#of that™️ species
trips2saturn · 10 months
married men at my job seem to love asking single women for their numbers. but if i told you to die i’d be in the wrong
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mariusroyale · 7 months
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something something,, my s/i and april get turtled™️;; things ensue
basically w my sona already going through the motions with her bird form (yknow;, being kidnapped, being mutated against her will, being forced to fight in an arena) one can imagine the kinds of feelings that would come up with being mutated… again
luckily raph seems to make it a bit easier for her to handle 🥺
i just..;; look-
raph getting flustered that his gf can be a cute turtle just made me giggle ok;; like they can hold hands w turtle fingies,, and churring,, and other jazz
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cordycepsbian · 1 year
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toasted marshmallow and grilled salmon
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snackleggg · 4 months
A doctor who headcanon I have is that Gallifreyan doesn't have gendered pronouns. It's all in the neutral.
One of the biggest obsticals the Doctor had when learning new languages so they didn't have to rely on a translation circuit all the time was learning how gendered pronouns worked and how to apply them to themselves and others based on the planet.
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snazzyscarf · 5 months
that post that’s like “what are you most pretentious about” is important and cool but i feel like there is a similar vein of emotion in “what are you most territorial about.” both coming from a place of love naturally but it’s a different emotion of “i want to know everything about this and challenge others to do the same” vs “this was made for ME. nobody else.”
for me i am most pretentious about infinity train bc i have pages and pages of lore notes and made a genuine cork board of theories + have archives of crew art & word of god tidbits saved but like. at the end of the day that is still a shared title between me & my friends & other ppl who were active in the fan space during that particular era of the show. anyone can accumulate knowledge with enough research.
what i am most Territorial about is chococat. little black sanrio cat. my childhood. Mine. everyone else can like him and love him but nobody else will love her in the specific way that I did as a kid and do as an adult. stuffed animal that was given to me by fate as a kid and continues to be an important part of MY life. no amount of wikipedia diving can match the decades of specific love that I have for chococat. there’s a difference yknow
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bcneheaded · 5 months
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Something I don't talk about enough and kinda gloss over a lot because Artemis is like... friendly... amiable.... personable and stuff yea.... is the fact that he is, in fact, what is essentially a 'retired bad guy'. That shop he runs? His retirement plan. He's old and tired and is done fighting and being mindlessly hateful and angry about everything that's ever happened to him. Now he's chiller and trying to just move on with his shit. Is he still murderously angry about it? ......yes.... is he just calmer outwardly and of a more sound mind? Also yes.
Does that mean he's a good guy now...? absolutely not. Is he still a bad guy? nah... not really. But that like trope of the merchant/tavern keeper being unexpectedly a little stupidly OP and despite being 'retired' still can and absolutely will rock your shit if you test him? Yeah... he do be like that...
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
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Species dysphoria and gender dysphoria really suck when combined, what do you mean when I front I’m no longer physically an amab Piglin hybrid? Why must god forsake me in such a monumental way, why must my feet be so human, where is my tail, where is my penis???? I hate it
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notaplaceofhonour · 3 months
One of the most frustrating parts of the extreme rhetoric around Israel/Palestine (besides the obvious reliance on antisemitic & anti-Arab, Islamophobic tropes) is that it exceptionalizes so many things that are actually pretty standard features of nation-states and war in a way that completely compartmentalizes the criticism of these things into just being about criticizing the “few bad apple” countries instead of criticizing the entire institution of nation-states and war as a whole.
For instance: the fact is that war kills civilians, at an alarming average of 6:1 civilians-to-combatants deaths. The status quo of war, across the board, is that way more civilians die than combatants. And yet, despite the high death toll, despite Hamas using civilian infrastructure & noncombatants as human shields (which Hamas has openly admitted to doing), despite the imprecise & destructive nature of using bombs on urban targets, and despite the inadequate humanitarian aid that has been able to make it into Gaza… the IDF has still managed to stayed well below the average of civilian casualties.
The point of saying this is not “this is what war looks like so it’s not a big deal” it’s “this is what war looks like so we as a species need to stop doing it”—seeing the devastation war has brought to the people Gaza should move you, and it should make you never want to see another war again. It should make you want a ceasefire not just for Israel and this war but all wars always. And obviously, in practice, it’s not that simple—peace is more than “just don’t do war” and the thing about ceasefires and peace treaties is they kind of have to be mutual to mean anything—but the point stands: War Bad.
However, if instead you see the destruction in Gaza and think it’s an exceptional case, where Israel is evil and the only way war could be this destructive is genocide, you get to preserve this romanticized, idealistic fantasy of war as, violent yes, but perhaps only in a cathartic, tragic-but-beautiful way—a glorious struggle where two armies clash on a battlefield far removed from everyday life and only soldiers die. You get to preserve your belief in Just War, to look forward to a morally uncomplicated Glorious Revolution™️—you may even preserve your ability to cheer on the death of Israelis.
And that’s just one issue. There are others: the claim of “ethnostate” obscures criticisms of nation-states as a concept, the claim of “apartheid” obscures criticisms of how borders & citizenship are set up across the world, etc. This inverse Israeli Exceptionalism where Israel is treated as uniquely or exceptionally problematic isn’t simply discriminatory or rooted in prejudice (which are reasons enough to criticize it, as I have), it’s actively impeding the left’s ability to criticize the actual structural systems that are the problem.
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cooler-ian · 10 days
thinking about how angels and demons treat their kids compared to humans, like-
was the demon kings neglect really extreme enough to be some form of abuse in actual demon society? Why is Luke expected to cook for Simeon and Solomon? Why is Luke treated so- weirdly??
For Diavolo, I think he was overselling his tragic childhood a bit- I'm your average Diavolo hater but I seriously do think he was just severely under socialized and if he was around other children and their parents he would realize that hey, my dad definitely has something against me but he's a pretty basic demon parent™️ (also he would resent his own species less frfr)
I say this because of the casual(?) way he treated that death trap his father called teaching in nightbringer, I like to imagine that he's actually grown since his comically lonely childhood and is able to rationalize it properly.
Anyways this post is actually mostly about Luke
so, I feel like Luke wouldn't understand what to do if you held your hand out to him, like I imagine angels don't really chaperone their youngest that directly,
(considering how much they put the little lad to work and how in nightbringer Luke took over the cooking entirely??? Like- immediately?)
so Luke wouldn't understand the very human desire to protect their stupid offspring in small ways,
human children are barely alive and will fully walk into the street if unsupervised, angel children will not.
If you were out in public with Luke and you're leaving a store and you do that silent stretching out your hand for them to take that parents do he would just stare at you like "why's your hand in my face 🤨" it would probably be real awkward
(Sorry for rambling I didn't sleep will probably delete this and rewrite it better tomorrow?)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 24 days
Whats happens when the boys™️ go camping on the beach?
Things That Happen At The Beach, A List
• The seagulls see Cloud as an easy target and attack him for his food. Zack rushes in to defend his buddy and ends up fist fighting a seagull. Zack loses.
• Sephiroth tries to relax in the sand and read a book, but Angeal's continuous use of a metal detector to "hunt for goods" nearby is giving him anxiety.
• Genesis is going on a drink run and is offering to get everyone else something too.
Genesis: Would you like a sex on the beach?
Sephiroth, not knowing it's a drink: I thought you'd never ask.
• Zack has gripped a seagull by the neck and is refusing to let go. The other seagulls are getting increasingly more agitated. Cloud pleads with Zack to let it go. Zack claims that the only way to deal with the seagulls is to "assert dominance"
• Genesis ia trying to take aesthetic pictures of himself for social media and doesn't notice that in half of them, Sephiroth is in the background losing a battle with a melting ice cream cone.
• Angeal is looking for the guitar he brought to sing campfire songs. Genesis burned it to build a fire. Angeal retaliates by burning Genesis' books in that very bonfire. The last anyone saw Angeal and Genesis they were trying to drown each other in the ocean.
• Sephiroth brings a book that aids in identifying crab species and a camera to catalogue them. Sephiroth finds a crab. He takes a photo of the crab with the flash on. This bothers the crab. The crab attacks him. Sephiroth flings the crab into the ocean. Sephiroth feels guilty and goes into the ocean to retrieve the crab.
• Sephiroth and Genesis try playing with a frisbee for fun. Sephiroth underestimated his own strength and ended up knocking Genesis out with the frisbee. When Angeal finds them, Genesis is still knocked out and Sephiroth is digging a Genesis-sized hole in the sand.
Angeal: ......
Sephiroth: I panicked.
Angeal: Oh my god.
• The seagulls are encircling Zack and Cloud. Cloud lights a beach towel on fire to try to ward them off.
• AGS go on a banana boat for fun. The boat driver warns them that if they don't hang on, they'll fall off. Genesis is the first to claim "Ha! We're SOLDIER. As if we can be bested by an inflatable water sled." On the first wave all three of them are violently thrown into the ocean. Genesis was the first to go and knocked Angeal and Sephiroth like bowling pins.
• Angeal finally intervenes and chases the seagulls away. He gives Genesis, Sephiroth and Cloud the task of fishing for their cookout while Zack helps him prepare.
Angeal: You guys know how to fish, right?
Sephiroth: Definitely. (Liar)
Cloud: Absolutely. (Liar)
Genesis: Of course (embellisher of the truth)
• 1 hour later they come back with Cloud tangled in a fishing line, Genesis with a small fish, and Sephiroth with a big fish. Genesis is fuming because he claims Sephiroth "invaded his fishing space and caught the fish that Genesis was meant to catch."
• Genesis and Sephiroth go paddle boarding for fun but end up having a makeshift sword duels with their paddles in the middle of the ocean. Genesis hits Sephiroth in the knees. This Angers Sephiroth. Genesis now has a total of 2 minutes to make it to shore before Sephiroth catches up to him and drowns him.
• Angeal wants to take some nice group photos to remember this day forever. They're in the middle of a nice group pose when the horde of seagulls come back for revenge.
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Ok this isn’t fully formed, so there’s probs some plot holes or something, but I woke up with a Thought™️ this morning. An au to the keeper/kept au. Hear me out - the 141 boys are hybrids that mate for life and have kidnapped their chosen “mates” who now have to navigate taking care of them and being taken care of by them.
Specifically, I’m thinking about Simon as some kind of big cat hybrid, pupils blown out and “hunting” his girl. Her catching him and putting her hands up. “Easy, big boy, you’re too big to - oof!” Laying under a couple hundred pounds of purring predator, wondering how she got here.
He wears a collar around base - a big thick leather thing with silver studs and her name and number on it. He rubs his face against her constantly to make her smell like him. And she does that thing that keepers do with big cats they’re comfortable with where they hook a finger behind their big fangs and gently tug.
(I know big cats aren’t among the species that mate for life - let me have this)
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autumnalfallingleaves · 6 months
Okay, so I've been thinking. Season 3 gave us so much in terms of magic and the origins of magic, specifically, which got me thinking-- it's stated that all magic originally came from Fairy Country, and, following that, all magical creatures came from there, which should include things like trolls and nisse, right? But young Johanna states that the sun never truly sets in Fairy Country, which wouldn't work for trolls, unless they were constantly in hiding. However, that wouldn't really seem good evolution-wise. Seems kind of weird, right? And nisse are another matter-- they are spirits, which suggests Wild Magic, but are primarily found in domestic spaces, thus suggesting a use of at least some Domestic Magic. Last I checked, Fairy Country doesn't seem to really have any houses (save for Phinium and Lydia's) or uses for house spirits. So what's the common denominator for two species that don't seem to have any common threads? And why do trolls and nisse seem to stand out in particular for being specifically not geared to Fairy Country, evolution notwithstanding?
One word: giants.
What about them? you ask. For that, we need to turn to the original Hilda: Hildafolk's Hilda and the Midnight Giant.
In the back of the graphic novel, we are presented with a visual guide to the mountain giants, which you can find me yelling about here. In that guide, we get this guy:
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Who is named Björg, and, according to the book, was "the outcast of the group. He was fearful of the other giants and not well liked. When the others left he went into hiding. Trolls and nisse are descended from him." So this guy is the common link, giving trolls and nisse a common ancestor and a reason for why they may be the outliers in terms of magical beings. The mountain giants are now show canon, per the Faratok Tree episode, and seem to be lifted nearly 1:1 from the book.
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From left to right are Halldór, Sigmund, Einarr, Valfreyja (who actually has a slightly different design from the graphic novels), Gertl, Aldinn, Bliða, Heimskr, and Jaðarrok. This basically confirms that all the giants listed in the graphic novel exist in the show, which means that we can extrapolate that Björg also exists, and seems to be in hiding, as the blurb suggests. I'm also thinking, based on the fact that the giants were on Earth really before humans were, that they left Fairy Country thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of years ago, shaping Earth to their liking through the years. This may mean that, while the other giants stayed together, Björg went off and did his own thing, which, I'm thinking, perhaps may have been creating the species that would go on to split and become trolls and nisse respectively.
With the two species being so well-suited to Earth, my guess, taking all of this, is that they were created and Earth and were never native to Fairy Country-- they've got ancestral roots there, but it was never their true home. That's how we get a species that can only live in the dark, and evolved to do so, and a species that has a symbiotic relationships with humans and their houses, which create Nowhere Space.
Now, to go further, my guess is that nisse evolved into their own species later than trolls, as trolls were likely present before humans. The nisse branched off as their own species likely when a particularly small, particularly hairy, and particularly magical troll managed to get into the newly-created Nowhere Space and made a home out of it, which then became the nisse as we know them now.
Anyway. This magic system. I've got Thoughts™️
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moodymisty · 16 days
Did you know that multiple species of bats have been known to orally stimulate their partners before having sex? It apparently increases fertilization chances and overall quality of sex. Which I mean yeah it's foreplay, that's what it's meant to do, but it's interesting to note a nonhuman species doing it.
Anyway the point of this was to request if you could combine that fun bat habit with the ask about Konrad edging his partner?
Also feel free to store that Fun Bat Fact™️ for use in other Night Lord fics, if you want to. I'm always a sucker for astartes/Primarchs having behaviors/tendencies from some of the nonhuman DNA that was used to create them.
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Author's note: yum yum Konrad time
Relationships: Konrad/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Konrad in general, Oral (female receiving), Kind of breeding kink
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“Konrad, Konrad please…”
Your hand weakly tries to pull at the one holding you down, his palm pressing you hard into the bed. But he's so far beyond stronger than you, that it's a fruitless gesture.
You don’t know how long it’s been. It could only have been ten minutes for all you know, but it feels like it’s been hours. Your body cries out in an overstimulated, aching mess- legs quivering as they lay over his shoulders.
Your thighs ache in pain from the bites lining them, some just dents and others bleeding. You know you’ll need something for them, and you can only hope the medicae with let you get away with being vague and turning the other way about giving you things has they were last time. They'll watch you hobble away knowing that Konrad even at his most gentle is nearly breaking you, but they won't say anymore than the medicines you need to heal those wounds.
His tongue brushes over your abused, sore clit for the millionth time and the ensuing rush of sensation as your body writhing, only what isn’t held down by him. Your cunt throbs and aches with an emptiness he has no intention on filling right now as you suffer and cry underneath him.
You want him to stop; You're sweating, tired and aching, but there's no chance you can free yourself from him. You can only writhe underneath his hold as his mouth presses against your cunt, tongue lapping against your folds and teeth catching your skin. He's rough- and you've lost count of the times he's brought you just to the very edge of cumming against his face, only to slow and pull you back away from it. It's infuriating; It's made you angry, it's making tears roll down your face as you beg for him to stop it or just let you finally finish.
But this always happens roughly once a month. You have a feeling as to why, but you don’t know how it makes you feel.
In the heat of the moment you’d love nothing more than to give him a child, but then the oftentimes nightmare of your reality with him sets in. That his moments of quiet and softness are only a single star in a void of black nothingness.
But you know at this point he isn’t going to stop until it takes, and you don’t have much option than to go along for the ride. Konrad has his nails and teeth dug too deeply into you to allow escape at this point, and even if you did manage to free yourself, you don't know if you even could gather the will to leave him. You love him too much to do that, you know it.
The nails of his other hand dig into the skin of your thigh as he continues to lap at your folds roughly, feeling the way your body tenses underneath him. You can't really see him in the dark room, only the outline of his massive body. But you can feel him, the brushing of his hair against your skin and the way his tongue prods against your entrance before he pulls his mouth away.
"Konrad please, what do you want? Just let me-"
He watches you with those dark, black eyes of his, you just know he is, as he takes away that hint of relief you were so close to. Your heels hit his shoulders and he dares to laugh at you, as if your tears and your sweat and begging are nothing more than amusing to him.
You know they are; He enjoys watching you suffer when your body needs it the most, until your thighs are as slick as the tears on your cheeks. He doesn't want to physically break you, at least not yet, so he's found a safer, gentler way to torment you.
Konrad pulls away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He’s wearing no shirt, and the rough linen of his trousers are easy for him to pull down past the v of his hips and reveal his cock that has been hard and aching for hours.
Once he does, he grabs your hips and roughly tugs you closer to him, and he smiles at the squeal you make as you feel him press against your thigh.
“Come here my little dove, let’s see if it takes this time.”
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coluanprodigy · 2 years
It's funny to me, although I understand why, that everyone treats Bruce as the "obviously angsty mentally ill one" compared to Clark. Like everyone expects the Broody Batman™️ to be fucked up, obviously. But it's so weird to me that people treat Superman as if he is Mr. Cheerful Healthy Sunshine when, as a fan of the character, I'm willing to die on the hill that's he's just as messed up. You're telling me the man who spends his whole life feeling painfully isolated, lonely and alienated, so desperate and obsessive with being percieved and accepted as human, after he had his own sense of humanity slowly and forcibly taken away from him as a child by his own body through sudden and traumatizing ways, who has to carry the legacy of a near extinct species on his shoulders almost entirely alone, while desperately trying to scrape and preserve any information about his own people, is the pinnacle of mental health? Like, really? The guy who's the embodiment of "I'm gonna get a good grade at being a regular human being, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve"? That guy? That guy is trauma free?
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months
what if my gender is Just A Little Guy?
what if my gender is frog wearing dungarees?
what if my gender is mothman?
what if my gender is The Bog™️?
what if my gender is various species of fungi?
what then?
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