely breathtaking. You've always stuck around the house, taking walks around the long stoned paths by the garden. But now, walking towards the large mansion in the distance, you can only be in awe of the sights before you.
"I cannot believe what a small world we live in." Yoona says, ripping you out of your trance.
You giggle as she hugs you tightly to her side.
"I know," you reply as you both move out of the way as a car passes by.
The limousine begins to slow down, the window sliding down as well.
Very unfortunate for you, the face of Sera is right in your sights.
"Good morning Yoona! You look ravishing today!" Sera's voice is filled with overly sweet tones.
Your stomach begins to roll at how fake she is.
"Hi." Yoona says briskly, hand gripping beneath your arm tighter.
"See you've taken on a pet project. How gracious of you." Sera says, leaning her body out the window and grimacing in your direction.
Your friend from childhood stops in her tracks. "I think Y/N is delightfully where she should be in life. Unlike you, Sera. If anyone needs a pet project, I'll be sure to have them reach out to you."
You can hear Sera scoff loudly as Yoona tugs you down the road.
"Oh, and Sera?" Yoona calls Yoongi's wife.
You watch the pretty woman angle her head out of the car as if she would be expecting an apology.
"It's 2020, no one drives around in a limousine anymore. It's an embarrassing way to flaunt your money. You should get a Rolls Royce or an Astin Martin. No one wants to see you in a rickety old limo. That shit is for the birds," you put your hand over your mouth, gasping with a laugh as Yoona tugs you down toward her mansion.
"I cannot believe you!" you squeal as she laughs loudly.
Entering Namjoon and Yoona's house you're astounded at how different yet gorgeous it is to where you live now.
The house has an English feel to it, limestone and wooden hardware really bring it all together. The house screams Victorian Gothic and you find it all so wonderful.
"What do you think?" Yoona asks as she passes through the sitting room
"This is beautiful, Yoona. I can't even believe it!" you say in awe. Your eyes glance up, looking at the chandelier before she's tugging you into the next room.
"Namjoon and I are a bit obsessed with old English history. Like this, this is my most prized possession in the whole house," she says stopping in front of a large glass case.
Looking down, your eyes widen so big they could almost fall out of your head.
Gorgeous jewels and diamonds sit nestled in silver and gold. There are crowns, necklaces, earrings and all sorts of other baubles.
"Holy shit!" you whisper out.
Your hands situate behind your back as if you're in a museum.
"All of these belonged to King Henry the Eighth and his many wives! My favorite is Anne Boleyns." Yoona says pointing at a crown that is more grandiose than all of the others.
"Yoona, these are really beautiful," you breathe out.
She wrinkles her nose gently, leaning against the varnished hardwood table.
"Ready to go see my horses?" she asks as her maid brings you both glasses of water.
You nod to her happily as you move away from the royal jewelry.
Stepping out into the backyard of her house, you can't seem to see where the line is drawn between her house and Yoongis. The grass is perfectly cut and a luscious green that makes you feel at peace.
"Just over here." Yoona calls to you as she takes off toward the horse barn.
"Whoa." It feels as if you're almost in a movie.
You can see men walking to and fro with metal buckets filled with water and different foods. They all have on the same uniforms, something akin to what jockeys would wear before a big race.
The horse barn, as you approach, looks just like a home. Something comfortable and clean that could very well have people living inside of it.
"My pride and joy is Rapture. He's won five awards since he's been born and he is the biggest sweetheart," your heart warms at how enthusiastic your childhood friend sounds.
The barn doors open and you feel as if you've been thrust into a fairytale.
There are six horses, all beautifully kept with various colors and sizes on their coats.  Whinies and neighs enrapture your ears as the animals spot Yoona.
"It's like you're the Snow White of horses," you whisper to her as she picks up some carrots by the front door.
"Well, they're my babies," she replies, a motherly smile plastered on her face.
"Jooheon," she calls out.
You watch a man around your age appear. His hair is a light shade of blue and his eyes are soft and doe-like. His cheeks are high and his jaw is sharp like it has been carved by the gods.
He's incredibly tall and muscular, his thick thighs quiver and flex as he walks towards you both.
"Madams," he says, bowing down to you both.
His eyes lock with yours as he stands back up, a smirk on his features as he winks at you.
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Finally, Yoongi had brought home his laptop for work. He hasn't really given much thought to why he feels the need to stay home so much these days. He doesn't want to think about it, he just lets things be.
Throwing his feet up on his desk, his eyes falter to the stack of yearbooks that Maya has so kindly brought him.
Seeing Yoona this morning, someone he's always known suddenly knowing you, it made him curious.
How could he have gone throughout all of his Sairmount schooling AND college to never know you?
Sipping his coffee, he opens up the first yearbook.
His eyes narrow at the pages, looking over all the small kids with the same uniforms.
"Y/N. Y/N." he mumbles as his index finger glazes over the children's faces.
His eyebrows crease as he leans back in his desk chair.
You were in none of these pictures, not that he could see anyway.
Flipping through the pages of the book, he passes the newspaper club, the computer club, the chess club before finding solo pictures of each student.
His lips puff out as he skims along the pictures.
"Holy shit," he whispers, setting down his coffee cup.
There you were. Small and cute in front of his eyes.
But, there's something familiar about you as he continues to stare at the picture. You with your small tie and blazer, he feels like he's always known you.
Then it hits him, you were in his class. He fucking remembers you, sitting three seats behind him in History.
Purchasing his hand beneath his chin, he stares at the small pictures in his history textbook. He couldn't be bothered to study for the pop quiz and he knows that he probably failed.
His father was going to be disappointed, as always. His father is never proud of anything he does so why should this matter.
"Sir Min," the teacher, Mrs. Park, calls to him.
With the roll of his eyes, he looks up at his teacher.
"Yeah," he mumbles as Hoseok slides a note beneath the lip of his book.
"Do you realize that I've been calling your name for the past three minutes?" Mrs. Park asks as she leans down on her desk.
Running his fingers through his hair, the tip of his tongue grazes over his teeth. He leans back in his own chair, eyes glazing over the teacher with a bored expression.
"No. I was too busy looking at what underwear people used to wear," he mutters aloud.
He can hear other kids snickering and murmuring at his joke. A sly smirk begins to spread over his face while he fixes his tie.
"You think this is funny? You think failing is funny?" she quips as she holds up the quiz.
He can feel his neck heating up out of embarrassment.
"The future heir of Kisung can't even pass a history quiz? Maybe your parents should get a phone call," she asks him, her legs wading through the multitude of desks before plopping the sheet down on his table.
He takes in all the red lines that are scoured over the paper.
"I bet you can't even tell me when the Mongols invaded the Goryeo dynasty," she says earning a multitude of hushed voices.
He turns his head to the others behind him, his eyes dancing over the kids that sit with their eyes on their desks.
Then they falter to you as you stare at him shamelessly. Your small hands form fists as you look from him to Mrs. Park.
Secretly, you begin to raise your fingers.
He clears his throat as your eyes falter to your desk and he turns back to the teacher as she raises her eyebrow.
"The Mongols invade Goryeo in 1216," Yoongi says as he swings his arm over the lip of his chair.
She purses her lips at his answer, eyes narrowing at him.
Maybe your information was wrong.
"Well, if you knew that then why did you fail the quiz?" she asks softly, retreating to her desk at the front of the class.
He breathes a gentle sigh of relief, turning his head to you. He nods to you as Leena pinches your arm. Nodding back, the corner of your lips flicker upwards before pinching your best friend.
Yoongi chuckles to himself as he recalls the memory.
You saved his sorry ass that day, if it wasn't for you he would have had to kneel on rice in a corner for God knows how long.
"Interesting," he whispers to himself as he continues to flicker through the yearbook.
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"You have a phone call, Mrs. Kim," someone announces from the entrance to the horse barn.
She hums in reply, running her hand over the soft mane of Rapture.
"I'll just be a minute, why don't you spend time with the horses. They seem to love you," she suggests and you nod happily as Rapture rubs his large face against yours.
Giggling, you hold out an apple slice for him and he takes it without complaint.
"You're so pretty," you tell the horse as he munches happily on the slice.
"Do you know anything about horses?" you hear from behind you.
Turning to the owner of the voice, you smile gently as Jooheon wipes a rag over his sweaty face.
"Unfortunately not. But, they're very beautiful," you reply as Rapture nuzzles the back of your head.
The stableman chuckles as the horse rests his head on your shoulder.
"Rapture always finds it easy to feel comfortable around gorgeous women," you can feel the apples of your cheeks blushing as Jooheon tosses the rag he holds up in the air.
"I'm sure you really like this job," you say, running your hand over the horse's neck.
He nods to your statement, leaning back against one of the wooden doors. "I've always liked animals more than people. When you look into a horse's eyes, you can see so much emotion. You can practically see their souls bare in front of you."
His admission makes you think. You can understand people that love and respect animals more than people.
"That's really sweet," you tell him as he fixes his uniform.
He gives you a smile, one that's enchanting showing off his perfectly white teeth.
"It's just the truth," he replies as Rocket, an all white horse, nuzzles his face.
"I know, girl. Don't get jealous cause I'm talking to a pretty woman," he whispers and this time your ears heat up.
"The Madam was telling everyone that you're an old school friend," he says, patting the horse's face.
You nod, a reminiscent smile on your features. "Yeah. Yoona was a good friend when we were younger."
He takes delight in how you smile, how perfectly shy you are.
"Did you move in around here?"
"Yeah. I'm living with the Min's," you answer as Rapture snorts gently onto your cheek.
"Must be nice to have money," he quips.
You shake your hands quickly. "Oh. I'm not rich."
He hums playfully, looking over your expensive attire with an unsure eye.
"I thought Min Yoongi was married," he counters as he slides his right foot up onto the stable door behind him.
You watch his thighs flex once more before clearing your throat. "He is. I'm just... I'm pregnant with his... y'know... his baby."
Jooheon whistles loudly at the admission. "Interesting. But, you're not dating him, are you?"
The question makes you laugh, feeding another apple slice to Rapture while shaking your head. "No. I am not."
Jooheon nods slowly as he stands up and you can hear the horse barn door opening to your right. "Can I ask you out on a date then?"
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Puffing from his cigar, Yoongi leans back into the armchair he sits in. His fingers pull and push at his cards on the green felt.
"I call." Jeongguk mumbles and the CEO tosses some extra chips into the center of the poker table.
Although Jimin was invited to tonight's poker game, Yoongi thought it wise that he didn't accept. The shorter man was hanging on by a hair, the last time he was in this house.
Guk was more than happy to sit in his seat beside Taehyung for the evening.
The classical music swells throughout the room and Yoongi stares down at the chips in hand. Once that memory of you from childhood came flooding back, he can remember smaller ones too.
Ones like when you were being bullied or when the girls tried to steal your lunch. He can remember all the times he heard Leena screaming to protect you, and he finds himself feeling more accepting of her.
"Yoona had a great time with Y/N today. She loves her," Namjoon says, earning everyone's attention.
"Well I think they used to be friends, no? I don't remember much about Y/N but I remember that she was friends with Leena, Yoona and of course Jin," Hoseok says.
"What do you mean 'of course Jin?'" Yoongi finds himself asking, something inside of him growing terse and annoyed.
"Well he was always with them. He was Leena's boyfriend when we were younger too. He was the only boy that used to hang around with them."
He starts to simmer down at his admission. "Oh," Yoongi whispers.
"Read 'em and weep, hyungs," Jeongguk says with a smug grin, flipping over his cards.
Taehyung groans long and low, his hands carding through his hair as Guk shows them a straight flush.
"Goddamn. This kid wins in everything! Whether it's boxing, car racing or cards!" Tae complains as Guk collects his chips.
Yoongi chuckles to himself, lifting his whisky glass to his lips.
"I'm really glad Y/N has a friend around here." Namjoon says and to this the Kisung CEO nods.
He wants you to thrive. He can say this until his face turns blue.
As Maya begins to deal the cards once more, the library door slowly begins to open. The sound draws everyone's attention and they stay silent as you enter.
Your face is buried in a book, your feet slowly shuffling into the big room. The sight of you makes Yoongi smirk, your hand is pressed on your flat stomach as you continue farther into the room.
You look precious. Your hair is slightly wet from a shower not too long ago and your eyes are enraptured with the words you read.
"Beautiful," he whispers under his breath but the sound is swallowed by Namjoon clearing his throat.
You look up quickly, clearly startled by the noise.
"Oh my God, it's Thursday! I'm so sorry!" you cry out as you slam the large book in hand shut.
"No worries, little dove. Come. Get a book," Yoongi calls to you as you try to leave.
"Hey Y/N." Namjoon says with a comforting smile.
Your eyes meet his and the friendly face makes you smile widely. "Hi Joon. Good evening!"
You wink at Maya, scurrying behind her to find a new book to read.
Oh, Joon is it?
Yoongi rolls his eyes as he burns out his cigar. He wafts the smoke away from your direction, picking up his whisky glass.
You had changed your clothes. Now wearing a purple free flowing sundress.
Might be better to not have tight clothes on, if they make you uncomfortable. The father of your child finds himself thinking.
"Y/N. Can you tell Leena to call me, please?" Taehyung whines.
Turning to him, you narrow your eyes playfully.
Why can't Yoongi see you like this? Is it because he's too big of a dick?
He wishes you would be so free with him…
"Tae. I'm told that you're in the dog house," you jeer as you grab a book.
Tae, is it?
Yoongi gulps down the rest of his drink, his throat burning as his gut explodes with alcoholic fire.
"Tell her I'll book the penthouse. I promise," he says, holding out his pinky.
Humming cutely, you step onto the platform beside Maya. Grabbing his pinky, he gives you a wink and it almost sends Yoongi onto the fucking floor.
"Don't you have some reading to do, little dove?" he asks quickly, watching how tightly Taehyung grips at your pinky.
You look over at the CEO before nodding. He gives you a small smile and your heart stutters as you return it.
"I'm Jeongguk! But, you can just call me Guk or Gukkie," the youngest calls to you.
You bow your head to him with a smile. "Nice to meet you."
"That's Hoseok," Namjoon says, pointing his thumb to the left of him.
You give a small wave before looking down at the book you hold.
"Well I'll let you get back to it. I'll just be reading," you say, mostly to Yoongi.
He nods above the lips of his glass, watching you press the book to your flat womb.
You're fucking endearing as all hell.
"Or, you can join us," Joon suggests.
Yoongi grimaces at the idea. Why would he fucking ask you to stay? In a room with all these handsome men? No.
"No. She said she wants to rea-" the father of your child begins to say before you cut him off.
"I might destroy you," you quip and his mouth hangs open at your banter.
Yoongi watches as Maya begins to smile, a proud smirk gracing her features already.
"Poker is about luck," Hoseok jeers.
"Well I did get knocked up on a pass by. Seems like I'm pretty lucky," you joke, making the others laugh.
Yoongi snorts to himself as you share camaraderie with his friends.
"That's my baby you're talking about," he says, pointing his index finger over the lip of his glass to you.
You give him a warm smile, the apples of your cheeks raising as you giggle.
"Here, noona. You can sit in my seat," Guk says and it rubs Yoongi the wrong way almost immediately.
"She can have my seat, you're a guest," he says quickly.
"Oh no, it's fine. Noon-"
"Y/N, come." Yoongi's voice is strict and you roll your eyes at his commanding demeanor.
Setting down the book on the lip of the table, you take his seat. He stands behind you, handing the burnt out cigar and ashtray to Maya.
The smell might make you feel sickly.
"Jeongguk always wins," Hoseok notifies you and you hum curiously.
"We'll see," you reply as you begin to stack Yoongi's poker chips. He can smell your shampoo, violets and vanilla--it smells amazing.
"You know how to play?" He whispers softly in your ear, you shiver at his warm breath, smelling the alcohol on his pallet.
It reminds you of your first night together and you press your thighs into one another at the memory.
"Oh, I know how to play," you reply.
He places his hand on your shoulder as Maya begins to deal.
"Don't spend all of my money, we play with real bucks here," Yoongi says, his thumb grazing over the softness of your skin.
You feel yourself relax as his skin grazes yours. It feels comfortable, it feels kind of right.
Lifting your cards, your thumb skims over the tops and Yoongi holds his breath waiting for what you're going to do.
A diamond ace and a ten of diamonds sits in your hand. Yoongi presses down on your shoulder, almost as if he's proud of you.
"Raise," you mumble as Yoongi slides his thumb over the column of your neck.
You can see all the other billionaires staring at you and you calmly grab three poker chips before throwing them into the middle of the table.
"She's got a good poker face," Hoseok quips as he lifts his glass of brandy.
You feel your heart pick up speed as Yoongi slides his free hand over your other shoulder.
"Good girl." He whispers softly in your ear and your eyes flutter shut at his praise.
What the fuck is going on?
This Yoongi, the one behind you feels so different than the man who you moved in with just a week or so ago.
"Who are you and what have you done with Yoongi?" you quip into his ear softly.
You watch as Maya begins to flip three cards, you snort gently as a king, a queen and a four, of the same suit appear.
"He's gone." Yoongi murmurs, earning widened eyes from you as you focus on your cards.
You watch as the others toss chips into the middle and you throw a few more as Yoongi sips his whisky.
Your stomach begins to coil as he presses his thumbs down into your shoulders with soothing circles. He's fucking massaging you.
You find your body relaxing into his chest and stomach.
Yoongi watches the way your thighs quiver as you cross your legs. He can see the back of your neck flushing and his tongue licks over his bottom lip slowly.
"So, Y/N," Joon says, elbowing Hoseok with a wink. You shy away from the CEO's touch and he feels like he's being rejected all in a quick second.
Yoongi sighs gently, his eyes flutter shut and he loosens his grip on you.
"Yoona tells me you got a date today," you clear your throat uncomfortably as the men look pointedly at you.
Yoongi's eyes widen at the new information. He pulls away from you, making up the excuse in his mind to grab another grab of whisky.
He can feel the rage beginning to burn through him, as if someone has lit the end of a stick of dynamite. His eyes flutter shut and he steadies himself on the lip of the bar.
How fucking dare someone try to ask you out. How dare they?
"Oh well, Jooheon is really kind," he hears how soft your tone is and he can't help the way his hand shakes as he picks up the whisky bottle.
Why does the prospect of you dating drive him almost to the brink of insanity?
"You told him no, right?" he finds himself asking, he stares at his reflection through the mirrored wall. His face is pink with anger, the veins in his neck protruding as he grips tightly onto his glass.
You can't see him, but you can hear how livid he is.
"Well, I-" before you can even reply, he's charging across the room.
His hand grips at your arm and without a second thought he's tugging you to the library door.
You swallow thickly as he kicks the door open with his foot in a moment of blind rage.
"Yoongi!" you complain as he pulls you into the game room next door.
He slams the door shut behind him, his back presses into the cherry wood. Narrowing his eyes at you, he sneers.
"You told him no, right?! You do remember the contract, correct? Or, are your childish feminine hormones making you blind?" he barks out.
Your face begins to set into a scowl as you continue to stare at him. Why not be a brat? It's something you're quite good at when you're upset with him.
"Well if I can't get cock from you, then I'll have to get it elsewhere," your statement drops like a bomb and in a second he's pushing you up against the wall.
"Don't you fucking dare get snarky with me, like that. No cocks are going in this tight little cunt, do you understand me?" he seethes through his teeth.
Your eyes meet his, both sets are glaring and determined.
"Well then, guess you should have accepted my offer to fuck me," you quip.
He chuckles darkly, the sound shaking you to the core. And, for the first time he places his hand over your stomach.
"You couldn't handle this cock in your pregnant pussy, believe me. If I even see you with another man, I'll fuck him up."
"Why, jealous?" you ask as his thumb swipes over your stomach.
The feeling of his hand over your child can only compare to the sun. It feels wonderful.
"What do I have to be jealous of? I have it all. And that includes you. You're mine," he barks out and you hum unsurely, turning your face away from him as his forehead presses to yours.
"Just because I'm having your baby, that doesn't make me yours," you reply, your eyes focus on the pinball machines at the far end of the room.
"Yeah. It really does, little dove," you can hear the agitation in his voice, the annoyance he feels can match yours.
The tip of his nose grazes over your cheekbone as he presses his face closer.
The burning anger in him subsiding as he continues to drift his hand over your stomach.
"Just... don't." It's practically a plea falling from his lips.
Your eyes flutter shut at his now soft tone.
"I told him no," you whisper and you can feel his breath of relief as it rushes over your lips and neck.
"Then why are you pissing me off?" he asks gruffly.
"Because you made me mad," you retort as his hands grip at your sides.
He stays silent for a second before responding.
"I know. I'm getting way too good at that. I'm sorry," he whispers.
You swallow thickly, he's apologizing? He's really not himself today.
"Did you get a concussion?" you ask as he pulls away from you.
He raises an eyebrow as he keeps you at arms length. His fingers comb through his hair, a few odd strands falling back into his eyes.
"A concussion? What?" he replies, confused.
"You're acting weird," you comment as he fixes his blazer.
He begins to smirk as he leans back against the pool table. "I told you, old Yoongi is gone."
Humming unsurely, you intertwine your fingers.
"I'd really like it if you could not give me whiplash every few minutes. Makes it a lot bearable on my neck," you say as you fix your dress.
His eyes falter to your swollen breasts, his tongue licks over his lips while he does his best to calm his breathing.
"I'll be more thoughtful," he whispers and you bite your bottom lip, nodding carefully.
"We should get back," you tell him as you push off of the wall.
He nods gently and he grips at your wrist as you try to walk away from him. You turn to him as his eyes become softer. "No boyfriends, no dates."
You smirk as you look him over. "No boyfriends. No dates," you promise and he cups your cheek gently without even thinking.
"I like the fierce you. Makes my heart feel warm," he comments, leaving you in the game room on your own.
When he touches you, it makes your heart feel warm as well.
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Next Chapter --->
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Third Wheeling Taglist- @wickizer​​, @imluckybitches​​, @slothykreuger​​, @claireelise19​​, @ggukkieland​​, @rspbrryy​​, @iv-bts​​, @bambuzlee​​, @chanelbts​​, @mxxngxdss​​, @bluewhale52​​, @milesjeon11​​, @diamonddia-mond​​, @vinylphwoar, @yxnxxli​​, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn​​, @bts-7beauts​​, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace​​, @eclectically-esoteric​​, @nikkiordonez12​​, @kaitswrld​​, @skamlover200​​, @sevgilove98​​, @kooeuphoria​​, @jikooksgirl19​​, @hobbledehoy26​​, @singular-itae​​, @dchimminie​​, @lowlifeoeuvre​​, @sugaslittlekookies​​, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth​​, @softysuho​​, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​, @betysotelo18​​, @jeonmisha​​, @iwanttohitmyself​​, @ayyyocee​​, @neverthefirstchoice​​, @itsbangtanoclock​​, @little7bitchh​​, @veryuniquenamegoeshere​​, @deathkat657​​, @firstlovesuga-93​​, @namjoonia​​, @paperpurple​​, @muzikabijou​​, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites​​, @kleff03​​, @ruinsofangels​​, @brightwingr5​​, @leekanchol​​, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside​​, @melaninkpops​​, @y00ngisbabygirl​​, @ungodlyjoon​​, @prochnost513​​, @dunixxd​​, @athenakyle​​, @igotnotype​​, @chxmachxps​​, @tinymintyoongi​​, @vangameren-blog​​, @alpaca1612​​, @ohcarolinamin​​, @thegreatestsushi​​, @jooniebugg​​, @eltrain80​​, @btsmylife21​​, @deeepvibes​​, @httpminyg​​, @deliciouslydisturbed365​​​, @rkchmestizangmaldita​​​, @jimin-chu​​​, @pimpnameyannie​​, @preciouschimine​, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet​, @vanillamyg​, @aamxxrii​, @kooafraid​, @ladykadyrova​, @singjisu​, @yazanii​
Some people couldn’t be tagged! I’m sorry about that!
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imaginethatneathuh · 3 years
Winter is Beautiful: Technical Boy - American Gods
I had to cut this in half because Tumblr wouldn't let me post it all as one.
Partially inspired by one of @random-imagines-blog Technical Boy posts.
Done for @atomicdetectivehideout‘s December challenge (yes, I know I’m a day late, shut up).
I’m not good at romance.
Word count: 4.4K+
Second Part
You smiled at the trees, barren and lifeless, all except the pines.
The pines were strong and sturdy. That beautiful pine green, even in the dead of winter. A faint hint of brown spiked the otherwise green needles. A sign of Death and Disease knocking on the trees' door.
The faint sound of Winter-ready birds hung in the air. Their song, even compared to the sunset, was something to behold. The rustle of the trees as the birds flew between the branches reminded you of days long past.
You inhaled the cold, country, Winter air. As you breathed out, a puff of smoke spread out. The warmth of your breath soon dissipated as the frozen air overtook it. dissipating. You smiled, satisfied.
The cool, pale yellows, blues, and pinks of the sunset waltzed across the sky. Not even the chilly air, which was sure to get worse, could dissuade you from spending time that night under the stars, especially on a night like tonight.
While the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn was not the main focus, it certainly helped to convince Technical Boy to come along. It was a "Once every 800 years" kind of event. Something that he would never get the chance to see again.
It had taken forever to get the tech god to agree. You hadn't expected anything less. He was him, but you were also you. Both equally stubborn in your own ways.
Speaking of the devil, the young god stood beside you, wrapped in far too many layers.
A beanie donned his head, along with a scarf, gloves, a Winter coat with two sweaters underneath (both of which you hadn’t the chance to see), a pair of jeans, snow pants, and winter boots.
It was beyond excessive in your eyes.
"You don't need all of those, T," you said. "You'll be fine."
He scoffed. Both of his hands wrapped around his upper arms, rubbing them.
"Like Hell," he mumbled teeth chattering.
How he could still be cold with all those layers was a mystery to you.
A blanket hung over your shoulder as you looked back at him.
"Let's just go."
"Home?" He asked, perking up a little.
"No, to the meadow."
Technical Boy groaned as he walked after you stiffly, following as closely behind as he could. The thick snow pants on top of jeans were hard to walk with.
Sure, the snow was a little high, but no higher than it usually was here around the Solstice.
A part of you wanted to grab his hand, just to hold it, but you thought better of it.
It wouldn’t be like it was the first time you’d held hands. The two of you had done it a thousand times. Okay, maybe that’s an over-exaggeration, but the point still remains; it wasn’t a big deal. Well, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
So, why not just take his hand?
Maybe because in the last few months, how you felt about him changed. When he smiled at you; or even just looked in your direction, it was like the world stopped moving. Your heart raced when he touched you. At times, you thought he could hear your heart pounding in your chest, especially when the two of you would lie together and cuddle. When he’d ‘Hmm?’ when you said something to him, your heart would turn to goop.  When he joked with you, you laughed harder than usual. Even just being around him made you feel this warmth deep inside. This feeling of being known without thinking he’d shame you for anything. It was slightly addicting but in a good way.
And as much as there had been a change in you, maybe there had been a slight change in him, too. Sometimes, when you stayed over at his place, he’d offer you his clothes if you wanted to take a shower. That way you wouldn’t have to wear dirty clothes after getting clean. That’s the excuse he always used anyway. There were times when he stayed at your place where he’d get all nervous about sleeping in the same bed together, even though you’d done it before, and he hadn’t had a problem then. He showed you affection and kindness and rarely said anything bad or rude about/to your family. He was kinder and sweeter now, less of a cat, more of a dog.
You also noticed things about him that you hadn’t before. Like the way he’d look at you with that big, goofy, adorable smile and how his eyes would shine brighter than the sun, the moon, and all of the stars when he saw you. Or how any time he hugged you, he would nuzzle into your neck and hang on for a little longer than most people. There were the times when Technical Boy would get hyper-focused on something and zone out. He looked adorable every time.
But there were also things you think you looked too much into. Like the little surprise visits and gifts he gave felt like more than what a friend would do. Before, you’d never noticed how much he’d look at you or how much more playful he was around you than most people. Of course, you’d never let yourself hope for more. He was a god, after all.
The two of you trudged through the snow as the sun set ahead of you. The pale colours of the evening gave way to the rich, dark blue of the night. Stars twinkling like diamonds suspended high in the sky.
For a moment, you thought you'd have to start pulling Technical Boy along. Thankfully, he kept up, even with all the layers.
"I was not built for the cold, Y/N,” he said.
You forged ahead. Trying (and failing) to suppress a smile, you looked behind you before turning back front.
"You're not used to the cold, that's all."
He whimpered, dashing to get back to your side. It was warmer than when he was by himself.
"How 'bout we just go back, yeah? Go back to the cabin? Where it's warm."
Stopping in the snow, letting it soak into your jeans, you faced him.
"If it bothers you that much, you can go back, but I'm not."
You didn't want him to go. He was the reason you wanted to come out here tonight in the first place. It wouldn't be right without him. Besides, two bodies are warmer than one.
Technical Boy looked between the warmth of the cabin that he so badly craved and you, the reason he was willingly out here, freezing his arse off.
Eventually, he chose to follow you, stepping to your side.
The snow flew up with every step. Some of it was packed beneath his boots, other bits stuck on them, but at least he wasn’t being drenched by it.
As you got to a fenced-in field, a smile spread across your face.
It was almost entirely dark now. The last vestiges of light from the sun were blinking out, disappearing behind the horizon. The stars and the half-moon became your only guide.
You giggled and looked behind you, still smiling widely.
"Come on," you said, offering your hand to Technical Boy.
He stayed where he was, a worried look on his face.
Your hand fell as you sighed.
"Really, T?"
The god shuffled backwards.
The low, barbed-wire fencing stood between you and your favourite place in the world. Besides maybe with Technical Boy.
Near an old, what you assumed to be, power box lay a dip in the fencing. The fencing had been bent and broken years ago, long before you ever came to the meadow.
Using one of the old, wooden posts the wire was wrapped around, you hopped over.
Breathing deeply, you face away from the dirt road and to the pure, untouched snow of the pasture. Your eyes closed as the wind whipped by.
Technical Boy whined behind you, reminding you of a puppy who wanted attention.
You turned to face him, a renewed light inside you.
"Come on, don't be a wuss," you said. "It's just a fence."
He looked at the fencing, then at you, bouncing side to side.
"Fine, be a wuss, but I'm going to enjoy the pasture."
You twisted back to the snowy, rolling hills far away.
"I'm not a wuss," he said.
You looked over your shoulder with a smirk and said, "Prove it then."
Technical Boy, scowling, glared at the fencing and stepped forward.
“Do we really have to do this? I mean, it’s fucking freezing out here. Not to mention, it’s really stupid. There are apps made for stargazing for crying out loud! We can stargaze where it’s warm, believe it or not,” he complained.
While his point about the apps was fair, the app could never capture the beauty of watching the stars with the naked eye.
"T," you tease in a singsong voice.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Technical Boy gripped the post you did when you hopped over. "Don't rush me."
"The sun has already set. We don't have time for this."
That wasn’t true. The stars would be there for hours to come, but you had to get him moving somehow.
With another small whine and some mental encouragement, the god hopped over. Now on the same side as you, he backed away from the fence, facing it.
He turned to you lethargically like he was bored, and glared at you.
“Great, I’m over here. Now what?”
Unable to resist, you snickered.
You shrugged.
“Nothing, you just sound really fucking bored. I can’t combine that with the shivering you. It just doesn’t work in my head.”
He rolled his eyes and walked toward you.
“Whatever,” he said before rubbing his hands together and breathing into them.
You wiped your freezing nose with your equally cold hand, sniffing.
Eyebrows furrowed, Technical Boy took off one of his gloves and pressed a hand to your cheek.
You tried to bat it away, but he ignored it.
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you're freezing," he worries. "Why didn't you say anything?"
You pushed him away slightly, his hands drifting to your upper arms.
"It's nothing I haven't handled before."
"Come here," he said.
He shed his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders. Taking his scarf off, he coiled it around your neck, tucking it over your nose sweetly. You giggled as he moved his hands to grasp yours.
"You feel like ice," he comments.
You shook your head, a smile plastered on your face.
"I'm fine, T. Let's just enjoy the night."
"What if you get sick!"
You sighed.
"I'm not going to get sick."
"That's what they all say," he said, pulling you close. "But then starts the sniffling and the coughing and sneezing. Not to mention the fever!"
You laughed at him. Pushing away, you took off and wrapped the scarf back around Technical Boy's neck. You glanced down to hide your giggles, but you’re greeted by a peculiar sight.
Covering your mouth, you stared at his chest.
He looked down at his sweater.
"I can't believe you're wearing that."
He pulled it down, pouting.
"Your mother gave it to me. Plus, it's also almost Christmas. I thought it was festive."
You burst out laughing.
The ugly Rudolph the Reindeer sweater looked so stupid on him, you just couldn't help it.
"Y/N, don't be mean. I'm sure it took her forever to find one this ugly."
You kept laughing and pulled him into a hug, burying your head into his neck.
"I love you, you dumbass," you said, pushing away.
He smiled at you.
"I love you, too."
It may have been from the cold and wind, but you could have sworn there was a hint of pink on his cheeks.
You handed him back his coat.
"No, Y/N, you need it."
Instead of taking no for an answer, you tossed it onto his face.
As it fell off, Technical Boy caught it and gave you a look. The "done with your bullshit" look he often gave.
You just smiled over your shoulder and laid down the blanket over the snow.
The two of you stared up at the sky. For the first time since you managed to pull Technical Boy out here, it was quiet. Save for the wind rustling the branches and the coyotes howling far off in the distance. Some might be afraid of them, but not you. They were comforting. Familiar really.
Taking a deep breath, you could smell the clean snow. It was like water but cooler. As you'd expect from ice.
So enraptured by the peace, you hadn't noticed Tech staring at you with one of those rare, soft smiles on his face.
"Why'd you bring me out here," he asked.
Breaking from the serenity, you turned to look at him. His face fairer than usual because of the light reflecting off the snow from the half-moon.
"I wanted to stargaze with you."
Technical Boy nodded, seemingly satisfied with your answer. Keyword is "seemingly".
"Okay," he said, turning back to the sky, a pink hint to his cold cheeks. "But you never bring anyone out here. Not home, not to the cabin, and definitely not here. You only ever talk about this place like it’s a far-off memory. You don't even take the animals out here."
You sighed.
The stars glittered with the glowing moon.
"It's my quiet place," you said. "Where I go when I'm not really there. When all else fails, I can always come here." Looking at the sky, you smiled. "It's the most important place in the world to me. I guess, I just wanted to share that with you." You looked down and rubbed your arm.
Technical Boy let a smile spread across his face.
Cupping your cheek, he guided you to face him.
"Thank you, Y/N," he said. "I mean it."
You smiled back.
Technical Boy wrapped an arm around you and laid his head on your shoulder.
You watched the stars, Jupiter and Saturn's alignment shining amongst them.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part forty sixx/
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: so very sorry it took so long for me to update! My schedule is a little weird right now due to work soooo just hang with me! Enjoy, let me know what you think! (Moodboard credit: @itsclaranotcarla)
Warnings: a n g s t, conservative rich grandparents, a little boozy, a little fluffy, lots of language
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @baiabouk @awesomealmostdopestudent,  @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy,  @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @malibubarbievince, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer,@electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist @emmaelizabeth2014, @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @cranberribread, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe, @kellysimagines, @minxtruck, @marvelismylifffe, @love-struck-aries, @idumpyourgrass, @lavendersoundbarrier, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @unknownoblivion 
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June ‘89
I gripped Vanity’s thigh as she was driving us to her grandparents house a little outside of Dallas. I stared out the window marveling at the open land and ranches along the road. Her mother had called and asked if we could both come to Texas to visit her family. I’m just assuming this is the next stepping stone for us as a couple, I mean we’re doing things a little differently, but that’s okay I think. I was nervous about the situation as the last time I was around her family I was completely fucked up and called Van out in front of everyone at her party. I hope her mother and Greyson don’t have any hard feelings...
“You okay, Sixx?” Vanity asked, laying her hand on top of mine, “Yeah, doll. I’m good.” I responded as she looked over at me, her chocolate colored hair blowing in the wind as her black sunglasses hugged her face.
“Nikki.” She said my name sternly as I sighed, “Are you sure I have to meet them? What am I suppose to say to them? Let alone do.”
I felt her thumb run across the back of my hand before intertwining her fingers together as she kept one hand on the steering wheel, “Yes, you have to meet them. Everything will be alright, stop overthinking.” She told me as I shook my head, easier said then done babe.
“You just, you gotta be nice and respectful. No cussing and you can’t smoke when we’re there. You just gotta tone it down a little bit.” I frowned at her words.
“So I gotta be something I’m not?” I scoffed as she squeezed my hand lightly, “I’m not asking you to talk business and numbers, I’m just asking you to be not so...so, so heavy metal.” She explained as I let out a groan.
“My grandparents are way more overbearing then mom and daddy ever were. They’re your stereotypical conservative Texan Y’know? They don’t understand people like you.”
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over at her, “People like me? What the hell is that suppose to mean?” She glanced over at me before turning her attention back to the road.
“I don’t mean it like that babe. I just mean like how you’re outspoken and will tell someone to fuck off when necessary. They don’t understand your lifestyle, or former lifestyle I should say. They don’t understand the rockstar life, they don’t understand our life.”
“Baby, can’t I just act like I’m sick and I can just stay in the car, please? They’re gonna eat me alive.” I begged her. I already knew I didn’t and wouldn’t ever fit into the life she was raised in. People like her family look down on junkie runaway rockstars like me.
“Nikki, we’re almost there. C’mon you can’t flake on me now. You said you would at least try for me.” She stated as I sighed, “Yeah, I know what I said.”
”I’ll give you some pointers though, make sure you call pops sir at all time whenever you refer to him, same with grandma but make sure you say ma’am. So yes ma’am or yes sir and no sir and no ma’am. I’m not just going to throw you to the wolves, Nikki. Okay?” She reassured me as her hand came over and touched the side of my face.
“I’m nervous too babe. I know how awful and difficult they can be.” She confided as I nodded, taking her hand off my face and bringing it to my lips.
Vanity turned off the side of the road, seeing a giant cast ironed archway that read ‘Blackwood’ I scoffed at the arrogance. At least I know where she gets it from.
The property was fucking huge. Between the gravel road it was divided by the greenest grass I’ve ever seen in my whole god damn life and white picket fencing along the edge.
The house itself was fucking huge, “The property lays on twenty two acres of land. My great grandpa built the wrap around porch while my grandfather, his name is Theo he built the pool in the backyard.” She explained as she parked the car next to some sky blue Chevy pick up truck with chrome detailing, a white corvette and I believe an old Camaro that was black with a white racing stripe.
“My grandparents are my dad’s parents, try not to bring up my dad as grandma still cries over him.” She said as I nodded as we finally got out of the car.
“Nikki?” She said, holding onto my hand as she stood in front of me, “We’ll meet everyone, have dinner, make small talk and then we will leave, alright? I don’t want to be here longer than I have to anyways.” She smiled as she reached up and gave me a sweet but short kiss on the lips. When she pulled away from my lips, her fingers came up to my shirt and buttoned a few more buttons of the shirt she wanted me to wear as it was half opened.
“It’s gonna be horrible, isn’t?” I asked as she kept her hand on my chest, she tried giving me her best smile before taking my hand and dragging me up the stairs to the front door.
She opened the door, and I immediately stopped walking. The house was elegant, oil based paintings hanged in the entry way. The rug that ran under my feet was Persian. The marble tile under the rug had specks of gold flakes. As we walked through the house I could spot a maid and a chef in the kitchen. Pictures of the family I’m assuming ran across the walls as well. We walked past a living room, their was a shiny black piano that more than likely was never allowed to be touched.
I looked up, seeing crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings as well as the walkway from the second floor. The farther we got into the house the more laughter I could here.
We stepped outside, as everyone turned to look at us. I gripped her hand tighter as she brushed her thumb over the back of my hand.
“Oh, Vanity! How I’ve missed you!” Her mom, Clarissa walked up to us first before pulling her in a tight hug.
“Don’t you think that outfit is a bit revealing to be wearing here?.” She said as she picked at Vanity’s hair, fixing it. I don’t know why she tried fixing it as Vanity it put back over her shoulder as it was laying there before her mother touched it.
“Mom, stop. I didn’t feel like wearing a dress.” Vanity shrugged, looking down at the skin tight black ripped jeans, the rips going all the way up to her thighs as she was wearing a floral loose tank top that stopped midriff, exposing the dangly diamond piercing she was wearing.
I think she looked beautiful.
“It’s nice to see you, Nikki.” Clarissa said, walking over to me before giving me a quick hug. I nodded, trying to force a smile, “Like wise.”
Vanity stood at my side, hand wrapping around my bicep as she rested her head against my shoulder. Her mom looked at us with a smile before turning her attention to a white haired woman that had tight pin up curls that was storming over to us. She seemed like she’s always been a housewife. She was also wearing a dark blue dress with a matching set of pearl earrings and a necklace. I’m assuming with the dirty look she was giving me, this was her grandmother.
“Hello, darling. I’m glad you decided to come visit.” She spoke to Vanity, I noticed Van stood up a little bit taller instead of slouching.
“Yes ma’am, I’m happy to be home.” Vanity spoke kindly, leaving my side as she kissed her grandmas cheek.
Her grandma looked me over, her eyes going to the combat boots I was wearing with my leather pants and the skull ring that was on my middle finger. Her eyes brushed over the chains and leather cuff around my wrist as they went wide at the tattoos on my arms. Her cold blue eyes met mine as her thick Texas accent came out, “And who are you?”
“Grandma, this is-“ “He can speak up for him self Vanity.” She was quick to stop Van from talking. I didn’t fucking like that.
She was glaring straight into my fucking soul, I had to look away from her. I wasn’t gonna fucking die in a closet full of drugs, I was going to die standing right here in this backyard.
I cleared my throat, sticking out my hand for her to shake, “I’m uh..Nikki, Nikki Sixx.” She stared at my hand as If it was covered in the Black Plague.
“Is that your real name? Your parents really named you that?” Her grandmother spewed her hates at me, as I clenched down on my jaw.
Apprehensively, Vanity spoke up “Nikki, this is Betty Mae Blackwood, my grandmother.” Van smiled up at me, before looking back at Betty, “Grandma, Nikki is a musician. He’s a legend in his world.” Her grandmother did not seem amused.
“He’s also my boyfriend and I love him dearly.” She added on as I reached down and kissed the top of her head.
“A rockstar, Vanity? Really? Whatever happened to Julian?” Betty had spoken up as she scoffed before sipping on her glass of white wine. I saw the Vanity’s smile fade away, before her eyes quickly darted over to her Moms.
“Betty, let’s be nice okay?” Clarissa was quick to jump to our aid, “Vanity has known Nikki for a long time now-“ “You allow this?” Betty was also quick to cut off her mother.
“Grandma, please. He’s a guest.” Vanity spoke, her tone was low as she looked at Betty.
“Very well then. Vanity, show your...Nikki around the property while I talk to your mother.” Betty ordered as she grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me away.
“I’m just saying right now, if she continues I’m gonna blow up and I’m not apologizing for it.” I warned Vanity as I let go of her hand once we were away from them.
She nodded but didn’t say anything. I knew she felt like complete shit for how her grandmother was speaking to me. I told her this wouldn’t go well.
We walked around the corner to find Greyson lounging in the pool, “Well look who fucking rose from the dead. Glad you’re alive Nikki.” Greyson teased as Vanity let out a laugh before covering her mouth with her hand.
“Yeah, Yeah shut the fuck up Greyson.” I rolled my eyes, “Glad to be alive, man.” I said rubbing the back of my neck as Vanity nudged my side.
“Where’s our little demon spawn of a sister?” Vanity asked, “Out with Pops rounding up the cattle.” Greyson responded, as he continued basking in the sun.
Vanity smirked as she looked at me, “You want to have a little country fun, city boy?” She teased as I rolled my eyes.
“You getting dirty outside of the bedroom? Can’t believe it princess.” I teased her back as she lightly swatted my stomach. She gave me a quick kiss before pulling me along behind her. We went through some side door before she turned on a light.
“Whoa, that’s a sick bike.” I said walking over to the motorcycle that was all white with chrome handle bars, “That was daddy’s...” she trailed off, “Theo got it for him when daddy joined the company. Mom didn’t want it in the garage at the house after he died so it came here.” She quickly diverted the conversation as she grabbed a set of keys from the wall and pressing a button for the garage door to open.
She walked over to an ATV, starting it as she got on top of it, “Come on, Sixx. I am not walking all the way out there, it’s too far and I’ll make you carry me half way through.” She smiled as she wiped her sunglasses clean before putting them on.
I climbed onto the ATV and sat behind her, gripping her hips as she gave way too much throttle all at once. Dirt and rocks were being kicked up as we drove down a trail that went along the property. I saw there was a pond behind the house with some cattle around it. I saw two people on horses trying to gather them up to go back into their own field, or whatever the fuck it’s called.
I didn’t know Vanity was this type of country. We pulled up along side an old barn, well a stable I guess I should say. She turned off the quad and I followed after her.
“Hey Rick!” Vanity spoke to some cowboy looking motherfucker with a bad farmers tan, “Well hello there sugar! Look at you! You haven’t been here in forever.” He said wrapping her up in a huge hug.
“Babe, this is Rick he’s an old family friend and helps Pops with the horses and livestock, Rick, this is Nikki.” Vanity introduced us as he stuck out his hand for me to shake, “Nice to meet you, man.” I said as he smiled back at me.
Vanity tugged on my hand, pulling me inside the stable, “Did I ever tell you I can ride a horse?” She spoke to me, holding my hand still as she walked backwards smiling at me.
“No, you’ve never mentioned it. I didn’t know you were a real country girl. It’s rather hot.” I smirked as she chuckled, “Kinda surprising too, didn’t expect you to be into it.” I shrugged as she went into a stable where a light brown horse with a black mane stood behind a white gate.
“Well this is Rosey.” She opened a gate, “Shes my horse.” Vanity spoke, scratching the horses nose, smiling at me as she grabbed my hand and put it on the horses head, Rosey nudged my hand, causing my whole arm to move, “Just stay here.” Vanity said, quickly leaving the stable.
I picked up hay and fed it to the horse, wiping the dirt off my hands on my pants as I heard Vanity rummaging through stuff. Rosey nudged my chest with her snout, “Stop it.” I said, wiping off horse slobber and god knows what else from my shirt. She did it again to me. I glared at Rosey, trying to leave the stable as Vanity came around the corner with...with a fucking saddle?
“You want to be a cowboy so bad, let’s give you a little crash course.” Vanity smirked, chuckling as she through a thin pad over the horses back.
“I...I don’t want to be a cowboy...I just like the hats and the boots.” I said, stepping out of her way and watching her lift up the saddle before putting it over the pad.
She smiled up at me, crouching down as she tightened the straps under the horse, “Baby, c’mon. If this is just a point to prove that I’m not a cowboy, fine you win, I won’t wear the hats or the boots anymore.” I pleaded, as she stood up straight, dusting off her hands.
“I actually love the cowboy hat, it’s probably my favorite look of yours. But can you open that gate for me?” She asked, motioning to the lock on the side.
She held onto the reigns as we walked next to the horse, “So, just stay relaxed okay? They can feel when you are stressed or panic. If you don’t like it, we can stop. But I think you will.” She explained as I nodded. Vanity led us to a fenced off patch of dirt that had hoof prints into the ground.
“Okay, Sixx. Get on the horse.” I stared at her, looking at the saddle and then at her again, “Van, I thought you were joking? I’m not getting on the horse.” I scoffed at her wishes. Me climbing on a horse in these leather pants? That’s a no from me.
“Baby, c’mon. Please? Look...it’s simple.” She said, quickly putting her foot in the stir up before grabbing the saddle and pulling herself up to mount it.
“Van, fuck. Be careful.” I watched as she trotted around on the horse in circles around me, “Oh relax, I’m fine. You know how many times I’ve been knocked on my back by horses? Like a billion times.” She retorted, making the horse stop right in front of me as Vanity had a huge grin on her face. I’m happy she is happy.
“So is this how you know how to ride my dick so well?” I questioned, smirking at her as she rolled her eyes at me, quickly laughing right after.
“That’s just my gift to you. Do you really not want to try?” She asked, combing  the horses mane in between its ears.
I sighed, “Yeah, I’ll try.” She squealed as she quickly jumped down from the horse.
“Okay. So just hold right here, and put your foot in there and then give yourself a push and then throw your leg over.” She explained fast as I could tell she was trying to contain her excitement.
“You make it sound so damn easy.” I retorted, sighing as I pulled myself up and sat on the saddle. The horse quickly jolted forward before I had a grip, causing me to fall off and onto my side straight in to the dirt.
“Fuck this shit!!! I’m not fucking doing it!!” I yelled out, clutching my ribs as I tried standing up, Vanity quickly helped me to my feet.
She laughed, “That wasnt fucking funny, Vanity!” I yelled again, trying to keep a serious face but I couldn’t as she was just cracking up, and it was music to my ears.
“Nik, it was just a little funny. Let’s try again, okay? Just make sure to keep a firm grip.” She said, holding onto the reigns as she patted the saddle.
“C’mon rockstar.” She teased, “How about you get on and then I’ll get on after you?” I suggested, but she shook her head.
“Nope. C’mon Sixx, before I start sweating my makeup off. You don’t even want to know how much this foundation was, alright? Let’s go.” She ordered, as I eventually made my way back onto the horse.
“See, this isn’t so bad now is it?” She asked as she held onto the reigns, trailing the horse and me around the pin.
“It’s hurting my crotch.” I complained, trying to situate the jewels as she laughed, turning her head to look at me before letting go of the reigns and giving them to me.
“Just pull on them a little, Rosey will get the signal to move, just don’t jerk them.” Vanity explained as I nodded, doing what she said as we started trotting around the pin.
Vanity watched as she sat up on the metal gate, a huge smile plastered on her face, “I love you, Sixx.”
I guided the horse to walk along side the gate next to her, “Well, I love you more little lady.” I said in my best country accent as she giggled, turning our attention the side when Sage, who was riding a quad drove up next to us.
“Pops wants to talk to you, Van. I heard grandma wasn’t so nice to you Nikki.” Sage responded as she looked up at us.
“Yeah, which doesn’t mean you get to act like her.” Vanity playfully warned her as she got off then gate, and held out her hand for me to jump off the horse. I watched as she walked back into the stable with the horse.
“I mean, I’m just saying-“ I turned my attention to Sage, “Did rehab really work for you?” She questioned as I nodded.
“I think so, I’ve done good so far. Sometimes it’s hard.” I explained as she pursed her lips together, as it seemed like she was thinking.
“I mean, once a junkie, always a junkie right? I haven’t forgot how you acted at her party. You really hurt her, you know that? She cried over you.” I turned my attention to when I seen Van walking her way over to us.
“Listen Sage, she forgave me and hers is the only forgiveness I care for when it comes to the family. I’m dating her, not all of you.” I said as we glared at one another.
“Fine, just don’t ever make her cry again, unless they are happy tears, got it?” Her threat wasn’t doing much for me, but I nodded anyways. She quickly left before Vanity came up to me.
“Let’s get back...” Vanity said, tugging on my hand as she wrapped it around her waist, before standing on her tiptoes and giving me a kiss.
“We’ll get through this okay?” She assured as her eyes burrowed holes into mine, “I know, darling.” I replied, kissing her forehead before we got on the ATV.
Once a junkie, always a junkie. Those words kept ringing in my ears, yeah Sage was just being a little brat as Vanity as told me about. But I knew there was some truth to it. When Vanity drove the ATV back into the garage, I got off first and then helped her off.
“I shouldn’t be here.” I spoke quietly to Van as she looked up at me, “They are never gonna like me. I shouldn’t have came with you.” I added on as she sighed, gliding her hands up my chest before they wrapped around the back of my neck.
“Nik, my grandmothers opinion does not matter to me. I love you and that’s all that matters, okay? We just have to get through dinner and then we can leave, alright?” She repeated her words as I nodded.
“Let’s go sneak a cigarette out by the car? It will probably do us both good.” She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along, until I want to say at least a six foot seven old man dressed in a black cowboy hat, black jeans, black cowboy boots and dark red button up shirt stopped Vanity dead in her tracks, she quickly let go of my hand.
“Pops...I thought you and Sage were still-“
“Young lady, please give me one good reason why you are being rude and haven’t introduced me to my guest.” His Texas accent was thick as his green eyes stared directly at me.
She nodded, “Sorry, sir.” She mumbled, before stepping over to me.
“Nik-“ I quickly cut Vanity off. I stuck my hand out for his, “I’m Nikki Sixx, I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet earlier. We saw that you were out there with Sage doing stuff with the cattle and didn’t want to interrupt.” I spoke fast as he took off his cowboy hat, placing it on the table as he shook my hand, hard.
“Vanity?” Her grandfather spoke as he let go of my hand, I looked down at it seeing my skin was white from how hard he gripped it.
“Yes, sir?” She questioned, perking up as he patted the top of her head, “You mind getting two whiskeys and my box of cigars for me? They are in the office.” He ordered, as she looked over at me.
“Can’t grandma do it?” Vanity asked, pushing her hair out of her face, “I’m asking you to do it, now. Loose that tone with me, Vanity.” He replied, I eyed Vanity, trying to keep my laugh under wraps as she sent me a quick glare.
Vanity quickly walked inside, “I swear, every time I see her she changes a little bit more and her attitude gets a little bit worse.” Theo replied, turning his attention back to me.
I chuckled, “Yeah, she’s a bit of a handful sometimes, but I wouldn’t want her any other way.” I said nervously as he glared at me, but it quickly softened.
“She was a handful as a kid too. She’d spend summers here because her parents didn’t know what to do with her, but she’s turned out fine. You are a rockstar?” He questioned as he sat down by the glass table.
I sat down across from him, “Yeah, I play bass and I created my band, uh Motley Crue.” I told him as he nodded. I felt a sigh of relief when Vanity came back out.
She handed Theo the glasses plus the box, he was quick to slide a half filled glass over to me as I stared down into it.
“Uh...pops...Nikki, he doesn’t...” Vanity spoke up for me as she took the glass away, “I guess all rockstars are the same.” His laugh was deep as I felt myself become small.
“Water is fine.” I said, holding up my water bottle before taking a sip. I watched as Vanity turned from her grandfather, downing the liquid as she grimaced when it burned all the way down.
“How about a cigar?” He asked, holding one up for me, “Uh yeah...I mean yes sir.”
“Vanity, leave the men to talk by themselves, you know better.” Theo ordered for her dismissal, “I’m sure your grandmother would love to spend some time with you.” He continued as Vanity let out a groan.
“Please be nice to him.” Vanity begged quietly as she stared at him, “Of course sweetheart.” He said, smiling at her before turning is attention to me. She gave me an apologetic look before going over to Betty and Clarissa who were sitting around the pool drinking wine.
“I apologize for my wife, I know she can be overbearing, I’m more passive than she is.” He explained, putting a cigar between his teeth and lighting it with a shiny gold lighter before handing it to me.
“Betty is kind. I can’t blame her for her words. I don’t deserve Van at all, but I love her...” I trailed off, inhaling a puff from the cigar.
He swirled the ice cubes around the glass before taking a sip, “Why do you think you don’t deserve her?”
I was getting sick and tired of all this interrogation, I sighed, “I should have treated her better, and if I hadn’t been drunk or high all the time I could have expressed my feelings instead of all the countless arguments and fights we had, but I think she knows that.”
He nodded, blowing the smoke in my direction, “Yeah…we were informed of a lot of things you did. Some business partners were at that birthday party of hers.”
I cleared my throat before taking a sip of water, “I am very sorry for that. It uh…it wasn’t me. I mean it was me, but it’s the me jacked up on all the drugs I was doing.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to understand before nodding, “Well-“ he rubbed the back of his neck, “At least you’re being honest. You gonna marry her?”
I dry swallowed as he stared at me. Of course I wanted to marry Vanity, but it’s too early for that. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
“And marry into all this money? I’m sure you won’t be a rockstar forever.” He chuckled, taking a sip out of the glass before setting it down.
I cleared my throat, “Ye-Yeah I want to marry her, but I Uh I don’t need your money.” I smirked watching him nod his head, “I have plenty of other hobbies that make money too. It’s not all about what’s in the bank account…”
“Well, I’m just saying, money makes her happy and-“ “Other things make her happy too that don’t involve money.” I was quick to interrupt him as he seemed amused.
“I’m just saying Nikki, I would hate to see her cry over you running out of money, I’m sure the music thing will end and you’ll fade away like all you musicians do.”
I gripped the arm of the chair tight, I wanted to fucking leave. They don’t know Vanity like they think they do. Yeah, Vanity likes money a lot. But I could name a million other things she likes better. She likes when I wake her up in the morning holding her in a tight embrace as I call her beautiful. She prefers the sunrise over the sunset. She’d rather learn about space than the ocean more. She likes her coffee with two sugars and just a dash of cream, unless it’s iced coffee. Then she loves it with Carmel and a shot of espresso. They would know that she lives for more things than money. She may like extravagant items and expensive clothes, but she loves the little things in life more.
���I’m sure, after everything her and I have been through. She’s gonna love me even if I do run out of money.” I spoke to him, glancing over as Vanity came to my rescue.
“Dinners ready…” She said, holding out her hand as I quickly got up and took it. She tried opening her mouth to say something, but I shook my head, “I am ready to go.” I told her quietly, noticing Theo was behind us.
She sighed, walking to the dining table as everyone was already sitting. Betty sat at one end of the table as it went Vanity, Me, Greyson, Theo sitting at the other end of the table followed by Sage and Clarissa.
“I love you.” Vanity whispered into my ear as she kissed the side of my cheek. I nodded, gently squeezing her thigh as I kept my hand there. A servant came around, pouring wine in all the glasses, including mine. Van quickly grabbed my glass and started to chug it as I stared at her with a smile.
“Vanity, manners.” Her mom spoke quietly, trying not to laugh as well. She put the empty glass down and stared at her mom apologetically.
“Sorry…nerves.” She mumbled, looking over at me, “Grandma harassed me too when you were talking to Pops.” She said into my ear, before politely thanking the servant when they put a plate of food in front of us.
So far so good, everyone was enjoying the meal and chatting with one another, “Y’know Nikki, I may have had a misconception about you.” Betty spoke, my eyes meeting hers as she had a sly smirk on her lips and was holding a glass of white wine as she swirled it around.
“Thank you. I’m actually a very nice person under all this leather and tattoos.” I have her a warm smile as she nodded.
“Well, if you do plan on marrying our Vanity, please don’t have her be a widow to young. I was informed by Sage you had died from your overindulgence in narcotics.”
“Sage..” Vanity spoke, her tone was hurtful as she stared at her younger sister. Sage wouldn’t dare to look at her or me. She just picked at her food, “Sorry Vanny…you know how grandma is.” She mumbled.
“It would be such a waste.” Betty added on as she stared directly at me. I let go of Vanitys thigh, but she quickly grabbed my hand.
“Betty, that is enough!” Clarissa shouted, throwing her napkin down.
“Now Clarissa, I love you. I really do. But my son did the same thing with you. You weren’t born into this life, your parents worked in a factory. And now Vanity is following her fathers footsteps and doing the same with a, with a junkie.”
“And if you do decide to marry, Vanity Kay, make sure you have him sign a prenup. I would hate for him to get his filthy hands on my money.” Betty spoke up, as I pushed back my chair.
“Excuse me.” I said, clearing my throat and pushing Vanity’s hand off of mine before leaving the house.
Fuck that stupid cunt.
*Vanity’s POV*
I watched Nikki angrily ball his fists at his side as he walked out of the house, “It would be such a waste, really. Vanity, you can do so much better. You are beautiful young woman, you don’t need to be with someone like that.”
“What is the matter with you!? I am so happy with him! He’s the love of my life and I hope I get to be with him for a very, very long time. He’s sober, Grandma. He’s never touching it again, you don’t know what I went through with him. You don’t know what he went through to get to where he is today.” I spoke to her as she stared back at me appalled that I would stand up to her.
“Vanity, enough. Don’t talk back to your grandmother like that.” Theo butted in as I shook my head.
“That’s what they all say and promise. Yet they always eventually fall back.” Betty responded before taking a calm bite of her food, like she hadn’t done anything wrong.
“He is trying his hardest.” I defend him as she shook her head, “Oh please, he’s only here because you wanted him to be, I could tell just by looking at him he didn’t want to come. He’s not good enough for you.”
I scoffed, “And you wonder why I never come home, I am leaving.” I said, pushing the plate away as I stood up, “Mom, I will call when I leave tomorrow.” I replied, watching her nod slowly as she gave me a look of sorrow, before I turned to leave the house.
*Nikki’s POV*
Vanity walked outside, slamming the front door, “I am not going back inside to say bye.” I said, lighting a cigarette as I exhaled, “Betty god damn Ford in there can piss off, I am not going to die again.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to say bye. We’re leaving.” She snapped at me, quickly getting in the car and slamming the door. I rolled my eyes, sliding into the passenger side.
“I even told you I shouldn’t have came. It’s already bad enough your grandmother thinks I’m the fucking devil, and just to make things worse your grandfather thinks you’ll be happy with me only until the money runs out.” I shook my head, glancing over at her as she was focused on the road.
I saw her roll her eyes, “We both know that isn’t true, fuck! Just shut up about it Nikki. It already happened so let’s just move on.” She shouted, turning the radio up as she mumbled under her breath. I pushed the button to turn it off.
“Yeah, just shut up Nikki.” I mocked as she glared at me, “Sorry I can’t give you a fancy ranch with a white picket fence and god damn ponies!”
She laughed bitterly, “Oh fuck off, that’s not what I want anyways. God. Don’t be like this please. I said I was sorry for how they were acting!”
I clenched my jaw as I stared at her, fuck off? Are we really about to fucking do this right now!?
“Don’t be like what?! They don’t see the struggle I went through to get this far! I was some poor runaway-“
“Some poor runaway punk who didn’t have any place to go and had to steal to survive, save yourself the sob story Nikki, I already know!!” She yelled as she gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white.
“So maybe you should have fucking stood up for me!! You knew I was being thrown to the wolves and you just watched! I wasn’t born with a fucking silver spoon in my mouth like princess Vanity! I had to scratch and claw to get what I have! I got lucky to become a rockstar! You know nothing about struggle or hard work! You have everything because of some oil shit!!” I yelled at her, seeing her face get red in anger. She was quick to pull off the side of the road, slamming the car into park as she turned her body towards me.
“Some oil shit?! Really!? Fuck you, Nikki! You don’t have a single god damn clue about what my family has been through! How hard my relatives had to work to get where they are today! Hard work? You know nothing about hard work! God fordbid busting out a few songs is difficult for you. Congratulations Nikki, you made your millions rhyming a few words together!” She rolled her eyes, her usual light hazel eyes were dark in the golden rays of the setting sun.
“Well those songs have allowed you to do some things you wouldn’t have done on your family farm!” I talked back, watching her reach across and shove my shoulder, “Vanity! Don’t fucking start with me!”
“Yeah, thank you Nikki Sixx and the rest of Motley Crue. Thanks for allowing me to shovel cocaine up my nose and thanks for damaging my god damn liver! Oh, and thanks for letting me travel with you to all of the stupid places I’ve already been too!! Thanks for making me have to watch my god damn boyfriend almost fucking die!! Oh wait! He did!!” She stared at me as my face turned into a scowl.
“Oh fuck you, Van! I’ve done more for you than that! I bought you a fucking house!” I snapped before turning my head to look out the window, “Just fucking drive.” I said, shaking my head.
“I didn’t ask you to buy me the stupid house, Nikki! You threw that on me!!” She continued to yell as I rolled my eyes.
“Then maybe you should go back to your damn mansions and ponies!!!” I shouted louder at her, immediately regretting it when I saw her facial expression soften. I mentally cursed myself out as I turned to look out the window again.
Fuck, I didn’t fucking mean that. Damnit. She started driving us back into the city and to her hotel. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her wiping her eyes. I said that in anger, I truly didn’t mean it. But now she’s crying, and now I have to give her space. We haven’t had a single argument since that day in rehab, and here we are yet again. It’s like we take two steps forward and we end up taking three steps back. I hope that we would never have an argument like we use to have them but yet, here are with the fuck you’s and the fuck off’s and the hurtful things we know to say to get under each other’s skin.
She parked the car, grabbing her purse and getting out, before slamming the door again. I sighed, following behind her, “Baby, c’mon..” I said, trying to reach for her arm but she pulled away from me.
“Leave me alone.” She muttered as we walked inside the hotel and to the elevators, waiting until they opened up for us.
“Van, I’m sorry.” I spoke softly as I turned to face her when the doors closed, “No! You aren’t fucking trapping me in this elevator to talk about it!” She yelled, sending daggers through me I backed away from her, leaning against the wall as she stood in the middle of the elevator. The door dinged as it slid open, she was quick to walk out.
She unlocked the hotel door, and went straight for her luggage, throwing the scattered clothes around the room into her suitcase. I furrowed my eyebrows, “Wh-what are you doing? Vanity, don’t leave, I am sorry.” I pleaded, but she ignored me.
“Doll, c’mon. You can’t-“ she threw the clothes at me, “I can’t what, Nikki! I can’t leave?! I am going to get another hotel room!! I don’t want to be in the same vicinity as you right now!!” She yelled, continuing to throw wadded up shirts and jeans at me.
“Knock it off!! You’re being dramatic!-“ I was cut off when I dodged a shoe being pelted at my head, “Vanity, what the fuck! Calm down!!”
“Oh, I’m sorry!! Let me go fucking die for a few minutes and come back to life so I have the whole world talking about me, yeah that seems dramatic enough!!”
I glared at her, “Low, that’s really fucking low of you…” I swiped the keys off the little coffee table, holding them in my hand, “You have no idea Vanity, none.”
She looked away from me, jaw clenching as she shook her head, “Glad to know you find me dying, amusing for a come back.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, but you can talk about me all day long.” She said, before stepping closer and snatching the keys away from me, I groaned, rubbing my face as she stared at me.
“Give me the keys, I’m just going to cool off.” I said softly, holding my hand out for the keys, “Fine, go ahead and leave.” Vanity replied, anger in her voice as she threw them down at my boots.
“I’m clearly not the only one. We both need to calm down, I’ll be back in an hour.” I tried explaining to her but she stormed off into the bathroom, slamming the door in the process.
*Vanity’s POV*
I sat in the giant bath tub, full of hot water and bubbles as I drank from a champagne bottle room service delivered. I know I didn’t do a good job at defending him or how a girlfriend is suppose to defend her boyfriend, but fuck man. How am I suppose to when my grandparents think I’m sleeping with the devil? I know Nikki isn’t a bad guy and I wish they saw it that way too.
I closed my eyes, rubbing my temples as I listened to the radio as Skid Row’s ‘I Remember You’ was playing.
“Woke up to the sound of pouring rain, The wind would whisper and I’d think of you.” I sang along quietly, taking another sip of champagne before stepping out of the tub, wrapping a plush white towel around me.
I looked at the clock on the wall, seeing it was almost seven o’clock in the afternoon. I opened up the door, walking out into the hotel room and seeing that Nikki hasn’t came back yet.
I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a Motley shirt with the sleeves torn off. I found myself lounging around on the couch, flipping through the channels of the TV but nothing looked good. I groaned and turned it off. Can he just get back already?
I should apologize first, be the bigger person I suppose. I said some things and he said some things, but I was meaner and I shouldn’t have been. I also shouldn’t have thrown stuff at him, but he was pissing me off. Still, that’s not a good excuse. Him and I aren’t suppose to be fighting like this, like how we used to fight. We don’t do that anymore.
I heard the hotel door unlock, seeing him walk in with a white paper bag and two drinks as he was sipping on one.
He dropped the food down in front of me on the coffee table, followed by handing me a drink, “Oreo milkshake…and a burger and some fries…” Nikki explained, trying to put on a smile but I could tell he was still upset.
“I’m not really hungry..” I said quietly, watching him sit down across from me in the chair and kicking his boots up on the table, “You barely ate at your grandparents.” He pointed out, taking a bite from his burger.
I shrugged, “We had to leave, Nik.” He glared at me, wiping his face and putting his food down, “That’s not my fault.”
I frowned, “I didn’t say it was Nikki-“ He shook his head, digging into his front pocket and pulling out a cigarette before lighting it, “I didn’t know, I mean I did know she would be like that but I didn’t think she’d be that horrible Nikki, I am so sorry.”
Nikki flicked the ash from his cigarette into the tray as he took a long drag, “She almost sounded like she wished I was dead, Van. Don’t you get that? She thinks I’m nothing but the scum beneath her feet, and guess what? I’m fucking not.”
“I don’t know, they’re just from a different time period, I’m not suppose to be with someone like you. They, they just don’t understand.” I mumbled quietly, hearing him chuckle.
“Someone like me? Someone that makes loud music? Someone whose a drug addict? Someone who has showed their naive little granddaughter stuff they sheltered her from? Guess I’m the fucking devil in their eyes right, Princess?” His words were laced with malicious venom.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” I spoke quietly, looking over at him as he let out a sigh, “I know you are, but you’re not who I want the apology from.” He replied as I shook my head, “You’ll never get it.” I told him as he rolled his eyes.
“Well, I don’t need some stuck-in-her-ways old woman talking out of her ass like she knows me, because she doesn’t know anything about me!!”
I nodded, “She…she just knows stuff from what my mom has told her…” he narrowed his eyes, tilting his head to the side as he glared at me.
“And what the hell has your mom been saying?” He ordered, crossing his arms over his chest as he put out the cigarette.
I looked away from him, picking at my nails, “Just whatever I’ve told her from before and now…” I mumbled quietly, hearing him sigh angrily as I felt tears pooling in my eyes.
“Wonderful, just fucking perfect Vanity. She has a preconceived notion of me just because you like to run home to mommy and cry about what the big bad Nikki has done.” He let out a chuckle, shaking his head as he glared at me.
“She knows you're sober now, I told her that’s all that matters to me, Sixx!” I shouted, voice breaking all at once as I felt myself on the brim of crying
“Well, clearly not to the royal oil queen.” He responded as I chewed on my bottom lip, frowning at him, “Stop making fun of my family business, Nikki.” I asked quietly as he laughed, “Oh! But it’s totally okay to make fun of the junkie, right, right.”
“I never said it was okay!!” I shouted, wiping tears from my cheek as he rolled his eyes, “Yeah, go ahead and cry about it! Just another thing you can run to mommy about, then grandma and grandpa will load more money into-“ I quickly grabbed the milkshake and threw it at the wall behind him, making it splatter everywhere.
“Stop it!! I don’t want to fight like this!!” I yelled, completely being flooded by tears, “I am trying to apologize to you!! And you just keep being an asshole to me! But you’re right, maybe I should go back to my mansions and my ponies and all the stuff you hate about my family!” I continued to yell as he watched me. He slowly got up and sat on the couch next to me, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest.
“I didn’t mean that. I was just angry.” He mumbled into my hair, placing a kiss on top of my head, “I know I am being an asshole, but I’m just hurt, and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you. I just want your family to like me because I know it’s important to you.” He spoke softly as he held my hand in his.
“We don’t fight like this anymore Nikki, it’s suppose to be better between us.” I said, looking up at him as he wiped the tears from my cheek with his thumb, “And it has been, I guess we will just have our huge blown up fights sometimes. It’s just up to us to stop it before it gets to that level.” He said, kissing my forehead, “I don’t ever want you to go back to your mansions and ponies or the rich oil King and Queen.” He laughed as he held me tighter against him.
He kissed my lips softly, “My own damsel in distress.” He muttered, moving pieces of hair out of my face, “My own knight in shining armor, chains and leather, with his trusty black motorcycle.” He smiled, shaking his head in amusement as he kissed me again.
“I’ll save you a thousand times over, doll.”
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blueishfood · 4 years
Wind in our sails (Chapter 3)
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Fandom/Ship: Maraudrer era in a Pirates of the Caribbean au! Jily, Dobby x Winky, Alice x Frank,
“Lily Evans, a young Lady of El Puerto Del Rey, meets Lucius Malfoy for the first time as she is promised to him. Malfoy is one of the few counts of Slytherin Island, a persuasive and revolting man. Miss Evans sees no way out of the nightmare her parents has landed her in.
That is until the infamous Marauder, a known and feared pirate ship sailed by Captain James Potter, attacks The Serpent on their way to her wedding. Lily sees and escape and grabs on tight.
Set sail with Lily Evans as she joins Captain James Potter and his mates in swashbuckling adventures of romance, mystery and lionhearted bravery.”
Warning(s): Only a little bit of fighting, what is pirate life without it?
Words: 1,9 K
A/N: It has come to my attention that people might actually like this fic! Thank you for that, I will now proceed to post all the chapters I have already posted on my AO3 account plus a new one :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Lily threw herself into the fight, slightly confused. She had not thought of the conundrum of which side she was on before she had decided on this plan.
She hated Malfoy and his master. She was thankful for the pirates for stopping her journey to further doom, but at the same time she did not know these people. They were fighting with profit as the only goal. The obviously had no qualms against killing, and they were fighting some of her friends, brutally. She wasn't on their side, but she also knew she could under no circumstance be on Malfoy's side.
Lily decided to fight on both sides. She fought her way past men of all sizes, stabbing and slashing them down. But she was stopped by a sword; clinging with her own.
"Lily, get back down!" Lily looked up and saw Malfoy's furious glare behind her blade. He pushed her back a few steps, but Lily shook out of her stupor and stood her ground.
"Fuck off, Malfoy." He scoffed at her words, and pulled back his sword.
"Leave now or you will regret it.", he growled, pointing his sword in her direction.
Lily drew her sword back as well, faking defeat. When he relaxed slightly she slashed at his shoulder. She was happy to see that she drew blood.
"That's for forcing me to bloody marry you!" He took a step back, his eyes big and filled with surprise.
She cut towards him again, but this time he blocked the advance. Lily spotted a grimace of pain and felt an ounce of satisfaction.
"Don't do this." There was a venom in his voice, venom that told her if she let him go now, he would kill her without a thought. Lily spat in his face.
"Watch me."
She attacked twice in a row. Malfoy sidestepped one and blocked the other.
"Wench.", he growled and blocked again. They danced back and forth, the sound of metal clinging against metal filled the air.
In a fit of inspiration, Lily drew her sword back. She pirouetted like she had done in ballè for years while dropping to a crouch. Quick as a whasp, she pulled out her dagger and pierced the air. She aimed for his foot. When she hit something, Lily tugged her weapon back before he could hack down on her hand.
Lily was to fast for Malfoy to block. He was injured and forced into a corner in less than a second. When Malfoy hit the railing, holding on to it for support, he knew that he had lost.
"Go on then, kill me." When Lily hesitated; he smirked.
"Was it not what I suspected? Lily Evans is too soft to kill a man." He desperately clung to the railing but was still too proud to let that bloody grin slip.
Lily shoved her elbow towards him fast, and hit Malfoy in the face. She heard his nose crack, and was satisfied to be the one left grinning. With a swift kick, he flew over the side of his own ship. Lily knew that she hadn't killed him, but she had definitely wounded his ego.
When she turned around she saw the five men from her own crew that was still living. They had just dropped their weapons in defeat. Surprisingly enough, Lily had been too busy to see the fight stopping. She glinted Winky and Moody joining the line that the pirates had ordered.
Still gloating in the glory of her win; Lily pulled her hat down a bit to hide her feminine face and sauntered over to join Malfoy's- now Moody's crew. Lily tucked her sword in her belt and smiled at the proud looking Moody.
"Thank's for gettin' back me ship, 'lad'" Lily's smile grew wider as she understood that Moody clearly saw through her costume. "Would have liked giving him that finishing blow myself." They laughed.
"Shut it all 'a yeh! Captain's speakin'!" A tall, firmly built man with black curly hair hiding almost his entire face looked towards the lot of them with a scowl before letting another man come through. Lily did not see more than his dark leather shoes while trying to hide her face.
"Men! You have lost." The man's voice was clear. Not dark and brooding nor too light to be threatening. It seemed perfectly fit for giving out orders. The man slowly walked past the line, and looked at the faces of the survivors.
"You have two choices." He said loud and clear as his boots scraped the deck. "Join my crew..." he stopped as he continued; "...or fight my best man." At that point the whole pirate crew laughed loudly. "By losing, you will die." Not one voice broke the silence that followed. "But by winning, you will earn your freedom."
"I've already been in your crew, so does that disqualify me or...?" A voice Lily knew well spoke up from the line. "Winky?" The Captain asked. Winky threw off her hat, waved and giggled.
"Welcome on board miss, would you like to go see your fiancé?" A man of the crew said and let out a bark like laughter as he pushed a lanky man towards Winky. She laughed happily and followed him under the deck of the Marauder.
Wow, did she just forget me? Lily asked herself, almost too surprised to register that Winky had a pirate fiance. The Captain looked just as surprised before he asked as a joke if it was anybody else he knew that was hiding in the crew. Imagine his bewilderment when another stepped forward.
"Mad-eye?! What the bloody hell are you doing here?!" Moody snickered at the Captains shout and answered; "Spying."
"Well get on the ship you bloody dog!" The Captain laughed and pushed Moody into the crew. Before Moody could be swept off by the crowd, however, he stopped for a second, looking towards Lily with a concerned glance. She gave a badly convincing wink to let him know that she was okay, but he seemed to take the hint and joined the crew.
Lily quietly weighed her options. She could join the crew and keep her identity a secret. Pirates did not respect women but more importantly, she was certain they would more than appreciate the wealthy soon to be wife of their enemy to work on their ship. Lily rolled her eyes at the mere thought of revealing herself. That was stupid.
She could of course gain her freedom by fighting the best man of the crew. She was pretty certain that she could hold her own against almost any man, but she did not know this enemy. Usually she would be able to study them beforehand, and to figure out their tricks. Besides, what did she have when she gained her freedom? Nothing.
She decided for the first option. Keeping her identity a secret seemed to be the best choice of action at the moment. The rest of Malfoy's crew decided to join as well.
When it became Lily's turn, and the captain asked what her choice was; she gave him her answer.
"And what was your position on the ship?" Lily thought about what her father had said about her ability on a ship before answering in a broken accent.
"A bit of everything cap'n."
"And what were you best at?"
"Me dad always said I had the eyes of a hawk, but I have other qualities too." The captain nodded, and after talking to everyone of the crew members he smirked at the Marauders crew;
"And then to your favorite part men!" He flung his arms towards Malfoys ship. "Enjoy." The men cheered, jumped over to the other ship and searched for treasure.
"Lad! You'll show me where your captain stowed the best of his gold." Lily understood fast enough that the Captain was talking to her. She ran ahead of him, nodding her head quickly, she knew of a few places.
"Here Captain." Lily pointed at the locked door at the bottom of the ship. The Captain kicked the door open and walked in.
"Potter, I'm Captain James Potter," he said without looking at her. "...but at the Marauder I'm called Prongs." Lily nodded as he inspected the gold and diamonds.
"Ship was going to Slytherin Island, was it?", James scoffed as his eyes scanned the expensive treasures. Lily only nodded. "Why were you on the ship, boy?" James turned to look at her with eyes filled with... well, she did not really understand what it was.
"Oh, um, only looking for a good enough payed job Cap'n!" she answered, trying not to sound like a complete liar. The Captain eyed her warily from her saggy trousers to her slightly too big shirt. She let out a breath to make her chest look smaller, and smirked confidently at her Captain.
"Did you need the money?" The curious gaze of her Captain made it difficult to lie, and she told the truth... well some of it.
"Yeah... I had some... issues and I needed the money to... get away, kind of." It was more like family issues, and she needed to run away, not that she had ever done as she needed but... it was some of the truth, right?
Captain Potter nodded slowly, and tried to discretely bow to see her face, but Lily pushed the brim of her hat longer down.
"Name and age." he commanded, straightening again. He turned back to the riches behind him.
Bugger, she hadn't thought of that.
"N-name?" She squeaked, James quirked an eyebrow.
"Do you not remember your own name, lad?" Lily nodded fast while thinking.
"It's Lee, Lee Brown." Lee wasn't that far from Lily right? She could do this. "I'm 16, sir."
"And may I see your face?" Realizing the mocking tone in his words for what it was, Lily knew Potter would not take a no for a no. She shoved a few red hairs back up into the hat, and pushed the brim back slightly. Making sure to frown a bit so her face looked more boyish, she looked up at her Captain.
He nodded sharply.
"Give me a summary of the treasures this ship holds Brown." Lily looked down at her shoes, and thought of all the rooms she had ran in to to avoid Malfoy.
"Diamonds, I figured some are fake, but mostly real. There is a bit gold and a lot of silver, and there are many expensive dresses. Malfoy was picking up his bride." James looked confused at Lily, he had not seen another woman than Winky on board the ship.
"Where is the bride?" he asked a bit louder than expected, looking a bit alarmed. Lily shrugged, she had to become better at lying somehow.
"Haven't seen her Cap, no gal's been picked up yet." The Captains shoulders sunk with relief, and he nodded, all traces of emotion clean off his face.
"Well, I'll make the crew get all of this." Potter bowed down and lifted up a few suitcases. Lily looked strangely at him, would not the Captain choose the most expensive gold? She wasn't about to ask of his strategic choices, she was sure he would have a reason for hoarding dresses anyway.
"Take those." He said nodding at three more suitcases and left the room.
Lily sighed happily as she picked them up. She was free from Malfoy, from marriage, and she was on the ocean. To get kidnapped by pirates was one of the best things that could have happened to her! Maybe this was what they called destiny.
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fathertaurus · 6 years
Kitten (part 1) - ⛈️
JAJDOSJDJSJSNZJD I’m so excited. So, if you don’t know, I originally wrote a sugar daddy! David smut and then a stripper!reader smut. I kept coming up with new ways to keep both stories going, and decided to keep going with the sugar daddy one because that one got more of a response, BUT then an idea for a scene of angst (not in this part) came to me with the reader being his sugar baby and a stripper and I decided to combine the two stories. This is the beginning, it’s very slow, nothing really happens except meeting most of the VS. as always, this is trash but I hope you guys enjoy. also s/o to that one anon that said Kitten as her stripper name cause I fuCKING CHOKED!!
“Babygirl!” Zane calls through your apartment, you hear that door slam close and footsteps coming through towards you’re living room. You pop your head around the corner seeing that Heath is with him too.
“What’s up guys?” you ask. You had given them a key to your apartment for emergencies only, but they never really used it for that.
“Wanna go to a party with us tonight?” asks Heath.
“Ugh guys, I’ve worked all week and was technically supposed to work today-”
“But you aren’t and you’re not staying in! When was the last time you partied?” Zane interrupts.
“Yesterday, when I was working! My feet hurt and I’m tired guys, maybe next time.” you whine. Both boys shake their heads and look at each other and back to you.
“You’re going, that’s final.” says Heath. He turns to your bedroom and walks in Zane following after.
“Hey! What are you doing!?” you yell, shooting up from your spot to follow them through your door.
“Looking for something for you to wear!” Zane says. They go through your clothes deciding some pieces were too revealing or not revealing enough. Heath pulls out a sheer diamond studded top gasping.
“This! You’re wearing this honey!” he shouts.
“Oh my God that would go so good with those thigh high boots I bought last week! Oh and black jeans, I can wear a fur coat, or is that extra- wait I’m not going!” you ramble. They laugh at you and Zane throws a pair of dark black jeans at you.
“Yes you are. Now get ready, we have to be there in an hour.”
You spend the next hour doing your hair and makeup, making sure you looked good, your tiredness faded away and was replaced by excitedness. You didn’t get to go out often, only really partying at the club when you were working, and you were ready to have a night with your friends and meet new people. Zane opens the bathroom door as your finished putting in some diamond studs into your ear piercing.
“I gotta pee babe.” he says and goes to the toilet. “You look good, oh my! Were you being serious about the fur coat?”
You turn back to the mirror making sure you didn’t miss a hair or anything, “I don’t know, it’s my first time meeting your friends. I don’t want to overwhelm them or make them think I’m snobbish.”
“I think you should wear it. It’s apart of your personality, and honestly they’ll probably love it.” he says finishing up and flushing the toilet, he walks to the sink and washes his hands, “Plus, imagine the type of impression you’ll make? Dripping in diamonds and wear a fur coat? A queen.”
You giggle, “Yeah I guess. Black or white?”
“Heath! Black or white coat to go with miss thangs outfit?” Zane yells, grabbing your hand and dragging you out the bathroom.
“White, it’ll give you a sense of purity. And you can yell at someone for stepping on it and make it a bigger deal.” he says. You throw your head back laughing.
“If someone steps on my coat or my shoes I’m fighting, period.” you say still laughing. You go back to your room and grab a long white fur coat from your closet, then reach under your bed for your shoe box. You slide the boots up your thigh, zip the side, repeating the action to the other side, then slip on the coat. Looking on your full length mirror you think you look extra, a diamond studded sheer shirt, white fur coat, thigh highs, and diamond covered jewelry? It’s a little much, but that’s your personality. You go to your dresser sliding on a few rings and a heavy silver necklace with diamonds glittering everywhere and walk back to your living room where Zane and Heath wait.
“Damn bitch! You look like a real rich bitch!” Heath says, making you snort.
“Is the fur real?” he asks.
“God no, I would never.” you place your hand over your heart mocking offensive. He rolls his eyes at your dramatics.
“Okay, let’s go. We’re already running late!” Zane ushers us out of my apartment. We make our way to the garage and hop into Zane’s G-Wagon.
“You gotta let me drive GiGi one day, I kinda want one.” you say.
“Oh for sure, yeah.” he says.
“I thought you wanted a Tesla?” Heath questions.
“Yeah i still do but I want to test drive one first and I don’t know if they allow that at the dealership.”
“One if our friends has a Tesla, we could ask him to let you test it out.” he says.
“You know David isn’t going to let her drive his car, he doesn’t even let us.” Zane says laughing.
“That’s because we’re boys, she’s a pretty girl. He’ll probably let her do whatever she wants just for smiling.” he says while rolling down his window and blowing vape smoke out.
“I’d do a lot more than smile to test out his car.” you say. Zane lets out a loud laugh and Heath starts choking on smoke. You guys start talking about the club and how you’re getting more tips and they talk about vlogging and their friends.
“You should pick up a Vlog camera, y/n. People would probably be interested in the daily life of a LA stripper.” says Zane.
“Oh yeah”, you snort “waking up at 1pm, eating leftovers, showering and then getting all dolled up just to sweat it all off on a pole. Real interesting.”
“Then do beauty videos, show people how to do your dramatic ass looks. You’ll put Jeffree Star and James Charles to shame.” adds Heath.
“You just should put videos up, you have such an amazing personality and people would love you. Hell our fans love when you join coffee talk!” says Zane.
“Maybe, I just don’t know where I’d begin. And then if someone finds out what club I work at then what?”
“It’s not like they could get in, most of them would probably be under age.”
“Exactly, then I’d be considered a bad role model.”
Zane looks back to you through the rearview mirror “Are you ashamed of your job?”
“No, bu-”
“Then who gives a fuck? Do YouTube if you want, we both think you should. We’ll help you pick out equipment and set up and edit. It’ll be a bonding experience!” Heath says, turning in his seat to look back at you. You throw your head back and sigh.
“I’ll think about it.” they cheer from the front and start talking about the best cameras for you to use and you roll your eyes. Minutes later you’re pulling up to a mansion, Zane parks his car on the street lined up with cars. You hop out the backseat, closing the door and straighten out your clothes. You feel the vibrations of the music as you walk around the car standing in between the two.
“Okay, if for any reason you feel uncomfortable and want to go home, tell me and we’ll go home. Don’t take drinks from strangers, don’t go anywhere with someone you don’t know. If you feel like someone is getting a little to close just punch them, if you feel like something happened to your drink but you drank it already go to the nearest room and lock yourself in and text us. If you-”
“Jesus Zane! I’m 21, and work at a freaking strip club. I’ll be fine. Since when did you become daddy bear?” you laugh.
“Actually, we prefer brother bears but whatever.” says Heath. You guys start walking towards the house and he holds the door open for you. You’re immediately engulfed in the sound and smell of the party, beer cans and red cups littering the floor and smoke coming from all directions.
“Remember what I said!” Zane leans down and shouts in your ear, you nod your head. You feel Heath’s hand snake into yours and pull you along, reaching back you grab Zane’s and pull him too. Heath’s leading you out the back door to the backyard.
“Carly said they were back here, let’s go find them and introduce you to everyone.” he shouts over the music. You start to get nervous, Zane and Heath were your only real friends in LA, all others were fake or stopped hanging out with you once they found out that you strip, you were scared that their friends weren’t going to like you and that would be it.
“Heath! Zane!” a girl shouts, you look over and see a short girl with short red hair waving you guys over. You guys make you way, the boys hugging her when you reach her.
“Carly! How are you babe?” Zane asks, moving to stand on the side of you.
“I’m good, how about you guys?”
“We’re good. Oh! This is our friend that we’re always talking about, y/n” say Heath.
She smiles at you and opens her arms for a hug you step forward and are engulfed in her embrace. “It’s so good to finally meet you! We were beginning to think you didn’t exist.” she laughs.
“It’s nice to meet you too!” you say.
“Where’s everyone else?” asks Heath.
“Oh, some are sitting over here . Others are walking around filming bits . They can never just relax, always have to have a camera attached to their hand.” she says rolling her eyes. She starts walking back towards a few people sitting on some couches, a boy with blonde hair and a nose piercing and has his arm thrown over a girl with brown hair and a nose piercing. On the opposite couch there’s a boy with dark hair and a girl with blonde hair holding hands. There’s a few other people scattered about that you recognize.
“Alright! Introductions!” shouts Zane. He starts pointing at people and naming them. “Scotty Sire, and Kristen McAtee vlog squads only functioning couple.” he points blonde boy and his girlfriend, you wave and they wave back. “That’s Todd Smith and Corinna Kopf, our very own drama series.” he points to the opposite couch, the guy flips him off and the girl waves at you. “That over there is Erin Gilfoy, her and Carly are best friends. The guy standing next to her is Alex Ernst, you probably know him as the Doritos guy.”
“The one from the vine!?” you ask.
“The one and only.” you throw your head back laughing.
“You’re friends with Doritos guy and didn’t tell me, I would have came sooner.” the rest laugh along with you.
“I don’t know where everyone else is and I’m not chasing them down looking so this is your group for the night. I’m gonna go get a drink, stay here.” Zane says and drags Heath along with him. Kristen pats the open spot next to her.
“Sit here.” she says and moves over to give you more room. You sit and smile at her in thanks.
“So how do you know Zane and Heath?” Todd asks, leaning forward.
“Oh I’m used to live nextdoor to them, one night they were like, insanely drunk, and trying to open my apartment. I was terrified at first and didn’t want to open the door but when Heath started singing some country rap song I dragged them inside and let them sleep in my living room. Been friends ever since.” They all laugh at the story finding it hilarious.
“Yeah, that sounds like them.” he says.
“Are you a YouTuber?” asks Kristen.
“Nope, I’m a stripper.” you say casually. Scott laughs loudly while Todd chokes on his sip of beer.
“I knew you had to be a stripper, that fur coat is beautiful and extra.” says Corinna as she rubs his back trying to calm him down.
“It’s not real fur, is it?” asks Kristen.
“No, it’s not. And thanks, I was going for the extra vibe tonight, hence the whole outfit.” you gesture to your necklace and shirt.
“That’s good, where’d you get it?” asks Corinna.
“This one I believe I got in London from Jakke.”
“You’ve been to London?” Scott asks and you nod. “How was it?”
“Cold and rainy.” you say laughing “but really fun. I would love to go back.” For the next few minutes you sit talking about places you’ve been and where you want to go, you learn that they’re all YouTubers and that Scott makes music and is going on tour soon. Alex and Erin join in the conversation and Zane and Heath come back with bottles of beer and a handle of vodka.
“Let’s get fucking drunk!” they screamed. The next hour and a half is full of conversation and drinking, some people leaving to dance and others coming back after getting footage for their videos. You meet Durte Dom and BigNik,Dom already trying t o make a move on you but you quickly shut him down. You were now sitting down in between Zane and Heath as Zane talks, waving his hands about wildly telling a story. Your head is resting on Heath’s shoulder, and you’re falling asleep when a boy with all black, even a black baseball cap, on and a camera in his hand walks up.
“Heath, can you come film a bit with me really quick?” he asks.
“Uh I don’t know, I think y/n is sleeping on me.” you sit up and shake your head.
“Go ahead I’ll just fall asleep on Zane.” you say.
“Actually, you wanna come film it with us? I need a girl for it.” he asks. You look up at him taking him in, he’s cute, in a dorky way.
“Are you going to pay me?” you ask and Heath chuckles.
The boy looks you up and down and scoffs “I don’t think you need me to pay you, sweetheart.”
“I might not need it, but I want it.” you stare at him and he stares at you, quirking up an eyebrow at the very obvious double meaning. You don’t know where this random burst of confidence came from. Heath clears his throat interrupting the weird staring contest.
“Let’s go so we can get you home baby girl. I think you’ve had a little too much to drink tonight.” Heath reaches for you hand and pulls you up dragging you to the front the house. It takes a few minutes for you guys to understand what to do and then a few takes to get it right. By the time you’re done Zane is walking out calling for you guys to hurry up so you can go.
You turn back to the boy. “Well I hope you got the footage you need.”
“I did, thanks. My name’s David by the way.” he looks down messing with something on the camera.
“My friends call me y/n, but the special ones call me Kitten.” you say, suddenly confident again. His head shoots up and opens his mouth and closes it again thinking of something to say, but you’re already walking away.
“See you around, David.” you call over your shoulder. You get into Zane’s car, him and Heath already inside.
“What did you say to the poor boy?” asks Zane.
“My name. And my other name.” you say looking out the window at the boy still standing dumbfounded. They both start laughing loudly and the car pulls off as you join them.
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
poppy: double date
A flower that blooms in the desert
Plance x Kallura Week 2018
A/N: Look I can already hear you saying “but KIC, PLKA Week was last month and you’re just now finishing the last prompt?!” and to that I say in my best Ariana Grande voice and twirl “...and what about it?”
What Happens In Vegas
…stays in Vegas, especially if you can’t remember all of it
(aka The Hangover AU no one asked for)
“We should go on a couples trip!”
“Couples trip?”
“Yeah the four of us. It could be fun.”
“I’m down. Where would we go?”
“Let’s go some place exciting!”
“I’m serious! See the lights, take in a show, play a couple slot machines. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Allura woke up slowly, groggily, her body feeling like it weighed a million pounds and when her eyes fluttered opened the room spun a little. She rolled over with a grunt to be met with a foot on the pillow next to her. She sat up, wincing at the way her body ached with each movement to see Keith passed out in the opposite direction, head at the foot of the bed, arm dangling over the side. Her mouth tasted like a myriad of things that should never be mixed together.
She went to run a hand through her current bird’s nest of hair when the glint of sunlight off of something sparkly on her hand caught her eye. She held her left hand in front of her face, staring eye-to-eye with a diamond ring. Her blue eyes grew and she immediately looked to Keith who was still fast asleep.
Not wanting to wake him, not wanting to panic just yet, she carefully threw back the sheets to see she was in her bra and underwear and said underwear had a few twenty and hundred dollar bills tucked in the side. Her breath quickened as she pulled out the money, inspected it then put it on the nightstand. She slipped out of bed, stepping over a very tight white mini dress, heels and a veil.
“No no no no please god no” she whispered as she tip toed over to Keith and knelt down to his hanging hand. Sure enough, a silver band on his left ring finger.
Allura clamped a hand over her mouth before quickly running to the bathroom and locking herself in.
“Shit shit shit shit shit! What did we do?!” she hissed to herself as she paced back and forth in front of the mirror and that’s when she saw it in the reflection. Her mouth fell open as she stared at a white lion tattoo with flowers going up the side of her ribs. There was also a lopsided flower crown in her hair.
The squeak that left her throat was so high pitched only dogs could’ve heard it and her hand was back over her lips to stifle a scream that was begging to get out.
Allura quickly ran out of the bathroom, passed a still conked out Keith and ran into the living room of their shared suite where she nearly tripped over Lance who was asleep on the floor. He had on black slacks, no shirt, no shoes, a bow tie around his neck, a regular tie around his head and a blue lion tattooed on his back. There was also money stuffed in the waistband of his pants. He was curled up with one of the couch cushions and had a room service menu in his hand. The room was a mess.
“Lance! Lance!” Allura shook him. “Lance, get up!”
“Just five more minutes mom…” he grumbled and shooed her away.
She slapped his back, right on the fresh tat and he lurched up.
“The hell Lu?!” He growled before looking her up and down. She still hadn’t put clothes on.
“Uh look Allura I know I had a crush back in the day but I’m with Pidge now.”
“Oh would you shut up!” She slapped his arm. “What the hell happened last night?!”
Lance pursed his lips as he thought. His mind was completely blank.
“Honestly I’m not sure.”
“I think Keith and I got married last night!” she whined, showing him the ring.
“Oh shit! And you got a tattoo!” He pointed.
“So did you.”
Lance leapt up and went to look in the decorative mirror by the door.
“Ohhh….” He blinked at it a few times. “Pidge is gonna kick my ass.”
“Why would I do that?” Pidge sluggishly trotted out from the opposite bedroom rubbing her eyes.
She stopped and stared at them, at their current state. They stared back in shock.
“What the hell is going on?” she snapped.
“We could ask the same” Allura replied.
Somehow Pidge hadn’t noticed until Allura pointed it out that she was wearing a white short sleeveless wedding dress with a tiara and attached veil stuck in her hair, a green lion posing fiercely on her arm. She looked down at herself, then Lance then simultaneously they looked at their hands. At least drunk Pidge had the sense to pick out a decent ring. She lowered her hand slowly.
“Did we…”
“My parents are going to murder me.”
“Not if they don’t murder me first” Lance replied.
“If it makes you feel better…” Keith was now in the doorway showing off the ring on his finger.
His hair was sticking out everywhere. He had on a black vest but no shirt, showing off the red lion on his chest, and boxer briefs. One of his feet was bare, the other tucked in a black cowboy boot.
They met in the middle of the room and flopped down on the couch.
“What. The actual fuck. Happened last night?” Keith stated, face still in a state of disbelief.
“The last thing I remember was chugging those mai tais at that tiki bar.” Pidge’s eyes narrowed as she tried to remember.
“Then what did we do after that?” Allura tapped her finger to her lips.
The four thought, hard, and as if on cue the memories seemed to rush back to them all at once.
“Would you like to order The Golden Swan? It’s $100 but it comes in a giant gold swan with four straws and contains light and dark rum, vodka and champagne as well as fruit juices!” The waitress smiled as she rattled off the ingredients.
The four looked at each other, unsure.
“Fuck it, it’s Vegas, let’s do it.” Keith acquiesced and slammed the money down on the table. The other three cheered.
“Let it ride!” Pidge screamed while pointing at the enormous stack of chips on the table, cocktail in hand as Lance rubbed her shoulders.
The dealer nodded and spun the roulette wheel. They waited in anticipation as it slowed.
“32, black!”
Everyone cheered. Lance picked up Pidge and spun her around, spilling her drink everywhere.
“We’re rich bitches!” Allura threw her hands in the air.
“Always bet on black baby!” Keith patted Pidge on the back.
“Look at them, they’re so sparkly.” Allura cooed in slurred speech at the jewelry in the window.
Keith came and held her from behind.
“One day I’m going to buy one of those for you” he said pointing at the rings.
“Really honey?” She spun around and kissed him, albeit sloppily.
“Mhm” he murmured against her lips as they made out.
“Why wait, we got money!” Pidge pulled the bills out of her purse and fanned them out.
“Man, I love you guys and you guys love us and Keith loves Allura and I love Pidge and why don’t we just fucking get married.” Lance hiccupped as threw an arm around Pidge’s neck, teetering back and forth.
“Yeah let’s just get fucking married” Keith repeated into Allura’s mouth between kisses.
“LET’S FUCKING GET MARRIED!” Pidge yelled waving the cash in the air.
“Allura…baby…you’re the yee to my haw and darlin’ I love you.” Keith mumbled in a southern twang that had come completely out of nowhere as he slid a ring onto her finger. The cowboy hat on his head was slipping off as he attempted to stand up straight.
“Pidge…Katie…Katie Kat, Kitty Baby, Katherine Holt. You’re short, but you’re also like really hot and smart and you make me smile and I’m glad we’re doing this.” Lance rambled on, a red blushy mess as he slipped on her ring, missing a few times before getting it right.
Each couple kissed in some 24-hour chapel in front of a man dressed like Elvis. And old lady played the wedding march on an organ nearby. They were allowed to have a polaroid that counted as their wedding pictures for the low low price of $9.99.
“I would look so cool with a tattoo” Keith uttered in passing as they staggered past a tattoo parlor, the neon lights from the shop glowing on their faces.
“You would look so incredibly sexy.” Allura growled as she ran her hands over his chest.
“Yeah?” His brow arched as he leaned into her kiss.
“Yeah…” she giggled as they succumbed to their 87th make out session of the evening.
“Man, I love you guys and you guys love us and Keith loves Allura and I love Pidge and why don’t we just fucking get tattoos” Lance suggested, carrying Pidge piggy back style as he swayed back and forth.
“Yeah let’s get tattoos” Keith seconded before his tongue was too busy attacking Allura’s face.
“LET’S FUCKING GET TATTOOS!” Pidge whooped making it rain with their newly acquired funds.
“Oh you’re back!” The waitress smiled as she approached the table.
“We would like another golden goose please.” Allura smiled as she pushed a hundred dollar bill across the table.
“Golden swan baby.” Keith giggled.
“Golden pigeon” Pidge corrected.
“You’re my golden pidgeon.” Lance cupped her face.
“That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me…” her eyes welled up with tears.
“I love you and I’m so lucky you’re my wife.” Lance said before practically tackling her in the booth.
“Lu what the hell are you doing?” Pidge asked and everyone turned around.
Allura walked out of the bar and onto the street carrying the giant gold swan like a baby, still drinking out of it with one of the remaining long looping straws. Her heels scrapped against the concrete as she staggered back and forth.
“What? I paid for it, I’m taking it home” she stated belligerently and took another sip.
“Baby you paid for the drink inside. The swan belongs to the bar.” Keith tried to reason with her.
“Yeah, you just stole” Keith said with a chuckle.
Allura lips formed a pout as she thought it over.
“CHEESE IT!” she yelled suddenly bolting down the street, veil whipping back and forth, drink sloshing around.
“I’m not going back to jail!” Lance blurted out and took off as well.
“You’ve never been to jail idiot!” Pidge screamed and ran after him.
“Oh my…” Allura placed a hand on her chest as all the events from the night before came flooding back. She looked at the swan on the coffee table and cringed.
“I can’t believe we did all that…” Pidge muttered, the color draining from her face.
“What do we do now?” Keith blinked a few times. He might have been the unspoken leader of the group but this was one instance where he was completely baffled.
“Well I dunno about you but I could use some brunch.” Lance chimed in.
Everyone turned to Lance with looks that could kill. Pidge hurled a pillow at him.
“We got completely obliterated, got married, got tattoos, Allura committed a misdemeanor theft  and all you can say is ‘let’s go to brunch’?!” Keith snapped.
Lance paused.
“I think better when I’ve eaten?”
Keith almost lunged at him when Allura caught her boyfr- no husband by the wrist.
“Actually darling, brunch sounds amazing. Then we can sit and decide what to do.” She smiled up at him weakly.
Keith’s shoulders slumped.
“Yeah let’s go get brunch.” He sighed.
“Welp…all right,” Pidge shrugged in defeat, yanking the tiara off her head while simultaneously pulling a stack of cash out of the cleavage of her dress, “let’s fucking get brunch.”
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Valentine’s Day Countdown: Day 12
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Valentine’s Day Countdown Collection
Day 12 of my Valentine’s Day Fanfic Countdown.
Without any further ado, here’s the request that made today’s cut:
1) Bucky x Reader (Winter’s War)
creideamhgradochas said to green-eyeddragonfanfiction: Hi lovely! For the Valentine's Day thing...I was gonna ask for 40's Bucky. But then I realized maybe you could do like a deleted scene from Winter's War? Where Bucky and the reader (me) are just being domestic? Fluffy and/or smutty. I basically just want my little 40's baby to be happy while he still can, and I love your writing so much! 💕
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Winter’s War) Warnings: Swearing Word Count: ~1,996 A/N: This is 100% canon to WW’s storyline. Also, colors suck. It’s dark red-purple. Plum. Wine. Boisonberry. W/e.
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February 14th, 1944 - France
You wished there wasn’t a war going on. You were in France, just a few miles away from Paris- the city of love- on Valentine’s Day, and yet you were stuck drafting battle plans and forging weapons. You couldn’t even spend the day with Bucky. He was off with Steve and the guys doing reconnaissance.
As soon as you were done kicking Hydra’s ass back into hell, you were going to celebrate by going to a fancy restaurant with Bucky and eating the best food money could buy. You were rich, after all. Maybe not as rich as Howard, but rich enough to spoil yourself on just about anything. You hadn’t told Bucky, worried that he’d treat you differently after. It was silly, but you’d only been going steady for a few months. There were things about him you still didn’t know, and that dark voice in the back of your mind told you not to trust him with that information yet.
A knock on the door to your tiny workshop in the basement startled you so badly you swore and dropped the gun you’d been working on, wincing as you expected it to go off and blow a hole through you. But it didn’t, and you relaxed after a moment and glared at it. “Stupid piece of crap,” you muttered bitterly. “Who is it?” you asked, hand traveling to the pistol on your thigh just in case the person at your door wasn’t a friendly.
“It’s me, (Y/N),” came Steve’s voice from the other side of the door. You leapt up from your seat and hobbled to the door (your right leg had fallen asleep you’d been sitting so long). If Steve was back, that meant Bucky was, too. You opened the door, huge smile on your face faltering when it was only Steve standing there. Immediately, your blood pressure skyrocketed as you jumped (feet-first) to the worst conclusion. “Bucky-”
“Is fine,” Steve said placatingly. Your heartbeat immediately slowed a bit, but now you were confused.
“What’s goin’ on, Steve?” you asked, eyebrow cocked in confusion.
Dum Dum appeared beside Steve, long garment bag in-hand. “Get cleaned up and put this on,” Dum Dum said mysteriously as he held the bag out to you. You took it, confusion growing by the second.
James poked his head in the doorway. “You have twenty minutes. I suggest you hurry.”
When you didn’t move, James walked into the room and physically shoved you towards the stairs. “Okay, okay. Alright! I get it!” you said. James stopped pushing and you gave them all withering looks before climbing up the steps.
You arrived in your room a moment later and threw the garment bag down onto the bed unceremoniously. You didn’t have time to shower, but you weren’t very dirty. It was mostly your hands. A quick scrub in the sink and you were passably clean. You walked back to your room and unzipped the bag slowly, eyes widening in surprise at its contents. A beautiful plum colored dress stared up at you, and you carefully pulled it out of the bag, its soft fabric flowing smoothly between your fingers as they danced over the pleats and the huge bow around the waist. Its medium length sleeves would be nice against the February chill, and the fabric was thick enough to afford you some barrier from the ghastly wind.
A gentle knock on your door startled you out of your thoughts. “Ten minutes,” you heard James say from the other side of the door.
You swore under your breath and quickly stripped out of your disgusting work clothes and shrugged the dress on with only a little difficulty. You ran from your room to the bathroom barefoot, tiny makeup purse clutched tightly in your hand. It had been a gift from Peggy and you hadn’t had an occasion to use it... until now.
You hastily painted on some eyeliner, followed by mascara and light eye shadow. You wanted to do your eyebrows, but simply didn’t have the time. You pulled out the tube of red matte lipstick and carefully rolled it on your lips, smiling with satisfaction at the final product. Peggy had chosen the perfect shade, of course, and you were- for once- thankful for her expertise in feminine areas.
You returned to your room to grab your purse and it was only once you started to make your way to the front door that you realized you’d forgotten something very important.
You were barefoot.
And you didn’t have any shoes that would match that dress. In fact, you were pretty sure your only options were slippers, ratty old heels that you hated, or combat boots.
“Ah, shit,” you whispered.
A knock at the door pulled you from your self-pitying thoughts. “Chaussures, mademoiselle?” came a voice from the other side of the door. Shoes, miss? You smiled and trotted over to the entryway, opening it to reveal Jacques standing there, a pair of plum flats in his hands. He held them out to you and you took them with a smile, admiring the adorable studded frills on the toes.
“Merci, mon ami,” you said with a smile. Thanks, my friend.
“De rien. Es-tu presque fini?“ he asked curiously. You’re welcome. Are you almost finished?
“Oui,” you said as you sat down on the edge of your bed and slipped the flats on. “Vas-tu me dire de quoi il s'agit?” you asked, giving him a side-eye. Are you going to tell me what this is all about?
Jacques pantomimed zipping his mouth closed and throwing away the key and you rolled your eyes. “Fine, be that way,” you muttered, making him chuckle. He might not have known exactly what you’d just said, but between your tone and the words he did know, he caught your meaning clearly.
“Gabe et Jim sont en bas t'attend,” he said with a mischievous smile before turning away and leaving you alone in your room. Gabe and Jim are waiting for you downstairs.
With a resigned sigh, you hefted yourself off of your bed and meandered downstairs, mind swirling as you tried to figure out what was going on. You sensed Bucky’s hand in everything, but you couldn’t place his endgame.
Sure enough, Jim and Gabe were waiting in the entryway, looking bored and bundled up against the cold outside. When they spotted you, though, their expressions brightened considerably.
“Ready?” Gabe asked with a smile.
“Don’t suppose you’ll tell me what I should be ready for?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“No can do,” Jim said with a smirk.
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah, alright. I’m ready.”
Gabe opened the door, revealing the most beautiful, sleek 1930 black and red roadster convertible you’d ever seen. The top was up, thankfully, but even in the quickly retreating daylight, it shone like diamonds. This car was obviously loved.
“Wh-What on earth...” you murmured, walking up to it in a daze, freezing just before you touched it.
You heard Gabe open the door next to you and you stared between it and him uncomprehendingly. Gabe rolled his eyes. “C’mon, just get in,” he said with a smile as Jim hopped in the driver’s seat. You nodded dumbly and clambered in the passenger seat. Gabe shut the door securely and gave Jim a wave.
And just like that, you were off to who-knew-where.
As it turned out, who-knew-where was into town. Faces followed your car as you passed through the narrow streets, onlookers curious as to who owned such a nice car in the middle of a war. You wondered that, too, but your curiosity was focused on your mystery destination.
Jim eventually stopped the car in front of a nondescript line of stores. You raised your eyebrow as you studied the store fronts, trying to discern the grand scheme.
“Over here,” Jim said, pointing to an alley. You looked from it to him, eyebrow raised skeptically. He rolled his eyes. “Just go,” he said, gesturing down the alley.
With a shrug you did as he said. You turned the corner and froze, shocked at the sight before you.
It was beautiful. Many strings of lights hung in a canopy between the buildings. Rose petals littered the street, leading towards a single table nestled under the lights. Your eyes fell to Bucky, who was dressed to the nines. He had a black suit on, a navy polka dot tie accentuating the blue of his eyes well. He looked devastatingly handsome with his hair slicked back and his facial hair trimmed down to nothing. The moment he saw you his eyes lit up, huge smile creeping onto his face.
“Right on time, Doll,” he murmured, snapping you out of your daze. He walked over to you and extended his hand and you took it, wide-eyed. “You look absolutely stunning.”
“Bucky, what is all this?” you asked, gaze flicking around the romantic hideaway.
“I wanted to surprise you for Valentine’s Day,” he said as he pulled out one of the chairs at the table and gestured for you to sit.
You gaped in shock for a moment before snapping your mouth shut. “You did all this... for me?” you asked, bewildered as you sat. He scooted your chair in and went to sit in his own seat across from you, nodding as he went.
“For you. For us. I wanted today to be special. It’s out first Valentine’s Day together, after all,” he said with a smile as he sat.
“Settin’ the bar pretty high,” you said with a small smile.
He smirked and your heart fluttered in your chest. “I’m confident in my abilities to make every year memorable.”
You laughed at that. “Oh, I don’t doubt that. You could do anything you set your mind to.”
You were interrupted by a man you didn’t recognize, though he was clearly a waiter judging by his attire and the menus clutched in his hand.
“Bonsoir, voulez-vous regarder le menu des vins, monsieur?” the man said as he handed you your menus. Good evening, would you like to look at the wine menu, sir?
“Oui, monsieur,” Bucky said easily. Yes sir. It appeared living with Jacques and staying in France had rubbed off on him. 
The man handed Bucky a second smaller menu and Bucky perused it, slight frown in his brow the only indication you had of how out of his depth he was.
“If I may? I’m quite particular about my wine,” you said with a smile, trying to come to Bucky’s rescue without making him uncomfortable.
“You like Bordeaux, right?” he asked, eyeing you over the menu. Even though you couldn’t see his mouth, you could tell he was smirking at your expression. Just how did he know that?
“Cet un, s’il vous plait,” Bucky said, pointing to a wine on the menu that you couldn’t see. This one, please.
“Oui, monsieur,” the waiter said with a secret smile as he took the menu back.
Once the waiter departed you looked to Bucky, lopsided smile on your face. “You know my favorite wine?”
Bucky smiled and ducked his head almost sheepishly before nodding. “You and Jacques talked about it. I overheard,” he explained.
You frowned. You hadn’t talked to Jacques about wine in... at least a month. In fact, you were pretty sure the last time you were talking to him about it was on the march out of Austria. “That was months ago, Buck.”
Bucky shrugged and sent a heart-breakingly sweet smile your way. “S’pose I just like listening to you, I guess,” he mused.
A shy, pleased smile settled on your face. “This-” you gestured to the area around you, “-is perfect. Thank you,” you whispered, trying to blink back the tears. No one had done so much for you before.
Bucky’s smile was blinding. “Happy Valentine’s Day, (Y/N).”
You smiled back, eyes dancing with happiness. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Buck.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
41 year old drag queen - Bianca Del Rio x Reader - Thequeenofsuicidesquad
An: I saw a request for this and thought that it would be fun to make. On my official tumblr page (thequeenofsuicidesquad) I have a fic series for Bianca Del Rio x reader and a Max x Reader.
(I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible)
Go follow me bitchessss!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Walking with your two friends Dan and Tina you ran towards the drag queen club you were going to. It was raining like hell. “Come y/n.” Tine yelled when you stopped on the sidewalk to let a car pass through before running faster to catch up your friends.
“Have you ever been to a drag show before?” Dan asked when you finally reached the club and went inside to safety from the rain.
“Actually no. I almost went with Sasha once but that was before she moved away.” You said as you rubbed your arms with your hands to warm up.
“So what stopped you?” Tina asked.
“I got sick so I had to cancel.” You explained as you followed Tina and Dan to the bar.
“But didn’t Sasha move away quite a while ago? Why didn’t you just go with someone else?” Dan wondered while Tina ordered all of you some drinks.
“I don’t know… I always wanted to come see a drag show, but I guess I never got to it.” You said as you accepted your sex on the beach drink from Tina.
“Oh well tonight you will get to see a live drag show. And on your birthday that is.” Dan said with a big smile. Rising his drink to the air he said loudly: “To y/n. You finally turned 24!”
“You y/n!” Tina nodded before you all drowned your drinks. “Come let’s go dance!” Tina grabbed your arm and pulled you with her to the dance floor located at the front of the club’s main stage. There were quite a lot of people dancing but some were sitting in the booths or at the bar drinking and talking.
You danced just the three of you and an occasional addition came when someone tried to come hit on you, Tina or Dan. Dan even gave his number to a cute guy that came to flirt with him.
“Call me!” Dan yelled to the guy when he said that he had to go look for his group.
Usually Tina was being hit on the most in clubs. She wore tight and very revealing outfits. She had an amazing body and she wasn’t afraid to show it off. But for some reason unknown to you people were hitting on you more than her.
Your outfit wasn’t nearly as skimpy as hers and she looked like her basic sparkly self so what had changed?
You weren’t interested in finding a boyfriend or… A late night visitor today so when someone would come talk to you or came to dance with you a bit too near you just told them that you weren’t interested.
After like an hour of dancing and sometimes going to the bar to get a drink a woman came to the stage. “Oh y/n it’s starting. Let’s go sit in a booth.” Tina said excitedly.
While the woman did an ‘intro’ of sorts for the first performer people cleared the dance floor going to sit in booths or tables around the bar.
There were five drag queens with different shows. Two sang live, two lip synced and the last one (that Tina thought was the best) was just about to start. She was a comedy queen.
When the last performer was coming up the intro woman from the beginning came back to the stage. “So our next performer is who most of you probably are here and who you came to see. Let’s hear it for our very own insult comedian; Bianca Del Rio!” The woman left exiting the stage clapping while a drag queen walked to the center smiling.
She was beautiful. Orange hair with big dramatic eye makeup, curvy body and big red lips. When she smiled two dimples showed on her cheeks.
“Hi everyone my name Is Bianca Del Rio which you all already know because that bitch stole my line.” She sent a funny glare to the intro woman while people laughed. “I came here today to make you laugh by talking some shit.” Bianca continued before looking around in the audience. “Seems like we have a full audience of nice looking people. And then there’s one asshole in the crowd. You.” She said with a lower voice pointing at another drag queen sitting near the stage, while people roared with laughter (that insulted drag queen included.)
“You can just leave right now.” She continued. “There’s the door.” She said pointing at the emergency exit. “It’s raining like fucking crazy outside I bet most of you just came here today to be safe from the rain and then were horrified when you realized that you entered the gates of hell.” Bianca said.
“Ignore the toad on the stage she’s taken some crystal meth today.” Bianca said when a drag queen climbed on the stage looking for something. “There are no drugs here honey go look from the bathroom.” Bianca said while people screamed with laughter. Finally finding whet she was looking for the drag queen bent down to pick up the earring from the floor giving a full view of her ass to the audience. “Oh Jesus Christ girl don’t do that. You’ll traumatize my audience.” Bianca said to the drag queen who quickly left the stage. “Oh remember that drugs are bad. ^Except cocaine and Vicodin.^” Bianca whispered with a lower voice sending people to another fit of laughter
Next Bianca started to read the audience. “You there. Bald guy that looks like he’s from the stone ages. I didn’t know it was bring your father to the drag club day.” Bianca said as she looked at the young woman next to him.
The man yelled something but Bianca didn’t hear. “What was that? Have you lost your voice like you lost your youth?” Once again people laughed.
The man repeated what he said: “Oh she’s your wife okay.” Bianca said since she heard him this time. “How rich are you? We were all thinking about it. I bet she ‘digs gold’ in his pants and gets diamond earrings as a gift.”
The young woman laughed with the crowd but the man didn’t say anything. “What too much botox to laugh?” Bianca asked. “Talking of botox what the hell happened to you?” Bianca asked from a woman in the front row seat. “You look like the cat lady gave you that Botox job and she was inspired by herself. You’ve been smiling all night. You better pray that no one dies in the near future. Because you are going to come off as extremely rude sitting there with a huge smile. Someone will try to slap that smile off of you.” Taking a little pause Bianca let the crowd laugh again. “That won’t work though. You are gonna need a crowbar to stop smiling.”
Oh and don’t think that I haven’t noticed you. You two probably went to the same plastic surgeon.“ Bianca said to a man across the room that also seemed to have gone too far with botox.
“On that note I can see someone who looks too attractive to use botox.” Bianca said. For a while you didn’t realize that she was talking to you. “Yes I am talking to you.” She said as you pointed at yourself with a questioning look. “I watched you dance when I was backstage. Everyone who hit on you got the boot. I have to say that you are one cold bitch. You are like real life Elsa.” People roared with laughter while you just chuckled. Tina was laughing so hard that she almost fell off the bench. “Freezing hearts and then stomping all over them.” Bianca said.
“I think I saw one of the guys start crying and run away. Did you notice that?” Shaking your head to Bianca she continued: “If I invite you to the stage will you start singing; let it go?”
Shaking your head again you laughed. “How about; ice ice baby?” Still shaking your head Bianca sent you a wink “After the show I’ll come find you okay gorgeous?” Without waiting for a response Bianca continued to the next audience member. “While we are on the baby subject you lady there that has to be the fattest baby I have ever seen. And why would you bring a baby to a drag show. How did you even get the baby in here?”
“Wow Bianca wants to talk to you.” Dan said distracting you from the show.
“Yeah what was that bout?” Tina said. “And she kept complimenting you.”
“I honestly don’t know.” You shook your head amused.
“She’s talking to you.” Dan suddenly said.
“What?” Following Dan’s stare you looked towards the stage. Bianca Del Rio was looking at you with a stare that was waiting for an answer. A microphone was suddenly brought to you “What?” People started laughing at how lost you seemed to be.
“You came here to see the drag show right?” Bianca asked.
“Yes.” Was a simple answer you gave.
“Then gorgeous give me all your attention.” She looked at you with the this is so oblivious look. Suddenly Bianca came off the stage and walked to your booth. Reaching her hand out you took it and let her lead you to the stage.
“What are you doing?” You whispered to Bianca.
“I’m going to make you a part of my show.” She whispered back covering the microphone.
“Okay so. Here we have our victim.” Bianca said before making you sit on a stool next to a man. “Okay so here’s how the game works. I’m going to ask you questions about what ever the fuck I want to and the one who gets most right will win a spa night.”
“So first Willis was it?” Bianca said before looking at the man next to you.
“Umm. What?” The man asked before lifting his head to look at Bianca.
“Do you look at women’s boobs so forwardly all the time?” Bianca asked the guy who flashed red.p while the entire crowd laughed.
Then you saw it. The guys gaze flickered to your boobs before looking back at Bianca. “Umm… No?” The guy said.
“You know what? I’m gonna move gorgeous away from you.” Bianca said before putting the mic away and grabbing onto your chair and pulling you closer to herself and away from this Willis guy. Taking her scarf off Bianca wrapped it around you to cover your entire chest with the crowd laughing again.
“Gorgeous do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?” Bianca asked with a suggestive look while the crowd cheered and whistled.
“Well no.” You awkwardly answered.
“Get her girl!” Someone from the crowd yelled at Bianca while the others cheered.
“Willis do you have an X-ray vision or what because you are still staring even though I covered her up?” Bianca asked but Willis didn’t even seem to notice. “Okay that’s it off the stage Mr peeping Tom Willis.” The crowd cheered as he left the stage.
“Thanks he was kinda creeping me out.” You said which earned you a laugh.
“Yeah he was like a cartoon character. I was afraid that his eyes would turn into hearts or that they would plunge out of his head.” Bianca laughed.
“So next question.” Bianca she went s. interesting… I don’t know the answer myself… I don’t remember writing this…“ One by one Bianca threw a card away for some tiny fault in it. “Let’s just wing it.” She finally said before throwing all the cards away.
“So what are you looking for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?” Bianca asked while wiggling her eyebrows at the audience.
“Well umm… I want someone funny.” You mumbled.
“Check.” Bianca said which made people laugh.
“Someone who shares my interest in comedy films.”
“Check.” She repeated.
“And I guess that good looks wouldn’t hurt but I don’t think of it too much.” You said.
“And check. Obliviously.” Bianca said flapping her long eyelashes and making the crowd laugh again.
“Okay so next I have a challenge for you.” Bianca said before getting off the chair she was sitting in. “Reach towards me with your hand and cover your eyes with the other.” Bianca instructed as you did what she told you. “Put your tongue out.”
‘Whaaat?’ You wondered but did as she told.
Then you felt something on your arm. “Okay open up.” Bianca said. Looking at your arm there were numbers written on it. “That’s my number.” She said. “Save it with the title Louisiana hoe.” Bianca said as the crowd laughed. “Give a hand to gorgeous.” People clapped while you got off the stage and went back to the booth.
“What a weird night.” You said to Tina and Dan.
-Time skip-
The next morning you woke up to a kiss on the shoulder. “Morning.” Came the 41 year old drag queen’s voice from behind you.
“Morning.” You said back at the drag queen before turning in the spooning position so you could look at each other in the eye and share a soft kiss.
The end
Once again go follow my main tumblr account. ❤️ And follow this tumblr page cuz I love it. These writers are amazing!
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webmdog · 7 years
Un Ojo Para Una Vida (Part 2)
Continuation from the previous post.
Though, aside from those little tidbits about the Royal Ball, what else was there to know?
Now for the good part.
Be warned, I may stray away from the ballroom story for a bit, but just keep it in the back of your mind. It’ll be important later on.
One of the attendants for this Royal Ball was a man by the name of Esteban Juarez. He was the CEO of some medical supply company in Hayañil, and if you know your stuff about the Royal Isles, one of our main exports are medical supplies and medication. Because of this, it was obvious that this guy was seriously well-known in the city, hell - even the country. He was very rich and very successful. Now, how I knew him was not by word of mouth, unfortunately. My first run-in with this fellow was definitely not a pleasant one.
It was a couple months ago I was simply walking to Castillo Hayañil from my home in Distrito Prominente (A part of Hayañil surrounding the castle) to give King Fernando reports about his newest war machine, nicknamed “Manuel.” It was a cold, hazy morning and the visibility was quite low. Worried that I would trip or something, I held on to the folder tightly as I walked to prevent dropping the documents and leaving them all helter-skelter everywhere. Throughout my walk, I felt a sense of dread and paranoia grip me - like I was being followed by someone, and when I looked back I always seemed to see a bearded fellow wearing a white dress shirt with an orange tie, deep grey dress pants and suspenders closely following suit. At first he was far away, hidden by the tropical haze, but the more I looked back en route to the castle, the closer he got. I didn’t know him at all, I’ve never seen a man like him before in my entire life!
I tried to walk quickly but he was just too fast, and eventually I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I immediately jumped and screamed bloody murder, dropping the folder and spilling the documents everywhere. I quickly turned around to see the man right in front of me, who appeared just as surprised as I was with his outstretched hand suspended midair, like he was still gripping my shoulder. As the papers fluttered around us and onto the cobblestone walkway, he immediately scurried and tried to pick them all up, nervously gathering them and hastily handing them to me.
“Mis disculpas… M-My apologies. I didn’t mean to scare you.” he stammered as he looked longingly into my eyes. “N-No importa.” (It’s fine.) I said back feebly, my heart still pounding against my ribs. “Fue un accidente.” (It was an accident.)
I neatly put the papers back into my folder and then looked back up at the man to thank him, still noticing that he was looking straight into my eyes. Those brown eyes showed a sort of longing in them, I swear to you. They almost looked somber, like he was about to cry. It was then that I was able to get a closer look of this strange man. He was very tall, broad-shouldered and somewhat muscular. He was clearly very young, roughly around my age - mid 20’s or so. His chiseled face sported a neat beard and mustache combo and his chestnut hair was gelled and combed to the side. His eyes looked sad and his eyebrows were very thick yet seemed to compliment his eyes just fine. By no means was he an unattractive gentleman.
As he stood there gawking at me, many passerbys began to watch us in the haze, whispering to one another with wide-eyed looks on their faces. Usually, I’m not the kind of person to be nervous, but this man gave me the heebie-jeebies. I never met him in my entire life, yet at the same time I felt like I should know him. It was very frustrating but also very scary. I felt like I had wronged him in some way and the feeling was impossible to shake of, but how could I possibly feel this way toward someone that I’ve never met before? To break the awkward silence and to be polite, I thanked him for helping me gather my documents to show Fernando.
“Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. Realmente se lo agradezco.” (Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.)
The castle was right there, I just had to walk around the fountain in the plaza in front of Castillo Hayañil and I was already there. But before I could quickly turn around and walk away from this man, he grabbed my hand and caressed it gently, continuing to look into my eyes with his. This time I could see tears running from them.
“Es que usted, Roxanne?” (Is that you, Roxanne?) He whimpered.
Perplexed but also suddenly scared, all I could do was stand there, frozen in place. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t bring myself to move. I wanted to look confused but I know that to him I appeared more frightened. Those feelings of dread, frustration and fear intensified the more I looked at him after he asked me the question. I felt like I was going to choke. I felt like I did something terrible to this man, but at the same time I’ve never see him before in my entire life.
All I could do was quickly whip my hand out of his and stagger back, shivering vigorously with my heart rattling against my ribcage.
“R-Roxanne? N-no… Lo siento, me llamo Melissa… Melissa Foster.” (R-Roxanne? N-no… Sorry, my name is Melissa. Melissa Foster.) 
All this man did was walk toward me and grab both my hands this time, that same look of longing in his eyes as my folder fell to the cobblestones again, papers flying everywhere.
“De qué hablas? Estás bien, mi amor? Eres Roxanne. Roxanne Montoya… No te acuerdas?” (What are you talking about? Are you okay, my love? You’re Roxanne. Roxanne Montoya… Don’t you remember?) “Lo siento, señor…” (I’m sorry, sir.) I replied quietly, tears welling up in my eyes for some weird reason. “Me llamo Melissa. No sé lo que estás hablando.” (My name is Melissa. I don’t know what you’re talking about.)
I immediately pulled my hands away from him and got on my knees, quickly trying my best to pick up all the papers and make a sprint for the castle, but as soon as I had gotten down he knocked me over and forced himself on top of me, pinning me down with his huge hands while I struggled to break free. This time, his eyes looked down at me in anger. This man was definitely some sort of fucking psychopath.
“No me mientas!” (Don’t lie to me!) he boomed as I wriggled under his grip, demanding him to let me go. I swear I could smell his breakfast from how close his face was to mine.
“¿Por qué haría esto a mí? ¡Pensé que estabas muerto! Todos me decían que estaba muerta!” (Why would you do this to me? I thought you were dead! Everyone told me you were dead!) “Déjame ir!” (Let me go!) I screeched at him while trying to kick him off me. “Te dije que, yo no soy Roxanne.” (I told you, I’m not Roxanne) “Sé que estás. Tengo que probarlo. No hay nadie que se parezca a ella.” (I know you are. I have to prove it. There's no one else that looks like her.) He retorted before grabbing my blouse tucked into my leather skirt.
He immediately tried to rip my blouse open as he pinned me down, ripping the gilded diamond-shaped buttons off my uniform while the crowd began to intervene, calling out to nearby Soldados Sombras in a panic.
I only writhed some more as my abdomen and bra were both exposed. A tattoo of an anchor exposed beneath my blouse, right under my right breast.
The man pointed at it with wide eyes as he proceeded to pin me down.
“Es su tatuaje… El ancla. Roxanne, Realmente es usted.” (It’s her tattoo… The Anchor. Roxanne, it’s really you.) he said under his breath, exhausted from trying to keep me still.
Immediately I heard the sounds of cleated boots hitting the pavement around me and the sounds of guns cocking. I knew that the Soldados had come to save me.
“Tu. Baja ella. Ahora.” (You. Get off her. Now.) One of the soldiers yelled, aiming his glass-coated FDI Modelo 2022 rifle straight at the bearded man’s head. It was in good condition too. I remember designing that gun alongside the other engineers.
He looked at them with awe before slowly getting up, his hands raised in the air as he stood there surrounded by 4 soldiers. Like I said before, thank god they were there. They all knew I was someone important - the head engineer for the Crown. But had I just been another average joe, I don’t think I would’ve been let off the hook that easily.
“Le dejaremos con una advertencia.” (We’ll let you off with a warning.) another soldier said promptly, still aiming his gun at the bearded man and slowly approaching him while the man stepped back from me and the soldiers around me, his hands in the air.
While still holding his rifle, another soldier then charged at the man and forcefully kicked him in the shin with his toe (to prevent stabbing him with his iron cleats) while two other soldiers helped me pick up the documents I spilled while also helping me stand back up as I straightened out my blouse and tried to keep myself covered as best I can without the buttons of my uniform.
“Now get lost, chupaero. (cocksucker)” The soldier that kicked the man said as he staggered away. “If you lay a hand on Lady Foster again, I’ll fucking shoot your head off.” He spat out as the bearded man slowed his gait.
The man stopped and turned around toward the soldier that kicked him, looking straight into his eyes before throwing shade back. 
“You’re all talk, cabrón. (bastard) You don’t have the balls to kill me. I’m too important to this goddamn country.” He hissed. “Yeah? Well we’ll see how important you are if you don’t listen to us. You may be a valuable asset to this country but so is Lady Foster here. He wouldn’t hesitate to have you killed, puto cerdo. (fucking pig)”
It was then that the man simply scoffed and walked away, back into the haze and into the streets of Distrito Prominente.
The soldier that threatened me approached me with his rifle now at ease, hanging from a strap on his neck. 
“So sorry, my lady.” he said sympathetically, looking at my open blouse. “We can get you a new uniform once you get to the castle and report to Fernando what happened. I promise it won’t happen again.” “Thank you so much, señor.” I replied with a sigh. “I would’ve been done for if it wasn’t for you jackasses.” “That fucking Esteban Juarez thinks he’s so fucking macho sometimes, I swear to God.” The soldier scoffed, glancing over at where the bearded man once walked away. “Esteban Juarez?” I said, having never gotten his name. “Sí.” The soldier said with a nod. “He’s the CEO of some medical supply company here in the Royal Isles. He always thought that he was some sort of fucking hardass just because he’s a rich pendejo. Always hanging around prostitutes and snorting coke. Shit like that.” 
Now I was interested in what this jackass had to say. Another soldier handed me my folder filled with reports about the war machine and I thanked him while the four escorted me to the castle, the one soldier talking to me as we walked. 
“Wait, prostitutes?” I asked the soldier. “Sí, mi mujer. He was always in that damn red light district every goddamn night. Good thing he doesn’t have a wife though, otherwise she’d probably divorce his culo in a heartbeat haha!”
I was intrigued, this soldier knew a lot about this man. 
“No wife? So did he have a girlfriend at least?” I asked the soldier as we walked around the fountain of the plaza. “Una novia… Sí, I think he did. He was very close to one of the prostitutes I believed. One of the higher-end ones that really knew how to work a man, te sabes? Her name was-“
“Roxanne…” I whispered. Just saying that name sent chills up my spine and I broke out in a cold sweat, guilt starting to consume me.
The bewildered soldier looked at me with a wide-eyed look. 
“Y-yes. Roxanne was her name. For a prostitute she was very good-looking. Expensive as hell though.” 
My heart rattled in my chest again as the soldier continued to speak.
“So I guess you’ve heard of her at least, huh? I’m not surprised. Her case is a strange one! She just simply disappeared but her pimp was found dead in a nearby alleyway on Calle de las Armas. It’s weird how she disappeared immediately after her pimp’s death though. The guy was a fucking asshole anyway, he had it coming. But god knows who killed him or where poor Roxanne went after that. La Policía Real (the Royal Police) tried so hard to find her but found nothing at all. Her room was left as is, there was no signs of packing up or anything. She simply just vanished! La Policía eventually just gave up and declared her dead. Since then Esteban just fucked off and never went into the red light district ever again.” 
The more the soldier talked, the more fidgety and uneasy I become. Roxanne’s words echoed in my mind.
“You’d do this for me? Oh Melissa, you’re such a sweetheart.” I heard in my head over the soldier’s incessant blabber. “I have nowhere to go, Melissa… I killed him… You killed him… We killed him… If I’m caught, it’s over. But if we let him live, he would’ve strangled me to death.” “No worries, Roxanne, sugar, I can take the pain away… Just say yes to the deal and I can help you achieve your dream and get away from it all. I know it’s scary and all, but please, trust me. I need this just as much as you do.”

I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I told the soldier to shut the fuck up. He immediately looked at me, perplexed and said “I stopped talking like 2 minutes ago, mi mujer.” “N-no importa. Señor… Lo siento… Sorry I just… My mind was elsewhere. Thank you for everything” I stammered before running into the castle to turn in my reports.
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