#oc: mieras
phasdraw · 9 months
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dragon mieras bc every day is wet beast wednesday
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butts-art · 2 years
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two part commission of some awesome OCs!
commission form
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grumpman · 2 years
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Chibi commission for @lilith-iden starring her OCs Minty and Miera! Thanks a lot for commissioning me! <3
Want me to draw your OCs or your fav characters looking all cute? Chibi commissions are OPEN! :D
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ferallymine · 2 years
Song of the Caged Bird
 a/n: Ya girl back at it again with the oc self-indulgent shit. idfc im gonna be so goddamn annoying about this
What are you humming? Loki rode in the backseat of an armored vehicle Thor commandeered. They were fast approaching the sight where they could use the Tesseract to return to Asgard. Thor rode in the front passenger seat while a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent drove.
New York was in ruin: buildings toppled, roads uprooted, bodies both human and alien  scattered everywhere. The clean-up teams were gonna have job security for at least a year. The vehicle bounced with every pothole and debris it deemed manageable enough to run over.
I’m not humming anything. It is actually quite silent in this truck. Miera, who sat across from the god, rubbed her thumbs over her palms, tracing faint marks from the Tesseract only she seemed to see. Another bump from the road made her bounce in her seat. Do you mean what the background noise is for the blackjack game in my head? Her yellow eyes remained fixated on her hands, thought she was curious why Loki kept trying to look in her mind.
There were 4 hands- A, B, C, and D- on shuffle in her head. A new game had started, this time she was observing hand C’s cards. 5 of diamonds and 8 of Clubs. Not bad, but could be better.
Why do you keep playing cards? And when did this mind reading start? The god stared at her, eyes drilling holes into her soul. Miera felt it, but still found herself entranced by these invisible spirals on her palms.
Nunya. She responded, a smirk tugging on her lips. Hand A laid down a Jack of spades and a 10 of hearts. The cards were withdrawn and a tally updated.
Nunya business. Miera finally looked up and winked. She could’ve sworn Loki’s face flushed for a second as his eyes met hers. The cards in her head were reshuffled and dealt as she responded. But if you must know, it’s a poem I turned into a lullaby.
Fascinating. Loki shifted in his seat. But you didn’t answer my other question. The irritation on his face was adorable. How often was it that he didn’t get the information he wanted? This game between them was becoming more fun than the game she had running.
Miera chuckled, I don’t have to, pretty boy. She interlocked her fingers, setting them in her lap.
Hand B was her next mindful observation. 4 of spades and 2 of hearts- damn.
Loki raised his eyebrows. You think I’m pretty? I can be pretty charming and pretty evil, but apparently that’s just your style these days. His coy nature shown through, even in chains. This man really did have an ego matching Stark’s.
“This has been the quietest I’ve ever heard Loki be,” Thor laughed, “Maybe that gag should be permanent.”
Miera grinned, “It certainly suits him.” You look better with it on.
Loki scowled, eyes dancing in a dangerous glare. I think this would look better on you, Princess. He strained against his wrist shackles, a flicker of hope that they would break and he’d be free. Knowing better, he stopped after a few seconds. The shackles felt tighter than before.
“You wish.” She whispered. Hand B hit with a 5 of diamonds. Another hit- King of diamonds. Miera lightly tapped her wrist with her pointer finger. The tally updated and cards reshuffled.
Thor looked back, “Wish what, Lady Miera?” His face still had some scratches and dried blood from the fighting that day. His arm rested on the center console- the tone of his muscles outlined by dirt from the city.
She took in a breath, playing off the aloud comment, “If you had one wish that could be granted, what would it be?” After mentally conversing for so long, her voice felt foreign to her. Her throat also felt dry and sore from the strain of her spells and the yelling for help. She glanced back at Loki, who never seemed to stop staring at her.
Hand D dealt the Queen of hearts and Jack of clubs. Miera tapped her wrist again, the cards reshuffling.
Thor thought a moment, turning his face back to the road, “There are many things I wish could be granted. I think the one that sticks out the most is a desire for eternal peace in the Nine Realms.” He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath. The way his face relaxed in the mirror made Miera wonder if his wish would come true one day.
How noble. Loki rolled his eyes, shifting his weight in his seat. His gaze went back to Miera. I don’t expect anything less from his Royal Highness. How self-sacrificial can one be? By the realms- I wonder what it would take for him to be selfish again.
Miera reached over, pulling the gag down and ignoring his mental rants, “What about you, Loki? And you can’t say ‘to rule everyone as king’ or ‘that my family die by my hand’ because we already know that much.” She leaned her elbows on her knees, eyes almost sparkling to know his answer.
Hand A’s deck revealed the 3 of clubs and the 9 of diamonds. Loki gave an audible huff, growing tired of only seeing different cards in the woman’s mind. He grit his teeth, staring deep into Miera’s gaze. What he would give to know what she was truly thinking about. No longer for selfish manipulation, Loki was ever-curious to find out what he was banned from knowing.
His expression suddenly softened, “I’d wish you to teach me your favorite lullaby.” The way his posture relaxed against the grey interior wall was such a contrast to his earlier rants. Loki really could switch things up at the drop of a hat.
Smiling, Miera played into his demeanor’s change, “I can grant that now, if we have time.” she looked to Thor, who’s gentle ocean eyes found hers in the rearview mirror, “Thoughts?”
He shrugged, “I don’t see why not. Loki loved Mother’s lullabies as a child- a truth that seems to persist into adulthood.”
Loki made no noise, no witty retaliation. He looked so calm, almost safe in this state. If it hadn’t been for the ravaging battle only hours prior, Miera would’ve sworn he was incapable of violence. Maybe that was his game- lure others into false senses of security.
Hand D was dealt Ace of hearts and Ace of clubs. Another hit- the 2 of clubs. Again- the Jack of spades.
Isn’t that a bust? Why aren’t you reshuffling?
Miera smiled, watching Loki’s brow furrow as he viewed the game in her head. That’s when she decided on what lullaby to teach him, “Alright. Loki, here’s one wish to grant:
As the Forest grows- Roots twisting into earth, May roses grow up From my resting’s dirt. I know this life will leave Empty dreams and empty dawns- But here’s my soul to keep Just give your love to hold on.”
The tune matched the noise in her head. Loki gave a knowing nod, “I like that…” His eyes glazed over, thoughts racing with memories of Mother’s past lullabies. Miera felt only a little guilty for peering into his mind.
The vehicle began to slow to a stop, the speed change snapping her out of her daze. The driver parked and unlocked the doors, stepping out to one of the few pavements that survived with minimal damage.
“That’s beautiful, Lady Miera.” Thor turned, agreeing with his brother’s statement, “Well, that’s something to help you keep busy while in the dungeon.” He reached back and pulled the gag back up, much to Loki’s dismay. “Let us go, now.”
I will find you again. Loki’s eyes didn’t pierce through her as Thor came through the back of the vehicle. The god did not resist as he was pulled from his seat and out the door.
Miera followed them out. It won’t be hard. I can feel you. The sun’s brightness briefly blinded her as she stepped down from the vehicle. Her hand shadowed her eyes as they adjusted.
How? He turned away. His shoulders slumped slightly forward, as if to hide his face from hers.
My magic is different than yours. Let me worry about it. She chuckled, managing to barely keep herself contained to avoid questions from outside conversationalists.
Loki’s gaze found Miera’s as he stood next to his brother. Was it longing on his face? A mixture of desire and curiosity? Perhaps he was just upset he wouldn’t get to see if Hand D won the game or not.
The Tesseract’s bright blue light engulfed them in an  otherworldly haze. Miera blinked and they were gone.
6 of diamonds. Miera tapped her wrist and turned back to the waiting Avengers as the cards reshuffled.
I can feel you.
Loki pondered over Miera’s words that day on earth. He paced in his cell, thoughts racing with flashes of events from New York… Most of which he couldn’t remember actually doing. His memory was clearer after Miera’s hands forced whatever it was out of him.
Could a mortal really feel the God of Mischief anywhere he was? Had her healing also placed a tracker in his mind? What was the range of her powers? Why couldn’t he let go of this intense curiosity?
“As the Forest grows… roots twisting into earth…” Loki softly sung the lullaby Miera taught him. He wanted to see her again… before she left or he rotted away. By the realms, why did he care? Did he owe her for saving him? Was that even considered saving since he was in prison?
“May roses grow up from my resting’s dirt…” Loki grabbed his journal from his book stack, writing down the lullaby. He zoned out, finding his hand sketching Miera’s portrait surrounded by roses.
You seem like a carnation kind of boy.
He jumped, knocking over his nightstand. The books scattered across the floor.  Miera? He hated how hopeful and needy he felt as he searched the room.
Loki looked around… no, he was still the only one in the cell, let alone the dungeon. It’s off-white and gold colors mockingly reminding him his place in Asgard.
A nervous laugh, “Thor? Odin? Trying to make me suffer more for my crimes? I won’t be so easily fooled. Do you really think that mortal meant anything to me?” His toothy grin gave the false sense of confidence to portray to anyone who may see.
Silence. The haunt of his voice’s echo made him feel small in this cage. Loki’s façade of a smile dropped. “Hello? Anyone there?” Please, show me that you’re here.
When no one responded, he sat back down on his bed. He saw the journal now abandoned on the floor, but made no motion to retrieve it. No motion to clean up any of the scattered books. Loki’s magic fueled a whirlwind of the objects in his cage. His body and bed in the center, hair whipping around in the wind from all the motion.
He hated how comforting her lullaby sounded as he closed his eyes. “I know this life will leave… Empty dreams and empty dawns…”
“Hey, Nurse Danger.” Stark snapped his fingers in Miera’s face, “Get your head out of the clouds, okay? We got some work to do.” He set a clipboard of papers in her hands and turned on his heel. “Jarvis, pull up the blueprints. Let’s review the specs for the rooms again.”
Potts smiled at Miera as she looked at the clipboard, “You might wanna follow us. Tony’s gonna ask if you figured out what you want in the lab.”
“Ah, right.” Miera shook her head out of her daze. She followed Stark and Potts down the hall of the still-under-renovations Tower. The windows had been replaced and seemed stronger than before. Stark said something about being ‘both bullet and God proof’ but who knows what they could truly withstand.
Miera paused, looking up at the sky through the new glass ceiling being installed. She smiled, flashes of Loki singing her lullaby played through her head. So her lullaby did mean something to him.
“But here’s my soul to keep. Just give your love to hold on.” A gentle whisper into the air. Miera took a deep breath and caught up to the couple in front of her. “Hey, have we considered an apothecary?”
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everi-moved · 4 years
Avatar Mei
"Air is freedom... Water is change... Earth is stability... And Fire is energy... Yep! I think I'm finally starting to get it!"
Air Nomad ~ Airbender (Native) ~ Miera Blackfelder
Age: 11 (ATLA)
Born: 13 BG
Died: 65 (before TLOK)
Professions: Avatar (if that counts...?)
Affiliations: Team Avatar, Fire Nation (though technically speaking, she was neutral)
Weapons: Glider Staff
Bending Types: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Energy
Mei is the avatar, hailing from the Eastern Air Temple. Both due to being a child and because of her upbringing, she is playful and relaxed. She likes to make room for play, though she has sometimes put this too far ahead. She was trapped in an ice sphere with her flying bison, Jin, for 100 years until Suna and Ari found her.
Mei was raised by monks and nuns in the Western Air Temple. She was especially close to Danzai, a gentle woman who loved to make people smile. Due to rising tensions she was told she was the avatar when she was 11 rather than 16. Not long after she and Danzai moved to the Southern Temple to give Mei a good distance from the Fire Nation. She and Danzai had plans to move onward to the Eastern Temple, but before they left the Fire Nation attacked. Danzai, knowing she was far from ready, put Mei on Jin and told her to go to the Southern Water Tribe- There she could begin her search for a Waterbending instructor. Before Mei could object she was sent off and Danzai fought to protect the temple. On the way to the tribe Mei and Jin ran right into a storm. The were struck by lightning and fell into the.ocean, where Mei subconsciously went into the Avatar State and sealed the two of them within ice.
Mei looked up to Danzai and considered her a motherly figure. She also got Jin, her flying bison, at the age of 10 as per tradition. After being awoken and revisiting the Southern Temple she found Emi, a ring-tailed lemur.
At the end of the Hundred Year War Mei was officially adopted by Kulila and, by extension, Miyuki and Sora. As a result she lived in the Fire Nation until she was 24.
She ended up being the eldest of five children. Miyuki first adopted Asai, who became the heir to the throne. Then she and Kulila adopted twins Vilirri and Emoko. Finally, Kulila and Sora had Inai- The youngest of the bunch.
She had one or two SOs as she grew up, more often trying to focus her energies on her more important duties. One person who did stick and became her life partner was Fen, a guy she met while visiting her parents. She married him when they were about 29.
She had two kids with him, a son and a daughter. Her son was named Aizen and was a Firebender. Four years later she had her daughter, who she named Fei. Fei was an Airbender, which gave Mei hope that maybe one day, the Air Nomads could return.
Quick Relations: Danzai (mother-figure), Jin (pet), Emi (pet), Kulila (mother), Miyuki (mother), Sora (father), Asai (sister), Vilirri (sister), Emoko (sister), Inai (sister), Fen (husband), Aizen (son), Fei (daughter)
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katanaramenart · 7 years
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Who was our Druids love interest, Miera
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bigoltrashpile · 3 years
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Hollow Knight OC #2: Miera, the Fearless Child
Awwwwwww, I love their flower necklace!!!  What a cutie!!!!
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crypt1d-art · 7 years
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Trash doodle of my flower child 
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patanu102 · 7 years
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Been working on this for a bit but I wanted to show the WIP.
Just a bunch of my OC’ s waiting for the bus.
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phasdraw · 2 months
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[drawing two ocs from completely different stories together] omg guys playdate !
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holypatronus · 7 years
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indie multimuse rp featuring gael mieras, a fandomless oc. oc and crossover friendly, lit and desc.
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ferallymine · 2 years
Closing the Tesseract
“Good?” The voice was low and gruff. Miera’s eyes opened, finally finding her vision again. The blurry face focused, and she stared into the eyes of the Hulk.
“I’m… good.” She nodded, head pounding in pain. She sat up, now realizing she was on the remains of the road below Stark Tower. “Did his robots just drop me here?”
Hulk didn’t reply, instead having his attention drawn to incoming Chitauri. With an angry yell, he leapt away. Miera moved quickly, narrowly avoiding the vehicle he had torn apart as it flew down the street. Hulk’s disregard for surroundings was surely a threat to anyone around.
A breath of composure. She peeked out from her cover and looked up at the portal above the tower. A quick movement and glint of sunlight showed Stark flying out from the top balcony. Shimmers of green betrayed that Loki was still there. Bastard.
Static sparked in her ear from her comm, distracting from future thoughts. Natasha’s voice sounded distorted as it came through, “Portal’s gotta close, guys. We can’t keep this up.”
Miera waved down Hulk as she replied, “I’ll go. I’m the closest Give me some time to figure out the off switch.”
Miera held onto Hulk’s back as he scaled Stark Tower. With a final shove, she grabbed the edge of the roof and pulled herself up. Glass shattering and sounds of yelling echoed below.
Good, he’s keeping Loki busy.
Looking around, she found Doc unconscious. The machine whirred and sparked, forcing her attention away from him. It looked so… Complex. Intricate. Loki and Doc surely had immense skill in this regard.
“I’m at the Tesseract.” Miera slowly approached the machine. Blue waves pulsated from it in a continuous motion. The spirals of energy flushed out like solar flares. Miera wondered if they would burn her if they reached her skin.
“Find a way to shut it down!” Stark’s voice over their comms gave her a headache.
“No shit, Sherlock,” Clint’s quip could be heard over the loud cries of battle.
More chatter came over, making Miera take out her earpiece. “Shut the fuck up, guys. I gotta deal with…” She stared at the machine, “Whatever the hell this is…”
A loud raging yell followed by the building shaking threw Miera off balance. The Tesseract machine shifted, energy flares propelled forward. She instinctively threw up her hands.
A surge of power that left as quickly as it came.
Miera froze. She looked around the roof, then lowered her arms and stared at the Tesseract… Then back at her hands…Tentatively, she stepped forward, each step more cautious than the last. Finally, she charged her hand with light and reached toward the Tesseract. Her hand passed through the energy with mild resistance. Blue energy danced around her veins. It felt cold, yet powerful.
Idea. She scrambled to put her earpiece back in. “Guys… I think I can close it.”
“How?” Natasha asked, the sound of a Chitauri collapsing echoed. “I mean, I’ll take anything but I don’t want you dying on us.”
“The cube is just one big light aura. Energy. I can get through the-”
Thor interrupted, “Just close it! Who cares how?!”
Stark’s panicked voice yelled, “Not yet! I got a nuke coming and it’s t-minus 3 minutes til Boom-Time. I know exactly where to put it.”
“Hurry, then!” Thor urged, more sounds of death traveling through the comms. “These things are still coming. My brother won’t be held off for long.”
The missile went through. Miera’s body burned with blue energy as her hands reached for the Tesseract. Stark fell back through the portal as she cried out in pain.
Energy coursed through her entire being. Her eyes shone with a sickening blue haze. Her nerves were on fire and her mind could hear everything all at once. This surge was overwhelming, but she had to overwhelm it further. Yellow magic emerged from her hands, mixing into a green pulsation of unworldly energy.
A green wave exploded out, destroying the machine. The Tesseract flung onto Miera’s chest as she fell backwards. Where the edge of the roof should have been, she instead found herself surrounded in blue smoke. The familiarity of Stark’s couch on the balcony welcomed her as she closed her eyes.
“Greenie! Cleric? We never really settled on which nickname you liked. Hey, wake up! Sleepy times over.” Stark’s voice rattled in her head. Did he develop magic for causing headaches just by speaking?
Miera opened her eyes, slowly pushing herself up, “What happened?”
Steve knelt, placing a hand on her shoulder, “Portal closed. When the missile hit, the remaining aliens collapsed dead. You are currently holding an alien battery.”
She looked down, seeing  the Tesseract cradled in her arm. “Oh… Uh… I don’t think I should have this.”
Thor held out a hand, “I’ll take it. Are you feeling okay?”
“I think so? How is one supposed to feel after an alien battle?”
A smile, “Sore, usually. I am glad you’re okay.” He held out his other hand, helping Miera to her feet, “If you are able, I’d appreciate it if you would heal Loki of his injuries. He’ll need to be better to travel back to Asgard.”
Stark, Natasha, and Clint crossed their arms in unison. Miera raised an eyebrow, “I think that request is a bit… Unliked.”
A sigh, “My brother doesn’t need to be fully healed. Just enough to make the trip.”
Clint scoffed, “Leave a few that’ll hurt, then. He deserves it.”
“Yessir.” A salute, she slowly made her way around the room. Miera approached Loki’s wounded body. Glass and debris covered the penthouse floor. The team moved to  stand by the blown-out windows, watching in case Loki tried any tricks.
Loki looked up, grunting, “Hello darling. Missed you.” His attempt at a charming smile faltered. How much pain was he in? She hadn’t completed the previous spell, so some of that enchantment was still in his brain. Did it make his injuries more painful than they really were?
She raised her hands, soft yellow emitting from them, “You know how this goes, so don’t resist too much.”
Miera froze briefly. Like lightning, she reached her hand to her right and tightly gripped an invisible arm. The injured Loki on the floor disappeared. Loki with a dagger in his hand materialized beside her, shock in his eyes. Light burned from Miera’s hand, forcing him to drop his weapon and kneel.
That’s impossible. She couldn’t have known it was fake. Loki’s mind raced as he winced back in pain until she finally let go.
Miera stepped away, just as shocked that she heard his thoughts. Had the Tesseract altered her abilities? Before she could do anything else, Thor was beside his brother, slapping on restraints.
“She wanted to heal you, idiot!” His anger breeched his cool exterior, “How dare you try to hurt her!”
Loki looked to his brother, then back to Miera, “As if anyone here actually would want that.” Smug ego returned as his chains clanked together. His ramblings continued, but Miera’s mind raced with anxious thoughts. Everything faded to a dull white noise.
Miera looked down at her hands, herself surprised at this new ability. No one else seemed to notice the new spirals of blue that lined her nerves. She traced her thumbs over them, lost in thought. They were faint, but present. If she thought hard enough, they disappeared completely. What was the magic in that blasted cube?
The group crowded the elevator. Miera found herself behind Loki- being so close made her realize he wasn’t too much taller than her. The others began conversations, too many for her mind to focus on. Miera closed her eyes and brought her hands up to the middle of Loki’s back.
Let’s try this again.
He almost gasped at both the intruding voice in his mind and the sudden touch. Who is this?
Who do you think- or did Hulk hit you too hard?
Loki closed his eyes. This is an interesting development. Why did you hide this from me, darling? We could’ve had so much fun.
You didn’t need to know.
Or this just manifested. A smile. How did you know it was an illusion?
Miera sighed, charging a dim yellow in her palm. I can feel you, Loki. I will always know where you are.
Because the remaining enchantment was small, the pain did not return for this spell. Black liquid dripped out of his ear and evaporated. Miera could sense the silence in his mind, almost feeling relief for him. Cuts and bruises on his body resolved as the elevator hit the bottom floor.
Miera kept a few paces behind Loki as everyone escorted him out of the building.
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thatsnakeman · 5 years
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Light filtering through the clouds in Miera Valley, Spain. [OC] [3204x1400] via /r/EarthPorn http://bit.ly/2WWnYON
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talic-art · 7 years
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Day 1 (February 19, 2017): [x]
A character you headcanon as aromantic and on the asexual spectrum.
Sorry for being late >< Miera is one of my OCs (sorry for taking the fandom challenge for that). She is part of Delphinium: Don’t Drink the Tea comic. A smart ass super feminine girl, that, with her brother, sells “grades” in school -tests answers, they can hack the school system and change your grade there, things like that- She is probably the most aromantic asexual character I have, at the beginning I tried to give her a partner, but the character itself didn’t seem to want ANYONE? Also, she is the character in my avatar =x
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patanu102 · 7 years
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Yet another "original character" to the list. This is Miera. She's a special agent undercover as a scavenger. She's known for three things. Her red hair, her aim, and the giant piece of metal on back that helps her fly.
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phasdraw · 8 months
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saw a post talking abt drawing your male favs with those default "female poses" that trend towards ... slightly silly (this one is from the website animereferenceposes)
unfortunately all my male favs are women but i also realized i'd never done anything but a tiny doodle of Betittied mieras before so, may as well
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