#one: one of the kids who picks on her is in fact also a fankid...... of my two ocs who HATE taranza
giantchasm · 27 days
Hey Peony! Are you a zombie!? O:
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It's a favorite nickname of some kids I don't always get along with, unfortunately... these stupid jerks who are still caught up on stuff that happened a really long time ago. They don't like my family— Dad and Miss Sectonia especially, so they don't like me either. It's dumb 'cause all the things they're angry about are things that happened before we were even born. But their parents have told them all about it, and now they're mad even though it never affected any of them. I... hear a lot about how my dad really hurt people or is responsible for all of the current issues in Floralia. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind if they just took it out on me, but that's not what it's like. They're always going on about how bad my family is, and I hate hearing it. They call them awful people, and it's not accurate at all! Dad and Miss Sectonia didn't mean to harm anyone. Dad just loved too much, and Miss Sectonia was sick. I don't meet people who dislike my mom as often 'cause of where I live, but it's the same for her. She's not evil! She was just desperate! Granddad, too! ...It's okay, though. I try not to let their words get to me. I know they're just imbeciles. So it's not like I'll let them affect how I see myself or the people I love. Would still be grateful if you didn't call me that, though.
[Soft gasp] What's this? Not everyone thinks Peony is the specialest girl in the world!?
Yeeeeahhh. Unfortunately it just kind of comes with the territory of being the daughter of two war criminals. Taranza in particular kind of helped Sectonia ravage Floralia, which is where Peony lives. The kids around her have heard a lot of stories about their parents being traumatized or haven't been able to meet certain family members of theirs because said family members were killed during the tyranny. Lots of anger and sadness regarding that.
Not that that excuses them taking it out on Peony. Being mad at Taranza, sure, but Peony didn't do anything. Like she said: she wasn't even born at the time! But Taranza's not someone these kids feel they can lash out at (...in fact, they're kind of scared of him), so they aim at the next best thing: his innocent daughter, and that's where it crosses over into just being cruel.
...Yeesh. Just get some therapy, you brats! Leave her alone! D:<
It's okay, though. Like Peony said, she's coping. Truthfully, half of the time she just has her guardian angel taze these people to scare them off. Doesn't make it any less of a pain, though.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
I know you've done this before but can you please maybe make a darkwhip kid, but with the basis that Whipped comes from the Millenial Tree family?
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I finally finished her, this lady is Whipped Ganache Cookie
Fun fact, Whipped Ganache was one of the first fankid names I came up with when I first made my list, which was a little before I opened up requests, I just didn’t get requests for darkwhip nor did I have ideas like I did for pureraisin and darklico, but then I finally ended up getting this request, so I could use it
So basically ganache is like this chocolate sauce or icing or filling, it has a lot of uses, and whipped ganache is this whipped version with more cream than chocolate. I picked it because it seemed like whipped cream but chocolate, perfect for darkwhip
The thought occurs to me that maybe chocolate mousse could have worked too (mainly due to my roommate saying whipped ganache reminded her of it), but I like Whipped Ganache. And I can save it for later (but not the other darkwhip kid, and I don’t need a third one)
Whipped ganache:
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So this is technically my second time drawing her, with my first attempt only getting as far as the hair sketch. I couldn’t figure out what to do for her outfit, so I just left her for some months until yesterday
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But I had a good idea of what to do for the hair (even if I changed it somewhat)
But let’s get to the outfit. Yet again, I didn’t really know what to give her, other than she probably wears dresses. I put her in a hanbok since I was like “I dunno, that’s an outfit she could wear”. And sure it looks fine, but I wasn’t really sure it fit her, specifically with the request of her having some relation to Millennial Tree Cookie, but you know, no one gave me a goddamn answer when I asked (well other than my friend who said keep the hanbok, but she also said she was biased so) so I just had to stick with the hanbok. I’m still not sure it works to be honest. I mean, if she’s going for a formal event/festival in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, sure, but I’m not sure it works as her default. Maybe if I can come up with something better I can make a new design with that, but for now, this is what I have
I’m also not sure about her outfit colors to be honest. I wanted her to have pinks, but I also wanted her to have browns (and also that purple I got that looked neat), and I’m not sure I found the best balance in the end. But I asked my friend and she said “look good” so I kept it
I like the mountain pattern on her hanbok, I got that straight from Dark Choco’s costume
Sorry, I don’t have much to say. I came up with the hair months ago and don’t really remember all the logic other than it being long sort of like Millie and having pearls because Whipped Cream, and I have more complaints about the outfit because I don’t think it fits. But I like everything else about her aside from her outfit
Anyways, character time
So I think I came up with some ideas for her back in July when we were coming back from England, though I soon went on to work on Vanilla Lily/Witch Hazel (and fun fact, I haven’t looked back at those notes until right now as I’m writing this)
So first thing about Whipped Ganache (that I probably should have mentioned in the design section), she is very tall. She isn’t necessarily wide, but she is tall, taller than either of her parents. I just wanted to mention that
But anyways one of her main things is that she has healing magic, which is what she’s supposed to be doing with the flower in the sketch (wasn’t sure how to give off the glowing effect though). But also, while her magic is healing, it’s deadly towards things of dark magic, like what healing magic does to undead things in old games (actually as far as I’m aware that’s only FF7)
I’m remembering now, I think one thing I envisioned with her is her summoning a giant ass laser like what Millennial Tree does in his Skill, and when she fires it, her allies caught in it would be healed while her enemies (presumably made of dark magic) would be harmed
Whipped Ganache is generally a very serene and kind person, has the patience of a saint. I’m not sure she has a breaking point, she probably does but I haven’t thought much on it. She’s very attuned to nature as well, maybe not to the point of being a tree hugger, but enough that she doesn’t like blatant exploitation of it. Also she’d survive very easily by herself in the wild
Another thing about her is that she plays a harp. Not a lyre like what Carol or Lilybell uses, but a full giant harp. I got that from listening to Millennial Tree Cookie’s theme
Anyways, I think that’s about it for her. But also just a note, she’s not the only darkwhip kid I plan to make, it’s just that she doesn’t necessarily follow the same rule of being related to Millennial Tree. I mean she and Whipped Ganache live in the same timeline, they’re sisters, but she doesn’t have much that makes that trait noticeable, so she’ll get her own thing
But yeah, I hope you enjoyed Whipped Ganache
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fvriva · 1 year
inspired by @breitzbachbea's oc name poll
context for each below the cut
ellie is a pc from a concluded urban shadows game and one of the protagonists of my wip, exordium. in game, their birthname, ellis, eventually gets tied up in some identity issues and discarded. elysium grimmsbane is their chuuni herosona name. turley is their given surname, but when they discover their birth mom they adopt her surname, sessamine. they're in a polyamorous relationship with mango sunwood and nymra simeon, so they also later appended their surnames as well.
patchouli is a warforged wild magic barbarian concept i have knocking about in my head currently. she's gonna be a murder clown with a big big hammer
log is the unexpected twin to yule, the sims 4 fankid turned proper oc of my characters autumn and vernon. he's trans. in universe he picked that name. his blood is not on my hands.
i don't have a good answer for max. he's a rift/drift minor character that's a richboy and shit ass terrible at magic but overall well-meaning.
ettallia is a changeling aasimar twilight cleric/wild magic sorcerer concept that i've written out in sheet form, that i still need to design. she's the chosen one of a fortune cult, and overall has kind of tarot magical girl vibes. she doesn't know she's a changeling, she just thinks that she can just Do That because of her god powers
qijji is an asura warrior in gw2. she's my other character bikkri's extremely sane and extremely buff girlfriend. she's a licensed therapist. her name is pronounced key-jee
bjorn the stjorm is a maximum size, completely nude, norn elementalist in gw2 that my friends strongarmed me into making
newton is the adopted kid of two astrophysicists, who also made up their surname when they married
okay so i only have two novas and two winters but the fact that i seem to keep collecting winters in particular is sussy. they evolved convergently.
feli. yes that feli. but no, not that feli. this is MY feli now. their family is roughly the same but they're mine now. di ricci is their mother's maiden name and after leaving the vargas bandits they also dropped the surname.
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medichamcham · 16 days
yay fankid time! Her name is Yasmine, she's Rose's biological kid from a one night stand. The mother kept her a secret from him, until she went to prison and left her to him at 7yo. Rose is starting to date Gio but it's ambiguous at that point. so he has to balance a new relationship, a moody kid he never planed for and trying to start the blackest night at the same time. Then HE ends up in prison and Gio becomes her sole caretaker for a while. Until Gio breaks Rose out of prison and the three of them go in hiding away from Galar.
Yasmine is very distrustful, guarded and has anger and trust issues because her life until then was really difficult, plus these two men stringing her along god knows where are complete strangers. What makes a huge difference is Silver, a grown adult at that point, who hears his father is taking care of a kid and wants to make sure she doesn't go through what he did. He manages to gain her trust as a big brother and becomes her role model. This actually brings Gio and Silver together. Yasmine starts to genuinely love her dads, especially after they give her her first pokemon, an alolan meowth so they can all match. She's still very rebellious but more in a rowdy engaged way rather than being defensive. She becomes a punk teenager and dark type specialist, then goes full goth as an adult.
She's very sarcastic, has a really hard time opening up to people, and has uh.some questionable morals for having been raised by criminals. This actually was a big conflict between her dads with Rose wanting to punish her for shoplifting but Gio congratulating her.
even though Yasmine is Rose's kid, when it comes to Giovanni he stepped up from the START he was barely dating Rose when she showed up but was already ride of die for her, taking on way more responsibilities from the start, especially with Rose so busy and having absolutely no clue what he was doing.
this was such a delight to read!! the name suits her and i love that she grew up into a troublemaking dark type trainer!! i also like how believable giovanni and rose's actions on handling yasmine are. they aren't five star fathers by a long shot and probably trip over their own feet from time to time but they try incredibly hard to make it work!!
i enjoy the fact that giovanni actually does things right with a child this time. i always thought that deep down he'd give anything to reset time to raise silver properly... (bc im a soft bitch like that . sorry)
and its very sweet that giovanni and rose picked an alolan meowth for yasmine to take care of!! especially since alolan meowth is such a smug looking bastard hehe ... cute ...
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Grips you. Tell everyone about your fukumori kids right now or I’m gonna blow this whole building up /lhj
(ask sent in response to this post <3)
there are three that have names and personalities and three in the works for a different verse. i shall talk about the first three because i have things to say about them!
Yoshiro and Kai were I believe my first ever fankids or at least the first ones I wrote down anywhere, and they are twins! they were born about three years before Mori took control of the Port Mafia and grew up in the PM. they were oopses that Mori (trans man) didnt discover till after he and Fukuzawa split up for their parts of the tripartite thing. They now (age 35) are a commander of the Black Lizard (Kai) and some kind of intelligence/spy/extortion thing?? (Yoshiro) (in total honesty he doesn't know what his job title is either he just flips his hip length hair and looks pretty (and on fun occasions pulls out a knife and makes threats) and stupid men hand over money and information. Kai is the older twin, and aside from his hair being black, strongly resembles Fukuzawa both physically and in mannerisms. Yoshiro is a bit more of a wild card, having white hair and a much cooler purple (as in bluer. tho he is pretty awesome) eye color than Mori, and being much more upfront and obvious about his self-confidence. go ahead get the yin/yang jokes out now i'll wait/lh
Yoshiro is the only brother with an ability, and I did not base him off a real author so I had to make this up myself. I called it No More Blank Pages which sounded suitably fancy to go along with one father's Vita Sexualis (Latin. Pretentious fuck/lh) and the other's All Men Are Equal (grand sweeping statement. love that for him) and every time he looks at a person he learns something about them that they already knew about themselves. The more stressed he is, the more relevant that fact is to his current situation (for example if he were mugged, he could look at his assailant and know that they have a knife in their left boot, but if he saw that same person in a much different situation, all he might get would be, like, "needs to pick up carrots later"). crowded social situations tend to leave him reeling from information overload because he can't turn it off!
the third child is Katsumi! she's eleven years younger than the boys and also an oops. She happened because her dads got a little too excited about seeing each other again after twelve years. I don't think she got involved with the Mafia or ADA but if she did she'd be with the Agency despite being Mori's mini-me and also his little princess when she was small. (honestly she's still his little princess but he no longer brings her to work and lets her baby-babble as if the nonsense noises she's spouting are more important than Actual Mafia Business) Kai held her for the first time when she was an infant and immediately swore his everlasting fealty to her and will defend her even if she is clearly the one who ate the last of whatever it was. she has no ability that has revealed itself yet, but she's still prepared for one to show up. After all, her papa Fukuzawa didn't discover his till he was in his thirties.
they're good kids i love them
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
Have you done any kanej pregnancy fics or could you 🥺
Sorry this is literally like 2 years too late but I've been watching the SnB show and finally it got me to revisit this prompt!!!! I included the fankid I already wrote for them, an adoptive daughter named Iman.
it's only around 690 words but I hope you enjoy :> I can't promise i'll write any more on the subject, but who knows where my fickle whims will take me.
They aren’t sure how it happened.
Well, that's a lie. There is, after all, only one way for something like this to happen.
It's just, given their very… sporadic intimate life, they had not expected it to happen.
Five years ago, it would have been a horrifying prospect, but now.... Inej is excited, even if it's happened so quickly.
They don't tell people right away. There is a holiday coming up, so the family will all be together, and Kaz figures they can tell them all then. In fact, it will probably be obvious by the look of Inej's belly, especially with her rather slight frame.
On the day that they found out, Kaz placed a gloved hand on Inej's stomach without hesitation.
She laughed, just a bit.
"You know it's too early to feel anything."
"Still. Something is there already," he said, and Inej let out a sigh of content.
One week later, they told their eldest daughter, Iman. She was bouncing off the walls with excitement to have a sibling again.
She got used to having other kids around during her time at the orphanage, and while she sees Wylan and Jesper's lot almost every day, she can't wait to have a baby in the house. To be an older sister, even!
That also means Mama won't be traveling for the time being- Inej has gone on shorter, less frequent trips since Iman came into their lives, but she won't be going out until after she’s given birth. It's not that she thinks she's incapable, but.... she doesn't want to press her luck, you know?
And there's the tiny sigh of relief from Kaz when she tells him she's staying home to think about, too.
For his part, Kaz is glad Inej will be home. People who don't know him might be surprised how much family means to him, but those who do know it's everything. He believes in Inej's mission and would never hold her back but, well- every moment with her, his life is better for it.
When the Holiday comes around, as expected, Inej has swelled. They thought, for a moment, about sending a letter ahead to Nina but it was deemed too risky- select few people know that Inej and Kaz have a child already, and only the people they decide to tell will know about them having a second one.
When she sees her, Nina picks Inej up and swings her around and the two of them laugh joyfully. Kaz sits in a chair and sips a drink as Jesper shakes his head beside him.
The three kids between them are already running around, hellbent on scuffing up their nice shoes, and Wylan is bringing out a plate of food for everyone to pick at. He places it in a spot that hopefully won't be knocked over by children or animals.
Nina refuses to shut up, about how beautiful a thing it is. To create new life, for a belly to grow with another being. Kaz has to step away for a minute with her descriptions, but Inej is rapt and finds herself in agreement.
She’d never much thought about it before- had not planned to be a mother until Iman waltzed into her life. But it is a bit beautiful, isn’t it?  
Inej and Kaz are wonderful parents, if you ask their friends. Conventional? No. But devoted to their child, and the one on the way? Absolutely.
Nina nearly shrieks when the baby kicks, and everyone catches Inej’s eye before their hands fly to her belly. Wylen gives her a shy grin, and his eldest child is over the moon to feel such magic under his hand, having not felt it before.
“Iman, do you want to feel the baby too?”
“No, Mama, give uncle Jesper a chance, I’ll feel it at home.”
They’re raising a sweet girl. A kind girl, if a bit rambunctious.
Kaz trails over, once the cooing and fawing from their family has stopped, and touches Inej lightly to feel the baby’s last strong kick of the evening.
Inej smiles and leans up for a light brush of the lips, before her partner sits next to her and receives their daughter in his lap carefully.
No, they never expected Inej to become pregnant, not her, not Kaz, not their family or friends. But they're all happy, overjoyed, even, that it turned out this way after all.
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
I have a very complicated relationship with Asgoriel as a pairing. 
I will preface this by saying, if you enjoy Asgoriel because you like sweet, fluffy, happy pairings, I’m not trying to attack you. I do understand that these characters have been through a lot, and people want their favorites to be happy, and for a lot of people, ‘being happy’ means ‘in a loving relationship, as an escape from how life can be rough’. You can scroll past this if you so desire. But I'd be delighted if you ask yourself if the ONLY happy ending for these two characters is ‘in a loving relationship again, possibly with children’. 
On the one hand, I don’t like Post-Pacifist Asgoriel stories. I feel like the majority of them skip over the very real issues that Toriel and Asgore have, in an attempt to make Asgore happy, because the author believes the goat dad deserves happiness, and the only way he can acquire happiness is by giving him back the things he yearns to have back. Sometimes with a fankid for extra cuteness. 
But not only does this feel unfair to Toriel, who firmly establishes that she does not want to be friends with Asgore anymore... but it feels like it’d be horribly unhealthy for Asgore, too. 
In both Undertale and Deltarune, Asgore fixates on the past. To perhaps an unhealthy degree in Deltarune. In Undertale, when he’s forced to confront how recreating his perfect happy family and ignoring all the horrible things that happened is impossible, he kills himself. It feels to me that just shoving him back together with Toriel, and giving him Frisk, a newly revived Asriel, or a new baby fankid, to give him his desperately desired happy family, is not actually giving him a happy ending. it’s enabling his tendency for denial. He’s not actually dealing with his grief, or suicidal depression, he’s pretending that nothing bad ever happened, or something similar. Attempts to give him this ending exactly, or pretending that it’s Toriel’s responsibility to smile to make him happy, feels like it’s missing massive, gaping chunks of Asgore’s character and flaws. 
On the other hand... writing their relationship as though they never, ever loved each other also bothers me a lot? 
I’ve seen some takes, occasionally, that Asgore is abusive, or that Toriel never loved him. Admittedly, six years after the game’s creation I’ve stopped really seeing them, but they used to be based off Asgore’s reaction to his kids’ deaths, Asgore and Toriel’s behavior in the True Pacifist ending, and the fact that they had separate rooms. I feel like pretending that they never loved each other... misses the point of their whole tragedy, too. Just as much as claiming that Chara was evil and only ever wanted a boss monster’s soul from the Dreemurrs. 
Toriel and Asgore were so embarassingly sappy that they had cute nicknames for each other. Toriel, specifically, had at least two or three for Asgore. They were so physically affectionate that they beat the incredibly lovey-dovey Dogi in a nose-nuzzling competition. And they may have had different rooms, but Toriel was so excited about being a mother that she woke Asgore up in the middle of the night to tell him mom puns, and once he had woken up a bit, he laughs at them and tries making puns back. 
They loved each other. They were happy together. And then a horrible tragedy hit them, and they both made the wrong choice in dealing with it. And then they both kept making wrong choices. Asgore declared war, and through either his declaration or his own weapon, killed six children that Toriel had cared for. Toriel stayed in the Ruins, unwilling to decisively pick a side between her husband and her children, for fear it would end in watching one of them die. They let an indefinite period of time pass, without really dealing with their grief or their mistakes. 
The point of the tragedy isn’t that one was a victim and the other was a horrible person. It’s sad and painful and engaging and compelling because it’s complicated and there is no real ‘bad guy’. Flattening it into ‘well, it was just a little spat and they managed to work it out!’ feels reductive to me, but so does ‘they don’t love each at all anymore, perhaps they never did.’ I think they still did love each other, and they may have been why Toriel was so unwilling to decisively stop Frisk and Asgore’s fight. But also... love is not some magical force that saves people all by itself. It’s just another emotion. Like fear. Like anger. Like joy. 
I don’t think Toriel and Asgore will ever truly regain the relationship they once had. It’s a tragedy that impacted the entire Underground for generations. That’s not to say they can’t ever be friends, or even begin a new relationship. But Asgore needs to overcome his suicidal depression instead of relying on a romantic partner to save him, and Toriel needs to learn to take care of herself instead of other people. And I think they both need some time... apart, but not alone. They were both self-isolating for a long time, and I don’t think leaping into a romantic relationship where they rely on just each other for happiness and denial is the healthiest thing. I think they both need more friends than just Sans and Undyne, respectively. 
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
More Sonally Headcanons!!
Well, sort of. They’re headcanons related to Sonic and Sally, but this is actually more of an in depth introduction to my fankids J.C. and Kathleen. Along with an addendum to my last headcanon I flagged for @boundforfreedomsonsal. Turns out as I re-read it, I left out a part for Sonic’s headcanon. The stay at home dad part, I barely touched and that bugs me, so here’s that segment fleshed out and then some info on J.C. and Kathleen! Sonic the stay-at-home-dad: As mentioned prior, Sonic knows he’s not cut out for the majority of what being Prince-Regent entails. Showing up for parties, events and giving back to the people of Mobius, he can do that. Ruling stuff, that is absolutely Sally’s domain. Sure he can offer his viewpoints and all that, but the long-term, big-picture view thinking isn’t his style. That said he doesn’t wanna be a lay about, nor just jam off on adventures and leave Sally doing the hard stuff either. When the children are born, Sonic sees a way he can contribute more after Sally’s maternity leave period is officially over with. Not that Sally intends to stop being maternal, but at some point she is going to need to get back to the day-to-day logistics of running the Kingdom. Motherhood is wonderful and she isn’t going to neglect it; but she has her duties she must fulfill. To help with this; Sonic figures he can handle some ‘solo parent time’ while Sally does her part of the ol’ Kingdom running bit. To which his lovely wife is very grateful for, but also concerned. She recalls some of the trouble he had babysitting his little brother and sister; plus these two MIGHT have his speed. Sonic as usual, brushes off the concerns with the ol’ charm and a smile. Of course this bites him in the ass when the kids DO start to show they have his speed. Especially when said children are still being potty-trained and their diapers don’t stay on due to the velocity of said speed. (Not trying to be gross here, but it is a scenario the two will have to deal with, I pity the cleaners at the castle). While Sally feels that she’s putting a large heft of the parenting responsibilities on Sonic, he points out it’s the least he can do. He can’t do what she does, and while they are BOTH together on the parenting journey, he can handle the tykes for some hours while she’s doing the Queen-y stuff and once she’s done; it’s family time all together. “Sal there’s gonna be times when I gotta do stuff and you’ll have the kids by your lonesome. It’s just part of the gig, you ain’t abandoning the kids, that ain’t you. Go on, be the Queen. Your Prince, will keep our babes safe and adorble!” Now onto the kids themselves: This kind of goes over their base personalities as they develop in their preteen-to-teenage years. Kathleen: The daughter of the twins (whose name is a meta-homage to Kath Soucie), who as she grows up, gains a tomboy streak and is very much the apple of her Father’s eye. Feisty, sly, and prone to mischief (at least moreso than her brother who can be mischief-y himself). Out of the two, she’s the one truly in love with their inherited speed, and the freedom it offers. While she can be a bit blunt, and snarky, she has a keen mind, and education that she can use to scary effect, when she wants. She’s not above using her ‘cuteness’ to get what she wants, as long as she uses it sparing on her parents who are WISE to her antics. As her Aunt Bunnie puts it “She’s a lovable troublemaker with Sonic’s knack for trouble, and Sally’s brains to get out of said trouble.... most of th’ time.” She also has picked up some mechanical aptitude after hanging out often with her Great Uncle Chuck, Uncles Tails and Uncle Rotor. She loves repairing things and trying to build her own gadgets or vehicles. Well once she builds one that doesn’t fall apart from her overzealous designs getting the better of practical usage. In a tense situation where trouble brews, she’s the most likely to start throwing punches, and worry about ‘why’ the troublemakers started trouble after they’re tied up from their punch-naps. Of the royal duo she doesn’t exactly try to slack in any royal duties she has, but the idea of adventuring across the planet sounds more keen than sitting on a throne or doing paperwork, or both. Despite being closest with her Father she does love and respect her Mother; if anything she sees her as the ultimate badass Queen; but she also loves to push her buttons, a lot. Lastly unlike her brother who aspires to be a decent cook, he isn’t, and she is, and she does love to rub it in J.C.’s face she can pull of ‘Uncle Twan and Aunt Bunnie’s recipes’ with gusto. Jaleel-Craig (J.C. for short): The brother of the twins (with a double homage to Jaleel White and Roger-Craig Smith), J.C. is the more serious of the pair, but in a more laid back manner compared to his Mother. Of the two royal heirs, he’s the one who takes their responsibilities to the crown seriously. That said he’s not in any rush to be crowned King either, feeling he’s still lacking qualities or the ability to see things his sister does that he feels make her just as good a potential ruler as she feels he will be. Just getting her to understand that is a tall order. Not unlike his sister, while he loves both parents equally and shares many traits with both; while Kathleen is the apple of Sonic’s eye, J.C. is Sally’s pride. Sharing a love of lore, history, and learning in general. It isn’t uncommon to find the two engrossed in going over books and tomes of lost lore they’re trying to regain after so much was lost in the Robotnik/Eggman wars. While he and his sister both were taught hand-to-hand and various self defense moves by both their parents after their kidnapping at age six; J.C. found himself favoring the use of melee weapons in conjunction to the lessons from his parents and extra martial arts from Aunt Bunnie. To this end, his Uncle Twan’ was happy to show the young man the way of the blade to which J.C. has proven proficient and capable to his Uncle’s delight. Plus it gives Antoine playful ribbing ammo to use against his Father. J.C. is also a skillful diplomat-in-training having picked up some skills from his Mother and some of the best silver-tongues on the planet. As much as he is the studious son, he still shares a streak of mischief not unlike his sister; he’s just much better at being subtle and under-the-radar about it. Alas one skill he aspires to master but for the time being, fails at is cooking. If it’s anything but his Father and Great Uncles Chili-Dog recipes, he finds himself burning water not unlike his Mother. The fact his sister who usually prefers junk food, can make Uncle Twan’s Crepes’ or Aunt Bunnie’s Peach Cobbler from scratch vexes him. Much like his sister, he does revel in the speed inherited from their Father, but he views it as a ‘with great power, comes great responsibilities’ viewpoint as opposed to his sister ‘freedom above all’ mentality of the super-speed. That said, he’s not above using it to help her preform pranks from time to time. A last bit of side information. After the kidnapping, as an extra safety precaution, Sally asked Nicole to create some helper A.I.’s to work alongside the children. A notion Nicole found not just a good tactical idea, but also endearing as it would in her eyes, foster a continued foundation of friendship and family between her own growing ‘cyber family’ and Sally and Sonic’s own. With some ‘help’ from a certain former Metal Sonic-turned-good (*cough*Shard*cough*), Nicole created her own A.I. ‘children’ to be companions for the duo, housed in upgradable ‘watches’ that would house the A.I. when they were away from the nanite-network of New Mobotropolis. Kathleen gained ‘Berri’ Nicole and Shard’s ‘daughter’ who seems split between trying to ‘reign in’ some of Kathleen’s more spastic tendencies, and yet from time to time; loves to work alongside her in her crazy endeavors as Kathleen gets her to ‘lighten up’ some, as their friendship grows. Sometimes two crazy minds work well together. Kathleen equates Berri to having a portable, nanit-hack-capable sis-in-crime. J.C.’s A.I. companion Fragment or ‘Frag’ as they coined as a nickname is a bit of an oddity. His default persona is that of a semi-stiff minder, who encourages his more academic past-times, and furthering his education. Yet at times Frag shifts into a female persona who sometimes uses ‘Fraggie’ as a nickname. Fraggie is more laid back, trying to get the young Prince to mellow out when his more serious side becomes ‘a bit much’. She also seems to enjoy trying to play match maker between J.C. and his crushes. Okay I hope ya’all enjoyed these tidbits on my fankids. Next time we return to headcanons about their parents!
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pkmn-downtheline · 2 years
How about a Disney AU? Like, what movies the fankids would be in, what characters (or roles) they’d play, and what their animal companion would be? Like, would Amber play Snow White or someone else? Would Kierra and Lia be Anna and Elsa? Etc.
Ohhh this is interesting... I've never thought about that before. I'm not sure any disney movie fits the kids to a tee, but I think there are elements of disney movies that fit a lot of them. So I'll go with that!
I actually like what you said about Kierra and Lia having Elsa and Anna vibes cause... They sort of do LOL The sibling tension between the bubbly girl and the introverted girl is definitely there.
Why does The Little Mermaid sort of give me Allie and Briar vibes? Like, I don't exactly have a reason WHY... I just feel it. Maybe I just want to see Allie as a singing mermaid lol Amber is Flounder lmaaoooo I can also just see a mermaid Allie being WAY too curious about the human world and wanting to know more about it.
Eric doesn't really give me Briar vibes. But you know who DOES? Hercules. I can kind of see Meg maybe giving me some Allie vibes, but not really. Meg is more like... I dunno, Julia maybe LOL But Herc fits Briar so well. He's a guy with a golden heart who wants to be a hero. It's perfect!
You know, I can also see Aladdin working for Briar and Allie, for some reason. Like, if I had to pick a movie to pair them together in where they both fit the characters like... 75% of the way, I think it'd be that one, maybe.
I can see a Beauty and the Beast setting working for Lizzie and Skye. Bookworm with no friends falling in love with an angry moron who can't fucking read. There's one fatal flaw in this narrative, though--as if Lizzie would ever take Paul's place as a prisoner in the dungeon of a beast loool She'd just be like, "Nope. See you later. Have fun eating my dad or whatever." LOL
There are also a lot of elements from the Lion King that work well with Skye. Cocky young Simba who can't wait to be king, laughs in the face of danger, and needs a scolding from his father for doing something stupid and reckless. That's Skye lol But also... Simba's arc in the second half of the movie is very reminiscent of some of the stuff Skye deals with come Sinnoh that I'm not gonna detail in a Disney AU post loool
Gosh, I don't really know for Amber... I guess... Yeah, maybe Snow White?? With the whole singing to birds thing... Or was that Cinderella? Those early Disney movies all kind of blend together for me lol I feel like I'm doing Amber dirty by not giving her a movie, tho. Bu none of them really SUPER stand out to me, tho?
Also, honorable mention to Bell. She and her Totodile have Lilo and Stitch energy lol Lilo is the agent for chaos that Bell would 100% embody.
This is unrelated to this AU, but did you guys know we decided to give Lizzie a dead brother figure after watching Big Hero 6 for the first time? There's your fun fact of the day.
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giantchasm · 3 months
🎶🐛💼 for peony the beloved? :3
Hehehe. Thank you for the ask! Sorry I'm answering like 24 hours late, but I do indeed have Thoughts
(For the uninitiated, here's a rundown on Peony for some context. TLDR: my Taransusie fankid with a god complex who sees ghosts)
🎶 (Music Notes) - Do they play any instruments? What kind of leitmotif and/or battle theme would they have? Are there any songs you associate with them?
I can see her trying to learn how to play an instrument, as both of her parents are musically inclined, but not getting far. One of Peony's biggest faults is that if she isn't immediately good at something she gets frustrated and gives up, so I can definitely see her doing that there ahahaha.
I don't have any thoughts on leitmotifs or battle themes as I'm not actually that musically inclined myself, but as for songs I associate with her, I actually have a full playlist! Some of these songs are technically for the people around her within the context of situations they're only put in in the "Peony AU," but the majority of them are for her specifically. My favorites are Above the Clouds of Pompeii, Angels and Tiny Fiends.
🐛 (Caterpillar) - What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Peony's definitely pretty recklessly bold, and to that extent she's not super fearful... or at least, she tries to act like she isn't afraid of anything. Her biggest fear, I think, is helplessness. She hates the idea of being stuck in a situation where she thinks something is unfair and not being able to change it. She wants to believe she's capable of "fixing" everything, and the reality that that might not be possible is something she's not willing to face.
I also think she has some fears related to her near-death experience, but a lot of the anxieties surrounding that are... blocked out. It was the most terrifying, painful thing she's ever gone through, but she tries not to think about it in that context and instead just processes it as "Oh, well, I came out of it fine and even got cool powers, so it's a GOOD thing it happened, actually!" even if that's maybe not entirely how she feels deep down. She probably gets a little nervous around big machinery and when people touch her unexpectedly in the places that she was injured.
Peony puts on a brave face in the face of fear. She tries to convince both others and herself that she's not afraid. In fact, this 'bravery' can even turn to boldness and anger, especially when associated with helplessness. When something scares her, she wants to make it go away or change the situation, and so she demands that be done or that she get her way.
...It's not always that easy, but she's certainly good at yelling about it.
💼 (Bag) - Inventory check! What items does your OC typically carry around with them? What do they carry them in?
There isn't toooo much Peony keeps constantly on hand, at least as a kid. Lots of little scattered trinkets and things she forgot she picked up in her pockets. Nuts and bolts and books and what-have-you. The only thing she consistently keeps on her person at all times is the hair clip passed down from Susie. It's her most precious belonging and she takes very good care of it. Literally her first question following her near-death experience was if it was alright or if she broke it because she was that worried about it.
Once she's grown up and started to travel the galaxy she's forced to be slightly more organized and have a set of tools as well as mementos. Then, what she has on her at all times is a scepter for magic, a bayonet for fighting (that can magically separate into a gun and rapier), and two items equally as sentimental to her as the hair clip that she's acquired over the years: a worn-out red scarf (not a hand-me-down from Taranza, surprisingly. It's actually the half of the two-piece set that Sectonia discarded when she lost herself) and a golden pocket watch (not the original, but something she practically hounded her mom into helping pick out with her when she realized her granddad no longer had the one Susie gifted him many years before. This was meant for him, but it was only after going through all of the effort that Peony realized a dead man would not, in fact, be able to keep her gift on his person. That's okay, though. He told her to hold onto it for him- something she's done dutifully.) The latter has a picture of her family inside.
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red-gekkouga · 3 years
So for my Zelink fankids, they’re born after all the events of BOTW and BOTW2 (Game’s not even out yet and I’m making AUs).
Link and Zelda live in Hateno now, and that’s where their twins were born. They have a son and a daughter.
Rylo Wilde Hyrule and Prestille Silant (Pronounced more like Sil-ahnt) Hyrule (Using The royal family’s last name since Link doesn’t have one).
Their middle names are references to “Wild” and “Silent”, like the flower “Silent princess”.
Zelda wanted to break the cycle of naming every royal female Zelda, and settled on this name.
Rylo was born first, he has Zelda’s eye color and his hair is a shade in-between their two hair colors.
Prestille has Link’s eyes and her hair is a little bit lighter than Link’s.
Depending on how BOTW2 ends, I was thinking that they inherit the magic from the sequel. We’ll have to see.
Despite not being named after her mother, Prestille would most likely have the sealing power. In this AU, the tradition of naming every royal female Zelda is a rumor that the Kings and Queens took seriously.
They’re friends with some other OCs I haven’t mentioned yet or finished designing. Some of the friends are Zora.
Rylo and Prestille found a stray Hylian retriever puppy and brought it back home. Zelda told them no, but Link helped persuade her. They named him Cupcake, since their favorite foods involve sweets.
Their favorite foods are (Like I said) sweets, along with actual meals. So fruitcake, monster cake, etc. Actual meals they like are omelets, cooked meat, soup and apples. They LOVE apples. (Everyone stops to pick the apples in BOTW, who doesn’t?)
They have an adopted daughter too. A Rito village that was built after BOTW and BOTW2 was raided and when Link got there the place was destroyed and all the Rito seemed to have fled. He finds an egg (I assume that’s how Rito have kids, they are birds after all.) and brings it back to Zelda who tells him to bring it to Rito village. It hatches before he’s able to do so and now they’re stuck with a baby Rito. They name her Veena. Her design is going to be based off a Pileated woodpecker.
They let Paya babysit when they have important things to do. She’s actually able to get the kids to eat vegetables. In fact, she’s the only one who can get them to. Their favorites from her are vegetable curry and pumpkin stew.
She’s their favorite babysitter, and they often tell her how cool and pretty she is. They also ask her if she has Shiekah magic too, since they’ve heard about it a bit from their mother.
They love their parents’ horses and sometimes get to brush their manes and ride on them as long as Link or Zelda is riding on the horse with them so they don’t fall off.
So that’s all I have so far for them, but I think they’re adorable and someday I hope I can draw them well enough.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I know this may sound odd, but perhaps a fan kid of PastryxClover?
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I don’t think I’ve heard that ship before, but I am curious about it now, if you ever want to explain it to me anon I’d be more than happy to hear
But anyways, here’s the fankid, her name is Crocus Cookie
To be honest, I don’t know Pastry and Clover that well, so I’m just gonna hope that what I made is something that could be accurate to them and something you enjoy
I wanted to name her after a purple flower, mostly because of Pastry’s purple hair (and the fact that apparently her original name isn’t Pastry, meaning we likely don’t know what she’s made of) and the fact that clovers are plants. My picks were going to be either Lavender or Wisteria, but then I found Crocus flowers and decided on that
Crocus flowers:
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As for Crocus herself, I imagine her to be a bit reserved and closed off, like Pastry Cookie, but she opens up once you get to know her. I imagine her to be something like the Ranger class from DND, you know the warriors that are focused on nature. She travels across Earthbread, and is quite the lover of animals and nature, and will fiercely protect them from anyone who dares disrupt them
I feel like she’d have a bow and arrow, but it’s made of wood instead of metal like Pastry’s, and she probably carved it herself. She also might have an instrument she plays, but it’s more a hobby she picked up from her father. I want to say an ocarina, but that may just be because I like Ocarina of Time. But it’s something small and easy to travel with
I tried to add little sketches to the drawing as well, but I’m not sure I have enough room for them (though maybe I just need to use a smaller brush), so I might not include them in the next ones
But yeah, I hope you like it!
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nitewrighter · 4 years
Some OW Fankids domestic fic? Just the gang hanging around and stuff at the watchpoint? Like the halloween fic with the fankids you did before!! :DDD
I never did any fics surrounding Jaime joining the watchpoint. I should fix that.
Oof this one ended up long. 
In Loco Parentis
The mid-morning sunlight streamed through the slats of the watchpoint boardroom.
“We’re not a homeless shelter,” Jack’s arms were folded, “Or an orphanage.”
“You know the situation is more complicated than that,” said McCree, “If he’s fleeing Vishkar---”
“There are thousands of people displaced by Talon, Null Sector, and the Siberian Omnium,” said Jack, “We barely have the resources to sustain ourselves. If we start taking on civilians...”
“Even at the peak of Overwatch’s power, there wasn’t a whole lot they could do about 30 million crisis orphans,” said Sombra.
“But with Marti--” McCree looked over at Sombra, who had several screens open around her head.
“I’m Marti’s legal guardian,” said Sombra, scrolling through one of her screens with a flick of her wrist, “It’s different.”
“So what, we just throw him out?” said McCree.
“Not ‘throw him out,’” said Winston. He cleared his throat and set several pamphlets on the table in front of McCree, “His associating with us also potentially makes him even more of a target for Talon. While I do believe Overwatch is meant to help everyone, we have to be able to delegate what that help looks like.”
McCree picked up one of the pamphlets and his mouth thinned. There was a picture of a handful of kids of varying backgrounds in front of an idyllic suburban house. “...Foster care,” said McCree, “You’re talking about foster care.”
“I can cover his tracks,” said Sombra, “Keep Vishkar from scooping him back up.”
McCree opened up the pamphlet and his eyes glazed over it. Clean. Homey. Normal. He deserved normal. All kids deserved normal.
He’ll be clawing at that pretty flowery wallpaper within two weeks, run off again within a month, thought McCree, He’s too angry. Too scared. Too hungry. He’s seen too much to think he can--No. Shut up. Shut up. You’re projecting. You’re projecting. You’re projecting.
“It’s best if you talk to him,” said Winston, “From his perspective, you’re the closest thing he has to ‘In Loco Parentis.’”
“In local what now?”
“It’s a legal term meaning--” Winston caught himself, “Er--”
“‘In place of a parent,’” said Sombra, she gave McCree a slightly pitying look, “McCree, we all know your story. We know what you’re thinking.”
“What? What am I thinking? That it’s wrong to give him back into a system that just tossed him into Vishkar’s jaws before?” McCree folded his arms. “I’m just saying, even if we put him in completely anonymously, you know Talon and Vishkar comb through the poorest and most desperate for...their ranks.”
“We have to demonstrate some cooperation with the proper channels,” said Winston.
“Look, we get your concerns but try to see it from our perspective. He’s only a few years younger than you were when Reyes picked you up,” said Sombra, folding her arms, “This is personal for you, we get it---”
“You think I’m emotionally compromised,” said McCree with a scoff.
“Yes,” said Sombra, flatly, “But, it’s because of that compromise that we also trust you to do what’s best for him.” Sombra insistently tapped a finger on the end of the pamphlet McCree was holding for emphasis as she said ‘do what’s best.’
McCree looked down at the pamphlet.
“He’s at a stage you were at once, and I get wanting to help him through that,” Sombra went on, “But we’re fighting against a global corporate-backed terrorist collective and a robot invasion. The best thing we can do for him is get him as far away from it as we can.”
McCree looked at a photo of several children around a table with plates of pancakes as a human and omnic pair of foster parents proudly beamed at the camera. Normal. He deserved normal.
“I’ll... I’ll talk to the kid,” said McCree, itching at the brim of his hat, “I guess... all that matters is getting a roof over his head, right?”
He looked at Jack and found no sympathy in that visor. All that matters is stopping Talon, he could almost hear Jack’s voice.
“Of course,” said Winston, “We have complete faith in you.”
“I mean, unless he’s already stolen everything he could and dipped already,” said Sombra with a slight chuckle.
McCree shot her a dirty look.
“Crisis Orphan mentality,” said Sombra with a shrug, “It’s what I would have done in his place.”
“We ain’t treatin’ him like a criminal!” said McCree.
“He’s literally here because he stole Rei’s backpack,” said Jack, flatly.
“Hanzo’s been keeping an eye on him,” said McCree, “Last I checked he was still asleep. It’ll be fine.”
“You lost him!?” McCree was pacing back and forth in front of Hanzo as they stood in an empty watchpoint dormitory, “How do you lose a whole-ass 14-year-old?!”
“I wasn’t going to have him wake up with me staring at him, I thought it prudent to fix something for him to eat for a late breakfast!” said Hanzo. He was holding a now-cold plate of a neatly folded omelette flecked with chives.
“...of all the times for you to switch gears from ninja to Uncle Hanzo...” McCree huffed but Hanzo just furrowed his brows at him. “Sorry--” McCree caught himself, “Sorry. We gotta go find him. Athena?” McCree called and looked around the dorm room. There was no response.
“Did he disable Athena in here?” said Hanzo, shocked.
“If he could run away from a Vishkar orphanage...” McCree pulled out his comm, “Athena, you there? I need Watchpoint surveillance feeds on my comm.”
“If we don’t want him to feel like a criminal, perhaps activating all Watchpoint security isn’t the best way to go about this,” said Hanzo, “We’ll look around for him first. Give him time to come back.”
“In that time he could hop another freighter or--or get hurt! He’s cleared with Satya’s turrets, right?” said McCree.
“Of course he’s cleared with Satya’s turrets, we aren’t savages!” Hanzo retorted, “Every moment we spend arguing is a moment we should be spending making sure he’s all right. Come,” said Hanzo, already briskly walking out
“You gotta be kidding me,” muttered McCree, following behind him.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Jaime was hunched over a pried-open panel to see nothing but empty black space. The scent of his own new clothes threw him off, distracted him. The fact that he couldn’t really smell himself anymore was definitely an improvement, but he was wondering how much the stress of getting out of here would undo that. He rooted around in the space, trying to feel for wires, but then huffed.
“The whole watchpoint’s been cannibalized several times over. Any copper or palladium in the walls here has probably been stripped for Mei’s or Athena’s servers,” a voice that seemed to be trying to jam too many syllables in at once while hitting its consonants a little too hard spoke up from behind Jaime, and Jaime glanced over his shoulder to see a familiar girl with thick eyebrows and wild dark hair tied half-back in a yellow ribbon. “There’s no way you can try to get them without getting caught, though,” she added.
“...Psycho,” said Jaime.
“Thief,” said Rei.
“I already said sorry about your stupid backpack,” said Jaime, pushing himself up from his knees and dusting himself off, already walking away.
“And you’re already trying to steal again!” said Rei, huffily pacing after him.
“You know most people don’t steal because they have anything against whoever they’re stealing from, right?” said Jaime, “It’s not about you, or your watch...thing.”
“Watchpoint,” said Rei.
“It’s about survival,” said Jaime.
“So ask!” said Rei, “They’re Overwatch! You think we don’t care about people’s survival?!”
“I really don’t care about your weird army cult thing,” said Jaime, continuing to walk.
“Cult?!” Rei blustered.
“Yeah. Big compound, lots of guns...weird kids who were born here and don’t question the giant weird compound or the guns---”
“Overwatch is trying to save the world from Talon and Null Sector! Trying to save the world isn’t a cult!” said Rei.
Jaime just gave her a semi-pitying look that made her blood boil.
“Well fine! If you want to go back to being a scuzzy little thief, be my guest!” she said, throwing her hands up.
“That’s the plan,” said Jaime, continuing to walk away, “Not like I’m dumb enough to wait for them to hand me off to the police or another orphanage.”
“Fine!” Rei said again, folding her arms, before suddenly catching herself, “Wait---”
Jaime stopped and looked over his shoulder at her.
“If you need things before you go, we can give them to you. No stealing,” said Rei, “I mean, obviously you can’t strip Athena or any of the tech, but... clothes and soap and food...” she trailed off.
Jaime’s stomach audibly growled at the word ‘food.’
“...Have you eaten yet today?” said Rei, suddenly alarmed.
“What are you, my mom?” said Jaime with a scoff before his stomach growled again.
“Come with me,” said Rei, briskly stepping up alongside him. She looked to his wrist, fully healed from the sprain thanks to biotics, and took his elbow, “Come on.”
“Is this the cult love-bombing?” said Jaime, being half-dragged behind her, “I’m not going if it’s the cult love-bombing.”
“Oh my god, it’s not love-bombing, I’m just taking you to the garden so you can grab some fruit,” said Rei continuing to drag him along, “It’s closer than the mess hall. You’re less likely to run into the adults there.”
“You have guns, a compound, and a little mini-farm, and you want me to believe you’re not a cult,” said Jaime, flatly. They rounded a corner and walked a narrow path between the hangar and the seaside cliffs.
“I don’t have guns. And Bastion actually does most of the gardening,” said Rei, as they walked.
“Who?” said Jaime, but he blinked several times as the ground opened up  to a wide grassy area bordered by Gibraltar’s rocks and the hangar. There was a line of orange trees up against the hangar, and a significant section of the grass had been carved out to form a small victory garden growing tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, carrots, and corn. Opposite the orange trees were several thrumming beehive boxes, and at the far end of the garden was an apparently well-loved old greenhouse that had gone through several patch-ups over the years, and a knobby little olive tree twisting up next to it, canvas laid out at its roots.
“Thwuh-wheet?” an inquisitive beep came from behind them and both Rei and Jaime quickly turned on their heels to see Bastion looming over them, . Jaime’s breath caught in his throat and he stumbled back. Bastion tilted its boxy head at him.
“...that’s a Bastion unit,” said Jaime, his voice tense in his throat as he took several steps back.
“Bastion doesn’t like to fight,” said Rei, as several birds fluttered around Bastion’s head. Bastion gestured at Jaime with its hand.
“Oh um--he’s.... from school!” said Rei, “He’s just visiting.”
“Right,” Jaime repeated hesitantly, “From... the school.” But then Jaime jumped about a foot in the air as a bright blue teleporter opened at the end of the line of orange trees. Rei stepped in front of Jaime, half-expecting an adult to step out of it, but instead it was only Samir, looking more rumpled than usual in a baggy tank top, basketball shorts, and sandals. The only thing that kept Jaime from breaking out into a dead sprint out of that garden at the slightest sight of hard-light was both Rei and Bastion’s complete non-reaction to the appearance of a teleporter. Samir didn’t seem really aware of them as he materialized a large basket and a hard-light telescoping fruit picker.
“I thought you said Overwatch was against Vishkar!” Jaime hissed from behind Rei as Samir hummed and picked oranges.
“We are,” said Rei, “Samir’s mom--I mean, one of Samir’s moms---well, long story short, you’re not the first person to leave Vishkar.”
Jaime blinked several times, “I’m... I’m not?”
“Rei?” Samir’s head turned toward her as an orange thudded to the ground at his feet, “Who are you talking to?”
Jaime leaned out slightly from behind Bastion and Samir squinted a little.
“Uh...Hi. Jaime. I’m Jaime, from... from school. The school. That I go to. With her,” said Jaime.
“Rei,” Rei said quietly under her breath.
“The school with Rei,” said Jaime, nodding.
Samir gave them both a skeptical look before resuming picking oranges, “You’re hiding,” he said matter-of-factly.
“What? No!” Rei and Jaime’s voices were overlapping each other as they stumbled over several half-thought out excuses.
Samir gave them an impatient ‘Don’t assume I’m dumb’ look and Rei’s shoulders slumped. “Look, it’s complicated,” said Rei, “Okay?”
“Is he a secret boyfriend? You aren’t cheating on Jaz, are you?” said Samir, squinting at her.
“Oh gross! Barf! Like I would cheat on Jaz with Backpack Thief McPubertystache over here!” Rei blurted out, but then she caught herself and looked at Jaime, “I mean.... uh... no.”
“...real flattering,” said Jaime.
“Wait--You stole Rei’s backpack?!” Samir’s face lit up.
“Uh...” Jaime itched at the back of his neck.
“So you outran a ninja and Marti?” said Samir.
“He didn’t outrun me!” said Rei, indignantly.
“I out parkour’d her,” said Jaime, folding his arms smugly.
“Did not! You caught me on an off-day!” said Rei.
“I out parkour’d her,” Jaime whisper-spoke to Samir and Samir snorted slightly.
“So... you’re still here?” said Samir tilting his head, “I thought Overwatch would have just sent you to your parents or....”
Jaime glanced off and his lips thinned.
“...Oh,” said Samir and he looked to Rei, “Did they say what they were going to do with him or...?”
“I can take care of myself,” said Jaime, firmly, “Rei’s just helping me grab some stuff before I go.”
“...oh,” said Samir, his shoulders slumping slightly, “So you’re going.”
“I’m a wanderer,” said Jaime, putting his hands on his hips, “Erromes.”
“Erro...what?” Samir started.
“A pilgrim,” said Jaime.
“...you’re fourteen,” said Rei, flatly.
“Better than being in a cult,” said Jaime with a shrug.
“We’re not in a---!” Rei huffed before looking at Samir, “We’re just grabbing some food, that’s it.”
Samir shrugged, “Fine by me,” he pulled an orange from his basket and materialized a hard light knife, cutting the orange into neat sections. He held the cut orange out to Jaime. Jaime gave a wary glance to Rei before stepping over to Samir and taking the cut orange.
“Rei said you escaped Vishkar?” said Samir.
“...yeah,” said Jaime, trying to eat the orange slices as casually as possible despite how hungry he was.
“What was it like?” said Samir.
Jaime just paled slightly and Samir caught himself, “Sorry just... Mom hates them too, but she’s never talks about it, you know?”
“They always try and leave us out of that kind of stuff,” muttered Rei, interlacing her fingers behind her head.
“What’s the cowboy’s deal?” said Jaime, in-between bites of orange.
“Uncle Jesse?” said Rei,
“Like... why is he a cowboy?” said Jaime.
“Why are you a pilgrim if you keep freaking out and calling us a cult?” said Rei, arching an eyebrow.
“Pilgrims understand there are no easy answers,” said Jaime, airily.
“The way we live isn’t an easy answer,” said Rei with a scoff, “I’m scared of my parents dying, or my uncles dying, or anyone else on this Watchpoint dying. Like, all the time. And I’m scared of losing my home. All the time.”
“...oh,” said Jaime.
“You thought this was easy?” said Rei.
“...you go to school, and you have lunches and...” Jaime trailed off. Rei was glancing off, too.
An awkward pause passed between the three of them. Bastion at this point seemed to occupy itself with weeding the garden.
“No one knows why McCree’s a cowboy,” said Samir, at last, “That’s just how he is.” Another long pause passed and Samir cleared his throat. “You know, you’re probably going to want food with a longer shelf-life so..”
“Mess hall!” Rei blurted out.
“Right,” said Samir, spinning another teleporter into existence.
Jaime visibly tensed at the sight of another teleporter and Samir quickly waved it off into sparkling oblivion with a flick of his wrist. “Or we could walk! Walking is good!”
“‘We?’” said Rei.
“Well it’s not like we get a lot of visitors,” said Samir, hefting up his basket of oranges and stepping up next to them. Samir and Rei gave a wave to Bastion, who only briefly glanced up from a butterfly resting on a tomato flower to wave back at them as they left the garden.
“...so you live on the Watchpoint too?” said Jaime, walking with Rei and Samir. The three of them walked another cliffside path to a road that needed some re-paving ribboning through the watchpoint. Jaime was periodically grabbing oranges out of Samir’s basket, peeling and eating them as they walked.
“There’s just four of us,” said Samir, “There’s Rei, Marti, me, and my brother, Rajeev. We actually all go to the same school, but Rajeev and I are in lower grades.”
“Ah...” said Jaime, now feeling a little foolish for trying to keep up the ‘I’m Rei’s classmate’ lie, “...and your parents just... teach you being about being a ninja or using hard-light?”
“It took forever to convince Dad and Uncle to let me start training,” said Rei with a huff,  “Dad was okay with me learning Kendo, but he and Mom were so weird about me learning any actual ninja stuff. But I was climbing everything on the Watchpoint anyway so Uncle started teaching me stuff ‘so I wouldn’t hurt myself.’”
“For me, my Mom just uses hard-light for everything,” said Samir with a shrug, “It’s just kind of how we do everything. Cooking, cleaning, exercise---”
“Basketball,” said Rei as the road opened up to the watchpoint tarmac.
“That falls under exer--oh,” Samir was cut off by the pang pang pang of a basketball on blacktop glanced up to see a large hard-light basketball hoop set up in front of the watchpoint mess hall. Marti was guarding the hoop, in a tense cat-like position while Rajeev was furiously dribbling the ball in front of her, trying to get past her. Marti glanced over her shoulder at them.
“Rei?” Marti blinked a few times and looked at Jaime, “Isn’t that the--”
 She was cut off as Rajeev dipped to the side of her and jumped up to make a slam-dunk, only to have the entire basketball hoop dematerialize with the impact of his weight. He stumbled to the ground and the basketball smacked against the pavement and went flying. Jaime caught it out of the air.
“Boom!” Rajeev threw his arms up into the air, “Dunked it too hard! Too powerful!”
“I’m pretty sure the basket only dissolved because you need to dial up the shock absorption,” said Samir, with a huff.
“Details,” said Rajeev with a hand wave.
“What’s going on?” said Marti, looking between Rei and Jaime, “What’s he doing here?”
“I’m just helping him grab some stuff before he takes off,” said Rei with a shrug.
“...he’s taking off?” said Marti, “What did McCree say?”
“Well...” Rei trailed off.
“Rei,” Marti folded her arms.
“I mean he’s going to run off anyway!” said Rei.
“It’s true,” said Jaime with a shrug, still holding the basketball.
“And go back to stealing and dumpster-diving?” said Marti.
“What do you care?” said Jaime.
“You’re just a kid,” said Marti.
“So?” said Jaime a bit more stiffly.
“And you ran away from Vishkar,” Samir piped up.
“You ran away from Vishkar!?” Rajeev’s face lit up.
“And he outran Rei and Marti for like, 3 hours,” said Samir.
“He didn’t outrun me, he cheated,” said Rei.
“He outran us,” Marti confirmed. 
“Woah...” Rajeev looked back at Jaime. He pointed at the basketball still in Jaime’s hand, “Wanna play a round?”
“What, just like that?” said Jaime.
Rajeev shrugged. “It’s just basketball. We don’t get a lot of visitors to the Watchpoint.” 
“...I don’t know if that’s a good idea...” Jaime said quietly, bounce-passing the ball to Marti.
“It’s a good idea,” said Marti, bounce-passing the ball back to him.
Jaime looked at her.
“I get what it feels like to not feel safe anywhere,” said Marti, “But...this place...”
“This place is about as safe from Vishkar as you can get,” said Samir, finishing her thought.
Jaime looked down at the ball and then his eyes flicked to Rei. “You don’t actually want to play with me,” he said, bouncing the ball to her.
“I don’t know about ‘play,’” said Rei, dribbling the ball thoughtfully, “But I gotta show the twins that you outrunning me was just a fluke somehow.” She chest-passed it so hard to him he rocked back on his heels.
“Oh it’s like that?” said Jaime, passing the ball back to her.
“It’s like that,” said Rei, bouncing the ball back.
“We can play guys vs. girls!” said Rajeev.
“That’s three on two,” said Samir.
“Two on two, each team gets a twin,” said Marti, “Rei and Rajeev vs Jaime and Samir. Sound fair?”
“What about you?” said Rei.
“I’ll be sneaking stuff out of the mess hall,” said Marti with a slight smile at Jaime, “Just for good faith.”
“How is it good faith if we’re still stea--” Rajeev started but Samir elbowed him.
“I shouldn’t stay that long,” Jaime said, 
“First to five?” said Samir, as he and Rajeev materialized a new hard-light hoop.
“...I’ve got time for first to five,” said Jaime.
“I meant to ask,” said Hanzo as the two of them briskly walked out of the hangar, “Did you and  the others come to a consensus about what should be done?” McCree fished the foster home pamphlet out of his back pocket and held it out to Hanzo. “...Ah,” said Hanzo.
“I mean, it’s obvious, ain’t it?” said McCree glancing off, “It’s not like he actually wants to be here...”
Hanzo studied McCree’s profile for a few seconds. “You’re not okay with this,” Hanzo said quietly.
“What?” said McCree, “I mean, I’ll be okay about it. I just gotta...” he trailed off, “Y’know.”
“He’s a lot like you,” said Hanzo, as they walked through one of the watchpoint’s cannibalized server rooms.
“You know, this would be easier if people stopped sayin’ that,” said McCree, pausing to examine a panel which had been removed from the wall.
Hanzo glanced off, “Do you remember when we would look after Rei when Genji and Angela were busy?”
“Oh don’t start---” McCree pressed the brim of his hat down.
“You loved it. You loved her. You listened to her babbling like it was the most important and interesting thing in the world.”
“You even volunteered us for helping out with the twins when they were born.  And when Marti came to the Watchpoint you were constantly checking in to make sure she was settling in all right.”
“That’s babysitting! That’s kids you can walk away from!” said McCree, as they both walked out of the server room.
“But none of the children on this Watchpoint forgot that. They go to you when they feel like they can’t talk to their parents about something, you haven’t noticed that?”
“Well, maybe that’s because they don’t see me as an authority figure like everyone else--not a good ‘In local parentals’ factor,” said McCree.
“In loco parentis,” said Hanzo.
“See? I don’t know shit!”
“It’s not a matter of them not respecting you, it’s a matter of them seeing you as someone who respects them,” said Hanzo, “You’re coming from a childhood where you were largely relying on yourself... the adult figure you are to these children is the one you wish you had in your life. And it’s why Jaime was able to trust you enough to get his wrist looked at rather than just run off.”
“Hanzo, what are you gettin’ at, here?”
“You want to be a father--You’ve probably wanted to be a father ever since Rei was born. Possibly even earlier.”
“Well yeah, but there’s wanting something, and then knowing you’ll be shit at it,” said McCree, “I’m not like you, all... together.”
“You think I would be a good father?” a laugh rippled Hanzo’s voice and he noted the apparent hurt in McCree’s expression, “Oh... you actually...”
“You were a got-dang wizard with Rei! She still idolizes you! You’re always... prepared!” McCree furrowed his brow and thought for a second, “Did you ever want kids?”
“...In a sense, but...” Hanzo glanced down, “I didn’t think it would be fair to them. My father spent my childhood molding me into another, well, him. And as Genji can probably tell you, he wasn’t a good person. I don’t... I don’t want to inflict that on a child.”
“You would never,” said McCree on reflex, “Me on the other hand...” he shuddered, “If I became another kid’s Reyes...” he trailed off, “...we never really talked about this, did we?” he said at last.
“Well, given the fact that Overwatch is throwing us into near-constant danger and we never had to worry about pregnancy...” Hanzo trailed off, “Let’s just focus on finding him.”
“I hear that,” said McCree, “It ain’t about us. It’s about him.” McCree’s boot hit an odd texture and he glanced down.
“Orange peel,” said Hanzo, plucking up a bit of the waxy rind from the blacktop. They looked at the small trail of bits of orange peel like breadcrumbs through the watchpoint.
“Could be another macaque,” said McCree.
“Too clean,” said Hanzo.
“Welp, it’s a lead,” said McCree, following the trail. It lead them on a meandering path through the watchpoint, a fairly straight line towards the mess hall.
The trail of orange peel tapered off to nothingness and McCree frowned, but then his head jerked up at the sound of Rei shouting. He gave a glance back to Hanzo and both of them picked up their pace, rounding the corner to see Jaime, Rei, and the twins all involved in an intense game of basketball around one hard-light hoop. Rei was passing to Rajeev, getting intercepted by Jaime who would shoot for the basket, only to be intercepted by Rajeev. They didn’t even notice McCree and Hanzo coming out from behind a building’s corner, but McCree hung back. He fished the foster home brochure out of the back of his pocket, he glanced down at the photo of the smiling family at the table laden with pancakes, then glanced back up at the four kids laughing and shouting at each other as they scrambled around the basketball hoop. 
The sensible voice in his head spoke up, saying, Do what’s best for him. He deserves normal, but then an angrier voice spoke, What the hell is normal anyway? There hasn’t been a normal ever since the goddamn Omnic Crisis. It’s not about ‘normal’ it’s about ‘home.’ And when the hell has ‘home’ ever been normal for anyone?
“Jesse?” Hanzo’s voice cut through McCree’s train of thought and McCree glanced over at him, “Do you think we should...?” He looked back at Jaime intercepting a shot from Rei and then laughing about it.
“...I mean, he doesn’t have to go right away, does he?” said McCree, watching as Jaime managed to snatch the ball back from Rajeev and get an assist from Samir.
“Not... right away,” said Hanzo.
I never did any fics surrounding Jaime joining the watchpoint. I should fix that.
Oof this one ended up long. 
In Loco Parentis
The mid-morning sunlight streamed through the slats of the watchpoint boardroom.
“We’re not a homeless shelter,” Jack’s arms were folded, “Or an orphanage.”
“You know the situation is more complicated than that,” said McCree, “If he’s fleeing Vishkar---”
“There are thousands of people displaced by Talon, Null Sector, and the Siberian Omnium,” said Jack, “We barely have the resources to sustain ourselves. If we start taking on civilians...”
“Even at the peak of Overwatch’s power, there wasn’t a whole lot they could do about 30 million crisis orphans,” said Sombra.
“But with Marti--” McCree looked over at Sombra, who had several screens open around her head.
“I’m Marti’s legal guardian,” said Sombra, scrolling through one of her screens with a flick of her wrist, “It’s different.”
“So what, we just throw him out?” said McCree.
“Not ‘throw him out,’” said Winston. He cleared his throat and set several pamphlets on the table in front of McCree, “His associating with us also potentially makes him even more of a target for Talon. While I do believe Overwatch is meant to help everyone, we have to be able to delegate what that help looks like.”
McCree picked up one of the pamphlets and his mouth thinned. There was a picture of a handful of kids of varying backgrounds in front of an idyllic suburban house. “...Foster care,” said McCree, “You’re talking about foster care.”
“I can cover his tracks,” said Sombra, “Keep Vishkar from scooping him back up.”
McCree opened up the pamphlet and his eyes glazed over it. Clean. Homey. Normal. He deserved normal. All kids deserved normal.
He’ll be clawing at that pretty flowery wallpaper within two weeks, run off again within a month, thought McCree, He’s too angry. Too scared. Too hungry. He’s seen too much to think he can--No. Shut up. Shut up. You’re projecting. You’re projecting. You’re projecting.
“It’s best if you talk to him,” said Winston, “From his perspective, you’re the closest thing he has to ‘In Loco Parentis.’”
“In local what now?”
“It’s a legal term meaning--” Winston caught himself, “Er--”
“‘In place of a parent,’” said Sombra, she gave McCree a slightly pitying look, “McCree, we all know your story. We know what you’re thinking.”
“What? What am I thinking? That it’s wrong to shove him back into a system that just tossed him into Vishkar’s jaws before?” McCree folded his arms. “I’m just saying, even if we put him in completely anonymously, you know Talon and Vishkar comb through the poorest and most desperate for...their ranks.”
“We have to demonstrate some cooperation with the proper channels,” said Winston.
“Look, we get your concerns but try to see it from our perspective. He’s only a few years younger than you were when Reyes picked you up,” said Sombra, folding her arms, “This is personal for you, we get it---”
“You think I’m emotionally compromised,” said McCree with a scoff.
“Yes,” said Sombra, flatly, “But, it’s because of that compromise that we also trust you to do what’s best for him.” Sombra insistently tapped a finger on the end of the pamphlet McCree was holding for emphasis as she said ‘do what’s best.’
McCree looked down at the pamphlet.
“He’s at a stage you were at once, and I get wanting to help him through that,” Sombra went on, “But we’re fighting against a global corporate-backed terrorist collective and a robot invasion. The best thing we can do for him is get him as far away from it as we can.”
McCree looked at a photo of several children around a table with plates of pancakes as a human and omnic pair of foster parents proudly beamed at the camera. Normal. He deserved normal.
“I’ll... I’ll talk to the kid,” said McCree, itching at the brim of his hat, “I guess... all that matters is getting a roof over his head, right?”
He looked at Jack and found no sympathy in that visor. All that matters is stopping Talon, he could almost hear Jack’s voice.
“Of course,” said Winston, “We have complete faith in you.”
“I mean, unless he’s already stolen everything he could and dipped already,” said Sombra with a slight chuckle.
McCree shot her a dirty look.
“Crisis Orphan mentality,” said Sombra with a shrug, “It’s what I would have done in his place.”
“We ain’t treatin’ him like a criminal!” said McCree.
“He’s literally here because he stole Rei’s backpack,” said Jack, flatly.
“Hanzo’s been keeping an eye on him,” said McCree, “Last I checked he was still asleep. It’ll be fine.”
“You lost him!?” McCree was pacing back and forth in front of Hanzo as they stood in an empty watchpoint dormitory, “How do you lose a whole-ass 14-year-old?!”
“I wasn’t going to have him wake up with me staring at him, I thought it prudent to fix something for him to eat for a late breakfast!” said Hanzo. He was holding a now-cold plate of a neatly folded omelette flecked with chives.
“...of all the times for you to switch gears from ninja to Uncle Hanzo...” McCree huffed but Hanzo just furrowed his brows at him. “Sorry--” McCree caught himself, “Sorry. We gotta go find him. Athena?” McCree called and looked around the dorm room. There was no response.
“Did he disable Athena in here?” said Hanzo, shocked.
“If he could run away from a Vishkar orphanage...” McCree pulled out his comm, “Athena, you there? I need Watchpoint surveillance feeds on my comm.”
“If we don’t want him to feel like a criminal, perhaps activating all Watchpoint security isn’t the best way to go about this,” said Hanzo, “We’ll look around for him first. Give him time to come back.”
“In that time he could hop another freighter or--or get hurt! He’s cleared with Satya’s turrets, right?” said McCree.
“Of course he’s cleared with Satya’s turrets, we aren’t savages!” Hanzo retorted, “Every moment we spend arguing is a moment we should be spending making sure he’s all right. Come,” said Hanzo, already briskly walking out
“You gotta be kidding me,” muttered McCree, following behind him.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Jaime was hunched over a pried-open panel to see nothing but empty black space. The scent of his own new clothes threw him off, distracted him. The fact that he couldn’t really smell himself anymore was definitely an improvement, but he was wondering how much the stress of getting out of here would undo that. He rooted around in the space, trying to feel for wires, but then huffed.
“The whole watchpoint’s been cannibalized several times over. Any copper or palladium in the walls here has probably been stripped for Mei’s or Athena’s servers,” a voice that seemed to be trying to jam too many syllables in at once while hitting its consonants a little too hard spoke up from behind Jaime, and Jaime glanced over his shoulder to see a familiar girl with thick eyebrows and wild dark hair tied half-back in a yellow ribbon. “There’s no way you can try to get them without getting caught, though,” she added.
“...Psycho,” said Jaime.
“Thief,” said Rei.
“I already said sorry about your stupid backpack,” said Jaime, pushing himself up from his knees and dusting himself off, already walking away.
“And you’re already trying to steal again!” said Rei, huffily pacing after him.
“You know most people don’t steal because they have anything against whoever they’re stealing from, right?” said Jaime, “It’s not about you, or your watch...thing.”
“Watchpoint,” said Rei.
“It’s about survival,” said Jaime.
“So ask!” said Rei, “They’re Overwatch! You think we don’t care about people’s survival?!”
“I really don’t care about your weird army cult thing,” said Jaime, continuing to walk.
“Cult?!” Rei blustered.
“Yeah. Big compound, lots of guns...weird kids who were born here and don’t question the giant weird compound or the guns---”
“Overwatch is trying to save the world from Talon and Null Sector! Trying to save the world isn’t a cult!” said Rei.
Jaime just gave her a semi-pitying look that made her blood boil.
“Well fine! If you want to go back to being a scuzzy little thief, be my guest!” she said, throwing her hands up.
“That’s the plan,” said Jaime, continuing to walk away, “Not like I’m dumb enough to wait for them to hand me off to the police or another orphanage.”
“Fine!” Rei said again, folding her arms, before suddenly catching herself, “Wait---”
Jaime stopped and looked over his shoulder at her.
“If you need things before you go, we can give them to you. No stealing,” said Rei, “I mean, obviously you can’t strip Athena or any of the tech, but... clothes and soap and food...” she trailed off.
Jaime’s stomach audibly growled at the word ‘food.’
“...Have you eaten yet today?” said Rei, suddenly alarmed.
“What are you, my mom?” said Jaime with a scoff before his stomach growled again.
“Come with me,” said Rei, briskly stepping up alongside him. She looked to his wrist, fully healed from the sprain thanks to biotics, and took his elbow, “Come on.”
“Is this the cult love-bombing?” said Jaime, being half-dragged behind her, “I’m not going if it’s the cult love-bombing.”
“Oh my god, it’s not love-bombing, I’m just taking you to the garden so you can grab some fruit,” said Rei continuing to drag him along, “It’s closer than the mess hall. You’re less likely to run into the adults there.”
“You have guns, a compound, and a little mini-farm, and you want me to believe you’re not a cult,” said Jaime, flatly. They rounded a corner and walked a narrow path between the hangar and the seaside cliffs.
“I don’t have guns. And Bastion actually does most of the gardening,” said Rei, as they walked.
“Who?” said Jaime, but he blinked several times as the ground opened up  to a wide grassy area bordered by Gibraltar’s rocks and the hangar. There was a line of orange trees up against the hangar, and a significant section of the grass had been carved out to form a small victory garden growing tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, carrots, and corn. Opposite the orange trees were several thrumming beehive boxes, and at the far end of the garden was an apparently well-loved old greenhouse that had gone through several patch-ups over the years, and a knobby little olive tree twisting up next to it, canvas laid out at its roots.
“Thwuh-wheet?” an inquisitive beep came from behind them and both Rei and Jaime quickly turned on their heels to see Bastion looming over them, . Jaime’s breath caught in his throat and he stumbled back. Bastion tilted its boxy head at him.
“...that’s a Bastion unit,” said Jaime, his voice tense in his throat as he took several steps back.
“Bastion doesn’t like to fight,” said Rei, as several birds fluttered around Bastion’s head. Bastion gestured at Jaime with its hand.
“Oh um--he’s.... from school!” said Rei, “He’s just visiting.”
“Right,” Jaime repeated hesitantly, “From... the school.” But then Jaime jumped about a foot in the air as a bright blue teleporter opened at the end of the line of orange trees. Rei stepped in front of Jaime, half-expecting an adult to step out of it, but instead it was only Samir, looking more rumpled than usual in a baggy tank top, basketball shorts, and sandals. The only thing that kept Jaime from breaking out into a dead sprint out of that garden at the slightest sight of hard-light was both Rei and Bastion’s complete non-reaction to the appearance of a teleporter. Samir didn’t seem really aware of them as he materialized a large basket and a hard-light telescoping fruit picker.
“I thought you said Overwatch was against Vishkar!” Jaime hissed from behind Rei as Samir hummed and picked oranges.
“We are,” said Rei, “Samir’s mom--I mean, one of Samir’s moms---well, long story short, you’re not the first person to leave Vishkar.”
Jaime blinked several times, “I’m... I’m not?”
“Rei?” Samir’s head turned toward her as an orange thudded to the ground at his feet, “Who are you talking to?”
Jaime leaned out slightly from behind Bastion and Samir squinted a little.
“Uh...Hi. Jaime. I’m Jaime, from... from school. The school. That I go to. With her,” said Jaime.
“Rei,” Rei said quietly under her breath.
“The school with Rei,” said Jaime, nodding.
Samir gave them both a skeptical look before resuming picking oranges, “You’re hiding,” he said matter-of-factly.
“What? No!” Rei and Jaime’s voices were overlapping each other as they stumbled over several half-thought out excuses.
Samir gave them an impatient ‘Don’t assume I’m dumb’ look and Rei’s shoulders slumped. “Look, it’s complicated,” said Rei, “Okay?”
“Is he a secret boyfriend? You aren’t cheating on Jaz, are you?” said Samir, squinting at her.
“Oh gross! Barf! Like I would cheat on Jaz with Backpack Thief McPubertystache over here!” Rei blurted out, but then she caught herself and looked at Jaime, “I mean.... uh... no.”
“...real flattering,” said Jaime.
“Wait--You stole Rei’s backpack?!” Samir’s face lit up.
“Uh...” Jaime itched at the back of his neck.
“So you outran a ninja and Marti?” said Samir.
“He didn’t outrun me!” said Rei, indignantly.
“I out parkour’d her,” said Jaime, folding his arms smugly.
“Did not! You caught me on an off-day!” said Rei.
“I out parkour’d her,” Jaime whisper-spoke to Samir and Samir snorted slightly.
“So... you’re still here?” said Samir tilting his head, “I thought Overwatch would have just sent you to your parents or....”
Jaime glanced off and his lips thinned.
“...Oh,” said Samir and he looked to Rei, “Did they say what they were going to do with him or...?”
“I can take care of myself,” said Jaime, firmly, “Rei’s just helping me grab some stuff before I go.”
“...oh,” said Samir, his shoulders slumping slightly, “So you’re going.”
“I’m a wanderer,” said Jaime, putting his hands on his hips, “Erromes.”
“Erro...what?” Samir started.
“A pilgrim,” said Jaime.
“...you’re fourteen,” said Rei, flatly.
“Better than being in a cult,” said Jaime with a shrug.
“We’re not in a---!” Rei huffed before looking at Samir, “We’re just grabbing some food, that’s it.”
Samir shrugged, “Fine by me,” he pulled an orange from his basket and materialized a hard light knife, cutting the orange into neat sections. He held the cut orange out to Jaime. Jaime gave a wary glance to Rei before stepping over to Samir and taking the cut orange.
“Rei said you escaped Vishkar?” said Samir.
“...yeah,” said Jaime, trying to eat the orange slices as casually as possible despite how hungry he was.
“What was it like?” said Samir.
Jaime just paled slightly and Samir caught himself, “Sorry just... Mom hates them too, but she’s never talks about it, you know?”
“They always try and leave us out of that kind of stuff,” muttered Rei, interlacing her fingers behind her head.
“What’s the cowboy’s deal?” said Jaime, in-between bites of orange.
“Uncle Jesse?” said Rei,
“Like... why is he a cowboy?” said Jaime.
“Why are you a pilgrim if you keep freaking out and calling us a cult?” said Rei, arching an eyebrow.
“Pilgrims understand there are no easy answers,” said Jaime, airily.
“The way we live isn’t an easy answer,” said Rei with a scoff, “I’m scared of my parents dying, or my uncles dying, or anyone else on this Watchpoint dying. Like, all the time. And I’m scared of losing my home. All the time.”
“...oh,” said Jaime.
“You thought this was easy?” said Rei.
“...you go to school, and you have lunches and...” Jaime trailed off. Rei was glancing off, too.
An awkward pause passed between the three of them. Bastion at this point seemed to occupy itself with weeding the garden.
“No one knows why McCree’s a cowboy,” said Samir, at last, “That’s just how he is.” Another long pause passed and Samir cleared his throat. “You know, you’re probably going to want food with a longer shelf-life so..”
“Mess hall!” Rei blurted out.
“Right,” said Samir, spinning another teleporter into existence.
Jaime visibly tensed at the sight of another teleporter and Samir quickly waved it off into sparkling oblivion with a flick of his wrist. “Or we could walk! Walking is good!”
“‘We?’” said Rei.
“Well it’s not like we get a lot of visitors,” said Samir, hefting up his basket of oranges and stepping up next to them. Samir and Rei gave a wave to Bastion, who only briefly glanced up from a butterfly resting on a tomato flower to wave back at them as they left the garden.
“...so you live on the Watchpoint too?” said Jaime, walking with Rei and Samir. The three of them walked another cliffside path to a road that needed some re-paving ribboning through the watchpoint. Jaime was periodically grabbing oranges out of Samir’s basket, peeling and eating them as they walked.
“There’s just four of us,” said Samir, “There’s Rei, Marti, me, and my brother, Rajeev. We actually all go to the same school, but Rajeev and I are in lower grades.”
“Ah...” said Jaime, now feeling a little foolish for trying to keep up the ‘I’m Rei’s classmate’ lie, “...and your parents just... teach you being about being a ninja or using hard-light?”
“It took forever to convince Dad and Uncle to let me start training,” said Rei with a huff,  “Dad was okay with me learning Kendo, but he and Mom were so weird about me learning any actual ninja stuff. But I was climbing everything on the Watchpoint anyway so Uncle started teaching me stuff ‘so I wouldn’t hurt myself.’”
“For me, my Mom just uses hard-light for everything,” said Samir with a shrug, “It’s just kind of how we do everything. Cooking, cleaning, exercise---”
“Basketball,” said Rei as the road opened up to the watchpoint tarmac.
“That falls under exer--oh,” Samir was cut off by the pang pang pang of a basketball on blacktop glanced up to see a large hard-light basketball hoop set up in front of the watchpoint mess hall. Marti was guarding the hoop, in a tense cat-like position while Rajeev was furiously dribbling the ball in front of her, trying to get past her. Marti glanced over her shoulder at them.
“Rei?” Marti blinked a few times and looked at Jaime, “Isn’t that the--”
 She was cut off as Rajeev dipped to the side of her and jumped up to make a slam-dunk, only to have the entire basketball hoop dematerialize with the impact of his weight. He stumbled to the ground and the basketball smacked against the pavement and went flying. Jaime caught it out of the air.
“Boom!” Rajeev threw his arms up into the air, “Dunked it too hard! Too powerful!”
“I’m pretty sure the basket only dissolved because you need to dial up the shock absorption,” said Samir, with a huff.
“Details,” said Rajeev with a hand wave.
“What’s going on?” said Marti, looking between Rei and Jaime, “What’s he doing here?”
“I’m just helping him grab some stuff before he takes off,” said Rei with a shrug.
“...he’s taking off?” said Marti, “What did McCree say?”
“Well...” Rei trailed off.
“Rei,” Marti folded her arms.
“I mean he’s going to run off anyway!” said Rei.
“It’s true,” said Jaime with a shrug, still holding the basketball.
“And go back to stealing and dumpster-diving?” said Marti.
“What do you care?” said Jaime.
“You’re just a kid,” said Marti.
“So?” said Jaime a bit more stiffly.
“And you ran away from Vishkar,” Samir piped up.
“You ran away from Vishkar!?” Rajeev’s face lit up.
“And he outran Rei and Marti for like, 3 hours,” said Samir.
“He didn’t outrun me, he cheated,” said Rei.
“He outran us,” Marti confirmed. 
“Woah...” Rajeev looked back at Jaime. He pointed at the basketball still in Jaime’s hand, “Wanna play a round?”
“What, just like that?” said Jaime.
Rajeev shrugged. “It’s just basketball. We don’t get a lot of visitors to the Watchpoint.” 
“...I don’t know if that’s a good idea...” Jaime said quietly, bounce-passing the ball to Marti.
“It’s a good idea,” said Marti, bounce-passing the ball back to him.
Jaime looked at her.
“I get what it feels like to not feel safe anywhere,” said Marti, “But...this place...”
“This place is about as safe from Vishkar as you can get,” said Samir, finishing her thought.
Jaime looked down at the ball and then his eyes flicked to Rei. “You don’t actually want to play with me,” he said, bouncing the ball to her.
“I don’t know about ‘play,’” said Rei, dribbling the ball thoughtfully, “But I gotta show the twins that you outrunning me was just a fluke somehow.” She chest-passed it so hard to him he rocked back on his heels.
“Oh it’s like that?” said Jaime, passing the ball back to her.
“It’s like that,” said Rei, bouncing the ball back.
“We can play guys vs. girls!” said Rajeev.
“That’s three on two,” said Samir.
“Two on two, each team gets a twin,” said Marti, “Rei and Rajeev vs Jaime and Samir. Sound fair?”
“What about you?” said Rei.
“I’ll be sneaking stuff out of the mess hall,” said Marti with a slight smile at Jaime, “Just for good faith.”
“How is it good faith if we’re still stea--” Rajeev started but Samir elbowed him.
“I shouldn’t stay that long,” Jaime said, 
“First to five?” said Samir, as he and Rajeev materialized a new hard-light hoop.
“...I’ve got time for first to five,” said Jaime.
“I meant to ask,” said Hanzo as the two of them briskly walked out of the hangar, “Did you and  the others come to a consensus about what should be done?” McCree fished the foster home pamphlet out of his back pocket and held it out to Hanzo. “...Ah,” said Hanzo.
“I mean, it’s obvious, ain’t it?” said McCree glancing off, “It’s not like he actually wants to be here...”
Hanzo studied McCree’s profile for a few seconds. “You’re not okay with this,” Hanzo said quietly.
“What?” said McCree, “I mean, I’ll be okay about it. I just gotta...” he trailed off, “Y’know.”
“He’s a lot like you,” said Hanzo, as they walked through one of the watchpoint’s cannibalized server rooms.
“You know, this would be easier if people stopped sayin’ that,” said McCree, pausing to examine a panel which had been removed from the wall.
Hanzo glanced off, “Do you remember when we would look after Rei when Genji and Angela were busy?”
“Oh don’t start---” McCree pressed the brim of his hat down.
“You loved it. You loved her. You listened to her babbling like it was the most important and interesting thing in the world.”
“You even volunteered us for helping out with the twins when they were born.  And when Marti came to the Watchpoint you were constantly checking in to make sure she was settling in all right.”
“That’s babysitting! That’s kids you can walk away from!” said McCree, as they both walked out of the server room.
“But none of the children on this Watchpoint forgot that. They go to you when they feel like they can’t talk to their parents about something, you haven’t noticed that?”
“Well, maybe that’s because they don’t see me as an authority figure like everyone else--not a good ‘In local parentals’ factor,” said McCree.
“In loco parentis,” said Hanzo.
“See? I don’t know shit!”
“It’s not a matter of them not respecting you, it’s a matter of them seeing you as someone who respects them,” said Hanzo, “You’re coming from a childhood where you were largely relying on yourself... the adult figure you are to these children is the one you wish you had in your life. And it’s why Jaime was able to trust you enough to get his wrist looked at rather than just run off.”
“Hanzo, what are you gettin’ at, here?”
“You want to be a father--You’ve probably wanted to be a father ever since Rei was born. Possibly even earlier.”
“Well yeah, but there’s wanting something, and then knowing you’ll be shit at it,” said McCree, “I’m not like you, all... together.”
“You think I would be a good father?” a laugh rippled Hanzo’s voice and he noted the apparent hurt in McCree’s expression, “Oh... you actually...”
“You were a got-dang wizard with Rei! She still idolizes you! You’re always... prepared!” McCree furrowed his brow and thought for a second, “Did you ever want kids?”
“...In a sense, but...” Hanzo glanced down, “I didn’t think it would be fair to them. My father spent my childhood molding me into another, well, him. And as Genji can probably tell you, he wasn’t a good person. I don’t... I don’t want to inflict that on a child.”
“You would never,” said McCree on reflex, “Me on the other hand...” he shuddered, “If I became another kid’s Reyes...” he trailed off, “...we never really talked about this, did we?” he said at last.
“Well, given the fact that Overwatch is throwing us into near-constant danger and we never had to worry about pregnancy...” Hanzo trailed off, “Let’s just focus on finding him.”
“I hear that,” said McCree, “It ain’t about us. It’s about him.” McCree’s boot hit an odd texture and he glanced down.
“Orange peel,” said Hanzo, plucking up a bit of the waxy rind from the blacktop. They looked at the small trail of bits of orange peel like breadcrumbs through the watchpoint.
“Could be another macaque,” said McCree.
“Too clean,” said Hanzo.
“Welp, it’s a lead,” said McCree, following the trail. It lead them on a meandering path through the watchpoint, a fairly straight line towards the mess hall.
The trail of orange peel tapered off to nothingness and McCree frowned, but then his head jerked up at the sound of Rei shouting. He gave a glance back to Hanzo and both of them picked up their pace, rounding the corner to see Jaime, Rei, and the twins all involved in an intense game of basketball around one hard-light hoop. Rei was passing to Rajeev, getting intercepted by Jaime who would shoot for the basket, only to be intercepted by Rajeev. They didn’t even notice McCree and Hanzo coming out from behind a building’s corner, but McCree hung back. He fished the foster home brochure out of the back of his pocket, he glanced down at the photo of the smiling family at the table laden with pancakes, then glanced back up at the four kids laughing and shouting at each other as they scrambled around the basketball hoop. 
The sensible voice in his head spoke up, saying, Do what’s best for him. He deserves normal, but then an angrier voice spoke, What the hell is normal anyway? There hasn’t been a normal ever since the goddamn Omnic Crisis. It’s not about ‘normal’ it’s about ‘home.’ And when the hell has ‘home’ ever been normal for anyone?
“Jesse?” Hanzo’s voice cut through McCree’s train of thought and McCree glanced over at him, “Do you think we should...?” He looked back at Jaime intercepting a shot from Rei and then laughing about it.
“...I mean, he doesn’t have to go right away, does he?” said McCree, watching as Jaime managed to snatch the ball back from Rajeev and get an assist from Samir.
“Not... right away,” said Hanzo.
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ashxketchum · 4 years
~ Pokeshipping Fankids ~
Note: The images are edited from official artwork released for Sun and Moon and Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee.
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Izzy and AJ Ketchum (Twins, 11 years old)
Azalea “Izzy” Ketchum: Named after the flower to honour the tradition of flower-related names on both Ash and Misty’s side of the family. She is all of her parents’ upbeat energy and vigor bundled into one package. Izzy’s dream is to experience the world of Pokemon related professions in it’s entirety and not just limit herself to a single possibility. From battling to coordinating to breeding to researching, she wants to take it all in and let her instincts do the magic in picking the best path for her. She is the older of the two twins, and the klutzier one as well. There is a running joke in their family that a glass vase in Izzy’s vicinity will end up shattering no matter what the circumstances. She doesn’t understand her mother’s choice of being a type exclusive trainer and they often get into arguments over the technicalities of it. Despite of it all, she and Misty stick close to show a united front in front of the boys of the family. There is nothing she enjoys more than training with her father and randomly surprising him with challenges that he can never refuse.Overall, she is very easy-going with a ‘what has to happen, will happen’ sort of attitude, but if her brothers’ feelings are involved then she’s ready to throw down with people ten times her size. She gets along well with both AJ and Ajax and is often the mediator between the two.  
Alex Jay “AJ” Ketchum: Named after Ash and Misty’s fathers (this is a whole ass separate headcanon that I can never ever put into words). He is the more subdued of the twins and doesn’t really have big goals like his sister but does heavily idolize Ash. Having grown up on stories of Ash’s travels, he is intrigued by the fact that most of the time his father didn’t actually catch the Pokemon but rather they chose to follow him. Which is also why he puts all his efforts into talking to Pokemon and trying to understand their lives, rather than catching them. As a kid he always claimed that he would not go on a journey once he turned 10, but will do it when he is ready.And yet by the time their 10th birthday rolls around, he’s decided to set off with Izzy albeit a starter Pokemon. Misty is relieved when he changes his mind as she can sleep better knowing that at least the twins are together wherever they are. AJ is equally attached to both his parents and loves to hear stories about them from the past. Him and Misty often sit down to watch Ash’s old matches from big tournaments whenever he is gone for too long. Ash accompanies AJ on his mini hikes to Pokemon nests around their house, having long discussions on the nature of whatever Pokemon is in-front of them. Overall, he prefers to let Izzy do most of the talking and leading, only butting in when required. His relationship with Ajax is very rocky despite all his efforts to keep things afloat and they often get into arguments and fist-fights, but never in front of Misty.
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Ajax Ketchum (9 years old) 
Named to match his elder brother. Ajax is furiously mischievous and is capable of even bringing Misty to tears with his antics. The only family member who can keep him in check is Daisy and he is only on his best behavior when she is around. As long as he is awake, everyone is constantly kept  on their toes and a loud collective sigh is heard around the house every night as he falls asleep. Being the youngest, he gets annoyed very easily if he’s treated like a child and wants Ash and Misty to see him in the same light as Izzy and AJ. Unlike his siblings, Ajax is passionate about battling and wants to surpass Ash in strength at any cost. He and Izzy often battled using their parents’ Pokemon as kids, and majority of the time Ajax would come out victorious. Due to their mutual understanding and appreciation of Battling, Izzy and him get along well. AJ, on the other hand is always at a loss of words when the two are alone because they don’t have anything in common.Ajax also loves to watch Ash’s old matches and Misty ends up playing them on repeat on days she needs to keep him busy. After listening to AJ claim that he wouldn’t set out as a trainer when he turned 10 all his life, Ajax is devastated when his brother goes back on his words and decides to head out with Izzy. Knowing that AJ doesn’t really care about becoming a trainer, Ajax is furious that his brother gets to start the journey before him and just 06 months before his 10th birthday, he packs a bag and runs away to get started on his dream. 
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reilenka · 4 years
if you don't mind, could you Gumi/Len or Arsloid/Yukari, please? also, love your blogs, so cute!
I'll do both!!! sorry for the late reply ajsbdb I'm dummy but I'm glad you like my blogs aah \o/♡
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
I've always thought gumilen is rly cute,,, I think around 2012 I had a gumilen phase where it was the Len ship I focused on the most, but other than that it hasn't been an otp situation, tho whenever I see gumilens I go :)
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
Ive never had a consistent headcanon for gumi but she seems like she would enjoy going to arcades n stuff, she seems like a gal who would enjoy playing those dance rythm games, Len would probs think it was fun too
Who does chores around the house?
Len seems like a chores guy, but gumi would pitch in too bc she would feel bad letting him do all the work sjdj
Who’s the better cook?
Gumi!! She can cook up some rly tasty stuff, she keeps a lot of recipe books and always tries out new stuff
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Gumi kind of just becomes a little more outgoing, meanwhile Len has a rly low alcohol tolerance and either falls asleep or is completely gone after just a little sjdjjd
Do they have kids?
Squints I remember seeing gumilen fankids around the internet back in the day,, I can only imagine one of the ones I found as their kid sjdjffj so I would assume that they would have one kid in the future
Do they have any traditions?
Every Saturday they watch a movie together, except they seek out super terrible movies, so they suffer but also laugh
What do they fight about?
I think if we put my Len headcanon into the context I would assume gumi would be more upfront to him about the fact that he isn't always honest to himself, she would probably confront him about it and he would try his best to be more honest and true to how hes actually feeling? Does that make sense I have no idea
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
The would probably be rly embarassed kdkdkd
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
None of them seem to me to be movie criers so nobody djjd
Who always wins at Mario kart?
Gumi is really good at Mario kart. Len fears her power
One thing I like about this ship?
I love the colors!!! The green/yellow vibes are rly cute tbh
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
Idk if there is anything I particularly dislike abt it :0 I just prefer other Len ships more? But this is still super cute
The song I would say fits them?
I mean how abt the quintessential gumilen song: https://youtu.be/FaiU_sSifGc
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Gumi is taller than Len,,, cus it's cute
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET
I've never heard of this ship before but I'm here for it!!! It's nice seeing some arsloid ships floating around nowadays
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
What if they,,, went stargazing and also brought telescope and yukari could tell arsloid abt stuff she knows about the moon and stars,,,,, uwus,,,
Who does chores around the house?
Arsloid is the type to clean right after making a mess, while yulari tends to just. Leave stuff around bc she's used to living by herself so nothing rly matters when it comes to it being messy akskd she's working on being tidier tho
Who’s the better cook?
Arsloid! Yukari can only make cup noodles
Who’s the funniest drunk?
Yukari goes from being very calm and monotone to bring extremely loud and laughs a lot when she's drunk, arsloid is quite surprised at the gap moe
Do they have kids?
I think they would be the kind of couple who don't rly want kids, but might reconsider when they get older
Do they have any traditions?
Yukari comes over to arsloids apartment every day after they have been at the studio, and she promptly takes a nap. She hangs out w arsloid later and they have a chill time, but the nap has become a mainstay and sometimes arsloid also takes a nap too bc she looks like she's rly comfortable ajsdbdb
What do they fight about?
They only bicker about small things, since they are very different people they tend to clash a little when it comes to day to day stuff but they don't rly get super mad at eachother
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Yukari would be confused and arsloid would yell
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Yukari shed a single tear. Nobody ever saw
Who always wins at Mario kart?
Arsloid bc yukari isn't very good at the game, she keeps forgetting what all the different items do so she spends a lot of time figuring it out
One thing I like about this ship?
It has yukari in it n she's one of my fav official vocas,,,,, bunnie girl
One thing I don’t like about the ship?
Idk if there is anything I don't like 🤔
The song I would say fits them?
I only picked it based on the vibe of the song, not including lyrics lol
Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Yukari likes to suddenly hold arsloids hand without telling him first, he always becomes super flustered. She sometimes does it w kisses too lolol
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madd-nix · 4 years
Tagged by @yamujiburo (Sorta, she just said anyone who sees her post can do this and I'm bored)
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions!  Don’t look at them first. Then tag some people.
1. My Hero Academia
2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
3. Adventure Time
4. Bob's Burgers
5. BuzzFeed Unsolved (yes, I'm counting it as a show)
Who is your favorite character in 2?
In FMA, it would have to be Alphonse. I've always loved him, even back when I first read the manga in high school. He's so sweet and kind, but also a badass, and I love him!
Who is your least favorite character in 1?
This might seem obvious, but grape boy aka Mineta. Other than him, probably Endeavor.
What is your favorite episode of 4?
For Bob's Burgers, that would probably be the season 4 finale where Bob tries to convince Mr. Fishoeder to sell the wharf, then ends up realizing that's a bad idea and almost gets killed by Felix. That's technically two episodes, but I love the plot and I love the songs in both episodes.
What is your favorite season of 5?
That would probably be Supernatural season 3, cuz it has great episodes like the Goatman's Shane Madej's Bridge, the Viaduct Tavern, the London Tombs, and the UFO crash in Roswell.
Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Oh, ever since I was a teenager and super into Adventure Time, I've always loved Finn and Flame Princess. I even made fankids for them. I loved that ship.
What is your favorite episode of 1?
My favorite episode of BNHA is probably in season 2, Todoroki Shoto: Origin. I loved getting to learn more about Todoroki and seeing his and Midoriya's fight! Also, the start of Tododeku.
What is your favorite episode of 5?
Goatman's Bridge for sure. It's hilarious!
What is your favorite season of 2?
Hmmmmmmm, that's so hard cuz I love literally all of FMA. But if I had to choose, I'd say either the first or the last seasons. The first season really sets things up, and yeah there is Nina and Alexander and Mae's Hughes, but it does a great job of introducing a lot of the major characters and setting things up. The last season is great cuz that's when shit really goes down, and it's super epic to see everyone coming together for this epic battle, and then the ending is so sweet with showing how each of the characters go on with their lives!
How long have you watched 1?
Actually, I think I've only been watching BNHA for a little over a year. My friends and my gf got me into it, and I've loved it ever since! (I'm still trying to catch up in season 4, and I saw the episode where one of the heroes dies, which was quite upsetting. I won't say who in case of spoilers.)
How did you become interested in 3?
I remember I got into Adventure Time when it first came out when I was about 12. I saw the trailers for it on Cartoon Network and I thought it looked weird but I decided to give it a chance, and I ended up loving it.
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Probably Kristin Schaal who plays Louise. Her character is hilarious, and I love how she delivers her lines. One of my favorite examples is in the episode where Mickey robs a bank and they're on the phone with him to negotiate, and Louise/Kristin Schaal can go from calmly and excitedly asking Mickey questions about crime, to yelling at the detective "That's my daddy in there! Let me talk!"
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5?
BNHA, FMA, or BuzzFeed Unsolved..... if I had to go with one, probably FMA. I know I've been on a huge BNHA kick lately, but FMA will always be my favorite. It's got great writing, great characters and designs, the women aren't highly sexualized, the relationships between characters all feel so realistic, and it'll always hold a special place in my heart as my first anime. (Pokémon was technically my first anime, but I didn't know it was anime at the time.)
If you could be anyone from 4, who would it be?
Probably Louise. She's one of my favorites, and she's super funny and badass for a kid.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Between Adventure Time and Bob's Burgers...... I doubt it. Unless portals and time travel is possible I guess. The biggest issue I would see is that Adventure Time takes place in a post apocalyptic world, so Bob's Burgers would probably be long gone. Although it'd be funny to see the Bob's Burgers restaurant sign buried somewhere in the Land of Ooo as a cameo, or see Adventure Time show up on a TV in the background of Bob's Burgers.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Hmm, maybe Ling and Ed? They're good friends, even if they annoy each other sometimes, but I could see them possibly getting together.
Overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5?
Well, considering the fact that BuzzFeed Unsolved doesn't technically have a storyline, then I'm gonna go with Adventure Time.
Which has better theme music: 2 or 4?
Fullmetal Alchemist for sure! The theme songs in FMA (both 2003 and Brotherhood, but especially Brotherhood imo) are all amazing! Yes, Bob's Burgers has some great bops, but this is asking about theme songs, so FMA wins it.
Okay, time to tag people! I'm too tired to do that cuz it's now almost 1:30 am, so whoever sees this can do it if they want! Go nuts! :D
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