#this is the third time it’s happened to me
luveline · 21 hours
Eddie and Roan —Roan’s having a hard time adapting to the new babysitter. stepmom!reader, 1.4k
Eddie’s car is parked poorly on the driveway, but it’s there, and it’s nice to see after a long day. You park snugly behind him, pull your purse onto your shoulder, and rush out of your car, up the steps to the house. 
You open the heavy front door.
“Roan?” you ask, greeted by the smell of Eddie’s tomato pasta and fresh bleach. “Eddie, did you mop?” 
“Sasha mopped,” Eddie corrects from the top of the stairs. “She’s up here.” 
“Roan.” He smiles at you. “Sasha is long gone home, baby. And if I were you I wouldn’t say her name. It hasn’t got me super far.” 
You wince, hanging your purse and coat over the bannister and shucking off your shoes, aching feet a little less painful on the carpet of the stairs. Eddie waits for you on the landing, and he kisses you when you’re close enough, to your fear. 
“I’m gonna fall.” 
“No,” he says, encouraging you against him with a forearm to the small of your back. “Like I’d let you.” 
“Is it really bad?” 
“She went into a full blown nuclear meltdown. I don’t think Sasha will be back any time soon, she looked shell-shocked,” Eddie says. 
His eyes flare wide and his lips pucker, but he looks less worried and more entertained. He knows Roan is gonna be fine eventually. She has a case of the crankies because nobody will let her have her way (but you would if you could).
“She definitely wants to see me?” 
“I think you’re the only person she wants to see. She kept pushing me off of the bed.” 
“Oh.” You kiss his cheek. He smiles like he did the very first time you kissed him, surprised and elated to be liked, which is a tad silly —you love him. “Hello. Dinner smells nice.” 
“It does, doesn’t it? I’m gonna go make some garlic bread if you don’t need me.”
You hold his arm. It’s strange to be in love sometimes. You coparent his occasionally angry child. He makes you dinner every single night. There’s barely time to say hello, but you say it because saying hi to him is always, always fun. 
Eddie gives you a quick hug. “I’m downstairs if you want me,” he promises. 
You ease around one another. He goes down the stairs too quickly, you knock gently against ‘Princess Roan’s’ door. The placard is missing a few gems, but it’s still sparkly. 
There’s no answer.
“Hello?” you ask, knocking the door again. “Baby, I’m coming in to see you.” 
You smile at the sound of her voice. You’ve missed her, even though it hasn’t been that long. It’s better to see her, opening her door, finding her all curled up on her bed. She’s mostly guilty, you’d say, but still annoyed at the situation. 
“Hey, angel,” you say, pausing against her doorway. 
“Hi, mom.” 
You grin. “Dad told me what happened.” She tenses, expecting a telling off, but Eddie has that covered. She can’t treat people the way she did, pushing poor Sasha and screaming at her to go away isn’t fair, but she had her reasons. Neither you nor Eddie plan to ignore them. “You okay?” 
“What can I do to make you feel better than fine?” you ask. 
“Let me come to work with you.” 
“I told you already, Ro. You can only come with me for emergencies. They’re very grumpy at work.” 
She glares and curls tighter into her ball. She’s small, less than a third your size but with feelings that would threaten to tip you over. Her dress is creased to death and her face is covered in tears. 
“Wanna get dressed for bed?” you ask. 
Roan sighs tiredly. “No.” 
“Just let me wash your face then, princess. Tears make your eyes sore after a while.” 
“Can you hug me?” Roan asks shyly. 
You cross the room. She slides across her bed to make more room for you than you need, but you love how big she seems to think you are, in a way. Like she sees you as much older, maybe more protective, or that’s what you’d like to think. You lay down in her bed, and you move your arm from your side to let her know the hug factor is ready for business. 
She lays her head on your shoulder. 
“It’s hard missing you,” you say. 
It’s hard missing both of them. You feel like a lot of your life is totally wasted at work when you could be talking yourself hoarse with Eddie, Roan between you both or on someone’s lap. You’d rest your face on his arm and watch his lips make each word. You could do it forever, but the world doesn’t let you. His stories and jokes have to wait until the weekend.
“It is?” Roan asks quietly.
“It’s so hard. I miss you all the time.”
“I miss you too,” Roan says. 
“I know.” Her bed is crazy comfortable. You stretch out and turn your face down to hers, back twinging, content to stay her with her forever. “Can I give you a little kiss?” 
She laughs and turns her cheek to you for kissing. 
“It’s been a long time since I asked you that, huh?” you say, pressing three light kisses in the same place. 
“You aks me sometimes.” 
“You never ask me!” you tease in a shouting-whisper. “You just plant them on me!” 
“You like kisses.” 
“I love ‘em. You and dad give the best kisses I ever had.” 
She smiles, but it slowly turns into a frown. “I don’t like being home with Sasha.” 
“It’s summertime, bug. Me and dad have to work, Wayne has to work. We can’t find any other way.” 
“Sasha doesn’t… She’s not… Ugh.” Roan rubs her sad face into your chest. 
“Sasha’s still a stranger, baby, that’s all it is. I know she seems a bit weird right now, but that’s, like, how meeting new people goes!” You hug her to you loosely. “You remember when you met me?” 
“You liked me on the first day,” Roan says. 
“Of course I did.” 
“Sasha doesn’t like me.” 
“Sasha thinks you’re awesome. But when I first met you, Ro, you were littler, and you liked to cuddle more. It was easier for me and you. Plus, I think things for me and you are much more special.” 
“She doesn’t like me anymore.” 
You coo sympathetically. “No way. I think if you say sorry, and maybe me and dad can explain, Sasha won’t mind.” 
“I just wanted you,” she says. 
“I know. It’s okay if we miss each other, because we always get to see each other before dinner.” 
“Is dad still mad at me?” 
You sit up to look down at her, stroking the dark baby curls away from her face, smiling as they spring back into place. “Nah. But maybe he deserves an apology like Sasha. He said you gave him a couple of pushes too.” 
“He was trying to give me a hug and I was still mad,” she complains. 
“That’s okay. I guess dad’s not the kind to hold a grudge anyways.” 
Eddie absolutely holds grudges. He has one-sided beef with half the town and mutual beef with the other half, but he doesn’t hold one with Roan. You wipe the tear stains from her cheeks with a warm cloth and get her changed into clean pyjamas, holding her hand the whole time at her insistence, which makes doing her buttons up hard. 
“Why can’t uncle Steve have me?” Roan asks as you carry her downstairs. 
“Because he has a job, too.” You put her down at the bottom of the stairs. “Most grown ups do.” 
“And you can’t have summer vacation?” 
“I wish, baby. I wish.” 
Roan walks ahead of you into the kitchen, where Eddie’s setting the table, pasta and garlic bread and a big tossed salad waiting. Roan’s place has been set especially for her, with her glass of water, her glass of juice, her favourite fork, and the big purple cushion on her seat. 
“Feeling better?” Eddie asks her, bending at the waist when she holds up her arms. 
He gives her a soft hug, patting her back between lazy up and downs. 
“Sorry, daddy.” 
“That’s okay,” he says genuinely, “I know summer is hard. Maybe I can get some more days off soon.” 
That sounds like a good idea. 
“Please,” Roan says. 
Eddie coils one of her curls around his finger. “I’ll see what I can do. And you’re going to be nicer to Sasha?” 
“Yes. Sorry.” 
Eddie tips her head back to kiss her nose. “I don’t want you to be sorry, I just want you to be kind.” 
“‘Cos kind is the new cool,” Roan says. 
“Yes!” He drags her up his chest to squeeze her tightly. “And we’re the coolest cats in town.” 
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 day
Chubby MC: *has sent Azul a photo of themselves lying between Jade and Vivienne, who are comfortably snuggling against them*
Azul: 👀
Chubby MC: 😮‍💨 I'm stuck.
Azul: Yes. They're holding onto you.
Chubby MC: I'm too old for this third-wheel shit.
Azul: ...
Azul: Are you sure that's the case?
Chubby MC: What do you mean? 🤨
Azul: You're quite naive on certain occasions.
Chubby MC: The fuck does that mean?
Azul: Nothing, my friend.
Chubby MC: 🤨
Chubby MC: I'll be getting ready for work.
Azul: Didn't you say you were stuck?
Chubby MC: Yeah.
Chubby MC: I'm dragging these two out of the bed with me.
Azul: 🤣
Chubby MC: ...
Jade and Vivienne: *decided to follow them to work*
The shop owner: *the nice old lady* Your spouses?
Chubby MC: No.
The shop owner: *looks at Jade and Vivienne again*
The shop owner: *then turns to MC again*
The shop owner: Your generation have more freedom now.
The shop owner: There's nothing to be ashamed of having two spouses.
Chubby MC: They. Are. Not. My. Spouses.
The shop owner: Yes, yes. Start working now. *carefree chuckle*
Chubby MC: ...
Jade and Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: What are you doing here in the kitchen?
Jade: I want to assist you.
Chubby MC: Get out. You're not a kitchen staff.
Jade: ...
Jade: *smiles* I don't care. I will still help you.
Jade: Besides, didn't we use to work in the Mostro Lounge together?
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: *helps in taking the order of the customers*
Customer A: Whoa... This place got a new waitress?
Customer B: And she's hot.
Customer C: Hey, babe. You free after this?
Vivienne: Can I take your order?
Customer C: Haha, can I take you? *winks*
Vivienne: ...
Customer C: No need to be shy, Ms. Beautiful.
Vivienne: *is looking at him coldly*
The two other customers: ...
Customer A: Bro, stop.
Customer B: Yeah. We're going to get in trouble.
Customer C: What? She doesn't say no— *his face got smashed onto the table*
Chubby MC: What did you say?
The other two customers: ...
Chubby MC: *looks at Vivienne*
Chubby MC: Is this punk trying to ask you out?
Vivienne: I wouldn't consider it as such.
Chubby MC: *nods* *then glares at the other two*
Chubby MC: What's your order?
The other two customers: *nervously smile at Vivienne* Your best-seller, please.
Vivienne: Please wait a moment.
The other two customers: T-Take your time...
Chubby MC: *still glaring at them*
Jade: Are you satisfied with our service?
The customers earlier: Y-Yes! We're coming back again!
Chubby MC: Here's for smashing your face earlier.
Customer C: Th-Thank you...
Chubby MC: I see you pull the same stunt again, you'll know what's going to happen.
Customer C: Y-Yes!
The three of them: *immediately left*
Jade and Chubby MC: ...
Jade: I'm jealous.
Chubby MC: I'm not stealing your wife.
Jade: ...
Azul: ...
Jade: *has sent him a message*
Jade: Azul, would you be a dear and forge a legal marriage contract for MC and me?
Azul: ...
Azul: What the fuck—
Jade: And don't tell MC about it. :)
Azul: ...
Floyd: So~ You're making two?
Azul: *has received the same request from Vivienne*
Azul: Seems like it.
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testrella · 3 days
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𝜗𝜚 |CHAPTER TWO : rare sighting.
NEXT… CHAPTER THREE : satoru 'gatsby' gojo
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“you scored a 0% on a true or false quiz,” you slide the paper across the desk towards megumi. “which…came to a surprise to me as you don’t usually score this low. but it’s been happening so much i decided to pull you aside.”
you sat quietly at your desk, it was time for school dismissal but regardless you stopped megumi before he could leave. you watched his gaze be fixed onto the floor as he came up with some sort of excuse.
“a 0%..? a few more of those and i guess i’ll have to be kicked out of this sch-”
you interrupted him, “if a person wearing a blindfold were picking answers on a true or false quiz at random, do you know what score they would get?”
megumi’s eyes flickered down at his paper and back at you. “..50%.?” he remained silent until it finally clicked for him, “w-wait wai-”
“exactly, which means the only way to get all the answers wrong,” you write a 100% on what used to be a score of 0% onto his paper, “is to know what answers are right.” 
megumi’s cheeks flushed slightly out of embarrassment, and looked away from you. he had some nerve trying to fail your class on purpose.
you soften your tone before speaking again, “you want to give up but i’m not going to let you.”
megumi finally built up the courage to look you in the eye, his expression was a mix of guilt and shame. “it’s just a stupid quiz miss. l/n..” he muttered.
“megumi fushiguro, i will not allow you to fail. you have potential, so use it.”
megumi stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his bowtie to properly fit his collar, as he recalled one of the earliest memories of you. it was about the third time he’s ‘fixed’ his bowtie, only for him to undo it and try again. 
the elegant dining hall in the hotel was full of live music, soft murmuring from the people attending and clinking of silverware. there were government officials, professional sport players, and well known clans from all of japan. a small dinner hosted by gojo that was only supposed to be a sign of his gratitude turned into an elite party posted on all the newspapers. 
despite his nose being filled with smells of his favorite dishes, and his ears listening to his favorite band perform downstairs, he couldn't help but be nervous. you were told it was going to be a small dinner but there were news reporters outside the hotel. there were the regular common folk outside the gates as well, hoping to get a glance of the life of being an elite. no matter how prepared you thought you were, you weren’t prepared enough. 
you sit across your friend from her dining table. the both of you attended the same university back in the united states. the difference is that you were majoring in education while she was getting her doctorate within two years as a foreign exchange student. to say her strive for excellence consumed her entire life was an understatement. it had been so long since the two of you had a chance to reunite, with her busy running a hospital at 26 and yourself being busy settling down in japan. 
“so i have dinner tonight with one of my students' guardians,” you mentioned as you took a bite from one of the side dishes provided to you. her home was no doubt worth over 90 million ¥. the floors were a clean and white marble and the walls seemed to stretch so high it could reach the clouds. it almost looked like a hospital, how ironic. 
“i’m really excited since the dinner is to be hosted in the grand hotel in central tokyo.” you mentioned. 
suddenly, the servants that rushed from point A to point B stopped, your friend dropped her fork into her soup and the dogs stopped barking. it goes dead silent and the only noise heard was your slow chewing.
“y/n.. did you just say you’re having dinner at the gojo grand hotel? you know, the one everybody in japan has been talking about?!” shoko whispered-yelled. 
“uh- yeah, mr. gojo invited me to-”
a servant puts herself into the conversation, “the gojo satoru personally invited you to attend?? how do you come across him so casually! they say he’s japan’s bruce wayne, never seen in public unless its-”
“unless it’s for business. someone like you would’ve never come across him! neither of us would except ms. shoko..” another chimes in. by now everyone is looking at you and whispering comments. with the limited information provided, you assume mr. gojo was a rare sighting, like bigfoot.
“do you not know who satoru is? do-does she not know?” shoko asked around, slightly laughing at the confusion written all over your face. shoko takes a sip from her wine as she rubbed her nose. 
“you’re going to the gojo clan’s resort dressed like that?” she teased and everyone around you let out a muffled giggle. 
you looked down at your casual attire. “what’s wrong with what i’m wearing?”  
shoko grabs you by the arm, pulling you out from the dining room. “come with me. you’ll thank me later but you cannot go looking like that.” 
you find yourself going in and out of her walk in dressing room, and being rated how how flattering the dress fits you. 
as you’re changing out of one of many dresses, shoko mentions gojo again. “you know, him and i go way back.” 
you turn to her, “mr gojo?” you suck your stomach in as she tightens the back of another dress. “i’ve never heard of him.” 
“of course you haven’t, you foreigners know nothing about japan’s elite.” you watched her from the mirror in front of you, her eyebrows knit together when she’s tying the back of the dress. 
“japan’s elite?” you questioned.
“satoru is from the gojo clan, one of the richest and old money family in japan. his family owns like half of
japan,” your mouth slowly gapes open as she reveals this information. “they say when you stand next to satoru, you’re nothing but an ant compared to him.” 
shoko pauses to admire you. the dark navy floor length dress flattered you in all the right places. it was certainly something out of your tax bracket.
“he’s apart of the most influential family ever.” she whispered. in a way, she wanted to warn you of what you’re about to step into. it’s a different world than the one you’re living in. 
“how do you know him then?” 
“we met back in high school. he’s the only reason i was able to attend school overseas.”
you looked back at her, “what do you mean?” 
“he paid for my tuition.” she smiled.
your face goes pale. if it weren’t for your full ride scholarship, there wasn’t a chance in the world you’d be where you are now. standford wasn’t exactly the most affordable option. 
suddenly, your stomach starts turning and flipping in ways you didn’t want it to. it was nerve wracking. 
“y/n, don’t be nervous about attending the party. sure, he has a shit ton of money but he’s still a humble guy deep down.” you snort at the last comment. how could someone as rich as him be humble?
“i think i’ll feel a lot better if you came with me shoko.” you face her as she cups your face with the gentle care you’d give a wilted flower. 
“i guess seeing that blue eyed freak won’t be too bad.” 
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as the car pulled up to the main entrance of the hotel, your heart started pounding rapidly fast. you continue to wipe your sweaty palms against your seat before stepping out the car. the valet takes the keys from shoko before greeting you. 
“you look amazing, y/n. don’t stress. you belong here just as much as anyone else here.” she whispered some words of encouragement before you spot a familiar jet black haired boy. 
“megumi!” you exclaimed excitedly. relief came washing over you as you spotted your student. 
megumi, dressed in a black and white tux, gave you a soft smile before walking up to you. he extends his arm as he offered to escort you inside. 
“ms. l/n! i’m really happy to see you. i know this was supposed to be small but gojo got caught up with his business.” he continues to hold onto your arm before letting go when the both of you enter, allowing an attendant takes your coat from you. 
he guides you through the lobby and, into the ballroom that is covered in marble floors and crystal chandeliers. all of it scream luxury as you admired the family portraits and spotting a familiar white haired male as a baby. 
megumi finds gojo across the ballroom before you do since you’re too occupied on viewing the art. “gojo has a habit of making things a lot bigger than it needs to be. i’ll leave you in his care.” 
from across the ballroom, gojo observed megumi guiding you through the room with an unusual feeling of anxiety. he had always been confident, some may say overly confident, in meeting new people or greeting them. introducing himself to others was something he knew like the back of his palm. he was charismatic and witty; people loved him.
but tonight felt different the moment he laid his eyes on you. the blue gown, that coincidentally matched his tie, caught the eye of not just himself but every other man in the room. he was around the presence of the most important figures yet he felt a twinge of nervousness in his stomach build up as you got closer and closer. 
‘seriously? out of all the nights to feel this way it just had to be tonight?’ he thought. 
he glanced around the room, desperately trying to maintain his composure, but his thoughts were going 100 miles a minute. it felt like he was back in secondary school and had a schoolboy crush. 
gojo felt a surge of warmth as you presented yourself in front of him. you looked even more breathtaking up close. you had his full attention. before you could see through him, he quickly puts up his business facade. “ms. l/n! it’s a pleasure to see you tonight.” he said in his infamous charismatic manner. 
you shake his hand that he extended out. “the pleasure is all mine. although, i was told this would be a small dinner between you, megumi and myself.” you joked.
he chuckled a bit before leading you into a private room upstairs. the conversation on the way up flows naturally, starting off how the day was going for the both of you. 
“wait wait wait, let me get this straight. you had no idea who i was before you shoko? and you know shoko too?!” the two of you were a few drinks in. a slight blush was spread across his cheeks. 
“well i am a foreigner, i wasn’t aware how prominent your family is.” you giggled as you took another sip of wine. 
laughter bounced off the walls as the two of you dined together the entire night. he found himself captivated by your intelligence, kindness and how naive you were. 
and for the first time in gojo’s life, he felt truly engaged in a conversation. nothing business or family related, only a genuine conversation between two people. 
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tag list @roscpctals99 @poeticlovefanpage @mistyheart @sureconfused @chilichopsticks @lightshowerrr @faeryminnyx @0001010dog @myabae @nivi @therealestpussyeater @kolpvii @sleepykittycx @browrm @tojisworm-5 @universallystrangeravenue @catobsessedlady @shivzypuff @nico707 @invisible-mori @peqch-pie @dilflover-3 @lovelivelaygh1324 @moOsin @gojoracle @foliea @honoredalone @goldenglow149 @portgas459ace @sealsu @misorastars @hyori2 @selysixn @silkija @prettylvne @r0ckst4rjk @ritsatoru @starlostwish @yihona-san06 @zoeyflower @mx-mekla @iaminyourfloors @gabi-moureira  @thesharkcollector @misorastars @hyori2 @selysixn @miffysoo @lordbugs @mimidonottouch @moonlightazriel @bubybubsters
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isabel-lillah · 3 days
june 1 - prompt: pride - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 274
Barty takes pride in his poker face. Unless he completely drops his guard, which only happens sometimes around his closest friends, you simply can't tell what he's thinking.
Which is good, considering how pathetically in love he is with one of his best friends.
Right now, it's coming in handy once again. Barty is sitting at one of the desks in the library with Regulus, trying and failing to get his homework done. All he's done so far is steal glances at Evan, who's currently sitting a couple desks over from them, seemingly flirting with some girl from Ravenclaw.
Why can't it be me?
He is jealous; he can admit that to himself. And once again, he's happy for his poker face. His friends would give him shit if they knew about all of this.
"All right, that's enough," came Regulus's voice - out of fucking nowhere, mind you, so you can't blame Barty for jumping up in his chair.
"Regulus, what the hell?" Barty can't remember the last time he was this confused.
His friend gave him an unimpressed stare: "Barty, I can't handle this pining of yours anymore. Get of your ass and go do something. Ask him on a date, tell him you love him, kiss him, I don't care what you do, just do something."
Barty's jaw dropped. Was he actually that obvious? Who else could have possibly notic-
In the middle of his internal panic, a third voice spoke up: "Do something about what?" The blonde truly had immaculate timing.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
When Evan leaves again, Barty swears he's going to strangle Regulus. And maybe ask him for advice.
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tetsvya · 14 hours
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clueless, kuroo tetsuro
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  kuroo tetsuro has a thing for girls with long hair. so what if you're a girl with long hair? that doesn’t mean anything!
➼ pairing! kuroo tetsuro x fem!manager!reader
➼ warnings! none, just fluff and humor. maybe ooc because i haven't written in years??? unfortunately, because this is based on the scene of kuroo and yaku arguing about their preference, this is really for my long haired girlies 😣 i apologize to the short haired readers
➼ word count! about 1.4k
➼ author’s note! "haikyuu renassiance!" we all cheer in unison. anywho, this is my first time posting in two years. please be nice to me 🫡
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"So, you prefer girls with short hair then, Yaku?" Kai asks, shedding off the white button-up of his school uniform and revealing his black practice t-shirt. The three third-year Nekoma players had found themselves in an empty classroom, deciding to use it as a makeshift changing room. Luckily for them, they had all worn their clean practice clothes under their school uniforms. Doing so allowed them to save time and cut back the number of minutes they were already going to be late to practice, thanks to Yaku getting distracted by a group of girls, which Kai noted all had short hair. Hence, his question.
Yaku paused his work of ridding himself of his tie to send Kai a proud grin, pointing towards him with both hands, “Yesss!
"And you, Kuroo?" Kai turns to him, now curious to know his captain's answer as well.
"Long." Kuroo's answer is firm, leaving no room for debate. Still, he glances at Yaku, as if daring him to try.
Yaku only snorts, shaking his head in amusement as he too turns to look at his captain, "Like that wasn't obvious."
"Ehh," Kuroo's eyes narrow, head craning down to peer at the libero, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," Yaku starts, taking a step closer as he peers right back up at Kuroo, "Everyone knows you have a crush on our manager, who just so happens to have the longest hair I've ever seen!"
"Ehh?" Kuroo repeats, louder this time as he cranes his head down even more, "Who says I have a crush—"
"Hey!" The door to the classroom slides open with a shocking force, startling the boys and drawing the attention of all three of them to it. Kuroo and Yaku both grow rigid as they find you standing in its opening. Quiet pants slip past your lips, and you take a moment to catch your breath as you stare at the three of them before you begin speaking, "There you guys are! I've been looking for the three of you everywhere."
"Hello," Kai greets kindly, the only one not left in a stupor at your sudden appearance, smiling as you make your way into the classroom. "We apologize, we're running a bit late."
"Yeah," You huff, coming to a stop a few steps away from them as you cross your arms, "It was your guys' turn to set up the nets. So when you guys didn't show up in time to do so and none of you answered your phones, Coach sent me to find you guys. Didn't know I'd be going on a wild goose chase."
Your words leave you in a huff before your eyes land on Kuroo, raising an eyebrow at the captain. His shoulders tense even more at the sudden eye contact and he's quick to snap his head in the other direction. Kuroo suddenly feels warm, realizing how you could have easily heard the conversation transpiring between the three of them. Stupid Yaku, Kuroo curses the libero in his head, doesn't even know what he's talking about.
"Sorry, Y/N." And of course it’s Yaku who disrupts his thoughts, pulling Kuroo's eyes to him just as he sends you an innocent smile, "We got carried away, talking."
There's a teasing tone to Yaku's voice, and Kuroo knows it's directed at him. Why is he friends with him again?
"I don't even want to know," You speak, and Kuroo can envision you shaking your head at the three of them, "Just get dressed and get to the gym as quick as possible, please."
All three boys give some noise of recognition in response to your words, and Kuroo takes the chance to glance at you then. He's quick to regret it. Your hand rises just as he locks eyes with you, reaching up to tuck some of the more unruly pieces of your hair (which most likely came undone due to your seemingly frantic search of the three third years) behind your ear and out of your face. Kuroo's eyes follow the movement of your hand, trailing downwards and taking in the long strands of hair that fall well past your shoulders. Once again all too aware of the conversation he was just having with his teammates, the tips of his ears burn as he pulls his gaze away from you once more. He shakes his head, trying to get Yaku's words out of his mind. Just because he liked girls with long hair, and just because you so happened to be a girl with long hair, did not mean he liked you.
A snort of laughter suddenly leaves Yaku, having caught the interaction, and Kuroo turns to him with a heated glare. You don't miss the exchange between them either.
"Are you two having one of your petty arguments again?" You accuse, eyes glancing between Kuroo and Yaku who are suddenly staring back at you like two deers caught in headlights. "Seriously, you've been fighting like this since first year. What topic could you guys possibly still be discussing?"
Yaku's smirk returns as he glances at his captain with an all too knowing look before he turns back to you, "Well, if you really want to kn—"
"Nope!" Kuroo is quick to interject, speaking for the first time since you entered and drawing your attention away from Yaku and back to the captain himself. Your eyes widen as he begins to take long strides in your direction. "No arguing here!"
Your lips part, confusion taking over your features at the odd behavior your captain is displaying. You don't get the chance to say anything, however, as Kuroo makes a show of glancing at the clock on the wall before turning back to you with a dramatic gasp, "Oh, would you look at the time! We should really be heading to practice."
"You still have your school shirt on, Kuroo.” You point out when he stops in front of you, pointedly glancing down at Kuroo's attire, which consisted of his practice shorts and white button-up, with his red school tie hung loosely around his neck.
"I'll just change it once we're in the gym," Kuroo responds, waving away your interjections before he drops his hands onto your shoulders and forces you to turn around and back toward the door. You attempt to dig your heels down when he begins to push you in the direction of the door, but you're truly no match for his strength. Stupid volleyball training.
"Kuroo," You voice your protests, attempting to swat at his hands in order to get him to release you. Once again, your attempts remain futile, "Let go of me!"
"No can do! As captain and manager, it's our job to be on time to every practice. What would our team do without us?" Kuroo shakes his head, clicking his tongue as if he's scolding you. He turns back to Kai and Yaku, flashing them a warning smile, daring them to say another word. Yaku merely watches on with an unamused look, while Kai holds a placid smile. There's extra sweetness in his voice as he practically chirps out, "Bring my stuff to the club room, will you?"
"I was on time!" You retort, not giving Kai nor Yaku a chance to respond to their exasperating captain as you send them a pointed look, all the while succumbing to your fate and allowing Kuroo to push you out of the classroom. After all, he did have a point. It probably wouldn't be long before Lev managed to push somebody's buttons (most likely Yamamoto’s) one too many times and ended up in hot water. "The only reason I'm not there right now is because I came looking for you guys!"
"Ah, now is not the time to deal blame, Y/N. Our juniors are waiting on us." Kuroo argues back, shaking his head as he removes one hand from your shoulder to slide the door shut behind the two of you. Still, Yaku and Kai face the door as the sound of your guys' bickering persists. It grows quieter and quieter with each passing moment, and it isn’t until they can no longer hear your guys' voices does Yaku glance away with a shake of his head.
"He's clueless." Yaku deadpans, glancing back down at his tie as he continues to work on untying it.
Kai nods, neatly folding his button-up before placing it in his bag. "Completely."
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danikamariewrites · 22 hours
Mob!Azriel x reader AU
Note: another day another Mob!Az fic for you all to think about teehee.
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
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You giggled as Azriel lightly nipped at your cheek, his hand trying to sneak into the bowl of cookie dough. “Az,” you laugh out, smacking his hand away. “You can have some later when the rest of the Boy Scouts show up.”
Azriel rolls his eyes at the nickname. “I’ve told you, we are not Boy Scouts, we are-”
“A highly trained and dangerous group of powerful families that are allied.” You say, mimicking the overused statement. “Yes, yes I know Azzy, geez.” You tease, bumping him with your hip.
Moving from his grasp you bustle around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and plates. Azriel’s kitchen was gorgeous, and criminally under utilized. When you moved in it was all black and white, barely any ingredients or extra appliances.
“Oh this won’t do.” You had told Azriel, demanding you go shopping for every and anything you’d ever need for a kitchen. You gave the place a complete makeover, painting the walls and cabinets a lovely sage green and replacing the countertops. Adding an island and dark wood table and cushions to the breakfast nook the room was complete.
Coming back to stand between Azriel and the island you start scooping out the cookies. “You really don’t have to do this, you know.” You shrug, a generous scoop of dough and chocolate chips falling from your spoon. “I want to. Plus, I never really got to bake since work took up too much time. And your meetings go on forever, you guys absolutely need snacks.”
Leaning down Azriel presses a kiss to the back of your head. “You’re amazing, my love.” He says softly. You lean back into his chest, tilting your head back to stare at his pretty face. Turning, you hold up a finger with dough on it. Azriel’s eyes light up at the treat, licking it from your finger. Pushing up on your toes you peck his lips, murmuring, “I love you.”
Before Azriel could pull you to him and go for a more heated kiss, Rhys walks in, clearing his throat. “They’re here Az.” He nods at his brother, signaling Rhys’s dismissal.
A heavy sigh leaves his nose. Holding your face, Azriel gives you one last kiss. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
An hour later you were balancing a tea tray laden with chocolate chip cookies in your hands. The guard at the door smiles at you, knocking and opening one of the double doors for you. You nod in thanks as you quietly make your way to the occupied half of the table.
It was a small group today. Only Helion, Eris, Kal and their second and third in commands, along with a few other key members of their organizations. Reaching between Helion and Rhysand, you gently place the tray in the middle of the table.
The men looked hesitant to reach for the snack at first, but also didn’t want to be rude. “Thank you, my love.” Azriel says, giving you a small smile from his place at the head of the table. “Of course,” you whisper.
Azriel leads the conversation back to their plans, “Now, we can’t stand for this. The Molina family made us look like fools and trust me gentleman, that will not happen again. This robbery has to be big.” Odd, you thought to yourself, Azriel’s MO isn’t home robberies.
The pictures of the mansion in question spread across the table caught your eye. It’s familiarity had you titling your head, wracking your brain for where you’d seen it before.
then it hit you. The paintings on the wall! You knew them because you delivered them! Your lips parted slightly in surprise at your memory.
You felt Helion’s attention on you as he asked, “What’s wrong?” Your eyes snap to his deep brown ones, cheeks tinting red in embarrassment. Azriel takes his tone as rude but you brush it off, knowing he’s just curious about what you’re seeing.
You look to Azriel, not knowing if you have the right to give your input in a meeting. You didn’t want to make Azriel seem less in charge or something.
Azriel gives you a soft, encouraging look. “Go ahead, y/n. Tell us what you see.” You nod at him, dragging the picture of the paintings toward you. “These paintings are fakes.” A confusion spreads over the room as a few huh’s sound around the table.
“My boss got his hands on the real ones somehow, these are like rare pieces, hell museums would kill for these. Before he sold them I honestly thought they were in the Louvre. But he sold them to Molina Jr. who also requested fakes to display, since he bragged so much about buying them. They aren’t very good fakes if you ask me though.”
Helion brought the image closer to his face, attempting his untrained eye to see the falsity of the paintings. Kal snatched it from him, giving him a you-don’t-know-shit-about-art look.
Conversation bubbles around Azriel but all he can focus on is you. You and your beautiful, passionate, intelligent mind.
“Where would he keep the real ones?” Eris asks, breaking up the conversations and Azriel’s concentration on you. Though that didn’t last long. As soon as you opened your mouth Azriel was laser focused on you.
You give Eris a knowing smirk, “His vault, where I helped deliver the paintings.” Cassian and Kal let out laughs or triumph as the others gave you approving looks. Rhysand unrolls the blueprints to the mansion in front of you. “Alright y/n, point us in the right direction.”
Two hours later the heist was planned perfectly thanks to you. You waited in Azriel’s office as he bid his guests goodbye. Kicked back, sitting in his kingly leather chair, your feet propped up on the desk.
Hearing the door click shut you perk up. Azriel grins, strutting over to you. Crossing his arms he leans against the desk in front of you. “I don’t think I could’ve planned that without you.” You shrug at the praise. “Eh, you would’ve gotten by.”
Azriel nudges your feet off the polished wood, chuckling at you. Lifting you up and pulling you into his lap you immediately lean against his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt.
“You’re too modest, my love. Everyone was telling me how brilliant you are.” You giggle, burying your face deeper into Azriel’s chest at the compliment. Hooking his fingers under your chin, Az tilts your face up to meet his shimmering hazel gaze.
“My clever girl.” He hums, pressing his lips to yours. You slip your arms around his neck pulling him closer. Azriel stands, gently placing you on his desk. He nudges your thighs apart to stand between your legs, deepening the kiss. “I think you deserve a reward,” his voice had taken on a deep and seductive tone. That smirk promises a very pleasurable reward. Tugging on Azriel’s dark locks he pulls away from you, dropping to his knees.
Tonight is the big heist. When Azriel had kissed you goodbye you plastered a convincing smile on your face, trying to ignore your heart pounding so hard against your chest you thought it was trying to escape.
You were always nervous when Azriel went out with his men for a job. Pacing the TV room, more like a theater, you dug your toes into the carpet to focus on something other than Azriel. You had lots to keep you distracted like a book, your favorite show cued up, your phone. However, moving around was a necessity right this very second.
The first time Azriel went on a job after you moved in was a disaster. You had a panic attack so bad not even Baxian, your bodyguard, could calm you down. Baxian was on the verge of calling Azriel as he walked through the front door. It made him contemplate never leaving you again.
You still can’t decide if you’d rather Az not tell you and just be blissfully ignorant. Or if you would still worry if he was out until all hours of the night. You’d probably still worry but worse.
In the silence you paused at any creaking or popping that sounded in the house. About to settle on the couch to pick an activity, the unmistakable sound of the front door opening.
Staring at the doorway to the TV room you held your breath. You didn’t want to see Azriel if he was hurt. You didn’t think you could stomach the sight of his blood.
Footsteps grew louder and louder until Azriel was staring at you. He was unscathed. Safe. And home.
You let out a cry of relief, running into his open arms. Azriel pulls you flush to his body, tucking your head under his chin. You revel in his warm touch. A smile spreads across your lips at having him back home.
Pulling away, you stare up into his tired eyes. “Everything went ok?” You ask softly. Azriel nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “It went perfectly, all thanks to you my love.” He says, exhaustion lacing his voice.
“Come on you,” you squeeze him around the middle. “Let’s get you to bed, baby.” You move to his side, pulling him along. “Sounds perfect, my love.”
Tucking into bed you couldn’t shake this feeling in the pit of your stomach. Watching Az sleep peacefully you snuggle into his side, holding on to him. Just in case.
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vivwritesfics · 1 day
I work as a one on one teacher and the amount of extra work outside of teaching hours I have to do is pretty ridiculous and it's very overwhelming at times (had a cry about it last week tbh). Would you be able to write something about that with a concerned but comforting boyfriend!oscar? Maybe he comes home from a race and it's late and she's still up planning and working? Grazie! <3
oh bless you love - hc's bc otherwise this was gonna be the shortest thing ever
(But also who is this man and why isn't he in my bed rn?) (i'm talking about the picture bc holy shit)
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it was a sight oscar usually came home to
even before it was their home
her, sitting at the coffee table
paperwork spread around in front of her
homework and classwork she was having to mark
lesson plans she was having to make
other lesson plans she was having to amend
it was always so much
in the beginning of their relationship, he'd been so worried about what this amount of work would do to her
he'd try and urge her to take a break
but her response was always the same
"I don't mind, Osc"
"Just grab me a biscuit, will ya? I'll get right back to it after that"
oscar learnt he had to trust her
to know when she needed to take a break
to know when her workload was getting to be too much
he'd hoped that her workload would lesson overtime
but that isn't how it works now, is it?
He wasn't used to coming home to her crying
the first time it happened, oscar didn't quite know what to do
he slid into the seat beside her, put the paperwork down onto the coffee table
and pulled her close
"you wanna talk about it?" he asked
she shook her head
just cried into his shoulder
she tried not to make a habit of it
but it happened again
and again, oscar walked in on her crying
again, he comforted her
on the third time, he knew he had to do something about it
he gathered the paperwork on the coffee table into one pile and sat on it
perching on it (ik you've all see that ass)
"right," he began
"we're gonna go to bed and then we're gonna go to that school in the morning."
he was constantly watching for her reaction
but she was just staring at him
"and we're gonna get this sorted"
she threw herself forward, into his arms
wiped her tears on his shirt
and didn't leave his arms for the rest of the night
(she woke up with her head clearer, but oscar made her follow through w talking to the school)
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captainswhore · 2 days
@chamomiletealeaf and i are being horny again.
price offers your pussy up as a prize for whoever has the best time on their training obstacle course
normally, price fucks you and the boys get the privilege of watching, jerking off, and cumming on your tits
now? whoever has the best time gets your pussy, the second best gets your mouth, and the third? has to watch and stroke his cock like normal
...... johnny's the most motivated, but he's so distracted that he ends up with the worst time. of course, johnny goes first. during that time? ghost glares so intently at gaz that gaz throws the competition. purposefully slows his steps at the end.
when price finds this out? he lets it happen. but grabs ghost by the scruff of the back of his neck, pushes him to his knees, and tells him that "if you hurt my birdie, i will throw whatever grunt desk work at you i can- got it, ghost?" and ghost just whimpers in response.
when you find this out? you ask all four of your boys "why would you let the longest cock fuck me there!!! i mean- john- your cock is fat, but jesus!!! i would have asked for more lube or more stretching!!! for like a week before hand!!!"
the boys chuckle
........ but the next day ghost comes to your room and rubs his thumb, and then his fingers, and then a plug in your ass for so long you're literally begging for him to stick his cock back in
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tossawary · 1 day
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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wingedblooms · 3 days
How do you interpret "A thing of secret, lovely beauty" in the bonus chapter? The first time azriel used it to describe the necklace. But the second time it was used to describe gwyn's happy smile.
Hello there! I feel like this is a trap. But as I’ve discussed before, readers interpret this differently and that’s wonderful. Interpretations can also evolve over time after rereads and new information. Mine has mostly remained the same (except for some specifics surrounding the second usage 😆). Part of my interpretation drifts into theory. As a reminder, theories are predictions of what might happen based on patterns of evidence in the text. No theory is guaranteed and it’s important to read any new books in the series with that in mind.
That said, Sarah is a fairly predictable and repetitive writer, so I try to pay close attention to her patterns. Many of my theories are based upon those patterns. For example, one of the most apparent patterns is that fate comes in threes. There are three faces of the Mother. Three sacred sister peaks that are barren and thrumming with power. Three stars that shine above Ramiel, the heart of the Night Court, each spring. Three blessed sisters who have been marked by fate and Made fae. Three winged males who found each other and are drawn to the three blessed sisters. There’s more evidence, but I think you get the idea. It can be helpful to use patterns to interpret and predict what Sarah has planned (e.g., the first and second sister have had their stories told, so it would follow that the third is next; there is also strong evidence that what she contributes to the narrative is needed next).
You’re probably wondering how this relates to my interpretation of the phrase secret, lovely beauty. Before I connect it to another clear pattern, I want to put it in proper context. When we first see the phrase, it is used to describe the necklace Azriel gifts to Elain. The setting in which this occurs is romantic: faelights dimming to cast little pools of gold amid the deep shadow of the longest night of the year. Put plainly, this is Sarah setting the mood. 😂 Azriel, who feels lonely despite the company of his shadows, finds himself suddenly moving into the foyer and there she is:
The Faelights gilded Elain’s unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn.
On the longest night of the year, Elain glows golden like the sun at dawn. Like a pool of gold amid the deep shadow. This description follows a pattern in their imagery together, and it is lovely.
Their interaction is also raw and vulnerable, and therefore distinct in this bonus. When they come together, Azriel allows himself to feel and those feelings run deep enough to question his people’s traditions later on. Unlike every other interaction in this bonus, he doesn’t feel the need to put on a show for Elain (i.e., a cold mask, fake smile, or lying repeatedly to avoid emotional topics). In other words, he is himself with Elain. They share a quiet understanding and powerful attraction.
Now that we have this context in mind, we can move onto the the necklace and its chaos-inducing phrase:
The golden necklace seemed ordinary—its chain unremarkable, the amulet tiny enough that it could be dismissed as an everyday charm. It was a small, flat rose fashioned of stained glass, designed so that when held to the light, the true depth of colors would become visible.
A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered, lifting it from the box. The golden faelight shone through the little glass facets, setting the charm glowing with hues of red and pink and white. Azriel let his shadows whisk away the box as she said softly, “Put it on me?”
Notice something interesting here? Both Elain and the necklace glow with their true depth of color—golden and rosy, like the dawn—when faelight shines upon them. Dawn is when first light appears (pun definitely intended) and the world reawakens. Elain is linked to the rose amulet, and that follows a pattern of imagery she has already established in the text. This is the pattern I mean:
“I painted flowers for Elain on her drawer,” I said, sawing and sawing. “Little roses and begonias and irises.” (acomaf)
She was a rose bloom in a mud field. Filled with galloping horses. (acowar)
Even in the middle of winter, she was a bloom of color and sunshine. (acofas)
She plucked another figurine from the mantel: a rose carved from a dark sort of wood. She held it in her palm, its solid weight surprising, and traced a finger over one of the petals. “He made this one for Elain. Since it was winter and she missed the flowers.” (acosf)
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn’t let herself dwell on why she’d felt the need to set the rose there. Why she hadn’t just thrown it in a drawer. (acosf)
This gift not only reinforces the pattern, but it also holds a secret message that has become central to Elain’s arc: the rose (like Elain) has hidden depths. The Feysand bonus echoes this theme. Elain’s outburst stunned her family and Rhys suggests there is more to her than they’ve seen thus far.
“I think she’s kind, and I’ll take kindness over nastiness any day. But I also think we haven’t yet seen all she has to offer.” A corner of his mouth tugged upward. “Don’t forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involves getting one’s hands dirty along the way.” (Feysand)
Feysand then agree to help Elain after Nesta, which is Sarah’s way of reinforcing the other pattern she put in place (fate comes in threes—first Feyre, then Nesta, and now Elain).
With Elain’s character arc in mind (and the fact that she herself has suggested she doesn’t feel seen), Azriel’s gift is actually incredibly insightful. He gave her something that says, I do see you, and he knew she’d be able to appreciate its meaning. Even the words that describe her gift—secret, lovely beauty—refer to specific things we learn about Elain in the text.
Secret: Feyre compares Elain’s ability to learn and keep secrets to Azriel’s own secrecy (one of many parallels). She is a seer, after all. What other secrets might she know and keep hidden from others?
Before Feyre could reply, Azriel said, “What about Mor?”
Feyre smiled. “Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping.” (acosf)
Lovely beauty: We learn from Nesta that their mother predicted Elain would marry for love and beauty, which I think @juusworld5728 observed sounds a lot like lovely beauty:
My Nesta. Elain shall wed for love and beauty, but you, my cunning little queen…You shall wed for conquest. (acosf)
This last phrase, love and beauty, is connected to the rose Papa Archeron carved for Elain. It is a symbol of love and beauty and goodness in the world, and for such a simple carving, it has unexpected weight just like the rose amulet has unexpected depth (Sarah hit this theme hard).
Her father had died for her, with love in his heart, and Nesta held love in her own heart as she pulled the small, carved rose from her pocket and set it upon the gravestone. A permanent marker of the beauty and good he’d tried to bring into the world. (acosf)
Why does this little rose matter? It is also linked to Wyrd. In acosf, Nesta felt the need to place Elain’s rose next to a figurine of what we now know is farseeing and benevolent Wyrd. Wyrd, the higher force of the universe, found Elain so lovely that she gifted her such powers and purrs like a kitten in her presence. They even share the same blooming imagery. Over time, Wyrd became known as a goddess (probably because she uses female forms as vessels, if I had to guess based on the evidence), but she is in fact a force, a mother to all, a cauldron brimming with creation. Now, where have we heard those terms before?
Gwyn huffed a soft laugh. “In part. We honor the Mother, and the Cauldron, and the Forces That Be. We have a service at dawn and at dusk, and on every holy day.” (acosf)
Gwyn’s words nearly echo the Under-King’s in hosab and hofas. The priestesses worship Wyrd. Let’s look at the description of their worship:
The music was pure, ancient, by turns whispering and bold, one moment like a tendril of mist, the next like a gilded ray of light. It finished, and Merrill spoke about the Mother and the Cauldron and the land and sun and water. She spoke of blessings and dreams and hope. Of mercy and love and growth. (acosf)
Elain’s strength lies in finding beauty even in dark chapters. She is a rose bloom in a mud field—the embodiment of blessings and dreams and hope and mercy and love and growth. The priestesses, including Gwyn, honor that benevolent force and seek to bring it into the world with their services. They are the voice of the Cauldron. And in this world, we know like calls to like. Now that we’ve read hofas, it’s highly likely that the ancient, spell-like music the priestesses perform is ancient summoning magic, which is magnified by the properties of the cavern (ahem, witch glass) in which they sing. So, is it a surprise that Azriel had every intention to return Elain’s rose amulet, a symbol of love and beauty, and found himself at the library during their worship of such things instead? No, it actually makes a lot of sense.
Azriel expressed no forethought in giving the necklace to Clotho for Gwyn. He did not select it for her and did not intend it to be a romantic gesture, which is why he tells Clotho to give it to Gwyn or any other priestess who might appreciate it. The setting and interactions in this part of the bonus are not described romantically because they are not intended to be romantic.
Clotho, who is observant like Elain, can see the shadowsinger’s sadness despite his deflection and offers him comfort in a dark moment:
Clotho’s pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her.
Her words spark hope in him and for whatever reason, he is able to picture Gwyn’s eyes lighting upon the rose amulet in his mind. The vision is a thing of secret, lovely beauty.
Some interpret this moment, a vision of Gwyn described as a thing of secret, lovely beauty, as an indication of Sarah shifting romantic pairings. I think this interpretation falls short of the full context, especially since days (in acosf) and months later (in hofas), Azriel is still upset and refuses to even discuss the topic of mates.
Rather, I think that—like the sister caverns, which are linked in song and dreaming—Elain and the priestesses (especially Gwyn) are also connected. They are part of the solution to the problem that was introduced in the first half of this bonus as well as the overarching plot. Like @silverdreamscapes, @silverlinedeyes, @offtorivendell, @willowmeres, and others I’m sure, I believe Elain—a seer chosen by Wyrd—will work with the priestesses that worship her (the most logical partnership in the series, when you think about their respective powers). It wouldn’t surprise me if a dawn service, especially if it involves groundings, helps Elain push the limitations of her powers like the dusk service did for Nesta.
I also agree with many (notably @silverlinedeyes and @merymoonbeam) who think Gwyn’s voice holds magic and, depending on what we learn, relates to being a lightsinger. That is likely the hidden depth (a thing of secret, lovely beauty) that was hinted at in the image since her eyes light upon Elain’s rose amulet. I believe @silverdreamscapes and @silverlinedeyes have suggested her voice, which summons and pierces during the dusk service, could clear mist and shadow in a vision if needed. I also think it is interesting that Gwyn is the first to sever the Valkyrie ribbon, a string tied not to a rib, but a post. Perhaps she and the priestesses could help Elain sever an unwanted bond and weave a different fate for herself, one that binds her to someone she loves? That would be the most epic end to the near-constant arguments over ships.
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idleoblivion · 1 day
"Hey Man I Love You, But No Fucking Way" Jamil Viper x GN Reader
Synopsis: The time has finally come for you to leave, but he isn't ready to lose you. Surely you'll hear him out, right?
Word count: ~900
A/N: I usually prefer fluff but thought I'd experiment with a little angst, though I don't think it's too intense. Never written any kind of yandere stuff before so sorry if it's tame.
Warnings: angst, yandere Jamil
This day was bound to come. He knew it, you knew it, everyone did. That didn’t make it any easier for him, though. 
He knew you had started bugging Crowley harder about going home after the second overblot. And harder again after the third, then his, and so on. He wanted to meddle, but Kalim kept him busy. Plus, his faith in Crowley was so low he thought he’d have more time. Time to win you over, time to convince you that your place was with him. And he had made progress, you two had become very close despite what went down in Scarabia over the holiday. But the time for you to go had come regardless. 
He knew you had people you missed and places you still wanted to see. He knew that at the end of the day, no matter how much he’d grown to like your presence, you were not meant to be in Twisted Wonderland. 
But he still held onto that naive hope he had that you would hear him out tonight. Perhaps too tightly.
“You know how much you mean to me, don’t you?”
“I do.” You answer almost emotionlessly.
“Then… then please-” “Don’t ask me what you’re about to ask me. Don’t do that.”
He should’ve stopped there, but he couldn’t. If there was any chance of you staying with him, he had to fight for it. So he kept going.
“Please… you don’t know what my life was like before you. Please don’t leave me like this.”
You don’t say anything back. He could already feel himself unraveling, but tried to hold it together the best he could. 
“You’re the only person I can be myself around. You’re the only person who I can show what I’m actually capable of, the only-” “Jamil, you need to stop this. Now.”
“I love you.” He admits with desperation. “I love you, please, you can’t leave me like this. I’ll never…” he trails off, holding back tears.
“I love you too, Jamil…” You sigh deeply.
“Just not enough to stay?” He snaps without thinking. The look on your face immediately tells him that was the wrong thing to say. “How fucking dare you? You think you’re the only person I’m allowed to care about? I have people that I miss, Jamil. That I’ve been missing. I had a life before this school, sorry that hurts your feelings so badly.” He hadn’t expected you to get so angry with him. 
“I didn’t mean-” “I had a life. A life without magic and overblots. Where I didn’t spend every waking moment waiting for something else bad to happen. Where people didn’t want to fight me just for existing, and I wasn’t almost constantly in some kind of trouble or danger.” You’re crying now too, and you turn your back to him as you continue. “I can’t do it. I can’t stay. There’s nothing good for me here.” “What…what can I do? There’s has to be something I can do-” “No, there isn’t. I’m leaving tomorrow and that’s that. Stop making this harder than it needs to be.”
“I…I told you, I love you!” “And I told you I love you, but I can’t do this for you!” You wipe your face as you turn to face him again. “You think I’m happy about leaving you? Of course I’m not! But I’m not going to suffer here for your sake. I have to do this, for me. Why can’t you understand that?!”
And in that moment, he finally did understand. You didn’t want to hurt him. You weren’t trying to, you just needed to look out for yourself. He couldn’t blame you for that. You said you loved him, and he believed you. He watches you sniffle in front of him and put your face in your hands. He feels remorse for how this world has treated you, and guilt for not getting what you really meant at first. Yes, he understands perfectly. 
It was the rest of the world that was the problem. You could be happy in Twisted Wonderland, you just didn’t know it. With Crowley and overblots and other stress always wearing you down, of course you didn’t think you could stay. If you were constantly hurting, how could he expect you to?
But, why hadn’t you just said that from the start? If you knew how much you meant to him, didn’t you also know just how far he’d go for you? The mountains he would make move? The people he’d dispose of? Wouldn’t you do the same for him?
Of course, you would never have to do the same for him. He would do everything, take care of everything. Nothing would keep you two from each other. All you had to do was be with him and be happy. He could make that happen, he was sure of it.
He decides that those kinds of plans don’t matter right now, though. What matters most is that you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life, and he isn’t going to let you.
“Look at me.” “Jamil, I’m done with this. I-”
“I get that, okay? Just…please, look at me one more time.” He was pleading, and his voice sounded so terribly dejected. You sigh again. You lift your head up from your hands and meet his eyes.
“I told you, I’m sorry. I really am. I-” “Snake Whisper. Follow me. You’re not going through that mirror.”
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sexhaver · 3 days
so i am 100% on your side about the yugioh having ridiculous rules about bluffing thing. but what do you think of probably the most infamous pithing needle bit where the guy named borborygmos at a modern tournie and his opponent argued and successfully won with borborygmos, enraged since that wasnt the card that was named. should he have been given that?
yes, imo, with the caveat that obviously the "patch" to tournament rules to stop that from happening in the future is good and necessary and should have been there since day 1. since it wasn't, though, he didn't break any rules, and he closed a loophole in one of the most bombastic ways possible. like he did what sovcits think you can do in an actual court
personally my favorite Controversial MTG Moment was when Pascal Maynard was drafting his deck at GP Las Vegas. drafting is a format where you open a pack, take a card from each, pass them to the the player sitting next to you, and then repeat this process with three packs until you have enough cards for a 40-card deck. since this was a sanctioned event, the cards in these packs also came with a unique watermark stamp to make cheating impossible and make the cards more valuable afterwards. Pascal is drafting a red burn deck, so he's looking for red burn spells. he opens his second pack, which contains Burst Lightning. this is exactly the kind of spell he's looking for.
the pack also contains Tarmogoyf, a two-mana green creature Pascal's deck has no way of casting.
a foil Tarmogoyf.
a foil Tarmogoyf with a unique watermark.
non-foil, non-stamped Tarmogoyf, at the time, was a $200 card.
he picks the Tarmogoyf.
while being livestreamed.
pros lose their fucking MINDS
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i can't find many more tweets to screenshot here because a lot of them were deleted in the years since, but trust me, there was a sizable contingent of pro players who thought this signaled the death of competitive integrity in Magic. this contingent named the event "Goyfgate", which is the best name for anything ever.
Pascal ended up coming in third at the event, missing out on a potential first prize of around $10k (i couldn't find an exact number for GP Las Vegas 2015 specifically but this seems in line with other events at the same timeframe), in large part due to the absence of Burst Lightning from his deck.
he then turned around and sold the Goyf in question on eBay, and because of the controversy stirred up by Goyfgate specifically, it ended up selling for literally $15,000 instead of the $1000 people had predicted beforehand. Pascal then gave half the money to charity and still made more money than he would have by coming in second place. truly a story for the ages and a great barometer of how seriously people take card games
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PAC: What makes you a good partner
This is for both singles and those in a relationship. This is for encouragement if you are still looking, to remind you of how wonderful you are in a connection. It’s plain just to make you feel good about yourself if you’re in a partnership.
Please pick between groups 1, 2 or 3. Group 1 is the woo-hoo badge, group 2 is the wing, group 3 is the be mine tag.
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4 of wands (joy and stability) - Third eye chakra - communication - get centered - love
I got a feeling of insecurity and it made me wonder if that’s how you’ve been feeling lately. I don’t know if it’s about your abilities in general or directly in a relationship. 
So, I’m talking to myself here like a lunatic right, and I’m going through what the psychic tarot could be saying so far. And I just can’t help but get a state of mind situation here. And I talk and talk, wondering if this is you, could it be your love interest, whatever. Suddenly I realize - I’m overthinking. Is this what you/they do? Overthink this stuff?
I really can’t help but think this is the beginning of a status check. Because logically i would look at it in a straightforward way but my intuition tells me the reversed version of what first impressions are: The feeling of being insecure, trying to tell the future, wanting things to be a certain way, not trusting. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few in this group read a lot of that future spouse or soulmate stuff. For those in a relationship right now, you could be worrying if it will work out, how long will you stay together, will this last etc.
I honestly don’t know if this is how you used to be, this is what you’re overcoming, maybe this is what your partner deals with, I don’t know.
I feel like when you mellow out and feel calmer, it’s like there’s a box that unlocks. Maybe when you’re feeling anxious, you aren’t present with a person or able to show your more fun or loving side as much as you would like.
Your affirmation cards are great. It gives me the impression that you’re a straightforward person who doesn’t mince their words. If you like someone, you’re going to tell them. If you wonder about their feelings, you’ll ask them. If you want a committed partnership, you’ll see if they agree instead of wordlessly hoping.
I’m going to be absolutely honest, and it seems contradictory to me, but i honestly got the insecurity stuff before, but it’s like… At your best, you can be the most centered, calm and peaceful person. Your partner could be stressed and worrying or even getting argumentative and you wouldn’t react the same. You would be able to hold it together and tackle things calmly.
I have finally come to the conclusion that this is you, unlocked lol.
Group 1, I don’t know, it seems like you’re having a hard time. I’m getting distracted, the feeling of wanting to give up. This is the time when you most need peace. You don’t need to give up, you need time. You need time for yourself, and to really be so soft with yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you need you right now. You need to spend time with you. You need to hear the birds sing. You need to feel the grass at your fingertips. You need to close your eyes and know there’s something there for you, just for you. That the birds chirping right now that moment are being heard by only you in the way it’s happening, with the clouds that are showing right now. The way the light hit your window and made that little rainbow. That the funny quirky thing the person across the street was seen only by you. Isn’t it weird? It’s like some moments are made just for you. 
And that’s why there will be that relationship made just for you. This is confirmation that there will be that partnership. If you’re facing issues in one right now, get back to you for now and let what will be, be. If you’re seeing someone and wondering, let them come to you.
In a safe, happy partnership you will feel seen. You will be peaceful. You will feel secure and that feeling will spread to your partner. You are open and honest. You are loving, even clumsily. 
Things go wrong but you will know that everything is still right. Things will be alright. You no longer need the 8 ball to tell whether or not, because you will know. When you feel secure, you are your own fortune teller. You will re-align, and you wil learn to have peace and move on from disagreements. You will know how to still be loving, even when irritated.  You know what to prioritize as a partnership, what practical things you should deal with together. What matters most. You will have faith in yourself and extend it to your partner. I see you growing old with someone, mainly because you will let yourself. That security is the foundation for a long and happy relationship if you wish for it.
Love says:
“Love is a many splendored thing. Today I notice and appreciate 3 of those splendors. Like the fact puppies make me feel like a parent. Or the surge of self congratulation when I sink a three point trash basket shot on the first try. Or how about the chills I get while singing along to ___”
Get centered:
“When it gets to be too much, whatever it is, I close my eyes and return to my center.”
“Wonder how that other person is feeling? Ask ‘em. Wish they knew how you were feeling? Tell ‘em. You’ve just been drafted into the communication army, where there is a strict do ask/do tell policy. Speak with kindness and gentleness, and reach an understanding.”
I hope this made sense for you. Remember, it will all be ok in the end.
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Support - manifest - believe & succeed
You are a cheerleader for sure. Extremely supportive of your partner's endeavors. This group seems to choose people with ambition or dreams. You lot probably are more into manifestation or law of attraction than other groups. It’s likely you’ve had your successful manifestations and know that it works, so in theory, it should for your love interest too.
You honestly seem great as a team. A very happy and willing participant. If your partner needs something suddenly sorted, whether it’s a chore, or administration work for their business, you will drop what you’re doing (less important stuff ofc) and help them.
“I look at the vast network of support in my life, and I’m reminded of what a superpower it gives me. At any moment, I can call an army of top-notch people who want the best for me, which means I’m basically invincible. Take that, loneliness! Run for the hills, boredom!”
Very good cheerful energy, I see you really trying to keep things upbeat and positive for their sake. Just in case though, do remember it’s not all your job, and they are the captains of their own ship, ok? You might get a little sidetracked because you get so excited for them. I’m getting the idea that you would never ever get jealous of a partner (it can happen sometimes. Not unusual, not bad), and you always wish the best for them. 
You really open up the other person's eyes to possibilities. You make them think about things they might not have been brave enough to before. It’s like through your partnership, you wake them up to possibilities. Maybe you even wake them up to spirituality/manifestation. You make the other person feel secure. Like they have something to come back to after they go out on a limb and try something. 
They will know that if they fail, they could hate themselves or feel bad, but you would never look down on them. You would just send them right back out lol. Try again, then. Is what I get. There’s so much confidence and faith in this other person. You know, you just know that they can make it. Where they see nothing, you see something. You know more is possible for them and yourself. You make, or will make your partner feel like they are something. When they always thought they were just ordinary or boring, when their self esteem isn’t where it should be.
Careful of carrying a relationship for the both of you though, you want someone who is able to gain the momentum and motivation that is like yours. If they don’t have the energy, it’s just not going to happen the way you see it for them. It’s got to be by them, for them, ultimately. If you are single, be careful of investing into a person who may agree with your goals/vision/excitement only to talk about it, and not follow through. You could talk someone up and big them up till the cows come home, but they will have to prove themselves to themselves. Talk only goes so far.
You might also bring extra connections or support to your partner. This could be your family being lovely and bringing them in, being completely inviting and helpful. This could be they gain a place in your friend group too. They could get networking opportunities because of who you know, that kind of thing. 
You bring a lot to the table, but remember, everyone is their own captain so you come first. You have tremendous energy, belief and determination to make things happen and work. You need to make sure it’s matched.
Hoping for wonderful things in your love life.
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Release - Master (rev) - Inspiration.
You have a lovely combination of cards, group 3. I really see you’ve done the work on yourself.
Firstly, if there is anyone here that has escaped a negative or abusive situation, you are seen as an inspiration and you have become such a wise person that people look up to.
You really try to take care of yourself, and I like that. It’s often said that it’s attractive in love to put yourself first and that’s what I think your partner does/will like about you. There’s no desperation to make the person like you or want you. That kind of thing makes certain people chase.
Release here is just giving me the feeling of being chill, of not needing to prove anything. You know it’s important to be vulnerable at the right times in love. There might have been past issues regarding control, vulnerability and openness. I feel that you’ve really moved past some lessons in romance regarding those things. You could have listened to someone or read something that made you realize what was happening, or why you seemed to be having a pattern, or attracting certain people.
I see that you have intuition and you allow yourself to listen to it now. It will become invaluable for yourself and also your partner. You could get gut feelings and tell them, whether this is about their work situation or whether you feel something bad about a journey.
I'm seeing that you’ve had to let go of a lot so you’re not attached to outcomes. That same surrendering energy is helpful in partnerships because you’re not invested whether your partner will or won’t do something. You don’t want to control them, or try and manipulate them to do a chore, or to decide on an option you think is the right one.
You let love be free, and that’s beautiful. There’s a sweet, open, surrendering love that is there for the sake of being love. The person could go off randomly and you would still hold appreciation. When you are in a partnership, you look like you bare it all and choose to trust. I feel like you’ve been really hurt but you’ve come back and decided you want to love anyway.
If you’re not there yet, you will be. You have too much love in your heart to give. Just because someone was incapable of love doesn’t mean you are or should be.
You really inspire your partner, there could be a muse here. You really give the other person room to be themselves and voice their ideas. You hold that space for them and let them express themselves. There’s a lot of soft, quiet loving energy here. You don’t love loudly, it’s quiet and constant. Your love is a gift in itself, it’s how you are the most wonderful partner. Just by loving the way you do.
I think when you’re with the right person, you make them feel very safe to be themselves. I’m seeing that you would be a good parent, a good person to have/adopt/foster a child with. You would be very good at guiding and encouraging them. You are a very considerate person, and you don’t go around tooting your own horn. I get a modest feeling here. 
You help and are supportive in ways that aren’t super visible, someone would have to be really watching to notice what you do. There might be a little mischievous side, or a sarcastic sense of humour that can go under the radar. Your partner will appreciate that very much. Such lowkey energy but so strong and constant, dependable.
I feel like you should be very proud of yourself. I think you’ve overcome a lot and there’s a lot of humility here, but don’t downplay yourself. I feel like your partner does/will tell you to express yourself, or make a move on some kind of idea you have. I get the idea you’re used to someone else being the main character, or someone else being a focus or supported. Your partner will say it’s your turn.
That’s what I’m seeing group 3, have a good one.
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milliesfishes · 3 days
But Daddy, I Love Him!
[fem reader] contains: forced distance, angst, kidnapping, family betrayal, murder, death, gunfights, pregnancy, violence, miscarriage. summary: your daddy's sending you away, and billy isn't having any of it. pairing: billy the kid x fem reader author’s note: heyy! this one gets a little dark so be warned. love you <3 Pinterest Board
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It was a character staple that you never cried.
Your demeanor was sweeter than sugar, so darling that Billy couldn't ever see himself doing anything but adoring you. Truly, he wasn't the only one who found it impossible. You had an easy smile that you used often. Truthfully it was that that'd drawn him to you at first. That smile, that laugh.
He hadn't known anything about you when he first saw you across the square, pretty and carefree, in a blue dress the color of the sky. But he heard your name on everyone's lips afterward. The sweetest girl in town.
Billy wanted you before he even knew you.
A buddy of his informed him that you were the daughter of one of the richest men in town. A man famous for his dislike of outlaws. This had dismayed Billy a little but hadn't altogether stopped him from pursuing you.
He'd sidled up to you in a respectful way one day in the market, tipping his hat and introducing himself. You must've known who he was already, but you didn't show it, smiling sweetly and leaning against the stall you were at, engaging him in conversation that had his head spinning in the best way.
Of course he'd asked to see you again. You'd tilted your head, thinking about it, and Billy held his breath, thinking you'd say no. A good girl like you likely wouldn't want to disobey your father.
So it shocked him when you said yes. And you kept saying yes after that, for months until he woke up and found he'd known you a year, and you'd been his sweetheart for just a little under one.
Billy'd never had a girl before, not steady and constant like this. His trysts with women had often been short lived, mere imaginings almost that had no hope of lasting. But he'd known you were special from the second he saw you. He didn't want a few weeks worth of kisses, he wanted to love you.
And love you he did.
More than love, he cherished you. Every stolen second he had you in his arms he imprinted, something to recall when he had to leave.
He'd been surprised to find you were untouched; not even your lips had been caressed by another man's. You willingly gave yourself to him, gave him every one of your firsts, then every second and third after that. Billy committed your being to memory, every new piece of knowledge he gained about you shelved at the forefront of his mind. He was a man utterly obsessed.
You were the center of Billy's world, a once in a lifetime girl he always wanted to protect.
Which is why when he found you crying on your porch one night, his reaction was immediate.
Billy reached for you, arms instantly open and ready to fix it, whatever it was. You welcomed the comfort, leaning into his chest, your body shaking. Tears fell like rain down your cheeks, and he marveled at the sight. He'd never seen you cry before.
"Baby...ohh baby, whatsa matter? What happened, huh?" he asked, keeping his voice down. It was late, and your father would have gone to sleep by now, but he didn't want to risk waking him. He knew from all the other times you'd met him out here.
You didn't respond, your cries soft but intense, making him worry. Taking your hand between your chests, Billy held it to his beating heart, taking purposefully deep breaths so his chest moved up and down. He used his other hand to hold you tight against him, so your body could feel it. "Deep breaths f'me baby. Gotta stay calm. Don't want you to collapse on me, hm?"
Feeling his body so close against yours, you tried to match his pace, your tears and shaking making it hard at first, but slowly you eased into it. He nodded encouragingly and squeezed your hand. "That's it...that's it, atta girl...that's m'girl."
Your arms found their way around him, holding him tightly as your breathing slowed, becoming less hysterical. He held you in a protective stance, still holding the hand between you, the other hand at the back of your hair, holding your head to his shoulder. Naturally, his body moved, rocking you back and forth. "I gotcha. Ya don't needa fold yourself up anymore. I gotcha."
Billy's words were soothing, just what you needed to hear. If you could keep yourself here in this bubble forever, you would. When he noticed you'd calmed down a bit, he lifted your chin. "Y'know you can always tell me anything, pretty? Anything at all?"
You looked into his eyes, the events of the day echoing their sorrows into your face. It was bubbling inside you- the overwhelming cacophony of secrets.
He could see it; you knew he could. "'S okay baby. You can tell me."
Your lower lip trembled, and his heart broke at the sight of you. His hands were on your cheeks, and he kissed your forehead. "Baby...lemme help you. Let me fix this."
"You can't fix this," you breathed, shaking as your tears fell fast.
"What's goin' on?" Billy held you between his hands firmly. You knew he wouldn't let go until you gave him something.
And you didn't want to tell him the full truth.
So, you took in a shuddering breath, and said, "My...my father's sending me away."
Billy's body froze, his brow furrowing. He looked at you in disbelief. "Sendin' ya...where's he sendin' you to?"
"To a convent up north," you whispered, twin tears sliding down your cheeks, hitting his hands.
He exhaled sharply, feeling like his world was falling apart. "When?"
"Tomorrow." Your voice was small.
"Tomorrow," he repeated, nodding slowly as he took it in. Billy cast his eyes to the side as he thought quickly. "Mkay...mkay." Then, he rubbed his thumbs along your cheeks. "Pretty? Baby? Look at me."
You did as he asked, your eyes full of fear. He'd never seen you this scared, and it pushed him into action.
Billy gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead, then pulled you into his chest, holding the back of your head with one hand and the other around your waist. "Here's what we're gonna do, baby," he muttered. "I'm gonna go talk to your daddy...tell him we're gonna be wed soon."
Your head snapped up, but he pushed it back down. "Alright? Maybe he won't send ya off. But if he still does I'm gonna take ya. We'll ride off, just you and me."
Shaking your head, your eyes filled with tears again. "Billy...Billy no..."
He silenced you by kissing your head. "'M not lettin' him send my baby off to a convent. Either you're comin' with me or I'm askin' him to marry you. Ain't lettin' you go for nothin'."
You pressed your hand against his chest, getting him to look down at you. "Billy. I can't run from this, I can't..." you took in another shaky breath. "I have to go."
Billy's eyes widened slightly, and he shook his head. "Go, pretty? I just told you, I ain't lettin' ya go." He smoothed his hand over your hair. "You're my girl, ain'tcha? Ain't just any girl to me, pretty, you're my sweetheart. You trust me, don'tcha?"
You nodded. "I do. I trust you more than anyone. But..." you sniffled, looking away again. "I have to Billy. There's- I just have to."
He knew arguing with you would go nowhere, not when you were this determined. So he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Fine then. If your daddy won't let us wed, I'll follow you to that convent."
"Billy...Billy- no!" you pleaded, your voice high and scared. You tugged on his shirt. "Please...I don't want him to do something to you. I don't...I can't have you hurt because of me."
"He ain't gonna hurt me honey," Billy frowned, his hand coming to yours on his shirt.
"I know you could beat him physically," you begged, trying to make him see reason. "But my daddy's got connections for miles. He could hurt you real bad, make sure you can't find work, run you outta town. I can't have that happen to you. Please."
Billy's shoulder slumped defeatedly as he saw how anxious you were. "Pretty..." he pleaded, scrambling for a way. "We're in love, ain't we? Ya can't ask me to sit back and let ya be shipped away."
"I love you," you breathed, taking his face in your hands. "Do you know how badly I want to run off with you? Ride into the sunset, safe in your arms forever?"
"I'd marry you tomorrow, pretty," he murmured, his hand coming to your cheek, the other falling from around your waist.
You smiled in a sad way. "I know you would. But...I can't."
"Why not?" he asked, tilting his head slightly, the shadow from his hat covering his eyes. "Why do ya hafta go away?"
"I have to," you whispered, a fresh bout of tears streaming down your face. "Please Billy, just believe me-"
There was a loud noise from inside, and you jumped, looking back. Knowing this was your last chance, you turned to him and pulled his face down for a brief, but passionate kiss, your lips finding him in desperate need.
And before he could react, you were gone, running inside the house.
Billy just stood there in stunned silence for who knows how long, long after watching you retreat inside. Every fiber of his being protested. This can't be the end. No.
When it came to the people he loved, he was a fighter. And he'd be damned if he lost you this way.
He backed up to see your window, on the second floor. There was a light emanating from inside, and the sight of it lit a spark in him. without thinking too hard, Billy made his way to the sturdy tree conveniently growing right where he needed it. This wasn't the first time he'd climbed up to your room. In his mind you were a princess sequestered away in your tower, and he was your knight who'd do anything to get to you.
That was how he viewed himself when he reached the porch roof, discreetly crawling to the window and peering inside. You had been sitting on the floor inside, kneeling in front of a very small case with some of your littler belongings scattered around it. When he knocked, you turned your head, eyes widening in surprise.
You unlatched the window, and he carefully climbed inside, shutting it behind him. When he turned around, you were staring at him in disbelief. "Billy, what're you doing-"
"I ain't lettin' ya go doll," he whispered, his hands bracketing your face.
"You have to," you breathed, your hands coming to his wrists. "There aren't any other options."
"I toldja...we can leave. Right now," he said in harried tones. "We'll get married sweet. We'll be happy."
"Billy please," you closed your eyes, wishing for that fantasy. "Please don't."
He was taken aback by everything about the way you'd said it. Billy could see- you weren't going to budge. And as much as it broke his heart, he really didn't have a choice. No choice but to go along with it.
"Baby..." he shut his eyes, feeling like the ground was swept from under him.
You sniffled, feeling tears come over you again. "I'm so sorry Billy."
"No..." he shook his head, kissing your forehead. "Ain't no fault of yours."
"I don't want to leave you," you clung to him as if you could weld him to you. "But I have to...there's- I just have to."
Billy wanted to press you, make you tell him why, exactly, you had to leave him when you so clearly didn't want to. But he knew it would get him nowhere, no matter how his heart tugged at him to find out.
So, he led you to the bed, settling you between his legs so you could lie down on him. Billy rubbed your back lightly, his fingers a soothing balm to whatever was weighing on your mind.
Finally, you were quiet, your head resting on his chest. He made no attempt to move you once he realized you weren't crying anymore- he'd be your pillow anytime. Especially when you were in such distress.
And so, you laid there. Knowing it was the last time, but neither of you daring to say it.
"Billy?" you broke the silence, body limply molded against his.
"Mhm?" he kissed the top of your head, looking down at you.
"Will you tell me what it would have been like?" you asked softly, staring at the wall from where you were lying against him. "If we ran away?"
He sighed sadly; eyes weary. "Honey-"
"Please?" you lifted your head to look at him. "Give me something to dream about? While I'm gone?"
You were asking like it was a bedtime story, and he couldn't help his smile at that. How could he ever deny you anything? "Hmm," he thought for a moment, adjusting you in his arms gently. Billy could picture it all- waking up next to you every morning, working hard for you during the day and kissing you goodnight all cozy in your shared bed. "We'd go real far away, baby. No one would know us. Just you 'n me, all alone."
"Mhm?" you murmured, encouraging him to keep going.
"Yeah," he nodded, imagining it. "I'd treat ya real good angel. We'd get married right away...get a little piece 'f land somewhere 'n be happy there. It's you 'n me." He lifted your hand, kissing your palm. "You 'n me. Always."
The thought of it brought tears to your eyes, and you stayed perfectly still against his chest, seeing it all in your mind. How you wished you could stay. You'd never wanted anything more.
He rolled you over, so you were on your back, him hovering over you. Seeing the tears on your cheeks, he leaned down and kissed your nose. "Baby..." he kissed you there again. "Please. Please stay with me."
Your heart was broken, shattered, torn. Tears fell freely as he peppered soft, sweet kisses on your face. "I need ya..." a kiss on your cheek. "Need my baby." He kissed your other cheek. "Don't go." This last whisper was broken, more desperate than all the others.
"I love you," you breathed, your hands cupping his cheeks. "You're going to be just fine without me." You willed the words to be true.
Billy shook his head. "You're m' whole world." He laid to the side of you, and you turned to face him. "Won't be a day where I don't miss ya...please baby."
You pulled him so he was resting his face against your chest, close to your breasts. "No. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna..." you inhaled softly. "You're gonna meet some sweet girl in town and forget all about me."
He buried his face in your chest. "No." His words were muffled against you. "You're the sun 'n stars sweetheart. The thought of anyone takin' your place kills me."
You kissed the top of his head, hand stroking his hair. His hands dug into your hips, and he breathed deeply, inhaling your scent, like he was trying to imprint you on him.
Soon enough, he was asleep against you. He didn't move once during the night, his face staying against your chest.
When the sun started to rise, shining through your window, you shook lightly at him, trying to get him off. "Billy. You have to go before they see you."
He shook his head against your breast, his words blurred by you. "'M not goin' anywhere, baby." His lips pressed against you there. "'N you ain't goin' anywhere either."
You shook your head. "They're coming for me. I can't let my daddy see you."
"Then I'll go with you baby," he lifted his head and looked at you pleadingly. You nearly melted: his eyes were like a little boy's, the bright blue big and boring into yours. "Let's just go pretty...we can go anywhere. Anywhere ya want."
"Billy please," you murmured, taking his face in your hands. You kissed one cheek, then the other, then his nose.
"Let's just run away. Please," he begged, pressing his temple against your hand. "We'll go anywhere. Somewhere they'll never find us. I'll be good. I'll be so good for you."
"You're already good for me," you affirmed in a bittersweet way. "I can't run away from this."
"Don't care," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek. "It's you 'n me baby. I'll do anything for ya." Billy's fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you into a soft kiss.
You let yourself kiss him back for a moment, then got up, putting your dress on. "I want you to stay here and work and do everything you want to do."
"I don't care about anything else," Billy insisted, getting up and wrapping his arms around you from behind. "I want you."
You brushed away the pang in your chest and stepped away from him, kneeling at your case that you'd abandoned last night in favor of his love. There were a few things you were putting inside carefully, ignoring the weight in your heart as you did.
He sat quietly beside you, watching you. There were no questions asked, nothing else to say about it.
When the box was shut, what little you were taking packed away, you took in a deep breath, staring at it. You had one of your ribbons in your hands, twisting it between your fingers.
Billy felt helpless. It was like holding onto running water. You were leaving, nearly insistent on it despite every protest and promise he put before you. Looking at you, remembering everything you'd had, he knew you were the love of his life. He didn't know how he could ever love anyone else, not in the same way or more.
Your leaving was inevitable. But he could comfort you now. He could show you he loved you, and that it wouldn't ever stop.
So, he reached out, lowering your hands. "Everything will be okay, baby."
He kissed your cheek, then reached into his shirt pocket, pulling out a little gold ring looped on a strand of twine. Untying it, he picked up your hand and slid it on your finger.
Instantly recognizing it, you shook your head. "That's your mama's wedding ring. I can't take it from you...you shouldn't-"
Billy tilted your chin up, kissing you softly. His fingers intertwined with yours. "I want you to have it, sweetheart," he said gently. "My mama always told me that this ring was a symbol of love 'n protection. She'd wear it every day to keep us safe." He pressed another kiss to her lips, adding quietly, "It suits ya too, pretty."
You looked down at it, noticing how perfectly it fit around your finger. The fact made you smile sadly. "You're gonna meet another girl you'll want to give this to."
He shook his head firmly. "I don't want anyone else to have it." Billy squeezed your hand and lifted it to his lips. "I want you to have it and keep it safe. So you'll always know how much I love you."
For the millionth time, a tear made its way down your cheek. You threw yourself into his arms, memorizing how the plane of his body felt against you.
Billy held you close, and you knew if you asked him so, he wouldn't let go. But you knew you had to, so you leaned back, looking at him. The ribbon was being twisted over your fingers again anxiously.
He glanced down at your hands again, taking them and untwisting the ribbon, taking it from you. "It's okay baby." he said softly, his voice soothing.
You nodded, leaning against him for a moment. He was the eye of your storm.
There was a sudden noise, and voices downstairs. You sat up, looking at the door. They were here.
Standing up, you took your case, holding it by the top handle. He watched you, every inch of his being screaming to grab you and never let you go.
But he couldn't.
Instead, he took his face in your hands, kissing you softly. "I love ya. Never forget it."
"I could never," you breathed, pressing your forehead against his. Then, with one final look, you whispered, "I love you."
And then you were gone, shutting the door behind you, leaving him standing in your room with your ribbon in his hand.
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Of course, Billy wasn't going to let you leave just like that.
He'd played along with you for the sake of your distress, but in truth, his mind had been running all night, trying to make something of a plan.
There weren't many options, truth be told. Evidently, he couldn't go to your father, and he couldn't run away with you, at least not yet.
So, after you'd been escorted out by a woman in a black dress, and your father left for town, he snuck from your bedroom window to his horse, whom he'd left grazing in a nearby grove. He rode to town himself with one objective in mind. There weren't many convents close to the county, and he assumed your father wouldn't send you terribly far away.
He asked around town about convents near here, trying to stay discreet. Luckily, nobody seemed to think anything of it, and he got information on one about a day's ride away.
Hoping and praying that it was the right one and that your father hadn't sent you to one several states away, he started to ride in that direction.
It was a long journey. All day as the sun beat down on him, all he could think of was you, and whether you were okay or not. Were you scared? Unsafe?
A million thoughts raced the track of his mind and looped back again. There was no guarantee that you would even come with him. You seemed to be trapped in a stubborn spot. He still didn't understand at all why you had insisted on going. Why you had chosen the convent over marrying him. Why despite choosing the convent over marrying him, you'd still cried over leaving him.
Hopefully he'd get his answers when he saw you.
The convent was in wooded area, hidden in the trees. Due to this fact, he was able to discreetly sneak close, leaving his horse tied to a tree in order to make his way closer on foot.
A stone wall that wasn't terribly high surrounded the convent, and Billy used a nearby tree to climb over, hoping there wasn't anybody on the other side. He realized then that he had no idea where you were located within the large building. Nobody seemed to be outside, so he quietly wandered, looking for any sign of you.
Someone must have been smiling on Billy that day, because he caught sight of an open window, and a woman sitting on a bed, and oh...he'd recognize that silhouette anywhere.
Softly, he snuck closer, realizing there was someone in there with you. An older woman standing in front of you, holding a piece of paper. "...admitted for pre-marital conception, is that right?"
Billy's blood ran cold. Pre-marital-
You nodded solemnly, looking at your hands in your lap. You were wearing a light blue dress, and you looked paler, sadder than he'd seen last.
His heart clenched as the woman took one of your hands, with a gentle smile on her face. "It's okay sweetheart. You're in the right place. And we'll make sure the baby finds a good home."
Breath caught in his throat, Billy's eyes went wide, and he felt time stand still. He looked to you, at your worn appearance and tired demeanor. A few details clicked into place.
The woman left your room, and you leaned forward, burying your face in your hands. He stared at you silently, his heart in his throat. Time was frozen, nothing mattered anymore.
This was why you'd been sent away.
Billy felt a surge of adrenaline, of ferocious protectiveness wash over him, and he stood up straight, hoisting himself over your windowsill.
You jumped; eyes wide as you realized who it was. "Billy-"
He didn't say a word, just rushed to you, gathering you into his arms and hugging you tight.
Hesitantly, as if you were unsure if this was real, you hugged him back. For a moment, Billy didn't care about any of it. He was just happy to have you in his arms.
"Billy what are you doing here?" you breathed, sounding relieved and confused all at the same time.
"Ya really thought I was leavin' ya baby?" he asked quietly, rubbing your back. "Ain't no chance. I'd crawl from my grave to come find ya."
"You shouldn't be here," you said softly, pulling back to look up at him. "It's not safe."
"Shh," he soothed, kissing the top of your head and nudging his nose into your hair. Oh, how he'd missed that sweet scent.
Stepping back from his arms a bit, you looked up at him, eyes pleading. "Billy."
He shook his head, putting one big hand over your tummy, rubbing it softly. "Not leavin'. Never again."
You paled, your heart sinking. "How did you-"
"Heard that woman talkin' outside the window," Billy explained calmly, his eyes not leaving yours. "Baby..." he took your face in his hands. "Why didn't ya tell me?"
Biting your lip, you looked like you were about to cry. "Billy..."
He recognized the situation, sitting down on the bed and bringing you to sit with him. Knowing you'd need a lot of love to get through this, he pulled you to rest between his arms, head on his chest.
"I was going to tell you," you started, voice a helpless whisper. "I found out a week before I was sent away. But I didn't tell you right away because I wasn't sure how."
Billy nodded, fingers trailing lightly up and down your back.
You continued. "I had gone to the doctor, and he told my father. I wasn't discreet enough. I just wanted to know for sure before I told you." You still seemed upset at this mistake. "And I guess my father wrote to have me sent here the same day. He didn't tell me I was leaving until that night on the porch."
His face fell. "You had to carry this all this time by yourself? Baby..." he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You coulda told me all this." Billy's eyes fell to your stomach, for the first time noticing the slight gentle protrusion of it. That was his baby. His child you were carrying. His gaze was affectionate as he looked from you to your belly, filled with wonder.
A defeated look crossed your face. "I just..." Your eyes filled with tears. "I was so scared. And I figured...it would be better if I went away and had the baby and you'd be free of us. We wouldn't be a burden."
At your words, he squeezed you tight against him, shaking his head. His heart ached at your words, at the thought that you thought such a thing. "You 'nd my child could never be a burden." He kissed your hair again. "Don't you ever think that again. Never think I don't want you. Never think I'd be better without you. Cause it ain't true. Not one bit."
You looked up at him, the unexpected confession softening you and easing your mind. Sniffling, you looked down at your belly, hand ghosting over it.
He noticed how thin you were at that moment. Too thin if you were pregnant. "You been eatin' at all sweetheart?"
"It's been hard," you confessed, still leaning into him. He was rocking you back and forth gently, trying to keep you calm.
"Gotta keep eatin," he murmured against your hair. "Gotta keep my little one healthy."
"Which of us is your little one?" you asked, smiling up at him a little.
That got him. There you were. His sweet girl. "Both o' ya," he mumbled, holding you close. "When we go home we're gonna get ya somethin' real good to eat. Plenty've good stuff for you 'nd the baby."
You looked up at him, tilting your head a smidge. "Home?"
"I'm takin' ya home baby," he muttered, still rocking you lightly.
"You can't Billy, I have to stay here," you said earnestly, your hand coming to his over your belly. "If my father finds out-"
"He'll have to deal with it," Billy concluded, rubbing your stomach. "I'm not losin' my girl."
"We can't just run away," you sighed, shaking your head, a thousand possibilities running through it. "We don't have anywhere to go, any money-"
"I've got money saved up," Billy assured, and you looked up at him, furrowing your brow in confusion. He smiled fondly. "Knew I wanted to marry ya from the first time I met ya. 'Course I started savin'."
The sentiment warmed you from the inside out. You felt a little better hearing that, but your worries still plagued you. "Where would we go?"
"Anywhere," he smiled, squeezing your hands. "We'd have to ride back into town for a day or so, so I could get things settled with Tunstall 'n all. But after that we're free."
You looked concerned. "But...you love working for Tunstall. And the Regulators. You shouldn't give that up..."
Billy met your gaze with soft but determined eyes. He brought his hand to your cheek stroking it. "The Regulators're my friends, and Tunstall's a real good man but..." he looked down at your belly again. "You're more important. You 'n our baby. I wanna make a life for us somewhere. One where we can be happy together." He leaned in and kissed you lightly. "'nd I know we can't do that with you so scared o' what your daddy's gonna do."
"We could make it work," you tried, despite knowing he was right.
"It ain't just that," Billy said firmly, but gently. "The life I live, the life of an outlaw. It ain't safe. I can't put you 'n the baby in danger. You are my priority. Always have been, but more than ever now."
The feeling of having him care so deeply about you was invigorating. You'd known he loved you, but this. He was doing this for you. For you and the baby. You threw your arms around him, happy tears spilling from your eyes.
Billy smiled, holding you against him. "We'll settle down proper. That's my choice. It ain't givin' anything up when it's for you. It's you 'n me. Always."
Pulling back, you pressed your lips against his in a long, sweet kiss that he returned in full. Billy was a lover to his core, and you thanked your lucky stars you found such a gentle man in the shell of such a hardened outlaw.
He helped you out the window, likely more gently than he would have had you not had his baby encased in your belly. You were holding your little case that you hadn't even unpacked since arriving.
Giddy and nearly drunk off your excitement, you ran hand in hand from the window. He lifted you to sit on the wall surrounding the convent, hoisted himself over it, then grabbed you around the waist to help you down. And then you were off.
He held your hand, and you whispered excitedly to him, feeling absolutely nothing but pure bliss. He was yours. And he was running away with you.
When you made it to his horse, he helped you up, sitting behind you on the saddle. You held your little case between your legs, and he kept one arm wrapped around you as he steered the horse away, back in the direction of town.
You had to stop and sleep at one point, and he put his jacket around you, lying down behind you on the soft grass and cuddling you into his chest so you'd be warm. You slept facing each other all night long, his arms tightly shielding you.
When the two of you reached town, you were immediately on edge, worried to death about seeing your father. But he reassured you it would be alright. It wouldn't be long that he'd have to speak with Tunstall.
Billy left you at the general store, with a list of a few things to collect for the journey. You began to work your way down it, growing less paranoid as you shopped.
Finishing quickly, hoping Billy was done too, you gathered your things in a bag and walked outside, heading to his horse.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone duck into an alleyway by the store. Could that have been Billy? Maybe he was in trouble.
You made your way over to the darkened corridor between buildings, peeking around the corner. Was it him? Approaching carefully, you called, "Billy?"
As you got closer, you could see that it wasn't him. Your eyes widned, and you backed up slowly, but the man spun around, grabbing you around the waist and pressing a gun to your side.
"Don't scream," the man breathed, his breath hot against your ear.
You were frozen, dropping your bag and holding your hands up. Breathing shakily, you whispered, "What do you want with me?"
"We're gonna go for a little ride, sweetheart," the man said, and your heart rate sped up exponentially. Nononononono.
"Don't do this," you breathed, trembling. "Please. Just let me go."
"I'm under higher orders," the man said harshly, tugging on your arm. "Come with me, or I'll be forced to blow your pretty brains out."
Your feet acted of their own accord, moving you along with him. He led you out the other side of the alleyway, lifting you onto a black horse. Swinging his leg over the other side, he looked behind him at you. "Hold on tight. It's gonna be a fast ride."
Wrapping your arms around him and hanging on for dear life, you prayed silently, silent tears streaming down your face.
Billy, please find me.
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Concluding his business had been surprisingly easy.
Billy had known Tunstall was a good man, but when he'd told him the situation, he was further impressed by him. The Brit had thanked him profusely for all he'd done and told him to come back anytime he needed.
He'd left in good spirits (and with some spirits in him). Meandering over to the general store, he poked his head inside, confused when you weren't there. When he looked over at his horse, he didn't see you beside him either.
Perplexed, he wandered down the street, stopping at an empty space between two buildings. There was a bag that looked like it'd been dropped in a hurry. When he picked it up and looked inside, he saw a group of items that looked a lot like what he'd told you to collect at the store.
Panic shot through him, and he ran out into the street, looking around for any possible sign of you. His mind immediately jumped to the worst, and he tried to take deep breaths. Whatever the situation was, being panicked wasn't going to help anything.
He saw Charlie, one of the men he'd worked with, rushing toward him, and he grasped to that lifeline, grabbing him on the shoulders. "Have you seen my girl anywhere 'round here?"
Charlie's eyes were wide. "That's what I need to tell ya. Billy..."
His heart pounded like a hammer against his chest. "What? What is it?"
"Someone took her," Charlie grabbed his arms. "Some man on a black horse. Forced 'er onto it and rode away. Someone saw through their window."
All the blood drained from Billy's face. Kidnapped? He shook his head, gripping Charlie. "Where? Where'd they take her?"
"Looks like they were headin' up north," Charlie explained, pulling on his arm. "Toward that one hideout in the mountains. Reckon it's that gang that got ahold of 'er."
Billy nodded, relieved there was at least some idea of where you were. He gritted his teeth. "I needa go get her."
"Me 'n the rest of the men'll come with ya," Charlie assured, clapping him on the back and half running away. "You'll need backup!"
Watching as Charlie ran, Billy stumbled to his horse, shoving the bag of supplies in a saddlebag and hoisting himself up. He had never been more frightened in his life. Not only had you been taken, but it was you and your unborn child. His protective habits were working overtime, pumping his body with adrenaline.
Meeting the boys at the edge of town, they began to ride swiftly. He hadn't even ridden this fast to get to the convent. At least there he knew you were safe. Here, he had no idea if you were hurt, or drugged, or...
Billy forced himself to keep that last thought at bay.
They reached the spot in the mountains, and Billy was off his horse before it was fully stopped, running at the spot he was sure you were being held. It was nearly sunset.
There was a place in the ground with a metal covering. He kicked at it, hearing the hollow sound and then kicking it open. His men were right behind him as he climbed down the ladder, jumping to the ground.
He was trod carefully, warily keeping an eye out, his gun drawn. The corridors were dark. These men could be hiding anywhere. After walking for a bit, he spotted you, arms and legs tied together, thrown against the wall.
There was blood soaking the skirt of your dress.
Time was slow. His senses were blurred. Billy didn't drop his gun, but collapsed in front of you, his hands coming to your arms and looking over you, feeling dazed.
"Baby..." he breathed, unsure where to touch you. "Where are you hurt?"
You looked up at him, eyes broken. The defeated look, the hopelessness in your face shattered his heart. "Don't...don't...you shouldn't have come..."
He furrowed his brow, shaking his head. "What're you talkin' about...baby..."
"Drop your weapon."
The voice from behind him sounded familiar. He could hear gunshots outside, and he knew his men must be embroiled in a hell of a fight.
Slowly, Billy dropped his gun and turned, viewing the face of your captor. It seemed every time he thought he'd gotten over his shock, something new knocked him back into it.
Your father stood with his gun drawn, pointing it directly at Billy's head. You whimpered, trying to move toward him, but couldn't, your restraints holding you back.
"Kinda man are ya, holdin' your daughter hostage?" Billy spat, looking your father right in the eye.
The man scoffed. "All business, Kid. Ain't nobody exempt from it. She's fine."
"She's covered in blood," Billy shot back, his hands still in the air. "The hell have you let your men do to her?"
"Ain't nothin' my men did," your father's voice was cold. "If anything it's your fault. Damn bastard you put inside 'er."
Billy's blood went cold. His hands were shaking with the urge to pummel your father to the ground, but he didn't want to make you see that. "What does that mean?"
"Had the camp doctor take a look at 'er, but there ain't much he could do," his voice was like ice. "Reckon the blood on her dress is all that's left of it."
His heart plummeted to his stomach. No. He risked a look over at you, at your exhausted, haggard appearance. Tearing his eyes away, he resolved to deal with your safety first, then comfort.
Your father laughed cruelly. "You couldn'ta left her in that convent, could ya? Let us catch ya the easy way. But no, you had to make me kidnap my own kin and hold her here to wait for ya."
Billy was seething now. Everything he was saying stuck another pin in his heart. Everything about the situation was so far beyond horrible that he couldn't wrap his mind around it. "What d'ya want with me?"
"Want you to get outta town," your father demanded, still holding the gun firmly. "Take you and your good-for-nothin' crew out. Murphy's orders."
He should have known your father was a part of the Circle here in town. All the rich folk were. But to be involved to this level, to the point of hurting his own child to get what he wanted out of the organization, that was the cherry on top. He just had to bring you into this, the sweetest, most innocent thing he'd ever known.
"Ain't no way I'm leavin'," Billy growled. "'Specially when I know how far you'd go doin' evil. Hurtin' a woman, hurtin' your child."
"What's it to you?" your father glared. "You clearly got a good fuck outta her-"
A gunshot echoed in the chamber, and Billy dove to you, throwing his body over yours. He covered you for a second, making sure there were no other shots, then looked up behind you. Charlie was standing there, gun still smoking. Your father was collapsed on the ground, bleeding out.
Instantly, Billy turned back to you, shielding you from the gruesome sight. He took your face in your hands, immediately trying to calm you down. "Baby...baby you're safe. You're safe, you're okay. I've gotcha." His words were fast, tripping over each other.
Your breathing was uneven, little whimpers falling from your mouth with each one. Billy pulled you into him, so your face was buried against his chest. "It's all over. All done now, sweet." He scooped you up, keeping you crushed against his chest as he hurried away from the scene. "'m so sorry, 'm so sorry baby. I shoulda been more careful-"
"Billy, please," you choked, your arms wrapped tightly around him, face fiercely buried into his neck. "Not your fault."
"Shh," Billy soothed, holding your body tightly. He secured your legs around his waist, one arm holding you up under your bottom as he climbed up the hatch. The last golden rays of sun stretched to meet you as he maneuvered his way up to the ground, collapsing over the edge into the grass on his back, still keeping you tucked into his chest. He was sprawled out, hat knocked off his head, you thrown over his chest. You were crying, body shaking with overwhelmed, exhausted sobs.
Breaths coming hard and deep, he kissed your hair, holding you tightly as the sun set on this horrible day.
"I've gotcha," he gasped. "I've gotcha."
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The aftermath was messy, to say the least.
His men took care of everything, knowing he'd want to take you home after the ordeal you'd been through over the past few days.
Billy was careful with you, as if you'd shatter any second. Not knowing where else to go, he took you back to your old house, hoping being somewhere familiar would calm you.
He carefully peeled your dress from your body, planning to burn it later, running a hot bath for you. Understanding that you didn't want to be alone even for a second, he got right in behind you, scrubbing your body clean of dirt and blood and whatever else had marred you in his time away from you.
After asking a million times if you were okay, if the doctor had handled things correctly, he resolved to believe you. Dressing you carefully in your nightdress, he carried you to bed, getting in right next to you and carefully winding his arms around you. Tucked safely into his chest, he finally breathed easy.
"I'm so sorry this happened, sweet girl," he breathed, lying beside you. He was stroking up and down your cheek, looking at you like you'd disappear if he moved his eyes for even a second.
"I don't want to talk about him," you muttered, closing your eyes briefly. "He was always awful."
"Yeah," Billy validated you, thumb running up and down. Up and down. The gentle motion slowed your heart.
"It's everything with the-" you automatically moved your hand to your stomach, then away when your motion remembered.
His eyes were soft. "Oh, sweetheart."
You shook your head as tears filled your eyes for the millionth time. "I'm sorry-"
"No," he cut you off, kissing the hand he was holding between you. "Ain't your fault. It couldn'ta been helped."
"I feel like I failed you," you confessed, a sob choking your voice. "I-"
"You're grieving," Billy whispered, bringing you closer to him, lying on his back so you could rest on his chest. "I know you're gonna feel like this for a bit. It's okay. But you ain't gonna blame yourself for this. I won't let ya."
He kissed your temple. "We're gonna be together for a long, long time. This ain't the last time we're gonna talk about babies. I promise you that." Looking down at your hand, it warmed his heart to see his mama's wedding ring still on your finger, still snug and safe there. "I want to promise you everything."
Billy's words were so sincere, so true that it was impossible not to believe him. So, the flower of hope blooming in your chest again, you nodded.
There had never been anything so serious to happen to you like this before. He had comforted you, sure, but just for little things. Now that the worst of the worst had happened, and he'd stuck by you through it all, holding you tight to his chest as life raged against you, you loved him more than ever for it.
The tears were still falling. The pain was still there. It wouldn't just go away, you knew that.
But he was here. Your rock, your eye in the storm. Your Billy. And as long as you were his, you were in his harbor.
No force could tear you away.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 3 days
Hybrids Mafia Princess Pt5
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Sorry it took so long. Almost finished, just one more chapter to go.
@a-beaverhausen @ranisingsnew @ronswhoree @susannahmikaelson @skulliecadaver-blog @yeaiamme2 @nataliewalker93 @luz09
Part 4
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Waking up alone was disappointing but Y/n didn’t expect anything else, knowing that if Klaus had stayed until morning he would have been shot God knows how many times.
2 Days. That’s all she needed to wait, just 2 more days and then she could get away from this house, the constant guards, a mom that ignores everything that goes wrong around her and her father. Her father who she had loved and adored more than anyone in the world, her father who had been her hero only to become the man who ignores her existence and shoots her pet.
Just 2 Days…
Klaus knew he needed to tell her the truth. Getting her to leave with him and depend on him needed to happen first, he knew once she loved him that she could accept anything about him.
He also knew that she would willingly turn for him, Y/n was exactly the kind of girl who would want to be with him for eternity, already overly sensitive about the idea of being abandoned. After her father had abandoned her without ever leaving the same house, what else could anyone expect?
He had been working in the time away from Y/n on his Hybrids, having to go back to Mystic Falls to find out Doppleganger blood was what he needed to turn the wolves. Sadly he didn’t get back to Y/n until the third day away and he was worried that she would be upset with him. However, the house was finished thanks to compelled construction workers and interior designers working around the clock, his Hybrids guarded the house as he instructed them to and he was finally able to pick her up.
Sadly though he was not quite as sneaky as he thought approaching the house this time and he ended up snapping one of the guards necks before climbing up to the window. Klaus saw her on her bed drifting off to a movie on the TV and he tapped the glass to see her head pop up and her eyes widen in excitement making her jump up and nearly fall from the bed as she fumbled to yank the window open.
‘You’re late!’ She snapped, though her smiling face pointed to her not being overly upset about it before she pulled him in and hugged him.
‘I’m so sorry Princess, there were complications finishing the house and I wanted it to be perfect. I’m sorry if I made you doubt me-‘
‘No! I didn’t, I promise! Thought…maybe my dad had…I-‘
‘Oh baby. I’m so sorry, come here!’ He hugged her to his chest tightly, kissing her head before the tears could fall. ‘Are you ready to go? I had a complication getting in here so we need to hurry.’ Her head popped up with a startled look before she jumped to grab the large duffel bag under her bed, pulling it out and setting it on the bed before moving to her dresser and grabbing sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt. She changed fast as Klaus opened her bag to inspect it.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘I’ll get you a new laptop, your father can use this to track you, can’t bring it with us.’
‘Oh shit!’ She moved to grab a flash drive from her drawer before plugging it into the laptop and saving several things before deleting a bunch of things. ‘He’ll look through everything like he always does and find my journal. Wish I could see the look on his face when he sees how I really feel about him…both of them.’ There was a smile on her face but Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, seeing how sad she really was about it.
‘You’ll never have to listen to anything he says again. You’ll be happy with me, I promise.’ He swore, picking up the bag and moving to the window, watching her pull the sim card from her phone before tossing it onto the bed and following him. Klaus took hold of her and lifted her into his arms before jumping out the window, smiling at her small gasp as he did, quickly moving through the trees to get to the car he had left and setting her into the passenger seat.
‘Where are we going?’ She asked, clearly excited and clutching his hand as he began to drive.
‘We’re going to the airport-‘
‘My father will be able to find us there, he’ll find out where we-‘
‘Impossible. I have a jet fueled up and waiting, only the pilot knows where we’re going. He will not be able to find us, I promise.’ Klaus assured, kissing her hand and holding it firmly, watching as she tried to relax though he knew she wouldn’t until they were on the jet, far away.
He left the rental car with someone at the front before leading her through security quickly, compelling a security guard to fast track them through to get to their flight. ‘It’s so weird not being surrounded by guards in a public place, I feel like I’ve been let out of a bubble for the first time since I can remember and it’s like I can breathe deeper…does that sound stupid?’
‘Of course not Love, you’ve been confined your entire life, it’s normal to feel free now that you’re away from it all.’ He enjoyed watching her look around with a smile on her sweet face.
‘What’s that smell? It’s…sweet. It smells so good!’ She exclaimed, looking around in excitement.
‘The cinnamon buns maybe?’ Klaus said, pointing to the shop. ‘Do you want one?’ She nodded quickly and he led her over to grab a few of them for the flight before taking her to the jet that was waiting on them.
‘Woah…this is bigger than my Dads…I didn’t think that existed.’ The hybrid couldn’t help his chuckle at the clear innuendo that went over her head as she looked around, Klaus buckling her in and making her blush at even the small gesture of care he showed her as the jet took off. He couldn’t help but smile as the tension in her body seemed to completely disappear as they ascended, finally free from her father and his control.
The fact that she was now completely under Klaus’ control was a detail he didn’t think needed mentioning…
Somewhere in the Woods in New York
‘Where Is She?!’ He raged, holding his best friend by the front of his jacket.
‘I don’t know Buck-she must have gone out the window-‘
‘I have guards everywhere! How did she get passed them, Huh?! What do you-‘
‘Hun, whatever Y/n has done isn’t Steve’s fault and you’re going to regret killing him. You love him.’ His wife reminded, gently removing his hands from Steve and pulling Bucky close, feeling all of his muscles tensing at the idea of his baby being missing.
‘Someone has taken her, who should I be killing?!’ He demanded only to be met with a stern look from the mother of his child.
‘I don’t know who you think you’re talking to like that but it isn’t me.’ He sighed, pulling her into him and burying his face into her neck. ‘I know you’re worried, I’m worried too but this was inevitable. She did tell you she was going to leave-‘
‘She was being dramatic! She knows I love her, she wouldn’t…someone has taken her, only explanation!’ He insisted, beginning to pace across the floor, waiting for his men to check the security cameras.
Bucky is willing to admit that he isn’t the best father but he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. After all that has happened, all that he’s lost, he couldn’t risk losing her too. And maybe he held on too tight sometimes but he loved his baby more than he had ever loved anything. Every time he looks at her he sees that precious little bundle he was handed by a nurse, he was the first person to ever hold her and he swore to her that he would never let go.
‘Boss…you’re not gonna like this…’ Bucky looked up from where he sat with his wife holding onto him, the only thing keeping him grounded on this planet right now.
‘What is this? Where is this?!’ He demanded as he watched the video on the laptop that Sam handed to him.
‘It’s a camera from one of the back roads to the property. No one but security even knows they exist, we don’t know how anyone got there.’ Sam explained, standing just out of Buckys reach in case he decides to lash out.
‘What is he doing? Is…she’s kissing him…how does she even know him?! She’s always had security, who-‘ Bucky cut himself off as he thought back to Tony’s party the week before. He had seen this man before, he had smiled at him at the party, smirked more like it, and Bucky had wanted to slap that look off of his face…he should have killed him when he had the chance!
‘I’m not surprised.’ Buckys head snapped up to look at his wife who was clearly upset but no where near as physically upset as he was. ‘With how you treat her, smother her? An attractive man came along and promised her the world, of course she ran away with Prince Charming. Especially after what you pulled last week, I told you that dog thing would come back and bite us in the ass.’
‘Seriously?! How are you not upset-‘
‘I’m furious! But I’m also able to see how this came to happen and it is our fault. God knows what he’s promised her, but I’m not shocked she jumped at the first chance to get away from you-‘
‘She knows I love her-‘
‘No James, I don’t think she does.’ Buckys face fell as he heard his wife say this. Every fight they had, every punishment or mean word, he had always comforted himself by remembering that his daughter knows that he loves her and that he would kill or die for her. Now to hear that she might not truly believe that, Bucky swears that he heard his heart crack. ‘When she was young she did but you changed when she got older and I have no idea how she feels about you anymore. She doesn’t talk to me because she knows I will tell you everything. We fucked up, and we have to get her back.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Hybrids Mafia Princess Series
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i4-zuri · 2 days
hello, i saw your reqs open and i wanted to ask if you could do a seokmin x reader where reader is a shy person who always listens and when they meet seokmin and he listens to their rambling and yeah, thnks in advance! :)
hi anon! thank you for requesting <3 i'm sorry this is kinda rushed + i kinda wasn't able to show readers shy demeanor lol, but i hope you like it!
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comfortable with you. — lee seokmin x reader
; fluff, little angst, comfort – warnings: like 1 cuss word – wc: 1,481
note: first req ever, kinda nervous 😅i kindaa rushed it in the end,,, im sorry. BUT ANYWAYS!! i enjoyed writing this! i had so many thoughts on how i wanted to go with this, but stuck with this (kind of) short one. I hope you guys will enjoy this teww! not my best work tho
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you love listening to people talking. you've always let people do the talking while you do the listening; its been in your nature since ever. they would talk, and you would hum in agreement or dispute, sometimes speaking your own thoughts. but sometimes, you wish you could just spill your unsaid thoughts to someone. but you can't, for some reason.
your junior year has started, new school supplies, new acquaintances, and, of course, a new seatmate. every first day of school always makes you nervous; everything is new, and by that you'd always have to introduce yourself; you hated it.
standing outside your new classroom with your other classmates, the teacher announced that she had already assigned the seating plan. you were kind of grateful, as you quite literally don't know anybody here; you got separated from your friend.
Ms. Shin, your teacher was calling your classmates one by one, then called your name, "next, l/n y/n!" you went up to her. "you'll be sitting next to lee seokmin, he's over there by the window, third row" she stated. you went in the classroom and walked to your seat, which is beside seokmin, your new seatmate. he sat at the aisle part, which left you sitting next to the window, and you were grateful for it.
you sat down and settled your bag behind your chair. honestly, you were pretty nervous because, for the first time, your seatmate was a guy. you were always seated next to girls for some reason.
"hi! i'm lee seokmin. but you can call me seokmin, or any nickname you can think of," he spoke. you quickly turned your head in his direction and just nodded, turning your head to look at the board in front. 'he's so... pretty,' you thought to yourself. it took a second until he spoke again, "what about you? what's your name?" he asked, and you turned to look at him again, quickly realizing that you haven't introduced yourself. "oh, i'm sorry! i'm l/n y/n sorry, did i come off as rude?" you replied, your voice lowering as you spoke. "ah, no, no! it's okay!" he giggled as he responded, waving his hands as a sign that it really is okay. "i'm sorry again," you said, voice low almost like a whisper. "no, i assure you it's fine! everyone gets nervous at the first day of school, even me," he stated. you just nodded, turning your head to look at your table.
your face was red in embarrassment, so much for a first impression with someone who will be next to you your whole junior year. you wished the floor could just eat you whole.
months into 11th grade, everyday was a struggle. there were new activities every week, mostly by partners, and you were grateful that in each partner activity, seokmin was your partner. seokmin is the most perfect partner you could ask for; he was always ready and always listened to the instructions of the activity given. you were so grateful for him; you probably wouldn't have survived first term without him.
right now, on a thursday afternoon, you and seokmin were at the library doing the essay activity given by your english teacher, a 15k word essay covering the important events and creations that happened during the renaissance, the deadline being monday. you were trying so hard not to cry as you were stuck on your third paragraph, the whole essay only having 487 words. usually you were quick with this; you love english, you always scored high on the subject. but right now, you were just not motivated enough to write properly.
"Hey, you okay there?" seokmin spoke up, noticing your distraught expression. you only hummed to his question. he was already making it easy for you; he has suggested that we should write 7,500 words each on our part to sum up the 15,000 so it would be easy. you felt bad as you were writing your part so... poorly. "we can take a break if you're stuck," seokmin suggested, "uhm, maybe i'll try to continue mine and you take a break. i wanna at least try and finish this third paragraph," you stated. "hmm, i think no!" he said cheerfully. seokmin closed his laptop, then yours. you looked at him in shock, but he just grabbed your arm, forcing you to stand up, then pulling you towards the door of the library. "s-seokmin! hey! what about our things?" you whisper-shout, "don't worry, we'll be quick!" he replied.
you kinda got used to this; whenever seokmin sensed that you were struggling or stressed, he would always do something to distract you until you were feeling okay. this time, he was pulling you in the hallways of the school, towards the exit, and then walked towards the ice cream stand near the school gate. "hello! can i get one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate ice cream? both no toppings!" seokmin said, the vendor nodded and made his order, "seokmin, i didn't bring my wallet with me." you stated, "its okay! its on me," he replied "no, i'll just pay you when we go back to the library," you said, "nu-uh, this is on me. i won't accept your payment," seokmin responded.
he's always like this. he does something nice for you, but whenever you offer to do something in return, he denies it. this is what you like about him, like as in platonically... yeah, platonically.
few more months in junior year, and your feelings towards seokmin kept growing, not platonically. you tried to deny your feelings, but every time you do, he does something that just makes your heart flutter.
and surprisingly enough, you've gotten so comfortable with him that each time you talked, you openly said your thoughts, even you shocked yourself. but, you still weren't comfortable enough to spill your deepest thoughts and rambles, rants you wish you'd said to the person who stressed your thoughts.
still, you were more than happy to be able to finally openly speak your thoughts, even if it weren't your deepest thoughts that hurt you. you were okay with this, you think.
but one day during the last 2 weeks of junior year, you were fed up. the world just kept testing and testing you, and you were so tired and just needed to rant, specifically to seokmin.
"and it's just... so fucking tiring! i don't get why they won't do their part. it's almost the end of the school year, and they're acting like this?! i'm just so..." you couldn't finish your sentence as you started to sob. seokmin looked at you with sad eyes, it hurts him to see you like this. 'why couldn't your group mates just do their job properly?' he thought. you sobbed harder as you thought about your uncooperative group mates, then seokmin hugged you.
it was the first time he physically touched you like this; usually he would tap your shoulder, pat your head, or pull your arm when he wants to show something, but hugging you? this was definitely new. but you were too tired to be shocked.
"mhm, i understand y/n." seokmin stated, you sobbed harder than before. for years in your life, you just wanted to hear those words—that someone understood you. you were always the one to listen; you never had the chance to be the one to rant as you grew used to listening. seokmin patted your back, still hugging you. it was so comforting; you wished you could stay there forever.
from that day on, you knew that you were super comfortable with seokmin. he's the person you trust your thoughts with the most. not a day goes by where you had to keep your thoughts to yourself anymore; you had seokmin, and he had you, of course. he was there for you, and you were there for him.
the feeling of finally being able to speak up about your deepest, unsaid thoughts and rants was so refreshing. of course, the more comfortable you got with him, the more your feelings grew too.
it was on recognition day when you had the courage to finally spill your heart out to seokmin. you were very nervous, but the funny thing was he beat you to it. he confessed first, leaving you shocked. of course you informed him that the feeling is mutual.
you were happy; he was too. your heart was so happy you felt like it would explode. you never have thought that you would find love this early in your life, especially with your old behavior of being shy. but seokmin was there, he was there for you in so many ways. he saved your heart and mind by letting you pour your unsaid rambles to him, and you were so grateful for him, for seokmin, who was now your lover 'till end.
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©i4-zuri, all rights reserved.
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