#once I get past this the posting schedule will resume
use-your-telescope · 4 months
Am I *the worst* if I miss my new post deadline of tonight and post tomorrow morning because of things?
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ros3ybabe · 9 months
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Current Japanese Study Routine + Resources 🎀
As you all may know, I am currently self studying Japanese and Spanish, though I am putting Spanish on the back burner for now so I can focus more on Japanese as that is where my passion lies at the moment. Lucky for me, there is a Japanese language and culture club on my university campus that I am (hopefully) going to join next week or the week after, given how busy my schedule ends up being. I thought I’d make a little post about my current routine that I use to study and what resources I am currently using and am planning on purchasing to use in order to build my proficiency in this beautiful language!
Current Resources 🩷
Apps - I am currently playing around with several apps to see which ones work for me, so here is all the apps I currently have downloaded to my iPad/phone
Duolingo - this has been a go to for all language I’ve ever tried to learn, it’s useful for me as a basic introduction to vocabulary, sentence structure, some grammar, and I just like how it involves typing, speaking, listening, and reading.
Drops - this one is just a fun little 5 minutes gamified way to learn vocabulary for me, it’s definitely a go to on my lazier language learning days
Bunpo - I like this for learning the kana but I didn’t realize it costs money to use fully so I am debating purchasing a subscription to the paid version
Write Japanese - this one I’m using to learn the correct stroke order for the kana and I like it for the most part
Renshuu - I just signed in to use this one last night and it looks interesting. I’ve seen it recommended by several blogs and even when google searching language learning and watching YouTube videos so I’m excited to try it out!
NHK for School - I saw someone recommend this on their blog and I remember using the website version in the past so I know this will be helpful when it comes to reading
Jisho - this is a dictionary app that I’ve seen recommended on so many platforms and I’m always open to a good dictionary!
Japanese - this one was recommended on a blog post and it allows you to add vocabulary and interesting phrases so I thought it’d be useful once I start on learning sentence structure and grammar
Italki - this one is the one I’m most excited to use. It connects you to people who speak and teach your target language for a set timed lesson, and it does cost money but you pay by lesson, not on a subscription basis. So if you do one lesson the first week and then another lesson in three weeks or something, you only pay for those two lessons. I’m really looking forward to trying this one out in the future once I get more comfortable with speaking.
Anki - a flash card app I am using to currently learn hiragana and will soon use for katakana and eventually kanji and phrases. I was gonna use Quizlet but I ended up liking this one better for my current needs.
LingoDeer, Memrise, Babbel, HiNative, HelloTalk, Hey Japan, Busuu, Kanji, Kana, Sensei - apps that I have and have not tried yet. I really like the ones I’ve already tried so I’m not sure if I’m going to use these ones soon but if I get bored of current apps than I at least have alternatives to turn to to continue learning
Textbooks/Workbooks/Materials - I currently own two workbooks but will include the resource I am planning on buying, as well as any stationery material I am also using!
Japanese for Busy People I - This was the workbook we had for the Japanese class I took at my university while in high school. My dad ended up buying it for me if I promised not to take Japanese classes once I went to college. (My parents don’t believe it is useful to know and they are helping pay for my education so I didn’t have a choice.) I haven’t started reusing it yet but once I am comfortable with the kana then I will resume using it.
Let’s Learn Katakana - this is a katakana writing book my older brother bought for me (he is supportive of everything I have an interest in even if he doesn’t understand it himself) and it is really useful for learning and practicing writing katakana. However I am still focusing on relearning hiragana so I will return to this workbook after I solidify my hiragana knowledge.
Genki I and Genki II textbook/workbook + answer key bundle - I am planning to buy this off of Amazon as I have heard from most people who are learning Japanese on their own that this set is really useful for self studying so of course I am going to invest in it once I get paid next week.
I am also looking for a hiragana, katakana, and kanji writing workbook to practice those skills.
Free Online Resources -
Anything free I can find online when google searching resources
Stationary Supplies -
Kokuyo Campus Smart Ring Binder in pink
Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens in black
Index cards
Pilot g-2 fashion pens
Zebra mild liner highlighter/markers
Papermate Mechanical Pencils
Mini notebook to carry around for vocabulary
My iPad + Apple Pencil + Goodnotes 5
My Chromebook
A lot of resources but I am trying to stick with this for the long term. A few years ago, I self studied Japanese everyday for about 2 years and gained a good understanding but fell off from studying Japanese when I went to university.
My Current Study Routine* 🎀
*when I have more than 30 minutes to study, if I only have 30 minutes or less I just mess around on my language apps
I currently do not use any workbooks or textbooks as I am trying to re familiarize myself with the language. Here’s my current study routine!
Practice Anki flashcards 3 times or until I get 85-90% correct
Practice hiragana writing in Write Japanese app (~10min)
Duolingo lessons for 10 minutes
1 Japanese language Drops lesson
Use Renshuu until I get bored (~10-15min)
Watch an episode of anime as a reward (Japanese audio with English subtitles)
I will switch this up to a more structured way of studying once I start using my textbooks and workbooks, but for now this relaxed style of learning is working for me time wise and attention wise (ADHD brain right here).
I also listen to Japanese music throughout the day and try to recall hiragana characters correctly in my head when I have the time. I also sneak in some practice when at work on my apps and whatnot. I mentioned in my last daily check in some of my favorite Japanese artists, and I also love Japanese versions of K-pop songs too! I’m currently watching Bungou Stray Dogs on crunchyroll right now, and I’m open to any recommendations for what to watch next!
If anyone has any language learning tips or resources they’d want to share, feel free to comment! It would be greatly appreciated!
Til next time my lovelies 🩷🤍
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gaymurdersalad · 2 months
[in tune to "It's Been So Long" by the living tombstone] Its been so long......since Chribs has posted on gaymurdersalaaaad.....we miss the colored weirdoooos...... 😔
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You’re right, Dear Asker, it has been so long! I took a little trip into the winding void of liminal hell and had to fight for my very soul, and yes, I do have a slideshow of the sights prepared, but I’m sure you all don’t want to see that. It’s fine. I’m fine.
On a real note my friends, I got hit with the worst workload I have ever had in my entire life. School is a bitch right now. End of the year coming up. Exams. GPA. All the fun stuff of which I’m sure is triggering many an unpleasant sensory experience in your fellow struggling brains. Long story short, I got so busy I could barely draw, then got hyper fixated on a TV show, picked up three others, then stardew valley got an update and I’ve been gnawing the meat off of that poor game’s bones for like the past week now. I’ve been so exhausted that all I can do is play game and watch show when I get home. I’m not promising that this will improve either, but I am on spring break finally, so who knows how that will shape up.
Thank you all for being patient with me. I still check my notifications and I still smile every time one of you reblogs or shoots an ask into the void mailbox. It’s keepin’ me going! When I’m writing essay after essay I think about the blog and everything I’m gonna do once I spare an ounce of motivation and free time and I get all giddy and excited and shit! It’s awesome! I love this place and I love you all very much!
I haven’t got much else to say now. I have indeed spent all day {first completing an essay} watching Wendigoon and playing stardew… So I guess I’m a boygirl of my word in that regard. I hope you all will like what’s coming next! I’ve got some concrete stuff planned and I’ve been playing around with a couple fun things to throw in for. Fun. Possibly. Phone Related. You didn’t hear that from me though.
Goodbye y’all! Thank you all for your patience! Your regularly scheduled programming will resume, uh… Un-Regularly! Alas it shall resume!
Yours Chribsfully,
~ Mod Chribs ]
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London Will Burn - Chapter Ten.
Sorry it's a day late, bambinos! Normal posting schedule will resume as of Friday. I wanted to give everyone the chance to catch up since I posted last week's instalment late, too.
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 4,000
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
Absorbing the shock, it was all Sean could do not to storm over to where Rin and her family were gathered and demand she give him answers. It added up, undoubted was the maths in the equation that the child with eyes that exactly matched his own, who would have been about six, meaning she’d been conceived on that weekend he’d spent with her, was in fact his daughter. It fitted. It explained why she’d vanished.  
Why the fuck had she kept it from him?  
Why the fuck did she still continue to keep it from him? 
He knew why, but his anger got in the way of logic. The only thing to penetrate it was the sudden feeling of a wet nose at his fingertips, followed by a familiar miffed grunt. Looking down, he saw Butch, ball in mouth, ready for it to be thrown once more.  
As the rage in him subsided, a myriad of emotions began to swirl, taking the ball and throwing it once more, finally tearing his eyes away from the child, dressed in her school uniform beneath a thick, winter coat. His child. He dropped his head and sped up while walking past where they were congregated, hoping the distance from one side of the path over to the small playground area meant he wouldn’t be seen.  
That did not mean, however, that this would be something he’d easily let go of. Rin would feel every ounce of his ire, once she’d actually confirmed to him if the child was definitely his.  
Setting off over the grass to meet his dog en route back, he took the ball and clipped Butch back onto his lead, being greeted by a look of indignance that playtime was seemingly over. “I am certain that fucking tooth of yours sticks out even further when you’re pissed off.” he spoke, reaching to scratch his forehead wrinkles. “If I sported a snaggletooth, mine probably would be right now, too.”  
He took the long walk back to his car, loading Butch in the rear and clipping his seatbelt fastener onto the back of his harness, the dog lying down with a soft snort. The comfy ride of the Audi Q5 meant he was asleep ten minutes into the journey home, only stirring when half an hour after that, the car pulled up in the parking garage back in Canary Wharf.  
For the duration of the drive, he’d mulled over how to handle the sight he’d been presented with at the park, wanting to actually make the right choice for once. Good choices and Sean Wallace didn’t always go hand in hand. In fact, more often than not, his impulsive nature dictated that they were the furthest from good.  
“Catherine, I need to speak with you. Would you be free for lunch on Friday?” 
Civil, to the point, adult like. He was proud of himself. While waiting on a reply, he took a shower, sorting Butch his food before ordering the usual Thai delicacies to satiate his own hunger. 
“I’m busy.” 
“Next Monday, perhaps?” 
“Busy then, too.” 
“Any fucking time before Easter, Catherine?” Trust Sean to not take her rebuffing well.  
“Can you not just call me to have this discussion?” 
“No. It must be face to face.” 
It was while he was mid-way through eating a Thai red curry when she finally replied. “I’ll check my diary when I have a moment and get back to you.” 
He waited a week for her to do this alleged diary consulting, hearing nothing. The proverbial bull appeared to need taking by the horns, it would seem.  
The gates to Mulford Hall’s private driveway still required a check in with security, but the large, middle-aged man who had sat within the small booth the last time Sean had pulled up beside it was now replace by another. A large, Kenyan other, to be exact.  
“And you are?” he rumbled, lifting his chin. 
“Sean Wallace, here to see Miss Cavanagh.” 
The man reached for the telephone, eyes flitting over Sean. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Pressing a button, he waited, leaning back while letting his fingers skim over the semi-automatic holstered at his hip, dark eyes returning to Sean for a second and narrowing. “Boss, hello. I got a Sean Wallace here to see you.”  
There was a pause. “She say you must wait for her call and to go home.” 
“Tell her that unless she lets me up, I shall start making noise over the identity of her child’s father. Loud noise.”  
Marcus relayed the message with a huff, waiting. “Okay, you may go up.” 
He smirked, shifting the car into drive as the gates began to slowly open. “I thought she might say that.” Driving through, he reminded himself over and over to keep calm, that losing his temper was the last thing he should resort to, that no matter how enraged he was, calmness was the more conducive approach.  
Pulling into the courtyard, he saw Rin exit the house and stride over to the car. The defiance she carried herself with immediately sent his irritation up by a few notches.  
“I think we need to talk,” he began, getting out and shutting the door with a heavy clunk, turning to face her. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” 
“How did you even find out?” she demanded, narrowing her eyes. “Who the hell told you?” 
“Nobody, I saw you both in the park just over a week ago. She looked right at me, and it was my eyes I saw. Doing the calculations over her age, and it points a very definite finger to the fact that I’m her father. If I hadn’t, your lack of a poker face and need to discover if you’ve been betrayed just sealed it nicely for me.”  
The sneer in his tone set her on edge, Rin wanting nothing more than to punch him in the face for it. For much more, in fact. Her nostrils flared in annoyance, Sean continuing. “Now, why didn’t you tell me?” 
She shrugged, sniffing. “It was none of your business back then.” 
His lips tightened, his shoulders squaring. “I fathered your child, that makes it very much my business.”  
“Not when you were set to sell out her mother’s dignity for a business deal. Honestly, do you truly think I wanted a man like that near her at the time? Can you honestly blame me for keeping it from you?” 
“Yes, I fucking can, because she’s my fucking daughter and I had a right to see her, to know her!” There went his cool, flying far from any tentative grasp. 
Her features twisted, fury beginning to pulse. “You had no right at all, Sean! Not after what you did to me!” 
“I had to, Catherine. By the end of that weekend, I didn’t want to, but I had to, because...” 
“Because if you hadn’t, you’d have lost the capitol you needed to buy a new location to launder through, and the safe port for the fuck load of heroin that needed an alternative dock to port in. Yeah, I know why you had to. You could have just let me talk to him, you know. I’d have convinced him, but no.” Her eyes narrowed, her jaw tightening. “You fucked me over because you wanted to. Get off on it, did you? Taking advantage of an eighteen-year-old, hmm?” 
“Don’t give me that shit,” he spat angrily, cracking his knuckles in agitation. “You were far from naive. You were raised by a man just as cutthroat as the one whom raised me.” 
Swallowing down her desire to match his anger, she took a breath, sniffing as she thinned her lips between her teeth. “My heart was.” Pausing, she saw it in his face, the very thing she was looking for, but had no real care over whether she received or not. Remorse. It was a few too many years late in the coming. “I suppose I should thank you really, for the lesson you taught me, one that I will pass onto my daughter when she’s older, too. Never let your emotions be swayed by a man who shows all the hallmarks of such deeply entrenched psychopathy.” 
He looked accepting of her assessment, shame seeming to veil him as he looked down upon her, sighing sadly. “I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I am. It was a mistake that I haven’t ever not regretted.” He paused for a moment, in her silence of absorbing his apology. “She’s the reason, isn’t she? The other reason you returned me to my former status, the one you said I didn’t deserve to know, back when I first saw you again three months ago.” 
“That’s correct,” she confirmed, “but on my terms. I want my daughter to know her father, but most certainly not the man who I watched you become from afar. God fucking knows, I’m probably bordering on mental myself, but I thought maybe, if I could sort you out in the midst of ironing out the fucking mess you and half the other fuckwits left London in, then maybe the old Sean might return. The Sean you might still be capable of being.” 
He felt his chest tighten in an instant, that no matter how badly he’d hurt her, hurt himself, pulled apart the threads of his own life, she still had hope he could redeem himself. “Perhaps if I’d known about her, that might have come sooner. My priorities have always been centred around the health of my family. Surely you knew that?”  
“I didn’t know what the fuck I knew about you, after that weekend, and then you turning on me!” 
“I told you I didn’t want to.” 
“But you did!” Her temper flared beyond her need or desire to control it, her jaw flexing as she ground her back teeth together, her fury literally biting. “You hurt me, Sean! I let you in, more than I ever had with actual boyfriends, and you fucking hurt me worse than anybody ever has! We could have been something, but you just threw it all the fuck away, didn’t you?” 
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned away from her for a second. “I did. There isn’t a day that passes where I don’t regret that, either.”  
“Why?” she scoffed, folding her arms. “It got you everything you wanted.” 
He reached for her, thumb skimming her cheek. “And lost me something I truly needed.”  
She felt her heart quicken, enjoying the comfort of his touch for a mere second before knocking his hand away. “Don’t. No. I’m off the table forever to you. Her? Maybe, if you continue to behave yourself.”  
He nodded. “Do I at least get to know her name?” 
“Tiger Lily.” Her favourite flower, he remembered. “We just call her Tiger for short mostly. Believe me, it suits her personality.” 
He smiled at that, imagining her to be tiny and mighty, much like her mother. “When can I see her, Rin? I want to be there for her, provide for her. I have lost so much in the way of family, and the life I am attempting to rebuild very much has a place for her within it.”  
His earnest softness stirred her, hearing his pledge to be involved in his daughter’s life, but not enough that she’d ease up on him. “When I see fit, and not a moment before.” 
Indignance at being rebuffed rose within him, but he knew the more he demanded, the further she would dig her heels in. His continued commitment to not making bad choices borne of his impulsive nature had to be applied here, too. “Okay. I shall await you getting in contact, then.”  
He turned to his car, Rin beginning to twitch in discomfort, resting her weight from foot to foot a couple of times as she swung her arms down from folded. “Sean?” He turned back, eyebrows slightly raised. “St James Park, 2pm next Sunday. We’ll meet you by the playground. You’re just my friend, though. You shan’t be revealed as her father until I decide.” 
His mouth flickered, upturning. “Thank you.”  
She had to give him something, she realised, no matter how much the scar tissue from his burns still ached within her chest. Since her reinstating him three months prior, he’d been flawless, utterly faultless in the way he had resurrected both himself and the Wallace Corporation. He deserved something, although as she walked back into the house, she wasn’t sure whether her lenience had been too swiftly delivered.  
“I heard most of that from the window.” Her mother’s tone told a thousand more words than she actually spoke.  
Rin sighed, moving to the fridge and pouring a vodka, feeling the weight of Sokoro’s hand press supportively to her shoulder. She paused, covering it with her own for a moment, leaning into his wide chest. “You handled it well, boss. I leave you with your mother now, it is not my place to be in a family talk.”  
She smiled thinly, the Kenyan giant leaving the kitchen, Rin wishing he’d have stayed. “I take it you’re about to detail that I was wrong for allowing him to see her?” 
“I’ll flippin’ say you were!” she began, one of the stools at the island being pulled out rapidly, the legs scraping across the floor. “Pour me a drink, too. I need it after that. You should have stuck to your guns and made him work for it a little harder. Then again you were never very competent in making that man work for anything, were you?” 
A better relationship they might have had, but Diane still had her predisposition for making snide remarks. The point she was making was not lost upon Rin at all, who viewed her with incredulity as she turned with the vodka bottle, slamming the fridge shut as she paced to the cupboard containing the glasses. “I had sex with him, mum. Deal with it. I’m not as precious as you over the act of pleasure, and I never have been.” 
“You might have avoided this whole fiasco if you were.” 
Oh, she just couldn’t help herself. “And if I had, I wouldn’t have Tiger. I wouldn’t trade the outcome of me being careless over contraception for anything. Not even a better outcome. And to Sean’s credit, in the last few months he’s worked his arse off. The Wallace Corporation is in the process of three new builds, two more in the works. We’ve expanded construction to Birmingham and Manchester, too. For twelve weeks, that’s good going.”  
“You’re going soft. I knew you would, as soon as you saw him again.” 
Her grip upon the Stolichnaya bottle tightened, her lips pursing. “I have not gone soft. I want Tiger to know her father, and so far, he’s done a good job of proving himself to be capable of being just that; her father. Me? As you probably overheard, I am not a part of it. This was always my intention, mum. I want her to know him.” 
Diane was nothing if not persistent in her stance. “But so soon? You really should have made him suffer for longer.” 
Pouring the drinks, Rin returned the bottle to the fridge, adding ice and pushing a glass across the counter to her mother. “Just because I am allowing him limited access to his daughter does not mean I am softening. It is still my proverbial boot upon his neck, still my line he toes, still my weight he operates beneath. He shan’t ever forget that either.” 
Diane sniffed, raising both her eyebrows and glass. “Just as long as he never does, Catherine.” She departed the kitchen, leaving Rin standing there for a second before the weight of it all bore down, flopping onto the shiny, lemon disinfectant-scented marble with a sigh. The next weight she felt was of two warm hands grasping her shoulders, kneading softly.  
“Am I being too soft, Sok? Is she right, or is she being a huge shit bag?” She didn’t think her right hand would have moved too far away.  
“Hey, hey,” he chided softly, pulling her up to stand straight, “she is still your mother, eh?” 
She sighed. “I know, but is she?” 
“You know as well as my boss, you are my close friend too, eh?” 
She smiled. “I do.” 
“And you know I always tell you how it is, yes?” 
“You could have made white man squirm for a little longer, eh, but I understand why you did not. You know how it is to be without a father, and you do not want that for little Tiger. You do this for her, I see. Not for him.”  
At least Sokoro understood where she was coming from. “Thank you, for seeing things how they are.”  
His eyes narrowed a tiny fraction, the corner of his mouth tugging up. “Maybe a little for him, no?” 
She avoided his dark eyes, taking a gulp of the chilled, neat vodka. “Definitely not.” 
He had the respect to leave it there, but he knew. “Do you want me to come with you to this meet, eh?” 
“Yes. Wait in the car for us though, so you’re nearby but not looming over us.” 
He nodded. “Understood, boss. Now, my stomach is rumbling, eh! Where is the chef? I would like to be fed now, yes.” 
He was getting very used to a life with people to do things for him, her dear Sokoro. Back at home, he happily pitched in to assist (or hamper) Anna, his wife of nine years, a German backpacker who had arrived in Kenya and then never left after meeting him. They lived in a house upon the reserve, Anna’s background in zoology meaning she was a perfect choice to work with the animals there, working her way up to managing the breeding program. She had called only five hours ago to joyfully inform Rin that the four pregnant lionesses had all birthed a healthy litter of cubs the night before.  
Stretching her arms out to ease the residual tension of the last twenty minutes, Rin walked to the phone, calling for Roger to come down and begin preparing their dinner. After eating a delicious meal of griddled salmon and vegetables (and chicken for Tiger, who couldn’t stand that particular fish) she saw to bathing and dressing her daughter ready for bed, heading back downstairs to her office. 
It had once been her father’s, the space now drastically changed from how it had looked before. She had intended to keep it exactly how it was, but it proved much too painful, to see such reminders of him everywhere. The solid oak and dark red walls had been replaced for pastel green, bird and floral print wallpaper, and white and light oak furniture, giving the space an airy feel.  
Her father often liked to intimidate with decoration, the oppressiveness of the office very much in keeping with his personality. She used to coin it the belly of the dragon for good reason. 
Taking a seat at her desk, she jiggled the mouse until her computer came out of standby, ready to continue organising her current project. She was arranging a charity dinner in aid of her wildlife reserve, one of those very fancy, three hundred pounds a head affairs in aid of raising money for the African wildlife she now solely presided over, despite no longer living out in Africa.  
Of course, with Rin, there was another goal. The funds derived from the night’s hopefully generous contributions from London’s elite would be matched with injections of cash needing to be laundered. It made sense, since the CWR (Cavanagh Wildlife Reserve) was a charity, for all intents and purposes. The deals she was in the process of making with people in South America needed a fund to be run through, her reserve being the chosen destination.  
After completing the guest list of a total of two hundred and seventy-three people, she sent the details to the printing firm to send out invitations, knowing most of her associates were such old school types, a well-appointed, neatly printed invitation arriving by post would be more appreciated than the more modern method of an e-invite.  
Once done, she poured herself another drink, sitting back and resting her bare feet up on the desk, getting a small pang of annoyance when remembering her mother’s earlier words. “Then again you were never very competent in making that man work for anything, were you?” 
“Slut shaming. So very you, mother darling.” Oh, how she’d really, really come down hard on her at the time, Rin remembered, when she’d revealed the news of her pregnancy to her and her father. They both had, Rin not knowing which way to turn, having her usually on side, protective father roaring in utter outrage at how she could be so stupid.  
“You fucking open your legs to that scumbag in the first place, and then don’t have any bloody sense to use protection? Fucking hell, Catherine! I thought we raised you with more brains than that, girl, I really did!” 
They had, too. In the midst of dealing with the heartbreak of his betrayal, obtaining the morning after pill had been the farthest thing from her mind. So far, in fact, that it wasn’t until her period didn’t arrive that it smacked her square in the chest, what she had forgotten to do in the aftermath of a weekend being shagged ragged by the man of her dreams. 
Remembering it, him, the way his skin felt against hers, the heat of their connection, the fact that she hadn’t ever, or since felt a dick as perfect as his, she let herself be transported back to each moment he’d ever been inside her, just for a few seconds. God, the way that man fucked. He was unlike all others, and she hated him for it.  
Coming back out from where her daydream had led her, she tried to shake the thoughts of Sean from her mind, but they clung on. Sleeping in his arms, chasing him around the house with a bow and arrow as they’d laughed. She’d never heard him laugh like that, and it made her chest flutter still.  
Switching off her computer, she tidied her desk, finishing her drink. She’d be up at five in the morning to go for her usual six-mile run, Rin loathing any form of gymnasium-based exercise, but loving to pound her feet to the terrain in order to stay in shape. An early night was definitely in order.  
Her childhood bedroom was still her destination, although changed in decoration from pale yellow to a pastel blue, the furniture remaining the same but furnishings a little more befitting of a grown woman. After cleansing her face and brushing her teeth, she crawled beneath the duvet, closing her eyes. Falling into dreams, she was eighteen again, her bed occupied by the man whom she’d tried in vain to cease thinking about, lying with her head on his chest as they’d talked. Well, talked, and...  
“You’re going to make it fall off, you know,” he’d told her, eyeing his cock after she’d begun playing with it again.  
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she’d purred, moving to sit astride him, kissing the centre of his chest. “It isn’t going anywhere, other than back inside me. I think I make it very happy.” 
The way he’d looked at her, pulling her into a kiss, his gaze had told her strongly that it wasn’t just his cock that she made happy.  
Waking with a start, she grumbled with agitation. 
“Get out of my head, you fucking twat.” 
It had been seven years. If he hadn’t left it by then, then much to her indignation, she had to admit he likely never would. 
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blazingstaro · 2 months
DotS: MMM update! (genuine)
I'm aware of the date I'm posting this, and I hope you guys have enjoyed the boop reblogs!! I've been enjoying the boop thing a ton, and I hope Tumblr keeps something akin to this as a fun little interaction thing in the future <3
Quick update for today!
I'm 2 weeks into my new job and about to enter my 3rd, and so far I'm loving this job, my co-workers, and my bosses! It's a fun, kind environment, and the customers are almost always very pleasant (I've only dealt with one genuinely unpleasant character so far, and that was nothing to me LOL). I just got my first paycheck too, and celebrated with it!
I'm still settling into this job, so a lot of my script work and comic stuff in general has been on a grand pause as I get into the rhythm of this new life change of mine. It might take me a while to fully settle into it. I'm still in shock and disbelief that I have this job, since I've been unemployed for so long! I still reel in bewilderment that this is my reality now. I'm grateful for it!
DotS:MMM is still under reconstruction in the background as I settle into this job and figure out how my energy is going to be. I've been mega busy for the past couple of weeks, and this following month is gonna be mega busy as well. I have a music gig to perform at, and I have an expo to attend later in this month on top of the job, so don't expect anything new throughout April for now!
I should be fully settling into things into May and June. Honestly I fell into one heck of a slump because of how dull my life had gotten, but now suddenly it's active and busy!
Again I'm grateful for this job, I really needed my life shaken up and a fulfilling job to serve at. I genuinely love my new job, and I look forward to serving them for the years to come <3
Thank you for your continued patience with me! This seems to be a recurring thing for me whenever I hit page 20 of every comic of mine, but hopefully things will be better going forward
Once I resume posting pages, I will have a one page per month schedule until I have a fully established routine. I probably won't resume a page a week schedule mainly because it drains my reserves so fast and I don't have the same amount of free time as I once did to restore said reserves. At most I'll post two pages a month— that's my goal 👍
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saltygilmores · 11 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 15, Part 1 (Lost and Found, Aka The One Where Rory Loses Dean's Shitty Bracelet)
It has been over two months since my last TWWGG post. What has been keeping me from moving on, you may ask? What is the immovable roadblock that keeps slowing my progress? What has kept me from my adoring public (about 5 readers) for two months? It starts with Lor and ends with Elai. We open with a scene of said Annoying Roadblock nursing her bandaged hand, an injury sustained while trying to clean her gutters. Rory suggests they should hire someone, but Lorelai scoffs at the expense. About 10 seconds earlier we learned she was itching to eat some pancakes, presumably at Luke's, a money-costing ritual she likely repeats at least twice a day or more every single day. But no money to hire someone to muck the gutters or squash her termites. Well, I guess I'll let her off on this one because she never pays Luke for her food anyway. Let it be known that my mind is a steel trap and there are certain things I never forget...and one thing I never forgot is Lorelai's reaction to the horrifying suggestion that Jess might come to her home and alleviate the burden of performing some manual labor that she clearly is unfit to do herself.
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Portrait of TWWGG thinking. We first learned about Lorelai's gutter problems in A Tisket A Tasket where she was fixing on some some teenage boys to win her picnic basket so theyd take care of her gutters instead ("Cleaning her gutters" is not a sexual euphimism in this case, however it would be if it were Dean). Suffice it to say, that did not happen, so she bypassed several other options (Luke? Dean? Kirk?) and went direct to the do it yourself route.
Now what does Lorelai say a short time later in this episode when Luke offers up a teenage boy named Jess to slop the muck from her gutters?
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This kid goes to school (...sometimes), works four jobs (Walmart, Diner, Gigolo, and Full Time Cutie Patooty) and he's not even good enough to slop her damn gutters. We will resume our regularly scheduled broadcast of Grown Woman Holds A Lifelong Grudge Against A 17 Year Old Boy Who Was Rude To Her Once in just a moment.
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If only we were so lucky.
I looked up "is gangrene contagious" to see if there was any possiblity she could pass it on to Dean too.
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Lorelai complains that Luke is missing and she'll have to endure Caesar's cooking today. Ouch. How about you be quiet and go home and make your own damn pancakes, woman. It's not rocket surgery.
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Tryna get a break from you.
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Bless Amy Sherman Palladino and all her creative ways of getting masturbation metaphors past the WB censors. “Looking for my supply ledger” sure Luke, sure. 👊 💧
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Yes Luke, why DO you have a sock on your shoulder? WInk wink nudge nudge. This wasn't the only masturbation joke involving a sock on this show either. Lorelai What are you doing here? Luke: Just trying to crank one out into my sock here. Can I get a little privacy? Lorelai: Rory and I are starving. I need you to cook us breakfast. God, woman. How about a "pretty please"?
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Let's play a game of "What Belongs to Luke and What Belongs To Jess?" Who owns the red heart boxer shorts? Random sombrero? Random alien mask? The game of Connect Four? The Connect Four must be Luke's because Jess has no friends to play board games with. According to Luke this is all of Jess' stuff Liz shipped over, but I somehow doubt Liz ever bought Jess this much stuff or actually cared enough about him to send it . I better send my son his beloved sombrero, said Liz never.
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"I'll help you shower if you cook me pancakes" KITTEN SHIRT WOMAN HAS NO CHILL DAMN
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Masturbation With Sock Quips on Gilmore GIrls: At Least Two Luke Says Jess Was in The Bathroom For Two Hours And Jess Claims He Was Just Doing His Hair Quips on Gilmore Girls: At Least Two Barely Disguised Masturbation Quips Of Any Variety In The Last 60 Seconds, Total: Two, three if you lump In Lorelai wanting to soap up Luke's hot naked body in exchange for pancakes You can get rid of his alien mask and Connect Four, all this poor boy wants is his own room with four walls and a door.
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He knows, this is why the both of you are so cranky and sexually frustrated. Jess "huh"'s cutely and replies that he learns something new every day before walking out. To which Annoying Kitten Shirt Woman replies:
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Shut up. I'm begging you. Please. I'll buy you a lifetime supply of Luke's pancakes if you shut up for two seconds. I will stuff your mouth so full of pancakes that all you can do is smile and nod and everyone will be happy. Luke tells Lorelai to go downstairs and wait for him to make the pancakes. She badgers him to tell her how long that wait will be.
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Well, if you didn't come upstairs and interrupt the first time, maybe he'd be done by now. Now he's gotta get rid of you, keep you and the child out, get comfy, take his pants off, and start "looking for his ledger" all over again. Then he's gotta try thinking about naked Lorelai but all he hears in his dreams is her whining "make me pancakes" and he goes all limp and he's even more frustrated. And now he can't even find the bed and you took his damn accounting book and in my gritty Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow I would make sure Luke gets some time to himself to jerk off once in a while because he works hard and he deserves it.
Luke To Lorelai After He Gives In to Her Pancake Demands: You sure you weren't pushed off your roof today? It was me, I was the pusher. I regret that I failed and she only got a cut on her hand.
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LOL, you're asking what Jess is doing alone upstairs? Want him to spell it out for you with crayons or something? I guess two hours in the bathroom "fixing his hair" just wasn't enough for Jess. He's got a lot of pent up frustration, I get it. Strap in buddy, it's gonna get a lot worse.
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You ever think of mindin your own bizzness, woman? #Never However her butting in is sensible enough this time and she explains to Luke that his father's office is too small for two people to be living in it, and that he should think about the fact that Jess lives there too. Right on. We know Luke has $$$$ because he's throwing loan offers at Lorelai like they're Halloween candy. Maybe he could even put Jess up in his own damn apartment, but he's too stingy and stubborn. Ah, Luke and Lorelai, two people who refuse to compromise on anything ever. A match made in heaven, truly. A marriage destined to work. KittenShirt makes a quip about how Jess could be dead under a pile of boxes and no one would know or until his rotting corpse started to smell. But enough about your fantasies, Lorelai. And now we circle back around to Luke offering Jess to Lorelai to clean her gutters to which she replies with a "Jess?" with that tone of thinly veiled disgust that Miss Gilmore is known across the land for. Almost in one breath, Luke admits he doesn't pay Jess enough to work for him AND he "hates the thought of what else he might do to get money if you don't give him the work" AND "You don't have to pay him as much as you would someone else, you save money, he keeps busy." Alright, enough. We're only 7 minutes in to this wretched episode, so let's run down the recap of just minutes 5-6: We've heard implications that: 1) Jess' uncle outright admits he doesn't pay him enough for spending most of his free time after school working for him 2) Even though his uncle doesn't pay him enough, if he takes another job doing grueling manual labor like cleaning gutters, they don't have to pay him enough either, it only matters that he "keeps busy". He's almost 18 with a driver's license, he's not a fourth grader with a lemonade stand. 3) No one would notice or care if Jess was dead until his corpse was rotting under a pile of boxes for weeks 4) the only way Jess knows how to make money is by doing illegal, unspecificed things. You just readily admitted you don't pay him enough to do work that's (borderline) legal anyway so who can blame him? 5) For some reason Lorelai doesn't think he's worthy enough to slop her gutters This is where my Gilmore Girls reboot would take a turn into horror movie territory, something like The Hollow: Mariano's Revenge. Jess goes on a killing rampage. (Rory is fine and a few other select people may be spared) Jess doesn't go to jail because the judge and jury won't convinct his innocent face and the jury understands the people of The Hollow deserved it. Rory and Jess can go on to build new lives somewhere else. A bulldozer comes through and razes the entire town. End of show. Lorelai stammers and sputters at the suggestion that Jess could clean her gutters and makes up excuses that she has other people lined up for the job and scurries out of the diner with Rory. Please, I must know the reason Jess can't clean your gutters or visit your home, it's unclear where her discomfort lies because it's nonsense. What, are you worried he's gonna steal something if he visits? What's he gonna take? The clown pillow? An box of off-brand poptarts? No, it wil just be some Quarter On A String that Dean gifted Rory and that she doesn't even care is missing.
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Lorelai says a lot of things she doesn't mean. "I'll give Jess a chance", "I'll stop sleeping with Dean", "I won't keep spending our meager life savings on pancakes."
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I continue to feel pity for Rory that she constantly has to defend him against this exhausting nonsense. What makes my blood pressure rise higher? Any interaction with Dean, or a long exchange between Rory and Lorelai where Lorelai is trying to explain to Rory that Jess makes her "uncomfortable"? And Rory has to convince Lorelai to give Jess a chance. Again. Honestly right now I would welcome Dean parachuting into the scene and starting some different bullshit as only he can. I hate this.
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Idk about that, you seem to have an awful lot of opinions on Rory liking him too.
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Only if he can call you "annoying emotionally stunted woman-child who doesn't mind her own business and has a one sided grudge with a child". I think that's only fair.
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"Because I'm still 17 years old and can't move out and until then I'm stuck under the same roof as you listening to your bullshit unless TWWGG calls Child Protective Services in Connecticut and gets me put into a nice foster home with a new Mommy." Rory goes on to explain that Jess lives with Luke and they're going to have to see him every day if they want to keep eating the pancakes at the diner so it might behoove Lorelai to be nice to Jess. Which is the same exact sensible, ignored advice that Rory gave to Dean when she asked him why he hated Jess and he said "because he breathes". Which is that you can't hold grudges against people when you live in a small town. I'm sorry no one listens to you Rory. I'm listening. I'm sorry for how I used to talk about you. You are the only logical and reasonable humanoid in this wretched pod called Stars Hollow. I've said it before and I'll say it again because why not: Whenever Lorelai boycotts Luke's Diner because there's some kind of discomfort between them (which is frequently) Lorelai won't eat at any other restaurant so Rory starves. I'm getting CPS on the line right now, Rory. Hold tight. Rory explains to her mother that she and Jess are sorta-kinda-not that close friends, a horrifying prospect that shakes Lorelai to her core.
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Look at this sleeping infant? How could you hate this angelbaby snugglekins. I would notice if you were pinned under an avalanche of boxes and I would get you out before you could perish. And I would pay you fair wages if you were in my employ. And you wouldn't have to do unspecifed llegal things on the mean streets of small town Connecticut to survive. I promise. We learn that Jess needs loud music to sleep, which I admit was a comment that went completely over my head for many years until I finally realized the implication of that statement. Either he needed music to drown out some awful thing that was happening to his mother or it was to drown out what was happening outside his home (street violence?) and most likely it was both. At the very least, I think it was a distraction so he could fall asleep without thinking about all the turmoil going on around him. Instead he's now suffering in a different, quieter kind of hell called Stars Hollow where some witchy bitchy woman named Lorelai and her small town minions have put a target on his back for no reason. Luke goes on a frustrated rant about the messy state of the Danes Mariano home, waking Baby from his sleep. I do delight in a good Frustrated Luke Danes rant. It's one of the few things keeping me sane while trying to get through the wretched hell that is the 2nd half of season 2. He tells Jess that tomorrow morning they're moving out and finding a new place (lies). Part 2 idk when. Maybe in another 2 months.
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homestuckdaily · 5 months
will more regular posts resume once the comments situation is figured out?
short answer: yes they will!
long answer: fixing the comment section is our main priority, but as cliché as it might sound i want to remind everyone this site is run by only 3 people. we all have our own things to deal with.
AT currently doesn't have a laptop or PC and probably won't get one in the near future, elusive is a full-time employee in the world of sports TV with the australia open currently going on and the olympics coming up, and i am a full-time freelance artist working for various video games and podcasts and doing commission work as well as working on my own projects.
the regular activity at the site's beginning was pure luck, we were all in a good place to make it work. the current state of things is bad luck, we're all dealing with too many things to maintain the site past the bare essentials.
once the comment section is fixed, you can expect fanart showcases and posts regarding independent works to resume at lest every week. in the meantime, the current schedule is "whenever we have time for it" and we're all sorry it has to be so.
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⋆ dying is easy, living is harder ⋆
characters ☆ alexander hamilton, elizabeth schuyler, angelica hamilton, alexander hamilton jr. pairings ☆ none
tws ☆ minor character death, suicidal thoughts
christmas gift 4 y'all !! a month after philip's death, alexander tries to have a normal christmas. nothing goes according to plan. scheduled post; i'm on a trip so i'll add + post the ao3 work once i get back
fic under cut
Hushed noises. Alexander lifted his head, his gaze shifting from his documents to the door of his office, his ears perking up.
“Lexi, go call the others. It’s time for dinner,” Eliza’s tone was gentle. Alexander missed it. She barely spoke to him anymore, and even if she did, it was with a sharp edge. Alexander didn’t blame her.
Footsteps, most likely Lexi sprinting upstairs. Alexander sighed and stood up, setting his quill aside.
Eliza’s head turned as Alexander exited his office. The look in her eyes was cold, similar to her voice. “You are not having dinner with us.”
“What?” Alexander was taken aback by the words, confusion and surprise settling on his face as he stared at the other.
“I said, you are not staying for dinner. You can go dine somewhere else, but I’d like to spend Christmas with family, people I actually trust,” Eliza hissed, glaring at him. Slowly, Alexander nodded, swallowing as he felt a pang in his chest.
“Of course,” mumbling, he headed towards the front door, grabbing his coat on the way out. He could feel Eliza’s burning gaze fixed on him, but he didn’t turn.
After all, it wouldn’t change anything.
Alexander inhaled sharply as the cold winter air hit his face. At least the snowing had stopped, he remarked as he walked down the street, unsure about where to go.
Laughter echoed in the air, church bells ringing as he passed houses, light and warmth radiating from each window. Alexander sighed. It was at times like these that he wondered whether publishing the Pamphlet had really been a good idea — maybe he should’ve just let others assume what they wanted to, even if it would cost him his career and his reputation.
No. Alexander waved the thoughts off with a shake of his head. What was done was done — no matter how badly he wished, there was no erasing the past.
Alexander lifted his head and halted. His eyes darted around, his lips slightly parted as he studied the familiar building.
Fraunces Tavern.
Alexander stood there, frozen in place as multiple memories came flooding back. That night with Burr, Laf, Herc and John. Alexander still remembered the joy and confidence he had felt upon finding others with similar ideals as his. For the first time after stepping foot on this unfamiliar land he had felt as if he belonged here.
He also remembered the way his heart had ached for John as Washington had congratulated them in the same spot nearly seven years after. The way he had turned to his side, started a sentence before realizing that the other wasn’t there.
That he would never be there again.
His mind lingered on John, his lover’s face flashing in Alexander’s mind. That soft, fluffy hair, those freckles spilled across his body like stars that his eyes couldn’t hold. That calm, gentle voice, those kissable lips—
Alexander blinked, forcing himself to snap out of it. He stared at the Tavern, considering entering. He could just walk in, order some food and a drink, maybe a few more of the latter until the alcohol drowned out all of his thoughts.
However, his steps led him away, his breathing forming a cloud of mist in the air as he resumed his walk. He wasn’t hungry, and deep inside, he knew that this wasn’t a night he’d like to spend drunk.
After half an hour of wandering, Alexander stopped again, shocked. How- why had his legs led him here? It wasn’t like anyone he knew was buried here—
Alexander sucked in a sharp breath which got caught in his throat. His chest felt incredibly tight as he advanced, the snow crunching under his feet. He passed grave after grave until—
“How could he be so cruel?”
“He didn’t even bat an eye — god.”
The whispers had circled him for the following week. No one had said it aloud, but they were all referring to one thing: “Alexander Hamilton didn’t shed a single tear at his son’s funeral.”
Alexander ran a hand across the top of the engraved stone. It was cold to the touch. A chuckle left him as he raked his hand through his hair, slumping down against the stone with a a sigh.
Oh, those idiots, he thought, closing his eyes. Don’t they realize I did my best to keep my composure only for them?
He had stood up straight, had greeted everyone, had kept his voice stable. You had to be quite close to him to have realized the way he had swayed, Eliza being the only thing keeping him upright as they had approached Philip’s grave. Alexander hadn’t cried. Everyone else had.
He sighed again, pulling his knees up to his chest. The cold numbed his fingers. Maybe his lack of tears was the reason Eliza didn’t even try to tolerate him anymore.
Alexander opened his eyes, gazing at the dark sky. It had stormed, the day of the funeral. For the first time since the hurricane, he hadn’t felt scared, even when thunder had boomed, reminding him of the British cannons that he used to steal.
A shiver tore through his body. Regret and sorrow carved a hole into his chest, his breathing shallow as he remembered how he had advised Philip to throw away his shot. That had turned out well, hadn’t it?
Alexander closed his eyes again as his mind grew foggy. For a moment, he considered just staying there for the night, fading away with the cold. After all, everyone who loved him had died — why not join the chain?
A gust of wind blew by. Alexander felt snowflakes land on his raised face. It had started snowing again, the slow falling holding the potentials of turning into a snowstorm.
He sighed. Not tonight.
With a groan, Alexander arose, releasing a breath he had been holding. Eliza and the children must’ve finished dinner by now, perhaps even had the time to enjoy some music. Ange’s piano skills had improved quite a lot.
However, Alexander’s train of thoughts paused as he remembered the state Ange had fallen into after her older brother had passed. The two were always close, and she had been affected the most out of the children, spending the days talking to herself in her room. Not unlike him, he remarked as he walked away.
Alexander looked back one last time, his eyes lingering on Philip’s name before he headed out, pulling the door of the graveyard closed behind him.
Wind ruffled his hair as he trudged along the street. A couple passed him, their conversation pausing as they glared at him.
“Honestly, he should just leave the neighbourhood,” he heard one of them mumble. Alexander hummed.
It would be quiet uptown.
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Made For You | Chapter 6
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Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you. 
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest Tags: AU, Time Jump, Omegaverse, Alpha!Dean, Harvelle’s Roadhouse, Alpha!Jo, Omega!Reader, flirty Dean, age difference, taboo relationship, scent attraction, innocent reader, Virgin!Reader, romantic reader, true mates, Jo is super pushy, reader is fed up with her shit Word Count: 2.4k Created For: @spnabobingo - Female Alpha
A/N: Sorry for the late post! Some of you might have seen my website or the ask I answered last week – I haven't been feeling very well the past few weeks, so I needed to take a bit of time to catch up with myself. This series will resume posting every Tuesday, as scheduled, from next week.
Series Masterlist
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Your POV
You roll your eyes at Jo as she slides into the booth across from you with yet another tray laden with pitchers of cocktails. She flashes you a wink as she grabs your glass and proceeds to pour a luminously blue liquid into it that smells like a candy shop. 
“I thought you were supposed to be the adult here,” you shout at your companion over the loud thumping bass of the club music. 
Jo had insisted on bringing you along for the ride on her trip into Lincoln this weekend. The reason she’d given your father and her mother, Ellen, had been to introduce you to some of the microbrew suppliers for the Roadhouse. Both parents had thought it was a great idea and were happy that you and Jo were starting to show an interest in how Ellen’s business operated. 
You know, however, that the only reason Jo had volunteered to take the quarterly meeting with the suppliers was so she could get laid. Actually, as she had explained to you vividly on the three-hour drive to the city, she was looking to find an omega who wasn’t twice her age, didn’t have a beer belly or a beard, and would let her sit on his face. You really could have done without knowing that last part. 
Even though Jo is almost double your age (she’s just a few years younger than your father) she has always felt like more of a big sister than a substitute parent. She acts like she’s still twenty-one at heart, and you could tell the lack of a viable dating scene around your hometown was really starting to wear her down. It was pretty unusual for Alphas to be unmated by her age, and the available patrons at the Roadhouse have been thin on the ground lately. So, even though you aren’t exactly wild about sneaking into a club with the fake ID she had procured for you, you hadn’t had the heart to turn her down when she’d asked you to come with her. 
Once you were in the club you stopped worrying so much about being underage. Clearly, no one is checking IDs at the bar here, and you have the admittance stamp claiming you’re twenty-one inked in big, bold digits across the back of your right hand, so as the drinks flow between you and Jo, you start to relax and enjoy yourself. That is, until Jo starts to pester you about your own love life. 
“See any alphas you like the look of?” Jo asks you with a smirk as she misses her straw with her mouth trying to drink her own purple cocktail. 
“We aren’t here for me,” you point out in accusation. “So how about you tell me if there’s any omegas who are catching your eye.” You take a sip of your cocktail, trying to determine what the flavours are besides sugar, alcohol, and blue, but you’re coming up empty. 
“I have my feelers out,” Jo smiles secretively, and you roll your eyes. 
“So, what? You’re just going to sit here all night and feel? We drove like three hours for this,” you complain. 
“They’ll come to me, just wait and see,” she answers, giving you a look that suggests she thinks she’s being incredibly clever. It’s not that you’re doubting that people will come up and flirt with her, they always do because Jo is positively stunning, but you’re just surprised she’s being so passive about this exercise. She’s typically much more of a hunter. 
“I don’t need you to sit here and babysit me,” you say, leaning closer to her over the table, guessing correctly why she might be holding back based on the sheepish expression that flashes on her face. “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” you reassure her. 
“Are you suuuuure you don’t see an alpha you want to get to know a little better?” Jo double-checks, her eyes flicking towards the dance floor of the club, and you follow her line of sight to see several guys milling around the edge of the crowd in the centre, all their gazes darting towards your table in a sort of shy optimism. 
“I told you in the car, and I’ve told you plenty of times before, I’m not planning on losing my v-card in some random hook-up,” you laugh as Jo pouts childishly. “I’m not getting laid tonight, because I don’t want to. You, on the other hand, clearly need to; so go!” You shoo her out of the booth, stealing her drink from her hand and taking a tentative sip. Deciding you like the purple cocktail better than the blue, you swap her pitcher for yours. 
Almost as soon as Jo reaches the dance floor she’s hounded by a group of omegas, all vying for her attention and affection. You smile absently to yourself as you watch her disappear further into the mass of writhing, pheromone-soaked bodies, then you happily settle back into your booth with your phone and Jo’s cocktail. 
You’ve always told Jo that you aren’t into the idea of just having sex with someone new whenever the mood strikes, despite her persistence to bring you over to her way of thinking. You don’t have any problem with people who do start having sex as soon as they present, it has just never particularly appealed to you. Sure, your heats the past two years haven’t been walks in the park, but they weren’t awful. You’ve gotten by just fine on your own with the knotting toy that your father had very awkwardly taken you to buy after you presented. The idea of shacking up for your heats, being so bare and intimate with somebody who might not even remember your name by the time their next rut rolls around, just makes you feel sad; people should be worth more than that. 
So, as you’d explained to Jo several times over the course of your teenage years, and as you had reiterated in the car on your drive to Lincoln earlier today, you don’t plan on losing your virginity until you’re in a real relationship with somebody. The part you’ve never elaborated on is that you are holding out for a very special kind of relationship. You want your first time to be with your true mate. 
You know it’s cheesy, and you know Jo would laugh at you if she ever found out, but you don’t really care. You believe that your true mate is out there somewhere, just like your dad has always promised you he would be, and you want to wait for him. You don’t even particularly care if you’re his first, too, you know you can’t control that, so there’s no point getting your heart set on the idea. But you can control your own actions, and you are happy to wait, even if Jo continues to tease you about it every day until you’re finally mated. 
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One Week Later
You wipe the heat from your forehead carelessly with your serving apron before grabbing the food from the hotplate and loading up your tray. You push out of the swinging kitchen door with your hip and glance around the Roadhouse, looking for the table that order belongs to. You spot them on the other side of the pool tables, some of the regular truckers that pass through this route, so you plaster on your friendliest smile and begin to weave in their direction. 
As you come around the back of the table and begin to pass the burgers to the correct recipients, movement over by the bar catches your attention. Jo is there, chatting amiably with a customer you don’t recognise. One of the patrons at your table notices the direction of your gaze. 
“You know him?” the man asks gruffly, jerking his head towards the stranger, and you shake your head, pursing your lips as you consider your view of his back. 
“Nope,” you shrug, “but stop looking so suspicious. You were all new here once too,” you remind them with a smile. 
This group of regulars aren’t just truckers, they’re hunters, too. Not everybody that visits the Roadhouse is a hunter like Ellen and Jo are, but a majority were. And hunters are always on their guard, always ready to pick a fight. The hunter community has a tendency to attract a few too many damaged and trigger-happy members – not usually a good combination. 
“We haven’t been new here since before you were born,” the woman at the table smiles widely, showing off one of her missing teeth, and you giggle. 
“I know, I know,” you wave away her comment. “Just don’t go scaring away paying customers, or Ellen will run you out of here herself.” 
You smile and excuse yourself, heading back towards the kitchen. Before you go back through the door though, you pause and look over your shoulder, back at Jo and the newcomer. He’s leaning across the bar familiarly, clearly turning on the charm, and you smirk to yourself. Whoever this guy is, he might actually have a shot with her – he’s was easily one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen at the Roadhouse, or anywhere else for that matter, and you can only see his profile. You shudder to think how much better he would look up close. 
Thank god Jo’s working the bar today, you comfort yourself, heading back to check if Ash has the next ticket ready to serve.
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Jo bursts through the kitchen door in a rush of girlish excitement and runs directly at you, nearly bowling you over as her shoes slip a little on the tiled floor and she catches herself by throwing her arms around your neck. 
“What’s the big hurry?” you smirk knowingly, expecting her to start gushing about the attractive man at the bar and how he was all over her. 
“Tonight’s the night,” Jo smiles, giddy and out of breath, looking much more your age than her own. 
“What night?” 
“The night you finally learn why I’m a sex addict,” she answers and you choke on your own snort of laughter. 
“What do you mean ‘learn why’?” you scoff. “Believe me, you’ve given me enough details in the past, I don’t think I could learn any more about your sex life unless I watched you in action,” you laugh but then your face drops in seriousness. “That was a joke, just to be clear. I have no interest in watching you get it on with Mr. Handsome out there.” 
“Me? Oh no, Y/N,” Jo shakes her head, her slim lips curling into a scheming smile that fills you with mild dread. 
“Jo…” you caution, giving her a stern look. “I’ve told you-” 
“Y/N, you have to at least go talk to him. He’s gorgeous, and funny, and an alpha-” 
“And probably old enough to be my father–” you remind her with a critical quirk to your brow. “Your age, not mine.” 
“It just means he will know exactly how to treat you right,” Jo smirks, undeterred by your protests. “Just think of all the things he could teach you…” she trails off suggestively, as if she was trying to seduce you herself instead of convincing you to sleep with some stranger. 
“He probably isn’t even interested in me,” you shake your head in annoyance, trying to think of any reason you can to make Jo drop the subject, but you have a feeling she would continue to hound you until the man in question was out of the Roadhouse and back on the highway to wherever he was headed. 
“He absolutely is,” Jo retorts, looking very self-satisfied. “You should have seen his face when I pointed you out to him, I could tell he wanted to mate you right on the pool table in front of the whole damn bar.” 
“Jo!” you hiss, looking around in embarrassment, hoping Ash hadn’t overheard that. “You pointed me out to him? What did you say?!” You really can’t believe her right now. 
“Just that you’re omega,” she shrugs innocently. “But he could tell that the second he scented you; thought he was gonna go feral for a second,” Jo snickers.
“Huh?” your face scrunches up in confusion. “You can’t go feral just by scenting someone, especially not from across the damn room like that.” 
“Well, maybe he’s more pent up than you are, I don’t know,” Jo rolls her eyes. “Though I would find that hard to believe, considering you’ve literally never had sex. Your heats have gotta be getting tough to get through on your own by now,” she looks at you with sympathy and you feel frustration pound in your chest. 
You don’t want her pity, you are perfectly happy living your life how you want to. Sure your heats aren’t exactly a walk in the park, but omegas live without partners all the time, you’re hardly the first one to shun the biological necessity to mate as soon as your body turns eighteen. And it really isn’t anybody’s business but your own, but for some reason, Jo’s prodding is setting you on edge much more than usual. 
“Look, just bring him his order and talk to him,” Jo sighs, putting on a pleading face and pouting her lips. “Pleeease?” 
“Jo, I’ve told you, I don’t want my first time to be a one-night stand, I want it to be someone I care about,” you protest yet again. 
“Okay, fine, so don’t have a one-night stand with him, but you’re never gonna find someone you do care about unless you actually talk to an alpha other than me once in a while,” she points out, and you hate to admit it, but you don’t have a retort to that; she was right. You aren’t ever going to have a relationship with someone, let alone find your true mate, if you never even speak to alphas of the opposite sex. 
“Right, will you stop bothering me if I bring this guy his burger,” you sigh in defeat, not in the mood to keep resisting when Jo clearly isn’t going to let you weasel out of this. Her smile brightens immediately. 
“Yep,” she says simply, then turns on her heel and goes to collect the food from Ash, arranging it on a tray and forcing it into your hands. “Go get 'em, tiger,” she giggles, shoving you towards the kitchen door, and you roll your eyes at her one last time before you push through to go back into the bar.
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Chapter 7 posting on July 26th or subscribe to my website to read up through Chapter 10 today!
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Series Tags: @outofnowhere82
We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @cluz1babe @maliburenee
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akocomyk · 1 year
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It just dawned on me that the last time I blogged about my current life was back in January—my birthday post.
And aside from the usual answers to anonymous questions, I haven't really posted much.
So... Here's another occasional bulleted list of life updates.
I've been jogging regularly since the year started. You may have caught this back in my birthday blog because Gerald gave me face towels as a gift. I've been meaning to do this since December but I couldn't do so because I was adamant in completing the nine days of Misa de Gallo.
When I jog, I wake up at around past 5 in the morning, and then walk/jog for 5 kilometers in forty-five minutes or so. I started with an average pace of 11'14/km, and I just got my fastest pace earlier with 8'18''/km.
I haven't finished reading any book and February's almost done. I'm starting to get scared I won't reach my reading goal again this year.
I'm still undergoing physical therapy, though not as frequent as before. Now, I only have sessions once every other week.
Mel, JK, Annie, and I reported to the office last Thursday. Annie brought us their family's signature tikoy-turon.
There's a steady progress at work in the past two weeks. Compared to last December, I'm getting more tasks now.
Gerald and I didn't go on a date last Valentine's, but I did sing to him until we're both very sleepy.
We've been trying to have another e-numan session—with my friends Monica and Trish. It's just... we still can't find the right time to do so.
I've been also trying to schedule a date with the other former editors-in-chief of my college newspaper. Also unsuccessful, as of this writing.
Speaking of being an editor-in-chief, I kinda want to write some deep opinion writing some time—like those I did back in my campus journalist days. And I also plan on resuming my caricature project. I had a very small progress this year with the one next in line, but it's still far from done.
I'm thinking about organizing my blog. I mean... just adding tags on the past posts so that readers can have easy access on related blog posts. I don't have the habit of adding tags—not unless I do so intentionally. Then I would have a post I'd pin on the top of my blog as an introduction. I'd also create avatars and write short backgrounds for the most common people I mention on this blog.
I think... That's it for now.
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hoebaring · 2 years
Open Books (44) | Kim Namjoon
An unpredicted switch of journals brings two strangers close. Strangers with similarly perturbing experiences, and beautifully healing souls. Abused, bullied, and traumatized, they help each other, and those around them break away from similar experiences, heal and grow gracefully. With thoughtful emotions, and ever growing minds, Y/n and Namjoon are delicate heroes. They understand the best in each other, and the worst, like open books.
Tags/Warnings :- Child abuse, domestic violence, traumatized characters, bullying, self harm, mentions of toxic relationships, angst. I know it's dark but trust me it gets better! namjoonXreader, Namjoon and Y/n, A slow burn romance, fluff, strangers to friends, strangers to lovers, self love, healing, etc.
Cross posted on Wattpad
Written by Author G
Word Count :- 839 words
Additional Warnings:- Mentions of anxiousness and slight de-realization.
Masterlist   Previously  Next
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~Not Alone~
The electric hum from the speaker unpleasantly adds to the silent chatter of his band members, the squeaking of canvas shoes against the practice room's floor making Namjoon cringe in mild irritation as a certain kind of anxiety takes over him, mind unsure of why he's here, what he's doing, or what he should do next. 
Being a trainee, is, as he was warned, quite stressful. The past week has been rather monotonous. His life seems to revolve around a robotic schedule that oscillates between studying, training, and sleeping. 
Although he has fun with the rest of them during practice, it feels like he's stuck in a horrible loop of work, work, and more work. It's the same faces that he's forced to see every day, the same routine he's forced to live, and the same tiring stress that forces itself on his shoulders the closer they get to the debut date.
And there's no doubt that his bandmates must feel the same way.
The vocal instructor steps into the room and Namjoon feels his gut twist unpleasantly.
He greets the boys in a less than cheerful manner, equally stressed, before sitting down on the stool in front of the piano, playing a few scales as the vocal line joins in to resume their practice, which thankfully meant that Namjoon and the others could take a short break.
He strolls towards where his bag is placed and slides down the wall to sit down on the cold floor, Yoongi and Hoseok joining him a few seconds later.
Namjoon doesn't bother to join in on their conversation, too tired to truly participate in it, opting to hear them ramble on about the changes they need to make for the demo track so that he can give his input about the subject once he's in a better frame of mind. However, when that better moment will come, he doesn't know.
It feels like a never-ending loop of work and inadequate sleep, and it's starting to take a toll on him.
It's been a week since he spoke to his family. A week since he spoke to anyone besides teachers at his university and his bandmates.
Y/n herself is equally stressed, busy with the tutoring of a classmate so Namjoon isn't able to speak with her either.
It's like there's a certain kind of fog that clouds his mind, and vision, that makes him feel disconnected from the rest of the world. It feels unreal. It makes him feel alone. Lonely.
The more Namjoon dwells on this, the higher his adrenaline rushes through his veins, the unpleasant cloud of fog crawling through his body as if there's going to be no escape from this gut-wrenching unease.
All it takes is a stern scold from the instructor regarding a flaw in the practice routine for Namjoon to snap. 
He bolts out the door, aggressively wiping away the stray tears that make their way down his face, not bothering to look back when Taehyung shouts after him worriedly, Seok-Jin's voice following soon after. 
He exits the building and jogs to the nearby park, shuddering as the cold night air blows against his skin. 
He lies down on the cool grass, eyes staring up at the blank sky, wind whooshing noisily against his ears as hot tears stroll down the side of his face again once he looks around to see that there's not a single soul around him. 
It's just him in this deserted place, and, it scares him.
It takes a few minutes for him to finally calm down, and he stays there, staring ahead into nothing, mind blank.
He doesn't move. Not even when he feels a few hurried footsteps, and soon, a figure coming and laying down next to him. He doesn't want to move. He's scared that if he does, he might lose the little composure he has over himself at the moment.
After a moment's hesitation, Namjoon tilts his head to the side to find one of his band members right next to him, a small, comforting smile on their face.
"Are you alright?"
Namjoon doesn't speak. He's too tired to do so.
Taehyung turns away from him, staring ahead into the blank sky, and much like Namjoon, he too feels the fog that clouded his vision, and mind, slowly clear up.
"You know hyung, if you're too stressed out, you can always tak to us."
"You wouldn't understand Taehyung-ah"
Taehyung turns to looks at Namjoon once more, slightly offended.
"Hyung! After all, we're in this band, together. Who else will understand, if not us?"
He's right.
Namjoon seemed to have forgotten for quite some time that, it isn't just him in the band. It isn't just him who has stress piling up on his shoulders. It isn't just him.
"You're not alone, hyung"
Taehyung voices out, getting up from the cold ground, dusting his pants before holding his arm out for Namjoon to grab onto, and, Namjoon does, softly smiling afterwards as he looks around, only to find the rest of the members standing by, relieved looks on their faces once they find him, crickets chirping away into the night.
He's not alone.
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tuathadanan · 3 months
TÚATHA DÉ DANANN - March Update & Report.
Hello everyone,
it has been quite a while since we made an official announcement, since most things are currently happening on Discord, but we felt obligated to report the newest changes here as well!
At the beginning, members would have to wait for their characters to be approved to write. We have changed this and decided to implement the Soft Arrival System. Characters on the waitlist, that have now the Status PENDING, and have been reacted with a green checkmark, have been approved to the group and sorted into a room.
Once we collected a fair share of members that have passed the soft arrival process, we will make or usual Major Arrival Announcement, and any pending characters will be listed for all to see who new has joined, while some have snuck in in the meantime.
We implemented this system solely to not keep people waiting, while our schedules could be very stuffed with other matters.
Tuatha Social is basically the In-Server Microblogging Platform for the citizens. Every member can make their own account and post their In-Character activities, pictures, poetries, and whatnot.
February Activity Check: Since February has been quite a difficult month for some of us, we decided to sleep on it and resume it for March.
Spring Cleaning: Once in a while we do a little spring cleaning on the server and remove DMs and threads of people that have left or muses that have been dropped.
OOC Bot Arcade: Mod Anemone is working on bringing some game bots in the server. Nothing too big, but still worth mentioning.
Updates on the Character and Canon Caps: The current character cap is 15, while the canon cap has been raised to 5.
Ship wall: The ship wall has been made interactive and is now a google doc! Members can add their own ships if need be, add planned ships or hinted/inofficial ships and more!
New Event: I don't want to spoil too much about the new event, all I can say, however, that it will be a little darker than usual, and it will also be a little lore-related. More about that when the time is come. The event is set to come online sometime in the Month of March.
New Area/s: One area is currenly planned. It is not going to be a residental area, but more of a nice hangout spot.
More lore-related events: Tuatha Lore has been in the making for months now; and we want to implement more things while at it.
We have been sitting still for a while and enduring some rule breaks in our server for the past couple of weeks. While we do not want to point our fingers at anyone or get too much into the context, it left a little aftertaste in the tongues of members and Mods alike, and Mods are therefore obligated to no longer disregard such behavior of our members.
We Mods try our best to not turn Tuatha into a non-toxic environment, yet we do not endorse any potentially or alleged toxic behavior of anyone who is part of the group.
Things can be discussed and communicated, but it is wrong to assume that communication happened, when there is no trace of it whatsoever.
While we heavily rely on communication and proper plotting between members, we wish to ensure that if any negative behavior of any of our members regarding that or other issues should be addressed to the Mods immediately.
Thank you very much, and enjoy your day!
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steamishot · 1 year
to follow up with my last post, i’m less emotionally distressed. i hate having some kind of unresolved conflict while being cross country with matt. i automatically felt better once he landed in LA on tuesday. i haven’t seen him in person yet; our new thing is to take things more “chill” (or as much as they can be), have more alone time, and not jam pack our schedules. 
the last time we came back to LA (and I came back first), matt went to the ER. this time around i felt on edge and worried about him given what happened last time. thank god we are learning healthier patterns, and thank god for gabbie his therapist that he really benefits from. 
upcoming plans: very late movie night tonight at 10:45pm in pasadena with matt, his bro and his dad to watch flash to celebrate his brother’s birthday. my family dinner to celebrate my cousin’s elementary school grad and my other cousin’s birthday at my aunt’s house tmr, wedding on sunday, dimsum with work friends on juneteenth, and delayed father’s day celebration on tuesday.
the gods may have heard me, because a few good things happened since. matt had two interviews yesterday (one was spontaneous) and they seem like pretty good opportunities that are mostly in line with what he’s seeking. other places are also starting to respond to his inquiries. 
also, my director finally informed me that the new position is now posted. i worked on my resume late tuesday and submitted my application yesterday. i still don’t know how this process is going to work as it seems they can’t explicitly say “i’ll hand you the job”. the JD seems like it’s written for me because it includes the work they have asked me to pick up in the past year. my director said the process depends on if there are other applicants. the range for this position is very wide: $67-155k. considering the other promotions i’ve seen recently in our department, i would be content to be bumped up to $80k. 
my bro and SIL are facing different problems than matt and i - we are opposite ends of the spectrum. my dad is guiding my SIL into buying a donut shop business. her track record shows she’s not very hardworking and prefers not to do any hard labor (i.e. work in store). she’s more about being an owner and having others work in place of her. they also spent the earnings from previous years and do not have enough assets currently to secure the business loan, as my brother is also unemployed and there are no income streams. my dad will have to sign as a guarantor. today he had a long (one sided) convo with my bro explaining that they need to get their act together financially, that they can’t rely on parents for survival and that they both need to start working immediately. my parents are happy to babysit for them if both are working.
matt and i are very hardworking (matt moreso) in comparison, but we also absorb more stress/pressure and our mental health is suffering. financially, we are great. day-to-day peace and being able to “chill”, not so much. it did make me feel bad these years to have such a stark contrast, that our unit is working very hard to support ourselves and to create better opportunities for the future, and to compare our sacrifices to my bro & SIL who are mostly chilling and reliant on my parents for help financially and otherwise. i’m excited for the months to come, to see both of them being employed and for us to have more equilibrium. 
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on JANUARY 16, all of the AGITO members were gathered together and in comparison to the past, the person that they see inside the meeting room is just their manager, LEE KYUWON.
“this must be a bit of a surprise, huh?” KYUWON chuckled and while this wasn’t the first time that they would have meetings with AGITO’s manager, it was the first time KYUWON was the only one leading their meeting and revealing their schedule for the couple of weeks. “once LEE ISEUL and the rest of the higher-ups began revealing the V&A plan, it looked like they wanted to get a better insight of the two units so your schedule is going to look a bit different compared to VERSUS.” he paused to quickly hand the four members their files and what they would be discussing for that meeting.
V&A will be promoting their songs for three weeks and attending all of the music shows. any NOTORIETY TIER gigs that the boys have will still be going on, but all of the activities mentioned below will be happening during their free time ( in short, it’ll be a very busy period for V&A )! furthermore, V&A will not be able to participate in the NOTORIETY TIERS for the JANUARY cycle but will resume doing them around MARCH.
starting from now all of KEEHO’s monthly sns posts will be posted on the V&A instagram account rather than the LGCENT account. KEEHO will not be eligible to do OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) until FEBRUARY.
“aside from KEEHO, the coaches have watched all of your group and individual activities as of late and during this time they’ve realized that there are some areas to work on. luckily for HARU, JIHO, and YUSHIN, you don’t have to focus too much on your performance based skills. but don’t use this as a chance to be lazy — you may be given a song with less dancing and be requested to work on something else, but you’re still obligated to attend training and practices to make sure that you’re still keeping up. i would like to avoid hearing people say that AGITO’s performance has regressed since the last comeback.” exhaling a breath, he eyed KEEHO and revealed, “for you a lot of the coaches’ evaluations were based on your time at the debut bootcamp and all of the training you’ve done leading to this comeback. there are still a lot of things for you to work on to keep up with the other three, but take this month as your chance to be close enough to them skill wise.”
KYUWON then tells the boys the specific skills that they should be working on during this term ( it’s optional whether they follow the suggested skills, but for optimal results it’s best to follow it ):
KYUWON began explaining in-depth the show’s concept, “legacy has planned a new series for all of you that will be posted on V&A’s youtube channel and it’s called ‘V&A Room’. each of you will be paired up into groups of two or three and be filming in a cozy room with a couch at the center. during this time, everyone in the room will be discussing recent happenings, past trainee memories, and struggles or concerns that they may have about being a V&A member. it’s supposed to be a casual talk show that allows you to not only get to know your members even more, but gives some insight to etervals about what has been happening with all of you.”
the arrangement for this is as follows ( along with the airing of the episodes ):
if you want a general idea of how these videos go, you can click over HERE ( which was the inspiration behind this show’s concept ). filming wise, they take up about 2 hours but each episode is condensed to around 15 minutes! the V&A members will start to film this sometime around end of JANUARY and early FEBRUARY, before their comeback promotions start.
“i’m sure you’ve heard about the pepsi collaborations that we’ve done in the past, right? the one that KEEHO and YUSHIN were a part of?” KYUWON asked the boys before singing and dancing a little bit of the ‘summer taste’ chorus for them. KYUWON laughed afterwards as the rest of the AGITO members saw his performance abilities in action ( and probably learned that day that their manager had the dance skills to pass as a wannabe idol, but not the singing ). his laughter lasted for a short moment as he requested them to turn to the next page, which was a lyrics sheet. “so there’s a video game by devsisters that requested to do a collaboration with you. they felt that AGITO’s image would match very well with the brand so with both of our teams collaborating, we’ve decided to launch a ‘COOKIE RUN KINGDOM x AGITO’ event which is expected to happen around late MARCH. the team over at devsisters requested a couple of tasks for you to complete before we can fully go through this.”
congratulations! as mentioned by KYUWON, the boys will have a few tasks to do behind the scenes as they’re working on their promotions and the additional training. the first task is that all of the AGITO members will be requested to make a pitch call about how their cookie character would look like. due to their busy schedules, this will be done through a video chat with both the lgc creative team and devsisters’ creative team. the second task is that the boys will be recording both the MV and song that will be used in conjunction to the cookie run: kingdom campaign.
the song that they will be recording is no other than CANDY SUGAR POP ( originally by ASTRO )! line distributions for that can be found over HERE. the AGITO members will not be promoting this song on music shows and is used as a collaboration project song. however, they will be told to learn the choreography for the song for the campaign.
V&A ROOM: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with the V&A member(s) that you are paired up with about the show. do note that what is written in the thread is what will be AIRED in the actual episode. for the EPISODE 4 group, you can do a 3 way thread (6 replies in total; 2 replies per mun). completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO MCING/HOSTING and +6 NOTORIETY !
COOKIE RUN KINGDOM: write a 250+ word solo of your muse describing to the cookie run kingdom x legacy creatives team about how you want your cookie (character) to look like. you don’t have to necessarily give additional details like the abilities, but if you want to by all means go ahead (all that really matters is just describing it visually). completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: if you continue an existing thread from the writing challenge, that will be accepted for the bonus as long as 4 additional replies for each thread ( 2 posts per mun ) must be made between now and the deadline. this one in particular has to be with a partner outside of your group ( so it cannot be a v&a member ). if you DO NOT have enough existing threads that fall under this category, you can use older threads ( that weren’t submitted for the writing challenge ) for this prompt as long as 2 new replies were written from now and the deadline and the partner is someone outside of the group. completing this will earn you +10 POINTS IN THE SKILL LISTED FOR YOUR MUSE (UNDER ADDITIONAL TRAINING) ! ** can be done up to two times as long as it’s with different partners/threads **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:vnaroom for the V&A room task and lgc:agitomission for everything else. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
- V&A ROOM: +6 ( mcing/hosting ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] - COOKIE RUN KINGDOM: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety [ LINK ] - BONUS: +10 ( skill that was listed for your muse ) [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times **
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Timestamps
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[ 00:04 ]
genre: fluff
word count: 889
a/n: just a short timestamp for jakey! i will probably post sunoo’s ts next! btw, i hope you liked this & have a nice day/night. 🌸
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your brows furrowed as the name of your boyfriend flashed through the screen of your phone. it was midnight and you’re not expecting a call from him, especially that he’s meant to take a rest because of the hectic schedule he just had for the past weeks.
“jake?” you answered his call.
it was silent from the other line, the first thing you heard was a small sniff. your forehead creased even more in wonder of what’s going on? the small whimpers from him made you worried.
“do you love me?” was the first thing he had said. again, you were confused as to why he’s acting like this.
i mean, who isn’t gonna be confused? it was midnight, your boyfriend that you expect to be sleeping right now called you, only to hear him sniffing then to be asked if you love him.
“hey are you okay? is everything alright?” you asked completely worried, your other hand was unconsciously playing with your pen as you swayed your study chair that you’re currently sitting on.
“no... do you love me, y/n?”  he asked once again and you just find it hilarious.
“okay, jake, baby, what is this all about?” you let out a scoff and expect to hear his usual playful giggles but instead he sniffed again.
“tell me you love me, please.” his tone was serious so your smile faltered as you sighed heavily.
“I love you, Jake. So much.” you sincerely said, meaning every word that came out of your mouth.
you heard a relieved sigh from him and then a soft sniffle. “i love you more, so much more baby.” he mumbled.
you bit your lower lip, “okay, love. may i ask if you have somebody else there with you?” you then asked him.
“huh? y-yeah, heeseung hyung’s beside me.” he said, stuttering as he hiccup once. your hand raised and you unconsciously bit your fingertips as you listen carefully to your boyfriend.
“great, can you pass the phone to him?” you asked jake.
“sure, baby!” he cheerfully responded and you can hear some muffled voice from the other line before you finally heeseung’s voice.
“oppa! is everything okay? what happen to jake?” you asked worriedly.
you heard a chuckle from him, “i’m so sorry to worry you y/n. everything’s fine, promise. its just we just had some drinks here at the dorm and jake happened to drink a lot...” he explained and you end up sighing out heavily as you rest your hand over to your forehead.
“he was okay a while ago, he slept actually. but then we were surprised when he just woke up crying, demanding to call you.” you can hear that he’s chuckling from the other line, making you wonder if he’s worried or plainly making fun of his friend’s drunk state.
you let out a sigh, “can you just put him to bed? i won’t be there till morning.” you asked him.
“sure! i will do that for you, y/n.” he said assuring you that your drunk boyfriend is in good hands.
you ended the call after muttering a small thank you and tried hard to resume back to what’s you’ve been doing before the sudden call.
you can help but to think about it from time to time and thought to yourself how cute he is. you’re also a bit bothered why he come to ask if you love him.
now, you’re starting to think that you ain’t giving him enough attention and affection that made him wonder if you really love him.
the next day, you woke up very early to go and get ready for your visit at their dorm. good thing they were on a week break after a great job from their last comeback.
you entered quietly inside their dorm and as expected, none of the boys were up yet. straight to the kitchen you went and put the things you brought for the breakfast you planned to prepare for them.
after settling down the things, you carefully walked your way over to their living room only to see ni-ki sound asleep. based on his position, he seemed to stayed late playing video games.
with a small smile, you pull a blanket and covered the sleeping kid and went over to their room.
the lights were off making it a bit hard for you to enter without making a noise. none of the people inside moved or showed any sign of being awoken by your arrival.
when you saw your boyfriend’s sleeping state, you carefully leaned over to his sleeping face and peppered it with soft feathery kisses.
he groaned lowly and shifted from his position. he didn’t wake up, maybe because he was so drunk last night. you smiled and kissed his cheeks once more.
“i love you so much.” you whispered at him.
you bring your hand over to his face and caress it lovingly.
“i love you y/n.” he suddenly mumbled that surprised the hell out of you.
you thought he was already up but then you heard his light snores. you bit your lower lip trying to suppress a smile by the thought of him dreaming of you.
after a quick peck over his lips you pulled away and decided to move over to the kitchen so you can start cooking.
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Five)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Mild Sexual References
Words: 1,848
I have decided to make this into a series.
Alright, no judgment. This was a dream of mine and I felt like I had to write it down. Everyone in this Fic is over the age of 18 and this Fic is in no way based on Cillian’s real family life. It’s pure filth.
Two weeks had passed since you visited your friend Denise in Dublin and it was time for the annual Galway Arts Festival.
Denise had been working on a photography project for the past year and had been nominated for a student award in Galway as part of which ten of her photographs were being displayed during the Arts Festival.
Whilst, as you had expected, Cillian didn’t contact you, you knew that he would be there to support his daughter. Being an artist himself, he was very proud of her and her work and he supported her projects not only mentally but also financially with the caveat that she would finish her degree at Trinity College.
Unlike him, he didn’t want her to drop out of university even though she hated it and you certainly understood his reasoning.
Contrary to Denise, you had no creative bone in your body. You enjoyed art and theatre, but weren’t an artist or performer yourself. Instead, you were an A Grade Law Student who had become rather bored in Galway and had recently applied for a scholarship to Oxford University.
Reading was your passion and you had always been known as a geek. In school, you were the girl that no one liked, nerdy, not interested in fashion or social media and wearing braces, which, luckily, had been removed three years ago.
You were shy and it was only for Denise that you came out of your shell. She was popular in school, mostly due to her name, but also because she was generally confident and, over the years, she helped you gain confidence especially after you had left high school.
But, today, you knew you would be questioning your gained confidence once again since, first of all, you would be seeing Cillian again and the truth was that you couldn’t stop thinking about him in an intimate way and, secondly, you were featured completely naked on some of Denise’s photographs.
Whilst the photographs were artistic and not sexual in any way and your most intimate part wasn’t visible on them, it bothered you knowing that people you disliked would see you so vulnerable and you couldn’t remember why you had agreed to being photographed like that.
The other woman who Denise chose to photograph was Amalie. She was 23 and had been Denise’s friend for a while as well but, unlike you, she began modelling professionally when she was just 16. You all went to the same private school together and, clearly, her lifestyle had been largely financed by her parents. She always wore expensive clothes and had no interest in pursuing a career other than modelling, which barely sustained her lifestyle considering the few small jobs she got.
Just as you served your last cup of coffee to an elderly lady sitting in the corner of the café you were working at, you saw Denise, Amalie and two other friends of Denise walk in.
‘Hey guys, take a seat. I will be right with you. I am just about to finish my shift’ you said as you hung up your apron.
‘Please tell me you will get changed before the Gallery opening tonight?’ Amalie asked somewhat weirdly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you sat down at the table with her, Denise and the others before ordering some coffees for yourselves.
‘No, I thought I would go like this’ you said sarcastically, looking down at your coffee-stained clothes.
‘I bought a dress for tonight’ you then said, after Amalie didn’t seem to sense your sarcasm.
‘Right’ she then said as she flicked through Instagram and you simply looked at Denise who shrug her shoulders.
‘What are you looking for?’ you asked curiously as her eyes seemed to be glued to her phone.
‘She is looking to find more photos of my dad and Laura Jennings’ Denise said, rolling her eyes.
‘Laura Jennings, as in the actress?’ you asked, causing Amalie to nod.
‘Yes, apparently they have been dating’ Amalie then confirmed, causing you to swallow harshly. You knew that you shouldn’t care but you couldn’t help it. Knowing that Cillian was seeing someone made you feel ill.  
‘And you care about that why?’ you then asked Amalie after an uncomfortable shiver ran down your spine.
‘Apparently, just like you, Amalie thinks my dad is a DILF’ Denise huffed out before telling you how disgusting you all were.
‘Well, he is though…he is super hot’ Amalie then joked before carrying on. ‘And I don’t understand how you don’t know about Laura Jennings and whether this is true or not. You need to find out’ Amalie then said but Denise simply shook her head.
‘My father doesn’t share this sort of stuff with me and I certainly don’t want to know about his sex life, thank you very much. In so far as I am concerned, he doesn’t have sex, ever…yuck! Also, I would appreciate if you could not talk about my dad anymore, please. It grosses me out’ Denise said and you knew that, all of this had become a common occurrence ever since the day the first episode of Peaky Blinders aired on BBC, a show which Denise refuses to watch herself because of the heavy sexual content and a show which you, only a week ago, had begun to binge watch.
Cillian’s POV
When Cillian walked into the basement after you had left, he immediately saw the small folded up note you had left him but, reading it, made him somewhat uncomfortable.
He was torn about what to do with it and certainly knew that he should ignore it. He couldn’t see you again even if he wanted to.
The fact that you were 23 years younger than him and that you were his daughter’s best friend made it all wrong and highly inappropriate and he didn’t know what had gotten into him in the first place when he gave into you.
He had never felt attracted towards you in any sort of way until that last visit which was the first time had seen you since you and your family had moved away.
You changed in many ways and he wasn’t sure what it was that he liked about you. But what he knew was that it was more than just sexual attraction, which was usually something he knew how to supress.
With that in mind, he placed your note into his wallet and decided to ignore it for now. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to throw it out.
With his bags packed it was time for him to return to Manchester and resume filming of the final season of Peaky Blinders.
The first week of filming went well and Cillian decided to spend the weekend with his friend, fellow actress Laura Jennings. Cillian and her had developed a friend with benefits sort of relationship. No strings attached and no feelings involved. After his divorce from Denise’s mother, he wasn’t ready for anything else and Laura would certainly not have been the type of woman he would have wanted a relationship with in the first place.
Unlike him, she wasn’t press shy and, whilst they kept their arrangement a secret as best as they could, she was otherwise quite active on social media.
Cillian, on the other hand, only maintained a private Instagram account with the sole purpose of being able to check on his children. Whilst they were adults, he was still worried about them, especially Denise who had recently gotten herself in a lot of trouble after distancing herself from this Jeremy boy.
‘Another wine?’ Laura asked as Cillian was relaxing on top of the doonas, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs, after they had spent the last hour doing exactly what friends with benefits would do after not having seen each other for over two weeks due to busy filming schedules.
‘Yes please…thanks’ he responded as he reached for his phone after a notification had popped up.
It was his daughter Denise who had posted on Instagram and, since she hadn’t posted for a while, he decided to check it out, hoping that she wasn’t with Jeremy again.
To his surprise, three new pictures of Denise and her friends showed up when he opened the APP and, one of them, there was you.
In the picture, you were wearing accompanied by a man in his late twenties, wearing a suit while you were wearing a dark blue dress and he couldn’t help but wonder who the man by your side was.
You looked simply stunning, with your hair long and open and your shoulders exposed. You were wearing only a little bit of make up and showed your beautiful smile.  
‘There you go Mr Murphy’ Laura then said as she returned to the bedroom with another glass of wine, pulling Cillian’s phone out of his hand and climbing on top of him.
‘Round Two?’ she then asked eagerly as she reached for another condom, but Cillian’s thoughts were elsewhere entirely.
‘Maybe tomorrow, I am tired. It has been a long week, sorry’ he explained, causing Laura to pout with disappointment.
But the second round never eventuated as Cillian left Laura’s house the following morning to drive back to Manchester to resume filming.
On his way back to Manchester, he called his daughter Denise to check on her and while he did, he enquired about your companion on the Instagram posts.
‘Why do you want to know?’ Denise asked somewhat confused but Cillian played it cool.
‘He looks familiar, that’s all. Didn’t he go to your school?’ he then asked, playing dumb.
‘Oh god no, he is 29. His name is Connor and he is an accountant. Y/N wouldn’t date anyone our age. You know she isn’t a normal 21-year-old’ Denise joked, referring to your nerdiness and intellect.
‘Apparently not’ Cillian chuckled before asking another question about the stranger on the picture. ‘So, they are dating?’ he asked.
‘I think they went on two or three dates or something. Why do you care?’ Denise asked.
‘No reason. I was just wondering’ Cillian confirmed before changing the topic.
   Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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